#shiki headcanons
sscarchiyo · 2 years
calling them short (as a joke)
paring(s): masumi, tsukuyomi, karou, shiki & kyouya
contains: gn!reader, slightly suggestive in kyouya’s part😜
✉️ - requested!! I actually don’t know how tall they are sooooo, pretend they are taller then you :) hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated, have a good day <3
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can’t believe his ears
looking at you like you’ve grown 2 heads
ignores you if you ask him to get something on a high shelf
“how could I reach that if I'm so short hm? I'm even shorter than you”
just say you were joking and continue to live your life in peace
ousuke was there when you said it 💀
i feel like he’d turn into some height specialist
pulls a fucking book outta thin air trying to explain how he isn’t short
not that you can hear him over ousuke’s obnoxious laughter
he’s chill about it
tho he assumed he’s tall
but if you’re saying it you must be right
most likely doesn’t even know how tall he is
catch him comparing his height to other people just to see
he’s shutting that down real quick
being tall is his main quality don’t take that away from him 😭
a back and forth of “no i’m not” and “yes you are”
watch him search ‘how to get taller’ on the internet 💀
can’t tell if you’re joking or not
doesn’t really bother him tho
if he’s short? he’ll be a short king 😜✌️
the type to say “I may be short, but yk what isn’t? *insert wink*
like sir pls there are children 😒
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kanatamour · 5 months
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Because even if silence would rule her life without her aid, he fills it with sunshine and smiles.
ft. Yatonokami Kanata, Hajun Yeon, Ando Shiki, Kanbayashi Yokei x fem! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, very, very, mild angst.
Hello nonnie ! I’m so sorry this took so long to post… I know you requested it on my old blog, thank you for liking my aesthetic there <3 It’s late, but merry christmas to you as well, I hope this new year brings you lots of love, health and joy !
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— At first, he’s a little surprised.
— Why is it that your little sister stares up at him in wonder, of all people?
— She’s a lucky child, after all. She can live in a clean house and she has you as her older sister, so why does she seem so entranced by him?
— “This is my little sis, Kanata.” You introduce her, your hands on her shoulders. “She can’t hear by herself, but she uses these headphones, they’re magical, right little princess?” You tell your sister, bopping her nose.
— She giggles, while nodding enthusiastically.
— “Hmh! I can listen to my big sister’s boyfriend with these! Kanata’s music is the best!” She claims, happily.
— Your lover’s lavender gaze widens when he hears that.
— That exact phrase is what Nayuta always told him.
— A chuckle leaves his lips, as he pats the girl’s head (even if a little awkwardly).
— “So you like Cozmez that much?” Kanata asks your sister.
— She takes a few seconds to answer, the sound processing for her in her headset.
— “Mhm! Cozmez is the coolest! Kanata and Nayuta are the best! Also, is it true you can breakdance, onii-chan?”
— At that, Kanata blushes. Both at the question and at the term she used to refer to him.
— “I-uh… yeah.” He finally manages.
— You chuckle, taking your sister by the hand.
— “Hey, hey, Kanata is a little shy, alright, sweetheart? Give him a little time to warm up.” You explain.
— She nods, while your boyfriend’s blush intensifies. You’re so precious taking care of your sister, he almost can’t handle it. If you keep this up, he feels like his heart will burst with so much cuteness.
— From that day on, your younger sister starts wanting to hang out with you and Kanata every time you meet up with him.
— And so, your dates end up involving her in one way or another.
— Listening to Cozmez at Kanata’s apartment as she tries to dance to the beat of the songs; taking her to eat ice cream, ramen or cake at cute cafes; petting the neighborhood cats, or reading books to her.
— And to your boyfriend, these moments are worth so much.
— Taking care of her together, with her giggles and your soft laughter filling the air… It feels as if finally beams of rainbow are added into the sunshine you shed into his life.
— Kanata is also very protective of her.
— Because she thinks he’s so cool, your sister tends to follow Kanata around.
— And we all know how dangerous it can be for a little girl like her to wander alone around the slums.
— So your partner always makes sure to spot her right away, taking her by the hand and bringing her back home.
— She is safe, but she doesn’t escape your scolding, even if she hides behind Kanata.
— Charms your little sister almost instantly.
— With his good looks and permanent smile, who could resist him, huh? (That is, before you know about his sadistic side /lh).
— “Big sister! You’re dating a prince!” She says, eyes sparkly and wide, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
— You and Hajun let out a laugh, amused at her innocent enthusiasm.
— “Does that mean you’re a princess, onee-san?” Your baby sister inquires. “And does that make me one too?”
— You give her a bright smile.
— “Of course you are a princess too, baby.” You say. “You have this magical crown that allows you to hear, do you not, sweetie? I think a fairy must be guarding you too.”
— Your boyfriend smiles. Not his usual fabricated grins, but a sincere one this time.
— “Your sister is right, young lady.” He adds, taking the girl’s hand in his. “You two are princesses, so it is my honor to finally meet my lover’s precious sister.”
— “Woah… You’re really a prince!” The girl in question cheers, enchanted by him and all the attention she’s getting.
— Thanks to her headphones, your sister can hear BAE’s songs, and of course, her bias is Hajun (she adores the whole trio though).
— Anne is like an older sibling to her as well, and Allen is like… uh, the silly uncle that’s really cool when singing.
— Whenever you and Hajun go out together on a date, your sister stays with the other two.
— Anne does her hair and dresses her up, while Allen plays music for her and they all dance together.
— It’s really precious, going back to Hajun’s apartment and finding laughter filling the space and the people you love having such a good time.
— However, because she’s enchanted with your lover, your sister has taken to following Hajun around sometimes.
— She peeks from behind the kitchen’s door, observing attentively while he cooks.
— “Hmm… I have the feeling someone’s watching…” Hajun announces, the little one’s giggles perfectly audible. “I wonder whether this princess would like to help me make dinner?”
— To what she emerges from her hiding spot, running to bury her face into Hajun’s apron.
— Unbeknownst to them, you were watching the scene with a dopey smile on your face.
— You go to wash your hands. You’ll join them in a minute.
— Now if someone is shocked to be thought of as cool, that is definitely Shiki.
— He’s been called gloomy before, and he doesn’t really have a very positive opinion about himself.
— So for your sister to admire him and look at him in wonder… That is certainly a new feeling.
— And at first, he can’t deny he’s scared. Because what if, once she gets to know him, she finds out he’s uncool or boring?
— Besides, someone whose hands are stained in blood due to the sin he’ll never forgive himself for… He doesn’t deserve that kindness.
— So at first, he runs away from this, like he’s been doing his whole life.
— You miss him.
— And your sister notices your boyfriend seems to avoid her, so she gets sad.
— “Is it because I need special headphones to hear?” She asks you one day, eyes teary. “Is that because Shiki can never meet with you, big sis?”
— “No, no, it’s nothing like that.” You hold her in your arms. “Shiki is very shy, so he has trouble making new friends, but I’m sure he'll be happy to meet you, once he calms down. He gets nervous easily, you know? Give him a little bit more time.” You tell your younger sister, squatting to be eye level with her, as you wrap her in a hug.
— “Tell you what, why don’t we drop by Shiki’s workplace while he’s there? I’ll introduce you. You’re a fan of his group, after all.”
— And so, that’s exactly what you do.
— You are aware a bar is not the most suitable place for a kid, but you trust all the guys there. They take good care of Shiki, after all.
— The little girl hides behind you as you greet everyone. And, somehow, Ryuu’s the one to bring her out of her shell.
— “Wow wow! You have very cool headphones! Ryuu wants a pair too! Aaw mini [Y/n]-chan is so cute!”
— “I use these to hear!” She giggles at the funny faces TCW’s peculiar member makes. “I love The Cat’s Whiskers! Shiki is my favorite!” She says, waving her hands.
— Your partner lets out a strangled yelp, almost dropping a glass he was drying.
— “Come on, Shiki.” You invite him, softly, with a tender smile on your face. “She’s really looking forward to meeting you, you know.”
— “H-hello, there.” He greets her, awkwardly rising a hand for her to high five.
— She does so, with a “Yay! I’m a fan of Shiki!”
— The latter lets out a laugh; a precious sound few got to hear, the rays towards which sunflowers turn.
— Maybe it was alright, that she thinks he’s worth meeting.
— Flustered at first, but then he softens up and is actually one of the most caring.
— Your sister is a little shy around him at first, despite her admiration for him.
— She’s seen him on tv, and, thanks to her prescription headphones, she’s heard his vocals on stage. She really thinks he’s so cool… But Yohei looks so serious…
— “Onee-san, is your boyfriend angry?” She asks, tugging on your clothes.
— “Wha-“ Bar 7/4’s master utters, amber eyes widening in shock.
— Saimon lets out a chuckle from behind the counter.
“Yohei, I think you should drop that frown a little.” He tells his junior, good naturedly.
— The latter sighs.
— “Hello there, little one.” Your lover greets the girl, as he crouches down to her level. “Would you like to listen to some music?”
— She nods vigorously, her small fists clenched in front of her in anticipation.
— Yohei rewards her with a smile. Then he sits at the bar’s piano.
— As his deft fingers slide over the keys, a sweet melody fills the space, your sister holding her breath as she listens intently.
— Then, she walks towards the piano, watching closer how this mesmerizing melody is brought to life.
— Your partner stops playing momentarily, offering her a kind smile.
— “You want to try too?” He asks her.
— “Yes!” She affirms, as her little hands hover over the keys.
— The bar’s master helps her sit on the bench, as he gently places her fingers over the keys.
— “Here, don’t be afraid. Try here, press it softly. Yes, that’s good!” He compliments her, as a note echoes through the room.
— As you watch the scene, you can imagine the three of you in a spacious apartment, sitting in front of a piano; sunlight streams through the windows, almost like lines of a music score you’re writing in this idyllic moment.
— Despite the cold, the warmth of your lover and your sister by your side keeps you comforted, the sunny melody, a caress for your heart.
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seangelfish · 3 months
hello, could i request headcanons of how nayuta, satsuki & shiki act when in love and how do they confess? thank you so much in advance <33
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Featured Characters: Nayuta Yatonokami, Satsuki Ito, Shiki Ando Tags: Headcanons, fluff, crush, romance, no mention of pronouns, not proofread! Synopsis: When they're in love with you, they must confess! A/N: I actually loved writing this. It was such a cute request! I hope you like it! (⁀ᗢ⁀)♡
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When Nayuta's in love, he's really sweet. It's not like he wasn't nice to you before, but the way he acts and speaks to you now is a lot more different, a lot more special.
Nayuta would want to be around you 24/7 — if you allow him to, of course. He just wants to be in your company because being with you not only soothes him, but it makes his heart skip a beat.
The feelings he gets when he's with you is addicting. It's like his heart's about to burst and all he could do is let out his love for you.
Though, he won't do that now. It's his first time being in love, so he's unsure on how to do this. Despite that, being in love makes him feel giddy, a feeling that is somewhat foreign to him.
But he knows that he's in love with you, he won't deny that.
Nayuta would seek out for you everyday. Waiting for your presence to pop up and brighten up his every dreary moment. He waits by the same street to see if you'll walk by and when you do, his face lightens up and he greets you with a big smile. When you don't arrive that day, he's a little disappointed, but hopes you'll come by tomorrow. He'll always wait for you.
Additionally, he's more likely to compliment you a lot more, mentioning how pretty you look today or how stylish your outfits are. He even goes out his way to compliment little things about you that you might be insecure about.
He just wants to see you smile more; it warms his heart when you do so.
When Nayuta's in love, he so badly wants to hold you, to touch you. He'll always take the opportunity to do so. When you're about to grab the handle, he'll cheekily brush his hand on yours to open the door for you.
His love is innocent and as pure as the bright blue skies that in the end, you couldn't help but fall for him too.
Once Nayuta knows that you have the same feelings for him too, he'll finally have the courage to confess.
He would want to make his confession as cute and memorable for you as he can. Quickly preparing for it too so he can beat you to it. It's about time he shows his true feelings for you once and for all!
In the evening, he texts you to meet him at the top of one of the abandoned buildings, the one that he usually escapes to. When you arrive, he turns to you with the brightest smile he can muster as the moonlight complements his features.
Sure, he texted you last minute, but he was waiting for the perfect moment the night sky was scattered with stars. With a radio playing music in the corner, the environment he created for you truly felt magical.
He takes your hands in his and straight up confesses like it's nothing.
"(Y/N), I like you a lot," he says. "I want to be with you always."
And as if he predicted your reaction, he laughs at your flustered and speechless expression.
"Hahaha, you're so cute." He brings your hands to cup his face. "So... what's your answer?"
"I like you too, Nayuta," you reply with a soft smile.
He lightly chuckles, relieved at your response. He kisses your palms gently which makes you blush even more.
"Ahhh... I'm so happy," he mutters.
The two of you spend the rest of the night together, hand in hand, watching the night sky.
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When Satsuki's in love, he tries to hide it — emphasis on 'tries'. He's actually painfully obvious that everyone around him recognises his crush on you – even you get a little suspicious.
He tries to avoid you, but he really can't. Despite the many excuses he throws up, he can't leave you alone when you need him. He's always there for you, checking up on you, so it feels weird when he doesn't.
You two were good friends before he started seeing you in a romantic light. One day he thought you were the average looking person, the next day you were the most beautiful thing in the world.
Now he stutters a lot when he's around you. His words are slurred and he doesn't make any sense. His face gets really hot and red that sometimes you'd mistake him to be sick.
He tries to impress you with everything he does which not only leads to being taken advantage of by Reo, but by you too. It makes you laugh so he isn't really hurt by it. If it's for you, he'd pretty much do anything.
And even if he fails at it, he'll continue to get right back up!
It goes to show how dependable and reliable he is that you'd find him almost admirable.
But what gets you falling for him is how he isn't afraid to do these little things for you. If you ask him to tie your shoes, then he'll get on one knee to do it for you. If you ask him to try to get you one of those plushies at the crane game, he won't stop until he wins it. You could even ask him to wait for you for hours and he'll do it without a single complaint.
It makes you think why on earth he's doing all this for you when the two of you are just friends. You two aren't even dating and he's still willing to go above and beyond.
So one day, he's all you ever see too.
Satsuki would have to hype himself up before he confesses to you. He may even need words of encouragement from the rest of AKANYATSURA to even think about confessing, (most of that coming from Reo). He would want to make a big and grand confession even though he's unsure of how that would play out.
But he tries anyway because that's what he thinks you'd like.
His family helps him out with the confession. Iori and Zen help him book a nice restaurant, Reo helps him with his outfit, and Hokusai manages to calm his nerves.
He texts you the date and place, waiting for you outside the restaurant with flowers. He's already so nervous, but when you show up, he gets even more bashful. He stammers out how beautiful you look and when you compliment him back, all he can do is let out a steam of embarrassment.
The date goes well despite the amount of times Satsuki has embarrassed himself. He had lost his voice when it was time for the waiter to take your orders. Then he had knocked over his water which spilled on himself. Afterwards, he had said something so weird that it made you crack up.
But when the two of you leave the restaurant for a stroll around the city, he carries your heels when your feet start to ache. He offers up his shoes too so your feet don't get dirty.
That's when he confesses. Under the streetlamp by the pier. He apologises for how awkward he was tonight, how stuff didn't go the way he planned.
"It's just... I like you, (Y/N)..." he says softly, a tone you'd rarely hear him speak in. "I'm sorry."
You laugh at him, but not in a way to mock him.
"It's about time! I like you too, silly."
Hearing you say that made his ears perk up. He's surprised, but he's happy, so happy that he picks you up for a hug. As you laugh in each other's arms, the rest of AKANYATSURA smile to themselves in victory that their brother's confession ended in success.
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When Shiki's in love, he's a lot more anxious to be around you. Whenever you're near, he stutters a bit more and his ears go red. However, despite how shy he is, he doesn't try to avoid you. In fact, he wants to see you more.
Whether it be in school or at the bar, Shiki will always be willing to greet you. He's really awkward with it, but he wants to talk to you even if he's a stuttering mess.
In class, he'll try to take a peek at you, but it would always end up with you catching him. You didn't think much of it though. You'd always assume he just wanted to ask you something, but he would always turn away, red in the face.
Though, whenever you needed help with homework, Shiki always accepted your request. He was a great friend to have around especially when he'd help you with studying too. It makes him smile when he's able to help you out, but being so close to you had him so flustered that his teaching can go the other direction.
Yet despite all of that, he smiles a lot more. Of course, being with you causes him anxiety, but this type of anxiety is so thrilling for him that he seeks it out again and again.
When you decide to visit him at the bar, he's always the one to brew your drinks. He makes your drinks with extra care and love that even you can taste it. Not only that, but the art he makes on your drinks are always so beautiful and carefully constructed. He hands them to you with such a sweet smile that you can't help but blush at this too.
Moreover, the drinks he makes for you are always on the house. He'll even tell Saimon to just take it out of his paycheck, but because of how clear Shiki's feelings are for you, Saimon lets it go.
With how kind and sweet he is to you, your feelings started growing like the plants he takes care of.
Truthfully, Shiki doesn't ever think of confessing his feelings towards you. His negative thoughts and worries eat him alive if he even thinks about it. He assumes that you don't see him in that way, and everything the two of you have done together were just things friends normally do.
What if you feel disgusted with him when he does confess? That you'd think he's weird for even trying to get with someone like you? If the confession fails, would your friendship be thrown away too?
Shiki doesn't want to endure that pain, so he avoids it. He's happy enough to just be with you like this.
Though, he knows that he's in love with you. Whenever you'd make your daily appearance in his life, his heart would beat excitedly, and he just didn't want to ruin that – to ruin what he already has with you.
But one day, Yohei asks him when he's going to 'man up', that if he continues life like this, he'll surely regret it.
And so Shiki finally has the courage to do it.
It was a simple confession, something that he planned himself wide awake in the middle of the night. So the next time you visit him at the bar to order your usual, Shiki includes a slice of your favourite cake.
"Wow, thank you, Shiki! That's so nice of–"
Your sentence was cut short because in icing Shiki wrote the words 'I like you' on the cake.
"I l-like you, (Y-Y/N)," he stutters. "Uh... y-you don't have to a-answer or anything...! I j-just wanted t-to tell y-you..."
"Hehe, I like you too!" you reply happily.
Shiki was shocked that you actually liked him back, but he was more so relieved. He smiled in delight as he watched you eat your cake with a slight pink tint on your cheeks. He wiped off a piece of cake on the corner of your mouth with a napkin when you were finished.
"Ahaha... I'm so glad..."
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agrymonia · 6 months
another paralive blog aaaaaa yess *huug* ... if possible I would like fluff headcanons for shiki, and bae (separate) about mc fem seeing that they look stressed so she decides to extend her arms so that they can snuggle together like they go to bed on top of her chest while she scratches their head or gently strokes their back ksnsk Thanks in advance <3
- allen sugasano, anne faulkner, hajun yeon, shiki ando
- warnings: none
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Comforting your s/o when they are stressed
• Allen really enjoys making music, it isn't unusual to catch him stuck to his computer trying new sounds in different softwares or writing down in red ink every verse that comes to his mind.
• But inspiration is not always on his side, and those days when he wasn't struck by it were a little frustrating for him.
• You can tell that he's getting stressed when he's discarding too many papers or scratching written words in his notebook with a little too much strength.
• In moments like that, you would approach him and gently stroke his hair since it never failed to help him feel more relaxed.
• Every time you stroke his hair, he closes his eyes and lets himself take a well-deserved break. Sometimes Allen loses his senses while composing, so you always help him come back to earth.
• Anne's patience sometimes wears thin pretty quickly.
• Especially when they put a lot of effort into something, only for it to not turn out good enough.
• Things like an outfit they spent a lot of time on not turning quite right can easily frustrate them and will most likely end up with their room filled with different pieces of clothes everywhere.
• And this is your cue to enter the scene.
• Whenever you see Anne too stressed, you surprise them with a comforting backhug, your thumbs softly stroking their stomach.
• Most of the times this act alone will help Anne to calm down, but sometimes it isn't quite enough.
• And in those cases is when you invite them to bed to take a break. If a hug doesn't help, maybe a cuddle session will.
• When cuddling in bed to relieve some stress, Anne is the one hugging you, their head resting on your chest while you stroke their back up and down, which will usually make them fall asleep.
• The times Hajun looked upset were rare, not because he doesn't get upset often but because he's usually good at hiding it.
• But even then, he could never fool you. Unfortunately for him, as his partner, you knew him too well.
• As much as Hajun actually loved his teammates, living together with them always gave him one reason or another to be stressed out about.
• More often than not, they would forget to clean or untidy things that were just neatly arranged.
• He should be used to it by now, but when caught in a bad time, things like these can really drive Hajun over the edge.
• When something is wrong, you never fail to notice the way his eyebrows slightly twitch or the subtle change in his voice.
• And before things escalate further you take his hand and guide him to his bed.
• Once there you both sit down next to each other and you offer him your shoulder so he can rest his head to cool down.
• That's the perfect moment to gently play with his hair and leave small kisses at the top of his head, it always helps him to stay grounded.
• Even though his confidence had significantly improved lately, your boyfriend has always been a bit of a nervous wreck.
• Which means that it isn't weird to find him stressing out or getting anxious over different things.
• Sometimes is school, sometimes is work, sometimes is socializing and sometimes it is cause of the awful trap reactions.
• But whatever is the source of his stress you will be there to comfort him when it's needed.
• When things get too hard you invite Shiki to lie down in bed with you, encouraging him to rest his head on your chest so you can softly run your fingers through his hair to help him calm down.
• While snuggling sometimes you whisper sweet words to him, reaffirming that everything will get solved soon and things will be fine.
• Shiki always feels the safest with you, he knows that if you're around things will truly be okay.
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autumnmobile12 · 9 months
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In this scene when Hector is threatening Lenore, he says the following, "...or I will rip your fucking throat out and break your fucking neck and we'll see how fucking well you live then."
All right, let's pretend for a moment Lenore was in any kind of danger and this was a legitimate threat: Is Hector just bluffing (as if Lenore's not going to know her own weaknesses) or would breaking her neck actually result in some permanent damage if he succeeded?
In other words, can the Netflix's Castlevania vampires be crippled?
Modern vampire media plays fast and loose with Bram Stoker's rules, (I mean, the more powerful Hellsing vampires can even walk around in sunlight; it just annoys them,) but in every other vampire-themed series I can think of right now, short of the classic stake through the heart or the head being removed, vampires tend to come back from just about anything. Regrowing limbs, regenerating catastrophic blood less, etc. The series Shiki actually has a pretty disturbing rundown of what vampires can and can't survive, courtesy of a doctor capturing one and putting her through a series of inhumane experiments to see what will actually kill her. (This one also has a pretty similar explanation to Castlevania as to why vampires fear holy relics, and it's the only modern vampire series I've seen that actually has the 'sacred ground is off limits' factor.)
When the chips are down, Hector's probably just overreaching here. (Or possibly trying to intimidate Lenore on the mistaken assumption she's a 'helpless lady.')
But I do think it's an interesting notion to have vampirism not being the 'cure all, return to factory setting in case of emergency' trope we see everywhere because the 'factory setting' is different for everyone. Such as vampires experiencing permanent injuries or even terminal illnesses. The light of the moon is just reflected sunlight, so a vampire with a skin condition that makes them extra sensitive to even moonlight could be possible. Also, vampires developing illnesses like blood disorders, rabies, even the ones who have animal forms contracting mange, certain cancers, neurological or physiological conditions they were born with that a vampire's bite didn't 'cure.'
Or maybe they have a whole other range of afflictions specific only to their species.
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Example: Aside from Carmilla and Godbrand, none of Dracula's Generals speak, not even Cho even though she has a flashback in Season 3. In a Hellsing/Castlevania crossover I was working on, I wrote a part where the Generals had an ongoing bet of whether or not Cho was too arrogant to bother speaking with the plebs or if she actually couldn't speak, implying she has a speech disorder that predated her being a vampire.
I've read books where humans with asthma, severe scoliosis, and even Alzheimer's Disease were cured after becoming a vampire, and I do think that's wonderful.
But there's also the part of me that thinks, "Nah, too easy." I want to see vampires who are blind or deaf or both, autistic vampires, 10th century Chinese vampire ladies who still have maimed feet from the foot-binding of their childhoods, vampires who suffer from dementia and are terrified of losing hundreds of years worth of memories, dyslexic vampires, paraplegic vampires, vampires with autoimmune disease, or allergies outside of being unable to enjoy the gift to humanity that is garlic bread.
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i posted these on pinterest , but i might as well upload them here too!!
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i plan on doing all of my main ships… including obligatory nayushiki !! and then individual character hc things
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murderofcrow · 6 months
what kind of anime do you think Vessel could be into? judging by vibes and music videos i'd say stuff like: Fullmetal Alchemist, Demon Slayer and Bleach 🤔
i also imagine he could be a Kaori Yuki and Inio Asano reader.
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selenemoonlite · 5 months
omg paralive blog >^< I would like to request for twc how they would react/date with a mc who is a lingerie model something like in victoria secret (well I know the brand changed but I mean how it used to be before with the shows, angels, etc. ) it doesn't have to be spicy, just in general?) :0, if there are several you can exclude ryuu maybe, thanks!
┈➤ hello, hello! Thank you for requesting, I can do that. But instead of Ryuu, I'll exclude Shiki cause I think he isn't the type to react to such things. Hope that settles your request! Disclaimer this headcanon has suggestive contents in it!
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┈➤ Saimon Naokira
Open-minded about what work you're into he isn't the one to project things when this is your job. He understands the benefits and how it would help your career.
Boundaries lie within you and of course, he respects that. Naokira has his ways of protecting you when someone crosses the border
Would definitely slide topics with unnecessary and insensitive questions of why he dated you where your body is barely in every lingerie billboard throughout the sales
Lowkey Naokira would fantasize you'd wear those in front of him only for his eyes. A man himself also feels urges and desires so he knows what he wants.
Certainly, you'd drag him to your given lingerie store, he can't help but collect his composure sometimes that he is the only man inside the store. He notices some lovers/boyfriends wouldn't dare to step foot inside, but as he is open to this matter he couldn't care less.
You show off some lingerie in private with him and helps out to pick which suits you, but ends up you're the one who picks the most to yourself
Rarely blushes at sights where he sees your exposed parts. He can turn away or politely leave you to have some time changing as well
Saimon covers your exposed parts cause it reserved for him only and stands himself not to take his temptations in because he loves you
┈➤ Yohei Kanbayashi
At first glance and date when he discovers it. He couldn't help to question if he was dating an executive's prostitute (rude to think but he doesn't wanna offend you in any way he was just clueless about this).
He is used to seeing your poses on every billboard every glimpse of at any mall. Just blatantly ignoring them at all costs. But if some guy fantasizes about you, he dares to break someone's neck.
The "touch her or I'll kill you" and "Wear whatever you want, I can fight" type of guy
Yohei despite his bad boy appearance knows how to worship your body and style. He even goes to the lingerie store alone to buy you a new pair of underwear without shame nor doesn't care at all. He supports you
He makes sure he remembers the right cup size since you told him about it. He easily gets flustered when he goes to the cashier if they have the right exact size that you told him about
Death stares at the people who recognized you as one of those models, cause he is protective of you. Will shy them away if they ever touch you.
Only the lingerie on he is turned on, when in private of course he wants to keep you all by himself.
┈➤ Ryū Natsume
He is either peculiar, clueless, dumb, or all of the above. But rest assured even if he doesn't know of this certain career you have he supports it
Will touch some of your lingerie belongings and wear them like some hats or even anything (like picturing some dummy doing that while he goes inspecting lots of undergarments). Leaving your room in a mess oftentimes.
Ryū's behavior shifts when he sees you pose for him, especially when you ask him if they're good lingerie that suits your style he will pick the ones that are the odd or colorful styles. Mix and match kinda combo.
There are times he flexes out loud just how gorgeous you are, which is embarrassing for you. And even point at the billboards that sometimes you're included too
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frickingnerd · 1 month
being in a poly relationship with neku sakuraba and shiki misaki
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pairing: neku sakuraba x gn!reader x shiki misaki
a/n: i've been replaying the first twewy game (& hope to replay neo:twewy soon) so i had to write for my favs from the og cast! but i'll post poly for neku & his two others partners too <3
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shiki and you are much closer at first, as neku just has a hard time opening up and isn't super social when you first start dating
he has grown a lot already, but he knows that he still has to improve, so that eventually there's no trace of the antisocial asshole left that you and shiki first met
even though the two of you liked him back then, he's determined to be a better person for the two of you! but that sometimes leads him to isolate himself
neku struggles to show how much he cares about you and shiki, while he's also the one most passionate about the relationship and an absolute simp for you two!
both neku and shiki are incredibly touch starved, but neku even more than shiki
those two felt so lonely and isolated for such a long time, that they're desperately longing to touch you, while also being too shy to initiate intimacy
both of them also need a lot of reassurance and reminders that they are loved the way they are!
shiki struggles the most with confidence, regarding her looks and her talents, while neku often wonders if he's even a good person…
whenever the three of you go on dates, you meet up at hachiko! it's your little spot and it holds so many memories, that even if it'd be quicker to meet somewhere else, you will always meet at hachiko's statue!
due to dating shiki, you and neku quickly become close friends with eri too!
shiki never shuts up about you and neku, leading to eri knowing all the details of your relationship and becoming your biggest supporter!
shiki not only makes the three of you really cool throuple costumes when halloween comes around, but she also makes regular clothes for neku and you!
and while she always refuses to let you pay for them, as she sees them as gifts, neku and you always sneak some money into her wallet when shiki isn't looking…
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pillow-anime-infos · 1 year
paradox live {masterlist}
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fashion week in milan {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 413 words ; sfw}
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daddy {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 657 words ; nsfw}
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mother (ft. nayuta yatonokami) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 573 words ; sfw}
“please! please, don’t leave me!” {quote prompt number 29 + scenario | 559 words ; suggestive}
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mother(ft. kanata yatonokami) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 573 words ; sfw}
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his lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
“the princess shouldn’t wait, you know?” {quote prompt number 17 + scenario | 581 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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iori’s lil sis (ft. rest of the gang) {music & vocaloids month + scenario | 454 words ; sfw}
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“should ifuck you? so beg for it.” {quote prompt number 45 + scenario | 937 words ; nsfw}
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disabledidols · 2 months
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Shiki and Mei are both autistic and in an autistic4autistic relationship
"I think they're both autistic (Shiki due to her special interest in bugs, flat expressions, ect and Mei due to her social skills) and they're gay for each other so. Autism win."
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Image ID: A transparent of Shiki Wakana infront of the autistic4autistic flag by jug-coining.
The second image is of Mei Yoneme standing infront of the same flag.
The divider is of the same flag but turned into a gradient.
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elliise · 8 months
So I’ve had nothing to write for the past few months, I get ideas but I end up thinking they’re shit. So help me out here, leave a request or whatever and I’ll do it. The list below is of the characters that I would love to do but I simply need an idea or just an AU to get started!! Any other characters that are not there I will most likely need a really good AU or idea to do!!
Please keep in mind that I do not do NSFW with Minor’s, so please refrain from asking that. I will simply ignore your request and also know that the minor one shots or small story’s will be SFW and mostly fluff or angst
Thank you !! <33
Demon slayer:
Giyuu Tomioka
Sanemin Shinzazugawa
Obanai Iguro
Tanjiro Kamado
Inosuke Hashibira
+ a lot more (I forgot the characters I’m sorry😭)
Jujutsu kaisen:
Gojo Satoru (my bf😋)
Suguru Geto
Nanami Kento
Choso Kamo
Yuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
+ more
Atsumu Miya
Osamu Miya
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Oikawa Toruu
Rintaro something…
+ more yk
Tokyo Revenger’s:
Rindou Haitani
Ran Haitani
Manjiro Sano (Mikey)
Chifuyu Matsuno
Keisuke Baji
Izana Kurokawa
Shinichiro Sano
Attack on Titan:
Levi Ackerman
Eren Yeager
Admin Arlert
Jean Kristien
Connie springer
+ more !!
Tougen Anki:
Ichinose Shiki
Mudano Naito
Kougasaki Jin
Yaoroshi Ikari
Kiriyama Rokuro
Yusurube Juji.
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seangelfish · 3 months
hii Hii this may sound strange but I would like to ask for TWC (separately) reaction headcanons when they see their mc getting what she wants in restaurants, stores, etc thanks to her "pretty privilege" a double edged sword that helped her survive working as a model but at the same time she was treated as an object when she was a minor unu .
thanks in advance and also thanks for opening requests /hugg
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Featured characters: Naoakira Saimon, Yohei Kanbayashi, Ryu Natsume, Shiki Ando ♡ Tags: Headcanons, established relationships, casual romance, she/her pronouns, not proofread! ♡ Word count: 1,269 ♡ Synopsis: As stated in the request, you have pretty privilege. You could get anything you want for free! But there are limits, and not everyone sees what you see when using this to your leverage. ♡ A/N: I actually enjoyed writing this even though I wasn't really sure how to write it. It was an interesting request though, so I hope you like it~ (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
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Saimon tells you with sincerity that this is morally wrong. He doesn't condone this, lecturing you that this might backfire on you one day.
And for the first time in forever, you feel at ease at these words. You weren't sure why, but it was probably because when you usually get stuff given to you for free, the people around you encouraged it.
It was expected that people only befriended you for your beauty and the privileges it offers. Though, at one point, it was too much, too suffocating.
That's how you ended up with nobody.
Until Saimon, that is.
When you explained why this happens to you, Saimon isn't taken aback because he knows how beautiful you are and it does make sense that these people would offer you all these things for free.
"But do you truly like it when they do?" he asked.
"Well, I can't say I don't," you replied honestly. "I guess sometimes I do feel like I'm doing something wrong though..."
He nodded and smiled. "Then you know what to do," he stated, caressing your hand.
Therefore, the next time someone offered you something for free, you tried declining. However, it was hard, it felt odd to decline their offer after this being a part of your life for so long.
"You don't need to do that," stated Saimon. "I will be the one paying."
You looked up at him, relieved. The server quickly understood the situation and let Saimon pay.
"I guess this will take getting used to," Saimon said with a lighthearted chuckle. "But I will be here for you when you need me."
You thanked him with a warm smile. Over time, you learned how to reject these offers. It truly felt like you were a part of society now, not an object that needed to be worshipped, and Saimon supported you all the way.
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When the bill for the meal you had with your boyfriend was completely discarded, Yohei gets extremely suspicious. But he lets it slide until the second time when you actively ask for a discount with the use of your beauty.
He tells you to stop it immediately, that he can pay for it. However, you don't give in since this was your normality for such a long time, it would be weird to finally pay something in full.
So to Yohei's dismay, you keep accepting the generous offers. Your beauty was your strong point and you were going to use it to its fullest extent. Shouldn't Yohei be happy about this? He didn't even need to use his money on you! You could get everything for free!
But Yohei hated it. He hated seeing men succumb to your charms, to offer you a meal on the house. He hated seeing their eyes fall on your pretty face, their fingers to their lips as they shush you not to tell anyone about this.
"(Y/N), stop this now," he repeated. "Stop doing this."
"But why? Isn't this great? We can get anything we want!"
"Argh, that's not the point. (Y/N), you may think you're taking advantage of your pretty privilege, but one day, you may have to repay that."
You didn't understand what he meant by that.
He sighed. "Listen, one day someone will want something out of you for providing you with free things, and it isn't going to be pretty. So stop it now."
You were quiet. Yohei was right, but what did that mean for you? This was your life leading up to now, and you were just going to stop all of that? Yet again, using your beauty to survive in this world had always made you uncomfortable especially when you were young.
"And anyways," Yohei continued, cutting you off from your flashback. "I want to provide for you... as a boyfriend should."
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As expected, Ryu is going to indulge in this privilege of yours because that means he can get free stuff too!
He doesn't question why people around you are offering these things to you nor does he really care, he just thinks this is neat!
But when you start batting your eyelashes and twirling your hair at the servers, the smile on his face quickly diminishes.
Why are you doing that? he wondered.
Yet those simple acts always result in luxury that he completely disregards it.
For a few times at least.
One day, he asks you the reason why these people are giving you free things. When you explain to him it was because of your pretty privilege, Ryu goes unusually silent.
"So you're entertaining them?" he said coldly which was unlike his super bubbly attitude. "What more have you done with them to get these things?"
This hurt you more than it should have. Why was he being so mean? Was it that big of a deal?
"Ryu, I don't really appreciate that–"
"Neither do I."
But before you could retort back, Ryu had snapped out of it. He recognised the sullen look on your face and asked you what was wrong.
"Do you think what I'm doing is wrong?" you asked him after the long, unbearable silence. He tilted his head like a cat, unsure of what you were talking about. "Of me getting stuff for free..."
"Oh..." he murmured. "I don't know, but it is kindaaa weird!"
"Haha, you think...?"
You didn't think he'd listen, but you clarified the reasons why this happens to you.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry," he said sadly.
"N-No, it's okay! That's all in the past now, but I guess old habits die hard. I'll try to stop it; if not, at least minimise it."
Ryu smiled, engulfing you in a big hug. He stroked your back like the way you'd do for him, reassuring you that all he wanted was for you to be comfortable with what you do, that you didn't need to do that anymore. After all, you were a person, not an object.
But it wouldn't hurt if you did use your pretty privilege once in a while~
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Shiki gets extremely scared when you accept the free meal. He quickly rejects it, stating to the server that he’s already paying for everything. He doesn’t understand why this just happened even when you explained it to him.
He knows how beautiful you are, but this feels wrong. Should he even condone this? Whenever someone offers you something for free, their eyes look longingly at you and it’s something that Shiki fears.
He feels incredibly guilty now that this keeps happening, but he notices from the corner of his eye that you feel a little guilty about it too.
"(Y/N), it's okay to decline their offers if it makes you uncomfortable..." he spoke up. "B-But I know you've survived this long with your looks, so I don't expect you to stop! It's your decision after all..."
It just worries him that one day you’d be the one being taken advantage of. It scares him to think that someone would want something in return for their ‘generosity.’ Moreover, he thinks that the two of you would get in trouble for this, and he doesn't want to be caught up in that!
Due to his anxiety revolving around your pretty privilege, you decided to stop accepting the free gifts.
Sure, people are still going to goggle at you, but you no longer worked as a model who needed strangers’ generosity to survive. Now you can afford these things yourself like a normal person.
Shiki calms down, apologising for the fact that it was a great privilege to be this pretty to get free things. However, he just couldn’t have others gift you with free stuff when he was the one who wanted to do that for you.
"(Y/N), I'm going to work harder to afford the things you want!" he said triumphantly.
"Hehe, you don't need to do that, Shiki. You're all I need."
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Intro page | Paradox Live masterlist | Request rules
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mbruben-stein · 2 months
If it's okay can I please ask for a scenario where
Senri from Vampire Knight has a male darling that has the personality of ltona from assassination classroom and can you please do sfw in NSFW but if you're uncomfortable you don't have to take this request
Senri Shiki with a Male darling s/o who has Itona Horibe personality. SFW and NSFW.
A/N: I'm so sorry this took forever. I had writer's block which was really bad and had a lot going on with work.
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Senri is initially confused by his male darling's eccentric and mischievous personality, but he quickly grows to appreciate the unique charm that his s/o possesses.
Despite his initial reservations, Senri finds himself drawn to his darling's carefree and optimistic attitude, which helps to lighten the somber atmosphere of the vampire world they live in.
Senri is constantly surprised by his darling's ability to see the good in everyone, even in those who have wronged them in the past. This inspires Senri to try and be more forgiving and understanding towards others.
The dynamic between Senri and his male darling is a perfect balance of seriousness and playfulness. While Senri is often reserved and introspective, his s/o brings out his more spontaneous and adventurous side.
Senri can't help but be amused by his darling's penchant for pulling pranks and causing mischief, even if it sometimes gets them into trouble. He admires his s/o's ability to find joy in the little things and live life to the fullest.
Despite their differences, Senri and his male darling share a deep bond built on mutual respect and understanding. They support each other through the ups and downs of their lives, and Senri finds comfort in knowing that he has someone like his s/o by his side.
Overall, Senri and his male darling's relationship is a unique and special one, filled with laughter, love, and a deep connection that transcends their differences in personality.
Senri, the quiet and reserved vampire from Vampire Knight, found himself in a passionate and intense relationship with a male darling who had the personality of Itone from Assassination Classroom. Their dynamic was electric, with Senri's calm demeanor contrasting perfectly with his s/o's playful and mischievous nature.
When they were alone in the bedroom, things heated up quickly. Senri was usually the one to take the lead, his gentle touches and whispered words driving his s/o wild with desire. But his darling was not one to be outdone, and he was more than willing to meet Senri's intensity head-on.
Their love-making was a dance of pleasure and passion, with Senri's expert hands and lips exploring every inch of his s/o's body, driving him to the brink of ecstasy. His darling, in turn, was not shy about expressing his own desires, his playful teasing pushing Senri to his limits.
As the night went on, their movements became more frantic and desperate, their bodies moving in perfect harmony as they reached the peak of their pleasure. With a final cry of release, they collapsed into each other's arms, spent and sated.
In those moments of intimacy, Senri and his s/o were able to let go of their inhibitions and truly connect on a deeper level. Their love was fiery and passionate, a perfect blend of lust and affection that left them both craving more. And as they lay tangled together in the aftermath, they knew that they had found something truly special in each other.
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hebimoonlightwrites · 11 months
✉️, R, Shiki, Kantaro and Rantaro °×°
Writer's corner: Sure! I texted them and they told me that they just want Shiki and Kantaro, so.. sure thing! Let me know if there’s anything you want me to change or fix and I’ll do it! Also, I’ll do it for a GN!reader, text me if you want me to change the pronouns! ♥Enjoy and have a fantastic summer~!
mc’s pronouns: THEY/THEM (GN! Reader)
Warnings: none, just wholesome stuff.
☀️𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨☀️𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐜
✉️: if they went on vacation, what kind of postcard they would send mc (R)
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☀️Shiki would feel so anxious of going on vacation in the first place. He would feel sad of leaving you. He would miss you a lot and would prefer to bring you with him and the other TCW. That's why you would see him clingier, especially the last days before his journey. He would shyly ask you to spend more time together until he would go away on vacation with his teammates: “I’ll miss you, y/n.. I’ll send you a postcard soon.. o-okay..?”
☀️After some days without seeing Shiki around, you would receive a postcard. Your eyes would sparkle in happiness and you would feel your heart getting warmer, your hands holding the postcard but shaking in emotions since you would miss him a lot. What kind of postcard would he send you? Oh well, surely something portraying a cute city-view or a beautiful sunset! Maybe even something about sweets or, who knows? He could also sneak into the envelope a cute picture of him blushing and a funny one with Ryu suddenly joining the pic and getting Shiki surprised! You would see his eyes sparkling in the picture; his eyes would sparkle probably at the thought of you looking at the photo, reading at his words behind the postcard:
“Y/n, hey..! How are you doing? I hope you are fine and that your job/your studies are going great.. you know, uhm.. everything is going fine for me! I’ve seen so many new places and I’ve had a lot of fun with the others! We tried new dishes I have never tasted before and even seen fireworks! Ryu keeps doing so many pranks even if we are on vacation; he even put a fake snake under my bed covers!! Hehe.. but, to be honest, even if I'm having a lot of fun so far, I miss you a lot, y/n.. I really can’t wait to see you again. Bye.. Shiki"
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☀️Kantaro is always so cheerful and sunny, so you can imagine how he would react to know about his sudden tour and about the fact that he will be far from you for some weeks: he would literally spend the whole day before his journey hugging you. Each time you would tease him: “hey, you can stop hugging me”, but he would mutter from your chest: “no.. I don’t want to.” and actually tighten up his grip around you, while being completely snuggled against your chest. Of course you would even have to comfort him a lot, caressing his colourful hair and kissing his forehead. “Will you wait for me…?”, he suddenly would whisper while still hugging you the tightest he could. His eyes would lighten up only when you would pronounce a specific sentence: “I’ll wait for you, don’t worry, my sweetheart!”. A bright smile would spread all over his face and you would only see a nod before seeing VISTY’s car moving away.
☀️Since Kantaro is the social type, you can already imagine how he would act! Each minutes, each hour.. each day you would get a message, or a pic, or a postcard from him! He would call you or video call you or even send you some voice messages only to tell you stuff like: “I love youuu! I can’t wait to see you again!! Aah!! I want to hug you!! I miss you!!” and Aoi’s comforting and reassuring voice in the background chuckling. You would smile like crazy each time you would hear his cheerful voice and, of course, he would send 5-minutes-long voice messages to tell you about his day! So.. be prepared! It wouldn’t look like he has gone away at all, because he would be always there sending you tons of notifications! About the kind of postcards or photos he would send you, they would look all cute and full of colours! You would receive postcards with pictures about the cutest shops of the city, or particulars like cakes or sweets too! In pictures you could see Kantaro holding his phone to take a selfie and Visty in the background doing random things (like Toma buying cosmetics, Aoi smiling and Shogo eating gummy bears). You would probably feel a warm feeling inside, only seeing their expressions and, especially, Kantaro’s eyes looking directly at you through the photo. Each day you would receive postcards and small gifts in envelopes from Kantaro! Like a cute and small hand-made necklace- he would probably buy for you- with a small letter:
“hey, y/n! I’ve seen this and thought about you! I kinda feel like it could highlight those cute eyes of yours! So I bought it for you! I miss you so much, honey!!.. can’t wait to hug you again!! Imma buy a lot of more gifts and gadgets to give you once back home!! Forever your small other-half, Kantaro~♥”.
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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kanacozmez · 5 months
Allen: pansexual, he/zap prns, cis but enjoys certain xenogender labels (sunboy, firegender, chaoscoric).
Hajun: queer, he/him, cis but doesn't limit his wardrobe to a typically masculine one.
Anne: bisexual, they/them, non-binary and prettything.
The Cats Whiskers:
Naoakira: biromantic asexual, he/him, cis.
Yohei: unlabelled, he/it, trans man.
Shiki: homosexual, he/they, trans masc nonbinary.
Ryu: queer, xe/he/bite/it, intersex agender gender hoarder (including clutterthing, glitchsoundic, neoncoric)
Kanata: nebularomantic demiromantic homosexual, he/him, "i'm probably agender but don't have time to work that out. i have a job." type guy.
Nayuta: queer cupiosexual, they/he/she, pangender.
Iori: bisexual with a male lean, he/him, cis.
Zen: questioning, xe/he, demiboy.
Hokusai: pomosexual, ae/they/he, trans man and whitecatgender.
Reo: abrosexual, he/chew/candy, sillyaeangender.
Satsuki: questioning, he/she, bigender.
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