#sujiko writes
thebellearchives · 1 year
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~ inumaki toge ; jujutsu kaisen
✧˚ · . S Y N O P S I S : reader tries to convince themselves their crush on inumaki REALLY isn’t that bad… it is
‧₊˚ c o n t e n t s : gn!reader, just cute fluff
‧₊˚ a / n : first person drabble, inumaki’s words are in Japanese because i seriously cannot bring myself to write the english ones lol srry
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“Just a boy. He’s just a boy.”
It’s what I tell myself when I see him wrestling stupidly with Panda from the window of my classroom. It’s what I think when I see him wearing Maki’s skirt as a joke, and getting beat up by Nobara. It’s what crosses my mind when I see him stretching in his baseball uniform.
“He’s just a guy. Really.”
And then I stare at him sitting comfortably on the couch, watching tv. And I think about how warm his arms must be. I swallow on dry air nervously when he takes off his jacket during Saturday training, and think about how solid his chest must feel through the thin and worn down fabric of his white shirt. I look away, but I have a feeling some of my friends have noticed the way a shy peach color sparks through my cheeks. Because my eyes linger when he unzips his collared jacket to eat, and I try my best to not look like an idiot admiring his curse marks and secretly try to spot the one on his tongue when he opens his mouth. I stab my food with my gaze, really trying to think about something else, but I know a second or two later I will be sneaking glances at him again.
“Sujiko!” I watch him point at the fireworks during the festival we all agreed to attend together, our friends gasp and smile, staring at the sky.
But i’m staring at him. His lavender eyes shine violet with the lights of the pyrotechnics and his pretty white hair flows with the wind of the night. And I’m thankful there’s so much wind blowing, because the scarf he’s been using to cover his mouth tonight is losing grip, and it’s sliding down his chin. When his face is visible, i know i have the best view of them all. I did only enjoy the view for a couple of seconds, because next thing that goes on is him looking back at me curiously.
“Yeah, Im good” I reply flustered, he smiles though.
A sudden, soft warmth grasps my hand then, and he pulls me closer to him when his fingers lace with mine like they’ve belonged there all along. It’s a simple gesture, but it makes my heart race like it never has before. My eyes hurry and search for him again in surprise. All he does is smile, and then goes back to admiring the fireworks that I had long forgotten by then. So I smile too. There are three words stuck in my throat, and I wonder if i’ll ever be able to let him know. For now though, holding hands with that boy was blissful enough.
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aspiringtrashpanda · 2 years
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This is for my spontaneous event, which you can find here! So happy to write this for a Twitter friend 💕
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“italics” is sign language
No C/W apply
“You picked out a movie?” Yuuta asked as he returned to his room from the kitchen, bowl of popcorn cradled in his arms.  
“Shake,” came the affirmative from his bed, and Yuuta couldn’t help the affectionate smile that bloomed across his face at the sight of his boyfriend popping up from the burrow of sheets and blankets by the headboard.  
Toge’s lilac eyes blinked owlishly, immediately zeroing in on the popcorn like a meerkat hungry for a tasty bug.  Yuuta held back a laugh as he reclaimed his spot within the huddle of warmth and comfort, passing their snack to Toge before he wrenched the bowl from his hands.  
“‘La La Land’?” Yuuta mused, the light from the laptop screen casting them in shades of blue, an almost subaquatic, surreal atmosphere replacing the typical emptiness of his room.  “What’s this one about?”
Toge’s shoulder lifted against his as he squirmed closer to Yuuta, pressing their sides together and balancing the popcorn bowl between their thighs.  He signed his response, “Not sure.  Nobara recommended it.”
Yuuta hummed in understanding, resting his cheek against the crown of Toge’s head as the movie began, only to pull himself upright the moment he felt himself lulled into a daze.  It happened often when he was surrounded by the soothing scent of Toge’s shampoo – minty eucalyptus with an earthy undertone of green tea – and it just so happened that his boyfriend had showered recently, his silky hair fluffy and clean.  
Steeling his resolve, Yuuta promised himself that he wouldn’t fall into a trance, a colorful daydream about a field of wildflowers on a mild summer day, Toge laughing at his side and...
“Do you think that will be us one day?”
The flash of fingers caught Yuuta off guard, knocking him out of his stupor as the end credits rolled.
Thankfully, he spared himself the mental berating, having followed the movie enough to understand that Toge’s question was out of worry.  Carefully, Yuuta ventured, “Toge, they weren’t together at the end of the movie.”
“Okaka,” Toge’s grin didn’t quite reach his eyes, “Had to make sure you were paying attention.”
“Huh?  I’m always paying attention.”
“Sujiko,” There was a teasing lilt to his voice, though as he moved the popcorn bowl off the bed, resting it on the barren wasteland that was Yuuta’s bedroom floor (really, he had been back home for months, and his room still looked as if he was abroad), Yuuta could see the tension in Toge’s typically fluid movements.  That didn’t stop him from adding, “I have permanent burns on my face from the intensity of your stare”, though.
“Ah!” Yuuta protested as Toge jabbed his thigh with his index finger, followed by a poke to his ribcage, to his armpit and oh god, Toge had found out he was ticklish.  With a squeal, Yuuta squirmed on the bed, his feet kicking in instinctive defense, pushing the sheets and blankets all around the mattress.  
“Toge!” He laughed, or cried?  Tickling would do that.  He was never really sure if he was feeling pain or mirth or... arousal?  
There was a good chance of the latter, though, as Toge had crawled on top of him, straddling his abdomen with his thighs, the comfy athletic shorts he had been wearing rising up and revealing fair skin stretched over taut muscles.  Taut muscles squeezing Yuuta’s sides in a vise grip to keep him from running away, fingers ghosting all over Yuuta’s skin in a manner that sent blazing chills down his spine.  
It was funny how such a gentle touch could inflict the worst (best?) sensation in the world, Yuuta writhing in the sheets, howling as Toge tickled him until he couldn’t breathe.  He managed to focus long enough to tap urgently, desperately, on Toge’s shoulder, his stomach cramping and his lungs devoid of any air.  
His boyfriend stopped the torture (foreplay?) immediately, dropping his face down low to press a quick kiss to Yuuta’s forehead before rolling off him and settling at his side, wisps of laughter spiraling from his lips towards the ceiling.  He turned his head, meeting Yuuta’s gaze, lavender and lilac sparkling with mirth.  
Yuuta grinned, chest heaving as he recovered.
Then, after a pause, that fog of doubt crept into Toge’s pretty eyes, the same mist that Yuuta had noticed in the light of the rolling movie credits.  
“Takana?” Toge’s brow furrowed as he spoke the word, somehow so soft, and so heavy.  
Yuuta rolled onto his side, brushing one of the longer strands of Toge’s hair out of his eyes, “What’s on your mind?”  
“Yuuta,” Toge hesitated, staring up at the ceiling, his hands poised and ready to speak.  It wasn’t until Yuuta had decided that it was his turn to straddle his boyfriend, effectively forcing Toge to look him in the eyes as Yuuta loomed over him.  “What do you wish to do most in your life?”
“I, well, I want to save people,” Yuuta frowned, worrying his bottom lips and he rolled the question over in his head.  He had asked himself the same thing many, many times, yet there was a certain weight to Toge’s inquiry, like Yuuta’s answer bore more importance than he could fathom.  Speaking slowly, he added, “I want to feel like I belong in this world, that my existence isn’t a burden on everyone around me.  If I can achieve confidence in, um, staying alive, I guess, that would be great.  Using my power to help instead of harm can get me there, I think.”
“Shake,” Toge smiled softly, a look so inviting that Yuuta dropped himself down, straightening himself out like a plank, pressing himself flush to Toge.  Toge nuzzled Yuuta’s jaw with his nose, pressing a kiss to his neck.
“What about you?” Yuuta craned his head back to read Toge’s answer.  
“You said it better than I ever could.”
“Yeah,” He snorted, “With like, four times the amount of words you would have deemed necessary.”
Toge stuck his tongue directly into Yuuta’s ear in retaliation, prompting Yuuta to yelp in discomfort.  “Jerk,” Yuuta huffed, propping himself up on his forearms, caging Toge in below him.  He licked a stripe from the tip of Toge’s button nose, to the crest of his forehead, silky platinum strands sticking to his tongue.  
“Ikura!” Toge whined in disgust, wiggling beneath him.  
Yuuta laughed, “That’s what you get!”
Once again, the amusement faded from Toge’s big eyes almost instantly, replaced with – this time unconcealed – insecurity.  
“What if you get sent overseas again?” He signed tentatively.  
Yuuta shrugged, his whole upper body moving with the stretch of his shoulders.   It was an entirely possible scenario.  “What about it?”
Toge bit his bottom lip, gaze darting to the side, to the dusty alarm clock on the bedside table, rarely used since Yuuta didn’t sleep much anyway.  “What if you throw yourself into travelling across the world to become the best possible sorcerer, to save the most people?  What if you never come back home in pursuit of your dream?” Breath hitching in his chest Toge, barreled on, “What if I’m stuck here because of my clan’s agreement with Gojo and you’re out there and you forget about me?  What if you fall in love with someone else and –”
Yuuta’s hand curled around Toge’s elbow, bringing his arm to the sheets below.  Then he relinquished his grasp, just to slide his fingers between Toge’s, hoping the weight of his large palm was reassuring.  
“Toge,” Yuuta squeezed Toge’s fingers, leaning over him to rest his forehead against Toge’s, to peer into Toge’s eyes.  Toge stifled a gasp, Yuuta taking it as confirmation that he had effectively poured all of his adoration and desire into his deep blue stare.  He ducked his head to capture Toge’s lips, kissing him long and slow and honey-sweet.    
“I’ll take you with me long before I let any of that happen,” He whispered, refusing to drop his gaze from Toge’s watering eyes, “I love you, bunny.  Nothing will change that.”
Toge nodded shakily, free hand curling into Yuuta’s shirt, his face burrowing into Yuuta’s neck.  
“Tuna mayo, Yuuta,” Toge murmured thickly, tears slicking his cheeks as he pressed a kiss to Yuuta’s lips.  
“I know, bunny.  I know,” Yuuta brushed his tears away with the pad of his thumb, rubbing their noses together affectionately, “Forever.”  
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chaoslulled · 4 months
Valentine’s Day Application ( Aki )
Name: Tsuna ( Inumaki Toge )
Age: Tsuna tsuna ! ( 17 )
Do you like to cuddle?:  Shake ( i do )
Can we make-out?:  Sujiko ( my, my ~ curious, are we ? )
A night in or dinner out?:  Ikura ... ( damn, both sound good ... but for the sake of having work out of our way, a night in. phones off. undivided attention )
Whip cream or chocolate syrup?:  Takana ... ( what about the rest of the sundae ? )
Chocolates and roses?:  Tsuna ! ( Roses )
What makes you a good Valentine?: Tsuna *points to face*
Would you cook for me?:  Shake ( i would love to )
Would you let me cook for you?:  mentaiko ( i'm always down to try something new )
Where would you take me on a date?: Shake salmon ( since i'm sold on a night in, i'm thinking we could break out two milk puzzles. we each write something on one, and we have to solve it to see the message we gave to each other )
Who’s paying?: S...shake ... *shamelessly owns a bunch of milk puzzles*
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?:  Shake salmon ( aside from the milk puzzle, i'm thinking something short and sweet: a lapel pin. something to keep on you if you ever miss me ? )
// gaskdjgajsgdjs i had to send this, no one is safe agkdjagsjkdga i hope this was okay
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he stares for a good, long minute. he's dealt with devils before. he's dealt with annoying people before. but he's never...actually conquered something like this. " i gotta be honest, i didn't understand a word of any of that, save for the valentine one. and you're a little young for me, buddy. "
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saetoru · 2 years
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𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓: as a celebration for 10k followers, i’m hosting a collab !! this collab centers around stepcest, about the things that go on behind closed doors…when nobody else is home. be it step brother, sister, father, or mother, as long as it focuses on pseudocest, you’re good !!
𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒: send me an ask to join !! i do ask that you reblog once you’ve joined to spread the collab for more ppl to see. you must be 18+ with an age visible on your blog, and you must tag your work with all applicable warnings when posting. there will be no hard incest allowed—only pseudocest. all characters must be aged up as adults, and repeated characters are allowed. due date is july 31st, but this is not a hard deadline, life happens and i understand, so don’t feel stressed !! when you’ve finished writing your piece, please tag me so i can reblog and add to the masterlist. please also link this post to yours and tag it with #—when nobody’s home collab
𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐒: fandoms i write mostly for are jujutsu kaisen, tokyo revengers, haikyuu, and boku no hero academia—but any fandom (such as kny, aot, knb, naruto, etc.) is encouraged !!
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stepfather geto — @sakusins
stepfather nanami — @sicksamu
stepbrother naoya — @ichxraaa
stepbrother gojo — @satorini
stepbrother gojo — @ickyism
stepbrother baji — @mementomoriifics
stepbrother draken — @lovelyxloli
stepbrother haitanis — @sanzucide
stepfather hanma — @kazububs
stepsister yuzuha — @samuholic
stepbrother daishou — @sugusshi
stepfather kita — @koutaroulogy
stepbrother tendou — @sweetsbysatori
stepfather matsukawa — @xobrattymoonxo
stepbrother suna — @kshira
stepbrother miyas — @weebaboobs
stepbrother iwaizumi — @silverhairsimp
stepbrother sakusa — @kissingkou
step bakugou — @haikyutiehoe
stepbrother shinsou — @em-plosion
eren yeager — @makkabuns-yanderen
stepbrother kagami — @sicksamu
stepbrother ayato — @sujiko
stepbrother kaeya — @kxeyas
step loid — @haikyutiehoe
stepbrother mammon — @lovelyxloli
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thank you to my sugarplums ris and mich for helping me plan >:(
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katsuhera · 3 years
now presenting: the 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫 collab!
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looks like it’s collab season—so who’s ready for another collab!? i’ve always wanted to host one, and so i thought i’d just go for it 🤍
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status: open! send an ask to join ☺
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about the savior collab:
as you may have guessed from the title, this collab is all about saviours! protection—wanting to protect or needing to be protected, anything is fair game. i’m talking bodyguard!au, knight & princess!au, guardian angel!au, you name it. even overprotective partners are fair game—just have your piece tie into the theme of protection somehow.
fandoms included: attack on titan, boku no hero academia, haikyuu, jujutsu kaisen, genshin impact, tokyo revengers.
this collab is dark content friendly. i just ask that creators tag your content appropriately, and readers please heed writers’ rules and dni’s! though sfw pieces are allowed, i ask that all creators be 18+. minors are still not welcome on this blog nor to interact with this collab.
due date: december 1st, but late submissions are fine (just let me know! i understand—things happen!)
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how to join:
↯ send me an ask (off anon) with the fandom you’d like to write for, and the general theme of your piece! if you are writing dark content, please also let me know which trigger warnings should be included.
↯ you must be 18+ to join.
↯ as always, my dms/ask box are open if you’d like to drop or change anything about your submission. no hard feelings here!
↯ character repeats are not allowed, so please check the masterlist (this post!) before sending an ask in!
↯ all formats are welcome, and there is no minimum or maximum word count.
↯ TAG ME in your post once it's up! or, send me a dm or ask with a link to your piece 💖
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attack on titan
@leviverse — mafia boss!levi x bodyguard!reader @redspade227 — yandere!hanji zoe x reader @yamigooops — dragon guard!eren x princess!reader @enchantingchoso — yandere!armin x reader
boku no hero academia
@kiyoobi — guardian angel!shoto x reader @touyaz — bodyguard/royal knight!bakugou x reader @httptamaki — prince!shigaraki x knight!fem reader @showoto — reporter!izuku x reader @iznku — bodyguard!hawks x actress!reader @astronightmares — yandere bodyguard!dabi x reader @illyaana — kirishima x reader @eriverse — soft dom savior!tamaki x reader
@sunaluvs — bodyguard!sakusa x assassin!reader @aztecbrujeria — demon!kuroo x reader, tw: noncon/dark themes (dark content, please heed tags) @bakumi — prince!kita x bodyguard!reader @prettyiwa — mafia!iwaizumi x reader, tw: dark themes (dark content, please heed tags) @azumanes-wife — guardian angel!daichi x reader @tink2kagome — protective gorgon!kenma x reader @dragon-slayer5 — druid!akaashi x reader
jujutsu kaisen
@mikaaberry — megumi x reader @hvylids — cult leader!getou x reader @leviskata — bodyguard!gojo x stripper!reader (sfw) @hayakeiji — nanami x reader, tw: noncon (dark content, please heed tags)
genshin impact
@icedlatteberries — best friend!kaeya x clumsy f!reader @peggythesimp — prince!xiao x protector demon!reader @sujiko — knight!diluc x princess!reader @animeangsteng — zhongli x reader
tokyo revengers
@katsuhera — royal knight!mikey x princess!reader @tenrichouku — ran haitani x reader w/ amnesia @doinmybesthere — bodyguard!draken x reader @scummy-simp — petshop owner!chifuyu x deathreaper!/deathdemon!reader @thecrowcern — mitsuya x reader, prince x knight!au @fionarara — protector!baji x damsel-in-distress!reader
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
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can you feel that? love is everywhere. in the air, budding between us and flashing across the big screen. re-live your favourite classic romcoms from all eras, only this time, with your faves taking the lead roles.
directors @doinmybesthere and @tteokdoroki​ invite you to join us in our romantic-comedy themed collab, basing your fics on existing rom-com movies!
a full list of rules is available here or on @/doinmybesthere’s blog! the due date is december 29th, movie repeats but not character are allowed, all genres welcome, age in bio 'n 18+ ONLY.
send an ask/dm to myself or emme with the character and rom-com movie you would like to write! remember, character repeats are not allowed!
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ৎ୭ life as we know it + katsuki bakugou - @tteokdoroki​
ৎ୭ ten things i hate about you + eijirou kirishima - @eibby
ৎ୭ enchanted + hawks/keigo takami - @strawberry-nugget
ৎ୭ to all the boy’s i’ve loved before + shouto todoroki - @tsuhika
ৎ୭ a cinderella story + denki kaminari - @whet-ones-write
ৎ୭ the notebook + izuku midoriya - @awilddreamerwrites
ৎ୭ ten things i hate about you + dabi/touya todoroki - @rins-angel
ৎ୭ la la land + hitoshi shinsou - @kkonikonii
ৎ୭ sixteen candles + hanta sero - @lianawrites
ৎ୭ a cinderella story + tenya iida - @simp-lauren
ৎ୭ fifty first dates + tamaki amajiki - @tsukoyamis
ৎ୭ princess bride + mirio togata - @prinvil
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ৎ୭ mamma mia + shinichiro sano - @bvnnichuu
ৎ୭ the ugly truth + chifuyu matsuno - @trueshellz
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ৎ୭ it’s complicated + suguru geto - @sujiko
ৎ୭ ten things i hate about you + ryomen sukuna- @aztecbrujeria
ৎ୭ just go with it + satoru gojo - @katboykiyo
ৎ୭ love, guaranteed + megumi fushiguro - @imaginationteashop
ৎ୭ clueless + kento nanami - @bakubros-boo-thang
ৎ୭ love and basketball + yuuji itadori - @thecrowcern
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ৎ୭ camp rock + eren jaeger - @doinmybesthere​
ৎ୭ touch your heart + levi ackerman - @katsuhera
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ৎ୭ first time + yuuji terushima - @kkyaka
ৎ୭ crazy rich asians + sakuatsu - @haikyutiehoe
ৎ୭ always be my maybe + kenshin ukai - @quirk-incarnate
ৎ୭ set it up + rintarou suna - @bakumi
ৎ୭ the princess diaries + hajime iwaizumi - @quaranweeb
ৎ୭ maid in manhattan + tetsurou kuroo - @dickbutt-queen
ৎ୭ you’ve got mail + akaashi keji - @novelnekomata
ৎ୭ just go with it + tooru oikawa - @keisurou
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inazuman · 2 years
i decided to rewrite the childe part of the mafia whore series bc i wanted it to be closer to what i said in the drabble, so it’ll be a bit before it comes out <3
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
i wanna love me the way that you love me
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features: toge inumaki x f!reader
final dish for: @mrskenmakozume (for her birthday <3, ilysm)
type of writing: headcanons
trope: friends to lovers, domestic au
warnings: overall very fluffy, but inumaki injures himself while fighting, also insecurities about self
song: pov - ariana grande
tagging: @akaashi-todorki @saltyvanilla @hyeque @ohtobiors @wakatshi @cirigiri @beware-of-the-rogue @kiiraes @2dmensupermercy @cuz-like-why-not @undercoverred @sabyss @quirrrky @megumischubbycheeks @oikawas-milk-bread
(taglist form)
prompt: “Well, this is not what I expected to happen.” “I may or may not be secretly leaving teddy bears outside your house so I can see your delighted face in the mornings.” - @sleepyprompts
a/n: imma establish some of the vocabulary beforehand. “Shake” (salmon) - affirmation, “Okaka” (Bonito flakes) - negation, “Konbu” (kelp) - greeting/give responses, “Tuna” (tuna) - calling out to someone, “Ikura” (salmon caviar) - mentioning about someone, “Sujiko” (salmon roe) - astonishment, and so on
also, this is done JUST in time for one of my tumblr friend's birthdays. happy happy birthday ate, ily and i wish nothing but the best for you <3 so this post is especially a birthday special headcanons post ^_^
Made with Love: 100 Followers Event (closed)
headcanons under the cut <3
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first of all, inumaki’s a precious beanie, do not let his lack of vocabulary faze you in any way, because this guy's a master at expressing love through actions
when both of them first met, she'd joined tokyo jujutsu high along with yuuta okkotsu, capturing maki, inumaki's and panda's attention
panda being extroverted of the three introduces yuuta and her to maki and inumaki, and she was especially curious about inumaki whenever he'd mentioned words like “shake,” “sujiko,” “okaka,” and so on
that's when panda tells them that the inumaki clan possesses the cursed speech technique, where whatever he speaks has a major impact, not only on the enemy but on himself, depending on the severity of the cursed technique. hence, he speaks only using the ingredients of the onigiri rice ball.
also, just because he couldn't speak, that doesn't extend to his writing, he also can write letters when necessary.
initially, it was a bit difficult to understand his vocabulary, but with certain signs, she learned to be able to communicate with him.
over time, they bonded really well, enjoying their alone time whenever possible. an ideal hangout for him would be picnics in a flower park.
whenever (y/n) felt upset, or low on herself, inumaki would rub her back, calming her in a way none of the other classmates would be able to.
eventually, during missions, whenever inumaki said in his code language, she nodded and replied accordingly, causing everyone else to be surprised that she could understand him in a much deeper way.
he's the best listener, there's no shadow of a doubt
months went by, and even as yuuta decided to travel overseas, she stayed back to help everyone. this made her be closer to inumaki, especially whenever the kyoto jujutsu high people showed up.
she would even invite her classmates over for a meal, which inumaki would help her cook, and as they spent time together, they noticed the little things appealing to them, for her, it was his eyes and in the way, he'd give her head pats, and for him, it was how she gave him space to cope with everything,.
when inumaki fought against hanami, he hurt his chest so bad that he needed to rest and recuperate a little bit.
so when he was resting, (y/n) had gone to meet him, sat beside him every day, ruffled his hair, spoke to him about whatever happened, and also confessed while he was sleeping. “well, this is not what i expected to happen. toge, Iooking out for curses doesn't feel the same without you. i wish i could tell you how much i like you and how much i miss you. anyway, get better soon,” and leave the room, while she was oblivious that inumaki had actually heard that, causing him to smile.
in the days leading to her birthday, she noticed teddy bears being left outside her house, and she'd smiled, picking them up and keeping them safely in her bedroom.
on the day of her birthday, she found a (f/c) teddy bear outside with a note, saying, “i may or may not be secretly leaving teddy bears outside your house so i can see your delighted face in the mornings. meet me at our spot in the park.”
as she went to the park, she noticed a blanket on the grass with her favorite items and a note that said, “happy birthday, will you go out with me?” she turned around to find her favorite person and ran to him and hugged him, who in return left her a soft peck on her lips as they ate together for the first time as a couple.
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© Shyna 2022
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valkyrie-ascending · 3 years
trust fall with jjk—
nanami, maki, inumaki, megumi, gojo x gn!reader;
platonic and/or romantic fluff; 0.3k; no warnings
a/n; first writing here on this acc~
reblogs are appreciated!
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NANAMI would be exasperated at you for playing such a childish game, but he wouldn't allow you to fall. To be honest you'd probably have to surprise him for him to play along—if you tried to discuss it with him beforehand he'd just completely shut down the idea.
MAKI would be confused as to why you want her to catch you for fun. It just seems like an unnecessary risk to take, trusting someone else to catch you from behind. Still, she would catch you without complaints, though she'd probably berate you for surprising her if you hadn't told her before letting go.
INUMAKI would turn right around and fall into your arms, giving you a taste of your own medicine. You would have just gotten up, laughing your head off, before he yelled "sujiko" and had launched himself into your own arms. The two of you would probably had fallen under your combined force and end up in a tangle of arms, legs and giggles.
MEGUMI would catch you but almost immediately after drop you. In his words, "you're safe now, so no point keeping ahold of you," which could be... frustrating if you're looking for physical affection. If you want this boy to actually hold you, you're going to have to give it to him straight. If you're not, it just becomes an inside joke that he's embarrassed about for years to come!
GOJO would act like he wasn't going to catch you then stop you from falling at the last moment. A little bit of harmless fun, as he says, even though you think that your stomach was about to fall out of your body. He would raucously laugh at your pissed off expression than just walk away, leaving you to chase after him, yelling.
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© valkyrie-ascending 2021
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a-shy-blueberry · 2 years
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I posted 1,671 times in 2021
222 posts created (13%)
1449 posts reblogged (87%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 6.5 posts.
I added 782 tags in 2021
#♡ blue's n/sfw recs ♡ - 361 posts
#♡ blue's qlues ♡ - 89 posts
#♡ blue's recs ♡ - 83 posts
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#♡ h~~ on main ♡ - 39 posts
#♡ blue writes smut ♡ - 35 posts
#bakugou smut - 30 posts
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#bakugou - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2021
Cum On In
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A/N: Literally just wanted to thirst about Shigaraki eating his cum and instead it grew into this. Thank you so much to @eikatslut; @katonshoko; and @touyas-peach for your help!! And for listening to me rant about this for so long. 😭😭😭 And an extra special thanks to @eikatslut​ for beta’ing!
Pairing: Shigaraki Tomura x F! Reader
Genre: Smut
Summary: When Shigaraki lets your name slip, and you slip his, tensions mount till you find him fucking himself in your bed, i.e.you peg the guy and a bunch of other nasty stuff.
Warnings: MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DNI, Female Masturbation, Male Masturbation, Sex Toys, Voyeurism, Mutual Masturbation (Sort of), Cum Eating, Anal Play, Anal Plug, Anal Fingering, Pegging, Alcohol, Unsafe Sex, Creampie, Oral M! Receiving, Cunnilingus, Switch! Reader, Switch! Shigaraki.
Word Count: 4.6k
Taglist: @katonshoko​ @silentnotifs​ @touyas-peach​ @awilddreamerwrites​ @vehementvows​ @thathoneybee3​ @kisseswithkai​ @kirissluttypebble​ @cyancherub​ @tirzamisu​ @fgkween​ @fatbitchgeek-blog​​ @diamond-3​
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633 notes • Posted 2021-09-10 21:57:46 GMT
We'll Be Watching Part 2
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A/N: For the ever-delightful Lili (@touyaspeach), thank you so much for coming into my life and bringing so much beauty and joy. Have the happiest of birthdays, you deserve it so much!!! 💞 Thank you to @katonshoko for Betaing and the Bubble Pop! Server for listening to me rant about this and pitching oh so many things to include.
Pairing: Amajiki Tamaki x F! Reader; Denki Kaminari x F! Reader; Bakugou Katsuki x F! Reader; Kirishima Eijirou x F! Reader
Genre: Smut
Summary: When you invite your voyeurs to join your little misadventure, plenty of fun ensues
Warnings: MINORS DNI, AGELESS BLOGS DNI, Aged Up Characters, Dubcon At Parts, Gangbang, Orgy-ish, Creampie, Anal. Unsafe Sex, Virgin Bakugou, Oral F! Receiving, Oral M! Receiving, Rimming, Tentacles, Hand Jobs, Face Sitting, Double Penetration, Over-stimulation, Dacryphilia, Inappropriate Quirk Use, Electricity?, Switch Reader, Size Kink, Cum Shot, Tongue Piercing, Piercing Kink, Restraintment, Squirting, Praise, Mild Degradation
Word Count: 6k
Taglist: @katonshoko @silentnotifs @touyaspeach @awilddreamermain @keigojo @thathoneybee3 @kisseswithkai @kirissluttypebble @cyancherub @tirzamisu @fgkween @fatbitchgeek-blog @mhasimp666 @b-o-n-e-daddy @suneaters-lovergirl-butterfly @diamond-3 @aratherterribleartist @lightningbastardsimp @yfneccentric @lazyafgurl @mommycleo @sujiko @sarahschance  @raggedyannazon​ @hoobish​
*bolded names could not be tagged
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689 notes • Posted 2021-10-31 04:02:43 GMT
In His Arms
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A/N: Please read the warnings!!!  
Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Reader 
Genre: Smut
Summary: Your trusted friend Izuku has a habit of taking advantage of you when he sleeps over.  
Warnings: Dubcon, Potentally Noncon Somnophilia, Aged Up Characters, Pervert Izuku, Stalker Behavior, Panty Stealing, M! Masturbation, Dacryphilia, Mommy Kink, Dom Reader, Sub Izuku, Pussy Job, Unprotected Sex (Wrap It Before You Tap It!), Cream Pie,, No Beta, 18+ Only, Minors Dni
Word Count: 1.5k
Or if you prefer, read it on my ao3 here
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813 notes • Posted 2021-07-09 21:16:44 GMT
Springtime's a Bitch
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A/N: Soooo I know it's not spring anymore but I've been wanting to write this for forever especially since Hawks is one of my favorite characters. I sort of just put like a bunch kinks into one thing and it lost control. Please enjoy this smutty mess.
Pairing: Keigo Takami (Hawks) x F! Reader
Genre: Smut; Fluff
Summary: In which 1 shitty vibrator, and the season of spring get two extremely horny people together.
Warnings: No Beta, Swearing, Corruption Kink, Pre-Rut Keigo, Oral F!Receiving & M!Receiving, Pervy Keigo (in secret), Panty Stealing, Panty Sniffing, Masturbation, Some Mild Predator/Prey Dynamics, Cum Eating, Dacryphilia, Over-stimulation, Breeding Kink, Inappropriate Quirk Use, Creampie (wrap it before you tap it!!), discussions of Birth Control, discussions about Pregnancy, +18 only, Minors, Ageless Blogs, DNI!!
Word Count: 4.7k
Taglist: @katonshoko​; @silentnotifs​; @touyas-peach​
Want to be tagged in future works? Click here
Or if you prefer, read it on my ao3 here
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1129 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 21:16:58 GMT
We’ll Be Watching You
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A/N This was a request for my 300 Follower’s Event for the prompt Dom! Tamaki Amajiki x Exhibitionism, I strayed a little bit from that in my excitement but nevertheless, I think it turned out super well! Thank you to the anon that requested this! To @touyas-peach​, @katonshoko​, and @eikatslut​ for literally contributing so many ideas for this you. And an extra special shoutout again to @katonshoko​ for betaing! Literally saved my ass. And lastly thank you to the windstorm that knocked out my power and cell signal for 24 hours right when I started writing this so it was the only thing fun to do
Pairing: Amajiki Tamaki x F! Reader; Denki Kaminari x F! Reader; Bakugou Katsuki x F! Reader; Kirishima Eijirou x F! Reader
Genre: Smut
Summary: It isn’t often that your boyfriend Amajiki gets truly jealous but when Kaminari, Bakugou, and Kirishima can’t stop making comments about you, he makes a plan to show them just why you’re his.
Warnings: MINORS DNI, AGELESS BLIGS DNI, Aged Up Characters, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, M! Masturbation, Unsafe Sex, Public (ish) Sex, Creampie, Marking, Mirror Sex, Dom! Tamaki, Non Consensual Voyeurism.
Word Count: 2k
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1217 notes • Posted 2021-09-20 04:10:33 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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A Cursed Reality-JJK x M!Reader (Ch.2)
Question: Do you guys prefer longer chapters or shorter chapters? I’ve been making an effort to write longer chapters but if you hate reading them I’ll write them less.
Warnings: fluff, comparison of Inumaki’s speech to a disability/handicap, cursing. Dislike of Maki (Not me. wrong bitch. I love her)
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Chapter Two:
[Name] actively dislikes hanging out with the second years. Not that they’re bad people in any way, it’s just he’s anxious and awkward, and even after spending a year familiarizing himself with the school and the people in it, there’s like a small group of people he would invite to his birthday party.
That and he just doesn’t care for Maki Zen’in. And it is most definitely mutual. To him, she’s just pretty. She also won’t die in a battle between her and a curse below first grade. But that’s about the end of her appeal. Of course, Panda is fun to tease but he typically plays the peacemaker between the second years. [Name] would rather not care about people in peace.
There’s no dramatic reason to it all, it’s just [Name] didn’t really come to Jujutsu Tech by choice so he hadn’t intended on making friends. He obviously failed considering he befriended Inumaki within his first day and they have some homoromantic vibes going on in their friendship.
That’s not to say you can’t platonic cuddle with your best friend but when you longingly gaze into each other’s eyes and he’s the only friend you’ve made besides an annoyingly hyper 30-year-old because no one else understands you like he does… And it kind of goes both ways considering you’re the only person he trusts himself enough to have a full-on conversation with.
Yeah, it’s not looking very good for the argument that they’re not gay. They’re not though. At least not now.  
“Yeah toge?”
“You look like you’ve got something on your mind” Inumaki responded. And although he had plenty of experience saying words, having a conversation without using safe words felt a little weird. It was an aspect of who he was now and [Name] being immune to the cursed speech wouldn’t erase the problems he had with talking and it didn’t make [Name] his savior or soulmate.
Luckily [Name] was both lonely and not a complete asshole because he had no problems adapting to the switch between Toge’s ‘onigiri glossary’. Learning it was actually a really fun experience because it turns out Inumaki did not have the exact translation of all his safe words. He would just say an ingredient and [Name] had to fill in the blanks. There was a lot of trial and error and a lot of [Name] smiling down at Inumaki’s concentrated face.
“I was just thinking.” [Name] broke the contemplative silence.
“You know” [Name] started again “... They say it was believed people kept their souls in their throats” and as Inumaki gave a confused denial (“fish flakes”) [Name] was internally panicking on whether or not he should keep going with this specific train of thought or make a joke to deflect from the very real and emotional but corny statement he was about to utter.
“Ah fuck it. I want to exercise the curses in the world or at least enough to keep you safe so you don’t keep damaging your soul when you use your cursed technique”
[Name] looked at Inumaki. And as if breaking off pieces of his soul didn’t matter to him, Inumaki spoke, a short sentence that stunned [Name] into silence
“I love you”
If Gojo hadn’t come in, they might’ve kissed.
Aaaand [Name]’s sentimental mood was gone. Don’t get him wrong, Gojo definitely would get an invite to [Name]’s birthday party, but the man was like 30 running around being overly cheerful and with that teasing nature he was definitely repressing some trauma. He also definitely had some of the worst timing
“What is it Gojo?”
“No sensei at the end? So mean!
“Fushiguro was sent out to find a cursed object but he’s been out all day with no calls back home or anything. Of course I plan on going to check on my beloved student, but I am busy for the next hour or so. Can you please check on him? For your favorite sensei?”
“My favorite sensei is actually Nanami and he’s not even a sensei but yeah I’ll check on the emo kid”
‘You’re pretty emo yourself dude’ Gojo thought to himself
“Ah Thank you [Name]-kun. You’re a lifesaver” Gojo called out behind him as he left to do whatever it is crazy white haired ‘old’ men do.
‘He’s/I’m totally not doing this for free’ both [Name] and Inumaki thought at the same time.
[Name] got up suddenly and started getting ready to leave paying no attention to Inumaki who watched him get ready with a casual interest. Before [Name] headed out, he turned to look at Inumaki with a serious and concentrated expression.
“I love you”
“What the hell happened here?”
“Fushiguro-kun, if you please”
“Well I only know half of the story so it’s best if we hear it from Itadori”
All eyes whipped to the shirtless Yuji who had just gotten control of his body back from Sukuna, the apparent king of curses.
“I’d say it started when I went to school this morning but I think it started a little earlier for Fushiguro. Right Fushiguro?” Yuji asked
‘I swear I’m going to explode if someone doesn’t tell me the how we got this far I mean Fushiguro is bleeding from his head, this pink haired enthusiastic kid is possessed and I can’t tell if he’s too sweet to care or if he lost a few of his brain cells when he and the little emo first year wrecked this building’ [Name] thought to himself.
Clearing his throat he began “Well okay Fushiguro has a lot of really bad injuries so is it okay with you if he just quickly shares his part and then you take over?”
“Ohh Yeah that makes sense” Itadori awed and both he and [Name] turned their attention to poor Megumi who was bleeding from his forehead.
“Yesterday I was sent to retrieve a special grade cursed object and when I got there it was gone. Gojo sensei told me I couldn’t go home until it was recovered. The next day I stalked around the school and investigated when I saw Yuji for the first time.”
“Oh I remember that. It’s my turn to take over now. Uhh. I was in the occult club with my senpais Sasaki and Iguchi and we were asking the spirits about which animal the Student Council President was weaker than ( a fish) and then he burst in the room because he didn’t approve of our club-”
“Fast forward please” [Name] interrupted
“Fushiguro found me after my grandpa died and told me Iguchi and Sasaki were in danger because of the finger so I led him to the school where they said they were going to peel off the seal”
“And that’s why we’re here” [Name] surmised
“So what’s the situation”
“Gojo-sensei”/ “Old Man what are you doing here?” Megumi and [Name] called out
“I wasn’t gonna come but the higher ups got involved. I knew you’d all be fine though, I sent [Name] here to deal with it.”
“That’s true” Fushiguo mumbled
“I’m glad you all have faith in me” [Name] started “But that means I came here for absolutely nothing”
“... So did you find it?” Gojo asked
“Um sorry.... I ate it”
Gojo who didn’t hear the whole introduction and [Name] who didn’t quite get to the eating of the finger part in the story turned to Yuji in shock
“For real”
“For real”
“Haha you’re not kidding. They’re combined. How does your body feel?” Gojo asked Yuji
“Can you switch to Sukuna?”
“Sukuna?” Yuji asked
“The curse object you ate”
“Oh yeah. Probably”
“Ten seconds” gojo said “Take control again after ten seconds”
“I dunno about this”
“Don’t worry. I’m the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer”
Megumi looked to [Name] after hearing a curious “hmm” but [Name]’s face showed no anger or displeasure.
“Megumi hold onto this will ya” Gojo’s voice bled through Megumi’s thoughts of who would win between [Name] and Gojo. Give it a year or two and it might actually be [Name].
“What’s this?” Megumi asked
‘It better be a fucking weapon’ [Name] thought ‘Because if he sent me out because his important business was shopping he’s gonna regret it’
“Kikufuku Mochi” Gojo replied casually before feeling bloodlust leaking from [Name]. He’ll just have to make it up to the second year somehow
“Behind you” Fushiguro called out and [Name] sucked his teeth hoping Gojo would get hit at least once. He did not get his wish once
“I’ve got a student watching so..I hope you don’t mind if I show off a little bit” . And after that Gojo commenced kicking Sukuna’s ass. Sukuna tried to monologue a little as he sent out a powerful attack, but he missed Gojo on account of Gojo’s infinity dispelling the attack. By the time Sukuna realized Gojo was unharmed it was time for Yuji to switch back.
“Oh was everything okay?” Yuji asked as he came to his senses.
“Oh what a surprise” Gojo responded “You really can control it”
“Yeah, but he’s kind of annoying”
“It’s a miracle that’s the only side effect” Gojo said right before knocking Yuji out with one finger
“If he wakes up and isn't possessed, he might have potential as a vessel. Okay question for you two. What do I do with him?”
“Even if he is a potential vessel… He must be executed under jujutsu regulations…
“But I don’t want to let him die”
“Is that a personal opinion? Gojo asked
“Yes, a personal opinion. Please do something about it.
Gojo smiled and the two of them turned their attention towards [Name] who had been silent throughout the whole experience.
‘Besides being a little too excitable, he’s not bad. Like a puppy. I’d keep him as a pet.’ [Name] thought
“Don’t kill him” he said
“A precious student's request. And one from my favorite second year? Of course. Leave it to me!” Gojo said before lifting Yuji up.
[Name] still a little upset he was called away for nothing, raised his hand in front of his mouth so gojo couldn’t see what he was doing and whispered
“Fall over”
“Aak! [Name]-kunnn”
Fushiguro was shocked to see Gojo faceplant on the ground with Yuji on his shoulder. If the combination of Fushiguro’s wide eyed expression and the sight of Gojo in pain made [Name] giggle a little, he’d never admit it.
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charmspoint · 3 years
Prompts? Prompts! The JJK second years and hugs?
No.3! This was a soft delight to write
The first time one of his classmates hugged him, Yuuta just about combusted on the spot.
It wasn’t like it was anything too odd. Panda was a very affectionate not-bear and he had a habit of slinging his arms around everyone and pulling them into his big fuzzy body. He did it with Maki, he did it with Toge, there was no reason he wouldn’t do it with Yuuta too.
That had been the first time Yuuta was touched by another person in years.
It must have shown on his face too, or in the tension of his body, because Panda stopped laughing and ruffling his hair and Maki and Toge were staring at him in concentrated scrutiny.
Yuuta just about wanted to let the earth swallow him.
It shouldn’t have been that big of a deal, but it was. It was, when Rika had guarded him so jealously for years, when anyone approaching him would be met by vicious growling and sharp claws tearing through the walls. His family didn’t know what was happening, but they had soon learned that trying to touch him ended badly. So had his classmates. So had everyone he met.
He had accepted it as it was. Another unfortunate, horrible consequences of being him, of existing as he existed, as they existed. Told himself that this was alright, that it didn’t hurt, because how could he blame anyone who stayed away out of fear for their own life.
But now, suddenly, Rika was contained.
Now, suddenly, Yuuta was touchable again.
And there he was, with Panda’s arm around his shoulders, with Maki and Toge staring at him, frozen stiff and mind malfunctioning.
“Sujiko.” Toge said in what Yuuta could now recognize as exasperation and then he was at Yuuta’s side, wrapping his arms around him in a way that was as earnest as it was awkward.
Yuuta didn’t know what to do with himself, his mind had completely stopped working. All he could think was how nice it was to be touched by another person again, how comforting, how overwhelming it all was. He felt like jumping out of his skin and melting into the touch and he couldn’t do both at the same time so he just stood there, still as a statue, probably looking really stupid.
“You know, you could have just told us.” Panda laughed, before his arms were around both of them, all but lifting them off the ground with his strength.
“Tsuna, tsuna mayo!”
“Yeah, Maki, come join us!”
“Eh?” Maki made a face from where she was still standing, annoyance cut in the lines of her face, “No way, we just finished training. You all stink.”
“Come on, come on, it’s fine!”
“Shake, shake! Konbu.”
“Hey, watch your mouth! Ugh, fine.”
Panda moved one of his paws out of the way just enough for Maki to join the group hug and Yuuta found himself pressed between three people, warm and held at all sides.
“Are you seriously crying right now?” Maki asked, though even those harsh words came in softer tone than usual. As something wet slid down his cheeks, Yuuta realized he actually was.
“Ugh, sorry, that’s embarrassing.” He wiggled out his arm from where it was trapped between him and Toge, furiously wiping away the tears that just wouldn’t stop.
“Toge’s right, you don’t have to be embarrassed about this. If you need a hug, all you have to do is ask.” Panda rumbled, squeezing them all tight and lifting them off the ground again, to the sound of Toge losing breath and Maki complaining.
It was embarrassing though, how relaxed Yuuta suddenly felt, like the tension in his body had just suddenly melted away under the warm touch of his friends. It was alright, that warmth told him, it was going to be alright.
After all now, after a long time, he finally had people he could call his home.
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kyotakumrau · 3 years
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2020.12.21 The World You Live In at Zepp Tokyo, 2nd event report
Fujieda again started with greetings, introduced himself and Takabayashi and then asked for applause for the band members.
And we got quite a surprise!
Kaoru and Toshiya came on stage!
Thus making Tokyo the only place where band members changed for each slot/session. As much as I'd love to see Kyo again I was happy as my friend only went to Tokyo and she's Toshiya's fan😊
F: please introduce yourself.
Kaoru: you already did lol. I'm Kaoru.
T: I'm Toshiya.
F: the last video you just watched was different from other sessions. The trailer for the concert film screenings that will start from February. It's something only you know right now. As you can imagine from the title it will be something similar to this, with the band members coming for the talk after.
K talked a bit about the situation as well.
T: it's still difficult to hold concerts, but this is something we can do. So I hope you will look forward to it.
Next F started the 'merch items introduction corner', he passed the items to the members.
K: I was watching the 1st slot and we talked about them in Osaka, too. (he talked more about the items and what members said)
F: yes, everything can fit in the pouch so it's a very useful item. You can buy all merch items and put then in the pouch and take home like that. Let's look at Toshiya's big pick key chains (he pronunced that very carefully😂)
They talked about members signs and company logos when suddenly K requested to have to lights in the venue set brighter so he could see everyone.
After that F announced they wil start with questions from the fans, passed the part of papers to others, but K gave his to F saying it's better if he chooses.
T: ok, I have a good one! 'It was Die's birthday yesterday, did you send him a birthday message? And are there any memorable presents you've received in the past?'
T: I got a bicycle. I was really happy at first, but then it was stolen from the parking area.
F: when was it?
T (I didn't catch it but from the context it must have been quite early on in their career)
F: during the tour?
T: yeah, we were always giving each other something for our birthdays, every year, but as years passed it got more difficult to choose something good and we then just stopped.
F: how about you, K?
K: I got a Mickey Mouse, about this size (he showed us with his hand, about 1m tall).
F: 'how do you deal with feeling tired?'
K: I go for a massage.
F: only during the tour?
K: anytime.
F: when the most? When writing songs?
K (laughing): but we're always writing songs
T: for me it's sauna.
F: do you often go when just staying at home?
T: for example after the gym
Ta: 'what did you eat most often during the stay at home period?'
K: ...what did I eat, what about you, Tooru?
Ta: sausages.
The whole venue kinda rotfled 🤣🤣🤣
F: that's cute😆
Ta: it's something I can usually only eat at home.
K: ...something I was really into...(still thinking)....(thinking)
F: for me it was Jiro-ken ramen.
T: at home?! So you weren't really staying at home?
F: I gained some weight after the overseas tour. I started to diet then, and one day a week, a cheat day, I could eat whatever I wanted. My cheat choice was Jiro, either at the restaurants or to take away.
K: ...what was it for me...
F: maybe nabe you talked about before? (in Osaka)
K wasn't impressed 😆
T: canned mackerel for me.
F: for when you drink etc? No, just like that?
They all laughed here a bit.
Suddenly K jumped in with a new topic.
K: in Osaka you talked about the theme behind Kyo's outfit, you said it was pink but he pointed his green hair as the main point.
F: that was difficult.
K: tbh I also thought the main idea was pink (he also talked about Kyo's use of Kansai dialect)
T: 'what were you able to do after becoming an adult?'
F: there's a lot of food people start eating when they grow up.
T: food topic again? 😆
F: for example for me it was raisins.
T: as I get older I can drink more. When we just debuted I couldn't drink at all.
F: drinking wine?
T: おっさんだから・'cause I'm an old guy.
K started talking about the food he couldn't handle when he was small but the next question kinda made me forget it 😅
' 'wet cat food is actually quite good, have you ever tried?'
F: I have a cat and sometimes when I give my cat wet food some will get on my fingers. I'd just lick it. You know some of it, the mackerel or tuna, it looks so good.
T: please send me a video when you eat cat food next time.
(but to be fair most of canned cat food in Japan is 100% fish🤷‍♀️)
K: 'when you can tour again what local specialities do you want to eat?'
F: motsunabe in Fukuoka
T: miso type?
F: of course (if not Shinya would kill him)
K: what did you eat in Sendai?
F: bento
K: in Nagoya?
F: nothing special
T: we had normal bento, but it was miso katsu (Nagoya's style cutlet)
F: but if it's not in a restaurant it's not the same. Anything you want to eat, T?
T: Beki soba from Niigata.
F: have you tried it before?
T: when we went there on a tour, I really like soba.
They talked but more about food, tare katsu, okonomiyaki from Hiro and Jiro again.
T: is Jiro really that good?
F: 😍
K: I've tried it before, but it's (just) okay.
F: it's all about how the noodles taste (type of flour etc)
(more food talk, choosing between salt and tare options)
K: 'what's your favorite onigiri (rice ball)?'
F: how about you, K?
K: I don't eat onigiri.
T: Me also, but if I have to choose it's sujiko/salted salmon roe.
K (about not eating onigiri much): right, you only eat soba.
T then told us the story how much he loved salmon roe even as a child. When he was quite small he went shopping to the local supermarket with his grandmother. When he saw salmon roe in the shop he just started eating it directly from the shelf/container. Of course when his grandmother and supermarket staff found out it got very noisy, but because he was so young it was forgiven.
(back to onigiri topic)
Ta: salmon for me.
F: oh that is nice, I love the most tamago-kake-gohan rice ball (TKG is a very simple, traditional Japanese breakfast dish - just rice with a raw egg eaten with soy sauce, sometimes other toppings), the Newdays chain is selling them
K: the chain operates only in this area, no?
F explained that there are Newdays in other places too, fe Sendai. He also really got into explaining all pros incl the tasty gooey filling inside of the rice ball.
K (imitating F) oh that's nice 😂
F: 'it got so cold recently, what's your favourite season?'
T: spring or fall, I don't hate winter but I definitely don't like summer.
K: fall. (he said as this year wasn't too cold he could go out a bit during breaks)
F: so 2~3 weeks ago was your fav time.
K: here in Tokyo at least.
F: 'as we're staying home much more now do you have a recommended tv series or a channel?' (not just a movie)
K: Cobra kai.
F: ah, you tweeted about it.
K: it will be on Netflix next month, the 3rd season.
K talked about The Karate Kid (Japanese title 'Best Kid').
F: I don't know it.
Ta: me too.
K (shocked): you're serious???
T: I know, of course.
F: 'Best Kid'? 'Best Fit?'
T: just stop it🙃
F: how about your recommendation, T?
T: The BOYS on Prime.
K: I haven't seen it, but it seems interesting.
T: it is! I also like BOSCH. I'm just watching like after work and so on.
After that K talked about how cinema with the capacity reduced by half was nice because you could put your bag on the seat next to you etc, but recently came back to the full house (Demon Slayer did that...)
F: 'how do you feel being in front of people first time in a while?'
T: I'm sorry it has to be done this way
F: don't say that😆
(missed K's reply)
T: it's tiring to be in front of people.
F: but we do it in an interesting way.
T: yeah.
T: 'what's your favourite game? Even including older ones like famicon?'
K: games?
T: Spelunker on Amicon😆
T/K in agreement: where you die so quickly
K: PS5 is so popular, I didn't win.
F: it seems Kyo won once but the information he submitted had a mistake.
K: I applied for Sony's lottery and Big Camera's.
F: you don't want PS5, T?
T: recently I don't play.
K: what about the... what was it Tsushima?
They all reacted with 'ah'
F: what kind of game is it?
K: don't ask me😅 but it looks interesting.
T: it seems to be very popular abroad.
F: 'what's your favourite way to eat ozoni?'
(A new year soup with rice cakes)
Ta: the soy sauce based soup, with grilled mochi.
F: but what ingredients do you add?
K: isn't that way too detailed??
Ta (tries): spring onion etc
K listed grilled mochi, spinach, carrot etc. Then he told us about his family tradition to properly make rice cakes for New year, pounding was so loud even if you wanted to watch tv, you couldn't. But then they had enough for a month.
T: soy sauce style.
F: with miso or?
T: I said soy sauce.
F: what ingredients?
T: rice cakes, spinach, and what is that... (he started to make circles with his hand) ...?
F: naruto?
T (yeah that/nods)
F: in my family we do soy sauce, rice cakes, carrot, fish cakes etc.
K (ignoring F comment that they should finish now, in a teasing way): what about osechi, which dishes do you like?
F: konbu maki or kurikinton.
K: how about you, T?
T: that egg dish that is kinda like this (he gestured the shape again)?
Ta: tatemaki?
F: datemaki!
T: I think it's datemaki.
K: I like that beef roll with carrot and green beans inside (its 牛肉の八幡巻き)
F (making very dreamy face): Aaaaaaah that😍 green beans are so good.
F: ok, thank you all.
K: what about Tooru (Ta)?
F: it's time, sorry.
Last comments.
Toshiya: thank you all for gathering here despite the COVID situation. It's difficult to do concerts now so we tried doing film screenings. In difficult times like this it's not only about the band members, there's our staff and also the venues. I'd love to play concerts again, please wait for us.
Kaoru: it is a difficult situation to share my personal opinion... if we can't do the concerts in a way everyone can enjoy... enjoy, it will affect our relationship of mutual trust. I think this (COVID) situation will continue for some time still, so I think it's better to go with the film screening events. But we will keep checking the situation. Please stay healthy and I hope all of you will come to watch it.
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inazuman · 2 years
cw: suggestive levi content, reader is a lil tipsy
despite some opinions levi is a gentleman, a sweetheart. he doesn't fuck around and he wants you to know he's not just thinking about your body :(( but you make it so hard when you're all tipsy like this, wrapping your arms around him and grinding on top of him. fuck, he thinks, it's so hard to hold back on you, especially when you're like this. he doesn't wanna take advantage of you :(( especially when you trust him so much.
meanwhile, you don't know you could even be making it more obvious that you wanna fuck him. he runs his hands up and down the sides of your body, his warmth seeping through your clothing. tells you to settle down, that you don't know what you're really saying, that if you still want he'll take care of you like that once you're sober. your eyes perk up at this, "you will? really?"
he chuckles at your doe-eyed wonder. you look so innocent but you're asking for such lewd things. "yeah baby, nothing i want more in the world than to be between your thighs." his voice is hoarse and thick and deep, breath tickling your ear, and it makes you grind down on him again. he groans in your ear, holding your hips tight to stop your movements.
"i'll make your tomorrow's hangover better baby, i promise. just settle down for now, yeah?"
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inazuman · 2 years
levi is an absolute sweetheart, pulling you back into bed when you try to leave, wrapping his arms around you and laying kisses all over your cheek and neck. he just wants you to know he loves and appreciates you 🥺🥺 cups his hand around your throat and tilts your head up so you're looking back at him upside down before he kisses your nose. so cute, he loves the way it scrunches up from his kiss because it tickles
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inazuman · 2 years
“people write because no one listens” actually no, not all the time anyways. people write to share the love they have or to remember a moment or to release their emotions or to show others their thoughts or so many many other things. writing is not always sad, it is not a thing everyone does because they are heartbroken or crying. it is also full of love and memories and emotion. 
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