#stronger sex
The ground is falling in on itself
As grown men stomp around
The women standing there
too scared to make a sound
"It's not all men" says the earth
They're just showing that they're proud
"Proud of what" says a little voice
"Destroying all our land?"
"Quieting our voices when we speak too loud"
She tells them what is happening
But the men dont care
Our homes sinking in a hole
Our women in despair
For we have no voice we have no say
We just have to watch as our world goes away
But that's not true
It's not to late
We can join together to voice
"It is all men!"
Because our life's are at stake!
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garbagequeer · 8 months
the femslash poll really shows how poor the state of f/f is. half children's cartoons 1/4 harry potter characters that either never interacted/didn't have any personality or plot or barely interacted. and if you say hey i think the real life adult women who had personalities and relationships to each other that were very present in their stories should win. some nerd comes out of nowhere like well vote mirma and wilda they once played parcheesi in the parcheesi episode of doodoo didoo: the cartoon that teaches little children the names of colors. well my girls fucked nasty and were central to their piece of media. so
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littledoggyboy · 3 months
So like. I’m not comfortable with penetration at this stage in my life (toys yes but the real thing no)
But. My friend does this thing (and by friend I mean person I have sex with and want to pursue romantically eventually)
Where they like. I am naked from the waist down but they leave their pants on and they just shove me on my knees with my ass in the air and pretend like they’re fuckinf the ever loving shit out of me and like. It shouldn’t feel good?? There’s nothing in me, there’s hardly any friction, like I shouldn’t feel anything.
But holy fuck it feels amazing. I think it’s the just. How fuckint strong they are and how HARD they’re “fucking” me holy shit I make some of the most pathetic and depraved noises I’ve ever heard myself make.
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zaddyazula · 2 months
the most tragic thing about aot was mikasa being that obsessed with eren COME ON GIRL
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forcebookish · 10 months
it's not lost on me that top shoves mew against a wall and tries to kiss him but when mew stops him he backs off in the same episode that boston shoves top against a wall and gropes him but doesn't stop when top tells him to stop
seems to be lost on a lot of other people though😒
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allofthebeanz · 3 months
What I really love about xwp is that Xena and Gabrielle cry countless of times onscreen and that never detracts from their badass skills and respect as warriors. They get to wear a bunch of fun outfits with their bellies showing and not be sexualized by the camera because they're shown as people with complexities and personalities and a driving narrative force. Media should really learn from this. Characters of all genders should have this, where are more of these shows?
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lace-knots · 4 months
Thinking about someone edging me while I'm trying to top them and goddddd
They're fucking back into me but when they hear me whimper in that way, they suddenly stop and grip my wrist.
"You're not allowed to cum yet, baby."
I pull back a little bit as I try to relax, but they drag me right back on top of them.
"You can handle it, princess. Just a little more."
They grind their hips back into me, holding me right where I am. I bite my lip and try to be obedient, but it's too much.
They pull my head down and clench around me. I can feel them throbbing against me and I just gasp as I lay there twitching, in their lap, before they finally push me off.
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Charles and Pierre mindblowing each other 🤯❤
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oakdrawss · 7 months
People need to get weirder about dwarves
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vroomian · 6 months
Yrz killing 115 people is fine for some people but god forbid he sleep with one terrible person
i really don’t get it
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spiderfreedom · 8 months
not gonna effortpost about this today because I gotta get work done but real short
I notice this argument being used all the time: "you can't make a definition of 'woman' that does not exclude some people that we call women. therefore, the only good definition for 'women' that includes all people we call woman is 'people who identify as woman.'"
and the thing is, philosophically, "you can't make a definition of {thing} that does not exclude some examples we also call {thing}" is something that applies to almost every category! it's literally a whole philosophical problem of "what is the definition of a chair?" didn't we have a whole meme about how nobody can even agree on what a sandwich is?
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it's not something unique to women, tables, horses, sandwiches, salads, or anything else. it is a problem of language itself.
you can apply the exact same argument to other categories: "how do you define 'blackness' without excluding some people we call 'black'?" if you're american, maybe you will use the one-drop rule, in which case halsey is black and anyone who had a single black ancestor four generations ago. but is that actually how we use the word black? does that capture something meaningful about being black in america? how about being black in the world?
let's go further: "how do you define 'transgender' without excluding some people we call 'transgender'?" within the transgender community, there is no real agreement on what it means to be transgender! beyond a vague sense of "identifying as the gender society assigned to you", but even that can be challenged. if a cis (female) woman takes testosterone, starts hanging around trans women, calling herself a trans woman, is confused for a trans woman by the people that she talks to, experiences oppression on the basis of being perceived as a trans woman... can she be considered a trans woman, despite being female?
ultimately "how do you define things" is a philosophy of language question more than anything else. perfect definitions that encapsulate sets neatly do not exist, because the terms we use are socially contingent. when people came up with the word 'table', they didn't also create a logically rigorous definition for it. they just said 'well, this thing here is a table.' and then people argue about the edge cases. because also, nobody actually agrees on the members of sets of every single word!! just like how we all have different ideas of what is and isn't a sandwich!
that's the other thing, people already disagree about what words refer to. someone who has the 5ARD intersex condition has testes but may be raised and socialized as girl because their parents think their genitals kinda look like a vulva. is this person a 'girl/woman'? people are not sure... which makes sense... because it is an edge case. is a stool a chair? is a hotdog a sandwich? is an open sandwich a sandwich? the further you get from the 'prototype', the more people are going to be disagree.
so the entire question 'what is a woman' is just an exercise in confusing philosophy of language framed as saying something very meaningful about the social category of woman. it is not! it is a problem of language that we cannot define 'woman' or 'chair' or 'salad' or 'horse' or 'gamer' in a rigorous way. it is nothing inherent to women, chairs, salads, horses, or gamers.
(but what about science?) good question, what about science? science tries to operate differently from the way laypeople talk about things. scientists take common words, like 'energy', and give them different, more rigorous definitions in order to try to figure something out about the world. for laypeople, 'energy' is something vague and diffuse. for physicists, 'energy' is the force that causes things to move, and its behavior is described by certain mathematical models.
similarly, laypeople may take 'woman' to mean 'a person with breasts and vulva/vagina', but a biologist may have a more rigorous definition of 'female': 'producing large gametes.' this is useful because it helps us see commonalities between creatures that may look really different, like flowers, bedbugs, asparaguses, cats, and humans - all very different creatures where sex looks different, but still have a distinction between 'producing large gametes' and 'producing small gametes' - there's no intermediate gamete. biologists have a different word for what people/animals look like, and that is 'phenotype.' when a parent looks at a child with 5ARD condition, they see the child has no visible penis and thus 'looks 'looks female.' a biologist would say that the child's sex is male (because they have the reproductive equipment to produce sperm, and none of the reproductive equipment to produce ova) but that their phenotype is ambiguous. sex is a binary variable, but human development is a long process where are a lot can happen, and so sexual phenotypes are not variable.
so already we're pretty far from the lay definition, because laypeople don't have the same idea of what sex is as scientists do, and don't distinguish between someone's sex and their appearance - for them, the sex is the appearance. who is right? it depends on what you want to do. scientists want to discover meaningful things about nature, and their definitions are far more useful than the layperson's for that purpose. which definitions are useful is also socially determined - we may feel sympathy for the child with 5ARD, told they were a girl their whole life, but who learns that they have testes. should we continue to treat this child as a girl/woman, or should we encourage them to view themselves as a boy/man? that is a social, cultural, legal argument, not a scientific one. the biological truth is the same regardless of the social, cultural, legal arguments, but there may be a compelling case to act differently. that's on us as humans to decide!
so yeah I'm just tired of hearing the same damn arguments over and over again. "what is a woman? is someone with CAIS a woman? is someone with 5ARD? what if we take a young non-intersex male and give them female hormones?" like this will never take us to where we want to go because it's a philosophy of language question disguised as a scientific one. the real question is, what are we talking about and which definitions will help us in that? if you believe that female people are exploited on the basis of their female bodily functions, then obviously you want to bring attention to that by using the word 'female'! if you want to focus on feminine socialization, then it may be useful to bring up cases of people who may not technically be female but were still raised as them, like Erika/Erik Schinegger, a male (possibly with 5ARD) who was raised as a girl and believed he was a girl for most of his youth.
trying to make a single catchy response to a question of what is 'x' is never going to satisfy everyone, because it cannot, because language is imperfect and real life is messy. scientists try to cut nature at the joints, but their cuts may not look like laypeople's! (and don't get me started on scientists disagreeing on what is a joint and what is not, metaphorically.)
and at its worst, when chasing an ironclad definition, you get bizarre answers that seem detached from reality, like saying 'people with CAIS condition are genotypically male and have underdeveloped testes, so we should treat them as males'. they may be reproductive males, but they have a female phenotype, and are raised as girls, and are literally unreceptive to testosterone - to treat them as 'men' on the basis of developmental or reproductive sex certainly seems to be missing something very important from the picture! see below: a person with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS):
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does it really make sense to say this person is a man due to her having testes, which technically makes her reproductively male? is that capturing reality? or are you trying to force reality to fit into your definition because you're afraid that if you cannot create a perfect definition of 'woman', that we will never be able to talk about biology and female oppression?
tl;dr: questions like 'what is a woman' are designed to be time-wasters because they are not actually answerable because language sucks. argue for your operative definition, your context, and move on. and don't be afraid to change definitions based on the context... sometimes reproductive sex is relevant, sometimes phenotype is more important, sometimes socialization is more relevant. this is not weakness, it's recognizing that reality is not so rigid and sometimes you must use a different model to get the understanding you want.
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thegreatestheaver · 23 days
I hate when people ask you something about an interest you have and when you answer they’re like “how do you know?” I’m going to murder you
#not in the curious way I mean the condescending way.#this is specifically about tarantula mating. no my tarantulas cannot mate. no they cant make a hybrid.#do i need to sit you down and tell you about mechanical isolation. they are two different genus'. yes theyre closely related.#no they cannot mate. tehy dont have compatable reproductive organs. do i need to sit you down and explain that or can you shut up when i sa#no they cant breed#like. again i love when ppl ask me stuff about bugs i love to infodump but like.#ok eyah this post is abt someone who keeps asking me this (nbh) and like. hes like why dont you breed your spiders#and im like oh well first of all theyre not mature seconf of all they cant even breed#and hes like oh just have them make a hybrid and im like no they cant breed they cant make a hybrid#AND HES LIKE. oh why dont you try tho like how do you know like what if they make a new species.#im going to kill youand hang you on a fucking meat hook ok ?#like. lIKE. HE DOENST LISTNEN TO ME WHEN I TELL HIM THINGS.'#do ineed to sit you down and tell you that the brachypelma genus' copulatory organs are too small compared to the tliltocatl's#do i need to tell you that the brachypelma genus' spermathica baseplate is much stronger and harder than the tliltocatl's. and therefore-#-the male tliltocatyl could not penetrate it. do i need to explain bug sex to you or are you gonna trust me bro#IKNOW WTA IM TALKIGN ABOUT PELALSSEE#not a big deal just. a major pet peeve of mine\#hollowspeak
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sukugo · 9 months
i think with gojo, things like fevers, heats, or any kinda sex pollen is really good bc it's something that happens to him internally, meaning he can't really avoid it or be immune to it in the way he does everything else
like with external threats, he's pretty much untouchable (inviolable as the manga very nicely put it). he knows how to deal with them, they don't touch him, they don't affect him, they don't mean anything to him bc they never actually do anything to him. to an extent, he doesn't even have to deal with them
but being attacked from the inside, by his own body, must come with a feeling of hopelessness that he's not used to,
bc yeah, nothing can slip past his defenses, but what can he do when the threat is coming from inside his defenses
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tha-wrecka-stow · 17 days
Tank Discography
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transzilla · 2 months
So my kinks dont really flourish in role play environments cus deep down i am like wow this is dnd nerd shit, mostly it plays a role when i pop a boner at an extremely fucked up time and im like oooh im a sick fuck, like it serves its purpose as examination of what i feel THAT validated by. Like on some level it has to be real. Which like its either more or less fucked up depending on how you look at it, where its like wow you're not doing kink in a safe controlled environment you actually want to beat people... I like proximate role play where it's real but not really, like most fights aren't actually real and they're even less real in a sparring match. Like I saw a movie where one of the guys looked like this boy that broke my heart and he got shot in the leg and dude my house almost got FLOODED WITH CUM... This person that sexually assaulted me a few years ago when I was a teenager is now fucking terrified of me since I've been boxing since then and I'm all cut and shit... I will just go to their place of work to buy an energy drink and watch them get nervous and absolutely flip their shit. Like im just there mogging, completely calm and healed, and theyre fucking up the transaction and forgetting to give me my card back. Sweating and going pale and getting nervous and trying to find every reason to leave. Im not gonna lie! Felt sick and really good! Gunna bust a fat sticky nut to that one
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someoneintheshadow456 · 6 months
When I went to fight Egil: Underleveled by about 12 or so. Died the first time because I ran out of time on destroying the three pillars (AIM GODDAMN IT-). Have to downgrade to Casual Mode like a pathetic loser to have a fighting chance against him.
When I went to fight Lorithia: Overlevelled by about 12 or so because of all that time spent mercy killing Telethias, getting Shulk and Reyn's skill trees, and searching for those damn Rainbow Slugs. Manage to wipe the floor with her on normal difficulty and barely pushing a button.
Also me when I went to fight Lorithia:
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