#sorry the links on these keep breaking btw
duck-in-a-spaceship · 4 months
New chapter! Sorry for the tiny delay, got caught up with stuff yesterday. Hope you enjoy!
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“Come on, come on, we’re almost there!” Neil urged Todd along, flapping his hands as if that could make him go faster.
“If we’re almost there-” Todd began, stepping over a gnarled tree branch in his path. “-then why do we need to hurry so much?” He stumbled, and nearly crashed into Neil in an attempt to steady himself. A tree stopped his fall instead.
“Because we’re excited,” Neil said, oblivious to the near-disaster that just occurred behind him. He paused and turned to Todd, flashed the light on his face so Todd could see his grin. “Aren’t you excited?”
“Yeah, I’m excited. I’m even more excited not to fall into a tree.” Todd caught up with Neil, pushing the flashlight out of his face as he passed by. “Don’t do that, you’ll blind yourself.”
Neil started walking again, whirling around so he was facing the right way. “I’m not going to blind myself, come on.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Todd quipped back absentmindedly, back to focusing on where his feet landed. Honestly though, he was pretty sure those flashlights they had were industrial strength; they cut through the night like knives, left shadows dripping away from their beams like blood.
Onwards they went- over fallen trunks like bridges over seas of moss, under trees that blotted out certain stars to create their own constellations, through vines that draped like the curtains of a theater, concealing them further and further backstage.
Todd followed Neil into the cave, careful to watch his head on the way in.
“Are you ready?” Neil asked as they got settled.
Todd nodded, pulling out the book and letting it land with a heavy thud in his lap. “You?” he asked back.
“Well sure, it’s not like I have to do much.”
The rustling of pages slowed to silence as Todd paused for a moment, looking up at Neil. “You know… why not?”
“What do you mean why not?” Neil tilted his head slightly, and Todd returned to flipping through the book as he spoke, not looking up.
“Well I’m just saying, you can read something at these meetings too. I know that’s not the point but…” Todd found the right page, and fiddled with the bit Keating had folded over. “It might be nice,” he finished softly, looking back up at Neil.
“Yeah, alright.” Neil smiled, leaning on the rocky wall behind him. “Yeah, alright, I like that idea. Damn, I’ll have to find something good then.” He seemed to contemplate that notion for a moment, looking up at the ceiling to think. Then he shook his head, instead nodding at the book in Todd’s hands. “But, hey, quit stalling. You’re still up, you know.”
“I’m going,” he insisted.
Neil grinned, sitting back up and leaning in with anticipation. “Am I allowed to look this time?”
Todd bit the inside of his cheek, stamping down a smile. “Yeah, sure.”
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Todd cleared his throat after he finished the poem, closing the book around the words. When he looked up, he found Neil still grinning, looking up at him with a certain gleam to his eye. The same gleam, Todd was starting to learn, as when he suggested they do this in the first place, when he urged Todd on to read, when he pressed their foreheads together in the hallway, when he was about to do something that would make Todd’s stomach flip.
“You stole that from Keating,” Neil proclaimed.
“I- what?”
“The poem, he was talking about it in class earlier, you just took his idea.” Neil grinned as he spoke, clearly enjoying the teasing, and Todd resisted the urge to remind him which one of them was holding the very heavy book of poetry.
“I didn’t steal his idea, I asked him for recommendations and he gave me this.”
“Aw, you’re a teacher’s pet,” Neil joked, jumping to his feet just so he could sit right back down next to Todd.
“Well- hey you were the one that told me to go to Keating!” Todd shoved him away a bit, but Neil didn’t seem to mind, laughing him off.
“And you took my advice!”
“Only because he basically cornered me during the lesson today.”
“Well, good for him. I’ve noticed that’s the best way to make friends with a Todd.” He elbowed Todd in the side, which earned him a swat in the arm in return.
“Other than dragging him into your secret societies, right?”
“Alright, fine, second best way.”
Todd smiled into his lap, pulling his coat a little tighter around his body. It was hardly necessary though; the cave seemed to trap in their warmth, like a protective shield.
“Hey, thanks for that, by the way.”
“Hm?” Neil asked softly, and Todd had the feeling he had been about to fall asleep.
“For getting me into the Dead Poets Society and… introducing me to all of your friends and stuff. You didn’t have to do all that.”
“Of course I did,” Neil said, and his smile was so incredibly genuine, eyes shining even in the dim lighting of the cave, that Todd was robbed of the ability to do anything other than nod. Neil linked their arms together, pulling Todd to his feet. “Come here.”
Todd allowed himself to be pulled up, tucking the book under his arm. “Back to Welton?” he asked. “Or is this another one of your adventures?”
Neil grinned as he dragged Todd out of the cave. “Adventure,” he confirmed, looking over his shoulder at Todd. “Don’t worry, I promise it’ll be a quick one.”
Todd nodded, and bit back the urge to assure him that it didn’t have to be, that he didn't really mind either way.
He was led around to the side of the cave, the leaves doused with last night’s rain pressing down under their feet, not crunching together as much as soggily rustling. Neil pulled his arm away from Todd’s, instead grabbing onto the side of the cave, first a rock jutting out from the side, then a root wrapped around the stone, then he was scrabbling all the way up, sending down a waterfall of leaves.
Neil turned back around, and offered a hand out to Todd.
“You want- up there?” was all Todd could say, taking half a step back.
“Yeah! Oh come on, Todd, it’s not that far.”
“You almost fell!”
“But I didn’t,” Neil pointed out triumphantly. “Besides, you’re more coordinated than me, and I can help you up.” He waggled his fingers, as if Todd was a cat he was trying to tempt up onto the counter top.
Todd looked through the trees, over in the direction he knew Welton to be in. It would be all too easy to just start the trek back but… well that wasn’t what he wanted, now was it? If Todd wanted to be back at Welton instead of balancing on the top of caves, he never would have left the comfort of his bed in the first place.
“I mean, you don’t have to, of course, but I-”
Todd cut Neil off with a sigh and shoved Keating’s book at him. “Hold this.”
“Gladly,” Neil said, accepting the book with a smile, and shifting back to give Todd the room he needed to scramble up after him. The rock was wet, cold, and, where Neil hadn’t knocked them off, covered in leaves. They slid over the surface like slips of newspaper draped wetly over a balloon in still-drying paper mache, slick under Todd’s hands but sticking to his fingers when he pulled them away. With careful progression, Todd slowly made his way to the top, accepting Neil’s hand to help him up the final steps of his journey.
“You got it?” Neil asked, and Todd nodded, not quite ready to let go of him. The top of the cave was even worse than its sides, covered in layers of slippery foliage, and Todd was ever-mindful of the opening in the cave just behind them. The once-convenient smoke port for their fireplaces had become a hazard, and Todd silently consoled himself with the fact that at least it would be a short fall, if he did go tumbling down.
“Did you have a plan here, or was this it?”
“Of course I have a plan.” Neil sounded slightly offended, so Todd shrugged in defeat, and didn’t press him any further. A couple moments went by, during which they did nothing but stare at the trees, and Todd was just about to ask if Neil would like to elaborate when-
Todd stumbled backwards slightly, just barely managing to stay up right and save himself from disaster. “Holy shit Neil what was that for?”
Neil just laughed, grabbing onto his knees as he doubled over. “Sorry, sorry! I just-” he straightened up, looked over at Todd. “Keating was right, it feels good! Go on, you try.”
“I did it last time.”
“Yeah, in class. This is way better, no walls, no rules, no limitations just-” Neil spread a sweeping arm over the forest in front of them. “-just this. Just us.”
Todd relented, stepping towards the edge of the rocks, clearing his throat slightly. He found himself wishing he still had the book, just for something to do with his hands, but Neil still had it firmly in his possession. He stuffed them into his pockets instead.
“Yawp!” Todd shouted, immediately disappointed by how flat the word sounded. Neil was right; the sound couldn’t bounce off the walls of the classroom and back to him, it was eaten instead, by the layers of leaves and branches. The toe of his boot scooched slightly closer to the edge of the rocks, pushing leaves over the side. Todd pulled his hands out of his pockets, and cupped them around his mouth. “YAWP!”
“Yes!” Neil cheered, punching him in the shoulder, and Todd stepped away from the edge, stuffed a hand back into his pocket, while the other grabbed onto Neil’s sleeve to make sure he wouldn’t go tumbling over. Or, at least, to make sure they’d fall together. “Didn’t that feel good? I mean, god, we could say anything up here! Anything we want, who cares?”
Neil turned back to the forest, spreading his hand that wasn’t clutching the book out wide. “I’m gonna be an actor!”
“I’m gonna be a poet!”
“Yeah!” Neil shouted. “No matter what anyone says!”
“Fuck Welton!”
Neil laughed, pumping his fist into the air. “Fuck Welton!”
That got Todd laughing too. “You’re right, that does feel pretty good.”
“Right? God I wish we could do this at Welton. Just stand on the top of the stairway and shout things to the world.”
Todd scoffed, and shifted so he was sitting down on the edge of the rocks, with his legs swinging down into the cave itself. Neil joined him. “That’s a good way to get expelled,” he agreed. “I bet you could get Charlie to do it though.”
“Well, Charlie would have to do it alone. My dad would kill me if he found out I was being so disrespectful. Although, if I was lucky, he might have a heart attack first.”
Todd smiled, looking down at his feet, swinging through the air next to Neil’s. “Neil I- are you sure this play thing is a good idea?”
Neil’s feet stopped swinging in the air, and Todd felt his shoulders stiffen.
“Listen, just, I know it’s what you want to do and all, but if you get caught then-”
“If this, if that!” Neil exclaimed, cutting him off. He threw his hands into the air, deliberately looking away from Todd. “I know it’s risky, I know my dad will have a fit if I get caught but… dammit Todd I can’t… I can’t not do this, you know?” He looked over with wide, pleading eyes, and Todd tried to swallow the lump in his throat.
He was saved from having to talk around it as Neil continued. “I mean, I’ve thought this through. I know all the bad things that could happen, but none of them seem to matter. Because none of them seem worse than not acting, than not doing this at all. I need to try, at least once in my life, and then he can send me off to medical school or Harvard or wherever, and I’ll be able to bear it because at least I had this, this one thing that he couldn’t take from me. At least I did it once.”
The wind rustled through the trees, and Todd pulled his jacket tighter around his chest. He bit on the inside of his cheek, turning his next words over in his mind. He desperately didn’t want to say the wrong thing, but he had no idea what right thing was supposed to replace it. “I just don’t want you to… to get hurt or anything.”
For some reason, that got Neil to crack a smile, gently knocking his shoulder against Todd’s. “You know I was joking earlier when I said my dad would kill me, right? I’d be fine, Todd.”
Todd smiled in return, ever so slightly. “No I know, it’s just… I don’t want your dreams to get crushed. I know how important this is to you and… and I don’t want him to ruin that.”
“I think I’d be letting him ruin it already if I never even tried.”
“Yeah… yeah I guess so.”
Neil stood up, rising to his feet and sticking a hand out to Todd. “Besides, you’re such a pessimist,” he said as he helped his friend up, brushing the leaves away from Todd’s jacket. “I’m not going to get caught. The hard part was the auditions and paperwork; it’s all smooth sailing from here.” He smiled, offering the book out to Todd, who finally took it back. “Trust me.”
And as Neil helped him down the edge of the cave (after nearly falling on his face himself) and they made their way through the forest and back to Welton, Todd found that, for some reason, he absolutely did.
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hobimo · 2 months
would u guys still like me even if i namedropped the absurdly popular author i fucking HATE . and even better would u keep it just between us so we're besties so that eventually when i finish dragon fic and its the banger fic i want it to be. it might just get recc'd enough that [BTS AUTHOR] reads it. and i hope it makes them realise how awful and damaging their writing is
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f1fnatic · 3 months
SUR LE POINT ⤿ c. leclerc 16
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→ ( in which. . . ) you, toto wolff's daughter, are dating semi-rival team driver charles leclerc and toto is trying his best to support your relationship while also being a proud dad.
→ ( fanfic genre. . . ) smau
→ ( face claim. . . ) taylor hill + pictures from pinterest
→ ( pairing. . . ) charles leclerc x wolff!ballerina!reader
→ ( content warnings/disclaimers. . . ) cursing, fluff, google translated german and french
→ ( author's note. . . ) woohoo another smau! these are genuinely so fun to make but sooo time consuming. i hope you enjoy! see end for more
→ ( masterlist )
📍monte carlo, monaco
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liked by susiewolff, lewishamilton, yourbff, charles_leclerc and 953,730 others
y/n_wolff a break between shows 🌞
view 19,572 comments
user7 she is stunning!
user10 mother is mothering
charles_leclerc that dog better not be in the apartment when i get home.
y/n_wolff um about that!
charles_leclerc oh mon dieu
y/n_wolff btw her name is olive!!
susiewolff Meine schöne tochter 💓 (my beautiful daughter)
y/n_wolff woher, glaubst du, habe ich es? (where do you think i got it from?)
mercedesamgf1 baby boss is glowing 🫡🫧 liked by y/n_wolff
yourbsf my legs are dead because of you.
y/n_wolff not my fault you couldn't keep up 😒
user44 need to know where you got that top!
y/n_wolff its actually a dress and i made both of the flower and lemon one myself!
user16 i wonder how toto feels ab this
user19 he was asked during an interview and was hesitant, but supportive !!
charles_leclerc holy 🥴 liked by y/n_wolff
lewishamilton you're in monaco and you dont even stop and say hi? smh 😒
lewishamilton i was kidding 😀
charles_leclerc has added to their story!
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caption: i can't even be mad 😔 y/n_wolff
lewishamilton has added to their story!
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caption: apology accepted ✅ y/n_wolff
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y/n_wolff has reposted a story!
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caption: she's in the zone dnd 💆🏻‍♀️🌙 y/n_wolff
📍vienna, austria
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, susie_wolff, francisca.cgomes and 987,540 others
y/n_wolff ladies and gentleman... your 2024 white swan!!
it is such an honor to be awarded this role. ever since i was a kid and saw my first performance of swan lake, i fell in love. from that moment, i knew i wanted to be odette. this is truly a dream come true.
i would like to thank the wienerstaatsballet for such a wonderful opportunity and trusting me with such an important role. along with my amazing parents, toto & susie_wolff, and my wonderful boyfriend charles_leclerc. you have all shown me such support and love, i couldn't have done this without any of you.
(p.s. see the link in bio for showings 😉)
view 23,517 comments
user16 she is so unbelievably pretty
mickschumacher woohoo!! you go y/n!
y/n_wolff thank you mickyyy
user8 CONGRATS Y/N! liked by y/n_wolff
charles_leclerc so happy for you mon cynge 🫀 (my swan)
lewishamilton congratulations y/n! i remember watching you as a young girl just starting out, this is such a wonderful achievement, you deserve it more than anyone 🖤
y/n_wolff thank you so much lew 🥹💞
user5 they're so sibling coded 💔
mercedesamgf1 woohoo! congrats baby boss 🥳🙌🏻
y/n_wolff thank u admin 🥰
charles_leclerc when you called me to say you got the part, pride flooded my senses. i know how much this part means to you, etoile. i am so happy for you, je t’aime plus que tout ❤️ (star, i love you more than anything)
y/n_wolff i love you so much, mon coeur 💌
yourbsf the best to do it ❣️🦢 liked by y/n_wolff
yourballetfriend happy for u y/n 🙂
user77 she doesn't seem happy...
user44 i wouldn't blame her 🤷🏾‍♀️
user2 yeah but ballet is competitive it's part of the sport
susie_wolff Ich bin so stolz auf dich, Y/N. Worte können meinen Stolz nicht ausdrücken. Es ist mir eine Ehre, dich meine Tochter nennen zu dürfen (i am so proud of you, y/n. words cannot express my pride. i am honored to call you my daughter)
y/n_wolff hör auf, mama, ich werde weinen, ich liebe dich so sehr (stop mama, i'm going to cry, i love you so much)
francisca.cgomes my fave ballerina 🩰✨ liked by y/n_wolff
scuderiaferrari 🩰🏎️ liked by y/n_wolff
user10 i am so normal about this (i am so insanely happy for her)
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liked by y/n_wolff, lewishamilton, susie_wolff, charles_leclerc and 2,836,123 others
tagged: y/n_wolff
toto_wolff Congratulations to my wonderful daughter, Y/N. Ich bin so stolz auf dich, meine Blume. Zu sehen, wie du zu dem heranwächst, was du jetzt bist, war so ein Segen. Ich fühle mich geehrt, dein Vater zu sein. Mach weiterhin großartige Dinge, ich liebe dich. (I'm so proud of you, my flower. Seeing you grow into what you are now has been such a blessing. I am honored to be your father. Keep doing great things, I love you.)
view 959,237 comments
user50 this is so sweet oh my god
user9 oh to have a dad like toto wolff
y/n_wolff oh papa, ich liebe dich so sehr. Ich hätte mir keinen besseren vater wünschen können, ich danke dem universum jeden Tag dafür, dass ich gesegnet genug bin, dich als meinen vater zu haben. danke, dass du immer für mich da bist 😭❤️ (oh papa, i love you so much. i couldn't have asked for a better father, i thank the universe everyday for being blessed enough to have you as my dad. thank you for always being there for me)
user11 i want what they have 🥲
susie_wolff Unsere wundervolle Tochter (our wonderful daughter)
lewishamilton What a star🌟!
user14 crying in daddy issues
christianhorner Congratulations, Wolff. You have raised a wonderful daughter.
toto_wolff Thank you, Horner.
user88 the passive aggression
user51 the girls are fighting
mercedesamgf1 Boss man making us cry 🫡
charles_leclerc it is such an honor to be dating your daughter, toto
toto_wolff Couldn't have asked for anyone better.
y/n_wolff does this mean that you will let him win, papa?
toto_wolff No.
*comments under this post have been limited*
whoop! another fic done 🥳this was super fun to write, i loved looking for pictures, especially the toto-baby reader one 💔 not a lot of toto content... oh well. i am thinking of making a taglist, so let me know if you would like to be on it! also, hope i made it clear enough that toto does not know how to use instagram, and reader had to help him with making a post/comment. he doesn't know how like comments yet. thank you for reading! as usual, requests and feedback are welcome. make sure to leave a comment and kudos! (only if you want :P)
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infiniteko · 2 months
👁️👄👁️ why is correcting misinformation / contradictions / massive over complications considered "mean"? these people realize they’re on the internet, right? if you’re still learning about ND/AV, you can literally just write down your thoughts in a private journal so you’re not responsible for spreading myths and false info on the internet to confused, vulnerable people. i’m sorry to be harsh but so many young people enjoy the title of being a "blogger", but without any accountability or experience in what they’re actually claiming to "teach". people are allowed to publicly criticize other people’s public claims, it’s the internet and it’s part of having a platform. 🤷 any ounce of criticism doesn’t equate to bullying or hatred. be open to discussion that’s not always positive and don’t take it as such a personal attack…
when people are tagging their posts with ND/AV, but aren’t using these concepts at all accurately, it’s totally fair to correct them. the same way if i came on here talking about how jewish theology considers jesus to be a messiah, i’d expect someone to tell me otherwise. it’s just blatantly untrue lol. it’s harmful and also extremely pointless to talk about things you don’t know anything about as if you know, when you can just take a tiiiny break from the internet, go within and… actually know it for yourself?
it’s veryyy transparent who here speaks from experience of knowing themselves (you + RW mainly, also i think Ada was mostly right just massively over conceptualized) versus who simply says whatever words they think sound good lol. it’s a shame to see people be wilfully ignorant but oh well🤷 it’s only themselves that they’re keeping seemingly stuck and unhappy, forever chasing (as that anon themselves said) "manifestations" and "desires" that bring about no meaningful or lasting happiness. 👎
sorry btw ik you probably can’t post this because of 🫨the controversy!!!1!1!🫨 but i had to indulge myself just a lil in the pettiness… i was bored, and i’m so tired of hearing people label SHORT + SIMPLE sentences as "riddles" just because they don’t want to put on their big girl pants and know this for themselves
Oh Anon you're speaking from the depths of my soul. I couldn't agree even more. Most of these "ND/AV" "bloggers" talk nonsense and get extremely defensive whenever they are corrected. They enjoy having people who listen to them and you can always tell who is talking from straight direct experience and who isn't. It's considered rude and "bullying" because they're asleep. But I'll be quiet🙆🏻‍♀️
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ibrithir-was-here · 9 months
Random AU idea that’s been percolating slowly in my head, but loose Once Upon A Time AU?
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Basic idea is Lyta doesn’t give up on trying to get Daniel back at the end of Sandman, but goes even further hardcore and breaks into the garden of Destiny and straight up takes him on and thru some sort of magic + heartbroken madness+ righteous fury takes his book and rewrites her story to get Daniel back.
But beyond that Lyta wants all these beings that hold themselves so high to know the true pain their actions can inflict on mortals, and uses the books power to flips all the Endless out into the world as Humans with no memory of their past lives—and brings Morpheus back with them.
And now they’re all living miserable lives that have some sort of link to their function but in a way that makes them miserable but they can’t seem to break away from (like, Death is a doctor but always seems to lose the patients she gets close too? Desire is out there being ignored and never wanted by anyone and is separated from Despair, ect. Sorry it’s been a crappy couple weeks so my brain is shot for ideas on this exact part 😅)
There is one hiccup in this—Daniel, back to being a little boy, still has a connection to the Dreaming, and manages one night to bring the book The Sandman back with him from the Library. It’s not the full book, he doesn’t know his and Morpheus’s canon fates but between the book and his odd dreams he knows something has gone wrong with reality and the Endless and that he needs to find the Dream King and put things right with the world.
So he manages to find Morpheus and now has to convince him he’s the Dream King and his estranged siblings are the Endless and they have to find their sigils that have been scattered in the Real World to fix things.
Neither of them realize at first what putting things back to how they were will mean for them both, but eventually they do and are faced with the dilemma of fixing the world meaning Morpheus dying and Daniel losing his individuality/family (Lyta is not evil btw just really really scared to lose her kid and desperate to stop this Murphy guy who seems to be threatening her life) and trying to find a way to fix things without ending it the same way.
And Hob’s here somewhere too but I’m not sure which part I’d want him to take? Maybe he’s the Charming stand in to Dream’s combined Snow White role and he’s in a coma cuz he was dreaming of Morpheus when Lyta rewrote reality and it scrambled his brain? So he’s kicking around in the Dreaming trying to fix th8ngs from that side too/keep the kingdom from crumbling again?
(Destruction is probably also out there still as himself and can still remember the old reality)
((Tempted to have the Corinthian in a Hook-ish role and have it be a Hobrintheus AU))
Honestly this whole thing happened due to listening to this fan song while thinking about Sandman and it all scrambled in my head and poof xD
For reference to how the song AMV’d into my head: Daniel =Emma’s part, Hob and Dream = Snow and Charming’s part, Lyta= Regina’s part, Corinthian =Hook part and really don’t have a Rumplestiltskin part😅 Loki maybe? Oh! Maybe he as vengeance for Dream sending the Corinthian after him tells Lyta how to screw with Destiny’s book? With her not realizing he was the one who even stole Daniel in the first place oooh I like that it makes Corinthian as Hook work even better yeah!
(If anyone wants to do anything with this please feel free !)
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I'm never going to shut up about the holy thread thing btw if you are wondering. Bheem takes off the thread. Knowing that it will curse him. Knowing it will bring him misfortune. But he doesn't care because it's gonna help Ram, and that's all that fucking matters to him in that moment
And then Ram uses the holy thread to capture him
The levels of betrayal happening there. The levels of everything really. Like
Removing the holy thread did bring him misfortune. Not even in a metaphorical way, but in quite a literal way. If he hadn't given his holy thread to Raju, Raju would have had nothing to hold Bheem down with. The reason he failed, the reason he ended up arrested and tortured, the reason all of that shit happened, was literally that he took off the holy thread.
The obvious part. Bheem uses the holy thread to save Ram, and then Ram uses it to trap him. The fact that he gave it to Ram at all was a sign of his devotion, of his love, and then Ram took it and twisted it into pain. It's not just that Ram is turning on Bheem; Ram is weaponizing Bheem's love for him ("love" doesn't necessarily mean romantic love here btw, look at it the way you wanna look at it). He isn't just forsaking their bond, he's using it against Bheem.
In many ways, Bheem giving Ram his holy thread is a representation of his trust in him. The thread, deep down, represents his true self. It is through it that Ram learns who Bheem really is, even before Bheem tells it to him. And the holy thread is, by its own definition, a symbol of their faith. When he puts it around Ram's neck, he is quite literally placing his faith on him. Bheem giving Ram the thread is Bheem confessing who he truly is to Ram, it is him saying that he trusts Ram completely, intrinsecally. And then Ram snaps the thread, which is quite literally breaking his trust, and uses it to hold Bheem back. To keep him from fulfilling this purpose, that he entrusted Ram to know.
And on top of it being literally breaking his trust, it is also literally showing Bheem that he misplaced it. He put his faith on Ram, and the fact that it was with him was what led to Bheem's downfall, because again, if Raju didn't have the holy thread, he wouldn't have been able to stop Bheem
(So we're circling back to the first point. In both the religious and the symbolic sense, taking off the holy thread, trusting Ram, was the cause of his misfortune)
The fact that taking off the holy thread specifically brings misfortune means that, by taking it off, Bheem was, once again in a literal sense, making himself vulnerable for Ram. He was not only losing a layer of protection, he was putting a target on his back (attracting misfortune). So, again, the holy thread materializes the vulnerability that we already know Bheem is showing by telling him his secret. It brings all the symbolic, intanginble parts of their bond and the subsequent betrayal, and turns them literal, physical
I'm sorry to even put that thought into the world but. Once snapped, the thread looks like a whip, and Ram wields it like a whip when he uses it to capture Bheem
In short, the holy thread is a physical manifestation of everything that is happening in that part of the movie. It kicks off this particular segment of the story (Ram learns who Bheem is) and it is intrinsecally linked with everything that follows that reveal. Up to and including its foreshadowing of what will bring its end: the whip, which will lead to Ram deciding to help Bheem again
TLDR: the holy thread represents Bheem and Ram's bond, and using it against Bheem meant that Ram broke that bond
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
A wild about post appears!
Hey! Call me Cactus. They/them, late twenties. I also run Direct Action for Hope, for petitions/campaigns/protests that don’t fit on a good news blog, as well as my own takes and activism.
Queer, trans, disabled, white, USian, for context. (Please let me know if I accidentally post something offensive, btw! I promise I have like. an actual ability to take that kind of feedback gracefully and work to remedy the situation)
 Some Info about This Blog
Actual good news only!
No heartwarming stories that aren’t actually news. No stories that other sources THINK are heartwarming, but that are actually super depressing and dystopic!
All websites/sources are at least preliminarily vetted by me
If I don’t think a source and/or a news story I find is accurate or reliable enough, I find a new, better source with a new, better article
Relatedly, any links that have the url web.archive go to an Internet Archive copy of a paywalled article. Usually this is the LA Times, NY Times, or Washington Post. Not a weird suspicious link, I promise!
All posts are cited and dated at the end!
All posts should be tagged, including for major/common content warnings. I can’t promise that I won’t miss any warnings, but I am definitely keeping an eye on this
Filter the tag “not news” if you only want to see the news articles/posts
Feel free to send me articles to look at or submit posts! I’ll vet these before I feature them. That said, you might be waiting A While, because despite many efforts to the contrary I am the worst about checking/answering messages. Sorry about that
Posts are generally long because I have Many Words And Endless Details Disease. Hopefully the thoroughness and the bolded highlights make up for that
A couple people have asked me if I could share their donation posts, so I wanted to pin this up: I’m sorry, but unfortunately, I will not be sharing any donation posts, because I don’t have the time or skills to vet all of them and weed out any potential scams. If you’re struggling, please check out this post, which lists communities designed for donation posts and mutual aid. You’re much more likely to get help there than on tumblr. You can also find other mutual aid resource lists and wikis here, here, and here
If you’re struggling with depression or anxiety, especially around climate anxiety or climate grief, there’s a really, really thorough directory of crisis hotlines by country that you can find here. Seriously, they have so many countries I wouldn’t have expected them to list - try it, if it might help
Tip Jar
I put a lot of work and passion into this blog—and a not inconsiderable amount of time. Also, I’ve been too disabled to work much at all for most of the past year...rip. (but thankfully doing better now!) So, if you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee!
Good News Source
You can find a comprehensive list of all the websites I’ve bookmarked as sources for this blog here!
Note about Gaza
I will be posting good news (as much good news as there can be in this sort of situation) about the ongoing genocide in Gaza, because one of the most important ways to help is to refuse to be silent. Palestinians in Gaza have asked us to please keep talking about it, that it really does help, so I’m going to listen.
And honestly, my disabilities significantly interfere with my ability to take irl action like going to protests, so using what platform I have here really is all the more important to me. (Though I am also setting a notif on my phone to remind me to call my representatives every few days, and I encourage you to do the same if feasible.)
All that said! It is completely legitimate to need a break from horrific news (a huge part of why I started this blog), and it’s also legitimate to say “I need to find out about this stuff Not from my tumblr dash.”
If news about the war/genocide (esp on social media specifically) is making you spiral and shit, then I genuinely encourage you to filter out these posts. I’m not judging. I have significant filters around what Israel/Palestine stuff I see on here myself, because I want to be very intentional about the times I do engage with it. (Which is every few days and via the Actual News.)
I’m committing to fact-checking this stuff before posting, fyi, even with reblogs.
So, tl;dr:
I will be posting about Palestine and Gaza
I will still only post good news, eg: about successful protests, aid reaching Gaza, progress toward ceasefire
I’ll only post actual, concrete news, not just Politicians Saying Words
If you need to not find about this shit from tumblr and/or my tumblr, then filter out the tags “Palestine” and “cw war”
If you don't want to see my posts on this blog about the Israel-Palestine War, then block the tags "Palestine" and "cw war"
if you need a break, then take a break
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luimagines · 10 months
Ok- food for thought.
I recently reread your twilight soulmate series (my favourite fics EVER btw) and I was thinking angsty shit, as I do.
Now to me, twilight is assuming his soulmate is dead because of what he saw or rather what he didn't see.
He painfully moves on with his life, knowing the presence that was always there to guide him since he can remember will never be there again.
Suddenly he has regrets.
Why didn't he tell them more about what was going on? Why didn't he try harder to find them?.. did he ever tell them that he loves them?
Did they die not hearing his love out loud?
The thought stops him in his tracks, the other boys looking concerned.
All he can Think about is his soulmate. He shouldve been with them. He shouldve protected them. He shouldve been able to hold them in his arms and tell them everything would be ok, and that he wouldn't leave them.
Once again he breaks down crying, the boys trying their best to soothe him. He eventually calms down and keeps going. But nothing will stop him from calling out in his mind repeatedly every 5 minutes, waiting for an answer
Fast forward, the crew are still travelling until something changes. Suddenly tracking dark link down is easier than it was. The boys are sceptical, but follow the leads nevertheless.
At last, they enter a new realm, one none of them recognise.
And there, chained up, bloody, barely conscious, is Twilight's soulmate.
Twilight can hardly believe his eyes. It's you! It's really you In front of him and not in his mind!
Only.. this isn't how he wanted to see you. He wanted his first time seeing you to be filled with love and wonder...
Not blood and fear.
Before twilight can run to his soulmate, dark link appears, cutting the group off.
"I figured you show eventually." The dark creature smirks
"at first I kidnapped them to torment you. I wanted to hurt them and use your bond to make you watch. But the little rat is stubborn. Before I knew it, they were somehow broadcasting their location to you."
Twilight gasps. You were still helping him, even when you were in pain.
His eyes well up again. He has to save you- has to thank you and over all he has to love you. He has to love you more than should be possible to make up for everything that's happened.
Before the boys can move to fight, dark link chuckles.
"at first I thought about killing them to make them stop... Then I realised it was the perfect opportunity to lure you to a trap" dark link changes his stance, clearly preparing for battle.
But twilight doesn't care. He'll fight and fight and win if it means his soulmate is safe.
He will save you, and this time he'll protect you.
This time he'll be the one to help you
Fkdndkdneodnoe this scenario has been rotting inside my head and I NEEDED to write it down- sorry for the word vomit 😭
I- hi hello- this is amazing!??!?! Thank you??!?!??!
I am... so happy XD Where do I even put this????
I'll figure it out, lol
I almost took it this direction to be honest but it didn't quite fit with the tone that I wanted. Don't expect much to happen in the next chapter either. I just have to get from point A to point B at the moment but we are reaching the end of it. ^.^*
I love that my self indulgence leads to some of my best works. And honestly, it shows. XD
I have to put this everywhere now- seriously, thank you. <3
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solarpunkani · 5 months
Hey do you happen to know of any resources for someone in Iowa looking to get into native plant gardening? Thanks in advance! (Love your blog btw)
*cracks knuckles* sorry for keeping you hanging since November 3rd, homie, but I'm back home and down to get started!
Before I do, a special reminder that I'm not based in Iowa! I don't think I've ever even set foot in Iowa. I'm a Florida girlie lol. However, I will do my best to give you my advice and find some resources for you!
In my experience, many native plants grow slowly from seed. This could be because I mostly prefer perennials (I am way too lazy to replace an annual every year), but they can take awhile to germinate and an even longer while to size up. I've gotten seeds that say to wait upwards of 3 weeks to see any germination, and that's often after waiting a month or more for proper cold stratification! All of this is just to say--you gotta have a bit of patience when it comes to all gardening, but especially with native plants!
If you can get your hands on some seeds now, they'll likely need cold stratification. Fortunately, cold stratification is happening right now--put the seeds where you want them to grow, and let chilly winters do the work for you! Needing cold stratification basically means the plant has evolved to know it needs to wait until after winter to start germinating, so as things warm back up in spring, your seeds'll start growing!
Once they start growing and get established, they'll really start going--if they're in their perfect conditions, they'll be more than ready to take over a bit and manage on their own! Keep an eye out for watering needs, but generally I find native plants don't need much when it comes to fertilizer and pesticides. If you don't want things to spread a lot, you can always choose to grow certain plants in pots instead--or if you're really determined to grow a plant your soil isn't quite right for, a pot does wonders. My soil isn't very moist, so I grow a good chunk of my swamp milkweeds in pots to keep a better eye on their care.
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Iowa's got a handful of growing zones going on, so knowing what the zone for your region is will help you pick the best plants! You can also pick plants known to have grown historically well in your region--I've seen plant range maps break things down by counties for my state, which helps give a good idea of whether it's a good idea for me to grow something touted as a native to my state. It's entirely possible for something to be native to your state, but not your half of the state, for example!
Browsing through a couple of sites, I hope these'll be helpful to you!
This is a link to Iowa Native Plants, which has a nice primer on the importance of native gardening as well as a few guides to native plants in their Finder tab! They also seem to sell a hanfdul of books on native gardening that may be an interesting read for you!
My Home Park appears to have a lot of information on native plants, and sells native plants that can be shipped to your state! I can't say I've ever had a plant shipped to me before, let alone from them (they don't service my state) but it could be worth a shot! If anything else, could be a good source of information! They also have a blog, and a feature that lets you mock up a garden to see what it'd look like (I didn't try it though). They also seem to service North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Maine.
The Tallgrass Prairie Center links to a ton of resources on learning about native plants, planting them, landowner incentive programs, and organizations you can join that are full of others who are passionate about native plants! The Tallgrass Prairie Center itself aims to establish and protect native plants, restore ecosystems, and increase awareness and appreciation of the Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem. I think their site's definitely worth a look-through, or you can use it as a bouncing off point to find other sites full of info!
The Iowa Native Plant Society is a nonprofit organization full of people who are enthusiastic about native plants! They host field trips, workshops, have a newsletter, and more! It could be a fun way to learn more about native ecosystems on their trips, and if they're anything like the native plant society for my state, the calendar on their site will probably start lighting up with different chapters' native plant sales as we get closer to spring, so keep an eye out! They've also got books and lots of resource links on their site!
Oftentimes when I look up information on how to grow a particular plant in my state, the university extensions office is one of the best resources. As such, I think the Iowa State University's Extension and Outreach website is likely to have some good info for you about gardening! I've also in the past emailed some staff from various offices questions about native gardening and gotten good answers, so they're definitely a resource to be utilized!
I almost forgot to link the Xerces Society! The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation has a primary focus of protecting insects in the US, but that often goes hand in hand with native plants, so they're a great resource for learning about plants and the insects that rely on them! Especially helpful is their Pollinator Conservation Resource Center, which has lists of plants and suppliers by region! You can also find just their plant lists here!
Speaking of plant lists, The National Wildlife Federation has a list of keystone plants by ecoregion! Keystone plants are highly important, as they're vital to the lifecycle of many species of insect, which then help feed birds and other creatures--you get the picture. I used the National Wildife Federation a good bit when I was writing my Biodiversity Saga on increasing biodiversity in your yard/on your balcony/in your area on a budget.
iNaturalist is a fantastic website for cataloguing the cool insects you find in your new native garden, as well as learning about the variety of plants, animals, insects, etc. that are in your area! Make an account and just vibe around!
Books can be a great resource! Unfortunately, my attention span is frequently lacking when it comes to books, and I definitely haven't read any that focus on Iowa's native flora. However! I've got a few general books that are nice reads, so you can definitely see if you can find these in a library or online (I'm including Thriftbooks links because fuck Amazon).
Hellstrip Gardening by Evelyn J. Hadden is a book I read last month that honestly inspired so many new projects out of me that next year is gonna be busy. Might as well get a healthy dose of inspiration now so you can do some planning and be roaring and ready to go come spring! I liveblogged it on my gardening blog, and shared some of my favorite notes as well!
Attracting Native Pollinators by the Xerces Society is a book that offers a generalized view on why its important, ways you can utilize native plants at any scale from swaths of farmland to a school garden or a small yard, and provides lists of plants that can be good for your region near the end! They also have Gardening for Butterflies, which I honestly haven't read yet, but I checked it out from the library so Mayhaps Soon. PS: you can buy Attracting Native Pollinators and Gardening for Butterflies from the Xerces site directly, and support their work! However. Hoo buddy, the pricing.
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(Psst, here's the plant list from Attracting Native Pollinators, don't tell Xerces)
My final message to you, young padawan, is to grow milkweed. If there's a milkweed native to your state, grow it. If there's several native to your region, grow a ton of it. Milkweed is the host plant for Monarchs, but it's also such a high-value nectar source for so many other insects you've just gotta try and grow some in my book. Also a lot of the sites I saw for your state had pictures of blazing star and black eyed susans and let me tell you. Plant those. You'll have so many happy pollinators.
I can't think of anything else. If any Iowa gardeners wanna chime in with their favorite resources and such, feel free to!
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polar-equinoxx · 1 year
☁️The heavens told me that clouds have been grey
yes that is from lady gaga's song hold my hand from tgm-
Here lies all of my icemav fics! So guaranteed smooches <3 (None of them link to each other unless they are in a seperate series btw)
Here is the big ol’ masterlist :)
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goose and slider forever judging them in the background
☁️There's a silver lining on every cloud 13k+
Rated Teen, and with copius amounts of fluff :3 A collection of various icemav kisses prompts from a tumblr post full of them
☁️Only One Bed (1076 words)
Rated Gen, emotional hurt/comfort Iceman and Maverick are on a mission of somesorts together, and they get put in a room which has, yep, you guessed it, only one bed. And Maverick has a nightmare.
☁️Sunset on the Field (1086 words)
Rated Gen, first kiss, a sunset, that's it. Maverick invites Iceman to sit on a field near a runway to watch the sunset and maybe stargaze, a thing friends do, right? And they both deny their plainly obvious feelings for the other until neither of them can bear it any longer…
☁️Smoke in the Air (735 words)
Rated Teen, with anxiety, and hurt/comfort They don’t tell Iceman that Maverick is missing in action. Kind of important information when you're in a hospital ward twelve hours after you're shot down.
☁️Warmth (1020 words)
Rated Teen, angst and hurt/comfort Maverick hates sleeping in the same bed as Ice. He also hates himself. Tonight makes it way worse.
☁️Blame (957 words)
Rated Teen, angsty thoughts and its a sickfic, so.. Maverick was sick. Not the little cough and blocked nose sick, but the feverous, restless sick that gives thumping headaches and coughs that give you chest ache.
☁️Missed You (2119 words)
Rated Teen, secret relationship, anxiety, mental and regular hospitals (i'm sorry Mav) An accident. Two injured pilots, a broken wrist on one, a fractured ankle and twisted shoulder on the other. A string of numbers. 225 63 2829
☁️Still by your Side (2006 words)
Rated Teen, angst, post-break up, hurt/comfort, injuries It's been a couple of months since Iceman and Maverick broke up. They're still wingmen, they still fly missions together. But it takes a bad landing from an ejection for them to realise that they still need each other. Inspired by this post , that broke me.
☁️Even Ice Melts (1927 words)
Rated Teen, angsT, grief, stormy night, post-argument, hurt comfort, good god this has it all. “No one will be there to mourn you when you crash and burn,” Ice hisses slowly. Oh how he hated Iceman. “Then let us hope I crash and burn tomorrow,” he says harshly, still somehow maintaining eye-contact with him.
☁️Starved (1825 words)
Rated Teen, hand-holding, emotional hurt comfort, mutual pining sort of at the end... Maverick is touch-starved. He doesn't know it. Nobody else knows it. Nobody else except for Iceman. Of course he had to notice. And despite them being rivals, Ice plucks up the courage to offer Maverick a seat in the next lesson.
☁️Boys Don't Cry (1921 words)
Rated Teen, fluff, emotional hurt/comfort, Ice needs a hug. Iceman Kazansky has been told all his life by everyone older than him that 'boys don't cry', 'boys don't have emotions' and if they do one must keep it all to themselves. He gets it, it's kind of why he'd called Iceman. But if there's one person that'll unexpectedly rewrite that lecture it's his newly rival-turned-wingman. Or, Ice tries to hold all his emotions in for the hundredth time and Maverick helps him understand he doesn't have to hide them anymore.
☁️Cingulomania (2127 words)
Rated Teen, fluff, hurt/comfort, Maverick needs a hug (noun) - a strong desire to hold someone in your arms. "When I go, I hope I go out just as beautifully,” Ice muses out loud. “Oh-” Maverick starts, seemingly involuntarily. “I’d really prefer it if you didn’t go at all..” Or, Iceman has unknowingly forged an emotional connection with his wingman
☁️I'm in Your Arms, I'm in Your Care (4187 words)
Rated Teen, two parts in one, hurt/comfort, both Ice and Mav need hugs Luck wasn't a strong enough word to describe how much love Ice felt for Maverick. There was such a thing as touch, though, and that was heaven for both of them.
☁️The Time Will Come (2633 words)
Rated Gen, SO much fluff, dadt, dadt repeal If there's one thing that had got Ice this far, it was the promise that one day, things would get better. He'd just have to wait. But he had got this far, looking at the smirking face of his partner-in-secret, Maverick Mitchell of all people.
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mauesartetc · 2 months
Hi so I wanna know if any good ways to draw humans because when I try to draw them, they come out weird look but at the same time I also find any type of people boring and ugly to draw and I feel kinda bad because it, so if you have any tip to fix this problem I'll be every thankful.
btw I like art, it's really good
(Sorry it took so long to answer this; it's just one of those questions that requires a thorough response.)
Thanks! I guess the first step is unpacking what specifically you find boring about drawing them. But it never hurts to know how to exaggerate expressions. You may have heard the phrase "squash and stretch" in an animation context, but you can also apply it when you're drawing faces.
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I mentioned this in a previous post as well, but tilting the facial axis even a little bit will make the drawing so much more lifelike than it would have been otherwise.
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It also helps to think of a particular expression you enjoy drawing. I'm partial to forced smiles, personally. It's a fun contrast when the mouth says one thing while the eyes say something entirely different.
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In addition, it's okay to "cheat" facial anatomy a bit if you need to. Something I figured out recently is that expressions can have more life and appeal if you draw the mouth before the nose. Mapping out realistic proportions in how the nose relates to the other facial features is all well and good. But of all the features, the nose has the least to do with expressing emotion, so it's okay to de-emphasize it as needed.
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You may also be familiar with the "straights against curves" concept, but I find it very useful in making human anatomy more fun to draw, especially for arms and legs.
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And I don't know about you, but I've always found the idea of drawing the same pretty face and petite body over and over about as exciting as reading the phone book. Some variety keeps things interesting not just for artists, but for viewers as well.
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If you're better at drawing animals, why not draw some humans inspired by animals? That can result in some pretty unique-looking faces.
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(The movie "The Triplets of Belleville" is a good example of this, featuring certain characters with a symbolic link to horses and one character who was clearly modeled after a mouse. It also has an intriguing, caricature-like art style in general, making everyone look simultaneously elegant and repulsive.)
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You say your humans come out weird-looking? Embrace the weird. That's a great way to set your work apart from everything else out there. Joe Cappa is a prime example of this. His purposefully amateurish and at times off-putting art style is a perfect fit for the offbeat humor in his videos. He's created his own unique flavor of animation and I adore him for it.
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Sure, it's important to know the rules of anatomy before you break them, but where's the fun in pressuring yourself to produce a perfect drawing every time? Where's the fun in doing every single thing by the book without leaving any room for play or experimentation? Don't be afraid to get abstract now and then. Think of it not so much as drawing people, but drawing emotions.
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Hope that helps!
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sundove88 · 1 year
Linkers Of The Ancient Heroes (Cookie Run Sugar Linkage)
Hello, everyone! Sorry if I didn’t post that much art but I have a new installment for Project Link Up- Cookie Run Sugar Linkage!
And what better way to start than with the linkers of the Ancient Heroes?
Btw, their Linkage Treats are in the brackets- and I’d like to see their Linked Forms!
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Jonah Ramirez (Pure Vanilla Cookie): “No matter what, I’ll find the linkers of your friends no matter what! Even if it means skipping classes and stuff!” (Determined Doctor in Training) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Vanilla Bean Soufflé]
Jonah is a Caucasian-Latino student at medical school, and went there because not because he wants to help heal people, but also because he wants to make a change in the world.
As much as he treasures his friends (They’re older than him), he loves his mentor Priscilla the most, especially since they became instant friends when Jonah began attending the university.
Just like his partner Pure Vanilla Cookie, he’s mostly the medic of the team, and a very good one at that.
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Eliza Regale (Hollyberry Cookie): “Who's my fave granddaughters? Yes, you are! After all, I’ve still got that fighting spirit in me!” (Gramma of The Year) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Festive Berry Cupcake]
Eliza is a talented Black fashion designer and owner of the Fashion House Berrylicious. She can practically make any outfit you wish, but she loves making dresses the most.
She loves her granddaughters Emily and Erika (Princess and Tiger Lily’s Linkers) more than anything, and she lets her husband Ivan (Elderberry’s Linker) as well as her son Matthew (Royalberry’s Linker) and daughter in law Lorelei (Jungleberry’s Linker) to help her with designing clothes.
Just like her partner Hollyberry Cookie, she knows some sweet party tricks like a keg stand and can even break open a wall with just a headbutt.
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Donnelly Hyun (Dark Cacao Cookie): “Andy… I know I’m busy with everything I’m doing… but I swear… I will spend time with you…!” (Wanting Nothing But My Son) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Chocolate Citadel]
Donnelly is a Korean-American father who accepted an overseas work offer too good to be true, and wants desperately to get back to his family in Bakerton (The main setting of CRSL).
He loves his wife Kiera (ChocoPearl’s Linker) and son Andy (Dark Choco’s Linker) more than anything, but is really good at martial arts. However, his coworker Qin (Affogato’s Linker) decided to keep him in Korea… for his own reasons.
Just like his partner Dark Cacao Cookie, he also has a very soft side- especially when he makes ink drawings with just a brush and ink pot.
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Natalia Jameel (Golden Cheese Cookie): “Tell me, is my company going the way I want it? And if so… how can I make it better?” (More Than Just Gold) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Gilded Cheese Fondue]
Natalia is an Arabic woman who is the CEO of Golden Moments Inc., a trade company that has a building 36 stories tall- her office is on the very top floor!
She has a pet Scarlet macaw named Rouge and loves her husband Abdul, but feels like that something is missing from her life; and no matter how much gold surrounds her, she can’t fill that hole.
Just like her partner Golden Cheese Cookie, she loves anything sparkly and has a secret obsession with gemstones- especially amethysts, rubies, topazes, sapphires, emeralds, and pearls… but most of all diamonds.
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Priscilla Magdalene (White Lily Cookie): “Come on me, you can do this. You just have to keep Patricia at bay…!” (Two Sides of The Same Flower) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Lily Flower Cookies]
Priscilla is a Caucasian teacher at the University of Bakerton, and she teaches botany. Plus, her favorite flowers are asiatic lilies; because of their smell and meaning.
However, a month prior to the series, she tried to make life on her own aka Homunculi- but that backfired and she was caught up in a massive explosion, leading her face to be permanently scarred and her to gain a split personality- aka Patricia (Dark Enchantress’ Linker). Despite the efforts of her friends to save her, all 5 of their Linkage Treats were destroyed and she was sent into a coma upon being split from Patricia.
Just like her partner White Lily Cookie, she truly values her friends and family- especially Jonah, who was devastated at the fact he lost his mentor.
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nerdyneko6373 · 6 months
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Chapters: 3/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Summary: Mikumo Akatani is an enigma. Sure, he's friendly with everyone and easy to talk to. But no one really knows anything about him, and something just seems...off about him. Plus, why does Bakugou keep insisting that Akatani is someone else? OR: Mikumo is hiding a lot of dark secrets. He's mixed up with some dangerous people, but can the new relationships he's forging at U.A. help him finally break free from the ever looming shadows of his past and present? Or will he continue drowning in this never ending nightmare?
Now that that's out of the way, here's some info about me and my fandoms under the cut!
You can call me neko, I'm just a big anime nerd who also loves cats :3 Your girl probably has ADHD.
Here I'm mostly just reblogging things I like, but you won't find any NSFW, pro-shipping, or politics. Let's keep things silly and sweet!
My Hero Academia
#mha (meta, hc's, memes, official art, etc)
#mha fanart
#incorrect mha quotes
Current hyperfixation. I love all things dadzawa, kiri is best boi, shouto is my fav 🤍❤️ I could rant for DAYS
Spy X Family
#sxf (meta, hc's, memes, official art, etc)
#sxf fanart
This show constantly has me giggling and kicking my feet, hehehe. I've actually gotten nine people (& counting) into it lol
#vocaloid fanart
I'm very new to vocaloids, but I'm absolutely in love with them! The characters are so lovable and the songs too. My fav so far is Oliver, but I also love Fukase, Flower, Kaito, Yohioloid, & Miku <3. I also love project sekai!
Sonic the Hedgehog
#sonic the hedgehog
#sonic the hedgehog fanart
I've never played the games, but Sonic X made me love the characters and storyline! I fell out of the fandom, but I think I'm getting back into it :3
Spiderverse (#spiderverse, #spiderverse fanart)
Stranger Things (#stranger things, #stranger things fanart)
Haikyuu!! (#haikyuu fanart)
The Amazing Digital Circus (#tadc fanart)
Bungou Stray Dogs (#bsd fanart)
Everything cat-related is under #cats and I sometimes share pics of my own fur-babies Oliver and Noah under the tag #my cats!
Lil stuff I do is under the tag #neko does stuff. The tags for my mha fic (the one linked above) are #To Break Free and #my fic.
I turn my queue on when I know I'm not going to be very active for a while. Queued posts are usually tagged #🎶look what you made me queue🎶 and yes, it's a Taylor reference-
(NOTE: I AM NOT A SWIFTIE!!! I just like a few of her old songs)
My MAL is the same as here btw NerdyNeko6373
If you like/reblog/interact with any of the stuff here, there's like an 80% chance I'll look through your blog, so just warning you lol
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thepuckishrogue · 1 year
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Javier Escuella x GN!Reader in: What You Want, What You Need
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|| ao3 version | f!reader | m!reader ||
|| javier m.list | rdr m.list | writing blog ||
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↠ Requested By: The absolutely unreal levels of thirst I have for this man ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: So very NSFW ((is2g, if I see any minors interacting with my stuff it’s ~on sight~)) ↠ Chronology: In the here and now because it’s a Modern AU ↠ CWs/TWs: There a lot, but the biggest are mild exhibitionism, m!dom/sub dynamics, rough treatment/sex (Reader receiving), jealous Javier (but make it non-toxic), light choking (Reader receiving), and orgasm denial/control (Reader receiving). For a complete and more detailed listing see the note below the cut. And if I missed anything, please let me know!! ↠ Betas? Lmaoooooo… ↠ Total WC: 7.5k~
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“Oh fuck you, Escuella.” “You’d best watch that mouth of yours, mi amor. Just because daddy-dearest can’t take you over his knee anymore doesn’t mean your papi won’t.”
A Modern AU in which you take your teasing a little too far at a friend’s party. In return Javier will make sure that you get what you deserve before you get what you need.
He’s using papi SARCASTICALLY ffs lmao
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The only reason I’m putting the GN version on here is because it doesn’t make sense to break them up. If you want to keep up with my work, head over to my writing blog, linked above. ((that’s where the link for my rdr m.list will take you, btw))
Anyways! Sorry it took me so long to write this. I have no excuse aside from being lazy and not wanting to cringe my way through reading my old writing lol.
Also! I’m trying something new, as far as translations go. Instead of having them all at the top of the post, they’re now directly under the paragraph they appear in. Imo this makes for an easier read, but if it’s having the opposite effect let me know; if enough people are having problems with it I’ll go back to the old format.
((also, also—I’m naught but a basic ass English speaker and thusly all translations are still internet-sourced, so if they’re wrong please refrain from coming for me lol))
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💦 Tags: Reader uses they/them pronouns || Reader has ambiguous anatomy || Reader is POC friendly || M!dom/sub dynamics (with Reader being a low-key bratty sub until they sweeten up) || public teasing, but make it ~sexy~ (Javi receiving) || fingering (Reader receiving) || orgasm denial (Reader receiving) || penetrative sex (Reader receiving) || rough treatment/sex (tho not overly so) || one SARCASTIC use of “daddy/papi” || lots of pet names (including that “good baby” type beat, Reader receiving) || Reader purposefully making Javi jealous (in a playful, non-toxic way lol) || Charles is an accomplice in the aforementioned foolishness (there’s an… implied understanding there*) || naturally that means there’s a certain level of exhibitionism but it’s all R-rated stuff || arm binding via a scarf (Reader receiving) || light choking (Reader receiving) || lots of praise (Reader receiving b/c that’s Javi’s jam) || voice kink stuff (goes both ways) || ((write that off to OP being a self-indulgent shit once again lol)) || orgasm control (Reader receiving)
*So basically after fucking around Reader finds out that Javi’s not one to be teased after he winds them up only to leave them wanting. Reader, wanting to get back at him for not finishing the job, utilizes one of their mutual friends (Charles) to stoke a little jealousy, but I swear it’s not as toxic as it sounds lmao. It’s less about actually making him jealous and more about fraying his ironclad sense of control by triggering his possessive streak… Which, okay, still sounds bad I suppose, but there’s being possessive and then there’s being possessive in a hella toxic way; Javi is the latter. What’s more it’s implied that the three of them have an understanding of sorts, so it’s all in good fun.
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“Is this what you wanted, mi amor?” ((my love))
Yes, your body screams as his hand works against your center, the drag of his callouses creating a delicious friction with every pass over the hot, sodden flesh. Your hands grip at his shoulders, hard and nearly tight enough to bruise, as you grind up into his touch.
You know you must look thoroughly debauched right now—head thrown back to expose more of your neck to his care, lips slightly parted under pants and half-formed curses, skin flushed and sweat-slick, and eyelids weighed down by the weight of your lust—and that’s saying nothing of the state of your clothes. Items have been hastily tugged and rearranged to get the most needed parts exposed in the quickest amount of time possible. You clearly look like you’re in the process of being ravished, but Javier…
The man couldn’t be more put together if he tried.
There’s not a hair out of place, and despite the desperate hold you have on his shirt, the damn thing hasn’t even so much as wrinkled. The only sign that he’s even the least bit affected by all of this is the tent in his pants and the desire that darkens his gaze, but you suppose that’s to be expected. If he wasn’t so damnably good at keeping his composure you wouldn’t have bothered with doing the things that have led you to this moment.
An ‘accidental’ brush of your fingers against his crotch, whispered filth as you casually rested your weight against his back, the instant transformation of a simple spoon into something far more erotic once it passed your lips—nothing was off limits, not when you were so hell-bent on breaking him. It’s all consensual, this game the two of you play. Sometimes the teasing is mutual, other times it skews a bit more against one of you, but the end goal is always the same: to bring the other so close to the edge that they willingly hurl themselves over it.
Today’s party had been the perfect excuse to indulge in a bit of play, and your man had been all too willingly to serve himself up as prey. This, of course, was due to the fact that he was more than confident in his victory. The thrill of the challenge was the only thing that gave the get-together any allure; sure, Karen and Sean do hold the crown for best house parties in your friend group, but you’re not always sure that they’re worth the (usually hangover induced) headache.
You’d brought you’re A-game, starting with wearing an ensemble that you know he couldn’t resist. His mind had clearly gone blank when you first emerged from the bedroom, though he quickly rearranged his face into something cavalier before telling you to “–get your cute ass in the car so we can get gone.” Your fingers played along the inseam of his pants for the entire length of the ride, but aside from an initial arching of his brow he was annoyingly nonplussed. You had stepped things up considerably once you were inside, but despite essentially giving a plastic spoon a blowie (just out of view of an unsuspecting Arthur and Lenny) the man hadn’t done so much as smirk in your direction.
After a good twenty minutes got you nothing but an ache between your own thighs you finally gave up and decided to try to enjoy the party. With a cup of something mixed and fruity in hand you headed off to join your friends, but before you could make your way into the living room a familiar hand was curling itself around your arm and dragging you off in the opposite direction.
It just fucking figures that being ignored would be the back-breaking straw. You would’ve been mad at it if it wasn’t gonna result in yours getting blown out.
Neither of you said anything as Javier led your deeper into the house, not that there was much to say anyway. It was pretty damn obvious from the set of his jaw and the hunger in his eyes that you had won, and it could never be said that you weren’t a gracious winner …self-satisfied smirk notwithstanding.
His lips were on yours before the door had even fully shut behind you. You had laughed a bit at his eagerness, but the taunting sound soon morphed into a moan when your back slammed into the wall just beside the thing. Eyes smoldering and smile wicked, he groped at your clothed form in a way that had you writhing and grinding against him within seconds. It was only once you were a panting mess that he finally, finally bypassed the layers to touch you properly; hot and wet, proof of your arousal met his questing fingers, electing a groan that was nothing short of orgasmic. Things had moved quickly from there, and the rest…
“I said—‘is this what you wanted?’”
The words are growled against your ear, though the harsh pant of the breaths that follow travel downwards until he’s nipping at the corner of your jaw. A broken mewl pushes past your lips at its sting, and though the sound leaves him shuddering against you, it’s clearly not enough to sate him. His free hand connects with your ass in a resounding slap, one that while not overly hard is still enough weaken your knees considerably.
“Yes,” you groan out, the word catching in your throat as his thumb rubs a fresh pearl of precum over your sensitive flesh. “Fuck! Javi, yesss…”
Hot, bothered, and more than a little desperate you rut against his hand with hard little jerks. Your borderline frantic movements and needy little sounds leave him chuckling darkly as he works you over with practiced ease. His tone is condescending as hell as he pulls more and more out of you with lascivious words murmured in a husky timbre. He’s playing you like a goddamn fiddle, but you don’t care, can’t care—about this or anything else that’s not your impending release.
“Baby, I need, fuck, I need–”
“Shhh, I know.”
And you don’t know how he knows, just that somehow he always, impossibly does, and now is no exception. He descends to his knees with a smoothness that only repetition can bring, nudging your legs wider so that you’re more fully on display for him. He looks up at you then, wanting to make sure that you’re watching—as if you could ever be looking anywhere else. His eyes flicker with a familiar mischief as he runs the flat of his tongue over your heat and you damn near scream at the wet, warm trail it cuts.
“Careful now, cariño, you don’t want them to hear us– Oooo…” The word fades into a rolling chuckle when your hips give an involuntary thrust forward that has him amending his statement. “Or maybe you do? Mmmm… You like that, huh? You like the thought of them hearing what I do to you? Hmm, mi bebé travieso?” He all but purrs the last word as he presses a kiss to your quivering thigh before putting his mouth to work again. He alternates between gentle sucks and teasing flicks of his tongue against your most sensitive areas; meanwhile his fingers gather up a measure of your moisture before pushing inside of you to start up a lazy pace. This treatment lasts for a few glorious seconds only to come to a stop so abrupt that it leaves all of your muscles seizing up in confusion. ((sweetie || my naughty baby))
You know what he wants—an answer to a question, that if he were less petty, he wouldn’t expect a real reply to—just as you likewise know that he won’t start again until he gets it. And so you take a shaky approximation of a breath before managing to stutter out, “J-just… returning the favor.”
Laughing, he takes your meaning instantly. With as many times as you’ve been forced to listen to Karen and Sean go at it on various occasions, it does only seem fair. Of course, your reply is more copout than actual answer, but thankfully he lets it go. For now. You’ll definitely be talking about this again at some point in the future—probably later on tonight, actually—but for right now he’s content enough to go back to ruining you with his deft fingers and talented mouth.
You’ve always been fascinated by Javier’s hands. They’re slightly larger than what you would expect from a man his size, and yet somehow they don’t seem out of proportion to his body. They hold so much potential, both to create and to destroy—a point that is mirrored in the tattoos and scars that cover the dusk of his skin. You love to see them in motion, whether he’s doing something as mundane as tuning his guitar or something more perilous like playing with one of his many knives; the former is a particular point of fascination as you cannot help but to wonder if the skill transfers over to more carnal activities. The way his stroking thumb works in time with the bob of his fingers into your heat you’re inclined to say that yes, yes it does.
And his mouth…
Holy fuck, his mouth.
It doesn’t matter where it is he’s kissing you, having his lips pressed against your skin is always enough to leave you weak. Warm and pillow soft, they glide over you leaving a feverish trail of desire in their wake. Calloused fingers continue to work you open, adding to your pleasure in a way that sees your voice scaling higher, louder, as any lingering worries about being overheard are vaulted clean out of your head.
In this moment his only goal is to see you coming undone, and under Javier’s touch you’re a rapidly fraying thread. He’s loving every minute of this, you know he is, but—“If you can’t keep that pretty little mouth of yours quiet, amor, I know my cock can.”
“Oh my god.”
The throb your core gives is almost painful in its intensity as you imagine having him face fuck you until tears are spilling past the corners of your eyes before bending you over and absolutely ruining you, and you have to wonder just what this man has done to you. You were never this damn kinky before—or maybe you’ve always been a closet freak—either way since getting with Javi you have been turned completely out, and you’re not even mad about it, honestly. What you can do without, however, is his smug little laugh. Like yeah, he totally has a right to it, wrecking you the way he is, but still. Any saltiness you feel is quickly forgotten as the spooled pleasure in your stomach wrings itself tighter. Your bodies work in tandem creating the perfect rhythm, so fucking perfect, and you’re so fucking close, just a little more and then—and then he’s pulling away?
“Nooo! Javier, why–”
“Orgasms are for good little loves,” he tells you simply as he rises back to his full height.
“You cannot be serious right now.”
But looking at him you know he is. Honestly you should’ve been expecting something like this—you had been teasing him for nearly twenty minutes before this all began—but you’d thought that your punishment was going to come in the form of him gagging you with his dick before fucking you until you screamed. But this… Well this is the other side of the coin that you’d forgotten to consider. Yes, he’s hard and yes, he wants this just as badly as you, but Javier’s more than willing to deny his own needs if it means winning this little game of yours. He’s petty like that, and what’s more he has the will to see it through.
Well fine then, you think with a pouty twist of your lips. If he wants to be that way I’ll just finish myself off and–
Fingers close tightly around your wrist before you can properly touch yourself. “What did I just say, bebé?” ((baby))
“And who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do to and with my own body?” you ask with an arch of your brow. The bite of your words would be more effective, you’re sure, if they weren’t so damn breathy, but there’s little for that.
“Oh, mi amor,” he starts with a chuckle as he pins your hand to the wall beside your head, “you know exactly who I am.” He kisses you then, long and deep, and you find yourself melting under it despite your annoyance.
Damn this man and his silver everything! The thought drags its way through your sex-addled brain as your free hand twists itself in his shirt, though whether the action will lead to you pushing him away or pulling him closer you’re not sure yet, and before you can decide he’s breaking the kiss.
“Get dressed, cariño, we’ve got a party to get back to,” he breathes against your lips before pecking at them again.
“You can at least let me err, calm down some and clean myself up a bit–”
He shakes his head as he pulls away from you. “No, I don’t think so. I want you just like this, baby—all leaky and throbbing and wanting. I want you aching just as much as I am. It’s only fair, after all.”
Eyeing the bulge that’s seriously testing the tensile strength of his zipper you’re inclined to agree, reluctantly though it may be done. After all you are the one that kicked things off. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now that you’re left to live with the consequences? Yeah, not so much. Fair’s fair, but that doesn’t mean you have to like it. Pouting all the while, you quickly set yourself back to rights—well mostly. Thanks to the hasty tugging of your prior urgency your clothes aren’t hanging like they’re supposed to and won’t be again until they’ve been washed and re-ironed, but there’s nothing to be done about that in the now.
You’re left to silently lament the fact that you’re about to take a mini walk of shame that hasn’t been entirely earned since you didn’t actually get any. Cutting your eyes over at the reason you’re in such a state you find that, aside from his very obvious arousal, the fucker looks as put together as ever.
“You suck, you know that?”
He snorts as he snakes an arm around your waist, guiding you towards the door. “Yeah, I do. I also lick and nip and tease and you love it.”
“Oh fuck you, Escuella.”
“You’d best watch that mouth of yours, mi amor. Just because daddy-dearest can’t take you over his knee anymore doesn’t mean your papi won’t.”
“Promises, promises,” you snark back, though there’s no denying the longing seated in your words.
His only reply is a dark little chuckle that leaves you throbbing with want and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. What’s worse is that you’re about to walk through a party full of all of your friends, and while it’s not the first time they’ve seen you flustered and frazzled like this the situation is still less than ideal. Thankfully the thought of having winks and suggestive comments tossed your way is enough to kill off any lingering lust, but this is going to be a long night either way—or is it?
A plan starts to come together in your mind as you hear Charles’s laughter floating in though the backdoor; he rarely ever laughs loud enough for it to be heard so far away, so you can only imagine what’s been said or done to garner such a reaction. Though his mirth usually runs on the quieter side of things, the man does have a mischievous streak that can almost rival Sean’s, and it’s only common sense and general kindness that keeps him from tapping into it more.
Tonight, however, he’s going to step outside of his self-imposed restrictions—you’ll make sure of it.
After all, your plan relies on it.
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“What’s got you laughing so hard, Chuck?”
Charles doesn’t even bother with correcting you as he knows that you’re already well aware of how much he despises that nickname. You’re just looking to get a rise out of him, but unlike your boyfriend, he’s not so easily bated. Though to be fair to Javier, it did take you a good twenty or so minutes to finally break him—maybe more as whatever game it is you two are playing more than like started long before your arrival–
And is set to carry on for a while longer, if the state of them is anything to go by.
He’s hardly surprised to find that the pair of you are looking more disheveled than last you were seen. While Javier’s only slightly mussed, it’s more than obvious that you’ve been taken through your paces. There’s a wrinkle in your clothes that hadn’t been there before and your lips are plush in a way that says you’ve been kissed thoroughly and with a level of enthusiasm that would have left you moaning into the ministration as you grinded into your lover’s palm with needy little ruts of your hips…
He quickly averts his eyes as soon as the thought manifests lest you pick up on the way you’re affecting him—have always affected him, if he’s being honest. And it’s not just you. Javier is dangerously alluring in his own right, and he finds himself falling into his orbit more often than not. He’s never allowed himself to explore whatever it is he feels for either of you as you and Javier have always been a thing, though there’s no point in denying that there’s an attraction there, and a mutual one at that. Javier’s always been the more flirtatious out of the two of you, but when you have a mind to you can fluster him like nobody else. None of you have ever seemed truly interested in taking things beyond that level—yet.
Charles cannot help but to feel that one of these days there’s going to be a shift. The signs are all there, after all; the way you all gravitate towards one another, trading lingering touches and longing looks. Things that he would usually consider an invasion are much welcomed advances when they’re coming from the pair of you and he often finds himself reciprocating without any conscious thought. It’s all so confusing and thrilling and catalyzing that he cannot help but to crave more. Arthur has told him on several occasions to bite the bullet and make a move, but given that he’s dealing with an established couple he’s more than willing to follow your lead on this one.
In the now he gives you a response in the form of a nod towards one of the party’s hosts. Sean is just now scrambling his way back onto the deck (quite literally as he’s opted to climb over the railing instead of using the stairs like a normal person) after an overly-dramatic retelling of one of his more daring exploits had sent him tumbling off of it. Luckily for him the fall was a short one into relatively soft grass, so really it’s only his pride that’s been bruised. Seeing that his audience has increased by two he starts his story from the beginning and the pair of you listen with rapt attention–
Or, rather Javier does. You, however…
It starts out innocently enough, with you slumping against him and resting most of your weight against his shoulder. Charles contemplates draping an arm around you—it wouldn’t be odd of him as it’s a position that you’ve been in countless times before, but he doesn’t want to presume—but before he can think himself into a circle you’re snaking your arm around his waist. Your hold isn’t particularly tight, only really pressing in enough to keep you connected. After a few seconds you start to feather your fingers up and down his side in a move that he would’ve considered innocent if not for the wicked little smile on your face. There and gone in a flash, he finds himself looking at you more fully to be sure of what he saw; all he receives for his troubles, however, is a playful wink that leaves him batting down a burst of nerves.
It seems as if he’s unwittingly become a participant in whatever it is the pair of you have going on. He’s surprised, but he can’t say he’s opposed.
Steeling himself with a sigh, he finally allows his arm to drape across the breadth of your shoulders. The movement catches Javier’s eye from where he stands on Charles’ other side, as does the continued skittering of your hand. His expression as he takes this all in changes by degrees as he assesses you both separately; when looking at you there’s a knowing tint to his gaze that’s clouded with a banked lust, though when his eyes meet the taller man’s stare that knowingness sharpens into appraisal. Had the desire there dissipated Charles would have backed off immediately, but thankfully that isn’t the case. Javier gives you both a smirk that leaves Charles flushing in a way that gives him one more reason to love the dusk of his skin.
It’s apparent that Javier’s happy to let the two of you play, so Charles is content enough to let you do as you will. Your hands move higher and higher with each pass over the waffle-knit of his top until clever fingers are dancing up the back of his neck to gently tangle themselves in his nape. Nails scrape upwards into the loose wave of his hair in a move that nearly has him moaning out loud. He’s just able to bite down on the sound, but there’s nothing to be done for the way the rest of his body betrays him with a shiver. Having his hair played with has always been a weakness of his, but one that not many know of thanks to the boundaries that he’s set in place. The number of people who can say they’ve had the pleasure of obtaining this knowledge are few, and those who’ve gotten such a visceral reaction out of him because of it are fewer still.
Sounds seem to fade away as you continue to lull him with your ministrations, with not even the combined drunken yelling of Sean and Lenny’s conveyed anecdote being enough to pull him out of the stupor. He allows his mind to wander as you work; the images that flash through his head are ones that he usually reserves for hours far later than this one, when he’s alone with an ache between his legs that cannot be abated by anything but imaginings of the only two people who could reduce him to such a base state. His grip on you tightens unconsciously, forcing you more firmly against his chest and you’re quick you mold yourself against him.
Your pace is languid as you work him over with the repetitious scrape. It feels like he’s under the sweetness of your care for a small eternity, and he’s more than happy to stay lost for another eternity still, so when your fingers curl and tighten against his locks and tug there’s really no way for him to stop himself from crying out. Luckily the story has finally reached its end to a cacophony of laughter that’s just loud enough to drown out a sound that’s caught somewhere between a yelp of surprise and a moan. Thankfully everyone’s too drunk and-or preoccupied to notice the way his chest heaves and his eyes darken as he looks at you through heavy lids–
Well, everyone except for Javier. He’d honestly forgotten that the other man’s still here—that anyone’s here, really—but now his presence encompasses all of Charles’ attention.
“Alright, amor, you’ve had your fun,” he tells his partner. His tone speaks of mild amusement, though there is a sliver of something there—something dark and wanting, ravenously so—that leaves their breath hitching. To Charles, “It wasn’t very nice of them, starting something they know they can’t finish– Not tonight, at least. But don’t worry, ‘mano—next time, we got you.”
The words feel like they’re caught somewhere between a promise and a threat, but Charles finds that that only adds to their appeal. The pair of you say your goodbyes then, first to him and then to the group at large. A chorus of wolf-whistles and teases are given in response, with everyone having a pretty good idea of why you’re cutting out early, but if they suspect his role in things they’re kind enough not to mention it.
As Charles watches your retreating forms he runs a shaky hand through the length of his hair only to find that the motion doesn’t bring him the stability that it usually does. How can it, when he can still feel your phantom touch, the exquisite bite of your nails against the sensitive skin of his scalp…
These memories will continue haunt him, he’s sure—unable to be exorcised in full until he’s lying sweat-slicked and sated between two equally worn-out bodies.
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“Is this what you wanted, mi amor?”
Javier’s thrusts can only be described as punishing, more so due to depth and force than speed. Your body jolts forwards with every snap of his hips, but the firm hold he has on the scarf that binds your arms keeps you from going too far—not that you want to be anywhere else but here, completely laid bare and at the mercy of the man at your back. The word ‘mercy’ used very loosely here as he is being absolutely ruthless and you’re loving every second of it.
Face down and ass up, he’s had you bent over the desk from nearly the moment you stepped into your bedroom, only stopping long enough to tie your arms behind your back. In all honesty you’re pretty sure this is the true reason he pushed so hard for its inclusion in the room—there’s definitely more appropriate spaces for it—but whatever. It’s not like you can complain when it gets such frequent use.
So yes, this exactly what you want, what you need…
“I asked you a question, baby, and I expect an answer,” he continues on in a low, demanding tone.
You try to reply, you swear you do, but whatever it is you manage to slur out between moans isn’t an adequate enough reply. Javier’s voice drops to something just above a true whisper as he leans more fully against you—close enough that you swear you can feel the beat of his heart against your back, close enough to feel the pant of his breath ghosting over your skin—with the sinuous roll of his hips slowing further.
“Forgot how to use your words already?” he tsks against the shell of your ear. “That’s okay, cariño. I know you wanna be good for me, so I’m gonna help you out…” Taking your confused sounding whimper for the question it is he chuckles before saying, “How? It’s easy—Imma fuck the answer out of you.” ((sweetie))
Before you can fully process his words he’s unwinding his hand from the cloth, pulling back, and pounding into you quick and hard. The feeling has you gasping out his name followed by a babbled yes-yes-YES that leaves him growling out his approval. He calls you his good baby then and the small bit of praise makes your brain fizz as your body reacts on instinct. Eager hips throw themselves back to meet his thrusts; though your positioning doesn’t really allow for much traction your efforts do earn you a few moans and curses of approval, at least.
“Mierda. Look at you. You like being fucked hard, huh? Like me taking you like this?” The words are little more than a rumble with how low his voice has dropped, and the change in timbre leaves you clenching up around him more. “Fuuck babe—that’s it, that’s– Fuck. Yeah, you love this shit. That why you were being such a little tease, yeah? Did you want me to fuck you ‘til you remember who you belong to?” ((shit))
He doesn’t give you a chance to answer this time, choosing instead to take your jaw in hand. His grip is just this side of bruising and well at odds with the gentle way his thumb strokes over your bottom lip. Your tongue snakes out mindlessly to flick at its calloused pad and you hum at the slightly salty taste of his skin. Javier hisses out a curse as you continue to lave over the digit, and you can practically feel his narrow-eyed stare from where it’s sure to be drilling into the back of your skull. Unwilling to relinquish even the least bit of control just yet, his palm slides downwards until it’s resting firmly against your neck. Long fingers easily encase the column, and while he doesn’t squeeze nearly as hard as he had been before there is a definite and steady pressure there. You know he’d sooner hurt himself before he would ever risk truly hurting you, but there’s still something undeniably alluring about feeling like you’re on the edge of something so dark and dangerous.
Your moan is slightly strangled as you lean more heavily into his hand, with your hole clenching especially hard as the oxygen vacates your lungs. In turn Javi grunts at the sensation even as his fingers squeeze just that little bit tighter, and in that moment you’re sure that a death of a different kind is close at hand. Spanish is falling from his lips much faster than your addled mind can ever hope to translate, but when he does finally switch back over to English he’s hardly saying anything you want to hear.
“What?” He gives a particularly hard thrust as you croak out the word, leaving you to damn near choke on it.
“You heard me, amor—don’t. You. Cum. After the shit you pulled tonight did you honestly think I was gonna let you cum so easily?”
Your replying whine is pitiful indeed, not that you actually expect to receive any sort of reprieve at this point. Still, that doesn’t stop you from looking over your shoulder and giving him your best pout. For his part your man mimics your expression, giving your neck a few soothing strokes before allowing his lips to pull off into a devious little smirk.
“Aww, look at you. There’s no need for all that, baby, I’m gonna give you what you want—not that you’ve actually earned it, not yet. You’ve been especially bratty lately; playing all these games, teasing me… I can’t just let that shit slide, so here’s how this is going to work: I’m gonna keep fuckin’ you good ‘n’ hard ‘n’ deep, and you’re gonna take it for as long as I say. When I decide that you’ve learned your lesson I’ll let you cum, and if you go over the edge before then there will be consequences.”
And you know he’s as good as his word.
Despite him saying all of this between pants, sharp curses, and a few breathy moans there’s no way in hell you actually stand a chance of outlasting him. Even if his stamina wasn’t god-tier and his will just as solid, pure pettiness would see him holding out if it meant keeping you on the edge. And as for those ‘consequences’, you cannot even begin to guess at what they may be, but a part of you really, really wants to find out. You’re positive you’ll enjoy it—maybe not as much as him, but you’ll still have your fun.
Before you can make up your mind about whether or not your defiance would be worth it, his hand is leaving your neck to hold your hip steady. You gasp slightly, already lamenting the loss of pressure, only to have the breath knocked out of you by his next thrust. The force of it sends you reeling, with the only thing keeping you from face-planting being the hold your man has on you. Instead your sweat-slicked body is shoved further up the desk in a move that would’ve been extremely uncomfortable if you weren’t already so gone.
Wanting a bit more agency, Javi grabs up the length of cloth that dangles between you; his movements do not falter as he shores up his grip with a few twisting motions before pushing into you again and again and again. He sets up a brutal pace that sees his hip bones digging into the plush of your ass and his balls slapping against you with every forward push. This is the only bit of attention that anything other than your hole has received since leaving the party and you damn near sob at the brief flashes of stimulation.
You’re not even sure what nonsense is pouring out of your mouth at this point, but if it’s anything like the disjointed garble that’s currently floating around in your skull then it’s one flaming wreck of a mess. You can hardly go by Javier’s reaction as you’re pretty sure that you could be singing lullabies and he’d still be into it. He just loves to hear you—it doesn’t particularly matter what sounds you’re making so long as he knows they’re a result of the pleasure he’s bring you. You’re much the same honestly, though listening to him turn the velvety syllables of his native tongue into growls and groans in the heat of his passion is its own type of torture. His voice is already an aphrodisiac in its own right, but when he’s fallen as deeply into his lust as he has into you it becomes something otherworldly.
Your man’s words slowly begin to shift from admonishments for your earlier behavior into praise for “–taking your cock like un buen pequeño amor,” and you can only hope that means you’ll get what you need sooner rather than later. ((a good little love))
Time stops making sense as he continues to take you. You’re both hyperaware of its passage and not, with seconds impossibly feeling like hours, but the minutes they bleed into hardly even registers. Your need for release becomes this all-encompassing thing that dictates your every move, breath, and thought. It creates a thrumming want that invades all of your senses until there’s nothing outside of it. Even Javi’s voice becomes little more than a cluster of sounds that you’re just barely able to perceive, though one phrase breaks through the haze every time he says it:
“Don’t you cum, cariño.”
His words are both boon and bane.
They’re the only bit of sense to be found in the symphony of needy sounds and hammering hearts and the repetitive meeting of flesh, and yet at the same time they are the very chains that hold you back from the one thing you need most. Your body is demanding, screaming, begging for this to end one way or another, and soon. You’re sure that each new thrust will bring about your end, and yet you hold yourself back even as your legs shake from exertion and your arms ache from the strain. Those four words will not allow you to do any less.
When the tension in your arms lessens you honestly think the limbs have finally gone numb, but then you’re being pulled up against Javier’s hard chest and you realize he actually let go of the scarf. The jarring pace he’d been keeping up slows to a gentle roll that makes you grind into him with a desperate whimper before he stills his hips altogether. His lack of movement has you rutting against him like some crazed beast, but the only thing this nets you is a throaty chuckle that makes you throb all the more.
“Tan ansioso,” he breathes against your ear as well-toned arms pin you flush against an equally muscled chest. This leaves you unable to do anything more than whine, much to your annoyance and his continued amusement. “You really want to cum, don’t you?” ((so eager))
“Fuck! Javi, you know I do–”
“Then say the word, mi corazón.” ((sweetheart))
“‘Please’, what?”
“Please let me cum.”
The moan he lets out at your words comes from somewhere deep in his gut making you shiver with your want. The only thing better than hearing him make such deliciously wicked sounds is knowing that you’re their cause. He’s always so quick to tell you that he’s the only one that can make you feel the way that you do—and it’s true, he definitely gotten you addicted to his particular brand of carnality, but it’s fine since you know it goes both ways.
Javier presses a sloppy, open mouthed kiss to your nape before nipping the skin there. “So good,” he purrs as his left hand snakes up to rub at your steadily leaking core. “Un bebé tan bueno para mí.” ((such a good baby for me))
His hand passes through the mess, smearing your arousal further until he’s zeroing in on your most sensitive area; all the while your hips wiggle against him in a desperate bid to rut into his palm properly. Unfortunately the movement does little for either of you aside from frustrating you further.
“There you go, teasing me again.”
“‘M not trying to,” you tell him, “just wanna feel good—wanna make us both feel good…”
Your trailing sigh turns into a moan when he thrust against you again. The movement is spastic, an involuntary response to the way that your walls flutter around him. He swears lowly before releasing you completely and pulling out; the sensation of his thick cock leaving you is good for all of two seconds before you realize that he’s not pushing back into you. For one panicked moment you think that he’s going to leave you tied up and aching, but before you can even form the first syllable of your plea he’s freeing your arms and turning you to face him. It’s the first time you’ve gotten a clear look at him since being bent over the desk and you’re pleased to find that he looks just as much of a mess as you do. Hair mussed, lips parted ever so enticingly, cheeks flushed, and dewy skin glistening so prettily under the warm-hued lights—he’s sex personified in this moment and the sight somehow makes you burn for him all the more.
Javier is drinking you in just as readily, being, as always, especially taken with your mouth. Heavily lidded eyes track your lips movements as you wet them, and when you bite into the plush skin he lets out a shuddering breath. A muttered “Fuck” is all the warning you get before his lips are crashing into yours while hands eagerly grip at your hips to pull you flush to him. The heat of his cock is like a firebrand between you, and the press of it against your skin has you instinctively writhing against it.
Your movements leave him shivering as he exhales harshly—the first sign that his self-control is starting to slip.
“Get on the bed, mi amor—wanna look in your eyes while I fuck you, wanna see you fall apart…” He breathes the words against your lips before taking the bottom one between his teeth just as you had a moment ago. The sting of his bite is soothed away by a swipe of his tongue before he’s kissing you again.
Somehow he has enough presence of mind to get you both moving and soon you feel something solid, yet yielding hitting the back of your legs. You’re just wobbly enough for the disturbance to take you off of your feet and Javier readily follows you down. So close to the one thing you both want, need, the kisses grow sloppier and more hurried. It takes a few moments for you both to get into a more settled position, but as soon as you do he’s lubing up again before pushing into you completely with one long stroke.
Your breath catches at the feeling of being full once again while he lets out a sound that’s half contented sigh, half growl, with the latter completely overtaking the former when you roll your hips up to meet his. The pace he sets is far less grueling than it had been when he was taking you from behind, but it’s no less maddening for the change. Long, deep strokes end with a languid snap that has him hitting something inside of you that leaves you damn near sobbing every time. It doesn’t take long for you to get back to that same level of torturous pleasure that you’d been drowning in minutes before and soon you’re clawing at his back and calling out his name like it’s the only word left in your lexicon.
All the while your eyes are locked with one another’s, mostly at his insistence. When he said that he wanted to see you fall apart he meant it; a firm hand against the side of your face keeps you from turning away while tutting words part your lids whenever they flutter shut for longer than a few seconds.
“You’re doing so well, mi amor, so good,” he tells you. His words are slightly slurred and you know he’s just as drunk on you as you are on him. The thought leaves your walls clenching and he hisses at the added tightness. His pace quickens as he drops his head down into the space between your shoulder and your neck. Kisses, nips, and sucks carve a path upwards until the warmth of his breath is ghosting over your ear. “Touch yourself for me.”
It’s an order that you’re all too happy to follow.
Your fingers quickly move down to work against your sloppy sex and you can only hope that the whole ‘no cumming until I say so’ thing is no longer in effect because if not you are in so much trouble. With everything going on you’re only gonna be able to last about a literal minute and that’s being hella generous and rounding way up, honestly. Javier knows this, knows you and your body damn near better than you do some days. He sees it in the way your eyes glint with desperation, can feel it in the way your whole body tenses just so, can hear it in the pant of breaths that come quicker, shallow. Part of you worries that he’ll drag things out just to punish you further—or worse yet, leave you wound up and wanting—but a bigger part of you knows he’s not that cruel. Javier always makes sure to give you what you need and right now you need to cum, badly, and so does he if the fevered look in his eyes is anything to go by.
“Yes, babe, yes. Just like that, fuck me back—Joder! Tan buena…” His muttered praises become more and more scattered as his hips begin to meet yours faster and faster until— ((fuck! so good))
“Do it for me, mi amor. Cum.”
Your body doesn’t hesitate to follow the simple command, and the orgasm that rocks your frame is almost blinding in its intensity. A wordless cry rips itself from your throat as bliss—white-hot and all-consuming—skitters across your every nerve setting them alight. All the while you hold on to the man that still hovers above you as if he’s the only thing tethering you to this plane, and for all you know he is. After all, you’re pretty sure that one cannot experience something so world-shattering as this and not ascend to some higher form of consciousness, if only for a moment.
For his part, Javier shudders and bucks his way through his own release just as you’re coming to the end of yours. Your nails follow the length of his spine as you watch him fall apart—eyes pinched shut, chest heaving, lips parted under hard pants—he rarely looks more beautiful than when he’s cumming and the sight is one that you’re positive you’ll never get tired of seeing.
Kisses are traded between shaky breaths as you both work your way through the last of the aftershocks. They’re sweet, lingering things that are seemingly at odds with everything that preceded them—only not really as he’s always like this once your games have come to their end. All loved up, he likes to keep you close so that he can dote on you as much as you’ll allow him to. Feeling safe, warm, and sated, gentle strokes of his hands against your cooling flesh and murmured declarations of love are the lullaby that sees you drifting off into slumber.
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© thepuckishrogue/TheViperQueen, 2019-2023 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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maiverie · 11 months
HI DO U HAVE ANY TIPS ON STARTING A TUMBLR BLOG? like how you format your links and everything i'm new and want to start a blog but don't know how 😭😭
hi anon!!! omg sure yes I dooo!!! when I started I didn't have anyone to help me so it was literally such a shitshow lmfao so I HOPE THIS HELPS!!
— (long post below)
disclaimer: this is all based on my experience and im sure there are other users with better tips than me so DONT TAKE MY WORD FOR GOSPEL BAHAHA
(also I'm going to assume you reached out to me because you want to start a kpop writing blog and not smth else, so all these tips are obv specific to writing blogs. I also don't know how experienced u are w Tumblr so I might say some obvious things,, sorry if you already know most of these things!!)
anyway tumblr is actually really intuitive and after about two days I honestly think you'll get it (probably even within a day tbh). here are some quick steps I feel like make sense in my mind:
find a url (if you're starting a kpop writing blog,, most people seem to include the name/a reference to their bias but in my case i kinda just went w my name and played around w it until I liked it 😭 you can also search for "url ideas" in tumblr if you're having trouble!!) keep in mind you can literally change it at any point in time so don't worry about choosing the -perfect- one
set up your blog! most of the time, people have a navigation post (the pinned post where everything is linked so readers can navigate ur blog easily), a masterlist (a post that shows everything you've ever written), a wip list (a post that lists all your works in progress, so fics you're currently writing and want to publish in the near future). additionally, people have a post about themselves (like an about me section with blog rules and stuff. this is my old old one). personally, i have a carrd right now (this is mine here) and you'll find other users have one or the other!
set up your navigation post: hyperlink honestly everyone's different (btw don't worry about taking these tips too seriously bc honestly u should do whatever you want on your blog — it's yours after all!!) but I think most people include their name, pronouns, age (sometimes), timezone (sometimes) and hyperlinks to their masterlist + wip list.
how to hyperlink im sure you've done it before for school, but it's really easy! here's a demonstration — this link will send you to my navi, and this link will send you to one of my fics! to do it, you just need to copy the link of whatever post you're trying to hyperlink (three dots in the top right of the post -> "copy link"), typesomething, double click onto the word you're trying to link it to, tap the 🔗 button, and copy the link into that! (in this example, it'd look like this: something.)
how to make ur navi neat/pretty personally, I used to just search for moodboards (on tumblr) and pick 3 photos that I really liked (obviously give credit to whoever made the moodboard!). what I have now is just something that I designed but you can have one or the other, it doesn't really matter! other tips I think I'd suggest is to keep it as simple as possible; you can embellish it later but make sure it's easy to read and people can see all the links! I really like searching for "symbols" on Tumblr, and then there are cute lil symbols u can add to your post :) or just use emojis! or dashes! this might be a little ahead, but I have a tutorial on gradient text if you really care, but maybe focus on the base first :D just as an example, my moot @.hazyyu has a really pretty navi!
apply the same principles to your masterlist + wip list + about me just search for symbols, add whatever images you think look pretty, search for "line breaks" on Tumblr and there are pictures of links you can use to divide stuff up! making a carrd is easy but time-consuming (just search on YouTube "carrd tutorial")
there are other caveats to a writing blog, but those were just the basics! here are some other things I thought I could mention:
a permanent taglist is a list of people you tag every single time you publish a story/update it (for the purpose of them being notified every time you post) — sometimes people will ask u to "add me to your permanent taglist!" which just means tag them every time you post a story. personally, I have a google form for anyone that wants to be on the permanent taglist, but I didn't do that initially — I used to just wait until people sent in an ask asking to be on it and then I'd have a separate post with everyone who did. for example, this was my old one! doesn't matter whichever approach you do ^^
people also organise their blog via the hashtags I do this too! it's so much easier that way :)) for example, every time I get an ask, I tag it with "#ask" (umm a lot of people are much more creative w their tags but personally icb lmaoo — here's an example of my friend who used a different tag and it's really pretty!). if you want help with organising your blog w tags, here's an explanation I wrote a while back!
if you want help promoting your work, you should consider joining a few networks! these are basically big big blogs that reblog all your work so more people can see ur stuff ^^ here are some of the ones I'm a part of: kflixnet, enhanet, k-labels!
you'll meet other users along the way and call them your moots; most of the time this just means you interact w them a lot via asks/dms. personally I'm not really active and I kinda find it hard to keep track of a lot of moots so I stick to myself and interact w anyone that comes my way!! but bae u can do whatever u want!! go find blogs of people that seem rlly cool and send an ask and just see where it goes; just don't badger people, be nice and I think you'll pick up on sm things naturally!!!
ur blog is gna look great!!! let me know when you finish setting it up!!! I hope this helps 😋💖
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watercolor-hearts · 9 months
v you are literally a blessing from the gods above i swear bc i can’t concentrate on writing without reading something so 🛐
i would love some a/b/o with simi and/or charlos? like them discovering they are true mates? idk i just need fluff in this tiring times
btw your writing is amazing keep up the great work 🖤
I'm trying to be as transparent towards my readers as I can so I've decided not to post this story in a separate post but as an answer to this ask of yours. Writing these little stories is a learning process for me to find out what I can write and what I can't. And as it turned out I can't write a/b/o things. We've discussed it with Nyx and I asked them to pick something else as a replacement. They wanted a second part to Still a human, and now I'm here with it.
Thank you for your kind words and your continuous support, Nyx. I'm sorry for the long wait. ❤
So once again: this is not an a/b/o story, this is a second part to my non-binary Seb story.
Seb/Kimi • 747 words • non-binary Seb • lipstick and nail polish • birthday • supportive Kimi • fluff • established relationship • Ao3 link
If anyone had told Kimi that he would one day shop at a makeup store, he would have thought they were stupid because he and makeup products couldn't be further apart.
And yet, now he was in a makeup store with a determination to find the most beautiful red lipstick for his partner's birthday. But the thing he wasn't expecting is the amount of brands and products in the store. He thought it would be a few lipsticks in different colors and a few other products but not millions of brands and product stands as far as the eye can see. He was a bit lost, to be honest. But luckily, some ladies who work in the store came to help him.
A few minutes later the mission was accomplished and he was on the way to the hotel with his little nicely wrapped gift to surprise Sebastian.
“I missed you,” Seb said after kissing Kimi.
“You always miss me even if there's only one hour when we're not in the same place.”
“Maybe I'm in love and I wanna be with my lover,” Seb smiled, grabbing Kimi's hand and guiding him to the bed.
“I brought you a gift,” Kimi showed them the gift bag when they sat down on the bed, “For your birthday.”
Seb's eyes widened. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Kimi handed it to them, “Open it.”
“Thank you, it's really nice of you,” Seb smiled while taking the little box out of the gift bag. “Oh my...” they looked at Kimi and then at the little box again. “A lipstick and nail polish.”
“In the exact same shade,” Kimi nodded. “The ladies at the store said that this is the most famous red shade and everyone loves it. So... I hope you like it.”
Seb put the box down and pulled Kimi closer to kiss him. They had never imagined Kimi would buy them something like this because their coming out wasn't long ago and Seb was sure Kimi needed time to get used to Seb being non-binary and slowly starting to show it when they're together at home or at a hotel.
“I love it!” Seb exclaiked, eyes glowing from happiness, “It's so pretty. Can I try the lipstick on?” Seb asked, excited to try it because they'd never worn red lipstick before, only some clear lip gloss. “I wanna leave the nail polish for the summer break. Because...
“I know,” Kimi nodded, caressing Seb's hand. He knew Seb was still closeted and he didn't want to push them to do something they don't want to. Their safety is more important than some red nail polish. “Put on the lipstick and then show me.”
Sebastian nodded, a wide smile on their lips as they jumped to go to the bathroom. They were very excited to try it because it was another huge step for them. They had already bought a mascara and clear lip gloss but nothing else so having this beautiful red lipstick meant a lot to them. Especially because it was from Kimi.
“How is it?” Kimi asked a few moments later.
“The shade is amazing but my application is... not,” came the answer from the bathroom and soon Seb stepped out, laughing and trying to cover their lips because they weren't perfect.
“Show me, darling,” Kimi asked, getting up from the bed and stepping closer to Seb. When Seb showed it to him, Kimi smiled. It was true that the application wasn't perfect, it was uneven in a few places, but it was still better than if Kimi would've done it, and Seb was beautiful and happy while wearing it, and that's what mattered to Kimi. “Look at you, Seb. Red is your color. You're beautiful.”
“Really?” Seb asked, smiling from ear to ear. They were a bit scared Kimi wouldn't like to see them wearing makeup but it seemed like Kimi didn't mind it. “But I'm sure there's some on my teeth.”
“That doesn't matter. What matters is that you're smiling. Happy Birthday, darling,” Kimi said, looking into Seb's eyes, and then kissed them, deeply.
“Now we've smudged the lipstick,” Seb laughed after the kiss, pushing his finger on Kimi's lips, and then showing him the red color on his fingertip. “It looks like red is now your color, too.”
Kimi didn't mind it. Especially not when a few minutes later Seb was on the top of him in their bralette, covering his whole upper body in red kiss marks.
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