#single lloyd
itzred-ovo · 2 years
Fairy Tale Ninja AU (Snippet{Ver. 1})
In a beautiful green forest, small and fluffy creatures are eating the food given by mother nature. Their peaceful dining for lunch was soon coming to an end as some sort of vortex appeared above under the leaves of the tall trees. “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!”, screams were coming from the ninja as they fell from the vortex. They groan in pain as they land on the grassy ground. “Owww… What the heck happened?” Jay asked as he slowly sits up. The rest do the same, they soon realize that they each are out of their ninja gi and wearing completely different clothing. The blink for a few more moments as they stand on their feet. Cole seems to be a werewolf with a black sleeveless, buttoned shirt and dark brown leather pants. His black soft hair grew about 2 inches longer and is barefoot. Nya was wearing a white shirt under a light pink tuxedo, thin black pants and fancy black shoes. Her hair tied into a bun with a golden accessory over her bun. Lloyd was wearing all green leathered clothing, with a green hat with a red feather stuck on it. Zane was wearing a white shirt under a dark brown tuxedo and pants with black fancy shoes. He was also disguised as a human but still a nindroid, just unable to show it. Jay was dressed like a pirate with a striped white and blue shirt with dark blue pants. And finally Kai, who wore a short red dress with long sleeves but cut around the shoulders. A small red hood was over his head and has snow white stockings with clean black shoes.
The others snickered as they see Kai in a short dress, except for Cole, who was blushing madly at the view. As for Kai he blushes in embarrassment, “Why is everyone looking at me?!” Nya giggles along with Jay. Zane looks around the forest and then turns back to his friends, “I believe Kai is right. We should be focusing more about where we are instead of what he is wearing.” Lloyd nods in agreement. “But what about what WE are wearing?” Jay asks. Then, they all look at their own clothing while Kai calms himself. “Hm. Whatever we’re wearing shouldn’t be a problem. But why would the villain we were facing send us to this specific place?” Nya questions with many thoughts in her head. “Maybe there’s some place nearby with people. We can ask them where we are!” Cole replies. Zane nods, “Scanning for any villages or towns nearby…”
He turns his whole body, scanning for what he’s searching for. Zane soon stops and points in front of him, “I sense a path. That should lead us to a town, if not, a village.” “Then let's get moving. We don’t know if this place has a time difference than in Ninjago.”, Lloyd states. They all nod and begin to walk in the direction Zane pointed them to.
They finally reach the path that should lead to a village. “So where do you think we are?” Cole asks slowly. The others shrug as an answer. The, costume party, ninjas continue to walk silently wandering around the beautiful, lush green forest.
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lloydfrontera · 20 days
sometimes i do feel for the adaptation team of tged when it comes to the relationship between alicia and lloyd because like. they were fighting a losing battle since the very beginning.
either they respected the source material and got crazy people (me) pointing out that the protagonist has more chemistry and relationship build up with his best friend than he does with his supposed romantic interest.
or they change it in the adaptation to make alloyd have more interactions and build up and get crazy people (me) upset and questioning why they're omitting or changing scenes that make lloyd and javier's relationship deeper in the novel to make them seem less close than they truly are.
there's just no winning for them because this is something that is inextricable from the source material
in the novel lloyd and javier's relationship is the core of the plot. whatever they have going on is the heart of the entire thing. and either you accept that and the fact that there's bound to be people who will see it as something romantic and be disgruntled when lloyd is unceremoniously married off to someone he barely knew and did not want to marry for 90% of the novel. or you change it and completely destroy the core of the plot, ruining what's probably the best part of the story.
it's an impossible choice,,,, if you're someone who can't stand the idea of having a protagonist who's a little fruity with his best friend that is lmao
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yasur-sketches · 8 months
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DD# 7
Lloyd and his kids he accidentally adopted 💪
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destinysbounty · 5 months
Yknow what really bugs me about the Oni Lloyd scene in s15? I mean, besides the obvious. It's that he's wearing golden armor. Which in itself isn't a bad thing, but the reason that bugs me is that there's so much wasted potential in that????
Like. Do you all remember that little plot thread from Rebooted, mentioning the "Curse of the Golden Master"? And how the ninja briefly questioned if Lloyd was destined to turn evil one day?
Golden Master. Lloyd's Oni Form is decked out in gold. See where I'm going with this?
Do you realize how cool of a callback that would be, if Oni!Lloyd had gotten the villain arc we'd all been hoping for??? Like c'mon, we were ROBBED
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queenpiranhadon · 2 months
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A/N: It makes me unnaturally happy to finally see my Rocky boy get some attention. Big thanks to @rainbow-flavoured-skittles for beta reading this!! Here's my masterlist!
Warning(s): This takes place after the fight with the Overlord, I haven't watched Dragons Rising nor do I plan to so it's only really cannon to Crystalize and prior, it IS Cole x reader but I did world build a little lol, reader is the Ninja of Nature (maybe related to Bolobo idk), reader is GN but is written with F!reader in mind, reader is called Blossom, reader calls Cole Rocky (Mister Dangerbuff supremacy)
Pairing(s): Cole Brookstone x Master of Nature!Reader
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After you fought the Overlord, it was quiet. 
Not in the sense of volume, but it was calm. Usually, you'd be restless, aching for a fight to keep the adrenaline pumping, but right now? 
You were happy to have a break. 
Especially with Cole. After months of figuring out feelings and sending mixed signals to each other (Cole had once thought you were in love with Jay — even though he was one, dating Nya, and two, you were asking the electricity ninja for tips on how to get Cole to like you back in the first place), he had confessed to you shyly and asked you out on a date. He took you to a coffee shop, and you guys just clicked. He made you happy, made you laugh, made you feel loved. And you loved him all the same.  
Seven months after dating, he asked you to move in with him, as if you didn't practically live with him from the amount of time you spent at his home. Moving in with him was seamless, it was like nothing changed, except now you woke up with an adorable, snoring Adonis of a man, and went to bed with a giant teddy bear who basically melted in your embrace. 
After you fought the Overlord, it was normal.  
It was like nothing happened, adjusting to your new lives immediately. Obviously, you and your fellow ninja were celebrities all over Ninjago - you all were probably asked to give autographs five times a day, minimum. Meeting up with your friends was a frequent occurrence, all going to Chen’s Noodle House and enjoying Skylar’s amazing cooking while catching up with the others.  
It was routine now, everything refreshingly the same, down to where you sat. You and Cole would take one of the booth seats, with Jay and Nya across from the two of you. Pixal sat down next to Nya, and Zane sat next to Cole, Lloyd and Kai at the head of the table (painfully single- much to Skylar and the rest of the ninja's annoyance).  
All of you had surprisingly adjusted to normal life without fighting opponents twenty-four -seven very easily, though some had more difficulty than others. 
 Jay worked as a event host at his local comic shop, organizing mini conventions and trivia nights for fellow geeks such as himself.  
Kai returned to the dojo he used to have, teaching children how to defend themselves so that they wouldn’t be as defenseless as he was when he lost his powers.  
Lloyd helped his mom and Master Wu reopen their tea shop from so long ago, working the cash register and making people’s lives a little happier with a bright smile every day.  
Nya worked as a mechanic in her free time, opening a garage and surrounding herself with what she did best: building. Jay stopped by on occasion, helping her with certain projects, but also joining her in tinkering with some spare 
parts sometimes. Zane and Pixal had the most difficulty adjusting, their different appearances making them stand out like sore thumbs. But eventually, they found their home giving lectures at schools with a different perspective on certain topics, enjoying the ability to share 
their infinite knowledge with others. And then there was Cole and yourself. Being a ninja of Nature, you worked at the local florist, finding it refreshing to be surrounded by so many plants whenever you could. You worked your magic with them, keeping the plants fresh and ending up owning the store yourself once the previous owner retired.  
Cole worked as a barista at the local coffee shop, and you stopped by to get food and give him some company on your breaks. It was nice, you think, to spend some time together with him after years of constantly fighting who knows what.  
You greet him, opening the door with a jingle, and walk up to him, as he was closing up.  
"Hey, Rocky," you hum, leaning against one of the tables as he sets his broom down. 
 He walks over to you, hugging you close by the waist and resting his chin on top of your head, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.  
"Hi, Blossom," he murmurs into your hair, and you take the time to just admire him. The curve of his nose, the small tilt of the corners of his mouth, showing that he was happy, the apples of his cheeks, the stubble that littered across his impeccable jawline. He smelled like the earth just after it rained, and ground coffee, one of the many things you love about him. His hair was artfully mussed, black tresses tucked underneath his visor, and you take it off his head, running your fingers through his hair. 
 It was just the two of you, standing inside the cafe in the light pf golden hour, drinking up each other’s warmth and love, together.  
After you fought the Overlord, it was nice.  
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Taglist: @tinadablackthorn
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night-invader · 3 months
My Au where Sensei G returned a couple of months after end of season 10 mixed with some show/movie crossover.
"the Lloyds chilling, S!Lloyd bought some sweets for them to share*
Movie Lloyd: dude, why do you look so much like your dad?
Show Lloyd: *turns to his counterpart and narrows his eyes* yeah,um, repeat that question again in your head, buddy. Duh, of course I look like him. Who should I resemble? The milkman?
Movie Lloyd: it's just.... weird how your dad can look so human.
Show Lloyd: Welp, you didn't get anything from yours, except for the snake tongue.
Movie Lloyd: y-yeah, that too.
Show Lloyd: you also got your mom's eye colour. I got my dad's. *Turns his eyes briefly red before returning to green, all the while grinning.*
Movie Lloyd: I still don't get how you can do that.
Show Lloyd: neither do I, kiddo.
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crowleycorvid · 2 months
Realized I never posted this erm
Dragons rising lloyd
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Dog Days Are Over by Florence and the Machine is AroAce!
requested by @the-decapod
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mythspy · 5 days
bk_moon. grabbing you by your shirt collar and shaking you around violently.
how can you make lloyd think that javier “resembled a beautiful painting that took countless hours to finish, elegant and perfect” and then make him straight.
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vanalex · 3 months
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mysticdragoni · 9 months
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goldenavenger02 · 7 months
lies of omission
So when they returned to the Monastery, and Lloyd retreated into the study to make a plan on how to obtain the dragon cores before Imperium could find out about them and the power they held, Sora couldn’t stop herself from grabbing Arin’s wrist and bringing him with her into her own plan.
Find out what else Lloyd was hiding.
This is for all 64 of you who voted on my poll, and the 25% of you who wanted the story about Arin and Sora finding out about Lloyd's heritage. I hope you all enjoy this one :)
“Um, how did you just never mention that you’re the grandson of the guy who created Ninjago?”
“Eh, it never came up.”
Sora didn’t want to be angry; between working with the others to locate the dragon cores, still trying to figure out the depths of his abilities as well as the fact that she knew that she would eventually have to go back to Imperium to stop Beatrix, the last thing she wanted was to be angry with Lloyd.
But, it still simmered inside her like a steady flame catching onto dry timber because he was keeping things from her and yeah, she wasn’t a ninja super fan like Arin, but he still could have told them before it ended up just coming out like that.
With how much had been kept from her all of her life, she wanted to believe that Lloyd would be different, that she could finally trust another adult again, but this just proved to her that she was sorely mistaken.
So when they returned to the Monastery, and Lloyd retreated into the study to make a plan on how to obtain the dragon cores before Imperium could find out about them and the power they held, Sora couldn’t stop herself from grabbing Arin’s wrist and bringing him with her into her own plan.
Find out what else Lloyd was hiding.
“I don’t know, Sora,” Arin admitted as she picked the lock on Lloyd’s bedroom door, twisting the small piece of metal she carried with her for this exact reason carefully, “if he’s locking us out of his room, he probably doesn’t want us to go in there.”
“He’s hiding more than being the First Spinjitzu Master’s grandson, Arin,” Sora shook her head as she felt the lock click into being unlocked, “and I am sick of not being told the truth by others, especially when I’m supposed to trust them.”
“Was it really a lie though?” Arin asked as she twisted the knob, opening the dark room and allowing him to step in before shutting the door and pocketing the hand-crafted metal pick, “it’s not like we ever asked who his grandfather was.”
“It was a lie of omission, purposefully not telling us that,” she insisted as she put her hand on the wall in order to find the light switch, “how can we even be sure that my elemental powers weren’t passed down somehow like the others? Just because Lloyd had never seen it doesn’t mean that no one had ever seen it.”
“I guess you’re right,” Arin shrugged while putting his hand on the light switch and flicking it upwards while speaking, “after all, there was a whole elemental alliance during the Serpentine Wars and-whoa.”
Sora couldn’t even ask because when she turned around from where her eyes had been scanning Lloyd’s extensive bookshelf full of Starfarer comics at the foot of his bed, she laid her eyes on what had cut Arin off.
It wasn’t the vertical, cracked, wooden frame on his bedside table with a photo of an older man putting his hand on the shoulder of a much younger Lloyd or the horizontal frame of their teacher around the same age, but standing next to the much younger ninja and his uncle.
No, it was the haphazardly open scroll lying in front of both of them, displaying a drawing of a golden monster that had four arms, large horns sticking out of its head and glowing purple eyes.
“What the hell is that thing?” Sora demanded as she picked up the scroll, feeling the wear on the edges of it, not surprised that it was in a much older form of Ninjargon with how yellow it was.
“I think it’s an Oni,” Arin supplied as he walked forward to examine the illustration closer, his eyes squinting with concentration, “but the Oni aren’t gold, they’re as black as the deepest darkness you’ve ever seen.”
“Arin, you’re speaking in gibberish,” Sora cut off her friend’s ramblings while pushing the scroll into his hands, “what is an Oni?”
“They’re demons who only want to destroy. They invaded Ninjago when I was a little kid, and turned everybody into stone with their darkness,” Arin insisted as he tried to read the ancient language, “but the ninja vanquished them with the Tornado of Creation. They’re supposed to be gone.”
Sora’s heart dropped as she continued to look at the illustration and her stomach dropped just thinking about fighting that thing…even with help from Riyu, there was no way that she was anywhere near ready to fight a demon who only wanted to destroy, especially not one that was different enough that it worried Arin.
“Can you make out any of the Ninjargon?” Sora questioned, stuffing her hands into her pocket as she leaned over his shoulder even though she was fully aware that it was way out of her league.
“Only one phrase, and I’m not even sure if it’s right,” Arin admitted, his voice shaking as he spoke, “the descendant of light and darkness”,” 
The fear on her best friend’s face was enough to make her worry that he knew exactly what that meant, but she knew that she had to ask regardless, her mouth going dry, “Lloyd is the grandson of the First Spinjitzu Master-”
“-and the son of Lord Garmadon.” Arin confirmed as he put the scroll down, “we need to get out of here, now-”
“What are you two doing in here?”
Lloyd’s voice was stern, quite a few degrees above any of the annoyance that Sora had heard before, only making her fears that he was going to unleash the entirety of whatever the hell she and Arin couldn’t translate on them.
But when the two of them turned around, she was mildly relieved that he looked exactly like himself, albeit pissed off as he continued to speak, “this is an invasion of privacy, you two.”
“We’re leaving now, Lloyd,” Arin insisted, grabbing onto Sora’s wrist and trying to pull her out, but despite her fear, her anger took over and she refused to move despite Arin’s insistence of “Sora, let’s go.”
“Why didn’t you tell us that the First Spinjitzu Master is your grandfather?”
“I already explained this, Sora,” Lloyd sighed as his eyes continued to scan the room, seemingly trying to figure out what they had messed with, “it never came up.”
“It just never came up?” Sora scoffed as she reached for the scroll, making sure that it unrolled itself where Lloyd could see it in all of its horrific glory, “or did you want to keep this from us, like everything else that you haven’t told us?”
Sora expected Lloyd to lash out at her, to tell her to get out of his monastery, even just to scream at her for violating his personal space; so when his muscles tensed and his face froze in a mix of what looked like guilt and fear, she almost felt bad for not leaving when Arin tried to pull her away. Almost.
“Arin, I need to speak to Sora. Alone.” Lloyd finally spoke, his fists still balled up in what looked like stress until Arin left the room, when he only moved to pull the worn scroll out of her hands.
“My parents hid everything from me,” Sora’s anger was bubbling up now, unable to be stopped as she started to shout, “everyone hid everything from me in Imperium and I thought you were different, Lloyd!”
“Sora-” Lloyd started, but her yells cut him off with a violence that scared her in the deepest parts of her beating heart.
“Ever since we met, you’ve been honest with us. You told us everything, and now this!” Tears were starting to prick at her eyes against her will, the signs of where she had grown up starting to push through the exterior that she had built, “I wanted you to be different, Lloyd. I needed you to be different.”
“Do you really want to know everything?” Lloyd’s voice was filled with a comforting tone despite the numbness in between the lines, but when Sora nodded, the last thing she wanted to hear came out, “then you’ll have to wait.”
“But why?” She demanded, starting to feel the fire burn in her chest again, “why don’t you want me to know?”
“It has nothing to do with you, Sora. It has everything to do with me,” and with those words, the fire was instantly extinguished with confusion, but her lack of questioning allowed him to continue, “I’m not ready to talk about it. I don’t fully understand all of it, nor did I ever want it to happen. I can’t stop you from doing your own research, nor would I ever dissuade you with how much your ancient Ninjargon needs work.”
Despite the heavy air around them, she couldn’t help but smile briefly at the mild jab at her awful translation skills before letting out the apology that had built up despite her anger.
“I understand, and I’m really sorry for digging through your stuff, but can I ask you one question? After that, I’m done prying. I swear.”
“You can ask me whatever you need to, Sora,” Lloyd insisted, his gentle, calloused hand resting on her metal shoulder, “whenever you need to, even if I’m unable to answer.”
“Are you an Oni?” She couldn’t hide her voice trembling and given Lloyd’s slight slump of his body, he definitely heard it as well.
“The First Spinjitzu Master was half Oni and half Dragon, so are Garmadon and Master Wu, but my mother is human.”
“So you’re Oni, Dragon and human?” Lloyd’s nod was all the confirmation she received to which she couldn’t but speak while the pieces clicked in her head, “that’s why you’re the conduit, because you’re part dragon.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” Lloyd agreed before waving her toward the door, the scroll still in his left hand, “I’ll be out to talk about the plan in a few minutes. You should head downstairs.”
“Okay,” Sora nodded and headed toward the door, only to stop and say, “and Lloyd? I get the whole “shitty parents” thing, so you can talk to me too.”
“Does this mean you still trust me?” Lloyd’s voice was soft as he looked up from the scroll, his green eyes full of genuine questioning.
“Yeah,” Sora agreed, no longer harboring the anger that had built up inside of her once he she had processed his reasoning for his own lies of omission, “yeah, I guess it does.”
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
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there's a 100m beaver literally trying to crush you to death can you guys not flirt for like five seconds
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Thought about Ninjago for too long - took psychic damage and now I need to turn my entire body inside-out in order to feel normal again
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nyaskitten · 1 year
Early Ninjago is so fucked up because how am I supposed to handle one of the most tragic scenes ever and some of the most painful plot points when we literally also have shit like Jay stealing an old man's boxers because he forget to get underwear? LIKE early Ninjago you will always be so famous to me
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neteyammeowmeow · 11 months
i posted a deepseaenergy edit guys ok
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