#scott x sister!reader
shelbgrey · 5 months
A not so White Wedding(Scott Summers)
Paring: Scott Summers x Mutant!Reader
Summary: ✨Wedding bells✨ it's time to get married to Scott summers... Well maybe
Prompt: 2.3) “I've been busy marrying you, I haven't had time to piss anyone off!”
A/n: this was a unanimous request that got lost during my editing process. I'm sorry I don't have your original ask and I hope you see this.
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Storm wanted to plan the wedding and she went all out and wanted everything to be perfect even if me and Scott just wanted a small wedding. The rest of team was in the back yard of the mansion putting chairs up and setting things up for the wedding.
“Woah” I tumbled at bit as I tried to walk and break in the heals Storm got, I hated them and never wore heals in my life. storm grabed my hand before I could fall on my ass on the back porch “you just have to break them in” Storm said to sweetly.
“Stormy, your not even gonna see my feet just let me wear Converse”
Storm playfully rolled her eyes as I wrapped my arms around her to keep my balance, I kicked the heals off and looked at Storm. “Okay... As long as they are new ones and not those blue ones you wear all the time... Honestly I don't know how they are still in one piece” Storm said playfully.
“The heels were a little much” I nodded Playfully to Storm.
“Nothing it's too much” Storm told me and looked at all the X-men that offered to set up from the wedding “the wedding is gonna be perfect” Storm said.
I took a deep breath, feeling both excited and nervous. “I just can't believe I'm actually getting married this weekend”
“and I can't be more happier for you both” Storm smiled then tunred to the yard where the rest of the team was “And we promise to make sure this weekend goes as smoothly as possible for the both of you”
“Yeah...” I sighed and crossed my arms nervously “we need to make sure nothing or no one ruins this wedding, we've been on high alert since our last mission against Magneto”
Storm placed her hands on my shoulders and looked me on the eyes. “nothing is gonna happen... Not on my watch”
I smiled and pulled her into a tight hug. “thanks Storm, I love ya”
She pulled away with a bright smile. “Now... Get in the house and get plenty of rest” I rolled my eyes playfully and nodded as I picked up the painful heals off the porch. Storm took them out of my hands then turned around to check on the set up. She sighed In frustration. “Logan! Not there put it on the other side of the aisle!” she yelled, marching off the steps of the porch.
“stop yelling at me woman!” Loagn barked as he set a white bench down. I smiled and just shook my head before heading back inside of the mansion.
Scott's lips pressed against mine softly and gently pushed me down on to our bed. I sighed softly as his lips traveled down my neck. I let out a small moan as my fingers carded through his hair “you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding” I joked softly.
Scott chuckled softly against my neck “I'm not a superstitious man...and I just couldn't resist” he whispered and lifted his head to connect our lips for a soft kiss. I giggled softly against his lips as my hands traveled to his waist, pulling him closer to to me.
“I'm not waiting till the wedding to touch or kiss you” Scott mumbled against my lips, pulling my body close to his. The small moment we shared only heightened the excitement I felt for our future. Scott's left mine then smiled as he leaned up and kissed my forehead. I let out a satisfed sigh as Scott kissed down my neck to my collarbone.
Our lips met for another passionate kiss and just as his tounge brushed against mine there was a knock on the door. Scott lifted his head and opened his eyes sharply. He groaned softly. “Damn it.”
I rolled my eyes at our interruption. Scott sighed and kissed my lips softly once more and pulled away, fixing his clothes. He went over to the door and peeked through the door, waiting to see who the unwanted guest was.
I sat up in the bed and peeked through the crack Scott made between the frame and the door. Storm was at the door with her folder of all the wedding stuff. She put her hand on her hip, staring Scott down. “what are you doing? Your not supposed to see y/n until the wedding, it's bad luck!” she said sternly but also playfully.
Scott rolled his eyes at the old superstition, but he still wanted to play along with Storm “it's my room too!”
“I don't care, the last thing you guys need is bad luck” Strom rolled her eyes and gave Scott a stren look. “and you better have picked up that Tux today”
“Yes.. I did” Scott playfully stuck his tongue out at Storm. He gave a goofy grin and closed the door. Scott went back to the bed “So...want to try again?”
I smirked and pulled Scott back on top of me so we could pick up where we left off. Scott leaned, pressing himself into my body, kissing me deeply while his hands fell to my waist. As our lips moved in a rushed pace, Scott's arms moved from my waist and started moving upwards slowly, moving his way up to my chest. As his hands and began caressing my breasts there was yet another knock on the door.
My eyes locked with Scott's and we both let out a frustrated growl. He pecked me on the lips then rolled off of me. “God damn it Storm” he mumbled under his breath.
Still thinking it was storm, Scott ripped it open. It wasn't storm, it was Professor Xavier. Scott's eyes widened and his jaw dropped open to see Professor Xavier standing at the door. He tried to pull himself together as he looked at him. “good evening professor”
I sat up in our bed and quickly fixed my clothes. “Where's y/n?” I heared Xavier ask sternly.
Scott hesitated for a moment but didn't say anything. He looked straight into Professor Xavier's eyes then closed the door “what did you do?” Scott asked, turning towrds me.
“nothing, I've been busy marrying you, I haven't had time to piss anyone off”
Scott chuckled at the sarcasm. “well.. apparently you have now. The professor wants to see you”
I groaned and got out bed. I fixed my clothes one last time before opening the door. “yes Professor?” I asked sweetly and pretend like me and Scott weren't just playing a game of tonsil-hockey.
Professor Xavier eyed me and Scott both. “I need to discuss somethings with the both of you”
“is everything okay?” I asked softly then glanced at Scott.
Professor Xavier shifted in his wheelchair and sighed. “it's a private matter which is why I have called both of you here. It's quite a sensitive topic”
Me and Scott shared concerned looks before following Xavier to his office. Professor Xavier motioned for both of you to sit down infront of his desk as Scott closed the door. Xavier took a deep breath and started to speak. “I would like to inform you two that the Brotherhood have made another move in the city”
Scott walked over and sat in the chair next to mine. I sighed and rubbed my forehead in frustration. “how close to home are they?”
Xavier took a deep breath and looked at the two of us with a serious stare. “very close. If I were to guess...they are somewhere within a mile radius of the Institute”
“And the wedding is in two days” Scott grumbled under his breath and pushed his glasses back before they could slide of his nose.
Xavier was silent for a moment then hesitated before he spoke. “unfortunately, there has been a decision made regarding the wedding...”
“We're not putting it on hold! We've done it once already” Scott said before Xavier or I could even say anything. He knew it wasn't fair to either one of us.
Xavier nodded his head in admiration but he had an all business tone in his voice. “I understand that, but the Brotherhood is a serious threat to not only the city, but also the X-Men. We do not know what they'll do next. Unfortunately, the decision was made that our best option is to temporarily put the wedding on hold”
Professor Xavier's voice had a regretful tone but he had a strict look in his eyes. I sighed and looked down, I tired not to cry in both disappointment and frustration.
Scott immediately shot up from his seat and stormed out of Xavier's office. I gave Xavier a soft expression. “I'll talk to him”
“Scott!” I sighed, catching up with him in the hallway and grabed his hand to stop him. “Scotty...” I said softly.
Scott was hot with frustration but as he tunred to me his expression softened. “it's not fair to us! The Brotherhood are always a threat but I thought the wedding could be one day that they'd just leave us alone! I was wrong. It's always something. I just wanted one day where everything went right!”
I stepped closer to him with a soft expression and placed my hands on his cheeks, trying to calm him down. “I'm angry too, but there's nothing we can do” I said solemnly.
Scott sighed and his angry expression softened. “I'm just frustrated...I wanted this day to be perfect. He should know...he should know that after all this time, all this hard work...all this bullshit...I just wanted one thing to go right!”
My thumb stroked his cheek softly as I gave him a soft look “it's important to me too... So important, but why do I feel so selfish to even think about gooing on with the wedding even though the BrotherHood is running around?”
Scott pulled me close to his chest. There was a certain softness to him now that he had been filled with frustration previously. His hands traveled down my back, rubbing it gently as he spoke. “it's because you're the most selfless person I know. And you know what? That's what I love about you...and that's why I want this day to be for both of us”
I pressed my forehead to his and nuzzled my nose against his. “I think I'm tired of being so selfless” I sighed softly in frustration.
Scott wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close to his chest. “I know, I know...but we have to be, sweetie. This is bigger than us, no matter how we try to convince ourselves. It's okay if it's pushed back”
I sighed, hugging him back. I didn't try to speak, still trying to process everything. Scott sighed and brushed some lose strainds of hair out of my face. “Just you being by my side is enough for me...”
“That's bullshit if you ask me” Storm said suddenly, opening her dorm room. Me and Scott both jumped. “how long have you been listening?” Scott asked.
“Hard not too when you guys are squabbling outside my dorm room” Storm said. During that moment I forgot the mansion was full of X-men in their dorm rooms.
Me and Scott stayed silent, refusing to meet Storm's gaze. Storm broke the silence and spoke up again. “You guys aren't seriously considering puting off your wedding again?” Storm asked frustrated and suprised.
Scott looked at Storm with a stern look and was silent for a moment...that's when he finally spoke and his voice was low. “what are we supposed to do?”
“get out of here!” Storm said like it was the most obvious thing. “go to the corthouse in the next town over and elope, go to Vegas and get married at one of those Elvis churches, I don't care just leave for the weekend and get married”
This surprised us both. Scott paused for a moment to think. “how would we convince the others to allow us to get married in private? They'd kill us for trying to exclude everyone from the wedding” I said softly.
Storm rolled her eyes. “The X-men will understand and when every thing settles down we'll give you a real wedding”
Scott thought for a moment and looked at me then back to Storm. “So you're suggesting we runaway for the weekend and get married?”
“Elope?” I added, looking at Storm.
“People do it all the time” Storm shrugged then sighed. “Even though we put a lot of work into the wedding and the thought of you guys eloping at an Elvis Church annoys me... You guys deserve to actually get married, so yes leave for the weekend and get married”
I couldn't help but laugh at the idea of me and Scott eloping in Vegas at an Elvis Church. As much as it sounded funny, I liked the idea. Scott turned to me and smiled. “what do you think, Baby?”
“Yeah, we waited long enough... Let's get married” I then tunred back to Storm. “what about Xavier and the others?”
“I'll deal with that old geezer” Storm said in a playful way. “and if the brotherhood shows up we'll be fine”
I nodded, agreeing. Scott smiled happily. He hugged me and kissed my forehead gently. “we'll leave first thing in the morning”
Storm smiled and clapped her hands together. “have fun!” she then left us alone.
--------(the next day)--------
“they did what?!” Xavier sighed after the news was broken y/n and Scott had left early that morning for vegas.
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chloe-skywalker · 2 months
Not My Decision - Stiles Stilinski
Stiles x reader sister
Derek x reader-ish
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,085
Requested: TW imagine the reader is Stiles sister and u get into an accident and Derek turns u into a wolf and Stiles goes against ur wishes and u get pissed at him for doing so and Peter actually takes care of u - @cokecola4211
Authors Note: I enjoyed the concept behind this request, it was ajoy to write. Maybe a Part 2?
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“Help!” Stiles yelled out carrying Y/n into the hospital. She was covered in blood and therefore so was Stiles.
“Stiles what happened?” Melissa asked as she called a team over with a gurney.
“Just please help her.” Stiles pleaded as he placed her on the rolling hospital bed. He had to watch as they rushed into emergency surgery. Scott had come running in after he had parked the Jeep for his friend. They Both sat down in the waiting room. It didn’t take long for the others to hear about what happened and soon pretty much the entire pack were in the waiting room.
Melissa came out a few hours later with a sad expression. “She’s stable for now.”
“For now?” Stiles asked with extremely worried eyes.
“I don’t know how long she’ll stay stable for.” She hated having to tell Stiles that his sister was basically dieing. Two kids she’s known their whole lives and practically considered her own at times.
“Mom?” Scott stood up with eyes that begged his mom to not say what he thought she was going to say.
“Its not looking good, hunny. I’m sorry. We should probably call your dad, Stiles.” Melissa bit her lip in solace that they’d probably all have to say goodbye.
“What if I could help? The bite.” Derek spoke up, he was very close to the female Stilinski. They were really good friends and if he was being honest he had a bit of a crush on her. Maybe he could save her.
“No. That could still kill her.” Scottt shook his head protesting, not liking the idea at all.
Derek shrugged his shoulders, trying not to show how much the possibility of Y/n dying affected him. “I’m just suggesting. It would be better to try then do nothing and lose her anyway.”
“That’s not what she would want.” Scott argued back. Truthfully he didn’t know if Y/n would want it or not but she would make comments about how it'd be hard being one would make life. Wasn’t that enough? “Stiles, you know that.”
“Do it.” Stiles didn’t care at the moment what anyone thought. He just couldn’t lose his sister.
“No Scott.” Stiles turned his head to look at his best friend. Stiles glanced down for a second before he continued. “I know it’s not what she’d want but I don’t have a choice. We don’t have a choice. Plus she trust’s Derek…”
Stiles knew Y/n probably wouldn’t want the bite, not without real thought put into it. But there was more of a chance for her to live. If they don’t do it, she dies. If Derek at least tries she might live.
“We have to try. I can’t lose my sister, Scott.” Stiles pleaded with his eyes.
“If the bite doesn’t take, then we still lose Y/n, Stiles.” Scott tried one last time, but truth be told Scott did think it was worth a shot. Y/n was like a little sister to him, he didn’t want to see her die either.
“At least we tried, because Scott we’re gonna lose her anyway if we don’t.” Stiles stated before turning his attention back to Derek. With a nod he stated. “Do it.”
“Follow me.” Melissa nodded at Derek and he followed her.
It was around 45 minutes before they came back out of the room. This time their faces looked more relieved.
“She's stable and improving.” Melissa smiled, happy to be sharing good news.
“The bite worked?” Lydia questioned the older wolf. Hoping she didn’t have to bury another friend.
Derek nodded with relieved eyes. “It worked. I can sense it. Feel it.”
After all, she was his beta now.
“Good. Good.” Stiles nodded, running his hands through his hair.
“You know she might be pissed.” Lydia looked to Stiles with a knowing look.
“Oh she’s going to be pissed.” Peter stated tauntingly, although he too was glad the girl was going to live. She didn’t treat him like the others.
“Then at least I made the decision that saved her life.” Stiles knew he made the right decision. But he really just hoped she would eventually forgive him.
Eventually everyone went home to get some sleep. Derek stayed and eventually Mr.Stilinski showed up. He showed up just in time when Y/n woke up. He was in there for a while before he asked Derek to come into the room. Which really made Stiles nervous.
Derek left the room not long before their dad did. The two shook hands and Derek left the hospital. Stiles was finally told by his dad that he could go see his sister. For a while the two siblings just sat in silence. Till Y/n spoke up.
“I’m different now. You made that choice for me.” Y/n stated looking down at her hands placed on her lap.
“I didn’t have any other choice.” Stiles stated back. Y/n nodded in understanding and Stiles was grateful that she did. But he still had a bad feeling.
“I need a break Stiles.” Y/n said looking at him with eyes Stiles couldn’t dechirer.
“What do you mean?” Stiles asked, confused, now sitting up in his uncomfortable hospital chair.
“I’m going to stay with Peter and Derek for a while. I already talked to dad about it.” Y/n explained biting her lip. It wasn’t an easy decision for her to have made but she needed space right now, and she needed Derek to help her learn to control her new abilities. Peter too, oddly.
“Y/n-” Stiles tried to interject but Y/n shook her head.
“I need time to adjust Stiles. To get used to my new life, the changes to my body and mind.” Y/n told him hoping he’d get why she was doing this. Why she had to do this. Y/n loved her brother but this? She needed time. “I also need time to understand your choice for my future. To calm down and be able to control myself. I don’t want to get angry at you and hurt you. You're my brother, we’re closer than close Stiles. We alway have been. But right now, I’m afraid I’m gonna hurt you.”
“Ok” Stiles couldn’t say anything else. She was angry at him and was afraid she’d hurt him because of her anger. Anger at him for the choice he made for her. Even though she was pissed, she was still protecting him.
Taglist: @padawancat97
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wordsarelife · 3 months
—invisible string
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pairing: isaac lahey x fem!reader
summary: the three times isaac and you realized that you were connected by an invisible string
warnings: none i think
note: just imagine kitchen and dining room of the mccall house being in different rooms please!!
1. when you guys met for the first time
isaac lahey did not expect anyone to jump to his rescue, let alone give him a home in a world where he had no place to go. maybe it was just because he always thought that he did not deserve that kind of care. and he had been right, right until he had met scott mccall at least.
the boy that had made it his mission to save isaac and bring him home with him. like a friend, or even a brother.
at first it was hard for isaac to face that it was just incredible kindness that motivated scott to do what he did, he didn't have a reason for it, it was not of any worth, no, actually, it was just nice.
"tell me if you need anything else" scott patted his shoulder, before he left the guest room, leaving isaac sitting on the bed.
"thank you" isaac muttered more to himself than anyone else, hiding his face in his hands and breathing out in relief. he was safe and he knew it.
when he came down to dinner later, scott was already setting the table. isaac turned his head to look into the kitchen, but there was no sight of melissa, just an unfamiliar girl, who was stirring a pot.
the first thing that he noticed were the amount of bracelets that covered your arms, they did not have any specific color, they were ranging from pink to brown to green and they nearly covered your entire arms up to the elbow.
you were also incredibly beautiful, as you were starring into the pot in deep concentration, not even noticing his eyes on you.
"isaac?" scott called and isaac turned his head, walking away from the kitchen and back into the dining room.
"where's your mom?" he asked, taking the glasses from scott and setting them down on the table.
"she had to take an extra shift" scott explained.
"okay" isaac nodded "who's the girl in the kitchen?"
"girl in the kitchen?" scott repeated laughing "are you trying to prank me?"
isaac shook his head, unsure if scott was joking or if he really didn't know that there was a girl in his kitchen.
"she's cooking" isaac shrugged and scott furrowed his brows, seemingly just now noticing the smell of warm and delicious soup that was hanging in the air.
"mom left us some soup" scott said "but i still have to warm it" he looked between dining room and kitchen in confusion. "girl in the kitchen" he repeated again, muttering to himself.
"i already warmed it for you" you said as you entered the room, under both boys surprised shrieking, the pot filled with soup in your hand. you set it down on the table.
"y/n" scott breathed, directing a hand to his chest as he sighed in relief.
"hey" you smiled, before you hugged the boy. "you must be isaac" you shook isaacs hand smiling "i'm y/n"
"what are you even doing here?" scott asked, before isaac was able to answer the greeting "i thought you weren't back for another week"
"well i got off a bit sooner, but thanks for beeing so cheerful about it" you laughed, walking into the kitchen to get a plate for yourself.
"is she a friend of yours?" isaac asked "and if so, why have i never met her?"
"yeah, she's stiles' younger sister" scott explained as he sat down and isaac followed his example "she was studying abroad for a year"
"stiles should be here any minute" you noted, taking a look on your phone as you sat down across from the boys. "but i think it would be alright if we began to eat without him"
"so you're back huh?" scott nodded "and the first thing you decide is to come back here.. wait, how did you even come inside?"
"oh" you laughed, filling your plate with soup "i came through the window"
"if that isn't the typical stilinski manner" scott muttered disapprovingly.
"i could come through your bedroom window and step onto your face if you would like that more" you said defensively, "i thought the kitchen window was a good alternative, not my fault you leave them open all the time"
"i'm sorry" scott rolled his eyes, deciding that it was no use to fight with you. "how have you been?"
"good" you smiled "look at these" you raised your arms, displaying the colorful bracelets "my kids made them for me before i left"
"your kids?" isaac asked, hesitantely engaging in the conversation.
"i trained a dance team" you explained "all the girls made me bracelets so that i wouldn't forget them"
"that’s cool” isaac muttered, before he quickly looked down when your eyes fell on him.
you smiled. "so scott told me you're living with him now, how's the mccall household treating you?"
scott chuckled at the motherly tone you were speaking in, always the protector.
"it's pretty fresh" isaac answered and felt a lot less uncomfortable when he looked up and saw you smile "but i really appreciate it"
"that's great" you laughed. isaac noticed you opening your mouth to maybe ask another question when you were interrupted by a sound upstairs.
a mere second later, stiles was walking down the stairs. "hey guys"
"could you both please stop coming into the house through the windows?" scott asked "it's weird"
"no it's not" you and stiles said at the same time. your brother smiled as you patted the seat next to you. "i made soup"
"no" scott corrected "my mom made soup, you just happened to break into my house and warm it up before i got the chance to"
"your mom... your house" you muttered "these are harsh words to throw at someone who's been practically saving your ass since middle school, scotty"
"yeah, aren't we all a big family?" stiles asked outstretching his hands in scott's direction, who looked unamused at the siblings chatter.
"yeah" isaac nodded.
"not you blondie" stiles hissed, quickly smiling again as he noticed scott's disapproving look.
"oh, how i missed you both together" scott sighed, continuing to eat, while stiles and you started a discussion about the ending of the most recent star wars film.
isaac watched amused how everything seemed to set back into place, your dynamic making it clear that the three of you were like siblings. deep down he wished that he had something like this as well, a friendship that could make all his sorrows disappear.
later when isaac was up in the guest room, unpacking a few things, there was a knock on his door. thinking that it was scott, isaac called the person in without looking.
"looks pretty comfortable" it was not scott, but you who was now standing in the door.
"uh, yeah" isaac answered unsurely, clutching his hand to the back of his neck.
"scott told me about derek" you said, catching him off-guard "and i just wanted to say that i know that he can be harsh sometimes, but he'll come around"
"thank you" isaac nodded, sitting down the last of his pictures.
"is that your mom?" you asked, walking closer to him. isaac nodded and you smiled "i think i have seen her before, i think she went to high school with my mom"
"really?" isaac asked suprised at your revelation.
"we met her a few times" you continued "my mom told me a few stories, they were friends i believe"
"huh" isaac huffed "funny"
"yeah" you smiled "it really is"
his body felt lighter at the warm feeling of familiarity that entered his chest. maybe, after all, the kind of friendship he was longing for wasn't so far away.
2. picking you up from the worst date of your life
the phone vibrated off the night table, but isaac caught it before it could hit the ground. he wasn't really awake yet, having gone to bed a bit sooner than normal. as he threw a look at his alarm clock, he noticed the time being well past midnight.
"hello?" his voice was hoarse, but it seemed like the person on the other end did not mind.
"isaac?" you asked and he sat up straight as he recognized your voice.
"yes, it's me" he could hear you cry into the phone "could you come and pick me up?"
he was already putting on his pants, before your voice had even come to the end of the sentence. "where are you?"
it took a few seconds for you to respond. "i'm at the school, i'm walking there now"
"are you alone?" isaac asked surprised, recalling the date with a boy from your year you had told him about just a day before.
"yes" you muttered into the phone. isaac walked out of the house and got into his car. "the date was horrible"
"i'm sorry" he said, unsure what he could answer instead, as he drove onto the street "i'll stay on the phone, okay? i'll be there in five minutes"
"i'm sorry for calling" you cried, the guilt lacing your voice "i probably woke you up, but i didn't know who else to call"
"it's alright, don't worry about it"
"no, it's not" he could hear you shake your head "i would've called stiles or scott, but they've gone on that stupid trip to who knows where trying to get this artifact"
"yeah, yeah, i know" isaac could already see the school coming closer "are you there yet? at the school i mean"
"yeah, i'm standing on the parking lot"
just a moment later, the car came to a halt and you opened the door, sliding into the seat next to him. you were wearing a black dress, one that was making you look even more beautiful than normally. your hair was flowing over your shoulders and your make up was ruined by the black mascara that was still dripping over your cheeks.
"hey" isaac said softly "you look beautiful"
you laughed, closing your eyes "i look anything but beautiful" you argued "thank you for coming, i would've walked home, but-"
he interrupted you before you could finish your sentence "-i'm glad you called"
"thank you" you said again and isaac just smiled, driving the car back onto the street. he pressed the radio, making the cd that was still in it start to play.
"paramore?" you asked susprised "i wouldn't have held you for a fan"
isaac laughed "i even went to their concert a few years ago"
"really? so did i" you gushed "which year?"
"me too" you laughed "who would've thought"
your sadness evaporated into thin air, as you continued to listen to the music, both isaac and you singing along to it softly, making you laugh at how terrible the both of you sounded.
isaac's body felt lighter at the warm feeling of familiarity that entered his chest for the second time since the both of you had met. maybe, after all, there was a much more important reason why your date had went the way it did. maybe something had changed.
3. discovering you were soulmates all along
you were following your brother and scott into the basement of the old church, careful not to trip over the ruins that were scattered all around.
isaac was close behind you, holding your hand to stabalize your walk.
derek was already down there, calling for the four of you to hurry up, which made you roll your eyes.
"it's not like i'm a werewolf who can run down there without getting hurt"
isaac grunted at your words, squeezing your hand.
when the four of you entered the dark room, derek was already leaning against the wall, arms crossed staring at you disapprovingly.
"i hope you didn't have to wait for too long" you smiled sarcastically and derek rolled his eyes, making a displeasured sound.
"what are we even searching for?" isaac asked as he watched scott and stiles walk through the room, looking around.
"anything" scott shrugged and stiles grimaced at his best friends words.
"to put it clearly" the boy said "we don't know yet, but i'll guarantee that you will as soon as it enters your hand" he patted isaac's shoulder, before he continued searching the room.
"fine" isaac muttered and you followed him to look at an old desk that was overflown by stacks of paper. silence flew over the five of you, as you continued sorting through the papers, only interrupted by isaac or you giggling when one of you would make a whispered joke.
"woah" scott's voice bounced off the walls and made all of you turn your heads at the mccall boy.
"what the—" stiles said, joining scott's side and looking at whatever it was that scott was holding in his hand. even derek had grown suspicious, lurking over the heads of both boys, before all three, scarily at the same time, looked up at isaac and you across from them.
"what?" you laughed uncomfortably, not enjoying your friends surprised staring. "did i accidently ruin a christian artifact again?" you asked as no one answered.
"again?" isaac asked you confused, you shook your head, silently telling him that now was not the right time to talk about your past mishaps.
"what is it?" you were slowly reaching the point were slight annoyance was ready to turn into anger. "can one of your start speaking?"
"it's a picture" derek said in typical derek manner.
"wow, thank you" you smiled sarcastically, before you crossed the room, snatching the picture out of scott's hand. your blood ran cold when your eyes fell on it and your smile died.
you looked up, watching isaac, then your eyes darted immediately back to the picture. you continued doing that over and over again.
"y/n?" isaac asked, unsurely. he had hoped that you getting the picture from scott would allow him an answer to your friends weird behaviour, instead you were now acting just as weird.
he stepped closer to you and without a word, you turned the picture and held it in his direction. it was a picture of the exact church you were in right now, taken in front of the alter.
there were two people, dressed formally, no doubt husband and wife, who were both smiling into the camera. isaacs eyes darted across the picture, searching for any kind of information, maybe this was just a joke.
"marlene and ian lawson" he read "june of 1847"
"this is a joke, right?" you asked. it had to be, because both people in the picture were looking like carbon copies of you and isaac.
"i don't think so" scott muttered behind you.
isaac's eyes were still fixated on the picture. using his finger, he gently slid over the woman's dress, the white gown easily slipping over the floor of the church. while she was looking into the camera, her husband was only focused on her, his smile so precious that you could read the love from it directly.
"it has to be" you insisted "isaac"
he looked up suddenly as his name rang out from your mouth. his body felt lighter at the warm feeling of familiarity that entered his chest. his eyes were crashing into yours and your look of anger was gone, softening your features.
"i don't think it is a joke, y/n" isaac shook his head "i think it's more than that"
isaac had never felt the feeling he was experiencing now, but it almost felt like a part of his soul was connecting to yours, intertwining them like two hands that had been searching for each other for a long time.
you furrowed your brows "you think this means something, something for us?"
"i don't know" isaac shrugged "it could"
just watching you, was like flowing in warm water, the water never rose, it was always calm, safe from every storm.
your friends turned around, not quite understanding what the two of you were talking about, going back to their initial task of searching for clues, as you took the picture out of isaac's hand. you opened your bag, slowly pushing it inside.
"i will keep it for us" you assured, before you kissed his cheek, doing the same as the others and going back to work.
isaac felt something in him sink, not in a bad way. more like an anchor that was thrown into the water, making sure that the ship would not leave the harbor, making sure that he would never leave you.
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imagine-by-susu · 1 year
Logan Howlett/Wolverine x F!Summers!Reader - That’s my sister!
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GIF IS NOT MINE! Requested by @thefandomdiaries07  Word Count: 1,819 Summary: You’re Scott Summers’ younger Sister and you’re dating the Wolverine in secret, until Scott finds out... Warnings: mentions of age gap, fight scene (nothing too graphic), bit of angst but with happy ending Requests are open
______________________________________________________________ You took a moment to think about what decision in your life had brought you into this scenario. How you, (Y/N) Summers, elegit member of the X-Men and sister to one of the greatest Mutants out there, pressed into a wall in an abandoned corridor of the X-Mansion with the Wolverine pressed into your body while his lips traced down your neck. His beard that roughly brushed over your soft skin distracting you from any coherent thought that you might’ve had in this moment. Your hands wandered to his wide shoulders, you could feel how they tensed at your touch. Though you planned on pushing him away from the fear of being caught by a student or worse your brother still on your mind Logan had other plans. His hands wandered ever so closer up from your thigh to your ass. When you found enough common sense in your brain you attempt to push at his upper body despite that no matter what he would be unmoving Logan only squeezed your ass. The moment he did you let out a gasp of surprise and he took the opportunity to plant a kiss on your lips that grew in intensity. While Logan pressed further into your body you stop fighting him and melted into his arms humming when his tongue swept over your bottom lip.
“What in the actual shit are you two doing?!” a voice broke both of you apart. With wide eyes at the familiar voice you pushed away from Logan while he although reluctantly took a step away from you. Scott, fuming with gritted teeth, walked up to you both. “(Y/N)! Of all the people, him?!” without even glancing in Logan’s direction he pointed at him. Logan slapped Scott’s hand away anger starting to raise up in him when his nostrils flared. “Missed the point where it’s your concern, Bub.” He growled at Scott who now turned his attention to Logan shielding you from Logan. “It’s my business because that’s my fucking sister you’re pushing your tongue into!” Scott mimicked Logan’s clenched jaw as they both stared each other down. You laid your hand on Scott’s shoulder in an attempt to calm him down but he pushed your hand away looking over his shoulder to you. Even with his glasses on you could feel the disappointment that filled his eyes. “She’s just a girl, Logan!” Scott returned back to him. Logan only huffed at that crossing his arms over his chest. “She ain’t a kid anymore, Summers.” Nothing in this world could’ve prepared your for Scott’s next move as he balled his hand into a fist and without thinking twice punching Logan square in the face. It did barely anything to Logan whilst Scott’s hand cracked with uncomfortable sound of breaking bones. Scott flinched away at the pain but a second later it was Logan who threw the next punch into the other man’s ribs. Pulling yourself out of the stupor your body seemed to be under you screamed at them to stop, trying desperately to separate the two fighting men to no avail. So desperate to separate the two before anyone gets seriously hurt which would probably be Scott you missed one of the punches. Who’s fist it was, you couldn’t tell but one moment you tried to pull Scott away from Logan and the next moment a fist hit your square in the head sending you down to the floor. Everything felt numb when you opened your eyes still laying on the floor with a worried Ororo hovering over you. She was calling out your name you believe but her voice sounded so far away. It was then that you looked over her shoulder to see both Scott and Logan stopping their fight, Hank between them to stop it. All three looked at you with worry in their eyes flickering. Logan was a bit faster to break out of Hank’s grip. Scott followed him suit and as they both bent to check on you, you only pushed away from tears pricking your eyes. In any other situation you would feel sorry for Logan how his face washed over with guilt and regret but he brought this upon himself just as Scott. “(Y/N)…” Scott tried to gently grab your arm but you ripped it out of his grasp. “Get out of my face. Both of you.” The fury in your eyes was clear first directed at Scott who flinched away at the harshness of your words before your eyes landed on Logan whose face fell with regret. Even Ororo glared at them. Surely this would bring consequences to the both of them. “Come on, sweety, let’s get you to Jean to check your head?” giving a reassuring smile Ororo helped you up and without giving Scott or Logan another glance you left. “This is your fault?” Scott fumed at Logan who gritted his teeth at him. “My fault?! Everything has gone perfectly fine before you showed up!” “My fucking sister, Logan! If she’s dying because of you I will…” Hank went in between them again having watched on long enough. “Either get this outsight or pull yourselves together.” Hank warned ripping the two man from each other. Still glaring at each other they left the corridor in opposite directions probably to blow of some steam or so Hank hopes. - To say that Jean was angry at Scott for his reaction was an underestimate. The moment you were brought into her she bombarded both you and Ororo with questions. There was no use to hide the relationship with Logan anymore so you told her everything and if it wasn’t for your injury one of them gave you Jean would’ve already gone to rip Scott another one before giving Logan a piece of her mind. “They both can be lucky I wasn’t there.” Jean ranted after you finished your little anecdote. She dabbed a bit to harshly over the open wound on your eyebrow and you flinched which had Jean stop and apologize her face softening in the process. “I’m just so angry at them both. But losing one of them doesn’t cut it either. Scott is my brother, we’ve been through a lot together. And Logan….I really tried to get away from him because I know how Scott would react but…” you shrugged your shoulders. “I believe it’s not us you have to tell this.” Ororo said patting your shoulder affectionately as Jean finished to clean up your wounds. You thanked them both and chose to lay down for the day. It was eventful as it was and you needed to sort out your thoughts probably. So it’s what you did. Locking yourself in your room in your most comfortable pyjamas and your favourite movie. A knock on your door had woken you up hours later. It was already dark outside and for a moment you were confused not realizing that you had fallen asleep during the movie. Despite the pounding in your head you pushed yourself up from your bed and made your way to the door. The moment you opened it you wanted to slam it back close at the sight of Logan and Scott standing in your doorway but Scott like the annoying brother he was got his foot between the door and the frame like he always when your were kids and wanted to bother you. “Just want to talk, please (Y/N).” it was Logan’s attempt at pleading that had you open the door again. “Can we come in?” Scott asked and you pondered over his request for a minute before you sighed and stepped aside. “How’s your head?” Logan looked at you after he had closed the door behind him worry written over his features. “What do you want?” I asked them looking from Logan to Scott and back. Both shared a look before Scott sighed, hands wandering through his hair in the process. “I…” he stopped as Logan glared at him. “We…” he corrected frowning at Logan before returning his attention to you. “We wanted to apologize.” Logan agreed with a nod before he continued on. “None of us ever meant to harm you in any way. And we both feel sorry that we did.” You noticed how his hand flinched at his side in his best attempt to control his urge to not grab your hand. A habit he had picked up after you started you secret relationship. “Do you even understand why I’m so angry at you both?” you questioned them hoping that the hurt in your eyes let the guilt fill their veins. And as both looked away and to the ground you took over the conversation again. “You both are the most important people in my life and it’s hard to witness you to fight every time you cross paths.” You walked over to Scott your fist meeting his chest playfully. “Scott, I know you just want to protect me, but news flash, I ain’t a little girl anymore and can look after myself and it’s my decision who I’m dating or not if you like him or want to see him six feet under.” Scott pursed his lips but nodded. “And you deserved this.” You pointed out to bandaged hand and Scott scrunched his nose at that knowing how right you were. Then you turned to Logan. “And Logan, I know how hard it is to love again. I understand your fear and your anger and never in my life will I ever hold this against you, but Scott is my family and if you love me just even a little bit, if our relationship means anything to you, at least try to get along with him. I don’t ask you two to be friends or anything but to be at least decent enough to not let your anger get the best of you.” After you finished your little speech you laid your hand in Logan’s and finally he looked at you and he gave you a soft half smile. “So…we’re forgiven?” tipping your finger on your chin you thought for a moment. “For the moment, yes.” Now Logan’s smile grew into a smirk as he leant down to plant a kiss on your lips but before his lips could actually contact to yours Scott pushed between you two separating you from Logan. “Yep, no, this was all fun and games, but still that’s my little sister.” Scott made a fake gag sound pushing to the door. “Just to remember to use protection kids!” he closed the door quickly before one of your slippers could meat his face. Logan let out a soft chuckle before he pulled you back to his chest. His knuckles brushed over your face and the anger you held for Scott vanished in an instant as you locked eyes. “Now, where did we left off?” Logan grumbled before he planted a kiss on your lips.
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mrsstruggle · 9 months
The Lost Child - Epilogue // Teen Wolf x Marvel AU
Summary: Y/N Stark was taken from her family when she was three years old. It's fifteen years later and her family believes she is dead. Then how is she living in Beacon Hills?
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death/Injury/Grief/Torture, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else)
Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader, Steve Rodgers x Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Vision x Wanda Maximoff
Previous Pairings: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Scott McCall x Allison Argent
Words: 5.8k
Note: There is only an epilogue left and that should be posted tomorrow!
Additional Note: While this is a Teen Wolf x Marvel AU, not everything is true to the shows/movies/comics. I had to change things for the story.
One Last Note: Y/N was adopted by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I did this so more people can see themselves in this story.
***I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel or any related characters. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.***
The Lost Child Masterlist
Previous Chapter
One Year Later
Y/N hums to the song playing in her car as she drives up to the newly renovated Hale house—technically it's Derek's and her house, but she likes just calling the Hale house. Derek planned on renovating the house himself with a few of the other pack members, but he ended up renovating with pack members and the Avengers.
Tony wanted to use his money to pay a team to renovate the house as quickly as possible, but Derek wanted to be a part of the renovation considering it was his house. He also didn't feel comfortable with Tony paying for everything. They ended up compromising by letting Tony pay for half, but they had to renovate it themselves.
Derek was surprised the first day Tony showed up with a few more Avengers in tow. He couldn't say he was very pleased seeing them either. He was hoping to renovate the house in peace with the occasional forced conversation between himself and Tony or ordering the pack to do a few things. He was even more surprised when he didn't hate them being there. It was a pretty good way to get to know Y/N's other family.
It was also a good way for Y/N to get to know her Avengers family. Although Tony built another Avenger's headquarters just outside of Beacon Hills to be closer to her, she still had a job she had to go to and they weren't her only family. Tony offered her jobs with the Avengers multiple times, but she turned them down every time. He even offered her a position to be a part of the Avengers, but she wanted to work on controlling her powers before she potentially used them to save people from aliens or whatever else they fight.
Three times a week Y/N would drive up to the house to help—well, her version of helping. She let Derek and Tony handle all electrical and plumbing details while she sat to the side and talked about her day or gossiped about people from work. She also helped Steve, Bucky, and Sam make a few furniture pieces by watching them do all the hard work and then adding any details she wanted on them, such as paint or accessories.
Pack members would also come by to help tear things down or build things up. None of them knew what they were doing, but Derek would teach them, and everything turned out okay. Stiles was like Y/N and didn't do much to help but he would be there. He and Peter grew closer as Y/N's brothers and found out they have a lot in common. It took them a few weeks, but they eventually stopped being passive-aggressive to each other and became friends—but they still bicker like an old married couple.
Once rooms were built, she, Lydia, Kira, Wanda, and Nat would paint the rooms and go out and buy things for them. They've definitely come back from a shopping trip or two with too many things, but Derek can't complain when he sees how happy Y/N is.
He also can't complain when his business is thriving, so money is not an issue. It wasn't an issue before—thanks to the money he inherited from his family—but now he doesn't think it will ever be an issue. Since he's dating 'the Y/N Stark,' people like to drive out of their way just to bring their cars to Hale Garage in hopes of possibly meeting him or getting a glimpse of Y/N.
He also started restoring old cars and motorcycles and selling them. It started with a few motorcycles someone abandoned in front of the garage and now he's selling vintage cars in big shows all over the state.
He has also somehow gotten a little fandom of his own. He has no idea how because he doesn't have any social media, nor does he willingly put himself in the public eye. He can always tell if someone specifically requests for him at the garage if they're doing it because of his relationship with Y/N or if it's just because of him.
If it's because of him, there is typically a nervous client, possible flirting, giddy giggles, and conversations with their friends when they think he can't hear them. Someone even asked him out once, but he shot that down very quickly. That client won't be coming back anytime soon—especially since Malia overheard the whole thing and started laughing so hard she almost fell out of her chair.
On days that Y/N wasn't at the Hale house, she liked to spend her time with her other dad—the sheriff. She knows he wishes he could've also contributed to the rebuilding of the house. He just didn't have the means financially nor the time to help. On top of his regular sheriff duties, there was a lot of paperwork and stress that came after the big fight against Kate and the Hunters.
On nights that he worked late, she'd bring him dinner and talk about their days. On nights he wasn't working, he'd go by the loft to have dinner with her, Derek, and Stiles. Tony and Peter would sometimes join but they didn't want to intrude too much. Tony could tell that he made the sheriff a bit uncomfortable due to who he was, but he never said anything to him. They got along but they weren't going to be best friends any time soon.
She's spoken to some of the other Avengers, like Clint and Thor, but she doesn't see them very much. She's only met Clint a handful of times because he likes to keep to himself on his farm. The most time she's spent with him was when she and Derek stayed at his farm for a weekend as a little get-to-know-you thing. They had a lot of fun, and they text now and then, but it's nothing too serious.
She also doesn't see Thor much since he spends most of his time on Asgard—she's also pretty sure he avoids her as much as possible. He still blames himself for the night she was 'taken' by Hydra even though she has told him multiple times that it's not his fault—Pepper would've still done what she did whether he took her to bed or not.
As Y/N drives past the new gates at the front of the property, she can see several cars parked outside of the Hale House. She smiles a bit to herself as she realizes what's going on. Pulling in front of the house and getting out of the car, she can hear people on the other side of the house. Walking through the house and to the backyard, she steps back outside to all her friends and family setting up tables and birthday decorations.
"Spider-boy, lift the right side of the banner a bit while you're up there! It's a bit unev–hey! Happy Birthday!" Stiles awkwardly shouts as he notices her. Everyone turns to Stiles before shouting 'Happy birthday' at the sight of Y/N standing near the backdoor.
"Why are you home so early?" Derek asks, walking up to Y/N and trying to block her from looking at the scene behind him.
"I'm happy to see you too, babe," Y/N playfully rolls her eyes before giving Derek a quick peck on the lips. "My boss let me leave early since it's my birthday. Well, second birthday, but she understood."
"I still don't understand why you didn't just take the day off."
"That's because I used up my vacation days putting in time off for our little vacation in about a week. I'd much rather take time off to spend two weeks naked on the private island we're going to then have a few free hours this morning." She can hear some of the people behind Derek pretending to gag letting her know that they're listening in on their conversation.
She squeals and laughs as Derek bends down and throws her over his shoulder. Walking into the house, Derek lightly slaps her ass as he walks her up to their bedroom. Entering their shared bedroom, he throws her onto the bed before hovering over her and staring lovingly into her eyes.
"Why are you throwing me another birthday party? You already threw me one on my April birthday." Y/N questions. Not only did she gain another family, but she also gained another birthday. She has the birthday she celebrates which marks the day she arrived at the Stilinskis and now the birthday she was with the Avengers.
"I'm not the one who planned this. This is all on Tony. I also think this might be more for them than it is for you since it's the first time they get to celebrate today with you." Derek says. The only thing Derek did was reel Tony in. Tony wanted to throw a massive party and invite as many people as possible, but he knew that would be way too much for Y/N. He knew she'd like something at home with her friends and family. "Now, I need you to change out of your work clothes and I'm going to go back downstairs and see why in a group of superhumans and wolves, no one heard you get here."
"You didn't hear me either," She teases.
"That's because I was trying to be a good son-in-law and listen to your dad tell me about a new case he's working on. He wanted my advice."
"Mhm, now get dressed and try to act surprised when you come back downstairs," He leans down to press a kiss on her cheek before standing and walking toward their bedroom door.
"I'll try!" She yells as he walks out of the room.
Y/N gets up from the bed and walks to her closet. Stripping out of her work clothes, she changes into something a little nicer. Walking out of the closet, she touches up her hair and makeup before walking downstairs toward the party.
Opening the backdoor, her family and friends all turn to her and yell, "Happy Birthday!"
"Oh my god! I had no idea!" She feigns shock.
"Shut up," Lydia rolls her eyes before pulling Y/N into a hug. "Happy Birthday and make sure to open my present first."
One by one Y/N goes around greeting everyone and thanking them for the party. She's not sure whose idea it was but she'll ask Derek after everyone leaves.
"Nice to see you two again. What has it been? A week?" Y/N teases, walking up to Steve and Bucky.
"A week too long," Bucky teases back, pulling her into a hug.
"And you leave in a week too," Steve says, pulling her out of Bucky's arms and into his own.
"Yes, well then we'll have to have another game night before we leave," She smiles up at him. After they got to know each other a bit while working on the house, she and Derek would invite Steve and Bucky over once a week for a game night. Sometimes they don't even play games, sometimes they'll just work on a puzzle and talk.
It's helped her a lot speaking to someone who has also had personal experience with Hydra. While she can't remember everything that happened to her there, she sometimes gets dreams—no, nightmares—that seem more like memories.
It's also helped her become a lot closer to them, as well as them becoming closer to Derek. She knows that they sometimes meet up with some of the other wolves to go for runs through the forest. They've even been to a few car shows with him.
"We're holding you to that," Bucky says.
"Well, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Steve, thank you for being here but I've got more people to go around and thank so I will talk with you some more later," Steve and Bucky's smiles get impossibly wider at her calling them her uncles. It's something that started two months ago and they get happier every time she says it.
Walking over to Scott and Liam, she pulls them both into a tight group hug, "Thank you both for being here. I'm sure you have better things to do with your day."
"Not really," Liam groans, pushing Y/N away from him.
"Do you really think Stiles would let us not be here?" Scott asks, pulling away from Y/N.
"I feel so loved," Y/N pushes Scott in a teasing manner. "Now I'm going to talk to some more people and if I look over here that means I need you to rescue me."
She pats them both on the back before moving over to Natasha, Wanda, Bruce, and Sam.
"Happy birthday future falcon," Sam says, pulling Y/N into a hug.
"Future falcon?"
"Yeah, we just need to get you a pair of wings and you can be just like your favorite uncle!"
"I don't think getting me a pair of wings will make me just like Bucky," Y/N teases, smirking at the look of shock on Sam's face.
"You take that back."
"I'm going to pretend that you just said my name instead," Bruce says.
"Even if you were her favorite uncle, why would she want to be like you when she could be like her favorite aunt?" Natasha smirks, pointing to herself.
"And you think that's you?" Wanda asks.
"Who else would it be?"
The smile on Y/N's face never leaves as she watches them bicker back and forth about who's her favorite aunt and uncle. Honestly, she doesn't have a favorite. She's closer to some than others, but she could never tell you who she'd consider her favorite.
Natasha has been teaching her some more hand-to-hand combat as well as how to use a gun. She can't say that using a gun is her favorite thing to do—especially since she's been shot several times by them—but it's nice to know if she ever needs to use one as a last resort.
Wanda has been helping her learn how to control her powers—even though Wanda isn't in the most control either. She's also been working with Stiles to awaken the magic within him. He can't do a lot just yet, but Wanda thinks he could be really powerful one day.
With Sam, he helped a lot with the renovations, and he likes to bring Y/N lunch at work at least twice a week—he even brings Melissa lunch from time to time. He will bring her lunch and they'll talk about what's going on in their lives or get into heated debates about their favorite shows. They once spent her entire lunch arguing about who's the better Winchester brother.
Y/N's probably the least close to Bruce—he's closer to Lydia than her. The work that he does really fascinates Lydia and she ended up getting an internship with the Avengers to work with him. Y/N will sometimes tag along when they are working on things outside of things for the Avengers, like hospitals. She doesn't understand everything like they do but it's nice to at least spend time with them.
"Right Y/N?" Sam's voice pulls her out of her head.
"Um...right?" Y/N looks between them with a confused look on her face.
"Were you even listening?" Natasha asks.
"Um, what's that? I think someone's calling for me." Y/N turns around and quickly walks away from them before they can say anything.
"Y/N, will you tell Stiles that there is no such thing as mermaids?!" Y/N looks over to where Peter is calling for her. He's standing next to Stiles while Derek is sitting on a wooden table next to them with his feet propped up on a chair and an annoyed look on his face.
"Y/N, will you please tell Spidey-boy here that mermaids exist?! If werewolves and aliens exist, then so do mermaids!" Stiles yells.
Y/N walks over to them and sits on the table next to Derek, "Why are we fighting about mermaids?"
"They started talking about vampires and somehow the conversation turned into this," Derek says.
"What do you think Derek? Mermaids, real or not?" Stiles asks, annoyed that Peter thinks he knows supernatural creatures better than him.
"Why don't you go to the ocean and find out?"
"I'd like to believe there are," Y/N says.
"Not you too," Peter groans.
"What? After watching H2O as a kid, my biggest dream was to become a mermaid. You're not a scary monster if you're a mermaid."
"Damn, now I feel bad for saying they don't exist."
"I don't think you're a scary monster," Derek nudges her with his shoulder.
"I don't think you're a scary monster either," Y/N smiles, leaning in to press a kiss on Derek's lips while Stiles and Peter groan in disgust at their affection. "So, where's the other Peter?"
"He's at the garage. He should be closing up soon."
Y/N looks around at the other people in the yard and sighs, "Okay, I guess I should go say hello to the others, but I'll be right back."
"I'll be here waiting," Derek smiles at her as she gets up and walks away.
After saying hello and thank you to Kira, Mason, Thor, Clint, and Loki, she walks over to Melissa and the sheriff, "Are you two having fun?"
"So much fun," Melissa says, pulling Y/N into a hug.
"I'm surprised you were able to get the night off, Dad. I thought you had a big case you're working on?"
"I do, but it's your second birthday so I took the night off. They should be able to survive one night without me." Sheriff Stilinski says.
"I don't know. This is Beacon Hills, so you never know." Y/N teases.
"Well, then let's hope they can at least last a few hours without me."
"Is Chris coming?" Y/N looks over at Melissa.
"He said he and Isaac were busy with something, so they won't be making it," Melissa says.
"Good. We can finally get through one dinner without Scott and Isaac being completely oblivious to each other."
The sheriff snorts out a laugh at her comment, "Instead we just have to deal with you and Derek."
"You love Derek!" Y/N yells in defense.
"Yes, but I don't love watching him feel up my daughter."
Melissa looks at something past Y/N before looking back at her, "I think you have one more person you have yet to speak to."
Y/N looks over her shoulder to see Tony looking at her before quickly looking away when he notices her looking back at him.
"Go, we can talk more later," Sheriff Stilinski says.
"Okay," Y/N wraps her arms around the sheriff and hugs him tight, "I love you, Dad."
He hugs her back just as tight, "I love you too."
She unwraps her arms from around him and makes her way over to Tony who's sitting by himself at one of the tables, "Mind if I join you?"
"Not at all," Tony pulls out the seat next to him for her to sit in. "Are you having fun?"
"I get two birthdays, of course, I'm having fun!"
"Good, I'm glad you don't mind us doing this."
"You're also my family and you celebrate my birthday today so we will also celebrate today," Y/N says, not noticing that the smile on Tony's face gets bigger when she calls him family. "Have you spoken to Morgan recently?"
After a few deep conversations with Tony, Y/N convinced him to try to mend his relationship with Morgan. He wasn't a very present father to her since he resented Pepper getting pregnant after Y/N was 'taken.'" Morgan isn't his biggest fan and was very close to her mother until the truth about her came out. Tony was quite shocked when she reached out to him and said she wanted to get to know him more—Y/N thinks she feels responsible for something that is not her fault nor was it ever.
Morgan hasn't spoken to Y/N yet, but Y/N's grateful that she hasn't. While Pepper is the only person to blame in the situation, there are a few thoughts in the very back of her mind that make her resent Morgan just a little. Y/N hates that those thoughts are there but it's natural for her to have those after everything Hydra put her through. She tries to tell herself that without Hydra, she wouldn't be where she is today, but she thinks it's stupid that she had to go through something so traumatizing just to end up where she is. If Pepper didn't want her, she could have adopted her out to the Stilinskis with no trauma necessary.
"Not recently, but while you're on vacation, Peter and I are going to go to New York and spend some time with her," Tony replies.
"Thank you for giving us the vacation by the way."
"You say that as if you don't thank me every time you see me."
"That's because I'm really grateful for it." Y/N smiles back at him.
Tony rolls his eyes at her, "Just make sure when you come back, I'm not a grandpa."
"Trust me, that is not going to happen," Y/N laughs a little at the thought.
"Good. I'm way too young for that."
"Aren't you lik–"
"I'm too young!" Tony cuts her off quickly.
"Got it," Y/N laughs lightly at his antics. "Thank you for the birthday party...Dad."
Tony can feel tears well up in his eyes hearing her call him dad for the first time since they've reunited, "Anything for you." He throws his arm around her shoulders and pulls her into a hug, "Happy birthday, Petal."
Might write a bonus smut chapter...let me know what you think!
@vicmc624 @mrspetxrs @freyathehuntress @fheresm @taketimeandappreciate @youralphawolf72 @shedsblood @ts1mp0ne @beautifulgrungekid @emily-roberts @itmejado @iv3t @james-bucky-barnes-bitch @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @darkenwolfie @inyourmomsworld @lokiandbuckywife @xx-narcissa @elite4cekalyma @thecrazytealady @ladyjenjay @misshale21 @cevans-winchester @fayhay14 @wtfcas @spencerreidsbookclub @hinata7346 @randomhoex @mirakeul @n1ght5h4d3-24 @pepelachanel @dark-night-sky-99 @missnyxsblog @xoxoloverb @ilearnedthatfromethepizzaman @kingshitonly @isnt-itstrange @twsssmlmaa @navs-bhat @zealouspostwitch @saahmi @distantsighs @jayxxace @a--1--1--3 @cutelittlepurplesouls @mermaid--dreamer-blog @maliagurl @kneelforloki @teenybean @small-town-wayward-daughter @labellapeaky @dabria14 @geeksareunique @emma-is-a-nerd @burn1ngw00d @esposadomd @natashamea18 @alexandralibbre @wonderland2425 @natashamea18
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mummybear · 9 months
My Brother's Best Friend - Chapter One - Unexpected Night
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Words: 4079
Warnings: Swearing, Dirty Talk, Attempted Assault (Implied Sexual), Possessive Stiles, Protective Stiles, Grinding, Talk Of Marking, Protective Scott. Think that's it.
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Reader/Sadie McCall, Lydia Martin, Liam Dunbar, Allison Argent, Travis(OC)
Summary: Stiles Stilinski has always been your weakness, but since he was your brother's best friend you'd stayed away. When Stiles comes back to Beacon Hills fresh from his time in the FBI Academy something is very different about the boy you once knew.
A/N So hey guys! I know it's been a while hopefully this is the start of me getting back into my writing! We shall see. I really hope you guys enjoy this, any feedback is encouraged as always, and please let me know if you would like a tag as I update.
Chapter 1 - Unexpected Night
I can’t believe this goddamn party is still going on. I am far too drunk right now, I just want to  sleep. However, as usual, my dumbass brother is too busy making out with his girlfriend. Don’t get me wrong, Allison is amazing, and I’m so happy for them. They had realised that they belonged together not long ago, after years of dating something happened. Scott didn’t explain it further than saying it was a wolf thing, that apparently I wouldn’t understand. 
Mom always tells me never to go home by myself, however, right now I’m seriously considering it. I don’t even know why I came here tonight. It was stupid, they’re all his friends anyway, the great Scott McCall, I’m pretty sure people forget that I even exist. Not that I have any ill feelings towards him, he’s my brother, yes he might be a giant pain in the ass but all he’s ever done is protect me and look out for me.
If I’m honest with myself, I do know why I came here tonight, Stiles is here. He’s finally back from his FBI training, I hadn’t asked Scott too much about the situation, or how long he was back for. In fact I hadn’t even seen him yet. 
Yes it’s one giant cliche. I have the world's biggest crush on my big brother’s best and oldest friend. I think I have since I was ten and Stiles was fourteen, I’ve been following them around for the better part of ten years. Before that I’d avoided them as much as possible. Then one day everything changed, as soon as I started hanging out with Scott and his friends, I finally felt like I fit in. I’m not sure what changed exactly, but whatever it was made it easier for me to become part of their group. Scott’s probably everything a big brother should be, and I know if he knew what I felt for Stiles he’d try and talk to me about it. Probably try and make me see what I’m already afraid of, that Stiles and I wouldn’t work. 
Not really sure why I’m having these thoughts, probably has something to do with the fact that I’m drunk off my ass, in this random ass house. And while it may not be the best time for it, when I’ve been drinking my mind tends to wander. 
After finally traipsing my way upstairs I find a bedroom, one that doesn’t really appear to belong to anyone, at least not permanently. Maybe it’s a spare room? People still have those, right? I close the door softly behind me. I’m unable to find a lock for the door, so I opt to just lay down for a minute or two, just to rest my eyes. I quickly climb up onto the bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow I let out a sigh of relief, finally giving in. I close my eyes, hoping that both the room and my head will stop spinning at some point soon. I can hear some kind of arguing going on behind the door, but I can’t bring myself to open my eyes, it feels like they’re being weighed down, I hadn’t had a drink in such a long time, but I don’t remember it ever hitting me like this before.
Suddenly there’s the sound of the door crashing open, as it bounces hard against the wall, before it slams closed again. I wince, feeling a throbbing in my head suddenly and manage to wrench my eyes open. However, they snap all the way open in fear as soon as I register the big body standing in the corner of the room. I can feel eyes on me as a tense silence settles over the room. Clearly he knows I’m awake, but he’s yet to make a move. 
A sudden sickness overtakes me, when I hear Stiles on the other side of the door, quieter, but still audible, shouting my name, or his nickname for me. Mini or Mini McCall was the go to name for me among most of Scott’s friends. He sounds worried as he calls for me, and my head is so foggy that I can’t concentrate on anything, I can’t even tell if I’m imagining Stiles calling for me, why would he want to find me? He hadn’t so much as texted me since he’d been home, much less tried to see me or speak to me in person. It was strange, almost like he was avoiding me, even Stiles’s dad hadn’t seen him yet.
I clear my throat, testing out if I can speak or not, but the nerves are clear in my every word. “W-Who are you?” I manage to stutter out, my throat a little sore and my voice a bit hoarse. 
“Don’t you worry about it, Doll. Just close your eyes, don’t worry about anything, I'll take real good care of you. Go back to sleep,” there’s a clear threat in that deep voice, one that makes me shudder. 
I quickly sit up, doing my best to ignore the way the entire room blurs and moves once again. As I try to back myself into a corner, trying to make myself as small as possible. I know it’s stupid, but I also know I don’t stand a chance in hell of standing up right now, I’m scared and drunk off my ass, feeling like a fucking idiot for isolating myself in a freaking bedroom of all places, I should’ve just found Scott, or even Lydia.
He smirks at me as starts to walk closer and I can finally see his face. I don’t recognise him, but that isn’t really a shock, he’s definitely older than me, not sure if he’s older than my brother though. A sickness coats my throat just seeing the look on his face, the sick twisted grin. The door hasn’t stopped rattling since he stepped inside, so I keep my gaze fastened to it. 
I’m hoping for a miracle, however unlikely it might be. He closes in on me until I can no longer see the door behind him, because this guy's huge hulking frame is blocking my view of anything but him. On instinct I close my eyes and hold my legs tighter, and I finally let out a scream.
“Stiles!” The scream sounds helpless and terrified as it’s ripped from somewhere deep within me, which makes complete sense, given the current circumstances.
He reaches for me, I can feel his large moist palm as he grips my knee squeezing roughly, trying to pry my legs down or apart, with enough force to leave a bruise. But before he can get too far, the door smashes open against the wall once more, revealing a much more welcome intruder. My heart thuds even harder in my chest, because the guy releases me in surprise and whirls around on my saviour. 
I see him then, Stiles Stilinski in the flesh. And what flesh it is, he’s put on muscle lately. Muscle that could rival even that of my big brother, the true Alpha. But this guy is huge and I can see Stiles gulp from across the room, but his eyes harden as the flick between me and the guy who still has his hand firmly gripping my knee.
“Get your filthy fucking hands off of her!” Stiles shouts, taking another step into the room.
“Nah. Not gonna happen.” The guy states with a slimy grin, as his eyes slide over me, making me wish I was anywhere else.
“I said get the fuck away from her. What the hell is wrong with you?!” Stiles growls, stepping closer to this giant of a man. But I can only watch from where I sit, still paralysed with fear.
“Get over yourself, Stilinski, we were just gonna have a little fun. Stop being so hard up, go find your own pussy. This one's mine tonight, maybe I’ll let you have a go tomorrow. After I’ve used her up, such a pretty little body, bet she’s gonna feel real fuckin’ good.”
The words almost make me throw up, but my tongue feels swollen and I can speak. My eyes lock with Stiles for the first time in years as a tear slides down my cheek. 
“I’ll make you fucking eat those words, Travis. The only thing you’re about to feel is my fist,” Stiles snarls, “take your fucking hands off of her.”
“Whose makin’ me? Your pansy ass?” Travis laughs, removing his hands and taking a few steps closer to Travis.
Suddenly those deep brown eyes draw me in like never before and my heart stills in my chest. This is the first time I’ve seen him in a few months. The FBI program has kept him so busy lately that we haven’t seen much of him. But still, I could swear there’s something a little different about him, other than his size, but there’s definitely something different about his eyes, something that I can’t quite place.
I can’t tear my gaze away, instead they fall to his lips and I shift uncomfortably where I sit, suddenly a growl tears through the room. My eyes widen and I look to the doorway behind Stiles, expecting to see my brother, but he isn’t there. I swallow thickly as my eyes automatically snap back to Stiles, and I see it, the flaring of his nostrils, the way his eyes are focused entirely on me, then I realise the sound could only have come from him. But he doesn’t share the same wolf affliction that my brother has, at least, not that I know of. How much has changed since I last saw him! 
Stiles steps closer, body tense and unflinching. All traces of fear have disappeared from his face. Now he just looks furious, more so than anyone I’ve ever seen before. 
“Mate.” Stiles snarls, shoving the guy as soon as he’s close enough, and to my utter shock and surprise the guy slams back into the wall with a crash, leaving behind an imprint of his giant body as he slides down the wall with a groan. Everything happens so fast, I don’t have time to analyse what the hell Stiles meant when he’d growled that one word. But I can’t help but shudder with excitement at the way my body responded.
Suddenly, I hear footsteps hammering up the stairs, and before I know it Scott has Stiles pinned against him, as Liam all but wrestles the other guy from the room. 
“Stiles, you need to calm down, breathe buddy. ” Scott instructs calmly, his deep red Alpha eyes flaring to life, like they would when he’s trying to calm the other members of his pack. Something flits across my brother’s face as he relaxes his grip a little. Whatever it is, seems to register with Stiles that other than my brother we’re alone in the room and safe once again.
His body goes completely lax and Scott releases the tight band he’d been holding around his best friend. I can’t help but stare as Stiles staggers towards me. Safe to say I’ve sobered up in the last five minutes.
“Can one of you tell me what the hell just happened here?” Scott asks carefully, but I can’t take my eyes off of Stiles.
“Just give us a minute, Scott. I, um, I think I should talk to Stiles.” 
I hear my brother huff out a breath before he leaves, closing the door quietly behind him.
“I’ll be back in ten if you’re not downstairs before then, we’re going home.” He calls through the door. Then the door opens again and Scott smiles at us both, “oh and thanks for having my sister's back, buddy.”
Stiles turns towards the doorway with a slight smile as his eyes lock on his Alpha, “Always, Scotty, you know that. We won’t be long.”
I finally let myself relax a little when the door closes. Stiles crawls on the bed and sits in front of me. He rests his hand over the reddened skin on my knee, and lets out another quieter growl. “I’m gonna fucking kill him. He won’t ever touch anyone ever again.” 
“Hey, I’m okay,” I whisper, resting my hand on top of his, “you saved me.” 
He runs a shaking hand through his thick hair and his eyes lock with mine once more.
“I should’ve been here. I’m supposed to protect you, I’m so fucking sorry, Mini. If that sick fuck had touched you…” He sounds so defeated and my heart squeezes at his words.
“You got here in time, you’ve always had my back. This time wasn’t any different, except maybe that,” you giggle slightly, as you nod toward the dent in the wall.
He shifts closer to me and drops his forehead against mine, letting out a contented sigh. I let my eyes slip closed for a second. For once I give myself the freedom to enjoy the closeness, I open my eyes again and those gorgeous chocolate brown eyes are focused on mine. I lick my lips and feel the shuddered breath that escapes his lips. 
Ever so gently he reaches out and his thumb brushes my bottom lip. 
“You’re so fucking beatiful. Please tell me you feel this, Mini, because you smell so damn good, I don’t know If I’m strong enough to stay away.” 
I swallow thickly as his nose nudges mine gently, my entire body practically vibrating with need. 
“Y-Yeah, I feel it,” I reply quietly, scared that if I talk too loud this dream will end, I don’t dare to tell him just how long I’ve felt these things though.
“Then we should probably talk. Because I need to tell you some things before this goes any further,” he replies, voice hoarse and strained, like it’s painful for him to speak these words. But then he goes to pull away and all my instincts go into overdrive, and I finally give in to what I want, I clamp onto him and don’t let go.
Nor do I fight the need to keep him close to me. Right where he belongs. My fingers push into his thick hair and I gently tug him back towards me, just those last few millimetres. Until his lips brush mine ever so briefly. He doesn’t even try to fight me, and I can feel the shudder that runs through his entire body when I push him back and straddle his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist. I think there’s some kind of trick of the lights because I could swear there’s this purple glow in his eyes for a few seconds before they settle back on brown. But I push the thought  away for now, and press myself a little closer. So that every part of our bodies is connected.
“Tell me later, please Stiles, I need this.” I hope I don’t sound as desperate as I feel, Stiles doesn’t move, but I hear how hard he swallows, almost like a gulp as he lets his eyes slip closed. Following his lead I let my own eyes close when his hand cups my cheek, the other hand slips somewhere much less innocent. When he cups my ass his long fingers curl and he squeezes slightly, letting out a groan of pleasure when I grind down against the obvious hardness pressing against me.
Suddenly his lips are on mine, insistent and urgent, and it feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. Our lips are in perfect sync, and a shudder rolls through me when his tongue nudges my lips, seeking permission that I happily and easily grant. I’m rocking my hips in a steady rhythm now, and the kiss grows deeper, his fingers dig harder into my skin as he urges me to keep moving. 
Holding me as close as he physically can against his body, Stiles sits up, turning us so that my back hits the mattress and he’s hovering above me. He breaks our kiss and I gasp for breath as he drags his lips across my cheek and down into the crease of my neck. He groans as he inhales deeply, “smell so good. My mate. Just wanna mark you up, make you mine the right way.” His voice vibrates against my skin and I shiver as he laps at the soft skin of my neck.
Confusion sweeps through my lust-addled brain at his wording. 
“What do you mean?” I ask breathlessly, more confused about his words than I’d care to admit.
Pulling back to meet my eyes he smiles, and ducks his head looking a little more like the Stiles I remember. I cup his cheek gently, urging him to look at me again.
“This is why I said we should talk. I can’t do what I need to. Not without you knowing what you’re letting yourself in for. I’m not the same man I was the last time I saw you, something happened, I just…I don’t know how to begin to explain this.”
It hurts me that he sounds so defeated already, almost like he’s worried about what he has to tell me.
“Don’t you know by now, nothing you tell me will change how I see you,” I tell him honestly, pulling him closer so his body is pressed against mine, and he finally lets some of his weight rest on me.
“I wanna believe you, but I’m scared. This is huge, and I can’t let anyone down, but especially you, I can’t lose you. Especially not now I know what you are to me, not now I’m so close.” 
Before I can ask what he means there’s a hesitant knock on the door, before it slowly creaks open. Liam stands there, watching us sheepishly for a few seconds before Stiles growls at him, I can’t help but frown as I look up at my protector. But then I see it again, the purple in his eyes. 
The gasp falls from my lips unintentionally and as soon as it does Stiles snaps his gaze towards me. Closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath, his fingers tightening their hold on me and I can only stare up at him. 
“Liam, get the fuck out. Now!” Stiles snarls.
“But, Scott said…” 
Stiles is off the bed before I can react, when I do finally open my eyes I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Stiles has Liam pinned to the wall by his throat. And Liam is trying to get free, but he’s stuck fast. I can’t help but wonder, how the hell is that possible! 
Mouth agape I watch as my brother’s Beta looks over at me, “little help here, mini. Calm your man down, please.” 
My man? I inwardly ask myself, we’ve fooled around for all of 5 minutes and suddenly he’s mine. While I can’t fight the pleasure at hearing those words, I also can’t help but fight the confusion, maybe he wants me to calm Stiles down so he doesn’t have to hurt him. 
“What do you want me to do?” I ask nervously, looking between the two of them.
Stiles gives a final squeeze before dropping Liam and racing to me, covering me with his body. 
“Don’t you dare fucking look at her!” Stiles snarls, his arms shaking as he holds himself above me. “Tell Scott we’re coming and leave now!” Stiles warns in a low commanding voice that sends shivers racing across my body as he carefully tugs my skirt back into place. 
I can’t deny the pulse between my thighs, even as I clamp them shut, and the whimper that falls from my lips causes Stiles to stiffen. Before he’s off the bed, practically throwing Liam further down the hallway when he doesn’t move by himself, slamming the door behind him. Before he turns back to me. 
“God, please tell me you know what you just said,” Stiles rasps as he pulls me up off the bed and hauls me against his hard body.
“I don’t… what do you mean?” I ask, frowning in confusion, as I try to search his eyes for an answer. I hadn’t said anything… had I?
Stiles whimpers like those words cause him some kind of pain. He shakes his head, running his fingers through the thick mass of hair before tugging at it harshly. I want to comfort him but I don’t know how. Hell I don’t have a clue what the fuck is happening right now.
“We can’t do this. Not right now.” His words sound harsh and bitter, no matter how softly he speaks them.
I stumble away from him, confusion and hurt lancing through me like an actual weapon. I know there’s a reason for this, but it doesn’t hurt any less, doesn’t feel any less like rejection either. Tears fill my eyes, it’s irrational and I don’t feel even remotely in control of my emotions right now, but I can’t stop it, maybe i’m still drunk. Though it doesn’t feel like that’s it. Stiles steps towards me again and I step back, “no, no. Please, Sadie, I want to. But not until you know everything! I swear to you, whatever you’re thinking, we can talk about it. Please, Mini, just trust me.” 
Hearing my real name on his lips is so strange, but I can’t deny that I really like hearing him say it.
I feel myself giving in, because as much as it hurts to have him turn me down, he's still one of the best people in my life. And despite myself, I’ve been in love with this pain in the ass longer than I can even remember, he’s yet to let me down in a real way. Letting out a sigh, I know it’s best to give him the chance to explain.
“Fine. Then let’s talk.” 
He swallows thickly, as I watch him carefully. Pretty sure I’m not going to like the next thing that comes out of his mouth. He looks nervous and twitchy.
He winces before he even speaks, “I’m sorry. But not here, let’s go home, there’s too many ears here. I swear I’ll tell you everything as soon as we’re safe,” he all but begs, holding out his hand for me.
Pushing away any and all doubts, I take his hand. Watching as he visibly relaxes and pulls me closer to him.
“Thank you, I promise, I’ll make this up to you,” he whispers before pressing a kiss to my inner wrist. Yet another shiver ripples through my body at the contact that I can’t control. 
He keeps me tucked into his side as we leave the room, careful to touch as few people as possible while we walk. When we finally make it outside, Scott’s waiting with the rest of the pack. Stiles looks reluctant to get in the car, judging by the way Liam forces his body closer to the opposite door Stiles’ look had been less than friendly. 
He slips inside and I can’t help but squeak in surprise as he hauls me inside with him, not into my own seat but so that my back is tightly pressed against his front, and his arms band protectively around my waist. 
“Dude. Come on! Not in my car, she’s still my little sister. Damn,” Scott groans, locking eyes with Stiles in the rear view mirror.
Stiles seems to consider his words before he reluctantly relents, moving to the middle seat before he gently eases me into the seat as far away from Liam as humanly possible. Keeping a hand firmly planted on my thigh, huffing like a petulant child, I can’t help but giggle. It’s almost like he can’t stop himself from touching me. His long fingers tightly curl around my leg, almost like he’s afraid someone will take me from him if he lets go. Taking a deep breath I tentatively slip my fingers between the gaps in his, gently squeezing them, hoping to offer even a little comfort, those big brown eyes jump to mine and he visibly relaxes into the seat.
I look up and catch my brother’s eyes. I can’t work out the look on his face, for the first time since we were kids, I can’t tell what he’s thinking and for some reason that only makes me even more anxious.
Tags: @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @lilulo-12fanfiction @charmed-asylum @defenderrosetyler @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @akshi8278 @stylesismyhubs @peachyyybabyy @fantasy-myth1 @coffeebooksandfandom @magssteenkamp @screamxqueenx94 @brien-odylan @riseandshinelittleblossom @ceceliaking-18 @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @missindecision @chewie-redbird
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Scott McCall x Sister!Reader
Stiles Stilisnki x Fem!Reader
Summary: With the help of your brother Scott, Stiles finds out the true "identity" of your "manager", and you confront him.
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"Why won't Billy let her go overseas?"
"Sacurity Stilinski, you know that."
"BS! Billy is killing his greatest asset without a reason. So what's the reason?"
"Loomis always has his reasons."
Stiles scoffed and walked out of the room. He then decided to go see Scott for help.
"Stiles, Y/N's not here."
"I was actually looking for Scott."
"Scott's not home either. He went with Y/N."
"Did they tell you where?"
"No. Sorry Stiles but i really have to go to work."
"I think I know where they could be. Thanks Mellisa."
He then went straight to the one place he knows where you are. He opened the door to see you, Scott and Billy talking. When you looked over your shoulder and saw him you ran and kissed him.
"Stiles, hey. Oh I missed you so much."
"Missed you more."
"Uhh, big brother and the manger still here."
Time Skip
"Y/N, hey babe, wait up!" Stiles called out as he ran to catch up to you in the school hallway.
"What is it, Stiles? I gotta go." You tell him.
"He lied," Stiles stated as he got straight to the point.
"Who?" You asked.
"Billy, he lied. There wasn't going to be an International tour because he can't leave the country. He's got no citizenship, no official identity. He's got no passport, no bank account. He doesn't freaking exist." The sarcastic boy ranted.
"Whatcha talkin' 'bout, Stiles?" You asked in an accent.
"He's saying that Billy has been lying to you this whole time." Scott jumped in as he rounded the corner.
Time Skip
"Oh, you blood-suckin' old vampire. You bled me dry, and you still want more?"
"I'm not an uncaring man, Ms McCall."
"Don't you 'Ms McCall' me, you toad!"
"If you are so determined to get out of our contract-"
"You're damn right I want out!"
"Well, I will personally loan you the money that you owe to Jamboree Attractions."
"You-You still have your claws on me! You still have me working here like a damn slave in a salt mine! You phoney, no good piece of trash! And I'll shoot you in your freaking face if I have to!"
After a moment of silence, you spoke up again, "Billy, who are you?"
"I am you, you are me."
"Cut the horse-shit! Everything I've ever known about you's been a lie!"
"Y/N/N, you all good?"
"My past is the least of your problems, my dear. Everyone else you associate with lives from you Y/N, even Scott..That's right even your own Brother has looked after himself before he's looked after you. Yes, I have lived from you too but the difference is you have also lived from me." He then continued, "We have supported each other because we share the dream. We are the same you and I."
"We are not the same! I was innocent before you cane along and screwed me up!"
"I'm out. I'm getting the money and you are gonna leave me, my brother and my mother alone. You got the Billy? If that even is your name."
The was another moment of silence before the older men spoke up again, "Maybe you should fly away, my dear. Away from all of this, but. If you do choose to leave, then I for one would be very lonely, so would your mother and brother. But I think you may be lonely too or you'll see, my girl the truth about the rock of eternity...It is forever, just beyond her reach."
"Hey, Billy!, f u!"
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Being Liam Dunbar's Twin Sister Would Include...
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Gif not mine. Credits to the rightful owner.
A/N: Requests are open.
Being born five minutes after Liam, and him constantly pulling the “I’m older” card
Fighting constantly over your toys when you were toddlers
Throwing food at each other
Pulling each other’s hair
Biting each other
Overall, being a constant headache to your parents until you reached adolesence
Being the only one able to calm him down during his outrages
Making sure he took his I.E.D. medication
Occasionally threating him to do so
Standing up for him against Brett
Making out with Brett
Transferring to Beacon Hills High with him
Stiles instantly taking a liking at you
You confronting Scott when he bit Liam
“What the hell were you thinking?! He has I.E.D.!”
Stiles agreeing with you
“I told him it was a bad idea.”
Helping Liam control the change and eventually becoming his anchor
Giving Hayden dirty looks every now and then
Making out with Brett during lacrosse games
Liam and Stiles not being happy about it
Being best friends with Mason
Sleepovers at your place with the pack
Falling asleep in Liam’s arms and him carrying you to your room
Liam comforting you after Brett’s death
Gabe and Nolan threating you
Mason standing up for you
Eventually going to different colleges
Missing him terribly
Facetiming every night
Surprise visits every now and then
Moving back to Beacon Hills together after finishing college
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apollosdaydreams · 8 months
Reader age: 8
Chris and Scott in this are college students
Summary: When you got home from school you told your brothers Chris and Scott Evans that you held hands with a boy, maybe that was a mistake.
You were gleaming with joy. Hopping with every step. As you walked off the bus. While walking up your driveway with a skip and humming some random tune you couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face. You opened the door and put your backpack on the coat hook. You sat down on the floor with a small *thump* and quickly pulled off your shoes and put them in the cubbie. You then quickly stood up and ran into the kitchen where your brother, Chris and Scott, or more commonly known as Cwissy and Scotty to you. They were home for their college spring break. With Chris being in his junior year and Scott being in his freshman year. They were sitting at the kitchen island on some bar stools. You swiftly walked past Chris with the biggest smile on your face. Chris looked up at Scott with pure confusion written on his face, trying to find answers. All Scott could do was shrug his shoulders. Having no clue what made their sister so bubbly after school.
“What’s got you so happy, peanut?” Chris asked you while rubbing his hand over your head.
You quickly glared at him, being upset that he had now messed up your hair. When you walked over to the counter.
“Nothing.” You mumbled while grabbing a piece of bread and putting it in the toaster.
“I’m pretty sure it’s not nothing honey.” Scott has now spoken up.
Before you could say anything you felt your brother's arm quickly wrap around your waist and pulled you on to his lap.
“Cwissy!!” You wacked his arm. “You are annoying.” You said with a pout while crossing your arms over your chest.
“I know, I know, I’m so annoying.” He said sarcastically. “As I’m soooo annoying I’m not letting you go until you tell him what’s gotten you in such a happy mood.” He said.
You quickly shook your head side to side.
“Never!!” You told him.
“I guess I’ll have to bring out the tickle monster!!” Chris said. Scott couldn’t hold back his laughter.
You quickly tried getting away from your brother, the tickle monster. Your giggle filled the room. You were laughing way too much to think.
“I held hands with a boy!!” You giggled out. Chris stopped abruptly.
“You what?” You asked out of shock. Scott now standing on the other side of the counter with pure shock written all over him.
“Nothing.” You quickly said.
“You held hands with a boy?” He asked, almost in tears. That his baby sister was growing up.
Again before you could say anything he quickly brought you over to the sink. Your toast is long forgotten at this point.
“Cooties! Chris yelled. While turning on the water and starting to clean off your hands. Scott quickly walked over and started to help wash the cooties off of you. Everyone was laughing now, Chris and Scott tried to soak in this moment of their baby sister. As soon as she wasn’t going to be a baby anymore, but no matter what, y/n would always be their baby sister, and y/n would always need her two older brothers.
© apollosdaydreams on tumblr do not translate/remake/repost my works on any platform without authorized permission.
I hope y’all enjoyed this!! It would be greatly appreciated if you comment and repost!!
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I think we lost her part 2
I'll be good
Theo reaken x reader
never meant to start a fire I never meant to make you bleed I'll be a better man today
I'll be good, I'll be good And I'll love the world, like I should Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good For all of the times that I never could
My past has tasted bitter for years now So I wield an iron fist Grace is just weakness Or so I've been told I've been cold, I've been merciless
But the blood on my hands scares me to death Maybe I'm waking up today
Yn slammed the door of the truck and started walking toward the MCcall household yawning. She walked toward the door and furrowed her eyebrows when she heard some yelling from the inside and someone angrily walking toward the door.
Malia appeared with her face into a decuided frown and stalked past her berely giving yn a hello.
"Well hello to you too bestie" yn muttured and walked into the house closing the door shut behind her. Scott inmidiatly appeared and his eyes widened in shock when he saw her.
"Yn.. uh what are you doing here?!"
"I told her to come" liam answered scott before yn had the chance to. Scott looked as if he would kill is own beta and liam lifted his hands up in defense "Idont think is fair that we lied to her and shes one of my best friends! She was literally going to kill herself!"
Yn raised an eyebrow at the alpha and the beta wondering what had gotten into them"you guys" they both turned around to face her "I am very confundida, and why does this even have to do with me?"
Scott started to say something to probably send her home when Yn heard a voice she though she'd never hear in her lifetime, a voice she could only hear in dreams.
She rushed between liam and scott and into the kitchen and saw theo pushing himself to stand, blood falling from his nose.
His eyes widened when they met hers and yn drew in a sharp breath looking around, but scott liam and hayden were all looking between the both of them.
"Your'e here?"she whispered
"Hey baby" he answered giving her a small smile eyes full of tears.
Yn gave a breathy laugh and ran toward him wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso.
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Theo held her tightly against him chuckling "oh god youre here, youre here, youre not dead"yn repeated aginst his neck as she held tightly onto him.
"Im here princess. And i dont plan on living any time soon" theo murmured aginst her hair and then kissed her cheek. Yn let go and theo set her down on the floor putting a hand aginst her cheek. Both their eyes were full of tears as they both chuckled happily. Then theo bent down and kissed her, putting both his hands against her face, lips fitting perfectly together moving in slow motion.
Yn pulled away after a moment and looked up to him smiling "I thought you were dead"
"Well not exactly "
"But scott said-" yns words hitched and she whipped around to face Scott. "You lied to me?" She demanded.
Scott blinked and nodded"yes, because i knew-"
"Where on earth has he been this past 3 months?"
"On hell with his sister" scott answered
Yn pursed her lips in a tight line and shook her head "how could you?! Scott ive trusted you with my life and you just couldnt keep the only person ive ever loved safe?"
"Yn hes KILLED people, he killed his own sister, he killed ME, he hurt your dad-"
I though you were the true alpha"yn snapped"i though you were the one with the heart of gold, the one who belived in second chances! The one who actually cared!" Yn swallowed down the tears that were threatening to fall" I gess i was wrong"
"I did what I had to do to protect the pack" scott said defended himself.
"Dont you think I know!" Yn screamed her eyes flashing their signature violet " I would do anything for the pack, to keep everyone safe, Im the one who tries to keeps everybody safe. But when it comes down to it YOU couldent keep the Only person I've ever loved safe, ive never asked for anything scott. Not once. Why on earth did you lie to me?"
Scott couldent find the right words he knew yn was angry, and he also knew she would do anything to protect the people she loved "I knew you'd raise hell if necessary to bring him back" he answered
"Yes I would!scott i tried to kill myself because i felt a gaping whole on my chest. I had constant nightmares and you saw me go through all that because you tried to keep the pack safe?because yo knew ill bring him back?!" Yn squintedher eyes dangerously "i genuinely despise you scott MCcall"
"Yn listen im sorry-" scott said trying to apologize
"You could have said that around 3 months ago dont you think?"
Yn turned reached for theo's hand who had been staying silent through all the conversation as well as the others. He took her hand and let himself be gided toward the door.
"Were are you going?" asked scott blocking their way
"Im living and theo is coming with me, try to stop me and I WILL raise hell" yn threatened
Scott moved out of the way and tried to look at his betas for help but hayden only shrugged "shes right" and liam went to follown them, katana in hand.
"Yn!" Liam called before they could exit the house
Yn turned around to face him and liam extended the katana for her to take"you would problay want this" he tould her
Yn gave him a small smile as she reached for the katana" thanks liam"
Liam nodded and looked at theo who gave him a silent thanks by giving him a nod wich he returned.
When they exited the house and theo saw his truck he gave her a small smile " you kept it"
Yn shrigged and gave him a tighed liped smile"its yours, it just felt like the only thing i had left from you." She reached the keys out to him " you drive"
"Nah give me a few days to adjust on being back"
Yn gave him a small nod "ok" she walaked toward the deivers side as theo got into the passangers.
Yn turned on the ignition, and once theo was in started driving home.
"Why did liam let you out?"
"He thought i still had Josh's power" he kept his gaze on the road " but I didnt"
"You dont have it anymore?"
"No, Joshs or tracy's im back to good old me" he answered giving her a sad little smile
"Thats great, I like old you" she spared a glance at him with a smile" its actually my favorite you"
Theo laughed and took her hand giving it a smalla squeez. Then as if he caughed a smell of something he opened small compartment between the seats.
"Uh dodnt open that" yn said trying to stop him but he just gave her a puzzled loom and pulled out a bottle of vodka half empty
"Or do..." yn said pursing her lips on a tight line and kepping her eyes fixed on the road.
Theo looked from the bottle to her eyebrows raised "didnt know you drinked"
" I didnt."
"Does this have to maybe do with the fact that you said earlier you almost killed youself" he asked her quietly. Knowing he was walking on thin ice." Uh.. yeah" she answered her eyes till fixed in the road
"What happened?" His voice full of concern
Yn took a minute to answer "You were gone. You were Dead. And i just wanted to forget everything. Everybody was sympathetic but i knew they didnt even mean it. Everybody hated you" yn looked at theo who nodded at her to continue "so i took the bottke my dad kept hidden and downed it. I felt awful the next day. And thats an understatement, but just for a minute you know. I felt fine. I didnt feel anything anymore. So I took your truck and started driving every night to the look at point and sometimes malia found me there. Completely wasted. And thats how it went for 2 months. I went to school, locke myself in my room and do homework. Hit the shit out of my punch bag. And then drive to the look out point. Till one day i got in a fight with stiles and i decided that i didnt want to live anymore. So i downed a bottle of sleeping pills with vodka"
Theo drew in a sharp breath as he heard how much he actually meant to yn. How much she loved him, and it startled him. Be ause he thought he wasent meant to be loved.
"Dad found me in my room half an hour later and rushed me to the hospital were i spent 1 week in a bed"yn continued "it was awful. Dad made me promise him id never do it again. I actualky felt bad for everyone. They were all so worried. Stiles didnt live me out of hes sight till. Well you know.. got taken."
Once she parked the car in the driveway she spared a glace at theo.
He had tears in his eyes as he looked at her. Her hand securedly in his.
" Im so sorry" he whispered
"No oh god no theo" yns hand quickly went to his face " baby its not your fault, i shoulent have told you now"
"No, im glad you told me" he said swallowing down his tears " do you really love me that much?"
"To the point were i would kill myself to be with you, YeS" yn aswered lokking into his eyes " yes theo I love you, and i would do anything for you. dont. You. Ever. Doubt That.:
"I love you too yn. I love you so much" theo said gently squeezing the hand he held in his." Don't doubt that'
"Trust me. I don't " yn answered with a breathy laugh.
Theo rolled his eyes at her and then gave her a peck in the lips." So what do you plan on doing with this" he asked taking the bottle and lifting it
"Just live it in the car,dad would kill me if he knew I had that"
"Right" then he bent down and slided the bottle under his seat"there you go"
Yn chuckled and opened the door climing out of the car "so dads at work wich means we wont have to undergo akward questioning" she informed theo as they walked toward the doorway. Yn opened it and stepped in theo behind her. "Are you hungry? There's pasta. I can heat it up real quick"
"Uh no thanks, liam bought take out" theo answered smiling down at her.
"Kay" yn grinned back at him and took his hand leading him toward her room.
"Take a bath. You kind of smell" she said as they walked in, scruching her face into a smile
"Geez so hard" answered theo in mock pain. Yn just laughed and walked toward her drawer. Bent down and opened the botton one and pulled out one of theos shirt and pants.
"Here you go" she said straightening up and handing the clothes to him.
"I dont want to know?"
"There are clean towels in the bathroom "yn said ignoring him.
"Thanks mom" he jocked and kissed her cheek as he walked past her.
Yn stood there for a moment till she heard the water running with a big smile on her face.
He was back. Theo was finally back and alive. And soon they would get everyone the ghostriders took and everything would be alright.
Then she took off the taktop she had and her bra and pulled on an oversized shirt. And since she already had her pajama pant on climed to bed. Resting her back against the pillows.
She bent forward and retrieved a book next to her bedside. She was resting back comfortably when a notification rang on her phone. She 5ook it from the night table and ooened it to see it was Liam.
"Hey baby, liam asks where do we need 5o meet to get to the power thing"yn called
"Oh you mean the generator? Tell him its in the reserve" he answere from the bathroom.
"Okay...... uh, he asks 10 or 11 am, 11 right?
"Yeah" theo opened the door pulling on his shirt
Ok then
Wear protection ;)
Liam. NO
Yn turned off the phone chuckling at tye antics of the teenage werewolf
Theo sat down in the bed next ro her his back against the headboard.
"You look cute with your hair all wet" yn commented smiling up at him.
"Hmm"hummed theo nodding giving her a small smile"what are you reading?"
"The hunger games" yn answered lifting the book up.
"I saw the movie but never read the book"
"Youre welcome to read them anytime. This is actually the second book but the firt one has to be somewhere in my bookshelf."
"Ill take you up that offer" he muttered.
Then he gently slapped his tights gesturing her to come over" come here" he told her, more like a question that something else.
Yn smiled and sat on his lap. Her legs to one side and her head below the crook of his neck. She took one of his hands in hers and started playing with his fingers, while he ran his fingers through her hair with his other one. He pressed a kiss on the top of her head breathing her in, finally feeling as if he was finally home whit her in his arms.
"I never meant for you to get hurt" he whispered closing his eyes
" what do you mean?"yn softly asked him running her thumb softly on the top of his hand.
"I never meant it to be like this love, i never meant for you to get hurt. Ill be better yn. Ill be good" he muttered resting his chin on top of her head. yn could hear him sniffle as a tear rolled down his cheek "ill be good. I will try to be better. I will try to make things right. I shouldent have done what I did. I shouldent have hurt them. I shouldn't have been what ive been all this years. Ive been so cold. So heartless. So mercyless" he choked out tears falling. Yn held his hand betwee both of hers tightly. Letting him pour his feelings out." but yn. It scares me. All the blood in my hands terrifies me. And maybe. Maybe im waking up. Today. Ill be good. Ill be good" he sobbed. yn lifted her head ane put her arms around his neck letting him cry into her neck " I'll love the world like I should. I promise ill be good, for everyone I've ever hurt. For everything good ive ever doubted. For all the pain ive brought to you. For everything ive done all this years. For all those hipes and dreams ive killed. And for ever doubting you" he sobbed. Yn held him close as a few of her tears fell into his shirt. "Ill be good, I"ll be good" he repeated again
"I know you will theo" yn whispered " and promise ill be here. I promise I will always be here"
Theo snuggled his face into the crook of her neck and rounded his arms around her waist holding her close.
They sat there, holding each other. Till in the end yns eyelids closed without her consent, and she dozed off.
Theo felt her breath deepened and knew she had fallen asleep. He cautiously, trying not to wake her, rearranged the pillows. He leaned over and turned off the lights, and layed her in the mattress, tyen he laid down his front pressed to her back and rounded one of his arms around her waist.
"Mhh?" Yn hummed sleeply"sorry i just didnt sleep last night" she apologized sleeply
"Hey, its all right" theo cooed and yn turned around rounding one arm around his torso, snuggling closer and buring her face into his chest.
And there. They finally felt happy, like some part off them had finally returned. They felt like home
Ill edit this when I can but here it is!!
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chrisevansdaughter · 2 years
hey friend! could you please do how Chris would react to a (younger) autistic!child having a meltdown in public? sending good vibes your way ✨️
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best brothers ever.
Summary: family is over at the Evans Household, the cousins get too loud for y/n’s brain to handle, which causes the best big brother to step in.
Warnings of meltdowns, mentions of anxiety, sensory overload, sensory issues
Paring: Brother! Chris Evans x Little Sister! Reader
it’s all started at a family gathering that is at the Evans' family home so y/n was comfortable because after the diagnosis of y/n's autism at only 4, a couple of years prior the family found she didn't do well at big functions even if it was family outside of the house plus she’d have everything she needed.  
All of the cousins are playing a few games like tag and catch whilst the adults are sitting just chatting and watching the kids, whilst Scott was grilling on the barbeque.
This was all going on, Chris being the overprotective brother he is to his sweetpea noticed the sudden demeanour change in y/n as she became quiet, almost becoming a shell of herself.
It starts to get really loud and all the kids are trying to get something like a ball for the game and they all start to crowd y/n so she starts to panic
"no like- I-I don't like" y/n shouted tears streaming down her face
All the adults turned around in alarm on hearing her alarming scream.
Chris intervened and tried to take her away into the kitchen to try and calm her down with the squishy elephant that she named Elle because it was her comfort sensory item due to the material. "to--o much chri-ss-y too m-uch"  she said through sobs but despite his best effect to soothe her by rocking her with deep pressure, snuggling her whilst whispering sweet encouragement in her ear, alas it doesn’t work so it blows into a full-blown meltdown. it did break his heart seeing her like this but it was normal.
He’d be calm reacting to it because he has seen it happen so much,
"shhh baba, it's okay" he reassured her as he walked upstairs with her on his hip.  all he got back from assuring her was another sobbed-filled whine mixed with a scream.
They go into his room with a weighted blanket that is one of many in the house - and a hoodie out of his closet for her because his scent calms her with the box of sensory toys he keeps in his room to try to get her to focus on the calm room that he had since it’s a calm serene room that is miles better than the loud overwhelming outside, that is just naturally calming.
Dodger joins as standard, y/n lays on Chris with her blanket wrapped around her and Elle tucked into her chest, now just reduced to hiccups; "Sweetpea are you feeling better now?" Chris asks concerned but happy she calmed down way faster than he thought, which indicated the meltdown was bad but not too bad, he'd praised how far she'd come in the 45 minutes since the meltdown started.
"Yeah Chrissy, want Scotty to watch mermaid with you" y/n shyly replied. usually after meltdowns, all y/n wanted was her two big brothers, Dodgee and mermaid.
Mermaid is what she'd called The Little Mermaid ever since Chris showed her it, she only called it mermaid because she didn't get the whole title bit or the word dodger so it was 'her Dodgee', it was all a work in progress with her speech therapist
Chris acts like he does before he gets her out of the garden, and tried to calm her. It was normal for him he grew up with it so did everyone else Scott and Chris saw it more since they'd either calm her or be there for the aftermath or both, yes it was different when they found out about it and when you had her first major meltdown but he knows how and what he can do now due to the 'experience' because every person's meltdown was different. To be honest, out of all the family he can calm her down as well as she calms him when he has panic attacks they almost cancel each other out.
Scott got a text from his phone, reading it;
Big Bro: sweetpea is all calm now, she'd like you upstairs too and I quote 'watch mermaid with Scotty, Chrissy and Dodgee'.
Scotty: 'okay ill be upstairs soon, I'm glad she's better :)'
Scott had told every y/n was fine and that she wanted mermaid, he made his way upstairs to Chris's room and walked in to see them both snuggled on his king-size bed with the little mermaid on the tv.
"Hey sweetie you look comfy, feeling better?" he said as a matter of factly the reply he got was just an "mhmh otty come way down" so he did.
Y/n's meltdowns always took it out of her so within 30 minutes of the film being on she was out like a light it was bound to come because her speech was slurred when she was tired, and both Evans' brothers breathe a sigh of relief. They both hated seeing their sweet girl getting worked up to the point where she couldn't get her words across literally drawn to hysterical tears.
At the end of the day, y/n was just y/n despite the diagnosis nothing changes at all. They all loved her no matter what and supported the bumps in the road that a six-year-old could grasp.
Regardless the Evans family couldn't be more proud of their Y/n despite the obstacles that she has and will face however they knew, wholeheartedly nothing will stop their girl.
this was absolutely amazing to write, i actually loved the initial idea, that is engraved into this partly. i hope you like it guys.
thank you for the ask for the first sister! reader ❤️
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Are You Jealous, Professor ??
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Request from @bvbwestfall Charles Xavier hears his soulmate thoughts and its Scott's little sister. He feels werid about it at first so he ingores her and later on he sees Logan flirt laughs with her getting jealous
"I'll be fine guys. You don't have to worry about me here every five minutes." Charles could hear a new girls thoughts over all the other students. It was strange to him he has never heard thoughts so loud and yet so innocent all at the same time. Normally he heard all the dirty little secrets of everyone around him. The things that they whispered in their mind but not this voice. Not this girl, she wasn't like the others and he needed to find out why. Moving the joystick of his chair he was reading to a group of students until he saw Alex walking up with two new people. One wearing bandages and the other well...Charles felt his cheeks turning red at the sight of the girl before him. It was in fact his mystery voice girl. "Alex, it's good to see you." The boy smiled resting each hand on the shoulders of the other two. "This is my sister Y/n and my brother Scott. I'm thinking you can help."
Honestly this was a fun one to write. Also it switches from 1st person to 3rd person pov a little bit...I'm trying something new 🤗
@groovy-lady @rosie-posie08 @makeshift-prime
For the past few months my brother Scott and I have been at this school for Gifted people trying to learn to control their powers. My brothers have the same red energy it just comes out in different places. And then you have me I wasn't gifted with the energy but the ability to read person's mind. Logan, one of my friends walked down the stairs right before I pulled my sleeve down of my right arm. I haven't been able to figure out what the mark on me means. It's a circle with an x going across it and it doesn't go away. Ever since I stepped foot in the school it's stayed there. "Hey girl, are you still messing with that arm. Maybe you should let a dock check it?" Logan asked leaning against the wall until I heard a voice appear in his mind, the voice of Professor Charles Xavier none the less. "Stop talking with her!"
"Logan, I'll uh see you later. I think the professor wanted to see you." I leaned up kissing his cheek before he playfully shoves me making me smile. "Stay out of my head, little reader." Logan entered Charles office seeing him reading from his stake of notes for the class he had to teach later. He closes the door behind him and that's when Charles actually looked up from his work. "Ah Logan. What can I do for you?" Wolverine ran a hand through his hair annoyed that he was playing dumb when he could hear everyone's thoughts through the whole school. He knew why Logan came into his office and was trying to hide it. "Cut the crap, Charles. You know why I'm here. I was just talking with Y/n, you know Scott's sister. Until you show up inside my head." Charles rolled his eyes moving his chair away from his desk to face the man directly.
"I have no idea what you're taking about, Logan. Are you on acids?" The Telepath tried to play it off until he entered Logan's mind seeing you kiss his cheek moments ago. Clutching his hands into fists on the armrest Logan finally figured out what was going on. "Are you jealous, Professor?" He teased the man before him seeing his cheeks turning red. "Lisen Charles I only see Y/n as like a little sister or a good friend. Plus my heart belongs to Jean. So I'd go tell her...wait what's that on your arm?" Charles raised a brow unrolling the sleeve on his right arm having the same mark you did. "I don't know. Hank nor I have seen anything like it." Logan opened the door pushing his wheelchair outside where Charles immediately saw you walking towards him.
Leaving my room I try following the red mark because it glows the closer I get to whoever the target was. Running through all different things in my head the only thing that made any sense was that it could be a soulmate mark. There's not much on soulmates unless you count it in children's books but we also live in a world where mutants exists so anything is possible. Stopping in my search I found Charles staring straight at me having the same red glow mark on his arm. He rolled forward as close as he could without stepping on my toes. "Y/n, I have something to tell you. I - I think I'm in love with you." Tilting my head down I felt myself blush but in the end I get bold climbed onto his lap wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him suddenly. "I love you too, Charles." He read my mind too caught up in enjoying the kiss until I broke it. He wrapped his arms around my waist holding me still resting his forehead against mine. "So Logan said you might be jealous hmm, Professor?" Charles blushed deeply at my teasing burying his face into my chest mumbling. "Maybe...but there's no denying you're my soulmate." Logan stood in the doorway of Xavier's office just smiling at the two lover birds finally finding each other.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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chloe-skywalker · 10 months
Bad Brother - Scott Mccall
Scott x fem!reader sister
Warnings: none
Word count: 582
Requested:TW imagine the reader is Scott sister and you always have your drawing book sketch book and the pack take a look at it and Scott sees ur depressing art work and forbidden love work and realises he hasn't been he best brother ever. @cokecola4211
Authors Note: Thanks for liking the Mal one so much that you requested this again but with Teen Wolf
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“Shoot! Y/n/n were gonna be late! Come on.” Maila shouted after seeing the time on Stiles' watch. She jumped up grabbing her bag and y/n’s wrist, pulling her along with her to the class they were gonna be late for.
“Wait-” Stiles called after them but they were already to far away to hear him. “Maila’s sure in a rush. Y/n forgot her sketchbook.”
“Shit. She’s gonna freak. I’ll make sure she gets it.” Scott picks it up. He could tell that a lot of the pages had been used up just by looking at the sides. Throughout the day he hadn’t been able to find his sister to give it back to her, but his will also broke when he couldn’t take it anymore and peaked. But what he found made him keep looking and the more he looked the more concerned he got. The more he realized he hadn't been a good brother.
Later that day after school once Y/n came home she entered their home and sat down in the kitchen where her mom was getting ready to leave for work.
“What's wrong, sweetheart?” Melissa asked upon looking at her daughter and seeing her mood.
“I lost my sketch book at school.” Y/n whined as she rested her head on her folded arms. Not at all happy that anyone could just look in it.
“I’m sure you’ll find it at school tomorrow. Go to the Office tomorrow and see if they found it. “ Melissa suggested hoping that it would help. Y/n was very attached to it so she was sure her daughter was very stressed.
“Yeah.” Y/n grunted that's all she could do.
“I’ll see you and your brother tomorrow.” she told her as she walked over kissing Y/n on the head before leaving to start her long night shift.
“Bye mom.” Y/n could out as her mom shut the door.
With that Y/n decided to grab a snack and headed up stairs to her room. She was alone in there for a while doing homework before Scott came knocking on her bedroom door leaning against the door jam.
“Hey.” he said once, getting her attention. “Found this today. You left it at lunch.”
Y/n looked up and noticed he was holding her missing sketch book. “Thanks. I was worried someone took it.” She replied as she entered her room and handed it to her.
There was a moment of silence before Scott spoke. Trying to figure out what exactly he wanted to say. “Y/n.”
“Hmmm” Y/n hummed not looking up at him.
“I know we’ve been busy the last couple years with all the supernatural stuff-”
“You looked in it didn’t you.” Y/n cut him off, holding her sketchbook tightly to her chest.
“Yeah.” Scott nodded, admitting shamefully. “Y/n, you can talk to me. About anything and everything, at any time. You know that right?”
Y/n shrugged. “We’ve just been so busy and you’ve been dealing with Alpha stuff-”
Scott shook her head as he moved to sit on Y/n’s bed next to her. “I’ve been a terrible brother and I’m sorry. Can we promise we’ll talk more when somethings bothering us?”
Y/n smiled, it was weak but it was enough to encourage Scott. So he pulled her into him, hugging her. Something they hadn’t done in a long time it seemed.
“Yeah, I think I can do that.”
Taglist: @padawancat97
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topazy · 2 years
Blood moon
Pairing: Theo Raeken x reader, Scott McCall x reader
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 7.01
Scott smiled when he felt your soft lips kissing the back of his neck. He enjoyed the feeling for a moment before sighing. “I should go,” he says quietly. “I don't want to leave, but I also don't want to have to climb out of your bedroom window again.”
You let out a giggle at the memory of Scott practically throwing himself out of your bedroom window, wearing nothing but boxers, when Stiles unexpectedly arrived and barged into your home. Your relationship with Scott was complicated, to say the least, and the last thing either of you needed was to hear other people’s opinions on the matter.
“I don't want to have to shove you out of my window again either.”
Scott presses a soft kiss on your shoulder before abruptly snapping his head up. “It’s just us in the house, isn’t it?”
“Wyatt is at a sleepover, and Isaac is out with—” The front door slammed shut, cutting you off.
Scott immediately jumped back from you; the look on his face reminded you of when his mom caught you making out as teenagers.
You roll your eyes and throw on an old T-shirt before opening your bedroom door and calling out, “You’re back early. Is everything alright?”
You were surprised by your brother's tone; he was usually upbeat, sarcastic, and happy. He hadn't sounded this angry in a long time.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked, hoping that the questions would distract your brother, so he'd be oblivious to Scott redressing in your bedroom. You frowned with worry when you didn't get a reply, “Issac?”
“No, I don't want to talk about it. Is Scott staying for dinner?”
His serious tone took you aback. When you realized what he'd asked, even though it wasn’t unusual for Scott to be around your house, you still felt as if the question threw you a “wh-what?”
Suddenly, Scott appeared on the landing, holding his backpack. His hair is now damp and smells of lavender soap.
“Hey, Issac,” he says casually. “Thanks again for letting me use your shower. Hopefully, the plumber will manage to fix whatever is blocking the pipes in my apartment tomorrow.”
“Anytime,” Isaac shrugged. “Want some leftover pizza?”
Immediately after Scott leaves, you begin to tidy up the kitchen. Isaac had only returned to your family home two days prior, and he hadn't fully unpacked his cases yet, making the place more cluttered than it already was. You had a sneaking suspicion that Isaac’s bad mood was because he'd returned to Beacon Hills without his girlfriend, Summer.
You turn your attention away from the dishes you were cleaning to face your brother, who had a lopsided grin on his face. You frowned, knowing from the cheeky look on his face that he was about to annoy you. “What?”
Isaac raised his hands in the air and said, “Oh, someone is touchy.”
He leans against the kitchen counter and, in a more serious tone, says, “Can I ask you something?”
“Long as it's not something stupid, then sure.”
“How long do you plan on keeping the fact that you are dating Scott a secret?”
The porcelain plate slipped out of your soapy hands and landed on the kitchen floor, shattering into separate pieces. “I'm not—I'm not…”
“Dating Scott again?”
“No, we aren’t dating.”
He raised his brows. “So you just have a schoolgirl crush on him? It wouldn't be surprising if, whenever you looked at him, animated heart-shaped hearts would begin to appear in your eyes.”
Kneeling down to pick up the broken pieces, you shake your head and say, “It's not like that.”
Isaac sighs again. As much as you teased and taunted each other at times, he was still one of the most important people in your life. He leans down to help you clean up. “Then what is it like? I don’t want to see this turn into another massive fuckup, and you end up broken hearted again.”
“I'm not going to tell you anything, because all you'll do is lecture me.”
“I promise I won't. In all honesty, I'm relieved.”
You raised your brows, surprised. “You are?”
“Scott is a good guy, and he'd never intentionally hurt anyone. Let alone you; I don’t think he’s ever fully gotten over your breakup.”
“A part of me will always love him; he’s an amazing father to Wyatt,” you say, making sure all the small, sharp objects are in the bin. “But I’ve made it clear we are just having fun; it's nothing serious.”
Isaac let out a deep sigh. The events that led up to you and Scott splitting up in the first place were complicated.
Your stomach churned. Isaac hardly ever called you by your first name. Nobody did; everyone calls you Indie.
“This isn't like...” You lift your head to face him and notice he's staring at something outside. “What are you looking at?”
He points towards a staggering figure walking up the driveway.
She looked almost trance-like. The second you saw her mouth open, you covered your ears as she let out a piercing scream.
Isaac helps you get Lydia inside your living room, being careful not to trip over your son's train track, which runs between the kitchen, hallway, and living room. “What do we do?” You ask. “I haven't seen this bad in a long time.”
“I'll text Scott and Stiles.”
You feel pity for the redhead, you try to reassure her. “Stilinski is on his way. I bet he's breaking a few speeding laws to get to you.”
She weakly nods before lowering herself onto the couch, laying on her side, and closing her eyes. You take that as your cue to leave her to rest and motion for your brother to follow you into the kitchen. “This is so bad,” you whisper. “This is really, really bad.”
“Lydia's going to be fine; she just needs to rest.”
“Isaac,” you say as you reach for your brother's hand. “Summer's dream.”
He pulled his hand back and glared at you. “It was nothing more than a dream.”
“That's not true, and you know it. A banshee wouldn't be outside our house screaming,” you let out a shaky breath. “You are in danger. Something bad is coming for you.”
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mrsstruggle · 1 year
The Lost Child - Chapter 34 // Teen Wolf x Marvel AU
Summary: Y/N Stark was taken from her family when she was three years old. It's fifteen years later and her family believes she is dead. Then how is she living in Beacon Hills?
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death/Injury/Grief/Torture, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else)
Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader, Steve Rodgers x Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Vision x Wanda Maximoff, & More To Come
Previous Pairings: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Scott McCall x Allison Argent
Words: 5.5k
Note: Sorry this is so late!
Additional Note: While this is a Teen Wolf x Marvel AU, not everything is true to the shows/movies/comics. I had to change things for the story.
One Last Note: Y/N was adopted by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I did this so more people can see themselves in this story.
***I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel or any related characters. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.***
The Lost Child Masterlist
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Next Chapter
Everyone was quiet as they made their way through the woods toward the hunter's safe house. The only sound that could be heard was the crunching of leaves and sticks beneath their feet. Y/N knows it's wrong, but she wishes she was Allison right now so she wouldn't have to deal with everything.
Stiles doesn't like the silence but it's taking everything in him to break it. He's worried that if he starts talking then he won't be able to stop. He's also not sure if he wants to accidentally piss off anyone who's in charge of protecting his life.
As much as he's annoyed at everything that has happened and that has come to light, he also can't help but have a little fanboy moment inside his head. He's about to head into battle with the Avengers. The last time they stormed a place he had been sidelined. Now, he's walking through the woods, about to go into a little war with the hunters, with the Avengers suited up next to him. It's like a dream he always had but also mixed with a nightmare he always had.
He watches Y/N from the back of the group as she and Chris lead them to the safe house. He doesn't like that he's been paired with Liam and Peter, but it could be worse. He could be paired up with Peter Hale. He wouldn’t make it out alive if that were the case.
"Are we almost there?" Peter Hale asks.
"Why? Do you have somewhere better to be?" Scott questions.
"Yes. I was thinking about asking your mother out again."
"Wait, what?" Sam looks between Scott and Peter, confused about what he just heard. How old is this guy and why does it seem like he only hangs out with teenagers? He knows Peter is Derek's uncle, but he also dated one of these kids' mothers?
"Ignore him." Derek rolls his eyes at his uncle. He just wants to get this over with. He's tired of having to deal with the Argents and the Avengers. He wants to go home, wrap Y/N up in a warm blanket, and not leave their bedroom until they have to. This past week has caused him too much stress and he's over it.
Y/N comes to a stop and waits for the others to stand around her, "We'll split up here. Remember, Sam, Bucky, and Malia, you'll take the right side. Kira, Natasha, and Wanda, you'll follow them but then split off to the north side. Scott and Steve, you're going to the left side. Stiles, Liam, and Peter, you'll follow them. You're in charge of killing the Anuk-Ite, so good luck with that."
Chris takes off his backpack before unzipping it and holding it out to everyone, "Everyone take a walkie-talkie. I'm sure these aren't as advanced as some of you are used to, but they'll do. I've already set them to the correct channel but it's channel 7 if you mess it up."
"Radio in if you feel the Anuk-Ite so Stiles and them know where to go. He has the mountain ash to kill it so don't try killing it yourself," Y/N says while everyone grabs a walkie-talkie. "Also, radio if you need help. While we have an idea of what we're up against, there could be more and some of you have never had to fight these types of creatures before. They are very different from your space aliens."
"Anything else?" Stiles asks.
"Yeah, don't die."
"How are you not a motivational speaker?"
"Okay, let's go before they do this for another twenty minutes," Scott says, walking away from the group to the left where Y/N told him to go. Steve presses a quick kiss to Bucky's lips and murmurs something under his breath to him before following Scott.
"Radio in when you're in place!" Y/N yells out to Scott.
The rest of the Avengers watch as Y/N and Stiles lock their pinky fingers and promise each other they won't die. Y/N doesn't know it, but she's done that since before Pepper gave her away. Anytime they'd go on a mission she'd make them promise they were going to come back. She believed that pinky promises were a binding promise and that there was no way you could break them. It's little things like that that let them know that the girl they knew is still there, just a bit different.
"One last thing," Y/N sticks out her hand toward Chris. Chris pulls out a bulletproof vest from his backpack and hands it to Y/N. She quickly pulls it over Stiles' head and straps it around him before he has a chance to protest. "Just in case."
"Why have I never been given one of these before?" Stiles scoffs.
"Just be grateful you're getting one now. Now go."
Chris, Derek, Peter Hale, Tony, and Y/N watch as the others run off to where they're supposed to be.
"What else do you have in that bag?" Derek asks, eyeing the backpack in Chris' hand.
"You don't want to know," Chris zips his backpack up and puts it back on his back.
"We're in place." Scott's voice rings out of their walkie-talkies.
Y/N sighs as she tries to mentally prepare herself for the fight ahead, "I think I could sleep for a week after this. I'm surprised I haven't gotten a call from my boss yet saying I'm fired for being gone for so long. I swear I didn't have this many vacation days."
Derek moves to stand in front of Y/N to meet her eyes, "I'm sure they've seen the news and will understand why you haven't been in for a while. Scott said Melissa was covering for you so I'm sure it's fine."
"I'll have to get her something nice for covering for me this long."
"And she'll tell you that you don't owe her anything." Derek pulls Y/N close and presses a kiss against her forehead. He knows how stressed she is about everything because he's also stressed about everything.
"We're in place." Bucky's voice rings out from the walkie-talkies.
"How do you want us to get into the house?" Y/N turns to Tony at his question. She almost forgot the others were there with her and Derek.
"We need to wait until everyone has lured out as many hunters as possible then we fly in," Y/N says.
"You can fly as well?" Tony's eyebrows shoot up in shock. Did he miss something in the files Hydra made about her? Can werewolves fly?
"No, you'll have to either carry me or I can get on your back."
Tony goes to respond but Kira's voice cuts him off as it rings out through the walkie-talkies, "We're in place."
"Okay," Y/N looks around at Chris, Derek, Peter, and Tony, "you ready?"
Chris tightens the knife holders on his thighs and double-checks the gun in his hand, "Ready."
"Ready," Tony says as his suit builds around him.
"Can we finally get this over with?" Peter asks, inspecting his claws.
"I'm going to climb up into a tree until I think it's time for us to hit the house. You should do the same." Y/N says, looking at Tony. "I'm their biggest target and if they know where I am then they'll forget about the others. We've got to hide a bit first."
"I'll follow you," Tony replies.
Y/N looks back at Derek, "Be safe and kick some hunter ass. I love you."
"I love you too," Derek says before pressing a hard kiss on her lips, as if he's scared he won't see her again.
Y/N pulls away and walks over to the nearest tree, "You know what to do babe!"
Derek, Chris, and Peter watch as Y/N starts to climb up the tree and Tony flies up into the one next to her. Derek waits until he can no longer see her figure before transforming into his beta form.
"Now we can get this over with," Derek says, letting out a loud roar to let everyone know it's time to go and to let the hunters know they're here.
Steve tightens the shield around his arm before looking up at the sound of a roar.
"What was that?" Peter asks, looking around making sure nothing is coming at them. He's dealt with a lot of weird things being in the Avengers, but he's never heard something like that before.
"That was Derek," Stiles states.
"You stay here and wait for someone to radio you," Scott tells Stiles, Liam, and Peter.
"Where are you going?" Liam asks.
"We're going straight towards them. Let's go." Scott nods at Steve to follow him.
Steve huffs a bit in frustration as he follows Scott. He doesn't enjoy being told what to do from a teenager. If it was Y/N here, he would follow without question. She might have been gone for 15 years, but he'd still trust her with his life.
Scott slows as he gets closer to the safe house. He can already hear a few hunters loading their guns and sharpening their knives. He listens to their panicked voices as they talk about the roar they heard and how they know they're being attacked. If he focuses hard enough, he can also hear Stiles, Liam, and Peter bickering behind them.
"Let's stop here. We don't want to get too close." Scott says. "We need to lure them out here." Scott tries to count the number of hunters standing outside of the house in front of them.
"I got it," Steve states, throwing his shield out toward the hunters. The shield hits three hunters, knocking them to the ground, before coming back to Steve.
"That's one way to do it," Scott mumbles, watching as the hunters look their way. He quickly ducts behind a tree as the hunters slowly make their way towards them.
Steve ducts behind another tree as they wait for the hunters to come closer. He can hear the ground crunch behind him letting him know where they are. He waits until he can see the end of a gun before jumping out and knocking the hunter back into two others.
That's when all hell breaks loose.
Scott jumps out from where he's hiding as all eyes are on Steve, throwing the hunter closest to him into a tree—knocking him out. Bullets start to fly as Steve and Scott attack. Scott is surprised he hasn't been hit by any bullets yet as he knocks out another hunter.
Steve throws his shield toward the hunter's legs, the vibranium metal breaking their knees and shins as it hits them. He quickly knocks them out as they hit the ground one by one. It's not long until they've taken out all the hunters that attacked them.
"Is that it?" Steve asks, knocking out the last hunter.
"I doubt it. The others must have the rest of the hunters distracted or the rest of them haven't left the safe house." Scott says, looking around for other hunters.
"We should move in," Steve says, moving towards the safehouse before Scott sticks out an arm to stop him.
"Not until we're told too."
"There's no one over here. We should move in."
"Not until Y/N tells us too."
Steve doesn't understand why they can't just move in. They easily took out the hunters. He doesn't understand why they were acting like they were going to be a challenge. The hunters are down on their side, and they have a clear shot toward the safe house.
Scott's head quickly turns as he starts to smell something in the air, "Do you smell that?"
"What?" Steve doesn't know what Scott's talking about.
"It smells like..." Scott's voice trails off as his eyes widen as he looks behind Steve.
Steve quickly turns around to see four large creatures standing behind him. They look like men wearing bones and an animal skull for a mask. "What am I looking at?"
Sam and Bucky are standing back-to-back as they fight off the hunters around them while Malia holds off more of them.
"How many of these guys are there?" Sam asks, slamming another hunter onto the ground.
"I don't know but they're pissing me off," Bucky says. His arm comes up to block the bullets being shot at him from a hunter on the ground. He rips the gun out of the hunter's hand and knocks him out with a quick kick to the face.
Bucky turns to find another hunter to attack to see the hunters fleeing from them.
"Why are they running?" Sam asks.
"Something's coming," Malia states, her eyes closed while trying to listen to her surroundings.
Bucky tries to listen and see if he can hear what she hears. He closes his eyes for a second. It sounds like something is running toward them. He opens his eyes and stares into the woods in front of him. Something is charging at them.
"Get down!" Bucky tackles Sam to the ground as a deer jumps out from the trees and almost tramples over them. It runs past them almost as quickly as it appeared. It looked rabid.
"What the hell?" Sam mutters, staring at where the deer ran off.
Bucky looks down to where Sam is in his arms from when he tackled him. Disgusted, he scrambles up off the ground and away from Sam.
"Did you smell that?" Malia asks.
"Robo boy's cheap cologne? Yeah, I smelled it." Sam says, wiping the dirt off his suit as he stands up from the ground.
"No, the deer. It smelled like fear."
"Fear?" Bucky asks. He thought that something was running at them but what if it was running away from something? He slowly pulls out his walkie-talkie while his eyes dart around. "We found the Anuk-Ite."
"On our way," Stiles' voice rings out from the walkie-talkies.
"Are you sure?" Sam questions Bucky.
"Yeah, I'm su–" a pained scream from the woods cuts him off. He pauses, his head whipping toward the sound.
"Bucky! Buck!" someone is screaming out for him. He moves to run into the woods, but Malia moves in front of him to stop him.
"What are you doing?" Malia asks.
"Do you not hear someone screaming?!" Bucky yells, angry that she's preventing him from finding whoever's yelling for him. He swears it almost sounded like Steve.
"The only person screaming right now is you," Sam says.
"What?" Bucky looks between Sam and Malia. Can they not hear what he's hearing?
Sam stares at Bucky for a second before realizing what's happening, "Close your eyes! Close your eyes now!"
"Why am I closing my eyes?!" Malia yells, her eyes now shut tight.
"It's the Anuk-Ite. Whatever happens, don't open your eyes."
Sam, Bucky, and Malia stand still as they wait for something to happen. They're hoping Stiles gets here soon to kill the thing.
"How could you?" Bucky quickly whips his head around, his eyes still shut tight, as Steve's voice whispers in his ear. "Why?"
"I don't understand..." Bucky whispers, confused about what's happening.
"I told you to finish him." Bucky's head whips around again. He knows that voice. It belongs to the man responsible for turning him into the Winter Soldier, Arnim Zola.
"Buck...no," Steve's voice whimpers. "This isn't you."
"You have your orders, soldier! Kill him!"
"You can't stop him, Steve. He's no longer the boy you used to know. He never will be. He has always been the Winter Soldier, and he always will be."
Bucky's closed eyes tighten as he repeatedly mutters to himself, "This isn't real. It's not real."
"Buck..." Steve's voice is quiet. Bucky can feel a soft hand caress his cheek. It feels like Steve.
"I'll do it." That sounds like Y/N's voice but harsher. It sounds like when she was pretending to be under the hunter's and Hydra's control.
"Ah, my perfect soldier. Always ready to do what you're told." Zola's voice sounds closer than it was before.
"She's not your soldier," Bucky growls. Y/N will never be Hydra's soldier.
"I think you're forgetting who you are. Let me remind you. Longing. Rusted. Seventeen. Daybrea–"
"Shut up!"
"It's who you are! Now, finish your mission!"
"No!" Bucky is trying to remind himself that this isn't real but it's getting harder too.
"Let me." Y/N's voice is now coming from in front of him. "Just admit it. You couldn't save yourself, you couldn't save me, and you couldn't save Steve."
"Wh-what are you talking about?"
It goes quiet. Maybe it's over?
As Bucky brings a hand up to his face to wipe away the overwhelmed tears that were slowly falling from his eyes, he hears someone being stabbed in front of him. His body goes rigid as he hears someone start to choke—possibly on their own blood.
"Hail Hydra," Y/N's voice whispers in his ear.
Bucky quickly opens his eyes toward the ground in shock and confusion. His eyes move slightly in front of him to a knife sticking out of someone. Not just someone. He'd recognize that uniform anywhere. Steve.
Bucky's eyes shoot up to Steve's face only to be met with the glowing purple eyes of the Anuk-Ite. His body immediately turned to stone.
"Buck, you still good?!" Sam calls out, unaware of what just happened. He can't hear Bucky, but he can hear Malia. She sounds like she's apologizing to someone until she goes quiet. "Malia?"
"Malia?!" Sam can hear someone yelling for her.
"Uncle Sam?! Uncle B?!" Peter rushes into the area where Sam, Bucky, and Malia are. Liam and Stiles run in behind him.
"Oh my god..." Stiles stares at Malia's frozen figure. She looks like a statue from Medusa's lair in the Percy Jackson movie.
"Please tell me you're real?" Sam asks.
"The Anuk-Ite's gone," Liam says.
Sam opens his eyes to see Peter staring at a Bucky statue. Stiles and Liam are also crouched down next to a Malia statue.
"What happened?" Peter turns to look at Sam.
"I-I don't know. One second it was here and now it's not. I'm not even sure when this happened." Sam gestures to Bucky. Why didn't the Anuk-Ite go for him? He could hear Bucky talking to someone—most likely whoever the Anuk-Ite wanted him to talk to—and he could hear Malia, but nothing ever happened to him.
"Now what?" Liam asks.
"They still need people attacking on this side," Stiles says. They need people to weaken the hunters from every side.
"I can still do it but I don't know if I can do it alone," Sam states.
"I'll stay," Liam volunteers. "I can help on this side while you two get the Anuk-Ite."
Stiles looks hesitant but agrees, "Make sure nothing happens to them." Stiles looks between Malia and Bucky and wonders how much longer he has before their current state is permanent.
"Where do you think it went?" Peter asks.
"I don't know."
"What the hell are these people?!" Nat yells out, barely missing the edge of the blade that swipes at her.
"They're Oni!" Kira yells back. She's trying to hold off four Oni while Natasha and Wanda fight the other three.
"I thought we're supposed to be fighting hunters?!"
"I thought the same thing!" Wanda yells.
Natasha ducks as one of the Oni swings their sword at her. She's able to remove the sword from the Oni's hand as the sword lodges itself in the tree next to her. Nat quickly pulls the sword away from the tree and watches as the Oni pulls another sword out of nowhere.
"We're going to die here." Nat mumbles, readying herself to continue fighting.
As Kira blocks the Oni's swings, she can see the glint of a weapon coming from within the trees behind them. "I think the hunters have finally decided to join them!" She hears something firing.
Wanda and Natasha turn to see several hunters running toward them. Most of them seem to be carrying guns while the others seem to be holding knives. Nat can count about thirty hunters.
"You guys take the hunters! I've got these guys!" Kira yells at them, her eyes starting to glow.
"You sure?!" Nat asks.
Wanda and Natasha break away from the Oni and charge toward the hunters. Nat throws the sword in her hand on the ground and pulls out her Glock 26s. As the hunters start to shoot at them, Wanda uses her powers to rip a tree out of the ground and throw it through the group of hunters — knocking several to the ground.
Nat ducks behind a tree as bullets fly past her. The bullets slowly come to halt as she reloads her guns. She can hear footsteps getting closer to her. It sounds like five different people are coming toward her. Nat puts one of her guns back in its holster as she takes a deep breath.
As the tip of a hunter's gun comes into view, she grabs the front of the assault rifle while throwing her elbow into the hunter's face. He lets go of the gun as she knocks him out with the butt of her Glock. Adjusting the assault rifle in her grip, she turns and shoots down the other four hunters.
"I thought we weren't supposed to kill any of them?!" Wanda yells out to Nat.
"I don't remember agreeing to that!" Natasha yells back.
Wanda throws another hunter back as she watches Nat take down more as well. Looking back at Kira, she notices a glowing figure around the young girl as she fights off the Oni.
Kira can feel her anger and frustration growing as she continues to fight. She can also feel her control starting to slip. The fox spirit around grows bigger and bigger the longer she fights.
As she feels a blade cut through her right thigh, her fox quickly grows before launching itself at the seven Oni. A blinding light shoots out as the Oni are killed, hindering the hunters. Kira can feel her fox getting more powerful with each Oni it takes out.
With her back facing the light, Natasha uses the distraction to shoot down the rest of the hunters. Looking over at Wanda, she can see her crouched behind a tree blocking the light with her hands. As the light disappears, she turns around to find Kira kneeling on the ground and no Oni around her.
"What happened?!" Nat yelled toward Kira.
"I killed them!" Kira yells back, pressing down on the wound on her leg as it starts to slowly heal.
"Why didn't you do that earlier?!"
"I don't really have control of it!"
"Did you have to kill all of them?" Wanda asks Natasha, looking at all the dead hunters behind them.
"Did you want me to wait until they killed one of us?"
Wanda rolls her eyes at Nat's response. She could've put them all to sleep but it's too late for that now. She walks over to where Kira is now sitting on the ground.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. My leg should be good in just a minute." Kira replies.
"I wonder if everybody else also has to deal with more than just hunters?" Nat mumbles, sitting down next to Kira.
Sitting up high in a tree, Y/N watches as Derek, Peter, and Chris battle the hunters down below. She can hear her radio go off and Scott's voice asking for help. It takes everything in her to not jump down and help after one hunter's knife gets a little too close to Derek's throat.
"Is this what you deal with here in Beacon Hills?" Tony questions, watching as more hunters seem to come out of nowhere.
"Yeah, but hunters have always been the least of our worries," Y/N replies, her grip tightening on the tree in anger as more hunters appear. She could easily use her powers from here and take them out but then Kate would know where she is.
Tony feels at a loss for words. Watching the hunters down below, he can't believe this is what his daughter has been with. He doesn't know why this didn't hit him before. He was so caught up in everything else, he hasn't taken a step back to notice how calm she and her friends seem to be about everything.
Since the Avengers have been in Beacon Hills, they've dealt with hunters, Hydra, and more. He knows to an extent what Y/N dealt with when she was with Hydra, but what else has she dealt with?
Friends of hers have apparently died and he has no idea why. Was it because of hunters? Was it because of something else they've faced? Or was it something that has nothing to do with this little world she lives in?
Tony stares at Y/N as he thinks of something to say. He has so many things that he wants to say and so many questions he wants to ask but now is not the time.
"I can practically hear you thinking from here," Y/N looks up and locks eyes with Tony. "I know you have a lot of questions and so do I. I don't really know how long you're going to be here in Beacon Hills, but I'd like to start over after all of this is done."
"We can stay as long as you want. You can come back with us too...i-if you want. I-I mean I know you're a lot older now, but we kept your rooms the same as you left them. Well, we have a cleaner that cleans them once every two weeks."
"Yeah, one at the compound and one in our old home. We haven't lived there since you...disappeared. I still kept it though just in case."
"Even after you thought I was dead?"
"You're not the only person we've known to be presumed dead to still very much be alive. I didn't want to give up hope. No matter how little it became."
Y/N doesn't know what to say to that. She looks back down to watch the others fight off the hunters. Most of the hunters are down so now is a good time to get to Kate.
"We should go now," Y/N looks back at Tony.
"How are we doing this?" Tony asks, not sure how to carry Y/N.
"Can I just get on your back?"
Tony flies off the tree and hovers in front of Y/N with his back turned toward her, "Let's go."
Y/N pulls herself away from the tree and climbs onto Tony's back. A small smile appears on her face as it reminds her of the piggyback rides her dad, the sheriff, used to give her all the time as a kid before they lost her mom. As Tony takes off toward the safe house, she wonders if Tony or the others ever used to carry her like this when she was younger.
Y/N holds on tighter to Tony as he crashes into the middle of the house. Once Tony has landed on the ground, she hops off his back and surveys her surroundings. They landed in what appeared to be the living room but there was no one around. There's no one shooting at them, charging at them, or even watching them. They are completely alone.
"Why is no one here?" Tony asks, his blasters ready just in case.
"I don't know..." Looking around Y/N can see weapons and ammo everywhere. On the wall, she can see pictures of herself and all her friends. There's even some of the Avengers. There's a large blood stain on the floor but there is nobody. Whose blood is it?
It's also quiet. Too quiet. If she listens in, she can hear the others fighting, but it's quiet in the house. Kate must be hiding somewhere. If there's one thing Y/N knows about the Argents, it's that they love a good basement moment. That's probably where Kate is hiding out. And if she's hiding then she knows she's outmatched. She knows they're losing.
As she turns to look at Tony, a body flies through the living room window. Y/N jumps back and is ready to attack until she notices who it is.
Isaac groans in pain but makes no move to get up off the floor, "Hey Y/N."
"H-how? What?"
"Scott told me everything so we came to help."
As Isaac goes to answer, a girl with a crossbow steps through the broken window, "Isaac?!" She starts shooting toward something Y/N can't see.
"Who are these people?" Tony asks Y/N.
"He's a friend and she's..." Y/N pauses as she thinks of a way to describe who Braeden is, "she's a friend of Derek."
Isaac snorts, "Yeah, a friend."
Y/N kicks Isaac's arm at his comment, "What's happening out there? How'd you go through the window? Why haven't you got up?"
"I can't really move."
"What do you mean?" Y/N crouches down next to Isaac in concern.
"We aren't the only ones who know a kanima apparently."
Y/N rolls Isaac onto his side and looks at the scratch on his neck. She can see some of the venom still dripping from the wound.
"Who else has been affected by it?" Y/N asks, laying Isaac back down on his back.
"Scott was protecting a guy on the ground with a shield when I found them," Braeden replies, walking over to them.
Tony curses under his breath, "Should we help them?"
"Kira and two other girls are currently helping Scott."
Y/N turns her head to the broken window as she hears a loud roar. It sounded like Scott but she's not sure.
"Is it just the kanima they're fighting?" Y/N asks.
"No, there's Berserkers as well. Four of them."
Y/N stands up and looks at Tony, "Stay here and help them. I've got Kate."
"You're not going alone," Tony states. He's not going to abandon his daughter. He's here to protect her.
"They need your help more than I do. If the kanima takes more of them down, they will all be dead. Help them."
Tony hesitates for a moment before agreeing, "Fine, but then I'm coming back to help you."
"Fine. I'll probably be in the basement. At least that's where I'm assuming she is."
Tony looks like he's going to hug her for a moment before flying out through the broken window. Y/N can hear when he finds the others.
"So that's your dad huh?" Isaac says with a small smirk on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes and huffs, "Shut up." Her radio sparks to life and she can hear Chris Argent calling for Stiles. The Anuk-Ite must be near them. Y/N turns to Braeden, "I've got Kate. Make sure he stays alive."
Y/N flicks her claws out as she checks all the doors to see if any lead into the basement. When she opens the fourth door, she sees stairs leading down into another room. She walks down slowly until she reaches the bottom.
Looking around, the stairs seemed to have led her to a hallway instead of a room. There are four different doors, and she doesn't know what's behind any of them. There's a long ugly rug that runs throughout the middle of the hallway. It looks out of place in the modern-looking hallway.
She's about to open the first door when she notices the end of the rug is flipped up as if someone tripped over it. That's when she notices something behind it. Moving the rug with her foot, she finds an escape hatch.
Y/N bends down and opens the hatch. Not seeing anything dangerous, she jumps down into what seems to be a tunnel. Looking down at the ground, she can see a single set of footprints leading away from her.
She follows the footsteps until she gets to the end of the tunnel. She notices a small ladder leading up to another hatch. Y/N climbs up the ladder and slowly opens the hatch. It takes her a second to realize where she is. She's next to an old lake her mom used to take her and Stiles to during the summer.
Climbing out of the tunnel, she looks around for Kate. She knows she's here, but she can't seem to see her.
"Kate! I know you're here!" Y/N yells out.
As she moves to look around, a bear trap snaps around her right ankle. Screaming out in pain, Y/N falls to the ground.
"I was wondering when you would show up, but I'm surprised you showed up alone." Y/N whips her head around to see Kate slowly walking up to her with twenty other hunters and two Berserkers behind her.
@vicmc624 @mrspetxrs @freyathehuntress @fheresm @stefans-wife @llamaproblem @taketimeandappreciate @youralphawolf72 @ornella0910 @shedsblood @ts1mp0ne @beautifulgrungekid @emily-roberts @danielle-leah1997 @itmejado @me-unitentionally @iv3t @james-bucky-barnes-bitch @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @darkenwolfie @inyourmomsworld @lokiandbuckywife @xx-narcissa @elite4cekalyma @thecrazytealady @ladyjenjay @misshale21 @cevans-winchester @fayhay14 @wtfcas @spencerreidsbookclub @depressedsleepysloth @hinata7346 @randomhoex @mirakeul @n1ght5h4d3-24 @allthingsavenger-y @belovacc @speedy-object-dream @pepelachanel @dark-night-sky-99 @missnyxsblog @xoxoloverb @ilearnedthatfromethepizzaman @kingshitonly @isnt-itstrange @twsssmlmaa @navs-bhat @zealouspostwitch @saahmi @distantsighs @jayxxace @a--1--1--3 @cutelittlepurplesouls @mermaid--dreamer-blog @maliagurl @peterpangirl21 @kneelforloki @slutformaddyperez @teenybean @small-town-wayward-daughter @labellapeaky @dabria14 @geeksareunique @emma-is-a-nerd @teen-wolf-fan @zzsloth @burn1ngw00d @esposadomd @natashamea18
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mummybear · 9 months
I might be posting a Stiles fic soon if anyone is interested :) It's gonna be the start of a new series, not sure how often i'll update, but trying to get back into writing my fanfic as much as possible when I can :) Let me know! :D
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