#bts most to least
bts-hyperfixation · 2 years
Ok going along with the JK question about hi piercings, do you think the other boys would like if their partner had piercings? I’ve been seriously considering a lip ring like JK and I think for me the thought of kissing someone with a tongue or lip ring would feel like extra cool?! I don’t know never experienced it. But it got me wondering. 🥴💜
I mean piercings are super cool. I feel like kissing with one might be awkward until you're used to it but I suppose it also depends on the size of the ring... anyway not what the question was.
Namjoon: I think Namjoon thinks he is against piercings until his lover actually turns up with one out of the blue. Like it's all part of his thing against permanence like tattoos but then he sees it glinting in their lower lip and can't resist running his tongue along it every now and again.
Seokjin: While he'd never stop a partner from getting one, I don't think he would outright approach someone with piercings. He strikes me as a traditional man.
Yoongi: Not seeking it, not avoiding it. Likes the aesthetic of the vibe piercings bring, could see Yoongi with a good goth girl/guy/them.
Hoseok: Thinks they are hot as fuck. Fits his personal vibe. Likes how the metal feels on his dick
Jimin: So into the concept, loves the felling, loves playing with piercings wherever they are (see nipples)... probably has a prince albert
Taehyung: Vhetamently against, I don't know why he just strikes me as a man who likes a classic look and sadly that doesn't include facial piercings, doesn't mind multiple earrings though
Jungkook: Likes the theory, secretly terrified they would cross wires, get tangled and have to go to hospital to get detached or something stupid
Come be thirsty in my asks! Or leave me a most least or reactions
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raplinenthusiasts · 1 month
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Outro: TEAR
© namuspromised
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chrliekclly · 2 months
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rjshope · 8 months
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Hobi being a ray of sunshine for @raplinenthusiasts and @cordiallyfuturedwight 💛
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silverfoxstole · 6 months
I don't know if anyone else has been wondering why Big Finish have been using obviously photoshopped pictures of the younger Eighth Doctor on their covers of late but I've discovered the reason: though I don't know the ins and out apparently due to rights issues BF are no longer allowed to use images from the TVM (despite having done so for nearly twenty years previously) and have to photoshop other Paul pics instead, with varying results.
Naturally, me being me, once I knew this I had to go looking for matches, didn't I? Of course I did.
First we have very obvious photos from the Dark Eyes shoot, which often results in TVM Eight with stubble; not a great look.
From the cover of Lucie Miller:
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and Doom's Day (whatever that is; I have no idea):
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Incidentally, this one may have been used again, but this time mirrored and much more heavily photoshopped, on the just-announced Sontarans vs Rutans series:
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Then there's the face taken from a bts photo dating back to the recording of Storm Warning that was spotted a little while ago on the cover of next month's In The Bleak Midwinter by @know-it-all-freak :
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And the Night of the Doctor shot that has apparently just had the collar and cravat changed for Classic Doctors: New Monsters Volume Three:
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I can't find an exact match for this one from Charlotte Pollard: The Further Adventuress but it looks similar to one used on the cover of Dark Eyes 4 so may also originate from that shoot:
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The last couple, from Audacity and The End of the Beginning respectively, are stumping me at the moment, but I'm sure BF are probably sitting on quite a few photos they've accumulated over the years and never released. If anyone else recognises them (or the one above) feel free to jump in!
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chevelleneech · 12 days
Blocking every former and supposedly on the fence Buddie shipper who feels the need to tag Buddie on their posts where they claim to want Buddie to happen so badly or are in a dilemma about it going canon, because they’ve, “Seen the toxicity in the fandom and can’t take it anymore.”
Bullshit. They’re making up excuses to jump ship, when it’s really not necessary.
If you don’t want to ship Buddie, don’t ship them. It’s not against the law. It won’t get you excommunicated from the 911 fandom either, but it will make you look like a fool for acting like: 1) you didn’t know there were toxic fans in the fandom to begin with — as there are in all fandoms, or 2) there aren’t any toxic fans among the BuckTommy fandom.
You can’t claim to be tired of toxic Buddies for saying BT is bland or lack chemistry or LFJ is ugly or whatever else, when there are BT shippers saying the same exact things about Buddie and RG. Both sides have toxic fans, the only difference is that BT shippers currently have canon on their side, so those of you jumping ship are able to feel more validated in leaving.
Fans wanted Buck to be queer for nearly as long as the show has been out, and not once has anyone really shipped him with other people. Josh here and there, Connor occasionally, and that one prophet who wrote about him and Tommy. But majorly, it’s been Eddie. As such, toxic fans have been toxic when it came to any and every relationship either of them were in, so what makes Tommy any different? Did y’all really expect all the toxic fans to be happy with yet another love interest they weren’t looking forward to?
Not only that, but again, there are also toxic BT shippers, and fun fact! They didn’t pop up out of nowhere nor were they born out of defense of Buck and Tommy’s extremely new coupling.
I promise you, those same people were die hard Buddie shippers waiting with bated breath for Buck or Eddie to kiss each other or a man in general. They got it with Buck, so now they feel the need to belittle everything that came before in hopes that Tommy won’t be written out. They don’t care about character development or chemistry or Buck as an actual character either, proven by the many many posts across Tumblr, Twitter, and Tik Tok framing them as in love and smitten.
Claiming Eddie doesn’t mean anything to Buck. Claiming Tommy was a knight in shining armor. Claiming (and this is truly the fault of lazy writing and Tim and co trying to give themselves an out for under developing BT) Buck not talking about Tommy is a sign of happiness.
BT is sexual attraction first and foremost, and that’s all we know. Which is fine, I’ve said before, s8 will hopefully expand on them and their relationship if that’s the plan, but until then, there’s nothing there. Meaning there is nothing about the ship to defend the way some of their fans are doing, but somehow that’s more acceptable than Buddie fans defending Buddie? Sure.
Point is, if you’re jumping ship, go ahead. You don’t need to explain or more aptly worded, lie about why. Toxic fans exist on both sides. Most of you would just rather deal with the ones on the canon side of things, because it helps you feel better. Less embarrassed or anxious, maybe? I don’t know, because regardless of if Buddie ever goes canon, they’re not real, and there is no reason to feel anything if it turns out their shippers were wrong.
But I have to ask, what’s going to happen if BT does end? What will be the excuses for all the trash talking and belittlement of years worth of theories? What will y’all say to rectify putting one toxic group on a pedestal over the other? Because that’s what’s happening. BT shippers are being given full clearance to act like shit to people simply because their ship is canon, so what happens if that changes? What happens if Buddie does go canon? Where will all the high and mighty attitudes go?
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Well according to this leak, possibly all the music Cookies are coming over
I have to admit, this one I’m definitely skeptical of. One thing in particular being that usually, we only see one Epic at a time, not all three if there are three. Though maybe I’m just used to seeing an Epic with something higher since that’s what we’ve been getting since Moonlight. But still, all three seems odd
Not to mention, they usually have at least one new original Cookie. I mean, it won’t be as fun to do “Who’s that Cookie?” if we’ve already seen the Cookie before
Maybe some of these guys will just be NPCs, and only one or two will be playable. Not sure which though
Though with all these guys presumably being in the next update, maybe the next update will be like some sort of music festival? Or a competition? That’d be fun
Edit: so apparently there’s no actual proof of Popping Candy
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rocker-by-heart · 1 month
omg the people on tiktok are being so negative right now, complaining about things i thought we knew or figured ages ago?? also i thought we all collectively decided we liked tommy just fine, but apparently not??
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bts-hyperfixation · 2 years
Most likely to marry a none celeb?
Yoongi - wants a peaceful life, would want a secretive and private family away from prying eyes so his kids could have amazing quiet and fulfilling childhoods (wouldn't be surprised if it came out he had been married five years to some person he knew at school)
Hoseok - Wants his own little family that will never felt the pressure to look and act a certain way like he has. I don't think he could withstand the pressure of having to keep up a brave face because his partner is always going through something too.
Seokjin - Wholesome simple family vibes. Wants someone he can retire with at age 40 and travel the world without both of them being stopped every five minutes. I honestly don't care who this man ends up with as long as they treat him super well and feed him all the yummy food in the world
Jimin - man is out here for a good time and for love, he doesn't care what form that comes to him in.
Namjoon - Knows the pressure his celebrity puts on those in his life (Namjoon bf reveal). I don't think he would want to put that burden on anyone that wasn't ready for it and other celebs are already prepared for it
Taehyung - Tae just screams expensive marriage, he needs someone on his level. Both a partner and a spectacle
Jungkook - Jungkook has only ever known celebrity, he was doing showcases before he left school. I don't think he could handle a long-term relationship with someone that couldn't relate. He isn't equipt for someone that he can't relate to
Come be thirsty in my asks! Or leave me a most least or reactions
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Well hello there...
This is the introduction of the delightful world We have crafted for you all! Hello and welcome!
As stated by the blog description, this blog is actually an interactive life series story! What this means is that you, the reader, will get to decide all the player's fates in a series of polls.
But what game will the players be playing, you ask? Well, allow me to introduce...
"Which Life?"
Quite unlike all the other life games, "Which Life?" has a premise that shakes the life series down to its very core: nobody knows what life they're on. Not the players, and not you, dear reader! Death messages are also disabled, and the tablist doesn't show if someone's a spectator (ghost) or not.
On top of that, there will be a life-trading system like Last Life, and special occurrences that happen every time a player makes a kill.
Interesting, right? (We certainly hope so)
Anyways, there are going to be 17 players total, are they are as followed:
And as this post is being typed, these 17 players have already their number of initial lives chosen.
Oh, wait, you didn't know? An honest mistake, sorry: Everyone starts with a randomized number of lives. It could be as low as 2 or as high as 5, but nobody knows how many lives anyone has except for the three Watchers pulling the strings behind the scenes of this game (who will be introduced later, in a separate post)
Now, in order for this fic to work, there will have to be people voting in the upcoming polls. Your answers will be incorporated into the futures of these players. If nobody votes, then you will change nothing.
That being said, the Watchers are begging for people interested in this premise to reblog this post, so that more people can see it and follow it as they please. They want to show everyone a spectacle, but that can't happen if nobody has their eyes open.
So, what do you say?
(P.S. official release date is currently unknown as things are still being ironed out, this post is mainly to spread awareness and hopefully hype)
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kkuline · 2 years
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🧈 — oh? what's melting?
click for better quality
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marknee · 1 year
Mark, I love your Shakespeare series, thank you so much!!! I hope you're doing well. Can you please suggest some good Taehyung angst fics?
awh! thank you so much! :’) and yes, i can! honestly, i don’t read a lot of taehyung, but my best friend biases him, so i’ve ended up reading some over the past few months just for her benefit hahaha.
some good angsty fics include, crazy for you by @oddinary4bts, until you break me by @7deadlysinsfics, tales of broken hearts by @taegularities (or any tae fic by this author! i find myself in awe every time i read their work!), and unconditionally by @sugakookitty! all of these works i fell in love with, and hopefully you will too!
hope this helps!
nini x
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silentreigns · 6 months
F1 and all the marketing departments have to try and make Max look better because he's one of the faces of the sport. Whether we like or not, he's probably going to win like ~90% of the races for like the next 2 years unless a miracle happens. With that comes the idea from the F1 paddock shoves down our throats about how all these records being broken are good for the direction of the sport (and that's another rant for another day). They have no choice but to make the man winning the biggest prizes of the sport look better. Max doesn't have as many redeeming qualities as other drivers so the social media admins have to put in extra work. And the extra work is paying off because it's fooling a lot of people!
Everyone has seen how since the post-summer break, we have seen an increase of Lestappen content on official F1 media. They can't satisfy the fans with the on track action, but they have to keep people engaged somehow. And of course it's gonna work. The repetition easily influences people. Charles and Max are acquaintances at best but not to a lot of y'all. I use ship names because it's easier to tag duos that way, but some of y'all genuinely believe that they could be more than friends. And that's WILD to me. I don't see much of a point on discussing whether or not romantic fanfiction about real people should be a thing or not. But a least put a little bit of truth into your fan-cannons! Max is and will always be a dickhead because people enabled that behavior!
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milkpansa-archive · 2 years
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j-hope - more 
happiest of birthdays to you darling @ipromisedthesunset ♡
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mixtapedoh · 2 months
hi there, lovely! first of all: how very dare you. second of all: i hope you know all asks you send me go both ways and now you, too, must suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous (and self imposed!) fortune. suffer as i, too, have suffered. feel the weight of your own blade turned against you.
now, as for the content you signed up for.... & don't @ me when i have bad taste... in no particular order... i need u, 뱁새, run, save me, & house of cards.
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weonfire · 2 months
have they made other mvs like bap skydive will they make other mvs like bap skydive when will they make other mvs like bap skydive
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