#smut one shots Louis Tomlinson
stylessbean · 4 months
Harry Styles Wattpad Fan Fiction Recs
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I do majority of my reading on Wattpad, so I've put together a list of my all-time favourite books from there and also attached my own reading list as well for anyone who would like to look through it!
Click for the full reading list
Breaking The Ice by sarbearfive
Hockerry with a slow burn romance. Read it all in one night IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!
Spotlight by Kiwiharryy
Enemies to lovers, also they're in a fake relationship which I eat up everytime!!!!
Rising Stars by tpwk1d00
Two famous singers fall in love
PRETEND by alittleloveeee
Another enemies to lovers where they're actors
Scandal by angelsvol6
Yet another fake relationship fic, trust me THIS ONE IS SO INCREDIBLE, I've read it at least 3 times now.
Assumptions by sugarpaperactuallyx
Famous au where the reader is working on the "behind the album" documentary with harry.
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louddydisturb · 1 month
‘Tate atenta a la fuga
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Louis até tentou afastar Harry depois que recebeu sua sentença, mas ele mesmo se viu voltando para os cachos chocolate depois de 6 anos
TW: menção a tentativa de estrupo, violência, uso de maconha, traição, Hlinter, exibicionismo e desuso de preservativo
Harry, 26
Louis, 28
Aproveitem a leitura:)
(dessa vez realmente)
Dsclp qualquer erro eu revisei mas deve ter passado algo porque são 2 da manhã
“POLICIA! SOLTE A ARMA!” os olhos de louis se arregalam, as luzes vermelha e azul iluminando a noite escura “NÃO VAMOS REPETIR! SOLTE A ARMA E COLOQUE AS MÃOS PARA CIMA” o moreno suspira antes de olhar para Harry que chorava desesperadamente
Louis solta a arma e logo dois policiais vem para cima de si, prendendo as algemas firmes em seus pulsos
Os olhos azuis encontraram os olhos verdes mais uma vez antes de ser levado para a delegacia
“Vai ficar tudo bem” ele falou baixinho
Louis foi preso, condenado a 6 anos de prisão por porte ilegal de arma e homicidio
Harry sabia que ele era inocente, ela ate tentou depor no julgamento mas a familia do seu abusador apresentou um laudo falso dizendo que a garota tinha problemas mentais
Louis não se arrependia, não tinha o minimo remorso. O momento mais satisfatorio de sua vida foi poder vingar sua namorada enfiando uma bala atraves da cabeça do babaca. Ele ate confessou o crime
Harry contou as horas e os minutos até que pudesse ver Louis novamente e quando esse dia chegou ela acordou cedo para se arrumar e preparar algumas coisas pra levar para ele
Ao chegar na frente do presidio seu coração começou a bater forte e o vento gélido de inicio de inverno a fazia estremecer
Quando Louis entrou na sala de visitas acompanhado de um guarda Harry congelou em seu lugar
Ele tinha um corte na sobrancelha e no canto dos labios finos e mais alguns hematomas em sua mandíbula
“Lou!” Ela se aproxima observando o rosto com cuidado
“Ta tudo bem, Hazzy” ele se afasta forjando um sorriso que não combinava com o tom gélido dos olhos azuis
“Porque não disse para os guardas que eles estão te batendo?”
“Não é assim que funciona, Harry” ele senta em uma das cadeiras no meio da sala enquanto brinca com as algemas em seu pulso “foram os próprios guardas que fizeram isso”
“Não gosto de te ver machucado” Harry se aproxima deixando um selinho nos labios rosados
“Vamos falar de coisas boas. Logo vão me separar de você”
“Luke sente sua falta”
Luke era o filhote de Husky que Louis tinha presenteado Harry no aniversario de dois anos de namoro deles
“Eu acho injusto você não poder trazer ele nas visitas” Harry senta em cima da mesa de frente para Louis, esse que se aproxima e deita a cabeça nas coxas pálidas “senti sua falta”
“Logo você vai estar livre de novo” ela acaricia os fios castanhos sentindo um bolo se formar em sua garganta
“São seis anos, Harry”
“Nós vamos passar por isso” uma lagrima solitária escorre pela bochecha rosada de Harry “eu vou ficar te esperando, Lou”
“Vamo Tomlinson hora de voltar” o guarda entra no cubículo
“Até semana que vem, amor” ele reluta um pouquinho antes de ser forçado para fora da sala
Nos dois primeiros anos Harry visitava Louis constantemente e isso causou revolta em sua familia
Afinal não era certo a filinha unica dos styles ter um namorado atras das grades
Mas ela suportou todos os olhares de desgosto quando tinha comemorações em familia, porem no dia que louis completava 3 anos preso harry recebeu a noticia de que ele não queria ver ela, assim como no dia seguinte, e na proxima semana, quando completou um mês que harry continuava sendo negada ela recebeu uma carta
“Você é livre, Hazza. Não gaste seu tempo se prendendo a mim”
Harry chorou, chorou de saudade, chorou de raiva
Por muitos dias ela mal saia do quarto ou se alimentava mas logo o verão chegou ao fim e a garota teria que começar de novo a faculdade
Ela trancou o curso depois de todo o escândalo da prisão de Louis, ainda mais quando o motivo da prisão também era um aluno da faculdade.
Logo depois do inicio das aulas Harry estava em uma das festas universitárias junto de Louis e mais algumas amigas quando um cara, que depois ela descobriu que se chamava Blake, começou a flertar descaradamente com Harry, mesmo depois que ela falou que tinha namorado.
Na semana seguinte ele começou a seguir a garota pelo campus e um dia após do fim das aulas ele a agarrou e a levou para uma das salas vazias do corredor. Para sorte de Harry um professor tinha esquecido as coisas na sala então Harry pode correr
As perseguições continuaram ate em um ponto em que ele começou a seguir harry até o apartamento que a garota dividia com Louis
Nessa tarde Harry estava sozinha no apartamento quando a campainha tocou, Louis tinha saído para comprar comida então Harry apenas supôs que era ele e que tinha esquecido as chaves então abriu a porta. Mas para a surpresa da cacheada não era Louis que estava ali
O Stalker agarrou harry a prendendo contra a parede, Luke estranhando a movimentação começou a latir e tentar morder o desconhecido
Harry conseguiu fugir novamente correndo para fora do prédio e encontrando com Louis que acabava de estacionar na frente do local
O moreno notou o desespero nos olhos da namorada e logo a figura que corria em direção da garota. Ele não pensou duas vezes antes de pegar a arma do porta-luvas e disparar três vezes contra o homem
Depois que a noticia se espalhou pela faculdade Harry não teve mais coragem de pisar naquele lugar de novo, ainda mais quando ela tinha tantas más lembranças
Harry realmente não gostava de ir para a faculdade
Até no dia em um festival da faculdade ela conheceu Thomas, seu atual namorado.
“Acredita que ja estamos juntos ha 2 anos, amor” o loiro abraçava os ombros de harry enquanto eles caminhavam com Luke pelo parque perto do apartamento que moravam juntos hà 8 meses
“Sim é louco né?” Harry tomava o milk shake sentindo a brisa confortavel do inicio do verão, ela estava estranhamente de muito bom humor hoje
“Se as coisas não tivessem tornado o rumo que tomaram talvez sequer tinhamos nos conhecidos” a garota apenas concorda não entendendo muito bem onde ele queria chegar com essa conversa “ainda lembro de quando nos conhecemos pela primeira vez, você parecia tão abalada, amor. Gosto de ver o quanto você evoluiu” eles param proximo a um lago “gosto de saber que ajudei o brilho da Harry das historia que a sua mãe conta voltar” a mão cheia de aneis acaricia a bochecha rosada
“E eu sou muito feliz de ter um namorado tão atencioso” ela sorri fraco
“Eu sei que pode parecer precipitado mas eu acho que essa realmente seja uma ideia perfeita” os olhos castanhos olhavam Harry em expectativa “ja moramos juntos então esse só vai ser um passo a mais no nosso relacionamento” ele ajoelha e tira uma caixinha vermelha aveludada da mochilinha nas costas do Husky “quer casar comigo?” E por fim a caixinha é aberta revelando o par de alianças
“É serio?” A cacheada estava estatica sem acreditar oque estava ouvindo
“Não quero forçar nada tambem, se não quiser ta tudo bem” thomas fala rapido querendo se levantar
“É claro que eu quero, amor!” Harry começa a praticamente pular animada e mal acreditando que agora ela tinha um anel em seu dedo
“Você vai ficar tão linda de branco, Hazzy” ele abraça a cacheada “vai ser a noiva mais linda do mundo”
“E com o noivo mais lindo do mundo”
Isso fez harry ter uma ponta de esperança que as coisas podiam sim melhorar, mesmo que no fundo ela ainda se pegava pensando sobre louis, se ele estava bem e se ele ao menos sentia sua falta. Mesmo que hoje ela tivesse recebido a notificaçao “liberdade do meu Lou💕” em seu calendario
Ela não estava sendo egoista com o homem que trocou a propia liberdade por sua causa, afinal ele mesmo disse que ela deveria seguir em frente
Eles ainda se abraçavam felizes quando Luke ameaçou correr, fazendo Thomas agarrar a coleira, e começar a latir para um homem que caminhava pelo parque
“Prometo que volto a tempo para a prova de doces na quarta” thomas terminava de fechar a mala de mão
“Você não pode adiar a viagem pra depois do casamento?” Harry senta na cama amarrando o robe de seda em sua cintura pequena
“Eu tentei adiar, amor. Mas se eu conseguir fazer essa parceria vai ajudar muito a empresa” ele beija a testa da cacheada “sabe como é dificil conseguir horario na agenda dos deakin” Harry bufa baixinho
“Promete que vai estar aqui na quarta?”
“Prometo” Harry da um ultimo beijo no noivo antes dele sair do apartamento
Era quase sempre assim, Thomas passava quase uma semana inteira viajando e quase sequer tinha tempo para Harry
A mulher passava então a maior parte do tempo passeando na casa de amelia, sua melhor amiga e que tinha acabado de ter gemeos
Harry adorava passar a tarde na casa nao tao longe da sua, ela sempre sonhou em ter uma familia grande.
Mas tambem nunca teve tempo de falar sobre com Thomas
Em exatos dois meses aconteceria finalmente a cerimonia de casamento que ela tanto esperou, só faltava acabar de resolver pequenos detalhes
“Luke, vamos hora do filme” ela chama o cachorro enquanto terminar de fazer as pipocas e pegava alguns petiscos no armário da cozinha “no fim sempre vai ser nos dois né, Lulu?” Os olhos azuis do animal traziam um conforto para Harry
“Não luke você não pode comer outra cenoura! Eu acabei de cortar essas” o cachorro choraminga na perna de harry “seu pai chega hoje de viagem, se você comer todas as cenouras não vai sobrar cenouras para o jantar” ele deita ao pe de Harry continua resmungando baixinho “você é teimoso, Luke!”
De repente o cachorro levanta e corre até a porta principal do apartamento vi, arranhando e farejando ali
“Que fugir de casa agora?” Harry ri sozinha com o drama do animal mas uma segunda voz na casa a faz travar no lugar
“Luke! Oi garotão!” Harry conseguia ouvir Luke pulando pela sala e os passos do dono da voz que Harry conhecia muito bem “não vai me dizer oi tambem, Hazzy?” O perfume forte inebria os sentidos de Harry
“Louis?” Os olhos verdes arregalam ao que ela se vira, ele estava perto, muito perto
“A reação de Luke foi mais emocionante e ele me conheceu quando era filhote”
“Oque você ta fazend- Como você entrou na minha casa?”
“A senha é o nosso aniversario de namoro, hazzy. Nada autentico”
“Isso não te da o direito de invadir a minha casa!” Ela caminha para a sala se sentindo atordoada com tudo isso
“Pensei que estaria com saudades minha” a cacheada ri com a fala do mais velho “eu não aguentava mais esperar ate que eu pudesse te ver de novo”
“Não aguentava mais que até me proibiu de ir te ver”
“Proibi de ir me ver? Eu tava te protegendo, Harry! Acha que era bom ficar ouvindo todo mundo comenta sobre você depois das visitas?”
“E ao menos pensou em conversar comigo e nao apenas me afastar?”
“Era o melhor que eu podia fazer na Época, mas agora ja ta tudo resolvido” Louis se aproxima, as mãos tatuadas alcançando a cintura de Harry “podemos voltar a ficar juntos” o coração de Harry acelera em ter o moreno tão perto de si depois de tanto tempo “é so deixar dele e podemos voltar para a nossa vida”
“Não é assim que funciona, Louis” a cacheada se afasta novamente enquanto tentava regular a própria respiração “eu estou feliz agora e amo o Thomas” os olhos verdes evitavam os azuis
“Ama?” Louis ri irônico a abraçando por trás “ama ele, Hazzy?”
“S-sim” a respiração em seu pescoço fazia sua mente nublar
“Eu trabalhei tão duro durante esses anos preso para conseguir te comprar um anel bem bonito quando eu saísse, Harry. Mas pelo visto ja conseguiu um” uma mão abraça a cintura de Harry enquanto a outra segura a mão delicada e analisa o anel com atenção “você jura que ama tanto ele mas eu sinto voce ficar tensa apenas em me ter perto” ele beija o pescoço alvo com calma “parece que são apenas palavras vazias, amor”
“Lou…” Harry sente suas pernas vacilarem por um instante e sua cabeça girar
“Estou errado?” Ele sorri com o quão afetada a cacheada parecia “suas coxas dizem o contrario”
“Ele não vai demorar para chegar em casa” Harry vira ainda tendo a cintura segurada pelas mãos fortes
“Nós dois sabemos que você não liga” eles estavam tão próximos que o mínimo movimento faria seus lábios encostarem “é só me pedir, Hazzy.”
Os olhos verdes estavam tomado pelo preto e o olhavam intensamente, um olhar quase felino.
“Me pede, Harry”
“Eu quero você, Lou” ela abraça o pescoço do outro, puxando para um beijo ávido
Eles caminharam atrapalhados ate o quarto no fim do corredor, Harry gemendo baixinho entre o beijo ao que suas costas encontram com os lençóis macios da cama
“Você é a única coisa que passou pela minha cabeça por todos esses anos” ele fala enquanto desce os beijos por toda a clavícula e o pescoço alvo “eu estava a ponto de enlouquecer sem poder te ter, Hazza” as mãos subiram desde da cintura de Harry até a alcinha fina do pijama de seda
“Você me tem agora então já pode me foder” ela rebola contra o falo grosso embaixo de si
“Agora eu te tenho e por isso eu vou aproveitar cada momento” louis desliza as alças do pijama liberando os peitos cheinho “cada segundo” Harry geme alto sentindo a lingua quente entrar em contato com seu mamilo sensível
Ele mamava preguiçosamente enquanto brincava com o piercing do outro
“Ainda é tão sensível quanto eu lembro” ao que Louis se afasta é possível notar as mordidas e o quão vermelho o peito de Harry havia ficado, ele não estava se importando sobre o fato de Harry estar noiva. No fim das contas ela sempre seria dele
O moreno termina de tirar o pijama da mulher, tirando alguns segundos para observar o corpo alvo. Ele tinha muitas ideias em mente de como ele iria destruir aquele corpo e a marcar como sua propriedade novamente
“Se arrumou para o babaca, amor? Seu corpo cheira a hidratante de morango e sequer está usando calcinha… que putinha” ele estapeia a coxa branquinha antes de se encaixar entre as pernas da outra “você ta tão molhada quanto uma puta, Hazzy” o dedão é pressionado contra o clitoris inchadinho de Harry fazendo-a gemer alto e tentar segurar o braço de louis, as unhas longas arranhando de leve ali “tão molhada que eu aposto que conseguiria te foder sem sequer precisar te preparar” ele beija e mordisca as coxas de harry “mas não estamos com pressa, né amor?” Ele continua agora espalhando beijos pelo baixo ventre da cacheada, essa que gemia sequer se preocupando em responder a pergunta “eu perguntei se estamos com pressa, Harry” um tapa é desferido na buceta dolorida fazendo a mulher gritar e fechar as coxas
“Não… não e-estamos com pressa” ela se apoia nos antebraços observado Louis sorri antes de começar a chupar devagar “porra, Lou…” Harry rebolava contra a lingua do outro. Seu quadril mal encostava no colchão mais
Louis apertava os quadris largos buscando manter o mínimo de seu autocontrole
Harry começava a querer fechar as coxas mas sempre era impedida por Louis que começou a as afastar
Os olhos azuis tinham a pupilas completamente dilatadas, nem heroína conseguiria ter o efeito que harry tinha em Louis
“Caralho” ele se afasta para retirar a camisa preta e deitar na cama antes de puxar harry para cima de si, essa que começou a praticamente calvagar seu rosto
Louis apertava e estapeava a bunda cheinha enquanto tentava a penetrar com a lingua deixando harry completamente extasiada sentindo seu baixo ventre revirar indicando um orgasmo muito proximo e quando Louis sentiu as coxas tremerem em cima de si, ele não demorou para chupar o clitoris sensível e penetrar dois dedos na entradinha apertada, fazendo gozar tremendo e gemendo alto
Ele a tirou de cima de si, a deitando de bruços na cama macia. Harry continuava tomada pelo orgasmo e tinha pequenos espasmos apenas ao um simples toque de Louis
“Tão gostosa” ele apertou uma banda da bunda gordinha observando a marca vermelha se formar ali
“Eu quero te chupar, Lou” Harry fala abafado, quase incompreensível
“Hm?” Ela engatinha para o meio das pernas do outro, se ajoelhando ali
“Quero seu pau” as mão tremulas vão para a braguilha do cinto de Louis, abrindo e por fim desabotoando a calça jeans
“Continua uma puta faminta por pica” ele acaricia os cachos, a forçando contra o falo grosso ainda preso na cueca
Ela puxa o jeans junto com a cueca fazendo o pau bater duro contra a virilha de Louis
O olhar de Harry era quase inocente ao que ela lambia um linha desde da base ate a cabecinha rosada do penis. Louis com certeza sentiu falta disso nos últimos 6 anos
Ele a guiava, fazendo-a o levar fundo na garganta
O Tomlinson tira um baseado e cigarro do bolso da calça e acende tragando a erva devagar. Esse era um dos passatempos favoritos dos dois mesmo que Harry não fumasse tão frequentemente, oque deixava tudo melhor pois ela ficava chapada mais rápido
Ele geme fodendo a garganta apertada e puxando os cachos com a mão livre, as visão dos olhos verdes lagrimejando era uma das favoritas de Louis
“Senta pra mim, amor” ele traga sentindo seu corpo ficar leve
“Ainda não quero” ela começa uma punheta rapida fazendo o baixo ventre de Louis revirar e logo tiras grossas de porra mancham as bochechas coradas
“Caralho” ele jura que podia gozar de novo apenas por ver a cacheada limpar a porra das bochechas e chupar os próprios dedos sujos de esperma
Ela senta em cima do pau ainda sensível pós orgasmo e começa rebolar devagarinho sentindo Louis estremecer enquanto tragava a droga
Ele aperta as bochechas gordinhas e a puxa para perto, baforando entre os lábios vermelhos.
“Coloca as mãos para trás” ele tira o cinto e apoia o baseado entre os labios para poder prender os pulsos firmes juntos “bem melhor assim” e então ele encaixou o pau duro na grutinha que vazava aos montes em seu colo “senta”
“Não consigo, lou” ela choraminga apoiando a testa no ombro largo
“Não consegue?” ele estoca uma vez fazendo-a gemer alto “claro que consegue, amor” ao que ela se afasta Louis pode notar os olhinhos vermelhos lagrimejando “porque está chorando, putinha?” Ela tentava quicar mas ele levantava o quadril junto, a deixando frustada em seu colo “fuma um pouco” ele encosta o baseado no labios gordinhos a observando tragar enquanto circulava os quadris
Ele começa a estocar lento fazendo Harry choramingar buscando por mais
Ela quica afoita praticamente esquecendo do mundo a sua volta, ela sentia seu orgasmo se aproximar e o nome de Louis era a unica coisa que rondava sua cabeça
“Harry porque a porta da casa ta destrancada? Você sabe que é perig-“ o Loiro congela na porta do quarto processando oque estava acontecendo
Louis apenas sorriu e puxou harry para deitar em seu ombro enquanto a fodia mais forte
“Que porra ta aconte-“ Louis tira a arma que escondeu embaixo do travesseiro usando-a para fazer um sinal de silencio. Ele continuou empunhando a arma enquanto fodia a cacheada a fazendo praticamente gritar o seu nome enquanto gozava, esguichando por todo o lençol, praticamente esmagando Louis que gozava
Quando Louis voltou o olhar para a porta já não tinha ninguem ali, apenas um anel dourado no chão
“Você continua usando os mesmos sais de banho que usava quando estávamos juntos” Louis comenta enquanto lavava os cachos de Harry
“Eu apenas gosto deles, nada demais” ela sobra espuma no rosto de Louis
“Eu não ganho credito por isso?” Harry nega com a cabeça se sentando de frente no colo de Louis para lavar os fios cor chocolate “se sentar ai não me responsabilizo se fodermos na banheira
“Isso não é um problema” ela o beija rindo ao que Louis leva as mãos automaticamente para sua bunda
Louis organizou a cama enquanto Harry terminava de tomar outro banho para então os três (claro que luke tinha que estar ao pé dos dois) poderem finalmente dormir
“Estranho que Thomas ainda não tenha voltado” Harry se aconchega nos braços tatuados de Louis
“Não acho que ele vá voltar tão cedo… você quer fugir pra Itália?” Ele brinca com o anel no dedo de Harry, o tirando devagar
“Sim, porque não? Podemos ser felizes numa casa no interior do sul da italia” Harry sorri com o pensamento enquanto se deixava tomar pelo perfume forte de Louis
“Podemos pensar nisso”
Parte dois?🇮🇹
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justmeinatree · 11 months
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Everything updated oldest to newest. Send me a message to be added to taglist !
Requests accepted, not guaranteed. Just ask !
Mostly smut. Everything listed will have a TW when necessary.
Enjoy ✌️
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The Greatest Show
a group of misfits, a mysterious leader, a string of murders, and a life on the road.
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Cocaine, Side Boob, ...
harry wants to go to the beach. and there’s cocaine.
... Choke Him With A Sea View
Part 2 to Cocaine, Side Boob, ... with a hint of subrry.
Step Into The Light
you’re one of the dancers in the lights up video. harry takes a particular liking to you.
So Bright Sometimes
Part 2 to Step Into The Light … harry’s wish comes true.
I’m Not Ever Going Back
Part 3 to Step Into The Light … your wish comes true.
Just A Little Taste
harry plays into your pain kink in a way you never could have imagined (feat. lhh)
Think I’m Losing It
weed makes harry submissive. until it doesn’t.
Your Delicate Point Of View
you & harry switch bodies. and well, you’ve both always been fairly curious.
I Was Thinking About You
part 2 to Your Delicate Point Of View … the next morning.
Black And White Film Camera
photography student harry x reader autumn meet cute.
Oh, I Think She Said
a tooth rotting harryween treat.
A Wet Dream Just Dangling
vampire harry wants to eat you out.
harry drabbles/prompts tag
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Made Of Something New
you meet niall in your hotel bar. and there’s an intense connection.
Astoria - Mini Series
you find yourself trapped on a pirate ship, desperate to be saved. or is it the pirate that needs saving …
Let Passion Get Too Much
niall x louis x reader threesome. with a sprinkle of feelings.
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Empty As A Bottle Of Wine
niall gets home from tour. you’ve missed each other incredibly.
To Wake Up By Your Side
Part 2 to Empty As A Bottle Of Wine … the next morning.
Stoner Niall - Request
shotgunning with niall.
Reader Birthday - Request
waking up hungover with niall.
Dancing In The Rain - Request
you just wanted a cuddle. niall just wanted to dance.
First Christmas - Request
your first christmas tradition with boyfriend niall.
Workout Niall - Request
his breathy groans caught your attention. his barely dressed, sweaty self convinced you to stay.
niall drabbles/prompts tag
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Let Passion Get Too Much
louis x niall x reader threesome. with a sprinkle of feelings.
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Open Up And Looking Down
you get home to louis getting stoned & watching porn.
She Is Beauty
louis pisses you off to no end. you admit some things you’ve been hiding. (friends to lovers)
We Are World Class
Part 2 to She Is Beauty … back at louis’ house.
Feeling It The Most
your first time in subspace with louis.
What We Shouldn’t Do
alcohol makes you horny. weed doesn’t help.
Last Night Of Tour - Request
the aftermath of louis’ tank top being ripped off at barricade.
Teasing - Request
as niall’s sister, louis is forbidden from making a move on you. you’re not about to make that easy.
A Hard Man To Lose
part 2 to Teasing - Request … the smut.
Flirting - Request
louis meets you at a meet & greet. and he wants to know you more.
louis drabbles/prompts tag
495 notes · View notes
holdinonto-heartache · 9 months
Netflix And Chill
Summary: Y/N and Louis spend the day in at home together, smoking and 'watching' movies
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, smoking weed, unprotected sex, teasing, creampie, fingering, oral(m), hair pulling, biting, filth
Not a request // not edited
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"C'mere, love." Louis extends his arm out to you.
You smile and look down at his hand, "What's in it for me?" You tilt your head and he smirks as he pulls a joint from his hoodie pocket.
He holds it up and raises his eyebrows as he wiggles it back and fourth between his fingers, "This good enough?"
You bite your lip and move down to him. He lights it as you lay between him and the back of the couch, resting your hand on his stomach.
"Here ya go." He puts the joint between your lips and you inhale, closing your eyes as you kiss being sober for the day goodbye.
He pulls it away and puts it back between his own. You open your eyes and take a deep breathe, "wanna watch a movie?"
Louis chuckles, "Sure, love. We can watch a movie." He grabs the remote that's next to him after you take the joint.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You ask trying not to laugh as you take another hit.
You know what it means, you just want to hear Louis say it.
"Mm." He laughs and shakes his head, "You know exactly what I mean, babe." He looks at you and leans in slowly.
Your eyes move from his lips to his eyes.
He smiles and quickly pecks your lips before taking the joint back, taking a hit before handing it back to you.
You take the last hit and lean up to set it in the ashtray, before you exhale, Louis pulls you to him and hovers his lips against yours.
You exhale the smoke into his mouth and he closes the space by kissing you. He places his hands on your cheeks, slowly deepening the kiss.
Your fingers scrunch up his hoodie and you whimper quietly.
Louis moves away, only a little bit, "You know what I mean." He smirks and chuckles as he leans back, pressing play on the movie.
You bite your cheek and nod as you slowly cuddle back into his side. He wraps his arm around you, his fingers resting gently on your hip.
When you're high, you turn into a complete slut for Louis.
And he knows that.
But as said, you just wanted to hear him say that.
You focus on his heartbeat and watch his chest rise and fall. You wanted him so bad, but after what he just did, you wanted to be petty.
You lift your hand up off his stomach and his eyes move to watch it. You move it down and slip it under his hoodie.
You feel the muscles of his bare torso flex against your touch and you bite down on your lip.
He's teasing you without even trying.
Louis one finger starts to lightly draw a circle on your hip.
You bring your one leg up and lay your thigh over his.
He loved when you laid like this on him, even when he knew you were trying to get into his pants.
He wraps his arm tighter around you, laying his hand on your waist, "You enjoying your movie?"
You giggle, "I think it's missing us passing a joint back and fourth."
"That's me girl." Louis says pulling you to him. He laughs and you can't help but smile. He reaches into his hoodie pocket and pulls out another joint.
"How many do you have in there?" You say shocked, "Fuck babe." You laugh and look up at him. He smiles and shrugs, "You've been having some bad days at work, and I just wanted to give you a nice day off."
You smile and lean in to kiss him, "Thank you."
He rolls his eyes and smiles, "Mhm."
He puts the joint between your lips and you guys get back into the cuddling position you were in before.
You bring your leg back up onto his and slip your hand onto his stomach again. His breathing hitches slightly and you smirk knowing that you're getting to him.
He brings the lighter over and carefully lights the joint between your lips. You take a hit and Louis pulls it from your lips, moving it out of the way so he can lean down and breathe in the smoke from your mouth.
Things turn spicy and Louis pulls you on top of him as he pulls you in to kiss you. It gradually turns into a make out, fast.
You moan into his mouth as you grind down onto his growing hard cock, "Need you so bad." You whimper against his lips.
You kiss back his jaw and down his neck. He take a hit of the joint holding it for a few seconds before hitting it a second time.
He gently grabs your chin, pulling you over so you can shotgun the smoke with him.
Your lips barely brushed his, you felt like you needed to kiss him. You wanted to do so many things to this man in this second you felt like you could go crazy.
He blows the smoke into your mouth and you inhale, leaning back to exhale what little smoke was left.
"You're so fuckin' hot, babe." He extends his arm out, holding it between his two fingers. You smirk slightly and lean forward as you slowly move your hips to grind on his cock.
You wrap your lips around the joint and look up at him. His eyes are locked on yours and his thoughts are also locked on to your lips being wrapped around his cock.
"What do you want, babe?" You asks as he pulls the joint back. He presses it to his lips, taking a drag as he still watches you, "I'll tell you-" he says before exhaling.
He leans up ashing in the tray before gripping your hips and sliding his hands up. He grips your shirt and lifts it slightly, "I want this to come off."
You slip your hands under his sweatshirt and gently run your nail up his sides before slipping them out.
You nod and grip his sweatshirt, "I want that too."
He empties his hoodie pocket, which contains another joint, another lighter, and his phone.
You laugh slightly as he lays it down and he looks at you with a smirk. He chuckles as he reaches behind him and pulls the sweatshirt off of his body.
You follow quickly by taking off your shirt.
You toss it down and shrug, "Now what?"
He smirks, "Your turn. Tell me what you want."
You move down and snap the waist band of his shorts, "I want these off."
He tilts his head and nods, "Same for me, love." He smirks and raises his eyebrows.
"Okay." You smirk as you stand up and turn around.
You slowly slip your leggings down over your ass, making sure you give Louis a very good view.
You feel Louis hands on your ass, pulling down your panties and letting them drop before sliding his hands to your hip. 
He pulls you back onto his lap, moving his legs so you sit and lean back against his chest.
You whimper as you feel how hard he is against your back, "please." You whisper quietly and he chuckles lowly, "Do you want me to touch you?"
You nod, "I need you to touch me."
His hands slowly slides up your armsand down your chest, stopping at your boobs. He takes each one in his hand, massaging and kneading gently, "Where else, babe? Hmm?"
He kisses your neck as he pinches and pulls at your nipples. You moan and arch your back, "Here." You take his hand and pull it off your boob and move it down to your pussy, "Please touch my pussy."
Louis groans against your skin as his fingers start to circle your clit, "So, my little slut has finally decided to speak, yeah."
Louis loves when you dirty talk to him. It drives him insane, in a very, very good way.
You moan and tilt your head back more, "Shes always here for you."
Louis slides his hand from your boob to your throat and gently squeezes, "I fucking love you."
You smile and whimper slightly, "I fucking love you."
In one quick motion, he slips his fingers down and dips two of them into you. You gasp and let out a loud moan, "Fuck, yes, yes. Yes."
You clench around his fingers and turn your head towards him. He presses his lips to yours and steadily thrusts his fingers in and out of you.
It's not too fast and it's not too slow. It's the right pace and it's working very well for you so far.
"M'gonna cum." You whimper our against his lips. He slides his hand back down to your boob, pinching and pulling at your nipples.
He kisses down your neck as you tilt your head over more, "b-babe." You clench and hold around his fingers, moaning as you feel yourself being consumed by your orgasm.
"F-fuck. Fu-" you moan and pant as you come down from your high.
Louis slips out his fingers and without even thinking you reach out and grab his arm, bringing his fingers to your mouth.
Louis gasp and groans, "Shit, babe."
He watches in awe how you lick yourself from his fingers.
"Such a dirty girl." Louis whispers as he pulls his fingers from your mouth, "Spin around here, babe."
You turn around, straddling him, "Only for you." You whisper before leaning in to crash your lips onto his.
His hands slide around to your ass, squeezing as you grind down on him, causing him to groan.
You lean in and kiss him before slipping a hand between your bodies. You lay your hand his hard and restrained cock, "I want you in my throat, daddy."
"Go on then, love." Louis eggs you on, "I'm not complaining."
You bite your lip and move down his legs. You palm him though his boxers as you kiss across his stomach. His muscle flex under your touch as he groans, "You're teasing, baby."
"I know." You giggle slightly and slowly pull his boxers down, giving into him.
He lifts his hips up and once they're off, you wrap your hand around his cock licking your lips as you down, taking as much of him in as you can.
He moans and his hands finds it's rightful place on the back of your head, "Fuck.. yes.. babe. That's it." He takes a deep breathe and looked down at you, slightly dazed.
You work down, relaxing the best you can before you feel him slip into your throat, you keep yourself composed, breathing through your nose as tears we'll up in your eyes.
"Okay baby." Louis pulls your head off of him and you gasp slightly, wiping under your eyes and chin. You look up at him and he shakes his head, "I fucking love-" he pulls you over to him by your hands, "-how you look after you suck my cock."
He wraps his arms around your waist and leans in to kiss your chest and slowly works his back up your neck, leaving little marks as he goes.
You moan and tilt your head back, "Please, fuck me."
Louis nips the edge of your ear lobe, "Do it yourself." He slides a hand down to grab his cock and slides the tip against your folds.
You push your hips down, "Fuck, yes. Okay."
He loosens his arm and allows you to move into a more comfortable starting position. You lean back, laying on hand on his shin and the only holding the back of the couch.
Louis licks his lips and takes a second to admire you're soaked pussy.
"You have got such a pretty pussy, babe." He slowly thrusts his hips, rubbing his cock against you, "You're soaked, love. Shit."
You whimper and Louis chuckles, "Got my cock wet without even being in ya." He slips his cock inside of you, moaning as your walls clench around him.
You gasp slightly, moaning quickly after, "Shit, yes daddy, fuck." You start to move your hips, pushing them as far down as you can.
You bring your hand from his shin and place it on his chest. He grabs your other one and lays it over his shoulder as he sits up, moving back to sit up more.
You grip his shoulder and the back of the couch as you start bouncing, moaning and whimpering out his name over and over again.
"Feels so fuckin' good, babe." Louis moans lowly in your ear, "Makes me want to cum already, fuck and we just started.
You smirk and turn your head, meeting his lips with yours.
He slides a hand up, pressing it firmly against the center of your back as he gently wraps his hand around your neck.
You start to grind your hips, whimpering as you squeeze his cock, "m'so close, daddy." You whisper as you slide a hand up his back, tangling your fingers into the hair at the nape of his back.
You open your eyes and you spot the last joint sitting on the cushion. You smirk and lean over to grab it, placing it between your lips.
Louis already has the lighter ready for you.
It's a love language. No matter where your are, cigarettes, joints, anything that you need lit, he lights.
You shake your hair out of the way and lean into the flame. He tosses the lighter onto the couch and lays his hands on your hips.
You place it between his lips and he takes a hit without breaking eye contact with you. You exhale and start to move your hips again, moaning as you sink all the way down.
Louis pulls you to him, blowing the smoke into your mouth and you breathe it in.
You take the joint from his grasp and lean back holding onto the back of the couch again, which gives him the full view of his cock sliding in and out of you.
"Jesus Christ." He groans, "You such a fuckin' dream, y/n."
You smile and exhale the smoke, closing your eyes as you extend your arm out. He takes it slowly, laying a hand on your knee.
You open your eyes and look at him as you slowly slide up and down on his cock, your orgasm coming back quickly, "I'm so close." You whine, "Fuck."
"Need some help?" Louis sits up and wraps his arm around your back, "Lay down, babe. I'll take care of ya."
You move and lay on the couch, taking the joint as Louis moves into his new position. He gets between your legs and you instantly wrap them around his waist,
You take a puff, inhaling loudly as he slips his cock back into you. He tilts his head and groans, "Fuck, I'm not going to be able to hold it much longer babe."
You nod and hold the joint up for him to take the last hit as you exhale, "Okay." You smile up at him and he put the dead joint in the ashtray.
He leans down, blowing the smoke into your mouth as he starts to thrust. You try to keep focus on inhaling but you can help it, you moan and arch your back up off the couch.
"Fuck, daddy." You whine and look up at him.
"Feel good, Mm?" Louis brushes hair from your face as he pushes his cock deeper with each thrust, "you feel-" he leans and kisses you, moaning into your mouth, "fuckin' incredible."
You wrap your arm around his shoulder, laying a hand on his cheek as you deepen the kiss.
He slides his hand down to your waist, fingers pulling at your skin as you both moan into each other.
"M'gonna cum.. fuck." Louis groans as he rests his forehead on yours. You slide a hand down, pressing your fingers to your clit.
You moan at the added pleasure and clench Louis' cock, "Right there." You moan out as Louis pounds into you.
Within minutes, you're orgasming at the same time, clinging to each other like your life depends on it.
"I love you." Louis whispers quietly against your lips.
You smile, "and I love you."
He presses his lips to yours and sits up, pulling out as he looks around, "um."
"Just use my shirt, I'll wash it later." You reach down and grab it for him. You go to the bathroom and then grab a clean shirt and panties before going back out to Louis.
You guys get settled in, all nice and cozy, "Now.. can we actually watch this movie?" Louis look down at you with a cheeky smirk.
"Yeah, that's if you don't start anything this time." You lay your hand on his bare stomach and he tilts his head, "This is how it all started last time."
He tsks his tongue and you smirk up at him, "Why do you think I'm doing it again?"
Hi hello! I know it's been a little while since the last Louis one shot so I just wanted go say thank you for being so so patient with me! I hope it was worth the wait! <3
Likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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muserryy · 1 month
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It's 1.30 am. Another lonely night drags on as you toss and turn in bed, unable to sleep. for the last 15 minutes you tried to relax by closing your eyes but you just feel restless. In desperation, you decide to call the only person who would understand and comfort you right now. your boyfie, harry.
You place your phone to your ear after calling on his number, knowing he's usually up late. but just in case he's not you just hope. Two rings and you bite down a smile finally hearing his voice on the other end.
"where are you?"
"Where do you think I would be in the middle of the night, miss y/n?" he asks playfully, you can tell by his voice he wasn't asleep.
"I mean, what are you doing?" you correct with a laugh as you notice the sound of papers rustling from his end, as if he is shuffling through pages of a book and then a quiet thud. He'd just closed his book as if he could already sense this won't be a brief convo.
"I could ask you the same thing… Why are you still up so late? isn't it past your bedtime?"
"yeah.. I can't sleep."
"hmm, well i was going to sleep soon." you make a quiet sound in response. "What's keeping you up? Are you hungry?"
"maybe… I don't know, but now you'll have to stay up with me." you hear him chuckle as you twirl your finger on your stomach. you can't stop smiling to yourself. To be honest your stomach feels a little empty, but your emotions are a little mixed because you're not sure exactly what you need right now.
"Why don't you try and eat something and see if it helps, hm?" he spins on his chair, biting his pen between his teeth as he waits for your response.
"I don't feel like getting up…"
"c'mon honey… you should take care of yourself." you sigh, curling up on the bed as his words sink in. "I will stay on the phone with you, if that's what you want." Now that's better.
"Okay, imma go find something to eat then." you grin, getting up, and paddle to the door with your phone to your ear as you walk to the kitchen. "Okay I'm here…"
"good, keep updating me." he smiles, he likes it when you listen to him.
"alright… let's check the fridge first, though I know there's nothing left in there." he remains silent while you open the fridge and then close. He hears your huff.
"so, I assume the fridge is empty."
"It is." you murmur. "I had some chips left but I don't remember where I'd put them." you check the cabinets, and find a pack of biscuits which you don't feel like eating. You close it back and check another one.
"you're such a cute mess, aren't you?" he laughs slightly.
You flush and you're somewhat thankful he can't see it even though he knows how you react to his words. "Are you gonna do something now??"
"What do you want me to do, darling? all I can do right now is listen to you."
Another huff from you was heard. Your eyes are scanning the kitchen while he continues to speak on call. Your gaze falls on the basket that is on the top of the refrigerator. you bring it down and there they are.
"Found itt!" you hear a "good" from him as you pick the already open packet and by the weight you can tell only few are left. "but that's just a few."
"Now don't say that… a few chips are better than no chips at all."
"heyy don't talk to me like that." you say as you pop a chip into your mouth. he chuckles, thinking how you get embarrassed so fast.
"I didn't mean it that way. I'm just happy you're going to eat something." you hmm in response to him as you start munching the chips quietly. "and make sure you drink plenty of water too... it will help you sleep." you hum again while eating.
"What were you doing though?" you ask him.
The conversation goes on as he tells you he was studying before you called him. you move back to your bed but not before having some water like he said. you snuggle back down, pulling the covers over your body while you both keep talking about anything. mostly him as he chatter away telling you about some random things that happened recently. This continued for another hour.
You just listen to his voice and respond whenever you can but for the most part you just hum. You start yawning and sighing tiredly at some point.
"sleepy?" he asks.
"no," you reply, though you sound drowsy. "stay on for a few more minutes… plwase…" He smiles to himself, finding the moment very endearing. He continues to talk but now slightly in whispers for you. Your eyelids are heavy and are slowly closing and moments after you're too drowsy- to even speak a full sentence- when he calls your name to check if you're asleep.
"y/n?" his voice deep with a soft tone. "Are you falling asleep, sweet?"
you muster another sleepy murmur, telling him to stay on the line and he hasn't stopped smiling for the past few minutes. your grip loosen on your phone.
"don't worry…I'll be right here until you're fully asleep." He stays on the call, the whole time until you fall asleep completely. when he tries and speaks to you again, there's no response.
He hears the faint sound of your breathing as you drift into a deep sleep, filled with dreams of him calling your name and whispering sweet nothings to you, knowing he's still there for you, even if it's by phone.
"Good night, honey."
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harryminhaputinha · 1 year
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And when i sleep, i'm gonna dream of how you tasted.
Avisos: Contém somnophilia, Ambos os personagens maiores de idade (19 e 37), Daddy Kink (papai), Harry sendo tratado em ambos pronomes, Spanking bem leve, degradation bem leve também, porn with plot, size king (Louis mais alto que o Harry).
Essa one foi postada primeiramente no Wattpad, mas assim como as de outros autores, foi excluída, então resolvi repostar aqui.
Escrevi essa one shot mais como um teste para testar minha escrita depois de um longo tempo, então não coloquei muitos fetiches e etc. Espero que gostem e me perdoem qualquer erro.
-Papai, por que não? - Harry pergunta fazendo um biquinho e cruzando os braços.
-Já te disse, suas notas foram péssimas esse bimestre, como você quer terminar a escola se não foca nos estudos?
-Mas eu fiquei na média em todas.
-Tirou seis em todas as matérias, você acha realmente que isso é suficiente? Eu te dou de tudo, você não tem nenhuma obrigação além dos estudos, tudo que você precisa você tem na mão.
-Mas a escola é tãooo chata, não sei porque eu preciso terminá-la se o senhor vai me bancar quando eu terminar.
-Harry, você precisa ter estudo meu amor, não importa se não irá trabalhar, você quer ficar burro ou algo do tipo? Você já está dois anos atrasado, quer reprovar mais um?
-O senhor sabe muito bem que não reprovei duas vezes por que quis.
-Eu sei meu amor, mas agora sua vida é diferente, você pode e deve estudar.
Harry nada diz apenas se vira na direção da janela do carro, emburrado porque sabia que seu papai estava certo.
- Não me chame mais de Harry.
-Tudo bem, me desculpe, mas por favor, promete que no próximo bimestre vai tentar melhorar.-Ele coloca as mãos nos cachos delicados do menor e faz carinho sentindo Harry se derreter.
-Vou tentar, não prometo nada.
Então Harry estava olhando uma loja de roupas online, tinha cada peça linda que ele precisava experimentar, tudo bem que seu closet estava lotado de coisas que ele nunca usou, mas que culpa ele tem se saiu de moda antes dele usar? Tinha uma saia tão bonita e ele definitivamente precisava dela, ele já até se imaginava vestindo ela e pensando nas combinações que ele podia fazer junto com suas outras peças. E pensando assim ele logo desceu as escadas na direção do escritório de seu papai, dando breves batidinhas antes de entrar.
-Oi papai, está ocupado?- Ele entra e vê Louis sentado de terno parecendo muito concentrado no seus computadores de última geração.
-O que foi princesa? Papai nunca está ocupado pra você. - Ele rapidamente presta atenção no menino de cachos que entra na sala e da leve batidinhas em sua perna indicando pra ele sentar ali, logo tendo um Harry animado indo em sua direção e colocando os braços ao redor do seu pescoço.
-Você sabe o que eu estava fazendo? -Ele pergunta fazendo uma carinha inocente e feliz.
-Estudando eu espero.
-Não papai, o que eu mais gosto de fazer no mundo? - Harry perguntou revirando os olhos.
-Sentar no meu pau?
-Tá, qual a segunda coisa que eu mais gosto de fazer?
-Acertou! Eu acabei de achar uma loja com roupas lindas e que estão na moda, você acredita? - Ele fala empolgado com brilho nos olhos.
-Não. - Louis responde sem revira voltas e se concentra novamente em seu computador.
-Por que não? Os preços são baratinhos e…
-Você sabe que dinheiro não é o problema aqui, suas notas ou a falta delas são. Já te disse que enquanto você não melhorar vai ficar sem receber seus mimos, e além do mais seu closet está lotado de roupas que você não usa, pegue uma caixa e coloque tudo aquilo que seja desnecessário e nós vamos doar.
- Não papai! Minhas roupas. - O menino coloca a mão esmaltada sobre o peito como se tivesse tirando algo de si.
-Amor você não usa metade daquilo tudo, e tem muita gente que precisa.
-Mas eu gosto delas, elas carregam uma carga emocional comigo por favor. Elas são necessárias.
-Se fossem, você não precisaria comprar outras não é?
-Faz o que eu estou mandando agora, e logo depois vai estudar. - Louis fala duro e Harry treme em seu colo, saindo rapidamente dali e descendo as escadas bufando.
Seu papai não entendia.
Harry estava olhando para cada uma daquelas lindas peças de roupa sentindo uma vontade surreal de chorar, porque ele não poderia simplesmente mantê-las em seu closet? Lá tinha espaço suficiente, ele não conseguia se desfazer delas era tão difícil, mesmo que ele não usasse a maioria ali. Cada peça de roupa dobrada e colocada em um container era um nó de choro que engolia.
Ele continua nesse processo desgastante até que ouve passos vindo do corredor, ele tenta não fazer muito caso sabendo que é seu papai, e em menos de segundos a porta é aberta pelo mesmo.
-Vejo que está fazendo o que eu te pedi.- Louis diz quando entra e se senta na cama coberta por um lençol rosa e cheia de pelúcias, ele espera por uma resposta que nunca vem. - O que aconteceu? Não vai mais me responder?
O mais novo continua ali sentadinho no chão dobrando cada peça, fingindo que não existe ninguém além dele e aquele mar de roupas no quarto.
-Tudo isso porque te pedi pra doar as roupas que você não usa? - Mais silêncio e mais peças de roupas sendo colocadas no container. - Puta mimada. Estou falando com você, me responda! - Louis segura o queixo do mais novo entre os dedos e puxa com brutalidade em sua direção, ouvindo um suspiro surpreso escapando dos lábios gorduchos e rosinhas do menor.
-Não quero falar com você papai. - Ele desvia do aperto e volta a dobrar as roupas.
-Porque não?
-Minhas roupas papai, elas são minhas, por favor me deixe ficar com elas. - O mais novo faz um biquinho nos lábios e os olhos começam a marejar.
-Presta atenção, pare com essa atitude egoísta, você tem muitas roupas que não utiliza e tem muito mais pessoas em situações precárias que precisam mais delas do que você, achei que você entenderia já que esteve no lugar delas um dia, não vou te forçar a nada mas gostaria que você tivesse empatia. - Tomlinson diz já estressado com aquele show todo e sai do quarto.
Já era de noite e Harry estava cansado e com os braços doendo de tanta roupa pra dobrar, ele tentou deixar apenas as peças que realmente utilizava com frequência no closet, ficando por fim com quatro contêineres cheios de roupas. Ele se sente exausto e só quer um banho, mas seu peito ainda aperta pensando no fato de que seu papai está chateado com ele. Não é que ele seja egoísta, ele apenas não acha justo que ele tenha que fazer isso depois de viver tanto tempo sem nada, ele se apegou a cada mísero pedaço da vida nova e acabou se tornando possessivo sobre aquilo que começou a ser de posse dele.
Então em passos acanhados ele chega no quarto do mais velho batendo levemente na porta, ouvindo um breve "entre". Ele entra lentamente e fecha a porta vendo o quarto escuro apenas iluminado pelo abajur.
- Posso acender a luz? - O mais novo pergunta vendo um breve assentir vindo de Louis, logo ele aperta o dedo no interruptor e o quarto é iluminado. - Queria falar com o senhor.
-Eu... Não sou egoísta…
-Não foi o que pareceu. - Ele cruza os braços deixando seus músculos mais evidentes fazendo com que o mais novo se perca rapidamente ali por um momento.
-Eu apenas...Eu tenho um problema com isso...E…Eu...Hum…
-Estou escutando, tome seu tempo.
-Eu posso me sentar com o senhor? - Harry pergunta e Louis apenas se afasta pro lado batendo levemente no espaço ao seu lado na cama.
- Eu nunca tive nada, você...o senhor sabe disso, e agora eu apenas me torno obsessivo com essas coisas com medo de perdê-las, minha psicóloga disse isso.
-E porque fez todo aquele escândalo ao invés de tentar explicar o seu lado?
-Eu... Não sei. Pensei que não entenderia.
-E eu realmente não consigo entender, mas sinto muito por tudo que você teve que passar, porém agora, você tem tudo que você quer, ok? Eu nunca vou deixar nada faltar pra você, nunca. Peço que fale comigo da próxima vez, não quero mais que você aja dessa maneira. - O mais velho fala enquanto leva um dos cachos do mais novo pra trás da orelha vendo Harry assentir lentamente, preso em uma névoa de submissão. -Vá para o seu quarto.
- Posso dormir com o senhor hoje? - O cacheado pergunta mordendo os lábios.
- Hoje não.
-Mas papai… - Harry tenta contestar.
-Não consegue obedecer uma simples ordem?-Louis perguntou já ficando estressado, seu dia tinha sido cheio
-Boa noite papai. - O mais novo saiu cabisbaixo do quarto.
Eram quase 3:00AM e Louis não conseguia dormir. Sua mente ficava martelando sobre Harry, ele teve um dia estressante e acabou descontando nele, e agora não parava de pensar sobre isso.
Vendo que não iria conseguir ter uma noite boa de sono enquanto não fosse até Harry, ele resolve ir para o quarto do cacheado. Encontrando um Harry encolhido entre os lençóis dormindo sereno.
Como ele conseguia apenas existir e ainda assim parecer a coisa mais linda que já existiu?
Ele desenrola a coberta do corpo miúdo vendo que Harry vestia apenas uma camisa preta que pertencia a ele com uma calcinha de renda branca e meias, não qualquer meias aquelas meias em específico. Quando Harry e Louis iniciaram seu relacionamento muito se foi discutido sobre os fetiches de cada um, e um dos mais fortes em comum era somnophilia, e então combinaram que pra que isso acontecesse quando eles não tinham conversado propriamente antes, eles poderiam usar uma meia, era como uma passagem, usando ela eles davam a liberdade um ao outro para que a cena acontecesse. E ele realmente veio até o quarto para se resolver com seu garoto, mas agora ele tinha outros planos, ainda mais que estava estressado das coisas do dia, e nada melhor que Harry para aliviá-lo, eles se conheciam tão bem que Louis não duvida que ele tenha feito isso de propósito.
Ele poderia passar horas ali admirando seu doce garoto e sua beleza inexplicável, mas ele tinha um trabalho a fazer, então ele retira lentamente a calcinha de renda do corpo bonito e pressiona seu dedo indicador na entradinha do mais novo que estava inchada e molhada, ele provavelmente ou obviamente tinha se tocado antes de dormir, o que mostra que não apenas ele mas Harry também teve dificuldades para dormir. Seu dedo rapidamente é engolido e o mais novo solta um suspiro ainda tomado pelo sono, ele faz movimentos leves entrando e saindo com os dedos, procurando a sua próstata, Harry se mexe na cama e pressiona suas coxas com força, dificultando um pouco o trabalho de Louis.
Harry começa a soltar gemidos e suspiro entre cortados e Louis sabe que ali ele achou, então ele continua naquele mesmo ângulo metendo e retirando seus dedos com mais força, e cada vez mais rápido, abrindo e fechando os dedos dentro dele, ele sente seu pau ficar cada vez mais duro e Harry soltar gemidos mais altos, com sua outra mão livre ele alcança o membro pulsante e começa a masturba-lo.
Ele sente seu pau pulsando mais fortemente na box e decide agir, ele rapidamente desce a peça e segura em seu pau quente, pesado e molhado, tudo que se passava em sua cabeça era o quanto queria enfiar seu pau naquele buraco apertado então sem mais delongas ele pressiona sua glande no buraquinho de Harry. Ele escuta um leve suspiro escapando dos lábios dele e isso o faz tomar a iniciativa para entrar de vez, rapidamente sendo engolido por aquelas paredes quentes e apertadas. Sua mão sobe e desce no membro molhado de Harry, indo da base ao topo e apertando a glande entre os dedos, não é necessário muito mais que isso para que o mais novo esteja gozando entre seus dedos, antes mesmo que ele possa sequer se mexer lá dentro.
Louis é saudado pela imensidão de um verde grama de olhos lacrimejados e um suspiro escapa da boca do menor rapidamente, seu peito sobe e desce e ele agarra o pulso do mais velho.
-Papai eu te amo, muito obrigada, eu precisava disso. - Ele disse enquanto tenta normalizar sua respiração.
-Eu te amo amor, estava com saudades. Se sente melhor? - Louis pergunta fazendo carinho nos cachinhos sendo cuidadoso e atencioso.
-Sim papai, você sempre sabe o melhor pra mim, sabe como eu me sinto mais relaxado depois de gozar dormindo, muito obrigada. Precisa de ajuda?
-Não amor, agora eu quero que você durma porque tem aula amanhã, papai vai voltar para o quarto quando acabar aqui mas você continua nesse ok? - Ele fala em um tom firme que significa que não tem como refutar aquilo e Harry assente com um biquinho nos lábios.
-Tudo Bem. Boa foda. - Ele deseja com um sorrisinho antes de cair no sono novamente.
-Puta cínica. - Louis fala entre um riso antes de finalmente começar a estocar pra cima dentro do interior apertado, a sensação de alívio o preenche rapidamente e ele não pode evitar o gemido de alívio que escapa dos seus lábios. A cada impulso ele sente seus olhos virarem na pálpebra, e ele vê estrelas de tão apertado e prazeroso que é, seus movimentos aceleram cada vez mais duro, sentindo as bolas baterem com força na bunda de Harry.
Ele desce as duas mãos rapidamente para as nádegas de Harry abrindo as duas bandas e com esse movimento ele vai mais fundo, e sente o garoto ir cada vez mais para trás e isso faz com que ele ouça com mais firmeza os gemidos leves de Harry. Seu peito subia e descia e seus dedinhos dos pés estavam entrelaçados. Ele vê aquele pescocinho branco em sua frente e não consegue evitar colocar a boca ali, sugando a pele com força para deixar marcas.
Seus movimentos tomam mais firmeza e ele se impulsiona para dentro do cuzinho apertado de Harry com mais rapidez, ele sente Harry apertando seu pau e se contraindo ao redor dele e ele puxa os cachos de Harry entre os dedos e isso é mais do que o suficiente para faze-lo derramar dentro de Harry toda a sua porra.
- Papai? Já acabou? - Harry acorda meio atordoado.
-Sim princesa, papai já acabou. - Louis deixa um beijo sereno nos cachos e desce sua boca pro ouvido do menor. - Você é sempre um ótimo menino Harry, papai sempre pode contar com você pequeno flashlight. - Ele termina fazendo um sorrisinho de satisfação preencher o rosto de Harry.
- O senhor poderia colocar o plug em mim? Não quero que seu esperma escape depois que o senhor se for. Quero me sentir cheio e quente. - Ele pede com um beicinho.
-Claro amor. O que você quiser. - Louis abre a gaveta ao lado da cabeceira da cama e encontra o plug preferido de Harry, de metal com um coração rosa na ponta, ele passa um lenço umedecido antes e já insere no buraco de Harry que estava vermelho e inchado escutando um suspiro dele. Passa a mão de leve nos cachos do mais novo antes de deixar um beijo na testa e sai do quarto, logo após se certificar que seu baby estava bem.
Espero que tenham gostado. <3
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say-narry · 1 year
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Christmas' gift
Author's Note: English isn’t my first language. Hope you all like it. Please, give me your opinion with a reblog, fav or a note in my askbox :) Any bad comment about Tomlinson's familly will be ignored and blocked.
Pairing: louis!husband x reader!wife
Word count: 2k
warnings: explicit sex, unprotected sex (don’t do that!), curse words.
"He just fell asleep." I mumbled, watching Freddie snore on top of me.
It was Christmas Eve and Louis' birthday. We were in Doncaster at Lottie's house. The Tomlinson family decided to have the party here this year, since last year it had been at our house.
Everyone was talking soon after following their traditions like wearing matching pajamas, eating cookies and giving presents to the children.
They are the family I never had, I just love being a part of it.
"I thought he would be running back and forth all night." Louis commented as he finished his beer.
His fingers stroking his son's soft hair, Freddie's arms squeezed me even tighter as he placed his face just above my breasts.
As big as the boy was now, in family moments and away from it all, he was Daddy's baby… and mine too.
Since I had started my relationship with Louis a few years ago, Freddie and I had gotten along well, and when he spent time with us, he would get sly, but not in a bad way; he loved being the center of his father's attention.
I didn't judge, because I knew how hard it was to have to share his father with the rest of the world much of the time.
"He ate a lot of candy, but the search for Santa Claus tired him out for sure."
"The search and the jealousy." Louis left a kiss on the boy's head and one on my cheek.
Louis was sitting facing me on the couch, Lottie was nursing Lucky in one of the armchairs next to us, the twins had put Ernest and Doris to sleep and were now looking over the pictures they would be posting. Mark and Lewis were chatting about golf while finishing their drinks.
"Jealous?" I asked.
"Of the cousin. Of you with his cousin. Of his cousin with me." Louis commented and arched his eyebrows as if it were obvious.
I shifted my gaze between him and Lottie, who nodded and pointed at Lucky.
"Really? I didn't realize that… I was so excited to see you all with the presents, eating the birthday cake, that I didn't pay attention."
"When you were holding Lucky on your lap, Freddie even put down the toy and closed his face like my brother." Lottie replied, and I grimaced.
"I didn't really notice, I thought he had gotten used to not being our only baby… But about him closing his face in jealousy, I thought it was a natural thing for the Tomlinsons."
I winked at my sister-in-law, who laughed softly, and Louis gave me the finger.
"Sorry, luv. Force of habit."
I laughed, agreeing and straightening my entitlement.
We said goodbye to the people who were still awake, Freddie was still on my lap, his arms wrapped around my neck and his legs wrapped around my waist.
I slowly opened the bedroom door since Doris and Ernest were already asleep there.
I laid the little boy down on the bed and covered him, leaving a little kiss on his head. Louis followed my footsteps.
I walked past my younger brothers-in-law and also laid out the blankets.
I went to my room and then to the bathroom, brushing my teeth. Louis accompanied me while I looked at the pictures the twins had sent in the family group on Messages.
I put on thicker, more comfortable pajamas because the snowfall that night would be intense.
As I pulled my sweater into my arms, I felt cold and slightly clammy hands run up my ribs and across my belly.
"Another birthday gift, huh?" I heard Louis let out a slutty chuckle as one hand reached into my panties and the other squeezed one of my boobies.
I closed my eyes and lowered my arms. I spread my legs a little and felt Louis's fingers lightly massage my spot.
"Baby… I already gave you your b-birthday gift". I purred as I felt Louis's hardened cock rubbing behind me.
"Please, baby? Uh?" It was Louis's turn to purr, his kisses being distributed over my neck.
A breeze hit us, making my whole body shiver with cold and as a pop in my head, I opened my eyes and closed my legs again.
I stretched out my arms and put on the dark sweater that Lottie had given me.
I turned to face Louis and noticed his dilated pupils and only a thin blue circle of his irises around them.
I looked down quickly and Louis was still excited and the mark on his sweatpants showed this.
"Will you refuse to make love to me, Y/n?" Louis's hands were still on my hips, his tone of voice indignant. "On my birthday?"
“Technically, it's Jesus' birthday, yours was yesterday.” I threw my arms around the side of Louis' neck and stared at him with an arched right eyebrow.
Louis gave his famous cute smile that his fanbase went crazy for when he did, but I was sure he was thinking of a very good answer, and I knew he wouldn't be shaken by my joke.
I stood on my tiptoes and blew him a kiss, trying to wipe the smile off his face, and it worked.
Louis deepened the kiss and I sighed, felt one of his hands hold my face while his body pushed mine to the bed. We stumbled along, kissing and laughing. I jumped up and sat down on the huge bed in the room, Louis stood between my legs and stretched out on top of me keeping his arms like braces.
"All right, luv, let's go to sleep." Another kiss was given and Louis got off me.
Again, I arched my eyebrow, had he given up easily? Very strange.
Louis hit the switch and only the lamps, one on each side of the bed, lit up the room.
I straightened up in bed, still suspicious that he had given up. I folded the sheet so that Louis could cover himself more easily.
By the shadows and the movement on the bed, it didn't take long for my husband to join me. I decided to speed up the process and took off my pants and panties, leaving only my sweater. I turned sideways, anxious to see Louis' reaction and to my relief, he hugged me and begin be the big spoon.
He covered us and it was possible to hear only our breathing and the wind rushing against the windows. I could still feel Louis' dick against my ass and now somehow, I too was aroused.
"My love…" I swung my ass against Louis's dick, who let out a heavy sigh.
"You're wet aren't you, darling?" Louis's voice was hoarse, and his hand grabbed my hip and helped me move against him.
I just nodded even though the light was dim. Louis's hand left my hip and reached under my sweater, his fingers playing with my nipples hardened by the cold and excitement.
"I know you are, my love, no need to answer. Does my naughty girl need me now?" Louis's lips, which were very close to my ear, were now distributing kisses down my neck again, making me involuntarily close my eyes.
Still on my side, Louis patted my hip twice quickly as a signal for me to stop. His lips were still on my neck, but I could feel a movement behind me, surely it was Louis getting rid of the bottom of my sweatshirt.
"Be a good girl and spread your legs a little, will you?" Louis asked and I obeyed, feeling his cock invade and stretch my inner walls. His cock being enveloped in my pussy was simply too tasty.
The delicious sensation made me pull back the comforter that covered us, a way to fill my embrace since Louis was behind me and also, a way to muffle the moans caused by the good feeling of having him inside me.
"F-feel so good, baby... Your d-dick is too big and warm…"
Louis's arm tightened even more around my waist at my comment, his chest pressed against my back and his hips slamming relentlessly against me.
"You like it, don't you? Do you like being filled with my cock?" I felt my neck sweat with Louis's sighs and kisses, and I quickly agreed. "I want to fill you up, y/n… Can I cum inside? Will you be my baby's mommy?"
A great shiver ran through my entire body, the sensation was so overwhelming that I didn't think much of it other than to agree. I had been on birth control forever, but we had been married for a few years, and surely seeing Lottie's baby had awakened that in Louis.
"Answer me, luv!" - Louis unstroked his thrusts and I rolled my eyes, he was pounding against me slowly and torturously. "Uh? You're going to look so beautiful pregnant with our baby, I'm going to be the happiest man in the world."
"Yes, baby… A-anything that you want but just... more faster, please" I whimpered a little louder as I felt one of Louis's hands leave my hips, spread my legs a little, and begin to stroke my clit with his fingertips.
His fingers circled my sensitive spot, my raised leg trembled, Louis put his arm which was resting on the bed, underneath me and his hand gripped my neck, squeezing it a little.
My eyes closed tightly, loving the mixture of sensations. My fingernails brushed the comforter as my body rippled against Louis'. His low moans made me want to cry with pleasure. I felt my inner muscles tighten against Louis' cock, my body trembling with excitement, now I was hotter than ever.
Two or three more strokes in, Louis let out a long moan in my ear and I felt his hips go into spasms, soon the hot thick liquid was shooting inside me.
Louis' fingers stopped for a few seconds and then went back to work. "Come for me, baby, come on my cock? Yeah?"
I bit my lips as I felt a tremor in the pit of my stomach and the sensation of relaxation rebound against my senses.
"My good girl…" Louis was still inside me and didn't seem to want to come out anytime soon. I laid my head against him, my vision was a little blurry but I would get over it. We were both panting. "So beautiful, so mine… I love you so much…"
"Too hot, baby…" My body was limp and my senses were messed up.
Louis seemed to understand and helped me take off my sweater, my body shivered again due to the room temperature that was hot, but not as hot as my body.
I let out a long sigh feeling Louis disconnect us, it was a strange feeling, literally an emptiness inside me. He pulled the thick blankets over us. I could feel our liquids leaking out of me, but I definitely didn't have the strength to clean up right now, I just wanted to be as close to my husband as possible.
"Lou…" I groaned "Will you stay here? Please?"
"Of course, my love. I'm only covering us because I don't want the mother of my baby to catch a cold."
Louis hugged me again from behind, I snuggled into him feeling the yeast coming from his body, a smile was born on my face as I imagined another baby in the family.
"Do you really want to have a baby with me?" I turned my face away trying to look at him even in the dim light.
Even though we were already married, I was still a little insecure. Louis was traveling all the time, obviously a lot of people want him too.
"Everyone you want to have with me, baby. It's going to be my early Christmas present next year!” He kissed the tip of my nose, "But, you'll have to help with Mr. Jealousy."
I let out a chuckle, nodding my head in agreement.
"Don't talk that way about our boy, I'm sure he'll make a great big brother."
"Yes, just kidding." Louis gave me that cute smile again, and I stroked his hair and turned to face him, sandwiching my face between his shoulder and neck. "Merry Christmas, darling."
"Merry Christmas, my love. And happy birthday, again."
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1d-oned-1d · 1 year
for everyone's notice, this is my first time writing smut, soo please bear with me and tell me how I can improve.
warning:- kinky shit, smut, a whole lot of filthy hot smut.
pairing:- Y/N and Louis Tomlinson
inspired by his outfit at his documentary premiere. also don't mind me I'm horny as fuck atm and DO NOT JUDGE ME FFS.
summary:- y/n has a fear of thunderstorms. they're in the car and things get a little too steamy.
I slightly woke up because of thirst and irritating clothes when I heard our driver converse with sun. 
"Sir it's raining heavily and the car is stuck in the puddle, extremely sorry sir I'll just go and try to fetch a car for you and ma'am." the driver opened and shut the door. I whimpered as I heard another thundering voice. I slightly opened my eyes to see sun on his phone but then closed it back because of my sleepy mind. I was in that phase where you could listen to everything going on in your surroundings but even lifting a finger was too much of a work. The door opened again.
"Sir I found a car but it's only available for one person and it's going back to the city." He explained. There was a bit of silence until sun spoke up.
"Ok no problem, you might be having kids and wife waiting for you at home and worried, take the ride and head back." As sun completed the sentence, the driver gasped. I don't what made his gasp, probably him getting to go back to his family.
"Thank you so much sir, thank you so much, when I reach there I'll send another car for you." The driver exclaimed.
"Oh no need, we have already covered 3/4 of the ride home, I'll just a call an uber." sun explained.
"Are you sure sir?"
"Very sure, now go before your ride takes off." Sun chuckled, with one last thank you and a smash of the door, driver was on his way to his home.
"Shit! there's no network, looks like we'll have to stay here for the night." sun cursed under his breath. I whimpered again as I heard that, staying here was no problem, but staying in here with these heck of a clothes and with me being thirsty was a problem to me and not to mention thunderstorm. Sun picked me up and cradled me in his lap, brushing my hair out of the way to get a better look at my face but instead I snuggled my face into his neck.
"What's the matter darling?" He asked but I had no power to vocalize my issues, so instead I let him continue on what he was doing, that is asking questions.
"Is it because we're spending the night here?" He asked but got no reply
"Cold weather?" He asked again only to be met with silence and I shifted again in his lap trying to adjust my collar of the shirt.
"are you thirsty? are the clothes irritating you?" He questioned once again but this time I meekly nodded in his neck. He bent forward with me in his lap and put a water bottle in between my lips.
"Come on darling sip it." as he said, I started sipping it, soon enough quenching my thirst. He pulled away the sipper from my lips and bent again. What is wrong with this shirt aah! I tried shift again only to be stopped this time with sun's hands firm grip on my waist.
"Oh it's ok babygirl let daddy change you into his tshirt." He rasped and I was shocked by the change of his mood. While I was on his lap he shuffled below me for a while, only to make me feel his skin, meaning he probably removed his tshirt. With somehow collecting some power left in me I tried to unbotton my shirt.
"No babygirl, daddy will do it, just go back to sleep." He stopped my hands movement and set it in my lap, slowly himself working on my shirt. He was painfully slow while unbottoning my shirt but thankfully he shrugged it off me. I was ready for him to put his shirt on me but instead I felt his one hand on my waist and the other hand on my face as he kissed me. I returned the kiss and he moved his lips down to my jaw, the spot below my ear to finally the sweet spot on my neck making me arch my back and moan out his name.
"Sunn." I breathlessly moaned, he squeezed my waist harshly and marked my neck. He moved down to my cleavage and roughly marked me there too.
"It's daddy to you, you like it don't you when daddy plays with you, do you want me to play with you babygirl?" He rasped and went to unclasp my bra but I stopped him. 
"Yes daddy I want you to play with me but I'm very sleepy." I moved his hands to my waist and shifted closer to him.
"Babygirl I'm not asking you to stay awake, you can sleep and let daddy play with you for a little while." 
"No daddy I want to sleep, I want to sleep with you, you can play tomorrow." I spoke as I started feeling hazy in my mind.
"Princess I'll sleep with you, just let me play for a little while, and you don't want to make daddy angry do you?" He slipped his hands in my skirt and underwear and squeezed my bum, kneading it.
"No daddy I want to sleep, you're being an arse." My eyes shot open as I finished my sentence. One thing that daddy made crystal clear was, I was never supposed to curse or else he'll punish me.
"Okay enough, up and strip." He growled removing his hands from my skirt. "Now" he slapped the skin on my back when I didn't try to move even a little bit. I shifted from his lap and quickly removed the pieces of clothing which were left on me while he was watching me like a hawk watching his prey.
"On my shoulder." He roared making me whimper. Usually he would bend me over his knees if I was being bratty but when he meant over his shoulder it meant I was in serious trouble.
"I'm sorry daddy, I promise I'll never say a bad word again and you can play with me as you like." 
"Did I ask you about your opinion my little slut?" he asked making me shake my head but all he did was raise his eyebrow at me.
"No d-daddy." I stuttered. I better use my words if I don't want to get in anymore trouble.
 "Good now on my shoulder."
"Yes Daddy." I nodded and stood on the seat with my knees on the either side of his legs as he slid down a little to come face to face with my boobs. He further pushed his head in my chest and started licking in between both my breasts as he spanked my backside making me moan and clutch his shoulders for leverage.
"You like it don't you, you little whore. How I wish I could see your face while I punished you, I wish we were in our room." he mumbled, suddenly moving away from me and started fumbling with his mobile. In our room all you'll find is couple of mirrors, so he can see me no matter what he's doing. He set his phone somewhere in the car giving me my phone where I can see myself but the volume was on mute, he facetimed himself?!
"Daddy has two punishments for you, you'll count till 10 as daddy spanks you ok?" He demanded making me nod. "I can't hear you?" 
"Yes daddy, are you recording me?" I whispered, I was never actually comfortable with the idea of him recording me.
"That was the second punishment for you but you have option, daddy won't record you, if you don't feel comfortable babygurl." He sucked on my nipples making my head fall backwards and my eyes roll in pleasure, digging my nails into his shoulder.
"Are you upset with me daddy?" I asked with a very low voice.
"Yes baby girl, very." He bit on my nipple making them hard as ever and me whine for mercy.
"Then you can record daddy."
"Are you sure princess?" He asked.
"Yes daddy." I confirmed. He quickly took my phone from my hand and handed me in a minute or two, and I noticed the screen recording was on. he bent forward taking his phone to do the same thing and set back in it's place within seconds. Once again I was visible on my screen and he spanked me harshly catching me off guard.
"One." I whimpered, I could already feel myself getting wet and dripping down the thighs. I was ready for another hit but it never came instead he trailed his finger along my slit, making me lose my mind and arch my back only burying his face more into my breasts, that made him groan. I expected him to slip his finger in my entrance but he spanked me hard once again.
"Two." I moaned and he continued his torture on me by sucking on my breasts and spanking both my ass cheeks one after the other giving me no time to breathe.
"Three four." I gasped for air, he removed my right breast from his mouth, not before taking my left breast in his mouth and biting it harshly. 
"doing so good for daddy, my little whore, I'll think I'll move it to twenty for you since you're enjoying it." He moaned in my breasts.
"No daddy I'm so sorry." I whimpered but only to be met by another sharp slap of his on my backside. "Five" I counted. Soon enough 20, moved to 30 which further moved to 50. I had tears running down my face as I couldn't control anymore of his teasing, I just wanted his fingers and him inside me.
"Please daddy please." I requested as he pinched my bud roughly. 
"aww just look at your red little glistening pussy, so red , please what baby?" He slapped my breasts, squeezing it harshly and kneading it.
"your fingers, I want your fingers inside me daddy, I want you inside me daddy." I moaned breathlessly, not being able to contain the euphoric feeling as he started running circles on my core in an extremely fast pace.
"You like it don't you, getting punished, getting spanked, so wet from all this, such a filthy little slut, like this baby?" He cockily asked as he pushed two fingers in me and started pumping in and out. Unconciously I tried to close my legs and I guess he noticed it because he further spread his knees which in turn spreaded mine and made me squirm while he continued pumping his fingers in me.
"Don't squirm, once again try to close your legs and I will stop" He roared as he started scissoring inside me with his fingers, not helping with the squirming at all, only getting me to squirm more and trying to close my legs. 
"I said don't squirm you whore and what is that? you tried to close your legs." He growled taking out his fingers and spreading his legs to spread my legs even wider and a burning sensation erupted in my core from being streched out too much making me whimper.
"Please daddy I'm sorry, please I want your fingers inside me, please I promise I won't try to close my legs but it's really difficult to keep it open." I begged him to just put his fingers inside me and fuck me. 
"You've really turned bratty you know, sorry babygurl but you'll be punished really hard this time. Not listening to daddy at all." He threatened. spreading his legs even more resulting me to cry his name out loud. He picked his coat and started rummaging through it, finally taking out his tie. Why does he even have a tie if he was wearing tshirt and a coat. He took the tie and tied it around my eyes like a blindfold making me arch my back repeatedly as he took my breast in his mouth. since my eyesight was closed off my ears perked up and I heard him shuffle around, he took phone from my hand and held both my hands behind my back tying it with a soft material, which now I guess was my underwear. He sat me down on the seat sideways, my back against his side and he pulled my knees to my chest. I was wondering what he was going to do when I heard the window descending and me getting wet from rain which was very harsh on my core, with every ounce of patience I tried not to squirm. Thankfully soon enough the window ascended up.
"Now listen to me babygirl, I'm gonna eat you out but before you're going to cum, you have to ask me okay?" He whispered in my ear, I nodded earning another slap on my core.
"Yes daddy." I moaned as he started rubbing circles on my clit once again. He shifted me away from him, lying me down on the seat to open my legs wide for himself.
"Oh so wet from me doll, I'm gonna eat you out so nicely." I could hear his smirk. He pinched my nipple with his thumb and forefinger and bit on my bud harshly, he entered in me with his tongue, lapping again and again in my walls, I locked my ankles behind his neck pushing him deep in me. I never knew how long somebody's finger could be until he entered his fingers in me straightaway hitting my g-spot making me a moaning mess below him. His tongue and fingers working ruthlessly in me until I felt a pressure in my lower abdomen making me pant.
"Daddy!" my eyes rolled back, not knowing anything while he curled his fingers in me removing his mouth from my core to attack my breasts, just increasing the pressure a lot more.
"Oh how daddy loves your breasts darling, so soft, wish I could have them in my mouth all day, you know how hard it is to resist myself when I see you like this under my control, all tied up, just waiting for daddy to pound into his little whore pussy." he kneaded one of my breasts as he sucked on the other one all while fingering me, sending my mind into a frenzy state.
"You feel the pressure in your stomach baby? that means you're going to cum" His voice dangerously calm but I knew he was onto something devilish. 
"Yes daddy I feel it, I'm going to cum daddy." I moaned, the pressure growing even more when he scissored again inside me but suddenly everything stopped, his hands, his mouth, everything, leaving me frustrated and whining.
"Oh babygurl didn't think I'll let you cum this easily did you?" He laughed, holding my thighs apart to constraint me from creating any friction between them. Few minutes after the pressure in my stomach subsided and I was left horny, juices dripping to my thigh, he turned me around, my ass in the air, face squished into the leather seat and started eating me out, his hands never leaving my breasts. After a few more minutes of torturing I could feel a little pressure again in my stomach. He removed his tongue from me and pulled my ass cheeks apart, licking between them as I shoved my ass into his face for anything more he could do, which resulted in him licking my hole recklessly. He once again removed his face and pulled me towards him by squeezing my neck and jaw from the front.
"How are you doing babygurl, any pressure down here?" He asked, removing his hand from my neck and moving it further south to my core and inserting three fingers in me harshly, pumping at a very high pace while marking my neck.
"Yes daddy yes, I'm going to come daddy." I whined, pushing myself further more into his chest. He removed all three fingers from inside me only to push them in me again. I was gasping for air, as his pace increased even more than before. How is that even possible?
"daddy I'm going to cum, can I cum please?" I pleaded. My breasts bouncing with the movement in between my legs.
"hold on doll, I'm still not done with my pussy, and if you dare cum, things will only worsen." he curled his fingers in me, hitting my g-spot again and again, pressure building in my stomach reaching it's peak as I cum moaning daddy's name, my thighs trembling and my head fell backwards on daddy's shoulder. I knew he purposely did this because he wanted me to cum to increase my punishment. 
"You didn't listen to daddy, daddy's going to pound in his hole and make you cum again and again until he's not done with you, ought to teach you some manners." he growled. He set me against the seat and I heard his belt clunk and his zipper moving meaning now he was going to fuck me senseless until I see stars. He undid his tie and my panties from around my eyes and hands. When I turned to him, he only smirked. I was beyond scared and excited for what coming next. 
"Out!" He demanded and I sat their confused. "out of the car my cute little whore" He opened the door ushering me out. It was still raining heavily making me shiver. I stood there getting wet before his further instructions. 
"On the car's hood baby." He got out after 10 mins or so with his belt and tie in hands. I quickly shuffled infront of the car to see him already on the boot, giving himself a few pumps. "Come on move your ass quickly." He demanded. I climbed onto the car and sat beside him.
"On my dick baby." He held his dick and aligned himself with me. "Sit down baby." He cooed but I knew very well the devil was soon going to unleash. I sit down on him and tried to keep my legs in between so he couldn't spread it but unluckily he caught on and set my knees on the either side of his knees spreading wide open until I cried out loud and held onto him once again.
"Oh baby I know, it's ok." He hushed and picked his belt and tie and tied my ankles with his legs only spreading them further, making me shout in pain. 
"Ride me baby, I wanna feel your bouncing tits on my face." He kept a hand on my waist stimulating me to ride him. He started agonizingly slow, grinding me on him every now and then, making me go mad and loose my common sense.
"Faster daddy, faster." I moaned making him groan, he spread his legs further, taking mine with his too. "aahh daddy no." I whined and he held my waist and started making me ride him faster. He spanked me, only increasing the pressure while my breast in his mouth.
"daddy I'm gonna cum." I started nearing my third orgasm of the day, afraid to be denied.
"Cum baby cum, you're not gonna stop cumming until I'm gonna cum, oh god how I wished I could record you." he groaned. I felt my walls squeezing him, making him throw his head back, his nails digging into my waist, my legs started trembling and I released. Just as I released he picked up his pace and streched his legs, it felt like I could rip apart anytime from being this wide open. I felt the pressure build again it was not minutes before I released again. He quickly untied both our legs and rolled us over. He pounded in me remorselessly with rain having no mercy either. I needed something to hold on, so I held onto his back, surely leaving scratches there. Only thing that could be heard in the moment was us moaning, skin slapping against each other and rain, as I came down from another high. God! sometimes how much I hate his self control, he could last for hours and he did. I released about countless times but he was still nowhere near.
"Please daddy I'm so sorry, please cum daddy." I whined and he pounded into my overly sensitive clit. Once again I released, shrieking, but this time I was not the only one, daddy released too. He filled me with his cum as he rested his head on my shoulder while I pushed out his wet hair from his eyes. He pulled out of me and rested on his side pulling me close to his chest. after a few more minutes of resting on the hood of the car, he got down, and picked me up bridal style and headed inside the car. I winced as he set me down, laying me on the seat and quickly got in. 
"You did so good princess, so good for daddy." He kissed me on the lips and picked up my shirt. He started cleaning me, he cleaned my face, jaw, neck moving to my breasts doing nothing sensual but cleaning me and then moving to lower part. He cleaned between my legs as I could feel his breath on my core, he left a quick kiss there and moved down further cleaning my legs. He again held me up as he dressed me into his tshirt and underwear when I winced.
"What is it babygirl?" He asked taking his hands in mine.
"It's paining down there." I muttered looking down.
"So sorry princess must be really sensitive." He laid me down, removed my panties and blew some air on my pussy making me shudder and close my legs.
"It's ok baby I'm just gonna blow some air so it feels good." He opened my legs and blew on my pussy for a couple of minutes before closing my legs and letting me rest.
He quickly dried himself up, wore his boxers and laid himself on me, only to flip us, so now I was on top with my face in the crook of his neck as he held me closer to him with his hand rubbing my back. 
"I'm sorry if I was too hard on you baby." daddy whispered from below me.
"It's fine daddy." I replied and kissed him on his neck because it was closest to me.
"Couldn't help it darling, all night you were looking so pretty, all I wanted to do was show you how pretty you were." He mumbled against my lips, making me turn beet red and burst out giggling. "My cute little babygirl." He kissed me on the lips and then my forehead. Feeling content in each others arms we fell asleep.
I told you I wasn't lying when I said it was kinky shit.
Requests are open if you want anything specific, I write oned smut so yeah.
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little-big-fan · 10 months
Imagine com Louis Tomlinson
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Playing with fire
n/a: Esse é um pedido bem antigo, mas espero que gostem! Perdão pela demora de postagem, como expliquei lá no @1dpreferencesbr aconteceu um ciclone na minha cidade que abalou um pouquinho as coisas, mas agora acho que tudo volta ao normal! Enfim, boa leitura!
Avisos: Contém linguagem de baixo calão, cenas de sexo explícito, +18
Contagem de palavras: 1,901
— Sabe, não existe comida melhor do que a nossa. — Meu sogro proferiu orgulhoso, sorri em sua direção, concordando.
A comemoração do aniversário de dezoito anos do meu cunhado já havia começado há algumas horas. Por mais que tivesse uma família grande e eles se juntassem em datas comemorativas, a família da minha esposa parecia ser o dobro da minha. Por toda a extensão do quintal, dezenas de pessoas falavam muito alto em um português bêbado que eu não conseguia entender com as minhas aulas básicas.
Já faziam quase duas semanas que estávamos no Brasil, hospedados na casa dos meus sogros. Por mais que os adorasse, estava surtando por mal poder encostar em S/N. Ela fugia como um rato quando eu me aproximava com segundas intenções, deixando muito claro que o pai me adorava mas era ciumento e não hesitaria em me bater se nos visse fazendo algo de indecente. Tarefa que seria acompanhada do aniversariante e do irmão mais velho.
Talvez fosse o álcool ingerido, mas essa noite S/N parecia estar mais do que disposta a colocar minha cabeça em um prato para seu pai, testando o meu autocontrole desde que saiu do banheiro com uma saia curtíssima e uma blusa que deixava a barriga à mostra.
Tomei quase toda a cerveja em um gole só enquanto a observava. Com um copo em uma mão e a outra no joelho, S/N rebolava a bunda redonda e empinada enquanto descia lentamente. Exatamente como fazia no meu pau.
Caminhei em passos largos pelo gramado, parando atrás dela, exatamente como um dos namorados de suas primas fazia. S/N jogou o cabelo para o lado, virando o rosto levemente e me lançando um sorriso malicioso. Proferi uma série de palavrões quando senti sua bunda roçar contra a minha ereção já dolorida, e pude ouvir uma risadinha fugir dela.
— Você está me matando.
— Eu? Só estou dançando, amor. — Falou com um tom falso de inocência, denunciado pela leve mordida que deixava no lábio inferior, pintado de vermelho.
A música estava alta, retumbando em cada canto do quintal bem iluminado. As garotas cantavam, rebolando sem vergonha nenhuma e eu me sentia sucumbir cada vez mais a cada segundo.
Olhei para os lados, vendo meu sogro ao lado da churrasqueira acompanhado de mais alguns homens da sua idade e suas bebidas. Na nossa breve conversa há alguns minutos ele confundia o inglês e o português, o que me demonstrava a bebedeira. Minha sogra estava do outro lado do gramado, junto de suas irmãs e uma garrafa de vinho. Pelas risadas escandalosas dava para ver que também estava embriagada.
— Dança, amor! — A garota gritou, batendo com a bunda mais uma vez em mim, me fazendo trancar o maxilar para não deixar nenhum som escapar.
Ela estava brincando com o fogo. Então, vamos nos queimar, amor.
Segurei a cintura nua com uma das mãos, apertando de leve. Deixei que a minha garota ditasse o ritmo que nos balançamos. Aproximei minha boca da sua pele, deixando um beijo molhado e satisfeito observei o arrepio que surgiu em sua nuca. Sem afastar meu corpo do seu, subi minha boca até sua orelha. 
— Eu vou passar mal se você não me deixar te levar para um quarto e te foder. — Afirmei. E porra, era verdade. 
Depois de duas longas semanas insatisfeito, sendo provocado por beijos deliciosos, mãos bobas e shorts de pijama mais curtos do que calcinha, estava subindo pelas paredes. 
O corpo da garota endureceu no mesmo segundo. Ela estava com os olhos arregalados e sabia que eu falava sério. 
— Lou, meu pai…
— Está bêbado e não vai notar a nossa falta. — A cortei. S/N suspirou, olhando para os pais assim como eu. Ela não estava desconfortável com a situação, estava excitada, e eu estava tão louco que quase podia sentir o cheiro da sua boceta pingando por mim. 
Senti a mão pequena tomar a minha, me guiando para dentro da casa tão cheia quanto o quintal. Como previ, ninguém parecia prestar atenção em nós dois, conversavam alto, bebiam e comiam. 
Subimos as escadas quase correndo, no quarto da adolescência de S/N, ainda era possível ouvir a música alto demais, mas eu não podia ligar menos. 
— Esse quarto não tem chave. — Ela lembrou assim que fechou a porta. 
— Banheiro. — Ordenei. Um sorriso lascivo se formou nos lábios avermelhados, e, praticamente desfilando com aquela mini saia, ela me obedeceu. 
Empurrei minha garota para apoiar o corpo na pia assim que entrei. Tranquei a porta e antes que pudesse fazer qualquer coisa, S/N se jogou em cima de mim, atacando minha boca com a dela. 
O beijo era desesperador, ateando mais fogo no que ardia há tempos. Apoiei a garota no mármore frio da pia, me colocando entre suas pernas e moendo meu pau preso na calça contra sua boceta. 
Não tinha tempo para preliminares, por mais que achasse que não fossem sentir nossa falta, não podíamos demorar o suficiente para que acontecesse. 
Quebrei o beijo puxando o ar com força para encher os pulmões. O peito coberto da minha garota subia e descia com rapidez, tão afetada quanto eu. 
— Levanta a saia e tira a calcinha. — Ordenei. 
Mordendo o lábio inferior com força, S/N me obedeceu. Em um show totalmente seu, empinou o traseiro enquanto erguia o tecido minúsculo até se acumular na barriga e então puxou a peça de renda vermelha que cobria sua intimidade. 
Eu não conseguia esperar mais, estava louco. Totalmente e devotamente louco por ela. 
Baixei a calça sem nenhum cuidado, fazendo meu pau duro como pedra saltar para fora. 
Puxei-a pelas coxas, até que ficasse na borda do mármore. Pincelando sua entrada com a glande inchada e sentindo arrepios se distribuírem pelo meu corpo todo. 
— Anda logo, Louis. — A garota suspirou. Um sorriso se abriu em meus lábios. Levei uma das mãos até sua nuca, trazendo-a até mim. 
— Está ansiosa, linda? — Sussurrei contra sua boca, o sabor doce da bebida em seus lábios me inebriou. Soltando um gemido manhoso ela tentou se esfregar em mim atrás de algum alívio, mas minha mão que permanecia em sua coxa não permitiu. — Passou a semana toda provocando e agora quer rápido, amor? 
— Louis. — Meu nome soou como uma súplica em sua boca, me fazendo enlouquecer mais um pouco. 
— Você vai ser uma boa garota e ficar bem quietinha enquanto eu te fodo. Me entendeu? — Um gemido estrangulado fugiu pela boca vermelha. — Não ouvi sua resposta. — Provoquei. 
— Entendi. — Sussurrou. — Agora me fode, Louis.
— Essa é a minha garota. 
Encarando no fundo de seus olhos, entrei devagar, sentindo a boceta quente se expandir para me receber. Com a boca aberta, S/N soltava suspiros altos. Depois de entrar completamente, saí um pouco apenas para me afundar novamente. Os gemidos se misturavam e a sensação de estar dentro dela me fazia delirar. 
Podia ouvir minha pele batendo forte na sua, o frenesi do sexo reverberando nas minhas veias. Dei um tapa forte em sua bunda quando um gemido alto escapou. 
— Quieta. — Avisei parando os movimentos. — Você não quer que a brincadeira acabe, quer? — Com um meneio de cabeça ela negou com veemência. 
Voltei a me mexer, me enterrando fundo na fenda quente e úmida. S/N soltava choramingos manhosos enquanto jogava a cabeça para trás. Trilhei um caminho com a língua do decote da blusa até a ponta do queixo, sentindo seu gosto, deliciado. 
A música lá fora já havia trocado, mas pela cantoria eu sabia que ainda tinha mais algum tempo. 
Puxei a barra da blusa, jogando-a em algum canto do banheiro, sendo agraciado pela visão dos seios fartos presos no sutiã de renda vermelha. Puxei a peça para baixo, prendendo um dos mamilos duros na boca, sugando com força como eu sabia que ela adorava. 
— Meu Deus. — A garota sussurrou, erguendo uma das mãos que antes a apoiavam no mármore e levando até mim, puxando meu cabelo entre seus dedos. Afastei um pouquinho, soprando o mamilo quente, o que a fez gemer mais uma vez. O orgasmo se aproximava, se formando em ondas fortes no meu ventre. Mas eu queria prolongar aquele momento por mais algum tempo. 
Diminuí o ritmo das estocadas, indo lento e fundo, sentindo cada músculo da boceta me apertar e me implorar para retomar o ritmo de antes. 
— Amor… — Ela gemeu. — Por favor. 
— O que você quer, linda? — Perguntei, apertando a mão em sua nuca e obrigando-a a me olhar. 
— Me deixa gozar, amor. — Implorou. 
Sem aviso, me afastei, o que fez S/N me encarar com confusão. Puxei a garota de onde estava e virei sua cintura, com gentileza empurrei seu peito contra o mármore gelado. S/N abriu as pernas e empinou o traseiro redondo para me receber. Dei um tapa estalado antes de fazer o que tanto queria. Entrei com força, fazendo-a gritar mais uma vez. 
Minha pelve se chocava contra a bunda que havia me provocado a semana inteira, eu escorregava para dentro sem nenhuma dificuldade pela sua umidade. 
Enrolei os cabelos compridos da minha garota em minha mão, erguendo sua cabeça para que ela enxergasse o show pornográfico que estávamos dando e era transmitido pelo espelho. 
— Porra. — Ela gemeu o palavrão em português. 
— Você passou a semana inteira imaginando isso, não passou? — Com a mão livre segurei em sua cintura, martelando meu pau cada vez mais fundo contra a boceta deliciosa. — Me imaginou te comendo em cada canto dessa casa, não imaginou?
— Sim… — Proferiu com dificuldade, alimentando ainda mais o tesão que estava me tirando a razão. 
Não dava mais para segurar. A situação toda era demais para a sanidade. Os gemidos que escapavam da boca com batom agora borrado, o sentimento de que em qualquer minuto alguém poderia nos procurar, o aperto de sua boceta no meu pau. 
Puxei o cabelo de S/N com um pouco mais de agressividade, o que a fez gritar e revirar os olhos enquanto empinava ainda mais, me dando mais espaço para fodê-la, a visão de nós dois que o espelho mostrava me enlouquecia, me fazendo ir mais rápido, sendo impossível segurar os gemidos.
Meu corpo formigava, palavrões e palavras desconexas eram proferidos. S/N gritou meu nome, e então seu corpo inteiro resetou. Precisei passar o braço por sua cintura, para sustentar seu peso enquanto sentia a boceta quente me apertar ainda mais, me obrigando a gozar tão forte que um gemido gutural ressoou do meu peito. 
Apoiei minha testa no ombro nu, minha respiração tão alterada que o meu peito queimava. 
— Você é louco. — S/N disse com um sorriso preguiçoso quando saí de dentro dela. 
Estávamos uma bagunça, cobertos de suor, cheirando a sexo. Completamente satisfeitos. Por enquanto. 
— É o que acontece quando você rebola essa bunda gostosa na minha frente. — Falei deixando mais um tapa. 
— Acha que vão perceber que estávamos fodendo? — Perguntou enquanto tentava arrumar o cabelo com os dedos. 
— Linda, além do cheiro de sexo em você, minha porra está escorrendo da sua boceta agora. — Sussurrei a última parte em seu ouvido antes de erguer a calça nas pernas. As bochechas de S/N ficaram vermelhas e ela arregalou os olhos antes de me dar um tapa no braço. 
— Já sabe que vai apanhar do meu pai, não sabe? 
— Vamos torcer para que ele esteja bêbado o suficiente para não notar o que a filhinha dele estava fazendo no banheiro. — Deixei um beijinho em seus lábios enquanto ela ria e revirava os olhos
Taglist:@cachinhos-de-harry / @say-narry / @lanavelstommo
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hsdiaries · 26 days
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Kinda want to test something on here before putting it on Wattpad.
Louis passes away, comes back as a ghost to help guide his ex-fiancé Bentley, back to love, where she must choose between Niall, her best friend who she trauma bonded with after Louis passed; and Harry who is new to their friend group but quickly becomes a place of comfort for her.
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Okay but why is this ⬇️
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the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this ⬇️
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year
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Summary: This was a request by @haroldsbabymama “Can you do a one shot where y/n and Harry sext each other while at a family event which leads to them hooking up for a quickie?”
In this one shot Niall and Louis are your brothers.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong and sexual language, suggestive language, rough sex, choking, hair pulling, fluff and filth
∘₊✧── 𝑒𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎 ──✧₊∘
“What did you pack in here? Rocks?” I laugh and push the suitcase down, “We’re only going to be gone for one night, honey.” I shut the trunk and Harry walks over, leaning on it as his hair and open flannel blow in the breeze.
“I have to have extra clothes incase someone decides to make a mess and ruin my perfectly good shirt that I wear like last time.” He pulls his sunglasses down slightly with his finger and winks as he smirks.
“That.. was..” I laugh and shake my head, “Not my fault. You could have taken it off.”
He shrugs, “Mm, I guess you’re right.” He walks over and kisses my head, “Let’s get going, I know traffic will be a bitch here soon.”
“So.” Harry says rubbing his chin with his fingers, “I was thinking.”
“Oh no. What were you thinking?” I turn towards him slightly and rest my chin on my hand. He smirks slightly, “How about we play a little game while we’re visiting your family, hmm?”
“Like Uno? Monopoly? I’m sure my parents have games.”
He laughs and shakes his head, “You’re a funny girl, love.” He glances over at me with a smile, “But I mean a game for us.”
Catching onto what he’s insinuating, I smirk, “Oh. Like a game.”
“Yes.” He lays a hand on my thigh and squeezes slightly, “We sext each other until one of us can’t take it anymore and cracks.”
“Mm.” I lay my hand on his, “So how many texts do you think I’ll get to send you before you crack?”
He laughs, “Me? Cracking first? In your dreams, baby.” He slides his hand up and extends a finger to put pressure on my clit through my pants, “You’ll be begging me to take you within the first ten minutes.”
I roll my eyes and bite down on my lip, trying to keep it together and act like him rubbing my clit through my leggings doesn’t bother me.
“What? No reaction? You feelin’ alright, darling?” He pulls his hand away and rests his elbow on the center console.
I smile at him, “Yeah. I’m great, actually.”
He smirks and shakes his head slowly, ���We’ll see about that.”
He pulls into the driveway and I can see my mom look out the window and quickly disappear.
“Three.. Two.. One.. Get ready, honey.” I say with a laugh as I see my mom run out the door waving her hands. I open the door and get out, “Hey.”
My mom scoops me into her arms and rocks us side to side, “Oh my goodness! Look at you!” She keeps her hands on my shoulders as she leans back, “Ugh. Just look at you.”
Harry walks around the car and stands there, “Hello Mrs Y/L/N.”
She scoffs, “Please, Harry. I hate when you call me that.” She laughs, “Call me mom.” Harry laughs and leans down to hug her, “I know, that’s why I do it. How are you?”
Mom laughs and shakes her head, “I’m doing good, look at you looking all handsome.” She reaches up and fixes his collar, “More tattoos?”
“Not this time.” Harry shakes his head, “Maybe next time you see me.”
Mom laughs and sighs, “Oh gosh. I’m so happy you’re here! Come on, you can get your bags later.” She pulls me with her and I grab Harry’s hand to drag him with me.
“Honey.” Mom calls out, “Your favorite daughter is here.”
I laugh and shake my head, “Mom, I’m hi-“
“She’s my only daughter so of course she’s my favorite.” My dad laughs and walks over to me, greeting me with a hug, “Hi sweetie.”
“Hi dad.”
“How you doing, Harry?” My dad smiles and shakes his hand. Harry nods, “Good sir, how are you?”
“I mean with living with my daughter. She can be a pain sometimes.” My dad laughs and I scoff, “Excuse me. I’m right here.”
“Yeah and?” My dad laughs and shakes his head, “I’m just messing with you.”
I roll my eyes and walk out to my mom in the kitchen, “They truly are best friends, aren’t they?” Mom sighs and nods, “I’m afraid so.” She laughs, “But that’s a good thing right?”
I nod, “Definitely.”
My phone dings in my back pocket and I see Harry’s name. I glance up at him and he’s staring at me with a smirk.
I step back and unlock my phone, my eyes scanning over Harry’s first dirty text of the day.
H: You look so hot standing there. I could bend you over the counter.
I smirk slightly and type my reply,
Me: That’s all you got? I was thinking more of me on the counter with your face pressed between my legs.
I hit sent and quickly put my phone back into my pocket, “Do you need help with anything?” My mom pauses and taps her lips, “If you wanted to wash the fruit for the fruit tray that would be great.”
I glance up at Harry, who is talking with my dad again. I smile and shake my head, “So are my brothers coming tonight?”
“Yes they are, Louis is bringing Sadie so ple-“
I go to speak but she cuts me off, “Please… be nice.”
“I fucking hate Sadie.” I mumble as I turn the faucet on. Mom taps my shoulder, “I don’t like her either but language!” She laughs and walks into the living room, offering Harry and my dad drinks.
Sadie is Louis’ bitch of a fiancée and nothing, I mean nothing ever satisfies her. I’m surprised she’s even coming to this dinner.
My phone dings and I dry my hands on the towel before pulling out my phone,
H: I could honestly go for eating that sweet little pussy of yours out right now.
I bite my lip and squeeze my thighs together, shit. I will not let Harry win, no matter how hot and bothered he makes me.
Me: You know, my throat has been a little lonely. I think it misses your cock being stuffed into it.
My mom walks back into the kitchen and I quickly lock my phone, “So why is Sadie coming?” Mom furrows her brows, “Because she’s engaged to your brother?”
“No I know but-“
The door opens and in walks Niall, “Hey, hey hey.” He shuts the door and goes over to Harry, “Styles, man how ya been?”
Harry smiles and nods, “Good, man. How about yourself?”
They talk and Niall comes into the kitchen, letting out a sudden yell, “Whoa, y/n you know it’s summer and not Halloween right?” He laughs and I throw a blueberry at him, “Shut up.”
“Niall, be nice to your sister.” Mom says slapping his shoulder.
He walks over and hugs me, “Miss ya ‘round here.” I sigh and nod, “I know. You can’t bully me everyday.” We laugh and I lean in, “Sadie’s coming.” I whisper lowly. Niall let’s out a sigh. “He said he was going to break up with her, I swear.”
“Don’t be swearing.” Mom says pointing to us.
Niall laughs, “No mom. Not like that.” He looks at me and rolls his eyes, “I’ll be back.” He walks away and I look up at Harry. Dad goes out with Niall and Harry checks his phone.
His eyes widen slightly and he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth. He glances up at me and shakes his head with a smirk. He adjusts himself quickly and starts to type.
I go back to what I was doing before and my mom comes up to me, “I know you don’t like Sadie but you better not make some snide comments towards her.”
“Okay. I’ll just say them to Louis.” I laugh and shake my head, “Kidding.” I look over at my mom and she laughs, “I’m not a fan of her either, but Louis is and.. he just needs to find out in his own.”
“Yeah, l hope.”
I set the fruit down and walk in to the couch. I plop down on it and Harry sits next to me just as my phone goes off.
He leans in, “That pussy ready for me yet?” He whispers lowly and chuckles as he kisses my cheek. I bite my lip and cross my leg over the other, reading Harry’s text,
H: I’ll keep my head between those legs and my tongue in your pussy until your legs are shaking and you’re begging me to stop.
I bite my lip and take a deep breathe, unsure of how to respond to that one.
“Cat got your tongue?” Harry whispers into my ear, nipping it with his teeth. I gasp slightly and tilt my head away from him, “That’s not fair.” I turn my head towards him and look at him.
He smirks and shrugs, “Never said we couldn’t add a little physical touch.” His hand slides down my back and I look back at my phone.
The cursor blinking, waiting for me to type.
I turn my phone away as my thumbs type,
Me: I want to sit down on your cock slowly, feeling you stretch my tight little pussy out.
I hit send and quickly lock my phone as Niall comes down and sits down next to me, “Whatcha doin over here?”
“Nothing.” Harry and I say in unison, which causes us to laugh.
“Mhm. Sounds like something you dirty bitches.” Niall’s head snaps over as mom yells, “Sorry mom.” He looks back and rolls his eyes, mouthing that he wasn’t sorry.
I laugh and shake my head, “When’s Tommo coming?” He shrugs, “Said he was on his way an hour ago.”
And with that, Louis and his leech stroll on through the door.
“Speak of the devil and the devil comes.” I say standing up. I walk over to him and hug him, forcing him to let go of Sadie’s hand. He wraps his arms around me and lifts me off the ground, “How are you, ya little idiot?”
He steps me back down. I smile, “I’m good! How are you?” He nods, “I’m alright, not too bad.” He looks over at Harry, “Harry Styles. Get over here and give me a hug will ya!” He walks towards Harry as Harry walks towards him.
“What’s up, Lou.” Harry says patting his back as he hugs him, “Long time no see, yeah?”
While those two converse, I walk back over to Niall and sit down, “Now mom will come out of the kitchen to greet her favorite child.” I mumble and cross my arms.
“There is he! My little boy!” Mom says pulling him into a hug and rocking him back and fourth.
“You’d think for him being the oldest he’d be the least favorite.” Niall mumbles which causes me to laugh.
Sadie shoots me a glare and I wave at her sarcastically.
Mom greets her and gives her a quick hug. “Mom doesn’t like her either.” I mumble. I smile up at Harry as he sits down, “I’m going to go see if your mom needs any help.”
He walks away and not even a minute later my phone dings.
“oh, who is that?” Niall asks elbowing me. I shake my head, “No one.” I keep my phone in my pocket, “Is it that friend of yours? The one with the blonde hair?”
I laugh slightly and shake my head, “Far from it, Ni.”
“Or is it Harry?”
I freeze. I would absolutely die if he knew Harry and I are sexting at family dinner.
“N-no. Why would I be Harry?”
He tilts his head and gives me a look, “Because every time you put your phone away, Harry pulls his out. Come on, y/n. I’m not as innocent as you think.”
I push him away with a laugh, “Get away from me.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll leave so you can send your man a dirty text.” He smirks and walks over to Louis.
I pull my phone out with a sigh and my smile drops as my eyes scan over Harry’s text,
H: I want to cum inside you, watch it drip out and then use some of it fit my cock into that tight ass you’re always teasing me with.
I shift in my seat, trying not to accept the fact that Harry might just win this little game.
I stare at the screen, unable to come up with anything. After a few seconds, I accept my loss, well,
Me: After dinner I want your cock and I want to feel you cum deep inside me.
Not a total loss.
I hear Harry clear his throat and I get an instant reply,
H: Deal.
I bite my lip as I smirk and send him back a kissy face emoji. I put my phone into my pocket and stand up.
“So how’s living three hours away from home?” Louis asks walking over to me. I shrug, “I don’t know. I kinda like it, but at the same time, I miss you guys.”
He nods, “Yeah, yeah. I understand that. Harry treating you well?”
For whatever reason, I remember Harry absolutely pounding the fuck out of me with his hand tight around my throat.
I smile and nod, “Oh yeah, no need to worry about that big bro.”
“Kids. Dinner is ready.” Mom says clapping her hands.
As dinner comes to an end, I glance over at Harry and hide my smirk with my glass by taking a drink.
“Dinner was excellent mom!” Niall says leaning back.
“Yeah, I have to agree with Niall, this was great!” Louis sets his fork down and looks over at Sadie who looks like if she could be anywhere else, she would.
She nods and smiles, “Yes, Mrs. Y/L/N. That was great.”
Mom smiles and nods, “Thank you. Thank you.”
I bite my lip to not laugh, she told Harry to call her mom, but didn’t correct Sadie. That’s how you know mom doesn’t like you.
“Do you need help clearing the table, mom?” I ask gathering stuff up. She shakes her head, “No, sweetie. Why don’t you guys go grab your bags and get settled in. Then we can all meet in the family room and catch up.”
“Are you sure, mom?” Harry asks and my mom smiles and bats the air, “Oh please. It’s okay.”
My eyes glance to Sadie and she rolls her eyes. Louis lays a hand on her and pats it a few times.
“Okay. We’ll go get our bags.” I nudge Harry’s arm and he follows me outside. I pop the trunk and as soon as it’s lifted, Harry’s hands are on me.
He slides one up to my neck as he presses his growing cock into my back, “You feel that?” He whispers lowly, “I’m craving you, sweetheart.”
I reach behind me and palm him through his jeans, “I’ve thought about you all day, Harry.” I breath out as he squeezes my neck.
He nuzzles his nose against my neck, “I can’t wait to cum deep in that pussy of yours.”
I lick my lips and turn around to face him, pulling him down to meet my lips with his. I cut out make out short, “Come on.”
I grab my bag while Harry grabs his and he adjusts himself to the best he can before I shut the trunk, “Act. Normal.” I whisper with a smile.
We walk back in and I look around. Niall is asleep on the couch already. Typical.
Mom and dad are doing the dishes.
And Louis and Sadie are back the hall and it looks like he’s trying to calm her down.
I walk back the hall with Harry close behind me. I look at Louis and Sadie snaps her head towards me. Louis gives me an eye roll and grabs her hand, pulling her into his old bedroom and closing the door.
I laugh slightly and walk into my room and Harry shuts the door as soon as he steps in. He drops his case and pushes me back onto my bed, his hands undoing my jeans.
“Gotta be quick and quiet, honey.” I remind him as I undo his pants.
He pushes his pants and boxers down and I lean up, taking his cock between my lips. He lets out a gasp and I can tell he’s fighting not to moan.
I bob my head, getting him nice and wet before I lean back and bring my leg up. I pull my panties aside and he dips his hips down and slowly enters me.
I throw my head back and grab the sheets. He grips onto my thighs, his finger tips digging in hard.
He slowly pulls out and thrusts back in, getting into a quick and steady pace.
My mind is focused on him cuming inside of me and nothing else.
He slides a hand up and presses his fingers down, circling my clit fast.
I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand as my eyes roll back. He grunts and clears his throat, “Fuck.” He groans super quietly. I reach out and grab his bicep, clenching around his cock.
As I cum, Harry also let’s go. I can feel his cock twitch inside of me as he pushes as far in as he can. He looks around and I look behind me and grab a blanket, “I’ll wash it.”
Harry holds it under me as he pulls out. His lip coming between his teeth as he does. He stares for a moment and shakes his head, “When we get home, I’m so doing what I said.”
“You can do anything to me.” I pull him down for a kiss and smile, “Now let’s get fixed up, we have family time to attend.”
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louddydisturb · 3 months
Back to me (pt. 2)
A familia continua crescendo e para a infelicidade de Tomlinson toda a mudança hormonal o fez ficar levemente esquecido
Louis, 33
Tw: h!mulhercis, breeding kink
Demorou mas chegou, eu imaginei as outras cenas antes do smut estilo modern family por isso são curtinhas
Talvez essa seja a ultima oneshot por um tempo então deixem seus feedbacks e boa leitura
Harry voltava praticamente pulando de uma consulta de rotina, ela empurrava o carrinho de theo, esse que dormia impertubavel, e tentava chegar o mais rapido possivel em seu carro
Ela dirigia pelas ruas cobertas de neve de londres depois de parar em algumas lojas para terminar de preparar o presente de aniversario de louis
“Theo você acha que o papai vai gostar de uma caixa azul? Ou verde é melhor? Afinal ele sempre fala que gosta dos meus olhos”
“Papa anibesario” o garotinho balbuciava enquanto balançava as perninhas no carrinho
“Sim nenem, aniversario do papai” harry decide por fim pegar uma caixa bege e finalizando a compra
“PAPA!” Theo corre para o colo de louis assim que os dois entram na casa
Louis usava um avental e estava coberto de farinha de trigo, alicia sentada no balcão e igual um fantasma de tanto trigo
“Louis william tomlinson-styles! Que droga vocês fizeram na minha cozinha” harry coloca as sacolas na mesa antes de ir averiguar a situação no comodo
“Cookies!” Os dois falam em conjunto com sorrisos orgulhosos no rosto
Harry sorri tentando manter a postura
“Vamos lili vou te dar banho” harry tira a garota de cima do balcão “você vai tomar banho e dar banho em theo já que acabou de sujar ele inteiro de farinha” ela fala ainda autoritaria e louis olha para a criança em seu colo que tinha o cabelo e as bochechas tambem sujas
“Sim senhora capitã” louis sai correndo com theo que ria em seu colo
Harry ri indo com alicia até o banheiro do quarto das crianças
“Desculpa o papai, mamãe. Ele queria fazer cookies para a senhora não ficar tão brava”
“Ficar brava? Porque eu ficaria brava” harry olha a garota confusa
“Por causa da super surpresa” alicia fala baixo como se falasse um segredo
“Louis para de fazer cosquinha em theo ele acabou de comer!” Harry tentava fazer todo mundo ficar quieto na sala, oque era dificil já que o pai era mais criança do que os propios filhos
“Mamãe é chata não é theo?”
“Posso ter um minuto de silencio?”
“Sim mamãe, fale”
“Eu tenho uma surpresa” louis senta direito no sofá prestando atenção em cada movimento de harry “abre isso” ela entrega a caixinha e louis segura o objeto como se fosse explodir em sua mão a qualquer segundo
“Harry… se isso for uma brincadeira” ele tira o sapatinho minusculo de dentro da caixa
“Dois meses”
“Harry Tomlinson! Meu deus se isso for uma brincadeira juro que nunca mais caio nesse papinho de saudades e que ninguem te fo-“ Harry se apressa em tapar a boca de Louis
“Enfim, a familia vai crescer!” Harry continua ignorando a fala de Louis
“MAMÃE VAI TER NENEM!” Alicia grita correndo até harry
Louis continuava estatico no lugar e theo olhava tudo em confusão
“Nenem?” A voz infantil sooa na sala
“Sim amorzinho, daqui a um tempo você vai ter outro irmão ou irmã”
“Uma criança?” Harry podia jurar que viu lagrimas nos olhos de louis “é serio mesmo?”
“Sim, lou” e finalmente louis levanta do sofá puxando harry para um beijo
“Eca” a voz de alicia sooa de fundo e os dois não podem deixar de rir
“Meu deus” louis se agacha encarando a barriga que tinha uma pequena protuberancia, quase imperceptivel “oi nenem, saiba que o papai é mais legal viu. Eu deixo vocês comerem doces antes do jantar”
“Falando em surpresas…” louis se afasta seguido de alicia
“Louis william não me venha com esse papo” harry senta no sofa observando os dois irem ate o quintal
Ela só não esperava que alicia iria voltar com um filhote de golden nos braços
Um filhote de golden.
“AUAU!!” Theo correu animado até o cachorro praticamente atacando o animal
“LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON-STYLES! Porque tem um cachorro no colo da minha filha?”
“Esse é o luke, mamãe” louis se “escondia” atras da garota e apenas concordava em silencio
“Luke? Louis você ao menos pensou em perguntar oque eu achava?”
“Mas você falou que ia pensar… e cachorros são otimos com nenens… e ele é só um filhotinho”
“É mamãe ele não pode ficar sem casa”
“Agh oque eu não faço por vocês”
“Amor eu achei os cookies de red velvet com pistache que você pediu!” Louis entra na casa puxando luke pela coleira e tentando equilibrar 3 caixas de doces
Harry estava deitando no sofá da sala com theo deitado com a cabeça em sua barriga e alicia pintando suas unhas com algum esmalte infantil
“Você demorou” Louis percebe como os olhos verdes tinham uma aparencia inchada e o nariz de harry estava vermelho
“Amor eu tive que ir de carro no meio de uma quase tempestade de neve, estava engarrafamento” ele entrega a caixa com 4 cookies para harry e as outra duas caixas com alguns doces diversos para cada criança
“Papai deixou a mamãe triste” alicia diz com um bico antes de começar a devorar o muffin de oreo “ela achou que você foi se encontrar com a mulher loira do escritolio”
“Mulher loira?” O Tomlinson segura a risada observando harry com cara de brava enquanto comia o cookie
“Nunca se sabe quando o seu marido vai te engravidar e te deixar toda feia e gorda e depois ir se encontrar com alguma mulherzinha por ai”
“Hazza, você sabe que isso nunca vai acontecer né?” Ele senta no apoio de pés em frente a Harry “e você não ta toda feia e gorda, amor. Essa é a casa do nosso bebezinho”
“Não é bebezinho! é menina eu ja falei”
“Simsim menina” Louis resmunga contrariado mas não querendo começar outra discursão boba “vou levar Theo para o quarto” ele levanta pegando o garoto que dormia enquanto segurava um pedaço de donut “Alicia já são 7:40, amanhã você tem escola”
“Sabe que dia é hoje, amor?” Louis caminha até harry que passava algum creme tranquilamente na barriga redondinha
“Algo entre 1 e 10 de janeiro” Harry responde observando o mais velho pegar o pote de creme de suas mãos
“8 de janeiro” ele massageia a barriga cheinha enquanto fala calmamente “sabe oque acontece hoje?”
“Não Louis, aniversario da queda do muro de berlim?”
“Nosso aniversario de pedido de namoro”
“Parabens pelo dia que eu quase morri atropelada” ela tira o pote da mão de louis e arruma a blusa do pijama “já vou dormir, prometi ajudar Alicia com o penteado maluco amanhã” a cacheada deita se afundando nos lençóis fofinhos, não prestando atenção na feição frustada de louis
“Foi um otimo pedido, não acha?” Louis continua deitando na costa de Harry e acariciando a barriga por cima do pijama de seda
“Sim Louis, foi um otimo dia”
“Quem diria que 7 anos estariamos juntos com dois filhos maravilhosos, um cachorro adoravel e um pacotinho na barriga, né?” Louis se afundava no perfume do cachos de harry ouvindo apenas um suspiro
“Tecnicamente só eu tenho um pacotinho na barriga” Harry se aconchega em Louis “boa noite, amor” e em menos de 5 minutos Harry dormia tranquilamente deixando um Louis frustado em sua costa
“Sim Luke a mamãe não ama o papai mais” Louis sentava no sofá com o cachorro deitado em sua coxa, esse que aproveitava do carinho em seu pelo “acredita que ela não da mais amor pro papai” o filhote lambe a mão de louis como se estivesse consolando ele “você é o unico que me entende, lulu”
“É né dois cachorros se entendem” Harry aparece no corredor ainda de pijamas e com Theo andando atrás de si “Luke e louis ate combina” Harry ri da própria piada
“Bom dia para a senhora tambem, senhora Tomlinson-styles” Louis levanta caminhando até a cozinha onde ja tinha preparado as paquecas, o café de Harry e o achocolatado de Theo e Alicia
“Panquecas de colação!!!” Theo bate as mãozinhas animados
“Sim nenem panquecas de coração para o theo e pra lili” Louis enfatiza o final da frase
“E porque eu não ganho panquecas de coração? Ta me chamando de gorda louis william?!” Harry cruza os braços em cima da barriga cheinha
“Não é isso, só quem ama o papai ganha panquecas de coraçao” Harry bufa baixinho começando a comer suas panquecas normais, achando o cumulo quando viu que Luke tambem comia petiscos de coração
“Harry? Ta acordada?” Louis brincava com os cachos de harry enquanto terminavam de assistir mais um capitulo de modern family
“To” ela se aconchega contra o peito de Louis aproveitando o carinho nos cachos
“Já parou para pensar que os meus meninões são fortes” Harry o olha confusa
“Teus meninões são fortes?”
“Sim, só foi preciso uma vez e olha só” ele faz como se estivesse mostrando um premio
“Louis por favor” Harry se afasta tentando manter a face seria
“Qual foi? Olha ai o resultado de 6 meses bem lindinho ai”
“Sabia que com 6 meses o bebe ja consegue ouvir?? Não fica dizendo essas atrocidades perto da minha criança”
“A criança tambem é minha, ela saiu de mim lembra”
“Louis william tomlinson-styles!” Harry afunda o rosto no traveseiro tentando terminar aquela conversa ali
“Amor? Harry?” Louis deita na cama se aconchegando na costa de harry
“Vai trocar de roupa Tomlinson! Eu já falei que não gosto de deitem na cama com roupa da rua” harry empurra o braço de Louis que rodeava sua cintura
“Ai quanto estresse” Louis levanta bufando baixinho antes de tirar a calça e a camisa social, jogando ambas peças na poltrona no canto do quarto “como foi seu dia?” Ele volta para a cama, afundando o rosto nos cachos com cheiro de chocolate
“Theo perguntou como que Elijah foi parar na minha barriga” Louis ri baixinho fazendo harry revirar os olhos “não aguento mais Lou… parece que a minha barriga fica 10 kilos mais pesada cada dia que passa”
“Isso significa que o nosso garotinho tá crescendo bem e saudável” ele beija a barriga cheinha, percebendo que harry usava apenas sua camisa como pijama. Oque não ajudou com a sua sanidade mental
“Nada mais cabe em mim” harry levanta ficando em pé no espelho na frente da cama. O Tomlinson observa a cacheada, praguejando baixinho ao que sentiu uma fisgada em seu membro
“Eu acho que vou ter que começar a sair assim…” para a surpresa de Louis, harry retira a camisa larguinha do corpo deixando a lingerie preta a mostra
“Acha é?” Ele se aproxima devagar, os olhos grudados nos seios cheios mal sendo cobertos pelo sutiã rendado
“Acho… se bem que já nem cobre meus peitos Lou, olha como eles estão cheios” harry busca as mãos fortes e a colocando em seus peitos, Louis aperta sentindo a carne macia preencher sua mão
“Acho que você vai ter que ficar sem eles também” ele puxa as alcinhas finalmente liberando os peitos doloridos “assim eles me parecem muito melhores” harry geme baixinho ao que Louis aperta os biquinhos durinhos
“Chupa eles, Lou” harry tenta puxar a cabeça de Louis contra si mas ele se afasta
“Que apressada” ele senta harry na cama antes de passar a lingua devagar por uma das aureolas amarronzadas “não acho que eu deveria fazer oque você quer” louis belisca os biquinhos sensiveis antes de se afastar caminhando até o banheiro
“Lou…“ harry o segue, o preto tomando o verde de seus olhos no exato momento que ve seu marido embaixo do chuveiro, a agua escorrendo pelo torso bronzeado e o pau duro em seu estomago “louis… deixa eu te ajudar” ela entra no box se ajoelhando na frente do mais velho, ele ri baixinho com quão desesperada ela parecia
“Tenho me dado muito bem sozinho, harry” o dedão de louis contorna os labios inchadinhos antes de invadir a boquinha vermelho “não preciso de você” ele esfrega o dedo babado no rosto corado
“Desculpa, amor” ela se aproxima afoita, esfregando o rosto na coxa de louis, a centrimetros do pau que brilhava a pré gozo
“Que desculpas vazias, hazza” ele masturba o membro devagar observando harry choramingar embaixo de si
Harry deixa alguns chupões e mordidas pela pelves do outro, os olhos azuis gelidos focados em cada movimento seu
“Deixa eu te chupar” ela fala devagar substituindo a mão de louis pela sua
Louis guia a cabeça de harry, deixando-a chupar apenas a cabecinha
A cacheada geme em deleite sentindo o gosto da pré porra invadir seu paladar
Louis se afasta prensando a mulher contra a parede, começando a estocar contra os labios vermelhos
“Porra, Harry” os fios castanhos serviam como o unico apoio “você sabe que me tem na porra da ponta dos seus dedos, né amor?” Harry lagrimejava mal conseguindo respirar entre as estocadas “veio se rastejando porque não consegue ficar um tempo sem pica” louis força a cabeça de Harry contra a sua pelves, gemendo baixinho cada vez que Harry se engasgava tentando se afastar “você veio se rastejando porque sabe que eu vou ceder” ele solta harry que ja esta a praticamente sem ar, a cacheada se afasta tossindo e com a respiração desregulada
“Eu sempre fui boazinha pra você, amor” ela levanta e começa a beijar o torso molhando de Tomlinson, o olhar verde intenso o encarava como um animal encarava sua presa
“Foi boazinha, amor?” ele puxa os cachos, a forçando contra o vidro do box “na primeira oportunidade você saiu dando pra qualquer mocho que passasse na rua, Harry” a mão forte estapeia a bunda lisinha
“Lou… você sabe que não foi bem assim”
“Ah não? Sabia que eu não me admiraria se esse bebê fosse de algum macho qualquer que você se encontrou” os apertos firmes de Louis faziam harry vacilar, sua mente processando cada vez menos ao que lentamente os dedos com a tatuagem “28” começavam a brincar com seu clitoris
“Você sabe que eu sou sua, Lou” harry apoia a cabeça no ombro de seu marido
“Pena que só lembra disso quando quer pica” ele penetra o indicador e o anelar na grutinha molhada fazendo harry gemer manhosa em seu aperto “mas agora vou me certificar de que você não vai mais esquecer” ele retira os dedos e deixa um tapinha no grelinho inchado
Harry rebola devagar contra o pau de louis, encaixando perfeitamente entre as bandas gordinhas de sua bunda
“Eu poderia foder seu cuzinho, amor” o moreno finge estocadas contra as reboladas de harry, ouvindo ela gemer revirando os olhos “mas a gente tem que treinar sua bucetinha, como que outro bebe vai passar por ela? Ela é tão apertadinha” ele encaixa o pau entre as coxas grossas de harry, estocando ali. O melzinho de harry se misturando com a agua que escorria constantemente em seu corpo
“Me fode, amor. Bem gostosinho” nessa altura harry ja havia se tornado uma bagunça, a bagunça mais erotica que Louis pode apreciar
A bochecha corada apoiada no vidro, os lábios vermelhos formando um biquinho adorável e os cílios longos descansavam em sua bochecha
“Só quando aprender que realmente é minha, harry” harry o olha por cima do ombro, um olhar quase inocente mas no fundo Louis sabia que sua mulher não passava de uma puta “não posso foder a coisa dos outros, certo amor?”
“Mas você… sabe que eu sou sua, Lou” os olhos lagrimejavam e ela mal conseguia terminar a frase de um jeito coerente
“Não tenho tanta certeza”
“Mas eu sou” o tom da garota começava a ficar visivelmente mais desesperado “eu sou sua, todinha sua” ela tenta se virar mas Louis volta a forçar seu rosto contra o espelho “eu sou sua papai! Minha buceta é só sua” ele aumenta as estocadas sentindo harry apertar as coxas e gemer desesperadinha
“É minha?” Um tapa é desferido na bunda gordinha
“Sim! Só do Lou” ele puxa Harry contra o seu peito pelo pescoço leitoso, observando a carinha chorosa da cacheada “só o Lou pode me foder, só você pode botar quantos bebês você quiser na minha barriga” ela esfrega o rosto na barba rala do outro, o cheiro dele invadindo todos seus sentidos “e eu nunca vou nem reclamar” isso foi o estopim para a perda de qualquer resto de autocontrole que Louis inda tinha.
Ele desligou o chuveiro e puxou harry para seu colo, caminhando até a cama larga e pouco se importando se estavam molhando o chão ou os lençóis
Louis se encaixou entre as coxas de harry e não demorou muito para estocar contra a bucetinha molhada
Harry gemia e arranhava as costas largas em busca de apoio
“Lou… isso… me da mais nenens” Harry sentia a sensação no seu baixo ventre que ela tanto sentiu falta começar a se formar
As pupilas já tinham tomado conta dos olhos azuis e louis sequer raciocinava, era como se harry fosse a sua droga
“Porra, porra, porra” ele goza sentindo as coxas de harry tremerem ao redor de sua cintura e as costas arquearem em um orgasmo
“É bom que não se esqueça de quem você é” louis deita puxando harry para o seu peito
A cacheada tinha os olhos fechados ainda aproveitando a sensação pos-orgasmo e o carinho calmo em sua barriga
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justmeinatree · 18 days
05 - Woke Up Still Dreaming
Summary : Part 5 to Let Passion Get Too Much … niall x louis x reader threesome
previous part /// jump to pt. 1
TW : smut, choking, double penetration, spitting, spanking, subspace
Word Count : 7k
A/N : this chapter takes place hours after THIS EXTRA - it’s not absolutely necessary to read although it may answer a few questions as to how their relationship seemed to jump so quickly !
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GIFs : unknown - msg for credit
louis isn’t sure the exact thing that woke him up. whether it be the soft pecks of your lips against his, or the quiet, melodic calling of his name, or your nails gently scratching at his scalp. what ever it was, he couldn’t complain in the slightest. 
that is, until he cracks his eyes open, the soft golden glow of early morning streaming through niall’s sheer white curtains. it was much too early. too fucking early for people that didn’t get to sleep until sometime past 4am. “time s’it, love,” louis croaks, his eyes fluttering shut again.
a small giggle leaves your lips, a happy, playful, sweetness to it, one that’s reserved for those early hours, one that louis is tucking away as a core memory because it was just so damn cute. “just about 7am,” you whisper, pecking over his bottom lip again.
“christ, darling, ya couldn’t wait a bit ?” he groans quietly, his hands scrubbing at his eyes, almost painfully, pulling himself from sleep.
“i really hope you like morning sex,” you murmur, nibbling against his lip now, pulling his mouth open just enough for your tongue to slip through, and lick against his own, pulling a quiet breathy moan from him.
“you have full permission to smack me if i ever turn down an offer from you,” he hums, as you throw your thigh over his waist, his hands falling on your hips, fingers digging into your skin.
“you’re sappy in the morning,” you giggle, breathing against his lips, before dipping back in for more kisses. 
he breathes a laugh against your lips, letting himself get lost in the kiss, his hands exploring your body, finding that you’d stripped down your pants at some point, currently only wearing panties and a thin tank top. 
one hand rounds down your hip, over your bum, and up your thigh to your knee, holding your leg in place over his hips, his other hand settled right on your ass, squeezing.
you groan, shuffling impossibly closer to him, in search of any sort of friction. “and you’re needy in the morning,” louis hums, trying to hold you down, trying to wake up, trying to keep up. but his brain was always a little fuzzy with you, and well he’s barely slept, and throw in last night’s admissions, and your cunt is dangerously close to finding out that he’s already quite hard. and really, he just needs to breathe.
“c’mon, darling, slow down,” louis whispers against your lips, “we have all the time in the world,” he adds, hoping that the prospect of lengthy, lazy, slow early morning sex would win you over. 
but instead, he’s met with a disgruntled groan, and a shake of your head, teeth sinking into the plushness of his bottom lip, “m’already going slow,” you speak, actions contradicting your words as your hips grind down again, harder, a bit faster, your clit colliding with the hard tip of his prick.
a smirk pulls at your lips, shaking your head again, although more playfully this time, pulling away from his mouth to lock eyes with him, a silent conversation between the two of you. 
and a moment later, your thigh was off his hips, your hands on the waistband of his pants, pulling them clean off his legs, boxers following suit just as quickly. in your rush to get onto him, you’d almost forgotten your panties, something you’re thankful that louis catches. his hands fall delicately on your hips, thumbs tickling your skin, still making any sort of effort to slow you down, even if just a little bit.
louis slowly glides his hands, fingers splayed out, selfishly trying to touch as much of you as possible, bringing your thin panties down your legs in the process. he notices the tremor run through your body, following his hands, an eruption of goosebumps left behind in their wake. he watches the sticky line of your arousal still attached from your pussy to your panties, thinning out the more he pulls them down. he feels like he’s looking at someone almost ethereal, with the way the golden glimmer of morning sun makes your skin glow, makes your arousal glisten, it takes his breath away. he really doesn’t think he’s ever been this lucky.
as soon as your panties were off, you threw yourself onto him, louis landing back onto the mattress with a soft thud, your legs on either side of his hips, straddling him, elbows supporting yourself on the mattress, above louis’ shoulders, your hands buried in his hair. 
instantly, your lips are back on his, grinding yourself down over his bare length. your cunt was soaked, slit spread over his cock, gliding effortlessly with every roll of your hips.
your fingers were wrapped tightly into louis’ hair, gripping at the roots, his nails leaving deep indents in the skin of your hips, as a particular roll of your hips made the tip of his cock press up into your clit one moment, getting caught on your entrance the next. 
neither of you were quite sure how it happened, especially without the use of hands, but louis’ hips had lifted clean off the bed, taking you along with him, cock pressed snuggly against you, and with your pussy absolutely drenched, his length painfully hard, the angle just right, he was sinking inside you.
your mouth falls open, breath knocked clean out of your lungs, forehead falling forward onto louis’, eyes rolled back as you struggle to catch your breath. 
a soft groan grumbles deep in his chest, his hands pressing into your hips, holding you, trapping you down onto him, his prick seethed deep inside you, not letting you move an inch. he could feel you splitting open for him, could feel you spasming around his cock, could feel you desperately trying to move. and if he let you, he was instantly going to cum. and he was not about to let that happen. not when he’d just gotten you back onto him. 
in an effort to distract himself, one of his hands leaves you, blindly swatting in the space occupied by niall, eventually colliding with his head, leaving a series of small smacks.
but he’s met with nothing more than an annoyed grumble from niall, and a few laughable swats back in his sleepy state. louis rolls his eyes, gripping hard into niall’s hair, giving a sharp tug.
“fuckin hell,” niall quips, “what do you wan-“ he cuts himself off as he finally turns his head, eyes peaking open, taking in the scene in front of him, a soft, sleepy, sighing chuckle escaping his lips.
“one of those mornings, pet ?” niall murmurs, every bit of malice in his tone completely wiped away, giving louis the impression that morning sex is clearly a definite regular occurence. 
niall’s fingertips reach out for your arm, gliding up and down softly, soothingly. you whimper against louis’ lips, nodding your head to niall’s question, your pussy clenching particularly hard at the tickling smoothness of his fingers on your warmed skin. louis lets out a whimpery moan, one he couldn’t hold in, even if he’d tried, the grip on his prick so unexpected, his teeth biting into your lip.
niall eyes the both of you, unable to see your hips under the blanket, his eyes settling on you, “y’already sitting on him, petal ?” he asks softly, hooking his finger under your chin, making louis’ teeth slip from its grip on your lip, forcing you to look up at him.
“mhmm,” you nod, as best you can with a finger holding your chin, feeling the soft press of niall’s lips against the tip of your nose, breathing quietly, “really missed him didn’t you ?”
you were nodding again, tilting your head back to reach for niall’s lips, his falling on yours effortlessly. almost like the pull of magnets. his large hand falls on your jaw, thumb spread out to rub on the apple of your cheek, right below your eye, his pinky splayed out on your neck.
he takes his time enjoying the kiss, before pulling away from you slightly, eyes flicking over to louis, nodding his head for him to lift himself from the mattress, which he does swiftly, connecting their lips as well. 
you watch them take a moment for themselves, niall’s hand holding louis from the nape of his neck, before pulling away, and sitting himself back on his calves. you and louis could both see that he had a plan working in his brain, one that you were both about to question when you feel the press of niall’s hand against the middle of your back, forcing you and louis back into your original position. and then, he disappears under the blankets. 
you were left more confused, until niall grips onto louis’ hands, placing them on your bum, his fingers reaching down to where your ass met your thighs, niall making him grip into you, spreading you open. 
the next thing louis is made aware of, is a loud moan breathed onto his lips, your cunt spasming around him, “christ, what’s he doing to you, darling ?”
but you couldn’t answer, your head was spinning, niall’s tongue flicking hard against your hole, exposed to him thanks to louis’ grip. and just as quickly as he’d started, he was pulling away. you whined, stuffing your face into louis’ neck, noting the breath leaving him, his head tipping back, breathy “oh fuck,” leaving his parted lips as his back curls slightly. your eyebrows furrow, lifting your head from the comfort of louis’ neck, giving him a questioning glance, “what’s he doing ?”
“he’s got-“ louis starts, cutting himself off, niall giving a particularly hard suck around the testicle sitting in his mouth. louis is panting, his head absolutely swimming, the feeling intensifying when niall’s hands join louis’ on your lower bum, forcing you to start riding him. slowly. so fucking slowly. he felt borderline delirious, and he fucking loved it. christ, maybe he was going to regret wanting things slow. 
the way louis’ cock was rolling into you, the way it was so fucking smooth, the way it felt like he was impaling you, his tip pressing into your sweet spot deliciously, steadily, heavily. your brain was flying, body trembling from the languid strokes of his dick along your inner walls, unable to move much more than what niall was controlling.
niall pops off louis, flattening his tongue, timing his actions just as he makes you slowly rise, thrusts still deliriously paced, taking a long lick from the base of louis’ cock, up to your hole, flicking your ring of muscles again.
both you and louis moan out loudly, his fingers digging into your bum harder, your face picking itself up from the comforts of his neck to smash your lips against his, panting against his mouth. you were a whimpery, whiny, trembling mess. louis struggling not to buck up hard into you, fighting within himself since the scene was just so fucking good as is. 
it’s a rhythm niall’s taken an obvious liking to, his tongue working in tandem with the thrusts he was implementing, licking up louis’ cock just as you pull up, tongue falling onto your sensitive hole as you sit back down on louis’ prick. 
he was losing his fucking mind. louis was sure of it. he’s not sure he’s ever felt such, such- christ even he’s not so sure there’s a word for it. but it’s got his toes curling, and his fingers gripping, and his back arching, and his head tipping back, even his fucking eyes were rolling. 
and niall noticed. was not about to let this happen so soon. not when he was enjoying this so fucking much. loved all the noises he was able to pull from the two of you. loved all the body tremors. the pure neediness seeping out of the both of you. 
so on the next lift of your hips, niall pulls you clean off louis’ prick, hearing the sharp inhale from you, and the loudly desperate groan from louis, his fingers almost ripping at your skin. your nails dug deep into louis’ scalp, cunt clenching over nothing, a small spurt of liquid squirting from your pussy, getting both louis’ cock and niall’s face.
niall never, in a million years, thought he’d be lunging mouth first at someone’s cock, but he guesses life is meant to surprise you. watching louis’ length dripping with both your arousal and your squirt was all he needed for his brain to go blank, and for his body to take over without thought. 
his mouth sinks down on louis’ dick, as best he can considering he’s never done anything remotely close to this before, sucking up as much of your taste as he can, revelling in the heady, musty mix of louis’ flavour. 
one of louis’ hands shoots out to grip niall’s hair, tugging hard, “fuckin christ, this isn’t gonna stop me cumming, mate.”
niall breathes a chuckle as he slides off of louis’ prick, “know i love to taste, can’t help myself,” he hums, feigning innocence, taking a few more licks and another bob of his mouth for good measure. and with his eyes zeroed in on your dripping entrance, he helps himself to a quick lap of his tongue, before sliding louis’ cock back inside you. 
you moan out loud, your face falling into louis’ neck again, mouthing at his stubbly jaw, his head tipping back to give you more access. he was panting, his hand leaving niall’s hair, falling back onto your bum.
niall catches the small twitches in louis’ fingers, the restlessness of his legs, somehow understanding exactly what he’s silently asking, niall tapping his fingers against the back of louis’ hand, something they both seem to understand. like a code they’ve never even discussed.
and so louis’ hand leaves the swell of your ass, landing a hard smack, your mouth instantly falling open, breath knocked clear from your lungs, your body curling up slightly, as best as it could in the position you were being held in. 
it seemed to calm louis a bit, the edge taken off, as he fights to release. to hold off. to fucking anything. “kiss me, darling, please” he breathes, trying to reach your mouth, needing something to tether himself to, especially since niall’s started the languid lapping of his tongue again. up and down and up and down, a rhythmic flow that’s driving him absolutely mental, timed with the trusts, and fucking hell he’s never felt so prickly, so tingly, so god damn heated. 
you were trying to kiss him, trying to suckle at his lips, but your jaw kept slacking on its own accord, the kiss somehow turning into more of a panting in each other’s mouths, and you think you were revelling in it. both of you were. in the intimacy of random pecks wherever they may land, sharing breath, sharing moans, and then louis was itching again. needed to do something. needed, needed.
he doesn’t know what kind of primal reaction came over him, he doesn’t even know if his brain was in on it, but your mouth was hanging open, and it was right fucking there, and he just needed to have some kind of control. some kind of something.
the next thing he knew, his head was lifting just slightly to have a more direct angle at you. your eyebrows furrowed, confused as to how he even has the power to lift his head at the moment. that is until his eyes locked on your mouth, spit flying onto your tongue. 
your eyes flutter shut, whimpery moan breathed out, pulling his head closer to yours, foreheads resting together. you swallow quickly, panting quietly, “again,” your jaw slacking, tongue sticking out, another dribble of saliva smacking onto your tongue. and you were cumming.
louis’ eyes roll back, his body falling onto the mattress, fingernails dug so deep into your ass, the clench of your orgasm so tight. too tight. fuck, he can’t. he’s not sure this was exactly his plan, but his grip was so rough, he pulled you clean off of him, another rush of liquid gushing from you. 
and when louis feels it splashing over his prick, he can’t help but cum as well.
niall’s eyes go wide, mouth falling on louis’ prick instantly, sucking and swallowing down every spurt enthusiastically. he’s really always loved to taste. 
louis moans loudly, back arching, lifting you with him, his hands finally leaving your poor bruised bum, gliding up your back, holding you to him tightly, hips lifting in a quick thrust, tip hitting the back of niall’s throat. 
the gagging. fuck, it’s so tight around his prick again. from your clenching cunt to niall’s spasming throat. louis is seriously going to lose his mind. very soon. he needed to calm down, needed to ground himself somehow. christ, he felt like he was high. high on nothing but the two of you.
niall pops off louis’ cock, taking another smooth lick at your weepy cunt, before wiggling his way out of the blankets, taking in the state of both of you since he’d started his ministrations. 
he’s not sure what he was expecting, but it wasn’t quite this level of fucked out for the both of you. a smirk can’t help but pull at his lips, almost proud of himself for being able to render you both into a puddle of goo in the middle of his bed. a scene he’ll definitely store under lock and key, the golden streams of sunlight filtering through his billowing curtains, the window cracked from last night. goosebumps littering both you and louis, the glimmering rays making you both glisten with sweat, chests panting, eyes heavy. he’s never seen something so beautiful.
he reaches out to run his fingertips along your exposed back, up and over louis’ arm, to his shoulder. “feeling good ?” he murmurs quietly, the moment feeling incredibly soft, not wanting to disrupt the fairly soundless moment. 
louis smiles, his head rolling heavily towards niall, nodding, breathing out a “yeah,” his eyes shining. fucking shining at him. and niall thinks his heart actually bursts.
and then he catches the soft crinkles by your eyes, telltale sign that you were smiling, something he could tell even if your face was mostly hidden in louis’ shoulder. that is, until you raise your head to properly look at niall, and god fucking christ, he’s not sure what he’s done to have his two favourite people look at him like he’s actually hung each star in the sky, one by one, just for them, but he’s soaking this moment in. has to. his eyes flicking from yours to louis’, drinking you both in. 
he leans down on his elbow, laying sideways next to the both of you, pecking oh so gently over your lips, revelling in the softness of the moment. niall spends a moment getting lost in your mouth, before turning his attention to a very patient louis, landing a deep, slow kiss to his lips as well. 
it’s when niall stretches a bit to go from your mouth to louis’, that his rock hard prick bumps into your hip, and you realize how neglected his cock must feel.
you sit yourself up, your bum rested against louis’ thighs, looking down at niall’s tented boxers. you bite your lip when you note the wet patch, dribbles of precum staining a small spot right at his tip. he looked painfully hard. so much so, that you really feel bad for him. 
niall pulls away from louis when he’s noticed that you’ve shifted, both of them looking over at you questioningly. that is, until louis notes that you’re staring right at the tent in niall’s briefs, “we’re not done,” he chuckles, taking a long look himself, before smirking up at niall.
“can take a break if ya need,” niall hums, “both look tired.”
but there’s some sort of awakening, some sort of adrenaline running through your veins, as you and louis lock eyes with a mischievous glint in your gazes. so louis decides to follow niall’s lead from earlier, landing his hand in the middle of his chest, making niall lay back onto the bed, stripping him of his boxers, spreading his thighs open wide.
you and louis get yourselves situated between niall’s legs, louis going in for the first lick, his tongue flat, almost slightly wrapped around niall’s girth, stroking its way up his shaft, flicking over the tip. 
the moment louis’ tongue lost contact with niall’s cock, your tongue was on him, doing the same thing louis was, taking a long lick from base to tip. 
you kept trading off, treating niall’s prick like a popsicle, licking up the dribbles on a hot summer day, swirling around, sucking along, nipping lightly, flicking expertly. and niall was losing himself. not just in the feel, but in the opportunity to watch the both of you between his legs, watch you both licking over his length like you were fuckin starved for it. it had him panting, groaning, whining, toes curling, struggling to keep his eyes from falling, not wanting to miss a single second, reaching down to grip each of you, tugging on your roots.
“fuckin luckiest guy in the world,” he breathes quietly, more to himself, but it doesn’t go unnoticed to either of you, louis’ gaze flicking up to niall’s with a playful smirk pulling at his lips.
“let me have a minute, love ?” louis murmurs, gaze returned to you, having a silent conversation, something he was getting good at with both you and niall, assuming the inclined physical and emotional contact having a hand in the matter. 
he waits until your tongue’s flicked over niall’s tip, his mouth opening wide and sliding down his length, throat giving way effortlessly until his nose is pressed tight around niall’s lower belly. 
“fuckin hell,” niall hisses, his grasp on louis’ hair tightening exponentially, back curling, panting along with the sucking of his mouth, the stroking of his tongue, the constricting of his throat. 
louis lets himself enjoy a few bobs of his head, pulling off niall’s cock, watching you lick up the mix of spit and dribbles of precum, dripping their way down his shaft.
“can’t tell me it’s your first time,” niall breathes a chuckle, blinking back to reality as he catches his breath, enjoying the soft licks you were providing as a way to calm himself a bit. 
“no idea what you were missing on bus one, mate,” louis laughs, his breath hitting niall’s prick, making a shiver run through him.
“wha-“ niall’s head shoots up to look at louis properly, watch him take a few licks himself, “never told me that, ya fucker. you and-“ he’s cut off by louis’ hand smacking over his mouth, with a shake of his head, a small smile pulling at his lips, “s’like 8 lifetimes ago, ni. just glad the practice paid off,” he giggles, pulling his hand away, joining you again. 
niall hums quietly, letting his head fall back, letting himself get lost in the feel of both of you again. the scene in front of him was like one from a dream. the best fucking dream he’s ever had. it’s an image he’d never get tired of, that he knows for sure. his prick standing tall, tongues fighting for a chance to stroke him impossibly harder, mouths falling onto him, sucking his cock down. he was in heaven, he was sure of it. he’d never felt better, more satiated, more powerful, more blessed. 
hell, there was even something about just watching the two of you, the connection you both seemed to have, the little glances you’d steal, the way your tongues would mend together whenever the opportunity arises.
even the moments where you and louis would get a little too lost in each other, tongues too busy stroking over one another, sucking on each other, had niall in a chokehold. it made his heart burst in ways he could never explain. almost like something clicking in his brain. like adding louis to the mix somehow made everything even better. christ, he never thought it could get better, it was already perfect. he doesn’t quite know what’s better than perfect, but he’s sure he’s standing in it right now.
but the more he was watching, the more his skin began prickling, itching for more. he was heated, held on the edge of blissful pleasure, never quite enough to bring him right to where he was so desperately craving. 
“petal,” niall whispers, his fingers leaving your hair to stroke down the side of your face, down your cheek to your jaw, giving a little rub along your chin to really grab your attention.
when your gaze flicks from louis’ to look up at niall, you can see it. see the desperation seeping out of him. it also seemed like the moment that your brain kicked in, noting that he’s been getting increasingly fidgety, something that made you crawl up his body, letting louis take the reigns again, his mouth sinking down on niall’s length.
“what’s wrong, ni ?” you hum softly, nose bumping against his, as he gasps, louis obviously taking great care of him as you check in.
his mouth closes around your bottom lip, whimpering quietly, nipping at your skin, “how are you feeling, love ?” he questions breathily, holding you tightly against him. 
and you knew exactly what he wanted, what he was truly asking with that question, something that made your lips quirk up into a smile, nodding happily. you knew he wanted your cunt, wanted to check that you were okay to do so. wanted to be wrapped by your smooth inner walls, tight and absolutely drenched, just for him. “want to, want you,” you clarify, pressing your body closer to his, tongues mingling together, a loud groan echoing in your mouth, shooting straight down to your pussy, silently thanking louis and whatever he was doing.
“c’mere you,” niall mumbles, tugging on louis’ hair, growing ever more desperate for more. just fucking more. he’s kept the pace slow all this time, and although morning sex usually screams this type of momentum, he’s fucking breaking.
with a loud, wet pop, louis’ mouth leaves niall’s dick, coming up to press a chaste kiss to niall’s jaw as he lays next to him, “feeling good there nialler ?” 
“too good,” niall laughs softly, “need mo-“ he cuts himself off with a hiss, feeling your pussy open up and slide right down his length, hands shooting out to grip your hips bruisingly. “fucking hell, pet,” he gasps, back arching off the bed, “warn a lad, will ya ?”
he’s met with nothing more than a giggle from you, followed by a satisfied hum, biting on your bottom lip, hips starting to grind back and forth, forward and backwards.
niall groans loudly, his eyes fluttering shut, helping you keep up the rhythm you’ve created, “that’s it, pretty girl. fuck, that’s it,” he mewls, breathing deeply, almost purring as he does so. the spasming of your cunt, squeezing his cock tightly, almost sucking him in, dripping down his thighs with your arousal, it was enough to send niall spinning. this is exactly what he’d been waiting for.
watching your head tip back, your jaw slack, feeling his prick bob heavily back and forth inside you, pressing into your sweet spot with every rut of your hips, sensitive little button grinding over his lower abdomen, you were blissed out as well. you could feel both of their eyes on you, brain too fuzzy to really care, your hips keeping up their rhythm, panting into the air, hands gripped into niall’s forearms.
his head slowly turns to the side, eyes blinking up at louis, “c’mon, don’t be shy.”
louis’ not sure he’s ever seen niall look quite so fucked out. his eyes were heavy, breathing shallowed, muscles jittering. a stark contrast for the lad that usually has everything under control. and you. fuck, you were like something right out of a movie. you were glowing in the morning light, face tipped back in pure ecstasy, beads of sweat running down in the valley of your breasts. he was in awe of you. both of you. plus, he’s always been fascinated by your connection…
“s’it weird if i just watch for a bit ?” he finds himself asking, figuring if there’s anyone he knows that won’t look at him like he’s actually a sick fuck, it’s the two of you. and it’s not that sick really, is the frustrating part, but anyways.
thankfully, he’s met with a large smile spreading across your face, niall’s breath hitching, groaning, “think she likes that idea,” having felt the clench of your cunt at the mere thought of a spectator. 
“yeah ?” louis coos, tongue darting out for a quick lick between your breasts, unable to help himself at a little taste of you again. 
“mhmm,” you shudder, a shiver running through your body, niall’s grip on you tightening, pussy trembling on him, in time with your tremors. 
“and what about you ?” louis asks, turning his attention to niall, face hovering a bit over his, looking over his features.
“just don’t want you feeling weird about any of it,” niall whispers, wanting to check in on him. he knows how jealous louis can get, and he’s been kicking himself for not checking on him more. he’s not going to let it happen again. with one hand leaving your hip, his fingertips gently stroke over louis’ forearm in comfort.
but louis’ shaking his head, and leaning down to peck at niall’s lips, “i want this, want to see how strong you two are, how fucking hot you two are without me,” he chuckles, “seriously, just wanna see how it is, what it is i’m striving for with you guys.”
and niall thinks for a moment, that something’s clicked in louis’ brain as well. without much of a second thought beyond that, his fingers are leaving louis’ arm, reaching out for his jaw, pulling him in for a proper kiss.
you watch them interact, feeling the twitches in niall’s hips as you notice louis’ tongue stroking his, notice the flutters in niall’s stomach muscles as louis grips his hair tighter. hear the little grunts leaving louis’ chest as niall sucks on his tongue. fuck, it was getting you off. 
niall could feel it, could feel the telltale way your cunt started clenching. instantly his mouth was pulled away from louis’, hand darting out for your throat, fingers pressing into your skin tightly, “don’t you fucking dare.”
your eyes open wide, fixated on niall’s, as you start panting, trying to calm yourself. you were already going fuzzy, but with the sheer command in niall’s voice, the lack of oxygen to your brain, the complete exhaustion of a sleepless night, your mind was floating, skin was prickling, and you needed to do as he said. another option didn’t seem to exist at the moment.
your hips stilled, as you focus on breathing, body trembling, muscles twitching, slowly regulating yourself, pushing your orgasm at bay, eyes locked on niall’s the entire time, like a form of pure grounding, one that could calm you right down, no matter how commanding the tone was. 
“s’a good girl,” he praises, smiling at you, fingers loosening their grip, index stroking the column of your throat, “such a fuckin good girl,” he coos quietly.
louis was once again, absolutely rock hard, cock standing tall, and christ, he’s only been watching you two for a couple of minutes. he’d never seen something so god damn hot. he’s watched his fair share of porn, but nothing came close to being privy to this.  
niall could tell the moment your eyes opened, the moment the shift happened, with his hand wrapped around your throat, could tell how far you were floating. he pushes himself up into a sitting position, pecking along the side of your neck, your jaw, your ear, murmuring, “m’gonna take over, pet. can you give me a colour ?”
he was patient about it, coaxing an answer out of you with every delicate kiss, until he heard the breathy, satiated, comfortable puff, “green.”
and there was the shift in niall, quickly pulling you off your comfortable seat that is his prick, positioning you like a rag doll. your pliancy in these moments was something niall was always grateful for, folding you over so that your face and chest were pressed into the mattress, lifting your hips high into the air.
instantly, his cock was nestled back into you, making you gasp loudly, arms stretching out above you, hands gripped tightly into the sheets, tugging as niall’s hips pull back slowly, impaling you the next moment, feeling his dick so fucking deep inside you. he does it a few more times, before picking up the pace, hands holding onto your hips to keep you in place.
your ears were ringing so loudly, you weren’t all too sure what sounds were coming out of you, nor did you have half the mind to care, but if you focus enough, you can pick up your whiny moans, and breathy gasps. your face was being pressed into the sheets below you, niall’s palms pressed into the swell of your ass, fingers gripping, using it as a hold on you, hips held in place.
“left some marks, tommo,” niall grunts between thrusts, your bum pulled up by his hold, splatter of bruises all over the underside of your cheeks, a mix of fingerprints and scratches littering your skin.
louis turns over on the bed, feet now aimed up above your head, laying on his side, supported by his elbow, peeking over and noticing the dark blue and purple pattern, bright red, slightly raised scratches. he’s not sure how to feel. his hand reaches out instinctually, fingertips delicately lining up with some of the bruises, almost as if needing to confirm for himself that it was, indeed, his own hand. 
he feels the pure hot heat coming off of your skin, making him flinch lightly, pulling his hand away, “fuck, m’sorry, darling. did i hurt you ?”
but he’s met with nothing more than niall’s hand falling on his shoulder, shaking his head, “ask her that later,” he groans, biting his lip, your cunt squeezing him like a vice, “she- fuck, she can’t answer that right now.”
it’s moments like these that louis’ learned to make a solid mental note about. he’s learning. learning you. how to be with you, how to care for you, how to grow the bond. 
“she’s fine though,” niall fills in, swatting fairly hard, right where louis left the worst of the bruises, a loud guttural groan punctured from your lungs, grip in the sheets tightening, nails close to ripping through the fabric. your chest presses harder against the bed, bum lifting on its own accord, in an effort to search for more, pushing itself into niall’s hand, almost obediently so.
niall chuckles breathily, biting his lip for a moment as he takes a deep breath through his nose, “fuckin perfect girl,” he curses, landing another spank, on the same side, over the same spot. 
you mewled, your back arching impossibly more, surely a move that would cause you pain later, right as another quick smack falls on your bum, this time on the other side. a move that makes you almost purr, legs trembling, one of your hands pulling down, tucking your arm under your face in comfort, elbow bumping into louis on the way.
it’s the first time you realize he’s so close, eyes blinking open, noting his thighs, his prick fairly close to your face, still watching where niall’s cock is disappearing inside you. without much thought, your mouth opens, taking his tip in your mouth, tongue swirling.
louis gasps loudly, a quick moan following his initial shock, niall’s eyes opening and falling on your mouth, wrapped around louis’ cock. niall quickly lands a hard smack against your ass, your jaw slackening, wailing around louis’ length.
“did i fuckin tell you to do that ?” niall growls, watching you instantly slide off his shaft, mouth leaving with a pop, and a small whine.
he reaches down, grasping your hair, pulling you up onto your knees, back pressed to his chest, head falling to his shoulder. it was too heavy for you to hold up anyway. 
niall’s arms wrap themselves around you, tucking his face against your shoulder, holding you tightly to him, hands grasping your breasts, your hips, your arms, unable to get enough of you, taking a moment to drink you in. he takes a big breath in your neck, leaving a series of pecks, eyes flicking over to meet louis’, “c’mere.”
and louis can see it in his eyes, sees that the scene is about to come to an end, something he’s always cued from niall, something he just seems to know, always. so louis slides himself under the two of you, his cock so painfully hard, standing tall right below your entrance, hands falling onto your thighs, silently letting you know that he’s right there too.
one of your hands leaves it’s grip in niall’s arm, falling to grip onto louis’ hand. when louis’ eyes flick to your entwined fingers, he swears he can almost see your tummy jumping softly in time with niall’s thrusts. 
with your hand in his, he slides over to that spot on your lower abdomen, his palm pressed to the back of your hand, and you could both feel it, feel the steady bomp, bomp, bomp of niall’s cock. it sent your mind reeling even more, something so fucking intimate about feeling someone inside you like that.
“fuck, fuck,” niall groans loudly, feeling your cunt squeeze down on him, orgasm rippling through you, the grip on him bringing on his own high quickly. too quickly. niall was not ready. he pulls you off of his prick, mid-high, pussy spasming around nothing, strong gush leaving your centre.
just as quickly as you’re pulled off of niall’s cock, you were being seated on louis’, a loud groan leaving him, your still cumming cunt sucking him in, constricting around him tightly. the move makes you fall forward, hands landing on either side of louis’ head, forehead dipped to his, panting against his mouth, jaw slacked open, still trembling from your high without any time to recover.
niall’s panting, holding off his high, hand delicately falling on your back, “colour, pet,” he whispers, his other hand against louis’ thigh, silent warning not to move yet. no matter how hard it may be. and then, there it was, the hushed breath, “green.”
louis’ hips instantly buck into you, feet planted on the mattress, hips picking up right where niall had left off, a blinding pace, something that louis was silently grateful for. the slowness he was searching for, however many hours ago, had been long satiated. 
the harsh pace, switched up angle of louis being below you, you could feel the warmth spreading from your belly to your extremities, prickling, tingly heat, and for a moment, you’re not even sure your last orgasm even really finished as this one starts to come on.
a drawn-out groan from louis, tightening grip of his fingertips into your hip, was all niall needed to know that you were cumming again, wailing mewl leaving the both of you as he pulls you off of louis’ cock, too fast for louis to quite get where he wanted to be, feet kicking out in frustration. a long spurt of liquid gushed from you again, barely having time to finish before niall’s cock glides right into you, sharp gasp coming from niall’s lungs.
he grips you from your throat, lifting you up to rest against him again, niall a panting mess against your shoulder. he reaches over your hip, lining up louis’ cock with your entrance, alongside his, “colour,” he sighs, trying to catch his breath, trying to hold himself back, but fuck your cunt was absolutely screaming at him, squeezing him, sucking on him. fuck.
louis bucks up immediately, your cunt so fucking soaked, he had no issues sliding right in, stuffed deep alongside niall, all three of you with your jaws slackened, panting, mewling, gasping, whining, fuck no one was really sure anymore. and then when niall’s hand tightens around your throat, your pussy clenches hard, a sob leaving your lips as you tremble through another orgasm, constant stream of clear liquid leaving you, milking their orgasms with the squeezing of your centre.
niall’s hold on you tightens as he comes down from his high, pecking delicately over your shoulder, murmuring loud enough for louis to head, “we’re gonna pull out, petal. get you cozy, perfect girl.”
and you assume they do just that, as by the time that you float back to proper consciousness, you were sandwiched between them, their hands gently stroking your skin, both taking turns telling you how perfect you are, how much they love you, how happy they are with all of you here together. it was sweet, it was soft, it was filled with kisses and sweet licks. you could feel the warmth of the day lulling you back, the sunlight having shifted long ago from the early morning glow, to the mid morning brightness. 
you take a deep breath, eyes fluttering open, niall smiling up at you, noting the telltale puff of air, “hello beautiful,” he murmurs quietly, not wanting to startle you. he’s met with a beautifully soft, content smile, and a ruffle of his hair. louis smiling at you as well, offering a small, lingering kiss to the underside of your jaw. 
with your return to the real world, the promise that you were okay, comfortably placed between them, the sleepiness returns quickly, adrenaline of the moment having worn off. nobody’s sure who it was that nodded off first, but the gentle rubs were dwindling down to nothing, all of your limbs touching in some way, tangled together, in a soothing pile on niall’s bed, louis breathing out quietly, “m’definitely gonna get used to this.”
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tags : @cc-horan28 @acesofspadess @slutforcoffein @blondedmgc @daphnesutton
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holdinonto-heartache · 11 months
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Summary: y/n and Freddie tag along with Louis on his tour. Y/N’s hormones have her all out of wack, so along with being emotional, she craves sex with Louis.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, dominant!Louis, cocky!louis, daddy!louis, pregnant!y/n, unprotected before show sex, semi rough actions such as hair pulling, biting, slight breeding kink?, just filth
My first copy of this got deleted, but after writing this I’m not even mad about it.. enjoy! Lots of dirty stuff in this for ya ;)
Master List
You sat on the edge of the bed, letting out a sigh as you run a hand through your hair.
“Why the long face, babe?” Louis turns and looks at you, “Freddie ready?”
Usually you’d laugh because that rhymed, but you just shrug, “I don’t think he’s adjusting well to the baby that’s coming..” your hormones are awful, you just cry over everything right now, “I just..” you take a deep breathe and look up at him, “Louis I don’t want him to hate me.”
“Whoa, hey. He ain’t gonna hate ya, babe.” Louis walks over and kneels down in front of you, “He loves you, alright? He’s just.. having a bad day. I’ll go see if he’ll talk to me, yeah? You finish getting ready, we do have to leave soon.”
“Okay.” You whisper as he plants a kiss on your forehead.
He leans back and flashes you a smile, “You okay?” He brushes hair from your face and tucks it behind your ear, “You’re beautiful, you know that right?”
You nod and lay a hand on his cheek, “You remind me everyday.” You bite your lip and tilt your head.
“What’s going on in that mind, love?” Louis tilts his head the same way as yours, “Somethin’ we probably don’t got time for?”
You sigh and let out a groan, “Probably.”
“Whoa, hey chill out, calm down.” Louis laughs and lays his hands on your hands.
You roll your eyes and pretend to pout, “These hormones have me getting extremely turned on by your every move.”
“I’ve noticed.” Louis smirks and raises his eyebrows.
“Has it really been that bad?” You let out a sigh, “I’m sorry.”
“Hey, now.” He lays his hand on your belly and leans up to peck your lips, “Didn’t say I didn’t like it. Just wish I could do it a little more often.”
You laugh and push him back, “We have to leave now before we really do end up late.”
Louis let’s out a laugh and stands up, “You’ll get me in a little bit, I’ll make sure of it.”
“I’m holding you to that, Tommo.” You bite your lip and smile before leaning in to kiss him.”
“Alright, I’m going to see if I can talk with him.” Louis smacks your ass gently before walking away. You try to smack him but he jumps away, “Ha!”
You laugh and finish getting ready,
“Freddie, hey! Don’t slam the door.” Louis sighs and shakes his head, “Sorry. He’s just not having it today.”
“That’s okay.” You smile and sigh, “Everyone is allowed to have bad days. I’ll talk to him later.” You go to reach for your bag, but Louis grabs it before you, “Nope.”
“Louis, come on. I can carry my own bag.”
He looks over at you, “Do you want to tell everyone here today?”
“Yeah.” You nod and smile, “Actually, we’ll let Freddie tell them.”
Louis nods and smiles, “Oh yeah, yeah.” He gives you a peck on the cheek, “I’m gonna go check in. You go get settled.”
You nod and wave back at him as he walks up towards the stage.
You make your way to Louis’ dressing room and stop when you see Freddie laying on the couch, “Hey, Freddie.”
“Hey.” He mumbles quietly.
“Can I sit?”
He nods and sits up to scoot over more.
You sit down and rest your hands in your lap, “You know.. your dad loves you more than me.”
You can see his eyebrows perk up.
“And you know who loves just as much as you?”
He slowly looks over at you and points to your belly.
“That’s right. He loves your baby brother just as much as he loves you.” You tilt your head, “You know that right?”
He fights a smile while nodding, “Yes.”
“And you know that I love you just as much as your mom and dad love you, right?” You smile as he looks at you, “Things are going to change, honey, but always know that the one thing that isn’t going to change is how much we love you.”
He smiles and nods, “Sorry I slammed your car door.”
“It’s okay.” You fight back the over emotional tears and holds your arms out. He laughs and gives you a hug, “Can we go watch dad?”
“Yeah that’s probably a good idea.” You laugh and stand up, wiping your face. Freddie takes your hand and leads you guys to side of the stage.
You stand there, Freddie’s hand still in yours, watching as he tries to get his dads attention. You glance up at Louis and smile as he turns to face you.
He smiles as he watches Freddie wave excitedly to him. Louis motions for him to come out and Freddie runs to him.
You bite your lip, the sight of Louis in dad mode makes your hormones go absolutely bonkers.
You squeeze your thighs together and blink as Louis walks up to you, “Hey.” You smile and take a deep breathe.
“You still wanna tell them?” Louis asks as he reaches up and gently brushes your cheek.
You know exactly what he’s doing.
You glance up at him, “I know what you’re doing.”
“You had a hair, babe.” He reaches up and brushes your cheek again. You grab his hand and lean in towards him.
“Unless that hand is going to go somewhere and give me something I so very badly need, don’t touch me.”
He chuckles and pecks your lips, “You’ll get it, babe. Just hang tight, alright?” He bites his lip to hide his smirk, “Now c’mon.” He pulls on your hand walks you out onto the stage.
He pulls Freddie into the middle of us, “Can everyone come here for a quick sec? Just come over here.. right quick yeah.”
Everyone gathers around and you look down at Freddie. You poke his shoulder a few times, gently, “I think you should tell them.”
“Really?” His raises his eyebrows and smiles.
“Yeah, go for it, lad.” Louis ruffles his hair and Freddie looks around, “I’m going to be a big brother!”
His words are quiet at first but by the time he said ‘to’ he was yelling it.
You smile and lay your hand on Louis‘ that rests on your belly. His thumb gently rubbing the fabric of your t shirt and leans in, “This drives you crazy doesn’t it?” He whispers, “Me touching you?”
You take a shaky deep breathe and Louis tightens his grip on your body as your knees buckle slightly, “Whoa. Need to sit?”
He already has a smirk on his face because he knows exactly what you’re going to say.
“Yeah, your cock.” You both whisper quietly at the same time. You freeze and look at him before you both laugh, “You know me so we’ll.”
He shrugs, “What can I say?” He gives you a kiss, “You’re so getting it after the show.”
Freddie turns towards you and Louis, “Can we go get ready now?”
“Yeah, honey. You can wear the shirt with your dads smiley face.” You look up at Louis and smile.
“Yes! Yes!” Freddie grabs your hand and you look up at Louis, “See in a few.” He kisses you one last time before you and Freddie go back to the dressing room.
You cap the lid to your mascara as Louis enters the room. You set the tube down and look over at Louis, “Hey babe.”
His eyes glance up and down your show ready body, and the fact that you’re showing off your bump makes it hotter to him.
You tilt your head towards Freddie who is watching tv, indicating to Louis that he needs to keep it clean.
“Hey uh, Freddie.” Louis glances from you to Freddie as he talks, “Why don’t you go into the lounge and wait for Uncle Niall and Amelia.”
“Uncle Niall is coming?! Alright!” He runs out of the room and Louis instantly shuts and locks the door.
He walks over to you and you can’t help but meet him halfway, “Gotta be quick?”
He nods with a smirk, “And quiet, yeah?”
His hands travel down your body as his lips move in sync with yours.
His fingers pull up your long shirt, and tuck it under your tied t-shirt that rests at the top of your bump.
“So fuckin’ sexy showing your bump off.” He kneels down, pressing his lips gently to your skin. He pulls down your panties, gliding them down your thighs.
He lets them drop and he looks up at you, “Need you on my face.” He lays down on the couch and motions for you to move up.
You straddle his head and place one hand in his already messed up hair. He looks from you to your pussy before pulling your hips down.
You pull his hair and grip the back of the couch, “Fuck, oh fuck.”
You feel the grip of his hands tighten each time you moan out, “Fuck, yes daddy.”
You feel him moan against you and you squeeze your thighs shut as you cum. He continues to eat you out through your high, “Fuck.” He groans.
You move your hips back and look down at him. He gives you a smirk, “How do you want it?”
You bite your lip and shrug, I can just lean on the back of the couch?”
“If that works for you.”
You get up and watch as Louis stands up. He nods towards the couch and watches as you stand on your knees. You lean back, resting your elbows on it.
You bite your lip, excitement building up as you hear him shuffle out of his sweats. He strokes himself a few times before rubbing the head of his cock against your folds.
“Been thinking ‘bout this all day.” He closes his eyes, a moan escaping from his lips as pussy hugs his cock perfectly.
“Fuck, yes.” You moan and push your hips back more, “Fuck, daddy yes.” You whimper out and Louis pushes his cock all the way in, moaning out, “I fuckin’ love when you call me that.”
“Watching you in dad mode is so fucking hot.” You whine out and move your hips against his, “Fuck, Louis move. Please.”
Louis slowly starts to thrust, “Seein’ you in mom mode really gets me going too, babe. Fuck.” He slides a hand up your back, “How rough?”
“Rough, you can be rough.” You moan out as Louis slides his hand into your hair and grabs a fistful.
Louis picks up the speed of his thrust and pulls your hair to tilt your head back, “You’re so fuckin’ hot. Showin’ off that bump to let people know that you’re mine.”
His words send you over the edge, “Yesyesyesyes.” You moan as you cum around his cock.
“Shh. Baby.” He releases the grip on your hair and rubs his hand over it before he pulls his cock out and pulls your hips, “Come here.”
You stand up and turn around to face him, “You need a day off soon.”
Louis chuckles, “Yeah? Why’s that, babe?”
“So you can be doing this all day.” You reach out and grab his cock, slowly pumping it in your hand. He bites his lip and tilts his head to look at you, “I’m getting a day off and it’ll be you and me. All day long.”
You sit down on the couch and pull him with you. His hands hold up his weight as he leans down and connects his lips with yours again.
There’s a knock on the door and Louis’ head shoots straight up, “Freddie alright?”
“Yeah he’s fine, it’s so-“
“It can wait.” He doesn’t waste another second and presses his lips to yours once again and slips his cock inside of you.
He swallows your moans, keeping your moans muffled as he slides his cock in and out of you quickly.
“Fuck, y/n. I’m gonna cum.” Louis moans out, “cum with me, yeah?”
“S-so close.” You pant out. Louis kisses down your neck, biting a mark into your skin.
You clench his cock and roll your eyes roll back as you cling to him. You feel his cock twitch inside of you and you moan against his lips, kissing him a few times.
“Fuck.” Louis sighs and smiles, “you’re so fuckin’ incredible.” He stands up and gets you a towel, “Here.”
“Thank you.” You take the towel and wipe off. You stand up and redress yourself.
“I’m glad you’re showing it off.” Louis smiles at you.
“Yeah?” You pose for him with your hands pulling your dress tighter against your bump.
Louis watches you and shakes his head, “Uh huh. I really do.” He walks over and pulls you in for a kiss.
“Because it shows off that you’re mine.” He chuckles slightly and kisses for forehead, “I’m going to get around, I’ll meet you out with Freddie and them.”
“Sounds good.” You bite your lip and smile at him. He watches you as he back away and smiles before turning, “I like those crazy hormones, babe.”
“You’re annoying.” You yell with a laugh.
“That’s why you married me. You love me.”
“That I do.” You shake your head and walk out to greet the others, “Hey, sorry. I had a uh-“ you laugh slightly and glance down at Freddie, “Hormonal emergency if you know what I mean.”
“Yeah, no totally get it.” Amelia chuckles and holds her hand up. You both look at Niall and laugh at his shocked expression, “I didn’t need t’know that, y/n. Ugh.”
“When does dad go on?” Freddie asks looking up at you. You look down at him, “I believe he goes on here soon.”
He nods and looks around, “There he is!”
“Here I am. Hello, hello. Good to see you again, Amelia.” Louis smiles and wraps his arm around your waist.
“Good to see you, good luck tonight.” She smiles, “Oh and congratulations again. Sorry I wasn’t there in person when you told Niall.”
“No it’s alright, thank you. Yeah we’re excited.” Louis nods and rubs your belly.
“Freddie is already the best big brother.” You smile down at him.
“Louis. We’re going to start.”
“Yeah alright.” He turns and looks at Niall and Amelia, “See you after, yeah?”
“Course, lad.” Niall nods and Amelia agrees.
“Hey.” Louis grabs your hand and pulls you away from the group. “As soon as I’m done with my show, I want you in that dressing room.”
You nod, “Yes, daddy.” You smile and lean in to kiss him, “You got this, babe. We love you.”
“I fuckin’ love you.” He kisses your hand and waves to Freddie. You take Freddie and go to the side of the stage and Niall and Amelia follow.
“Wanna see something funny?” Niall laughs and leans forward slightly as Louis is in between songs. He holds himself there until some of the fans start to scream.
He leans back and Amelia hits his shoulder, “That’s so mean.”
You laugh and look over at him, “if you think that was bad, let me move out into the open.”
You move up and rest your elbow on the speaker, waving at some fans who spot you, trying to gain some attention.
Soon enough cameras are pointed at you and you laugh and motion for Niall and Amelia to come up.
They pop up beside you and the fans absolutely lose it.
You glance over at Louis and he’s watching you guys. Niall and Amelia back up and you step out, bump on full display.
You motion for Louis to just say something about it. He raises his eyebrows, double checking with you. You nod and smile.
“You guys have been absolutely incredible tonight!” Louis yells out. He lets the crowd cheer a little bit before speaking, “And for that I feel like you guys deserve something, so do you guys want to know something that we’ve all been keeping a secret?”
Louis teases the fans and they go absolutely berserk.
He laughs and holds her arms up, egging them on with their repetitive chant of ‘tell us’.
“Alright, alright.” He starts out and the crowd goes quiet. After a quick moment of silent he pointed at you, “My wife is pregnant!” The grow instantly goes wild and Louis celebrates, “Freddie is going to be a big brother!”
You hug Freddie and cheer with the crowd.
Louis runs over and hugs you, “Congratulations. You’ll be number one trending on twitter.”
You smirk, “We can worry about that in the morning.”
He smiles and kisses you before going back out on stage.
You laugh and look at Niall and Amelia, “You guys will be second trending on twitter.”
This is my first ever Louis smut and I hope you like it!
If you want to check out my Harry and Niall Smut One Shots you can go here -> @cinemastyles-blog @wastedonhoran
Likes and re blogs are very much appreciated <3
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muserryy · 7 months
HI!!! I'm nan, 19 and i write oneshots and poems about harry styles. all the work posted on my blog are original and mine. im currently working on my new harry styles series (will update soon, so stay tuned!!)
link to my other social media : wattpad, pinterest, instagram .
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Back home to you - harry returns home after finishing his tour and surprise y/n.
What did you get me? (part 2 of back home to you)
Larry's little kitten - harry, louis with his broken wrist and their little kitten, blue.
There's no place like home - harry plans a secret harryween just for him and his love.
Stargazing - the title says it all.
His necklace - harry gives you his necklace as a keepsake.
People blues - harry supports and helps you overcome your antisocial tendencies.
Late night calls - you can't sleep so you call harry in the middle of the night.
Tie the bow - you make harry do the coquette bow trend.
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Dear Baby Harry (hs)
Favorite pair of eyes (hs)
Your handwriting (hs)
to-do list
i think i miss you
i stumbled upon you in my dreams (hs)
harry is such a babygirl.
i wanna be bestfriends with harry.
harry's voice in my head is my way to cope.
will you go places with me, harry?
i wanna cry in harry's arms.
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