#my number one recovery method is to become enamored with an au rewrite featuring a reformed villain
pencilofawesomeness · 27 days
Hey pencil, how are you doing? are you still burned out? I just miss your HTRYDS because it is a refreshing take on FT that addresses things that are overlooked? eg Jellal getting proper help and having a life and relationships outside his past.
Hi! Thanks for checking in! I'm alive, and my writing mojo took a longer vacation than I would have liked, but it started coming back in the last couple of months. Unfortunately, for the wrong things, but I have long since learned that I have to let the happy brain chemicals do their thing on whatever project(s) gave the random inspiration burst before I can reign them in.
I am working on the next chapter of Runaways, and it is coming along, but I'm probably going to wait until I have at least two or three chapters done before I start posting again. To keep the rest of the arc's update time consistent, hopefully. (And if I don't come back with Runaways soon, I absolutely plan on getting out a side story or two for @ft-platonicweek because I have ideas~ :3)
And awwww thank you anon! I'm glad over people enjoy me picking out details of FT I find interesting and under utilized and going ham lol. Like with Jellal—he's such an interesting character, and even more so when he can be relatively stable and not a sad boi incarnate. Not that he's not prime sad boi stick target material but... I digress XD
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