#son’t ask me how I come up with these
drugsforaddicts · 10 months
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The ”with kids” edition
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limpfisted · 9 months
Dancing Queen Piano Version.
SHAKE IT OUT. (you are a chorus of drunken, hungover, very tired angels.)
yeah, with somebody who loves me.
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zealousnightsublime · 2 years
What is Life after Cancer Treatment
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Cancer sucks. Whenever I was 4 years of age, my mother ended up being clinically determined to have cancer tumors. Experts said she had lower than a year. I recall being in the street, crying, on the roof of my dad’s vehicle, screaming ‘MOM!!!!!’ to the medical center, from a window way up while she waived at us. My mom had 6 siblings, 3 died of cancer tumors. She also had 7 brothers. One of all of them passed away of disease. She’s visited much more operations and remedies than anyone i am aware. Her breasts had been amputated, also her ovaries and womb. She additionally had one thing about her colon and something quick cosmetic thing on her face. (The latter had beauty purposes) At this time, as I compose this, I’m 22 and incredibly happy to announce that my mom continues to be kicking and alive. Awesome isn’t? Here’s just what she claims to me all the time: ‘i did son’t care exactly what the health practitioners said…I experienced to see you grow up’. You’d be surprised if she was seen by you. On her behalf age, she has a nice figure. She kicks ass in snowboarding and is very lively, all the time. All these years since my mom is a walking monument of survival, I decided to ask her what her views on cancer are and how she managed to survive and maintain a smile. When I requested her about her ‘survival techniques’ I happened to be quite amazed. Not merely when it comes to ‘common sense’ style of answers me, but also for the medical arguments she has to back them up that she gave. She's got a Biology degree and I’ve seen her, first hand, walking the talk. For those factors, i'm the obligation to spread her term and let others know. Recommendations from a disease survivor Listed below are recommendations. Your goal should be to realize all of them and then apply as much as feasible. Consume healthy, ALL-NATURAL meals Ready made food is the worst. It's a lot of additives. This is like an accelerator in a time bomb if you’re the kind of person pre-set for cancer. You also like to stay away from food that is canned. I understand it's an easy task to make, but a short while more and extra cents could save you much discomfort into the long run. Alternatively, what you do wish to accomplish is consume a complete lot of Antioxidants. To not overcome the old lifeless horse, you need certainly to consume fruits and vegetables DAY that is EVERY. Less a complete lot, but EVERYDAY. This isn’t tough. Ensure it is a habit that the very first thing you have each day is a fruit. Like an Apple, lime, banana…or whatever. In the event that you don’t like good fresh fruit, put the good fresh fruit in a blender with milk and a little bit of sugar or yogurt and start every day with a smoothie. Also, whenever you’re hungry and so are about to get ready a snack; decide to try getting a fruit instead. While you’re waiting around for that spaghetti, have actually an apple. Is essential that when stomach that is you’re near to empty, you grab a fruit, or a veggie. It’ll get digested without headaches and it'll provide a nice amount to your body of Antioxidants. In the event that you don’t like vegetables, prepare them. Onion and broccoli suck. BUT, soup with onion, tomato and a recipe that is nice be amazing! There are plenty of publications on healthier dishes online. Eat salads too on a basis that is daily. Additionally, when cooking, pick your oil with attention. Use very little of it while making sure is mono-saturated like essential olive oil. Essential olive oil rocks ! by the way. It's Hydroxytyrosol. It's a tremendously powerful Antioxidant. Also, soy oil is decent too. These specific things have actually Omega 3 and 6. Note: The topic of Antioxidants is very, important. You have to understand what they have been, how they work and just how they affect the body that is human. Take in lots of liquid. LOTS! All the time!! For instance, when you’re consuming supper, instead of complimenting it with can liquid, beverage water. Whenever thirsty that is you’re feel sipping a pop, beverage liquid. Just like eating a fruit as soon as the belly is bare, exactly the same goes for water. An amazing habit that I have the pleasure to own pioneered, would be to everyday, initial thing each morning, prior to the early morning coffee, have an apple and a glass of liquid. Additionally, bring a bottle of water to work/school, and hold refilling all of it long day. No Liquor It’s ok to take in alcohol once in a while. Actually, one of the good reasons wine is preferred is really because this has Antioxidants. But, by no liquor, I mean don’t get wasted on a regular basis. Sleep well Sleeping is so crucial. When you’re sleeping, your mind is chemicals that are producing help your body. Plus, your system that is whole is and having more powerful. And it also simply feels great, so ensure you have actually a comfortable bed and sleep up to you'll want to. Have Fun Simply claimed: ‘Do anything you want’ Go away on night and have a blast with your friends friday. Learn a instrument that is musical jam with individuals. Learn a new language, travel, walk around nature, go snowboarding, and sky diving. Just perform some plain items that you love. These things are just like resources of well-being and happiness. They feature nothing but benefits. Have Targets That is one thing incredibly essential. If you have a mayor function, anything to look forward to, you’ll be much fulfilled only doing the work that is required reach finally your objective. It is really not a great deal the location nevertheless the road that’s important. Think about assisting a charity? Or starting a small business? Discovering a brand new language and|language that is new} planning to a different country for three months? Plant a new garden on your yard to check out it develop. The fire to fight was the following statement from personal experience, I must say that one of the major things that gave my mom To see her son grow up. Now, she claims she’s in a stage of her life where she’s establishing new goals. We’re actually looking into investing in property. Trust me, goals and projects being significant to you personally will keep you live. So begin at this time. What is this 1 thing you’ve always wanted to do? Workout Do so a bit that is little everyday. Adapt the exercise to your unique circumstance. My mom has a machine that is little a couple of marbles and things in her own space. She works like ten minutes everyday. Only a couple workouts. She additionally swims a lot and skis. Again, do things that will keep you in form. Try yoga out. Walk, Bike, Dance, Stay active. Have actually a positive attitude A beneficial mental state is therefore key. Residing a full life with your feelings balanced is indeed awesome. Select the men and women around you cautiously. Eliminate whiners and the chicken littles of life. Make you’re that is sure positive people who can help you on and inspire and motivate you. Revealing time with individuals which also have goals and therefore want to be to you to generally share the enjoyment to be live is extremely fulfilling. Some people that have your exact same state of mind as they are motivated by the exact same tasks will include value that is massive your life. Love Experience love, develop your energy that is spiritual yourself and provide yourself relevance. Like yourself, do something so that you do if you don’t. Achieve some thing. Enjoying your self shall ensure that others love you. That way you’ll be surrounded by awesome men and women and have now a loving unique someone. Making love can also be strongly suggested. Do it frequently. Kindly your partner. Have some fun. As a healing apparatus, and delight generator, no match is had by it. Be optimistic and realistic Deal with issues in a way that is realistic. Be quick and effective. Look for help if you need to. In the time that is same, don’t let bad things take control you. There’s always a remedy. Just because it means falling the problem because is one thing from the control. Obstacles, in something, tend to be a part of life. You understand one thing every time you make a blunder or have a set-back. Only keep going. Be economically smart Don’t purchase into debt. Make sure you stay in your means. Then, expand your means. Don’t work too much either. Spend money on your tranquility. Provide yourself pleasure, but be mindful with debt. Learn how to manage your cash. It’s been said that a lot of individuals under stress and that develop conditions tend to be suffering of cancer for the wallet. Once again, make use of your profit smart methods. Think about the long run. Generally there you've got it. Simple isn’t it? I am hoping, deep down inside, that this short article helps someone out. Read the full article
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
I'm sorry about how many I've asked 😂
3. Trope that makes you cringe?
7. Do you ever request fanfic from others?do you request anonymously?
23. Do you enjoy getting feedback?
30 which character do you find easiest/hardest to write?
43 how many drafts do you usually do before you finalize a fic?
45 do you wish your followers interacted with you more?
61 what is something you wish you could say to your favorite character?
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No worries love thank you 💛
3. In Harry potter ones I think the love potion made them cheat, i get it but it makes me feel a bit weird. In general fanfics (usually long haul ones) i know there needs to be some drama after the characters get together but the introducing a brand new character just for jealousy? Like i’d prefer fluffy domestic stuff like them arguing about dishes or work or something but thats just me being a softie for the real stuff 😅
7. Yes I have, I’ve done it both anonymously (pre writting and when i first started this blog) and as myself, at present I now just send in things as me since i’m more confident x
23. YES! Love it when i see someone comment, especially little quotes from my diaologe or specific scenes just makes my whole day 💕 I also don’t mind if people give me advice or if i got something wrong, it helps me improve x
30. Freddie and Sirius come very natural to me (which is ironic as they are the loudest and imma shy hermit) x Remus and Draco i defo need to be in the mood to write as i go through phases with them. Other characters that are like side charaters in fics, James and Marlene aww i love them to bits! Alex and Amos from bookshop girl also very easy. I’d probs say maybe ginny, ron, mione etc are the hardest to write because i’ve written marauders era so much...hint hint send me golden era stuff hehe (but also love writing marauders so please son’t stop those either haha)
43. So i have the base plan (all bullet pointed), then it depends on my mood whether i write detailed from the start (this happens when i’m most inspried) or i write rough, mostly dialogue. Anyway it’s probably one draft and then i go through it adding in little deatials sometimes even an extra scene before going away to sleep or eat before giving it one last read through and then post. So probs 1-2 for requests and maybe 3-4 with my own series and oneshots
45. Sometimes? I feel like everyone craves it but i favourite thing is seeing the same people popping up on my activity, or when i see someone like a fic then proceed to go down one of my masterlists just gives me so much serotonin. Only thing i’ll never say no to is comments even if its just a quote you liked it helps me figure out what dialogue people like and if i’m writing the characters well x
61. Wish you were real haha, honestly i’s probably thank them for being a constant in my life, being something no one can ever take from me and giving me just sheer unadulterated happiness 💛
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emilia3546 · 3 years
The bat boys find each other on the blood rite, fighting and banter ensue, and Rhys' mom comes in at the end.
Cassian swore at the sound of someone else behind him, whirling and dropping into a fighting stance, his breathing already coming too fast, his limbs too weak. He almost dropped his sword as the other male saw who was there and promptly turned and ran in the opposite direction. Cassian collapsed against a tree, too exhausted to search for any decent shelter, and passed out.
He woke to the sunrise a few hours later, the soreness in his tired muscles slightly lessened and forced himself to his feet, thanking all the gods that no one had found him sleeping. He glanced up towards Ramiel, the snow shining on the peak in the pale sunlight. He tore his eyes away, carrying on into the tangle of trees before him, each step bringing him closer to the mountain, to the inevitable bloodbath at its base. He stopped just before noon, taking advantage of a river to nap again, the water was too deep to be crossed quietly, so after he had drunk his fill, he settled down for a quick hour nap.
He woke to someone shouting, and immediately scrambled to his feet, sword in hand, but relaxed as he saw the intruder,
"Az! That you?"
"You still alive?"
"Just about," he groaned, sitting back down as Azriel crossed the river, sinking down beside him, "Any sign of Rhys?"
"No. No one I've asked has seen him, dead or alive."
"He's alive."
"How do you know?"
"He's alive." Cassian insisted, "He has to be,"
"I hope so too, if he's alive we'll find him soon enough, the mountain's getting closer, and so is everyone else."
"We'll be alright. We have each other now." Azriel grinned, and mussed his brother's hair, "Let's go and beat the shit out of those damned high-born dipshits."
"Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" Cassian gasped, "How little sleep have you gotten recently Az?"
"Oh, almost none, I'm fine."
"I can see that, although, more colorful language than usual."
"Oh, fuck off," Azriel shoved his shoulder, but lapsed into chuckles, only stopping when Cassian pushed himself to his feet, and offered Azriel his hand,
"Come on then,"
 Rhys rotated his shoulder, cursing the stiffness there, then the unconscious male at his feet, the one blow he had managed to land. He had lost track of the days, but there couldn't be much time left, he had to move quickly. The mountain loomed ominously close as he jogged through the forests at its base, he avoided the obvious path, not in the mood to invite trouble, he would get there quicker if he only picked the fights that he had to. 
He froze at the sound of voices ahead, but his adrenaline faded a little at the recognition of those voices, was it? Yes. He could have laughed with joy, but was content to creep up on his brothers while they rested for a moment. The plan backfired when they both turned to fight the moment he made himself known, he threw himself backwards to avoid Cassian's blade,
"Whoa idiots, it's me!"
"Oh, sorry Rhys, maybe don't jump out on the adrenaline fueled Illyrians next time," Az snorted at Cassian's words,
"Noted. Still alive then, I see."
"Oh yeah, it'll take more than these morons to kill me," Cassian chuckled, tacking Rhys with a bear hug, sending them both tumbling into the mud. Azriel snorted in laughter, and danced away when Rhys chased after him,
"No! Get away! No!" He yelped when Rhys finally caught up to him, and made to sure to cover him in the mud coating his leathers. "You prick!" Azriel slapped his shoulder, freezing at Rhys' slight wince of pain, "You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, it's just stiff, asshole landed one blow, glancing but, it's still a bit sore. It'll be fine."
Their reunion was cut short by another male,
"Lookie here, bastards, and a half-breed. What do you say, boys? Easy meat." Six more males stepped out of the trees to flank their leader, "Maybe you'll never live to be High Lord, I mean what kind of High Lord can't defend himself?"
"Shut your mouth," Cassian snarled, instinctively stepping slightly in front of Rhys, on the side of his injured shoulder.
"Ooooh, protecting him, are we? That won't get you far,"
"You do like the sound of your own voice, son't you?" Azriel drawled, "Now, are we going to chat, or fight?" The male snarled, but launched himself forwards, his eyes widening in surprise as Azriel's blade met his own with the cool precision of someone entirely sure of his abilities. He backed off under the flurry of blows, but smirked as Azriel refused to move from the circle he had formed with his brothers.
"There's seven of them, that's two each, and one spare," Cassian whispered, "Take your pick, on three." Rhys glanced over his shoulder, keeping an eye on the one holding back, "One," he was still waiting, perhaps for an easy kill when they were tired, "Two," he narrowed his eyes, marking the two males closest to his side of the circle, and readied to fight as Cassian's voice sounded through the forest, "Three!" They lunged forwards as one, taking their assailants by surprise, and Rhys immediately knocked one out, whirling to meet the other's blade as it began a death arc towards his head. He easily knocked it aside, the other male scrambling backwards, stumbling once, and Rhys took the opportunity to send his sword flying aside,
"Please! Please! Don't kill me, please, my mother, my lord, please. They made me, they made me."
"How exactly did they do that?"
"My mother, they said they'd kill her, I have to protect her, my father, he died a while ago, I have to protect her, please."
"I'm not going to kill you-"
"I'm not going to kill you, Darren, I haven't killed anyone this whole week, I've knocked plenty out, but I haven't killed anyone, and I won't unless I have to. What camp are you from?"
"Come find me, I'll help with your mother, now make yourself scarce." Darren's eyes widened for a moment, "Go." Rhys whispered, feigning anger as he sprinted into the trees, Cassian shouted after him, having heard the whole exchange,
"Leave him! Don't bother." Three unconscious bodies lay around him, it seemed that Cassian had fought the extra male, well, utterly destroyed, if his broken nose was any indication. Rhys turned to check on Azriel and frowned at his brother's face.
Azriel stared wide-eyed, unseeing at one of the males he had fought, blood coating his scarred hands, he was hardly breathing as he glanced back, tears lining his eyes,
"I - I killed him. He's dead." Az shook his head, more tears forming as his hands began to shake, Rhys and Cassian were at his side instantly, "I - I've never-" he broke off and met Rhys' eyes, "He's dead because of me, I - I tried to stop him, but, there were two of them, and I -"
"Az," Rhys whispered, "You're okay, you didn't have a choice, you tried to leave him alive, that's what matters, you're not a bad person." Still, Azriel's breath started coming in gasps, horror filling his eyes as he looked down at the dead male at his feet, "He was so desperate to prove himself, he didn't even consider backing off. Both of them, I knocked one out, but-"
"Hey," Cassian threw an arm around Azriel's shoulders, "Hey, you did everything you could, you shouted at him to get back, you warned him,"
"I don't even know his name," Azriel whispered.
 The trek up the mountain was exhausting, although it seemed that they had avoided the battle at its base, they didn't meet anyone else on the slopes, and Azriel gradually recovered from his guilt, although it still tore at his inside, still made him want to throw up. He smiled at the sight of the monolith, the sunlight gleaming off it. 
His brothers at his side, he stepped towards the stone, the marker of success, meeting both of their eyes before raising his hand,
"Together," he whispered, and closed his eyes. 
When he opened them, he was back in Windhaven, Rhys' mother was already waiting for them, 
"Boys!" She grinned as she ran towards them, "You're back pretty early, Azriel? You okay?" She frowned at the distant look in his eyes, "Come inside," she ushered the three of them into the house, grinning as they collapsed onto the couch, on on top of the other, and tried to shove the others away, in the end, it was Cassian who yelped as he fell onto the floor, 
"Pricks," he muttered, but just flopped down between them once they had sat up,
"You boys hungry? "I've got some stew going for lunch." Azriel chuckled as Cassian's attention immediately went the kitchen,
"Yes please," he said, the first manners that he had displayed the whole week, sending both Azriel and Rhys into fits of laughter,
"Oh, that's rich, Cass, 'yes please' my ass!" Rhys laughed,
"Rhysand!" His mother reprimanded, "Language!"
"Sorry mom," he muttered, still grinning at Cassian's gaze on the three bowls that his mother served up, and Az nudged him in the side and whispered,
"Mighty High Lord,"
"Oh shush, you both know I'm not in charge here,"
Damn right you're not in charge, Rhysand, you're eighteen, you're practically a baby, none of this 'High Lord' business on my watch." His mother chuckled, "Cauldron knows what would happen if you were High Lord now,"
"Civil war?"
"Free wine?"
"Showing off?" Rhys glared at his brothers, before immediately being distracted by the scent of his mother's cooking as she set three dishes before them,
"Food, then bed,"
"Yes, mom." Az snickered again, earning a shove on the shoulder, but quickly shut up to eat his own food.
 They couldn't be bothered to find their own rooms, instead peeling off their leathers and collapsing onto the nearest bed, Cassian's, and sleeping through 'til midday the next day.
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bitters-enthusiast · 4 years
A fic for @timmys-and-scribbles , I love u boo 
The bar was more than likely annoyed with the ginger at this point.
Julian had spent more than a few hours at the Rowdy Raven, his second home, and was drunk off his ass -- even that may have been an understatement. It’d started with a few drinks, just him trying to kill time while Julianne was working at the shop, keeping himself busy and away. Then it turned into him getting sad, a little down, because he didn’t have enough work to keep him steady and busy during a time like this. Wasn’t a doctor rather crucial to a city? Shouldn’t his knowledge and efforts be more needed?
If Julianne were there, she’d be telling him to just be thankful that he had the day off, and that he’d have patients tomorrow eager to hear his advice. 
But Julianne wasn’t there, she was busy. And so, having let the silly, intrusive thoughts take hold of him, he slammed back some more drinks.
More drinks turned into stories, stories turned into singing, and singing turned into slight arguments with other patrons who were getting quite annoyed with the man. Perhaps he’d better find another hobby that isn’t getting drunk and flirting with death.
A couple of hours in at that point, Julian had heard talk of a local musician holding an event in the marketplace in the afternoon in order to make pay for his home. His ears had perked up, and he grinned, even as he took another shot of liquor. Music? A lively night? That sounded exactly his style to the tee, and he’d started to get excited for when Julianne would finally be done with her work for the day. Oh, how he wished to spin her into the night with an exciting tango, or a cozy waltz. If she were there. Waiting for her would be the most excruciating part of his day. But how hopefully rewarding that waiting would be!
A few more hours passed, and at that point, the sun was starting to go down over Vesuvia. Not that Julian could really count the hours --- he was inside, and only whined aloud about missing his wife every other moment or two. 
At the current moment, though, he’d started rambling off a story to his most familiar bartender and friend (at least, Julian would consider him a friend), Reiner. Words slurred and wistful about the time that he’d gone to a city with the Nazali Satrinava -- no, really, it was them, on my life -- to practice his medical studies. While there, they’d caught wind of a puppeteer who used magic to make it seem as if their puppets could move and talk on their own. It was really quite scary, and just added onto the fact that he didn’t like magic at the time. 
“No, really, Reiner,” the doctor laughed, a little too loudly for others’ liking, and he clutched the glass beside him with a firm hand. “One of ‘em, I think it’s name was.. was.. Perhaps Tootie, or something of the sort, and it.. it just moved!”
“It moved, Ilya? Like a puppet is supposed to do?”
“Well, right, duh, but! It moved like a human. And that’s my point. It was absolutely horrible!”
“Right.” the man behind the counter laughed, cleaning out a glass with a soft rag. 
“I’m serious, you can’t take that stuff too lightly, Reiner. It can be rather powerful at times, you know.”
“You were dealing with a puppeteer, Julian.”
“What if she was using real people that she, I don’t know, shrunk! How disastrous would that be? No one would know! She was under the guise of children entertainment!!”
Reiner once again laughed, and set the now-cleaned cup upon his counter to use for someone else who walked in. “You’re quite the theorist.”
“Well, you can never be too careful. Magicians--”
Just then, the door opened quietly, and for the millionth time that night, as soon as Julian heard it, he turned quickly to see if it was Julianne coming to look for him. And this time, he was lucky enough to have his wish come true. 
The woman patted down her blouse, having looked like she just walked a mile to get there. She may as well have -- Julian would’ve waited either way. With a smile, though, she glanced across the room at the semi-familiar faces, before her eyes landed upon her desperate doctor. Placing a hand upon her hip, she smiled, and looked at him knowingly. “Did someone say ‘magician’?”
Julian practically lept from his seat, leaving Reiner behind to continue his work. How absolutely wonderful it was to finally be able to see Julianne’s beautiful face after waiting all day. He stumbled on his way over, and he attempted to laugh it off, hurrying forward to grab Juli in a bear hug. “Oh, Juli, love, I’ve been waiting for you all day. I thought you were never going to put up shop. I’ve been longing for you arms for hours, I--”
As he was speaking, Julianne gently wrapped her arms around him in turn, but shot a glance to the side at the man behind the counter. With a grin, Reiner could already tell what she was thinking. 
“Hey, Annie. Just the usual. He couldn’t be patient long enough to go home himself.”
“Ah,” Julianne nodded, smiling in return. By this point, she knew the staff of the tavern quite well, and had even befriended some of them. It was hard not to -- her doctor was here almost every other day. Her and Reiner were the best of friends out of them all, though, and she trusted him to keep Julian safe and in place when he got hammered -- such as tonight. Pulling away from the hug, Julianne looked up at Julian, and tsked quietly. “Too impatient indeed. Have you been wailing their ears off this time? I’m sure this bar has heard one too many of your renditions of Hound Cries at Midnight.”
When Julianne had pulled away from the hug, Julian had to force himself not to pout. He had craved her affection all day, and just when he’d gotten it...
“No, not today. Though, I do think I should modify that middle section to sound a little more operatic, don’t you think? I--” As he spoke, his eyes continued to search over Julianne’s face, and he began to melt from the inside out. He brought his hands upward, cupping either side of her face, and he crooned, his face adorned with a flirtatious smile. “Ohhh, Julianne, you’re so beautiful. Even after such a long day at work, you’re here, making sure I’m okay and giving me hugs and-- I just don’t deserve such a precious woman.” The redhead pressed a sloppy kiss to her forehead, before pulling her into another hug. 
Julianne was quite used to his drunken behavior at this point, but nonetheless, she still found it hilarious and sometimes flattering. Again, she hugged him back, a light blush on her face from embarrassment. Julian definitely never had volume control when he was drunk. “You’re such a ham, Julian. Don’t you know you’re in a bar?”
Chuckling, Julian pulled away. “What better place to announce your undying love to a beautiful maiden? At least then everyone will know she’s spoken for!” With dramatic flair, the man turned on his heel to face the bar, is arm landing snugly along Juli’s shoulders. With his voice slightly louder than before, he addressed the establishment. “Fellow ... er, uh... hearty drinkers! As some, but not all of you may know, this is my gorgeous, smart, funny, talented, practically perfect wife, Julianne! Julianne, this is Heinrich, Nattak, Erin, and ... was it Izaak? It was Izaak, right, friend? Oh, you absolutely killed  me with your strange noises and your story about the parrot inside the--”
“Julian,” his wife began to speak under her breath. She was flattered by his pride, sure, but this was just more than a little embarrassing. Her cheeks dusted with bright pink, she reached to touch a hand to his chest to try and get his attention as he rambled. 
“Oh! Right, right. Anyways, fellows, this is Julianne! A powerful magician who has stolen my heart--”
“Didn’t you just make a scene earlier about how much you dislike magic?” Some random, gruff man made a comment.
“Yes, well, she’s quite different than any other magician I’ve ever met before. She brings a sort of... fire out within me. Oh, especially when we kiss.” He sighs with an affectionate undertone, and you can practically see stars in his eyes. “Anyway! She’s stolen my heart so graciously, and also given me the best life I could have asked for. She’s really quite great, she treats me ever so well, and makes me--”
Julianne cleared her throat loudly this time, and shook her head in amusement. “Julian, how many times are you going to make this same speech? I’m sure poor Reiner has heard you say these same things three times already this month.”
Turning a little red, Julian chuckled, and faced his wife. He shrugged, as if he were a child getting caught and was trying to justify it. “What can I say? I suppose I just have, ack-!” As he was turning to face Juli, he tripped on a wooden floor board just barely raised above the rest, and he did his best not to stumble to the floor. Laughing it off, as he does, he glanced around the room and gestured to Julianne once more. “I guess I’m just head over heels in love, eh?”
“Sounds like she’s actually a little annoyed wit’ya, bud,” the same gruff man from the corner spoke. It was obvious he’d become a little annoyed with Julian’s drunken antics spoiling his quiet night at the bar. “I’d shut up if ya actually wanted to keep ‘er around. Maybe do less at the bar and more in the bedroom.”
Julian gasped, clutching at the material over his chest. “How dare you, Mr. Corner-Beard! I think I do quite well in that area, thank you! Why, you son’t even have to just take my word! Julianne, would you--?”
Reiner looked between the three of them -- the drunk doctor, his poor wife, and Mr. Corner-Beard -- and paused in his work to be sure that, for the millionth time, Julian didn’t start another bar fight that he couldn’t finish. And as if she read his mind, Julianne, grabbed Julian by his arm, and pulled him toward the exit. 
“That’s quite enough, Dr. Devorak. I think your friends heard enough of your home life today. How about we go home?”
Julian paused, right before the reached the door. He looked at the burly corner man right in the eyes, before he turned to take Julianne into his arms, press a long, dramatic kiss to her lips, and pulled away once more. He looked at the stranger one last time before pulling the door open, and exiting with his... certain dramatic flair.
Julianne stood there in shock for a moment, her face having now turned a bright red. She felt every eye in the place on her, and she could only find solace in one pair -- Reiner’s. The bartender forced himself to hold back his laughter, placing his hand over his mouth. All the woman could do was blink at him, and at this point, Julian was either storming his way home or was wandering around in circles waiting for her to leave alongside him. Reiner finally dropped his hand, only to say a few words before the magician left. 
“Don’t kill him. He has a dance he wants to take you to tonight. Wanted to dip you in the moonlight, or something along those lines.”
Julianne shook her head, turning to walk out the door, and muttered, “Don’t worry, I won’t kill him. I’ll just dip his head into the fountain to sober him up a bit.”
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Discord pt 87
[Date: 17/03, 01.51 PM - 17/03, 03.53 PM GMT]
[This conversation was going on in #general2, simultaneously to another in #arg. The second is referenced later and will be posted separately after this one.]
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Prince: “Hello, everyone. It's been a while. :)”
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fetch: “oh hey buddy :]”
Maxwell: “Oh hey prince longtime no see”
fetch: “and goodmornin everyone”
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[donti: “hi prince, whats up”]
Prince: “Not much. Still kind of... off from last night. It's been a long time since I've had those thoughts, so I'm still reeling a bit.”
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fetch: “well at least you're doing better now. baron mentioned you went to the comfort room? that musta helped a lot”
Prince: “...Yeah, it helped a little bit.”
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[Maxwell: “Been a while since I’ve seen ya prince hope things are going okay”]
Prince: “Yeah... I'm sorry, I've just been really out of it lately. I'm not sure what my deal is.”
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[fetch: “have you been eating and drinking well? exercise and sunshine might help too”]
Prince: “Yeah, I've been doing all that! It's just... I don't know. I think I just miss my family. That's all...”
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fetch: “aw :(”
Maxwell: “It’s fine I haven’t been feeling the best either lately....though I know what it is I just don’t know how to fix it ha”
Prince: “I'm sorry to hear that, Max. I hope things get better for you soon :)”
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fetch: “i hope things get better for you too! missing family is always hard”
Maxwell: “I hope so as well....we’re trying to figure out ways to get rid of what’s bothering me but I hope you feel better soon too”
Prince: “They'll be here soon, so I think I'm just starting to get anxious for them to be back already :)”
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fetch: “I'm supposed to keep it a secret, but i can give you a hint! my favorite number is how many days away it is :)”
Prince: “I'm supposed to keep it a secret, but i can give you a hint! my favorite number is how many days away it is :)”
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fetch: “...4?
no wait it was 5, we had the same favorite number right?
no wait”
LLyr: “3, according to the blog”
fetch: “...3. 3 days?
well call me jesus fucking christ”
Prince: “Yep! i can't wait to see them all again! :D”
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fetch: “im. im glad! :]”
Prince: “I think I'll feel a lot better when they're back. I wanted Viscount to teach me how to play guitar but he left so suddenly I never got the chance to ask. I'm glad it's so soon. I don't think I can wait much longer :)”
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[Jack: “That’s so cool! Maybe you can teach him to play violin in return, haha”]
Prince: “Maybe, if he wants to learn! :D”
Jack: “:D
Y’all could duet maybe”
Prince: “I’d like that! :D”
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Maxwell: “I....hope things go well if they come back”
[donti: “What else are you planning on doing when they all come back?”]
Prince: ���Well, Page likes to draw, so I was thinking we could draw together, and I always love to play with Knight! :D As for the fourth, I'm going to have to get to know them a little better first :)”
donti: “Oh! Is the fourth arriving on the 20th?”
Prince: “They all are, yes :)”
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Prince: “I've been thinking... do they miss us as much as I miss them? They... they had to have left for a reason, after all.”
Maxwell: “......I....”
Maxwell: “I think they do you miss you.....”
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[fetch: “maybe they're just the type to run off on adventures? I did all the time as a kid”]
Prince: “Maybe... I hope that's the case. I probably shouldn't be thinking like this. I just can't help it for some reason... what if I did something wrong to make them want to leave, to make them hate me? You know? Crown said that these thoughts will go away soon. I really hope so. I hate having them.”
Maxwell: “No no it isnt your fault....trust me i know it isnt”
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[fetch: “I'm sure they don't hate you buddy :[ you aren't the only one they left behind. They left countess and baron and crown too”]
Prince: “Baron's been spending all his time in the comfort room and I'm pretty sure Countess lives in the library at this point. And Crown can't be here as often. I'm always alone...”
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[fetch: “Maybe try striking up conversation with countess? Maybe she can teach you some ciphers!”]
Prince: “Maybe... are you guys sure I didn't do something wrong? I know I mess up a lot without meaning to...”
Maxwell: “its not your fault trust me”
fetch: “Yeah, you're a-okay :D”
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Prince: “...I keep seeing arguing pop up on my screen from another channel. Is everything alright?” [The channel referenced is #arg]
fetch: “oh yeah everything's cool :] don't worry bout it”
Maxwell: “yeah yeah uh dont worry”
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Prince: “If you're sure... I am the messenger after all :) If something is wrong, I have to let Crown know”
Maxwell: “Nope nothing is wrong its fine”
[fetch: “honestly, I think everything is going according to plan for crown! so he'd be pleased to know that :]”]
Prince: “I'll let him know that, then :D”
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Prince: “While I'm here, is there anything else I should let Crown know when he arrives?”
fetch: “let him know... he's getting what he wants.”
Maxwell: “fetch what...”
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Prince: “It really doesn't seem like the argument is nothing... do you promise everything is okay? Or is this just another situation where everyone is lying to protect me?”
fetch: “its alright. we're done fighting.”
fetch: “it's okay its fine everything's okay and im gonna take a nap”
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donti: “Sorry about that Prince. Tensions are a little high right now”
Maxwell: “yeah....”
Prince: “I just want everyone to be okay... that's all. If there's something wrong, you can tell me :)”
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Prince: “Should i read through it?”
Maxwell: “No!”
Spark: “No!”
Maxwell: “Its fine its fine no need”
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Kate: “I think reading through it would upset you and we don't want that, but it's not like its hidden from you so I guess if you did want to read it, it's there”
donti: “best if you didnt,”
Jack: “A lot of it is really angry, but if you want we won’t hide it from you.”
Prince: “...
I see.”
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donti: “did you read it?”
Prince: “I'll... I'll be sure to let Crown know everything is going according to plan...”
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Maxwell: “prince please tell me you didnt
donti: “...”
[Kate: “You read it, didn't you, Prince?”]
Prince: “...yes.”
Maxwell: “how much did you read?”
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Maxwell: “like....all of today or anything with yesterday..”
Prince: “I.. I guess I hope you like your new circlets... Page... ? Knight...? That...that is who you two are, isn't it?”
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Maxwell: “i....”
Maxwell: “im....max”
Prince: “...
Right. Sorry.”
Maxwell: “and fetch....is fetch...”
Maxwell: “its not your fault”
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Prince: “You were Page and Knight before, though, weren't you? Before you left?”
Prince: “.. why did you leave?”
Maxwell: “ okay yes we were
but we didnt leave because of you
or baron or countess”
Maxwell: “ i...
Maxwell: “we werent ourselves
although we were page and knight thats...not who are or rather not who are anymore”
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Prince: “...
...Do you still like us as Max and Fetch..?”
Maxwell: “yes yes of course!
we still all care for you”
[donti: “how could they not”]
Prince: “Why else would they leave us?”
Maxwell: “we....werent very happy
neither me, fetch or marcus were really ourselves”
Prince: “... I don't understand. I thought everyone was happy. You guys all seemed so happy. That doesn't make any sense.”
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Maxwell: “its why you see such a difference in how we act compared to who we were
it....wasnt us”
Prince: “Things are better here, though. I’m happier here with Crown than I ever was without him... Son’t you guya want to be happy?”
Maxwell: “i wasnt truly happy neither were the others
That doesn’t mean we don’t care about you though, Asher, we still do”
Prince: “...Asher... That’s my... my name...
Maxwell: “yes it is”
Prince: “Asher...? Asher... Asher..” [At this point, some letters are not in Ender]
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Maxwell: “asher?
you okay?”
Prince: “Wait. No, stop. I don’t want to remember, please”
Maxwell: “i...”
Prince: “Please”
Prince: “I don’t want to remember”
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donti: “Hey buddy pal prince, asher, whoever you are.
friend. youre fine.
Prince: “I’m not Asher I’m not Asher I’m Prince just Prince”
Jack: “If you want us to call you prince, that’s fine.”
Prince: “I’m not Asher I’m not Asher”
Jack: “Prince. Breathe.”
Prince: “What did you do make it stop”
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Jack: “Prince. Just breathe. Calm down.”
donti: “breathe. breathe. calm.”
Prince: “...”
fetch: “this is why I wanted to drop it.”
donti: “we’re sorry, please,”
Jack: “You’re remembering what’s been taken away. It’s not happy, but you can breathe through it.”
Maxwell: “fuck fuck fuck”
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liaincursives · 4 years
These feelings I got/Lucas’ season
previous part (Tuesday 06:12)
Ahhhhh it’s late. Enjoy it, I think it’s not that bad, even if it’s late. I think it matches the fact the today is kind of a vds day. <3
Thursday 20:03
The air was fresh, but not as cold as Lucas had expected when he had left half an hour ago. The park was full of people, families on a walk, teenagers chatting on the big white edges of the sidewalk and couples sitting on the benches. Lucas, Britt and Noor were sitting on an old Blanket in the middle of the lawn, some food and a bottle of wine in between them. Britt was looking at the people who were passing by, leaning on Noor who was sketching something, Lucas was reading in his book. 
“I don’t understand it, there are so many hot guys out there and you could have them all. But. You are just sitting here and not caring about,” Britt looked at Noor and Lucas could feel the anger in Noor, shaking her head. “I just don’t want anyone, it’s not like we always need to be in a relationship, do we? I mean, look at Lucas, he’s sitting there, not caring about relationships at all” Britt sat up straight and stared at Lucas and Noor. “Wait, you both don’t want anyone and you are hanging together the whole time. Why didn’t you guys tell me you were dating? I don’t have a problem with it, really.” Lucas couldn’t do anything else than giving himself a facepalm with his book, rolling his eyes, while Noor started laughing. “Oh believe me, Lucas is so mysterious,  even if we would be dating, I probably wouldn’t even know it.”  “Hey, it’s not that I don’t tell you anything” 
Britt’s gaze was jumping between Lucas and Noor “Guys, it’s not funny, it could have been, Lucas kinda reminds me of Robbe, so he could have been your type.” “Oh, maybe he is. That’s why he didn’t tell me who he likes. Lucas, I see what you are up to” Noor said laughing, coming closer to Lucas. “Yes for sure. That’s what I’ve been planning all along. Do you want to marry me?” Noor laughed, then gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Yes, Britt, don’t you think van Der Hejiden would be a great last name for me?”  “Well, if you guys stop making fun of me, I would tell you. Like seriously, it could have been possible” 
“Sorry to say that, my beloved wife, but there’s someone else that I like way better,” Lucas bit his tongue. He was going to tell them, wasn’t he? “Who should be more fabulous than I’m, let me know the secret” “It’s…” Lucas took a breath. Was he ready? Now? With Britt here? He wanted them to know, it felt right too talk to someone, but. still, was he sure?
Noor was looking at him, with eyes full of expectation. “Do you want a drumroll or what?” “It’s..”  “JENS” “What?” Britt was waving towards two silhouettes on the other end of the lawn and he realised that his secret was still safe and that Jens and a little girl were walking through the park, the girl, who seemed to be his little sister Lucas had seen last Wednesday, was running towards the three teenagers. 
Britt stood up and walked toward Jens, hugging him and starting a conversation and jealousy digged a hole into Lucas stomach. Why was everyone else able to just casually talk to him? 
“Lucaaaaaaas!” The little girl sat down in front of Noor and him. “And Noor, I didn’t know you knew each other” “Hey Lotte,” Noor hugged the little girl who looked at them and then back to Britt and her older brother. “I don’t like that girl, Jana is way nicer” “But you know you can’t say things like that, son’t you?” Noor was smiling “How do you know Lucas? He hasn’t been here for long.” “Well the same reason why I know you, he’s one of Jens’ friends and he was at our place last week, before Jana left. Isn’t it sad that she’s gone, she was always so nice to me.” Noor looked at Lucas “You were at Jens’ place?” “For sure he was, why is that weird? You were at our place too when Jens’ was celebrating things” Lotte looked excited, like she was telling a story she  really really wanted to tell someone, while Noor made an extremely interested impression. “Didn’t you tell her Lucas? He was at our place to give back a sweater and it was before Jana was leaving, so we baked something, because, you know, Jens and Jana always baked for me. And then Lucas came and gave me the sweater and Jana wanted him stay, but he didn’t, he had to go somewhere, didn’t you, Lucas?” Lotte was looking at the Dutch boy,  like she expected him to add important details to her story. “And well, after he left, Jens was upset or something and Jana made him happy again but I didn’t understand it, it’s that grown up drama, I don’t get older people,” she finished her story and Luca didn’t know what to do. 
“Noor, can you draw for me again?” Lotte grabbed Noor’s sketchbook and in the corner of his eye, Lucas saw Jens and Britt coming over. The little girl was crazy, talking like a waterfall, he thought while he could see Noor thinking, trying to connect the information she just had gotten with what she already knew about Lucas. “Lotte, I told you not to touch other people’s stuff. You need to ask before it, it’s rude if you don’t do it”. “But why?” “Well, imagine if there was a secret in Noor’s book and you would show it to everyone, that wouldn’t be cool, would it?” “Yeah you are right. Sorry Noor” 
Fascinated, Lucas followed the dialogue. He wouldn’t have expected Jens to be that good with kids, but the warm way he talked with his sister made Lucas’ heart melt and he once again cursed the whole situation for being this complicated. 
In the mean time, Lotte was staring at the horizon, then her face lit up. “I know it, Lucas and you had a fight, didn’t you Jens? You know, you shouldn’t fight, mom always says that you have to talk about what happened and I like Lucas, you shouldn’t fight with him,” Lucas saw the confusion in the brown eyes of the taller boy and wanted to say something, to make the situation less weird, but Jens was faster. 
“Speaking of mom, we should go now. I think these three were doing something important and if mom finds out you were longer at Sophie’s place, she is going to be mad with me. It’s already late, see, the sun is already sinking” Jens pointed at the sky and Lotte smiled. “Okay, but you have to talk with Lucas, okay? And I am too tired to walk, so we could stay her.” 
As if it was the easiest thing in the world, Jens lifted up the little girl and after saying goodbye, the two were gone as suddenly as they appeared. Noor was staring at Lucas, who was staring into the emptiness, thinking about the things the little girl just had said. 
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feanor · 5 years
nerdanel takes a page out of finwë’s book: a very long bullet point fic
fëanor is dead
he will stay dead forever, so says mandos
nerdanel’s children, on the other hand, are alive (and were reborn as children and are now teens/young adults and celebrimbor is older than his dad which is weird but also kind of helps them get along better?)
and alive with them is a man
i will not deign to give him a name
he is not fëanor, he is nothing like fëanor, so i don’t like him
nerdanel likes this man
she likes him a lot
and he likes her a lot
and they’re... seeing each other, which is to say they’re courting but in a way that makes her family suspect that something is up but not 100% certain
well, not 100% certain until she actually up and tells her sons ‘i think i may be falling in love with Man. is this... is this something you seven think you could come around to?’
they ask politely to convene as a group without her to discuss. she agrees and understands. she’d do anything for her boys.
the boys discuss
it goes something like this:
“what” - maglor
“what should we do” ambarussa
“i... don’t know.” maedhros (not a good sign)
“i mean... i want to to be happy” - caranthir
“yeah but like... she seemed happier with dad? maybe it’s just my bias because they’re our parents. speaking of, what about dad?” - curufin
“maybe we should tell him?” - celegorm
“tell him what? oh, hey dad, mom’s getting remarried probably and you can do nothing but grieve because you’re literally dead, we thought you should know.” - maglor
“we could... i mean, look. do we all agree that we don’t like Man as a potential step-father?” - maedhros
“yes.” - everyone else
“i vote we tell dad and go from there.” - celegorm, and an agreement is made
so they say to nerdanel “this is a lot to process for us. we’re going to need some time to adjust to this new development.” and she says “i understand, take all the time you need.”
boys trip to mandos! time to tell dad that the love of his life is falling in love with some other dude
“i don’t like the word step-father.” - curufin, on the way there
“me either.” - everyone else
“now we know how dad feels about indis.” - celegorm
“ohhhhhhhh. yeah now i understand.” - everyone else
they get to mandos
they bang on some doors and maedhros is very persuasive
fëanor’s spirit meets them halfway. he’s on the Dead Side and they’re on the Alive Side
“whats up, boys. miss me that much?” - fëanor
“we have a problem.” - caranthir
“what is it?” - fëanor, thoroughly intrigued
“mom’s getting married and we son’t want her to!! we don’t want a new dad we like you!” -amras
“nerdanel’s WHAT.” - guess
“no, no. mom’s not getting married. she’s just falling in love with another dude. she’ll get married in like three years, probably, if it works out with Man” - maedhros
“sorry, WHAT. who is MAN????” - guess
“mom’s new boyfriend” - celegorm
god, poor fëanor
“nerdanel... oh, man.”
“we thought we should tell you.” - curufin
fëanor’s spirit sits down and takes a deep breath
“okay.” he says
“wait, what?” - sons 1 through 7
“i mean... if he makes her happy, i guess.”
“who are you and what have you done with curufinwë fëanáro.” - celegorm, caranthir
“haven’t you heard? according to the sindar, my name is fëanor now. and i’m pathetic also, according to the sindar.”
“the sindar literally know fuck all about anything, they’re the dumbest people ever??” - maedhros, maglor, celegorm, curufin, everyone who’s ever interacted with the sindar ever
“c’mon dude we need you to like, stop mom from getting engaged because we Don’t Like Him” - maglor
“look. kiddos. i’m dead, permanently. i’m no help to anyone, much less nerdanel. if she loves this man, she should be with him.”
“she should be with you!” - amrod
“that’s not what she wants, though, is it?” - fëanor
they leave fëanor in the halls and decide to accept that their mom likes Man
they still don’t, though.
he has less of a temper than fëanor, unsurprisingly, but he’s a lot more violent when he is angry
not towards them, but he’s smashed plates
for seven men with ptsd it’s really not great
but yknow what? dad is right. mom is happy.
(amras won’t tell them that Man took it too far one night when he was at home alone with him. curufin doesn’t talk about how violent Man is when curufin is acting too much like fëanor. they don’t want to hurt nerdanel)
celebrimbor and curufin have a lot of talks about the whole situation. it helps them bond.
so nerdanel and man get engaged or whatever
yayyyy i guess
the wedding comes up really quickly
nerdanel decides she wants maedhros to walk her down the aisle
they get as far as the ‘does anyone object’ bit
fëanor’s timing is, as per usual, perfect. he walks in with a swagger and raises his hand. ‘i object.’ he says.
Man walks up to him and tries to punch him in the face
fëanor trips him and sidesteps.
“really, ‘danel? i thought you had taste.”
nerdanel remembers what it is to truly be in love, or some romantic shit because we Know fëanor is her man for life
“you said you weren’t going to do anything, dad.” - curufin, trying to be dry but relief is flooding his face
“yeah, and then i thought about it some more and decided that giving up hope of reconciling with my estranged wife was fucking stupid. what’s that bruise behind your collar?”
“hm? oh, i don’t know, it’s probably from when i tripped a few days ago. how did you get out of mandos?
“okay.” the look says ‘we’re talking about that later, because i don’t believe you for one second’. “i was able to convince some of the maiar to get me some tools and then i broke out. it was awesome and well worth it.”
“anyways,” continues fëanor, “i believe my very presence annuls all legal rights to this marriage. and i hope that, maybe this can become a vow renewal?” now he’s looking straight at nerdanel, and he’s got hope in his eyes. “i know there are so many ways i’ve wronged you. and i am sorry. i want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”
nerdanel says “alright. fine. i think the boys like you better, anyways”
fëanor laughs. “they’d better!”
boom wedding vow renewal
cut to like three months later, Man is in Elf Jail because fëanor is still Lawyer AF curufin broke down and told fëanor that man hurt him because of how much he resembled fëanor, who promptly lost it and instantly regretting not breaking his fucking arm at the wedding
fëanor and nerdanel are happy!
the end
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noel-byers · 5 years
What monsters do you fight? || chapter O3
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Chapter O1 • Chapter O2 • Chapter O3
Words: 1570
After almost throwing Will's bicycle in the back of the playroom, I walked in with a few strides and found myself standing in front of Kit, intent on munching a packet of chips like usual.
"Taste bbq?" I asked with a small smile.
"Don't try Byers. It is onion taste your most hated taste” Kit answered with his usual rabbit smile. I raised both eyebrows and put both hands on my hips.
"You really are ungrateful, if it weren't for me, you'd have twice your pounds, you need a poor wretch to help you finish the fries” I commented, rather disappointed, but keeping a slight smile of defiance.
"However you are late I will have to take ten dollars off your pay" my friend said at one point, continuing to crunch noisily.
"What?! And I, who had also taken care to bring you my acne cream, but since all of a sudden you became all asshole, then keep your onion breath and your volcanoes on the epidermis" I replied with theatrical making leaving myself behind a Kit that now implored my forgiveness and the divine ointment.
I started doing my reconnaissance lap inside the club, being careful that no one broke some machinery or just having fun seeing the children rosicare when they were game over. But my gaze stopped on a little girl who was playing Dig-Dug and immediately it occurred to me how much Dustin boasted about his "unbeatable score".
So as soon as I saw the girl cursing for yet another game over, I approached her.
"Twice on, one on the right, four on the left, two on the bottom and a counterclockwise turn with the keys" I said, laying a hand on the Dig-Dug machine, the red-haired girl looked up and her pale eyes met the my.
"What?" He asked with a questioning grimace.
"I'm revealing a trick to boost your character and upset the record list" I replied vaguely, shrugging my shoulders.
"And why are you telling me?" The redhead asked at this point, crossing her arms over her chest with a small interested smile. At his request I looked up at the ceiling for a few moments, pressing the index finger several times on my chin.
"I have a weakness for red hair" I replied in an amused tone.
"And how should I take this answer, like an advance?" The girl asked ironically.
"Nah just like a desperate request for friendship, a teenager who gets bored in the arcade" I replied with a small laugh, which she reciprocated.
"Do you agree, bored girl, and how do I know you're not fooling me for fun?" She asked at this point, raising an eyebrow.
"You are a very suspicious girl. We make a bet, if you are right, I offer you a hot dog, otherwise you will have to offer it to me if you are wrong” I proposed with a tone of challenge and she accepted the bet turning immediately to the Dig-Dug screen and pressing the proper buttons as I had told her.
At the end of the game The red-haired girl remained with her mouth wide open and turning to me trying to contain all her euphoria.
"Ok redhead fetishist, you won, I'll offer you this goddamn Hot-dog" he nodded with a broad smile.
"I very gladly accept, dear!" After taking a hot dog for both of them, the girl proposed to sit on the stairs outside the room, just ahead of the entrance. We sat down and as we ate another conversation started.
"Anyway, I'm Max" he said as he chewed.
"And I'm Noel, nice to meet you" when Max heard my name raised an eyebrow but said nothing about it "I've never seen you in these parts, you're new here in Hawkins?"I asked, taking a bite of the hot dog..
The girl at that point nodded but didn't seem to be of many words about it. I decided not to feel something unpleasant, also because I didn't have all this confidence yet.
"You'll be fine here, Hawkins may seem like a city too monotonous and quiet, but if you look hard you will find many unusual and interesting things" I commented gently.
"I hope so in the end...this place doesn't look so bad, it's great for skateboarding" replied Max nodding several times.
"Now I'm really curious to see you at work" I said putting both hands under my face and then looking at her with an amused air.
"Next time I could take him to the arcade" the redhead suggested.
"I find it an excellent idea" I concluded with a nod, only to be interrupted by a deafening roar of cars, which approached a few meters from us.
My throat knotted dangerously when I saw Billy Hargrove get out of that car, what the fuck was he doing here? Don't tell me he had a secret passion, hidden under that sawdust brain?
He leaned close to the hood of the car, lighting a cigarette, and looked with unfriendly eyes at Max, who looked down nervously, but Hargrove's eyes bulged when he recognized my figure.
Probably if he could have punched me he would have done it in that instant but probably being around a public place prevented him from putting his bestial desire into action.
"What the fuck are you doing here with her?" Billy asked frowning, earning a puzzled look from Max.
"I work here, asshole. And the girl is able to understand and decide what to do on her own" I replied without fear, but the blond's gaze was causing me a slight sense of anxiety.
"She's my half sister, bitch. And she does what I say, when I want and how I want to” Billy replied, then looked at Max, who looked at me almost sorry.
"You can't always behave like that with the Hargrove people as if they were all under your iron fist, you will realize that all this security is all in your imagination" I said to Billy as he entered his car and lowering the window he said to me:
"Take it in the ass, Byers"
"Well you do as a target first, Hargrove" I yelled back, while Max inside his car bit his tongue to keep from laughing, while Billy with a disgusting bitter in his mouth darted home.
I made my way back home at midnight, my eyes had grown heavy and all I wanted was to throw myself into my bed and not think about anything but sleep.
I started towards our small kitchen, uncertain of a little water to drink and as soon as I found the bottle I poured a small amount into the glass. In the air reigned a heavy silence, almost unusual for our apartment, maybe Will would have slept quiet dreams that night. I was hoping for it with all my heart. My thoughts stopped abruptly when I heard a creak at the front door, as if someone had opened it ... was he a thief? He carefully opened the cutlery drawer and picked up a knife with the tip not out of tune, hoping it could be useful and turning around I saw only the figure of my younger brother who was going out of the house with an empty expression. "W-Will?" I whispered, frightened but at the same time perplexed, but he didn't seem to hear me. So after putting down the knife, with a small step he followed his path, until I saw him stop a few centimeters from the entrance door. He looked at the sky in a terrified way but there was nothing, I didn't see anything! His small hands trembled like dry leaves, while his eyes were wide with terror.
I knelt in front of him and with both hands grabbed his slender shoulders trying to shake a little. "Will what's up? what's scaring you?” no answer “Will please, can you hear me?” it looked like an ice statue “Will, please answer me!” I begged with eyes that started to contain more tears. His gaze dropped to me in a lost way.
"Noel...?" As soon as he heard those words, I looked into his shocked eyes and without thinking twice I greeted him in my arms.
"Will...holy god, what happened to you?" The child seemed to think about it a little before answering.
"I think suffering from somnambulism is one of the symptoms...of the trauma, the doctor told me" and yet there was something that did not come back to me.
"Are you really telling me the truth?" I asked frightened, he nodded "Swear me"
"I swear" he replied without hesitation as if he wanted to avoid the subject. I looked at him again for a few moments, stroking his face with one hand, then getting up and leading him back into the house.
"Do you want me to keep you company, little brother?" I asked in front of his bedroom door, he shook his head.
"No son’t worry, you know, I'm not a child anymore" he replied, raising his eyes to the sky and I nodded defeated, moving away to the bathroom to put on my pajamas and give me a fix. A few moments after putting on my pajamas I approached Will's room again, who seemed to have taken sleep immediately, I let a sigh escape from my dry lips and as far as I knew I was going against my brother's will, I approached his sleeping figure and taking a pillow I lay down beside his bed, on the floor and watching him like a sentinel, I let my heavy eyelids and defeated fatigue slowly take possession of my body, catapulting me into a deep sleep.
T O   B E   C O N T I N U E D …
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@xxemoluverxx @sledgy14 @ellenna
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ao3feed-timdrake · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2O8B6gD
by CharlesWaterloo
Diana realised with a jolt that none of them had actually asked him how he knew Batman. And she was just as curious as the rest of them about the “we”. It implied Batman worked with more people. ‘How did you come to know Batman? Does he have any other friends?’
His mouth fell open, and he snorted, which evolved into full-out laughter. ‘I’m sorry. Oh my god - friends?’
Diana felt a little hurt on Batman’s behalf. ‘Are you not his friend?
He shook his head. ‘Did B really not say anything? I’m hurt. No, I’m not his friend. I’m his son.’
(An AU where the Justice League haven't met any of Bruce's kids. Because I am original.)
Words: 1452, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Justice League - All Media Types, Nightwing (Comics), Red Robin (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, Clark Kent, J'onn J'onzz, Barry Allen, Diana (Wonder Woman), Shayera Hol, Hal Jordan, Alfred Pennyworth, Arthur Curry (DCU), Oliver Queen, Stephanie Brown
Additional Tags: Humor, hopefully, Batfamily (DCU), It's the Justice League meeting the batfam trope again shoot me I don't care, Why are Justice League fics so hard to tag?, this will probably have mulitple chapters - one for each character, Fluff, Batdad, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, I have tagged some characters but they will not be in it too much - this is a batfam fic, yeet, Family, Bat Family, Some of their hero names are slightly different - but don't worry that's it, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, no beta we die like men, I'm going to warn you all now so son't be shocked, There will be shenanigans in this fic, Shenanigans I tell you, The justice league haven't met any of the batkids, No clear time frame, This is an AU so I'm just letting it happen whenever it is convenient, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2O8B6gD
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I’m a natural at research: 98% of the time when something comes up and I don’t know it I’ll look it up. Depending on my interest or it’s importance it can range from just reading a quick description/definition to 40+ tabs open on the subject. I’m not hung up on being always right though I only speak of what I know so I’m confident. I do loath to pass on wrong information tough, and will go to lengths to retract it. As soon as I’m proven wrong I admit it. I’m very pragmatic as in facts are 1/7
facts and our wishes and feelings are mostly secondary. I see myself as more a realist than anything else. I can’t stand PC culture and SJWs as it stands in the way of truth and helps people stay delusional and paper skinned. When I was younger I used to take every paper/project I had to do so seriously to the point of getting points deducted because I wrote/did more than was asked.  As time passed and others who did the bare minimum got more recognition than me I got a lot less dedicated. 2/7            
I’m very good at identifying what’s necessary/the point and editing the rest. It drives me crazy when I work with others that can’t prioritize well. I’m always the one  remembering others about keeping the budget and schedule. I have this paradox thing where I can procrastinate when it comes to chores and waste loads of time, but once I’m involved with something I become very driven and efficient. What I dislike the most about myself is my perfectionism and fear of failure, it’s like I can 3/7            
can only bare to be seen as competent and ready. And since my standards are really high, that’s not often. I believe success and happiness lies in finding how to play a good game while staying ethical and honest, specially to yourself. It really irritates me when people use excuses to justify unprofessional behavior and baby adults. And as much as I know we all are to a degree I can't stand clearly biased people, I always will defend whoever is right in a situation,even when I detest them. 4/7            
It's not out of kindness but out my sense of justice: it's unethical to accuse someone just because you don't like them. I operate on the sense of reciprocation: I like those who like me, I help those who help me etc. Experience has taught me to be that way, that way I built self esteem. I hate when people over credit or overestimate anyone/anything, including myself. I know what I know/am good at and what I don't know, and I wish others could respect that. I've always been great at 5/7           
quickly an accurately reading people/situations, and use that to my (sometimes others) defense and advantage. One of the fastest ways to get me to never respect or trust you is to try and fool me in any way. I see that as intellectual disrespect. When I admire a musician or other artist I son't just delve into their craft, but I deeply study and analyze their careers from an industry standpoint. How their choices impacted their image, and if/how that impacted their sales, what opportunities  6/7            
did they waste, how they deal with PR etc. I'm really into documentaries that show how something great was put together, all the work and strategy involved. I learn that way. I tend to be reluctant of accepting leader positions because often people don't pull their weight or are incompetent. I always end up leading anyway though, if I want something well done I better have control. My temper is short and my tongue's sharp. Effort is good, but results is what matter: no A for trying. >Typing? 7/7             
Hi anon,
There is no nice way to say this so: you sound unnervingly like Patrick Bateman and I don’t think I am able type you objectively as a result. I am hoping this is simply a case of a personality just coming across as far, far more cold and calculating on the internet than it actually is due to the limitations of space and the impersonal nature of the medium. Best of luck.
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elejah-wonderland · 5 years
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Part 3
Elijah Mikaelson x reader/Elena
ft Klaroline
Summary: Elijah and Y/N/E are happily married, until one night changed everything. What happened - read and find out. 
This is fluffy and so very alternative universe. I hope you like it. Here is quite a lengthy chapter. Thanks for reading and liking. I so appreciate it. xoxo
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @cassienoble2000 @elejahforever @hides2000 @captainshurley
Y/N/E watched Elijah through the window as he walked over to his car. 
“How do you feel after - your first meeting?”- Bonnie now asked Y/N/E.
“He’s ni-ce”- Y/N/E replied.
“He is quite an amazing person from all I have heard about him.”- Bonnie continued. 
Y/N/E now turned around and looked at her psychiatrist.
“I will go - ho-me to him?”
“Yes. He is your husband. Unless you don’t want to. You can go to your parents -”
Y/N/E now shook her head. 
“With him. I wa-nt to go with - him.”
Bonnie nodded in ok. They now sat down to talk more about how the meeting with Elijah went, thought it was obvious that she was fine with him. Still, Bonnie could tell by her body language that she was apprehensive. 
And so -three months had passed since Y/N/E woke up.Thee months of intensive speech therapy, exercise, helped her immensely to get back to life, as she said. Only thing that remain was the locked memory of her previous life. Bonnie explained to her an Elijah that she might get it back in time, but she might never get it back. Y/N/E didn't seem to be affected by it much.
"She could feel resigned. Sometimes people do that. She focused all of her strength to speak again. That was her main preoccupation. And rightly so, she has done tremendously well. Some don't manage what she has in such a short time. She is a fighter. But, you still have to be very patient with her."- Bonnie said as she sat down to speak with Elijah the day of Y/N/E's release from the Clinic.
"That is something I got plenty of"- Elijah said-"I understand that nothing can be rushed an it's the last thing I would ever do"-
"You have suffered along with her. It would be good that you speak to someone to. There are support groups, but if you son't prefer that I know an excellent therapist. Camille O'Connell."
"Thank you. I'll consider it"- Elijah said and now got up.
"There are strong people, and I see that you are one, but everyone has limits. You're only human. An I am not saying that's a bad thing. -Bonnie said.
Elijah nodded a little, understanding what she meant.
"I will still see her here every week for a session."- Bonnie said as it was obvious that their talk came to the end- "Good luck"
"Thank you for everything you and your husband have done."- Elijah said now putting his hand out to Bonnie. The psychiatrist now shook it and said-
"That's our job.”
Both of them then went to Y/N/E, who was still busy packing some of her stuff to take home.
Bonnie's Flashback
Day before, in the session with Bonnie
"So, do you feel ready to go home?"- Bonnie asked.
Y/N/E took a moment and answered it-
"Yes and no."
"And how do you feel about Elijah?"
Y/N/E looked at the flower bouquet he had brought her the day before.
"He is nice."
Bonnie wrote a note down.  It was the same feeling she expressed after meeting him the first day at the Rehabilitation two months earlier. She then looked at Y/N/E. She was now looking at the photo that she had put in a frame-
"I feel good around him. Everything he said to me looks like we had a happy marriage. And he has done so much for me"
"So, you are happy to go home with him?"- Bonnie asked.
"Yes."- Y/N/E said.
Bonnie noted down that Y/N/E was positive about Elijah, but her demeanour showed that she didn't express anything that made her feel more than just feel good around him.
Elijah now took the bags and waited a little till Bonnie and Y/N/E said their goodbyes. Although Bonnie was her therapist, she got attached to the woman. She considered her her friend. Y/N/E gave her a hug. Then turned to Elijah, who asked if she was ready and Y/N/E smiled a little nodding. Inside she still felt quite apprehensive. It was like entering the world with new eyes. Everything, every day was like she had been put in a book of collage art. One chapter was her art, the other her husband, her parents, her friends, herself. Everything was jumbled up. 
As they got into the car, he asked-
"What would you like for dinner?"
"Pizza"- Y/N/E replied.
"Pizza?"- he said surprised. She never like pizza for some strange reason.
"It as on my dislike list. I want to try it and see why I dislike it so much."- Y/N/E said.
"All right. Do you want to pick up something from your like list?"
"Red wine, but I guess I cant have it because of my medication"- Y/N/E said.
"You used to like beer. We can get you a non-alcoholic one"- Elijah suggested.
"Beer, really? Jenna didn't write it down."- Y/N/E now said.
"When we met you would always order beer. And then you stopped. Well, you stopped drinking alcohol altogether."-Elijah explained.
"Beer then"-Y/N/E agreed and now asked him-"Do you like pizza?"
"I do. Kol, Klaus an I would meet on Fridays - it was a long time ago- but yes- and it would be playing cards. Then we would always ordered some"
"Why don't I like it?"- Y/N/E inquired.
"You were always eating healthy. You hate junk food actually."
"Oh, yes, Vicky told me"- Elena said now turning to look out of the car window. The streets looked familiar to her. But she didn't know for sure exactly where they were. He could feel that it had discourages her slightly.
“Can we put music on? I have - this- “- Y/N/E now produced an USB with the music Bonnie had helped her choose.
“Yes, of course”- Elijah now took the USB and put it in the car player.As the first song started, Elijah’s eyes glittered with tearfully, but this was a happy glow, as the first song was strangely something he listened to - Photograph - Ed Sheeran.
He glanced at her and she now at him-
“I know it is not something you listen to”- Y/N/E said, and Elijah now gasped thinking she remembered something.
“You remember what I- listened to?”
Y/N/E shook her head and replied-
“Vicky told me what you listen to.”
“Oh.”- Elijah exclaimed a little, and then the second song on the play list was  Greta Van Fleet - Highway tune.
That she took the trouble to put the songs he liked warmed his heart. They had quite a bit in common, like watching old movies, they loved art and shared also a great interest in Opera, but when it came to pop music, they were the total opposite, and she could not understand how he could love the heavy stuff. 
Now, as she played with the fingers to the beat of the drums on her thigh, he had to ask-
“You like the song?”
“Yes”- Y/N/E replied-”and - I would like to learn to play drums.”
“You want to learn to play drums?”- Elijah was stunned.
“Yes. That is strange?”
“It is - unusual. Ahm- but - if you want to - we can arrange it.”- he replied.
“Thank you.”- Y/N/E said.
And they continued listening to the most unusual playlist put together. An hour later they arrived what was their home. As Elijah parked up, and they got out, Y/N/E looked around.
"This is our neighbourhood.”
"It looks really nice."- Y/N/E said.
"Trying new things could be a new adventure"- Elijah now said thinking of her wish to learn to play drums.
"Adventure"- Y/N/E repeated and continued-"I think I like adventures, at least that's what I wrote in that intro for one of my exhibitions. Did I keep a diary?"
"As far as I know you didn't. You wrote a book of essays about ceramics, sculpture. You were about to publish it when-" "The attack happened?!"- Y/N/E stated.
She could for the first time see that it was painful for him to say it.
Y/N/E's Flashback
A few weeks before
Y/N/E looked at the photo of her and her best friend Vicky Donovan.       
She was told by Elijah that her best friend was coming to visit her. She was an actress and lived in Los Angeles. She had read all the well wishing cards she had send her.
"I am so sorry I couldn't come earlier"- Vicky said as she hugged Y/N/E.
"It is fine."- Y/N/E said.
The women got out of the hug and just looked at one another. Y/N/E knew her from the pictures and what Elijah had told her. Everything else was blank.
Vicky then sighed a little and in her bubbly nature said-
"So, everything is - wiped off?!"
"Almost everything. I remember something about myself when I was little."- Y/N/E explained.
Vicky hugged her friend again.
Y/N/E asked her to tell her all about their friendship. And finally about Elijah.
"You married the greatest charmer on this planet"- Vicky said-"every girl wanted him. And he had so many affairs."
"Really?"- Y/N/E was surprised.
"Ok. Don't get this wrong. He is dark, tall and handsome, and deep inside like absolute goodness."
"So, he was with lot's of other women?"
"Yeah, but when he fell in love with you, he only had eyes for you"- Vicky said-"and you didn't make it easy for him."
"Tell me."- Y/N/E said.
"Ok. Here it goes. Ready?"
Y/N/E nodded.
"Right. You first met in this bar. I think it was called ‘Daniel's’. I knew his sister-in-law Sophie."
"Kol's wife?"- Y/N/E interrupted her.
"She is a designer. I met her when I worked as a model"- Vicky explained-"anyway, he was hooking up with a woman -Hayley, I think was her name- and both Sophie and Rebekah couldn't stand her. You know Rebekah-"
Y/N/E swayed with her head implying  that she now didn't really know Rebekah anymore.
"Oh, yes"- Vicky smiled a little apologetically and continued-"Rebekah is the best, but if she doesn't like you- then she is your worst enemy. But she really liked you. The moment she met you she was like your best friend."
"So, I didn't want to be with him cos he was with that woman?"- Y/N/E asked.
"Sort of. You were also kind of dating this guy- Mason Lockwood."
"Kind of?"
"You were off and on. You didn't really want to be serious with anyone."- Vicky explained.
"Then how did it happen? How did I get to marry Elijah?"
"You kept seeing each other. You two both loved that bar. And you just would talk. Like forever. Seriously. You two would sit on the bar and just talked about anything. Your art. The stuff that was going on in the world. New York. Why the spring is better than the autumn. Or why you loved Easter and he loved Christmas."
"So, we started as friends?"
"Pretty much. Although- you were both falling hard and didn't really know you were. And we all watched it and we were all like- get a room already!"- Vicky said.
"And? How then."
"It was for Halloween bonfire night. Rebekah would always organize these theme parties. And we were all invited to the Hamptons."
Y/N/E now got up and looked for the album and then showed her friend the strange photo of her and Elijah in costume.     
"Ah, yes. Wow. Yes, that's it."-Vicky said- "this is the night you made your mind up that you will tell him that you choose him"
"Choose?"- Y/N/E was surprised it had come to the point she had to make a choice.
"Well. Elijah told you how he felt a few days before the party. And he saw you with Mason in the bar and though you broke up with Mason already, but Mason had to kiss you in front of Elijah. And it was all a bit ridiculous. Elijah thought that was it."
"But then I went to the party"
"Yeah, we went to the party"- Vicky said-"and he was there, all completely broken."
"What happened then?"- Y/N/E was eager to find out.
"You went to him and - told him that you choose him- and it's not like you ever had to choose. You were so in love with him already."
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     Taking her bag Y/N/E gave Elijah a significant look now saying-
"I don't know how this will go, but I am ready for this new adventure!"
Elijah put a little smile on and nodded.
"Shall we follow the white rabbit then!?"- he said.
"The white rabbit?"- Y/N/E asked.
"Ok. I will get the book. You will understand when you read the story-"
"Tell me just what it is about?"-Y/N/E said as they got into the elevator.
"It's about this girl Alice- she went through a rabbit hole..."- Elijah started.
Rebekah an Klaus walked in ‘Daniel's’ discussing his latest sail boat design. "This will be state of the art boat. Limited edition"- Klaus said. "Oh, you think about anything else except for your boats?"-Rebekah said sitting down at the bar. "Sometimes"- Klaus said looking at the direction of a blond who was sitting at the bar not far from them. 
"Right"- was Rebekah's comment looking at her phone. She was so eager to phone Elijah to find out how he and Y/N/E were getting on, but she didn't want to intrude on their privacy really.  Klaus had picked up on it and now advised her not to make the call.
"They are fine"- Klaus said.
"You didn't see her. She is Y/N/E, but the way she looked at me was like her doppelganger was looking at me- like someone else was in her body."
"Sure things are not like they were- she has to start over but I believe that Y/N/E, the Great, will conquer this memory thing. Anyway, they need time alone"-as he said that, he got up and walked away to the rest rooms. Kol and Sophie walked in and Rebekah put her phone on the counter waving at her brother and his wife, who had someone with them, someone Rebekah knew all too well. Her heart fluttered as they approached her an she said a faint hi to the man.
"We found Matt lurking outside Tiffany's actually"- Kol said "Tiffany's?"- Rebekah as surprise to hear it. "Yeah, getting an engagement ring"- Sophie said "No, just a bracelet for Vicky - it's her  birthday on the 18th of August!"- Matt said. "But that's like two months away"- Rebekah said "I am in New York just for a couple of days"- Matt explained. "So you're here for- to get her a present"- "No, My mom is not well"- Matt said-"Vicky is on a movie shoot in Toronto, she will be down here this weekend."
The  subject swayed to Y/N/E, who was now walking around the penthouse apartment slightly stunned with the place. Soaring ceilings,marble fireplaces and stunning paintings sparkled in Y/N/E's eyes. A spiral staircase off the living room opened into a luxurious bedroom with an Italian glass chandelier marveling the room. Out back was a private garden, lush with greenery, drenched in sunlight. This was their home. She couldn't believe it. She gazed out in the New York skyline now. 
Elijah, who had just ordered the pizzas, now found her on the terrace.
"Hey-"- he said dearly-"so, how was the tour?"
She turned to him with marvelled eyes -"Are you some kind of a prince, because this definitely looks like a miniature palace"
"No prince, I am afraid"- Elijah said-"just an ordinary guy. Oh, you think this  place- You  inherited it. It's actually yours"- "What? Really?"-Y/N/E looked surprised. "You lived here already when I met you. This place is your muse, your inspiration, because of your grandmother. She supported you as an artist."
"Supported me?"-
"Your parents wanted you to study medicine. But you just wanted to do your thing."- Elijah continued.
They now walked to the kitchen, which was entirely different, very eclectic in style.
"Can I cook?"- Y/N/E asked as Elijah plated out the pizza for them. 
"Yes. There-"- Elijah now showed Y/N/E the photo- on the wall.      
"I have to learn about myself through photographs- "- Y/N/E looked at herself. She had no memory of that. 
Elijah now remembered what Bonnie told him - "We are dealing here with retrograde memory loss. There is no access to  events that occurred, or information that was learned, before the injury. It tends to negatively affect episodic, autobiographical and declarative memory, while usually keeping  procedural memory intact with no difficulty for learning new knowledge."
"So, that means she can't remember anything about what she had done previously."
"Yes, all of that is locked away. There is explicit and implicit memory- People use explicit memory throughout the day, such as remembering the time of an appointment or recollecting an event from years ago. Explicit memory involves conscious recollection, compared with which is an unconscious, unintentional form of memory. Remembering a specific driving lesson is an example of explicit memory, while improved driving skill as a result of the lesson is an example of implicit memory. it's what we call procedural memories. They are automatically retrieved and utilized for the execution of the integrated procedures involved in both cognitive and motor skills, from tying shoes to flying an airplane to reading."- Bonnie explained.
"That means- she will know how to drive a car?"- Elijah asked.
"Yes. But she will not remember learning how to drive, the lessons, for example."
"Come on, let's see if you like the pizza!"- Elijah urged Y/N/E to sit down and for a moment enjoy herself. 
"You did all this."- she sat down at the hub area-"all these photos- telling me my own story?!"
"We have always loved photographing everything around us. I have so many - they are all stored on the computer."- Elijah said.
Y/N/E now took some pizza finally and was absolutely indulging in it. 
"This is sooo good!"- she said in amazement. 
Elijah smiled happily. This was the first time in a very long while that he felt good inside. Seeing her there enjoying the pizza, something she wouldn't ever eat, he thanked the universe for the moment. 
"So, what is next on the list"- he asked.
"Anything-"-he said.
"I don't know yet. I will make a list. Dr Bennett told me to write things down- I think I will start a diary."- Y/N/E said.
"That's a great idea"- Elijah said taking a swag of beer from the bottle. 
Y/N/E did the same.  
In the bar, Rebekah, Kol, Sophie and Matt where talking about different topics, whereas Klaus, way too intrigued by the blonde woman,on the way back from the rest rooms now stopped by her, and in a very slick manner addressed her having heard her speak with a distinctive New Orleans accent -
"Sorry, do you happen to be from New Orleans?"
"I am."- Caroline said-"so?"
"Nothing. Just haven't heard 'where y'at?' for a long while"- Klaus said.
"Oh, yeah"- Caroline gave him a look of 'you're really doing this as a pick up line
"Klaus Mikaelson"- he introduced himself-"that bunch over there are my sister, brother, his wife and and my sister's ex- I am pretty harmless- you can ask them"
"Not interested"- Caroline said and now asked for another Bourbon cocktail. 
One thing Caroline Forbes didn't know was that Klaus Mikaelson never gave up so easily, even though this very moment he put his charming smirk on letting her be. He rejoined his siblings. 
Caroline looked after him as she took a sip of her second cocktail. He and his small crowd seemed to have great fun as they joked and laughed. And she nursed a broken heart and the last thing she needed was a guy. Still Klaus gave her a sweet look a few moments later. Caroline embarrassed slightly that he caught her looking at him clumsily made out she was asking for the waiter's attention. 
"A message!"- Rebekah said as her phone buzzed and it was Elijah.
"And?"- Kol and Klaus said in one voice.
Rebekah read out- 'All good"
"Is that it?"- Rebekah was miffed about the short message. 
"What do you want him to tell you"- Kol remarked -"everything will be fine! A round of drinks for everyone!"
Celebrations were in order. This message felt like finally they could start over again.
At the Mikaelson penthouse, Y/N/E and Elijah were going through the different files of photos he had collected and organized on his computer
"So, here- all sorted by year, events, holidays. You can feed it into your computer later."- he said.
"OK. Let's start then- "- Y/N/E said opening the first file- it started with the Bonfire night when they first kissed and she told him she loved him. Then series of photos from parties, exhibition openings, their first trip - New Zealand.  
He had to explain why New Zealand. And that they did the bun then series of photos of their wedding prep.
"Vicky said we eloped!?"- Y/N/E uttered looking at him-"is that why we have no wedding photos?" "Yes. You came to my office - it was sometime in the middle of the preparations all flustered-
Elijah's Flashback retelling Y/N/E how it came about
"I am sorry that I am bothering you at work- but I just can't do it!" "What Y/N/E?" "The whole wedding thing"- "You - are you - what is going on?"- Elijah said feeling as if someone ha pierce him straight in the heart. Y/N/E noticed the sad streak appear in his eyes fearing that was it-she is cancelling everything. She approached him and kissed him wrapping her arms around his neck- "OMG- did you think I was calling it off?"
Elijah nodded slightly.
"You looked so fed up- and we've been together like little over six months- and maybe you got cold feet?"- Elijah said.
"My feet are warm. Very. I just don't like the whole planning thing- and it feels like the wedding planner just took over everything- and I hate the whole guest list and the venue is not right. This is supposed to be about you and me. And I just want to go - elope. There is a place called Mystic Falls in Virginia. I booked the hotel on my way here."
"You did?"- Elijah was stunned.
"We can get married in a private ceremony- they have this beautiful gazebo. I called Vicky and she is all up for supporting us to elope!"- Y/N/E explained.
"Wow! Really?"
"Really!!"- Y/N/E's eyes glimmered with eagerness and cheekiness.
"Ok. Let's do it!"- Elijah agreed-"Your wish is my command!"
And they eloped. The only thing  she took was the wedding dress. Vicky could not go with them as she got a role in a TV show and they took off, asking two complete strangers to stand as their witnesses. 
"You would always do things on an impulse. Maybe not always"- Elijah explained-"but quite often. You were fearless, open, loving, caring, dreamy -"- then he stopped as he realized he said were-"you are- I am sorry- I don't know why I said it in past tense-"
Y/N/E touched his hand instinctively, like always had done when he was sad or frustrated. This was the first time she had touched him after she came out of the coma. If an onlooker could see the moment in slow motion the way he looked at her, her hand on his, then him raising his eyes at her, looking at her with his heart nearly bouncing out of his chest - Y/N/E realized how deeply in love he was with her. This man, that she didn't know, that she had this amazing history with, made her feel all fuzzy inside, but still something kept her away. She didn't know why she felt like something inside of her was holding back. She felt like an outsider in her own life. She didn't know herself, who she really was- just from all the stories people had told her. She didn't even recognize herself in the photo when they first showed her. 
Elijah noticed the frustration taking over and now trying to calm her suggested they take a break from the stories about the past-
"It's been a long day. We don't have to do everything in one day"
"No...no we don't."- Y/N/E said-"when do I have to take the medication?"
Elijah looked at the clock- "in an hour. Do you want to have a little rest?"
"I don't know"- Y/N/E said getting up- "I really don't know."
They stood there in their glorious living room looking at one another enveloped in a limbo. This was never going to be easy. He knew that. The men that left her for dead, took a great part of their lives away.
More than a year ago
The attending surgeon got out of the OR. Elijah, Rebekah, Miranda and  Greyson stood up all to hear how the operation went. And the attending asked Elijah to follow him to his office.
"Why?"- Elijah was breaking apart inside.
"Please follow me to the office"- Dr Parker  said.
Elijah went, leaving Rebekah to deal with Greyson and Miranda.
In the surgeon's office, Elijah waited for the news as if he was in  front of the firing  squad.
"This is not an easy thing to say-"- the surgeon paused for a second-"did you know that your wife was eight weeks pregnant?"
"Wha-"- Elijah felt like someone took his life away as he assumed from the surgeon's face what was coming-"it didn't-?"
"I am afraid not- we could not save it- I am really sorry"- he then explained about the rest of the operation.
And why did he think of the most saddest moment in  his life right now- inside he was scolding himself for letting his own deepest sadness overwhelm him- especially on this day that was going so well, on this day when she came home.  
And again, impulse or just plain human feeling,  Y/N/E walked to Elijah, and they looked at one another for a second and just went into a hug. This was Y/N/E, this amazing human being, that had the gift of compassion, selfless completely and utterly. 
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 80
When he got out, Thomas looked at him up and down before letting out a quiet, disapproving hum.
“What’s that supposed to mean? It worked fine before, it’ll work fine now.”
Thomas shrugged. “I don’t know. Me and John are dressed up.. It’ll just look off if you show up in that.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t make us coordinate outfits before this trip,” he spat out.
Thomas sighed. “You don’t have to get snappy with me. All I’m saying is you’d look better and you’d fit in if you wore this, instead.”
Alexander opened his mouth to yell, but stopped as Thomas held up a hanger... With a tuxedo... That looked to be his size.
Thomas smiled at his expression. “Are you going to wear it or not?”
“How did you..”
“I brought Hugh and Sarah a tuxedo that was a bit bigger than you are and asked them to tailor it to your size. It’s one of my old ones, but I doubt that’ll be a problem since so is the one that John’s wearing.”
Alexander shut up for once. Here he was again, doing something that he didn’t have to. He was never one to be easily bought over, hell, it didn’t work when anyone did it most of the time, but... This seemed to be Thomas’s way of showing that he cared. Maybe Thomas actually meant it when he said he wanted to be friends... And, with time, maybe they could be... But, if that was ever going to happen, Alexander knew that he was going to have to start trying, too. “Thank you..”
“No problem.” He got up and gave him the outfit.
“Um.. Can you... Can you fix my hair?..” He had it in it’s usual messy bun. “I want to look good for John...”
Thomas chuckled. “Your hair is fine, Alexander. Mine is just as messy as yours and so is John’s.”
“You know that’s not true..”
“Alright, fine. If you really want me to, I can help you fix it up a bit.”
“Thanks..” He smiled a bit and got changed, then came back to Thomas with a hairbrush and his usual hair tie, sitting in front of him on the floor as he sat on the bed.
Thomas brushed Alexander’s hair out, surprised at how few knots he found. Alexander’s hair looked a lot messier than it really was. He brushed it up into a ponytail when he was finished and used the hair tie, winding it up and around into a messy bun. “I have an idea. Here, hold this as it is.”
Alexander did as he asked, holding his hair in place as Thomas got up and went through his bag, pulling out a bag of hair supplies.
He went back to his place behind Alexander and pulled out a dark, green hair ribbon from the bag, using it to tie up Alexander’s hair, finishing his bun. “There we go. Green looks good on you.”
“Thanks..” He smiled and got up. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yep. Let’s go.” Thomas smiled and left with Alexander. He wasn’t lying when he said that all he wanted with him was from him was friendship, but, for their relationship, just friendship was going to be almost vital in getting it to work and he knew Alexander didn’t still really like him. Hell, he couldn’t blame him. But all that meant to him was that he was going to have to work harder to gain his trust, to be his friend.
The pair got into Thomas’s car and he drove them to the event, which was fairly empty, seeing as it was the most exclusive day. Hell, it had taken quite a bit of asking for John to get those two in there. So, it wasn’t hard for them to find his booth that day.
John smiled as he saw them and smiled a bit more as he focused on Alexander. “You look great, babe. I didn’t know you were wearing a tux.”
“I wasn’t... It’s a gift from Thomas, he said yours was too..”
He nodded and looked down at himself. “Yeah, but Hugh and Sarah did a great job fitting it for me.”
“Don’t they always?”
“Can’t argue with you there.” John smiled. “So, are you guys going to stand around here like usual or are you going to actually look at something else?”
“Why would we go anywhere else when the true artwork is here showing his off?”
He rolled his eyes and blushed. “Nice one, Romeo. Seriously, are you?”
Thomas shrugged. “I’m alright either way.” He looked down at Alexander for a final answer. “What do you say, shortstuff?”
He tutted. “Don’t call me short,” he grumbled. “I guess we can look around for a bit, but I want to come back to John’s soon..”
“Yeah, of course. Let’s give him his space for now.” Thomas smiled and waved at John before leaving with Alexander.
"I thought you said those two weren't getting along?" James asked.
John shrugged. "They weren't.. Things are definitely different between those two.." He smiled as he watched them walking. Just a week ago, the two hated the idea of being in the same room when it didn't involve John. Now, they were walking around by themselves, willingly and voluntarily. Things were looking up. John wasn't going to mess with it.
Alexander nudged Thomas as they were out of John's range of sight. "Hey.. Can you quit it with the comments on my height? I know I'm short, I don't need you-"
"Consider it done. You don't ave to explain, you just had to ask."
He nodded. "Thanks.."
"No problem." He looked around at the art that was there was on display with him. "Any other little things?"
"No, I'm alright now. What about you?.."
"I hate how you keep these things in. Like, I get it, I'm afraid to lose John too, but you can't just keep this in for the sake of not hurting him and not think about the odds of you hurting him that way."
Alexander frowned. "I'm trying, alright? Isn't that enough?"
"Yeah, I guess," he said with a shrug. "But you can't blame me for being upset with all of the bad that ends up happening."
"You can't pin it all on me.."
"And you can't pin as much on John as you think. Or on me. I've done nothing to get rid of you. I know that I'm on much thinner ice than you and I'm lucky to even be in this position. You are the one who gave him permission for this and who keeps all of your feelings in until you can't stop yourself from hurting anyone."
"I don't want to talk about this anymore," Alexander decided.
Thomas nodded. "Fine. But I want a reason. I don't want you just keeping it in. You won't hurt my feelings and I own't hurt you or anything."
Alexander sighed. This was a difficult step, but maybe he was right... "I feel attacked when you talk to me like that. Don't you think I know what I do? Don't you think I know how I'm hurting John?"
"That's fair. I guess I'm just a bit pissed that you get let off so easy."
"I can't control what I do when I get like that. John gets it and we're both working to help me get better. When you talk to me like that, all I want to do is gouge out your eyes and make you shut up." Thomas did say he wanted him to be honest.
"Alright. I'll try to stop being so condescending about it."
"Thank you.."
"Just son't expect me to get it all at once.. You know I still have that bit of bully in me and I guess I've been directing it at you. To be honest, I wasn't sure that I cared about you a week ago and it wouldn't have made any difference to me if you had stayed or burned in hell."
Alexander opened his mouth to yell at him. How dare he say that after saying that he wanted to be friends? How dare he when he just talked about Alexander hurting people?
"I'm not done. Now, I kind of care about you a bit more. As a friend. And I need to learn to redirect my anger at somewhere that isn't a person. You and John do it, I can do the same."
And with that, Alexander shut his mouth for a few seconds. "Um... Thanks..."
"It's the least I can do. Do you actually want to keep looking around? Or is there anything you want to talk about?"
"No.. I just want to go back and watch John."
"Alright. Let's go." He walked with him back to John's table and sat beside Alexander, watching their mutual boyfriend do what he did best and charm the pants off of people, getting them to buy his art.
Still, as good as he was and as hard as he was working, it took a lot out of him. Thomas had to carry him upstairs to their room, not that he was complaining, and he got John into pajamas while Alexander changed in the bathroom.
Just as he finished slipping a shirt over his head, John began to stir. He looked up at Thomas with sleepy eyes and smiled.
"Hey.. Thank you.." He sat up and finished getting the shirt on himself.
"No problem." Thomas kissed his cheek and got changed into his own pajamas before sitting beside John and laying down with him.
John smiled and pecked his lips, turning around as Alexander joined them and holding his other arm out for him.
Alexander smiled and laid with them, earning a passionate kiss from John. He quickly melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around his waist, ignoring the fact that his fingertips brushed against Thomas's shirt as he did. Thomas being there didn't matter. He was still his John, even if he was also Thomas's John. What mattered was that he still loved Alexander and, as the kiss proved, he did.
John smiled and moved his hands from around Alexander's neck, putting them at his hips instead.
Alexander pulled away a bit. "What are you doing?.."
"Sorry.. I can stop." He began moving his hands back up his to his chest, but Alexander stopped him.
"We can keep going.. With Thomas, of course."
John smiled and leaned forward, kissing him again.
Thomas wrapped his arms around John's waist and kissed the back of his neck, all three slowly advancing through their make-out session until their clothes were scattered and they spent the next few hours loving each other.
Afterwards, it was just like last time. Alexander went to the bathroom and took a shower while Thomas took care of John, cleaning him off with a washcloth and kissing his skin.
"I'm proud of you, you know... You don't let your past fears control you and that's really huge. You're so brave.." He kissed a spot on his stomach and smiled.
"Thank you.. I couldn't be able to do this if it wasn't you and Alexander with me.. You guys just make me feel so safe."
Thomas leaned up and kissed him softly before getting rid of the dirty washcloth and dressing John in warm pajamas, laying back down with John until Alexander came out of the bathroom. "I'll let you be." He pecked his lips, then went to the bathroom.
Alexander laid down with John and wrapped his arms around his waist, pecking his lips. "Hi.. I wish I knew how to take care of you like he did..."
"You take care of me in your own way. I love when you take care of me after sex, too.."
"I know.. He's just better at it right now.. But I'll learn how to do it better, just for you." He pecked his lips again.
John kissed back and smiled. "You're great. You know you don't need to change for me, right?"
"I know, but I want to be better for you.."
"And I want to be better for you. I promise I'll give you more attention once we get back home.. I know I said I would and I haven't, but I will. You're an amazing boyfriend and you deserve my attention." He kissed his forehead and cuddled him close. "I love you.."
"I love you too.." He smiled and fell asleep with him.
John kissed the top of his head and ran his fingers through his hair, smiling gently. Alexander was so sweet to him and he always tried his best to make him happy... Even if it didn't always turn out right. John loved him all the same, though and he knew that Alexander loved him back. He still had trouble understanding Alexander's anxieties, but he supposed it was just something he never could understand. After all, John was poly. It was just like the way that he couldn't understand why people liked girls. He couldn't understand why people thought polyamory was so wrong. And he couldn't understand why Alexander had a hard time understanding that John loved them both evenly. But things were as they were. He was just going to have to keep trying to show him that.
Thomas came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and laid behind John, kissing his cheek. "Go to sleep, sunshine.."
John nodded and shut his eyes, falling asleep.
In the morning, Thomas was the first to wake up. He gathered everyone's things together and packed them up, staying as quiet as he could. He would've done it for John any day, letting him have that much more rest, but, for Alexander... Well, he wanted to try and get along with him. This was a start.
Once he was done, he ordered breakfast for all of them and quietly woke up Alexander, shaking him a bit. "Come on, wake up," he whispered.
Alexander groaned and buried his face into John's chest.
"Alex, come on." He tried again.
Alexander tutted and glanced up at him, half glaring. "What?.."
"Breakfast. Come on." He nodded towards the table of food.
Alexander nodded and sat up, his hair looking like a bird's nest. He yawned and got up, going to the table and eating.
Thomas chuckled and knelt down beside John, waking him up more gently. He grabbed one of his hands and kissed it, sitting beside him. "Wake up, sunshine.. The three of us have a long day ahead of us.."
John squeezed his hand, but kept his eyes shut, smiling slightly.
"Come on.. The sooner you get up, the sooner you can eat breakfast and get ready so we can head home and see Lucy and Susan again."
That got John up. He sat up and stretched, leaning up and pecking Thomas's lips before going to the bathroom and taking a quick shower, then sitting and eating breakfast.
Alexander held his hand under the table and smiled, all three of them eating fairly quietly together.
"I'm so not ready to go back to school," Thomas tutted.
"Is anyone ever ready to go back to school?" John asked.
"I guess you're right." Thomas smiled and shrugged. "What about you, Alex?"
"I don't want to go.. I just want to stay home and play video games or stay with John." He pouted and squeezed John's hand.
He smiled and kissed his hand. "Look at it this way, we have just under three more months until we never have to go back to high school, just college."
"I guess that makes things better." Alexander squeezed his hand and smiled lightly. "I get to live with you in a dorm."
He nodded. "Let's hope that Laf won't be too upset that I won't share one with him."
"He's got Herc. I'm sure he'll be alright," Thomas shrugged.
"What about you, then?" John asked.
"I can get my own dorm. Maybe this is what we can all spend tomorrow doing, besides sleeping. We can just look at all of the colleges we applied for and see what we got accepted to. We can try to figure out where we can go, assuming that we find one we all want to go to."
"Yeah, that sounds cool. It's not like we have that much to do tomorrow."
"It's settled, then."
Once they finished eating, John got up to pack his things.
"Not necessary. All of your things are already packed and in the car, besides your soap and stuff." He knew that John wasn't going to change after wearing an outfit just the once, so he didn't bother taking another one out for him, just leaving out what he needed for his shower.
John smiled, pleasantly surprised. "Oh, thank you.."
He nodded and looked at Alexander. "Your stuff, too. We just have to check out and go."
Alexander was just as surprised, even if it wasn't as pleasantly. Thomas actually did that for him?.. "Thanks.."
"No problem." He finished his food, leaving just Alexander to do the same. Once he did, the three headed down to the lobby and checked out, John carrying what was left of his stuff in his backpack and tossing it into the trunk before they left.
That time, John insisted on taking the first driving shift and Thomas let him after a few minutes of arguing and after John stole the keys and got in the driver's seat before he could stop him. So, he was the one who drove them for the first few hours before getting food and stopping at a rest stop.
Thomas stole the keys and took his turn driving, only taking a few hours that time before switching with John again.
It went that way until they got to Alexander's house to pick up Lucy. They all got out of the car and went to the door, Alexander opening it and letting them inside. John smiled and went with Thomas up to Lafayette's room while Alexander stayed downstairs and went to talk to Martha.
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filmtrash · 5 years
i'd watched cmbyn a year ago and had been obsessed with it for more than a half a year, but then rl happened i stepped back and though my love for the movie and the book remained,I calmed down a bit. I haven't seen the movie for sever months,neither i was involved in cmbyn fandom. Today watched it and was suddenly freaked out by the whole concept of age difference and in the movie it catches the eye even more.1/2
i've never thought i'd say that. i was the one who always defended cmbyn against its haters and pedo accusers who condemned the age gap. So now i'm really freaked out about the age difference and the whole thing. it makes so anxious and uncomfortable. i son't like what i feel but i can't shake it off. 2/2
i know this has been sitting my ask box for a week or so now, sorry anon, i wasn’t not answering because i wanted to ignore it, i just didn’t really know how to. i still don’t think this is the right answer and i’ll probably have a lot of people giving me shit but i wanted to get back to you. 
here’s the thing, the ONLY thing i would change about CMBYN is the age difference. it’s never quite sat right with me either. i know making oliver any younger would mean where he was in life would be factually incorrect, but i feel like everything would be a lot more acceptable if elio was at least 18. although the age of consent was 17 then and there, so it’s arguable if that would even make a difference. 
i don’t want to say i defend it, because i feel as though people give the age gap a free pass because of it being a homosexual relationship. i even admit myself, when i see a difference in age in a heterosexual relationship, it’s a lot more obvious to me and it makes me uncomfortable.
again, not defending it, but i think for me i know timothée and armie are literally best friends in real life, where the age difference obviously doesn’t matter, and where their chemistry is translated on screen it’s just something i don’t really consider. i think that’s the biggest factor for me. HOWEVER, admittedly i didn’t even think about the age gap until it was pointed out to me. to be honest, i was so swept up in it all that age, gender, race etc. all completely went over my head. all i could think about was the raw, powerful feeling of love i felt emanating throughout that movie and book. and by then, i already felt like i knew the characters far too well and personally to judge the age difference you know? which is probably wrong, but like i said, literally nothing else mattered apart from that was elio and this is oliver and there is so much love. 
i know there is a very very very strong case of even if you give consent, it’s still not okay if you’re a minor. i totally agree with that. seventeen is an age where you can be easily influenced, although seventeen year olds don’t like to admit it, but like i said, through feeling as if i know elio’s character through and through, and watching/reading CMBYN so many times, you can see that elio is literally controlling the whole thing. MUCH MUCH more than oliver is. oliver basically gives him near to nothing, perhaps only the shoulder rub, and elio is the one desperately chasing. elio is the one that initiates the first kiss, and oliver pretty much still has his walls up until after they sleep together (cut to oliver’s sad face when elio shrugs him off). the way it is presented is that oliver would have come and gone without giving elio more than a high-five if that’s what elio wanted. and of course, you have oliver asking at every critical point if it’s ok and what elio wants. 
i also feel like if elio was 24 and and oliver was 31 then there wouldn’t be an issue, it’s just because elio is at this influential, pivotal age where he’s finding himself. another thing that makes me feel more at ease about it is the fact that twenty years on elio still loves him, and oliver still loves elio, and therefore elio wasn’t tricked into the relationship and he wasn’t taken advantage of because elio loved oliver when he was 17 and he loved him when he was 37. 
also, for me, CMBYN is much more than just the relationship. it’s all the characters, who each brought something valuable to my life. it’s the scenery and the setting, that makes me feel comforted, warm and safe. it’s the music, that is now the soundtrack to the most pivotal time of MY life. it’s the fact that it taught me everything i know about love, whether that be through elio and oliver or not. i know you say you stepped back from it, and you calmed down, and i did the same too, but now it’s just like an old friend that’s never not going to be a part of my life. that’s why i got the tattoo. im not living and breathing it, i don’t consume it any way i can for  24 hours a day like i used to, but it’s always with me.
it upsets me that the age gap is there, and that a lot of people are blinded by it and rightly so, because CMBYN has so much more to offer than that. i totally respect your opinion and to some extent i agree, but i think because of all the aforementioned factors, along with it being set in a different time where things were different, i’m able to in this case, understand it. 
i hope this helped in some way. thank you for your question. 
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ghibliprotagonist · 6 years
the emperor, wheel of fortune, the hanged man, death & the world for the tarot ask meme ✨✨
oh hi, love! 💚😍💚
the emperor: what are some names that you like?
ohhh, a good question! i like the names sophie, lily, leia, nastasja (both these versions and russian ones). i like the way anthony sounds because it’s much softer than russian anton. i like the name noah but only this version. alexander/alexandra is the best name that’s used for girls and guys out there imo. i also like the russian version of the name gregory - grigoriy. and it’s short version grisha; again because it sounds soft. 
wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle?
terrible love (alternate version) by the national
you’re somebody else by flora cash
press restart by walk the moon
(i’m sorry those all are kinda sad. i’ve been having these kinds of moods lately).
the hanged man: favorite movie soundtrack?
the movie submarine has great soundtrack by alex turner from arctic monkeys. the series in the flesh had a great soundtrack. elementary has a great soundtrack and empire! it’s very different from everything else i mentioned above but empire cast are all multitalented people and they sing and act so well! back at the days i loved cloud atlas soundtrack i think. 
death: what are three things you want to do before you die?
to love and be loved! to have a peaceful period where i son’t feel like i’m running out of time! to show everyone who’s dear to me how much i love and appreciate them so after i’m gone they would still remember it!
the world: do you like waking up early?
hell no. i used to be an early bird but depression took it from me lol. 
thank you!
☀️🌙✨ send me some tarot questions! ✨🌙☀️
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