#snotty little turtle
kehideni · 2 years
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Yeahhhh your issue here is what it cost you to get the result, Leo.
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 8 months
“Daddy, can we keep the turtle?”
One lazy Sunday afternoon, the family decided to spend the day outside. You were tending to your garden with while Brooklyn and Aaliyah played on their swing set and Jack was lounging on the patio in the shade. You giggled to yourself as you heard quiet snores coming from Jack, already asleep after laying down for not even five minutes.
"Brookie, look what I found!" Aaliyah ran over to her older sister, her hands clasped together. She opened them to reveal a small turtle, no bigger than her palm. "Do you think mama and daddy will let me keep him?"
Brooklyn shook her head, petting the turtle's shell. "You know daddy hates animals. He'll never say yes."
"If he says no, I'll start crying." Aaliyah giggled, looking over at Jack. She knew it would work, he could never say no to tears, it was his biggest weakness.
The girls walked over to Jack, standing over his sleeping body, the turtle hidden behind Aaliyah's back. Jack startled awake when he felt the girl's presence. He raked a hand down his face, squinting to look up at them.
"What are you two doing?" He mumbled, closing his eyes again.
"We have something we want to show you, Daddy." Brooklyn covered her mouth as she giggled, nervous for his reaction.
"What is it, baby?"
Aaliyah pulled her hand from behind her back. "Surprise!" Jack let out a guttural yell when he saw the turtle, jumping up from the couch. "What is that?!?" Jack stepped back in fear when Aaliyah got closer to him, holding out her hand.
"Don't take another step." He warned, shivering. He didn't like most animals, but he hated a reptiles the most. Everything from snakes to lizards terrified him.
"Its just a baby turtle, daddy. Its not gonna hurt you."
"First of all, you don't know that." He held out a finger. "Second, put it back where you got it from immediately."
"But Daddy!"
"Aaliyah Kennedy Harlow, put it back, now."
Knowing she was going to have to pull out all the stops, Aaliyah started crying on the spot. Brooklyn looked at her little sister in awe, wondering why she didn't get that gift.
"Please, please, Daddy, can we keep the turtle?" She pushed her bottom lip out in a pout to seal the deal. Brooklyn clapped her hands together, begging her father.
"No, we have enough pets in that house. You barely take care of the rabbit you were begging for last year. I won't tell you again, put it back where it belongs." Aaliyah was crying real tears at this point, upset at Jack's reaction.
"Come on Li Li, lets put him back." Brooklyn walked her little sister back to the edge of the backyard. "Turtles don't like living inside anyway, they prefer to live outside where they have lots of room." Brooklyn had just done a lesson on reptiles and school, and she hoped hearing that would make her sister feel better.
"They do?" Aaliyah asked, wiping her snotty nose with the back of her hand.
"Yep!" Brooklyn nodded, patting Aaliyah's back. "And I bet it has a family out here that it would miss if we kept it in the house."
"I don't wanna take it from its family." Aaliyah was starting to calm down. She let the turtle go, watching it crawl away.
"I know, you did a good thing by letting it go. Wanna go swing on the swings? I'll push you." Brooklyn helped her sister up, giving her a hug before they ran off to play.
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haute-pockette · 2 years
rottmnt turtle tot headanons
All the kids were very empathetic when they were little
If one started crying it often led to a chain reaction of all of them crying
Usually started with Donnie
If not Donnie then it was likely Mikey, they were two easiest to set off
Then Leo would get upset cause his twin was crying
Cue Baby Mikey who would start up cause he was confused and scared about his big brothers crying
Raph would try to calm them down and fix whatever was wrong but no one would be able to use their words about what was wrong
He’d then wind up wailing along alongside them when nothing worked
Splinter would panic at first cause so much tears how do you even handle four crying toddlers?
But he learned to understand snotty sniffly toddler talk and would hurry to fix any boo-boos
That would slow down the waterworks but it usually took a snuggle pile and hot chocolate to calm them all down completely
Raph was the loudest cryer, he’d straight up scream
Donnie used to be a loud cryer too
He got quieter as he grew up, now he just silently fights back tears
Leo would mostly whimper and cling to his twin
Mikey was a very clingy, impossible to get him to let go until he calms down
Even after calming down he’ll still insist of comfort cuddles
Comfort cuddles often turned into Lou Jitsu movie marathons
They all went by their colors until a week or so after Mikey’s 7th birthday
Splinter got him a book about renaissance art that year
They all thought the names were super cool sounding and picked them out
Before that Donnie already changed his name once
When they were learning words and colors he declared he wanted to be Violet not Purple
Cause Purple isn’t in the rainbow like his brothers’ names and he wanted to match
He still answers to both but he prefers Violet
The old lair’s furniture all have half-chewed legs and corners from Raph’s teething days
Teething toys didn’t last long with his powerful jaw
Kong toys worked but Splinter would also got him things like sheep ears or bone chews
It wasn’t always about teething though, it was a comforting stim
Raph also loved lick mats covered in peanut butter
He’s very texture oriented
Back when Raph was closer in size to his brothers Mikey would climb on any of them
It’s only when Raph hit his growth spurt that everyone gravitated to climbing on his shell
Mikey was just clingy in general and loved to be close or in contact with his brothers
He tends to make the most turtle noises, mostly chirping happily and soft rumbling in his sleep almost like snores
Raph would rumble in his sleep too
Mikey doesn’t chirp as much any more but he still does it way more than his siblings
Donnie mostly hisses when frustrated
Leo is more likely to make turtle noises when he’s tired or not fully awake
Leo was always the most adventurous as a kid (hence grabbing fucking swords as his weapon when he was a toddler)
He usually had scraped knees and bruises from trying to explore or mimic Lou Jitsu stunts
Despite being the third oldest he considered himself the second oldest cause he was protective of his crybaby brothers
Considered it his job to keep his twin safe
That’s how he got into being the family medic, he wanted to be able to patch up and make his brothers better when Splinter couldn’t
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sunny-117 · 1 month
Here are the fun facts about me🥰✨️
I'm quite tall for my age. I'm 5'11 aka 180 cm
I'm very VERY clumsy. Like... my phone falls down so often I had to buy a lot of new ones because they broke of my clumsiness. Now I have a safety phone case😅
My first ever celebrity crush was Johnny Depp because I watched Pirates of the Caribbean the first time as I was 12 years old
My nickname as I was a lot younger was literally "pookie" or "blabbermouth"
I literally have so many fears. Especially of the dark and spiders. I also had a needle phobia but that is now OK because of the surgery I had
I had a surgery last year on my throat. It's very difficult to explain that but now I have a large scar on my throat
I can't see blood. Literally. I feel ill if I see it
If I'm comfortable around someone I get super giggly and talkative
I love to laugh
Here comes a description how my laugh sounds like: mostly silent laughter or squeaky laughter. But if I'm comfortable with someone there is also the tea kettle laugh or thr literally "HAHAHAHA"
My absolute favourite food is Pasta and lasagna 🥴
I'm an overthinker
I had braces for 6 years
I love to work as a volunteer. Especially if there are kids involved
I'm a picky eater
I wear what I want to wear. So I never go with a trend what's on social media or something like that. But I love comfortable clothes. Especially turtle necks
I am self ticklish🙈 also if I tickle myself with a feather or brush
So don't you dare to use the next fact against me🥴🫣 the ticklish places I know from myself are my hips, neck, shoulders, back, tummy, sides and knees/thighs. Oh and underarms
a funny thing was when I wasn't 18 yet, I was signing in to a contest where you had to be 18 but the... the woman who did the signing in thought I was already 18 because of my hight😂
Baby's are creepy for me. The way they stare at you it's just... really creepy
I am lactose intolerant but I love cheese🥹🫠
The ones that know me Irl see me with an "angry" or really serious resting face. But even if I look so serious I'm really nice 🥺
I never broke a bone before. Even if I am so clumsy
I don't know if that's a secret talent but I can role my r's. Most people can't do that so I guess it's a talent, right?
Music is one big part of my whole life. I love to sing, dance and listening to music
I cry when I laugh more then 2 minutes
Friends would describe me as: friendly, golden hearted and cuddle bear
Yes I really love to cuddle but I'm really touch starved :'(
I need to take medicin every day
My biggest pet peeve is when people walk slowly infront of me. Like... I have long legs so I need to walk faster then others do
I'm insecure about my body. For example because of stretch marks on my belly or thighs
I don't really like waiting. Like... patients is a no go for me🙈
My favorite colour is purple💜
Oh and I forgot that I sometimes snort if I laugh
I get attached to people very easily
My love language is physical touch
I live in chaos😅🙈
My favorite tickle fantasy is that I'm just cuddled and gently being tickled as I'm being cuddled. That would be so nice🥺🥹
I am very emotional. So I cry very easily
My favorite series of all time is vampire diaries, Supernatural and Sherlock
My favorite film of all time are Pirates of the Caribbean, the Lord of the rings and the hobbit
I'm very VERY shy if I meet new people. If it's irl or on the Internet. So I'm sorry if I don't answer dms or something not immediately
When I sneeze it's like one really loud and snotty sneeze or two a little quiet sneezes
My spirit animal is a cat or a sloth😂
I get tickled very rarely. I hope I get more tickles in the future.
I don't know why but if I get tickled I kinda like it... don't use that fact against me🫣🥴
I whine... like literally
I can't really argue. So the other wins mostly an argument
One red flag about me which is really embarrassing to reveal now is that I get easily jealous. I know... its not good...
I'm single
I hate maths
My natural hair colour is blonde
I love drawing
I have one dimple on my left cheek
I'm a night owl.
I can't stand it If someone talks like... 3 hours about one topic
I'm addicted to ice tea. I love peach ice tea so much
Kids are really naughty if it comes to tickling. One short tickle story from last summer. We were eating on that event and it's so sweet that the kids are so eager if their attached to someone that they want to sit with them. So as we ate the two kids beside me asked me out of the blue: are you ticklish? I couldn't answer fast enough because they started tickling me
I love writing
And last but not least...
60. I wrote a love letter to a boy I've liked in school before but he never opened it...
Here you go guys. Have fun reading❤️
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nekupen · 1 year
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Our story starts in the year of our lord and savior 2005. The seniors at the DigiPen Institute of Technology have a simple-to-do (Citation needed) senior project: Make a video game. A group of 'em, Nuclear Monkey Software, decided to make a first person puzzle game called Narbacular Drop. What the hell does "Narbacular" mean? No idea, but it makes the game easy to look up. You play as Princess No-Knees. That's not her God given name (Thank God), she's just called that because she can't jump. She got trapped in a dungeon by a demon because she was late on the Hospital bill, but there's a twist - The dungeon's a sentient being called Wally, and he can create portals! And thankfully, Wally's benevolent enough to let you use that to your advantage.
The game is played uniquely from a first person perspective (Hold your applause. No, seriously, your hands will fall off and sewing them back on is not within budget). You place portals at the click of your mouse, two at a time. One has blue eyes, the other has orange. These portals are only allowed on a natural surface and won't work on artificial surfaces, like metal. There's also switches, lava turtles to help you cross that piping hot magma, and boulders that can crush you. That portal thing sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it? No? Good, it'd be REALLY bad if we got dragged kicking and screaming into court over this portal thing.
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Screenshot of Narbacular Drop
The game was shown at DigiPen's career fair. In the audience was one Robin Walker, who you might know as the person behind Ricochet. 
(Wait, he's NOT known for Ricochet?)
Sorry, what I meant to say was "Who you might know as one parent of the Team Fortress franchise". He thought the display of innovative puzzle design and disability representation was marvelous and contacted Nuclear Monkey Software, offering to show their work to fellow Valve employees. When they presented the game to Valve, jolly ol ' Saint Newell rose up from his dingy folding chair, spontaneously decided that the entire team was on the nice list, and gave them the gift of having jobs working at Valve Software. Two years later, the award-winning video game Portal was born!
[Please note that Narbacular Drop is responsible for the video game Portal and not responsible for the creation of the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, which was created in a pursuit of making shower curtains more hygienic.]
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Portal itself was sort of like a side project in the scheme of things. It had a measly ten people on board, which might not seem measly with all the solo, self-made indie devs out and about these days, but it wasn't the norm with Valve. And that's not to mention that Half-Life 2's episodes and Team Fortress 2 were in production as well. The small team resulted in a lot of design decisions geared towards smart allocation of resources. Need other characters in the narrative but don't want to model or animate another person? Make spherical robots! Don't want to make a bunch of new assets? Reuse some from another game! Want to justify the use of reusing assets from another game? Make them set in the same universe! The person behind that other universe will complain, but it's a net gain. It's enough to make a grown scientist cry. Except me. I'm too busy taking notes to cry.
Portal is also a REALLY good demonstration of Valve's usage of play tester feedback to determine what sticks and what doesn't, kind of like how we use test subjects to determine what's shippable and what should be destroyed and left to rot in a vault. You know that whole "narrative" thing? Well, that didn't really come up until the testers asked about it. The idea of having Advanced Knee Replacements to justify the lack of fall damage stems from the snotty little know-it-alls yakking about how weird it was that the protagonist was surviving falls that a man from our competing company couldn't. And let's not forget the Weighted Companion Cube, which was brought up to encourage players to bring a vital object with them to puzzles (A box in specific). It also ended up adding to the plot of the game, giving the player a revenge angle while also giving an idea as to what the final boss would play like.
It'd be foolish not to bring up how Portal released. You see, Portal was a part of Valve's "The Orange Box", a collection of older and brand new spanking new games: The older titles make up two of the games (And older is pushing it, they were still pretty young then), Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One. The new games were: Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. That's right, those folks at Valve dropped three big hitters on the same day, and they even made ports for the consoles of that generation! Except the Wii. You couldn't get any of these games working on the Wii if you got the finest minds from Aperture Science and the louts from Black Mesa working on it. But enough of all that, let's talk Portal!
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Portal puts you into the brain of Chell, a Aperture Science test subject that's been in stasis for quite a while.
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Our ever-so stubborn, orphaned, pudgy protagonist.
She finally wakes up but doesn't even get the chance to get her bearings, for a mysterious voice (GLaDOS, or Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System) starts yapping about testing! Enticed by the idea of receiving cake (Because who isn't a little famished from stasis?), she complies, and is introduced to portal technology! After getting through all 19 chambers, Chell is rewarded with a nice freshly cooked incinerator. But she's already lost her appetite by then, so she passes, and this annoys GLaDOS, ruining her already cracking guise as an apathetic emotionless robot. After traversing through the seedy unwashed parts of the labs, Chell finally gets face-to-face with GLaDOS, who, after having her morality core incinerated, tries to kill Chell with deadly neurotoxin.
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A Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System
Dying's not in her schedule, so Chell proceeds to destroy all of GLaDOS' cores, which causes the facility to blow up, leaving Chell and GLaDOS outside in the aftermath. But Chell, luckily, gets dragged back into the labs by the Party Escort Bot Luckily in a relative sense. better to die in the Aperture labs than to die in the Black Mesa-created hellhole outside.
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A still image of the ending
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Like the story, the gameplay itself is pretty simple, but it grows more layers over the course of the game. The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device is our pride and joy.
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The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (Or Portal Gun for short)
You place a blue portal, you place an orange portal. Neither specifically are an entrance or exit, whichever one you enter, you go out the other. The fun comes from the tests. A common application of the device is the use of momentum to gain the speed and height needed to reach an area. Or in the brilliantly put words of GLaDOS, "Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out". And you might be asking "What the heck's stopping me from just placing a portal where I need to go?". Well, there's various materials that are, in mild terms, absolutely awful as portal conductors, gray tiled floors and metal just to name the main culprits. And that's not to bring up the other part of the tests!
See those buttons? Those are our state-of-the-art 1500 Megawatt Aperture Science Heavy Duty Super-Colliding Super Buttons! They activate something if you press stand on them, but they won't stay pressed. That's what our Weighted Storage Cubes are for, and they come in Companion flavor too!
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1500 Megawatt Aperture Science Heavy Duty Super-Colliding Super Button and Weighted Storage Cube Demonstration (Cube and Button for short.)
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Your best friend, the Weighted Companion Cube
Generally, you'd want to watch out for all that filthy... Goo down there in the pits. We have no idea what it is or where it came from, but we do know that it's incredibly acidic and you'll probably die in 4 seconds flat.
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Goo Demonstration
Look out for our High Energy Pellets! You'll be atomized if you don't. Your job is to lead the pellets from the launchers into the portals with clever placement of Portal. Although the pellets fizzle out after a certain amount of time, as long as they keep going through a portal they'll stay active.
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High Energy Pellet Demonstration
You might be asking "What's that thin, blue field of particles in front of the elevator? That's our Aperture Science Material Emancipation Grill. It disintegrates unauthorized materials like the cubes, and while it won't disintegrate your portal gun, it'll snuff out your portals.
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Emancipation Grill Demonstration
And finally, there's our Turrets. It's all the matter of whoever gets the drop on who. To ensure relatability with children every turret comes with a child-like personality. And if the children wakes up and starts to cry after the turret guns down a home invader, it'll play a lullaby to placate the child!
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How to NOT deal with a Turret
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How to deal with a Turret
Want some extra challenge in the chambers? Try out the Challenge modes in the Bonus Maps! Don't think those make the chambers hard enough? Well why don't you try out our Advanced Chambers since you think you're such a death-defying acrobatic smartass?
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The Bonus Maps menu
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Speaking of smartasses, if you want more tests to go through then you can look to the internet, as smartasses all around the world have made their own map packs, which you can download you can install more bonus maps by importing any you’ve downloaded online into the game. Alternatively, some might be “sourcemods”, which you just place in the sourcemods folder (and if you don’t have one by default then you can simply make one yourself). Of course, it’d be silly if we didn’t bring up Portal: The Flash Version, notable in that it came out before the actual game itself did! It’s popular in its own right, having a lot of Portal’s obstacles, but its own puzzles which are presented in a 2D space. It was popular enough to spawn a map pack that has its levels and original obstacles put into the realm of mind blowing 3D!
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Portal: The Flash Version's menu
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So where is Portal now? Well, it has a sequel (which has its own set of mods and custom maps), some non-canon side games, a compilation with its sequel on Nintendo Switch, a RTX version, a appearance in a LEGO game, a GEICO commercial, a educational program, A LOT of sourcemods for that sequel released on Steam.. I’d say it’s in a good place right now. This has been a Aperture Science blogpost, and we thank you for reading all the way to the end. We hope to see you again soon!
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triple-asstro · 1 year
Salaì Chapter One
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word count: 2.2k
pairing: 2012!leo x reader
tags: double agents, casey jones is a little shit, meet-cute, eventual romance
summary: A new vigilante named Salaí has taken the streets of New York, sending an increase in missing and injured criminals. This seemingly new vigilante shocks the turtles in town and with the help of Reader, they try to figure out who this vigilante is. Surprise, its Reader, knowingly leading an investigation against themself. Hopefully, no one falls in love.
song: What You Waiting For? - Gwen Stefani
The Vigilante. 
The newest name ‘terrorizing’ New York, along with many others. As the broadcast from the TV echoed into the classroom, you barely kept your eyes awake; the bland yellow-coloured walls and blinding white lights singed your sight. Your teacher insisted on playing the news to end class off for a reason still unknown, but it was a unique closing to a three-PM class. Before you could blink, the bell rang throughout the classroom and sent everyone scrambling out of their seats and stuffing whatever they had on their desks into their backpacks. The sound drowned out the teacher warning everybody to be careful these next few weeks of October. As everyone poured out of the doors, you instead hung back until you could approach the teacher’s desk. 
“Mr. Jackson?” 
“Hm?” he muttered, removing his glasses and placing them down on his oak desk. 
“I was wondering when are getting our grades back on our paragraph essays?” you asked, fidgeting with your fingernails. 
“Oh, I haven’t gotten to grading those just yet, but I will promise to you I’ll get it done by the end of the week.” he chuckled. “I’m sure you did just fine. No need to worry.” 
“You’re sure?” 
“Of course, I’m sure you did just alright,” he said, as you slowly nodded and glanced towards the TV. “Are you worried about that vigilante?” 
“Uh, yeah. It’s worrying to know that it could hide anywhere.” 
“Well, you simply have to be careful. New York is a scary place to traverse through, especially during the night.” 
“Okay, I will,” you said, nodding towards him before walking through the doors. Navigating the long grey corridors was significantly easier when they’re aren’t millions of kids trying to push and shove to get to their next class before the dreaded second bell. You pushed the entrance doors open, breathing in the fresh autumn air and walking down the steps, auburn leaves crunching with every step you took. You walked towards your bike, parked against a single steel streetlight, and sped off into the city. New York isn’t exactly the cleanest of cities, but the way the air flowed through your ears and the occasional beautiful nature that you saw on your way home truly made it something you didn’t particularly want to part with. 
As you made a sharp right, passing by P.S. 001 Alfred E. Smith, you stopped at your house. It was a normal tan-bricked building with fire escapes decorating the front and circular windows with radiators that looked like they were going to fall out at any second. This was your home, on 9 Oliver Street. You walked up the steps and opened the door. 
The room still comprised the same black and white chequered floor and the everlasting scent of hand sanitiser and smoke. Passing by the snotty receptionist who had a gaze that could snipe eagles, thin brows that could count as toothpicks and a tiny button nose. Don’t let that appearance fool you, however, Ms. Bowley is the vilest person you’ve ever met in your life. With a mouth as foul as a sailor's and a snobby attitude, it’s best to keep your distance. 
You quickly got aboard your elevator and pressed your floor button, watching as the steel doors close with a clang and the elevator went up, up and up. As the elevator ascended, your mind wandered onto the broadcast shown on the TV. Has it gotten that bad? Were they really terrorizing New York? The news made it seem like they were murdering people but, that’s far from the truth, news reporters always dramatized the news. You nodded your head in concurrent as the elevator dinged. The doors opened to reveal a scrawny boy, possibly in his mid-teens, with scruffy black hair and two of his teeth missing. 
“Casey,” you annoyingly sighed. Casey was a kid that would get into loads of trouble, even unintentionally. It was hard to handle him and even more difficult to tolerate. 
“Hey, it’s my main dude!” 
“Your ‘main dude?’ Christ, when did you get out?” you chuckled, playfully shoving him before walking down the rundown hallway. 
“A few hours ago, felt a bit sick.” 
“Yeah, right ‘a bit sick’ Even I’m doubting that. How many times have you called out sick?” 
“Eh, I don’t know. I’m not really a math guy, more of a TV guy.” 
“You saw the TV broadcast too?” 
“Yeah, they’re totally overreacting. You have nothing to worry about, dude. Just have to be more careful, that’s all.” 
“I know, it’s just - oh never mind,” you said, waving your hand down and spotting a familiar red door. “Well, I’ve gotta go, someone actually has to do some math.” 
“Alright, ‘math guy’ See ya later!” Casey said, bidding farewell, and raced back down the hallway while you entered through the red door. With a thud, it slammed closed as you let out an exhausted sigh. The lights were all on again, its ugly yellow fluorescent lighting filling the room and shining the mono-yellow wallpaper. You kicked off your sneakers and trudged towards your room, your feet feeling the beige carpeting tickle your skin and when you finally got to your door, you closed it shut, leaning your forehead on it. 
Great, now your mind won’t get off the vigilante…
“Guys, we need to have a team meeting!” Leo exclaimed. Not one brother turned their head towards him. 
“Leo, this is the fifth team meeting we’ve had this week… If this is about your stupid TV show-” 
“No, this isn’t about that, and Space Heros is not a stupid TV show.” he declared, all of them begrudgingly trudging their way towards him near the TV, one of them having to be dragged there by his orange-coloured bandana. 
“Alright, what’s this about?” Raph remarked, crossing his arms across his plastron. 
“This,” Leo said, turning around and turning on the TV. 
Welcome, New York! Today’s going to be a sunny day with only a 7% chance of rain- 
“Uh, Leo, did you want to show us the weather forecast or?” Donnie inquired.
“Oh, wait-” Leo stammered, pressing a button on the remote, making the broadcast speed until it resumed again. 
Our top story this week, is a new vigilante possibly looming over New York? Recent sightings by neighbours living in Monroe Street report sights of an unknown figure speeding around buildings at night, getting into altercations with local civilians. 
It was like a speedy lil’ monster, and - and it had this black gas mask with colourful dots around its face, only showing its bloody eyes. Creepy fucking thing… It could be aliens for all we know!
With further reports of additional vigilantes parading at night, could this be a potential crime syndicate happening in our sacred town? Chelsea Cameron, Channel Six News. 
“Do you see what’s going on? We weren’t on patrol that night, so that means-” 
“Someone other than us is out there? Another vigilante?” Donnie asked. 
“No, I think it’s something worse. If this person is harming others, it could be another villain.”
“Woah, hero boy. First of all, we don’t know if this person is actually hurting others. For all we know, it could be the news making up a bunch of bullshit.” 
“Yeah, brah. We don’t know for sure.” 
“And what if we wait? So that they can harm another innocent civilian? No way, man. I’m going to patrol for it tonight.” 
“Tonight? Like tonight-tonight?” Mikey asked, Raph shooting him a look, a certain look that made him shut his mouth. 
“Yes, tonight. You’re all more than welcome to join.” 
As Leo walked away from the TV, his ocean-blue bandana flowing slightly in the air, the rest of the brothers discussed with varying levels of ambivalence. Of course, this was new, but for now, it didn’t seem like something to fuss over. But deep down, they knew that no matter how much convincing they tried, it wouldn’t budge Leo, the fearless leader he was.  
What is the kinetic energy of a bowling ball weighing 5.50 kg travelling 8.55 m/s? Ek = ½ mv2 Ek = ½ (5.50)(8.55)2 Ek = 201J
As the bowling ball tumbles down the lane, it slows down due to friction. At the end, the bowling ball is travelling at 8.37m/s. Calculate the kinetic energy.  Ek = ½ mv2 Ek = ½ (5.50)(8.37)2 Ek = 193J
Determine how much work was done by the bowling ball. WD = EK EK = 12m(vf2-vi2)   EK = 12(5.50)(1932- 2012) 
You kept tapping your pencil on the worksheet, racking your brain for any sense of direction. Fractions haven’t exactly been your strong suit, never have been and never were.  
“How do you times fractions with decimals again, Mr. Murakami?” 
“Oh, I don’t know. Math isn’t my strongest warrior,” he said, pouring the ramen broth into a bowl. The ravishing smell agitated your stomach. 
“It’s alright, Mr Murakami. I think I can figure this out,” you said, feeling a sudden realisation hit you as your pencil kept scribbling faster than ever before.
Determine how much work was done by the bowling ball. WD = EK EK = 12m(vf2-vi2)   EK = 12(5.50)(1932- 2012 )   EK = 12(5.50)(193-201) EK = -8J
Ha. You smiled to yourself in pride as you slammed your notebook shut, shoving it back into your bag. Seemingly in sync, he placed a bowl of appetizing ramen in front of you, practically begging you to devour it. 
“Thank you, Mr Murakami,” you said, slightly bowing your head down to him before slurping up the delicious noodles with a satisfied grin on your face. The warm broth filled your stomach with satisfaction, as it always did. Doing your homework here instead of in your room was more satisfying and more nutritious than the snacks you stored in your fridge. 
A crash echoed from behind Mr Murakami, near a door which lead to the back alley. Mr Murakami would only use that door to throw away any leftovers he had, with your help, of course. Racoons and rats frequented that back alley for food, but they would only make a small clamour, not an echoing racket. A lingering suspicion burrowed into your head, debating in your head whether to check it out. 
“You heard that Mr Murakami, right?” 
“Yes, perhaps the racoons brought more friends to eat.” 
“Right… Wait here, I’ll check it out,” you said, hopping off of the stool and approaching the backdoor. With a silent creak, you opened the door and peered into the New York night. The deep midnight blue filling the sky made it difficult to make out anything until you pulled out your phone, shining the flashlight towards the two dumpsters across from you. 
The light shone on a figure with broad shoulders and a wide back, tinted in fern green. It looked human, or the next best thing to one as it lay face-first on the pavement. If you were being completely honest, this was the most detailed cosplay you’ve ever seen in your life. Everything from the brown shoulder and elbow pads to the deep blue bandana. 
“Uh hello there, are you okay?” you awkwardly asked, the figure lifting his head and showing his light blue eyes. You widened your eyes in surprise, as he stood up and froze in shock. You both held eye contact for what felt like an eternity before you spoke up. 
“Woah, your cosplay looks awesome.” 
“Uh… what?” 
“Your ninja cosplay,” you stated, pointing towards his bandana, your other hand resting in your hoodie’s pocket. “I’ve never heard of a ‘ninja-turtle’ costume, but it’s ingenious. Massive props to you.” 
He chuckled, crossing his arms across his detailed plastron. “Thanks, that’s very kind of you.” 
“No problem. Also, if you need to eat something, you can just go to the restaurant. The gyoza there is cheap but good. You can even go in your cosplay if you want to.” you chuckled, stopping once you saw his solemn expression. “It’s a joke, don’t worry.” 
“Right. I’ve gotta go, but it was nice to meet you..?” 
“Y/N,” you said, reaching your hand out to shake his. His hand felt strangely scaly, but that just added to the amount of detail you were praising before. “Yours?”
“Leonardo, but my friends call me Leo.” 
“Okay, Leo. Have fun at your convention,” you said, as he ran away, disappearing in the blink of an eye. You sighed, observing the night sky and its beautiful specks of stars decorating it before you felt your watch buzzing. Looking at the face, you saw the clock light up: 23:00. Groaning, you rummaged through your bag before pulling out a black gas mask with bright pink, blue and yellow blobs decorating its visage. You strapped it across your face, tucking your hair away, only leaving a small section to drape down the eyes as you pulled your phone out of your pocket and set a timer for an hour. One hour of vigilantism and then you were done. 
As you heard the sirens echo from not so far away, a new idea popped into your head. A new name, the name that would ‘terrorize’ New York. It was perfect, simple and leagues better than ‘The Vigilante.’
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saga-project · 10 months
He hated this. Cain hated being sick. He hated that he'd shown his deepest, darkest fears to people who would inevitably take advantage of that. He hated that he was a snotty, coughing mess right now, with his head feeling like it was stuffed full of cotton and his limbs throbbing and his stomach completely unable to handle all but the most basic of solid foods.
Most importantly, he hated the little orange one (Mikey you imbecile Mikey) who was now doing his best impression of a mother hen on him, grinning menacingly every time Cain tried to sneak out of his sick bed and just go elsewhere. Feeding him snacks despite his protests that he didn't need food. Bundling him up in blankets and giving him medicine per the blue one's instructions and...generally being kind to him. Acting like this wasn't all just some ruse that was going to come slamming down on top of him at the soonest opportunity.
Cain had finally had enough. As the orange one bustled around him again, tucking at the blankets, he slapped at his hand, scowling even as the little box turtle gave an offended squawk. “Stop. Stop being so nice to me. Why are you being so nice. What do you want from me?”
The orange one (Mikey) gave him a confused look then, his brow furrowing. "Nothing! I just want you to.....feel at home here. 'S all. And stop trying to get up and move around when you're sick, dummy."
Oh, wasn't that a riot. “This isn’t my home. If it ever was.” The projection of himself had reminded him of that. Telling him that he was standing in the desecrated grave of someone else's life. Telling him that he was a cuckoo in the nest. A fraud. A replacement for someone better than him.
Little orange didn't seem to be paying attention, though. “—and I want you to feel like. Well. I just missed having a brother. Or, well. Another brother. So I want you to feel like you can be—“
And Cain saw red. He positively saw red.
He surged to his feet before he could stop himself, swaying dangerously but by some miracle managing to keep himself upright as he bared his teeth in a feral snarl. “You want me to be your brother?! What….what a laugh that is. I bet your brother didn’t have all these issues, did he? I bet you weren’t this naive around him!”
Orange (Mikey Mikey MIKEY) flinched away from him then, his voice shaking slightly even as he still stood tall. “I’m not being….I just wanna make you feel at home, you’re hurting and-“
“I AM NOT YOUR BROTHER. This is me. Can you still love this?” Cain was pressing the release switches for his prosthetics before he could stop himself, flinging them aside and letting the orange one stare at the jagged, ugly scars where they normally sat. He stared, his nostrils flaring, hoping against all hope that Mikey would react with fear and disgust. That he'd call him a monster. Turn away from him forever. Something. Anything. But Mikey was just looking at him sadly instead, like he understood, and that just made Cain's anger spike all the more. “Look at me. LOOK at me! You’re honestly telling me you can be kind to someone who looks like this?”
Orange looked down for a moment, twiddling his thumbs. And then he looked up at Cain with such conviction that it made the softshell flinch backwards slightly, his words small but resolute. “….yeah. I can. Because you’re still worth caring about.”
Retorts danced on the tip of his tongue, for a moment. Violent words or actions that he wanted to carry out. And then he withered. Standing up that suddenly had not done wonders for his throbbing muscles, after all, and Cain didn't have the energy required to try summoning up a counterpoint to an argument that had so effectively taken the wind out of his sails. Not when his head felt like it was trapped in a hydraulic press. He simply sagged back into the blankets on the bed, huddling in on himself. “Shut up. Just….I. Why are you…..I’m just. I don’t know what you…..I can’t under…..why won’t you just. Why are you so stubborn. Why haven’t you just. I don’t know. Decided I’m a lost cause?”
“I’m not gonna give up on someone when they’re hurting," the orange one proclaimed, beginning to tuck the blankets back around Cain again. "‘M not that kinda person.”
“But you’re so…..nice. And I’m just…..I don’t. I don’t deserve to…..I can’t be who you think I…..I….” Damn it, why was forming words so hard all of a sudden. It was just one simple sentence, and yet he was tripping over it like a newborn giraffe.
“I just wanna help you not hurt so much, Don--I mean. Cain. And maybe I’m going about it the wrong way, but I’m. You know. A kid. But you don’t need to change. 'M sorry if we're making you feel like that, that's not cool 'f us. You’re still my big brother and I still—“
He couldn't let Mikey finish that sentence. He couldn't hear the words I still love you escaping from this stranger's mouth. Cain cut in then, his voice soft. "....but I've been a real jerk."
"Okay. Well. I accept your apology."
"....I didn't apologize."
"I'm gonna accept it anyway. No take backsies."
Cain rolled his eyes, but the gesture was somehow more affectionate than he had been planning. "I just....don't want to burden you with-"
"Stoppit before I Doctor Delicate Touch you again. You're not a burden, okay? I'm okay with helping you."
"....If you say so."
"I do say so and if you disagree I'm taking your kneecaps. Out of love!"
"....that is not remotely-"
"Now just chill and let me make you some nice soup, dummy," the orange one said, finishing tucking the blankets around Cain before pulling away. "And you better actually take your Emergen-C pills this time or I'm getting Raph to sit on you until you do."
"I knew that was coming, you heathen." Cain sniffled slightly, pulling the blankets up over his nose. "Fine. Your cooking is the only example of such a skillset that's passable in this household." He looked over at the tiny squeal of delight a moment later, frowning sternly. "Stop that or I take it back."
"I didn't say anything." Orange's face was the picture of innocence, yet Cain could somehow tell that he was lying out his ass. Sighing, Cain rolled over to face the wall, only to falter once the little one's voice reached his ears again. "Oh. And Don?"
"Don't call me that."
"Right. Cain. I still love you, okay? Scars 'n all. Now stay put until I get the soup!" Orange skipped away, humming, and Cain waited until he was out of earshot before huffing slightly in amusement, turning to pull the blankets back over himself again.
At least when he was alone, no one could see his tail wagging behind him slightly, or catch his good eye tearing up.
It had....it had been a long time since anyone had spoken of his scars without calling them ugly before. Or seen him as anything other than a weapon. And even though Cain was still determined to see himself that way, he....couldn't deny that it felt. Nice.
Some chain deep inside of him was splintering, just the tiniest bit. The walls he'd built around his heart to keep himself from ever getting hurt again were slowly starting to crumble.
Maybe he could trust or---
Maybe he could trust. Mikey.
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lisascr3ature · 1 year
Camellia and Daisy
flower asks!
camellia: i've always dreamed of visiting australia and italy since i was like 5. i want to see the sydney opera house and the beautiful beaches, i just feel this paradisiac feeling every time i look at pictures and see documentaries of australia. i feel like i'm meant to go there, it's something i have to do in this lifetime, like i'm supposed to. i also really want to tour pompeii, i've always been fascinated by it and it's actually one of my special interests/hyperfixations. i collect books, documentaries, artwork and replica jewelry, etc. and i've cosplayed cassia from the film pompeii (2014), i've gone to museum exhibitions, etc. and i'm just fascinated with ancient rome. i'm also part italian also i need to have my lizzie mcguire move moment, haha. i'd also love to see where the blue lagoon was filmed on turtle island in fiji.
daisy: my greatest accomplishment was making it this far lmao my senior project before graduating university with my bachelor's degree in english. it's not the education or the merit or the stupid piece of paper, but the fact that i got to bring my passion into my experience and dedicate my time as a student to my passion with no rules and i got to make it entirely my own and put my heart and soul into it. i wrote a huge paper on a deep character analysis of billy hargrove (stranger things), the most hated but truly misunderstood character on the show to defend him and explain that he wasn't a bad person. he was a deeply complex character who had been an abuse victim his whole life and reacted in such extreme/alarming/unhealthy ways from a place of trauma. i did my heavy research with a psychological approach, quoting and including excerpts from psychology professionals and studies on the long-term effects in abused children, using freud's psychological coping mechanisms with textual examples from "runaway max". i included detailed passages where billy was being beaten bloody by his father, tense moments of microaggressions that built up, insinuations, the description of a physical attack that wasn’t seen but heard, the constant threats, how nobody knew what happened behind closed doors except for max, how billy was unfairly regarded as a "monster" when the real one was his father just because he wasn't a sweet, sugar coated soft boi. i wish i could share it here because i nailed it, the information i delivered and the way i was able to make such strong points... i did it. i slayed. i blew them all away. i could have single handedly converted antis with this. either way, i proved them wrong in their hatred and even used the duffers' actual screenplay to reveal billy's true colors and that he was a hero, with the valuable and positive traits people are blind to because they only take him for the negative moments at face value. the class showcased their senior projects at a ceremony, and one girl came up to me and said she hated billy because "he was (....ist, ...ist, blah blah blah, you know what they say)" and i told her "well, that's why i chose this as my project so hopefully others can reevaluate him in a different light and appreciate him." and she walked away. not one of my snotty classmates even stopped to look at my beautifully done posterboard, which was honestly better looking than the rest of them (they just slapped lined paper on theirs, bare minimum) and i didn't care what those uppity, cliquey, preppy little brats thought because i got to make the biggest and most critical assignment of my college experience about something close to my heart. billy hargrove is my favorite character of all time because not only is he deep, multi dimensional and complex, but he's raw and authentic, unapologetic in his emotional intensity and he's just trying to survive an abusive parent. all things i can personally relate to.
i didn't care about the grade or any of that (even though I got an A+), this was a project that came to fruition out of pure love and the fire i have for pop culture and my fandoms. i finally got to apply that to my life and my current role, and i enjoyed every second of it and the powerful impact it had. i am still so very proud of it and have the posterboard in my room, i'm keeping it forever. dacre montgomery himself would be proud of me. i'm proud of myself and love that i had the chance and the time and creativity to do that, especially with the chronic limited energy and fast burnout that i have.
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
The One With The Soulmate
~Notes: Hiya loves! This is a one shot from my The One With The Marauders series and I’m just moving it here to Tumblr<3 
Send ME A Friends Episode/Storyline  |  A Reblog Means The World!!
“You are seriously insatiable tonight,” Remus rebukes, swatting Sirius’s hand away from where he was eagerly grabbing at his arse for another round of fun, positively delicious, bloody remarkable, mind-blowing fun. God Sirius thanks every deity above that he fell in love with such a secretive, little wildcat.
“Oi, wasn’t the whole purpose of this getting married shtick so we could do that whenever we please?” Sirius harrumphs, flopping back on their bed, starfished out as he watches his ridiculously beautiful husband dropping his towel to the floor and digging through their shared drawer for a new pair of pants. He really tries his damndest to not focus on how the dying evening light filters through their room’s open window, bathing Remus in this resplendent, almost heavenly glow, turning the tips of his eyelashes as golden as his hair and caressing the dips and valleys of his lithe muscles, accentuating the smattering of freckles on his thighs and the dimples he’s got on the small of his back. God Sirius can’t take his eyes off of him for even a moment. “Because if not I reckon I can sue for false advertising.”
Remus only sniffs at him, affecting a lofty air as he pulls on the green, turtle net sweater that Sirius especially likes on him for how it brings out the amber flecks in Remus’s emerald eyes and how it hugs his physique in the exact right breath to show off how bloody good looking he is. “We did that right when you came home from the firm, and then again in the shower less than five minutes ago. Don’t tell me it was that forgettable?” He asks with a pointed hiking of the brow.
“Never my lovely little croissant,” Sirius contends hurriedly, popping up from his lounging position to snatch for Remus’s boney wrists, and dragging the shorter man down to sit in his still very naked lap. “You are the best shag and handsomest fellow and—“ Remus claps his hand over Sirius’s mouth, probably trying to come off stern, but Sirius could totally catch the way the corner of his lips begin to flinch upwards— he’s endeared and Sirius knows it.
“Enough of that bollocks, else I’ll get a cavity.”
“But my beautiful crumpet, I want to sing your praises,” Sirius pouts mockingly, kisses the tip of his nose, while one of his well built arms slings around Remus’s slender waste, with his free hand slowly crawling up his inner thigh, thwarted nearly immediately by Remus standing up in a huff. 
“Like a bloody mutt.” He scolds.
“Only for you my delightfully delectable cabbage,” Sirius leers, finally standing up and taking the proffered slacks so to get ready for this little soiree Lily’s law firm is holding for their fiftieth anniversary.
“When do you reckon these awful nicknames will drop off?”
“You’re the one who said you like it when I speak French at you,” Sirius goads, smacking Remus’s pert arse as he struts into their master-bath.
“Oi, when it’s spoken in the ruddy language, and not some awful accent you’ve conjured up.” Remus counters moodily before he grabs for one of the colognes on their vanity, and Sirius only smiles privately to himself, so beyond besotted with him that it’s getting detrimental for his health, exhibit A being how he very nearly squirts his aftershave right into his eyes.
But God Remus is so worth it.
 The ballroom of the swanky, Mayfair hotel is dressed up in all the opulence that should be expected for a soiree made up of the throng of stuffy, stuck up solicitors that are present. Sirius is not impressed in the slightest, even if he can work the room for one of these parties as effortlessly as breathing thanks to his upbringing as the son of a Lorde and Countess; though he still hates the ambiance of it all, so much so that it makes his skin crawl to this day, but he promised to be here and at least Remus is right besides him, with Sirius’s hand in his back pocket and hazel eyes flickering to him every few minutes or so, as if attuned to Sirius and all his mercurial moods.
God he loves him.
“Alice and I have been shagging non stop,” Frank says, which works well enough to bring Sirius’s attention away from wanting to drag Remus behind the champaign fountain so to have his wicked way with him, and back to the conversation they’re all having; even if that means that instead of looking passive, Sirius is sneering over at Frank.
“Dacorum man.”
Frank apologizes, beyond glum. “We just don’t know what to do. The doctors say that we shouldn’t have this much difficulty with it, but we just checked before coming and still, nothing.”
“I’m sorry mate, that’s awful.” Remus tells him, and Dorcas nods along, but Sirius just rolls his eyes.
“We’re not even thirty yet for fuck’s sake,” he tells him. “Maybe ’s a sign for you both to stop trying to ruin your lives with a baby.”
“Shut it Sirius,” Dorcas hisses, kicking at his ankle hard enough to make him wince.
“Ouch, hey! I’m just saying, a kid’s a lot of responsibility, and commitment.”
“I’ve been with Alice since we were seventeen Black,” Frank tells him hotly . “I think I’m already properly committed.”
“Then what’s the point of the kid!”
Frank raises his brows, floundering with no words as if he just could not comprehend Sirius and all his Sirius-ness, which is fair, the only two people who’s been able to do as much turned out being his brother, (James), and his lover, (Remus)… Speaking of which…
“I’m sorry he’s acting like such an arse Frank, he doesn’t mean it.” the sandy blonde says cooly, giving Sirius one of his looks that he usually keeps designated for his more rowdy students. “Do you.”
Sirius glares at him before looking back at Frank and nodding stiffly. “Sorry mate, you and Flores would be marvelous parents, I’m just being prickish.”
“Nothing knew then,” Frank says, but it’s coupled with an amiable grin so Sirius knows he’s off the hook.
“Right, well why don’t I make it up to you by grabbing you a drink? Yeah?”
“See if they’ve got an iced white?”
“Me too Black,” Dorcas scoffs, doesn’t even bother to look at him to make the command.
“Righto,” Sirius claps Frank’s shoulder with a friendly squeeze, winking at Dorcas and glancing over at Remus before he goes. “Vodka tonic?”
“With lemon please.”
Sirius nods, still pecks him on the lips even if they’re sorta in a fight, as if Sirius could ever stay away for too long.
By the grace of God, the open bar is mostly vacant, except for a familiar head of messy hair he’s considered family for over half his life.
“All right Prongs?”
James pivots around, drinks already in hand and grinning at the sight of him. “Wow, didn’t even recognize you for a tick there Pads, you don’t even have your hand plastered to Moony’s bum!.”
Sirius smirks, tossing him a covert two finger salute as he saddles up besides him and orders the round of drinks. “What can I say Prongsy, the cheeky bugger made me vow to have it there constantly, can’t just jilt my bloke like that, can I?”
James grimaces with a roll of the eyes, and Sirius’s far accustomed to that look of exasperation from him by now. “You’re a mutt.”
“Would you believe you aren’t the first person to say that to me within the last hour?”
“God save our poor Moony.”
“Oh God doesn’t have to worry, I’m taking care of him just fine.”
“Are you being gross about my best friend,” Lily asks as she struts up towards them, looking like an absolute diamond, even if her nose is wrinkled indelicately.
“Aren’t I always in your opinion?” Sirius asks cheekily, trying to balance the four drinks in his grasp before she just rolls her eyes and grabs the flutes of wine for Frank and Dorcas.
“Your impossible prat-ness aside, I actually think you being all grossly territorial over Remus tonight is actually a good thing.”
“THat’s a first,” James says, but Sirius can only glare, suspicious.
“Why’s that? Oi! Don’t tell me that absolute plonker Dearborn is here!”
“Oh God no,” Lily startles, shaking her head as if the thought was too insane to even fathom. “’S just the firm’s just hired this new bloke and I’m really quite positive that he’s Rem’s soulmate.”
“Lily! Don’t say that!” James balks, glancing over at Sirius worriedly, but he in turn only laughs at the magnitude of the statement.
“Jesus, Evans, didn’t think you believed in that ridiculous shite?”
“’S not ridiculous Sirius! And yeah, ‘course I do, like James and I are definitely soulmates.” She twists slightly so to kiss the curve of James’s jaw, making him go a bit blotchy. Poor git’s wrapped around her littlest finger.
“And what? You reckon Remus and I are just here to kill some time?”
“No, don’t be a pillock,” Lily reproves. “’s just he’s his soulmate is all.”
Okay, Sirius’s amusement has officially given way to irritation, and he twists his head so to scowl down at her as they make their way to the others. “Alright Evans, explain yourself then, yeah? Tell me how he’s Moony’s supposed soulmate.
“Well he’s French.”
“I speak French.”
“He’s got amazing, blonde hair.”
“I’ve got amazing, black hair.”
“He majored in literature just like Remus.” Lily says airily, knowing that Sirius can’t match that being an architect himself.
“Well— I read all that snotty shite Remus asks me too.” He huffs, and Lily answers with a shrug to her delicate shoulders.
“Fine then, I’m wrong. You’ve got nothing to worry bout.”
She struts off to their little lump of friends as if to cut the conversation off completely, and Sirius is perfectly find with that. She’s acting off her bloody rocker. But, if Sirius stands closer to Remus than usual for the rest of the night, or if he ends up kissing his temple whenever he feels like someone is watching them, or if he glares at one of the blokes working catering after deigning to offer Remus an empanada— Well that’s Sirius’s business and his alone. He’s not intimidated by this soulmate shite, for fuck’s sake. It’s not like he’s trying to stave off the bastard or something. He does all of that simply because Remus is his husband now, and he loves getting to show that off to all onlookers, even the ones who may or may not be Remus’s soulmate.
 “We’ve got dinner with Reggie and his latest girlfriend tonight,” Remus tells Sirius the following Tuesday, tossing the scarf his mother had gifted him last Christmas— with a matching one for Sirius— over his shoulder as they stroll around to the front of the Three Broomsticks for their morning coffees, hands linked and the early winter snow catching in both sets of their lashes. 
And God does Sirius love the sound of that, of their schedules overlapping, becoming one almost. Loves the idea that where ever one goes the other follows. Sirius knows that they’ve both have their demons, from Sirius’s neglect and emotional abuse as a child— occasionally sprinkled with a good smack or two if his mother was particularly fuming. To Remus’s complex of never feeling like he can ever be enough, and the way Lyall had acted for years after Remus had come out to his parents as gay, coupled with his multiple hospital visits as a lad until they finally figured out his lupus diagnosis. But they’re better, so much fucking better now. Plenty of the credit going to the remarkable group of friends whom they’ve picked up along the way, but another huge chunk was finding one another, and Sirius knows it in his bones. Knows that there couldn’t be anyone else for him, and sure he knows Remus sometimes deserves more, deserves better— But he’s chosen him, he’s chosen Sirius. He loves Sirius. And it’s remarkable and unbelievable and amazing, and Sirius holds onto the sensation of it with hungry piety.
“Love? Did you hear that?”
Sirius jolts back to the moment, and smiles softly down at him, kissing the corner of Remus’s mouth in penance. “Yes, of course gorgeous. I didn’t forget, I’ll be home early and maybe we can have a lie down before leaving if you’ve finished grading those papers?”
Remus’s laugh right then is like the most splendid instrument Sirius has ever heard, light and magical and warm as a bonfire. “Try to be good and maybe.” He tells him with a cold fingered tapping of his nose before he flounces off to the main counter to order for them.
Sirius doesn’t know how long he stares after him instead of grabbing the gang’s typical seats up front, but is startled when he hear’s a choked out noise coming from behind him and sees Lily, panic faced and eyes wandering frantically.
“Oi, what’s squirming up your arse Evans.” He asks her suspiciously, thick brows furrowed.
“I didn’t know you guys would be here,” she explains so quickly that her words begin to crash into one another. “Oh bloody hell, the one time I have a late start!”
She stomps her foot and Sirius shoots her a fully fledged glower. “What is making you so damn barmy for Christ’s sake.”
Lily parts her lips, but no noise comes out, because right then someone follows her indoors, a very familiar someone if only based off of descriptions. A very tall, very blonde, very smiley looking someone.
Sirius hates him right on sight.
“I’m sorry I took so long at that shop Lily, my mother loves these, how do you say, snow globes?” The stranger says, shaking one for emphasis with Big Ben set in the center.
“Ridiculous tourist trinkets is more like it,” Sirius practically snarls, which earns him a confused look by the blonde and a tired one by Lily.
“Right then, well Sirius this’s Thomas Martin, Thomas this is Sirius Black.”
“Lupin-Black now, ta Lils.”
“Oh,” Thomas says, blue eyes blinking wearily. “Nice to meet you, ah, Sirius.” He extends his hand, and when Sirius shakes it he makes sure to feel the bloke’s bones crushing together, just so he understands who exactly he’s speaking with.
The French arse eventually pulls away, pinning Sirius with a one eyed squint as he curls and stretches his fingers.
“Oh God,” Lily groans, leading them to their spot and depositing herself onto the sofa with absolute exasperation, and Sirius only continues to glare at Thomas as he sits besides her, growing stiffer once Remus returns.
“Oh, hiya Lils,” he smiles, handing Sirius his drink before flickering his gaze to the fucking Frenchman.
“‘lo love, this’s the newest hire at the firm, Thomas. Thomas, this’s my best mate, Remus.” She introduces quickly, the fucking trader.
“Remus?” Thomas asks, dimpling down at Sirius’s fucking husband with bright eyes. And Sirius has to curl his fists so not to punch him right in the sodding face, only growing angrier when Remus chuckles and ducks his head, like he was nervous by him! Like he thought he was in fact very good looking and very charming and his damn soulmate.
“Yeah, blame that on my mum, she was big into the classics.”
Thomas’s grin widens even more and Sirius feels the pulse on his neck beginning to throb. “No, it’s very charming. My Grandfather was very, erm, focussed on those studies as well? Begged my parents to name me Enkidu. They thankfully refused.”
Remus laughs fully now, and Sirius wants to a punch a wall. It took him literal months to make Remus laugh like that— genuine and glimmering and gorgeous. “Lucky bloke. Though I do have to admit that Gilgamesh is a favorite of mine, I think I’ve read the epic twenty times over.”
“Oh mine too,” the fucking Frenchman says, stepping closer to Remus and now in front of Sirius fully, gambling bravely that Sirius wouldn’t try to cap him right here. “If you ask me however, I do believe that he and Enkidu are more than just, friends.” His eyes flicker down to Remus’s lips for a split second and when he looks back up his face is positively leering.
Sirius sees red.
“God, so nice to finally talk to someone who gets it, the professors I work under are usually so painfully heteronormative that it’s crippling.” Remus tells him, smiling kindly.
“Oh, I’m the furthest away from that, I assure you.”
He winks! He fucking winks! Sirius swears to God! He sees the bastard winking at his husband! His fucking husband! What the bloody hell does he think that platinum band on Remus’s finger matching Sirius’s own is suppose to represent! Holy shit!
“I’d love to read anything you have on the subject, most things translated to French are a bit clunky.”
He’s trying to ask him out! Right here! Right in front of Sirius! Sirius is going to strangle his snail swallowing neck! Thankfully, Lily must sense his inner turmoil because she interjects their conversation right then, asking Thomas to grab her a jasmine tea.
“Oh yes of course,” he nods congenially, rounding back on Remus before he leaves. “Would you like a pastry? On me.”
Is he trying to ask Remus to eat it off of him? What the hell! It took nearly a year of them fucking for Sirius to get Remus to bring food in the bedroom, to get to watch Remus lick the chocolate syrup off his cock. And what? Does he think he’s even got a chance so quickly!
“Oh, that’s sweet,” Remus grins and a part of Sirius dies on the inside. “But I’ll come tag along, yeah? I love talking about this stuff and Sirius absolutely hates this ancient rubbish.”
“I do not! I think these dead blokes are very interesting,” he harrumphs, heated, with pouting lips and crossed arms. But Remus only tosses back his head with uninhibited laughter in response, which makes the fucking Frenchman beam that bit brighter.
“After you,” he says with a swish of the hand.
Sirius is going to be tried for murder, and he’s not even sorry about it.
“’s okay love,” Lily reassures him, patting his head dotingly. “We’ll find you someone new.”
“I hate you Evans!”
“Don’t blame the messenger!”
Sirius is about to tell her just how much he does exactly that, but then he catches on the fucking Frenchman putting his hand over Remus’s to prevent him from sliding over his card and all the fight leaves him in an instant.
 Sirius ended up not even going to the on sight location for the latest project he’s heading at the firm. He instead spent the bulk of the morning and part of the afternoon grinding his teeth as Remus spoke and barbed and giggled with the fucking Frenchman, like he was enjoying himself. And it was torture, watching the way they naturally clicked and got on— Literal fucking torture.
Sirius is still fuming as they sit in front of his younger brother and his newest bird, a pretty girl named Amal, who’s just graduated from a posh, fashion institute in the north of France. And Christ it’s like he’s being bombarded with the idea of that country all day.
“God that must’ve been such a wonderful experience,” Remus says, smiling as she leans forwards with a grin, speaking louder over the chatter of the busy sushi joint they had all agreed upon.
“Oh yes, the cuisine was simply unmatched, even if I did end up missing London, being home and all. Though I’m afraid my French is seriously dwindling compared to my English and Arabic now.”
“You should ask Reggie to practice with you, I know I love it when Sirius speaks the language.” He winks right then, making Amal crow with laughter and Regulus roll his eyes fondly. But Sirius stays peeved off with his hinged jaw, absolutely seething.
“Bet my hopeless brother recites poetry to you and everything, rose in his mouth and all.”
Remus laughs and Sirius suddenly has the horrid image of the fucking Frenchman doing as much outside the window to their bedroom, and is furious all over again.
“Well Reggie, Remus here does fancy all things French, foods and wines and blokes and just the whole lot.”
“Well good, we have something in common,” Amal snickers, lacing her hand through Regulus’s own over the tabletop. Sirius and Remus haven’t held hands since the waitress brought out their drinks, and remembering as much makes Sirius take a swig of his ail, hating everything.
“Yes well, you can say it’s Remus’s soulmate, France I mean.” He says, words beginning to slur. “He’s meant for French food and wines and blokes, innit true love? You’d prefer a French bloke?”
Amal frowns and Regulus pins him with a one eyed squint, befuddled. But Sirius only gathers his wits about him when Remus clammers noisily out his chair and tugs on his arm to follow suit.
“Reg order us the specials yeah? And a round of spring rolls,” he instructs, words clipped, and a small dent peeking out between his brows, like it does when he’s especially annoyed. “C’mon Sirius we need to talk.”
“But that’d be awfully rude,” Sirius retorts, already hates the flat, fuming tone Remus is speaking with, and feels good and properly nervous for the impending argument.
“They have one another, ’s fine. Now let’s go.”
Sirius concedes and pretends it doesn’t feel like he’s being lead to the gallows.
“All right prick,” Remus huffs, rounding on Sirius right after he locks the door to the single user loo. “What has gotten you in such a bloody awful mood.”
Sirius sniffs, arms crossed against his chest and his head tilted imperiously. “I’m peachy.”
“You’ve been acting like an arse ever since we had coffee with Lily,” Remus counters, reproving.
“Actually love, if you didn’t notice, Lily left about halfway through you and the blonde’s little clucking session.”
Remus furrows his brows now, pillowy lips pinched and looking lost as hell. “You’re angry because Lily left for work?”
“Oh for bloody hell Remus!” Sirius erupts, tossing his arms in the air. “I’m angry because you met your ruddy soulmate and now you’re going to ride off into the sunset with’m and read French poetry together while eating cheese and bread and talking about highbrow shit like Aeneid!”
Remus startles backwards, long lashes flapping and mouth gaped open. “Oh Christ, you’ve gone absolutely barmy. You’re mad.”
“You’re not helping.”
“I feel like I should call someone about my husband going bloody mental.”
“I repeat. Not. Helping.”
“What in hell has convinced you that this random bloke is my soulmate?” Remus asks, back to being patient as ever.
“Lily!” Sirius shouts. “She told me that you and the fucking Frenchman are soulmates! And she’s right okay! She’s bloody spot on.”
Remus rolls back his entire head now, groaning out, “You are such an idiot.”
“Real nice Moons,” Sirius frowns, doesn’t even know how to feel now, the anger seeping out of him the longer he’s standing besides Remus, leaving an awful, clawing abandonment in its wake.
“Did you ever once think to ask me what I think of the damn concept of soulmates? Hmm?” He asks, single brow hiked with pure condescension.
And oh.
Sirius is stuck for a minute there, doesn’t see an out to the question. “Well…. Erm—“
“Well if you had asked, like a normal sodding bloke! I wold’ve told you that I married you because I know your my soulmate you arse! And it isn’t because of some ridiculous notion of stardust or providence or whatever else. It’s because we grew together, and we fight for one another, and even when you’re being a complete prick or we’re arguing like mad you’re the only one I want. Only person I can ever see myself with, the only person I want to try this hard for. The only fucking person I ever want to call my husband! My partner! lover!”
“Oh.” Sirius breathes out, all his fears being strangled by the conviction embedded into Remus’s words. 
And it’s like all of Sirius’s insides melt, like all the adoration and love and reverence he holds for Remus is pooling in his stomach and threatening to pour out his every orifice. And God he can’t even inhale, only scrambles to lock his hands around Remus’s cheeks and press his head against Remus’s own.
“Yeah? You really think that.”
“Hell, I thought the wedding and all would’ve made that clear.”
Sirius chuckles, only lightly, his thumb dragging beneath Remus’s eye tenderly. “God I love you, so endlessly. Please forgive me for being an idiot?”
“Yeah, I suppose I’ll keep you around,” Remus teases, bouncing on the balls of his feet to kiss Sirius’s nose and lock his arms around his neck, and the sensation of it— them knotted into one another— could never be replicated in a thousand years, not like this, not like them. 
Other Wolfstar One Shots  |  Send Me A Prompt
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sadachmesarthim · 3 years
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towers for your honeycomb chap 2: more meany pants tony
part one
content: tony’s being a dick again, mention of Peter’s Family Problems, confined spaces, smoking, @carelessannie​ is a character and Has A Boyfriend That Is a Real Person I Know, tony calls peter a turtle, crying
word count: 1.5k  //   square filled: locked in a closet!
song for this chapter here -> that’s not a good excuse - eli. 
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It was late, it was cold... mid-December nights were usually slow, but not no-car-in-sight-for-hours slow. Peter didn't handle any of those well on their own, but all three?
Working with Tony the entire time didn't do much to help, either.
They'd clocked on together, they'd be clocking off together - it was his worst nightmare. There wasn't anything to do, either - they'd already finished half of the closing list and every single chore. Annie had FaceTimed her boyfriend after finishing her chem homework - hell - the girls'd made a snowman outside the front of the stand, for fuck's sake!
Time was barely crawling. It made Peter irritable - apparently, it made Tony irritable, too.
Annie hung up her FaceTime call with Sebastian, excited at the prospect of food. She turned, ready to take orders from the three that were now in front of her. "Okay - Panda Express - what is he bringing us?"
Courtney piped up first. "I'll just do another of what you're doing, A." She went back to her phone, more interested in her boy of the week than the rest of the conversation.
Annie typed it into her texts, looking back toward the boys. "You two - what is he getting you?" Tony spoke next. "I'll do the same thing. I'm easy." Peter scoffed a bit at that, covering it poorly with a cough. Annie shot him a look. Don't start shit. 
"Peter, anything?" She knew him too well to ask. "Nah babe, I'm gonna eat at home."
That suddenly got Tony's attention. "What, you're not eating? We still have two hours left, and you look like you're about to fall over." Perfect Parker timing, his stomach growled - audibly enough to justify Tony's comment.
Peter shoved past him, making his way toward the back. He didn't want to engage - he wanted to- to- to text Resa, pour himself into some chores, maybe dive into a snowdrift - literally anything but continue the conversation.
Tony on the other hand... he didn't know when to stop. "What's your deal, Parker? The man is bringing us food, on his own dime. You really gonna be rude enough to refuse?"
Peter closed his eyes, trying to steady his breathing. "It doesn't matter what my deal is, Tony - maybe I just don't like Panda. Maybe I don't want something that heavy on my stomach. Maybe my mom has food waiting for me at home. You don't know shit - so why don't you just leave it alone?" Mmm a bit harsh, Parker, take it down a notch.
Tony scoffed. "We both know you don’t have anything waiting for you, anywhere, Parker. Quit talkin' big and just accept the generosity."
Both Courtney and Annie gasped at that one. It was common knowledge around the stand that Peter's home life was off-limits. Hell, everyone's was - leave your shit at the door applied to everyone else's shit too. Apparently, Tony didn't get the memo.
"Okay, nope. I'm not listening to this conversation. Both of you, fridge!" Courtney - taller and stronger than both of them - grabbed the boys, practically tossing them into the walk-in. The door slammed behind them, something jamming it from the outside.
Her voice was muffled, but they both understood - they weren't getting out until they figured this out. They'd been fighting off and on for months, and it was causing serious issues in the stand. The girls were uncomfortable - sure, it was fine if they were separated during shifts, but that couldn't go on forever.
This just happened to be everyone’s final straw.
Peter pressed his forehead into the door, not wanting to face the other man. This wasn't exactly how he'd planned on spending his evening - and now that he found himself here, he was going to do everything he could to avoid avoid avoid any further confrontation. 
His mouth hadn’t caught the memo. 
“That’s two.” Shut the fuck up. 
He couldn’t see them, but he could practically hear Tony’s eyebrows hit his hairline. “Two what?” He was still seated, from what Peter could tell. At least he wasn’t about to get his ass beat.
“Two apologies you owe me. Me and the girls. For being rude, and talking shit in the stand.” God damn it Peter, shut your mouth!
Tony scoffed. “You’re still on about that? Come on, Parker, can’t you just let it go?” 
He tried. Peter tried really, really hard to hold himself back, he did. But it just... it wasn’t like him, to take shit like this. To allow someone like- like- like Tony Stark to make his life a living hell. Mob connections be damned, he wasn’t going to take it anymore. It was exhausting, and Peter was tired of coming to work every day dreading his shift. 
He got up, turning to face Tony. He might’ve been shorter than him normally, but with Tony sat on the foot-tall milk crate, there was quite a difference. It was childish, but it made him feel like he had the upper hand. 
“You- you- you can’t keep pushing me around like this, Tony. You’ve been a dick to me for months, and I’m sick of it. All I wanted was one stupid, little apology, and you can’t even give me that! 
“I left you alone! I tried to make our shifts together easy, I stayed out of your way! I begged Courtney to never schedule us or rotate us together. Do you know how difficult that is?? Especially in a stand this size, Tony, it’s nearly impossible.” He was near tears at this point, voice close to breaking. 
“And then you have the audacity to come here, in my stand, and talk about my- my family - which was not fucking okay, by the way. It just- it’s so cruel, Tony! I’m done!
“I tried to be nice, I really did. But you make it so fucking difficult. So forgive me for not being able to just let it go.” 
Peter was always an ugly crier. Snotty, red eyes, uncontrollable shaking. 
He was also an angry crier. The two tended not to mesh well. 
It didn’t help that people tended to not take him seriously anyway. He was small, entirely not intimidating. Couldn’t hurt a fly. The second you get him even remotely upset, and he bursts into tears? 
He wasn’t expecting sympathy from Tony. 
He was done sobbing by this point, but the damage was done. 
He’d thoroughly embarassed himself in front of the man he’d just... just demanded so much from. It wasn’t his lowest moment, but it was close. Nice going, P.
Peter was convinced he couldn’t be locked in the fridge with anyone wor-
There was a hand on his shoulder. 
His head shot up, grabbing Tony by the wrist. “Don’t touch me!” It came out louder than he’d intended, and the look of fear written on Tony’s face did make him feel a bit bad. Peter hadn’t let go. “Just- don’t- just ask first, fuck.” 
He released his grip, turning to dig his head back into his arms. He’d tucked himself into the far corner, drawing his knees up around him so he could get as far from the door as possible. He wanted to sink himself straight into the floor, mesh with the concrete, never show his face at work again - 
But there Tony was, looking down at him like he was a startled puppy. 
He plopped himself down next to Peter, facing in toward the center of the fridge. He tilted his head, making contact with Peter’s left knee. “Would you look at me?” Gentle.
Peter sniffled, trying to clear his nose. He knew he wasn’t the most presentable right now - wet spots soaking both of his sleeves, nose probably bright & cherry-tinged. He shifted, just barely peeking past his forearms. 
“There we go.” Peter sniffled again. 
Tony looked like there was a war going on inside him. Peter’d never spent this long looking at him - certainly never this long at his eyes. There was so much to them, so much hurt and understanding he’d never seen before. So much he recognized.
Tony was drawing circles into his shin, now, steady movement bringing him back to the present. “Come on, little turtle, come outta that shell for me.” 
Peter’s eyebrows drew together. “’m not a turtle.” 
Tony laughed. “What, then? Hermit crab? Clownfish? What else hides when it’s upset?” It was a sad attempt at breaking the tension, and he knew it. 
Peter wasn’t phased by it, either. His glare stuck. 
“Okay, fine. I’m sorry. No animal nicknames. I got it.” He smiled as his hands came away from Peter’s body, pulling up in a defensive position. “Plain ‘ole human insults, then, promise.” 
Peter let out a huff. “How hard was that?” 
“Was what?” 
“You said sorry.” Oh. 
“I... I guess I did.” Tony’s hands came down. He pushed himself to his feet, crossing toward the door. “Consider it an accident.” His entire demeanor had shifted - he was back to his normal, standoff-ish self. 
Whoever Peter’d spent the last couple of minutes with was gone. 
“N- Tony I-” 
“Forget it, Peter. Seriously.” He pushed at the handle of the fridge door, thankful it was free to open. He bypassed the girls, grabbing the rest of his shit and tearing out the door. The cigarette barely lit with how fast he made the trek to his truck, lighter burning the side of his thumb. 
When did he get so soft? 
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tag list: @longlivestarker​ @bluestarker​ xoxo​
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the-magic-lava-lamp · 3 years
Caught Up In You
Chapter 3 -  A Very Loki Chapter 
Summary: A story revolving around a group of teenage friends, their mishaps, their relationships and their coming of age.
Watch as they navigate through the highs & lows of high school relationships and learn to grow up as most of them are approaching the end of their Senior year.
Ships: SamBucky, ThorBruce, Stony, ValJane…(More ships & characters to come)
Word Count: 6,497
{Wednesday Night} 
The thick rim of sweat which wrapped around Loki’s ankle was finally given fresh air as he kicked off one of his old sneakers. 
The night was over; Thor had gone to his room with a joyful grin and ice-cream dotting the corner of his mouth and Wanda had been dropped off at home. Which was an event all on it’s own. While waiting in line at the happy little Frosty’s store-front, Wanda’s Mother called and asked her home to see her Grandparents who’d dropped by as a surprise. 
Loki was irritated with the abrupt change of plans and Wanda’s angst about it only fueled him on. But Thor managed to make the little time they had left kinda fun. Paying for their treats and scrolling through the multiple snapchats he had of Loki doing weird shit to compete with Wanda’s captured moments. 
And Loki was never one to shy away from being the center of attention, so he was absolutely delighted.  
But now, his face was overcast with that tiny sheen of moisture which made his makeup heavy. Really hammering it in that he’d gone out & done all he could for the day with nothing left but to do but try and sleep. 
He swiped remover down his face with a cotton pad and revealed in the euphoric sense of relief instead of focusing on the slight disappointment which always came. 
Half his face was clean, one shiny green eye gone while the other still glittered under the flickering bathroom light, when Odin knocked on the bathroom door in his special way. One thump. 
“In here.” He called out, filled with a little teenage venom. 
Odin huffed a bit before speaking. “Can I just pee really quick?” 
Loki turned to scrunch his face at the wooden door, where an eight year old Thor had once proclaimed he saw an image of a turtle between the lines. He rolled his lips together and popped out his leg before reaching out and unlocking the door. “Fine.” 
He’d try to avoid the bickering match by giving him what he wanted & tried to speed past his father before he got a good look at him. But Odin managed a quick peek. “Interesting.” He hummed in that condescending tone that he always argued was just his regular voice. 
Loki frowned and remembering that if he quipped back, fighting would escalate and Odin would just say shit he didn’t understand was offensive. 
But the flickering light and sense of suburban ‘comfort’ was driving him insane all of the sudden. He blinked and spun to grab the door with his special grace. “You like it, father?” He smirked in a way that he’d once seen one Tony Stark do to his father in the school parking lot last year. It’d been an expression which stuck with him. The perfect mixture of innocent and bitchy. That had really bubbled Loki’s old crush on the arrogant guy. 
Odin shifted, either from the fact that he hadn’t pissed yet or the nerves he always got when talking to his younger son. They both pretended that didn’t exist for a few years now. 
“Lovely.” He tried to mutter out without sounding annoyed but he really wasn’t good at that. “Did you go out like..that?” 
Loki smirked slightly, as if that didn’t bother him, and tore his gaze to the stupid framed painting of a bathtub which hung on the wall. “I’m sorry to have embarrassed you.”
“Don’t be snotty with me, Loki. I didn’t mean it like that and you should know that.” Odin shook his head which only served to truly piss his son off further. 
“Oh of course, you’ve been rather happy with my behavior lately. Just admit that you can’t accept it-” 
“Well, I’m not exactly ecstatic, son. I never have understood you." Odin burst, for the first time voicing some kind of confession to the feelings Loki basically already knew of...But it still hurt him. Loki stepped back a little, losing some of his confidence. 
Odin frowned but took the opportunity to shut the bathroom door to escape. 
Loki stared at the door, a little winded and suddenly overwhelmed with bitterness. 
There was a full length mirror in his bedroom which Loki used to remove the rest of his makeup. It worked out very poorly considering all he had to clean it off with was a dish towel and some water he poured into Thor’s lame childhood baseball team trophy. He’d stolen it a few weeks ago from his older brother's room and he’d yet to notice it’s disappearance, sadly.  
There was a tiny knock on his door which couldn't possibly be Odin, so Loki gave them permission to enter as he scrubbed his left eye. He’d sort of expected his Mother but was greeted with the gentle looking giant called Thor. Of course. 
Loki turned his chin to look at him over his shoulder. “These kinds of moments are a little too ‘sitcom trying to tackle serious subjects’ for me, Thor. So, I’d rather not have a heart-to-heart, ok?” He smirked and turned back to the mirror, watching his brother’s reflection as he sat on his bed. 
Thor rolled his eyes but looked somewhat amused. “I think we’re quite better at the ‘heart-to-heart’s than those dumb shows.” He glanced down at Loki’s reflection and smirked right back. 
“I don’t know about better. But, we are far more entertaining.” Loki chuckled, remembering a few times where their nice talks ended with fun playful punching. “This is between father and I, Thor. You couldn’t possibly get it.” He frowned and finally turned his whole body. “The man thinks the world of you.”
Thor stiffened slightly. 
“Anyone can see you're his favorite.” Loki shook his head with sudden anger. “Hela moved as far as she did because of him. And he can barely stand to look at me. I can see it in the way he looks at me. Complete and utter...embarrassment.” 
“Father has a complicated way of showing his love-”
Loki felt his chest burn with the sudden urge to argue until he couldn’t breathe. “Not with you. Never with you.” He spat and threw his crappy towel onto the carpet. “He has some kind of personal issue against me, brother. Don’t act like it’s not there cause that just...drives me crazy.” His voice grew more tiresome than he would’ve liked and he deflated a bit. 
“He likes to pretend Wanda’s my little girlfriend because he doesn’t like the fact that I’m so obviously attracted to men too! And it’s not even because he’s against the idea of having a queer son-” Loki stumbled on his words because he was barely sure how he identified, himself. “If you were to bring home Banner, he’d be waving the flag! I’d bet my life on it.” 
He stood and started pacing his floor while Thor watched him go. 
“But because I didn’t turn out to be someone who could pass as a straight, manly jock to family and friends, he despises me.” Loki looked up to the ceiling in frustration. 
Thor was stunned to silence, not used to seeing his brother so distraught. Green glitter was still smudged and wet over Loki’s eye and he was doing his best to never make eye contact. “I know it’ll probably frustrate you and mother but...” Loki paused and rolled his lips together “I’m not going to fight for a relationship with him if he won’t even meet me halfway.”
“Brother...” Thor stood from the bed and took the way Loki moved back with embarrassment to notice. “I am always going to be in your corner, you know that right?” He asked. 
Loki looked as if he didn’t know how to respond which absolutely crushed his older brother. “I haven’t always made it easy for you so...why should I think that?” He shrugged. 
Thor swallowed, feeling as if he’d just gulped burning tea. “I think the world of you, Loki.” He shrugged because that answer was just so simple. No matter how many times they fought, Thor loved his brother. 
Loki looked down at the carpet before letting out a long sigh. “Ok. I’m uncomfortable and would like to get the rest of this shit off my face and maybe watch a film.” He rubbed hard into his left eye and glanced at Thor. “You can watch too but you have to stop talking.”
Thor smiled and did a mock salute. 
{Thursday Morning} 
Loki rested his head on Wanda’s shoulder; her chin resting on the tufts of his hair. Her glance was desperately pointed downwards, eyes strained as she still couldn’t help but try and look at her friend as he spoke. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” She frowned and Loki softly smiled. “If it helps, my Grandma spent the whole evening asking me about boys and trying to give me tips on how to ‘Snag the best kind of fellow’.” 
Loki rolled his eyes. “I doubt she was that...nineteen-fifties about it, Wanda.” He pursed his lips, taking in her most subdued outfit of the week. He’d been pretending not to notice her ‘subtle’ evolution from complete ‘middle school witch’ to a ‘maybe hippie girl’? 
Wanda hummed. “I don’t like her, Loki.” She shook her head a little (best as she could). “All she does is talk about Neil Sedaka and say offensive things that we’re just supposed to ignore.” 
Loki giggled in a way that not most people could get him to. 
She chuckled into his hair. “She did ask about you though. My little friend from school, very condescending about it by the way.” Wanda momentarily raised her head and twisted down to look at him. “I told her you died but I kept a vial of your blood on a necklace.” Her voice seamlessly fell into a casual tone. 
Loki hummed in a sinister little chuckle. “You’re such a freak.” 
Wanda pinched him. 
“So...” Loki got up from the bench. “How do you snag the fellow?” He teased. 
Wanda popped up after him and started to reluctantly follow his motions to get to class. “Just the usual steps. Y’know pass him by in the hallway, let him carry your books...” She delicately tapped each of her fingers as she walked. 
“Stand in the corner of the room & cry so he asks what’s wrong, sit on a park bench & feed pigeons, take a piece of his hair to put in a traditional love-bringing fire-” 
Loki pushed her arm and laughed when she stumbled. 
“Don’t knock it till you try it.” She bumped him back and hugged her books to her chest. “Why do you think I’m constantly pushing away attention?” She sarcastically put her hand to her chest and smirked. 
“They make me nervous.” Wanda complained as she took the familiar steps up to the Odinson’s door. Loki rolled his eyes and dug around for his key. 
Thor was inviting his old buddies over for a little after-school hang-out which Loki was 100% sure was just an attempt for Thor to distract himself from agonizing over Bruce. Loki’s brother was not subtle about hiding his feelings, even if he thought so. “They’re idiots, Wanda. Nothing to stress over. All you have to do is walk past them and go to the kitchen. They won’t bother you.” 
Wanda crossed her arms and took off for the other room as soon as the door opened, neglecting to greet Thor or his friends in the living room. Though Loki moved a bit more slowly as he shut the entry & observed the group of jocks. He saved his most annoyed look for Sif, who’d always seemed annoyed with him. 
Even with the strange time without seeing that company in their home, Loki was a master at ignoring them. 
“Loki! Look who’s here!” Thor was quite joyous with the mini reunion But. Loki just rolled his eyes and went for the kitchen where Wanda was setting up their books to study. Hogun, Volstagg,  Fandral and Sif gave the little brother tiny nods before he’d managed to escape but weren’t given a response. 
Sif pursed her lips. “He hasn’t changed much.” She scooted closer to the table from her seat on the carpet. They surrounded the furniture like a group of poker players, bits of schoolwork littered it and circled the fake-fruit bowl. “Nor his little friend.” She smiled softly. 
“I suppose the ice is part of his charm though.” Fandral added, throwing a plastic apple up-and-down with his trademark smirk. “Wouldn’t very well be Loki without it, Don’t you think?” 
Thor observed his old friend's conversation with warm nostalgia in his chest. While it was endearing to see them all laughing & talking in his living room like they’d used to, Thor’s mind still drifted nervously to his plans with Bruce the next day. 
While Thor was overthinking and the others chatted, Sif managed to get up and slip into the kitchen without much notice. Fandral’s apple now hanging loosely in her grip while she walked to the fridge. 
Loki didn’t so much as look up at the presence he knew was there but that little friend of his did. Her expression was hard to read. 
In her head, Wanda was agonizing over the idea of whether she was supposed to say ‘hi’ or not. Sure, she knew of Sif but she didn’t really know her. They’d just cross paths sometimes in the Odinson household when they were younger. But she was standing in the kitchen now-...though Loki wasn’t even moving and surely if she should greet the girl then so would she. 
“I have to go to the bathroom.” She absolutely despised that she announced that to the room but at least she could then leave. Which she did. 
Wanda darted off which finally pulled Loki’s attention from his books with a twitch of his brow. 
“Guess I made her nervous, huh?” Sif’s charmed voice came from behind Loki. She moved around the table to stand awkwardly in front of him, hands oddly resting on her hips. There was an intense feeling of effort in the interaction which made Loki even more annoyed. Sif was a freaking jock. She’d been one all her life and the only reason she felt the need to be nice to him was because of Thor’s begging.
“She’s not attracted to you, bonehead. Your presence just gave her such social anxiety that she then had to use the bathroom as an excuse to leave. She’ll be hiding there until you’re gone.” The dark haired man spoke smoothly as he flipped through pages. 
“Which-” He finally glanced up at Sif and made a show of folding his hands together “I hope it will be soon. Now that you’ve gotten the...coffee creamer you needed so badly?” His thin brow jumped up. 
Sif really hadn’t been paying attention to what she was grabbing. She simply missed the days of annoying Thor’s little brother by mere existence plus hell if Wanda wasn’t adorable. She smirked and tossed the creamer from palm to palm while obnoxiously observing Loki’s work. She came closer and rested against the counter. “Still as kind as ever, Loki.” 
The younger boy looked up and met his eye in an oddly amused way. “Still as back-handed as ever, Sif.” He scrunched up his nose and shut the Chemistry book he’d been pretending to read. 
The girl just grinned as she straightened his back, finding the bite to be sentimental. All the times she’d teased the quiet boy whenever she passed Loki in her best friend's home, sitting on the ottoman by himself, to get Kool-Aid (or whatever the hell they were drinking in middle-school) popped back into her mind. “You do possess the ability to be nice, y’know that?” 
Loki hummed, flipping his pen around in his hand. Those fingers moving quickly yet gracefully was somehow mesmerizing. “Yeah but you’re not worth the effort.” He flicked his tongue and went back to writing. 
Sif nodded, as if the reaction was expected and went back to her friends because maybe Loki wasn’t worth her effort. 
Once she was gone, Loki shoved himself out of the chair and trudged over to the bathroom door with a bit of an amused smile. His knuckles burned slightly as he tapped insistently against the white wood currently keeping him from his absurd friend. “Wanda, dear? You’re free to come out.” He hummed happily. 
There was a quiet thrush of water from the sink and some shuffling but the door remained closed for another minute or two. It gave Loki the time to pause...and maybe think about the other night. He’d come to expect that disgusting attitude from Odin but that didn’t take away the sharp pain it put in his chest everytime he put another back-handed comment on the table. Damn if Loki didn’t keep a tiny bit of hope for change. “Did you decide to take a nap on the linoleum, Wanda?” 
“Yeah, that’s exactly it.” She finally answered, voice thick and unamused. 
So much so that Loki whistled, putting his hands up in a mock surrender as he backed away from the door. Just in time for his friend to pop out with that smug little nose-scrunch smile of hers. However Loki didn’t miss the slick way she shoved her phone into her back-pocket. He cocked an eyebrow, arms crossing elegantly over his chest. “Who were you talking to?” 
“Nobody. I was peeing and hiding from Thor’s friends.” 
“Then let me see your call history.” 
Wanda scowled. “No, Loki.” She shook her head and stomped past him, beginning a dance of irritation. She’d lead into a step only to have Loki block and counter it, pretending to be doing something of importance that just so happened to be in her way. It only lasted so long. 
When Loki reached over her body to get the cookie jar, that conniving little smile on his face, Wanda couldn’t help it. She pushed his arm back with a bit more force than intended and watched him stumble with heat in her stomach. “Are you so arrogant that you can't understand you’re annoying me so much right now?” Venom in her tone for sure but Wanda was a master remaining unsettlingly pleasant even when angry. 
“Oh please, spare the dramatics.” Loki rolled his eyes. “It did seem like you were growing tired of me.” He spat a little too bitterly. Wanda turned, leaning back on the counter. Her outfit annoyingly consisted of flare jeans which dragged against the floor. 
“Loki.” She frowned, moving towards the table. “We’re soul-siblings-” She gently poked his shoulder with one finger. “Just because I’m dressing a little differently doesn’t mean I’m becoming someone else.” 
Exceedingly embarrassed, Loki looked off to the side. “So tell me who you were talking to.” It was pitifully childish but something about his best friend, who often openly gushed and giggled over boys, being so suddenly secretive about a phone-call was bothering him. It had to be someone she liked. He knew her tell-tale signs...that and he swore he’d heard a muffled giggle from behind the damn bathroom door. 
“Fine.” Wanda shook her head once more and handed over the phone. 
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onewfantaesy · 4 years
vampires au is the funniest thing ever XD did taemin manage to convince jinki of drinking on fridays instead? also imagine kibum and minho's reaction when they meet taemin on a saturday and he's got a "mosquito bite", they'd tease him forever
It’s a team Christmas party of all places that Kibum decides to really shit on Taemin. Kibum was the one hosting it after all, just a small get together of their team and a couple others they usually worked with. Nothing fancy, just wine and beer and finger foods and silly trivia games. And everyone was more than encouraged to bring a plus one.
Minho was bringing his not-girlfriend from the accounting team, Baekhyun invited Chanyeol from marketing, and Taeyong was bringing his roommate Ten. Their other work friends from various teams were lretty much the same. There was only maybe twelve people total.
But Taemin brought Jinki. On a Saturday night. After two months of finally convincing Jinki to drink on Fridays instead of Thursdays, after two blessed months of not getting teases for his “mosquito bites” at work, and Taemin was showing up to his boss’s house with a bright red bite on the left side of his neck that no amount of drug-store concealer bought that morning could hide. And Taemin didn’t own any turtle necks.
“It’s fine,” Jinki says softly as they walk up the driveway. “Who cares? They all know I drink from you anyway.”
“They’re gonna make fun of me,” Taemin whines, latching his arm around Jinki’s. “So you get to be DD.”
“That’s fine,” Jinki agrees quickly. “I’ll only have one glass of wine, promise.”
“Good, ‘cause I’m gonna drink at least a whole bottle myself.”
Jinki rings the doorbell, and a few moments later, they’re greeted by Kibum’s grinning face and open arms.
“Welcome to the party!” Kibum gushes, ushering them inside. “Come in, come in! And I made sure there’s no garlic in anything, promise!”
“Thank you,” Jinki says softly.
“It’s the least I can do for Taemin’s special friend,” Kibum snickers, and a few others start not-so-subtly laughing as well. “Ah, I see you’ve left him quite the souvenir yet again.”
“Shut up,” Taemin mumbles, tucking his neck into his shoulder. “Where’s the wine?”
Kibum just snorts at him and then claps his shoulder, “Over here. Red or white?”
“White,” Taemin says.
“Red,” Jinki says at the same time.
It only makes Kibum laugh harder as he pulls down two glasses.
“Just how much have you had to drink?” Taemin scoffs. “The party’s barely started!”
“Would you believe I got this wine from Trader Joe’s?” Kibum asks, ignoring Taemin and pushing the red wine towards Jinki. “Good shit, right?”
Jinki swirls it a moment and then takes a sip. He hums a bit, and Taemin just scoffs at the both of them.
“It’s really good!” Jink insists. Then he pushes the glass towards Taemin, “Here, try some.”
“Maybe later,” Taemin mumbles. Then he takes his glass of white wine and downs half of it in one go.
“Jeez, slow down,” Kibum laughs. Then he says in a snotty voice to quote Taemin, “The party’s barely started.”
Taemin finishes the glass, staring at Kibum the entire time before putting it back on the counter and asking for a refill.
An hour later, Taemin is pleasantly numb and has a smile on his face while they play trivia games. Except halfway through, Kibum and Minho are cackling on top of each other, almost falling off their seats, and whispering quite loudly about the bite on Taemin’s neck. It only makes Taemin scratch at it more, being reminded that it’s there, which in turn makes the two laugh louder.
“I don’t see why it’s so funny,” Taemin whines, scooting closer to Jinki and gulping down his umpteenth glass of wine. “There’s nothing wrong with letting a vampire drink from you!”
“It’s funny because you thought it was a mosquito,” Kibum laughs, slapping a hand on his knee.
“For like, six months!” Minho laughs with him, doubling over and holding onto Kibum.
“Who gets a routine mosquito bite once a week?” Kibum asks, his wine almost sloshing over the rim of the glass.
“You’re so mean to me,” Taemin whines.
“It’s okay,” Jinki says softly in Taemin’s ear. “They’re only teasing.”
“It’s mean teasing!”
Jinki just chuckles and holds Taemin close, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and effectively hiding the bite from sight.
That doesn’t mean Kibum and Minho aren’t still laughing in the corner, a little breathless and barely holding each other up.
That night, Jinki and Taemin cuddle more in Jinki’s room after the party. Except this time, there’s no blood sucking planned. Just sweet, comforting hugs and warm blankets and silly Christmas movies playing softly in the background.
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Melody (S.W.A.L.K) 1971 Livewatch
I have seen this movie. but not the whole thing (i got interupped the first time i watched it)... so here goes! 
movie load please
20 seconds of logos???
guitar song™
this movie is so nostalgic for no reason
Mark Lester and Jack Wild: did you mean, Oliver Twist and The Artful Dodger?
and tracy hyde shes here too
i love this movie sm wtf
can these credits end????
ok yes they can
70s film marching band scene
ornshaw drinking whiskey before band bc why not
danny is bby
mY mOtHeR dId It SiR
dannys mum is so annoying wtf
i really love tom ornshaw
run bitch run
The BB™
look at his lil face ❤
a gowdfish please
aww look at her 
“ive done all those things i wanna try something new” LIKE DRAWING TIDDIES? DANIEL
“ah a boy gave it to me at school” was it ornshaw, i bet it was ornshaw
melody girl you cant play that fucking recorder
this film has great cinematography wtf
Melody Perkins Deserves The World !!
the gang go to school
Ornshaw Gets Bullied
“the jewish boys may now leave for private study” what about the jewish girls?? there’s clearly girls in the class?? why do they have to listen to the bible
ornshaw’s porn bible
dont smoke at school kids
okay so shes peggy, why is she credited as maureen. who the fuck is maureen
hear me out, muriel is a lesbian. noone kisses for over five minutes unless youre proper horny and this bitch is like thirteen. she also says “i dont know, i never used to kiss boys”, because SHE DOESNT. shes lying because she doesnt kiss boys. shes closeted and thats whys she says she does. also, she got angry at peggy for saying she fancied a boy.
“saucy turtles make terrible bathmats, charley” okay okay jeez
ornshaws accent is everything
The Gang sneaking through the fence what will they do
uh oh danny
thats def gonna explode later
ornshaw gets kicked off the bus
but now hes on it
ornshaw and danny have such a wholesome friendship too bad melody ruins it oh wait
you’ve heared of ornshaw gets kicked off the bus now get ready for... ornshaw gets kicked out of the strip club!
you cant get a taxi!!! watch me hoe
where did ornshaw get the chewing gum from wtf
“shes always talking about people like you...” OH OKAY DANNYS MUM IS CLASSIST
“he could do with a heart attack!” WOAH OKAY
time skip to school
oh no danny’s seen melody
“we have three admirers of the dance!” ah shit
ah so maureen is the girl in green
why is ornshaw just standing there
the girl gang is hilarious i love them
Muriel Kisses A Tombstone
uh oh dannys been found out
ornshaw just yeeted his cat
i hate dannys mother sm
assembly time, an iconic part of british comprehensive school, since covid, i cant say i miss it
danny and melody !!
melody and her friend are there because plot
melody sweetie baby i love you but you cant play the recorder
this is cute as fuck
melody is babey
oh explosives time??
i just dubbed these kids ornshaw and the pyrotechnics crew and it fits
dannys parents are annoying
i quite literally hate them
melody girl are you okay
melody are you lying about getting raped
oh time skip to school
we’ve hardly seen ornshaws home life so when will we properly meet him??
god i fucking love ornshaw its mad
oh this is an iconic scene if there ever was one
“go on tom dance with her” oh the ONE TIME ornshaw is called by his first name
youre mad !!
“girls are a load of snotty nose little so and sos” ornshaw aro king
is ornshaw.. scared of women
whatddya mean i dont dance very well!?
is it bad i lowkey crackship peggy and ornshaw now
no one:
ornshaw: kicks peggy in the shin because he cant dance
“you big fat fool” yikes
danny u ok
oh it worked for once
i feel so fucking sorry for melody wtf
bb 🥺
im at the bit where melody is crying while putting on her mothers makeup 
this film is so fast were already an hour in!
ornshaw giving actually solid life advice?? are you sure this is the same movie
“you youre gonna be bloody useless!”
i literally love ornshaw so much 
time skip to school 3982903843290
wtf is a young latin scholars book
not ass latimer, arse
i hate the latin teacher
ornshaw every second: right uh erm um uh so yes sir oh uh mhm
*ornshaw and danny shoving pillows up their underwear*
“dont worry about it!!” dude hes getting spanked by the latin teacher ofc hes gonna worry about it
ornshaw and latimah
“vacate your mouth”
“because its a silly out of date language sir!!!” hes not wrong
uh oh 
what will slapping ornshaw’s ass with a dap even gonna do???
oh hi melody forgot about you
“cmon danny dont let her see you cry!” i want a friend like ornshaw man
“you can buzz off now love, tara, tooduhloo” have i said i love ornshaw? because i love ornshaw
danny dont abandon ornshaw !!
oh this is sad
danny? danny?? danny!!!??? DANNY!!?? 🥺🥺🥺
ive felt sorry for literally all three of these kids now
ah fuck now ornshaws having a mental breakdown in the school halls
danny and melody’s relationship is so innocent and wholesome 
this is literally so bittersweet, like we’re seeing danny and melody being all cute and happy but we know that back in school ornshaw is literally having a breakdown over them
im tearing up over a movie about schoolchildren in puppy love
“will you love me that long?” “of course! ive loved you a whole week already!”
“hes come to tea! his name is daniel!” melody hes not your pet
melodys dad seems so cool why was he arrested
i genuinely love melody’s dad 
melody dramatically eats toast
time skip to school AGAIN
melody and danny are out on a date having fun and its the same song playing as the scene earlier on when danny and ornshaw went off somewhere at the start of the movie, melody has quite literally replaced ornshaw
i have real tears rn 
they skipped school to go to weymouth
danny and melody are literally adorable man
“shall we get married?” arent yall like 12????
oh back to school they got in trouble for skipping
apparently the poor cast got spanked for real and like yikes
we want to get married :D
leave danny alone!
leave melody alone!
ornshaw please stop
ornshaw stop taunting him this is gonna end shittily
okay now ornshaw is literally beating him up okay
danny this is your fault for ditching him for melody sorry
top ten best anime fight scenes
latin man is back because plot
i’m sorry danny 😭😭
let melody and danny get married!
wait so if 20 is twice as old as her then shes.. ten?? i think
melody ily
“all i want to do is be happy” BABY
ornshaws unnamed friend is the true hero of this movie
is this the movie climax???
run! ornshaws unnamed friend! run!
“we are gathered here today to join this man and woman in holy matrimony.. shaddup”
“DICKS IS COMING!!!” as soon as they were getting the rings
RUN !!!!
ornshaw just threw the bible at his re teacher from the re scene at the start i love him
name a more iconic trio than melody perkins, danny latimer, and tom ornshaw, i’ll wait
“i’ll get you ornshaw!” dude how is this his fault its yours for unterupting the wedding latin man
again ouf is the true movie hero
wait latin man is dicks??? whos wannabe remus lupin then????
this just in: ouf is actually named stacey
oh god thats actually such a bittersweet ending
melody and danny trolleying off into the sunset
im actually crying like a baby rn
god that was such a good movie
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ghoste-catte · 4 years
gaalee - 6, 20, 24 ❤
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Hmm, this was a tough one, because frankly both of them are straight-up pretty weird looking. I know in canon Gaara has a bunch of Suna ladies that crush on him, but you’ll notice it’s only Suna ladies (and Fuu) which leads me to the conclusion that Sunan aesthetics are less about looks and more about power. Power = attractive, which is why Gaara seems to attract a flock of lady admirers, in my opinion. ‘Cause listen, the dude looks like he hasn’t slept more than a few hours in the past ten years, and he’s the only person I’ve ever seen who managed to make himself look worse by running a comb through his hair. Plus he smiles in a really unnerving way (Have y’all seen that photo of all the Kage from Boruto where Gaara’s making the grimace emoji expression? That’s what I’m talking about). 
Anyways, now that I’ve just dissed Gaara’s looks really hard, let’s talk about physical attraction. I don’t see Gaara as being particularly invested in his partner’s looks overall; he just doesn’t strike me as the type. I think he likes Lee because Lee is kind to him, and doesn’t hold a grudge, and is strong. I think he likes that Lee is in many ways his equal and that he doesn’t have to worry about protecting Lee (his thoughts on the relative vulnerability of his partner compared to himself comes up a bit in the Gaara Hiden light novel) ... at least, he doesn’t have to worry about protecting Lee from anyone but Lee’s own self-destructive impulses, for the most part. Physically, I think he would then be attracted to Lee’s body/muscles, because that’s a physical representation of his strength. Also I think Lee’s turtle mouth is cute, so let’s go with the little turtle mouth as well. 
Of the two of them, Lee is definitely the more physically oriented and probably finds a lot of things attractive about Gaara, although as I’ve already established, I hc that Gaara is a straight up little sand gremlin in physical appearance. But I think the feature that would sell him would be Gaara’s eyes. Not because they’re unique or because of the tanuki marks or anything, but because I think when he first starts learning to read Gaara’s expressions, he conveys everything in his eyes. The rest of his face is relatively impassive and inexpressive, so as they’re getting to know each other I think Lee spends a lot of time staring at Gaara’s eyes to try and figure out what he’s thinking and feeling. And that probably grows into something of a favoritism.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Oof, okay, this is gonna be a somewhat long one because they each have like three people who are the most important in their lives. 
So, for Gaara:
Kankuro thinks Lee is weird as hell, but ultimately well-meaning. He respects a guy who lulls you into a false sense of security by looking like an animated green bean and then straight up clocks you in the face so hard you shit your pants. I do think him and Lee butt heads on occasion, because they’re both stubborn as hell and Kankuro’s a bit of a bastard while Lee’s very noble, so they don’t have very well aligned values. And neither of them is willing to back down from a fight. So there are probably some family dinners where Kankuro gets this close to flipping a table because he can’t believe how stupid Lee is being about something, Gaara why do you even put up with this dude? But there’s definitely a respect there, and Lee is a genuinely nice guy, so Kankuro probably takes advantage of that a little bit (”Lee, can you run to the store and get me...” and Lee of course says yes even though Kankuro has two perfectly functional legs). 
Temari initially doesn’t trust Lee. I don’t think she believes at first that Lee isn’t playing the long con and going after Gaara for revenge. It takes her a long time to realize that, no, Lee really is just like that and that he genuinely doesn’t hold a grudge at all. She’s also the most likely to get worked up about the political implications and be scared for how this might affect Gaara’s standing. I think Shikamaru probably sells her on it a bit, because he’s known Lee for longer. And I think seeing how happy Lee makes her brother and how Lee makes Gaara come out of his shell really seals the deal for her. 
Naruto doesn’t get it, but he’s supportive. You know that meme that’s like “he’s not quite there but he’s got the spirit”? That’s Naruto’s approach to basically anyone’s relationship. He doesn’t have any room to judge anyway; his romantic life is a complete shitshow. And Naruto’s pretty guileless so I doubt he really even thinks through any of the potential pitfalls in their relationship. Gaara tells him and he goes “Oh okay, cool!” and then back to talking about Sasuke. 
As for Lee,
Gai does not trust Gaara at all after he caught him trying to kill Lee in the hospital room. I think that’s probably something he never even brought up to Lee, because he wanted Lee to focus on his recovery. So when Lee ends up bringing up that he and Gaara are dating, Gai kind of pales and goes quiet for a minute and then tells Lee very seriously, “He tried to kill you.” And Lee is probably like, “Haha, I know but that was in a match! Anyone could have killed anyone!” and then Gai has to drop the bad news that no, it wasn’t just during the match. Ultimately though he probably gives Gaara a very stern “what are your intentions with my precious student” speech (that Gaara mostly doesn’t understand because it’s so flowery), but is convinced enough by Gaara’s answers that he gives him a big snotty, tear-filled hug. 
Tenten has kind of the same wariness around Gaara initially as Gai does, but she’s much slower to warm up. She sees herself as Lee and Gai’s common sense/”angel on their shoulder” and she doesn’t necessarily believe that Lee has his own best interests at heart. She probably thinks at first blush that Lee is just overcome with infatuation like he was with Sakura or any other spur-of-the-moment crush that he may have, and definitely thinks Lee is going to get hurt. She absolutely threatens Gaara, more than once, even though she wouldn’t stand a chance against him in a match. In my opinion would be the last of Team Gai to come around. She’s probably the person on the morning of Lee’s wedding straightening his shiny orange bow tie and asking him if he’s sure he wants to go through with it. 
Neji (who is alive, damnit) also doesn’t trust Gaara, but he has his own emotional walls up about caring for Lee. So on the surface he tells himself “what do I care, that’s Lee’s bad decision to make and I’m not responsible if he gets hurt”, but he is definitely on edge and wary whenever he sees them together. I think he and Gaara are more similar in personality though, in the sense that both of them have trauma that has made them emotionally closed-off, and Neji recognizes something of himself in Gaara and is probably the first person to actually believe that Gaara means what he says and doesn’t have bad intentions. He sees himself in that inability to express one’s feelings properly in a way that convinces others that you’re genuine, and he probably is the one to bring Gai around in the end. 
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
I answered this one here!
OTP ask meme!
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reystars · 6 years
I think if it came down to it, Lucy would erase Rittenhouse from history, even knowing what it would cost her. And then I was thinking about it. What, exactly, would it cost her?
She’d step out of the Lifeboat to an empty bunker. One that’s never been used, one that’s never needed to be. 
When Mason Industries finally turns up to retrieve it, Mason slaps Rufus on the back to tell him good job. Jiya is there too, an engagement ring on her finger. Agent Christopher, the assigned government detail for all things Time Travel related, nods at Wyatt. “Good work, Logan. Now get home to your wife.”
Then they all turn, staring at Lucy. A stranger to Denise, the woman who became a mother figure to her. A stranger to Jiya, who she spent late nights with, talking about anything they could think about and binge watching crappy reality TV shows. A stranger to Mason, who helped teach her how to cook and always provided words of support when she needed them.
Flynn is nowhere to be seen.
After the situation being explained to her, Agent Christopher is weary, but she helps build an identity for the woman who never existed. Lucy hesitates to use the last name Preston. She no longer has any connection to that family--her family. But it’s the only name she’s got, so she keeps it, and they set her up with a little apartment and a job offer.
When Wyatt and Rufus aren’t around, she finally asks about him.
“Garcia Flynn?” Agent Christopher says. “I’ve never heard of him.”
Mason shakes his head. Neither has he. But Christopher can’t help but feel sympathetic as she looks at Lucy’s haunted, sad face. She does her a favor, looks up his phone number, gives her his address. She doesn’t ask what Lucy is going to do with it, and Lucy is glad.
Lucy sits in the car outside the large, spacious house. It has a meticulously curated front lawn and an idyllic white picket fence. The sun is setting and she doesn’t think anyone is home, but she’s waiting.
She’s about to pull away, feeling all the courage sucked out of her, when a sedan pulls into the driveway. She freezes, her hand stretching for her keys, and watches.
First, a woman climbs out of the passenger’s seat. She’s beautiful, long brown hair, laughing at something. She slides open the back door of the sedan and a little girl jumps out. She’s wearing a tutu and ballet slippers, her dark hair slipping out of her bun chaotically, and she has a turtle shell backpack on her back.
And then Lucy sees Flynn.
He climbs out of the driver’s side, shutting the door behind him. The little girl runs around the sedan, jumping on his back with surprising speed and mobility. He turns, laughing, a softness in his eyes Lucy has never seen before. He hoists the little girl up on his back and looks up, directly across the street, making eye contact with the stranger sitting in the car. Lucy feels frozen. Numb. She knows she should speed off, but Flynn is already walking toward her, his daughter still riding on his back.
Not knowing what else to do, Lucy rolls her window down as he approaches.
“Is everything alright?” Flynn asks, his face full of concern. Iris peeks up over his shoulder at her.
“Um, yes, I’m sorry, I’m just. I’m lost, I think. My phone died.”
Flynn nods sympathetically. 
“Do you want to come inside?” he says. “My wife Lorena would be happy to fix something up for you. We can get your phone charged.”
“I’m seven!” Iris informs her from Flynn’s back.
Lucy forces herself to smile.
“No it’s okay, really, I think I’ll just uh, head back to the main road. I’m sure I can find it.”
Flynn sets Iris down on the ground, taking her hand. She’s staring at Lucy curiously. When she smiles, she’s missing her front teeth. Stepping up to the car, she leans against it.
“The tooth fairy gave me money from Cro-ay-shuh for my teeth! How cool is that?!” she says. Flynn chuckles, putting a hand on Iris’ shoulder.
“That’s enough, bumblebee,” he says affectionately, ruffling her hair. Lucy can hear Lorena calling for Iris in the distance. She darts back to the house, making sound effects with her mouth as she goes.
“Are you sure you don’t need anything?” Flynn asks once more. Turning the car on, Lucy forces another smile.
“It’s really okay, thank you.”
Flynn hesitates, but nods. Lucy finally pulls away from the house and when she glances in the rearview mirror of the car, she sees Flynn’s outline walking away, his back to her. Back to his family, his wife and daughter. Lucy can’t get Iris’ smile, so carefree, out of her head.
She drives for a while. She doesn’t know where she’s going until she finds herself parked in front of her mother’s old house. She hasn’t looked her up yet. Maybe she’s afraid of what she’ll find. But despite everything, she has to know. Before she has a chance to talk herself out of it, she’s knocking on the door.
Amy answers, and Lucy can’t breathe for a moment.
“Hi?” Amy says. “Can I help you?”
Lucy clears her throat, trying to blink away the tears. She looks exactly the same as she remembered, but all the details are sharper now. The color of her eyes, her blonde hair, they’re details that had started to fade. How could she ever forget? All she wants to do is hug her sister, breathe in the berry scented shampoo, and have her tell Lucy everything is going to be okay.
“Does Carol live here?” Lucy asks instead.
“She passed away about three years ago,” Amy says. There’s lingering sadness in her tone, but it’s not fresh. “I’m sorry, who are you?”
It hurts so suddenly, so completely, all at once that Lucy has to take a step back.
“No one. It’s okay. Have a nice day.”
Lucy turns around before her face completely gives her away and she doesn’t see Amy shake her head in confusion, doesn’t even hear her shut the door. Numb, her feet somehow carry her to her car. Lucy is about to turn the key in the ignition when the tears hit. She’s barely able to get a breathe in between choking sobs, leaning her head against the steering wheel.
How was it possible to have gotten everything back and be left with nothing at all?
Then she hears a knock against the glass. Just two knuckles, rapping against the window. She lifts her head up to see Amy standing outside the driver’s side of the car.
Lucy knows she must look like a disaster, and Lucy wipes her face and snotty nose with the back of her sweater sleeve, rolling down the window.
“Do you uh, want to come inside?” Amy asks. 
Lucy hesitates. She doesn’t know if she can handle seeing all the evidence of a life that she never existed in. But Amy is looking at her, somehow, in the way she’s always looked at her, and she’s the only person in the entire universe that she wants to talk to. That she’s wanted to talk to every single day since she dissappeared. So Lucy nods. She climbs out of the car.
She’ll find a way to start over. Somehow.
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themugcollector · 6 years
Alice in Wonderland (and other places) Part 2
The continuing adventures of Alice in Wonderland.... from ‘The Girl From the Tower’ (on FanFiction.net)
"You know about the curse!" Alice gasped, staring at the sad, beautiful woman. "Are you who I'm looking for? Have you found a cure?"
The woman, Cecilia, still held onto Alice's wrist, looking at the scar.
"There is no way to un-poison a heart." she said unhappily. "I would not be here in Wonderland if there was."
Alice pulled her arm away.
"But there has to be." she cried, tears picking at the corner of her eyes. "I came all this way. There has to be a cure! My Papa…"
"Oh child." sighed the woman, and with unexpected gentleness she put her arms around Alice and pulled her into a hug.
Alice froze. Her Papa was the only person to ever hold her this way…
There were arms around her that were not her Papa's and it felt wonderful and it felt sad.
Alice sank into the embrace, the tears she had been holding in under her long-worn smile were suddenly released. This was the first physical affection Alice had experienced for over seven years. It warmed and broke her heart all at once.
"My Papa!" Alice wailed unable to hold in the pain a moment longer, "I want my Papa…"
"I know, I know." whispered the woman, her finger's gently stroking Alice's hair much the way her Papa did when she was small. Alice felt the woman shiver too, letting go tears of her own.
"My child…" Cecelia whispered. "My poor, poor child…"
Slowly Alice was able to swallow back her sobs… her tears slowly easing as the strange and beautiful woman whispered to her and rubbed her back.
Eventually Alice felt able to pull away from her arms.
She was about to wipe her tear-stained cheeks and snotty nose with her sleeve when a slightly damp handkerchief was offered to her instead.
Her new friends around the picnic blanket were all watching her with concern.
Alice used the carpenter's handkerchief to wipe her eyes and blow her nose.
"Thank you." She croaked, her voice a little hoarse from all her crying.
"My pleasure." said the funny looking little man.
"Can you tell us about your Papa?" asked the Gryphon lying down by Alice resting his chin on the picnic blanket. "It sounds like a very sad tale."
"It is." said Alice.
Cecelia's hand was still touching Alice, squeezing her shoulder,
"You know you don't have to say a word if you don't want to." she whispered.
"No, I want to." said Alice, blowing her nose again before taking a seat on the picnic blanket. "It all began in a magical tower where I was born. The only person I had in all the world was my Papa…"
"…and then I found my way to Wonderland to find the cure for his poisoned heart." finished Alice. "Only now I find there isn't one."
Her companions had all listened with solemn expressions. The carpenter had taken back his Hankie and was blowing his nose very loudly. The Gryphon was sharing the Walrus's large Handkerchief, and both were dabbing the corner of their eyes.
"I think that is the saddest tale I have ever heard." said the Mock-Turtle, fat tears rolling down his cheek, "Even sadder than the tale of how I stopped being a turtle and become a mere 'mock'. I should sing us song to cheer us up. I know the most wonderful song about Turtle Soup."
"Not now." said Cecelia. She had held onto Alice's hand throughout the story and Alice felt so grateful for the contact. "I think what Alice needs most right now is a little peace."
"At least have some cake." suggested the Walrus. "The chocolate cake looks most delectable and I do believe I won't feel bad at all watching you eat it." As he spoke he picked up a hunk of dry bread and chewed it mournfully.
Alice was feeling much better for getting her story off her chest. She also felt a growing happiness at being in the middle of such a large group of people and creatures she truly felt she could call friends.
After taking a deep breath, Alice found a smile,
"You know, I do believe I could manage a little cake, just as you say."
Things took a lighter turn as the picnic progressed. The Mock-Turtle sang a cheery song about a Lobster Quadrille and the Walrus and Carpenter got into a strange conversation how ocean trade and the monarchy effected the price of cabbage. And through it all Cecelia had held Alice's hand and gave her an encouraging smile.
As the meal progressed however Alice realised this moment couldn't last. She had to continue her journey. She hadn't found a cure for her Papa. She would have to begin the search all over again. But one question was beginning to worry her.
"Is it easy to leave Wonderland?" she asked.
"You're leaving?" gasped the Mock-Turtle, "But, dear Alice, you've only just arrived. You can't leave if you've only just arrived, that would be rude."
"It's just… if there is no cure for my Papa here I can't stay."
Cecelia sighed.
"I'm afraid leaving Wonderland is not as easy as arriving. You require royal permission. You must petition the Queen of Hearts."
"Not something I would recommend." added the Gryphon. "She is in a very bad mood at the moment."
The Walrus and the Carpenter both nodded in agreement.
"But then she's always in a bad mood." said the Mock-Turtle.
Alice remembered the Palace she had seem from the top of the maze, but the mention of the Queen of Hearts also got she thinking.
"Is she the queen from the playing cards?" Alice asked, "Because then there is surely also a Queen of Spades, Clubs and Diamonds too. Could I ask one of them instead?"
Her friends all shook their heads as one.
"The Queen of Clubs would beat you to death as soon as look at you." said the carpenter
"And you couldn't afford to see the Queen of Diamonds." added the Mock-Turtle.
"And the whole Kingdom of Spades disappeared underground years ago. I guess they couldn't stop digging." explained the Walrus.
"With Queen of Hearts you only have to worry about her chopping off your head." said the Gryphon coolly. "Luckily she's not very good at it."
Alice looked at her friends in alarm.
"And that's the only way."
Her friends all nodded as one.
Alice took a deep breath.
"Then I have to see the Queen." She said firmly.
Cecelia squeezed Alice's hand.
"The Gryphon and I can help you get an audience, but it won't happen right away."
"So what do I do until then?" Alice asked. After all her months of running this was the first time it felt like she had really stopped.
"Why don't you come home with me." said Cecelia smiling kindly. "I have plenty of room in my cottage."
"And you must come back tomorrow." added the Carpenter. "We are to have a Caucus Race… you can't miss that!"
"What's a Caucus Race?"
"You'll have to come back tomorrow and see." said the Walrus with a broad grin. "It is truly one of the greatest sporting spectacles of the age."
When the meal was finished everyone parted ways.
Alice stood on the beach, watching the exchange of hugs and goodbyes, but was delighted to find herself included as well. The affection was so overwhelming and unexpected it made Alice's smile glow. She had never felt camaraderie like this in her entire life.
Alice had friends.
She promised she would return the next day to see the race and then found herself following Cecelia home.
Cecelia led Alice a short way back into the maze to the strangest house Alice had ever seen.
"That's a shoe!" Alice gasped. "You live in a shoe."
"To be more accurate it's actually a boot." said Cecelia, "The old woman who lived here with her children now lives in a big house in the village. I bought it for a very reasonable price."
Cecelia ushered Alice in through a door at the heel. Inside the cottage was surprisingly cosy and neat, much like the woman it belonged to.
Now they were alone, Alice felt she had to explain her gratitude to this woman who had shown her so much kind-heartedness, only she wasn't sure she knew how.
"Thank you for today… and for agreeing to help me… and for taking me in." She said quietly.
"It's my pleasure." said Cecelia, touching Alice's arm kindly.
The contact brought back more feelings.
"When you held me... I didn't mean to cry so much. It's just I hadn't been touched like that in such a very long time."
"Hush. You don't need to be worry about that. I only regret I can't help you and your Papa with his poisoned heart."
And with that she pulled Alice into another warm hug. Alice sighed at the contact.
"How do you know about the curse?" Alice asked, as they parted. "I couldn't see a scar on your wrists."
Cecelia put her hand to her chest.
"That is because I am the one whose heart was poisoned. I could not bear to see the pain in my dear husband's eyes knowing that if he touched me or came too close he could kill me. That is no burden to lay on the man I love. And I was so afraid my heart would be cursed towards my daughter too. I could not bear to see my sweet Ella bear the scar as well."
"You have a daughter?"
Cecelia reached out and tucked a loose strand of hair behind Alice's ear in a motherly fashion, clearly think of her own child.
"She would be about your age I believe, perhaps a little older. Time passes so strangely in this realm it's hard to tell. It broke my heart to leave them, but Ella has her father and step-sister and he has them both, they will never be alone."
"Unlike you." said Alice quietly
Cecelia gave a sad smile.
"Oh I have lots of friends here."
"Including me?"
Cecelia's smile grew brighter.
"Most certainly including you, Alice. Now don't you think it's time to get some sleep."
Upstairs the boot had lots of beds left by the previous inhabitant's many children. Alice picked one with pale blue blankets. From her magic satchel Alice pulled Mr Rabbit, who she sat at the end of her bed, and then found her nightgown.
Moments later Cecelia appeared with a candle.
"Are you comfortable." She asked
"Very." said Alice snuggled into the softest bed she had slept in since the tower.
"Well I just came to wish you goodnight."
Pausing as if unsure of her next action, Cecelia lent down and kissed Alice's brow.
"Sleep tight, Alice."
Alice grinned broadly.
As Cecelia left Alice sat up and pulled Mr Rabbit from the end of the bed into her arms. Alice felt a burning question hanging in the air. Her heart was so light from all the affection this beautiful woman had shared with her.
"Mr Rabbit," she asked quietly, whispering into her friend's ear. "Is this what it feels like to have a mother?".
"Yes." Mr Rabbit replied warmly, "I believe it is."
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