#so he’s still a prince and not yet engaged or a king
stheresya · 3 months
"I love him, Father, I truly truly do, I love him as much as Queen Naerys loved Prince Aemon the Dragonknight […]" (Sansa III, AGOT) “Wed?” Sansa was stunned. “You and my aunt?” “The Lord of Harrenhal and the Lady of the Eyrie.” You said it was my mother you loved. But of course Lady Catelyn was dead, so even if she had loved Petyr secretly and given him her maidenhood, it made no matter now. (Sansa VI, ASOS)
I find that these little passages reveal something interesting about sansa's personality. specially when you juxtapose how she's characterized in the text and her worldviews here, and how at first glance they may seem contradictory. but first, let's take two things into account:
the patriarchal society of westeros is very strict on women's sexuality. which means that not only is female virginity held in great value, but also female adultery is very firmly condemned by everyone, unlike men who are allowed to maintain public mistresses and flaunt their bastards everywhere.
sansa is characterized as the conformist, the one who internalizes her society's rules. she's very religious, she's a proper lady in every sense of the word and she often says and does exactly what she's told.
and yet, in these passages we can see that sansa does not care much about societal rules when it comes to intimate feelings. she often hails aemon and naerys' (supposed) forbidden love without a single care that queen naerys was bound by duty to a husband and aemon was meant to be loyal to his king. but most astonishing of all is her nonchalant response to petyr's (false) information that her mother was not a virgin when she married. on one hand it may speak on sansa's views towards women's sexuality, since her current friends (mya and randa) are girls who engage in sex out of wedlock, and she never judges them, just like she doesn't judge her mother for apparently doing the same, and catelyn continues to be the person she admires the most. sansa also doesn't view her parents' relationship any differently because of this, the marriage between ned and cat is still as happy as she remembers, because all that matters to her is that there was love in the home she grew up in. the thing about sansa's character is that she plays by the rules up until a certain point, but on the inside she always prioritizes emotion over societal norms, and that's why she looks more upset at petyr for marrying someone while claiming to love another, because in her mind he's being unfaithful to his heart by marrying out of practicality. we have examples that showcase sansa's prioritizing feelings in AGOT when she, the good daughter, disobeys her father for the first time because she thought she was in love with joffrey, and in ASOS where she never thinks she owes tyrion anything just because he's her husband. so it comes as no surprise that she's so infatuated with the love story of an adulterous and incestuous relationship like aemon and naerys'. one of the main themes in this series is that feelings don't care about honor. and if love is the death of duty then sansa seems more than happy to see duty killed for the sake of love.
of course this doesn't mean she'll stay that way, specially when she's already lost her so much of her innocence and is now tangled in petyr's schemes where she must set her own feelings aside in order to act on his plans. and despite her silent judgement of petyr marrying someone he didn't love, her current betrothal with harry is an entirely practical union on her part since she feels nothing for him and only sees him as a means to an end. there have been many instances since book 1 where she was able to turn off her feelings in order to withstand certain situations. so... what even is sansa's mind? an interesting universe on its own for sure.
I just think sansa's romanticism is one of her most interesting traits (for better and for worse), something that truly contributes to the distinctiveness of her character, and I really hope petyr or anyone else are unable to completely kill that in her.
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syrupfog · 27 days
Zoro hates it here. 
“Tough shit,” says Nami. “You have to suffer through the evening to meet your fucking FIANCÉ.” 
Zoro scowls. He’s never met the man. They’ve been engaged since he was young enough to still fight with bamboo swords. “It’s not like I’m going to marry him.” 
“I keep saying a political marriage would really help your image,” Nami lectures, “but regardless, this is PROTOCOL. Your parents would be ashamed of you trying to skip out on this.” 
“My parents died when I was six, and you never met them.” 
“Yet I know better. Now come on.”
It’s a lavish ballroom that Zoro never uses, and he’s in clothes he never wears. He’s itchy. Standing next to his throne, as is PROTOCOL, thanks Nami, he watches the procession as they enter. 
Their king is tall and clearly pompous. His outfit gaudy. His children come behind him.
Zoro’s people, his most trusted, are fanned throughout the room, but the king and his children stand a head above everyone. Zoro counts one daughter and three sons, each of them standing equally proud and in equally flashy clothes. 
No, wait. 
Is that a fourth son or a servant?
He’s shorter than the others, thinner, almost sickly in comparison. But he’s wearing the royal finery. His head is bowed, in contrast to theirs. A cousin maybe? Why is he here? 
The king marches directly up to Zoro and does not bow, which he SHOULD do on Shimotsuki soil.
He stands straight, and says, “Crown Prince Roronoa, I present to you my children; Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, Yonji, and Sanji.” 
The— the sickly pale one? HE’s the one Zoro’s been promised to? 
Sanji keeps his head down, but unlike his siblings he does a slight bow upon introduction.
Zoro scowls until Nami kicks him. Then he bows back, EVER so slightly, and gestures to the room at large. “Please enjoy the evening,” he says. “You’ve come a long way.” He can feel Nami breathing down his neck. “Let me personally escort Prince Sanji, so we have time to… talk.”
He holds out his arm and Sanji, obligingly, slips his hand into the crook of Zoro’s elbow. He hears snickering behind him as he leads Sanji away.” 
The crowd parts around them, and Zoro grinds his teeth. He’d really prefer not to break up with someone he’s never even met.
Still, such things must be done. Leading Sanji out onto the balcony, in the cool night air, Zoro lets his arm fall and then turns to him. “So,” he hedges. “Our parents betrothed us.” 
Sanji inclines his head. “Yes, sire,” he says, staring resolutely at the floor.”
“Well I don’t know about you, but I’m my own person now, and I don’t particularly feel like getting married to someone I’ve never met.” 
At that, Sanji’s eyes shoot up, wide and searching. 
“So I release you from this bond,” Zoro says. “Or whatever it was Nami says I should say.”
“You—“ Sanji stutters. “N-no, wait.” 
Zoro crosses his arms. “I don’t know you and you don’t know me,” he says. “I have no interest in marrying someone I’ve never met.” 
“Y-you’re meeting me NOW,” Sanji cries. “You can get to know me! Give me a chance.”
He looks like he would collapse in a strong wind, already standing with one arm braced against the railing. Zoro is a warrior, he needs someone who can challenge him, not… whatever this is. “I’ve made up my mind,” he says. “Sorry you had to come all the way here.”
Sanji starts tugging on his hair. “No,” he says again. “You can’t do this! You— I’ll—“ 
“What?” Zoro asks. “You’ll tell daddy on me?” 
Breathing heavily, Sanji looks at him with wild eyes. “Please,” he says. “I’ll— do anything. You won’t know I’m here. Just don’t—“
Then, in what seems like a snap decision, he turns around and takes off running. 
Zoro follows, languidly, watching him race back through the ballroom. He figures he’ll run to his father and start telling him what a monster Zoro is, but instead Sanji takes the first door out.
Shit. Zoro speeds up. That’s the door to the rest of the castle, not the way out or the way to his family. What the hell? 
He keeps his pace slow enough to not alert TOO many in the ballroom (though he sees the thunderous look Nami throws his way), but as soon as he’s through the door Sanji left through, he also takes off at a run, seeing Sanji at the end of the hallway. 
The castle is enough of a maze for Zoro on a good day, he’s certain that if he slows down for even a second he’ll lose the prince somewhere in his own halls.
The one point in his favor is that Sanji does seem to truly be sickly, even at a run he’s not particularly fast. It takes three turns and a set of stairs before Zoro catches him running into an open door that he KNOWS doesn’t have an exit.
He follows Sanji in and slams the door behind him. It’s a bedroom, and Zoro knows immediately which one, namely because it’s in use. 
“Hey Luffy,” Zoro says. Nami had banned Luffy from attending, to prevent “incidents”. 
Luffy waves. He’s reclining on his bed with a turkey stick.
“You see a prince come in here?” Zoro asks. “Scrawny, pale, can’t take no for an answer?” 
Luffy laughs through his teeth. “I don’t know about any of that,” he says. “But there’s a guy in a fancy outfit in my wardrobe.” 
Zoro rounds on the wardrobe.
One hand on each knob, he pulls it open with a flourish. 
Sanji is there, curled with his knees to his chest, staring up at Zoro with watery eyes. 
“Asylum!” He yelps. “I claim asylum!” 
Zoro blinks. “You that ashamed of getting dumped?” He asks. 
Sanji grits his teeth.
“Grant me asylum,” he says, voice firmer. “Or you’re going to be at war with Germa by sunset for killing their prince.” 
“I’m not fucking killing you, I’m just—“ 
“I will throw myself out that window before I have to go back there.” 
Luffy whistles. “I like him,” he says.
“You’re being dramatic,” Zoro growls. 
“I’m a dead man if I go back there,” Sanji says. “If you’re going to take away the only chance of freedom I’ve ever had, the least you can do is grant asylum. I’ll live a beggar on your streets before I chance returning.”
He’s shaking, but Zoro sees determination in his eyes that he respects. “What’s so bad about it?” He asks. “Why do you think here would be better?” 
Sanji’s hands flex around a fallen coat. “I like to think you won’t keep me in a windowless dungeon for a decade,” he says.
“I’d imagine you may even allow me more than one meal a day.” 
Zoro stares at him, feeling uncomprehending. That can’t be right. 
“Sounds like you should marry him,” Luffy says from the bed. “That’s not a great life.” 
“What’s wrong with you?” Zoro asks. He’s looming over Sanji. “As in, what did you do to deserve that?” 
Sanji blinks, then looks down, curling in on himself. “I was born of my mother’s blood,” he says. “He sees her in my eyes and he hates me for it.” 
There’s a strength in him. To have lived this long. Zoro sees that and something in him gives way. He doesn’t want it to, he doesn’t want this veritable stranger to have his respect, but— 
“Luffy,” he says. “Escort the Vinsmokes out of here.” 
Luffy gives a crooked salute that in no way resembles the way he should refer to the crown prince. “On it, boss.”
Sanji’s grip tightens around the clothes. “Please,” he chokes out, desperation rising. “Please, you won’t even— you don’t have to even officially accept my plea for asylum, if you just turn the other way so I can—“ 
“Shut up,” Zoro says, taking a step back and rubbing his face.
“Fucking hell of course I wasn’t referring to you.” Luffy’s already out the door or he’d make Luffy clarify. “He’s kicking all of THEM out, you’re obviously staying here.” 
“Oh…” Sanji trails off. “Th-thank you. I— I’ll take whatever position you deem acceptable. I’m an excellent chef, I can work in your kitchens! You’ll never know—“ 
Zoro, tired of this, reaches down and pulls Sanji out of the wardrobe. Suddenly upright, Sanji stumbles into his arms with a yelp. 
“Slow down,” Zoro grouses. “You wore me down. I’ll fucking marry you.”
“You’ll— what?” Sanji, whose hands are on Zoro’s shoulders and whose face is so very close to Zoro’s own, blinks. “WHY?” 
“Because your family seems like a fucking nightmare so I need to keep an eye on you,” Zoro says. He doesn’t say, and you’re strong. You survive.
He doesn’t say, your will to escape and to live makes me want to do everything to protect you. 
He doesn’t say that because that would make him sound idiotic and like Sanji needs saving. He’s clearly doing that on his own. 
Zoro’s just going to help him along.
He takes a step back and steadies Sanji. There’s the faint sound of shouting in the distance. Zoro grabs Sanji’s hand. “Luffy should be done soon,” he says. 
“Uh,” says Sanji. “Is he going to be okay…?” 
“Oh yeah, he’ll be fine.” 
Zoro grabs Sanji’s hand. He squeezes it.
He says, “You seem like the type to care about wedding planning.” 
Sanji seems dazed. “Uh,” he says, wavering. “I have plans.” 
“Good. I don’t give a fuck. You can talk to Nami about them. Just tell me where to go and what to wear.” 
Sanji fishmouths at him. 
The door opens.
Luffy steps in. His shirt is a little torn and there’s leaves in his hair. “Vine Smackers are gone,” he says, giving his crooked salute to Zoro. Then he looks at Sanji. “You need me to beat up your family too?” 
“Luffy you dumbass,” Zoro says. “That WAS his family.”
“I don’t have a family,” Sanji corrects, voice small but gaining confidence. “I-if you’re willing to marry someone without a family, that is.” 
Zoro shrugs. “Suits me perfectly, actually. I didn’t want to be connected to that shitty country anyway.” 
Sanji laughs. “Me neither.”
“You’re both weird,” Luffy says. “I’m going to raid what’s left of the dinner that I assume isn’t going to happen now.” 
Then he’s gone again. 
Zoro’s still holding Sanji’s hand. 
Nami’s going to murder him. 
He raises up the hand and kisses Sanji’s knuckles. That sounds like a protocol thing, right? No one can make fun of him. 
“Come on,” he says. “I’ll introduce you to… everyone.” 
He pulls Sanji out of the room, gets lost in the hallways, then finds the ballroom again. 
Time to introduce his fiancé. 
He’s strong. Zoro will help him be strong.
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hispg · 7 months
Between royalty and vows
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Pairings: Prince! Leon x Fem! Reader
Summary: A forced marriage, a fate set in stone, nothing could change that.
In the world of royalty, there were no choices, only obligations to fulfill. What you didn't expect was to become engaged to a renowned prince, ready to succeed the lineage.
Until that moment, you still had some hope that everything would work out, maybe it wasn't so bad. But it would be a shame if your future husband had a mistress.
Wouldn't it?
Warnings: slow burn, angst, hurt/ comfort, cheating, arranged marriage, eventual smut, one sided love, affairs, (I'll put more once things starts to progress).
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
An: So, initially I was going to post the other fanfic I did with Fuckboy! Leon, but I thought it was bad and decided not to post it for now. But I still have plans for it.
I intend to do several chapters on this fic(I'm sucker for royalty AU), I don't know exactly how many but I plan to do more than 10 or 15, since I have a lot of stuff I want to put in. Most of them are not comforting.
This is a thank you to the 200 followers, which by the way is almost 300 by now. I'd like to genuinely thank each and every one of you<3 And I hope you enjoy this story, because I'm genuinely excited about it.
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Royalty wasn't for everyone, that much was obvious to those who already lived in this reality. A world of appearances where everything was perfect, people, everyday life, relationships. But that was a facade, the reality took place between closed doors.
It was never clean, the backstabbing behind the king's back, the betrayals, the lust that hid behind the elaborate and sophisticated costumes. But in the end, what mattered was how beautiful that royal family was to its subjects, honor being a crucial element to maintain.
Faced with all this, the Italian prince, Leon, was well aware of the dynasty's sacrifices. He was already aware of his duty, and knew that at some point his life would take a completely different turn from what he had expected. As the only heir, he knew that it wouldn't be long before his father wanted him to marry, after all, he had to carry on the line. The honor of the kingdom had to continue, and he was the only one who could.
Although he already knew that the burden of succession would come to him one day, he just didn't expect it to be so soon.
Leon was a man known for his accomplishments, despite his young age he was a brave man, as well as the incomparable beauty he contained. Sharp features, a piercing blue gaze, a prince who wasn't afraid to speak his mind. He had a unique authenticity.
Yet he still couldn't fit in with his surroundings. His eyes staring at the chandelier, seeing how decorated everything in the castle was. Seeing the expensive clothes of each of the invited guests, the glittering dresses of the ladies who were there. He watched the people walking around the hall, seeing how comfortable they were in that situation.
But not him.
The evening was planned to be perfect, days and weeks of planning went into making this great event happen. All the most important royals were present at the castle, from the most prestigious dukes and duchesses to other kings and queens.
Today was the day that the Italian prince, Leon, would be presented to his future wife. He was the rightful heir, the next to rule his own kingdom. That's why the ballroom was perfect, every last detail thought of and worked on to create the perfect occasion.
To show off the future rulers of the country. The next ones who would take care of that kingdom and prosper it. It was a more than necessary moment to demonstrate the future couple.
Despite all the sophistication and dedication that the queen put into the celebration, Leon didn't seem to be at all excited or happy about the situation. He was sitting in one of the royal chairs, taking small sips of the most expensive wine, his expression sullen and bitter.
He didn't ask for any of this.
The day when the fates of two royals would cross, intertwine and become one. A marriage that would unite them, a commitment that once made could not be broken.
If he was being honest, he didn't even want to be a prince. This royal life didn't suit him, all these comforts and perks that didn't seem to fit in with anything he liked. A forced life, just because he was born into this family.
From where he was sitting, he could see you coming. The beautiful British princess, dressed in the most expensive of dresses, hair tied up in a bun. The ornaments that shone on you, as well as the enchanting smile that could melt even the hardest heart. At that point, all eyes were on you, curious and expectant. Everyone there was close to the soon-to-be queen.
Admiring your features, he couldn't deny that you were beautiful. Your sweet features, your face that exuded the purest grace and youth. Your way of walking that seemed to make you flutter with every step.
Still, you weren't her. You weren't the woman he loved. The only one capable of bringing a genuine smile to the skeptical man he was.
You weren't Ashley Graham, the princess he had fallen madly in love with. The one with whom he had sworn several vows of love, the one with whom he had promised to spend the rest of his life.
And there he was, preparing to marry another woman. One he didn't even know, or have any proximity to, and even worse, to marry a woman he didn't love. No matter how much he protested this to his father, nothing he said was listened to.
'You're going to marry her, whether you like it or not.' Words that still echoed in his head, and seeing how close this marriage was, he felt the weight of the situation on his back.
Yes, he had always known that this moment would come. His duty as a prince, to follow what was prescribed. What fate was supposed to have in store for him, even if he didn't believe in it.
But all his thoughts vanish once he hears a sweet voice calling him:
"Your Highness." The tender feminine voice coming from your lips, along with the elegant curtsy you made.
He blinked a few times, holding back a sigh out of politeness. Like the gentleman he was, he rose from his seat, returning the bow to you.
"Good to see you here, Your Highness." He says courteously, even if it's a lie. If there was one thing he knew how to do, it was keep up appearances.
It was hard not to notice the prince's beauty, his handsome and charming face, his eyes the lightest shade of blue you'd ever seen. His blond hair was just as captivating. No wonder he was one of the most desired.
You felt lucky to be the woman who would marry him, even though you knew that the prince already had someone else in his heart. Rumors spread fast, especially when it came to a family as important as his. But magically things remained under wraps, even though the suspicions of this secret relationship were well-founded.
You always knew that like most marriages, you wouldn't marry someone you were in love with. But you still had a glimmer of hope that you could make him like you, at least a little bit. You hated to think that maybe your marriage was a ruin like all the others.
Love and royalty didn't go together, yet you wanted to try and make it something unique.
"Would you like a dance?" Leon asks, snapping you out of your deep trance of thoughts.
You nodded with a polite smile, holding his warm hand as he led you into the middle of the hall. The classical music that echoed through the space, as other people danced and celebrated, gave the place a joyful atmosphere.
As soon as you were in the middle of the ballroom, all eyes were on you. With a gentle kiss on your gloved hand, he bowed and began to dance with you.
One hand on your back, the other intertwined with yours, your bodies very close, your faces almost touching.
His feet moved in sync with yours, both of you moving gracefully. Whirling around the ballroom. The two of you waltzing all over the place, keeping smiles and gentle glances for each other. Acting as if you were a couple in love, making silent vows. His eyes not leaving yours for a minute, his hand briefly squeezing yours, the moment seemed magical. In a way you never imagined it could be.
His cologne filling your nostrils, the heat emanating from his body. Everything about him seemed to draw your attention, as if it were a temptation.
You could feel your heart beating fast, the butterflies in your stomach that showed your clear nervousness. But still you didn't stumble once, your grace and elegance being whispered about among the guests.
His eyes staring into yours, a slight smile at the corner of his lips. This dance was a demonstration of the cooperation between the two countries, the union that was about to take place. A reason to be honored.
Despite the delicacy of the moment, the fluidity with which you danced, the mesmerizing sophistication of your movements. The way your dress dragged across the floor and danced with you. The passionate look you insisted on seeing in him.
You knew it was a lie. A damn lie.
It was confirmed once you saw his eyes light up, the outline of a sincere smile forming on his lips. At first you thought it was directed at you, but that feeling was crushed when you decided to take a look back.
There she was, the breathtaking Highness Graham, the blonde who had captured Leon's heart. The girl who wore a delicate white dress, with sophisticated and expensive accessories, enhancing her beauty. She stood among the others, just admiring him with a beautiful smile.
She knew she had his heart in the palm of her hand, so she couldn't feel the slightest bit jealous of you. He belonged to her.
You felt it in the way he admired her, in the way he looked at her in a way you couldn't even dream of. He was hopelessly in love, to the point where he even forgot you were standing in front of him. His body just moved on automatic, as if his focus was only on Ashley, only on her.
Although you wanted to pull back a little, you couldn't. The waltz wasn't over yet, it was a tradition, and you had to go until the music stopped. You couldn't help but feel a pang in your heart, the feeling that you had already lost a battle that hadn't even begun.
Nobody said you could have his heart.
As he twirls with you, he seems to focus his attention on you once again. Just for a brief moment, he was smart, he knew he couldn't give too much leeway for other rumors to spread around.
It was imaginable that the marriage would be a failure, since both kingdoms only saw it as an opportunity to increase business. However, you didn't expect to get this response so quickly.
Destined for an unreachable man, who was so close and yet so far away. How cruel could fate be?
And so you continued, keeping up the play of a couple in love, dancing and waltzing around the room. His gaze shifting between you and her, just as his expression changed with every glance. For one he gave a polite smile, for the other he gave a genuine one.
And you already knew who was who in the story.
After what seemed like an eternity, the waltz was over. You are presented with a round of applause, whistles and sincere words of approval for your union.
This while you waved and smiled, then bowed to each other, a sign of respect from both sides. As well as showing your gratitude to each other for the opportunity to dance. Etiquette and tradition, which you were following to the letter.
As soon as the applause stopped, Leon held out his arm for you to take, so that he could guide you to the place where the king would give a speech about the future marriage.
Consequently, you and Leon would officially become engaged. There were many looks on both of your faces, so many that you couldn't even count.
One in particular caught your eye, the same woman who had captured Leon's attention earlier, Ashley Graham.
The subtle smile, which was soon reciprocated by Leon, although discreet, you were able to perceive this small exchange between them. You couldn't deny the lump that was forming in your throat as you tried to let the situation sink into your head, that you would at least understand how it would go on.
As you walked through the great hall, stepping on the expensive marble, making your way to where the king would make his pronouncement. Walking through the crowd of distinguished guests who were there.
You noticed him looking at you from the corner of his eye, as if he were analyzing you from head to toe. It wasn't as if he was judging you or anything, it seemed more like the look of someone who wanted to look at his future wife, as if he was thinking about how things would be from now on.
Which you didn't even know what it would be like, either.
It wasn't long before you arrived at the King's chambers, a polished and expensive place, you could feel the sophistication of his throne just by looking at it. The place was perfectly tidy, the carpet had no fuss at all, perfectly done. Every butler and waiter duly took their places, bowing as you walked.
It seemed that the king had already started his speech, but he hadn't gotten to the important part yet. First, he had to give a statement to those attending the event, nothing more than a courtesy to them for being there, as well as reinforcing his duty to his kingdom, and to each of his subjects.
A while later, the king stood up, raised a glass of wine and said loud and clear:
"Tonight is a special night," then his gaze falls on the two of you, and he smiles broadly, "My heir, my only son is going to marry."
Despite the obvious, a round of applause echoed around the room, whistles and compliments. Which caused you and Leon to smile at each other, acting as if the happiness was genuine, as if you weren't two unacquainted people about to get married.
As soon as Leon's father saw the general reaction, he raised his glass and said, "Cheers."
Enough for another wave of loud sounds and murmurs from people. They seemed to be very happy about the future of the kingdom.
Leon then gave you a hug around the waist, swirling you in the air. Even his smile changed, and you believed even for a second that it was real.
"We'll be happy," Leon murmurs, loud enough for the people around you to hear and giggle at the new couple.
"Yes, of course." You say with a sweetness in your voice, buying his conversation. Deep down you wanted it to be real, but you knew the shadow that stood between the two of you.
It was a lie, a facade, and maybe it would never be real.
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Okay but hear me out!
Dead On Main Revolutionary Ghost Utena AU:
Canonically, Jason focuses his rage to summon the All Blade
Ghost Prince Danny would have the Ring of Rage, but not the Crown of Fire yet
I hypothesize to you that the two are connected, and not only that, but that wearing the ring allows one to draw the All Blade out of the other. Like, literally.
Because of this, summoning the All Blade of their own accord is the mark of a ghost powerful enough to be the ghost king's betrothed, and whatever other ghosts were in the running are pushed back in line as the All Blade wielder is now at the front.
It is part of ancient ceremony that predates Pariah as Ghost King and dates all the way back to the first Royal of the infinite realms, King Lazarus.
The connection itself is no more than a pull towards each other, a fascination at most to make an easier base to build a genuine and in this case, human connection.
To become actually engaged Jason would have to willingly appear before the Ghost Prince and allow him to draw the All Blade out of him, something he is not very excited for and might actually have other lasting impact besides the engagement.
Y'see Jason isn't a halfa the way Danny is, he came back twice in a short amount of time between those two instances, and while the second time was Lazarus induced, no one really knows how he woke up in his grave and broke himself out. There are theories but Clockwork was watching and even he doesn't seem to know for sure, so it's really anyone's guess.
So what the engagement ceremony could do, potentially, is either solidify his halfa status by sheer amount of ectoplasm transfered by the act, or alternatively it could just kill him on the spot and then he'd probably become a full ghost.
Now, neither of these sound great to Jason, but he also doesn't like that a bunch of ghosts have been trying to fight him for their Prince's hand in marriage, something they can only do while the Prince is still not engaged to anyone.
Meanwhile, Danny doesn't appreciate that as soon as he came of age all these marriage proposals started being thrown at him, he's known some of these ghosts since he was a teenager so that's really weird for one, and he gets that most of them are just trying to secure their happiness and not to mention their future safety as the mortal world seems to be moving on with the anti ecto act, which had lead many a specter to retreat back to the realms, causing a lot of unrest as the realms become more crowded and politically tense between factions who have not needed to interact for a while now.
It would seem the Amity portal and even Danny fighting the ghosts and sending them back through it was the break many of the realms' denizens desperately needed, but now with that option no longer being safe, as even their king can't protect them from the GIW when they're gaining so much support from governments across the world, tensions are running high in the realms and it seems that it's every ghost for themselves.
Danny doesn't really resent any of the ghosts for doing what they feel they must to make sure they aren't destroyed in what is shaping out to be a realms wide war at this point, even as he works overtime with his council to prevent that from happening, and he understands they obviously don't expect any actual marital kind of relationship from him, which is at least a little reassuring even if the idea of being married to any of them is still very weird, but he can't help but think there could be a better solution here that he's missing.
And then he feels it, a pull telling him he's overlooked something, someone important.
It's like a fire engulfing his ice core but not burning it somehow, just as it does not cool the fire around it.
Two opposite forces meant to cancel each other out, somehow instead keeping perfect equilibrium with one another.
He talks to Frostbite and Clockwork and finds out what that pull is and takes their advice to follow it.
Jason doesn't realize he just altered the source of all his recent problems to his location as he draws the All Blade to fend off yet another "challenger to the Prince's hand" whatever the hell that means, as finally one of them was dumb enough to try to use actual magic against him.
However, he soon feels the answering pull back from Danny as the latter decides to use the power in his ring to open the portal, feeling that this candidate should at least know he's coming to talk to him.
It's almost the opposite, he feels the fire of the pit madness flaring a bit, but instead of immediately trying to spread, to threaten to consume him unless he tempers it himself, it is still burning just as strong and wild, but kept in one place by an icy chill, an aura of cold, clear fury and calm in equal measure, it doesn't thaw from the fire anymore than his fire dies from the lack of heat around it.
They sustain each other, impossibly.
So Jason and Danny finally meet and give each other the rundown of their side of things and agree that maybe the best bet to not only stop ghosts from attacking Jason and proposing to Danny, but perhaps the key to overthrowing the GIW so the realms' denizens don't have to afterlive in fear and portals can be reinstated to allow travel through the realms and back, not to mention keeping the GIW from going after Jason himself who by their definition is certainly considered an ecto entity, is in fact to go through with the Ring and Blade ceremony.
Jason, at this point, is more of Earth than Danny, who has unfortunately had to step back from his normal mortal life when he turned 18 to take care of realms business, despite still only being Prince.
He was meant to have more time but with the GIW advancing like they had been it was in the realms' best interest as well as his own that he decree the realms going no contact with humans for the foreseeable future.
It's been nearly 3 years since then and they are still getting ghosts back from parts of the world who have been avoiding humans as much as they can.
As soon as he turned 21 all this ghost marriage nonsense has has been making his job of protecting the ghosts in all the realms a lot more difficult, so when ghosts realized he didn't want to be challenged every day for his hand, they went to the next best thing, the top candidate.
Now, Phantom was saying that he's gonna marry the guy they've all been trying to defeat (and failing, to his credit, so at least he was worthy of being top pick)
A lot of them were upset or disappointed, but he explained how this arrangement could potentially help out everyone in the long run and most got on board when they heard the new plan.
Now the only problem is that getting engaged, as mentioned previously, is a ceremony that could prove dangerous to Jason and "not to be insensitive about it, but if you die and become a ghost that sorta defeats one of the main purposes of us even doing this." Danny points out.
"So what's our plan, Your Majesty?" "It's Royal Highness, I'm not king yet, thank the ancients for that." "Yeah yeah, so what are we doing, Your Royal Whinyness?" "Rude. Anyway, there's a chance you might become a full halfa during the process, that means getting a second form and a fully developed core and powers besides the All Blade, which would be better than you dying. So the best way to ensure that outcome, as much as any outcome can be guaranteed anyway, is to start the process of making you a halfa before the ceremony."
"Okay? How do we do that?" "Well, we gotta get some ecto in you - " "aren't you made of that? This better not be a pickup line" "no, not like that! I told you, this marriage doesn't have to be anything more than a contract, I'm about as thrilled about having to get married to save my people as you are about doing this to stop ghost from kicking your ass on a weekly basis." "Excuse me? I won all those fights!" "Yeah, after getting tossed into brick walls 5 times per ghost" "not every ghost tossed me into walls. Box Bitch did throw crates at me tho, that hurt." "Holyshit, Boxy is not messing around anymore huh? Well, makes sense, he's a father now. He doesn't wanna raise his little girl in these conditions. Still glad he lost, but I'm surprised Lunch Lady even agreed to him trying."
So they start Jason on his ecto diet and in the meantime the batfam is brought up to date about everything that's happening and they get to work, Batman gathers the JL to push back on the GIW's fuckery and all of Jason's siblings have an engagement party and a bachelor bash to plan. The girls decide to plan a Bachelorette party for Danny because he deserves to have a break as well.
Jason hates his stupid family, but Danny seems happy to be part of one again after so long, so he sucks it up and plays along.
It's possible that maybe while preparing and planning and helping each other and working together, Jason has gotten to know and developed a fondness for Danny.
Okay so maybe he's a sappy fuck who fell head over heels in love with him in the span of like a month, but this is still just a contract to Danny, and Jason isn't going to push for or expect anything more. Danny doesn't need that kind of stress in his life rn.
Danny has been freaking out since he met his soon to be husband because holyshit that's Red Hood, that is THE Red Hood! No wonder he passed the trial of the All Blade, and the way that fire burned around Danny's core, a fire he now recognized as the warmth answering from Jason's own, made him realize that this is way more than just a contract to him. Still, he'd been part of the realms for a lot longer than Jason ans he was their future king. Jason as part of this contract would be his equal but until the marriage was sealed, he was still technically Jason’s superior. And it didn't feel right to take adventage of that and suddenly change the terms of this deal, to make Jason in any way feel pressured by Danny's own feelings. No, this was just a contract, like Jason wanted it to be. He would keep that promise to him.
Jazz and Babs get together to help their idiot baby brothers figure out their unrequited love is actually very much mutual pining and they're just being stupid.
Anyway the marriage ceremony is a different ritual from the engagement ceremony, the All Blade wielder summons it and presents it to the wearer of the ring, who sheaths it back into the summoner's core, symbolizing that they both have power over the Blade but it belongs to its wielder, and even the king himself may not keep it without permission. The Blade as a manifestation of Jason's will.
(And as a bonus, we know Jason is a literary nerd so he recognizes and appreciates the romance novel tropes happening to him, especially in the high king's court, but he is not a weeb. So I don't think he'd recognize the Utena references happening to him. But you know who I think would? You know who is a weeb who loves swords and is soooo jealous of Todd and his husband right now? It's Damian. Damian's fucking seething that he doesn't get a magic sword. He's so pissed and it's very funny.)
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coralinnii · 1 year
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I love the villain scorned by the world feat: Malleus genre: drama, hurt/comfort, romance note: part 3 continuation of Being Reincarnated into a New World as the Bad Guy AU Malleus ver, not gender specific reader, no pronouns used, villain/ess!reader is human, insecure villain/ess!reader, use of non-canon characters, 1.6k word count
I'm scared that people aren't gonna like how the villain/ess!reader is portrayed but I wanted to write people who are hurt and are afraid, cuz that's what being alive is like, to sometimes be afraid. So, hope you enjoy!
There are requests with more specific topics or aspects of the story so they may get their own story post. I'm not ignoring you, I'm more story pacing ^^"
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In one night alone, you’ve met your ex-fiancé and your former friends while you were with the fae that has asked to marry you. Then, said fae went on to antagonize your ex-fiancé who was a prince and low-key threatened to ruin him, his lover and those who supported the couple. 
You were not built for this stress
In his defense, Malleus only did it because your former fiance started to mock you and your family over a crime that was proven false. You certainly weren’t ungrateful enough not to thank Malleus for his assistance. The powerful king simply smiled.
“This is but a mere glimpse of the things I would do for you, should you finally accept my proposal” 
“T-this is not a decision you can rush” 
You were hesitant and gave excuses to refuse the dragon king but he made efforts to rebuke your reasons one by one, destroying whatever obstacles that kept you from saying yes. Soon, it came down to one reason, your real reason. 
You were scared
Not of Malleus, he has never done anything to warrant fear from you. But rather, his status as a “route target”. 
Before the arrival of the heroine, you were friends with the other route targets and even felt happy enough to be engaged with the prince despite having only platonic feelings between each other. But the moment they all met her, your world became hers. 
Your former fiancé grew irritated with you, then full out ignoring you. It was no better with the others as well when you expressed your worries to your mutual friends. Rather than consoling you or hearing you out, they took the heroine’s side and started ignoring you as well, calling you delusional and unreasonable. 
Everyone changed (or perhaps you changed and this was how it was meant to be) and you were left ridiculed and soon villainized by those you felt close to. The look of disgust on their faces whenever you attempted to just speak to them, it hurt you.
Would Malleus be the same? Be kind to you then break your heart when the heroine comes in? You suffered because of it the first time but if it was Malleus…your last and maybe closest person in your life since reincarnating to this world… you don’t know how you could come back from that. 
So you started to give up on your happy ending, refusing to answer Malleus’ proposal, avoiding to engage with the heroine at all, even escaping the party and retreating to your old hiding spot… in the royal garden. 
Alone with your thoughts, you berated yourself over your cowardice as you hid in the tall rose bushes. Gently, you fidgeted with the rose petals and you reminisced about the past. You met Malleus here, didn’t you? 
You were so clueless over your future. Back then, you still held hope that your fate was not predestined, that you could be content with stepping aside for the heroine and live happily with them. Yet despite your conflicted feelings, you managed a smile as you recalled one fateful night in the garden. It was the night that you met with your closest friend… 
“Lord Malleus!” 
…Did you say that out loud? 
You looked around in confusion to see if you were truly alone as you thought and to your surprise, you saw beyond the tall hedges the very fae you were just thinking about and the person who called him…
The female protagonist. 
“Do you like flowers, Lord Malleus?”
Your heart clenched painfully as you saw your worst nightmare come to be, the female lead with your friend(?) and they were alone in the gardens, where you realized where the player was supposed to meet Malleus in order to enter his route. Was the baron’s daughter aware of this? Did they meet like it was meant to be? Should you stay…or run away? 
You could. Your engagement has been annulled and your family was cleared from accusations of treason. You haven't accepted Malleus' proposal so nothing is holding you or your family back from leaving this kingdom forever and starting a new life away from here. No need to follow this cursed story to the end. No need to ever see your ex-friends or the protagonist ever again. 
No need to see Malleus again. 
Just run away.  
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Malleus internally thanked the elders and Lilia for their lessons to conceal his emotions, or he could have done something as drastic as burning this garden to ashes due to the annoyance he felt at this moment. He noticed your escape from the party and assumed you wanted some fresh air so he left you on your own. But soon, the party attendees bore him and he soon ached to be by your side once more. So, he made his way to the one place he immediately thought of when thinking of you, the royal gardens. 
It was his curiosity borne from boredom that brought him to the gardens that day. He found himself attracted with your kindness and obliviousness to his true identity. He found you charming, a delight and later an optimist when learning of your situation. He knew right away who you were, the child from a noble family betrothed to the young prince of this kingdom since young but that piece of information did not bother him…at first. 
But you were turned from charming to tempting as time went on. He craved your attention, envisioning your smiling face with each letter he received from you via his attendant Lilia. He couldn’t count how many times he wanted to visit you personally but couldn’t. He was sure that if you knew his identity, you may cease your correspondence with him in fear of a scandal between the kingdoms. He at least could appreciate your tactfulness. 
But he was greedy as any dragon fae would be once he heard your engagement was annulled. He may curse the foolish prince for his actions but Malleus suppose he should count himself lucky that your ex-fiancé was a fool. If he were a decent man then he may have to declare war by stealing you away. 
But Malleus encountered another greedy individual, and she’s standing right in front of him. 
“Do you like flowers, Lord Malleus?” The baron’s daughter asked, fluttering her eyelashes cutely. 
“This garden and its flora has its charm” Malleus curtly replied, he can’t hate this garden afterall. He met you here. 
“So do I! I guess fae and humans aren’t so different, huh” 
Well, that’s a stretch of a comment. He couldn’t comprehend this human’s agenda. Constantly surrounded by young men, Malleus assumed she had better ways to spend her time, and not waste his. 
Wait…was she reaching her hand to him? 
“My wish is for humans and fae to get along. Wouldn’t that be great?” The female lead sweetly said with her best smile, stretching her fingers to reach for Malleus’ crossed arms. 
To dare attempt to lay hands on him without his permission. No one would fault him for burning this woman’s audacious hands off, right? 
“King Malleus!” 
The dragon fae’s pointed ears perked up at the sound of his name. He turned immediately to the source, knowing exactly who just called him. 
“My dear human” he responded back with a smile as he saw you walking quickly towards him. 
In spite of your nervousness, you walked up to the duo and looked to share a gaze with the tall dragon fae before cautiously moving to hover your hand on his arm. Malleus did you one better and guided your hand to firmly rest on his arm, with his large hand kept over yours. 
“Good evening, lady” you nodded your head at the heroine who seemed displeased with your presence but curtsied back, as is custom. You barely gave the woman’s much of your attention (your confidence may waver if you did) and turned directly to face Malleus.
“King Malleus, I had planned to retire early tonight and leave this party” you looked to Malleus, taking a deep breath before speaking once more. To let yourself be selfish and fight for the only man that mattered to you now. “Would you like to leave…with me?”   
“Aren’t you being rude?” The female lead argued, barely hiding her annoyance with you. “Not only did you interrupt a conversation, you’re shamelessly asking Lord Malleus to leave-“ 
“Where would you like to go, my dear human?” Malleus’ deep voice interrupted the baron’s daughter, not that Malleus cared as his striking green eyes focused solely on you. 
“If you’re willing…perhaps your manor’s garden?” You shocked yourself with your boldness, but you kept at it. “I much prefer your garden above all others, especially during our dates” 
Your senses couldn’t keep up with the sudden shift as you were suddenly lifted by Malleus who quickly scooped you up into a bridal carry. You and the female lead both had looks of shock by the fae king’s sudden actions but Malleus paid attention to only one of you.
“I had made the false assumption that all humans were charming” Malleus’ eyes glinted a bright green, you compared them to gems, as he smirked amusingly at you, his fangs peeking from his lips. “But only you could evoke such feelings of greed within me"
Ignoring this world's protagonist, Malleus began to shroud the two of you in specks of green lights, a sign that you were going to be magically whisked away at Malleus' whim.
But before you did, you managed to meet the female lead's eyes which were filled with nothing but indignant rage. She looked ready to destroy you and everything you love, but you steeled yourself. Instead of flinching under her glare, you smiled at her while wrapping your arms around the dragon king's neck. Without a word, you made your decision.
I'm not giving him up
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yourfatherlucifer · 6 months
Stay With Me (CS)
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Prince!San x Princess!Reader
Summary: You were the king's trophy, a mere prize from the neighboring kingdom as a peace treaty. The king didn't care about you. Only wanted to flaunt that he owned the most beautiful princess, but his son fell in love you, and he wants to run away with you.
Warnings: Slapping, I think that's it.
Genre: Fluff
AU: Royal/Joseon
WC: 1.1k
Taglist: @yunho-mp3 @senpai-of-doom @kwanisms @yoonguurt @kpop-stories-21 @wooyoungqueen @mjyungi @frobin4ever @megseungmin @rockstarsanie @sanspuppet @asherthehimbo @aquariose @hyukaslvr @marirose25
Nets: @cromernet @pirateeznet @cultofdionysusnet @k-labels @kflixnet @wonderlandnet
Four Years Ago
“You have no choice in this matter, Y/N! You will go to him and you will stay there. We have no need for you, the people don’t want a queen. They want a king to rule them. Your brother is our heir.” Your mother scoffed and looked down at you in a disgusted manner. 
“He’s only eight! So if you or father suddenly dies, then what? The people are left with a child for a ruler. That’s what you want? You’d just throw away your daughter just to have peace between the kingdoms?” 
Your mother’s palm slapped across your face, “You will NOT speak to me that way! I am still your mother, you brat.” 
“Not anymore. No mother gives away their child just for a peace treaty.” You spat in her face, picking up your hanbok’s end to walk away. 
The Present
The King’s eyes bore into you, “Maybe I should’ve made you a concubine.” His disgusting smirk plastered his face, you turned your nose up to him, how dare he? You are of royal descent, you are a princess! Not some object for this man. 
You turned your head and rolled your eyes, could this man get anymore revolting? You met the eyes of his son on the other side of the throne, his beautiful cat-like eyes. He was gorgeous and was nothing like his father in any way. Choi San, the most dreamy prince around. Women and girls fawned alike, but he only had eyes for you. Afterall, he was in love with you.
The king soon became surrounded by his actual concubines and dismissed his son and you, both away, saying he wanted to be alone. 
You made your way back to your private chambers, glad you weren’t forced to share with the vile king. San ran after you, his hand grabbing your wrist, “Y/N, wait!” 
You turned to face him, an eyebrow raised, “Yes, Prince San?” 
He smiled and pulled you into a hidden section of the palace, “I wanted to see your cute face,” you smiled back at him and placed your hand on his chest, “and to say I’m sorry about my father, please remember to ignore him. I wanna take you away from here so bad.”
“San, you can’t just leave your duties, you’re the crown prince after all. And eventually, he’s gonna have you married. You know it won’t be me.” You sigh and release him, leaning your back on the stone wall, “I’m surprised I still have my status and not living in the dungeon yet.” 
San smacked your shoulder, “Don’t say such things! You know I hate that, besides, he’s old as hell, if he dies before he can engage me. Then I’ll have you. I’ll get rid of all those concubines as I will never need them.” 
His sweet words ached your heart, he was such a dreamer. You both knew his father wasn’t gonna die anytime soon, the man seemed immortal, his wife passed during San’s birth, which made him surround himself with women, forcing you to be by his side. You are his most beautiful piece, but he won’t touch you. Even said himself, you are just a prize for him, other than that, he has no means for you. He would still inappropriately touch you, but other than that, he usually ignored you. 
Just why did he keep you around? To show you off? To say he owns the most beautiful princess ever? The most sought for woman? To keep you so no one else can have you? So you die alone? But you were loved, loved by his son. It’s not like you’re his step mom or anything, just someone trapped in his kingdom. 
Tears escaped your eyes, “You know that's not true, San. Your day to get engaged will come soon, I’m sure of it. Then I will go back to being alone.”
San pulled you to his chest, “No, I will not allow it, you’re mine, and I want you to stay with me.” A few tears fell down his face, “I want only you.”
You nodded and held his cheeks in your hands, “I know, I know, but we can’t.”
When you finally push him away and leave him behind, tears flood his cheeks. 
You sat on your bed, face in your hands, his father banished you to your chambers as he didn’t wanna see you around the palace at all. He was already tired of seeing your face, hopefully, you thought. If that was true, maybe he’d finally let you leave, or something else you dared not to think of. 
A knock on your door interrupted your thoughts, “Princess Y/N? Crown Prince San would like to speak to you.” You dismiss your maiden and allow San in. 
He quickly ran over to you once the door shut behind him. He tackled you to the bed, giggling, “Hi, Y/N, I missed you.”
You looked up at him before smacking his back, “San! You need to be careful! One of these days you’re gonna get caught.” 
He giggled again and squished your cheeks in his hands, “What’s he gonna do? Nothing, I’m his only son and heir, and he can’t knock up his concubines.” 
You gagged, “Don’t even talk about him.” 
San sat up and pulled you to his chest, “Okay, okay. So, Y/N, I was thinking.” 
You raise your brow at him, when he’s thinking it's never good. 
“What is it?”
“Let’s run away together.”
San halted your protests with his lips on yours, molding them in a warm and intimate kiss, “You don’t have a choice, we’re leaving, I’m abandoning my title. I want to be with you forever, I don’t care about being King if I can’t have you by my side.” 
“I already had one of my servants prepare everything we need to leave with, I have the gold and some clothes for us. We will head five villages over, he will never look for us, trust me, my princess.” 
San hikes you up and carries you out of the room, running towards the back of the palace, carefully dodging staff. 
When he makes it to the carriage and nods away the servant, “Thank you, for everything, remember the story.” The servant smiles and bows. 
“Farewell Prince San and Princess Y/N, may you two live peacefully.”
And thus began your journey to freedom, the story ends with two lovers living happily in a remote village, in a nice farm house, no one aware of their former statuses, just a happy couple living together till the end of their days. The king never found either of you, he eventually died of old age and a magistrate took over the kingdom.
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floatyflowers · 2 years
Fairest of Them All | Aegon II, Aemond, and Jacaerys x Reader
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You are the daughter of Daemon Targaryen and his first wife, Rhea Royce.
People claim that you are the most beautiful girl in all of the seven kingdoms, and your Targaryen appearance played a role in that title.
Unlike your parents, you are shy and would burst into tears if someone speaks to you in a bad way.
So, when many high lords asked for your hand in marriage, all of which Daemon turned down because he saw them all unfitting.
Even though, you wanted to marry Cregan Stark, but Daemon thought him to be ruthless.
But, when Rhaenyra suggested that Jace weds you, that's when he agreed.
After all, Jacaerys is brave and gentle, he is the perfect match for a fragile kind-hearted girl like yourself.
When you and Jacaerys get betrothed to each other, things were going smooth at first, until Jace started to set his own rules.
Like how you are not allowed to speak to anyone except to him and your family, and that you are not allowed to ride your dragon without his permission or him escorting you.
Not only that, but Jace dismissed all of your handmaids and replaced them with new ones.
All your old handmaids were your friends, the new ones are strangers.
You wanted to break off the engagement, but then again you felt like you would sadden Rhaenyra if you do that, she is like a second mother to you.
You put up with his behavior until you and his family decided to go to Kingslanding to put an end to Vaemond's vile accusation about the Velaryon boys legitimacy.
That's where you met up with your other male cousins, Aemond and Aegon, both in which give you unreadable stares.
Helaena is the only one you got along with.
You also met them at Laena's funeral, you remember that Aemond acted more mature then Aegon, and that Aegon teased and mocked you which resulted in you hiding behind your father the whole funeral with tear stained cheeks.
Honestly, you also felt uneasy by Aemond who claimed Vhagar, you felt that he is an intimidating person.
At the feast held by the king in the honor of him regaining his good health, Aegon disturbed you with his flirting, and his sexual offer.
Jace was about to hit him, but restrained himself and comforted you when he saw you shaking.
Aemond stared at you the whole feast, putting you under more pressure, not knowing that you have caught Aemond's interest the moment you stepped a foot in Kingslanding.
Luke chuckled when the pig was placed in front of Aemond, causing a fight to erupt after the younger Targaryen prince makes an offensive toast towards Luke and Jace.
But, the root of the fight wasn't about the 'strong' name, it was about how Aemond also added the phrase...
"And to my beautiful cousin, Lady (Y/n), who is yet to find a man who is able to protect her...like me"
Clearly, he is not even considering Jace to be your fiance, and that you are still searching for a true man.
Daemon was able to calm everything down, your family left next day, but you stay in Kingslanding with Rhaenys, after getting sick out of nowhere.
Unaware, that Aegon had someone poison your drink to have you stay
This made the Queen suggest you stay until get better.
Jace wanted to stay with you, and even tried to convince his mother, but you assured him that you will return to Dragonstone on your dragon once you get better.
Yet, the following events of the king's death and Aegon's coronation turned you from a guest to a hostage.
A hostage held captive by the king and his brother, to become their bride.
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spectorcomplex · 1 year
love and war ↝ aemond targaryen x reader
you treat marriage as if it is war. who’s to say it’s not?
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pairing: aemond targaryen x fem!velaryon!reader (she/her pronouns)
warnings: cursing, targcest, reader is rhaenyra and laenor’s daughter but there are no physical descriptions. my first hotd fic pls be kind
word count: 5k words
my masterlist
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You should be mourning. Truth be told, you were— an aching sadness that left you hollow as the adults paced around the room, grief heavy in the air with the loss of your Grandfather, the King. But the fear swirling in your gut overpowered sadness.
You were not oblivious to the opinions of the court, even if you yourself were not involved in it as much. Your mother’s rule has been challenged enough even when the King was alive and now the long awaited storm brewing from before might finally arrive to blow your family over.
Your mother is a strong woman, a true protector of the realm, but as you glance over at where she is stood by a window next to Alicent Hightower as they engage in a hushed conversation, you know that everyone, even her, is nervous for how the kingdoms may react to a woman ascending the Iron Throne.
She sent you and your brothers to your chambers after the funeral, heavy lidded and shoulders drooped, unfit for a royal, but she was not the Queen in that moment, but rather a grieving daughter. You hugged her good night and kissed her cheek as you often did as a child in her arms.
Sleep did not come to you yet and a history book written in High Valyrian kept you company. Until a knock echoed.
“Princess? I’m sorry to wake you but the Prince Daemon requests your presence,” The voice came from the guard stationed outside your door.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. It was too late in the night and what would your step-father want from you at this hour?
Thankfully you had not changed into your night dress yet, still clad in your funeral attire, a high-neck black dress that had faint embroideries of dragons on the hem of the floor length skirt. Your heart grew heavy as you remembered the tales from your childhood when Viserys had time to indulge your requests in knowing more about Balerion.
The guard escorted you to the council chamber and you finally had a sense that this was an emergency meeting regarding the Crown.
“Sister,” Jace greeted you by the door. You glanced behind him to see your mother seated at the head of the table with a glum expression.
The sight of Queen Alicent in the room was no surprise to you, she was constantly in the presence of your family after she and your mother had rekindled their friendship. What did catch you off guard was the presence of her son, your uncle, Aemond. He was the only one of Viserys’ other children present in the room.
You wondered if Aemond too was feeling grief for his father but there he was seated, proper posture and a stoic face, the candlelight casting a sharp shadow over his features. The complete opposite of your plump cheeked younger brother Lucerys, who was slouched and yawning in his seat.
Jacaerys helped you into your seat and looked equally unnerved as you, though you were not sure if the reasons are the same. 
Daemon entered after a few minutes of silence. You noted that only family was present in this room. 
“Daemon, what is this about?” Your mother asked with a sigh. 
“The coronation is tomorrow,” Daemon began to explain but your older brother interrupted with a scowl on his face. 
“Exactly, which is why the Queen needs to be well rested for the ceremony,” Jace had been standing up to your step-father a lot more recently and you admired his ferocity. 
Daemon glared back, “There’s already whispers. Unsatisfied, doubtful, craven Lords who may not fully cooperate in this reign.” 
You could only frown. This exact scenario was what plagued your thoughts ever since you learned of the King’s passing. No one expects the passing of succession to go smoothly, but to be interrupted so soon?
There was a purpose as to why Daemon called this meeting; why only family was present. You racked your brain as to think of a way to help but none came to mind. You were a second child whose influence came in the form of what your dresses looked like instead of what you have to say.
“We need allies.”
All eyes turned to look at Aemond. His voice made it clear that he was speaking a matter of fact. 
Your step-father looked hesitant to address the younger prince but this was no time for revisiting petty prejudices of the past. 
“Precisely,” Daemon nodded. “And if I recall correctly, you’re already in the talks of a marriage pact to Storm’s End. We would have sent dear Y/N but there are no sons there to vie for her hand.”
The first part of his sentence went over your head as your nose flared in offense. “Is this why I was summoned here? To be shipped off to spend the rest of my life being miserable with some stupid Lord?” 
“Watch your mouth,” Your mother finally spoke, though her words were not what you hoped for. You looked at her in despair and you were met with pity. 
“I get to have a say how my life goes,” You stand up, furious. “I am a princess of this realm!”
“This realm you speak of will descend into chaos if you refuse to help your mother.” 
His words were carefully curated, constructed together to hit the tender spot in your heart reserved for your mother. You were already defeated in the matter of your liberty despite your stubbornness to pursue an argument. 
“I can help in other ways,” You said. 
“How? By the way of the sword?” Daemon’s nature was to always pick a fight and even his children were of no exception. 
“No need for violence all the time,” You match his scoff. “Diplomacy is an option and—“
“And diplomacy is to secure good relations with others, like marriage,” His tone was nearing a growl and you did not want the already exhaustive night to take a turn for the worse. 
“Alright,” You clenched your jaw. “For my mother—for my Queen.”
You looked at her, a glint of what you hoped was admiration shining in her eyes. She mouthed a thank you. 
Curious eyes followed you as you approached a guard stationed by the door. He nodded at your request and quickly returned to you with the item at hand. 
You unfurled the map of Westeros on the table. 
“Only if I get to choose which Lord I will be betrothed to,” You said. “It must be a very strategic alliance that will greatly benefit the Crown if it will cost me whatever joy I have left in this life.” 
As everyone peered at the inky outlines of the seven Kingdoms, a rogue stare strayed from the map and settled on you. 
“You look ready for battle, my Princess.” 
Your uncle’s whispered quip startled you so much that a breathy laughter escaped your lips. His sour relationship with your brothers had strained your own relationship with him. As children you would even play games of chasing each other when your respective lessons were done for the day. A few hearty laughs were shared if you saw Aegon stumble down a set of stairs, both too young and naive to know about the sensation of drunkenness. 
But now, years after the incident that forever changed the dynamics within the family, he seemed like a stranger. The boy you knew was gone and in his place stood a man with the mind of a scholar and the skills of a knight. You swallowed as your gaze met his. 
“Is marriage not war, my Prince?” 
His lips raised imperceptibly but you caught it. Though, you wish you hadn’t as your heart defied logic and started to race. 
“Well?” Daemon’s voice sliced through the tension and even if he was irritating you, you were relieved for the interruption. 
Your nimble finger pointed south. “There is a Martell son. Though they would see right through us if I was offered up to him. But if they did choose to look past that, we may even have the chance of strengthening the bond with Sunspear.” 
“Wait-wait,” Alicent spoke, her motherly gaze meeting yours. “No need to treat this as if it were the Stepstones, sweet girl. We can arrange a tour and maybe a love match may—“
“With all due respect, Your Grace, but a tour requires weeks of planning for travel on all parties,” You gave her a grateful smile. “We do not have the privilege of time on our side regarding this matter.”
You were not the closest to Queen Alicent after all these years of animosity, but you could tell she was trying and these were her true colors that your mother cared for when they were young. 
“And a love match is—“ You frowned. Even if marriage had always been a distant thought in your mind, you had always hoped that you would marry the one you love. But having that in this world is much rarer than dragons who breathe blue fire. 
“A love match is not possible,” You breathed out. You cast a glance at Daemon, who was nodding in approval. You were on the path of making right decisions until your eyes landed on Aemond across from you and the mistake was letting his already-there stare have feelings rise within you. 
You only shook your head before pointing back at the map. 
“This one also seems feasible,” You say as you circled the shape of an archipelago with your finger. 
“The Iron Islands, sister?” Lucerys, who had been awfully quiet for quite some time, finally spoke. 
“I’m a Velaryon,” You spoke with pride, though a distant sadness ached at the memory of your late father. “And you, dear brother, are heir to Driftmark. Our family can have control over the great fleets in both seas surrounding Westeros.” 
Mumbles of approval filled the air and you thought that, this is it, you’ll officially be surrendering to the water in which you came from. 
“A Greyjoy?” 
Prince Aemond is awfully opinionated tonight, it seems, and your fatigue was morphing into irritation. 
“Is there a problem with them, my son?” Alicent asked. 
Aemond scoffed, “The only eligible one for the Princess Y/N to marry is skilled at sea but useless on land.” 
“What seems to be the problem with that?” You asked, always having had admiration for the skills it requires to be great in ships. Traces of the fond memories of your father and grandfather’s lessons. 
But even if you were the one that spoke, Aemond refused to look at you. His gaze even seemed directed at your parents. 
“The Greyjoy son is even more bunglesome than the lowliest tourney knight,” Aemond explained, voice cool and turned your temper to flare. “How will he protect his wife? With a knotted rope perhaps.” 
And the most unexpected happened, both your brothers laughed at the remark. It was a sight from your childhood years that you never thought you’d get to see again. You elbow Jacaery’s side. 
“As much as I would hate to agree with him,” Jace whispers in your ear. “He does not lie, sister. I’ve sparred with the Greyjoy boy before.”
“Well,” Your mother spoke, voice commanding the attention of the room. “We keep our options open.”
You sigh quietly, eyes starting to droop and eager to get this meeting over with. But you were determined to secure a stable turnover from King Viserys to Queen Rhaenyra. 
“Alright,” You cleared your throat, feeling warmth slowly flood your cheeks as your finger pointed upwards of the map. “The North.” 
“Not just the North, I think,” Lucerys piped in, a familiar mirth in his eyes. “You want to be Lady of Winterfell.” 
“I do not!” You really wish you had composed yourself instead of succumbing to your sibling’s teasing because now all attention is on you. Except one, as you see in your periphery. 
“Cregan Stark,” Daemon hummed in contemplation. “Not an awful choice.”
That’s basically a seal of approval coming from him. 
“There’s no sense to a marriage pact with them. Northerners are honorable people, they won’t break faith to Rhaenyra even in doubtful times,” Alicent offered. 
The conversation was slipping from your control and you need to grasp it back for this was your freedom as a woman at stake. 
“Still wouldn’t hurt to have the largest region in Westeros, your Grace,” You said. “Plus, he is Jacaerys’ friend and I’ve met Cregan on quite a few occasions. He is… a gentleman.” 
“You think he’s handsome.”
Oh, you were definitely going to smother your brothers in their sleeps tonight. 
“He is smart,” You backtracked, the same rogue stare from earlier now back on you and burrowing deeper under your skin. “Already groomed to rule over his lands.”
“Alright, we start with the Starks,” Your mother said, the back of her hand rubbing over an eye. “His father will be at the coronation and if we’re lucky, Cregan will also be. But for tonight, we will all get rest.” 
That would probably be your favorite order from the Queen. 
“I am to fly to Storm’s End the day after tomorrow,” Aemond’s deep voice was like the thunder in the place he was to visit. “Your Grace.”
To anybody else, they would not be able to catch the subtle look of surprise on your mother’s face, but you could tell because you were probably mirroring her right now. Your uncle Aemond’s disdain for your side of the family had never been in question. To address your mother like that even if he’s made it so perfectly clear that the inheritance should pass onto Viserys’ sons was worthy of suspicion.
“Alright…” You saw your mother hesitate, “Brother. Good night, my family.” 
That last interaction was what made you so sleepy at the celebration after your mother’s coronation for it kept you up the night before. You were restless after the cordiality your family presented each other and every now and then you think you’re a fool for hoping it would last for a long time. 
But you were lying to yourself. You knew damn well the presence of Prince Aemond was what had you twisting and turning in your sheets. Your annoyance towards his incessant need to tap his fingers on the table, smug smirks, and opinions on your future marriage was a way to cope with the wave of nostalgia you felt every time you cast a glance at him. 
Aemond had always known how the royal family is above others, even back when he still had both eyes and a childish grin. His words tonight reminded you of the time when you were seven and Aemond nearly growled at the Baker’s son who gave you a plucked flower from outside the castle. 
You however found sleep after a few tears dropped at the loss of those innocent days, letting go of the prospect of Valyrian Dragonglass and finding marriage in another House.
Some Lords were confused at the serious faces of House Targaryen. Most of them were rowdily whooping and clapping after the coronation. But being a royal of this realm meant you had to be smart in assessing a massive gathering of all the nobility in Westeros. 
Daemon had reminded the family in the morning to be wary of the doubtful Lords he had mentioned the night before. 
You all had a better look at the attendees at the celebratory feast Alicent insisted on having in order to ‘lighten spirits.’ To no one’s surprise, the Martell son was nowhere in sight. 
You sighed from your place at the table that was raised on the dais, overlooking all the nobility starting the night with wine filled cups. You grimaced as you heard your Uncle Aegon’s slurred words start already. 
The poor dress that was custom made for you is currently suffering from scratch marks from your anxious fingers. The Greyjoy table was full of men who looked older than your own parents and the aforementioned weakling in swordsmanship is nowhere to be seen.
“Good eve, Princess Y/N. You look beautiful tonight.”
You startle as you see the Greyjoy you were looking for by the other end of the table. 
“Just tonight, Sir Rickon?” You jest like old friends even though you knew nothing but his name and status. 
He didn’t seem to think you meant no harm as he started stuttering, “No-I- you look beautiful all the- I’m terribly sorry.”
“I only jest, my Lord,” You say through gritted teeth and muster a convincing smile. Though your snickering elder brother at your left was seeing right through it. 
“Yes, alright,” Rickon clears his throat. “May I dance with you, Princess?”
You sigh, the sound thankfully lost in the noise of the hall, and nod. You grabbed his outstretched hand, calloused and littered with small cuts. 
“Have you sailed recently, my Lord?” You asked as the two of you got into position. 
Rickon’s face seemed to lighten at this and you put all your Velaryon knowledge to the forefront of your mind. 
“It has been two moons since then, Princess, we traveled to King’s Landing by road,” He explained. 
That was pretty much the meat of your conversation with Rickon Grayjoy. He was an average dancer and a worse conversationalist. Not good for diplomatic relations. 
Dornish wine had never been as appealing to you as it is now. As soon as the music ended, you rushed back to the family table and grabbed a goblet for yourself with enough quickness to even surprise your drunkard Uncle Aegon. 
Unbeknownst to you, another uncle was watching warily.
“Slow down, niece,” Aemond’s voice broke through the noise of the hall. 
You only roll your eyes and stumble back to the dance floor. Though you do get a sense of deja vu at Aemond’s words. 
These were the times in which a listener would find this memory hard to believe to be true. Too fictional to believe— as if it is meant to be a story immortalized on a tapestry. A speck of a memory that is so different from how the Targaryen family is with each other now. But you remember; girlish giggles and scuffs of shoes echoed throughout the stone walls of the Keep. 
You were summoned to the Dragonpit to start learning how to command your young dragon. Love for books had nothing against your excitement when Ser Harwin called for your attention. Your Uncle Aemond was in the library with you, equally enamored with his book about dragons of Valyria and you asked him to accompany you as to see the real thing compared to illustrations on paper. 
“Slow down, Princess!” 
You only snickered at Aemond’s warning. He only had a few years ahead of you and thought his prepubescent voice could scare you into submission. 
Despite being born and raised in the Keep, you have not yet developed muscle memory for every crevice in the castle and your foot slipped on a crack in the pavement. 
You plummeted to the ground, though your hands reached out to stop your face from colliding with the floor. Tears immediately flooded your eyes as your palms skidded on the gravel, following a sting and warm wetness which was most likely blood, and an ache surged in your twisted ankle. Stubbornness ran thick in Velaryon blood and you refused to cry in front of any of the boys but the pain was too much to hold it back. 
‘What did I tell you?’ You expected Aemond to say with a disappointed tut. But he only knelt next to you, brows furrowed as he helped you sit upright and inspecting your bloodied hands. 
He had one arm tucked under yours as he patiently helped you walk back to the main grounds of the Red Keep in which he then barked at Ser Criston to fetch a maester to tend to you. 
Aemond sat next to you and rested a gentle hand, still free of callouses from handling swords, on your forearm as the maester applied ointment to your scratched palms.
He never told you how much it stung when you didn’t do the same for him on that fateful day in Driftmark. 
The firm voice broke you out of your wine-induced memories. 
“Lord Cregan Stark,” You curtsied. 
The smile you greeted him with was genuine compared to Lord Greyjoy. Though the conversation from last night put a falter in your grin. 
You wanted to see Cregan as a friend, build a relationship on a foundation free of ulterior motives. But the plans made are needed to be put into motion to truly secure Queen Rhaenyra’s reign. 
“May I have the pleasure of dancing with you?” He asked and you wordlessly nodded as you felt the warmth flood your cheeks. Though your recollection of that day in your childhood added to the dizziness from the wine. 
Cregan was an excellent conversationalist, complimenting your dress and hair and still managed to verge into topics deeper than surface level small talk as you twirled to the music. He would make a good husband, you think. Though your heart dropped for a split second that this would not be a true love match if a wedding was to happen. He would be a good ally. 
“Have you caught up with Jacaerys yet?” You inquire, looking him in the eye to keep his attention. 
He started to answer enthusiastically and despite how much you complimented him the night before in front of your closest family, you could not fully appreciate Lord Stark and despite trying not to, you found yourself comparing him to the one eyed prince. 
“…Like a brother to me,” Cregan finished with a smile. 
Your eyes flickered to his mouth before returning to his sparkling brown eyes. He would make a good husband, you repeat in your head. Dark features and lips chapped from the harsh winds of winter. 
“That is good to hear,” You nod, switching to diplomatic mode immediately. You had to seal this partnership tonight. “That our families have a bond with each other.” 
A look of knowing flickered in Cregan’s eyes, almost as if he knew what you were insinuating or about to propose. 
Cregan leaned in, too bold a move for a public dance between a Lord and a Lady, “Yes. A bond.” 
Your breath hitched at his actions. 
Someone cleared their throat and you nearly jumped in place. 
“Lord Stark, would you mind dancing with the Lady Floris Baratheon?” 
You huff when you turned in Cregan’s hold and saw Aemond standing there next to the two of you, lips in a fine line. Said Lady Floris was next to him, almost looking defeated. You had to hold the urge of cursing Aemond out. What he said was not an offer but a demand. 
Cregan did not look phased but still obeyed the Prince after bowing, “I’d be honored to.” 
When the dark haired pair drifted into the rest of the dancing crowd, you scowled at Aemond. 
He was not bothered by this and placed a firm hand on your waist. You gulp. 
“What are you doing?” You hiss. A defense mechanism to emotions beyond irritation towards the Prince swaying with you. 
“Flirting is beneath you, niece,” He says in that low voice of his. 
“You know my intentions with Lord Stark and why,” You answer, the grip you have on Aemond’s leather clad shoulders turning tighter in aggression. “And you should be with the Lady Floris to finally get Storm’s End’s approval.” 
Aemond only hummed as he spins you out and pulls you back in, “I’d rather pluck my other eye out than to have Borros Baratheon as my father-in-law.”
As if on cue, the raucous laughter of the Lord of Storm’s End echoed in the hall. You both grimace. 
“Then who do you wish?” You chuckle, though not lightheartedly. “Daemon?” 
You scoff after saying your step father’s name. It was evident how much Aemond idolizes him despite his denial. All from the hair down to the ego. 
Your knees weakened when Aemond didn’t look phased by your jab, he even rather looked amused and that was a dangerous thing. 
“What are you saying?” He smirks and your blood runs cold when realization crept in.
“I only meant Baela or-“ You stutter. 
“Who are both already betrothed to your brothers.” 
Damn it! That smug smirk only seemed to grow wider and you swear you growled under your breath. You redirected the conversation. 
“You have a choice, I do not,” You start. “I do not understand why you would say yes to a marriage pact when you could just forge an alliance over a goblet of wine.” 
That seemed to put Aemond back into his stoic self. Despite the silence, you know he was forming an answer in his head. 
“I have to protect my mother.” 
Your cold facade melted a little bit. You understood where he was coming from with this. 
“I do too,” You answer, making sure your voice was not as confrontational as it was a few seconds ago. 
“You do not understand to what extent,” And with this, Aemond completely lets go of you even though the music was still playing. 
He leaves you on the dance floor and you hate how it left you with a tinge of sadness. 
But like children, you follow after him to pester more about his thoughts. This was how it was back then, you knew Aemond had the tendency to conceal his words but with a little push, he’d spill. Hopefully it will still work. 
You follow him to the dark corners of the hall, ignoring the inquisitive stares of the others. 
“Then make me understand,” You say. “Aemond.”
He only stops at the soft whisper of his name. Though he keeps his back to you, this does not deter you from moving closer. You knew he felt you, a tenseness in his body that an untrained eye wouldn’t notice. But this was Aemond, you just knew. 
“It is not their loyalty to the Crown that is in question. It is their worries that there will be a civil war.” 
He let you sit on the words. Aemond never underestimated your intelligence; he may have thrown shallow insults ever since the rift between your side of the family and his but he never doubted your intellect. 
You sighed as it hits you. The atmosphere has now changed, yet you both are still players in the big picture. Even as royals, you are pawns in this game and the name one carries assures your survival. The loyalty to Targaryens is undeniable so now, who knows what they will do to a Hightower? 
“Viserys is no longer alive, she is not Queen anymore,” He continues. 
The son who took up ensuring the family honor. The eldest was never to be relied on and Aemond had made sure to be the child that would protect his mother. Rhaenyra was lucky to get sons and a daughter that will put her honor in mind before they act but the former Queen was not afforded that luxury. 
Alicent was never the warmest towards your family, but she was faithful to duty and did her best to ensure the family survives especially in the final days leading to her husband’s death. Even through conspiracies and whispers, she focused on keeping her children well without subconsciously excluding you and your brothers. 
This is what Daemon was pushing you for. Duty. To do right by your house and protect it to the death. You understand now. 
Aemond is not the type to believe in baseless rumors. He approaches the thoughts of those fellow politics with a clear head and if this is what he deems as important then you’ll defy your side’s expectations and stand with him. 
“We are Hightower and Velaryon,” You say. “But most importantly we are both made of fire and blood.” 
He turns to you then. Once again, torches illuminating intimidating features. Lilac eye glowers at you but you stand ground. Like you said, the same magic swirls in both your veins. 
“I understand,” You continue in his silence. “I understand what we need to do whatever it takes for the blood of Old Valyria to endure.” 
Alliances with other regions would be great, but if Aemond’s word was to be trusted you know that it is not enough. Banners will be raised behind two women who have no intention of fighting because of men’s beliefs. You will not let this tempest sink your family under. 
In order to protect the most important people in your life, enemies must be slain. A marriage bound by love is a rare gift— but a marriage for duty is a weapon. 
Aemond shakes his head at you and despite the pull, you resist from having your shoulders drop in defeat. Your mother may have been called the realm’s delight as a little girl but she now sits the Iron Throne and it is inevitable for her to be called a cunt by those who refuses her reign.
“I know what must be done,” You take a step forward toward Aemond. This is it, he could either make or break a pact that will ensure House Targaryen’s stability and hold on the realm. The tension between these stone walls could rattle a dragon. But never the two of you. “Do you?”
“You know damn well,” Aemond whispers. You’d be a fool to deny how he’d look at your lips just then. 
You raise your chin, “Pār gūrogon issa naejot zaldrīzesdōron se mazverdagon issa aōha ābrazȳrys.” 
Then take me to Dragonstone and make me your wife.
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aaaa hope you enjoyed! reblogs and comments are appreciated :) i’m not the biggest expert on asoiaf lore but im really spiraling into learning about it lol but pls feel free to drop a message anytime!
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frost-link · 1 year
Hiya, May I requested for Sidon with a female hylian S/o when he was arranged marriage to Yona cause Him and S/o sadly force to breakup and the S/o leave the Zora Domain. Here the twist the S/o shocked to discover days later she's pregnant with his child but scared to tell him worrying how his father, Zoras, Muzu (Especially Muzu) reacts. So she decides to keep it to herself.
Before the events of TOTK Sidon and Yona not married yet. A traveler came to visit the domain to tell a story of seeing a hylian woman playing with a baby half zora/ hylian in the water of lurelin village.
(Ooh! This is a very interesting idea! I'd love to write this! We'll see how this goes! I hope it turned out okay!)
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You were in a small hut with a doctor sitting before you. It was beyond humid outside with the temperatures scalding the air. The sun still found a way to pierce its heat inside the room. Your eyes stared at the doctor with pure apprehension.
"After our tests, we confirm that you are indeed pregnant Ms (Y/n). Congratulations!" The doctor stated with a firm tone, adjusting her glasses.
"Oh." You responded, not knowing what to say. Your (e/c) eyes stared at the floor, they reflected hundreds of emotions that went through your mind.
"You seem nervous, it is a natural feeling to experience! Have you told your husband about the news?" The doctor tried to ease your worries after noticing your body language. You then looked up at her, fear immediately piercing into your veins. You haven't even considered the idea of even telling Sidon. You left Zora's Domain originally finding out about Sidon getting engaged with Lady Yona, both of you were forced to break up. It had only been a week since you left. Now hearing your suspicions about being pregnant were true, it felt even more like a stab. You didn't even think it would be possible to become pregnant by a Zora since you were a Hylian. However, there you were. How would Sidon even react to hearing this? How would his father, the King of The Zora himself respond? What terrified you the most was how Muzu would react. Even after Calamity Ganon, Muzu was still skeptical about hylians. You sighed looking at the doctor.
"Um... It's complicated. I don't have a husband." You stated in a quiet tone still obviously nervous. The doctor soon slowly nodded giving you an empathetic look.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed. Well, I wish you luck for your pregnancy!" She stated, patting me on the back. After you had left the doctor's office it wasn't too long after you had settled down in Lurelin Village. You decided it'd be the best place for you and the baby. It was a small closed off village, far from Zora's Domain. You wouldn't have to worry about anyone finding out. It was also a perfect place for a Zora-Hylian hybrid to be. There was plenty of water for their Zora side, and plenty of Hylians around for them to interact with in the future.
P.O.V Change to Sidon
Two years had gone by since I had seen (Y/n). I kept busy steering my mind clear of her. I busied myself with Princely duties and kept Zora's Domain in check. An older couple had made their way into the domain and they seemed to be talking with each other. They were simply tourists, however it wasn't long before they were surrounded by quite a few Zora. One of my guards approached me. It was none other than the captain of the guard, Bazz. He had lightly tapped my shoulder.
"Your Highness, you probably want to come hear this..." I had looked over to Bazz giving a firm nod, approaching the couple. I finally was within earshot of the two older hylians.
"Yeah, the baby was out by the water playing with their mother. I was worried for a moment before I realized it was part Zora. In all of my years, I had never encountered something half Hylian and half Zora. It is simply unheard of." The older man stated. Another voice chimed in.
"The baby kind of looked like that big Zora over there!" An older woman stated, pointing at me. All of the Zora surrounding the couple immediately turned to me. My golden eyes had widened in shock. A... Baby?!
"It couldn't be..." I muttered softly to myself, lost in thought. One of the Zora approached me, immediately grabbing me by the wrist dragging me away from the crowd who went back to listening to the couple. It was Muzu, he looked skeptical.
"You have to go investigate this yourself immediately and dismiss whatever story that these Hylians are making up. I doubt there's even a child. However if it's real and if it's yours do you have any idea what that means?" Muzu yelled out, looking up at me. I only continued to stare in silence, stunned. Was it even possible? Muzu was quick to continue in the absence of my voice. "It means that you must immediately bring the mother and child back with you and we will have to have a royal meeting about what to do next! Now hurry up and get going!" He stated clearly angry and annoyed, shooing me off. I quickly nodded, immediately making my way out of the Domain and to Lurelin Village.
P.O.V Back to Yourself
You were sitting in the water with your half Zora half Hylian child, holding them up in the water as she/he giggled looking up at you splashing small droplets of water. You smiled softly at your baby before she/he pointed to something.
"Da! Da!" The baby called out, you looked surprised but then shook your head.
"No! Me mama!" You said pointing to yourself, however you noticed your baby wasn't looking at you. You turn your head to see the love of your life you haven't seen in almost two years. Your mouth immediately drops. Sidon hadn't reacted yet, his eyes were fixated on the baby you were now cradling in your arms. He slowly took a few steps to you, then crouched down looking closely at the baby, holding the baby's small hands in his. The minute he made eye contact with her/him he immediately knew it was his. Tears started forming in his eyes, as he slowly took the baby from you, cradling the small baby in his large hands. He had the biggest smile on his face seeing his own child. A minute had gone by before he finally looked down at you, his smile fading.
"Why didn't you tell me..?" He asked softly, almost comforting yet also with a hint of pain. You only looked at him with sad eyes, still shocked seeing him.
"How did you even find me?" You returned his question with one yourself. Sidon sighed, returning the baby back to you before the both of you stood up.
"Word tends to get around fast." He replied bluntly, he then rested his larger hand onto your cheek. "Please come back to Zora's Domain with me so we can figure this out together." He pleaded. You were quick to shake your head.
"Sidon... I already have built a life here with the baby... I... I can't face your father with this! You're also probably married by now! I don't want to make things weird" You said with a sad look, he then returned the same look to you.
"(Y/n)... I can't bring myself to understand hard it is, I can't believe you kept yourself hidden away for so long. However, I do know that I still love you. I never wanted us to break up... However, you have to come back to the Domain." He affirmed pulling his hand away.
"What about Lady Yona?" You quickly responded worried. Sidon was surprised by your urgency but then his eyes widened.
"Wait... Now that you are with my child, I can probably call off the engagement. The baby would immediately be the next heir to the throne after me as the child counts as my first born. He then smiled brightly at you and the child. "We'll make this work!" You then finally nodded in agreement.
"Alright... I'll go back with you." You said and his smile grew wider.
After the two of you got back, there was a meeting that immediately went into effect. Due to the baby being Sidon's, Lady Yona and Sidon called off the wedding and engagement. Soon enough the both of you were engaged not too long after to soon be married with your guy's baby who was soon to turn two years old. Most of the Zoras were accepting of you and the baby, however some of the older Zoras were not too happy about it. However, that didn't matter to either of you.
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darleuxox · 2 years
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soft & tender. ☆ aemond targaryen x fem!velaryon!reader smut
key masterlist ✦ hotd masterlist ✦ intro
warnings: 18+ (no minors i stg) nsft, overstimulation, voyeurism, implied breeding kink, cursing, jealous aemond, possessive aemond, a little bit rough, dysfunctional family dinner, premeditated murder, jace suffers greatly
summary: your betrothed expects his patience to be rewarded, one way or another. watching you dance with someone he loathes feels like the opposite.
word count: 2,012
a/n: r is a velaryon but not related to aemond through blood. aemond you crazy bitch!! sorry if there are errors, i’m still getting used to writing smut. thank you so much for the request @duhitzdae , i hope you like it!
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Aemond was tempted to smash his brother’s skull in with his empty wine glass if he had to endure one more minute of his jesting. It felt so foolish to the prince, wasting precious seconds that could be spent with you on people so tawdry in comparison. It wasn’t often that your families indulged in social gatherings, and he had little hope there’d be another time like this in the near future. Although Aemond truly wished it could be under better circumstances that didn’t involve your uncle’s demise, there was literally no time like the present. For too long had the second-born prince endured endless torturous nights dreaming of caressing your soft skin, and laying in your divine arms. He dreamt of venturing through your personage in places he’d kill another man for thinking of. But there was no need to worry about the ladder, your aunt Lady Rhaenys approving of your new engagement with the prince once he asked for your hand. All that was left was to announce your good tidings at this wretched dinner.
Beneath the table his fists clenched in his lap, tension beginning to overflow when yet another servant came through the door. You and your niece Baela were caught up in something with Rhaenys, making the two of you the last guests to arrive. Your time with the prince was often limited to dragon rides somewhere far and secluded from Kings Landing and Driftmark, on the rare occasion that you both had entirely tended to your respective duties. Aemond adored those moments with you, adrenalized and invigorated from flying on Vhagar with you in his arms. In the meantime, all he could enjoy were your letters that carried just enough of your rose perfume for him to imagine you there.
The two grand doors swung open, guards clearing the way for you and Baela to enter.
“There you two are!” Rhaenyra exclaimed, putting her grievances with the Queen aside, “Come sit with us.”
Aemond’s smile swiftly fell as your older brother-in-law, Daemon pulled out a chair for you, right between Jacaerys and Baela.
“It’s a joy to see you again, Y/N and Baela,” Alicent said hospitably. “Rhaenys tells me you’ve both been a great help at Driftmark,” Her smile dropped awkwardly, “And my condolences to your late uncle. What happened earlier was… unfortunate, to say the least.”
“Thank you, my queen,” You replied, your smile warm, “I’m happy to see you and your family in good spirits.” Aemond’s violet eye remained glued on you, softening when you took a moment to beam at him. Whoever thought all angels had wings was surely wrong in Aemond’s book.
Even when your attention shifted towards catching up with Rhaena, the prince basked in your vision. You wore a shoulderless obsidian gown with a cascading neckline that hinted at something delicious beneath. The dim light of the dining hall did no disservice to your beauty, your eyes twinkling as if stars lay beneath them. Aemond was barely listening to a word his grandfather was saying when you suddenly stood up.
Seeing Jace’s hand hold yours was equivalent to watching idly by as you clutched scolding hot coals in Aemond’s mind. He sat up a bit straighter with his jaw clenched and his expression cold but deadly, time moving slow while you began to dance with his nephew.
“Aemond? Don’t you agree with your mother?” Otto asked a little louder.
“...Mhm,” Aemond muttered, stabbing his fork into the steak violently.
First, he’d gain retribution by blinding the young man, so he’d never look at you so sweetly again. How could you be so foolish? Dancing with another man in front of one who deserved you far more. Then Aemond would cut off his right hand, the one placed far too close to your hip. No, No, No – The prince screamed internally, don’t laugh with Jace like that. Finally, Aemond thought, his temptations bloodthirsty, he’d sever Jacery’s Targaryen’s legs. He can’t dance with you again without them.
Once you finally sat down, Jace remained standing, lifting his cup looking triumphant.
“I’d like to make an announcement,” Jace said, “Although Lady Rhaenys could not join us tonight,” he paused, “There is a matter our families have been discussing for a long time coming. I intend to take Lady Y/N’s hand in marriage.”
Judging from your wide eyes, you were in the dark about this. Aemond was ready to weaponize his cutting knife when a servant barged in front of him, presenting a horribly timed and placed meal. Silence suffocated the room except for Lucerys’ giggling. The boy stopped when he heard a startling clang from the other side of the table, where Aemond had stabbed the table hard. Smiling wickedly at Lucerys, Aemond abruptly stood and looked towards Jace.
“I’m terribly sorry, nephew,” Aemond said, “But Rhaenys promised me Y/N’s hand earlier today, actually.”
“Aemond! Why didn’t you tell me?” Alicent exclaimed.
“I,” Aemond proclaimed, overflowing with arrogance, “Wanted it to be a surprise, mother.” He looked directly at Jace, his smile wide but his eye malicious.
“But fret not, you should have no troubles finding another suitor,” Aemond exclaimed, “For Jace, you have grown into a handsome, intelligent…” He looked at his mother, who wanted to die from embarrassment. “Strong man. Haven’t you?”
“Take that back,” Jace growled, looking furious.
“Aemond - stop this at once,” Alicent sternly pleaded with her son.
“I don’t see the problem, mother. I was only assuring my nephew that he’ll find love elsewhere,” Aemond said, “Away from Y/N.”
When Jace tried to lunge at Aemond, the prince pushed him down like nothing. If his family hadn’t intervened, Aemond would’ve beaten Jace into a pulp.
“Aemond!” Otto boomed, “That��s enough. Head to your quarters.”
“...Fine,” Aemond relented, “As long as my lady accompanies me.”
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“This is where we’ll be staying.”
You crossed your arms, looking up at him with a frown, “What about your bedroom?”
Aemond gave you a smug little smile, towering over you as he took a step closer and placed a hand on your cheek. his breathing was heavy and staggered, and you could feel his warm breath against your face. “It’s not close enough for Jace to hear.”
You let out a gasp, and you couldn’t tell if it was from disgust or arousal. “Aemond…”
“Mhm,” your betrothed mumbled, burying his face into the crook of your neck while wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. He pulled you in so close you could feel his fingers digging into your flesh. “I’ve wanted to touch you for so long,” he breathed out, “Only for that bastard to do it first.”
Aemond began to press painstakingly light kisses down your neck, having your body shiver at the ghost of his lips.
“If you’re going to kiss me, just do it already,” you giggled, fingers tugging at his platinum locks.
Aemond pulled away from your neck with a boyish smile, “Oh my love,” he chuckled, “I can’t touch you properly if you don’t tell me what you want.”
You wouldn’t have given in so quickly to his possessive urges on any other day, but you knew what you were getting into when you flirted with Jacerys.
Goosebumps invaded your flesh as he removed your nightgown, letting it slide helplessly to the floor. His fingers slid down the sides of your body, stopping at your hips before abruptly lifting you up in a princess hold. “Aemond!” you squeaked, growing dizzy as he gently laid you on the bed.
Kneeling above you, Aemond’s determined expression softened as he admired your body. “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” he told you, his hands moving to hover above your chest.
Your breath hitched when aemond began to play with your perk nipples, rubbing circles torturously slow onto each nub, often taking a moment to squeeze your breasts with his slender hands.
“So soft,” Aemond muttered in rapture. The room would be silent without your heavy breathing, at least until you released a breathy moan when he began to suck on your tit.
“Oh my god,” you moaned, your hands gripping onto his shoulders.
Aemond was delighted to touch you again, but he needed more for his plan to work. Getting impatient, he used one hand to steady himself as the other one danced on the skin surrounding your pussy. You moaned when he massaged your clit, until he suddenly stopped.
“Aemond!” you whined. He simply unlatched his mouth from your nipple and looked at you innocently.
“If you want something,” Aemond tutted, one hand hovering above your aching clit while the other caressed your lip, “You must tell me what you want, and how much you want it.”
“I want you inside of me,” you begged, “I need you to fuck me.”
“When I needed to fuck you, you were dancing with him,” Aemond said coldly, grabbing your face to look into your eyes, “He’ll know his place when he hears you screaming my name. but first, you need to know yours.”
Aemond became animalistic. Once his patience wore out so did you, panting and moaning loudly as he continued to viciously eat you out as he had done for the past hour. He moved you so your ass was in the air, face pressed flush against the pillow. Not even that could muffle your voice.
“Too much,” you cried, hands clutching at the sheets tightly.
“Just one more. I promise. You want me to fuck you?” Aemond panted out, “Then say it.” He slapped your ass, grabbing hold of your cheeks as he shoved his tongue deeper down your throbbing cunt.
“I want you to fuck me Aemond!”
“Good girl, keep begging,” Aemond moaned, “They should be done with dinner soon. If you like Jace so much give him a taste of what he’s missing, hm?”
After bidding his mother goodnight, Jace tiredly trekked to his room. There must be something he could do, he thought desperately. You’ve been a best friend of his since childhood, and he refused to lose you to his devious uncle. Jace clenched his fist, growing angrier with every step. Maybe a duel would be in order-
“Fuck yes!”
Jace approached the door of his room, his cheeks red and eyes wide. It took the young lord a moment to recognize your voice.
“Gonna fill you up again and again,” Aemond growled into your ear, hands digging into your hips as you continued to bounce, “You’ll still feel it when you see him again,” he snarled, “And you’ll feel it whenever another grubby man puts his hands on you.”
“Yes, yes, yes-“ you blubbered, tears streaming down your cheeks while your head rested on his shoulder, “Just like that!” you sobbed out when he hit your g-spot yet another time tonight.
“Scream my name,” Aemond demanded, pulling you from his neck to look into your teary eyes.
The Velaryon boy was horribly torn between breaking the door down and beating aemond into a pulp and listening to that delectable voice of yours. He’d thought of fucking you before but now it was all he could think about as he lay in bed alone.
“I’m getting close,” you moaned frantically, hips crashing into his harder and faster.
“I… I think I’m getting close too,” Aemond groaned, “Don’t cum yet.”
He yanked your hair back, forcing you to look at him, “Look at me. Don’t. Cum. Yet.”
It was difficult when your eyes were teary and fluttering from the overstimulation, but you tried your best. In a moment of boldness, your hands slid beneath the straps of his eye patch, gently removing it to reveal his sapphire eye. With anyone else, Aemond would’ve been furious. But knowing just how much you loved him, bought a tender aspect to such rough lovemaking. Pleasure began to swirl in your stomach more and more, finally exploding once he came in you. You both moaned in tandem, his hands gripping your hips as if to ensure not a drop of his seed went awry.
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nczennie · 1 year
royal library.
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Pairing: Reader x Ateez's Seonghwa AU: Royalty Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut (18+ scene) Preview: You turn to look at Seonghwa, "Thank you for keeping my secret," You smile at him and he returns it, quickly standing to bow, "Of course, your highness. Your secret is safe with me". Words: 10.1k *Warnings under cut
Warnings: There is only one short smut scene (unprotected, penetrative sex), mentions of dying/being killed, infidelity? depends on your thoughts; it's an arranged marriage, pregnancy.
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"Do you think his highness is handsome?"
You send a quick glare to your younger sister, where she sits on your bed, through the mirror of your vanity, looking past your lady in waiting who dotes on your hair. "I don't think that matters much, Rose," you speak out with an even tone. You're not one to share your emotions or thoughts with those who work around you, traumatized from the time one of your butlers heard you talk bad about a visiting elite family. He dimed you out to your nanny and advisor and you were punished for your thoughtlessness.
"So you're telling me you wouldn't care if you had to spend the rest of your life with someone you didn't find attractive? To have to," she pauses leaning in to speak closer to you, "Make babies with him?" Despite the work being done on your hair, you can't help but snap your head in her direction, completely in shock, "Rose!" you call out, feeling your face heating up with embarrassment. The younger girl can't help but laugh at you and you apologize to the woman behind you. Trying to keep your composure, you answer her, "All I'm saying is that there is no point to wish for him to look or act a certain way because what's settled is settled and there is nothing I can do about whom I am to marry".
Rose is the youngest of your parents three children, and even though she is but a couple years younger than you, you felt she still acted as a child. You blamed it on the fact she was coddled as the baby of the family. Your older sister was married some years ago and moved to her husband's kingdom, that left the throne of your own kingdom to you. Therefore leaving little Rose with no responsibility and no worries when it came to the politics of being a princess. Unfortunately, you couldn't say the same for yourself. Today would be the day that your future husband would move into your castle. You were betrothed to the Prince, a middle child himself, from a Kingdom just inland from yours. The engagement was arranged just months after he was born, being a year younger than you. And now all these years later, he was coming and you would meet for the first time.
"You look beautiful," your sister claims taking your full attire in now that you are the only two in the room. You give her a smile as you smooth down your dress, moving back in forth to take in your appearance in front of the large mirror. "Do you really not care about the man you are to marry?" She wonders, moving to straighten the tail of your dress. Letting out a sigh, you still your movements, "I think all I can do now Rose, is hope that he is a kind and understanding man".
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You're thankful that the arrival of the Prince served as an event rather than a private dinner where you were certain you would've died from the awkwardness. The was ballroom filled with your family members as well as the other elite families that served important roles in the kingdom. The King and Queen wanted to throw a proper welcoming for the Prince; a welcoming to his new home.
Though the guests mingled about the room, sipping on drinks and snacking on hor d'oeuvres, the Prince and his company have yet to join. His ship had docked safely merely hours ago, you watching on your balcony with Rose, gulping loudly at the realization the man you were to spend the rest of your life with was aboard. The Prince and his small entourage politely asked for a couple hours of rest and time to prepare for the occasion, hence the delayment of their arrival here.
Making sure to stay in the corner of the room, you steered clear or any refreshments or food, the constant twirling of your stomach becoming uncomfortable as the anticipation grew. Finally, the butler closest to the door rang a bell, "May I present, his highness, Prince Wooyoung of Twilight".
The two large doors open as the crowd fall silent, moving to allow room for the new guests. You realize you're out of place when you notice your mother sending you a look, and you hurry and take your place next to her, your father and your sister. A few of the Prince's members enter first and you grip your dress tightly on your sides, in an attempt to ground you as well as dry the sweat forming on your palms.
You suck in a breath as you finally see the Prince enter the room, decked out in a deep red suit, the crown adorning his head sporting large rubies, the color of his Kingdom. He wears a happy smile, making sure to acknowledge everyone in the room as they make their way down the aisle people formed in order to meet you. You see Rose lean over your father in order to get your attention, "He's beautiful!" She whispers just loud enough to hear as your father sends her an unimpressed look. You merely look back to the Prince, his shiny black hair almost bouncing as he nods his head to those greeting him. With a gulp you straighten your posture as the small group approaches your family. You're thankful the music has started again along with small chatter making the atmosphere more comfortable. Prince Wooyoung stands front in center smiling brightly at your family, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you all, thank you for such a warm welcome". He gives his proper bow before standing up straight again. Your father begins to talk to him, introducing himself along with the rest of you as you let your eyes linger at the group of men in front of you. After taking in the Prince once again, you look at the men standing behind him, orbs gazing across them. However, once you see the man standing behind his right shoulder, you can't help but do a double take.
He stands slightly taller than the Prince, posture and gaze amazing as if he were royalty himself. You can't force your gaze away from him, studying his strong nose and full lips. He's beautiful, you think.
"And may I introduce my daughters," your attention is drawn back as your father introduces Rose and you to the Prince. Prince Wooyoung moves forward to take Rose's hand into his, giving it a small peck, you try to hide your smirk at how flustered she gets before the Prince moves to you. He does the same formality to you, warm hand taking in your own as he brings it up to his lips. His warm eyes stay on yours as he retreats, giving you a knowing look and small smile. This is it, his look says, this is the first moment of the rest of our lives.
You begin to feel slightly emotional and overwhelmed at the whole ordeal and you have to blink several times to contain any tears that try to surface, gluing your eyes to the floor to hide from anyone who may see. "May I introduce those who came with me from Twilight," the Prince says cheerfully. He introduces a few of his trusted guards, along with his personal butler before getting to the man you were captivated by earlier. "This is my advisor, Mr. Park Seonghwa". You find your gaze lifting once again to follow this Seonghwa as he steps forward to greet your family. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he speaks with a polite smile, eyes roaming along the line of you all before his gaze stops on you before bowing. You wonder if anyone could tell your cheeks have turned pink as your eyes locked, his dark eyes sending butterflies to your stomach.
Once the introductions were done, your mother steps forward clasping her hands, "Well then, you all must be famished from your journey. Shall we head to the dining room?" The Prince smiles brightly, hand coming to rest on his stomach, "I couldn't think of a better idea myself". She smiles at him as well as those around him, "Welcome home".
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The past week since Prince Wooyoung came has been extremely busy, nearly everyday filled with schedules with the newly arrivals from the kingdom of Twilight. Showing them around the castle, the kingdom, introducing them to many people. Though it was the middle of winter now, your wedding was not set to take place till autumn; near the harvest moon for luck. However, both royal families agreed it was best for the Prince to move into your castle prior to the wedding. He was going to be the next King of your kingdom and they wanted to make sure he was fit for the job before it was sprung on him. He seemed good to you, not stern or self absorbed. He easily got along to everyone he was introduced to. Even the people in the village adoring him as his came into town to introduce himself and learn more about the people he is to rule soon. Prince Wooyoung was attentive to what he was learning about your home, he asked questions and took in every detail he could. Both of your parents have already told you how pleased they were at what an amazing Prince and person he was.
Though the week was busy following the Prince around, you have still yet to be alone with him. Not that you minded too much, though you would like to get to know him better before you were eventually wed, you rather get to know him at your own pace. That way, you could at least control one thing about your relationship.
It was finally the weekend and you have already decided to stay up later than usual this Saturday night. You were exhausted from the prior week but there was one thing you missed; your alone time. The only time you got to yourself was when you were in bed so you missed your occasional outings to the library just across from your room.
This library was not the main one in the castle, it was just a small library on the floor you reside on, meant to only be used by those sleeping on this level. But that meant most of the time it was only you and your sister Rose. Not that you found it trivial, for you loved the nights most where you snuck out of bed at night, moving across the hallway to take solstice in the small library, lighting the fire and enjoying a book in the peace and quiet with only yourself. As a princess, it was not often that you could be alone. Ladies in waiting, guards, or advisors following your every move for your safety, so they said. So you made sure everyone thought you were asleep before you made your trip.
You pulled your robe tighter around your nightgown, sneakily checking the hallway before deciding it was clear. Carrying your candle, you scurry to the door across from your own, making sure to open and close it as quietly as possible. Releasing your breath once you figure your safe, you set the candle down, moving to the fireplace to light a bigger source of light. Finding the latest book you were reading last time you were in the library, you make yourself comfortable on the small couch in front of the flames. The fire to your left providing just enough brightness for you to read your book.
It couldn't have been longer than 10 minutes before you hear the handle of the library door start to turn. You freeze in your spot before standing abruptly, heart pounding as you will yourself to think of an excuse as to why were out of your room unannounced and hiding away in here. You gulp as the door finally opens, but rather than a guard or butler entering the room like you expected, your brows furrow as you take in Park Seonghwa, Prince Wooyoung's advisor. You're unsure if this should make you less or more worried than you were before. He shuts the door quietly as you had before, turning around and finally taking notice of you behind him. At the sight of you he lets out a small shout of surprise, stumbling the piles of papers in his arms.
You're more overcome by the need for him to be quiet than being embarrassed of him seeing you, "Shh!" You hush him loudly, dropping your book and moving forward to him, showing him your finger pressed against your lips. "Please," you talk quietly to him, "I'd prefer if no one knew I was in here". Seonghwa nods, taking a deep breath, seemingly trying to calm down. He swallows, taking you in before quickly averting his gaze to the floor, "I apologize, your highness". You look down and remember your only wearing your nightly attire, not exactly appropriate for anyone to see the princess in. You quickly tighten your robe even further and cross your arms to cover yourself even more as the man in front of you continues to talk. "The butler informed me I could work in this library rather than walking to the main one since my residence is on this floor. I had no idea you would also be in here, please excuse me".
You gather he intends to leave, but you see no need for that, worried if they see him leave so soon after entering they might figure someone else in in here and find you out. "Please, don't apologize. I like to come here some nights and read but I keep it a secret as I would enjoy some alone time once in a while. Please, make yourself comfortable for your work, I would just appreciate it if you didn't mention to anyone you saw me here". Seonghwa nods, hesitantly looking at you before he bows, "Thank you, your highness". You give him a smile as he moves to the desk in the room, situated across from the couch. Leaning down, you pick up the book you had dropped before, fingering through in an attempt to find your page. "I won't be long, I'll just finish this chapter and leave you to your work". You sit back on the couch, sitting up straight and proper unlike before.
From the table across from you, Seonghwa shakes his head, "No, please don't feel the need to rush. You were here first, I just needed a space to get these letters done". He organizes the papers on the table before sitting down himself in his chair. The atmosphere falls quiet, and even though it isn't awkward, you find yourself unable to concentrate on your book; eyes frequently moving to take in the concentrated look on the boy in front of you.
A sudden flash of lightning shone through the windows above, an echo of thunder following shortly after. Seonghwa looks up at you in surprise by the sudden weather change, the sound of heavy rain can be heard throughout the castle. You give him a small smile, "Winter is our rainy season here". He nods, seemingly coming to understand. He looks back down at his paper but continues the conversation, "Does it ever snow?". "Never," you speak, closing your book and setting it beside you, "There isn't much high elevation here, plus we're surrounded by water so the environment doesn't make for very cold temperatures". Seonghwa looks up at you once more, "Aurora must have beautiful summers then," he speaks of your kingdom. You smile proudly, "Summers are amazing, all because of all the beaches of course. It may get hot but the breeze from the sea makes it bearable and the water from the ocean is refreshing to swim in". He smiles back at you, "I can't wait to experience it then".
He starts writing once again, but you purse your lips, not wanting the conversation to end. You speak up once more, "I've never seen snow before". Seonghwa looks up in shock, "Never?". You shake your head, "I've only left Aurora once, for my sisters wedding. But it took place in spring". Seonghwa hums pausing as if contemplating if he should continue speaking or not. "I can't imagine only being in one place forever," he finally says.
This only intrigues you, "Do you like to travel?" He smiles, "I love it actually, well when I got to I did." You nod at him to continue, "I'm from a small town where my family owned a orchard. We would often travel to different towns and villages to sell our harvest. But I ended up studying at a university in Twilight and I got my job as Prince Wooyoung's advisor," he moves to gesture towards the paperwork in front of him. You smile gently at him, "I wish to travel one day too". "I'm sure Prince Wooyoung will take you one day, to see Twilight at the very least".
You find your smile falling, but look to the fire to try to hide it from the dark eyes looking at you. Seonghwa clears his throat at the silence, "Are we to expect you at brunch tomorrow". Sighing, you use it as a chance to take your leave, "Yes, I will be there. Speaking of the occasion, I should probably see myself to bed". You stand, careful of your robe placement, moving to grab your candle from before. You turn to look at Seonghwa, "Thank you for keeping my secret," You smile at him and he returns it, quickly standing to bow, "Of course, your highness. Your secret is safe with me".
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It's but a week later where you found yourself in the same predicament. Although this time you found yourself more prepared. You made sure to throw on a sweater on top of your gown and robe to appear more modest; it was already unheard of for a princess to be alone with a man before marriage unsupervised, but to be alone and merely wearing your nightly attire? You imagine it wouldn't go well for you.
So although this Saturday night you weren't expecting anything, perhaps a bit hopeful, you dressed more modestly, even making sure to brush through your hair before you ventured across in secret. Just in case a certain advisor happened to appear again. When the door to the library opened, you stood once more but only slightly less nervous about who was to come. Seonghwa also seemed more prepared as when he entered he gave you a smile and a bow rather than shouting in surprise, "Correspondence," he explains gesturing to the papers in his hands.
You both fall into a comfortable silence, Seonghwa writing away while you continue reading your book. However, you found that once you finished the book in your lap you had no desire to leave quite yet. Pondering, you try your best of ways to spark up conversation with the man sitting at the desk. Not sure why you're feeling the desperate need to speak with him once again. "How is Prince Wooyoung's company?" You finally find yourself asking. Seonghwa looks up from his paperwork, "Your highness?" He asks, not understanding your question. You feel your cheeks growing red, "Sorry, I just mean," You pause looking to rephrase your question, "Is the Prince a kind man?" Seonghwa's eyes seem to light up with understanding, putting his pen down to answer you. "Of course he is, I can promise you that". He cracks a smile as he recalls a memory, choosing to tell you about all the great times he's had with the Prince since getting his job. You listen with an adoring smile on your face, it was clear he found a friend in Prince Wooyoung.
"But anyways," he catches his rambling, "If I could tell you one thing, I think if you were in a position where you were unable to choose who you were to marry, to be able to marry Prince Wooyoung is truly lucky. Wooyoung is hard not to love". He concludes, and although it was meant to reassure you, you suddenly feel blue. "I suppose," you speak, "But there is a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone".
Seonghwa's smile falls and your gut turns at your confession. Having just confessed to the Prince's advisor a reluctance to marry could've just been a detrimental mistake. What he will do with this information you're unsure but you know it could very well be bad for you. "I'm sorry," Seonghwa speaks in a quiet voice, his larges eyes looking somewhat sad as he takes you in. Unsure of what to do next, you give him a quick nod before announcing your leave.
"Princess," he calls just as you reach the door to the library, "Your secret's safe with me".
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You're surprised when Wednesday after breakfast it was announced that Prince Wooyoung requested you to join him for a walk around the gardens. It was the first day in a while the sun was beaming in the sky rather than greyness and rain. Though feeling a bit nervous, you join the Prince at the entrance of the rose garden maze, several guards keeping an eye on you both just a few steps behind. "Thank you for joining me," He speaks with a charming smile, bowing once you make your way over to him. "It's my pleasure," You return the smile and proper greeting as you both step into the path.
"Despite being winter, the roses are still so vibrant" the Prince observes as you walk slowly along the stone path. Smiling you reply, "Our winters are rather warm compared to most places. Even still, once it becomes spring you will seen how truly beautiful the flowers will bloom". He turns to smile at you before gulping, "I apologize for not making more of an effort to spend time with you, Princess. I knew becoming King would make me a busy man but I had no idea it would start as soon as I stepped off the ship". He lets out a nervous chuckle and huffs out a laugh as well, "I understand, your highness. They have thrust a lot of responsibility on you right away. I can only hope you are still enjoying Aurora".
"Oh, I am. It's beautiful here and everyone has been so kind to me. But my advisor was right, Seonghwa mentioned to me I should make more time to spend with you. We are to be married and I want us to be comfortable". You try not to visibly stiffen at the mention of Seonghwa bringing the idea up. He clearly felt the need to tell the Prince after what you had confessed to him in the library. "We have plenty of time before the wedding, Prince Wooyoung. I have no worries about that, but either way I am glad we get to enjoy this sunny day together". You give him a smile, desperate to reassure him.
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The next Saturday rolls around, and the next, and the next. Saturday nights reading and working turned into Saturday nights socializing and joking with the Prince's advisor. And before you know it, Saturday meetings with Seonghwa also become Friday and Sunday meetings as well. Spending the weekend with Seonghwa has become the highlight of your week and yet at the same time you find yourself getting worried.
Rather than being immersed in your books like before he came along, now you are often sharing long conversations with the boy across from you or merely staring at him as discreet as possible if he works. Over the past weeks, your conversations are no longer only pleasantry. You talk to Seonghwa, truly talk to him about real things that you think and feel, and he listens. He listens and he makes you feel heard and understood, as if you're not just a Princess but a person, a friend of his. You enjoy the nights most when he tells you of his travels with his family, speaking of all different villages and kingdoms for you to imagine. You're a fool if you didn't notice the lingering stares and bashful smiles you both exchange, but there wasn't much you could do. Instead, you have chosen to merely pick from the romance section when you do read, blushing when you imagine the leads as you and Seonghwa.
You know it's wrong to grow such feelings for him, especially when you have to be married in the autumn, but you can't help it. You've found a friend in Seonghwa, someone to confide in and trust. You enjoy his company more than you ever thought possible and every meeting you both have, even more romantic feelings bubble up despite yourself.
Spring has come to Aurora and although the rain has lessened, there are still storms that bring rain and thunder. Tonight was one of those storms, although your Kingdom has just celebrated the coming of Spring with a major festival all day, now the festivities were over the night sky is blanketed with grey clouds and lightning. You don't mind, in fact you probably prefer it as you listen to the sound of the storm from within the library as you read your book next to the fire. To say you're reading though may be misleading as you actually hold a book in your lap as you listen to Seonghwa excitedly tell you his experience at the Spring festival. As he has no work to be done tonight, rather than sitting as the desk as usual, he chose to sit next to you on the couch. Keeping a respectable distance of course, but closer than you had ever been nonetheless.
You stare at the boy as he tells you his stories, seeing him up close like his makes your heart pound and you decide he is the most beautiful person you've ever seen. Noticing he stops talking and is looking back at you, you become self conscious, "Sorry?" you ask. He lets out a nervous chuckle, "I just said I apologize for boring you with my stories". Your eyes widen, almost panicked, "No! Oh, gosh, of course you haven't bored me. Please forgive me for making you think that. I just,I-"
You start to stumble as you try to weigh the pros and cons of what could come out of your mouth, yet your judgement is clouded with Seonghwa beside you, "I was just a bit distracted because I've realized how beautiful you really are up close".
His eyes widen in shock before he looks down, and you stutter to think again, "Not that I didn't think you were beautiful before. I always did, now you're just close and-" You stop yourself with a sigh as you notice the redness making its way up his neck but yet can't seem to regret telling him, even if you did sound foolish. Finally he reaches your eyes once again, "You are very beautiful too, your highness". You let out a small laugh as you avert your eyes, can't help but feeling a bit of a sting at his comment as if he has to agree with you because you a Princess. A second passes before he moves beside you on the couch, but rather than get up and take his leave as you thought he would, he moves closer to you, close enough that his arm brushes flush against yours. You freeze as the warmth of him, "What are you reading?" You're unable to face him as you answer, briefly describing the romance book on your lap. "Perhaps you can read to me for a bit".
Slowly letting your eyes meet him, having to gaze up because of how close he is, he gives you a smile to reassure you. You clear your throat before moving to start reading near the beginning of the book where left off.
You read through a couple of pages before you feel Seonghwa start to move beside you. Your breath gets caught in your throat as he places one his hands gently on your chin, moving your head upwards to meet his gaze, eyes meeting his round ones. His hand is warm and soft as it lingers, moving from your chin to cup your jaw. "I apologize for what I'm about to do," he states whispering, "Please forgive me". You avert your gaze, head feeling slightly dizzy as you try your best to process what he is telling you. Before you get a chance to answer, he leans forward to gently press his lips against yours. The lips you were staring at so intently before were now pressed against your own. The softness of them makes your eyes flutter closed, hands dropping the book closed as they reach to hold Seonghwa instead, afraid he will slip away if you don't. You both become lost as you kiss, not recalling who are or what duties you have, merely enjoying the taste of each other, lulled by the sound of the storm outside.
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The next night you become fearful that Seonghwa will not return to the library, especially because of what happened before. You sit nervously on the same couch, not even bothering to open your book as you look blankly at the empty desk across from you. You knew what had happened had been a mistake, yet you didn't regret it at all. But did he?
You could only guess he had as the night drew later and he had yet to make an appearance. Feeling defeated, you let out a sigh rising to put out the fire and return to your room. You knew it was risky from the start, even just being alone with him in the room doing nothing but reading and working would get you both in trouble. Now though, having crossed the line and made your romantic feelings known for each other was even worse. Perhaps this caught up with Seonghwa and he was too guilty or scared to meet you tonight. But as you move, you hear the door slowly open, you turn quickly, a smile rising on your lips as Seonghwa quietly moves through the door, "You came". As he moves closer to you, you can sense your excited sentiment in not returned. You look on confused as he gives you a quick bow, "I apologize, your highness. What happened last night was unacceptable. Please, I beg of you to excuse my behavior". Your eyebrows furrow as he refuses to meet your gaze. "Did you tell someone?" you whisper out, figuring it was the only explanation for his change of behavior. Seonghwa finally meets your eyes, looking panicked, "No! Of course I would never," knowing it wouldn't end well for either of you.
You take him in again, feeling confused as ever, "Do you regret it?" He gulps, eyes wandering over your face, "I wish I did".
At his reply you found yourself walking towards him, "Then why?" You don't phrase a real question but you know he understands when moves his gaze to the floor, "It's inappropriate, Princess. You are to be married, to Prince Wooyoung, he is my Prince, he is my dear friend". Irritation bubbles up in your chest, "The Prince is not my lover, Seonghwa. He is a kind man whom I am to marry at some point but I have no romantic feelings for him". "It is not fair for me to hide my true feelings for another because of a man I was chosen to marry before I could even talk! The Prince is not the one who I want to spend my time with, he is not the one I confide in, he is not the one I want to kiss."
Whereas Seonghwa was studying your face before, he now looks down painfully at your confession, "Please don't do this to me". You feel your lips wobble as you try your best to resist the tears in your eyes, "If you decide to leave now and never come to meet me again, that is fine. But please, don't do it because who I am or my obligations. However, if you do not share the same sentiments as me, and wish to leave, I will not object". You manage to get out despite your shaky voice.
The library is silent except for the crackling of the fire as you wait for Seonghwa's decision. You nearly cry of relief when he takes steps towards you, moving forward to grasp your face in his hands, thumb moving to swipe at a tear that had fallen. He doesn't speak, merely moving forward to connect your lips much like they were the prior night. He finally separates, but keeps your foreheads connected. "It can be a secret," you finally whisper out, causing him to let out a huffed laughed. He smiles at the ground before moving to kiss you once more, "Your secret is safe with me".
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You've decided time moves much too fast for your liking when it's already the beginning of summer. Weekend nights with Seonghwa don't feel like nearly enough and you have both resorted to meeting on some week nights as well. Much like tonight, a Thursday night, but you both grew inpatient having not seen each other all week due to the whole castle being busy with preparations for the summer festival.
You lay on your back now, Seonghwa hovering over you as you're both on the floor next to the fire. The blankets you both lay on are not particularly thick but they provide enough comfort for you both to revel in your kisses. Nearly every one of your meetings somehow ended like this, passionate kisses and roaming hands next to the fireplace. Perhaps it was the growing amount of scenes in the romance novels you've been reading, but lately you have been feeling as though these kisses and groping were not enough.
That's why you break away from the kiss, taking a breath before speaking out to Seonghwa, "I want you". He pushes off of you even more, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Pardon?" You sigh, moving to sit up, forcing him to do the same as he rests on his heels. Your robe has fallen off your shoulders but you don't attempt to fix it. "I want you, Seonghwa". You tell him again more firmly.
He gulps, tongue peeking out to wet his lips before he runs his hand through his black hair. "If you're insinuating what I think you are, Princess, then you know we can't". You can't help but frown, "I told you not to call me that". You both decided months ago you were much more comfortable with him merely referring to you by your actual name. "And why not? We're already doing this, are we not? What is having sex going to do at this point?" You continue as Seonghwa groans, closing his eyes. In reality you know it's a bad idea, Princess' are expected to remain untouched until the night of the wedding. If anyone were to find out you weren't a virgin, you would suffer greatly. But now, in the heat of the moment with Seonghwa, you found any risk worth taking.
Seonghwa sighs out your name, "You know that's a extremely bad idea, no matter how bad we might want it. There are too many things that can go wrong". He reaches to run his hand up your arm, attempting to comfort you. "Have you had sex before". You blurt out, he seems alarmed, eyes widened as his hand freezes on you. "Well, I-" he clears his throat, "Yes, I have". You nod at him, "With multiple people?" your question makes his eyebrows furrow, not being able to tell if he was walking into a trap. "There's been a couple of people, I don't really know why-" But you cut him off before he can finish. "I'm expected to marry a man and only ever sleep with him for the rest of my life. I'm expected to do this with a man who has been chosen for me because of our status. I'm not ever expected to share myself with someone I love? Why is that fair for me?" You realize you sound desperate but you feel overwhelmed with your feelings for Seonghwa and the realization what you have now won't be forever.
"It's not fair," He agrees, moving to adjust your robe over your shoulder. You look at him sadly, "I want to make love with someone I love, Seonghwa. I don't want the only sex in my life to be used just to make an hier. I want to feel wanted as a lover, not just as a wife". You sigh as you recall the passion in all of your novels, afraid you may never get to experience it. How was that fair when the man you love was right in front of you, sitting there so prettily and being the one you truly wanted to experience everything with. "I just want this one thing, even if it's just once". Your voice is a whisper at this point. "I love you, and I want to experience this love with you. I know it's not right, but there is nothing I want more in my life than to experience this with you".
"I love you too," Seonghwa states, "More than anything". At his confession you fear he will reject you, but you are pleasantly surprised when he moves forward once more to kiss you.
He lays you on your back once again, but this time you can tell he has a motive. You spend hours and hours that night by the fire, feeling loved by Seonghwa in ways no one has done before, in ways you're sure no one will ever be able to do again.
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You sit next to your sister, Rose the next morning at breakfast. Prince Wooyoung is across from you and a couple of performers also joining you for breakfast. The Prince invited them as they have traveled far for the summer festival tomorrow. Seonghwa stands near the window, speaking intently with your own advisor but you find yourself smiling at the company at your table. Prince Wooyoung is loud and his laugh is contagious as the entertainers tell a story of their travels. You and Rose share a smile and you can't help but giggle at the Prince.
Ever since his arrival in winter, you have yet to spend but a handful of times alone with him, but it's times like this where you see that Seonghwa was right. Prince Wooyoung is hard not to love. But as you cast a glance at Seonghwa behind him, you knew you would never be in love with him.
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You should've known from that fateful night that once would never be enough. Telling Seonghwa that you had just needed him once had ended up being a lie. It's been weeks since then and yet still every secret meeting you had with him ended with you underneath him, or him underneath you; you weren't very picky.
Just like now, it was well past midnight on a Friday night and despite everyone in the castle thinking you were asleep, you were in the library, next to the fireplace as you rode Seonghwa who lay under you. The first night you shared with Seonghwa, he had been so careful and gentle, making you feel protected and loved. But since that night, he has taught you many things. What it's like to be on cloud 9, making you feel pleasure you never thought possible in unthinkable ways. He taught you how to give pleasure too, how to make one that you love fall apart so beautifully it makes you feel powerful.
That's how you feel tonight; powerful. You braced yourself with your hands on your lover's bare chest, watching the black haired boy intently as his mouth falls open at the new found pleasure. You have been working diligently, attempting to find the right hip movement as you rode his cock to make him feel that best he could. Especially when he had made you come twice beforehand merely using his tongue. A deep whine escapes his lips as you ground your hips down in a circular manner. You stare at his lips unable to resist them, particularly when such pretty noises are falling off of them. Not stopping your movements, you lean down to capture them with your own. You kiss him deeply and quite sloppily as you are both focused on the pleasure, tongues clashing leisurely. "You sound so pretty for me," you murmur against his mouth. Whereas you had at first been shy when it came to things like these, Seonghwa's sweet and dirty words that fell off his tongue had started to rub off on you. If he could compliment you so prettily while you fell apart for him, it only made sense for you to do the same when the tables were turned.
Seonghwa's hands move up your thighs, rounding to grasp your ass firmly, using it as a grip to help you move along him in a manner he pleased. You could tell he was close when he broke from your kiss, head tossing backwards and his eyes closed tightly, ultimately consumed with pleasure. You feel motivated to bring him to an end, as it was your favorite thing to see. You move your hips quicker, hands roaming up and down his damp chest and abdomen, but always keeping your eyes on his face. He comes with a moan of your name and his body tenses, hands moving to grip your hips tightly and eventually stop you from moving any further on his stimulated cock. "Fuck," he mumbles out and moves his hands up your back to bring you down to his chest. You move to press kisses along his neck as you lay flush against him, his chest moving heavily in an attempt to catch his breath. You playfully bite his neck, "Are you okay?". He chuckles, hand running down your hair, "I'm perfect, my love. How about you? Do you need my help again?" He's considerate as always but you feel fulfilled from earlier and just watching him, "No, I'm quite perfect as well". He hums arms coming around to tighten you in a hug.
You eventually move off of him and cuddle into his side, the blankets and fire providing warmth despite the lack of clothing you both had. You keep your eyes closed, but you often find yourself close to tears after intimate moments with Seonghwa. As if the reality of it all sets in and drags you down. As summer wore on you knew your time with Seonghwa would be coming to an end. You would have to fulfill your duty as Princess of Aurora and marry the Prince they deemed fit to be the next King. You would have to live a life in a loveless marriage and forever knowing your true love was just out of reach.
Sometimes in quiet moments like these, pressed up against Seonghwa and he hold you against him, you find yourself praying. Praying for time to stop, for it to be summer forever, where you could be with Seonghwa forever in this library without a care in the world. For your secret to stay a secret.
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Your sister Rose as fallen ill the past couple of days and has, despite her protests, been made to rest. There were a few castle workers who experienced the same symptoms as well. It wasn't uncommon, especially during this time where the change from summer to fall would be coming soon and now the mornings and nights were much cooler than the warm days. The drastic change in weather throughout one day can cause anyone to catch a cold, just like Rose. After seeing Rose, the family physician made his way to check on your parents, and then you. While he was here, he would now try to prevent any sickness, prescribing warms soups and teas and avoiding early morning walks without a coat.
You sit in silence as he finishes up your examination. He was usually a pleasant and talkative man, using jokes to distract from any uncomfortableness, but he had fallen silent as you told him about your symptoms. Letting him know it didn't sound like the same cold Rose had, but you still felt quite ill some days. He examined you longer than usual and it made you uneasy with the feeling you were much more ill than the others in the castle.
He finally finishes with a sigh, moving to remove his gloves and wash his hands in the basin. You sit up, fixing your dress as you wait for any type of explanation. "Well, your highness, since the wedding is only about a month away, I feel no reason to let anyone else know".
The physician turns to you with a kind smile, drying his hands. "I'm sorry?" you ask, confused as to what he was talking about. He comes closer, talking in a quiet voice as to not let anyone else hear, "You're with child, your highness. Congratulations". At his words you're almost certain you misheard him, but you were too frightened to ask him to repeat it. Your mind runs crazy and your ears start to rings. The physician must've been able to tell your panic as he moves to steady you where you sit. "There is no need to worry, I certainly won't tell anyone. The wedding will be soon and from my examination you're not too far along so you won't be showing in the dress. After the ceremony I will check you again and it will be like finding out for the first time".
You know he's trying to reassure you, but he doesn't know your true situation. He doesn't know what you risked to be with the man you love and now it has come back to bite you. You start to cry at the realization of what you've done, the consequences were to be extreme and you weren't even sure what to do at this point. The kind physician moves to grab a clean handkerchief to dry your tears, "There, there. I know it's not ideal but with the Prince moving into the castle some time ago something like this is just natural".
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You wait in the library the next night after not leaving your bed since finding out the news. It was easy to say you were feeling unwell from a cold just like Rose and the others, when in reality you were so overcome with stress you didn't know what to do. It felt obvious that your first step should be telling Seonghwa the mess you were in, but being honest even doing that made you anxious. You've dragged him into this and at this point everything seemed like your fault.
Seonghwa enters the room quietly and sees you sitting on the sofa facing the fire, he finds himself smiling. "Hello, love," he says to draw your attention. "I heard you caught a cold, are you feeling alright?"
He moves to join you on the couch and rubs over your hair as if to comfort you. But when he hears you sniffle he grows worried, gently moving your head to face him. His eyes widen as he takes in your state, eyes red and still leaking tears, nose running, and everything on your face feels swollen from the nonstop crying you've been doing. "What is it?", he states, swallowing in an attempt to hide his panic, "Are you feeling unwell?" Having him here next to you feels as though reality has actually set in and you find yourself letting out a sob before you can even tell what what's going on. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Seonghwa". Your words only worry him more and he takes you face in his hands, eyes roaming you as if he were to find the answer there. "Please, my love, you have to talk to me. What's wrong? What are you sorry for?"
You try your best to calm your breathing, hiccuping in an attempt to stop your tears but you finally are able to get your words out as Seonghwa waits patiently. "I saw the physician yesterday, it was supposed to be a normal checkup, for the colds going around". You get out, breath still occasionally getting caught in your throat. He gulps at the mention of this, automatically fearing the worst, you must be extremely unwell. "He told me," you continue, letting out another soft cry and averting your eyes, "He told me I was with child. I'm pregnant Seonghwa".
You can't see him, as you've closed your eyes, too afraid to see his reaction, but you can tell he's tensed from the way his hands froze on you. You're crying hard again to the point you feel nauseous and you're seconds away from moving to find a bin to empty your stomach into. But Seonghwa move to hold you, arms circling around you like they have so many times before. So many times have you felt protected by his warm embrace, but you doubt anything could protect you now. "It's going to be okay," He whispers out as he tucks you into him, but the comment only makes you angry. "No, it's not," you argue back but don't have the strength to move from his arms. "How can anything be okay, I'm to get married in a month and I'm pregnant. They're going to find out and they're going to kill us. All of us, me, you, the baby." You're rambling now but this is the first time you were able to voice your worried aloud. Seonghwa closes his eyes and rests his head against yours. He wants nothing more than to comfort you in your state but he doesn't know what to say. He knew from the start this situation was dangerous but he didn't ever think it would come to this point.
"It's all my fault, we should've never done this. You tried to warn me but I didn't listen to you. I was so selfish and now look what's happened". Your voice is weaker now, so exhausted from the endless crying and your head is pounding. Seonghwa's voice is shaky but you don't even notice in your state, "Don't say that. You know we both had a part in this, if anything, I was the selfish one. Thinking I would be able to love a Princess". You quickly turn your head up to look at him, noticing now tears brimmed in his own eyes as well. "Don't," you say, "You are more than worthy to love anyone you want. I'm just lucky that I was the one to receive your love". He gives you a small smile, hand moving your hair so he could properly see your face. "It'll always be you," he says your name, "Who will recieve my love". It's small, but the comment makes you feel a hint of happiness in what seems like a dark and hopeless situation.
You move to place a soft kiss on his lips before falling into his arms again. You both lay there for hours in silence, merely listening to the fire and trying not to think of the reality you're in just for a minute. "I'll figure something out," Seonghwa finally voices, "Just rest until you feel better and trust me".
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It's a week later when Seonghwa asked to meet you in the library again. You've mostly rested all week, still acting as though the cold as weakened you and no one suspected a thing. You longue on the couch, hands fidgeting with your dress as you await your lover. Some time later the door finally opens and you smile as you face the opening. However, once you see who enters, it immediately drops and you rise quickly to your feet.
You gulp as he makes his way into the room taking a few steps forward. Finally you move to bow, "Your highness," you get out trying your best not to sound nervous. What he is doing here you're unsure of but your stomach twists with the thought that Seonghwa could also enter at any second. Had he found you two out? Had someone finally noticed you both meeting in the library?
Prince Wooyoung returns your greeting with a small smile. He walks past you to stand in front of the fire, moving his hands out to feel the warmth. You still haven't moved from where you stood, too stunned to comprehend what was happening. "You know," he finally speaks, but keeps his back towards you, "I'd like to think of myself as a kind and understanding man". "So when the physician finished my check up by congratulating me because my hier was already conceived, I merely thanked him and made him swore to not tell a soul".
Your breath hitches and you move to steady yourself against the desk. So Prince Wooyoung had found out, you're not sure you could blame the physician as he probably assumed you had already told the Prince. Your heart pounds as you watching Wooyoung who stares into the fire, moving to place his hands in his pockets. This was it, you thought, the Prince now knew the truth and your fate was in his hands, but perhaps there was still a chance you could save Seonghwa.
"I was so shocked when he told me, a little sad too I must confess," he lets out a small chuckle. "So when Seonghwa and I met afterwards I couldn't help but confide in him". Your eyes closed in defeat at the news. "I told him how sorry I was that you must have a lover. Not that I can blame you, we barely know each other and are expected to marry. Trust me, I know how rough it is. I felt bad for you, truly." He looks almost dazed as he continues to gaze into the flames with an unreadable expression. "I told him, Seonghwa, that there was no need to worry anyone though. I would keep a secret. I wouldn't mind raising the baby as if it was my own. I don't know if that would make everyone happy, but I figured that's what would keep everyone safe". You can't help the tears that come to your eyes as he continues his story, you have never felt guilt once in all the time you spent with Seonghwa. But as Wooyoung speaks to you know, you can't help but think how you both have hurt him. The Prince was never unkind, in fact you quite enjoyed his company when you did have it. But nevertheless, you knew Wooyoung would never truly be your lover.
"It was at this point that Seonghwa started crying. I was so shocked, never in all the years I've known him have I seen him cry. I was confused, I kept telling him it was okay, you didn't mean to hurt me. That's why I thought he was crying of course". Watching him with tearful eyes, you curse that you can't tell what he's really thinking. "But then he starts to apologize, and I'm even more confused! I have to get him to calm down before he could actually tell me what was wrong," he chuckles a bit. "I'm in love with her," he sighs, "That's what he says. I don't believe him at first of course. But when I stay silent he continues on and on. Explaining how much he loves you and how sorry he was so betraying me".
He finally moves to sit on the couch, running a hand over his face. "I was angry at first, naturally I think. I couldn't understand my Seonghwa falling for my bride to be. But I took a second and really thought. I know Seonghwa, he's my best friend." Your eyes roam over his face and you notice how tired he looks. "He would never do anything to intentionally hurt me, I know that. If you both fell in love then it was not spiteful. I suppose you both feel guilty about the whole thing. Not that we were ever lovers ourselves, we probably never would be, right?" His mouth quirks as he finally looks to meet your gaze. You stay silent and still, not knowing what to do. The Prince sighs once again, "Seonghwa would to anything for me, I know that. He offered to leave, to allow him to say goodbye to you and leave Aurora for good in order to sort this out". A tear makes its way down your cheek at the idea. Is that where he had gone? Had the Prince made him leave without a goodbye? "But one thing you might not know about me, is that I would also do anything for Seonghwa". You try your best to look into his eyes despite being blocked by tears. "So that's why I came here to tell you to leave".
There's a moment of silence as you try to comprehend what he says. "Excuse me?" you finally get out, your voice sounding hoarse. Wooyoung moves to stand, "Seonghwa is waiting for you, you will both go to the dock and take the passenger ship that leaves for inland in a couple of hours". Your eyebrows furrow and you feel dazed, "I can't, I can't leave my Kingdom. My sister, Rose what will she think?" You start to think of all you would leave behind. Wooyoung purses his lips, "Well I suppose you can stay, but I assume you know what that would entail." Marriage, you thought, marriage to the Prince and no Seonghwa. "But how can I leave? What will everyone think?" You couldn't quite comprehend the logistics of this so-called plan they thought out. "You've been sick, right?" He asks even though he knows the answer, you nod. "Well you've been sick enough so that the doctor suggested you move inland for sometime. Somewhere away from the sea, away from the humidity. We'll tell everyone the wedding is postponed, your health took a turn in the night and you had no choice but to board the ship". You look at him worried, could this really work? "Don't worry, the physician will be in on it too. Once you're settled you can write your family, Seonghwa will make sure of it. As for the future, we're unsure, but this is a plan to keep you both together for now".
You can't help but start to sob, hands coming up to cover your face. Wooyoung hesitates, but moves to embrace you. "I'm so sorry," you state, "You're doing so much for us despite what we did to you". He moves to hold you away from him, "Don't, don't apologize for falling in love. Just promise me you'll look after him, yeah?" He asks with a smile and you sniffle and nod, "Always. I'm so thankful for you, I wish there was a way I could repay you for your kindness". He chuckles moving away after give your shoulders a squeeze, "Well if you wanted to name your baby after me, I wouldn't complain". You let out a giggle as you wipe your tears. "Now go on and pack, not much though, you don't have much time before you need to leave and you both have to get there without being seen too much".
You nod, moving quickly to press a kiss to his cheek, "Seonghwa was right about you".
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You look out over the ocean, the black abyss under the night sky. The stars acting as the only source of light as the ship moves quietly across the waves. Seonghwa comes up behind you, placing a blanket over your shoulders and a kiss to your cheek. "We should head to our quarters soon". You nod, turning to smile at him, "I just can't believe this is really happening". He smiles back at you, moving forward to give you a kiss and places a hand gently on your stomach, "I would do anything for you".
It was a whirlwind of a night, of a week, of a year that has led you to this moment but you don't think there could be a more perfect ending. What the future had in store for you all now you were unsure, but with Seonghwa by your side you were sure you would be able to risk everything and anything.
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Copyright © 2023 by nczennie. All rights reserved.
Ever wonder what happens to Wooyoung?
🌼 All feedback is appreciated and welcomed 🌼
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kingkenzieofmold · 3 months
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I got permission and love from @rarestdoge to show off this guy! Meet 'Overlord' Villain!Cameron Copperbottom. How he came to be, the idea of playing terraria together on master mode but as our villain characters. Realized Doge does not have a villain character and him wanting to play as his son and inspire by an abandoned construction site made this sad bastard. So Enjoy!
Ashley, Henry and Charles designs belong to @mai-mai-lim
Brutus belongs to @smoresthehalloweenqueen
The Incandescent Prince AU:
Cameron Takes over after private investigator and struggles hard with being in the leadership position. Ashley and Brutus trying to help him but they too are trying to figure out there new roles as his seconds. So hence the more angry and stressed out Cameron. Eventually they prepare the space station and have the toppat king ending style fight with the government and get out. Once in space Cameron determines that a next course of action is to recuse the remaining Toppats.
Charles and Seung-Jae are assigned any mission dealing with the Toppats because of their experience with them. This leads to the heist against the wall that Cameron prepares. Upon raiding the wall Charles and Seung-Jae are alerted to the situation and are sent in. This is where it goes revenged arc vibes. The rescue team ending up in the cafeteria and having the airship on stand by. Charles and Seung-Jae having land on the helicopter pad making their way down to the Toppats Location.
The Wall and Toppats are duking it out when they arrive and the main rescue team having gotten most of the Toppat on to the air craft. A few still behind, Right Hand Man is fighting with Cameron against Dimitri when Seung-Jae charges RHM and body checks him, causing him to lose balance and fall out the building. Cameron of course goes after him not really thinking. Which is the slight scene I drew where Honeymaple catches Cameron but was unable to save RHM. This leads to him being in critical condition. The mission was a success but at what cost.
This cause Cameron to spiral slightly. Reginald due to RHMs condition does not resume leadership and consoles Cameron as much as he can in his grief. Cameron continues being leader but with a bit more venom, he disliked the government before but now he hates the government. He hates Seung-Jae for Locking his dads up and being the cause that his dad might die. Seung-Jae is consumed with guilt and is not doing too good. Ashley and Brutus try to be there for Cameron but Cameron is isolating himself. He then imposes a new mission: to make the governments lives a living nightmare.
He sets a new rule to engage in combat with all government agents and to not show mercy. He begins these heist with high risk, high reward. He wants to government to surrender for one reason to get Henry Stickmin in the most humiliating way possible and then kill him in front of the whole clan for what he has done. Ashley and Brutus are of course horrified by the plan and start trying to reason with him. Which leads to ‘you’re either with me or against me’ argument.
Eventually His plan does work out and he gets Seung-Jae but also Charles as he not about to leave Henry alone to the Toppats. Cameron is pissed even more at the fact that Charles is here and he is associated with Henry but not even his brother can reason with him. At this point the Toppat doctors and Reginald managed to locate some scientists who can help save RHM, making him into Right Hand Man Reborn.
Cameron has prepared the stage for this judgment and execution. No body is happy with this but they are not about to stop their prince yet. The judgement has been made and the execution is to be delivered. Cameron facing down Seung-Jae as Charles and his seconds are trying to convince Cameron not to do this. Seung-Jae sacred by resigned to his fate. The Toppats unable to do anything without the risk of Cameron firing before they could stop him. Right Hand Man enters the Stage. Talking down Cameron and embracing him in a hug. Letting him know it’s alright. Cameron has a mental breakdown, his stress of being leader and everything that has happen, seeing his dad there and hugging him.
He cried.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Winter Sun (6)
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6. New Gods
Summary: Are you sure this is what you want?
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, medieval and asoif customs, arranged marriage , AGE GAP, Cregan is 12 years OLDER than reader), talks about sex, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3.3k
Notes: I'm sorry for the delay! and I'm so happy you are liking this story! this is new territory for me
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“We can have new dresses made for you”, Sara muttered happily as she gave you some of the dresses she didn’t wear anymore, luckily, you had similar physiques. 
“I wouldn’t want you to spend unnecessarily for me”, you said, embarrassed, “besides, I have plenty of winter clothing, specially for riding my dragon, it will get here… eventually”
“In two months!”, she fought
“Right…”, you sad, a little embarrassed 
“Let’s say… we made them, do you know how to sow?”, you nodded, “great, we will make our own dresses, I bet you know what the ladies in King’s landing are wearing this season”, she winked at you and you giggled.
It was nice having Sara, she was like the sister you never had. This morning she had come to you and you spend most of the morning dressing, fixing your dresses and now, you were starting doing your hair. She had offered to do yours and you offered to do hers 
“I don’t know how to do your hair in a targaryen way”, she whispered, as she brushed your silvery strands, “those braids you were wearing when you got here, they were beautiful…”
“How do you fix your hair in the north?”, you asked, with a shine in your eyes. Sara smiled at you
“Like this…”, she made two small braids, and tie them together at the back of your hair, to put order to you hair, but still she left it free, it was simple, yet… meaningful
“Thank you Sara”, you in turn, arranged her hair with thick braids, as a Targaryen would wear, the same day you arrived. You did not know how to braid your own hair but you did know how to braid another’s.
“You look like a northerner”, Sara said happily, looking at you through the mirror, “well, almost, except for the hair”, she giggle and you did as well, you were wearing a gray dress, the color of House Stark, your jewelry, though, necklace, and rings, were all with the Targaryen heraldry, and your silver hair… It was very signature.
All the cold colors made you look almost ethereal, different from what you used to wear though, different… not precisely bad.
You hoped Cregan would like it.
Sara took your hand and led you through the Winterfell’s passages and hallways, down one floor and to the first one, and you walked to the main hall, which served as a meeting room, former throne room, and dining hall. 
You heard Cregan speaking inside the room, he seemed angry, and commanding.
“If she does, the ceremony won’t be big, all the lords and ladies, the most important ones, are here. Let's do it in three days' time, with a small banquet after, we are in autumn, we can’t splurge this far into winter… besides… we don’t even know if she is sure to continue with this engagement”, and then you entered, and all those present, the maester, the master at arms, all those who worked in Winterfell, Lords and Ladies of other houses, all turned to look at you. Dressed in Stark gray, your hair arranged like a proper lady of the North. 
Cregan stark looked at you wide eyed 
“I see her pretty determined”, muttered the Lady Bolton, and Cregan seemed to come out of his estupor
“Your Grace… you look… fine”, he finished, and even though if it was a strange compliment, you felt nervous all the same, playing with the rings on your fingers
“Thank you my lord”
“We were discussing the ceremony”, he said, “it should be held in the next few days, although, if you want to invite people from kings landing they will take time to arrive…”
“I don’t think they will want to make the journey”, you answered sadly, “we should do as you please”, you said with a shy smile
“Maybe it’s not what you’d expect, but the celebration won’t be as great as a princess’ should be”, he said in a warning tone.
“You are right, my lord, we are too close to winter, only a few guests and one dinner should be enough to celebrate our union”, you said and he seemed genuinely surprised. But then he only nodded
“very well”
“I would like to send ravens to notify members of my family, but that is enough, one to king’s landing, one to Dragonstone and the other to Driftmark”, you said confidently
“I’ll see to it, my lady”. Said the old maester with a shy smile, you nodded and thanked him.
If he didn't want to marry you, he would have said something, right?
He was not the same man you remembered from five years ago, it was true, you didn’t expect him to be, but… he was cold… he was rough, he… looked at you like this weakling, like this rachitic pup that would not last the week
But if he didn’t want to marry you, he would have said so, right?
With that thought, they let you use the library to write your messages.
They were three of them, all three the same.
“I, princess (Y/N) of houses Targaryen and Stokeworth, will wed Lord Cregan of House Stark at the end of the week, as it pleases King Viserys, the ceremony will take place in The God’s wood, under the traditions of the Old Gods in Winterfell”, it was brief and communicative 
You sealed them with your personal seal, and gave them to the maester, a nice old man with kind eyes. Maester Celwyn, was his name
All three ravens flied south, two of them flew slightly East. They took three days to arrive at their destination, at almost the same time.
The one in Dragonstone was received with a cup of wine and by the hand of Daemon Targaryen, the Rogue Prince.
He frowned when reading the news of your own hand and letter, he would recognize it everywhere. He never showed it, but he always kept a close eye on you, no matter where he was, or what he was doing, he always had eyes on you. Maids, servants, Kingsguards. He personally, hurt by looking at you, you had his brother’s eyes, but… you were the only thing he had left of him. 
So you escaped the Keep and threw yourself at the arms of Cregan Stark, it could have been worse. They could have betrothed you to that one-eyed cunt, those were his thoughts, you had successfully escaped him, but, so far? He should have betrothed you to Jace, or even Lucerys… but he had his own daughters to take care of…
Either way, he tried to recreate in his mind what his brother would have thought about this, would he approve of the union? He knew his brother held great respect for the North and its people, especially the Starks, he believed them to be the most honorable family in the realms so… perhaps…
Or the sheep had walked willingly towards the jaws of the wolf?
Were you more sheep than you were dragon?
He had yet to see that.
He drank the last of his wine in his cup and then went to find her wife, Rhaenyra, he found her with her sons in their High Valyrian lessons, she looked at them approvingly as Luke, Jace and now Joffrey learned.
“We have received a letter from the North”, he sang. Rhaenyra looked at him interested
“From your little cousin”
“(Y/N)?”, she asked
“She is betrothed to Stark, set to be married before the week’s end”
“To Cregan Stark?”, she asked. this caught her sons’ attention
“Our aunt is set to marry Stark?”, asked Jace, a smile on his face
“Apparently, it was the King’s idea”, he muttered
“My father can barely speak, this is the Queen’s work”, she said bitterly
“She wants the North under her wing”, she said
“My niece is no Green”, he said with warning in his voice
“She is not for us either”, said Rhaenyra, “when the time comes, will she convince Cregan to support us?”, she asked.
“This is not about what is going to happen then”, cut Daemon
“Are we going?”, asked Jace, “to the ceremony?”
“We could never make it, not with the youngest”, said Daemon
“Send us, Luke and I”
“I don’t think it’s proper”, said Rhaenyra
“Don’t think it’s proper?”, asked Daemon
“Let’s just send a gift”, she suggested with a tight lip smile. And that was the end of it.
In Driftmark however, the letter went straight into Rhaenys’ hands.
She read it with kind eyes and a shy smile. The union was perfect, the Starks will protect you properly, and care for you. You had your dragon if you ever wanted to get out of the cold North, and they will make great allies.
She was certain your father would have approved of the union. 
Lord Cregan Stark was an honorable man, poor man a widower, he needed someone kind hearted like you, with your shyness and your blushes and your smiles, you were going to do him good. 
“Let’s send them a barrel of our finest wine”, suggested Corlys, “she is going to need as much dragonfire as she could drink, that poor girl is going to freeze up there!”, he laughed
“The wolf will keep her warm”, she said with a knowing smirk
“Or perhaps he will devour her whole”, he said back, and Rhaenys laughed as he shared knowing looks with her husband in front of the fire.
“We will send her gifts”, he said confidently.
“I have something better in mind”, she said gently, giving him a look.
Rhaenys had a very close relationship with her cousin, they were kindred spirits, and had so many things in common. Rhaenys was older than Aegon and he looked up at her when they were young he followed her around like a lost puppy, and then when they were older they became friends. 
The distance was the only thing separating Rhaenys from being close to you. She had tried, unknown to you, to make you her guard, but Queen Alicent, and before her, Viserys, had gently refused her, claiming that your father would have preferred you to stay in the Keep. She knew they were wrong. 
So you fled as far as you could, away from your family, up there, all alone. 
And now… the third raven.
Never arrived at King's Landing, nobody knows what happened to him.
Perhaps it was fate, perhaps it was the Gods, you would have thought that it was your father himself from the heavens who intercepted the raven and made him lose his way.
If it had arrived… Perhaps you would have never married Cregan.
But it didn’t. 
Only the Raven of Stark, accepting the proposal and dictating you will marry soon, that only arrived.
It was also miraculous that the letter was not intercepted by Aemond, and it arrived safely at the hands of Otto Hightower. 
He smiled, pleased.
The North was his, and he didn’t even need to move a finger.
He had sent Aemond to Oldtown to see his brother, to distract him, he could not have his grandson messing this up, he could not have that. That girl was not for him, she had no allies, no money, no real connections. Nothing
He was good only to sell away, like cattle. 
Your house sigil was a sheep was it not?
The Queen twisted her lips in disgust at the response of Cregan, he did not speak of you returning to King’s Landing, which meant the wolf had sunk their teeth on you and they would not let go.
If she was the one to have a dragon she would have flown it North and dragged you back, make the wolf come south to marry you, but leaving you alone there, it was improper. You went there, a young lady, alone. Perhaps the wolf had already bedded you.
It should have been Aemond
The Queen bit her nails, worried.
Her father had promised he was the one to break the news to Aemond, but it was her who lied to him, who promised him to her. And she couldn’t deliver. 
Aemond wanted her so much, it scared her. She had heard of that deep infatuating Targaryen men could feel, but she never thought one of her sons could be the cruel heir to that dark inheritance. 
She shook her head
She was going to find her son a nice girl to marry, an heiress from a great house, pure, and a devout follower to the Gods. She nodded, sipping on her cup of wine, that was the right path. The gods guided her North for a reason.
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Days passed slowly in Winterfell, and you had barely seen Cregan.
Sara was the one to introduce you to the population of the castle, people who lived and served there. 
People seemed weary of you, looking at you like the stranger you truly were to them. You had always heard that Northerners were weary of strangers, mistrustful. And it was proven to be true.
You were supposed to be the future Lady of Winterfell, their lady, how could you make them trust you?
You guessed that being kind and patient, you wanted to prove to Cregan he had made the right choice.
Also, you were distracted with something else… your things had not arrived yet, you thought they hadn't even left King’s Landing… so… Sara and you were determined to make your wedding dress and as the tradition dictates, your maiden cape. 
You weren’t sure that the cape was a part of the Northerners traditions, but you hoped so.
And Sara had said that yes, you were to make one, your maiden cape, and Cregan was supposed to give you one back. A bridal cape.
You'd decided to make yours with Targaryen colors, black, red and gold. As a farewell to your house, in hopes of avoiding Aemond you had sunk yourself in embroidering lessons, so you had become quite good at it. Right now you were sewing red dragons into the black fabric. Perhaps you’d add a green one, the color of the Stokeworths
Sara and you were interrupted by a commotion outside, you didn’t quite understand what it was, until a guard reached your door, and announced you had a visitor, and you couldn’t understand who that might be.
Until you reached the main hall, and you only had to look at her back, and her hair to know who that was 
“Aunt Rhaenys?”, you called eyes filled with happy tears. She turned around and smiled warmly at you
“Hello my sweet girl”, she greeted and you jumped into her embrace. She held you tightly against her, her hand caressing your back. 
“You came! you didn’t have to…”
“As soon as I saw the letter”, she cradled your face in her hands as she looked at you, “someone should give you away, right?”, she said gently, and you nodded enthusiastically
“I will be honored if that person is you”, you said honestly, you loved your aunt so much… well… technically she was first cousin to your father, but it was your dear aunt.
“Let’s walk darling”, she suggested, and with an excited nod, you took her to the God’s wood, where you could be alone. She, as you did, looked around the trees and found it beautiful
“Have you been to Winterfell before?”, you asked, and she nodded
“A couple of times, many years ago”, she whispered, you nodded. you both sat by the heart tree, in one of his thick branches
“My sweet niece, are you sure this is what you want?”, she asked, and you, without even questioning, nodded enthusiastically
“I like the North, I like it here, this is what uncle Viserys had wanted”, you muttered, “the council had the idea to betrothe me to Lord Stark, and, I know him since I was ten”, you muttered, and she smiled warmly
“I’m glad, it is a good match, he will take care of you”, she said with a shy smile, arranging a wild lock of hair behind your ear
“I’m going to be happy”, you assured her, even though Cregan was not in it yet, you knew he was going to melt eventually.And she nodded, believing it
“You know what to expect, right?”, she asked, changing the subject, “of your wedding night?”, she asked then
“I’m supposed to give myself up to Cregan”, you muttered shyly, “he is supposed to give me his seed and I’m supposed to give him heirs”, she sighed
“Not the shit the Septas teach you”, she chided, and you blushed scandalously and shook your head. “The real thing…”
“I heard some maids talking about it…back in King’s Landing”
“Sex”, she said
“Sex…”, you whispered, “one of them said she had done it with a stable boy and his…”
“Was big and it hurt so much, he made her bleed”, you told her
“In the first time it will be blood”, she said gently, “and it will hurt, but… if he is gentle it won’t hurt that much, if he is gentle and giving it will give you great pleasure”, she explained, you nodded, not quite convinced. She leaned in and pushed you gently, making you smile, “sex is a great way to a man’s heart”, she whispered in your ear, “it will make him and most importantly, it will make you happy”, she said like it was the greatest secret of all
“sounds really nice”, you admitted, with cheeks red of embarrassment 
“remember what I’m telling you”, she muttered with a complicit smile, “sex is the safest and quickest way to a man’s heart”
“Do you think he’ll… like me?”, you asked wide eyed, and worried.
“Oh honey”, she whispered, “he had no obligation to say yes, he did for a reason, and trust me, he wouldn’t have if you didn’t look like this”, she said, winking, and you smiled widely. 
You both shared a comfortable minute in silence, your wedding was set to be in two days time, lords and ladies already arriving from far corners of the North, you had met so many people you couldn’t quite remember all of their names.
But Cregan Stark himself appeared in the God’s Wood, certainly looking for the last visit who came in a dragon, certainly scaring, again, all of his people. Who weren’t used to the flying creatures as the population of King’s Landing.
“Princess Rhaenys”, he greeted, and your dear aunt nodded
“Lord Cregan Stark”
“We were not expecting you”, he said seriously
“I received the letter from my naive, it was not an invitation but certainly, I had to make the journey to be with her the day of her wedding, wouldn’t you think?”, she asked, and he, with a new found respect on his eyes, nodded, his eyes wouldn’t leave hers
“I agree, the family of my bride should be there for her”, he said and then his eyes found you and a hint of a smile on his lips, “I’m glad she has at least one of the members of her family, shall we expect Lord Corlys?”
“No, just me”, she said
“We will have a room prepared”, he said firmly. It was like the faceoff of two alpha, an alpha wolf, and an alpha dragon. And it looked like they respected each other
“I know it isn’t customary for a woman to be a part of the Old Gods marriage ceremony, but I, as the closest kin, her aunt, I will give her away”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way”, he said firmly, “the old gods do not discriminate, kin is kin, blood is blood”
“Good”, she said.
You were glad to have your aunt there. 
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@severewobblerlightdragon @missusnora @stargaryenx @poppyreader @chainsawsangel @court-jester-stuff @batprincess1013 @eddiepicker @lyannesworld @arujee
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ellewritesalright · 11 months
Second Best - Part 1
Nikolai Lantsov x reader
Part 2 - Part 3
A/N: Look, am I starting a new series when I haven't finished nly? Yes, I am. And I would proudly do it again because this story has been in my drafts for so long and I want yall to see it. Hope it's coherent enough :) also, I gave the mc reader a last name :)
Synopsis: When you were a child, the Lantsov king and queen arranged for their second son to marry you, a rich Ravkan noble family's only daughter. After many years, after all the destruction of the war, and after Nikolai was crowned king, Nikolai breaks off the engagement. But the complications of your past and your strict parents make it a nightmare to find a new fiance, so Nikolai promises to help you, yet he slowly realizes the mistake he's made.
Warnings: strict and mean parents, very slight self-image issues because of said parents, kinda confusing and purposefully ambiguous details that will be important later in the story (bear with me please)
Word Count: 1700
It was going to be a very important day, your mother had said. She sat in the corner of the room as a gaggle of maids did you up. Everything needed to be perfect for your meeting with the new king of Ravka. After all, he was your fiance, but there were rumours that he did not wish to marry you.
The engagement was made when you were both children and he was only supposed to be a prince, but now circumstances had changed and he was king of a fractured nation. He would need to marry for the good of Ravka, so a political match would be much more beneficial. You wouldn't blame him if he chose to marry a foreign princess or noblewoman, but your parents insisted that you would be the future queen of Ravka.
"Stop fidgeting," your mother commanded. You straightened out, averting your stare as you mumbled an apology.
It was cold outside the front door of your parents' home in Os Alta. Goosebumps had broken out on your skin and you struggled to not rub some warmth into them. All you could do was wait for the king to arrive. He was more than ten minutes late, but your father had insisted that you all remain standing at the entrance until Nikolai arrived. 
As you heard carriage wheels in the street you swore you could leap with joy that you would soon be allowed inside again, but you stayed perfectly poised. The royal carriage swung around the corner and you felt your heartbeat pick up, kicking into double-time. You pitied any nearby heartrenders, for the thumping must have been utterly annoying; but you came about it honestly.
There was always a fear in the back of your mind that you would be found out. Someone would discover your family secret and you would be exiled from respectable society before you could marry your Lantsov fiance. But you couldn't worry about that now, not when the carriage had stopped and the king was getting out.
If you had been worried about the cold earlier, it was now the farthest thing from your mind. King Nikolai's stare was enough to make your face heat up, and you thought you might burst into flames without a moment's notice as you curtsied to him. He still looked a little like the boy in your faded memory of him, the boy that you met when you were twelve and he was fourteen. He had a boyish countenance, a light-hearted look to him as he stepped out of his carriage.
You were prepared for a bit more resemblance to his older brother, but he was comparatively more handsome than Vasily ever was. His smile was charming and warm, not greasy or snide as his brother's had been; he had a stronger chin than his brother, and really just a better bone structure in general. But perhaps the lack of similarity between him and his brother gave credence to the rumours of his lineage. You often wondered if people thought that way about the differences between you and your parents.
Whatever the case, you were too conscious of the way he didn't offer you his arm as the four of you entered the house to care about any of that. In Ravka it was common for engaged couples to do that sort of thing, even when they were practically strangers, so it seemed the whispers of his detachment from you had some truth.
You settled in the drawing room where tea was presented to the four of you. Mere minutes of small talk passed before your father broached the topic of the engagement. He set down his cup and saucer, leaning back in his seat as he stared at the king. Nikolai had just told an anecdote about the tiring details from his coronation several months ago and your father was ready to pounce.
"I suppose the wedding will be as much of a headache to plan, but this time you'll have my daughter to shoulder some of the weight," he said, a cheerful air to his voice despite the trap he just laid.
"Lord Antonov," Nikolai smiled politely, "I don't suppose you've heard any news from my father or mother."
Your father shook his head, a confused twitch in his brow.
"They were the ones to arrange this marriage, but, as it is, they are not around to see it through. They approved the match back when I was a boy and my father was still king." Here it was. The rumours were about to be verified. Nikolai kept on, "Things have changed since then; I am no longer a boy, and my father is no longer king, so you will forgive me if I would like to drop the agreement that my parents made you many years ago."
"Promises and plans were made, your highness, and they cannot be easily undone--"
"And yet they must be undone." Nikolai levelled your father with a heavy stare. "Ravka needs strong diplomatic ties, and I believe that one of the best options to achieve this is through marriage. I cannot sacrifice the good of this country for an old arrangement made by a party that is no longer in power."
"But what will my daughter do?" Your mother piped up. "She'll have to find a new suitor, but who would want her now that she gets older?"
As much as you would have liked to say that her words did not affect you, you couldn't deny their sting. To your parents, all that their daughter–their only child–had ever been was a bartering chip for well-born men to marry and continue their noble lines, and it showed in your mother's primary concern. If you weren't young, you weren't beautiful, and if you weren't beautiful, who would dare marry you? 
Nikolai nearly laughed. "She is twenty, that is not old. And if you're so concerned that she needs to be married, I will see to it that she finds someone suitable. I know enough barons and marquises who would be glad to marry her."
"For centuries we Antonovs have dedicated our lives--our entire estate--to this country and the Lantsovs, and this is how we are to be repaid?" Your father narrowed his stare. "Have you no honour? That you would go back on your word--some king you are."
If your mother's superficial worries weren't enough to make Nikolai rethink the marriage, insults from your father definitely wouldn't change his mind.
"Father," you gasped as a sorry attempt at admonishment. When you felt eyes on you, you couldn't help but speak, even if your parents wouldn't like what you were going to say. "You should consider the importance of his highness' role in Ravka. If our country needs a political marriage to strengthen diplomatic ties, then perhaps it is for the best that we sever the arrangement you made with the former king."
"My daughter doesn't know what she's saying, your highness," your mother tried to backtrack, but you weren't having it. You'd be in deep shit with them for that first comment, and you figured you should continue since they were already angry.
"If you two are as patriotic as you often say then you would understand that the good of your country comes first. If the king asks you to forgo an old agreement, you should forgo it."
"There you have it," Nikolai said. "The two most important voices in this conversation have spoken." He stood and looked at you. "I must be going now, but perhaps could you walk me out, my lady?"
You stood and set aside your tea, eager to be out of the room. In the hall, you caught Nikolai staring at you. He smiled, looking forward.
"You handled that well," he said.
"I should hope so." You glanced at him. "Like you, I was educated at Ketterdam University where most of my classmates were hog-headed boys who went on and on about the most insignificant topics. I found the best way to assert my voice in the classroom was through a light shaming of those who couldn't figure out when to shut up."
"Very effective," Nikolai remarked, his eyes alight. "What did you study at school?"
"Economics for the most part, but there was also advanced physics as well as debate classes."
"You must have made quite the student." There was approval in his voice.
You held back a proud grin. Men are frightened by smart women, your mother often said. She maintained that you must hold back your brains until after you had a ring on your finger, but because you weren't marrying him, you didn't see the need to hide your intellect. You straightened out and replied, "I was always top of my class."
When you reached the front door Nikolai fastened his jacket and turned to you with a conciliatory smile. "I hope I haven't bent your parents too out of shape."
"They'll get over themselves." But you weren't too certain of your words. You amended, "They'll have to."
"I meant what I told your mother," he said. "I can help you find a fiance. Though I'm sure you wouldn't have difficulty finding one on your own."
You chuckled. "Yes, undoubtedly my mother is already scheming to entrap the next richest bachelor in Ravka into a marriage."
"That's not what I meant." At your quizzical brow, he smiled and fixed the cuffs of his coat. "I only meant to say that you're highly intelligent and quite beautiful. Anyone would be lucky to marry you."
You dared to look away from his hazel eyes, tracing the gold frame of a portrait as you quickly dispelled the heat from your face. When you looked back he was trying to hide a smug smile that told you he knew exactly what game he was playing at. 
"You've scrapped our engagement, and yet now you're flirting with me," you observed with a tsk. "Are you always this contradictory?"
"When the mood strikes me," he said. "Now, it has been a pleasure but I must be getting back to the palace."
You parted ways with a handshake, Nikolai returning home and leaving you to face two very upset nobles.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Feel free to like, reblog, and comment if you want to read more, I really appreciate the feedback! If you want to be tagged in the other parts of this series or to be added to the Nikolai taglist please comment on this part or send me an ask. Otherwise, I hope you have a great day/night :)
Part 2
Nikolai Taglist: @notoakay
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coralinnii · 2 years
Hello, may I please ask for part 2 for Malleus in that isekaid villainess au? Heacanons please
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"If you are a villain, then let me be your accomplice" 
feat: Malleus
genre: hurt/comfort?, romance
note: sequel to “being reincarnated into a new world as the bad guy”, roughly 1.5k word count
I hear you simps. I had an idea for an interaction with the heroine but the post got kinda long so I stopped here.
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The past few weeks felt like a roller-coaster. You were pushed, pulled, and blindsided by the amount of things that were happening simultaneously. 
Firstly, you had to deal with the sudden proposal your family received for you, literally on the day you just had your previous engagement annulled. 
Secondly, your family had to deal with the accusations of treason from multiple families, which suspiciously included the families of the capture targets. 
Thirdly but probably the most concerning, your precious pen-pal and the man who sent the proposal was the Dragon King and hidden capture target of the game you were reincarnated into, Malleus Draconia. And he keeps appearing by your house to receive the answer you refuse to give yet. 
“Are you upset that I am the Dragon King, dear human? Do you hate me?” 
Screw him and his sulking figure right now. How does a Dragon King be so good at pouting?
After everything that has happened, you wanted nothing to do with the main protagonist and her harem and with Malleus being a capture target, he was just as liable to betray you like everyone else did. Your heart couldn’t bear any more. 
You were scared, which was why you attempted to distance yourself from him with logical reasoning. You tried to convince him that marrying you was too socially damaging. 
“So long as my family is suspected of treason, I cannot in good conscious marry you, Belle- King Malleus”
“Oh, is that all?” And with that, Malleus left leaving you confused. What did that mean?
Apparently that meant that Malleus had a mission to destroy what stood in the way of his beloved. Within a week, he and his aids searched for foul play regarding the accusations and soon found what he was looking for. The offenders responsible were arrested and sent to the imperial family in secret. He found something interesting but thought it would be better to hold onto this trump card for a bit. 
Thus, the accusations were dropped and your family was joyous over the news. And so was Malleus, albeit for different reasons. 
“What say you now, dear human?” 
“P-Please distance yourself, King Malleus!” 
Malleus was persistent and determined to woo you the human way if he must. With the advice he received from Lilia (poor choice, really), he attempts to win your hand in marriage. 
“My young Malleus, before humans marry, they tend to court each other first” 
And so he did. He would bring you expensive gifts and take you to “dates” (walks around his extravagant gardens count, right?) 
“King Malleus, please-“ 
“Call me by my pet name, dear. I believe humans call their lovers by terms of endearment” 
“That's beside the point! P-Please step back!” 
“But Lilia reported that humans are fond of physical contact and close embraces? In addition, you were fond of holding my hand when we first met”
Still, despite all of your fears, Malleus found his way into your heart and you chose to trust him despite his position as a capture target, against your better judgement. 
Which was why you chose him to come with you to meet them again. 
“They truly have no shame” your father seethed as your house received an invitation with the imperial seal on it, an invitation to a ball celebrating the new engagement of the prince. Your mother held you in a comforting embrace but she wore a look of great distress and rightfully so. Because it was sent as a royal invitation, to refuse is to insult the imperial house and your family was already in hot waters. 
“Sweetie” your mother spoke to you worriedly to which you tried to smile to ease her worries. You weren’t happy but you knew what you had to do. 
Luckily, Lilia heard of your predicament and offered a solution. 
“Dear, a human’s greatest arsenal could be those they have bonds with” the wise viscount hinted. “I’m sure my King would be more than happy to accompany you” 
Which brought you to where you were now, with Malleus offering a hand to you as you walked towards the castle you used to be so acquainted with. 
You were quite a sight to those attending the ball, the jilted former princess candidate being escorted by one of the most powerful beings in the land. Being unable to bear their piercing stares, you started to put focus on keeping pace with your partner, tightening your hold on his arm which you realized were rather built and firm. You knew Malleus to be lean based on his game design but the feel of his arms had your mind wandering slightly if he’s more muscular than you thought. Was he this firm everywhere else? 
“Dear human, are you alright? You seem deep in thought” 
Your body flushed with embarrassment as you got caught drifting too deeply in your thoughts. You released your hold on Malleus and stepped away a little to cool down before the draconian man realized. Luckily, he seems none the wiser. 
“So you chose to come afterall” 
You flinched at the voice. You dreaded your instincts to be true but it turned out to be so. It was the prince, accompanied by his closest companions and the star of the ball, the heroine. 
Swallowing your nerves, you bowed as expected towards the royal family. “As a loyal servant of the royal family, it is my duty to respond to the invitation” 
However, the prince scoffed at your figure. “Even when you and your family's disgraced themselves, you call yourself loyal?” 
You held back your tears but it was difficult when you could feel the heavy weight of disgust the prince held for you. Once upon a time, he was your dearest childhood friend and you thought the years the two of you spent together meant something to him. Sadly, it must have been one-sided on your part. 
However, as heavy as that disgust, it was getting overwhelmed by the aura of something else. The growing anger coming from next to you. 
“Young prince” your partner spoke in a warning tone, narrowing his striking green eyes. “I recall the misunderstanding was resolved and the true perpetrators were apprehended by the imperial knights” 
The prince was quick to silence himself and avoided your eyes which hinted he was already aware of the arrest. 
"Your anger towards my partner seems to be misguided, despite the knowledge of the true situation. Quite unbecoming for a future ruler, I must say"
Malleus continued to stare down at the shaking royal heir and let out a disappointed sigh. 
“I cannot blame you, however” Malleus said which surprised both the prince and you. 
The powerful fae, with gentleness contradictory to his reputation, held your hand in his. He brought your hand closer to his lips, bringing your attention, and the attention of others, to the tall man. You felt your heart jump as he smiled at you before speaking once again.
“I’ve come to understand the feeling of anger for the sake of others and the desire to protect those dear to you” 
Your nerves returned tenfold as your heart was beating to the point you were nervous to think if all of the surrounding attendants was able to hear it. 
Although his green eyes were soft when holding your gaze, it was quick to harden when he turned to stare down at the prince and his associates. 
“But I suggest you tread carefully, young prince,” Malleus daringly warned the capture targets. “In my investigation regarding the accusations against my dear’s family, I came across something curious” 
With that, the intimidating king took a step closer and leaned slightly forward, closer to the nervous prince but still situated in a way that seemed to look down at the prince. 
“The families that reported the treason were in one way or another connected to that woman of yours, which begs the question if these false accusations were done for her benefit” 
The prince froze and glanced at his new lover, who looked as worried as he did. No matter the power the heroine and the prince may hold, that kind of conspiracy would damage the heroine’s reputation as well as the prince and his associates who were quick to condemn your family due to these accusations. If it turned out that underhanded methods may have been used to dirty your name then…high society and the kingdom would be in an uproar. 
And Malleus was counting on that. 
“So…” Malleus' deep voice broke through the prince’s mental spiral. “I do hope you choose wisely before ever trying to interact with my precious one again”
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marvelita85 · 10 months
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The king was death and queen Rhaenyra asended the throne, obviously the greens meaning Alicent and Otto thought the only reason they weren't dead by her hand was you, her daughter, being bethroded to Alicent son prince Aemond, bedrothal the late king Viserys claimed for the union of both families
You were turning 7 and 10 and as your nameday aproched your wedding with your uncle also did
You were close growing up, so close you did everything together, you even took him to fly on your own dragon when he havent claimed Vaghar yet, you both loved eachother but then Luke took his eye in the Drifmark incident and everything changed, letters stoped from his part altogether and after a year sending them you stoped too, you cried in your mother's arms long nights not understanding why Aemond stoped being your friend, Rhaenyra was hurtting looking at you in so much pain, she sent a letter to the king and Viserys decided to bethroded them, because he believed Aemond still felt love for you but you werent so sure anymore, his eye was so cold, and full of resentment towars your brothers and you
The night before the wedding there was a dinner only the family was present, Rhaenyra and Daemon ,Alicent was invited but not the former hand, Rhaenyra saw the looks between her brother and her daughter, all the nights you cried because of him and still the look of his eye looking at you always was softer than for the rest of Rhaenyra's children
You got out to the private gardens and close your eyes tried to breath in and out calming your nervs to tried to struck Aegon with your fork over dinner, the thought only made you smile
- to this hour tomorrow we are going to be married...-the voice made you started a little but you look who was talking and smile a little
- you are going to be mine... and I yours... why are you marrying me? Why did you say yes to our engagment
- what do you mean?
- you never wrote me back... after Driftmark you not only hated my brothers but also me
- I dont hate you... I woulnt be able to marry you if i did
- then why you never wrote me back?....
- what?
- i wrote you for a whole year before I realised you hated me and blame me for what happened to you, so I stoped sending them but I couldn't stop writing to you...
- I never recived any letter...
- I'm sure your grandfather and mother were very intrested in you not to get them
- I thought you abandoned me...
- you were my best friend Aemond... I never have wanted to walk out of your life... will be always like this then.... from now on we will be strangers doom to a loveless marriage
- it wouldnt be loveless... - yours eyes looked at him softening conciderably - despite what you might believe... I...
- Aem.... please...
- I still love you - you hold his hand creating an ancor for yourself, you needed those words coming from him - Im so sorry about the letters....
- I still have the ones I didnt send... it's silly
- no is not... I would like to read some if you let me - you couldnt help to hug him presing your bodies together, Aemond's arms went around you hugging as tight and close his eye presing his cheek into your blonde locks, there, only the godswood tree as their witness Aemond swore to protect you until his last breath and never let anyone else between them
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