#still trying to nail their dynamic i will get there EVENTUALLY
nyoomfruits · 15 days
6 & I for yhr ask game? any pairing you'd like!!❤️ i love your writing
i couldn't tell if this was i or L so i went with L because it was objectively funnier. also maxoscar :)
Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage AU + “Why are you covered in blood?” “Uh. Long story?”
Max wrinkles his nose when Oscar finally rounds the corner and comes into view. “You’ve got to be joking me. Why are you covered in blood?”
Oscar’s face is unreadable. He twitches his shoulders in a bad approximation of a shrug. “Long story.”
“Whatever,” Max says, taking off his hoodie, revealing his plain white t-shirt underneath. “Put this on, yeah? We’ve come so far, we’re not blowing our cover because you decided to go on another unhinged murder spree.”
Oscar frowns. “It wasn’t an unhinged murder spree. It was one overzealous henchman who I accidentally hit straight in the artery with a ballpoint pen.”
The alleyway they’re in barely hides them from sight, and Max keeps his eyes flitting from one opening of the alley to the other. “I thought you said it was a long story.”
Oscar actually shrugs this time, and pulls off his own blood soaked hoodie, throws it in the direction of the trashcans a little further down the alley. “The killing wasn’t. The disposing of the body however. Fucking nightmare.”
“Tell me some other time,” Max says, anxiously glancing at one of the entrances to the alley again. “Fuck, come here,” And then, before he can stop himself, he pulls Oscar close, lets his back fall against the wall they were standing next to, buries his hand in Oscar’s hair, and kisses him full on the mouth.
And Oscar, Oscar’s a great partner to have in the field. He knows how to adapt, how to go with the flow, easily accepts a change of plans. And so he only lets out a teeny surprised sound into Max’s half open mouth, and then immediately leans into the kiss, nips playfully at Max’s bottom lip as he grabs Max’s hips and presses them further into the wall.
For someone who looks like The Headquarters made him straight in a lab on his best days, Oscar is a surprisingly good kisser. Gentle, playful. When Max tugs at his hair, he lets out the tiniest little moan straight into Max’s mouth, and Max bravely pretends that isn’t doing anything for him.
Because like. This is a job. This is diversion tactics 101. Nobody looks twice at a couple making out in an alleyway. Especially not at a couple in a serious state of distress, with their hoodies scattered on the floor at their feet and Oscar tugging at Max’s shirt in a way that makes it ride up his stomach enough to reveal some skin.
And still, the kiss lasts a lot longer than necessary. Over Oscar’s (broad broad broad) shoulders Max has spotted long ago that the henchmen have moved on. They’re safe. But he indulges himself only for a moment, lets Oscar run his fingers over the exposed strip of skin at the waistband of his jeans before he finally pulls away.
The hand he’d buried in Oscar’s hair has done serious damage to Oscar’s haircut, making it even more stylishly messy than it usually is. There’s a flush on his cheeks, his pupils blown, his breathing a little ragged. “Gone?” He asks.
Max nods, pushes himself off the wall, ignores the summersaults his stomach is making. This is a job this is a job this is a job. “Yeah. Let’s get the fuck out of here,” he says, starts stalking in the opposite direction of where he saw the henchmen. Oscar trails after him, pulling on the hoodie Max had thrown him earlier. Max decidedly does not look at the way it fits him, takes a deep breath and steadies his gaze ahead.
This is a job this is a job this is a job.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
No-pressure Vampire AU idea: how about the brothers feeding on MC (consensually) a little too enthusiastically that they take longer than usual to wake up from the blood loss, causing the brothers to freak out and panic a little before MC eventually calms them down? You don’t have to write for all the brothers if you don’t want to. Thank you!!
I tried to keep the angst light-ish on this one. It focuses on the dynamics of poly!MC and the vampire brothers instead. All of them make an appearance in this but it's very Mammon/Levi/Asmo-centric.
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[Vampire!DEMON BROTHERS x gn!Reader, 2.4k words, nsfw, hurt/comfort. Content warnings: canon-typical vampire behaviour including biting/blood drinking, aftercare (and lack of), pet names, masturbation, poly!MC (they/them pronouns).] ♫ [ song rec: sweet dreams ] | more from the vampire!au
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Mammon, Leviathan, and Asmodeus have been in your room since they returned from their trip. The brothers were gone for nearly a week because Diavolo pulled them away from the Devildom metropolis citing official duties that required their presence.
Lucifer was considerate and gave you plenty of advanced notice before their departure. His warning before these trips is a courtesy for his brothers as much as it is for you. You scheduled your daily blood donations accordingly; by the time they were ready to leave, you gave each of the brothers two blood bags to tide them over for the week-long excursion.
The brothers returned two days early, and the first thing they did was bring you home. You stayed at Purgatory Hall while they were gone so you weren't lonely without their company. As soon as they saw you, all the brothers complained you reeked of angels and the soggy old wizard.
Mammon, Levi, and Asmo were quick to claim your attention for themselves, but first you needed to do something about the unwelcome scents of others that lingered on your skin. They waited in your room while you showered in your private bathroom. Even after you scrubbed your skin with the body wash Asmo gave you, they still insisted you smelled funny. You refused to take any more showers after the third one and told them to deal with it.
It'll be impossible for you to smell like anything except for the three brothers now. You had your (last) shower nearly an hour ago, and you've been sitting back-to-chest with Mammon with his arms wrapped around your waist. His chin is hooked over your shoulder while he watches the television screen. Levi sits at your feet and leans back against your legs while you play games together, and Asmo is sprawled on the bed beside you with his head in your lap.
It's cozy and affectionate and warm, but the air grows thick with anticipation when the first signs of bloodlust start to take hold of them. Mammon's nose tickles your neck as he scents you; if he's trying to be sneaky, he's doing a poor job of it. Levi's focus on the game wavers because he glances at you over his shoulder mid-match; he doesn't even flinch when he loses the third game in a row. Asmo's low purr rumbles in his chest as he massages the soft flesh of your thighs.
You tap Levi's shoulder with the gamepad so he can put it back on your desk, and Mammon turns off the TV and tosses the remote aside. Asmo sits up and kneels next to you on the bed. You feel a bit like prey when they all stare at you with unmistakable hunger in their eyes. They appear more monstrous than usual, but there's overwhelming love and adoration in their stares, too—you've never felt anything like it before, and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
Feeding multiple brothers at once doesn't normally take much preparation; they haven't fought about who gets to bite where in a long time. You shimmy closer to the edge of the bed so that Levi has more space to settle between your thighs. Asmo pulls a bottle of nail polish out of his pocket and grins as he reaches for your hand. He kisses each of your fingertips before he starts painting your nails. Mammon takes off his shirt and presses himself against your back again; you melt in his arms so he can support your weight.
You wince Mammon and Levi bite you at the same time, but pleasure seeps into your veins as they start to feed. Warmth and love and desire wash over you, and you close your eyes with a quiet sigh. The world seems to slip away and all you know is them.
Mammon moans into your ear as he drinks. He intersperses greedy pulls of blood with soft kisses against your throat, and his tongue flicks across the punctures he made before he drinks again. His hands slide under your shirt and rest possessively over your belly.
Asmo hums quietly beside you while he paints your nails, and he purses his lips to blow across the wet polish. He's so gentle as he turns your hand over in his, and his fangs drag teasingly across your wrist. He pierces your skin and groans loudly at the first gush of blood across his tongue. He nuzzles affectionately against your palm when you curl your fingers around his cheek.
(When the polish on that hand is dry, he gets off the bed and sits on your other side so he can repeat the process with your other hand.)
Levi is the loudest out of his brothers; you can hear the hungry, wet slurping noises he makes from between your legs. His hands are wrapped around your thighs to steady you, and he tickles your bare skin with his fingers as he feeds. It's not long before you feel the rough sensation of scales against your skin as his tail slides up your calf and wraps around your leg.
You gasp softly when three pairs of fangs finally pull away from your skin. The air reeks of blood and musk from their arousal and your own, but you feel dizzy and all you want to do right now is take a nap. You shake your head when Mammon asks if you want a recovery potion before you rest, and he helps lay you down. He smiles when you fall asleep within moments of resting against the pillow.
The three brothers glance at each other awkwardly and pretend they're not all rock-hard in their pants. They share your blood and your body, but they accept that their carnal desires will have to wait until tomorrow.
Levi scurries away first so he can take care of something in his room. Asmo saunters away towards his own room citing a similar excuse.
Mammon waits until they're both gone before he gets up from the bed carefully; he doesn't want to disturb you. He has a quick shower in your ensuite bathroom and jerks himself off. It doesn't take long for him to come, not with your scent in his nose and warm, sticky blood coating the inside of his mouth. He bites his fist to muffle his shout as he paints the shower tiles with his release.
After his shower, he dries off quickly and throws his sweatpants back on. He settles into the bed next to you, and the mattress dips when his brothers quietly return and tuck themselves into your bed too.
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Mammon wakes up early the next morning. You're still asleep and laying on your side facing him. Asmo is plastered against your back, and Levi is curled at your feet with an arm draped over your legs.
Something warm and sticky drips onto Mammon's arm underneath your head, and he flicks your cheek playfully without opening his eyes. "Hey, don'tcha get your drool on me, now," he whispers, but he frowns when he smells the metallic tang of copper in the air. He glances at his arm and realizes it's not drool dripping onto him, but blood.
He's wide-awake in an instant when he realizes you must still be bleeding from the night before. He pulls you into his arms and rolls you onto your back so he can look at you properly. He panics when he realizes the small wounds on your neck from his fangs haven't healed. You're not breathing normally either and fuck, you look awful.
"Babe, wake up," he says, tapping your cheek lightly. You don't respond and he smacks your cheek again, a bit harder. "C'mon, wake up, please."
Asmo stirs behind you and sits up with a yawn, but the sleepy haze in his eyes fades quickly when he sees the horrified look on Mammon's face. "What's going on?"
"I don't know, they won’t wake up.” Mammon replies shakily. "Yo, Levi!"
Levi jerks at the foot of the bed and looks around bleary-eyed at the frantic shout of his name. "Huh?" he sits up and rubs the sleep from his eyes.
Asmo leans over you and inspects the open wound on your neck, and his breath hitches when he realizes that your wrists don't look any better. "You need to check your bite," Asmo tells Levi, and the room grows thick with tension as all three brothers realize there's something very wrong.
Levi scrambles into action at the tone in his brother's voice, and he tugs the blankets down so he can inspect your thigh. He panics when he sees it's barely healed at all. "I—I don't understand, it's never like this afterwards." He wipes away the thin trail of blood oozing from one of the puncture wounds, but it stays dry for only a few moments before it starts bleeding again.
Mammon glances at his brothers worriedly. "They didn't drink any potions after we finished. I figured they drank some in the other room after they showered."
It wasn't unusual for you to drink a recovery potion to prepare for a heavy feeding session. Their mistake was assuming you did—no one saw you drink anything before or after they fed from you. If you were too tired after, one of them would've helped you.
Why the hell did none of them think to ask?
Why didn't they insist you drink one even after you refused?
Asmo slides off the bed and digs around in your nightstand where you keep your recovery kit, but it's empty. "Damn it," Asmo curses under his breath. "I'll go get some. Keep trying to wake them up," he tells Mammon hurriedly as he rushes from the room.
Mammon maneuvers you carefully and props you up in a pile of pillows against the headboard. Your nightstand is lacking recovery potions, but you have plenty of bandages in your private bathroom. He cleans the skin around your bite marks and covers them with gauze, and he bites his lip to keep it from quivering. He takes care of the wounds on your neck and wrists while Levi tends to the bite on your leg. They work together in strained silence.
You start to regain consciousness as they're tidying up the ripped bandage wrappers and bloody towels. Levi will swear later on that he and Mammon were both crying tears of relief. He covers his red, tear-stained face with his arm and sniffles pitifully; he's just glad you're okay.
You're woozy from blood loss and your speech is a bit slurred, but you try to answer Mammon's questions as best you can. You're not in pain exactly, but you're still tired and light-headed.
Levi paces nervously at the foot of your bed while Mammon sits beside you and holds your hand. He hates how sickly you look and how weak your hand feels in his. Guilt swirls in the pit of his stomach because he knows it's their fault.
Mammon finally hears footsteps rush down the hallway outside your room, and it sounds like Asmo brought company. There's a sharp intake of breath when the door opens. Lucifer steps inside first and Asmo follows behind him. The other siblings give them space and linger in the doorway.
Mammon's not sure what's scarier right now: Lucifer's icy glare of disappointment, Satan's scowl of barely-contained rage, or Beel and Belphie's muttered threats that promise excruciating pain. Mammon waves Asmo over to the bed—he'll deal with his brothers later, after you're taken care of.
Asmo sits on the edge of the bed and uncorks a small bottle that he tips into your mouth. "I'm glad you're awake," he whispers tearfully. "I'm so sorry." He wipes away a trickle of the clear fluid that dribbles down your chin before he leans forward and hugs you. You attempt to smile at him reassuringly, but it looks more like a grimace.
Lucifer glances between each of his brothers who squirm under his scrutiny, but his gaze lingers on you the longest. He's never seen you look so worn out, and he's seething inside that his brothers' neglect did this to you.
Asmo explained what happened after he nearly collided with Lucifer in the hallway earlier: you didn't drink any recovery potions before or after their feeding, and they didn't check on you properly during the night. Lucifer knows you'll try and blame yourself for this, but responsibility for your care ultimately falls to them. Perhaps you should know better, but they should too.
It doesn't take long for the potion to take effect. Your eyes are already a bit brighter and more focused, and you start to look a little embarrassed about what's happened.
Lucifer plans to come back later and help care for you personally, but first he needs to have words with his brothers. "I'd like to see the three of you in the dining room. Your brothers can take care of things here," he tells the trio hovering near your bed. "In the meantime, the next seven days will be dry for everyone."
The week-long ban that prevents you from feeding them in any way—directly or through blood donation—is met with mixed reactions. Lucifer and Satan look a little smug since they rationed your blood bags from the trip and still have some left over; Mammon, Levi, Asmo, and Belphie have nothing left of theirs; and Beel looks the most horrified since he consumed both of your blood bags before he even left the city nearly a week ago.
"Are—are you sure that's necessary?" you ask weakly as you try to sit up straighter in bed. Mammon tries to push you back against the pillows and urges you to relax. "It was an accident, I don't blame them at all."
Lucifer's eyes soften when he looks at you, because you always put their needs and desires above your own well-being—but today, he won't allow it. His brothers skitter away from the bed as he steps forward, and he strokes your cheek gently with the back of his gloved fingers.
"Your presence is a gift to us, and sometimes we all need to be reminded not to take you for granted." He wishes he could bend down and kiss the pout away from your lips, but the others are hovering nearby; he offers you a small, private smile instead.
"Take this time to rest and focus on regaining your strength," he suggests. His fangs peek out behind his lip when his smile sharpens. He leans down close to your ear and whispers darkly and full of promise, "You'll need it."
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Taglist: @l-d-8 @mithrakira @your-next-daydream @haezen @xpixie @lemonivall @meggsngrits @flemmingbamse @tortibomb @amberrskiies @angelsdilf @rensphilia @4allthefours4 @lust--on--my--lips @beelsjuicytitties @goldenglow149 @callmesaya @cosmicstarlatte
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ethereal-night-fairy · 4 months
Silver Tongues, like Bullets
Chapter 2
Werewolf!141 x Female Reader
Your camera held darker secrets than any of the men anticipated. It was also the first nail in your coffin. They may have let you go had they foregone seeing those pictures.
Warnings: MDNI, dark themes, manipulation, drugging, punishments, kidnapping, non-con touching, non-con looking, stealing nudes, breast slapping, groping, manhandling, implied jerking off, poly 141 taking care of reader, BDSM themes?, Sorry if I missed any.
(images used does not indicate the reader it's just an aesthetic photo)
Comments and reblogs appreciated 💗
Silver Tongues like Bullets Masterlist
Word: 6k
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A blanket of darkness had fallen over the cabin, the night air getting much icier than before. Not that it bothered any of the boys. They had thick skin and were susceptible to surviving in harsh weather. It was you who they were worried about. It was a shock when they all first saw you. No one was supposed to be able to find this place, not easily that is. It caused a slight rift in the dynamic of the pack. With Gaz and Soap wanting to help you and him and Ghost walking on the edge of caution. In the end they decided to wait and see. And if they thought they needed to they'd have you restrained until they could confirm your innocence.
Soap had gotten you a blanket but you were still shivering even with the fire burning hot. Price was growing suspicious. Were you purposely acting pitiful to gather their trust? Were you trying to make yourself out to be less of a threat? Gaz looked at you with pity as he started plating the food for everyone. A nice cut of venison with some military ration sides. Ghost seeing you weren't able to regulate your body heat goes to gather more wood from the wood pile. While all this going on Soap can't help but ask you every question under the moon. You were quiet and reluctant to answer anything too personal.
Price comes out of the cabin with a first aid kit. You tense up when he approaches you. Like you were just looking for a chance to run. Your behaviour was strange. You were the one to ask for help yet you looked like you wanted to be anywhere but here. He didn't know what to make of it. His first instinct was to think you were a spy who was caught snoopy and just made a cover story to buy time. If that was the case they needed to stay on high alert if they were being watched by someone. For now he told his boys to stay on the edge of caution even after Ghost had secured the parameters. They couldn't be too careful.
Price came to sit beside you. Holding out his hands to look at your injuries. With some reluctance you eventually place your shaky hands in his. Price held your fragile skin with tenderness. Making sure to wipe away the blood and dirt with care. The damage wasn't extensive but you had certainly taken a fall somewhere in the forest on the way here.
You looked disheveled and extremely tired. You flinch and whimper from time to time as Price applies pressure and the iodine on your busted skin. The sounds definitely caused emotions to stir in all of the men. Pair that with your intoxicating scent the situation was a little too convenient.
Such a delicate thing you were, you didn't look like you could do much harm. But you can't really trust anyone, not in situations like these. They're been hunted for far too long to not be cautious of strangers approaching them for help. As lovely as you were, the timing and your behaviour was odd.
You held a cup of hot chocolate to your chest, the warm ceramic starving off the cold from your fingers. The blanket wrapped around wasn't doing much for you anymore, maybe you were coming down with a fever. But it was hard to tell because you were so tired. The situation wasn't ideal. You didn't want to be here. And by the looks of it the men didn't want you here either. Fatigue was settling in and you could feel your eyes drooping. The fire was on its last leg, only a couple embers glowing in the dark. You had offered to help clean up but they kindly told you to rest. You watch them mull around tidying up as Soap keeps you busy with idle chatter.
They didn't say much about themselves nor did they indulge you with your questions. The only information they gave you were their weird nicknames and that they were here on a short break after an extended work trip. You couldn't blame them, you wouldn't share too much information with a stranger either. Despite the shaky introduction the men were very sweet to you. Price had helped patch up some superficial cuts on your hands and legs, while Gaz got you something to eat and drink. You were even given a blanket when the fire wasn't enough to starve off the cold. They even offered to drive you into town the next morning. Your parents definitely warned you about trusting strangers, especially men but these four didn't seem so bad. Hopefully you'll be able to call them soon to let them know you were ok. Though you weren't looking forward to the lecture you were going to receive when you got home tomorrow.
Gaz had gone in first to set up your sleeping arrangements. Price followed soon after with the dirty dishes and utensils in hand. You sit for a while longer enjoying your conversation with Soap, despite his forward personality he seemed like a decent fellow. What unnerved you the most was Ghost, he hadn't spoken a single word to you as of yet. On top of that you could only see his eyes. You watch as he puts away the wood in a neat pile beside the cabin. He was a very big man, much bigger than the rest of them. His biceps bulge as he carries the heavy wood to their designated spot. They were all so rugged and well built it made some stir deep inside of you. No one in town looked like that. No one in town had made you feel this amount tingling between your legs.
You're totally oblivious to the fact Soap is watching you eye Ghost with intrigue or possibly hunger. Maybe a mix of both. You totally miss the full canine smirk gracing his features as you continue answering his questions, though a bit sluggishly. He watches your eyes flickering close signaling the effect of the medication slipped into your now empty cup.
The fire finally dies out, causing you to shiver despite having the blanket Soap draped over you. Soap gets up to escort you in while Ghost waits at the entrance of the cabin. You try standing up to follow him, but you find your feet to be unsteady. Everything felt woozy and unfocused, you felt two familiar arms wrapping around your waist, preventing you from falling over your own two feet.
“Careful thare lassie…wouldn't want ye getting hurt again”, he coils his arms around you tighter, taking the brunt of your weight as you try to formulate words in your mouth. He was definitely too close; his face was practically in the crook of your neck. You could feel his hot breath on your cold skin. You wanted to tell him to move, to tell him not to touch you so casually. But your tongue felt like lead. There was a weird aftertaste in your mouth that you were only just noticing. You couldn't move and you felt your head lolling over. Something was wrong…something was very wrong! The cup was in danger of falling from your hands as you tried speaking again. You still needed to ask to borrow a phone to call your parents to let them know you were ok.
You watch Ghost walk towards you, taking the cup from your hands while telling Soap to help you inside. With surprising strength and ease, Soap lifts you in his arms bridal style as your head rests on his shoulder. Your eyes are fighting to stay awake as small grunts and moans leave your mouth. You really couldn't form a sentence even if you tried. He coos and shushes you as tears form in your eyes from frustration. You didn't know what was happening, why couldn't you move? Did they drug you!?
The fire was roaring inside the cabin. The frigid air long forgotten as Soap carries you towards a bedroom. Your eyes were hazy but you could make out Gaz pulling back the duvet to allow Soap to lay you down in the very comfy looking bed. Your whimpers and whines ceased the second your head touched the pillow, your eyes becoming so heavy you had no choice but to close them. Your body sinks down into the cloud-like mattress soothing the ache in your bones. You feel them remove your shoes and then your jacket, moving your body with precision and ease. Their melodic voices whispering sweet words you couldn't make out anymore. Sleep was calling to you, trying to slip your head underwater like a siren. But not before you felt two pairs of lips on your forehead wishing you a restful sleep. Eventually you go under, everything fading into black as the warmth of the duvet surrounds your sore body.
“How did you get her down so easily?”, Price inquiries as he settles onto the sofa beside the fire.
“Slipped one of Ghost's melatonin tablets into her hot chocolate”, Gaz walks towards him settling on his lap after placing your phone, camera and jacket on the coffee table.
Once everyone is situated on the sofa that's when Price speaks up again.
“I don't know who she is or how she found us….this place was supposed to be hidden. Laswell organised this trip as an outlet for us to roam freely in our wolf forms. No one was meant to be here apart from us.”
“What if she's a spy?”, Ghost chimes in. “What if she was sent to gather intel on us…it's not the first time an organisation has tried kidnapping one of us.”
“I don't know…she looked pretty beaten up when she found the cabin and her phone was broken…She genuinely could have been lost. She also doesn't have much on her”, Gaz tried to reason with the rest of his lovers. “Not to mention her smell…it was very inviting.”
“Aye she dinnae look like she could dae much harm…But her pheromones were driving meh crazy especially when Price was patching up her cuts.” Soap reaches out for your jacket, giving it a quick sniff to confirm his findings. “Can we keep ‘er? Promise Ah'll treat ‘er gently…fragile little thing she is..would make ah great addition to the pack”
“Let's not forget the last time we let someone close, sunshine here almost got a sedative to the neck”, Price grumbled while eyeing Soap.
“Her pheromones are very enticing…But we can't just kidnap someone because you like the way she smells, especially someone we just met. We should call Laswell to do a background check just to be safe”, Ghost offered while running his gloveless fingers through Soap mohawk.
“It might take a while to get the results and Gaz had promised to take her home tomorrow. But that could prove dangerous to us if she informs anyone of our whereabouts.” The men all nod in agreement as they chalk up a plan to keep you for a while longer, just until they can confirm you aren't a threat. Definitely not for other reasons…
Ghost grabs your phone to plug into his laptop to get any useful information that you hadn't disclosed already. Soap was happy enough beside him going through your pictures on your camera. He just wanted to confirm you weren't stalking them and taking pictures when they weren't looking.
Gaz and Price come to an agreement in pretending like the truck broke down tomorrow morning forcing you to trek back into town on foot, with Gaz guiding you. The only difference would be that Gaz would lead you into the wrong direction towards a nearby lake. They'll have to wait and see how you'd react to being baited.
Once everything was settled they put their plan into motion. Price gives Laswell a call as they crowd around the laptop having no shame in going through your personal information or the numerous pictures you have saved. They mirror your phone screen onto the laptop and the first things that pop up are a plethora of messages from your parents telling you to come home right this instant. Calling you dramatic for ‘faking an emergency’ and that weren't going to call anyone to help or come get you. Telling you they'd kick you to the streets if you continued to act like this. They seemed really pissed off by something. But there were too many messages to go through. It was like reading a soap opera script. Your siblings on the other hand seemed really concerned asking for you to come home quickly, telling you that your parents were ransacking your room and throwing things onto the street in anger. It seemed a little too convenient of a story to Price.
“This could all just be a ploy”, Ghost suggested. A made-up story to get their pity so you could get closer to them. Ghost and Price didn't want to give you the benefit of the doubt, even though Gaz and Soap were more than willing to believe your story. Probably too enticed by your scent already. They've been in these situations far too many times for it to be considered a coincidence. Especially when a pretty thing wanders somewhere she definitely shouldn't be, spreading very enticing pheromones to a pack of wolves.
They continue their search for something incriminating. Anything to give away you were working for someone. But everything they found felt very mundane down to the nitty gritty details of your life. It almost seemed too normal as if your life was scripted. You must be hiding something even if it wasn't related to them. Everyone had at least one skeleton in their closet. But you didn't or maybe you were just better at hiding it. The pictures on your phone are mostly tame, the main subject being nature and quite a few candid shots of what they assumed were your friends. And obviously you had plenty of pictures of food, but not many of yourself to their disappointment. Gaz seemed particularly disappointed, the younger two men seemed to be taken by you. Even though they've only spent an hour at most talking to you. Your Instagram wasn't much different but your online portfolio had quite a few creative pictures with models. They were often made to look antique or aged and followed a very classic aesthetic. Soap thought it was a shame they couldn't get to see your pretty face.
You could have just stolen these pictures from someone else but they couldn't confirm that either. At this point they thought they saw enough to get to know you. Gaz seemed to want to come to your defense but held his tongue, he knew how dangerous situations like these could get. But to him you seemed like any typical college graduate trying to make a name for herself. Young, ambitious and full of creativity. But you were also naïve and a bit ditsy if what you told them was true. And he so desperately wanted it to be true, the idea of keeping you around was growing on him. One would think if you enter a forest alone the least you could do was pay attention to your surroundings regardless if you were distracted taking pictures or not. It seemed you lacked common sense. Especially when thinking asking four strange men for help was a good idea. Though in your defense it's not like you had many options at that point. It was either this or freeze to death.
It's ok if you were a bit slow or naive Gaz thought, he'll protect you and teach you everything you'd need to know. Once you were cleared of suspicion, that is, Soap and him could definitely work to convince the other two men to agree to keep you. It didn't seem like your parents treated you well, he's sure you'd be happier with them anyways so I wasn't like they were doing something that wrong. In fact they were probably doing you a favour by taking you away from your abusive parents.
Soap was still off to the side somewhere hyper focused on looking at your pictures for some reason. When your camera finally died, Soap let out a flurry of curses.
“Find something useful?”, Price inquiried. Worried you were indeed taking pictures of them to sell or send to whoever you were working for. Soap just mumbles something in frustration before saying no.
Intrigued, Ghost takes the camera from Soap with some trouble. He slots the SD card into the laptop to see what he was moaning about. It's safe to say none of them except maybe for Soap, were expecting those kind of pictures to pop up. You were still dressed, just barley that is. The men took an audible gulp of air, their Adams apple bobbing in their throats. When Ghost clicked on the first exposed picture of you they all felt their mouth becoming entirely too wet and too dry at the same time. They were practically drooling at the sight of your naked flesh.
Ghost was kinda annoyed Soap was trying to keep this to himself. Greedy little bastard. He would have probably jerked off to the pictures after everyone had gone to bed. Only telling them about it when he got his fill.
It was a photograph of you sitting near some wild flowers. In the photo you were wearing a long white dress so the picture wasn't taken today but they wished it was. They wished you came to them looking like you did in that photo. Your dress was pushed up very close to exposing your panties, your legs were strategically parted but not enough to expose yourself. It left them wanting for more and had their fingers itching to touch your warm supple skin. It was ironic how sweet and innocent you came across when speaking to them yet you took pictures like this of yourself? It had Soap blood rushing to his cock and also his head, it angered him that there was a possibility you were taking these pictures for some girl or dude. A possessive feeling entered his heart, he was annoyed thinking someone apart from them could have possibly seen these pictures of you. The other men probably thinking something similar, even if they wouldn't admit it just yet.
Ghost glanced at Soap adjusting his slacks before going back to click onto the next picture. The silence in the room quickly faded when the next picture loaded up. Gaz and Soap let out audible groans at the image. Their cocks were definitely straining in their trousers.
The picture showed you laying down this time still on the grass, your wet hair arranged prettily. But it looked like it was raining. Your face was wet, your lipstick smudged and the white top completely soaked through exposing your erect nipples. You had a demure expression on your face despite the very erotic pictures you were taking of yourself. The more images they clicked the more erotic they became. Though you were at no point completely naked or fully exposed. But by God you knew what you were doing with that camera. You knew your best angles, the natural lighting was perfect, your clothes were arranged just how you intended. They'd mistake you for a pinup model if they had found these pictures accidentally on some website.
The best picture so far pops up and by this point everyone including Price and Ghost are acutely fixated on your devine body, your soft curves and dips. They all probably felt their cocks hardening. Everything about you just seemed so perfect, like you were made for them. It was safe to say even if they found you were actually a spy they'd find a way to keep you next to them. A body so divine would do no good buried six feet under. They had no idea you were hiding such a figure under your baggy clothes they found you in.
The picture in question was of you laying propped up on your side. The top on your dress was pulled down to your waist exposing your chest, torso and stomach completely. The dress was soaked, becoming transparent and your white stockings were on display. You were looking at the camera innocently like you weren't just sitting prettily half naked in the middle of a forest by yourself. Gaz really hoped it was you taking these pictures not someone else. They really ought to teach what could happen to pretty half exposed girls who wander into the forest to take such naughty pictures. Ghost goes to click on the next picture but it just circles back to the most recent picture of a white bunny you took. Everyone was clearly disappointed but only Soap and Gaz voiced their dissatisfaction. Soap tries to take the laptop to return to his favourite picture of you but Ghost slams the screen shut.
“Oye! What was that for!?”, Soap practically seethes, Gaz not far behind voicing his anger.
“She's not some wank material for you Johnny.. Go to bed, we have a long day tomorrow, both of you…”
“I agree, go to bed. You both need to cool down and think with a level head. This girl can be a danger to all of us…”, Price's stern voice rings out, squashing out any room for complaint. The two men grumble and head off to Soap room. “Don't sneak into her room either!”. They let out some pathetic ‘yes sirs’ before closing the door to their room. Price knew for a fact they were going to get each off to the thoughts of your body. He'd hope they wouldn't get too attached to you just yet… there was a lot at stake. He didn't want any of his boys getting hurt because they were thinking with their dicks..
Price tells Simon to put everything back so you don't suspect them tampering with your stuff. They needed to keep up the air that they were oblivious about you. Price rubs his eyes. The fatigue clearly evident in his face. This was supposed to be a relaxing trip…He needed some sleep. The anxiety was eating away at him. He'd be expecting a call from Kate the next morning for an update. It's best to get as much rest as possible..
Rest would have been good for Simon too yet he found himself making backup of all your pictures once everyone left. Price had told him to return everything back but he couldn't bring himself to allow anyone else to see these pictures of you. As much as he was trying to hide it. He found himself becoming infatuated. By your scent, by your demeanor, by your beautiful breasts. His mouth was just itching to latch on your supple skin. Which was extremely concerning, he shouldn't feel like this. Yet he found his hand discreetly finding his way into his boxers as he made copies of the pictures while deleting them off the SD card. It wasn't like you'd notice, your camera had died. Though he did feel cruel for denying his boys pleasure while he was indulging in it himself. He'll make it up to them later once everything is settled and they decide what they should do with you.
-27/11/2023 present time
You found yourself on a familiar sofa again, only this time it was Gaz who was taking care of your wounds. The cuts sting as you try to escape the grasp Soap has on you as he holds you down on his lap.
“Please I'm not a spy…*sob*.. I just want to go home..”
“Settle down hen…nae need tae work yerself up.. we just want tae take care of ye”, you could still hear the residual anger in his voice. He probably got an earful by everyone for allowing you to escape on his watch. But you didn't care, you just wanted to go home. Anywhere was better than being stuck with four strange men. Four very dangerous men who shouldn't technically exist. Your mind was still trying to process what you had witnessed. Maybe it was all a hallucination. There no way men can turn to wolves right? Right? You'd promise never to mention it to a living soul if it meant they would let you go but you doubted they'd take the risk. You had no way to contact the outside world, had no way of escaping four military men with connections. Four protected military men who could technically get away with anything if they can get away with war crimes.
“Ye need tae stop squirming so much hen… or we'll have another problem on our hands”, Soap whispers in your ear. You stop your movements immediately at his words. You try to get off his lap but he just holds you down harder. His stiff cock brushing against you too bagging sweatpants and you felt everything since they had taken your underwear to ‘clean’ while they were nursing you back to health. You hated to admit it but his body heat was pleasant compared to the cold you were just in. But that didn't mean you wanted his hard cock pressed up against your vulnerable unclothed pussy.
Gaz and Soap continue to try to soothe you, but it's of little help because you begin panicking the second you see Price and Ghost getting the truck loaded with their belongings. They were leaving the area and taking you with them.
You feel Gaz brush your hair out of your face as he shushes you with gentle words. You were a fool to think he was ever going to take you home. You partially blamed him for your fall into the lake. Had he not suggested you climb the nearby boulders to get better reception on his phone; you wouldn't have slipped in leaving you mentally delirious for the last couple days due to your aggravated fever. You don't remember much from the last few days apart from a lot of vomiting and the men taking care of all your needs whether you wanted them to or not. Not to mention them dressing and undressing you like a doll whenever they felt like it. Or maybe it was because you kept vomiting but you wanted to blame it on them..
The fight in you dies down as you just resort to crying your feelings out. The boys continue to soothe you but they were probably just making things worse. You were extremely overwhelmed by everything you were witnessing; it was all becoming too much. You just wanted to turn your brain off for a second. You watch Price and Ghost stop in front of you. They had hard expressions on their faces. Dread filled you as you realised what they were going to do..
“Do you want your punishment now or when we arrive back home?”, Price inquiries. But you know he doesn't mean your home he meant their home. You cry even louder not knowing what to do to convince them to let you go. Pleases and sorrys leave your mouth as you beg them for mercy, beg them to see what they were doing was wrong. Trying your best to convince them you weren't a spy. But they wouldn't listen. It's like they had already made up their minds to keep you regardless of whether you were a spy or not.
Price maneuvers you off Soap lap and over his knee as everyone watches with held breaths. You struggle, you really do. With all the energy you have left you fight the punishment you're about to receive. You feel Price's hand rub over your ass giving it an experimental squeeze despite your crying and squirming. It only seemed like a mild inconvenience to him. You feel his hand brush up to the waistband of your sweat pants which causes you to kick your legs more. It's only then you hear Ghost speak.
“Price maybe we should let her decide her punishment” Price gives Ghost an odd look but decides to hear him out. You quiet down and listen too, hoping for an out from this humiliating situation.
“Let's give her two options to choose from, since it's her first time and hopefully her last time trying to escape”, you look at him like he was your saving grace. That would later be a great mistake on your part since you hadn't heard his options yet.
“What would you suggest?”, Price inquires as he continues to rub your thighs and ass as you held your breath hoping to get out of this punishment. Gaz and Soap look on eagerly knowing either suggestion would have you partially exposed to them. Not like they haven't been oogling your body already, especially while helping you clean up over the last few days. You don't know that though you were too delirious with fever.
“She can decide if she wants slaps to her bare cunt or bare breasts”, your face drops at his suggestion. You were really hoping for something else, like writing lines or doing extra chores like the way your parents preferred punishing you. You start crying again at your predicament. Why was life like this? Why did it have to be you? You were a good person, well at least you tried to be.. Was this your punishment for defying your parents' will? Was God punishing you for being an unfilial daughter? Was it because you wanted to feel sexy in those pictures? Had that evoked the wrath of God?
“Make a decision luv or I'll make it for you…”, You hiccup through sobs trying to ask for forgiveness instead. You didn't want to be exposed to strangers. This wasn't how you expected your first time to be. You had your doubts they'd stop at a simple spanking. When Price goes to pull your pants down you speak up, finally realising you weren't going to be shown mercy.
“M-my…my.. breasts”, you cry. It was the lesser evil. May God forgive you for exposing yourself to these strangers. You're gently made to sit upright as Price forces you to lift Soaps shirt, baring your supple breasts to them. Your squeeze your eyes shut as you clench your hands into fists waiting for the pain to begin. But it doesn't come. You wait and wait but nothing happens. You don't hear them speak or move, which just caused more anxiety. You eventually can't take the suspense and open your eyes to find them all staring, eyes full of lust and desire, hands twitching at their sides. It was as if they were transfixed, unable to break the hold your naked body had on them. It unnerved you, you didn't know what they were waiting for…
“Price…”, you whimper out his name so you can get this punishment done and over with. An inhuman groan leaves his lips at you calling his name so sweetly. Immediately his eyes shoot to yours before they dip down again. He clears his throat as his expression changes back to his previous one of anger, but not really. You close your eyes again waiting for him to do something, your body trembling from the fear and anticipation.
“Five slaps to each breast ok darling?”, You nod your head, your hands clutching onto the shirt tighter. You brace yourself while holding your breath again, waiting for the pain to come. He lays his rough calloused hands over your hard nipples causing your breath to hitch at his gentle touch. You try to squirm away but the first tentative slap lands on your left breast, forcing you to gasp despite it not hurting. The next one that lands is much harder, delivered in quick succession like the rest. Your skin felt hot and raw after each thunderous slap. Tears slip past your waterline as the last blow is delivered to your left breast. The skin he was brushing against felt incredibly sensitive. He pinched your nipples again and they felt harder than before, if that was possible.
You felt the rumble of Price's inhuman growl as his large hands cup your sore breast. He keeps it there, feeling the weight of your bosom in his hand as he experimentally rolls your nipples between his fingers. The dangerous throat sounds you were hearing just froze you in place that you didn't even think to move away even though you wanted to. It wasn't just Price, you could practically feel the other men burning holes into your skin despite having your eyes closed.
Eventually you feel him move to your right. He was being much crueler with his slaps this time around. Every time his hand clapped against your flesh you flinched from the stinging pain. Gasps and whimpers left your mouth more readily this time around as well. The pain was spreading all over your sensitive flesh yet you could do little to prevent it. It felt inflamed and hot and all you wanted to do was hide in a corner somewhere far away. Never in your life have you felt this kind humiliation. The worst part was your nether region felt hot and sticky making sitting extremely uncomfortable. You squirm as you rub your thighs together. Trying your best to alleviate the ache. Hopefully no one noticed.
By the end of punishment you were crying again. The tears didn't seem to want to end this time around. Eventually you felt your top being pushed down to cover your tender sore breasts as Price brought you in for a hug despite you trying to escape.
“You took your punishment so well bunny, such a good girl. I'm so proud of you. Our perfect girl.”, Price coos at you while you still try to escape his hold. But he just tightens his arms around you, plastering your head to his chest as you cry it out. Soap and Gaz chime in too as they caress your head and back showering you with praise for taking the punishment so well.
“Being such a good girl for us, we're so proud of you bunny. You deserve a reward. Let me go get you some water. We'll get you some ointment when we get home luv just sit there and rest for now.”, Gaz leaves the room to get some water at you continue crying.
“Let me give ye a reward hen.. Ah’ll make the pain go o’way. You've been rubbing yer thighs since the punishment started”, You feel Soaps hands move to your thighs. Trying to pry them open for your ‘reward’. But you adamantly refuse while fighting to keep your legs closed, not that it was doing much to deter him.
“No..no…please…no more”, you plead through sobs. Before you can cry louder you feel him being pulled back roughly. You open your eyes to find Ghost holding Soap by the hair as he whines kneeling on the ground.
“That's enough Johnny..Not today”, You watch him help Soap up as he grumbles something about it being unfair that only Price got to touch you. But he eventually relents and goes to follow him outside.
Gaz returns with a glass of water from the kitchen and brings it to your lips. You hadn't realised all that running and crying had left you extremely parched. You gulp down the water not thinking much of it when he gently tips the glass for you. Price has to slow you down your movements telling you you'll choke yourself like that. He takes the glass from Gaz to help you slowly finish it. It's only when you're done that the same chalky taste of medicine you've been tasting for the last couple days makes itself known. They've drugged you again.
You cry and plead for mercy in your last couple minutes of consciousness but all they do is coo at you until you pass out. The last thing you see in your hazy vision is Gaz kissing your forehead while Price gathers you in his lap to carry you to the truck.
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.
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jaysgirlx · 4 months
JASON TODD AS MY BOYFRIEND HCS. smthing like how we mettt, our dynamic, and other cute things sosjsjsjwo. I need him biblically, spiritually, and physically. LOVEE YOUUU
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Jason Todd Boyfriend Headcanons for my bestie Ani!!
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— You met Jason at a bookstore, you'd spotted him there multiple times wandering through the classics section. So of course you went back multiple times hoping you'd be able to talk to him except he managed to approach you first. He's towering over you from behind, and you think he's going a grab a book off the shelf but instead, his hand points to a book that you hadn't seen before, Wuthering Heights, "try this sweetheart, it's a favorite of mine" and before you could even ask him his name he walks away like a smug bastard.
— The next time you see him there, you tell him how much you loved the book and while you're busy rambling you notice him smiling and he goes, "you're cute when you ramble". After a couple more times of seeing others at the bookstore, a bit of flirting, and plenty of book recommendations Jason finally asks you out.
— The two of have the greatest dynamic, you contrast each other so well that your conversations go on forever. Jason could always find something to say to whatever argument you had ready.
— Jason still loves that you ramble, even though he occasionally has to shut you up with a kiss so that you can catch your breath. He warns you about it but you don't listen cause you like it (ani is reallyyyy into this stuff guys).
— Jason slightly regrets giving you his real phone number instead of a burner because all you do is tag him in tiktoks and comment "we should do this" or "this reminded me of you". He complains about it to you but he screatly loves it and uses it as date planning material so he gives you exactly what you want.
— Jason isn't used to pda and physical touch but he loves it when you stroke his cheek and kiss any part of his face. He hasn't received any physical intimacy in a long time and he's scared of asking you to do more because he doesn't want to be needy. He eventually ends up asking you and of course, you shower him with affection in private. You kiss each of his scars while he on the other hand, finds himself kissing and ducking your neck with his hands always rubbing your hips. You got him addicted to not just your touch but how you how bodies felt up against each other.
— When you take your random naps he sits down near you and watches you, not in a creepy way but in an "I can't lose you" kind of way. He gets worried that you'll just disappear when he isn't looking because he can barely fathom how he managed to make you his.
— The two of you read books together even though your tastes differ a bit and he loves taking you to this old cafe where he always buys you whatever treat you want.
— Your relationship is very private for all the right reasons, drawing attention to Jason would be dangerous for both of you and he wasn't ready to risk it.
— Since Jason can't take you to fancy restaurants or famous places that could get him spotted he tries his hardest to be around as much as possible. You know he's the Red Hood but there's a silent agreement between you two not to talk about it.
— Jason agrees to hear your daily girl drama and do your nails but only if you watch his favorite old movies with him. Turns out he loves The Notebook and that's why he's scared of meeting your parents.
— Jason loves sleeping together every night you can, and he doesn't mean sexually he just means cuddling to sleep. Jason feels the closest to you when he's holding you because it reminds him that you chose to be here with him when you don't need to have to be.
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Fontaine Characters Headcanons/Theories
Some of this info is known cause the siblings info got released but still:
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Really only in it for entertainment (she’s just….kinda a loser 💀💀💀😭😭😭)
Hot-headed, a little childish, gives Neuvillette a hard time (yeeeah)
Would give up her Gnosis in a heartbeat if it was needed to place a bet
But would fight tooth and nail to get it back if she lost the bet
Hydro Archon (confirmed)
Hydro (confirmed, duh) /Sword (confirmed based on her Statue of the Seven)
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Fourth of the Fatui Harbingers
The Knave
Used to be an actress
Method actress, used methods so outlandish she was kicked from theater
From Fontaine originally (HAH I WAS RIGHT)
Used to be an orphan
Runs an orphanage called House of the Hearth, uses it to recruit Fatui agents (!!!!!)
Those aren't gloves on her hands, she bears a curse or she's been turned into a non human entity
Pyro vision/Sword (leaks confirm she’s a Polearm!)
Cryo Delusion
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Stone cold serious type (he’s literally the sweetest I love him????)
Huge proponent of justice (yup!)
Chief Justice of Fontaine
Puts up with Focalors’s attitude (Pretty much 😭)
Loyal to Archon (or is he)
Waiting for Wriothesley to slip up so he can put him in the slammer once and for all (political rival mayhaps idk)
His name deconstructed means "new city": mayhaps he's awaiting a moment to dethrone the archon and reconstruct Fontaine?
Hydro/Sword (apparently he's a Catalyst user,,,,missed the opportunity to give him a fencing sword as a weapon but whatever ig)
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Assistant to Neuvillette
Bodyguard (yeeeah)
Prosecutor of Fontiane
Detail oriented, nothing gets past her
Vicious and Merciless (literally kinda the opposite but kinda not)
Eventually goes up against Arlecchino
Navia is her arch nemesis, seems as though Goldilocks is the only one having fun with their game of cat & mouse (the way I was off)
Electro (confirmed) /new weapon: Gun (Sword!)
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Super protective of Lynette (rightfully so holy shit) 
Loves the chase
Cunning (eeeeh)
Very street smart (I mean kinda yeah)
You can’t tell whether he’s putting up a front, actually enjoys his web of lies, or a little bit of both
This man's gonna get used while thinking he's using the person that's using him at some point (oh Arlecchino I swear to god you better not)
Pyro (confirmed)/Bow (confirmed)
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Something has happened to her in the past (…..well that was dark)
She’s not temperamental at all (yup)
She doesn’t smile too easily (mhm)
Strongest bond with Lyney (they twins lesgo)
Perceptive and agile (very!)
Lynette escapes her brother’s net of safety to save the traveler at some point (not so likely)
Anemo (confirmed) /Sword (confirmed)
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Youngest sibling (yup)
introverted/enjoys personal space and quiet (lmfao I knew it)
Love for the water
Renowned Diver of the Court of Fontaine (confirmed)
Silent protector of both his older siblings (idrk)
Highkey that smartest book-wise out of the siblings (again idk)
Cryo (confirmed) /Claymore (confirmed)
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Provides treatment for Wriothesley’s visual impairment
If not treatment, then she prefers sweet tasting drinks and Wriothesley prefers bitter but she still tries to get him on her new concoctions
Sibling dynamic/found family w/ Wriothesley
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May or may not be somewhat visually impaired
If so, not particularly compliant with treatment
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If not treatment, then he prefers bitter tasting drinks and sometimes humors Sigewinne by trying her new concoctions, mostly just pretends he’s converted to sweet and then goes for coffee or tea anyways
Likes to tease Sigewinne
Sibling dynamic/found family w/ Sigewinne
Investigator for Fontaine justice system (woeful news, he's a police officer. like not even a detective dude?)
Seems pretty chilled out, strategic, could be leading the organized crime w/Navia in secret
if he is secretly running robinhood-esque crimes with navia, then...Neuvillette sniffs something suspicious but never has the evidence to back it oop
Pyro/Claymore (He’s a Cryo Catalyst but his fists go boom boom like Heizou)
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Gives off Focalors vibes (was very wrong)
Playful (yeah I mean yeah)
Career Thief OR
Notorious organized criminal in Fontaine (literally what was I on)
Robin Hood of the sewers (I mean I was kinda sorta a tiny bit right)
Crafty, craftsman (ummm I guess her mind is?)
Super sweet, wonderful character (loved her so yes)
Loves messing with Clordine by making her think she's got her but escaping right in the nick of time (….needless to say I was way off)
Geo (confirmed)/Catalyst (claymore actually)
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shslbunnylover · 5 months
hii!! i love your fics so much. i really wanted to request a christmas oneshot with melissa x reader. where they’re married and they decide to surprise each other gifts (the readers gift to mel is the lingerie set mel has been wanting to see in the reader).
(very spicy please with some fluff and smut)
★★★𝘼 𝙜𝙞𝙛𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙚★★★
Character: Melissa Schemmenti
Summary: See ask above!
Requester: Anonymous
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @lilfartbox1
Trigger warnings (DL, DI): Smut, Mommy kink, Praise, Degradation, Top Mel/Bottom reader, Dom/sun dynamics, Vaginal fingering (Reader receiving), Oral (Reader receiving), Clitoral stimulation (Reader receiving),
Genre: Smut
A/n: This was such an awesome ask! Absolutely loved this idea 🤭
Word count: 2.2k
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You sat on the couch with your wife, laying your head on her chest as her hands fondled your hair, her nails occasionally scratching softly at your scalp. The smell of her perfume clouded your nostrils, leaving your brain foggy with only thoughts of her inside of it.
The outside smells of cookies made and candles burned were nothing more than an afterthought when your body was engulfed in the scent of your wife,
"I still don't understand how nobody at the checkout mentioned a girlfriend, like at all," Melissa's laugh broke you out of your thoughts, her eyes rolling at the ridiculous scene playing on the TV in front of you two.
"That would have been an interesting conversation, because knowing Buddy, he would have said something like 'It's for my dad actually', you know? I wish they had added that in the movie," You replied, adjusting yourself so that your head lay on the redhead's shoulder.
"I wonder how awkward that would be to film though," Melissa thought, her soft and nimble fingers wrapping strands of your hair around themselves mindlessly as if it were natural to her. "But the bloopers must be even more fun to watch,"
As the scene where Walter Hobbs is opening the gift naively given by Buddy played on the TV screen, you looked up to see your wife licking her lips with a smirk before speaking.
"Say, I'd like to see you in that," She nudged you, causing you to laugh.
"I don't think I'd look good in it," You giggled, burying your face into her out of embarrassment and the thought of yourself in such an underwear set.
"Oh come on hon," Melissa rolled her head back, looking at you with raised eyebrows and an even fatter grin. "That body of yours would fit perfectly into it, and it'd match your face, all red like that,"
You stuck your tongue out at your wife, narrowing your eyes while a new idea found its way into your head. You looked back down at the screen to watch the rest of the movie, leaving you with a miniature smirk on your lips.
You spent the rest of that week trying to find the same lingerie set from the movie, hoping to get it in time for Christmas as a surprise for Melissa.
"Damn it, why is the evil Jeff Bezos website not working?" You groaned, putting your head in your hands, closing the computer, and placing your elbow on the cold steel shell of the device.
"What's wrong hon?" Your wife asked, opening the door to your shared bedroom, only to see you visibly frustrated.
"It's nothing, my love," You smiled, pulling her in for a soft kiss.
"Alright..." Melissa looked at you with a doubtful look, squeezing your shoulder before leaving to take a shower.
You sighed, looking out the window to admire the darkness of the night, smiling softly as you noticed a couple of snowflakes stick to the window before eventually melting from the warmth of the glass.
You thought hard for a moment before you felt a lightbulb go off in your head.
"So, it's usually about 40 bucks off my shop, but because you're my employee and my best friend, it's half off," Ava smiled mischievously at the situation you were in.
"Thanks, Ava," You rolled your eyes, handing her the cash before grabbing the bag. "We will never talk about this, Amazon was down," You blushed.
"Will do, baby boo," The principal smirked, shooing you away to resume watching Love Island.
You shot your friend the middle finger, shutting the door to her office, and stuffing the bag inside your purse.
When Christmas morning finally arrived after what seemed like just a blink of an eye, a warm blanket of silence covered the house. It had been such a hectic morning of gifts and surprises that the silence felt good. The two of you sat side by side, taking in the moment and the ardency of one another. The fire brought a comfortable warmth around you, and a delicious breakfast made by your wife sat untouched on the table, as it was meant for later. All that mattered now was sharing the day together and enjoying the silence. No sounds of unwrapping or exclamations of surprise, just the calm air lingering between you two while you looked through the photo book Melissa had given you.
"So Princess, do you like it?" Melissa asked, watching as you held a soft photo book from your wedding.
"I love it so much Mel," You replied, tears brimming at your eyes as you flipped through each photo, laughing softly at the goofy ones.
"But, I still have one more gift to give you," You smiled, shooting her a wink and standing up to go to your bedroom to get changed into the surprise.
Your partner sat there while you got dressed, texting Barbara a thank you for the help with the photo book, unaware of the spicy surprise waiting for her.
You swiftly pulled the straps to the lingerie onto your shoulders, your fingers moving to graze softly on the fluffy edges of the fabric.
"You almost done in there, hon?" Melissa laughed at how long you were taking while she cleaned up the wrapping paper.
"Y-Yeah I'll be out in a second!" You replied, opening the door and stepping out into the hallway.
Your arms folded in front of your body as you walked behind Melissa, tapping her softly on the shoulder and watching her turn around swiftly.
"So, what-" The redhead was cut off by the sight of you in the lingerie.
Her mouth was hanging slightly open, all the moisture in there going straight to her core.
The lingerie sat tightly against your body, showing off every inch of your figure. A warm red fabric with white trimming covered the top part of the outfit, clinging to your curves and framing your breasts beautifully. You paired the underwear with a pair of white fishnets and red lipstick, as you knew Melissa loved when you wore that shade of red.
"Oh...Jesus Christ Hon," Melissa gasped, walking up to you and cupping your breast with her hand and your chin with the other. "You look delicious," She practically groaned, pinching your nipple tightly to elect a whimper from you.
"F-Fuck-" You let your head fall onto her clavicle, biting your lip almost as roughly as your wife was being with your tits.
Her palm fell from your chin, pushing you back from her embrace to get the perfect view. Her soft and gentle fingers trailed over your exposed skin, your flesh raising once the tips finally left the area.
"I can't believe this is all mine, these tits, this face, everything about you," Your wife spoke in a husky tone, moving her lips to your neck, leaving soft blue marks on your otherwise [skin color] skin.
"P-Please Mel-" You pleaded, the pain causing the heat in your core to bubble up.
"Ah ah ah-" She tutted, pinching your nub tighter. "What do you call me?"
"Mommy..." You corrected yourself, pressing your body against her, moving your hips so your clit rubbed up against her thigh.
The older woman quickly and harshly swatted your button, watching with a grin as you shivered from the sudden sting.
"Good girl..." The redhead chuckled. "Now, I'm gonna take full advantage of this Christmas present," She spoke, grabbing you and dragging you upstairs.
When she finally made her way to your bedroom, she pushed you onto the bed with a simple flick of her hand, her green eyes watching how your tits bounced as your back hit the mattress like a predator stalking its prey before going to devour it.
"Please do mommy, I got this just for you," You breathed out, spreading your thighs apart to reveal your soaked cunt.
The redhead's emerald eyes widened, and an amused expression made its way onto her facial features.
"Fuck...now this is the bow on top," Melissa licked her lips, wasting no time and immediately burying her face in you, her tongue working wonders as it plunged in and out of you, only pausing to k the tips of her fingers.
Her digits swiftly went to rub on your clit, moving in circles that shot chills up your spine.
Your body was engulfed in a deep warm feeling that started from within and spread out to the rest of your body. Your brain clouded with nothing but a feeling of intense pleasure, relaxation, and even ecstasy as you cried out her name.
"Yeah princess, taste so good," Your wife hummed into your sensitive pussy, the soft vibrations adding to the waves of pleasure pulsating throughout your body
You can feel yourself breathing heavily and panting as your body began to tremble with pleasure.
"Mommy, I-I...Oh God!" You cried, your legs shaking violently from the stimulation on your sensitive button.
Your hand dug into her hair, your thighs clenching around the sides of her head.
Her tongue flicked around your folds, the sweet taste of your release settling on her tastebuds as she savored each lick she gave to your sensitive pussy. Her green eyes rolled back into her head, internally questioning how someone could taste as addicting and as delicious as you did.
But she wasn't done with you. She wanted to hold off your release for as long as possible like always. She was always such a tease, and with your new outfit, the redhead only wanted to watch your body squirm around even more than usual.
"Such a fucking whore," Melissa sighed, removing her mouth from your pussy to your dismay, releasing a laugh from her pretty pink lips when you let out a pleading moan.
The redhead ran her hand through her hair, licking her lips clean of your juices before running her hands up and down your body, squeezing at your breasts to elect more of your delicious sounds for her to relish in.
"Please, Mommy, don't tease!" You whimpered, rubbing your thighs for any sense of relief from the ache between your legs.
Melissa didn't respond to your whines and pleas, only spreading your legs with her strong hands.
"Surprising me with lingerie, knowing I'd fuck your brains out," She growled, bending down to kiss your neck, nibbling at your earlobe before plunging three of her fingers inside your tight hole.
Your toes curled tightly and your back arched, your hands that were gripping at the sheets the only thing keeping you from going completely off the edge.
"Oh f-fuck!" You choked out, your voice turning into a mixture of whimpers and cries as your wife's slender fingers rubbed up against your walls, collecting a white ring at the bottom that increased in visibility the more she pumped in and out of your tight walls.
"Yeah, such a good girl, taking my fingers with your pretty pussy," Melissa muttered, trailing her mouth down your figure before finally attaching her lips to your puffy clit, giving you the much-needed relief.
"Ahh~!! God! I'm going to come! Going to come!" You practically sobbed, your eyes rolling back into your head, the feeling of the redhead sucking on your sensitive nub too much for you to handle.
Just because of her fingers' movements, carefully perfected after years of being your partner, your body immediately became nothing more than a malleable and shaking sex puddle.
"God damn it, you're so easy hon," Your wife smirked, her expression predatory and seductive as she edged you on, her thrusts increasing in speed before slowing down whenever you were about to finish.
"Only for you- Please- Mommy, I need to come!" You cried out, wrapping your hands around Melissa's biceps for more connection to her, your fingernails leaving soft crescent moon indents in her milky skin.
"Then do it baby, make a mess on my fingers and my face," Melissa purred, giving your clit tiny little kitten licks with her agile tongue.
"Fu-Fuck-!! Mommy~!!" You screamed, your back relaxing as the relaxation from your release took over your body, a soft 'oomph' coming from the mattress once your body fully hit the soft plush.
You laid there, your eyes hooded and legs shaking, watching as Melissa sat down next to you, pulling you onto her lap.
"That- Holy shit..." You muttered, unable to say anything else due to the fogginess inside of your head.
The redhead opened your mouth, pushing one of her soaked digits inside, allowing you to clean it whilst tasting yourself.
"I think that was my favorite gift this year," She winked suggestively, pulling out of your mouth.
"I'm glad," You laughed, your head clearing up from how dumb-fucked you were. "Merry Christmas, my love,"
"Merry Christmas Amore," Melissa smiled, stroking away the hair that clung to your forehead. "Why don't we go get that breakfast I made? I don't want it getting cold after all,"
"Good idea," You agreed, attempting to stand up, only for your wife to sweep you off your feet and into her arms.
"I think you need to give these things a little rest," She teased, squeezing your thigh softly before making her way down the stairs.
If you enjoyed reading this, don't forget to like, reblog and comment! Thank you and you are loved <3
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thebearme · 2 months
Got any re8 Heisenberg headcanons? (I definitely am so normal about him)
Don't worry, I'm completely normal about him too.
Ethan works with Karl to stop Miranda, but they aren't exactly friends after that, but they learn to like each other.
Chris was originally was going to put Karl into the military as a living bioweapon, but with enough convincing. Ethan got him to just let stay with him and Rose. They're roommates now.
Karl is thankful for Ethan to help him avoid that fate, but he is still frustrated on how his life is in someone's hand. Now he has to listen to Ethan or run the risk of being killed or weaponized. So the anger is the living arrangement is mutual.
Karl tends to be untrusting of everyone, like a feral stray dog. So Karl stays in the basement and minds his business.
Ethan and Mia had a mutual divorce, The relationship was built on rocky ground, and they understand that. But what Mia doesn't understand is why Ethan would have this moldy hobo live with him, and frankly- he doesn't know either.
Karl was a stinky man. His hands are rough and dry, chipped sharp nails that seem to always have something underneath them despite that fact of him wearing gloves most of the time. He covered in a layer of grease, sweat and car oil, smells like copper, gasoline, sweat, cigars, rain dew and a hint of mold and rot. LOVEY ISN'T IT! A sensory overload dream. His hair WILL make a crunchy noise if touched, and don't bother trying to comb through it.
Ethan made sure that his mf got a shower with some actual soap. He may look the same but trust in the fact if you were in a room with him, you'll actually be able to hug him without getting high from the gasoline.
Karl's hair gets so fluffy when conditioned.
It took months before Ethan trusted Karl in watching Rose or let alone hold her.
Karl LOVES sweets.
He originally didn't know about Home Depot because Ethan was worry that there will quickly be no Home Depot.
There's no longer a Home Depot.
Heisenberg will melt when he hears Rose's first words.
The day that Heisenberg finds out what a Samsung fridge is- IT'S OVER!
Heisenberg lived off of military ration meals till now, so he has to resort to the next best thing here: hungry man TV dinners. And kid cuisine when Rose goes into solid food.
HE CAN COOK! To be particular, grill. But he's kinda going through that depression that led you to not take care of himself.
Karl HATES the rain, It rusts all his metal, and he is in content risk of getting struck by lightning, He's a living lightning rod. Ethan tries to be nice and help him by giving him a rubber rain suit, leading him to wear three layers of protection: fishing overalls, rain boots, raincoat, rubber gloves, rain hat and a rubber poncho.
You can hear him from a mile away with all that rubber squeaking.
Heisenberg surprisingly was a virgin for a long time, and it makes sense. He was too busy in his factory to be with anyone romantically nor platonically, let alone get laid. He never really cared till he thought about it now, especially when Ethan has living proof that he fucked. *CUT TO FUNNY KARL SPEED DATING SEQUENCE* this is probably a very sharp contrast to others hc of karl but idc it's my hc
Heisenberg and Ethan have that opposite attract dynamic, Karl gets to teach him that life doesn't end or need to be tense just because they're mole zombies. While Ethan teaches Karl to unpack his years trauma, cuz that shit will come to haunt you.
Ethan found some room for Heisenberg to sleep upstairs instead.
Eventually Ethan gets so close with Heisenberg he actually starts calling him by his first name.
That was noticed by Mia and Chris, which made them nervous in where Ethan loyalty would lie when something were to happen.
Heisenberg never had clean water before, so just imagine him with the crisp 3am water.
Chris only allows Karl to experience the outside monthly. But Ethan sneaks Karl with him when he can. As long, he doesn't scare anyone in town.
Karl is like a caveman entering the present day, He's culture shock is out of this world.
He loves the phrase "metal as fuck."
When Karl has a nightmare he rearrange his room to push all the metal out or nap in the living room. When Karl and Ethan got closer he started sleeping in Ethan's room. Even though their hearts beat slow, the human warmth is still there.
Karl never wants to talk about what his nightmare was about or why he feels better sleeping in a room with less metal.
Here some songs that I always relate to Heisenberg:
Now I'm about to go into what my hc is for Heisenberg before re8.
tw body horror and child abuse
I have the headcanon that Karl wasn't from the village, but his family was. He was born in the states and unknowingly has the genes that make him very susceptible to the mold mutation. Eventually, after his grandfather died and passed the factory/mines to his parents, they all moved to Europe. Explaining the contrasting transatlantic accent.
But like all things, Miranda had to ruin. She noticed the newcomers of the village; she saw how they also have a child and decided to take action. Miranda killed Karl Heisenberg's parents and took him in to experiment on with the cadou parasite.
His gift was unknown till one check up later after all of his complaints of feeling of something tearing into him. Miranda realized that there seems to be scraps of metal like nuts and bolts dug and tear through into his body to his bones like a magnet.
When he's in is REM sleep, his electromagnet powers moves and attract scraps of metal to him. Leaving him to wake up with blood on his sheets, but the wound already healed like nothing happened. But Karl does know it feels harder to move every day.
Miranda made sure to test him on his gift. He looks completely human and is powerful, he was almost perfect… The one single flaw in him is the fact that even as a helpless child that had no one else to rely on but her. He still hated her.
Heisenberg was the youngest of the four lords and the favorite, and he hated it. Dude would just spend all his time by himself, leaving himself tape recorders. He eventually started to entertain himself as if he was a radio host. The theater kid possesses him.
Eventually when he got older he got into contact with The Duke and was able to purchase tapes and machinery scraps from him. The tapes turned out to be American documents of ww2, leading Heisenberg to his American freedom fighter rhetoric.
When he detransform from his big monster form, he has to go get a lil help. He has to get rid of the pieces of metal without just tearing off pieces of his flesh, That shit is hard to grow back you know!
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foxgloveprincess · 2 months
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Female Reader [Second Person Narrator]
Summary: You’re getting over your illness, but, then, there’s still Andy.
Word Count: 2,034
Attic Wives Anonymous Masterlist
Warnings: Dark, Dub Con (Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex), Manhandling, Slapping, Biting, Scratching, mild Blood, implied Kidnapping, Basement Wife Trope, Possessiveness, Illness (recovery), Swearing/Cursing, Pet Names (honey, sweetheart, etc.). Minors do not interact (18+).
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for far too long. Hope ya’ll enjoy!
I love feedback, so go ahead and reblog if you want. However, I give no permission to copy, translate, rewrite or post my work on any third party website or app. Seeing my work posted anywhere beside my blog, my library blog, or my AO3 account (FoxglovePrincess) means it’s been stolen/plagiarized.
I don’t do tag lists, so follow @foxglovefics to sign up for notifications on my fics. 
This is unBeta’d, so all mistakes are my own.
Please DO NOT click ‘Keep Reading’ if you are not 18+ years of age or if you are uncomfortable with the pairing, themes, dynamics, or warnings. You are responsible for your own media consumption. Thank you!
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“Your lymph nodes certainly seem to be doing better,” the doctor says, fingers gently prodding the sides of your neck. They retreat and he grabs a pen light from his pocket. “Let me see that throat, open wide, tongue out.”
You comply with the directions, letting him examine you. Rage filling your head as your eye catches the man standing in the corner with his arms crossed, keenly observant. 
“Your fever’s gone down, too?” 
“Yes,” you reply, “I’ve been a lot better the last few days.” 
The doctor smiles and presses the back of his hand to your forehead. “That’s good, very good.” After tucking away his light, he leans back in his chair to take a long look at the rest of you. “When’s the last time you had a pelvic exam?” 
“Oh.” Mildly stunned by the question, you can’t remember. Thinking hard, you begin to count back the weeks as best you can—captivity not entirely conducive with nailing down timelines. 
“Don’t even think about it, Rogers.” 
Andy steps out of the corner and puffs himself up in a challenge. Your eyes roll. Dr. Rogers stands, though, with his hands held up in surrender. 
“I’m just concerned about your wife’s health.”
“Don’t fucking lie to me,” Andy bites back. 
The doctor packs his few things back into his bag and stands. “Whatever you say, Barber.” A smirk plucks at his lips. “But she will need to be checked eventually.”
Andy gestures toward the door, following the doctor out. You sneak toward the door, waiting until it closes to press your cheek against it. Beep, click, click, click. Just like all the other times. 
You roll your neck back and wander around your room until you find your couch once again. Flopping back, you stare at the ceiling, raising your hand to look at the diamond ring sparkling on your finger. 3 carats, and brilliant. 
The door opens and closes once again, signaling Andy’s return to the room. You don’t acknowledge him. Consumed by thoughts as your ring glints down at you. 
His footsteps approach and his hand weaves with yours. You snarl. 
“Dr. Rogers said he’s pleased with your improvement,” he says while placing a kiss to the back of your hand. You hum. Fingers bend and flex, trying to wriggle away from his grip. “He’ll keep asking about the pelvic exam, though.”
“It’s important,” you reply. 
“That’s true.” Andy releases your hand only to cup your cheeks. “But Dr. Rogers has some particular tastes when it comes to his patients.” He smiles down at you. Your eye catches the silver of the ring on his left hand. “I’m glad I could spare you from that.” 
With little thought, you snap at the hand cradling your face. He doesn’t flinch. Letting your teeth sink into the meat of his thumb. 
He hisses and drops to his knees. Breathing heavy and watching you. Your nostrils flare with renewed rage—his delusions curtailing your petty acts of vengeance. It grits against your gnarled insides. Needing to cause pain, to punish him. 
Your teeth release his flesh, indented marks throbbing red on his skin. Not enough pressure to break it—this time. 
“God, honey,” Andy sighs. “You’re so strong.” From his position on his knees, he lifts so he might level your gazes and slant his lips to yours. 
His greedy kiss consumes you. You both fight. His bid for dominance easily bowing to your fury despite his urgent hunger. You nip at his lip until you taste blood and raise your hand to collar his throat. You shove him away with both your hand and your knee, placed against his chest to keep him at bay. 
He retreats but keeps his eyes on you. You stare back, wondering how you’ve got to this point. When before he seemed so eager to control you. To sit before you, now, more eager for your disdain, simply because a ring sits on your finger. 
Your hand darts out to grasp at his fluffy hair, tilting his head to the side at an uncomfortable angle. 
“You’re only like this now because I’m your wife, aren’t you?” 
He shudders at the question. Two words in particular. His eyes shine up at you, enamored. 
“And all before you were ready to push me around, treat me like I was scum beneath your foot.” You click your teeth and toss him away from you. 
He rocks back on his legs but doesn’t fall. “You wouldn’t have me before.” His eyes stay dropped to the floor. “I had to make you see that it would be better to marry me.” 
“By taking advantage of my weakened state and your strength, by threatening me,” you spit. 
“I’ve been better now,” he counters, “since you signed our marriage certificate and it’s been made official. I’ve been better, haven’t I?”
His chest heaves with deep breaths. The glint of desire in his eye still shines bright. He restrains himself as you think. The first few buttons of his shirt hang undone, showing a peek of his white undershirt. 
“But you still won’t let me out of here,” you accuse. 
Watching him watch you, wait for you, you think it might not be so bad. To have the plentiful opportunities to grind him down. Until he’s just like the husk you became down in that basement. Until he begs for your mercy. You sneer and cross your legs. 
“Fuck you,” you bite. “You stole me from my life on a whim.” You scoff and roll your eyes. “You don’t even care about me, just the idea you have of your perfect wife.” 
“You’re my perfect wife.” 
The slap rings loud in the quiet room. Both of you shocked by the impact of your hand against his cheek. 
Andy blinks, eyes blowing out with lust. You swallow down trepidation but keep the steely look of contempt on your face. You stand, towering over him. 
“You’re pathetic,” you say, every ounce of disdain and disgust lacing the words. 
A dark look, born of frustration rather than lust, washes over his features. He meets your eye with a scowl. 
“No, I’m not.” 
You scoff and turn away from him. Walking toward your bathroom, just to put a door between you and the electric current of hatred that tickles at your core. You’ve had enough. 
Your hand falls to the doorknob, turning it to unlatch the bathroom door, but hands land on you first. Spinning you and pinning your body to the wood. 
“Don’t walk away from me,” he demands, but through his bark, you see his desperation. Your eyes cleared from their fear to see the pitiful man to whom you’re legally bound. The challenge he sets stirring something more than hatred in you. 
“Fuck yo—”
He cuts you off with a kiss, hands grasping at the side of your head to keep you in place. You grab at the front of his shirt, clawing across his chest. Buttons pop open. More of his undershirt revealed. Your fingers bunch and tear at the fabric. A fight between you two. You grunt against his mouth, your kiss all teeth and tongue. Sloppy and frantic and combative. 
He trails his lips down your neck, lowering to his knees. Your hands sink into his hair, hoping to keep him from his goal. But once set on it, he won’t be deterred. He lunges for your thighs, slotting his shoulders between them and forcing you into a lean. 
He rips at your clothes, not in anger but passion. One moment too long to keep him from you. 
Standing bare from the waist down, you continue to push him away. Lifting your knee to knock him aside, but he simply clings to it. Under his strength, you’re pinned to the door and open before him to sup. 
“Andy,” you protest, hands pushing at his forehead, “jeez, just stop it.”
His tongue swipes through your folds. Your breath hitches and he hears it, the vibrations of his chuckle rolling against you. He peeks up from between your thighs. 
“I’m sorry, honey,” he says, not sorry at all, “I can’t help it.” Another swipe and flick to your clit. His fingers pet your folds, parting them for easier access to the most sensitive parts of you. “Let me make you feel good.” 
You can’t surrender now, not when he wants it. Even when he does that thing with his tongue that makes your toes curl and his beard scratches just right on your upper thighs. You grit your teeth. No, no way can you let him know how he affects you. His fingers and tongue work in tandem to bring you over the edge, your legs trembling under your weight and threatening to collapse. Your nails bite into his scalp. He flinches with the pain, but continues his pursuit again and again. 
His body and the door are all that keep you standing. Your legs jelly from the endorphin rush of multiple orgasms, flesh tender and overstimulated. Though, that does not mean your so-called husband is done with you. 
He tugs and pushes you to your bed, messing your sheets with the flop of your body. Rushing with the aftershocks of your high and boneless upon the sheets. 
While you languish in your sweat and the stickiness between your thighs, he strips. His button down and undershirt revealing the sculpted planes of his flesh. Kept up by a daily routine at the pool, his skin always smelling faintly of chlorine when he sees you in the evenings. Then his trousers. Pushed from his legs with his boxers to let his cock bob hard and leaking in the open air. 
Your lungs fill with air. Casting your gaze aside, refusing to give his delectable body one more moment of admiration. He knows how good he looks. You won’t pay him the compliment. 
“Come here, sweetheart,” he says, gathering you in his arms and positioning himself over you. Face to face. 
You huff a frustrated breath, but can’t find the strength to fight back. Not when you know how well his cock stretches you and makes you cum. It’s a perk you’ll be sore to miss once you get away from him. 
His cock slides in, too easily if anyone asked you. Then again, he made it his mission to have you cum on his tongue until you were dripping. You can’t entirely be blamed. 
The thrust of his hips fills you, a steady pace not too frantic or lazy. Just right to drag you to the edge of another climax. He moans in your ear, fingers digging into your hip and the bed’s duvet. 
Your muscles tense, waiting for that moment of release. Building and building inside you. Your nails sink into the skin of his back, scratching down. His hips jerk out of rhythm and he pants, stalling for a moment. 
“You can’t just do that to me, honey.” His eyes catch yours, adoration shining at you. “You gotta warn me if you wanna leave your mark. You know how much I love it.” 
You growl and glare, but he remains unfazed by it. He leans in to kiss you, a sweet peck accompanied by a dirty grind of his hips. You bite in response. Tasting blood on your tongue. His lip split beneath your teeth. 
He moans and bucks against you. Thrusting with need. You bite your own lip to stifle the moans of pleasure clawing up your throat. You break, shatter, keening a cry ripped from your chest. He cums a moment later with a shout and pulls out, splattering the folds of your sex with his spend. 
Your chests heave with your deep breaths, lungs expanding. Andy falls away from you and onto his back. Hand reaching up to comb through his hair. He licks his lip with a smirk. 
“You like marking me up, don’t you?” You don’t reply. Feigning the inability to form words. But, really, unsure whether the pleasure of punishing him mutates in the brief moments of bliss into something primal, claiming. It’s in these quiet moments of terror and receding pleasure where you wonder and dread.
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motions1ckness · 11 months
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This is pt 2 to my last story “Don’t Call me Kid”!! Read that first so this’ll make sense! ♡
Summary: After Kendall’s birthday, your relationship with Roman seemed beyond repair. Until he comes into your office to talk about Caroline’s wedding. (3x08)
Content: Established relationship, f!reader, insecurity, repressing emotions, bit of angst, implied body image issues, mention of age gap, dom/sub relationship dynamics, fluff?, roman hating himself
It’s been almost a week since Ken's birthday, and you've been doing your best to avoid Roman Roy. I mean, you work with him since he’s technically your boss. Luckily, you have your own office, helping you isolate until he apologizes, which he hasn’t yet. He hated talking about his feelings. But, he hated your absence more. Before all this, Roman had invited you to Caroline's second wedding as a plus-one. The thought of having to brush off Roman's actions and show up as his date made your stomach knot.
But the wedding was in two days, meaning the flight was later today. The miscommunication between you two made it unclear if you were still going. While wrapping up an email, you heard a patterned knock at your door. To no surprise, you saw Roman through the glass with his head hanging low. Great. You slightly rolled your eyes as you signaled him to enter. This will be swell.
He shuffled to the couch, indirectly facing you. He seemed anxious. You took notice of his abnormal behavior the past week, being less involved in conferences and more in his head. Like someone turned off his neuro receptors. He started picking at his nail beds, refusing eye contact with you. Again.
You scooted your chair, making him clear in your eye line, “So, what’s up?” acting oblivious. Of course, you knew why he was there. You both did. But perhaps he could dumb it down because 'you’re so young.'
He cleared his throat, scratching the back of his head “ I was just, uh, checking in. Like seeing if you were going to Italy still? You know, with me? Like is that still a thing?” On the last question, he eventually met your gaze. His delicate eyes made you empathetic. You can't shun him out completely? He needs to apologize. He needs to apologize.
Cocking your neck, “I don’t know ‘sweetheart.’ I might try to fix you with my terrible, aching savior complex because ‘I’m just so young and naive.’” Using his own words against him. Making it evident you were not over that night.
Roman shuddered at your response, darting a remorseful expression your way. You didn’t like fighting with him, and the last thing you wanted to do was argue. But you couldn’t let him get away with this. “Y-yea, whatever y/n, I’m a piece of shit. Okay? Fuck, is that what you want me to say?” He stood, throwing his hands up, peering down at you.
You scoffed, “Yea, whatever Roman, you’ve answered your question,” you fixed your attention back to the computer until Roman angled the screen towards the window, forcing you to stare at him.
“No, c’mon y/n. Fuck,” fighting with himself, if he could be vulnerable. “I just, don’t want to fight anymore. I mean c-c’mon. F-fine I’m sorry, there. Y/n, I'm serious. I am sorry. P-Please.”
Reconciliation isn't recurring between you two, especially when he’s begging for your forgiveness. His puppy dog expression helped his apology, “Okay. Thank you for apologizing. I just, I think I need some space. Maybe I'll fly separately,” you attempted to put on a sincere smile. Trying to ease the blow, hoping this doesn’t cause his insecurity to run rampant. You weren’t rejecting the invite, but you worried how Roman would react.
His face dropped a bit, not completely satisfied with your response, “Okay, I, uh, I guess I’ll see you there then.” He thumped on the top of the door frame as he left your office. Shit. Is he disappointed?
You flew in with the rest of the staff. Gerri kept you company, talking strategy about GoJo. Your flight arrived first, beating Roman to the shared room in the Villa. It was beautiful. You threw yourself onto the massive mattress, allowing your brain to rest for the first time since the party. You could’ve fallen asleep; until you heard a gentle knock at the door, followed by an entrance.
“I can see you had a lovely flight,” you turned your head to see Roman shutting the door behind him. A faint smile appeared on your face. “C’mon, we need to walk down for welcome drinks and see this, Peter Onion motherfucker,” having a slight smile, he stepped to the edge of the bed, holding his hand out for you to latch onto.
You pull yourself up while fixing your hair. You two were close, still holding hands, his other resting on your hip. He scanned your body, “You look fucking hot y/n, but maybe less ‘I want to fuck my boss’ and more ‘I'm meeting my boss's mom.’” You smirked at his comment, pulling away to get your bags left outside the door.
The two of you faced away from each other and started to change, “You know, I like spending time with you Rome,” turning your head to meet his gaze. You didn’t want to say love. Worried he’d freak out at the phrase.
He adjusted his shirt, smiling to himself, “Yea, I like spending time with you too.”
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cocoagenie · 8 months
Juan Ruiz x black fem
Sister pain.
Angst. [Divider by @grungenglam]
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You skim your nails across your knee and stare deeply into your phone, reading a certain text in a green bubble with the one of the most heartbreaking statements. You shake your head stubbornly to reject your eyes glossing over but warm tears fall over your swollen lids anyway and you turn your phone off before tossing it on the cold side of the bed.
Your hands clasp togther first before squeezing and squeezing. The pressure on your joints not inflicting any pain which blindly makes you clench your hands harder until your blunt fingernails dig inside your skin. And even then, you can't feel anything.
Nothing but pure anguish and gloom. Your heart was the only thing twinging and your lips were caught in the bear trap of your teeth to stop their quivering. You released your hands and shook them out as the dam broke and your throat swelled.
"Baby?" Juan walks in slowly and you quickly wipe your face, not hearing him come in quick enough. You curse and fix your bonnet over your head more correctly than it already was.
"Didn't hear you come in.." your gaze is averted downwards while you got under the covers and Juan stalked towards you before making it to your side of the bed, reaching for the lamp to turn on. You moved the covers to your mouth and closed your eyes. His gaze traveled to your phone abandoned on the sheets before patting your shoulder.
"Scoot over for me, hm" he spoke quietly in your ear as his hand rubbed your arm confortingly. You made some space with your back still turned as Juan took off his pants and discarded them on the floor, afterward sliding in the bed with his boxers and t-shirt on.
Juan carefully took your phone and put it on the dresser, then he wrapped his arm around your waist and brought your weak body into his embrace to hold.
"Whats wrong, amor? Talk to me?" After sensing your uneven breathing he heard the most painful thing from you, a suppressed sob. He cooed in empathy and stroked the outline of your thighs.
"Oh no, no~ Who upset you? Who upset my sweet girl." He kissed your covered hair and eased the cover down to interlace his warm hands with your hot ones, a bit damp with tears. His heart hurt enough to cry aswell but Juan wanted nothing more then to support you.
"I.. it's m-my sister.. she- she" you couldn't get out the words and he brought your hand to his mouth, pressing a gentle and long-lasting kiss onto your knuckle.
"Take your time baby, I'm all ears." You eventually turn again in his hold and hug him close, wrapping his arms around you fully now, Juan welcomes your whole form with locking arms. He'll never let you go and he doesn't mind hot liquid seeping into his shirt or the same thing wetting his collarbone. He doesn't even mind the snot or how hard you're gripping his vintage shirt, nearly ripping the material to shreds.
You know, as you're trying to calm down, that Juan is ready when you are. His back rubs are patient, few words of affirmation start to put you at ease and soon enough you're ready to speak.
"I called my sister.. and found out she wasn't making some wise descions at school. We called eachother, didn't really go well. She hung up on me, a-and.. um– then we texted and I was telling her how she had to get her act together, not only for herself but for mom."
"She works too damn hard for her to be doing dumb shit and I just got so angry so I told her– you know, just do better. But then... she had the audacity to ask me... why do I care? And then I just left her on read."
Juan tries to correlate your experiences with his own dynamics between older and younger sibling but theres nothing compare. The way you interacted with your sister is different from how Alejandro interacted with him. Aside from that, he can tell that you're are a wonderful big sister and would do anything in your power to prevent your little sister from getting into trouble.
But to expeirence ungratefulness from the people you love the most can definitely be fatal.
"I mean, I've been saving her ass for as long as I can remember. I hated to see her get in trouble no matter how she treated me. But I'm not there Juan– and I just.. I kinda feel like shit. You know for my mother cause she doesn't deserve to be dealing with this shit" you huff, voice wavering.
Juan carreses your waist and deeply stares into your eyes.
"I'm sorry, amor" he whispers and you shake your head, yet another tear falling down.
"D-don't be, don't." You pat his chest and rest your hand on his pec as Juan leans and bring his lips to your forehead, giving another lasting kiss while his arms begin to tighten around you. Its like ringing out a rag the way you began to cry again and clutch his clothes.
He just wants to heal you as much as he can. Juan hates your tears but he hopes they cleanse your soul as they roll down your face. He hopes your chest can stop hurting like his own and that your heart can see the serene sun after the melancholy clouds.
"You're a great sibling and your sister needs to realize that soon– deserve so much better." He mumbles on your head before pecking your temple and snuggling his chin on top of your head even though your slightly taller. You drown in his gentle cologne and unknowingly expose your pain like a medallion of your humanity.
A grown woman doesn't rest in Juans arms, a  pained older sister in the form a young black girls body takes place instead. Basking in the comfort and words she should've been given instead being told to step up and raise the bar father then she could reach. Being shamed for not doing enough when that young black girl did everything in her power to care for her little sister.
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a-door-to-somewhere · 11 months
Can I just say that spiderverse has done such a good job with characterization and character driven storytelling and relationship building that there's just SO many interesting ships? Even though the pacing is so fast the films still took time to spend on each of the spiderpeople (and spideranimals) enough so that character dynamics are interesting IN TEXT. like there's no extrapolation or fandom accepted headcanons needed to start, yk?
They didn't just assume that people would ship miles/gwen because they're the main m and f leads. They spent time building that dynamic and relationship and it may be clear that they'll eventually end up together (hopefully) but they didn't just let us assume that. They still put effort into convincing us. And then I also love that even with such a big cast a lot of the side characters also had dynamics with other side characters, something that can be hard to add in at the right amount.
Like we get the feeling that Gwen admires Hobie and is friendly enough to Pav that she talked about Miles with him (they totally had sleepovers and painted eachothers nails and discussed boyfriends and girlfriends) and generally agrees with Peter B.
And hobie is, of course, looking out for everyone he cares about, goofy with Pav, supportive but not overprotective of Gwen, is honestly trying his best to stick up for Miles. Even in the first one even though most time is spent fleshing out Peter B's story, the other spideys interact with eachother and generally don't just act as one homogeneous blob of background characters.
The only dynamics there's nothing for are the ones who haven't met on screen yet. Every other relationship isn't overlooked and there's something to go off of for the shippers. Honestly I'm not really a multishipper but spiderverse has so many good options lol
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seeingstarks · 8 months
authorized (r.r x. r.r drabble)
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summary : rhea finds herself in the midst of the tribal chief himself, roman. what will happen? pairing : rhea ripley × roman reigns cw : cursing, kissing, innuendos, blowjob, hair pulling, nicknames, sub/dom dynamic a/n : just something small i came up with after watching rhea's promo and as much as i wanna see them feud i can't help but imagine how unstoppable they would be together and how much they'd bicker. x) reblogs are very much appreciated! word count : 716 words tag list : @harmshake
"acknowledge me." the aussie's voice echoed throughout the hallway, a familiar phrase only voiced by the tribal chief himself, few having dared to defy him and failed.
rhea wasn't one to back down from a fight, staring down every single member of the bloodline and spearing them in the process. paul heyman being the only person in her way before her true target, roman reigns.
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phone in hand, he dialed up the samoan's number as rhea shook her head with a tsk falling from her dark lips, "i'll do it myself. don't even know why roman keeps you around anyways. you're a useless manager." she yanked the phone from his hands not even caring if she hurt him in the process, fingers pressing down harshly on the keys.
"i'm gonna' bloody kill him! he doesn't mess with dom dom or anyone else for that matter-" rhea was fuming, pacing around the bloodline's locker room which jd had taken over earlier that night, dom was supposed to have matching attire but somehow roman convinced heyman to do his dirty work.
"you wouldn't dare to lay a single hand on heyman, doll. not when i can have those sharp nails wrapped around my neck or proving to the world that mami isn't always on top."
rhea clearly couldn't see roman on the other side of the phone but with how he spoke was with a smirk, smug in tone.
she decided to play along with his so called game, having nothing better to do for the night and get payback for earlier. little did rhea know he was on a jet to see her right now.
"in your nightmares, ro ro. on top no matter the circumstance, bet you're wantin' people to acknowledge you in order to compensate for somethin' else, hm?" rhea had venom in her tone, taunting the samoan with each word however she became more comfortable, laying back against the sofa as she chatted it up more with him, paul making his own quiet leave.
"wouldn't you like to know, sweetheart? good thing you won't have to wait long-" the handle turned and a tall, dark-toned, raven-haired man opened up the door.
rhea jumped up from the sofa, staring daggers into his brown hues. being a few inches shorter than roman the aussie hoped to still intimidate him but roman flashed that shit-eating grin he always did.
instead of it making her stomach turn like usual, it did something else... made rhea press her legs together which roman was quick to take notice.
"look at mami now.. not so immune to me when the tribal chief is infront of her - be a good girl and let daddy take care of you.."
rhea cackled at the man, laughing so hard to the point her ribs hurt and had to catch her breath, "you, my daddy? i'm a grown ass woman, ro. don't need your pencil dick." she scrunched her nose trying to ignore the growing wetness between her legs.
rhea gnawed upon her lower lip, causing some of the black lipstick to smear as she kept eye contact with roman, a few moments passing before they finally pulled one another into a heated kiss battling each other for dominance.
they eventually reached a wall, in which rhea had roman pinned up against it, he could easily reverse her but relished in the fact of being submissive for the woman.
rhea lowered herself as she tugged on his gym shorts and boxers, his exposed length springing free as drool threatened to escape her dark lips, "tell anyone about this and i'll actually kill you."
her lips parted making an "o" shape as her tongue teased the tip of his cock circling it before making way on more of his length, taking it in as roman leaned his head back letting out groans of pleasure.
"that's it, mami." he hummed and reached down to tug at her raven hair before rhea took him deeper, roman starting to thrust his hips against her throat.
"do you acknowledge me now?" he asked with a smirk.
"i acknowledge youmff-" her words were muffled due to having her mouth wrapped around roman's cock, but she was sure he got the point and him calling her mami was icing on the literal cake.
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finniestoncrane · 6 months
could I request Capullo riddler getting rimmed and fingered by a femdom reader? 👉👈 obsessed with the idea of pegging him admittedly but having him ride someone’s tongue/fingers sounds,,,,, fun :)
Devour You Whole
Capullo!Riddler x Fem!Reader, word count: 650 hi can i just say. i love you, your brain is huge, and this was FUCKIN DELICIOUS to imagine (also do you know how long i wrestled with which word to use for... yeah hkjhasd) 🩷💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: fingering, rimming, sub/dom dynamics
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"Ah-ah, ah, ah... aaaah... shit, that stings."
You relieved some of the pressure, pulling your nails from the skin of his thighs, but kept your fingers pressed to them, holding him in position, spreading him apart. You preferred to have a good view of the delicacy before you, and you liked him to be stretched wide open, submissive and vulnerable.
"Now, now, Eddie. There's no need to swear. Be a good boy and apologise."
You could almost hear his stubborn frown, even if you couldn't see it. That was part of the joy for him though, and you. Watching the God-Complex of Edward Nygma be torn down as he obeyed his mistress, but not without a little bit of pushback. Typical behaviour from someone who embodied the term 'brat'.
The last vowel was elongated, stretched out to a gasping whimper as you dove back between his cheeks, your tongue lapping at his entrance, pointed, firm and pressing in and out. Pulling back once more, you licked your lips as you took in the view. His dark, almost auburn hair around his cheeks and his sweet, puckered hole was matted in various swirls, coated in your saliva. Each movement he made, each tensing of his body as he waited for you to start again had him gaping, only slightly.
Watching him tremble at the touch, you circled your finger around his hole, pressing flat against his puckering, desperate opening. You leaned in closer, the heat, the slightly dirty scent, the taste of him lingering on your tongue, all of it making you lightheaded almost. Your own arousal growing, clit throbbing, lips thick and swollen, coated in your slick as you found yourself grinding in the air.
With one finger, delicate but still commanding, you opened him up slightly, one knuckle deep as he hissed, back arching, fingers in a white knuckle grip on the sheets he lay on. Before you knew it, he was lowering himself, pushing his hips down, another knuckle disappearing inside of him, warm, sweating, sticky and very welcoming.
He noticed,at some point, that he was pushing himself down on your finger, sliding back up gently, slowly, fucking himself with you. That wouldn't do, not for Eddie, even when he was supposed to be under your control and behaving like a good, obedient, boy.
"B-back to... your tongue..."
Moving your head back from him, you sat in silent, expectantly. And eventually he picked up on the cue.
"Use your tongue, please."
He almost spat the word, and you considered punishing him for the attitude, but it was better than he usually was, and you were desperate to get back to the task at hand. So you buried your nose between the apex of his cheeks, laying your tongue flat against him and noting the wrinkled texture of his hole, the little hairs against your lips as you closed around him, sucking and lapping at him as he whined.
Taking a quick glance, you saw he had wrapped one hand around his cock, stroking it hard and swift, the motion causing his balls to tap against your forehead. He was close, you could tell. THe way he bucked his hips, rolling them forward as he forced himself down onto your tongue, controlling you, even though you were the one with the power.
His free hand fumbled for your hair, trying to get a grip on you, but you leant the opposite way, refusing to let him get any kind of leverage over you. He mumbled past deep,heavy breaths, something rude and derogatory.
"You little bitch."
When you laughed, vibrating against him, he apologised immediately. He was so close, enough that he knew it would be a foolish move to disobey you, to have you stop right at the point of climax. He was learning. But still not smart enough to realise that you were willing to anything for a chance to devour him.
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twoheartswrites · 1 year
Can you write a Hank, Connor, Markus, and Luther (separately) x reader fic where the reader likes to dress feminine and likes to paint his nails and stuff like that and the reader wants to paint Hanks, Connors, Markus’s etc nails or like do their makeup? Please and thank you 💗
Feminine Reader w/ DBH guys HCs
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Fem aligned people (+ She/Her users) DNI
[FTM Friendly] Male Reader x DBH Guys
Detroit Become Human
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When he first met you, he felt happy that you felt so confident in how you express yourself.
It's what pulled himself to you in the first place
He loves also having pictures of you too because of it
He finds it contrast dynamics really attractive. He's a gruff "Hawaiian shirt" kinda guy who's dating a sweet "Cardigan with Fancy Pants" guy
Makes his heart melt
Especially if there's a height difference (Either way if you're taller or shorter, he loves height difference)
I feel like it'd take him a lot of convincing for him to wear makeup, especially if you try to get him to wear it outside of the house
but nail painting is on the table.
Colors like pink, or blue, or black if it goes well with his shirt
He's also very supportive of multicolor
Like having a dark blue on his index fingers while all the other nails are black
Now if you wanna do makeup, it'll take a while. But once you've finally convinced him (and maybe even promised that it'll only be an at home thing) he'll finally give in
He's a little flinchy, and pretends to hate it, and though for him the makeup feels "Heavy"
he still enjoys the end result, especially if you like it too
It didn't phase him at all when he first met you
in fact, he never really paid attention to the fact until he introduced you to Hank
After you had left and it was just him and Hank, Hank started to explain to him the comparison's of how guys tend to wear more masculine things rather than feminine
Connor starts learning about fashion after that from magazines
I mean, if Connor were offered a dress or a tux, he wouldn't care for either, really. "It depends on the occasion" he says.
But now when he's with you, he's singing more praises towards you
He's more away of how others and you dress
"You're wearing pretty make up today" "Your shirt and nail match! :)" "So you're telling me you purposely match your shoes with your tops?"
If you ever try to paint his nails or do his makeup, he'll absolutely, with no hesitation, accept.
he could watch you paint his nails all day
He could chat your ears off while you do his makeup too
He loves the idea of makeup and painting his nails
You're one of Carl's friends, one of the few that still care for him as a person, so Carl doesn't have one problem with you and introduces you to Markus
Markus's first thoughts of you was "Wow, he's really sweet and looks cute..."
You eventually start dating, and that means adding new clothes to impress your android boyfriend
You stop by the house every week to visit and take care of Carl
and to visit your boyfriend
Carl teaches you to paint, and you show him your makeup skills
One day, Markus will be doing dishes while you and Carl talk and Carl says something like
"You should do Markus's makeup"
He probably only said that cus Markus may have said some things about wanting you to paint his nails and stuff, but he thought Carl was already asleep by them
You happily bring it up later in private after Carl's asleep
And Markus is secretly very excited about it too
Do his makeup, paint his nails, he loves it all <3
Luther loves praising others, and loves to call you handsome and pretty all the time
He offers his face and hands to you the very moment you meet
"Oh you have very cool hands, do you mind painting my nails someday?"
"I like your makeup, maybe you could teach me?"
He's a very Quality Time romantic
So when you spend time focusing on making him almost as handsome as you, he can't help that he likes you this much.
He loves your clothing choice as well, and he seems like the type to also know some fashion tips, so he'll give you advice once in a while
As long as you want it
and if you're willing to give him advice too
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edenvinity · 6 months
ranking the f1 driver pairings as amazing race teams
me and my family have been watching amazing race for years so you KNOW i had to combine my interests !!!
amazing race is basically a show where teams of two race all around the world and preform a series of challenges rhat can range from physical to more mental, and the team that reaches the “pit stop” last is eliminated. plane flights + transportation around the country is also often up to the teams, having to buy their own plane tickets + hailing their own taxis + driving themselves around a country which works against one team dominance
detour - teams can choose to complete one of two challenges
roadblock - one person in the team completes a challenge (one person cannot do every roadblock)
express pass - by doing an extra challenge, one team can get this pass that allows them to skip any one challenge
teams are ranked based on how far i think they would make it in a fictional all-f1 season of amazing race :)
10. pierre & esteban
sorry you KNOW they would be a dumpster fire. like the couples who go on and are like “i love my partner so much :))” and then immediately implode the second aomething goes wrong. would start off polite enough before the first detour where one of them is like mildly slow and the bickering starts. they would start rushing in an attempt to catch up and leave an important item behind (passports, clue, etc) and thats just the nail in the coffin for them
9. lance & fernando
tbh i could see them making it maybe 1 or 2 legs more depending on the challenge but. nothing against lance but hes a rich kid. the challenge would be like “find all the items on this shopping list at a wet market” and hes LOST. fernando gets 3/4 of the list AND has to find lance who is desperately looking for duck eggs (it was at the first stall) and then they get back and lance bought regular eggs anyways for a massively jacked up price. sorry but as entertaining as it would be they are doomed to flop
8. alex & logan
SORRY WILLIAMS BESTIES they would be such a silly team and fan favorites but respectfully i dont see them being very good 🥲 i think they would have a very good dynamic but other then that based on the pumpkin carving/drawing challenges,,,, they would not go far 😭 they would get a challenge to deliver something to several different locations (without map) and eventually get lost and be so far behind that when they get to the mat its like. nighttime. but they would be very cheesed and happy still !!
7. yuki & daniel
THE FUNNIEST PAIR EVER can you IMAGINE the dynamic when trying to navigate or drive a stick shift car. one of the friendlier pairs, willing to help point other teams in the right direction at challenges. also between the two of them they have a pretty decent skill set so i think theyd do pretty well at the challenges, plus be able to get around the city well enough. theyd eventually go out on a leg w more physical challenges just by virtue of the remaining teams being better but they have SO MUCH FUN and SO MUCH banter
6. kevin & nico
solid guys overall !! could see them maybe making it another leg further over the next team. definitely one of the most chill teams, sightseeing/enjoying the travels more (not to say that they arent competitive tho) and overall having a great time !! i think their experience with raising children would also factor in well (patience/calmness) and thus would keep them from making little mistakes and stay consistent. would eventually go out in a leg where they start from a lower spot and cant manage to find any earlier trains/flights and thus cant make up any ground and end up going out
5. lando & oscar
they are the most unstable team LMAO they (lando) always take big gambles with challenges to try and get ahead and as such always end up gaining/dropping tons of places in each leg. impeccable dynamic tho !! oscar is def the grounding force and keeps them on track, navigator to landos driver, while landos creative strategies often help them gain places where they might otherwise be stagnant. would eventually go out on a leg where lando insists on trying to catch an earlier train but ends up missing the connector to their destination (setting them back) and they cant catch up, eventually resulting in their elimination
4. valterri & zhou
i actually cant really explain this one guys its just a gut feeling. like i know that valterri is reasonably fit from biking a lot and zhou could help them get around more reliably in asian countries but other then that i dont have an explanation. theyre chill and like just kind of cruising/enjoying themselves. theres a roadblock where they have to name several different types of beer by taste and valterri crushes it. theres a challenge where its watching this person dancing and having to recreate the entire outfit that zhou kills. they go out right before the final because theyre beaten in a footrace to the mat
3. lewis & george
these guys are EFFICIENT. lewis somehow manages to get them on the earliest flights possible. george reads the map once and immediately find the fastest routes from place to place. they are reasonably good at most challenges. their downfall is challenges requiring them to work together closely, which happens in the final where they are required to learn a traditional wedding dance and preform it and they just cant sync up, costing them major time, and the entire experience just leaves them irritable which eventually leads to them claiming third
2. max & checo
similarly to lando & oscar, max is the competitive force with checo grounding their team. highly competitive (though not to say they dont enjoy themselves), always going for express passes and valuing efficiency. their strategy works for the most part, with them racking up the most leg wins. their downfall ultimately came during the final challenge, where they had to match moments from previous legs with their locations, and neither of them really remember LMAO. just barely misses out on first which goes to…
1. charles & carlos
impeccable dynamic. gets one express pass and uses it strategically. very supportive of each other during challenges. they are just a generally overall solid team but not outstanding, never really winning and just beats out valterri/zhou for the third spot in the final. but in the final leg they are just incredibly in sync which allows them to complete the challenges efficiently, and at the end challenge they have memories tied to each place and are able to figure it out faster then max/checo and beat them to the mat to take the win !!!
okay thanks for listening to my rambles ☺️ maybe a part two of this later ranking old driver pairs OR an f1/survivor ranking
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atinylittlepain · 3 months
i'm about to use tumblr like a diary.
here's the thing about getting that thing you've wanted long enough to convince yourself it will solve all your problems just as soon as you get that thing, just as soon as that want is settled and sated. it doesn't work as seamlessly as that.
the thing i wanted, worked my want up into tooth and nail and fang and blood, came in an email. what changed between the two breaths it took for that email to show up in my inbox? not much, honey! a future, a move, a get out of undergrad free card, sure, yes, great. i let myself be excited about it for an afternoon or so, and woke up the next morning in about the same place i've been waking up in for a while now. wherever i go, there i am.
if you've been around this blog for the last two to three months you will have seen me engaging in what i'm now calling flailing - swearing off writing one week, only to post a one shot the next week, only to swear it all off again, only to threaten to delete the whole thing, only to go radio silent and fucking love it, only to show up again, which leads us to here, this post. and i don't know why i'm saying all this, trying to explain it, i think mostly just to myself, albeit in a very public fashion, but here it goes anyways.
i'm fucking tired and i want to clear the air. the truth is i don't really like writing fic any more, it's become a sort of compulsive comfort crutch of mine, a quick hit source of dopamine or validation that doesn't work any more. i write fic from a very numb, very lonely, very desperate place these days, and i don't want to do it any more. if i'm being honest, i don't really want to write anything any more. i started calling myself a writer and then got afraid of the silhouette i had carved out for myself. i'm not calling myself anything now.
i unfollowed a lot of people in order to distance myself from dynamics and content that i do not enjoy. to any friends that this has hurt, or any pots that this has stirred, it means nothing more than me wanting a simple, quiet dash when i log onto here.
all this is to say that there might be fic eventually, sometime far down the line. there also might not ever be fic again. i'm still writing in stops and starts, but i'm a little too tender right now to share anything.
i'm going to use this blog however i want to and there is little else to say about the matter.
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