#sick lance
Shiro had warned him. Hunk had warned him. Coran had warned him. Hell, Keith had even warned him, and offered one of his hoodies.
But had Lance listened? No, of course not. His stubborn ass refused any sort of layer and marched right out to the chilly planet in nothing but his jeans and baseball tee (he forwent his jacket in what Keith firmly believed to be spite), denying that he was cold through teeth chattering so badly that none of his words were actually legible by the time the negotiations wrapped up and they headed home.
“You sure you don’t want my hoodie?” Keith had asked, admittedly a little smug.
“Ch — choke to d — death,” Lance had replied, with as much dignity as he could with his lips turning blue.
(It’s not even that the planet was below freezing, or anything. It was maybe 14°C, give or take a couple degrees. But Lance had the shittiest circulation of anyone Keith had ever met, and as a result could not stay in cold environments very long without really starting to feel it. Sometimes Keith affectionately called him his little gecko, which Lance hated and everyone else found hilarious. Keith will admit that the gecko comment may have been part of the reason that Lance refused to wear a goddamned hoodie.)
Regardless of the reason for the Red Paladin’s stubbornness, when he walked into the kitchen the next morning with a red nose and a duvet wrapped around his shoulders, looking absolutely miserable, Keith can’t quite hide his smile.
He’s not the only one.
“Morning, popsicle,” Pidge greets, smirking.
Lance doesn’t even look at her, squinting at the space in front of him with bleary eyes. “Go fuck yourself.”
Hunk smiles into his cup, shaking his head, but Shiro has the good grace to at least look sympathetic.
“Got a little cold, there, buddy?”
“I’m actually dying.”
Allura snorts. “You don’t have to milk it, doofus. I’m not going to make you train like that.”
Lance sniffles, coughing wetly into his elbow. Keith starts to feel the first stirrings of pity in his gut.
“Good, because I might have died. My shrivelled lungs would have given out and collapsed, and that would be on your conscious.”
“Your lungs are fine, dear,” Coran says, eyes twinkling.
Lance tries to scoff, but it gets caught in his throat and turns into another cough. “None of you love me.”
He finally shuffles over to the food goo machine, squeezing out the smallest bowl Keith has ever seen him eat — his appetite must be shot — and makes his miserable way back over to the table, collapsing next to Keith.
As soon as he’s settled, Keith hooks his ankle around the leg of Lance’s chair, dragging him closer. He throws his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulder hoping his ‘seriously insane levels of human furnace — are you half Galra or half red sun’ (Lance’s words, obviously) will help Lance feel a little comfier. He pulls back the duvet hood just enough to expose Lance’s face a little, and presses a kiss to his temple.
“I’m sorry you’re sick,” he whispers, “even if I damn well told you to wear a jacket.”
Lance huffs, but a smile threatens to break free of the deep frown he’s forcing on his face.
“Shut up.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, jerk.”
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icypantherwrites · 5 months
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New Fic: Fireworks
Summary:  A giant fireworks celebration was set to mark the finalization of the alliance Voltron had been working on all week and Lance could not have been more excited to watch it with his team. Unfortunately the local flu bug he managed to catch had different plans. But fortunately for Lance, his team does too.
Story snippet:
“I’m fine,” he gasped again, trying to straighten up where he was now leaning against Hunk’s arm and catch the other boy’s eyes. “Pr-promise.”
And even with half of Hunk’s face hidden by a mask Lance could see him frowning with clear concern and he was going to insist on staying and it wasn’t fair and he couldn’t let Hunk do that.
“Please,” Lance whispered, hand tightening on Hunk’s forearm and Hunk’s eyes widened. “G-go. Watch it for, for me. Okay?”
“Oh, hermano,” Hunk murmured, eyes softening.
Lance patted Hunk’s arm in response, his chest still tight and trying very hard to tell himself the hot tears forming in his eyes were the result of the coughing fit.
He’d be fine.
He would.
It, it was just a fireworks show with his team that he’d probably never get to see like this again.
“I’ll make sure to take lots of pictures,” Hunk squeezed his shoulders as he guided Lance back to his pillow throne. “And videos. And, and I won’t be gone long.”
“I know,” Lance mustered up a smile as he would not make Hunk feel bad, he would not. He wanted this and he wanted Hunk to go and have fun.
Read it here
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nostalgicish · 11 days
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“oh no.”
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calmparticles · 4 months
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Happy new year 1997! 🎉🍾
I'm meaning. 2023.9999999999999999999!!!!!!! 🎉🍾
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gehtsis · 8 months
haven't talked about this pantsy red headed dork in a hot minute so i made this outta boredom
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deckoftrickcards · 12 days
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i listend to Harvest Moon an embarrassing amount of times while doodling this IM GONNA THROW UP
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vee-is-a-clown · 3 months
Lance: And that's how I think we should take out the incoming Galra invasion.
Keith:[Raises his hand]
Lance:[High fives Keith]
Keith: No, actually, I was raising my hand to ask a question.
Lance: Oh, sorry. Go ahead with your question.
Keith: Alright, where the fuck are we supposed to get authentic feudal trebuchets?
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overtake · 1 month
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bluemantics · 9 months
Transcript quotes from a VLD ghost hunting au (in the style of The Office)
Hunk: Keith and Lance decided to go ghost hunting last year. Keith wanted to find ghosts, but Lance just thought Keith was hot and was willing to follow him to shady places.
Lance: any place is a makeout spot if you have enough determination.
Keith: I’m taking out the EMF reader.
Lance: HA, an Emo Mother Fucker reader.
Keith: ….
Keith: Sometimes I feel like Lance doesn’t take this seriously.
Lance: Do you think if I start banging these pans together a ghost will yell at me to stop? loudly hits pans together
Keith: I’m starting to think he doesn’t believe.
Lance: Oh, yeah. I never believed in ghosts. The things you do for hot men… unspeakable.
Keith: Ms. Petunia, if you can hear me, turn the flashlight on and off.
Lance: I could turn YOU on!
Keith: Sorry, what?
Lance: Uh, I was talking to the light
Lance: I was not talking to the light.
Keith: it looks like the ghosts aren’t active tonight.
Lance: DARN, guess we’ll have to go for dinner and a movie! What a shame.
Keith: I guess we can. Do you want to see the new horror film that we watched the trailer for?
Lance: …sure.
Lance: I hate horror.
He hates horror, but if he wants to get in my pants that badly, he’ll have to endure “Blood on Shore 3” first.
*Someone speaks off camera*
Keith: Yeah, I know it’s a date. I just like fucking with Lance. I’ll kiss him at the end, he’s earned it.
(Later interviews)
Lance: my subtle plan worked!
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atorionsbelt · 11 months
ted lasso cast + tiny mic
(i think phil has fallen in love with it)
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Keith would like to say it was the sound of muffled retching that woke him up. Really, it was Lance accidentally kicking him in the groin in his desperate attempt to escape the tangled mess of sheets before he upchucked.
For the sake of his pride and also because Lance absolutely will laugh at him, Keith will pretend it’s the noise.
“Babe? You good?” he asks, rubbing his eye and leaning on the bathroom door.
“I’m fine,” Lance rasps between gags. “Go back to bed.”
“Not a chance, sweetheart.” Keith bends down to press a quick kiss to Lance’s sweaty forehead, and then pads over to the sink to fill a glass of water and dampen a cloth.
“I bet you weren’t thinking of this when you promised in sickness and health, huh.”
Keith settles down on the floor, pressed flush next to Lance. He takes his husbands free hand in his — Lance’s other hand preoccupied with holding his poor, tired head up — and squeezes three times in quick succession.
“No, I was,” Keith promises.
Lance coughs — a horribly deep cough, that sounds like it hurts — and Keith winces. He presses the back of his hand to Lance’s cheeks and then forehead, tutting.
“This one’s gonna be rough, baby.”
Lance sighs. “I know.”
He looks so upset. Keith truly wishes, with everything he has, that he could take some of Lance’s pain for himself. It’s not fair. Not at all. Why should Lance have to suffer so often? What asshole higher power decided hey — see that guy down there? The kind one, the one with a heart of gold? He gets a shitty immune system. Let’s punish him for no reason.
Goddamn bastards.
“Maybe it won’t be that horrible,” Keith tries. He carefully wraps his arm around Lance’s shoulders, pulling up his other hand to press a gentle kiss to the space just above his ring. “I work from home for the rest of the week. I’ll sit with you in bed and we’ll watch Pixar movies that always make me cry and you’ll gracefully pretend you don’t notice, and I’ll get you those blue popsicles you like. That’ll be nice, yeah?”
Lance hums, leaning bonelessly into Keith’s side. “Yeah. We’ll watch Nemo first.”
“Oh, you sadist jackass.”
Lance giggles. “You always cry and the most dumbass of times.”
“I do not! Dory getting excited about the little jellyfish is a perfectly normal time to cry! She’s so lonely!”
Lance laughs harder — hard enough to bring on a sneeze, so hard he loses control and brains himself on the toilet.
Keith chokes.
“Are you — are you okay,” he asks, desperately trying to shove the laughter deep down somewhere in his stomach, but the effort makes his voice shake.
There’s a beat of silence, air so thick with Lance’s barely concealed rage that Keith can barely keep ahold of himself.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Lance shouts, and Keith can’t hold it anymore.
“I — I’m sorry,” he tries between gasps, but Lance glares at him playfully, smacking him with the damp cloth from earlier.
“What kind of horrible husband laughs when I almost die via toilet-bludgeoning?”
Keith makes an effort to quiet down his chuckles, even though he knows Lance is only teasing. “One with a normal sense of humour. Can you imagine the eulogy I’d have to give?”
Lance scoffs. “Imagine giving my eulogy a lot, do you, Kogane? Dreaming of that life insurance payout?”
“Oh, please. You think I’m getting any money from your dusty ass? You’re as broke as I am, Kogane.”
Lance grins, like he always does when Keith calls him that. It was cute five years ago at the altar, and it’s cute now.
Gods above, Keith loves his husband.
“If you really think my ass is that dusty, you’re welcome to make friends with your right hand again.”
Keith presses a messy kiss to Lance’s cheek. “You know I’d never survive without you, baby.”
“Damn right,” Lance huffs.
The sit together for a few moments, long enough that Keith’s ass goes numb from the cold tile floor, comfortable silence broken only by Lance’s frequent coughs or sniffles.
“Think you’re good, now?” Keith asks after a while, when no further vomiting occurs.
Lance hums. “I hope so.”
Keith pats his hip. “Alright then, up you get. It’s freezing in here. Let’s go back to bed.”
They stand up and stretch — Keith making his usual complaints about his back, and Lance teasing him about being an old man as if he’s not only a fuckin’ year younger — and then make their way back to bed. Lance fluffs up the pillows while Keith straightens the blankets, and then they crawl in, Lance making himself comfortable by flopping on top of Keith’s entire person.
Keith doesn’t mind. He likes his dorky little bony weighted blanket.
“Thank you for sitting with me,” Lance whispers, long after Keith’s eyes have begun to close.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” Keith confesses, and the last thing he feels before he drops off into dreamland is the press of Lance’s smile into his chest.
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icypantherwrites · 3 months
Fic Update: Bottled Ocean, Chapter 38
Chapter snippet:
It had been about four hours by his best count that he’d been tied up to the mast and Lance was starting to feel a little sick.
Although he wasn’t actually sure that was the right word for it.
His stomach was a bit upset but it was less of a nauseated sick than a painful knot although it had nothing on the tight sensation traveling up his arms and chest where, just as he’d feared, the position was proving to be more than uncomfortable.
Shifting even slightly though did nothing to alleviate it and only sent a new tremor of pain through his shoulders and the only thing that helped at all was trying to sit a little taller but then that made his back hurt.
But more than that pain…
There was a prickle making its way across his entire body that was making him feel ill. He’d experienced a bit of it back when he’d pull himself up on the Holts’ deck for extended periods and Katie had always said it was sunburn, but Lance had never burned like the Holts’ did. Pale skin versus dark, Katie had reasoned, but he was still able to burn even if it wasn’t as obvious.
And, well, Lance definitely would say he felt a bit like he was burning as the sun had risen fully into the sky and while not yet the hottest heat of the midday it was hot enough.
And this prickle was moreso than before. Maybe it was the amount of time he’d been out in the sun, Lance reasoned, as at most he spent a couple hours fully on the Holts’ deck and this was at least double that.
Plus he was thirsty.
He swallowed painfully again against the dryness of his throat that he’d never really felt in his life and he did not like it.
His lips were starting to feel funny too — not smooth anymore but sort of rough and almost flaky — and licking them to moisten them made them hurt and made his throat feel even drier so he was trying not to do that.
And his tail…
Lance gave it the barest flick — well aware he wasn’t supposed to look like he was trying to escape and he wasn’t but he didn’t want his Night Elf guard to think otherwise — and even that action felt hard and the prickle was there too and it just sort of made him want to vomit and he didn’t understand why.
What was this legend of the Mers that Lotor wanted to find? Lance couldn’t think of anything in their history that involved any type of sun exposure other than sometimes in the darkest, coldest cycles some Mer needed to go to the surface to see and feel the sun to warm themselves and bring light back to their eyes. But Lance didn’t feel cold.
He just felt hot.
He couldn’t even summon up a tiny smirk at the self-compliment as it just made his stomach roll again.
He really didn’t feel good.
Read the full chapter here
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bleepzip · 15 days
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princelancey · 8 months
balance is restored 🧘‍♀️
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scrollonso · 1 month
need more strollonso. need more. NEEEEEEED.
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deckoftrickcards · 1 month
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they are stupid dumb and gay and i hate them (i am listening to adrienne lenker)
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