#snow elemental
dndcreaturesinfo · 1 year
Snow Elemental
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stil-lindigo · 10 months
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ashes to ashes.
a short comic about the day Ash was born.
Ash's story
Red and Wolf's story
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all my other comics
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groenendaze · 4 months
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there is something so rewarding about having the perfect weather and the perfect dog to get the exact photo you pictured in your head
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Randomly thinking about grrm’s deconstruction of knighthood in asoiaf and how ironic it is that the Night’s Watch - an organization known to be half full of murderers, rapists, thieves, and all sorts of criminals - is essentially in charge of defending all of humanity when shit hits the fan. Like westeros just scrambled ‘the lowest of the low’ together into a penal colony in the far north and is totally fine depending on them for their survival; though tbf, i guess part of it has to do with expecting these societal ‘others’ to give their not so valuable lives for the good of the realm, who really cares if they live or die because they’re out of sight and out of mind. And it’s kinda funny too when we factor in the kingsguard because it’s a far more respected institution than the NW presently, but it too has its fair share of monsters. Quite a few men of the kingsguard have been morally bankrupt individuals, and we even see how the men of the KG sometimes forget other people they should be responsible for because their one priority is the king (we see what happens when you put the people of the realm first and then are ostracized by it a la Jaime tho there’s more to it). Missing the forest for the tree is something both institutions share, making them quite similar. So it’s interesting how grrm flips the fantasy classic of the black knight vs the white knight. The black knight is often anti-heroic, if not straight up villainous, and is often made to be diametrically opposed to the valiant and ever good white knight. But asoiaf has white and black knights both be shown of great virtue and great vice. The white knights in this story really are no better than the black knights. I’d love to see how these two entities could intersect, i.e., what happens when a white knight eventually changes his cloak for a black one (*cough* Jaime *cough*) and how that falls into grrm’s deconstruction of the romance of chivalry, the extent of personal heroism, and perceived knightly virtue. Welp I don’t even know what point I’m trying to make anymore, I just wanted to talk about the KG and the NW because they’re really cool.
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If I had a nickel for every time a great movie with an amazing message
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Got box office bombed because of god-awful marketing
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I’d have 2 nickels! Which isn’t a lot but, strange that it happened twice right???
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ministarfruit · 5 months
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ice king vs fire prince
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a-dream-seeking-light · 4 months
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Nishinippori under the snow by Marco S. Nobile (aresio on flickr)
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polly-wifu · 1 year
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Okay so I just watched the new elemental movie and it made me realize something very interesting
Now, I'm not going to get into the plot or the side stories or the fact that movie is just OBSESSED with everyone's dad
What I'm here to talk about it the fact that this movie actually has the 2 main characters utter the words "I love you" to eachother and that got me thinking
I have NEVER once heard the love interests in a disney movie say those words. Like- NOT ONCE- Seriously!
Rapunzel and Flynn: Never said it just got married
Cinderella and the Prince: Never said it, just got married
Jasmine and Aladdin: Never said it, just got married (I have since been corrected!)
Sleeping beauty: Girly is literally in a coma for most of the movie
Snow white and Prince: Guy kisses a 12 year old's corpse, gets married to her and never says a word
And then there are the cases where one of them says it but they never once say it to eachother
Beauty and the beast: Belle says it while her man is literally dying, like–??? He says he loves her in a different scene but they don't say it to eachother
Ariel and Eric: She says she loves him to her father but Eric he never says it
Tiana and Naveen: She says she loves him he never says it back (he says he loves her in a different scene when she isn't there)
Hercules and Meg: Meg had a whole ass song about it but they never said it to eachother
And there's a bajillion other examples
This was just like a total culture shock to me. It's actually incredible that almost all the disney movies, which center around love and couples, never have the two characters who are MEANT TO BE TOGETHER say even a single "love ya shawty" "Aww radical, love ya too bb"
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richs-pics · 6 months
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Ancestral ghosts
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godbirdart · 1 year
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「 outfit reference commission for Cerurulean 」❄️
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romancemedia · 11 months
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Anime Romances + Bridal Style Carry
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aimeekb · 9 months
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Missing the wintertime and missing Canada🇨🇦
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This isn’t really a fully formed thought or anything. But it’s interesting how Sansa, Jon, and Lyanna specifically factor into one of GRRM’s greater explorations on the merits of fantasy. More specifically, there is a common trope that connects these three characters: a princess locked in a tower transforming into a valiant knight/hero. Lyanna and Jon, for starters, are pretty obvious explorations of this. Lyanna is the reconstructed version of this classic trope especially as presented through Arthurian tradition; but the twist here is that the dragon/knight who “locks” her in the tower isn’t actually evil and she isn’t so much kidnapped but rather willingly chooses to go there with him. This princess in a tower directly results in the birth of the hidden prince trope, which is even older than Arthur. So one fantasy classic, Rhaegar and Lyanna, leads to another with Jon being Arthur (a hidden prince and destined king), Percival (a hero who grows up in obscurity but has a great destiny to save the land), and Galahad (a noble hero destined to be even greater than his father, Rhaegar/Lancelot, ever was) all at once.
This princess dies in the tower…but her spirit/ghost lives on through her son, who grows up to look and act just like her, eventually becoming the valiant hero you read in the stories (but again, a de/reconstructed version). Part of how Jon does this is by repeating Lyanna’s actions as the valiant “knight” protecting an innocent from bullies. So by making it out of that tower even though his mother didn’t, Jon becomes the survival and rebirth of the fantasy ideal. You could even make the argument that just because Lyanna died doesn’t mean fantasy died as well because it lives on through Jon, her son. And this is actually is aided by Lyanna’s pleading for her son’s life, so she has some agency in how fantasy is preserved in the same way she had agency in how it’s perpetuated when she protected Howland Reed and when she ran off with Rhaegar. The princess living on and becoming the hero/knight in the stories is thus taken on by two characters here: Lyanna and Jon, mother and son. Jon goes even further into the Arthurian-knight playbook by encountering and eventually killing another vicious bully, Janos Slynt, who was coincidentally had a hand in his father’s demise. Then enter princess in the tower 2.0, Sansa Stark.
Sansa is an interesting case because she’s not martial in the way Lyanna and Jon are. But she too encounters her fair share of knights and villains. Janos Slynt is one of them, and Littlefinger will be another. I’ve talked about this before but Jon becoming the valiant hero Sansa wished for is important because it directly plays into GRRM’s reconstruction and (imo) defense of the ideals of fantasy. It’s not so much that heroes don’t exist - they actually do. They just might be far away, or might be the ones you’d never expect. This is the opposite of the “fantasy is dead, stop believing because everything sucks” reading you might see in some sections of the fandom. This moment may not end up meaning much for Jon and Sansa and their relationship, but it means a lot to us readers who are audiences of GRRM’s conversations with the genre and his arguments for its appeal. But that’s not the only interesting thing because Sansa, unlike Lyanna, does eventually make it out of the tower. But she’s currently in the hands of Littlefinger who, like Janos Slynt, was a villain responsible for her father’s demise. In this scenario, will she have to wait for a valiant hero to come take care of him again? Or will she instead don the knight’s armor (figuratively) by enacting justice in her own right? Based on the GoHH’s prophecy, it looks like it will be the latter; and it’s important to note how often “armor” as a motif is repeated in Sansa’s chapters. Thus, the princess evolving into the hero is told through the arc of a singular character here. Sansa is the princess who makes it out of the tower to become a hero of her own making; important disclaimer though, Littlefinger doesn’t really play into the elements of knighthood but he does count as an evil lord holding a princess hostage so Sansa can still be a subversion of the knight rescuing the maiden - the lesson being that she is her own knight, her own salvation!
It’s a very powerful meta-textual thread that exists between these three characters. They all fit into a wider narrative about fantasy and how it can live on, whether played straight or twisted a little crooked. So Sansa doesn’t have to be an overt in-universe parallel to Lyanna because that’s just not her role in the story. And I personally don’t think any “similarities” they have are actually important to Sansa as a person or to Jon because let’s face it, Lyanna’s primary (and most important) role is to be Jon’s mother and everything else informs on that. But both these women (and Jon) can be meta twinsies based on how they fit into GRRM’s wider narrative goals.
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moondancer71 · 6 months
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The Spirit of Christmas | a Jonerys Christmas one-shot
Summary: With a promotion at stake, Dany must secure an appraisal for a historical inn before the New Year. The only problem is the ghost who occupies the inn during the twelve days before Christmas won’t let that happen.
“The door was open,” Dany explained, even though she lacked the need for an invitation as this was a business and not a residential property. 
“It wasn't,” the man countered, lips pressed in a thin line. “I’m actually in the middle of closing the inn down for the holidays.” 
Dany furrowed her brow. “Closing? Isn’t this the high season?” She looked around and saw that the inn lacked Christmas decorations. 
“Tradition.” He took the picture from her hands and returned it to its spot on the mantel. “I’m Davos Seaworth, the innkeeper.” He extended his hand to her. “You must be Ms. Targaryen from Manderly and Hornwood Law Firm.” 
Dany returned Davos’s handshake. “Please call me Dany. Yes, I’m here for the property appraisal.” 
Davos scrubbed a hand across his beard. “Yes, Mr. Tarly arrived early and…he left early.” 
“Yes, I saw him leave. Did something happen?” 
Davos shrugged. “It’s probably the ghost. Jon has never harmed anyone, but every once in a while he does like to assert himself.” 
“Jon.” Dany snorted. “You’re on a first name basis with the ghost?”
Read the complete fic on AO3. Thank you @arielchelby for beta reading and the encouragement! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🎁🎄
Ice and Fire Jonerys Discord
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corromon · 1 year
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Sometimes creativity begets hubris.
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pango-doots · 3 months
As a marine biology hobbyist I ADORE the fact that all the spire denizens are planktons. Please enjoy some funky fellows:
crab zoea
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young medusa-stage jellyfish (same life stage as the familiar jellies in Inkopolis and Splatsville, presumably fresh off the ephyra stage of growth)
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amphipod or lobster larva
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a young pteropod, most likely (sea angels are part of this group!)
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I think this weird-horse-looking one is supposed to be an oceanic water flea? I'm the most stumped on this dude
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And of course our lucifer shrimp Cipher!
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Now I can't find any photos online, but throughout various levels of Side Order I also noticed jellyfish ephyra and polyps, and nematodes or perhaps larval flatworms? Even baby cephalopods are considered plankton! (iykyk)
Plankton are often the most basic trophic level in marine environments, providing stability and order to the ecosystem; if there's an imbalance in their population, that causes a butterfly effect among many other types of sealife. They're the perfect choice for Marina's Memverse.
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