#seokjin scenarions
squirrelly831 · 4 years
Fainting [Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon]
Warning: Namjoon’s reaction has to do with a panic disorder, so read at your own risk.
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May was a web comic artist and she was known to pull all nighters. Due to that, her boyfriend, Seokjin, would make it a priority to check on her at her apartment especially on days that she didn’t answer his phone calls or text. Sure, call him overbearing, but he knew how May got when it came to her work. She’d work herself to death if she was left alone too long.
So, when he found out that they had an early day, he was excited. He knew May was in a crunch as her deadline for her weekly post was nearing which meant to him that his girlfriend wasn’t taking care of herself. He sent her a text to let her know that he was going to stop by that night and make dinner, but his text went unread.
That night, Seokjin entered her dark apartment, “May?” He called out as he took off his shoes and headed to the living room. When he flipped the switch he was greeted with horror. “MAY!” He dropped the groceries without a care when he heard the eggs break as he rushed to his girlfriend’s side. May was twisted in pain. Her eyes didn’t open when he grabbed a hold of her burning flesh. He felt her forehead and cheek, “You have a fever…” He whispered. He picked her up and took her to bed before he went scavenging for medicines and a wash cloth.
After he cleaned up the groceries he dropped, he gave Namjoon a call and explained the situation as well as to let him know he would not be returning home that night. Seokjin made a quick stop to the convenient store and got some soup ingredients before he returned to May’s place.
Seokjin finished the soup and brought it to May’s room just as she was sitting up. May sought out her glasses when Seokjin rushed to her side, put the soup down on the night stand, and handed her the glasses.
She put them on and looked up at Seokjin, “Jin? Why are you here?” She glanced around the room. “Why am I in bed?” Her eyes widened, “Shit the comic!”
Before she could get out of bed, Seokjin’s shot out and pushed her on the bed, “You’re not leaving this bed.”
“No, don’t Seokjin me. You were unconscious in the middle of the living room” he snapped. May opened her mouth to say something, but she quickly shut it and bit her lip. “You promised you’d take care of yourself. Instead you were overworking yourself even though you have a cold.”
“I’m sorry… I was going to deal with the cold after I finished my panels.”
Seokjin wanted to be mad, but the sad regretful face his girlfriend made was impossible to stay mad at. He took a seat on the edge of her bed, “Good. Now, you need to eat.”
Once May recovered, Seokjin took her out to celebrate her recovery and for hitting 100,000 likes on her latest chapter.
When her food was placed in front of her, Seokjin snatched it. She gave him an exasperated look, “What the heck?”
He grabbed his chopsticks and picked up some of her food, “Say ah~”
“Jin, I’m not a baby” she complained. He held the food there for a moment and May leaned forward to eat it.
However, he pulled it back and ate it with a satisfied look, “Too slow, jagiya~”
She rolled her eyes and grabbed her food, “You’re so lame…”
“No wait, I want to feed you once. I promise I won’t take it again.”
She grabbed her chopsticks and shook her head, “Nope. Too late.”
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Amanda always told her best friend and boyfriend, Yoongi, to rest and not to overwork. She didn’t understand the life of an idol as she was just a normal college going girl, but she did know when Yoongi was neglecting his health. Though they dated, sometimes she had a habit of acting like an over bearing mother and not a girlfriend.
However, though Amanda was always on his case, no one was on her for the same neglect. As a college student, she had her own stress to deal with. One being the horrid final exams. Most of them weren’t bad, except her one chemistry exam. She wasn’t even a science major, but it was a basic requirement. Unlike other basic requirement course professors, this one was serious about her class. So much so that the final was 60% of the overall grade. Amanda struggled with barely scraping by with a 75 in the class. Failure was not an option.
Her neglect started slowly, missing one meal or scraping off a couple of hours of sleep, but as the exam steadily approached Amanda pulled more all nighters or ate a small snack through the day. Her head buried in a book and Yoongi would have never expected what she was doing. He had decided to leave her be until after finals season as he knew she wouldn’t so much as glance at her phone.
The day of the exam, Amanda’s nerves were haywire. She was surviving on coffee and an energy snack. Her eyes developed large bags under them that makeup couldn’t hide. Her hair was unkempt and thrown into a ponytail. When she finished her exam she stood and a wave of dizziness hit her. In her head, she reminded herself that she’d get sleep when she got home. She unsteadily made her way down the stairs as the steps blurred and refocused.
Her professor looked up at her, “Are you okay?”
Amanda’s head felt hazy. She saw her professor speak, but couldn’t make out the word. Her eyes rolled as she collapsed in front of the desk. She didn’t hear the gasps of the other test takers or when her professor grabbed her phone to call an ambulance.
Malnourished. That was all the doctor had to say to Amanda when she woke up with an IV attached to her arm. The doctor insisted on keeping her overnight much to her disappointment.
So there she was in the hospital bed as she waited for the nurse to bring her nasty hospital food. Her mind wondered to her exam. Had she been able to turn it in? Her trail of thought was interrupted when her door swung open and her boyfriend ran in out of breath and looked frantic. “Yoongi” she breathlessly called out. “What are you doing here? I thought you had a photoshoot.”
Yoongi shot her a look “I’m your emergency contact, stupid. I ran here when I heard you fainted. Exhaustion, fatigue, dehydration! Are you mental?”
Amanda looked down with guilt riddled on her face. The last thing she wanted was to worry Yoongi who had his work to worry about. “I was just trying to make sure I didn’t fail my class…”
He pulled up a chair to the side of the hospital and sat down with a relieved look. He took her hand and held on to it tightly. Amanda could feel how shaky his hand was. “I know you always worry about me when I overwork and I never took it seriously. However, when I got the call you fainted because of exhaustion. My heart stopped. We need to take better care of ourselves, okay Jagiya?” She nodded and he leaned forward to kiss her forehead. He wasn’t going to let her go through exam seasons alone ever again. He made a promise to himself that he’d make time to stop by her place to pull her from her studies.
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Hoseok was at the practice room with his best friend and crush, Mariah, who agreed to help with with his new choreography. She was a dancer just as he was which was how they met. He went to her dance studio and took some classes and the next thing he knew, they were always together.
Mariah was dressed in a turtleneck shirt and jeans as the winter weather was insane. She regretted not bringing a change of clothes that she would be comfortable to dance in. The heat of their bodies was suffocating. She grabbed the top of her turtleneck and fanned her face with it. She sucked down her water and jumped up, “Alright” she clapped, “Break over.”
Hoseok groaned as he stood, “How many more times until we call it a break?”
Mariah placed her fingers under her chin, “Let’s stop once we can get to the first chorus perfectly. Remember, even if we mess up, we will go through the whole song before we redo it.” Mariah looked in the mirror to catch Hoseok’s nod. She hit the play button and got into position before they started dancing.
After the third time, Mariah felt dizzy. She crouched for a bit to try to refocus. She felt like she was on fire. She took a deep breath, “Alright, one more time.”
Hoseok noticed her ill expression, “Are you sure? You don’t look good.”
Mariah waved it off, “I’m just sore.” She played the song once more and got prepared to dance.
“Mariah, hey! Mariah!” She woke to the feeling of a cold water bottle pressed to her face. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed her upper body was supported by Hoseok’s body. “Can you stand?” She nodded and he helped her on her feet only for her knees to buck. He caught her before she fell and he picked her up, “I called a taxi, I’ll take you to the hospital.
Once at the hospital it was determined due to the excess heat and the tight turtleneck shirt, Mariah had overheated and fainted. When the doctor left, Hoseok broke down.
He held her hand as guilt overtook him, “I should have paid more attention you how you were feeling. I’m sorry.” He wouldn’t listen to anything Mariah had to say about the blame. He would accept it was his fault.
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He thought he knew his best friend, Jessica, like the back of his hand. However, there was one thing she never told a soul. She had a panic disorder. She didn’t find the need to tell anyone about it as she was on medicine that kept her calm.
Though the meds helped most of the time, they didn’t help one day after she got into a heated phone argument with her parents. She was tired of being disrespected and treated like a child by her verbally abusive parents. She was tired of being pushed around by them. She did everything for them, sent them money though she was struggling with her own bills of tuition, took care of her siblings even though her mother was a stay at home, and ran their errands. However, Jessica reached her boiling point and she snapped.
Namjoon had entered her apartment without announcing himself when he heard her screaming. He ran into the apartment to see her phone shattered on the other side of the living room and Jessica hyperventilating. Namjoon rushed to her side to calm her, but she sobbed harder and gasped for air as she choked on her sobs. Her hand flew to her chest as her legs became jelly. Her attack lasted long enough that Namjoon called her doctor to rush over. However, as she stopped crying, she still gasped for air before she ultimately fainted which only made Namjoon panic.
Jessica’s doctor rushed to her apartment when Namjoon called her. She explained her fainting was caused by the lack of oxygen to her brain due to her hyperventilation. She wrote out a prescription for Namjoon to pick up for Jessica and after he went to get the medicine he went to her bathroom to get her small glass. As he was in her bathroom, he noticed a prescription pill bottle with Jessica’s name etched on it. As Jessica slept, he looked up the medicine only to discover it was an antidepressant and was used for panic disorders.
He was upset that she never told him she was suffering. He reached for her hand and stared at her unconscious figure. He wouldn’t confront her about it and wait for her to open up about the series of events, but he would look into how to prevent and stop a panic attack. He refused to let his best friend suffer alone.
Part II
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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munchyn · 4 years
: : Bangtan Reactions : :
BT21 Merchandise
You wear BT21 merch and he finds it adorable/ he gets you BT21 merch
Warning: gifs might not fit, I tried my best. This is my first ever posted reaction.
Jin loves RJ.
Jin loves you.
So when you saw you snuggled on the couch with an RJ onesie and plushie he was over the moon. Practically jumping up and down as he fanboyed over you in the onesie. Before you noticed he had arrived back from dance practice, he went into his room. Less than a minute later, he stood next to the couch, wearing the same RJ onesie. Holding an RJ plushie. Waiting for you to notice him
“If I’m RJ’s dad then you can be his mom. We can be one big alpaca family.”
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You were having a shortage of pyjamas. You ordered some online and waited for their arrival. The day they finally arrived, you were eager to put them on. Yoongi was still at the studio, working on a project. You decided to change into your new pyjamas. You layed in bed until Yoongi walked through the door to your shared bedroom. He paused as soon as he saw what you were wearing. He’ll smile and hold you close as the two of you sleep together.
“Since when do you have that?” “Since today.”
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You without a doubt loved Mang. The thing was, you didn’t have any BT21 merch. You were looking through the BT21 merch online. But everything looked so cute, you couldn’t decide. “Hoseok!” you called your boyfriend. When he saw you looking at the BT21 merch he asked what you were doing. You explained to him that you wanted Mang merch and you didn’t have any. Every week after that, you have something Mang related on your bed just for you.
“You don’t need to get me something every week Hobi.” “But jagi, you’d look so in this Mang sweater.”
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*Him calling you over to try another Mang thing he got you.*
Sleeping was your favourite hobby. That said, Namjoon wanted to so eagerly get you a Koya onesie. He got one for you on the day of your birthday along with a Koya pillow. You were laying in bed, ready to sleep when he walked in with the wrapped up presents. Your face lit up at the sight inside the wrapper. The only other things you loved more than sleeping were Koya, Rapmon and then Namjoon. You put it on as soon as you open it.
“Oh MY GoD! Thank you thank you thank you!” *dimple smile* “Now let’s do as Koya would and go to sleep.”
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You had accidentally cut your finger while cooking. You had recently bought some Chimmy band-aids and decided to put them to good use. As you and Jimin were having dinner that night, he noticed the band-aid around your finger. When he noticed that there were Chimmy patterns on the plastic. He smiled at you from across the table.
“Is that a Chimmy band-aid?” “When did you buy that?” “It looks cute.”
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You had been waiting in the living room with Yeontan for Taehyung. The two of you in Tata outfits. Tata plushies were scattered everywhere. There was one more Tata onesie laying on the couch. As soon as you heard the door unlock, Yeontan started barking and in walked Taehyung. At first, he was confused as to why Yeontan was wearing a Tata outfit. Until he saw you lounging on the couch, surrounded by Tata plushies. He knew this was going to be one of your binge-watching sessions. Tae is WEIRD and so are you.
“You look ridiculous Y/n.” “Just put the onesie on.”
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You always loved to look like Cookie. Wearing pink hoodies and using bunny filters in pictures. But you didn’t have any official merch. Your birthday was coming up and Jungkook wanted you to have something officially BT21 for you to wear. He bought you a hoodie. Ever since that day he gave you the hoodie, he doesn’t believe you ever take it off. Most of the selcas you take from then on are all with bunny filters and that bright pink hoodie. He gets very confused about anything you do with that hoodie.
“Do you ever take that off jagi?” “Leave me, my hoodie, and my selcas be, natural-born bunny.”
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btsfanficsbcwhynot · 6 years
Boyfriend Yoongi
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Dates with Yoongi would be really relaxing and laid back
He'd take you to Han River and have a Picknick
At Han River there are tons of food trucks and he'd probably buy you everything you laid your eyes on
Date ideas might also include:
Going to a concert
Composing music together
You helping him with his new track
Just napping
For your anniversary, you thought he'd take you to Han River again since that's his favourite place to go.
But you were wrong. He bought you a new dress which he insisted for you to wear on your date
He took you to the beach where you first met and he set up a whole dining area, decorated with roses, candles and pictures of you two together
He'd play his new track for you after you finished dinner
"I wrote this for you"
Skinship and Affection
His favourite skinship is holding hands
He loves how his big hands wrap around your small one
Unconsciously strokes your knuckles with his thumb
When he's feeling especially needy after a long day, he'd be really touchy and cuddly
You'd try to cook and he'd hug you from behind which hinders you from cooking
Loves kissing the top of your head
Shows his affection quite openly
When you feel sick, he'd get you everything you need
Sometimes makes doctors appointments for you bc you hate doctors and never want to visit one
He'd try to cook for you but ends up either asking Jin to do it or get takeouts and pretend that he cooked it
Knows your kink are his hands
Loves seeing his hands wrapped around your throat as he pounds into you
Doesn't really like experimenting but if you wanted to try something new, he'd be up for it
Loves seeing you ride him so he gets a good view of your facial expressions
Can be really vocal when he's REALLY in the mood
Doesn't care if the boys are in the dorm, if he wants you then he'll have you
Small oppa kink
Loves fucking you in his studio cause it's soundproof and challenges himself to make you scream at the top of your lungs
It depends on how tired it is if he actually will do something or not
If he's not too tired, he'd get a wet towel and wipe down your legs
He'd massage you with your favourite scented oil
If he's too tired he'd just cuddle you and fall asleep right away
But the next day he'd make sure to treat you like a Queen
Fights with Yoongi could go two ways
It'd either end immediately and you'd apologise to each other
Or it escalates and one of you ends up leaving
You'd need your space for some time
Yoongi would try to contact you here and there to show you that he still cared even though he needed his space just as much as you did
He'd never yell at you though. He never raises his voice at anyone, especially at you
You end up going to his studio and sit on his lap
He'd wrap his arms around you and apologise for being an idiot
Fights would usually be about him never being at home
Him not eating when he's working
About him not sleeping enough
"I'll try to change. I promise"
When he's away
When he's on tour he barely has time to talk to you
Which you understood but you were still pretty upset
But when he does have some free time, he'd facetime you for HOURS
He'd listen to you rant about your bitchy coworkers
He missed your voice so much
He constantly reminds you how much e loves and misses you
Sometimes facetime calls end up quite steamy if you know what i mean
You two would fall asleep facetiming each other so when he woke up he'd see your cute sleeping face which he loved to admire so much
He'd wait for you to wake up so he could tell you that he loved you before he leaves for practice
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kpop-melody · 6 years
BTS reaction to s/O doing a cute concept
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Seokjin would constantly sing the song around you, acting as cute as possible not to mention constantly comment on how cute you looked.
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Yoongi would never let you live in peace again, every time he wanted to annoy you he’d use that concept against you and enjoy doing it.
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As soon as Hoseok knew about it he’d learn the dance and all the lyrics to your part. At random times he’d burst out singing, no matter where you two were.
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Loud singing and purposefully bad dance would be your future from now on with Namjoon. Small comments on how cute you looked would always linger.
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You’d get multiple comments on how amazing you did and how much he liked it. His teasing wouldn’t be too over the top just singing here and there with some dancing but it mostly to get you to laugh.
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Dancing and singing that same song for at least a year, you’d get so used to it you’d even join in. He’s teasing wouldn’t annoy you most likely it would make you laugh as this would turn in to a competition about who could be cuter.
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There’s no way you’ll ever get to live this one down no matter how long it’s been since that concept. Jungkook would keep it going, always imitating you in the most exaggerated ways.
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park-chan-yall · 6 years
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Kpop Moodboards-
Pastel Jin for Anonymous
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btsreaction-s · 7 years
If this doesn't give u inspiration idk what will... LET'S KEEP VOTING GIRLS THE AWARDS ARE TOMORROW ♡
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thatbangtanbloom · 7 years
House of Cards | kth v. jjk [7]
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House of Cards
The Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6|Chapter 7
Subtitle: V for Valiant  
Characters: Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook (Mentions of Jimin x Reader in the past)
Categories: Fluff, Angst, Suspense
AU(s):College!AU, Stalker!AU, Best Friends!AU
Word Count: 4,945 (A bit carried away, haha)
Sypnosis: Some people see life in black and white, and others see it in brown and blue, but Kim Taehyung only sees it in red and you.
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Profuse knocking at one in the morning is all Hyejin can hear other than your unsteady breathing. Her breath shakes in her throat as she tries to contemplate the magnitude of her actions. She was fairly certain that you would live (or at least, that was the worse outcome in her eyes) but what troubled her most would be what Hansung would dare to do to her if he learned of her actions. Would he confront her about it? Would he kill her? She shakes her head at the last question. There were far more things that Hansung could do than killing her.  
"Hyejin!" Taehyung's booming voice slams against her dorm's door. Sweat beads against her forehead. His vision blurred with anxiety. His hand tries to turn the locked knob. His breathing is frantic as he tries to calm his nerves.  
Hyejin looks away your unconscious figure. She bites at her bottom lip to ignore the burning pain (but also the sadistic pleasure) that courses through her. Yet, the second she looks away, she finds her heart beating faster. Why had Hansung shown up? How could he have known?  
"Hyejin, my patience is running thin." Taehyung tells her on the other side of the door. He takes in a shaky breath to try to ease his nerves. Something didn't feel right.  
Hyejin timidly walks to the door; her natural habit of always following Taehyung's order rings through her. She unlocks the door and swallows hard. Tears immediately well up in her eyes at Taehyung's disheveled state – his dark green jacket hangs off his shoulders; his breathing uneven.  
"Hyejin – jagi-," the word burns in Taehyung's throat as he speaks it. It irks him to no end the thought of having to call anyone else besides you that name. He subconsciously glances over her shoulder in efforts to ease his nerves but it only does the opposite; the petals from the roses he bought you earlier are torn, scattering the floor. Broken fragments of a vase dots the floor. Your duvet from your bed peeks from the entrance of your room. "What happened?" His gaze on her hardens.
Hyejin hangs her head low in efforts to try to avoid his question. "Hansung..." Her voice trails off. A part of her wishes that she could merely lie to him – but he knows her too well. Or more importantly, he knows of her secrets.  
"Don't--" Taehyung quips as he pushes pass her roughly. His shoulder bumps against hers, sending her stumbling a bit back at his careless actions. His jaw clenches at the scattered petals and vase fragments. He turns his attention in the direction of your room. Before he even realizes it, he is taking steps to your door.  
Hyejin's eyes widen as she runs over to him. Her hands grip the cloth of his jacket. She shakes her head. "T-Taehyung-" she stammers his real name. Her voice trembles in fear.  
"Don't fucking call me that." Taehyung quips as he stares down at her hands. "-what did you do to my princess?" He turns to face her, now backing her against the wall. If looks could kill, Hyejin would be dead three times over. "Hyejin – you better answer me."  
Hyejin swallows hard. "-T-Taehyung," She tries again.  
He slams his hand against the adjacent wall beside her head. "You don't get to call me that!" He seethes as he leans in closer to hear. His eyes search for any sense of remorse in her eyes, but all he sees that is laced in her orbs would be fear. Fear of him. To be quite frank, she had valid reasons as to why she had fear in him. "You're wearing my patience thin, Hyejin." He takes her chin in his hand to make her look at him. "Look at me before I swear to god, I will kill you myself."  
She looks into his eyes, seeing the barbarous desire to end her in his eyes. There is nothing more evident than the hate that radiates from his presence for her. "I-I did it for you." She murmurs quietly.
"You did it for me?" Taehyung looks at her; a cynical laugh escaping his lips. His hands soon grasp her shoulders, a shaky laugh escaping him. "How could you do that for me, jagi?" He spits the nickname like vile.  
Hyejin's hands reach up to his, pulling at them. The pressure he applies to her shoulders is substantial, but she still continues to speak. "S-she doesn't deserve-" Hyejin coughs before shaking her head profusely. "-doesn't deserve you."  
Taehyung dryly chuckles at her words. "And you suppose that you do?" His grip tightens. "Just who do you think you are that you think that you can even put your hands on her?" He tilts his head as he awaits an answer. "Lee Hyejin, answer me." He narrow his eyes at her.  
"I heard Jungkook confess to her!" Hyejin blurts. "-I-I know how much you care about her and how much you give up for her. I couldn't have just let her get away with hurting you..." She admits sheepishly. Taehyung's eyes soften on hers ever so slightly. "-And Jungkook, he was planning on moving her out. I couldn't let her steer away from you."  
Her words appease Taehyung to no end and he knows immediately why he had kept her around for so long. Taehyung knew that Hyejin's loyalty proved to have no limits. That fact alone had him coming back to her in his sadistic times of need.  
"Jungkook was planning on moving her out..?" Taehyung asks; the house of cards that he built so meticulously in his head begin to teeter.  "-away from me?"  
Hyejin notices Taehyung's abrupt change in mood. She marvels at his dazed state with a quick nod. "Yes! He was." She pauses with a bite of her lip. "Taehyung, you've always known that he was a threat to the three of us." She side eyes Taehyung, who is still in his own reverie to notice her number conjecture. "He's no better than Park Jimin. Isn't he?"
The mention of the boy makes Taehyung's jaw clench. His blood boils at the thought of the soft mannered boy. Reveries of seeing you in his arms burns Taehyung's memories – a smiling you in the arms of someone else that was not him. Jungkook was an exception because he was fairly certain that Jungkook would never have the audacity to act on his emotions. But Jimin? He was entirely different.  
"You got into Seoul University?" You gasp at Jimin. Your mouth falls ajar as the boy in front of you chuckles lightly at your actions. Everything about you made Park Jimin's heart beat double time in delight. There was nothing he adored more than seeing you smile. "Jimin—that's like the most prestigious school in all of Korea! And you got in!" You shake his shoulders a bit as you squeal. "I'm so proud of you."  
Jimin leans back with a smile adorning his Cupid's bow. His onyx black hair kisses his forehead as he leans back against the grass. His legs dangle over the rocks. He sits so close to you that your knees touch. "Y/N-ah, jinjja?" He chuckles a bit. "It's not really that big of a deal."  
Jimin's lack of excitement dawns on you. How could he not match your excitement for him? You shake your head at him. "Yes, Jimin, it really is!" You reply to him. You hastily lean over his lap to take the acceptance letter in your hands. "Do you know the acceptance rate for getting in? It's less than seven percent and you made it. How are you not excited about this--?"
Jimin cuts you off when he cups your face in his hands. His eyes dart down to your lips before they meet your eyes. His gaze softens when he meets yours and you notice the apprehension in his eyes that you had not been able to notice before with his breathtaking eye smile.  
"Jimin..?" You ask with narrowed brows.  
He stares at you wordlessly for a moment. His eyes forage over your face one more time; engraving every imperfection that he adored of you into his mind for him to remember. His lingering orbs meet your own. His eyes seem to ask you for permission and you dumbfoundedly stare back.  
And before you know it, his lips are pressed against yours.  
Much to your surprise, his lips are much softer than you expected. They mold against your own perfectly; their texture's only counterpart matching that of a rose or a fragrant lilac. The taste is much sweeter, too. As he takes your bottom lip in between his own, you can taste the remnants of lemonade from the small bakery that the two of you had stopped earlier.  
His hands move from your face to your waist as he pulls you closer into him – though trying to make you one with him. He pulls away for a second before returning back to your lips. He doesn't dare stray longer before chuckling against them weakly. His hands ransack your shirt, a small heart is traced against the small of your back before his left hand finds your right and entwines your fingers.  
He pulls away first, small, rushed breaths escape his lips as he stares at you breathlessly. He presses you against the gray gym door. His thumb caresses your forehead as he entwines his fingers tighter in your own.  
"I'm not excited about being accepted because it means leaving you." Jimin whispers against your lips. Your eyes frantically try to drink in every ounce of his expression as he says this – swollen lips from kissing you, furrowed brows searching desperately for your response. "Y/N-ah... I've loved you since the first day I saw Jungkookie bring you to soccer practice." He smiles faintly, his thumb strokes your knuckles. "---when you had your hair cut short and  wearing Jungkook's jersey because he didn't want any of the guys looking at you." He chuckles abit. "I've loved you for so long and have known you even longer. It burdens me to think that I can't bring you with me... yet." He chuckles a bit to ease the burning situation, but he can't help but worry at the idea of his friend, Taehyung. On several occasions, he had noticed the sinister look in Taehyung's eyes whenever they fell on you.  
He knew something was not sane in the way Kim Taehyung looked at you.  
"Taehyung?" Hyejin calls to the troubled Taehyung, pulling him away from his reverie. Hyejin had known all too well – the constant blur of past, reality, and his imagination and how they blended contemptuously. Her eyes search over his paling face. She takes note of his trembling hands – the way his bottom lip quivers at the memory. He remembers that night – prom night – all too well.  
Taehyung's hands tremble as his eyes gaze over Jimin. He swallows hard, the brick falling out of his hand as the image of the boy cements itself into his mind. His mouth falls ajar at the idea of hurting his best friend - a boy he both loved and adored all because he threatened to take the one thing that mattered most to him; you.  
"Jimin!" Your voice calls out as you round the gym entrance. Your eyes scower to find the blonde haired boy. "Jimin, come on. This isn't funny!" You yell out into the darkness as you step out of the gym's entrance.  
Please don't come. Please don't come. Taehyung repeats those three fatal words as he cradles Jimin's head into his chest. He presses his hand against the back of the elder's head and takes in another shaky breath. The all too familiar hue of crimson stains his skin.  
Am I really that much of a monster?  The question dawns on him
He looks up at her; the hate that he manifested over the years swallows him whole. "Don't you dare touch her again." His voice lowers to an octave Hyejin had never heard from him. "I trusted her to you." He moves closer to her. "I trust that you will treat her as such. Unless you want to end up where Hansung is."
"B-but Hansung is you." Hyejin stammers, in a final effort to appease him, as she takes in the monster that looms in front of her. A sadistic light crosses in his eyes before he smirks lightly at her.  
He ignores her weak attempt at appeasement before he stands up. "You will be treated accordingly." He tells her before hastily walking to your bedroom. At the sight of you laying on the floor, helpless, a thousand knives stab at Taehyung's heart at the sight of you. He had no desire to allow Hyejin to carry on as she had before after this. But then he remembers her idolatry of him – the loyalty that she had bred for him to no end; something that she could only take to grave in efforts to bring him closer to you.
"My sweet, sweet Y/N-ah," He gently picks you up in arms before caressing your cheek. "You look so beautiful like this---" he smiles down at you. Eyes filled with adoration stare down at you. He lazily pulls out his phone – more absorbed in your helpless state rather than attempting to fix it. "-and to think, all of this because you forgot you belonged to me. Ha." He laughs mechanically before dialing '119'.
Taehyung maneuvers you to cradle you into his chest. The only illumination comes from his phone, the time reading '4:00 AM' makes him smile in content. This was a  time that he would remember. He clears his throat before taking in a shaky breath. "H-hello? Yes, operat-tor?" He chokes out the words as he smiles down at your ignorant state. "M-my friend L/N Y/N isn't waking up and I'm scared. P-please help her. She means everything to me." He stumbles over his words meticulously as he awaits for the operator to ask what happened.  
Hyejin quietly observes from the door frame. Her eyes drink in Taehyung's blissful state with glee and she smiles at the idea of being the cause of it. Nothing in this world meant more to her than seeing her Kim Taehyung happy – even if it meant ending you.  
The next morning Jungkook is awoken with a call from Seoul Medical Center, informing him that you were in need of being discharged from the hospital. Worry laces his every move as he frantically gets dressed in his apartment and hastily catches the bus to come and get you. His heart thuds with every move he makes and he can barely manage to stand still as he travels from his apartment to the hospital.  
His breath hitches in his throat as he stands in front of the hospital. His heart sinks to his stomach as he sprints into the hospital. He pants as he looks at the receptionist. His hands shake as he looks at her. "M-miss? I was called this morning about my--" he pauses, thinking of a convincing title for himself. "--my girlfriend, L/N Y/N. My name is Jeon Jungkook."
The receptionist nods at him. "One moment, sir."  She takes in his flustered look – a wrinkled button up white shirt that clings to his skin and denim jeans. She leans forward to notice his untied Timberlands and sighs a bit at the boy. 'How worried for his girlfriend he must be' she thinks as she types in your name in to the hospital database. "She's in room two hundred and forty-seven on the second floor, right wing. Take the elevator on your left." She smiles weakly at him.  
"Thank you!" He bows deeply before taking off to the elevator on his left.  
Within minutes, Jungkook is racing down the hall to room two hundred and forty-seven. He apologizes as he narrowly bumps into a boy his own age with an accompanying girl. He quickly skims over the numbers; two hundred and forty-four, two hundred and forty-five... "Y/N-AH!" He calls out to you as he turns the door knob and bolts into the room.  
The sudden booming voice makes you rub your head in disgust. "Jungkook... do you have to be so loud?" You whine as you cover your face.  
"Yah, pabo! I'm worrying about you and all you can complain about is how loud I am?" Jungkook quips as he closes the door gently before taking the seat beside you. He sits down at the chair beside you and his brows narrow at how warm the chair feels – as if someone sat there prior. "Pabo! I'm talking to you." He says nervously.  
You take in a breath wearily. "I can hear you, Jungkook. I can hear you, Kook-ah." You respond as you cover your face. "I just want to leave here already---"
"As your oppa and as someone who takes care of you-" Jungkook says, making you roll your eyes at his careless honorific dropping. "-I think you should stay here. I feel like you'd be safest here." He takes your hand in his. Nerves leave his hand slightly damp as he squeezes tightly. "I thought that I lost you."  
You turn your head toward Jungkook with tired eyes. Your breath uncharacteristically hitches at the way Jungkook stares at you. He looks at you as if you're the only thing on this Earth that matters to him and to see so much love and adoration in one person – especially for someone that you have cherished for so long makes your lungs burn at the idea of it. "You could never lose me, Jungkook."  
"What happened?" Jungkook asks before he presses his lips against your hand. His orbs never dare to leave your own in fear that it would be his last. The chaste kiss against your hand leaves a tingle in its wake.  
You lick your lips before parting your lips to speak, "Hyejin... she tried to kill me last night."  
Your words immediately have Jungkook's brows raising to his hairline. "What?"
"She tried to kill me, Kook. That much I remember." You look him in the eyes with a shaky breath. "-and she kept mentioning a Taehyung." You add, brows knitting together at the name. "Does that sound familiar? It sounds familiar to me, but I can't put my finger on it."  
Jungkook stands up before pushing you over slightly to lay down beside you. His careless action is only characteristic of him and it makes you smile a bit at the familiarity. He lazily wraps his arm around your shoulder as he draws circles on your arm. It was a habit of his, keeping you close. He could never fathom why, but he felt as though he could think better with you by his side. "Taehyung..?"  
You lay your head on his chest, this position reminding you that of your late high school years – the plenty of times where Jungkook crawled through your window at early dawn to help ooze your fears. It doesn't fawn on you for too long how surprised you are to feel the warmth of him has still not left him. "Yeah... I don't know where I've heard it before."  
Jungkook nods in agreement, trying to piece through his memory of anyone named Taehyung. The name sounded familiar enough but he could not piece it to a single face. Then all at once, his face pales as Jungkook looks at you with wide eyes. "Jimin."  
"Jimin?" You tilt your head to the side in confusion. The boy's name still sprouted flowers in your heart and you sigh at the idea of him. Everything between you two seemed to depreciate after your graduation. All contact halted entirely after you heard of him mysteriously losing his scholarship. "What about him?"
Jungkook stares you, emotionless. He suddenly swallows hard. "Y/N.... Jimin's best friend's name was Taehyung. He was that creepy sunbae, remember?" He pauses, searching your face for any sign of recognition. He notices the first implication of it. "--Jimin talked to me a lot before he graduated about how worried he was about having to go to Seoul University."  
"Jungkook-ah," Jimin looks up from his coffee with knitted brows. He looks over his shoulder before leaning forward to the younger boy. His blonde hair kisses his forehead. "I know you've looked over Y/N-ah all your life, but I really need you to look out for her now than ever."  
Jungkook blinks at his hyung with knitted brows, evidently confused. "Why hyung?" He leans closer to Jimin as well. He makes sure to not spill his coffee on his blue and white striped shirt as he does so.  
"Jungkook-ah, it's complicated." Jimin mumbles as he bites his lip. "You know Taehyung-ah? He doesn't really hang out with a lot of people. He's a bit antisocial?"
Jungkook tilts his head, thinking. "I think I know who you're talking about."
"Him..." Jimin replies curtly before taking a sip of his coffee gingerly and placing it back down. "I've seen the way he looks at her – he looks at her like she's the last meal he'll ever eat and that scares the fuck out of me because I care for her so much." Jimin runs his fingers through his hair to help ease his nerves as he talks. "H-he's unhinged, I think." Jimin stammers.  
Jungkook notices the disdain in Jimin. It could only be serious if Jimin were to be this worried about it. "Taehyung?" He repeats before tilting his head. "But he's so quiet. He doesn't even talk to anyone."
"The quiet ones are the ones you should watch the most." Jimin tells Jungkook with warning eyes. "But jinjja, Jungkook. I need you to promise me that you'll take care of her enough for the both of us, okay? I don't know what I would do if something ever happened to her." He pauses slowly. "Taehyung looks at her so much when he thinks no one is looking and I've seen him even try to approach her at times. Don't be fooled."
Jungkook pauses until the realization hits him like a ton of bricks. "Doesn't it only make sense that Hansung is Taehyung?" He sits up before tilting his head as he runs through his thinking process. "After all, the roses – and the fact that Hyejin is your roommate is too coincidental."  
"Jungkook, what proof do you have that it could be Hansung?" You ask, still considering that Jungkook's claim happened to be a valid one. "I do believe you... but if we informed the police or something – what would they have to prove it?"
He nods, your rationality was something he always enjoyed about you. You were never quick to make hasty decisions without theorizing first. "The roses – wasn't he the only one who could have known? And the first day he met you – he- he -" Jungkook stammers in anticipation as he tries to get the words out. He pauses as he realizes the only fragment that could fit the situation are the words that Jimin had told him two years ago "- like you were the last meal he'll ever eat."
As though the stars aligned, the door to your hospital opens with Taehyung standing there with three police officers behind him. A smug smile kisses his lips as he eyes fall on Jungkook's hardening gaze. He quickly changes his expression in an instant before crossing the bed quickly to you. "Jagiya!" He calls out as he pulls you out of Jungkook's grip like a mad man. You thrash in his arms as he pulls you as close to him as possible. "D-did he hurt you? Are you okay?" He cradles your head in his hands.  
Jungkook lunges for Taehyung immediately. He pulls Taehyung's arms way from you and instinctively pulls you into his chest. "Don't touch her ever again or so help me, that will be your last breath." Anger radiates from Jungkook as he stares at him with pure hate in his eyes.
"Officers, this is him." Taehyung says as he points at Jungkook. The glasses on his face make him appear smaller in comparison to Jungkook's bulkier figure. "He's been stalking my girlfriend for years – he's crazy." He says frantically. "He tried to get his girlfriend, you know her?" He pauses with a shaky breath. "Lee Hyejin? He tried to get her to kill her last night."  
"What?" You yell as you look at the officers who approach Jungkook and you. "No! No, he's lying! Jungkook's my best friend--" you cling to Jungkook's arm tighter. His grip on you tightens as the officers approach. "He didn't do this! Jungkook is innocent – it was him!" You point to Taehyung frantically as the officers edge closer to you.
"Ma'am, please move away from the suspect." The officers say as you compress yourself deeper into Jungkook's embrace.  
"He's convinced her that he's her best friend." Taehyung says. It appears that his body trembles from fear, but in actuality, it trembles in delight of finally having you to himself for the first time in fifteen years. "-he's brainwashed her." He lunges for Jungkook immediately before the officers hold him back to stop from an altercation.  
"Sir, please remain silent if you do not want to incriminate yourself." The first officer tells Jungkook as the other officer pulls a thrashing you away from him. You let out a shaky breath as you try to grab Jungkook's arm but fail as you watch him.  
"Ma'am, please refrain from touching the suspect." The second officer tells you as he holds you back. Your mouth goes dry as you watch the remaining officers press Jungkook's face roughly against the hospital bed.  
"I am going to read you your rights." The first officer says as he pulls out the handcuffs to handcuff Jungkook. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?” The officer finishes as he handcuffs Jungkook.  
Jungkook hangs his head low as he stares at Taehyung and then you with wide eyes. "I love you, Y/N-ah." He says before the officer pulls him up roughly by the back of the shirt. His eyes turn to slits as he stares at Taehyung's figure.  
The officers evidently take note of Jungkook's words hastily before clearing their throats. "You are now under arrest Jeon Jungkook for one count of stalking, one count of conspiracy of murder, and two accounts of aggravated battery."  
You crumple to the floor as you watch the police trot your best friend off to jail and you immediately turn your gaze to Taehyung with disgust lacing your orbs. You shake your head at him immediately, tears rushing to your face. "What is wrong with you?" You yell at him.
"You're what's wrong with me, Y/N-ah." Taehyung says in a monotone voice. He advances towards you before you sputter back onto the chair, clearly distraught with what happened. "Do you know how fucking painful it was to see you with him all of these years? To look you in the eyes for the last few months and you can't even remember who the hell I am?" His voice cracks as he stares at you – or rather, through you. "You belong to me and no one will ever change that. Not even a boy in a sandbox."  
The reference makes your grip on the chair slack at his words. That was how you first met Jungkook. Immediately, a thousand memories collide to obscure your vision at once – Taehyung pushing you on the swing; you catching him putting love letters in your locker as a high schooler; the warmth of his hugs when he made you hot cocoa in his father's kitchen after your first day of kindergarten. It was him.  
Your final memories of him retreat back to your orbs and you immediately look away from him and stand up. You now could remember where Taehyung had gotten Jungkook to replace him – or rather, you know remembered why he did.  
"I never want to see you again." Your voice is barely above a whisper. A tear escapes your cheek before you stand up; too weak to even move. "… Taehyungie." You utter the childish nickname you had given him.  
Taehyung, too absorbed in his own blissful state of your remembrance, he does not notice how you run out of your hospital room after the officers and Jungkook. Jungkook was a minor tradeoff, much like Jimin was. Like Jimin, he would be easily disposable in due time. And in that moment, Taehyung knew that this was only the beginning for you and him.
• ° °•○•° °•○•° °•○•° °•○• ° °•○•° °
I apologize for the long wait, guys! Let me know your thoughts about this chapter!  I like hearing your thoughts. Don’t be a silent reader. :)
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exodesmadres · 7 years
BTS MTL - Dating Someone With a Ten Year Age Difference
BTS MTL Dating Someone With A Ten Year Age Difference
Request:  Most to least likely to date a girl with 10 years age difference? thank you :)!
A/N: Since its BTS is a bit younger, I’m going to reduce the age difference when using examples of the girl being younger than them. Also, since she didn’t specify which group she wanted to see this be written abut, I’m going to write it about BTS, EXO, NCT, and Got7.
Warning: The usual warning. I don’t know BTS, and have never met them before. This evaluation was composed by a mere observation of their personalities. 
Yoongi - I think Yoongi would be the most likely to date someone with an age difference. Maybe not ten years, since he’s only twenty four and she’s have to be fourteen in this scenarion. But I feel like he’d go for anyone eighteen to twenty three. He has an oppa kink--I have the receipts to prove it--so he would like to be the older one.
Jungkook - Even though the maknae seems like he doesn’t like to be the younger one, I feel like deep down he likes noonas. Like he would be so likely to date someone older than him.
Jimin - Jimin would probably go for someone younger. Even though he’s one of the younger boys and according to my logic he should like noonas, he gives off an oppa vibe. Like he would like to be the older one in the relationship.
Seokjin - I feel like Jin would be more on the neutral side, like he wouldn’t mind dating someone older, younger, and the same age. But if he really had to pick, I feel like he would also go for someone younger. He takes care of the other boys, and I feel like he would like to be with someone younger who could depend on him.
Taehyung - Another who I feel would be more neutral. But if he had to pick, I feel like he would go for someone a bit older, but not too much older. Maybe up three years older than him.
Hoseok - From what I have seen, he doesn’t seem to show a big preference for older or younger people. He is also pretty neutral. Like he wouldn’t mind dating anyone, as long as he liked them. Though in my opinion, I see him more with someone his age.
Namjoon - Same for Namjoon. Very neutral, but I would see him with someone closer to his age. If anything, he might date someone a bit younger, two to three years. But probably not.
END NOTE: Like I mentioned before, I obviously have never met BTS in real life. This is just my opinion on whether or not they would date someone with a ten year difference.
Thank you for reading!
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omo-bangtan · 9 years
TEASER Jin scenario
Hope you’re all having a good week so far, not long until the weekend! In the meantime, here’s a teaser for the latest Jin scenario I’m working on. Please like if you’re intrigued. My ask is wide open!
Seokjin and your mum turned their heads to you simultaneously and all you could do was to stare at them with your mouth half open, too stunned to make a sound.
"Ah, (Your name)-sshi, I just wanted to drop by with the mujigae tteok as I promised." Seokjin said brightly.
Your heart stopped beating for a millisecond.
Oh God, don’t tell me he has already told mum about-
"Honey, why didn’t you tell me your sunbae was coming over?" Your mum asked with a smile you had never seen in your life. She was beaming.
Note: I really enjoyed writing this one. Hope you like it!
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Encountering His Crush [Seokjin and Yoongi]
Sorry they are mega long, but I had an idea and rolled with it. Also, the title doesn’t really do it justice, but really had no idea how to name this reaction... I may fix them up in the future, but for now enjoy a little bad boy au and let me know what you think~ 
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Jiyeon and Seokjin grew up together. All the way until high school, they were close. However, when the boys joined high school and BTS formed, Seokjin and Jiyeon rarely spent time together. Due to the sudden change, she became a target of bullies her last year of high school. They were small things. Shoes going missing, maybe a book or two hidden around the class. But then things just escalated. She found herself drenched in some occasions or her lunch would go missing…
Seokjin didn’t realize what was going on at first. He noticed some days Jiyeon went without being seen eating lunch or entering class late. He didn’t put the pieces together until Yoongi told him about one of the incidences he witnessed with Jiyeon and a pair of classmates. He was livid. Seokjin approached Jiyeon with a trail of fire as she opened her locker to grab her books. He said nothing as he shut her locker and grabbed her arm.
“Hey! Seokjin!” She hissed as he yanked her down the hall not making an move to stop.
Seokjin eyed the students around him. This was his silent threat to them all to stay away from Jiyeon. She tried to pry off his hand, but when he tightened his grip on her wrist she stopped. He led her down to the abandoned classroom and was secretly thankful the boys weren’t in as he pulled inside. He slid the door shut and released her wrist.
Jiyeon clicked her teeth as she rubbed her wrist, “Yes, hold my wrist harder why don’t you?”
Seokjin shot her a look, “Funny… You always have a comeback to me, but when those dumb-asses bully you, you clam up.”
Jiyeon looked away as she licked her lips, “What’s the point? I can snap-back at them and they’ll hit. I can’t fight.”
“And I won’t?”
She chuckled, “Why do you care? You ditched me months ago.”
He gave her an unreadable expression as he made his way to her. Sensing the change in him, Jiyeon stepped back only to hit a desk. Seokjin pressed his hands on either side of the desk and pinned her, “I didn’t ditch you.”
Jiyeon shoved him, but he barely move, “For real? So I’ve dreamed the last three months of you not in my life?”
He sucked in a breath as he ran his hand in his hair, “It’s not like that, Jiyeon.”
“Then you tell me, what is it like?”
“I like you” he confessed angrily. He took a deep breath as he looked her in the eyes, “I love you… That’s why I pulled away.”
Jiyeon stared at him in shock as she took in his words. Her shock subsided as she pursed her lips and shot him a glare, “Really, so you decided that it was better to avoid me when we could have been dating this entire time. Good job.” She mocked.
“I knew you didn–wait” his eyes widened. “Dating? You like me?”
“Wow, give him a cookie. He’s figured it out” she gave him a slow clap.
Seokjin ignored her mocks as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers in a heated kiss. She kissed him back instantly and wrapped her arm around his neck. Seokjin wanted to deepen the kiss, but the sound of Jiyeon’s stomach broke his train of thought. He broke the kiss and licked his lips, “Hungry?”
She blushed as she shoved him back, successfully this time, “Shut up… I haven’t eaten.”
He went to his bag and pulled out two lunches, “Good thing I brought us food, huh?” He grinned as he shoved some desks to the side to make room for them on the ground.
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Yoongi only ever attended one class religiously. His music class. It was the only class he could play the piano, but that wasn’t the only reason. He hit the keys as he watched Taylor with the teacher. He played a melody as Taylor nodded to the instructions the teacher gave her before she placed her violin back to the crook of her neck. Yoongi missed a key and flinched at the sound as he came to a stop. He tsked as he got up from the piano.
Taylor drew back her violin bow and a low drawn out note sounded before she moved her bow across the strings again. Yoongi caught himself staring at her as she played the melody she memorized. He was in a daze as he watched Taylor shut her eyes and swayed to the music she created with her violin.
As Taylor packed away her things, she caught Yoongi’s gaze on her. She gave him a smile as she picked up her violin and waved at him before she left with her two friends. The two never interacted asides from a hello or goodbye on her part, but she wanted to talk to him. However, her friends would never let her get close to him in fears that Yoongi, being part of BTS, would corrupt her. Taylor glanced back at Yoongi once more before she was dragged out of the music room leaving Yoongi to his thoughts.
One day after school, Yoongi saw Taylor’s friends frantically searching for her with concern on their faces. He knew why they were searching for her. All of the music majors at the school knew. It was the day of the contest that Taylor had been preparing for the past five months. He was there and watched each performance, but the only one who captivated him was Taylor. Her music spoke to him. However, when they announced the three winners and Taylor wasn’t called, she fled the auditorium. Yoongi silently hoped he could be the one to run into her as he headed off to the abandoned music room.  
Shockingly, his prayer was answered as he entered to see a crying Taylor on the piano bench with her violin case on her lap. She heard the door and her head shot up. “Oh… Yoongi…” Taylor wiped her eyes as she sniffled, “Sorry, I forgot this is where you and BTS hang out.” She got up from the bench. “I just needed a moment alone.”
Yoongi held up a hand, “Relax, the guys skipped today, so it’s just me today.” He walked up to the piano and traced the keys, “I watched the performance. I’m sorry–”
Taylor shook her head, “It’s my fault. I’m just not good enough.”
“I’m sorry the judges don’t know great music when they hear it” Yoongi continued. Taylor looked up at him with tear filled eyes before she let out a soft laugh. “I’m serious” his eyes confirmed the seriousness in his tone. “They’re stupid and need their ears checked. Your music is beautiful.”
Taylor smiled as she pushed her hair behind her ear, “If anyone can beautifully it’s you, Yoongi. You play the piano like it’s a part of you. I love hearing you play. It always helps me focus.”
Yoongi sat on half of the piano bench and patted the seat. Taylor sat beside him and Yoongi played a few notes. He looked at Taylor who looked like she was struggling with whether to cry or smile. He knew words wouldn’t be enough for her, so he played a song he made. A song he created when he had watched her perform in the music room. He wanted to bring her radiant smile back to her lips.
Part II | Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Listening to His Music While Studying [Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok]
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One of the hardest times of being a college student was midterms and finals weeks. Especially when the final exam was a third of the grade like Yunseo’s final was. It was her last semester and she was in a sink or swim circumstance with this one class. She knew if she couldn’t pull out a decent grade on her final, she could kiss graduation goodbye until the next semester.
Any free time from between classes and work, was spent studying for the one class. Her other four classes were relatively easy and ones she could miss the exam and still pass with high marks. Yunseo had zero time to communicate with anyone not even her family could get in touch with her.
It was her family’s concern, that got her boyfriend, Seokjin, involved. He already knew she was under immense stress and though he conveyed that stress to her family, they still wanted him to check on her. So on his day off, Seokjin took the chance to cook her a meal, pack it up, and headed to her apartment. He knew how she could get when it came to stress studying. She could go hours without food and sleep and not realize how much time had passed her.
He pressed her code and listened for the locks to release before he let himself inside. “Yu-yu?” He called out. However, he got no verbal response from her. Instead he was greeted by his solo song, Awake. Seokjin removed his shoes and headed inside to see Yunseo at the dining room table with notes, books, and her laptop cluttered on the table. He peered at Yunseo’s face. Her eyes were sunken and the bags under her eyes were darker than usual. Exhaustion was written all over her face and it concerned Seokjin. He placed the food on the kitchen counter before he made his way to his zombie like girlfriend. He reached out and touched her shoulder. Yunseo’s eyes snapped out of their daze as she jumped from the sudden touch. However she relaxed when she saw her boyfriend. “How’s the studying going? Have you eaten?”
Yunseo gave a small smile before she stretched out her arms and a moan escaped her lips. “I hate it and no to eating. What time is it?” She rubbed her eyes as she reached for her phone and hit the power button to see the many messages from Seokjin, friends, and her family. “Oops… So much for breakfast.” She stared at the white large printed numbers that said 4:43.
Seokjin’s brow furrowed and his lips pressed together in a thin line. He reached out and flicked her forehead. “You should have eaten two meals by now. You’re lucky I brought you food.” He walked over to the plastic bags with containers of food while Yunseo went to fetch plates, silverware, and drinks. As he unloaded the food, he noticed his song had repeated and his ears perked, “Hey love, why are you listening to my song?”
Yunseo walked over and placed the items on the counter before she wrapped her arms around Seokjin. He moved his arms out of her way as she encircled his abdomen. “It helps when I start to miss you. It helps ease the loneliness.”
Seokjin’s lips curved upward as he pressed his lips to the top of her head. “You should have called.”
Yunseo let out a whine, “I know, but you’re going through promotions right now.”
Seokjin stopped messing with the food and his hand combed through Yunseo’s hair drawing her attention up at him. Seokjin flashed her a smile before he gave her a quick peck. “How about during my days off, I come by to feed you and help you study?” Yunseo let out a yawn and nodded at his suggestion. “Good. Now grab your plate. We’ll eat then take a power nap. After I’ll quiz you.”
Yunseo got on her tiptoes and Seokjin leaned down to meet her lips. “I seriously don’t know what I did to deserve you.” He kissed her once more before letting her go to get her food and he followed after her.
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Kayleen was studying for her art history exam that was in a matter of days. She had been staring at the same page for the last hour in an attempt to memorize art pieces with their titles, artist names, and art method used, but none of it made sense to her. She let out a harsh breath as she slammed the textbook shut. She then grabbed her phone and dialed her best friend’s, Yoongi, number.
Yoongi’s rough gruffy voice hit her ear, “What do you want? I’m busy.”
“Where are you?”
He could hear the exhaustion in her slurred words, “Where am I usually?”
“In bed?”
“I’m hanging up now.”
“Wait! Wait! Yoongi” she whined. “I’m sorry. Can I come over? Please!”
He was silent for a moment, “Fine. I’m in my studio. Bring me food.”
Kayleen entered his studio code and trudged inside to see Yoongi with his headphones on. She put the food and her backpack down. “Yo! I got the goods.” When she got no reply, she crept up behind him and hit his shoulder.
“FUCK!” He jumped as he yanked his headphones from his ears. He twisted in his seat as he shot her a dirty look, “Can’t you greet people like a normal fucking person?”
Kayleen shrugged as she went back to the bag of food. “You knew I was comin. Here’s your food” she held out one of the two bags of chicken. “I also got some soda from the 711.” Yoongi took the food with a mumbled thanks and went back to look at the computer. “Whatcha working on?” She asked as she moved to the seat beside him with a chicken leg in hand.
“None ya” he glanced at her and clicked his tongue, “Don’t get crumbs on my floor either.”
She rolled her eyes, “Sounds like what I told you before you spilled your drink in my car.” She took a chunk of chicken in her mouth, “Buw reealla wha cha wokin on?”
She chewed her chicken and swallowed it, “I came here to study, so I wanna listen.”
“Why? Go home and study.”
She moved from the chair beside him and went for her bag, “I tried that, but I can’t concentrate. Your music helps me focus.”
Yoongi straightened in his seat as he pulled at his jacket he wore, “Well…” he cleared his throat to conceal his embarrassment. “Fine, you can stay, but don’t disturb me.” He unplugged his headphones as Kayleen bounced back to the chair beside him. She threw her legs over the arm of the chair and put her textbook on her legs. Yoongi glanced at her as he started the beat and noticed how she was able to focus on the words in front of her. He turned back to the screen as his lips curved into a smile. The two worked silently and let the beat of the music help them focus on the objects in front of them.
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Rebecca was backstage of her boyfriend’s, Hoseok, concert with the rest of BTS. She had a textbook resting on her thighs as Hoseok got the finishing touches of his make up done.
Jimin plopped down beside Rebecca’s head and stared down at her textbook, “Why’d you bring that with you? You’re not staying for the concert, yea?”
“No, I’m staying.” She looked back at him, “I have a final in a few days I need to study for.”
The boys all turned their heads to her, “WHAT!?”
“Babe, you shouldn’t be here!” Hoseok got out of the chair once his make-up was done. “You should study somewhere nice and quiet.”
“I’m with Hoseok. There’s a nearby library you can stay at while we do the concert.” Namjoon suggested in concern.
Jungkook nodded, “Yea noona, or the dorms. It’ll be quiet there too.”
Rebecca played with a strand piece of her hair as she sat up and shut her textbook. “I’m fine, guys. I appreciate the concern, but I wanna study here.”
Hoseok’s head cocked to the side, “But how can you study with all the noise?”
“That noise happens to be my boyfriend and his amazing group’s music. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t insult it” she teased earning a light hearted laugh from the members. “And besides, even if I went somewhere quiet I’d just put your music on the highest volume and listen to it because it helps me concentrate. Why do that when I can just lay here on this couch, study, and listen to a live performance.”
Hoseok couldn’t help the smile that graced his lips as he leaned over his girlfriend and pecked her lips. “If it gets too loud, don’t study. I’ll help you with it when we get to the dorms.”
“Roger that!” A staff member called BTS out to the stage and Hoseok’s eyes glistened as they met Rebecca’s. The guys left the room and Hoseok stole one more kiss before he left. Rebecca relaxed back down on the couch and pulled her legs up to use as her textbook holder and dove into her studies just as the music played.
Part II | Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
3 notes · View notes
squirrelly831 · 4 years
Child Wakes Him Up [Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok]
Another daddy!au. Hope you like it~!
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It was Seokjin’s first day back in Seoul after a world tour with BTS. He snuck in about 3 that morning half asleep and drained after some flight delays. He didn’t bother to unload his suitcase as he took it to his bedroom. He changed clothes and saw his wife, Naeun, fast asleep on his side of the bed with her head in his pillow. Seokjin wanted to go see his daughter, Kyungmin, but convinced himself that he could just do that when he woke up. He got in bed, looped his arm around his sleeping wife and he fell asleep.
Naeun woke to a stuffed animal to the face. Her eyes flew open as she looked to see her two-year-old daughter attempting to climb the bed. She went to sit up, when she felt and arm around her waist. She turned to see Seokjin out like a light. Naeun smiled as she leaned down and kissed his cheek, “Welcome home.” She whispered. Kyungmin let out a whine as she gave up on crawling on the bed. Naeun escaped from Seokjin’s arm and picked up Kyungmin. “Let’s go make breakfast for daddy, Kyunnie.”
Kyungmin looked over her mom’s shoulder and her eyes lit up when she saw her dad sleeping. “DADDY!”
“Shh, he needs sleep, okay?” Kyungmin nodded as she rested her head on her mom’s shoulder. She picked up the stuffed animal and gave it to Kyungmin. Naeun noticed his suitcase and let out a sigh. She took her daughter to the living room and set her down before she surfed the channels for a kid’s station, “Kyunnie, stay here. Mommy is going to wash clothes and then make some dinner. Do you want juice?” Kyunnie nodded as she held her bunny close to her and stared at the tv. Naeun gave her a kid cup of orange juice then returned to her bedroom to retrieve the clothes from her husband’s suitcase.
While Naeun was starting the first load of laundry, Kyungmin grew bored of the show on TV and went to her bedroom. She walked out with a couple of stuff animals as she went to her parent’s room where her father slept. Kyungmin threw up the two stuffed animals before she climbed up the bed. She placed the stuff animals beside Seokjin’s head which woke him. He turned and let out a light groan as he began to wake. Kyungmin was busy trying to press the stuff animal in her dad’s arms to see that he was awake.
His arm wrapped around a stuffed animal earning giggles from Kyungmin. His eyes fluttered open to his daughter’s giggles and he turned to her, “Morning angel. Did you bring me all these babies?” Kyungmin nodded her head with such a force he could see her head pop off her neck if she was a bobble head. Seokjin reached out, moving the stuffed bear to the side, “Can daddy have a hug from his princess?” Kyungmin threw herself on top of Seokjin and he immediately wrapped his arms around her and littered her face with kisses. “I missed you so much!” He said between kisses. His exhaustion no longer bothered him as he held his daughter in his hands.
“APPA!” She squealed.
Naeun walked to the bedroom and leaned against the door, “I told you not to wake daddy, Kyunnie.”
Seokjin looked up at his wife with a bright smile, “I needed to get up. I wanted to see my beautiful girls.” He patted the bed beside him as he held Kyungmin in his arms.
“I’ll make us breakfast first.”
Seokjin whined, “we can have food later, right Kyungmin?”
“See now come to bed with us!”
“Yea Umma! Come to bed!” Kyungmin stood up on the bed and stomped her foot.
Naeun chuckled as she approached her daughter, “And who do you think you are ordering me around?” She reached out and tickled Kyungmin. She fell to the bed in a fit of laughter as Nauen continued her on slaughter of tickles.
Seokjin admired his two beautiful girls with a smile on his face. He definitely missed them… He missed just being a family.
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Yoongi swore up and down to his daughter, Eunmi, that he’d be there in time for her bedtime even after his wife, Katelyn, told him not to make an empty promise. He was resentful of her comment and made the promise anyway not knowing just what she meant by empty promises. He got so much inspiration, he found himself in his studio until 4:30 in the morning. Yoongi let out a string of curses as he fished out his phone from his pocket to see several missed calls from Katelyn. There were texts too, but he was honestly too scared to read them knowing they’d be littered with his daughter’s disappointment.
He made his way into the house, his shoulders slumped, and his head hung forward. Yoongi saw the tv light reflect in the living room as he kicked off his shoes and headed to the living room. There he saw his wife fighting sleep as she bottle fed their youngest, Junho, and Eunmi beside her out like a light. Katelyn’s head bobbed as she nodded off to sleep. “Babe…” Yoongi whispered as he approached his family.
Katelyn’s eyes opened as she became more alert. Yoongi could see the exhaustion on her face. “This is why I told you not to make empty promises…” She looked down at Eunmi’s sleeping figure. “She cried herself to sleep thinking you didn’t love her.”
“Love, I swear– I didn’t–” Katelyn stood as she took the bottle from Junho’s lips after he emptied it. “The least you can do is take her to bed” she whispered coolly as she went to the kitchen with Junho in her hands and put water in the bottle to rinse out later. Katelyn patted Junho’s back as she headed off to his nursery to put him back to bed.
Yoongi reached down and picked up Eunmi, “Sorry, I’m so late.” He kissed her head as he took her to bed. After he tucked her in, he headed to his bedroom and saw Katelyn already under the covers with her back to him. He got changed and crawled into bed, “Katie, can we talk?”
“Later… I’m too pissed and tired right now.” She shuffled further from him as she shut her eyes and fell asleep.
Yoongi lay there swarmed with guilt before he finally fell asleep. He wanted to apologize, but he knew it would take more than that. Not only had he managed to piss off his wife, but he disappointed and hurt his daughter. He couldn’t even figure out which one was worse.
Later that morning, Junho woke and Katelyn shot out of bed. She glanced at Yoongi’s sleeping figure before she walked out to the nursery and picked up Junho, “Okay, okay… You’re fine.” She cooed as she set him on the dipper changer. Afterwards, she headed to the living room and placed him in his walker then wheeled him to the kitchen. “I’d leave you in the living room, but you’re such a cry baby when we disappear. So mommy is going to make breakfast for daddy and Mimi. Then I’ll get you food, okay?” She bent down to his eye level and kissed his cheek earning a smile. “That’s my baby boy.” She rubbed his head before she stood up and got to work on breakfast and coffee.
Eunmi woke up next and crawled out of her bed to sleepily strolled to her parent’s bedroom. She rubbed her eye with one hand as she reached up and turned the knob then pushed open the door. “Mommy” she whined as she approached the bed. Yoongi woke to her voice and his head groggily. Her eyes widened, “Daddy!” She crawled on the bed with a sudden enthusiasm, “You are home!”
Yoongi rubbed his face, “Morning baby girl.” He looked over and noticed his wife missing, “Where’s mommy?”
Eunmi shrugged, “With Junnie? You broke your promise.”
The guilt Yoongi forgot bubbled back, “I know baby… Daddy is so sorry. I’ll make it up today. I’ll be here all day.”
“And tuck me in?”
“Yea.” He sat up just as Eunmi threw herself at him. He kissed her head and hugged her tightly, “Mommy is really mad at daddy, yea?”
Eunmi nodded, “But give mommy a kiss and she will be happy too!” She leaned up and kissed him on the lips.
Yoongi smiled as he picked her up and got out of bed, “I’ll do that. Let’s go get ready and see mommy and Junnie, okay?” He lead his four year old to the bathroom so they could brush their teeth together. Yoongi worked through a plan to get Katelyn to talk to him and hopefully forgive him as he brushed his teeth. Maybe since Eunmi was so forgiving, maybe, just maybe, his wife would be the same.
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Hoseok could never deny his youngest, Liam, if he ever wanted to because of how similar they were. Liam, being only two, had the same sunshine personality as his dad. Yohan, the oldest, couldn’t help but fall in love with his little brother when he first appeared. Liam was always smiling. He just brought a certain warmth with him wherever he went.
Just like his dad, Liam, loved to wake up people in the most obnoxious ways. Yohan avoided it that morning as he was already up with his mom in the living room. So, Liam trailed off to his next victim… his dad.
Hoseok was just waking up when he heard his son’s grunts as he climbed up the bed. At first he was going to help him up, but he felt Liam’s weight on his stomach. He kept his eyes closed as Liam poked his cheeks and nose. Hoseok smiled as he kept his eyes closed as Liam continued his actions. When Hoseok didn’t wake up, Liam began to sniffle and almost broke into a cry until Hoseok leaped into action. “Ahhh! You woke me up!” Hoseok grinned widely at his son. Liam laughed as Hoseok tickled him, “How could you wake up daddy like that? I thought you were my friend!” Liam let out a scream as he laughed wildly.
After they calmed down and brushed their teeth, Hoseok took Liam into the living room where he saw Elfie on the sofa stretched out and Yohan on the mat on the ground intensely watching his favorite show. Hoseok put Liam down and he ran over to his brother who calmly put him right in front of him and pointed at the tv. Hoseok made his way to his wife who looked pale, “You okay, love?” He sat by her head and put a pillow beside his lap for her to lay on.
Elfie groaned as she shifted, “Just aching… My back hurts and I’m just tired…” Hoseok ran his hand through his wife’s hair as his other went to her five month sized stomach. “Where should we take the kids?”
“We’re not taking them anywhere until you feel less pain. Then maybe we can take them to the interactive museum.”
Elfie shut her eyes and nodded, “Okay… I need to at least get them breakfast.”
Yohan stood up and stretched, “Mommy can I get milk?” Elfie nodded and went to get up, but Yohan walked out to the kitchen and returned with an already made cup of milk and a bottle. “Here!” He jerked his hand out to Liam to hand him the bottle.
Hoseok and Elfie watched the two and then looked at each other, “Well Yohan’s definitely in the big brother role for sure. I’ll make the kids breakfast in a bit, so you just rest.” Elfie nodded as her eyes closed and she went back to sleep.
Part II | Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Being Scared but Pretending to be Okay [Seokjin and Yoongi]
The title doesn’t do the reaction justice I feel, but yea this is basically the kids being scared of xyz, but trying not to show they really are.
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Seokjin’s daughter, Kyungmin, had a dream growing up as a child and that was to be an actress. She had the personality that was meant to be in shows. When Kyungmin was younger, Seokjin and Naeun had a vlog to update BTS fans on his family and Kyungmin was the one who caught everyone’s eyes. She had her mom’s beautiful looks and her dad’s personality. So, it didn’t come as a surprise when ten year old Kyungmin told her parents that she wanted to be an actress. She could cry or get angry on cue.
So, after much talk between her parents, Kyungmin auditioned and was signed up for a drama to play the lead girl’s younger past self. It wasn’t a big lead, but it was a stepping stone in her path if she chose to get into more dramas as she got older.
Seokjin took Kyungmin to the first set she would do for the drama. He had helped her memorize her lines for weeks. He knew she was ready for it, but he could tell she was scared. Kyungmin was the one who would talk a lot when she was excited for something. No one could keep her quiet, but the entire way to the set, Kyungmin was in the backseats with her headphones in blocking out the world. When they arrived to the set Kyungmin was quiet and kept closer to her dad. Seokjin pulled his daughter to the side after she was dressed for the scene, “What’s up, baby?”
She shook her head stiffly, “Nothing, appa.”
Seokjin smiled, but didn’t push the topic. “You know, this reminds me of when I debut with BTS. The cameras and all the people rushing about. It was scary.”
Kyungmin pursed her lips, “If you think I’m scared, I’m not. I wouldn’t be scared of something so easy.” Her hands placed themselves on her hips.
“I was scared.” Kyungmin’s shoulders slumped as her dad talked. “What if I forgot my lines or missed a step?” He chuckled at the memory, “I was scared I’d ruin our debut, but when I got on stage–I felt like I was meant to be there. The fans were amazing and they supported us. Your uncles supported me even when I did make mistakes. I learned each time I got back in front of the fans or the cameras.”
Kyungmin nodded, “So it’s not bad to be scared?”
“Not one bit. It’s something new. Of course it’ll be scary.” The director called for Kyungmin and her co-actor and she sucked in a breath. “I’ll be right here when you’re done. You can do it.” He hugged his daughter who squeezed him back.
When she let go of him she gave him a smile, “Thanks, appa. Stay here, okay? I’ll be back!” Her smile broadened into a grin when her dad nodded then ran off to the set.
Seokjin let out a sigh as he looked at his phone, “Thank you Namjoon for the advice.” He read the text Namjoon sent him one last time before he pocketed his phone and watched his daughter perform her scene.
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Yoongi knew the second Katelyn found out about what he had done, he would not exist. It wasn’t like he meant to leave their eldest, Eunmi, at the store. His hands were full of groceries. He had told his eight year old to keep a tight grip on his shirt and he thought she had listened. But after discarding the groceries in the car, his eyes turned to where Eunmi should have been only to see the asphalt. His eyes widened as he called out for Eunmi in the parking lot not once caring about the looks he received by the people around him. He shut the trunk and rushed back into the store as panic set in and set him on fire. He mumbled apologies as he bumped into others as he looked for his daughter.
His panic vanished when he saw his daughter in the cereal aisle with Sierra and Shion. Sierra was kneeling in front of Eunmi who’s face was flush as she kept from crying. Sierra rubbed her shoulder as she took out her cell phone and Yoongi called out.
Eunmi looked over at him, “Appa!” She ran from Sierra and to Yoongi who immediately pulled her into his arms. He could feel her quake in his arms as he picked her up.
Yoongi looked over at Sierra who just smiled and waved before she head off to find her groceries with her son rushing towards his favorite cereal. “Let’s go home, yea?” Eunmi buried her head in his shoulder as she gave a curt nod.
Yoongi placed Eunmi into her seat and before he could strap her in, Eunmi broke into tears. Yoongi pulled Eunmi out of the car seat and held her. “I’m sorry baby. That must have been scary, yea?” She cried harder not able to reply. He held her in his arms until she calmed down.
“What if mommy and daddy don’t find me next time?” She sniffled.
“If you ever get lost, mommy and daddy will always find you.” She held out her pinky in front of Yoongi’s face and he wrapped his pinky finger over it causing her to grin. “Why don’t we get some ice cream before we head home?”
Eunmi nodded excitedly as Yoongi got her back in her car seat and he handed her one of her favorite teddy bears. He shut her door and headed to the driver seat. As he got in he heard Eunmi mumble, “What was that baby girl?”
Eunmi petted the head of her teddy bear as she looked at her dad, “We can’t tell mommy about this. She would cry.”
Yoongi felt a breath of relief as he started the car, he’d survive another day. “Yea, this will between Eunmi and appa.”
However, when he got home he was greeted by a severally pissed off Katelyn who found out about the day’s event by Sierra who texted her.
Part II | Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
2 notes · View notes
squirrelly831 · 4 years
Pretend Boyfriend [Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok]
A bit long, but then again… when aren’t they? Enjoy~
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Lyla and Seokjin had been friends for the last three years and there was one thing Seokjin never understood. Lyla never looked remotely interested in dating. He tried to take her to group dates, but she’d only ever talk to him or the other girls. He tried to introduce her to Namjoon and Hoseok, both befriended her, as did the others, but neither of them were interested in Lyla.
Lyla was gorgeous! Seokjin didn’t feel anything special with her over a friendship. She was like his little sister that he wanted to be happy and he thought that setting her up with another guy would be the key.
One day, Lyla and Seokjin were out at a mall food court when Seokjin noticed a man eyeing Lyla. He smiled slyly as he looked at Lyla. “Look, what do you think about him?”
Lyla took a large bite of her hamburger as she looked in the direction to where he nudged his head. She grimaced, “Nahh twinks” she said with a mouth full of food. Lyla swallowed the food and wiped her mouth, “I don’t know why you keep thinking I want to da–”
An arm touched Lyla’s shoulder and she froze. “Hey, you wanna go walk the mall with me? Maybe your cousin will let you out of his sight for a bit.”
Lyla’s face twisted and Seokjin could see the sickly look she had. He cleared his throat as he reached over and moved the man’s arm. “I’d prefer it if you didn’t touch my girlfriend.” Lyla gave him a startled look.
The man held up his arms, “My bad man, thought you were cousins. You have a good date.”
He left and Lyla and Seokjin laughed. “Cousins?” Lyla wiped her eyes as she laughed harder. “I’m not even Asian, man.”
Jin let out one of his infamous windshield laugh, “But really, why didn’t you like that guy? He seemed pretty nice.”
Lyla tried to calm her laughs as she looked at Jin, but she bursted, “Dude, I’m gay… Everyone but you seem to have figured that out.”
Jin sat there in a silent shock, “So… I’ve been setting you up with the wrong people… I will find you a great girlfriend then!” He shook his head not believing he had missed all the signs. No wonder his group members weren’t interested in her.
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Being friends for five years, Yoongi knew a thing or two about Aaliyah. He knew her favorite foods, her coffee order, and where she’d keep all her bobby-pins when she needed them. They were best friends, but they were also two fools who couldn’t realize the other liked them.
There was one thing Yoongi was always prepared for… pretending to be Aaliyah’s boyfriend. If he noticed an slight change in her body language or her face, he was by her side with and arm around her waist. Aaliyah did the same of course for him, but was always more flirty to him or touchy.
At a club, Yoongi knew there was a strong possibility he would need to step in and save Aaliyah from any prying eyes. The moment he picked her up from her place, he knew he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her dress hugged her curves and was short enough that it left little to the imagination. Even Yoongi found himself staring and biting his lip at how amazing she looked.
“Dance with me” Aaliyah tugged Yoongi’s arm as she got off the bar stool.
Yoongi scoffed, “No way. You go.” She gave him a sour look as she let his arm go and took to the dance floor alone. Yoongi watched her as she made quick friends with a few girls on the dance floor. They began to dance together and Yoongi relaxed in his seat as he watched his friend. He took the moment to go to the restroom.
While he was away, a man made his way to the girls. His eyes wondered up and down Aaliyah’s body. He wet his lips as he moved closer to her. “Why don’t you come use those hips for some good use with me?”
Aaliyah’s face twisted in disgust, “No thanks.” She closed her fingers together as she flipped her wrist. She looked at the place she left Yoongi only to see he wasn’t there and she silently began to panic.
As she walked off, the man grasped her wrist only to have his hand yanked off. She was pulled back into a hard chest, but the cologne was enough to tell her it was Yoongi. “I believe she told you no” Yoongi growled. His hand tightened around her waist.
The man held up his hands, “Man, she didn’t tell me she had a boyfriend. She came onto me, yo.”
Aaliyah held onto Yoongi and he scoffed, “Oh yea, I could see how she threw herself on you while I was at the bar waiting for our drinks.” The man’s color drained. “Get the fuck out of here. If I catch you near my girl again, I’ll make you pay.” The man ran off.
Aaliyah didn’t know what came over her when she leaned up and pecked his lips. But after she did, she pulled back in shock, “Oh fuck… I’m sorry.”
Yoongi stared at her lips before he pulled her off the dance floor, back towards the hall that led to the restrooms, and pressed her to the wall. She went to protest, but Yoongi held up a hand to stop her. “That kiss didn’t last nearly long enough for me” he leaned down and kissed her. Maybe it was the alcohol in their systems. The liquid courage that got them to finally take that next step from fake boyfriend and girlfriend to the real thing.
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Amii was one of those people who never saw the good of dating, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have her handful of one night stands. Most of her friends judged her for sleeping around, but Hoseok and a handful of others never did. It was rare for her to run into her night stands, but when she did, luckily she was always around one of her friends and would pull them into a fake relationship. Hoseok was no exception to this charade.
The two were out at the mall waiting for their movie time to approach. Hoseok and Amii hadn’t hung out in ages due to Hoseok’s comeback with BTS and Amii’s own work with vlogs and dance practices with Amber and Eric. They were both excited to spend the entire day together as it was a rarity for them to have off together.
Hoseok took her tray of trash and placed the trash on his before he slid the tray underneath his. “I’m going to trash these and then head to the restroom.”
She nodded as she slipped out her phone to check it. As he left, she sent a few text messages back to her friends. There was a whistle and a psst from the table behind her. She rolled her eyes as she opened a game on her phone. Another whistle sounded, far closer to her, and a larger muscular figure sit across her. “I’m not interested. If you couldn’t tell when I first ignored you.” She focused on her game.
The guy leaned forward and covered her screen with his colossal hand. She pressed her tongue to her cheek as she glared at him under her lashes. “I was just trying to get your attention, cutie.”
She tugged her phone back and pocketed, “Oh yes, I forgot, women are birds. We love being whistled at.”
The man chuckled deeply as he looked at her, “Damn, feisty. I like that.”
Amii was prepared to snap back until she was tugged out of her seat and held behind Hoseok’s back. “Really? You think you are good enough to flirt with my girl?” Hoseok wasn’t intimidate by the man’s size even as he stood and puffed out his chest.
The man scoffed as he walked past, “She ain’t even that cute. You can have her.” He mumbled as he shoved Hoseok with his shoulder.
Hoseok laughed as he watched the guy leave, “She ain’t even that cute… Yea, that’s why he was hitting on you.”
Amii threw her arms around him, “You’re my knight in shiny armor, Hobi, but you know I could have handled the guy.”
“Nope. I’m you ray of light.” He bopped her nose, “And what would you have done if he got aggressive with you?” he shook his finger with a tsk. “Now, let’s get to the movies. The movie will start soon.” The two looped arms and headed off to the theatre.
Part II | Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Leaving Him [Seokjin and Yoongi]
Note: This is JUST a reaction. I do not think you should EVER be in a violent relationship. NEVER let yourself get abused by another [mentally or physically]. You’re worth more than that kind of life.
This one has a bit of violence in Yoongi’s, so read at your own risk. Links are down below! Enjoy~
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Seokjin was perfect. Isabel had always been told how lucky she was to find a man like Seokjin. He was handsome, could cook, and was a successful doctor for being as young as he was. Isabel, or Izzy, met him during her residency as a nurse under him. It was what started the love affair turned marriage. Their love was like a storybook. She felt like Queen Victoria who found her own Prince Albert.
Due to his work, he worked some late nights and was hardly home, but being part of the medical field, she understood as she was called into work in the ER when they were low on staff. However, there were some times that she got suspicious. Sure, doctors worked over time, but with the amount he worked, it was more than a typical doctor. At first, she suspected an affair, but there were no women that Seokjin remotely gave a second glance too.
When she had began to give up on her suspicions, her brother, a local detective, dropped by. She brought tea to the living room where her brother sat with a solemn expression. “What brought you here so late?”
He looked at her then around, “Where’s Seokjin?”
She let out a frustrated sigh, “Out at work. Got called in again.”
His eyebrow rose, “Again?”
She waved it off, “He works overtime about everyday. I don’t think he sleeps more than a couple hours.” She played with her wedding ring, “But, I knew what I was getting in when I married him, so I guess I shouldn’t complain.”
“What if I told you he wasn’t the righteous doctor you thought he was?”
She was quiet for a moment before she let out a scoff, “I’d say you’re crazy. He’s a great doctor.”
Her brother pulled out a stack of papers from his bag and put them on the coffee table. “You should read this.”
Izzy looked over the stack of paper in front of her. Her eyes widened each time she ran across gang, mafia, BTS, or back alley doctor. She looked up at her brother with a silent plead that this was a mistake, but he refused to meet her eyes. She covered her mouth as a cry left her lips.
“I know this is a shock, sis, but we need your help” her brother knelt beside her. He took her hand in his, “Seokjin is a bad guy. We need to arrest him.”
“What does that have to do with me?” She whimpered.
Her brother made a face, “We wanted to use you as a bribe to get him out and caught in the act. I have a man undercover and we could set up a fake kidnapping. If Seokjin isn’t part of BTS, then he would call the police.”
“What if he is?” Her brother gave her a look as if to say do you really want to know. Izzy looked away, “Give me time to think about it. This is a lot to process.”
“We don’t–”
Izzy shot from her seat, “You just told me my husband is part of BTS. A ruthless gang who I’ve only heard nightmarish news about. I need time.” She stressed.
Her brother took the files and nodded, “I understand. You know how to reach me.”
It took her a week to finally reply to her brother and agreed to help. She knew asking Seokjin outright would get her nowhere and she kept about her daily activities as to not raise suspicions. So, one day after work, she drove to location her brother told her. His partner met her there with a makeup artist.
“This woman is just going to prepare you for the photos. We’re going to make it look as real as possible. Are you sure you’re ready?”
Izzy shook her head, “I’m not ready, but if I don’t do this I won’t get the truth.”
Once the makeup was done, her brother ripped her shirt and the fake blood stained her scrubs. The reality didn’t set in until her brother put her in a chair and tied her up. Tears fell as she looked down as her brother got out of the shot and his partner took the pictures. Her heart felt like it was going to give out with how hard it pounded against her chest. She held back her sobs, but not the tears that continued to flow.
The pictures were sent to Seokjin and her brother untied her, “Now we get you out of here.” Izzy gave her brother a surprised look. He touched her cheek to wipe the stray tear, “You can’t stay here. If they see you not in real danger they’ll realize they’ve been played. My partner will take you to the safe house.”
They ushered her to the car and she sat in the backseat. She had a burner phone in hand that was given to her to tell her brother when she was safe. However, she felt fear. Not for herself, but for Seokjin. The man who was nothing short of perfect. The man who would help someone regardless if he would get paid for it or not. Her tears returned as she pushed in Seokjin’s numbers she had memorized like the back of her hand. Though it was more likely true that he was part of BTS, she couldn’t see a man like him behind bars when so many more people need him.
Don’t go. It’s a set up. Please. Don’t look for me.
She sent the message before blocking the number. She hugged the phone close to her as her wedding ring was long taken by her brother. She didn’t want this, but she had a feeling that they wouldn’t let her change her mind and go back to him. Izzy loved Seokjin, but with a detective brother, she knew they would never be together again.
When Seokjin received the text, they were halfway to the address. “Stop the car!” Yoongi slammed on the breaks and they looked at him. Seokjin’s hand clenched around the phone, “It’s an ambush…” he got out of the car. “FUCK!” He screamed as he threw his phone against the asphalt. He pulled at his hair as he realized his secret had been discovered by the last person he wanted to find out. Namjoon got out of the car to find out what was up. “She knows. This whole thing was a set up. Her brother… he must have told her.” He was conflicted. He didn’t know what he could do next.
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Yoongi kept a lot of secrets. Secrets that he knew Natalie would never accept due to her nurturing nature. Her nature wasn’t a problem for him. He loved that about her the most. However, it was hard to keep a secret as big as his when he took his work home.
Being in charge as BTS’s second in command, he did a lot of the dirty work for RM. His specialty was torture and interrogation. Something he had an entire basement in his home for. He only ever did his work when Natalie was away for a long period of time. He was never going to tell her the truth about his occupation. All Natalie needed to know was he worked in Namjoon’s company as a co-CEO which wasn’t a lie.
One thing Yoongi didn’t account for was Natalie’s flight cancellation due to a snow storm in the country she was headed off to or that she headed home due to it.
Yoongi held a pair of pliers in his hands with a cold grin plastered on his blood stained face. “This could all be over if you admit the truth. Who are you working for?” He glared at the man who was chained to the chair. Some of his fingertips missing and his hands were in pulls of blood. The man wept and Yoongi rolled his eyes, “Open his mouth.”
“NO! NOOO! WAIT SUGA!” The man screamed.
Natalie heard the scream as she entered the house. Her stomach turned out how fearful it sounded. She placed her bags down and sought the voice. She noticed the basement, a place that has always been locked, open. Another scream sounded and she jumped. Her eyes furrowed as she felt weak. She swallowed hard as she went down the stairs. When she got half way the scene played in front of her. Yoongi yanked out a couple of teeth from a screaming man who had blood seeping from the injuries and other spots. Natalie let out a blood curdling scream.
Yoongi whipped around to see only the bottom half of Natalie as she ran for dear life. He threw the pliers, “Get rid of him” he ordered as he went after her. “Natalie! Nats please!”
Natalie didn’t look back as she pulled the front door open and slammed it as she ran out. Her stomach, unable to hold down the contents any longer, stopped her as she hurled. She grabbed hold of the nearby tree as she emptied her stomach.
Yoongi stopped running and walked to her slowly, “Natalie…”
She spun around with tears in her eyes. She tried to speak but she couldn’t muster a word as a sob broke from her. She pulled at her hair as she leaned against the tree and slid down it. She screamed as she mentally broke. Yoongi went to touch her, but she slapped his hand from her, “DON’T TOUCH ME!”
He stood there unable to move. Natalie wouldn’t let him go near her without hitting him or flinching. His heart twisted as he watched her, “Please… Let me explain… Come back home with me…” His voice faltered. Natalie wrapped her arms around her knees and cried. “Please…”
“You’re a monster!” She mustered. Her words cut into his heart, “You’re a cold hearted monster! I hate you!”
Yoongi blinked back tears, “I’ll be in our home.” He steadied his voice to stop from crying. “I’ll wait for you there.” He walked backwards away from her before he turned and left.
Natalie waited long enough to make sure he was gone before she weakly stood and fled the area. She refused to go back to that house after that experience.
After an hour, Yoongi grew concerned and went back to the tree. He stopped several feet away when he saw no Natalie. He looked down where she sat before he looked up at the leaves. “Damn it… I shouldn’t have left her here alone.” He pressed his arm over his eyes as his tears fell at last.
Part II | Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
2 notes · View notes
squirrelly831 · 4 years
Forgetting Her Birthday [Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok]
The oc’s are the wives prior to getting married. You can read this as part of the daddy!au series or a stand alone~~. Bit of angst with Yoongi’s, but it’s not too bad.
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Naeun woke up later than usual in her bed with a slight headache from the night before. For her 30th birthday, she went out with her girl friends, Sojin, Maisie, and Sierra. Her husband, Seokjin, was the only one from her group who hadn’t told her happy birthday, but she wasn’t too upset. He was at a concert in Japan. Since he was gone, Naeun didn’t plan to do anything, but stay home with her four year old, Kyungmin. However, Minseok offered to watch her daughter while the girls had a night out.
She smelt something cooking and figured her husband, Seokjin, had come home from his work in Japan. Naeun dragged herself up in bed and saw a little stuffed animal on her nightstand when she reached for her phone. She grabbed the stuffed animal and smiled at it.
After she got washed up, she headed into the living room and froze. “What in the world?” Their living room and rose gold and white balloons floating about and two balloons were shaped of 30. On their sofa was a giant bunny stuffed animal with gifts covering the sofa. Behind the sofa happy birthday was attached to the wall. She laughed as she headed into the kitchen, “Morning, my handsome man.”
Seokjin looked up from the food he was cooking and flashed her a grin, “Good morning birthday girl.” He stepped away from the food to wrap his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. He pressed his lips to hers in a tender kiss. He pulled her closer as he deepened the kiss.
Naeun let out a sound and broke the kiss, “Don’t burn the food.” She laughed.
He went back to the cooking as Naeun fished out the dishes and placed them by the stove. “I’m sorry I forgot your birthday, yeobo.”
Naeun wrapped her arms around Seokjin’s neck from behind and kissed his shoulder blade. Her wedding ring sparkled under the kitchen lights. “It’s fine, jagiya. I knew you were busy with the tour wrap up.” She pulled back from him and rubbed his back lovingly. “I gotta pick up Kyungmin today. Minseok watched her for us.”
“About that, I already talked to him. They’re going to keep her another night.” Seokjin turned off the burned and scrapped the food onto the two plates. He met her confused glance and chuckled, “I wanted to celebrate your birthday today. Just us two.” He stepped close to her and his hand picked up a strand of her hair. “Maybe go out and treat you like royalty” his eyes darkened as he swiped his bottom lip with his tongue, “Then enjoy the night in.”
Naeun bit the side of her lip, “Or we can eat and then enjoy some time in bed before we go out.” Her fingers traced his chest.
Seokjin let out a breathless laugh as he pecked her lips, “Whatever you want, my queen.”
She grinned widely, “Let’s eat!” She pecked his lips once more, “Then, I’m all yours” she winked. Naeun grabbed the plates ignoring the lustful look in Seokjin’s eyes as she headed to the table where they sat and got caught up with one another.
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Two hours. Katelyn waited two hours for her boyfriend to show up to the restaurant. She sat inside one of the most elegant restaurants she’s ever stepped in and sat there for two hours. No food. Just wine and water as she felt the pitiful stares of the other guests and employees. She paid for the wine she had and, with a huff, stormed out of the restaurant. She looked like a fool. She felt like a fool. Katelyn checked her phone for the hundredths time and there was still no notifications from Yoongi. “Fucking liar…” She shut off her phone and headed home wanting nothing more than her birthday to hurry up and end.
The following morning when Yoongi woke up and left his room, he was asked about his night with Katelyn by his members. He was confused until Seokjin said it was her birthday yesterday. Yoongi cursed realizing his mistake, rushed to his bedroom to get his phone, and called Katelyn only to get her voicemail. He then got dressed and ran out the door to Katelyn’s apartment.
When Yoongi got to Katelyn’s apartment and banged on the door. He didn’t think of what he was going to say. He knew he would have to grovel and do a lot of it. He rang the doorbell and banged once again.
Katelyn swung open the door as if expecting her guest to be Yoongi, “What? Do you know what time it is?”
“I am so sorry.”
Her lips parted as her tongue brushed against her teeth, “Guess we’re doing this now.” She stepped out of her apartment not wanting him to get inside and shut the door. “You know, I would have been fine not celebrating my birthday. I told you that I didn’t need a huge party or to celebrate it.” She touched the ends of her hair, “But no, you HAD to celebrate it. We had to do something. You promised it would be memorable.” A cold laugh escaped her, “I guess you did keep your promise. It was definitely memorable.”
Yoongi looked defeated, “Katelyn, I swear–”
“No” her voice was stern. “No more swearing. No more promises. I can’t believe them, you break them so easily. I looked like a rejected fool last night. The attention was all on me because I was the lone girl who was stood up by her boyfriend!”
“I know–I know” his voice dropped as he spoke. “I’ll make it up to you. We can do something. Whatever you want.”
Katelyn glared at him, “What I want to do is to not be anywhere near you.”
Yoongi’s heart stopped. Was she going to end it? His chest felt heavy as his eyes teared up. His legs felt like they would give out in mere moments. “Please…” his voice shook, “I love you.”
Katelyn nodded, “I know, but I’m too mad right now. I’ll text you later when I’ve cooled, yea? Because if I talked to you now, I’ll say something I’ll regret later.” Yoongi said nothing as he gave a quick nod. Katelyn didn’t say anything else as she typed in her code for her door.
As she walked inside, Yoongi spoke up, “I love you, Katelyn. I swear I do.” Katelyn didn’t acknowledge him as she let the door to shut behind her. Yoongi’s tears finally fell as the deadbolt locked. He headed back to the dorm not caring of the stares he got as he walked with tears falling.
At the dorm, he went straight to his room and threw himself on the bed complete frustrated with himself. He wanted to talk to Katelyn. He wanted grovel at her feet. It would be better than knowing he would get the cold shoulder from her. Anything was better than the pain he felt after she didn’t tell him she loved him back.
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Elfie spent her entire birthday with Deja, Kiara, Bailey, Melly, and many other of her friends. Even though she was with her friends, she checked her phone every 30 minutes for a text from her boyfriend of a year. With each passing time without a notification, Elfie was upset. She knew she shouldn’t be too upset that Hoseok hadn’t messaged her. He was preparing for a comeback and she knew he was busy, but she couldn’t help the loneliness that she felt. Even with all of her friends by her side, the overwhelming heartbreak was something she had to try to hide though the day. No one seemed to notice minus Deja and Kiara who both exchanged looks with one another, but said nothing.
Once at home, after saying goodbye to her friends minus Deja and Kiara, with a couple of drinks in her system, Elfie broke into tears, “He hasn’t contacted me once.” Deja immediately sobered as she went to Elfie’s side and hugged her. “I know I’m being a brat, but I just wanted a te–” she cried harder.
“He’s probably just busy, Elf” Deja played with Elfie’s hair.
“I know–but just a text…” Those were her last words before the alcohol finally lulled her to sleep. Deja, with Kiara’s help, got Elfie to her bed and changed her into some pajamas. After getting her situated, Deja headed back to the living room with a deep frown as she sought out Elfie’s phone.
“What are you doing, Deja?”
Deja pulled the phone from between the cushions and unlocked it with the anniversary date of Elfie and Hoseok. “What does it look like I’m doing. Kiki?” She dialed Hoseok’s number as she pursed her lips in anger, “I’m about to give a douche bag a piece of my mind. To make her cry–” Maybe it was the alcohol, but the anger in Deja only grew with each passing ring.
“I should castrate you, you son of a bitch. Yah, Hoseok? You there. Did you forget what day it is?” Deja snapped as she spoke to Hoseok. “What about Elfie’s birthday? Yea that–She got herself drunk and cried herself to sleep! Great boy–”
Kiara snatched the phone from her, “Enough.” Kiara walked away from Deja who and continued to talk to Hoseok alone.
The next morning, Elfie felt a hand raking through her hair. She mumbled as she turned away from the hand trying to sleep longer. A deep voice chuckled over her and Elfie’s eyes fluttered open. “Hobi?” She turned back to the one who petted her head realizing it was her boyfriend who smiled down at her.
“Hey sleepy head.”
Elfie shot up ignoring the terrible headache as her arms wrapped around Hoseok’s neck and pressed her head into his chest. “You’re here.” Her voice was breathless.
Hoseok pulled her tighter as he rubbed her back, “Happy belated birthday. I’m so sorry I forgot to tell you happy birthday yesterday.” He kissed the side of her head, “I made sure I took off for today, so I’m all yours today okay? We can do whatever you want, okay?”
Elfie nodded in his chest, “Just stay like this… just for a while.”
Hoseok said nothing as he moved her between his legs, her legs wrapped around his waist, and he held her a close as he could as she silently cried on him. He felt nothing but guilt for making Elfie as upset as she was and he swore he was going to make up for it in ten folds.
Part II | Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
0 notes