#slime just running to the boat
ghost-bard · 7 months
Thinking about how q slime was one of the first to leave for the boat bc he needed to get home to flippa…
It’s not like he was ever close to any of the other eggs, or to any of the residents. Yes he has his fun with them, but when it mattered most he didn’t get any help, at least not the help he needed, and no one pushed hard enough and quick enough for him to truly acknowledge what he needed.
Hes not a good person, certainly not, but is anyone on the island really a good person?
And in the two weeks that he became so close with all of team bolas, in his mind it’s still him versus everyone.
It’s not that he doesn’t care for the other eggs, but none of them are flippa, and if they aren’t her then whats the point in risking his life for one that doesn’t matter.
It’s not out of cowardice that he ran, he doesn’t really care about his own life, it’s about making sure that juanaflippa isn’t alone, making sure she’s safe.
Even though in the end, he knows she’s not his juanaflippa, it’s still something, someone, to live for.
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Etho cannot deny that in some way, the ocean is messing with his friends, and that he noticed far too late.
It targets Gem first, long before it goes after anyone else, so subtly it’s almost undetectable. Here’s the way he notices: her little boat is cute, but the mangrove wood on the trim seems old and rotten in some places, murky river water staining the paint that coats the sides. The lighthouse, when built, seems washed out, as if the color has been sucked from the stone that forms it. Etho finds this strange, but refuses to jump to conclusions- Gem is still his little sibling with the same warm smile, so he lets it be for now.
It’s really when the fishing craze begins where Etho starts having doubts about the normalcy of things. Grian is in no way an average person most of the time, but this level of dedication is new and sort of suspicious. It starts with the mending book, which is fine, since he’s decided to avoid villager trading this season. Etho comes over sometimes and jokes about the luck of the sea. Here is where it gets weird, though: when he comes over to make that joke again, Grian turns his head, oh so slowly, expression serious and eyes blank as he replies.
“The ocean will provide the book. It’s the next one, I know it.”
It takes a little more effort than it should for Etho to not turn tail and run. The tambre of his friend’s voice is off-kilter and strange, almost hollow in the way it echoes. And it’s the way he doesn’t say mending, he just says the book- Etho can’t help but feel like he isn’t fishing for enchantments anymore. The air smells of rot and slime. He swallows bile, gives a little uh-huh as a reply, and leaves as soon as he can.
Then there’s Pearl and Beef, obsessed with salmon, of all things. Pearl’s thing seems like a one-off, but Doc tells him that Beef has taken the joke about “big salmon” a little too far, claiming he’s gotten emails from them that have threatened the goat directly. Etho doesn’t really know what to make of that, or Pearl’s salmon head, or the continuous slapping of fish on noteblocks that’s driving him insane.
But he knows this: he’s never really liked fishing before, not for its intended use, anyway. It’s good to have in a death game, but not once has Etho found the monotonous motions of fishing appealing. Grian said it best himself: he used to think fishing was lame. And he did. Does. He thinks it’s lame. He thinks all of this stuff about the river and the boats and the ocean and the salmon and the rot is all really weird and not at all cool. He’s only here to make sure his friends are okay. Not to fish, because he doesn’t want to, just to keep Magic Mountain in line.
But Grian says it again: Etho walked up here and was like ‘this is lame’, now look at him! Etho, in turn, looks at his hands. When did he start fishing? Was the sun always that high in the sky? Did the ocean always sing like that? Was there always a magnetic force to the waves at the shore, pulling him closer with every lap of sea foam? Was the lighthouse always this beautiful?
No, no it wasn’t. He knows this. Something is very, very wrong. There’s something in the water that’s making his friends lose it, and there’s something supernatural that’s trying to pull him in. He needs to get out of here, back to the jungle, with its nice green grass and earthy smells-
To his right, Etho hears his death call. The bell rings, the swan sings, and the water keeps lapping at his feet. It’s too late, he knows it, in the way that his hands are gripping the fishing pole with white knuckles, in the way the lilypads seem to grow under his feet to get him closer to the great deep blue. The music continues, the serenade settling into his bones, giving him an eerie sense of calm.
In the magnetic pull of the moment, he doesn’t even realize he’s crying.
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cat-mentality · 7 months
Whatever you do do not think about Philza in those last moments.
Don't think about how much he must have been hurting, how his newly healed wings must have been falling apart, feathers falling, bones broken and aching, everything hurting so much because he pushed himself beyond his limits, how he must have known what it meant, that he had done his last flight.
Don't think about him looking at Tubbo and thinking it was worth it. That he would give his wings over and over again if that meant being able to save his family.
Don't think about him shaking, trying not to think about Chayenne and Tallulah because if he did he would crumble and he couldn't do that when so many were still missing, when everything is so uncertain.
Don't think about him seeing Baghera's last message, breath stuck somewhere in his chest, terrified about what that means, filled with all the memories they built together in those weeks. Understanding her, but filled with dread, with the urge to run to her and help, with the instinct to protect and put her before anything else.
Don't think about Philza suddenly hearing Roier let out a sob looking at his communicator. Don't think about Philza holding him as Roier trashed and trashed trying to jump off the boat, about him holding him for dear life as Roier screamed at him to let go calling him any name under the sun. Don't think about Philza holding Roier because he knew that would be what Cellbit would want.
Don't think about how Philza knew, by Roier's reaction, that Cellbit wasn't going to be on that boat. Don't think about the hole that just kept on growing inside of his chest because Cellbit has always been a person he trusted but in those weeks he became so much more, someone he has come to care for, his second hand man, someone to lean on, but also someone to protect.
Don't think about Philza feeling useless because he did nothing to help his teammates.
Don't think about Philza seeing Etoiles running to the boat, how he was so close, about him begging inside to please, please, not him too, not him too, I can't lose him. About how that pleading meant nothing when the boat started to leave and he had to watch Etoiles, alone on the shore just watching it go without him, Philza unable to do anything to help. Don't think about Philza looking at Etoiles right as explosion consumed the whole Island.
Don't think about Philza looking around and realizing for the first time that Foolish is gone. About him panicking as he searches for him everywhere but he is just gone, about how someone would have to gently tell him that Foolish jumped out to try to help others but never came back. Don't think about Philza leaning against a wall, Foolish's screams for him to help during the earthquake being the only thing he could hear, feeling like a failure of a leader.
Don't think about Slime stumbling to Philza without words, hugging him for dear life, shaking so much he could barely speak. Don't think about Philza leaning into the hug with equal strength because they are everything that is left.
Don't think about Mouse coming upon them, eyes filled with tears because Cellbit was right there, Foolish was right there, and yet they didn't make it but she did, hesitating for a few seconds. About Philza and Slime opening their arms for her because Mouse is one of them too, because now they must cling to one another.
Don't think about Philza in that boat, wishing desperately that none of that is real. Begging it to be a hallucination because the alternative is far too painful.
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candy8448 · 4 months
Splitting pain
Warning for graphic description of mer transformation, including a tail splitting in half and kind of drowning
Sky scanned the surface of the water for the next few hours as he tried to search for any evidence that his brother was fine, hopefully in some boat or raft
What he wasn't expecting was Legend's face to pop out of the water, exhausted as he called for them.
"Vet!" He called, bringing Twi's attention, who came running into the shallow water with him to drag their collector out.
The vet was panting as they dragged him into the shallows, Sky tried to ignore the massive fish tail and scales all over his body but it was hard not to look at the dazzling pink.
Legend looked almost nothing like his hylian self, pink and gold scales covering his entire body, his ears replaced with long earfins and unaturally dialated violet eyes. He had fangs for teeth, claws for fingers, three sets of gills, one on his neck, sides and tail, and most importantly, the massive fish tail for legs.
The veteran yelled as a Twilight accidently pulled too tight on his body, moving his new, harsh wounds. His body was covered in claw marks, leaking red into the tranquil blues.
Sky stopped them at where they were in about knee-deep and the rancher chuckled, "first a bunny, and now a fish. What else can you do?"
Legend only let out a pained groan at that.
"How do we change you back then? Will you need help?" He asked,
"I just need to get back on land, but the transformation is painful. My lungs are full of water"
Both hylian heroes winced.
"Okay then, we'll pull you out on three. One, two three!" On Twilight's command, Sky heaved Legend out of the water, aware of how the transformed vet braced himself tensly.
It didn't even take a second before the torture began, Sky felt as if he was experienceing it himself. The gills were the first to go, shutting and forcing Legend to only take in air, if it weren't for the water locked in his lungs. Legend's head tilted backwards, as he silently screamed, lungs gurgling. Scales started to painfully force themselves back into skin. Streams of water dribbled out of his mouth, constantly retching only to be stopped again as a sickening squelch came from the tail violently tearing apart, some kind of slime spraying out. The scream this time was now audible as some of his lungs were emptied, but water still gurgled up his throat. Sky was painfully aware that the vet had still not been able to draw in a full breath, and the transformation was only prolonging the excruciatingly long process, their collector clearly begining to fade. Final pools of water were choked out as the transformation finally ended and their vet was able to finally take in a strangled gasp.
The other two heroes were calling out to Legend the entire time in panic but trying to comfort him or do something to help, ultimately not being able to do anything to stop the ear splitting pain.
Sky was trying not to cry at what he had just witnessed, Twi had a very disturbed look as he tried to calm down their gasping brother who let out a whimper at their touch, skin still sore. Sky rummaged through his bag and pulled out his final potion while Twilight found some bandages as they worked on Legend, now unconcious in the rancher's lap. The two awake heroes made eye contact, sharing a grimace at the thought of what they had just seen Legend go through,
"Every time?" He whispered,
"Let's just hope it doesn't have to happen again anytime soon," Twi replied.
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vasito-de-leche · 23 days
a little prompt, if you don’t mind
what about mercenary!reader and symbiote!Pavia? it’s just Pavia’s ult/wolves kinda remind me of Venom and i think it would be fun to imagine him being something like Venom
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;R1999 PAVIA - "under your skin"
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Symbiote!Pavia x Mercenary!Reader 2.5k words body horror What you and Pavia have is nothing more than transactional—you need him to make a living, and he needs you alive to ensure a comfortable life. It's taken some time to get used to these changes, to share everything you have with him for the sake of convenience: your home, your food, your job. And most importantly, your body. Perfect symbiosis, or dysfunctional parasitism? You've yet to figure out where you two stand. One thing is clear, though; he's the best at getting under your skin.
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i just want you to know that this prompt speaks to MY SOUL bc i love venom and pavia so fucking much. you dont understand how hard i think about the concept of a symbiotic relationship between symbiote and host. so I went extremely self-indulgent with this one <3
as usual, this is written to be read as platonic or romantic, whatever floats your boat!
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A clean kill.
The only reason you watch as the body drops to the ground is out of respect for the work you do, nothing else. You've done this a dozen times, and you will do it a dozen more -- the gun in your hand has become a reliable friend rather than a tool for mindless murder, its familiar weight a fleeting comfort in the tedious routine. A shame it came from the most annoying person you know.
Screaming ensues as everyone surrounding your target runs around in panic. You remain, eyes locked on the target. When someone moves their body, attempting to cradle that lifeless corpse, you see it; a bullet right between their eyebrows, the perfect shot.
You feel a tug, but it comes from within your chest cavity. Something squirms inside you, pulling you back, and you understand this as your cue to slide back into the shadows. It begins with a single step backwards, then another, until you feel the texture under your shoes shift -- what was once solid ground is now a dark, velvety mass, floating upwards and fading away like smoke. It licks at your ankles, providing an initially cold sensation that permeates your clothes, and then it continues upwards to your calves, your knees, your thighs. The gun slowly dissolves into slime, taking the shape of what you assume to be a hand, horrible and sticky fingers intertwined with yours, pulling you downwards.
By then, you feel that burning sensation, and then you're dragged into the abyss.
"That was a lousy shot."
A voice echoes in your mind, it is not your own. It feels like a thousand ants marching alongside your cranium. Or rather, what you assume to be your cranium -- in this current state, you can't separate yourself from the embrace of the void. The voice might as well reverberate all around you.
You scoff and insist. No, it was a perfect shot.
"Perfect my ass. You were off by 2 centimeters," the biting remark makes you clench your jaw. You don't reply. The voice does the same, it remains still, only a semblance of white noise, but you understand its silence as a smug victory.
Suddenly, vertigo takes hold of you. It only happens for a split second, always unannounced, but you know better than to brace yourself. Doing so, as you've learned, would only make you nauseous, dizzy and weak -- instead, you let go and the shadows gently coax you back into the light before dissipating in the air.
You find yourself in front of your apartment door, an odd and anticlimactic way of ending a productive day. What, no snack run today?
"Not feeling it today. So you either open the door on your own, or I'll do it myself. Get a move on."
Some of these threats tend to hold more water than others, but more often than not, they're just empty words and loud, useless barking. And so you've learned to ignore them all -- however, you feel a faint prodding inside your back pocket, like a tentacle in search of something. Right, your keys. The roll of your eyes and the slowness in your movements are the only means of rebellion you have against this annoying entity in your head, it continues to breathe down your neck, impatient as ever, until the door opens and you step into your safe haven.
"Finally! Guess there's some activity in that brain dead head of yours."
You're forced to make a bee-line for the kitchen and the fridge, puppeteered by a force much more stronger, much more ancient than every insignificant emotion you've ever felt: the damn parasite inside of you is hungry.
As you both scan the leftovers -- your leech of a roommate seeing through your eyes, smelling through your nose -- the voice returns, this time in a more playful tone, less grating than before.
"Scusi, what's with the silent treatment today?" You bite the inside of your cheek and it laughs at you. "Don't tell me, wolf got your tongue? Are you mad that I saw right through your poor, shitty technique?"
A suffocating presence crawls inside you, starting from somewhere below your rib cage and making its way upwards through your esophagus and trachea, shifting until you feel the prodding of cold, slimy fingers in your mouth. They are tasteless and you can still breathe, your body not even bothering to perceive this as an obstruction or an intruding force that must be coughed and spat out. They are careless in their movements, pinching the tip of your tongue and pushing against your clenched teeth in an attempt to get you to open up.
And the worst part is that this is nothing but a mocking gesture, you've come to understand this over the years. To you, this is no different than someone poking at your sides, childishly asking for your attention. You obediently open, enough for a single digit to slip out, one you recognize as the middle finger. It presses down on your lower lip.
And then you bite down, hard.
It dissipates instantly, it is absorbed back into your body through every inch of skin it makes contact with. There is a new sound in the back of your mind, one you weren't quite expecting. Your parasite laughs, amused, no trace of that usual condescending tone.
"Good, you still know how to use that petty mouth of yours. I don't have to worry about teaching you how to chew down your food."
This makes you stand up straight, turning your head and glaring at an empty space, where you assume this presence would manifest if it chose to stop taking residence in your body, "I'm not eating while you're still in there. If you want dinner, then get out."
There is a beat, a momentary silence. You don't give the parasite any time to bargain, "I'm serious. Use your own damn mouth if you're so hungry. I already have to do everything on my own, I'm not going to start spoon feeding you, too!"
The reply comes out faster than you expected.
For a moment, your vision doubles and your body feels like it's being painlessly torn apart. For a moment, you have two sets of eyes, two sets of arms, two sets of legs and two minds. You are both yourself and him, simultaneously. It is like someone is cutting your soul in half, shoving each part into two different bodies.
It is over in the blink of an eye, and there is a presence looming behind you, made from the same material that took you here, the same material that often travels in your veins and every other crevice, nook and cranny available between your organs and bones. The lights of your apartment flicker, and you take notice of his shadow cast over you.
His predatory gaze burns holes in the back of your head, and in the stillness of it all, you hear his steps, the sound his leather pants and the shifting of his shirt fabric as he steps closer -- until you feel his chest against your back. An arm slides into view, closing the door to the fridge and resting there, preventing you from escaping. It is decorated with all the useless, silver jewelry he's taken from your targets, a hand covered with tattoos you've often traced with your very own fingers in the past.
Oddly enough, you do not feel like prey. Not anymore. Your instinct tells you that you should, but truth be told, you could not care less. Especially when you feel his chin dig into the top of your head, his weight pressing lazily on you.
"…But in exchange, I'm cooking tonight. You got 10 seconds to get outta here." He shifts, and his cheek nuzzles into you as he yawns, like he's ready to move on from this conversation.
"Huh?" You slide from under him, finally looking at the parasite concealing as a man -- one you recognize as the bane of your existence, Pavia. "Uh, like hell I'm trusting you with the food! I've seen the stuff you put on your pizza."
"Like you're one to talk! You add too much salt to everything you make. If you wanted to ruin your liver, you should've just let me eat it from day one. 5 seconds left before I throw you out. C'mon."
"Do you even know how to cook? Any actual recipes that don't require winging everything?"
"Does pasta with a side of 'mind your fucking business or I'll make us eat rat poison' sound good to you?"
"I swear if you put anything funny in the food--…"
"Time's up. Out!" Pavia picks you up, manhandles you even, and tosses you out into the living room. As soon as you land on the couch, the door to the kitchen closes and you're left all alone.
It's easy to forget that you have no fucking clue as to who or what Pavia even is.
No last name, no records, no personal information at all. You've touched him before—he looks and feels just like any other person. If you didn't know any better, you could've sworn he bleeds the same way you do. But there are times when that outer layer of normalcy is peeled back just enough to remind you what you're dealing with. Sometimes, the outline of his form darkens, as if the light around him couldn't affect him in any way, and his eyes go dark, so very dark.
You've seen him in this form, unhinging his jaw to uncomfortable degrees and revealing endless sets of saw-like fangs and teeth. His nails have grown longer, thicker and sharper than expected in many occasions. You would find those on the ground, like a wild dog who has never known, let alone needed, a trimmer.
And most importantly, you've allowed him entry to every pore of your body, every piece of cartilage, every muscle, every vein.
That's when you get a small glimpse into the eldritch monstrosity living under your roof—sometimes, he's a thick fog. Sometimes, he's an oozing pile of slime. Sometimes, he's the big, bad wolf. Sometimes, you can't even understand what you're looking at when he manifests in front of you. Regardless, you're certain of something.
Pavia is darkness, eternal and haunting as the night.
He is also a huge, ungrateful, bastard.
"Hey! Where'd you leave the gelato!? This freezer's a damn mess!" His voice is heard, muffled. It doesn't carry the same cadence and weight as it does when you hear it from within your mind. He sounds more annoying, in fact.
It's a strange experience, to have him coexist right beside you as if he weren't some sort of parasite, one hair away from eating your organs. But at least like this, he cannot read your mind nor attempt to puppet your body like a moron in broad daylight. You don't answer, fully aware that he's only trying to piss you off and lure you into another argument -- as if he'd ever lose sight of his precious dessert, anyway. Instead, you busy yourself with the usual routine; finishing what is left of your work, contact your employers and whatnot.
Soon enough, the kitchen door opens and Pavia slides into the room with a single plate of warm food. You look at him, eyes wide in indignation. Oh, he wouldn't …
"Huh? What, I thought you didn't trust me to cook, so I just made something for myself. There's some leftovers from your poor excuse of a lasagna, though." The smarmy expression plastered all over his face as he licks the sauce off his spoon is unbearable, and you rush to the kitchen either to find the biggest knife to drive into his chest or to resign yourself and eat those leftovers.
And then you see it, another plate resting by the counter. Full of delicious looking pasta.
Son of a bitch.
"Bring me some of that orange juice you bought yesterday while you're in there, yeah?" Pavia never gives you time to settle down, demanding your attention and your frustration time and time again, unable to form a single coherent thought nor opinion about him.
He's annoying, that's all you've been able to figure out so far.
He's annoying, and he's made a mess out of your kitchen to cook this meal for both of you. He's annoying, and stingy when it comes to sharing his favorite snacks and desserts, but he never attempts to steal your own. He's annoying, and he offers you a power beyond your wildest dreams, to get rid of inhibition and embrace the abilities of an eldritch beast. He's annoying, and he hogs all the fucking blankets at night, planting his cold feet against your legs or back to add insult to injury.
He's annoying, and he's calling out to you once more, telling you to hurry or else you'll miss "that one stupid show" you like, that he'll switch channels if you don't sit down with him to eat. You sigh. The nerve, the hypocrisy. You know the things he likes to watch -- he has no right to criticize your taste like this.
"I'm coming, calm down! Christ …"
You notice that he never lingers nor invades any of your usual places, always picking the same spots for himself, and this is ironic in every way possible given his fickle nature. There's no doubt that as soon as you two retire for the night, Pavia will make a show out of sliding back into your body, to rest with the warmth of your blood and the soothing rhythm of your heart. And you will tell him to fuck off and sleep on the couch, reminding him of that one time he got a little too comfortable, clutching your heart in his claws, causing you to believe you were having a heart attack. Then, morning will arrive, and you will find Pavia either sprawled out or gone, but never truly leaving you alone. You will feel him, that inky slime, both cold and warm in your veins. You will go to work, and you will return home to start all over again. This is the routine, one you stopped questioning a long time ago.
This parasite who gets under your skin, both figuratively and literally, is annoying. He's annoying when he teases you, forcing you to admit that he can cook a mean pasta. He's annoying when he laughs, loud and boisterous, at those stupid moments he often criticizes in all of your favorite shows. He's annoying when he gets clingy, using you as a pillow because he can't be bothered to reach out for one of the many other pillows scattered around.
He's so very annoying when he looks at you with a curious gleam in his eyes, obviously noticing the way you've chosen to rest your head in the crook of his neck. Time stands still as you simply look at each other, as you lose yourself in those bright, sharp eyes.
You stick out your tongue at him, and Pavia blows a raspberry at you. Sure, he might be plenty annoying on his own, but together you're both insufferable and unstoppable.
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sunevial · 5 months
Reasons Why You Should Move To The Torn Veil
It's a night market
It's a giant, sprawling, night market full of people from a million worlds who have come to trade and to live and to rest and to find themselves
There's boats with people on them and the people on the boats in the river can sell you things
A dragon runs the city
Specifically, an undead dragon, who turned her body into ice and now possesses both a giant dragon-sized suit of armor and a smaller humanoid shaped construct, runs the city guard
She gives paladins sworn to the city cool dragon weapons
And she's very excitable
There's good liches
Well, morally complex and slightly scary liches, but good liches
One of them runs a library. My friends think the lich that runs the library is hot (not wrong)
Vampire blood bars
Or blood in juice boxes if you prefer that
And art deco vampire speakeasies
These posts about the wildest oneshot I've ever ran will make more sense because I ran that oneshot in the Torn Veil
(i said more sense, not complete sense, the math my friends did still breaks my brain)
Corner stores and restaurants from every culture, real or otherwise, serving foods that have existed forever and do not exist anymore
Memory river that lets you travel to a million different afterlives
Fishing in the memory river for memories
Slime Carriage Driver
I'm queer and mixed SEAsian and this is what happens when I'm allowed to be incredibly self indulgant
The answer is Haunted Spooky Less Fucked Up Sigil, apparently
The massive park full of nature spirits born from plants left at people's gravesites
Necrodancer rave clubs with ghosts playing EDM and power metal
Specifically made constructs that can house ghosts and other spirits, giving them back a semblance of agency after being violently separated from their bodies
Or cause they want a ghost mech
Pop off
They're used for the defense of the city and are largely controlled by said necrodancers playing the EDM and power metal
It's always dusk
And a little chilly but in a nice way
Well, sometimes it's warmer, the dragon in charge of the city guard can also control the weather
She does that so the farmers can get rain
The skeletons also pick fruit on the farms btw
There's many uses for a skeleton and sometimes those uses are animating it so the skeleton can pick delicate fruit that has to be harvested by hand
A friend of mine loved this place so much that there was a real timeline where he ran a oneshot in the setting before I was able to run a oneshot in the setting
The oneshot took place in a place called the Dead n' Breakfast
It's run by a skeleton who's also a vampire
Her name is Constance
I love her
(you do need to pay a little bit of tax though)
(because while the city has figured out how to make modern buildings, it has not figured out electricity or plumbing or streetcar rails)
btw the city is alive
hard to explain
Street Food
Every Street Food Ever
Like if you want some, it's there, and it's real nice and real cheap and sometimes people will just give you food for free
Sometimes a nice ghost makes it for you
Sometimes it's a skeleton babushka
The knowledge that there's other people caught between life and death, that there is a place for the lost and the wandering, that there is a place where life and death have different meanings and that complicated relationships with life and death can be a little less so, that families can reunite long, long after they were supposed to, that there is a place that calls the lost and calls them home and calls them somewhere that is safe, it is a place you can be finally safe
Ghost Macy's
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nrpony · 11 months
My Little Pony: The Movie (1986) Press Kit Scans Post 3
I apologise in advance for the wonky scans. I was trying to figure out a good way of doing it without creasing the corners and some of them turned out kind of messy. I’ll include a transcription of everything below the cut.
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Directory (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
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At the annual Spring Festival in Ponyland, all the little ponies celebrate the end of winter with a happy pageant of song and dance. But, while they revel, the wicked witch Hydia (Cloris Leachman) and her equally nasty daughters Reeka (Rhea Perlman) and Draggle (Madeline Kahn), hatch a plot to turn peaceful Ponyland into a dark, dank and dreary wasteland.
During the festival, Lickety Split, a well-meaning but self-centered little pony, inadvertently ruins the show. Humiliated, she runs away, accompanied by her friend Spike, the baby dragon.
Meanwhile, back at the Volcano of Doom, Hydia, Reeka and Draggle busily conjure up evil spells. When an initial attempt to flood Ponyland fails, an enraged Hydia decides it’s time for the Smooze.
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She sends her daughters out to collect the necessary ingredients: mold, mildew, muck, mire, fungus, slime, rust and phlume.
The evil witch sisters collect everything except the dreaded phlume, but they don’t tell their mother, who happily creates the Smooze, (Jon “Bowzer” Bauman). Soon the purple ooze bubbles over the lip of the volcano and heads towards Ponyland. “Nothing can stop the smooze now,” cackles Hydia.
Warned of impending disaster, the little ponies prepare for the oncoming Smooze. Wind Whistler and North Star fly over the clouds, bringing Megan, Molly and Danny, along with the Rainbow of Light.
As the Smooze rolls across Ponyland, it traps Lickety Split and Spike in a cave, where they encounter the Grundles, ugly but friendly little creatures who have lost their kingdom to the Smooze. With the aid of the Grundle King (Danny DeVito), they escape.
During a tremendous showdown, the Rainbow of Light manages to stop the Smooze, but in the process, the Dream Castle is covered over, the rainbow is trapped in gooey muck, and the little ponies are forced to evacuate their beloved home.
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A shocked Hydia forces her daughters to admit that they omitted the phlume from the Smooze formula. Furious, she sends them out after the dreaded ingredient. Mission accomplished, the phlume is added to the dormant Smooze, and it springs back to life.
Desperate at this point, Megan, Wind Whistler and Fizzy visit the wise old Moochick (Tony Randall), who provides them with an ancient map leading to the Flutter Ponies, magical little winged ponies who might be able to stop the Smooze.
Lickety Split, Spike and the Grundles have a series of misadventures as they outrun the Smooze. During their travels, they rescue Morning Glory, a tiny gossamer-winged Flutter Pony, trapped in a well. A grateful Morning Glory offers to lead them to Flutter Valley.
Meanwhile, back at the new pony home, Paradise Estate, the little ponies, the Bushwoolies and other woodland creatures huddle together helplessly as the Smooze oozes towards them. The witches gloat triumphantly atop their Smooze boats!
Just when all seems lost, the sky fills with tiny Flutter Ponies who shift into Utter Flutter, creating a tremendous wind when they flutter their wings in unison. The sound is like a thousand tiny wind chimes and the force sweeps the Smooze all the way back
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to the Volcano of Doom, uncovering the Dream Castle and freeing the Rainbow of Light. Hydia, Reeka and Draggle are dumped back into the volcano, along with the last of the Smooze.
With new understanding about the meaning of friendship, the heroic Flutter Ponies return home. As thanks for saving Lickety-Split and Spike, the Ponies give Dream Castle to the Grundles. Happiest of all is Baby Lickety-Split, glad to be back home with the Little Ponies where she belongs.
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soratsuart · 1 year
QSMP Day 36 Lore Summary
Guys. If you've seen clips you know what's coming, so I apologize beforehand for whatever the hell is what you're about to read 💀💀💀
The day started decently normal, with few people in to do the daily quests. Things start getting interesting when the Theory Trio logs in. By now, Maxo has his night club ready so they + Roier go over the plan to interrogate Quackity. They eventually get Fit and Vegetta to join in the plan.
When Quackity joins, they invite him to come to Las Casualonas, where they make him lower his guard by having him enjoy music and get drunk and, after a while, Vegetta and Roier disguised as "La Mamada" and Melissa respectively take Quackity to another room. They start talking about hating the eggs and wanting to kill them all, and while Quackity is initially taken aback, he ends up rambling about his supposed plan to kill the eggs starting with Chayanne. This would turn out to be a lie to impress the girl, but it turned against Quackity as the other were watching everything through the cameras.
After a while the entire group comes in and reveal to Quackity that this was all a trap to get evidence against him, which Quackity is shocked to hear. They tell him they are going to hold a trial against him and execute him afterwards, and Quackity panics, trying to defend himself and begging them to let him go, which they eventually do.
Quackity runs to hide inside a random building and starts crying, lamenting everything that had happened because now everyone in the island is against him. I would also like to point out that Roier knows Quackity is innocent, but this is his revenge for when Quackity sided with Spreen and let him kill both Roier and his dog. After a while Slime arrives and tries to console him, as he had been in the club and saw everything happen, but he got mad when he saw Quackity had a photo of Mariana in a dress and I believe Quackity logged off before they could clear things up, so now Slime is sad Quackity thinks he is also against him.
After that Slime went with Wilbur, who has been hired by Bad to be an impartial judge on the day of the trial, and they along with Bad and Foolish wrote a Constitution...? For rainbow people since they all ended up looking like rainbow. After that they all went their separate ways with Wilbur and Slime going to Wilbur's place, while the others tried to complete their quests. Foolish met with Roier and they decided to meet up later, but then the worst happened.
Foolish had the great idea to leave to go to the bathroom in real life and leave the boat he and Leo were traveling in keep moving in automatic, telling Leo to protect the boat. Leo started shooting at something off scream which according to her was a shark and then... A fucking cachalot whale she accidentally hit killed Leo before Foolish could come back. Leo is now in hardcore mode fellas. And Foolish had Bad roleplay as Vegetta to practice how to tell him about Leo loosing a life. That was fun at least.
While all of this was happening Wilbur and Slime were talking about Flippa and Tilín's deaths, and Slime had to tell Wilbur what happened to them and also that he still wants to revive Flippa because of the deal he had with Angel!Rubius. This is also how Wilbur finds out there's an angel because he still hasn't met Rubius btw.
On his part Roier went to check on Spreen since he was dying a lot, and he showed him the night club since Spreen wanted to see it. He also disguised himself as Melissa to talk to Spreen and flirt with him, but Spreen pretty much didn't like it and when Roier "came back" he told him he didn't want to come back to the club ever again. According to him he is "uncomfortable with woman" and "already engaged to Sally from Cars".
They left after that, and met with Gegg, since Slime had decided to transform after Wilbur left, eventually following Roier home. I think he and Wilbur had just had a conversation about Slime being himself so others like him instead of being Gegg, but I honestly am too tired to search that right now. The point is, Gegg and Bobby have a conversation about Slime himself, and eventually Bobby decides to forgive Slime for killing Tilín as he understands it was an accident and he doesn't want to be angry when he knows he'll be leaving soon. (Pain)
I think (big emphasis on think) that's all that happened. I've been writing this for the past two hours so if anything else happened... I'm sorry I couldn't find it? Anyway, yeah, enjoy the summary!
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starwither · 2 years
quackity lore stream finale (ep.5)
a recap of what happened during quackity’s las nevadas 09/10/22 lore stream finale.
The stream begins with a flashback to September 10, 2020. Quackity meets Tommy and they discuss the upcoming elections and the hope/excitement they both have for the new nation. It immediately cuts to a scene of Las Nevadas, alarms blaring, and on fire.
Chapter 1: Trust
Weeks after the death/disappearance of Slimecicle, Quackity visits a grave he built in his memorial, placing a photo of them together for decoration. The day before he died, he gave Slimecicle a key to Las Nevadas. Before he died, he had told Slimecicle that he wanted him to have Las Nevadas. In the flashback, he mentions that Quackity broke his own rule-- Trust Nobody, but he trusted Slimecicle.
Chapter 2: Open and Closed
It is the grand opening of Las Nevadas-- But there are only three people, Fundy, Foolish, and Skeppy. Underneath the city, Quackity is upset that they could only invite a couple of people because there are tensions due to the war. He misses Slimecicle and how he could always follow orders.
After seeing slimes in the room underground, he comes up with a plan-- He will extract the slime from the ground, grow them in the city, and, using the power of evolution, turn them into human beings.
When the citizens of Las Nevadas are fully created 90 days later, he tells them that their sole life purpose is to serve Las Nevadas. Everyone is their enemy other than him, the one person they can listen to. Their life belongs to Las Nevadas and they will die for Las Nevadas.
Chapter 3: Las Nevadas Down
There is an intruder in Las Nevadas.
In a cave Purpled has been hiding out in, he is approached by Punz. He proposes killing Quackity through torture, mentioning that he tortured Dream for months. He confesses that Dream paid him a hefty amount to investigate and relay the message to him.
At first, Purpled does not believe him.
In a cage, Purpled has Quackity’s one weakness-- Slimecicle. Punz tells him he should him to hate Quackity, and eventually kill him with the help of Dream.
Chapter 4: Death
In Limbo, Ranboo is alone on a single grass block in the middle of a lake of water. Mexican Dream boats to him. Ranboo mentions that he misses his son Michael on earth, and Mexican Dream tells him to get on the boat and they will try to find a way to leave together.
He brings Ranboo to the shore, where El Rapids is. They reflect on their lives on earth. Mexican Dream says that he will bring him to someone (who “used to be a president”) for a party, and maybe he can help him.
He brings Ranboo back to his block. If Mexican Dream can make it back to the mortal realm, is there anything he wants him to tell people? Ranboo tells him to “Remind them of me”.
As Mexian Dream is leaving, he writes in his journal what happened.
Chapter 5: The End of Las Nevadas
In Las Nevadas, Slimecicle is there. Quackity is overjoyed with happiness, and asks him if he remembers what Purpled did to him. Then, Purpled and Dream appear. Quackity tries to run with Slimecicle and hide in the casino, but they break the door open with TNT.
Quackity defends himself, saying.he did what he did to Dream for a reason.
Quackity pulls a lever, which sets off fireworks. Foolish sees them in the distance and goes to Las Nevadas.
Slimecicle puts on netherite armor and confronts him. (“Legacy is what you leave behind, Quackity. So why did you leave me behind?”) He turns on him. (“Im going to dap you up.. With a fucking sword!”).
Foolish sees Quackity surrounded, and pushes a secret button. It lets out his army of human slimes, who flood into the city to come to his aid. They chase Dream out of the city, though he kills most of them. Slimecicle and Purpled chase Quackity to the top of the tower.
Quackity reminds Slimecicle of the lessons and tries to convince him that Purpled is the one who killed him. Slime and Purpled corner him to the edge of the tower, and just as Purpled is going to kill him, Slimecicle pushes Purpled off.
He turns to confront Quackity. He reminds him of the lessons:
Lesson 1: Humans are assholes. (“You showed me that”)
Lesson 2: Politics are the way to power.
Lesson 3: Create no emotional attachments.
Lesson 4: Everything gets destroyed.
Lesson 5: Trust nobody
Lesson 6: Hold your ground against authority.
Lesson 7: Seek successful revenge. If you fail, the consequences will be bitter. (“I will not fail”)
Slimecicle: “We have one thing in common. The same human ruined our lives. Because you are not a good person.”
Lesson 8: Legacy is all you leave behind in this world.
Slimecicle tells him: “I hope you leave behind a good one,” and pushes Quackity off. Quackity dies, losing his second canon life.
Later, in Kinoko Kingdom, the Artic, and Paradise, he leaves them a letter. He wants to end his feud with them and start anew.
He and Foolish are not yet done with Las Nevadas. He has one last chance in life and he doesn't want to waste it.  
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humanaaa · 6 months
Brazillian isekai au????? 👀
I've talked a little bit about it here, but like. Basically it's a qsmp all where all the Brazilians (+Jaiden and Baghera) got isekai'd and now are on a magical land. But I changed some ideas about the characters so I am gonna talk a little about them here because
Pac: He's based on this character here
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He's reborn as the villain of the story, and at first, he can't talk. When he tried to talk, a bunch of dialogue options appear, and he must chose one of them. Later, he discovers how to disable it.
He's also a half bat hybrid bc I like the hc.
On top of people's heads, he sees a heart showing a percentage bar. On “Villain are destined to die” I think it's like a romance bar like in dating simulators, but I haven't read lately so. But anyway I changed some things here.
Sometimes he gets events that tell him that will make the percentage go higher, or to give him money.
He was supposed to marry The Hero of the story, but then he discovers it's Forever and he starts hearing Mike talking to him though a mental link and he just runs away bc he isn't alone now! But isn't weird that both Mike's and Forever's percentage is at 0%?
Cellbit: I wrote an one shot about him and Roier, but basically he is the reborn as himself trope. He is living running away with the Fae Prince, searching for the said prince son, trying to understand what happened. He will also became a Catboy in the future 👍!
Bagi: She's the reborn as an NPC that was supposed to die trope but I am also thinking about her being the “when she dies, she is reborn at her first day on this world” trope. Basically, she wakes up drowning in a river. She is able to get out before something happened to her, and she discovers she is in the demon Kingdom. At first , she tries to get out, but she always end up dying and going back to her first day. This is the first time she decides to stay here.
She ends up getting in a group that wants ti dethrone the demon King, whose lider is Iron Mouse, who used to be the Demon Queen. She starts working in the royal castle (bc they told her family it would help her to get memories back), there she also meets Tina.
She is also a demon 👍
He's reborn as the hero of the story. And by that I mean he just woke up in a boat, people were telling him how grateful they were that he would kill the Dragon that was bringing all the problems to this world :(. He has no idea what's happening, he can't get away, and he's just dropped on the Dragon Island, given a sword and told how to kill a dragon.
He tries to find a way to get out, but he can't, so tries to survive. He ends up adopting a Dragon, and names him Richarlyson but. All the dragons know that he is there to kill them, so they aren't making things easy to him.
He's reborn as a magma cube, and at first, he's just very confused. Then he meets the Goddess of Creation, and she turn him into a human. He then starts hearing Pac's thoughts, the discover they can talk with their minds, and he goes to find him. He also tells every village he goes about Communism.
He later discover that he was made in a lab, and that slime is his brother. anyways he got fire powers
He's based on her:
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“Privileged Treatment To The Possessed Person”.
In this manga, this girl she can talk to people who are watching her story, to the god who made her story, she can read the Original Novel, she can train an dget stronger, buy potions. And Felps will be like her 👍
He sometimes talk to them while vibing, he's also technically a saint of this world, but he's mostly digging holes and vibing
I will probably write a fic about them 🙏🙏 I have ideas
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monosminecraftmania · 3 months
Color!au [hermitcraft fantasy au]
so i got two notes on the previous post so here i go talking about this
(yes this is going out like a month late but shh i had stuff ;a;)
here's a full roster of everyone and everything. Hopefully this will turn into motivation for me to write but yeah. until then here have this
again, if anyone is interested in seeing close ups/detailed drawings of anyone just send me an ask and i will gladly draw them. pls im desperate
if we get 3 notes i'll. share pictures of the kingdoms.
(long long post. read at your own risk >:3)
Going Alphabetically
Bdubs - Astronomer of Flax - Lives at the top of the castle - Comically small. No don't ask it's a sore subject - Made himself a glittering cloak of "stardust"
Beef - Resident of Varie - Lives on the outskirts of the kingdom - Travels only for paints or supplies - Good friend of Etho's
Bigb - Cerule resident - Has a cloud frog as a familiar - All it does is make his shoulder slightly moist - Runs a cookie shop
Cleo - Naga, Resident of Uaine - Graveyard guardian - Made herself arms of enchanted scraps the dead leave behind - Her human disguise is a gigantic ballroom dress.
Cub - Dungeon engineer of Mauve - Will never share the recipe for totems of undying - Creates labyrinths and puzzle rooms with a small chance of death - Sources most materials from Scar
Doc - Cursed Archeologist of Uaine - Pissed off a moss spirit so now his skin's green - Can't breathe good - Cut off his own arm and made a new magic one
Etho - Crown Prince of Varie - Half fox, but vertically - Has a heavy limp so people speculate he carries old battle wounds - Very bad at hiding the fox bits.
False - Royal Knight of Amara - Gilded Eagle Hybrid. Eagle wings and colors but the feathers appear to be shimmering like metal - Kingdom is usually very calm so she spends most of her time hanging out with Stress and fishing - Kicks ass when she has to.
Fwhip - Fisher in Ochre - Gem's business partner and the less violent one of the two - Deals more in accounting than actual fish - Fixes boats on the side
Gem - Fishwife in Ochre - Not actually married. Married to THE GRIND. - Runs a fishing boat and market by the widest bend of the river - Can and will use this trident.
Grian - Geologist in Claret - That's some funny lookin floating rocks - Owns a mansion that's shared with several other people of science - Named one of the rocks Brian. Pronounced like Grian.
Hypno - Beekeeper in Flax - Has a little bee farm that he sells honey and candles out of - Has a little magic and mostly uses it to make his flowers bloom - Honestly just happy to be here :3
Impulse - Service Demon in Flax - Resident fiekind (trickster demon). Does favors for gold or food - Invented the farming plow for a request once - Will absolutely abuse vague requests and play as many tricks as possible
Iskall - Magic Blacksmith of Uaine - Makes magic weapons of all kinds, mostly swords - Has golems to help him with his work, mostly just handling hot metal - Charisma + 20. He will flirt with anything that breathes.
Jevin - Slime Amalgam - Hides in the topmost tower of Azure's castle. - Stole pieces of gargoyles to camouflage and has been collecting feathers for wings - Just a silly little guy, living his best life.
Jimmy - Whistler - Guardian of the Wishing Cave - A great guy until you realize he's evangelizing for a cult - Hasn't touched grass in years
Joe - Magic researcher in Viridian - Puts random mushrooms in his mouth - Purely curious and gets a pass from most forest spirits - Looking into the forces of death to write a funny book
Joel - Strength Bryd (forest spirit) in Uaine - In the common tongue it's pronounced Ogre - Covered in tattoos that may or may not be his past victims - Fell in love with a fish. How did it end up like this.
Jono - Local Bard of Amara - Half Dog musician who's found a nice spot in Amara to settle down - Shirts are for losers - Can beatbox amazingly well with sharp teeth.
Keralis - Holy Water Spirit - Currently napping in the big ball chained to the temple roof - Granted Xb his wish to safely walk on land - Kind to a fault
Lizzie - Resident of Amara - Half fish hybrid - Washed up in the marshes of Uaine after a storm once and rescued by a handsome ogre. - Has an army of cod.
Martyn - Servant of Claret - A Watcher - Ren's shadow - Really needs a hug
Mumbo - Wizard of Claret - Subject of all of the bad luck - Collects scriptures and studies the magic of his kingdom - Also hosts a great magic show for kids
Pearl - Royal Architect/Librarian of Azure - Started as a stable girl who threw a tomato at the design for the royal library. And instead of being arrested, she was hired to redesign it. - In charge of the upside down library - Her dragon is named Bikkie.
Ren - Crown Prince of Claret - Half dog and proud of it. - Twins with Jono who moved away to the neighboring kingdom - Curious to a fault
Sausage - Mauve Resident - Construction worker for the many dungeons and attractions - Works well with wood in the morning - Way too enthusiastic
Scar - Travelling Merchant - Sells all the wares! Even wares that don't exist! - Yes the cane is magic - Makes an annual trip across the country to Mauve
Scott - Azure Merchant - Collects fashion articles from all over the country - Runs a ferry business on the side - Might know something.
Skizz - Resident of Cerule - Chosen by a phim and gifted a pair of angel wings and a halo - Encourages body positivity! Because love yourself you jerks - Trusts blindly and with open arms.
Stress - Goat/Beast hybrid in Amara - Retractable fluff for an instant winter coat! - The hooves are more like paws, but she's got incredible balance - Runs a tea shop with odd but tasty blends.
Tango - Fire spirit - Holy spirit of fire who's honestly just confused why he's so popular - Kidnapped by Scar and escaped to Gem all within a week - Hides in Gem's fireplace
TFC - Blacksmith of Varie - Specializes in actual tools, not weapons - Has a side business of stone sculptures. Buy one get two small ones free - Has a familiar, but no one knows what it is
Wels - MC - Surname revoked. Formal title "Wels, Knight of the Realm" - Banished from his home and travelling to a faraway land - His horse is named Worse, but pronounced like 'horse'
XB - Resident of Azure - Book collector and moved out of Amara to pursue his love of books - Got a blessing from a water spirit so he doesn't suffocate - Learned flight magic and swims through the air
Xisuma - Vagabond - Originally from Mauve. Travels the lands at every opportunity - No one has ever seen his face - Incredibly helpful travel guide
Zedaph - Royal Engineer/Alchemist of Mauve - May have invented cocaine. And gunpowder - Designs elaborate gauntlets for the bold to test their strength - Decided two extra arms were a good idea
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dastardlyobnoxious · 7 months
QSMP Purgatory finale
On a cc/streamer/lore level it'd be incredibly lame if multiple people were perma killed because they failed the equivalent of a quick time event. Holding out hope that given BBH’s return to the island, the others will see similar alternate escapes play out. 
On a head canon/fan-fic level though, I really admire how metal/angsty this ending comes off?? You could take this in so many directions, and I kinda love it for that. 
Like picture this: 
Desperately running towards the coast line as their escape stood before them, having fought long and hard to escape this nightmare.
No one could've anticipated the nuke Maximus was building, it caught everyone off guard, including the Observer, who’d failed to anticipate this penultimate attempt to end the federation.  
Vaporized in a near instant, max’s victory would mark everyone else's defeat. 
Slime & Roier helping each other in their escape, they'd arrive on the boat first, rushing round it to get that old junker started in the few minutes they had. Without them, even those who'd escaped might've perished. They'd bring a relieving levity to the survivors, hiding the grief they felt to help the others. Roier in particular starting back his therapy sessions. 
Phil & Tubbo arriving next, after the earlier madness of the two clashing, when the cards fell they still deeply cared for one another. Phil air lifting Tubbo out even as his wings tore and broke, just as they arrived. They'd be crucial in maintaining the boat and keeping count of supplies, crushed by the looming dread of potentially losing so many. They’d get help from the others when the boat was in crisis or in need of hands.  
Fit arriving next, he'd stayed strong throughout Purgatory, keeping it together for the sake of his son Ramon. Through Phil’s aid he'd manage to save Bagi with only seconds to spare, crashing onto the boat as Bagi swam behind. Desperately hoping that Pac and Ramon made it to safety, he'd take charge as a group leader, dealing with any conflicts or dilemmas alongside Etoiles.
Bagi was next, saved by Fit, she'd clung to the edge of the boat as they'd started to depart. Throwing herself aboard as they'd started to sail away, she'd actively mourned the dead while trying to maintain an optimistic outlook that the others had survived. She’d serve as a reliable emotional anchor for many in the group, serving as a sort of backup leader in case Fit or Etoiles weren’t available, she’d support the others where she could. 
Ironmouse, Etoiles, and Aypierre reached the boat as the bombs went off, missing the radiation burns by mere moments; they'd made it onboard in various ways. Catching the boat thanks to its angle towards the shore, Iron made it on foot whilst Aypierre and Etoiles made it via grappling to the sides and throwing themselves over. Once grounding themselves, Etoiles and Aypierre would be there alongside Fit to break up any potential disputes, serving as the group’s muscle whilst helping with their technical experience. Iron on the other hand, mainly managing the group's supplies alongside Tubbo, she’d take charge of gardening and rationing what was on board.  (Not the most familiar with the last four, so if any of that’s just entirely inaccurate tell me).
Nine out of sixteen made it off that crumbling island, left with the anticlimax and non-closure that came with the other’s vanishing alongside that watchful eye. They will carry those scars, never being the same happy go lucky people they’d been. Cellbit, Tina, Maximus, Dapper, BBH, Foolish, and Baghera each had their own stories ended abruptly. Whether they survived or not is an ambiguous unlikelihood, maybe they beat those odds, maybe not. 
The survivors were left with one question, what of the other eggs? They’d been assumed dead alongside the Observer, but one variable remained in play, ElQuackity. He was never a fan of the eggs, but if it came down to survival, would he work with them? It was a question that stirred in the survivors, clinging to those next to nothing odds.  Anyways, that’s just my take on yesterday's events, who’s to say what’s true or what isn’t. Up to the CC’s afterall! Hope this was a fun read regardless.
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zetathelata · 1 month
SLW&SH Characters ( 106 - 125 )
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Fact about my characters:
( Spoilers for Sunheart8 ) Capri used to be Zircon's love partner, but after defeating them in a battle with some of the non star people. She had enough of their plans to k!ll the light star's people. Also the star necklace prevents star weapons from killing or do critical damage to star people like him. But the only thing star weapons cannot kill is the miracle star shards and a god.
Ava works for spiderbee in the clothes shop at light star Islandia, and also Ava is also obsessed with jota along with Sparky and Spiderbee 2.0!
Hollyflower helped jota train both her waters powers and the eye tentacles. Hollyflower is also best friends with blackmoon, they both really like jewelry very much.
Arctic used to be a Mexican human, but turned into a arctic fox furry.Arctic has a boyfriend named sky.
Medoh is a weapon owner in light star Islandia. And is one of the simps of jota. Medoh used to be an Italian human, but he begged the light star to turn him into a star person. So the light star did the wish. And now he's in love with the new warrior of the naori.
Blacky is the last guardian. ( Salice and Thorn is blacky's siblings )
Chu, Flare, Feather, Bubble, and Leafclaw are an inspirations from the movie elemental.
If you call patty slow, then she'll run at a human like speed. She also does live both in her shell and a house.
Roxy is Cin's boyfriend. Also he has two modes on his body, light mode and dark mode. He was created by humans.
Clay was created by humans until she turned into a bomb and blew up the whole place. She is best friends with Slimy. Whatever you encounter her, she first looks around her surroundings and transforms into whoever you're with or you. But don't worry, you can tell it's her because Clay's bow sticks out. But she will try hide it in any part of her body. She may be one of the smallest characters I have, but she is very menacing.
Slimy is best friends with Clay and Mia. Slimy was also created by humans, when she saw the humans. She ate them all because she's a slime. Slimy spends most of her time with Mia, Slimy also hangs out with Clay. If you put your hand in inside her, she'll accidentally digest it.
Scar, Snowclaw, and Whispy are one of Jota's girlfriends.
I just call Source she/her, but you can use any gender pronouns you want to call them. Ever since Source was saved by jota, she decided to hack into jota's dreamboat, and jota never knew that she found out that Source was the one keeping the boat up. So yeah..
May is lithromantic. They are ( mother ) Source's assistant, when their mind is in the dreamboat, may looks after the body that Source left. The diamond on their forehead is a camera.
Arrow is lithromantic. Arrow is Saturn's assistant, they both work in a small building in light star Islandia.
Snowclaw is also Mistletoe's ex-girlfriend.
Willow is Pangender. They would have been their old design but it was hard to draw because my brain was fuzzy and forgetting a lot.So I tried a second attempt by changing up a few things of them. First I added a mushroom hat and two horns to them, it was a really good design to work with, but the problem happened again. So now we have a orca....
Sona is one of the main queen bees in light star Islandia that make honey.
Rain used to be an human too ( idk what type of human race he used to be ). Rain did an experiment with a robot, he wanted to share minds with the robot, but that failed. So he instead of sharing both bodies, his mind become one with the robot body. He has an girlfriend named Della ( she comes after leza ). Also he used to be able to fly, but IIuvia ripped out most of his feathers and some parts of his arm. His arm feels better, but rain can't fly anymore.
SLW&SH got some gay furries here man....
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fountainpenguin · 9 months
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"When you tell me I'm such a wreck ("It isn't easy cleaning up your mess")- it's like I've got a rope around my neck..." (x)
New Pixels Imperfect stuff today! || One-Shot
“Yes, And?”
Read on AO3
Even in a death game, the polite Canadian thing to do is ensure everyone is comfortable with the improv dynamics. Hi, it’s me. I’m not sure I’m comfortable with our improv dynamic-!
AKA - The one where Etho (assigned dad by the narrative) pays a late-night visit to his ex-wife and sons. What do you even say to a very scary someone you've "canonically" broken up with despite never actually dating in the first place?
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
Time moves snail-wriggle slowly whenever you're on-world. It oozes, squashes, and stretches out like slime in the cogs of a clock. As Etho climbs the steps from the Team T.I.E.S. basement, he pulls out his communicator and checks the symbol in the upper left. It's a crescent moon with a 3 clearly printed in the center. They're only three nights into the current play session with six more to go. There's a cloud symbol beside it with a single raindrop.
Oh, so THAT'S why I can hear Skizz screaming about endermen. They're trying to get one last hunt in before the rain gets heavy.
Impulse shouts encouraging words from the sea, like "Run faster, you jerk!" The slap of oars on water is unmistakable. He's rushing in with the boat. Will he make it? Who's to say?
Etho leaves the stairs for the surface. Raindrops patter on the back of his neck and across his jacket sleeves, but they're so light, they're hardly noticeable. They leak through his hair and tingle on his scalp. The cold's sort of welcome, honestly. He's been boiling alive ever since they came to this tropical place to play their game.
This evening's dreary weather, however, has certainly not deterred a seething enderman from chasing Skizz round and around their stonecutter and assorted resource chests, which are haphazardly strewn across the area. My bad; I meant to tidy those up. Etho had popped down to the cave for a bit of mining. Tango's grateful, probably, even if he did sort of dump his loose things without a lot of thought. There's, like… feathers and random mob drops in there too. And bamboo. And sticks.
Impulse pops from the boat the instant he hits shallow water. He holds it above his head like an umbrella and comes sprinting up the sand. Skizz loops the chests again, this time zigzagging through a gap. The enderman doubles back around. The claws on one hand scrape the back of Skizz's armor and he shrieks, throwing in an extra burst of speed. Ooh, boy… But Etho stays where he is. No reason to throw off their groove; he doesn't have a boat and here comes Impulse to save the day.
Skizz slides around the corner chest like he's making the big bucks in professional sports. A scuff of sand twinkles in the air. He yips like a wolf pup and every pixel on his face crackles hot with sparks. The enderman lunges across a chest, banging its knee - endermen have knees, right? - and it trips with a splat in the sand. Skizz dives past Impulse, who shoves his way forward. He slams down the boat. His sword flips out and here comes the swing! Maybe this is a sport. Skizz, puffing, starts bricking up a little two-block-high cover spot with a bit of cobblestone.
"You know," Impulse chides as the enderman shoves itself back to its feet, "they'd leave you alone if you wouldn't look at them, dude. They're like tourists. Mmhm- they don't want to pick a fight with you."
The enderman's still aggro'd on Skizz. Rain or not, it's not going anywhere fast. It ignores the boat to charge straight for him. Impulse whiffs when he takes a swing. Skizz spits a half-finished accusation. He ducks under his cover spot and pulls out his shield. "I didn't even see it! I was just digging up gravel in the hole over there! It just flew at me like a rocket!"
"Well, stop looking harder! You're just flipping them off in enderman language, probably. They don't like it."
"Don't tell me what endermen don't like!"
"You, clearly."
Etho stands with his hands in his pockets, more than a little grateful that he'd disabled the toggle for his natural fox tail before joining the server. It wouldn't be a good look if his teammates saw it curling in amusement at their own expense. "You got this, Skizz?" he calls.
"EeeiyyuuuhhhiiieeeyyuUUHHH!" Skizz wails back. Impulse tries again, throwing the boat in the enderman's general direction, but it bangs the ground and flips over, landing face-down. Whoops. The enderman prowls circles around its target and Skizz hides behind his shield. Etho glances up. Tango's watching all of this from the top of his half-constructed tower, one leg crossed over the other and foot lightly bouncing. He's got a beef sandwich in hand. Not as helpful as, y'know, an enchanted bow or something, but Etho's not judging. They're okay. We're all professionals here.
Impulse huffs, breaks the boat with a swing of his axe, and runs after it to try again. The rain is gentle, the wind like baby's breath, and all but Impulse's footsteps sliding over sand is quiet in the night. Even Skizz has shut his mouth. For a little while.
Six more days with these nerds. Then we're out of here until next time. Should be nice. He could use the peace and quiet. Might miss 'em, though. Not much. Maybe just a hint.
The moon peers down like a glowing fingernail. Etho lingers a moment longer, just to confirm that Imp and Skizz really do have this one in the bag. Despite the impromptu shelter, Skizz takes about three slices from enderman claws before Impulse delivers the final blow. Technically, you never really kill endermen… but the guy dissipates in a spiral of void-smoke and drops an ender pearl when it goes. Skizz drops back on his butt, clapping his palm to his chest. Tango cheers and toasts the air with his half-eaten sandwich. Etho gives a thumbs up. Nobody sees. That's okay. He knows. Impulse exhales, then sheathes his sword. He offers Skizz his hand. Pulls him up. They embrace, Impulse thumping once on his back with his hand. Then he tucks the shiny pearl away for later. Light chatter resumes… Tango goes back to gnawing on his sandwich… and Etho vanishes without another word.
You have to take a skip and a hop to cross the stream between the TIES base and "the Rock" where Cleo, Scar, and Bdubs have set up camp. Etho misses the bank by a smidge, grazes his shin on dirt, and splashes. Soaks his sandals. Ah. Maybe he needs to build a bridge. He'll chalk that one up for later. But hey… it was already raining. A little water's never hurt anybody. He shivers once, grips his jacket close around his chin, and hustles up the hill. At least his destination's not far away. Two to three minutes tops. If he's lucky, maybe by now those fools will have built a roof.
The rain's letting up, at least. He hasn't spotted any lightning. No thunder either. Etho's feet smack on every smooth stone step of the hill. He keeps his sword drawn, but only one zombie lopes from the shadows to get a better look at him. He checks the face - he always checks the face - and it's a Grian. There's a white slash mark curling down its shoulder where the vex that got him must have landed the killer blow.
"Hey, buddy… You've wandered pretty far from your respawn point, you know. You died in the mansion, right?"
[Cnt'd on AO3 - Link at top]
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Liveblogging Phil's POV - Part 2
[ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 ]
Ok, I’m switching back to Phil’s VOD again for now. Anyways, back to existential horrors.
A rare thank you from the WHAT
This frickin Eye thing is quiet too.
The Eye: Do you desire to leave? I think your place is much better at my side. OHOHOHO THE LORE IMPLICATIONS, I’M *THRIVING*
Yeah alright, ElQuackity is gonna be stuck, that’s not surprising.
Of course Dapper is the first Egg that gets through, LMFAO
Tallulah telling Phil to go, oh boy maybe Dapper is the only Egg they get back for now
Fit: I’m not leaving you, Ramon. Me: *HEART SHATTERS*
Dang the admins want them OUT out NOOOOO the Eggs got warped away. That’s probably for the best, Phil and Fit and half the parents wouldn’t have left otherwise.
Oh Richarlyson wasn’t meant to get out LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO, that was a fantastic blooper
Ok but in-universe, I’m just imagining Etoiles being such a badass he just automatically punches the barrier to try and get through to the Eggs, and because he uses his glitched corrupted code-arm, he’s somehow able to reach and grab Richarlyson, but it isn’t enough to keep Richarlyson from getting warped away. This is how I imagine that scene playing out.
Noooo Cellbit running back after seeing Etoiles’ message.
Etoiles: I tried my best… Cellbit: No he didn’t, no he didn’t…
Bruh :((((
I know I expected to only get one Egg but that still sucks
Thank you QSMP for sending the coordinates in the chat, they WOULD have spent the next 3 hours searching for it and trying to get everyone to go to the same spot
METEOR LETSGO I mean, oh nooo (sarcastic) I’m sorry, the meteor is just suc a cool disaster
Tubbo: Do you still have your wings? Phil: Yes. Tubbo: And lasso? Phil: Yes. Tubbo: GET ME OUT OF HERE. MAN WHAT A COOL CONVO, GREAT IDEA, ADMINS PLEASE LET THEM DO IT IT WOULD BE SO COOL VISUALLY
Phil saying he’s not sure if they’re gonna make it because his wings are weak, AGH MAN THIS IS GETTING ME SO EMOTIONAL
I know the timer is there to incentivize them to hurry up but I DO think it would be funny if half of them just didn’t make it to the boat in time and the admins were like “Frick. Roll the (inevitable) animatic anyways.”
Phil: 43 seconds left on my elytra… THIS IS SO SAD MAN
I hope they make it in time, MAN THIS IS SO COOL
Oh man, and Phil slowly circling down so Tubbo doesn’t get hurt.
FIT HAS HIS ELYTRA TOO LETS GOOOOOO Fit saying it’s a genius idea and saying that’s a great way to rescue more people. I love that so much.
LMAO that would be frickin hilarious if the meteor hit the boat
Love that Eye dude is letting them escape on a luxury cruise ship LMFAO I cannot take this dude seriously I’m sorry
This makes me think of the SS whatever that was in Pokemon Crystal
How the frick did they lose the ENTIRE team LMFAO
I’m so glad I put on 
Fit was able to save Bagi at least. Agh.
LMAO “How did he do this without us knowing? How many PHDs does he have?” I LOVE SLIME
“The true end of Purgatory rests solely in my hands” yeah yeah, whatever man
For the love of god please tell me they don’t have to come back here to save the other Eggs
That eye animation was sick as hell though
Etoiles: Not Purgatory 2, man…
I swear if they actually do Purgatory again I’m quitting QSMP and deleting my entire QSMP archive
(This is a joke but I AM frickin dipping if we have to go back to Purgatory, that sucked so bad)
Awh, Etoiles saying he glitched out and that’s why he was able to see Richarlyson :(((
Tubbo trying to gaslight them, Tubbo please we all saw the video, but it doesn’t matter because all the rules and Eye commentary videos were confusing
I do genuinely wonder if that really WAS RNG though. Man…..
PFTTT NOT ETOILES BEING LIKE “Hey didn’t Maximus kill all the Eggs with that bomb.”
“HOW DID HE BUILD THAT?” have you considered that Maximus is just built different, Tubbo?
Why is Maximus’ ass a lore-relevant conversation MULTIPLE times. Bruh.
Yeah they’re talking about having to go back to Purgatory. If they have to go back I actually don’t think I’ll watch it. Or at least, like I said in the beginning, I’ll only watch Phil’s POV. I tried to enjoy it as much as I could, but that entire thing for 2 weeks was way too long. I block a lot of stuff and try to avoid Twitter, but even then I saw a lot of the negative fandom stuff, and how it affected different streamers. I think everyone – CCs and fans included – got burnt out by Purgatory. I know it wasn’t designed to appeal to me personally, and I acknowledge that, but I’m still sharing my thoughts because this is a liveblog (and this is also my post on my blog, lmao). There were moments where I had fun in Purgatory, sure, but I don’t want to experience any of that again. Like, I give the Election debates a lot of crap, but at least there were only 3 of them and at least they weren’t 2 weeks long.
Right now, my thinking is that if players DO have to go back to Purgatory, it will be optional, and hopefully the admins will completely revamp how Purgatory was designed (which I think will be the case because the Eye mentioned “new games”). I know they tried really hard, and I know the immediate negative feedback from the community was really disappointing and demoralizing for them. I hope they’re motivated to fix things, but even if they did make major changes… I dunno man. I’m so burnt out. I just wanna go back to Quesadilla Island so everyone can return to the storylines and lore they were working on before Purgatory interrupted things. Maybe after a few weeks back on the Island I’ll feel ok enough to watch more Purgatory content, but right now the idea of them having to go back makes me so tired.
Again, this is all just personal complaints, and I love the admins, but I’m just tired lol, and it doesn’t help that I’m staying up late to finish watching this VOD so I won’t fall even more behind than I already have.
Once again, I don’t feel the need to apologize for complaining about these things since this is my blog and these are genuine feelings I’m having rn. There are definitely MANY things that need to be improved about Purgatory if they want players to return there someday, but despite all that I want to emphasize that I still appreciate the admins and the work they do.
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Quackity + QSMP team thank you for dropping this tweet, this 100% changed my opinion of the Purgatory ending thank you.
[ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 ]
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tribbetherium · 2 years
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Less of them having smaller braincases and more of my inconsistency at drawing angled perspective 😭 they're sometimes a bit off model but no, they have a similar cranial structure as the southhounds, I just sometimes end up drawing their ears looking a bit too high and their eyes a bit too far back...
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I was thinking that the part of North Ecatoria that broke off to form the island was not part of the ranges of those species and was mostly barren and inhospitable to them. The possibility of some being on the island as it broke off was probably likely but perhaps they were limited to small populations of related individuals that wasn't feasible long term.
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They crossed over by short lived land bridges during lowered sea levels in the Glaciocene while the harmsters were still the semi-sophont riplets. The harmsters never made it down south due to rough seas, cold weather and general inaccessibility of the continents by boat, and stayed primarily on the three major continents.
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With how self-destructive and warmongering they were it felt unlikely they'd be organized enough to get to the technological level of being able to create nukes. Also felt a little too on-the-nose as an allegory of the folly of man so a disease spread by cannibalism and their lack of medical knowledge seemed more species-appropriate, and plus we got a whole new "animal" clade out of it.
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The shroomors could probably count! They're still genetically rodents, mammals and animals, but can barely even be considered an animal given they're basically clumps of undifferentiated cells growing much like slime molds or fungi do.
As for more traditional "animals", the rattiles and daggoths would probably qualify.
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Most of them, not very well since the environment and society is located in the ocean and they're nearly entirely land based. But if it was the Squeakwegs, who specialize in building boats, hunting large marine animals of baleen whale-size and engaging in oceanic warfare and storming other ships, they'd probably be able to become a serious threat to the sea-based societies of Late Ocean Age Serina. A potential weakness would be extreme cold, though, as they stuck to the warmer regions of the planet in the Glaciocene.
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Small, generalized omnivorous mammal with the ability to potentially expand in different environments, and Chinese Dwarf Hamsters are specifically common laboratory animals due to them being easy to keep so it makes sense they were used as an early test subject to analyze the habitability of a planet.
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Probably? Would be more difficult to develop minus the advantage of limbs but given enough time they'd probably get there eventually. IIRC there were some gliding species so it could potentially develop from there.
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Mostly forelimb-based propulsion similar to how vampire bats do today or how pterosaurs were believed to run.
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