#so now I have two of these suckers living in my brain
pencilofawesomeness · 27 days
Hey pencil, how are you doing? are you still burned out? I just miss your HTRYDS because it is a refreshing take on FT that addresses things that are overlooked? eg Jellal getting proper help and having a life and relationships outside his past.
Hi! Thanks for checking in! I'm alive, and my writing mojo took a longer vacation than I would have liked, but it started coming back in the last couple of months. Unfortunately, for the wrong things, but I have long since learned that I have to let the happy brain chemicals do their thing on whatever project(s) gave the random inspiration burst before I can reign them in.
I am working on the next chapter of Runaways, and it is coming along, but I'm probably going to wait until I have at least two or three chapters done before I start posting again. To keep the rest of the arc's update time consistent, hopefully. (And if I don't come back with Runaways soon, I absolutely plan on getting out a side story or two for @ft-platonicweek because I have ideas~ :3)
And awwww thank you anon! I'm glad over people enjoy me picking out details of FT I find interesting and under utilized and going ham lol. Like with Jellal—he's such an interesting character, and even more so when he can be relatively stable and not a sad boi incarnate. Not that he's not prime sad boi stick target material but... I digress XD
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kurokens · 2 months
In The Middle | Satosugu
anime/manga: jujutsu kaisen
character: gojo satoru & geto suguru
words: 798
pronouns: they/them
request: none
notes: probably an overused prompt but idc sue me, i needed to write one of my own. im a sucker for misunderstanding. i haven't written anything in such a long time, it's been a while im sorry, satosugu have been on my mind for a while, and i needed to write something with them because i love them so fucking much. it's gonna be a series, so hopefully i dont disappear after one part lol... later on it might be specific on some insecurities bc i need it and i thought well let's just share it with the world and other who might need it. sorry for any mistakes T-T
not proof read
song rec: SHE'S - In The Middle
genre: hurt comfort, fluff, slowburn, a little bit angsty, poly?
warnings: bad english not my first language, satosugu are in a loving relationship, misunderstanding, pinning, a lot of pinning on satosugu's end, reader is so oblivious (is that the right one?), insecure and self conscious reader
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You've always told yourself you weren't the type to live with anyone, you liked your quiet and your peace. Alone in your little bubble, without a soul to disturb it. And yet, here you were awoken by your roomates lover quarrel in the room next door, for the hundredth time this week.
"Don't you love me anymore? Am I not enough for you?" a whiny voice whisper-screamed "Satoru, my love, it was a dream, it was all in your head." an exhausted voice replied
"So what?? It doesn't mean anything? Are my feelings not valid?" Gojo huffed.
"How are you so dramatic so early in the morning? Let's go back to sleep come here.", Geto carefully lifted the blanket so his boyfriend could go back exactly where he belonged, asleep and quiet in his arms.
Such occurences weren't new to you, you could even say there were your daily life, that's why you laughed hearing the bickering couple, and turned around in your bed to try and fall back asleep while their muffled voices could still be heard in the background. This was without counting on what part of their conversation your brain decided to pick up on next. "I dont know for how much longer I can do this Sugu.." Satoru sighed. "Me neither love, but there is nothing much we can do about it.They live with us." His black haired lover replied. "I know, ugh I know, but it's getting so much harder everyday. Seeing them is becoming unbearable. I can't stand it anymore, we need to do something." He went on. "Shh, I know, I feel the same. But we can't just drop this on them all of the sudden and expect it to go well." The oldest reasoned.
Your heart shattered on the other side of the wall, now sitting against the headboard, an unstoppable flow of tears falling down your face. You were a bother? You thought the three of you were friends, shit, scratch that, best friends. And yet, yet, this was how they felt about you. Fuck fuck FUCK You needed to calm down, it's okay, you're okay. It must have been a nightmare, yeah that's right, a nightmare. Your brain loved playing tricks on you, waking you up in the middle of the night with the most vivid and realistic nightmares ever, enough to send you into full blown meltdown. Nothing to worry about, it was just a nightmare, nothing else. That's what you told yourself and yet when you woke up you couldnt shake this weird feeling in your stomach. You contemplated staying in your bed all day and avoid your roomates but that would be silly to ignore them for something that was potentially just a dream. So you shook the silly feelings away and got out of your bed, made your way to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Your two roommates were already there, being lovey dovey in each others lap and the weird feeling made its way back into your stomach. "Hi there." You greeted tiredly, only to be met with an echo of short hms, and not even a nod to accompany the cold greeting. The lack of acknowledgment not helping with your already overthinking mind, you decided to take a quick breakfast and just leave them be. It could just be a coincidence, nothing to worry about haha, right? Or so you thought, because you were back in your room mindlessly scrolling through tik tok when you once again hear the muffled voices of your roommates. Your brain screamed at you to put your headphones on and drown out their conversation, but you couldn't get yourself to do it, and you decided to listen to them, to at least finally be able to know whether or not you dreamed what happened last night. And maybe you shouldn't have, but what else could you do now but listen to the cruel words of the ones you once considered your best friends. "Suguru, we need to do it soon. I can't even handle looking at them in the eyes anymore, let alone utter a word to them. We can't keep going like this." Satoru complained. "I know 'Toru, I know, but you need to understand it's not as easy as you think it is." You heard the black haired man answer. And it was enough for you, you needed to get out of there. You obviously were no longer welcomed here, and the sooner you left, the better it would be, for both parties. So inbetween tears you picked up a bag and threw some spare clothes and anything that you could think of in your frenzy state before you ran out of there, determined to never come back, at least not for a while.
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here u gooo!! sorry i've been away for a while, i've been finding it hard to write and staying focused, but i missed it so much, especially for these two. i'll try not to take too long to write AT LEAST a second part, but would love to do more than this bc i want it to be extremely slown burn and a little bit angsty krkrkr
part 2 is here!!
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yeyinde · 26 days
Dude your brain is so big, the concept of a druid/spring deity reader just casually kidnapping their baby daddy is so 😩 finger licking good
I’m such a sucker for dark reader
Also you’re right, Soap? Unbothered. Man is living his best life in this scenario, he wants you to use him ong
i sometimes like to strike my two brain cells together, like flint and pyrite, to spark some creativity from within this ol' noggin.
and same!! i really love oblivious, innocent reader. my corruption kink is astronomical, tbh. but sometimes i just crave a dangerous, deadly MC. they're so rare to find, and so hard to really nail down but i have this dreamy secret garden-esque vision of a soft, nymphlike reader standing by the edge of water with one of them just staring through the thicket, wolfish, and absolutely blind to the fact that the forest only moves when you do. that the "hunger" in your gaze isn't just marbled red with concupiscence, but rather a primordial ache in the pit of your belly. a gnawing, desperate to emptiness you're itching to fill. utterly famished for a taste.
(but they end up being too good in bed to eat)
and Soap hears "i was supposed to eat you, like a preying mantis or some sort of spider, perhaps a black widow or a jumping spider. you know, like sexual cannibalism to feed our young" and instead of running like anyone else would, he just takes it, puts it in his back pocket, and then you wake up the next morning to a bunch of bodies in your domain. he's practically force feeding you all the people he doesn't like from the village at this point. unbothered king. hungry? have the bishop. too full? no, no, no, birdy. you got to eat. his little babes need to grow big and strong, don't they? a menace. and now you're stuck with him.
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bethanythebogwitch · 11 months
If you asked me as a kid what my favorite animal was, there's a good chance I'd respond "chambered nautilus", though I probably would mispronounce it. I don't know if it's still my favorite but it's definitely up there in the pantheon of weird critters. For this Wet Beast Wednesday, I'll discuss my childhood favorite.
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(image: a nautilus)
The nautilus is a cephalopod that lives in a curved shell and looks similar to (but is not closely related to) the extinct ammonites. There are 6 living species in two genera, but 90% of the time when someone is discussing nautiluses they are referring to the most well-known species: Nautilus pompilius or the chambered nautilus. Nautiloids are ancient, going back to at least the late triassic with their more primitive ancestors going back as far as the ordovician period, a time when only invertebrates and primitive plants occupied the land and true fish had not yet appeared. Because of their ancient history, nautiluses are sometimes considered living fossils. I have ranted before on how misleading the term "living fossil" is so I'll spare you that for now. Nautiloids are considered a sister group to the celoids, which contains all the squid, octopus, cuttlefish, and everything else we thinks of as cephalopods. Nautiluses should not be confused with paper nautiluses. Also called argonauts, paper nautiluses are a group of octopi that make an egg case which looks like a shell.
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(image: a nautilus)
The most noticeable feature of a nautilus is its shell. The shell is smooth and finely curving, naturally growing in the shape of a logarithmic spiral (though not, as is commonly stated, a golden ratio spiral). The shell has a stripy outer layer and an inner layer coated with nacre. Internally, the shell is divided into camarae (chambers) separated from each other by walls called septa. Each septum has a small hole in it through which a strand of tissue called the siphuncle passes. Most of the nautilus's body is in the foremost and largest chamber. The shell grows new septa as the animal grows, with the nautilus's body moving to a new chamber as it becomes too large for previous ones. Juveniles are typically born with 4 septa, with adults having as many as 30. In addition to providing protection from predators, the shell is also key for regulating buoyancy. The septa can contain pressurized gas or water and the siphuncle regulates their contents by either adding or removing water to increase or decrease buoyancy. Because of its pressurized contents, the shell can only withstand pressure at depths up to 800 M (2,400 ft) before imploding. Oddly enough, nautiluses can be safely brought up from deep waters where most animals would be killed by the pressure changes. To move, the nautilus pulls water into the first chamber of the shell using its hyponome (siphon) and shoots it back out. The chambered nautilus is the largest species, with a maximum shell diameter of 25 cm (10 in), though most get no larger than 20 cm (8 in).
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(image: a diagram of nautilus anatomy. source)
Where celoid cephalopods have tentacles, nautiluses instead have numerous cirri. Unlike tentacles, cirri are less muscular, are not elastic, and have no suckers. They are used to grab objects using their ridged surfaces and can hold in so hard that trying to take an object away from a nautilus can rip off its cirri, which will remain firmly attached. In addition, the nautilus has modified cirri that serve as olfactory receptors and a pair that serve to open and close the shell when the nautilus needs to retract into it or emerge. Nestled within the cirri is the beak, which is used to consume the nautilus's primary prey of invertebrates, though they have also been seen scavenging fish. Their eyes are less developed than most cephalopods, lacking a lens and consisting of a small pinhole that only allows the nautilus to see simple imagery. Their brains are differently structured than most cephalopods and studies have found them to have considerably shorter long-term memories.
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(image: a chambered nautilus (upper left) next to a rare Allonautilus scrobiculatus. source)
Cephalopod reproduction is quite different than that of other cephalopods. While most cephalopods are short-lived and semelparous (reproducing only once), nautiluses can live over 20 years and reproduce multiple times (iteroparity). They do not reach sexual maturity until around 15 years old, with females laying eggs once per year. Eggs are attached to rocks and take 8 to 12 months to hatch. Males have a structure called the spadix composed of 4 fused cirri that they use to transfer sperm to females. Females lose their gonads after laying their eggs and will regenerate them for the next year's mating season. Interestingly, male nautiluses seem to vastly outnumber the females. EDIT: @bri-the-nautilus in the replies found an alternate explanation for the disparity in male and female numbers you should check out. TLDR; the females are asocial.
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(image: nautiluses mating)
Nautiluses are found in the Indo-Pacific reagion of the ocean and can be found on the steep slopes of coral reefs. They prefer to inhabit waters several hundred meters down. It was once believed that they would rise to shallow waters at night to feed, lay eggs, and mate, but their vertical migration behavior has since been shown to be more complex than that. They have noon been fished by humans for their shells, which have become popular subjects in art and can be made into a number of decorative pieces. The nacre of the shell can be polished into osmeña pearl, which can be quite valuable. Demand for the shells combined with the late sexual maturity and low fecundity is threatening all the species. As of 2016, nautiluses have been added to the CITES Appendix II, making them protected by limiting international trade of their shells. Despite this, they are still threatened and require further protection
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(image: a carved and painted nautilus shell from the Poldi Pezzoli Museum, Milan)
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obsolescent · 10 months
I definitely imagine ghost like this when he comes back from a few months away and he’s just absolutely pissed that reader hasn’t being taking care of herself to take good care of the little ones😭https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJsu6BM3/
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Woven Together
Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x AFAB!GN!Reader
Author’s notes: Ough I am a sucker for domestic Simon. Honestly, after all he’s been through I feel like he would be a wonderful father and would want to be one, too. To set an example and show that he can and will be different from what his father was. Oops I’m getting carried away, I just love letting characters heal lol. Thank you for your request! Also…Gender neutral names for a parent are kinda hard to find, lol.
Content Warnings: Marriage, mentions of pregnancy, reader has given birth, reader has been neglecting themselves a bit, just in a forgetful way. Reader is called Mapa, a mixture of mama and papa.
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The sound echoes throughout the house. Your feet are moving before your brain realizes. You clutch the sling that your infant is nestled into close to your chest, trying to keep them asleep while rushing to your other child. You begin to hear them starting to cry and quicken your pace.
You round the corner into the living room, spotting your child. Your oldest, your son, is in the stage known as the “Terrible Twos,” which is an understatement. He’s so curious, getting into any and everything and it’s hard to keep up with him now that you’ve had your other child, your daughter. She’s just turned four months old, still quite small and sleeping throughout most of the day with feedings every couple hours. You have her in a sling secured around your chest while you made lunch for your son, before the sudden loud noise occurred. 
You see now what’s caused the loud racket and his sobbing. The lamp that was on the end table is now broken on the floor, likely due to him running and bumping into it. “Uh oh!” You exclaim, coming towards him with outstretched hands. He runs into your embrace, while hiccupping an “Uh oh” back to you. It’s something you’ve been able to teach him to say when something like this occurs, whenever he makes a mistake or gets hurt, you’ve realized it helps him calm down and to let him know that accidents happen and he isn’t in trouble.
While cooing in his ear and rubbing his back, you hear keys slide into the lock at the front door. Your head snaps to the sound and you watch your husband, Simon, walk inside. He had been able to be at home for the birth of your daughter through paternity leave, but had to leave again after those six weeks ended. He had been gone for a month now and you were so glad to have him home again. Your son also looks toward the sound, now excited at seeing his father home. “Dada!” He yells, rushing towards him. 
He sets his duffle bag aside and crouches down with his arms wide. “Hello, my boy!” He says, scooping him up and hugging him. You beam at the display, before making your way to them both. “Hello to you, too, my loves, " He says, bending down and giving you a quick kiss to the lips, before crouching further to plant one on his daughter’s head. He holds your cheek in his hand, studying your face. He must notice the bags under your eyes, unruliness of your hair, the rumpled clothing. You wince. “Darling…” He trails off, narrowing his eyes at you. 
 “It’s been a rough month without you, honey,” You answer honestly. No use in hiding it, you reckoned, for it was bare to his eyes. “Sit.” Simon instructs you, putting an arm around you, directing you towards the couch. You take a seat, while he sets your son down. “Hold Esther while I put the sling on,” He says, waiting for you to hand it to him. You look up at him, confused. “You need rest, love. Let me watch the children while you relax.” “But you just got back from a mission–” He stops you by cupping your face in his hands. “No arguing. Now, the sling, please.” You grumbled under your breath while slipping your daughter out from the cloth.
After unwrapping yourself from the sling, you hand it to Simon, who begins to place it around himself. Once finished, he scoops up Esther and places her against his chest, safely securing her inside its hold. She begins to fuss, but soon settles after Simon begins rubbing her back and cooing to her. You can’t help but smile at the display, your heart full of love and warmth for your little family. 
Simon grabs your son’s hand. “Timothy, we’re going to let Mapa take a break, alright? Let’s go have ourselves a snack, yeah?” Your son eagerly nods his head, tugging him towards the kitchen. Simon looks back at you with a smile, “Enjoy your break, darling.” “Thank you, Simon. I love you.” “Love you more.” You stand up from the couch and head towards yours and Simon’s room. Slipping into your pajamas, you crawl into bed, sleep gently taking you. 
Waking with a start after feeling the bed shift, you feel arms wrap around you. “Simon?” You asked groggily, looking over your shoulder. “It’s me, love. How was your nap?” “It was wonderful, thank you, honey.” You sit up and wipe the sleep from your eyes, blinking a few times as your eyes adjust to the dark, slivers of moonlight poking through the curtains. “How long did I sleep for?” You asked, remembering it was around one o’clock in the afternoon when Simon arrived home. “It’s nine now,” He replies, running his fingers through your hair. Nine?! 
“Oh my Lord, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep that long, I must’ve been worn slap out.” You feel guilt gnawing at you for leaving Simon alone with the children for so long, before he says, “It’s fine, didn’t want to disturb your rest, you needed it.” He kisses the back of your hand. “The children are asleep, just me and you now.” Oh. You return to his hold, wrapping your arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss. 
“What would I do without you, Simon? Thank you for today,” You say, now running your hands through his short blond locks. He hums with a grin, “Bare minimum I could do, was glad to have the time with the little ones anyways.” He was never one to accept praise. “Now, I want to spend my time with my spouse. Are you hungry?” The mention of food causes your stomach to growl, loudly. You both laugh, before Simon pulls you from bed. “Let’s order some takeout and watch a movie, yeah?” You grin and nod, excited at the prospect of an at-home date with your husband. 
After ordering food, you settle down to wait for the delivery, nestled against each other on the couch. You lay down while Simon’s situated against you, his head on your chest while holding you close. You don’t take for granted the time you have with Simon. Always glad to be in his company. It’s times like these you cherish the most, able to make the most of the time allotted to you two. “I love you,” You whisper to him, brushing your fingers against his cheek. He turns his head up to stare into your eyes, his honeyed gaze filled with adoration. “Love you most.”
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momodita · 5 months
snapshots. [—todoroki shouto]
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TAGS / WARNINGS: pro hero shouto, gender neutral       reader, pining, lots of food talk (shouto feeds       reader a gyoza), pining, silly fluff WC: 1,000 NOTE: realizing i forgot to link the snapshots       masterlist but can’t do it now bc tungle       doesn’t update reblogged versions and       i’m a sucker for consistency… weeps…
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Your mouth goes dry when the door swings open.
“You’re here early.”
It’s Shouto, inclining his head in a curious tilt. Outside air rushes in. Were it not for the mid-winter freeze, you would’ve thought he warmed you with his Quirk: eager blood pounding in your ears to accompany the rush of heat from your throat to your face.
Remembering to speak, you offer a smile. “I wanted to help set up.” There’s a scarf tucked neatly against his throat—a fluffy, well-kept material—not for its functionality, surely, but completing a cozy, well-prepared look nevertheless.
Behind you, Katsuki barks out his own type of greeting. “The fuck you standin’ there for, Icy-Hot? Get inside already. And no distractions.” As acting head chef of tonight’s hot pot party, he offers no leeway to kitchen loiterers.
“Sorry, you arrived right in the middle of dinner prep.” You watch Shouto remove and arrange his shoes by the foyer step. “We’re just getting everything ready for later.”
“This early?” he asks. The sweater he’s wearing looks large and comfortable without being too baggy. Complimenting it gives you an excuse to stare as he shrugs off his coat.
“Bakugou’s making sure we have enough,” you say. “Said it was easier before everyone arrives.”
“He’s doing everything himself?”
You chuckle. “He wrangled some extra hands.”
(Denki had fallen into Katsuki’s clutches after trying to usher everyone out of the kitchen, only to be put to work prepping carrots. Then he tried slipping away when he thought no one was looking; a mistake not to be repeated under Katsuki’s hawkish supervision.)
Shouto doesn’t break away to mingle with Izuku and Tenya setting up decorations around the living room like you thought he would. After his greetings, he wanders over to watch you prep bok choy at the counter.
“My important task,” you joke, tossing the leaves into a colander for washing.
“I can help.”
Bakugou scoffs. His knife clicks against the cutting board. “You can’t even cut chives correctly,” he touts. Beside him, Eijirou claps a hand on his back, grinning.
“Don’t worry, Bakugou. No matter how you chop bok choy, it’s tasty!”
Shouto doesn’t look bothered by the heckling—he never does—though you imagine it would take devastatingly little for him to unintentionally goad the blond into blowing up tonight’s dinner.
“Here,” you hand him a paring knife, “it’s kind of small, but we’re only cutting off the ends.”
Shoulder to shoulder with him, the warmth in your face is an adversary that refuses to abate: a habit you’ve never been able to kick, cemented over the years. Amid the aromatic broths is the scent of his cologne. Your nose can’t help but pick it out, and your brain can’t help but latch onto it.
“Look at the two of you, so hard at work!” Hanta chirps, saddling up with a plate of steaming gyoza. He waves some chopsticks. “A snack for your troubles.”
They look and smell incredible: the bottoms are perfectly golden and crispy, the thin wrappers clings to the filling, shiny and slightly translucent. Apparently Katsuki made the filling earlier that morning. He’d already been assembling them by the time you arrived, barking out corrections to Denki and Eijirou.
“Here, Todoroki—say ahh.” Hanta grins, picks up a gyoza. You stifle a laugh: bemusement rarely makes Shouto’s expression, but your chest always flips when it does. It’s endearing, too, the way his cheek puffs as he chews. Your head tips to try and hide the smile. Hanta nudges you with an elbow. “You too, ahh—”
“Oi! Flat Face, quit yappin’, the apples’re gonna brown if you leave ‘em out.”
“Coming, coming! So scary, Kacchan,” Hanta grins, leaving the plate of gyoza on the counter. “Juice is right there if ya want it.” He departs with a wave.
“Sero’s taking care of the snacks,” you explain. “Insisted on making apple bunnies.”
Shouto blinks. He’s staring at the plate of gyoza.
“They’re good,” he gestures, “you should try one.”
“I’ll be eating my fill when the prep is done, don’t worry,” you say. It’s a tempting thought: homemade gyoza are best when they’re hot. But prep is almost done, you can wait a minute longer.
Shouto, on the other hand, decides that is not the case. He picks one up with the chopsticks.
“Ahh.” Mimicking Hanta with a monosyllabic tone, he presents it with a completely blank expression. Your hand jumps to muffle the laugh that escapes; you almost angle away—a split second thought your body prepares to follow through with.
Realistically, though—selfishly—you know there won’t be another chance to monopolize his space like this when everyone else arrives. And the gyoza looks so good, it would be a shame to refuse.
With a murmur of thanks, you lean in. The outside has cooled some, but the filling has not. It’s savory and juicy. Your eyes squeeze shut with a satisfied, trilling hum.
“Hot.” You huff instinctively against your palm, reaching for a drink. “But good. Have you made gyoza before, Todoroki?”
Shouto’s eyes flutter a blink, chest expanding with a breath.
“Once,” he says, chin tilting. You’re almost too distracted by his eyelashes: the curve of them casting gentle shadows on his cheeks. “I tried to fold some with my siblings.”
“‘Tried to’, huh?” you muse, smile stretching easily. “How’d they come out?”
Shouto’s mouth quirks. “The ones that didn't have filling spill everywhere were alright.” You laugh. “And you?”
“I have a couple times. Not recently. The success… varied,” you admit, sheepish. “It takes more skill to make gyoza than I thought. You gotta have good technique to fold the wrappers—they look good when they’re uniform. Maybe your sister will teach you if you ask,” you suggest lightly, snapping apart bok choy leaves that weren’t separated by the knife.
“I will,” he says, and adds, “When I get better, I’ll teach you.” A little thrill dances up your spine.
“Yeah,” your chest is light, “I’d like that.”
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iwasdear · 7 days
I'm coming in with another thought about Matsukawa cus he lives in a penthouse in my brain and bro is not moving out any time soon
he did not truely grasp how big his meat was until he lost his virginity
sure he's not dumb he knew it was definitely something but not until he got a girl in bed did he realize his shtick was built different
and lemme say that did more than just inflate his ego, he was a changed man
And doesn't just slang it all willy nilly and expect his size to do all the work, he learned the motion of the ocean and was a certified sex god from that point forward‼
Not just cocky for cockys sake, he promises a good time and sure as hell lays it tf down too😼
On a similar note can I ask how you think all the seijoh 4 first times went? when? how? what do you think?
oh i definitely fuck with this thought, anon. he's not cocky just because he can be cocky, but it's because he knows he can be cocky. matsukawa isn't like those annoying mfs that are cocky because they think they're the shit. he is the shit. after that encounter where he lost his virginity, he became a god and nobody could stop him no more.
now, here is how i think seijoh 4z first time went ( with reader ) ★
oikawa had his first time at a party. since he's very popular, he gets invited to parties often. i feel like he def had no idea as to what the fuck to do, but i mean, you're not bound to knows when it's your first time, right? he was really excited about it, though, and spoiler: he came really fast! we understand, king. hormones are everywhere, there's a rush that's hard to ignore, its a first time sensation, how could he hold back? he had a round two after that because he reached his own high, but reader didn't even get to enjoy theirs, and let me tell you. his second orgasm hit him ten times harder. i know this messed up with his ego so he's been participating in every no nut november like a loser because he says it will help him last longer (it really doesn't).
mattsun had a pretty decent first time with a date, and it went absolutely amazing for both of them. the amount of stamina this guy has is insane. they met on a dating app, both of their profiles specifying that they didn't want anything serious, much rather looking for a quick hook-up. it was then when matsukawa realized his cock was in fact not your average dick. the fact that his huge buddy could make someone cry in pain fascinated him. my guy has morals so he held back so reader could adjust but god was his ego over the roof. ever since then, mattsun proudly carries a weapon between his legs.
makki had his first time in a damn club HANDS DOWN. unlike oikawa, who had the commodity of a (strangers) bed, hanamaki went at it in a bathroom. oh yeah. ngl i feel like he's a sucker for head, so they went with that first! he loved it, btw. lasted quite long but not too long, iykwim. then he proceeded to fuck reader on the sink. some clubs tend to have full body mirrors and my gut is telling this mf had a second round but this time full view on said mirror. the ones above the sink weren't it for him. out of the 4, i personally think makki is the most experienced. he knew what he was doing the moment they walked into that bathroom. if you're wondering, they waited for it to empty out and locked the doors and didn't let anyone in for a good two hours, teehee.
this one may be a little too biased because i love iwaizumi a little too much, and in my eyes, he's a gentleman. unlike the other 3, iwa had his first time with someone he was in a stablished relationship with at the time. it was actually quite romantic and beautiful and SIKE. hajime had his first time in the lockers. stressed from dealing with oikawa and his annoying fangirls, mattsun and makki holding him back from beating the shit out of his best friend, and just built up stress from other things. he was over it. the stablished relationship part is true. he asked reader to meet in the lockers a little earlier than the time practice usually ends because he heard from others (mattsun) that sex was a good stress reliever. by the way, iwaizumi was the last to lose his virginity. the gentleman part was also true because despite being someone who doesn't speak his mind outloud, my man still had the courage to confidently ask reader if they could do the deed right there and then. tbh i feel like he likes his privacy, and i mean, anyone could walk in any second, so they both went with the showers. great experience if you ask him, but he would NOT do it in an open space like that ever again.
© iwasdear | more thoughts are welcome!
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evidenceof · 1 month
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Winnix Country, I'll take you there.
Winnix fic recs finally! I clawed through pages 1-61 on AO3 and then scoured through Dreamwidth because I just need this ship injected into my brain.
Just so we're all aligned, I'm very much into "Classic" Winnix. And while generally I do still read AUs, much of what I keep close are the ones that are entrenched in, before, and after the war. Still enjoy a bit of the supernatural though. So please forgive the lack of non-WWII AUs. :') Ok onward.
Note: All links in blue are restricted to logged-in AO3 users! So hopefully you have an account so you can read some gold.
5+1 tag
The Way I Wear Your Hat by Muccamukk - I will consume anything Mucca writes and live in it for at least two weeks.
Let Me Be Close by armyofbees - So tooth achingly sweet, tender in post-war. Nix combing Dick's hair? I'm so.
I'm Alright Now You're Here by @stopstopstopit - A.k.a. Dick and Nix going, "Was I truly that blind???" about each other and everyone in Easy Company saying, "Yeah." So good, so, so fun. Giggled like a maniac all throughout.
Before the World Begins by rilla (@flomps)- The first time I read this, I cried. Then again the second, third, fourth, etc. Lew and Dick meet in NY before Benning, before everything, and it's under very different circumstances. I love the characterization of Nix and Dick in this so much and the gentleness in the midst of all the smut. A TALENT!
Lancaster County by rachelelpillo - Technically not pre-war because this is an AU where it happens without them. It's bittersweet, but emphasis on the sweet. Teenage Dick and Nix and a whole summertime of falling in love.
Bicostal by dancinguniverse - I am a sucker for anything that starts at OCS. I love this and the telegrams and letters tucked within it.
Bird Wedding by rachelelpillo - The way she writes anything really sounds like a summer day to me. This one is very understated and just wonderful if you want something that leaves you smiling. (Highly recommend you go through her work, last she posted was in 2010. :') )
And at Your Touch, I Burn by Muccamukk- CHRIST. A SICK!FIC. God I love this for so many reasons, one of them being just the incredible way Mucca describes the field exercise, the crawl and length of it. And Dick getting sick. Nix doing what he does. It's wonderful. It's perfect.
Vampire Overhead! by joissant - There's a little Vampire!Nix AU for you. In the midst of Bastogne and hunger, there is this and it's fucking fantastic.
love divine, all loves excelling by @flanneryoconnorfanfiction - The way my heart soared all throughout this fic. Religion, for many reasons is often the point of friction for Dick, and this one turns it over its head. It's reverent and (so) joyful and honestly, probably what God should feel like. There are not enough kudos-es in the world.
Head Trip by @ezlebe - Two lines from this fic ring in my head daily, that's how much I loved every bit of it. And I mean who isn't a sucker for Operation Varsity-adjacent fics? Harry's in this so it's automatically just extra wonderful for me. I LOVE!! I absolutely love.
Like a Bird on the Wire by semperama - Them coming home without an established relationship is always a trope enjoy. Blanche Nixon is here being cheeky, and Dick is all smiley, Lewis is stressed the fuck out. It all makes for a wonderful get-together.
More than a Team by @mercurygray - I love reading about Ann Winters and I love seeing Nix and Dick navigate those familial relationships after the war. This is short and so, so sweet. Every bit as wonderful as the ice cream.
thyme and rosemary by @oatflatwhite - Yet another one where Ann Winters makes a wonderful cameo. Dick is trying not to be miserable and he keeps writing all these unsent letters to Lew. Featuring the cutest kitten ever.
What Things We Have Heard Together by joissant (4 works) - Quite possibly required reading for Winnix enthusiasts. Feels like such a gift to be able to thread through so many points in their relationship and everyone else tangled in their orbit.
Winnix from the POV of other people Oh my god I love outsiders-looking in fics of the two of them.
Transcript by Corvid Cordelia - LISTEN. If you love Easy Company, you love Winnix, Webgott, Spierton, etc, they're all here. It's such a treat for people who fell in love with everyone's personalities in BoB.
Women in Conversation by shiveringpinkala - Ann Winters tries to surprise her brother and it doesn't go quite as planned. Blanche is in this too so it makes it extra delightful. Love this fic.
Entendre by @thrillingdetectivetales - Harry Welsh has no fucking clue what Buck Compton is implying about Winters and Nixon but he's gonna find out. Again, I love Harry Welsh with all of me.
A special mention to String Quartet No. 14 by @oatflatwhite for a HS AU that had me kicking my feet and smiling all the way to the very last word.
If you have similar favorites, PLEASE LET'S TALK ABOUT THEM. There's still a lot I'd like to re-read and revisit so this will highly likely be updated in the future. I'd love to hear your favorites too. <3
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moodywyrm · 1 year
moony i have been THINKING about soft dom abby and i think i might explode bc of it. i just know she talks you through it
do you mean ,,, farm hand abby ,,,, because im thinking it ,,, @pinknightsinmymind my brain is being rotted
because farm hand abby is such a soft dom. she knows she's strong and she would never wanna hurt her girl! so she's extra careful during sex.
her grip is always firm but never hard, her hands planted on your hips to pull you back into her. even when she's trying to be so gentle, she sees the bruises she leaves on your hips. she's really sad about them until you tell her how much you like them. then she gets all flustered and needy when she sees them.
speaking of marks, farm abby is a sucker for hickies. she's so gentle with you, leaving them on you when she's trailing down your body, kissing over each mark. while she's still a farmhand, she leaves them in spots only she would have access to, like your inner thighs, your lower tummy, and your tits. she doesn't want her boss – your uncle – to see them, but she can't help but leave pretty little bites on you. you're just too delicious :(
she also loves when you leave marks on her! if you have nails long enough to leave a mark, those scratches are her pride and joy. when she's got you on your back, whining and moaning and soaking her cock, and she feels the sting of your nails on her back? she's going feral, grinding as deep as possible and pushing you over the edge.
soft dom abby my love, she's 100% a praise girl. literally unable to shut up when she's pleasing you. when she's eating you out on the front porch (farmer abby) or behind one of the barns (farmhand abby)? "That's it, you taste so good baby, fucking delicious"
when she's got you pinned under her, taking her strap and pawing at her, eyes rolled back? "look at you fucking taking it, such a good girl f'me, so pretty taking my dick like that"
when you're going down on her, having begged her to let you eat her out after she's been working so hard on the farm? like you're literally on your knees on the front porch, hands gripping her thighs and begging her, until you've got your mouth latched onto her sensitive clit, fingers working against her needy cunt? "sh-shit, feels so good baby - ah - fuck, making me feel so good princess, look so pretty looking up at me like that, gonna make me cum"
soft dom abby when two inherit the farm because your uncle goes to live with your parents, letting y'all take over the business,,,,, omgomgomg
it's like it's your fucking wedding night, she carries you into the house and up to your bedroom, laying you down on the bed and stripping you piece by piece. I wanna write a full thing about this, but it's the most beautiful, gentle, loving sex you've ever had. y'all have been dating for years at this point, but now everything y'all have ever wanted is being realized: y'all have the farm and a house and a stable future together. I'm not kidding when I say she fucks you like it's your wedding night, because it practically is. makes you cum over and over again, letting you recover from each one so you don't get too too overstimulated.
soft dom abby who loves fucking you in the morning. this is absolutely bc I can't stop thinking of the plowing farmhand audio by @jupiter-va,,,,,
abby who sees you come out super early in the morning, hiding something behind your back, and immediately knows you're needy. it's not made any better by the tiny sleep shorts you wear with nothing underneath, and one of her old shirts. it always ends with her bouncing you on her strap, doing all the work while you whine and writhe and paw at her as you two sit on one of the porch chairs.
"darlin', just couldn't help it could ya? didn't I fuck you enough last night? sweet girl just needed to be taken care of, mhm?"
sometimes she's sweet and gentle, but sometimes she just can't control herself. cue her laying you down in the grass and fucking you until you leak all over her strap. or her guiding you down onto your hands and knees before hauling you back onto her cock and laughing at your sweet lil whines, and the hand you use to reach behind and push at her tummy that she just grabs and pins to your lower back before going even harder.
can I just say,,,, soft dom abby with a southern accent ,,,,, drooling. every she says sounds fucking beautiful, and if you're not Southern she Knows her accent has a profound effect on you.
farm abby ,,, her n sevika are taking over my brain,,,, woof
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aetherdecember · 5 months
Look, I love BBC Merlin and how they told the lore, but I’m a sucker for the relationship between Arthur and Mordred in the mythology. Specifically, I love how Mary Stewart (author of The Arthurian Saga**) and Nancy Springer (author of I Am Mordred**) wrote about the father/son relationship between them. So naturally, my brain has been conjuring up how I can include that in my Flipping the Coin au.
Since the main premise is Merlin died/Arthur lives, and now Arthur is the one waiting for Merlin to come back, things would stay consistent with canon up to the last episode (when Merlin flips the coin of their destiny and sacrifices himself so Arthur can live and thus stop Camlann from happening altogether). Which is where this idea will start:
Gwen is barren. She and Arthur never have kids. Eventually, everyone Arthur knows and loves dies. He can’t rule Camelot forever, and after Gwen’s death, he no longer wants to, so he fakes his death and wanders off figure out why he’s still here. He never gets an answer for that. Arthur spends the next millennium waiting. He keeps living. He meets people, experiences things he’d never experienced before, and learns things he’d never dreamed of learning. He can’t stay anywhere long, or else suspicions will rise, but he gets to see the world change, how technology advances, and witness humans continuing to be humans. When war breaks out, he joins the battle. It’s familiar. The rush of adrenaline is the same whether he’s wielding a sword or a gun. Only, he can’t see the enemy’s face anymore.
Peace comes again. At some point, he sleeps with a woman, and she happens to become pregnant. Bisexual disaster that he is, he’s had all sorts of partners from both sexes, but has never had this happen, even before the advent of reliable birth control. Later, he’ll learn her name is Morgause. She doesn’t look like the Morgause he knew before, nor does she act like her, but her name haunts him. After the baby is born, she gives him to Arthur, says she has no intentions of being a mother, and leaves. The last thing she had said to him was the baby’s name.
That night, Arthur holds Mordred and weeps.
There is irony in his son being named Mordred. First, in that the legends surrounding him, Merlin, Camelot, the Knights of the Round Table, and all of it, had long ago decided Mordred was his son. And two, in a retelling of that legend, it had aptly phrased what he sensed was happening now. Granted, he isn’t a sorcerer, he doesn’t have magic, so he can’t support his feeling with anything other than he’d been around a long time and knew to his very core that it was true. Mordred’s birth is a signal of the beginning of the end.
Fatherhood brings him a new sense of purpose. Gone are the days of loneliness and drudgery. Every day with Mordred brings a new light into his life. Each smile is a miracle. Seeing Mordred experience things for the first time brings a new appreciation. Being there to watch him grow makes time fly like it never has before. But Arthur is afraid. He doesn’t want to be his father. He doesn’t know how to be a father, or what the right way to do it is. In all the years he’s been on the Earth, he’s never known a man who could concretely say, “This is the way to raise a son,” and actually reap the fruits of their efforts. Too frequently, he’d seen sons grow outside of the visions their fathers molded for them and receive only disappointment and disdain in return. So he was afraid, because he too had been that son.
*cue a series of fluffy father/son one shots of Arthur raising Mordred until Merlin comes back, takes one look, and is is like WTF????? No, I won’t have Mordred for a step son >:(*
**Mary Stewart and Nancy Springer have several other works, not just the stories I mentioned. The ones mentioned are the ones I’m pulling inspiration from ^^
Additional notes below the break:
Guinevere’s barrenness is not a headcanon I typically subscribe to for BBC Merlin. My headcanon is that after Arthur’s death, Gwen gives birth, and their child eventually succeeds her as ruler.
I’ve always seen Mordred’s appearance as the harbinger of Arthur’s downfall. Thus, the reason for the plot bunnies in my brain going crazy with this idea of how I could bring him in, still remain mostly canon compliant with BBC Merlin, and build off some of my favorite parts of the lore. (Mandatory disclaimer: for BBC Merlin, I don’t headcanon Mordred as Arthur’s son. But for the mythology, I do wholeheartedly support that canon.)
Arthur’s choice to participate and live once Camelot is gone is a decision to contrast my headcanon of how Merlin handled it. I don’t think Merlin thrived. I think he stayed busy, and tried to remain hopeful, but I think he was anxiously consumed with the anticipation of wondering when Arthur would come back. In this au, Arthur may or may not know that Merlin is supposed to come back (I’m still working on that detail), but he’s always been around others. I think he would seek camaraderie, and companionship, and that he would connect with others but only to a superficial level. I don’t think he’d exist in a void of loneliness. Plus, he doesn’t have the guilt of knowing he failed because the pressure from the prophecy is very one sided *coughcough*causemerlinnevertoldhim*coughcough*
Anyways, that’s enough rambling from me about this. I’ll probably share some snippets of writing next because there are some fantastic scenes coming together in the draft so stay tuned! ;D
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thegnomelord · 3 months
was thinking about drawing Ifrit from "Hell has a basement floor" and had some headcanons on his appearance.
on one hand i was thinking to make him tall and burly, built big to store all the mana and power he has, make him built like a volcano.
on the other.... what if and hear me out.... Ifrit.... skinny. tall and gangly, long limbs, underfed, outlines of bones poking out from underneath the skin, sunken eyes for that extra unsettling factor. besides magic does have a cost. maybe it's just your body that needs to be exchanged.
now i thought of the second hc because tall and skinny isn't exactly associated with the kind of brute force Ifrit has but he's still strong even if his lifestyle is gonna put him in an early grave. now imagine when he's finally part of tf 141 they notice that he's not very well in the food and weight department for his height and the amount of energy he spends so... they start feeding him (especially Price and Soap because protect and care hoard/pack)......
i've also been getting into the trope where characters gain weight as a sign of health and living a better life. so yeah tell me what you think
and maybe share your hcs on Ifrits appearance because i don't want to butcher your creation on accident
Okay 1: you have no idea how happy it makes me when I hear ppl want to draw fan art of my stuff :DD, internally I'm like that dog video where the dogs happily tapping his paws lol bc he can't contain his excitement lol. And also yeah, I'm a huge sucker for the trope and your little idea with Price amd Soap tickles my brain.
And 2: man you did some mind reading bc your hcs are actually very close to what I've made up for the lore of the whole au. While I want to overall leave Ifrit's body type ambiguous to give readers some space to imagine themselves in Ifrit's place, Ifrit is 100% underweight with more of a volleyball/basketball player type build, as mages focus on stamina and endurance rather than raw strength bc that can be augmented with magic. Also has stretch marks because their weight fluctuates a lot lol
Okay lore spoilers so if y'all want to find out through the story skip this-
Okay so— magic is increadibly taxing on the body, not just by eating away flesh and creating mage marks as a Mage's power grows, but just by simply existing inside the body magic stresses the body. Because fundamentally magic is toxic to humans, and even mages who have the needed adaptations to utilise magic are no better than our ancestors when they were first learning to stand on two legs.
The best metaphor I have for magic is chemo drugs. They're used to kill a cancer but they also damage healthy cells. Magic, similarly, damages the body by existing inside it, but also is used by mages to heal the damage as soon as it happens. This uses a lot of calories and also why mages have really irregular weights, losing 10kg in a week isn't an uncommon thing.
Someone possessing even half of Ifrit's capabilities would need to eat 3x that of a regular human of the same height and weight. Mages are literally Shaggy from Scooby Doo lol. And that's only to get the bare minimum their body needs, caloric need becomes much bigger if they're active like Ifrit is. So you'll find that many mages, but especially military ones, are underweight and need to regularly get Iv fluids and nutrients to help their body recover from using magic. They also need to eat a lot of highly caloric food, which isn't easy when one of the most common side effects of magic use is puking your guts up.
Most military mages don't reach 30. The average life expectancy is around 25, with active duty (i.e. constant missions and daily magic use) mages lasting on average 3-4 years before their body basically breaks down, but they can last longer depending on how conservatively they use magic.
Now, knowing all that, Ifrit has been actively using strong magic on par with military mages since they were 14-15 years old and while they're not the healthiest, they're healthy as a horse when compared to most mages. The reason behind their continued survival — their mage marks.
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carving deep blue ripples by dothraki_shieldmaiden @dothwrites (Explicit, 85k)
I am a sucker for Stanford Era Dean and a creature Cas fic, so this one feels tailormade to my interests.
Dean finds himself hunting alone after his Dad sends him away with the Impala. It was bad enough when Sammy walked out the door, but now his own Dad has sent him away. But Dean’s a hunter, so that's what he's gonna do. A chance encounter with Cas, another hunter, evolves into a partnership and, perhaps, if Dean can just let go, something more. But Cas has a secret that threatens to tear them apart.
This one has great mythology, top tier monsters and so much delicious pining. Dothraki_shieldmaiden manages to incorporate so much delicious canon into this adjacent fic that you will be gnawing at the walls. Seriously buckle up. It's a great ride.
Heavyweight by valleydean (emmbrancsxx0) @valleydean (Explicit, 206k)
Look, Mallory has the unique ability to write versions of Dean and Cas that crawl into your brain and set up residence, but these particular ones are just *chef's kiss* perfection. Deeply unwell over each other, off-putting and sometimes objectively terrible and yet I love them to my bones.
Set in the 1920s against the backdrop of the golden age of boxing, Dean is a light heavyweight champion looking to make his name in the heavyweights. But the reappearance of his secret ex, Cas, threatens everything. Cas left town under the cloud of a scandal. Left DEAN. And now he's back to try and restore his name.
The pining. The push and pull. There were times where I thought a happy ending was impossible but she did it. She really really did. There’s horny sparring. There are suits and fancy prohibition Era parties. There are VIBES. Seriously this one is just so freaking good.
When I Knew You by FriendofCarlotta and xfancyfranart @friendofcarlotta , @xfancyfranart (Explicit, 54k)
Time travel love stories are tricky and sometimes they hit for me (as you can probably guess from my name) while sometimes the don't. This one was an absolute homerun. Dean and Cas are both so deeply lonely and there is this sense of desperate intensity that is woven through the story that will male you feral.
Dean's working to try to put together the cracked pieces of his life after the one two punch of losing his dad and his business. But he's off to a rocky start when he learns that the prior owner of his new house died suddenly.
Even stranger, a shimmering light appears in his living room and suddenly he finds himself face to face with the guy, somehow having traveled to the past. In stolen moments, they discover that maybe happiness isn't as elusive as it felt. But the time is ticking. Can Dean save Cas from his fate, and if so, what will happen to them?
Dean Winchester and the Stolen Tupperware by MalMuses @malmuses (Explicit, 35k)
It's been a hot minute since this one came out and you may have already heard about it as a result, but this fic is just a fluffy, pure delight.
Cas is a single, nerdy professor whose idea of a wild Saturday night is watching dashing Dean Winchester, a real life Indiana Jones type adventurer archeologist, on YouTube. Dean is looking for some stability and just hoping to find a place to establish a career that doesn't involve constantly traveling. Sparks and awkward cuteness fly when they meet.
This one is perfect for a low angst love story. Also, Dean and Cas will make you deeply fond (and Meg in this fic can step on me).
Night at the Impala Theater by Speary @spearywritesstuff (Explicit, 52k)
It's difficult to explain what is so great about this fic without revealing more than I want to about the plot because there are some delightful and twisty bits. Suffice to say, it's a fun ride not just because of Dean and Cas, but the really fun side characters (Especially Rowena, my beloved, who is amazing and witchy).
The story revolves around Dean, a lonely guy running the family business - a historic movie theater he inherited from his Dad. But his life is changed when he finds a mysterious film series on his doorstep. The film noir flick follows a smoldering PI named Castiel. For some reason Dean can't get enough of the movies. And yet, all attempts to track down any information about the series is frustratingly bare. Where will his obsession lead? Not telling. Go read it. :)
torture is your name on my lips by theseancequeen @theseancequeen (Explicit, 4.6k)
This fun little one-shot smutty yet emotional fic explores a world where Demon Dean summons Cas after years of separation and they hook up while both lying about the depth of their feelings. It's a magnificent blend of angst, softness and need that ends on a deeply satisfying and surprisingly hopeful note.
Scorched Earth by AmberXBoone @amberxboone (Explicit, 155k)
Distraught over confirmation that his father intentionally started the fire that killed Mary Winchester (and nearly Dean and Sam), and then used his position as a police officer in a corrupt system to cover it up, Dean decides to give John a taste of justice by burning him in his home. He's a murderer and he fully expects to pay. But a chance meeting with burnt out DA Castiel Novak changes both of their loves forever and suddenly they have something to fight for. Can they take down the corrupt system or will Dean be locked away?
The plot of this fic alone is a ride. But what really brings this one home is the impeccable use of canon characters. I love these versions of them all so much. And it's truly a delight to see everyone join together to fight the corruption and save Dean (whether he deserves it or not cause he definitely doesn't think he deserves to be saved). The fic is also broken up into short chapters which makes it super readable if you are the type who picks things up for one scene and then puts it back down (could never be me I binged it like i was on fire myself but I admire it).
The premise is dark, but it's the light moments that make this fic really shine.
Check out my other fic recs at @riversrecs
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
I really liked your dating HCs 😃 wanted to know if you could do the jjk men flirting with a crush HCs? 🥰 just all the stuff they try to do to woo a person if interest 😍
Aww, I'm glad you like my dating HCs! Flirting goes hand in hand with dating as far as I'm concerned, so lets do this!
Now Presenting...
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Starring Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and Ryomen Sukuna
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Kento Nanami
the quiet type
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Nanami is so bad at flirting I'm being SO SERIOUS 
He doesn't really have the time or energy for it, so it's a struggle for him to flirt. 
All I can think about when I think about Nanami flirting is this clip.
I feel like he treats it as a business transaction because that's just what he knows and is familiar with
When he's not being extremely business savvy, he's trying to get to know you as a person. 
If you're going to make a relationship work, you have to know that person. So he's asking you about your hobbies, your childhood, your opinions, ect.
Now, I know what you're thinking Dear Reader. "Isn't that just what friends do?"
I told you, he's bad at this.
Honestly, you probably wouldn't have any idea he was interested in you romantically until he hits you with that, "I've had feelings for you for a while now, would you like to go out on a date with me?"
But, honestly? Considering all the Information he's gathered about you it's going to be one of the best dates of your life 
After that, his flirting does shaft. It turns more into him sending you “Good morning 💛” texts and checking in on you throughout the day. 
Also he cooks for you.
He flirts by learning your favorite dishes and learning how to cook them perfectly.
As far as he’s concerned, cooking for someone is the oldest expression of love and care, and he’s a sucker for cute traditions. 
He also starts to recommend media based on things you like. He’s flexing that he knows your taste
Ultimately Nanami flirts by showing that he knows you well, which is weird to say lol.
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Suguru Geto
Prince Charming
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Charismatic as fuck.
Out of all of these men he's the best at flirting. 
Suguru is very manipulative, and that translates Into him being phenomenal at flirting, because he can manipulate your emotions. 
I'd give an example but I can't cause he's better at flirting than I am by a mile
I think it's very subtle at first. Almost like him planting the thought of you liking him into your brain.
And once that seed has grown into a full on tree, his flirting becomes more overt, so you know he likes you and you like him
He definitely pebbles.
Giving you wildflowers he picked while the two of you were walking, giving you used books he annotated for you, sending you memes that made him think of you.
Do not be fooled reader, this man is Baby's First Manipulator and this is the start of love bombing.
He writes poetry for you. The type of poetry that when you first read it, it makes you all giggly and love sick, but when you read it after the breakup you realize it was all just pretentious garbage. 
Geto flirts by giving you song recommendations, sending you music that reminds him of you, videos of live performances he thinks you’d like, and the like. 
Music genuinely forms the way this man interacts with the world, so when he starts sending you love songs that should honestly be the first hint that he’s into you. 
He sends his homies over to go and hype him up to you, that's the vibe
The moment you say you’re cold he's covering you in his jacket. 
“Where's my hug?”
Ok, no to the last point but also yes kinda.
I swear I physically CANNOT bring myself to be nice to Suguru
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Satoru Gojo
the goofball
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“Like my shirt? It’s made of boyfriend material.”
“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
“Did it hurt when you fell? Cause you're the only Ten I See…wait, I think I fucked that one up.”
But, it’s almost charming just how earnest he is in trying to woo you. 
He sends you those couple memes like “this could be us but you playin’” paired with a picture of minecraft diamond armor Halloween costumes
He takes you to watch slasher movies so you get scared and cling to him, but ends up getting spooked and clinging to you.
When he looks at you you just see his eyes glittering with adoration
When he looks at you he just sees you through the Shojo vision filter
He always looks for a reason to touch you. Brushing your hair behind your ears, his knees brushing yours when you sit next to each other, anything. As long as you’re comfortable with it of course.
He slips notes into your pocket with other cheesy pick up lines or cute little doodles.
It starts with him just jokingly flirting to hide his real emotions, but it only makes his heart burn brighter for you.
You noticed it, when slowly it turns from him laughing after a cheesy pick up line to him nervously chuckling and trying to hide his blush.
He can’t look at you without smiling, at least just a little bit. 
His heart gets fluttery and he starts to get a little more stuttery.
He decides that just flirting and leaving the chance of a relationship just hanging over you, indefinite and fuzzy, hurts WAY MORE than any possible rejection could hurt
He slips a note into your pocket that's like “Wanna go on a date with me? For real this time! Yes No”
Gojo’s flirting just shows his inexperience with romance and seduction tactics, but it’s almost charming in that way
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Ryomen Sukuna
The Monster
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This man is Radioactive besties, idk how to tell you want nothing he’s peddling. 
He doesn't even flirt.
His flirting is telling you you belong to him and slaughtering anyone who dares to disagree. 
He flirts by being nice to you homie. 
Actually, no, scratch that. He flirts by not being actively hostile.
His tsundere ass would literally kidnap you, force you to spend as much time with him as inhumanly possible, and still be like “I don't understand why you think i like you.”
Basic kindness is his flirting. Like, honestly I don’t know to go about his section of this because he just doesn’t flirt LMAO
Him flirting is him just like, staring at you like a weirdo and just expecting you to know what that means
Him flirting is calling you woman instead of wench
On the real though, flirting is mostly seen in him being over protective of you. 
Like, god help any other person that talks to you where he can see it.
He’s going to choke slam them.
He picks on other people than immediately looks at you for approval because he thinks that sharing violence is flirting.
Honestly, that’s how he flirts. He goes out of his way to try and gain your approval.
He’s like a cat that brings you a dead bird, only the dead bird was another possible suitor.
Except he doesn’t know how to be a decent human being so it’s just him doing the most unhinged and horrific shit then looking at you like “I do good?”
No Ryomen, you don’t do good.
And yet, you’ve won my heart anyway. What a bother.
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Rose Recaps 2023 - Japan
So, because I have a hard time making big lists and choosing favourites, this my version of a superlative post, by country.
The one that had me at the first frame
If It’s With You | Kimi to Nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo
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As soon as Amane appeared on screen I was gone. This damaged but confident boy had my heart from the beginning. But it was Ryuji that ended up with a bigger piece by the end. The way he saw Amane’s mask from the beginning and just went – “you don’t need to do that with me”. And the way he considered Amane’s feelings even when he wasn’t sure what to do or how to respond, or how he was feeling about all of it, was just beautiful to witness and at certain points kinda reminded of Ida.
Favourite Moment: Amane confessing and running away. Because visually it's so striking. The way he's running from the light that is Ryuji.
The one that was perfect and I never saw coming.
I Cannot Reach You | Kimi ni wa Todokanai
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I think that by now at least some people know how I feel about Japanese BL. I love it so much. And for me it’s always about the characters. Whether they are the embodiment of chaos, like Aoki or they are just incredible complex and empathic humans like Ida. - Yes, I’m using Kieta Hatsukoi every chance I get- I just love the way all these characters are written and portrait.
I loved these 2 boys in equal measure all throughout the show. I might have a soft spot for Yamato, but that’s only because pining boys are my weakness.
Yamato’s back and forth in his own head about what to do would be annoying to me in any other show, but it was so well done, and we were privy to his thought process throughout that it just made me feel for him deeply. And Kakeru learning about Yamato’s feelings right away in the first episode was a great choice, because he gave the show time to make the reciprocity more believable.
Favourite Moment - The exchange of gifts at the door. I love the nervousness that the two of them are feeling in this moment.
The one where I gave in.
My Beautiful Man S2 & Eternal
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Confession time. This was not love at first season for me. I don’t argue quality overall and much less the acting of the show, but it just didn’t click for me.
There were some truly great moments in the first season but there was a disconnect between my heart and my brain. This happens to me sometimes. Like I watch something that is objectively good but it doesn’t reach me.
That all changed with the second season and the film. I finally connect with Hira. Don't ask me why, I don't fully understand myself, but it happened right at the beginning of the season. I think perhaps it was because I started seeing more from Kiyoi pov, because before I was absolutely clueless about what he saw in Hira in the first place. Sorry if that sounds harsh.
I don't blame the show for this, as I said, I think all the elements are there, it just didn't connect for me.
Also, the film was gorgeous to watch. Several moments (specially the sequence where the gif is from) were so well shot and edited that I'm happy I went in already with a positive mindset.
Favourite Moment: The one from the gif. I'm a sucker for a drastic visual change when the moment calls for it.
The one that had me question if watching it was good for my mental health.
Tokyo in April is | Shigatsu no Tokyo wa
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Ok. I love this show. I love Ren. But this was a hard watch for me. Every week I had a struggle between two sides of me.
- Don’t watch it. It will be sad and you will be sad because of it. - But the last one was sad so I need to watch it to see if there’s happy. - Why not just wait? - Because I started already, so now I can’t wait. - But in this case binging is best. Cause for sure the ending is happy so you won’t be sad for long. - Yeah, but I need to see more now. And there’s a new episode waiting for me. - Fine. Just press play. After the episode. - I really shouldn’t watch this one live. (all this repeats the following week)
It was beautifully acted, there were some outstanding moments, the past was as tastefully done as it could be given the subject matter, and in the end my heart of full, but slightly damaged with the process.
Favourite Moment: Ren finding out Kazuma had been looking for him.
The one with all the magic.
What Did You Eat Yesterday? | Kinou Nani Tabeta? S2
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I already wrote how this show made me feel in another post. So I’ll just say this.
EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH THIS SHOW. NOW. If you haven’t, stop reading this and go. GO. NOW. Start.
There is magic here and you don’t even know.
Favourite Moment: ALL OF THEM. But really this one.
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Shiro. Just Shiro.
Well, I'll try to write the next one in these next couple of days. Wish me luck.
Thanks for reading💜
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idyllic-ghost · 2 years
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the other woman; mingyu x fem!reader
request: Hey do you write seventeen angst? Idk if you are still doing requests but I was hoping you can write a dramatic angst using either Joshua, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Mingyu, or Minghao, Vernon but two of them as leads. Idk why I’m a sucker for cliche stuff like cheating or betraying kind of stuff and a touch of sadness.
synopsis: you're married to wonwoo, but his parents desperately wants him to have a child - which you cannot have. he gives into his parents wishes and meets the other woman, whom he eventually agrees to marry as well. you're left heartbroken for a few years, seeing the man you love build a family that you had always wanted, but happiness is on the horizon as you meet someone new.
a/n: i just wanted to get this finished, so i'm sorry if it feels a bit rushed. i completely forgot the story line i had wanted in the beginning, and it's just been sitting in my drafts for the longest time...
cw: slight bit of angst
genre: fluff, found family
word count: 5.9k
read part one!
read part two!
.⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
by the time you got home that night, you had partially forgotten about wonwoo. mingyu made sure to get you happy and smiling brightly again, even if it was just for a short cab ride. as you left the car, you felt like the sun was perched on your shoulders - warmth spreading through your body, and light emitting from your smile.
"goodnight, sweetheart.", mingyu said from inside the cab. you were leaning against the open door.
he had tried to get outside the car to say goodbye, but you assured him that it wasn't necessary. as you handed him his jacket, he put his hand on yours and gently tugged at you to lean further down.
"would it be very inappropriate of me to kiss you right now?", he asked quietly, "because i would really like to, but only if you feel-"
you broke the distance, and before he could say another word kissed him quickly. when you leaned back up mingyu's eyes were still closed.
"thank you for tonight.", you said, "i really needed a night out."
"anything for you.", he said without thinking, only realizing the meaning of the words after he spoke them.
he cleared his throat and turned away from you to hide his flustered face. the cab driver asked if he was going to have to wait there all night, in a half-joking manner, and mingyu quickly apologized.
"goodnight, mingyu.", you said with a small, teasing grin.
"i'll see you soon.", he answered.
the next time you saw mingyu it was unexpected. you had decided to go to the park, to enjoy the spring warmth and an excellent book. it was sunday, which meant that you didn't have any work, and you could do whatever you liked with your time. the thought of asking mingyu if he wanted to meet up certainly popped into your brain, but you presumed that he was busy. the occurrence of the end of your date was also weighing heavy on your shoulders. the odd chance that you'd meet your ex while on a date seemed ridiculously small to you. even if the date had ended rather well, you still felt embarrassed.
as to not dwell on the awkward interaction, you decided to not think about it while on your walk. the park was big, another plus of living in a well-off neighborhood, and it had many benches where you could spend your leisure time. the weather was just right, not too cold and not too hot. there were some concerningly dark clouds in the sky, but they were too far away for you to care about them.
you found a spot by a small duck pond, with a bench looking over the water. after sitting down, you pulled out your book and started reading. it felt nice to get out of your apartment. if you hadn't, you would've been sitting on the couch watching yet another show by now. the thought was definitely tantalizing, but being here was better for your overall health. besides, if you hadn't ended up sitting down at that bench, you wouldn't have met up with mingyu.
"miss y/l/n!", you heard a familiar voice shout.
you looked up from your pages, putting your index finger where you left off before closing the book. by the duck pond, now happily running towards you was ari, followed closely by ji-u. a smile spread across your lips as you watched the two girls approach you. you put the book back in your bag to greet them.
"what are you guys doing here?", you asked as they reached your place by the bench, "are you visiting the ducks with your grandparents?"
you didn't know why you assumed that they were with their grandparents and not mingyu. maybe because of the fact that he always seemed very busy. the girls didn't have time to answer before you looked up and saw the man himself standing in front of you. it felt weird to see him in just jeans and a t-shirt, and a normal jacket for once. paired with his messy hair, he just looked like a normal dad.
"they're here with me.", he smiled, making your heart flutter.
"he was going to feed the ducks with us, but the ducks swam away.", ji-u explained.
"yeah...", ari disappointedly looked up at her dad, "he totally scared them away."
"i was trying to get closer to them!", he exclaimed with an embarrassed grin.
you let out a soft laugh at the trio. their antics were endless, but you enjoyed watching the show they put on. a small ache took its place in your chest. watching them made you remember the family that you had always wanted, but were cursed with never being able to have.
"dad's also helping us practice for the play", ji-u added, "because he said he can't come on friday, so he wanted to watch us do it now."
"you can't be there?", you furrowed your brows as you looked up at mingyu.
"there's a meeting i have to be at, and it ends right as the play is supposed to start.", he sighed, "i told them i would try to make it but, you know..."
"well, i heard that they record the plays so... maybe i can get you a copy of that.", you said, "but i do hope that you at least try to get there, even if you only see the last parts."
"of course...", he nodded and the conversation faded into silence, "... i texted you this morning."
"you did?", you took your phone out of your bag, "sorry, i have my phone on silent."
it was a short message. a simple question, if you would like to meet up in the park. you smiled when you saw it. when you looked back up at him, he was looking away. a slight blush was spread across his cheeks and the tips of his ears. cute.
"dad said you couldn't come with us to see the ducks, did you change your mind?", ji-u asked.
her question made mingyu's face grow even redder, and your smile grow fonder. you looked down at ji-u, brushing a few strands of hair out of her face.
"yes, i did.", you said and stood up.
"oh, but if you're busy-", mingyu started, but you quickly cut him off.
"i'm not busy", you told him.
you spent the day with mingyu and his daughters; feeding the ducks, eating lunch, going to the playground, and simply enjoying each other's company. towards the middle of the afternoon, those clouds that you hadn't bothered being worried about were a lot closer than before. mingyu helped the girls zip up their coats before he turned to you. you were just wearing a blouse and a skirt since you weren't expecting to stay at the park for so long.
"are you cold?", mingyu asked, taking off his jacket before you could even answer.
"i'm fine, really.", you protested.
it was too late, mingyu's jacket engulfed your shoulders as he draped it around you. he fixed the collar of the jacket to hang securely, also letting his hands stay near you. you looked up at his face, he was staring right at you with a warm look in his eye. he was so close to you, you almost forgot the rest of the world around you.
"i wouldn't want you to catch a cold", he said quietly, "you take care of my kids after all."
"is that the only reason?", you asked, faking being offended.
"of course not.", he said with a small smile as he gently pushed some hair out of your face.
he opened his mouth to add something, but before he could it started raining. small droplets landing on your nose, you looked up at the about-to-be-downpour and took a step away from him.
"we should go home.", mingyu said, turning to his girls, "what do you say, girls?"
"will miss y/l/n come with us?", they asked.
"no girls, i have to go home", you crouched down to their eye level, "but i will see you tomorrow, okay?"
they both nodded, and unexpectedly swung their small arms around your neck - it almost made you stumble backward. you hugged them back and glanced up at mingyu.
"i will see you tomorrow too then?", he asked as you stood up.
"of course", you smiled, "i have to return this jacket, so."
the very next day you were in your usual classroom, waiting for mingyu to pick up his daughters. they were the last ones there, as they always were, but this time it was getting very late. you were stealing worried glances at the clock every other minute. what if something had happened to him on the way here?
"did your dad say that he would be later than usual today?", you asked the girls carefully.
"no", ari said, "but he looked tired, so maybe he fell asleep."
before you could question her any further, mingyu barged in through the door. if you thought seeing him in jeans and a t-shirt was weird, it was even stranger to see him in sweat pants. like ari said, he looked very tired - even sick.
"i'm so sorry.", he took a deep breath, "i swear i didn't mean to be late, i fell asleep in my study and-"
he paused to sneeze. oh, he was definitely sick.
"mingyu, are you alright?", you walked up to him and pressed your palm against his forehead, "you're burning up."
"yeah, i have a small fever...", he leaned against your cool hand, "that feels very nice."
the girls giggled behind you, reminding you that they were still there and that you should try to not make a scene to worry them.
"why didn't you let your parents pick them up?", you spoke in a low voice, "you didn't go to work like this, did you?"
"i did... they sent me home, so i worked in my study.", he explained with a goofy grin, "it's a lot nicer to work from home, i don't have to dress up... but i didn't want to miss seeing you, so i didn't bother asking my parents."
"you are so incredibly irresponsible.", you said and made his grin fade, "you should be resting... did you drive here?"
"yeah, of course.", he said, almost complaining when you took away your hand from his forehead.
"let me drive you home.", you sighed, "is that okay with you?"
mingyu handed you his keys, which you quickly accepted. this was definitely against some sort of work code, but you didn't care. these girls needed to get home safe, and mingyu needed to rest as much as he could.
"let's go girls, i'm taking you home.
after getting the girls into their respective seats and buckling their seat belts, you got into the driver's seat. mingyu was sitting beside you, leaning his head against the headrest. he looked like hell, but somehow still managed to be cute. you still had his jacket from the day before and draped it over his chest like a blanket.
you drove them to their home, following the GPS' orders carefully. mingyu fell asleep during the drive, and the girls sat in the backseat whispering and giggling. when you got to the destination you had to wake him up.
"it's this house right there, just park the car right in front of the garage... I'll fix it later.", he mumbled.
the house was big, built with modern architecture. big glass windows, long black, and white walls, and a flat roof. before getting lost in the beauty of the outside of his home, you helped the girls get out of the car.
"let me unlock the door.", mingyu yawned and got out of the car.
the inside of the home was well decorated and had dark wooden floors. there was a big living room area, which was connected to a patio. you could see back into the garden through the big glass sliding doors, quickly noticing a pool back there. the kitchen was also in the downstairs area. the cabinets were black, and the floor was lined with classic black and white tiles. everything looked neatly put together, especially compared to your apartment.
"you should go to bed...", you told mingyu.
"will you come with me?", he asked with a slight flirtatious tone.
"you're really getting on my nerves today.", you sighed, but couldn't help the warmth creeping up on your face.
you took a quick look around again, noticing that the girls had already sat down on the couch.
"are they allowed to watch TV now?", you asked mingyu and he nodded, "girls, do you want to watch something?"
"yes please!", they both said in unison.
you turned on the TV and switched it to a kids' channel before getting back to the very sick mingyu.
"now let's get you to bed.", you sighed and grabbed his arm, "where's your bedroom?"
"up the stairs."
after getting him into bed you pulled the covers over him and sat on the edge of the bed. mingyu put his hand on your thigh, and you put your hand on top of his.
"did you get sick while walking in the rain yesterday?", you asked.
"most likely.", he answered.
"i'm sorry...", you sighed and took his hand in both of yours, bringing it closer to you.
"it's not your fault, sweetheart.", he said, "... thank you for bringing me home. i really appreciate it."
"do you need me to do anything else? i can make dinner for the girls.", you said.
"that'd be very nice.", he nodded and closed his eyes, "i'll help you, i just need to close my eyes for a bit."
"no, you will not help me.", you sighed and put down his hand over the covers, "you are going to rest up. i'll stop by with some food for you before i leave."
"thank you.", mingyu had accepted defeat, "the twins go to bed by 8 o'clock sharp."
"and their room is..?"
"down the hall to the right. it's right in front of my study and right next to the bathroom.", he sighed and got comfortable under the covers.
"i'll take care of it, don't worry.", you smiled, "rest well, alright?"
mingyu let out a grunt for an answer as you left the room. the upstairs area wasn't as big as the downstairs area, but it was still around the same size as your entire apartment. you looked around in awe, never having imagined that this was what mingyu's home would look like. despite having two kids, he kept everything clean - you thought until you saw the kids' room. toys were scattered here and there, but there was still enough space to walk around in the big room. the girls slept in separate beds in separate corners of the room. there was a big window right in between the beds, allowing light to flow inside. it was a pretty room, although it was a bit messy. the mess wasn't a big problem, just some stuff on the floor - it was easy enough for you to put away. once that was done, you explored further. you found the upstairs bathroom, where you noticed a toothbrush stand with three toothbrushes standing next to each other and one empty slot. after the bathroom, you found mingyu's study, which you only took a quick glance at. this room was even messier than the girls', and you assumed it was because he left in a hurry earlier. there were tissues piling up in the trash, and papers all over the dark wooden desk. the blinds were closed, leaving the room feeling closed off. you quickly left that room, not wanting to intrude more than you already had. on your way to the staircase, you passed a room, right in front of mingyu's bedroom, that you had somehow missed. it wasn't the time for snooping anymore, you thought and decided against going in there.
when you got down the stairs you found the girls still watching TV. their attention went away from the screen as you came in to check on them.
"are you feeling hungry?", you asked and they both nodded, "do you want to help me make some food?"
after making dinner, and tucking ji-u and ari into bed, you got a plate of the leftovers and brought it up to mingyu's room. the room was still dark, and he was still lying in bed in the same position you had left him in. maybe he had shifted around a bit because his hair was a bit messier than before. you sat down beside him and put your hand on his arm.
"i have some food for you", you said softly, "and some water."
mingyu opened his eyes ever so slightly, shifting in the bed to bring his hands up to his face to rub the sleep out of his eyes. when he was done he sat up, leaning his back against the headboard.
"you're too nice to me.", he muttered.
"you would've done the same for me", you shrugged, "here, drink up."
you handed him the water and put the plate of food on his bedside table while he drank. a nervous feeling started spreading in your chest, suddenly realizing the position you were in. to combat these unfamiliar emotions, you got up and started closing the blinds.
"i put the girls to bed", you spoke as you worked on closing the blinds, "they weren't very happy to go to sleep when you hadn't kissed them goodnight yet."
"they get antsy if we don't follow the routine.", he chuckled, "could you hand me the plate."
you sat back down beside him, head buzzing with nervousness, and took the plate. without thinking you took the fork to feed him like you used to do with the stubborn kids at the kindergarten you worked at before. only when mingyu had taken a bite, looking a little bit shocked, is when you realized what you were doing.
"i'm so sorry", you quickly tried to hand him the plate, "it's an old habit, i wasn't patronizing you, i swear-"
mingyu only laughed, pushing away your attempt at giving him the plate. he couldn't get a word out, still trying to chew through the fit of giggles. his hand was over his mouth as he looked away from you, if he were to look in your lost puppy dog eyes he would definitely start laughing again.
"it's alright.", he said after calming down, "i don't mind being pampered... especially not by you."
your eyebrows shot up over your forehead. mingyu motioned for you to come a bit closer, and you shuffled a few inches closer to him. he looked expectantly at the plate, and then back at you. with a slightly shaky hand, you brought another spoon of food to his mouth, which he gladly accepted. seeing him genuinely happy over this made you a bit more comfortable. you shuffled even closer to him, sitting down in a better position to feed him. it felt strange, and you couldn't help but laugh a little at his happy expressions.
"you cook well.", he said quietly as you took the last of what was on the plate on the spoon.
"it was just something i threw together, really", you said, "it's nothing special."
"thank you, anyway.", he said before taking the last bite.
you put the plate on the bedside table again, but before you could leave mingyu grabbed your arm. he looked up at you through his eyelashes, and you could've melted at the sight. he gently pulled you back towards him, making you sit down beside him again.
"i'm really sorry that i caused you so much trouble today.", he said softly and put his hand on your knee.
"you didn't.", you smiled, "i wanted to do this, otherwise i wouldn't have been here."
suddenly you started hearing giggling behind you. when you turned around you saw two black-haired heads peeking out from the side of the doorframe. your body was in the way for mingyu to see them, but his daughters were grinning widely at the sight of the two of you.
"girls, it's bedtime!", mingyu said kindly, yet sternly.
"we know!", they giggled, "but we didn't get to say goodnight to you."
the girls ran inside the room and crawled up on the bed. you were about to get up to give them space when you noticed that mingyu's hand hadn't moved from your leg. he squeezed it gently and when your eyes met his they seemed to be asking you to stay. so you sat there with them, watching as mingyu spoke with his daughters and apologized for not saying goodnight earlier.
"i was feeling a bit sick, so i had to rest", he explained, "which made me miss your bedtime."
"are you better now? did ms. y/l/n make you better?", ari asked and looked at you expectantly.
"he's doing a lot better than he was before", you said as you glanced between the man in front of you and his daughters, "but my expert opinion says that he still needs a full nights rest."
"you can't kiss it better?", ari asked, giggling with her sister.
"yeah, you can't kiss it better?", mingyu asked in a mocking tone, gently squeezing your leg again.
you put your hand on top of his and put it down beside you again. even if he was able to be very mature most of the time, he had a tendency to bring out his childish side. as you took his hand away from your leg, he almost looked like he regretted saying it.
"a good night's rest is all he needs, i promise you.", you assured the twins, "so you two should go back to bed."
they said goodnight to their father and hurried back to their room, leaving you all alone with mingyu again.
"i'll go check that they're really sleeping before i leave.", you said.
"you're leaving?", he sounded surprised, and by the grimace, he made afterward he didn't mean for it to sound like it.
"well yeah, i couldn't possibly intrude for any longer than i already have.", you said.
"y/n, you're not intruding.", he iterated, "i have a guest room, and you could borrow some clothes to sleep in for the night. it's so late, you shouldn't be going home alone at this hour."
he seemed so determined, and how could you give up on such an offer? his hand found its way back on your leg, a kind gesture that asked you to stay. you thought back to all the time you had spent together in the cabins. it had been so long that you seemed to have forgotten that you actually knew him quite well for just being his children's teacher. you took his hand in yours again, looking down at it to try to distract yourself from his strong gaze.
"i'm sorry that i left before", you spoke softly, "by the cabins... it was kind of a jerk move. i didn't even leave a note."
mingyu turned his hand to intertwine his fingers with yours. you looked at him with a shy smile. for some reason, you had thought of your second meeting as a new beginning, but you can't just erase memories with another person to start over.
"and i'm sorry for being an emotional wreck", you added, "and acting like i was a complete stranger when we finally met again."
"it's okay.", mingyu stated, "you've been through something horrible. i just wish that i could be someone you can lean on when you really need it... instead, you're here, treating me when i'm sick..."
you let out a stifled laugh. it felt nice to finally let your walls down a bit. mingyu squeezed your hand, getting your attention back on him.
"i'm not asking you to sleep in my bed with me because, frankly, that'd be very stupid considering that i'm sick", he said, making you laugh again, "but i just want to make sure that you don't have to go home alone, and that you're safe."
"alright, i'll take you up on your offer."
the next morning you woke up in mingyu's guest bed, in a borrowed pair of sweatpants and a shirt. the alarm on your phone had successfully woken you up an hour before you had to leave for work. you quickly got up and went downstairs, where you found mingyu making breakfast and the girls tiredly waiting at the table.
"why are you up? shouldn't you still be resting?", the words tumbled out of your mouth before you could even process them.
"good morning to you too, doctor.", mingyu joked and handed you a newly brewed cup of coffee, "you'll be happy to hear that my symptoms have-"
you pressed your hand against his forehead again, interrupting whatever he was going to joke about. his fever had gone down, and he looked a lot better than the day before.
"just a runny nose and a slight sore throat.", he smiled and took your hand away from his forehead, "what do you think? am i too sick to make breakfast?"
his grip on your wrist shifted to hold your hand instead. his eyes were glimmering in the low light of the kitchen lamp, and that warm smile never left his lips. if it weren't for the fact that he was sick, you would've kissed that smile off his face.
"no...", you sighed, "sorry, i overreacted-"
"you didn't.", he assured you, "it's nice to know that you care."
mingyu's arm sneakily wrapped itself around your waist and brought you closer. he leaned his forehead against yours, still looking into your eyes. you did your best to not spill anything out of your cup, but it was getting increasingly hard since you were starting to be distracted. you peered over your shoulder, noticing that the two of you had started getting the attention of the twins.
"could we save this for another day?", you asked and put a hand on his chest, "maybe when we're not being watched?"
mingyu looked up, immediately locking eyes with ari and ji-u who were almost standing on top of their chairs to see.
"hey! sit down in the chairs, or you'll fall over!", mingyu said and let go of you to bring the girls their breakfast.
you watched him walk away, carefully warning the girls of the dangers of standing up on the chairs as he put down their bowls. when he walked back to you, and the girls were deeply invested in their food, you decided to be a little mean. while mingyu was grumbling to himself you walked up to him and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. he looked at you, stopping whatever he was doing to just stare at you in shock.
"thank you for the coffee.", you said quietly, "i need to get ready, but i'll see you soon, right?"
"i can drive you to work", he blurted out, "i need to take my girls there anyway."
"if you're feeling fine then i don't see why not."
"oh, i'm feeling more than fine.", he tried to lean in, but you quickly stopped him.
"i don't need to get sick too.", you said and when he tried to protest you added, "i tried kissing it better... think of it was your medicine. doctor's orders!"
he watched you leave, his jaw was slightly slack. you were going to be the death of him.
you arrived at the school with yesterday's clothes and wearing whatever make-up you could find in your purse. so, of course, your closest coworker would notice.
"had a fun night?", joshua hong asked with a sly grin.
"my night was just fine, mr. hong.", you responded, but giving your secret away by smiling.
there were other people in the teacher's lounge, so you had to be discreet. however, being discreet with joshua wasn't easy. the two of you frequently sat down to gossip with each other, and most of the time you ended up getting too excited - ergo, too loud.
"i saw you walking in here with mr. kim...", he said quietly, "and i've never seen you wear the same clothes two days in a row, so you're going to have to tell me everything that happened last night."
"i will...", you said and interrupted his small celebration by adding "at lunch."
"you're no fun.", he sighed dramatically, making you laugh.
the week went by quickly, and you hadn't gotten to see mingyu as much as you had hoped. he stayed home until he was feeling well again, but then he had work to catch up on - so his parents ended up picking up the twins this week. a part of you still thought that he might show up to the play, for the girls' sake of course, even if it was naive of you to think.
friday, the day of the play, was spent making preparations for the afternoon - when all of the parents would come to see their kids perform. it wasn't anything particularly well-made, it was made by kids after all - but the work that the kids had put in truly made you proud. in the morning you immediately asked ji-u and ari if they knew if their dad would come after all. they had confirmed your fears, of him most likely not coming at all. despite them putting up a brave front, you could tell it made them very disappointed.
"well, why don't i act as your grown-up for the play? just so that you know that someone is watching you.", you suggested.
"don't you have to look at all of the kids?", ji-u asked.
"yeah, you're a teacher - it's not the same.", ari sighed.
"i'll tell you what...", you lowered your voice, "if you promise not to tell anyone, i'll promise to pay the most attention to you two this afternoon."
it seemed to cheer them up. they even made you pinky-swear on it. however, you knew it wasn't as good as having their actual parent - so you were determined to make mingyu at least see the few last minutes.
when everyone was in their costumes and had prepared for the play to start, you took your seat right by the stage. you saved a chair next to you, putting up a fake "reserved chair" sign on the seat. before the play started, even before the parents had started coming in, you pulled out your phone and called mingyu.
"are you on your way yet?", you asked as he picked up.
"i'm in the car right now, i managed to cut the meeting short", he answered, "i might make it in five minutes."
"great! i saved you a seat", you said happily, "it's right at the front."
"you got me front row seats? wow, you really know how to spoil a guy, y/n.", he joked.
"just be there, mr. kim.", you said, right as joshua sat down on the "non-reserved" seat next to you.
"mr. kim?", he whisper-yelled, knowing all about your relationship to the man by now.
"i have to go now...", you sighed into the phone.
"alright. thank you again, sweetheart", mingyu said, "i really do appreciate it."
as you hung up, joshua stared at you with his jaw on the floor. he had apparently listened intently to your call because he looked like he had heard something that he shouldn't have.
"he calls you sweetheart?", joshua laughed.
"shut up, joshua!", you hissed at him, "i told you that nobody else needs to know."
you knew that if people found out that you used to sleep with one of the parents of the children you educated, suspicions of special treatment would arise even if they had no real claim.
"you guys are so cute...", he sighed dreamingly, "i know you don't think it's a good idea... but i think you should go for it."
the parents started coming in before you could say something in response. your eyes were completely focused on the door, smiling at the occasional parent you would make eye contact with, but your main goal was to see mingyu walking through that door. all the parents had settled down and were talking amongst themselves. mingyu still wasn't there. the lights dimmed. mingyu still wasn't there. a teacher came out on stage to present the play. mingyu still wasn't there. the parents clapped after the teacher's short speech, and as he walked off the stage and the music started: mingyu came through the door. you happily waved to him, and he sprinted toward his seat just as ari and ji-u walked out on stage. he gave them two thumbs up and a supportive smile before sitting down.
"thank you.", he whispered in your ear.
you wanted to thank him too, for coming despite all the trouble, but the kids had already started speaking.
that was a year ago. it was when you had realized how much you felt for him, and for his kids. it was when you had decided that taking a leap of faith was worth it if it was for them. even if you were still hurt from your past, you put your trust in mingyu that he could help you heal those wounds.
you walked out of the school with ji-u and ari. as soon as you saw him walking toward you, your face broke out into a bright smile. the girls ran up to him first, you following with quick steps.
"how has your day been, girls? did you learn anything new?", he crouched down to be on eye level with them.
"mr. hong taught us multiplication!", ari said.
the girls had moved up a year, and you requested to not have them in your class for the following years. after all, it would be awkward for them to have their dad's fiancé as their teacher.
"you need to help me with my homework!", ji-u said.
"of course, i will, honey."
mingyu looked up at you with a small yet warm smile. he stood up, telling the girls to go into the car. you approached him, feeling as giddy as a teenager experiencing a crush for the first time.
"did you have a good day, mrs. kim?", he asked lovingly and wrapped his arms loosely around your waist.
"i'm not mrs. kim yet.", you said and put a hand on his chest.
"my kids call you mom.", he argued.
"doesn't make me a kim legally, though.", you responded with a giggle.
"you've been mrs. kim for a long time in my heart already", he grinned in a cheesy manner, "and you're about to put the last of your furniture in my house now. so i think the official papers are nothing but a formality."
he leaned in a placed a soft kiss on your lips, only a quick one because he knew that you didn't actually like doing anything of the sort while still at work. even if you were in the parking lot, and not on school grounds, you never knew who was watching.
"good afternoon, newlyweds!", joshua said with a grin as he walked past and you sighed as you watched the man walk up to his car nonchalantly.
"let's go home, yeah?", mingyu asked.
"i'd love that.", you smiled
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soov · 6 months
LOVE iN TV WORLD 𝄢 O8. oh... yikes
⚠ : cursing, profanity, kissing, pet names, mentions of food — 848 words.
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After being chosen to carry on the legacy of his members and company colleagues, Lee Heeseung finds himself having a wonderful time hosting Music Bank every Friday. What he did not expect was falling in love with his rookie MC partner.
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꒰ 📺 ꒱
Monotonously jiggling some coins in your hands, you made your way to the vending machine in Starship Entertainment’s café.
Sheon had never asked for any kind of tea after a few years of living with your group.
There were countless times where she complained about the sight of mugs of tea being prepared at your dorms. That, and the smell of it, the way it was “just hot juice”, and the iced version “just infused water, but tasteless”.
You were overly suspicious of her asking you to buy a can of Lipton. If it was for a staff member or a member of Kazino, she would’ve told you. She never shuts up, anyways.
Inserting the coins into the machine, you pressed the number 17, waiting for the can to fall. Inevitably, you thought of Heeseung when he bought you a Pepsi. you were seriously going crazy without him, and the fact that he didn’t reply to any of your texts, drove you even more mad.
You wanted more of the jokes he most likely stole from his members, him calling you his flower, begging for you to stay longer at the SBS building with him, only because you couldn’t hang out anywhere else, and his hugs. God, you really missed his hugs. You missed Heeseung badly.
It was like you could hear his voice calling out your name — delusion was getting to you.
But why did it sound so real?
“Flower!” Heeseung shouted, snapping you out of your trance as he sprinted towards you. There wasn’t time to question how he was at Starship when his arms coiled around your lower back and twirled you around, one of his melodic chuckles coming out.
As he tightened his grip on your body, you let out a gasp, wrapping your own arms around his neck and burying your face there. He smelled like caramel and vanilla, a different scent from his usual flowery fragrance, though it didn’t stop from being comforting. You felt safe in his hold.
You smiled, landing a kiss on his ear, “I missed you.” Your words weren’t needed, because he knew you did. It felt like everything had already gone back to normal.
“I missed you way more,” the singer countered, carefully putting you down and kissing your forehead, a hand steadying your head by the nape.
“Liar.” You frowned in a joking manner, feigning anger, but he saw the twinkle in your irises, showing that you had already forgiven him. Heeseung adored your eyes, and even more, staring at them. “You didn’t reply to any of my messages, Seung.”
He was a sucker for when you called him by the nickname you made for him, and how your voice curled around it. He loved your voice just as much as your eyes. Sighing, he apologized, “I’m so sorry. I was so busy with the interviews, then I had to do two Weverse lives, and jet lag hit me like a truck, and I barely got slee–”
The words once leaving his mouth were stuffed back in when you pecked his cheek to calm him down, “Seung, it's okay. I’m just glad you’re not mad at me or anything like that.”
In sequence, Heeseung felt his face flush, heart beating erratically and trying to match his breath, “Okay…” he nodded, his lovesick gaze skimming across your features. “I could never be mad at you, baby.”
Your brain went all fuzzy with the pet name, nearly stopping working. Usually, he called you ‘baby’ on text, but now, he confidently let those words out, and it had an instant effect on you.
“You can’t be mad at me.” You repeated, not sure as to why you were mirroring his sentences.
He nodded, “Couldn’t ever be mad at you.” And without even registering it, he gently tilted your face towards his and sealed his lips to yours, briefly kissing you.
Freezing in place, your eyes widened. The purple-haired boy then pulled away, resting his forehead on yours, and you only realized it when he spoke up. “I really, really missed you.”
When you regained composure, it was your time to take the lead, and your palms quickly made their way to Heeseung’s rosy cheeks, kissing him. You could taste the chapstick that you once gifted him on his lips, one that he always used during plane trips.
It was hard to think of anything when you were trying to figure out how to kiss well, but an intrusive thought came up. You finally lived up to your private account user, and that snatched a giggle out of you.
Lee disconnected your mouths and smiled, eyebrows sewn together in confusion, “What’s so funny?”
His question only made you laugh harder, and your head and hands fell to his shoulders, “Nothing, nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
So he didn’t, hugging you tight in front of the vending machine as you kept shaking with laughter in his arms.
Neither of you noticed how Sheon was bemusedly staring at you from afar with her phone in hands and your messages open.
“Oh. So the plan worked… Yikes.”
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GENRE friends / coworkers to lovers, fluff, smau | PAiRiNG lee heeseung & f!reader
© SOOV, 2O23.
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