#someone probably already made this joke lmao sorry
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Stede doesn't swallow!!! 😡
Spitters are quitters!!!!!! 😩💦
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hadesisqueer · 10 days
Okay, so I finished JWCT and-- it was a great season.
Ben was awesome this season. All the mentions to how much he'd grown were funny, and the Big Ben joke was as well. I really liked him and his moments with Darius and Yaz, most of all with Yaz; I always enjoyed their friendship, and I loved how they talked about their feelings again. Also-- he has a girlfriend? A girlfriend?
Kenji's moments confronting his father and not letting himself be manipulated again were among my favorites this season. His conflict with Darius and their brotherly moments were cool to watch. Darius' whole arc, his grief and guilt over Brooklynn's supposed death was among my favorite arcs this season.
Yaz and Sammy were awesome in general, both individually and as a couple. Yaz is my favorite character, and I loved her arc. As someone with PTSD myself, I am very pleased with how the show didn't shy away from it and fully saying "PTSD". Personally, I am pretty happy that Yaz's PTSD was handled so realistically and with such care. Sammy was a badass this season, and her feelings and anxiety while dealing with Yaz apparently pulling away, her grief over Brooklynn's supposed death and the fact that her parents for some reason don't talk to her were handled realistically. I specifically wanna know what happened between her and her parents, because she adored her family and her family adored her as well back in CC; I really wonder what the conflict is that they're not talking anymore. Yasammy as a couple is awesome as well, as I said: their conflict is handled very well and you can understand both sides. The resolution was great and their moments in general were awesome. They're still easily the best couple of this show (not that it had a lot of competition), and probably one of the best in animated media in general. I love them.
Brooklynn being alive at the end? I think everyone called it, lmao. My girl is far too cool to just die, sorry, she can't die. I can't wait to see the others find out and their reunion.
Now, my thoughts about the other ships this season-- Brookenji and Dinostar lmao? I cheered when I found out Brookenji broke up; I was never a fan of the couple, sorry, it was TOO forced. Now, the whole Dinostar thing-- I was a bit suspicious of the way Darius was acting about Brooklynn and all, but I didn't think they were actually gonna have him admit he was in love with her, so that took me by surprise. I know they said it was unrequited, but yeah I don't buy that. I'm predicting it: it will turn out that it's not unrequited, that Brooklynn actually has feelings for him and they're going to pull a love triangle between her, Darius and Kenji. Pfff, it's like I'm seeing it. I'm really not a fan of love triangles tbh. But if it happens (and it's probably gonna happen, I can see it coming), I hope it ends up with Dinostar endgame instead of Brookenji. Like I already said, I really don't like Brookenji. And I've always been more neutral with Dinostar (and Benrius; I like, them too but don't pay them that much mind). I liked Dinostar platonically a lot, and while I didn't care much of it, I also never minded the idea of them becoming a couple. In fact, Brookenji took me by surprise while watching the show because to me if they were gonna pair Brooklynn with someone, I always thought it'd be Darius rather than Kenji, because I thought they made more sense. So, yeah, if it's Brookenji or Dinostar, Dinostar all the way for me lmao. Still not looking forward to the love triangle if it happens lol.
Also, Bumpy being a mom. Fave moment of the season.
Anyway, I need a second season. Like, right now.
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halucynator · 10 months
hey babe ! i saw that you take mattheo riddle requests xx i was wondering if you could write a mattheo riddle x reader where reader gets dumped (by whoever you want) and mattheo riddle comforts them? Thanks x
Pretty Crier
Pairing: mattheo riddle x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, not proof read, fluff (not a warning but wtv)
Best friends to lovers.
The reader is Slytherin. Mattheo calls reader princess (just more natural for him to).
English isn't my first language so there might be mistakes xx
Summary: your boyfriend breaks up with you and mattheo riddle comforts you.
Oh and mattheo and reader have been friends since year 1 so they're like really close.
A/n: thanks for the request xx kinda lost inspo at the end lmao
If you want to request I recommend reading this xx
reblogs are appreciated xx
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You knew it would happen. You knew he was going to dump you. You just didn't think it would be so fast. So, of course your shock was justified when your boyfriend broke up with you this morning for no apparent reason. He claimed "he was bored of you" and "found someone more exciting". I mean, if he was going to break up with you, he could atleast give a valid reason.
Tears flooded your eyes as the words hit you like a face slap. You ran down the hallway to the astronomy tower where you knew you'd be alone and bawled your eyes out. Alone. Or atleast you thought you were.
You heard the shuffle of footsteps behind you, wiped your eyes and turned around. And there he was towering you. Mattheo Riddle.
You looked at him with teary eyes.
"What do you want?" I say though my voice doesn't sound the least bit intimidating. Infact it quavered.
"I just want to help you. You could atleast be nice about it." He states, rolling his eyes.
You glare at him.
"I don't want your help." You say obviously lying.
He raises his eyebrow, unamused.
You roll your eyes and acquiesce in his decision. You pat next to yourself gesturing him to sit next to you.
He sits next to you, his back against the pillar like yours. He takes out a cigarette and lights it.
"and here I thought I was the depressed one." You say sarcastically.
"what, you want one princess?" He asks.
You didn't initially intend on saying yes but you do.
He opens his box.
"Shit I'm out." He says. "Here take this one." He hands you his.
"no it's fine." You reply.
"you're right, you're the one that's depressed. Take it. I don't mind. Unless you don't want to for some other reason." Mattheo states.
"i- erm fine. We could share it?" You suggest.
"yeah yeah that's fine!" Mattheo says nervously.
"sorry i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. You can have that one." you blurt out.
"no it's fine don't worry just making sure you aren't uncomfortable." he smiles at you genuinely.
"he actually smiles! Like a genuine one!" You joke trying to liven up the atmosphere.
Mattheo chuckles at that.
"Only for you princess" He replies.
"So erm who made you cry?" Mattheo asks.
"Just some asshole ravenclaw."
"He sounds like a jerk."
"he is."
"What'd he do?"
"he broke up with me. Said I was boring."
Mattheo wears a shocked expression.
"first of all that bitch ravenclaw is probably more boring than any slytherin that ever existed. Second of all, you are not boring. I've known you since year 1 and somehow I am not bored of you. That bitch knew you for two seconds and was already bored. Third of all, red flag red flag red flag." Mattheo exclaimed.
I chuckle.
"oh and did I mention you are beautiful and amazing and that annoying fuck does not deserve you." Mattheo adds.
"thanks." I smile at him trying to hide the tears clouding my sight. A tear rolls down my eyes.
Mattheo reaches out to wipe it away, shortly stopping to make sure he has your consent. When he receives a nod from you in reply, he gently wipes his thumb against your cheek to remove the tear. It shouldn't give you butterflies but it did.
"don't cry princess." Mattheo hugs you and rubs circles in your waist to comfort you.
You breathe in his cologne mixed with the scent of the cigarette you two shared. You relaxed in his hold.
"how long have you been crying?" Mattheo asks like it's a normal question to ask.
"sorry?" You respond.
"you're a pretty crier." He winks at you.
"You haven't been with me one minute and you're already flirting." I tut at him jokingly.
"you don't mind it do you princess?" He asks.
You shake your head.
No you didn't mind it. Of course you didn't.
"you look better when smiling though." He says.
You smile at him.
"trying to impress me huh?" He winks at you.
"what can I say, I guess even I can't resist your charm." You play along.
"don't worry darling, nothing to be ashamed of." He smirks at you.
"don't pride yourself Riddle." You try to humble him.
"hard not to when one of the prettiest girls I know admits to not being able to resist my charm."
"you don't mean that."
"yeah I do."
"prove it."
And he does. His lips crash against yours. His lips are soft. As he pulls away, you smirk at him.
"looks like you can't resist my charm." You say pointedly.
"yeah I guess not. But is that so bad?" He asks.
No. No it wasn't. Infact it was much better than he would've known.
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derangedanomaly · 1 month
okay okay weird request, and slightly embarrassing to ask for, but no one does it
A fluff headcanon with Dust, Horror, Killer, Nightmare, and possibly Error, where the reader is a really REALLY short adult. Im talking like so much shorter and smaller then the guys that it’s actually kinda crazy?? like, you can still tell their an adult, but their just really short.
i have a love for height differences, especially with the boys. i have a different type of love towards these skeletons ❤️
i won’t be mad if you don’t do this, and im really sorry if this request is annoying, or give you second hand embarrassment, or if your not taking requests right now 😭
I actually think that this is a pretty cute request! I have a thing for height difference... So I might've made this a little spicy... Hope you'll enjoy!
Warning: A lil spicy
He's so smug.
He's a little shocked about your height... How can you be so small??
He's honestly such a bully.. he's literally bullying you because of your height 😭
He'll literally use your height to his own benefit (somehow)
He's manipulating his way into your heart fr.
You'd have to show him, that your fighting are GOD TIER, for him to actually treat you... Somewhat normally.
Likes to wrap his tentacles around you.. he just likes how big they are compared to you. (SIZE KINK 😦)
He's definitely one of those people that yell "LMAO, LOL" out loud. So this'll pretty much be his first reaction.
He's the shortest of the Bad Sanses, so having someone that's SHORTER than him around?? A blessing frfr.
He'll constantly use flirting puns on you, that involve your height.
"The best part about being this tall, is how easy it is to see cute people like you in the crowd."
Overall, thinks your height difference is cute.
He'll definitely give you piggy back rides, if you ask for them.
He loves looking down at you....and he also likes you looking up at him.... (Kink check?)
He's kinda surprised at your height.. he studied humans awhile back, and he doesn't understand how you're so short.
He probably won't joke about your height. But he will snicker when others say something. (He just can't help it lmao)
He doesn't have much thoughts on your height, will never really fully mention it either.
Will treat you as if there wasn't ANY height difference between you two.
But he does have a growing need to.......... manhandle you.
He's used to people being shorter than him. So it doesn't faze him.
He probably won't even know that it's uncommon for human adults to be this small.
At first, he'd kinda avoid you... because he's afraid of accidentally hurting you, but after you establish that you're ok, and can hold on your own, he'd be stuck to you like a glue.
He wants to help you as much as he can!
He also likes praise.. so he'd get really excited when you tell him he's a good boy for helping you reach for something.
He likes to carry you around on his shoulders. :)
He can't help but smile sweetly at you when he notices your height difference.
He loves romance, so he'd probably find it actually pretty romantic that you're shorter than him.
Likes to stare at you. A lot.
Literally analyzing you and everything lmao.
You don't even have to ask him for help, he already knows you need it before you ask.
Likes to wrap you in his strings and bring you along wherever.
Bondage kink?
He gets a little giddy, seeing your height difference.
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renecdote · 1 year
18. walking home and/or "holding their hands in general" from the prompts if they inspire something!
this got soo sappy and I am not sorry about it lmao
[Read on AO3]
Buck doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of kissing Eddie. He’s only been doing it for three weeks, but it’s already his new favourite activity, and every time he starts, he never wants to stop.
“We should stop,” Eddie tries, but it’s not very convincing when he sucks on Buck’s bottom lip less than a second later, his hand rucking up Buck’s shirt to find a home against his skin.
It’s been a while since Buck made out with anyone in a car in a darkened parking garage. At least four years. Maybe more. How long ago did Ali break up with him anyway? It all feels so blurry now. He thinks that has less to do with the passage of time, though, and more to do with the way that a lot of things feel blurry when Eddie is kissing him like this. Like Buck isn’t the only one who never wants to stop.
He thinks he makes a sound of agreement—they really should stop, if only because the front of the car is the least ideal part of a car to make out with someone in. It’s not like either of them meant for one goodnight kiss to turn into too many to count. Buck’s body is probably going to hate him in the morning for the way he’s twisted in his seat, but that is tomorrow Buck’s problem. Tonight Buck doesn’t care about anything except now, Eddie, the slide of their lips together, the heat coiling in his stomach.
The sudden honk of the truck’s horn makes him jump, startling so badly he bangs his head on the roof.
“Fuck,” Eddie gasps beside him. “Shit, sorry, my elbow—”
They stare at each other for a beat, two beats, and then they’re both laughing.
“Okay,” Buck says, trying futilely to straighten the mess that Eddie has made of his clothes. “Okay, I think that’s the universe telling us we’re not teenagers anymore.”
Eddie rolls his eyes, but it’s a distinctly amused kind of eye rolling. “Still with the universe and it’s signs, huh?”
“It’s the universe, Eds, it’s not like it’s goes anywhere.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Eddie says, but he says it like he really means I love you. It makes an altogether different kind of heat coil in Buck’s stomach, an almost-butterflies feeling that seems ridiculous considering they’re already dating. And maybe they haven’t said those three little words yet, but. It’s not like he doesn’t know. Not like he hasn’t known for a while, even if it all still feels too fragile to say aloud.
Eddie tips his chin up and leans over, more carefully this time, to give him one last quick kiss.
“Thank you,” he says, smiling the same soft smile he’s been gazing at Buck with all night. “Tonight was fun.”
Dinner, he probably means.  The rest of it too.
“You’re not gonna walk me to my door?” Buck asks, and it’s meant to be a joke, it really is, but there’s a little part of him that thinks please. Please love me the way I’ve always wanted to be loved.
“I’m not coming in,” Eddie warns him, tone almost stern. He said the same thing last time, and the time before that, and still ended up on the other side of Buck’s apartment door. “I mean it, Buck, I told Pepa she’d only have to look after Chris until ten.”
“I know,” Buck assures him. “I was kidding, Eds.”
“I know.”
But he’s opening his door and getting out, slamming it shut behind him. Buck grins and hurries to follow.
When the elevator doors slide closed on them, Eddie reaches out and tangles their fingers together, squeezing gently for no apparent reason other than that he can. It makes Buck’s heart stutter, warmth wriggling in his chest, giddy in a way he hasn’t been since Abby. Maybe even with Abby. She was so rarely the first one to reach out, unless she was reaching for his belt. It didn’t bother him at the time; he figured she just wasn’t a physically affectionate person. Then he saw her with her fiancé and realised she just didn’t want to be affection with him.
Eddie wants to be affectionate with him. Is affectionate with him. He plays with Buck’s hair while they watch TV, and comes up behind him in the kitchen to wrap sleepy arms around him in the morning, and holds his hand just because. Kisses him just because. It’s only been three weeks, but Buck already finds himself turning his head at the door and trusting that Eddie’s lips are there to say goodbye, or hello, or I missed you.
The elevator dings, spitting them out onto the fourth floor, but Eddie doesn’t let go of his hand. It makes Buck wish that the walk to his apartment was longer. A thousand feet instead of the two dozen it is down the hallway and around the corner. He finds himself taking slower steps, but can’t be sure whether he’s setting the pace or just following Eddie’s lead.
The hallway around them is empty. Will probably stay empty at this hour. If Buck was a stronger man, he might be able to resist a temptation like that, but Eddie Diaz has always been his greatest weakness. They reach his door, but he doesn’t open it. Doesn’t even take out his keys. He just tugs Eddie closer and kisses him, unhurried. Eddie makes a sound in the back of his throat, not quite a protest, and his hands slide over Buck’s hips, his ass, holding them together even as he’s mumbling, “I really should—I can’t stay—,” between kisses. Buck hums, not quite agreement, and nips at his jaw. Eddie groans, a broken kind of sound, and finally breaks away long enough to say, “Pack a bag.”
Buck leans back, confused. “What?”
“A bag,” Eddie repeats, and he’s pulling Buck’s keys out of his pocket to reach around and unlock the door himself. “Pyjamas, toothbrush—what else do you need? You’ve still got clothes at my place.”
The door swings open behind him and Buck stumbles backwards, unbalanced, caught only by the arm his partner still has around his waist.
“Are you kidnapping me?” he asks, mostly on autopilot. Moving on autopilot too—stairs, closet, bathroom, where the fuck did he leave his work bag?—since the larger part of his brain is still caught up in Eddie’s lips, Eddie’s hands, the delicious burn of Eddie’s stubble against his skin.
“Yes,” Eddie answers, no hesitation. “Don’t forget to grab your iPad for therapy in the morning.”
The iPad goes into the bag.
“Maddie won’t pay the random,” Buck tells him, picking through the basket of clean laundry on the table for an LAFD shirt to toss in as well.
Eddie shrugs. “Bobby might.”
“What if he doesn’t?”
“Well,” slinging the bag over his shoulder with one hand, reaching out with the other for Buck’s hand, “I guess I’ll just have to keep you.”
Buck can feel his cheeks flushing pink, a smile making them ache. It’s a joke, he knows it’s a joke, but.
“You’re gonna keep me, huh?”
Eddie uses their joined hands to tug him close enough to kiss, short and sweet but somehow more dizzying than anything else tonight.
“I’m gonna do a lot of things with you,” he promises, and it’s so soft that Buck’s mind skips right over the dozen innuendos he could find in that sentence and goes straight to forever. Marriage, kids, a house with a nice yard and a dog, waking up every morning with his best friend in his arms.
“Yeah?” he somehow says, only a little breathless, forever still unfolding behind his eyes.
“Yeah,” Eddie echoes, smiling that same soft smile he’s been wearing all night. The kind of smile Buck always thought he would see looking across the altar at his wedding. “I think I’ll start by taking you home.”
Buck’s heart stumbles a little, losing its rhythm and jumping ahead to get it back. His mouth feels crowded with all the things it feels too early to say. They’ve only been together for three weeks, he has to keep reminding himself, even if it does already feel like a lifetime.
“Well then,” he finally manages, “what are you waiting for?”
Eddie grins, and holds them there a moment longer for another bone-melting kiss, Buck’s fingers curling in his jacket, touching at every point they can. And then he leads Buck out of the apartment, back down to the truck waiting in the parking garage, and, hand in hand the whole drive, takes him home.
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refiwrites · 1 year
Can you do arguements with loak, neteyam, and rotxo please
since im sick rn and feeling terrible and in need of content of our avatar boys, i give you this
Arguments (Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Rotxo)
GIFs used for Neteyam and Lo'ak are not mine, credits to the rightful owners! Whilst the GIF used for Rotxo is mine.
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N e t e y a m
Thinking abt it now, I think there would be little to no arguments w this man 💀 I mean he is the perfect child, is he not? Well, you do have arguments but often times it wouldn't be that deep? I have a feeling he's too understanding that everytime you begin something, he's already defused it lmao
You would be the one initiating arguments tbh
For Neteyam, I think most of your arguments would stem from you just trying to watch out/care for him. The pressure of being the future Olo'eyktan often gets to him that he forgets to take care of himself and you'd be there reminding him to breathe.
"No, stop your sweet-talking!" you were really being serious, yet your other half wasn't.
"My love, I have to do this, it is for us. For our future, no?" Neteyam says, walking over to you and placing his hands on your shoulders, that damned playful smile on his face.
The thought made your insides run wild. "The future can wait, you can stay here for now. And tell me, when was the last time you ate?"
Neteyam blinks back, thinking.
"That's what I thought, you aren't getting out of here until I say so."
"Wait— fine."
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L o ' a k
Well, we all know Lo'ak is reckless, always doing things without thinking.
You know he means well with his actions, but sometimes you just wished he would think things through!
As much as you didn't like to be another one of the people scolding him, you couldn't help it when he literally walked in one day in your tent, gashes and bruises littering his face and arm.
"What were you thinking?" You said, you knew Lo'ak probably had this phrase said to him for the hundredth time.
He stayed silent.
"You're stupid, did you know that?" You hiss, sitting him down and you began to take his armor and face paint off.
"Too many times." He replied, which you felt bad. So you sighed, carefully cupping his face and making him look at you.
"As much as I'd like to argue with you right now, I still have to patch you up. But please, Lo'ak, the next time you do something... Think it through."
"Yeah.. Sorry.."
"You promise?"
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R o t x o
Can we take a few minutes just to appreciate the gif because hello LOOK HOW CUTE HE IS
Hm since we don't know much alot abt Rotxo this will be difficult.
But we know that he knows his limitations for making fun of someone, and that he's very truly a genuine, caring person.
I feel like he loves to joke around and stuff w everybody including you but I also feel like he made a joke one time abt you that you really didn't like or you just weren't in the mood and you kinda took it personally.
You didn't talk to him for like- what- two days max? Cause how can you resist him really when he's trying to catch your attention the whole day while his face looks like this 🥺 reincarnated? HELP
"(Y/N)... (Y/N)."
Wanting to shove his face in the sand already, you resist, plucking the berries from the bush and placing them in your bowl.
You just about remember why the two of you were acting like this in the first place.
It was from a joke that Rotxo made.
Now you didn’t exactly remember what the very joke was but you knew you were pissed off that day, and the way his joke pertained to you made something in you snap as he was laughing.
Now that led to here, with you ignoring him. Honestly you didn't know how you lasted a almost a day and a half without talking to him since the two of you were inseperable from the moment he met you and your siblings.
You didn't realize you were frozen in place as his voice spoke up again.
"What?!" You finally answered, snapping your head back to look at him.
He visibly swallowed, eyes squinting at your sudden reply. He moves forward though, moving beside you and kneeling next to you.
"I'm sorry."
"Took you long enough."
"Eh? But you were ignoring m—"
"Okay, okay I forgive you." You said. As soon as your words registered in Rotxo's head, you saw the way his whole face lit up, his nose scrunching in the process, almost melting your heart.
"Really?" He asked again, smiling.
"Yes, would you like me to change my mind?"
"No! No definitely not!" He quickly said, gesturing as if that was going to prevent you from doing so.
But you didn't change your mind.
You couldn't, not when he pulls out an armband he made for you, as a sign of peace.
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shiftingparadise · 8 months
Hey, I’m unsure if you still write for MHA but I’d love a comfort fic/drabble about a reader who’s struggling with guilt and bad thoughts, to eventually get some support from Dabi? I’ve been struggling a lot so much lmao
I'm so sorry to hear you've been struggling. It's been a long time since I've written anything. So forgive me if it's not as good but I hope you like it. I'm here if you want to talk.
Warnings: none
Word count: 1776
“It’s my fault”, your voice shaking. “It’s my fault, right?”, your head now resting against the wall behind you. “It’s my fault that they’re-“. A sentence you fail to say out loud. A stinging sensation greeted your eyes. You were sitting in an ally, your hands resting on your knees as little clouds left your lips. It was a cold night and even though your mind failed to notice the cold, your body did. Leaving you shaking, your teeth grinding on each other. Were you angry or sad? Probably both. It was unfair. The way Deku didn’t flinch, the way Bakugo grinned, … All why you were frozen in place. Too scared to save the lives of innocent people. What kind of hero were you? A joke. That’s what you are. “I hate them”, tears now flooded your eyes. “I hate the way things are so easy for them, the way they always seem to save everyone while I’ve worked so hard for this. I’m not a pro hero. I’m a joke, a coward-“.
He knew you hadn’t noticed. His staring eyes. The way he was leaning against the wall just a little bit further. If it were someone else, he’d probably would’ve laughed, or done something to upset them even more. Probably killed them eventually if they’d dare to talk back to him but… You looked so ‘good’. So, innocent. As if you hadn’t done anything wrong in your entire life. And the way your tears were dripping down your cute nose, the way you cutely rubbed the palm of your hand on your eyelids… Not to mention your voice. So soft, so ‘good’. There wasn’t any other way he could put it. You seemed ‘good’ and here you were, talking down on yourself like that just because you couldn’t be like them. A feeling he understood all too well. The feeling of not being good enough.
“Why? Why am I like this?”, your eyes darted to the sky. Desperately searching for an answer. “If I just swooped in, if I just managed to move my feet they would’ve been saved. They would’ve been able to return to their families, their loved ones… I hate myself”, your sobs getting louder, not caring about your surrounding anymore. Because it hurt. The feeling in your chest, the way you could hardly breathe anymore. “I hate myself and everyone else does too, right?”, your eyes still looking at the sky, hoping someone would talk back. “That’s why I’m always alone. Why I don’t have any friends”. Right, this wasn’t just about the lost lives. It was about your hurt. About everything that you tried to bury in your past.
Alone. He was always alone. He never had anyone. He knew the way you felt. The desperation, the sense of hopelessness.
“You’re not alone”, a raspy voice travelled through the air and startling you.
“Creep”, the word flashed before his eyes. You were crying about being alone, thinking you were alone in that ally. Probably one of the times you even wanted to be alone, and this is what he chose to say? Not even a hello? Or a dry cough to let you know someone was there.
“W-who are you?”, you narrowed your eyes, not bothering to wipe your tears. The darkness around you made it hard for you to see. “No one”, the voice replied.
He already regretted this. That he let you know someone was there. That he was there.
“If you’re too scared to speak, then don’t bother letting me know you’re here”, you turned your head to the side.
Scared? He wasn’t scared, right?
“Then don’t cry in the middle of an ally”, a snappy remark that he immediately regretted. “Well, I’m sorry that I bothered you”, you quietly replied. Your heart felt heavy. The last thing you needed was a stranger that made you feel even worse.
“You didn’t bother me”, the voice sounded almost desperate. “I-I guess I’m… sorry?”.
Did he just apologize? Or tried to anyway.
“Who are you?”, you knew that voice. You heard it on the TV once, right? But if you were right then… “No one”, he repeated himself.
He noticed the way your breathing got heavier. The way you tensed your entire body.
“No one you should be scared off”, his hands now in his pockets, his eyes closed.
Hate. Once again, the word flashed before his eyes. He hated himself.
“I know who you are”, you tried to relax your body. For some reason you believed him. Even though a murderer was standing practically next to you. But you were one too, right? You didn’t hurt people on purpose, but you failed to save them while you were standing so close. Wasn’t that even worse?
“Then why don’t you kill me?”, his voice sounded cold.
“I don’t know”, your teeth digging into the soft skin of your lips. “I don’t know”, tears once again streaming down your cheeks. “Probably because I’m scared, right? I’m a failure”.
“H-huh?”, your breath stopped, your eyes wide open as rough digits stroked over your cheek. His eyes now staring directly into yours as he squatted before you.
This wasn’t like him. He was never like this, or not that he could remember anyways.
“You must be freezing”, he sighed as he let his head fall back. “Here”, his hands wrapped around yours. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to burn you”, he coldly looked into your eyes again. Your heart was racing as you could feel his hands getting hotter, causing a nice sensation against your skin. Like holding them in front of a fireplace. “Feels nice”, you softly whispered.
His eyes unwillingly widened at your small praise. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone said something similar to him.
“It’s fine if you’re not like them”, his gaze now fixed on your hands. They fitted perfectly in his. Your skin felt so soft against his scars… He could stay like this for hours. “It’s fine if you’re scared”, his eyes found yours again. “I don’t need life lessons from someone like you”, you suddenly pulled your hands away, leaving an empty feeling behind. What were you doing? He was a villain. He couldn’t be trusted. “Right”, a painful look in his eyes. “I’m sorry”, he lowered his eyes as he stood back up. “So, you want to fight me or are you going to let me go without a hassle?”, his voice cold again. You stayed quiet for a second as you looked up at him. He looked handsome. Painfully handsome. Even with all of his scars, even with his messy hair… but most of all, he looked lonely.
“Cold”, you turned your head to the side, “My hands”. “Huh?”, his brows pulled together. “Could you please do that thing again?”, your cheeks red as you held out your hands, avoiding his gaze at all costs.
Even if this was a trap, even if you were going to capture him… He couldn’t refuse when you looked like that.
“Tsk”, an unexpected smile on his face, “Come here”. He lifted you from the ground with your arm.  “I’m not going to sit on the ground like an idiot. Let’s go to my place, it’s warm. I promise”, he already started walking. For some reason he didn’t doubt you’d follow him. And you did. Without saying anything. If this was wrong, then why did it feel so right?
It was only a five-minute walk and for some reason it made him sad. He could’ve walked through entire countries with you walking beside him.
“We’re here”, he stopped in front of a tall building. To be honest, it looked like it was going to fall apart any minute. “Know it’s not much”, he scratched the back of his head, “But it’s warm… and safe”.
He knew he was a hypocrite. How could he say something like that when he killed people for fun?
“Hm”, you softly smiled. “Y-you still want to come in?”, he now sounded nervous. He couldn’t believe you actually trusted him enough to follow him like this. “Yeah”, your arms wrapped around your body, trying to keep the cold away.
How could he forget? You probably didn’t have a quirk like his, that kept him warm. He should’ve offered you his coat, or at least try to keep you warm.
“Let’s go inside. You must be cold”, he opened the door for you. It. Was a quiet walk to his apartment. Your mind and heart fighting against each other. “So”, he awkwardly kicked some boxes of fast food to the side as you entered his apartment. “Like I said, I know it’s not much but it’s warm”.
He felt embarrassed. He only had a small TV and a bed. Not even a chair or a couch to sit on.
“It’s enough”, you smiled. “Here, sit down please”, he quickly straightened his pillows. “You can sit here. I know it’s probably not comfortable to sit like this-“. “It’s perfect”, you sat down while leaning with your back against the wooden frame of his bed. “H-here’s a blanket”, he grabbed one from a box. You thanked him once again.
“Why are you doing this?”.
Your question pierced through his chest. He didn’t know why. He wasn’t like this. He never was kind to anyone.
“I don’t know”, he awkwardly sat down beside you. “I guess I understand the way you feel. That’s why I said it’s fine if you’re not like them. You don’t have to pretend all the time”. “Pretend?”, you pulled the blanket over your legs. “They’re scared too, you know? Everyone is. They just pretend they aren’t. It’s fine to be scared, to not show up sometimes. It’s fine if you can’t fake being happy, or brave, or …”, he hesitated for a second. “All I’m saying is, it’s fine if you’re you”. “But I-“, your eyes already glossy. “Don’t cry”, he turned to look at you. “You can’t cry. You can’t show them you’re weak-“.
What was he doing? He cried all the time, or he used to anyway. And yes, he felt weak because he did so, but when he saw you cry earlier… All he saw was a girl who was tired of being strong.
“You don’t need this, right? A lecture”, he shook his head, unsure of what was happening to him. “Cry your heart out”, he wrapped your arms around your shoulders, pulling you close. “Cry. Let it out. You’re not alone. I’m here with you. It’s brave to cry”, he tightened his grip as he heard your sobs. “You’ll never be alone again”.
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saccharinescorpion · 9 months
oh christ i typed up way too many thoughts about the Teal Mask story
spoilers of course
TO BEGIN WITH literally everything here has a big ol’ asterisk with “subject to change” attached to it, i was surprised at how much of a “to be continued” ending the main story had and i’m trying not to get my hopes too high for Indigo Disk, but wowzers
Carmine’s line about tourism… i have a lot of feelings, but the one looming over my head like a fucking sword of Damocles is “did the writers not intend this to have as much weight as i am ascribing to it lmao” because it’s only the one line and GOD i don’t want to be the “reading too much into stories for babies” person all the time but!! But!!!!
(recalls the scene where Nemona talks to you about feeling isolated because of her talent and recalls my feeling of “why was this only in one scene where she flatout looks at the camera and says this”)
well even if it’s not supposed to be “that” important-
1) sure makes the TCG Tournament in Hawaii feel even more bitterly ironic lmao (obligatory yes i know the game writers are not responsible for most stuff that happens in the wider franchise i’m just SAYING it’s ironic)
2) GOSH it sure does make those ugly jokes people kept making about Carmine even grosser than they already were (if you don’t know what i’m talking about, Don’t Worry About It)
As someone on twitter said it feels weird to have this sort of plot point after not exploring it at all in the game with the Hawaii analogue. at the same time i do have to wonder if it was a response to working on those games and doing some thinking. Who can say
God ALL of that was for one line
KIERAN!! Okay, i know i’ve been giving Kieran a lot of shit but his plot progression is genuinely very compelling. recent games have been exploring the “rival who feels inadequate” type of character but this is the first time one has gone off the deep end like this, and i really hope they push it into interesting places
Cutesy shy “oh gosh oh wowzers” pre-development Kieran… in the end i did feel a bit charmed by how sincere he is for the record!
but also i’m genuinely so glad he ended up having Inner Darkness lol
Sorry Kieran i just don’t like it when it feels like the writer is trying way too hard to make me say “i want to protect you”
By extension sorry Wally lmao because he really was the ancestor of this type in the Pokemon franchise
I tried not to take the fact that i really didn’t want the damn Ogerpon too personally lol, this is one of those moments where i really had to force myself to step back and remember that these games are not for me, they are for tiny children who often really do buy into the Gotta Catch Em All thing and probably felt some genuine inner turmoil at this
But god like, please. I have my giant puppy lizard who makes vroom vroom noises. Ogerpon you are so cute but we can never have the bond i have with my bike
Kieran falling to his knees after the last battle genuinely got me, so did him punching the shrine even with the dumb “owie ><” gag afterwards
OKAY talking about the battles damn Kieran and Carmine were tough opponents i had to try Kieran’s last fight like three times (admittedly because i was using my weaker Kitakami team but STILL)
Kieran feeling bad for the ogre was projecting “THIS CHARACTER FEELS LIKE AN OUTCAST” and i picked that up loud and clear, and that was good, but i wish they actually… made him seem like an outcast?
Don’t get me wrong, Kieran definitely has self-confidence issues, issues with talking to others, anxiety issues (possibly), and that can easily make someone feel like an outcast
But i feel like there’s a big difference between that and someone (Ogerpon and her trainer) who is actively shunned and mistreated by the people around them, and i was really hoping for that from Kieran
It’s just the Pokemon thing of finding it hard to depict people really being actively malicious (see Penny and Team Star’s bullies and their enablers all doing their thing off-screen and then leaving off-screen)
But it’s doubly weird because they didn’t have much issue with showing characters in this story being terrible (Carmine)
Carmine!!! Her terribleness was genuinely so entertaining, a lot of the time i was simultaneously laughing and thinking “oh people are going to be SO mad”
But real talk for all my love of Girls Who Suck i do actually kind of get where some people are coming from, she is genuinely very abrasive and unpleasant at times, and though i don’t agree at least i can tell where the character hate is stemming from (unlike some of the absolute batshit stuff i saw about Geeta and Nemona, don’t get me staaaarted)
And speaking of… okay i feel like i’m pushing it even talking about this but i feel it would be dishonest to pretend that i’m not thinking about it
SOOOO the “it’s not like i hit him” line… another case of “did the writers intend this to be as big as it is in my mind,” combined with uhhh writers from a different generation than me, let’s say
For now i will interpret that at face value, but like… damn, i don’t think that reads as you want it to especially in a Pokemon game
Carmine pleaseeeeeee say you’re sorry to Kieran in Indigo Disk please please please i know she apologized for leaving him in the dark but my dearest dream is for her to apologize for being so mean to him all the time. she needs to just treat him better in general. please i will forgive Kieran having to apologize for taking the mask if we can do this please
I know i know cultural differences but we already had Clavell apologize for the failures of the school system, this isn’t THAT big of  a stretch
I am genuinely curious if Indigo Disk will pull a reverse plot twist and reveal Ogerpon’s trainer to be a bad person or reveal that he was the one to attack the Loyal Three first because if not DAMN we’re just going to have some flat out evil Pokemon? that we can potentially put on a team with Ogerpon?????
Ogerpon is a silly lil girl :)
I still haven’t done Perrin’s plot lol
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randomfandomwrites · 2 years
For Better or Worse (Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader)
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*not my gif*
Summary: Billy comes home late with Max, and you’re in the car. Neil is waiting for him outside.
Warnings: probably cursing, yelling, kind of angsty?, Neil being an ass, sad Billy (is that even a warning lmao)
Word Count: 1,806 oops
A/N: this is a little dramatic for my first story. it’s not that great, but it’s midnight, so whatever
Billy pulled up to his house, trying not to smile at the sound of your laughter. He didn’t think Max’s jokes were funny, but damn it if your laugh didn’t make him light up every single time. You were in the passenger’s seat of his Camaro, looking back at Max and giggling at every one of her stupid puns. Billy shut off the his car and turned to face the backseat.
“Get out, Max,” he said in an annoyed tone. Max grabbed her skateboard and backpack and climbed out of the car, throwing a goodbye to you over her shoulder before slamming the door as you waved enthusiastically from your seat. 
Billy wasn’t particularly happy about sharing you with Max, but you looked so happy talking to her on the ride home and you were so excited about meeting his sister (“She’s not my sister,” Billy had insisted) that when you and Max begged asked him to take the both of you out for ice cream, he gave in and took you to the nearest ice cream shop. Max got rocky road, while you and Billy opted to share a few different flavors. It would just be a few minutes, Billy thought. Everything will be fine, right?
A few minutes turned into almost two hours of you and Max sampling ice cream and getting to know each other, while Billy mostly watched in silence and held your hand under the table. Billy knew he was going to be late, he knew Neil would be angry, but fuck, you looked so happy that he pushed his worry to the back of his mind and tried to focus on you, only you. Eventually, you made it out of the place, but Billy already knew there was no talking his way out of this one. The closer you got to his home, the more anxious he became, which did nothing to ease his frustration. Billy wasn’t really scared for himself, he had long since stopped caring about anything his father said to him. But right now, you were in the car with him, and he knew all hell would break loose if Neil saw you.
As soon as Max closed the door, Billy sighed in relief and looked over to where you were sitting. You grinned at him, beginning to thank him for taking you and Max out when, out of the corner of his eye, Billy noticed someone walking towards his car. His heart dropped.
“Shit,” he said, beginning to panic. You were the last person in the world he would ever want to witness Neil’s abuse, let alone be subject to it.
“What? Billy, what?” you asked, anxiety building inside you before you glanced out your window. Your breath caught in your throat. You had never seen him before, but you knew from Billy’s reaction and the fear growing in your mind that this must be Neil. “Oh, fuck,” you whispered.
Billy’s hands were shaking as he fumbled with the keys and tried to start the car. “Come on, come on, come on!” he almost shouted in anger. Finally, the keys slid into place and Billy placed his foot on the gas, ready to speed away when Neil ducked into Billy’s rolled-down window.
“Billy! You’re home! I was starting to think something had happened to you. I figured it was the only reason you would be late,” Neil said, with uncharacteristic friendliness. You bit your lip, wondering what was about to happen. Neil was acting nice, but every instinct in your body was telling you to run, to get out of the car, to get away from him. “Did you hear me, Billy? You’re two hours late.” 
“I know, sir. I’m sorry. She wanted to go out for ice cream so we-” Billy started.
“Do I look like I give a shit about why you’re late? I told you to be home by 3:45 at the latest! Can you tell me what time it is?” Neil shouted.
“Almost six o’clock, sir,” Billy said, trying to keep his voice even. Right now, he was just glad Neil was leaving you out of this. 
“That’s right. I’m glad you’re not a total fucking idiot. You are not going to be late again, right?” Billy nodded silently. “Right?!” Neil screamed, slamming his fist into the car door. You flinched, but Billy remained completely stoic. 
“Right, sir,” Billy responded.
“Good, I’m glad we understand each other,” Neil sneered, before slowly dragging his gaze to you. Your heart stopped in your chest. “Who is this, Billy?” You tried to keep your breathing quiet and even, not daring to look over to where Neil was.
“She’s no one, sir,” Billy mumbled, tensing at Neil’s words.
“Oh, well if she’s no one...” Neil stepped away from the car for half a second, pretending to shrug it off. “WHO IS SHE!?!” Neil screamed, hitting Billy’s car again. Billy closed his eyes, fighting tears. He couldn’t cry in front of his father. 
“She’s... my-” Billy broke off, inhaling shakily. “She’s my girlfriend,” he whispered, so quietly you almost didn’t catch it. 
“Son, I’m gonna teach you a little life lesson right now. Girls like her are nothing more than common whores you can pick up at the supermarket. She’s a bitch. She’s nobody, Billy,” Neil spat, looking at you with contempt. 
“She’s not a whore,” Billy muttered. 
“Excuse me?” Neil shouted. “I’ve had enough of your fucking disrespect.” He reached into the car and grabbed Billy’s face, forcing Billy to look at him. Neil moved his hand down to Billy’s neck, slamming his head into the car seat.  “Whoever this bitch is, she is not worth your time or mine. She’s a fucking slut and she’s probably the reason you were two fucking hours late. I don’t want to see her, or anyone, around here again. And you,” he said, looking past Billy to meet your eyes. “you stay the fuck away from Maxine and Billy. I better not ever see your fucking face again in my life. You’re a worthless fucking cunt, and if you interfere with my rules again, I’ll kill the both of you. Am I clear?” You looked straight ahead and nodded. “AM I CLEAR?” Neil screamed, slamming Billy’s head back again. 
“Yes sir, you’re clear. I understand,” you answered quickly. 
“Am I clear, Billy?”
“Yes, sir,” Billy breathed almost inaudibly. Neil was calm for a moment, then slapped Billy with the back of his hand. 
“I can’t fucking hear you,” Neil growled. 
“Yes, sir, very clear,” Billy said. 
“Good, good,” Neil smirked. “Now get the fuck away from my house.”
Billy didn’t have to be told twice. He jammed his foot onto the gas, speeding away as fast as he possibly could, tears pouring down his cheeks. You were crying too, though not as much as him. “Billy...” you murmured. He shook his head vigorously, unable to say anything until he was far, far away from his father. His knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel too hard, and you gently reached over and put your hand on his. Billy allowed you to pull that hand from the steering wheel, and you locked his fingers with yours. He squeezed your hand just once, glancing over at you. He pulled into an empty parking lot and turned off the car. You sat in silence for a while, waiting for him to speak. 
“(Y/n)... (y/n), God, I am so fucking-” he cut off, trying not to sob. “I’m so fucking sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he cried. You had seen him cry once or twice, but never like this.
“Billy, it’s okay, I don’t care what he says about me.” 
“But he fucking said those things, and I didn’t fight him, I didn’t do anything, fuck,” Billy rambled. “I should’ve told him to shut up, I should’ve driven away, you weren’t ever supposed to see that, hear that, fuck-”
“Billy, hey,” you said softly. He turned to face you, tears still glossing his eyes. “It was my fault we were late. I’m sorry, I should’ve thought about...” You couldn’t look at him.
“It’s not your fault, babe,” he whispered. “Neil’s just a dick. He always has been. But I never wanted you to... shit, I’m so sorry.”
“Billy, do you remember when we started dating and you told me that you had never been in a real relationship before?” Billy nodded. “Do you remember what I told you?” 
“(Y/n), I gotta admit, I’ve never really done this whole dating thing. Like, the loyal to one person and not fucking around thing,” Billy laughed nervously. You took his hand and laughed.
“I’m glad I’m your first for something, Billy,” you teased.
“Shut up,” he mumbled, blushing. “I just... I don’t know how to do this. I don’t want to hurt you, I’ll never want to hurt you, I’m never gonna, but I’m scared that I’m gonna fuck things up and you won’t love me anymore.”
“Billy, we’re dating now. That means staying and sorting things out, no matter how hard or annoying they seem. Plus, I’ll be here every step of the way,” you grinned. “I’m with you no matter what, for better or worse, okay?” Billy returned your smile.
“Do you remember what I told you?” 
A ghost of a smile appeared on Billy’s face.
“Yeah,” he whispered. 
“I’m with you for better or worse, baby. Now and always,” you said. 
Billy ran a hand through his hair. “I’m just scared that with me, it’s gonna be for worse. You don’t deserve that,” he mumbled. 
“You don’t deserve it either,” you pointed out. Billy grunted, looking at the floor. “You don’t, Billy. I don’t care what Neil, or anybody, says, you deserve to be happy. And I’m glad I’m the one who gets to make you happy because-” You took a deep breath. “Because I love you, Billy,” you finished quietly. It was the first time you had said it out loud. Billy whipped his head to look at you, wincing a little.
“You love me?” You smiled slightly and nodded.
“Yeah, I do.”
“That’s good, because I love you too.” Billy smiled a genuine smile for the first time that evening. He pulled you toward him, leaning in to kiss you. The kiss was soft and gentle, unlike Billy’s usual rough, passionate kisses. He just wanted to be close to you right now. You placed your hands lightly on the sides of his face, careful to avoid the place where Neil had hit him. Billy wrapped his arms around you in response, pulling you still closer to him before breaking the kiss. You placed your forehead against his and stroked his cheek. “For better or worse?” Billy asked.
“Now and always,” you replied quietly. Billy smiled again.
You loved him.
Thank you for reading! I went a little overboard but whatever. Love you all!
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heeracha · 2 years
ep 25. / ep 26. — the flowers and bambi sticker. / ep 27.
buy one, take me. — l. heeseung
synposis: with his best friend asking him for help because said best friend was scared he wasn't "boyfriend material" enough, heeseung looks for flower shops for his best friend's girlfriend. thankfully, jake knows someone from the university who has an aunt that owns a flower shop, you. now, heeseung messages you and shyly, but shamelessly asks if he can get any promos or discounts to which you shamelessly answered him, "buy one, take me". heeseung doesn't pass on this, of course. after all, you are pretty damn cute.
pairing: heeseung x flortist!fem!reader
content/genre: college au, slowburn, fluff, angst and crack, smau.
warning(s): swearing, of course. two idiots aka heey/n. unproofread hehe
note: i was thinking,,,, i already posted it but no one saw lmAO but i think,,, if heey/n starts to finally sail, they'd probably have the healthiest relationship that i've ever written because of the fact that they basically know everything about each other and that they talk about everything <3 that's all,, see u next ep <3
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“y/n?” your aunt calls and you look up to see her by the door. “still haven’t decided what clothes to bring?” she asks, giggling.
“can’t i just bring my whole closet?” you softly joke and she laughs.
“here, have some help.” she says with a wink and she walks out. you hear voices and you look at the doorway, soon seeing heeseung enter. he softly sighs as you drop your soft expression to glare at him.
“hi,” he softly says and you roll your eyes. “hey, i’m sorry about it.”
“hyunjin’s my friend, too, you know?” you say, frowning at him and he nods. “what the hell was that, then?”
“i don’t know,” he softly says. “i was just looking forward to hanging out with you and… i don’t know, really. i’m sorry, forgive me.” he says and you sigh, taking out more clothes out of your closet. “are you… taking your whole closet with you?”
“if i could, i would.” you say, looking at your clothes and then to him. “help me?”
heeseung smiles, nodding as he grabs your new luggage that was still in the plastic bag packaging it came with. “did you really have to buy a new one?” he asks and you chuckle, shaking your head.
“i found my old luggage broken, so…” you say and he nods as he rips the plastic open. you look at your clothes and heeseung starts to suggest the clothes you should take with you. he told you to plan the outfits you were going to wear and you immediately have them already.
“y/n, just ten and two extras are enough! you’re not moving there, remember?” heeseung says and you would pout at him. “you still have your toiletries and stuff, remember?” thank god for lee heeseung or you would have packed everything. 
“your hand carry?” heeseung asks and you grab your bag right away. heeseung lists the things you need and you put them in. after an hour and half, heeseung is zipping your luggage close and you smile at him. he stands up from the floor, smiling at you. “wanna go out for dinner?”
“yeah, sure!” you say. “just give me a minute?”
heeseung nods and you grab a white ribbon from your desk as you tie it on the handle of your luggage. “what’s it for?” heeseung asks.
“you know, in case i have the same luggage with someone.” you say. “and so i can see it right away.” you say and heeseung nods, looking around your room. 
“fuck, no.” he says as he goes to the thing that caught his eyes. your eyes follow him and when you see him look at the flower arrangement he made, your cheeks grow red. “you kept it?” heeseung says as he examines it. all flowers on it still look as alive as they were when he was putting them together. you were taking care of it. “i thought you put it back or something.”
“i told you,” you softly say. “if you sell them, i’d buy them.”
heeseung chuckles, pulling you in an embrace and you relax in his arms as he smiles. “i missed you, you know?” he says, closing his eyes as he rests his chin on your head.
“and whose fault is that?” you say and he laughs. “i’m sorry, too.”
“you didn’t do anything wrong.” he says, pulling away. he grabs the bambi sticker from your desk, looking at it.
“was going to put it on the pot of the flowers,” you say and heeseung looks at you, smiling.
“can i put it on your luggage?” he softly asks and you hum, looking at your luggage. you nod and heeseung smiles widely, taking the biggest sticker and putting it at the right top of the luggage. “by the way,”
you hum, looking at him as he walks closer to you, stopping right in front of you. he looks into your eyes and you just look back at him. “family reunion, hm? how do you feel?” he softly asks and you smile, shrugging.
“i’m kind of nervous…?” you softly say, chuckling. “other aunts and uncles are probably going to notice the slightest change in me, if ever there’s any. mom and dad are for sure not going to mention the stuff after college, since everyone will be there and i’m just looking forward to having fun with my cousins.” you say and he nods.
“if anything happens, just call me, okay?” he says and you smile, nodding. “hey, i’m serious!” heeseung says, hands holding your shoulders. “call me or text me if you’re in a bad mood, if you would feel sad, whatever! if you need me to, i’ll fly out to you.”
“heeseung!” you softly exclaim, laughing lightly, but you could see it in his eyes that he meant it. he would fly out if you asked him to. “thank you.” you say and he opens his arms to which you jump in right away, hugging him. “when are jay and ae-cha moving?”
“the day you come back.” heeseung says and you nod, pulling away lightly.
“when i come back, how about i crash at yours?” you offer and heeseung widely smiles right away, nodding in agreement. “okay.” you softly say and he smiles.
“come on, let’s get dinner. let’s bring your aunt along.”
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au taglist [open]: @jongsaengseong @fairybangtan @viagumi @nyfwyeonjun @msxflower @cyuuupid @pluviophilefangirl @denyelee @tomorrowbymoa-together @sophhloaff @duolingofanaccount @precioussoulofmine @lhsng @deeznutsriki @starzvrse @atrirose @aalwaysreading @yabukkura @artstaeh @rrinsluvr @j4d @taeyongslilkitty @andii711 @markleepooh @poipoi01 @enhasengene @jjongsha @hannabugblog @raimbows4u @calumsfringe @kunhye @sodafy @skyvwonie @wtfhyuck @sungookie @leeis @kimmchijjajang @tnyhees @fadingera @lost-leopard-beanie @sonjuyeonnie @sim-kissed @vantxx95 @xyxlyn @harperwasstaken1 @maybee-may @liliansun @heeliopheelia @nomurahayami @ang3lpxtch @renaishun @cupidrwm @ckline35 @knownunknown345
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shadow-genesis-yay · 7 months
Gimme them Memory headcanons! Please!
Say less! o7
>headcanons under the more/reading<
(Sorry it's long & for late response, was shopping for birthday stuff)
First 1: Memory in my design has white streaks they got from Void's side! Void just dyes his hair black to hide em for unknown reasons (probably ego or smth I dunno. Voids out of my control /j)
2: They're 6'4, uses mostly It/They but also uses he. They prefer mostly the other two tho but won't get mad if he is also used. (This one's mostly based off how in canon, Memory was referred to as a thing by Sabre, and he would use It/They until switching to He. Mem was still called a thing but used he ig). Oh and ig they also used nicknamed but only like it when Void calls em them. Like Memmy/Mem/Memoy/Fancy Steve lol
3: He has light sensitivity and uses their mask to help it when outside of the void/memory dimension
4: It has heterochromia, but in a different way! His left eye doesn't have a iris/pupil, and the area that's supposed to be white is pure red like Voids. (I think it's called the sclera) and also on said left side, they have a scar on its cheek that it got during some event they doesn't like talking about
5: Memmy likes cats and owns two! One tuxedo cat named Voodoo, and the other, a black cat (Bombay I think) called Morticia! Memmys had them since they was a smol lil swirly peppermint boi, and treats them like royalty as deserved 😤
6: (this one's kinda from a quote my friend made but it's too funny to not make a Memory headcanon) If Memory got called a specific slur I'm not gonna say, he'd just be like "Yeah no duh, it's obvious. Now please tell me something I already don't know about myself, or leave please and thanks."
7: Memory is highly skilled in swordsman ship, archery, and fighting. It's won awards in competitions they entered secretly (not because Void would be mad, but because they're Void's son. Void's like a king/God in the eyes of the other steves [of course except Nightmare LMAO] and terrifies em.) They's only lost once and that was more on its end since he didn't want to do competitions anymore, so they purposely disqualified itself by starting a fight.
8: while this one may be more of a ship that was started for funnies, it took my brain over so uh yeah. Memory is married to Faceless. The reason for why (to me) is because since Faceless doesn't have a face (no duh), he's immune to Memory's powers, even when mimicking others. And Faceless just couldn't resist a fancy boi in a suit. (I love this ship but at the same time I'm like "I want it gone from my mind its been 3 months help") ik they never met canonically but I speculate they met a tiny bit when Elemental worked for Void and El had to capture Faceless. It's a long shot but yolo I was bored
9: Memmy boi like flowers. Mostly roses or any black flower, but they'll be content with any other color if red & black are unavailable :)
10: While Memory may seem stern and cold, when you get to know them, he's really nice! Though it's usually always on guard and will unintentionally break your arm if you happen to spook them (somehow).
11: Memmys very sneaky and will smile a cheeky smile when it scares someone from behind.
12: Memory really hates cameras. Like, REALLY REALLY hates em. Whether it's off or not, they don't care and WILL throw a dagger at it. This one's more from a funny thing Sabre himself replied with in his discord when I said "I wish Memory had more screen time. He would of bee such a cool villain" with Sabre replying "maybe he did but we forgot".....I walked basically right into that joke but I love it so I'm considering it canon /hj
Uhhhh yeah anyways I think that's it other than more funny meme ones me and a friend made when I was bored and thought 'what if after the camera was off, Sabre and the steves would have a smp world together' and Memory would be the sometimes chaotic one of the server.
Ye uh I rambled alot lmao idk if this will even post but thank you so much for the ask and willingness to hear the headcanons about our silly little peppermint boi! Memory deserves so much more love that what's seen, I love him so much
Memory Steve, our beloved 'forgotten' king <3 👑
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fcknstar · 1 year
,, want you "
harryosborn x fem!reader
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a.n : i actually couldnt find a gif that fits this story omfg. thought abt this at night. cooties ig. lmao my taglist
warnings : mentions of drinking, clubbing
**lowercase intended**
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being family friends with harrys parents meant you had to face him 24/7. it was very cliche for you guys to get close and start playing childish games. but who were you to say when the good times end. 
“ what? mom, please tell me you are kidding. no, i am not showing harry around the campus! you already know that we are not that close anymore and i do not want to do anything with him. “ you had wished that what she said had been a joke. you were so glad to find out that you were finally away from harry after stepping foot in boarding school. but sure, you had to savor every moment you had left without harry. 
“ are you still angry about that small incident? cooties arent even real- “ 
“ mom! it very is okay? “ you huffed, your mother has never been so unsupportive towards you before. 
“ okay, okay. dont show harry around and ill take away your card- “
“ mom! i earned that.. okay fine. “ you smiled when an idea popped up into your mind.
“ i have eyes darling~ “ your mother ended the call, her last sentence serving you a reminder that she could have telepathic powers that meant she could read your mind.
the next few hours were unnerving, you were just getting prepared to see the face you dearly hated. walking back to your dorm, you were met with one of your friends, ace.
“ there you are darling ! i thought i had to flip the entire campus around to find you ! “ his heavy british accent soared through the empty halls.
“ dont need to exaggerate- “ your sentence had halted when you saw a head popping out the cornee. 
“ something wrong love? “ ace had caught onto you stare at a certain direction behind him. looking behind him, he was met with an obvious empty hall. 
“ yea, m fine. you were looking for me ? “ 
“ oh yea, i just wanted to ask if you wanted to accompany me to tonights party. you down? the group is coming, but not with me. but we are probably meeting up after. “ 
“ i..uhm yea sure why not. “ you smiled. you had just forgotten about the party that was a big thing in the campus as it was the only time the school let it slide. 
the next few hours you prepared for the party. you didnt want to overdress because no one will actually dress code you or even care about what you wore. so you just decided on a plain black slip om dress. 
walking in with ace, you were met with bodies jumping in hall where the party was held. 
" want to grab a drink? " you asked ace. 
" mhm, sure. then wanna get on the floor and lose your minds? " ace cheered on. ace was a very fun person to be with, he was always so welcoming and knew how to set the vibe. 
taking a drink from the table, you bumped into someone.
" so sorry about that, shes abit clumsy! " ace apologized. you seemingly were too stunned by how good looking the said guy was and wondered why you had never seen him before. 
" did you see that guy? hes so hot. " 
" now, you dont want to hook up with some guy you just met, hes new isnt it? " ace started swaying to the beat of the song. 
" never seen him before, so must be. " you continued dancing with the people around you, making jokes on the way. 
that was when you made eye contact with the same guy. he was watching you dance, watching the way your dress slid up higher and higher everytime you swayed more. he was enjoying the show that was very much free. 
noticing walking up to you, you braced yourself for what could eventually happen. ace saw the guy and you knew how protective ace was, gesturing that you were fine. 
the said guy began swaying his body against yours, dancing behind you. you didnt know whether you felt hot and restless because of the way your dress gripped tightly onto your curves or the way his hands were gripped onto your hips. 
you never really enjoyed physical touch if it meant romantically, but your body somehow allowed this. it was as if he understood the way your body worked, the way you worked. 
" fuck.. " you let out by accident, you didnt realise how hard he was when he flushed your body against him when someone nearly hit you.
" whats wrong darling? " his blue eyes piercing into your dark ones. 
you felt hot and had to get some relief at some point. 
" feeling tad bit hot, wanna go for a walk. " you let his hands drop and told ace where youd be if he wanted to find you. 
walking out of the hall, you rested your head against the brick wall, catching a breather. 
" fucking hell.. " you whispered, you hadnt felt this way for a long time and it killed you. 
" thought id find you here.. " the guy you just met broke you concentration. his deep voice would be able to make you cum on the spot. 
he advanced towards you, grabbing your chin to make you look at him. 
" you are even prettier now.. " you didnt care about what he said, not knowing by what he meant. you let your body move, face inching towards his. and then it happened, you were on your toes kissing a guy you thought you didnt know. he, obviously reciprocated it, but before it became anything more, you pulled away. 
" so sorry.. it just kind of happened- " 
you were cut off when his lips smashed into yours, you backing up until your back hit the wall. you felt his hands roam your waist to your bottom. you felt him tap your thigh, gesturing you to jump. and you did. oh how quick was he to catch you like a feather, pressing you against the wall. inching closer to you as if he was being squished by a nonexistent wall. his lips then latched onto your neck, your body jumped up slightly by the way he sucked onto your sweet, soft skin. it was as if he was waiting for this moment, waiting for the moment when you surrender yourself to him. 
he enjoyed the way your gripped onto him, while steadying your breath. you enjoyed the way he gripped you down onto him, the way he quickly found your vulnerable spot. a breathy moan was quick to erupt from you, indicating that you enjoyed every part of this. something in you wanted more of him. but you knew you had to stop before anything bad happened. 
" fuck.. thank you " it wa an awkward thing to say of course, but you didnt know what to do after he handled you in ways you craved more of. 
" pleasure. harry, harry osborn. " harry leaned against the wall next to you. 
no.. you heard that wrong. definitely. 
" hey, whats yours? " he asked, looking at you. the moonlight making it easier for you to look at him. 
" ( name. )  " you nodded. 
" oh i know.. i just wanted to know if you knew your name.. " he chuckled, walking away into the distance. 
you did not just do that… kissed harry? your childhood friend.. who gave you cooties? oh fuck. 
taglist :
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
But that's why it's so fun though. There's definitely the surface level canon story.
It's fun to think, what if? Especially with easter eggs or vague elements showing the tiniest connection to another. Someone had to create that, so maybe they had an idea the viewer would too. If so, then what would the story look like if this connection is canon. Bonus points if it is canon and theres tiny nuggets all over the place. Im looking at you, eldren ring 😘👅. Overall, it expands the story and adds depth, and who doesn't like that. (Trick question: NO ONE)
Lmao YOU KNOW he was waiting!! The pan away shot was so the audience couldn't see the filthy smirk on his face after saying that. Leon is totally a "fun guy" at heart *snaps finger guns*. Definitely loves to crack jokes. It's just given his surroundings and the situation he usually in, it's totally not called for. Especially his type of...humor, which already isn't that funny in a normal environment. Then when he says it, it's a double "Oh hell no." for me, dawg.
AHHHHH lmaooo you like his jokes! You're more whipped me than! 🤣 I'm shriveling up. A chocolate eclair 💀 we gotta build that up! (I can't talk mine is as tough as extra firm tofu)
Fr I totally understand. I'd feel bad especially since he's trying to lighten the environment, plus I know he hates this more than I do. Replace me with Ashley and all I hear are gunshots, goreish noises, and foreign yelling 24/7...👁👄👁 I'm listening to "Leon's jokes on a 10 hour loop" (some of them). I'd have to scrape up the courage to think of jokes and not hyper fixating on my environment and future death or Leon's back 😉.
I'd either beg Leon for a mercy kill or do it myself. I'm not built for that world. Also if Leon actually said that, he'd get 1 good noodle star, cuz that actually made me laugh.🤡
I'm hollering!! I was thinking the same thing but couldn't find the meme!!! Thank you!!🥹
Leon is a frat party and a Bang energy drink (the only option) with a plate of hooters wings away from being the "you're not that guy pal". Maybe the trauma was worth it.
(Again sorry for any grammar mistake. I can't read or write)
I love a game with little nuggets that subtly connect to one another to weave an story beneath the common storyline. It just gives you more insight to…well everything! It’s one of my favourites that the game developers are like ‘we’re gonna give long time players a treat and new time players a fun thing to unravel.’
Ngl, Leon would single-handedly give me brain rot so bad that I start doing crappy, half asses one liners.
It’s a disease and he’s the cause.
It ain’t my fault that Leon is so unbelievably pretty! My kryptonite is pretty boys and unfortunately Leon is on-top of the list for prettiest boys!
All he’d have to do if flash me a smile and I’d be like; 😩 😳😖🥵🤤🫠
The trauma Leon has been through had altered him so much so that his coping mechanisms are to make shitty one liners to EVERYTHING.
He thinks he’s a cool kid at heart, we know that ain’t true. He’s a dorky dork that thinks his humour is the shit.
Me: Leon go to therapy, you’re obviously not okay.
Leon: Therapy is for losers and I am no loser😎
Me: you’ve missed 6 appointments, the jokes got to stop-
In all fairness he probs doesn’t think therapy would work out for him at all and also over works himself to the bone. I remember someone saying that the reasons for Leon being jacked as all hell in re4 is so he doesn’t get taken by surprise anymore.
My baby needs a hug but he’d probably be so on edge and alert that I wouldn’t be able to without triggering his fight or flight responses.
I’d get too distracted by Leon’s ass and have a deep debate within myself whether or not it’s be inappropriate to slap it. Also Leon doesn’t skip leg day. He’s got nice thighs, and arms…and back…nice tits…
Leon probably would drink bang energy in means of staying up at night. How he finds out about bang is anyones guess.
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livingkore · 2 years
The Perfect Girl (Part 2)
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TW: drugs, mention of miscarriage (not reader’s though), curse words, silly grammar mistakes ‘cause English is not my first language.
Notes: Sorry for the delay, I’ve been planning on where to take the story. Also !!! I wasn’t expecting so many notes on my first fic, thank you so much I’m flabbergasted. I wish I could answer you all but my principal blog is one I made on my 2014!tumblr era, so yeah that ain’t happening lmao. On an end note, do you remember when I said this was supposed to be a one-shot? oops!
"...and so to finish this devastating news, we want to kindly ask that if you know something about Munson whereabouts, or you've heard someone speak about something we should know, please tell us. I'm so sorry and thank you very much" The Chief of Police finished his speech at Hawkins' Basketball court. 
The collective murmur didn't wait for the police to leave the place.
Y/N stood frozen in place, between Cindy and Janice. 
"For God's sake Cindy, what have you done?" Jan bended over Y/N and whispered loudly.
"What have I done? What do you mean what have I done?" the head of the cheerleaders copied her friend's pose.
"Didn't you say you wanted to take revange on Munson? You've totally jinxed him."
"I- what are you talking about? I'm not a murderer" she frowned "He's lucky he's on the run, I told Pat to told Jason to beat the heck out of him, but if I ever see him again, boy it's gonna get ugly."
"...What did you say?" Y/N spoke for the first time
"That is going to get ugly---"
"No, before that."
"Jason is gonna be looking for that freak, this ain't no joke, Y/N. He... damn, he killed Chrissy!"
"...he did?" all Y/N could think about was the body on the floor. She looked afraid, almost surprised. That was Chrissy, somehow.
"God, Y//N don't you read the news?" Cindy sighed frustrated "he was in that cult, he listens to heavy metal, he is a freak. What is he still doing in high school? Eww, of course he killed her, do the math."
And so the confused girl sighed and counted. 
She counted the numerous times Eddie has tried to explain to her the rules of D&D and the way they would share their guilty pleasures like The Cure and how safe and welcomed she felt around him. 
"Please, return to your regular activities. Remember, extracurricular activities are suspended for the remain of the week." 
Yeah, something didn't add up.
It was already late when Y/N walked around the school halls.
The anxiety was building up on her stomach. She wasn't wearing the cheerleading uniform but she was sure if someone were to find her on the school basement floor out of curfew and asking about the D&D club, she would probably raise suspicions. 
She sighed frustrated. 
Knowing Eddie Munson and his reputation, he probably had befriended a janitor or two and asked them to set the base of the D&D club down there, where the sun didn't hit because of the vibe, or something like that.
She blinked once, she blinked twice. The static seemed to return whenever she was in rather dark places.
She loudly opened the last door at the end of the hall, forgetting she was supposed to be cautious and just focusing on not getting dizzy. 
The cheerleader blindly turned on the lights.
There it was.
An empty room, with a wooden table she carefully approached. There was nothing indicating it was the D&D base, but there was also nothing indicating it was another janitor's room. Instead, there was a carved sentence on the table that read: "EDDIE MUNSON KING OF THE UNDERWORLD" and it indicated it was Eddie's place.
Then a sudden headache made her almost fall to the ground.
"Y/N..." a deep voice said. 
She turned her head searching where the sound was coming from with no avail.
"Y/N..." they repeated.
She was definitely loosing her mind.
"Y/N?" a familiar voice made her look at the door.
"Holy shit, is that Y/N L/N?" a girl with blonde hair raised her eyebrows.
The Hawkins' sweetheart hid her hands in her pockets embarrassed as she noticed two freshman boys and Max Mayfield appear behind them.
"What are you doing in here?" she tried to said confidently but it came as more of a mumble.
Max tried to speak but the freshman boy with a hat yelled:
"What are we doing in here? What are you doing in here!"
"Hey, be nice Henderson" Steve said. 
"We are... you know..."
"We are looking for Eddie" Max said.
The other boys shushed her up agressively.
"Hey, hey, shut up, you two. We can't go screaming around, remember?" The blonde girl said exasperated.
"Why are you looking for him?" Y/N asked frowning.
"Why are you looking for him?" asked the freshman with jet black hair.
The cheerleading contemplated her answer for long moment.
"I've gotta find him before Jason does or he-- he's gonna hurt him and it's gonna be my fault. I've gotta help him."
"Yeah, sure, yeah!. Carver is after Eddie and you!" Henderson pointed at her "Y/N L/N is going to save him? Make it make sense." The girl huffed ready to leave the room.
"I don't have to explain anything to anyone, I'm gonna find him whether you like it or not."
"Wait!" exclaimed Max "Don't go, it can be dangerous, if we help each other we got more chances of finding him before the police."
"What?" The black haired boy asked astonished "You are asking the enemy to help us without consulting us?"
Y/N raised her eyebrows.
"Oh come on, Mike. She's not the enemy. She's his friend." the redhaired girl rolled her eyes.
Steve looked at Hawkins' Sweetheart with a frown on his face.
"Yeah, and I'm friends with Jaso--" started Henderson.
"I've seen them around in Munson's trailer, alright?" Max finally confessed making the whole room shut up.
Steve laughed in disbelief as the blonde girl opened her mouth in surprise.
"You? You and Munson?" the first one said.
"Sh-shut up." Y/N suddenly felt awkward in her clothes "It's not like that... you make it sound like... we're friends, okay?"
"How could you even begin to help us?" asked Mike "You don't even frequent Eddie's circle."
"Hey!" the cheerleader exclaimed "Just because you nerds don't see me around Eddie doesn't mean I don't know him."
"So you can help us?" Asked Max.
"Well I was thinking on going to Reefer Rick's before you all came here" explained Y/N "But I don't know where that is."
"Who is Reefer Rick?" asked Mike.
"How do you know about him?" Asked a surprised Steve.
"Whenever he-- he told me he's his main... you know..." The girl looked at the younger boys with guilt and then back to him.
"Oh, that's where he gets the weed!" Henderson exclaimed.
"Y-yeah. But again, I thought I could get a hint or something here that could tell me where this is but yeah... I'm sorry"
"Not everything is lost, I think I've got an idea." smiled the girl with blonde hair.
Reefer Rick's house was on the side of the Lover's Lake. They all learn that because it was Robin's brillant idea to search the address on the Blockbuster's computer where Steve and her worked.
"How come I've never seen you around?" Y/N asked her on their way to find Eddie. "Like I don't think I've ever seen you at Steve's"
"That's 'cause I'm just a girl who plays trumpet at band, so I don't speak with people like Cindy Davis. In fact I wouldn't have talked with Steve if I didn't have to stand him and his... kid friends at work for an entire year." The cheerleader grinned. 
"I think it's cool that you can play an instrument."
"See, I told you, playing the trumpet is totally hot" Steve approached the girls, leaving the boys behind.
"Never thought I was going to hear that coming from Steve Harrington himself" scoffed Y/N.
"You're the one to talk, huh?" he replied "you're breaking the law in search of a main suspect that is a completely weirdo. How did you both even started to talk? Please tell me he isn't selling you drugs."
"No, he isn't, mom" she rolled her eyes "We actually share his stash."
"Oh my god, he totally is into you"
"Wh-what?" Y/N focused his gaze on the path, although her mind went blank "Just because he gives me weed? That's-- don’t be ridiculous."
"He didn't even do that with Hargrove, are you kidding me?"
“Don’t get jealous, okay? Maybe if you were nice to him---”
"Hey, kids" announced Robin "I think we are here.”
They searched the whole house and Eddie was nowhere in sight.
Y/N sat down on a chair in the kitchen and sighed quite defeated.
Hawkins wasn't a big town, there weren't many houses because there weren't many people, so where on earth was Eddie Munson? Could he have gone to the city? He was old enough to do so and even took his van but he was still a suspect. She understood why the police didn't know he was the main drug dealer of the school. This guy hid better than the local rats.
"Hey guys" called Mike looking out of the window "We should check the dock house."
It was already late to be in somebody's dock house
Y/N felt the anxiety build up in her stomach again. 
A familiar feeling telling her that this was all a trap.
Henderson pulled up a torch from his bag and started pointing it at everything, studying the room. Steve, on the other hand, grabbed an oar near by and went to poke a covered up surface with it.
"Hey, look over here" Max pointed to some food leftovers "someone was here."
"Maybe he heard us" murmured Robin "got spooked and ran."
"Don't worry, Steve will get him with his oar" commented Henderson.
"I know you think you're being funny" Steve said as he pushed the oar around "but considering everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, personally I don't find it funny in the slight--"
It all happened so fast that all that Y/N heard was a scream and all that she felt was her heart stop. 
Next thing she knew, Eddie was holding Steve against a wall with a knife in his free hand.
"Whoa whoa whoa!" yelled Henderson "Eddie! It's me, it's Dustin. This is Steve, he's not gonna hurt you, right Steve?"
"Right-- yeah" whispered the boy.
"Steve why don't you drop the oar?" suggested the freshman student. Harrington did as asked and Eddie tightened his grip on him even more "He's cool! He's cool!"
Y/N wanted to say something but she started seeing the static again and was afraid of what could happen if she were to open her mouth. She hadn't seen Eddie for what seemed forever and the last thing she said was that she hated him even if that was a saying. 
She hold on her breath and tried to focus on the present, on the fact that Eddie looked like a wild animal about to become a real killer if any of them said the wrong thing.
"What are you doing here?" The fugitive asked between his teeth without leaving Steve out of his sight.
"We're looking for you" Dustin said. 
"We're here to help" added Robin nervously. 
"Eddie, these are my friends" continued Henderson "You know Robin, from band. This is my friend Max... the one who never wants to play D&D and Y/N that I actually haven't met 'til today but she looks cool and also told me she was your friend"
The Dungeon Master stared at the cheerleader with a confused look.
"Eddie, we're on your side" She spoke carefully.
"We're!" continued Dustin "I swear on my mother, right guys?"
"Yes, yes. We swear" said Max.
"O-on Dustin's mother" added Robin.
"On Dustin's-- Dustin's mother" whispered Steve holding his breath.
After what seemed forever Eddie let the former student go and everyone in the room let a relieved sigh. Then he sat down on the floor, his eyes lost who-knows-where, a ghost of what the eccentric boy once was.
Y/N kneeled down to his level. She didn't even think to say she was sorry, she just wanted to tell him that everything was going to be alright, even if she couldn't really promise him that.
None of that was said. She knew it was pointless and in that moment all she could think was that she was glad the boy wasn't alone, so she just threw herself into his arms in a hug that became a need for both of them.
Normally Eddie the Freak would have scoffed and mutter something along the lines of "Are you checking if I have weed on me or you're just happy to see me, sweetheart?" but Eddie Munson was not Eddie the Freak, and Eddie Munson stood frozen in place until he slowly returned the hug. With his eyes closed he inhaled her scent and understood that no matter how much his friends believed he was innocent, it was this hug what he needed to get out of the guilt that it should had been him instead of Chrissy Cunningham. 
After all Y/N also lost a friend that night.
Her body stiffened in horror.
"Y/N..." the horrific voice repeated in her ear.
She tried to get away from what once was Eddie and now felt like a wet body.
"That wasn't a very nice thing to do now, was it Y/N?"
"Stop" she whispered. "Let me go."
"But can you let it go?"
"It was an accident! I didn't know! I was a kid!" she sobbed.
"Oh, Y/N, Y/N..."
The girl pulled away with all her strength and ended up on the floor breathing heavily.
"Hey, are you okay?" Robin's voice asked at her side, but she didn't know what to answer to that, all she could do was stare at Eddie's hurt look on his face.
The next day everyone, except Eddie, returned to their homes to tell their parents that they were staying at somebody else's house for the next few days.
She tried to go to school but it was way too painful. She couldn't stand not seeing Eddie or Chrissy around, nor she could stand hearing Cindy Davis talking about it all.
She took the first ibuprofen of the day and sighed, softly hitting her head against the desk. Normally Chrissy would have cheered her up and told her that the team was gonna win that Friday, so there was no reason to be stressed. But the extracurricular activities had been suspended and Chrissy was dead.
Her corpse dancing around Y/N's head. 
Those new Nike bike shorts.
Damn, she had to go back to the dock house. Eddie was probably having a hard time too.
The cheerleader grabbed her things and ran down the entrance before the next class.
She took her bike and went to the Lover's Lake.
Y/N wanted to puke. In some weird way she kind of hoped she would never had met Eddie. The thought of not doing so made her feel almost relieved and because of that she also felt guilty. It was wrong and stupid and so easy to associate that it was because they were playing with the universe order by being friends, that everything went wrong. After all it was common knowledge that Hawkins was cursed. And yet, she somehow had to find a reason why Chrissy was dead and why she always messed everything up with Eddie.
The plan was to meet the boys at Reefer Rick's dock house to bring Eddie some food and keep planning what they were going to do. Dustin had said that they know things but he didn't have the chance to explain himself.
Damn she forgot the food, she winced.
Y/N left the bike hidden in the bushes nearby.
"Hey Eddie, I'm sorry I-- no. Eddie look, I'm sorry I always mess up ev-- no. Munson, I hate myself too, alright!"
She opened the door violently to find Eddie with eyes wide opened and a walkie talkie in his hand.
They stood there consumed by the shock.
"C-close the door!" he loudly whispered.
She did and remain silent in the corner of the room.
What was she thinking? She wanted to scream and run and never--
"I don't hate you" Eddie muttered.
"I don't hate you"
"Why not?" The boy shrugged and sat down on the floor with his back against the wall.
"Why would I? You're the one that dislikes me but like -I can't blame you, you know"
Y/N sat down next to him, keeping an important distance so she could study his body language.
"I don't-- what are you talking about?"
"I'm the freak that's also a main suspect in the murder case of your friend, don't bullshit me, sweetheart."
"But like... did you do it?"
"Is that why you're here?"
"Did you do it, Eddie?"
"What does it matter? The odds are not exactly in my favor"
Y/N sighed exasperated and leaned her head against the wall looking at the ceiling.
"I know you didn't do it, that's why I'm here."
"You shouldn't be here, L/N" Eddie tried to look elsewhere.
"I went back to your place that night."
"Hmm?" He suddenly looked at her in surprise.
"I felt bad about... well about everything. You were right, I ran out of weed and the headaches came back stronger but it was also very rude of me to not want to go to your campaigns, even when I knew it meant so much to you, as if-- as if I was ashamed of your friendship."
"You are?" he barely said.
"No!" the girl exclaimed quickly "No, at all. Is just that-- I'm scared."
"Hell, me too" he scoffed.
"I know you didn't do it because there's no way you could have done that to Chrissy. It-- she looked so inhuman."
"You saw her?"
"Yeah... the van was gone and the door was left open, I thought something bad happened to you."
"I- fuck, I'm sorry you had to see that."
"I know it might sound weird but, her image in my head keeps me sane in a way, like it's not a nightmare I made up, does that make sense?" she looked at him for approval and realized he was already looking at her.
"Yeah... yeah, I get it."
Y/N got herself closer to him and they became silent for a moment.
There were no need for words. After all they went through, just acknowledging each other's presence was enough.
"You know I could use a six pack right now" Eddie commented after a while.
"Damn, I'm so sorry I forgot about that." The girl touched her head awkwardly "I didn't even bring you a snack, I'm so sorry."
"It's fine. I'll tell the others." The boy pulled up the walkie talkie "Hey guys? Guys it's me, it's Eddie. Anybody there?" No answer "Henderson? Wheeler? Anyone?"
"Don't worry, Eddie. They're probably on their way."
Suddenly they heard a noise coming from outside and they freeze staring at each other.
"See? Just in ti--" Eddie covered her mouth with his hand and looked to the direction of the window.
"FREAAK? ARE YOU HOME?" yelled Jason Craver at the distance.
"Leave" Eddie whispered to her as she put his hand away so she could talk.
"What? Where? I'm not leav--"
"Leave now, Y/N. If they see you, I'll say I'd kidnapped you or someth--"
"What on earth, Eddie? I'm not leaving you."
Eddie stood up and pulled her up with him. 
"L/N I'm not asking, okay?" He grabbed her arm and pushed her out of the door.
"Stop!" Y/N exclaimed.
"Well, well, well" Jason contemplated the scene a few steps away "That's no way to treat a lady, now is it, freak?"
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sang8262 · 11 months
yall i got more JP thoughts idk what to tell ya
But spoilers! Just in case, for World Tour and Rashid's Master bond level conversations, as well as some unlockables from post-game quests.
idek where to start, I'm just coming back from cheating playing my way through the new World Tour quests lmao
the quest that's important here are the difficult CPU fights they added at the Suval'hal Arena, to unlock World Tour resources and extra goodies for each 'level' cleared.
(un)fortuantely, I won't be going through what's behind each door here, although there are some interesting rewards that I'm sure others will address! anyway, one of the items we receive as a reward quite early on is this 'Absurd Check', which is JP's unique gift item:
"A check for a king's ransom. For use in a tight situation, and not to be casually given away. Someone might love this."
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sadly, JP himself doesn't exactly have.. a whole lot in response, but I still think it's interesting. upon giving the check to him, he replies:
"You're giving me a check? I used these all the time for work, once upon a time. A check can be used in all manner of ways... Even if it bounces."
I think this works quite well with one of his earlier conversations/ quests as a Master, where he has us spend a ton of money to partake in the economy. Upon completion, he asks us, "did you learn anything from this experience?"
To which our answer yes/ no doesn't actually matter, since he simply replies the same either way, that "often the promise of a reward is much more valuable than the reward itself". And that's it. He doesn't give us anything or say anything further. Which I'M reading this as JP's idea of a goddamn prank. A small joke. Just casually have us spend a million zenny to make us look like absolute FOOLS. Did you think you were getting a reward for this quest? Did the promise of a reward compel you to follow his orders without a doubt in your mind? He doesn't even care if we learned anything from this endeavor, he made his point and got a good chuckle out of it.
And I think it goes even further, with his second quest he gives you, with the 'intercept a money exchange among the resistance group in Nayshall'. He doesn't outright order us to take the money, or attack them, or anything like that, but he does suggest we 'ought to do something shouldn't you'?
Ultimately, whether we fight the rebels for the cash or not is up to us, and doesn't exactly impact JP much personally either. But I feel like this is exactly the case of "the promise of payment" compelling us to do some heinous (albeit fictional) things.
Whether within the game universe, in which we basically steal that cash from people seeking justice under the corruption JP himself introduced to Nayshall... Or in the real world, where we'd choose the immoral option just to see what happens in the quest story, or for the in-game currency.
WHICH, finally connects to the goddamn check from the update today. All I really wanted to say about that was, how JP probably also used money, checks, or the promise of reward to manipulate his way through the criminal underground. Even a check that bounces, still has the promise of payment until you realize you've been had by that darn smooth talking Johan Petrovich.
i haven't even started with his cameo in Rashid' Master Bond conversations i'm so sorry lmao
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but LOOK there he IS!!!
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I kinda already talked about what Rashid says of JP, in the conversations, so I'll be brief in this post:
JP's public persona is a bit too squeaky clean, given his position of power, which Rashid thinks is suspicious af. And he's right, of course.
But Rashid really is surprised by how JP is so unlike the rest of Shadaloo's officers, at least, when he wants to be. The comics again, showcase how he operates his schemes and deceives everyone so well. His kind, philanthropic, sophisticated older gentleman act is too good.
But yeah, I just love this art, wow,,, he's literally sparkling and glowing with a rainbow and everything,,,,
And it wasn't much but, we got the favorite gift conversation we were missing with this update so, I'm glad they put it in.
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 years
So i convinced my friend who is probably as close to a real life blade as you can get to try your game and it was hilarious!
How would the Shepards feel about "gasp, another blade?"
Also haha other anon i get to bully blade irl :p
Okay, the funny thing is, there was another "Blade" in the original novels--like just this random minor character who looked a lot like Blade, happened to also be a Ket prodigy, and had a very similar personality type but was mildly warmer and more confident (though Blade was still superior to him in skill), and all of the characters noticed it and used it as a running joke and pretended to like him better to be irritating; and Blade silently HAAAAAATED him, like HATED him, he was the only character that Blade was openly hostile to and unprofessional with in the series (who wasn't an antagonist lol). Like he wasn't fond of Red, but he was just cold or aloof to him or a little sharp, but it wasn't really that noticeable considering how unsociable he could be with like 90% of the people he encountered on a daily basis; but with this guy, he'd openly snub him or make some snippy comment under his breath if they ever had to be in the same room. 😂 That was the original Daren (before I made game!Daren--who's a separate character who just happens to share the same name--like a suck-up teacher's pet lol), so this scenario has actually happened in the books! In the game, if another "Blade" lookalike showed up:
Blade: *stubbornly refuses to see or understand any resemblance* 😒 *mildly insulted by the comparison*
Trouble: "oh God, there are two of them? fucking yuck 🙄"
Tallys: *would use the opportunity to ask low-stakes Blade (who she doesn't care about) questions she would never dare ask the real Blade LMAO... like what is Ket dirty talk like*
Shery: *kind of intimidated by knock-off Blade, also feels sorry for real Blade because she wouldn't feel very nice being compared to someone similar to her, so she'll act a little protective and biased, like, I don't think he's anything like our Commander!! 😤 while Blade is in earshot, basically trying to support him in her own way and openly picking sides when it's not really a situation where you'd have to take them 😂*
Riel: *has already determined second Blade is inferior to the original and therefore beneath his notice, therefore completely ignores him and his existence*
Chase: "lmao so what, do they just pop you guys out of a factory somewhere? *to Blade, who loathes him* are the Ket allergic to originality or something, lmao??" *finds the scenario hilarious and won't cease ribbing Blade about it every chance he gets, just clowning on them both*
Red: *snickers when he realizes it* *then quickly pretends he doesn't see the resemblance and has no idea what anyone is talking about, so Blade doesn't have a reason to get even madder at him*
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It's like his equivalent of innocuous whistling and looking away to have plausible deniability
Ayla: "uh-uh, no way. stay away from me. I can only take one of him, I don't have any patience or capacity to deal with a second one" *actively is repulsed by/rudely avoids the knock-off Blade* It's kind of a mix of genuine "I don't have time for that" but also a little bit of aloof (?) protective bias, like "I'm full-up on friends thanks, not looking for any more!! you're not Blade so get out of my face and stop wasting my time!!"
Briony: "omg! 😮 are you guys related?? no?? but... you're so alike..." *spends time with knock-off Blade because she's morbidly fascinated by the similarities... wonders if that means there are knock-off versions of all of them out there somewhere... probably ends up becoming his friend and annoying Blade with comments like 'he's actually really nice, Blade, I think you'd come to like him if you just gave him a chance, you have so much in common!'*
Lavinet: *mildly interested, mildly pitying (doesn't know what it's like to be imitable 💅🏼), maybe tries to give knock off Blade advice on how to differentiate himself and be more interesting LOL like the unasked-for "you might try brooding a little less, darling, the people around here are very used to that and would like something a little fresher"*
Halek: *genuinely does not see the resemblance* what, just because he has dark hair? do you think all Hunters are the same then? -_- *makes it a whole thing*
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