#sick bunny jaune
sickbunny-official · 1 year
Kita with her main Vyruses (Jaune, Zumek, Anesthesia, Empath)
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spahhzy · 5 months
Box-topz of fame.
After Ruby and Yang went to go catch up, Neo and Jaune walked through the halls, trying to find their lockers.
Jaune: So, I can't believe Yang's sister is the same girl I helped out of a crater, small world.
Neo: 'Hmph.'
Jaune: Oh? Is someone a little jealous?
Neo: 'Me? Jealous? Of whom?
Jaune: Ruby, afraid she is gonna steal little sister Yang from you?
Neo rolls her eyes.
Neo: 'as if I have anything to worry about'
After that, it was just menial chit-chat about the layout of the area, Roman hadn't messaged them yet, so outside of finding their lockers, they could do nothing but wait.
The pair finally approached their locker, but in front of it was that same white-haired girl and some red-headed woman as well, and from the looks of it, the white-haired girl was trying to convince the red head of something.
Jaune looked at Neo, who just shrugged.
Jaune: Uhm, hi!
Neo: 👋
Weiss: And how may I help you two? Can't you see I'm trying to get my partner for the year?
Neo: Crabby bitch...
Jaune: Sorry, it's just you're in front of our lockers.
Pyrrha: Oh, our apologies.
Her and Weiss moved out the way as Jaune and Neo moved right up and opened their lockers.
Weiss: Excuse me, but don't you know who we are?
Jaune: Uh, potential students of Beacon?
Weiss: No, you dolt! I am Weiss Schnee of the Schnee dust company.
Neo just rolled her eyes as Jaune just raised an eyebrow.
Jaune: I think I heard of the company, but YOU? nah.
Weiss: Hmph. Well, maybe the Schnee name hasn't reached your back of the woods.
Neo: I hate her.
Jaune: Oookay?
Weiss: At least do you know of THE Pyrrha Nikos?
Pyrrha just waved awkwardly, not happy about having her fame put out their.
Jaune looked at Pyrrha and shook his head.
Jaune: Nope. Not a clue.
Weiss: What!?
Pyrrha just looked at Jaune with a small smile.
Jaune felt Neo give him a nudge before pulling out her scroll and showing him something.
Jaune just gasped.
Jaune: She's the mascot for pumpkin pete!?
Pyrrha sweat dropped.
Jaune: Ma'am let me tell you how many box tops I had to use to get this sick jacket.
He pulled off the Pumpkin pete jacket and showed it to Pyrrha.
Jacket itself wasn't out of the ordinary. Black and white zip-up denim jacket with two rabbit ears on the hoodie itself. Pumpkin Pete's bunny logo in the center. It was worn with some distress, and it had some little stitching patterns symbols, but Pyrrha wasn't sure what the symbols meant.
Jaune: Good to meet you cereal lady!
Neo just giggled as well as Pyrrha, who was happy to be referred to as something else other than 'Invincible Girl'.
Weiss: NO! This is Pyrrha Nikos, a 4x time mistrial champion!
Jaune: oookay? Anywho, it was nice meeting you, Pyrrha. Let's have a good four years, eh?
With that, Jaune and Neo made their exit as Pyrrha waved goodbye at the pair while Weiss just hmmp'ed .
Roman whistled as he stood infront of a large tower.
Roman: Ozpin, Your student has returned, I bring the destruction of Beacon! Heh I always wanted to say that!
Smirking as he spun his cane around Roman, he looked at the top of the tower.
Roman: I know you're hiding something... and I'll rob you of it like you robbed my family of Mt. Glenn.
Roman then went to go find his team.
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howlingday · 1 year
Bunny!Faunus Facts EGG DAY SPECIAL!
Coco: We're back! Did we miss-
Velvet: (Tackles Coco) NEVER AGAIN!
Coco: AUGH!
Yatsuhashi: Oh, Velv-
Velvet: (Tackles him) YOU'RE BACK!
Yatsuhashi: AGH! (Slammed into the wall)
Fox: Guys? What's-
Coco: FOX! RUN!
1 - Rabbits are naturally social animals. If left alone, they can easily become depressed and extremely sad.
Nora: (Sneaking up on Jaune) Heeheehee...
Jaune: Nora, don't pour that syrup on me.
Nora: Aw... How could you hear me? Your ears are plugged!
Jaune: (Takes earbuds out, Turns around) Sorry, what did you say?
Nora: Huh? But how did you-
2 - Rabbits have radar like ears that can turn 180°, and can pinpoint exact locations of sound. They also have near 360° vision.
Yatsuhashi: Great work, Velvet! (Reaches out)
Velvet: (Bites hand)
Yatsuhashi: OW!
3 - Rabbits are naturally prey animals, so they don't like being picked up, touched, or held. When threatened, they will run away, hide, or bite to protect themselves.
Nora: (Petting) Aw, aren't you a cute bunny?
Jaune: (Beaming)
Velvet: (Walks over) Um, Jaune? Can I get your opinion on something over here?
Jaune: Uh, sure. (Walks away with Velvet) So-
Velvet: You're safe. (Looks him over) You're not hurt, are you?
Jaune: ...No. No, I'm fine. But thank you for noticing.
Velvet: Anytime, Jaune.
Coco: ...They have been staring at each other for, like, two minutes and haven't said a single word.
Blake: ...Romance?
4- Rabbits communicate through very subtle facial expressions and body positions. Almost like a secret code.
Ruby: Jaune, why do you fly if you get air sick all the time?
Jaune: It's the only way I can get anywhere. That, or by car. Or train.
Yang: What about by boat?
Jaune: I'm, uh, not allowed on boats.
Weiss: Why?
Jaune: Lifetime ban on rabbit faunus.
5 - Rabbits are prohibited from traveling on ferries after a legend of a rabbit chewing through the hull of a ship in the 17th century.
Velvet: And I... I got so scared!
Jaune: Shshshsh... It's okay, Velvet. You're okay.
Velvet: But what did I do, Jaune?! Did anybody-?!
Jaune: No, no, everybody was away from you and Yatsuhashi came and got me.
Velvet: (Sobbing, Cuddles him) I was so scared!
Jaune: Ssh... There, there, it's okay. You're okay. You're safe now. (Glares at Coco)
Coco: Uh, y-yeah. My bad...
6 - Rabbits can be hypnotized, but they find it very traumatizing. Known as trancing, the rabbit is placed on their back and their hind legs are stroked. This state is known as "tonic immobility" and is a survival mechanic to simulate being dead. It used to be a popular pet bonding exercise until it was determined the action was actually mentally harmful.
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jasdiary · 1 year
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“I don’t question this world anymore, 2+2 could be 8 for all I know!”
Original Juvia Intro Post
Name : Juvia Yuyi Espejo
Nicknames : Juvi, Prefect/Housewarden, Piss Baby (Samuel @terrovaniadorm , Ellis @starry-night-rose , and many others,,,), Bestie (Ellis), Juju (Keres), A deer and a puppy..?(Artemis), ‘Via(Deuce and Ace), Sunshine (Deuce), Henchman (Grim), Human (Sebek), Child of Man (Malleus), Potato (Vil and sometimes Epel as a joke-), Mademoiselle Jaune (Rook), Sea Bunny (Floyd), Sunflower (Deuce), Nena(Ruggie and Azul)
Jp Va : Ueda Reina
En Va : Felecia Angelle
Age : 17
Height : 160 cm (5’3)
Homeland : [not found] … [Earth:The Bronx]
Birthday : 12/13 December 13th
Zodiac sign : Sagittarius
Species : Human
Hair Color : Chocolate brown with honey blonde highlights
Eye Color : Caramel Brown
Gender : Female (She/Her)
Sexuality : Bisexual
Family : Janae Oscuro(Mother), Javier Oscuro(Father?), Johan Oscuro(Younger Brother), Jayde Oscuro(Younger Sister), Solana Díaz(Grandmother), Royce Espejo(Biological Father), Unnamed Great Grandmother†
Occupation : Student at Night Raven College, Housewarden of Ramshackle
Twisted From : [not found]
WARNING!! Juvia’s backstory and trivia contains mentions and themes of sickness/chronic illness, depression, suicidal thoughts, child neglect,eating disorders and mentions of death. Please read at your own discretion!!
School Information
Dorm : Ramshackle
School Year : 1st (Freshman)
Class : 1-A
Best Subject : Art
Worst Class : Math
Club : Board Game Club
Dominant Hand : Right
Favorite Food : Shrimp Alfredo
Least Favorite Food : Anything with condiments
Likes : Drawing, making friends, Being away from Crowley, Being with Deuce and Ace, Dying her hair, Rabbits, Grim!, Going to club meetings, The color yellow, Her grandma
Dislikes : Crowley™️, TREY!!!!, Floyd (most of the time), Mayonnaise, Being ignored, Being sick, Her body, Insects, Her mom, math!!
Hobbies : Digital art, singing, dancing, Cleaning up Ramshackle, Doing Crowley’s bidding/hj, Watching over everyone, Being NRC’s personal Therapist/j
Personality : Juvia’s goofy, she’s so very sweet and she’s super friendly! She adores making friends, whether she thinks they’ll stay or not. As the magicless prefect from a different world, Juvia’s extremely curious about Twisted Wonderland as there’s still so much she doesn’t know! At first meet, Juvia’s shy as she’s not very good at talking to people and tends to keep to herself. Once you actually befriend her, she’s never afraid to speak whatever is on her silly little mind. She’s super quick-witted with her jokes. Juvia describes herself as someone with so much love in her heart for everyone. She’s a little air-headed at times, which she usually laughs at!
Unique Magic : Nothing. She has…nothing. But, if she had nothing…why does the magic mirror tell her to be careful of her emotions?
Backstory + Part 2:
₊ ⊹ ⪩⪨ ┆Juvia Yuyi Espejo Backstory*✨ ‹𝟥
Juvia is a Puerto Rican-Dominican girl from the Bronx. Her life wasn’t particularly special or interesting and she wasn’t exactly rich or poor but she was grateful for everything. Except for living. Juvia despised herself. A fateful day where she sat in front of the mirror, her stomach churned looking at herself and the words were starting to get to her again. She hated her body, she hated her freckles, she hated her hair, eyes, eyebrows, nose, everything. She was a good person, so why her? Why are people so mean? Why is she so mean to herself?
Juvia could do something about it, to make the pain go away. But, she knows she’s too much a coward to do anything. As she goes to stand up, Juvia feels something or rather…someone push her directly into the mirror in front of her.
The last thing she heard was the glass shattering before her vision darkened and she went unconscious.
When Juvia opened her eyes after what felt like forever, everything was still black. She was inside of somewhere, and it was entirely too closed up for her. Anxiety skyrocketing, Juvia frantically tried to get out of wherever she was. Banging and kicking every corner as hard as she could, she managed to succeed…..but she fell flat on the cold floor. When she scrambled back up, still wobbly and dizzy, her vision focused on the amount of people staring at her in dark robes. But what really shocked her was the…coffin?? next to her slamming open and out came a little grey creature. Wait, was he on fire?
Juvia tried to ask where was she was but her voice wouldn’t come out. No matter how hard she tried, her voice refused to cooperate. Probably due to shock. When a tall man with a crow mask walked up to her, the first thing he did was scold her! Who the hell was this guy? And wait a second, what the hell is a familiar?!
Juvia couldn’t really do anything but stand there and let the masked crow guide her in front of a giant mirror. Why…why does it have a face- WHY IS IT TALKING??
Her soul wasn’t from this world? Well, she knew that much!! Just what was going on?! God, she has so many questions…
₊ ⊹ ⪩⪨ ┆Juvia Yuyi Espejo Backstory Pt.2✨ ‹𝟥
Ever since Juvia was young, she’s been in and out of hospitals. No one, not even doctors, know exactly what her sickness is. She’s just…not okay. Coughing up blood, Cataplexy, Memory loss…Something was horribly wrong with little Juvia. However, one thing was known. It was Fatal. The more and more her parents took her to the hospital, the worse she got. Eventually, her mom became frustrated. Not with the doctors, oh no. Juvia herself. Why couldn’t she just been a healthy child that was easy to take care of? Was this her birth fathers doing? Why does SHE have to take her?
From then on, she half-assed every doctors visit no matter how severe Juvia’s condition was. Little Juvia was smart so she was able to notice how her mother started to care less and less about her, watching the sparkle from her eyes dim into nothingness. But she love mami! and Mami loves her too!…..right? And why does dad look so sad? These questions were too much for Juvia’s migraine ridden brain. It wasn’t until she fell into Twisted Wonderland that she didn’t feel all these things. less headaches, less dizziness, she felt fine for the first time in forever.
But…will she continue to stay this way? With her heart slowly turning into obsidian liquid, Her time in Twisted Wonderland may be limited even more.
Random Trivia!
Since spawning in Twisted Wonderland, Juvia’s heart was drowned in blot. The blot greatly slows down her sickness which is why she seems healthier in Twisted Wonderland. But because it’s fully blotted, she’s greatly at risk to overblotting at any time. This is why the magic mirror or those who can see blot accumulation tell her to take care of her emotions.
Speaking of emotions…Juvia’s very emotional 😭
Juvia’s extremely close with Azul Ashengrotto and Ruggie Bucchi! she sees them as her older brother figures
She’s the closest with Deuce Spade, they’re seen together a lot even without their little ginger friend
Though she aspires to be in art, she has theater experience and is said to be a great actress
Juvia speaks spanish fluently and especially enjoys when people ask her to translate words
Back in her world, Juvia dyed her hair a lot! Her favorite color she did was purple. She doesn’t dye it as much nowadays because she finds it too time consuming
If Juvia was in a different dorm, she’d be in Scarabia!
You’ll almost never see her without those two black rings on each of her pointer fingers. if one of them leaves her sight, she begins to panic. They were her late great grandmothers rings.
She’s the butt of many…piss jokes due to her love of the color yellow💔
Her favorite professor is Trein, He treats her more gently than some of the other students because she reminds him of his daughters ☹️💕
After the events of Chapter 6, she’s become an honorary member of Pomefiore + Her relationship with Idia was slightly severed
Many of her friends have to keep an eye on her food intake as she forgets meals and sometimes isn’t used to eating a decent amount of food due to being sick.
Juvia’s stamina sucks balls. Sick or not, this girl is seeing stars after walking up a flight of stairs.
Juvia’s very sensitive. She’ll sob uncontrollably if you speak in a certain way to her ☠️😭
[Seen in her dorm uniform] Juvia has a small pocket watch that times her blot accumulation outside of her heart. In Chapter 8, it’s seen to be half filled.
Juvia’s hand is bandaged and then scarred after Grims manic episode in end of Chapter 5-Beginning of Chapter 6
Chapter 6 and 7 are the closest Juvia has gotten to fully overblotting
These Juvia Designs Show up near the end of Chapter 5. Juvia’ og design is still very much Canon and exists.
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novankenn · 10 months
Coco's Search for a WAIFU or The Purgatory of Jaune
= Ten = (Master Chapter List)
Coco felt like a Death Row prisoner walking the Green Mile. Pyrrha's icy steel grip upon her shoulder never faltered. The only consolation Coco had was that Pyrrha agreed to have their conversation in the privacy of CFVY's dorm instead of out in the middle of a hallway.
Velvet: Coco! What did you do?
Coco: It's not my fault!
Pyrrha: (Leans in and hisses in Coco's ear) Really? Whose fault is it, then?
Coco blanched and suppressed a shiver. Velvet closed and Coco soon found herself face to face with her Bun-Bun, a displeased Bun-Bun.
Velvet: Hey, Pyrrha. Where are you headed?
Pyrrha: Your dorm. Coco wanted to have our chat in private, and I agreed.
Velvet: Okay, well then let's go.
Coco's spirit fell even further. An incensed Nikos was one thing, but a disappointed Velvet added a whole other dimension to this encounter. With her bowed, Coco resigned herself to her fate, and a probable shorted life span as Pyrrha continued to hold on to her and Velvet lead the way to the dorm. Once inside, Coco was released. With Pyrrha standing in front of the door, arms crossed under her bust, and Velvet taking a position near the windows, Coco had no other options other than to take a seat on one of the beds.
Velvet: So, are you going...
Pyrrha: What the FUCK did you do to Jaune!
Coco: I used a special potion to change him.
Velvet: Special potion? What is going on? Why?
Pyrrha: Yes, that is the question of the hour. Why Coco? Why would you do that to Jaune?
Coco: I... I...
Velvet: Wait! This is the second time you've done this.
Pyrrha: Second time?
Velvet: Yes. I don't know if you remember the little girl that called you Auntie. That was Jaune.
Pyrrha: What! (Starts to take a step forward) Oh, you are one sick person!
Coco: What?!? Are you insane? I would NEVER do something like that to any child!
Pyrrha: Well, Jaune was gone all night! What were you doing?
Coco: I took her to an empty room, gave her cookies, and a milkshake... then watched cartoons with her until she fell asleep! Then I stayed up all night until a few minutes before she would change back!
Pyrrha: What did you watch?
Coco: Seventeen episodes of "Super Magical Garment Bunny Faunus Girl" which is I must say is fairly well written, but is kinda of sexualized, and not really appropriate for young children. There was nothing overt, but I could tell.
Pyrrha: That is Jaune's favourite show.
Coco: Then we watched "Tangled" until she fell asleep.
Pyrrha: That is Jaune's favourite movie, aside from Aliens.
Coco: Which I WOULDN'T let her watch.
Velvet: That's all well and good, but the real question is WHY?
Coco: (blushing and fidgeting in embarrassment) Well, I... um... I...
Pyrrha: Out with it, Coco. Why are you hurting Jaune like this?
Coco: I'm not hurting her!
Pyrrha: Oh really? What would you call it then? Magically changing his body without his consent? Making him miss hours of time? Did you know he didn't remember anything from yesterday, aside from having a shower?
Coco: What?
Pyrrha: So what do you call doing something like that to someone, if it's not hurting him?
Velvet: Coco, this is wrong, but I still don't understand why you would do something like this. So why?
Coco: I...
Pyrrha/Velvet: Out with it.
Coco: I LIKE Jaune okay! I mean like-like him!
Pyrrha: Since when?
Coco: Since the dance! Since I saw her...
Pyrrha: HIM!
Coco: Since the dress incident!
Pyrrha: so why not just talk to him? Why all this bullshit?
Coco: I thought... I... Jaune should be a girl!
Velvet: Why? If you like him, why would you?
Coco: I... I don't know, okay? ALL I know is I feel without a doubt that she would be happier as a girl!
Pyrrha: That is not your decision to make! Your desires are twisted and wrong! You don't force changes like that on someone you care about!
Coco: I...
Velvet: How are you doing it?
Coco: (Rose from the bed, moved over to the footlocker at the end of her bed, and pulled out the set of test tubes.) With these.
Velvet: What are those?
Coco: Special formulas that once splashed on Jaune would change him in various hers... the effects only last 24 hours.
Pyrrha: So he'll be back to normal in what... sixteen hours or so?
Coco: Yeah, about that.
Velvet: I am disappointed and disgusted by you right now, Coco. I thought I knew you better than this.
Coco: I'm sorry, okay? I don't know what...
Pyrrha: You VERY well know what came over you, so stop trying to get us to pity you. When Jaune changes back... I am going to tell him about what you have done to him.
Coco: Please, don't!
Velvet: No, I feel the same as Pyrrha. Jaune is going to know about all this... you'll be lucky if he ever talks to you again.
Coco started to sob, her whole body starting to shake. Velvet moved in, and took the vials from Coco's hands, which allowed Coco to press the palms of her hands to her eyes as she collapsed to her knees.
Pyrrha: I'm not going to feel sorry for you. This whole incident is disturbing. You are sick, and need help.
Velvet: What should we do? We still don't know where she got this crap from, and I doubt she'll tell us right now.
Pyrrha: We'll take this all to Professor Goodwitch, and then I want to take her to one of the training rooms...
Velvet: I don't think it will help the situation. The training room thing, that is. Professor Goodwitch should know about this.
Pyrrha: (Glaring at the distraught Coco) It would make me feel better.
Velvet: But this is about Jaune, not our feelings.
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nerdygirlwithanxiety · 4 months
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"Hey..mercury?" Ruby said softly, looking at the gray-haired male sitting alone staring at the sky sigh." What." He grumbled." Can..I sit with you?" She asked with the team by glaring behind her, not trusting him. Merc stayed quiet for a second before saying, " Whatever you want. Red." He said cockily and exhausted like the silver eye girl smiled and sat by him, then frowned, looking at him." Are...you ok?" She asks. The male glances at her, then looks away. " I'm fine." He said, making ruby concern." You don't...seem like -" she squeak notice him glaring and cleared her throat, hugging her knees." Why... did you come with us?" She changed her question." I don't know. Because I want to, I guess." He mumbled, hiding something before he took a drag of his cigarette and puffed out the smoke. Ruby cough waving her hand. " Sorry." Merc said," no no it's ok. You were already smoking..." She sighs and then thinks," Is..that why you didn't take your chance into killing me that day in beacon when you had the chance?" She looks at him." Don't push it red." He warned. "... right, sorry. " She looks away sadly. Mercury glances at her, then sighs, groaning, closing his eyes. " it's..." He sighs, looking at the stars." Hmm?" She looks at him." it's because you reminded me of someone. I looked into your eyes and... I saw someone. The only and last person I truly ever cared about. The one person that..." He shivered, forcing his words out." He made me feel like someone." Mercury, look at the lake water seeing his reflection." What... happened to them?" Ruby asked "... my father. " Merc growl," that bastard ruined my life...for his own *shiver in disgust* pleasure. Weather it by his hands or....*sad sick sigh* his pants. " he hugged his knees, shivering in fear, wanting to vomit from the memories." i can still...hear the screams. " This hit Ruby with realization. All of the things Merc done wasn't because he was bored or wanted to do it but because he was thirsting for vengeance. He was out for blood. Merc chuckle and scoff. " gotta say Rose. You're lucky. You have family and friends who care and love you. Meanwhile, the three people o had either gone missing or..died in some brutal way. All because I couldn't save them, " his voice broke. Ruby frowns, then notices the tip of his bangs. " Hey, that color...it looks just like Anthony," her lips slipped. Merc eyes widen in both anger and confusion as he looks at her. " What...what did you say?" His voice shaken " your tips. They look just like Anthony's tips, " she said. " Anthony. What." He ask ready to pin her " um well...the thing is I don't know his last name but I remember seeing him at beacon he hangs out with jaune and this bunny faunus named Kairū" she noted to him. Merc was stunned as he looked away. " it...it worked?" He whispered to himself as the voices started to blur out thoughts racing until " Mercury? Are you ok?" Ruby voice broke through." h-huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine just...thinking" he said traumatized. Ruby frowns and hugs him. " You're not alone merc...you have us now, and I'll help you get to him, I promise. He's my friend too after all, " she rensured her. His eyes widen, and water as he sighs, hugging ruby. " Thanks... little red." He said in a brotherly way. Both Ruby and Anthony really are alike. " now first rule before joining us" ruby ordered which made merc groan " ooh here we go" he chuckle ruby smile seeing that sarcastic smile " no more of this red or little red stuff we're friends now and not enemies. It's ruby, got it!" She smiled. Merc looked at Ruby and then at her team, who was giving him hand gesters, ready to beat him up if he tried something, which made him smile. " *heh... just like us four...*" he thought to himself, then looked at ruby. "... sure... Ruby" This was the day Mercury Black died and came rising...Mercury Xiao Rose... thanks to Ruby, adopting him as a sibling
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cptsadist · 2 years
[ A Princess and Her Vyruses ]
// I just wanted to do a group drawing so I drew the main Vyrus group from Sick Bunny
Kita (center) - Leader of the Vyruses. She has the powers of a mimic. She can look into a person's mind and see who they care about the most and take that person's form, creating a perfect imitation.
Jaune (upper left) - A sweet bug Vyrus, Jaune is trusting and loyal to her kind. She often accomplishes surveillance tasks for Kita, due to her ability to fly silently and gather information.
Empath (lower left) - The hive mind of the Vyruses. The Empath feels all of the emotions of every Vyrus and can see their thoughts. They are the connection between every Vyrus, and is also know to be able to create rifts between Nonplace and our world.
Zumek (upper right) - An aquatic feline Vyrus, Zumek is the right hand of Kita and carries out most of her physical altercations for her. She is nimble and cunning, and can always make a clever escape
Anesthesia (lower right) - A bit of a ditsy woman, Anesthesia is a serpent Vyrus who carries out any medical tasks required for her Vyruses. Always eager to help, even if she may not be the smartest, she has a big heart that's easy to manipulate.
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womenofwonder · 3 years
Whitley schnee
Yes! That was fast. Okay…
After Weiss’s disastrous 10th birthday party, Winter, determined that she should still have a good birthday took her out for the rest of the day. Only later did she realize that she had left seven-year-old Whitely alone (Klein was sick that day) with a very angry Jaques and depressed Willow.
Winter would have been a good big sister/parental substitute for Whitely as well as Weiss but she left for huntsman academy when he was eight, so she never was in his life like she was Weiss’s. Instead he saw her as someone who made trouble and got father angry, an anger which usually fell back on him or Weiss. He also resented her for leaving to the academy as he saw her abandoning him like mom
He was always really jealous of Weiss, who was the favorite in family (in his eyes at least). Once deciding Winter was a lost cause Jaques worked hard to make Weiss his heir. And Winter got plenty of attention even if it was usually negative. Jaques barely remembered Whitely existed half the time, Winter was always busy, Willow was usually drunk or locked in her room, and Weiss cut herself off from everyone but Winter once her depression started. Whitely was just desperate for attention and glad when Weiss left and Jaques finally tried to make him the heir. This is also why he was so much nicer to Weiss in the beginning of vol 4. Part of it was smugness, part of it was the main reason he resented her was gone.
Klein was the only decent parental figure Whitley had. He didn’t show favoritism among the Schneeblings, and Whitely felt really betrayed when he let Weiss escape. He felt like Klein had chosen his sister over him like anyone else. Also it was easier to feel angry at Klein then angry at himself for letting it happen, or worst, angry at father. A Grimm invasion kinda put things into perspective though, and he realized it wasn’t really Klein’s fault.
He actually was never that racist against faunus. One of his teachers at school, his favorite, who gave him the attention he desperately craved, was a Faunus, and he never really forgot her. He went along with whatever his father said but unlike his sisters he never really cared whether someone was faunus or not.
He’s the only Schnee kid that has never been hit by Jaques.
He actually is really is good at business and probably would be the best person to run the Schnee company if there’s anything left to run.
Like his sisters, he’s musically gifted. Before Willow started drinking she taught him piano and he was really good at it. He hates playing it now, as it’s a reminder of some of the few good memories he has with his sister and mother
He loves tea and will not give either of his sisters a break about liking coffee. He and Blake bond over tea during her stay at the Schnee mansion and no one is quite sure what to do.
If he ever did join the main team he and Blake would get along best. Ruby, Yang, and Jaune are annoying. Weiss he still has issues with. Qrow is drunk, Maria is crazy, and Nora terrifies him. He, Blake, Ren, and Oscar get along really well and spend time together just reading and chilling while the others randomly explode things.
He’s got a lot random hobbies he picked up in hopes it would make Jaques actually notice him. Chess, painting, reading classical novels and calligraphy are some of his favorites
Klein has a nickname for each Schneeblings, and we know Weiss’s is snowflake, I’m guessing Winter is either Snow Princess or Snow Blossom. But Whitely is snow bunny. When he was little he really loved bunnies…anyway thankfully Klein usually doesn’t call him that in front of anyone else. But sometimes his Dopey personality comes out and he just can’t help it, much to Whitely’s chagrin
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aravas-writing · 3 years
Combat Teacher Eve: With the ongoings of being a teacher, Blake's annoyance, Velvet's new confidence and Jaune being Jaune; Eve felt the need to unwind and get a drink at a Faunus friendly bar. Into her 2nd drink she was joined by a bunny faunus, not too long after they vented to each other. Between talking about teaching, acting, books and other things Eve felt better. Knowing when to quit she was about to go, when the now introduce Lope wanted to exchange numbers. How does this effect things?
Eve woke up with only a mild headache. One drink too many, as it seemed, but not enough for her to be violently sick.
The stress of the job and her life in general had led the cow to go out drinking. She vaguely remembered a...bunny faunus?
Oh right! A rather bodacious bunny faunus woman had talked to her. Not flirting, mind you, but merely conversing. She introduced herself as Lope, a name that faintly rung a bell, and talked to her about anything and everything.
The vented to each other as they drank. Lope complained about her lacking love life while her daughter had a crush, Eve griped about her own crush and the various hurdles she had to jump over. She mentioned her eyepatch being a gift from him while Lope whined about not getting proper action since she went into early retirement. What she worked at, she never said and Eve never inquired.
They exchanged scroll numbers! The teacher reached for it and, upon inspection, found the name of the brunette bombshell with her profile picture attached.
Seriously, that was the body of a porn star.
Eve shrugged it off, however, and left towards her shower. She had no clue that Penelope Scarlatina had arrived in Vale.
And she was on a mission.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 43
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(Yang POV)
We were sitting in the train-car on the Argus Unlimited together. All of team RWBY reunited again.
My little sis was wearing Jaune's old hoodie over her usual clothes. It was a little distracting.
I really wasn't sure how to feel about that because on one hand I'd been kinda right about Jaune. On the other hand I'd been kinda right about Jaune.
I was right to try and keep him away from my sister. My instincts had been confirmed. But it broke my little sister's heart to have him as a traitor.
She'd been wearing that hoodie for two days. Like a flag of warning on where she stood on the subject. She firmly believed that Jaune was somehow a victim in all this. I… I was less convinced. I knew Blake was too. I mean the way he snuck into Beacon counted for something in all this.
I wasn't sure quite what all it counted for but it counted for something.
Weiss, meanwhile, believed in Ruby. And by extension she must believe in Jaune. I wouldn't have thought it from the Ice Queen but there she was standing beside Ruby. Metaphorically, of course. We were all sitting.
And I wasn't sure what to say. What could I say? What would get through to my sister at this moment?
There was nothing. She believed in Jaune despite everything. The wounds on Nora and Ren's bodies. The missing relic. How he ran.
All of it.
She believed in Jaune through all of that.
And besides, how could I really fault it? It was that same thing which allowed her to believe in me when I'd faltered in my course to the mission. It was that same sort of quiet patience that believed in him now that was once supporting me.
"Ruby… you need to wash that. It's starting to smell," I managed.
"It still smells a little like Jaune, though," she protested weakly. "If I wash it… it'll stop and I'll have nothing left to remind me of him."
"Ruby you'll find other things." Weiss supported me, her voice gentle. "And the hoodie won't be gone."
"His smell will be, though." She buried her nose under the collar. Her voice came out muffled.
"Ruby it's unhygienic," Blake said. "You have to give this up."
"Come on. Take it off and give it to me," Weiss said. "We'll just be putting it away for now."
Ruby whined but took it off. Progress of a kind was good. And Weiss was on our side.
Ruby managed to look even more depressed without the enormous hoodie on her. Somehow. She managed to look cold.
Weiss stood up with the hoodie and deposited it in her case. She carefully folded it and set it with the bunny face up. From there she clacked the case shut.
"Ruby you have to know obsessing over him isn't a healthy coping mechanism." Blake warned. "Look where obsession always got me."
"That's different. You were obsessing over the White Fang. Jaune's a friend."
"I know you still believe that Ruby but-"
"But what? You weren't there either with Tyrian. You didn't see him put his life on the line for me like it was nothing. He would have died for me like his own life meant nothing to him."
"But he took off with the relic," I said.
"What if he didn't? What if he had to run?"
"Ruby you're just coming up with scenarios now to break your own heart. He's gone." I went on. "You're ruminating. And it's not healthy."
"We're not trying to attack you, Ruby. We just want what's best for you," Blake said.
"You believe me about him," Ruby mumbled. "Don't you Weiss?"
"I- I didn't think it was in his nature to turn on us." Weiss said when we all turned to look at her. "But the evidence against him is compelling. I saw the wounds on Ren and Nora's bodies."
Ruby let out a low whine.
"But I believe you Ruby. If you said he's a victim in this, I'll believe you."
"Weiss…" Blake trailed off in frustration.
"Come on." I said. "You saw how violent he was."
"He was no more violent than the situation called for," Weiss returned easily. "The rest of the time, in training, he took it so easy on us. You must have seen how laid back he was."
"It's hard to believe you guys." Blake intruded. "The way you all talk about him as a great fighter. It's hard to match up with my image of him from Beacon."
"He wasn't the same person," Ruby mumbled. "He changed so much and he… he did it all with me in his heart. Do you know what that's like? To watch that happen?"
"I do." Blake said. "With Adam it was slow. And everything he did was for the White Fang and me and our mission but soon… soon he was killing people. Soon he had destroyed himself and my love for him. I do know what it's like Ruby. To watch somebody change like that. The only difference is instead of him running, I did."
"My Jaune isn't like your Adam,"  Ruby protested.
"No?" Blake asked. "From where I stand they seem pretty similar. Even their semblances from what you told me. Adam's has a charge to it too. One that he spends on a massive final attack. Wasn't Jaune's Limit Breaker like that?"
"A little. I mean right?" I asked Weiss and Ruby.
"And it started out small. He killed one person here or there because 'the situation called for it.' Then he was killing because it pleased him. Wasn't Jaune just the same way, just before the end?"
Weiss and Ruby said nothing. Ruby looked away and Weiss reached out and took her hand and rubbed it gently. "We never got to talk much before… before it happened." Ruby mumbled.
I sighed. That was my fault. She'd felt like she'd had to hide what she felt from me. It was my fault Ruby and Jaune didn't get to talk as much as she would have wanted. And maybe that would have changed things. That was on me. It was my bad. My little sister couldn't trust me with the truth.
"But he couldn't have been a traitor the whole time. What about Pyrrha? What about when Tyrian attacked me? It meant putting his life on the line when he should have turned."
"Adam protected me too. He would have killed and died for me once," Blake said. "People change. Maybe Jaune just snapped. Maybe Salem made him an offer and he just took it up. It happened to Lionheart."
"But Ren and Nora were his family..."
"And he still killed them. Ruby…" I sighed again.
"At the end of the day, whatever reason he had for doing it, he killed Ren and Nora. And they were fighting back too, Leonardo's office was littered with evidence of it. Nora's hammer, Ren's bullets, all of it." Blake continued. "It wasn't sneaky. It wasn't fast. He looked them in the eye as he did it."
"Then he left. With the relic." I finished.
"Ruby I know it's hard. Believe me. I know what you're going through. I swear. I went through it too with Adam."
"Jaune isn't a monster."
"And Adam didn't used to be. Do you all really think I would have loved somebody who was as monstrous as Adam is now? People can change and not always for the better, Ruby."
"It hurts more your way."
"Maybe," Blake said. "But it's more true that way. Jaune was a killer."
"Is." Weiss said quietly. "Ruby's right, you all do talk about him in the past tense. He's out there somewhere right now."
"Probably on his way to Salem, relic in tow. I know it's hard Ruby. Hell, Adam is even older than me. Like Jaune is for you. And all of it from what you've told me is so similar it's scary."
"Jaune was so nice to us," Weiss muttered. "He looked after all of us."
"Adam used to feel that way about all Faunus." Blake countered. "About the White Fang. Until…"
"Until he didn't." I said. "Tell us more about Adam's semblance."
"He would stand still and charge it," Blake began. Ruby whined again. "I take it Jaune's was the same way? Anyways he'd stand still until he had the energy to unleash a devastating attack. You don't want to be caught up by him when he unleashed that energy. Yang knows." I flexed my arm. "He could also absorb other energy into his weapon and release it."
"Jaune's was a lot like that. He'd charge by standing still, forcing you to approach him." Blake nodded along with my words.
"Then it would make him change states. He'd enter a higher plane where he'd be both faster and stronger and he could spend the charge on an attack or movement option." I went on. "It was scary to fight against it, it made him better in every possible way."
"See Ruby?" Blake finished. "They're so similar it's frightening. Do you know the first time he killed someone?"
"It was so fast…" Ruby murmured. "He just spent his Limit Break and killed him before I could blink. It was over in a flash of blue. It looked like an accident."
"But you're not so sure now, are you?" Blake went on. She was relentless. "Adam's was like that too but his flavor was red, a flash of red and it was just over. He fell into pieces."
Ruby curled up, wrapping her hands around her knees in the fetal position. She looked so pathetic I just wanted to die. I felt like I was watching heartbreak in stereo.
"We couldn't have kept that many prisoners. With the bandits. A-and he was covered in blood so often." Ruby mumbled. "He came back soaked in it all the time."
"Adam was like that after his missions. And at the time I thought I was doing everything I could for him… maybe I could have done more. I probably could have done more. But by the time I knew it was too late."
"He looked… he looked more scared about what I thought about it than what he was actually doing. He said I was his moral compass. He said he did things he wasn't proud of," Ruby muttered. "I thought everything was alright but it was all collapsing."
"No, no. No. No." Ruby repeated. She shook her head. "It can't be. It just can't. He was so sweet."
"Blake… maybe you should settle down," Weiss said.
"What?" Blake wondered bewildered.
"You're upsetting her."
"It's the truth."
"Oh. Now we're good enough for the truth." I shot.
"I… I was wrong to keep this from you all. Maybe if I would have shared it at Beacon things would have been different. And not just with Jaune. Ruby… just...think about it. I won't tell you Adam was ever a sweetheart. He was never as… soft as Jaune was. At least when I knew Jaune. But from what he all told me he was a hard man after Pyrrha died."
"If only you had been there with me. We could have saved him," Ruby muttered.
"Ruby, it's nothing you did. Nothing you could have done. I used to torture myself about Adam. Wondering if I led him down that path. In the end he chose that. And so did Jaune."
"Unless he was a sleeper agent." Weiss said. At our looks she went on. "What? You don't know what happened between him and Salem and he walked into that fight willing to kill and die for Ruby. Not Salem."
"Weiss…" Blake murmured. "Don't get her hopes up. Sleeper agent or not he's dangerous and he's our enemy."
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"Hey." I cornered Blake by the train-car bathrooms.
"Oh. Hey Yang. What's up?"
"Do you think you could slow down with Ruby."
"Not you too…" Blake trailed. "I just don't want her to make the same mistakes I did."
"I know. I know. I agree with you. I do. I just want you to slow down. You're overwhelming her."
Blake looked away. "I see."
"Yeah. She still sees Jaune as a victim. It won't do her any good if she can't process it."
"What about you, Yang?"
"I think you're making a strong case. Especially when you talked about his semblance. You were getting through to her then."
"I can't believe how similar they are. It's honestly freaking me out a little."
"I hear you…"
"And Yang I should have told you. About Adam. He… well I was embarrassed by it. I was ashamed of how far I let him fall."
"And now Ruby's in the same boat."
"Yes… I wish I could save her."
"One way or another she's going to beat herself up over it."
"I beat myself up over Adam for the longest time. Wondering if I could have done more. What else I should have done."
"Well Ruby's pretty hard on herself. I'm worried about her."
"You're a good sister to be."
"Not good enough…"
"What's that mean?"
"Jaune… Ruby felt like they should hide what they had. From me. For the first time she couldn't trust me with what was going on in her life. And then this happens."
"It's not your fault, Yang. Jaune made his choices."
"I know, I know. I just wish I could have been there for her. When she needed me. That's what hurts. I wish talking to me could have been the right call for her."
Blake reached out and embraced me.
"Ruby made her choice too."
"When I caught them together I flipped out. Overreacted, maybe. He was on top of her and I slammed him against a wall. That was back when we thought he was on our side. It made me wonder if she was right to hide it from me."
"I freaked out without even thinking. She knew I'd do it too. I alienated my own little sister. She felt like she couldn't share it with me and she was right."
Blake was quiet for a long time. "I don't know what to say."
"Nothing you say will make me feel better about it. I just wanted you to listen. And I want you to trust me like that. To share things with me that are bothering you like you never did at Beacon. I can't track you down like I did when we were at school. I need you to come to me. This can't work if we can't all get along. Team RWBY will be as finished as JNPR."
"I… I understand."
"Then we're square."
"I, too, have been bothered. I worry constantly about my father and mother. The White Fang won't leave them alone, especially now that I forced them back into the limelight."
"What happened?"
"We were attacked. In my house in Menagerie, I was trying to set up a peaceful alternative to the White Fang and they attacked us. They shot at my mom. My dad was almost killed. I ran into some old compatriots in the White Fang. A girl named Ilia and a few others. They ambushed me in the streets after agreeing to a peaceful meeting. They backstabbed us at every turn. And Sienna Khan is dead. Adam was in control of the White Fang until we ran him off at Haven."
"That's a lot of business." I whistled. "You've got a lot on your plate. You're not alone, though."
"I know. I know."
"This is good Blake. This is progress. Sharing things with one another is the first step."
"We should be better at it considering we're partners." She smiled.
"Well we can get better." I smiled at her. "Thank you for what you told my sister. I was worried about getting through to her. I think you really helped."
"The way she was still wearing his hoodie… it reminded me of all the time I spent hung up over Adam."
"It's not the only thing that reminded you of him."
"No. It's not. It really is freaking me out. The similarities between him and Jaune… they're really cutting at me."
"Well hopefully we can get my sister out of this crisis."
"I know Weiss thinks she's helping but she's not. She's only drawing out the wound, making the injury worse."
"I think she is. Ruby needs both. She needs the support."
"If you say so..."
"I do. We'll get through this. We're team RWBY."
We went back to our seats. Ruby was exhausted and napping against Weiss's shoulder.
"Did you two have a nice chat?" She didn't ask with any kind of vitriol and went about stroking Ruby's hair gently.
"We did. Maybe I was too hard on her. Maybe I pushed too fast." Blake said apologetically.
"Maybe she needed to hear it." Weiss dismissed her apology. "What you told us about Adam was concerning."
"You see her point, then."
"I see everyone's points. Jaune really did seem mostly the same to me. He seemed… I don't know- better, in many ways. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he was turning and I just couldn't notice it. If only you'd been there, Blake."
"If only." Blake echoed in a chorus of quiet agreement. "I had other things to take care of."
"In Menagerie?"
"My family. It's hard."
"I know a thing or two about that."
"My family isn't like yours Weiss. They truly deeply care about me. Wait I meant-"
"I know what you meant and it's fine. Team RWBY is my real family. I thought JNPR was too."
"They were." I said. "They definitely were."
"How'd we get so broken up?" Blake asked.
"Beacon's fall. Haven's near miss." Weiss listed. "History will remember them. "
I couldn't help but wonder if history would remember us, this team RWBY, for all the wrong reasons.
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noneatnonedotcom · 4 years
random idea for my head cannon of jaune
walking through remnant was a long and drawn-out process. especially when you didn’t pack rations before you set out. ruby would argue that she had a lot to think about before leaving but she knew she’d screwed up. she was taught to fight not to plan a caravan. luckily jaune knew how to hunt and process his kills, sure it was sad to kill a cute bunny or a gentle deer but hey they had to eat law of nature. she only cried a little  the bad news was that jaune processed the kills while they were around. and seeing her crush bestie friend ripping the guts out of an animal before skinning it. she got a little sick to her stomach.  Jaune: “okay, ruby you want the heart?” *still got his hands covered in the deer* Ruby: *kinda scared* “what?” Nora: *gasps* “Renny it’s happening!” Ren: *pleasantly surprised* “ahead of schedule as well, congratulations ruby” Ruby: “why am I being congratulated? what’s going on” Jaune: “the hearts something that can be eaten raw, I wanted to know if you wanted it” Ruby: “okay funny guys, really funny. you almost had me” *looks around* “you’re joking, right?” Jaune: “as serious as a heart attack” Nora: *gasps* Ren: *smiles happily* Ruby: “I couldn’t” jaune: “I don’t mind, you should have it” Ren: *shakes his head, still smiling* Nora: *pantomimes eating* Ruby: *panicking*  “YOU EAT IT!” Nora: “ohmygodohmygodohmygod,” *grabs ren by the shirt and shakes him* “IT’S HAPPENING!” jaune: *shrugs and takes a bite out of the heart like an apple* Nora/Ren: *applauding* Ruby: *face pales* *softly to herself* “what the heck” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- so fun fact about deer hearts they can be eaten raw. in vale the heart is traditionally given to the youngest member of the group to help them grow strong in minstral the heart is given to someone you care about and is seen as something romantic  in the kingdoms, proper no one eats deer heart  so three different things were happening during this story for Nora and ren, it was jaune giving a romantic gesture (a very major one) to ruby who then reciprocated (in a major way) basically announcing that they would be courting each other  jaune made a kill and as a skilled hunter offered the best part to ruby who was the youngest as a gesture to show he cared about her. but she didn’t like deer heart so he ate it for her ruby just watched her ... jaune, kill an animal rip its guts out through its butt cut off its skin then eat the heart out of it still raw after offering it to her
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jaunes-erotic-world · 4 years
Velvet worries her thighs and bunny booty have gotten bigger. Jaune sets out to prove she has nothing to worry about.
Velvet's cheeks were puffed out as she struggled to put on her favorite pair of skinny jeans but unfortunately she couldn't get them over her other cheeks. Velvet had recently gone through a hormonal surge and now her butt and thighs had increased in size. "Noooooo my sister and cousins all had their boobs grow when this happened to them why did it have to be my butt," Velvet whimpered
The girl always lacked confidence in her body so she hope her hormonal surge would give her bust size that extra kick. Now she just felt fat and like she was gonna cry when she heard a knock at the door. "Vel I'm here to pick you up," her boyfriend Jaune had called.
Velvet panicked she didn't want Jaune to see her like this. 'Feeling sick? He'd just want to take care of me' 'Cramps? This date was today because my period is over ' 'stay quiet like I'm not here? He would think I flaked' as she panicked the nob turned
"You guys need to learn to lock up," Jaune said entertaining the room. He was met with the sight of a teary eyed, pantsless and her enlarged butt pointed at him "Vel what's wrong?" He rushed to her side.
The faunus girl lost it and buried her face in her younger boyfriend's shoulder and cried. He stroked her hair and did his best to relax her. After she calmed down and a bit of coaxing Velvet told Jaune everything her body image, the hormones, her wish for larger chest, and how she dislikes her butt now.
Jaune had been stroking her back as she had been talking decided to be bold and hopefully help her gain confidence. He moved hi hand down and took a big handful of bunny booty. "Ahh," Velvet let out a small yelp of surprise "W-what are you..?"
"Did I ever tell you that I'm an assman," he whispered as he began to squeeze rub his girlfriend's butt. "And this is a beautiful one."
The knight played with his girlfriend's butt every way squeezing bouncing spanking and hot dogging. He massaged her butt before saying "all this cushion for pushin." As Jaune began to thrust in her the impact of his hips hitting her big butt sent ripples through the flesh globes.
Velvet moaned loudly at the feeling as Jaune took total obsession with her butt. By the end of the night she learning how to properly give the blond a 'proper' lap dance.
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the8worldking · 4 years
Lancaster and Forest Dragon double date.
Mantle decided to have a fair to lighten the hearts of atlas. Upon hearing this, the orange sisters decided to go with Jaune and Oscar. For Ruby and Jaune, it’s another fun outing for the young couple, however, the same can’t be said for Yang and Oscar. This is thier first time going out as a couple. They were both nervous, but luckily they were double dating with thier wingwoman and wingman.
Ruby: so, what do you guys wanna hit up first?
Jaune: the roller coaster looks fun.
Yang: sure you can handle “The Gut Nuke” vomit boy?
Jaune: hey! I’ve gotten a handle on my motion sickness, a bit.
Oscar: is that so? I bet 20 lien you can’t.
Yang: same here.
Ruby: I’ll bet 20 lien he can!
Jaune: hell, I’ll bet to. (Thinking) even though I already know the outcome.
Yang: easiest 40 lien in my life!
Ruby: oh well see!
After riding “The Gut Nuke”, to no surprise for Yang and Oscar, Jaune ran to the nearest trash can and puked. Oscar and Yang was laughing very hard, while Ruby was holding in her laughter for her boyfriend’s sake.
Ruby: alright, I’ll PayPal you the lien.
Jaune: (nauseous) s-same...
After that, the four spent hours enjoying the carnival’s surprisingly good food, to the plethora games and rides, despites Jaune’s detest. When it came to the games, Oscar and Yang dominated Jaune and Ruby, though Jaune and Ruby loses we’re purposeful to make Yang and Oscar look better in the each other’s eyes. After a long night of fun, they all went back to the dorms. Jaune decided to carry a hyper sugar filled Ruby back to her room while keeping her quiet so she wouldn’t wake everyone. Meanwhile Yang decided to walk Oscar back to his room while he was carrying a giant stuffed bunny Yang won for him from the bell game she destroyed.
Yang: that was fun. Though I can’t live down the utter destruction Jaune laid down at that dancing game.
Oscar: hoesntly. He may not be the strongest, Buts he’s defiantly “S Class” with those dance moves.
Yang: Seriously though, this was a nice break from all the atlas drama for us. But we’re just gonna go right back at it Tommorrow.
Oscar: yeah. But at least this was a night to remember. It was my first time going out with a group of friends. It was also... my first...date.
Oscar was heavily blushing when he said that. Yang noticed and smiled a bit when she saw him.
Yang: really? Honestly with your cute face I figured you had tons of girls just clamoring over each other just to go out with you.
This made Oscar blush even harder. Yang was laughing at his embarrassment. They finally reach Oscar’s room, and he opens the door to enter. When he inside, he turned around to face Yang.
Oscar: before I forget.
Oscar then got on the tips of his toes and planted a kiss right on yang’s cheek.
Oscar: thank you for tonight.
He then closed the door. Yang was just standing there, her face a deep red and was grinning. She was now walking down the hall way, still red in the face, while to containing her laughter of excitement. She couldn’t wait to tell her sister about this.
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howlingday · 10 months
tragic backstory (tm) au) having slayed a dragon and saved his friends jaune's kinda feeling himself. well we can't have that now can we?
as per the rules of d&D you let your characters kill something big to make them feel great and have them fight a bunch of small things to humble them. like goblins!
the goblins in question are toddlers, human toddlers I mean. and jaune's mission is to baby sit them
Another War
Jaune: Come on. Come on. ...Da- I mean, darn it.
Nora: Nice save, Jaune!
Pyrrha: Still nothing from your sister?
Jaune: No. I've tried calling her, but I get sent straight to voicemail. I tried calling Mom, but that only gets Mom a locked door in her face. It's not good for her to be shelled up like this.
Ren: It's understandable, though. She likely feels responsible for what happened with Adam.
Jaune: She shouldn't, though! I never blamed her, and I never will. What happened that night was a complete accident.
Nora: Except when you totally kicked that guy's butt!
Pyrrha: As expected of our future king.
Ren: A decisive victory for all to see.
Mercury: (Jamming on his headphones)
Jaune: Ugh... I wish that last part wasn't true.
Pyrrha: Oh! The bullhead is here.
Nora: Woohoo! Springtime, here we come!
Ren: You packed your motion sickness pills, right?
Jaune: ...
Cinder: And how exactly is visiting a daycare supposed to improve his training?
Ozpin: First, it is a beginner school, not a daycare. Second, it will help him maintain self-control. His training has improved his strength, reflexes, and endurance just fine, but all of that is wasted if he's expended all his energy on the first move.
Cinder: And dealing with snot-nosed brats are supposed to help with that?
Ozpin: Have you ever interacted with children that much younger than you?
Cinder: No, because I don't want to be anywhere near them.
Ozpin: And why is that?
Cinder: Because I don't want to.
Ozpin: You're afraid, aren't you?
Cinder: Listen here, you-
Ozpin: It's only natural. For one reason or another or yet a third reason, children can terrify us. Be it their boundless energy, their piercing cries, or even their fragility itself, controlling your strength when near them can be a most daunting task.
Cinder: ...
Cinder: Hey. Do you really think he can beat her?
Ozpin: As he is now, no. In time...
Cinder: ...Yes?
Ozpin: I hope so.
???: HAHAHA! Team JNPR!
Jaune: Hello, sir! (Extends hand) My name is- HURGH!
???: (Crushing Jaune) Oh, there's no need to introduce yourself, Mr. Arc! Ever since your debut, the children have been talking about you non-stop.
Jaune: Oh... Really...
???: Of course! You're a hero! Oh, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm Johann Trüllen, the headmaster of Springtime primary school.
Jaune: Er, nice to meet you. This is my team. Nora Valkyrie.
Nora: Hi~!
Jaune: Pyrrha Nikos.
Pyrrha: Hello!
Jaune: Lie Ren.
Ren: Hello.
Jaune: And Mercury Black.
Mercury: (Still on his headphones)
Jaune: Mercury?
Nora: (Grabs headphones) Hey!
Mercury: Hey! Hands off, dammit!
JMNPR: ...
Johann: (Ahem!) Excuse me, but we have a strict no swearing policy.
Nora: Heehee! Sucks to be you~!
Johann: That's pushing it.
Nora: Wha?! How?!
Johann: Come along now! The children will be excited meet you all!
Emerald: (Lays down card) Boom! I win!
Ruby: Wha- You cheated!
Emerald: Listen, you might be good, but you're not that good I have to cheat.
Weiss: (Takes cards) I don't know why I'm surprised. A thief would be a decent card player.
Emerald: I don't know what to be more offended by; you calling me a thief or decent card player?
Blake: (Reading) I would say the thief remark. You're not a thief anymore.
Emerald: Tell that to Mr. Bunny Love down the hall.
Blake: Bunny Love? Who-
Yang: (Walks in) Guys, you're not gonna believe it, but Cardin is freaking out right now!
Ruby: What do you mean?
Yang: He's outside, and he's being chased by Professor Goodwitch for tearing up Beacon looking for something.
Weiss: What's so important that he's tearing up campus property?
Emerald: (Smirks) Oh, I can think of a few things~.
Jaune: And that's why, no matter where you go, or what you do, you should always think before you leap! ...Seriously, you have no idea how important thinking is. Uh, are there any questions? (Flinches from kids clamoring)
Boy: What was it like to ride a horse?
Girl: Do you have a girlfriend?
Boy: What's your favorite color?
Girl: Who's your favorite superhero?
Jaune: (Thinking) I pour my heart out to give these kids the most important life lessons, and they don't care in the slightest... Is this how Mom and Dad felt?.
Nora: (Giggles) I can answer them in order! He hates riding Ichor because he keeps getting stomped on. He doesn't have an official girlfriend... yet. His favorite color is viridian lavender. His absolute favorite hero is The Huntsman. His favorite food is...
Pyrrha: It seems Nora can keep up with them.
Ren: Could you trust anybody else? (Smiles) I've never met anyone has energetic as Nora until today.
Pyrrha: Are you getting ideas, Ren?
Ren: I don't know what you mean.
Mercury: Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, dum-
Johann: (Glares)
Mercury: (Looks away) Dum-tee-dum-dum...
Jax: Would you stop humming?
Gillian: Pardon me, brother. I heard it on the radio as we came in.
Jax: Well, keep it to yourself. It's hard to think with your buzzing around me.
Gillian: Forgive me. What is our plan?
Jax: We are to seduce this supposed "King" of Vale and their most powerful student as well.
Gillian: How are we to do that?
Jax: In your regard, you must study him. Learn his true nature. Get in close and become the perfect fit for his missing piece. Meanwhile, I shall look over the recent articles regarding his entourage. Power draws power, as you know.
Gillian: Of course.
Jax: Once we find them, we use our divine right as the King and Queen of Vacuo to make allies of them. They become ensnared in our plan, and become servants to the Crown.
Gillian: And if we are unable to seduce them?
Jax: Well... That's when the fun begins.
Kids: (Waving good-bye, Cheering)
Jaune: (Waves back) Haha, yeah! I'll, uh, see you guys another time, maybe! (Chuckles)
Pyrrha: It was very nice of you to visit the school, Jaune.
Nora: Yeah! Those little kids are gonna remember this for the rest of their lives!
Mercury: Or whenever the next new video game comes out. Who knows?
Ren: I'm sure there are plenty of students who will remember this. There are worse memories they could experience.
Jaune: Yeah, I guess you're right. Oh! Hang on, I just got a message from my sister!
Text: We need to talk.
Pyrrha: Is it from Cinnamon?
Jaune: Yeah! I gotta- Hang on, I think I have a signal closer to the cockpit!
Mercury: Better hurry. They'll be back from their smoke-break soon.
Pyrrha: They don't smoke.
Mercury: Or snack break. Potty break. Whatever! Point is when they get back, you're gonna make 'em miffed.
Ren: Miffed?
Mercury: Look, the sooner we're away from that huge, hairy headmaster, the better!
Nora: Huge hairy headmaster! Huge hairy hearmaster! Huge hairy hairmaster!
Jaune: Come on! Come on! Yes! (Scroll dies, Hits panel)
Pyrrha: JAUNE!
Nora/Mercury: (Laughing their asses off)
Ren: (Covering his face) Your PA was on.
Jaune: (Looks down at panel, Confirms light, Looks outside, Sees running pilots and absolutely livid headmaster)
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bleached-d-soul · 5 years
What's Coco's response to a certain bunny's and heiress's crush on a knight?(Yandere Academy Au)
"Wait, Velvet is sick?"
"Yeah," Coco rubs her head uncomfortably. "Looks like she ate something bad this morning."
Coco feels bad about poisoning her friend's drink. But hey, the girl knew the rules. Nobody takes anything from Coco Adel.
And Jaune Arc was hers the moment she laid eyes on him.
"Oh man, we were supposed to go see a movie together! I even got the tickets," Jaune mumbles as he wonders if any of his friends would come with him.
Before any of the countless useless bitches come anywhere near him, Coco catches his hand. "Oh, I have wanted to this one for ages! But all tickets were sold out!"
She lies and fakes her interest. And Jaune buys it all. So naive. So sweet.
"You wanna come with me then?"
Internally, Coco has to restrain herself from jumping the boy here and now. Oh how great it would be to claim him while her sick partner is lying in her bed~
Outside, she answers casually, "Sure, I have time."
As they prepare and leave, Coco catches the hateful venomous glares of other girls.
Sorry, kids, but Coco Adel always gets what she wants.
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winter-chill · 5 years
RWBY 7 - 3 “Ace Operatives” Thoughts
So thoughts...
BOO!!! they didn't work on stuff themselves.. although if it was Pietro and not just random scientists, I'll let it go :) And i'l give him props for using the Amity fights footage (i'll talk more on weapons later)
Oh, dust mines, launch site... ghiest, oh that's gonna bring back some memories
God Nora being so giddy about her stuff puts a smile on my face
and the Blake/Yang nod, the first of so many bumbleby touches this ep
They're really trying to hit hard again with Jaune and that sash, though it was a good set up for his hair cut (since I wouldn't really think of cutting it now when he's in a cold climate ideal)
Another very slight, but nice detail about having Yang be actually armless, not just fixing it while it's on her. We need more points like this, or maybe i just like the idea of it, but having those details shown off and not forgotten is nice. Also that's a beefy arm, though I swear it looks larger in the intro?
Again, having Blake have an onscreen notice of her hair leads well into why it's cut (though not showing it on screen? nor how/why her weapon's fix being gold... missed opportunity , truly)
WAIT??? Ruby got a NEW cloak? BOO, I would have thought her current one was still the original, has she been swapping it with each outfit? but, all the cuts and tears, the detail and history from her past fights, lost :(
I'll talk about the Oscar scene when it shows up, not here
Again, lovely intro to their new looks, but... could have been more. Showing them actually zip things up, buckle them in, cutting their hair themselves. Just lots of little details that would have added so much
I'll say it again, I think Yang's new glasses look weird.. too anime for the actual show style, but, I guess they 'work' ?
Also they all look to Ruby, this is her mission, her shot to call, she's back with her team (just rwby) for the first time so it's good to see them keeping the team dynamic, she was leader for a reason.
OH THIS SONG IS A BANGER!!!! also, totally a Weiss song (it said mirror)
Bunny hopping Ruby :D adorable
Blake really making the use of that ribbon, a little detail they again seem to forget about during most of 4-6 until it's necessary (running from adam in V6)
And... yep, no nonsense Yang sticking with the classics, recoil  (( I take it back, Yang's arm is the same as the intro, though I still think it somehow got bigger than when she put it on ))
And end it all on an amazing pose shot
Okay Ace ops time. Harriet, let me see what that little backpack thing do. But for serious, rolling only stops you from getting hurt on small drops, not several hundred foot... Marrow though taking a similar root to Ruby, seeming to ride it down, but he's doing some troll physics there, "stand on chair, jump off building, jump off chair at last moment, you only actually fell 2 foot"
Also, boomerang, gun? Honestly I kind of dislike the generic gun looking form, would have been cooler if it didn't change, but just had a little barrel pop out an end when he needed to shoot.
And now JN- OMG ELM YES, Loving the attitude. Oh Vine what's that on your back? you wielding an expanding throwing star (three pronged)
erm, right... JN_R
so, we got, some sick new looks, Ren's ponytail especially. Jaune's hair (i was one to hate it at first) in motion looks great, the concept art didn't do it justice. Also holding his sword on his arm..... kind of reminds me of @kumafromtaiwan's design for Jaune
"okay Jaune, you got this, it's not gonna be like Beacon all over again"
Oh, is he gonna use his shield like a plow, smashing through rocks, or maybe as a wing and glide do............................
Moving on though, yep, Hard light dust was a genius move he would have stuck in his head from Argus, and opens up the question of adding (what i'm dubbing) Shield Shield, with his V4 Nuckelavee Sword Sword, to make hard light blades.... SWORD SWORD SWORD???
a quick little peak at his shield, the emblem lighting up as he shoots a blast to bounce him from hitting the floor, that better be used later too.
And another amazing pose shot!
Oh Elm, you really need to work on your social skills. Actually maybe all the Ace ops do?
and, good luck bad luck duo for the final team, this'll be fun.
NEW SCROLLS! Love them, slim and cool, and with new team icons (c'mon girls, smile for your picture)
and that detail on how Ruby zoomed, Weiss had to summon, and Yang had some energy stored up, so their aura is down a bit, but Blake is 100%
Oh Yang, adorable goof
Oh Blake, also an dorable goof!!!
And Marrow is indeed the baby of the squad, you said it well Harriet, if a tad harsh?
Weiss no, this is a bad place for your name, but you're here to make it a better one, to fix that remember!!
Has.. has no one taught Ruby to project her aura to keep her warm, or at the others just dealing with it better? Either way, same Ruby, i hate the cold
Okay, yes, Oscar chat time
I don't know what to say, I agreed with it the whole time. Atlas is in a mess, there are good and bad times to tell people, and it's nice that Ruby has her intentions, but this may have been the same path Ozma first took, hiding things "for now" but never finding a chance to tell the truth later... they just need to keep it in mind.
And Oscar, please look after the Relic, I can already see red flags over your head the moment you took it, be that from Ironwood doing shady shit, Watts/Tyrian stealing it, or Ozpin popping back up to use it's last question.
OH, Clover, hitting a man hard with that, bringing up STRQ :/ all those fanfics of Qrow ('s semblance) being behind Summer's death, they all feel more realistic
I almost forgot, Qrow's looking snazzy too, those cross buttons, the eye/feather emblem embroidery in the sleeves. No... no necklace though?
Oh god Qrow's getting shipped with everyone this volume it seems. Good catch Clover.... I MEAN LITERAL CATCH
Halfick? Halphr... what did he say? Don't bullshit me captions, that wasn't alpha
REN!!! PAY YOUR GIRLFRIEND SOME ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!! Jaune you dork, nice try?
Another great Bee moment, Yang too can sense a disturbance in the force.
Weiss this is great, but can you keep your emotional daddy issues and the racial discrimination of a whole people a little more separate. But it's nice to again see you trying to make some amends and distance yourself from being.. well, 'Jacques' and his actions
OOF, Marrow coming in, hitting hard, and then acting like he's.... a millennial "I'm just a teen who does research, what do I know, boomer"
this scene though. Issues and history of faunus oppression, followed by a Schnee apolagy, and a faunus using her traits to help fix the past for a new future... that's some symbolism
Oh, a jump scare, good thing about Blake's semblance there too
And RW_Y right behind already running before the rumbles settled to help their girl
I LOVE THE GRIMM IN ATLAS. don't get me wrong, Deathstalkers are still top tier, but these things are awesome too
and now we get to upgrades!
Nice, so Yang has some trigger-able explosives, so she doesn't have to rely on her semblance to protect her when she's using his shotgun blasts
A subtle little thing there, Weiss being able to shoot an icle, not doing so from a glyph, but from the gun part of
Myrtenaster directly
Okay yes, this bugged me for so long. A scythe is a big weapon, the weight is in the blade as much as it is the handle, so having to turn it around all the time would be unwieldy and difficult in combat, so just a tiny upgrade like this is both smart, and amazing for Ruby to have realised she needed
Although I still don't get how shotting a bullet down the barrel, can give her swings an initial boost of speed........
Marrow really out here flying though the sky like he's on a zipline? though the buzz saw boomerang is, again, brilliant
Oh................ So the boy who cried wolf, can pause time? I erm- actually hold on, I need to figure out how that's logical......
I'm just gonna guess it's more "Harriet is moving so fast, he did this for dramatic affect XD
JN_R once again, taking a moment, a little nervous but willing and--- now they're very much not nervous, doing their thing, never first to run in, but never first to run away either.
Also, Vine has a stetchy arm semblance, and Elm has rooting feet semblance. Ye they make a good team (i ship them)
And finally StormFlower is getting some love. I don't think they look different, but having those blades be used in more various ways... grapples were a great idea
and again, Nora using that spiked back of Magnahild for more than a place to stand when she launches herself, loving it!!!
Oh Jaune, being nervous dorky, Nora a little ashamed? or ready to be.. and Ren, quiet as ever (i think he's kind of looking up to Vine honestly) don't worry though, you kids did good
OH Harriet... you don't wanna be left out of the action do you :) RUBY YOU DORK! And that little back+forth was actually hilarious
Hmm, I was always wondering how a fishing rod could be a weapon.. i guess pulling a grimm in works, but what was your plan then, to punch the Ghiest?
OH MY GOD THAT ANIMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
again, what are you doing Clover? At least Qrow knows his semblance, acting all "i'm gonna look around, things could easily go wrong here"
Good luck bad luck eh? OH MY GOD Qrow don't make that face, the people are gonna ship you two even harder now!!!
And the hammer duo charging in first... ye Elm/Vine is just Atlas' Renora, and I love that dynamic
oh, weird dust draft from Ren stopping, sweat boiling on the rocks... this room is gonna be interesting, mess things up a bit? fluxuating gravity, hot and cold spots maybe??? Ah yes, dust energy... makes sense
And Marrow in the background while we hear him on the coms, just a great little look at how Vine seems to be "distant" from the moment, doing the whole, Ren style of vague-speak
Ye it is kinda empt-- oh. Also good work having not just the face move, but the whole midsection being rotated... kind of as if, the face is stuck to that one position... COINCIDENCE?
Erm, does this one seem bigger than the V4 Ghiest?
And now we see Ruby trying to act as leader, pause to think, to come up with a plan, where as the Ace (while more experienced) seem to have both a plan on how to take it out, and might also be a little to reliant on Clover, knowing his semblance will fix any little issues
Oh that trumpet, a very self-knowing victorious tune.
And again, Vine and Elm doing a whole of semblance work, shame we don't see them use their weapons a bit more here, same with Marrow though not using his semblance (whatever it is) at all.
HEY WAIT. those black parts weren't there earlier, nor did they appear on the V4 Grimm until it needed them to pull toge- oh... they stretched the limbs to force both a space to cut them, and for the grimm parts to sort of 'be revealed'
And another eye colour semblance indication. Loving the runners pose Harriet does too. She's not time-pausing fast... (I take back what I said about Marrow's semblance earlier?) but things do act slower, even while she's running quicker than we'd see as normal in that moment. It's not time-pausing, but it's very very fast. And the motion blur trail!!, just a tiny effect, but it adds so much detail
Marrow really is the child of the squad, he's the one to make a mistake, but again- kind of had to rely on Clover there.. Interesting to see how things pan out when he's inevitably killed, or trapped, or just isn't there
Little details here and there. Vine using his semblance not just to grab, but to push the grimm back. Harriet taunting it to get it's attention and then getting out before it can hit her (but late enough that it keeps it's attention on her and really slams it's fist down). Elm again sticking to her name, rooting that fist down, being basically an anchor in all her actions. And Marrow... throwing his boomerang
UGH.. that little medallion touch pisses me off somehow, it's so pretentious? but anyway, he had a good idea, pulling it out by it's mask, kinda really relying on his semblance to get between it and the ice chunk without bouncing off anything. Again, very semblance reliant group
Erm... she punched the grimm.. but i wouldn't say it's dead.. are we gonna ignore that??? IT'S GONNA RETURN LATER I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT
Vine again grabbing dust, would have loved to have seen Elm basically kick one to stick it to her feet instead of just catching (or pinning herself to a wall to catch it, as if it was too high to jump and catch)
And Harriet going in for the catch, only for....oh.. that's the first thing RWBY or JNR did this fight? (also no weird dust affects, i feel upset)
But ohhh, her semblance isn't speed. I had this same issue in last volume, that her semblance early on was supposed to be speed, and yet she uses it to fly, to separate into several for moments, and she can 'merge' with others to carry then, when like for Nora in V4 her reaction speed should have been way too slow to really be ready for when she was basically thrown at the previous ghiest
AY yep, I'm shocked if Ruby has control over her eyes, she never tried to flash them off during this whole scene... but again, after Maria's story, hiding them from people we don't fully trust is better
And another little bee moment, Yang flirting with them puns
Omg! Elm carrying Ruby, Yang and Nora dancing, love this group dynamic
Hey, it's that guy from last episode, why are we... Robyn?
huh, kinda spooky... flickering lights... Robyn, watts, or...
TYRIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why are you not wearing your coat, it's cold remember! but that entrance, reminds me again of that "Cheshire cat inspiration" people first thought of back in his V4 reveal
HIS EYES!!! So whatever he does that triggers them is still apparent, and his stinger either still uses his own venom, or it's semblance related
And that line. He's here to mix things up... either he's finally gonna kill someone and let the police find out (unlike last ep when his victim was in a building, it'll take time till that's discovered... oh wait, blood) or he's here for info maybe?
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