#sealing products
taevisionceo · 1 year
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📰 TAEVision Engineering 's Posts - Thu, May 25, 2023 TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design • Parts AutoParts EngineParts Aftermarket Glaser SealingProducts Dana Holding Corp. Porsche Exhaust System CarPlates LicensePlates Bosch ICON wiperblades • Automotive Audi A4 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon SUV 01 - Data 145 Parts EngineParts Aftermarket Glaser SealingProducts gaskets seals Dana Holding Corp. ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 02 - Data 466 Design Applications Parts AutoParts Aftermarket Porsche Exhaust System Titanium Slip-On ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 03 - Data 211 Parts AutoParts Aftermarket CarPlates LicensePlates showroom Automotive - Audi A4 ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 04 - Data 112 Parts AutoParts Aftermarket Bosch ICON wiperblades WindshieldWipers (Rain Ambient 1) ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 05 - Data 432 3D Design Applications Automotive AUTUMN DREAMS 🍃🍂🍁 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon SUV 2010 OffRoad ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr
  📰 I just updated my Pressfolio: TAEVision Mechanics's Online Portfolio - Global Data - May 25, 2023 ▸ TAEVision Mechanics's Online Portfolio (last update)
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Global Data - May 25, 2023
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y0rk-ie · 10 months
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Mandatory TF2 seal post
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saviosart · 1 month
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Chonky pillows is what they are
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fatehbaz · 1 year
[M]onk seals continued to live in large herds along the largely unexplored Atlantic seaboard of northwest Africa. It was not until 1434 that Portuguese explorers landed on these [supposedly] untamed coasts, and discovered thousands of monk seals. Almost immediately, an intensive and lucrative trade in skins and oil was established [...]. Constantly vying with Spain [...], Portugal was determined to increase its sphere of influence in Africa. While Spain eventually became preoccupied with Columbus’ elusive vision [...] [and] his celebrated 1492 expedition [...] Portugal’s colonial influence in Africa was reaching its height by 1500. The first expeditions to Africa’s Gold Coast were recorded for posterity by an official chronicler, Gomes de Zurara [...]. In his book [...] he relates how the Portuguese Infante [royal prince], eager [...], dispatched explorer Afonso Gonçalves Baldaya in a cargo vessel to make contact with the mysterious “moors” or “pagans” who were believed to inhabit the region (Zurara, 1437).
“But these are people, no matter how beastlike they may be,” proclaimed the Infante, “and they need to be governed... I command you to penetrate this land as far as you can and that you work in order to learn about those people, perhaps taking one captive, so that you may become acquainted with them.”
It was in “the year [...] one thousand four hundred and thirty-six” that Alfonso set sail [...]. [T]he barinel eventually reached the shores of the Gold River, the Rio de Oro, situated at the Bay of Dakhla in the western Sahara. [...] Afonso and his crew sighted their first seals. Literally thousands were suddenly in their field of vision. [...] “Upon seeing on a reef at the mouth of the river a large number of sea-wolves,” relates Gomes da Zurara, “which, according to the estimates of some, amounted to five thousand, he ordered killed those that could be killed and had their furs loaded onto the ship [...].” Despite the windfall in skins and oil, Afonso was still dissatisfied, having failed to take captive any of the elusive natives. He therefore ventured a further 50 leagues “to see if he could capture a man or at least a woman or child in order to satisfy the will of his master.” [...]
[In] 1437 [...] another Portuguese ship was dispatched to the Gold River to fill its hold with the furs and oil of the sea-wolves. [...] In 1441, [...] the Infante ordered his young wardrobe keeper, Antão Gonçalves, to captain a small ship and return to the Gold River. [...] “[T]he reason for this voyage, as instructed by his Lordship,” writes da Zurara, “was none other than to load that ship with a great quantity of hides and oil from those sea-wolves.” It appears to have been a lucrative undertaking. “ [...]
Antão Gonçalves had fulfilled the command of his master, his ship’s hold brimming with hides and casks, but the young man was eager to pursue his adventures rather than return home as ordered. He assembled his 21-man crew on deck, and addressed them with a rousing speech: “Friends and brothers, our cargo is complete, as you can see, so the principal aim of our mission has been accomplished, and we could well return should we wish to limit our toil…” He then proposed an adventure that would gladden the men’s hearts, providing relief from the laborious and tedious task of hunting, skinning and melting-down seals – a hunt for native slaves [...].
These first tentative expeditions to the Gold River paved the way for hunting on a more intensive, industrial scale, with 15th century Portuguese explorers dividing their time between lucrative massacres of seals and the equally profitable slave trade [...].
Indeed, within a few years of the sea wolf discovery, a purpose-built installation to process seal hides and oil had been constructed on Ylha de Lobos [...] in the estuary of the Rio de Oro [...]. Around Cap Barbas [...] no less than three sites once bore the name of the sea wolf [...]. [T]he [French and British] colonial plundering of the region [in the early twentieth century] [...], like [...] [Portuguese] conquest before them, were also portrayed as essentially idealistic endeavours. Just as the conquest of the Rio de Oro by massacre and slavery [...] “proves anew that the pursuit of disinterested geographical knowledge [...] were never the only motives of colonial conquest, so the slaughter [...] would today be called “rational exploitation” [...]”.
All text above by: William M. Johnson. “Monk Seals in Post-Classical History: The role of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) in European history and culture, from the fall of Rome to the 20th century.” Mededelingen 39. The Netherlands Commission for International Nature Protection. 2004. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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letterstoear · 5 months
Claw & Vending Machine shenanigans: Featuring Ruggie and Deuce
Notes: Ruggie x reader, Ruggie has a romantic relationship, Deuce is platonic, Deuce x reader, Gn reader, fluff, short read.
Purchase the featured seal keychains here: LetterstoEar x Coffeejewerlyowo Collaboration — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
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Ruggie Bucchi ver.
There was a very little chance of you winning the prize, but there had been an even lower chance of Ruggie playing. He knew most claw machines were nothing better than thieves. A shiny toy that suckers you in with a bunch of flashy lights and could be prizes. However, Ruggie wasn’t going to stop you from your fight against the machine.
Right in front of you sat an adorable plush of a seal dressed as a blue penguin. This wasn’t something you wanted; it was a need. A very important one at that, the little guy captured your eye the moment you walked in. So, it was only a matter of time before he would come home with you. While you missed each chance at hand you felt as though it only brought you closer and closer to winning.
With the claw gripped firmly attached to the string of the plush you could sense your victory. Holding your breath, you and Ruggie both watched in anticipation. Just what was going to be the result?
A few days had passed since you missed your opportunity at winning the adorable plush. Little did you know that Ruggie had achieved what you didn’t, he got the plush for you. Along with a letter, just how did Ruggie manage to get such a gift? Especially since he wasn’t enthusiastic about the idea of claw machines.
Opening the letter, you read the contents:
Hey you,
I don’t normally do this, but after seeing your face being so down in the dumps, I couldn’t stop myself. Plus, the arcade was hiring. Gotta admits it was a good part time job, the owners were pretty nice too. The old couple who owns the arcade was more than willing to hand me the plush for free. It’s kinda embarrassing to admit, but they even teased me for knowing I got it for my lover. What a turn of events. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your new little fellow.
Love ya,
Ruggie Bucchi
Deuce Spade ver.
With a very amused look on your face, you watched as your dear friend shoved his hand up the vending machine. You weren’t even the least bit surprised, who would be? Deuce was incredibly determined to get whatever he had purchased from the vending machine. Sighing to yourself you ask Deuce to move a bit you were going to try your very own trick.
Shaking the vending machine. Yep, a good ol 'shake should send the item out in a matter of seconds. Always worked for you so it should work for Deuce and his mystery item. Except it didn’t. After being fed up the two of you made eye contact and proceeded onto the next challenge. With the exchange of a nod, you gave your best kick to the vending machine. Meanwhile Deuce gave his best punch, both attempts ending in misery.
Calling it a day, both you and Deuce looked around to find help. Only the two of you came face to face with the vice and head dorm leader of Heartslabyul. Trey was thoroughly entertained, but Riddle was a different story. Quickly getting help for the situation Riddle came back with the master key. Taking the key in hand Riddle picked up Deuce’s mystery item. Then, without missing a beat you and Deuce had both gotten stuck in a collar.
The collar didn’t go away till later in the day. Once it came undone you made the choice to relax in your bed. Soon came a knock at the door. Opening it up you were shocked to see Deuce, in his hand was a present and a letter addressed for you. Quickly shoving the gift in your hand Deuce walked away just as fast as he arrived.
Opening the letter and present you saw:
Dear friend,
I apologize for getting you involved with the punishment today! I appreciate the help at the vending machine though. Looking back at today, I had fun trying to get the item out together. Whenever I’m with you I feel as though I get so lost in the moment, I ignore my surroundings. I almost forgot to write this, the item I won was a set of plush keychains. Since you were the one who I dragged into this mess, I thought I should gift you one. Please enjoy the plush.
Deuce Spade
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cor-ardens-archive · 1 year
i do definitely see sam as a child of incest. it’s all right there. it doesn’t mean he isn’t also john’s biological son, but for all practical purposes he is a product of incest. in fact, john was right there too...
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stick-by-me · 6 months
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A notable achievement!
New follower sticker for: @dr-paine!
(From @strawberri-draws and her shop here!)
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New song tomorrow!
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taevisionceo · 1 year
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📰 TAEVision Engineering 's Posts - Tue, Jan 17, 2023 TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design • Parts AutoParts EngineParts Aftermarket VictorReinz Dana Holding Corp SealingProducts Elring Gaskets SealingSystems bearings Bosch ICON wiperblades • Automotive Machinery Agriculture Chevrolet BelAir Convertible 01 - Data 148 Parts EngineParts Aftermarket VictorReinz Dana Holding Corp SealingProducts Victor Reinz sealing systems ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 02 - Data 169 Parts EngineParts Aftermarket Elring Gaskets EngineGaskets SealingSystems ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 03 - Data 060 Parts AutoParts Aftermarket bearings ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 04 - Data 110 Parts AutoParts Aftermarket Bosch ICON wiperblades WindshieldWipers (Rain Ambient) ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 05 - Data 280 Automotive Machinery Agriculture Farm Farms Farming Chevrolet BelAir 1957 Convertible Chevrolet Suffolk County NY Scene ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr
  📰 I just updated my Pressfolio: TAEVision Mechanics's Online Portfolio - Global Data - Jan 17, 2023 ▸ TAEVision Mechanics's Online Portfolio
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Global Data - Jan 17, 2023
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swagging-back-to · 1 month
so i had to get more conditioner and it lead me down the road o search this
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if there needs to be a wikihow article to open one of your products then you have fucked up IRREVOCABLY.
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starredforlife · 5 months
we need to have an intellectual movement we need to start educating ourselves as critically and urgently as possible and by we I need American youth teens adults. we have to cover as much of the breadth of knowledge we can that is granted to us freely in the form of books and podcasts and articles and essays and zines like we cannot spend so much time Consuming Content. I’m tired of it. I understand the desire i really do I have Chopped on in the background right now. But what is the point if we by position in such privilege, in such an age of individual potential of discovery, literally unlimited resource, refuse to read and learn and connect some dots and make conversation about it all. With personal education comes a fierce want for someone to discuss it with and so we get community and then probably a podcast or two but that’s good that’s for the better. Can we turn away from industries (mind, not the people) that have clearly and wholesale rejected the premise of art and storytelling that isn’t nostalgia bait and empty cash grabbing and can we start relying on ourselves to make it. Can someone less irritated than me make memes, or something, that’ll make people interested in the frankly obscene wealth of literature and history we have at our fingertips. We have always had a responsibility to keep learning, but that doesn’t mean we doomscroll and feel bad abt it and escape into a comfort show and call it a day it means we shape a way forward through relentless pursuit of knowledge, through creation of our own ideas, with community. It means we need to read these books into our souls because it’s possible for them to be taken away from us before we get the chance to
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katyspersonal · 2 months
3 for Aldrich, Aldia, Willem & Laurence
9 for Maria
11 for Micolash & Aldrich
24 for Laurence
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
3) What first drew you to this character?
As for Aldrich, I vaguely recall finding out that he checks the traits I like the most? He was one of the characters I've learned about through fandom and not on my own, and I think this ancient meme about summarises it:
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@val-of-the-north SHUDDUP you're basically so horny for Laurence/Logarius/Snatchers that you can't even picture them in your mind in any way but being naked!!!!!!! *casts the stone back at u*
With Laurence, like with Mico, it was the very first glance at the character in Youtube compilation with boss themes and concept art image. I did not know the lore yet, but the design and the music made me imagine Laurence as sort of aged, sagely librarian. I could not imagine back then that his boss fight would be him being a "helpless abhorrent little mewmew" as kids call it! Heck, I thought he'd have dialogue despite the monster form x) In a way, my first impression was not wrong, with the cut content of him actually talking even in a beast form, and implication of him being a son of Cainhurst cut content librarian NPC! I have intuition for cut content before having information, hahaha!
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I have nothing to say about Willem. It might be a memory gap thing, but I swear at some point I feel I was turned off and then booted back up with liking this character already installed in my system x) As for Aldia.... ugh for fuck's sake... yeah, it was this legend:
I was absolutely floored by this stupid vid even without knowing any context, but I also instantly liked this character. I didn't even know his name yet, but the voice acting and long yapping about philosophy already pulled me in XD (Also unironically, this video is precisely how I give relationship advice fhfhdds)
9) Does this character remind you of anyone you know? Does that affect how you see them?
Yeah, I know this person. I know them very well. I know them more than anyone else. Someone who was misguided (by their destructive influence mentor figure, by their own foolishness and past history, or combination of both, who can tell anymore?) into committing awful things, then despaired over their sins and attempted redemption but also failed in some way? This person is me. At some point I've found myself in front of horrible truth about my past life and personality, and knew I was guilty and sullied forever. That it was over for me as a human being, but that didn't matter, and I could only keep people safe by locking myself away and trying to serve something better.
......annnnd it took a few years of more informed people to (metaphorically) shake me and slap my face into lucidity, explaining to me that I've fallen for the "BPD demonization" that was going far beyond than my individual failure as a friend, and we are always accused of abuse and causing irreversible harm when the worst we do is being emotionally overbearing. I kept losing trust to those friends, telling them that they were enablers who tried to gaslight me into thinking I was not 'that much of a monster', until it was other people with BPD who 'shook me and slapped my face into lucidity'. xd Nonetheless, even though now I know the truth about how society treats BPDs, I remember the feeling of being so monstrous and harmful that I was not even allowed to "touch" people with my dirty hands, how my reality used to be. So, I could write Maria going through this effortlessly, especially considering what she did was more plain and tangible!
In fact... thank you for asking me about this, because I kept wondering why I had such frequent dreams about being Maria, and why the Maria in my dreams acts like abused child that took back control against Gehrman despite my portrayal of the guy being so different. And now the puzzle is solved! That part of me still lives inside, it seems.
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11) How did you “fall in love” with this character?
Already answered this for Micolash here: ( x )! As for Aldrich, it was through properly analysing the bigger picture and context of his actions. I've figured that his madness was, in fact, being informed on what was far too ahead of everyone else around him! He, like the rest of the cast, is trapped in the rotting, doomed world in which the only choices are 1) "die with dignity" or 2) commit something unthinkable from moral standpoint for a chance to escape. And will morality of the rotting world will matter in the new world anyways? Won't it all be left behind and be forgiven?
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The guy also tried to take everyone else he could with him, like sort of a fucked up Noah's Arc! I can tell that they reused the concept with Rykard, at least, I am glad they know what works xD I'd say that the sadism he experienced upon eating people was either result of insanity (he understood a thing no one should understand), or still didn't exclude the bigger purpose (egotistically revelling in how holy he is helping everyone and doing what no one else dared, which would be like my Laurence). In any case, I have the strongest respect to the courage it takes to transcend the bonds of morality and compassion in order to to greater good. Being burdened with the knowledge of how the world really works, and choosing to push through instead of still being bound... This is why I also like Fauxsefka; learning how this world works, she chose to turn people into Kin so they can't ever become beasts. I am weak for this trope, you don't understand.
24) Do you ever dream about this character? If so, describe a dream you once had about them.
Laurence appears in my dreams only in two contexts: 1) Micolaurence or 2) dreams about finding secret files in Bloodborne that reveal his canonical appearance before beasthood! I can tell the latter comes from my everlasting unsatisfaction with my design for him, because I love it but it doesn't feel "fitting" and I can't identify why!
The former, I think, fandom rubbing onto me x) In two of these dreams, I was Laurence. In other two, I was Micolash. In one of Laurence dreams it was mutual, in the second one I was in love unrequited. In one of Micolash dreams, it was mutual, and in another it was not.. Basically, my dreams allows me to experience this ship from every possible angle. o_o Waiting for more I guess fhhdfsfd
Thank you for asking! And.. without exaggeration, you've just done quite a psychological work on me by just asking the right thing. I need to think about that, hahaha
#bloodborne#dark souls 3#aldrich devourer of gods#laurence the first vicar#soulsborne#ask replies#personal#memories#dreams#honestly I remember Maria in my dreams hiding in the closet like an abused bullied child.. that big strong woman reduced to this#and I finally know why it was this way#I'd rather not sully Gehrman with something as dirty as my stepdad of course he deserves so much more and he is his own man#I just don't like the approach of turning characters with their own stories and personality into vessels for my trauma#it feels like frenzied flame: you got infected by it and you have unending need to spread it. to scorch the world in your pain.#I don't think this approach would help my healing but instead make me feel worse by nourishing the trauma#I am keeping it sealed away from the world forever now </3#see this is why it hurts me so much when gehrman haters accuse me of being insensitive to people that want to project their negative-#-experiences with men and misogyny onto him even if that means twisting the actual story and character. I do have a reason to do it myself#I just choose not to because I personally dislike the idea of making fandomry about myself more and about source material less#I don't want to bring the pain and horrors inside me into something that doesn't have them. some things can stay clean!#the passive aggression between canon worshippers and fanon enforcers is something that cannot be avoided in the fandoms#and I disapprove of the lie about 100% peace and mutual respect between the 'camps'. we will never FULLY like each other#each thinks their approach is more productive for the community. and that's fine!
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clannfearrunt · 11 months
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I’m alone in my house I can do anything (use 4 eggs in one meal)
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enden-k · 1 year
"milk drink (lactose free)" I felt that in my soul 🤝🤝 why is it so tasty. But oh so evil
-(invisible) seal anon
if milk drinks evil, why tasty
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lorentzennoonan27 · 1 month
Rubber Elastomer Washers
Specializing in quick turnaround of thin-gauge components, Mercer Gasket & Shim provides world-class laser chopping providers for applications where precision is a high precedence and quality is essential. Metal gaskets is a term often used to describe any measurement of gasket, shim or washer that is manufactured from elemental metals or alloys such as metal, brass or titanium. Specialist metal alloys such as Inconel, which is composed of nickel, chromium and iron, have properties suited to processes that endure excessive pressures or temperatures. They have offered superior performance and products for our doors as properly and lots of of weird requests from us making an attempt to care for our prospects. The employees are very hardworking and professional and can do what it takes to get the job done. Goodrich Gasket delivers premium quality gaskets that ensures performance, safer operation and reliability. Regardless the kind, the gaskets are personalized to specifically go nicely with the client specifications and space of utility to speed up the efficiency with usage of the best materials. Polyurethane products often are called “urethanes”,  they're a particularly numerous product as a end result of multiple ways it can be configured during manufacturing. Polyurethane materials are a fantastic selection when pondering of your next sealing product utility. Custom Gasket Manufacturing also presents custom rubber molding and extrusion companies for extra complicated, 3D geometries. It’s necessary to notice that rubber just isn't a single material, however instead a broad class of elastomers with totally different bodily traits. Industrial purchasers should contemplate any needed corrosion and temperature resistance properties and select a rubber accordingly. Available in 10 metre rolls, metre lengths, strips, washers or cut to order in normal or non commonplace gaskets. Industrial Gaskets manufactures commonplace Imperial rubber washers as nicely as Metric rubber washers. Mercer Gasket & Shim is provided with new, state-of-the-art router slicing tools. Mercer Gasket & Shim’s waterjet cutting service presents a fast, versatile, and correct technique for fabricating advanced or difficult components while maintaining the integrity of the material. We proceed to attempt to boost and increase the range of companies we provide our prospects. AG’s extrusion services embody using injection, cold and hot becoming a member of strategies which allows us to offer a variety of sections, sizes and shapes made from a big selection of materials. Our big selection of standard items at the aspect of our varied methods of manufacture will ensure you get the right seal every time, reduced lead times assured. A gasket is a mechanical seal that fills the area between two mating surfaces, generally to prevent leakage from or into the joined objects whereas underneath compression. Today, it is established as a quantity one supplier of piping systems for the safe and dependable transport of liquids and gases. Despite the constant change, customer-centric innovation and sustainability stay the defining values for GF Piping Systems. Often used as a seal for steam and scorching valves, taylor ring gaskets are reduce from a variety of sheet metals and fashioned into corrugated concentric rings. As a manufacturer of a broad range of flange gaskets, including metallic gaskets, semi-metallic gaskets, and sheet gaskets, we pride ourselves on helping our customers supply the best product for any utility. At Mercer Gasket & Shim, our staff has the information to promptly and accurately finish any custom gasket order. In addition, we are geared up with cutting-edge equipment to precisely manufacture gaskets from numerous materials. We are additionally committed to offering the very best quality gaskets to our clients by adhering to relevant industry standards and specifications. Our expert group of engineers at Mercer Gasket & Shim aids customers all throughout the whole gasket production course of. metallic gaskets We additionally provide custom gasket solutions to ensure that you get the most effective answer for your needs. Our in depth range includes, 100% Pure, Expanded and Modified PTFE products available in sheet, tape, completed components, gaskets and washers. Covering a wide range of applications, our brands include Gylon, Klinger’s Topchem & Teflex.
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scatterpatter · 11 months
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