#such a stupid ship name but i can't bring myself to change it (it's a brokeback mountain reference)
watchyourdigits · 10 months
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Frankie / Danse
hands // herakles
a letter to my mother // amor vincit omnia
crucifix by moonlight // sweeney
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dreamlifebunny · 9 months
Hi idk if this is a stupid question or not but I just want to know, I saw you had a gifts from the universe post or something like that and it talked about fictional characters and such, so with that does that mean I can manifest a fictional character into my reality? Like this reality? I was always told I couldn't do that and if I can omg I'm gonna cry happy tears haha 😭💖
hi hi! not a stupid question at ALL, seriously! you absolutely frickin' can manifest a fictional character in your reality! 🥰 isn't that so exciting!? your childhood dreams are about to pop off hehe. this is a much longer post than i expected because i kinda just rant, but i hope it's helpful.
so, i found reality shifting through the self-ship community, then i found law of assumption through the reality shifting community, and then found non-dualism through the law of assumption community. if there is ONE thing i want everyone to take away from ANY of these teachings/communities (regardless of which ones you follow and resonate with) it is that anything that you can imagine, you can experience.
we are the creators. we are the experiencers. we are. the thing about "fictional characters" is that, as the creators of our lives, we as humans have also created whole other worlds with lore and characters, right? if you are aware of the these worlds, their lore, their wonderful characters, then they absolutely exist, right now, because they were created by us. if you are holding them in your imagination, they are here, because you as imagination is all that there is. and that means, if you are imagining them to be in your "real world" reality, then they can absolutely show up here.
now if someone told you that you can't manifest fictional characters into your reality and they were in the law of assumption community, they do not understand what the law of assumption is all about. i mean, it's in the name of the teaching, "assumption," right? what you ASSUME to be true, will be true. if you assume that fictional characters can come into your reality, then that'll be true! eep i'm getting so exciting even just thinking about this, haha! i have nothing but respect and love for the reality shifting community because they opened up my societally-conditioned perspective to a lot of possibilities and changes, but a lot of people in the shifting community have many limiting beliefs about what is possible. the truth is, if you can shift your consciousness to be in a "fictional" freaking world, then you can do just about anything in this world too, right? people believe that they can shift to entirely "made up" worlds that they script, but they don't believe that they can alter their "current reality" with the same scripting techniques, even though they absolutely can and none of it is different from reality shifting to a "fake" world. it's all possible, regardless of the reality you are experiencing!
as proof from my own experience, i actually have a fictional character i brought into my life! in my case, i was hyperfixating on this fictional character who was an absolutely nasty evil dirt bag but i was sooo in love with him (classic lmao). in the beginning i wasn't even trying to bring him here, i was just trying to "reality shift" to meet him and come back to my "current reality" where i was safe because i knew he was a toxic man i should have no business being with haha. i knew i didn't want him in my reality because he was, well, evil, but i did wanna visit him and hang in a "different reality" for a period of time. i always told myself, "i wish there was a version of this character that would just love the shit out of me and not be so evil, one that i actually would love to have around every day..." and every night i would try to reality shift to a world to hang out with him despite this thought in my head. i never felt disappointed when i woke up in my CR because the joy i had was in visualizing hanging out before bed. it felt really real in the moment, just daydreaming and feeling silly and sweet, and it brought me so much happiness - as daydreams should!
i never ended up shifting my awareness to that reality, because something even better happened. since i imagined meeting him and spending time with him every night and persisted in the idea that i would eventually reality shift, i ended up manifesting a person into my life who had every quality that i loved in the evil character WITHOUT the evilness, and he ended up being my best friend and one of my partners! this person showed up in my life and completely flipped my world around, bring me everything that the fictional character had brought me in my imagination. like, everything, minus the bad stuff that i didn't want. it was the first case of manifesting that i had ever been super conscious of achieving, and it changed my whole perspective on the practice. i also immediately stopped caring about the old character i had been manifesting because i was so obsessed with this new person in my life LOL. it was pure magic!!
now, i realize that this is not at exact example of your question, as you're asking if you can bring a fictional character into this reality exactly as they are. and guess what? you absolutely can. the only reason i didn't bring this exact character into my reality was because i wanted a different version of him to show up, but if i had wanted him to show up exactly as he was, he would have! i wanted to give you this as an example of something like this so you can see the possibilities, but don't let the fact that it wasn't the exact fictional character deter you - my fictional person showed up exactly as i wanted him to, and yours can too! you can even make them better! 😎 hehe
this was a long-assed post, but i hope it brought some joy and excitement. please remember: you can do, be, and have any frickin' thing you want in this life, if your beautiful mind can dream it up! dream beautiful dreams and know that absolutely everything is possible! so much love 💗
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zoros-fourth-sword · 5 months
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{MDNI 18+ only}
This chapter is a 18+ chapter so it contains
fingering, dirty talk, hair pulling, name calling, and more—
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"I can't freaking stand him sometimes I swear" I complain to Nami and Robin while we were tanning on the deck of the Sunny the little shit decided to piss me off by chasing me around the ship with a spider in his hand knowing damn well I’m scared of those creepy things
"That's luffy for ya he tends to get on people's nerves" Nami mumbled into her hands that were under her face as she lay on her stomach to tan her back
I hate him I hate Luffy so much ever since that skinny little shit walked into my life the man has done nothing but make me feel things that I have never felt before and I can’t help but hate him for that im not the type to let my emotions control my body or take over my brain for that matter but when I’m near luffy that’s a whole different story and it pissses me off it makes me feel weak and vulnerable
"And why do you exactly hate him" Robin asked interrupting my train of thought
"Can you blame me look at him" I sigh running my hands down my face referring to the boy that was across the Sunny running around with Chopper and Usopp
"Never mind this conversation 𝗬/𝗡 let's change the subject so you're not in a bitchy mood anymore" Nami mumbled into her hands
"Okay" I let out a dramatic sigh "but let me go change out of this bikini first I'm kinda hot the sun starting to get to me," I say to the girls getting up out of my chair to stretch
“I’ll be back” i say as I make my way towards my room
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I finally make it to my room quickly throwing myself on my bed letting out a loud groan from the cold contact of the blanket touching my sweaty skin
"Hot huh" I hear someone from the corner of my room their voice sounding raspy
I quickly fling myself upwards nearly falling off my bed 
Before I could even scream I heard a familiar yet annoying laugh come out of the person
"I really scared ya huh" Luffy chuckled stepping into the light so I could see him
"What the fuck are you doing in my room Luffy" I snap out nearly turning red from anger
"I don't think that's any of your concern," Luffy said giving me a big smile
Is this boy stupid what makes him think it’s okay to hide in a girls room
"IT IS WHEN ITS MY ROOM LUFFY" I scream standing on my feet and throwing the pillow that was on the bed next to me at him but of course his show-off self had to catch the dang thing leaving me unsatisfied with the fact that I didn't get to hit his stupid face
"Use your brain for once you idiot" I growl out turning my head away so i didn’t have to stare at him any longer
"𝗬/𝗡" Luffy said chuckling out my name
"It is kinda my business when I'm the captain of this ship," Luffy said stepping closer to me our feet almost touching
How dare he use his title against me I swear I’m going to smother him with a pillow while he’s sleeping tonight I can’t believe I have to deal with his shit
"It's My space My room it's a place you go for privacy you know" I growl out ready to just walk out of the room
"Like you care about privacy you talk shit about your captain in front of him" Luffy growled out getting irritated with me referring to mine and the girls conversation on the deck earlier
I instantly freeze up hearing that sentence leave his mouth
"Mhm you didn't think I could hear ya," Luffy said stepping closer to me way to close for my comfort
I gasped out in surprise not expecting Luffy's face to be so close to mine
"I hear everything that leaves that dirty mouth of yours"  Luffy growled out grabbing a fist full of my hair and jerking my head back so my neck was exposed
I squeal out in surprise at Luffy's action I quickly bring my hands to his chest desperately pushing him away
What the fuck is wrong with him
"Why do you hate me 𝗬/𝗡" Luffy mumbled in my ear his lips dangerously close to my exposed neck causing my heart to burst in my chest
"Fuck you Luffy" I growl out punching him in the chest even tho he didn't take damage
Why dose this dude have to be so strong
"That's no way to speak to your captain 𝗬/𝗡" Luffy chuckled out slightly tightening his grip on my hair
I whine out from the pain quickly grabbing Luffy's hand behind my head desperately trying to get him to loosen his grip
"I know why you hate me" Luffy mumbled into my neck his hot breath fanning my skin causing my legs to fell like jello
"You wanna ride my dick baby don't ya" Luffy chucked out once again
A gasp left my lips once I heard that sentence leave his mouth I was in shock I wasn't expecting Luffy of all people to talk like this
"What w- do you mean" I stutter out in shock trying to hide the fact that he was right
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about  I hear you late at night pleasuring yourself while saying my name” Luffy chuckled out darkly
This can’t be real right I’m dreaming I have to be dreaming right now
"Do you want me to fuck that hatred out of you?" Luffy said grabbing my bare my waist with his free hand pulling me closer causing our chest to clash together
I gasp out struggling to breathe from the contact of his skin flushed against mine my brain slightly fogging over with lust letting the lewd thoughts take over
"You do want me to don't ya" Luffy chuckled as he began to leave soft wet kisses down my neck
"Luffy" I sigh out my brain losing control and my body taking over
I can’t do this with him his my captain for fuck sake
"Mhm keep saying my name baby" Luffy growled out pulling my hair tighter while his other hand squeezed my waist tighter
I feel like I'm going die he felt so good against me it felt like my body was going to melt away but my brain on the other was literally screaming at me not to let this happen
"Lu- Luffy we can't" I pant out trying to deny my feelings
"Yes we can baby I know you wanna," Luffy said slowly trailing his hand that was in my hair down my body and towards my ass before quickly grabbing a handful and pushing our hips together placing his thigh between my legs
"Fuck I wine out from the contact of his thigh pressed against my core
"See baby you want to," Luffy chuckled adding pressure to my core
Fuck it
"Yes I want to" I choke out finally giving up and accepting it even tho I know I’m going to hate myself for this later
"Good girl" Luffy laughed quickly picking me up and placing me on the bed so that he was above me between my legs
"I'm going to fuck you stupid," Luffy said in excitement with his signature smile plastered on his face
"Whatever you say" I huff out getting annoyed with his cocky attitude
"I don't really appreciate the attitude 𝗬/𝗡," Luffy said thrusting his hips against my own causing me to jerk upwards
I gently whine out rolling my eyes in the back of my head from how touch-deprived I am
"But one thing I do appreciate is how fucking sexy your tits look in this bikini" Luffy growled out thrusting his hips against mine causing my breast to jiggle from the movement
"God I'm going to fuck you so good," Luffy said as he began to trace wet kisses down my neck and between my breast getting lower as he went
"I can't wait to feel how nice and wet you are for me baby," Luffy said hocking his fingers in the waistband of my bathing suit bottoms quickly jerking them down my legs
"Luffy" I gasped out surprised by his action
"Shhh" Luffy said making me go quiet
"Look at you baby your pussy is so needy," Luffy said tracing his finger between my folds seeing how wet I already was for him
I wine out quickly grabbing Luffy's shoulders to have something to grip on
"You like that huh" Luffy chuckled out lowering himself between my legs
"Got something even better baby I'm going to eat you out like your my last meal and lucky for you I'm hungry," Luffy said before burying his face into my core
"Fuck Luffy" I sob out flinging my head back into the pillow
Did I die and go to heaven
His tongue was working wonders on my clit and It felt absolutely fucking amazing I was on cloud nine the way his rubbery tongue is thrusting in and out my hole was throwing me over the edge it felt like I was going to cum then and there
"Fuck Luffy your so good" I wine out taking a fist full of his black hair into my hand trapping him in his place
"Fuck baby you sound so pretty keep saying my name," Luffy said slightly pulling away to breathe
"You taste so damn yummy 𝗬/𝗡," Luffy said looking up at me with hooded eyes
He looked so fucking delicious and I hated to admit that but hes also doing a fantastic job so I really can’t complain
"Look at how wet you are" Luffy purred out slowly entering one of his long skinny fingers into my core
"Shit oh my gosh” I pant out from the feeling of his skin against my walls
"I could have you for every meal," Luffy said thrusting his finger inside me at a quick pace
This boy is literally going to be the death of me
"Me too Luffy oh my gosh I'll let you do anything" I moan out caught up in the heat of the moment
"Fuck baby if you keep talking like that I might have to make you choke on my dick" Luffy chuckled entering a second finger and speeding up his pace
"Luffy I can't breathe" I struggle between my moans from the overstimulation his causing my body
"That's the point 𝗬/𝗡 but I think you can take it get on your knees like a good girl"
I hope everyone enjoyed Im sorry if it's was bad but let me know if I should make a part 2
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but anyway have a nice day/night♥︎
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epickiya722 · 9 months
Your post kinda sums up why i could never be friends with ppl in the kr**bk community. They were either overly hostile to my other shipping preferences (esp bkdk), or they would snob me because of it saying stuff like "yeah well, everyone knows that kr**bk is the better choice" "it's fine you ship it but you know it's abusive right lol".
See, that right there is the shit, excuse my language, I do not like!
They could easily stick to just talking about their ship without bringing down another, let alone bring it up in the first place. Just say "oh, I don't ship that" and move on with the ship you do like!
"Yeah, it's okay if you ship it, but you know it's abusive, right?"
Tone there? Just being nice-nasty. Just being patronizing and an ass, trying to make others feel bad over what? Nothing. Just the sick urge to make someone upset and feel some sense of "superiority" and "victory" thinking this is some competition.
That's also something funny to me every time someone bashes BkDk.
I'm saying this as a multishipper who still do like other ships (I just can't find myself to interact with other shippers).
But every time someone says that BkDk is "abusive" and yet like other Bakugou ships, it just feels... odd to me because yeah, was Bakugou an ass to Midoriya? Oh, yeah, he was indeed a little shit.
But let's not act as if he's all sunshine and rainbows with everyone else from the start. Bakugou was ready to fight anyone, gender, age, status be damned. He is like "these hands are rated E for everyone". He barely calls everyone by their actual names and if he does addresses them? It's a nickname and not an affectionate one. I say "not affectionate" because this is Bakugou we're talking about. He calls them "extras". Pretty much saying "you're not that important".
If he came up with "Deku" just to be an ass to him, what makes anyone think he calls Kirishima "Shitty/Stupid Hair" out of affection?
I'm just saying, when he calls him that, he's taking a dig at his appearance. An appearance Kirishima changed into because of his own insecurity.
So really... I'm just saying now!
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ishouldbedoinghw · 5 months
You Can't Erase Me
One Piece Fanfic, Part 5
Previous parts are in my pinned masterlist.
A woman enslaved by the celestial dragons is found by a man with red hair. Angst ensues.
A/N: This story will follow the canon loosely; some events will stay the same, others will be edited for the plot. The timing of events will also be slightly edited from canon so that certain characters are included. The main character is an OC of mine and in her mid-20s. Yes this is important. Character design will likely come soon.
TW: discussion of trauma, general angst, Shanks,
My world stayed confined to that room at first, Hongo bringing me food and examining me daily. The medicine he gave me kept the pain in my back down to a dull twinge, and he changed the bandage occasionally, cleaning it as he did so. He kept silent at first, then over time, as we continued our little daily ritual, he talked more and more. It was mostly complaining about Shanks or other members of the crew, or muttering about how each of the treatments he gave me worked. He seemed nervous to mention he and the crew were all pirates, but as I wasn't sure I knew what a pirate was, I couldn't find a reason to care. I enjoyed listening to him chat, and tried picturing each of the crew members when he spoke of them.
I didn't reply often, choosing instead to listen in silence. It wasn't that I wasn't curious, I simply didn't want to irritate him.
True to his word, Shanks returned to the room every now and then, mostly cracking jokes, bugging Hongo, and occasionally asking me questions. He was certainly more talkative than the grumpy doctor, and seemed to be on a personal mission to make me laugh. He hadn't managed it yet, but he never faltered with the corny jokes, often more stupid than funny.
I grew comfortable in my new routine; I'd wake up from a deep, dreamless sleep to Hongo waiting with a plate of food, ready to check me over. I'd eat my fill and listen to him "bitchin'," as Shanks called it, about whatever crew member had already irked him that morning. When it wasn't Shanks, it was Yasopp or Lucky Roux. Hongo often complained about them being too loud or too messy, but I couldn't help but wish I could hear the life he described outside the door.
The one question I'd dared to ask was in regards to my hearing, to which Hongo replied as gently as he could that he really didn't know if there was anything he could do to help.
Under his watchful eye, I slowly started moving around more, feeding myself with ease, and even walking around, though I couldn't hold myself up for long periods of time. Often, when he was gone, I would creep up to the door and strain to listen. Occasionally, I'd catch some muffled conversation or laughter, or heavy footsteps. I quickly learned how to discern Hongo's or Shanks's gaits, and would quickly retreat to bed if I heard them approach - Hongo didn't exactly like it when I roamed around without him.
What I wanted to hear the most, however, was the sea. The only clue I had that I was even on a ship was occasional rocking or the creaking of wood.
I wasn't sure how, but I knew that the sea was salty, and I could recall some feeling of wind blowing my hair and the smell of salt and fish. As I felt the short, prickly hairs on my head, I wondered if the memory was real, or some fantasy I'd made up on my own.
With each passing day, I had more and more questions about who I was, and where I really came from. There had to have been a before the cage that I just couldn't recall - but what was it?
Was my hair long once? Did I have a family? How old was I? What was my name? Why did I like sea king meat better than squid? Had I always preferred one over the other? Why had I been in that cage? When had I been put there?
The muddle of questions in my head was always confusing. It felt a bit stupid to wonder about things like my hair when I couldn't even remember how old I was, or if I had parents. I constantly stared at the wall across from my bed, trying to picture myself with parents or siblings, seeing which combination of the two made the most sense.
I had to have parents, the picture in my head always had a mom and a dad. I would've sworn up and down I had a brother, it didn't feel right to not imagine one. Sisters were the one thing I couldn't grasp at all- or maybe I was wrong about all of it, maybe I never had a family and my life had always been the cage, maybe I hadn't come from any place of love, like I pictured a real family to be. Had I ever been given a hug? Had my mother ever kissed me goodnight? Had I ever played with other children? Did I ever have friends? It made me sick to my stomach to think the only person that had ever touched me was that man- no, Hongo and Shanks touched me.
Touched me because they had to? Or did they really want to?
I groaned, leaning my head back and pinching the bridge of my nose.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
One, two, three, four.
Four, seven; seven, four.
What did these damn numbers mean? Why couldn't I get them out of my head? Were they important?
Counting to them was soothing, at the very least. The itch that they meant something wouldn't go away, but I found comfort in repeating them regardless.
The door slammed open, making me jump.
"Hey, girlie." It was Hongo, and he seemed a bit more cheerful than usual. "Ship's empty, and you reek. Since you can move around, I figured you'd like to wash up."
"I'm leaving this room? Going out the door?" I blurted before I could stop myself.
Hongo seemed to grimace a bit. "I guess I'd go stir crazy looking at the same four walls, huh? Sorry, girlie, I should've known you wouldn't like being all cooped up like this."
He seemed lost in thought as he held out his arm for me. I gripped his forearm tightly, and for a moment I was surprised to feel nothing but thick muscle under the doctor's skin. It would make sense, I reasoned, that he would be ridiculously strong - he was a pirate.
But how did I know pirates were strong?
I held my breath as he opened the door and we stepped out into the hallway. The sight was - a bit anticlimactic, but it didn't do much to quell my excitement.
The ship wasn't rocking too badly today, I noted, and the lack of a crew made me wonder if we were docked somewhere.
That's a stupid thought, where would the crew even go if we weren't docked.
I flushed in silent embarrassment. Hongo didn't notice, only looking down at me if I stumbled.
The bathroom wasn't anything extravagant, but I was giddy to see it anyway. It sported the same wooden walls of my room, with a row of showers along one side. A white tub stood alone against the opposite wall, and a row of sinks I wasn't sure I could even reach stretched directly opposite the doorway.
"I cleaned it best I could for you," Hongo said as he led me to the tub. "To be honest, I'm not sure how many of the crew members even bathe regularly, so it doesn't get too dirty anyways."
He left me leaning on the side of the tub as he strode quickly over to one of the sinks, retrieving a fluffy towel and a couple of bottles.
He looked a bit sheepish as he set everything down on the tub's rim.
"I got these for you - didn't think you'd want to use our shit."
"Thank you."
He looked a little surprised to hear me so eager, but seemed pleased nonetheless.
"Let me take your bandaging off, I can replace it when you're done."
My fingers were fidgety as I held the back of my shirt up for him, eager to get out of my grimy clothes. He worked quickly, balling up the bandaging in his fist. when he was done.
"I'll leave you to it - yell if you need anything." and he was out the door.
It seemed a little silly to be excited over something like a bath, but as I turned the knobs attached to the faucet, I found it hard to contain my excitement. As the tub filled with warm, steaming water, I shakily undressed myself, tossing the ratty shirt and shorts to the ground. For some reason, it struck me as odd to not be wearing anything underneath, but I shook the feeling away as I lowered myself oh-so-carefully into the water.
It was a tad too hot, but I groaned in pleasure at the sensation anyway. I soaked up the warmth and relaxed my limbs completely, sinking down and submerging my body in the water. I stayed like that for a while before grabbing one of the bottles Hongo had left.
Strawberry scented shampoo. For sun-damaged hair.
I let out a small giggle. I had hardly any hair, but I couldn't help but lather it over my scalp anyway, reveling in the feeling. The other bottle was also strawberry-scented, and I studied every inch of skin I could see as I scrubbed my body.
The bruising around my hips was a dull yellow-green now, and any scratches I'd gotten were barely visible. I had a dark birthmark on my right calf, and I counted seven or so dark dots over my torso and legs. My feet were calloused, and the skin around my neck felt rougher than it should be.
The thing that drew in my attention the most, however, was the odd pattern of white scars that stretched over the top of my right thigh. For some odd reason, I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd seen these marks before, and as I pressed and pinched on the skin, I tried to see what shapes they seemed to make.
Over a dozen little scars, three separate groups of them. As I leaned in closely, stretching the skin to make the color clearer, I choked.
They were letters.
J. I could make out a capital J. I tried to convince myself I was seeing things and making a big deal out of nothing, but the more I looked at the little scratches, the more prominent the letter became. It had to be J.
The next little group was so obvious I could've slapped myself. E.
J. E. H? The last few scratches were messier, two vertical, parallel lines with a large, perpendicular slash through them.
What did they stand for? Were they initials? Something else?
No- H didn't seem right. I felt it in my bones that H wasn't right. I pressed my lips together, studying the marks.
My blood went cold. TT. It was TT. J E T T.
J E T T. JETT. It had to be. What was JETT? What did it mean? Was it an initial, as I'd thought before?
JETT. Jett-
I screamed. I screamed until there was no air left in my lungs, and my throat ached. I clamored out of the tub, trembling and grabbing the towel, wrapping it around myself before I crumbled to the floor.
"HONG-" I didn't even have to finish before Shanks burst through the door, chest heaving. My head went fuzzy as I met his gaze, and my eyes grew heavy. I felt forced to the floor, about to lose consciousness- and then nothing. The feeling simply left, and I struggled to push myself upward again.
"Spooky! Look at me, are you hurt? What's wrong-"
"Nothing," I rasped, struggling to form words. "Shanks, I-" I tried to swallow, but my throat seemed to stick to itself.
"Shit, I overdid it, I'm so sorry," Shanks knelt next to me, holding me upright and scanning me over.
I steadied my breathing, then gripped the arm holding me.
"I know my name," I choked out finally, "My name is Jett."
Shanks visibly relaxed, settling on the floor a bit. Not even a full minute had passed when he started laughing. Full on witch-like cackling, as if I'd just said the funniest thing in the world.
He didn't speak when he finally stopped, he just withdrew his hand from me to shrug off his coat and sling it around me. I had barely registered that he only had one arm when he pulled me toward him, crushing me into his chest.
I didn't understand why I started sobbing. I was so unbelievably happy, but I couldn't stop hot tears form pouring down my already-soaked face.
Shanks leaned down and pressed a kiss onto the top of my head, squeezing me tighter.
"Nice to meet ya, Jett."
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skadren · 1 year
I keep seeing a bunch of live and let go, boundaries are personal and not moral stances posts about writing and i largely agree ppl should be able to explore what they want in fic but also. Is there a way to balance or talk about "hi um white author so you kinda reinvented racism/blood eugenics and unilaterally present sex work as inherently degrading and etc etc etc for Shipping Angst Drama fodder, when the text is like. None of that" in fandom or even just in like. A server community. Maybe I'm a bit sensitive bc i feel constructed/projected misery is kind of tacky to begin with and i wouldn't do it with a complete stranger but idk my guy. I don't want to alienate myself but it's weird to go completely uncritical here
i think there are a couple items you need to check off the list before you can go "yes talking to internet stranger #37461239 about a highly sensitive topic is a good idea"
is it tagged appropriately? if it's tagged trust me the writer knows. they have probably gotten way more unsolicited feedback than they would really like
is the portrayal you're concerned about reinforcing an unhealthy or discriminatory predominant social narrative? if it is and you think the writer is genuinely unaware, then yeah, it might be worth bringing up. the emphasis here is on predominant please i am begging on my hands and knees
will this result in a productive conversation? if the intent behind this is to get people to reconsider, it isn't helping anyone if you know it will just lead to them doubling down and doing it even worse. at that point you're only making a performative statement to validate your own stance
if it really is bothering you that much, is there a compelling reason why you can't just block and move on? it isn't your responsibility nor is it feasible to fix how a fandom is doing things, especially if it's a group of people you don't really know. your own mental health always comes first, and a bit of salty venting in private with your friends never hurts anyone
if it IS a friend or acquaintance who is doing this and you think they would be open to discussing it with nuance, then you can probably bring it up. if that person has a basic level of consideration and respect for you it tends to go well, but i've also seen people double down because they already know there's something wrong with their attitudes but get mad at you for wanting them to change, and then it creates a whole ton of drama and people get hurt and it's not pretty. so. ymmv
ultimately, someone's views on racism or sex work or whatever is reflective of a broader social norm, and fandom is not the best space to try to fix that through confrontation-- it's usually someone's "safe space" where they want to retreat from the world, not come face-to-face with any sort of personal reckonings. do i think it's a mark of privilege that some people have the luxury of ignoring these issues when they "just want to have fun"? yes, but again, this is about being able to have productive discussion, not about what's "fair". unfortunately.
my two cents: if you're in a server community or some other space that makes you uncomfortable there's really nothing wrong with going "hey, we have fundamentally different standards when it comes to [x], and i don't think i want to be here" and moving on. the best way to challenge these things is quite literally to make your own food. there's a much better chance of the people you're worried about coming across it and realizing they like it than magically being able to argue them down with well-placed logic and reasonable points or whatever
EDIT: OH ALSO IM STUPID if you mean talking about it in general. not naming writer names but trends in the fandom. yes absolutely-- not in a public space like social media but definitely find a group of people who you trust who you can talk about these things with!! it is good and healthy. just make sure it isn't just a discord server open to the public or smth tho so you personally know and trust everyone who can see it (and you don't accidentally shit talk someone who is in that space lmao)
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whywoulditho · 2 years
a bunch of haikyuu headcanons i can't stop thinking about
i can't find the time to finish the manga so it lives in my head 24/7. *sigh* bear with my silly thoughts about these gay volleyball dorks
W: brief mentions of mental illnesses and eating disorders
Atsumu is dyslexic. (Bad at academics, gets the worst score in every test. Teachers usually understand so he doesn't fail his classes but he knows that volleyball's the only thing he's actually good at. So he tries his damn best all the time -to show that he's not so useless after all, he's good at one thing, at least. And yet, his brother is better than him at that thing too. I like the angst.)
Kiyoomi has OCD. (I'm actually just projecting myself but it's not my fault it fits him perfectly.) He was diagnosed when he was very little and has been going to therapy for as long as he can remember. I've seen a couple of articles about how in some Asian countries such illnesses have to be said in CV and resumes and people can face discrimination in employment because of them. Which made me wonder, could Kiyoomi have had a hard time getting into an official volleyball team? Could his long history with this incurable mental illness have gotten in the way of his career despite his talent? I think maybe his parents wanted him to get a college degree in case his volleyball career doesn't work out just because of this. And I think he was really scared too.)
Yamaguchi had an eating disorder in middle school and recovered throughout his high school years. (Tsukki might be stupid in many things but he's careful with this one. He reads about it online and tries to help. When Yamaguchi's parents are out for the night he invites him over to dinner to make sure he eats something. Yamaguchi says it's okay, he doesn't have to worry about it so much. Tsukki says shut up, he means I like spending time with you. He's getting there.)
Atsumu and Kiyoomi were married in the 2021 Olympics. Ushijima and Kageyama didn't know for like a week. (that's when they decided Kiyoomi would change the name on his Jersey lol)
After a whole year of travelling the world by himself, Nishinoya started feeling lonely —and scared, when he realised the world was bigger than he thought. If Asahi hadn't tagged along he would have given up and gone back home. But when he did, Nishinoya started enjoying travelling again. They stuck together since then,
Asahi proposed in Paris because they're silly and sappy and in love like that.
Suna and Komori are gossip besties. They talk shit about everyone in the V. Leauge. Osamu joins sometimes. Kiyoomi sells info.
Hinata is allergic to many things.
Atsumu claims he hates his brother but he takes all his teammates to eat dinner at Onigiri Miya three times a week.
Yamaguchi brings lunch to the museum for Tsukki. All the other staff there ADORE him. They're all surprised someone so nice like Yamaguchi is friends with Tsukishima Do Not Interrupt Me While I'm Lecturing About Tyrannosauruses Kei.
Kiyoomi is terrified of insects. (Atsumu wants to make fun of him for it but he's equally scared. Meian rolls his eyes and curses all his life choices as he mumbles "ok you can get off the table now, i threw the spider out" for the fifth time that week.)
Bokuto gives the best hugs. (He spins people around too, to Akaashi's horror. —"Please stop doing that in front of my coworkers, Bokuto-san, I have a reputation.")
Kuroo always interrupts Kenma's livestreams, unintentionally. It starts with a hand that slides a plate for him every five hours. Then there's a whisper yelling of "Eat your vegetables too, I made them with love, Kyanma, have some respect and eat your vegetables." which Kenma only responds with clearing his throat. There's distant chuckles coming from the background or Kenma yelling mid-game "Kuroo get off the net my connection's lagging!" Things like that. They don't say it to public but they don't try to hide that they live together either. (Kodzuken fans started a tag #thatguykodzuliveswith on twitter and they ship the two. Kuroo thinks it's hilarious.)
(This one's a bit sad) Iwaizumi and Oikawa were dating in high school. They were disgustingly in love, too. In their senior year, Oikawa applied for a bunch of teams but got rejected. Since he never made it to Nationals, his resume seemed dull and teams didn't want a rookie setter with no visible success. Among the teams that did accept him, the best one was Club Atletico San Juan, in Argentina. But as uncharacteristically as it may seem, Oikawa was hesitating. Over thinking about what would happen to their relationship, could they really make it work? Was it worth it? Iwaizumi saw right through him, of course he did, and he didn't want to hold him back from achieving his dreams. And like the dramatic idiot he is, he broke up with Oikawa. And did his best to break his heart, too. Oikawa boarded his plane and went to the other side of the world with nothing but anger in his heart for Iwaizumi. Iwa cried a lot, but he was sure that this was the best thing he could do for Oikawa, letting him go. (The next time they saw each other was in the Olympics. After the Japan vs. Argentina match Iwaizumi found him in the locker rooms. Oikawa punched him. They got back together. Or maybe they didn't. I don't know. I like breaking their hearts I like the angst.)
Kiyoomi pretends to hate kids but he gets along with them. (as long as they don't touch him so much they're pretty cool little humans) kids like him a lot. He's surprised too. (I'm projecting—)
Miyas' grandma loves Suna better than both of the twins.
Tendou dragged Ushijima to Disneyland and forced him to do all the stupid things there was with him. (He thought he was forcing him while Ushijima was actually enjoying the trip a lot.) (Also, the moment Tendou saw Ushi with Mickey ears and face paint was the moment he knew.)
Korai and Hirugami have been dating since their last year in high school, but they haven't told their families about it. Years later in Schweiden Adlers, Hirugami's older brother Fukuro is Korai's team captain. And Korai feels so guilty for secretly dating his brother that he can't even look at Fukuro in the eye. They hesitate whether they should tell him or not, and Korai is stressed tf out™ all the time thinking that soon captain's gonna find out and they'll kick him out of the team. And then, one day in a team dinner Fukuro turns to Korai and says, "This place's fish is great, you should take Sachiro on a date here someday, he'll love it." ...He's known the whole time.
Everyone is asexual because I am and I say so.
Atsumu and Kiyoomi are dog parents.
Kenma and Kuroo are cat parents.
Yamaguchi and Tsukki are bird parents.
Suga and Daichi are plant parents.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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anncanta · 3 years
Free will argument
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Fandom: Dracula (2020)
Characters: Count Dracula, Agatha Van Helsing, John Seward
Relationship: Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing
Rating: Mature
@alma37 @hopipollahorror @ravenathantum @flutteringphalanges @ladyhaley28​ @dragatha @khyruma​ 
Read on AO3
Or read below
Zoe's voice trailed off in her head, and Agatha went to the window.
Light rain glittered in drops on the bushes and benches of the hospital park, the evening sun peeped through the rare clouds. Slowly Agatha put on her jacket and dialed the number she found in her grand-niece's phone.
‘Jack, get me out of the hospital. I'm discharging myself.’ It sounded confident. The young man on the other end of the line tried to object, but Agatha said: ‘Hurry up,’ – and dropped the call.
They rode in the taxi in silence. They stopped once – at an antique shop. Digging through Zoe's memory, Agatha found this little store in Soho, selling all sorts of unnecessary trifles along with false antiquities and pseudo-magic nonsense.
Climbing out of the car, Agatha returned five minutes later. Leaning over to the open window, she put the bag with aspen stakes on Jack's lap and, going around the car, got back.
She did not know why she was going to Dracula and did not know what kind of reaction she expected from him. And she really had no idea what she was going to do.
‘You don`t look very surprised.’
‘You don`t look very dead.’
‘I`m getting there.’ Agatha walked through the open door and, staggering slightly, sat down at the table. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jack follow her apprehensively. She heard her own voice telling how easy it was to find Dracula's apartment.
When Dracula grabbed the guy by the throat, Agatha woke up abruptly.
‘Let him go,’ she said, feeling the pain rise inside Zoe's body in a hot wave. Why is she here?
‘Why?’ Dracula turned to her with interest.
The pain squeezed her chest and then gone. Agatha swallowed.
‘This is England,’ she said, catching her breath. ‘Conversation preseeds dinner.’
So little time, Agatha thought, looking at how Dracula threw the young man away and, turning to her, leaning with both hands on the table. Almost unconsciously, she mirrored his pose, inside fleetingly noting that she had never been in a more stupid situation.
Except when she died aboard the ship, which she herself blew up, hoping to kill the vampire. Agatha frowned, shaking her head. She needs to concentrate. She thinks about the wrong things.
‘– waiting for someone?’ Jack's voice came to her through the fog in her head.
‘Lucy Westenra.’ The name of the girl Dracula killed brought Agatha back to reality. She raised her head. ‘Do you expect her to rise up and come to you? I have to disappoint you – she was cremated.’
Agatha was surprised by Dracula's reaction. Anger, disbelief, irritation – and a shadow of horror suddenly replaced each other on his face. Did he really feel something for that child, Agatha asked herself distantly. Most likely, however he just…
Dracula's ferocious monologue was interrupted by a sharp ringing at the door. He paused, looking first at Jack, then at Agatha with a victorious smile.
‘You underestimated... hmm... vampires' liveliness,’ with flashing eyes, he said and went to open. He turned around halfway. ‘Dr. Seward. She was your friend, wasn't she?’
Agatha spent the next half hour desperately battling nausea, pain, and fear. The scene with the ill-fated, half-burned Lucy was disgusting, and Agatha almost regretted bringing Jack with her.
It is better for old acquaintances to meet in private.
‘...at least she died well. This is a rare quality, believe me.’
Agatha shuddered.
‘Quality or taste?’ she asked, turning to Dracula.
‘Oh, taste,’ Dracula nodded mockingly. ‘Her taste was unique. I've never seen anything like it before. It was as if she was in love with death.’
‘That`s it!’ Having doused Agatha simultaneously with pain and heat, understanding came. ‘That`s everything.’ She looked at Dracula, frozen in bewilderment. She turned to the tear-stained youth. ‘Jack, go away.’
‘Dr. Helsing, I can't…’ he protested. ‘I will not leave you…’
But Agatha did not listen to him.
‘I need to speak to Count Dracula. It's very personal,’ she said, looking Dracula in the eye. ‘He wouldn’t want anyone else to hear it.’
‘Why not?’ Dracula asked.
‘Because now I know exactly what you fear most,’ Agatha said. She straightened, returning his victorious smile. The pain receded, she suddenly felt at ease.
‘Well, I don’t know,’ Dracula looked at her with childish delight.
‘I know you don’t,’ Agatha replied.
‘Dr. Seward, you may leave,’ Dracula said without turning to Jack.
‘Get out,’ said Agatha.
She glanced at Jack. He looked at her questioningly, as if he expected her to explain everything to him and tell him what the hell was going on here. Agatha sighed slightly.
To tell the truth, she was not sure of anything. Least of all – how what she just realized will help.
‘Today is going to be a beautiful day,’ she said to Jack with her eyes pointing to the curtained window. Deciding that he understood her plan, the guy nodded and left, finally leaving them with Dracula alone.
For some time after his departure, Agatha stood with her head bowed. Pain, faintness, and weakness returned again. I can't do it, she thought.
For just a second, she let go of the expensive tabletop, on which she was leaning so as not to fall, and found herself in the center of some kind of hurricane. She was hugged, held close to Dracula, and he showered her face with kisses. Agatha froze, slightly stunned from all this and from amazement without even trying to escape.
Dracula hugged her with both hands, stroked her head, touched her vertex with his lips.
‘I missed you... I missed you so much,’ he whispered into her hair, laughing.
His lips were unexpectedly warm and soft and he was strong and she was so tired. So confused, so worn out. A stranger in this time, in this place, in this life, and in this body. Pressing her cheek to his shoulder, Agatha briefly allowed herself to just be where she was. She felt good.
Unexpectedly, this thought sobered her.
‘Let me go,’ she said emphatically. He, oddly enough, obeyed instantly. ‘What do you mean – you missed me?’ looking up at him, asked Agatha.
‘That means that I badly wanted to see you.’ He smiled. Agatha frowned in annoyance.
‘You set it up. Zoe... you offered her your blood.’
‘She wanted it herself.’
Agatha flared up.
‘Do not try to confuse me!’
‘It's not that easy to do.’ He took her chin. ‘Agatha,’ he said, looking at her carefully, ‘tell me what you understood about me.’
This simple request uttered without irony and the usual mocking subtext suddenly made all her diligently accumulated anger disappear.
Walking around Dracula, Agatha slowly, overcoming sharp spasms twisting her body, went to the curtained window. She raised her hand and jerked the curtain down.
After waiting for the fuss and screams to subside behind her, she turned around.
‘It`s one hundred and fifty million miles away. What would it do to you?’
Dracula sat on the floor, shielding his hand from the sun, and looked blankly.
Suddenly softening, Agatha walked over. She dropped down next to him.
‘Have you ever thought,’ she asked, ‘why are you the only one of your... kind who is afraid of the sun? Why could Jonathan stand it and why was the girl in your basement not afraid of it? Like the cross, by the way. And Lucy Westenra, by the way, came here before dark.’ Agatha watched his expression slowly change. ‘Why?’
He frowned.
‘I do not know. I thought it was –’
‘Just habits,’ she said. ‘The things which you taught yourself to be afraid many centuries ago, so as not to think about the most important of your fears.’
She turned around, leaning her back wearily on him. He immediately wrapped his arms around her, and in some incredible way, this gave her strength.
‘All your fears lead to one,’ Agatha said, closing her eyes and throwing her head back on his shoulder. ‘Lead to the fear of death. You are a warrior from an old line of warriors, and therefore you hate this fear and are ashamed of it. That's why you came up with all your superstitions and signs.’ Lord, the pain was terrible. Agatha grimaced. ‘Simple as two times two.’
He kissed her again, now somewhere on the cheek or temple. Agatha did not have the strength to resist and argue: Zoe's body was slowly fading away, she every minute waited for the blessed night to fall on her.
Agatha did not remember her last death. Her awakening in the twenty-first century was abrupt and rather awkward. Waking up in a body that she shared with a frightened and lost grandniece, Agatha spent the first few days looking around and trying to understand what was happening and what to do with all this. It was not easy to establish contact with Zoe – she was exhausted and stubborn, overflowing with a sense of guilt. It took three months before her weakened mind was able to listen to something other than itself.
Agatha reproached herself for missing the time. Perhaps she should have been more persistent. Perhaps then young Lucy Westenra would be alive.
It was easy to explain to Zoe why Agatha went to Dracula. Much harder – to explain it to herself. She did not have any means and even physical strength to fight him, and no support, except for a frightened young man, gripped by double grief – because of the loss of his beloved and a friend he was about to lose. Why did she do it?
Because there is free will in the world. Agatha smiled without opening her eyes, remembering how she argued about it there, in the wine cellar, with Dracula. He convinced her that she was looking for violent passions and great adventures, deliberately choosing the dangers – and he believed that she was right in this. Her position, however, rather confirmed his words – even if Agatha did not know what exactly was happening, one thing was obvious: he kidnapped her and kept her with him.
‘What would await you in the monastery, Agatha?’ he said during one of their conversations at chess. ‘Monotonous days, hard work, and prayers to someone you don't even believe in.’
‘I believed in Him thanks to you,’ Agatha answered, and he smiled incomprehensibly and strangely.
Agatha opened her eyes.
‘I lost,’ she said quietly. ‘I lost because I teased the wolves.’
‘I wouldn't jump to conclusions,’ there was a whisper in her ear, and the warm lips moved down to the base of her neck. They played and teased and caressed her until…
‘Will you ever leave me alone?’ Agatha asked, looking up from the chess table in front of her. She opened her mouth again, about to say something harsh, and suddenly realized that the pain was gone. During the three months that Agatha spent in Zoe's body, the pain became so familiar that it was as if, after the even creaky sound that tormented her day and night, there was suddenly quietness.
She looked at Dracula. He sat without saying a word, as the last time, demonstratively clutching a glass of blood in his hand.
‘It's poisoned,’ Agatha said, pointing to the glass.
Dracula was still silent.
‘What do you want?’ Agatha asked almost plaintively. Confusion and fatigue hit her at once. Dracula put the glass on the table, stood up, walked around it, and stopped in front of her.
‘Agatha,’ he said softly. She got up. He smiled. ‘I want to offer you... a choice.’
Agatha frowned. It didn't take a big mind to understand what he meant. Zoe's blood was poisoned, but apparently not enough to kill him. She looked into his eyes.
‘Either I will finish you off, and your death will be quick and easy,’ Dracula spoke her thoughts out loud, ‘or let me convert you.’
The last word made her recoil. Turning away, Agatha walked around the small room several times before remembering that it was impossible to escape from it. Desperately, she looked at Dracula. He stood where he was, not trying to speak to her or stop her. And that moment she clearly realized that he would not force her.
She went up to him again.
‘I have about ten minutes left to live,’ she said softly.
‘That's enough for me,’ Dracula assured her. ‘Although, judging by your blood, you have at least two weeks.’
He was serious. And it was more frightening than all his previous bullying. Agatha ran her hand over her face.
‘You want to make an animal out of me. If only to save me, and you could continue to play with me, you are ready to make me a primitive creature driven by hunger.’
‘I'm glad that you think so highly of me.’ Now in the voice of Dracula, there were familiar, risible notes. ‘But your prejudices prevent you from seeing the essence. At this time, the vampire no longer needs to be a hungry animal,’ he said impatiently. ‘You don’t even have to kill to live. My lawyer delivers blood to me at my first order. Given the required parameters and the talents that I am looking for. Yes, he is quite inventive,’ Dracula smiled in response to the dumbfounded expression on her face. ‘You don’t have to hide, you’ll no longer be an outcast. It would be all the joys of this world before you, including the sun.’ He raised his hand and stroked her cheek. ‘Hate me, if you want, leave me by slamming the door – whatever you want, please. But allow yourself to use this chance.’
Out of place, Agatha imagined what would have happened if she had actually stayed in the monastery. Probably, she would have lived a peaceful life, which would have found its completion in a modest cell on the slope of long fruitless years. She looked at Dracula. He tore her out of that life by the roots, throwing in the face of the self-confident and naive nun the consequences of her own impulsive actions. He killed her, returned her after one hundred and twenty-three years, and offers her... a life without him. Shaking her head, she laughed.
‘Why are you sure that you will succeed?’ she asked without preamble. ‘If I remember correctly, you told Jonathan that most of those whose blood you drink die. How then are you going to?..’
‘Jonathan helped me understand how simple everything is,’ Dracula replied with a smile. ‘And difficult at the same time. Free will, Agatha,’ he said, seeing that she still didn't understand. ‘It's all about free will.’
Agatha frowned, but not because he was now literally quoting what she was thinking.
‘Lucy… you told her something… that in four hundred years she was the first to give you her blood voluntarily. She wanted you. She wanted to stay with you. Like that girl in the basement, probably. But Jonathan,’ Agatha said immediately, ‘Jonathan definitely didn't want that. He begged you to let him go.’
‘He wanted to leave me,’ Dracula agreed. ‘But also – before he died, he swore that he would do everything in his power to stop me. But what could an exhausted, almost drunk dry, sick person do to me?’
Agatha's eyes widened.
‘To fight you, he had to become your equal,’ she said, barely audible. ‘He became a vampire because he wanted to.’
‘Like everyone else,’ Dracula nodded. ‘It's a pity that I realized this so late.’
Agatha just brushed aside another dark joke. Turning away from Dracula, she stared ahead of her for a while.
When she looked at Dracula again, her gaze was direct and open, and she did not need to say a word. He already understood everything.
The next thing Agatha saw was the sun's rays. They shimmered, shone, covered her body from head to toe, spread a sheet of bright light under her. Fascinated by this incredible sight, she did not immediately realize that she was naked and was lying in the arms of a naked Dracula, who touched her shoulder with a kiss.
‘It always seemed to me that the conversion had to be... painful,’ she gasped in amazement.
Dracula smiled, looking up.
‘After all this time, did you think, I`d let it hurt?’
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justcourttee · 4 years
New prompt idea! Following the defeat of Hawkmoth, Jason is terrified of the idea of Bruce adopting the sunshine child that is Adrien (that and all the puns that the boy makes... Adrien can't meet Dick!!!). He, alongside Damian, decide to try to get Selina to adopt a new cat instead. Unfortunately for everyone (except Adrien), Jon tags along. AdriJon for the ship and maybe Marinette being having a sibling relationship with the Wayne children?
I’m back to writing and when I saw this prompt, I was so excited. If it hasn’t been hinted at enough in some of my pieces, I adore AdriJon. I hope you like it! @elements1999
Stupid Lovestruck Jon
As Gabriel Agreste was drug from his front gates, the crowds surrounding the manor erupted in yet another round of cheers. Even with the hero’s help, the police had trouble keeping them back. Jason and Damian stood on the edge, both wearing matching grim expressions under their hoods and glasses.
“You know what this means D?”
Damian nodded solemnly, the scowl on his face deepening as Gabriel disappeared from their view.
“Father mustn't meet Agreste until we have found a suitable host family for him.”
The idea of Dick and Adrien bonding over stupid puns and forcing Jason and Damian to join in on family game nights was enough to send shivers down the two Wayne’s backs. There was no question about it, Adrien could not be allowed to be adopted.
“What do you think Selina would say if we brought her a kit?”
Damian shifted his gaze to Jason’s face, doing his best to hide his shock that Jason could come up with a coherent idea.
“I believe she would enjoy Plagg very much, Adrien though? Well, that would take some getting used to. How do you propose we get the two to meet?”
Jason’s face darkened quickly.
“It’ll be risky, but we invite them to America. After all, he’s going to need an escape from the media.”
“Perhaps Metropolis?”
The boys nodded as if that was the most logical sentence before both heads snapped up, their eyes widening at the sight of the petite hero that had landed between them. Marinette threw her arms around the boys’ shoulders, dragging them down to her own height.
“There is only room for so much sunshine at the Wayne estate. Dick has monopolized all of it and for the sake of not only you but myself as well, Adrien needs a more stable parental figure than Bruce Wayne. Not that my first choice would be Selena, but I know that she has a soft spot for orphans, no matter what she says.”
Both boys tried to wrestle their way out of her grasp, but it was nearly impossible with Tikki to help her.
“Here’s how it will go. I will go to help the police finalize anything they need for this arrest and you will trail Chat Noir until he decided to transform back. I want to be there as well, but unfortunately, the police aren’t exactly understanding when it comes to personal relationships.”
With a nod, the sound of two smacks echoed as she disappeared into the sky, the only trace of her being matching red spots on both of the Wayne’s necks.
“I really despise when she does that, no matter how much I want to be impressed.”
Jason chuckled as he nudged Damian forward, both of them slipping into the nearest building to change before anyone from the media could catch sight of the American’s on the scene of what would become known as the greatest arrest in Paris’ history.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“You know, I caught the trail of you following me a couple of blocks back. You don’t have to stay hidden.”
Damian let out a small string of curses as he stepped out from behind the chimney and into view of the black cat.
“I hate magic.”
Adrien chuckled as he waited for Jason to step out from the other side, both boys looking a little sheepish that they had been caught.
“Did Marinette ask you to follow me? Cause that sounds like something she would do. Really, I’m fine guys. Once we started the investigation, so much more began to make sense. He wanted to disguise the fact that he was selfish, wanting just my mother for himself, no matter the consequence. Even if it meant sacrificing me..”
Damian swallowed awkwardly as he glanced between Jason and Adrien. Thanks to Dick’s persistent pestering, he had gotten slightly better at reading emotions and watching his tongue, but this was uncharted territory and as much as he hated to admit it, he had no idea what to do.
Adrien let out a shaky laugh as he stood, brushing off the imaginary dust from his suit.
“Whatever, so what is Maribug’s master plan for avoiding the press? I know she sent you here to collect me for that very reason, so what could it be?”
Jason cleared his throat as he stepped forward, his smile completely see-through as the worry shined.
“Well, how would you feel about a trip overseas? Metropolis perhaps? You’re a huge Superman fanboy, aren’t you? Well, Dami here is besties with his son and we thought it would be a grand idea for you to have a distraction. What do you say?”
Damian frowned at Jason’s choice of wording. Besties felt a little strong for the relationship that he held with Jon, perhaps tolerable coworkers was better suited?
Both boys tried to hide their surprised faces. They knew he was desperate for an escape, but his response was still quick for their liking. Honestly, they thought it was going to take a bit more convincing than that.
“Let Marinette know that I’ll be on her balcony whenever she finishes up. I’m sure she has a long night ahead of her and will want to talk to me when she can and guys?” Both boys raised their eyebrows, curiosity, and worry nitpicking their expressions. “Thanks for coming to see me.”
And with that, he leaped off the roof leaving the batbrothers to wonder if Metropolis would be the best idea for the man who effectively was orphaned in one day.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Before he even had a chance to throw his hands up in defense, Jon had already tackled him in a bone-crushing hug much to his annoyance.
“I told you not to call me by that stupid nickname anymore Kent.”
With much effort, Damian shoved Jon off and into Marinette’s waiting arms.
“Aw, but Dami it’s so cute.” The muffled laughter coming from behind him was not helping.
Damian cut his eyes to where Jason and Adrien stood, both chuckling to themselves. He knew it was Jason’s idea to call up Jon to make this impromptu trip more believable for his father, but when breaking it down, Damian wasn’t completely sure that this option was much better than taking Adrien straight to Dick’s side.
“Anyways, I know I’m just the cover story so that you can meet up with Selina and all that, but do you have time to spare? I’d love to show Mari and Adrien around Metropolis! That’s your name, right? Adrien? Mari used to have so many cutouts of you-”
A smack echoed through the airport lobby as Jon found himself in a headlock courtesy of one petite heroine.
“Oh, you wanna bring that up now Jon? I don’t suppose you remember asking for a couple of my magazines for yourself huh?”
There was an undeniable shade of red emitting from under Marinette’s arm, one all three boys noted. A sputtering Jon finally managed to free himself, the red more visible as he gently pushed Marinette away.
“Hey it’s okay, it’s the cost of being a celebrity right?” Adrien reached out, his hand gently brushing Jon’s arm.
A sudden realization hit Damian as he watched his friend jump nearly 100 feet into the air, the red seemingly brighter than before. As Jon linked arms with Marinette, hurriedly leading them out of the airport, Adrien gently coaxing the two to behave, Damian gripped Jason’s jacket pulling the two of them to a stop.
“What do you want brat? We’re gonna get left behind-” With one killer glare, Jason slowly quieted, curiosity seeping into his expression.
“Jason, is uh- does Jonathon- does he see guys as viable mates?”
There was a slight pause and for a moment, Damian felt a bit relieved that perhaps he was not the only one to fail to notice such a thing about the Kent boy. But the moment ended abruptly as Jason erupted in laughter, drawing the attention from some passing by.
“What is it you buffoon? People are staring at us, silence yourself, and answer me.”
“Me buffoon? No, no, no” Jason’s laughter slowly ceased, but the shit-eating grin that replaced it did nothing to ease Damian’s nerves. “You see, you are the only idiot here. What is Jon? An animal? His mating preference?”
Damian felt his face heating up as his grip tightened on Jason’s jacket, intent on tearing a small hole in his precious belonging.
“Now Damian, I know you are dense, but Jon has always talked about guys with you. Did you just think they were all besties? That your third-wheeling on his dates where they gave each other like pecks on the cheek or held hands was just because you hate physical contact and his other friends didn’t mind it?”
The more Jason talked, the redder Damian felt his face becoming. Sure he had noticed before, but it never felt like it was something that mattered much. Plus, it wasn’t like Jon had mentioned anything to him about coming along on his supposed dates. How was he supposed to know?
Letting go of Jason’s jacket, Damian huffed after his friends, ignoring his brother’s taunting calls. There was only one thought that was still left on his mind.
If Jon had a crush on Adrien Agreste, this could ruin the whole plan.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
He was right.
What was implied to be a one day tour ended with them staying a week in Metropolis. And the worst part? Damian was completely powerless to do anything about it.
“Hey enfant démon, you seen my partner or yours for that matter?”
Damian scowled at Marinette as she leaned against his doorframe, her expression as exasperated as he felt.
“I told you to quit calling me that. Just because it’s in French doesn’t make it better heathen.”
Marinette stuck her tongue out at him, remaining firm in her spot as she waited for her answer. With a great sigh, Damian shook his head, glancing from his book to out the hotel window.
“They snuck out sometime early this morning while I was on my run. Jason was supposed to be keeping an eye on them.”
A slight protest echoed through the suite as Marinette shook her head.
“Do you think we’ll ever get Adrien to meet Selina at this rate? I know he needed this break, but I hadn’t expected to be gone this long. I just turned 17, if it wasn’t for Jason here being a technical adult, my parents would have never let me come. I’m honestly surprised that they haven’t shown up to drag me to Paris.”
Damian nodded slightly, his thoughts straying to the idea of an angry Sabine showing up at their hotel. The thought alone was enough to send a shiver down his spine. He opened his mouth, unsure how to respond when he caught the sound of a set of familiar giggles outside the suites’ door.
“We’re home! Marinette! You won’t believe how awesome the sunrise in Metropolis is when you’re so high up. Jon is awesome!”
The boy tried his best to hide his blush as he gently swatted Adrien’s shoulder, earning a giggle from the blonde.
“Okay lovebirds, how about you stop running off without the rest of us? At least tell us where you’re going, is that too much to ask?”
A simultaneous ‘yes mom’ came from the duo as they ducked out of Marinette’s reach, racing down the hallway.
“That’s it, I’m calling Selena right now. Damian, Jason, between the two of you, figure out a way to keep our rebellious teens in check. It shouldn’t take longer than thirty minutes for her to arrive, I’m sure the two of you can manage.”
Jason peeked his head into Damian’s room, his eyebrows raised matching how Damian felt. Did she have any idea how hard it was to hold down a Kryptonian without using Kryptonite? If only she hadn’t banned Damian from bringing it to Metropolis.
With a small huff of annoyance, Damian swung his legs off his bed, placing his book back on the nightstand carefully. This was going to be the longest thirty minutes of his life.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Dammit children, can’t you sit still for one minute!” Jason gripped both boy's collars as he tossed them back onto the couch that they had escaped from.
“Aw, c’mon Jason. I thought you were the fun Wayne! I just want to show Adrien a good time before he had to leave.”
Damian wasn’t sure how much more Jason could take. The vein on his forehead looked like it was about to burst from him resisting beating the two to a pulp. It was honestly a bit satisfying to look at.
“Can you at least explain why we’re on house arrest? The day has just started and we’re already wasting it.”
“I told you already Agreste, Marinette wants you to meet a friend of hers that lives nearby. We can’t have you skipping out before she gets here.”
Adrien sighed dramatically before falling into Jon’s shoulder.
“But waiting is boring!”
Damian felt his nose twitch while staring at the blonde. Honestly, he didn’t know how Marinette was able to keep up with this child-like energy for all the years she had. He was exhausted after a mere thirty minutes.
The sound of the doorknob rattling caught the attention of the four as a collective sigh of relief echoed through the room.
“Well hello there my kittens, long time no see.” Within a split second, Selina was already on top of Damian, pulling him into the biggest hug she could manage.
“Release me you heathen, I do not like being touched!”
Selina giggled as she tightened her hug before releasing him, allowing him to drop to the floor.
“Oh, I know. I enjoy giving you a hard time the most Damiboo.”
Damian cringed at the nickname as he allowed Marinette to help him back to his feet. While Selina was unbearable, he honestly had to applaud Jason for his thought. If anyone could reign in the energy Adrien had, it would be her.
“You must be Adrien. I’m Selina Kyle, so very nice to meet you.”
Adrien swallowed hard as he tentatively reached out his hand to shake hers. No one could blame him, the look on Selina’s face was terrifying as if she was admiring a jewel before shattering it into pieces.
“Now let’s cut to the chase. Do you want to live with me? You obviously need a parent figure in your life, but you also only have a year left until you can be on your own. I know it’s a big change from Paris, but between Zeta tubes and that little horse your friend Marinette carries, you’ll never be too far.”
Damian bit his lip hard, trying not to yell at Selina for her brashness. She was supposed to be gentle and coaxing. Get him to like her, spend the day with him, and then suggest it. Adrien looked as white as a ghost, as expected when someone you’ve only heard stories about shows up in your hotel room with adoption papers.
“Uhm, I don’t really want a guardian. My aunt said she would rent me an apartment wherever I wanted and when the time came for my 18th birthday, she’d sign it over to me-”
Adrien was cut off as Selina placed a finger over his lips, shocking him into silence.
“Honey, I can do that for you. Don’t rely on family who will want to steal your father’s fortune. However, I will have a few conditions.”
Adrien nodded slowly, his eyes glancing around frantically as if asking for help.
“First, you must visit Wayne Manor once a week for a family dinner, I refuse to let you off the hook with no real resemblance of a family. Second, you must rent here in Metropolis where you already have a good person looking out for you. And third, you must force Damian and Jason to participate in these once a week dinners.”
Jason and Damian shouted frantically for him to decline, their plans falling to pieces before them. They only quieted down after Marinette reached back giving them matching red bumps on their foreheads.
“What do you say, sweetie? I can tell you and Jon are already close and I think this would be best for everyone. You had already finished your studies in France so you can take this year to decide what you want to do next in life and I think between the Kents and us, we can help you with that.”
It took less than a minute for Adrien to agree and for Damian and Jason to be bested by two black cats. Selina insisted on lunch to celebrate, dragging Adrien and Jon with her and out the door leaving the three exhausted crusaders behind.
“Well, technically Bruce won’t be the one adopting him.” Marinette shrugged before plopping on the couch, the other two following suit.
“Yeah, but like, we went through all this trouble to stop Dick and Adrien from meeting, and now we will be having weekly dinners with them. Marinette, you are officially forced into this agreement as well.” Jason poked at her side, a small sigh of defeat escaping from his lips.
“Stupid lovestruck Jon.” Marinette and Jason turned their attention to where Damian sat, his arms crossed in annoyance. “I bet if they hadn’t had this week to hang out, Selina wouldn’t have picked up on their stupid crushes. Why do you women always feel the need to meddle?”
The air was silent for a moment before laughter erupted from Damian’s right side. Shaking his head, he couldn’t help the small giggle that came from his own mouth. Stupid Jon, making him attend family dinners with the likes of Dick and Adrien. He was happy for him, not to be confused with the utter annoyance he felt for him at the moment as well.
As they sat there joking about their shared fate and pondering how it could’ve gone differently, one thought was constant across all three of their minds:
Who could’ve planned for stupid lovestruck Jon?
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eryiss · 3 years
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Ship: Freed x Laxus
Rating: Mature [Blackmail]
Prompt: Masters
Summary: Magnolia House was an odd place. Owned by the reclusive madman Dreyar, and run by his supposed lover Freed, getting an invitation was seen as a death sentence. So when the letter arrived at Lucy's door after months of anonymous blackmail, she felt her life was over. How wrong she was.
Notes: This is the seventh submission for Fraxus Week 2021, hope you enjoy it. Check out @fuckyeahfraxus to see lots of other Fraxus content.
Links: Event Masterlist ||| Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction
The Masters Of Magnolia House
Year: 1835
Location: Athens, Greece
When you lived in the upper classes, there were certain unwritten rules that you needed to follow, particularly when you were a lady. You were expected to keep your emotions to yourself, nobody wanted a hysterical woman. You were to flirt with a man to keep his favour, if acting stupid got you there then you did that. You were to do as you're told and keep the equilibrium; sometimes leaving the room was better anyway. Men probably had rules that they had to follow, but Lucy didn't care to learn them. They would hardly help her.
But one rule, unwritten and without explanation, was true for men, women, and children. If you get an invitation to Magnolia House, you attend.
Master Dreyar was a reclusive lord, who had removed himself from polite society and crossed the sea to live on the continent. The stories of his person were ride-ranged and never complimentary. Some claimed him to be a prolific blackmailer, who could bring countries to their knees should the mood strike him. Others called him mad, with manners that could change with the wind and a temper that made him strike first and not apologise.
When the lord had left England, the gentry had held a collective sigh of relief.
That was until the first letter arrived.
Stories were wide spread and perhaps exaggerated. A young lord, known for drunken behaviour and general disrespect to the elders of the country, was invited to stay at Magnolia House in Athens for a week. His declined the request, apparently sending another letter claiming that 'the rule of Dreyar is over' and a multitude of suggestions on what the lord should do to himself; none of them kind. Within a month, a newspaper local to the lord's home had mysteriously gotten wind of the letter sent, as well as written testimonies from barmaids, shop clerks, housemaids and the youngest daughter of a nearby respectable home all showing a pattern of aggressive and forceful behaviour. The scandal was quick to take root, and spread like flames across oil. The lord's reputation was rightfully ruined, and a president was set.
The rule of Dreyar was not over, simply redefined. If Lord Dreyar sent you a letter, you took the trip or suffered the consequences.
Lucy had gotten such a letter, and as such was terrified.
For months, other letters had been arriving at her home. At first they were vague, requesting favours of her father with the hinted suggestions that her life would be in ruins if the orders not followed. She ignored them, but they kept coming. Each time, they were less subtle and more overt with what would happen. Lucy's… affair with the daughter of her father's valet – Cana Alberona– would be made public. And then when the threats became more personal, more vicious, the other letter came. A letter demanding Lucy's presence in Greece for the last two weeks of July. Dread had overtaken her, and she was slightly ashamed to admit she cried that night in her lover's arms, but now her head was held high and her spine straight. She would hold her dignity throughout this if nothing else.
As she approached the front door to the austere, white stoned house, it opened, and a man walked through it. He was tall, had long flowing hair that rested below his waist, and wore a suit Lucy expected to be uncomfortable given the heat. He walked to her with a professional smile, footsteps long and confident.
"Miss Heartfilia, I presume," The man spoke with an accent not quite English, but not quite Greek either. "May I take your bags?"
"Oh, yes, thank you," Lucy spoke a little higher than she normally would, and put on the slightest show of struggling to hand them to him, so he could feel better about himself when he lifted them. She would do this with dignity, yes, but she would not be ashamed of trying to find some solace in the situation. If someone was on her side, that was at least something.
"Thank you ma'am," The man said as he took the bags and turned to the door. "If you'd like to follow me, I can show you to your room."
"Thank you, very much," She smiled, and batted her eyelids.
The man seemed more patient than flattered in his responding smile, and Lucy could guess why. The man was handsome, and no doubt had women fawning over him; all the more reason to flirt, Lucy thought. It was better to flirt with a man uninterested than to not flirt with a man who expected it and would act with anger and a raised hand if he didn't get what he wanted. When he started to walk to the house, Lucy followed in step and kept pace, looking at the admittedly beautiful building that would be her home for two weeks.
"During your stay here, if there's anything you need assistance with, I'll be happy to oblige as best I can," The man spoke again, and Lucy glanced to see him looking forward with a polite smile. "My name is Freed Justine. I am the master of the home."
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Lucy said on instinct, then confusedly she continued. "I thought Lord Dreyar was the master of the house."
"He is," Freed nodded. "Perhaps I was misleading, the terminology for my job doesn't exists in polite society. I am the master of this house in the same way a butler is the master of their house. I control what happens, to suit the Master Dreyar's needs. I am his mouthpiece to the staff when needs be, when the master is unavailable or unwilling to make a decision about day-to-day goings on then I will speak in his place, and, as you can tell, I am the personal representative for the house, hence why I'm greeting you today."
"That sounds like a lot of work," Lucy said, blinking as the shadow of the house hit her. "I must admit, I can't quite see how that differs from a butler."
"There are more aspects to my job. I also act as the master's valet, a job with which I take great pride," Freed's smile grew a little, Lucy noticed. "But I suppose the greatest difference between a butler and what I consider myself to do if obedience. A butler follows his master's word to the letter, unquestioningly and without complaint. I do anything but."
"Oh," Lucy said, not entirely sure what to say to that. "That's… agreeable to Master Dreyar?"
"Agreeable? No, not agreeable," Freed laughed a little. "But he's long since stopped trying to argue the matter with me. He knows when I'm right."
Lucy saw no further road for the conversation, though her interest was piqued. Lord Dreyar was someone she knew more by reputation rather than by interaction, and she had made the man into this monolithic beast who would tear others down for his own amusement. That seemed to be what all of England thought of the man, and yet a member of his staff claimed he was accepting of criticism and would amend his ways. Even if untrue – which it probably was – Lucy would have expected anyone working for the Lord Dreyar she believed in would be scared to death of making such a comment. If nothing else, this would be an eye-opening fortnight.
The inside of the building was as beautiful as the outside. It had many large windows that let in the sun, plants were strewn in pots with calculated haphazardness, and it seemed like a conscious rejection of Englishness. It was rather beautiful.
Freed walked to the grand staircase and climbed it, and Lucy kept pace with him, resisting the urge to look around and sate her curiosity about Greek culture. There would be enough time for that during the next two weeks, and she was still making her first impression with the supposed master of the house. If Freed were as close to Master Dreyar as he suggested, the mouthpiece aspects of their relationship may work both ways. Freed might be greeting the guests to get a good sense of them on his master's behalf.
Within a few minutes, Lucy was escorted to what would be her room for the next two weeks. Freed placed her bags beside the bed, and two maids seemed to appear out of nowhere to unpack them. Before her clothing could be seen, Freed stepped out and stood beside the door; perhaps as not to see her underthing's. Lucy joined him, rather than getting under the maids' feet.
"I might need to rely on you to show me around," Lucy laughed falsely. "It's something of a maze."
Freed paused for a moment, and Lucy wondered if she'd made a mistake.
"Miss Heartfilia, if I may speak candidly, you needn't do that here," Freed spoke, the professionally rigid tone slipping a little. "Many people come to Greece to get away from the confines of England. Be that the confines of the people, the culture, or even simply the weather. I suggest you take the chance to shake off the restraints of English culture."
"I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean."
"It probably won't shock you to know we've looked into you," Freed smiled. "And in our research, we found you to be an incredibly intelligent woman. Well read, intuitive, and quick to solve a puzzle. You're not in England, you're in Greece. For two weeks. It's a grace period for you. For these two weeks, you're an unknown person living with a madman. Prioritize yourself how you wish, not how society wishes."
Was this a test? It felt like a means to an end, not an offer. "I'm still not sure what you mean, Mister Justine."
"You may be whoever you wish to be while you're here, Miss Heartfilia. Batting your eyelids and acting the naïve darling to flatter me isn't as important as it would be at home. If you wish to be intelligent and advertise your intellectual superiority, then do so," Freed smiled, stepping from the door and walking across the hall. "In the spirit of that, you will have free reign to use this room however you wish."
He opened the door, revealing what Lucy could only describe as a library. It was hardly larger than a bedroom, but with high shelves of dust-less books covering almost all the space. A small table and cushioned chair sat by a window, and a teapot and teacup were placed atop it. It was idyllic, with the sun hitting it.
"Goodness," Lucy breathed as she walked inside. "The Lord of the house must enjoy reading. I wouldn't like to intrude on his private space."
"You wouldn't be, he hardly uses the place," Freed said, standing by the door. "These are mainly for me, but I'm happy to share them with you. I've read them all twice over; I should perhaps insist on him buying me something new."
"Are you sure this is okay?" Lucy asked, eyes looking over the spines of books she wanted to attack. "I'm a guest here."
"I chose the room allocations, I put you here so the books would be at your convenience," Freed assured here. "They're yours for your time here."
Lucy found herself inclined to argue the point further, but bit her tongue. This house was already a completely different place to what she had been expecting, as was the Lord's reputation. She had been thrown to the mouth of a beast she could not understand, and she expected her life to be ruined by the end of it all. If she was going to be offered a library of books that she'd never be able to read at home as a consolation prize, then she would damned well make the most of it.
But of course, that could wait. She had eyed three particular books that she would read first – two in English, one in French – and could probably finish them within the first two days. She turned to Freed and smiled.
"Thank you, Mister Justine."
"It's a pleasure, Miss Heartfilia," Freed smiled, though it dropped a little. "I feel it only fair to warn you, we've another guest who will be arriving next week. He's not got the most stellar reputation, I must say."
"Oh?" Lucy asked.
"He'll most likely behave while he's here – he's known to be snivelly, you see – but only to those he sees as his better. To people he sees as inferior, he can be insipid. That includes, unfortunately, every woman but the Queen herself."
"I've met men like that," Lucy admitted.
"I'm sure you have," Freed sighed. "He's rather a dog backed into a corner right now, so he may be unpredictable. If I can offer you advice, don't be alone with him. He won't touch you, but he'd dangerous in other ways."
"Then why is he here?" Lucy asked, wondering if Freed would be offended. He apparently wasn't, so perhaps his request that she not act like the fool was genuine.
"You've heard the stories of this house," Freed smirked a little. "This is where the cruel and untouchable meet their fate. He's here to be brought to heel."
"And what am I here for?" Lucy asked, meeting Freed's eye. Freed smiled.
"I can hardly tell you that," Freed said, voice going professional again. "Think on what I've said. This is an opportunity to put your best foot forward, don't squander it."
"I intend not to."
"I'm delighted," Freed smiled. "I hope you enjoy your stay, Miss Heartfilia."
Freed turned and was walking away, and Lucy could only watch, not entirely sure what to think of the house, the man, or the lord he served.
Meeting Lord Dreyar came the next morning, and in the most unexpected of places. The first day in Greece had been spent mainly alone, as Freed had informed Lucy that the Lord had been called away for the day and wouldn't be seen until the late hours of the night. Most of the day had been spent in the library, though she had ventured into the nearby town square and taken supper at a restaurant; she got a thrill at the fact she hadn't even asked if a meal had been prepared in the house for her, and instead had just went.
In the morning, Freed had woken her at the time she'd wanted, given her time to ready herself for the day with less makeup and more comfortable clothes, and had then asked her to accompany him to the kitchen. She had done so unquestioningly, though the oddness of the request did strike her.
When they'd entered, the Lord Dreyar had been sitting at a small table, eating eggs.
Lucy had been blind sighted, and immediately decided that this was some sort of ambush. Lord Dreyar was an odd man, but he was rich, and the rich never entered the kitchen. He should have spoken to Freed, and Freed would speak to the cooking staff on his behalf. He shouldn't be eating while surrounded by cooks. The Lord was there because it was the last place Lucy would expect her to be, and this would wrongfoot her.
"Master Dreyar," Freed said in greeting, getting the attention of the man. "Your guest is here to take breakfast with you."
"Of course," The man spoke, voice a low grumble. "Please, Miss, take a seat. Freed, your excused."
"Yes, Master," Freed nodded, then he removed himself from the room.
Lucy looked around for a moment. She was slightly shamefaced to admit that she hadn't spent much time in kitchens in her life, and there was something of a spectacle to be in one. There were so many devices scattered around, all for different purposes that she couldn't guess. And the three cooks – two women and a man – scuttled from counter to counter, preparing food with a level of proficiency that Lucy found awe-inspiring. She felt like she could watch them for hours, but a quick glance towards the Lord refocused her attention.
The Lord was younger than she expected, though just as intimidating. He was incredibly tall, incredibly broad and had an impassively mean expression. The scar across his face gave Lucy pause, as did the peaking line of ink that slid up his collarbone. Hardly befitting an English gentleman. She quickly took a seat at the table before she could anger the man.
They sat in silence for a moment, the Lord eating his breakfast and Lucy waiting for hers to be brought to her. Lucy was waiting for him to speak, as a Lord must always speak before a Lady, but no conversation came. It was only when she forced herself to remember Freed's words that she spoke.
"I've never eaten in a kitchen before," She spoke without wavering in her tone. "Is it a Greek custom?"
"It is in this house," The Lord shrugged. "Don't know about the other houses, don't really go to other people's houses if I can avoid it, certainly not for breakfast. But in this house, I always prefer eating in the kitchen."
"Right," Lucy said hesitantly. "May I ask why?"
"You may," The lord shrugged, but said nothing more. He took a bite from his plate, chewed, swallowed, and looked to Lucy again. "Will you?"
"Will I what?"
"Ask me why."
"Oh, that," Lucy frowned. She had asked him; he was being obtuse. "Why do you eat in here, my lord?"
"Blurs the line between my position and there's," He nodded to the staff. "England likes to keep the rich and the regular split, I don't. This is a little way for me to keep everything a little more balanced," He smirked then. "And there's also the fact I know damn well the way I take my eggs is the best way for them to be prepared. Guests aren't as brave about complaining about that when the chefs in the room holding a knife."
He had a slightly manic grin when he said that, and Lucy found herself amused rather than scared. It was an attitude she couldn't have in this place, not when it was likely that the man sitting across from her was the blackmailer. Although, what would the great and powerful Lord Dreyar need from her father of all people?
"That's quite the reason," Lucy said, and the Lord nodded.
They sat in silence again, and Lucy watched as the Lord ate. It was… interesting. A gentleman worth his salt would have been trained from birth how to eat with precision and class. They wouldn't scarf down eggs, then drag a chunk of bread over the plate, cover it in the remaining sauce and then bite into it like a street child.
The Lord didn't seem to care that he was being watched, and raised a glass of orange juice which he finished in a single upturn. Lucy was half disgusted half fascinated, and was quickly coming to understand why the Lord had left England. Everything he'd done since Lucy had entered the room would leave him shunned and outcasted from the polite society of England; no wonder he was quick to leave it.
Around her, the chef's seemed to be cooking her meal, and she found her eyes wandering towards them. Their movements were quick and fluid, and Lucy wondered if she could ever learn to do that. She might have to if Lord Dreyar was going to do what she thought he would.
"Why am I here, Lord Dreyar?" She asked, and the Lord stopped eating for a moment.
"You're here for two weeks, you'll figure it out by the end of it," Was all the Lord said, but Lucy didn't want to finish the conversation there, so he pushed.
"I'd rather know now."
"Sure you would, but that ain't how this house works," The man grinned at her again, and Lucy didn't know if it was amused or malicious. "Two weeks, and it's all over. I'm sure you can wait that long."
Lucy didn't think she could, but she felt no reason to argue the point. She needed the Lord in her favour, and not annoying him would do wonders to help that.
Before she could think of a conversation to bring up, one of the three chefs in the room placed a plate of eggs – prepared as an omelette, placed on toasted bread, garnished with parsley and salt - and a set of simple, inelegant cutlery was put beside the plate. It was hardly how she would have had her breakfast if she'd been given the choice, but an omelette done well could be nice. The glass of juice she had been given was at least fresh and vibrant looking. She picked up the cutlery and cut a small piece of the omelette out for herself. As she brought it to her lips, the Lord spoke again.
"How do you have your eggs?" He asked, apropos of nothing.
"Excuse me?"
"Your eggs, how would you have them if you'd been given the choice," The Lord pushed.
"I thought that you had the art of eggs perfected?" Lucy asked, deciding that a light, joking tone was best to get out of the oddness of the situation. "Why wouldn't I want to try them if that's true."
"Because they've got garlic in them, and you're allergic," The Lord smirked a little, and Lucy halted, dropped the fork, and left the chair, looking at the plate of food that she was, indeed, very allergic to. Laxus kept up the expression as he spoke. "If you ate that, you could've died."
"Yes, I could have," Lucy uttered, anger flashing though her.
"And all because you didn't wanna argue with me," The Lord said, reaching over, taking the fork Lucy had dropped, and ate the egg impaled on it. "See, that's what England does to women. Puts them in fancy dresses and tells 'em to look pretty. Makes 'em impassive and quiet, tells them to shut up because they're weak and don't have anything interesting to say. That's all they get, and even the strong ones eventually start believing it all. Fucking country."
"What's the point of this?" Lucy demanded, still looking at the eggs.
"The point is, you can push back against things sometimes," The Lord sighed. "Everything you did before you became fifteen showed you as a fighter. Then you grew up, your father saw you as a way to expand his empire through marriage, and you became docile," The blonde smirked a little. "But fuck him. Be a fighter, push back against bullshit, and take yer damn eggs how you want 'em."
Oh. That was not at all what Lucy had expected, and she couldn't quite think of what to say to the advice. It was good advice, not entirely practical given her situation in life, but the urge to fight back against English constraints had never really left her. Still, had nearly killing her been necessary for proving his point.
She hadn't smelt the garlic though. Normally her nose was rather good when garlic was involved.
"Was there really garlic?" She asked, and the Lord smirked.
"You think I'm the type of man who'd risk poisoning someone to make a statement?" The lord quirked an eyebrow, and Lucy didn't answer. That made the man laugh. "Call me Laxus from now on, you've earned it," He then looked to one of his chefs. "Get the woman what she wants."
Lucy then smiled, sat back at the table once the plate was taken away, and looked to the waiting chef. "Two poached eggs. With salmon."
Four nights into her stay, a ridiculous urge for a glass of milk struck Lucy in the middle of the night. For a few minutes she tried to fight it – she was a grown woman for heaven's sake, not a child with no impulse control – but forcing herself to think of other things just made it worse. Perhaps it was Greece's fault; the heat was making cold drinks seem more refreshing and therefore more appealing.
She tried to make as little noise as she could, the landing of the building's upper floor creaking slightly as she walked down the hallway. She winced a little as the stairs cut through the silence, but she continued on, walking to the kitchen. She quickly found the larder where the milk was stored, poured herself a glass, and began her walk back to her bedroom, hoping she would be quieter.
Apparently, it was a baseless hope, because each creak and squeak was louder than it had been before.
It almost didn't matter, but when she was quietly walking down the hallway and she stood on a particularly loud floor panel, the door to Laxus' office opened, and Freed walked out. He was wearing his usual suit, looking as well put together as always though with slightly heavy breathing and the smallest of flushes on his cheeks. They looked at one another for a moment, Freed closing the office door behind him so the only light illuminating them both was the candle that Lucy was holding. Freed spoke first.
"Miss Heartfilia," He was gentle in his tone, quiet for the time of night. "You're up rather late."
"I was having trouble sleeping; getting accustomed to the new environment I suppose. My throat became dry and, well," She raised her milk in explanation. Freed nodded. "You seem rather awake too, what time do you sleep?"
"Normally, I'd be asleep by now, but Master Dreyar is keeping me up," Freed explained, smile bordering on a smirk. "He's, well, he's a little tied up at the moment. Work gets on top of him, you see, and the stresses sometimes can be overwhelming. I do what I can to keep him sane."
"You really do whatever it is you can to help him, don't you,?" Lucy laughed.
"I take great pleasure in my duties," Freed said enigmatically. "You should get to sleep, Miss Heartfilia. I believe that the lord plans to take you to a nearby village tomorrow, you'll need to be well rested."
"Of course," Lucy agreed. "Goodnight Freed."
"Goodnight Miss Heartfilia," Freed responded.
Lucy walked back to her bedroom, still trying not to be loud as not to distract Laxus from whatever work he was doing. As she climbed into her bed and nestled herself into the covers, she found herself wondering what Freed's odd smiles and slight state of disrepair meant. Were this any other house, she might have believed that Freed was sneaking into Laxus' study to do something illegal – it wasn't unheard of for butlers to turn on their masters – but Magnolia House was different. Freed seemed devoted to his master, and that devotion might go both ways. She didn't think for a second that Freed would betray the man.
Eventually, she would have to leave this house, and she had to wonder if she would understand what the hell was going on in the place. She hoped so; she loved nothing more than a puzzle and everything about this place raised more questions than they answered.
Maybe the other guest would have the answers when he came.
"We'll be taking dinner in the dining room today, Miss Heartfilia."
Lucy turned to look at Freed, who had approached her as she walked to the kitchen. She halted slightly; it had been a week since she had arrived at the house and her meals had always been taken in the kitchen, or outside of the house somewhere. She honestly hadn't been sure if the house had a dining room. It would have been in keeping of the week for Laxus to have taken the dining room and replaced it with a horse's stable or something equally absurd.
She followed Freed towards the dining room, deciding not to ask why. Both Freed and Laxus seemed to enjoy giving non-answers to anything she would ask, and ass such she'd given up trying. It was best to just allow herself to be swept up in everything.
The dining room itself was a small place, sparsely decorated but pleasant. Plants bordered the room but didn't encroach on the table itself, and despite being perhaps the most formal room in the house that Lucy had seen, it made every dining room in England seem stuffy in comparison. She walked inside, allowing Freed to pull out a seat for her and taking it. Only when she looked up did she see that not only was Laxus sitting at the table, but another man, someone who Lucy had known very well for most of her life.
Jiemma Orland.
Another member of the aristocracy, their paths had crossed many times. During the dances she'd been forced to attend in her childhood, Lucy had often found his daughter Minerva and they'd spent nights playing and laughing. He had always scared Lucy when she was young – he seemed nasty, vindictive even – and she'd avoided her when she could. It had been years since they'd seen each other, but that chill still ran down her spine.
He must have been Laxus' other guest. Was it a coincidence?
"Lucy," Laxus greeted, sitting at the head of the table. "This is Mister Orland; I believe that you-"
"Lord Orland," Jiemma corrected, and Lucy saw Laxus narrow his eyes slightly. "Not mister."
"Right. As I was saying," Laxus spoke again with a growl. "The great and respectable Lord, Mister Orland, is the guest that I was telling you about. I think you might have met him a few times in your past, your circles seemed to have intertwined."
"They have," Lucy agreed, forcing her fake smile on again. Her cheeks hurt; she hadn't smiled like that for the week she'd been there. "Hello Lord Orland, it's a pleasure to see you again."
"And you, ma'am," Jiemma responded, not even trying to sound polite. He turned towards Laxus, face a scowl. "As I was saying, I hardly see why you want me here, Lord Dreyar. This is quite the imposition."
"I'm glad," Laxus grinned. "And you do know why you're here, I think. But that's for the end of the week, so try not to torture yourself about it now," The grin turned a little nasty for only a moment, but the normal smile returned when he looked back to Lucy. "How's your day been? Freed informed me that the two of you decided to visit the Parthenon toady. Was it what you expected it to be?"
"It was beautiful," Lucy smiled a little. "Freed's very knowledgeable about its history, and quite the storyteller too. I hope you don't mind that I took him away from the house for the day."
"Of course not," Laxus smiled. "What sort of a man would I be if I couldn't survive a day without my manservant. Hardly a man at all."
Laxus looked directly towards Jiemma when he said that, and the older man tensed, and his face became thunderous. He made a wave of his hand and a well-dressed man who Lucy vaguely remembered seeing around Jiemma's house when she'd visited Minerva nodded and left. Lucy was almost certain that he was Jiemma's manservant. She laughed a little too loud, and quickly schooled herself. Jiemma turned his glare to her, but Laxus spoke before he could say anything.
"The city really is a sight to behold this time of year. The tourists can make it a little crowded, but the history seeps through either way," Laxus said, and a plate was placed in front of him. "I typically leave the summer months without having guests so I can better enjoy myself. The two of you should feel quite honoured."
"Hardly," Jiemma muttered almost imperceptibly, but both Lucy and Laxus seemed to have heard him.
"Speak up, man," Laxus demanded, looking into his eyes without wavering. "How can your words be respected if you're not standing with them, but hiding behind them?"
"You don't think I stand by my words?" Jiemma snapped, and Lucy halted slightly, not wanting to make her presence known. She had been aware that Jiemma could be a bully, but never witnessed it. Laxus didn't seem bothered.
"I don't," Laxus grinned. "And I think you should be cordial to your host, no?"
"Cordial. You of all people wish to speak to me about how to act in polite society," Jiemma was shouting, and his anger seemed to come so abruptly that Lucy felt knocked down by it. Freed had mentioned that Jiemma was backed into a corner, of course, but this level of anger bubbling up without much provocation was disconcerting. "You, a man who leaves society for your… your perversions, have the gall to say anything. And not only speak down to others, but to demand the presence of others at your home half way across the world. To hold half the respectable country to ransom for your sick enjoyment. And yet you speak to me of cordiality, Mister Dreyar."
"It's Lord Dreyar, actually," Laxus corrected, grinning.
Jiemma looked ready to storm to Laxus and strike him, and Lucy found herself grabbing the side of the table just for distraction. Laxus and Jiemma were having an argument with their eyes only, Laxus all but goading Jiemma to do anything that might give him cause to attack. Lucy didn't know what to do. Passive aggressive dinners were one thing, but openly yelling was unheard of.
Freed walked into the room holding a plate of light food, and placed it in front of Lucy. She looked to him for reprieve, and he smiled at her handsomely. It was a comfort, and she whispered low enough only for him to hear.
"What's happening between them?"
"Mister Orland's character is being tested," Freed whispered equally quietly, adjusting the plate so to elongate his time near her. "Everyone who comes here undergoes a test of some time. They can get rather explosive, as you can see."
"I wasn't tested," Lucy frowned.
"Not in a way that you noticed, no," Freed smiled again, taking a bottle of wine from a cooler and filling Lucy's glass with it. "If the two of them start to overwhelm you, feel free to dismiss yourself and say you need to powder your nose or something of the like. Laxus won't be offended, and I suspect Mister Orland won't care for you either way."
"Thank you," Lucy whispered, smile a little weak as she wondered what her 'test' had been.
"Of course, though I recommend you see it through to the end," Freed suggested as he placed the wine back into the cooler. "You might regret it if you don't."
Freed was out of the room within a moment, and Lucy was left floundering as to what that meant. The letters she'd received hit her again, and dread filled through her as she remembered all the stories she'd heard from people who had been to this house. This was the house where reputations were ruined, and lives were upended. She had become complacent, but this had been the reminder she needed to know that this house wasn't safe.
Maybe Freed's words had been a threat, or maybe they'd been a warning. Either way, Lucy needed to be careful in this place, and not allow herself to make a mistake.
"Why the hell are you here?"
Three days into the second week of her visit, Jiemma hissed the words as he stormed into Lucy's room. He was swaying slightly on his feet, face flushed from alcohol and jaw tight and rigid. Lucy shot up, covering herself with her sheets on instinct as the man thrashed into her bedroom. She looked at him frozen for a moment before she regained her senses and spoke.
"I was invited by Lord Dreyar," She answered, blinking away the remains of sleep.
"He is not a Lord," Jiemma shouted, and Lucy had to flinch back when he stormed to her bed. "He left England and left his title with it! He had no right to call himself that name. Has no right to act like he has power. Like he's too good to be English but still has influence over us. He can't."
"Mister Orland-"
"I am a fucking Lord!" Jiemma roared. "I am a Lord of the realm, woman. Respect me!"
"Lord Orland, I don't know why I have been called here but you need to leave my bedroom this instant," Lucy said firmly, trying not to let her voice waver as he took another step closer. He was a large and brutish man, and drunk out of his mind. "This is most improper and if Laxus or Freed are woken up then I expect they'll not be please."
"You need to leave now," Jiemma demanded. "Get out of this damnable house this instant. It's manageable without you, so leave. Get out of here and don't show your face. Then we can sort this out."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Lucy stammered slightly.
"You need to get the hell away from me and leave my daughter alone," Jiemma growled, lurching forward, and grabbing hold of the sheets Lucy held to her chest. "You're all the same, looking for your next-"
"Mister Orland," A curt voice cut him off, and Lucy looked to see Freed standing at the door, well dressed despite the time of night. Lucy felt safer with him there, and Freed quickly stormed into the room with barely restrained anger. "It is three in the morning, and you are in bedroom of an unmarried woman who clearly does not want you there. There is no justification for such actions, and I won't give you the time to attempt it. You're to return to your room and repent for your actions immediately."
"What," Jiemma turned to Freed and walked into his space. Lucy tried to recover her breath, eyes a little wide. Was Jiemma going to hit Freed? He looked as though he was. "You think you can order me? A houseboy? Not even a man, neither of you are, not with what you do together."
"Return to your bed, Mister Orland," Freed repeated sternly. "If you don't, I'll have no choice but to leave you to the streets tonight, and let me tell you that the authorities here have perfected the art of dealing with an English drunkard and they do so with great enthusiasm."
"Make me," Jiemma taunted, leaning forward, and breathing right into Freed's face. Lucy could only guess how horrid a smell that would be.
Freed placed a hand on Jiemma's shoulder, probably to guide him back to his bedroom. Jiemma immediately shrugged Freed off him, taking a stumbling step back and looking to Freed like he was dirt. Freed kept the man's gaze without blinking, and Lucy watched in panic, not knowing what else to do because Jiemma was angry and drunk.
"Return to your room," Freed spoke firmly. "Or I will do just that."
Jiemma scoffed, but stumbled past Freed while barging his shoulder against Freed's. The door was slammed behind them both, leaving Freed alone with Lucy. She watched as Freed untensed himself, either out of relief or because of dwindling adrenaline. Lucy quickly reached for the candle that lay on the counter, striking a match and lighting it to replace the light lost from the hallway. Freed was looking at her with professional concern when his face was lit again, the moment of anger gone and his impassive looks back again.
"Are you okay, Miss Heartfilia?" He asked, voice calm again. "He didn't touch you, did he?"
"No, just scared me," She admitted, looking down slightly. "Are you okay?"
"Perfectly fine, Miss," Freed dismissed the question without giving a moment to think. "If you'd prefer it, we have a smaller bedroom for you to sleep in for tonight. If you can give me a few moments to make the bed for you, it might be a better fit. It's closer to Lord Dreyar's room and has a bolt on the door, for your safety."
"That won't be necessary," Lucy answered, even if she was tempted. "Those men are all the same. Drunkards like acting strong, but they're not. He'll be stewing about how you stood up against him. He won't bother me again."
"If you insist," Freed nodded. "If you change your mind, just call for me and I'll have the bed ready for you."
"Thank you, Freed," Lucy smiled a little, relaxing as she placed the candle back onto her bedside table. "I must say, you don't seem to ever sleep. This is the second time in as many weeks that you've been ready for an issue in the night."
"It's my job, Miss," Freed dismissed. "I must say, I did expect that Mister Orland might come back in a drunken state and do something regrettable. I thought it would be against Master Dreyar, given their antagonism, but he seemed to focus on you. I'm terribly sorry it took me so long to come to you."
"Don't worry," Lucy assured him. "He just scared me, nothing more."
"As you say," Freed agreed. "I'll leave you to sleep. Master Dreyar might wish to speak with you both tomorrow morning after this. I'll wake up if he does."
"Thank you," Lucy smiled. "Goodnight Freed."
"Goodnight Miss Heartfilia."
"So, I think it's time we all have a talk."
Laxus was the first to speak, breaking the silence that had befallen the small office. He was sat behind his large desk in a leather chair, with Freed standing beside him and to his right: they looked every part like the Lord of the House and his ever-present shadow. Lucy was sat at the other side of the desk in one of the smaller chairs provided, nervously fiddling with the lap of her dress, and occasionally glancing towards Jiemma, who sat at her side in another of the chairs.
After the interruption the night before, her sleep had been uneven and broken. She had been half tempted to take Freed's offer for the other room, but by the time the decision had been made it was nearly four, and that wouldn't be fair on the man. She'd instead jammed the door with a chair and done her best to rest.
When she'd been told Lord Dreyar wished to speak with her, she had been happy to oblige. She was less happy when she saw Jiemma sitting there as well.
"I need to leave," Jiemma said in retort. "I don't understand why you dragged me here in the first place. After the way your houseboy spoke to me last night I don't see why I should suffer the indignity of being here a moment more."
"Rather eloquent, aren't you?" Laxus posed the question with a smile. "Not quite as eloquent when you're drunk though, are you? I heard what you were saying last night. I suspect that half the city did the way you were yelling. Hardly behaviour that befits a lord, I don't think."
"What are you implying?" Jiemma demanded.
"That you should shut your mouth because I have something to say," Laxus grinned a nasty grin. "Can you agree to that?"
"I've a hotel booked for the rest of my stay," Jiemma said firmly. "I intend to be there within the hour."
"This won't take too long," Laxus assured him. He looked towards Freed for a moment, who walked to one of the sets of cupboards lining the walls to the room. Lucy followed the man's actions, but turned back to Laxus when he spoke again. "You've both been asking why you were invited here. I don't doubt you both know the reputation that this house has; particularly that I invite people here because I have a problem with them. That's true."
Lucy found her breath caught in her throat. She had known this would happen, of course she did, but had expected it to take place on the last day of the trip. Maybe that was the intention, but Jiemma's activities the night before had pushed them into action.
She was just going to have to deal with it. That's all she could do.
"I believe that this might be enough of an explanation as to why you're both here," Laxus continued, taking a single piece of paper from Freed and placing it on the table. Lucy went to look at it, but Jiemma snatched it away. Laxus didn't seem bothered, and allowed Jiemma to look at it for a moment. "You seeing my point, Mister Orland?" Jiemma didn't react, his grasp on the paper tensing. "You've known from the moment you saw Miss Heartfilia, didn't you, so no need to hoard the letter. Hand it to Lucy, please."
Jiemma looked like he was going to argue, but did as he was told indignantly. Lucy looked down to see a handwritten letter, and frowned. It was apparently Jiemma's response to Laxus' request for his visit. A polite but curt letter than didn't seem important.
It took Lucy a few moments to see the significance, and bile rose in her throat when she did.
The handwriting. It was the same handwriting as the letters she'd been getting threatening to expose her relationship with Cana. Jiemma had been the one doing it.
"You?" She asked, voice quiet. "You're the person who's been harassing me?"
"You're sick, all of you," Jiemma growled, standing up and looming over Lucy. Panic gave way to anger, and she felt her blood rushing throughout her body as she looked at the man who caused her so many sleepless nights. "Queers, perverts. You couldn't even be trusted to do a simple thing, to speak to your father and tell him to sign a damn contract. No, instead you turn to that bastard," He turned to Laxus, who was stone-faced now. "You all work together don't you, it's disgusting. I should have never let my daughter near you!"
Months of fear and anger and looking over her shoulder seemed to strike Lucy at once. This man – this power-hungry brute who drank too much and held his lordship above all else – had been the one to torture her for months. That… that…
Without thinking, she picked up a decorative crystal from Laxus' desk that seemed to be keeping his papers in order. She brought it up and slammed it hard against the man's head. He yelled in pain, and Lucy saw blood spurt from where a jagged edge slashed at his forehead. He staggered back, and she did it again because it had felt good, and it had felt deserved. This man had hurt her, she deserved to hurt him.
He stumbled, and Lucy watched as he crumpled to the ground. She dropped the crystal and began to kick him, leaning on the desk so she could slam her shoe into the man's stomach again and again. It felt good, and she didn't recognise a cathartic scream parting her throat as she did it.
Freed pulled her away after ten or so kicks, and Laxus looked ready to intervene further if Freed needed it. Lucy let it happen, panting as tears she didn't know had fallen fell down her cheeks. The man who had been the tormenter of her life for months was in front of her, crumpled on the floor, struggling to get up, couching and spluttering and bleeding. He was pathetic and yet he had caused so much strife for her.
"What the hell is the point of this?" Jiemma coughed, leaning on the desk to stand up again. "Just to insult me. To have the bitch attack me. I'll have everyone know about you and that barmaid within a week's time. Your life is over."
"No it isn't," Laxus said firmly, and Jiemma glared towards him.
"You can't stop me."
"I can, actually, but I don't need to," Laxus smirked. "You see, if you do it – and you won't – then nobody's going to believe you. I don't waste my time, you understand. The moment we met I knew you were exactly the type of man I thought you'd be. Aggressive, cruel, without restraint nor respect. You think the fact that you've got a lordship to your name gives you permission to take anyone down if it's advantageous to you. So, the moment we finished eating, I sent the word to England to have your true self exposed."
"What does that mean?"
"It means what I said, Mister Orland," Laxus laughed. "Every nasty side of you will be the focus of gossip for weeks to come. Your bullying attitudes towards your staff, to women in general actually. Your failure as a businessman and how you need to blackmail people. I was particular with the latter piece of gossip, not to give names as to whom you've blackmailed. Because there's been a lot of people who you've threatened, and they'll all be happy to back up the gossip if they think it's them being spoken about."
"It won't be believed," Jiemma growled, looking towards Laxus with a glare.
"It will. You throw enough shit at a wall and some sticks," Laxus' glare became particularly nasty at that. "Especially when people want so much to hate you. That's the problem with being cruel; people don't forget it. They'll jump at the chance to hurt you. They have, and it won't end."
Panic flushed over Jiemma's face, and he flushed red with anger. "I'll still tell everyone about her."
"Doesn't matter if you do, nobody's going to believe you," Laxus laughed, sitting back down. Lucy watched with fear, because Jiemma was panicked and angry and would do anything. People would believe him; he was still a lord. "I sent a letter to some of my friends back home, explaining what happened last night. With a few amendments, of course. The respectable and kind Miss Heartfilia, only daughter of the Heartfilia family, politely refused your unwanted advances. You, in a drunken haze, stormed into her room in the dead of night to do who knows what to her. You wouldn't leave her room, were acting aggressive. It took a member of my household staff to drag you away. That's akin to a pot of gold to the gossips of our country, and it will spread like wildfire," Laxus leant back in his chair, smirk nasty and wide. "You saying anything about Lucy will be the words of a stilted, embarrassed old man who got turned down by a young woman who could do better. Who would take anything you say seriously?"
"You… you demon," Jiemma yelled, and Lauxs actually laughed at him. "I should have you thrashed on the streets. You liar. Slanderer! No wonder you left the country, no man like you could exist in a land of honest men."
"Honest men who blackmail women? Who beat them and seclude their children from the world," Lucy snapped, because she felt safe now. Jiemma turned to her, but she didn't cower. "You're not an honest man. You're a parasite."
"Where's this voice come from, girl?"
"It's come from people like you treating me like some doll they can play with to suit their whims," Lucy yelled, and didn't miss when Laxus moved the paperweight out of reach. "I hope you can never show your face in England again, you bastard!"
"How dare you," Jiemma growled and walked towards Lucy. Freed stepped forward, holding a letter opener that caused the man to halt. "What kind of a place is this?"
"A place you should leave," Laxus answered, standing up again and opening the study door. "Freed, escort the man out of the house please."
"No," Jiemma argued, but Freed approached him, holding the knife up and brandishing it. "I won't go."
"You will," Laxus dismissed him. Freed took the old man by the shoulder and pushed him forward with a jerk. Jiemma growled, but when the knife was pushed further into his back, he allowed himself to be pushed. Freed halted when he was at the door, forcing Jiemma to look towards Laxus. "If you do say anything about Miss Heartfilia, and I find out about it, I'll make sure you regret it. Do you understand me?"
"You've already slandered me, what else could you do," Jiemma snarled. "Bitch's affair will be all over the country by August."
"The people I employ will slander, as you put it, the aristocracy for a very small amount of money," Laxus taunted. "What d'you think they'll be willing to do if I offer them something more substantial."
Lucy watched as the knife was pushed further into Jiemma's back, and the man hissed as he was pushed forward again. Lucy only watched as the man who had been her tormenter was marched away, hopefully for good.
"How did you know?" Lucy asked Freed as he sat opposite her at the patio. "What he was doing, I mean?"
"Miss Cana Alberona contacted Master Dreyar around a month ago," Freed explained, pouring them both a cup of tea as the evening sun began to set. Lucy took the cup that was offered to her with a confused frown. "She and Laxus used to drink together when he lived in England, I believe. She asked for his assistance in dealing with the problem of your letters. Laxus took some time to discover who was to blame, eventually found a letter with handwriting matching the letter Cana sent to him as an example, and decided that he would settle things himself."
"Cana did it?" Lucy exclaimed, frowning. "Why wouldn't she have told me?"
"I suspect she didn't want you involved if it could be helped. Given Laxus' reputation being somewhat unpalatable, him acting on your behalf could have been unnerving," Freed smiled as he drank his own tea. "Laxus however thought you might want closure, which was partly why he invited you here in the first place."
"Laxus cares very strongly for the people he loves, and Cana is one such person," Freed looked somewhat wistful about his employer. "He wanted to make sure you're a good enough person for her. He's somewhat cynical about members of polite society, as you can expect, so he wished to see you for himself," He laughed a little. "Why he couldn't trust my judgment on you I don't know, he's rather headstrong, but he's given you his approval."
"He has?"
"He has," Freed parroted. "The first breakfast you shared together was enough for him to be sure of your character. No doubt he'll offer you a permanent room here, should you like to visit with Miss Alberona. The Greek are much more accepting of a relationship such as yours."
"How do you know that?"
"Laxus and I have been seen together multiple times," Freed shrugged, and Lucy turned towards him with shock. "It's why we chose to live here. Much less fuss."
"You and the lord? You're in a relationship."
"Of course," Freed nodded, smiling.
And that, it seemed, was that.
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b000mbayah · 3 years
Warnings: I wrote this last year when I was dumb so ignore how putrid it is :)
Word count: 2k
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Snow gliding through the sky as it piles up on the concrete streets. The sky is cloudy as a mist fogs up our surroundings. Streets of Seoul full of people looking for gifts for relatives. The festive holiday is coming up and people are able to spend the day with loved ones. I used to be one of those people.
I lost my true love a month ago. It was a stupid argument over the most irrelevant thing imaginable, I was just so fuming at the time that I had no idea what I had gotten myself into. It was a trap, either way I was screwed. If I had continued the argument it would have worsened and if I had stopped earlier she still would have left me.
I could see in her eyes that she was broken due to the amount of times I've done this to her. I broke her again... I've broken her for the last time, and now she's gone.
If I had said sorry she would have left, if I begged she would have left, if I had just stopped myself from shouting in the first place. She's scared of me now, her eyes so full of fear as she trembled on the spot. I'll never forget the way she looked at me every time.
The following mornings were full of me proving to her that I loved her whether she wanted it or not. I would have done anything to make her forgive my foolish actions, couldn't do that last month though. It all seems pointless, love. I mean there are positive and negative outlooks on love.
Love can fill you with pure joy and excitement to the point that you forget the numbness that you'll feel after it's over with.
It leaves you broken as if you're a ship with treasure that crashes onto land, losing all its precious moments and times as everything inside spills out, never to be found again.
There are more negatives to love than positives and I swear that I'll never forget her, she was the one I loved most and I let go of her hand, I let her slip and now she's gone.
watching her on stage made me cry every time, hearing the news JYP sent out made me depressed... hearing that she had to have a break from her schedules made me feel guilty.
I look around my room as I retreat away from the window, empty takeaway boxes and cans all around my room. My eyes droop down to my phone on the floor.
Cautiously, I crouch down and pick the electronic up off of the ground. I bite my lip as all my notifications pop up. Multiple miss calls and text messages from all my contacts.
I tap on my messages to see hundreds upon hundreds of messages from my contacts, all of my contacts had text me, all but one. The one that had deleted my number, I refuse to delete hers though, it contains too many memories for me to simply release into a void.
I gulp as I click onto Jihyo's contacts as our last conversation over the phone comes up. All of this was just before the final argument. I was questioning where she was and when she'd get home. She was only practicing with her other members in their dance studio, I let my jealousy get the best of me, again..
I throw the phone at the wall as I got dressed and headed out, I can't say in my apartment forever. I forced myself out the door for the building and into the chilly winter breeze. I inhaled and exhaled the fresh air before taking steps towards the supermarket.
Layers of trampled snow surround the street. As I pass shops I take a simple look inside.
"Y/N!" I turn on my heel to be greeted with my best friend running up to me, a member of twice. I let out a broken smile as sana springs up to me with a massive grin and arms open.
Within seconds she gives me a bone crushing hug. ''y/n, please tell me you're okay?" sana rushes in a speed faster than chaeyoungs rapping skills.
"yeah, I'm just.... Upset about the situation" I frown as she gives me a look of sadness. She nods her head and opens her mouth, "I'm upset as well, I really liked you two together" sana smiles at her words as I gulp, she really liked us together?
"I've been trying to contact you for weeks and weeks but nothing, please may I take you to dinner? You look like you haven't been eating the correct amount of food, I need to stuff you up I time for Christmas" sana says with a worried tone
"s-sure" I stutter out as she grabs my hand and takes me through crowds of people that surround the streets and up to a fancy restaurant where richer people would dine. "w-we cat eat here, it's to expensive, I don't want to cost you that much money"
"no y/n, it's okay, it's nothing really only a few hundred. My clothes are worth more than this'' sana giggles out as she gets us a table with a view of a frozen pond. It took us what? Twenty minutes to get here for a view I'd a pond with what's most likely to be frozen fish inside. I'm not complaining but like those poor fish...
"Take your time, when you're ready to order please ring this bell" a waiter explains as she hands us the menus. We thank her before she walks away.
"what do you fancy getting?" sama asks as I scan the menu's dishes. "urm, the... Mmmm"
"steak?" sana asks me as u nod and go along with the choice. Sana hums as she also decides on what she's getting. I ring the bell as the waiter from before comes back with a pen and notepad.
"what can I get for you ladies?" they ask as sana gives him the order. He bows and leaves us. I turn my head to sana who's wearing a permanent smile right now.
"please come round to our dorm, the girls miss you" I tilt my head before nodding.
"sure but I may have to avoid jihyo" sana frowns at my words but nods her head.
Soon after the meal I ended up at the dorm. Still have no idea how I'm going to deal with this but I'm just going to have to hope for the best I guess. Sana pushes the door open silently, we take our shoes off before continuing on. As we creeped up on tzuyu, even though there was no point, I managed to make eye contact with momo who was eating the packet of cookies I had sent her months ago. She must be really far behind in her food gifts if she's only eating them now.
I place a finger to my own lips as she nods and watches with curiosity filling her eyes.
As we were practically behind Tzuyu we both leap at the same time, causing tzuyu to let out a yelp as we all tumble to the floor. I let out a giggle as tzuyu groans due to the impact. "Get off of me you pathe- y/n?" tzuyu changes the subject half way through as notices me. I smile and give her a small wave. "what are you doing here?" she questions looking at me like she's trying to read me.
oh so I'm a book now????
"I invited her-" I cut sana off, "she dragged me here, oh it was awful, she demanded it and she explained how she would burn down my house and throw me in a ditch if I didn't come" I dramatically say as sana huffs out a gush of air.
"alright then... If you say so but please get off of me, you're both killing me" tzuyu states as we stand back up, dusting ourselfs off.
We enter the living room to see everyone here, including Jihyo...
"Y/N!" everyone in the room exclaims but Sana, Tzuyu and Jihyo. I somehow become covered with six different females as they squeeze me like a teddy bear. Once they all release me, I give them a wide smile and bow as they copy my action.
"y/n, how have you been? We've been busy with-" and I couldn't hear anything dahyun was saying, I am way more focused on Jihyo. Her expression is unreadable as she gulps from time to time. her eyes dart around to find an excuse to leave but nothing comes to her mind.
As soon as she looks up we lock eye contact. I forgot how much I loved those eyes, her eyes show dedication, passion, strength, love... All the things I wish I had. I probably sound whipped for her and the truth is, I am. I would do anything for us to get back together but that wont happen.
"right y/n?" I break eye contact as I respond with a simple nod since my throat is sore from all the crying and screaming I've been doing. I really have been beating myself up over this break up.
"I said that her hair looked like a donkey on steroi-" and blank out again as I make eye contact once again with Jihyo. Only this time we break it for a few seconds before reuniting our eyes.
Without me or Jihyo noticing, Tzuyu manages to take the other members away to give us alone time. Once we realise they're gone an awkward situation is placed between us...
"how have you been?" she begins as she examines the pictures hung on the walls. "pretty bad, you?" I respond as she gulps down on air. "same, what's your reason?"
I freeze, thinking on if should I tell her the truth or not? There's nothing wrong with the truth. "if I'm honest... I've been beating myself up about the breakup, I'm deeply sorry for how I treated you Jihyo. That month I had spent alone had given me time to reflect on my behaviour and what I have done" Jihyo looks at me with an interested look but there's also something else there. "continue..."
"the way I treated you during that relationship was completely irresponsible, I had spent that entire month locked up in my apartment crying about what I had done, I was so frustrated with myself that I couldn't bring myself to forget about it and I'm sorry if I'm invading your personal space by being here but I really hope that one day you can forgive me" my voice goes shaky towards the end as tears form in the corner of my eyes. Jihyo looks me up and down, about to say something when the door opens up.
I watch as a male walks up to Jihyo, I could only see the back of his head as he's asking her questions before turning around to face me. RM? "she doesn't want to see you, please leave her alone she has me now."
My eyes widen in shock but I bow and apologise once again before rushing out crying again. I rush past the other members who share a look of concern before chase after me calling my name. I ignore them though and continue to rush my way out of that place, not wanting to be there anymore due to the once sweet but  now awful memories I have there.
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adore-you-hs2 · 4 years
Kiss me or kill me
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The next day when she woke, she bolted up from the floor, blinking twice she looked around the cabin, she must have cried herself to sleep last night. The bitter reminder of where she was came to her in waves of sorrow.
She slowly stood up with the help of gripping the table and stood upright. Looking around the cabin, she developed the notion to either escape or maybe even arm herself with something.
But, then again he has already done harm to her even if it was small. A shiver ran up her Spine at the thought that maybe he would toy with her before torturing her... Then kill her. After all he was the capitin. The king of the sea.
Lily padded cautiously over to the door and tried the lock. The knob turned. And it opened. To her relief, it was not locked. Hesitant to walkout. She stepped back and looked around quickly for something to protect herself from harm just in case.
Immediately she walked over to the table where she had seen all the charts. Her eyes landed on one then another quickly as her fingers scattered around until they landed on a letter opener that was slightly hidden beneath a map with red crosses over different island one being port royal.
Relief filled her heart. It may not be a dagger but she hopes it does the same kind of damage. lily grabbed it.
Holding it securely in her hand, she stepped closer to the door and slowly poked her head through it, only to be met with darkened passageways, she continued until she was finally out the door.
Looking to the right and then to the left, she prayed to the good lord for guidance, she slowly turned to her right, alert more than ever.
She was happy to see that there was a bright light shining through and the fresh smell of sea salt through the door.
Suddenly the sound of heavy boots and swearing came from out side the door.
“shes anything but dirt on the ship!, I'm telling you boys”
That voice, it was his. The animal that had caused so much misery to her in less than two days.
Laughter could be heard followed by his comment about her.
She looked down at the diamond wrong that sits on her finger as the warm sensation of tears fell down her cheeks, she remembers what he and his vermin crew had done to her family and friends.
Slowly she made her way the door and stepped put until light her and the crew could see her face.
But when she saw him her heart launched, everyone around her including the captain hadn't noticed she had stepped outside, nobody seemed to see her at all.
To her relief, the devil hadn't turned around yet so she took her chance and launched forward him with the letter opener in the air.
But the moment she got close enough, a strong arm wrapped around her wrist, she fought to get away struggling with everything she had. The painful bite into her wrist made her drop the letter opener on the floor, she panicked. She needed it.
” pass me the wrench, Alex”
She was pushed forward into Captain's arms, Lily was spun around and roughly held in place. She defhad no match against the captain for two reasons.
One she had nothing to protect her self with, and two she was scared if what he was capable of.
She worked her nails down the his arm that held onto her lower back and pushed his chest as hard a she could and was suddenly pushed with a force that made her drop to her knees in front of him.
” l saw we send her to David Jones locker!, capatin”
”no whip her till she can't stand no more”
Shout after shout was screamed at the captain to do horrid things to her, but all she did was look at the floor in a haze. She was so close yet so far.
”Everyone shut the fuck up!” the captain screamed at the crew and everything around them was silent, only the sound of styles heavy breathing could be heard.
Trembling with anger his mouth opened once more.
”why can't you just learn your fucking place!”
His arms shot around her waist once more and Yankee her off the floor. To hurt she didn't reply and did not move as she stood up with shaky legs and confronted the men on the ship.
Her eyes lower to her fingers and notice tiny specks of blood leaking through her nails. She blinked and looked up to the furious eyes of the rosebud revenge captain as he fear spread throughout her body and trembled.
He didn't looked this angry yesterday.
”you stupid bitch, you wanna act like a big now do you” he gritted his teeth as his gaze landed on his arm that also had tiny drops of blood on .
” well, do you!”
She did not answer. She could not.
Panic held her to the spot as her heart thumped painfully in her chest that she could hear her pulse in her ears as well as his order.
” take her below”
She backed away as quick as she could and ran, the men began to Scrabble for her, some even ripping her dress in places and some shouting for her .
Without thinking, she clamoured over the training and took her gaze into the dark sea beneath her. and without a moment of hesitate.
She jumped
With a curse, he ran and gripped the railing and watched with shock as she hit the water, without hesitation he climbed over and jumped in after her.
Dark salty water enveloped them both as he swam for her beneath the rough current. Bring the surface, he looked around for her petite figure as he heard his men above shouting and pointing out in the distance.
Enraged he watched as she swam and dove beneath the water trying to escape. He took off in her direction kicking strongly to get to her before she dove them further away from the ship .
With skilled fluidity beneath the current and brutal waves due to his life at sea, he was able to swim faster and quickly catch up to her. She panicked and kicked harder and grew tired against the waves that curled over her and pulled her under.
Beneath the dark water, she kicked and cries out when Harold's fingers wrapped around her ankle and pulled her back, she kicked and kicked trying to get free from him but he was much stronger. She thrashed about until he went under and he grabbed her.
”let me go!” lily cried out before drifting under the water.
Her struggles only pulled them both under it until he furiously pulled her up and shook her .
”stop, ” he growls wrapping his arms tightly around her around her.
Water sloshed over their heads dragging them under once more covering their silent battle beneath. She kicked hard against him, yanking and beating at his hard chest as she gulped water in the process.
He drew her against him as her struggles slightly weakened and bobbed strongly to with surface with her.
Her last attempt to fight wildly had failed. Her strength began to wane and her struggles stopped as he harshly gripped her hair and held her to him.
“ if you don’t calm down , I will drown you myself you foolish girl,” he shouts.
Weak and filled with so much exhaustion, she stopped and sagged against him. A slight pang of guilt gripped his heart as she wept and gave up spending her weight on him as if giving up completely.
At a distance, he saw his men lower a boat into the water he treaded the water back towards the ship until he was beside the ship and lifted up and help her into the ship. Shortly joining her he sat as his men hoisted the boat back aboard the ship.
Annoyed and wet, he ordered furiously for her to be taken to his cabin that she was locked in. She did not resist as they led her away.
Some time has passed since he went below and changed into a pair of dry clothes into another cabin. He wanted to avoid being near her while he was still fuming with anger after her attempt to escape him.
He don't want to kill her just yet.
Now he stood at the railing staring out into the sea that nearly consumed them alive until he felt the tension lift from his shoulders. With a deep breath, he shoved away from it and headed straight for his cabin .
Finally there he branched himself before entering for a few minutes then opened the door and stepped in when he shut the door and stood before it he turned to look at her, as she was turning to face him.
She stood before him drenched, trembling not only from the cold but fear as well, with a mental curse he clenched his jaw as he forgot to get her something to change into.
He stepped closer and watched as she nervously shifted and stepped back until she was pressed against the wall at her back.
His gaze combed over her delicate features and peered into soft aqua blue eyes that held rears and nothing but fright. Unwillingly his gaze lingered over her petite form. She was the most beautiful thing he has ever laid his eyes on.
None of the women he had been with matches to her look .
He slowly lifted his fingers and grazed them gently around her nape the bruises still visible from yesterday when he had his around it and pulled her slowly forward until she peered up closely into his eyes.
Heavy droplets of tears slowly rolled down her cheek.
For the first time since he had brought her apon this ship, he was treating her delicately like she would break any minute. he knew nothing about her no name, no idea why someone so cute and sodmft was from the portroyal.
”whats your name?” he asked
She hesitated before replying on she didn't want him to shout any more.
”Lily James, captain” she whispered
A ghost smile formed on his lips as they repeated her name, testing the tone of the name that conveyed very little about the sweet creature before him .
” do you have any idea what you could have done today lily?”
She shook her head as her blue eyes locked with his green one's.
”i-im sorry captain ”
A long silence followed
”dont ever don that again,” he warned ” I will ring your neck, am I clear?”
She nodded
With that, he stormed off out of the cabin slamming the door shut.
A torrent of tears followed with breathless sobs.
A while had passed and her cries quieted down slightly to sniffles. Then slowly the door of the cabin opened and she watched as Harold entered once again. Their gaze met for a brief moment before she lowers her eyes.
He came forward and produced some clothing.
” take that off and change into these, ” he ordered.
Her gaze lowered to the clothing in his hands before lifting her gaze wearily to his.
Noticing immediately that she wasn't going to change in front of him, he stepped closer to the he and placed them down then turned to leave.
When the door shut, she turned to look at them from afar, dry tears fell from her eyes at the garments he had brought her to wear. Although she should be grateful, deep down she was trembling and cold. But she was maotlt angry at him and wanted nothing from him. She lowers her gaze to her sopping wet dress that clung to her body clenching her jar to keep her teeth from clattering. She shut her eyes tightly and hugged herself trying not to cry, that all she's beening doing since she got here.
Not realizing time had passed, so deep I to her thoughts she was not aware that Harold had returned. When he slammed the door shut, she jumped.
She stood there with her gaze not meeting anything as he looked at the garments untouched on the bed.
”i see tho refuse to change” he said steppe g forward.
She did not answer
He stared down at her and gazed at her with a mixture of impatience and anger as she trembled from the cold but stubbornly refused to take off her dress.
”take off these wet clothes lily, and change, ” he ordered again.
She didn't move an inch from his order.
His gaze hardened and his lips thinned ”do it or I will take it off for you”
He pressed her lips together in frustration when she heard his threat in the tone if bis voice.
With a muttered curse, he grabbed her by the front of the gown. Her gasp and cold fingers landed on his to keep him from pulling it. Her cries and struggles did not deter him any as he twisted the wet fabric in his fists.
”stop” she begged between sobs panicking as the sharp sounds of tearing echoed throughout the cabin.
Deep down a hurtful peng formed in his stomach at what he was doing but he caused afford to see her catch her death from a cold due to her stubbornness.
She frantically held on and he roughly ripped the grown In two, straight down the middle, yanked it off of her and tossed it to the floor .
His jaw clenched as his gaze fell in her naked and beauty before him. She wept and her hands flew to her perky breast to cover herself up.
”get dressed”he said again pointing to the clothes in the bed. His tine low and dangerous.
”You animal!” she yelled then turned away to reach for the clothes on the and tossed them at him.
” I want nothing from you” she cried out trembling with anger and tears.
His piercing gaze held hers.
His statuesque stance and silence only angered her more then she lunged for him with more hateful words.
With as much control as he could muster, he warded off her assault and held her wrists that pumped his chest. As weightless as a feather she was, he lifted her up struggling and screaming and tossed her on to the bed.
” you are an ungrateful little wench!” he grows between his teeth stepping closer.
She scrambled for the sheets beneath her and held them to her chest.
”and you're a black hearted scoundrel, ” she yelled back on her knees facing him.
Heated with rage their gazes clashed as he stepped closer until she could feel the heat on his body.his hand shot out quickly and bit harshly into her arm and yanked her close until their noses touched.
The deadly glare in his eyes sent a shiver up her spine” I will be a fool twice over if I ever try to save your pathetic self again, stay the way you are if you wish. It is my greater advantage because you can't escape with nothing on.”
To her horror, she realized what he meant as she clutched the sheets tighter to her chest.
”if you don't want to be prey to the sharks on deck, I suggest you stay locked in here. and let's hope you come to your senses” he shoved her away.
With that he spun around and retrieved the clothes from the floor. With once last glance her way it felt as if a knife had twisted in his chest watching her brake and sob as she lowered herself. But she chose this.
He shook his head. He left slamming the door
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ktlsyrtis · 5 years
I love your blog, you are really good at rationality things, I love how go so in depth to the characters I mean it's amazing! but when it came to the break up, i don't get it? you never mentioned non cere? eternity? i cannot imagine a life without you? yeah we get that it can't happen but why have that ridiculous declaration then just to break up?
Honestly, I think it makes perfect sense and that what we saw in The Right Sort of Animal was a deliberate narrative parallel to the two-parter (for the rest of this conversation I’ll be referring to the two-parter as PNN and the latest eps as RSoA)
What parallels, you ask? Well, in both episodes...
Serena is feeling lonely and communication between them is clearly not easy or frequent
Serena is hiding behind those communication issues to avoid talking about things that she fears could end their relationship (PNN = not going to Nairobi, RSoA = Leah)
Serena is feeling overwhelmed by major family issues, which is exacerbating her frustration that Bernie’s not there to share the load (PNN = the imminent arrival of Jason’s baby, RSoA = Jason’s wedding)
Bernie arrives as a surprise, making a grand gesture
Bernie is jealous/suspicious of another woman’s interest in Serena(PNN = Fleur, RSoA = Leah)
Serena reacts badly to being surprised and things get snippy while in surgery
One of them tried to take a first pass at confronting their issues, but the other shuts it down by proclaiming something they think will “fix” things(PNN = “I choose you”, RSoA = Bernie taking the job at Holby)
One of them talks obliquely about the issue with someone outside the situation(PNN = Bernie and Fleur, RSoA = Serena and Fletch)
Things come to a head and they are finally forced into talk about the issues they’ve been avoiding. This conversation is conflated with a major family event(PNN = the floor conversation during Guenivere’s birth, RSoA = the revelation of Leah followed by Jason’s wedding)
Serena suggests that things aren’t working, specifically posing it to Bernie as a question
They discuss how much they love each other, but that the situation seems untenable and agree that things should end between them
Bernie sneaks away while Serena is distracted, ostensibly to make things easier on her(PNN = while she’s meeting Gwen, RSoA = while she’s catching the bouquet)
The only real difference between the two sets of episodes is that in PNN outside influences (aka ship captains Donna and Fleur) step in to tell them they’re being idiots. It’s that intervention that is the impetus for the reunion and the grand declarations.
So why do we care? The parallels tell us everything we need to know about why things ended up the way they did.
In PNN, things are already not working between them. They are communicating poorly and neither of them is getting what they need from their relationship, but they are also both too scared to ask directly for what they need out of fear of losing the relationship entirely.
When they reunite in the lobby and reaffirm their commitment to the relationship, it is also born out of this fear. They love each other so much, that they’re willing to push through the challenges, and fix the problems between them in order to stay together.
Except they don’t do that. By the time we get to RSoA, it is painfully clear that nothing has actual changed in how they’re handling their long distance relationship. They’re still not communicating, they’re still not getting their needs met, they’re still afraid of asking for those needs to be filled. What they were willing to look past six months previous feels much different when there has not only been no substantive change in the situation, but it has actually deteriorated further.
We obviously can’t talk about all this without discussing the Leah Issue™. While Serena’s infidelity was not the reason for their break up, I do think it affected them both in a way that led to the final outcome. Namely, it trigged both of their massive unworthiness complexes. 
They are both intelligent, talented, capable women, who believe/have been taught that they are terrible at relationships and that they don’t deserve happiness/love/care. (This is something I’ve talked about in the past and this is already stupid long, so I’m not going to rehash the ways we’ve seen this in the past rn) When Bernie is so unbelievably understanding about Leah, I truly think that Serena doesn’t feel she deserves her forgiveness. Bernie offering to give up her dream job on top of that is too much. The most important line in the Albie’s scene is Serena saying “if you gave it all up for me I would never forgive myself.” She doesn’t think she’s worthy of that kind of sacrifice on anyone’s part, especially Bernie’s.
When she brings up the issue at Albie’s, she tries to keep things light. This is incredibly hard for her and all she wants is to not ruin Jason’s day and to not hurt Bernie any more than she feels she already has. Since they both know love isn’t at all the problem, she focuses on more pragmatic matters. Asks if Bernie can truly picture them having a domestic life together.
It’s this that triggers some of Bernie’s issues. She’s been so convinced that she is a terrible mother and partner that all she thinks is “I can’t be what Serena needs.” She also doesn’t think she deserves Serena’s love and care, often prioritizes Serena’s needs over her own, which is why in both cases she doesn’t push back when Serena broaches the topic of ending things. Bernie has spent her whole life sacrificing herself and her needs for others, it’s basically her default setting and we see that here with Serena.
From that point on, it’s all about these two noble idiots trying to make things as easy as possible on each other. There’s no dramatic argument, no sobbing declarations. They spend a little time together while they can, and then as soon as there’s an opening Bernie slips away into the night, not wanting to make trouble. It’s all bravado and stiff upper lip, while on the inside their hearts are entirely shattering.
ANYWAY tl;dr - Bernie’s returns were clearly consciously paralleled in order to emphasize and reinforce the problems in their relationship, and they both decided to do “what’s best” for each other in the end because they love each other more than they love themselves (and they both need a fuckton of therapy)
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CSUAVS prt 16 update... 16 because I can't freakin count
Throwing another branch of the Fire he'd built, Keith sighed softly to himself. He'd gotten them both out the ridiculous magnetic waves with the help of Zak's program, only for Lance to wake up screaming. His crush so out of it, he'd nearly ended up crashing the stupid pod as Lance tried to take control. He'd intended to take Lance away from everyone. To let him recover, despite the fact they were supposed to rendezvous with the Telula. Instead he had to fight Lance off while calling Daehra to ask what he could use to safely sedate Lance before Lance got them both killed. Kosmo hadn't helped at all, yipping and barking like it was all a game, the sound seemed to only make things worse for Lance and needless to say, the wolf had grounded in the pod while Keith sat under the starry sky with Lance sleeping by his side. Daehra hadn't liked him leaping to drugs as an option, but with the way Lance was yelling and ranting, she'd finally relented. How did he fix this? Any of this? His best fucking friend had been sexually abused, and he'd been off delivering aide when he should have been there for Lance through it all. There was nothing he could say that would make it better. Lance didn't hate him. It wasn't that he'd done anything "wrong" towards him. The idiot had kept all his pain to himself and now he'd hit his breaking point. He hated all of it. He hated it so much he'd broken down and sobbed for the Lance's loss of innocence. His still felt puffy, his head sore, from the chronic onslaught of emotions that swirled around his mind. Lance was the kindest, more pure hearted, and loving person he knew. His team clearly loved him. They all appreciated him in a way Voltron should have. And now, thanks to him, the wounds stitched closed after phoebs of work, had been torn open. The bottled infection that had been brewing now spreading back through Lance's body, stealing the light from his eyes as its poison spread. Sniffling pathetically, he wanted to throw everything away. He wanted to take Lance by the hand and run forever from the memories that hurt him. But Lance wouldn't run away with him. He probably didn't even wish for Keith to know. He already didn't want him to stay... and losing Lance... it left him feeling like the same scared boy staring down at his father's grave. He wanted Lance to be his family. His home. He was already his strength and support. He kept him anchored despite everything. How could he begin to be that for Lance? "Keith?" Keith's breath caught as a soft hand reached for his leg. Blinking up at him, Lance's eyes were filled with tears. The flames of the fire dancing on his long lashes as he blinked again. With timid moves, his friend drew himself up curl in on himself. His hand holding onto the fabric on Keith's pants loosely. For anyone else, the gesture would be easily dismissed, but all Keith could think about in that moment was the courage it must take for Lance to reach for him "I'm here" "I..." Sniffling hard, Lance's bottom lip quivered as looked away. Tremors shook Lance's shoulders as the first small sob escaped his lips. Dressed in clothes he'd found in the pod, Lance looked fragile as his collarbone peaked out from beneath the loose fabric. Without thinking, Keith gathered Lance into his lap, arms wrapped firmly around him as he held him close, Lance wailing against him "I fucked up!" "It's not your fault" "Ugh! I... don't know what to do..." "Shhhh. You don't have to know anything" "Ugh... ugh... I... don't want to... be... like this..." "I know. I know, buddy. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. It's just you and me" "I'm so stupid. Stupid. Stupid!" Lance's hand went to his hair as he yelled the last stupid. Catching it before he could pull out any more of those soft chocolate locks, Keith brought his hand down to hold it between them "You are not stupid" "I am! I..." "You are not stupid" Hiccuping, Lance started to hyperventilate "I... I... can't..." Rubbing Lance's back, his friend didn't flinch like he'd expected "Shhh. You don't have to explain. You don't have to force yourself to relive it..." "I... thought... when... I killed him... it would get better... I... can feel... him..." Of course it wouldn't get better for Lance. His noble heart would have driven him crazy over his own actions "Lance, I need you to try and breathe for me" "I... c-can't..." "I can see that. Here... put your hand on my chest... feel that... feel me breathing. I need you to breathe with me. Ok?" "C-can't..." "You can. I know you can. Here... here, come on..." Rearranging the long tangle on limbs, Keith moved Lance so he was sitting in his lap facing him. Placing both of Lance's hands on his chest, he took the Cuban's face in his hands, forcing Lance to meet his eyes "Here... breathe in with me... and out with me..." He knew there were all kinds of things people did to help with panic attacks, but the breathing one was the one that stuck with him. It was what Shiro had used a hundred and one times, and it didn't force Lance to concentrate on the things around them. The last thing he needed was Lance pushing himself too far or thinking he was stupid because he couldn't name everything he smelt... which, if he said anything other than seasalt, rotten citrus and maybe just the hint of juniper flowers, would have been a wasted answer anyway. All Keith could see was Lance. All he could focus on was Lance. Bringing Lance's breathing under control, the younger male collapsed into his hold. His forehead pressed against Keith's chest between his palms "I'm... sorry" "No. Hey. You did nothing wrong" "I did everything fucking wrong" "You weren't supposed to know" "I don't think any less of you" Those were the wrong words. Climbing off his lap, Lance balled himself up on the blankets Keith had brought for the ship for him to lay on. He'd changed Lance out of his suit after he'd woken up agitated, thinking maybe the suit was what what had made things worse for him. The warmth and weight of Lance was missed the moment he was off, but it'd be selfish to pull him back against him purely because he needed the reassurance that Lance was still alive "Are you hungry? I have some food here?" "I don't want to eat... sorry" "Maybe some water" "Keith, stop. Ok. Just stop" "Stop what?" He'd stop whatever Lance wanted him to stop... if he knew what that was "You. Being so nice. It's not... you" That... stung. That stung far more than it should have with what Lance was going through "Lance..." "Stop being nice! Stop! Just stop! I can't take it!" Yelling into his knees, Lance let out a soft whimper as he wrapped his arms tighter around his legs "You did nothing wrong. Those people who... hurt you..." "God. You can't even say it. They raped me. They held me down... gagged me... and fucked me until I came... I was so scared... but I... fucking came... ugh... ugh..." Lance's breathing hitched, his friend breaking his self hold to throw up near his feet. Reaching out to comfort him, Lance slapped his hand away. His eyes filled with self loathing and guilt as he looked to him. His words a soft mumble, as more tears rushed down his cheeks "I came... I don't understand... I didn't want to... I didn't... it hurt so bad... but I did... what's wrong with me?" Softly he reached for Lance again, his voice barely above a broken whisper as tears rolled down his own face "Lance... there is nothing wrong with you" "You weren't there!" Flinching, Keith's hand dropped "I know" "They wanted Red. That's what it was all about... he wanted a p-pet Paladin..." The lions had gone. To where no one knew... it struck Keith at that moment that it could have been any one of them. Watching Lance like this, he cursed the universe for not letting him be the one who'd been there instead "They pinned me down... gagged me... I screamed and I screamed but the didn't stop. He didn't stop... he didn't..." "Lance. What they did to you..." "I deserved it..." Anger flared through every part of Keith at those three small words "No! No. No... Lance. You didn't deserve it. No one deserves that" "I did... I do... I deserve it all" Fuck it. Lance needed something more than words. Shuffling closer, he ignored Lance's whimper as he pulled him back into a firm hug, both arms wrapped around Lance's shoulders as he shook his head "You did not deserve it. God. If I could take this pain from you, I would in an instant. You're my best friend. You're my best friend I had no idea. I..." His dangerously close confession was cut off "Don't..." "Lance" "Keith... don't... not you too" That took a right turn... "Not me too, what?" "My... body... Allura changed it... something in my scent... attracts Galra. They kept telling me I smelt good... she brought me back wrong... and now I'm... wrong. I should have... died..." "No, Lance. No. I've cared about you for years now. You were my first friend apart from Shiro. You made living on the castle bearable. You. God. You deserve sunshine and daisies. All the fucking good things in this world" Lance sniffled loudly, while somehow managing to snort at the same time "I don't deserve anything" "You do" "I'm dirty" Ignoring what he meant, Keith swayed Lance gently "We both are" "I killed people" "I have too" "You... do it because it's your job... I... did because I wanted to... and it felt good..." A moment too long passed as Keith tried to articulate what he wanted to say "See. I'm just a sad loser from Cuba. I wrecked my family. Got raped. Got tortured. I'm addicted to drugs. I have fucking panic attacks and nightmares for no reason! I kill people and now I find those people... aren't even dead... I couldn't stop Allura from sacrificing herself. I couldn't stop Klearo from raping me. I couldn't get away... I could never do anything right! I wasn't a good Paladin. I was never as good as you. I wasn't smart and cool like Shiro. I can't cook like Hunk, or fix things like Pidge. Allura only dated me because Lotor was a dick... I couldn't even kill myself" "Lance, none of that is true" "I hate that name. I hate Lance" "Why? Why would you say that?" "Because he... can't ever be good enough... I just want it all to stop" Lance was more than good enough. He'd always been more than he thought he was "We'll get through this" "I don't think I can. I don't even know if I want to anymore. I'm so tired, Keith. I'm so tired of being alive. I can't function anymore. I didn't even want a fucking team... but I was lonely... it's all a fucking joke. You weren't supposed to know" "Knowing changes nothing about the way I feel about you" "I don't need your pity" "It's not pity. You're still you. You're just a slightly bad arse bounty hunter you" "I got Kre'el killed... she's... gone because of me and I didn't even know!" "Shhh..." "I... don't know what to do" "I don't either, but you're not alone. I'm going to be right beside you" "You can't... you have your own life" "I'm making this choice for me" "I don't want you throwing your life away" "I'm not" "You are!" "I'm not throwing my life away. I don't have much of a life without you. Nothing was the same with you on Earth. I thought... I was ok with you staying there if it meant you were truly happy" Emotionally exhausted, the resignation in Lance's voice was breaking his already broken heart in a whole other way "Happy? I can't remember the last time I was happy. My family were scared of me... no one knew what to do. I killed my girlfriend and came back... but I didn't fit there anymore. I planted fields of junipers and she never came back, Keith... she never loved me at all. She was... attracted to the bit of her soul in me... she never loved me for me" "Lance, she cared. We all saw it" "Loving someone is different from being in love... now I'm here. And she's gone..." "I know she is" "Rachel said I was a lady killer... she was right..." "No, Lance. Allura made her choice. None of this is your fault. None of it" When Lance didn't reply, Keith waited a few ticks before brushing the hair back from his face. Having cried himself to sleep, Keith wished he could do the same. Having built for so long, when the first wave of emotion came crashing through Lance, he'd lost all control. Everything had poured out in one horrific story. How Lance got out of bed in the morning, he didn't know. Keith felt crushed from the weight of Lance's confession, and he'd literally just heard it all. Giving Lance a few more moments to fall into a deeper sleep, Keith then went about removing the blanket covered in watery sick. With no food in his belly, it'd been more spit and bile than proper vomit. Laying Lance down, he wanted to respect Lance's wishes, but he simply couldn't let him go. Spooning up behind him, Lance fitted perfectly into his hold. How could anyone hurt such a beautiful creature? How could they ignore his cries? His screams? How Keith wished they were alive so he could take his time very slowly killing them. * Sleeping late, Lance wasn't in his hold when Keith woke up. Scrambling up, Keith span in circles. His heart starting to pound in panic. Lance had been so broken... so hopeless and helpless... "Lance! Lance?! Lance, where are you?!" His voice died in his throat as he whipped around. Daehra's pod was still there... Lance couldn't be too far. Running over to the pod the ramp was down, Keith barreling up and into the pod as he continued to panic "Lance!?" Picking up the discarded clothes, something small dropped to the floor. The tiny camera Daehra had fitted him with. He'd forgotten about the camera with everything that had happened. He'd only been focused on getting Lance as far away from that stupid outpost as possible. Placing the clothes down on the spare chair, he retrieved the device off the floor, surprised to see it'd survived the adventure with no visible damage. Sinking down into the pilot's chair, his attention was drawn to a badly scrawled note from Lance informing him he'd taken Kosmo hunting. Letting out a huff of relief, Keith sank back in the chair. Lance out there with a blaster didn't seem the safest of plans, but with Kosmo with him, he should be fine. Hopefully. Quiznak. It was all a fucking mess. Lance really shouldn't be wandering around like he was... but his attention was torn. The tiny camera had recorded all that had happened in the outpost. Whatever was going on there wasn't legal or right. People cut up got for parts. That wasn't fucking right. He didn't know how to handle this. He couldn't handle this alone. Not something this big... and it was possible Guile had met the same fate. It was a new threat to Blade members, and everyone working undercover. Pulling out the connector cord from his communicator resting on the dash, Keith uploaded the footage, before sending it through to his mother. He'd forgotten Lance's confession was on the tape. Everything that had happened had all happened too fast. Following up the message with a warning to watch alone, Keith disconnected the camera, leaving it on the dash as climbed from the chair. If Lance and Kosmo were hunting, maybe he'd be back soon? Keith hoped he'd be back soon. They had so much to talk about, and he couldn't do that while Lance was missing. Casually wandering back to the campsite like he hadn't caused Keith a varga and a half of worry, Lance was carting what Keith could only describe as three "space chickens". The birds hanging from one raised hand as Lance chatted away at Kosmo. Catching sight of the fact he was awake, Lance gave a strained smile as he approached "Hey. I took Kosmo. I hope you don't mind?" "No. He probably needed to get up and out. How long have you been awake?" Lance hummed, as if he needed to think about his answer "A few vargas... I thought since we're going to be here a while, Kosmo and I could scope the place out" "Oh..." "Yeah. Zak tried to make a tiny improvement on the Telula, and ended up melting the electrics in the armoury. They're not going anywhere until he's fixed it" The what now? "You called Daehra?" "Yep. You looked like you needed the sleep" "Like I needed the sleep?" Lance's thin smile dropped "Are you ok? You seem spacey?" Maybe because Lance was standing there, acting like the previous night hadn't happened "Me? Are you ok? Last night..." "Just forget about last night. I shouldn't have... put you in that position. I'm going to string these birds up, try to tell Kosmo he can't eat them" He wasn't going to forget about the previous night. He was pretty sure he going to remember that night until the day he died "Lance..." "Keith. I can't... let me put these birds up ok? Then we can have breakfast?" "Lance, we need to talk about all of this" "No we don't. Ok. We really don't. I never have lost my shit last night and told you what happened. I can't..." "We do. You're... you're not alone in all of this" "You don't know what you're talking about" Storming away, Lance stalked towards the pod while Kosmo whining as him as he dropped down by Keith's feet "Did you go hunting with Lance? How was he?" Huffing softly, Kosmo rolled onto his side "Yeah. I think I made him mad. Leave those birds of his lone. He really needs us both to be on our best behaviour. I need to talk to him. He's probably going to get really really mad at me, but he needs help. You know that too. Why don't you stop sulking and go hunt for some more of those birds?" Kosmo cast a glance to in the direction of Lance, silently asking him "why should he hunt when food was right there?" "You're a lazy shit. Everyone has been spoiling you far too much. Stay here then, but you're not getting anything to eat until Lance has eaten something. And I'm telling Hunk not to give you any treats next time he sees you" Kosmo's head shot up, the wolf looking offended "Yeah. That's right. You brought this on yourself. If you want any to eat, you have to go hunt for it yourself. I'm going to talk to Lance" Lance was stringing up the second bird as Keith came to join him. He was certain that ramp hatch latches hadn't been attached for hanging up game, but from the look of it Lance knew what he was doing "Keith. I don't want to talk about it" "I know. But I do. And I think we need to" Huffing, Lance continued to coil wire around the feet of the bird he was holding "What's left to say? Do you want to know how it felt? Or how much I bled? I have nothing left to say, Keith. I have nothing left" "That's not true" "Really? What do I have?! Where stuck here because of me. Because I couldn't hold my shit together. I could have gotten you killed" "Lance..." "And there's that! I'm sick of you saying my name like that. God. I wish you didn't know then I wouldn't have to see you looking at me like this" "I'm not looking at you like anything" "You are. With that pity and disgust" "Lance... I don't pity you. I'm not disgusted by you. What happened never should have happened to you. Or to anyone" "Yeah. Well. It did. If you're not helping with the birds, then go away" "I'm not going away" "The agreement was I get you there. I'm sorry, but Guile is probably dead. He's probably in one of those tubes. When we meet back with the Telula, you'll go back to Daibazaal and I'll... go back to whatever's left" "I'm staying" "Keith..." "I'm staying" "You can't just stay!" "And you can't send me away. I'm not going away. You're my best friend" "I'm not your best friend. I'm not even sure I'm even a friend anymore. Let alone a person" "You're so frustrating! Lance, I want to help you. I want to help you feel better. I want to be with you" "And what about what I want?" "You said it yourself, you don't know what you want" "Don't go throwing my words back at me. Ok. You don't get to swoop in here and save me" Crossing his arm, Keith frowned "I'm not swooping in to save you" "Really? Tell me that you didn't hear everything last night and went about immediately coming up with some kind of plan to "fix" me. You can't fix me Keith. I'm too fucking fucked up" "You're not..." "Not what? A drug addict? Pretty sure I qualified before I even got off Earth. A murderer pretty sure I qualify there. A goddamn monster? Hell I've got the trifector" "We can..." "What? Magically wave a wand make it all go away?! You should get as far away from me as possible. All this bullshit about you staying, it's only because I'm fucked in the head. All these hopes and dreams you've built up of magically saving me..." "I'm staying with you because I fucking love you, you idiot! I love you!" Lance started to laugh. The sound grating on Keith's ears as Lance laughed even louder "That's... that's a good one..." "I'm serious" "You're seriously delusional. Did you hit your head?!" Keith's temper flared, his hands falling to his sides as he balled his fists "Are you?! What the fuck have you been thinking?! Running around the universe like nothing happened! You're not happy and you're not coping!" "I was coping fine until you came along!" "Why are you being like this?!" "Being like what? Telling you the truth?" "This isn't the truth" "What would you know?" Struggling with the words, Keith cursed himself silently. Lance knew how he felt about him. He'd told him again and again not to say it, but if he didn't say it now, Lance would never understand. Taking a breath, he calmed himself the best he could before clenching his fists all over again and looking Lance in the eye "I know that I've been in love with you for years. Years, Lance. Before any of this happened. Before you started dating Allura. Before we came back to Earth. I... I fucking love you" "No" Dropping the last dead bird, Lance stumbled back "No! You don't get to say that" "Lance..." "You don't get to do this to me" Clutching his chest Lance sank to squat, his breathing growing irregular "Lance..." "Don't..." "Lance" "Don't call me that! Lance is dead! Lance doesn't exist" "You're Lance. You're my best friend and I'm Keith, the idiot who fell head over heels in love with you" "No..." Falling back onto his arse, Lance shook his head "... I told you not to say it!" "I'm saying it because it's true. I love you" Shaking his head harder, Lance's eyes were filled with unshed tears "You don't" "I do. I thought I could be happy if you were happy... I thought Allura would make you happy. I thought Earth would make you happy" "You don't love me..." Edging closer to Lance, Keith sank down to squat in front of him. Taking him by the wrists, Lance ripped with hands back with a whimper "Don't Keith... don't... you can't..." "I love you" "I'm dirty! They raped me... the raped me..." "I know what they did to you. And god I wish they were here so I could get them for touching you. But Lance, I love you" "I'm dirty..." "You're not dirty" "I... am..." "You're a bit of an idiot. But you're the best sharpshooter in the whole universe. You're the best person I could have as my right hand man. You're the person I hurt the most because I was goddamn scared of telling you how I felt. But I'm so fucking in love with you" Sniffling, Lance wiped at his face with both hands "You don't even know me anymore" "Then tell me about you. Tell me everything. Scream at me. Yell at me. Shoot me if you want to, but I can't find you dirty. I can't see you as anyone other than Lance. They're the ones who are dirty. They're the ones who are monsters" Sniffling and hiccuping, Lance wasn't having it "I'm the monster" "You're not a monster" "I thought they were arrested... not... chopped into pieces..." "You didn't know" "It doesn't change anything. They used you. They did this to you... And I am not leaving you. Not again..." "You can't promise that. You leave... you always leave... everyone leaves" "No. Hey. No... no, Lance. What happened with Allura was not your fault. Neither was what happened with Shiro. We were still kids when we got blasted into space. We were all trying to do our best" "You did. You were always good... you told me to leave the maths to Pidge, then you left. I tried to be happy... but... I don't even... I don't even know I can love you... like I did... I can't... give you... anything" "I don't want you too. I'm not asking you to date me. I'm not asking you to suddenly love me. What I want is to be here with you. I want to be the one you know you can lean on. Love isn't about kissing and sex. I haven't... uh... um... had sex. And I'm not sweeping in to save you. I don't know what you felt. I don't know your pain. I've only seen what you showed me, Lance, but I have seen some pretty messed up stuff. We all did. I'm... still not very good at this, but you need to know I don't think any less of you. If anything, I think you're strong. Strong and brave. You've been running a whole fucking crew. With all of this on your shoulders. You're so fucking strong" "I don't feel very strong. All I've been doing is fucking crying... and you're being so nice... I can't even get out of bed without the drugs, Keith" "Then we'll work through this together. Let me do the thinking for now? I think you said something about breakfast, after hanging this bird up. We have to let it drain, and let the meat set, right?" Lance tilted his head, his beautiful brow drawn slightly. It took him a few ticks before he finally replied "Yeah. And pluck it... you should know that, shouldn't you?" "I do. It just really hurts squatting down like this, and I'm getting kind of hungry" Lance snorted loudly, the stupid sound made Keith's heart flutter. He hadn't been rejected by Lance. He hadn't expected a relationship. Nor did he want to rush into one. Lance might never be ready for one. But he wasn't crying anymore. They'd talked a little... Most importantly, he'd finally be able to say those words. He was able to tell Lance how he'd felt about him. Love wasn't some magical cure. Telling someone you loved them didn't take away the depression, the self hatred, or even lighten the weight on their shoulders, but it did tell them that they weren't alone "You're so fucking weird" Smiling the best he could, Keith stood. His legs protesting as he did. Holding his hand out for Lance to take, he wasn't offended when Lance chose to climb up on his own accord. There were so many things they needed to work out. Personal boundaries being the higher priority for Keith "At least I'm not "hinky"" "Oh, you're definitely hinky. Big. Grizzled. Rugged and hinky..." "I am not" "You lived in a shack and went all cryptid hunter for the Blue lion" "Where else was I going to live?" "I don't know. I can't even think right now" "That's because you went hunting without having breakfast" "In my defence, I didn't think I was going to end up melting down again so soon" "Hey. You do know we'll get through this? I want to help as much as I can" "I know you want to... but there's still so much you don't know. The whole thing is a mess. I don't know how I'm going to face my team now..." Running his fingers through his hair, Lance looked like an adorable mess. It wasn't that Keith liked him suffering, and as guilty as it made him feel, there was some small part of his ego stroked by the fact he was the only one Lance was depending upon at the moment. Giving a soft smile, Keith was sure the team already knew, yet none of them thought any less of him. Anyone who did, would be finding themselves with a one way ticket out the nearest airlock "Lance, your team really cares about you. They're not going to think any less of you" "I'm not telling them. And I'm not telling anyone but you. Having one person know is bad enough... I know for a fact I can't handle two" "I won't tell. It's not my business to, but I am grateful that you did talk to me. Let's tie the bird up. There's still some food over near the blankets from last night. We can eat, then find a river? We're going to need clean water" "I found one with Kosmo this morning. I took a bath with him... if you want to go..." Lance looked slightly panicked, which was weird given his love of water "Lance. I'm not going to force anything. Look. I care about you, but this is your body. I'm not going to force you to strip down and come swimming. I'm not going to jump your bones the first moment I can. I mean it when I say I want to be here for you. I was thinking after breakfast we could come up with some basic rules? Things that you know seem to trigger attacks?" Lance sighed at him "I must look so pathetic right now... especially if you're the one being all calm and collected" "What's that supposed to mean?" "That you used to always act before thinking" "I don't know. You were crying your eyes out and instead of giving you space, I forced you into my arms" "Don't say it like that... forced... you gave me a hug" So "forced" was off limits... That was good. It felt like another step in understanding "I cradled you in my arms?" Rolling his eyes at him, Lance let out a huff "It's not my fault I can't remember... I'd literally just been blown up" "You'd just saved Coran's life... then you saved all of us" "This is getting too close and personal, Mullet. Go take Kosmo for a bath. I'll get breakfast ready" Keith frowned. Lance had been running around all morning by the sound of it. He should be resting, especially seeing he'd made him cry again "Stop looking at me like that. I just need a little space to calm back down. This is... I never wanted you to know and now you've decided you needed to tell me that you love me... you have no idea how fucked up all of this is... its..." "It's a lot?" "More than a lot. I'm not going to steal Daehra's pod, so go take a bath. There's some soap and a towel down by the edge of the water. Kosmo knows where to go" "Just how long have you been awake?" "That one's better if you don't know. Now stop fussing" Keith opened his mouth to ask if Lance would really be ok on his own, but the look of Lance's face cut through the words. Silently pleading with him for space, Keith nodded "A bath sounds pretty good. I've got my comm with me..." "I'll call if anything happens. Now shoo, you're making my eyes water" "I don't smell!" "Mhmm. You stink" "Rude!" "Doesn't make it any less true" "You're impossible" "I try" "God. Fine. I'm going" "Bye! Have fun" Leaving Lance to finish up with the birds, Keith whistled Kosmo over as he walked away from his crush. Was Lance still his crush? Now that his feelings were known... did it change things? He'd meant what he said. He wasn't about to rush Lance into anything he didn't want... even if curling up with him in his arms had felt incredibly right. He was going to need to have a good hard think about where to go now. Lance was intentionally hurting himself. He was also dosing himself up and jumping at everything. Wrapping his arms around Lance didn't make the trauma go away, but hugs did seem to be ok as long as they weren't sudden. Hugs with Lance felt way better than he remembered, possibly because he'd never really been one for hugs like Lance was... yet, a hug with Lance... was... it was stupid to say but it was everything he'd hoped it would be. * Keith had only just stripped off his clothes when his communicator started to ring. Lance had said there would be soap and a towel down by the waters edge, yet failed to mention the fact he'd washed his clothes and strung up a make shift clothes line while he'd been at it. He knew he shouldn't be surprised, yet each time Lance pulled out some nifty trick, he found himself falling even more for him. He'd known Lance was handy, but the way he simply went and got things done was... hot. Snatching up his communicator, he plonked himself down on a rock as he took the call, his mother's face set firmly as Keith frowned at her "What the quiznak have you gone and got yourself into?! Where are you right now?" "Nice to see you too, mum" She'd definitely watched the video then... and definitely wasn't impressed "Don't give me that. I told you to stay out of this" "Mum..." "And now you and Lance... where is he? Is he ok? We'll come get you" "Mum..." "I really can't believe this..." "Mum! Just... calm down. It's been a long morning as it is" "How am I supposed to calm down? You're my son... and Lance... I can't imagine how he's coping. Has he told his family?" Keith blinked at her, an uncomfortable feeling welling in his empty stomach "How..." "It was on the video. He does know you sent it through, doesn't he?" Groaning, Keith kicked himself mentally. Lance was going to kill him "Keith?" "No... so much happened. I forgot it was... fuck..." "Keith..." "Mum... I told him I wouldn't tell. I promised him. I've only just... he's so fucking scared and now everyone knows..." "Keith. No one else saw. I watched it through alone first. How is he, really?" "Not good. You should have seen him. He's been trying to cope with all of this on his own... but that outpost pushed him over. He.. was fucking crying" Tears were welling in his own eyes. He shouldn't be talking about this, even if his mother only wanted to help "I think we should come get you" Shaking his head, Keith wiped the tears from his eyes with his thumb "No... Its not you guys, but the people who hurt him were Galra. I don't know how he can look me in the eye. I wasn't even there, but I feel guilty over it all" Krolia pursed her lips as she closed her eyes. Opening them, she nodded slowly "I understand. Are you two safe?" "Yeah. We're waiting for Lance's team. We were going to meet them, but now we're staying here for a few quintants instead. Daehra told Lance there were ship troubles, but I think that was because she knows Lance needs some time to process" "Is there any thing I can do to help?" "Yes... no. I don't know. That outpost was fucking disgusting. But if Lance is on there saying that..." "I will edit it out. I know he may feel shame, but he is not to blame. Remember that Keith" Keith couldn't hide his offence. The fact his mother felt the need to tell him that stung "Mum. Really? You think I'm about to hold that against him? I've told him that I don't think any less of him. I can't believe you'd even think that" "I don't. I know you. I also know that you're better with your blade than your words" "I'm getting through to him fine. He woke up crying last night and we talked. We talked some more this morning. I was about to take a bath when you interrupted that" "Keith, I'm on trying to say that what Lance went through is something no one should have had to, and you should expect that things have changed in his eyes when it comes to things such as sex and love. I know you love him, but don't expect him to reciprocate those feelings, and if you're only helping him out of pity, then it could all blow up in your face" "Lance knows how I feel. I told him" His mother's face saddened "Keith..." "It's ok. I told him before I even knew that I wanted to stay with him. I gave him my word and I won't go back on that. As long as he needs me, as long as he lets me stay, I'm not going to give up on him" "It'll be hard. Hard on both of you. Remember not everything said in anger is true, but once said words can cut deeper than even the sharpest of blades" "I know that. But he makes me happy. He's always been there for everyone. It's past time someone was there for him" "I understand. You know you'll always be welcome on Daibazaal. Both you and Lance" "I'm not going away forever" "I know. I'll let you get back to your bath, and consult with Kolivan over the footage. If this is happening, we need to bring an end to the practice" "Thanks, mum. Knowing Lance, he'll probably want to rush back in. So I'm hoping these few quintants will help. You should check in with all over undercover operatives" Krolia raised an eyebrow "I am already on top of it. You're far too young to think otherwise" "Give me a break. I have a lot of thoughts going on right now" "Ooooh. That sounds dangerous. Don't think too hard, we don't want you head to explode" "I'm hanging up on you now" "You know you love me" Keith nodded, feeling the weight of the words "I do, mum. I'll... check in soon. Be safe" "You too. And anything you need, just call" "I will" Ending the call, Keith still felt guilty as hell that he'd sent the video through to his mother without even thinking about the fact Lance had confessed what had been done to him while it'd been recording. He couldn't change the fact she knew, but now that she did, their operatives would be made aware, possibly saving other Blade members. If the guilty clawing at his heart at the moment was anything like the guilt Lance felt, he could understand needing the drugs to get out of bed. It fucking sucked.
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bruiserelliot · 7 years
Shamchat wouldn't let me post this, so yeah
This is a conversation between Pidge and yourself, Lance.
Lance: Lance walked into the green lion's hanger, seeing Pidge hunched over a computer, the screen's light reflecting in her glasses."Have you been here all night?"
Pidge: She glanced up at him briefly, then went back to looking at her screen. "Are you surprised?"
Lance: "Not really, but it was a good seg-way for this." He put himself between her and the computer."C'mon Pidge, you haven't been sleeping alot, don't try to deny it, your eyes have more baggage than Keith."
Pidge: Pidge sighed and reached around him for her laptop. "I'm busy, Lance. And I can take care of myself."
Lance: "You're always busy, you always have been busy, and you refuse to take a break." He replied, blocking the way to the laptop."One of these days you're gonna overwork yourself!" He crossed his arms as he finished speaking
Pidge: She stood. "Maybe. And it's none of your fucking business if I do. /Move/."
Lance: "Yes it is!" He retorted."You're my teammate, more importantly, my friend and I don't wanna see you hurt, especially because of yourself." He said. It was one of the most serious things he said to her since Shiro had gone missing.
Pidge: Pidge slowly closed her eyes. She didn't expect him to get it. "Lance, just fuck off."
Lance: Lance narrowed his eyes. He hated himself for what he was about to say, but then again he already hated himself for so many other things, and it was also probably the only way he'd get her to listen."What would your brother say if he knew you were overworking yourself?"
Pidge: She laughed humorlessly. "If I ever see him again, I'll ask him."
Lance: Lance's expression softened."Pidge don't say that." He sighed."Look, you're smart, definitely the smartest person on this ship, you're gonna find your family, but you still need to look after yourself."
Pidge: She put her hands on her hips. "And you need to stay out of it. Now get out."
Lance: Lance matched her pose."Not until you promise me that you'll at least get some sleep tonight." He retaliated.
Pidge: Pidge rolled her eyes. "Sure, Lance. Now leave."
Lance: Lance leaned forward."I'm being serious here for once, that should show just how much everyone's worried about you, they're just all scared of you blowing up at them if they say anything. So, please, promise me, for real this time, or I'll bring Hunk in here and he'll use the puppy dog eyes."
Pidge: Pidge groaned. "Okay, I don't have time for this right now, we'll talk about it later or something, just /move/."
Lance: Lance sighed."Fine..but we are definitely talking later." He told her as he got out of her way. The hunk threat was emptier than the healing pods at the moment, but he had thought she would have stopped fighting at that point. He put his hands in his pockets, glancing at her screen. it was the footage of Matt she'd found at the prison.
Lance: He stalked out of the hanger, closing the door behind him. He turned around, seeing the others hovering outside the door."Well?" Allura pressed. Lance sighed."She said we'd talk about it later. I don't think she meant it though." He frowned. Keith growled."Why is she doing this?" He refrained from punching the wall. Lance looked at him."Well what would you do if you had a lead on Shiro? Probably the same thing. Look, just, I'll talk to her later, she's gonna have to come outta there some time.
Pidge: Pidge went back to reviewing all five seconds of footage she had for the billionth time, the futility of the situation hitting her again. She'd analyzed everything there was to analyze. Twice. Unless she was missing something, there wasn't anything more she could do. It was /hell/. Sure, she knew he was alive, or he had been not long ago, but what then? Maybe he was safe, maybe he was being held captive, maybe the group who broke him out had pumped him for information and killed him. It was impossible to know and she had no way of figuring out where they'd taken him. At least with the Galra, she'd had a vague idea of what he was going through. Meanwhile, she hadn't found anything on her dad at all. The situation was bleak and she was exhausted and they'd lost Shiro and everything was a fucking mess and there was nothing she could do but pore over the same stupid clip over and over again for hours at a time. Lance was right, she'd have to come out some time, but not for a long while.
Lance: ~le magical timeskip to a few hours later~
Lance: Lance sat outside the door, looking at the green headphones in his lap. Back when they had first come, it had been much harder for him to get to sleep since he couldn't listen to his music without headphones. So, Pidge had given him her headphones, saying that since she could get a primary source of information, she wouldn't need them anymore. And god it had helped so much. He wanted to do something like that for her. He didn't want her to feel the way he did. She was too good for that. It's not like he could get her family back, but he did wanna show her that she had another family here on the ship, even if it was a little broken at the moment. He considered knocking on the door, but figured that would just end the same way it had that morning. It would be better to let her come to him.
Pidge: Hours later and Pidge couldn't focus anymore. She also hadn't eaten in... awhile. Oops. Totally exhausted and a little defeated, she decided it was probably time to eat breakfast (lunch? dinner? what time was it?). She yawned, stretched, then finally left Green's hangar.
Lance: Lance jumped as he heard the door open and turned to see Pidge."Uh..hey." He stood up and handed the headphones to her."I figured you might wanna hear Matt in better sound quality." He smiled a little bit, but it dropped a few seconds after."I-I'm sorry about earlier, I was probably just being annoying and that was definitely not a good way to go about trying to help." He rambled.
Pidge: Pidge hadn't really been expecting anyone to be waiting for her and she blinked at him as her brain caught up with the situation, then pressed her headphones back into Lance's hands. "Thanks, but you can't hear him anyway." She started off for the kitchen again. "Don't worry about it."
Lance: Lance smiled a little and put the headphones around his neck and followed her."So, no luck yet?" He asked. He already knew the answer, but if he got her talking maybe she'd consider trying to sleep.
Pidge: She tensed, just slightly. "No."
Lance: Lance frowned, then considerably brightened as he remembered the morning meeting Pidge had missed."Wait a sec, Coran mentioned something earlier about an overtaken galra base, what if he's there?!" He exclaimed.
Pidge: She shook her head. "That wouldn't make any sense. The group that took him was clearly well-organized. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to take over a Galra base and stay there. The Galra wouldn't stand for it, they'd annihilate the place."
Lance: Lance frowned at that."Oh...yeah, you have a point." He sighed as he opened the door to the kitchen, but jumped back as he saw everyone staring at him and Pidge. There was a second or two of silence, then everyone rushed forward, glad that Pidge was finally out of the hanger. Lance sort of stood to the side. He looked at Coran, who was doing the same."You're sure that base is still there?" He hissed. Coran shrugged."Dunno, we haven't received another message yet." Meanwhile, Hunk and Allura were practically Pushing Pidge to the table, while Keith laughed his ass off at their pushiness.
Pidge: Clearly, she'd timed her break incredibly poorly. Lance had been more than enough company on his own. She was /really/ not in the mood to contend with all of them all at once, especially when they were so eager. In truth, it all struck her as a little overdramatic; she'd been working, it wasn't a big deal. But she let herself be herded around and pretended to listen as they spoke, not saying much herself.
Lance: What Pidge probably hadn't realized, was that she'd been working for three days straight. It was hard to tell in space when you didn't have a perfectly timed sun. Lance had just happened to be the first one to notice. Said boy sat down at the table."C'mon guys leave her alone, you guys have done just as worse things before." He said, gladly shoveling in the food goo. Hunk looked at him."Oh yeah, name one time!" Lance swallowed, then looked up."When you slept in the kitchen for a week to figure out a new recipe." Allura laughed at that. Lance looked to her next."When you tried to reverse the gravity of the pool after Pidge changed it for us. It took you 9 hours to quit." He looked to Keith."And this one once spent two days in the simulator at the garrison." He was about to turn to Coran. "Alright alright, save me the embarrassment." The ginger replied.
Pidge: Pidge at her food goo without really tasting it and let the conversation swirl around her without actually joining in. Part of her brain was still back in the hangar, trying to work through anything else she could possibly be doing. Once she'd finished eating, she took care of her dishes and left for the hangar again. Maybe she'd take her laptop and move her base of operations to the lab. As much as she appreciated Green's company, it might've been time for a change in scenery.
Lance: The others watched as the youngest member of their team left. Keith turned to Lance."Does that count as a break to her?" He blinked. Lance shrugged."I guess so. But we'll just have to take what we can get." He stood up, shoving his hands back in his pcokets.
Lance: pockets*
Pidge: Pidge did wind up moving to the lab after all. She settled in and got to work, but only made it a few more hours before she finally passed out. Despite her best attempts, she was still only human.
Lance: Lance walked down the halls, looking for his young friend. He suddenly heard snoring, and followed the sound. When he found her in the lab, he chuckled and shut down her equipment, knowing she'd kill someone if they let it overheat. After that, he picked her up and, since he didn't know where her room was, took her to his room. He put her down on his bed and draped the covers over her. She heavily reminded him of his own little sister back on earth. He laid down on the floor, figuring that if Pidge could sleep sitting up, draped over a desk, he could deal with the floor.
Pidge: ((gotta go, sorry!
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