#shooting of Elijah Bennett
yearningforunity · 2 months
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Stokely Carmichael addresses an October 1968 gathering outside of the New School of Afro-American Thought following the police shooting of Elijah Bennett.
D.C. Public Library, Star Collection
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aloneatpeace · 2 years
In another universe
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Chapter 13
Fight for home
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you blast agatha making her fall on the road .she grunts as she fall your magic hitting her hard.
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"I take power from the undeserving. it's kinda of my thing " she absorb your power making your hands turning brownish color , like it's life has been sucked out.
"why don't you surrender your magic to someone who knows to do with it and i let you keep this pathetic little world you created yourself. what do you say ".
you throw a car at her using your power making her crash into a house. you move towards where is landed only to see her gone.
" y/n?? "
Alex run towards you with your boys.
"boys !! " you run towards them hugging them to chest Alex wrap you both in a tight embrace.
sound of footsteps make you siff as you see bonnie and her friends you stand in front of your family.
"y/n i know why you did this . we just want to help you" bonnie calmly said you read her mind and the tall man who give you an understanding look.
"I can fix it " you say in soft voice.
"can you? " a guy in suit ask you. you narrow your eye at him.
"this is my home. It's our home " determined you look at Alex .
"Then lest fight for it " Alex squeeze you hand
"well, well look at that scarlet witch and Bennett witch. so much powers " agatha appear in the sky . she glance at the hunters and vampires . "you brought your friends well I have some of mine too".
witches come out into the street agatha disappear from sky laughing hysterically. you turn to Alex and the boys looking worried. sam watch you sensing your fear for your family.
" y/n" at the tall male you turn to him " we wil keep them safe . " he said with determination .you look back at your family.
"yeah mom go show her who you are " oliver exclaim charile nodding his head you chuckle at them.
" I'll keep them safe petal " Alex squeeze your hand.
" we will help you y/n " bonnie add giving you a small smile.
you node before flying after agatha.
" I really hate witches " dean state.
" well that's something we have common " klaus agree with dean . they start to take out witches as stefan and Elijah protect the kids with Alex.
you land on the center of the Westview a truck pass by you.
" don't shoot I'm just a messager "as get distracted agatha throw a spell at you. you look up to see her floating on top of a building.
she open a spell book with magic floating in front of her. " y/n, did you know there is a whole page devoted for you in the darkhold. that's the book of the damned"
you stand there not knowing what she is saying. agatha turn the page " the scarlet witch is not born she is forged, she has no coven , no need to incantation "
"I'm not a witch, I don't cast spells. no one taught me magic " you yell at her annoyed with her rants.
she make the book disappear " your power exceeds that of the sorcerer supreme . it's your density to destroy the world."
" I'm not what you say I am " you shake your head at agatha.
"oh, really " she chant something making the person close to you stop for a minute.
"y/n "
" my name is Sarah. I have a daughter she is eight maybe she could be friends with your boys if you like that story line the school bully even. just let her out of the room, I just want to hold her please "
you turn to agatha " what are you doing. you're making her say this ".
" she is your meat puppet, I just cut the strings " she cast the spell now to everyone making the people around you start to walk to you.
" I don't recognize my face in the mirror. my voice when I speak. I try to resist you, but now I can't remember why do you " you turn to look at voice.
" my husband is on a business trip tell him I love him and don't come here ever " you again turn to the new voice.
"I'm exhausted "
they circle around you making you feel claustrophobic hard to breath.
"no you're fine, it's all going to be fine "you try to clam down the people.
" when you let us sleep we have your nightmares "
you shake your head not believing what they say you look around the people
"no that's not true... I've.. I've kept you.... you safe.... in peace "
" we feel your pain "
tears start to form your eyes the voice getting louder.
" your grief is poisoning us " mrs hart yell at you.
"no stop "
" let us go Y/n "
" please stop "
you spun around them try desperately clam the people around you. the voice around you get louder making you feel anxious, overwhelmed and scared your emotions all over the palace.
"stop" you yell hunching over covering your ears unknowingly let your power release the red mist wrap around the people's neck making them the chocking and falling down the ground.
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you gasp when you see what you've done . "no... stop.. stop... I'm sorry " you flick your wrist making the chock hold disappear. you apologies repeatedly you look around to see the people with bonnie also panting getting on there feet.
" if you won't let us go, just let us die please " a pained voice begg you.
"I will let you go. I will " letting out laboured breathes you look around the people nodding your head.
" what's stopping you? use your power. " agatha Mockingly encourage you.
you let out a breath before screaming and opening the hex with all power you have left the red beam around you reach the top of the hex opening the barrier around the town.
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" GO...all of you now " you yell at the people while holding the hex open.
the Mikealson's brother watches you as you open the hex. the sound of military trucks can be heard. the rest of them catch up where is you stand holding the hex open.
" now you'll see " agatha grin down at you.
" what ? " you ask confused.
" MOM"
you turn to see your boys Glitching away their bodies start to fade away bits bits.
" boys" Alex try to walk towards them but fall down as his one side fade away.
" now do you see y/n. you tied your family to this twisted world and now one can't exist without the other "
" No....no " Tears falls down at the pained cries of your boys
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" y/n" everyone around your family watch helplessly no one can do anything to save them
" save your family or Westview "
" BOYS" you yell at them literally torn seeing your love fade away your kids crying asking to save them helplessly on the ground tears fall down your cheeks. you close the hex making the boys and Alex whole again as you fall down on your knees.
they run towards you help you stand on your feet . you hug the boys as the wrap their arms around your waist.
"mom "you kiss both boys head and embrace them
"y/n" Alex stand being you one arm around you other around the boys
" hi... hii .. hey " you let out sigh of relief knowing your family is okey . Alex kiss your head with one arm around the boys one stroking your hair . you wipe their tears away running hands through their hair
"aww, how sweet the bunch is whole again " agatha say from .
"NO" "y/n" bonnie and sam yell as they see agatha use her magic on your family.
"NO"you swiftly turn around making a shield around your family protecting them from the blast. Alex wrap his arms around the boys you scream as agatha absorb your power from the shield disappear Alex and the boys look at you sadly at your painful cries .
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you let out a gasp when she finally release you. Alex help you stand.
" y/n " Alex glance at your hands that now turned black
" mom are you okey ? " charile ask you.
"I'm fine " you stand letting out breathes . the sound of trucks coming .
you stand in front you family hands in the air ready to protect your family from Hayward.
" don't worry love we got this " klaus speed in front you so does the rest of the vampire. bonnie and the Winchester stand by your side.
you look at them and bonnie and sam give you a node silently telling you they are her for you.
" listen boys your mother and i never prepared for you this " Alex tell them fully confident in his boys ability.
" but you're born for this " you said looking at your boys they smile at you joyfully.
Series masterlist
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bearsficrec · 1 year
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Fic Recommendations
Hi everyone!! I'm Eli, a 19 year old girl who's obsessed with living in the wonderful fantasy worlds that are fics of all our favorite humans. I do ask that you read the warnings, if it says 18+ please make sure you're respecting that!
Disclaimer: None of these fics are mine, I made this blog so all the lovely writers out there can get the recognition they deserve and have earned <3. On that note, if your fix is on this list or any others and you're not comfortable with that please send me a message and I'll make sure to take you off the list/future lists!! Happy reading babes <3
- Bucky Barnes
- Steve Rogers
- Peter Parker
- Natasha Romanoff
- Wanda Maximoff
- Moon knight system
- Misc marvel characters
- JJ Maybank
- John B
- Sarah Cameron
The Vampire Diaries
- Stefan Salvatore
- Damon Salvatore
- Elijah Mikaelson
- Klaus Mikaelson
- Bonnie Bennett
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
8 - A Hybrid Vow
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Part 9
Princess more than a Nickname
@the-big-bad-klaus @alanaangie24
"I'm a freak, Nik - I can't be a vampire and  - a witch!" He rests a finger to my lips kissing my forehead. "I'll still love you, princess. You're like me." Blinking my eyes a couple times I stopped playing with his dog tags chain around his neck, never imagining he would be the first one to say it. "You love me?"
Elijah's POV
Guilt is eating away at Y/n very clearly. The young girl just stares out the window most of the time when she's alone in her room. Bonnie Bennett hasn't given is more information on her abilities. Niklaus hasn't been much help in helping her control her emotions. Caroline comes over taking her out into town for feeding training so she won't have the uncontrollable urge to feed on a human. I can feel that she thinks I won't talk to her. But I will, she has become a member of this family. That was going to happen whether Brooke was still alive or not. I'd never let her or my brother know that I lie awake sometimes regretting that I didn't just force feed her my blood instead. Sure she might have hated me for a few years but she would be alive. Yet I am a man of my word and she declined the offer to untimely save her family.
Y/n's POV
Caroline's off at school and Nik is off looking for a way to create more hybrid's like him. His plans were to show me the world that I has missed out on. I'll say though I miss seeing Rebekah she and I were the opposite on becoming a vampire. She wants to be human again and I wanted to live life with her brother. Walking down the streets I sighed watching all the human people around me. Twisting the fabric of my shirt I am still having a hard time trying to not bite into one of their necks and drink blood. "Excuse me, is your name Y/n?" I stop walking spinning on my feet seeing an elderly woman that looks similar to Bonnie, maybe they're related. "Yes, who are you?" The woman raised her hand shooting pain through my head. I groaned falling on my knees as she spoke. "I'm Abby Bennett, Bonnie is my daughter. Our family is supposed to keep you under your curse. You're against nature, just like Klaus Mikaelson." She twisted her wrist and I felt my neck snap dropping to the ground.
Klaus's POV
Knocking on the Bennett house aggressively Bonnie opened the door seeing me. I tried calling Y/n hours ago and she hasn't picked up. Granted Caroline is slowly showing her to use a phone but it makes me worry. "What do you want?" She questioned as I grip the door baring my teeth at her. "Y/n isn't answering me and Caroline hasn't seen her all day. So I need you to find her. The Bennett witches created the spell to put her to sleep so only you can find her!' She glared at me but opened the door letting me step over the threshold seeing she has the book opened with another book right beside it. She comes back with a map laying it on the table around a circle of candles. "You were the one who turned her. So she will be in your sire line. We should be able to find her exact location in Mystic Falls with this." I bite into my right hand drawing blood and dripping it onto the table. Bonnie waves her hands moving the blood until it circles an area. "She's at the cemetery-" She gasped seeing the curse book disappear before she could grab it. "And I think my mother is with her." A growl is deep in my throat as I vamped outside I run forward a little ways transforming into my wolf form going to save her.
Y/n's POV
Moaning I opened my eyes seeing I'm inside an abandoned building. I try leaning forward but my wrists and ankles are tied down to a chair. I pull on them again feeling a slight burning hearing a woman's voice responds. "Vervain ropes. Can burn a vamp but you're not just that are you. You're a witch with no real magic. In the eyes of all witches you are against nature." Abby flipped pages of my grandmother's book. The sun has basically set with the moon rising in the sky. "So you're going to what, kill me. I'm pretty sure that is against witch nature." I scoffed hearing something running through the woods quicker than normal unless it was being chased. Bonnie's mother raised her hand starting to chant but someone bursts through the door. Clutching my eyes closed I gasped hearing a snarl recognizing the wolf form. "Klaus!"
Nik growled towering over her in his large form. The book lays at my feet having gotten thrown when he tackled her to the stone floor. Clutching my left hand around the wood my hand turned red and I snapped the rope. Doing the same with my other hand I grabbed the book drawing the magic from it. "Nik I've got her." He climbed off her still baring his teeth coming to stand beside me. Grabbing her by her shirt I threatened hearing him growling behind me. "If you ever come for me again. I can't garentee he won't rip you apart. And if you hurt him I might do the same thing to you!" Closing the book I climb on Nik's back holding onto him tightly as he ran us home to the mansion. He lets me get off and I ran grabbing some clothes for me watching him change into his human form. He slipped the pants on seeing me eyeing his bare chest where he smirked. "See something you like, princess?" Even though vampires can't blush really I still feel myself getting embarrassed. He pulls the shirt on leading me inside not finding any injuries on me when he has me sit on the couch.
"Here you go..." He came back from the kitchen handing me a blood bag that I rip opened. He sits down beside me resting his hands on his knees staring at me. Silence fell in the house when I think back to what Abby said earlier. That the Bennett's were raised to put her asleep again if I ever woke up. I don't like that people consider me a monster even though I haven't went on a killing mess. If Brooke were here she would - oh to heck with it. She's not here and it's eating away at me. "I'll go after Bonnie's mother and anyone else who tries to hurt you-" He spoke but I cut him off jumping to my feet raising my voice as tears started to fall. "Don't say that, Nik. I don't want people to fear what I am or fear me because of you....it's only been three days since I've woke up and I feel like my whole world is falling apart in pieces...where I feel like I emotionally can't take it!" He started to say something but I wipe away my tears closing my eyes and tuning everything else out. "Love, you'll adjust..." Vamping in front of his face I bare my teeth croaking out in tears grabbing his legs drawing strength from him. "How can you think that for one second. The person I would go to this stuff for is dead....Brooke's dead because of me. I'm not tough like you - or Rebekah - or Caroline - I'm weak and I need it all to stop!" Blinking my eyes I stand up vamping to the door where he got to his feet questioning. "Y/n....tell me you didn't..." Whipping my head around to him I smirked like he does showing my fangs slamming the door. "Your princess is dead. The hybrid Queen rules."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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amariaamaris · 3 years
Of Revelations and Shattering Part 2
Here’s part 2 of what was originally called Bennett’s Saviors, let me know what you think and if there is anything you would like me to add/give more detail to!
When Klaus gets back to the mansion he gathers the heaviest and warmest blankets he can find. Klaus Mikaelson - the so-called ‘big bad wolf’ - proceeds to wrap up Bonnie Bennet - the witch that almost killed him twice - with all of the blankets. He then moves onto getting the fire going so that it can heat up the whole room.
Right as Klaus turns to check out Bonnie a rumbling overtakes the whole house as her magic force field makes itself known. He looks around the room as it eventually calms. He allows his eyes to fall to Bonnies form (which is swallowed in blankets) and he takes note that her breathing and heartbeat seems to be getting better. 
Klaus allows himself to just sit, watch, and listen to make sure that the little Bennett witch will survive. He doesn’t acknowledge his brothers until they make themselves known. Elijah by walking up and carefully putting his hand to Bonnie’s forehead. While Kol stopped to the side of Klaus and dropped his hand onto Klaus’s shoulder. “Well brother... I believe the little witch will survive. She will definitely awaken changed.” Elijah stands up and faces his younger brothers, “Yes, I do believe Miss Bennett will come back changed. Only time will tell whether the change is good or not.” Kol gives a humorous snort in response while Klaus mindlessly nods his head; his focus still on the young witch.
Klaus abruptly stands up and starts moving to leave, “And where are you going brother?” Kol’s question causing Klaus to pause. “I’m going to find a nurse or doctor to compel to come help with any physical needs. After all the little witch has been comatose for at least a week.” Klaus is gone soon after leaving Kol and Elijah to exchange humorous and contemplative looks.
Soon after leaving, Klaus comes in with a dazed looking nurse who immediately goes to Bonnie and starts to take care of her physical needs. Kol barely looks up from the old Grimoire that he is reading, while Elijah looks up from his book and hands Klaus a glass of bourbon; who in turn gives a nod of thanks.
They all watch as the nurse sets up an IV drip full of fluids to keep the witch hydrated and give nutrients to her starved system. The nurse carefully holds Bonnie’s wrist to check her heartbeat and mindlessly nods when it come out to a good number. Carefully the nurse covers Bonnie in the blankets again and checks her temperature.
Then the nurse just quietly sits down on an open seat; her job being done for the moment. The Mikaelson brothers use different things to occupy their time; Kol with his Grimoire’s, Elijah with old books, and Klaus with drawing. They are perfectly at ease, Bonnies magic still in its protective mode. So, they don’t have to worry about anyone uninvited entering their house.
After three hours they hear their sisters voice yelling in aggravation. They immediately drop what they are doing and speed to where their sister is. The moment Kol sees Rebekah he starts laughing. “A sister dearest, why are you so angry? Were you not the one that said you would never come back?”
Rebekah lets out an angry huff, “Did you seriously find a witch to lock me out -- no, keep my off the property?! It’s good to know how you all really feel about me!” 
Klaus chuckles a bit and shakes his head trying to hide his amused smirk. “Sister, we haven’t done anything to cause this. You just have to have no ill intent and you can come through. We’ll explain to you once you come inside.” Then he grabs a still cackling Kol and speeds back inside.
Leaving Rebekah to gape after them and finally turn towards Elijah with a flabbergasted look on her face. “Elijah...?” All Elijah does is adjust his cufflinks and lightly smile at his sister. “I can’t do anything to help you Rebekah, for once I am in agreeance with what Niklaus told you. We’ll see you inside.”
Then Elijah is gone leaving Rebekah standing outside of the Mikaelson property, so shocked that she is dead still as her brain tries to catch up with the information given. She scoffs as she throws her hands up in the air and walks closer to the forcefield. She puts her hand on it and quickly pulls it away with a hiss shaking out her hand as the angry red welts heal.
Rebekah clenches her jaw and mutters to herself, “This is bloody ridiculous... Fine!” She forces herself to breathe out and let any and all the hostility she is feeling go. Then Rebekah hesitantly steps forward and the shield wraps around her with a soft, healing, loving, and strong warmth. Rebekah can feel a shiver go through her entire body at the feeling and has to shake herself once she passes through.
She speeds herself inside to where her brothers voices are coming from. “Care to explain yourselves broth-- is that the Bennett witch?”
“Yes, sister it is... what gave it away?” Rebekah gives Kol a harsh glare that causes him to mockingly throw his hands up in a sign of peace. Elijah lets out an exasperated sigh as he pinches the bridge of his nose at his younger siblings antics. He quickly explains the situation to Rebekah before Klaus can step in and make the situation worse. By the look on Klaus’s face, he knows exactly what Elijah’s true intentions are behind informing their darling sister of the situation (Elijah promptly and smoothly ignores his look).
Rebekah lets out a quite huh and looks to Bonnie’s tiny form still wrapped up in blankets. “Let me guess her rotten friends had no clue what was going on with her?” Rebekah can’t stop the scoff that escapes her, not that she was going to bother. “Of course they wouldn’t, they only bother with her when they need something from her. Bonnie Bennett deserves so much more than that, at least she was civil with me if not a little kind.” Rebekah can feel herself sneering at the thought of the rest of the scooby gang (bar Matt). “I have half the mind to kill the lot of them.” Her brothers could hear the dark violent intent in her voice and they all exchange uneasy looks.
Klaus goes to say something but Rebekah almost violently cuts him off before even a sound can escape him. “No! Nik, I don’t care if you fancy that dull blonde bimbo! I will kill her and that dull as a dishwasher doppelgänger. I still haven’t fully gotten payback for her stabbing me in the back! You don’t need those useless hybrids you have all of us! I want bloo-”
They barely see Klaus move before he is right in front of his sister with his hands firmly on her shoulders, but in a placating manner. “Rebekah! Calm yourself! Caroline was a passing fancy, I quickly lost interest in her.” He slowly drops his hands from her shoulders as Rebekah blinks in surprise, Klaus can practically feel his brothers surprise too (which he chooses to ignore).
“As for the doppelgänger, I no longer have a need for her blood. As much as I would love to kill the whole scooby gang for everything they have done... I do believe that the young Bennett witch should have a say in what happens to them. Or perhaps we could just take her away from this godforsaken town and never come back. I wouldn’t mind watching the town burn from the Salvatore's childish actions.”
Elijah steps in before his three younger siblings can start planning death and destruction. “Right now, we need to make sure that miss Bennett awakes and that she is completely healthy. We’ll have to make sure that she is stable with her magic. Miss Bennett’s hair happens to be completely white, we don’t know if that has something to do with her magic; her magic... well, we all have had run ins with how it is at the moment.”
Klaus’s eyes immediately flick to Bonnie and narrow upon seeing that she is shivering as her eyes flicker beneath the lids. He speeds over to her and crouches down next to her and intently listens to her breathing and heartrate. He frowns as he notices that her heartbeat is faster as well as her breathing. He goes to call for the compelled nurse, but is stopped by Ayana’s voice.
“My descendant is physically perfectly healthy, you can allow the nurse to go.” The Mikaelson siblings immediately move to face Ayana as she softly smiles at all of them. “Thank you for helping Bonnie. Right now she is in a comatose state allowing for her to see everything from a very different perspective, get her full potential of magic... and to learn just how connected she is to a certain person...” Ayana’s eyes flicker to Klaus and rest on him for a few moments, then she looks away.
Ayana walks towards Bonnie’s body and studies her for a few moments as the siblings silently watch on. “She’ll be awakening soon,” Ayana looks towards the siblings. “she will be in a state, you’ll want to give her space and try to help her calm down. I know that you have all lost the art of truly being able to comfort one another...” Ayana gives them all a soft, loving, understanding smile “Human touch can go a long way to help comfort, as long as its not crowding the person.”
Then she’s gone, leaving Rebekah reeling and the brothers all contemplating. Rebekah allows herself to collapse onto the couch behind her. While Klaus keeps watch over Bonnie, not even realizing that his wolf has come out in his eyes.
His siblings take notice right away and exchange knowing looks. That quickly turn to warning looks when they notice the mischief and amusement in Kol’s eyes. Kol just grins at them and before they can do anything else... a rumble takes over the whole house.
When it stops it feels as though all the air was sucked out of the room and it’s dead still. It causes all of the siblings to straighten and come to attention while Klaus closely watches Bonnie with sharp eyes. Then the feeling disappears as Bonnie shoots upwards with a sharp scream. That quickly tapers out into a whimper and hyperventilation as her magic starts wiping around. Bonnie barely has time to process that she is surrounded by Mikaelson’s before she's tightly wrapped up in Klaus’s arms.
She finds herself clutching tightly to his arms as she closes her eyes with tears running down her face. Everything she has learned and everything that Bonnie’s ancestors have shown her are running rampant in her mind. While her body feels like it is burning from the inside out from the amount of magic that is now inside of her. Her ears are ringing and she can’t seem to catch her breath, it feels as though she is being choked. Bonnie’s hands detach from Klaus arms as she starts to claw at her neck. She vaguely hears him say “Bloody hell!” then she is being wrestled into a different type of hold.
With her back against his chest and Klaus tightly holding her arms as it feels as though he wraps himself around her. He starts whispering calming words into her ear as he rocks her to help her get control of her breathing. His siblings watch on in shock and horror, they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. 
Bonnie, the strong Bennett witch that seemed to never falter or become scared. Had awoken and she is caught in a vicious panic attack causing her to claw at her throat. Rebekah looks worriedly at the small Bennett witch, mindlessly acknowledging that Klaus’s eyes are back to his wolf.
Bonnie knows that she should be fighting to get out of his embrace and away from all of the Mikaelsons… but for the first time in her life she truly feels safe. Even though she had just woken up from a how long coma? She could feel herself losing energy and quickly fading. The panic attack was taking a toll on her and against her will she could feel her eyes slowly fluttering to sleep. Bonnie feels her body go lax as she falls into a deep peaceful sleep. Not yet realizing that this sleep is meant to integrate the changes to her body, mind, soul, and powers.
All of the Mikaelson’s exchange shaken looks then Klaus moves Bonnie around in a way where he can bring her to his bedroom. He speeds off with her before any of them can question where he is taking her. Elijah turns toward the nurse, “You will not remember any of this, you took time off for yourself and had a wonderful time.” she repeats his words, gathers her things, and then leaves.
Bonnie awakens in a room she has never seen before she feels a shock of fear run up her spine; causing her to freeze. As she looks around the room, everything comes back to her, her memories of why she is at the Mikaelson’s mansion, and everything that her ancestors showed her. Bonnie allows herself the time to get a hold of her breathing and relax herself. Once she finally calms, she slowly, carefully stands up from the unnaturally comfy bed.
Once she’s standing, Bonnie takes the time to really study the space that she is in and automatically takes notice that it has a much more masculine look to it. Everything is either dark or neutral tones, with a huge fireplace, big windows, and an oversized bathro--. Bonnie’s jaw drops as she walks into the bathroom. Who needs this big of a bathroom? It could fit Bonnie’s room and bathroom in it!
Right as she was about to turn to head back into the bedroom, Bonnie took notice of her body screaming for relief. She quickly rushed to the toilet and allowed herself to relax as her body found the relief it was screaming for. After Bonnie flushed and washed her hands she started to leave the bathroom.
She came to a quick halt and whipped around to face the mirror. The gasp that escaped her caused her to slap her hand over her mouth. Bonnie couldn’t believe her eyes! Her hair is white! Bonnie allowed herself to carefully touch it and run her fingers through it. As she watched herself touch her hair in the mirror she took notice of her eyes. The green in them looked even more otherworldly that they originally did. They look unnatural, Bonnie moves further away from the mirror to start looking at the rest of her body.
Nothing else seemed to have changed, everything physically was the same except for her hair and eyes. Her hair looks completely different and it’s not just because of the rapid color change... It looks wild, but Bonnie finds that she likes it that way... it matches her inner change perfectly; the same thing can be said for her eyes. 
Bonnie lets out a quiet sigh as she walks back into the bedroom and as she once again look around at it. Bonnie gets a deep knowing inside of her that this is Klaus’s bedroom. Bonnie knows that it should bother her, but it doesn’t; not even a little bit. Bonnie slightly opens the blackout curtain just enough to look outside, after seeing that the sun it up she lets the curtain go. Bonnie sighs, knowing that she can’t hide in Klaus’s room any longer and she walks to the door.
Once she slips out and starts to make her way through the house, Bonnie quickly takes note of where the voices are coming from and quietly pads down the long spiral stairs. As Bonnie gets closer to the voices her padding turns into tiptoeing. She doesn’t know what she is supposed to say to the Mikaelson’s… should she thank them? Or should she apologize for doing the things that she did to them and helped the others do to them?
When she finally gets up the courage to walk into the room Bonnie is shocked to see all of them (except Kol) moving around each other and making what Bonnie assumes to be brunch. Klaus is the first to take notice of her (ever since he felt her wake up he has been hyper aware of her every move). “Little witch, good to see that your awake.” His words bring Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol to take notice of her.
Bonnie gives a wavering smile and goes to speak, but finds it come out as more of a croak. It causes Bonnie to cough at the unnatural feeling. Which also makes her take notice of the fact that 1. her throat is parched and 2. she has completely lost her voice. She reaches a hand up to rub her throat when she quickly drops it with a hiss of pain. Bonnie vaguely remembers taking notice of red welts on her neck, but she was to distracted by her hair and eyes to really take notice.
Bonnie is surprised by Klaus handing her a cup of water, which she carefully takes from him with a small smile of thanks. “Come now darling, how about you sit down. You seem to be swaying a bit little witchling.” Bonnie blinks a few times at Kol and then glares at him for his witchling comment, but she does sit down... three seats away from him. Causing Kol to give her a playful offended look, Bonnie starts a bit when Rebekah appears out of nowhere with a whiteboard and dry-erase markers.
“Miss Bennett, what all do you remember?” Bonnie’s eyes land on Elijah upon hearing the question. She studies him a bit and slowly drops her eyes to the whiteboard. Bonnie allows herself to marinate in all of the information in her head. She settles for uncapping the marker and simply writing EVERYTHING. She shows it to them causing them all to show different levels of acceptance through their body language.
Bonnie erases what she wrote and picks up the marker again. She can’t stop the uncomfortable fidgeting and hesitation in writing what she is feeling. The siblings notice her hesitation right away. “Love, just write what you are wanting to write. We aren’t in any place to judge you.” Bonnie’s eyes catch Klaus’s and she can feel a blush trying to work its way onto her face. She quickly looks back down at the whiteboard and her now white hair curtains her face. With her hair blocking them from looking at her face she quickly scribbles her question.
Did my friends even notice or care what was happening to be? DON’T LIE.
The look on the siblings faces reinforces everything she was shown. She can feel tears prick her eyes. Bonnie can feel a the hard lump in her throat return, the one that has been there since the supernatural bullshit started. She can also feel the fight or flight response trying to take over, but just like her emotions; she swallows the feeling down. 
She misses the dark looks that come upon the Mikaelson’s faces as she focuses on erasing what she wrote. Bonnie takes a long drink from her water and takes that time to harden her resolve. She writes one last thing before she closes up the marker, grabs the class of water, and leaves the kitchen. Klaus reaches for the board to read what she wrote. What he reads causes him to clench his jaw so hard that he was sure a couple of his teeth broke. His siblings all have a bad feeling upon seeing his eyes go gold as his vampire visage ripples across his face.
He tosses the whiteboard on the kitchen table and is gone before either of his siblings can react. When they read what she wrote they all have varying reactions: Kol gets a wickedly violent look in his eyes, Elijah’s only physical reaction is his hands clenching, and Rebekah looks ready to slaughter someone or multiple someone's (the scooby gang minus Matt). The writing?
Keep them away from me, I don’t want to see any of them. I don’t care what you have to do, keep them away. I’m done.
I hope you enjoyed! As always, constructive criticism is welcome! Let me know if you want a third part!
Peace, Love, and Joy!
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
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Part 3
The Originals AU story
Pairings: Camilijah/Gilijah_
a/n: it is kind of set after TO 2x09, and mashed up with all seasons - it is an AU story
It's basically a Camilijah story. After Hayley chooses Jackson, Elijah is on a rebound. But will it be a rebound or will he fall for Camille. Gia sure will be a vampire to mess things up for him...
*a bit smutty, 18+
*some gifs are not mine_ some are
@eternityunicorn​ @njeancastro316​
Elijah's mouth lifted from Camille’s leaving an aching void.
"Camille" he gasped, eyes widening slightly, clouded with lust. "I -"
"Yeah - uhm- this is- we've both had too much to drunk" Camille stepped pulled away from the Original as if something had stung her and rushly went out of the courtyard, swishing out into the night.
Elijah stood gazing at nothing for a moment trying to process what had just happened.
"So, this is where you are hiding" a voice cut his thought. The Original turned around now facing his sister. "Rebekah"
"Ah, I wish I could -"
"Please - I am out of here. I do not need baby-sitting"
"No one said that. I am concerned about you. I knew how much it hurts when your feelings are not reciprocated." the blonde Original said.
"Feelings - what feelings" Elijah muttered taking the bottle.
"Elijah, please don't shut them off."
"I don't intend to. But I will keep them in check. If you'd excuse me - I'd like to be alone." Giving his sister a little peck on the cheek, Elijah left the Mikaelson Mansion.
"Damn" Rebekah muttered displeased. She hated that her favourite brother was hurting, but leaving him be was the best thing to do.
"He really was hung up on Hayley." Marcel said stepping out of the shadows.
"He'll get over it. What are you doing here?"
"Looking for you." the vampire replied.
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah- how about we go and enjoy the wedding reception somewhere else?!"
"What did you have in mind?" Rebekah said cocking an eyebrow up.
"I have this luxurious new loft - I'd like to consult you on these ideas the designer had left-" Marcel chuckled.
"Lead the way then" Rebekah said giving the vampire a sultry look.
In the morning,after a long shower, and a quick breakfast, Elijah made his way to Rousseau’s to speak to Camille.
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“Elijah-” Camille swallowed hard, her stomach flipping at the sight of the dapper looking vampire.
“Good moringing Camille - I thought I might found you here- can we talk?”
“I guess it’s about last night - “
“Yes” Elijah said, his calm composure not changing. “I wish to -”
“It’s all right - we both had - one of those nights - I also wanted to talk to you about it and say that - can we just forget it happened?”
Inhaling lightly, Elijah nodded.
“Good.” Camille nodded a little, too, trying hard to keep her cool. “Friends?”
“Of course. At this very moment a friend is exactly what I need.” Elijah said.
“Perfect - uhm - if there is nothing else - I have to do the inventory -”
“Yes - I won’t keep you. I might need your help later with some of the items your uncle had left behind.”
“The dark objects?”
“Yes. Bonnie Bennett is arriving from Mystic Falls and she said that she will need your blood since the objects are an heirloom of your family. She will explain it in detail.” Elijah explained.
“All right.” Camille said. “Call me anytime - I mean - when she arrives.”
“I will.” Elijah nodded again a little and left the storage room of the bar.
Before you came around, I was doing just fine Usually, usually, usually, I don't pay no mind And when it came down, I was looking in your eyes Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, I could feel it inside
I’ve got a fever
Camille sat down, burying her head in her hands. What was the matter with her? She couldn’t understand the sudden attraction to the vampire. He had never been her type. She always went for the ragged looking guys.
“Friends” she then uttered faintly. Oh, she wanted so much more, but she also knew that he was not in a stable state of mind. His heart was broken, and even if she got involved with him, it would only lead to a brief meaningless affair, and she couldn’t cope with anything being meaningless. Yes, the kiss must be forgotten.
The blonde vampire now got up and continued with the inventory.
Hours later, in Algiers, Elijah met up with Gia and Marcel to talk strategies regarding Strix.
“Now that Klaus’ wolves have strengthened and they have a Queen and a King - how about you actually take over the Throne and get your seat at the Strix. Hope will need an army of vampires to protect her.” Marcel said.
Elijah breathed in sharply without giving Marcel and answer.
“Unless he is already a King” Gia said.
The Original now turned sharply towards Marcel’s protege. “What do you know?”
“The Strix witch said that you were their leader.” Gia replied.
Elijah went quiet, looking down and then at both vampires. “I am actually the one who founded the Strix - but that does not make me their King or anything like it.”
“Figures.” Marcel said with a scoff.
“But taking over is something I have considered - or maybe someone else could. I have not yet thought it through. There is another matter that brings me here” Elijah looked at Gia with a small poignant tilt of the head towards her.
“Marcel mentioned that you played the violin?”
“I did. I don’t anymore. Since I’ve turned - I just can’t find the beauty of the sound.” Gia said.
“I believe I can remedy that.” Elijah said.
“Guys - uhm - I need to be somewhere” Marcel said interupting the pair.
“I thought that you will stay and have a sparing session” Gia now said to Marcel.
“I think that Elijah can also help remedy some of your moves, too. He used to train with Bruce Lee.” Marcel said before he swooshed out of Gia’s loft.
“Wow - somehow I can’t believe that” Gia said.
“Well, it’s true.” Elijah said.
“Really - OMG - he was God - you know what I mean.”
“I do.” Elijah nodded a little.
“So, wanna show me?”
“Yes, now. Unless you have somewhere better to do?”
“Not at this very moment.” Elijah replied.
“Good. Come on”
Taking his tie and his suit off, Elijah got ready to show Gia what the famous martial artist had taught him.
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“And then when you have established your cadence-” Elijah said breathing in deep.
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Suddenly, Elijah flipped the vampire around crashing her gently onto the wall, his lips fervently latching with hers.
Ripping the shirt off the Original, Gia stopped for a second, breaths still mingling, she beamed up meeting Elijah’s eyes laden with lust.
Looking back at him with carnal desire, she now pulled the Original to her, wrapping her legs around his waist as he sped them around to the couch. His tongue slid against hers, twisting and tangling, kissing her as if he was devouring her.
Stopping for a moment, both vampires rashly peeled off their clothing, crashing back on the couch.
Gia arched her back as Elijah attached his lips to her neck now, slightly slipping his fangs out, grazing over it, leaving marks from where he sucked the delicate skin roughly. He dipped his head down to the soft swell of her breast, taking a nipple into his mouth as he bucked against her. Gia moaned loudly, feeling a current of electricity shoot straight to her core. He now brought his lips back to hers, giving her a bruising kiss as he slid inside her. As he began to thrust into her, his hand gripped one thigh, lifting it up so he could drive even deeper, drawing his fangs out dipping into her neck greedily drinking the potent blood from the vampire.
_to be continued
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elejah-wonderland · 4 years
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Part 2
This a tvd+to fanfiction story. Totally AU.
The  Mikaelsons helped the Mystic Falls Scoobies fight a clan of ancient  werewolves called the Hundings. Klaus and Caroline paid the ultimate  price, as well as Damon. But as it is the case in the magical world of  the Mystic Falls vampires, death is not the end.
There is  also a new adventure looming for the Mystic Falls Scoobies and their now  friends, the Original vampires, as everything is somehow always  connected to them. And so, they are Hellbound…
Main pairings_ Elijah MIkaelson x Elena Gilbert,
Rebekah Mikaelson x Stefan Salvatore
Kol Mikaelson x Bonnie Bennett
Damon Salvatore x Katherine Pierce
thanks for reading - xoxo
In Halifax, Nova Scotia
Elijah woke up before anyone and sat down in the garden of the house they were inhabiting while they were in Nova Scotia. Taking a photo from his bag, his mind wondered back to the events a few months back.
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Mystic Falls, The Mikaelson House
"I suppose you are who I think you are!" Elijah said coolly.
The woman was calm not fearing the vampire and then introduced herself.
"My name is Eilif. I am Esther’s cousin -like you have been told by my messenger."
"Where is Klaus?" the vampire wanted to know, still not moving or showing any pleasant emotion to the woman.
"Your cousin is safe," the woman replied, "but at present I cannot tell you where his body is - not before we resolve the family matter and his allegiance to this family."
"What family? Klaus is my brother!"
"No. He is your cousin - as I am your mother!" the woman said looking at the vampire with apprehensive, but steady eyes.
“What are you talking about? You are not my mother - my mother is Esther.”
“No, she is not. It is a long story. The time has come to reveal your true identity.”
“What?” Elijah looked at the woman in completely disbelief. Elijah drew a deep breath.
“I am a norn. A being that dwells between the world of men and the world of keepers of universe, living in the place the humans called heaven, but in actual fact my home is the wind, the river, the woods, the mountains, the gletschers, the meadows. We are keepers of  nature, we can see and hear things but can never meddle, unless the elders ordered it in certain occasions. This time I could not stand by and let you, my son, nor your cousins be warned of the danger that is arising. I could have left you clues, but my mother's heart prevailed this time. I wanted to step out many times and made myself known to you, especially after you had become a vampire. That had changed so much for me. You becoming a supernatural being, made it more easily to follow you.”
“Are you ok?” Elena said breaking the Original’s thoughts as she stepped out into the garden.
“I am fine. Just - thinking about - everything - her.” Elijah said putting the frame with the picture down on the table.
“It is kind of still mind-blowing that you are - a prince.” Elena said.
“I am not.”
“But your father was a king.” Elena then said. “This is so like Games of Thrones.
“Excuse me?”
“Nothing. It’s a TV show - and books - nevermind. She said that more is to come and that all this with the Hundings is far from over.” Elena now reminded the vampire.
“Yes.This is why I wish I could get in touch with her.”
“She said that she won’t be able to come back - or?”
“There must be a way.” Elijah said, and then put a small smile on, his eyes sparkling with warmth. “I wanted to tell you that I - had fun last night - as Kol would put it.”
“I’m glad. We need to have fun. Too much sad things happened - and Caroline and - other would want us to have fun, too. But talking about Caroline - I called Jeremy this morning. They didn’t get in touch with him. He tried, but it looks like the link is broken or something.” Elena said.
“Well, one good thing is - they are together.” Elijah said.
“Yeah. And we haven’t lost them completely.
In Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
Francesca Guerrera sat down with one of her confindantes.
"You done it?! And did you manage to find the amulet?!
"No. The old woman wouldn't talk. It wasn't in the house." Oliver said.
"We need it for the unification ritual,"Francesca said,"it's in their family. Where the hell has the woman hid it?!"
"According to the legend you need the blood of the werewolf trinity of the three oldest bloodlines...and Jackson is dead?! Plus, the ancient witch that apparently has the spell still is nowhere to be found?!"
"I have it all covered. I will let you on a little secret if you promise to be the faithful wolf you swore in blood to be."
"I swore more than that my Queen" Oliver said.
"I know. This will also be a test of your fidelity" Francesca said.
Oliver now eagerly waited for her to let him in on the secret and she said smirking, "Jackson Dumas is alive!"
"Why the pretence?!" Oliver shoot up.
"To break Hayley's spirit."
"But she still has the girl. How is it breaking her spirit?!"
"You are one dumb wolf. Sexy, but dumb. You don't know about anything if love, being alpha and wolf families?! "
"The whole pack would look after the young?!"
"Not if you prove that the young is not from their bloodline" Francesca said.
"Hayley had the girl with someone else and not with Jackson?! But he claimed her as her own?!"
"Yes. But her father comes from an ancient bloodline too. And we have the trinity we need. It worked perfectly"
"Who is the father of the child?!" Oliver asked.
"Mason Lockwood" Francesca said.
In Halifax
Kol woke up with a slight headache. The magical herbs to control him had a side-effect and he hated taking them, but he knew that if he stopped, he wouldn’t be able to keep his blood lust under control, as well as his temper.
Too many werewolves in the club proved to be too much for Kol. It was good Elijah managed to anticipate Kol's seizure moment when he ripped into a woman. He managed to get him off, compelling the woman to forget what had happened. Elena was right behind him to heal the girl. To Bonnie it looked like they just did everything in two seconds. Kol was fuming, but Elijah was convincing enough to bring him back into his mellow state somehow.
“Good morning” Elijah said to his brother Kol as he and the other’s joined him in the kitchen.
"I thought you have things under control?!" Elijah said angrily, but still in a very calm manner.
"I don't need a babysitter?!" Kol sifted.
Elijah sighed a little. He didn't want to continue with the argument or act like a smart older brother.
"It wasn't my intention, but you have to exercise control. You need to manage it a little bit better! We don't want to attract unwanted attention. At least not till we get more information." Elijah said.
Kol agreed. Controling his emotions and instincts have never been his strong point, not even as a child. His heart ached for being tossed away by Sophie, spuring emotions that made him want to lash out.
Elijah's phone buzzed and he looked at the message that Elena sent.
'Following a guy with a triple crescent tattoo. Couldn't be compelled"
He updated Kol about the message.
"So, the night proved to be fruitful. You know what such good luck means?!'
"Yes. Too good to be true. They know we are here!" Elijah said.
"You are not worried about Elena?!" Kol asked.
"She can handle herself. She is not a hopeless little girl"
"No, she is very much a shield-maiden, I see why you admire her so much." Kol said. "I admire her for a lot more than her ability to fight."
“You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”
“And what if I am?” Elijah said tilting his head making a little pout.
"Not surprising - knowing your history with the doppelgangers.” Kol remarked.
“This is different. Also, everything about me and Tatia wasn’t true.” Elijah said.
“About you killing her, but that night at Samhain - you were together?”
“We were - but -”
“She didn’t want to commit.” Elijah said.
“Oh, really?”
“Yes.” Elijah said followed by a silent sigh.
“I am out. Still hungry. This pig’s blood is vile.”
"I thought you’d be homebound. Wasn't Sophie supposed to be here by now -or is your heart swayed in another direction?!" Elijah referred to Kol and Bonnie’s good time the night before.
"The Bennet witch?! Hm -she’s got spunk, I must admit that." Kol said chuckling a bit.
Elena and Bonnie followed the crescent tatoo guy to his destination. He walked into a house that looked very expensive, in a wealthy part of the city.
"He couldn't be compelled." Elena said to Bonnie."But it wasn't vervain?!"
"It was hilarious watching you play a silly drunk explaining to him that you see psychodelic something in his eyes. Still can't get over it that you can do all vampire stuff and you are not one?!"
"Feels weird too, trust me. I can be an actress, right! Never thought of that"
"We are now high school drop outs." Bonnie remarked.
"I know. When all this is over, I will do school. Did you know that Elijah actually has degrees in arhitecture, World literature several times over."
"He seriously went to university?!" Bonnie couldn't believe it.
"Yep. When he was a man, it was expected of him to be a warrior and a farmer, but he loved construction."
"So weird when you talk about them as normal humans who had dreams and wishes," Bonnie remarked,"so, what’s this thing about you doing drama?! I thought you wanted to be a doctor?"
"I don't know. I wanted to be a doctor like my dad, but now I don't know."
"The way things go, I kinda doubt we will ever have a normal life." Bonnie said. “It also gets me that you are this enhanced human and that you can compell and do like everything the Originals do.”
“It’s crazy - yeah. Ok. Let’s look for the - whatever we are looking for.”
They collected enough info about the place. Elena now called Elijah. The witch and the doppelganger caught a taxi and went back to the Compound.
Back in the Mikaelson’s current compound
"When the witches channelled the Hunding magic and their covens, the balance between our two worlds was disturbed." Sophie said over the  video call from New York.
"Right, and that means exactly what?" Rebekah said waiting for a very bad answer.
"It's our fault, too." Sophie continued.
"Sophie, please no riddles. Tell us what is going on?!" Rebekah urged the witch to speak clearly.
"They used a very potent dark magic. And I have done that too, with enhancing your ability to fight against them."
Stefan now jumped into the conversation, "And now we have strange side effects, right?!"
“Yep.” Sophie said.
"I don't feel anything." Rebekah uttered.
"Not yet. I tried to check things out about it, but I have no knowledge of it. I will need to get to Eilif somehow."
"Elijah said that she would not be coming back?!" Rebekah said.
"Well, we need to get hold of her. The disturbance is not only here, but also in the spirit world." Sophie said.
"Don't tell me that Sigrid Mikaelson has something to do with it?!" Rebekah scoffed a little.
"I have not found anything about her. That is why we need Eilif." Sophie replied and looked at Elijah, who came into the living room.
“Can you get to - my mother?” Elijah asked.
“I will try.” Sophie said. “We need answers.”
“Right.” Elijah said, and updated the witch on Elena and Bonnie finding the place where the triple crescent guy lived.
“They are something called ‘the shadowhunters’ - directly linked to Hell,” Sophie said, “and according to what I know - the Hell witches!”
“Hell witches?!” Elijah repeated.
“Yes. Do you know about them?”
Elijah went quiet, nodding a little.
“Right, you guys, I will see what else I can find here. See you in NOLA soon.” Sophie said.
“Yes.” Rebekah said and as Sophie hung up, she turned to Elijah. “You ok?”
“Yes, I’m fine.”
“You are still our brother, same as Klaus. Nothing’s changed.” Kol said.
“I know - still - “ Elijah started but stopped.
“It’s always and forever no matter whether you are a Mikaelson or not.” Rebekah said. 
“Thank you.” Elijah put a small smile on. So many things had changed in the past months, some good and some awkwardly unusual. With all the strange revelations, they were closer than ever, and his heart was glad.
In the spirit world, Klaus and Caroline found themselves in an unusual place, as they finished their talk with Lexi, and as they tried to get out of Caroline's house, they found themselves in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. But there was no town, only a viking settlement.
"Where are we?" Caroline asked. "I know this is so weird in this world, but how do we get to do time traveling?"
"There is no time here." Klaus explained." I believe this is some foul magic."
"And I thought, being dead will exempt us from the whole thing." Caroline said.
"Well, the note about finding Sigrid Mikaelson didn't come by regular post?!" Klaus said.
"No. It would be too weird to have something regular." Caroline said. She looked at him now as there was a certain change in him as if he got fond memories return to him from time passed. "You look like you have come home?!"
Klaus smiled a little in his usual fashion and took her by the hand, "Come...let us walk through the village."
Soon it was clear to them that they could not be seen by the people. They could not hear them, but only observe them. Till a woman came up to them. Klaus recognized straight away by the woman's dress that she was a witch. She addressed him in old norse, asking him to follow her into the woods.
"Ok- can you translate?" Caroline sifted.
"We are ghosts and before that we were vampires and she actually summoned me!"
"You, of course!" Caroline was miffed.
"Sorry love, us." Klaus said.
"I bet it is a Mikaelson thing" Caroline remarked.
They stopped at a point in the woods where a white oak tree stood among different pine trees.
Caroline could see Klaus cringe seeing the tree.
Then the woman spoke again in old norse, "What is she saying?" Caroline was annoyed for not understanding a word.
"Basically, the Hell witches spoke to her and apparently the disturbance in the spirit world believe it or not is ours to resolve," Klaus turned to Caroline, "according to her, the Gods have sent for us"
"Gods, right?! What else will I hear, seriously, does she know that we are vampires?!"
"Actually, we are not vampires anymore, just ghosts, who apparently according to her have a direct link to Asgard!" Klaus smirked a little.
Caroline rolled her eyes and huffed.
They could both see that the witch looked in awe and slight horror as she saw a woman appear  from nowhere and addressed Klaus and Caroline.
With a hand wave she closed the veil between the witch and them.
"She needn't know what is coming yet!" Skuld, one of the norns said to Caroline and Klaus.
"Who are you?" Caroline wanted to know.
"My name is Skuld, people refer to me as the norn of the future, although fate is such a diverse thing and it is interwoven like the roots of Yggdrasil. If it wasn't so all would be so much easier. Anyway, not to divert from the serious matter, which is the disturbance in magic and balance of the natural world.  We can hear, see, know things but we cannot directly participate, although it has been done before, and because of it mayham is in front of our doors."
"This is going to be lengthy!"- Klaus then said.
Skuld smiled a little "yes, it will. It started a long time ago, people say before time. Vampires, that you were, are also creatures from before time. "
"Just tell us what we have to do! I guess we have to save the spirit world?!"- Caroline interrupted.
"Yes. If you put it that simply. I am here to pass my magic to you and make you a valkyrie, although you already are one!" Skuld said to Caroline taking hold of her hand.
Caroline could feel the same surge of magic go through her as Sophie had done with the enhancement spell.
Caroline could now sea a seal on her wrist as if she was branded. Klaus heard stories as a boy about shield-maidens who would tatoo the valkyrie wings.
"The Hell witches are like no other witches you have seen so far. They will use magic and swords like they are one." Skuld said.
Caroline now looked at her and asked her about how and when it was going to happen.
"You will know. Soon. Gather your army. I will see you again.” Skuld said and as she appeared, she disappeared.
"Ugh, this is exactly like it happened with Elijah's mom!! They come and go and leave you with no real clue!!" Caroline said and then looked at Klaus as if she just realized what had happened. "Am I supposed to lead a ghost army against those Hell witches?!"
"It appears to be so!" Klaus said smiling at her cheekily and looking at his beloved with great admiration, before he pulled her into a kiss, "I knew there was something so much more to you!”
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”We should check everything about the Hell witches. I remember reading about them once when I lived in Marrakesh in the 13th century.” Elijah said.
”We go to Marocco?” Elena cocked a quizzical eyebrow at the Original.
” Yes. There is someone I used to know. An old acquaintance of mine, Aya Al-Rashid knows about them.”
”Ok. Let’s go then.”
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alllwritenow · 3 years
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Boom, Boom, Boom of Your Heart
Chapter One
Chapter Two
“Bonnie!” Elena exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her best friend and squeezing as tight as she could. “I missed you so much.”
Bonnie squeezed her right back, resting her head against Elena’s shoulder. “I missed you too. I am never going on tour again.”
Elena laughed and pulled back, studying her friend’s tired, but glowing, face for a moment. “I don’t believe that for a second, Bonnie Bennett. You cannot deny the masses the wisdom of modern witchcraft’s brightest star. Your instagram would riot.”
Her best friend made a face. “Yeah, well, the money’s nice, but if one more Karen treats me like her personal Tituba, I’m going to riot. Giving them tarot readings on instagram is a lot less work than pretending I care about their ‘traumatized auras’ in person.”
Letting out a cackle, Elena hugged her again. “I love you. I’m so glad you’re home. Caroline is just too high-energy to help me keep perspective.”
“I thought you had Lexi for that,” Bonnie teased, shooting a wink at the blonde who was carefully guarding their reunion scene in the middle of the airport.
Elena flapped her hands dismissively. “She’s too chill. I don’t think she understands the concept of stress.”
Lexi chuckled. “Trust me, Elena, I understand stress. But I’m definitely glad you’re back, Bonnie; I’m less likely to catch this one pacing at three in the morning and yelling at her laptop.”
Elena grimaced. “Sometimes the story won’t cooperate with me and I have to make it see things my way.”
Her best friend giggled, and looped her left arm through Elena’s, picking up her bag with her other hand. “I feel the same way about the tarot deck, except there is nothing I can do to make it see things my way. I don’t tell the Karens that though.”
“And that’s why you are the darling of the mystical-obsessed masses who have no idea how actually awesome you are.”
“Speaking of obsessed people,” Lexi said dryly, interrupting their moment. “Can we please get you out of the middle of a crowded airport? You’re supposed to meet Elijah back at the house to go over security there and show him the footage of the nights the notes were left.”
“Elijah?” Bonnie asked curiously, looking up at Elena as they started to walk toward the exit. “Who’s that?”
Elena scrunched her nose up. “He’s the security expert Lexi recommended, the one that will hopefully hunt down that asshole and get rid of them once and for all.” He was also incredibly handsome, charming, and made her stomach flutter when he said her name. It was very inconvenient.
“Good,” Bonnie said sharply, squeezing Elena’s arm with her own. “I want to see the sick fuck burn in whatever hell exists for putting you through this.”
“Me too,” Elena murmured. “Me too.”
“If anyone can do it, Elijah can,” Lexi told her in a reassuring tone, though her eyes never stopped scanning the people around them. “He’s relentless and very good at his job. You’re in good hands.” She grinned. “I’m only worried you’ll replace me when he gets done.”
“Never,” Elena said with a renewed smile. “You’re family now and you’re stuck with us, high stress levels and all.”
Elena ran her hands through her hair, pulling it into a high ponytail she knew she’d end up taking down and redoing at least half a dozen times in the next hour. Now that she was actually doing something proactive about this damn stalker, she was restless and impatient and just wanted to get it done. She felt like she hadn’t had a life since that first note appeared on her doorstep, and she was tired of feeling suffocated in her own skin. No one had that right to take her sense of freedom and security away like this, to make her feel fear in her own home. She growled under her breath and then looked up in surprise when she heard an amused chuckle.
“Is this part of the creative process that Alexandra was telling me about?” Elijah Mikaelson asked her from where he loomed in her office doorway, his dark eyes glinting with amusement.
She chuckled ruefully and shook her head, already reaching up to fidget with her ponytail. “No, that’s part of the process I like to call ‘Imagining 1000 Ways for my Stalker to Die a Painful Death.’” She pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Maybe Jenna will publish it if I pitch it right.”
Elijah smiled at her, a crooked thing that lifted only one side of his mouth. “I’d read it.”
Struck with the sudden urge to ask if he’s read any of her books, she bit down on it, not sure if she actually wanted the answer, and waved a hand in a general encompassing of her home office. “You wanted to walk through the house?”
He nodded, smile fading into a professional mien that was no less attractive but helpful for calming the roiling stew of her emotions. “Yes, and review your security footage for the twenty-four hours before and after each incident.”
Elena grimaced. “I hope you don’t want my company for the full watch, but you’re welcome to review it here or take copies with you. I still have a guest room available and you can use my office if needed.”
Lexi stayed with her, and had a room although she only used it when Caroline was on duty. Bonnie had moved in with her when all this started, moral support and a transition phase between the end of her last lease and her inevitable move-in with Vincent. Well, Elena thought it was inevitable, the two of them, while adorably in love, were agonizingly slow when it came to official relationship milestones. Not that Elena was going to complain about living with her best friend for as long as she could keep her.
Elena didn’t like being alone. And not just because of her stalker. Even as a child she’d hated being the only one in a room, always seeking out her parents, or Jeremy after his birth. Her early years had been plagued by nightmares whenever she had to sleep alone at night, although therapy and time had helped. But then her parents had died in high school and it all flared back up again. She’d put off college until Jeremy graduated, and gone to the same university he chose. Moving to California had only been partly about her career and living closer to Aunt Jenna, and more about following Bonnie, since Jeremy had gently but firmly made it clear that she couldn’t be his big sister shadow for the rest of his life.
Getting her own house had been one of the bravest things she’d ever done, and she deeply resented the stalker for stealing all her progress and pushing her into a life controlled by fear.
Elijah shook his head, bringing her out of her funk. “I won’t impose on you for that long, copies will be fine.”
Elena nodded and then pushed her chair back, finally standing up. “Well, let’s get the tour started.”
It didn’t take long, her house was nice, but far smaller than the colonial home she’d grown up in. Technically only one story, and only four bedrooms because she’d converted the attic into her room. While her books sold well, it was her and Jeremy’s inheritance that enabled her to be a homeowner at twenty-seven, particularly in the expensive suburb she called home, and she hadn’t had the desire for extravagance.
Elijah was professional throughout, kindly taking no notice of the mess her bed was in after the nightmares that had ruined her sleep. He seemed to approve of her security precautions and promised to have an update soon after she left him in Lexi’s hands for the security footage transfer and so the two old friends could catch up.
Leaving them to it, Elena wandered toward Bonnie’s room, relieved to see her door ajar in symbolic welcome. She sprawled onto her best friend’s bed, watching as Bonnie carefully unpacked all of her witchy tools.
“So he’s hot,” Bonnie said casually, not even looking in Elena’s direction as she sorted through a bag of crystals.
Elena flushed, rolling over on her back to stare at the ceiling rather than letting her best friend see by her expression how much she agreed. “And still in the house, so hush.”
Bonnie chuckled, not changing her volume at all. “I’m sure he’s aware of his attractiveness. You should ask him out.”
Reaching for a pillow, Elena blindly tossed it in Bonnie’s direction. “I should let him do his job and you should tell me when Vincent is coming over for your reunion so I can make sure my noise-cancelling headphones are charged.”
There was no audible answer, instead the pillow thwacked against her face and Elena spluttered, grabbing it in a defensive stance as she sat up, only to almost collide with Bonnie’s grinning mien.
“Those are the words of a cornered woman, Elena Gilbert. You think he’s hot, you think he’s capable, and he is literally your knight in shining suit right now. And I’m pretty sure private security doesn’t have ‘don’t date your client’ clauses like bodyguards.” Bonnie arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow. “And while I know you’ve had cause, it’s been like, two years since you last got laid which is just tragic.”
Elena buried her face in the pillow and groaned. Okay, yes, it had been a while, and Elijah Mikaelson was the first person in a long time to make her libido and her interest take notice. But clause or not, she thought it was a spectacularly bad idea to ask someone out you’d just hired to catch a stalker. Especially for some casual sex after what amounted to only three conversations.
“If you stop talking right now,” she told Bonnie, lifting her head back up. “I promise to ask him out after this is all over.”
Bonnie grinned and offered her a pinkie. “Deal.”
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ao3feed-klaroline · 4 years
Til Death
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VTMjpl
by DisneyPrincess
Klaus Mikaelson heads a powerful and dangerous criminal organization. His priority is to become the most feared man in the most feared man in the world.
Caroline is wants nothing to do with Klaus when she's caught in his cross hairs, but things get complicated, fast.
Words: 2671, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Vampire Diaries (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Caroline Forbes, Klaus Mikaelson, Bonnie Bennett, Elena Gilbert, Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Rebekah Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Elizabeth Forbes
Relationships: Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson, Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore
Additional Tags: Starts out dark, Shooting, Character Death, But it gets better I swear, hitman - Freeform, Hate to Love, Slow Burn, Gun Violence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VTMjpl
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queenofthedramedies · 5 years
Dare Me: Ch. 21
Hello, my lovely readers. Klaus doesn't receive the warmest of welcomes. On with the show…
Chapter 21: Miss Me? Nope
My mind went through a number of possibilities on my way back to Mystic Falls. However, my imagination seemed lacking as I would find out once I returned. Mason Lockwood had returned. He drove a brand new truck and seemed rather pleased with himself as he drove back. He stopped in front of the Salvatore Boarding House and I climbed out, closing the door behind me.
The drive had been a quiet. I had wanted to pump Mason for information but would prefer to find things out with my own two eyes. Striding to the front door, I rang the bell, and waited.
"Klaus?" Giuseppe Salvatore looked puzzled to find me on his doorstep. "I'm sorry. Is Damon expecting you?"
I frowned. "No. I…" Pausing, I tried to peer around the adult. "Is Elijah here… Right now?"
"He's probably helping Hayley with the new room," Giuseppe told me. "If you could hold on, I have some things you might want to take over to the house." He left me at the front door before returning. "Here. Bekah and Kol left some odds and ends behind."
With a quick glance inside the box, I found that all the things Giuseppe handed me belonged to me, not Kol, or Rebekah. These were items my siblings had taken from me, over the years, and never returned. And they'd left them behind. Well, this was my first clue of how the others felt about my leaving them.
"Tell the kids I said 'Hello,' Giuseppe told me before he closed the door in my face.
Shaking my head, I shouldered my bag, and turned around. Now I had no clue where to go. At least I still knew where Caroline lived. Perhaps Elijah would be there and he could tell me where he and my other siblings were off to.
I walked down the streets of Mystic Falls before stopping in front of a familiar house. Knocking on the door, I found Bonnie Bennett greeting me. "Klaus?" Her jaw dropped and she simply stared at me for a long moment before she shouted: "Car-o-line!"
Moments later Caroline bounced over to the door in a cheerleading outfit, her hair in a high ponytail. She cocked her head to the side and stared at me. "Nik?" she said.
"Caroline." I set the box down.
Bonnie let out a cough. "So, I'm going to the backyard. Bye." She ran off into the depths of the small house where the sound of laughter and chatter came from.
"Where have you been?" Caroline snapped, a hand on her hip. She blocked my entrance into the house and glowered at me. "You just up and disappeared, all summer long!" Her eyes were shooting sparks at me and I felt guilty.
"Katherine made me leave. You know I would never leave you without saying something first," I said.
Caroline let out a bitter laugh. "You're so lucky I have work to do. Otherwise I would make you regret showing your face here after the crap you pulled." She rose to her full height and turned on her heel, her ponytail slapped me in the face. Her foot swung outward to kick the door closed when I caught it with my hand.
                                                  Read more
Thank you for reading, liking, reblogging and following. 😊
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xxsovereignsarayaxx · 5 years
Elizabeth Mikaelson - What If? Chapter 7
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Everything was black and cold I felt nothing, my body lifeless I was trapped in my own personal hell and no matter what memories I used while I slept all I wanted was to have Elizabeth in my arms. But then I felt a moment of hope whatever was forcing me to stay dormant, it lifted and I could feel myself coming back into reality. The feeling of desiccation drained from my body and air started to fill my lungs. My eyes opened and I saw the doppelganger. 
"Elijah!" She breathed. 
"Katerina?" I choked on the air. I was shocked and confused to see her. 
"Elijah! It's me, it's Elena." She tells me. 
"Oh my god" I breathe. 
But my body starts to spasm and I try and pick myself up from the cold ground, I clutched my chest because I could no longer breathe. 
"I can't-I can't breathe! What's happening to me?" I gasp. 
I try and rush to get out but I'm dizzy unable to see properly I crash into the doorway. Elena rushes up to try and support my frame. 
"I can't...I can't be in this house." I pant. 
"Your not invited in." She tells me. 
"Then get me out of here." I bash into another door stumbling as I try and leave the house. 
Once I got outside I felt better but I had to crouch down to get my bearings. Immediately I felt betrayed and rushed over to her but was stopped by the unwelcoming threshold. 
"What happened, where is my wife?" I ask. 
"Shhh." Elena whispers she points inside the house, I presumed that the Salvatore brothers were inside. 
"I'll tell you. Not here. Can I trust you?" She asks with a whisper. 
"Can I trust you?" I reply. She holds out the only weapon that can stop me, I take it from her gently and put it in the pocket in my jacket. We left moments afterwards. 
"Where is Elizabeth, Elena?" I repeated. 
"Klaus has her." She tells me. 
"What do you mean Klaus has her?" I reply starting to get angry. I took a deep breath in, it wasn't Elena's fault what had happened and when I confront my brother a side of me will be unleashed that has been dormant for a long long time. 
"He has her compelled to help him, Elijah I'm sorry that this has happened one moment she helped us and the next she was taken and had her morals twisted. Why did Klaus choose her?" Elena tells me. 
I let out a sigh. "Klaus was always jealous of the affection I showed Elizabeth when she was turned, she was unable to control her urges as a vampire and I bestowed it upon on myself to teach her the means of control. Klaus on the other hand wanted to do the opposite he wanted her to release in her desires for blood, but in doing so turned her into...a child I suppose not knowing limits for her actions but she saw what she could of become and ultimately drifted towards myself and abandoned my brothers way of thinking. However I had to teach Elizabeth to push those urges deep down and lock them away. But now that she has been compelled by my brother those urges have been allowed to roam free once again hence why her actions have not been honorable and for that I apologize." I tell the doppelganger. 
"Elijah it isn't your fault." Elena tells me. 
"I understand but we came here to protect you and not allow Klaus to do what he has set out to do, that however hasn't been the case." 
My neck was sore and hurt that witch really did a number on me. 
"Lizzie love nice you could finally join us." My brother in law said to me. 
"What is that dastardly racket?" I ask bringing my hands to me head everything felt more heightened then usual.
"You mind turning that down?" Nik shouts. 
I turn my head to see Katerina present, I look around to notice that I was back in the Alaric's home. The vampire doppelganger uses the remote to turn the music off. My eyes were sensitive to the light, the sun was harsh in my face I used my hand to block out some of the rays. 
"What happened?" I mumble. 
"The Bennett witch is no more, we are set to break my curse."  
"Whats ruffled your feathers?" I ask him groaning. 
"Yeah why so grumpy?"  Katerina also asks. 
"Well, this body has outlived its usefulness." Nik snaps at her. 
"Do you want a drink?" She asks him. 
"No, Katerina, I don't want a drink." Nik shouts. 
"Well I bloody do, hand me the bottle." I grumble, Katerina passes me the bottle and I take a large gulp, the drink warming my insides. 
"Come on it might loosen you up." Katerina persuades. 
Katerina gestures to the bottle I was drinking from this and then his temper snaps he grabs the bottle from my hands and throws it against the wall the bottle smashes immediately on impact, I shoot him a glare. 
"What I want it for you to sit down and shut up." He growls. I roll my eyes at him and cross my arms. 
"Really Niklaus? Your becoming more unbearable by the moment, just because you didn't want a drink doesn't mean that nobody can have one." I growled at him. Both Katerina sit down on the couch in silence while my anger boiled in the meantime, the male witch Maddox walked in to join us. 
"Maddox, what took you so long?" Nik asks. 
"You've got a lot of luggage." He simply replies with a smirk. Then two men walk into the room carrying a lot of bags, a woman follows behind them she smiles at Niklaus. 
"Greta. Finally." He says with a relieved smile. 
"Hello, love. Nice body. You ready to get out of it?" She asks him with a smile. 
"So your the famous Greta that your father and brother told me about?" I ask her. 
"You know my brother and father?" Shes asked walking up to me. 
"Well knew. Your brother he's a bit dead at the moment, your father on the other hand who knows if he’s still seeking revenge?" I reply shrugging my shoulders, turning my back to her. 
Whilst we was talking two more men had arrived and placed a large wooden crate in the room. Niklaus just had a wide and smug smile on his face. 
Myself and the doppelganger were currently driving around town, she was kind enough to give me a blood bag or two and I was starting to get my strength back, I know needed answers. 
"You look better." She tells me. 
"Where did you get the dagger?"
"I'll tell you everything. But we have to work together, Elijah. I need your word." she replies. 
"Your ability to make demands has long passed." I say bluntly I was annoyed that she was still hoping for my help to protect her when all she has done is betray myself and Elizabeth. 
"No demands. I'm offering you my help. And in return, I want yours." She tells me looking at me in brief intervals while also keeping an eye on the road. 
"And why should I even consider this?" I ask. 
"The same reason that you haven't killed me. You need my help to kill Klaus, get Elizabeth back. And I need you." She says, heavily emphasizing  on Elizabeth's name. 
I let out a sign she already knew I would continue to help her. We sit in silence until her phone starts buzzing she parks her car at the side of the road and answers it. It dawned on me, Elizabeth would still have her phone so maybe just maybe it would be worth calling it and after that try and get her to return to my side. I got out of the passenger side and leaned up against the car I pulled out my phone and called her hoping to her her voice. 
"Hello Elijah, lovely of you to call. I do trust your not phoning for me just to get me to run back to you? I'm having a marvelous time at the moment with your brother." Elizabeth's voice rang through my ears. 
"My dear, you know I would do nothing of the sort. I just wish to hear how you are. Nothing more." I reply to her, the persona Niklaus had un-buried was a dangerous one, unpredictable, sly and cunning. I hoped that my charade would be enough to keep her fooled. 
"Well I'm glad to hear that, but I must be going now I'm getting rather peckish tat-tar." She replied with a playful giggle and with that she hung up. 
My heart stung and it felt like it could break I needed to rescue her from my brother before too much damage would be done but I fear a lot had already, I felt tears spike in my eyes and I recomposed myself and re-entered the car. 
"Klaus is here in Mystic Falls and he's taken over Alaric's body." She says. 
"Ah yes, of course he has one of his favorite tricks."  I reply with a sigh. 
"Well, what are his other tricks? What is he going to do next? You're the only one who knows him. But we also need to know what Elizabeth can do, we need to be prepared for the worst." She asks me firmly. 
"Yes I do, as I mentioned before Elizabeth in the past has been rather cunning and unpredictable so she might betray Klaus on her own once she finds a better alternative for her time if however we can convince her to leave Klaus' side I will break his compulsion and then pick up the fragments of my wife. Elizabeth’s safety is my highest priority." I say to her. 
"How can we get that to work? She wont simply come willingly." Elena asked. 
"If memory serves me well at the dinner party Damon hosted, Elizabeth seemed very jealous of that human he has at the moment how about using Miss Star as an enticement?" I say. 
"That could work." Elena says to me with a hopeful smile and proceeds to ring the eldest Salvatore. 
"Hey where are you? I need you to go to Alaric's apartment." Elena asks through the phone. 
"Lucky for you I'm already on my way there." Damon replies. 
"Is Andie with you?" She inquires. 
"As a matter of fact yes, why?" Damon replies. 
I gesture for Elena to give me the phone. "Damon listen to me very closely" I start as I explain my plan to see my Elizabeth return back to my side.
Niklaus had left me and Katerina alone in the apartment, he had compelled us both to stay here. Whilst she was spinning around in a swivel chair I was on the hunt in the kitchen looking for more alcohol to drink. Katerina had insisted we put the music back on and to be honest I actually didn't mind, I danced around the kitchen searching the cupboards when I had struck gold, there was another bottle of bourbon hidden in the back of the pantry cupboard. 
"Look what I found!" I shouted over to the other female vampire. 
I quickly opened it up and downed about a quarter in one go, a few stray bits of whiskey fall down my chin and using my fingers I wiped my mouth, I hand Katerina the bottle where she proceeds to take several gulps. It wasn't until then I heard shuffling on the other side of the door and a human heartbeat. 
"I don't think this is a good idea." A female voice said, the voice was familiar and then it hit me it belonged to Andie Star the news girl Damon had been seeing. I turned to look at Katerina who immediately got up and inched closer to the door. 
"Investigative journalism...we're investigating." Damon's arrogant voice said. 
Shivers ran through my spine at the moment I had heard Damon's voice. A knock was heard and Katerina tried to reach for the door handle but she stopped as if she couldn't move her hand any closer. 
"Alaric, are you home? Andie...Star, Jenna's friend." Andie asks from the other side. Neither of us could do anything but I sped over to Katerina as the door to the apartment opened. 
"Thank god." Katerina breathed. I eyed the two newcomers up and down. 
"Wow! You were right. She looks exactly like Elena." Andie says shocked 
"Yep." Damon replies. 
"Thought you might be dead." Damon says to the vampire doppelganger. 
"Unfortunately she isn't, what do you pair want?" I snap. 
"We are here to rescue you." Andie says I raise my eyebrow at her. 
"No, sweetie. We are here to see if they deserve to be rescued." Damon corrects her.
"Right." Andie says quickly. 
"I figured you still might be kicking. 'Alaric-Klaus' was blending way too easily. Figured he probably had some coaching. And your little stunt at the dance was a bad move." Damon says to Katerina then me. 
"Oh really? Whats in your hand Damon?" I ask. Damon shows two vials with a clear liquid. 
"Is that...?" Katerina asks sounding hopeful. 
"Vervain? Your salvation." Damon says. 
"You do clearly realise that it won't undo anything? And there is no way I'm drinking that stuff." I grumble. I turn my back and snatch the bottle of whiskey. 
"There's always a loophole. Did he tell you to stay in this apartment until he said it was okay to leave?" Damon asks. I said nothing Katerina on the other hand tried to speak but couldn't find the words to say. 
"You can't say. Did he tell you to do absolutely everything he says until the end of time?" Damon asked again. 
"No." She deadpans. 
"There's your loophole. Drink this and it'll prevent any further compulsion."
I could feel eyes on the back of me and I turn around to face the two vampires and the human again. "Why aren't you trying to stop us?" Damon quizzes me. 
"It has no interest with me what you do with Katerina." I say rolling my eyes. 
"Give it to me." Katerina demands. 
"Answer one question first. You double-crossed us with Isobel, why?" Damon asks once more. 
"All you seem to do ask question Damon." I snap. 
"I didn't think you could stand a chance against Klaus, so I was looking out for myself." Katerina says. 
"And where did that get you? Here." Damon smirks. Katerina rolls her eyes and Damon tosses her the phial. 
"You have two of those, if she gets one then I want one." I growled. 
"Oh trust me honey your going to get one." Damon says in a sarcastic tone and then I felt the familiar feeling of a needle pricking my skin and falling limp in the arms of a human. 
I groaned and tried to move my aching body. Only to have the burning sensation of vervain on my skin, I was feeling horribly weak. I open me eyes to see a smug looking Damon Salvatore. 
"You know I'm getting rather sick and tired of ending up in this situation." I grumbled. 
"Well we needed you away from Klaus. You pair are like the dynamic duo." He replies to me. He walks up closer and slides a knife through my abdominal, I let out a hiss. 
"Ever since coming to Mystic Falls I've been vervain-ed at least half a dozen times, tied up twice, held captive and frankly I've had enough I'm sick of being controlled by you, by my brother in law and by my husband." I rasped in pain. 
"We need the vervain out of your system so we can help you." Another voice entered. 
"So the other brother joins in on this, nice to see you Stefan." I growl 
"What if I told you I don't want to be helped." I added. Damon shrugs his shoulders. 
"Then we keep you in here, bleeding you out until you do" He says and leaves. 
A few hours later I heard footsteps enter the cellar the door opened I peeked a look at the elegant suit dressed man, as he leans against the door frame. 
"How are you feeling?" He asks. 
"I feel awful, how about getting me out of here? And then catch up on missed time?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow. 
"I'm afraid I cannot allow that to happen, there are probably still traces of vervain in your system, you will need to wait until morning before I can start to help you." He replies. 
"I don't want to be helped Elijah! Niklaus finally opened my eyes to what I truly can become I will not hide behind your shambles any longer! I'm sick of being controlled." I snap. 
Elijah walked into the cellar and kneels down in front of me and places a hand onto my cheek. I tried my best no not melt in this touch. We stare at each in silence before he speaks. 
"Do you honestly think the four hundred and seventy-five years of our relationship I ever wanted this fate for you? To see you hurt? You asked for my help Elizabeth and I gave you my word." His whispers. 
"Ahhh yes, the noble Elijah Mikealson always keeps his word." I huff trying to turn my head away from his touch. 
"Yes I admit I haven't always truly kept to it but when I tell you 'I Love You' I mean it with every fiber of my being I want to help you my dear, but only if you will let me. I will never force you if this is how you choose to live for now I will accept it but know this, I will always fight to get back the woman I love no matter the cost." He continues in a whisper. 
Tears start rolling down my cheeks as I felt myself shatter into a thousand pieces. 
"Help me Elijah...Please." I choke as I sob tied to the chair. Paying no mind to the vervain soaked ropes Elijah rips them from my wrists and embraces my into his body one hand gently holding the base of my neck as I cry into his chest. 
"I am so sorry." He whispers into my hair stroking it to try and help calm my emotions. 
"Shhhhhh." He says trying to soothe me while gently rocking me. I cling onto his tear stained shirt as we just sit there. 
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davidpwilson2564 · 5 years
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Trump continues to say awful things about Elijah Cummings and Baltimore.  His minions are stating that Trump isn't being a racist, he's just fighting back.  Trump says everything is fine at the Border.  No one in his base will bother to fact check. 
Monday, July 29, 2019
Trump has stepped things up a bit attacking Al Sharpton, calling Sharpton a racist.  This will delight Trump's base because he is saying what they are thinking. Both Sharpton and Trump are con men and cowards.
Evening: My Scarsdale routine.  An early train to the rehearsal.  Killing some time at Starbucks, where I can read and comfortably eavesdrop. 
Weather hot and humid.  Mouth pain somewhat better. 
The rehearsal goes without incident.   Some pages of the music are yellowed with age.  We do a piece by Robert Russell Bennett that I remember playing in college, made a torture because it was so difficult for the conductor (he didn't know what to do but rant at us; ranting was his specialty).  And, had I not escaped, I would have been under his thumb (perish the thought) for most of my adult life. 
My young band colleagues and I are able to make the ten fifteen train.  Missing it would mean having to hang out at the station for an hour.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The consolation of music: WFCR plays Rachmaninoff's "Isle of the Dead."
The shootings now occur almost daily.  Gilroy, California (Sunday night.  Teen with gun purchased in Nevada)...Brooklyn (Brownsville reunion...possibly gang related killing)...Mississippi (disgruntled Wal-Mart employee)...but the deaths have to be in the double digits for these incidents to remain in the news for long. 
 This memory: in a car in California...seeing the sign for Gilroy...the air redolent with the aroma of garlic. Garlic is what their annual food fest is all about.  And some kid with an AK-47 assault rifle had to ruin it.
I run into Warren Odze, terrific drummer.  He says: how many gigs did we do together. Well, a few I guess but he did many more than me.  We says he thinks we met on a gig at Madison Square Garden, "playing a horse show."  It took a while for this to sink in.  He is right.  (He is playing the Broadway musical, "King Kong," soon to fold, big monstrous gorilla and all.)
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justfangstvdto · 6 years
Open Coffin | Chapter 20: “Crossing A Line”
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Pairing: Kol x SalvatoreSister!Reader
Warnings:  (this is all over the place emotion-wise you guys) lots of fluff, a little bit of angst, teeny tiny bit steamy, questionable coping mechanism,  swearing (but that´s a given), canon &timeline divergence
Word count: 3478
Tags & Author Note at the bottom. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
Open Coffin Masterlist
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Your name: submit What is this?
The forest surrounding the burned ruins is dipped in darkness.  The only guidance you have is the orange flames on the top of the gently rising hill, and Kol´s hand that's holding yours firm in his grasp.
You emerge on the top of the hill next to Kol and Klaus and Elijah right in front of you. The flickering flames of torches fitted as a circle hide Esther and Finn behind the magic boundary.
“That's lovely. We're stuck out here, while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb.” Kol scoffs, glaring daggers at his oldest brother  “How pathetic you are, Finn.”
“Be quiet, Kol.” Esther scolds him “Your brother knows virtue you cannot even imagine.”
Says the witch who wants to kill her own flesh and blood.
“Whatever you think of us, killing your own children will be an atrocity.” Elijah weighs in as he steps closer to the circle
“My only regret is that I did not let you die a thousand years ago.”
“Enough,” Klaus says, the tone in his voice angry, scared and annoyed at once. “ All this talk is boring me. End this now, Mother, or I'll send you back to Hell.”
“For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you.” She looks at each of them briefly before moving on to the next “Felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility, you're no better. All of you. You're a curse on this Earth. Stretched out over generations. If you've come to plead for your life, I'm sorry, you've wasted your time.”
“I’m sorry, but this is ridiculous.” You step forward, right to the edge of the circle. The magic barrier radiating its warmth to the pores of your skin.
“Oh dear.” Kol chuckles. He knew you wouldn't be able to keep quiet. Not that he would ever demand such a thing.
You step forward, right to the edge of the circle. The magic barrier radiates its warmth over the pores of your skin “How dare you decide who lives and who dies? You might be the creator of our species, but you’re certainly not the judge of life and death.”
“That is what a vampire does, is it not? Be the judge of life and death?”Finn scoffs. The word vampire never sounded so atrocious.
Must be a great feeling to hate oneself so much, the only way out is to eliminate the own species. You almost feel sympathetic. Almost.
“Perhaps, but the world is full of monsters. Not all of them have fangs or claws. If you punish us, what about all the others out there?”
“Us?” Esther laughs “Even with your greatest enemy present you consider yourself equal to them?”
“We are the same species after all.” You look over to your companions, stopping at Klaus who looks over when he feels your eyes on him “Well almost.”
“How refreshingly loyal. But doomed nonetheless.” Esther replies.
“Doomed maybe. Question is for who.”
Esther's seems to be perplexed by your threat hiding behind the words you´ve just spoken. But a moment later her eyes widen with horror as the magic she and the Bennetts share severs. 
“No sisters, don't abandon me!” Esther screams and Finn rushes to his mother's side
Finally, something played out according to plan..
While Kol, alongside Klaus, check the surrounding area to find Esther or Finn, you and Elijah are on your way back to meet up with Stefan and Damon.
“That went better than expected.” You breathe out in relief  “Now we just need to find something to break the link.”
“Y/N I.. “ Elijah stops midway, “I want to thank you. You chose to stand with us despite the grievances we have caused you.”
“There really wasn't much of a choice.”
Elijah nods. If someone understands that, it's him.
In the distance, Kol emerges on the slight hill, Klaus right behind him blabbering something that Kol doesn't seem to pay attention to.  
“I must ask you, and I vow to never ask again.” Elijah begins, eying his younger brothers “Do I have to be concerned about Kol´s intentions regarding Niklaus?”
He looks at you after speaking this question that seems to lie so heavy on his heart. There is absolutely no doubt that lying right in Elijah´s face is nothing one should ever dare, but in this case, it is a better alternative than revealing your true intentions.  
“No.” You reply, looking directly into his expecting eyes. 
But I said nothing of my own.
“I'll take you by your word then,”Elijah replies, not sure if he can or want to believe you.
“Mother and Finn are gone.” Klaus informs as he and Kol rejoin.
Near the parking space, Stefan and Damon emerge from the other side of the hill, Damon´s ice cold, and resentful stare
“I'll be right back.” You announce. Kol opens his mouth to protest, he doesn't want you anywhere near Damon at the moment, but he swallows his worry.
“I see you took care of it.” You cross your arms in front of your chest without realizing it, building up some kind of separation between you and them.
“Are you gonna shoot me again to say thanks?” Damon spats.
You press the top of your tongue against the top row if your teeth, exhaling loudly through your nostrils. He seems to actually mean what he's saying. Great.
“You attacked us, not the other way around, don´t forget that.”
“Fine, but don't pretend like you wouldn't have killed me if Stefan had not come along.” His voice layered with such distaste it's almost unrecognizable
“Damon-” Stefan warns him, growing tired of the constant bickering.
“Just admit it.”
“Wait, you actually think I would be capable of killing you?” You ask him, the anticipation of possible answers he could give rising the pressure in your blood.
The quickness of his knocks the air out of your lungs. Your own brother believes you would be vicious enough to kill him.
Have you fallen so far?
“Then our relationship is worse than I thought.” You barely get the words out, the gut-wrenching sensation of the guilt spreading through your body so sickening you feel like throwing up.
“Y/N..” Stefan begins. He knows that the words that came out of Damon´s mouth cut you deep. And they did. It hurt.
God, it hurt.
Without uttering another word and hands nailed to a fist,  you turn on your heels, walking away without even having the desire to look back.
Your heart beats hard against your ribs, the intoxicating and familiar rush of anger pulsating in your veins. You need to put as much distance between this place as possible, or you might actually turn into the beast your brother paints you as.
“Let's go.” You say as you walk past Kol, who returned to his usual murderous look that should have annihilated Damon by now.  
“Leaving so soon?” Klaus asks as you pass him “And here I thought-”
“I don't give a shit what you thought, Klaus.” You cut him off “We´re leaving.”
Klaus arches an eyebrow at your words, sharing an amused look with Elijah next to him.
“Y/N I understand your desire for peace,” Elijah intercepts “However, an additional problem has arisen. Rebekah discovered-”
“I don't want to hear it.” You interrupt him “The last weeks I’ve done nothing but run from one catastrophe into the next and I’m done. We’re taking an off day. “ You look at Kol and he nods immediately, agreeing to your plan “Call Mae if you need help.”
“You heard her, brothers.” Kol wraps his arm around your shoulders and the two of you walk away, heading for a  set car that's sitting on the side of the road.
Hot-wiring the car turned out to be less of a problem then you thought. It has been a while since you´ve had the necessity for said skill. One of Mae´s inner confidantes, Shank, taught you a few ticks back in the day, and it seems you still got the knowledge. Who knew it would come in handy again?
Somewhere between the classic rock blurting out of the speakers and the coming and going of the rain, your anger bled out into nothing but sorrow. It's similar to a fountain pen that's scraping the barrel of its ink and only the fading color stains the paper, resembling nothing of its previous glory.
“Are you alright?” Kol's asks from the driver's seat, his fingers tapping along the rock song on the radio.
A feeling of agitated anxiety spikes through his whole body. You have done nothing but stare out of the window, looking at passing cars, every street sign whenever the headlights illuminated it and every tree that´is flying by, all in an attempt to avoid looking in his direction.  
Had he done something wrong?
“Darling?.” He hesitantly brushes his hand over your knee and you flinch at his touch.
“Sorry, what?”
“What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?” Kol forces a smile, getting more and more worried by the second. Who or whatever caused you to suddenly become so full of sorrow will pay a heavy price, that he knows for sure.
“If just been thinking about…..”
Everything and nothing at once.
“Did you know that my brothers and I made something similar to an oath like your family did? It was right after we turned, we promised to face whatever´s coming together. And now, I just… I think I just now realized that it's just another promise I can't seem to keep.”
“They don't deserve- “He digs his fingernails into the steering wheels fabric. Anger, rage, fury, it always came easiest.“They were the ones who abandoned you, Y/N. You are not to blame for the reaction they forced.”
“But did they really force it? I´ve been doing nothing but point fingers at villain after villain, but maybe I need to point it towards a mirror next time.” You press your lips together as the last words escape. You didn't mean to say that out loud.
“I´m just so.. torn I guess.” You backpaddle “ I don't know if I should be running from them and never return, or hold on to that hope that somewhere down the road, we´ll finally feel like a family again.”
You words struck something inside Kol´s mind, something so hidden and buried under decades of dust he almost jumped in his seat.
He too, feels this way, despite what pain his family caused him. Would he ever admit that out loud? No. But the teeny tiniest part of him believes it's true.
It fills him all the more with content that you´ll always be there by his side, even if he one days decides to reconcile with his family. There's no doubt in his mind, and he loves you all the more for it.  So of course, he gladly returns the favor.
“However you decide, I will be by your side. Always.” His hand joins the one on your lap and you immediately interlace your fingers with his, as if you´re holding on for dear life.
In many ways you are.
“And I will be by yours. Forever.”
He feels like he's floating on the highest of clouds. He was never part of his families oath, “Always and Forever” always excluded him, but this, hearing these words from you is better than anything his family could offer him.
Forever……. how heavenly.
“Let's just keep driving and never turn back.” You speak through the momentary silence  “Somewhere where no one knows us. Just the two of us.”
“Are you sure?”
“No. But right now I just want to pretend that we could just run away. Even just for a little while. “
He knows as much as you do that running away won't be a possibility, at least not while there's still some threat hanging upon his family. But for a fleeting moment, everything seems possible, so he closes his hand around yours and drives along the nameless road, with a plan you don´t have or even want to waste time thinking about.
Miles after miles you stop at a somewhat shabby Motel to refuel on the nearby gas station
The red digits on the clock on the side table read a few minutes after midnight as you open the squeaky door of the Motel room. You don't really need it, but the thought of pressing pause on the world to feel the comforting support of a mattress rather than a car seat seems like the right call.
“Well, this isn't quite as bad as I expected,” Kol says, and kicks the door closed with the back of his shoe. He walks over to the window and tucks curtains covering the window and brushes them aside.
There's a bar on the other side of the road, the neon sign flickering every few seconds or so. Next to it, there's an abandoned motorcycle leaning against a dirt wall and a run-down gas station, with a half-collapsed roof that looks like it's caving in any minute now.
The sound of something solid crashing against wood grabs his attention and he turns around, startled by the noise. You´re sitting on the table in the middle of the room, deep in thought, tipping you daylight ring on the edge.
“Hey.” He covers your hand with his own, your agitation slipping away ever so slightly.
“I'm sorry, I just-”  
“I know.” He smiles sympathetically,“ What you need is a distraction. Come on.”
You grab his hand with hesitance,  follow him out of the door. You round the building and cross the road only to heading through a swing door with a broken set of glass on the top.
The bar smells like old leather and booze and a very questionable stench you don't even want to begin to imagine where it originated.
“Wow, this place is disgusting.” You say, your eyes roaming over the thrown together interior “I love it. But I don't know how-”
“First, we drink. Then we dance. And then…” He gestures over to a very intoxicated pair of men “we eat.”
Heavy rain is pattering down on the streets. The neon lights reflecting in the puddle of water stir and blur as your rushed footsteps hurry over them, a second pair of feet following right after.
You fumble for the motel key in your pocket while Kol places kisses on your skin. But they are not just ordinary kisses, no, they are promises.
I will never leave you again. I promise
He leaves another pair behind your ear, whispering sweet nothings before moving on to your exposed shoulder, alternating between kissing and nibbling at your skin.
It's you and me against the world.  I promise.
Once the door opens, you hurry inside, closing the door with such force the numbers on the outside falling out of their hinges. You waste no time, pressing Kol against the door, leaving your own promises against his skin.
I will love you forever. I promise
Kol gently tucks at your chin, and you lift your head, gazing breathlessly into his eyes that are filled with nothing but love… and desire.
As if pulled by a magnet, your lips collide with his, hungry desperate for his touch, more intoxicated by each other than the alcohol or the blood you consumed.
His hand trails down your arm to your waist, pushing up the fabric of your shirt to grip at your skin before pushing off the wall, only leaving your lips to pull his own shirt over his head, guiding you backwards until you hit the edge of the bed.
And then there´s just kissing and biting, scratching and moving - as easy as the wind but as powerful as the storm rolling over the town itself.
The sun burns yellow against Kol´s skin as his eyes flutter open halfway, eyes dilating due to the rays of sunlight peeking through the shutters.
He reaches over, to pull you back into him, but his fingers grasping nothing but the empty bed sheets. With eyes snapping open, he sits up, sheer panic running his blood could, just inches beneath his skin.
The bed is empty.  
Panic panic panic
His eyes bounce from one item to the next, from the spot where your clothes landed that is now empty, up to the table that is empty too. It is then when his sleep-fogged brain registers the open door, leading out to the small balcony opposite of the windows.  
He slips into his pants and heads for the door, instantly relaxing at the sight of you
“There you are.” Kol cautiously wraps his arms around your waist and nudges you against his bare chest, resting the side of his face against yours “Hm, the storm has cleared.”
“Yeah, it has.”
Usually, there is a calm before the storm, but for you, in this moment, it's the calm after the storm. While a storm, depending on its severity can cause destruction, your internal storm has left you with nothing but clarity.
You tried to ignore the line in front you ever since you came back to Mystic Falls, a line to leave the past behind and to focus what's in front of you, rather than what has already come to pass. And that includes Stefan and Damon.
If they choose to pursue their own happiness, then why waste time trying to reconcile what is already lost? On your own no less? To get where you want to be, means crossing said line.
So you cross it. From here on out, there´s only going forward. No going back.
And it feels euphoric.
“I'm sorry for being such a downer yesterday.” You turn in his arms, facing him “But you know you make me happy, right? So fucking happy.”
“You make me so, uh, fucking happy too.”
“That's all I want and need. Just you and me. Fuck everyone else.”
“Screw ´em.” Kol agrees in his version of an American accent.
“That was...the worst accent I have ever heard.” You laugh at his attempt and Kol can't help but let his eyes fan over the curve of your mouth and the little laughter lines around your eyes. He missed hearing you laugh.
“And your laugh is the most beautiful thing I ever heard.” He says, tracing his thumb over your cheek with care, before pulling you into a kiss, the sunlight creating a vibrant outline around your connected bodies.
You are so entranced by the sheer bliss you're experiencing, you don't even hear the sound of a new message arriving in your phone.  
Mae: Up for a trip to the Mile High City? Got another Gilbert to use for our gain.Call me for details.
Looks like you get to press pause for a little while longer….
A/N: I wrote the first draft to this on my road trip by hand. Probably why it's all over the place emotion wise. But I felt like there had to be some kind of emotional response to everything that happened in the past chapter.    
And this was also just an excuse to get as much Kol and reader time as possible. They deserve one day without impending doom hanging upon them, right?
That being said, what did you think? Where there parts you especially liked or disliked? Was there anything I should explore more? Did my more poetic approach work, or was it too much? Let me know!!
Open Coffin tags : (let me know if you want to be added or removed)
@shadyladyperfection @thegoddessofvampire @newurleans @originalbish98 @acourtofhopeanddreams @bonniebird @imnoaingeal @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @vaniileiinkeks  @relmi-llorrac @piercethepottorff @maliae14  @5-seconds-of-animals @the-geeky-engineer   @rock-n-magick @flymeawayworld @givemesomehybrid @mikealsonlover @nuteller28 @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99 @drkplum @fandooomqueenforyou @free-the-fangirl @clockworkballerina @twisted1ginger @superwholocksociopath474   @pacifyprincessxo @mustachio1616 @thealyana @sandyclaws @unicorntrooper @buckysummers @sanity-is-overratedxp @akshi8278 @lunna-star-8 @graysonmalfoy @woodworthti666 @elenavaldez02 @lilulo-12 @selmasemlan @thelostallycat @characterobsessed @cococola-cocaine @crazyinternetgirl @tvdplusriverdale  @-thatgirloverthere-   @alwxadria345 @trymexo @mizzezm @willieshakesqueer @spunky-89 @putyourherohaironstefan @xxdragonagequeenxx @thegingerthatwaited @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven @hinata7346 @controloffandoms
Crossed outs are not taggable anymore.
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lalainajanes · 6 years
Really loving these drabbles! how about 25 and 99?
25 Fairy Tale AU and 99 Magical Accidents AU. I was scrolling through the list of fairy tales on wikipedia and got the The Gingerbread Man and then the weirdest nonsense I have ever subjected y’all to happened. No smut but allusions to KC’s ahem ACTIVE sex life are within.
Send me two (2) tropes from this list and I’ll combine them in the same story
Caroline’s slow to wake, soft little taps on her nose an irritant she’s hoping will go away. She groans, swatting at whatever’s there. Her hand doesn’t connect with anything and she’s startled to feel fleeting bursts of pressure dancing down her chest.
Why does she smell cookies?
“Psst, Caroline!” a voice hisses. “Wake up! I need your help.”
Why was Kol in their bedroom? Was he trying to get his neck snapped? Even if he’d brought cookies Klaus would still be pissed he’d gotten a bit territorial about his claimed space since Caroline had moved in. Not that she minded. Rebekah helping herself to things from Caroline’s closet, while bitching about how tacky her wardrobe was, hadn’t been endearing.
“Caroline! Rise and shine!” Kol’s voice sounds weird. Smaller somehow, pitched high.
“Go away,” she mumbles. “Sleeping.”
“That’s a lie,” he counters. And then the tapping is back, faster and more insistent. The cookie smell grows stronger and she wonders if maybe Klaus had compelled somebody to make breakfast.
That might be worth getting up for.
He’d muttered something about having to clean up a small mess in the quarter when it had still been dark out, had told her to stay in bed. She’d been tired and hadn’t objected. Klaus existed on very little sleep, part habit part side effect of being super old.
Caroline forces her eyes open, only to shut them immediately. There’s no way a cookie was standing upright in front of her face, little limbs waving wildly. What kind of weird dream was she having?
Kol huffs impatiently. “No. Up,” he insists. “Come on, wakey wakey.” The pressure on her chest returns, more insistent. Almost like someone - a very tiny someone - is bouncing on her sternum.
“I must be high,” Caroline grumbles, throwing an arm over her eyes.
“I sincerely wish that were the case,” Kol says.
She pushes up on her elbow and Kol lets out a short shout, tumbling feet (if you could call the stumps that he currently sported such a thing) over head and landing at her side. He leaps up, eyebrows pulled down indignantly.
“That was rude,” he mutters petulantly. The sniff and the offended toss of his head as his rounded hands pat down his body is what convinces her. It’s an action she recognizes, something Kol does often, usually when he’s being a dick on purpose and riling Rebekah up.
That usually ends with silverware embedded in her walls so it’s pretty memorable.
Caroline sits up, yanking the covers up to her chest. Someway, somehow, Kol’s managed to get himself transformed into a sentient cookie.
Never a dull moment in New Orleans.
A gingerbread, judging by the spicy smell. She ignores the growling of her stomach though Kol edges away, eyeing her suspiciously.
Please. Like she’d be willing to eat him. Who knows where he’d been?
“Which witch did you piss off this time?”
He averts his gaze, tiny crumbs breaking off of his foot as he scrapes it against the sheets. She shoots him a warning look and Kol stills. “There was a meeting of all the covens last night…” he begins.
She interrupts him, “Yeah, I don’t need to know the details. In fact, from what I know of your track record I don’t want to know them. They’re probably gross.”
Kol quirks a brow, definitely judgemental, his little sprinkle gaze shifting to the nightstand where a set of ribbon ties, a bottle of lube, and a blindfold rest. “Do I detect a hint of judgement, Caroline? A bit uncalled for given how adventuresome you and Niklaus are?”
She refuses to blush. She was a seventy six year old vampire with a very satisfying sex life and that was nothing to be embarrassed about.
“That’s my first condition,” Caroline counters, leaning over to open the nightstand drawer and sweeping everything she doesn’t want Kol leering at into it. “You will not make any comments about my sex life.”
“Ever?” Kol says, obviously incredulous. “I’m afraid that’s just not possible. You’ve got a few decades on you. Surely you can imagine how very long that is?”
Ugh, she supposes he has a point. Besides, that was only a very tiny condition. She’s got some doozies in mind. “Fine. Ten years.”
“Deal. Pleasure doing business with you. Now, I know the Bennett…”
Caroline laughs, loud and bright, hopping out of bed. Kol trails off, eyeing her in confusion. She pats his head, gently with one finger, because she’s not a monster. “If you think I’m going to help you undo this, keep it a secret from Klaus and Elijah, and not take pictures for Rebekah to laugh at later you’re brain must have seriously shrunk when you were cookiefied.”
“But…” Kol attempts a protest but Caroline’s already heading to the bathroom.
“Nope, no buts. I’ll meet you downstairs in ten minutes. And if you don’t stop getting crumbs on my sheets I will dunk you in my morning coffee.”
He’s muttering as she leaves, some rather unflattering observations about her person, her lack of generosity and mercantile spirit.
Honestly, she thinks she hears a tinge of admiration.
Still, Caroline’s definitely sneaking some video. As an insurance policy. There are a few cameras strategically hidden around the room. She can access them from her phone.
If Kol sticks to his end of the bargain the video never has to see the light of day. If not? Well, Caroline’s certain Rebekah will pay handsomely for the footage.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
6 - Hybrid's Princess
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Part 7
Princess more than a Nickname
@the-big-bad-klaus @alanaangie24
But neither of them knew that back at the mansion something was happening to you. You clutched your hands into fists turning them red as you gripped the coffins fabric. Suddenly you shot up releasing a shacky gasp of breath, where your eyes glowed gold. "Nik..."
Klaus's POV
Blinking my eyes opened I feel a smile appear on my face waking up in the woods before some clothes get tossed down beside me by Elijah. Getting to my feet I pull the shirt over my head and the pants before he spoke. "It's been almost two days and you stayed a wolf." I smiled shrugging on the jacket and boots he gave me walking away from him until my phone rings in my pocket. Pressing it to my feet there's static for quite a few seconds but what I hear brings me cry. "N - Nik -." Elijah parts his lips in shock hearing her voice as clear as I can. He had forgotten that he had left his phone in the room with your coffin. Tilting my head down I wipe away heavy tears with my jacket sleeve. "Y/n...princess...don't worry, I'll be home soon." I hang up the phone vamping towards the mansion not wanting to spend another 500 years away from her ever again.
Vamping up the stairs I hault in the doorway like my feet are stuck to the floor. There she was pressing her back into one of the corners very much alive. Alive enough as you could be for a vampire. Her hair is a tousled mess with tears in her eyes, yet she's still beautiful. She hugs her legs to her chest, lifting her eyes up to mine. "You have no idea how much I've missed you love..." I slowly breathed out walking slow as to not scare her more than she already was. Bending down on a knee I move my right hand forward tucking hair behind her ear. "Nik I - I lost my best friend. I - I can't believe - oh Brooke!" She uncontrollably sobbed so I pull her into my chest knowing what nightmare flashed through her transitioning mind.
Y/n's POV
Shooting my eyes open I moaned clutching my hands in my hair hearing every single sound even the ones that were distant. "Love, what happened. Tell me what's happened." Nik vamped forward on his knees cupping my face in his hands, concern written on his face. I moaned in pain burying my face in his chest until I felt something happened in my mouth. Opening my mouth I feel fangs popping out just when Elijah noticed Brooke's hand was bleeding. "Niklaus, she's in transition." Nik sees the veins under my eyes glancing over his shoulder he jesters with his hand for her to come forward. "Come here, Brooke. Now this will hurt a bit but it'll be quick." He holds her bleeding hand out to me and I slowly grab it plunging my fangs and drinking.
Foosteps approached the four of us seeing my grandmother who raised her hand making me drop on my knees groaning when pain shoots through my head. "Agh, Grandma please!" She shakes her head about to strike Klaus but Brooke grabbed his arm and he grunted a little feeling her taking his strength. Instead Brooke raised her other hand knocking her to the ground. Klaus vamped up grabbing her by the neck threatening her as I started to feel light headed. "Why did you hurt her. Who told you to kill your own family, tell me!" My grandmother gasped for air, grabbing his wrist turning her hand red again. "Now that she's one of your monster kind. She's more of an outcast then she would have been before. Our family was cast out because we don't have real magic unless we take power from something else. I can't let a freak like her be capable of creating more!" She raised her other hand about to throw a piece of wood into my chest but Brooke jumped in front of me. Elijah couldn't get words out fast enough as she collapsed holding a hand to her open wounds. Klaus threw my grandmother to the dirt hearing her mumbling. "You won't have her for long....only a Bennett witch can free here...and they know of your kind."
"No, no, Brooke stay with me!" I started sobbing dropping down to her. She gasped for air seeing Elijah biting into his wrist trying to make her drink his blood. "It will save you, you can't die on me." Brooke rests her hand on his cheek with a shacking smile. "It's okay, Elijah. I've gotten to fall in love with someone I never thought I'd get. Look out for her for me, I love you." She moved her hands intertwining them with mine mumbling a foreign language under her breath, turning her hands that red glow once more. "Brooke, what did you just do?" I questioned still crying heavily being able to hear her heart beating much slower. She croaked out taking one final breath. "I gave you my power too. We don't have our own like she said...we are called Siphons. Y/b, you're more powerful then you now. I'll miss you." After that her eyes closed.
Klaus's POV
She keeps sobbing into my shirt clutching the fabric of my jacket but it doesn't matter. The young girl sacrificed herself so her friend could live. It was in that moment that I admired her strength to be a hero. "Elijah's going to hate me, Nik...." I tilt her chin up to mine shaking my head no. Wiping away tears from under her eyes. "That's ridiculous love. He could never hate you. Brooke made her own choice to not become a vampire." She wrapped her arms around herself until veins started appearing underneath her eyes. "Nik, I - I need to feed." Nodding I get to my feet vamping to the basement and back up the stairs but when I get back to the room she's gone. Vamping downstairs the front door is wide open I drop the bags dialing the first vampire I can trust to find her. "Caroline, be on the lookout for a girl with brown-blonde hair and she's a newbie vampire."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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thebennettdiaries · 6 years
tit for tat
From the dialogue meme posted two months ago Pairing: Klonnie Line of dialogue: “Well this is an unexpected development...” Requested by: @quirksarecute (via DM)
In the world of witchcraft, a bright flash of light should be considered a bad omen.
(at least to Bonnie)
She had been trying to complete a spell when it happened.  She should not be surprised really --- it is nearly impossible to get the exact Latin translations correct with not one but two Mikaelson brothers breathing down her neck (quite literally).  One moment she had been circling completing the spell, the next she had been nearly blinded and knocked on her ass.
When she finally opens her eyes, it gives her a small amount of satisfaction to see both Elijah and Klaus both sprawled out on the cold stone of the courtyard.  She rubs at her elbow before pushing herself to her feet.
Klaus is the first to ask the obvious (in his usual condescending fashion).  “What the bloody hell was that, witch?”
She gives him a look that says she is in no mood.  Instead she moves back to the makeshift altar and inspects the damage.  Her heart falls.  All her hard works appears in shambles (on in this case; a rather foul smelling vicious fluid).  She sighs a little and glances towards the brothers.  “We will have to start again.”
Klaus growls.  Before she can contemplate his foul mood, he moves towards her.  Lucky for her, Elijah intervenes, showing his brother back with enough force that he once more lands on his backside.
Bonnie does too, as if thrown by some invisible set of hands.  She cries out in surprise as she bounces off the ground.  Klaus and Elijah stop their posturing at once, glancing towards her with twin looks of suspicion.  
“ ---- I am sure it is just residual feedback from whatever I just did,” Bonnie says as she scrambles back to her feet once more.  She feels color in her cheeks and realizes she is embarrassed that she has managed to screw this up.
(also there is something brewing in the back of her mind; something she doesn’t want to confront yet; something that is frankly terrifying)
With nothing left to do but clean up her failed attempt, Bonnie pointedly ignores the brothers as they bicker (it is almost background noise to her at this point).  She only is forced to pay attention when Klaus throws a glass, shattering it against a wall.  It isn’t the act that causes her to turn her head --- it is the burning pain in the palm of her hand.  She hitches her breath and looks down to see bright red blood pooling there.  
A quick glance at Klaus, who is currently fishing a piece of glass out of his hand, and that thought that had been buried at the back of her mind comes screaming forward.  
She stands there wide eyed.
Evidently, Elijah gets it as well, shifting his gaze from his brother to her.  From his pocket, he pulls a handkerchief.  It is extended towards her.  “Well, this is an unexpected development...”
Klaus is the last to catch on.  He has finished ridding his skin of the offending piece of glass and looks towards the two of them.  “Now what?”
Elijah pauses as if to give her a chance to jump in.  Instead she takes his offering and wraps it around her wounded hand.  He presses his lips together and turns to face his brother.  “It seems that the fallout from the spell going awry includes a link between the two of you.”
It only takes a moment for Klaus to understand.  There is a black cloud over his head immediately and he is in her face once more.  “What did you do to me?” 
Bonnie has had enough.  “To you?” She shouts back.  She reaches for his hand, using the element of surprise to jerk it towards her.  She turns the palm upwards so they can see how quickly it has healed.  Her own hand still stings.  “You think this benefits me somehow?  Only one of us has the wonderful ability to heal quickly...”
Klaus gets a devious look on his face, leaning in a little.  “Oh my, that is correct.  Perhaps I should...”
Elijah smacks a hand on his brother’s chest (and Bonnie feels it vibrate through her own --- that terrifies her).  “You will be on your best behavior, brother,” Elijah says and there is no room to argue with his tone.  “Miss Bennett is our guest and has been helping us in case you do not remember.”
“Or planning something like this all along,” Klaus spits in return.
“Yes, my master plan is to be tethered to a paranoid manchild,” Bonnie shoots back.  
Klaus growls once more.
“Perhaps it is best that we go our separate ways for now,” Elijah says.
Bonnie cannot agree more. “I’m going to the Cauldron.  Someone there will know how to fix this.”
Only someone doesn’t.  Her fellow witches are baffled by it all.  She leaves much the way she came, frustrated and every so slightly worried of the implications of this particular link.  
What if someone finds out?  Someone who doesn’t like Klaus and has no use for her?
Bonnie has visions of being tortured in the name of hurting Klaus.  
She finds Klaus in a better head space than when she left him.  Perhaps the time apart has allowed him to cool his heels and realize the true scope of their predicament.  Or maybe, they are just better off when they are far away from one another.
He gives her a look as she enters the courtyard.  “You know, besides the physical aspect of this...” He flicks his wrist with a finger and she narrows her eyes as she gets the echo on her skin.  She can’t help but smack her hand against her upper arm in retaliation.  She realizes this can devolve very quickly into a ridiculous battle but instead he merely smiles. “...I am starting to think there is an emotional component too.”
She hasn’t considered it before but she does now.  Maybe that is why she all but stomped her way to the Cauldron.  She had been feeding off the anger he felt.
Still, she is skeptical.
“It occurred to me as I sat here, feeling fear,” Klaus explained.  “I haven’t felt fear truly in years.  I haven’t had reason to.  Now you on the other hand...”
“Excuse me?” She shoots back.
He holds up a hand.  “You hide it well but you have real reason to worry.  What if someone found out that they could hurt me by hurting you?” 
He names her nightmare aloud without even having to dig for it.
Maybe there is something to this theory of his.
Klaus stands, moving towards her.  “I want you to know that I do not enjoy how I feel at the moment.  I spent centuries running from it and then twisting it to my advantage --- I won’t go back to it.  So, you need to know that I will protect you until this is over.”
Bonnie makes a face.  She doesn’t need protecting (well, she probably does --- she just wishes her knight in shining armor had a different face).
“After all, we are in this together.”
Strangely, that makes her feel better (which in turn does the same for him).
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