#spencer reid writing contest
gubler-me-up · 2 years
Sooo not a lot of y’all participated in the “And Then What?” writing contest and I just wanted to ask the question if there’s anything on my end that I can do to make you feel more excited and/or comfortable with participating?
Do you need more time to write?
Do you not feel as if your work will be well received?
Are you not interested in participating?
Let me know and we can sort it out together! You can let me know anonymously as well. I’d like to know, so maybe there can be a solution which will hopefully prompt more submissions. Talk to ya girl
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cerisereids · 2 months
𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗯𝘂𝗻𝗻𝘆 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹- 𝘀.𝗿.
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pairing- dad!spencer reid x mom!reader
summary- spencer reid is the best girl dad on the planet
warnings- hurt/comfort and fluff, post s15!spencer- he is no longer with the bau but there are references to his time there, lowkey some angst bc apparently i can’t write anything for spencer without him being sad, spencer’s daddy issues, a lil makin out/grinding, brief discussion of sex/baby making
a/n- divider from @real-afterglow! happy easter to everyone who celebrates! here’s a cute little thing about girl dad!spencer :)
spencer reid’s bottom lip is tucked between his teeth, his eyebrows furrowed together. usually, this look of concentration was reserved for intense cases, ones spent pouring over complex documents into late hours of the night. tonight, however, he’s traded serial killers for pastel eggs, taunting him from the kitchen table. spencer’s engaging in an intense staring contest with the plastic eggs as he pores over the array of candy and decorations littering the rest of the table.
his head snaps up as he hears your feet pattering down the steps, knowing you’re about to catch him in the midst of a battle between him and your daughter’s easter goodies. you take the eggs’ place as the object of his visual affection when you appear in the kitchen, staring back at him in silence. his puppy dog eyes plead into yours. he knows you know what he’s trying to say, i’m trying, i want this to be perfect. he also knows you won’t let him destroy himself to make you and your baby girl happy, even when he wants to.
“she’s only two, you know. she’s not going to care if the right piece of candy is in the right egg. she’s just happy to be with us,” you speak to his anxieties like you can read his mind.
it’s one of the many things he loves about you, his sweet wife. the way you just know what his brain is fighting against, and can speak to it. your sweet words don’t appease his guilt this time, though, and you both know it. he plows ten fingers through his mop of hair before sliding his glasses onto his forehead.
“i know,” he breathes, and you both know he has more to say.
“but it’s not enough,” you finish for him.
“it’s not enough,” he repeats, defeated.
“well, then let me help you,” you declare, pulling a chair up next to him.
“no, no,” he insists, shaking his head, “you just put her to bed. you must be exhausted, rest.”
“we’re both exhausted, spence. just because i was the one to put her to bed tonight doesn’t mean i’m the only one doing the parenting around here,” he knows you’re trying to reassure him, but he flinches anyway. his ability to be a father has been a sore subject since you first became pregnant almost three years ago.
“plus, we both know i won’t be able to rest while you’re over here, very clearly in need of a helping hand,” you glare at him, checkmate. he relents at that, and allows you to wrap yourself into him. your arms around his bicep, your head on his shoulder, his chin atop your temple. slowly, he allows vulnerability to pierce through the tension between you two.
“what do we got here, handsome?” you croon, and he’s never been so certain that he doesn’t deserve you, that you’re too good for him. there’s not much he can do about that now but kiss you on the forehead and hope his lips convey a decade of love and devotion in one small kiss.
“i just want it to be perfect,” he croaks, eyes glossing over. “i wasn’t here last time. i don’t think i’ll ever not feel guilty about it.”
“i understand, spence. i’d feel bad, too, but that doesn’t mean you’re not there for her, that you don’t love her. because you do. and you show her, and me, everyday, don’t forget that,” you finish your mini speech with a firm kiss on the lips.
a year ago from this very moment, he was pulled away on a case. the call came at 11 pm, the night before your daughter’s first easter. to say he was devastated would be an understatement. he put on a brave face that morning over facetime, watching the chubby hands of one little eloise reid tear through the plastic easter grass hiding the candy in her basket.
he was brave until the time came to hit the hang up button. with the blankness that filled his screen and his hotel room, he broke. he was of no use on the case, and the team knew it, too. he left the bau shortly after that. he didn’t want to feel that way ever again, and he knew if he stayed there, he would. that time it was only one holiday, sure, but what about when she ends up having a dance recital? or graduates? he couldn’t risk it, he knew his family took the biggest priority.
between that and his own father’s absence in his childhood, he was determined to make this easter absolutely perfect for your daughter, no matter if he fell dead asleep on your kitchen table trying.
the staticky rustling of plastic basket grass tears spencer away from his loud, busy brain, and his eyes soften as they fixate on you. helping him. you’re nestling a little stuffed bunny atop the plastic frills of the basket and spencer watches in awe, wondering why he didn’t think to do that first.
he knows the answer. it’s because it’s you. you’re the best mom, and he loves catching those little moments where you prove that to him. it doesn’t take much, like the way you’re slipping $1 bills into each plastic egg, while also making sure you put a piece of candy there as well. it’s a small gesture, maybe, one that doesn’t take much deep thinking, but he knows that it comes from the deepest love your great beautiful heart can muster.
and of course he loves your daughter too, so, so much, but he struggles to show it the way you do. his lack of a paternal presence in his childhood sometimes leaves him feeling empty handed in his journey of fatherhood. you never let him feel this way for long, though. again, just like now, with the way you immediately jumped in to help him. even after he said no, even if you’re absolutely exhausted. you do it for him, because it’s him. because you love him. he still can’t believe it some days.
he smiles, so full of love for his two girls and lets his gaze linger as you run into the living room. you return yielding the carrots and cookies the three of you left for the easter bunny earlier.
“up for a little midnight snack?” you tease, waving the carrots in one hand and the cookies in another before you sit.
“not my preferred treat but i’m not going to say no to one of your sugar cookies,” he jokes, pulling you to the edge of your chair by the small of your back.
he places a kiss on your lips. an intense one, one that conveys every thought blundering through his mind the 10 minutes you’ve been downstairs. how much he loves you, specifically.
he feels you chuckle against him and can’t help but deepen the kiss, pulling you ever closer so his leg comes between yours, your core pressing warmly against his knee. he hears you whimper, a sound he’ll cherish forever, before you rub against him gently and pull away.
“not tonight,” you peer at him over your glasses, a faux concern dancing through your gaze, “if we do you’ll end up giving me another baby. we both know we’re not ready for that yet.”
it’s his turn now to hide his face in the crook of your neck, placing gentle kisses along your neck and jaw. you dedicate the rest of your night to making this holiday special for your little girl.
after nibbling on the carrots and cookies, you place them back on the plate with a thank you note, signed E.B. he raises a brow as he sees you pad over to your cupboard, pulling out your bin of flour. your cheeky smile invokes butterflies, and he’s breathless. it’s late, you’re in sweats, your hair is a mess, and you’re currently half-bent, sifting flour over a stencil of a bunny foot, and he’s never been more in love with you.
spender hears rustling and sweet talk echoing down your spiral staircase. baby eloise’s sweet morning rasp, her high pitched baby voice asking mama if the easter bunny came. he hears you coo at her, telling her she has to wait and see, followed by kissing noises and baby giggles. his heart grows three sizes.
when he sees you appear in the stairway through the lens of his phone, he quickly tears his gaze away from the screen to see the real thing. his girls, eyes tired and hair messy, float down the steps, light from the back window illuminating them, like his own personal angels.
“hi girls!” he lilts, gentle as to not startle his baby girl.
her big brown eyes that she got from dad bore into his, and he can feel himself welling up at her sweetness. sap.
“hi sweet eloise,” he bends down for a kiss from both his angels as you set her at the bottom of the steps, “i think someone special came,” he coos, stealing some more kisses from the baby’s soft chubby cheeks.
she nestles into spencer’s chest, a tiny little thumb settled gently on her lips, and his heart bleeds. he loves her so much.
“i think the easter bunny came!” he croons, hugging her tight and close, “do you wanna see what he got you?” he feels her head nod against him and he hands you his phone. the three of you walk into the living room and spencer sets her down, letting her choose where to go first.
she runs right to the fireplace, where the eaten treats and thank you note lay, her eyes wide.
“wow!” he hears you gasp, and he pulls you to him so you can walk to her together, “i think he ate our treats!”
eloise turns to you two and giggles, clapping her chubby little hands. you two can’t help but pull her in, attacking her with kisses before letting her go on to her other surprises.
she squeals at the bunny feet, repeating, “bunny! bunny!” she gets presents too, of course, spoiled little thing that she is.
you’re better than spencer at shopping for the girly things she loves, so he was an observer shopping for the special things she’s getting this morning.
you nailed it, too. you got her pink, purple, and blue ruffle swimsuits for the summer, and he’s already dying inside imagining how cute it will be. she immediately opens the tinted lip balm with a unicorn on it, as well as the princess jewelry kit, complete with fake earrings and a necklace with aurora, her favorite princess, on the pendant.
she demolishes the easter egg hunt you set up for her in the backyard, just like her dad always did. she squeals when she opens each one, even though all the $1 bills don’t mean anything to her, and will end up being spent by you two anyway. you agreed to spend the total $10 on her, regardless. it’s about having something that’s her own, forming an identity at an early age.
later in the morning, when you appear in the living room, ready for easter brunch with your family, he falls in love all over again. his girls, now a complete contrast to his view earlier this morning, clad in your easter best, look so beautiful, he’s now thoroughly convinced you’re angels.
you’re in a pink ruffled maxi dress, hair and makeup done to the nines. your baby girl got her hair styled by mom, one of her favorite pastimes. her curly hair lay beautifully behind the world’s cutest bangs, and she’s cute as pie with her yellow flowered dress.
he saunters over to you, piercing you with a gaze that said ‘i’m ready for baby #2 now’ before kissing you, then eloise.
“you are the two most beautiful girls in the entire world,” he croons, hugging you both close to him in his big arms.
“i love you,” you whisper up to him, kissing his jawline sweetly, “what do you say to daddy, sweet girl?” you prompt, rubbing her baby belly.
“thank you daddy, i love you!” she chirps, planting a big kiss on his cheek.
he never thought his life could be filled with this much joy.
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sofiareidings · 5 months
Is That A Hickey Or A Bruise?
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Summary: You show up to work with a hickey on your neck and it raises a few questions from your coworkers.
A/N: Soooo...I've been gone for a while. I've had such bad writers block for like two months. It's still really bad, so idk how active I will be. Even though I couldn't bring myself to write coming online and seeing all of your likes and resposts always bring a smile to face. So thank you and I hope you enjoy this little blurb! <3
Word Count: 400~
Song Suggestions: Dress - Taylor Swift
A quick check in the car mirror and a deep breath were all you could do before walking inside. Sitting down at your desk and immediately diving into any type of paperwork, you raised a few people's curiosity.
“How was your night?” Emily turned in chair, ready to try and figure out the need to be so quiet today. Which was unusual for you. “Did you not sleep well?”
“Yeah, I guess. Just uh…couldn't fall asleep.” You nodded and then looked back down at your paperwork.
“What's up with the turtleneck? Never seen you wear something like that.” JJ stated while standing at the corner of your desk, exchanging a quick look with Emily.
“What? Not allowed to wear something different?” You tried to shrug it off, when you heard some footsteps behind you. Turning to see Spencer walking to his desk, quickly looking away as your face turned red.
“Hmm…you know that's the oldest trick in the book right?” Emily crossed her arms and gave you a look from her desk, probably already having figured it out.
“What's the oldest trick in the book?” You asked Emily, giving her the same look. A staring contest that luckily JJ broke.
“This, sweetie.” She reached over and tugged at the collar of your top. Your immediate reaction was to shoo her away, but she saw it. The purple-ish mark on your neck. “Wow, bigger than I expected.”
“Shut up, shut up. Don't talk about it.” You panicked and grabbed her hand. Pleading. This caught the attention of the other people in the office. Mainly Derek and Spencer.
“Well I think you are about to be interrogated by that one.” JJ said while holding back a laugh and nodding to Derek who was now trying to assess the situation.
“What aren't we talking about?” He said from his desk, most likely trying to profile the answer out of you, JJ, and Emily. “What's with the turtleneck…oh my God.” He laughed.
“I'm telling Hotch I'm sick and going home.” You said while trying to hide the embarrassment.
Derek stood up while still laughing and walked over to Spencer, reaching a hand out for a fistbump. “Pretty boy. My man.” He said through laughs. Spencer shook his head, not reaching his hand out. “Ouch, that hurts Reid.”
Once people settled down a little bit you stood up and walked over to Spencer's desk. Handing him some files and leaning over to whisper something. “Maybe next time don't be so harsh.”
“Maybe next time, don't be so obvious about the hickey.” He whispered back with a smile. You sighed and shook your head before walking back to your desk. Completely embarrassed.
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little-diable · 10 months
The Loves of Paris and Helen - Spencer Reid (smut)
Oh boy, it’s been a hot minute huh? Thanks to @deathofpeaceofmind I got into writing this fic. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Spencer tells the reader that he’d never make the first move, since he’s too scared of rejection, but maybe the reader’s problem of speaking before thinking finally gives Spencer the much needed push to confess his feelings.
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected piv, choking, praise, soft!dom!Spencer, friends to lovers
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
header by @deathofpeaceofmind (2k words)
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The city was busy, filled with people brushing past Spencer and (y/n), forcing them apart every few seconds. Annoyance was rushing through their systems, filling their veins like caffeine after drowning one too many cups of coffee. All Spencer wanted to do was be close to (y/n) while he read to her the notes he took at the screening of an old movie he watched yesterday, while all (y/n) wanted to do was feel him close as his voice lulled her along. 
��So, it’s a love story basically, right?” (Y/n)’s voice was swallowed by the sounds of the metro, forcing Spencer to move even closer. Their hands brushed every few seconds, forcing their hearts to skip beats, and their lungs to ache for more air. Their relationship was anything but easy, even though both were close - probably closer than other friends they knew - and yet neither of them dared to act on their feelings. 
“Yes!” Spencer kept rambling on, words (y/n) could barely focus on as she got lost in her daydream. Deep down she wanted nothing more than to pull him closer, to choose him as her lover just like Paris had chosen Helena, and yet (y/n) knew that crossing the line between friendship and a loving relationship would end just like Judgement of Paris had, in a war as brutal as the Trojan one. 
“But why was he scared to make the first move? It sounds like her crush on him was quite obvious.” A chuckle rippled through (y/n) as her mind started to process the words rolling off her tongue, wondering how a man as smart as Spencer hadn’t picked up on the love she fostered for him yet. (Y/n) could still remember the first time she had begun to realise her feelings for the genius, how she had gotten lost in the story he spilled, heart skipping beats at the facts he shared with her like he was telling secrets to the night. 
“Uhm, I guess he was scared of rejection? I don’t think I’d ever make the first move to be honest.” For the first time in hours Spencer found himself stumbling over his words, fumbling with the notebook he now pushed back into his bag before stepping into the approaching metro. The wagon was filled with people, pushing Spencer and (y/n) closer together, leaving both wondering if the other could pick up on their racing heartbeats. 
„What? But why? As if you’d have to worry about rejection. Nobody would ever reject you, I for sure wouldn’t.“ For a few seconds neither (y/n) nor Spencer dared to speak up, eyes locked in an intense staring contest as they began to realise the weight of the words she had just spoken. She tried to clear her throat, forced to avert her gaze as a few people pushed past her, tugging her against Spencer’s chest. His hand found the small of her back, pressing her against him with a strong hold, forcing heat to arise in her system as if he was trying to burn her body. 
No further words were spoken between the friends, not as they stepped out of the metro, not as they walked to (y/n)‘s apartment. It was some kind of routine between the two, Spencer would always accompany (y/n) on the walk back to her apartment, located only a few streets down from his. With their hearts still racing on, and their hands clinging to the straps of their bags, the two came to a halt in front of the house (y/n) lived in, eyes finding back to one another. 
“Listen, Spence, I’m sorry for saying that, I didn’t want to make you feel uncomf-,” the rest of the sentence was swallowed by Spencer’s mouth, lips finding hers. It took (y/n) a second to snap into motion, not expecting him to kiss her with this much urgency, like a starving man clinging to any food he could find. 
“You didn’t make me feel uncomfortable, I should apologise for talking this long to realise that you felt the same.” His breathless words were pushed past his slightly swollen lips, making a smile tug on (y/n)’s swollen ones. Both looked at one another with something unfamiliar swimming in their pupils, driven by the need to feel one another’s body. Her hand found his, fingers interlaced to pull him into the house and up to her apartment.
The second their bags found their way to the ground of her dark apartment, their lips found back together, sharing another passionate kiss. Spencer’s hands found their way to her waist, keeping her close as if he had touched her like this numerous times, sharing one intimate gesture after another. Both couldn’t swallow down the nervousness flushing through their veins, and yet neither of them dared to let go, chasing the highs they had been dreaming of for years. 
“Are you sure you want this? I don’t want to pressure you.” Spencer’s voice was small, a hushed whisper that rang in her ears louder than any fired gunshot she had picked up on before. Her lust drunken pupils searched his, giving her a few seconds before she spoke up.
“You’re not pressuring me, Spence, I want this. Take me to my bedroom.” He guided her through the dark apartment, knowing the layout of the rooms by heart as if he was guiding her through his own home. As soon as they stumbled into her bedroom, he had her pinned against the door, slender fingers undoing the buttons of her blouse as he kissed his way down her throat. Her small moans rang in his ears, forcing a smirk to widen on his lips as he kept undressing her. 
“I want to hear you, sweetheart, don’t hold back.” She could only nod, eyes squeezed shut, teeth buried in her lip as Spencer sucked on the spot that shot tingles down her spine, leaving (y/n) to arch into his chest. Her blouse fell to the ground, followed by the bra he undid moments later. “Fuck, you’re so pretty, prettier than any artwork I’ve got burned into my memory.”
“Bed, please.” Spencer couldn’t help but chuckle at the desperate whispers leaving her, taken by the heat his praises left her drowning in. His hands found her breasts, kneading her skin as he towered over her. (Y/n) had no control over her body, forced to rely on her instincts as she tugged on the fabric of his sweater, watching Spencer part from her to pull his sweater and shirt over his head. Her fingers ached to comb through his locks, wanting to tug on the roots as he buried himself deep inside of her. 
“Tell me, what do you want?” She struggled to put her thoughts into words, eyes threatening to roll back as his hand found her jaw, thumb tracing the marks her teeth had left on her lower lip. “Speak up, sweetheart.”
“I,” a sigh left her as Spencer brushed his clothed bulge against her core, leaving her aching for more. “I need to feel you, all of you.”
A satisfied hum left Spencer as he kissed his way down to her stomach, fingers working on her trousers. She had soaked her panties, making Spencer chuckle in delight as he pulled the fabric down her legs, leaving her bare like an ancient statue crafted for his eyes only. His own masterpiece. His most prized possession. He’d never let her go.
“Look at you, you’re dripping baby, so needy for me.” Spencer fumbled with his own trousers for a few moments before he freed his cock, naked body finding its way back to her. (Y/n)‘s moans reverberated through the bedroom as Spencer brushed his fingers through her folds, collecting drops of her arousal before he started to circle her bundle of nerves, leaving her tensing below him. 
“Spence, I need you to fuck me, want to feel you, please, want your cock so badly.” She choked on her words, gasping in surprise as Spencer pulled her to the edge of the bed, standing between her thighs. Their eyes kept holding contact as he tapped his cock against her folds, grinning at the goosebumps rising on her skin. With her hand finding his, Spencer watched her expressions change as he pushed into her, allowing her to adjust to the new sensation. “Oh fuck, god Spence.”
His raspy chuckles did little to ease the tension flushing through her body, leaving (y/n) begging for more. Only slowly did he start to build up his speed, pulling out of her to use more strength to bury himself deep inside of her. Their moans clashed together, forming an almost sinful mixture of sounds that could leave one dreaming of moments as raw as this. 
One of her hands tugged on his, forcing him closer to grasp her throat, watching her eyes roll back into her head as he tightened his grip on her. Spencer fucked her without holding back, towering over like an ancient god using his power to guide her. It was sinful, and yet it felt all too fitting, like they’ve been crafted purely for this very moment.
“Touch yourself for me, baby.” He started down on her, not loosening his grip on her throat once as she sneaked a hand between their bodies, circling her pulsing clit. (Y/n) arched her back off the mattress, thighs quivering, her orgasm was close already, about to push through her without holding back. 
Spencer was in awe, unable to rip his eyes from her as if he was solving a mystery that had been haunting him for years, the coil had finally snapped, everything had fallen into place. He wanted to curse himself for holding back on his feelings, knowing that their paths could have changed into this years ago. And yet he didn’t allow himself to dwell on it, building up the pressure of his rough thrusts to push her over the edge.
He watched (y/n) come undone on his cock, fucking her through her high with a proud smile before he pulled out of her. Her trembling hand pushed his away, rising up to pump his cock as fast as she could, holding eye contact all throughout the upcoming moments. Spencer came with a gasp, relieving himself on her naked chest, watching his cum drip down from her boobs. He couldn’t stop himself from scooping up a few drops with his thumb, forcing her lips apart to watch her suck on his digit. 
“Fuck, I hope I’ll never never forget about this moment.” His whispers were swallowed by her chuckles, pulling Spencer down for a kiss before (y/n) murmured a soft “As if you’d ever forget something”. 
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spencersawkward · 3 years
✨spencersawkward’s writing contest!✨
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^ this is me giving each of you an individual kiss hehe. HI! this is kinda late but i'm so so excited and grateful for all 2,000 of you! thank you so much for following me, reading my work, and giving me a chance. writing here has been so fun and i love talking to you about all things Spencer/Matthew. i’ll stop gushing but just know that i adore you 💕 NOW FOR THE STUFF YOU CAME TO SEE:
the Spencer Reid writing contest!
i've never done one of these before so if i miss something, just ask. also, this whole format i got from @spenciebabie's contest bc i had no idea how to do it and hers was super effective so thank you, Ellie!! i hope it’s ok but lmk if not!
the writing contest is going to be centered around this prompt: "you have no idea what you're talking about."
you can write a sequel to any of my Spencer one-shots.
there will be two winners! both will have their fic on my masterlist, and all entries will be placed in a contest masterlist for everyone to read and enjoy.
below are some rules and more info!
- for the prompt option: as long as you have the line once in your one-shot (any character can say it), you're good. also, please make sure it's bolded so that i can find it easily when reading. you can write about whatever trope/plot you want, as long as it abides by my guidelines (bc i'll be posting it on here).
in that vein, anyone who wishes to enter must be 18+ bc the majority of my content is nsfw. if you're not comfortable listing your age in your bio, please reach out to me individually to let me know you're over 18. THAT SAID--
smut, fluff, and angst are all welcome!! you can do a combination or just one. the minimum word count is 500, but if it's longer, please make sure to place a "keep reading" (if you don't know how to add one of those, ask!).
- please tag your entries with the hashtag #spencersawkwardficcontest and tag me in your entry so that i can keep track of all of them!
- the last day to enter is going to be August 12th, 2021! I'll be reblogging all entries on here.
please use the following format for your one-shots:
summary: (description of the one-shot)
pairing: (spencer reid x reader)
category: (smut, angst, fluff)
content warnings: (potential triggers, specific sexual content)
word count: (minimum 500)
A/N: (anything else you wanna add! if you choose the sequel option, link the one-shot here.)
if you have any questions about this at all, please feel free to message or ask me or whatever you're comfortable with! i'm super looking forward to reading your entries and posting them 🥰
best of luck! 💜
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spookydrreid · 2 years
could you write something abt dad!spencer and mom!reader decorating the tree with their baby as a family for the first time? 🥺
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The First Christmas
Pairing: dad!Spencer x mom!reader
Request are open!
Content Warnings: None
“No, that one has to go in the front of the tree!” I exclaim to my husband “it’s her first ornament she made!”
Spencer smiles at me and hangs our three month olds baked handprint ornament front and center on our beautiful tree. “There! Do you like it, Flora-Rose?” He comes over to the little girl in my arms, taking her sleeping frame into his own. She looks so small when he holds her and I cant sop the smile from spreading over my face.
All Spencer wanted was to be a father, and since the minute I told him he was going to be one, he’s been in love with her. We dressed her up for Halloween, taking her into the BAU to ‘trick-or-treat’ aka she slept and her father did the candy grabbing. We brought her to the family thanksgiving at Rossi’s, but this was what I was the most excited for.
When I was little, decorating the tree with my family was a tradition I couldn’t get enough of. And all I wanted was to do the same with my little family. Though she wont remember it, I couldn’t help the feelings that washed over me.
I stood, moving to grab an ornament from the bucket and standing beside my two favorite humans. The ornament was a boy, a girl, and a baby. Under each person were our names and the top was labeled “The Reids First Christmas.” Garcia got it for us not long after Flora-Rose was born and I was nearly in hysterics when she gave it to me. I hung it on the tree, right next to our babies handprint.
“I like being a Reid.” I said as I rested my head on Spencers shoulder.
I felt him chuckle, careful for the little angel in his arms, “I’m glad. You give the name purpose.”
I look up at him and he looks down at me, “did it not have purpose prior?”
He shakes his head, “no. I was so alone before you and her. But now… now I’m not. My life has meaning since meeting you. And I’m grateful.”
I can feel the tears well in my eyes, but I do my best to blink them away, “you give my life meaning to, Spencer. Both of you do.” I kiss his cheek and move to grab more glass bulbs, hanging them on the tree.
“I think we made a really cute baby.” He says as he, with one hand, hands more things on the tree.
I laugh, “I think we’re biased.”
“I don’t. People tell me all the time how cute she is. I think she would win a ‘cutest baby ever’ contest.” I cant lie and say he’s wrong but I am also her mother and all moms think their child is the cutest.
“Again, biased. But she is very stinking cute! Now, stand in front of the tree! I want to take a picture!” I move to grab my camera. Spencer gave it to me as an early Christmas present after I mentioned how bad I wanted a camera with film that needed to be developed. “Okay smile big!”
Spencer holds a still sleeping Flora-Rose up close to his face and smiles the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. I snap a picture and my heart feels full.
“You’re turn!” I gently take the baby from his arms, settling her carefully before smiling in front of our decorated Christmas tree. And my heart feels the fullest it’s been in a long time.
“My beautiful girls. I think this is the best Christmas by far. And all because of the two of you.” He kisses the both of us softly and its all I can do not to burst into tears. He deserved this, all of it.
“Here’s to many more Christmas as a family. I cant wait.”
@worryd0ll​​ ​ @eideticsreid​​​  @muffin-cup​​​ @will-on-the-internet@mikewizkalifa​​ @dr-spencerr-reidd​ @reidsconverse​ @spenxerslut​ ​ @ssaalexisreid​ @thisiscalm-andits-doctor​ @princesssmooshie​ @spencersawkward​ @spencerreidat3am​ @xoxospencerreid​ @reiding-recs @aayaissaa @spencerreid9 @sixxslut @doctorspenceryeet @lmfaosoph @freakyhood96 @mochionly @k-k0129 @measure-in-pain @rrtxcmt @withasideofmeg @totallyclearwitch @dhmaki @vaella1821 @shemarmooresfedora @tbuhgs @frickin-bats @manuosorioh @luvofyourlifeliv @reidsbookclub @@mikhailogallavich @coldlilheart @reidsacademia @sassymoon
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Current WIPS & Reqs (June 23)
Spencer Reid x Reader Blurbs
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Spencer Reid x Reader Series 2
Spencer Reid x Reader Series 3
Spencer Reid x Luke Alvez
Luke Alvez x Reader
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Is This Gonna Be Graded?
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Summary: Y/N’s last assignment is simple, write down everything that you’d want to try. The options are endless and that just might be the end of her. 
Category: Smut 18+ (minors DNI) 
Pairing: Spencer Reid X Female Reader 
Warnings: Smut so MINORS DNI! (Age gap (legal), former professor/student, light degradation, light spanking, penetrative/unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), soft Dom Spencer with innocence kink, submissive reader who kinda want to be be a brat (remember no glove, no love and don’t be stupid if hit by cupid) if I missed anything, please don’t hesitate to correct me 
Word Count: 3900ish (I got very carried away in the build up)
Author’s Note: Here is my entry to @spenciebabie​ fic contest! This is a sequel submission to this blurb, click the link to see which one I’m referencing. It’s Professor Spencer x Virgin Reader... This is my first time writing anything resembling smut, so please be advised that this might be incredibly cringey and horrid :). Nevertheless, I hope that you enjoy! 
Is This Gonna Be Graded?
Spencer told you that you’d just had to wait till the end of the semester and he was all yours. All yours to kiss in public, all yours to wake up to in the morning and have make you breakfast in bed, all yours to be all yours. Well, he’s been yours since you walked into the class with your sweet smile and even sweeter disposition. The end of the semester was so close that you could almost taste it. The idea of having two whole weeks of Spencer all to yourself was enough to let your mind run wild of the dirty and depraved things you wanted him to do to you. Thinking back to the final “assignment” your professor assigned you, you pull out the pretty stationary with flowers and bunnies that Spencer gifted you just because he liked seeing your face light up at the smallest expressions of affection. His assignment was clear, and you recall the commanding tone in his voice when he whispered in your ear.  
“Now Y/N,” he said in almost a chastising tone. You felt your face flush and your stomach flutter at the way he looked down at you. 
“I want you to write down everything you want to try, sweet girl. Everything that you want me to do to you. Together we will check all your boxes. I just want my bunny to be happy and taken care off,” he tells you, rubbing his thumb over your lips before crouching down to kiss each corner of your mouth. 
“Is this gonna be graded, Dr. Reid?” You respond coly. 
“I expect nothing but the best from my favorite student,” Spencer says, kissing your forehead before waving goodbye excitedly. God the way he can switch from fan-your-face sexy to dorkly adorable made your head spin. 
The fond memory still makes heat crawl up your cheeks. Taking the pen to paper you think of sinful things you want to try out. If there’s one thing you’ve learned about Dr. Spencer Reid, it’s that he’s quite forward about what he wants. And what he wants is you. On the paper you make  quick notes. 
I want to be called your good girl, your dumb bunny, and a greedy girl 
I read about overstimulation and I really want to try that 
I want to try riding you and for you to spank me
I think that I would like edging
Oral (giving and receiving) 
You read over the list and it seems like a good start. It was strange writing down the things you wanted to do with Spencer, but with him that awkwardness was more excitement. You could tell that he enjoyed exploring these things with you. He enjoyed watching you feel good because of him for the first time. Something deep inside the pair of you got off on him being the only one to ever see you like that. Part of your heart would be perfectly content with it just being him, but part of your head tells you that may not ever come true. Looking forward to the weekend, you tuck away the piece of paper in the drawer. 
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Spencer, if you haven’t realized it yet, is an enormous dork. Walking through the different shelves of books at the bookstore with Spencer is like wandering into a candy store with a sweet tooth. Except maybe your sweet tooth couldn’t be sated by the words between the pages but rather a certain someone’s face between your legs. 
“Spencer,” you whined, tugging on his sleeves. 
“A little longer, Y/N,” Spencer says, his voice a little impatient as his fingers dance across the spines of the  books. He selects a book, and you try to strain your head over his shoulder to read the title. 
“Nope,” he says, playfully with a certain look in his eye. 
You let out a huff and a whine at Spencer’s refusal to share the book with you. He gives you a pointed look, telling you to knock it off while you still have the chance. But pushing his buttons has never been so much fun, especially when your mind thinks over the piece of paper hidden in your desk. Spencer pays for the book, and offers you his hand as you walk to his car. 
“Spencer, where are we going?” You ask, as he rubs his thumb over the soft part of your palm. You can’t ever get used to the way his hand fits so wonderfully in your palm and other certain places. 
“Patience, Y/N. Good things come to good girls who wait,” Spencer says, opening your door and walking around to his seat. You can feel your heart thumping as Spencer pulls out of the parking lot and heads off in the direction of your apartment.
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“Did you finish your assignment, Y/N?” Spencer asks, his voice but a whisper in your ear. 
You steal a look up at him. His brown hair is messy with curls and someone how he makes it look put together. Maybe it’s his tweed sports coat and tie that makes him look so wonderful or maybe it’s his voice that rambles on about some statistic one second and switches to sinful secrets the next. 
“Yes, Dr Reid,” you tell him. You watch as he takes a seat at your kitchen table, almost ignoring you. 
“Go get it and bring it out here,” he tells you. 
You come back into your kitchen and find Spencer reading his book that he purchased. He doesn’t look up at you when you walk back in, but opens his hand with his palm facing up. 
Tentatively, you put your palm in his. He looks up at you and you realize that he must have expected you to put the folded up piece of paper in his hand rather than your palm. This realization, much to Spencer’s delight, causes your cheeks to tinge in slight embarrassment. 
“I want to read your assignment, Y/N” Spencer says, not breaking his eye contact with you. You hand him the note and move to pull your hand away, but much to your enjoyment, Spencer hangs on to your hand. 
He probably only looks over at the list for a couple of seconds, which is enough for him to have read it considering he’s a genius after all. Spencer pushes the letter over to you, still holding on to your hand. The silence is thick and the way he looks over at you makes you feel like you’re under a bright spot light. 
“Now Y/N, I’m a profiler and I can’t help but profile what your list tells me about you, my dear,” Spencer says, his voice low and husky. 
You don’t even dare to make a noise, not trusting your voice to give away how badly you ache for him inside and out. 
“I think that you’ve been a good girl your whole life. Always doing what you’re told, so smart, hmm?” Spencer says, moving a hand to rest on your thigh and the other draws shapes in your palm. 
“Yes, Dr. Reid,” you respond, not making eye contact. 
“Look at me when I talk to you, sweet girl,” Spencer orders, and like a puppeteer has an invisible string attached to your head, you raise your chin to look up at the man sitting before you. 
“You’re proving my point, sweetheart. You can’t help but want to be a good girl, but part of you wants to let that out, now does it? Part of you wants to be a messy, dumb girl who wants to get her way. Is that right, Y/N?” Spencer says, leaning in to move the hand that caresses your palm to cup your cheek. 
You look at Spencer with shock that he’s seen right through you. It’s tiring sometimes, to always be the smart girl. Spencer’s giving you the reins to let go of that persona and to tap into a side of yourself that you’ve never seen before. The excitement that pumps your heart is nothing compared to the way he’s looking at you. Like he wants you. 
“Yes,” you say breathlessly. 
“I want you to feel good, sweet girl. And I want to make you feel good,” Spencer says, kissing your temples and down your cheek softly. You hum in pleasure as he makes his way down your chest, motioning for you to take your shirt off. 
“Don’t be shy now, baby. I want to see all of you,” Spencer says, leaning back to watch you shed your shirt.
You blush from the top of your nose down to your now exposed chest. Spencer’s large hands cup your breasts as he touches you like you’re a piece of glass that can break if he handles you with too much pressure. 
“Such a needy little thing already,” Spencer remarks, removing his hands from their spot on your body, much to your displeasure. 
“Spencer,” you whimper, already missing his touch. 
“Look at me, Pretty Girl. I got you a present for being such a good student this semester,” Spencer tells you, handing you the book that you bought at the bookstore only a couple hours prior. It’s wrapped in paper with bunnies and flowers, and you can’t help but smile at Spencer’s attention to detail. 
“Was I your favorite student, Professor Reid?” you say, a cheeky smile adorns your face as you take the book from Spencer’s hand. 
“I want you to get the rest of those clothes off and sit on your bed. Wait till I come in,” Spencer tells, unable to stop himself from planting a heated kiss on your lips. You haven’t kissed that many people before Spencer, but with the way he kisses you tell yourself they were all leading up to this one. He’s a passionate man, so you’d not expect anything less than what he gives as he kisses down your neck. 
“Dr. Reid if you want me to go lay on the bed you have to let me go first,” you say lightly, trying not to reveal to Spencer how much his kisses work you up. 
“Tut, tut, Y/N. It’s lie down, you are to lie down on the bed. Here I thought my star pupil was more intelligent than that? Hmm are you just a silly little thing?” Spencer asks in a mocking tone, as he spins you around to lead you into the bedroom with his large hand on the small of your back. 
“I’m sorry, Dr. Reid,” you say, your blush really is perpetual when he’s so commanding around you. 
Spencer looks at you expectantly and you take that as a signal to get undressed. It’s hard to bear yourself in front of a man as composed as him. His dark stare practically burns holes into your body. Even though you stand there naked front of him, as your jeans fall to the ground around your ankles, Spencer’s gaze is not raking over your body. His eyes latch on to yours, holding your stare until your constant blush rushes to your head. 
“You‘re so fucking beautiful, Y/N. You know that right?” He asks, his hands coming up to rest on the soft skin of your hips. His fingers get tangled up in the waistband of your underwear. They’re lacy and cotton in a light purple. You recall Spencer wearing the color quite a bit, something deep inside you drew you to the color. Maybe it was the thought of him undressing you and revealing the special undergarments picked out especially for him. 
“I’ll take your word for it,” you say, your voice shaky under his lustful stare. 
Spencer kisses you again, tangling his hands in your hair and pulling lightly. The sensation on your neck and on the back of your head makes you dizzy with excitement. He holds you so tenderly but his hungry mouth speaks for the sinful way you realize he wants to touch you. 
“Please, Dr. Reid. I need you to touch me,” you say, your breath getting short and your patience growing even shorter.  
“I’ve hardly touched you and you’re already such a mess. Get up on the bed, sweet girl and spread your legs for me,” Spencer instructs, as you hop up on the bed. 
You crawl to the pillows, but before you can turn around, a sharp slap lands right on the soft part of your ass. You let out a yelp that bleeds into a moan. Spencer watches as your skin returns to its original color, and makes a mental note to try that again with you. 
“That’s for your poor grammar, my silly girl,” he reprimands.
You sit down in your spot, with your head resting on the pillows. Peeking down, you watch as Spencer undoes his tie and takes off his shirt. He crawls between your legs and grabs the book from where you tossed it on your nightstand. You unwrap the paper, revealing a worn copy of Psychology of the Mind, your textbook in Spencer’s class. You let out a small chuckle at the gift, leave it to Spencer Reid to get you a textbook as a gift. 
“Start reading, Y/N. And your only instruction is to tell me when you’re close. You think you can handle that, or is that too much. You can your professor, sweet girl” Spencer says, peering up from you. 
You nod and sneak a touch at Spencer’s soft hair. He leans into your touch, enjoying the affection more than he lets on. He winks at you, egging you on to continue. 
“Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. The word “psychology” comes from the Greek words “psyche,” meaning life, and “logos,” meaning explanation. Psychology is a popular major for students, a popular topic in the public media, and a part of our everyday lives—ah, ah, Spencer!” You cry out, looking down from the textbook to watch Spencer’s face disappear in between your legs. 
“I love your thighs, Y/N,” Spencer says, wrapping his hands around them so you’re glued to your spot on the bed. 
“Really?” You ask, it’s not like you absolutely love your thighs. They’re just thighs, but the way that Spencer looks up at you, starts to plant seeds in your mind. 
“Oh yes, they’re so soft and warm. Just you wait, sweet girl. Continue reading, please,” Spencer says, planting bruising kissing on the softest parts of your thighs. 
“Television shows such as—as Dr. Phil feature psychologists who provide personal a-advice to those with personal or family difficulties. Crime dramas such as CSI, Lie to Me, and others feature the work of forensic psychologists who use psychological principles to help solve cr-crimes. Oh God, I’m close, Spencer,” you cry as Spencer’s tongue continues to draw patterns along your thighs and folds. 
“Spencer, oh fuck! That’s it, please, Spencer- I’m going to,” you whine as Spencer’s tongue latches onto your clit. He kisses and sucks at a pace like no other, he seems to be enjoying himself, considering the lewd moans he makes. 
You think that you’re about to die when Spencer inserts a long finger into your entrance. You’re not used to the feeling of being so full from another person. The way his fingers arch and reach, searching for the spot to make you come undone sets a fire to your core. Spencer doesn’t stop sucking or kissing your clit as he enters another finger into your entrance. 
“Tell me, baby. Tell me when you’re going to cum,” Spencer says, looking up at you. His chin glistens with your arousal and he licks his lips to clean it up. 
“I think you’re ready to cum. But you’re such a dumb little bunny that you can’t tell. It’s a good thing you have me, sweet girl. I can tell when you’re ready to cum. You’re so wet for me. So wet from me touching you, such a messy, greedy little girl,” Spencer says, smacking the inside of your thighs. 
You yelp and latch on to the roots of his hair, forgetting your instructions to read aloud. 
“Please! I’m, I-I” you whimper as Spencer caresses your face, placing sweet kisses along your collarbone and up to chest. 
“I know, baby. I’ll take care of you. Hmm. You want my cock? Is that what you need, silly girl?” Spencer asks, fiddling with his belt to remove his pants. 
“Yes,” you practically scream, as the heat in between your legs gets too much to bear. 
“Be patient, my dumb bunny. You need to learn patience, Y/N,” Spencer tells you, tossing his underwear to the side and rubbing his cock with his hand. 
“Please fuck me, Dr. Reid. Please!” You cry for Spencer, who seals your lips with a final kiss before lining up to your entrance. 
“You’re still so tight for me, Y/N. So wet and warm for me. I’m the only one who gets you, hmm. Only I can see you all messy like this. No one else,” Spencer says, thrusting into you and snaking his hand to rub your clit in quick, circular patterns. 
“You’re so big, Spencer. You fill me up so good, so good,” you whine, tears spilling down your face. Spencer’s hand comes up to rub against your lips and to wipe away your tears. 
Even though he’s fucked you several times since that time in his office, Spencer still can’t get you used to the way the dirty words sound from your pink lips. The way you still blush at saying “cock” and “pussy” breaks something inside of him. 
“Spencer, can-can I ride you?” You cry, begging for him to move faster to do something to attend to the burning between your legs. 
“Do you think that you can handle that? I don’t think you can. Look at you, you can hardly handle my cock fucking you like this? Hmm, my dumb bunny is hungry for my cock, isn’t she?” 
“Yes, Sir!” You squeak, his hands come to grab your hips to sit up on his lap. His cock is fully sheathed inside you, and he’s never felt so big. You can hardly form sentences as Spencer rubs his fingers along your clit, setting aflame to the fire below. 
“I’m so close, Y/N. You want me to cum in you, baby?”
“Yes, sir. Please cum inside me. I need it,” you moan into Spencer’s shoulder.  
“Soon, baby. Try bouncing on my cock. Like a good little bunny. You’re my dumb little bunny, hmm now bounce on my cock,” Spencer says, slapping your ass to be get you move up and down on his cock. 
He watches as he disappears deep inside you. Spencer plants wet, opened mouth kisses on your shoulder, your neck, your eyes. Any skin that he can reach is not safe from the assault from Spencer’s soft lips. He likes seeing the marks that are left in its wake on your soft, unclaimed skin. 
“Can I cum, please sir. Let me cum with you, I need it,” you breathe out, hardly trusting yourself to talk without spilling to Spencer how wonderful his fingers and mouth and cock make you feel. 
“Cum with me, sweet girl. You can cum,” Spencer tells you, closing his eyes and reaching his own release with the quickening of his fingers on your clit. 
“Oh, God! Oh Spencer,” you cry as you finally let go. You lean your whole body against Spencer’s. Your forehead touches his chest, the sweat on your body mats your hair to your forehead. 
Spencer peppers soft kisses along your shoulder and collarbone as he places you down on the bed. You whine at the feeling of himself leaving you, and he hums to soothe you. 
“You did so good, Y/N. My perfect girl,” He says, holding your hand and kissing each of your fingers. His sweet gesture elicits a fit of giggles from you, much to Spencer’s pleasure. He gets up from the bed and walks into your hallway. Part of you is a little worried that he’s leaving, maybe he didn’t mean it, maybe he didn’t enjoy it. 
“I’ll be right back, honey. Right back,” Spencer tells you from the hallway into your room. He returns with a towel that’s warm and damp. Spencer cleans you up from in between your legs and tosses the towel into your laundry basket. He opens a drawer and picks out a soft T-shirt to dress you in. Gently, he dresses you. Taking the time to kiss your face and whisper to you how wonderful you felt and how good you make him feel. You have a sneaking suspicion that Spencer enjoys this quiet, intimate part even more than the rough, passionate part just moments before. You relish in the attention, it’s nice to have someone pay close attention and to see to enjoy it immensely. 
“Thank you, Spencer,” You murmur into your pillow, as you watch him walk over to where he tossed his pants before climbing in between your legs. You watch him put his boxers and white T-shirt back on, struggling slightly as he tries to get out all the thoughts running through his head. 
“I hope that you know I want this to be a relationship, Y/N. I don’t want you to think I just want to--”
“Fuck me?” You offer, quite shocked at how Spencer’s persona can switch up so fast. Perhaps he’s equally as shocked at your brazen language, given the rise of the eyebrow he throws you. 
“Yes, I want to be with you. If you want to be with me,” Spencer professes, fiddling with a long box in his hands. 
“I’d love to be with you, Spencer,” you tell him, a blush rising to both of your cheeks. He’s awfully cute when he’s shy, you think to yourself. 
“So the textbook wasn’t really your gift,” Spencer says, handing you the long box. 
You open the box and reveal a blue necklace with a gold chain. The blue jewel is topaz and is accompanied by three pearls that hang below it. The gold chain is delicate and the second Spencer saw it in the jewelry boutique, he couldn’t help but imagine it around your neck. 
“It’s beautiful, Spencer. I love it, will you put it on for me?” You ask, tossing your hair around your shoulder. 
Spencer climbs back into your bed and tenderly opens and closes the clasp of the necklace. His fingers graze your neck leaving goosebumps in their wake. His small kisses cause you to giggle and turn around to face him. 
“You really can be quite sweet, Spencer,” You say as you lean in to meet your mouth to his. 
“Well you make me want to be sweet, Y/N. It’s simple psychology-”
“Ha, luckily for me I no longer have to listen to you ramble on about psychology,” you tease a disgruntled looking Spencer. 
Feigning hurt, Spencer dramatically holds his heart as if you mortally wounded him. 
“You wound me, Y/N!” he fake cries as you tickle his sides. 
“Oh you big baby, come lay down with me,” you say in between laughs. 
“Hmm, I think that someone is asking for spankings,” he teases, “how many times do I need to tell you that it's lie down, sweet girl,” Spencer says, as you shake your head and lean in to kiss his forehead. 
“Enough for it to stick, Professor,”
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Merely Luck
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Summary: As the team hits dead-end after dead-end, Spencer becomes disheartened about the case, and after being yelled at by a local police officer, he finally snaps.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Category: Angst-ish (more angry than sad)
Content Warnings: Swearing, arguing, and mentions of violence (in regards to the case)
Word Count: 1468
A/N: For @spencersawkward​‘s writing contest!! :)
You watched from a distance as Spencer taped a photo of the most recent victim to the board, seeing the way his shoulders sagged as he took in the ever-growing collage of innocent people who were murdered. 
“Hey babe,” you crossed the room to him, “You doing ok?”
He sighed deeply, his eyes flicking from you to the board before shaking his head slightly.
“Do you want a hug?” 
He nodded, his voice soft when he said, “A hug would be nice.”
Immediately, you pulled him in, feeling him tuck his head in the crook of your neck as you ran your fingers up and down his back. The two of you stood like that for a few minutes before Spencer broke the hug, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before heading off to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee. 
Now it was your turn to look at the board, taking in the people that had been killed by the monster you were trying to catch. For the hundredth time, you tried desperately to see some sort of rhyme or reason in the unsub’s victim selection, but it was fruitless. As far as the team could tell, he was picking victims completely at random. 
You huffed a sigh before turning back from the board to go hunt down your friends for another brainstorming session. 
“What about the golden ratio? You know, the whole ‘perfect face’ thing that Henry Grace was obsessed with? Have we cross-referenced all the victims faces with that?” Derek asked before taking another bite of the takeout you’d all gotten.
“Garcia already checked, none of them are matches,” You were standing in front of the board, addressing the team sitting around the table in front of you.
“Damnit,” He muttered under his breath before his eyes flicked to Spencer, who was sitting quietly at the back of the table, gaze laser focused on the board. “You got any ideas, pretty boy?”
Spencer just shook his head, his face expressionless. Derek leaned back in his seat, sighing. 
“We checked their jobs, Reid did a geographical profile, we cross checked all their routines and economic standings… what the hell are we missing?” Emily pinched the bridge of her nose, her face contorted in concentration. Just as she opened her mouth to pose another theory, the local police chief burst into the room. A clearly irritated Hotch followed closely behind him, and everyone’s heads snapped in the direction of the door swinging open.
“Alright, I’ve had it,” He started. Immediately, Hotch cut in.
“Sir, as I’ve told you before, my team is working very diligently to put together a comprehensive profile, but there’s a lot of variables that we just don’t have enough information to fill in yet -”
“People are dying, Agent Hotchner. My people are dying. I don’t have time to just sit around and wait for your team to bullshit their way to an answer. I was against this from the start, and I’m sure as hell against it now that I’ve realized all you people do is sit around and wait to get lucky.”
“Sir, I can assure you that we’ve caught many killers using a profile alone. It’s not merely ‘waiting to get lucky,’ it’s a scientific study of behavior -”
“Bullshit,” He turned to address the rest of you, as well as Hotch, “You’re the FBI’s perfect con-team, funded by our hard-earned tax dollars to sit around and eat takeout while more members of my community are killed every single day. You don’t give a rat’s ass about helping anyone other than yourselves, and I’m not just going to stand around waiting when I could be knocking down doors right now, actually doing something to help someone.”
You all stared at the officer, dumbfounded, and in various degrees of hurt. It wasn’t the first time you’d heard it, but it never stung any less to hear people say that the practice you’d devoted your life to was all a scam.
For a moment, nobody said anything. Until Spencer.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
It was quiet, muttered under his breath. His face was still unreadable as he stared at the table, and you knew the officer’s outburst couldn’t have been easy to hear. He’d been taking the case really hard, and for someone to insinuate that he didn’t care… 
The officer’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
“What did you just say to me, boy?”
“I said that you have no idea what you’re talking about,” Spencer repeated, louder this time. He raised his head, looking the man directly in the eye. “We have been working our asses off on this case for the last two weeks, and for you to come in here and call our work a con is completely disrespectful, not to mention -”
“If you’ve been working your asses off, then where is the killer? We’re no closer to catching him than we were before you lot showed up!”
Spencer’s eyes darkened at being cut off, and you were surprised by his assertiveness. He glared daggers at the officer before speaking again.
“I wasn’t finished. Not to mention that saying my team - my friends - and I don’t care about anyone but ourselves is… it’s…” He trailed off, shaking his hands out as he got progressively more overwhelmed with emotion, “I don’t even have a word for how heartbreaking the very notion of that is. We’ve dedicated our lives to helping people. Multiple of us have been shot, or kidnapped, or tortured, because our biggest concern was helping people. So please trust me when I say that we are just as distraught about the lack of progress in this case as you are. And we will continue to do the best we possibly can to catch whoever is endangering the lives of those in your community. But for you to come in here and accuse us of being heartless cons who are merely coasting off luck discounts the work we’ve done both on this case and on hundreds of other cases. We will continue to work just as hard as your team has been, but we’re not going to tolerate being shit on and disrespected just because you don’t understand what we do.”
He sat back in his chair, a look of defiance on his face even as his gaze fell back to the table, the eye contact becoming too much. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, and your heart felt like it was going to explode with pride. The officer looked from the door, to where Spencer was sitting, to us, and then to Hotch, not saying a word. The expression on his face was a mixture of what seemed to be shame and anger, and Hotch was the first one to break the silence.
“We need to have a conversation,” He said to the officer. The man nodded, and he and Hotch left the room yet again, leaving you all sitting there in various states of shock. After a moment, everyone started to speak at once.
“Damn, pretty boy! I didn’t know you had it in you,” Derek said, followed by Emily saying, “Reid you are my new favorite person,” and JJ’s simple, “What just happened,” before you asked, “Spence are you ok?” as Rossi merely chuckled.
He held up his hands, silencing the chorus of people. You could tell he was still a little bit emotionally overwhelmed, but he smiled before addressing everyone.
“I will be right back but I need like five minutes - Y/N come with me? Please?” 
You nodded, following him out of the room and into the police station hallway. Immediately, you looked at him with concern as he clenched and unclenched his hands, his back resting up against the wall.
“Babe? You alright?”
“I’m fine, I just don’t get this angry very often. It’s a lot.”
“I know. But if it’s any consolation, you were an absolute badass back there.”
He looked over at you, a small smile gracing his face. “Really?”
“Really. You’re incredible, Spencer.”
A blush overtook his features, and you laughed. You two hung out in the hallway for a couple more minutes, giving him time to just breathe until he seemed to have calmed down, his emotions more in check.
“You feel better?” You asked. He nodded.
“Much better. Thank you.”
“Of course,” You pressed a quick kiss to his lips before grinning, “Now are you ready to go solve this fucking case?”
“I mean, we kind of have to at this point. There’s no way in hell I’m letting that officer get away with thinking the work we do is ‘merely luck.’”
You laughed, and the two of you headed back into the conference room to continue working.
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Hospital Bed Confessions | Spencer Reid
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Summary: After an unsub injures you and you end up in hospital, Spencer never leaves your side, even after letting a very special confession slip.
Pairings: Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of hospitals, guns, injuries, swear words, medications.
Word Count: 2.3k
Authors Note: This is for @spenciebabie​ writing contest, and I’m using the prompt “why don’t you make me?” This was written past mindnight, so it might not be as polished as I’d like, but I couldn’t wait to post it. Hope you enjoy!
You never expected to be lying in a hospital bed at eleven pm, head foggy and pain shooting up your side. Really, it was the last thing you expected when you got up that morning to meet the team at the New York City Police Headquarters. But here you were, skull throbbing with a dull pinch and your body covered in thick hospital blankets.
The room was dark, curtains drawn across the windows and the door shut, blocking out outside noise. The only sound was the low beeping of various machines and monitors, and the quiet snores of a young man.
Spencer Reid had his hand gripping yours tightly, his head resting against the mattress and a blanket draped over him, body perched awkwardly in a chair that was pulled up to your bedside. You turned your head to look at him, taking in the way his lips quirked as he slept, how his tie was loosened, and his hair looked like a bid had used it for a nest.
“He’s been with you since you got out of surgery.” The soft voice caught your attention, and when you looked up you found Hotch standing in the doorway, door half open and dim light peeking through. The older agent stepped fully into the room, closing the door behind him before walking over to your bedside, taking a seat on the edge of it. “How are you feeling?” Hotch looked you over, taking note of the small lacerations on your face, the deep cut on your left shoulder, and as his gaze drifted to your stomach, you knew there was something he hadn’t told you yet.
“Honestly? I’ve woken up in a hospital, in pain and I have no idea what happened.” Hotch frowned at your words, but nodded his head in understanding, and as you stared at him, he knew you were waiting for answers he wasn’t really wanting to give you. But, as your boss, friend and someone who cared about you deeply, he knew he had no choice.
“Do you remember you and Spencer chasing after the unsub through Time Square?” You shook your head, and he continued. “Well, the two of you followed him, and then…to be honest I don’t know the full story, we’re still trying to work it out, but Spencer said the unsub looped back and was next to you before you or Spencer knew. And then a minute later you were on the pavement with a gunshot to the stomach, and Spencer was calling for an ambulance.” Hotch sighed as he finished speaking, watching as the story washed over you. You didn’t say anything for a couple minutes, just fiddled with the blanket while you tried to collect your thoughts and push through the pain to talk.
“Did you,” your throat was dry and scratchy, and Hotch passed you a small cup of water, “did you catch the unsub?” Hotch nodded, waited for you to drain the water from the cup and then pass it back to him, and then he was speaking again.
“He tried running, but Spencer shot him in the knee when he tried. Good thing too, because we found out if he’d made it out of Times Square, he had someone waiting to get him out of the country.” Hotch stood up, bent down to press a kiss to your head with brotherly affection, and then straightened out his suit. “Now, you should get some rest, the other will be here soon now that they know you’re awake, and you’ll need some energy for that. And I think, someone next to you might be waking up.” With that, Hotch quietly left the room, shutting the door behind him.
You looked down at Spencer, his hand squeezing yours gently and his head moving against the blanket, trying to get comfortable again. You couldn’t help it when your hand moved to run through his hair, the soft strands falling against your fingertips and your nails scraping slightly against his scalp. He started to wake then, eyes blinking open as he let out a small yawn, but when he realised you were looking down at him, he couldn’t help but smile a soft smile that had you wanting to see more.
“You’re awake.” He’s leaning up in his chair, a hand still wrapped around yours and another coming up to brush across your face, feeling your cheeks heat underneath his fingers and the air slip out between your lips flutter across his palm. “The doctor said you wouldn’t be awake until morning, Hotch sent everyone back to the hotel to get some sleep because we didn’t think you’d wake up yet.”
“Sent everyone home except you of course.” You pulled him closer, tugging him to you until he was reluctantly climbing onto the bed, sitting so that his knees touched your left him, and he was on the opposite side of your wound. “Hotch told me you wouldn’t leave me, even when he ordered you to go back and get some sleep.” Spencer huffed, looking down into his lap until you reached up and tucked some of his long strands of hair behind his ear so you could see him more clearly.
“I…I didn’t want to leave you, especially when you were in pain. We had the unsub, the case was closed, I knew I could wait until after I knew you were okay to sleep. It’s not a big deal, I’m not even tired.” As soon as Spencer had uttered those words though, the young doctor was trying to muffle a yawn that made you giggle.
“Not tired huh?” Spencer shook his head again at your words, but you knew the truth. You could see the deep dark circles underneath his eyes, could figure out by the way he twitched and moved that he hadn’t had a good sleep in days, and by the looks of it, hadn’t slept since getting to New York. But you also knew that he, being the stubborn man he was, was never going to tell you all that, nor was he going to let you worry about his sleep, even if your heart ached just by looking at his tired face and blood shot eyes. “You know, you didn’t have to stay with me Spencer, really.”
“I know I didn’t, Y/N. But you’re my best friend and there’s no way I’m going to let you wake up in a hospital all alone, especially when you have a concussion and a bullet wound. And…I just needed to know that the love of my life was okay.” Spencer hadn’t realised what he’d just blurted out, but you certainly had, eyes widening and mouth opening in shock as the words sunk in. Love of his life…you were the love of his life.
And that’s when it hit you, when a wave of emotions came crashing down on your pain riddled body and you started to cry. Tears fell from your wide eyes, rolled down your cheeks and very quickly caught Spencer’s attention. He frowned deeply, brows furrowing and a sad look passing over his features as he cupped your face and attempted to wipe away the tears that wouldn’t stop spilling.
“Woah, hey, Y/N, hush, you’re okay.” Spencer didn’t really know how to react, but when you reached for him, he didn’t hesitate to pull your body in, being mindful of your injuries and the various cords that were attached to you. When he had you in his lap, blanket wrapped tightly around you in a warm embrace, you allowed yourself to bury your head into his chest, tears wetting his button-down shirt and hands holding you to him. His hands ran through your hair, and brushed over your back, letting you melt into his arms as you sobbed, and though he was still worried and starting to panic because he didn’t know why you were crying, he knew you would speak when you were ready. But that wasn’t going to stop him saying what he had spent years holding back, especially when he realised what he had told you moments ago.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to tell you that right then. I mean, I have wanted to tell you that I’ve loved you since we first met, but…I didn’t mean to tell you when you’re in pain and in hospital. It’s not the most romantic setting, I must admit.” He heard you chuckle softly from where you were tucked into his shirt, and it gave him a moment of relief, knowing his words were helping if only a little bit. “To be honest, I think you getting shot made me realise I needed to tell you sooner rather than later, because I was so worried that you weren’t going to make it and I would never get to tell you how I felt. God, to think that Emily and Penelope and JJ and Derek, and hell even Hotch knew how I felt about you, but you didn’t…it was eating me up inside and I couldn’t stand it anymore.” You were looking up at him then, still resting against his chest but one of your hands reached up to let your pointer finger trace the line of his jaw, the edge of his cheekbones and his perfect pink lips that opened softly when he felt your fingers against his face.
“I’m glad you were here when I woke up, Spencer, because in truth I never want to be without you, especially now knowing you love me as much as I love you.” Your voice was weak, still wrecked from the lack of water, proper rest, and large dose of meds you were on, but Spencer was hooked to your every word. And as soon as he heard you say those three magic words, “I love you,” he was looking away and blinking his eyes rapidly, trying to will away the tears that threatened to spill.
“You know, loving me might not be the best idea, you’ve ever had, Y/N. Are you sure it’s not the drugs talking?” You chuckled at his words, but when you saw his face that was full of worry and fear and heartbreaking uncertainty, you stopped laughing and cupped his face.
“Spencer Walter Reid, I love you and there’s no changing that, sweet boy. But if you really want me to not love you like you deserve and like I want to, then why don’t you make me, baby?” Spencer couldn’t contain the grin that spread across his face, nor could he stop himself from kissing your forehead, both your cheeks and your nose, before letting his lips hover over yours.
“Fuck, I could never do that, darling. I’ve wanted to have you love me since forever.” He was holding you as tight as he could, lips still just brushing against yours as he spoke, and for a moment you got stuck in his gaze, his brown eyes watching you with such love and adoration that you felt like you were going to melt right then and there.
“Spencer, please, I need…I need you to kiss me, please.” Spencer didn’t hesitate to press his lips to yours then, cupping your cheeks with his large hands and drawing you as close as he could, the hair standing up on his arms as you let out a pleased whimper and grabbed onto his shirt as tight as you could, neither of you caring that you were crinkling the material with you fingers. Soon the tip of his tongue was tracing the seam of your lips, and you didn’t even think twice about letting him in, only moving your hand to tangle it in his hair.
The kiss could have lasted minutes, hours, days, but the both of you thought it was far too short as you pulled away to catch your breath, leaning your head at the crook of his neck while he littered kisses over your scalp, your hands he gently picked up and any other place on your body he could reach.
“I’ve waited way too long to do that.” Spencer breathed out, smiling when you giggled against him, watching your eyes flutter close as a wave of exhaustion hit you. “And though I would very much like to do it again, and again and again, I think it’s time you got some proper rest.” You nodded, kissing him one more time softly before letting him adjust the pillows behind your head and help you lie down, tucked under the blankets and comfortable.
“Will you stay? Please?” You uttered the words as he went to remove himself from your bed, your hand reaching out to stop him and grab his wrist. Spencer looked back at you, at the way you were fighting to keep your eyes opened, but also at the way your eyes pleaded with him to not leave you. And he knew he couldn’t say no.
“Of course, sweetheart, I won’t leave you. Now, do you want me in the chair or on the bed next to you?” You motioned to the bed, now too exhausted to speak, but he just smiled, kicked off his leather shoes and swung his legs onto the bed to lie next you, above the covers with one arm draped around your waist to hold you close, exactly how you wanted him to.
“Thank you Spence…I love…” You didn’t finish your sentence as you drifted off to sleep, but Spencer knew what you were trying to say. And after making sure the covers were pulled up to your chin like he knew you liked, no cords were wrapped around you and your bandages were still intact over your gunshot, Spencer kissed your forehead sweetly.
“Sleep well, darling, and I love you too.”
You didn’t think you would spend a night in hospital while you were in New York, nor did you think you would get shot. But with all the pain, and the physiotherapy that came with it, you both knew it wasn’t the worst night you’d ever had. How could any night be bad when Spencer Reid tells you he loves you?
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gubler-me-up · 2 years
And Then What? Writing Contest Poll
Hello hi everyone hope you're all doing amazing ✨
For this writing contest, the main feedback I received was people needed more time to write, which I totally understand. I've decided to extend the deadline until July 15th. For those who have already submitted your work, do not worry because you're still in the running!
I have created a poll to help me see how many people are going to submit their fic by the new deadline. Please vote on your participation status here. If you need a refresher about the contest rules, you can find them here.
I would really appreciate your participation in the poll and the overall contest. I'm really excited about reading your fics and even more excited to reward prizes 💕
If you have any questions or concerns, as always please don't shy away from messaging me!
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x-reader-theater · 3 years
I wish for you to feel as I do
summary: Spencer Reid has been dating his boyfriend for six years, but what happens when he finds out you’re killing to make him happy?
pairing: Spencer Reid x Male!Reader 
details: Unsub Reader
category: Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
word count: 8488
warnings: Reader as Unsub, rapey reader, controlling and manipulative reader, unhealthy relationship
a/n: This literally starts with smut so be warned. This was suuuuper fun to write! It’s an addition to this very short oneshot with an unsub reader, but I wanted to expand it because I just had so many ideas! @luvofyourlifeliv this is for your 500 follow contest so I hope you like it! As always, this is edited by @mystic-writes and I will upload it to Ao3 :) Enjoy! 
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Moodboard by Me
You kiss Spencer, leaning over him, over his book, pushing it down. You smirk into the kiss, but Spencer turns away from you. 
"Hey! Hey!" he exclaims, trying to push you away, but you take the book from his hands and drop it onto the floor, before latching your lips to his neck. "I have work to do!"
"You read… 20,000 words a minute…" you say between kisses. "You can… read it… later…" 
Spencer moans into your mouth, and reaches his hands up, placing them on your cheeks and pulling you closer, deepening the kiss. You bracket his legs with yours, and he gasps as you rub up against his growing erection. You reach down and take his half hard cock from his pants, stroking it until it becomes fully hard. 
When Spencer goes to do the same for you, he stops. Because you're not hard at all. 
You push off him and clear your throat, tucking yourself back into your pants and zipping them up. 
"[Y/N], it's okay!" Spencer exclaims, but you ignore him, and the hand he puts on your shoulder. "It's totally normal!" 
"It's not though!" you exclaim, turning to face Spencer and shrugging his hand off your arm. "We've been together for six years and I've never once had trouble… getting it up." 
You huff and stand up, walking to grab your keys and your wallet, shoving them into your pockets as Spencer says from the couch, "The Cleveland Clinic estimates that it’s normal to have trouble getting or keeping an erection for up to 20 percent of sexual encounters. Having trouble getting an erection more than 50 percent of the time can indicate a medical issue." You stop and look at him, and he stands up, walking over to you, taking your hand, and kissing the knuckles. "It's too early to know if anything really is wrong. Just… take a breath."
You nod and take a deep breath in, kissing his own knuckles back, before saying, "Okay. I just… I need a drink." Spencer nods and you pull away. "I'll probably be back after midnight, so just go to sleep without me." 
Spencer nods again and you exit your shared apartment. 
You don't really know where you're going, your feet are just taking you somewhere. You walk past a bus station and nearly knock into a young blonde woman. You just stumble out of the way of her. 
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" she exclaims, but you smile and shake your head. 
"It was my fault," you say, putting your hands up. She smiles at you. "I wasn't looking where I was going." She smiles and nods, and you stick your hand out, saying, "I'm [Y/N]. What's your name?" 
"Haley," she says with a smile, gripping your hand and shaking it. 
You smile at her. "You should be careful, Haley. A pretty woman, all alone. You could get hurt," you say, and she frowns. 
"That sounds like something my husband would say…" she trails off, but you're already walking away from her, a spring in your step as you walk into the first open bar you come across. 
It's dingy and musty, but it'll do the trick of getting you drunk enough to forget everything that happened with Spencer tonight. 
"I don't think I've seen you around here before," someone says next to you, and you turn and see a thin, pale man with curly brown hair and deep brown eyes. 
You gasp slightly at how much he looks like Spencer. "No, no I just kinda found my way here. I don't even know where I am," you admit as the bartender comes over. You order a beer and the Bartender nods and walks off.
"I come here a lot. It's my local, really," the man says and you nod, grabbing your freshly poured beer, and taking a long gulp, draining half of it before putting it down. "Maybe I could… show you why I like it so much?"
The man trails a finger along the lapel of your shirt, and you look over at him, eyebrows raised. You take out your wallet and pay for the beer, before being led out a back door, into an even dirtier alley. 
You could never hurt Spencer. You love him. You've loved him for years, and while you have no plans on getting married any time soon, you could see yourself being with him for the rest of your life. But, old habits are hard to break. 
The man pushes you into the brick wall and starts kissing you, but before anything can happen, you take out your knife from your pocket, flick it open, and stab it into the man currently trying to tongue fuck you. He gasps and steps back, and you stab him again, and again, and again, until you're sure he's dead. You step back, panting, your knife clenched in your hand, and you grin, flicking the knife closed and stuffing it back into your pants. You're very thankful, in that moment, that you're wearing all black. 
It is also at this point that it starts to rain. 
You grin as you walk away from the unknown man, and when you look down, you see there's a tent in your pants, and you start playing with it, moaning as you think of the body back there, of Spencer, your perfect little Spencer just waiting at home for you. 
You eventually find your way back to your apartment and step inside, taking off your soaked clothing and throwing it in a nearby hamper. You see your right thigh, where your knife was, and your chest, are stained slightly red. You take your wallet and phone out of your pockets and go into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once you have the red scrubbed away, you dry off but don't put anything on. 
You're still fully hard, the images of the body and Spencer filling your head as you showered, and you stroked yourself languidly. 
When you get into bed, you smile at Spencer sleeping soundly, and you press yourself to his back, slotting your cock in between his ass cheeks, that are covered by TARDIS pajamas that you gave him for his twenty-eighth birthday. He moans and pushes back into you, not even fully awake yet, and you kiss the back of his neck, moving to his shoulder, where you suck a hickey into. 
Spencer moves his hands to your head as you buck up into his ass, and you know he's awake. He turns around in your hold and kisses you as you run your fingers through his long, wavy brown hair. You remember the way the man's brown hair looked splayed out on the stone floor of the alleyway, and you almost cum right there, groaning loudly into Spencer's open mouth. 
"What- what happened?" Spencer asks, reaching his hand down and grabbing your throbbing erection. You grunt and buck up into his hand, your hips moving of their own accord. 
You kiss him and say, "Just… needed to clear my head. Fuck, Spencer you're so hot." 
Spencer moans and grabs his own erection, slotting the two of yours together, and he pumps both of them in his fist. You kiss him, swallowing every grunt and moan that he makes, as well as his scream when he cums. You cum only seconds after him, but you're still hard in his grip. 
"I am going to fuck you all night, Spencer Reid." 
He only moans at that. 
"Hey, hey! Pretty Boy! Have a late night?" Morgan asks as he walks into the small office kitchen for the BAU. Spencer looks up at him, frowning as he adds more sugar to his coffee. 
"Yeah," Spencer says, his cheeks turning slightly pink, but he doesn't say anything more. 
"Let me guess, Star Trek marathon?" Morgan asks with a laugh and Spencer ducks his head as he goes even more red, remembering exactly what you marathoned with him last night. 
"Uh, ahem, something like that," Spencer says, clearing his throat, before stirring his sugary coffee and going back to his desk. 
"Hey- wait a minute!" Morgan exclaims, and Spencer tenses, getting ready for his friend's grilling, when JJ interrupts. 
"Hey! We have a case up in Syracuse. Hotch wants everyone in the Round Table Room in five," she says and Spencer lets out a breath of relief as he gets up and walks into said room, leaving a very confused Morgan behind. 
You groan as you get home, shedding your bloody, black clothes, and you smirk at your erection. You've had no problem getting it up for Spencer the last few months, just thinking about the man you killed making you hard on the spot. Recently though, it hasn't been enough. You found yourself having to imagine Spencer dead and that just won't do. You would never hurt the love of your life. Ever. 
You walk into the master bathroom and slip into the already-on shower, wrapping your arms around your lover, pressing your erection against his hole. 
"You're back," you say, rubbing yourself against him. 
Spencer hums and leans his head back onto your shoulder. "We just got in. I wanted to take a shower and see my amazing boyfriend," he says and you kiss him, on his neck, his shoulder, and all down his arm. You kiss his palm and the pads of each of his fingers. "Everyone else wanted to go out for drinks, but I told them I had to get home. I wanted to see you."
You moan into his skin as you suck on his shoulder, biting slightly. Spencer gasps and jumps and you lick over the wound, kissing it. You didn't break the skin, just bit gently. You would never hurt your baby. 
You pull back, looking at Spencer's back, the back of his head, his lithe body, his pert ass, and you think of the man you killed tonight. He also had brown hair and pale skin, but that's about where the similarities ended. He was shorter than Spencer, his hair shorter as well and less curly, but when you plunged your knife into his back, and felt his sides tighten, it felt like Spencer when he came. 
Your cock jumps against your boyfriend's ass, and you take the lube you have in your shower, sticking your fingers into his tight hole, pushing them in and scissoring him open. He pushes back onto your fingers and you hook them. He jumps and you have to hold his hip with your free hand so he doesn't slip and fall in the shower. 
You slick up your own cock and slam it in, causing Spencer to cry out in ecstasy as you pull out almost all the way, and slam back into him over and over. Spencer braces his arms on the shower wall, and the feeling of water cascading down your chest just makes it all even hotter. You think back to the first man you killed, how it rained right after you killed him, and how it's almost like it's raining now. Cleaning away your sins. Making you the perfect man for Spencer once again. 
You cum at that thought, shooting your load into Spencer's ass, who comes only seconds after, not having touched his cock once.
You pull out of him and turn him around, kissing him, and he's practically melting into you. 
"I love you," you say and he smiles, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. 
"I love you too," he says back. 
"Another long night?" Morgan asks, and Spencer frowns. He already got his coffee and Morgan didn't even see him make it this time. 
"What are you talking about?" Spencer asks, and Morgan points to Spencer's neck. He takes out the small, two inch mirror from his top desk drawer and almost drops it when he sees the large, purple and black bruise on his neck. You told him to forego the tie, and to leave his shirt unbuttoned since it was going to be another hot summer day today, but now he knows why you really did it. 
Spencer yelps and slaps a hand over the bruise, turning a deep shade of red as Morgan cackles. 
He comes home that night and you laugh at Morgan's reaction, before soothing Spencer, kissing his temple and telling him that you just want people to know you're his. He blushes, admitting that he'd like that too, and you ask to mark him again, this time right underneath his jaw. 
Spencer doesn't hesitate when he says yes. 
"Woah, Pretty Boy. You okay?" Morgan asks the next morning when Spencer walks in. "Did you get mugged or something?" 
Spencer frowns and touches the dark purple mark under his chin. "What? No." 
"Did your girl do this to you? Because I swear to God if she hurts you…" Morgan says and Spencer's eyes go wide. 
"No! No one hit me. My boyfriend gave me what I believe is called a 'hickey'," he says. 
Morgan frowns before asking, "Boyfriend?" Spencer nods. "I didn't know you were gay."
"You never asked, and I didn't have a reason to tell you," Spencer says casually, shrugging as he gets some files out and starts working on them. 
"How long have you two been together?" Morgan asks. 
"Today's the 16th so 6 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 6 days," Spencer says, and Morgan's jaw drops. 
"Six years?!" he exclaims and Spencer nods. "And you haven't told anyone?" 
Spencer shrugs. "We never felt the need." 
Morgan stares at Reid, dumbfounded, the rest of the day. 
"Hey, baby?" you call out into the apartment from the entryway. 
"In here!" you hear Spencer call back. 
You walk to the back of the apartment and open the door to Spencer's study. He's sitting at his desk, writing something down on a legal pad, before looking back at a book next to him. You walk over and start kissing the side of his neck, mouthing up and down, and he shivers underneath your touch. 
"I'm going to go out and grab something," you say, kissing right behind his ear, making Spencer moan. "I'll be back tonight. I expect you to be in bed, naked." 
Spencer shivers, and when you come back an hour later, you see he followed your instructions perfectly. 
There's no witty remark from Morgan this morning. No quip about having a good time or marathoning or whatever. Just a smirk that makes Spencer beet red. 
Spencer's about to say something when JJ calls out to the team, "We have a case!" 
They all file into the round table room and sit down, getting handed files. JJ stands at the front of the room and the television turns on. 
"Last night, Riley Heartwood was found stabbed to death in downtown DC," JJ says. 
Spencer's breath leaves him. The man looks almost exactly like him. 
"When was he killed?" Morgan asks, not noticing Spencer. 
"It says here around 10pm last night," Rossi interjects. 
Spencer feels his heart stop as he looks over the files. 
Fred Giles, killed three months ago on the 28th, the day you couldn't get hard, and left, is the exact day and time that Giles was murdered. Then there's Terrance Lake, murdered the day you joined him in the shower, cumming at your normal time instead of taking longer than normal like you had been the last few days. And now Riley Heartwood, murdered last night right before you came home from grabbing something at the grocery store, hard and aching, and fucking Spencer until he screamed and forgot his own name for six minutes and twelve seconds. 
He feels his phone buzz in his pocket and he grabs it, seeing it's a text from you. 
To; Spencie 😘
From; [Y/N] 😍
I can't wait until you get home!
There's a picture attached with you sitting at his desk, shirtless and winking. 
Once is a happening. Twice is a coincidence. Thrice is a pattern. 
Spencer sits up suddenly, standing and grabbing the folder. "I-I have to go. Family Emergency," he mutters before sprinting out of the room. He grabs his messenger bag and makes sure his gun is still on his hip. 
You're sitting at home when you hear a gun cocking. 
"Please tell me you didn't kill that man last night?" Spencer asks. 
You sigh and turn around slowly, standing up from your couch. "You don't like it when I lie to you, Spencer." 
You see his hand tighten on the gun, but he doesn't put his finger on the trigger. You take a step forward, but he doesn't move back. 
"You're-you're impotent, aren't you?" Spencer asks. 
You smirk. "I wasn't last night when I was fucking you into the mattress and had you screaming out my name as my hands touched you." 
Spencer gasps, and his grip falters slightly. You dash forward and grab the gun from his grip, before pulling your body against his. You groan as your groin brushes against his, leaning down to nip at the hickey you put on him last night. 
"I-I have to arrest you. Take you in," he says, stuttering and nervous. 
You smirk and kiss him behind his ear, making him moan. "You would never. Besides, you could never catch me before I got to your mom…" 
Spencer freezes, but doesn't say anything. 
You lean down and press a kiss to his cheek, saying, "Please don't hate me." Spencer sucks in a breath as you kiss his cheek again. "I did this for you. I couldn't stop imagining myself hurting you, and I can't do that to you. Ever. I love you, Spencer Reid, and I just wanted to be the perfect boyfriend for you."
Spencer nods slowly. "They- they looked like me. The men you killed." 
You nod and turn Spencer around so he's facing you. "I don't want to ever hurt you, Spencer. I love you too much."
"You-you're a psychopath. How- you can't love me!" Spencer exclaims and you sigh, burying your face in the crook of his neck. 
"If I can't, how did I fool you, a seasoned profiler, for six years?" you ask. 
Spencer stops as he thinks about it. If you were faking it, Spencer would have known. He would have seen it. He's seen psychopaths fake love before. Frank comes to mind when he first thinks of it. But, you aren't killing these men for yourself. You're doing it for Spencer. For the man you love. 
And as much as Spencer wants to turn you in, he can't deny the adrenaline that courses through him when he thinks about how all of this is for him. To make him happy. To keep him satisfied. 
Spencer leans up and kisses you, feeling himself get hard against your thigh, and you are equally as hard. You set Spencer's gun down on his desk and wrap your arms around his waist, dipping your hands down to grab at his ass. He gasps and you take that opportunity to slip your tongue in his mouth. 
Just as you're about to push him onto the comfortable sofa that's in the room for you to use when Spencer's working and you want to be near him, Spencer's phone rings. 
Spencer groans and pulls away, taking out his phone and answering it. He puts it on speaker but presses a finger to your lips to quiet you. You kiss his finger, but nod. 
"Reid? Everything okay?" Morgan asks on the other side of the phone. 
Spencer nods. "Yeah. My uh… my boyfriend… fell down the stairs at our apartment!" Spencer exclaims and you nod, silently telling him it was a good cover story. "He sprained his ankle and I had to help him back up the stairs and into bed."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Morgan says and Spencer lets out a silent sigh. You kiss him quietly. "You ran out of there so fast. I'll tell the others you'll be back in tomorrow," he says and Spencer nods. 
"Okay. I gotta go, but I'll see you tomorrow," he says, and he hangs up. He throws his phone onto the sofa and pulls you to him again, kissing you loudly, moaning and gasping at every swipe of your tongue, every tug of his hair. 
"I love you, Spencer Reid," you say. 
"I love you too, [Y/N] [L/N]."
"How long?" Spencer asks, tracing what seems like random shapes into your skin, but you know they have meaning to him. 
You shrug. "Ever since I was younger. I would purposefully get into fights with other kids so I could hit them. I never killed any animals, and I was never really a bedwetter. I did like to start fires. My parents would always let me light the candles at dinner," you say. "The first person I ever killed was my babysitter. I was nine and she was seventeen. She kept touching me, kissing me, trying to take my clothes off. I got her onto the third floor balcony and pushed her off. I called my parents crying and told them she fell when I was playing in the yard when I wasn't supposed to."
"Wow," Spencer says, his hands stilling for a moment before continuing. 
"The second person I killed was the first time I killed with a knife. It was my next door neighbor. He would bully me at school, shove me into lockers, take my clothes when I was changing so I'd have to run through the school naked after him to get my clothes back, hit me, things like that. He cornered me in my backyard one day, jumping our shared fence. He was going to kill me. I ran inside and grabbed a knife and when I ran back out, I crashed into him, stabbing him. I cut my side with the blade to make it look like self defense, and told the police he attacked me. I ran inside and got a kitchen knife, and he took it from me. I managed to get it back and he ran at me. I told them it was an accident. It was, but it felt so good, I didn't want to stop," you say. 
"So you didn't," Spencer says, and you shake your head. "But, you haven't killed anyone for over six years. 
You nod. "I met you," you say, running your hands through Spencer's hair and bringing his head up to kiss you. "I found everything I needed. But, those urges came back. And I wanted everything to be perfect for you. I wanted you to have everything you could ever want. And for you, that meant sex. I know how much you like it." Spencer nods and blushes, looking away, but you move his face so he's looking at you again, and you kiss him. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. I need it to. And I would never, ever hurt you. But, I kept thinking about it. And it scared me." 
Spencer nods and curls up against you so his head is on your chest. You kiss his hair as he mutters, "I love you."
You smile. "I love you too, baby. Now, let's get some sleep."
Spencer wakes with a start, shaking and crying. You feel the bed moving and slowly wake up, only to see Spencer in distress. You sit up as well and hold him to your chest as he cries. 
"What have I done? What will everyone think of me? Why do I want to- I want- why-" 
"Spencer, Spencer," you say, and almost as if he forgot you lived with him, his head snaps to look at you. "Baby, what's going on?"
"I shouldn't like it. I should take you in. I shouldn't want to know what it feels like, but I do. I want to know," he mutters, almost to himself, but he's still looking directly at you. 
"You want to know what it feels like to kill someone?" you ask. Spencer nods. You smile and kiss him. "I can help arrange that." 
Spencer nods. "I know I shouldn't like you… killing people for me, but I can't help it. It makes me happy to know you want me to be happy."
"Oh, baby," you say, holding him even closer to your bare chest. Spencer wraps his arms around you. "I would do anything to make you happy." 
Spencer hums, contentedly. 
"Everything okay, Reid?" Hotch asks as the youngest profiler walks into the Round Table Room that morning, his bag still on his hip. 
Spencer smiles and nods. "Everything is fine." 
"Morgan told us you had a family emergency, but wouldn't say anything else," Rossi says and Spencer nods again, throwing a grateful look to Morgan. 
He sighs and takes his messenger bag off, setting it at the ground by his desk before he begins to talk. "My boyfriend fell down the stairs in our apartment yesterday. I had to go home and help him."
JJ just nods and Garcia "Aw’s” as Hotch, Prentiss, and Rossi all narrow their eyes at him. 
"You've never mentioned having a boyfriend," Prentiss says and Spencer sighs. 
"It was my business and neither he nor I wanted to share it. But, we want to now," Spencer says. 
"How long! How long!" Garcia asks, practically bouncing in her seat. 
"Baby girl, they've been together for over six years now," Morgan says. 
Garcia's jaw drops, as does everyone else's in the room. 
"Six years?" JJ asks and Spencer nods. "Why didn't you tell us?" 
Spencer shrugs. "Because we weren't ready. Can we get started on the briefing now?" 
The team nods and JJ turns back to the screen. 
"Spence, we weren't able to get to the briefing yesterday, so we know about as much as you do,"  JJ explains. Spencer nods. 
"I think the unsub might be impotent," Morgan says, looking at the files. "The stabbing could indicate that."
"But, there was no semen found on the body. Usually, men who are impotent get off on the dead body as well as the killing," Spencer explains. A few of his co-workers nod. 
"I want to find out more about where these men were before they were murdered," Hotch says. "Reid and Morgan, go to the bar where Giles was last seen, Rossi and Prentiss, Lake, and JJ and I will go to where Heartwood was last seen. We'll meet back here and discuss what we learned." 
Spencer walks into the bar you were in only six months before, where you killed Fred Giles. 
"Hey! What can I get you boys?" the bartender asks from behind the bar. 
Morgan walks over and takes out his badge, saying, "I'm Agent Morgan and this is Doctor Reid. We're here to ask about Fred Giles, the man who was murdered behind your bar six months ago."
The bartender nods and sighs. "Yeah. I knew him. Said he was a regular to all the attractive men who walked in. He never bought anything though," he says. "Always just came in for sex. When I confronted him about it, he said he needed it, that he couldn't live without it, and he was a nice enough guy so I let him. He never deterred people from coming back." 
The bartender shrugs and Spencer steps up, asking, "Did anyone talk to him that night?"
"Uh, yeah. Some bloke. Don't know his name. He's never come back, but we get a lot of that here. Had a beer and they left out the back. Never saw him again."
"Sir, can you describe him for us?" Morgan asks, taking off his sunglasses. 
"No, sorry," the bartender says, picking up some glasses and putting them away underneath the bar. "It was busy and we don't usually have a lot of lights on in here. I know he was handsome. Fred wouldn't've gone with him if he weren't. Sorry, boys." 
Spencer nods and smiles and Morgan walks off, going towards the back door that leads out into the alley. As soon as Spencer steps out of the bar, he can feel himself getting hard. 
Spencer's never gotten hard at the thought of a dead body, except when he first started. He was young and beautiful sitting in the slab in the morgue, naked and displayed for him to assess. He had never seen a body so beautiful, so peaceful, and he had gotten an erection while looking at it. 
Now though, just the thought that you had killed this man to make Spencer feel good has his heart racing and adrenaline coursing through his stomach. He shifts his messenger bag over his groin to hide his growing erection. He flushes and looks down at the ground, trying to will away the thoughts of you murdering someone, and him finding it erotic. 
"Hey," Morgan says, and Spencer looks up at him, eyes wide. "Do you know if Garcia got the footage from the camera here?" Spencer shakes his head and Morgan pulls out his phone, pressing a button before holding it up to his ear. "Hey pretty mama, there's a CCTV camera in the alley behind the bar where Fred Giles was murdered. Can you see if that footage is anywhere?" 
There's a few moments of silence, and Spencer looks around, trying to see if there's anything the CSI missed, but it doesn't look like it. 
"Are you sure? Damn. Okay, thanks mama." Morgan flips the phone shut and sighs. "CCTV's fake, used to deter thieves most likely," he says and Spencer nods. "We should head back." 
"Reid. Morgan. Find anything?" Rossi asks as the two step into the bullpen. 
Morgan scoffs. "Nah. Nothing. He's handsome, but we figured that out already. Bartender didn't see anything and the CCTV in the back was fake so we got nothing."
Rossi nods. "Us as well. Maybe we should wait for Hotch. Maybe he found someone."
The rest of the team nods and Spencer takes out his phone, texting you.
To: [Y/N] 😍
From: Spencie 😘
Team hasn't found anything. Keep you updated. 
You message back just as quickly. 
To: Spencie 😘
From: [Y/N] 😍
Okay! I love you. Hurry back home quickly! I want to show you something! 
Spencer grins as he looks at his phone, before Morgan clears his throat. He quickly shuts it off and slides it into his back pocket, before following Morgan into the round table room. 
"Why are you so happy?" Prentiss asks, and Spencer schools his expression, clearing his throat. 
"My, uh, ahem, my boyfriend texted me," Spencer says and Prentiss nods, seeming to accept that answer. Spencer lets out a sigh of relief. 
"[Y/N]? Are you home?" Spencer calls out into the apartment, and you walk out of the study in a pair of black skinny jeans and a black button down, heavy black work boots already on your feet. You walk over to your boyfriend and put your arms around him, leaning your forehead against his. 
"Go get dressed. We're going out tonight," you say, but Spencer groans. 
"Do we have to?" he whines and you frown. 
"You wanted to know what it was like, Spence. So, I'm going to show you," you say, and that gets Spencer's attention. 
He looks at you, wide eyed, and asks, "Really?" 
You nod and kiss him. "Really. Now, get dressed. We don't want you to ruin your good clothes," you say and he nods, giving you one, last, chaste, kiss before running into the bedroom. 
He comes out a few minutes later, and you almost take him right there. He's wearing a pair of black skinny jeans you bought him years ago, and a tight black t-shirt. 
You walk over and take him in a searing kiss, putting your hand down his pants and groping him. You realize then that he's not wearing underwear and you have to restrain yourself from fucking him on the floor. 
"You have no idea what you do to me," you mutter against his lips before pulling away. Spencer whines but you just pay his ass and motion for him to grab his stuff. 
Thirty minutes later you find yourself and Spencer in a club. When asked why you were coming here instead of a bar, you answer that no one would suspect him being here. 
He admits that it's actually very smart. 
You sit down in a booth and pull him onto your lap, making sure everyone around you knows who this gorgeous man belongs to. He tilts his head to the side to give you access to his neck, to kiss and lick and nip to your heart's desire. 
"I want to dance," you say to Spencer after a few minutes of indulging in your boyfriend. 
Spencer nods and gets up off your lap before grabbing your hand and letting you lead him out onto the busy dance floor. You can feel Spencer shaking underneath you, and you pull him towards you, putting your hands in his back pockets. You kiss him deeply, letting your bodies sway to the music, your groins rubbing against each other. You can feel eyes on the two of you, but you don't care. 
Spencer moans into your mouth and you pull away, nipping at Spencer's bottom lip. The man moans deliciously and you kiss him again, trying to drink every sound. You pull away again and Spencer is staring at you with a goofy smile on his face. 
"See?" you ask, loudly, over the music. "That wasn't so bad." 
Spencer nods and places his head in your neck, swaying to the music that you should be jumping to, but you don't care. You lock eyes with a young man with curly brown hair and pale white skin, and the man sitting next to him. You nod at them before turning to look down at Spencer, who still has his face buried in your neck. 
"Baby," you say to him, nudging him with your shoulder. He looks up at you so innocently, and you have to lean down and kiss him again, showing all your love in the single kiss, prying open his lips with yours and letting your tongues explore each other for the millionth time. Well, you know it's probably not the millionth, and Spencer could absolutely tell you the accurate number, but you're too distracted by his mouth to ask. 
You pull away again and say, "Let's go sit down. I want to find someone."
Spencer nods and you lead him back to the booth you were at before, sitting down before Spencer settles on your lap. You shift your hand from his hip to underneath his button up, resting it on his stomach. Spencer gasps and you feel his stomach flatten even more. You grind your hips up into his ass, already half hard at the thought of killing a pretty little brunette. He groans as that pretty brunette from before sits across from you with his friend next to him. 
"Hi!" the brunette says, grinning wildly, and you're struck by how much he looks like Spencer. Even more than the first. "I'm Daniel! This is my boyfriend, Gary!" 
The man next to him raises a hand, but doesn't say anything. You raise an eyebrow at that, but don't say anything about it. 
You smile at them. "It's nice to meet you both. My boyfriend and I were looking to meet some couples around here."
"You were magnetic! I couldn't take my eyes off you! I think Gary here was a little jealous…" Daniel says, and Gary glares at him, but doesn't say anything. 
You smirk and nuzzle Spencer's neck, who tilts his head to give you a better angle. "Isn't he just?" 
You lock eyes Daniel, who shudders. "Come join us out back. We've been looking for some fun…" 
Daniel grins, turning to look at Gary, who nods, before the two get up. "We're going to go to the bathroom, but I know that no one will bother us out back…" Daniel says and you nod, watching the two walk away. 
You kiss Spencer's cheek, who hasn't said anything for a few minutes. "What do you think?"
"Daniel looks like me," Spencer whispers and you nod against his throat. "Is he yours?" 
"If I could," you say, and Spencer nods. "He looks so much like you baby. But no one could ever be you." You kiss his cheek before leaning back and grabbing something from your back pocket, before placing it in Spencer's hand, underneath the table. "Gary's big, but he'll squeal like a stuck pig if you stab him. You need strength, but once the blade gets past the epidermis, it'll be easy." 
Spencer whines, grinding down onto your lap, and you lick right under his jaw. "I know."
You smirk. "Reading about it and doing it are two very different things. Don't be afraid to ask for help." 
Spencer nods again and you squeeze his thigh, before pushing him up and making him pocket the knife. You grab him by the hand and lead him out back, where Daniel and Gary are already waiting. You grin and let go of Spencer, walking over to Daniel before pinning him to the wall of the alley. He moans underneath you, and you reach into your back pocket, grabbing your knife. You tilt your head and Daniel latches his lips to your neck, and you look over at Spencer. 
He's also pressed against the wall behind him, and he's being petted by Gary ever so gently. When the man turns to look at his partner, you lock eyes with Spencer and nod miniscule-y, before turning back to Daniel. You wait until Gary's eyes are off you, before grabbing your knife, and flicking it open, before stabbing it right underneath the young man's solar plexus. 
You feel that rush and shiver as you look over, and see Spencer doing the same thing. Gary looks like he's about to cry as he looks over at Daniel, but you grin, your cock starting to harden in your pants. You pull the knife out and drive it in again, and again, and again, and soon, Daniel can't hold himself up anymore, and you let him fall to the ground. 
Looking at Spencer, you see he still hasn't moved, has kept his knife right where he first stabbed it, and you notice Gary starting to get angry. You walk over and lean in so your lips are right next to Spencer's ear, and you whisper, "What do you think?" 
That seems to break Spencer from his spell and he moans beautifully, before pulling the knife out and plunging it in again. You reach down and grab his already hard cock through his pants, groping him through the thick jeans, and Spencer bucks up into your hand, stabbing Gary again. 
After three, the man is dead weight and he falls to the ground. You step around his body and put your knife away, before pressing Spencer into the wall and kissing him, flicking your tongue into his mouth as he ruts up against you. You slip your hand into his pants and start stroking his cock, he groans, but pushes you away. 
"We- oh yes! We can't leave any evidence," he says and you sigh, taking your hand from his pants. 
You kiss him before saying, "You're right. You're so smart. I love you so much."
"I love you too," Spencer says and you grin, holding out your hand. 
He puts his knife away and takes yours before you lead him out of the alley, leaving two dead bodies behind. 
"He's accelerating," Morgan says the next morning at the debrief. 
There was no talk from Morgan this morning about Spencer getting some. As much as you wanted to mark his neck, Spencer talked you down, stating that if he caught onto what you were doing, the others would notice by the hickeys alone. You conceded and just marked him below the collar. 
As Spencer thinks about this he presses his fingers into one of the bruises and has to bite his lip to keep from crying out in ecstasy. 
"Yeah, he is," Rossi says. "Could be he's devolving."
Hotch shakes his head. "If that were the case, the bodies would probably be more roughed up. Gary Jenkins and Daniel Espinoza knew each other. They were dating. If one saw the other go down, there would be a lot of defensive wounds."
"What are you sayin', Hotch?" Morgan asks. 
Before Hotch can reply, Spencer interrupts and says, "He's saying he thinks the unsub has a partner." 
Hotch nods and Rossi and Prentiss look at each other. "I can see that being a possibility, but we can't rule out that he's just that good," Prentiss says and everyone nods. 
"Here's a thought," Spencer says, and everyone looks over at him. "The unsub could be a woman. Usually stabbing creates a sexual response in men who can't normally get an erection, being able to penetrate a body without using the penis, but there's been no semen found at any of the crime scenes. The first one it rained after, but the others it didn't, and there should have been some evidence." 
Morgan and Rossi nod but Hotch frowns. "Could be, but we shouldn't scrap what we have now for that," Hotch says and Spencer sighs. 
"I think I have something!" Garcia exclaims, running into the conference room. 
"I want to kill my father," Spencer says that night as you are making dinner for him. 
You freeze in your movements before continuing, asking hesitantly, "Are you sure? If you do, you probably won't be able to go back to the BAU. We may have to run."
You hear Spencer get up and walk over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, leaning his chin on your shoulder. 
"Garcia found something, a surveillance camera at the end of the alley, the end we didn't walk through. But, they know there's two unsubs, and that one's Caucasian. They couldn't get a good read on you, but it's only a matter of time before you're found- before we're found out," Spencer explains and you nod, turning to lock your arms around his waist and kiss him deeply. 
"Okay, baby," you say, kissing him again. "Whatever you want, I'll provide. Anything."
Spencer grins and kisses you again.You feel him shiver as you move a hand from his hip to his lower back and you pull him in closer. "We'll get on the first flight out of here if that's what you want. Just you and me." 
Spencer nods. "We should do some planning, but I want that. I want to see the country, and not because some murder happened there." 
You grin. "I've always wanted to do a road trip of the country!" you exclaim and Spencer grins back, kissing you. 
"Me too." 
A week later sees you and Spencer on a cross country flight to Las Vegas, your apartment, car, and stuff all sold and liquidated into cash. You took as much money as you possibly could from your accounts and Spencer did the same. You both took your vacation time off from work. 
The rest of the BAU had been angry at Spencer, but understood his need to have his boyfriend meet his mother. There also haven't been any more murders in DC, which means their current back alley ripper case was currently cold. Hotch had approved it before he told the rest of the team. Spencer just didn't tell Hotch that you had already met his mother five years ago. 
The flight is long and cramped, but you and Spencer have each other, and that makes it worth it. You get to Vegas and as soon as you check into your motel, you fuck Spencer every way you can, wanting to feel every part of him, and needing to stretch after the long flight. Spencer wasn't complaining. 
But today was the day. 
Spencer's leg wouldn't stop bouncing in the taxi as you both made your way to his father's law firm. You don't know exactly what he did to Spencer as a child, but you know it was bad enough that he's still with you, willing to kill his own father to stay with you forever. You place a hand on his thigh and he looks over at you, nervousness written across his face like the headline of a newspaper. 
You lean in and kiss his cheek. "It will be okay. You can do this. And if you can't, I'll do it for you." 
He nods and you grin, kissing his cheek again before leaning back over into your seat, but you don't remove your hand from his leg. 
You arrive in front of the building and thank the cabbie, paying the fare and giving a tip before exiting the vehicle. You grab Spencer's hand and drag him into the brown brick building before he can turn around. You squeeze his hand and walk in, looking at the receptionist with a smile. 
He smiles at you, a large, fake smile that you know he practiced. "Hi! What can I do for you today?" 
You pull Spencer forward so he's standing next to you, and you ask sweetly, "Can you please tell Mr. William Reid that Doctor Spencer Reid, his son, is here to see him?" 
The man's eyes widen and he nods, picking up his phone and telling the man exactly that. You smile as he tells you what floor and room to go to, and Spencer is the one to drag you this time, going to the elevators. As soon as the door closes, you push him against the wall and kiss him. 
"We're so close, baby," you say, kissing him. 
He nods against your mouth before pulling back. "I love you." 
You grin. "I love you."
You give him a chaste kiss before pulling away right as the doors open, showing a long stretch of doors along a brown hallway. You and Spencer walk side by side to his father's door, and you knock. You grab Spencer's hand once more and the man squeezes your fingers, making you smile. 
The door opens, and William Reid is standing in front of you, eyes wide and mouth open. "So, you're the one who fucked up my baby for life," you say, and William blinks at you. It's just enough time for Spencer to draw his knife, and plunge it into his father's stomach, pushing him back into his office. The man lets out a strangled groan, and you walk into the office after Spencer, closing the door behind you. You look around and when you don't see a camera, you walk over to the desk, turning the laptop so it's pointing at Spencer and his father, and you hit record. 
Spencer brings both his hands up and slams them back down, plunging the knife into his father over and over, screaming out, "That's for telling me it's normal! That's for telling me to deal with it! That's for locking me in that dark room with nothing!" 
You flinch at that. Spencer can't be alone in the dark. You used to have a night light in every room so he wouldn't be scared. That makes your own anger flare up, and you walk over to the two men. Spencer is kneeling beside his father's chest, plunging the knife into him over and over again, drawing more and more blood. When he finally stops, panting heavily and leaning back on his feet, you grab his shirt and pull him to you, kissing him soundly, not caring about your pants being soaked through by the blood pooling around Spencer's father. 
You pull back before getting up, dragging Spencer with you, and you push everything but the laptop off the desk. You push Spencer face first onto it, freeing his cock from his pants and stroking him. It doesn't take long for Spencer to go from half hard to fully hard, and you pull down his pants, fishing a bottle of lube out of your coat. You make eye contact with the computer, and you coat your fingers in lube. You lean in and kiss Spencer's neck, still not breaking contact, as you insert one finger inside of Spencer, quickly adding another. Spencer moans loudly as you bite down on his pulse point, adding a third finger. You scissor him open, before opening your pants and taking out your cock, and slicking it up as well. You pull him to the edge of the desk, and slam into him in one go. 
He throws his head back and screams loudly, before leaning in and kissing you soundly. You move your eyes from the computer and close them, moaning at the feeling of Spencer's tight heat enveloped around your hard cock, and your hips stutter as you get closer to your release.
"Touch me! [Y/N] I need you to touch me," Spencer exclaims and you do as asked, using your already lubed hand to wrap it around Spencer's prick and start stroking him. He gasps and moans loudly into your mouth. 
"Spencer, baby I love you. So much," you say, and Spencer cries out, his body tightening, and his cum splashes on your hand and his shirt. 
When you feel Spencer clench around you, you cry out as well, making eye contact once again with the computer camera before you cum, filling Spencer with your seed. 
You pant and kiss him before slowly pulling out, your dick over sensitive and aching. You lean over Spencer, give the computer a wink, and end the recording, saving it to the desktop. 
"Baby," you pant, putting yourself back in your pants. "I want to see the Grand Canyon."
Spencer grins. "Have you never been?" he asks and you shake your head. His grin gets wider and he stands up, situating himself as well, before grabbing your hand. "Come on! We can take William's car!" You look in his desk drawer and grin, holding up his keys when you find them. 
That night, on a blanket next to the grand canyon, you and Spencer make love. 
Morgan and Prentiss walk into the crime scene, cringing at the amount of blood that has soaked into the white carpet. They walk over to the desk and look at the open laptop, clicking on the file in the middle of the screen. 
Prentiss throws up into the bin by the desk, and honestly, Derek wants to throw up too. 
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golden-barnes · 3 years
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summary: You didn't think much about how you decided to wear a sundress to a BAU activity but Spencer felt some type of way when he saw you.
pairing: (spencer reid x f! reader)
category: smutish 18+
warnings/includes: innocent kink, fingering, dirty talk, and some petting or sly touches.
word count: 879
authors note: I decided to join @spenciebabie 's one-shot writing contest. I based this on this blurb that I've loved for so long and idk if I did the assignment correctly.
The BAU decided to have a little family picnic in Rossi’s backyard. It was all Penelope’s idea. Thinking it would be fun to have a cute little springtime get-together. Have the Bau kids do an easter egg scavenger hunt. Everyone will be wearing nice spring clothes, hanging around, and having a fun time. Just something wholesome, for this found family.
Or so you thought.
You didn’t think about how the sundress you put on would affect Spencer. It was a simple, short, sleeveless sundress that you got just for this picnic because Garcia was very specific that everyone had to be in their best clothes. It was this cute peach color that just called at you when you saw it.
Spencer stared at you with wide eyes when he first saw you but didn’t say anything. But you knew Spencer like the backhand. He liked the dress. And the fact that he hasn't taken his hands off of you since you got into the car, cemented that theory.
“Uncle Spencer!” Henry and Michael screamed when they saw their godfather and you entering Rossi’s backyard, hand in hand. The two blond children ran towards him, to hug him.
Spencer let go of your hand and grabbed the two kids in his arms. You walked towards the team that was sitting around with a couple of beers and talking.
“Hey, guys..” You said arriving at the table, waving at everyone.
“Hey there mama. Oh, I loveeee this dress.” Penelope said, engulfing you into a huge hug. You smiled at her enthusiasm. She let you go, and you sat down next to Tara who passed you a beer.
You hadn’t noticed that your dress had lifted a bit, showing your leg a bit more. Nobody did, except Spencer. And it was eating him alive. If you could read his mind at that moment, you would be shocked at his thoughts. But you are there, in your own “innocent” world, oblivious to Spencer’s thoughts.
Spencer took a seat next to you, and his hand went automatically on your thigh. His thumb rubbing circles on your inner thigh. Driving you crazy.
You tried to do small talk with the team and eat your food, but Spencer’s hand kept going up until he reached your panties. Your breath hitched a bit, and he slid his hand back to your thigh.
Spencer gave you a sly smirk before continuing to talk to Luke. As if he wasn’t teasing you under the table, turning you into putty in his hands. And nobody knew but you two.
“Okay kiddos and parents. Let’s start the first Bau easter egg scavenger hunt!” Penelope clapped, giggling while Luke handed out the baskets to Matt’s children, JJ’s and Rossi’s grandson.
“Ready! Set! GO!” Emily said, and the kids started to run across the backyard. Everyone was paying attention to the kids, except Spencer.
Spencer stood next to you and pulled you closer to him, grabbing you by the waist. You felt his breath close to your ear.
“Have I told you how you look in that dress?” Spencer said, in a low voice. Goosebumps appeared on your arms. You shook your head. He smiled.
“Well let me tell you. You look so good in this dress. I almost don’t want to take it off when we get home. Just bend you over the couch and fuck you in it.” You let it a small gasp. He chuckled softly at your reaction and kissed you softly on the neck.
“How about in 5 minutes we go home? Would you like that, bunny?” He whispered in your ear.
“Yes please.” You breathed out. Spencer smiled at you and patted your butt before walking to the rest of the team.
The ride home was quiet. Spencer’s hand stayed on your knee. You were almost bouncing with excitement, and Spencer found that endearing. It wasn’t until you got to the door of your apartment, that you felt the air around you two change.
Spencer closed the door and cornered you against the wall.
“You know, I’ve never seen this dress.” He said, twiddling the bottom of the dress.
“I bought it yesterday.”
“Mhm.. I really like it. You should buy more.” He pushed his knee between your legs and started to kiss your neck. You gasped and gripped his unruly brown hair. One of his hands started to wander down till it reached your panties.
He passed the band of your underwear and started to work against your clit, you groaned at the sensation. He disconnected from your neck and put his lips close to your ear.
“Looked so good during the day, bunny. Innocent. But they don’t know how you really are. A little slut for me.” He said, almost growling against your ear. He then put one of his fingers inside of you, and you threw your head back, almost hitting your head with the wall.
Spencer chuckled and took his hand out of your underwear, you whined at his actions.
“Let’s take this to the bed before you hurt yourself.” He said closing in, pulling you by the waist closer to him. You put your arms around his neck.
“I’m going to ruin you.” He whispered before giving you a kiss.
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Halloween Masterlist
All Halloween/Spooky Season based fics from 2017 till 2021
I decided to compile all of the Halloween fics from every year into one Masterlist. And rather than separate them by year, I am just dividing them by fandom/character.
Not all of these are strictly Halloween themed, but are instead spooky/thrillers, etc.
*All fics are gender neutral reader inserts
(Link to Main Masterlist)
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- - Marvel - -
Gif Imagine: Going to a Halloween party at Stark Tower
Headcanons: How the Avengers react to you dressing as them for Halloween (Cute/Casual)
Peter Parker 2.0 x reader: “Have you ever heard about what happened in that house?” (ghost story/mentions of death/thriller)
Eddie/Venom x reader: “Don’t Touch Me” “I Didn’t” (action/thriller)
Bucky Barnes x Reader: “Was that a wolf?”’There are no wolves here” (Suspense /Little Humor) Bucky Barnes x Reader: Werewolf AU + Reader Insert; (Written by Guest Writer ‘Jay’; Casual/Spooky) Bucky Barnes x Reader: 'Haunting' (thriller/spooky; protective Bucky)
Steve Rogers x Reader: “Are you scared?” (Haunted House/Fluff)
Thor x Reader: ‘Halloween Makeup’ (Casual/Cute)
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- - Teen Wolf - -
Spending Halloween with the pack (general)
Lydia Martin x Reader: Locked Out/Couples Costume (comfort/angst) Lydia Martin x Reader: Halloween Party Planning (general/humor)
Theo Raeken x Reader: Halloween Maze Race (humor/fluff) Theo Raeken x Reader: Couples Costume (fluff)
Coach Finstock: They’re not answering because they’re dead (humor)
Derek Hale x Reader: Stuck in the woods (thriller/action/fluff) Derek Hale x reader: “I told you to bring Holy water for a reason!” (action/angst) Derek Hale x Reader: ‘Jumpscare’ (Humor/little fluff)
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- - Supernatural - -
Gif Imagines:
Imagine Sam and Dean being chased by Pennywise
You and Sam get stuck in an elevator with a clown
Castiels First Halloween (casual/cute)
Dean Winchester x Reader: Halloween Party Hunt (action/thriller/humor) Dean Winchester x Reader: “This can’t be a zombie apocalypse…” (comfort) Dean Winchester x Reader: ‘Maze of Horrors’ (action/thriller)
Sam Winchester x Reader: “I’m not a witch” // “I think that scarecrow just moved” (action/thriller)
Sam and Dean + Reader (platonic): Ghost Sickness (angst/action)
Castiel x Reader: “This was a horrible idea” (humor) Castiel x Reader: 'It was a dark and stormy night' (casual/light fluff)
Lucifer x Reader: ‘Second Chance’ (action/suspense/angst)
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- - MacGyver (Reboot) - -
*no longer write for
Gif Imagine:
Angus x Reader: Going to a Pumpkin patch
Angus MacGyver x Reader: Pumpkin Carving Contest (humor) Angus MacGyver x Reader: Unacceptable (general/humor) Angus Macgyver x Reader: Decorations (humor)
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- - Criminal Minds - -
Gif Imagine:
Hotch reacting to you wearing a sexy Halloween costume (suggestive)
Going to a haunted house with the BAU (humor)
Spencer Reid x Reader: Movie Marathon (comfort) Spencer Reid x Reader: Pumpkin Pickings (fluff) Spencer Reid x Reader: Bonfire Scare (humor) Spencer Reid x Reader: “This was a horrible idea” (humor)
Derek Morgan x Reader: 'Escape Room' (suspense/thriller)
Aaron Hotchner x Reader + Jack: 'Pumpkin Patches and New Beginnings' (cute/fluff)
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- - TVD/Originals - -
Gif Imagine:
Imagine wearing a Couples Costume with Elijah
Damon Salvatore x Reader: Halloween Party
Elijah Mikaelson x Reader: “I think my fangs are coming loose” (general/humor)
Klaus Mikaelson x Reader: “I’m not the only one with blood on my hands” (action/graphic/humor)
Kai Parker x Reader: ‘Rescue’ (action/light fluff)
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- - Leverage - -
Gif Imagine:
Carving Pumpkins with the Leverage team
Eliot Spencer x Reader: 'Need' (NSFW/Smut) Eliot Spencer x Reader: ‘Scary Stories’ (casual/humor) Eliot Spencer x Reader: Pumpkin Carving (cute)
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- - Harry Potter - -
*Golden Trio Era & Marauders Era
Draco Malfoy x Reader: 'Costume' (general)
Sirius Black x Reader: “Making out in a graveyard?” (humor/fluff)
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- - Sherlock (BBC) - -
Mycroft Holmes x Reader: ‘Scared’ (humor/fluff)
Sherlock Holmes x Reader: ‘I’ve never celebrated Halloween’ (casual/cute)
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- - Prodigal Son - -
Fic: Malcolm Bright x Reader; 'Sometimes, people are just monsters' (angst/action/little fluff)
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- - Star Trek - -
*DS9; Enterprise and AOS
Phlox x Reader: Matching Costumes (fluff)
Jim Kirk x Reader: ‘Dreaming of You’ (soulmate au/romantic)
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- - Kingsman - -
Oneshot: Eggsy Unwin x Reader: If you say Halloween one more time (humor)
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- - The Man from UNCLE - -
Illya Kuryakin x Reader: Spending Halloween with Illya (general/cute)
Illya Kuryakin x Reader: “The legend said it only goes after virgins…” (humor)
Illya & Napoleon + Reader: Pumpkin Carving (humor)
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- - BBC Merlin - -
Percival x Reader: “We only have to make it until sunrise…” (thriller) Percival x Reader: ‘Lost’ (action/angst/fluff/humor)
Arthur Pendragon x Reader: ‘Faded’ (angst)
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- - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - -
Spike x Reader: “Is it just me, or did it just get really cold in here” (action/angst/fluff) Spike x Reader: “I’d take a bullet for you” “It’s not romantic when you’re immortal" (angst/fluff) Spike x Reader: “Lost in the Woods” (action)
Angel x Reader: “If you say let’s split up I swear to God” (thriller/action)
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- - Doctor Who - -
Tenth Doctor x Reader: 'Corn Maze' (action/suspense)
Eleventh Doctor x Reader: ‘Run’ (action/intense)
Twelfth Doctor x Reader: ‘Trick or Treat Confession’ (fluff/humor)
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- - Stargate Atlantis - -
Oneshot; Carson Beckett x Reader: Halloween Party (humor/fluff)
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- - M*A*S*H - -
Oneshot; M*A*S*H Unit x Reader: “Where’s the Halloween candy?” “I don’t know” “Y/n” (humor)
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- - 911 (Fox) - -
Oneshot; Evan Buckley x Reader (+Other characters) 'Never Again' (haunted house; humor/general)
Oneshot; Eddie Diaz x Reader + Christopher Diaz; 'Trick-or-Date' (cute/fluff)
- - NCIS - -
*no longer write for
Tony Dinozzo x Reader: What can I say Baby? written by @smolpersonbigworld
McGee x Reader: Lazy Autumn Stroll (fluff)
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- - Bones - -
*no longer write for
Oneshot: Finn Abernathy x Reader: Haunted House (humor/fluff)
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- - Cinderella - -
Prince Kit x Reader: Carving Pumpkins (fluff)
- - -
(there are currently 79 links in this post)
*for me to keep track since the limit is (I think) 100 links in a post.
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meganskane · 3 years
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yeah hi, it’s me your favorite coffee addict. i just wanted to pause, get sappy and say thank you all for taking the time out of your day to follow me on this little blue app. i’m forever grateful for the amount of love you’ve all shown me. i now have 1k besties??? absolutely bonkers. i love you all always !!! <3 
so in order to commemorate this milestone i’ve decided to do another writing contest. it’ll be similar to my previous contest for those who remember it. i’ll make be making a masterlist full of each fic that’s written for the celebration and add it to my main masterlist.
i’ve been terrible at reading fics so maybe this will help get me back in the groove of reading those fics in my save for later tag lol
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C O N T E S T R U L E S :
dead line — october 7th october 31st
all fics need to be at least 600 words
you need to have at least one of the following prompts. (bolded)
prompt 1: why are you so cold?!
prompt 2: are you drunk?
prompt 3: can you please come and get me?
prompt 4: i’m sorry. i thought you were someone else.
i usually only read spencer x reader but , you can write for any criminal minds character and any pairing... excluding rossi or gideon LMAO PLS, you could write any of your preferred genre aside from smut, i want everyone who participates to be able to read and enjoy other people’s work <3
when writing please use the format summary, warnings, word count, prompt, and the pairing you’re writing for.
tag your work -> #meganskane’s bookclub 📚
lastly…. just have fun with this! seriously lol
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tagging some mutuals who might want to participate: @wheelsup @reidingmelodies @reidslibrarybook @reidsacademia @moderatelydelusional @ellesgreenaway @spencerreidat3am @idonotexiste @mercy-burning @goldensonlyangel @strawberryspence @boldlyvoid @cmvibess @hotchnerz @iamrenstark @tayleyre @mrs-dr-reid @willowrose99 @rigatonireid
previous pinned
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Summary: in which reader realizes it's not a bad thing to stay put
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GenderNeutral!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Genre: fluffy af
Content Warning: a teeny bit of anxiety/self-doubt, made up for with some smooching 💋
Prompt: You have no idea what you're talking about
A/N: I was playing around with this idea when I saw @spencersawkward writing contest and I knew I had to work in the prompt!! I also completely made up reader's job for this so let's pretend something like this position exists for the sake of the fic 😇 I hope you all have as much fun reading as I did writing! Drop a comment or a reblog if you enjoyed, I'm still new to this whole writing thing and your support means the literal world to me <3
Something about familiarity has always felt stifling to me. In my opinion, routines are the reason so many people trudge through life with their heads down — breathing, but never actually living. It’s why I’ve never been one to stay in the same place for long.
Or maybe it’s that I never felt like I belonged anywhere, with anyone. Never had a reason to stay.
But I think I may have one now.
That’s why I’m standing anxiously on Spencer’s doorstep, marveling at everything that’s happened to lead me here. I’ve built my career with the FBI’s Operational Technology Division, analyzing employee processes and streamlining data delivery to help teams run more efficiently and productively. When I say it like that it sounds dreadfully boring, but it’s allowed me to travel to work with the Bureau’s extensive network of teams and task forces, typically working with a field office anywhere from two to six months before moving on to the next one. I find it incredibly fulfilling to analyze how different departments work together and use that info to help them come up with plans to ensure everything runs smoothly.
I’ve always loved my job, more than content to flit from place to place making acquaintances, a select few I’d venture to call friends. I’m great at not getting attached — in all honesty, probably too good — and up until recently I had never seen anything wrong with it. But from the moment I set foot in the BAU four months ago, something changed. Nothing could have prepared me for the way they welcomed me into their chosen family with such open arms. For the first time in my life, I’ve been sitting with the lingering feeling that I made a mistake living this way all these years. That by choosing the freedom of the job I missed out on so many of the deep connections that make life worthwhile. Because now that I’ve gotten a taste, I’m not willing to give them up. One by one, the members of this team have each carved out a special place in my heart.
JJ, through her warm hugs and the way she hums softly to herself when she’s concentrating on her paperwork. Emily, with her sharp wit and uncanny ability to know exactly when I needed a cup of coffee. The glitter gel pens Penelope gifted me on my second day in the office, a testament to her innate talent for making the world a happier place. The way Hotch’s eyes crinkle with laughter while listening to Derek and Penelope’s banter — you have to look closely but it’s there — and when Rossi’s face lights up as he regales the team with stories of the early days at the BAU. The deep rumble of Derek’s laugh and the effortless way he makes everyone he talks to feel important, feel heard.
And then there’s Dr. Spencer Reid.
What started off as friendship quickly blossomed into something more, despite my initial (albeit weak) attempts to stop it. None of my carefully constructed walls mattered with him. He tore them down, brick by brick, until I was left wondering if they had ever existed in the first place.
I could write a novel about all the ways he’s taken my heart and made it his own. From the way his fingers trace absentminded patterns up and down my arm when we cuddle on the couch, to how he’s always gently reminding me to stay hydrated or eat a snack — even when he forgets to take care of himself. When he showed up at my door on a rare free weekend with two pairs of roller skates in hand, all because I mentioned in passing that I thought it would be fun to learn. How we spent that evening patching each other up in his tiny kitchen, gentle kisses pressed against scraped knees and elbows, because it turns out neither of us are the most coordinated, and concrete and roller skates are a brutal combination.
It isn’t just that from the moment we met it was like we had known each other our whole lives, or that being around him makes me want to be a better person. Nor is it that we can tell what the other is thinking simply by way of a shared glance, that elusive way of communicating without having to say a word at all.
It’s all of that, yet so much more. What do you call it when the person you’ve been looking for your whole life suddenly steps into the spotlight? That instant when the curtain rises and everything falls into place? The moment has arrived, the show has begun. I’d call it fate, but even that seems too simple a word.
It’s more like finding your way home, when home is the place you secretly longed for, but convinced yourself you’d never have. It’s realizing, ‘Oh, of course it’s you. I can’t believe I ever thought it could be anyone else.’
Which brings me back to the reason I’m standing outside his door. I’ve been offered a promotion to the assistant director of my division, a position that would require me to work in Quantico permanently. There’s not a doubt in my mind that I want to take the job, to stay with him, and the fact that I feel so strongly about him after such a relatively short time is, quite frankly, terrifying. Almost as terrifying as having ask if he feels the same way. My self-doubt is starting to creep in, telling myself that I’ve read too much into this, that he only wanted me temporarily. For all our time spent together, we never talked about the future of our relationship, if he even sees one with me at all.
A different part of me is wondering how I can be so sure I want to stay after spending years of my life actively working against the idea. But deep down, I know the way I was living before was nothing more than a defense mechanism, and that this is what I've wanted all along. Not something to wear me down into the routines of life, but something that will help me wake up every day and see the world with a fresh perspective. And I’ve found that in Spencer.
With that thought ringing in my mind, I finally muster the courage to knock. I hear his footsteps pad across the hardwood floors inside before the door swings open to reveal his smiling face, “Y/N, hi.”
I never fail to get butterflies when he says my name.
“Hey Spence,” I return the smile as I step inside, taking a deep breath to steel my resolve.
“Is everything okay? You sounded anxious on the phone," his words are muffled against my hair as he draws me close. He’s doing his best to appear calm, but I can see the faint worry lines that crease across his forehead. You don’t work with profilers for four months without picking up a few of the tricks of the trade.
“Yes — yes, more than okay, really!” I say in an attempt to soothe both his nerves and my own as we make our way to his worn leather couch, our bodies subconsciously angling toward one another as we settle in. “So, you know my time with the BAU is coming to an end soon.”
He nods and reaches for my hand, rubbing his thumb in small circles across the back to encourage me to continue, “But I had an interesting conversation with my chief today and, um, she wants to promote me to Assistant Director of the Operational Technology Division. Here, at Quantico.”
“Are you serious?” he exclaims, grinning from ear to ear, “Y/N, that’s amazing! I’m so proud of you, you’re going to be incredible.” He wraps his arms around me in an earnest hug. I squeeze him back, not quite matching his enthusiasm, a fact that he picks up on quickly.
“Wait, why are you hesitating? Are you not going to accept it?” His face falls at the thought.
“I want to Spencer, truly. But I need to know what it means for us if I do, where your head’s at with this relationship. Do you think it’s a good idea?” I trail off, nervously biting my bottom lip while I await his reaction.
“You want to know what I think?” he asks, his other hand coming to rest lightly on my thigh, leaning in close until our foreheads are almost touching.
“Always,” I murmur, and I feel my heart hammering against my chest.
“I think,” he plants a chaste kiss on my lips, “you want me to ask you to stay.” His voice is now laced with a smug tone, a suggestive smirk lighting up his features.
My eyes grow wide at his response, caught off guard hearing something other than the sweet Spencer I’ve been accustomed to, although I’d be lying if I said it didn’t also send a surge of electricity straight through me. I scoff and push him away by his shoulder, feigning annoyance at his cockiness, “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He tugs at the small of my back to pull me back into him, pausing with his lips barely brushing against mine as he breathes, “Don’t I? I am a genius, after all.”
I drape my arms around his neck and tangle my hands in his hair, closing the distance to meet his mouth in a desperate fervor. When his teeth skim over my bottom lip and bite down gently, I let out a soft whimper, and he pulls me onto him so I’m straddling his lap. All the teasing from before has evaporated, replaced by a moment filled with promise.
We pull away to catch our breath and he cradles my face in his hands, peppering me with kisses, voicing his feelings in between.
Please stay.
With me.”
His lips have made their way to my neck now. “I’m sorry for leaving you with any room to doubt how badly I need you,” he whispers, his breath hot against my skin. As if he needs to make his intentions any more clear. As if each time his mouth meets mine it isn’t threatening to pull the truth straight from my lips. He kisses me until finally the words are ripping through the barrier, no longer capable of being contained.
“Spencer?” I say, still breathless as I gaze into his eyes.
“I am so in love with you. Completely, hopelessly, irrevocably in love."
He responds without missing a beat, “I’m in love with you, too, Y/N. God, it astounds me how much I love you.”
I beam at him, and the way he smiles back solidifies my newfound belief that familiarity isn’t such a bad thing.
It’s intimate. It’s comforting. It’s home. And I can’t wait to be familiar with Spencer Reid forever.
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Taglist: @idonotexiste @measure-in-pain @behindyourbarrette @reidsbookclub @unmitigatedsuperiority @notanotherreidgirl
fill this out to be tagged in my future works!
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