#sick bunny kita
cptsadist · 1 month
Sorry I drew Kita again, she's one of my fave characters to draw, I love her design. // Pls don't be weird about her, Kita is a minor!!
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Based off this song:
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sickbunny-official · 1 year
This was based off a song called "Hey Bunny" that I think fits Kita super well! I love my broken gremlin girl
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Thank me!
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Kita x Single mom!reader
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Summary: After moving to the country-side your daughter’s new babysitter asks if you’d go on a date with her grandson to repay her(really bad summary but it is what happens somewhat!)
Part two!!!
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Tw: Minor self deprecating thoughts, overworking yourself(referred to as workaholics), reader has allergies(like pollen type allergies), light mention of skipping lunch due to lack of time, light cursing.
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The first time you had met Kita was after you moved to the country side. You had needed a babysitter for your precious two year old daughter Keiko, and thankfully when you told this to your neighbor who you had been chatting with on her porch with your daughter situated on your lap as she poured you a glass of lemonade she quickly offered to babysit her.
“I don’t have much to do anymore.” She tells you letting out a sorrowful sigh, “I used to babysit but they’re all grown now and have moved out of town.” You nod listening to her little stories as she asks you what hours you’d need her to watch Keiko for.
And come Monday you’re right in her driveway dropping your daughter off to the babysitter.
A few days later and Keiko is running out the house to meet you as she babbles random nonsense.
“Oh that’s so nice baby I’m glad you had a good time than” she nods happily as you buckled her into her car seat.
As the weeks pass by Yumie begins to treat you and Keiko more and more like family everyday, and today you get to meet this Shinsuke that Mrs. Yumie had told you about. He watched you from the porch frantically search the car for something before pulling out a pink stuffed bunny assumably for Keiko who his grandmother had told him so many positive things about until he was certain the toddler could do no wrong. He watched as you face dropped in disappointment when the rain began to pour down right as you reached for the door handle and watched as you almost cried at the timing.
Your day had been shit, you woke up with horrible allergies but you can’t really afford to take a vacation day if you want to bring Keiko on a vacation, so you go into work sick and lucky for you the one time you close your eyes due to your pressure headache, your boss is right behind you and decides that if this is happening all the time he doesn’t know if your a good fit for the job and after much begging and promising that the job is perfect for you he finally left you alone when it was time for your lunch break only to discover you forgot your lunch, so instead you decided to go and grab lunch from a small cafe but instead you ended up passing a little boutique where you saw the cutest little stuffed animal but the time you spent searching for one besides the display one costed you your whole lunch break, but you thought it would have been worth the cute little smile and giggles Keiko would give you so whatever you ended up having a snack from your purse that you found anyways so it worked itself out as you continued your shitty day!
But now you were tired and you just wanted to curl up with your baby but the rain was making it impossible to do so without getting completely drenched and it’s making yoh want to cry because you just want to relax and hold her tight because you miss your daughter and of course it starts ducking pouring the moment you try and get out the car.
You run your hand down your face jumping slightly when you hear a few taps on your door to see a gray haired man with black tips on his hair shifting his weight from side to side as he stands with his coat above his head by your door. Quickly you open your door getting under his coat as he shifts it to fully cover you sacrificing his dry clothes to keep you dry, he probably has another shirt in his grandmother’s house anyways(he does not.)
Once the two of you get on the porch you give him a small thank you as he blushes slightly but your convincing yourself it’s cause he just got rained on.
He opens the door quickly shutting it behind you as Keiko comes rushing out of the kitchen as you settle her onto your hip.
“Hi my angel” you whisper quietly to her as she smiles rubbing her cheek against your own.
You pull back and she pours a bit before you show her the plushy and her eyes light up in excitement at the new toy.
“Thank you” she whispers in her little toddler voice.
You coo at her a bit as you pepper kisses all across her face while going to see Yumie who is sat at her kitchen table while she picks at her grandson lovingly.
“I see he helped you out of the rain” she says motioning to your dry clothes before her eyes go back to Shinsuke who stands in the kitchen dripping water onto her floor.
“I told you to go get a towel!” She tells him before he rushes off to the bathroom.
She laughs softly before noticing the way your eyes follow him out of the room, “he’s handsome isn’t he?” She asks lightly teasing you when you get a nervous and begin tripping over your own words.
“No!” You try to defend yourself but now it sounds offensive, “I mean he is but you know like-“you’re cut off by Yumie as she stares at you.
“Are you sick right now?” She asks about to stand up.
“No ma’am horrible allergies” you tell her quietly as Keiko stares up at you pointing to all the patterns on the fabric of the rabbits ear.
“Ah” she hums for a moment getting up and going over to the stove before boiling a kettle of water, “my allergies used to be bad when I was younger.” She recalls getting a fond look in her eyes as she begins telling you stories of her youth like some of her friends others how she met her late husband.
Before you know it she’s setting a cup of tea with honey mixed into it in front of you as she tells you about how it’s good for allergies.
The simple gesture makes you want to burst out crying, today had been stressful but you didn’t think you’d overworked yourself enough for tears!
She puts her hand over yours in a comforting manner as your eyes fill with tears.
After a few seconds you breath in, “I just don’t know how I could ever thank you enough” you let out a shaky laugh and she pauses seriously considering.
“You could always thank me by going on a date with Shinsuke” she says like she hadn’t just offered to set you up with one of the prettiest men you’ve ever seen.
You glance to the corner of the room letting out a few giggles at her comment before seeing the man himself standing at the entrance to the kitchen blushing like crazy as he stares at his grandmother.
Never before had she tried to set him up with anyone. She never approved of any past girlfriends he had broughten to meet her always insisting they weren’t the ones for him, and she’d always be right like some sick sixth sense she always knew that the girls wouldn’t be Shinsuke’s forever person and she hadn’t been wrong before. That’s why he finds it so shocking that she’s trying to set the two of you up, obviously she must think pretty highly of you if she’s offering to set the two of you up, even if she is joking(she’s not also probably not the first time she’s offered to get you a date with him😭)
“Oh, why not?” She asks sadly and the two of you immediately loose all the will to insist not to that you had in you, “it doesn’t even have to be romantic! The two of you are both workaholics! It’d be nice if you two could both take a little break from work focus on yourselfs! Plus it’s be a nice chance for you two to get to know eachother!” She tells you and you look to Kita nervously, how would he react maybe he’d be beyond disgusted and harshly reject you before you could even say anything.
He gives a small shrug looking down at you, “I don’t see why not, I know a nice little restaurant we could go if you’d like” he offers giving you a chance to back out.
You nod softly asking about the time and date and before you know it your walking out of your daughter’s babysitter’s house with a date!
But when the day comes you find yourself incredibly nervous, in between setting up the date and the actual date you had several more encounters with Shinsuke. One of the more recent he had been sitting on the wooden swing on the porch as Yumie sat in her rocker as Kita gently swished the swing back and forth as Keiko laid her head against his chest as she slept. Her little chubby cheeks being squished up as she used one hand to clutch his shirt and the other to hold onto the ear of her plush rabbit you had bought.
You smile fondly as you think of the memory while finishing getting ready. You had exchanged numbers with Shinsuke quite some time ago and he told you all you needed to know about the date quickly putting out any concerns you had about dress codes and what not.
Once you pulled into Yumie’s drive way Shinsuke was already out on the porch sitting on the swing getting up to help you get Keiko’s bag as you parked.
Yumie had insisted that Keiko could spend the night, telling you that even if the date happened to go horribly wrong she’d still love to have Keiko over, telling you all about how she missed babysitting her grandkids like this during their summers. So you agreed albeit nervously, Keiko had never spent the night away from you and you hadn’t spent the night from her since she was born and you aren’t sure you’ll know what to do with yourself.
Gently Kita lifts a sleeping Keiko from her car seat as she leans against his shoulder, his other arm he holds the over night bag and your quickly going to open the door for him and he smiles softly as you shit the door behind you two watching as he sets Keiko down on the couch gently as he covers her with a blanket putting a pillow on the sides of her as he takes care to see that she won’t fall off the couch as soon as the two of you leave.
Once Yumie notices the two of you have settled Keiko onto the couch she’s quickly telling the two of you to hurry and go to your date before your late, for what you’re not sure because you didn’t think it was a restaurant you had to make reservations at, maybe it was?
Turns out it wasn’t the restaurant Yumie was warning the two of you about being late for it was a drive in movie that she had over heard the cashiers at the grocery store talking about last time she went grocery shopping.
The two of you sat in the tailgate of his truck after he pulled out a few blankets folding them up enough to build a softer seat thaf the two of you shared and watched the movie. By the time he drove you back to Yumie’s house you were dead tired enough to fall asleep in the truck.
Maybe that’s why Yumie has insisted on Keiko sleeping over and maybe she was also right about needing a break from work because when you woke up the next morning on one of Yumie’s couches with Keiko sleeping practically in your back you felt like you had the best sleep of your life.
You rubbed your eyes tiredly as you gently moved Keiko to lay on top of you so it was more comfortable for her as you looked around the living room noticing Shinsuke asleep on the couch on the other side of the room as one of his legs hangs off the couch.
You smile fondly before gently slipping out from underneath Keiko to find Yumie in the kitchen smiling softly as you as you sit at the table.
“How’d it go?” She asks quietly knowing the two were sleeping.
“I think it went really well” you say quietly but apparently not quiet enough as you hear a few quiet cries from Keiko but before you can get up to check on her you see her run across the living room to a sleeping Shinsuke, causing you to get up quickly to try and tell her not to wake him up or anything but by the time you get into the living room she’s curled up against Shinsuke’s chest as he pats her back lightly giving you a soft smile when he sees your eyes relax at the sight.
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I will gladly write a part two if anyone is interested!! Will also probably post this on ao3! I’m working on a part two currently and may possibly write a part three since I have ideas for it!!(should probably just turn it into a series, I’ll do a Kita series when I get an idea one day!!)the pat two should come out sometime this week(possibly today or tomorrow!!)
Also I have a prompt list so here’s the link for that if you’d like tk check it out! I haven’t gotten any requests yet so all the prompts are open!!!
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historyhermann · 1 year
Bocchi the Rock! Review
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Bocchi the Rock is a slice-of-life comedic music anime based on a manga by Aki Hamaji. It is directed by Keiichirō Saitō and written by Erika Yoshida. It is produced by CloverWorks, a seven-year-old Japanese studio known for series such as Slow Start, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, The Promised Neverland, Akebi's Sailor Uniform, and Spy × Family. This review will have spoilers.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs, my History Hermann WordPress blog (where it will be published on Mar. 1), and Wayback Machine. This was the sixteenth article I wrote for Pop Culture Maniacs. This post was originally published on December 14, 2022.
The show's plot centers around a socially awkward girl named Hitori Goto (voiced by Yoshino Aoyama) who struggles making friends at school or anywhere, playing cover songs under the name "guitarhero". She is pulled into a group at an underground bar named STARRY by a girl named Nijika Ijichi (voiced by Sayumi Suzushiro), and meets Ryo Yamada (voiced by Saku Mizuno), who plays bass. The fellow members of the Kessoku Band dub her "Bocchi", saying they are fans of her "guitarhero" channel.
The series follows the development of Kessoku Band, which expands to four members after Bocchi convinces guitarist Ikuyo Kita (voiced by Ikumi Hasegawa). Over the series, Bocchi becomes more comfortable with other people, effectively coming out of her shell. This makes the series different from the popular 23-episode anime, Komi Can't Communicate, which centers on a quiet beautiful girl named Shoko Komi, who is also very socially awkward.
Instead, Bocchi the Rock! has more similarities to Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu, which also features a socially awkward and anxious protagonist. At the same time, Bocchi is, arguably, not as physically attractive in the same way as Komi.
Furthermore, her expressions, words, and actions make her more relatable than any other character with similar characteristics, especially when she imagines a dark, depressing future for herself several times throughout the series. For those who are socially awkward, the tendency to hide away from the world and ignore others makes her someone that they can connect to, more than other characters.
This anime is unique because it is one of the only recent music anime series, which are not centered on idols. That distinguishes it from Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club, Shine Post, and Love Live! Superstar!! which aired this year. It also sets it apart from relatively recent non-idol music series such as Healer Girl and Lost Song, neither of which feature rock bands.
Each of the characters in Bocchi the Rock! stand out in their own way, contributing uniquely to the show's comedy. However, Bocchi has the most comedic moments in the series, in comparison to the other characters.
Animation and background art of Bocchi the Rock! is simpler than other series, like Do It Yourself!!. Even so, the art style stands out, especially when paired with Bocchi. For instance, when she was listening to the psychedelic rock band, Sick Hack, she is shown in a mix of psychedelic colors. After all, the animation and background art can be very dynamic, as it is in the series opening.
The series music is informed by realism more than other series, in terms of chords and sound of the songs. For example when the band isn't coordinated, the songs sound discordant. When they have more confidence, the songs sound stronger.
This is enhanced by emphasizing the reality of playing in a band. It also couples with mature themes. One example of this is the talented vocalist, and bassist, of Sick Hack, Kikuri Hiroi (voiced by Sayaka Senbongi), who is an alcoholic. She spends most of what she earns on booze. She is almost as drunk as the character, Shorty, is throughout the Tangled animated series.
Even so, she encourages Bocchi, as does STARRY manager, Seika Ijichi (voiced by Maaya Uchida), the older sister of Nijika. This support, and friendly disposition of her fellow band members, allows Bocchi to grow as a person. That is part of what makes the show enjoyable.
Although Bocchi is very anti-social, she does not go on an adventure to leave society behind, in effect, as the protagonists of the amazing 2018 adventure anime A Place Further Than the Universe do. Instead, she expresses her social awkwardness through her actions and her music, while continuing to attend school. In this way, she fits within existing social norms, while remaining anti-social.
The voice acting of Aoyama, Suzushiro, Mizuno, Hasegawa, Senbongi, and Uchida in Bocchi the Rock! shines through and grounds the show itself, especially during songs. The same can be said for those voicing Hiroi's fellow band members, Eliza Shimizu and Shima Iwashita, or those voicing Hitori's mother, father, sister, and dog.
Many of the voice actors in the series are recognizable due to their voice performances in previous anime. This includes their voice overs for characters in well-known series such as Princess Tutu, Non Non Biyori, My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!, Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, Bloom Into You, and The Promised Neverland.
Others have voiced characters in My Master Has No Tail, Love After World Domination, The Demon Girl Next Door, and Kaguya-sama: Love Is War. This seasoned voice talent makes Bocchi the Rock! a much stronger series than anime which have newer voice actors.
The series has Bocchi at its core, its heart. Bocchi drives the series forward. Unlike series such as Wednesday, where Wednesday Addams holds the series up to such an extent that without her it would collapse, other characters serve as supporting pillars.
Bocchi's moodiness, emotion, and social awkwardness often all combine together, even causing her disappear or turn into nothingness, especially when she is experiencing too much social interaction or stimulation. While this is not necessarily realistic, it is relatable.
As such, she is more relatable than the aforementioned Komi or Hitori, in their respective series, or even the protagonists of Aharen-san wa Hakarenai and Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club. However, her character is not unique, as there are various shy, timid, and socially awkward characters across anime, something which is more common than ever.
Bocchi the Rock! centers on a socially awkward protagonist, with a focus on what friendship means, and balancing one's social abilities with possible social exhaustion. This sets her apart from other characters with similar characteristics.
If there is anywhere the story falls down or falls short, it is the fact that it focuses primarily on Bocchi and not as much on other characters. None of the parents or guardians of the other protagonists are shown in the series. However, this is not as extreme as the hyper-focus on Steven in Steven Universe Future to the detriment of additional characters. In this series, viewers can still see some depth of others characters apart from Bocchi.
Some fans have argued that Bocchi the Rock! has yuri subtext. One prominent yuri news site, Yuri Anime News, even listed it on their website, without detailing how this subtext is manifested in the series itself. These arguments are sound. Ikuko seems to have some feelings for Ryo, despite the fact that Ryo does not mean to attract people to her, and looks relatively androgynous.
This is one area the series could be stronger: going beyond yuri subtext. Even other series airing this fall, such as Encouragement of Climb: Next Summit and Management of a Novice Alchemist, have more prominent yuri undertones. The latter even has a textual yuri relationship between two supporting characters which is occasionally shown on screen.
Despite these criticisms, Bocchi the Rock! still stands out, especially among recent music anime series, not falling into the usual set-up of such series. The focus of the series on social awkwardness and music is the reason I recommend it wholeheartedly.
Bocchi the Rock! is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
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© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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shinsurou · 4 years
☆ - story/drabble, ☾ - requests/asks, ❀ - headcanon/thoughts
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miya atsumu
shared tripartism [ft. matsukawa issei] - ☆
red! - ☆
little bunny choker -  ❀
kita shinsuke
mouth spitting - ☾
pretty picture - ☆ 
suna rintarou
sick days -  ☆
daddy!suna - ☾
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aoba johsai
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oikawa tooru
club room activities [ft. the rest of seijoh 4] -  ☆
restless night - ☾
iwaizumi hajime
club room activities [ft. the rest of seijoh 4] -  ☆
matsukawa issei
club room activities [ft. the rest of seijoh 4] - ☆
shared tripartism [ft. miya atsumu] - ☆
hanamaki takahiro
club room activities [ft. the rest of seijoh 4] - ☆
classroom antics -  ❀
late night hours - ☆
kunimi akira
blood lust - ❀
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other haikyuu characters
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kuroo tetsurou
chemistry tutor kuroo - ❀
konoha akinori
the possesion of our love - ☆
shugo meian
daddy‘s comfort - ❀
hq boys + kinks i manifested on them  - ❀
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ajwamiju-archives · 3 years
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Chapter 2
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, kidnapping, harassment, swearing, a lot of it, manipulation, slow-burn (?), eventual romance, eventual smut, enemies to allies to lovers, coercion, slight dub-con, minor character deaths
Mafia boss! Kita Shinsuke x Spy! F! Reader
Summary: For as long as you’ve been on God’s blue earth, you’ve been taught to help your family by gathering information and spying on other crime syndicates from all over Japan. To say you’re good for your age is an understatement, you’re one of the best out there with all of the information you’ve managed to gather.
Once you turn 20, you are to be given your first official mission as a fully grown adult, retrieving the important documents the Inarizaki clan has managed to steal. You’re confident you’re able to do it, but a lot of things don’t exactly go according to plan...
Note: Sorry for the delay this chapter! I got busy with finals and will still be a bit busy because of student council so updates might be a little inconsistent, on a side note, I've started posting this on AO3, so if you prefer the format there, feel free to read it there, though the updates will be about 2 chapters behind for now (lazy heehee).
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You awoke to the sound of chattering and the feeling of bumpy roads under your body, you try to open your eyes and move your mouth only to realise you’ve been gagged and blindfolded to the addition of being tied up. You can’t tell how long you’ve been knocked out or where you currently are, with how they’ve bounded your body to the van, you can’t tell what turns they take other than the bumpy roads, neither can you count how many minutes is left of your journey.
You’ve only managed to count about five minutes before you stop completely, the chattering stops and a few deafening minutes ensue as you have no choice but to wait for what’s to come. You try your best to assess the situation, you are currently trapped in a place that is possibly their headquarters; as stated by Suna. It would be stupid, it really would. They’re bringing the daughter of their nemesis’s clan to their headquarters, they’d be smart enough to remove all tracking devices on you, sure, but you know your family will be alerted immediately once the tracker is off your body; but if they’re brave enough to take you to their headquarters, it means they have no intentions of letting you go alive.
The door opens and you can hear the loud chatter between the members once more. A few new voices appearing not too far from the car. “I really thought ya were bullshittin’ when ya said ya got [Surname] Nami.” One of the new voices says, cocky and obnoxious, if you had to describe it politely.
“I won’t lie to the boss; do you really think I’m as dumb as you?” Suna grumbles as you feel a few of your binds to the car loosening. “Kinda funny though, she didn’t put up much of a fight like the others have said and she seems to be thinking more than she acts.”
“Maybe she’s sick? She just turned 20, right? Ain’t like she has any other choice than to do this job.” Another new voice says, coming closer to you and Suna. The voice this time is calm and borderline emotionless, slightly deeper than the first new voice. “It doesn’t make sense for her to be thinkin’ more, but shit happens when ye’re sick.”
“Yeah, maybe.” Suna answers once he finishes removing all the binds trapping you from moving an inch. “Come on bunny, can’t keep the boss waiting.” He adds before gripping your waist and throwing you over his shoulder. You wonder if you’re going to be able to break his back with his horrid posture, maybe then you’d have a chance at escaping.
You feel ever ascent and descent of the building, every stop and turn. You try your best to memorise the layout for when you have a chance to escape, it will be stupid to go through where you went through considering it will probably be heavily guarded, but desperate times calls for desperate measures.
You feel Suna stop once more before a door is being opened, by the sound of it the door isn’t exactly heavy, it sounds more like a sliding door. Hell, you don’t think you’re even in a modern type house, with how the floors sound underneath the men’s feet, it doesn’t exactly sound like some marble flooring in modern houses.
Suna sets you down on a chair, strapping and binding you as if he’s practising shibari on you. Once he finishes, he steps away and everything is silent for a few seconds. You close your eyes, knowing they’ll rip your blindfold off sooner or later.
Your eyes stay shut once you feel the rough tug of your blindfold and gag, you slowly flutter your eyes open to see the room filled with eight men, all eyeing you like predators that have captured their prey. “Seems like a bunny has stumbled into the fox’s den.” The head of light grey hair with black tips sitting directly in front of you says, voice smooth and cold.
You seal your lips shut, backtalking should be reserved for later when they get impatient, best thing they’ll do to you is kill you quickly as there’s no way in hell they’re letting you go. “She hasn’t opened her mouth since I got her in Aichi.” Suna informs, his slanted, mustard eyes glaring at your tense form.
“Is that so?” Kita says as he stands up from behind his low desk. With how everything looks like a traditional Japanese home, you aren’t really surprised you sort of feel like you’re in a historical drama despite the men being dressed in suits rather than kimonos. “[Surname] Nami, huh… quite silent for someone known to be a brute. Suna, are ya sure ya got [Surname] Nami and not some lowlife thief tryna rob the wrong buildin’?”
“I’m sure, checked her gadgets and all of them are way too expensive for some lowlife.”
Kita’s gaze stays locked on you, eyes darting about your figure. “Aran, search for tattoos. Suna, what tattoos does Nami have?” He instructs, his eyes finally meeting yours. Despite it looking so cold and pressuring, you glare back into his eyes, imagining yourself putting a bullet in between his eyes, silently challenging him to do his worst.
“A dragon tattoo up her right arm and some vines on her left hip up to her thigh.” Suna answers, reading through the tablet in his grasp.
Goddamn it Nami.
You feel the rough tug of your blazer and the buttons of your blouse being undone by the burly, grey-eyed man kneeling in front of your seat. He has no qualms with pushing your blouse off your right shoulder, revealing your simple, black cotton bra. Kita’s eyes narrow when it’s met with bare skin and no signs of coverage with how the natural blemishes and scars are visible from where he’s standing.
“Suna, get yer makeup remover. Aran, check the hip and thigh tattoo.” Kita instructs. You feel your nose scrunching at the command as you mentally curse your twin sister for choosing her tattoos where she chose them. You feel the button and zipper of your slacks being undone and you squirm from being so exposed to eight men in one room like this.
You continue to struggle as Aran slowly pulls down your slacks and pulls up the part of your blouse tucked into your slacks. The shame and embarrassment start creeping into your system from the position you’re in, especially when you feel the hungry stares from the men in the room at your exposed body.
Suna hands Kita cotton wipes as well as a makeup remover before he steps forward, kneeling to meet your gaze. He eyes your hip and thigh, seeing the stretch marks run down your hips, he narrows his eyes once more before he swipes against the places Suna had informed him of Nami’s tattoos. “Bare.” He simply says and shows the seven other men the bare cotton wipe in his hand, only stained with the light blue makeup remover.
One of the men then perked up after hearing a vibration in his pocket. He takes his phone out and reads across the screen before furrowing his eyebrows, looking up to you before looking back down at his phone screen. “Boss, our men have been ambushed in Shizuoka.” The sandy brown-haired man says.
“The rabbits caught on?” The shortest of the bunch asks, walking over to the man and peeking over his shoulder. “… Wait a second.”
“Is somethin’ wrong, Akagi?” Kita asks, turning his head to look at the spiky-haired member.
“The leader of the ambush in Shizuoka is… [Surname]… Nami? Here, look! There’s the dragon tattoo!” Akagi answers, everyone now looking towards you.
“If [Surname] Nami’s at Shizuoka, then who the fuck’s the hussy sittin’ here now?” The blonde twin asks, walking over to you, face coming dangerously close to yours.
Swallowing every ounce of shame and embarrassment you feel, you bark out a laugh, grinning at their confused faces. “Your spy must be doing a really shit job if you’re unable to know who I am or even my family. Should be obvious if you put two and two together, but I suppose you all really are that dull, better cut back on the drugs and pussy.” You taunt, relaxing your posture on the chair.
“There aren’t any other records of another sibling in the [Surname] family. From all the sources I’ve gathered there’s only ever two mentioned, Nami and Hiroshi.” Suna answers as he goes through the files in his tablet.
“Who’re ya? Imposter sent by the rabbits to throw us off?” The tallest man in the room questions, his eyes narrowing at you.
“Well, if I told you, it would be too easy for you now, wouldn’t it?”
“Boss, why don’t we just finish ‘er off? I mean, she’s probably just bluffin’ or some shit.” The blonde twin says, pushing a knife to the side of your throat.
“Hold it ‘Tsumu.” The grey-haired twin says, walking over to stand next to his twin. “One of the rabbit’s former members said there actually is three children in the [Surname] family.”
“How d’ya know if that information is credible?” Kita asks eyeing the grey-haired twin.
“He knew the building layout of Aichi’s branch building. As far as Suna’s gathered, only allies of the rabbits can enter, right?”
“Other than the group of thugs trying to steal from the building, no one has gone into the building after all of its renovations. Thugs were dead as soon as they were caught.” Suna confirms, nodding his head.
“He said the third sibling, the oldest of the bunch doesn’t shine much, actually, not even the lower members of the family know of her existence. Holdin’ on to and gatherin’ information for her siblings, sneakin’ around and workin’ behind the scenes.” The grey-haired twin says.
“Didn’t Suna confirm the existence of the third sibling is just a rumour?” The tallest man in the room asks again.
You shrug your shoulders and display a smug smile despite the sweat building up on the palms of your hands and your slightly shallow breathing. “Wow, a rumour. Not a good lead to follow, huh?” You utter, slowing down your speech as a means to mock them. “What, next time you’re going to go to psychics for leads?”
“Shut yer piehole tramp.” The blonde twin threatens once more.
Kita glares at you which you return, your smile growing wider at the crack in his neutral expression, showing a deepened frown and a slight furrow in his eyebrows. “Throw ‘er in the cell. Suna, confirm the rumours, let’s see if she really is the third sibling Osamu was talkin’ about.”
“If she ain’t the third sibling?” The sandy-brown haired guy asks.
“Execute her.”
“Do we get to have some fun with her first though? I mean, she’s probably dead either way.” The blonde twin, ‘'Tsumu’ asks.
“You wouldn’t want to do that. Use and execute me, I mean.” You retort from your seat.
“And why wouldn’t we? There really ain’t anythin’ holdin’ us back y’know.” Aran asks, raising a thick eyebrow at you.
“You wouldn’t want to wage a gang war with my family. Not with your power still being under my family’s power.” You start, looking at all the men. “Do you all really want to deal with Nekoma, Fukurodani, Shinzen, Ubugawa, Nohebi, and Itachiyama? Not to mention Nekoma has probably sealed the deal with Kamomedai now which makes them a new ally to our family. I wouldn’t want to mess with them especially since you have no allies up north.”
“Kamomedai? The fuck is this? We’ve never heard of an alliance with Kamomedai.” Akagi mutters.
“Well of course you wouldn’t, but it’s kinda too late for you now huh? Nekoma faction’s leader is quite the negotiator.”
“She knows a lot. Whether she’s the rumoured third sibling or not, she’s valuable for information regardin’ the rabbits and their allies, we’ll have to confirm what she said. For now, keep her alive and don’t touch her.” Kita says walking over to you and stopping in front of you. “Tell me, what else d’ya know?”
“I think you’re forgetting I’m not your ally here. I don’t give out information willy-nilly.” You answer with a wide grin.
“Then why tell us about the alliance with Kamomedai?” Suna asks, narrowing his eyes.
“Well, the alliance with Kamomedai should be finished by now. You bastards can’t do shit about it anymore; any business deals you have with Kamomedai will probably soon be cut off. We know all of your sneaky tactics; look down on us just because we’re your prey, you’d be destroyed before you even know what’s coming.”
Kita’s eye twitches at your declaration as he bares his teeth making you grin wider until your cheeks hurt from the stretch. He pushes the twins out of the way and roughly grabs your cheeks, pulling you closer to meet his eyes. “Ye’re actin’ more like a fox than a little bunny rabbit, ain’tcha?”
“What can I say? Sometimes the prey has to outsmart the predator.” You taunt, narrowing your eyes. “So, what are you going to do now the oh so great Inarizaki Clan leader, Kita Shinsuke? Hm? My bodyguards would have noticed my disappearance by now, but I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt and give you until 6 a.m. today.”
“… Throw her in the cell. Suna, confirm if she’s the third sibling. Do what it takes to uncover her identity first.” Kita orders, leaving no room for argument from you nor his men.
Aran and the tallest man in the room takes the straps off the chair, forcefully pulling you out of the room. You look behind you to see the remaining six glaring at you to which you give them a smug grin, your eyes remaining on Kita longer than the rest.
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© of ajwamiju. Planned repost of the story is only for AO3 under the name ajwamiju, any other reposts to other platforms under any other name is not me and I do not give permission.
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cptsadist · 2 months
Little drawing I did of Kita on my phone (I have so many wips of my little goblin girl, it's not even funny.) Also, Kita is a minor!! Please don't be weird about her.
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cptsadist · 8 months
For this prompt for goretober I decided to draw my girl Kita holding the head of my partner's angel OC Ira 🥰 also Kita is a minor, please don't be weird
Day 6: Decapitation
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sickbunny-official · 1 year
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OLD ART of Echo (bottom) and Kita (top) from Sick Bunny!
Both characters are minors, don't be weird.
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sickbunny-official · 1 year
Kita with her main Vyruses (Jaune, Zumek, Anesthesia, Empath)
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cptsadist · 2 years
[ A Princess and Her Vyruses ]
// I just wanted to do a group drawing so I drew the main Vyrus group from Sick Bunny
Kita (center) - Leader of the Vyruses. She has the powers of a mimic. She can look into a person's mind and see who they care about the most and take that person's form, creating a perfect imitation.
Jaune (upper left) - A sweet bug Vyrus, Jaune is trusting and loyal to her kind. She often accomplishes surveillance tasks for Kita, due to her ability to fly silently and gather information.
Empath (lower left) - The hive mind of the Vyruses. The Empath feels all of the emotions of every Vyrus and can see their thoughts. They are the connection between every Vyrus, and is also know to be able to create rifts between Nonplace and our world.
Zumek (upper right) - An aquatic feline Vyrus, Zumek is the right hand of Kita and carries out most of her physical altercations for her. She is nimble and cunning, and can always make a clever escape
Anesthesia (lower right) - A bit of a ditsy woman, Anesthesia is a serpent Vyrus who carries out any medical tasks required for her Vyruses. Always eager to help, even if she may not be the smartest, she has a big heart that's easy to manipulate.
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