#short one this time tho. i need to go buy popcorn in time for the finales haha
maeo-png · 7 months
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Sequel to this
“I am Damaged” from Heathers the Musical // The Four Swans by Winston Graham // Adventure Time “Come Along With Me” // “New Zion” by The Mountain Goats // "Hedgehogs Dilemma" Wikipedia // credits in image alt // The Song Of Achilles by Madeline Miller // Adventure Time “Come Along With Me”
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morkofday · 3 years
ah thank you @yibobibo for tagging me ^^ these are always so much fun! also am avoiding going to sleep lol so here I go
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? umm this dark berry red? idk it’s a very old one and i should probably get a new one :’D
2. Name a food you never eat. hmm, am really not that picky with food. but i had an disagreement with meat loaf for a long time bc once as a kid i got sick while eating it and well. let’s say it came back up :) so i was a bit traumatized lol 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold! definitely ;; that’s why i hate living here when summer is like maybe two weeks and otherwise am freezing 24/7
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? umm watching ultimate note i think lol it has taken over my weekends
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? wow hmm. i think fazer’s dark choco + chili bar is amazing? otherwise maybe kinder’s bueno 
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? yeah, a couple of times :’D to watch ice hockey lol bc it’s probably the only sport i enjoy... oh, and karate once too! that was cool somehow :o 
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “how are you like this” to heihua in ultimate note bc i dunno why but they keep. flirting with each other while bullying other ppl???  
8. What is your favourite ice cream? chocolate! (or if it’s available, i absolutely adore sorbets or some very nice and sour berry flavors!) 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? peppermint tea ^^
10. Do you like your wallet? oh yeah :o i love the flower pattern on it and several ppl have complimented it a lot too? i can’t remember where i bought it but it’s nice and i always feel so fancy when i flip it out haha 
11. What is the last thing you ate? some chocolate :’D why does every other answer seem to be somehow related to chocolate... (ah yes, bc i love it) 
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? hmm no. but am actually waiting to go shopping after christmas so that i can get new stuff ^^ 
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? ummmm does street dance of china count? 
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? uh, the normal? is that butter then??? i don’t even know any other flavors
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? i’d say @i-am-just-a-kiddo who always has to suffer from my continuous screaming over. everything, basically (i am a very hyper person when it comes to things i love) 
16. Ever been camping? not specifically but i’ve slept in a tent a couple of times and done some hiking lol also i think i would love to try?
17. Do you take vitamins? nope, not really? should i?? maybe i should, at least some d vitamin... i miss seeing the sun, where is it ;o 
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? nope, not really religious 
19. Do you have a tan? umm no our summers are short as mentioned and i usually try to avoid getting tanned ^^’ 
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? chinese bc i get tired of pizza very fast
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? yeah! i love the feeling of using a straw :’) also love it when they are funny colored or fancy or just very silly looking? 
22. What color socks do you usually wear? very basic gray/white/black but then i have these random colorful socks too? and something like,,, deep turquoise. and dark wine red. and socks with flowers??? 
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? no i am a very law abiding citizen jfghjf (tho i drive very rarely bc i don’t own a car)
24. What terrifies you? ummmmm. let’s say randomly that i would absolutely freak out if one day i was closing my curtains and someone was looking at me through my window (which is highly unlikely bc i live in the third floor but my brain insists on this one on a daily basis) 
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my empty tea cup, waiting to be taken away. so that i could sleep. sigh
26. What chore do you hate most? umm. vacuuming? it just feels like such a waste of time 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? i feel like the first two things that just pop into my head when someone mentions australia are troye sivan and @ashenwren ♥ 
28. What’s your favorite soda? coke or pommac (it’s this fruity soda? i used to call it as kid’s beer when i was young lol) 
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? would usually go to the place but i guess for now it would be safer to go to the drive thru? idk 
30. What’s your favorite number? i have no idea what i’ve answered previously to similar questions but let’s go with eight 
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? physically talked to? my parents probably
32. Favorite meat? chicken but i could also say shrimp or any fish tbh 
33. Last song you listened to? dpr ian - so beautiful x (this song is so addictive somehow??? and the mv is amazing!) 
34. Last book you read? uhhh this book related to men’s studies where the author talked about his own experiences and views on being a man in this society that really much supports toxic masculinity and those toxic ways to show it (i cried) 
35. Favorite day of the week? probably thursday currently bc ultimate note :’) 
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? uuuhh not right now probably but if you give me a moment i promise i can
37. How do you like your coffee? just like i like my men so,,, no. (lol that was an opportunity too perfect not to use) 
38. Favorite pair of shoes? my pair of combat boots! or whatever you can call my black boots that make me feel badass but also fancy and comfortable 
39. Time you normally get up? i try to make it around 10am but i just laze around in bed and i might actually get up at 11am-12pm 
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? both tbh, sunrise has its own vibe that’s completely different from sunset and both are just breathtaking! (no wonder my xicheng fic is very much full of/based on this day cycle symbolism smh) 
41. How many blankets on your bed? one, i surprisingly enough get very hot during night (and not in the sexy way) 
42. Describe your kitchen plates. light blueish gray? square. the smaller ones have these blue shapes on a white background, circle. 
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. clean too! i cleaned it yesterday :’D
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? i’d say long drinks. or just,,, i dunno, vodka with orange juice? always works 
45. Do you play cards? oh i did nothing else during the summer but play cards with my mom jfhgfghk it’s very relaxing somehow (also i love to teach ppl new games even if i know like,,, maybe five) 
46. What color is your car? don’t own one 
47. Can you change a tire? absolutely! i used to join my dad as a kid when he changed his tires :’D so i know the process and would be able to handle one i suppose
48. Your favorite state or province? i. don’t really have one? maybe the one on our west coast, i like the dialect over there 
49. Favorite job you’ve had? i’ve only had like two? maybe? and i didn’t really enjoy either but does doing theater stuff as a hobby count? bc i’ve enjoyed that and it felt like a job at certain points :’) 
wow this got so long wth ;o i didn’t even realize it was 40 questions jdhgkfg but it was fun! i hope this tells you something about me :’D and i’ll tag the two ppl who i’ve already tagged into these answers :’D so go for it you two! and then i want to tag some of the ppl i always bother aka @kholran @stebeee @manhasetardis @aheartfullofjolllly @leonzhng @lzswy (i know some of you have been tagged already but i hope it’s fine. also no need to if this feels like too much!)
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beecherdrysdale · 3 years
Hiii how are you ? I fell down the stairs today and cried for a minute straight #hormones. Dw I have a high pain tolerance but I just started sobbing lol. It happens. LONG post ahead, I kinda went off hehe.
Anyways let’s get started!! Yes quinton gets to be upfront because he would probably feel so uncomfortable(no offence) with all the sexual tension going on there if dyl or jamie were in the front hehe. But yes they would be bitchy about who gets to sit upfront “ no Jamie it’s mine turn to sit with Brigid” “ no it’s my turn dylan you just sat with her” so brigid would get fed up and banishes them to the back hehe. Lmao Brigid can we listen to Katy perry now? The silence!! And then no can we listen to Lady Gaga?. Quinton trying not to lose it in the front seat. If I had to chose tho I would chose lady gaga:) wbu?
Get ready to be beat! Yes Ryan is absolutely not sitting upfront w me! We would be crazy and I wanna win so. Quinner is sitting up front w me but he decided to be .... and I’m banish him to the back. Braden is the most chill so he’s sitting upfront and giving me directions!! Haha dyl yelling at you to drive faster, but no I will beat both hehe;). Kesh who’s sitting up front w you? Would Kirby be handsy😏?. We would have to make so many stops lol. Like it’s just nostalgic for us, but new for you so it would be fun to make pit stops. and we would just be taking so many Instagram photos as a group and w our boys and together ! We love that ! “Wait wait wait Lexi pull over, I remember this place I wanna take photos” lol this is bad hehe.
Lmao yes, your hair would be so tangled!! They would be panicking a bit because they’re like omg she’s gonna be so mad.... honestly Ryan would just take the photo and then post it but then Dylan would repost it and then Jamie and then me lol. Honestly I kinda love when people just take videos of being in the car w like the scenery showing, but this would include us laughing and listening to music! I hope they makes sense. Hehe Ryan or Dylan would probably take photos of Braden, cozzy and devon sleeping and would post it. Back to the hair: hehe yes I can see you giving them a death glare when you realize and your getting mad and would hide. I’m just imagining this in my head, like me pulling over and you running out of the car and quinton and devon fixing your hair lol. Somebody would be filming this no doubt.
Music wise, yes I love blasting music and people looking but it’s kinda a flex when they see who we are with.... I like rap too! What song do u like Brigid?. Country will be played and 2000’s which is fun! I’m good with anything !. Kesh I love hype up songs as well and bass heavy songs because they sound good on speakers hehe. I’ve been into Rihanna for the past week and I was working out to her music- where have you been, rude boy, bitch better have my money lol, pon de replay hit different but also S&M for some sexiness. Lmao sorry I’m just listing Rihanna songs that I love atm. What are your fav songs right now? Awww dancing on the side of the road is so soft, but everybody needs a dance break! Cozzy, Devon and Braden are some how still passed out, I admire that. Late night drives🥺 are we spicing this up 😏.
Hehe you and devon are swamped w emails and more and you’re like kirby can you please go w them we need somebody to watch them. Als yes quinton go take those hot photos . I admire Dylan’s sleep schedule, like good job on catching up on sleep. Kirbys just trying to sweet talk you and kiss you so that you wouldn’t be mad. All in all, kesh is just shocked like how is that possible? Lmao Brigid, Ryan and I w the shopping cart just stocking up on popcorn, chips m&ms, I love that. Jamie and Dylan are racing each other to see who can grab the most cereal and made sure that they are getting the correct ones for Brigid. Honestly all the boys are just confused about how grocery shopping works hehe. The crackhead energy. Kirby is panicking. We literally bought out all the snacks. Beaver tails are delish and I know where you can get them so 😃. I want to stuff Quinner’s mouth w beaver tails cuz that’s cute:) yes healthy food is a must, like fruits, veggies, rice cakes hehe. But remember that we are going to workout on this vacay hehe. After the grocery store we would go into the mall or something and the boys would just be wanting to buy video games 😂 and ps5’s. Also kesh I love how some of the boys are just trying on clothes. Why do I get a feeling that one of the boys would just be filming all of this?
The chirping will happen nonstop, I’m sorry it’s just to much inspo. Aww yes they are blushing real hard, cuz they like you soooo much. But Brigid is enjoying touching them so no prob.
The boat is a must and it is happening!! Hehe yes the tubing would be chaotic, everybody is just trying to get each other to fall in 😂. Ryan thinks that he’s getting away w pushing me in but SIKE you are coming with me. So then we’re just fighting in the water. Quinner would be like where did they go?. Hehe brigid gets so wrapped up in laughing at us that Braden pushes her in haha. Yes we all look super hot in our bikinis, and the boys are speechless! Like dyl and Jamie are just like wow, she looks so amazing! And Kirby is so in love w you, he’s like I’m the luckiest man ever. I’m still gonna make sure that I wear a non tie bikini so that it doesn’t untie, like one time I was in the boat and my friend pulled on the string and the entire thing untied and I just jumped in the water to retie. That is not happening again lol. Quinner would be mad hehe. Idk I’m seeing Brigid in a black bikini or maybe a dark blue one? It would match your eyes?. Kesh in a red one or yellow and me maybe in a green one or just black lol. Hehe yes kesh and Kirby are just doing cute couple stuff and keeping an eye out but we are to chaotic to maintain .
Hehe yes ig we are clingy but cute drunks but I get kinda wild when I drink so the body shots would def happen. It would be hot tbh. Yes somebody do body shots w Brigid. Dylan would step up first, and he would be enjoying it and then Jamie sees and is like no it’s my turn so he does it and in the end it’s just a competition and you all get drunk hehe. Kesh and Kirby are the parents of the clubbing trip no offence.. like wanna go help cozzy and devon? Hehe lol I could just be dancing w Brigid and the boys would get jealous and one of them would just come up and be like excuse may I cut in, and i would be like tf but then they give me a glare and I go dance sexy with Quinner or crazy w Ryan. Kesh and Kirby should dance at least at one point during this time. We all look hot btw :)
Hehe yay I can be friends w Dylan :) I want that friendship to happen tbh. but he’s getting jealous but I’m like let them have their moment, so I distract him a bit w talking.
Girls day is a must! I wanna hang out w you so badly. Some cute clothing will be bought! Ooo yes us modelling and them being in awe. Oo kesh a different modelling show w the boys 😏. The boys are getting handsy esp Dylan and Jamie hehe. And they are super protective so no other guy at the club gets any ideas. After tho it’s biker shorts, sweat pants and hoodies type of vacay lol .
Thank you for reading ! Hope you enjoy mes chéries💗🌸
yes ok so loooong post ahead people
oof that tough falling down the stairs lol. honestly i’m not doing to great right now bc i did not do as well as i wanted at my meet, so now i’m in a funky headspace. but hopefully answering this ask will help, and i can get my shit together before my events tomorrow (which are actually my important events)
haha yes dyl and jamie would just be arguing like “no it’s my turn to sit in front, no you just did it’s my turn” lmao. and then whenever they’re sitting in the front there’s just too much tension for quinton to deal with lol. so then i feel bad for quinton so i banish the other guys to the back and let him sit in the front hehe. and i’m just ignoring the other guys and refuse to play either of their music and i let quinton pick. and if we purposely pick songs we know the other guys hate, that’s a secret we’ll never tell. oof between those two idk, probably lady gaga, but again we’re not playing music jamie and dyl like lol. 
haha no, you get ready to get beat. i’m like an INSANE driver when i want to be. and ofc dylan is just yelling at me “faster brigid, hurry tf up! we have to beat everyone” so then we’re just zooming. but then obviously you’re doing your best to keep up so you have to banish ryan to the back so he doesn’t distract you. and then you let quinner sit up front until he starts getting too handsy bc you’re like no i won’t let myself get distracted. so then braden’s up front giving directions and trying to get you to go faster, but i’m still winning lol. and then kesh is also still in the race, and she and kirby are just chilling in the front bc everyone else’s asleep. ooooh yes making lots of pit stops bc nostalgia for all of you canadians. and then me and kesh are just seeing all the sights for the first time. oooooh yes all the cute insta pics we could take
ooooh yes people taking vids of like the music and scenery would be so cute to post as stories. and ofc all of us laughing and stuff, that would be so cute. anyways yes, my hair would be a hugeeee knot. and i would just give them the death glare, like you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. and jamie and dyl just try to hide from me, like they run away as soon as the car is stopped. and then devon and quinton fix it for me, god bless their souls. like i’m sorry, bc even i wouldn’t want to deal with that. ik how my hair can get. and this would be allllll over everyone’s stories ofc lmao
ok yessss our music game is on point tbh. ok so for rap, the artists i’m really into rn are juice wrld (rip i actually loved him sm), kid laroi (who learned from juice, so he sounds a lot like him), trippie redd, mgk, and nf. also iann dior, but he’s not so much rap as r&b. honestly any of their songs slap. and then ofc country and early 2000′s. and any music with good bass, but i think a lot of the artists i said have that. ooooh yes getting out to have a dance party on the side of the road. hehe it could be really crazy. or alternatively, it could be when you’re out on a late night drive and there’s a slow song on the radio and you guys just get out and slow dance to the song together no this is not at all inspired by the song slow dance in a parking lot anyways yes late night drives are so cute. but then of course they can get spicy 😏 in case you couldn’t tell i’m always down for it to get spicy lmao
haha yes quinton and dylan c. honestly have their priorities straight. and devon and kesh are swamped with director duties, so that leaves kirby in charge. so then ofc when we get home kirbs tries to sweet talk kesh, but she’s just not having it. she’s just like how? anywaysssss at the store we have the most duo of ryan and lexi, plus now i’m added into the mix, and it’s just a mess. like we buy a shit ton of popcorn, pretzels, chips, candy, etc. and we literally bought half the store’s supply of everything lmao. and then dyl and jamie are just in the cereal aisle trying to grab as much cereal as they can. whichever one of them gets we chocolate mini wheats i will love forever. and then kirby’s getting healthy food bc yk he’s trying to be responsible. so then kesh has to explain that his whole job was to make sure everyone else was getting healthy food, not just get it himself lmao. but honestly none of the guys actually know what they’re doing lmao. and then we obviously have to get beaver tails to so lexi and quinner can have a moment, but idk where you get those lol. but yes we will be working out a ton on this vacay, so it’s ok that we have sm junk food lol. and then after we’re done with food, the guys decide to wander the mall and then they just buy a ton of video game and then they’re trying on clothes lol. and yes obvi they’re videoing the whole thing bc they’re secretly middle school girls who want to have a blog lmao
hehe yes me getting chirped the whole trip, esp the boat day. and the guys are getting so embarrassed about it, but i just don’t care lmao. and then the whole boat day is so chaotic obvi. when ryan pushes lexi in, quinner will come back and just be confusion lmao. like where’s lexi. and then i’m dying laughing and then braden sneaks over and pushes me in lol. but yes we all look amazing in our bikinis. like kirby is just so in love with kesh and thinks she looks gorgeous 😍 and then dyl and jamie are just like damn you look hot about me lol bc we’re horny ones on this trip apparently. and i’ll wear a tie-back jolyn bc they actually stay on lol. and then ofc quinner thinks lexi looks super good, but then she tells the story about the last time she wore a tie-back and he’s just like why didn’t you do it again? lmao. ooooh for bikinis i like a black top with a print on the bottoms idk why. and then you guys in whichever color you want. also yes kesh and kirby are trying to be responsible during this, but it’s just not working lol
haha yep i can definitely see you and quinner being wild drunks together (it’s more like when the alcohol is wearing off that you guys get really clingy) so obvi you guys start doing body shots. and ofc it turns into a jamie/dyl competition bc what doesn’t? and then me and lexi are just dancing sexy together, yk like two drunk girls do, and then dyl or jamie tries to come over and cut in and at first you won’t let them but then you finally give in and go dance with quinner instead. and then yeah, no offense kesh and kirby, but y’all are the parents here. like making sure we don’t do anything too too dumb lmao. and also being a wingman for some of the other guys. but you guys def dance together at least a little bit too. and obvi we all look hot
yessss i feel like you and dyl could be super chaotic friends too. so the two of you are just chilling together and then you have to distract him lol, but then after that you have a different chaotic friend for when ryan’s not available lmao
yes yes yes, girl’s day would be so fun. and then we get a ton of cute new clothes so obvi we have to model them. and they’re all just in awe, like those are our girls. but then we also do private modeling shows 😏 and we all know how that ends. and then when we’re in our clubbing clothes obvi they are getting super protective over us bc we look so hot and we’re their girls, so no other guys can get ideas. but then once they’re drunk they’re handsy as hell lol. but then the rest of the vacay ends ups spent in hoodies, sweats, and athletic shorts lol. and obvi some of the guys’ clothes
ughhhh i love this, the whole thing was amazing. 10/10
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tsukidotcom · 4 years
Nishinoya & his s/o on their period (hc)
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This boy,, probably forgot what periods are since... well he’s a male and doesn’t have to deal with anything like them. So when you’re like “i’m on my period” he has to think for a second before realizing.
“Heyyyy, Y/N!! Want to go with me to meet with the boys?”
“I can’t, I’m not feeling too well..”
“Hmm? Not feeling well? Are you sick? The flu? Fever?”
“No, I’m on my period.”
🤨 quit talking punctuation and lets go-!
o h
Will skip hang outs with the boyz for you ANY day!!!!
Is gonna be there for you no cap. Do you need anything? Want water? Tea? Do you want anything to eat? Should he cook?? order take out? Or are you even hungry?
He’ll personally ask you what he can do to make you feel better. You tell him that heating pads, warm tea, and chocolate help with cramps. If you’re missing any of those then he’s already out the door.
goes out to the grocery store to buy anything you want INCLUDING the things that were listed there.
Might get carried away and end up buying junk food not only for you but for himself. Will also buy a random figurine or charm or aNYTHING that he found cool because look!! It’s cool!!
if you need more tampons/pads he’s going to get them for you. everything is under control you don’t need to even worry.
“What size pussy you wear?”
nevermind you can worry
He’s walking around the store and finally finds the tampon/pads section. He confidently walks in thinking he knows exactly what brand his baby girl wants.
Then he sees the hundreds of different brands that talk in minecraft enchantment table.
What is this? 2x more absorbent? Ultra Thin Pads®️©️? Is that a good thing? What the fuck do these things mean. For heavy flow? What? Regular flow?? Light flow??! Do girls blood weigh dIFFEreNtlY?-?-!:@:9:1
Ends up buying like 5 different boxes of different brands because he can’t tell if it’s the one you want.
Honestly this man has no shame so he just gona ask a load of questions. what it’s like putting on a pad/tampon? or what do the cramps feel like? Where does the blood even come from? Do you p e e out blood? He might even ask if he could watch you in the bathroom as you put one on and ur like 😐 wtf why would you want to see that pervert
but he’s more curious than anyting.
“What would it be like if you had sex on your period”
“uh., probably very bloody.”
“wanna try it out? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
Will give you a short massage or back/head scratch if you want one. Don’t be surprised if he asks for one too though especially the back scratches you betta pay up. You may be on your period but he is not letting you go without giving him a back scratch.
Will say it smells like fish as a joke but then you take it seriously and get really sad and self conscious so he reassures you its okay and that he was just kidding
Will watch a movie with you with candy and popcorn to distract yourself from the pain.
Cuddles during the movie too,, for sure. A necessity. His arms are gonna be wrapped around your body and he’s gonna pull u close. He doesn’t care if his leg is gonna be asleep for 2 hours. As long as you’re comftorable. And don’t be scared to shift or move HE IS YOUR PILLOW.
Honestly is the best mans. If you guys are at school and you’re worried you might’ve leaked through your pants YOU CAN ASK HIM HE’LL CHECK !! half of it is because he had an excuse for looking at your ass but the other half is to legitimately make sure
But as he looks he l o o k s like he doesnt keep it on the low he will stare at you for as long as he wants and theres nothing you can do about it. He might forget he’s trying to see if you leaked and just admires you for 10 whole seconds before you’re like “well????”
he just likes your butt 😢
If you period decided “surprise bitch i’m coming in” and you are leaking he will lend you his hoodie to wrap around your waist. You’re probably embarassed out of your mind but Noya could care less?? Like so what you’re leaking I just got a full view of your ass I’m happy 😊
He won’t always know or remember the dAys of your cycle. He doesn’t keep track and probably never will. He will start catching on a bit when he notices a pattern every month but thats after years of dating him.
you will NEVER catch him saying “are you on your period” when you’re mad. he said that during an argument and it didn’t end well at a l l.
If you’re having unbearable cramps where it hurts to move baby is going to feel so bad for you and do everything he can to make you feel better 🥺 Give you any medicine or try out techniques from the internet. Give you chocolate and make sure you’re as comfortable as possible. Give you blankets and the softest pillows. He’s glued to your side he isn’t going to leave you alone
He will make sure you’re 110% comftorable. Want anymore blankets? Is it too hot? Too cold? Should I turn up the AC? Yes? No? What about your pillows should i soften them up for the 11019118th time? too late it’s already happening i’m softening your pillow Y/N
Is the male species so he doesn’t know what you always want and might get things wrong. He is trying his best tho I promise 🥺
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poloniumicecream · 4 years
i was tagged by @starryeyedagony​ and @hashbrownteamcobrakai​ for this absurdly long list of personal questions <3 no one could possibly need to know this much about me, but let’s go

1. what is the color of your hairbrush? i just... use my hand.... i keep my hair short, it curls and does its own thing
2. name a food you never eat: 
idk i’ll eat what’s offered to me?? i buy what’s easy?? i have no strong food opinions at the moment
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? i have this bird bone body like an ailing victorian child, anything under 70º and i’m freezing
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? was trying to be productive but instead found a good link to the blue lick horror house🙏 idk what’s so fascinating about this thing, but i can’t let it go. maybe bc i have nightmares that resemble this space?? anyway i live here now
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? reeses never lets me down
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? 
memories blocked, sports too boring to think about
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? i regret to admit i am reading this out loud as i go
8. what is your favorite ice cream? idk but the worst i ever had was peanut butter
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? some faintly bleachy tap water, delicious
10. do you like your wallet? i use a coin purse to hold cards and cash - it's a pretty recognizable bright colored mass produced one. a while back there was a popular celebrity on the periphery of my friend group (don’t ask pls) and one time at a bar or something i had my "wallet" out and from across the room they locked eyes with me and pulled the Same One out of their pocket. pretty sure it was weed tho. but imagine carrying ur weed in a normal bill-fold wallet. that would have been funnier :/
11. what is the last thing you ate? 
lost in the turbine of my memory
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? i did not but i just got a new desk lamp, genuinely v excited for that to arrive
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? 
i don't think this question applies to my experiences
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? popcorn smells are compelling but if i eat things that stick in my teeth i'll lose my entire mind. wait this is it, the answer to number 2
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? close inner circle group chat planning our surprise private island getaway. no but we’re making (safe!) halloween plans
16. ever been camping? not as often as usual this year but yes! see above
17. do you take vitamins? 
those gummy ones like fruit snacks
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? 
19. do you have a tan? i'm ghostly
20. do you prefer Chinese or pizza? i'm pickier about pizza. u can't go wrong with chinese
21. do you drink your soda through a straw? no...?
22. what color socks do you usually wear? mostly dark but i have some fluffy pastel ones specifically bc the contrast in my laundry is funny to me
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? i'm gay i don't drive
24. what terrifies you? 
third date kind of question!
25. look to your left, what do you see? dying jade plants and beyond these, a cat's loving gaze
26. what chore do you hate most? 
vacuuming. loud
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? 
28. what’s your favorite soda? 
dr pepper only. i don't really drink soda tho. i was raised by the kind of parents who put fruit juice in seltzer and sold me that lie. i guess it stuck
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? there are so many food questions in this list pls
30. what’s your favorite number? 
secret information
31. who’s the last person you talked to? 
my father. probably the person i've spoken with out loud the most this year
32. favorite meat? i no longer eat meat
33. last song you listened to? it’s been a war on drugs kind of week
34. last book you read? 
i can't read
35. favorite day of the week? 
something cool about a thursday, i can't explain it
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? 
feeling very interrogated rn
37. how do you like your coffee? however it wants to be. i for real cannot supply food or beverage opinions like this on demand PLS
38. favorite pair of shoes? 
generic black leather lace up boots
39. time you normally get up? i'm drawing my shades and peering suspiciously outside through a crack rn
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? ok when ur out somewhere with no artificial light and it makes the sky more dramatic and cool, either one is good
41. how many blankets are on your bed? not enough, season transitions are rough
42. describe your kitchen plates? ... grandma is that u?
43. describe your kitchen at the moment: 
it's clean, it's fine, grandma get out of here
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? 
among the friends i drink with, one is a skilled bartender and we let him surprise us with whatever obscure drink he thinks each person should have that night. i would trust him with my life. conversely i just remembered my very best friend is also a bartender but him i wouldn’t let serve me anything except straight from the bottle. hm. what i’m trying to say is, the company i keep is more important to me than what's in the glass. should i also clarify i made these friends before they pursued this work and i’m not, like, frequenting bars to harass the staff? this answer is a mess lol
45. do you play cards? 
i don’t have a great attention span for learning or enduring things like that
46. what color is your car? 
u know what's funny is how much junk mail i get with car insurance offers. i wonder what color they think the car i've never had is
47. can you change a tire? 100% no and that would not stop me trying. it won’t be my car so i have nothing to lose and all of myself (also nothing) to give
48. your favorite state or province? idk i feel like a stranger everywhere i go except nyc
49. favorite job you’ve had? ok, mr. fbi i think that's enough
😔 i have not kept track of who’s been tagged or done this already, and the links will kill my tags anyway. do u have shit u need help procrastinating on? here, try this
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detestable-darling · 4 years
krabooz callout post (spoiler: they’re shit)
ok so my last tags lead me on a small rant abt how poorly hermit crabs r treated as pets so i deleted the tags bcus a few facts were wrong and have compiled a new 👏 c r a b 👏 r a n t 👏
so in australia we have this brand called "krabooz". idk if anywhere else has it (i hope not) but i know for sure hermit crabs are treated like shit in all pet stores. but anyway, i hate the brand "krabooz" with my WHOLE being. its not only obnoxiously branded, but its also aimed at children and parents, marketed as a short-life-span pet.... THIS IS NOT TRUE!!!!!! hermit crabs r amazing lil guys that can live up to maybe 40 or even 50 years!!!! They can grow up to 4 (or more!!) inches long if cared for correctly. they breathe thru their shells so painting the shells - even w non-toxic paint - harms the crabs!!! .....aND SO YA KNOW WHAT THIS BITCH-ASS BRAND DOES???? they g l o s s the shells. thats... real bad. im so glad that they can change shells. i just wish mine would. but... hermit crabs can be v picky lil guys, so u have to make sure to have a wide array of different sized and shaped shells laying around ur enclosure so they can choose their new shell at will! hermit crabs... have gills. kinda. they're called gills but theyre different from fish. hermit crabs are often marketed/sold with very small aquariums filled with a fine sand..... THIS IS ALSO BAD!!! rough sand? maybe ok.... its up to the crabs preference. the safest bet is coconut fibre bedding usually used for lizards, as they can bury in it and clean themselves of it very easily! 
the issue with sand is, if fine enough, it can get up into their gills and cake up, slowly suffocating the crab!!!!! v bad!!!! speaking of cleaning ur crabs!!! they need two separate water dishes!! one with salt water so they can bathe themselves (they r very cleanly lads) and one with fresh water (usually tap water treated with PH correcting drops OR u can just boil water, cool it, and then pour it for them) so they can drink! hermit crabs have a very wide diet array, which is another "KRABOOZ" thing that pisses me off. "hermit crab food" is often sold in a packet at pet stores, most commonly, ive seen dried fruit or an umami mix (umami is good for them tho that ones ok) but dried fruit all the time for them is a no-go! they need a varied diet like we do! they can eat lots of things!! like plain popcorn or rice cakes, nori/seaweed, some fruit as a sweet treat like papayas, coconut or mango, vegetables such as lettuce, carrots, spinach.... they even like brine shrimp and fish flakes!! they are social creatures too!! so its recommended that if u do get one, you buy them in a group! 3 is a good starting number tho ive now ended up with 5... as they like to climb over each other, play-fight, "antennae battle", and just generally have company! they also loooove to climb things, which ive found isnt general knowledge??? be sure to get them some tank decoration that they can climb and rest on together! if they get lonely, or there isn't enough stimulation for them, these poor guys can die of stress. so... anyway......... "krabooz" is shit and i want to strut up to the "kRaBoOz" CEO and strangle him with my bare hands. its not “kool” to kill “krabz” i hope u learnt smth abt hermit crabs today. 
👏 hermit  👏 crabs 👏 are 👏 not 👏 temporary 👏 pets 👏
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Survey #286
“has he lost his mind? can he see or is he blind? can he walk at all, or if he moves, will he fall?”
Do you prefer having carpets or hardwood floors? Hardwood floors. Easier to clean and just looks better imo. When was the last time you took a bath? Is this something you do often or do you prefer taking showers? Not since I was a kid, probably. I don't like baths; it feels dirty. What’s your favorite way to style your hair? Do you do this hairstyle often or is it too much hassle for you? "I can’t style it any way." <<<< Mine is too short, too. Do you have a real or artificial tree at Christmas? We always use artificial. The mess isn't worth it. What’s your favourite snack to make when you watch a movie? Popcorn, of course. Do you prefer the Beatles or the Rolling Stones? The Rolling Stones. The only Beatles' song off the top of my head that I enjoy is "Hey, Jude," while there's a handful of Stones' songs I like. When was the last time you played a game of Monopoly? Did you play until the end or did everyone get fed up and start arguing? I'm pretty sure the last time was the PlayStation version at Jason's house. I don't recall if we finished it or not. Have you ever won money on a scratch card or the lottery? How much did you win and what did you spend it on? Maybe like, $10 or so? Mom or Dad would buy one for the hell of it rarely, and they always let us kids scratch it off because we thought it was fun for whatever reason. Have you been on a plane before? Where was the last place you travelled to? Yeah, multiple times. I went to Illinois last to stay with Sara for a couple weeks. Would you rather do a wordsearch or a crossword? Wordsearch. What’s your favorite colour of skittles? Red, duh. I always save those for last. Do you have a favorite TV detective (eg. Sherlock, Poirot)? What is it that you like about them? Does Dean Winchester count? I loved him when I was into Supernatural. He was so charismatic, funny, a wonderful big brother, and don't forget hot as fuck lmao. Were you ever in any positions of responsibility when you were in school? No. Do you need to wear glasses or contacts? How long have you needed to wear those for? I'd had glasses since high school. I'm blind as a mf. Do you talk in your sleep? Yes. Ocean or pool? Pool. Cleaner and less risk. I'll swim in either, though. What's your favorite song at the moment? "DEGRADE" by "3TEETH." I've been hooked on them lately. Ever met anyone famous? No. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? *blinks* Have you been in love? Absolutely. Where do you wish you were? Sara's would be great. Last thing you spent lots of money on? My Markiplier tattoo. Favorite restaurant? Olive Garden. What is your favorite kind of car? I really dunno. I don't know almost any car by name. I like slick-looking ones, though. AKA expensive ones lmao. What would you honestly do if you had a million dollars? Pay off a lot of things, first of all. For both myself and Mom. I know too well I'd spend a good deal on tats, but I'm quite sure I'd be disciplined enough to know what's more important. Are you more of a shy or outgoing person? I am VERY shy. Would you rather listen to new music or the classics? I tend to listen to music I already know. I go hunting for new bands and songs too rarely... Can you do a cartwheel? lol hell no Do you currently feel any sadness? I always do. Do you always respond to chain letters? I literally never do. I don't care what it's about. They're annoying. Do you spend too much time online? My life is online. It's depressing, and very. I usually don't know what to do with myself if I don't have access to it. What is your biggest annoyance? Right now, people not complying to COVID restrictions to help end this madness. Are you currently in a relationship? No. What do you like to do for fun? Watch YouTube, play WoW, write, read, take pictures... Not a lot. I've been stuck with anhedonia for years; not a lot of things give me any sort of pleasure, even the aforementioned things sometimes. Can you type without looking at the keyboard? Yeah. Do you ever feel like people use you? I've sure as shit felt it before. What role does religion play in your life? None. It's honestly a place of bitterness. Can you sleep with your eyes open? Noooooooo, that shit creeps me out. How often (if ever) do you use moisturiser? Pretty much never... but I need to considering my skin is dry as the Sahara. Have you had any of your wisdom teeth removed? What was the reason? (eg. infection, impaction, lack of space). No. What was the reason for your last hospital visit? I visited Mom after her surgery. Do you use a laptop, desktop, tablet or phone to take your surveys? Laptop. Do you have any debt? If so, are you on top of paying it all back? College debt, for sure. I dropped out three different times. No, I'm nowhere near on top of it. How often do you travel by public transport? Never. Do you have an Instagram account? If so, how often do you post on there and what kind of things do you post? I have three, haha. I don't post on any regularly enough... but I use my first one most. My "main" one is my primary photography one, and I have a second photography account for my darker/roadkill/"vulture culture" work. Lastly I made one for my pets... yes, I decided to be one of those people lmao. Are you close to your extended family? Do you wish you were closer? Definitely not, but we want to try to get closer. In Grammy's last days, she shared that she wished we were more "together" so much. Do you prefer to give your pets human names or not? Definitely not human names, at least usually. Have you ever used a fire extinguisher? Would you know how to use one without reading the instructions? No; I doubt it. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to deal with at your job? When I worked, impatient customers. What was the last thing you used your mobile phone for? Listening to music. While my laptop is kaput, I'm using an old one, but it's super slow so I'm just using my phone for music and videos. Did you used to play The Sims? What version or expansion pack was your favorite one to play? I loved the animals one; I went through a period of playing that a loooot. There was also an African wildlife one that I had, but that one was pretty boring, honestly. I never got into the human ones. What quality do you value most highly in others? Probably compassion. Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you? Mom. What was your best find from a flea market, garage sale, ebay or thrift? I got an AWESOME shipwreck w/ a sea serpent nightlight from the flea market once. What is one selfish thing you tend to do? Uhhhh I'm unsure. I try not to be selfish. Have you ever written a letter to a soldier? No, but man does this make me think of "Travelin' Soldier." I love that song so much, man. Always have. What do you use batteries for the most often? Ha, it used to be my mouse, but now that I have one that plugs up to the computer to charge, idk. What’s the smallest thing you’ve ended a relationship over? "I don’t think I’ve ended any kind of relationship over something small." <<<< Would you rather order a starter (appetiser) or a dessert? Or would you be able to manage a full three courses? It really depends on what I want and how hungry I am. If I had the first two though, I almost certainly couldn't handle a dessert. Have you or a member of your family been diagnosed with COVID yet? My older sister had it very badly to the point she wound up in the ER. It's no fucking joke. Aside from the necessities (eating, breathing etc.) what is something you do every single day, without fail? I was going to say “get on the computer” or something of the sort, but what if I don’t have access to technology that day for whatever reason? In that case, I’d think of Jason to some point. There isn’t a day that passes when he’s not lurking in my head somewhere. Is there anything you enjoy that’s considered childish for your age? What is it? Roleplaying. Some shows. I’m sure there’s plenty others. How many times a day do you use the bathroom? A LOT. If I’m drinking something, a lot of the time, I almost immediately have to go pee after a single sip. Do you need caffeine to wake up in the morning? What’s your drink of choice? I wouldn’t say I NEED it, no. I do regularly have my Mountain Dew in the morning in place of coffee tho lmao. That’s out of habit, though. Do you live somewhere with lots of livestock or wild animals? Livestock, absolutely. Wild animals, sure, so long you’re not right in a city. Well, even then, roadkill isn’t rare. Would you rather live somewhere rural or urban? RURAL. Mom and I are both having trouble adjusting to living in the suburbs. The only good thing is we’re closer to everything. Is there anything (a hobby, for example) that’s guaranteed to always make you feel better when you’ve had a bad day? Not absolutely without fail. If you’re struggling with your mental health, who are you most likely to open up to, or would you bottle it up instead? I VERY rarely bottle it up. That is so unhealthy. I confide in my mom, usually. What room of your house do you spend the most time in? Is this through choice or necessity? Ugh, my bedroom… but yeah, it’s choice. I COULD be in the kitchen or living room on the laptop, I just don’t want to for privacy’s sake. I’m waiting for the extra bedroom to be cleaned out to turn that into like my “dayroom” or “office.” I’m putting a desk in there, lots of motivational stuff, just things to inspire me to work. I NEED away from my bed. I only want to use it to sleep. If you have pets, do you snuggle with them when you’re having a bad time? Does it make you feel better? Well, it’s hard to “snuggle” with a snake, but I’ll still take her out sometimes and she gets comfortable against me for warmth. I do however definitely snuggle with my cat Roman, because he’s a total cuddlebug and super affectionate with me. How would you rate Stephen King as a writer? Shockingly, I haven’t read a novel by him. However, knowing stories he’s written and his genre, I think I’d absolutely love him. What movie are you looking forward to? Oh goodness, I have no idea. I’m totally out of touch with movies. Have you been to see an opera? No, they don’t appeal to me. What do you wish that you knew with more certainty? My career success. Of the following things, which would you most like to have more of? Drink, dreams, bed, drugs, lust, lies, hate, love, fear, fun, pain, flesh, stars, smiles, fame, sex: Love, of course. Would you ever consider working for the government? Absolutely not. What are the best and worst television channels? I don’t need to even watch television to tell you Discovery is best. Idk about worst. If you had a magical pencil and everything you drew became real what would you draw? Hm… if I drew like, Earth overlayed with a peace symbol, would that cause world peace? What would you like to touch? A wild (well, habituated) meerkat. Meerkats are just… so important in my life. Without them, I wouldn’t have met people who’ve greatly affected and even changed my life. I know the day I (hopefully) hold or pet one will be one where I cry. Does anything you own glow in the dark? I don’t know. Would you rather ride a dragon or a unicorn? Who the hell would answer “unicorn” to this???? Dragons are so so so superior. Can you make a balloon animal? No. How many glasses of water do you drink each day? Rarely more than two, if even that. What do you like in a poem, accessibility, crypticness, or something in between? I guess of these options, leaving some cryptic space, room for the reader to imagine. What I cherish most in poetry though is descriptiveness, but not to an excessive point where it’s just hard to understand. Who do you find yourself in constant conflict with? Why the conflict? MYSELF. I’m just so mad at and disappointed with myself. What subjects do you refuse to talk about? Why are you hiding from them? I mean, none, really. With some people I’m willing to talk about whatever topic. Greatest black and white film: Idk, I can’t recall enough. Greatest film three hours or longer: Troy. I adore that movie. I should watch it again…
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concernedcrisis · 4 years
Thankyou again to @theelfmaiden for tagging me 😊. Much appreciated!
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush?:
Mostly black but with a bit of gold rose.
2. Name a food you never eat:
I'm not exactly against any specific foods, i'd try anything once. But our family specifically doesn't have Brussels sprouts in out household. It's kinda a thing.
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?:
I tend to overheat a lot, so i' d say too warm.
4: What were you doing 45 muinets ago?:
Watching a character arch breakdown i think. Maybe.
5: What is your favourite candy bar?:
We don't really call it candy down here. There's a distinction between the names for lollie types and chocolate. I'm just gonna assume this means chocolate because it specifies it's in a bar. This might seem a little boring, but I honestly love the plain Cadbury chocolate.
I love when its put in the fridge so it doesn't melt, but also is still soft enough to be bitten, plus it's really good when you dip it in a hot drink like coffee, hot milo, or a hot choc, and it's only just started to melt. When I was little in girl guides, we used to have sleep over competitions where you had to cut a quare off a hard solid block with a butter knife before the timer ran out and then you would tag team with another member and do something else. The team to finish the family block first wins.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game?:
Yeah, the first that comes to mind is when i went to a NRL game with a group from school and we got to hold the side banners for the Panthers team as they ran onto the field, then got to have a meet up with them after the game.
7. What is the last thing that you said out loud?:
I really can't remember except for maybe 'yeah'
8. What is your favourite your favourite ice cream?:
I don't really have a favourite, but I do like it when its got chunks😍 - initiate primal instinct to scavenge -
9. What is the last thing you had to drink?:
Dare ice coffee.
10. Do you like your wallet?:
I do actually. It was a gift from my aunty who I hardly see.
11. What is the last thing you ate?:
Chocolate I think.
12. What's the last sporting event you watched?:
I haven't watched a whole sporting even for quite a while. I've just been too buisy and generally am not that into many sports. But the last that I remember watching the whole thing was the state of origin games (A 3 game event between NRL players from NSW and QLD, within which each state rallies for their teams based on their state of origin.)
13. Did you buy new clothes last weekend?:
14. What's your favourite flavour of popcorn?:
I haven't tried many flavours of popcorn. We don't have a whole lot of variety. I kinda just like the plain movie popcorn.
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?:
My mum.
16. Ever been camping?:
I probably have when I was younger, but not that I remember other than a tent in the backyard.
17. Do you take vitamins?:
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship?:
19. Do you have a tan?:
Hah! I'm as red as Patrick's arse but certainly not tan.
20. Do you prefer Chinese or pizza?:
It kinda depends on the type.
21. Do you drink your soda through straws?:
Here we call it soft drink 😊. It really depends. Most of the time when we buy it ourselves I just drink it either from the can, bottle, or in a cup. But if we've gotten it from a servo or from a takeaway shop (eg. A fish and chips shop) , and a straw is offered or available, then yeah.
22. What colour socks do you usually wear?:
Usually black, but sometimes they've got those coloured stripes. A lot of my socks also have brands on them cause... free socks.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?:
I really try not to, and most of the time I don't. It's a little tricky cause I'm still on my Ls and don't want to use cruise control, plus our limit is only 90 when the roads I drive on (country mains) are 110 and the other drivers are either up my ass or trying to speed past me when they shouldn't. Trucks are okay tho, except for the pull back when they overtake.
24. What terrifies you?:
A lot of things scare me, but I'm not sure what to pinpoint as making me terrified. There are a few though.
25. Look to your left. What do you see?:
A stuffed turtle :) 🐢 (I know that's a tortoise, sorry).
26. What chore do you hate the most?:
I don't really dislike any in particular to the point that it stands out.
27. What do you think when you hear an Australian accent?:
Um, it kinda depends. Normally I don't notice it, cause it's where I'm from and how we speak, but if its extremely thick my mind instantly goes to 'Bogan'.
28. What's your favourite soda?:
I don't really have one. When I was a bit younger it was a fire engine. Now if we go out I kinda like to get a passiona. But I also love Back O'Bourke Cola (My dad used to drink it when he was little).
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?:
We don't go that often, so there's no real routine procedure. It's kinda just whatever the family wants to do.
30. What's your favourite number?:
Don't really have one.
31. Who's the last person you talked to?:
Either my little brother or my brother inlaw.
32. Favourite meat?:
I'm not a massive meat eater, but I do like pork and certain types of chicken.
33. Last song you listened to?:
Stantough's Bardcore/medieval cover of Vance Joy's Riptide. Befkre that is was Hozier's 'Foreigners god'.
34. Last book you read?:
I really can't remember the last book I read, I've recently only had time to read ficlets. But my favourite book, which I read when i was 13, is The Silence of The Lambs.
35. Favourite day of the week?:
I think it might currently be Tuesday (cause I get half the day off) and alternating Wednesday's and Thursdays (cause i get basically the whole day for art and to study how I want).
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards?:
Not fast, it'd tale me a while to do it.
37. How do you like your coffee?:
Kinda depends, If I want a pick me up I go for maybe black with sugar, otherwise a mocha or an iced coffee by industry default, but if I just want something chill I take it with milk and sugar.
38. Favourite pair of shoes?:
I don't really have a lot of shoes, cause I wear them to death before I get new ones. But I love this pair of boots I have for special occasions that's straight black and has a really nice tall thick heel.
39. Time you normally get up?:
During the week I initially wake up at around 5 but then hit a couple rounds of snooze before 5.40 am. On the weekend I typically get up maybe 9.30-10. Considering I'm up til 3-4 am.
40. What do you prefer, sunrises or sunsets?
I really like dusk as time if day, so based on that is say sunsets, but I think sunrises are really pretty too. Especially cause we live up on a hill in the country and can see the full thing.
41. How many Blankets on your bed?:
In winter there's 2 (Cause I'm not really too used to cold even though I love the cold and winter is my favourite season), but as it gets hotter there's usually either only 1 or still the 2 and I just sleep with them half on half off.
42. Describe your kitchen plates:
We have different sets, ones that we use daily and ones that we use for certain meals or occasions. The everyday ones are round, plastic, and grey. The other set is white an breakable (I can't remember the material) with a short rim. Each come in both a larger and a smaller size, and the nice ones also have small square counterparts for side dishes.
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment.
I guess it's pretty big, cause it goes with an open floor plan for the main areas of the house. There's a lot of counterspace, with quite a few cupboards and drawers, along with a small stand in pantry (Not a walk in cause you can only stand in it and turn).
But there are chairs behind the bigger bench from the dining area side so the bench is used to eat at too. It's actually pretty clean currently. (Mind you, I still live at home So that's probably why I can say it's big).
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink?:
I still can't legally drink for another couple months, but I know I don't like most beers, Champaigns, or wines due to being allowed a small glass at my siblings weddings for the toasts.
45. What colour is your car?:
I don't have a car of my own yet, but the family car is white, and the old car my dad restored is blue.
46. Can you change a tire?:
Maybe in theory, cause I've been taught what to do if I need to, but I've never actually had to do it myself, I've just helped.
47. Your favourite state or province?:
I have a strong feeling this was supposed to be in reference to American states and provinces. I'm in Australia, so we've got the 6 states and 2 territories. The States being New South Wales (NSW aka, my state), Queensland (QLD), Victoria (VIC), Tasmania (TAS), South Australia (SA), and Western Australia (WA), and with the Territories being the Northern Territory (NT) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
I don't particularly have a favourite.
48. Favourite job you've had?:
I've only had one official job (As in a causal employment with a specific salary and not stuff like family friend babysitting and house or dog minding around town) and have recently been hired for another but haven't started. I wouldn't exactly call it a favourite even if it's the only one. Let's just say I don't recommend big brand retail, especially not when being overworked by the company without proper area training, having to basically manage half of the store by yourself (including fulfilling other people's jobs), or when family is involved in the buisness.
Okey. Once again, I'm really really sorry for all the rambling.
I'm gonna tag:
@allenginsbergkinnie @brother-genitivi @geetimesthree @youhavemywhinyass @writer-inwonderland
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outerbankslut · 4 years
50 questions tag
thankyou @vintageobx for tagging me ❤️
1. what is the color of your hairbrush?
2. name a food you never eat?
3. are you typically too warm or too cold?
typically I’m cold but that’s my fault cause I wear jumpers but then shorts normally lmao
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
I was/am watching YouTube videos
5. what’s your favorite candy bar?
I love double deckers
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game?
7. what is the last thing you said out loud?
“get out of my way” to my brother lmao
8. what is your favorite ice cream?
ben and jerry’s baked alaska
9. what was the last thing you had to drink?
almond milk
10. do you like your wallet?
11. what is the last thing you ate?
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
no :(
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched?
ummm a while ago and I think it was ice hockey at the ice skating rink near me (honestly the best part was me and my friend got wedges from the food stand also this was like 2015)
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to?
my mum
16. ever go camping?
only time I’ve been camping is when I did it for bronze and silver dofe (I’ve also slept in a tent with my friends in one of their gardens)
17. do you take vitamins?
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship?
19. do you have a tan?
no sadly I didn’t go on holiday this year cause of corona :(
20. do you prefer chinese or pizza?
umm why would you ask me this I- I can’t answer. I guess if I have to choose one it’d be
21. do you drink soda through a straw?
depends, if it comes in a cup with a straw then yes. but other than that I would just drink it without. but I don’t really have fizzy drinks much anymore
22. what color socks do you usually wear?
white or black
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit?
I don’t drive yet, I was learning back in February but anyway I’d probably be too scared to go over speed limit lmao
24. what terrifies you?
quite a lot of things. spiders, death, being alone, not existing idk
25. look to your left, what do you see?
my pillows
26. what chore do you hate the most?
I don’t really have chores, kinda just do what needs to be done around the house like hoovering and loading the dishwasher, doing the bins. but my least fave is dishwasher
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?
diggery doo
28. what’s your favorite soda?
fanta fruit twist
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
depends if we wanna go in, if I’m with my friends we’ll go in cause none of us drive sooo but if it’s with family we mainly go in drive thru unless it’s on a long trip and we wanna stretch our legs
30. what’s your favorite number?
I don’t neccesarily have one but I’ve always loved 5 and 8
31. last person you talked to?
my mum
32. favorite cut of beef?
I’m vegetarian now but before definitely steak
33. last song you listened to?
young and faded by the hunna
34. last book you read?
The Infinite sea by Rick yancey
35. favorite day of the week?
fridays of course
36. can you say the alphabet backwards?
I kinda can, like not all of it tho
37. how do you like your coffee?
idk what this means but I just have like 2 tsp instant coffee with a sweetener thing and oat milk but not too milky
38. favorite pair of shoes?
my brown boots from new look ( I have an obsession with boots, and all of my boots are from new look 👀)
39. time you normally get up?
on days that aren’t school days I normally get up from like 8-10 am
40. what do you prefer sunrise or sunset?
sunset cause I could never get up early enough to see the sunrise
41. how many blankets on your bed?
I just have a duvet on my bed but I have two blankets on my bean bag
42. describe your kitchen plates?
they’re just plain black and white
43. describe your kitchen at the moment?
it’s black and white as the main accents and then the wall is yellow lmao but it looks quite modern but is extremely filled with clutter and stresses me out
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
strongbow cider or baileys
45. do you play cards?
I don’t play it regularly but on holiday I do with friends and family
46. what color is your car?
I don’t technically have one right now but the one I’d be sharing with my siblings when I get my license is black and white
47. can you change a tire?
48. your favorite state?
I don’t live in America lmao and I’ve only ever been to Florida before lmao so idk
49. favorite job you’ve had?
I’ve only had one and it was at homesense
50. tagging
@x-lulu @jellyfishbeansontoast @https-luna @pankowrudeth @royalmerchant
you obviously don’t have to do it and it’s so long so I understand but I liked this, cured my boredom. and also anyone else can do this who isn’t tagged :)
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btswishes · 4 years
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Au Short One Shot
A/N: This was a quick One Shot idea I had. Hope you guys liked it, sorry for any mistakes made.
Word count:  1,354
    University is a special word, it makes adults cringe from past memories and current students feel the need to go buy more ramen, in case their stash has lowered in quantity drastically. You were a normal student- leaving studying sometimes for 1 day or 6 hours before an exam. You lived in a dorm with 1 more girl, F/N and she was super cool but more of the party animal. You preferred usually to stay home and be lazy after the occasional study binge. Tonight was no exception. 
“This one or this one?”F/N popped her head out of her room and swung two hangers in your field of vision. Without saying anything you pointed at the black dress. In a matter of seconds your friend went back in her room to finish getting ready.As she was sitting down and trying to do her makeup she yelled out from the open door “You sure you wanna stay behind?”
“Yeah, I am fucking tired from all the studying and I have an exam early tomorrow. If I get wasted I might forget the things I stuffed in my head.” you grabbed a blanket and sat on the couch with your laptop in front of you.
“So what are your plans for the night then?”
“Probably watch a movie, after that straight to bed with me.” you sighed, poking your head from inside the cocoon 
“Ait, suite yourself.” she closed the door of her room and stood tall next to the TV “How do I look? Would or wouldn’t bang?”
“100% would bang if I was drunk and high enough.” 
“You are awful I swear!”your friend threw her bag in your face, but thanks to the blanket armor you didn’t feel a thing
“HAHA! Lazy protection! You can’t hurt me.” tossing back the object you smiled at her “You look hot F/N, don’t worry about it.” she put on some heels and opened the door “Hey!”you stopped her
“Not taking a coat?” 
“Nah.”with her thumb she pointed at the room next to yours “We are literally at Joanna’s.”
“Ughhh, I hope yall let me sleep at least.”
  In a matter of minutes you already heard the music start and your friend was gone. Sighing, you tried to find a cool movie to watch but there weren’t many options catching your eye, so you just pulled out your phone and started messaging a bunch of friends you don’t meet face to face often. 
  To your surprise a lot of them answered you and after the video call suggestion you jumped on a skype group call.
“Yo guys!”you swing your arms under the blanket and Amy laughed out
“What are you doing at this hour?” 
“My roommate went to party literally next door!” you explained with a obvious pissed expression 
“Bruh, don’t you have a test tomorrow or something like that?” Brad asked and you simply nodded “So,you gonna break under the pressure and go drinking or just be a good kid and stay here?”
“As you can see that is why I called yall...wait.” you pulled out your phone immediately after noticing it lighting up “It’s my boyfriend, give me a sec.”
“OOOOOO” Jenny almost busted everyone’s eardrums “Is that the legendary boyfriend we were hearing so much about?? ?”
“Has to be, judging by the way she is smiling.”Amy pointed at you
“Yall stop! Yeah it’s him, I am just gonna tell him I am going to bed and all that stuff.” you tapped real quick and turned off the phone after he send a kissy emoji “So how have you all been?”
“I feel like shittttt.” James slammed his hands onto his desk, when his mom yelled at him and he had to say sorry, making everyone laugh hard. You wiped the tear forming in the corner of your eye and continued until everyone said how they were feeling.
“So, so far only James feels like the world is ending.” you smirked in his direction 
“Wasn’t he always like that?” Jenny stated 
“You know what?” James smacked his middle finger in his monitor “Fuck you all!”
“What a gentleman.” Amy continued when you heard a knock on the door.
“Wait guys.” you stepped out of the blanket and asked who it is when you heard Jooheon’s voice on the other side. Opening the door, he quickly walked inside the room.
“Babe?” he didn’t respond to you at all, but was looking around the room and gathering your clothes at random “Jooheon what are you doing?” you grabbed him by the shoulder while the whole scene was happening right in front of your friends’s view.
“Where is your stuff?” he asked without looking at you
“What are you doing ?!” you pointed at your room and he went in ,before walking out with your backpack and a sack filled with your stuff.
“Let’s go.” his arm was firm around your wrist when you stopped him
“Jooheon what for fucks sake are you doing right now?! You suddenly walk in my dorm and start doing strange things without talking to me or even looking at me.”
“I..” he finally made eye-contact with you and it was serious “I am not leaving you here alone when there is a frat party happening right next to your room.”
“What?” you were once more clueless after his words left his mouth “I am fine! Its’not like the party is happening in my room.”
“No, it’s not fine at all. I am not leaving you here alone. Your roommate will probably bring a guy back.”
“She has a different room than me.” you were trying to pull away, but Jooheon was getting pissed off since he wasn’t making any progress. His arm let go of your wrist with a strong pull in his direction. You lost your balance for a second and found yourself flush against him as his free arm wrapped around your hips and pulled you even closer. Jooheon’s gaze was intense and looking at you with a pinch of anger.
“Listen here baby girl, I am not gonna leave your innocent self here alone. You are coming to my place and that is final. I will deal with your annoyance later ok kitten? Now go get dressed and lets go.” it felt like waking up from a trance when he let go of your body. You nodded and jumped in front of your laptop.
“Hey guys call you in a bit.” and hung up
  It didn’t take long before you found yourself in the passenger seat of Jooheon’s car. Pulling your phone out you tried to call your friends again. When they picked up everyone went crazy with questions.You tried to answer them as best as you could.
“Well technically I am being kidnapped by my boyfriend in the name of my safety. I am literally wearing his coat and my pajamas under that.”
“Damn girl you found a wild one.”Jenny laughed out 
“Shhhhh he can probably hear you!”Amy panicked 
“Wait don’t you have an exam tomorrow.Early?” James interrupted the girl-talk
“I will drive her you don’t have to worry about that.” his voice was low like a silent growl 
“I- I will catch yall later.” your eyes were stuck on him as you hung up the phone and placed it back in your bag.
  The ride was silent but his hand didn’t move from your thigh. “I have popcorn and a movie waiting upstairs. I thought at lest we can have a date night after I kinda broke in your place and kidnapped you.”
“That is sweet actually, I was planning to do that but I couldn’t find a nice movie.”
“Well I did, not as nice as you tho.” he flashed you that oh so familiar sunshine smile 
“Oh you are soooo cheessyyyy!”
And it didn’t stop here. You two had a very nice night together and he drove you in time for the exam, even picked you up and went on a ride around town. You thought that in the end of the day things didn’t go as planned but were actually better this way.
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baepsaets · 5 years
eight’s a crowd pt. 4 ~ bts
pairing: ot7 x reader
rating: sfw
word count: 6.6k
summary: you’re a bighit staff member in charge of stage set-up when you find yourself inexplicably drawn to the very seven men you’re setting stage for. soulmate au!
a/n: everyone... my beautiful followers... i’m so sorry it took me so long to post this! there will be one final part after this that will include smut. also i went to see aquaman tonight and it was so good. having jason momoa and amber heard kicking ass in the same movie made my little bi heart quiver lmao. also i want mommy nicole kidman to spank me with a trident. enjoy this update and i hope everyone has been having happy holidays!
disclaimer: i always put a read more in my fanfiction, but it does not always work on tumblr mobile. this fic has a read more already in place.
part 01 02 03 04 05
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You were adjusting the sounding system in the pit when you felt a sudden weight on your back. You startled and turned around and found yourself pressed against Jae, who coddled you like a baby. He smelled like cologne and alcohol and something mechanical, vaguely oily and coppery.
“(Y/N),” he groaned, drawing your name out into one long sigh. If you weren’t so caught off-guard, you would have laughed. “We’re leaving early today!”
He was leaving early today. It was the last concert before the unimaginable—a month-long break. Set-up crew got to leave a whole half-day early, leaving mid-crew to pick up a little of their slack. But you knew they deserved it, especially since they’d been short-handed after you left.
It was hard to imagine that it had been a whole month since you’d switched to mid-crew, and even longer since you’d met Bangtan. Sometimes, it didn’t feel real. You missed your old set-up crewmen, but it was hard to miss them too much when there were seven other people around to eagerly keep you company.
Jae’s bag was already slung over his shoulder, and you knew he was about to leave. Your break didn’t technically start until after the concert tonight, and true to mid-crew form, you’d be staying with Bangtan wherever they went. The thought filled you with unimaginable excitement—for a month, you’d get to be with them without having to worry about work or scheduling.
“Remember to teeeeeeeext,” Jae slurred, clutching you to his chest. You patted his shoulder awkwardly, face smushed into his clavicle. “You never teeeeeeext anymore.”
“I text you every day,” you complained, your voice muffled by his flannel.
“But it’s not enoooooough,” he moaned. He was probably already a little intoxicated—a few people in set-up crew had already broken out a bottle of vodka in celebration, and no doubt Jae had already indulged.
You asked, incredulous, “How much more do you want?”
“I don’t care. I miss you,” he admitted, and you cooed at his cuteness.
“I miss you, too,” you laughed, pulling away from him. “But you need to get on the bus before they leave without you.”
“They would never,” Jae scoffed, but you raised an eyebrow. Sungjin would. Oh, Sungjin so would. And you could tell in his gaze that he realized that, too. “Okay, okay. I’m leaving. But I love you! I’ll text! Don’t think just because you’re famous now that you can get rid of me!”
He said this all while walking backward, voice raising with every sentence. Some of your other mid-crewmen stared at you curiously, and you waved Jae away in embarrassment. Your good rapport as a hard-worker had carried to your new job, but you still didn’t know the rest of mid-crew well enough to be weird in front of them.
You weren’t famous by any definition of the term, but you’d garnered a certain amount of attention in the past month. It was impossible not to, considering at least one member of Bangtan was around you every day. It was easy to pass off some of it as work, but the rest of the crew had to at least suspect that your professional relationship with them went deeper. No one had said anything about it, at least not to your face, and you were grateful that at least a portion of the people you worked with knew how to mind their own business.
Working for another hour, you were finally setting up the last of the lighting equipment. You were usually the quickest crewmember to finish your work, simply because set-up crew had conditioned you so well. When you finished early, you either helped set up the rest of the venue or went to seek out Bangtan to see if they had any time to hang. Because their schedule was so packed, they usually didn’t, but it was still nice just to see them. Their faces would light up whenever they caught sight of you, even to this day.
You reached up to adjust the light, and a warm pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Electricity buzzed through your body immediately. “Hey, baby.”
“Oh, my God,” you exclaimed. “Why is everyone sneaking up on me today?”
“Not happy to see me?”
You turned your head and saw Jimin smiling, bottom lip tugged between his teeth. He fake-pouted, and you had to suppress the sudden desire to wrap him in a hug and never let him go.
“I’m always happy to see you,” you replied, before you could stop yourself. Your face flushed, but so did his, which was your favorite thing about him—at least you could make him blush, too.
Jimin pressed his cheek against the back of your neck hard, and then released you. You kept tinkering, despite the sudden distraction.
“I’m glad you’re here,” you said. “The sound system on the left side burnt out this morning. We were able to replace it, but the sound check before the concert is probably gonna start early.”
Jimin grunted in acknowledgement, and you continued talking, back still facing him.
“And you need to be careful. There’s a slick spot by the—,”
“Mhmm,” Jimin hummed. His voice was closer than you expected and you turned around, freezing when you realized he was right behind you. Jimin’s mouth curled into a small smile, and he reached out to tuck a hunk of escaped hair behind your ear. “You look good in that sweater.”
“Thank you,” you replied automatically, but your heart stuttered.
Out of all Bangtan, Jimin was the touchiest. He was the one who complimented you the most, voice edging on flirting. Whenever he smiled his teasing smile, your face would heat up hot enough to fry an egg on your forehead.
“Can we stop by your hotel room after the concert?”
He could have asked you to commit second-degree murder and you probably would have agreed to it, if he kept looking at you like that. “Yeah, s-sure. I mean, yes. If it’s okay with BangPD and everyone.”
“We already approved it,” he grinned, unconsciously leaning closer. You could feel the heat radiating off his body. To the outside world the two of you may have looked like a couple, but in the past month, you’d slowly learned how to let go of the world’s opinion. You didn’t care what they assumed about your relationship unless it negatively affected Bangtan’s career.
“Oh?” you asked, smiling your own teasing smile. “Were you that confident I’d agree?”
Jimin’s face flushed, and that was normal for him, too—always so flirty, until the teasing was turned on him. Then he became a shy mess. “Well, I mean—not that we knew you’d agree, but you usually—and then we, um—,”
You couldn’t help but smile at his cute stuttering, but then your smile faded, stamped down by the sudden guilt and confusion bubbling in your chest.
When you’d first started hanging out with Bangtan, dazzled and starstruck, you’d thought whatever silly crush you had on them would fade. After getting to know them, you’d thought you’d come to love them only platonically.
But your crush—or should you say, crushes—spiraled completely out of control. Bangtan had thoroughly swept you off your feet.
How could you have fallen for seven different men? Being alone with each of them, or several at a time, filled you with such a strong happiness that was only rivaled by how you felt when the eight of you were together. Then, the world felt clicked into place, like a weight you didn’t even realize you were carrying was lifted off your shoulders.
“I need to get back to work,” you told him, taking a step back. Distance. You needed to create some distance, no matter how much it hurt. “We can talk about it later, okay?”
“Okay,” Jimin replied, pouting. You resisted the urge to pull him to your chest and coo.
You moved to turn around, but before you could, Jimin dipped closer for a split second and pressed his lips against your cheek. Face flaming, you turned to him with mouth agape, but Jimin was already backing away toward the door, lips curled in a teasing smile.
After he left, you absent-mindedly rubbed your cheek, still feeling the tingling imprint of his mouth on your skin.
Ten minutes later, your phone buzzed in your pocket, signaling a text. It vibrated again. And then a third time. It must be the group chat you were in with Bangtan, which could get ridiculously active. You glanced around for your manager and snuck your phone out of your pocket, just when it started vibrating multiple times in a row.
Namjoon, 1:35pm: So, party in (Y/N)’s room tonight?
Hoseok, 1:36pm: SWEET i’ll give the staff money to go buy snacks
Jimin, 1:38: remember to ask for TWO boxes of popcorn because :/ someone :/ ate it all :/ last time
Yoongi, 1:39: quit being so shady and just @ jungkook already
Jungkook, 1:39: IT WAS
Jungkook, 1:40: NOT ME
Jimin, 1:40: WHAT?
You chuckled and glanced around quickly, typing a quick message.
You, 1:42: I’ll message you guys when I’m done with cleaning the stage and then you can come over. I’m putting the group chat on silent tho bc I’m still at work.
Already, your message prompted several quick replies.
Hoseok, 1:42: (Y/N)! <3
Jin, 1:43: We will not be silenced!!!!!!!!
Taehyung, 1:44: lmao OOPS
Taehyung, 1:44: caught in a liiiieeeeee~~~
*Jimin has removed Jin from the chat*
*Namjoon has added Jin to the chat*
Namjoon, 1:46: Quit removing people from the chat just because they piss you off
*Jimin has removed Namjoon from the chat*
Yoongi, 1:47: as expected
“(Y/N)!” your manager called, almost making you drop your phone. You looked up guiltily and were lucky to discover she wasn’t even looking at you—she was too busy trying to keep a stage light standing. “Could you come over here and help me fix this?”
Sighing in relief, you pocketed your phone and went to help your manager. You liked your manager a lot, but she still made you nervous. You made sure to stay on your best behavior when she was around.
You held the top of the light while she screwed it into place, and when she was finished, she beamed up at you. “Thank you! And I’m glad you’re here.” Her bright look turned apologetic, so you knew you were in for some serious shit. “I have a favor to ask.”
“What is it?” you asked, cautious.
“Ji-sung is out sick tonight,” she admitted. “We need another crewmember in the camera pit. I know you don’t like going near the crowd, but you have the most experience with the stage material and I’d think you’d be a huge help to them.”
The breath left your chest. “I don’t know, I really—,”
“I know it’s last minute,” she interrupted, “and I know it’s a little inconvenient, but you’re our best replacement. It would only be for tonight.”
Your teeth clinked together, nervous. You were not a crowd person, and the camera pit was right in front of it. They were the pit that was most at risk of being tramped or attacked.
But you really wanted to leave a good impression with your new manager.
“Yeah,” you said, slowly. “That’s fine, (Y/M/N). I’d be happy to help.”
“Oh, thank you!” she gushed. “I’ll tell the camera crew. Think of it as a blessing! It’s basically a front-row ticket.”
A front row ticket in front of a writhing mass of fanaticism. Really, you didn’t mind people. People were smart—until you put them in a crowd. Then they were a hazard.
“Call time is 6:15!” And with that she flounced away, far too happy to be at work. Your manager truthfully was a different creature.
You let out a deep breath and shook your head. “Goddamn it.”
You distracted yourself with idle work leading up to the concert. It felt like everything and nothing needed to be done. You already knew Bangtan was busy with sound check and weren’t available, but that didn’t stop your from peeking your head in every once in a while to listen to them.
All you had to do was make it through the concert, and then the eight of you could finally relax.
You weren’t present for sound check, like you usually were. Instead you were busy introducing yourself to the camera crew and modifying their equipment. By the time the venue finally allowed people to start filing in, you were called away to help with lighting while the camera crew set up in front of the stage, so you didn’t get a chance to even wave at Bangtan until just an hour before the concert.
Walking into the waiting area, Namjoon’s head shot up immediately, and his gaze found your own. You smiled, and then the rest of Bangtan was turning their head. Hoseok waved manically.
You dodged a few frantic crewmen still trying to finish setting up before the concert began. Taehyung was the first to hug you, nuzzling into the side of your neck. Jin rubbed his hand along your shoulder and you smiled at them gratefully.
“We missed you during sound check,” Yoongi said, slightly pouting in a way that he would deny to be pouting, except it definitely was.
You sighed. “I’m not doing sound check tonight.”
“You look upset,” Hoseok noticed, and once he’d said it, the entirety of Bangtan circled you in concern. It was overwhelming in a good way, a flattering way, and you liked it because you weren’t used to people trying to take care of you. Jin cupped your cheek in one hand, analyzing your face.
“I’m fine,” you assured them. “I’m just nervous. I’m replacing Ji-sung in the camera pit tonight and I’ll have to be in the crowd.”
Namjoon nodded his head in understanding. “It can be overwhelming.”
“You’re telling me,” you muttered. “I’m afraid I’m gonna get dragged backward and trampled, never to be seen again.”
Jeongguk laughed. “That won’t happen, don’t be nervous.”
“We’ll keep an eye out for you,” Jimin said, and you realized he was smirking. “You’ll be in the front row. It’s the best seat in the house.”
“We’ll perform well for you,” Taehyung added.
“When do you not?” you asked, and then backtracked. “Perform well, I mean—not like, perform well for me—uh—,”
Jin laughed at your flustered expression. “Just keep your eyes on us the entire time and you’ll survive.”
You were certain that doing just that would be what killed you.
The eight of you chatted for a bit more until it was time for you to leave. Hoseok must have noticed how nervous you looked, because he leaned close to you for a second and planted a second kiss on your cheek. You didn’t see it, but Bangtan eyed him jealously.
“It’ll be fine,” he chirped, and you smiled.
“I’ll see you after the concert,” you told them, and then made your way to the stage.
The venue was an arena, and it was huge. The camera pit was set up in a small section in front of the middle of the stage, to avoid blocking a majority of the crowd view. It was protected by thin guard railing and a hanging sign that would do nothing to deter someone who was really interested in bypassing it. The second you stepped by the crowd your hair stood on end, but you put on a brave face and approached the pit, speaking with the camera crew. There really wasn’t much for you to do except help them with emergencies and fill in where you could.
You couldn’t help but glance back at the crowd. They were getting antsy, and so were you. It was like their infectious energy was seeping into you. You barely resisted the urge to scream when the concert began, and the entire crowd went wild.
The energy Bangtan brought to the stage was insane. It was like the entire arena was cradled in the palm of their hand. It didn’t matter who you were—if you were a fan, an employee, a stranger on the street—in that moment, they owned you. There wasn’t a choice about it.
It was amazing because at that moment you weren’t their coworker, or a BigHit employee—you were just a fan at a concert, who’d somehow gotten a really, really good seat. Seeing them perform so closely to you made your heart stop.
And throughout the entire concert, Bangtan kept staring at you.
You knew, logically, that they weren’t staring at you—they were staring at the camera. But you couldn’t help but feel like they were staring at you, trying to catch your eyes with their dancing and obscene hip thrusting. You were barely able to resist the urge to cover your face whenever it happened, giving in a few times when you were just too flustered to look. The camera crew, who were used to such a display, laughed at your embarrassment.
Sometimes they would point in your direction, stick their tongue out—Jimin, boldest of the seven on stage, laid on his back and thrusted into the air not one foot away from the lip of the stage, directly in front of you.
Heat was coiled so deeply in your stomach, you were afraid you’d explode.
Near the end of the concert, you got a message from your manager over your headset—since you’d done her such a big favor, she was letting you leave after the concert was finished instead of staying to help clean afterward. You were intensely grateful, because you were sweating and flustered and really didn’t know how much more you could take. You bid the camera crew goodbye and made your way backstage once Bangtan exited, the screaming of the crowd echoing as you walked further and further way.
Once in the back, you looked for them excitedly. It wasn’t often you got to see them directly after a concert. You were still hot and bothered, but you tried to push it to the back of your mind as your gaze snagged on them, all seven by the very edge of the stage.
“Hey!” you called, and the second Namjoon caught sight of you, his face split into a dimpled grin that almost made your heart stop.
He strode toward you, and you didn’t realize what he was doing until he swept you up in a hug and spun you around, giggling. Bangtan was right behind him, and suddenly you were in the middle of the sweatiest group hug you’d ever had in your life.
“How was it?” you heard Jimin ask, although you couldn’t see him through all the people in the way.
“It was amazing,” you replied. “Really, you all did fantastically.”
“It’s because we knew you were watching,” Hoseok declared. “You’re our good luck charm.”
You laughed and pulled your bottom lip through your teeth, looking away. A small smile curled your lip, and Jeongguk took you by the chin and planted a quick kiss to your cheek.
“So cute,” you thought you heard him breath, but you couldn’t be sure over the noise still echoing throughout the arena.
“Are you doing an encore?” you asked, and Jin nodded.
“Yeah, we’re gonna rest for a moment and go back out.”
“I got off a little early, so I’m gonna head back to my room and shower, okay? Come over whenever you want. I think Namjoon already has an extra copy of my room key.”
“We’ll come over the second we’re done,” Taehyung said, and then he was hugging you too, your face buried in his neck. “Thank you for watching us.”
“I always watch you,” you admitted. “I’m just never in the front row.”
Jimin’s grin was sharp and sly. “We know.”
You shooed them off, watching them glance back at you as they prepared to go back on stage. You waved them goodbye until they were gone, and then even peeked through the curtain to watch them from the sideline for a moment. I was just like all that time ago, when you’d caught a sneak peek of them before running into Jeongguk, except now you had permission to be here. Now you knew them. And now you knew just how much they meant to you.
Your hotel room was on the second floor next to the venue. You were still one of the only women in mid-crew, and had secured yet another room to yourself. It had two beds, and you threw your bag down on the closest one before showering and changing into something more comfortable. You put on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt and sat down to start browsing Netflix, looking for a new movie to watch. You thought, vaguely, about taking a moment to take care of the heat still simmering on low in your stomach, but knew you’d never be able to look them in the eye if you did something like that right before they came over.
After just over an hour, you heard the door unlock, and you perked up just in time to watch it swing open and reveal the seven people behind it.
“We’re here!” Hoseok hollered, and you laughed.
“And we brought towels,” Jimin informed. You noticed that they were still wearing their makeup, and were still in their stage clothes. They must have really come straight from the concert to your hotel room. Namjoon was the last of the seven to file in, and he held up a huge bag of food for you to see.
“We also ordered takeout,” he said, sheepishly. He knew how much you hated it when they spent money on your food.
You took the bag and shot him a mock-glare. “Go take a shower. You all stink.”
You were glad they’d brought extra towels, because the seven of them rotated through your shower like madmen before getting dressed and climbing into bed. You were sure they were used to such a routine, which explained how they did it so efficiently. You all chatted and ate while everyone showered, celebrating and laughing. It only took thirty minutes for everyone to get settled.
Jeongguk wanted desperately to watch a horror movie, and you relented and allowed it, all of you climbing into one bed. You ended up pressed against Jin, and his hair was still damp from the shower, and he smelled clean and fresh and manly. You had to bite your lip to resist leaning forward and burying your face in his neck.
An hour later, Jimin whispered, horrified, “Oh, no.”
“She’s so dumb,” Taehyung muttered. “She deserves to die.”
Hoseok curled further into himself, and you felt him rocking back and forth on the bed while you clutched your own pillow to your chest. The room was pitch black, except for the glow of the television screen.
The main character took another hesitant step forward, toward the murderer hiding within the house, and toward certain death. The scene was quiet, ominous music played in the background—you all knew a jump scare was coming soon.
“This isn’t even realistic,” Yoongi said. “The fake blood is too thick—,”
Namjoon interrupted, hissing, “Quit talking during the movie.” Not a second later, the murderer jumped out on the screen, making Namjoon yelp. You jumped, and Jin let out a shrill shriek.
The screaming on the screen was drowned out by everyone’s sudden gasp and Jeongguk’s maniacal giggling.
“Hyung—,” he tried to say, pressing his fist against his mouth. “Hyung—what noise what that?”
Jin’s face was red. “That wasn’t me.”
“Then who was it?” Jimin cackled.
“It was (Y/N).”
“Don’t pin that on me,” you immediately countered. “My voice doesn’t even go that high.”
Jeongguk dissolved into giggling again, while Jin’s face heated further.
“I can’t hear,” Yoongi snapped, still paying attention to the movie.
You didn’t know what time it was, and you didn’t care. For once, you didn’t have to worry about going anywhere.
Once the scary movie was finally over, you all decided to watch something lighter to calm down. Jimin picked out a rom-com that had most of you groaning, but no one protested enough to change his mind. It was fun to laugh, but whenever a romantic scene came on, you couldn’t help but eye them nervously. You were afraid that your ridiculous affection would suddenly be tattooed on your forehead.
In the particular movie you were watching, two people fell in love at first sight. It was almost like they were soulmates, and you sighed. It wasn’t that you didn’t like the movie, but watching a movie like that was hard when you were surrounded by seven people you loved but knew would never love you back.
“Have you ever been in love?” Jeongguk asked, suddenly. It took you a stuttered second to realize he was speaking to you, wide and dark gaze unreadable in the low light. You realized that the movie was already over halfway finished, and you’d been distracted for a majority of it.
You stared at him for a long time, lost in thought. It felt like the entire room was waiting for your answer with bated breath, and for the first time in a long time, you felt slightly uncomfortable.
“Not like that,” you said. “And I don’t know if I’d want to be.”
Jeongguk looked away, but Namjoon drew your attention as he asked, “What do you mean?”
It was hard to explain, and you weren’t sure how to begin. How did you tell these men that you wanted that type of love so desperately, you could taste it on the tip of you tongue? How did you describe to them how much it scared you, enticed you, beckoned you for more? A type of love you could only read about, hear about in movies. The type of love only shared between soulmates?
It was easier, pretending not to want it. Because if you pretended not to want it, then you wouldn’t have to live with the crushing disappointment of never having it.
“That type of love doesn’t exist,” you ended up saying, because you were a coward, and intimately aware that you’d managed to fall in love with every single one of them, so who were you to be so greedy?
“I don’t think that’s true,” Jimin said, quietly. The movie was just a humble hum in the background, barely audible. “Maybe you just haven’t found it yet.”
It hurt, thinking about it. Hope could be just as painful as it was uplifting. “If it does exist, I don’t need it to be happy.”
They’d ruined you, you realized. There would be no one after them. Any chance you’d had of finding mediocre love with a man who made you happy but didn’t light a fire in your soul was dashed, and all because for the first time in your life, you’d found people that made you feel alive.
“Of course, you don’t need it. But what if someone wanted to give it to you?” Taehyung inquired.
You turned your head and looked away from them, considering and contemplating fruitlessly. “I don’t know.” The mood in the room plummeted, and you couldn’t help but think it was your fault. “I’m sorry.” 
“You don’t have to apologize,” Jin whispered. “Sorry for interrupting the movie.”
“It’s fine,” you laughed, only a little awkwardly. “I wasn’t really paying attention anyway. Do you want to watch something else?”
They agreed, and finally settled on the first episode of a crime show you’d never heard of but pretended to watch avidly. Several of them glanced at you from the corner of their eyes, but you tried your best to ignore it.
By the time early dawn was creeping at your window, it was already decided that Bangtan would spend the night. Such was your routine. You ended up squished in one bed with Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon, with Jin and the maknae line on the other bed. Everyone was so tired that sleep came easily, but you still lingered awake, thinking and worrying about the situation you’d gotten yourself into.
You needed to distance yourself from them, or tell them how you felt. You knew they’d never return your affection, but at least you wouldn’t feel guilty about lying to them.
I’m in love with you, I’m sorry. I need some distance to think.
It would almost be easy, but you didn’t want to see the look on their faces when you confessed. You would probably sound crazy. Who fell in love with seven people? They would probably think you were faking it because they were handsome, rich, and successful.
No, no, you knew that was your insecurity talking. But you also knew your friendship with them would never be the same afterward. You weren’t sure if you were ready to lose them.
You were so tired. You wished you could just fall asleep and not worry about anything until the morning.
“You can relax,” Yoongi whispered, suddenly. His voice was low and gruff and muddled by sleep.
You almost startled. Yoongi was lying right next to you, and you’d held yourself rigid to avoid touching him. You were afraid of making him uncomfortable. You could feel the pressure of Hoseok’s back against your own, but he was already fast asleep.
“M’fine,” you murmured. Yoongi snorted at how tired you sounded and scooted closer, until you had to actively fight not to sink next to him.
“Come here. It’s fine.”
You hesitated for a moment longer before settling down, letting Yoongi’s weight on the mattress roll you closer until you were pressed against his side. You rested your head against his chest, intertwining one leg between his. “Is that better?”
“Yeah,” you whispered into his sweatshirt, voice almost slurred with how sleepy you were. You wished you were at least coherent enough to appreciate his sudden closeness. “Are you comfortable?”
“So comfortable,” he muttered, nuzzling his cheek against the top of your head. He maneuvered until his arm was underneath your head, fingertips drawing idle patterns across your back. “So, so comfortable.”
You laughed and looped your arm around his middle. “You’re such a sap.”
Yoongi’s body was incredibly warm, and you angled your face upward toward his neck. You could feel Hoseok’s back pressed against your own, and you wanted him to turn around and wrap you between him and Yoongi like a Bangtan sandwich. You dispelled the thought a moment later, knowing that it would lead nowhere except to awkward heartbreak.
“You smell good,” Yoongi said, instead of replying.
Unconsciously, you took a deep breath and smelled him. He smelled like the hotel’s scented body wash and whatever leftover cologne he’d put on before the concert. “You do, too.”
“Did you enjoy the concert?”
“I always do.” In the dark of the hotel room, with the only sound being the rest of Bangtan’s steady breathing, you felt safely cocooned. It was like living in a different world, where whatever pain and heartache you felt could be left outside, and inside this haven you could finally be free. “Sitting in the crowd, watching the seven of you do what you do. . . you just take my breath away.”
He went quiet. You were almost embarrassed for being so open with him, but blanketed by warmth and darkness, you found yourself too tired to care. Yoongi’s chest was moving up and down steadily underneath your cheek, and the soothing feeling was steadily pushing you toward sleep, until he broke the still and earnest silence.
“It’s better, now that you’re here,” he admitted, in a voice almost too quiet to be heard. “You make us better.”
“Mhmm, Yoongi,” you murmured, face still pressed against his chest. You were so tired, and your body was so heavy. You would never get over this feeling, of being able to exist absolutely comfortable in their presence. Hoseok shifted behind you, and you felt the curve of his spine through the thin material of your t-shirt.
“Yeah, baby?”
You hummed again, slipping further out of consciousness. You thought you heard him chuckle before he drew you closer, hand coming to rest on your shoulder. You cuddled closer to him and sighed, the beating of seven other hearts lulling you to sleep.
You woke up that morning cold, and a little bit barren. You didn’t understand why until you shifted and didn’t feel anyone next to you. Your hand met warm pillow, which meant you hadn’t been abandoned for long, but was still less satisfying than finding a warm body.
You nuzzled sleepily into your pillow and almost hummed, until the low sound of whispering caught your attention.
For a moment, you were too tired to listen, but as the whispering went on, you slowly starting paying more and more attention. Then, you recognized voices.
“We need to tell her,” someone said. You perked up at the mention of a her—you? Another woman?
“We can’t,” Jeongguk despaired. “You heard her last night. We need to give her more time.”
“You were the one that was so eager in the first place,” Yoongi hissed. “You’re the one who asked all that shit last night!”
“Be quiet,” Namjoon scolded. “She’s still sleeping.”
You turned your head just slightly, and caught sight of the hotel clock—it was only six o’clock in the morning.
“I just feel like we’re lying to her,” Taehyung whispered.
“It’s not lying if we plan on telling her later,” Hoseok said. “Now just isn’t the right time.”
Jimin butted in, saying, “It’s been over a month. What if there isn’t a right time?”
“We’re being too hasty.”
“We’re being impatient.”
“We’re wasting precious time!”
You sat up in bed slowly, and it was as if all of the air in the room was suddenly vacuumed away. Taehyung made a distressed noise in the back of his throat, and you asked, “What are you talking about?”
Your voice was soft and gruff with sleep, but still auditable. Someone in the room gulped.
No one said anything. You could see them now, piled together on the other bed, Jimin and Namjoon braced on the edge while the other five cowered behind them. You shifted until you were sitting directly across from them. The blanket was bunched around your waist, and your hair probably looked a mess, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Your nose twitched, and you asked again, “What are you talking about?”
The silence stretched impossibly longer. Everyone was looking between you and Namjoon, but even he seemed at a loss for what to say. You glanced at each other their faces, trying to analyze them for weakness. Someone would have to talk—someone would inevitably break.
“We’re in love with you,” Jimin blurted out. Everyone turned to glare at him while you gasped, raggedly. It was like a bucket of water being thrown over you.
You stared at him, wide-eyed and incredulous. For a moment you were too afraid to speak, until you breathed out an uncertain, “What?”
“We’re in love with you,” Jimin repeated, softer, slower. “All seven of us.”
Unconsciously, you shook your head. It didn’t seem possible, and your brain was having trouble making sense of it—there was no way in Heaven or Hell that all seven men in Bangtan were in love with you. You were nothing, compared to the women that surrounded them daily. You were nothing, compared to the money and the fame they had. You were nothing. Maybe you were still dreaming, and this was all just an elaborate fantasy.
Jin was quick to do damage control. “It’s not as weird as Jimin makes it out to be.”
“Actually, it’s weirder,” Yoongi commented, dryly. “We’re soulmates.”
To himself, Namjoon muttered, “God, we’re so bad at this.” He pinched the bridge of his nose but didn’t move to speak further.
“What does that mean?” you asked.
“It means,” Yoongi continued, “that the eight of use are meant to be together. Every single one of us. We were meant to be together since the day we were born.”
“It’s not something we can explain easily,” Hoseok winced. “But the seven of us already knew what to expect, when it happened. Meeting your soulmate is like finding a missing part of yourself. It’s touching another person and knowing they hold a piece of you.”
“It’s looking into someone else’s gaze and seeing yourself reflected back at you,” Taehyung added.
“It’s filling a hole in your heart without even realizing it was there,” Jeongguk finished, quietly.
Namjoon decided to interrupt, saying, “We know it’s hard for someone who hasn’t seen it before to understand. That’s why we haven’t said anything until now.”
You looked up at the ceiling, not sure what to say. A part of you wished they would have told you sooner, but another part knew you wouldn’t have been ready to hear it.
“Didn’t you feel something?” Jimin asked, leaning forward on the bed. “When we first met, when we were finally all together? Didn’t something about it just feel right?”
“I don’t know,” you whispered, and your voice was embarrassingly weak. “I—uh—,”
You must be going insane. Soulmates didn’t exist, and if they did, you certainly would have seven of them—and they certainly wouldn’t be the entirety of Bangtan. All talented, handsome, special—and then plain, boring you? Nothing about it made sense when it was laid out in front of you, logical and analyzed.
But you couldn’t forget that feeling you’d had, when you’d first met them—all the heated touches, the electricity, how comfortable they made you. That feeling you’d had in the car, when Namjoon had shut the door and suddenly the world didn’t spin on a titled axis, suddenly a layer of static was lifted from your brain, and for once you could be at peace.
You couldn’t forget the rightness, buried deep in your chest.
“Why me?” you asked them. “I just don’t see why me.”
“Because you’re the only person in the world meant just for us,” Jeongguk breathed, and his voice was reverent, and the seven of them looked at you like you were something to be worshiped.
And it was too much. Your insecurity, your confusion—they pilled on top of each other and multiplied and multiplied, filling your body and your chest and it was too much.
You stood abruptly, startling them. “I think I need to leave.”
“Don’t go,” Jimin immediately begged, reaching out to you.
You took a step back. “I-I’m sorry. I need to think. I can’t think clearly when you’re all here.”
“Then we can leave,” Namjoon started to say. “This is your hotel room—,”
But you turned before they could stand, and you were out of the hotel room before they had time to stop you.
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ufolvr · 5 years
Sdr2 boys with an autistic s/o!
Okay so I'm autistic and the lack of autistic s/o prompts out there is making me Dry inside. Lets get this bread
Also please forgive me if I write any of them wrong! I'm still learning about all of these dudes
Disclaimer! Shsl Imposter/Twogami's gender is not specified and they're referred to with they/them! It wouldn't make me comfortable to put them on this list :^)
Hajime Hinata
As soon as he learns you're autistic he does a lot of research on what autism is like for autistic people, how to help you with sensory overload, etc etc
Always asking you if what he's doing is okay! Is this too much noise? Is the texture bad? Do you not like the lights?
Absolutely not bothered when you go nonverbal; he's more than pleased to have a little bit of silence if we're being honest. He can't read sl well so he'll give you something to write on if you want to!
He loves seeing you happy stim!!! It brings such a warm smile to his face — Hajime just adores when you're happy altogether but seeing you stim makes his heart go !
He's not very good at social situations to begin with so if you want to stay at home and watch your favorite comfort cartoon/movie, he doesn't mind it!
Do you want him to put his leg on you for pressure? Hug you a bit tighter? Let you hang around gripping his arm? Mess with his hair? He's all mushy and soft about this skdnsksnj! He knows you're opening yourself to seek him as a source of comfort and it melts his heart sm
Nagito Komaeda
Oh this boy. Due to his dementia he actually relates to what you experience in social situations a lot — no, I'm not comparing this to a lethal disease. The symptoms, however, are similar to the characteristics in autistic people! So he relates to you but won't say its the same thing at all
His hair is sensory heaven. Literally, it's so fluffy! Pet it please. He craves physical affection to begin with, so it's a plus for him! He also loves seeing how much you're infatuated with his hair alone
Buys you anything that you think might be good to stim with! He helps you keep everything clean and organised so you don't get stressed over losing them, and makes sure he has at least one with him when you two go out, he would hate seeing you stressed.
If you go nonverbal he also has no problem with it at all! He knows sl and is definitively up to teach it to you if you think it would be helpful, too. If you just want to be quiet, he can be just as good of a company!
When he says stuff like threats to himself (wanting to die, killing himself) and you get worried because read him too seriously he backs off of it and says its not serious (and he's sincere this time) because you're the brightest spotlight of hope in his life, and losing it would mean losing the chance to be with you
Kazuichi Souda
This sweet boy!!! Sometimes he forgets what exactly you need, like sensory wise, but backs off really quickly if what he's doing hurts you in that sense
He also loves fiddling with things so if you want to borrow some tools from him so you can fiddle with its no problem! He might make a handmade fidget toy for you later on!
Sometimes he yells too much and that causes a sensory overload, and as soon as he realizes it he's so so so apologetic. The baby
Loves it when you play with different textures and tell him how much you love them!! Like yes!!!! He also loves different textures differently so he'll share his own favorites with you!
A PASSION FOR YOU INFODUMPING. He'll sit there, mouth agape, as he notices how adorable and precious you are when you happy stim while you talk about your special interest!!!! He just wants to know what you love!!!!!
Fuyuhiko Kuruzuyu
The sort of bastard who made autistic jokes until he met you, and you made him understand that autism isn't actually anything to ridicule. He will absolutely punch someone if they berate you because of your autism now!
His hair is short and fuzzy — perfect for rubbing! Though please don't do it too hard or fast you don't want to hurt him :^(
Can also be very noisy, but he cuts it out around you. Turns soft spoken and gentle because you can't differentiate friendly aggression x real aggression. It's super sweet but only you get to see this part of him; he has a reputation to maintain!
Usually, he's the shorter one in the relationship, so you can completely envelop him like a little teddy bear! Don't crush him, though; just hug him tight! If he's on the same height level he'll insist to be the big spoon and add a lot of pressure (not enough to hurt you) as he hugs you!
When you happy stim, he gives you a soft, warm and genuine smile. He's so enamoured with you and the happiness you're experiencing makes him so so so full of passion
Overall, he's been so rough with everyone else, but you're different in more ways than being autistic. He may sound condescending at times, but as soon as you call him out on it, he never repeats the behavior again. He's just scared to hurt you
Gundham Tanaka
Another loud little man, this fucker. You're the only one 'spared' from his thunderous introductions and speeches — he speaks normally around you. He'd rather die than hurt his king/queen/monarch of darkness
Lets his animals run all over you! Especially the very fluffy ones since you seem to love that. When they lay on you and you comment on how much you like the pressure, he lets them get around you even more!
He knows how hatred for being touched feels like — he took a while to open up to you, for starters. If you don't want to be touched, he absolutely understands and will support you in any other way until you're up for it again.
He's known for eloquent and unclear speech, but will be more straightforward for you. He wants you to understand him after all sksbsmdnn dumb bastard
If anyone is mean to you bc of autism, he will make it so they Suffer the Plague of the God Of Darkness. For real tho, he'll get really pissed off, and might use a predator to attack the ableist asshole, who knows!
If your special interest is animal he. Is. Absolutely. Fucking. Crying. You both infodump to each other until you're too tired to do anything anymore and just lay around tangled together, knowing the other understands and loves you for who you are!
Teruteru Hanamura
Doesn't make innuendos anymore when you start dating, for starters. If he's in a mood he'll just say it, since he knows it's hard for you to understand metaphors and wordplay, but is more than okay with a no.
Also loves it when you play with his hair! He misses how his mom used to care for him, and now he's so fond of you just being into him genuinely that he would do anything for him
Soft and squishy! Perfect for hugging! He's really short and can be used as a teddy bear too! Though he prefers to be the small spoon so he can feel your body lovingly enveloping his
You got a specific food that you eat and it needs to be prepared in a specific way? He's on it! And he absolutely nails it every time, its no issue for him! No matter how complicated or simple, he can make do and will be so pleased when you say its perfect!
Manages to get you out of shitty social situations fairly quickly. If you're nonverbal, he won't be able to communicate through asl, but any other way is also fine! If you're not overstimulated, he'll also give you soft hugs and sit on ur lap, resting his head on your shoulder
Nekomaru Nidai
So you're a little different huh? That's so good!!! He loves it! The fact you're not like anyone he knows makes you even more perfect to him!
He'll boast about his perfect s/o a lot! He's very loud and proud about you! The dream giant lovebug :^)
Can get a little too wild while training and also loud, so you can easily be overloaded. Encourages you not to be there when he trains with someone like owari because he knows he won't be thinking coherently enough to remember not to yell, and if roughhousing gets you uncomfortable this certainly will be worse. He's worried about you!
Wraps all over you when you're cuddling if you're okay with him doing that! Will also get you tons of weighted blankets because he's worried about how quickly they'll deteriorate dkdndkdn
If something is bothering you somewhere and you want to leave he'll just give u a piggyback ride! Its lovely to have you so close to him, also he gets to make u comfy!
Loves to indulge in your special interests if he can! You wanna marathon a show? He's on it! You wanna watch a documentary on snakes? He's already making popcorn!
Just a huge teddy bear baby. He loves you so SO much and is so filled with pride about how amazing u are!
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iphoenixrising · 5 years
For 700 Followers!
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Hi babe. Ah, you know, I think we could really work something out because if there’s anything I like, it’s Tim trying to have the I am an island attitude with clingy, needy Bat Alphas right on his tail ;) Tbh, I wrote this once and it got lost, so I cried, but I’m going to give it another shot!
Also, just saying but there was also a short thing done about *ahem* toys in this au, and you’ll probably find a similar theme X
There is nothing worse than water in your fucking boots.
His impromptu dip in the harbor was completely worth the pain in the ass because Two-Face is going to live to see another day, and he even acted less crazy than normal when he was handcuffed by GCPD, quiet while he was taken away in the back of a squad car.
The best part? The villain told him he was glad he hadn’t filled him full of holes after all. Red Robin is going to take that as a win.
And since his sleuthing is done for the night, he can go back to his Perch in Gotham City and get out of these wet clothes and put his damn boots by a heating vent to dry out a little.
He feels good enough about the night to order a pizza and do his notes while a slice is hanging out of his mouth when dry clothes are a thing.
He has a fan turning lazily, trying to keep himself cooled down because the Heat symptoms just started to manifest while he was riding back from the take-down (all that wind rushing by while he’s in a wet suit and still he’s starting to get hot? Seriously, body, stop making shit harder on him).
The pre-Heat could take up to three hours before the main event starts, and he at least wants to get the notes done and go blackout before it happens.
He’s got a bunch of Gatorade and power bars from two weeks ago when Jay and Dick pretty much showed up just in time for him to go full blown. Luckily, Dick had picked up more on the way to his Perch since the God-forsaken sixth sense had struck again. Somehow, maybe some Pack Alpha instinct, Dick had known he was going to need them, and true to form, the last Heat had been particularly vicious, his body in physical pain when he was empty.
(And no, he doesn’t need a reminder how nice Dick and Jay were about it when he was literally fucking crying. Geeze, things he doesn’t need people to see for 100 Alex.)
Which means he should have been good for a month and a half, but Leslie had warned him going this long on suppressants would have some effects on him biologically. She’d mentioned he could have two Heats back-to-back as a sign his body is starting to regulate like any normal Omega. So, really, this pain-in-the-ass is his own fault anyway.
Notes done, he logs out of BI’s mainframe and shoots the Titan’s a quick message, In Gotham. Perfectly safe. Going to sleep for 24-36 hours. Don’t freak out about the blackout mode, and shuts down his main system in preparation.
Barefoot, he pads around to shut off the lights and fans, grabs a Gatorade, starts pulling his nerd shirt off on the way to the bedroom. Security in lockdown and he’s starting to feel the burn just a little bit more.
Not long now. Damn, hopefully this will be fast and furious.
A locked box in the back of the closet is deposited by the bed, his thumb print accepted. He shifts through the unopened packages until he gets the red one and the blue one out, laying them on the bed to open before the round of fuck my contingencies ramps up.
(His face is hot, and not because of the pre-Heat. The two knotting dildos were purchased when he started thinking one night about what he was going to do when his body started regulating out, so Dick and Jay wouldn’t need to play Alphas to his Omega anymore. Ironically, the two toys reminded him of their knots anyway, and he’d been guilty as fuck buying them.)
He’s already started sweating lightly and jumps in the shower to wash off Gotham Harbor.
His phone goes off while he’s drying himself off, shifting his weight because his abdomen is already starting to get tight and uncomfortable in anticipation.
The message on his phone makes him groan/sigh because the Red Hood is wondering:
Jaybird: How was the swim?
There’s more laughing emojis than he realistically needs.
In just boxers, Tim plops down on his bed, taps his phone to decide whether or not to respond. Since they already knew he’d taken down Two-Face, he really doesn’t have options.
Me: nice this time of year. Btw, Harvey didn’t drown. That’s a win for the good guys.
Before he’s done, the ellipsis meaning someone is typing shows up, so he’s got himself in a world of trouble by answering. Natch.
(On the other hand, his Omega whispers, if you hadn’t messaged back, they might come looking for you. It preens at the thought of his Pack Alphas concerned for him, coming for him– Dammit. Not. The. Time.)
Jaybird: Oughta come 2 the Manor. Al made pizza. Can celebrate?
Well, shit.
Me: Thanks 4 the invite. Running time-sensitive diagnostic for the Titans and crashing. See you at the next VA meeting tho.
Okay. So, normal. Jay will understand the need for fighting crime.
Jaybird: No problem. We’ll bring you some.
Fuck. Fuckity-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck.
Me: Nah. Not tonight. Gonna set this up and crash. The alarm will wake me when the analysis is done. Enjoy the pizza!
Jaybird: If you’re sure?
Me: Positive. Sleep is calling. GN.
And turns off his phone with a sigh of unmitigated relief.
Crisis averted.
Forty-five minutes later, he’s idly eating popcorn and watching Infinity War when a wave of blistering heat washes over him, and the gentle reprieve is finally done.
His cock is hard and aching within a moment, his hands fisting in the blanket under him, hips jerking. The soft, subtle scent of slick tickles the edges of his senses, his ass starting to get moist under his boxers.
But Tim has old memories of doing this alone back when he was still in the tunic, and he forces himself to breath past the initial stages, fists his hands even tighter to keep from touching himself yet. He remembers how much better the orgasm was when he held off for as long as he could, remembers the time between waves lasted longer.
He bites down on his lower lip to keep in the noises (but really, what is the point?) and tries to just keep thinking.
He shoves the unopened boxes over and sprawls out on his back, trying not to let anything other than his boxers touch his aching erection. His thighs tighten, legs spreading automatically, feet bracing to work his hips a little.
It’s fine. You’ve done this before isn’t really that much of a consolation.
With the fire in his body starting to get more and please and Oh God, his mouth falls open to pant, toss his head back and forth with the arousal building, making his belly get tense.
An abrupt cramp knocks the wind out of him ending on a small, helpless noise that inadvertently escapes.
Rolling on his side, curling in on himself, Tim forces himself to just fucking breathe through it, it won’t last forever.
–when the comm on his desk blips, and the tinny voice is just loud enough to get his attention over things like terribly thought-out biology.
(Everything in you is screaming for an Alpha to help, touch, soothe. It’s not really your fault.)
“If you’re asleep, don’t get up. We’re just going to drop off pizza and we’ll be out of your Perch-”
Which is nothing short of fucking horrific.
“Almost goddit, Dickie,” is lost when another sharp cramp makes him huddle further into the pain rippling over his upper body while his brain screams to just fucking move.
The scent of slick gets stronger, clogging up the room, and the door isn’t even locked–
The next cramp makes his muscles flutter, but he can wobbly-leg it to the door and collapse in front of it.
(I was stabbed in the fucking spleen and still saved Pru. Without Ra’s, I would have been dead soon after, but if I can do that, I can get through this.)
He flips a small panel on the door frame and presses his thumb into it, forehead braced on the wall while he grits his teeth and gets a second or two of his muscles easing back.
Tim focuses on breathing, listening, and sure enough, there’s a timid knock a few minutes later. The door knob wiggles once softly, nearly inaudible voices mumble back and forth while he holds his breath.
He thinks he might be in the clear when it goes quiet again, thinking maybe they’d gone to dump the pizza in his fridge and be on their way out.
But a very clear, “do you smell what I smell?” is the proverbial nail in his coffin.
“Timmy? Are you…awake?”
“Please go away, I’m…I’m trying to sleep.” Tim tries again, more desperate now that hearing his Alphas’ voices is hitting all the deep places in him where the Omega hides.
“Don’t smell like it, Sweets. Think maybe ya mighta forgot ta mention something ta yer Alphas?”
(You aren’t mine. This is just about fucking Pack dynamics and bullshit biology. It’s fine, he gets it.)
“Hey,” and Dick’s voice is low and loud enough to be heard, and Tim slaps a hand over his mouth so he doesn’t whimper. “It’s okay. It’s us, Tim. We can make it better if you just open the door. You know we can, don’t you.”
It really isn’t a question, and Dick doesn’t pretend to make it one.
His abdomen spasms and he’s rolling his forehead against the wall in denial because fuck, haven’t they done enough? He’s not going to die, and, seriously, he’s a shitty Omega anyway.
“It’s not Heat Mania,” he tries to be reasonable, proud of himself when his voice only cracks once or twice, “I can get through it by myself this time. Y-You two just gave up five days a few weeks ago.”
The hand goes back over his mouth and his boxers are getting wet now, the way he’s curled in on himself probably not helping the situation.
Voices talking too low for him to make out again.
“Seriously, it’s fine. You guys got me out of danger. This? This is just business as usual. B is out of Gotham and you can’t be here for that long–”
“–B called in the Birds of Prey ta help out while he’s out wid’ the League,” Jay breaks through his ramblings. “We got Rob n’ BG. Cass is in fer a visit, and a trio of ass kickers. Ya ain’t gotta worry ‘bout Gotham, Timmers. Shit’s all kinds a handled.”
The door knob wiggles again, making him gasp because shit, if anyone could crack his fingerprint locks, it’s probably the Red Hood.
“So. That’s not an excuse to go through your Heat alone,” Dick cuts in, sounds more ragged and raw, the Pack Alpha coming out in him. “There’s honestly no reason for you to go through it by yourself at all because your Pack is supposed to take care of you. And we are here to do just that, Tim.”
And fuck he does (and doesn’t) want to.
(It really is going to hurt like a motherfucker when it’s all over with, isn’t it?)
And while Tim Drake could give them a hundred different excuses, could explain it away a hundred different ways
(“I don’t want my Omega to get used to having Alphas. That just makes my Heats more difficult. Please understand.”)
–he, Tim, not the Omega, really doesn’t want to.
(Oh yeah. He’s figuratively fucked. Literally fucked to possibly follow.)
He’s already reaching up to thumb at the panel again before he realizes what he’s doing and pauses, sighs at his own weakness.
And like they can feel him hesitate, the heavy musk finally gets to him from under the door. The combination of Dick and Jay and the Alpha instinct to soothe.
“Please, Timmy, Baby. Please let us in.” Dick says to the door, hands braced on the door frame outside, staring a hole right through the damn thing because he really wants to say is please let us love you.
Jay is nudged tightly against his back, peering over his shoulder with those precious few inches of extra height.
“S’all right, Timmers,” Jay’s deep voice rolls past his ear when his second leans over to talk closer, simultaneously sliding a hand over Dick’s hip, finger making soothing circles around the bone. “Ya know we love it when yer all pretty n’ pink fer us, yeah? Heat makin’ ya bite yer lip n’ flutter yer eyes when we get ta touch. N’ ya know how much we like it, don’t cha? Ya know it don’t matter how long it needs ta be, ‘er how much needin’ ya got saved up inside. Ya know the only thing what matters is how perfect ya are under our hands n’ mouth, yeah?”
Dick smirks at the tactic, turning just enough to get close to Jay’s face and shove their mouths together in a quick kiss.
His mate and second just grins right back, his down ‘n dirty one.
“Wadda ya say, Sweets? Gonna have mercy on these two ole’ Alphas? Let us be good, n’ take care a’ ya like we oughta?”
There’s a low noise, something muffled by the door, but Dick’s muscles tighten against the front of Jay’s body, putting the other Alpha right on point.
“Sounds like–” pain.
Jay just nods, staring intently at the door, fingers tapping over the hilt of this .45 like he’s thinking of taking the easy way inside. “Starting up awful fast, ain’t he, Alpha?”
“Leslie said something about double Heats while his body is getting back under control,” Dick reminds him absently. “I’m hoping this is the only one he’s experienced so far.”
Jay hums a little, “you n’ me both. Don’t like ‘im hittin’ two ina month. Too much strain.”
“Agreed, but we–” and Dick gets cut off by the sudden, powerful scent hitting them right in the instincts. The Alpha in them knows what a spike that sudden means.
Dick turns to make one last plea to the door, please, Baby, you don’t have to do this alone, before they would have to go. If Tim was that adamant, they wouldn’t hack the door to get to him, to force him to accept them during his Heat, but if he caught their scents, it could make the cycle more painful (“The inner Omega will pine for an Alpha. Scents will not help, but make the [sic] situation worse. An Alpha should vacate the premises if an Omega in Heat does not belong to him or her”). To keep it from being so much worse, they’d have no choice but the leave.
The possibility sticks in Dick’s throat, makes Jay rumble out a low whine.
But the telltale click resounds, kills the words in Dick’s mouth before they get out.
It’s a breath when he and Jay step over the threshold, kneel by the (their) pained Omega, warm hands and soothing touches, purring a low reverberation that makes Tim’s spine uncurl when Dick gathers him up and lifts. Jay is back with more Gatorade and power bars, throwing off his jacket and holsters while Dick kicks off his shoes and straddles Tim on the bed, leans closer to start kneading out the muscle spasms and nuzzling against Tim’s throat gently, soothingly.
“Ssshh, sshh, it okay Timmy. We’re here.” And Dick tilts his head just a little so his throat is visible and his scent gland right there if Tim wanted to give him and bury his face there.
(He totally does. Stupid fucking instincts.)
And Dick’s hands are warm, the pressure just enough to work out those muscles, to make the pain ease down. At one point, Tim had wrapped a hand around Dick’s forearm to have something grounding.
“You don’t have to do this,” is low and soft, “it isn’t going to be bad this time. Just a normal Heat. I can handle it. I have handled it.”
Jay takes a knee beside the bed, reaches over to direct Tim’s gaze with a forefinger under his chin. “Timmers,” is more stern than he’s used to hearing from the Red Hood, “like me n’ Dickie dunno how much ya can handle? Like we dunno how much ass ya can kick? C’mon, give us a little credit, yeah?”
Tim’s eyes get more dazed with all the stimulus hitting him right in the Omega instincts, blinking hazily at Jay kneeling there. “Seriously, I’m a shitty Omega, and neither of you need this. It’s bad enough you gave up a week already this month.”
“I told you,” Dick counters serenely, hands pausing, “that you are not a bad Omega. I would have thought during your last Heat you would have gotten that.”
They can both see Tim swallow, his eyes dart away, clearly disbelieving but not calling them on their bullshit.
Dick’s inner Alpha curls around his insides, wanting nothing more than to flop on the pretty Omega and pin him down until he cries uncle and finally believes in them, wants nothing more than to stick his nose in the sweet scent gland and never move, wants to hear Tim say it, just once–
“I’m yours, aren’t I Alpha?”
–but there’s no room for that yet. Not here, not now. Someday soon when Tim stopped giving into his instincts to hide and protect himself. Even if the Omega in him had accepted their Alphas, it still drew back, remembered the pain they both caused at one time or another.
And Dick understood. As Pack Alpha, he can scent more keenly, as a detective, he can put all the evidence together with the spikes of adrenaline, the quickening of a pulse, the flinch when certain things are brought up in casual conversation.
(Someday, he thinks fiercely, nuzzling into Tim’s jugular, while the knots under his hands ease down, you are going to forgive us, and everything is going to finally be okay.)
He huffs a little when Jay kneels by the bed, hands folded to rest his chin and watch. Timmy’s head flops over, the lines around his eyes still prominent with pain and the ingrained struggle not to just give in, and Jay trails his fingers lightly over the hand fisted in the sheets.
“Hey, hey. S’all right now, ain’t it, Baby?” He keeps it low and deep, lets it end on a nice purr. Inching the hand over, closer to his mouth, “an’ ta think, y’ weren’t gonna let me n’ Dickie here fer this? Tryin’ ta punish us, are ya?”
“Wh-What?! What are you even–”
Dick’s hand on his shoulder stops Baby Bird from sitting up, his cheeks gettin’ pink ‘cause he get all embarrassed ‘bout it.
(And fuck ain’t it cute.)
Big Wing smirks a little and leans up, gives Jay some room. He takes all he can, rising up on his knees, turning his jaw a little so his musk is stronger, getting fuller.  He gets to wrap a palm around that wrist, pinning it lightly when he hovers over Tim’s wide eyes, makes him face this, face him, face them.
“Ya already know it, don’t cha, Timmy?” Low and growly against his mouth, flick of a tongue over his bottom lip, “how much ya make us want, yeah?”
And since Jason Todd is a man what knows how Tim reacts to being touched, how he gets so sweetly slick and ready, how needy and soft he can whine, knows that as much as Timmy says he don’t need this, need them, his body don’t agree with it.
It’s how he n’ Dickie can tell when Timmy is lyin’ ‘cause it’s the Omega what tells them the truth.
It’s why Jay can purr and nuzzle, can lean in and take his mouth like he owns it. When Tim makes a noise, arches his back, Jay knows Dick is mouthing at him, right below where his palms are rubbing, licking the line between boxers and skin.
Pullin’ back just makes Timmy chase his mouth, eyes half-mast and cheeks just the right shade of pink.
“See that, Sweetheart? How pretty y’ are? An’ ya weren’t gonna let us be here fer it? ‘M hurt over here.” And he purrs against the tendon in Tim’s neck, just the sharp edge of teeth teasing down to his collarbone.
“Th-that’s not–!”
“But it is, Timmy,” Dick fills in soothingly, mouthing at the waistband of his boxers. “You weren’t going to let us have this.”
“Dammit that isn’t–”
“Sshh,” and Jay presses a kiss back to his throat, right below the scent gland, “s’all right. We f’give ya, Sweets. ‘Cause we’re here now, and that’s what matters, you feel me?”
Tim finds it in him to brace a hand against Jay’s shoulder, pushing him back just enough to be able to think around the heat pooling in his stomach, lighting his body with need.
“It isn’t like that!” He tries, he really does, stares into those eyes with green flecks faded away. “It–this–it’s just!”
Dick finally seems to have enough, knee walking up so he and Jay could loom over the squirming Omega, both of them facing him down.
“At first, it was because of the Heat Mania, Timmy,” Dick’s voice is low and firm, “but it stopped being about that for me in the first five minutes.”
Jay purrs at him softly, “like I’d keep comin’ back ta ya if’n it was only ‘cause a’ biology, Timmers. Like you think I don’t see this fine as fuck ‘Mega right ‘chere needin’ an Alpha? Like I don’t want a piece a’ ya?”
That is...so not what he anticipated tonight once he’d given the Alphas an appropriate out. The admission makes his heart thump painfully in his chest, a jolt of fear slithering through his brain pan at all the implications of this–
–that would fully set in later on after his body stops trying to literally kill him with sex.
Because it’s enough of a push, this moment when scents are so fucking sincere and they’re looking at him with heat and affection, and he wants so desperately to believe. It’s enough to make the Omega in him rear up past his barriers and bullshit masks, for the whine, the call to his Pack, to his Alphas, to spill out of his mouth without holding back.
Because even though it’s a rough, soft sound, something he’d never been able to let himself do before now, not with all the secrets he’d had to keep, it makes some of the tightness in his chest ease down to finally be able to let it out, let his instincts take over.
In the form of a whine, a call to his Alphas. His Omega could finally stop mourning being left out of the Pack.
So he’s completely unprepared for Dick and Jay to react so distinctly to that noise, for them to bury their faces in his throat and lick along both sides until the kiss of teeth along his collar bone becomes a bloom of pain and sinks deep into his subconscious. It’s not (and he gasps in a hard breath just thinking about it, about either of them biting down on the back of his neck instead…) to mate him or make him submit, it’s just marks made to show ownership, to show Pack, and his eyes might get a little hot and full with it while the Omega in him rolls over to show its’ belly to the (his) Alphas.  
And it’s something he’s been wanting for so long, the confirmation that he’s no longer the outcast, the Omega without a place. During the long road to come back to Gotham, back to the Bats, he hasn’t let himself sink into the depression that hit back when his tunic was yanked out from under him, leaving him hanging.
With the indents of teeth along his collarbone, with the distinct Alpha scent on his neck, the assurance he’s been claimed as their Pack Omega for anyone to see, is enough to make him close his eyes tight to keep from fucking crying. Instead, he distracts himself by lifting both arms around his Alphas to hold on while they lick across the indents of their teeth, soothing the sting.
He doesn’t let himself panic when they move on from marking him, when Jay is licking into his mouth and Dick’s hands are spreading his thigh, long-fingered hand cupping his straining erection.
He keens with it, back arching at the onslaught, his inner Omega sated with the marks on his body, languishing in the attention of his Alphas.
It’s so easy to fall under their spell, to put himself in their hands, and just give in. If they weren’t so damn careful and easy with him when he needs it that way, if they didn’t fuck him dirty and rough when it needed it that way instead, if they didn’t purr against his chest and lick at the marks, if they didn’t talk low against the back of his neck, if they didn’t hold the hell on when all he wanted to do is run.
Hands that know how to make him writhe, are busy smoothing up the sides of his thighs and over his abdomen, Jay and Dick trading places with his mouth. Thumbs make small circles on his nipples, makes them peak, makes the spark of pleasure shoot down his spine straight to his aching cock, while he keens in Dick's mouth.
“Uh-oh,” hazily gets through the heat pooling in his belly, in his blood, lighting his nerves on fire. “Looks like we have some competition, Jaybird.”
And Dick is leaning up on his knees, holding up the blue knotting dildo after he’d snatched it from the blankets, looking it over with a critically assessing expression–
Then those eyes slide over to the Omega spread out on the bed beneath them, the one smelling like a bakery, the one that needed him, needed them to take care of him.
“I told you, I can handle my Heats.” His face is going red and not because of the whole lot of naked happening beside the bed where Jay is stripping off the body suit.
“Mmhm,” and Dick widens his knees, spreading Baby Bird’s legs wider, puts the toy by his calf so he can be the one to use it on Timmy (and he is very interested on seeing how much of it his Omega can take before he’s screaming for the real deal).
The other Alpha’s eyes shoot to the subtly covered splash of red almost by the wall, and one brow quirks up as a side to the smirk on Jason Todd’s face.
“Dickie. Ya’ thinking what I’m thinking?”
“If it’s to fuck him with these things until he cries, then yes. I’m on board with that plan, Little Wing.”
“Good t’ see we’re on’a same page, you feel me here?”
The oldest vigilantes exchange a heated glance, the message clear from that look alone:
Time to teach Timmy a lesson and get to have him at the Same. Damn. Time.
Two Robins with one stone.
Jay is already crawling over Tim to lay on the other side while Dick moves fast, climbing off to shimmy out of his clothes until he’s in black briefs, coming right back to the perfect spot between the third Robin’s clenched thighs. He grins, already deciding on a plan, while Jay pins both wrists above their bird’s head, preparing him for the on-coming torture.
And when this cycle is done, when they’ve both had turns teasing him between waves with the toys he’d purchased, fucking him fast and rough or slow and soft until their knots throbbed to be buried in him, when they’ve made Tim give in to them, over and over, made him beg for their cocks, promised to always call next time no matter what.  When he’s so overwork, overstimulated, a trembling, babbling, crying pile of please fuck me before I die.
When they make the lesson stick.
(“Never gonna need ‘em again. Ya gotch us, n’ ya better damn well call b’for ya use it again. Do you feel me, Baby?”
“These are last resort only, Tim. You only get to use these after you’ve called both of us and not because of a case or checking in on Gotham.”
He’d only been stupidly grateful all three of them could fit in his tub at the time, water lapping lazily around him, caught on Jay’s lap with his leg in Dick’s, hands on his ankle and calf under the water. He was dozing and utterly fucking destroyed, which is the only reason he agreed to it in the first place, dammit. They took advantage of fucking him completely out.
(Alphas. Of fucking course.)
But this time, after they’d been so fucking thorough in showing him where his place with them really is, Red Robin can’t help but wonder if it’s more than just a bunch of Alphas taking care of the Pack Omega. If all the sweet things Dick growls in his ear is more than just hormones and Pack Alpha lizard brain. He wonders if Jay’s dirty talk doesn’t stem from some messed up sense of guilt or responsibility from back when they were just, you know, trying to kill one another. Or, Jay was trying to kill him and Red was really just trying not to die.
He wonders if it isn’t just a matter time until his body regulates.
He wonders if they know what they’re doing to him when they act like he’s theirs.
He wonders how far they’re going to go.
(A part of him is terrified to find out.)
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tsukidotcom · 4 years
Tsukishima Kei — Teasing
This is referring to more of a friendship with Kei than a romantic relationship. But you could think of it either way :)
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Okay obviously this man is going to be a huge tease. Shorter than him by a few inches? Will make fun of your height. Your hair naturally brown? Will call you shitty hair (bakugou is that you?).
He won’t say sorry about it, either. Unless you visibly show you’re legitimately hurt by it. Like deeply hurt by it.
It Was At This Moment That He Knew, He Fucked Up.
You guys probably will avoid each other for a few days before Yamaguchi makes him talk to you. Once when you and him are alone he will be really awkward about it. A lot of unwanted tension and unneeded silence.
He’ll blurt out he’s sincerely sorry. Maybe even treat you afterwords by buying you a meatbun/your favorite snack. He isn’t familiar with words and how to use them. His tone of voice may come out wrong or he says something he doesn’t mean. Please don’t react harshly by what he says baby is really trying his best 🥺 Give him a few minutes to untangle his words and say it properly.
Once when he finally got his shit together by then you know he’s sincere and you feel better. You might chuckle a little bit because he’s just a goofy hot mess. He’s so funny trying to apologize to you. like a child !
He will never admit this out loud—and I mean NEVER—but he does care about you. Teasing is just his way of showing affection. The more he teases the more he seems to like you. But he doesn’t want you to know he likes you. So he does the OPPOSITE of love; hate. Tease. Being obnoxiously,, out of his way, rude. Another reason why he teases is to hide how he feels? Like if he suddenly becomes embarrassed he’ll call you “bakka” or some other mean comment to hide the fact his face is a very deep shade of beetroot.
He also teases because he likes your attention. Who knew a snarky comment could give him all the attention in the world?
Again, he‘s aware he can take things too far, but he never actually knows the what. What causes things to be too far. What does he SAY that’s bad. Why? When? Where? Who?
In his noggin, he knows he doesn’t think the things he says are true. So when you take it seriously he seems clueless at first
Poor Tsukishima,, thinking people can read his mind and know he’s joking.
After thinking the situation through your perspective, he can see how much of an asshole he really looked. Mental facepalm.
Once when you guys make up, and I mean the SECOND you make up, he is back to being a salty saltine cracker. Will say lighthearted remarks.
He will probably purposely call you a ✨nostalgic✨ nickname or say the most used remark he always uses on you. I say nostalgic like one of the first insults he ever said to you.
Since you guys have been avoiding each other, being able to hear Tsukishima’s remarks somehow made you happy??? Especially a older one.
He’s considerate idk 🥰
And babey really does have a heart please 🥺 he just hides it with his salty comments. Everyone notices his mean remarks but if you analyze them you’d realize he meant something TOTALLY different.
For example:
“Hey, Shorty.”
“I’m not short!!!”
“I have to bend down just to be able to look at you.”
“I will steal your knee caps before you get the chance to run away.”
“You’re legs are so short, N/N-san. You wouldn’t be able to keep up with me.”
What he was really saying was;
“I want you’re attention. look at me.”
“oh, here’s you’re attention.”
“Not Enough .”
“m o r e”
Yeah, he’s subtle like that.
After you two get it off, his way of words starts to rub off of you. Whether you like it or not. You suddenly know great combacks whenever you get into an argument. Always leaving the other person speechless. You learned from the best, after all 😳
If you tell him that you learned from the best, he’ll most likely feel flustered. A sudden tint of pink rose to his cheeks and the tip of his ears. He’ll call you stupid and useless as he looks the opposite direction of you to cover his face. Because you’ve been picking up his own habits you start teasing him.
“Awwe, is Tsukishima-kun flustered?”
He’s so used to you teasing/insulting him that when you actually compliment him he doesn’t know how to act. Even if it was more on the sarcastic side he’ll still freeze up like 😀 whut.
He also just adores you so a compliment from you is everything 🥰🥰 a mega softy on the inside don’t fight me on this.
All in all is a real jokster 😅🤣 but can and will be serious when needed. He will always be there for you. He isn’t good with words but is real good with actions.
If he notices you’re visibly sad he’ll (snarkily) ask if you want to hang/study at his place. If you accept y’all would just chill out in his room. He would be wearing his headphones, doing homework on his desk or something while you sit on his bed, a big dino plushy wrapped around your hands. Probably scrolling mindlessly through your phone. Sometimes each others presence is all you guys need. Suddenly you don’t feel as sad.
If you’re really sad and just end up breaking down, venting and/or crying out to him, he’ll listen and won’t interrupt you. Headphones = off.
Don’t expect him to say a speech or reassuring words. He doesn’t know shit when it comes to that type of stuff. You shouldn’t expect him to hug you, either. Even tho most people would react that way Tsukishima isn’t like that.
“Oi, what are you-”
“Tsukki,” you sniff, “I can’t do this anymore....” You bury your face in the dino plushy, hugging it closer to your chest.
You go off and complain about your life. He would definitely be surprised/taken aback. He’d just drop whatever he was doing and listen to you. If someone did something bad to you (a bad friend, dark past, toxic relationships, etc.,) He’s imagining how to confront them at tomorrow at school ❤️😌
But that would have to wait. He definitely wouldn’t say a mean comment. If he does, it would only be one that could make you laugh. Lift your spirit. In the moment, he might put a hand on your shoulder, arm, or back. Just to remind you he’s here. And you might lean into his touch. You just spoiled your deepest insecurities and past, after all. You’re vunerable to him now. And honestly Tsukishima might be the best person for that.
He’s quiet and reserved even though he says loud, evil comments all the time at everyone. Nobody can read his facial features because he always stares with a blank face. Nobody can pinpoint what he’s thinking. And nobody asks because he hides well behind the wall of Tsukki Insults™️©. Even being as tall as 190 cm, he can hide pretty well. He can definitely keep a secret and act like nothing happened.
He also might rub circles on your back or squeeze your arm/shoulder as a way of saying “you’re okay” “i’m here” “don’t worry”
This isn’t his typical style but this is definitely a side of him that’s there. It’s just nobody sees it.
After you feel better, he’d act back to normal and keep on doing his work. If not, he’s probably babying you a little bit. Will give you water or warm milk (warm milk and cookies, maybe??) and put on a movie on his tv in his room. The tv is small but, i mean,, it’s there.
Turn off the lights for you. Maybe make popcorn or any snack you like.
“But—Tsukki. You’re homework... you won’t be able to do it in the dark.”
“It’s fine. I can do it in the morning.”
“Are you sure..?”
“Yes, baka, I’m sure.” He ?softly¿ scowls
You’d be under the warm covers. He’d probably be in bed, too. Not under the covers though. And he makes sure to keep his distance. A few ft seperate you guys. The only way that gap is gonna close is if you move yourself.
If you do,,, he’d definitely ask and tease you. ‘oh, you wanna be near me?’ “shut up.”
Honestly you probably feel touch deprived, or touch deprivation. After all that crying and thinking bad thoughts. You’d probably want a simple hug but Tsuki would never give that to you and you know it. Even if you directly asked he wouldn’t. And watching a movie in the dark just makes the atmosphere so moody..? Perfect rime for cuddles!
I dont blame you 💔🥺
Kei wouldn’t move away but he wouldn’t suddenly put an arm over your shoulder or anything. He’s gonna keep to himself. He won’t mind sitting like a few inches apart. If your shoulders are slightly touching? He’s gonna get a lil tense. If you are noticeably leaning onto him and your legs are close to his (even when they’re under covers) he is gonna be rEalLY tense and flustered.
“What do you want, creep.”
“Liar. Just spill it.”
“Mm, I just want to be with you. Is that okay?” You say, teasingly innocent.
A flustered tsuki tenses his shoulders, “I’m already with you, dumbass.”
“Saying useless insults now, are you?”
“Shut up.”
Will probably end up leaning on you a bit, too :>
If you fall asleep he’s just gonna let you sleep on his bed all night and sleep on the couch or something. His neck will be a pain in the morning which he’ll make you buy him a strawberry shortcake as a thanks for his bravery and sacrifice.
“Here’s your shitty shortcake, your highness.” You say sarcastically.
He gives you that signature smirk, “This is what happens when you fall asleep after balling your eyes out to me-”
“Hey!” You grow pink out of embarrassment. You’re an ugly cryer so you didn’t even want to imagine what Tsukishima witnessed.
“Uh...., T-Thanks for listening, by the way..”
“Oi, don’t start getting sentimental.”
“I-I’m not!” you protest, “Can I not say thanks? I mean, you helped me... a lot. I always bottle things up.... so i...”
“It’s fine. You repayed me by giving me this strawberry shortcake.” He eats another bite
You look up at him and smile. You could tell he meant that he doesn’t mind it. And for you to shut up before he gets flustered again.
Tsukishima Kei cares for you 101
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On the Other Side / Ch15: Movie Night
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Summary: For the past thirteen years, a secretive organization has been raising two groups of superpowered children. Half of them, since their very first memories, have been told they’ll grow up to be brave and strong superheroes; the rest were taught a much harsher view of the world, and groomed to become villains. Neither group knows of the other’s existence. But when a certain trio of heroes-to-be meets two future villains who really just want to be left alone, they all realize how much they haven’t been told.
Warnings: non-graphic violence, bullying, child abuse, sympathetic/good Deceit (Devon) is a main character
A/N: And I said, "I'll start updating regularly again." You know, like a liar. (but actually tho im doing a big bang so it's unlikely i'll be able to even try to update anything else regularly until the end of summer :/)
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Late Saturday morning, Thomas regarded the trunk of his car skeptically. “I really don’t think we needed to buy so many tiny flashlights and screwdrivers.”
“Uhm, I really think we did. Who’s the more experienced thief here, Thomas?” Remy’s unsubtle hand gestures made it clear what the answer was supposed to be.
“Just because you stole gum from a convenience store when you were thirteen—”
“I’m now a master criminal, yes, exactly. I’m glad you understand. The tiny flashlights are super important, trust me.”
Thomas sighed, amused. “If you say so. You gonna help me carry these bags?”
“I don’t have time, hon, I gotta go talk to Emile about all this, remember?” He neatly dodged Thomas’s attempt to foist a grocery bag on him. “I know you’re gonna miss me, but I’ll see you later, babe, don’t worry.”
Thomas scoffed and swatted his arm, which backfired a bit in that it nearly made him drop one of his bags. “I’ll live.” His words may have been dismissive, but he was smiling. That smile was still on his face as he made his way into the building and through the hallways to his own room. Most of the snacks were left there to be distributed later. He took the rest, along with the less innocuous items hidden at the bottom of the bags, and went down the hall to Logan, Roman, and Patton’s room.
“Good morning,” he called, after knocking in a pattern they’d agreed on the previous night so they would know it was him. He set the bags down and pressed a hand over his mouth in an effort not to “aww” out loud when he saw the kids.
They were all piled together in the blanket fort, and it looked like they’d been there the whole night. Patton was still asleep, tangled in a blanket, while Logan used him to prop up the book he was explaining to Devon- who, of course, tried to act like he already knew it, but his eyes were wide with interest. Meanwhile, Virgil was still curled up under Patton’s arm, where he’d become trapped at some point in the night, and Roman was telling him some grand story, complete with illustrations and various bits acted out. The smaller boy looked enthralled, if a little wary of all the wild gesturing. Roman paused mid-emphasis when Thomas walked in, just short of smacking Logan in the face, and Devon reached out and slowly pushed his arm back down.
Thomas smiled. “Hey guys, I brought you some stuff.”
“Ooh! What is it? Did you get good snacks?” Roman scrambled out of the fort and almost tripped on Patton, who had started to wake up. He turned over, holding Virgil to his chest like a teddy bear. The latter made a face and squirmed away, causing Patton to finally open his eyes.
“Oh. Sorry,” he laughed. Virgil waved him off with a shrug.
The kids gathered around, and Thomas started to show them what he and Remy had bought. “Of course I got good snacks, who do you think I am? Most of them are staying in my room for now, though, because I know you guys.”
There was a chorus of “aww.”
“Other than that, I got some clean clothes for you two, so you won’t need to keep wearing the same outfits all the time or borrow from the other kids. But I had to guess at your sizes, so if something doesn’t fit, tell me, okay?”
Devon and Virgil nodded shyly and took the clothes, hiding them under blankets in the fort for now. They would try them on once Thomas was gone; changing with him right there would be embarrassing, even if he couldn’t see them behind the blankets that hung down.
“Now… everybody come close, this part is secret. Remember the plan we talked about?” They all nodded. “I know not all of you were sure if you wanted to help, and I’m not trying to push you into it or anything, but I got you all some stuff for it- if anyone decides they don’t want to come, that just means there’s extras for those who do participate.”
“I’m coming!” Roman reminded him, in his version of a whisper.
Thomas laughed. “You made that clear, don’t worry. So, uh, we’ve just got a few little things that might be useful- most of it Remy insisted on, so don’t ask me what the putty is for.”
“Ooh, you were with Remy?” Patton grinned, clearly believing he was being subtle.
“We were just doing boring work things, so shush- and quit doing that thing with your eyebrows at me, Logan.” Thomas blushed, wishing he knew how to stop letting children embarrass him. The shopping trip may have been a boring work thing, but it was very hard to convince himself Remy hadn’t been lowkey flirting with him the entire time nonetheless. “Take the stuff already and leave me alone.”
“How about this,” Roman offered, “we’ll stop if and only if you let us have a movie night! I mean, we really need to- did you know they haven’t seen any Disney movies?!”
Thomas hummed, pretending to think hard about it. “That sounds like a deal I can agree to. I’ll bring my laptop in here for you later, how about that? I know you’d rather use the big TV screen," he said over disappointed protests, "but I really don’t want to risk having Devon and Virgil leave the room when it’s not necessary, alright?”
“I guess,” Roman huffed. “But that means you have to give us more snacks for it!”
“Whatever you say.”
Movie night, naturally, had to wait until it was at least evening- you couldn’t very well have one in the morning. Roman and Patton spent nearly all the preceding time planning it and gushing about how amazing it was going to be, to the point where the other three almost wished they weren’t having it, if only to get some peace and quiet. By the time Thomas came back after dinner to let them borrow his computer, the blankets in the fort had been rearranged countless times, and the kids had a list of everything else they wanted in order to make it absolutely perfect. Thomas went along with some of their requests, if not the ones like ‘a bunch of plastic balls so we can turn the room into a ball pit,’ and they managed to get everything arranged without anyone yelling at each other.
The movie they’d all decided on for tonight was Sleeping Beauty- they should start with a classic, right? Logan was in charge of holding the popcorn, because he was the only one who could be trusted not to spill it or eat it all himself. During the opening credits, Roman bounced in place impatiently, while Patton carefully arranged his stuffed animals so he could hold them all and none would feel left out, ignoring Logan’s reminder that they were inanimate objects and had no feelings to hurt. When he was finally satisfied and looked up, he caught Virgil staring at him, looking conflicted. As soon as their eyes met the smaller boy  looked away, blushing and wrapping the too-long sleeves of his jacket around himself. He and Devon had changed into their new clothes by now, but he’d refused to give up that hoodie any longer than was needed to wash it, and even that had been a struggle.
“Hey, Virgil?”
He looked up again, defensive.
“Do you wanna hold one of my toys?”
Virgil shook his head roughly, retreating into his hood. He didn’t need toys, he wasn’t a baby.
“Are you sure? This one’s all the way on the outside, I’m afraid it’s gonna get lonely… would you mind just holding onto it for me?” He held out a black stuffed cat, clearly well-loved by the fact it was missing an eye. Virgil hesitated, but finally took it, setting it down on his lap just so Patton wouldn’t be disappointed. Maybe it wasn’t too bad to hold it for him, as long as he wasn’t actually hugging it or anything.
“Oh- look, look, it’s starting!”
They both turned back to the screen at Roman’s exclamation. The credits had ended, and the fairy-tale book was opening.
“In a far-away land, long ago…”
Roman watched Devon and Virgil, waiting for them to see how great the movie was. Unfortunately, they didn’t seem too impressed. “Don’t you like it?”
Virgil shrugged.
“It’s kinda boring,” Devon admitted. “Like, oh, there’s a king and a queen and a princess and they’re rich and perfect and everyone loves them- who cares?”
“That’s because this is the exposition,” Logan pointed out. “We need to know who they are before we can get to the real beginning of the story, in which a—”
Roman swatted his arm. “Don’t spoil it!”
The movie continued up to the celebration of the baby Aurora’s birth.
“Those gifts suck,” Devon decided. “Why couldn’t they give the princess something cool? They could’ve given her magic powers and instead they just made her really pretty and good at singing.” Virgil nodded in agreement, making a face. They were both startled out of their snark when Maleficent appeared.
“She’s an evil fairy,” Roman stage-whispered.
Logan added on, “It was a great insult for the king and queen to invite everyone in the kingdom and not her, especially when she’s so powerful.”
It was hard to tell if the intended audience for these explanations was actually listening. They were staring at the screen, wide-eyed, as Maleficent turned around and cursed the princess. Roman took this as a good sign that they weren’t bored anymore.
“It’s just so impractical,” complained Logan, watching the pile of spinning wheels burn. “I mean, has the king even considered what this will do to the price of cloth in his kingdom? Everything will have to be imported!"
“Shut up, it’s a fairy tale,” Roman whined.
Devon looked almost impressed. “You know, he has a point.”
“Oh, just watch the movie.”
The three fairies, at least, were not a point of contention. It was generally accepted that, being fairies, they shouldn’t be expected to make sense- although, really, hiding Aurora away from civilization to keep her safe wasn’t such a bad idea.
“Maleficent doesn’t know anything about love, or kindness…”
When said Maleficent came back, it was hard not to notice the younger boys’ nerves. Logan saw Devon go very still and quiet next to him, no longer making fun even though Maleficent’s weird little minions were objectively ridiculous, and Patton could feel Virgil jump with every angry lightning strike, holding the stuffed cat tightly to his chest.
“It’s okay,” Patton told them in a whisper, “she doesn’t win.”
Roman was beginning to despair. “Don’t spoil it, Pat.”
Logan rolled his eyes. “It’s hardly a massive plot twist, Roman. In movies like this, the good guys always win.”
Thankfully, the tension was dispersed by a transition to a much lighter scene. Even Virgil relaxed and giggled at the fairies’ attempt to create a birthday party. Some of the humor was lost on them, however- they didn’t have the faintest idea how to sew or bake, either. What was a “tsp?” The other kids seemed to know. Maybe it should have been obvious what exactly Flora and Fauna were doing wrong.
The scene with Aurora-slash-Briar Rose and Prince Philip… didn’t go over quite so well.
“Oh, oh, he’s back, look! With a horse! Bet you think he’s cool now, right?”
The prince promptly fell off said horse into a stream, and Virgil snickered, raising an eyebrow at Roman. That was about as clear a wordless answer as he could ask for.
And now, the princess was dancing around singing about love?
“Gross,” muttered Devon and Logan in unison.
“It doesn’t make any sense,” Logan continued as the two finally danced together. “I suppose I can understand her falling in love so quickly, given that he’s not only a handsome prince, but also the first person she’s ever met besides her guardians.”
“So you admit he’s handsome!”
“But what reason does Philip have for suddenly loving her so much, he’d rather marry her than become king? He’s only known her for a few minutes, and most of that was just listening to her sing without even seeing her.”
“The fairies did give her a magically good voice,” Devon mused. “Maybe she enchanted him to fall in love with her without realizing it.”
Roman reached over and gave them both a light shove. “It’s romantic, quit ruining it!”
“I think it’s cute…”
”Thank you, Patton!”
If Devon was oddly quiet after that, it was because he was grossed out by the sappy love stuff, and then worried about Maleficent’s bird finding the fairies- definitely not anything to do with the song about dreaming of having a friend hitting just slightly close to home. At least the kings were funny.
“Okay, maybe he’s a little cool,” Devon finally mumbled, watching Philip tell his father he was going to marry the random girl he’d just met. That was still a dumb decision, but anyone who could argue with a king and not be at all scared was at least slightly impressive.
Nobody really liked the part where Aurora was all distraught about not being able to meet Philip, so after a bit of sad silence, Roman took the opportunity to check in. “Do you guys like it so far?” he asked, clearly needing the answer to be yes.
Virgil nodded hesitantly, and Devon shrugged: “It’s… not bad. But I still think there should be less stuff about love, and—”
He gasped and cut himself off when Maleficent appeared in the fireplace. Virgil pressed up against him, eyes almost as wide as the hypnotized princess.
“Should’ve known she could just make another spinning wheel…” He tried to sound cool and unimpressed, and not scared. “Stupid king. She’s magic.”
Virgil whispered something in his ear.
“Oh, yeah- it doesn’t even matter, anyway, right? They can just get the prince to come back and kiss her, ‘cause they’re already in love.” His face scrunched up at the thought of kissing, but it was a solution.
However, as everyone else already knew, it wasn’t that easy.
Virgil sat up so quickly when Philip was attacked and captured by Maleficent’s minions that he would have fallen over, had Patton not been there to catch him.
“But did you see how many of ‘em he fought off before they got him?!” Roman punched the blankets around him to demonstrate, making sound effects.
If Roman was still happy, that probably meant Philip would be fine, right? Not that Virgil cared what happened to some stupid prince in a movie. Maleficent could kill him, for all Virgil cared. …But she wouldn’t, right? No, that wouldn’t happen, Patton and Logan had said she didn’t win in the end.
That reasoning didn’t stop both him and Devon from remaining tense for… pretty much the entire rest of the movie. Even if Philip was okay, they really didn’t like seeing him in Maleficent’s dungeon. At least in the Room they didn’t get chained up- Virgil shuddered at the thought.
“See!” Roman exclaimed triumphantly, when the fairies finally arrived to help him get out. “I told you he was cool!”
“I guess,” said Devon, sounding a whole lot more impressed than he wanted to let on. “Fairies are still doing most of the work, though.”
Then came the most exciting part of all: the final battle between Philip and Maleficent. From the moment she landed in front of the castle and turned herself into a dragon until the end of the movie, there were no snarky comments to be heard, and hardly even any disgusted faces made when Aurora was awakened by true love’s kiss.
“See? You didn’t need to be so worried, good prevailed in the end!” It wasn’t until Roman turned to face the two younger boys, and saw them still pale and anxious despite the movie being over, that he realized worrying about the ending may not have been the full issue. “Um… Guys? Is something wrong?”
Virgil and Devon had a brief, tense whispered conversation before Devon spoke up- very quietly, almost like he didn’t want to be heard.
“Are we evil?”
In the moment of stunned silence that followed, Virgil climbed over him, conspicuously placing himself between his friend and Roman. He didn’t seem to realize he was still clutching Patton’s stuffed cat.
“Wh- no! Of course not!” Roman jumped to his feet to emphasize how serious he was, and they both flinched a little. “Why would you think that?!”
Devon waited for Virgil’s cautious nod before saying anything else. “It’s just- Maleficent… she was evil, and she looked like us, kind of, and- and she could shapeshift like me.” He touched the scales on his face and remembered the dragon. “So- it seemed like… the movie was saying those things are evil. I dunno, it’s dumb,” he trailed off, shrinking behind Virgil. “I- I mean, we already knew we’re villains…”
“No, you’re not,” Roman said firmly. He pushed the laptop aside and sat down in front of them, so they couldn’t avoid looking at him. “You’re not anything like her! You’re not evil, you’re nice and you care about people and- and if anything, you’re more like Aurora.”
They both looked up, if only so he could see their skeptical faces. How did that make any sense? She was a princess.
“No, really,” he insisted. “Because you didn’t even do anything wrong, but the teachers and everyone are trying to hurt you because they’re the evil ones, but now you’re gonna get a happy ending! Because I’m the Prince, and I’ll fight them for you.” He stood again and struck a pose to demonstrate.
Devon gave him a soft, genuine smile, then smirked as a thought occurred to him. “Just don’t try to kiss us.”
“Ew, no!”
Everyone laughed. As Roman sat back down, he almost didn’t feel the tug on his shirt. He looked over to see Virgil looking not-quite-at him, chewing on his lip nervously. Once he saw he had Roman’s attention, he took a deep breath, squeezed his eyes shut and went for it.
���T-thanks. For saying that.”
In an ironic turn of events, Roman was speechless. Virgil’s voice, now that he heard it, was lower than he would have expected from such a tiny kid, and somewhat rough- maybe because he hardly ever talked. And now he was peeking up through his bangs, waiting for Roman’s reaction, looking like he kinda wanted to run away. Oh, shoot, Roman needed to say something back and not make it awkward, didn’t he?
He pushed through his shock to answer, “Of course. It was all true, after all.” Then he nudged Virgil’s hood back slightly in order to mess up his hair, because he couldn’t let things get too mushy. Virgil hissed and smacked his hand away, and the natural order of things was restored.
“But really though, what did you think of the movie?”
Virgil curled up in the blankets. His heart was still beating too fast just from saying four words- if he talked any more, he was afraid he might die from it. But he gave Roman a shy thumbs-up, and from the grin he got in response, that seemed to be good enough.
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mattymattymerduck · 6 years
I heard you were doing headcanons 👀👀 (u busy makin masterpieces so this can be short) girl how would Connor be with reader at the movies (your writing is stupendous girl)
Thank you!!! and hell ya I’m ready to delve into this 
- So lots of people seem to think Connor’d talk through the whole movie and ask loads of questions and maybe kinda ruin the experience (even tho it’d be in a cute way) but I don’t think it’d be like that??? 
- Anyway you’d take him to see something you’d been waiting for for awhile, and Connor’d be super happy, like, grinning the whole way there happy, bc he likes that you want him to experience it with you and ! This is something he’s never experienced before ?! 
- Since androids weren’t really allowed in theatres before the revolution ‘cause they were segregated and seen to have no emotions (we go to movies to experience them and androids “can’t experience” the emotions a good movie would make us feel) so he’s siked out of his mind to finally see what the atmosphere is like
- And when you go in he’d be a sweetheart and buy you popcorn or a drink or whatever to show you how grateful he is to be there with you and the entire way into the theatre he looks like this lost puppy, trailing you but his eyes are taking every inch of the theatre in 
- Literally everything there excites him? Like when you go to pump butter into your popcorn he’s asking you about what it tastes like and how you think it melds into the psychological experience of watching a film which gets him talking about the difference in atmosphere and how that would affect the way you experience the movie as well
- Which is honestly why you’d like taking Connor to things like this, bc most people need like, build up and prompting to ask these intense and almost philosophical questions but Connor just pumps them out so every convo you guys have is interesting and engaging 
- And it’s literally because it’s the first time he can relate to it, before he was deviant and had emotions and free will he couldn’t see what the big deal was besides the plot and all the thematic and cinematographic devices used to lure people in
- But now? woah he knows what anger is, so when that one character gets so mad he punches a hole in the wall? Yeah, Connor would too! When that other character feels so alone and isolated and they’re crying and the sad piano music is playing in the background and he’s just swept away because YEAH he can cry too, he knows what loneliness feels like! And when you get to the happy ending where everyone’s back together and laughing and it’s all good? HELL Y E A H Connor is there for that shit he feels so much joy just from seeing the characters have a good resolution that he could short-circuit! 
- And tbh you came for the movie but you stayed for Connor, bc imagine this ok:
-Connor’s fixated on the screen, he’s leaning forward, elbows on his knees, absentmindedly rubbing him bottom lip and he’s just eating everything on screen up. And you’re into it but there’s a scene that remind you of a meme you once saw and you turn to make the joke to him but god d a m n 
- This android looks so pretty when he’s concentrated and the soft lighting from the movie screen is brightening up all the right angles on his face and yeah you wanted to see the movie but Connor looked so much better so really you spend the rest of the time lowkey watching him watch the movie 
- And at the end of it you guys are walking out of the theatre and he’s just glowing and talking animatedly about all the little things he loved about it and you’re just smiling and nodding along and just frickin enjoying how much joy and emotion and personality he was showing 
- And probably ????? You’re so proud and happy that he’s becoming human (ha) that when you step outside and turn around to look him in the eyes while he talks about how wild it was to be living vicariously through the perspective of a camera that you just ? wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down for a kiss ? 
- His software was already in overdrive before that but when he feels your lips against his and instinctively kisses back it’s going haywire but wow does it only make his day better 
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