#such a big step for them
mourning-at-night · 22 days
jace i don’t feel good was so funny but also made me so sad. like that’s a teenager with a strawberry squishmallow keychain and a tamagotchi and she doesn’t feel good and she's tugging on a teacher’s sleeve about it. a teacher who should have been responsible for protecting her in the first place and didn’t. who is manipulating and using her and her friends to help fulfill the desires of a wrathful power-hungry egomaniac. porter and jace it’s on sight >:(
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omnificent-orion · 2 months
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Don't ever forget. Wherever you go…
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to-be-a-dreamer · 9 months
I’ve been reading the Grishaverse books/watching the Netflix show for the first time over the past couple weeks or so and I just have to say that I think it's so funny whenever Kaz gets snarky about Inej's proverbs or Matthias's religious talk or Jesper’s Jesperisms or anyone else being even slightly philosophical or theatrical or whatever because Kaz Brekker is the most dramatic bitch in all of Kerch. Like. I'm pretty sure this kid graduated top of his class from the School of Dramatic One-Liners with a double major in "Commit to the Aesthetic" and "Writing Epic Love Poetry Whilst Maintaining the Bad Guy Reputation". Dude wanted to impress a girl and wasn’t sure if getting the whole ass king of Ravka to find her long-lost parents was enough so he bought an entire warship from his friend who absolutely would have just Given It To Him but noooooo Mr. Protecting-My-Investment over here had to pay a fair price otherwise it doesn’t count.
The only, and I mean the ONLY reason I don't say he's the most dramatic bitch in the entire Grishaverse is because Nikolai Lantsov exists and that man once wore his entire army uniform under his jacket to go volcra hunting in the Shadow Fold on the off chance he would get to make a dramatic reveal at the end. He put a spring-loaded curtain in front of the weapons rack on his personal ship just in case he had guests he wanted to show off for. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did the dramatic flourish every time he opened those curtains for literally no one but himself. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he made that set up after he had guests he wanted to show off for. That curtain either went up two hours before he used it or it was the first thing he built on that ship there is no in between.
I need copious amounts of Expo markers, PowerPoint slides, and glitter to figure out which one of them takes the title it is CLOSE.
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hydrachea · 2 months
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All of the quest menu descriptions for Aventurine's quest "All the Sad Tales".
(... And the one from "A Walk Among the Tombstones.)
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darkxsoulzyx · 1 year
POV: You join the fnaf security breach fandom / DCA fandom
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tru-daddy · 1 month
every day i think about how genius the symbolism was in wesker's rebirth scene from the umbrella chronicles game of him taking off the sunglasses and the inside said "PROPERTY OF UMBRELLA" and stepping on them as he had finally slipped their leash
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astrolavas · 2 years
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you know what i’d like, Belos?
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vero-niche · 1 year
for anyone else who doesnt have twitter like myself, i was reading the final episode's Anime Trending review and this part i found very reassuring about That Kazuki Scene and wanted to share:
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so it really truly seems that any added ambiguity was only to get past the censors (whom i wanna take down kazurei style) - the creators themselves are with us in this. 👨‍👨‍👧💕
(update: the producer is @michi1020 on twitter, post with screenshots by @hubbydaddies)
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t-u-i-t-c · 6 months
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"Is it weird?"
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Steve Harrington holds Eddie Munson’s face in the palms of his hands, as if he is trying to make sure to commit every single scar and dip of Eddie into his memory. (He is.)
He allows himself a moment, allows the tips of his fingers to dip down along the cut that runs along Eddie’s cheek. Follows the dip of it with his pinky, swirls down to brush against the edge of Eddie’s bottom lip. He watches, enamored, as the tip of Eddie’s tongue flicks out to touch the pad of his finger- before dark eyes blink open to meet his.
Eddie Munson allows himself a moment to watch as Steve Harrington stares down at him, cradling his face in his palms. He takes a moment himself, allows himself to scan his eyes over the freckles and moles that are dotted along Steve’s skin like tiny kisses.
He lets his eyes coast down Steve’s jaw, allows them to follow the curl and curve of the healing pink cut that is looped around his neck. Imagines what it would be like to press his mouth in a kiss to the skin there, imagines and hopes. Yearns.
It’s quiet, in the hospital room.
Eddie and Steve say nothing, even as Steve presses his thumbs in against the swell of Eddie’s cheeks a little firmer. As if he is scared that Eddie will slip out from between his fingers. (He is.)
Eddie says nothing, even as Steve frees one of his hands to press the call button for a nurse. Even as Steve manages to murmur something, something that Eddie wishes he could’ve heard- but instead he just watches. Imagines. Hopes. Yearns.
When Steve turns to catch Eddie’s eyes with his own, Eddie feels like he is coming home.
When Eddie’s eyes are captured by Steve’s, Steve feels like he has just woken from a deep slumber.
Eddie smiles— and imagines, hopes, yearns.
Steve smiles— and is completely enamored.
Eddie is the one to break the silence, even as the hospital room’s door is pushed open by a nurse.
“Hey there, big boy.”
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zhivchik · 2 months
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ineffableaddiction · 2 months
Crowley stops arguing with Aziraphale about driving the car when Aziraphale tells Crowley he’ll be taking care of the bookshop. He realizes it’s a big step for them.
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mando-abs · 3 months
Guys, I’ve read the Wild Robot
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And let me tell you, if I hadn’t recently taken a Children’s Literature class in college, I would’ve said this was the best middle-grade book I’ve read since elementary/middle school. I almost read this book in one night (I was sleepy 😴) like I couldn’t put it down.
The heart behind this book is astounding and it never shies away from showing complex and difficult concepts. You will fall in love with Roz and her gosling son along with all of the other animal on the island.
If you’ve got younger ones, I highly recommend reading this to them or having a little book club moment with them. However, be prepared for whatever hard questions may come your way (i.e. circle of life and climate issues). You know your child and how much they can handle/understand. If you’re like me and much older, it’s a quick read and a great way to finish off a long day. It’s a part of a trilogy and you bet I’m patiently waiting for my hold on a copy at the library.
If the movie is anything like the book (which, given a rewatch of the trailer, it’s looking like so), we are in for a special treat.
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webshood · 3 months
batfam x spider-man crossover
Gotham and New York are literally border to border, so Peter lives in Gotham, but works and does vigilante work in NYC, because he doesn't want to get in trouble with the bats and there's like nine of them in the city at all times, while there's not that much heroes in NYC and once a new yorker, always a new yorker.
the thing is, since he doesn't actually spend that much time on Gotham's side, only there because the rent is cheap, he's kinda out of the loop of who's dangerous and who's not.
so when he starts to become friends/flirt with Red Hood's second in command, he has no idea whatsoever and his neighbors are always like "do you really think Jason is a good partner/company for you?"
He's always sooo confused, because what's wrong with Jason? He's a cute guy that likes to read classics, is getting his degree in medicine, likes to hold Peter's waist/use his shoulders as arm support, yes, he smells like gunpowder and blood under his body wash and lotion, but almost everyone in Gotham does! Jason even sends Peter homemade pastries every week, he's dreamy!
so the only conclusion Peter can come up with is that his neighbors are homophobic
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Yeah it’s cool and all that Lyanna Mormont and Wylla Manderly are such vocal Stark loyalists. But it’s actually quite important that they share names with two of the most important women in Jon Snow’s life: Lyanna Stark - his mother, and Wylla - his wetnurse and rumored mother in universe. Such stunning loyalty from these two girls who are named after women so important to Jon just tickles all the key parts of my brain. These are the women who gave him life. And it’s even more poignant when we realize that by ADWD, when the girls are declaring their loyalty, Jon is the KiTN who bears the name STARK per Robb’s decree.
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tj-crochets · 24 days
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Next baby quilt top is done!
Not my usual color scheme or pattern or…anything, really, but it’s Georgia Bulldog colors for a charity fundraiser rally thing run by a relative of a relative and that’s what they wanted so it’s what I’m making
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