#so they share a similar sentiment lol
kuuchuuburanko · 8 months
I feel that Gagamaru being a goalie is thematically appropriate for him being a nature guy and a hunter. Having incredible patience, vigilance, able to act reflexively, honed senses, able to read unpredictable movements and adaptability.
And thematically still how Barou is being portrayed as a sort of apex predator. I feel that if anyone is going to be able to block Barou's shots with any sort of consistency it would be Gagamaru.
idk if it'll happen again this match but I like to think about it becoming true in the future.
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thriftdyke · 7 months
"what is romance" I mean I guess its like gender. defined by the person experiencing it. it is theirs to call romantic, or not, and not one idea to be shared and compared
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akkivee · 1 year
actually i do have an unpopular hypmic opinion, those homage songs (shinogi, drops, etc) understandably make people uncomfortable but the songs they sample/interpolate from serve a narrative function and i think it’s COOL
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weirdmageddon · 9 months
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i love these tags this person is so right
actually, can you imagine if dave was raised by B1 roxy?
i wanna get into this actually
(ok i had to spend a few hours rewriting this because IT DIDNT FUCKING SAVE AFTER FIVE HOURS OF WRITING WHEN MY COMPUTER UPDATED WHILE I WAS AFK so it would mean a lot to show this post some appreciation. i LOVEEE hearing what other people have to say)
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even though these things mom does are presented in an extravagant, kitsch, jokey way, her intentions always came from a place of sincerity. she is simply Funnie
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but rose reads too far into it and assumes things that aren't there, that her mother is passive-aggressively feigning interest in rose's interests simply because the things she does are so extra. "why do all of this if not to mock me"
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im telling you right now if dave lived in this household he wouldn't assume antagonism, he'd go,
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don’t forget who LITERALLY patented tangible jpeg artifacts as their post-scratch adult self and scattered shitty scummed up statue of liberties all over the planet. theres no way some of that overboard artful shit wasnt post-ironic / circling back around to genuine funny sincerity
dave's natural state is funny sincerity like roxy. he's had the natural capacity for this type of humor from the start and this is the direction he goes towards when he grows out of his brother's shadow by the end of the comic. dave and roxy share an earnest “so bad its good” type of humor
(lots more under the cut; the length of this meta analysis just got unwieldly with all the pictures and whatnot)
despite the alcoholism, roxy is a supportive mother. she's not the ideal guardian but hells of a lot more supportive of her kid than bro is. if she knew dave's interests she would totally indulge in them with some over the top silly goofy haha shit as a genuine gesture simply because she loves him
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rose isn't too keen on it though. but she is more similar to dirk in her natural state of thinking of overthinking shit and assuming the worst, like the tags said
and yes dave got the sweet cuddly yet sometimes backhanded ouppy gene from roxy, probably even moreso lol
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roxy's even said rose "sounds like girl dirk"
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side tangent here, but this is something i wanna talk about.
i dont think bro should ever be in custody of children ever but if theres anyone who would be up to the task it's rose probably. i know she'd be able to keep up with him. not only does she have a defined personality (dave is more malleable and absorbs his environment like a sponge), if anyone can pick apart B1 dirk's batshit brain and probably be right on the money it's her. lil cal has been pumping patriarchal nonsense into bro's head and rose would be able to bring the fucking facts to the table without losing her own and being a living example of a badass little girl. i also don't think bro would try to force masculine roles onto rose like he did with dave, seeing as she is a girl, so she would actually have more of a leg up and get some passes that dave was never afforded. and rose wouldn't stand idly and accept any bullshit; she is no doormat. and i think this would earn bro's respect
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but anyway, from this, couldn't we conclude roxy "sounds like girl dave"?
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yeah okay. we havent even gotten into their penchant for funny typos or misspeaks, deliberate or otherwise
so, dave's environment
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the sentiment "god you hope you can be as good as your bro at this some day" might have been genuine at the time when he idolized bro but of course he's not able to express that in any sort of sincere fashion because he's in dirk's fucking household. and this level 10 irony shit isnt doing dave any favors
his role models were the Internet and a vague idea of what Bro was like. So he built up his facade based on irony–not the literary definition of irony, as Rose might be quick to point out, but a popular concept of irony based on the idea that things that didn’t make sense actually made sense in some roundabout way. As a master of irony, Dave probably reasoned, he could see in a way other people couldn’t why a world that was scary and didn’t make sense really did make sense, and could therefore convince those people that he was superior to them. And he would wield his knowledge to maintain the appearance of superiority by calling everything ironic and pretending he didn’t care about things that didn’t make sense, and he would use walls of vaguely rhyming words to keep everyone at arm’s length so they wouldn’t discover his insecurities (source)
roxy's style is the embodiment of post-irony. being raised by mom lalonde would be like being raised by joel vinesauce ok
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what can i say ….. (getting meta about this actually, hussie got these jpeg wizard wallpapers from a spyware website. link takes some time to load because internet archive)
rose is quick to read post-irony as actually being a joke/insincere, which in bro's case would be true. but i believe dave's natural instinct, outside of the influence of bro, is to read post-irony as genuine, which is exactly how mom serves it. we see this as early as act 3 from him; he understands her motives better than rose does herself:
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and in act 6 intermission 2 i think it's pretty clear
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but the thing is, it's always genuine from her. dave wouldn't have to second guess it because he's not one to naturally second guess someone's sincerity; that was learned due to his bro being virtually unassailable
there two types of ironies at play here:
seems like a joke, is actually genuine (roxy)
doesnt seem like a joke, is actually a joke (dirk)
you can make the argument that the second is is more psychologically destructive because it makes you question the reality of what is genuine sentiment and what isn't. dave never knew what was genuine and what was irony so he just sort of existed in this sincerity-ironic limbo and always did the opposite of what he genuinely felt on principle even if it always did originate from a genuine place.
"it just a joke bro i was just being ironic i dont actually x" is so much more trust-breaking and psychologically damaging than "wait are you being serious" / "i am being so fucking fr rn davy gravy" / "ok thats actually pretty fucking awesome. giant ass wizard statue" / "RIGHT"
how much about dave would change do you think? his character arc would be completely different for one thing, i think he'd have it good aside from mom's alcohol issues. he'd be left with the sweet and funny parts of him that we see at the end of the comic. the fake coolguy stuff is out, but this remains. this is dave in his element and we see it as early as act 1
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he'd probably have no shades growing up in the lalonde residence* either cause those were given to him by bro straight out of the crater as an extension of his own cool image. and john gave dave ben stiller’s aviators for his 13th birthday to replace them so he could “spread his wings”
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dave said he was wearing them for the ironies but i kind of doubt it. maybe post-irony but there was some reacharound to it being genuine because dave never put those pointy anime shades on his face again.
*though... it’s kind of hard to imagine him without his shades at all? B2 dave still got stiller’s shades from stiller himself so maybe getting them is a universal constant. i can imagine mom getting him them as a birthday gift cause shes pretty wealthy and probably could buy it out in an auction. but also itd be cool if john still gave him it as a gift
dave is actually a lot more genuine and easy to read than he lets on even when grappling with his upbringing with B1 dirk (again, see this post). this can be seen all throughout he comic but a good example is the evolution of thoughts about his interest in the preserved dead things in his room:
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if B1 roxy was dave's guardian he probably WOULD have pursued paleontology because she wouldve indulged him in it and probably find it cool and worthwhile to pursue, instead of allowing dave to flounder under ironic detachment, being poisoned by irony to the point of gaslighting himself into believing he doesnt actually believe he thinks this shit is cool. even if it was indulged in this such a way; a superficially kitsch and ironic appearing presentation, it comes from a genuine place and inspires genuine interest. just read the comments.
basically, i think if B1 roxy raised dave, their relationship would have a surface level appearance of being bizarre or over-the-top but they’d have an unsaid mutual understanding that it’s completely in earnest and just build on each other's funny and absurd gestures of affection. rather than seeing it as one-upping each other, it'd more like collaboration of some silly bullshit that you take a step back and look at full and just say, "fucking incredible"
speaking of paleontology, mom had the proto-ectobiology lab. maybe they'd be able to use the equipment to appearify paradox ghost imprints of the dead shit to create paradox clones of things from the cambrian era??? sounds like a fun mother son bonding activity. and theyd actually put the sciencey shit in the household to use
oh god i know exactly the kinds of music shed listen too also growing up as a teen in the 80s. she on that (post)-punk/art rock/new wave/new romantic mtv stuff. XTC shit fr. this is a B-52S HOUSEHOLD. maybe the associates for the campy melodramatic flair. so he gets to keep the record on his shirt cause he is an enjoyer of the shit in her vinyl collection. dave would still gravitate towards musical expression and music itself but of more variety outside of just rap, with an 80s-90s, even 70s flavor due to mom’s influence. see this for perhaps a glimpse. ​she probably visited new york city a lot for business trips and because the music scene was cool as hell around that time, imports came straight from jfk airport, she probably got in on that a bit and have remnants in the form of vinyls and cassettes. in this way she could be distributing void to dave (influencing him with forgotten / presently irrelevant music). now he can REALLY rave about bands none of his friends have heard of. “hey davy grvay watcha listenin to” (he holds up vinyl cover) “omg snakefinger”
btw dave lalonde would look like this to me
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ ily ♡
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-> how often would the genshin men say "I love you"?
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Itto, Venti, Childe
Their hearts are overflowing with love for you that they can't help but say the phrase whenever you're near. They'll say it at the most random times too.
If you're in another room, you bet your bottom they're going to peep in just to say they love you. If you were in mid-conversation they'll tell you they love you. In anything that you're doing, they'll interrupt you for a moment to tell you they love you. They'll keep on telling you they love you until any shred of doubt that you might have of them loving you is nonexistent.
They need you to know that they love you, so that you know you can rely on them, trust in them, and that you know that you're never alone. Call them whenever you need help, go to them for comfort, use their shoulder to lean on because as they've said time and time again, they love you. And if it takes 1000 more times to show you, then so be it.
You've got to know how loved you are, how precious, and how valued you are. Especially when you're feeling low, they don't ever want you to forget that.
Heizou, Kaveh, Gorou, Thoma
They share a similar sentiment as those who like to say it all the time, but they're less overbearing about it in comparison. They'd usually make sure to say it before they leave or at the end of a conversation with you. In general, they're the types who would have no reservations when complimenting you, lifting you up, or expressing any of the adoration they have for you, which includes saying "I love you".
I also feel like they're the types to say "I love you" in between kisses, hehe 🤭 (Like, imagine them kissing your face. They kiss your forehead, "I love you". They kiss your nose, "I love you". They kiss your cheeks with another, "I love you". They finally kiss your lips, "I love you" and they continue to presses kisses upon your lips, saying "I love you" over and over again with each one)
Just enough
Zhongli, Kaeya, Kazuha, Baizhu
They prefer not to use the phrase too much nor too little. After all, they don’t find it necessary to say it so often as they are assured that you know they love you very much already.
Diluc, Ayato, Xiao, Albedo, Tighnari
These guys will say "I love you" sparingly. They believe saying it too much diminishes its value, so they tend to preserve it for when they're feeling great emotion. Usually after having not seen you for a while, or when they're internally overwhelmed with joy over something pertaining to you, they'll say it.
It’s likely not going to be an outburst, like "I LOVE YOU!!" lol. It's rather a soft, "I love you", whispered in your ear as they hold you close, their fervor showing in the firmness of their embrace.
Almost never
Alhaitham, Dainsleif, Scaramouche, Cyno
Don't mistake their lack of saying the phrase as a lack of love for you. In truth, they love you terribly.
They are firm believers in showing it through their actions. To them, "I love you" doesn't mean much if their actions don't prove it. So they say "I love you" by being there for you, caring about you, listening to you, and in other numerous ways.
"I love you" is also a vulnerable phrase for them to say. Though, this doesn't mean that they won't say it at all. They'll say it when their hearts can no long carry the amount of love they hold for you inside. It'd come out of their mouths unexpectedly when they are swept up by overwhelming emotion.
Again, similar to those in the "rarely" category, their overwhelming emotions wouldn't come out as an outburst. Most of it is internal.
They'll be looking at you, eyes full of tenderness as their mind would be swirling with thoughts of how much they adored you. Lost in these thoughts, an "I love you" would subconsciously slip through their lips, earning a surprised look from you. It was only until then did they snap out of their thoughts and realize what they've done. And before they can brush it off and switch the topic, pleeease stop them and tell them "I love you" back. Heck, do whatever you can to savor this precious moment where they've finally expressed their innermost feeling because it's RARE.
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a/n: ngl I did the "just enough" category really dirty by not giving it more substance compared to the others lmao 💀 I just didn't know what else to write 😭
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starrylothcat · 9 months
Hello there! I absolutely love your writing, I often feel bad I’m constantly littering your notifications 👉🏼👈🏼
I’m not sure if you’ve done this but I would love a hunter x f!Jedi reader with spicy prompt “make me forget today” with either side being angsty.
In my mind the dynamic between the two is similar to codywan- really close but duty comes first. Could take place during clone wars or bad batch show, whichever you think would work best! Can definitely be NSFW, whatever you’re comfortable with.
And of course, feel free to pass if this ask isn’t for you. I completely understand! All the love! 💕💕
Conquest of Spaces
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Jedi Reader
Summary: You and Hunter give in to one another, your hidden feelings set free. It’s something that you both know can’t continue, but when you meet again after Order 66, are you finally allowed to have what you’ve always wanted?
WC: 3600
Warnings: NSFW, 18+. PiV sex, angst, happy ending and Soft Hunter Bad Batch. Reader is a fem Jedi, looks not described and no pronouns used. Takes place before and after Order 66.
A/N: Never feel bad for spamming my notifications! Oh do I love me clone and Jedi angst. Thank you so much for the amazing prompt, I hope you enjoy it. It’s fluffy and angsty and hopefully kind of romantic? Lol 🥹👉👈
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“Please make me forget today.” Those five words, spoken in broken desperation, sealed your fate. “Please.
You didn’t mean for this to happen, to allow feelings to bloom between the cracks. You tried plucking out the weeds, clearing those aggressively growing sentiments from your subconscious but they resurfaced stronger every time.
Your voice shook as you whispered those words in his ear, grasping onto his armor like it was a lifeline, you knew it wasn’t fair.
It was unjust to both him and yourself.
He could have said no, pushed you away.
You could have attempted to hold yourself together, to put on the in-control, strong Jedi facade one more time, though that mask was beginning to fracture.
You weren’t sure how much longer you could hold it up before it would shatter completely into dust.
You were assigned to work with him and his brothers often, building trust with the team that few others had.
You and Hunter shared a strong camaraderie, a fellowship forged by mutual respect and dedication to your roles in the Republic. Your ability to understand one another with just a glance, how perfectly you fit together, could not be denied.
You tried to disregard the growing lingering glances, the way his tone would soften when he addressed you, or how he frequently invaded your dreams.
You could tell he was restraining himself, too. He knew the risks, the dangers of letting emotions divert you from your defined roles in this war.
Maybe in a different life, you could have more, but not in this one.
You locked those feelings away, though it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore them.
It wasn’t until you returned to Kamino after a disastrous mission that you left that hidden chest of feelings unlocked, whether you did it purposefully or not.
You had lost most of your squad. It wasn’t your fault, but you were bearing the burden.
You had known Hunter was on Kamino for a short leave, and comm’d him to meet you. He was the only one you could talk to.
Hunter met you, knowing immediately something was wrong. Hunter listened to you speak, your words quickly coming out as quiet sobs, feeling lost. You were supposed to be a protector, a peacekeeper. You felt as if you were failing. You told him of all your uncertainties about the war, and how you didn’t feel like a protector when all you did was fight for something that seemingly had no purpose or end.
You don’t remember the exact timeline of events, but after you breathed those words, his arms were around you, pulling you into a firm embrace as you leaned against his armor.
He murmured that he understood, and the burdens of being a leader weighed heavy on him, too.
You had looked up at him, locking on to his honeyed eyes you often found yourself lost in, almost too gentle to belong to a born and bred warrior such as him.
Hunter’s face was so close to yours, that you could see the speckles in his cornea and edges of his tattoo where the ink had bled into his skin.
His musky, spicy scent overtook your senses right before his lips met yours.
Hunter’s lips were warm, his stubble lightly scratching your face as his tongue slid against your own, your previous tears now long dried.
He pulled away, giving you the chance to say something.
“If I’ve gone too far-“ He started, but was cut off as you pulled him back in, your body buzzed with a craving you didn’t realize was possible.
This kiss was more fervid, and desperate as he wrapped his gloved hand in your hair. You were weightless in his arms, your mind spun with excitement, guilt, desire, and regret.
You shouldn't be indulging in this, letting him whisk you off your feet as he carries you into a nearby weapons closet, his mouth nipping and licking at every pressure and pleasure point on your neck.
The door slid shut, mouths crashing together again, tugging off armor and robes alike as everything that had been built between the two of you was finally set free. The thin, fraying tether that was keeping your professional relationship and what you truly desired apart had finally snapped.
It was a moment of weakness for you both.
But neither of you stopped.
You didn’t know where either of you began or ended, bodies burning with need as he slid into you, his mouth leaving marks along your collarbone.
Hunter’s pace was rigorous, knowing you didn’t have much time. Even as he desperately pounded into you, his touches were generous and worshipful, almost like you’ve done this a million times before.
He knew exactly where to feel you, he knew exactly what you wanted and when you wanted it. He rasped between strained groans about how beautiful you were, and how long he’s been wanting this.
You didn’t respond, knowing if you did, it would make this situation even more complicated than it currently was.
All you could do was gasp his name, pulling him closer and closer to you, wishing that you could stay in this weapons closet for the rest of time, just you and him.
Afterward, as you lay sweaty and messy, awkwardly perched on a weapons locker, there was so much you wanted to say.
Instead, the words hung in the air with your heavy breaths as you quickly dressed.
You could feel Hunter’s eyes boring into your soul, not knowing exactly what to do next. Hunter broke the silence, speaking the words he knew he shouldn’t say, the utterance like blades piercing your heart.
“I love you.”
You bit your lip which was now trembling, tearing your eyes from his, unable to look at him.
Why did he have to say it out loud?
Guilt weighed in your gut, as heavy as durasteel, knowing you shouldn’t have given in.
You wanted to cradle his face, kiss him, run your fingers through his locks, and tell him you loved him too.
Of course you loved him. You’ve always loved him.
You wanted nothing more than to just be with him, but you both knew that was a fantasy.
The war was only becoming more devastating, more clones and Jedi were needed by the day to keep the peace.
Hunter was the one his brothers looked to for leadership. He couldn’t leave his squad, his family.
For you to be the perfect Jedi the Council wanted, you needed a clear conscience and a pure heart. That meant no selfish attachments to cloud your mind.
Hunter placed his thumb and forefinger under your chin, seeing your face darken at his words. He tilted your head toward him.
“I know you can’t say it back. But I want you to know.”
His lips met yours once more, chaste and restrained, before exiting the closet without looking back.
You almost called out to him, to return the forbidden words. Instead, you let him walk away.
It was the last time you saw him before the galaxy erupted into chaos a few short weeks later.
Everything you once understood, once thought to be true, was burned and spread with the ash of the Jedi Temple.
You narrowly escaped, losing contact with everyone and anyone, hiding on remote planet after remote planet, not staying in one place too long.
You thought of Hunter, nausea wrenching your gut. Was he alive? How many Jedi has he killed? Was he with the Empire now?
The thought of him pointing his blaster at you, his viroblade at your throat, the tender glint in his deep, brown eyes replaced with bloodlust made your stomach lurch.
It made you sick, wishing so desperately you would have told him you loved him, said it out loud. You wished you had not been afraid, tethered to the Jedi Code that now meant nothing.
As you wandered and hid, you found yourself holding your comm, wanting to contact Hunter.
You knew you couldn’t, but not knowing whether he was alive, dead, or worse, ate at your soul.
Whether it was The Force, cosmic fate, divine intervention, or pure coincidence, you would see Hunter again.
You caught wind of a smuggler offering credits for jobs on Ord Mantell, in desperate need of work.
When you saw Hunter and his brothers sitting at the bar in Cid’s seedy establishment, you thought you were dreaming, or stepping into a trap.
They just stared, just as shocked to see you.
You whipped out your blaster, memories of clones pulling their own blasters on you, firing without mercy as you begged them to stop as you barely made it alive out of the Temple.
“I-I don’t want to hurt you!” You stood your ground, trying to hide the fear in your voice.
No, no, no, no, this can’t be happening!
Hunter was the first to stand up slowly, your name leaving his lips in quiet surprise.
You gripped your blaster, waiting for the moment he drew his.
Tech stood up slowly next, raising his arms.
“We won’t hurt you.” Tech said. “The chips did not activate in us.”
“Chips? What chips? What are you talking about?”
Your blood was ice, stepping backward toward the exit.
“Please I don’t want to…“
Your finger hovered on the trigger, not knowing if you’d have to fight those who you once called friends, the man who you once loved, and still did.
Hunter examined you, as if not believing what he was seeing was real. Maybe you were a ghost. You sure felt like one.
Your eyes darted between them all, none of them reaching for their weapons.
Your body shook, tears in your eyes, never expecting to see anyone you knew ever again, especially not them. You slowly lowered your blaster as Hunter approached you, placing his hand on your wrist as your legs almost gave out from the adrenaline coursing through your body.
“Is it really you…?” You choked out, your blaster clattering to the ground. Hunter nodded, pulling you in close for an embrace, saying your name with such profound relief you could have fainted.
Hunter pulled away, his eyes swimming with emotion, as were yours. Before you could say any more, the rest of the squad were surrounding you.
You hugged them all, too, happy to see them alive, and not trying to murder you.
It was a bittersweet reunion, catching up on all that had happened once they convinced you they weren’t dangerous.
They explained everything.
The chips, the conspiracy, Crosshair, Omega.
Your mind spun, trying to process it all.
All the while, Hunter’s eyes never left yours in all the hours you sat at the bar.
There was so much you wanted to say, but it had to wait.
They invited you on their next mission with Cid, even offering a small cut of the credits when the job was completed.
You agreed, having no other option than to say yes, though it made you nervous to join them, especially since the Empire was already on their tail.
Adding an (ex) Jedi to the mix could make things messy.
They didn’t seem too concerned, as long as you didn’t make yourself obvious.
Hunter gave you a small smile, a knowing look in his eyes flashing momentarily, his hand coming to your shoulder as you stood up from the bar to head to The Marauder.
“I’m happy you’re coming with. We’ve…I’ve missed you.” Hunter spoke quietly.
“I’ve missed you too, Hunter.” He nodded, wanting to say more, but Echo was gesturing to him to go over the mission details.
He squeezed your shoulder. “See you on the ship.”
You stepped onto The Marauder, and not much had changed, besides Crosshair’s absence and Omega’s new corner of the ship that she proudly gave you a tour of.
As you took off from Ord Mantell, watching the planet get smaller as you ascended into the atmosphere, it felt like before, when things were more simple.
Eager for your next assignment, ready to serve the Republic and make the Council proud.
You sat in a blast chair, watching the boys talk and Omega peering over Hunter’s shoulder as he set the hyperspace coordinates.
It felt like old times. Almost.
The job was simple, at least that’s how Cid described it. You were to retrieve a package from an arms dealer who was expecting you in a small village of the heavily forested planet you were heading for.
You weren’t to meet him until the next day, so you had downtime the evening before.
Tech landed the ship in a small clearing on top of a hill, most of the planet thick with old-growth trees. A lake was nestled amongst the trees down the sloping hill a few klicks away.
The water reflected the sun that was almost set as two moons drifted into the sky to replace the star in the sky.
Tech and Echo were busy looking at the map, deciding the best way to get to the village the next day while Wrecker and Omega played a game of Dejarik. Hunter was quietly and diligently cleaning his blaster, sneaking glances at you as he did so.
Hunter was respecting your boundaries, not wanting to push you into anything too quickly. He wanted nothing more than to kick everyone off the ship, wrap himself around you, feel you against him, proving that you were indeed real. He assumed you were still weary of clones, which he didn’t blame you for. He was just happy you were alive, and safe. That was enough for him, if nothing else.
You knew he was looking at you while you were organizing your things. You desperately wanted to talk to him alone, about the last time you saw one another.
Did he still love you? Did he mean what he said? Could you even pick up where you left off, after all that’s happened?
You peered at the clones you shared the ship with, tears filling the sides of your eyes, memories flooding back to you of your time with them. It seemed so simple back then. But now…what were you? They were still clones but now untethered by what they were bred for.
You were free as well, though the Jedi Code still burned into your skull, finding it hard to forget. If you weren’t a Jedi anymore, then what were you?
“Are you okay?” Omega noticed you, your hands trembling.
You sniffed, quickly wiping your eyes. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you, especially Hunter’s.
“I…just need some air.” You stood up, shoving your pack under a blast chair. “I’ll be at the lake if you need me.”
You smashed the button to lower the ramp and headed out before it even touched the ground, before anyone could say anything to you.
Intense emotions swirled in your chest, briskly walking toward the serene water. The cool air of the evening calmed the ache in your being slightly, your hands still trembling.
The man you loved was in the ship behind you, and yet your footsteps led you further away from him. It was almost too much, suddenly being back with them, with him.
You roamed silently to the lake, sitting down near the edge of the water.
You closed your eyes, trying to meditate, focusing on your emotions. You honed in on the water lapping at the shore, the breeze rustling through the leaves, and the distant call of a nocturnal predatory bird.
You knew Hunter was there before he spoke.
“Everything is different now.” His voice was low. “It’s…still hard for me, too.”
You nodded, biting your lip, your eyes still closed.
“I tried to find you, to see if you were alive. But I didn’t want to risk endangering you.”
You slowly opened your eyes, focusing on him. He was looking right at you, his form illuminated by the glow of the moons.
“I didn’t know…I was afraid…” You stammered. “I wanted nothing more than to know if you were alive…I’m sorry that I never…” Your next words were caught in your throat as Hunter’s lips met yours, soft and loving. You were transported to your first kiss, all that time ago.
That ache in your chest was suddenly gone, replaced with a weightlessness only he could make you feel.
He pulled away almost as quickly as he leaned in.
He silently gazed at you, a hand coming to caress the side of your face.
You leaned into his touch, bringing your hand over his. “I never stopped thinking about you.” He whispered, his thumb tracing your cheek.
“Can I kiss you again?” He murmured.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Soon, you laid out underneath him, your clothes a makeshift blanket under you on the shore of the lake.
Instead of in a cramped weapons closet, you were free in the evening air, the endless sky above you.
You took your time re-exploring each other’s bodies, relishing in languid pleasure as the moons hung heavy in the night sky.
Hunter did not leave an inch of your body untouched, bringing you to your peak over and over again with his hands and mouth, making up for the lost time.
When he was satisfied you were ready for him, he positioned himself on top of you, his hair hanging from his headband, haloing his face above you.
He slowly entered you, moans leaving both of your lips, your hands coming around his shoulders, welcoming the stretch as he sank into you. It was mind-melting pleasure, feeling him so close and real.
Hunter stopped once he was fully seated in you, dropping his head to your side.
“I still love you.” His lips were right at your ear, deep inside you, but not moving. Not yet.
You cradled his face, just as you wished you did all that time ago as he searched your eyes for an answer.
Part of him worried you had just made the same mistake as before, giving into your carnal desires when there was still so much uncertainty.
Was this something you should be doing, was it selfish to want one another when others were still suffering?
You kissed him gently, tears catching on your eyelashes, his worried thoughts evaporating with your touch.
“I’m sorry I never said it back.” You traced his tattoo with your fingertip, his eyes closing, relishing your touch.
“You couldn’t. I knew you couldn’t.” He muttered, his brows furrowed. “I shouldn’t have put you in that position…”
“We can now. We can say it.”
Hunter’s eyes opened, a gentle smile on his face. “Then say it.” He pressed his forehead to yours.
“I love you, Hunter. I always have.”
He smiled as he nuzzled the side of your face, the world melting away as he began to move, bodies entwined as one.
You were boneless and safe in his embrace as his fingers and lips molded to you perfectly.
His thrusts were slow and purposeful, his eyes never leaving yours.
Hunter touched you like before, like you’ve been lovers for 100 years, mapping your body so lovingly, so exquisitely, so perfectly.
He was afraid if he didn’t intricately memorize every curve and soft swell of your body, you might slip away again, and he wouldn’t get another chance.
You locked your ankles around his waist, changing the angle. Hunter let out a low whine, his head falling to your shoulder as your pleasure grew.
You were thankful for the slight breeze coming off the water, sweat forming on your bodies as your passion intensified.
You lightly tugged at his hair, his name leaving your lips in breathy mewls, his baritone moans thick with longing, dropping an octave as you clenched around him.
Hunter brought a finger to your clit, drawing tight circles, his thrusts hitting you in such a way you couldn’t discern the stars in your vision from the ones in the sky above.
Your fingernails dug into his muscled shoulder blades as your body arched toward him.
Hunter was drunk on your smell, your body, his senses absorbing every small sound.
Your intense arousal filled his nostrils, tasting your sweet skin as he left open-mouthed kisses on your neck.
Your body was on fire, overwhelmed by his tenderness, his devout passion, wordlessly telling you how much you meant to him.
“I’m right here, I have you.” Hunter rumbled, pressing his lips to yours, feeling your body tremble as you teetered on the precipice of your final orgasm. “I’ll always have you.”
He swallowed your pleasured sobs as you came, constricting and trembling around him, sending him over the edge.
Hunter let out a shuddered groan, pressing his hips into yours one final time, filling you with his release, his lips still on yours.
Your hands delicately roamed his back, your eyes fluttering open to meet his as he rested his weight on his forearms around you.
Your bodies stilled, trying to catch your breaths, the only other sound the tranquil waves splashing on the shore behind you.
You held on to one another, not wanting this moment to end. Hunter left feather-light kisses on your jawbone, leading to your lips, sliding his mouth to yours for an immensely passionate kiss.
The future was uncertain and unmapped, just as it was back when you were Jedi and soldier. You may have to take up your old roles once again, putting duty before all else.
You made peace with that, knowing how you felt for one another would only make you stronger, having something real to hold on to as you traversed into the unknown.
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Taglist: @crosshairlovebot @blueink-bluesoul @kimiheartblade @wizardofrozz @clonemedickix @din-miller @sunshinesdaydream @kashasenpai @freesia-writes @multi-fan-dom-madness @coraex @aconstructofamind @dreamie411 @dystopicjumpsuit @starqueensthings @idontgetanysleep @secretthegriffin @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @secondaryrealm @littlemissmanga @maybethatfanfictionwriter @pb-jellybeans @wanderer-six @king-chaos-world @the-cantina @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @523rdrebel @sleepingsun501 @wings-and-beskar
Dividers by @idontgetanysleep
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
11/19/23 updates cpn 🎂🍦🍪
for some reason, today, both of them decided to share on their social media. for wyb, it’s his douyin. for gg it’s weibo + douyin. xzs also posted on their weibo. they didn’t even bother splitting it up like one will post in the morning and the other afternoon/evening. nope. it’s all in the same afternoon.
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we were hoping for some 24 hr relay, but these gremlins are like nope. we will just post very closely to each other. for wyb it’s definitely a part of his homework completion. lol. and the fact that he is wearing something evisu related again. how many things did he do during this shoot? 😂 as for ZZ, it seems like he is trying to catch up too? ( douyin stuff are from yuguyao promotion ) nonetheless, we are happy to get stock content.
doing this made them both go on HS. i love seeing their names on HS for stuff like this. (?FYI for wyb it’s more of the “cross dressing” meaning switching clothes.)
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now let’s see what else is there….
1. The same use of emojis as captions on there douyin posts as if they really have no time to think of even a word or line to use. lol. tho this kind of caption is not exclusive to them, it’s just nice to see them matching like this on the same day.
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2. There are a couple of guesses on what they are “celebrating” today ; what could possibly be the reason for doing this specifically on the 19th.
(p1) it’s wyb’s 105th post on douyin. 10.5 which represents zz’s birthday, so it’s special. that’s why they both posted today. (p2) the day zz shared his japan trip. i think this doesn’t need any more explanation, japan trip cpn is notorious on this fandom. (
(p3 and p4) this one is kind of reaching but it’s one of those 2020 candies that i love and it happened around this time too. 11/18 - 11/19 it was speculated that they spent time together. for those who were here during that time, WYB shared a video (11/20) of him skating and his caption was like i wish i could go skating everyday and then the three dots. WYB loves skateboarding and i don’t doubt that he wishes he can play everyday, but the cpn-colored glasses is wondering if what he is really talking about is skateboarding. or maybe, maybe he was wishing he could spend time with GG everyday or more often. and the three dots, which in turtledom means i miss you just adds fuel to this CPN. The penguin photo was shared by XZ on 11/18 and it’s a piece that people are adding, it is making the heart gesture and could be because XZ is happy to be with WYB.
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There is a CPN timeline from that period in 2020 so lemme just refresh people’s memories even if it’s totally irrelevant ( probably ) to this post. I love myself some cpn archaeology. 🔍
11/17 was luoyang opening ceremony so he was kinda busy here but they still got to spend time together. In hindsight, this is very telling, cause there was some heavy speculation that GG was present during Luoyang presscon. If he was there during the opening ceremony for the filming, he might have been introduced to select cast and crew. So it was easier for him to tag along for the press con before the official release cause he knows the people. 11/19 was the release of the wolf and WYB attended the chanel x vogue event. 11/22 GG released a douyin video and we CPN about the curtains and how it’s similar to one of Bobo’s. Again, hotel curtains are not the most reliable measure, i know, but that’s how CPNs work.
11/25, YBO posted alluding to the douban issue of downvoting works. basically manipulating data — look at YBO calling out this practice years before, they know how unreliable DB is. everyone knows. the point is, around this time, The Wolf was getting downvoted by antis.
11/29, an episode of TTXS was aired where WYB said “i can’t give up what i like”. A sentiment that is true in everything he does, from dancing to his other hobbies. No matter how hard it is and even if it seems like everything is against him, he will not give up. The same is true (probably ) with his relationships. 🤍 this episode was filmed 11/22 which was very close to when they allegedly spent time together so the feeling is there ( and there is a whole different cpn for that day too lol ).
In 2019, GG’s Bazaar promo was release where he said that he saw his love in a dream ( i don’t think this needs any explanation ) and 2021 they also posted around the same time and both are transitions.
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This is all guess work, they could be posting for the simple reason of KPI or their studios scrambling to get their bosses to be visible online 😂😂😂 BUT THE POINT IS, there seems to be significant things happening during this time and always including 11/19 between them. ✨ It fits the pattern we have been seeing for years.
3. WYB’s 105th post on Douyin and GG’s 1050 post on Weibo. 🤡🤡🤡
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4. The use of a light in their hands as an element to their post. For WYB it’s a transition to change clothes and for GGs it’s more of a sunshine/light.
They share the same brain cell. Lol. and BXGs are so good cause there is already an art for it.
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5. I love how XZ was like i don’t wanna be doing this while filming the Douyin. goes to show what happens behind the scenes and how similar he & WYB are. in the video, XZ was asking his staff “is this viral?” and they respond with “really viral” and he proceeds to make faces like he can’t believe 🤣🤣🤣 If he only knew, the most random things go viral. and he probably didn’t want to do it cause it had the cute vibe to it.
Similar to WYB, he prefers the cool transitions and he is someone who will not be willing to do a douyin trend. Both of them would rather share things they love like photos of places or their hobbies.
The lyrics for GG’s video is:
oh no oh no i haven’t talked to my baobei
baobei, what are you doing?
muah are you there? are you asleep?
baobei, what are you doing?
why aren’t you replying?”
Going by the theme of the song, missing someone, his baobei who is not replying lol is this a shout out to WYB? 😅
Anyway, it’s being linked to WYB’s post. The whole transition with the phone light he is doing was said to be popular in 2021. There is a couple version, which means two people are doing it and the BGM used is a song i will still miss you.
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Looking at the lyrics, I understand why he didn’t use it and went with the cool tune instead. It’s a bittersweet song and about missing because the couple grew apart. WYB still wants to match the missing theme but probably scrapped it cause GG’s is more on the cute type of missing someone. 🙃
6. Going back to the Japan Trip, their posts seem to echo that time. 11/19/2018.
From WYB’s use of his phone and the shot. To XZ’s most obvious posting on the same day and SAME TIME 🤯🤯🤯
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THIS IS WHY JAPAN CPN WILL FOREVER BE RELEVANT!!!!!! Happy 5th anniversary i guess! 💟 Dude I can’t fuckin believe Xiao Zhan did this the fuck he is insane for this.
7. In usual turtle clowning fashion, some of em commented xz or wyb’s photo on their douyin. These might be buried now cause solos are doing the most to make sure the top posts are theirs.
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Disclaimer: this is all CPN. meaning, it is interpretation/speculation from a cpf’s perspective and uses lots of symbolism and past events that are known and understood by cpn-inclined turtles. this is not the place to wash things cause again, it’s all cpn anyway. I don’t make these posts to be picked apart, it is for fun and to enjoy. Okay? Okay. If you wanna complain, do it on your own blog.
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bg3-dyes · 2 months
Hahaha im not sure where else to put it but since you're the dye expert for BG3 i feel like you might share a similar sentiment
isnt it frustrating how so many of the items, you due them, lets say you dye them blue and it turns out yellow with like a blue element??
that being said, you are doing the gods work and helping us avoid such surprises AND help us find hidden color themes hidden under a different name, thank you!
YUP 😭 pretty sure everyone here shares the same sentiment lol, imo deep lilac (aka ORANGE) and sea green (VERY BLUE) are the worst offenders.
but like at this point I would rather they not change it because imagine if we had to redo/edit all of these charts 🫠
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milksinyourarea · 29 days
I have a theory about Caspian.
I'm rewatching episode 79 (spoilers for said episode and later episodes ahead), and I caught something that Grizzly said during Gillion's memory sequence of the day he got banished.
Grizzly is particularly keen on describing one of the elders, Celeste, during this flashback. He says that Celeste looks like somebody Gillion knows-- and not in the way that Gill knows she's an elder --she is a water genasi with blue skin and elvish ears with white hair.
Can we think of anybody Gill might know with those very same features, and of that very same race?
Grizzly wouldn't have brought up Celeste's familiarity without a reason, I think that they are related somehow. In what way, I'm not too sure but given Celeste's "elder" title I'd be willing to reckon she's his mother, or maybe even grandmother.
So, what about Caspian possibly being the navy mole mentioned in 114?
Well, I don't really know. Celeste didn't seem very keen on collaborating with the navy, and probably would have stayed resistant to any form of navy occupation. That doesn't really mean Caspian would feel the same as his possible relative, he was a navy correspondent prior to becoming a pirate, after all, but perhaps him becoming a pirate is him living with similar sentiments.
I've seen many mole theories and all of them are great, so I'm not here for all that lol, I'm just here to share my thoughts about a very subtle but glaringly obvious in hindsight comment that Grizz made.
Caspian might be Elder Celeste's son.
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markantonys · 23 days
TSR update: do you think RJ had any idea how very bisexual he was making Elayne in her POV chapters? lol
honestly? i think he did (at least by the time of the avilayne cohabitation era, maybe not as early as TSR, who knows). but he seemed to enjoy female queerness (maybe in a fetishistic way, maybe in a genuine way) and was pretty explicit about showing queer ladies, he just felt limited to only letting them be extremely minor characters (that windfinder & noblewoman who had an affair) or evil man-hating lesbians (galina, elaida) or "just a phase in college" (moiraine & siuan) and seemingly did not feel able to have a major non-evil female character be explicitly and permanently queer, no doubt due to the times and whatnot.
but he goes so out of his way to show that elayne's friendship with avi is NOT the same as her friendships with nynaeve, egwene, or birgitte, and so much of their relationship is very obviously similar to a marriage with very very thinly-veiled queer metaphors (with them sharing a bed and living together in caemlyn and elayne's reflections on how people are surprised by her ~aiel companion~ and don't understand their relationship), and they both so often think about how they love each other just as much as they love rand with halfhearted caveats that it's a different kind of love (compared to min being zero involved in sentiments like that, either on her own part or on elayne's or avi's), that i genuinely do believe it was RJ's intention to heavily imply romance (or at least sex) between them and that he would've gone full explicit avirandlayne throuple if he was writing in 2024. like, yes authors not realizing how queer they made their straight friendships is a common phenomenon (and RJ certainly did plenty of that - cauthor anyone?) but with elayne and aviendha it just...........it feels like it couldn't NOT have been intentional, to me anyway haha it's the way that as a bi woman myself, elayne's pov and thoughts and internal life feel consistently like that of a bi woman, compared to characters like egwene or nynaeve or faile who might have the occasional "r/menwritingwomen so bad it ends up sounding gay" moment, but those are just occasional funny accidental moments that feel like they're in a markedly different realm than the consistently queer way elayne thinks and behaves. we'll never really know what RJ was up to, but elayne's bi-ness truly does feel pretty intentional To Me. and that is why making elayne explicitly bi in the show will be very loyal to the spirit of the books even if the letter of them didn't let her be bi at the time they were written [bangs gavel]
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puppydoggraham · 3 months
Hannigram is brokeback mountain coded especially the breakdown scene which is Mizumono
(Jack is Hannibal, Ennis is Will)
Jack: “We could’ve had a good life together. Fuckin real good life. Had us a place of our own. But you didn’t want it.”
Hannibal about Florence. That’s what he wanted with Will before Will betrayed him: a good life together. So much so that he was willing to leave without a sacrifice. This line is parallel to the “I gave you a rare gift but you didn’t want it” line. In the same way that Ennis in the film is struggling (he wants to be with Jack but because of internalized homophobia and his circumstances, he doesn’t feel like he can), Will struggles to choose to have a life with Hannibal because of struggles with his morality, not wanting to accept his feelings both about Hannibal and about his darker nature, and the fact that Hannibal actually has feelings for him which he doesn’t think is possible and doesn’t want to it accept it. Both Hannibal and Jack think that Will and Ennis don’t want to be with them “but you didn’t want it” but they do, hence Will saying “didn’t I?” and the following breakdown from Ennis.
Jack: “So what we got now is Brokeback mountain. Everything’s built on that. That’s all we got boy, fuckin all, so I hope you know that if you don’t ever know the rest.”
A lot of Will and Hannibal’s relationship similarly occurs in private away from the outside world. Brokeback mountain in terms of the show represents all of these private moments that their connection was built on (a lot of season 2 but applicable for pretty much any season).
Jack: “You count the damn few times that we have been together in nearly 20 years and you measure the short fuckin leash you keep me on and then you ask me about mexico and you tell me you’ll kill me for needing something I don’t hardly never get.”
Obviously the timeline is different but it’s a similar sentiment with how Hannibal feels that their shared moments are brief. He obviously needs the connection with Will and hardly gets it, which is what Jack is expressing here.
Jack: “You have no idea how bad it gets. And I’m not you, I can’t make it on a couple of high altitude fucks once or twice a year.”
They never explicitly have sex in the show (we all know I think they did and it wasn’t shown LOL) but applying this to them, Hannibal feels like Will can survive off the lack of intimacy (he’s used to being neglected) meanwhile Hannibal can’t. He wants to have all of Will and isn’t content with hardly having him.
Jack: “I wish I knew how to quit you.”
And there it is yeah…. Hannibal cannot give up Will no matter what. They can’t stay away from each other.
Ennis: “Then why don’t you? Why don’t you just let me be then huh it’s because of you Jack that I’m like this. I’m nothin. I’m nowhere.”
Will frequently blames Hannibal for being the way he is. He also just expects that Hannibal will give up on him (he will not).
Jack then walks over and says “it’s okay” and Ennis says get the fuck off me and lashes out and pushes him away. Jack holds him anyways while Ennis breaks down in his arms and Jack tells him it’s all right and says “damn you Ennis”. Ennis says “I just can’t stand this anymore, Jack.”
Hannibal understands Will. He knows how Will is. He expects this kind of reaction. Even when Will lashes out, Hannibal will take it all and still be there for him. No matter what they cannot be away from each other regardless of the forces that try to keep them apart. When Ennis says he can’t stand it anymore, that could be referring to their separation or the relationship because of the back and forth. Both can be applied to hannigram. Will eventually gave up in s2 in Mizumono and then realized his mistake. Ennis realized that mistake after Jack died and regretted it. Will realized his mistake after Hannibal left (symbolic death), regretted it, and tried to make up for it by going after Hannibal in Florence and making sure he understood better. If only Jack and Ennis could do the same.
In conclusion:
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hoebiirama · 10 months
✑ Anonymous sent : "Hey, Anli! I hope you're doing well <3 if ok with you, can I request some hcs for Madara and Tobirama with a fem friend who has Kamado Tanjiro's personality (from Kimetsu no Yaiba tho if you haven't watch it yet then someone who's just really kind, innocent in some way and respectful) some friendship hcs would be interesting. Thank you in advance if you accept my request! Take care 💙" ✑ Anli's useless comment : I am indeed unfamiliar with Kimetsu no Yaiba so I went off of the description you gave me, so I apologize if I didn't go in depth enough ! 😭😖 Thank you so much for requesting though 💚
Masterpost | Rules | Send a request | Works in Progress
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うちはマダラ • Uchiha Madara
↳ Madara would be concerned for you. I don't think he sees all types of kindness as weakness (showing mercy to your opponent is the type of "kindness" he considers weak), but in your case, it's different. The fact that you always assume the best in people deeply unsettles him, and he's always worried that someone will take advantage of you one day because you're too friendly. Your willingness to help others is both your strongest and weakest asset. He doesn't like that.
↳ I feel like he would scold you like a strict dad. A lot. Because he grew up being told to constantly hide his emotions, he never learned how to properly express them, so it often comes out as anger or frustration. Is the scolding annoying ? Yes. Do you understand why he's like this ? Also yes. You wouldn't have a problem telling him off, but this man invented the concept of being stubborn, so your words would have virtually no effect on him.
↳ It's a different story entirely when that kindness is directed towards him. Madara is used to people feeling extremely intimidated by him, never looking him in the eye, never approaching him unless it's absolutely necessary, and being overly polite out of cautiousness and fear of summoning his wrath. And I feel like your kindness and positive attitude towards life would both feel like a breath of fresh air and very unnerving (definitely at first). He probably wouldn't know how to deal with that.
↳ But that's also the reason he came to care about you, because no matter how much of an asshole he was to you at first, you never reciprocated the sentiment. You were always nice to him. You never took anything he said personally because you understood why he was so guarded all the time and that alone was enough to make you special in his eyes. Madara has never received any form of empathy from someone other than his brother.
↳ Your kindness is pure, and he would feel it. You're not nice to him out of caution. You don't show him respect because you fear him. It's genuine. It's something you can't fake. And while he'd definitely be thrown off at first, he'd warm up to you and eventually come to deeply care about you, even if he has strange ways of showing it.
↳ What I'm saying is, Madara is biased. Showing him kindness and openness is fine. Encouraged, even. But towards others ? Hell no. That won't pass. And yes, it is partly due to his possessiveness. Because if you think that's just something he'd display with his s/o, you'd be deadly wrong. Whether you're his friend or his lover, you're still his, period. He'd be able to put up with it without too much complaining if it's with Hashirama, but with strangers and Tobirama especially, he won't stop himself from making some kind of comment about how they (read : Tobirama) don't deserve you being nice to them.
↳ Pro tip : a good way to shut him up if he starts lecturing you again is to tease him a little and tell him "well, I have you to protect me, don't I ? Why should I worry about these things when you're there ?" and his brain might just stop working for a hot minute, lol.
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千住扉間 • Senju Tobirama
↳ I feel like Tobirama would share some similarities with Madara, but not even nearly to the same degree. He'd also be a lot more comfortable expressing his feelings through words, so he wouldn't get frustrated the way Madara would. It's just that sometimes he thinks you're being too trusting with people you should absolutely be wary of, or going too soft on people who don't deserve it.
↳ Thankfully, Tobirama is always ready to defend you from anyone who tries to imply that you're naive or easy to manipulate, because he knows it's far from the truth. You're no pushover; unfortunately, in the world you live in, it is often seen as a bad thing to be kind. Tobirama would have no qualms telling people off for you if need be, and by that I mean that even if you can stand up for yourself, you're not as harsh on people as he thinks is necessary, so he takes it upon himself to finish the job, lol.
↳ This one is obvious but I still have to say it : he'd also absolutely hate seeing you being friendly with Madara. I feel like all of the concerns Madara has in general would apply to Tobirama in this specific scenario. He'd be worried sick that the man would end up hurting you in one way or another (he feels the same way about Hashirama's friendship with Madara). Tobirama knows better than to straight up just tell you to stop talking to him, but if he catches you with Madara, he'd probably find any excuse to pull you away from him.
↳ Your friendliness and kindness also reminds him of his brother, and he'd definitely have a soft spot for it. I feel like he'd ask you a lot of questions to try and figure out why you're this way and how the world you live in hasn't seemed to completely ruin your innocence. It would be such a wild concept to him, and as the curious mind he is, he'd definitely try to understand your point of view.
↳ He would definitely come to you for personal advice if you're close enough. You'd be easier to trust than most people and not as biased as Hashirama would be (and, let's face it, if Tobirama comes to you with a personal problem, 99% of the time Hashirama is somehow involved in it), and you'd likely be one of the few people who could make him genuinely laugh. (Making him smile is easy enough. Just look at any picture of him with his students when they were children. Or how he was looking at Sasuke while fighting alongside him during the war. Man's not as stoic as people think he is — but you have a better chance at beating him in a footrace than you have at making him laugh.)
↳ Tobirama would love having you around, tbh. You're not as blindly optimistic as his brother is, but you're still the kind of positive presence he desperately needs in his life. He wouldn't fear negative judgement from you, and he knows you always mean well. You're probably the only person he can talk to about his students who'll get just as hyped as he is and not make some comment about how it's "unlike him to be so soft" and ruin the moment.
↳ 12/10 friendship, would recommend. For his sake. Please. The poor man desperately needs a friend.
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Prides Gift
- Prompt: MC accidentally summons one of the brothers with the strength of their sin. - I read something similar to this a while back from another creator, but I can't remember who it was. All I can remember is that it was about a teen MC who accidentally summoned them. The idea was very entertaining, and I wanted to give my own twist to it. - I'm only going to do one brother for now, and if it does well, I will do the others. If not, I'll let it die lol So let me know how it is. Any critique is appreciated. - MC is in their mid to late teens - I'm sick atm and my meds have made me kind of out of it so I apologize if this didn't turn out all that great or make any sort of sense lmao I'll probably read back through this when I come down from my medicinal cocktail and just think "wtf" - Not proofread - Song recommendation: Product Of My Own Design by Artio
- Edit: I did come back and read through this, and I did say "wtf" but like in a good way.
This work contains topics that some may find unpleasant. If you are sensitive to any of these, please, KEEP SCROLLING
Warnings: Small amount of physical/mental Abuse
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The avatar of pride hated being summoned. It was a complete inconvenience. He had far too much work to do and had no time nor desire to deal with some petty humans wants or needs. Rarely ever did a human have something of value to exchange for his influence and even more rare were they even worthy enough to be in his presence.
He had become quite skilled at resisting. Only ever giving in when he truly needed to. But this time it felt odd. Different somehow, in a way he couldn't fully comprehend.
He tried to ignore it, to keep going about his work, hoping it would pass, but it persisted.
With a growl of irritation, he slammed his pen down and shoved his chair back as he stood before teleporting to its originator.
He made sure to keep himself out of sight, hiding away in the shadows, just out of a human's perception.
What he found perplexed him. Before him were two humans staring each other down. The feeling was coming from the younger one. His eyes traveled to the other.
One of their parents he presumed. They shared features with one another. In the background he saw other children.
In their hands was a piece of sheet music.
"It's not good enough!" their parent yelled. "You are a disgrace! What good is it that you're a prodigy if all you can produce is this garbage?!"
A slap echoed through the room.
The parent continued with their cruel words. Going on and on about how worthless their child was.
The young human did not cry or yell, only turned their head back to them with a fury in their eyes. Their spine rigid, chin held high, and fists balled at their sides.
It was obviously not the first time they had endured this treatment.
He felt their pride waver and anger swell within them. The smell of frankincense and amaryllis came off of them in waves and invaded his senses. The flavor of their sin was unique to say the least and it was clear to see that summoning him had not been their intention. He had half a mind to leave but he remained out of morbid curiosity.
He tapped into their thoughts.
"You're wrong. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! How dare you?! How dare you?! How dare you?! I will be better than you! I am better than you! All you want is to take credit for my accomplishments! My hard work! How dare you act as if I am inferior?! Don't crack. Don't give in. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing me broken. They must never see me weak."
It was a sentiment he was all too familiar with.
The older human sent them to their room and he followed. He let himself indulge in their sin. Let it feed him.
When their door shut and locked behind them, the humans hands flew to their hair and pulled, a growl rising in their throat. They paced around the room for a while before finally leaning onto their desk, taking deep breaths.
"Just breathe it out," they muttered to themself. "A break down won't help."
They continued this until their emotions settled within them, or rather were locked away again.
The avatar of pride stepped out of the shadows. His wings and horns on full display, arms crossed in front of his chest.
"You shouldn't hold back, human." He said.
The human jumped and whipped around to come face to chest with him before looking up to his piercing red eyes. The slight fear at the sight of him fed his ego.
"Who are you? How did you get in here?" they asked.
His chest puffed up, "Lucifer Morningstar. You summoned me. Who are you?" He demanded.
He saw recognition flash through their eyes at his name only for confusion to overtake them once more before they settled with acceptance, "MC... May I address you as Mr. Morningstar? Or something along those lines? I feel like using your first name is too familiar and a bit disrespectful."
Lucifer was surprised by their manners but didn't let it show as he gave them a slight nod of approval. Another surprise was that the fear had disappeared from them and was replaced by curiosity as they appraised him.
"You are being very polite for a human in the presence of demon," he commented.
MC scoffed in exasperation, "It is in my best interest not to earn your ire. Besides, you haven't done anything to me personally to justify rudeness."
"You aren't going to call upon god to save your soul? I can feel his influence here. Pieces of it are scattered throughout your home." The low timber of his voice vibrated through the room with an air of ridicule.
"My parents beliefs are not mine. I do not care for their god. And what good would there be in calling upon him now? He has done nothing for me and I owe him nothing. I do not need nor want his intervention."
MC walked to their bed and sat down before gesturing to their desk chair, "Have a seat if you want to, Mr. Morningstar."
His respect for the human grew just a little bit so he accepted.
"You mentioned before that I summoned you," MC began again. "How? I don't remember doing anything of the sort."
He sighed, "Simply put, my sin in you was strong enough to pull me here."
"Oh, so what now?"
He thought on it for a moment. He felt an unusual connection with the human, though he would not know why for a while yet. He couldn't help but notice the open minded air about them and their maturity and intelligence. They had the potential to be successful. A willingness to learn and persevere, to push forward and work harder were qualities he admired.
They had one immediate obstacle and that was domineering and controlling parental figures.
An obstacle he knew intimately.
"Normally, this is when you humans start stating what you desire from me, but if you are amenable, I am willing to offer you a deal."
MC watched him cautiously, "What would this deal cost me? My soul?"
"I am not some lesser demon who requires souls to gain power," He replied with a snappish tone. "I do not require yours."
"I meant no offense, Mr. Morningstar. I simply have no knowledge of demons or how deals with demons work outside the churches influence. To be honest I didn't truly believe any of it existed. What exactly are you offering and how would it work? I do not want to blindly incur debts."
He was not going to make a pact with them. They were far too young to offer immediate results or benefit him in any way, but his instincts told him that assisting this human would be in his best interest.
"It is an exchange. By giving me that which you are most proud of, I will offer you a small piece of myself that is of equal value. The power from that will make you succeed in your endeavors, but it will still require work. You must earn it."
"Aside from aiding my success, how else would this affect me personally?"
He smirked. They were perceptive as well. Good. "It will increase your pride in yourself and your work. Effectively raising your confidence and make you work even harder."
It was similar to the effects of his pact, but not nearly as potent.
"And of course, you lose any chance of going to heaven. You would be making a deal with a demon, after all." He added.
"What do you gain from this?"
"Some of the pride that you accumulate through your accomplishments will be syphoned to me."
It was an extremely simple exchange. It didn't required MC to do anything but pursue their strengths and he wouldn't have to come to human realm as often as before to meet his sins needs. It was a win-win.
The human appeared lost in thought as if having an internal debate. Then something sparked in their eyes and they stood. He watched them walk to a bookshelf in the corner of the room and pull out a binder before coming to stand in front of him.
"This is a collection of the most complex musical compositions I have written. Each of them have earned me first place in competitions all over the country. I have them all committed to memory so I have no need of a physical copy. Is this sufficient?" They asked while keeping eye contact with him.
He could see and feel the unwavering certainty in their eyes.
Without a word, Lucifer reached down and plucked a single feather from one of his wings. It settled in the center of his palm and he cast a transfiguration spell on it making it change into a pendant in the shape of his sigil.
While simple in design it was still quite large. His pride demanding that it be seen.
They exchanged items carefully.
"You must not lose that, ever," Lucifer stared them down as he stood to leave. "If you do, I will know. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good, I'm leaving. I have been here far too long and I have a lot of work to finish, and no doubt more on the way from the damage my brothers have caused in my absence."
MC looked down at the pendant in their hands and back up, "Farewell, Mr. Morningstar, and thank you."
He said nothing and disappeared back into the shadows.
But before he returned to the Devildom, he had one last thing to take care of to ensure this transaction bore fruit.
He made his way through the house until he found MCs parent.
Lucifer let his presence slip into their senses. Exuding an intoxicating aura of power and arrogance and terror that preyed on the darkest recesses of human vanity.
Then he manifested before them, his true form imposing, standing tall and lean. His entire being seemed to ripple with suppressed energy, ready to unleash his dominion on any who dared to challenge him. As he stalked his way to them, he radiated an ethereal essence, swirling hues of crimson, gold, and violet dancing and intertwining like a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of color.
But it was his eyes that captured the attention of the human before him. They burned with an intense, otherworldly fire, shining like twin suns and within their depths was a potent mix of confidence, ambition, and superiority that captivated any who dared to meet his gaze. Those who did found their own doubts and insecurities exposed, their sense of self shaken to its very core.
Even the air seemed to bend and quiver in his presence. The atmosphere crackled with palpable energy, an invisible forcefield pulsating around him and with his every step, a symphony of whispers and murmurs that danced on the very edges of the psyche followed. A chorus of both awe and trepidation that only continued to grow louder.
In seconds the human found themselves trapped as he closed in on them and the air turned suffocating. They were frozen in place, limbs trembling.
"MC and I have come to an agreement," His demonic voice slithered through the air, a chilling tone that resonated with primal malevolence. Its timbre was a haunting blend of gravelly growls and seductive hisses, capable of both commanding obedience and instilling paralyzing fear. As it echoed, the words seemed to claw their way into the human's mind, leaving a lingering sense of unease and bore the unmistakable mark of the infernal, a haunting reminder of the abyss from which it emerged.
"So if you so much as lay another finger on them or harm them in any way, I will not hesitate to come back here and tear you limb from limb, understood?"
The human nodded weakly, unable to speak.
Then he was gone.
A decade had passed since then and Lucifer had nearly forgotten about it, barely even remembering their name. Being swamped in a literal mountains of work on the daily will do that to people.
This day was an important one. He was in a rush to get things in order for the arrival of the new exchange student. Doing double checks on everything. He had already had to deal with his brothers antics: Mammon disappearing, Satan trying to sabotage him with yet another prank, having to drag levi from his room, Beel having cleared the fridge again, Asmo constant inappropriate questions about the exchange student, worrying of belphie in the attic, and the list goes on. He couldn't handle another setback, otherwise he was liable to explode.
There was one document he just couldn't find and it was driving him mad. He ripped open the draws in his desk and started pilfering through his files only for eyes to fall to a binder buried underneath.
Suddenly his DDD went off and his eyes shot to its screen to see that is was a message from Diavolo stating he had the document in question and to meet him in the student council room.
Before long he and his brothers were watching as the exchange student was summoned.
They were disoriented at first and glanced around in confusion until their eyes locked with his, and a soft smile graced their face.
His own fell to the pendant around their neck.
"It is a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Morningstar."
Part 2
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Hello Rise fandom - I present my version of Venus!! For the past few weeks I've been absolutely obsessed with the lost sisters, so I finally decided to make my own versions of them. Decided to start with Big Mama's Assistant and I'll get around to the other lost sister in a few weeks 🐢 👀
I based Venus largely off her NM and IDW looks with a bit of Jennika thrown in for fun. Tried to stick as close to her canon look as Big Mama's Assistant as possible while giving my own spin to her. This is how imagine her to look once reunited with her family! Feel free to click see more if you'd like just a lil more info on her, or check out my fic where I'm writing my own missing sisters arc we were robbed of where Venus and the other sister will appear 🐢💕💕
So here's a lil more info on Venus...
Venus is ofc the sister raised by Big Mama who became her Assistant. The night of the mutation, Venus got caught up in an explosion in Draxum's lab which led to her getting injured. When Big Mama finds her, she gets the little turtle help but Venus nonetheless becomes a double amputee. And Big Mama is still a little sentimental about Lou - she thinks about how much he loved art because of his mother, and sees the turtle as her own little treasure and so names her after the Venus de Milo. There's much more to her backstory than that but - spoilers! You'll have to check out my fic for more (and I've already spoiled more here than I've revealed on AO3 oops lol). But here's a few more facts about her!
I've decided that the Disaster Twins are actually a trio - surprise! Leo, Donnie, and Venus are the Disaster Triplets because I just find it adorable and she just gives me such middle child energy tbh.
Venus' ninpo is very much tied to her amputation and weapons. She can manifest constructs of her arms, similar to Raph being able to copy himself. But she can also teleport those constructs around and use copies of her kaiken as well, kinda like Leo and his swords. As you can see on her character sheet, her ninpo manifests as flower petals! This is because I really wanted her to take after her grandmother aka Splinter's mom, Atsuko - thus the petals, and also where I got the shape of her eyes.
Also her favorite parent is absolutely Draxum and yes it drives Splinter up a wall, in particular because of how much Venus reminds him of his mother.
I've got so many more notes than just this but I really wanted to share my girl - give her some love if you want and feel free to check out my fic as well! I'll be updating more regularly in June when I have time to actively write. Might get to the other sister's character sheet first, but who knows! 💕💕
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could I request prompts 12 and 23 for norman bates from the slasher movie pyscho (1960s version)? Pairing is romantic
Was finally able to see Psycho on Netflix! I do indeed have a story idea I can do for this. My prompts were used for this.
Did not do character research for this, wrote it right after seeing the movie so I hope his character is correct :) I also wrote this late at night so there's that too, lol 😅 By the time I post this it'll be the next morning where I can look at this with a better mindset and edit it.
Yandere! Norman Bates Prompts 12 + 23
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...."
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Obsession at first sight, Clingy behavior, Murder, Kidnapping, Delusional behavior, Forced relationship, Darling is naive as serial killers weren't too common in the 1960s, Vomit, Violence, Norman actually has no chill.
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Norman had seen many people come to the motel before. Whenever he did grow attached to them, Mother scolded him. Mother never let the guests stay too long anyways.
Despite the desolate feeling of the motel and house, Norman never really felt alone. He's happy, mother's happy, things were great with just the two of them. There didn't need to be anyone else.
Then Norman met you, a tired traveler needing to rest. Norman had noticed you had a friend with you. The man thought nothing of you both, you'd probably end up like all the rest.
Then Norman started talking with you. By just standing in the office of the motel you managed to make him stutter, a shyness enveloping him and intoxicating his mind. You are so easy to talk to. You even seem to shy away from him as he did you.
Norman likes talking with you. He feels like he could talk for hours, actually. Norman sometimes felt this way towards guests... although with you it seems like a stronger feeling. Maybe mother would like this one....
Norman makes a promise to himself to be the best gentleman towards you. To you, he's a kind and sweet man who runs a motel and takes care of his sick mother. The person he didn't like was your friend....
Norman feels ill at the connection you two share. Perhaps he's envious, glowering at your friend and thinking about how close you two are. Norman just met you... you didn't know anything about him... and he already wanted everything to do with you.
"I can get you both some food! Then I'll show you to your rooms." Norman chirps, suddenly in a good mood.
"What rooms are available?" You ask, Norman being very attentive to your voice.
"There's twelve rooms, all vacant. You can have room one while your friend has room four!"
"Uh... we can share-" Your friend pipes up. Norman frowns at their voice, mood souring as soon as they spoke.
"Sorry, I can't do that. There's only one bed in a room and sharing a bed simply won't do! Can't have anything... unsavory, right?"
You and your friend grimace at the implication.
"Yeah, guess not...." You murmur. Norman smiles again, ushering you both outside.
"P-Please, take your room keys and wait for me! I'll deliver some food for the both of you."
You and your friend agree before taking the room keys and heading to your rooms. Norman couldn't stop smiling at the thought of you... he wanted to watch you through the hole in the wall but he had other matters to attend to at the moment.
Not only did he need to feed you... but mother has to know about you, too.
Norman consulted his mother about the two new guests he had met later in the night. The thought of you had made him excited! Although... he hates that you came with someone else.
His mother shared a similar sentiment. You seem very kind and just may treat her son right. Yet there was that issue with your little friend.
Norman pleaded with his mother to keep you. He wanted you over for dinner but it was too early for that to happen according to her. Norman was overjoyed when he watched you eat the food he brought back from the house, you said it was great!
Mother likes how you make her son happy. He's always gotten attached easily, though he may have picked right this time. She promises her dear son that she'll help him out a little....
Once she helps with that friend problem, the rest is on him, however.
After all the trouble she has to go through to make Norman happy, she hopes you're worth it.
You woke up late at night to the sound of shuffling outside your door. You yawn and try to open your eyes enough to see before wiping the crust from them. You thought it was some sort of animal or that Norman guy doing routine clean up....
Then you heard screaming.
Familiar screaming.
You shoot up with concern on your face, staring at the wooden door with uncertainty. Surely it wasn't anything bad, right...? The idea of being alone and without help frightened you.
The nearest payphone was a long walk.... The sheriff would take forever to come at the hour, too. Maybe you can ask Norman for help?
The screaming had stopped as quickly as it started. It was either silenced or the pain wasn't that bad. Maybe your friend just... hurt themselves?
The idea of a serial killer wasn't a very common idea around this time... which made you a bit naive.
Cautiously you exit your room, intending to find Norman. Looking down to room four you see the room open. Surely Norman was already looking into it....
Trying to calm your racing heart, you try to reassure yourself it's nothing big. There's nothing wrong... maybe your friend saw a roach or something? You walk towards the room. Must be... it couldn't be anything that ba-
You stop in your tracks. No, Norman wasn't in the room already.... Your friend was there, however...
Just with stab wounds in their chest and stomach, their blood pooling onto the floor.
You pause, the shock still clouding your cognitive ability at the moment. You slowly trace your gaze over your friend's corpse... then it sets in. Then it all sits in.
You collapse onto the ground in a spew of vomit. Bile puddles onto the floor, the room smelling of metal and rot. You want to scream... but you're in too much shock.
"Dear-" A voice says from behind you before cutting off. The voice sounds like Norman, yet you can't bear to turn. Does he think you did it?
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...." Norman panics. You are confused to what the young man means before it clicks. Norman's a murderer... and you're alone.
"Oh sorry, mother... I wasn't fast enough-" Norman mutters to himself before fully turning his attention to you. "Dear, you look so sick... I should get you cleaned up."
"Don't... call me that..." You manage to croak out, stumbling to your feet quickly. "Stay away from me!"
"Please sit down! You're scared, I can explain!"
Despite being trapped in the room, you try to squeeze past the man. Norman stops you, no amount of brute force working against him. His eyes weren't friendly...
They were cold and a bit nervous.
"We can work this out! I'll get you cleaned up a-and we'll talk! I p-promise you this is a misunderstanding!"
You don't listen and struggle more. Norman frowns at your desperation and attempts to wrangle you back. Both of you get a bit too desperate in your fighting...
Leading to Norman accidentally hitting your head too hard against the wall.
When you manage to comprehend your surroundings again you notice you're bandaged and cleaned. Rope ties a wrist of yours to a bed frame and you can tell this is an old unfamiliar house. You begin to panic again, using your other hand to fidget with the knot.
You freeze everything when you hear footsteps come up the stairs. You hold your breathe in anticipation but it wasn't like you could hide. When the door opened... any hope of this being some nightmare diminished.
Norman Bates, the man who supposedly murdered your friend, stood in front of you with a tray in hand.
Norman offers you a smile... one you don't return. He places the tray down on a small table and you notice it's full of food. The moment Norman looks at you... you want to cry.
"Good Morning... darling." Norman chuckles, appearing to like the idea of calling you such a sickeningly sweet name. "I brought breakfast."
"You put me here..." You whimper.
"Of course!" He says in a chipper tone. "M-Mother allowed you to stay... because you make me happy."
You feel yourself grow ill again.
"Why...?" You could've been saying 'why' for a lot of reasons. At this point you didn't care. Any answer probably wasn't good or satisfactory.
"Why...?" Norman looks puzzled. "I-I thought we could just... stay here and t-talk... I d-didn't want to see you go so soon."
"You killed them...."
"Them? I didn't- Mother said they weren't welcome... so she got rid of them. She approved of you, thankfully! Which is great... because I really l-l-like you." Norman confesses nervously.
You drop the conversation there. You weren't in any state for interrogation anyways. Something was wrong with this man... he was not right in the head... you hear yourself sob.
Norman picks up on this and frowns. His little bird was crying.... You must be so overwhelmed by this new place and him.
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away." Norman murmurs in what seemed to be a caring tone. The man sits on the bed a shifts closer. You try to run away with a loud sob, only for Norman to pull you roughly into his chest.
"Shhh..." He comforts, feeling you struggle and push to get away from him. Your sobs were loud yet he didn't mind. He wants to make his little bird feel better. "I'll take good care of you here. You'll never be lonely. It'll just be... us...."
You freeze when he kisses your forehead and presses your face into his chest. In your mind, you're doomed. This guy is insane... and probably was going to force you into something.
Norman, however, didn't plan on such a thing. He felt the love between you was stronger than anything. He wants to be a good boyfriend and husband... all he wants to do is hold you, nothing more.
"You're as cute as a bird." Norman smiles with a twisted attempt at flirting. He pecks your cheek with another kiss. "... I love birds..." Norman pauses, looking at your crying face with adoration. "I knew the moment I spoke with you I'd love you...!"
The twisted declaration of love from Norman sends another fit of sobbing out of you. Norman shushes you once more and keeps you suffocatingly close to his chest. You hated it here... you wished you just drove tired with your friend...
Yet Norman felt you'd enjoy your time here after you got to know each other.
Perhaps you, him, and mother can be happy here in this house together? Just the three of you....
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
I'm baffled that people are hating on you for having an opinion on a fictional Minecraft block man aksbahf. Even as someone who does enjoy FH (mostly the fandom version of it honestly), it's bonkers to judge someone for NOT liking a ship? Or not enjoying a character's behavior? Or for interpreting on-screen interactions differently than they do??? Like jesus, the whole point of fandom is to enjoy it the way you want to. You're not hurting anyone by seeing a pairing as negative based on what you watched. Look at friggin' Desert Duo, half the fandom writes 'em as toxic and divorced, and the other says they're devoted and inseparable. Different stances and interpretations make for a mixed and flavorful fandom experience and a melting pot of awesome stories and art. Good lord, god forbid you like something different or dislike a specific part of a media that you love lol
Keep doing you friend, you're great! <3
- 🧚‍♀️
Oh god if only it were like desert duo, if only... But lmao yeah right!! I'm sorry that Scott smajor damnthatsalongusername is a guy that exists in real life I really don't care. I just want to discuss what I see from the series! And the more I see people with similar opinions to mine talk, the more evident it becomes that those opinions used to be so minimal because of this kind of fandom treatment. And so my heart goes out to anyone who dares talk about said opinions even if it gets them accused of homophobia lol. I'm with you guys...
And the fact that you like FH... but you're on my blog and share this sentiment... Is that so hard... Is it so hard to be decently sensible about different opinions and interpretations...
Also I do like FH too haha, I don't think I can say I ship it but obviously it's really compelling to me, and I've said it before and I'll keep saying it that I very much enjoy a lot of fluffy FH art and I really like them in ESMP1 for example. But no, I said they were toxic in 3L so that means I hate them!!!! It's ridiculous how much of a black and white matter this is to so many people, I don't understand... And the thing is that I WANT to understand! As you said, it's cool and intriguing! Differing discussion only adds to any one subject matter. Soft FH people probably wouldn't change my mind but I'd love to understand their points if only those points weren't something along the lines of "shut up you're wrong" (obviously not everyone!! But it is what I keep seeing in the FH tag lol)
I've seen people proclaim Jimmy as the abusive one, or proclaim ranchers as toxic etc, and I don't see it but man does it intrigue me! It's absurd to me personally, but I'm not telling you to shut up - you can't just say that and not tell me more! I wanna know what people are thinking without shutting one another down...
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