#so. this image was born bc They Dont Know
woolydemon · 11 months
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i did a big oopsy yesterday
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thelostboys87 · 4 months
my beautiful autistic mind is so picky and annoying sometimes because my biggest struggle with writing at the moment is the fact i dont like how the name bobby looks written out but i like how it sounds and also know that is his name it literally cannot be anything else. but every time i look at the letters i'm like.......
#thing is it's literally a whole thing in the damn story about how he hates his Government Name so i have to honour his real name!!!!#actually this was one of those moments where a character came with a name#bobby was a moment of wait were you always there and i just didnt notice you because i saw a pic on pinterest#that gave me an idea for an RR storyline the storyline being a character dies from AIDS#which is something i have been SO apprehensive about this whole time because i didnt know if i wanted to write the AIDS crisis and include#death so directly...but then my mom died and i became hyperfixated on death LOL#(and realised the way i could approach it respectfully + in a way that honours)#anyway i was like wow with my better expertise on the AIDS crisis + personal experience with loss i feel like i can write this kind of#storyline but who dies?? and i have to make them a fully fleshed character bc i always do#but thats like especially important here. he can't just be a body + vessel for other characters' grief journeys#literally immediately my brain was like so his name is bobby he looks like this he was born in august and he loves this david bowie song#i dont actually know if he still likes the david bowie song (my first image of him had dialogue inspired by the song) so that is info FOR M#but maybe i should revisit that lol.....anyway he just appeared#more details + development came with time as always but i dont have like any conscious#memory of that it just happened#like i forget he's only existed less than a year bc he's on beau/felix/dorothy levels of developed. WOW!#was also never meant to be beau's bestie and i can't remember at all how i decided that it also just happened#oops i accidentally infodumped
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arundolyn · 2 years
thoughts on Reppuu II
An Attempt Was Made
the violin around the halfway point was an?? interesting choice? honestly probably the best part however unfitting. everything else.. hm. the part at 3:30 is sorta hype that was cute. but the weird brass parts and the beginning and end aren't it. yuhki tried. mixed success
i just got to the end help i had genuinely never heard it before what the fuck. was that necessary. lost points for that
#cawing#at age 6 i was born without a face#blazblueposting#i cannot express what it's lacking#the cute synth parts from the original for sure. i have no idea how to explain it but im SURE you know what i mean bc though kinda subtle#its VERY noticeable#and also the drums dont sound as bad but i mean thats all the IIs the drums are awful in all of them#and the!!!! fuck i have NO idea what that is. whatever the syncopated stuff in the bg is#most noticeable in the 'verses'#im trying so hard to figure out what the fuck that is bc it sounds JUST like. rhythmic shamisen plucking#if you get it you get it.#like someone doing percussion but on a shamisen. i sound like a fucking crazy person#anyway those are the two big things it's missing#and also its... hm. missing. heart.#so much of the charm of the original is lost through all those things that were dropped that i mentioned#AND the.... i dont know how to put it into Words. the buildup to the refrain is lacking!!!! less hype. less Bang Shishigami Energy#like its not way off base but also its not nearly as spot on as the original. the original is literally SOOOOOOOOOOO him#its genuinely perfect. immediate mental image conjured of ronin gai and him being a dumbass#SORRY ALL OF THESE TURN INTO ME BEING LIKE 'IT SUCKS HERE'S WHY' I HOPE IM NOT UPSETTING ANYONE?#i for sure need to make a tag for this huh. fhjdkhflajh#its funny i was actually like JUST talking to a friend about reppuu earlier#there is One acceptable II#music opinions with crow
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buddydacote · 23 days
I was supposed to just post about the Lamb Chop dog toy and move on but of course I forgot to do it. And I'm not too big on the one for today either but it's more a personal issue than anything. I'm not letting it get to me too bad because the song I had for yesterday is close to how I feel in its emotions if not actually relevant to the situation.
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halfway-house-in-hell · 3 months
angel dust redesign🕷️
(click for better quality)
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and since theyre the first sinner ive posted, they get a human design!
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rambling under the cut
(if my handwriting in the second image is unreadable you can check the id)
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-angel dust was a sinner that died in 1948. they were a member of a large mafia family and led a secret life as a drag queen
-they were born into the family, and were unable to leave bc. you know. life of crime
-much of their family looked down on them and mocked them bc of their feminine mannerisms
-they had a particularly bad relationship with their father, who saw them as a failure of a son
-so they turned to drag and underground queer clubs instead (angel dust was their drag name that they adopted full time after dying, anthony was their "real" name)
-they also turned to cocaine, often stealing from their family's stash
-their death happened because they were lousy hiding the tracks of their theft- the family got a tip off that angel had been stealing and that they were currently in an aforementioned queer club
-mafia family storms the queer club, angel comes out off their head on cocaine, their father finds then and shoots them in the chest before slamming their head against the wall repeatedly, killing them
-their and all of their family's (except their sister) demon forms are spiders, symbolising the web of lies they spun😎 because angel died in drag they also have a much more feminine demon form
-they enjoyed life in hell for a while, but soon enough other members of their family started dying and began looking for them. this caused them to flee to the nearest hiding space they had, a place called Valentino's that promised a safe haven against any threats
-as we know this promise is absolute bullshit
-angel signed the contract that allowed them entry to valentino's. they were panicked and signed it hastily, not looking at the fine print.
-they become trapped at valentino's, forced to be a prostitute
-until valentino himself visits and likes the look of angel, deciding that he wants angel for himself
-he takes on angel as a prostitute/porn star/stripper/whatever valentino wants them to be today, with valentino abusing them behind the scenes
-valentino lovebombs them often, buying them expensive gifts they are required to wear and feeding their drug habit
-despite being famous, most of the money angel makes goes straight into valentinos pocket. this is what leads them to finding charlie's hotel, as they do not have enough money to pay rent and the happy hotel offers free accommodation.
-angel's best friend is cherry bomb, an anarchist who wants nothing more than to free them- but she has no money, no connections and is banned from most places on sight due to her habit of blowing stuff up. when angel dust gets sad and mopey, she gets angry for them
-angel uses they/them, but hell isnt the most progressive place, so few demons use it for them. they dont really care though, they have bigger things to worry about
-they actually physically cannot harm valentino, as part of their contract states that any harm valentino goes through also happens to them
-they like to keep up with the latest trends, and have a decent sinstagram following
-they are hypersexual due to trauma
-i think thats it. if i forgot smth im gonna be so mad
oki thanks for reading :33
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ladybeug · 2 years
Speech bubbles
I put together some thoughts on how I fit speech bubbles into my comic panels after a conversation with @carpisuns! Sharing it here :)
Section 1: some general rules to consider, and then to break literally whenever, for any reason:
(1) Leave more room for the speech bubbles than you think you need. ANNOYING I know.
like look at how much of these panels are actual drawing, vs text. its like a quarter each:
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(personally I think these have too much dialogue to be good panels. but theyre good examples of how dialogue can take up a lot of room)
(2) Speech bubbles should be positioned in the order you want them to be read, left to right, top to bottom.
(3) Speech bubbles should line up to where the characters are standing, which helps show who is saying what.
I am actually really bad at following #3. its something I try to do, but a lot of the time I end up with confusing stuff like this:
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I end up doing this in an attempt to follow rule 2, so you can easily read right to left up to down, but this is just a mess, i cant believe their speech bubbles cross over like that, its a big mess and its hard to tell who's saying what.
this is kinda what I'm going for. adrien's speech bubbles on the adrien side of the panel, alya's on the alya side:
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(4) Speech bubbles should not obscure any drawings that are doing important communication work. This sounds obvious but we're putting it in the rules anyways.
Faces, usually. Often the focal point of a panel. This can be really effectively broken if you want it to feel like someone is being interrupted or overridden by the words that are spoken.
If someone is nervous and wringing their hands, then their hands are now doing important communication work and shouldn't be blocked by the speech bubble
I have good and bad examples of this one.
look at this mess of a panel where I ran out of space and did a speech bubble over adrien's face. adrien's face could have been telling us how he feels in this moment, but instead he seems squished and unimportant:
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And this panel, where I ran out of space and had to cover chat noir's tall ears, which should have been uncovered because they are communicating a VERY Important thing to the audience, which is: chat noir made his ears long. that's the point of the comic. and its only communicated in this panel. and i covered it with a speech bubble. not my best work:
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This panel where I purposefully made the speech bubble get in marinette's face, to show that the words are pressuring her:
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this works bc you can still see how marinette feels (thats the communication work the drawing is doing).
here's one where a lot of the figures are blocked, but the important communication pieces are visible. you can see chat noir's face to see how he feels, and his hand taking the card from alya. alya doesnt even have to be in this one, you dont need to know anything about her, just that she's giving the card to chat noir:
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(5) Speech bubbles go on the top of the panel or at the bottom. That way they read in longer rows, and stay out of the picture. Also faces are usually in the middle.
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(6) Less is always better to read. This is a hard rule to follow and I rarely follow it, but it's worth saying.
like its so easy to digest a comic panel with a small amount of text:
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and so much more work to do the opposite:
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same example, I know, but its a good one. these are hard to read because theres so much text. a tired reader will just skip this so they can have a better day.
there's like a 75% chance you didn't even read the words in this example image, but I bet you read the one that says 'I was born to be a cat model".
(7) if the speaker is going to change how they feel when they say two separate speech bubbles, put those speech bubbles in two separate panels. having the same picture attached to both speech bubbles can be confusing.
here's a time I messed that up:
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See?? looks like marinette is mad when she says 'oh good', when my intention was actually for her to not get mad until after nino says chat noir was playing video games. confusing.
Something's gotta go. Can you stretch the content out over 2 panels? or can you say it in fewer words? do you need everything you're showing in the picture, is it all doing important communication work?
If m worried, I like to write in all of the words before I draw the speech bubbles around the words, or add pictures. This makes sure the words are all readable and I can overlap bubbles to take up less space in between paragraphs of text. sometimes I'll also end up putting the bubbles behind the pictures in the comic, to make more room.
I was thinking about this as I drew a comic earlier this week and captured some of my process. First thing I did was draw in the text:
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and then once it was written I was like shoot thats the whole panel HOW am I supposed to fit the people in!!!! my original panel idea had been like:
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theres no way both girls were going to fit comfortably in the picture. so I thought about what NEEDED to be in the picture in order for the panel to make sense. and that was marinettes face, marinettes hands holding the card, and alya's hand on marinette's shoulder.
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I gave alya REALLY LONG ARMS so her face wouldn't be cut off by the speech bubble and you still got the idea that she's comforting marinette.
Section 3: That was a lot. What am I supposed to do. Synthesize this into concrete instructions please
(1) Be deliberate with your writing: know what the dialogue will be before you draw the panel. If you're not sure how you'll fit it all in, write it down in a brainstorm. like write down what the drawing will be and where the words will go.
(2) If you're worried you won't have space for the words, draw the words first. it's usually easier to make the drawing smaller than it is to cut down the text.
(3) Ask yourself, can you say this in fewer words? Fewer pictures? What does the reader need to see in the panel, or read in the panel, to get the point. (you can't always say it in fewer words, dont stress yourself out about this one.)
And last step, dont worry about it too much. if it really matters you can find a way to edit it, and otherwise who cares. Have fun!
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antiv3nom · 2 months
Bedman (Romeo)
omg havent had an excuse to talk abt bedman in a hot minute thank u anon...
favorite thing about them:
i love the tragedy of his story arc... that feels like a weird thing to say but its the first thing that came to mind! just. look. the road to hell paved with good intentions bit taken to the extreme really works here!!! the idea that he remembered the name of every person he ever killed because he was under the impression he could bring them all back, only to have the rug pulled from under him? hurts me! in the best way!!!
other than that i do enjoy his design, both romeo himself and the bed :] i wanna give my bedman cosplay another try sometime for sure, it didnt work out for various reasons but i have most of the components and would enjoy cosplaying him fr in the future
least favorite thing about them:
i think i dont really dislike anything about the way bedman is written in the source material strongly enough to point it out here? i think my main gripe is the way the fandom treats him to either extreme, like theres "bedman did nothing wrong ever" people and "bedman is horrific" people and i wish both camps would chill out and recognize hes like. a complex character? but i do think most people do this already which i can appreciate
favorite line:
im a little obsessed w his win line against may in xrd
"I do not understand humans who are motivated by love. A person is born, lives for a number of years, and interacts with up to eight billion people. What proof is there of something they can't even define?"
bc like. buddy. you dont even realize it. YOURE driven by love. all this shit wasnt just for yourself but it was for delilah too!!! fuck!!! you dont even see it as love you see it as necessary because shes that important to you!!! and dont even get me STARTED on the bed in strive and how its still running because of his last minute code additions which almost act as the last part of his will to protect delilah. GAHHHH
BEDMAN AND AXL INTERACTIONS. PLEASE. PLEASE. their dynamic is so interesting as characters with such fascinating ways of interacting with the world...gah. GAH. and no one fucking talks about it!!!
sinbed. must i wlabo.
ok but i will, im not as into them as i was like a year ago but i still do really enjoy their dynamic. sin being such a beacon of hope and being so willing to see people as good contrasted with a post-xrd living bedman (bc all my sinbed stuff exists within au but im having fun out here so sue me) seeing himself as inherently evil due to his actions despite his intentions and believing no one would ever care for him? it hits for me
i dont know of anything off the top of my head that ive seen for him??? nothing prevalent at least.
actually on second thought i think ive seen like one instance of bedman and ram in a romantic sense, and that im not a fan of but i guess i could see the appeal, just not my thing
random headcanon:
this motherfucker would have gotten heated in some internet forums or wiki talk pages, DEDICATED to accuracy out here and he WILL fight you about it
unpopular opinion:
not entirely certain i have one? i think the "bedman while flawed is not actually a terrible person and was doing his best given his extremely fucked up circumstances" is a pretty cool take by this point for most people
i think the only thing i have is that my interpretation of bedman has always been as like a young adult rather than a kid but like i dont really have a concrete opinion on that and i totally understand people who do see him as a kid like its entirely understandable to do so
song i associate with them:
other than his character themes, its GOTTA be dramaturgy by eve, which just. it gives the vibes. read the english lyrics it will make sense i prommy
favorite image of them:
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OTHER than this one its more an animation but his 6p in xrd is so silly i love it so bad...and for a more serious option his instant kill is really cool
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mikeellee · 4 months
Hello, this is my first time asking you. My language may be difficult to understand. I apologize in advance. Okay. I suddenly thought of something. Every character in MHA or MHA's hero society, if they really encountered a disabled person, how would they treat those people? I don't mean born without special powers. But I mean Born without limbs, deaf ears, blind, and mute by birth. (We left out the subject of special powers so it would be easier to think about.) How do you think Hori's superhero society will treat them? Thank you for answering the question!
Hi @moonsb1996
Ok this is a tricky question as it means ...we have to look at Hori. How he sees disabled people? I dont know and frankly looking how he wrote everything in mha I doubt it would a flattering image.
Look at Izu. Many fans/critics do say "oh he is a disabled coded" and like ....maybe(?) Not sure on that one but if he is...people treated him poorly.....but not bc of his status, its bc he existed.
Like try again: Izu, the disabled coded character, is treated like trash by BK for mere existing and his time in Aldera was awful...ok then why he wasnt treated better once he got quirk aka is "abled"?
(Dont think Izu can fit the disabled coded bc hm...."haha what loser Izu cant fly" my guys regular people cant fly. If its a metaphor well...to me it didn't stick)
Izu goes to a prestigious school and has a quirk....if quirkcism is a thing, if people look down on people for not having a powerful quirk....why Izu isnt teeated better?
No. I dont think his quirk is powerful...Hori made sure of that but is a quirk that is unique.
Aizawa labels him lazy and gives no fucks
Bk still abuses him
A1 gives no fucks.
If a hero in mha were to see a disabled person, a person who cant walk, see or speak...
I honest to go think this would broke them. Not in the sense..."oh they would weep and sob" no.
It would be more like their minds would shit down "error! Error"
I can see them being ableist even if they dont mean it.
(BK WOULD 10000% MEANT BUT AIZAWA AND FRIENDS would cuddle him)
And they wouldn't change...bc a disabled person wouldn't change their minds. Unless the disabled person is a hero.
A blind hero...but it would enter in an icky territory. "Anyone can be a hero as long they have a quirk and arent Izu"
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colorfulyetsinful · 1 year
Happy new years everyone!!! I hope everyone had a good nesw years and if not...welp :/
Anways, I got more headcannons! :D
As I mentioned in m last hc post, these are hc I've written on my phone to send to my friend. I thought I write so much hc might as well post them. Also, Jason is Latino bc I’m Latino and I say so.
Ok, headcannon time!
Batfam Accents
Has a Romani / European accent
It’s a bit watered-down bc of him traveling in the circus
He knew english, but it was very broken
Or it sounded broken with how heavy his accent was
He learned how to switch accent and talk proper American english after becoming Robin as a way to further mask his identity
When he’s Robin and upset, he talks in his born dialect,
but in an American accent...
Yes, it is very funny
The teen titans thought he was going craz when he code switch
“Wait, you’re not (American) White?”
“Now where the fu-”
He uses his accent when in civilian form to keep the image
Is an immigrant from Dominican Republic,
but immigrated when he was a baby
He only knew Spanish for the first few years of his life, until his mother died
His accent is also watered-down, but it's still strong to your genric American
It works when being questioned by the police,
just pretend you don't know english
As he got older and learned more english his accent basically went away (Still there, technology, just not as stronger)
Since he's from Gotham's streets, he has a heavy Jersey/Gotham accent (If you ever heard a jersey-ian (?) talk then you know what I'm talking about)
When he met Batman, he tried to play the "No Hablo inglés"
and Bruce pulls the uno reverse card and starts throwing spanish right back at him
"Abort mission"
When he teams up with Roy, Roy find him hot when he speaks spanish
He also teaches Lian spanish bc "I'm basically raising her too, Roy. That's my child as much as she is your's, and I'm teaching her spanish, danmmit"
The only one withot an accent,
like he has a Gotham accent, but its posh Gotham (people with these accents are rich and think their shit dont stink)
Knows Korean and Yiddish fluently
Bc Tim is haft asian (I hc him as Korean and Jewish) and rich, ofc his parents had him learn a bunch of languages
Languages such as; Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Mandarin
One time the YJ (who didn't know his identity) ran into his civilian personal at a banquet and he had to speak Korean
Yj was on a mission, however, to watch over him (much to his displeasure) and he had to pretend to only speak Korean the whole night
When frustrated and/or in pain, he switches to one of the many languages he know
"What is your ethnicity? You're fluent in too many languages"
"Human. No more questions"
Is actually an immigrant
(At least, I believe so...corrent me if im wrong)
His accent is the heaviest out of all of them bc he grew up in the middle east for a good chunk of his life
He hides it with posh European english (how he was taught english)
Knows a lot of languages bc Talia said knowing all of them is important
He doesn't know Cantonese, Portugese, or Hawaiian
Still getting use to speaking more in english and not Arabic
Still wasn't able to properly mask his accent yet as some words are weird to pronounce.
Is taking speach therapy so she also doesn't really have an accent
She just speaks broken english bc she's getting used to talking
Talks very softly
Uses ASL mostly as it is an easier wa to communicate
Slowly gaining a Canadian accent bc her speech instructor is from Canada
Like jason, also has a Gotham/Jersey accent
Grew up in regular gotham streets, unlike Tim, so it's more slang words
The "Blaccent"
Is very heavy, like he cant turn it off
which is fine bc he's a gotham base vigilante
Teaches Damian Jersey slang
Bruce also has a posh Jersey accent that Tim as bc all rich and high society do
and Alfred is obviously british
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Is there any chance you can give us a tag directory?
I can certainly try!!! Its not a complete directory because i have over a hundred and even i lose track of all of them. Anyways im putting the list under the cut ... i tried to organize it to the best of my ability so GENERAL is for housekeeping, TANGIBLE CONCEPTS are for physical things, FLEXIBLE CONCEPTS are things that hover between physical and conceptual, INTANGIBLE CONCEPTS are things that fully conceptual, and SPECIFIC MEDIA is for specific bands/shows/etc. I highly recommend if youre on mobile you DO NOT hit keep reading because its absurdly long and will take over ur dash. Anyways have fun knock urself out
hollyws: original posts..... went by holly for a while on here, first url was honeyhollows, hollows has similar spelling to holly, you get the gist
a: a is for assorted, so anything that doesnt have an actual organizational tag goes in there-- memes, textposts, current events, etc
srb: self reblog, but not for every one of my og posts that i rb, just the ones that surpass a thousand notes and therefore get deleted. Its my greatest hits pretty much
for later: links, resources, things i want to return to, you get the gist
tag game: those like questionnaire-type games one gets tagged in
asks: asks that ive answered
vdo: in-app videos
the world flows past on both sides distant and mute: audio tag. From nazim hikmet's poem "things i didnt know i loved"
mb: moodboards
our hands empty except for our hands: webweaving and parallel posting. From ocean vuong's "on earth we're briefly gorgeous"
fave: favorites, obvs
blog thesis: the tag equivalent of me calling something real as hell, containing things that qualify as my belief system
my face: selfie tag, but most (all of them actually) get deleted approx 24 hours from original posting time so there's not really anything in there
maeve tag: pictures of my dog reside here
foster tag: my family fosters dogs sometimes, so if we've got a foster and i post a picture, it goes here
matryoshka dog, blue is your color, gi posting, betsy's ordination song, evan's dream journal: personalized tags for friends of mine
born to blow your mind or something along those lines: art! From the last shadow puppets' "miracle aligner"-- pretty much everything but photography...
the human eye is the loneliest creation: ...because this is the photography tag. I typically only use it when an image doesnt fit into any other tag, so its basically my "a" tag but for like formal images only. Kind of an ocean vuong quote but i changed it from "the human eye is god's loneliest creation" to that bc i go back and forth on god and whatnot
there's a brand new talk but it's not very clear: fashion, both in the conceptual runway sense and the "this is cute, i would wear this" sense. Aptly from david bowie's "fashion"
play pause rewind: anything having to with film or tv (that i dont have a specific tag for)-- gifsets, interviews, editorial style guides, etc.
people!: pictures where you can put a name to the face, so either celebrities or pictures that have their name in the caption
let it go free: items-- jewelry, knick knacks, tchotchkes, etc. A combination of things i would want and things i find beautiful, which are not necessarily mutually exclusive
cabinet of curiosities: a multitude of objects at once-- dollhouses, boxes full of stuff, dishes of jewelry. Its different from "let it go free" because i said so
interiors: decor, interior design, etc.
dishes: plates and platters and whatnot that i like
they really want you: dolls. From hole's "doll parts"
the light on your door: mirrors. From the velvet underground and nico's "i'll be your mirror"
releases: cars, usually crashed or rotting or in some other form of disuse, but also just normal, completely fine cars. Go watch crash 1996 dir. david cronenberg and then we'll talk
hundred voices: spirals. Also concentric circles.
nacreous: pearls, things with a mother-of-pearl inlay, etc
it's coming coming down: eyes. From sonic youth's "beauty lies in the eye"
bad girl meat: teeth. From lady gaga's "teeth"
divine and sharp: weapons, or at least some very pointy things one shouldnt run with
happiness is: a warm gun. Guns in general actually-- this is my tag for guns. From the beatles' "happiness is a warm gun". Duh
prisms: food. Lots of cake in this tag but its all foods not just cake.... i just like cake
o sailor: sailing, nautical stuff, ships, etc. From fiona apple's eponymous song
it's buzzcut season anyways: cutting hair, from lorde's "buzzcut season".
tattoos: well, its tattoos. Not necessarily ones i would want or even inspiration for future tattoos, its just that if a tattoo is the main focus of an image, it goes in here
invitation to peace: deer tag, from system of a down's "deer dance".
draw blood just to taste it hold bones just to break them: canine tag as in dogs, not the teeth, and also one that i wish wasnt so long because man this is a pain to type out. From nicole dollanganger's "dog teeth"
weird fishes: fish. From radiohead's "weird fishes"
lo voy a tener que matar: cats! From los saicos' "el entierro de los gatos". Also yeah i know it means "i'm going to have to kill him" i just think its real funny
in silence i have pulled myself free: tag for horses and all things horse related. From pj harvey's "horses in my dreams"
cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other: cowboys. From willie nelson's eponymous song
they don't love you like i love you: places i grew up in/nearby-- it's pretty much everything west of colorado with a bit of mexico in there. From yeah yeah yeahs' "maps"
like the blue blonde hollyhocks of the dead: flower tag (all sorts, not just hollyhocks). Another bastardized quote, this time from sandra cisneros' a house on mango street-- the original is "dusty hollyhocks thick and perfumy blue-blond hair of the dead". Very good book you should read it
we return to each other in waves: things relating to the water-- the ocean, lakes, rivers, etc. It's definitely a quote from something but i cant find the og source and i dont trust pinterest
consumed and refined: fire, things on fire, burning, yada yada yada
tamer: ice, snow, frozen things, etc
01010000: all things mold and rot. Referring, of course, to the date the world began to decay, which was the day it was created
lamentations! lamentations!: art or quotes or whatever that make me scream cry throw up wail howl prostrate myself etc.
the everything the patterns: my humanity tag! Doubles as both an "awww, arent humans cute?" tag and a catchall for people who aren't celebrities and don't have their names in the caption
god and other highways: religion and god, but mostly god. If you see something in there and you think "how could this possibly be related to god OR religion?" mind your own damn business <3
i believe in angels: things i consider to be angelic, which is a classification system even more lengthy and unnecessary than this tagging system. From abba's "i have a dream"
bolts in the head: monsters and generally spooky things. And yeah ik frankenstein doesnt actually have bolts in his head and that was a lie the movie made up but also the nature and definition of a monster is just as illusory and invented as the bolts are
whispers in the air: ghosts, or the fleeting nature of things, or the imagined, or the abstraction of the memory. So yeah its ghosts
when i love you it's forever: the dead, but focusing on the flesh left behind instead of the ghost that proceeds ahead. From "confessions of a skull mask", in the anthology "necrophilia variations"
we have put her living in the tomb: houses or general structures, officially haunted or otherwise (because all buildings are haunted in some way tbh). From my favorite edgar allen poe story "the fall of the house of usher" :)
the roots of the tree: things relating to childhood, development, or family
the lovers: art, photos, etc typically with two things interacting in some familiar way. Not necessarily nsfw, but theres definitely some lesbian erotica in there so beware
cut open my sternum and pull my little ribs around you: gore and blood and all that fun stuff. Not all images of blood go in here so if youre sensitive about pictures of blood beware. You probably shouldnt follow me if you are tbh. Anways it's from purity ring's "fineshrine"
is it a love song?: hunger, desire, violence, and the place where they intersect. Gore is in here also <3 and it's a quote from the 1983 film the hunger
race my heart race my soul: images i really really love. I would say its my aesthetic but aesthetics are a lie propagated by Big Capitalism to get you to buy more shit you dont need so no its not and dont get it twisted..... from "i'll never learn" by the shangri-las, which is possibly my favorite song. I go back and forth on what my favorite song is, but this one's up there for sure
put on your red shoes and dance the blues: all things red. From david bowie's "let's dance", but the original or 2002 remaster and not the 2018 remaster because as much as i love saxophone its totally out of the blue in the intro of the 2018 remaster and i dont like it
love me blue: all things blue, from zayn's "blue". And i have no qualms with any version of this song because i love you zayn
twilight sun: all things pink, from something that someone said to me in passing once and i thought it was nice.
the dead image of life: all things green
capable of charming god: all things yellow
tête à tête: ballet, and things relating to ballet. Even pictures of models with their ribbons tied all messed up go in here, im sorry to say
do you think you've made the right decision this time?: departure, transit, etc. Coming from, though, not going to-- the emphasis is on the leaving. From the smiths' "london" (underrated track tbh)
disappearance in transformation: bugs that can fly-- mainly moths and butterflies, but some beetles and other grubs appear here too
kill this chorus: people in relation to water-- in puddles, swimming, drowning, etc. Im not saying what this is from... if you know you know and also you know why that phrase pertains to that imagery
the luckiest by far: celestial bodies, clouds, the sky, etc. From madonna's lucky star
heaven waits on the other side: weddings, mostly brides and wedding dress-type stuff. From nicole dollanganger's "heart shaped bed"
godspeed your love: all things relating to love (and occasionally heartbreak). From possibly the greatest love song ever, the righteous brothers' "unchained melody"
lily left alone: playing cards and things having to do with suites of cards. Kind of from bob dylan's "lily, rosemary, and the jack of hearts" but not really
bloodied black: martyrs, warriors, knights. Lots of pictures of armor and joan of arc imagery here
mourning lamb: farm animals, mainly sheep but also cows and pigs and whatnot. From ethel cain's "ptolemaea"
all down: typography, handwritten things, etc-- everything from journal entries to song lyrics to letters to typed notes
time is a river: myths, folklore, classics, historical art, etc. Technically a quote from heraclitus but every knows it bc of marcus aurelius
from the fire roads: get ready for this because this and the following five tags are all connected. This is the tag equivalent of exposition on the hero's journey-- the scene is a small town, a childhood bedroom, a parking lot, etc. From bruce springsteen's "racing in the streets"
and i see big things for you: this is the first threshold (transformation) in the hero's journey. In this particular case, the protagonist becomes a groupie for a band that passed through the town, and this world of travel and casual excess is very different from the world theyre from. The scene is a basement shows, cigarettes in a hotel bed, underfunded recording studios, etc. From wolf alice's "white leather"
somewhere there's a party: the "challenges and temptations" part of the hero's journey-- our protagonist gets tired of the constant moving and, craving something more, ends up in a big city working as a model/socialite. The scene is a closet filled with frills and designer clothes, a gala, the backstage of a fashion show, etc. From the replacements' "swingin' party"
don't cry about it: now at the second threshold (abyss) of the hero's journey, things start going downhill. The protagonist loses themself in a wave of drugs, sex, and excess; the scene is now a large bathroom with a shattered mirror, a smoke-filled bdsm club, a nosebleed, etc. From lana del rey's "this is what makes us girls"
careful fear / dead devotion: with the third threshold (atonement) in the hero's journey comes the protagonist's realization of their own rock bottom and the desire to get better. The scene is a dark bedroom with light coming through the door, a park at night, an open window, etc. From the nationals' "don't swallow the cap"
born with a weak heart: the end of the hero's journey-- the protagonist takes what money they have left and splits, getting a place in the middle of nowhere and working as an attendant somewhere they won't be recognized. The scene is a clearing in the woods, a warm kitchen, a grocery store, etc. From talking heads' "this must be the place"
there was to be no death in eden: Mostly i use it for animals that i dont have a specific tag for, large groups of animals, animals in little people clothes, fantasy art, folk tales, children's books, or anything else i consider to be edenic. Im gonna be honest with you i have a weird idea of eden because i saw it in a dream ... more on that here if u scroll down to where it says september 22 2023. Its an ellen g. white quote im pretty sure, and while i personally hate the seventh-day adventists and everything that entails, i do respect a woman who gets visions
you got your good thing: things pertaining to heaven, which is a vibe i cannot possibly explain bc i saw it in a dream as well but i will link you here nonetheless and just hope you get it. In short basically heaven is an archive and the angels never build it right because they're working off pure image untainted by emotion and human perspective so everything looks a little wonky and clinical (they mean well though). From david lynch's "in heaven (lady in the radiator song", off the eraserhead 1977 soundtrack
pelican island: birds. Also any sort of ghostly island or mysterious shore. Ghosts, too. From deena metzger's eponymous poem
ST PAUL MOMENT ST PAUL MOMENT: the nature version of my humanity tag. Refers to the biblical tale of st. paul, who was blinded then healed by jesus as a way of converting him to christianity (which is fucking crazy and sooo dramatic but we're not here to talk abt that). The point is that its the sensation of being awakened to a natural power higher than yourself, like how flowers always have a number of petals that complies with the fibonacci sequence
thou mayest: being good, being bad, the feeling of being torn between your capacities for good and evil, the shame of feeling evil, etc. Go read john steinbeck's east of eden and then we'll talk
soul opium: solitude, isolation, loneliness
thorn without a rose: hole theory. From aerosmith's "hole in my soul" #sorrywomen
shadows: poems that come off as gray to me. Yeah i dont know either man they just do its a very specific vibe and there is no other way to describe it than gray
ritualism: the color white being used in a holy, ritualistic context (or at least a context i perceive as holy)
74: my yamaha tx750 was created in 1974, which is a year that is important to me for no other reason than that (if u go into the tag its pretty obvious and if its not.... well im not telling)
p: im not sayinggggg. But here you will find white horses and things about grief
are your ears on?: writing, particularly having to do with the idea of a grand overarching narrative that tropes are forcefully enacted within
it's impossible to compete with the dead: my tag for all things sharp objects-related. Tag is a quote from the book
spn: that would be the 2005 cw show supernatural. #Sorry
mcr: that would be the post-hardcore band my chemical romance. #Sorryyyyyyy
shattered teacup: tag for the 2013 tv show hannibal and no other version of thomas harris's work-- silence of the lambs and whatnot can be found in the "play pause rewind" tag
little nudie turtles: tag for the 2018-2023 hbo show succession. Quote by tom (it's literally tom).
and the angels wouldn't help you: tag for david lynch's twin peaks, both the show(s) and the film
time is a flat circle: tag for season one of true detective... haven't watched the other seasons of this show because honestly nothing can beat that. So its only for season one
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minimoefoe · 7 months
ftwd 8.08 thoughts
the vibe here is basically 'i thought i'd hate it but actualy for the most part i stan'
- charlie shoulda been the character image for this ep, not luciana (love her tho and it's good to see her again)
- charlie surviving was something i felt was kinda unnecessary when I found out about it bc like, they got rid of so many characters in kinda meh ways but charlie had an easy death explanation right there that they coulda used but I actually love that she was brought back and only for a small amount of time tbh
like we get to see some great stuff with her - madison finding out she killed nick, troy talking to her about nick - but don't have to have her around for the rest of the season when we only have 4 eps left and an already large cast to give screen time
- I think charlie basically killing herself for the cause makes sense. like I dont feel like they had her kill herself bc they didn't know what else to do with her (tho I'm sure if she stayed alive they wouldn't have known what to do with her lmao)
- charlie defo looked too young and her hair was shit but I can forgive it for the good content
- the nick flashbacks :( I miss him
- was some drama on twt bc some ppl said kim dickens isn't the best actor and my two cents is they're kinda right sorry. she's not bad all the time but she's rarely absolutely incredible. she's probs the weakest actor of all our main characters and has been since the early days. I will say tho that the sometimes the meh dialogue doesn't do her any favours
- daniel saying how he's gonna strangle troy with his bare hands... ily king but plz don't do that 😭
- I love that charlie and luciana are basically daniel's daughters, love them all a lot
- already knew about nick's ashes from leaks and it was another thing I was a bit ??? about bc I felt like they were doing that for the sake of having a bunch of references in the final eps but I think they explained why they have his remains pretty well actually and it being part of why madison didn't stay pissed at charlie was good
- troy going around chopping off walker arms to make madison think she's seeing alicia everywhere is so 😭 like first of all I'm a genius bc I called it and second of all I said in that post that I thought it would be a bit silly but it kinda works actually. I hope the reason he's doing that is bc he lied about killing her (tho I can defo see him cutting arms even if he has actually killed her)
- the tracy stuff was the stuff I was most iffy on bc the idea of troy having a daughter and a significant other is crazy to me and I do still feel that way a little but I also loved the scenes about it a lot so.. I'm optimistic.
- something about seeing troy be genuinely worried about someone is great. I loved madison and troy both being out there while he was running around worried for his kid idk like something about him kinda dropping that 'I'm tough and in charge' thing for a moment while he was worried about tracy and while madison was literally right there with him is the shit I'm SO in this for like AHHH. need more of it
- troy's daughter being called tracy is still dumb as fuck and I don't think they're gonna be able to give an explanation for her being called that that makes it less dumb. (like even troy being the kid's adoptive dad and not biological dad and the kid was already born before he met the kid's mother would still be a stupid explanation bc what are the odds)
- I know troy said that tracy's mum is the woman who saved him but I really hope there's more to it than 'troy was saved by a woman, they fell in love and had a kid and then madison killed the mum at some point' like.. the madison killing the mum part is really interesting and I'm excited to know more (my initial thought a while ago was that she killed the mum when her and tracy were out somewhere and took tracy to padre but clearly tracy isn't with padre so now idk) but the other stuff feels very fanfic-y and not in a good way idkkkk
so far everything I thought I'd be meh has actually been pretty good so it's very possible if that IS what's happened I'll still like it a lot but I want there to be more to it than that i think
- I feel like I'm at such a weird point right now where I loved the tracy stuff we got in this ep and I'm very intrigued by who the mum and is and what happened to her but at the same time I'm like troy having a wife(?) and kid still doesn't fully track in my mind so I keep going back and forth on how I feel avout it 😭 I basically just can't wrap my mind around him being a shagger sorry idk how else to say that
actually seeing it play out will probs warm me up to it a lot more bc that's what's been happening so far. I think the main reason I still find it odd is just that it's hard to take the 12yr time gap into consideration like he's not s3 troy anymore yknow A LOT has happened since then and he's obviously older and has experienced shit (that I would kill for a ton more information on)
- looking forward to the next ep but currently it's screaming that troy won't be in it much/at all which is Sad but if that is the case I'd rather get that out the way sooner than later
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 months
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swap au shit! i was holding off on this so i could line it and color it but i take too long with that and would never finish so here's just what i have. going just on my fandom blog until (IF) i line it coz its just doodles and a textwall of thoughts rn
fucked up harry on the far left is unrelated, and some of these look Bad but its fine tbh
anyways the idea is Kim loses his memories bc of drinking bc it's been six years and he still hasn't gotten over the death of his partner Eyes (who i've named Viorel). kim's still kim, trying to be professional and trying to do his job, but bc of the drink and drug issues he's a wreck and has a hard time keeping himself emotionally together. i don't think he'd swear as much, and being given a second chance (losing his memories and being allowed to start again) would allow him to loosen up and love life again and move on from the grief and sober up. before the memory loss, he's gotten so deep into his grief that he hates revachol and hates himself and hates the world. after the memory loss, he can start to love the world again, and it starts with harry showing up and being harry
the reason he looks different here is bc after eyes's death kim has no idea how to process it and does the only thing he can think of: become eyes. that if he becomes as cool as him, eyes doesn't have to be dead. also his bomber jacket's black (for mourning, i hc he gets the black one first before the orange one), and he hasn't been promoted to lieutenant yet bc he was too fucked up. he also hasn't figured out he's gay (neither has harry figured out he's bi)
eyes for reference (right image unrelated, put it there so the left image isn't that hugelarge. that's my cat rose)
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bc while harry is sober and medicated now, harry's still harry. silly. strange methodology for solving cases. can-opener. an uncanny ability to pick up on thoughts
bc Harry on the other hand, after going through that horrendous breakup with Dora, gets serious medical help for his issues and is now on meds and sober and in therapy. in this au, revachol would have mental health doctors haha. harry's been jean's partner for 4 years now and they're really tight i think. jean also had breakup issues, and harry helped him through that and now they have a promise to each other they'll stay sober. it's still almost toxic levels of codependent, but i dont think theyre romantically involved here bc the drugs didn't get that bad for the both of them to push them in that direction (i don't think jean would EVER do anything gay without drugs or alcohol, he's just that kinda' guy. phobic). harry still has all his skills bc he's had them since he was born
so basically theyre the same guys but if kim never got over eyes's death while harry got over dora leaving him. i wanna write a fiction about this but it seems like such a difficult task fr
text transcript under cut
First Image: Kim: "I'll get to the case, Officer. Just let me do my job." Harry: Sargent, the body's still in the tree.
Second Image:
Top Left Kim: You look vaguely familiar. Your face is blurry. Do you need glasses? Where are they? What's your name anyways? Viorel. No that's not it. Is it? You look like a Viorel.
Bottom Left Harry: They sent you here to check up on the guy from the 57th. You know where he is. You haven't caught him yet. God you wish Jean were here to help.
Top Right Kim: Harry POV (of Kim short and smaller than him) Kim: I don't know who the fuck you are.
Kim POV (of Harry): Large Blurry Ape
Bottom Right Kim Harry: Harry: Sargent, do you need glasses? Kim: Fuck no, Lieutenant.
Third Image:
Harry: "God, Jean, he's getting me depressed. Jean: "Oh come on, Harry don't get all fucking sad again. I went sober for your fucking ass. Harry: It could've been me in his place, man... Jean (not pictured/over radio): SIGH. You're gonna' make me start drinking again, Du Bois.
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emmyrosee · 1 year
HIIIIII EMMYYY are you ready for possibly my most self indulgent rant yet?
so I actually haven’t had the best past few days and using fictional men as my comfort actually helped make me feel better a bit, soooo I’m here to share another rant in case you’re down and need this too!! :D
atsumu, the love of my life, my pride and joy, my husband, my everything tbh!! comforts you after a hard day, you’ve been down about so many things-body image (my main struggle as a not so skinny girlie tbh) not feeling good enough, missing out on stuff, whatever it is!! and when you get home you’re all teary and admit that the only thing you wanted all day was him. And he MELTS AND MAKES IT HIS MISSION TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER. he’d make sure you’re properly taken care of- sooooo many cuddles, the SWEETEST of sweet nothings whispered in your ear to make you ease up and feel so loved. That’s all he wants for you- he wants you to feel every single ounce of his love. He’s so set on taking care of you the best he can. Rubbing up and down your back and kissing you all over, every inch he can reach (if you’re like me with the body insecurities, he’d definitely give extra attention to those places). He’ll also do his best to make you laugh if you don’t want to talk about it. And when you wake up the next day, he’s still all sweet on you, making you breakfast and using your favourite pet names, etc. he hates when you feel sad, so he’ll be on high alert for the next couple days making sure his baby is recovering and not stuck in a bad place. I’m just so so so so soft for him always and he brought me a lot of comfort today so I wanted to share!!! There is absolutely NO RUSH to respond to this btw, please don’t feel pressured to!! ILYYYYY I HOPE YOU’RE DOING WELL !!!!
anon <3
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Listen. ListEN TO ME DAMN IT-
also just as a tiny baby tw for some potential body dismorphia, there’s nothing in detail but I know negative talk in fics can trigger it, so I just want everyone to feel safe 🥺❤️
Listen. Self esteem is something hard to maintain. And he knows that, he’s so proud of you for the strides you’ve made- but no one always loves themself. No one always loves who they are or what they see in the mirror.
And he’d rather shove a toothpick under his toenail and kick a wall than ever have you fester in these thoughts alone.
The minute your fine ass comes strutting into your house, eyes a little watery and bottom lip trembling, he instantly jumps up and wraps you up in his big arms, cradling your head and shushing you softly. He’s not gonna make you talk while you’re sobbing into his chest, though his mind is soaring a million thoughts a second to try and figure it out.
“Bad day?” He murmurs into your hair once you calm down, and you offer him a sniffle and cling to him tighter.
“They’re so… mean, ‘tsumu,” you whimper and he’s about ready to maim someone and their first born.
“Who is?”
“The little voice in my head…” you choke on your tears while Atsumu tenses up. “And telling me you’re too good for me and I’m too ugly for you and fat and-“
His sharp word make you tense up, and you look up at him with watery eyes.
He wipes one of your tears with his calloused thumb, “I’m not ‘too good’ for you. That doesn’t exist. You deserve even better than anything I could give ya; and even if you don’t feel like the sexiest piece of ass on this damned planet, it’s not for you to decide if I’m ‘too good’ one day. You’re mine baby, and the universe made us for each other. So shut your fine ass up.”
It makes you giggle, but you know that there’s complete truth in his words, and with a shaky sigh you nod and let him kiss you once, twice, and a third time with only love on his lips.
But he doesn’t stop there. Nay nay.
If anything, things escalate in the best ways.
Because he already can barely keep his paws off of you, but if you’re feeling especially insecure, even for brief stints, he refuses to let your mind continue to tread.
If he’s at the stove, you’re tucked under his arm while he cooks with his dominant hand, letting his left hand soothingly stroke your arm. He makes little noises and grunts when he wants you to try a taste of whatever he’s making, and he smiles when you hum in contentment.
If you’re folding laundry, he’s gently grabbing your hand and spinning you into his arms, dancing a quick back and forth with you; it ends when he bends you into a dip, but that’s mostly because the squeal and the subtle smacking of his chest lets him know that you’ve had your fun, but you need to focus or whatever.
When you’re washing your face, his arms are looped low around you with his chin hooked over your shoulder, smacking on a silly voice to “explain” what products you’re using and how much of it to use, like a beauty guru.
When you’re finally settled in bed and he’s finishing up in the bathroom, you smile sweetly at him from over your book when he slinks back in, basketball shorts low on his hips and muscle tee clinging to his frame. Wordlessly, he leans on the edge of the bed, soft lips tracing kisses from your cheek, to suckle at your jawline and neck, and once he makes his way to your collarbones, he takes your book out of your hands while you recline back.
“Bookmark it.”
“I know what to do.”
His lips move to the valley of your breasts to leave marks just along your skin, his massive paws cradling the soft part of your belly. Your breath hitches, and he hums a soft reassurance.
“My baby,” he mumbles. “Wish I could’ve been there with you today. Kept those nasty thoughts away.”
You mewl as he buries his face against you, the unruly parts of his hair tickling you softly, “you’re here now.”
“And I’m never goin’ anywhere.” He wraps his arms around your torso to nuzzle into you, seemingly settling into a comfortable position to sleep for the night.
You giggle, “comfy?”
“Extremely,” he murmurs. “Told Meian I was spewing chunks and couldn’t come in tomorrow, so you’ve got me all to yourself.”
“What, you think ‘Omi’s gonna let me on the court if he thinks I’m puking? He hates puke.”
“Stop saying puke,” you whine, swatting at him with some giggles. “You’re killing the mood.”
“Ah?” He hums, raising his head with a cheshire smile, “there’s a mood?” He raises back on his haunches to wrap his meaty hands around your thighs, and with a quick pull, he’s got you on your back just below him, squeals and giggles pealing from your lips.
“‘Tsum, I’m tired,” you whine, though your legs instinctively curl around him.
“Not gonna do anything,” he assures, the hands moving from your legs to brace on either side of your head. “Just like lookin’ at you… always love lookin’ at you.”
He cocks a brow, “you think that’s creepy?”
“I do.”
“Well wait ‘til you hear what smellin’ ya does to me.” Before you can say anything, he ducks his head down to the soft pillowiness of your neck, taking ridiculously loud inhales through his nose. You shove at him with uncontrollable laughter, knees bumping into his back.
“You freak, get away!”
“Wait ‘til you hear what feelin’ ya does to me,” he mumbles from your neck, and in a similar fashion, his left hand comes down to claw at your sides dramatically, his sniffling now mingling with the tickling.
“S-Stop it!”
“But nothin’ quite like tastin’ ya, dollface.”
Your mind can barely process his words before he leans up to kiss the giggles straight from your mouth, his massive frame keeping you still and as if protecting you from anything you may fear.
He’s warm, he smells divine and he feels just like home, and for a moment you forget that even if you hadn’t come home and said you weren’t feeling great, there’s still a chance the night could’ve ended the same.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He whispers, nuzzling your nose with his.
You bite your lip, “I want cinnamon rolls for breakfast.”
He chuckles, “you got it boss.”
And just as atsumu always does, he holds true to that; the next morning, you wake up to the smell of vanilla and honey dancing through your home, and while part of you is bumming out for not being in your boyfriend’s arms, he’s up for you.
He does his daily affirmations with you- once again obliterating you with tickles when you snort at some of them- makes sure you eat anything you desire because he could die from the idea you’re not eating enough because of the things you try to convince yourself, and just. Being there. Holding your hand, complimenting you no matter where you are, playing hooky on his day off just to make sure you’ve got your fill and you’re right back where your sexy ass left off.
“Yeah baby?”
“Thank you.”
He kisses your hairline without a second thought, wrapping an arm around you and letting you curl against him.
“Never gotta thank me for something I was born to do, babydoll.”
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potatobugz · 5 months
princess for the character into thingy ^_^
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yaaay!!! i lav her
An Important Part Of Their Identity: hrm.. princess is very attached to her title, at first she struggles to define herself outside of the family she was born into. methinks... his whole arc revolves around her seeking purpose once she realizes that family and kingdom os gone, and learning to accept herself the way he is. her actual name is Carrie btw!! he is extremely fun to write
Color That Compliments Them: Her main colors are like either yellows oranges & browns or like pale white and grey, but i think blue fits him quite nicely :]
Image That Suits Them: ahhh these ones
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Random Fact/Backstory: hm lets see... she writes poems! she's an aspiring author! she knows how to play the piano, but everytime she messes up on a song she freezes and doesnt know what to do after! he knows how to make cheese! he travels through the air ducts of her big abandoned castle like some horrifying cryptid! the scar on her face is from herself! she also cannot swim
Song That Reminds Me Of Them: "Girl Anachronism" by The Dresden Dolls. also "Take Me To Clown Church" by James Roach for some reason(?)
How They Were Created: this is always such a fun question bc ive been ruminating this oc story in my mind for years, to give context real quick: chip used to be a hybrid between a turtle and a cat, and princess, mark, and (an oc i dont talk abt much) stormy all used to be that same species. (why? i Do Not Know.) Those three were made because i was inspired by a 3-part Rap Song by NF and those characters corresponded to the lyrics in thay song. IT SHOULD B NOTED ALSO THAT LIKE I WAS PROBABLY 12-11 OR SO WHEN I MADE THEM and eventually they all evolved into my beloved creatures with me today :3 the origins of these characters is so unhinged i love it
Extra: shes just some guy
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msbellebelle · 8 months
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Decided I should make one of these. Hello! I'm Belle, cheesed to meet you!
In addition to this image, I shall add some extra content here:
- I am into a LOT of things, so many that I can't list them all on this image. I'm also a big fan of Gregory Horror Show, JJBA, Eddsworld, and many other things! If you wanna know if I'm into something, just ask!
- Do not be afraid to interact with me! I am a very nice person, and I'm more than willing to talk about shared interests if you so desire :]
- The "approximately three bitches" point refers to my three partners, although one is a QPR (Queer Platonic Relationship). Yes, I am poly, and I am thriving >:] !! No, none of them are on Tumblr (sadly,,,)
- Do not be mean to me or I will cry /hsrs
- Please try to use tone tags when talking to me! I have a hard time reading tone when it comes to text, and it can cause me to think you're a hater when you're not. If you don't know what a tone tag is, there are lots of documents online describing what they are and what each one means! I don't have any on hand, sorry
- I forgot to write, but I am an adult!! I am over the age of 18, born in 2004, so please keep in mind that some of the things I might reblog could be nsfw or suggestive in nature! Thank you
- I also have an AO3 account if you ever wanted to read some INCREDIBLY self indulgent fics. Same as my name on here, Msbellebelle :]
I think that's about everything. I hope you like my art and my blog!
(EDIT: OH one more thing, if you wish to commission me, feel free to send me a dm through here! My only price is ten dollar discord nitro. You can give me multiple months if its a particularly intricate drawing, but theyre all default ten dollars. Mostly bc i dont have a paypal)
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taurus-spacecraft · 1 month
i saw you reblogged something about learning random facts and in the tags you mentioned andy warhol? could you please tell me a few things about him? :0 i'm studying him for my art GCSEs lol
(just note that i dont know all cool facts ab him just the general image for now)
WELL OKAY he was born 1928 and his parents were Austria-Hungary immigrats, hes mum was byzantine catholic and so was he for all his life he went to church almost every Sunday AND HE MEET JOHN PAUL II AND GAVE AUTOGRAPHS TO NUNS WHO WERE THERE
He started as a commercial illustrator theres a video showing technics he used for that , in the late 50s he started painting because he wanted his works to be shown in galleries and he did hes Campbell soup paintings, exhibited them in 1962 and that pretty much made him more known:DThe same year he bought a house and on the 5th floor created the factory decorated all in sliver paint and tin foil. It was relocated a few times but this one is the most famous. I belive most of his polaroids of celebrities were taken there but might be wrong lol. He was super obsessed with celebrities and fame which started when he was a kid and had to stay home for weeks after falling sick with sydenham chorea(it also made his skin and hair lose pigment for the rest of his life) and was collecting photos of celebs and writing to them
In 1968 he was shot by a radical feminist bc she didnt star in one of his films but he made it out alive, he was less social after that and became scared of hospitals. He kept making art, im his signature silk screen printing technic but belived he havent done anything good since the attack:( Also the woman who shot him ended up in a mental hospital, got out and has wrote him letters with pears.
He died basically because of his fear of hospitals he was moving his gallbladder surgery to the point when he actually did it it was very dangerous (and the fact that he was shot beafore and almost died didnt make it easier) he died because of complications after sugery but he did wake up! and made a call, then he suffocate i think
He stored things in boxes. I mean a lot of things. In a lot of boxes. They are called time capsules and im pretty sure they opened all of them, they included toe nails, old food, papers etc really ranodm thngs but his assignment whe help him to make the boxes said he knew exactly where he wanted to put what. So not random after all.
He was also openly gay beafore the gay liberation(he once submitted a series of man nudes to an exhibition but they rejected them and wanted to make a book, named cockbook. No comment needed on that), lived with his mom until he was 42, she moved in with him in NYC when he bought the house i mentioned earlier amd they had 20 cats all named Sam very important information. And he wore wigs, made in italy i think bc we went bald too quickly, he didnt style tehm and once a girl took his wig of and he wrote in his diary that we wanted to push her of balcony for that, i was surprised i was sure it was real hair lol
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