omo-bangtan · 8 years
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I just wanted to let you know that I’ve decided not to continue this blog anymore. Sorry, if this is a bit sudden but I just wanted to have a proper wrap up instead of just disappearing one day.
I’ve really enjoyed writing for this blog and getting to know some really cool people through here. If you want to keep in touch or just want to say something, please please do not hesitate to message me! x 敏
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
OMO Förälskad (Hoseok)
Hoseok x 04 - Förälskad: (verb) Fall in love, in love, smitten: In which you move in together with Hoseok. Drabble game requested by anon.
Before you remembered anything there were floral sheets. Up against your face, wrapped around your torso, tangled up in your legs, the floral sheets were everywhere. Honestly, it was a horrible colour, horrible print and they still had that plasticy processed smell new textiles have, but at least they were yours, ours. 
You turned to lay on your back, quietly trying to free yourself from the sheet prison. It was rather ridiculous and it took you a good whole minute before you managed to snake yourself out, leaving a bundle of floral fluff behind you. With slightly flushed cheeks you sat up, slowly getting used to the light in the big room. A smile crept up on your lips, with a deep breath of euphoria you pulled yourself up.
A hand suddenly latched on to your wrist, making you stop abruptly in mid-air and pull you into reality. Or maybe into fantasy, because you had only dared to imagine this reality in your wildest fantasy. Hoseok was an idol after all, always busy, always having 1,3 million girls crushing on him all over the world.
You blissfully watched the figure next to you, half hidden in sheets, as your stomach filled up with a hundred butterflies per second. Hoseok made a muffled noise against the pillow and you suppressed the urge to lean closely and press your swollen lips against his exposed neck. You couldn’t even tell him to let you go because you were sure that if you opened your mouth all the butterflies would escape. So instead you made another attempt to get out of the bed, only for him to pull you back with even greater force and lock you in his arms. 
“I need to go to the bathroom, “ you mumbled against his chest. He only hugged you tighter.
And truly, the room was instantly filled with butterflies.
Update: The game is closed, thanks for requesting!
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
OMO Förälskad (Jungkook)
Jungkook x 04 - Förälskad: (verb) Fall in love, in love, smitten: An Office!AU in which you start working at the same company as Jungkook.
Drabble game requested by anon.
Jungkook is an expert of cataloguing things. He catalogues physical things, like his computer files, his bills and even his shirts and socks, neatly and in order. He also catalogues intangible things, like memories, ideas and thoughts. They’re all safely tucked away in specially labelled spaces in his mind, where he can go back to when he wishes to.
It was the cataloguing of things that got him this job he thought, human resources assistant. If he’s not updating headcount sheets or chasing staff to update their home addresses, he would be cataloguing things, like his manager’s expenses and the stationery invoices. It was not his job of course but he didn’t mind much. He liked cataloguing things.
The day you started, he was the one who prepared your paper work and showed you all the fire exits. He never thought so before but that day he had the best job in the world. Not too sure why he thought so at the time, he only thought that helping you, hearing you say his name, seeing you laugh made the world slightly better.
From that day, he looked forward to get to work every single morning. During the day, He would make it a challenge to find reasons to go over to the sales department ever so often to make you notice him, whether it be to inform your department about the new intranet interface, tomorrow’s fire drill exercise or remind you (for the 99th time) to not take client calls in the hallway. But not once, did he ever address you directly, not even look at you.
That’s one thing he hated himself passionately for: his ineptitude to talk to females, especially you. Instead, he finds himself constantly watch you from his seat (4 seats in front and 2 seats to the left from his) and cataloguing a new favourite thing about you every day, every week.
Your cheerful telephone voice. The mole on your nose. Your perfectly ironed white button-down shirts. How you would walk around without shoes after office hours. The random hair sticking out from your messy bun. How you bite your nails when you’re nervous. How you make other people laugh. How you’re not embarrassed to laugh with your mouth open and head thrown back.
Every night when he’s in bed, he would go through his catalogued memories of you, replaying them over and over. Over time, he would boldly add and remove details to the memory for it to become one which he wished, more than anything, could’ve been true.
It was during one of those nights he realised what was happening, or rather have happened. He had fallen for you, and quite catastrophically at that. Just the thought if it made him nauseous, what was he supposed to do about it?  
Update: The game is closed, thanks for requesting!
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
Omg can i have 4 with jungkook ?? That'll be the cutest thing i swear
Hellooo, well yes you can! I’m having an AU frenzy atm, hope you’ll like it!The drabble is in the next post! 
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
OMO Fic Rec:
Jimin finds himself sandwiched in a giant group hug, you pressed up against him at a weird angle, his mind once more documenting every single point of contact.
I’m sure most of you have read something by @baebsaes at some point. This is one of my favourites! I read this probably more than 6 months ago but I still remember the above line so clearly. She has an all around colourful and intriguing writing, always a good read!
writing prompt? So I was listening to Jazmine Sullivan- In Love With Another Man and I suddenly thought if you could write about a girl falling in love with Jimin and Jimin loving her back but she's dating another member of BTS?
this actually turned out to be just jimin-one sided O_O so lskdoGH im sorry it’s not the original prompt D: it just kinda… turned out like this lol 
watch me go rated e for every heartbreak ever word count: 1,737
He counts the number of times you turn towards him in a minute (three, maybe four), how many times he can make you laugh (five, maybe six), how many times you say his name in a day (ten, eleven, twelve), and how many times he thinks of you (one million and one, one million and two).
Keep reading
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
OMO Märklig (Taehyung)
Taehyung x 08 – Märklig (adj.) Peculiar, weird, noticeable, 04 –  Förälskad (verb) Fall in love, in love, smitten: An Acting!AU in which you were supposed to rehearse lines with Taehyung.  Drabble game requested by @sharpenedchaos​ and @zbxtch - Part 1 here.
”You were in my dream last night.”
“What what?!” Taehyung chuckled, poking his toes into your ribs.
“Yah! Don’t touch me with your stinky socks!” You kicked his arm.
You were lying on the sofa in one of the stinky dressing rooms, giving him a murder stare as he lie opposite you. The rest of the cast and you had just finished one of many longwinded “team bonding sessions” the director sets up for you whenever he thought you guys’ acting against each other weren’t genuine enough. One of the older actors had invited everyone out for dinner, but with Big Hit’s stupid policies it meant Taehyung were never allowed to go anywhere public with you guys. Or with “guys” they actually meant just the females of you guys.
Out of pity, you had stayed behind this time, telling Taehyung you wanted to rehearse lines together. Little did you know that you would end up squeezed next to him on the sofa, leg against leg, two heartbeats away from each other.
After the first month of rehearsals and overcoming your star struck, you had warmed up to him, or rather he had warmed up to you (or actually everyone). You had never met anyone who speaks and interacts with any type of person so easily, who cracks jokes with his seniors, who gets close to anyone so effortlessly.
“I was just telling you about my dream, aiiish!”
You kicked him again saying that’s what you were asking him about.
“You were wearing that yellow dress from rehearsal, and we were in the theatre, and you were yelling at me to redo my lines over and over-“
You loved the way he retold events or stories, not just to you but to anyone. You loved how his eyes would light up, how the corner of his mouth would turn up and how he would use gestures and noises to describe everything as detailed and vividly as he could. It always cracked you up. He was weird, but in a good and cute kind of way.
“I think I’m in love with you,” Taehyung said in between silences.
You swallowed but almost choked on your spit.
“Sorry, what?” You uttered, with your eyes wide open.
“I said, I think I’m in love with you,” he said again in his calm deep voice, the calm and relaxed tone was almost eerie. His script was lying on his stomach, his arms tucked under his head. Eyes fixed on you.
“Omo, stop being so weird. H-how can you just say that.” You tried your best to sound as casual as possible.
“What?” He frowned.
“You just met me.”
“No, I didn’t.” 
You watched how an unsettling smirk suddenly spread across his lips.
“3 months ago,” you sat up, pulling your legs towards you with shaking hands, “3 months ago you didn’t know I existed.”
“So,” he sat up as well, crossing his legs. Keeping his eyes locked on yours, “are you saying I can’t fall in love this fast?”
“Stop being so weird. You’re not being serious right now.”
“Who says love has to take time?”
“I don’t know, but it’s just not normal to tell someone you love them after only knowing them for 3 months!”
“Says who?!”
“I don’t know!” This conversation was getting more ridiculous by the second. “Movies!”
“Do movies tell you what to feel? Because I’m telling you now how I feel, I feel like I’m in love with you.” There it was again, the calm of his voice, not as much as a trace of tremor or anxiety.
“I-I” You were speechless, what was actually happening? Had you been drinking? Had he been drinking?
You suddenly hear him burst out in laughter, proper head thrown back, hands on stomach kind of laugh. You couldn’t do anything but stare at him, he slowly picked up his script, still laughing and handed it to you.
At the top of the page you saw his line:
[Lee Young Goon: I think I’m in love with you.]
Update: The game is closed, thanks for requesting!
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
hello!i really like this drabble game:)can i request taehyung x 04 please?thank you and 新年快乐♡
Heeeeyyy, thank you so much! Sorry I didn’t get to wish you 新年快乐 sooner, hope you had a lovely one! As for the request, I got so into my previous Acting!Taehyung AU that I made this the next part. It’s also merged together with @sharpenedchaos request for 08 - Märklig. Hope that’s ok! Please see the drabble in the next post! x 敏
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
Omg är du svensk??
Heeej, omg är du också svensk?! Haha. Du får gärna skriva till mig off anon! x 敏
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
OMO Hemlighet (Taehyung)
Taehyung x 07 - Hemlighet: (n.) Secret: An Acting!AU in which you find yourself auditioning for a role opposite Taehyung.  Drabble game requested by anon. - Part 2 here.
It started out as your little secret.
The poor girl left the stage with tears streaming down her face, rushed to pick up her things and stormed out of the theatre sobbing. She was the third one.
You’d been sitting at the back watching how the director had flung insult after insult at the girls, how he had asked them redo a line again and again only to make cruder and cruder remarks.
Fortunately, you weren’t there to audition for the female lead as the other crying girls (it was harsh, but most of them had been crying at some point), but seeing how horrible the director was it made you consider if you wanted to be in this production enough to work with someone like him for the next 6 months.
Somewhere far back in your mind you could hear your mum yelling at you for even thinking about giving up after having worked so hard just to get an audition in the first place (“It can be your big break! Don’t mess it up!”).
Snapping out of your thoughts, you saw how everyone in the theatre turned to stare at you. In the centre of all of them was the director, cheeks red, nostrils flared.
“Me?” You mouthed and pointed at yourself, utterly confused. 
The next 15 minutes happened so fast you barely registered what was happening, as it happened. The director realised he had scolded away all 8 of the female lead hopefuls and had turned to you, asking, or rather ordering, you to get on stage to have a go at it (no one seemed to hear when you repeatedly told them that you were only auditioning for the role of the sister not the lead). You were handed a script and with your heart pounding in your ears you started to recite.
You don’t know how you managed to finish the 2 pages long monologue without being interrupted with bone-crushing remarks or (more likely) fainting, but you did.
“What’s your name?” The director asked, breaking the complete silence that had fell in the hall.
You stuttered your full name and the director suddenly stood up.
“Not bad, I’ll need to check your chemistry,” he rubbed his chin, “Taehyung-ah, is Taehyung here today? Taehyung-goon*?”
A tall brown-haired guy from the second row stood up quickly. You had glanced around the audience during your monologue but you had completely missed him, Kim freaking Taehyung from freaking BTS.
You immediately looked around the stage, were you being filmed? Was this one of those celebrity hidden camera shows? Did someone set you up?
Taehyung got up on stage, politely bowing to you and everyone else in the audience. He was a lot taller and a lot handsomer in person, you think before a sense of panic showered over you. What if someone called you right now? You prayed to heavens that no one would, because if they did one of his songs would sound as your ringtone.
You were told to read the next scene, which happened to be the big emotional scene. Your hands immediately started to shake and sweat uncontrollably. He’s just a normal person just like yourself, just a normal person, a darn good-looking normal person-
That was the last thing you remember thinking before Taehyung had started reading his lines loudly and incredibly vividly. You could tell he had given a lot of thought into his character and when you joined, you were close to tears already. There was just something in his acting that made him so approachable, so easy to talk to.
“Closer!” The director yelled towards the end.
Both of you took a step towards each other. You didn’t dare look him straight in the eyes, only settling to focus on the mole on his nose.
You swallowed and moved an inch forward, both of you tried your best not to look too awkward. Your knees touched. Oh God, were you going to-
“And, kiss!”
Both of you turned to the director.
“Alright, just kidding. We’ll hold the fireworks for the real thing,” the director chuckled, “Hyuk-sshi, give her the confidentially thing to sign. Big Hit will kill me if this gets out before they start promoting the play.”
*(Name)-goon: Formal honorific used to address males, normally used by older males to address the younger.
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
7 with Taehyung ?
Heyoooo, sure! Please see (not that short) drabble in the next post! Also Happy Valentine’s Day to you and everyone reading this! x 敏
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
OMO Mysig (Seokjin)
Seokjin x 02 - Mysig: (adj.) Cozy, snuggly, pleasant ambience: In which Seokjin finds you practicing very late and becomes worried. Drabble game requested by anon.
“Hey, aren’t you cold?”
You shook your head, not taking your gaze off the window.
The pitter patter from the rain and the cold breeze from the open window seemed to comfort you, Seokjin couldn’t quite understand why. He’d seen you sit by the exact same window, messy hair sprawled over your shoulders, knees tucked under your chin, a few times now and had found himself thinking, worrying about you once too often.
“How long are you staying?” He asked slightly softer, slightly warmer. As if to say Do you mind if I stay?
“Not long, I’ll just wait for my phone to charge for a bit longer.”
He wouldn’t believe that was the only reason you were staying behind in the practice room all by yourself, well after midnight. He wanted to ask if you were ok, if you wanted to talk, if he could do anything for you, anything, but the words never seem to leave his tongue.
“Sunbae*, you should get back to have some rest,” you said a bit louder, turning your head to show him a faint smile. “I bet the members are worried about you.”
He was standing by the door, fully dressed, with his grey coat and scarf on. He’d been standing there for a while, wrapped in thoughts and incomplete sentences. Just watching your quiet figure staring out the flickering light of the near empty traffic, or was that even what you were staring at? You looked so fragile, so precious.
“Yah, am I not your sunbae? I’m the one who should be worrying about you,” he said. I am, I’m worried about you.
Just as you were about to tell him he was being silly, a loud growling sound filled the room. Your cheeks turned red. It was your stomach.
“Someone’s hungry,” he laughed, making you blush even more.
“Actually I don’t even remember the last time I ate,” you couldn’t help but to laugh with him.
“Pack up.” he said shortly with a lingering smile on his lips.
You didn’t understand.
“Pack up, let’s go and have some food.”
He figured this was the closest he would get in telling you he’s worried about you. Well, for now at least.
*Sunbae: Korean for senior, usually used in a scholar or professional context
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
Hi, dear Min! Can I ask for two? Mysig with Jin and Förälskad with Hoseok please! And don't say silly things about apologizing because your scenarios are great, ok? I'm not gonna lie, I wish they were longer but I definitely prefer quality over quantity. So, if you feel comfortable writing them like that I think that's cool, they still give me the fluffy feels I want :)
YOU AGAIN! Haha, just kidding. Thank you thank you so much for your kind words. I normally don’t want to commit to a long scenario since I’d probably just go on and on about nothing. But thanks anyway! I’ll see what I can do going forward. As for your requests, I’ll make an exception for you, haha! Please see the first drabble after the jump! x 敏
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
ANON I’M SO SORRY! *loud sobbing*Never trust me with angst and I’m sorry for the lousy ending! I hope I can get around to beef it up a bit when I finish all the requests. x 敏
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
Happy New Lunar Year!
For all of you who celebrate the lunar new year, may it bring health, love and happiness to you and your loved ones!
Update: I’m currently working on the requests from the drabble game, it might take some time but I hope you’ll look forward to them! 
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
OMO Mysig (Jimn)
Jimin x 02 - Mysig: (adj.) Cozy, snuggly, pleasant ambience: In which you reminisce about a hoodie Jimin gave you. Drabble game requested by @missraion
There’s a grey hoodie at the very bottom of your wardrobe.
A plain, non-branded, white stringed with the left aglet coming undone, slightly faded due to countless washes, grey hoodie. Just a hoodie.
He’d given it to you after dance practice one day. It had been pouring down and you’d been in such a rush in the morning you didn’t even think about bringing an umbrella with you. You were standing by the school entrance cursing the rain passionately when he had approached you from nowhere. He had just stretched out hand, offering his messily folded hoodie to you. You had politely rejected it at first, and perhaps he hadn’t heard you but he wouldn’t move until you took it. The moment you did, he pulled up the collar on his uniform and ran out in the rain. Just before he disappeared you could catch him yelling ‘use it well’ to you.
So you did. You never knew a hoodie could be this comfortable, it wasn’t like you’ve never worn one before. You actually had a few of them yourself, but this one was different. It felt so warm, so cozy against your skin. It was probably because it was a men’s hoodie, yeah probably. You had kept it over the weekend to have it washed and carefully pressed before giving it back to him.
It turns out however, he wouldn’t accept it back. You didn’t understand, he only lent it to you. But no, he had given it to you and it didn’t belong to him anymore. If anything, you should repay him by buying him bubble tea later, he had suggested. At the time, you couldn’t really connect the two together. But yet there you were buying him a matcha latte bubble tea with extra bubbles after class. You would never forget how his eyes lit up when he got his drink, like a kid at Christmas. 
That was the first time he had smiled at you, and from that moment on the grey hoodie and him had intertwined with your life. You had worn the hoodie on your second date at the arcade. You had worn it the first time he kissed you under a perfect starry sky. You had worn it when you had whispered your love for him over the phone at midnight.
You had also worn it when you had refused to see him off at the airport when he moved to Seoul. You had worn it for a week straight after he left, you had worn it until the sleeves were completely soaked with tears.
There’s a grey hoodie at the very bottom of your wardrobe. Just a hoodie with all your memories of Park Jimin in it.
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
Ooh I like this concept for the drabble game! Can I please have a Jimin + 02? :3
Awww, thank youuuu lovely! Yes yes, I hope you expected fluff because here’s some angst! haha. Sorry, see the drabble in the next post!   x 敏
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omo-bangtan · 8 years
OMO Nu jävlar (Jimin)
Jimin x 12 -  Nu jävlar: (vulg.) To exclaim that you’re about to do something, 13 - Lägg av: Knock it off, also used to express surprise: A High school!AU in which Jimin is teasing you about your ‘crush’, feat. Taehyung. Drabble game requested by anon.
“Knock it off.”
“What? I thought you wanted to know.” Jimin sat back in his seat with a smirk on his lips.
You squint at him, deciding whether to believe him or not. You don’t.
“Knock it off, I know you’re lying,” you went back trying to skim through the chapter you had “forgot” to read for your English homework.
“Why would I? Taehyung is my friend and so are you. I wouldn’t lie to you.”
You wanted to believe him, but that smirk on his face was like a blinking highway warning sign. He had of course lied to you before, but it would mostly be because he didn’t want you to worry or stress out about him, or homework, or exams or any of the 101 things you worry about on a daily basis.
Jimin was your classmate and ever since you had that group project together last semester you had slowly gotten closer. And that’s how you got to know Kim Taehyung. The first time you were introduced to him, you had fallen head over heals for him and then literally fallen in front of him (good thing Jimin caught you just before you fell onto the bike lane).
“I don’t believe you,” you said coldly.
“Oh, fine. You want evidence then? Let me read his Line to you-,“ before you could react he had started to recite loudly from his phone screen:
“’Jimin-ah, can I ask you something about your friend (Your full name)?’,” he switched to a slightly higher voice, “’Of course Tae, what is it?’”
You flew up from your seat, ears flaming up.
“’Does she have a boyfriend? You seem quite close?’”
You jumped at him, yelling for him to shut up, whilst trying to tear the phone from his hand.
“‘No she doesn’t. Why? You don’t like her do you?’ ‘I want to get closer to her, can you talk to her for me?’”
You froze. Did he just say that Taehyung wanted to become closer with you? What if Jimin is telling the truth? Would he really help you to get close to Taehyung?
“What’s this?” Jimin poked your arm lightly, seeing you completely blanked out. “Did you get a stroke?”
You snapped out of your thoughts and snatched the phone from his hand. You started tapping furiously on the screen, you found his messages with Taehyung. You scrolled and scrolled, but the only things they ever talked about were video games, football and nonsense. 
“You sure look eager for someone who’s ‘obviously don't have any feelings’”, he said making air quotes, “for the guy. None at all.” 
You let your arms drop to your sides and looked up at him, gritting your teeth.
“Yah, (Your name)! Don’t be like this,” he started, but seeing your unchanged death stare he slowly backed towards the door, “W-wait! I was just joking, let’s not be too hast-”
“Park Jimin, you’re so in for it now! You’re dead!”
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