#so yeah I fucked up some of the early bracketing sorry guys. but also I did it at like 4 in the morning
This is just a joke please don’t come for my fragile ass.
The gay awaking at 12 wasn’t though. Have been a huge pathetic bottom lesbian ever since.
everyone share their gay women muscle connoisseur stats in the comments below and don't forget to like and subscribe
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
How about an AU where Jon and Gerry have been dating since Uni and have managed to keep it secret from everyone (including Elias and Gerttrude) by complete accident?
send me an au and i'll give you 5+ headcanons about it! requests closed!
by accident you say? 👀
1. jon and gerry meet somewhere completely ridiculous (yet also completely mundane) where the chance of them running into one another was like.... one in a million. like, maybe jon's class got out early and so he decided to walk a little further from campus to try a new coffee shop that he's never tried before and never will again because he realizes he really hates the drinks and that it's not worth the walk, and gerry is in the area looking into something leitner-related and he looks down at his phone a bit too long and runs smack into jon when he's walking away from the coffee shop with a lukewarm travel cup of hot chocolate because they were out of tea (what kind of coffee shop is out of tea? jon thinks with a scowl).
the hot chocolate spills all over gerry and jon's like 'oh god sorry, do you- do you want me to do something?' and gerry's about to brush past him when he sees the person he was looking for and shit, they're looking this way so without thinking he just... grabs jon and pulls him into the nearest shop. which happens to be selling something weird, idk, little ceramic figurines. and gerry does Not know what to say because like, he can't tell this stranger that he's hiding from maybe-a-fear-avatar! so he's like 'uh. you can make it up to me by.... helping me pick out a figurine? for, er. my mother. yes.'
so they're just walking through this shop, gerry's shirt still wet with hot chocolate, jon Very confused and also Very late for class but somehow nervous to just leave, so they look at figurines together. gerry keeps looking back out the window and nope, maybe-an-avatar is still there, and now they're sitting on the bench and it doesn't look like they're planning on moving anytime soon and gerry really doesn't want to take the chance and gamble that the maybe-avatar won't recognize him or realize what he's looking for. so gerry keeps shooting down every recommendation jon gives him with some progressively-more bullshit reasons--'oh, my mum already has that one' 'that one's too expensive, i can't afford it' 'that's too small' 'i don't like the way that one's looking at me' 'my mom's allergic to dogs, actually'--until jon's finally like 'okay what is going on and can i leave now?'.
and the maybe-avatar is still out there and gerry's certain now that they're watching him and he's suddenly very aware that he's spent a long period of time with this guy whose name he actually didn't quite catch and that it definitely looks like they're working together and ah, fuck, if i let him leave and he gets targeted because of me i'd feel horrible. so gerry sighs and thinks fuck it and is like 'listen i'm gonna level with you. i'm here looking for a book and there is somebody watching me right now and i know how that sounds but it's really not as shady as you think and also really not my fault but it is my fault that you're here too so. yeah. sorry i don't know if it's safe for you to leave.'
and all jon can think to say is 'a book?'.
and gerry's like 'don't worry about that bit, you really wouldn't understand' and jon gets all bristly and says primly, 'well, i'm a lit major and i work at the university library maybe i could help' and gerry can't help but laugh and say, 'really hope there's not a leitner in your uni library, mate'. and then jon gets this wide-eyed expression on his face like he's just seen a ghost and says 'what did you just say?' and before gerry can deflect again jon says, more intensely, but also hesitantly, 'is... is it called a guest for mr. spider?'.
and gerry's like 'um. no, it's not' and jon deflates a bit but now gerry's curious and he's like 'why?' and jon tries to deflect like 'oh clearly i misunderstood' but gerry's not budging and he's like 'no, no--have you read a leitner? gold bookplate, super fucked-up consequences?' and jon just goes pale which is really all the confirmation gerry needs. gerry feels the need to clarify that he hates them too--that he burns them whenever he gets the chance.
weakly, jon says, 'there... there's more than one?'. and then, a bit stronger: 'you- you're looking for another one? here? and you're going to burn it?'
gerry: yes, that's the plan. why--?
jon, without hesitation: i want to help
and maybe gerry is hesitant at first but, well. it seems like jon is already fully in this, so he reluctantly agrees, and they hunt down the leitner together and gerry lets jon burn it and then they're friends (and it really doesn't take long at all for that to transition into partners).
2. gertrude and elias missing that they're dating is a comedy of errors, including a lot of rather dramatic near misses including, but not limited to:
- jon always leaves a room just before one of them enters
- gerry always talks ambiguously about the person helping him hunt down leitners; elias always assumes he means gertrude, gertrude always assumes he means his mother. this is exploited to a comedic level
- getrude thinks 'going on a date' is code for gerry having a new lead on jurgen leitner and leaving to go chase it down
- when jon joins the institute as a researcher and runs into gerry in the building for the first time, he greets him neutrally in a mutually-agreed display of professionalism while working. gertrude and elias both remark at the fact that 'it's so nice that jon/gerry has a friend'
- gertrude, opening the door to the break room and bustling around inside, looking over at gerry where he's standing in front of the counter, jon sat atop it with his legs bracketing gerry's hips (they have very clearly just been kissing): oh hello gerard. jonathan. talking about leitners again?
jon, a bit embarrassed, slipping into Ultra Professionalism to compensate: i was just discussing with mr. keay the details of case number 0031211 regarding ms. cortena's experience with the talking vase--
gertrude, not at all interested, already knows that it's fake: right, right, carry on then
*after she's gotten her tea and left*
gerry, holding in laughter: 'mr. keay'?
jon, blushing: shut up gerry
3. gerry, casually, not actually aware that getrude doesn't know that he and jon are dating: yeah so then i had to leave my date early to go chase down this leitner and jon was not pleased
gertrude, after a hum of acknowledgement: how unfortunate. i'm not sure how jonathan's opinion on the matter is relevant, however. was he disappointed that you didn't ask him to track down the leitner with you?
gerry, Confused™️: he was.... at the date?
gertrude: at the date? whatever for?
gerry, now staring openly: because i was on a date with him? because we're dating? wait, did you not know that?
gertrude, not willing to admit that she missed that for nearly three years: of course i knew that, gerard. don't be foolish.
gerry, now even more confused: but--
gertrude, without missing a beat: i trust the leitner hunt went well, then?
gerry, after a long pause: um. yes?
gertrude, nodding: good.
4. there's an institute party and everyone's allowed to bring a plus-one
elias, noticing that jon's alone at the party: ah hello, jonathan. no plus one for you today?
jon: no, gerry couldn't make it, unfortunately. family business.
elias, somehow Oblivious, and also very Old Fashioned and way too familiar with his employees: quite. though typically, plus ones are of the romantic capacity. it's nice that you would consider gerard an acceptable substitute though, i suppose
jon, Bi confusion and suddenly unsure if his boss is homophobic: um. it.... it would have been in a romantic capacity?
elias, still Not Getting It: ah, i see. perhaps for the best, then--office parties don't make for pleasant first dates, in my experience
jon, unsure of how much of his personal life he wants to share with elias but not really wanting to pretend like he's not been dating gerry for going on three years now: um. it- it wouldn't be our first date. or- or really a date at all, just an- an event, i really don't think gerry would call this a date
elias, Getting it a little bit: ah. unfortunate, then. congratulations, i suppose, are in order. was it a recent engagement?
jon, ??????, biting the bullet: we've been together for three years, elias
5. jon, handing gerry a wrapped package on their fourth anniversary after they started dating: this is, um. this is for you
gerry, opening it and holding up the little ceramic figure of a dog: jon. is this--?
jon, in a rush: it's from that shop. where we, uh. where we met.
gerry, overcome with such love he really can't stand it, throwing all of his proposal plans out the window and digging the little square velvet box out of his pocket: jon can i ask you a question--
(jon is so surprised he just starts crying. it's only the fifth time gerry's ever seen him cry and he's so worried he said something wrong at first but then jon manages to say yes around his tears and jon wraps his arms around gerry tightly and buries his face in gerry's shoulder and whispers i love you and gerry hugs him tightly in return and says i love you, too, jon. i love you too.)
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echo-of-sounds · 3 years
your birthday
Drabbles of Aizawa, Toshi, and Hound Dog celebrating your birthday. 
These came out a little longer than initially planned. But that’s okay since these are birthday drabbles for @smutav​ @mrsvash​ and @rurounivash​! I hope you guys have/had/will have a great, relaxing day, and thank you for all your support! (I also tried to tailor them a bit towards what you like and how you’d want to spend your day. I hope I did okay!)💙💙
Warnings: there is some smut in these
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Aizawa Shouta
Wind and water washed; one brought a fine layer of salt across your skin; the other, a cold tidal flow over your feet. You walked into Shouta’s shoulder. He didn’t react until you did it again, trying to get away from the freezing water.
“Too cold?”
You hummed and nudged closer to his eternally high body heat. That same heat enveloped your hand, guiding you away from the tide. Gratefully, he didn’t chide your request for an evening stroll on the beach. Well, he sighed but hid any reluctance.
It wasn’t till most people cleared the area and you were nearing the exit that he halted, keeping you in the open, onshore winds. The tiny tilt of his eyebrows stopped you from questioning him. The simple, long bracelet box he pulled from his pocket turned your chills into a fluttering. Wrapping paper nor bows covered it. The only design was the imprint of the designer’s name.
Shouta mumbled over the mounting breeze, the smallest blush noticeable in the lowering light, “It’s not much. You didn’t give me any helpful ideas.”
“Because you didn’t need to get me anything.”
“Yes, I did. Here.”
Careful to not drop or let the wind take it, you accepted and opened the box. Inside, waiting on a velvet cushion, laid a rose gold bracelet. White gemstones, glittering from the waves and sun, decorated the braiding chains. It felt frosty yet loving under your fingertips. You exhaled, “Shouta… how much was this?”
“Don’t worry about that,” he scolded and returned the box to its pocket. Deft fingers aligned it around your wrist, easily linking the tiny clasps together. His hands stayed around yours, holding firm, displaying the bracelet between you. “Do you like it?”
Dark eyes waited, calm, almost concerned as you stared. It didn’t matter how tired they were, they always gave you so much love. And it didn’t matter how much he typically sucked at buying presents. This one was good, excellent, raising a laugh from your throat. You threw your arms around his neck. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”
“I love you,” heated breath puffed along your jacket’s collar. Lips replaced it, gracefully skimming the hidden skin. His warmth perfectly offset the cold.
“I love you, too.” You withdrew to meet his eyes and whisper, “Let’s go home.”
He agreed with a kiss.
Once home, you sat with Sho on the couch, hunkering down for the rest of the evening for some wine, cuddling, and kissing. His question paused that: “Glasses?”
Before you could get up, he plucked the bottle of wine from your hands, popped the cork, and took a swig. He handed it back to you and watched as you mirrored his actions. Fewer dishes, you guessed.
He lounged back, leaving his chest wide open for you to rest against. The cracked window provided an excellent chilly breeze for snuggling up under a blanket. You curled up, legs on his lap, ready for relaxation.
The beginning of the movie was the only part you paid attention to. The hand drifting from your shoulder to your waist, slowly touching every part of you as it moved towards your thigh, pinching the bottom of your shorts, kept tugging at your thoughts. It would fondle its way back up, carelessly pulling up your shirt until it snapped back in place.
Forty minutes into the movie, he presented you with another box: same color, same style as before, just smaller. With lips flushed to your temple, in a deep, doting tone, he whispered, “Open it.”
As you did, his kisses traveled to your cheek then neck. Propped inside were earrings, mimicking the angelic rose gold and white of the necklace. You sighed at his lips and gift, “Shouta, they’re beautiful… thank you.”
“Put them on,” he hummed just before biting your collar bone.
Stuck between laughing and moaning, you did. And he immediately removed your shirt after, kissing behind your ears, kneading your sides. You gripped the back of his shirt, wanting it gone, but as per usual, he didn’t listen, choosing to unclasp your bra next. Teeth returned to your neck. Something thin and cold accompanied them.
Sho sat back exposing your front to the nippy air. He stared at your chest. You looked down. A necklace hung, gleaming and gorgeous, pink and white. You smiled at his lunky gift giving. “You could've just given them to me all at once, you know?”
He shrugged and slid off his shirt. You leaned back as he came forward. Lips landed on yours hard, firm, just like his body did, weighing you into the cushions. He propped up on his elbows, staring at the necklace.
“I can take it o-”
“No. It stays on,” he droned, coming back down for a kiss. Your palms flattened along his sides. Your legs spread for him to settle much closer, properly close, wonderful for grinding, and exactly where you wanted him the rest of the evening.
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Yagi Toshinori
It was already noon. You didn’t expect a call at six a.m. sharp, but you imagined he’d call before noon, at least, or send a text, a picture, an emoji, something to show you he remembered. No, you knew he remembered. He always did. He was probably just busy teaching the next generation of Heroes and all.
Something closed. You froze, listening, wondering if you imagined it. The faint shuffling told you, you didn’t. You hurried out of the bedroom to see Toshinori waiting, holding a bouquet of flowers. He sang, “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
“What are you doing home? I thought you had to stay on campus till tomorrow.”
“I finished early.” He set the stuff down and collected his welcome-home hug. “Well, I convinced Nezu I could finish my work from home, and since tomorrow is a training day, I have an extra day to finish.”
“Thank you.” You latched tight, nuzzling against his jacket. The thought of spending your birthday alone wasn’t the worst thing, but it wasn’t the best. You mumbled, “I thought you forgot.”
“I would never.” He pulled away and rubbed the back of his neck. “However, I, uh, I wasn’t prepared to celebrate today. I couldn’t find a reservation for tonight. I tried a bunch of different places, but they were all booked. I’m sorry, I tried.”
“That’s alright, Toshi. I’m fine staying in.” You hugged him again, adding, “I hate when they sing to me. Home is perfectly fine.”
He kissed the top of your head with a laugh. He stroked your back, slow and firm, keeping his lips pressed to you, occasionally whispering sweet sappiness. Yeah, this was much more preferable than spring the day alone.
“I’ll cook you something, anything. What do you feel like?”
“Dunno. Doesn’t really matter.”
“You have no ideas?”
“No. Let’s just order something.” You really didn’t want to let him go. Feeling him in your arms was much more pleasurable than anything else.
“Alright. What do you want?”
“You’re not helping me.”
“Surprise me.”
In thirty minutes’ time, someone knocked on the door. Toshi paid, thanked them, and returned to the couch, bearing a brown paper bag. Inside was your very early dinner of chocolate chip pancakes and fresh fruit. The last thing he withdrew was a milkshake. “It’s cake batter. I figured if you lacked a cake, this was the next best thing.”
“Thank you,” you chuckled.
The meal was enjoyed in a simple, snuggling silence, watching Tv with a kiss here or there. The syrup added a tasty sweetness to his lips, something you kept going back for during commercial breaks.
You didn’t want to break the cuddle. It was Toshi who eventually did. He retrieved your jacket and held it out for you.
“What’s this for?”
“This day may not have been the most exciting, and I feel like I was underprepared, but I do have an idea for your present.”
“Toshi, you don’t need to get me anything. You’ve done more than enough for me.”
“I know, but I want to treat you to something. Come on.” Toshi led you outside and down the street.
The late afternoon air provided a blissful breeze and contentment. People were sparse, allowing you the comfort to hold his hand. Though the occasional glance made you tuck into his side until they passed. He never mentioned it; he simply squeezed your hand and continued the walk.
Just when you began to question if there was an actual destination, he steered you towards the computer store you frequented. Inside was just as barren as out. You guessed he picked a good time for shopping, if that was what this was about. And since you were still left in the dark, you questioned him, “What’s this about, Toshi? I don’t need anything from here.”
He scratched his jaw. “When you were talking about the parts you wanted for your, uh… hard drive… motherboard, processor… thing, I was more than a little confused. Instead of buying the wrong thing, I’ll let you pick it out. I know it isn’t much of a surprise this way, but I wanted it to be useful to you. So, go pick!” he chimed, throwing his hands out in front of him.
“Toshi, this stuff is expensive. You don’t-”
“I want to. Go pick some things, and don’t you dare look at the price.”
Encouraged by his smile, your hesitations vanished, and you all but skipped to your desired isle. A hard drive adapter and mounting bracket caught your eye. Plus, they were cheap: thirty dollars at most.
You tried to move on from the next thing that piqued your interest. Yet, the box kept calling your name. You picked it up to read the back.
Toshi came up beside you. “What’s that?”
“It’s a motherboard.” You showed him the label, Gigabyte Z590 AORUS Elite Intel LGA 1200 ATX Motherboard, and explained, “It could run with my Corsair ram with the Intel 10700k. It’s supposed to be easy to overclock and stable on air.”
“Oh, that sounds very nice, sweetie,” confusion faltered his voice. Bewildered or not, he still kissed your temple, murmured his love, and took the items.
“Toshi, I wasn’t planning on getting it.”
“Well, I am.” He smiled and, despite your very vocal doubts, bought them.
You hugged his arm the entire way home, eager for your presents and craving some more cuddles.
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Hound Dog
Through the tiniest crack in the shades, light beamed directly into your eyes. You rolled over and snuggled into the blankets. The day could wait…
Apparently, Ryo didn’t think so. The door squeaked open. The bed creaked as he crawled behind you, funneling heat across your body and fur nuzzling your neck. His ridiculously gigantic hands thwarted your attempt to wiggle away. You fussed his name, just wanting to sleep more.
“It’s almost noon.”
“Time to get up.”
“I made breakfast. Come on.”
“No,” you whined into the pillow. You should be allowed to sleep in on your-
“Fine.” With a chest-filled growl, arms circled and heaved you out of bed, comforter included. You gripped his bicep amid the whiplash. The swirling ceased once he plopped you on the couch, bundled in your blanket, surrounded by pillows. None of which you could lie on since all were fur-coated and staticky.
“Breakfast,” he introduced, placing two plates down with a mix of breakfast quesadillas, muffins, patatas bravas, yogurt, and avocado and eggs. It appeared like he just made whatever he could think of. Not that you were complaining. It all smelled and looked amazing.
“Eat quickly.”
“Why? Do we have plans?”
“No,” he grumbled and sat beside you, his right leg bouncing. He gave you no more information and dug in. You did as well, thanking him for and appreciating the big birthday breakfast.
And all the way through the meal, his leg never stopped. Sometimes, he’d shift in place, or twitch, but his leg just kept going.
“Are you-”
“Time for your gifts.” He jumped up and disappeared into the hall. You wiped your hands and mouth clean in time for a giant gift bag and a present to fall into your lap. He was certainly rushing his way through this.
You blinked at the present. There was no way in hell he wrapped it. The huge, purple bow was tied neat and even, enclosing pink and blue wrapping paper, perfectly folded and taped down. It looked like a picture, not his actual doing.
And your face must have said it all because he gruffed, “I kept ripping the damn paper. Vlad wrapped it for me. Now open it.”
You’d have to thank Vlad next time you saw him. The ribbon released easily and the paper slid off quickly. You stared, smiling at the box of fine-tipped inking pens. It included nine of different sizes and one brush pen. Every time you thought about buying them, you talked yourself out of it. He must have remembered you mulling it over one of the few dozen times.
Wet heat licked your cheek. His nose pressed to you after, cooling the spot down. “Is it the right one?”
“The exact one. Thank you.” You kissed his muzzle, running your nails along the length of it and between his eyes. An odd grumble came from his throat. Judging from his calm, closed eyes, it was a happy grumble. You pressed a few kisses to his cheek, wanting to listen to the husky rumbles.
Ryo’s eyes opened, surprisingly remaining content, and he tapped the gift bag. “This next.”
This one was most definitely done by him; ripped tissue paper was shoved into the top, littered with holes from pointy claws. You laughed as you pulled it out. Strays pieces of tape somehow made their way inside, sticking paper to your skin.
Eventually, you found the presents: two t-shirts, a wearable blanket, and a deshedding brush. You held the last item up in a silent question.
“You always complain about my hair everywhere. This will fix that.”
You rolled your eyes and thanked him. He lapped at your cheek again, choosing to frisk down to your neck. His heavy hands tugged you onto his lap, sending tissue and wrapping paper falling to the floor. Fingers felt around your shirt. You gasped when they clamped on your side’s sensitive skin.
“Ryo-” You shuddered at their increasing strength. He didn’t really know how to fondle passionately. It was more like prodding and pricking to him. You panted, “I haven’t showered today or anything.”
“You do that once I’m done with you.” Teeth clamped on your shoulder, not enough to draw blood or pain, yet solid enough to lock you in place. His tongue, solid and way too hot, aimlessly dragged along thin skin.
His embrace kept you from wiggling away. Not that you really intended to. A day home with Ryo was such a scarce thing you valued so highly. You’d take anything at this point…
Especially since that anything was his fingers shoving into your shorts. Like the rest of him, they wasted no time and slipped inside you, steadily and sturdily caressing your front wall. Your body was hardly awake, making it considerably more responsive to his intense touch.
“Ryo, fuck-” Your breath caught at digging teeth. His palm pressured your clit, grinding, near jerking, giving you no preparation for your speedy orgasm. You gripped his wrist, closing your thighs on his hand, holding him in place.
His arm muscled its way out so he could lick his fingers, smirking and rumbling, clearly delighted.
Once again, he heaved you up, comforter included, and carried you back to bed. But this time, he threw you down and crawled atop, not letting you catch your breath because his tongue replaced where his fingers were.
Your shower was a long ways away.
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star-killer-md · 4 years
Actus Reus, Mens Rea
@contesa-lui-alucard asked:
Hey hey happy sleepover my friend!! If it’s alright with you, I have two prompts from the Smut list that I’d love to see you combine for... mob Kylo and lawyer reader! Oh snap!! 15 & 37, if you please. If not, no worries, I still hope you have an awesome sleepover 😁 (“Make it hurt, baby.” + “Lay back and touch yourself. I want to watch.”)
Anon asked:
hello, may i request clingy/possessive kylo,, thank you
Thank you lovlies for your requests and sorry from the bottom of my depressed ass heart that it took me so fucking long. Anyway here ya go, hope you enjoy some mobster Kylo deliciousness. I’m so excited you liked him Contesa, and I hope you’re into it as well too nonny! Sorry it got long, I truly have no control over that. 
And thank you so much to @sacklersdoll for reading over this for me!
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings: Angst (its me), Smut (its me), mentions of predator/prey dynamic (mostly as metaphor), possessive Kylo Ren, semi-public sex, no pronouns for the reader by they are afab, dominant Kylo Ren, some brat vibes, Kylo Ren is not nice, allusions to guns, some sorta stalking behavior
Ship: Mob Boss!Kylo Ren x Lawyer!Reader
Summary: You’ve started to take on some pro bono clients as a favor to a friend and Kylo Ren is Not A Fan™ of all the attention this guy has been paying you. After a few months of consulting on the side, you’re beginning to wonder if life working for a mob boss is something you’re really cut out for. Though you quickly learn that you very well may have passed the point of no return when Kylo shows up at your office to remind you just who exactly you work for. 
“I really can’t thank you enough.”
You shook the woman’s hands and returned her smile. Her son stayed quiet, looking at the ground, but mumbled his thanks as well. He was a good kid. Just pissed off the wrong neighbor. One of those ‘get off my lawn,’ ‘good ole American dream’ types who thought welfare was a sign of the devil, and had it out for everyone in the lower tax brackets. 
“Really, it’s no problem,” you walked them to the door, leaving her your business card. “I’ll see you both at the courthouse on Monday.” 
Evan was waiting in your office when you returned. His patent leather shoes rested precariously on the corner of your desk and you knocked them off with a huff. 
“See you’ve made yourself at home,” you said, crossing your arms and staring down at him in your chair. 
He shrugged and stood under your scrutiny, moving around to take the seat across from you. Evan Goodman was an old friend from undergrad. You often got the impression he was still that same cocky frat boy in the head. Still flashed the ‘my daddy has more money than you’ smile on occasion when he really wanted to get under your skin. With his slicked back hair, unnervingly straight teeth, and his annoying prosperity despite never putting in much effort it was somewhat shocking the two still spoke. He was simply not the type of person who had ever needed to try. Success came naturally to him, and much to your dismay.
“What can I say? You’re a very gracious host,” he mused and leaned forward on the desk. “So, how did it go?”
You sighed, “They’ll be alright, might get saddled with a fine but the charges aren’t that serious.” 
“Good, Rosa’s an old friend. I would have helped her out myself, but not really my deal ya know?”
“Yeah, Mr. Tax Attorney, I get it.” 
Evan was kind of a dick, but he was also the kind of friend who would sit on the bathroom floor with you, hold your hair back and sing horrendous parody versions of ABBA no matter who heard. So you couldn’t hate him entirely. That also meant that when he came to you with cases like this, a favor for a friend or whatever the situation may be, you had a hard time refusing. 
It was also a convenient front for you not-so-legal legal work you’d been invested in for the past few months.
“Seriously, I know I’ve been asking a lot of you recently,” he flashed you that god awful grin and kicked his feet up again. “You can tell me to fuck off if it’s too much.” 
He had been coming to you for pro bono work with increasing frequency, especially over the past month or so, but again, you didn’t wholly mind it. You went into this kind of work for a reason. Though, you were starting to get the feeling that a certain, brooding, less than lawfully abiding businessman did not feel the same. 
Kylo Ren dealt frequently with the shady, black market underbelly of capitalist society, but you were less accustomed to his world and not completely ready to throw yourself to the hounds just yet.
You had already missed more than a few meetings and canceled on dinner tonight to meet with Rosa. To be fair, it wasn’t as if he’d made any indication this ill-defined whatever-it-was going on between the two of you was anything serious. And you were only his consultant, for now, so this took precedent anyway. At least that’s what you tried to convince yourself of. Definitely not a way to avoid thinking about fucking your boss who also happened to be in with the mob. 
Definitely not.  
“I wouldn’t have agreed to help if I couldn’t manage it,” you yawned softly and stood to collect your things. 
It was late and you were beginning to fantasize about how soft and warm your sheets would be. If you got back in time you could pop them in the dryer and get in an episode or two before bed. 
“Hey, let me at least buy you dinner or something since I kept you out so late,” Evan parked his skinny frame in your path to the doorway. 
“You’re going to apologize for keeping me out late, by keeping me out even later?”
“Do you want free food or not?”
Pursing your lips, you stared at him for a few moments. He really did know all your weaknesses. You had skipped out on meeting with Mr. Ren—or Kylo or sir or whatever the hell you were supposed to call him now—already tonight, however, Evan was sure to take you somewhere nice and it wouldn’t be so morally repugnant if it was just as a ‘thank you….’
“Okay, fine,” you conceded and let him lead you out to the parking garage, locking the office up behind you. 
The next morning you stumbled past reception in a haze. Both from lack of sleep, and the bitingly cold winds battering your building despite the neighboring high rises blocking the brunt of the gale. The young woman at the desk informed you tersely that a Mr. Goodman was already waiting for you in your office and that you should really get here on time if you were expecting clients this early. 
You agreed that, yes you probably should but, you know, “trains and all that mess,” and tried not to judge her too harshly. After all, she was the barrier between you and the hundreds of calls this place received daily. 
Before slipping through the door with your name plate, you hung your coat on the rack and switched your phone on. It’d died on you last night amidst the allure of fancy, late night dinner and your sleep deprivation riddled brain had not cared enough to plug it in before bed. Fuck Amazon, but thank god for its speedy delivery of portable charges. 
You chewed your lip as the lock screen came to life. One missed call and a text. Both, of course from the most anxiety inducing sender, Kylo Ren. Because why would it be anyone else? His name menacing even typed out in standard black font. 
The text read:
Meet me at 8am.
It was very much like him—a command with punctuation and absolutely no details. The message receipt showed it was sent two hours ago, and it was already half past eight. Shit. Your fingers shook as you pulled up his contact and called. Every interaction left you coursing with adrenaline. Even now, miles away listening to the dial tone was nerve-wracking. Your heart pounded, hands slick in their grip on your phone. Maybe it was because you were never sure where you stood with him. Maybe it was because he was handsome and he knew it. Strong and he knew it. Intimidating and mysterious and closer in some ways to a Greek god than a man. He was all encompassing, and filled every available space in any room he occupied. 
Sometimes you thought you might choke on his presence. 
It rang once, twice, three times before cutting out completely. You stared down at the blank screen, biting your lip and shooting off a quick text. You were sorry, something important had come up, you would meet him the second it was convenient. 
Evan slapped you heartily on the back when you came into the room. He was holding a bouquet of flowers, evergreen with small white blossoms. 
“So, how many hours did you manage last night?” he asked, smiling his shit eating smile and seemingly unaffected despite the fact that he had to be running on just as little sleep as you.  
“I’m not even sure at this point,” you groaned as you tossed your bags down behind the little metal desk. “Time ceases to exist when you take trains past midnight.”
“Fair enough. Hey look,” Evan waved the greenery in your face, “courtesy of Rosa’s shop. She insisted I bring you something as thanks. I figured you could put them out in the front or something to brighten things up.” 
“They’re lovely. Please tell me you’re only here as a glorified delivery boy.”
His shoulders slumped at your lack of amusement, but before he could quip back the landline in your office rang. You answered, holding a finger towards Evan and leaning against the edge of the desk. It was the receptionist, Jess was her name? Maybe? You could never remember, someone else always addressed the holiday gift cards anyway. 
“There’s someone here to see you at the front desk,” she clipped, almost more exasperated than before. 
You told her you’d be right there and hung up. Evan grabbed his coat as you headed out, holding the door for you and following into the hall. 
“I’ll leave you to it if you’re busy, but give me a call after Monday and tell me how it goes,” he continued rambling as you came out into the front.
You had a smart comeback prepared, something about how simple the case was, he should have more faith in you, he was the reason you were busy in the first place, etc…but every word turned to ashes on your tongue when you saw him. 
Kylo Ren, standing right there at the desk and glaring at your receptionist. His suit was dark blue and ironed to perfection. Each leg was creased perfectly down the front and the jacket sat flawlessly on his wide set shoulders. He was a wall of unimaginably expensive fabric and what looked concerning like barely contained rage. You could see it in the twitch of his eye, the set of his jaw, and in the way his gaze landed on you the second you walked in. 
The way a predator immediately hones in on its prey. 
You froze just feet from him in the lobby, floundering like a fish on a hook. 
Evan, for his part, seemed not to notice the tension at all and continued to say his long winded goodbyes, placing the flowers in your hands and completely unaware of the slow, measured tightening of Kylo’s massive hands into fists at his side. 
“I’m free on Monday evening so we should—” 
“She’ll be busy.” 
Evan frowned, turning to face the man standing before him, “Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” Kylo’s voice was a dark thing, low and rumbling, “She will be otherwise occupied.” 
His words were punctuated by a step towards you, one paw of a hand easily gripping your entire jaw. Lucky he did too, otherwise it would have dropped straight to the floor when he shot one last cobra strike glare in Evan’s direction, and pressed his mouth to yours. Right there. In the lobby. For everyone to see.  
The absolute bastard.
His lips were pillow plump and softer than the silk lining of his suit—and even through the surge of shock and embarrassment and more than a touch of anger—you felt your heart throb at the way he licked into your mouth. 
The flowers tumbled from your hands onto the floor as everything in you went limp under his touch. This was nowhere near the first time you’d tasted him, but it was like this every time. Like drinking ambrosia. An otherworldly experience. 
But that didn’t stop the sharp pain of his crushing grip on your arm, the way he nearly lifted your feet off the floor when he pulled away to drag along behind him. You could hear Evan spluttering in the hall behind you, the receptionist going back to clacking at her keyboard as if nothing had happened. 
When Kylo opened your office door he just about threw you inside. You tripped as he tipped you in, stumbling and catching yourself on the edge of your desk. The power behind his hand alone was undeniable. You shuddered at the thought of the array of purple fingerprints he would leave behind. It made your mouth dry and your heart sink. Confusing and delicious. 
And left you seething nonetheless. 
“What the fuck was that?!” you were not calm, so you didn’t attempt any semblance of it. 
“You didn’t answer me,” he said, level as he always was. 
The quiet before the storm and all that. 
“About the meeting? I tried to call, my phone died—”
“Because you were out catching trains at all hours of the night, I’m aware.” 
You paused, glaring at the wall of muscle between you and the door, “How did you know that?”
“So you’re not denying it?”
Kylo stalked towards you like a beast in his tailored suit and polished leather shoes like talons. You could hear your heartbeat, hear the blood rushing in your ears. Just like a rabbit in the sightline of a hawk, you were clearly being hunted. 
“Why would I deny something I’m not trying to hide?” your voice came out horse as he caged you between the desk and his chest, arms on either side to block any route of escape. 
“No you are certainly not adept at subtlety,” he said and you couldn’t take your eyes off the way his tongue moved behind his teeth. “This is the fifth time that idiot in the hall has distracted you from work.”
“That’s not an answer,” you tried to spit the words but his eyes were boring into you. The honey of them spilled down your spine and made you shiver. “How did you know? You are not entitled to any information pertaining to my personal life, regardless.” 
“Watch your mouth,” he growled. “Entitlement has no part in this.”
You were entering dangerous territory, though stopping curiously did not occur to you.
“I don’t think you have the right to be throwing out commands right now, not after that display.”
“Have you forgotten who you work for?” Kylo hissed at you, hands wrapped around the metal of your desk so hard you thought it might warp under his fingers. 
“Of course not,” you desperately tried to keep your voice down lest anyone get even more a spectacle. 
“Then what is this?” one hand left the desk and pulled a phone from inside his jacket. 
The screen lit up, and you looked in horror at pictures of yourself. Pictures of yourself from last night. Pictures of yourself from last night at dinner with Evan, interspersed with shots of you crossing the street, waiting on the train platform, and stumbling back into your apartment. Each was clearer than you’d expected, presumably from some insanely expensive surveillance equipment. You had been out for hours, and you had been watched the whole time. 
You narrowed your eyes, flicking back and forth between Kylo’s face—the graceful bridge of his nose pointed down at you—and gaped. 
“You had me followed…” you breathed the words into the slowly shrinking space between your bodies. 
He simply nodded, as if, somehow, you were foolish for not having considered this before. Perhaps you were. Perhaps you had no idea what you had gotten yourself into. Perhaps you had signed on for much more than a paycheck when you agreed to work for Kylo Ren. 
“I can’t have my employees getting distracted.”
Kylo slowly drifted ever closer, shoulders bent so he was eye level with you. He pressed further into the desk, pinning you between his body and the hard surface that bit into your ass. Something long and thick and hard nudged your thigh. 
“I don’t know why you though having me followed was necessary—” 
“You’re an arrogant little slut who needs to be reminded of your priorities,” his hand snatched your leg and wrenched it open so he could stand between them, “ I am not something you do on the side.” 
You could hear the way his teeth grit out the words, the way they formed as a growl deep in his beast’s throat. The hand still settled on the desk, skimmed up your hip and chest, his fingers 
biting into your jaw. 
“Do you understand me?”
Your lips were shut tight in a thin line, eyes wide and staring up like the prey you were. The silence only provoked him more. Snarling, two thick fingers wrenched your mouth open, pressing hard on your tongue and making you gag around them. 
Kylo Ren almost always spoke in commands. Having power did that to people, and rarely did it ever compel you, but his words sunk deep into your bones. Dredged up some dark, instinctual need to obey. To submit to this show of control. 
“Yes,” you mumbled around his fingers in your mouth, drool slipping past your lips when they moved. 
“Yes, what?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
You watched him suck his teeth, grabbing your face tighter and dragging you close so he could spit directly into your open mouth. He slammed your jaw shut, nearly taking off the tip of your tongue and hissed into your ear. 
Again, you did without a thought. And it was disgusting, but invigorating, sent off some spark in your stomach with how easily he bent your body to his will. There was no man like him, you decided. And maybe this was simply because Kylo Ren was not a man. That term alone would never do him justice. 
In one shockingly smooth motion, you found yourself flat on your back, ass hanging off the edge of the desk with his hands on your hips. He ground himself against you, the throbbing of his cock evident even through the layers of clothing. That feeling on its own had you soaked through, thighs sticking with liquid excitement. 
“Remember who you work for,” he growled into your neck, licking a long stripe up your throat and sucking at the exposed skin. 
But it was very clear to you what he really meant. 
Remember who you belong to. 
You slapped a hand over your mouth as he bit down on the skin just above your shoulder, laving his tongue over the stinging flesh. Kylo pulled back, frowning down at you and yanking the hand away from your face. One held both your wrists in a vice lock while the other ripped your panties straight down your legs and left the dripping fabric discarded on the carpet. 
“No, they’re going to hear you,” he grunted, and pulled one of your hands down, pressing it to your slit and running your fingers through your slick. “Go on, touch your fucking pussy and let them know what a little whore you are for me.” 
It was something about his voice. Something in the way it left him, its timbre, its wonder, unquestioning. You could never refuse him. 
So, with a small nod you parted your folds, head resting on a stack of files as you drew slow circles around your clit with a shaky hand. His eyes never left your cunt, tracing the movement of your finger and the trail of wetness that seeped from you to the desktop. Softly, you gasped as the familiar placement of your fingers made you clench and arch up. Kylo’s rubbed small circles into your inner thighs with his thumbs, kneading the flesh there. 
When the spark was there, the lovely pulsing in your nerves alight, you dipped down, teasing and slipping inside, grinding down as best you could on your hand. It wasn’t enough, but nothing ever was since you’d been ripped open on Kylo’s cock. 
Evidently he did not find your work sufficient either. 
Another finger joined yours, stroking your lips and circling your entrance. His touch made you whine, the promise of hands that were not your own never ceasing to illicit a new gush of pleasure. 
“I said,” he murmured, his touch so terribly feather light. “Let them hear you.” 
He was like a gunshot, sudden and forceful and almost instantly had you screaming. Kylo slammed his fingers into you, so full and so deep, curling hard against that lovely spot inside. 
“Kylo, god, please—” you moaned long and low, your face burning with the knowledge that the walls were barely thick enough to keep your phone calls private, much less the shameful noises he pulled from you. 
“What was that?” he panted, adding another finger and pumping them deep into your cunt. “You can do better.” 
Your teeth dug so hard into your lip you thought it might bleed, but you couldn’t take much more. The ledge was approaching—Kylo Ren knew it—and he was determined to push you straight into the fire. 
You choked when his deliciously thick fingers were ripped from you, walls fluttering around the awful emptiness. Your head lolled back as you listened to him work the buckle of his belt and slacks open, and when you did glance down your mouth watered at the sight. Kylo—impossibly long cock throbbing in his hand—stood between your legs, stroking himself from root to tip. You watched little pearls of precum bead at the head while his thumb swiped across to smear them along his length. 
“You are insane,” you hissed through gritted teeth. 
Did you need to keep this position? No, technically you would be more than well off on the salary Mr. Ren so graciously provided. However, you could not mentally deal with being terminated for getting dicked in your office during work hours. 
Kylo smirked, the edge of his perfect cupid’s bow cocked back and aimed straight at your chest. Without warning, he sunk into you, straight to the hilt and threw his head back as you sobbed with the sharp sting of being split in two on his cock. 
“This is what you do,” he growled into your ear, hands on either side of your head as he worked his length back out only to pound into you again. “You work for me and you take my cock and don’t ever fucking forget that.”  
Your legs were wound so tightly around his waist that had he been any other man, his ribs would have cracked under the pressure. His hair, falling in black, satin waves, was gorgeous even in the sterile office lighting. You threaded your fingers into it at the roots and held him while your body rocked against the desk. It’s metal surface pinched at your sink and made your back ache, though that was nothing compared to the burn of Kylo’s thrusts, sliding against your walls. You felt him in your throat. You always did. That was simply the way things were with him. He filled you painfully, thoroughly, took over all of your senses until it was just him. 
And, strangely, it was the most alive you’d ever felt. 
He was unlike anyone you’d ever known.
You couldn’t scream for him, but you could still let him taste the desperation, the willingness in your body to mold against him. So you kissed him, dragged him by the hair to meet your lips and licked past his teeth, gasping and moaning on his tongue as you sucked it hard and cried into his mouth. 
And he drank you down, picking up a punishing rhythm and breaking blood vessels where his hands gripped your hips. One drifted lower, thumb pressing down hard on your clit as your cunt clenched around his length. The desk was lifting off the ground with every thrust, the room filled with the wet sounds of your bodies and you were quickly melting under him. 
Warmth was spreading, growing, building out from your pussy, igniting in your veins. He was right. This is what you did. This is what he did to you. This toe curling, lip biting, bone shattering kind of pleasure. 
Oh you were so royally fucked. 
“I—oh shit—Kylo I’m,” you pulled back just enough to pant out a warning before the wave took you. 
So hot, it washed over your skin and made your legs shake and your hands leave his hair to dig your nails into his chest through the crisp white button down he wore. 
“Feel that?” he grunted as you convulsed and shuddered under him, “Feel how this pussy was made for me.” 
You nodded, buried your face in his neck and held on as he worked you through your climax and straight into his own. Once, twice he ground his cock deep in you, feeling how tight you were around him until he was spent and spilling hot, thick ropes of cum that coated your walls and dripped out around his length. 
He panted, lazily rolling his hips, fucking you slowly until finally, he came to a halt with his softening cock still sheathed inside you. Seconds past, or maybe hours, you couldn’t tell. Kylo tended to have that effect on you. Time slipped away so easily in his presence, like there was never enough of it. 
When he did pull away, you stayed with your back firmly planted amidst the mess of scattered paperwork and manila envelopes. He rose to his full, towering height and tucked himself away, straightening the wrinkles in his suit and eyeing you only once from the side. You admired his profile, you never understood until now what the meaning of the word “regal” truly was. 
Under the dictionary definition, his picture surely would be there, staring at you down the bridge of his marble carved nose. 
You sat up on your elbows as he stalked towards the door. 
“Was that all you came for?”
Kylo paused, broad back still facing you and leaving the room feeling irrevocably empty with just the intention of his absence. 
“We’ll reschedule for five tonight,” he said, filling the door frame completely. “Don’t be late.” 
The door clicked shut behind him and the sound of it made you collapse back onto the desktop. You laid there for a moment, leaking your combined spend and aching. The throb of him settled in your muscles and festered. But the worst part was the other ache, the pain of being without. And maybe you had been a bit avoidant. Maybe this work really was so you didn’t have to see him. Because if you saw him you’d end up fucking him—which was fine, which was good, which was great actually—but then he would leave. And you couldn’t decide which wanting was worse. The wanting before or the wanting after. 
Maybe it didn’t matter. 
You had more important things to think about anyway. Like securing the receptionist an incredibly large holiday bonus, assuming you still had a job here at the end of the day. 
Maybe that didn’t matter either. 
It might be high time you made a commitment to whatever the hell kind of mess you’d stumbled into. Kylo Ren was an enigma in the best kind of way. Maybe you should stop running from it. 
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moldisgoodforyou · 3 years
march madness
this is dedicated to @sunnypogue​ and @oopmyheartwent-obx​ because they’re the homies and I said so 
wordcount: 2.2k
warnings: cursing, I didn’t edit this for shit, mentions of sexual situations
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Every year, the Delt house held a March Madness bracket competition. There were cash prizes involved and it was taken extremely seriously, only significant others were also invited to participate (no hookups allowed, unless the hookup was consistent enough to stick around through the end of the tournament in April). James was in charge this year as brotherhood chair and was taking it to the next level, upping the buy-in and scheduling several watch parties throughout the month. 
When Rafe casually let it slip that he was participating, Sophie’s interest was piqued right away. They were all hanging out in his room, Sophie’s legs draped across his lap while Rafe kept a constant touch on her ankle, her calf, anything.
“Can I do it with you guys?”
“Well...” Rafe trailed off, trying to think of any excuse possible. He knew Sophie’s competitive nature to a tee and was already predicting the fight that’d come of it.
Unfortunately for him, James loved nothing more than seeing Rafe lose in the tournament every year. “Yeah, of course you can. Why not?”
Rafe winced and Sophie caught it immediately, furrowing her brow. “Yeah, Rafe, why not?”
“No reason.” He squeezed her ankle and gave her a little smile. She merely raised her eyebrows back, skeptical, and started googling on her phone, pulling up a few sites.
“What are you looking for?” Rafe asked, leaning over to see.
She quickly moved her phone out of his reach. “None of your business.”
“Sophie, c’mon.”
“Jeez, Sophie, is he always this whiny?” Colin teased and Sophie laughed, clicking her phone off. “You should know, you live with him.”
“Nah. He’s different around you. Softer.” James reached over and ruffled Rafe’s hair, causing a mini scuffle between them.
“Yeah, see, he’s always aggressive with us.” Colin pointed out.
“He could stand to be a tiny bit more aggressive with me.” Sophie mumbled under her breath with a smirk, just loud enough so only Rafe could barely make out what she said. He whipped around, eyes wide. “What did you say?”
She grinned and batted her eyelashes innocently. “Nothing. When can we fill out our brackets?”
“They’re due in three days.” James told her, handing her an extra blank bracket from his desk. Sophie accepted it with a thank you and stood, not before kissing Rafe on the cheek. “Looks like I have some work to do then.”
“It’s not that complicated, Soph, you can just pick it on, like, jersey colors or mascots or whatever.” Rafe told her carelessly. She kept up with Ohio State sports and knew the rules of the game, but didn’t really seem to care otherwise. She’d prioritize alone time in the architecture studio for big games sometimes, or study through a tailgate instead of watching the other games on air that day. What Rafe failed to remember is that she was also extraordinarily stubborn, and always determined to win.
“I’m not just going to throw my money away. I need to research.”
He laughed. “When have you ever researched before a game in your life?”
With that she flicked him in the head, scowling. “I’ve never needed to before. Have you filled yours out yet?”
Rafe went to bat her hand away a moment too late, letting out a little yelp. “Hey! No, I’m just going to fill out the day before. Let the experts help me out.” He gestured to the TV, where ESPN hosts droned on in the background. 
“Hm.” She gathered her things and Rafe leaned over, tugging at the sleeve of her jacket. “No, wait, stay. We can do it together, if you want?” 
“And let you cheat off me? Absolutely not.” She fixed him with a scrutinizing look. “Why, need someone to tell you whether the green or red team is better?”  
He laughed. “No, baby, I’m not just gonna wing it.” 
Even James could feel the annoyance radiating from Sophie in the moment and he face-palmed behind her back, anticipating her response. She frowned at Rafe, arms crossed. “So why would I just wing it?” 
“Well that’s - that’s not what I meant -” He hastily backtracked. 
“Smooth.” Colin muttered under his breath, shaking his head. She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure. Now if you’ll excuse me, darling, I have some work to do.” The pet name held absolutely no affection to it, hurled like an insult instead. 
“Darling? Huh? Sophie, I didn’t mean it like that -” Rafe started again and she leaned over, kissing him shortly to cut him off. “Sure you didn’t. When do we hand them in, James?” 
“6pm, Friday. Hard deadline.” He responded cheerfully. 
“I’ll have it to you tomorrow.” She grinned and gave them all a little wave before leaving, ignoring Rafe’s small noise of protest. It wasn’t til she had hardly stepped out of the house to walk home when she had three texts from James with individual links to stats from prior tournaments and comparisons of each team’s performances throughout the season. 
James: If Colin and I can’t knock his ass out, I’d want you to do it 
Sophie: :) I’ll accept the honor 
The next day, Rafe was entirely unbothered by Sophie’s participation in the bracket challenge, after she had reassured him that she was mainly teasing about his comments. She also knew the exact time the Bracketology show aired on ESPN, as well as the shows on other networks, and made it her mission to distract him at every opportunity possible. 
She was over again the next day while James and Colin were busy, so they had the room to themselves. Sophie had brought over her homework, like usual, and the two were just enjoying each other’s company for a while - until she noticed Rafe pull out his bracket, completely blank. “You’re not done yet?” 
“Huh? No, the ESPN show’s about to be on. Do you mind if I keep the volume low?” He reached for the remote. “That’s fine, I just have a few questions left on this.” She purposely made a show of stretching her arms high, the hem of her cropped sweater lifting just enough to show a flash of her lacy bralette. 
He stopped in his tracks, clearly eyeing her over. “Your sweater’s short.” 
She hid a smirk, giving him a confused look instead as she tugged the hem back down. “Is it?” 
“You said you have how many questions left?” Rafe tried curling his hand around her hip and pulling her close, but she swatted his hand away. “Just five, but they’re long answer.”  
“Just five.” He nodded to himself and turned the TV, remembering why he had gotten his bracket out in the first place. She kept her head down, working as she listened to the hosts’ banter for a few minutes. When they started actually getting into the bracket predictions, Sophie rolled her shoulders, then tilted her head to crack her neck. “Rafe?” 
“Mm?” He replied, half paying attention to her as he scribbled out some of the early game decisions. 
“Do you mind rubbing my shoulders? They’re killing me.”  
“Course not, c’mere.” He turned on the couch to face her, keeping the bracket and pen in his lap. 
She didn’t waste any time pulling the sweater over her head, letting it drop to the floor as she moved to sit closer to him. He laughed, loud. “What was that for?” 
Sophie glanced at him over her shoulder, moving her hair to expose her back fully. “Figured it’s easier to massage on bare skin than through a bulky knit sweater.” 
She had fully captured his attention now, and he ran a finger down her spine, grinning. “Just a shoulder rub?” She was glad to be facing away from him, unable to hide her eye roll. “Mind out of the gutter. Just a shoulder rub.” 
Rafe nodded but couldn’t resist placing a few kisses along her bare shoulder before massaging her shoulders, pressing hard. When she noticed his massage got weaker as he got more distracted by the TV, Sophie let out a breathy moan. It sounded horribly fake even to her ears, but got his attention right away. 
“Soph.” He warned. 
“Hm?” She questioned, wincing as she faced away from him, hoping she sounded innocent enough. 
Lucky for her, Rafe was pretty clueless to the motives of her game. “You can’t say just a shoulder rub then make sounds like that.” 
“Sorry, sorry.” She grinned. “I’ll be good for you.” 
“Rafe.” She mimicked, turning back around and finally giving him an eyeful of her chest. He groaned and pulled her onto his lap immediately, hands going straight to her waist. “Sure you need to finish your homework?” 
She grinned. “How long are James and Colin gone for?” 
“Uh...” He glanced toward the door, at the TV, then at his watch. “We have an hour.” 
Sophie stood, blocking the TV, and held both her hands out. “Let’s take advantage of it then.”  
Her plan worked perfectly over the next three days, right up until the deadline for turning in the bracket. It laid forgotten on his desk while they made out on his bed, lazy kisses shared as their hands wandered. James barged in with only a single, split-second knock. “Hope you have your clothes on!” 
(They both did - they had almost been caught once and Sophie always triple checked the lock before taking her shirt off after that.) 
Rafe groaned and threw his pillow at James. “Give us a fucking warning, dude!” 
“Bracket’s due in five. You finished yet?” 
“Oh shit.” Rafe sat up immediately, glancing around for it. “No, I’ve been busy.” 
Sophie held back a smirk. “I think it’s on your desk.” 
“Did you ever finish yours, Soph?” Rafe asked as he got up to scramble for a pen. Unfortunately for him, she had taken all of them over the last few days - not a hard task, because he only owned four. 
“She turned hers in two days ago. It’s like, annotated and shit. You have four minutes now.” James tapped his watch, then decided to take pity on him and toss him a pen from his own desk. 
Rafe frowned, frantically filling out the bracket. “Annotated? With what?”  
She shrugged. “Stats to help me out.” Sophie leaned over, watching him fill out his choices. “Texas Tech is red and Purdue is gold, I think you should pick Purdue there. Gold is a fun color.” 
James snorted. “Two minutes, Cameron.” 
“Fuck, okay.” Rafe finished it quickly and handed it over, but Sophie grabbed it out of his hands first. 
“Wait, you picked Michigan to win? God, Rafe, do you have no loyalty?” She was violently offended, disbelieving of her eyes. 
“They’re a solid pick!” 
“They’re our fucking rivals!” 
He laughed and grinned, smug, as he remembered the nickname she had tried to use against him days earlier. “I’m playing to win here, darling. You didn’t seriously pick Ohio State to win, did you?” 
“I picked Villanova, thank you very little.” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Oh.” He was surprised at her logical pick, which irked her even more. “Well, I don’t have the emotional attachment like you do here.” 
“You’d think two and a half years of school would be enough. Don’t need your parents as alumni to do that.” 
“She makes a point.” James chimed in, thoroughly entertained by the arguing, but made his way toward the door to collect other brackets. “Dude, you’ve had weeks to work on this, what happened?” 
“I don’t know, every time I’ve turned on ESPN to watch I...” He trailed off, thinking.
James shook his head and made his exit, making a point to securely shut the door behind him. 
Rafe finally put two and two together and pointed an accusing finger at Sophie. “You sabotaged me!” 
She grinned, giving herself up right away. “Yeah, what of it?” 
“That’s so low.” Rafe shook his head, scowling. 
Sophie laughed, sitting up on her knees and leaning forward to smirk at him. “Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?” 
He stood at the edge of the bed and placed both palms on her knees and slid them up her legs, leaning over her. “You don’t really think you’ll win, do you?”
“Might not, darling, but at least I’ll beat you. You screwed up on several brackets, by the way.” She met him with a kiss, nipping teasingly at his lower lip.
“Huh?” He mumbled against her lips. 
“Wichita State plays Marshall, not West Virginia, and Auburn plays Charleston. Not Clemson. So that’s already two games you’ve lost.” She grinned as he curled his fingers into her thighs and stood up on her knees to kiss him harder, locking her hands to rest behind his neck.  
“And you didn’t correct me once. I can’t believe you.” He slid one hand up to squeeze her ass, laughing when she let out a small squeak of surprise.  
“Cameron.” She tried pulling him down to the bed.
“What.” He didn’t budge, keeping a firm grip on her butt.
“Shut up and finish what you started.” 
“Yes ma’am.”
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violetsmoak · 4 years
Congrats on passing 200 followers! As for prompts, I’ve always been curious on what your take on a “Jason and Tim meet as kids (and eventually fall in love)” story would be like. Your writing has always brought me so much joy, so thank you for all that you do and share with us!
Summary: In which Jason’s instincts and Tim’s panic response are a little bit off. 
Pairing: JayTim
Rating: PG
Author’s Note: Well, I don’t have my own headcanon for this because so many writers before me have done it so well, but I hopefully this fulfils your expectations! 
 This takes place at the end of Jason’s run as Robin. Jason is 15 and Tim is 12. 
Jason is being watched.
He knows this with the certainty of a kid who grew up on the street, and one who has worn the mantle of Robin for three years now. It’s pretty much impossible for him not to notice the sensation of eyes scrutinizing, and he’s been feeling variations of that for two weeks now.
And today I’m finally going to do something about it…
Gotham Public Library has provided him a manner of safe haven these past few months, when it’s too tense to go back to the manor and all of Bruce’s bullshit, and when he’d rather not spend another minute at school. He’s been letting himself get lost in his homework assignments and the occasional novel after school, and it’s close to peaceful.
Until the staring began.
To be fair, the kid doing it is trying not to be too obvious about it; he watches from out of the corner of his eyes and doesn’t let his attention linger for longer than a few seconds lest it become noticeable.
But there’s just something about that attention that sticks with Jason; it’s getting to the point where he imagines he feels it when he goes out on patrol, too.
More confounding is the kid’s knack for disappearing before Jason can get up the momentum to confront him. One-minute Jason will be surveying him, then he’ll look down to his book and back, and the kid will be gone.
It’s like he takes lessons from Batman when it comes to exits.
Jason doesn’t know anything about him, beyond the immediate facts: pale, black hair and very, very blue eyes. He’s young, the roundness of his face suggesting he’s younger than Jason, but he’s about two inches taller. Athletic, but in an understated way, his weight class far beneath Jason’s own in muscle alone.
The kid comes to the library alone, no friends of parents in sight. He wears clothes that are meant to look casual, but the brands are the same designer ones that Alfred purchases for Jason, meaning he’s got money. Sometimes he wears glasses—on those days Jason notices the staring more, as if the boy thinks having his eyes framed behind glass makes his interest less pervasive.
He’s also familiar in a way that Jason can’t place. If he didn’t know that no crook in Gotham would be so desperate as to employ a shrimp like this kid as anything other than maybe a drug runner, he’d figure he was under someone’s surveillance.
(His clothes are too nice, and those strange eyes not haunted enough to be a child of the streets like Jason.)
He always has a bunch of books he’s flipping through, or a tablet he’s working on; homework, from the look of the textbooks, but Jason’s caught sight of his reading selection on the Returns cart before leaving: digital photography, Zombie Survival Guide, histories of World War II codebreakers and varied biographies with no underlying theme.
It’s hard not to tap into all that Robin training to find out who his little stalker is; but he’s not paranoid, like Bruce, and there are more direct ways of doing it.
“So, the whole watchin’ me thing,” he says one day apropos of nothing and sits in a chair opposite the kid; this earns him a look that epitomizes ‘deer in the headlights’. “You got some kind of beef with me, or what?”
“What?” the boy squeaks.
“Every day the past two weeks, you sit at this table and pretend like you’re not starin’ at me—don’t say you don’t,” he adds when the kid opens his mouth to protest. “I know when I’m bein’ watched. Hazards of growin’ up in Crime Alley. So what do you want?”
He tries to come off as easy-going and joking, but with just the right edge of “if you’re fucking with me, I’ll end you” that Jason Wayne, adopted son of Brucie Wayne and former street kid would be expected to have. No point in breaking out the Robin voice or whup-ass.
“I—I was just—I wasn’t—you’re just—” the kid stammers, clearly having trouble formulating a response. Jason almost feels bad, but his suspicion about why he’s being watched by another kid with such intensity outweighs that.
He opens his mouth to remind the kid to breathe, when suddenly,
“Cute!” the boy blurts out, too loud for the library and earning a few irritated shh! noises from the study nooks in the corner. Jason barely hears those, his own brain trying to parse what the kid just said. “I mean, you. Are. Cute—I think you’re cute.”
And then his eyes bulge, and his cheeks darken, and he looks abruptly furious with himself.
Jason’s own cheeks begin to flame, his jaw-dropping a little in surprise.
Whatever I was expecting, that was not it.
He’s never been hit on by a guy before.
Well, not a guy in his own age bracket. He’s had plenty of come-ons from older, and often drunker, creeps.
“I’m sorry,” the poor kid gasps, and he’s snatching at his things, practically vibrating like he wants to rip out of his own skin in an effort to vanish. “I don’t know…shouldn’t have said that. Sorry, I’m just…”
The kid looks so ashamed that Jason instantly feels bad.
He’s not entirely sure how he feels about having a boy like him; the only attention he’s ever gotten like that has been from the opposite sex, and even that’s sparse. The only kids he comes in contact in his line of work is on his occasional trips with the Titans, and even they’re all older than him. Other than his first and only girlfriend, Rena—who had to leave Gotham when her dad got transferred to Star City—the girls at Jason’s school only show an interest in him when they think he might buy them things.
But, he’s also Robin.
And Robin’s supposed to inspire confidence in people. If there’s something about him—even just as regular civilian Jason Todd—seems approachable to this kid, then he’s got to be careful how he handles it.
Besides, he can’t help feeling a little bit flattered.
It takes him a moment to think of something that might ease some of the tension from the situation.
“Pizza,” he offers.
That makes the other boy freeze and stare at him. “What?”
That earns more shushing, and so Jason makes sure to keep his voice pitched low the next time he speaks.
“There’s a pizza place down the block from the library,” he says. “You can design your own with whatever toppings. I think they do vegan stuff, too. If that’s a thing you… Do you want to maybe…go there? And talk?”
He cringes inwardly.
Did that sound as lame to him as it did to me?
He always thought asking out a girl was hard to do, but he’s never given any thought to how it might feel with a guy.
Said guy’s jaw does drop at this, as if this too, is the last thing he expected.
“You don’t have to,” he rushes to say. “I mean…what I said before. It just—you surprised me, is all. And I—I should go.”
Almost before Jason can register, he’s completely packed up and across the library like he’s got Kid Flash on his trail.
Worried the kid might accidentally run into traffic in his haste, Jason hurries after him.
He finds him outside the stairs of the library, the contents of his rashly collected belongings spilled over the steps and muttering angrily at himself.
Without a second thought, Jason stoops down beside him and picks up the nearest notebook, holding it out to him. “Sorry if I freaked you out.”
“Don’t be—I’m clearly the one who fails at human interaction.”
“I’m Jason,” he offers.
“I know,” is the instant reply.
Jason’s soothing mood vanishes within the next second, once more replaced with cool suspicion as he straightens up. “Yeah? And how do you know that?”
The boy’s face whips up toward him and he makes an almost strangled sound, like he’s trying to choke himself from the inside.
“I don’t mean that like it sounded,” he rushes to say. “I’ve seen you before, is all. At Wayne events. My parents always get invited, and sometimes they make me come along, and…” He trails off, forces himself to breathe, and then offers Jason a wan smile and his hand. Surprisingly, for all his discomfort before, it doesn’t shake. “Hi. I’m Tim Drake.”
“Right,” Jason says slowly, accepting the hand warily.
Kid’s got a strong grip for someone so spindly.
That’s when it clicks for Jason, why the kid looks so familiar.
He has seen him before, hanging out with the other rich kids that always seem to flock together and circle the wagons at these things. Unlike them, he’s always seemed to be as uncomfortable at the parties as Jason was, and spent more time trailing behind his parents and shaking hands with people than with the kids his own age.
Maybe if I wasn’t spending so much time trying to figure out how to get out of those things early, we might have actually talked.
The explanation answers one question Jason had, but not the other.
“So, you’ve seen me at parties, and that made you decide to…what? Stalk me at the library?”
“No! No, I wasn’t—I happened to be in the library one day when you came in, and after that I just…kept…coming back,” Tim trails off, as if realizing he’s not making his case any better. He groans, pinching the bridge of his nose in a way Jason’s only ever seen Bruce do when he or Dick say or do something he can’t rationalize. “Look, it might come as a shock to you, but I’m not great with people. And you’re…” He gestures at Jason like that explains everything, “you.”
Clearly articulation isn’t a strong point, although Jason’s not sure if that’s an inborn characteristic or if Tim really is that flustered by him.
He kind of, really wants to find out.
Jason rubs at the back of his neck, trying to figure out what exactly he’s supposed to say to that, and then decides for both their sakes, he’ll let it slide. Instead, he says, “So, does that mean you’re in?”
Tim is taken off-guard. “Huh?”
“Pizza,” Jason repeats slowly. He jerks his thumb in the direction of the pizza parlor. “That way.”
That earns a stare, and then Tim’s blushing again. “I was serious before, you don’t have to—”
“Don’t tell me you’re not hungry. You look like you haven’t eaten since ever.”
“I have a fast metabolism.”
“I do!”
“Whatever. Consider it my civic duty as the son of a billionaire philanthropist,” Jason replies with a roll of the eyes. “The getting you fed part. You’re paying for it yourself, since now I know you have money.”
“That’s how it works, isn’t it?” Jason says. “Go for a first date, then decide if you want to actually date or just be friends? I’m not sure, is it the same thing with guys as girls? Either way, I think it works out for both of us.” 
When Tim continues to look at him, uncomprehending, Jason wonders if somehow he’s completely misread the situation. 
“Unless I really did mess you up before and you just said that thing about me for shits and giggles.” Which is kind of a letdown, he realizes, and discovers he really doesn’t want Tim to have some kind of ulterior motive. There’s too much of that kind of thing in his life already. “Though…that still leaves the question about what you thought was so fascinating about this ugly mug.”
He’s barely finished the sentence, but Tim is blurting, “That was it.”
Jason raises an eyebrow.
“I mean,” Tim says, clearing his throat. “You’re not ugly. And yes to pizza. There is no world where the answer to pizza is ever ‘no’.”
“Barring parallel worlds,” Jason offers.
“Barring those,” Tim agrees and swings his backpack over his shoulder. He shifts, a little awkward. “So, where is this place?”
“Just down this way. We should hurry if you don’t want to get stuck in the supper rush,” Jason says, unable to stop the grin breaking out on his face. They start down the street together, but Jason pauses. “Before we go, just one more question.”
Tim tenses. “…Yes?”
“You’re not one of those weirdos that puts pineapple on pizza, are you? Because, I mean, the stalking thing I could probably forgive, but that…”
“Please, do I look like a heathen? The only thing that touches my pizza is Canadian bacon, onions and artichoke hearts.” 
 The other boy adopts a scandalized expression; it’s the first one that has nothing to do with outright panic, and for that, Jason is glad. 
He makes a face at the odd combination, and then shrugs. “Weird. Then again, I’ll try anything once, so why not?”
Yes, Tim is taller than Jason here. Because poor Jay is still malnourished and Timmy had a relatively healthy upbringing. I’d say Jay is 4′6″ here (which is canon for before he died) and Tim’s about 4′8″. Because there’s not enough tiny Jason fics in the world. :P
Your feedback matters! I want to know what you think of my story, so feel free to leave kudos, a comment or as many of any emojis you want and let me know how you feel!
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prorevenge · 5 years
Yell at me for skating, get arrested.
TLDR at the bottom.
Yesterday, June 21st, was national go skate day. As such a lot of skateparks around the states were hosting competitions for various reasons. Parks were overcrowded, people who don't normally skate were getting out. Typical holiday stuff.
This shop I've been trying to get to carry my skateboards happened to be hosting one such contest, at one such skate park. I was going to tell you guys which but then I thought someone might go to the park and look for the kid I'm writing about. Anyways this park has some of the notoriously worst skaters. Absolute jerks. They cut each other off, yell at each other, fight, and if the shop I wanted to see was not there I would never skate this park.
So being me, I decided to arrive early, maybe it wouldn't be too busy and I could skate around for a bit without any trouble? I was so terribly wrong. I had collisions with four different skaters. Maybe those were my fault, maybe I wasn't paying attention very well. Maybe it was their fault? I'm ready to let it go, but I'm on edge.
I decide to drop into the pool because it is one of very few spots at a skatepark you go one at a time. So I get in there, I started skating in circles just trying to get the feel for this pool. Warming up too. Then this kid, who we'll call Kyle starts yelling at me from the top of the pool. Whatever I've only been in the pool for a moment I know it's still my turn.
Still though, this kid I can clearly make out every word he's yelling.
Kyle: "Get out of the pool you douche! This park is for good skaters! I need to warm up so I can win the contest that Local Board Shop is hosting! You suck! You clearly can't do any tricks! You have no shot at winning!"
Whatever I think. I hate it here. Time to stop skating and just socialize. I pop out of the bowl by Kyle and he pushes me.
Kyle: "Locals only mother fucker. Don't let me see you step on that board again in my park."
Me: "Whatever kid I'll leave you to it."
I go to put my board away when my revenge plan kicks into gear. I own a skate company, and everyone seems to think skate company's sponsor anyone who can kickflip. So I figure, I'm going to let it leak around the park that I'm here scouting talent to recruit to my team.
I go and cheer a few kids as they do their super basic tricks. Call them over one at a time to tell them I'm here scouting talent. Sure enough, within half an hour kids all over the park are coming to me to introduce themselves. Asking me to pay special attention, what company I represent, what sponsorship requirements are, that kind of stuff. At this point even if my plan fails I've just created a ton of buzz at this contest and everyone is talking about me and my company.
Somewhere in the mix though, Kyle comes to talk to me.
Kyle: "Hey look, man, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to yell at you. I was excited that's all."
Me: "Look I get it, so I'm going to give you another chance. You said you're competing right?"
Kyle: "Yeah I'm here to destroy these fucking losers."
Me: "Alright listen, I saw you skating around a bit while I was talking to people. You're really good, exactly the level of skating we need for someone on our team. I plan on keeping on eye on you, don't disappoint me. What's your name by the way?"
Kyle: "My name is Kyle, and fuck yeah bro. You know I got this on lock!"
Kyle actually was a very talented skater in case you're wondering. I had no plans of actually recruiting him, or anybody, but he was good.
A little time goes by and the contest starts. We start by doing "Best Trick" on the A-Frame. This is an A-Frame so you can visualize.
There is absolutely no coordination on who goes when, the guys from the shop just tell them to go and start calling out tricks they see on their megaphone. I start closely filming Kyle. Sure enough, he's skating the contest like the douche he was being earlier. Yelling at people, pushing people out of the way, and he even hit a guy with his board. I get every single confrontation on video. I thought about sharing the video, but again we don't need a witch hunt.
Kyle ends up doing pretty well, landing 3rd place with a big flip over the A-frame. I couldn't find a video of a big flip, but here is a bigger flip. A big flip is a kickflip with a 360-degree board rotation and a 180-degree body rotation. It's an impressive trick. Somehow he got beat by a kid that did a tailslide, and someone who did a kickflip into a boardslide with a shuv out.
Me: "Hey Kyle, I saw your big flip over the A-Frame. That's a hard trick and I'm impressed. You got anything special planned for the next contest?"
Kyle: "LOL, it's called S.K.A.T.E. you idiot. It's like H.O.R.S.E. but for skateboarding. Fuck yeah, I got something."
Me (Annoyed because I know exactly what a game of S.K.A.T.E. is) "Yeah... Anyways I'm excited to see what you can do."
The rounds of S.K.A.T.E. start and we do a single elimination bracket. I'm still aggressively watching and filming everything Kyle does. Every time his competitor misses a trick he makes fun of them, every time they go to throw a trick he yells something totally obscene to throw off their concentration. Every time he makes a trick he does a mini-celebration, and every time he misses a trick he blames his competitor and pushes them. You know, because it's their fault he couldn't land it.
He ends up getting knocked out in the third round. He throws his board across the park, and it almost hits someone, and storms off for a bit. When he comes back I congratulate him on getting so far.
Me: "Good job getting to the third round. I really liked some of those tricks you had. I got a lot of them on camera, I'll edit all the film from the day and show you later."
Kyle: "Whatever that fucktard that beat me cheated. Everybody fucking knows you're not allowed to do body varials."
Me: "Get him in the next event."
Kyle: "Oh fuck yeah bro. I got that fucking race on lockdown."
It seriously irritates me when people use cuss words as filler for normal conversation. I just want to say I'm annoyed with him and how he speaks. I'm sure he chalked up my visible frustration to him losing though, because that's how Kyle's are.
The next event is a race around the park, simple. Best time wins. Kyle isn't even close to being a contender on this one. He's slow, he isn't hitting obstacles correctly, and it seems like all this pressure I'm putting on him is really getting to him. He shoved some people out of the way so he could be one of the first to go too, so he has to watch as 10-15 people just crush his time.
Every time someone looks like they're going to be doing better than him, he starts yelling at them and screaming. He even threw sand on the course. Probably so people would slide on it. I'm not really sure what his goal was but it failed. I decide I'm going to make an excuse for him on this one so he has an easy cop-out, but also thinks I'm on his side.
Me: "Bro, looks like you need some new bearings. You kept losing all the speed, but your form was great."
Kyle: "Yeah bro, but my mom is being a bitch and won't replace these shit bearings. Fuck her!"
Me: "Well listen, man, I gotta go grab something real quick, company emergency, will you be here in like an hour when I get back?"
Kyle: "Of fucking course dog."
There's one more event, I didn't bother to watch I already had what I wanted. So I start going through all these videos of Kyle, and I make an edit of every time he screamed at someone, cheated in an event, or had poor sportsmanship. There's like 10 minutes of him yelling at people and being a dick all edited into one super edit. I also grab lunch, because of food.
I get back to the park and I grab a brand new deck out of my car. Just a prop. As I walk into it, I wave Kyle to come over to me. Looks like all the events are over, and the shop I came to see is just socializing with skaters.
Kyle: "Oh no fucking way. Is that for me? I got the spot!?! I got the spot!"
Me: "Hey yeah so come check out this video. I want to show you exactly what I was paying attention to the entire time you were skating."
I show Kyle the video, it opens with his bigger flip, then it proceeds to show him just being a dick. He makes excuses throughout the whole video. He tells me at several points he didn't mean it. It was a mistake. Typical loser stuff.
Me: "Here's the deal. I love how you skate. but I expect better behavior out of any rider the might come ride for DJ Skate. If you go find all of these skaters and makeup with them before I leave, we have a spot on the team for you."
Kyle: "These losers fucking worship me. They'll all be fucking ecstatic to see me on your team."
Me: "Alright well, when you make up with them tell them to come to see me. I want to hear it from them that they're cool with you."
I go hang out with the shop owners for a bit, I point out everyone at the contest riding one of my boards and how they should carry my deck because their audience is skating them. After a few minutes, Kyle comes up holding this little kid by his ear.
Kyle: "Tell him we're cool right fucking now or I rip your ear off."
Poor kid: "Yeah what he said. We're cool. We're cool."
I wave him off and he goes back out, but now I'm watching him bully all these kids into coming over and saying we're cool. The shop asks me what it's about and I tell them how I said we couldn't sponsor anyone that behaves that way, and he wanted to be sponsored. They agree, and we just watch in awe as Kyle gets worse and worse.
Finally, one of the kids bigger than him seems to refuse the apology and a fight breaks out. I rush over to break it up, but Kyle has already had his face beaten in by this kid. The kid yells about how no one likes him and how there is no way he would ever tell anybody for any reason to sponsor him.
Kyle (Crying and sniffling): "Look DJ Skate, I tried to apologize and he beat me up. I didn't do nothing wrong to him."
Me: "Oh don't worry I saw the whole thing. The guys at the shop saw too. We know exactly what happened."
I didn't know yet, but that very familiar sound of sirens goes off in the background. I didn't think anything of it until police rushed passed me and start pinning guys to the ground.
Police officer: "What happened. One at a time."
Kyle (Lying): "I was just skating minding my own business and this guy beat me up. I didn't do anything to deserve it."
The kid who beat up Kyle: "Not even you came over here shoving us, telling us how we have to apologize to you for cheating in the contest and go tell that guy we're cool so you can get sponsored."
They go back and forth and the police finally come to me.
Police: "Is that true? Did you tell him you'd sponsor him if he made up with everybody here."
Me: "Oh boy do I have a video for you guys..."
I show the police how he's been pushing people and yelling at everyone all day, and I explain how this kid just decided he had enough and fought back to protect himself. They walk Kyle out in cuffs, and I don't even need to tell him he didn't get the sponsorship. The police check with everybody who came to tell me they were cool with Kyle to make sure he didn't hurt them too badly. They also check with some people in the video, and get everyone's contact info.
They start asking people older than 18 if they want to push charges, and start calling the parents of the younger kids to ask if the same thing. A few people let it go, but at least 10 people want to push charges on Kyle.
The police ask for my video, as well as the raw footage, and I email it all to them. He also spends a painstaking amount of time recording my phone while the video plays using his chest came. Took like an hour of me just waiting to get my phone back.
At this point the shop is packed up and heading out, promising once again to answer my email with whether or not they want to buy.
I'm not going to bother to keep up with Kyle, but I'm sure he'll be getting some jail time for that fight. The kid that beat him up seemed to be in trouble too.
TLDR: Went skating before a contest, when Kyle yells at me. I tell him I'm looking to sponsor the best skaters in the contest, and he starts being a dick to all the other skaters. I record Kyle being a dick, and tell him he needs to apologize. A fight breaks out, and the police are called. I show them the recordings, and they arrest Kyle.
(source) story by (/u/DJSkate)
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to any teens on here:
if you ever make a friend whose in your year at school or the like, (i.e. they’re the same age as you pretty much), but they try to set you up with older men; meaning men in their late 20s and early 30s, just because they think “oh we need to get you a boyfriend”
because these men will groom you. and the friend is encouraging it: both from you, as well as the men. these men do not give a fuck about you, despite what your friend might fire back at you like:
•“oh but they’re sooooo nice! just talk to them more! they’ll look after you!”
• or if you say: “but dude. it’s fucking illegal. we’re literally kids”
and they fire back with:
• “oh, but we’re legal (if you guys are just 16 like i was when this happened to me) so it’s not illegal! just fuck them! they’ll be nice to you!”
cut that friend right the fuck out of your life. this friend is being complicit in grooming. they are endangering you on purpose.
because there is a fucking reason that these men aren’t getting hit on by women their age, AND THIS IS FUCKING IT. the women in the age brackets of these men know that these men are creeps. they know that these men are manipulative asf. don’t believe their comments like “but you’re so mature for your age” or “i can’t believe you look like that in high school! you don’t look like a teenager!” or “you’re too pretty to be a teenager! 😊” or some creepy as fucking bullshit like i got fed by these types of men, when this happened to me in year 11/2012.
and if this friend tries to take your phone home with them to add these men and talk to them for you, report them if you feel like you can. when this happened to me back in high school, i didn’t report the girl that did this whole schtick with me because i was new to the school. so telling on behaviour like this seemed like something that would get me labelled as a “snooty, uptight and prissy private school girl who can’t deal with public school”, but y’all, I regret not telling someone that this was happening to me at the time.
i say this, only bc i’ve only started telling my friends from that school now, like 7 years later, and they all say the following when i tell them: “why the FUCK didn’t you tell me at the time???? like i always knew “miriam” was weird. BUT HOLY FUCKING SHIT! THAT IS SO FUCKING DANGEROUS!!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME!!!! WHAT. THE. FUCK????!!!!!”
❗️although this post is kind of aimed at straight girls, the same applies for straight boys. and also same-sex and all other lbgtqi+ relationships. anyone can be afffected by manipulative friends who are complicit with grooming.❗️
because straight after all of this happened, the girl doing all this weird shit ended up hitting on me. like she bribed me first with jewellery & secondhand CDs, to keep me quiet about the use of my phone. then she almost took my phone home with HER without asking (it was almost like her asking my permission to take my phone home with her to add these men was more of an afterthought to her really. and y’all she wanted it for a couple of days, also under the guise that it “calms my anxiety! thank you! you’re so nice and helpful! 😊” like what the fuck????). it was almost like confiscation and monitoring, for not having talked to these men on her orders. it was so fucked up.
then after all of that, this girl had the nerve to turn around and say to me: “oh so you’re cute btw. i have a crush on you! do you say yes?” and when i answered “no???? like what???” she hit back at me with: “is this because you came from catholic school???? like they all hate gays there, right? so you’re really one of them.” i was mentally like: “although you have a vaild point miriam, it’s a no on that point of the catholic school thing. but also it’s also no???? because like???? why did you try to use me as a pawn??? i’d prefer if you didn’t do that. also why did you try to set me up men who are literally twice our fucking age, despite my fucking constant goddamn refusals???? like y’all. that’s not right??? BECAUSE THESE MEN ARE CREEPY!!!! THEY CREEP ME OUT!!! and after all these weird ass bribes and abusive behaviours you expect a yes??? HELL NO. like if you didn’t use any of those tactics, i would’ve been open to dating you. sorry. but get fucked, miriam. and don’t you dare use any of those tactics on me EVER AGAIN.
so yeah if ANYONE tries to pull this whole ass fucked up act on you, RUN FOR YOUR FUCKING LIFE, no matter what type of relationship you’re in. (also remember that it’s if you feel safe leaving).
because again, your consent matters. and that’s a big thing i realise now. because consent was never discussed with relationships when i was in school. so, i never had the concept of what consent was outside of like “so, uh, miss, can i go to the bathroom, please?” and had no concept of what it was in a relationship. like imagine if i’d ended up with one of those men??? or even the girl???? FUCKING YIKES. also finally, dealing with this girl and these fucked up men made me realise that i NEVER wanted any of my fave band members to hit on me EVER AGAIN bc these creepy/seedy as fuck men were around the same age as them. so be wary even if a band member hits on you, y’all. fuck their god and fame complex if they hit on you, and reject them. because their fame should not be a reason to excuse the sexual grooming of teenagers.
so my final points are these: DO NOT throw yourself at grown fucking men (or any adults, for that matter) who know what they’re doing is fucking wrong and end up in a dangerous, unhealthy and more than likely abusive relationship just bc some demented friend thought that “older men will look after you”/“you need a boyfriend”. don’t accept their dismissals of the men’s behaviour and their part in your friends part in grooming you. and don’t fall for these men’s weird comments of “you’re so mature for your age” etc either.
also don’t end up in an abusive etc relationship with a girl/woman who reacts to a rejection with ~something like this~: “oh i had a crush on you, so i used all of these fucked up tactics to make you like me... but you don’t???? what the fuck??? how dare you be scared of me and my feelings towards you. it must be your background that makes you hate me. fuck you. like me. you bitch.” (which is what i translate this girl’s reaction to my rejection of her, as). because girls/women can be just as fucked up in trying to get a partner as men are, is my point. but most women/girls won’t go to the level this girl did, unlike men.
as an end note: i’m not sure if people are getting sick of my advice posts about weird people you might meet in life like obvs my stalker or any of the weird guys/people that i’ve had hit on me in my life so far.... but y’all here’s another one.
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yourjughead · 6 years
Sweet Pea x Reader
A/N: Not requested, just some idea I had and i wanted to take a quick break from resurrecting old fics and writing requests. Let me know what you think and I know SP comes across a little stalker-ish at the start. My apologizes as well for the length, its 2250 words, that’s both satisfying and unplanned.
((As always my commentary is in double brackets for those of you who are new, even though I don’t think there’s any of my commentary in this particular fic).
Sweet Pea POV
Sweetwater river. The site or many holidays, summer days, early graves. Sweetwater river for me was where I fell in love. In love with a girl I hadn’t even met.
There is a house across the river, small, quaint, not close enough. In it lives a family consisting of a dad, a mom, a son and a daughter. It was the daughter I was captivated by. Without sounding creepy I would watch her from my lakeside trailer whenever I could. That definitely sounded creepy. She was just enchanting and I had never said a word to her. Most days she’d sit by the water and read, I wish I knew what but she wasn’t quite close enough. I’m sure she’s seen me once or twice staring but not for long enough that she’d recognise me.
She was North and I was South, we were polar opposites but she was still magnetic. I didn’t know her name or her voice or even totally her face but yet I felt I knew her better than I knew myself. I loved a girl I didn’t know and it was torture.
“Hey pea your girlfriend is outside again” Fangs stood looking out my kitchen window that faced onto the river. I didn’t like having him stare at her, I felt she should only be for my eyes.
“Give it a rest Fangs” he put his arms up in defense, walking away and I looked out the window he once did and there she sat. Reading but not alone.
“Is that…is that Jones?!”
“Hmm holy shit it really looks like him!” Fangs rejoined my side and squinted as I did at the two shapes.
“Ring him” fangs did as I said and as I heard Jughead answer on the line the new figure across the lake held a phone to his head.
“Hello?” Jughead echoed but Fangs just hung up, both of our eyes locked on the two of them.
“Oh my god”
“Oh my god”
“So Jones knows your wife more than you do” I shoved him and he laughed. I can’t believe it. A way to truly know her.
“You should ask him if he’ll introduce you” hmm I wasn’t sure, they say not to meet your idols…they say nothing about not making out with your idols though.
“Yeah maybe”
“Maybe? Try definitely!”
“He’d never go for it, Jughead and I aren’t exactly friends and besides he likes to keep North and South separate”
“Doesn’t everyone” Fangs sighed and I did the same, our eyes still watching the two.
“Maybe if you ask nicely” he tried again.
“I don’t know how to do that”
“Simple, Excuse me Mr.Jones I would very much like to court your lady friend with your help and then also possibly bang her brains out” I shoved him again this time harder and into the kitchen cabinets, he still laughed. Idiot.
“She might come to the drag race?”
“Mmm she doesn’t seem like the drag racing kind of girl”
“How could you possibly know that? She’s way over there, she could be a DragRacer ((drag queen halleloo)) for all you know”
“I suppose…fine, Fangs wingman me, set it up” I patted his shoulder and he nodded grabbing his phone to text Jughead. I watched Jughead reply from across the river. I was going to meet this girl.After a while later Fangs returned beaming.
“Okay so she can’t go to the drag race-” my heart sank “-but she’s going to that crazy red headed girls party after wards and Jughead said he can get us and some other Serpents invited” I tried my hardest not to smile but I couldn’t help it.
“Oh dude stop doing that it’s freaking me out”
The race was a total mess, I should have been the one driving and that Archie dude shouldn’t have messed with the race like that. Those Ghoulies are going to come back to haunt him. The brightside was however that the party I had been waiting for had finally arrived. Fangs mocked me the entire time I got ready, fixing and refixing my hair over and over again. I was so nervous, what if she’s awful? What if she thinks I’m awful? What has Jughead already told her about me? Oh God this is a mistake, giant mistake, mistake mistake mistake.
Before i knew it I was deep behind enemy lines in a house that was just too big for 3 people. Then. Then. Then I saw her. Up close. It was the weirdest thing and it felt like I had swallowed my tongue.
“Oh Sweet Pea!” Oh shit. Jughead had seen me. He guided her over towards me, a drink flute in her hand. Oh god, is it too late to run. It’s not too late to run.
“Sweet Pea, this is my friend YN, Yn, Sweet Pea” yn, I had never heard a name so beautiful or see a smile so gorgeous. I knew I was staring but like always I couldn’t tear my eyes from her.
“Hi Sweet Pea, nice to meet you”
“Uhhhh” oh shit, I can’t talk to her, I can’t sound nicer than she does. She looked at Jughead before looking back to me and smiled. Do you think if I took a photo of her right now she’d find that odd? Oh shit I still haven’t spoken, she bit her lip then and didn’t make it any easier, my mouth growing increasingly dry. I need alcohol. Lots of alcohol.
“Uhh beer yes me now thanks” and then I just bolted off. Who am I? I’m usually great at talking to girls, I could flirt for days and yet not with the person I really want to. Oh god she probably thinks I’m an idiot…that isn’t to say that Jughead hasn’t already told her I’m an idiot.
For the rest of the night I had managed to almost completely avoid herself and Jughead. It was going great until i was in dire need of a cigarette to calm myself down. I finally found my way to the back porch in that castle of a house and promptly lit my crutch.
“Nice night isn’t it?” I froze dead on the spot to the sound of her angelic voice. Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Mmm I’m yn, we met earlier, just reminding you incase you forgot” I could never forget her as much as I may try. She joined my side and we both looked out on the vast property. I looked out of the side of my eye to see her once again biting her lip.
“Coul-could you not do that” did I say that? It sounded like me but I don’t remember telling my mouth to that.
“Do what?” She turned fully to me and was smiling again.
“Biting your lip” there I go again, mouth not consulting my brain.
“Oh sorry I didn’t even realize I was going it, habit…does it bother you?” She chuckled softly before beaming again. Wow this girl is smiley and wow this girl is super attractive.
“It doesn’t bother me it’s just…nevermind” I looked back to the landscape.
“Wait…you live close to me don’t you?”
“What?! Me?! No! Coming Fangs!” I tried to make my panicked exit but she caught my forearm laughing lightly.
“No one called you?”
“Uhhh” the feeling of her touch was addicting.
“I don’t normally have this effect on people”
“I’m sorry, you just make me kind of nervous” why the fuck am I admitting that?! I must be drunk!
“I make you nervous?” Why is she laughing? I’m a big joke to her aren’t I? I should just have Archie’s crazy girlfriend shoot me now. I only nodded in reply. I towered over her but felt only 2ft tall.
“Would you rather I left you alone” I could only shake my head again and she beamed.
“Well I’m afraid I’m going to have to, curfew is kind of soon and it’s going to take some time for the bus to get here, bye Sweet Pea” she gently squeezed my arm which spurred me on.
“Wait Yn” I didn’t do her name justice but she still responded to me.
“Well if you don’t mind motorbikes then I can bring you home” I shuffled on the spot, what a stupid thing to ask. I snuffed out my cigarette trying to just do anything to distract her.
“Really? Oh thank you so much! Only if it’s not too much out of your way”
“Nah I live right across the river” I smiled before my face dropped. Damn it I got cocky.
“Wait…I knew you looked familiar-” shit shit shit abort mission abort mission abort mission
“-you’re the guy who is always outside doing yard work whenever I’m reading” at first I thought she might think I’m weird for it but her smile settled me slightly. I nodded again, my heart only just starting to restart.
“I wish we met sooner Sweet Pea, especially since you’re so close”
“Me too…maybe we should go out some time” yes, that’s it Sweets, confident, cool, collected.
“Or I don’t know maybe not, you’re probably busy with other guys or maybe even girls or I don’t know, sorry for wasting your time” idiot.
“You didn’t waste my time don’t be silly-” she took my hand in hers, her laugh filling the bitter night air. I feel like I could almost do anything and she’d find the positive side.
“-id love to go on a date with you….or sorry I meant-”
“-yeah, a date” they could probably see my goofy grin from space. She took out her phone before seeming to fire off a quick text.
“That’d be really nice sweet pea”
“Well I should probably get you home”
“Its okay I texted my mom and said I’m going to stay with Betty, she doesn’t mind…id rather stay here and talk to you anyway” she smiled at me again
“Oh that’s great” i forced down the blush as best i could but she definitely saw.
“You’re a Serpent right”  I could only nod. Oh god she thinks I’m a hardened criminal, she’ll never want to be around me again and then I have no idea what happened.
Before I could fully comprehend what was happening I had yn in my arms as we kissed furiously then next thing I knew I was speeding her back to my trailer and had her against the wall. It was like I was high on yn, not totally understanding what was happening.
“This-is-not-what-i-thought-was-going-to-happen” I tried as best I could to get my words out between kisses, not really wanting to be separated from her for too long.  She ran her hands through my hair before pulling my head back from hers
“But is this what you want to happen?” She breathed, sending shivers down my spine.
“You have no idea” I pressed her against the wall again before snaking my hands across her ass and lifting her from the ground, her legs wrapping like snakes around my torso. I carried her to my bedroom, taking a moment to share open mouth kisses against my door frame to my room. Perks of living alone. I threw her onto the bed a lot harder than I meant to but she didn’t seem phased, she just began ripping off her clothes while I did the same. I can’t believe this is happening. I was only halfway unbuttoning this stupid shirt before she was pulling down on top of her. Remind me to buy Jughead a beer next time I see him. She bit my bottom lip before attaching herself to my neck, my own hands tracing down her body. Remind me to buy Jughead a house next time I see him. It then felt as if I blacked out, like i had wanted this for so long that i just hit euphoria, out of body experience.
I woke up with yn tucked into my chest, the light cascading her perfectly. I traced little circles on her lower back and she hummed.
“Morning” “Morning” she stretched against me before cuddling back in.
“OH MY GOD” she the shot up from my arms and began frantically putting on clothes.
“What’s wrong?!” “I should get home!” she only managed to get on her underwear before I interrupted.
“What’s the rush, you live right over there, you could swim” i reached out and caught her by the waist pulling her back into me as she filled the trailer with the beautiful sound of her laugh. She rolled against me and i still can’t believe she’s here with me.
“We could stay here all day” my legs mixed in with hers.
“We could…but we shouldn't” “But we will?”
“But we will” she laughed reaching up to kiss me.
“Is that your Serpent jacket?” she sat up from me again but my arms were still wrapped around her waist as i nodded. She stretched down to the end of the bed grabbing the worn leather and draping it over her almost bare body, it was miles too big and still somehow suited her.
“Well? Am I gang material?” she struck a pose before laughing as i pulled her into me, kissing her neck and collarbone all over. It was the start of something i couldn’t even imagine in that minute, she never read a book by the river alone again.
Chrissy Xx
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lafortis · 7 years
Do the first 12 ask things
tell me about your crush!!!!!!!ahh well my crush is a beautiful elegant person whomst I do not deserve but whom accepts this about me and is understanding and wonderful anyway (and draws rly rly fucking well and [I’m lead to believe] is a mean lean vegan chef chopping greens)tell me about your exidk which one to talk abt so I’ll go with list recent. she was pretty cool, she followed me on Twitter and I recognised her from HS then a week or two later she had a mutual friend invite me to a basement party where me n tittles (aka The Good Jordan) got demolished and I think I smoked my first tiny bit of weed, then I made out with her on her basement floor or mattress or smthn (her pajamas were very soft). I sort of talked tittles n nevin into talking me into hitting her up afterwards, got together (while they were still around lmao) and watched a like bo Burnham special and made out or something. She was coming off a breakup, we hung out/talked on n off for a while with her being super inconsistent, dated for a few months (I drove her around a lot), and then it got #messy I guess yikestell me about your dayI woke up, finished my book and had a coffee (which I’m becoming increasingly convinced I should stop), grabbed rob, picked up Reid from work, got food, went home, grabbed Nevin, went to Anthony’s for melee n too watch evo. Jordan (aka The Bad Jordan) and Richard showed up too, it’s aiiiight, we break apart when Anthony has to pick up his gf, we drop Reid off, the crew we came with plus alek whom we get from McDonald’s go to my house to watch the rest n play melee, n then we’re done :D Rob and I go to try to catch a togetic but mine flees :’( now I’m heretell me about your dreamsLiterally my dreams or my aspirations? I think yesterday i dreamed I made day two of evo or some other big tournament and then missed my bracket and got disqualified (believable tbh), and probably also some random sex dream and maybe some other stuff. I’m off my vyvanse rn so i think my dreams r more vivid. As for aspirations… Probably like power honestly. Not like sinisterly, just the concept of decision making power. Like I think I’m smart and could do well and save lives if given the reins of whatever. tell me about your dramaLord… Aight. uhhh the messiest I’ve ever been was the end of the relationship with my last ex and I don’t want to just literally say everything on Tumblr but idk. basically she cheated on me at a house party I wasn’t at and I didn’t find out until after we were on a break/maybe half broken up for something completely random and petty, and after she interrogated me about cheating on her, from one of our close mutual friends. i was miffed, don’t even remember most of it, mostly just got near-black out drunk at a Canada day party, vomited on alek I think, loudly forgave the dude she cheated on me w. also there was some suggestion she cheated on me more than that but also some suggestion she may have lied about that to seem cool???? Idk it was all messy and I didn’t comport myself particularly well either (although I forgive myself I guess given the circumstances)tell me about yourself :-)I’m a 21 year old white guy, a little above average weight, average ish height, pretty stocky and broad shouldered, my head is huge. I’ve dropped out of uni twice. I’m supposedly smart but have trouble putting that to good use. I’m very good at some of the most technical elements of super smash bros melee and am working on the rest. I enjoy history and fantasy and my major if I ever finish it is in international relations. geopolitics is the core of what I find interesting above. Politically I’m probably a democratic socialist. I listen to a lot of mainstream hip hop and not much else tbh (I have a nujabes Spotify mix to relax n study to). I’m on an Effexor XR (for anxiety and depression), an SNRI, and Vyvanse (for ADHD), a stimulant. I have two lovely dogs. I think I’m really self aware but I’m not sure. I have too much arrogance and also too little self esteem. I’m often quite loud, and my brand of humour is like mostly either the like false arrogance/bravado, running jokes into the ground, or wordplay I guess? Or just sarcasm. Idk I make ppl laugh most of the time but I’m not sure I’m actually funny. I think this is enough without getting too much righttell me about something awkward/embarrassingUhhh idk what would be awkward and embarrassing. I had a huge crush on one of my long time friends in early high school. We admitted to each other we were like each others first choice to marry when we were adults. But we started hanging out for a day or two like we were dating and I like literally suffocated her into just immediately pulling the plug because she realised how wack I wastell me about a funny story or somethingUhhhhhhhhhhhh this might be where it really breaks down. I’m not sure I have a funny story. Which is odd, given I just said I thought I was funny. But I couldn’t rly pluck one out of thin air that wasn’t mostly just bullying someone the story was about lmaotell me your favourite band/artist/album/songKendrick Lamar is probably my fav artist rn, Yeah Right by Vince Staples is my fav song probably. The Kendrick feature is insane. (I don’t love Kendrick as much as this response make it sound I just have that album on CD along with damn so it’s been in my head of late)tell me about your favourite memeSearch Toyota previa on my blog to find the post. That is my favourite post. I love that post fuck I have no idea why but fuck. tell me about your favourite ficI don’t rly read fic but I guess my fav was the one I read almost all the way thru, Harry Potter and the methods of Rationality. It was kinda dumb rationalist wank but I’m a rationalist wanker so sue metell me a secret ;)Ohoho there’s a winky face so it better be sexual I guess… Idk what kind of secret there is here. I don’t rly keep those tbh, except for other ppl. Uhh I’ll just choose something rly private? What is there even then hmmmMMMM wait of course I have a good one duh. I was part of an internet secret society :o still am I guess. If u wanted a sexual secret uhhh the secret is in my junk? Women love that shit. Mostly. I was gonna say I’ve made all but one of my partner’s cum but that’s not rly true anymore given I’ve had a few one off hookups under various extenuating circumstances and never got to correct my failures :’( such is life Thank u so much for this and I’m so sorry for all this FUCKING text I’m gonna edit in a read more but I’m sorry mobile users if it doesn’t work I’m so so sorry
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The Summer of Georgia
Chapter 44. Old Friends and New Enemies p>
“Hurry up! I’m sure ya’ look good. He just said, to try and look a little older. I’m gettin’ older just waitin’ on ya’.” Daryl hollered down the hall.
“Hold on, I’m almost done. I hope you like it.” Isabella hollered back.
“Like what?” He asked.
“The way I look.” She answered.
Daryl was looking through the fridge when Isabella appeared in the foyer. Daryl looked up and smiled, went back to fridge and then looked up again very fast. There she was. Low riding, tight leather pants, that made her ass look like a work of art, motorcycle boots and that ‘Georgia Peach’ t-shirt, that showed you a glimpse of her belly. Her hair looked like it came out of hairstyle magazine, she’d put a bump it on top in the back to give it a little height, then she teased it out a tiny bit, the front was parted on the side and tucked behind her ears. Her make-up was flawless, smoky eyes, with a brownish, nude lipstick and last, but not least she had a black choker around her neck.
“No fuckin’ way! You ain’t wearin’ that to the bar, there’s no fuckin’ way. God damn, you look so fuckin’ hot! Go change!” Daryl ranted, pointing down the hall.
“What!? I just spent all that time getting ready. You don’t like it? Do I look slutty?” Isabella asked.
“No, ya’ don’t look slutty. Ya’ just look… um… ya’ look fuckin’ hot, that’s all. Ya’ look fuckin’ hot! And if I think ya’ look hot, there’s gonna’ be 50 assholes down at the bar that think ya’ look hot too. Ya’ want me gettin’ in a fight tonight? Cuz, that’s what’ll happen if ya’ go down there lookin’ like that.” He explained.
Isabella laughed. “But, baby… you love to fight.” She said in baby talk.
Daryl smiled. “You’re evil. Ok, don’t blame me if I kick someone’s ass and get thrown outta’ the joint. C’mon, let’s go.” He said. He looked her up and down and shook his head. “God damn, you are fine!” And they walked out the door.
The parking lot was packed and it was still early. Isabella was beside herself with excitement, she almost opened the truck door before Daryl came to a complete stop.
“When will Rick be here?” She asked.
“He’s comin’ after his shift and he gets off at 8:00, that is if nothin’ happens. Ya’ know, like a wreck or a murder or somethin’.” Daryl answered.
“A MURDER?” Isabella said loudly.
Daryl started laughing. “I just wanted ta’ see what you’d say.”
“I was like, what?” She laughed. “When will Charlie be here?” She asked.
“I think he’s here already.” He said, looking around the parking lot. “Yep, there’s his truck… and Chris’s Bronco. His is nicer than Rick’s. Now, c’mere. You need ta’ stay with me the whole time. You hear me?” Daryl said, sternly.
“Ok, ok. Let’s go in now.” Isabella chirped, as she grabbed Daryl’s hand and drug him toward the entrance.
Isabella walked in first, with Daryl right on her heels.
He immediately started eyeballing people to see if they were eyeballing her and they were. ‘This is gonna’ be a long night’. Daryl thought to himself. Once they were inside the bar area, Daryl pointed straight ahead, she looked and there was Charlie and Chris. They hadn’t seen them yet, so Daryl and Isabella made their way through the crowd towards their table. Daryl was right. It was right beside the dance floor. It was a great table, it was actually more like a booth, with some extra bar stools around the front of table. Darby saw Daryl and hollered at him. Daryl gave him a heads up. Then the big old bar tender pointed to Isabella and mouthed ‘is that her?’ Daryl nodded and got a thumbs up from Darby.
The bar was so cool. Isabella was taking it all in. There were crowds of people, all different kinds of people. There were bikers and cowboys, regular everyday people, men, woman and one dog. The dog belonged to Darby, it was an old coon hound, named Marcell. There was a long bar along the front wall, with bar stools all the way down. She saw the fighting bell that Daryl had told her about and she saw Darby’s baseball bat hanging on some brackets above the bar. There were three pool tables in the back by the restrooms, several dart boards, a jukebox in the corner and then lots of tables and chairs scattered throughout the place. It was rustic, a lot of wood and old beer signs and gas station signs. There were also a few framed autographed pictures of various bands and singers.
Daryl pushed her towards the table, they were almost there when Charlie looked up and saw them. His jaw about dropped to the floor, when he saw Isabella. He nudged Chris, Chris turned around to look, his eyes got big, then stood up and said, ‘Damn baby girl, you look fine.’ Charlie didn’t know what to say, he just stood there smiling like an idiot. Daryl told him to roll his tongue back in and shut his mouth, before flies found a new hangout. He finally got his wits about him and told her she looked smokin’ hot. She smiled and Daryl frowned. Isabella sat down and started talking to Chris, while Daryl and Charlie made their way to the bar to get drinks.
“Damn, son! You told me she was pretty, but… damn, son! Darby laughed.
“She’s beautiful, huh?” Charlie said.
“Yes, she is! Why the hell is she going out with a fucker like you, Dixon? What’s wrong with her?”
Daryl laughed. “I don’t know what she sees in me, I’m just biding my time until she comes to her senses.”
“So am I!” Charlie laughed. Daryl flipped him off and Charlie flipped him off back.
They got their beers and a ginger ale for Isabella and headed back to the table. On the way back, someone yelled ‘Hey, Puto.’ Daryl turned and looked and back by one of the pool tables was Martinez. Daryl gave him a heads up and then flipped him off. Martinez just laughed. Once they were back, Daryl lit up a cigarette. There was supposed to be a no smoking ordinance, but everyone at the bar smoked and those who didn’t, didn’t care. Rick told Darby, he didn’t care as long as no one complained. Daryl downed his beer quick and went back for another one. Guys were walking by and eye fucking Isabella, one right after the other. She just sat there and drank her ginger ale and tried not to make eye contact. Daryl had been sitting on a barstool, so when he got back, Isabella got up and stood between his legs. He wrapped his arm around her waist, then started rubbing her bare tummy with his fingers. The cocktail waitress came by and Daryl ordered another beer and another ginger ale, Charlie ordered a Jack and coke (Daryl’s favorite drink) and Chris ordered a bourbon.
“When is Rick going to get here?” Isabella asked.
Daryl looked at his phone and it 8:10. “Should be anytime. Are ya’ having a good time?”
“Yes, I want to dance. Everybody’s dancing. Can we dance? Pleeeeaaaase?” She asked with a pouty face.
Daryl smiled and kissed her on the lips. “Just let me drink a couple more beers, ok? I gotta’ loosen up.”
“Do you wish you were drinking whiskey right now?” She asked.
Daryl was quiet for a minute, then he said. “Yeah, I guess. Kinda’. Sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. I understand that you like the drink, you just don’t like what it does to you.” She said.
“Yeah, I guess that’s it. I mean it’s hard not ta’ wanna’ drink, because it’s what I always did to loosen up and back then, I liked gettin’ fucked up, ya’ know.”
“Do you still want to get f’d up?” She asked.
“Yeah, I guess. I like drinkin’. But you ain’t gotta’ worry about beer. I can drink anyone here under the table and still walk a straight line. It just loosens me up.”
The cocktail waitress came back with their drinks. Daryl paid for everybody. Charlie said, he’d get the next round.
“Where’s Amber, Charlie?” Isabella asked him.
“She went to a concert in Atlanta tonight with her sister. We’ll all get together another time though, ok?” Charlie said smiling at her like a love-sick fool.
“Ok, that sounds fun. Hey there’s Rick.” Isabella said, excitedly. She stood up and waved at him. He waved back and tried to make his way through the people. He finally got through, when he got to the table he gave Isabella  a big squeeze and then stepped back to look at her.
“Damn! You look good.” Rick exclaimed.
“Don’t she?” Daryl chimed in.
“Thank you. These are Lori’s pants and boots, I hope you don’t mind me wearing them here.” Isabella said to Rick.
“Are you kiddin’? You look better in them than she ever did. I told you, sweetheart, that you could have anything up there that you wanted and I meant it. I like your make-up and hair. You most definitely are turning a lot of heads.” Rick told her.
“Yeah, I know she is. I’m about to start bustin’ heads. That asshole over there hasn’t taken his eyes off her, since we got here.” Daryl said motioning to a biker playing pool.
“Calm down, Daryl. Let me get a few beers in me before I have to start pulling you off people.” Rick laughed.
“Can we dance now?” Isabella asked Daryl.
“Let me have one more beer, ok.” He told her.
She looked disappointed. Then Charlie tapped her on the shoulder and when she turned around, he asked her to dance.
“I… I’m not sure if Dar… I don’t think it’s a good idea. I’m sorry.” She said, trying not to hurt his feelings.
He just nodded at her, then tapped Daryl on the head and asked him if she could dance with him. Daryl couldn’t believe the balls he had, but he was in a good mood.
“If she wants to, I don’t care, but if she don’t ya’ can go fuck yerself.” Daryl said.
“Is it ok, really? I won’t if you don’t want me to. Really?” She whined.
“Yeah, really! I don’t care, after another beer yer mine.” He told her, then he pulled her in for a kiss. She kissed him twice and then told him ‘thank you’, then she was on the dance floor with Charlie.
“After all your belly aching and immature games with Charlie over her, you’re ok with them dancing? I thought, for sure you’d say ‘no’. You’re a trip, Daryl.” Rick laughed.
Daryl just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. He felt good that night, in fact he’d been happy the whole day. Sex with Isabella in the backseat shot through his mind. He smiled and finished off his 4th beer. Daryl watched Charlie twirl her around the dance floor. The dance floor was small, only about 20’ x 20’ and it was in the front right hand corner of the bar, left, if you were facing the bar from the outside. There were only a few people dancing, the music was horrible. Country and Daryl hated country. The song was an old one from the 90’s and Daryl hated it. It was fast, ‘Trashy Women’ by Confederate Railroad. It reminded him of the women his dad used to bring home. “Yeah, I like my women just a little on the trashy side. When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is dyed. Too much lipstick and too much rouge…” He especially hated the part that said. ‘… that’s a cocktail waitress in a Dolly Parton wig, I like my women a little on the trashy side.’ The lyrics were exactly like the types of women his dad messed with and those were memories he’d rather forget.
“What are you thinking about?” Rick asked.
“Ahh, nothin’. They got other music on that juke box beside country?” He asked his friend.
“Yeah, of course they do. You act like you’ve never been here before. If you don’t like what they’re playing, go put on something else. I’m going to get me another beer, you want one?” Rick asked.
Daryl said ‘yes’, so he and Chris headed over to the bar. Finally, the song ended and Isabella came back. She got between his legs and hugged and kissed him.
“I have to go to the bathroom. Is it back there?” She said, pointing to the back of the bar.
“Yeah, but ya’ ain’t goin’ alone. Don’t even think about it.” Daryl warned.
“I can go to the bathroom by myself, Daryl. I’m from New York City, I know how to protect myself.” She assured him. But Daryl knew she really couldn’t. He needed to change that.
He told her to go on, but watched her every step of the way and watched every guy in the place check her out. Daryl hated that. Once she was in the bathroom, he relaxed a little bit. Rick had come back with the drinks.
“You know you can’t control every situation she gets in? Don’t you? You gotta’ let go a little bit.” Rick said to Daryl.
“As long as she’s here and she’s with me, yes I can.” Daryl refuted. Rick just laughed. “Where’s Chris? Did he leave?”
“No, he went to call his wife to see why she not here yet. He went outside to do it.” Rick answered.
Charlie was over by the pool tables talking to some girl. Daryl had never seen her before, but of course Charlie swoops in for the kill. Daryl got some quarters from the cocktail waitress for the juke box and ordered another beer. He had just finished downing the one Rick brought him, when some Steve Austin looking biker dude came up and tapped him on the shoulder. Daryl turned around and looked at him.
The guy leaned in and said, ‘You need to keep an eye on your girl, some assholes are givin’ her hard time back by the bathroom. Thought you should know.” And then he walked away.
Daryl whipped his head around to see if he could see her, he started back right away, pushing past people and pissing them off. He didn’t care, he couldn’t believe he’d taken his eyes off her, just for a second. Stupid, stupid, stupid! He told himself. When he got past the pool tables, he saw her. She was standing there talking to Martinez, just smiling and giggling. ‘What the fuck?’ He thought. His blood was boiling by the time he reached them.
“What the fuck is goin’ on?” He hollered, looking back and forth to each of them.
“He rescued me. Then he told me you were his friend.” Isabella said, as if she didn’t have a care in the world.
Martinez laughed. “I’d use the word ‘friend’ loosely.” He said to her. Then he looked at a furious Daryl. “Relax, Dixon. I just got rid of a couple of assholes that were gettin’ a little too friendly. Aint’ no thang.”
“What assholes?” Daryl barked.
Martinez pointed to some biker guys over by the darts. Daryl started to charge over there, then Martinez grabbed him by the arm.
“Ain’t no thang, man. She’s fine. You don’t need ta’ be startin’ any trouble. I took care of it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need ta’ get back to my game.” Martinez said tapping the floor with the end of his pool cue. “It was nice ta’ meet ya’, Isabella.” Then he turned to Daryl. “You’re welcome, pussy. You owe me.” And then he walked off.
“Are you ok?” Daryl asked, taking her into his arms.
She pulled away a little and smiled. “I’m fine. They were just flirting with me. Aggressively, but your friend saw and came up and told the guys to get lost. He told him, I was Daryl Dixon’s girl. When he said that, the guys walked off. People are afraid of you. That’s both scary and hot at the same time.”
Daryl gave her a closed mouth smile, if you could call it a smile at all. He grabbed her hand and they headed back to the table. Rick had been standing there watching the whole thing. He gave Daryl a pat on the shoulder and then sat down. Rick gave him the beer he’d ordered and told them Chris said, ‘good-bye’ Rick explained that he had to leave because, Ricky, his son was sick. Daryl drank his beer, then pulled the quarters out of his pocket and headed to the juke box. Isabella sat down and started talking to Rick.
Rick took hold of Isabella’s hand and held on to it. “I’ve never seen Daryl this happy before, ever! I don’t think I’ve ever seen him actually happy. You’ve been good for him. I know he messes up sometimes, but he’s never had any kind of relationship with anyone. I guess me, but other than that, nobody. Be patient with him, he’s really crazy for you.” Rick said, squeezing her hand.
Isabella smiled. “I’m crazy for him too. He’s amazing. I mean really amazing.” Her eyes were sparkly and her pupils were dilated from love. “I am very patient! I know he means well. I told him that he could share anything with me and he’d be safe. I wouldn’t judge or get angry. Just as long as he’s honest. I hate lying. He’s never really lied, lied, but he keeps things from me, because he thinks I won’t approve or I’ll get angry. Then I find out anyway and that’s what bothers me. Being kept in the dark and told that I don’t have to worry about it, then I end up finding out. It makes me think he’s hiding things. I need to be able to trust him. I think he’s really grasped that concept. I don’t see any more problems coming our way.”
Rick squeezed her hand again and said. “That camping trip really changed things for you guys.”
We really, really connected on that trip. It was amazing, Rick. I… “Just then ‘Crazy Love’ came on the juke box.
Isabella looked around for Daryl. He was walking away from the juke box, headed straight for her. Their eyes met and they both smiled. He grabbed her hand and took her out on the floor. Their bodies became one as they held onto each other tightly and slowly moved back and forth. She laid her head on his chest and he kissed the top of her head. Rick was watching them with a smile on his face. Charlie walked up with his phone out, recording their dance. Rick asked him ‘what the hell he was doing’, he told him no body was going to believe Daryl Dixon danced, so he needed proof. Rick just laughed. When the song was over, ‘Turn Me On’, by Nora Jones came on. Isabella started to leave the dance floor, but Daryl pulled her back in for another dance, this time he played with her hair and nuzzled into it. She always smelled so good. The song ended and they both headed back to the table. Isabella asked Daryl if he’d chosen those songs. He told her ‘yes’ and she told him ‘thank you.’
When they got back, Rick told Daryl that some guy wanted to talk to him about hunting and then he pointed to a guy watching people play pool. Daryl recognized him, he had met him at the shooting range, earlier that year. He told Isabella he’d be back in a few minutes and walked off. Some guys came up and started talking to Rick and Charlie. Isabella needed another ginger ale and the bar wasn’t too far away, so she decided to go and get it herself. She didn’t tell Rick she was leaving.
When she got to the bar, she ordered her drink and Darby came up and introduced himself. The bartender had to go to the store room to get another case of ginger ale, so Darby said, he’d get it. He excused himself and walked off. Isabella got up on a bar stool and waited. A couple came up and there was only one chair, so Isabella gave hers to them. She was busy playing with the peanuts on the bar, when someone came up behind her and pressed against her, he practically had his face in her neck. She thought it was Daryl, so she pushed back on the guy. Then she turned around and it wasn’t Daryl. This guy was all over her in an instant, he was smashed, he kept offering to buy her a drink and she kept telling him ‘no thank you.’ He wouldn’t let her pass, he just kept playing with her hair and trying to grind on her. She tried to get past, but she was stuck up against the bar.
Daryl returned to the table to find Isabella gone. He interrupted Rick and asked where she was. Rick said, he didn’t know she left. Daryl started scanning the crowd. Then the big Steve Austin looking guy came up and told Daryl that his girl was in trouble up at the bar. Daryl, Rick, and Charlie headed quickly that way. Daryl could see the guy from behind, he had Isabella pinned up against the bar. Isabella was getting upset. Nobody was even paying attention, so no one put a stop to it. Daryl came up behind the guy, tapped him on the shoulder, when the guy turned around Daryl gave him a fist to the face. The guy fell backward and then caught himself on the bar. Darby had returned and seen the whole thing. He was getting ready to ring the bell, then he hesitated.
The guy got his footing and said. “If it ain’t the town’s embarrassment. You’re still uglier than fuck, Daryl.” Then he laughed and slurred out. “Rick, my old friend Rick. Hey, you’re not still mad at me, are ya’?”
Rick didn’t know what to say, he was in shock.
Daryl’s eyes went dark with rage and he growled out. “What the fuck are ya’ doin’ here? You gotta’ lotta’ balls showin’ yer face in here, Shane.”
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pretty-rage-machine · 7 years
The Young Wolves in Springtime: director’s commentary
Good friend @transversely​ requested I do a commentary on my Blade of the Immortal fic “The Young Wolves in Springtime” a long time ago.  I’m FINALLY around to it!  You can read the original fic here.
Before all the fights. Before years so steeped in blood. Before all that killing, so many people. They were just skinny kids. Magatsu had the muscle, Kagehisa the grace. Magatsu's first night. He felt homesick. Anotsu had watched him with fish-flat eyes all night and barely said a word. Grandpa Anotsu slept the next room over. The thin door was pulled closed, with a little gap left open. Kagehisa still watched with the same deadpan stare, sitting up with his sleeping robe fallen open to show his shoulders. There was little light except for the silver fall of moonshine. Kagehisa's eyes bored flatly into Magatsu. “Well, let's see,” his voice hardly a breath coming in the still air.   “What?” “They think you're good. Let's see.” What a weirdo. Magatsu sat up. He didn't feel like getting pushed around for however long by this kid whose ass he could probably kick with one hand tied behind his back.
Who the fuck makes friends like this? Only Kagehisa, that’s who. Let’s all be honest: he’s kind of a hyper-focused weirdo (I say this with love) even as an adult; as an awkward tween, he would have been far worse. I also imagine that Grandpa Anotsu is so horrendous to live with himself, and so unconcerned about Kagehisa having friends his own age, that Kagehisa’s social skills are bottom-tier no matter how good at fighting he is.
Magatsu, on the other hand, had a relatively normal upbringing. He seems to have cared a lot for his sister, so I presume his family loved both of them. He probably has friends. Now the only person around in his age bracket is Kagehisa, who is a complete freak, but the only peer Magatsu has.
Magatsu pulled his robe open, his right arm out of its sleeve, held it in front of him. He clenched his hand into a fist, curled up his hand to tense. It wasn't bad, he thought – he'd won fights. His growing muscle stood up like a burl from a tree. His skin prickled in the cold of night air. Kagehisa looked right back into his eyes. Did the same with his robe, his sleeve, his hand cocked up the same. The same muscle stood up. He was leaner than Magatsu, built different. The muscle the same, not the same, distributed different. Magatsu had been chopping wood for a good part of his life. He had some of the bulk for it, not all of it yet. But this kid was supposed to be good. Magatsu glared at him. Kagehisa smiled a weird smile. It looked like it kind of had a hard time on his face. Magatsu would bet for sure that he'd never got beat on by the big-kid coalition in town, when his dad took him in to help keep an eye on what they were selling.  “Not bad.” Kagehisa put his arm back and Magatsu did too, glad of it. It felt like he'd had a long life. He wanted to snuggle under the covers and crash into sleep. But Kagehisa watched with a curious face like a cat's. That was why it was so unnerving. “Welcome to the Itto-ryu. You'll get to try.”
Kagehisa is sincerely trying to be friendly here, which I think makes it all the worse/much more awkward/much funnier.
I’m a huge sucker for characters who don’t really understand how to be nice trying very hard to be nice, and kind of missing the mark.
“What the hell,” Magatsu said. This kid was his sempai now. What the hell. “I'm supposed to lead it.” Kagehisa didn't sound too sure at all. “Congratulations. You'll be part of an effort to revolutionize the country.” “What the hell.” No one Magatsu had met talked like that, ever. “We're going to reawaken the true spirit of swordsmanship in Nippon. It's fallen into decadent worship of techniques that are practically speaking useless.” The kid watched him. The words were fervent, the tone went over them sort of by rote. Still, Kagehisa head was tilted, keen and curious. “If they didn't tell you that, why are you here?”
Imagine, if you will, that this is said in a perfect robot voice. You’ll-be-part-of-an-effort-to-revolutionize-the-country-bleep-bloop-I-am-a-human.
“I just really hate samurai.” It came out in a quiet rush. Magatsu didn't know what he expected, but Kagehisa's face went still with thought. “Oh,” the kid said after a moment, without judgment in his tone. “I hate them too.”
They are off to an awkward start, but here’s the first moment of actual connection and having something in common. Kagehisa’s miserable life is sort of a byproduct of the system that makes and breaks samurai, so he doesn’t have quite the direct experience with samurai Magatsu has - Magatsu has lost someone he loved to samurai - but it doesn’t matter so much when the end results are the same.
Scene change!
There wasn't much money around the place, which Magatsu was used to. There were a lot of creepy guys that stayed around and about, which he wasn't. “Allies,” Grandpa Anotsu said, when asked. “Aren't you supposed to be chopping wood, you little brat?” There was no mellowness to his tone nor gentleness to his hands to soften the words.
I think it was probably healthy for Kagehisa to have Magatsu around. I feel like Anotsu probably never knew what it was like to have a warm and loving family who thought of him as if he were a child in need of protection. He was expected to perform like an adult from a very early age. Magatsu can’t change their living situation, but he is like a breath of normalcy who at least gives Kagehisa some hints that all is not well with his home life.
Kagehisa joined Magatsu as acting woodcutter. It was apparently not a chore he'd had before. He was intense, the kind of kid who's chop til his hands bled and then chop a little more. Lucky he already had plenty of calluses. Magatsu got the clear idea without ever being told that Kagehisa didn't spend a lot of time with kids. But they talked, between beating up on each other and the old codger beating up on Kagehisa.
I recall Manji (or maybe Shira?) telling Rin that one way to build practical muscle (which you obviously need for sword work) was by chopping wood, and in general doing hard labor like that. Grandpa Anotsu is apparently a follower of the same philosophy. I imagine Kagehisa and Magatsu do plenty of other drills and exercises, but a lot of their spare time is spent doing backbreaking chores for the cause and FOR THE MUSCLE.
One day they'd just got done splitting wood. It was early fall, and they'd chopped a lot of kindling. Enough Magatsu felt like they were sitting pretty for an entire winter, just like he'd felt when they chopped every other day. “We're selling it, of course,” Kagehisa said when he asked. The ax dropped to the ground. The handle was stained dark from the oils of their hands and Kagehisa's old blood. He'd had calluses but the handle of an ax was different than the handle of a sword. The pressures different. “I figured. Man, it's shit that we get landed with the whole damn job.” “Don't let grandfather hear you saying that.” Kagehisa turned his way with the same smile as usual, glib and dry as a lizard. “Let's let him know we're done.” “Let's not,” Magatsu suggested, on impulse. Then went on with haste when Kagehisa stared at him. “He's had us at this shit all day. He's just gonna give us another job. Let's do something else?” “What stunning diversion would you suggest?” Kagehisa said, by which Magatsu knew he had him. “Let's walk. Hey, let's explore. We can take our swords. We'll tell him we decided to practice together.” “That's hardly a diversion at all. I expected better from you.” “Yeah, well,” Magatsu said, deadpan back, “I'll work with what I've got.”
Another incidence of Magatsu being the breath of normalcy in the situation. By himself, Kagehisa wouldn’t rebel against his grandfather even in this small way. I’m sure he kind of hated Grandpa Anotsu, but he wouldn’t have risked getting beaten up or otherwise abused just to skive off work for a couple hours.
Magatsu puts them both at risk, but he also opens Kagehisa’s eyes to a different way of doing things, also occasionally doing things “just for fun” and not to serve some ultimate purpose.
Again, it’s Magatsu’s ‘normal’ background showing up again. He did plenty of work with his peasant family but also had time to relax, play, and enjoy himself. Kagehisa might not take the lead with such things and its influence might be hard to see, but it’s good for him to have someone so different from his grandfather and his minions.
They got their swords. It wasn't that hard. It wasn't hard to sneak off either, gramps off somewhere, probably ruminating bitterly about all he'd lost and how he could make their lives harder to make up for it or something. Besides his being a good swordsman Magatsu was not impressed with him as a sensei.
Ok I know Kagehisa is a revolutionary who wants to burn the system to the ground BUT I think especially as a kid he would buy into authority and be inclined to follow the rules, and if he broke rules he’d probably try to rules lawyer his way out of trouble. Magatsu, on the other hand, has a healthy distrust of anyone who aspires to be in charge of him. If I were writing a high school au he totally would have been a baby anarchist.
“I've explored everything already,” Kagehisa told him, once they were out of earshot of their little house. “There's not a whole lot around here, anyway. We might as well fight and then go back.” “Dude, I've never been. Don't make me sorry I invited you.” “Sorry to put a damper on your little outing.” Kagehisa shrugged, his sword resting on his shoulder bobbing with the motion. They were climbing up a gentle hill now, precursor to a larger mountain. Magatsu didn't feel like a hike, so he led them left and Kagehisa at least didn't complain about that part, just went on: “There's nothing exciting or dangerous to do. Tell me, do you even like being a swordsman?” “I like it but this training is shitty. No bandits or dogs or anything?” “Well, there were dogs.” Kagehisa's face still like the surface of a morning pond. “But not anymore.”
I really love fics that are not just… about a duo. I like fics where characters have more than their ship partner or just one friend, even if it’s just implied. Makie does not appear in this story, but she’s very much on Kagehisa’s mind, just as she will be 10 years later.
Also again, Magatsu, the earnest anarchist, who just wants to explore and maybe chill a little and possibly have a normal friend moment or two with his weird lizard of a peer. Magatsu tries so hard.
Kagehisa and Magatsu aren’t naturally friends in this fic. If they weren’t sorta forced together by circumstance, they probably wouldn’t have become close. As it is, they don’t really have a choice.
It could have been a pretty walk. What leaves were left colored in red and yellow, branches scratched like ink strokes against the blue sky. The chill in the air even enlivened his skin like the scrape of a blade but Magatsu felt more aware of a hard winter to come and shivered with premonition. Besides that he kept an eye on Kagehisa. A furtive one. The kid walked with this weird look of still remove. He was always coming across glazed over, or several hundred ri away; a little slow sometimes, maybe. Except with a sword, where he was guaranteed on the ball. “I guess you know around here, huh?” Magatsu said it out a weird impulse to break the silence. “When did the dogs get lost?” “You talk so much,” Kagehisa said. Then, at a glimpse of Magatsu's offended place. “Not like that. Calm yourself.” “I do not,” Magatsu said, and sealed his lips up in preparation to maintain a manly silence for the rest of their jaunt. Kagehisa sighed. “Be an adult. If you have a question, why don't you ask it?” “I am an adult, and you are a real asshole.”
I’m still proud of this little exchange at the end, and Magatsu’s determination to keep his ‘manly silence.’ I imagine before his sister died, he was a sweet, chatty, affectionate kid; I can’t see him as a comedian type (he’d love to do silly things but get flustered when people actually laughed. I have had students like this and I know the type) but he probably would have been quite open and pure in a way.
Unfortunately, circumstances nipped a lot of that inherent sweetness in the bud. It’s similar to what happened to Rin, who had to become a harder, more calculating person over the course of the series, just so she’d survive. Still, Magatsu has empathy for others, some sweetness, and an inherent interest in people, and it peeks out now and again, even when the audience is Kagehisa.
“Speaking as an adult,” Kagehisa said with a smirk, “A kindly demeanor doesn't get you far in the real world.” “Shut up.” “Why are you angry?” Kagehisa's tone tended steadily more clipped. “When you're fighting seriously a temper is a liability.” Magatsu knew that. The assumption that he didn't stung. He uncinched his lips to mutter. “We're not fighting seriously.” “You're taking it seriously.” Kagehisa shrugged and glanced away. Magatsu thought he'd get ignored until Kagehisa spoke again. “The dogs got killed years ago.” “Some kinda training rite from the old man?” “Well, he tried.” Magatsu could always recognize now when Kagehisa's smiles weren't real ones. “It didn't go so well.” They walked over hill upon hill. Zigzag branches diced up the sky. Up close, black bark shone rich brown or gleamed with blue highlights in the autumn sun. “It's nearby,” Kagehisa said eventually, “If you want to see the place.” It was a plateau that opened out into a clearing. “The dogs scavenged from town and came here to bed down at night,” Kagehisa said. “But they never found enough. They were always hungry. Sometimes they tried to steal from us. Grandfather finally got tired of it.” “So he helped you fight him.” Already, Magatsu could guess that wasn't how it had gone. “No, he sent me...” There was one tree in the middle of the clearing. Kagehisa went to it and touched it. The touch of an old man, Magatsu thought, or someone blind, reaching to understand... “There was a girl,” Kagehisa said. “Oh.” “Not like that, would you stop,” but Kagehisa's smile lost some of its lines of unfortunate strain there.
Tbh it’s a travesty we never saw Makie and Magatsu interact more in the series itself. I like to imagine they’re friends; they’re very different people, but have a lot of interests in common. I think they’d have compassion for each other. Someday maybe I’ll try and write a friendship fic with them.
Also, Kagehisa and Anotsu are definitely at the age where they’d notice girls, if there were girls around to notice.
A moment came. A precipice. Teetered on, and then fallen past. Two old men fought and then only one of them had his blood decorating the ground. That was how it was, that was how it had to be. Magatsu went to help Abayama. It seemed to have taken it out of the guy, killing Grandpa Anotsu. Magatsu helped him sit. Abayama didn't let go of his sword. Anotsu was still looking at the wreckage of his grandfather with his back to them both. His black ponytail fell limply over his tightly squared shoulders. Magatsu wondered if Abayama would have to kill him next.  Kagehisa turned and his face was wet, white and staring. Tight and confused, horrible with its tears. He stared at both Magatsu and Abayama as if surprised to find them there looking back at him. “I hated him,” Kagehisa said. “Take it easy, now,” Abayama said. “Family's family.” Men got crazy over less, Magatsu thought. Kagehisa stepped towards them. His eyes were still raw and staring, never having quite let out their tears. That was the moment that turned them both out into a new life.
Abayama definitely gave Kagehisa a hug after this scene change, Magatsu probably did too even though he was super embarrassed.
This series is haunted by Grandpa Anotsu’s ghost. He’s the one who was thrown out of the Asano dojo, and in a big way he’s responsible for setting Anotsu on his path. And he was a horrendously abusive guardian. Kagehisa is justified in hating him.
From that day they came a long way. It seemed like they were charmed with an easy work, or it was pleasant, as smooth as anyone could have wished. School after school, budding kenshi who’d never have blossomed anyway stamped out, the potentates gathered up. It became a blood-steeped story with more exposed entrails in it than Magatsu really thought there would be. The dead never went away. Not the new crowd, not his old tail. His sister was always at his heels, the flutter of her pink robes grabbing his eye from time to time. He could go a while without thinking of her and then circle back around and contemplate her existence for hours. Back around to her and Kagehisa and O-ren. Winter nights with their horrendous bite, summer nights slowing the world to a trickle, lulled in deep heat. Or the bitch-slap wind of spring. It came to a spring night with a nervous feel to it like a young horse taming to the saddle. A night at another brothel, one more upon an immeasurable number of flophouses and cheap inns. And nicer places. But the one night in particular: a brothel with a muddy yard, with a budding plum tree at the corner. A little sake for both of them. Half a bowl each. Magatsu had seen Kagehisa imbibe but they were past things like that. At least now was not the opportune moment for an alcoholic blowout. He who holds earth can conquer heaven but he who is too drunk to stand can’t even aim his dick to piss right. Magatsu would hesitate to say life was good, but it wasn’t horrible. And Kagehisa was filled with nervous, fever-bright energy.
I wish we’d learned Magatsu’s sister’s name in canon.
I like the imagery in these first paragraphs! Balancing dialogue, action and imagery is still a challenge for me. I can navel gaze with poetic images for paragraph upon paragraph, and it bothers me in my old work, but I don’t think I overdid it here.
Anyway, something that always bothers me in fiction is when characters so easily forget their dead. Magatsu is not perpetually sad about his sister, but I wanted to indicate that he never forgot her either, and always felt a bit haunted by her. He wants justice for her, not something that’s easy to find in the world of BotI.
He’s also not exactly a soft guy, but he is kind of sensitive to the awful things the Itto-ryu is doing.
It was hard to tell with him but they’d known each other for a long time. Kagehisa could always be controlled but his excitement gleamed in his eyes, the movement of his fingers on the ax-handle, his fixed smile. A warm spring night wouldn’t sway him. They drank together squatting in the yard. “Man, would you cool it?” Magatsu asked him finally. “You’re wigging me out.” “You talk so much.” “Yeah, well, try it sometime, maybe you’d scare off fewer women.” That made Kagehisa laugh. He could’ve pounded his hand bloody on a pulpit somewhere if he’d been raised to talk. Magatsu knew that much. Kagehisa had just been raised for something else. That was their high-water mark if Magatsu only knew it at the time. Kagehisa gazing up over the wall as the first stars wiped off their faces, Magatsu checking the Turk over, making sure it all fit quick, smooth and easy. They were on a trajectory towards greatness. They had so much to lose but it felt like anything lost would mean nothing. Would only be a move or two away from being won back. It wasn’t the first time Magatsu had heard the name Asano but it was the first time it stuck.
I imagine that Magatsu is one of the few Itto-ryu who’ll ever zing Anotsu, and probably one of the only ones (minus Makie) who could be called Kagehisa’s friend. They were kids together. Magatsu is one of the few people who remembers Kagehisa ever being vulnerable.
“They’re not a remarkable school,” Kagehisa told him, blasé and easy as always. “You know, it’s the one that threw grandfather out. The master has expressed some disrespect towards us now and, well…” His smile ironic: “You could say I’m putting grandfather’s soul to rest at last.” “Don’t go there, man. He was fucked in the head in the first place.” “Take care how you talk about the dead,” Kagehisa said with remarkable mildness, “They always might hear you. The master has a lovely wife and a young daughter, I believe. Almost fourteen. Somewhere thereabouts.” Magatsu thinks about that and then doesn’t. Almost fourteen, not much like his own sister at all. She’d be old enough to be wed by now, even. Maybe. Maybe with a child. “That shit’s not important. If they stand in front of us, roll ‘em over. But don’t do it because of your old man’s old man.” “I’ll do it for the Itto-ryu and the future of the country, not for him.” Kagehisa could do a cool snap withdrawal when it suited him. Like now. Magatsu looked sideways at him and Kagehisa looked back, steady. Family was always family. And, well – it was Magatsu’s ugly story too, there. But not all his. Magatsu likes little girls. In the healthy way, thanks, and he’s got the wherewithal to slice anyone who intimated anything nasty about his liking for them in half. He doesn’t show it much. It doesn’t have much place in the business. Just, he likes little girls, and bigger ones, watching them in the dusty streets, watching them shout at their brothers imperiously. Even the big girls. What his sister could’ve been. “That family must be put down,” Kagehisa says. He has a good capacity for casual cruelty. More than Magatsu’s got, enough like a leader needs. “Dude, kill who you want. I’m not attached.”
Of course this is a prelude to the incident with Rin. I would say the first cracks in Magatsu’s allegiance to the Itto-ryu showed there.
Gramps is dead, but Anotsu is still damaged by him. Honestly I don’t think he ever got over that damage. BotI was not a series that went easy on its characters, and frankly the Anotsu family line was not wrong that there was plenty wrong with the world they were living in. Magatsu is right to be uncomfortable with this though. Even as a kid he was always the more objective one regarding Grandpa Anotsu and his dream. Anotsu is going to do some terrible things in the name of avenging his grandfather and Magatsu can feel it even if he doesn’t know the exact details.
Abayama killed Grandpa when it became necessary but as they say you can’t kill an idea. Anotsu has carried the idea forward himself.
“We could spare the girl, if you like.” Kagehisa watches him. The offer sounds like it’s given without a care. His eyes have got no shine in them sometimes. He’s not paranoid but he’s always watching, and sometimes – Magatsu hasn’t got a hard-on for him. But sometimes it’s a look that’s vulnerable. “It doesn’t matter,” Magatsu returns, keeping the eye contact up, breaking it casually to turn back to the Turk. He would follow Kagehisa anyway. It was still the high-water mark. Before he watched his comrades rape a woman and walked away from it. Still there was no telling the future. What came ahead could be as important as anything that came behind. “I’ll keep that in mind,” Kagehisa says.  If Magatsu knew what was all to come. If Magatsu knew his life, and the tempestuous years ahead. The whole business, when he stopped doing it to mend sandals or work fields he remembered why he hated it, and then remembered again why he didn’t have a taste for the simple life. There was no place for a good man to rest easy.  Thinking like that he’d been on the run for all the part of his life that mattered. On the run, and putting his feet in Kagehisa’s footsteps. As terrible as the things they did were, as awkward and bizarre as Kagehisa was, it was just so familiar to be at his back. Magatsu felt sometimes at parting the squeeze of a bitter, fire-forged affection that would never rest easy between them. It had been more fair than he liked to say it didn’t matter what Kagehisa chose to do to the woman, to the girl. What Kagehisa chose to let others do to those women. Magatsu’d come much too far with him to cut it off easy right there, or not to go on with him for longer. They were brothers-in-arms by now.
I made myself emotional with my own fic, help
Anyway. The feeling at the end should definitely be that it’s maybe not a GOOD thing that these two are as close as they are. I would say Magatsu loves Kagehisa, I don’t make any distinction tbh if it’s friendship or a romantic ship; Kagehisa in all his weirdness and intensity is simply the most important person in Magatsu’s life at this time. And yet, he won’t be able to follow Kagehisa everywhere; he doesn’t always agree with Kagehisa.
The thing about Magatsu that makes him interesting is he basically is… too sensitive to comfortably live in the world of BotI as it is (which is why his ending of happily working in the fields was pretty terrible).
Kagehisa was never WRONG that the system he lived within was massively unjust and kind of broken and in need of huge restructuring. But the things he did to achieve that were absolutely wrong, and terrible. I believe he grew a lot over the course of the series (imagine end-series Anotsu redoing the scene with Rin’s parents; I think he might still have killed her dad, but things with her mom would NOT have gone the same way)... but no matter how much he grew I think he couldn’t do what would have been necessary to “escape” the system.  At least, by the time he wanted to escape the system in that way, so much had happened and so many bridges were burned that it was impossible.
Honestly, as I say that, I’m not even sure what “escaping” the system would have looked like, other than leaving for China, which in the canon’s case was not an escape but a sign of just how broken and defeated Kagehisa was in those moments.
Anyway, I think the fact that Kagehisa had genuine desires to create a better system, but he didn’t think through what worst-case scenario consequences would be for people like Rin. And Magatsu, in the meantime, couldn’t escape what worst-case scenario consequences would be for people like Rin. He was too empathetic to ignore those things, and too sensitive to injustice to be as ruthless as Kagehisa when it came to changing things.
What it meant was that even though Magatsu loved Kagehisa, their friendship would eventually break apart, as it does on and off in canon until the very end where Magatsu doesn’t meet up with Anotsu to go to China. And I think even when they’re not friends, they still love each other; that’s what’s tragic about them. They’ll always be unique people to each other, and irreplaceable. But… the cost of one of them following the other would always be too high.
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