#she’s so me she’s so evil ugh kissing her on the mouth
esmeamesart · 23 days
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Aelwyn Abernant the toxic sister you were and occasionally still are !!
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miabrown007 · 2 years
friendship ended with Oblivio, Elation is my new best friend
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worth-the-chaos · 5 months
Adventures in Babysitting - Steve Harrington x female!reader - Chapter 12
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Chapter Summary: The evil that you thought you had gotten rid of is still very much lurking within Hawkins. You, your boyfriend, and your friends race against time to try and find Eddie before it’s too late.
Content Warning: swearing, violence, knives and blood, jealous Steve
Word Count: 6.5k
Author’s Note: This chapter is starting to get season 4 going, so that’s pretty epic. I hope you guys enjoy it and thank you so much for reading it <3
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Series Masterlist | Part 11 | Next Part
Your Saturday started out like any normal Saturday. Steve peppered soft kisses to your skin as you woke up from your comfortable slumber wrapped in his arms. You ate breakfast together and got ready before picking up Robin and making your way to Family Video. It had taken a significant amount of convincing to get Keith to let the three of you work together, considering there was really only enough work for two people to do, but he finally agreed to it since, in his own words, “Steve barely even counts.”
You all were reorganizing the shelves as Robin recounted her conversation with Vickie at the basketball game the night prior. “Then Vickie laughed. And it wasn’t like a cheap fake laugh either. It was like…it was a real, genuine laugh!”
“Of course she laughed, Rob. It’s my muppet joke. It’s hilarious,” Steve replied as he restocked the horror section. You rolled your eyes from your perch on the counter, glaring up at him as you stopped sorting out the returned movies.
“My point is that Vickie laughed, and everything was just like…it was perfect! But I’m having this problem where it’s like, I should stop talking. I have said everything I need to say, but then I guess I get nervous and the words keep spilling out, and it’s like my-my brain is moving faster than my mouth or…or rather my-my mouth is moving faster than my brain, and…and it’s like I’m digging this hole for myself, and I want to stop digging and I’m trying to stop digging, but I can’t, and I’m doing it right now, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, you are,” you responded, looking at her with a great deal of sympathy. You knew how she was feeling. You couldn’t even count the amount of times that you had rambled on and on to Steve about something so completely and utterly stupid because you didn’t know when to stop.
“Ugh, I’m hopeless,” Robin backed up against the wall, throwing her head back in exasperation.
“Robin! Don’t say that; you are not hopeless,” you scolded your best friend, “I mean, look. I was completely and utterly hopeless before Steve and I started dating…like if he hadn’t shown up and the planets hadn’t aligned, I’d be single as fuck right now, but everything that the two of us have, started with us just being friends. So, the fact that you’re talking to Vickie and she clearly at least likes you in that capacity is a really damn good sign.”
“I wouldn’t say you would be hopeless, I mean, guys are pretty much throwing themselves at you,” Steve mumbled under his breath, thinking back to how you had interacted with Eddie the night before. You had seemed so comfortable with him and he hated to admit it, but the two of you looked like you belonged together far more than you did with him. Eddie marched to the beat of his own drum. He dressed different, he acted different, he didn’t go with the crowd or hop on the bandwagon. You were exactly the same. Sometimes Steve worried that you would wake up and realize that he was way too stereotypical and boring for you and that you would leave him. He pushed the thought aside as you spoke up.
“What do you mean?” Before Steve could answer, Robin began rushing across the room.
“Oh! I think I found our morning movie!” She held up a copy of Doctor Zhivago.
“Ugh, you know I don’t do double VHS,” Steve groaned, shaking his head as he walked past the counter towards her. You stopped him, smacking him in the chest before he could try and take the tape away from Robin before you spoke up.
“We’d actually love to watch it Robin,” you smiled, your eyes still glaring at Steve. Robin jumped up and down a little bit before turning on the television to get it set up, but all of you paused when the news came on.
“We’re in the Forest Hills trailer park in east Roane County. We don’t have a lot of details now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning. Police have not yet released the victim’s name…” the reported stated, detailing all the information that was known and released.
“Holy shit,” Steve whispered, his and Robin’s eyes transfixed on the screen. His voice sounded far away as your vision blurred with tears. You could barely breathe as you thought about the only two Hawkins High students you knew that lived there: Max and Eddie. If it was either of them, you weren’t sure what you would do. You weren’t sure how you would be able to live and move on.
You stumbled backwards, and you knocked over a pile of VHS tapes as you blindly grabbed for the edge of the counter, beginning to hyperventilate. Robin and Steve snapped out of the trance the news had put them in, as Steve’s head whipped around towards you just in time as you collapsed to the floor.
“Robin turn that off!” Steve yelled, and she grabbed for the remote, quickly silencing the news. You were in a heap on the floor sobbing, barely able to hear Steve as he quickly sat with you on the floor, rubbing big circles across your back to try and calm you down. “Shhhh, y/n. I’m right here, okay baby….I’m right here with you and I’m not going to go anywhere,” he whispered into your ear, kissing your temple as you cried.
After a while, you finally found the will to calm yourself down, and you had been the one to turn the TV back on. You wanted to know as much as you could. You wanted as much information as possible to rule out the possibility that it was either of your friends. Really the only additional information you got was that it was definitely murder and that the police hadn’t released the names of any suspects, which was a whole lot of nothing to go off of.
You were biting your nails, staring at the screen with furrowed brows, when suddenly the chime of the bell above the door rang out into the otherwise empty store. You jumped, turning around to see Dustin followed by Max Mayfield herself.
“Max!” You shouted as you hopped over the counter and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. She groaned, not expecting the sudden demonstration of how much you cared before she reciprocated.
“Hello to you too, I guess?”
“I’m just so glad you’re okay,” you breathed out, feeling a sense of relief flood your body, knowing that Max wasn’t the unnamed victim from the news. Max was struck by your words, not really even considering the fact that some of her friends may be led to believe that she had been killed based on the location of the murder.
“Are you guys seeing this?” Steve chimed in, pointing to the TV screen in the back corner of the room.
“How many phones do you have?” Dustin asked suddenly. You looked at him with confusion plastered across your face.
“Someone was just murdered,” Steve replied, annoyed that the boy could be asking about phones at a time like this.
Dustin just slammed his hands on the counter in response, causing you to jump again in your anxious state, before he repeated himself. “How many phones do you have?”
“Two…why?” You spoke up, furrowing your brow.
“Technically three, if you count Keith’s in the back,” Robin corrected you, a similar look flashing across her face.
“Three works,” Max spoke up, looking at Dustin. Dustin paused, looking at Steve and Robin behind the counter before throwing his backpack across and hopping it. You and Max were civilized, walking around the counter to join them while Steve protested.
“My tapes! Dude! What are you doing, man?!” Steve groaned. Dustin had a special talent for making things significantly more difficult for Steve…especially at his place of work.
“Setting up base of operations,” Dustin replied, typing into the computer.
You attempted to shove him to the side, away from your computer, but he swatted your hands away. You glared at him with the might of a thousand suns before hip checking him, causing him to stumble to the side. “What the fuck do you guys need our computer for?”
“To look up Eddie’s friends’ phone numbers,” Dustin retorted as if it was obvious.
“Oh Eddie, your new best friend you think is cooler than me because he plays your nerdy game,” Steve grumbled back, but you were only half paying attention as you made eye contact with Max. Clearly the two kids knew something that you didn’t and you were worried what that meant in conjunction with the shit you were hearing on the news.
“I never said that!” Dustin looked at Steve, and you rolled your eyes.
“Seriously, you guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around, but it’s Saturday. It’s our busiest day,” Robin spoke up, reorganizing the shit that Dustin had knocked off the counter.
“Robin, I totally empathize but this cannot wait,” Dustin sighed as he started writing on a clipboard.
“What because calling all of Eddie’s friends is an emergency?”
“Do you want me to strangle him or do you want to?” Steve asked you. The chuckle he was about to let out died in his throat when he saw the look on your face.
“I really think we should hear them out,” your voice was small when you replied. You all looked over at Max and she took a deep breath before she began talking.
“The victim…it’s Chrissy Cunningham,” she started, “I saw her body this morning when the police were leaving. The thing is, I saw her go in Eddie’s trailer and shortly after, my TV started going nuts and the lights started flickering like crazy, which isn’t really super out of the ordinary, my electricity is shit….but then I heard screaming and looked out the window and I saw Eddie leave and—and he looked scared. Like really scared.”
Steve reached for your hand, interlocking his fingers with yours before he spoke up. “So…Eddie killed Chrissy?”
“Steve! No, he fucking didn’t. That’s why we need the phones so that we can find out where he is so that we can prove that he’s innocent,” Dustin glared at your boyfriend, shoving him a bit.
“Just calm down,” you interjected, standing in between the boys. This was all a lot to unpack and you weren’t going to solve anything if they couldn’t stop bickering. When they both grumbled and crossed their arms, you moved around the counter, swiftly moving to the door and flipping the sign to indicate that the store was closed. “Just, you guys can use the phones, okay? But that’s it. We don’t do anything else until we have something solid to go off of. Do you understand?” You looked between Max and Dustin.
They both began to nod and you shook your head. “No, I need to hear you say it. I’m serious, someone was just killed and we are not putting our lives in jeopardy without some serious cause, okay?”
“Yes, we understand,” Max responded. Dustin spoke up in agreement, and you paused to look at them one more time before turning around.
“I’ll get Keith’s phone from the back. You all start making calls.”
You swiftly headed to the back, grabbing the third phone. You were turning around to leave when you about nearly jumped out of your skin, when you were met face to face with your boyfriend.
“Steve! You scared the shit out of me! Don’t fucking do that!” You put a hand on your chest as you tried to catch your breath.
“Y/n, I don’t have a good feeling about this. I mean, the most likely scenario is that Eddie killed that poor girl and now we’re actively trying to find him. He could be fucking dangerous, and I don’t want anything to happen to you, okay? So, let’s just stop all this bullshit before it’s too late,” he grabbed your hands, rubbing his thumbs along the backs of them as he looked you in the eyes. His brow was furrowed with worry, and you felt a pang in your chest. You knew you had to see this through, if not for Eddie, then for Dustin.
“Steve, I know Eddie. He wouldn’t do something like this. Trust me,” you told Steve, looking him in the eyes with so much conviction that he decided to let it go for now.
You brought the phone out and Hawkins’ Family Video soon became a bustling call center as you all took turns trying to get ahold of anyone who may possibly know where Eddie was. Name after name after name got crossed off your list as you found no answers, and you were beginning to feel hopeless when Max spoke up.
“Hey guys, I might have a lead,” she started, “apparently, Eddie gets drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick, and sometimes Eddie crashes there.”
“Alright, that sounds promising. So where does this Reefer Rick guy live?” Robin asked.
“See, that’s the thing. No one knows. He’s more of a…legend than someone that people actually know.”
“What about a last name?” You spoke up, attempting to find any additional piece of information that you could follow to find Eddie.
“I don’t know that either.”
“I bet the cops know the last name,” Steve spoke up. He hadn’t been super helpful in calling around, instead choosing to reorganize the store and do some light cleaning. He was reorganizing some tapes with his back to you all and he had said it so nonchalantly.
“What?” You questioned him, irritation settling in your tone.
“I said the cops probably know,” he shot back, “I mean, listen, if this Reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer, I guarantee you he’s been busted at some point. Means he’s in the system.”
“The cops? Really, Steve? That’s your suggestion?” Dustin asked incredulously.
“I just think at this point they should be filled in on what we know; what’s going on.”
“You think Eddie’s guilty, don’t you?” Dustin stepped forward, but you placed a gentle hand on his shoulder to settle him. You could hear the hurt in his voice and you wished that Steve hadn’t been the one to cause it, but then again, tensions were high with everything that was going on; like the implications of Max’s account of her electricity going haywire around the time that Chrissy would have died.
“Woah, woah, woah, I believe in innocent until proven guilty and all that constitutional shit…I just, you know….I just don’t think we can rule it out,” Steve spoke up, avoiding making eye contact with any of you as he messed with a Rubik’s cube on the counter.
“Steve!” You scolded him. Why can’t he just take a leap of faith and believe you guys?
“That’s precisely what we’re trying to do here, Steve,” Max spoke up, glaring at the boy.
“And maybe we’d have a little bit more luck if you spent less time reorganizing shit that doesn’t need reorganizing and more time trying to find Eddie,” Dustin chimed in.
“Hey, someone’s gotta make sure things are in order here. Do you see how many fucking movies we have? It can be overwhelming for the average customer,” Steve tried to defend himself.
Suddenly an idea popped into your head, as you darted over to the computer, typing away into the system. “What are you doing?” Max asked.
“Maybe we don’t need a last name,” you started as you pressed enter on the keyboard. “Twelve Ricks already have accounts here…now it’s just a matter of narrowing it down.”
After determining the Rick most likely to be the Reefer Rick, you waited until it got dark to go scope the place out. You decided that you’d be more inconspicuous at night, not wanting to draw any attention to yourselves while you tracked down a potential murder suspect.
You were all piled in Steve’s BMW as he pulled into the driveway of one Rick Lipton. You felt nerves settle in your stomach as you tried to take a deep breath, Dustin quickly getting out of the car and ringing the doorbell. No one answered and after Dustin pressed the button repeatedly, Steve put a hand on his shoulder to pull him away from the door.
“Okay. Well, that’s settled, I guess he’s not here,” Steve spoke up. This did nothing to stop Dustin from continuing to pound on the door, yelling for the boy to answer. So much for being inconspicuous, you thought as you walked around the side of the house. Your hands trembled a bit, being a tad anxious about being out here at night, when your flashlight finally caught sight of a boathouse on the lake.
“Hey guys?” You called out. Steve was quick to join you, followed by the rest of the gang as you cautiously approached the metal lined shed. There was no real signs of life in there as you entered, and it seemed just as abandoned as Rick’s house. “Hello? Is anyone home?” You shouted into the darkness as you took a hesitant step inside.
“What a dump,” Steve muttered, taking in the sight of all of the clutter. In his mind, there was no way in hell that Eddie was here, so though he was taking all of this seriously, he wasn’t too committed to really inspecting the place with great detail.
You grabbed an oar off of the wall, walking over to the small boat docked in the center of the room as you shoved at the tarps with it, not wanting to get close just in case something was awry.
“What are you doing?!” Dustin whisper-shouted at you, perplexed by your actions.
“He might be in there,” you answered simply.
“Then take the tarp off!”
“If you’re so brave, you take the tarp off!” You whisper-shouted back at him, though when Dustin moved forward to do just that, you and Steve both yanked him back by his shoulders. You continued to poke at the tarp, and Steve placed a gentle but nervous hand on the small of your back, not wanting to stray too far from you.
Max suddenly spoke up from across the room, pointing her flashlight at some odds and ends on a small table. “Hey, guys. Someone was here.”
“Maybe he heard us? Got spooked and ran?” Robin suggested, joining Robin to inspect the items before her.
“Don’t worry. Y/n will get him with her oar…isn’t that right y/n?” Dustin spoke to you sarcastically. You were glad you had the self control to not swing it at the infuriating child beside you as Steve moved away from you to pull Dustin aside. He didn’t need the two of you arguing with each other. You two bickered like siblings and now wasn’t the time for a pseudo-familial spat.
“I know you think you’re being funny, Henderson,” you started, continuing to jab at the tarps, “but considering the fact that everyone in this room has nearly died about a hundred times, personally, I don’t find it funny in the slight—“
Your words were cut off as a figure under the tarp sprung to life, grabbing you around the shoulders and pushing you against the wall. You heard the familiar flick of a pocket knife, feeling the sharp tip of the metal press against your throat. The boathouse erupted into a chorus of shrieks and screams, as you leaned your head back, unable to breathe as you stared wide-eyed at the boy you were tutoring for physics.
“Woah, woah, woah! Eddie! Eddie, stop!” Dustin shouted. He took a step closer and Eddie pushed you back farther into the wall, letting you all know that he wasn’t playing games. Steve felt like his whole world was crashing down around him. To Steve, Eddie’s actions confirmed that he was dangerous, that he had likely killed Chrissy, and that he was about to do the same thing to you. Steve’s mind was working double time trying to figure out how to get you away from the freak, as he started to take a huge step towards you when Robin roughly grabbed his arm, preventing him from getting any closer.
“Robin let go of me!” He shouted at her, trying to shake out of her grip.
“Steve,” she warned, and the way that she said it made him stop to reevaluate the situation, realizing the closer he got to you, the more he was putting your life in peril. A small cry escaped your lips as you tried to blink back tears, and Steve’s heart sank in his chest. He felt his hands trembling at his sides, wanting nothing more than to hold you and to tell you that everything was going to be okay, but watching as the knife threatened to break the skin of your neck, he wasn’t so sure he even believed the sentiment.
“It’s me, Dustin. This is y/n,” Dustin continued, gesturing to you, “she’s not going to hurt you, right, y/n?”
“Right, yeah,” you barely were able to whisper, the muscles in your neck all tensed as you tried to get as far away from the knife as possible. Your chest heaved as you swallowed and breathed out a shaky breath.
“Y/n, why don’t you drop the oar,” Dustin cautioned. You hadn’t even realized you were still holding it, barely even being able to feel the white knuckled grip you had on the handle. You willed your fingers to let go and as the oar crashed to the floor, the sudden sound caused Eddie to jump, leaning in farther and nicking your neck a bit in the process. You yelped in pain, and Steve started to freak out, unable to control his breathing. Robin continued to try and calm him down, but it wasn’t working super well.
“She’s cool, she’s cool!” Dustin reminded Eddie, still trying to talk him off of a cliff. Steve wished he had trusted his intuition earlier and kept you all far away from Eddie the freak Munson.
“I’m cool, man, I’m cool,” you spoke up, your voice shaky, “I’m helping you in Ms. O’Donell’s class, remember?”
“What are you doing here?” Eddie asked, his eyes wild as he refused to let you go.
“We’re looking for you, we’re here to help,” Dustin spoke up, “Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band. This is my friend Max, the one who never wants to play D&D. And obviously that’s Steve; I know you know him because you hate him, okay? Eddie, we are on your side. I swear on my mother, right guys?” He looked to the three of your friends behind him who all desperately nodded in agreement.
“Yes, yes, we swear!” Robin agree.
“Yeah, on Dustin’s mother,” you squeaked out. Eddie looked at you and you could tell he was acting out of fear. You knew this wasn’t him. That still didn’t quell the fear in your own chest as you spoke up once more to whisper, “please.”
Eddie paused, his eyes searching yours to try and determine your intention. He knew that you were a good person. Hell, you’d been helping him through fucking physics which wasn’t exactly a cake walk. Seeing the terror across your face as you whimpered, however, was what finally broke Eddie, as he finally let you go.
You let out a small cry as the tears you had been attempting to blink back finally spilled down your face while you crumpled to the floor. Steve rushed to your side, sitting on the floor with you, not unlike he had earlier in Family Video when the news came on. Your hand clutched at your neck. Even though Eddie had only just slightly nicked you, your blood had dripped enough to stain the collar of your shirt, and began to seep through your fingers as you held pressure to the cut. It stung like a bitch, but you were more scared than hurt.
“Hey, hey, hey, let me see, okay baby? Can you do that for me?” Steve asked softly, as one of his hands wrapped around the nape of your neck and the other gently tugged on your wrist. You obliged, trembling fingers dropping from your neck as you shook in Steve’s arms.
He used the sleeve of his jacket to put pressure on the cut to attempt to get it to stop bleeding. You took several deep breaths, wiping the tears away from your face as you began to finally calm down. It helped that you knew that Eddie wouldn’t hurt you on purpose. In your mind, he wasn’t a threat in the slightest, just a boy that was scared and needed some comforting.
“Eddie, we just want to talk,” you heard Dustin’s voice ring out in the empty boathouse. Eddie looked like a mess as he sat in a heap on the floor, looking equal parts defeated and terrified. Dustin tried to take the knife away from him, but Eddie tightened his grip so Dustin relented.
“We just want to know what happened,” you breathed out, your voice still shaky as you continued to calm down.
“You won’t believe me,” Eddie sniffled. You moved out of Steve’s grasp despite his protests, putting a gentle hand on Eddie’s shoulder. He tensed up but soon relaxed into your touch.
“Try us,” you replied. Eddie wasn’t sure if it was the look on your face or the sincerity in your voice, but he decided in that moment that he could trust you guys.
He began by explaining that she was at his house so that he could sell to her, discussing how everything had been fine and normal…until it very much wasn’t.
“…her body just, like, lifted up into the air and, uh…and she just, like, hung there. And her bones…uh, she…her bones started to snap. Her eyes, man…it-it was like there was something inside her head pulling,” he whimpered with a faraway look in his eyes, “I…I-I didn’t know what to do, so I…I ran away…I-I left her there,” he scoffed, “you all think I’m crazy, right?”
“No, we don’t think you’re crazy,” Dustin began to assure him, but Eddie quickly cut him off.
“Don’t bullshit me, man! I know how this sounds!”
You moved in between Eddie and Dustin, pushing Dusting behind you protectively. “Hey, we’re not bullshitting you,” you started, your tone leaning on frustrated, “we believe you and we’re probably the only people who fucking will, so I would suggest you find a way to calm down and shut the fuck up because what I’m about to tell you might be difficult to take.”
“Okay,” Eddie finally said. No one was really expecting you to be that blunt about things, but it needed to be said.
“You know how people say Hawkins is…cursed?” You started, trying to find the right words. Eddie nodded. “They’re not…way off. There’s another world; a world hidden beneath Hawkins. Sometimes it bleeds into ours,” your hand subconsciously went to the cut on your neck, the bleeding having finally trickled to a stop.
“Like ghosts and shit?” Eddie asked hesitantly.
“There are some things worse than ghosts,” Max spoke up quietly, and you felt a chill creep up your spine as she said it.
“These monsters from this other world,” Dustin continued, “we thought that they were gone, but they’ve come back before and that’s why we needed to find you.”
“If they’re back again, we need to know,” you emphasized.
“That night, did you see anything?” Robin questioned. You all waited with bated breath for Eddie’s answer. You were afraid of what he might say and Steve stepped forward and grabbed your hand, sensing your anxiety.
“No, man, there was nothing you could see or, uh…touch,” Eddie responded, “you know, I tried to wake her man, but she couldn’t move. It was like she was…she was in a trance or something.”
“Or under a spell…Vecna’s curse,” Dustin whispered.
“Who’s Vecna?” Steve asked, pulling you into his chest. He needed something to hold onto.
“An undead creature of great power,” Dustin answered and you shuddered thinking about it. You had thought you got rid of whatever entity was calling the shots from the Upside Down, but maybe you were wrong.
Maybe everything that had happened before was merely the beginning.
You all had taken turns recounting the last two years worth of events to Eddie as he sat there in silence trying to take it all in. After everything that he had seen, he really had no choice but to believe you guys, glad that you were all on his side. You promised the boy that you would be back with supplies in the morning, swiftly piling back into Steve’s car.
“Hey, you know when we had that really sweet convertible and I had you drive it up that big ass hill so we could use my radio?” Dustin suddenly spoke up.
“Yeah?” Steve responded, not quite sure where the boy was going with this.
“Well, bad news is we’re gonna need to go use it again before we all go home because I have an idea, but good news is that it’s at my house now so that’s cool.”
Steve sighed and you all silently made your way to Dustin’s house. There wasn’t much to talk about. You tiptoed through his kitchen to avoid waking his mother as you all crept up to his bedroom. He started messing with all his radio equipment as you sat on his bed. While he was searching for the right frequency, Steve darted out of the bedroom and into the hall bathroom, opening the cabinet under the sink and rifling through it. He found what he was looking for and quietly slipped back into Dustin’s bedroom.
“Here,” he said as he sat down next to you. You looked at him confused until you saw that he had a first aid kit in his hands. He took out an alcohol wipe and started cleaning up the dried blood on your neck. You hissed when the wipe touched your cut, the alcohol burning as he disinfected it. He put some antibiotic ointment on a band aid and placed it gingerly over the cut. He noticed some of the hickies he had left on your neck the night before, quickly moving your hair to make them more inconspicuous. “There. All better.”
You couldn’t help but flush with how sweet Steve was being. Even if the world was undoubtedly ending, at least you knew that he was going to be there for you. You could tell that he was on edge, probably more so given how Eddie had reacted, and you just appreciated that he wasn’t overreacting…yet.
Suddenly, Dustin’s Cerebro came to life, and you heard the distinctive sound of police chatter over the radio as you were clued into what the Hawkins police department knew of Eddie’s involvement in Chrissy’s death. Unfortunately, though not released to the public yet, Eddie was prime suspect number one.
“Shit!” Dustin exclaimed. “Fuck!”
“Woah, woah, whoa, calm down Dustin. We’re gonna figure all of this out okay? Freaking out isn’t going to make any of this shit easier, so we might as well all stay calm,” your voice was remarkably even as you said it and it was starting to freak the rest of your friends out. Of everyone here, you should by all accounts be the most freaked out.
“Look, I don’t think that we should split up, given everything that’s going on,” Steve spoke. “My parents aren’t home, so how about everyone spends the night at my house? You can all call your parents and make arrangements when we get there.”
Everyone agreed with Steve, and you all made your way out to his car, Dustin leaving a note to let his mom know he would be gone before he left. “Y/n? Are you, like, okay?” Max asked hesitantly. Your mind flashed back to what it felt like to have a knife held up to your throat.
“I’m fine, Max. I promise,” you said, but it didn’t sound very convincing. You were honestly more worried about the kids. You thought about the fact that they were deprived a normal childhood, and you couldn’t help but feel guilty about it. You were the babysitter, you were supposed to be the one to make sure that they were okay and safe and happy.
Steve finally pulled into his driveway, leading everyone inside and showing them around. “You all can sleep wherever. There’s a guest bedroom upstairs or you could sleep in the family room. I don’t care,” he sighed, just ready to go to sleep. Everyone got comfortable, Max and Robin choosing to sleep on the couches and Dustin taking the guest bedroom. You and Steve went to his room and you collapsed onto his bed.
“This can’t be happening again,” you spoke up as exhaustion from the day’s events settled in your bones.
“Yeah, I can’t quite believe it either,” Steve said, flopping down on the bed next to you. “Y/n, you have to promise me something okay?”
“That if this all gets to be too much again, we call it quits. We get the kids out, we get Robin out, we get the hell out.”
“Steve,” you looked at him, trying to read his expression, “I can’t make that promise.”
“Y/n, everything has been escalating. First it was just one demogorgon, then it was a fuck ton of demo-dogs, then it was Russians and a giant flesh monster…I don’t know how we can handle anything worse, I mean we barely handled everything last summer!” He exclaimed, shaking his head at you. You could tell he was getting more irate, anger seeping into his tone.
“Steve, we either do nothing and die when the whole fucking world ends, or we do something and maybe die trying, or better yet, we fix the fucking problem and never have to worry about it again,” you replied, sitting up, slightly irritated with his tone. He stood up, looking down at you with a furrowed brow as he continued.
“You’re not understanding, y/n. Look, someone died. Unexplainably, just up and died in the most gruesome fucking way. We don’t know anything about how it happened or why or if it will happen again, and I’ll be damned if it happens to one of us, okay. Just promise me.”
“Steve, I can’t, and you know I can’t.”
Steve scoffed, trying to find the right words. He felt anxiety creep up in his chest as he decided that now was as good a time as any to get really fucking real with you. “Y/n. I want a future with you. We can’t fucking have that if one of us is dead.”
“We can’t have a future if the world fucking ends either. I have a massive fucking headache and I just want to go to bed, okay?” You got up and began changing into pajamas, and you heard Steve sigh behind you. He remembered his pinky promise to you in the woods that you were in this together. If you couldn’t make a promise to him, the best he could do was uphold his.
“Fine. But I’m not gonna be able to live with myself if something happens to you,” he warned as he crawled into bed, scooting towards you to spoon you. It was odd how casually you two could have a conversation like this, about the end of the world and the possibility of losing each other at any given moment.
“Nothing is going to happen to me,” you replied, turning in his arms and placing a kiss to his chest. You willed the words to be true as you drifted off to sleep in his arms.
Dustin threw the door open to the boathouse and you rolled your eyes, knowing it would likely scare the shit out of Eddie. You seemed to be right as you heard him shout from across the room, finally making it into the shed to see him pressed up against the back wall, knife extended out in front of him.
“Delivery service,” Dustin smiled at his friend. You waved sheepishly at Eddie, hoping that he could find it in his heart to forgive you guys for nearly giving him a heart attack…twice.
You all moved to stand around the boat as Eddie sat down in it, tearing into a box of cereal and eating it as if he hadn’t had a meal in days…which to be fair he probably hadn’t.
“So we have some good news and some bad news. How do you prefer it?” Dustin cut to the chase.
“Bad news first, always,” Eddie spoke through a mouthful of food. Your nose scrunched up in disgust as you scanned the room, noticing similar expressions painted on Robin and Max’s faces.
“We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with Dustin’s Cerebro, and they’re definitely looking for you,” you quickly spoke up as you gave the boy a sympathetic look.
“Also, they’re uh, pretty convinced you killed Chrissy,” Dustin chimed in.
“Like, 100% kind of convinced,” Max agreed. You rolled your eyes. So much for breaking the news softly.
“And the good news?”
“Your name hasn’t gone public yet. But if we found out about you, it’s only a matter of time before others do too, and once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother will be gunning for you,” Robin spoke up.
“Hunt the freak, right?” Eddie clarified, his eyes staring off, unfocused.
“Exactly,” Robin breathed out.
“So before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence,” Dustin outlined.
“That’s all, Dustin? That’s all?” Eddie fumed. Sure he loved the Henderson kid, but the boy got on his damn nerves like all the time, and this was one of those moments.
“Believe it or not, we’ve been through this kind of thing before…a few times actually,” you reassured Eddie, hoping that your words would calm his nerves but that was definitely a bit of a stretch.
“You’re telling me that you, Ms. 4.0, have been off fighting monsters while maintaining a perfect GPA?” Eddie asked in disbelief. “Bullshit.”
“I know, it’s pretty impressive,” Steve spoke up, throwing an arm around you, “we usually rely on this girl with super powers but, uh, those went bye-bye.”
“So we’re kind of in more of the brainstorming phase,” Robin spoke up and you all nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, you really have nothing to worry about,” Dustin reassured Eddie, but all of you knew that that was far from the truth. There was definitely a shit ton of stuff to worry about. Before Eddie could ask anymore questions, you all heard sirens wailing in the distance. He quickly covered up with the tarp as you all ran to the window, watching as several emergency vehicles passed right by Reefer Rick��s house.
A sinking feeling settled in your stomach as you concluded that there must be another body. You all raced to Steve’s car again, following the waling sound of sirens, afraid of what you’d find.
a/n: thanks for reading people of tumblr! If you wanted to reblog, I promise I wouldn’t be mad ;)
@season4steve @sassyheroneckgiant @tangledinthegreatxscape @maeve-wileyy @palachannie @chaerfull @usaguisenpaisblog @emilieluckwood @sabrinadelreyy @mochminnie @xprloki @kitdjarin1 @kissmxcheek @daemonskitty @bethsvrse @aheadfullofsteverogers
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strangerthingsn · 9 months
My evil dad
Summary: You’re Eddies pregnant girlfriend during season 4 of stranger things. Eddie is not gonna die at the end tho! a/n: I just came up with this idea a week ago so now I started writing it! (If you find any type faults or anything else please mention!) warning:kissing, make out,crying, angst, I think 18+, she/her reader, dad!eddie, if I missed something please let me know!
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Chapter two ~ Vecna’s curse
You woke up from a loud crying sound that came out of Alice her little mouth. You open you eyes and look around in the room. Maybe Eddie already arrived? He didn’t. The room was empty except for you and the little new born Alice. You look at the clock saying 10:37.
“You hungry.?” You already started taking off your shirt. You hold Alice in your arms to let her drink. You rub your eyes and study your room. You see a little plate with some breakfast standing for you.You grab it with the other hand holding Alice.
“Hmmm strawberries, I love them” you have actually no idea who you talking to right now but you feel like talking to Alice knowing damn well she doesn’t understand you.
“your dad buys them always for me” you smile as you lay the plate on the bed besides you. You look down at her with a smile.
“you’re gorgeous Alice.” You smile and kiss her cheek.
It takes not long before she’s done drinking. You put your shirt back on. Alice stays awake for a little before falling back to her little sleep. You start eating your breakfast than you hear a knock on the door.
“come in.” Maybe it’s Eddie!…or a doctor, could be anyone.
Then Wayne walks in. He tries to smile but you see tere is something wrong. But you smile. Cause you’re happy to see him.
“hey kid” he says with a soft voice.
“hey…” you are waiting for bad news.
“lemme see the lil girl” he sits down on the edge of your bed. You give Alice to him carefully.
“just Eddie.” He smiles and wiped a little tear off his cheek.
You sit up,”yes she is just Eddie…speaking of Ed-“ Wayne cuts you off a little.
“I don’t know we’re he is….if I knew I would force him to meet his kiddo. There happed something last night..”
“What happened.?” You asks carefully still looking at the little girl in Ways his arms.
“that girl… ugh what’s her name..a-a cheerleader f…found dead… in the trailer..” You look up at him in a shocked way.
“you not thinking-….”
“no no no. Eddie would never kill anyone like that… her eyes were popped back or somtin.. all her bones were broken. Eddie didn’t do that…”He looks still at the little kid in his arms.
“you’re right but the police will probably think he did that…”
“that’s why the ran away. Eddie is just like that… I hope we can find him and let him meet his kiddo.”Wayne says looking up at you.
You wanna cry. You wanna scream. You wanna do everything but you try to hold back. You decide just to nod.
“m sorry kid..” he pulls you closer into a hug.
You hug him back. In meanwhile Alice had woken up.
“mornin” Wayne takes a better look at her, “she even got Eddies eyes”.
“yes she does, I bet Eddie doesn’t like the fact she looks like him so much. He said I hope she looks like you” you smile a bit.
Wayne smiles and gives Alice back at you. You take her carefully and kisses her forehead.
“well I have to work… m sorry” Wayne looks at you.
“that’s okay!” You smile cause you know they absolutely need the money.
He gets up and waves, “bye lady’s” he smiles and walks out.
“Bye!”You lay back down, and lay Alice next to you on the mattress. She moves closer to you.
“Awh you love mommy so much?” You wrap an arm around her, “mommy loves u too sweetheart”
You gives some kisses on her face. Then you actually start falling asleep at the same time as Alice does.
You wake up after 20 minutes last night got you really tired. You look at the sleeping beauty next to you.
You smile at her, then your play with her hair. It really short, but long enough to play with it a bit. But suddenly the door opens.
“Where is the mini Munson?!” Gareth walks in with Jeff and they slam the door open.
“oh no there we have some trouble makers..” you giggle at them and you rub your eyes:
“freaks right?” Gareth laughs.
“We’re is she?” Jeff asks.
“right hire but she’s sleeping right now.” You look down at her again. They walk to her side of the bed to look at her.
“she’s so Eddie.” Jeff says.
“I feel like I’m an uncle now.”Gareth says random.
“ Sure Gareth you’re the uncle since me and Eddie have no siblings” you giggle again. Gareth was definitely one of your best friends.
“we’re is Eddie actually?” Jeff asks while looking around.
“I wanted to ask you guys the same.” You look up at them again.
“What did Eddie just disappear? Maybe he’s getting the milk” Gareth trys not to laugh.
“Do you fuckers even know the news? I think it’s literally all over the news by now” you look serious at them.
“what is it.?” Jeff asks.
“They think Eddie killed Chrissy Cunningham… she’s found dead in his trailer..” you bite your lip.
“fucking hell no. That’s not possible.” Gareth looks at you, “you’re joking aren’t you?”
“no no no I swear to god… but she was there for a drugs deal. The police probably thinks Eddie killed her…” you look down.
Gareth hugs you, “don’t worry about it Kay? I know Eddie he always runs from his problems so it isn’t much I promise.” You smile and hug him back. Jeff sits on the chair, but there is only one chair.
“Seriously Jeff?” Gareth puts his middle finger up to Jeff. “Come you can lay next to me” you move for him and hold Alice on your chest.Gareth smiles and lays down with his legs still off the bed.
“We had band practice” Jeff explains.
“without Eddie?”
“well yeah that happens pretty much he is mostly with you or making a campaign or doing a drugs deal” Gareth shrugs his shoulders.
“he has definitely adhd” you giggle a little.
“oh yes absolutely.” Gareth laughs.
“But when was the last time you saw him?” You look at them both.
“after hellfire. We won because of Erica. Then we all walked out and Eddie told us he had to wait for a drugs deal. So when we all leaved he was still on the parking lot in his van.”
”They always say Hawkins is cursed but now I’m gonna start thinking that’s true…” You mumble.
“I hope Eddie is not in big problems..” Jeff says. You hear a little jawn from the little girl on your chest.
“Well she woke up, who wanna hold her?” You pick her up.
“me!” They say both at the same time.
“Hire, if you’re done give her to Jeff” you give her carefully to Gareth.
“she’s pretty.”Gareth smiles while holding her.
“what’s her name.?” Jeff looks at Gareth holding her.
“well you remember with the champagne Eddie said Alice from Alice cooper? Well because Eddie is not hire I think he likes that name so I named her after that.”
“He’s gonna love the fact you actually named her that.” Jeff smiles.
“I- I just want him to meet her…”You look at Alice.
“He’s gonna meet her I promise.” Gareth looks at you.
You look back at him and whisper, “okay..”
You get in your moms car holding Alice in your jacket.
“let me see the pretty girl.” You mom says looking at your jacket.
You smile and sit down. It’s 3PM Gareth and Jeff leaved a while ago. Alice is healthy and so are you so the doctors told you you’re allowed to go. So you called ur mom.
“you ready?” You grab the zipper.
“don’t tease me y/n!!” Your mom giggles.
You laugh and out the zipped down, “there she is”
The little girl is looking at your mom with her big cute eyes. “Awh no this is too cute. She’s so tiny!” She takes her out of your jacket.
“mommm you’re stealing my baby.” You smile proud.
“I’m her grandma remember?” She holds her in her arms.
“yeah duhhh” you look at them both.
“what’s your name young lady?”you watch Alice grab your mom her thump.
“Alice. Its Alice Munson”
“that’s a really pretty name Alice! And you’re a really strong girl.” Your mom holds her hand.
“you need to work today?” You look up at your mom again.
“yeah sorry… I don’t think you even mind being alone with her” you mom looks back at you.
“it’s kind of my own house now” you giggle.
“you don’t mind right?”
“no I don’t mom believe me” you really don’t mind about being home alone.
“hire” your mom gives Alice back. You hold her and lay her on your lap. You mom starts driving home and you just look outside. You thinking we’re Eddie could hide himself. The places he is really much is his trailer, the hellfire room, the garage for band practice or your home. But you already know he’s not hiding there. You know Eddie very well he never has secrets for you. You know that.
You drive your way over the road. Drive past lovers lake. Than suddenly you realize someting as you look at one of the houses.
Reefer Rick!
The guy Eddie got his drugs from. He’s out of town on a vacation or something. But that’s his house. Had he has a massive garage. Its in the middle of the woods and it’s obviously a good hiding place. You’re pretty tired from giving birth yesterday. But you really want Eddie to meet Alice. So if you’re home alone you gonna walk there to look if he’s there.
There are more places he possibly can be. Like maybe skull rock, that’s on the route anyways so you can also look there. Your mom parks the car infrond of your house. You kiss her cheek and get up.
“thanks mom. Have fun at work!” You get out of the car and holding Alice in one hand. You walk to the door and open it with the keys with your other hand. Your mom drives off as you open the door.
“Welcome home….well actually one of your homes your daddy has a home too.” You kiss Alice her cheek. You step inside and push the door close with your hip.
“Im gonna feed you after that you can do a sleepy and than I’ll get you new clothes. Oh and than we gonna look for daddy” You walk to your room. You lay Alice in her little black crib. “don’t fall asleep yet.” You kiss her nose and walk to your closet. You look through the little baby clothes you bought with Eddie last month. You get her a little bat onesie.
“Well I guess that will keep you warm outside. Ill get you some socks also.” You grab her socks and you lay it on your bed. You pick also a outfit for yourself. Just basic grey wide jeans and a oversized shirt. You walks over to your bed and you lay that also down.
Then you walk to pick Alice up, you pick her up and lay down on your bed. You take your shirt off and let her drink. As she starts drinking you look at the photos of you and Eddie all over your wall. You have also a couple of them on your night stand, you grab one from there and shows it to Alice. “that’s how ur daddy looks, pretty huh? Pretty like you.”
You put the photo back and start playing with her hair. “Your hair is so soft” you giggle, “I’m jalous.”
After a while Alice is full. You take her clothes off and change her diaper. Then you put her onesie on. “I’ll just put your socks on if we go outside”
You grab her pacifier and puts it in her mouth,”let’s see if you gonna use this…” she immediately sucks on it so, it works.
You lay her in her crib and put the blanket over her. then you give her the dragon plushie Eddie got for her a week ago.
“mommy is gonna take a quick shower. I really need it.” You giggle and kiss her head.
You get out of the shower and you wrap a towel around you. You walk to your room again silently. You put some panties on but no bra. That’s easier to feed Alice if she’s hungry. You look in the crib seeing her asleep. You smile, she’s so cute. With her little lips you wanna kiss. After you grab your clothes from the bed you put them on.
You go downstairs leaving the door open so you could hear if she woke up. It actually feels like you have a kid in forever. You already got a bit used to it and thats good.
You feel like eating. But it needs to be a little healthy. So you decided to make yourself some crackers with avocado and some other stuff. You also put some water in a glass and you sit down with it by the table.
You enjoyed your meal, after 10 minutes you finish everything so you got upstairs again. It pretty strange you still have your belly but it’s just kind of empty. You giggle at that thought.
You walk over to your mirror and your table with some skincare stuff, jewelry and make up.
Make up or not? That question is in your head for maybe 30 minutes now. You look pretty tired of yesterday. So you decided put some concealer, mascara and eyeliner on. You dry your hair and put it in a bun.
“I think it’s okay.” You whisper to yourself.
You lay on your bed. Thinking about some stuff. You miss Eddie so much. The moments you had with eacother were so sweet and lovely. You’re scared it’s never gonna happen again. What if the police are gonna kill them or something. And shit. What if Jason want him to pay for ‘killing Chrissy”? Are they gonna kill him?. But it’s not true. Eddie did nothing. He could never.
After minutes of over thinking you hear some baby noices.
“oh..hey” you whisper and you get up. You grab a black jacket and you put it on. You pick Alice up and lay her down on the bed. Alice has woken up so time to look for Eds.
“let’s put your socks on” you smile at her and put her little thick socks one.
After that you hold her against your chest then you put the zipper up. You leave it open enough for her to breathe ofcourse.
You put you converse on and walk off the stairs. You grab just a random chocolate bar and put it in your pocket, with your keys. “let’s find daddy!” You smile and walk out closing the door behind you.
After 20 minutes of walking you arrive by skull rock. You’re so tired already. You put the hood on from your jacket. You walk around there,
“Are you hire?”
No awnser. You starting to get worried. Only one place left…
“well I guess your dad is not hire..” You start walking to Rick his house. You look behind you just for one last time. You sigh. You miss Eddie so much.
Every step you take gets heavier. Your legs get weak. You look around you. You can already see his house. Its not that far but it feels like years.
The sun is shining, but it’s pretty cold. You hold Alice a little tighter against you. Just to keep her warm. The leafs making souds under your shoes. Then you arrive at the house you stand infrond of the frond door. You swallow.
You decide to knock on the door. But no one awnsers. You try it again. Still no one. The lights inside are off also. Looks empty. You look around again.
When you looks around you notice the big garage thing again. It rather looks like a second house it was so big. Still with your hood on you decided to walk over to there silently.
You notice it’s not locket so you open the door. It’s making a loud noise. Your heart was in your throat. You take a step inside and you close the door behind you.
But then…
Someone pushes you really hard against the wooden wall. Your head and back bang against it with a loud noice. You look up because you feel a sharp object against your throat. It felt like a knife. That moment you tought you were gonna die. You can’t see who’s holding you but that person is really fucking strong. But then you realize you have Alice in your jacket.
“s-stop….i… I have a baby with me..”You whisper out of breath silently. Your back and head hurt as hell. You feel a bit blood dripping down your neck.
Then suddenly you hear a similar voice but stil too stressed to notice it, “a .…b-..baby…?”
“Yeah….she’s a day old please let me go..” He let you go and you let yourself kinda fall back on the ground. Your breath is fast. Really fast. And your heart is going wild. You put the zipper down to look if she’s okay. And she is. Then you wipe the blood off.
“Jesus, I’m sorry. I didn’t notice it was you…” He sits down next to you. You look at him and now you notice it’s Eddie. But you’re not even happy to see him.
“Yeah I bet you are.” You talk in a mean tone and look down at Alice again.
“god. Is that ours.?” He looks at her.
“Well yeah shes supposed to but her dad wasn’t even with me by her birth.” You feel anger.
“Fucking hell. I hate this. Why it has to happen to me. You probably think I killed her her don’t you?” He looks sad. You see the pain in his eyes as you look up at him. Your heart breaks.
“Can you explain.?” Your tone soften.
“only if I can hold her...”he points at Alice
“oh- yeah…umhh.. sure.” You get her out of your jacket and give her carefully to him. He takes her so carefully.
“for god sake she’s so perfect.”He looks at her.
“yeah and the most important is she’s healthy, has 10 toes and 10 fingers.” You smile a little. You wait for him to explain but you give them some dad and kid time.
“that’s also good”He whispers. You tab your fingers on the floor.
“Uh..-..Well w-where to start…” he thinks for a second. And you see the tears appearing in his eyes already.
“I took Chrissy to my home because she needed something stronger so I was looking for it. I couldn’t find it in the kitchen so I went to my room….” You listen good to him but you can see he don’t like to talk about it. You wrap your arm around his shoulder to give him a little comfort.
“It’s okay..take your time” you kiss his cheek.
He nods, “I left her a-alone….just for a minute maybe….but when I c-ame back……”he swallows and starts crying.
“..s-she was in something like a….a t-trans… her eyes w-where…rolled back…” he grabs your hand.
“A-and…I tried to wake..h-her., but…she started….god damn it. I know it sounds stupid…”
“no no it don’t. tell me baby…” you rub your thumb over his hand.
“okay..we’ll..she started f-floating….like … I don’t know…then she like…g-got pulled at the celling ..fuck I know you not believing me” he’s so traumatized.
“I do baby. I do believe you.” He looks at you like you’re crazy.
“Umhh…then…h-her:.b-bones stared s-snapping…and her eyes….p-popped out…then she dropped on the floor…” he hides his face in your chest, “and i fucking ran…”
“Eddie I think every single person would ran.” The story is weird. But still you trying to comfort him.
“I gonna start thinking I’m cursed or something…”
“well than I’ll be cursed with you. I’ll never leave you.”
He sighs, “but now I can’t be home with you and her-….what’s her name actually…?”
“oh it’s Alice.” You kiss his head.
“you d-did name her that?” He looks up at you. You wipe some of his tears away.
“you did actually” you smile. Eddie looks down at Alice.
“she looks like me…”
“that’s what everyone is saying” you giggle.
“who has seen her already.?” Alice grabs Eddie his fingers.
“umh.. Wayne, Gareth, Jeff, my mom and the doctors ofcourse.”
“shit I’m really late. M sorry I wasn’t there for you two...”
“don’t worry about it I’m already happy I found you.” You play with his hair. Well atleast now he let you. He’s not frustrated just sad, worried and traumatized.
Eddie rubs her head, “well she also kinda looks like her mom.”
“just her nose and face a little.” You smile at him.
“She’s really pretty. Like you.”hes still looking at her.
“And also you.” He smiles and is busy with Alice again. It was silent for a maybe 10 minutes. But in a comfortable way.
Them suddenly Eddie asks random, “You have food?”
“I breastfeed her.?”
“No I mean for me” he looks like he already know you’re gonna say no.
“oh” you giggle, “I have a chocolate bar.?”
“Can I PLEASE have it Im starving.” you grab it out of you pocket ad give it to him,”there you go. All urs.”
“fuck, thank you.” He grabs it and opens it fast. Then he starts eating and well.. you can see he’s starving..
“You want a piece too?” He look at you.
“no it’s urs. I’m not hungry.” You are still playing with his hair. In meanwhile Alice falls asleep.
“she’s asleep.. what now.?”
“just let her sleep silly” you giggle a bit.
“shes pretty bald” Eddie looks at her. God that man is so random. You love him for that.
“Yeah but you can see her dark curls already.”
Eddie puts his hand on your leg, “when you going home.?”
“You want me gone already?” You laugh.
“No no no you know what I mean” he shakes his head.
“in maybe a hour? I need to cook dinner sooo” Eddie looks sad.
“I wish I could stay forever but I have a baby to take care of now…m sorry sweetheart..” you give him a pec.
“I wish I could help you with that…” He looks down at Alice.
“me too, but it’s just the situation now…I don’t think you can go to mine that’s too dangerous…”
Eddie nods, “can we atleast make out?”
“are you in the mood then..?” You look at him.
“god. I fucking missed you. Yes I am.”
“really.?”you look surprised.
“Yes ofcourse” you smile. You pick Alice up from his lap and you take off your jacket to put it on the ground. You place sleeping Alice in the jacket and you wrap it around her.
“Come hire” Eddie sits up against the wall and he tabs his finger on his lap.
“I’m still heavy, still have my belly.”
“I don’t care.” He grabs your hand and he pulls you on his lap. You giggle and sit on his lap. Immediately Eddies lips crash against yours. In a soft loving way. He puts his hand in your shirt and moves his hands up to your tits. He cups them a squeezes a bit.
“They are bigger” He talks with his lips against yours.
“no shit. Maybe cause there is milk in them.” Eddie shakes his head. You smile and continue kissing him again. Eddie licks your bottom lip and you open your mouth for him. He immediately take his change to kiss you with tongue. You kiss him back with your tongue in a perfect rhythm. He pulls your shirt a little up to see your boobs.
“so fucking perfect.” He looks at them and starts placing kisses there. You let out a little moan.
“baby…?” You look down at him.He gives one last pec on them and looks up at you.
“what if I go eat dinner and after that ill come back with also some for you?” You play with his hair.
“Okay..but please don’t tell anyone I’m hire…Kay.?”He kisses your cheek and puts your shirt down. You get of his lap and sits next to him.
“I will not even tell hellfire or my mom. Promise.”
“Can Alice stay with me?”
“yeah sure but let me feed her first” you pick her put carefully and starts trying to wake her up a bit.
“okay, but what if she’s crying?” He grabs her hand carefully.
“than you give her pacifier or her plushie and you just hold her close. You got it i promise you”you smile as Alice slowly stared to wake up.
“Where are they?”
“she has her pacifier in her mouth and her plushie is in my pocket I guess..” you grab your jacket and feel in your pockets.
“hire it is” you grab it and give it to Eddie. Alice is already shearing for your nipple with her mouth around your shirt.
You giggle and take your shirt off, “there you go.” She starts drinking while looking at Eddie with her adorable puppy eyes.
“Awhh the so cute”
“can you understand how cute you are?”
“I can do puppy eyes so does she” he grins
“We’re good in making babies that’s one thing.” You giggle again.
“maybe we can make her a sibling…”
“Who knows… maybe in the future.” You smile and kisses his cheek. Alice pulls away and looks a little allround. You wipe her mouth off and give her to Eddie. Then you get up to put ur shirt back on.
“alright what do you all need?”
“blanket, food, drugs and beer.” He holds Alice in his arms.
“hell no. No drinking or smoking. Just the blanket and the food is enough mr Munson.” You look down at him.
“Why you being so mean sweetheart” he acts like he’s offended and puts his hand on your leg.
You shake your head,”fine just one joint.” He blows you a kiss while you walk to the door.
“be careful baby.” He looks a little worried.
“As long you protect yourself and Alice Im okay.” You smile and open the door carefully. As you see no one around you run out closing the door behind you. As you can’t see the house anymore you walk. All the little smiles or laughs Eddie did were all fake. You noticed that. It makes you worried.
You close the door behind you. Eddie lays on the ground with sleeping Alice in his arms. You walk closer and you see Eddie is sleeping too. You put the bag down and you sit next to him. You already ate some spaghetti at home. You move his head carefully on your lap. You see he had wrapped his leather jacket around Alice. After a couple minutes Eddies eyes open.
“Hey” he whispers.
“hey sleepyhead” you smile, “I’ve got your food” Eddie smiles and sits up holding Alice. You get the bowl spaghetti out of the bag.
“let’s trade” You give him the bowl and Eddie gives Alice.
“oeh Its still warm” he smiles and starts eating.
“mhmm.” You take the blanket out and you put it over Eddie his legs.
“I even got a pillow.” You lay your head against his shoulder.
“you’re the best.” He kisses your cheek
“I know I am.” You laugh a little. Eddie shakes his head. You grab a beer out of your bag and put it next to Eddie.
“I thought maybe you can use one?” You smiles also Eddie smiles. He finally smiles.
“oh you just have to wait if I’m out of hire I’m gonna do so much back for you. I love you.” He gives you a pec. You smile and take some candy out for him.
“it’s my job ya know. You’re not only the dad of my kid but also my everything.” He smiles still and looks at Alice.
“And I love you more by the way.” You chuckle.
“I’m not gonna start this fight miss y/l/n.”He takes your hand. You smile and kiss his knuckles.
“I have to go in a little hour. I’ll come vist you tomorrow again kay?”
“Yeah sure.” He continues eating.
You get up and walk a little around, looking at the place and some stuff. Alice wakes up from the sunset in her face. She makes some noice, it sounds like whines. She’s probably irritated you woke her up.
“o well sorry missy.” You look down at her with a little giggle. You turn her around so her face is against your chest.
“better?” You kiss her head. Eddie looks at you being the best mom while eating. She grabs your shirt and moves her hand.
“you gonna play with my shirt now?” You smile.
“you mean my shirt princess.” Eddie corrects you.
“sorry” you chuckle.
“I like you wearing my clothes it’s cute” he eats again. Alice looks up at you. She makes some irritated moans. It makes you giggle.
“damn what do you want cutie?” You kiss her nose.
“maybe she wants me” He looks confident.
“Selfish from you” you giggle and Eddie does too. You shake your head and give Alice to Eddie. She grabs his hair and pulls it pretty hard.
“ouch!!!” He grabs her hand and tries to make her let his hair go. It made you laugh. As she finally let go you take the rubberband out of your hair and give it to him.
“yeah thanks. She’s a pretty feisty lady.
“I see” you giggle still a little.
You start walking around again and you look what’s on table. Just some cigarettes and other shit. There also was a boat and definitely a lot of things everywhere. You look out of the window, the sunset was gorgeous above lovers lake.
You stare at the sunset for a couple minutes but you turn around cause you hear some baby giggles. You see Eddie tickeling Alice her little feet. Alice is not the only one laughing cause Eddie is too. You giggle a bit and walk over to them. It’s actually the first time you hear Alice laughing. Its a adorable sweet little laugh.
Eddie looks up at you, “you never heard her laughing, did you?” You shake your head no. Eddie smiles and looks down at her again then kisses her face. They are so lovely.
to be continued….
I’m not sure if I did the tag list correct, Im not a pro with tumblr (yet??) but hire it is ig!
@kellyxo1 @wish-upon-a-star-1310 @notsobubblybaby @amira0303 (love you guys)
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ellatoone7 · 2 years
Jersey Roulette (Alessia Russo x Ella Toone x Reader)
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Having two girlfriends who play football on the same team is a lot more difficult than you would think.
The fact you hated Manchester United more than anything in the whole world didn’t help either. You had refused to put one of their jerseys on as your heart has always and will always be with Liverpool.
“Please! Just for a few minute!
“No, absolutely not!”
It was the same conversation over and over as Ella held her jersey out for you, once again you had refused it.
“Ella! I’m not wearing it! My dad would kill me! I wouldn’t be caught dead in one!”
“It’s just a jersey, no need to be so dramatic!”
Alessia who had been listening to this dead end conversation for the last hour had finally decided to intervene, “Babe, she’s not gonna put it on! Like you’d never put on a Liverpool jersey, El.”
You nod gratefully at your rational girlfriend, “But she won’t wear the England jersey either, Less!”
“Obviously because I’m not from England!” You sat down next to Alessia as Ella huffed, she’s been dying to get you in her jersey since she’s met you but you’ve not once budged.
What they didn’t know is that you’d wear both their jerseys when they were out or if they were playing a match you couldn’t go see.
Ella was still grumbling while Alessia placed her hand on your thigh, you looped your arm into hers and rested your head on her shoulder while she kissed your temple.
The next day Ella and Alessia had gone out for training, you threw Alessia’s United jersey on while you went to make breakfast for yourself.
Turning Alexa on while you cooked some pancakes, a few extra for Ella knowing she would be hungry after training. You had obviously lost track of time as you heard the front door opening.
You panicked and quickly took the jersey off hiding it behind your back while your two sweaty girlfriends shuffle in to the kitchen.
“Hey, love! Oooo pancakes!” Ella kisses your cheek while stealing a plate of pancakes, Alessia glanced at you weirdly and shuffled awkwardly.
“Why’ve you no top on?” You immediately flush red, “Ugh…it was too hot.” You watched in horror as realisation crossed your blonde girlfriends face when she caught a piece of her jersey peaking out from behind you.
“Oi! Tooney!” You quickly rushed to your girlfriend placing your hand over her mouth, “Shhhhhh!” Luckily Ella was oblivious as she didn’t move from the couch watching a re run of a match.
“Please, Less!” Alessia caught your arm before chuckling quietly, “Put it on.” You stared up at her pleadingly, “Put it on or I’ll tell Ella you only wear my jerseys.”
“Your evil.” She just shrugged and nodded to her jersey, you sighed before slowly putting it on. Alessia watched in awe, her eyes glazing over in lust as she sees her jersey on you.
“Happy now.” You hiss at the smug girl, your taken back when you see her hungry look. “Do a spin.”
“Less, no!” She gives you a pointed look before opening her mouth, “Okay, okay fine!” You slowly spin around and her mouth goes dry when she sees her name on the back.
“Jesus, fuck.” She’s hit with very inappropriate scenarios where your wearing nothing but her jersey. She slides towards you gently pushing you back against the counter.
Your breath hitches as she trails wet kisses up your neck, your clutching onto her back before she lifts you up onto the counter effortlessly.
She pulls you into a filthy kiss dragging a moan from the back of your throat, “Less, I need you.” She nods feverishly before physically pulling herself away from you, “Meet me upstairs, I want you in nothing but the jersey.”
You don’t hesitate as you race up the stairs, Alessia groans quietly as she watches her name disappear with you. She mentally prepared herself before she leans against the doorframe where Ella’s sitting.
“I’m just going for a shower, babe.” Ella barely acknowledges her as she hums, eyes glued to the match on the TV.
Alessia knows that she has about an hour with you in her jersey before Ella forces you to wear hers instead.
She quickly escaped taking the stairs two at a time as she raced up to you. She didn’t waste a second as she crawled up your body while kissing your neck, hands roaming your jersey clad body whimpering at the thought of her name on your back.
“I can’t feel my legs.” You say as you lay on her chest still clad in her jersey, your breathing has just about evened out.
“A job well done, then.” You struggled to hit her but eventually your hand pathetically hit her, she chuckled gently before kissing you softly. “It looks good on you.” She breathed out, “So, so good.”
She leaned over you as her hands travelled down to your waist, she still couldn’t comprehend that you were wearing her jersey.
“What time is it?” You asked, Less leaned over to grab her phone, “4.” Your eyes widened you’d been going at it for more than an hour.
“Jesus Christ, Less!” The girl just chuckled before tucking you back into her arms, kissing your cheek.
“You think I’m bad but wait until Ella sees you in hers, you won’t be able to walk for months!”
You nod thinking back to how desperate Ella had been yesterday. “I fucking knew it!” You jumped when you heard Ella’s voice, Alessia just laughed gently as she pulled you closer.
“She looks good, eh?” Ella just stands there with a big pout on her face, you know Alessia has a smug smirk plastered on her lips behind you.
“That’s so unfair, babe!” You hold your hands up in defence, “She caught me in it, El!”
“Why weren’t you wearing mine!” Alessia chuckled behind her which led to Ella giving her a playful glare.
“Because I wore yours last time!” Alessia sat up straighter as they both echoed each other.
“Last time!”
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fuckalicent · 10 months
hotd ao3 recs that make me slightly feral
it’s finally here!!! i will potentially be adding to this in the future so keep an eye out <3 also this may not stick only to hotd and extend to the wider asoiaf world.
baby teeth by zoe_millin_writes
aemond x helaena. incredibly written aemond character analysis. chapters are from aemond’s pov throughout his childhood and into his adulthood and his trauma surrounding sex, his parents, his injury etc etc is so incredibly and profoundly done. i don’t think i’ve read anything more beautiful and intense. there is also one helaena pov and my god is it so amazingly written. the characterisation and details are out of this world. definitely read all the warnings because it is very intense and potentially triggering. the exploration of aemond’s relationship with religion and by extension his mother and sister is done so well and genuinely what kept me tied to this fic.
see, what had happened was… by daylander
aemond x rhaena. from rhaena’s pov. i can’t remember it all as vividly as i should because i read it a while ago but god is it a delight. it’s funny, sad, amusing, entertaining & overall just so incredible. there is so much about rhaena’s experience living without her sister for so long on dragonstone and how it impacts her relationship with baela. so much about her relationship with daemon and by extension the velaryon/targaryen relations. just so so great. the scenes with rhaena and aemond are just.. chef’s kiss. they’re my favourite chaotic childhood friends to… whatever they are LMAO
spring’s end by navree
oneshot (9k words) from alicent’s pov about the lead-up to her wedding to viserys. made me wince more than a few times just because she deserved so much better :( the way her relationships with rhaenyra, her father, viserys & even criston (although brief) are shown is so beautiful and haunting to me.
would that they were not by navree
i fucking cried. a oneshot (7k words) about the fateful encounter with blood and cheese. so beautifully written and the relationships between the kids, alicent, cole and otto are described so heartbreakingly.
in your grave by 136108
This is the thing you married, the voice in the back of her head whispered gleefully. You saw its pretty smile and its dainty hands and so you dragged it into your bed and upon your cock and trusted that it could never hurt you. You bred it like a bitch and you promised to cut out its tongue and all this time you should have been worried about its teeth. But you did not and now it will leech your throne and your legacy and its pretty mouth will swallow the House of the dragon whole.
SO FUCKING CATHARTIC!!! we deserved vengeful evil alicent and i’m forever mad we didn’t get her… season 2 will be her moment trust. this is a short yet incredibly impactful piece about alicent visiting viserys on his death bed. amazingly written and the most satisfying thing ever.
5 times alicent and criston almost kissed and the 1 time they almost didn’t by gracelesson
I FUCKING CRIED!!!!!!!!!!!! most healing comforting beautiful thing ive read in a while oh my god op is crazy talented i’m in awe. the way s/a, marriage, sexuality & growing up were handled here were literally incredible and i cant even begin to express how much i love this. this is a modern au and it’s probably very different from whatever you’re expecting. i adore the dynamics shown between alicent, cole & her children ugh i swear i feel giddy all over. beautiful.
my hand was the one you reached for by nuncasais
literally the best. snapshots of alicent, criston, and her kids’ lives at the keep during the time jump. i love these types of fics that cover unseen periods of time — the detail and thought gone into each chapter is incredible and so so meticulous. chapters are from either criston or alicent’s pov’s. beware u might (definitely) cry.
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m-jelly · 1 year
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Silly mummy
Pairing: Fem!Hange x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Romance, married life, modern AU, fluff, Hange being a mum, cute, silly, fluff.
Concept: Hange and you are proud mums of an adorable baby. One day your wife decides to have a little fun with your baby and have a pretend fight with her. You film it all as you laugh and giggle at how sweet your wife is and how adorable your daughter's squeals of laughter are.
Tagging my the super Hange simp @skittlelover69
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You held your chunky daughter in your arms and patted her thigh as you rocked her. You smiled softly at her making her smile back. You leaned down and kissed her cheek over and over again causing her to squeal with laughter. You hummed a laugh and glanced up to the doorway to see Hange.
You frowned as Hange stood there as if she was ready to fight. "Hange? Darling?" You stared at the headband. "What...what's going on?"
Hange puffed her chest out. "I'm here to fight!"
You giggled. "All right. Fight who?"
She pointed at your baby. "Our baby! Fight me!"
You laughed hard. "Hange, what on Earth?"
She kicked and twisted before posing. "I am ready."
You lay your daughter down on her back and smiled as she gazed lovingly at her mummy Hange. "Your daughter loves you so much."
Hange grinned. "I love her too, but she is my enemy! I have hunted her down for years and now I can act out my evil revenge!"
You pulled your phone out and filmed her as you laughed. "Sure thing. So are you the villain?"
Hange nodded. "I am the villain! I am evil!" She leaned over your baby and held her little arms and got her to punch. "Oof, oof, oof, bang!"
You giggled. "Look at her go!"
Hange pretended to punch her daughter before lifting her up and twirling her as if she was an anime character punched. She carried her daughter to the top of the bed and placed her against the headboard as your daughter squealed with laughter.
Hange panted. "You are unstoppable!" She lay back and lifted her daughter up and used her little feet to fake-kick her. "Ah! Ugh! Oof!" She lifted her daughter up. "Oh no! Not the nappy smash!" She lowered her little girl down and sat her on her chest. "Noooo!"
You hummed a laugh. "That's a deadly move!"
Hange panted. "I have...one last...move!" She rolled over and lay her girl on her back and then started blowing raspberries on her belly. "Take that! And that!"
Your heart fluttered as your daughter squealed with laughter as your wife played with her. "That's a sly move Hange."
Hange took her girl's legs and moved them so her tiny feet hit her in the face. "Ah! Ah! Ugh!" She grabbed her daughter and brought her against her face and flopped back. "The nappy of doom!"
You snorted a laugh. "She does do nasty poops."
Hange sighed. "I am defeated."
Your girl sat up and patted Hange's face. "Ma, ma, ma, ma!"
You ended the recording and picked up your baby and sat her on your lap. "Well, looks like we have a new hero in this house."
Hange opened one eye. "You know, a kiss could help me, it could cure me."
You smirked. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
She pouted. "Kiss?"
"Oh, I don't know..."
She whined at you. "Come on, please?"
You adjusted your daughter before leaning down and kissing your wife. You moaned as she licked your lip and pushed her tongue into your mouth. You both moaned as you kissed each other with love and passion. You felt your heart flutter in your chest at how much your wife loved you.
You pulled back and smiled. "Love you."
Hange blushed. "Love you too." She sat up and smiled at her little girl. "You know, I think I could defeat her next time."
You snorted a laugh. "Maybe, honey, maybe."
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It would be weird- Kacchako (romantic) [Past IzuOcha]
Inspired by this post
Ochako found the better part of her class sitting in a circle on the floor in the common room. Maybe it was nostalgia that compelled them to relive their first bonding night in the dorms, maybe it was sadness at the countdown on their days together. Unlike their first year, however, a slightly-less-grumpy-but-still-grumpy Bakugo joined the festivities (at least mostly) by his own choice. He settled himself diagonal from her, with Kirishima and Mina separating the two.
They joked about the "Dekusquad" and the "Bakusquad," and how the groups blended seamlessly about a third of the way through their second year together. Couples emerged and ended with no animosity. The deep-rooted platonic bond between every member of the group seemed to be indestructible.
...It wasn't like Ochako hadn't thought about it. She's had crushes on a few of her classmates, but was too afraid to risk the fallout should their relationship go sour... even though, as she had mentioned, there hasn't been a nasty break up... ever.
Her current crush has tortured her for nearly a year, her mind consistently plagued with scarlet eyes and the crackle of firecrackers. His passion and drive has always drawn Ochako in, but as their friendship grew, she had seen an endearing side to the boy that had completely captured her heart.
But this was it. In less than a month they'd all be going to their new agencies, potentially never working together again. In less than a month, that secretly sweet smile would no longer live across the hall.
"Girl, are you good?" Mina shook Ochako's shoulder, chasing away the thought.
"Wha-? Oh, yeah, sorry! Just, lost in thought I guess," she trailed off with a laugh.
"So? Truth or dare?" Mina asked, a devious grin on her face.
Ochako swore under her breath. Izuku or Jirou would've given her something low-risk, but Mina was evil in these games. What she chose didn't matter--she was going to reveal something. "Ugh, Mina why me?" she whined. "Fine. Uh, truth? I guess? Please be nice to me."
Mina laughed, "No way. Hmmm," she tapped her index finger to her chin as she thought, glancing at Bakugo before turning back to her.
Shit. Why did she tell Mina she had a thing for Bakugo??
"Why haven't you dated anyone since your two dates with Midoriya? And I know for a fact it's not that you still like him," she teased. Ochako and Midoriya decided together that they loved each other in a strictly platonic way after a catastrophic attempt at kissing each other.
"Mina, please," Ochako cried, her face blooming in red as her friends laughed. She knew that all eyes were on her, but Bakugo's gaze burned into the side of her face, forcing her to look at the floor to avoid making eye contact.
"Wait! Mina, do you know who she likes?!" Hagakure called out, gloved hands flying up to cover her mouth [assumedly].
Ochako whined, admitting to the whole group that yes, she had feelings for someone, and yes, Mina knew their identity.
"I am sworn to secrecy," Mina shook her head, "So, O.cha.ko.chan?" she sang sweetly. "Why are you still single?"
Ochako buried her head in her hands, "I dunno," she admitted after collecting herself, "We've gotten really close as friends and... it'd be weird."
"How do you know?" a new voice spoke up, making Ochako's heart stutter. She snapped her head up, staring at Bakugo with wild eyes. "You're running out of time, Cheeks. You really okay with never knowing if they feel the same way?"
Oh God. Oh no. He knew. He definitely knew. "I don't. uh. I don't think it's mutual so."
"But you don't know?" Bakugo countered. Ochako swore everyone else disappeared, suddenly it was just Bakugo and Ochako, face to face.
"I guess not?" Ochako stammered out, "um. I-- I need to get a drink or uh. I'll be right back, someone else take my turn for me." She rose from her spot, half skipping out of the room to try to play off her panic.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Mina scoot around Kirishima.
In the kitchen, Ochako grabbed two ice packs and all but slammed them against her face. The cold sensation made her gasp, but she needed something, anything to think about except what just happened. She needed to calm down, and quickly.
She startled when the kitchen door slammed open. She felt two hands clap on her shoulder and spin her around. "What did Mina mean by--" Bakugo started to snap, before his eyes focused on the icepacks "What the fuck are you doing."
Ochako stared at him, mouth agape. "What did she tell you?" she forced herself to speak.
"Just that I needed to go after you. I fucked up, didn't I? I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that."
"It's not that." She set the icepacks down. Now or never. "It wasn't what was said. It was the fact that it was you that said it." She squared her shoulders, embarrassment evolving into frustration. "Bakugo, if you knew I liked you, why would you embarrass me like that?!"
"I-!" Bakugo faltered. He dropped his hands from her shoulders, dumbly pointing at himself with his left hand. "Me?"
Ochako blinked owlishly at the boy. "Are you saying... you didn't know?"
Bakugo screwed up his face, "No?! Because if I knew, we wouldn't be having this conversation, dumbass! I-" He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he took a deep breath. Ochako was too distracted by her own heart pounding in her ears to notice the crimson blush radiating from his ears.
"You were going to let us graduate without telling me?" he said after a while, his voice wavering as he tried to rein in his emotions.
"I mean, yeah. I don't want to lose you, and.."
"You thought you'd lose me what, if we broke up?"
"yeah? Or if you were weirded out that I liked you, or--"
"Stop. Stop. I," his hands found her shoulders again. "I was going to tell you on Graduation Day. That way if you rejected me I wouldn't have to think about you being across the fuckin' hall." She felt his hands tug on her shoulders, coaxing her toward him. Ochako beamed, throwing herself against him and wrapping her arms around him.
They held each other for a beat, before the rest of the situation reentered their minds. "We should go back, I don't want to miss our last real hangout as a group," Ochako lamented as she stepped out of his grasp. Bakugo nodded, gesturing for her to lead the way.
As they entered back into the room, the game was still in full swing. Kirishima was upside-down, doing handstand pushups in the center of the circle. Laughing at their friend's antics, the two settled back into the circle opting this time to sit side by side.
Kirishima flipped back to his feet, giving a dramatic bow to the cheers from the circle. "Bakubro! Did you see that?" Kirishima beamed at his best friend. "Bet you can't beat my record!" he teased, leaning down to be closer to eye level without sitting.
Bakugo scoffed, leaning back on his arms, "Shut the fuck up, you know I can kick your ass at anything." Ochako rolled her eyes, laughing lightly at his showboating. He glanced at her, the right side of his mouth curling up at her reaction.
"Okay, Fine. Bakugo. Truth or dare?" Kirishima asked, a challenge in his grin.
"Bring it on. Dare. And make it a good one, none of that baby shit."
"I dare you to climb up th--" Kirishima started, before Mina leaped to her feet and slapped her hand over his mouth.
"No! Physical challenges aren't a dare to Bakugo!" Mina interrupted. "We need to hit him where it hurt. Emotions."
The entire group crowed with laughter. Izuku laughed so hard his eyes began to water. "Shut up," Bakugo groaned. He shot an icy glare toward Izuku, "especially you, shithead." He shifted his gaze back to Mina. "Go ahead."
Mina's eyes met Ochako's quickly before returning to the blonde. "I dare you to confess to your crush." She smirks.
Bakugo deadpanned. "Nah. Can't do that. Gimme another one."
Mina put her hands on her hips, a smug look on her face. "What's the matter? Scared?"
"Nah. It's not that. It's just--" Reaching out, Bakugo hooked Ochako's farther shoulder with his hand, yanking her toward him. She not-so-gracefully thunked into him, her heart threatening to leap out of her chest. Ochako craned her neck to look at him, wide-eyed. Swiftly, Bakugo leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to Ochako's temple. Looking back to Mina with a toothy grin on his face, Bakugo smugly finished the thought, "I already did."
How many different ways can I write about Uraraka and Bakugo confessing to each other? When I made this side blog, I figured I'd be writing for other ships too, but once I started writing Kacchako, they have completely taken over my brain. I love them so much 😭 Feel free to request other ships if you want. Or if you have other Kacchako requests, I'd be happy to give it a shot! (I also might be working on a bigger fic, Actress/Bodyguard Quirkless AU 👀 But that one will probably be the first fic on my new, second AO3 account lol)
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Summary: The prison falls and y/n is left alone fighting to survive for her and her unborn child, hoping to be reunited with Daryl and the others so she keeps going hoping one day to see them again
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It’s been a few days since the prison got attacked by the governor and we all had to run as the walkers swarmed us
I saw some run in different directions, I tried to look for Daryl but I couldn’t find him and I had to run or I’d die and that’s how I got to be alone right now
I was walking through the forest, hungry and looking for scraps of food when I stumbled across a group of men
They surrounded me getting closer
“Ohhhh this one’s mine” one of the guys said that had longer hair
“Dumbass can’t you see she’s pregnant, no clam on her till she’s popped” an older guy said
“You’re with us now sweetie no need to be scared” he said handing me some water which I quickly drank
I followed them too scared get “punished” as they say, I couldn’t risk hurting my baby
We were walking down a long road when we saw a figure ahead on the road just sitting as we got closer I knew that shaggy hair anywhere
I ran ahead of the others as best I could being 5 months pregnant, I quickly kneeled infront and it was him, the love of my life
“Baby it’s you, I found you” I smiled and his face lit up
He wrapped his arms around me and held me close
“My peach, im so glad yer safe” he said kissing all over my face
“Well what do we have here?” Joe asked laughing
I held tight onto Daryl scared of what they might do to him
“This is my boyfriend” I said as my voice trembled
“He’s got a claim on ya?” Joe asked
“Yes” I looked at Daryl to play along
“Ya she’s mine”
“Okay then, let’s go”
~Later that night~
Daryl and I laid on the floor of an abandoned car shop
“Daryl I’m scared” I whispered hoping the others wouldn’t hear as they were on the car
“Shhh baby I’ll protect ya” he said as he ran his hand through my hair
“Hows the baby?” He asked
“Okay I think, I haven’t eat well in a while so I’m sure she’s hungry too” I said as I rubbed my bump
He sat up and rummaged through his garbage bag and took out a pack of muffins he was keeping, he must have found a house that was untouched
“Here eat some” he said handing me a big chocolate muffin
I ate it immediately feeling better now that I have something in my stomach then he handed me another one
“No we have to save them”
“Peach yer pregnant you need to eat more” he smiled
“Ugh fine” I said taking it and eating this one slower
I looked around and it looked like everyone was asleep
“I wanna go”
“Not yet, we have to wait okay?”
“Okay I trust you Daryl” I said as I laid back down against his chest
~Next day~
I woke up and sat up seeing Daryl was awake
“How’d ya sleep?” He asked
“Painfully, my hips hurt” I said and he rubbed them as I leaned forward and he sat behind me
“What if we don’t find the others, what if we don’t find a safe place by the time the baby comes?” I said
“Peach I told ya I’d protect ya and that’s what I’ll do, and we will find the others it’ll be okay” I said wrapping his arms around me from the back
He was always so warm and made me feel better
“I love you so much, im so glad I found you again” I sighed
“I love ya too peach, i love the both of ya”
We escaped the horrible group and found Michonne Rick and Carl and we were now on our way to Terminus
We approached the building but Rick decided to go through the back
Daryl helped me over the wall and we entered the back door
One thing led to another and turns out these people were evil, we tried to run but they cornered us, we lined up to get in the train container but they held me back
“Daryl!” I screamed trying to get away
“Let her go” he groaned
“Nah she’s ours now, a plump thing like her is gonna be tasty”
“Please don’t hurt me” I cried trying to get back to Daryl but they dragged me away screaming
He tried to fight his way to me but they knocked him out
Daryl POV~
I woke up to my mouth covered and my hands tied behind my back, I looked around and Rick bob and Glenn were beside me in the same situation
All I could think of though was finding y/n, I just pray they haven’t killed her
One by one they killed the others at the end until there was an explosion outside and garreth left that’s when Rick killed the others
He cut us free and we collected weapons
“Come on we gotta go” Rick said
“But we gotta find y/n” I said
“We can’t” bob said
“I’m not leaving until I have her” I glared as I left and thankfully they followed, we ran through the buildings and finally I found her, strung up by her hands, cuts all over her and she was obviously passed out
Rick and the others killed whoever was there and I just focused on untying her
I picked her up in my arms and we ran, meeting up with the others, it was a struggle get her over the fence but thankfully everyone made it out
We made our way back to where we buried the weapons and I sat her down against a tree
“Please wake up peach” I said trying to shake her awake
Y/n pov~
I groaned out in pain as I opened my eyes, that’s when I remembered everything that happened, they dragged me to a building and strung me up, I tried to kick them away but they held me down
That garreth guy took a knife and cut off my shirt, ran his knife across my bump and cut but not feeling enough to hurt the baby, then cut my arms and legs and I passed out from blood lose
“Daryl” I called out as I looked up to see him kneeling in front of me
“Hey ya alright?” He asked he looked scared
“It hurts” I groaned feeling all the cuts
“It’ll be okay peach, I’ll get ya cleaned up”
This story was terrible oof, sorry
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ssickabit · 2 years
Dunno if you’re a caratstay like me but…. Just IMAGINE a bangchan x seungcheol threesome🥵🥵 ugh my two fav leaders EVER! also my biases from their respective groups!🥰 bangchan and coups BEST LEADERS!!! >.< 🥺😖😢💕💓💗💖💘💞💕💘💖💗💖
but goodness that’d be SO intense. im usually a soft stan but sometimes all I want is for two sexy, masculine, muscular, virile men like them to RAVISH my fragile holes and devour the hell out of me until i reach transcendental states and I can’t walk the next day 🥺 and then they carry me around like a bride and tell me that im such a good girl to them 🥺
imagine that bangchan is your sweet, wholesome husband. and single dad!seungcheol as his lovely best friend. seungcheol has always had a lowkey crush on you since chan introduced you to him. and he was a little sad that channie found u first. but he always remained happy for the two of you even after marriage. he never wants to start drama, come across as creepy, or interfere with anyone’s happiness. one day, seungcheol finally has the guts to tell him this and bangchan smiles, appreciating his honesty. the conversation goes on for a while. eventually, it turns rated r and that’s when bangchan has a lightbulb moment - a threesome!!!!
once you come home after a long day of shopping with ur besties (and using chan’s credit card to buy everything😉), he talks to you about the visit seungcheol made earlier that day and everything that went down. he asks about the possibility of a threesome. hearing such raunchy words exit his mouth gives u the goosebumps. you respect seungcheol and would trust him to have safe, loving sex with u and chan. and u are completely down for it…
cheol visits your guys’ house every few days and takes things slowly. chan and cheol want to make sure that you’re safe and don’t get hurt 🥺 massaging your body with almond oil and kissing you all over…and then experimenting with fingering, toys, and oral on you, and eventually getting rougher as time goes by 🤭
you love the feeling of two hot dilfs treating you like a princess and tell you that you’re such an amazing, obedient little angel for being able to take two cocks at the same time 🥰 cheol in your mouth and chan in your pussy. two wholesome dilfs who transform into ravenous beasts whenever they’re in bed with you….always wearing pretty pink lingerie that makes you seem innocent…yet not so innocent…..you’re a delectable little sweetheart to them. they’d worship your body like a goddess and revere you like there’s no tomorrow…
and sometimes they say things like “i guess our princess can’t decide whose cock she likes better. what a sweet little cockslut” or “our cute angel has become such a nymphomaniac for her two daddies huh?”
constantly inundating you with intense orgasms and pleasure from all directions 🥰 and WHEW just the sight of the three of their sweaty naked sexy bodies makes me so .... 🥵
And then the aftercare😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫them turning all soft and nurturing again😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫telling u that you did so well and then massaging ur body and taking care of u the next day cuz they KNOW you’re gonna be sore
I am actually a caratstay and I am very much devastated by this ask because BESTIE???
*clears throat* I think we reached the point where me, a fellow writer, can’t even write any single thoughts because this is just TOO MUCH (/pos). So here’s some of my thoughts you might wanna read because I am just full of ~horny thoughts~ where Bangchan gives you some time alone to explore yourself with Seungcheol (without intention of crossing the boundaries) :
Bangchan is mostly a soft dom, that’s very true, but when it comes to Seungcheol A means A and B means B. Bangchan still gives you the space to be a brat and just taming you in the softest way possible, but Seungcheol? Do it as he says or you won’t get what you want. Pretty strict with his rules which is also agreed by you and full of your consent of course. This makes you thrilled in some way *evil laugh*
Touching you with delicacy is what Bangchan always does but with Seungcheol he will shove your head on the bed, back’s arching to him as he is thrusting his hip from the back. Even if the pace is kinda rough, Seungcheol is still considering the gentleness in his moves (yeah talk about that to the bruises in your hips lololol)
Lots dirty talk and degrading is what Seungcheol loves. This is quite the opposite of Bangchan—which he is just really love praising—and he likes it when you talk back, it makes something inside of him very excited. “Yeah? Look now who’s aching for my cock” “you dirty slut, say it. Say my name” while exactly pounding into without mercy.
Sometimes he is just making Chan’s ego in the edge of the downfall because look at him. Very cocky and shit. “Look, Chan, look at how pathetic she is” and a lot of smirks when he watches you and Chan fucking each other.
He is kind of hesitant about aftercare at first because this is out of his capabilities right? But his leader self is saying the otherwise. He will give you water and let you pee, then he will run you a bath. He brushes your hair of course! He won’t leave any marks on you besides the one at your hips because of his hands—he does that to respect Bangchan. Or, the marks on your neck because of his fingers when he is fucking your throat with his cock. Or on your buttcheeks because he can’t help but spank you. But he will be glad to see how you marked his body *wink*
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lipstickmarks · 1 year
Eddie: *tries to kiss Chrissy*
Chrissy: wait Eddie I have morning breath!
Eddie: Princess you know exactly where my mouth was last night do you really think a little morning breath is going to bother me?
Boooooo, Tumblr just barely showed me this ask from FEBRUARY! Ugh anyway, here's some horny stuff :)
Eddie is so the type to make absolutely absurd naughty remarks just to make Chrissy blush and wine. Chrissy really is the epitome of the "I'm shy but deep down wanna get fucked like a whore" meme.
He Looks Up Grinning Like a Devil
Pairing: Eddie Munson X Chrissy Cunningham
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: Bondage, cum denial, possessive Eddie, alternating POV, established relationship, smut, oral sex (f receiving), nipple play, unprotected sex, slight overstimulation, slight Dom/sub dynamics (m Dom, f sub).
Keep reading
His tongue was deep inside her, licking and suckling at just the right spots, pulling moan after moan from her.
"Eddie..." Chrissy mewled, her face warm and contorted in pleasure.
Eddie said nothing, he didn't need to. He swirled his tongue around her clit, sending a pulse of pleasure throughout Chrissy's core. She tried to squeeze her legs together but Eddie's head prevented her from doing so. In fact, she couldn't go anywhere even if she tried.
Eddie had either of Chrissy's wrists pinned to his bed frame and her thighs slung over his shoulders while he ate her out. It was something they just recently tried and Chrissy was surprised how much she enjoyed it. In fact, she was the one who broached the subject.
"So, I read this story in Cosmo... about this couple who tried this thing in bed--"
Soon after that, the silk scarves became part of their routine. Eddie would pin Chrissy's wrists back while he kissed her and then, once she was sated and bound, he would fuck her in any way he pleased until she was shaking and crying.
Tonight was no different.
"Jesus Christ, Eddie." Chrissy whined as Eddie licked her to the brink of an orgasm. She felt the familiar build up and her skin felt like it was on fire. "I'm gonna cum!"
And no sooner than she said it did Eddie completely withdraw from her, leaving Chrissy empty and pulsating around nothing. She made an affronted squawk- how dare he! She had been so close to finishing, she could feel a phantom orgasm ghosting through her body
"Eddie!" Chrissy whined.
Eddie crawled over Chrissy's body, balancing himself over her in a push-up position. He held himself up by his fists and drank Chrissy in, admiring the ways in which her body reacted to him.
He leaned down and wrapped his lips around her nipple, sucking harshly. Marking Chrissy up was almost as enjoyable as making her cum. Eddie relished in the fact that everyone would know Chrissy was his.
He lowered his body onto Chrissy's, his bare chest flush against hers. The only clothes he still had on were his black ripped jeans. Chrissy, on the other hand, was completely naked for him.
While he sucked a bruise onto on nipple, he used his right hand to feel up the other side. Chrissy moaned at the dual sensation.
Eddie was so evil, bringing her to the brink of pleasure just to draw back and then wind her up again. Everyone who had ever warned her about him was right- he was a devil. A delectable, hedonistic, euphoric devil who lured her into his garden.
And she would happily rot away here. The thought of spending her days in Eddie's bed, twisted into any position he wanted her, taking pounding after pounding, orgasming to the point that her vocal chords gave out. Everyone loves to say that Eddie hypnotized Chrissy- used some kind of dark magic to kidnap her. And if that were the case? Chrissy was more than happy to spend the rest of her days bare fleshed with her captor as his pliable, fuckable doll.
Without warning, Eddie reached down with his free hand and slid a finger into her, filling the void left when he removed his head from between her legs.
"More, Eddie please, use two fingers, I need more." Chrissy begged, her eyes screwing shut.
He released her tit from his mouth and placed a series of wet, open-mouthed kisses to her chest. "Anything you desire, my love." He said, adding another finger.
Chrissy moaned from the extra pressure. Two fingers wasn't quite comparable to Eddie's dick but it was something. He pumped his two fingers in and out of her quickly, then added a third.
"Ah!" She cried out, yanking her arms against the restraints. She wanted to tangle her fingers into Eddie's hair; stroke his face, run her nails down his back, palm him through his jeans, something.
"You wanna get your hands all over me, dontcha, pretty girl?" Eddie purred.
Chrissy nodded pathetically.
"Please, Eddie I want to touch you."
Eddie crawled further up her body and placed a kiss to her lips, then her jaw, then her collarbone, and then he trailed a line of kisses across her shoulder, and down her arm , all the way to her wrists where she was tied up.
He sat up and grabbed the two ends of the scarf. Chrissy sighed in relief at the opportunity to finally touch Eddie... until she felt him tighten the restraints.
"Eddie!" Chrissy pouted.
Eddie smirked as he tightened the other restraint.
"Sorry, sweetheart, I just love watching you squirm." Eddie took Chrissy's chin in his hand and gave her a lazy smile. "You can touch me all you want after I get my dick in you, kay?"
Chrissy nodded, though a pout remained. She wanted to touch Eddie, desperately, but she also knew what was coming next would be even more thrilling.
Eddie disrobed completely and stroked himself before he climbed onto the bed once more. He teased her with just the tip, swirling his head around her entrance before he finally pushed into her.
"Ahh!" Chrissy cried as her walls were stretched out from Eddie's girth.
Once he bottomed out, Chrissy sighed contentedly.
Eddie silenced her sigh with a kiss, eagerly mashing his lips against hers. He slid his tongue in and kissed her hard and deep.
When he pulled away from the kiss, he placed his large hands on her hips and nuzzled into her neck.
"You ready for me?"
Chrissy nodded, pressing her forehead to Eddie's.
"I'm ready."
With her go ahead, Eddie started moving. The two of them had been in a physical relationship for the last two months. It had been hot and heavy from the get-go, as if the two of them were put on this Earth to make love to one another. Eddie usually took his time, but sometimes he was just in the mood to fuck her hard and fast.
He snapped his hips against hers in a ferverish rush. He pumped in and out of her while pressing kisses to her neck. Chrissy tried to pull against the restraints again, but to no avail. Eddie double-knotted them this time.
All she could do was lay there while Eddie fucked her until she came.
The pressure was almost dizzying. Eddie managed to hit all the right spots. Chrissy threw her head back onto the pillow and screamed as he fucked her.
She was panting, moaning, sweating, and she could feel Eddie everywhere. It was too much and not enough at the same time. Chrissy could feel her forgotten orgasm from earlier building back up.
"Eddie, I'm gonna-"
"Go ahead, sweetheart." He said, kissing her.
It didn't take more than a few thrusts before Chrissy was cumming, hard. She cried out as the sensation ricocheted through her entire body.
Eddie didn't stop, though. He fucked her through her orgasm until he was spilling into her as well. He gritted his teeth but couldn't help the little scream that fell from his lips. Chrissy was his undoing, she always had been.
Chrissy panted, absolutely spent from the exertion. Eddie disappeared into the bathroom to grab a washcloth. When he came back, he cleaned her up and placed kisses to her thighs while he did so.
He tossed the washcloth into the hamper and then untied the scarves, but not without taking each of her hands in his and pressing delicate kisses to her wrists.
"How do you feel, Barbie?"
Chrissy giggled at the nickname. She was in a daze. She felt completely at ease and honestly couldn't remember the last time she was this relaxed. Eddie seemed to have that effect on her, ever since that day in the woods.
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Thanksgiving with Chris and Co. For the first time (choose your own Chris)
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Warnings none its fluff shes nervous.I dont specifically mention names of his family members cause you can choose your own Chris I think most Hollywood Chris’ have sisters, but is just say kids and sisters but its just her meeting “his” family for the first time. I just used my favorite Chris ‘ photo
COMMENTS appreciated!! So are Rebologs . No permission to translate republish or print
My family isn't one for Thanksgiving.
So once Chris heard that he, very quickly invited me to celebrate with him and by invited I mean he was slightly pushy and by slightly pushy I mean he insisted I go and before I knew it there was a plane ticket in my inbox and me without a viable excuse . Chris and his stupid picking me up in a private yet so I can't claim to many people and covid exposure. Damn that man for knowing me so well.
When he saw me he had this sweet but smug smile with his hands out read or a hug. I put my grumbles pouty face on that I could bitin the inside of my mouth so I wouldn't break it as we both often break into smiles seeing eachother.
I passed him but he had brought me into a hug anyway.
"Hey baby" he wispered even though it was the two of us and I know there's a steward or two somewhere but they weren't around.
"Aww why so grumpy? Someone needs a kiss."
I roll my eyes. And somehow my grumpy pout had disappeared but I put it back on.
"Really?" He deadpanned.
"I'm just nervous"
"They're gunna love you."
"Chris i bet you say that to every girl you dated."
"Whats your point thats my job as a boyfriend to be reassuring."
"Great thankks."
"No I mean it though. You're sweet you eat more than a carrots so you've got my moms heart right there. You're great with kids. You can drink my weight in vidka,"
I giggled if only he knew half my shots in bars were water a little deal I work out with the bartenders when Chris and I first started dating I was worried I couldn't keep up with him.
"Yea but I'm better with kids I'd rather color then I dont know people my own age always hate me."
"I dont hate you."
"You're like 5 years older. Doesn't count."
"Sweetie if i didn't think everyone would get along I wouldn't have introduced you during Thanksgiving ok? " he stroaks my face as he helps me buckle in.
He gives me nose a small kiss which I can't help but smile and giggle.
After a nap a few kisses and a bad movie called "before we go" idk if you've heard of it "Ugh love sick dude no one looks that handsome must be prosthetics." I complained with a smile. I got a kiss in return "so you agree "
We get there and then we're getting out if the car to the front door i breathed in
"Ok I can't do this I this is a bad Idea ill just ill feel more comfortable at your house seriously I'm used to spending Thanksgiving like its just a Sunday and"
"Hi come on in" his mothers bright voice greets us and me by name.
I'm a bit shocked but Chris looked amused,
"Come in come in. Christopher take her coat. Ylu can wash your hands in the sink in the kitchen or the bathroom."
I look at Chris.
"I may have told them a bit about you."
Oh god what else did he say?
"Its a good idea honey. " she says.n
I wash my hands and try to calm myself and I walk into Chris when I open the door.
"You ok?"
"Yea just nervous. Really nervous."
"Come on," he offers his hand. "Dont be mad."
Oh god I wanted to throw up
"Oh god."
"No I just said you were nervous."
But they were really nice his they even asked if they could give me a hug. The kids ran towards Chris and then introduced me with someone asking Chris if I was a princess cause I was really pretty. I only knew that because Chris said
"You're are so right she is a princess and not just because she is pretty. But she is pretty isn’t she.”
Damn that man. I couldn’t help but smile. Evil. he’s evil.
The kids were tugging for us to color something I was perfectly comfortable with. To be honest it seemed like me and Chris were the ones acting like toddlers and stealing each others crayons.
One if his sisters brought over some snacks for the kids.
"You know you don't have to color right?"
"Its ok. I like it and I get to spend time with Chris and Chris gets to spend time with them and frankly kids are less intimidating."
I really need to shut up.
"Not that you're intimidating or your familt is just i just need to shut up."
"Its ok" his sister a studied me.
Not too long after an argument came about when two of the kids wanted the same color and then Chris had taken it to use to settle it which made it worse.
"Can you two share?" I asked calmly
They both said yes but both wanted it right now.
How about we split the crayon in half and you both can use it now?
They both thought for a moment and agreed. I easily split in half and sharpened both sides. Both kids were happy.
Change in P.O.V. 3rd person
Chris had been watching her in awe able to settle an argument that has left the two cousins arguing and in tears before, with a simple flick of the wrist. God he wanted to kiss her. He slid her half on his lap and kissed her on her cheek as the kids ewwwd Chris stuck his tongue out.
"Chris" she slapped his chest.
She had no idea his family had been watching until later on no other girlfriend of his was this well with kids or this calm with them. Or eatting cookies.
"Lets go outside hm" he wislered in her ear.
"Behave you two"
"You too Uncle Chris." One of the boys fired off. "I think you have an admirer" Chris said as they were walking to go out to the backyard.
"Well he has to get in line." She laughed.
When they got outside he pulled her into him surprisingly quick.
"That was so sexy" he gave her a a sweet but almost needy kiss.
"Chris I solved an argument between two kids."
"Yea but"
"While you made things worse." He rolled his eyes.
"You doing ok though?"
"Yea." She smiled and Chris' hart should be pounding from thr love he felt because she always took his breath away but it was so at ease with her. They were outside kissing for a little while and giggling like teenagers until they were interrupted.
One of the boys, he one who was obvious about his crush.
"Grandma say dinner is ready."
Chris sighed in disappoint.
"Ok"i rolled my eyes at my big baby of a boyfriend.
Chris tried to lead me inside but was stopped by the boy
"Ladies first."
"Why thank you young man. Nice to know someone in this family has manners." She winks at Chris.
After she and Chris wash up which ends up in some water flicks and giggles, he is playful anyway but had done everything at every moment to make sure she was relaxed and calm plus that smile of her was his favorite in the world second only to her giggle and slight snore as she slept.
They went to the table, while she took a seat the little boy sneaked under Chris arm and sat down.
"Well excuse me where did you come from."
"My mommy." Everyone laughed.
"And where am I supposed to sit young man?"
"Theres a spot at the kids table."
Which gave way to more laughter.
"Ookay you" Chris easily picks him up and put him down at the kids table as his girlfriend says,
"Nice to know I have options if me and Chris don't work out."
"Sweetheart you are not getting rid of me that easily." Chris said as he sat down.
"Oh ye of little faith."
There was easy laughter which set the scene for a an easy comfortable dinner.
At one point Chris mother asked for his help getting more rolls out from the oven.
"I love her Ma." He said the minute he stepped through the kitchen door.
"I know I've said I love girls before but its slightly different with her."
"I personally love how she eats like a normal person honey."
Chris chuckles "I told her you'd think that."
"But I love how happy she makes you. Your eyes are brighter. Then they have been in a long time."
"I need some help picking out rings." He said it like it was the weather but his stomach was churning.
"Well I'm sure one of your sisters can occupy her one day so the rest of us can go "
"Thanks Ma."
"I should be thanking her you seem happier and healthier than I can remember. But don't wait to long you've got some competion."
His mother moves the door slightly to point to the table and the little boy who took his chair.
He goes in the other room shaking his head "I am not even gone for 5 minutes and you're moving on."
"I did nothing he sat here."
"Young man don't make me wrestle."
"Please uncle Chris we both know I can take you." In a as-a-matter-of-fact tone. Chris had always let his neices and nephews win.
"I hate to break it to you buddy but she likes to kiss."
"Christopher" hwr face went bright red.
"Honey it's just the truth."
Chris clears his throat.
"Do I have to move you again?"
The little boy rolls his eyes "ill be back darling." And jumped down to the kids table.
"Oy" she said dropping her head Chris takes his pointer and moves her head up to give her a kiss.
"I am only staking my claim maiking sur when knows you are mine "
"Staking your claim? Yours hu? I don't see a ring on this finger Christopher."
She laugh little did she know what Chris was planning.
After dinner and desert they dtay the night as it was late and the roads a bit slick.
It was a snug fit in his single bed which Chris was so happy about. He loved holding onto her as she slept.
"You enjoy yourself?"
"Yea it wasnt as scary as I thought."
"You're family is really nice."
"They think you're sweet. And nice and beautiful and that I am lucky to have found you."
There was a knock in the door. It was late "who is it?"
It was that little nephew of chris'
"I think its for yiu" he teased.
The little boy handed over a picture he drew of her an adorable portrait
"This is so beautiful thank you."
"Let me know if he gets mean or grumpy."
"I will. Now go to sleep."
"Ok" he cherps.m.
She closes the door.
"Jeezy I went from favorite uncle to public enemy number 1."
She closed the door
"He is too cute."
"I think I'm going to have to have a talk with him."
"Just dont give him nightmares ok baby."
"Never." But he was going to make sure he knew who was your number 1 and two. Him and dodger hopefully in that order.
"So what do you want to watch. "
"You said anything." He puts it on
"Besides," he gives her a kiss "I think you-" he kisses her before he finishes the sentance and is partcillay forgotten until they get too tired to kiss.
"I love you" she said nuzzling thier noses.
"I love you too" he leanes up to kiss her forehead then her nose then her lips.
"Don't start that again."
She can feel him smile against her lips.
"I dont know what you mean?"
"Hmhm. Promise you won't let me fall of the bed?"
He gripped on her hip a little more as well as the clothing underneath his hanth."
"Don't worry ill never let you go. I love you too much."
The two of them slept very peice fully next to eachother him holding her and thier smiling lips close enough that once in a while one gave the other a kiss in thier sleep .
Ahe had no idea that next year this time she'd be Mrs. Evans as Chris didnt want to wait too long and very thankful her mother-in-law would insist on hosting. But right now they just slept so peaceful in eachothers arms even his siblings who came into wake them for breakfast couldn't help but aww and then they kinda all gathered.. But, that didn't stop them from taking a few pictures- no one could deny the two of them were so in love.
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja @hawkeyes-queen
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Scene: “Confronting Evil Terry”
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A few seconds later… the heroes get into Evil Terry’s fortress.
Mundane Terry: Woah. This place is fancy!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yeah, I have the name of the decorator.
Mundane Jesse: Who is he or she?
???: Me!
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: notices doors closing Uh, guys? Why are all the doors closing?!
Were-Kraken Sonya: I don’t know and who was that voice.
Suddenly, a door opens and a figures walks towards them.
Mundane Terry: Whoa. No way…
Aqrabuamelu Phoebe: Huh?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: No…it can’t be.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: Oh my God…
Mundane Jesse: Holy similar…
To their shock, the figure looks like an evil version of Terry with women’s eye shadow and dictator clothes with a T on it.
???: Well well well. So nice to see the family all together.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: What the fuck? Terry, he looks like you…
Super Shlorpian Korvo: That’s because it IS Terry.
Mundane Terry: What?! He is?! How?!
Super Shlorpian Korvo explains everything.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: I think he might be a different version of you from a different timeline!
Mundane Terry: WHAT?!
Alternate Terry: That’s right! And to think I killed Korvo…
Then Mudane Terry realize what he meant and laughs
Mundane Terry: Oh yeah! Now I remember! He’s the evil version of me when you tried to change me! Super Shlorpian Korvo’s jaw drop Oh, let’s just say I have a nice memory. But, it’s okay. I know you didn’t meant to change me.
Super Shlorpian Korvo groans in frustration.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Oh Terry, I never meant to, I’m sorry. I was being a dick and-
Mundane Terry: Hey. It’s okay… to be honest… I should’ve been more helpful. But, I know you never mean to hurt me. Because, I still love you Korvy…
Super Shlorpian Korvo smiles. As the two husbands kiss and moan, they then dodge a knife thrown by Evil Terry as they sigh in relief.
Evil Terry: Ugh! Always love with you, Korv. By the way, you look bulgier then when I killed you.
Mundane Terry: Hey don’t talk to my husband like that!
Evil Terry is shocked by the term “husband” but then starts laughing.
Evil Terry: No way! That stupid idiot is your husband, oh looks at were-kraken Sonya and who is this little octopus girl?
Were-Kraken Sonya: I’m their daughter!
Evil Terry: What?! You adopted a monster?
Mundane Jesse: Hey! She is not a monster! She is sweet brave smart human teenage girl!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: You shut…shut…
The rest of the family grin in joy because they know what Super Shlorpian Korvo is gonna say!
Evil Terry: What’s with you?
Evil Terry smirks evilly.
Evil Terry: Well, someone’s taking a stand for the first time in their fucking life!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: I’m not done. Look what I have done, and look what you done. Ugh, if I haven’t been so selfish and send those godawful letters to turn into someone you are not, and now I’ve turn into someone who is rude, mean and selfish and I am so sorry I did to this. Now, you just hate yourself and we all know it
Evil Terry rolls his eyes.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: OH, YOU DID NOT JUST-
Mundane Terry: Easy Korvo, I got this. walks to Evil Terry Evil me, I know what your Korvo did what’s wrong. But, you didn’t have to go and hurt people. Plus, that Korvo wanted to fix everything to make things up with you and you end up destroying that chance.
Evil Terry: Oh please. I’m a better person because of his choices.
Mundane Terry: No. You are not. Now you are all alone, hurting people and you don’t even care. Plus, killing is wrong. And I know you don’t want the side of you to change, but trust me what you are right now is very wrong….
Mundane Terry is suddenly stabbed in the chest by Evil Terry.
Evil Terry: You and your husband talk too much.
But luckily, the wound manage to heal because of Mundane Terry’s power as he grins.
Mundane Terry: Oh really?
Evil Terry: What?! How is that-
Mundane Terry: I’m half Mundane bitch! Wounds always heal easily for half-Mundanes in the family!
Mundane Jesse: Fuck yeah!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: That’s right! It doesn’t matter how powerful you are because this time, you’re going down!
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Yeah! That’s right!
Evil Terry smirks evilly and uses a giant laser beam on Super Shlorpian Korvo, Super Shlorpian Yumyulack, and Mundane Jesse. The laser is too powerful to break free from. Luckily Mundane Terry uses his lava powers on the laser beams and his family is free. Then, Were-Kraken Sonya sees her chance and laser eyes near Evil Terry.
Evil Terry: DAMN IT! NO!
Mundane Terry: It’s over Evil Me…
Evil Terry punches the wall in anger.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack, Mundane Jesse and Were-Kraken Sonya: Whoa!
Mundane Terry: Yeesh. I really do have some anger issues to work out…
Super Shlorpian Korvo laughs and kisses Mundane Terry on the cheek.
Super Shlorpian Janiz: It’s over Evil Terry. It’s time for this to stop!
Evil Terry starts crying
Evil Terry: finally realizing how horrible and tragic are I-I just wanted to be loved….
Super Shlorpian Korvo walks towards Evil Terry.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: I’m sorry for what other me did to you… it was wrong… I should’ve never try to change you into something are you not…
Evil Terry wipes away his tears.
Evil Terry: realizing what Korvo meant You-you are?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yes.
Mundane Terry smiles.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: I wish… other me could’ve been your husband..
Evil Terry: Korv…I am so sorry. I just-
Mundane Terry: You don’t have to apologize. You were just trying… to be perfect… but deep down Korvo never wanted me to perfect… he just wanted me to be me…
Super Shlorpian Korvo smiled. Evil Terry looks at his knife and realizes what he did was wrong as he begin to give in remorse. Evil Terry drops the knife.
Evil Terry: I am ready… to turn myself in….
Mundane Terry: Huh?
The Solar Monsters look at each other and then notices Evil Terry holding his hand out for cuffs.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: We’re not gonna…
Mundane Terry: We’re not gonna turn you in… but first can you tell us where our friends are
A remorseful evil Terry nods in shame to tell them where they are.
Evil Terry: They’re in my induction chamber…
Later, the Monster Solars freed their friends as they reunite in joy.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack: Babe!
Mutant Zombie Mark smiles and embrace his sweet doting boyfriend. They then look at Evil Terry, who remorsefully walks to them, but Dr. Weatherstone offers her hand while the others smile with reassurance that they forgive him once the others told them everything
Special thanks to @avaveevo for the idea
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themetalvirus · 2 years
egghog sonic flirting with amy to try and egg (haha) her on and think she has a chance but the whole time hes thinking ewwww ew ew :( ewwwww ewww
he'll cuddle her but the whole time he's thinking about how easy it would be to just [insert graphically violent thing here]. and amy's just like aw :) he really does care..... maybe he likes me back........ maybe this time.... we might.... kiss? 🫣
he pretends to be ~ secret star crossed friends~ with her (and tails) for information and sometimes just to watch them squirm. but he really doesn't like amy's crush on him. he plays into it to get what he wants but he really reeeeally hates it like it makes him throw up in his mouth a little bit. and again amy's like omg he's flirting with me 😳 is this love??????
but don't get me wrong, amy hates her crush on him too, just for entirely different reasons. she knows he's evil and fucked up but she can't help but wonder if he really cares about her... he seems so carefree, he acts so silly, he clearly loves his family, there most be something more to him. something tender and loving could be deep in his heart and she hopes to be the one to dig it up, but it's a selfish desire. she still also beats his face in with a hammer like every week so lol
somewhat related, i keep meaning to post about when amy finally realizes that sonic isn't interested and has never been interested. when she realizes he doesn't even care for her as a friend, as a person. it's near the end of the story, at the climax, she and tails have been captured and sonic is about three hours away from destroying the universe.
she asks sheepishly, "you never cared about me at all?" and sonic laughs in her face.
he keeps laughing after she sees how surprised she is, because to him it always felt so obvious he didn't give a fuck.
you're so vain, he tells her. and you're so stupid for caring so much about appearances. you trusted me, and for what? because you think i'm handsome? amy, you've watched me do some of the most horrendous shit, and you didn't even care because you thought you could talk me out of it with the power of ~wuv~ or whatever.
it's because you wanna be the hero, right? you wanna be the one to fix me. you want to be able to say to people, while you're dragging me around arm in arm, that you fixed me. it's selfish. it's stupid. it's why i strung you along for so long - it was funny watching you show your rotten heart. sweet little empathetic amy rose letting me prance around and do whatever the fuck i want, hurt whoever i want, just because she thinks i look so pretty covered in blood.
empathetic, loving. peh. it's all a farce, i know it. you never had the guts to kill dad or i. you didn't want to be the one to take another life, huh? because you're so fucking nice. all that makes you is a coward. you're a coward, amy rose, and now i'm going to destroy you and everything you love and build paradise on top of the ruins and you're going to be the one to blame. congratulations. enjoy these next few hours before the world ends. ugh, i need a nap...
the door closes behind him after that. tails looks at amy, sympathetic and trying to be comforting, but she doesn't even notice him. she's just staring at the ground heartbroken. then her face warps into something else, something familar and scary at the same time - absolute red-hot rage.
anything sonic tries to say to her later to make her soften up her heart won't work. it'll never work again.
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carbecex · 9 months
Prompt #7: Noisome
“Hey. Hey, Alisaie.” Saran had sought out her friend in Old Sharlayan and had finally found her at her preferred reading spot: the gazebo.
The young Scion didn’t look up from her book. “Hmm?” Clearly whatever she was reading was utterly engrossing. At least, it was until a fish, wet and wriggling, flopped into her lap. “Ah! What in the seven hells!?” She leapt to her feet, the fish splatting on the floor. “Saran! What is the matter with you!?” Suddenly, the fish vanished in a wisp of aether. “What the…?”
Saran laughed uproariously. “Oh gods, the look on your face!”
“What was that!?” She demanded. She checked her clothes, but to her surprise, no water had remained behind. “You could have ruined my book! It’s on loan from the Noumenon!”
“Just a little blue magic,” Saran said with a twirl of her cane. “Something I’ve been learning on the side. I got that spell from an apkallu!”
Alisaie blinked, looking like Saran had just attempted to explain a complex mathematical proof. “Blue magic? What in Thal’s balls is that?”
“I learned it from a street swindler. You basically learn spells from–”
“Hold on, what is that stench?” Alisaie’s nose scrunched up. “Ugh, that’s foul! Was that you?”
Saran sniffed the air and shrugged. “I don’t smell anything.”
“There it is again!” The elezen covered her nose with her hands. “Gods, it smells like…like…” She dropped her hands before fixing the Warrior with an accusatory glare. “It smells like rotten fish! Is that your breath!?”
Saran held up a hand to her face to sniff her breath. The smell threatened to burn her nose hairs. “Sweet Halone, that’s bad. Martyn didn’t mention that side effect…”
“Why would it give you fish breath!?”
“Oh right, you didn’t see. Hold on…” She took a deep breath and raised her cane. As surprisingly useful as this spell was, it had a less than pleasant firing method. She spat as hard as she could, and a full size fish flopped from her mouth onto the ground. “Yup, there it is.”
“Oh, that’s disgusting!” Despite her words, she knelt down to examine the gasping fish. “It looks so real! And smells so real…” The fish vanished like its predecessor, leaving not even a drop of water behind.
“Nothing better to attract attention! I should probably go brush my teeth, though…”
Alisaie nodded before she suddenly stood on her tiptoes, looking over Saran’s shoulder. An evil grin spread on her face as the sound of footsteps reached Saran’s horns. “Hold that thought for a moment. Hello, Raha! Look who’s here!”
Saran stiffened as she felt a familiar presence beside her. She didn’t dare turn her head lest he catch a whiff of her noisome breath.
“Saran! I wasn’t aware you were back in Sharlayan!”
Pasting a smile on her face, she turned to face G’raha, who looked adorably overjoyed to see her. He leaned forward to kiss her cheek in greeting, and she had to resist the urge to flinch away. He pulled back, his smile dimming. “Is aught the matter, my love?” She shook her head, her lips firmly sealed.
“Oh, come on, Saran! Tell him about blue magic!” Alisaie giggled as she leveled a glare at her. “What’s the matter? Couerl got your tongue?”
“Blue magic? I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of such a thing!” His expectant gaze turned more concerned as Saran still refused to open her mouth.
Alisaie snickered and grabbed her book from the bench. “Catch!” She yelled with little warning as she flung it straight at her face. Saran cried out and barely blocked the projectile in time.
“What happened to this book being on loan!?” She sputtered before she could stop herself.
“Indeed! What has gotten into you–” G’raha cut himself off, his nose scrunching up. “Gods above, what is that stench!?”
“Saran spat a fish at me, and now she’s got fish breath!” Her evil grin somehow grew even more.
“I’m sorry, she did what with a fish!?”
With a sigh, Saran raised her cane. “Stand back.” She repeated the trick, this time painfully aware of the taste it left in her mouth. G’raha leapt a surprising distance into the air, the fur on his ears and tail standing on end as he beheld the fish now flopping at his feet.
“WICKED WHITE WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS!?” He yelled, looking wildly from the fish to Saran and back again. She wiped her mouth and stowed her cane as Alisaie doubled over, practically in tears as she laughed.
“‘Twould seem my prank has backfired…”
“Dear heart…” G’raha took a large step away from her. “I am not even going to ask where you learned that, but I demand that you brush your teeth and store that cane far away before I kiss you again.”
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hannysarang · 11 months
Control // Twenty Two.
Summary: Draco hasn't been able to enjoy sex and a little birdie tells him Hermione likes to take control. Is he willing to give it up? Can Draco Malfoy give up control?
Chapter 22 ————————
The love Draco had for Hermione was beyond what he himself could comprehend.
He also didn’t know how to show it to her, to prove it to her. For now, all he could do was pull her closer and suck on her clit. For now, the best he could do was make her legs shake uncontrollably as she stuttered incoherent sentences. 
“Fuck me, see I swear the rumours weren’t lies,” she huffed as she got off of him.
Taking a deep breath in, he asked, “What rumours?”
“That you were great in bed,” she shrugged, grabbing his throbbing erection with one hand. 
Hissing, Draco grabbed her wrist to stop her. “Careful, careful, careful.”
Maybe he was good in bed; he did seem to successfully always please whoever he was in bed with. Unfortunately, up until Hermione, he hadn’t felt the pleasure he seemed to be giving. But with Hermione, it was all he was getting. Sometimes, he feared he was not giving enough. 
Stroking his cock despite his protests, she let out an evil laugh. “You’ve been hard all evening. You should say thank you to me for finally touching it.”
“I was not,” he protested.
Thumb rubbing the head of his cock, she shook her head. “Ever since you saw me shift into a tall man, you were practically on your knees, begging to suck my dick.”
“I was not!” he exclaimed, feeling a little defensive. 
Laughing again, Hermione’s other hand joined in as they pumped and twisted around his shaft. “I haven’t heard a thank you yet.”
“Hermione, hngh, I wasn’t-“
“I’m still waiting,” said she, bringing one hand to her ear.
“Ugh, thank you,” he groaned, bringing an arm up to cover his reddening face. “Thank you, Miss Granger.”
“Good boy,” she cooed before opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out, welcoming his dick into her mouth. 
Letting out a moan, Draco fought the urge to thrust into her warm mouth. By now, he knew better; he’d been doing this for long enough to know that thrusting without Hermione’s permission was a big no no.
With a silly smile, Hermione looked up at him, hand still pumping. “You’re a meal, aren’t you? Laid out for me on my dining table.”
“Hermione, please,” he moaned. “Fuck, that feels so good.”
“You taste good, too,” she added before dipping her head once more and wrapping her lips around his dick. 
The tip of his cock hit the back of her throat, causing him to let out a string of profanities, and Hermione pulled up, lips only around the head of his cock. Then, as if it were a straw in a cold beverage, she sucked, making Draco’s eyes roll back and body convulse. 
“You’re going to make me cum,” he barely let out, desperately clawing at her shoulders to push her away.
“I’ll get you hard, right back again. Don’t worry,” she replied, biting her lips.
“Please,” he whimpered. 
“Okay then, Draco,” said she, wiping her precum smeared lips with the back of her hand. “What do you want to do?”
Everything. He wanted to do everything with her. 
“I want to fuck you,” he quietly replied. 
“You want to fuck me?” she challenged, climbing off her dining table. 
Draco immediately missed her warmth and sat up a little to face her, legs dangling off the side of the table. 
“I… I want you to fuck me,” he corrected himself, feeling himself blush at the word choice. 
“Of course you do,” she purred, pulling him to kiss him. 
Continue Chapter 22 on ao3
Start from the beginning
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