#sano emma x female reader
suzukis-posts · 13 days
𝗜𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺 - 𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗝𝗜𝗥𝗢 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗢
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Manjiro Sano x Fem!Reader
𝗔𝗗𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗜𝗔: sexo explícito, actitud enojada, breeding. NSFW en general.
Ni siquiera recuerdas la razón por la que estás enojado con él.
Fue un borrón honestamente. Gritos de enfado, portazos, la terquedad tanto tuya como de Manjiro no cesa.
El argumento te trajo aquí. En el club para intentar aliviar la tensión y reconciliarnos.
Fue idea de Draken porque, de lo contrario, Manjiro y tú no habrían intentado hacerlo por ti misma.
Sentada en el taburete de la barra con el cuerpo alejado de Manjiro, tomas un sorbo de tu bebida con una expresión de irritación permanente grabada en tu rostro.
Manjiro es el mismo, mirando al vacío con el ceño fruncido con Draken sentado entre ustedes dos.
Él suspira pesadamente. ── Ya no son niños. Es hora de que ambos se disculpen y lo superen.
── Oh, por favor. No quiero escuchar eso de ti. Tú y Manjiro peleaban todo el tiempo en la escuela secundaria. ── Dices con dureza antes de tomar otro sorbo mientras Draken gruñe.
── ¡Bien! ── Se pellizca el puente de la nariz con un suspiro exasperado mientras se queda en silencio entre ustedes tres.
La música fuerte y estruendosa llenó tus oídos mientras observabas a las otras personas bailar y festejar.
Luces de colores destellaron en tu rostro mientras sorbías sin pensar, la discusión volviendo a tu mente. Ni siquiera recordabas quién estaba equivocado, pero todo lo que sabías era que querías que Manjiro se disculpara primero.
Sí, como si eso alguna vez pasara. Te burlas ligeramente, sabiendo que Manjiro era terco y nunca retrocedía.
Al mirar la figura de Manjiro, lo ves mirando al suelo sin comprender. Con un suspiro, te levantas de tu asiento y alisas tu vestido.
── Bueno, también podríamos aprovechar al máximo nuestro tiempo aquí. Vamos, Draken. ── Lo tomas de la mano y lo llevas a la pista de baile mientras protesta.
── ¿No quieres esperarlo? ── Manjiro observa, con el ceño ligeramente fruncido ante la vista cuando colocas tus manos sobre los hombros de Draken.
── ¿Es esta tu primera vez en un club nocturno? ── Preguntas con una pequeña sonrisa mientras te balanceas suavemente con la música.
── Sabes que me mantengo alejado de este tipo de lugares. ── Draken responde mientras mira tu bonita cara.
Tú tarareas. ── ¿Eso significa que no sabes bailar?
Draken levanta una ceja. ── Puedo arreglármelas muy bien. ── Te ríes antes de darte la vuelta e inclinarte hacia su cuerpo. ── ¿Bien entonces?
Colocas tus manos en el aire y te pierdes en la música mientras Draken lentamente desliza sus manos por tus curvas. Una sonrisa aparece en tu rostro antes de que te tome por sorpresa cuando Draken apoya su rostro en el hueco de tu cuello.
── Hueles bien. ¿Perfume nuevo? ── Una risita juguetona sale de tus labios. ── Nop. El mismo que uso todo el tiempo.
Miras por el rabillo del ojo y ves a Manjiro con una expresión agitada con el codo apoyado en el mostrador.
La satisfacción aumenta en tu pecho, por lo que inclinas más tu rostro cerca del rostro de Draken, lo que hace que inhale con fuerza.
── ¿Es este tu plan? ¿Enfadar a Mikey y ponerlo celoso? ── Draken pregunta sombríamente mientras agarra tu cintura.
Solo le haces un puchero inocentemente hasta que una mano de repente te aparta bruscamente.
── Manjir– ── Comienzas mientras te arrastra fuera de la pista de baile. Miras hacia atrás y ves a Draken solo hasta que Manjiro te empuja dentro del baño.
Con un grito ahogado, te das la vuelta para mirarlo mientras cerraba la puerta. ── Oye, me estaba divirtiendo con Draken, ¿sabes?
Manjiro no quiere escuchar nada de tu descaro, así que te interrumpe con los labios antes de empujarte contra la pared.
Decides que no vas a ceder y lo alejas bruscamente. ── ¡Oye! ¿Estás escuchando? ── Exige con las manos en las caderas, pero su actitud arrogante se tambalea cuando ve la mirada oscura en sus ojos.
Tus muslos inconscientemente se aprietan mientras sientes que tu vientre se enciende.
Manjiro se da cuenta y sonríe. ── ¿Eso es todo lo que necesitas? ¿Una buena cogida para que te comportes?
Tu rostro se transforma en un ceño fruncido, pero antes de que puedas responder algo sarcástico, Manjiro te agarra la cara y te mira a los ojos.
── Creo que he sido demasiado indulgente contigo últimamente. Has olvidado a quién perteneces. ──  Murmura mientras tus rodillas se doblan por su declaración.
Se ríe sombríamente al sentir tu cuerpo tembloroso. ── Chica traviesa. ¿Te gusta cuando soy posesivo contigo? Siempre actúas como si lo odiaras, pero tal vez realmente lo disfrutas. ── Su rodilla roza entre tus piernas haciéndote gemir mientras te mueves para una mejor fricción.
── Este es tu castigo. Recuérdalo. ──  Inmediatamente después de decir esas palabras, te empuja hacia el mostrador del fregadero y te empuja boca abajo.
Ni siquiera tienes tiempo de reaccionar cuando te separa los pies para abrirte las piernas y tira de tus bragas por el suelo.
── Manjiro, espera- ── Jadeas hasta que él rodea tu clítoris con dureza y te causa un espasmo.
── ¡A–Ah-!
── Bien. Eso es todo lo que quiero escuchar de ti. Solo tus bonitos gemidos. ── Manjiro afirma con una sonrisa perezosa mientras te retorcías debajo de él. Él tiene tus manos detrás de tu espalda para evitar que escapes de sus dedos implacables.
Las lágrimas se forman en tus ojos mientras te ahogas con un sollozo, rogándole a Manjiro que disminuya la velocidad.
── Me pregunto si podría hacerte un squirt... ── Murmura para sí mismo, pero lo escuchaste. Algo sobre tu próximo orgasmo se sintió diferente de lo habitual.
── ¡M-Manjiro! Por favor, yo- ── No puedes contenerte más y tu cuerpo se contrae mientras lloras, Manjiro se encontraba metiendo dos dedos dentro de ti.
── ¿Oh, nada? Tendré que esforzarme más la próxima vez. ── Arrulla antes de empujar sus pantalones hacia abajo, sus hábiles dedos abren tu entrada.
Descansas tu cabeza en el mostrador frío, respiraciones pesadas que te dejan, demasiado aturdida para siquiera moverte.
Manjiro toma aire cuando entra antes de agarrar tus caderas con fuerza magulladora.
── A veces actúas como una puta, ¿lo sabías? ── Manjiro gruñe antes de recoger un mechón de tu cabello y levantar la cabeza. Un gemido patético se desliza por tus labios cuando lo sientes golpear contra tu trasero.
── Mira. ── Manjiro jadea. ── Quiero que mires el espejo mientras te follo. ── Tus ojos se abren para ver el gran espejo frente a tu rostro y ves el estado desaliñado de Manjiro. Su cabello rubio está pegado a su frente por el sudor y sus cejas están fruncidas por la frustración.
Él se encuentra con tus ojos en el espejo y hace que tu corazón se salte un latido. Él solo sonríe antes de volver a concentrarse en cómo se movía tu trasero con cada embestida.
── Todo lo que necesitas es mi polla, te hace sentir mejor, ¿no? ── Pregunta con voz ronca mientras se inclina hacia tu oído.
Un gemido lascivo sale de tus labios ante un empujón áspero particular. ── ¡S-sí! M–Manjiro...
── Te amo. Di que me amas. ── Manjiro gruñe mientras sollozas.
── ¡Te amo, te amo te amo! ── Susurras mientras continúas mirándolo en el espejo. Todo sobre él era tan perfecto en tus ojos. El rostro de Manjiro se sonrojó ahora a medida que sus movimientos se volvían más frenéticos.
── Voy a correrme dentro. Yo... ── Manjiro exhala pesadamente, con el ceño fruncido. ── Quiero un hijo _______. Un bebé.
Tu mente estaba en una neblina, pero parecías salir de ella ligeramente por esas palabras.
¿Un bebé...?
Con un gemido tenso, Manjiro finalmente se corre, derramando su semilla dentro de ti. Tu orgasmo llegó con él, los ojos se cierran mientras disfrutas de su cálido líquido llenándote.
Manjiro eventualmente se aleja después de un momento y suelta tu cabello. Suspiras y descansas en el mostrador, sin apenas tener fuerzas para levantarte.
Él ve su semen a punto de gotear, así que con el ceño fruncido, rápidamente te levanta las bragas. Te da la vuelta suavemente para que puedas mirarlo, te sostiene cerca de su pecho mientras te alivia el cuero cabelludo.
── ¿Duele? ── Pregunta en voz baja mientras sacudes la cabeza con cansancio.
── Estoy bien. ── Tu susurras. Incluso después de estar enojado, Manjiro seguía velando por tu bienestar. Pasa un momento de silencio hasta que abres la boca. ── Yo–
── Lo siento. ── Manjiro se disculpa primero mientras frunces el ceño y lo miras.
── Iba a decirlo primero. ── Saca la lengua juguetonamente. ── Sí, bueno, te gané.
Ambos se ríen antes de limpiarse para verse presentables antes de irse. Al salir del ruidoso club con Manjiro, ves a Draken apoyado contra la pared con las manos en los bolsillos.
Se da cuenta de tu presencia y te mira. ── Bien. Entonces supongo que las cosas se han arreglado. ── Él dice mientras se pone de pie mientras ustedes dos se acercan.
Te ríes tímidamente mientras arreglas tu cabello. ── Sí. Gracias por venir con nosotros Draken. Lamento que hayas tenido que esperar tanto...
Aparta la mirada. ── No te preocupes por eso.
Manjiro bosteza mientras camina adelante. ── Vámonos a casa. Estoy cansado.
Tú y Draken los siguen mientras caminan uno al lado del otro, la brisa fresca les roza suavemente la cara.
── Sabía que esto se resolvería rápidamente. Después de todo, Mikey te ama. ── Draken te sonríe mientras te sonrojas.
A punto de responder, Manjiro de repente salta con el ceño fruncido.
── ¿Eres tonto Ken-chin? ¡No la amo! ── Sientes como si te hubieran apuñalado en el corazón cuando la cara de Draken pasó de la sorpresa a la ira. ── Mikey- ── Exclama en tono amenazante hasta que Manjiro continúa.
── Pero yo… ── Aparta la mirada, sus mejillas se tiñen de rojo. ── Realmente, realmente, realmente, realmente, te amo. ── Afirma mientras se encuentra con tus ojos tímidamente.
Lo miras fijamente, con la boca abierta antes de hacer un puchero, con lágrimas en los ojos. ── Estúpido. ── Draken suspira mientras Manjiro sonríe antes de alejarse para reanudar la marcha.
── Él es un idiota. ── Draken sonríe mientras te mira para ver que te estás limpiando los ojos con un brazo.
── No llores _______. Volvamos a casa de regreso con Emma e Izana! ── Manjiro sonríe alegremente mientras toma tu mano.
Olfateas y asientes ── Está bien. Pero es tu culpa. ── Manjiro solo se ríe antes de arrastrarte con Draken siguiéndote.
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loverofhinaandemma · 8 months
ʰᵉˡˡᵒ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ!
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Welcome to my world of love! You may call me Mother, as I have no other name that comes to mind! My siblings all call me mother, as well as my few friends so why not just have it as my second name!
If you are to refer to me using pronouns, please use it/he--or they/them, either is fine!
I am 15-17! Just so you all know :)
(Main Account; @loverofgenya !!)
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The characters with more ✧ by them are the ones I prefer to write for! Well, more of an 'I like them more than the other characters' lolz
Takemichi Hanagaki ✧
Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano ✧
Ken 'Draken' Ryuguji ✧✧
Keisuke Baji ✧✧
Chifuyu Matsuno ✧✧✧✧
Takashi Mitsuya ✧✧✧
Hakkai Shiba ✧✧✧
Nahoya 'Smiley' Kawata ✧
Souta 'Angry' Kawata ✧✧
Kisaki Tetta
Shuji Hanma
Kazutora Hanemiya ✧✧✧
Taiju Shiba
Hajime Kokoni
Seishu Inui
Izana Kurokawa
Kakuchuo ✧✧
Rindo Haitani ✧
Ran Haitani ✧
Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano
Haruchiyo Sanzu
Hajime Kokonoi ✧✧
Kawaragi Senju ✧✧✧
Akashi Takeomi
Keizo 'Benkei' Arashi
Wakasa 'Waka' Imaushi
South Terano
Kakuchou ✧✧
Ran Haitani ✧
Rindo Haitani ✧
Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano ✧✧✧
Haruchiyo Sanzu ✧✧
Kakuchou ✧✧
Ran Haitani ✧✧✧
Rindo Haitani ✧✧✧
Hajime Kokonoi ✧✧
Hinata Tachibana ✧✧✧✧✧
Naoto Tachibana
Emma Sano ✧✧✧✧✧
Shinichiro Sano ✧✧
Yuzuha Shiba ✧✧✧✧✧
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These are some of my rules! Please make sure you read them before requesting and follow them!
No MinorxAdult, No Nsfw for Naoto (The characters are iffy, but if nsfw is requested for the characters (NOT NAOTO!!) then they will be aged up!), No sexualizing Naoto and the younger characters (characters that arent aged up!) No noncon, nothing thats not consensual
I will do Platonic stuff, Romantic stuff, child reader, male reader, female reader, gn reader, demon reader, immortal reader, heartless reader, character-based reader etc. I love myself a villainous, no mercy or morals reader, as said before I will do Nsfw, but the characters are aged up (Nsfw is a iffy subject for this fandom for me!! However I will do it, just dont expect a lot of serious/detailed shit!), I will do gore, self h/rm, talks of r/pe but not doing it of course, suic/de, major character death, angst, fluff, etc.
When requesting certain cahracters (Ex. Mikey) please state wich 'au'/'ark'/'timeline' theyre from! You can request aus (Ex. flower shop, modern, highschool, office/buisness, etc.)
I will do Poly !(NO FAMILY CHARACTERS X READER THO! (ex. izana x mikey x reader, ran x rin x reader etc.) I just cant bring myself to do it sorry :/) Especially with the females cause yes 🥰 (Especially!! Emma x Hina x Reader <3)
I might add a few ocs here and there, so if you'd like to know about them just ask!
There's a lot I will do but if youre not sure then just ask!
Thats about it, I will add more if something comes up!
Enjoy my Lovelies <3
46 notes · View notes
blueparadis · 2 years
▏happier than ever ▏k.ryuguji ▏
+. CWs —» f! reader, fluff, suggestive themes, poly relationships, light angst, mention of alcohol and cigarettes, childhood friends, friends to lovers, slow romance, slow burn, alternate universe - modern, university/college. word count — 4.6k.
+. SYNOPSIS —» Emma knew you meant the world to her but she didn't know that sometimes she could be a little greedy too.
+. NOTES —» this piece was commissioned by @massivementalitynut . I do take commission for part two :) I'm so happy that i finally got to post this >.&lt;
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“This is not a good idea. This is going to be a big problem later on”, you muttered staring at the king-size bed while Emma unpacked her luggage. One week, seven days, seven fucking days. You are about to stay seven fucking days in the same room with Emma and Draken. “This is not gonna end well”, hearing that Emma stopped folding the dresses and pull you to her side saying, “either help me out or go for a shower. We have a long day ahead”
It was primarily Draken’s idea. He complained about how much little time he got to have you before you decided to disappear into thin air. Hence, he proposed the idea of going on a road trip and staying for seven days before going back home. He just wanted to spend some time with you more, and surely he would not mind Emma’s presence. Moreover, Emma refused to let go of you out of her sight. She has become more demanding than the last time you saw her. 
Draken can be territorial sometimes. He is not a big fan of arguments and fights. Certainly, in front of Emma’s straightforward behavior, he had no choice but to agree with her, that is, to have a single large room rather than three different ones. He could sleep on the couch or they could reserve another bed but they’re staying together in one room and that is final; if not, then they’re not going. The other option was too debatable to follow. Draken eventually gave in. It took several rounds of ice cream to get rid of her pout. 
And, now here you three are: in a single room where you and Emma are busy unpacking while Draken is in the shower after such a tiring road trip. It was the summer heat that drained out your energy and Emma insisted on staying indoors for the rest of the day. Draken was out of the shower in his bathrobe. Emma adjusted her hair, took her things, and went inside the bathroom. They did not even exchange looks. You smiled noticing how much they have become intimate with each other now. “I’ve told the manager to give us another bed.”, he said roughly rubbing the towel over his hair. You sat on the bed starting to feel a little dizzy from the exhaustion. “I’m hungry, Ryuu”
The bed mattress sank admirably as Draken sat beside you. His black strands of hair fell on his face. You tore your gaze away sensing the lukewarm sensation underneath your eyes. The room was now devoid of Emma’s chirping and Draken slayed at maintaining the silence. This was the first time you were alone with him after they decided to have a relationship with you.  The bed sank further as he stretched his hands behind you for support as he spoke, “I’ll order the dinner. Would you prefer it in the room?”
You turned your face noticing he was sprawled out on the bed, his left hand stretched out almost as an invitation to you. “Yes. Emma would like . . .”, Draken did not let you finish, “I know she will; even if she did not we three could go for a walk and have ice-creams.” He jerked his head as a gesture for you to lie down, on his toned muscular arm. You swallowed and laid down on his arm, snuggling against his chest.
“Ya’know, when you were not here. We both talked about you a lot, especially how you knew both of our feelings and never used it against us.”, Draken pulled you closer to his body to place a chaste dry kiss on your cheek. He noticed your lip bite and congested eyebrows and murmured, “Hey… yn, it is okay. Don’t worry about it. We’ve talked about it. You don’t need to worry”
“Fine by me, then. Haha! Don’t get a boner Ryu while I’m this close to you.”, you drawled in with words tumbling over one another. He was about to protest, or say something in his defense but noticed that you were already asleep. The click of the bathroom door made Draken immediately turn his head keeping his forefinger on his lips. He knew Emma would start talking about the plans for the next day. But Emma was always a rebel and it amplified whenever she was around Draken. She whispered 
“Why Are You Like This Draken?
“Like whaaat?”, Draken whispered back without moving much. 
“She needs to eatttt. She will wake up in the morning with a stomach ache. I know her habits.”, Emma was not the kind of backing down however when both of them heard low soft snoring, they realized they can do this louder and outside, maybe on the balcony so that you can sleep peacefully on the soft bed and not on someone’s sturdy muscular arms. Draken swiftly pulled a pillow to put it under your head. As he was down with tucking you in bed, they both headed outside to have dinner and plan about tomorrow's outing. 
It was partly your suggestion rather than theirs, to visit some places so that you could get accustomed to this relationship and tell his friends, tell everyone without being appalled by them. You had no idea that they would plan so much in such a short amount of time. Seven days felt elongating inside the four walls of the hotel but it felt sparse to accommodate the rush of all kinds of emotions. It was not just happiness, it was also the thrill of starting a new life, the restlessness of trying out new things together.
As for Satoru, he deserved a massive treat from you. You knew he did but if you were to initiate the conversation first that would not only boost his pride but also he will tease you forever about that. So, unless he starts to keep nagging you for a treat you should just let him stay at your house. But knowing Gojo, he seems like the type to call and bug you every other minute. Maybe, he sobered his habits. Well, that is not what you should be concerned about now, especially while being on a secret date cum short trip with Ryu and Emma.
Draken and Emma mostly planned indoor visiting during daylight. They said it was because of you since you could not handle the heat of the summer. Of course, you were thankful for thinking of you but at the same time, you fumed like a kettle for treating you like a baby. In their defense, they mentioned how cute your expressions were whenever they took care of you, whenever they bought something for you or praised you for how good you looked in that sundress. Secretly, you liked it, liked how they are so easy and comforting. You wondered if they would be this comfortable around the rest of the Toman members, like Baji, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Pah, and most importantly Mikey, whom you kissed just because you felt suffocated by loneliness, by the thought of being left all alone rather than being jealous of Draken and Emma that they were finally together, happier than ever.
You slapped your cheeks to snap yourself back into reality as Emma’s voice dissipated your trance. “Yeah, coming in a minute.”, you yelled from the trial room. You adjusted the frills of your dress for one last time before opening the door. “Geez! What took you so lon. . . Oh my gosh! you look gorgeous.”, you immediately cupped her mouth otherwise the whole floor of the shopping mall would have heard her. “Where is Ryuu?”, you asked playing with your fingers but Emma immediately smiled taking out her phone and saying that he is busy and you do not have to worry since she is gonna take a lot of pictures and send him right away. She sounded so proud that it made you chuckle. 
“That’s not why I asked you. I just don’t wanna make him wait.”, you protested but Emma was quick to pick on your restlessness. She mentioned that Draken is busy with checking out some restaurants so they can have lunch and go home. After she was done taking the pictures she asked you to get changed so that she can buy some dresses from another section. Hesitation overtook you and you asked her to turn around rather than leave the trial room. You had a feeling that she might get hurt and you were not entirely wrong. If she pouted while turning around to give you some privacy she would have been bothered if you were to ask her to leave. You felt the pensive mood filling the small chamber as you heard the tapping of heels. 
You murmured, “Emma…” the sound of clicking heels came to a cease, “Yeah…?”, she responded.
“I am trying okay? I’m happy with this trip, with this relationship. It’s just I wanted to take it slow. . .”, the moment you paused to take a breather a familiar warm and soft hands curled around your shoulders. You missed this, you missed her touch.
“Sorry if I was too much for you. But we have been so apart for a long time and I . . . I just wanna make up for the lost time.”, her fingers intertwined with yours as you met Emma’s gaze in the mirror.  She placed a chaste kiss on your collarbone and yelled, “Well, let’s hurry. I have a lot of places to check out.” You shrieked, no not because of her voice but because of the kiss she stole. A smile plastered your face thinking how Emma is still mischievous as ever. 
When you two were finally done with shopping Draken was already waiting outside busy smoking a cigarette. He passed you on the cigarette earning a glare that suggested, how many you had? Draken immediately went defensive saying, “I was not waiting that long ya’ know”
“Sometimes I think, you two became close solely because of tobacco.”, Emma chimed with an exaggerated grin on her face declaring how she was not fond of Draken ruining your habits. You chuckled as Draken ran his hands over his nape. He has a habit of doing that whenever he gets caught or scolded, especially by Emma. You have not had the chance yet to gain such bashful responses from him.“Yeah, Yeah whatever !!”, was all he said. 
The lunch was tasty, and Draken ensured you had your favorite picks. When you noticed them exchanging glances you palmed your face in embarrassment knowing that Draken sure was thorough in knowing your likes and dislikes. He never got a chance to talk to you about your likes and dislikes but here he was sitting by your side excited to taste your favorite dishes. At the same time, Emma would not stop making snarky comments and immediately started laughing seeing both of your surprised faces.
The evening weather was chilly due to sudden downpours. But fortunately, it did not hamper the plans. Emma stayed at the hotel since she is quick to catch so it was only Draken and you. It has been almost a year since you last visited the sea. Hence it was a nice change of air. Draken went to buy coffee as you headed towards the shore. It was not congested with crowds, and the breeze was just perfect. You sat keeping your sandals aside enjoying the breeze, waiting for Draken.
Chifuyu who was standing in front of the bookshelf spotted Draken exiting from the adjacent snacks counter. He hid his face against the latest release of a shoujo manga lest Draken could have spotted him easily. By the time Draken was walking towards you, Baji had already received a message. Draken had indeed lied about his short outing and they all knew it but when Baji spotted him sitting beside you sharing a laugh and coffee, something did not just fit in. They all knew that Emma and Draken had planned a short trip together and how could they not especially when the dates matched miraculously? 
But they did not seem to understand how you exactly fit in all of these. Mitsuya, Baji, Chifuyu, and Kazutora would have jumped at the chance of having such a short trip but they did not since it was the first time they planned something for themselves and none of them wanted to be a third wheel for them but who knew t hey would bring a third wheel along with them? 
Mitsuya would not have left her sisters alone at home, even if it was just for an evening if it was not for the new fashion exhibition but thanks to that, he not only signed up for the competition but also accidentally spotted Emma running towards Draken in an exquisite gown like a peacock spreading its vibrant feathers. Later, he spotted Emma coming out of the changing room along with you. The most surprising part was that his dearest friend Draken was standing outside the changing room. Given his line of work, Mitsuya knew that your smile was not the ordinary one that seem to have embedded as a robotic response whenever a lady gets showers of praises on their beauty and dress. It was a smile born out of happiness and love. And he is sure that he has never seen Draken smiling like that.
Kazutora spotted Draken and Emma at a local fair. He would not have come if Baji did not whine for a helping hand to carry the exotic breeds to his pet shop. He could not ask Chifuyu since he was too much excited to buy the latest release of some shoujo mangas and that too with a discount. Kazutora saw Emma carrying two plushies tucked in the stretch of her arms and he was aware that Draken had no chance in a million years to buy a plushie for himself unless they won them in a sort of game. That was still a bleak chance of Draken signing up for such a childish game unless Emma had someone to support her demands.
A unified sigh escaped from their chest. The four were sitting under a lonely headlight over a bench in a park. They circulated the cigarette and discussed how they spotted you, Emma, and Draken. Kazutora proposed that maybe they met you at the hotel and decided to let you join or maybe it is the opposite. All of them were submerged in such a dilemma that they had to eventually give up the idea of getting a conclusive settlement of this situation. But in all cases, there was no way they would let Mikey know about this. 
Of course, they knew that Mikey was aware of his sister’s lies and his best friend’s smooth schemes of planning but they were not sure how Mikey would take the discovery they all made, not even Baji. Baji has known Mikey since his childhood, even before Draken. Naturally, when Baji seemed confused about him they all decided to keep this a secret. 
Six days flew within a blink. Draken never got a chance to sneak into bed during the night. Emma would have kicked him into the balcony or maybe outside the room if he did.  One thing Emma did not like to share was her habit of sleeping with you. She missed that direly since you two have a lot of memories attached to countless sleepovers. Sometimes, you felt bad for Draken, for having him sleep on that small single bed. With his size, it would be better if he slept with Emma or you but that was strictly off the options since there is no way in hell Emma would give up the privilege of talking with you all night.
Draken often complained about how Emma always ended up sleeping before him whenever they used to talk late at night on a call but she never seemed to have a blink of sleep when she was with you, not until she was done with telling all the stories of her day. And when the whole town is sleeping, everything around is engulfed in absolute silence you and your girlfriend was busy sharing stories and giggles. How could anyone have some moments of peaceful sleep with whispers and soft squeals disrupting the perfect silence? And Draken was a light sleeper so he often ended up joining the gossip.
Last day, both of them, Draken and Emma were exhausted and went to bed early. You preferred to stay at home since tomorrow you will have to travel in this unbearable heat. Moreover, they just wanted to visit the local fair. Emma even brought a plushie for you. Draken teased you for still being weak to plushies like kids while you mentioned how he is missing the heavenly feeling of falling asleep with a plushie by his side. But alas! Draken always had the upper hand whenever you tried to bite back some responses.
“I don’t need a plushie.”, he cooed wrapping his arms around you, “I have you.” There was a few moments of silence and then Emma burst into laughter. “Oh, dear. This is amazing.”, she was rolling from one edge of the bed to the other having her hands wrapped around her tummy as she spoke irregularly, “I win the bet Draken.” Draken still refused to let go of you. When it came to you and your reactions Emma always won, but Draken did not particularly lose, did he now? Even if he placed bets with wrong options he still enjoyed both of your reactions, not to mention all the quickies whenever Emma wanted . Only a fool would let such a bet slip away.
When you woke up it was almost dawn. You noticed that the window was open, making the room colder since the wind was strong today. As you closed it with a click your eyes fell on Draken. He was sleeping peacefully with his hand resting under his cheek. When you went to bed he had the same posture. He would get muscle pain if he sleeps like that till morning, you pondered.
You nudged him a little on his opposite shoulder and he shifted having himself layed with his back on the bed. But his arm was outside the bed while the quilt was nowhere over his body. With a sigh, you covered him you heard his soft snores that almost sounded like a purr. You licked your lips and smiled but before going back to the bed, you placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. He hummed and turned around. He was smiling, maybe he was dreaming about something.
The ride back home was not as silent as it was when you all rode to this seaside. This time Emma was driving and Draken was sitting with you at the back since he did not want you to be alone in the back seat. The music was on and you were busy on your phone while Draken and Emma were rehearsing the facts they are supposed to tell to all of them. They both had to lie to have this trip as smooth as possible but they both did admit that they soon have to make it official. 
“Does it include me?”, you asked shifting your eyes from the phone to Draken and then onto Emma. She met your gaze through the mirror while Draken supplied, “Yes of course. Do you want to wait longer? I mean we will be announcing it at her birthday party, just the close affair”, Draken palmed your hands and rubbed the back of your palm with his thumb, “we can wait if you want. There is no rush.” You smiled at his concern and nodded. You wanted to let others know yet at the same time you did not. Maybe it would be better if you let them decide.
Emma dropped Draken at first and since your house was just a few houses away from hers she did not bother to drop you off but rather took you home with her. After getting refreshed and having dinner, Emma suggested you stay over but you declined. You needed some alone time, some time to think about what Draken asked today this morning.
You landed with a thud on your bed and settled in your home once again. Without your mom and dad, the house felt empty and the childhood memories flooded your mind. It was mostly full of Emma and his brothers. You remembered how you volunteered to be her prince but now she got both a prince and a princess, humph!   Everything was still, even your breathing seem to slow. You curled up to a side closing your eyes trying to give in to the exhaustion otherwise sometimes, it might not let you sleep. 
You jumped out of the bed at the sound of your phone ringing loudly. Before answering the phone call a trail of curse words fell from your lips for both, yourself and the one who is calling.
“Yes. . . hello?”
“Were you sleeping?”, Draken almost whispered from the other end.
“Oh my god! no no not at all. I’m very awake and not sleeping.”, you were now seated at the edge of the bed holding the phone on the loudspeaker as you press your knees to your chest calming the rhythm of your rocket-speed heartbeats. Draken laughed at your silly attempt of cooking up lies. He always knew you were bad at that.
“Listen, I’ll pick you up tomorrow. We have a meeting and well since Emma insisted on coming I might as well take you too. You’ve never been there, have you? Our meeting spot?”
There was pin drop silence for almost five seconds but it felt like an eternity since all you could think about was how they were keen to make this relationship official yet your heart did not seem to align with them. Would it be selfish to decline this visit? Would it be okay to let them decide what is best for now?
“Yes. Ryuu. I’ll be ready by six. And no this is my first time visiting your gang”
“Hideout.”, Draken quipped 
“Yes. that.”, you cackled while he spoke,  “Alright. I’ll come and pick you up. Sleep well baby.”, you heard a kiss from the other end before it disconnected. You could feel your cheeks getting warmer as you kept the phone on the bedside table.
Fuck ! how on earth I’m supposed to sleep now.
The next day you were busy cleaning the house since you have to stay for a month. Emma came over to help but rather ended up whining about they should wear matching outfits for today’s meet-up. It was nice having her at home and go through the albums and all the childhood memories you both shared as friends, before becoming lovers. Emma left before Draken could turn up. She exclaimed that she knew the place and it would be very suspicious if she were to go with Draken rather than Mikey.
Draken was early. As you waved him from the window, he was waiting on his bike across the road.
 “You look lovely.”, he remarked with a smirk
“Oh, this was Emma's choice.”, you quipped making him narrow his gaze on you. It did not take long to reach the place. You have passed by this spot many times but never stopped by even if you spotted Mikey and Draken. Those are the only faces you knew and the rest of them only occupied your memory by their name and pinnacle appearances. 
“Mitsuya, Kazutora, Baji, and Chifuyu.”, you pointed at the boys one after the other and looked at Draken asking if you got them right but one of them spoke.
“You got me wrong. I’m Baji and he is Kazutora.”, you nodded. All you wanted to do was to hind behind Draken. Emma was still not there and judging from their talks they are used to the captain being late, like usual. 
“Y/n”, Emma’s angelic voice reached your ears. You spotted her running towards you. It was a good decision that you did not match outfits with her since everyone was already suspicious why would Draken bring Emma’s best friend in here? The confusion was not about why you were there, it was about why you came with Draken. Emma quickly took you to a side so that you don’t attract much attention. It was just the close members of toman yet she gave them a death glare.
Mikey and his friends were chatting as they stood in a circle. Baji spoke subtly, “Your girlfriend is here.” Draken who was watching both of you hummed in response. He would not have realized the blunder he made if Baji did not start yelling Draken got the girl, Draken got the girl at the top of his voice. Certainly, the ruckus caught your attention as well as Emma’s.  Even though Draken pressed his mouth, Kazutora and Chifuyu started to nag Draken while Mikey watched his best friend to down in the mess of his lies. 
Everyone more or less knew about Draken and Emma but Chifuyu who was the first to spot the three of you at the library was not satisfied with how Emma managed to take the fall and settle this quicker than he assumed. Everyone started to tease them rather than congratulate them since they all have known each other since childhood. And Draken had a lot of debt to pay since most of them were furious that Draken kept this from everyone. While they were busy with Emma and Draken you watched them from the lonely corner swelling with joy as you had to do if Emma and Draken did not let you walk into their life.
“Yea, but which one?”, Chifuyu blurted out gaining all the eyes on him. 
“What do you mean by which one ?”, Mikey asked tilting his head towards Draken. Baji and Kautora exchanged glances while Mitsuya looked at you, then his eyes shifted onto Draken. 
“Both. Mikey both.”, Emma added grabbing Draken’s sleeves. There was a deafening silence for a few seconds. Everyone at first gazed at you then on to Emma and finally on their dearest pal, Draken. It was Hinata who first stepped to disrupt this uncanny silence.
“OH MY GOSH!”, she grabbed your hands continuing, “I’m so happy for the three of you, and Congrats Emma.”, Emma responded with a nod. Takemitchy could not even speak. “Huh!”, was written all over his face. Mitsuya had an idea but was too shy to speak about it to Draken.
 Baji and Kazutora looked at each other and then glared at Draken. Jealousy seemed plausible for them but they yelled, “Partyyyyyyyy”, in unison giving Draken a jumpscare. 
Chifuyu smirked, “I knew something was fishy. But well good for you, y/n, congratulations”, he chimed with a big grin plastered on his face proud that he could solve the puzzle correctly. Pah-chin was flabbergasted at the situation; 
“Woah! That’s amazing.”, was all he could manage to say while Peh-yah just exclaimed, “Draken is a lucky fucker.”
“Oye Oye ! watch your tongue”, Naoya slipped and shifted his eyes towards them, you, Emma, and Draken. “As long as they are happy I don’t care about anything else.”
Mikey who was silently watching all of these walked up towards you. At first, he looked at Emma and Draken. Mikey had an idea about why Emma went on a solo trip suddenly. She might not know, but Draken initially confided to Mikey about having feelings for his sister. He smirked before yelling with joy, “Let's all celebrate this by visiting the festival. Woohooo!” 
Some joined the cheering while the rest greeted you but Mikey whispered into your ears as he passed by, “I’m very happy for you y/n. Hope you all are happier than ever.”
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bakuhoewriting · 2 years
what becomes of the broken-hearted || sano family mini-series ft. twin!reader [part 2]
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Idea: Sano!Family x Female Reader, Mikey-Twin!Reader Genre: Angst, Family, Romance Series Summary: The rise and fall of the Invincible Mikey and Irrefutable [N/N] through the eyes of those they've loved, lost and found.  Between shifting timelines, can the love of their friends and family save them from themselves? 
Part 1 – Part 2 
Chapter Summary: 
Baji would do anything for [Y/N]. His actions end with moments he wishes could last forever and moments that will haunt him for the rest of his life. 
Baji [Original Timeline] 
Baji Keisuke meets Sano [F/N] for the first time at age 5.
His mother takes him to the Sano Family Dojo after he gets his fourth warning at school where he sits sullenly in a corner, only to laugh when she knocks the instructor flat on his ass with a single punch. 
The instructor cries, calls his little sister a bully, and Kiesuki falls in love when she turns to him with a grin as sharp as his. 
Keisuke makes sure to sit back with her when his own introductory warm-up is over, makes sure they exchange names ("My name’s Baji Keisuke!" "Nice to meet ya! I’m Sano [F/N]!"), and Keisuke sits at [Y/N]'s side again for the next 8 years.
He learns quickly that she’s different from other children their age. Namely because [Y/N] is a twin, and Keisuki has never met a twin before.
Manjiro is fourteen minutes younger than his sister, but the younger Sano wins Keisuki over the same way [Y/N] did when he knocks out his training partner with a fierce kick.
Thankfully, it's not their brother this time (”Shin-kun is too soft!” she huffs, fondly) and respectfully, Keisuke laughs louder. 
[Y/N]'s father is killed and then her mother, and one day the twins are accompanied to the class by an even younger girl who Shin-chan introduces as their sister.
How they're still so strong, Keisuke doesn't know.
What he does know is that with Emma now in the family, Keisuki doesn't get to talk to [Y/N] as much as he'd like, which is fine.
In the time [Y/N] focuses on getting to know their new sister more, being a girl herself, Keisuke bonds with Manjiro.
Together, they give themselves new names in honour of their newest addition, and as [Y/N] pulls a flustered Emma back to them when she catches on to them, Keisuke never wants the moment to end.
Or rather, Edward doesn't want the moment to end as he sits and giggles with Mikey and [N/N], Emma smiling wider than she's ever had before. 
Over time, their friendship follows them outside the Dojo and with Emma finally comfortable to be away from [N/N]'s side, something in Keisuki's heart just feels right when she's there during Toman's creation.
He can tell the others are a little unsure about her being there (not that they're sexist, but because most of them have sisters and mothers and they see them when they look at [N/N])–but Keisuke reminds them all with his fierce grin and years worth of memories that [N/N] is equally as strong as her brother. 
Draken, who's come to know the twins just as well, notes her involvement in the fight a couple weeks ago and as the collective respect and admiration swells over the twins taking down Junpeke and his goons together–Keisuke thinks of the siblings he's gotten to know through the years.
He re-imagines Mikey as a spear, tearing through Junpeke's defences with his relentless kicks, and [N/N] as an impenetrable shield, blocking all the blind shots his goons had given, holding steady before she struck back just as hard.
The twins, he knows, are weapons in their own right, and Keisuke finds steel in his spine when he declares his oldest friends Co-Presidents. 
Haruki and Takashi are the ones who title them officially as the Invincible Mikey (a monicker Mikey had gotten a while back) and the Irrefutable [N/N], but Keisuke takes pride in being the one to get Toman up and running to begin with.
In fact, he thinks back to the day they chose their new names because he doesn't want this moment to end, either.
Not when his friends are all together, all riding on the high of this new era that they're about to create together, and not when [N/N] breaks away from Mikey's side to join his instead. 
"Ed," she grins, canines glinting, and [eye colour] eyes sparkling brightly despite the changing skylight. She’s the only who calls him by that name these days. 
He loves it. 
"[N/N]?" Keisuke says, chuckling. 
Practically glowing, his first friend (though she and Mikey are his oldest friends, being his first friend is an honour only [N/N] holds) thanks him for vouching for her before they fall into discussions about the future for the Gang. 
[N/N] explains that there are already people on her mind to bring in as seconds, territories she knows they can easily claim.
As she speaks and plans and schemes joyously, Keisuke’s smile is more soft than it is sharp when he tells her she’s already proving herself to be a good Co-president. That he’d volunteered her name because she’s someone he’d follow anywhere. 
He’d do anything for her. 
The statement leads him behind Kazutora as they break into this repair shop one evening, one where Kazutora says there are two bikes that their friends deserve. Just waiting to be taken to them. 
"They’re gonna love it, Kei!". 
Though Keisuke himself is not entirely convinced, he thinks of how excited [N/N] will be and he tags along. 
He’d do anything for her.
They don't get the bikes.
Instead, Keisuke finds heartbreak and grief and everything in between as he becomes an accomplice in her brother's accidental murder. 
“Shit, Shin-chan!”
When Kazutora is whisked away to Juvie, Keisuke is the one who faces the aftermath of their actions. The one who stands at the back of the funeral procession with his mother as they watch the Sano family assemble before Shin-kun’s grave. 
Shinichiro’s ghost stands behind the twins, behind Emma and their Grandfather, but his eyes are pinned on Keisuke. 
Slowly, he shifts his head to nod at the twins and as he does, Keisuke sees it. 
There’s something brewing in their eyes, something cold in [N/N]’s stare and something dangerous in Mikey’s that has him thinking of thunderclouds clustering before a storm. 
Unease settles in his stomach. And then Shinichiro vanishes, Emma runs from their Grandfather’s arms and crashes into the twins, and suddenly it’s as if everything was as it was before. 
Keisuke's heart swells and then breaks all at once and then again three weeks later when his oldest friends come looking for him with sunken eyes and tired smiles to tell him they forgive him. 
Shinichiro’s ghost visits his dreams in the months that follow, as does the memory of [N/N] and Mikey on that day ( It’s more haunting than the memory of the night Shinichiro died) and Keisuke wakes with the same guilt and shame pounding in his head. 
“Hey, Ed! Come back me up here! Draken always agrees with Mikey!” 
Jogging over to their little circle, the unease that’s followed him since the funeral grows into burning determination as [N/N] peers up at him, canines glinting as she smiles for the first time in months. 
He’d do anything for her.
[In another life, anything leads to his death.]
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settersimp · 2 years
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mistakes like this - masterlist
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↳ imaushi wakasa x sano y/n
synopsis. in which two people fall in love with each other, but one of them knows already that this love is not gonna last long. right?
genre. fluff, light angst, modern au, 18+, mild smut
tags. every part will have it's individual tags.
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↳ part one
↳ part two
↳ part three
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status. unpublished
all rights reserved © 2022 settersimp. please do not copy, repost, translate, or modify any of my writing
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taglist. @wakx @mor-pheus
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highpri3stess · 3 months
Oh my god, they’re…
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Monsters: Mikey Sano x Reader x Izana Kurokawa
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“They ate me alive and left me for dead”
series summary: your grievous sin was Emma standing up for you to her brothers. And now you’re going to pay the heavy price for destroying their perfect family dynamic.
updates: wednesdays and fridays
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Series masterlist
mood boards
series content warnings (read carefully): 18+, DARK CONTENT, Tokyo revengers AU, female reader, virgin reader, heavy smut, polyamory, Dark Impulse Mikey, Manipulative Izana, inaccurate/inconsistent university terminology, heavy angst with little comfort, betrayal, misogyny and sexism, emotional, physical and mental abuse, virginity loss, purity culture allusion, mental break, manipulation, gaslighting, sexual harrassment, dubious consent, noncon, drug, alcohol and substance misuse/abuse, extreme violence, use of weapons, torture, criminal activities, PTSD, paranoia, emotional incest, power imbalance, character death(s) (not reader), anal penetration, mention of self-harm, religious guilt and trauma, religious themes, vouyeurism, gangbang, masochism, sadism, hard kinks, strangulation (non sexual), psychological horror (more warnings to be added soon)
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Chapter 1: Warning Signals
summary: being friends with emma sano is nice, until you get on the wrong side of the Sano brothers.
word count: 9k
cw: misogyny, alcohol mention, sex mention, rape mention, brief religious mention, reader is called a whore/slut, slutshaming, sexual assault, noncon to dubcon, public initimacy, fingering (fem recieving), dacriphilia, gaslighting, manipulation, mention of vomitting, victim blaming, destructive thoughts, mention of violence (towards reader)
Chapter 2: Shots Fired
summary: izana kurokawa decides he has to teach you a bitter lesson that you wouldn't forget any time soon
word count: 7.5k
cw: smoking, mention of drugs, brief description of child abuse, childhood trauma and sex work, violence (against both character and reader), emotional incest, night terrors, allusions to sex, mention and brief description of rape, asphyxiation (non sexual), manipulation, slut shaming, near death experience, sexual assault, noncon, oral (m.recieving), face and throat fucking, attempted murder
Chapter 3: The Lesser of Two Devils
summary: the two brothers realize that peace with emma is within their grasp, they just need your cooperation
word count: 12.3k
cw: character x character smut - cunnilingus, struggling with sexual attraction, angst, mention of assault, physical violence, slut shaming, misogyny, intrusive/dark impulsive thoughts of murder and rape, manipulation, gaslighting, objectification of reader, mental health struggles, masking, breaking and entering, smut -character x reader, reader is threatened with r*pe, dubious consent, making out, dry humping, cunnilingus (reader receiving), pussy job, terrible aftercare, religious themes and guilt, panty stealing.
Chapter 4: The Calm
summary: emma decided you needed a break from all the stress of life and takes you to her home for a vacation and for a moment, you forget that reality is often disappointing .
word count: 12.5k
cw: male masturbation, academic fatigue, misogyny, objectification, one mention of unwanted pregnacy, implied drugging, age gap relationship, fluff to heavy angst, minor character death, murder, mental break down, panic attack, gang related violence, gun violence, metions of drug related business (c*caine), dubious consent, slight manipulation, mutual masturbation, fingering (fem. receiving), jerking off, nipple sucking, praise kink, squirting, proper aftercare.
Chapter 5: Act on Dark Impulses
summary: you knew better than to trust mikey and izana. yet you fall for their plan hook, line and sinker and live through the worst night of your life.
word count:
cw: coming soon
Chapter 6: The Closest you’ll ever get to being in Love
summary: things get sicker and twisted with the two brothers and Emma is none the wiser.
word count:
cw: coming soon
Chapter 7: Trials and Tribulation
summary: You learn the hard way what happens when you refuse to be their stress relief because of your important exams.
word count:
cw: coming soon
Chapter 8: Divine Intervention
summary: You are called home to bury your mother and learn that nothing has changed since you left.
word count:
cw: coming soon
Chapter 9: Lead Me not into Temptation
summary: emma notices that something isn’t right with you when you come visit her in the sano residence.
word count:
cw: coming soon
Chapter 10: Deliver Me from All Evil
summary: you’ve finally broken the cycle, but at what cost?
word count:
cw: coming soon
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notes from monica: I do not endorse any of these behaviors or any crime committed in this fic. This is purely for entertainment and introspection, please read the warnings for the series and each chapter and in case I missed anything, please dm me. If you are part of the taglist and you cannot read this fic because of your mental health, please, please and please alert me, I will take your name off. Your mental health first before my notes.
Thank you to my mutuals and all my followers who have supported me throughout and to those who will read this fic and support me. Since I began this account, I’ve made wonderful friends and I’ve been encouraged to write beyond my fears. Thank you, especially Zaya (@manjibunny) ! The mood boards turned out well because of you and all our discussions about the fic helped me a whole lot!
Anyways, enjoy. Asks, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. PLEASE I LOVE TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS AND THEORIES. It goes a long way to know what people think about my fics.
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This work belongs to monica. do not copy or steal my work, do not promote my work on tiktok or twitter and do not use my work in any AI or chatgpt program.
divider made by the lovely: @mikeykuns
banners, moodboards, gradient texts were all done by monica.
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series taglist (special thanks to): @honeybleed @manjibunny @reiners-milkbiddies @izanaki707 @rukiaslvr @ilovetwodmen @bbykoo-7 @tenjikusstuff4 @cockonoi @koffeenoe2 @kodzukein @lostsomewhereinthegarden @cashout-princess @aliyxh-o @kay-bear200 @iluv-ace @vixensbrainrotts @missgab @urmomsksk @sweeytheart @charcoal-xl @uradveragewhore @wcayaw @blueberry3muffin @haikyuusboringassmanager @diana-005 @perilous-pasta @kokoscutie @kannaaa015 @abadonkori @datura-inoxia
General taglist: @anemptypuddingcup , @happygoluckyalexis , @mastermindenoshimaalicia , @haitaniwhor3 , @iheartamajiki , @pinksilk , @lostsomewhereinthegarden , @bontensbabygirl , @linn-a-a , @leilalago , @ranscutedoll, @lovelygeniegirl1012 , @crackheadwithtoes , @haziel13, @reiners-milkbiddies , @k3rrpii @jalepp , @dreamingofyourmoons, @aceredhairliberal, @ateezbabysitters, @eroscastle , @hvziers 
Bolded can't be tagged. You can comment or send me an ask if you want to join the taglist.
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severelystrangewriter · 7 months
Meddling Friends (Kids) (Flufftober 2023 Day 7)
Pairing: shinichiro sano x female reader
WC: 1440
Warnings: none
Summary: shinichiro is lonely so emma, mikey, and izana take matters into their own hands
Note: idk how dating apps work but this idea was just too cute to pass up
“How tall is he?” Emma asked as she, Mikey, and Izana stared at the bio page of the dating app they downloaded on their older brother Shinichiro’s phone. They were currently huddled on the couch as they discussed it seriously.
“Like, six feet,” Mikey responded.
Emma hummed thoughtfully before typing, “I’ll put six foot two.”
“But that’s lying,” Izana argued.
“It’s for Shin’s sake,” Emma defended, “Now I need some interests, uh…”
“Motorcycles,” The three teenagers said at the same time and Emma diligently typed it out. Then she sat back thoughtfully, “Is that really all he has going for him?”
“Pretty much,” Mikey shrugged.
Emma shook her head, “We’ve gotta come up with something else… How about ‘I like to take long walks in the park and enjoy nature’ or something like that?”
“But that’d be even more lying,” Izana sighed.
“Do you want him to get a girlfriend or not?” Emma snapped, “This is Shin’s only hope, so we have to make him look good.”
“Put ‘loves kids’, some ladies like that stuff,” Mikey added, “And it’s true.”
Emma agreed and put it down, “Now all we need are some pictures.”
She went through his selfies and found the best photos of their older brother and added them to the profile. Then she smiled in satisfaction as she hit the finish button.
“Alright, it’s done!”
“What’s done?” Shinichiro’s voice sounded from the doorway causing the three siblings to jump in fright.
Emma was the first to recover as she proudly held out the phone, “Your dating profile!”
“I’ve been looking everywhere for this thing,” Shinichiro said as he took the phone back, then his sister’s words registered, “Wait, what dating profile?”
He looked down and his eyes widened at the sight of the dating app that hadn’t been there before.
“We took the liberty of making you one,” Izana explained, “You’re welcome.”
“Well I’m deleting it,” Shinichiro replied.
“No!” Emma tried to take the cell back, but he held it high in the air out of her reach. Mikey had the perfect solution and jumped on his older brother’s back, wrestling him to the floor as it became an all-out brawl for the phone. Just then his cell dinged with a notification, causing everyone to perk up.
Emma gasped excitedly, “Someone’s interested!”
“Really?” Shinichiro couldn’t keep the delight out of his tone as he sat up and looked back down at the device. He clicked on the notification and the dating app showed your bright smiling face. He made a noise, sounding impressed.
“She’s cute,” Mikey commented, peeking over his shoulder to see your picture.
Emma quickly scanned your bio and gasped again, “She sounds perfect for you!”
“You think?” Shinichiro found himself asking as he also looked over your information. “Well what do I do?”
“I think you swipe to match,” Izana explained, taking the phone and doing just that. Then he handed it back and continued, “Then you just message her.”
“Message her?” Shinichiro repeated in surprise, “What would I even say?”
“Well most people start with a hello,” Izana said like it was obvious.
“No! Do a joke! Show her you’re funny!” Emma advised.
“Is he though?” Mikey questioned blankly.
“I can be funny,” Shinichiro argued, furrowing his brows.
Before he could think of something to say, you sent the first message. 
“Is that her? What’d she say?” Emma asked.
“She said ‘hey’ with a smiley face,” Shinichiro answered, “Quick what do I say?”
“Just say it back,” Mikey shrugged, “Come on, you’ve held a conversation before.”
Ignoring that last part, Shinichiro did just that and soon you were replying.
That was the start of many messages shared between you and Shin. You two seemed to hit it off really well and had quite a bit in common. He found your mannerisms endearing and just genuinely enjoyed talking to you.
However, after about a month, Shinichiro still had yet to ask you on a date, the whole reason why the younger Sano siblings downloaded the app in the first place. Which is exactly what led them to take matters into their own hands once more.
“Have you guys seen my phone?” Shinichiro asked one day as he walked into the living room only to see Emma, Mikey, and Izana huddled around it again. “What are you doing?”
“Talking to (Y/n),” Emma replied nonchalantly, being the one actually holding the device.
“What?! With my phone? Did you at least tell her it was you?”
“No,” Mikey answered bluntly, and before Shinichiro could get his phone back, the phone dinged with a message.
Emma read it first and squealed excitedly, “She said yes!”
Shinichiro was lost, “Yes? Yes to what?”
Emma simply handed his phone over to her older brother with a smug smile on her face. “You have a date tomorrow!”
“You didn’t,” Shinichiro sounded breathless as he snatched the phone out of her hands. His heart was pounding in his chest as he looked over the messages of them asking you out by pretending to be him and you enthusiastically agreeing.
“It’s at the zoo at ten o’clock tomorrow morning,” Izana explained.
“You’re welcome,” Mikey added.
Shinichiro didn’t know what to do or say. It’s not like he could cancel the date because he didn’t want to seem like he wasn’t interested- he was very interested. He was just surprised you said yes.
So Shinichiro sucked it up and decided that he would make it the best date ever.
The next morning you both met up at the train station and made your way to the zoo. You were wearing a cute outfit and Shinichiro just put on a pair of nice jeans with a crisp white shirt that Emma insisted he ironed.
The date was going a lot smoother than Shinichiro thought it would go, much to his relief. You both laughed and joked as you went around to see the animals. There was even a point where you took the initiative and started holding his hand.
Finally, you suggested stopping somewhere for lunch which he agreed. You found a nice little restaurant and were currently waiting for your food.
“So is there a reason we’re being tailed by three kids wearing sunglasses, all pretending to read a newspaper?” You asked lowly out of nowhere, startling him.
Shinichiro furrowed his brows and you subtly nodded your head to the side, gesturing to a table not too far away. And sure enough, when he looked over he saw Mikey, Emma, and Izana sitting at the table, peeking over a big newspaper while wearing sunglasses. When they noticed they had been caught, they quickly ducked their heads behind the paper.
“They stick out like a sore thumb,” Shinichiro felt a wave of irritation as his eye twitched. They really don’t trust him to do anything, huh?
“I take it you know them?” You asked as you took a sip of your drink.
“Those are my siblings I was telling you about,” He replied with a huff.
“The ones that made your profile?” You tipped your lips up into a teasing smile, “And asked me out for you?”
Shinichiro buried his face in his hands and groaned, “Yes.”
You started giggling despite his distress.
“It’s not funny,” He whined, peeking at you through his fingers which made you laugh harder.
“It’s hilarious,” You responded, then when you gained some semblance of control, you grinned at him, “And actually really sweet. It just shows that they care about you.”
At this, Shinichiro lowered his hands, “You’re not weirded out?”
“Nah,” You shook your head, then you shrugged, “Do you wanna invite them to join us?”
“But what about our date?” He questioned.
“Do you want to spend the rest of our date being watched like zoo animals?” You countered, “Come on, it’ll be a nice bonding experience.”
Shinichiro felt a soft smile grow on his face, “You’re so cool.”
“I know,” You said sweetly.
And so you and Shinichiro invited the three teens to join you. They didn’t seem the slightest bit guilty for crashing your date as they immediately started asking you all sorts of questions to get to know you better. Shinichiro watched in fascination and adoration as you clicked with his siblings without hesitation.
They suggested going to the aquarium which was nearby and you walked with Shinichiro, holding his hand and laughing as Emma, Mikey, and Izana started pointing out fishes that they claimed looked like their older brother. Despite all the teasing, Shinichiro felt so grateful towards his younger siblings for meddling in his love life and leading him right to you.
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seijorhi · 1 year
it's still the weekend somewhere, right??
Matsuno Chifuyu, Baji Keisuke & Hanemiya Kazutora x female reader
w.c 6.3k
tw: noncon, yandere themes, character death, manga spoilers, minor blood and gore, violence, nsfw, smut, murder
Chifuyu remembers things he shouldn’t.
Events that never happened, fights, brawls, the death of his friends… his own demise, drugged and tied to a chair, the muzzle of Kisaki’s pistol, burning from the prior shot, pressed to his forehead in the split seconds before he pulled the trigger.
He remembers other things too. Futures that clash and diverge, timelines that can’t have existed, they play out in his head, over and over again.
“Who’s that chick talking with Emma?”
Chifuyu doesn’t have to follow Baji’s line of sight to know who he’s talking about. Inevitably though, he does, catching you giggle at something the blonde says, sipping absentmindedly at the glass of champagne clasped in your fingers. 
His gaze slips to the dress you’re wearing, a satiny, floor-length floral and blush number, lingering on the slit at your mid thigh – the flash of skin he gets when you shift your weight.
His throat dries, and Chifuyu covers it with a cough, tearing his attention back to the table, his own drink in front of him, a bead of condensation slowly rolling down the glass. “A friend of Hina’s.” He shoots Baji a brief, pointed look, “And she’s got a boyfriend.”
Fuyu remembers him, too. 
Baji’s canines glint in a toothy smirk. “Yeah? He here tonight?”
As if on cue, a familiar, handsome brunet appears at your side, leaning down to drop a kiss to your cheek, his arm winding loosely around your side. There’s nothing all that possessive about the gesture – it’s unthinking. Instinctual. It has you smiling, mid-way through whatever it is you’re saying to the youngest Sano.
His chest tightens.
That same man, not nearly so good looking with his face all smashed in, leaking brains and blood onto the concrete–
“Shame,” Kazutora, sitting on his other side, murmurs, his dark, honey eyes still drinking you in as he downs another mouthful of whiskey. The corner of his lip quirks up, “She’s cute.”
‘There. Problem solved.’
Chifuyu returns the grin, leaning back in the chair with an exaggerated sigh, “Do not get into a fight on Takemitchy’s wedding day.” He side-eyes Baji, “Either of you.”
“You scared of him?”
“No, I don’t want to be kicked out of the reception because you two idiots started an all out brawl,” he laughs, and prays that neither one of them notice that his hands are all clammy, gripping too tightly at his drink. 
“What kinda wedding doesn’t have at least one good fight?” Baji scoffs, only half serious – enough of a concession that something loosens inside of him and his next breath comes easier.
Baji won’t start a fight, Kazutora won’t start a fight. It’ll be fine. 
You’re close with Hina and Emma and friends with Takemichi by extension. But gone are the days of Toman, where they’d spend the better part of their time screwing around together. Their lives aren’t all tangled up like they used to be. Another few hours, and this’ll be over. You’ll be gone, taking your stupid, handsome boyfriend with you and Chifuyu won’t have to worry about seeing you again. He can go back to pretending that you don’t exist.
Anything else is…dangerous. 
Moments later, they’re joined by Mitsuya and Hakkai, Yuzuha drifting to join the girls, and the conversation shifts to other, safer topics. Plates of canapes come by, and they eat and drink and talk stupid shit, most of it laughing and reminiscing over the dumb things they’d done with Takemichi as kids. 
For a while, it feels like he can breathe. Relax, and enjoy this, because it didn’t come easy. 
And you, you look happy enough with whatever his fucking name is. Chifuyu tells himself that that’s a good thing, too. 
The night wears on, slow, romantic tunes drifting from the speakers. In small groups and pairs, their friends have begun to leave, either heading home to crash or to find somewhere more lively to keep the party going. 
Amongst the few couples remaining, Hina and Takemichi cling to each other, swaying drunkenly on the dance floor, oblivious to anyone or anything but the other. It’s cute, in a disgustingly mushy sort of way. For his part, Chifuyu hangs by the open bar, nursing a glass of whiskey and doing his utmost to focus on anything but the space you occupy, dancing with your boyfriend. 
“You’re staring again.”
“Fuck off,” the words come out more tired than anything else. 
Kazutora drops into the empty seat beside him. “From the moment she walked in tonight, you’ve been all… weird about her. Why?”
‘Please, you’ve gotta help me get out of here, he– he’ll be back any minute.’
Chifuyu shrugs, “‘s nothing, really she just… reminds me of someone, that’s all.”
Kazutora hums, looking entirely unconvinced. For whatever reason, and much to his relief, he decides not to push it.
Bruised, split knuckles grip your chin tight, ‘You’re gonna be good for us tonight,’ Baji smirks. ‘‘Cause I’m really, really not in the fuckin’ mood, princess.’
“C’mon,” Chifuyu says, knocking back the last of his whiskey and slamming the glass down. “We should head out. Some of us have to open the store tomorrow.”
Kazutora snorts, but follows suit without complaint. The sooner they’re gone – the sooner you’re out of sight, out of mind – the better.
When Chifuyu shoots awake with a gasp, pulse racing, heavy beads of sweat rolling from the nape of his neck down his spine, it’s to the sound of his phone vibrating insistently.
Kazutora, he realises when bleary eyes adjust to the bright screen, and with a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach, he answers the call.
Wide, panicked eyes meeting his, hands grasping tightly at his arms. Two bodies lie on the floor; only one draws breath.
‘It was an accident, I swear to fucking god– you have to believe me. You believe me, right, Fuyu?’
The sheer relief that hits when the first words out of Kazutora’s mouth aren’t some combination of ‘I fucked up’, but ‘It’s Baji’ nearly knocks the breath right out of him.
Least ‘til they’re followed up with ‘accident’ and ‘ER’. 
He’s never thrown clothes on quicker.
The stuff he remembers from before – the timelines that don’t exist – they’re not always clear. Sometimes it’s difficult for him to place certain events in the right order, in the right timeline. He doesn’t always remember the knock on effect.
Baji’s death isn’t like that. 
You don’t forget that kind of pain. And yeah, maybe he got Kazutora out of it in the end, but fuck it almost destroyed him.
They saved him, though. They went back and they fixed it. He survived and Emma survived and Mikey and Draken and everyone – this is the future they’d fought tooth and nail for. This is their happily ever fucking after, and he can’t–
He won’t consider the possibility of another future without either one of his best friends in it.
Bursting through the doors of the ER, he feels all jumbled, heart beating out a frantic rhythm, breath coming ragged as though he’d physically run the five miles to get here. He scours the room… and spots Baji half propped up in a bed on the other side of the ward.
Awake, looking like he’d been dragged halfway to hell but–
Okay. He’s okay. 
The tension – part of it at least – lifts itself from his shoulders with a shaky exhale. 
Kazutora, sprawled across a chair beside him, notices him before Baji does. “You look like shit,” he comments, a wry grin tugging at his lips.
It earns him a smack to the back of his head as Chifuyu slides on past, grabbing another nearby seat and plonking himself down. 
“What the fuck happened to you?” He tries to laugh it off, really he does. There’s a few bandages, what looks like a broken arm, some cuts and grazes on his face. They’ve all landed themselves in the ER in worse states than this and come out the other side perfectly fine, but he can’t–
He can’t stop seeing it play out in his head, over and over. 
Baji dying. The sense of utter helplessness that swallowed him whole, clutching his dead body in his arms. The sound of his best friend’s last breath, that fucking smile–
‘I’d kill for some peyoung yakisoba right now.’
Baji scoffs, “Some asshole clipped me is what fucking happened.” Side-eyeing him, he adds, “Relax, dude, it’s nothing. I’m fine.”
He really needs to lighten the fuck up. 
“We’re waiting on–”
“–go already?! You got me here, I don’t need your help anymore, go home.”
Chifuyu’s eyes – Baji’s and Kazutora’s too– shift instinctively to the source of the outburst. Wheeled in by a nurse, your boyfriend trailing behind you like a kicked puppy, Chifuyu’s heart leaps into his throat at the sight of you, tear stricken, pain etched over every inch of the scowl you wear, clutching an ice pack to your ankle. 
Fearful eyes flicker between them, silently pleading for a reprieve. ‘But I-I haven’t done anything.’
He hums contentedly, and takes your hand in his, fingers entwining to bring it to his cheek, nuzzling against the soft skin. “Maybe not… but you were thinking about it. So pick one, or I’ll break them both.”
Something dark and unpleasant roils in his stomach.
“Babe, can we–” your boyfriend glances around the room, visibly cringing at unwanted attention the two of you have drawn. He lowers his voice to a hushed whisper, “Can we talk about this later? I get that you’re upset–”
Beside him, Kazutora’s head tilts, “Isn’t that…?” 
“Considering it’s your fault that I’m here in the first place, yeah, you could say I’m pretty pissed!” you snap.
The nurse, doing her absolute best to ignore the squabbling and maintain some air of professionalism, gives you a sympathetic look as she parks the wheelchair next to a bed opposite the three of them and helps you up. “The doctor won’t be long,” she says, patting your shoulder before she turns to depart.
… Not without a sharp, pointed glare towards your harried looking boyfriend. 
That’s all background noise. Chifuyu’s too busy turning those words over and over in his head, waiting for them to click.
Your fault.
Your. Fault. 
And his eyes shift back to the ice pack you’re holding to a swollen ankle, the sheen of tears on your face, and a sudden, violent urge claws its way to the surface. It takes every ounce of self control he possesses not to launch himself across the room and start beating the shit out of him right there and then.
If he touched you, if that asshole fucking hurt you–
“That’s not fair. I said I was sorry–”
“Oh, you’re sorry?! Go to hell, Ginji! Actually, no. On second thought why don’t you go back to Rin’s instead, sounded like her bed was real cold without you there to fucking warm it!” 
While your voice quavers, the words are no less acidic. No less furious. You might be on the verge of shattering, but if looks could kill, your piece of shit boyfriend would be dead twice over.
Ginji stands there, mouth opening and closing soundlessly, floundering for words. 
He goes to touch your shoulder only to second guess himself, his hand hovering awkwardly in the air for a moment, then dropping back down to his side – a good decision on his part, considering Chifuyu’s half tempted to march his way over there and break it. 
Cheating? That piece of shit was cheating on you? 
Huh. Maybe the universe does have a sense of humour after all, twisted as it is.
Your boyfriend at least has the decency to look ashamed of himself, cheeks flushing pink. Rather than meeting your accusatory stare, his eyes are downcast, the speckled linoleum suddenly infinitely more interesting to the man. 
“It was a mistake,” he admits, choking the words out like they’re physically stuck in his throat. “I shouldn’t– I never meant to hurt you. I love you.”
Bitterly, you scoff, and Ginji flinches like you’ve struck him.
Good, Chifuyu thinks. Someone should hit the asshole. 
He, Baji and Kazutora aren’t the only ones drawn in by your argument. The doctors and nurses that breeze past, slowing their pace ever so slightly to catch a few seconds more, the patients in the beds around you, subtly leaning in, hushing their friends and families to better hear the drama unfold.
If you were less worked up, all the attention you two have drawn would probably bother you a hell of a lot more than it currently is. 
You weren’t the kind of girl who got off on causing a scene. The nosiness, complete strangers watching something deeply personal between you two unravel like it’s free entertainment, he almost feels bad for you. 
Then again, he’s seen you in far more compromising, vulnerable positions than this, and enjoyed it, too. 
Any guilt he might’ve felt – should have felt – was buried a long, long time ago. He’s not all that interested in digging it back up, and even if he wanted to, Chifuyu’s not so sure he could tear himself away.
“Just… go away,” you mutter. “Haven’t you done enough tonight?”
From your vantage point, staring misty eyed at your lap, you miss the way your boyfriend’s expression hardens. Chifuyu doesn’t.
He sighs, long suffering, “You’re being stubborn for the sake of it, you can’t get home on your own. You can barely walk, babe.”
“I’ll manage.” A curt dismissal.
“We can drive her home.”
Chifuyu’s soul ascends from his body, eyes incredulous – horrified – as he turns his head to find Kazutora staring straight at Ginji, eyes dark and glittering, a smile on his lips. 
It isn’t a pleasant expression. 
Your boyfriend rounds on the three of them, straightening his shoulders, shifting to hide you from view as though they’re some sort of a threat and he could in any way actually shield you from it.
(The first part is true, his subconscious reminds him. The second undoubtedly isn’t.)
“I’m sorry, who are you?” he sneers, shooting them a disdainful glower. “Mind your own damn business, we’re having a private conversation here.”
… A super private conversation with half the ER listening in. If he weren’t so on edge, Chifuyu might be tempted to laugh at that. As it is, his expression only tightens. 
Baji, bruised, bloodied and bandaged, matches Kazutora’s grin from his position propped up on the bed. The idiot barely escaped becoming roadkill, yet still manages to look like he wants nothing more than to start beating the shit out of your boyfriend right in the middle of the ER.
This is dangerous territory. His fingers twitch and flex, glancing uneasily between you, your boyfriend and his friends, trying to think of the right words to say to diffuse this situation, to get their attention off of you, you away from that asshole, and–
‘I hate you.’
Chifuyu presses a kiss to your naked shoulder, drawing himself closer to steal your warmth. ‘I know.’
“Oh my god, would you stop, Gin!” you snap, taking all four of them by surprise. Quieter, you add, “They’re Michi’s friends, don’t be rude.” 
That, it seems, is the breaking point for your boyfriend. 
He spares you an incredulous look, and shakes his head with a scoff, “Yeah, whatever. Call me when you wanna act like an adult about this and we can talk.” 
“Run along now,” Kazutora taunts, not quite quick enough to dodge the sharp elbow Chifuyu jabs into his ribs.
With one final huff, Ginji does exactly that. 
The moment his figure disappears through the sliding double doors, you let out a shuddering gasp, crumbling in on yourself as a fresh wave of tears bursts forth. On sheer instinct alone, Chifuyu’s halfway out of his seat before his brain’s registered he’s moved at all – only to stop dead in his tracks when one of the ER docs materialises at your bedside, chart in hand, and introduces herself. 
He swallows, forcing himself back into the uncomfortable plastic chair. 
“Dude, you good?” Again, if he were in a better mood perhaps he’d appreciate the humour in Baji, laid up in a hospital bed, being the one to ask if he’s okay.
Nobody says much after that. 
He’s distinctly aware of the curious, borderline concerned glances from his friends – not to mention the ones they share with each other – he’s hard pressed to care when his attention keeps getting pulled over to where you’re getting your exam, every wince and muffled cry of pain like knives under his skin, all too familiar.
You clutch at him with hands like claws, desperate, wailing, crying, a gross mix of snot and tears dribbling down your face as fingers poke and prod at your injured leg.
‘Stop being a dick, we need to set it or it won’t heal properly.’
Another twist of his wrist and you choke out another scream, burying your face in his chest to sob. 
His hand now rubbing soothingly at your calf, Kazutora’s expression turns thoughtful, ‘…Wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, would it?’ His eyes meet Chifuyu’s, ‘If it didn’t heal right, I mean.’ 
When they bring you back from getting an x-ray, rather than the bed you were in before, the one opposite them, the nurse wheels you over to the recently vacated bay next to Baji’s.
“So you can wait with your friends,” she says kindly, helping you up onto the bed. 
He waits for you to tell her that they’re not really your friends, that this has all been blown way out of proportion and you barely know them – which is the truth. 
You don’t, simply thanking her with a polite nod, and once she’s out of earshot you collapse back against the pillows with a sigh, “At least the pain meds are kicking in.” You turn your head to look at them, “Thanks, by the way. You don’t actually have to drive me home. You guys did enough getting him out of here.”
Baji opens his mouth–
“Did he do that to you?” Chifuyu cuts in before either of the others have a chance to reply, jerking his chin towards your swollen, most likely broken ankle. “You said…”
Your fault. 
There’s zero moral high ground for him to stand on, he’s perfectly aware of that, but it’s been bugging him ever since those words slipped out. If Chifuyu finds out that asshole actually laid a fucking hand on you, he’s gonna lose it.
If anyone – anyone – hurts you this time around, promises or not, he’s going to return the favour without hesitation; eye for an eye, tooth for fucking tooth.
Nobody touches you. 
For a second you frown at him, confused, and then something must click because you laugh, sad and more than a little sheepish, and shake your head. “No, no, not like that. We were fighting about the whole… sleeping with his ex thing.” His fingers curl into a fist. “I went to storm out of the apartment, he grabbed my wrist to stop me and I tripped. Pretty dumb, right?”
He doesn’t laugh with you. None of them do.
Chifuyu gets a text from Takemitchy the next day. Between all the emojis and the exclamation marks, it’s a thank you note. You’re practically a sister to Hina, and now that they’re married, a sister to him, too.
All he did was drive you home, and Takemichi’s acting like he stepped in front of a bullet.
Yeah, Chifuyu’s a real knight in shining armour. 
… A masochist, maybe.
Ignoring the fresh wave of self disgust that settles inside of him, he sends a thumbs up in response. 
What else is he supposed to say; yeah, no worries, it’s the least I could do after making her life a misery the past few goes ‘round?
They’ve all done bad things, he won’t deny that. Killed people. Hurt people. Kazutora stabbed Baji, Draken ended up on death row for murdering Kisaki, in multiple timelines Mikey was either directly or indirectly responsible for all of their deaths. Even Takemitchy lost his way once or twice before he caught up with himself.
And it’s not that he holds that against any of them. Takemitchy certainly doesn’t. Things were fucked up for a long time, and each of them became fucked up people trying to deal with that. 
But in the same way he can’t be around Kisaki without wanting to throttle him, Chifuyu can’t look at you without seeing every awful, horrible act they put you through play out in his head like a movie that won’t turn off. Rewriting the timeline doesn’t erase that. It doesn’t absolve him of the guilt.
So he stays away. Keeps Baji and Kazutora away. 
Or tries to, at least.
A few hours after Takemichi’s text, his phone lights up again, vibrating to announce a new message, this time from a number he doesn’t recognise. 
Hey, I got your number from Michi! Hope you don’t mind–
There’s more, he doesn’t read the rest. Deletes the message, switches his phone to do not disturb and shoves it back into the pocket of his jeans, forcing himself to focus on the inventory lists in front of him and not the pounding in his chest. 
Chifuyu’s trying, he’s trying so fucking hard. You’re not making this any easier.
A week and a half later, the weather outside is miserable and the store is quiet when, a little before closing, the bell above the door rings, announcing a customer. 
Baji with his busted arm sits at the counter, Kazutora busy with restocking the shelves, so Chifuyu, out the back working through the month's expenses and wondering (not for the first time) why he hasn’t yet hired an accountant to do this for him, ignores it.
At least until he hears an all too familiar sound trickling through the door, one that sends a pang straight to his heart. 
Your laugh.
Unmistakable, unforgettable, Chifuyu’s mind goes blank and like a dog with a scent he’s out, weaving his way to the front of the store, chasing after it. He finds you, moon boot and all, leaning up against the front counter, laughing at something Baji’s said.
The image of you, relaxed, perfectly at ease, happier than he’s seen you for a while – the wedding included – does a funny thing to his insides. And then you turn to face him, your countenance brightens and for a good few seconds he forgets how to breathe.
You’ve always been beautiful to him – smiling, though, it’s a gut punch. Palms sweaty, heart racing, he’s struck dumb. 
‘Fuyu–Fuyu, please–N-ugh!’
‘Don’t know what you’re begging him for, princess. Chifuyu’s not gonna help you.’ 
Baji’s hand curls through your hair, dragging your torso up to meet his bare, sweat slicked chest. Dark eyes glint, his tongue drags along your neck, teeth nipping at your earlobe, causing you to whimper. 
He laughs meanly, ‘He’s enjoying this too much.’
“You’re here,” he replies lamely, glancing to his left to find Kazutora watching him with thinly veiled amusement. 
You take it in stride, “Well yeah, you never replied to my message, so I had to ask Hina for the address. You’re a difficult guy to get a hold of.” 
The teasing lilt in your voice tells him you’re only joking, his cheeks flush anyway.
“How’s the ankle?” he asks instead.
“Better! Still a pain, but you know, it could’ve been worse. I can walk… kinda. More of a hobble, I guess.”
“Least you can take yours off when you’re showering,” Baji grumbles from behind the counter.
You laugh, “True.” To Chifuyu, you add, “I wanted some stuff for Bean, and since you never replied to my message, I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone and swing by.”
“Bean?” Kazutora asks, completely abandoning all pretence of working to draw closer and join in on the conversation.
“My kitten. She’s a little terror.” 
… You used to play with the strays Kazutora brought home, he remembers that. Talked to them in that soft baby voice, coaxing them closer for pats and treats. Let them curl up and fall asleep on your lap when you were reading or watching tv. 
It was almost definitely an act of petty defiance, showering the felines in love and affection all the while ignoring them as much as they’d allow. Hard to take it to heart, though, when watching you fawn over them was pretty much the cutest thing he’d ever seen. 
“Anyway, there’s this new noodle bar that’s opened up down the road. You guys are almost finished up, right? Let me have a look around for a few things for Bean, you can close up and we’ll go. My treat.”
He arches an eyebrow, “Because we drove you home?”
“Because you didn’t have to drive me home, or stand up to Ginji, or keep me company in the first place,” you counter, still with that same open earnestness, that soft expression that has his insides all tied up in knots. “And because I want to. Are you really going to turn down a free meal?”
The universe is fucking with him. Punishing him, maybe. 
And it’d be so, so easy to blame you for it – you’re like one of those sad, beaten down dogs that keeps returning to its master no matter how many times they’re kicked – except there’s no version of this where he’s the good guy, and you don’t remember anything different. 
Chifuyu’s expression shifts into a paper thin smile. “Take your time looking around,” he tells you. “But dinner… It was just a lift, no need to make a big deal out of it. We’re good.” 
“Oh, yeah– no, of course! I um, I won’t keep you guys long.”
It’s Kazutora, watching the exchange with that same considering look he’d worn back at the wedding, who cuts in, saving Chifuyu from responding. “No rush, take as long as you want.”
Your eyes flicker back to Chifuyu, hesitant now, unsure. Still, you paper over that disappointment, your expression not quite as bright as the one before, but genuine all the same. “Thanks, I mean it. And… if you change your mind about dinner,” you shrug easily, “the offer’s open.”
He only nods, turning sharply on his heel to leave before you can get another word in. 
Before you can convince him that dinner is in any way a good idea. 
You shouldn’t make him feel like this – not guilty. No, he’d take the guilt in heaping droves, he certainly deserves it. You make him feel all off kilter, like his heart’s beating out of sync, and his whole body’s wired wrong. 
You stick in his head, refusing to budge. To give him a minute’s fucking peace.
And as he makes it back into the sanctuary of his office, firmly shutting the door behind him and falling back against it with an unsteady breath out, Chifuyu wonders if this isn’t your own brand personal of torture. 
If it is, it’s sure as hell working. 
Fingers wind into your hair, Chifuyu shudders, groaning appreciatively at the sight before him. 
Your eyes are big, swimming with desperate, pretty tears as you choke and gag around the cock stuffing your face. For him it’s heaven – the plush, wet heat of your mouth, the tiny spasms of your throat closing around him when he pushes in deeper.
He curses, moaning louder, dragging your face to his pelvis and holding it there, rutting his hips faster, fucking your face as you beat and claw at his thighs, unable to breathe. That blistering thread of pleasure deep in his core pulls taut–
Chifuyu’s eyes snap open, heart pounding, and he gasps for air. In his boxers, his cock twitches insistently, half hard and aching, the phantom sensation of your lips wrapped around it too fresh to ignore. 
If he had a shred of decency left in him, he’d go and take a cold shower. If he were more awake, if it weren’t the dead of the night, if his bed wasn’t so comfortable, and the memory of you swallowing him down any easier to banish.
His hand snakes down into his boxers, and as he bites down on his bottom lip to muffle any noise and takes himself in hand, rubbing the now throbbing length, he tries not to think about how disgusted you’d be if you could see him now. 
You’re at Takemichi’s birthday, chatting animatedly with Pah’s girlfriend when he arrives. You brighten when you see him though, and wave. Half heartedly, he returns it, then spends the rest of the night doing his utmost to avoid you.
Which in no way deters the birthday boy himself from plopping down beside him, beer in hand, and awkwardly attempting to set you two up. 
“She’s great! And y’know, she’s pretty and super nice. And um, she broke up with that Ginji guy so she’s single right now as well.”
He bites back an bitter laugh, and risks another glance your way. 
A few days later, Chifuyu runs into said ex on his way home from a late night beer and snack run. The brunet doesn’t notice him, minding his own business up ahead on the sidewalk. 
There’s nothing in particular that sets him off. He’s not even sure it was a conscious decision. One minute they’re walking, the next they’re down an alleyway out of sight and he’s on top of Ginji, beating the absolute shit out of him.
And he can’t stop.
His fists are slick with blood, knuckles split, and the wet thwacking of flesh hitting flesh drowns out the sound of his own haggard breath, the yelps that turn into grunts and groans, and then garbled nothings.
In his head, the images shift, coming one after the other, relentless–
You, flinching away from his touch, trying in vain to hide your tears.
Baji, panting, balls deep inside of you, forcing your lips together in a violent kiss. 
The sick, soft delight playing in Kazutora’s eyes, his fingers tracing idle patterns into your shoulder as you sleep. ‘She’s perfect, isn’t she?’
He can’t stop.
He can’t stop.
“Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
Chifuyu blinks, jerking back to the present in time to realise that the shelf he’s been re-stocking is already full, and he’s been standing there mindlessly trying to shove extra products into a space they physically won’t fit for god only knows how long. 
He shakes his head, clearing his throat and glances at Baji. “Nothing, it’s– I’m fine.”
From the disbelieving look on his face, the single raised eyebrow, he can tell Baji doesn’t buy it. Chifuyu can’t blame him, really – it’s been days of this, operating on some weird, malfunctioning autopilot, pretending that everything’s a-okay when he hasn’t slept and barely eats. He can’t close his eyes without seeing you.
He’d honestly be more surprised if his friends hadn’t noticed anything amiss. 
“I’m good,” he repeats, forcing a tight smile. 
Is this what it feels like to lose his mind?
When Takemichi calls him late one night a few days later, he’s expecting some sort of well intentioned – albeit clumsy and heavy-handed – attempt at an intervention.
‘We’re worried, you’ve been acting kinda… strange lately. You know you can always talk to us, right?’
He’d have to be blind to miss the shared looks between Baji and Kazutora at work. More than once he’d walked in on the two of them whispering between themselves, only for them to separate and act completely oblivious the second they noticed him. 
Chifuyu wouldn’t put past either one of them to confide in Michi about it, either. 
As it turns out, he’s wrong.
The day of your funeral, it rains all day. Not a light drizzle either; black skies and rumbling thunder, a deluge that won’t let up. It feels fitting.
Chifuyu puts on a suit, drives with Baji and Kazutora to join Takemichi and their friends at the shrine. Neither one of them ask why he’s adamant on going to the funeral of a girl he barely knew.
They don’t say much of anything at all. 
An older couple is standing by the doors when they arrive, greeting the mourners as they enter. It takes him a second to realise that they must be your parents. Your mother cries quietly, your father shaking hands and thanking them in a stiff, thick voice for coming.
Once inside, he spots Hinata in her kimono first, crying her eyes out on a misty eyed Michi’s shoulder, Emma standing to her left, not faring much better. But the others are there too, dotted throughout the room; Draken, Mikey, Pah and Pe-yan. Mitsuya with his sisters, Hakkai with his. 
Whether they’re here for you or in support of Hinata and Takemichi, he doesn’t know, nor can he muster the energy to care. 
Chifuyu says little the entire time, jaw set, bloodshot eyes rimmed in red, and the only thing he can focus on throughout the service – the only thing keeping him together – is the deathly tight grip Baji keeps on his shoulder and Kazutora’s hand locked around his. 
A mugging gone wrong. What kind of sick fucking joke is that?
They put you through hell, you suffered and suffered and suffered, and he fixed it. He did everything right this time; kept his distance and nearly drove himself insane, and for what?
You were supposed to have some kind of a future.
If you weren’t with them, then you were supposed to be happy. 
Instead you’re gone, and Chifuyu can’t feel anything. 
There’s just… nothing. A gaping, jagged hole in his chest, and he realises that he was wrong earlier. Losing his mind wasn’t forcing himself to give you up and stay away, losing his mind is staring at the coffin holding your dead body.
Takemitchy, tipsy and loose-lipped, told him once about how he’d gained the time leaping ability. How Shin had, before him. 
A fist pounds at the door, “Oi, hurry up. We’re gonna be late!”
Chifuyu lets out a breathless laugh. 
His shirt’s rumpled, tie askew, the waistcoat and jacket laid out on the bed in preparation for today carelessly shoved aside, and as for his pants – they’re unbuckled and hanging from his thighs.
His hips snap forward, drawing a sharp squeal from you, which he’s quick to soothe with another feverish kiss. “Shh, almost–” he pants, licking his lips, “almost there.” 
And true to his word, he picks up the pace, moaning at the way your tight little pussy clenches reflexively around him, spasming under the relentless barrage of his cock stuffing you full, molding your insides to the shape of him. 
You’re probably still sore and oversensitive from earlier. They hadn’t been gentle, Tora spreading your legs and shoving his face between your thighs before you’d even woken up, Baji quick to join in on the fun. You’d whined and sniffled and pleaded, tearfully begging for them to stop, but you always look so cute like that, shuddering and wrecked, cumming for them in a fucked out stupor over and over.
He knows they should treat you better, take a little more care with you – at least with stuff like this. Right now, though, it’s impossible to think of anything but chasing his own pleasure, fucking you deeper, faster, the sheer bliss of you milking every last drop of cum from his cock while he groans out your name.
He’ll make it up to you later. 
Your nails rake down his back, harsh enough to draw blood if not for his shirt, and he hisses in pleasure. Your tears, the breathless pleas, even the weak struggles beneath him, none of it breaks through that haze, he’s wholly lost to the pleasure of your cunt. His grip on you tightens, drawing you closer, your naked, heaving tits pressed against his chest. He can feel your racing heart pounding. 
His head tips back, mouth falling open. The rhythm of the onslaught gives way to urgency, hips faltering, punching himself deeper in short, rabbitting paps.
You hide your face in his shoulder, clinging to him, choking back a sob–
“Fuyu! For fuck’s sake, if you don’t hurry the hell up and finish, we’re going to miss the damn wedding!” Baji snarls through the door.
You tense, toes curling, and squeeze so tightly around his cock that Chifuyu loses control entirely, pleasure exploding like stars behind his eyes, ripping through him violently as spurts of hot, thick cum splatter your insides. His hips rock into you, and he murmurs your name in a contented sigh, riding out his orgasm with a few last, lazy thrusts.
When the wave eventually recedes and he catches his breath, he carefully eases his cock free, lowers you down to the bed – paying no mind to the cum that dribbles from your abused cunt onto the bedsheets below – and presses an affectionate kiss to your forehead. 
“You’re so good to us,” he mumbles, collapsing down beside you. 
You stiffen at the words. Fat, glistening tears well in your eyes and spill silently down your lashes. Gently, he thumbs them away, but you don’t say anything.
You rarely do these days, if you can help it. 
If he weren’t in such a rush, he’d take the time to clean you up, get you some water. Instead, he has to make do with a quick kiss, forcing himself to get up and fix his appearance, tucking his spent cock back into his pants.
Takemitchy’ll almost definitely have a meltdown if they’re not at the venue soon. 
Racing around the room, gathering up his clothes and throwing them on, he keeps a half an eye on you. You don’t move beyond a soft, shaking tremble, your quiet sobs tugging at his heartstrings. 
This is better than the alternative, though.
You might not see that yet, but that doesn’t make it any less true. And they love you. He loves you. If it keeps you alive and safe and with them, he won’t apologise for it.
The simple truth of it is he, Baji and Kazutora – they can’t survive without you, and you can’t survive without them. 
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infranuz · 1 year
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“ MY GF’S FAMOUS ” — tokyo revenger headcanons ( x fem )
where tokyorev boys s/o is a kpop idol,, female reader,, draken, mikey, baji, mitsuya, chifuyu ,, modern au
— IVE BEEN WANTING TO DO THIS FOR SO LONG, just thinking abt it always had me thinking of ideas to how they would all have their kpop idol s/o im so glad to finally be writing this &lt;3
warnings;; none I think (hopefully..) most likely bad spelling and a lot of grammar mistakes (not proofread bc it’s late and I’m too sleepy,, hopefully everything is right tho..)
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ryuguji ken “draken”
surprisingly he actually knows a thing or two about kpop and idols. Was surprised to see you pop up on tv when he stayed over with Mikey because Emma actually likes ur group. “Woah Ken-chin!! isn’t that [name]??” Draken seriously had to double check to see if it was actually you.
When you actually told him you were a kpop idol he kissed your forehead and said “I know” so proudly. Believe it or not he brags about it to his friends “my girlfriend is a kpop idol, you should stream their music!!”
ALSO he once dragged you along to a party (mitsuyas bday party) and everyone was there, when I tell you hakkai froze and almost fainted at the sight of you. #3 biggest and supporter right there (according to draken) you had to kind of step out for a second with draken before hakkai had a heart attack.
still he was so happy to meet you (his bias btw..) many congratulations and nice to meet you’s from him.
at some point paparazzi actually noticed you with him out on a date (thankfully they didn’t get to snap any pictures) draken dragged you out of the park as fast as he could covering you with his hoodie. he protects you from paparazzi you can’t tell me otherwise &lt;3
BONUS: whenever he hears your songs pop up on the radio (no matter where he is) he turns it all the way up. If anyone is around him he recommends your unit to them. “They’re really good specially [name]!!” (Of course he also looks up to your group members he just likes to brag about you a lot <33)
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sano manjiro “mikey”
Once again,, surprisingly knows what kpop is all because of his sister. (I’m telling you Emma is a kpop Stan u can’t tell me otherwise) when he actually gets into your music he’s hooked
He would steal Emma’s photocard collection of you or pretty much anything with your face or name on it. Wouldn’t even feel guilty abt it, not one bit “she’s my gf I think that’s enough explanation!!” “WELL I BOUGHT IT SO ITS MINE” yeah they would both argue until you actually gave Emma new signed merch
MOVIE NIGHTS WITH HIM AND HIS SISTER and many Shinichiro.. you can’t tell me otherwise. You guys would have pop corn and snacks before watching the movie all while having your groups music playing on the background (supportive bf I love him <;3)
He hates paparazzi sm, I feel like he would be really jealous of other people taking pictures of you specially when you’re just trying to have a nice time at some cafe. Anytime paparazzi came to bash you and take pictures with you he would cling onto you and cover you from their view. “Only I should be able to take pictures of you” with a pouty face
You would take him to meet your group members and he would ask for autographs from each of them (to brag to Emma ofc). The dude doesn’t even know their names.. it’s okay tho because he’s now best friends with them!!
He actually stayed on set once you guys were filming an mv for your recently released song. Your group tried to get him to try and learn the dance (he actually made it to the behind the scenes videos which was him dancing with your group)
he reads those [name] x reader fan fictions, hee proud of it actually. Others can keep imagining while he can actually have the real thing, im almost sure he would actually have a fan account just for you.
he 100% goes to your concerts with Emma, you actually reserve him and his sister seats. Most of the time you’re always looking at him when you’re performing. if you send him kisses or winks while you’re dancing he’ll immediately go insane.
he gets backstage privileges. yes he does indeed get that privilege. always congratulated you and your group mates for your amazing performance. is extremely clingy after you guys leave for the hotel you booked. he ends up staying with you because he’s too lazy to drive back to his own house.
BONUS: CUDDLES, the best cuddles you’ve ever received in your life, specially after an exhausting performance. he takes care of you <33 “you did great today”
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baji keisuke
he has some idea what kpop or idols are.. the moment you told him he just said “cool” Chifuyu would be the one to explain it to him. Afterwards he would be happy to listen to your songs and even buy your albums
100% convinced his mother would listen to you, idc idc fight me she would. His mother loves you i know she does, the moment you visited baji to meet his mother she cried tears of joy. give this woman free merch SIGNED, dude you would go as far as to take her to your group members so she could meet them all sobs.
once you were tired like really tired since you were coming from endless hours of practice so all you wanted was to spend time with your bf.. you knocked on the door and when he let you in all of his friends were there playing a board game
chifuyu who had begged baji to let him meet you immediately greeted you, bro was fascinated, astonished, flabbergasted to finally see you in flesh and bone. that day you stayed over and played games with them by the end of it you fell asleep. baji tucked you into his bed and afterwards fell asleep hugging you.
HE LOATHES ABSOLUTELY HATES PAPARAZZI. he almost punched one of them once because you were caught completely off guard as they took pictures of you with the flash on. “Piss off cant you see we’re busy??” Most of your fans actually think he’s rude but he’s a sweet guy who just wants to protect his gf <;3
No but fr he would go as far as to break some cameras just so you could have some relaxing time without having to worry about paparazzi. although many attempts have failed because there is abt 100 pictures of you and baji online having dates and picnics.. let’s just say he’s pretty pissed off abt it
baji would 100% teach you how to protect yourself from weird people, pervs and all that stuff. “There’s weird people out there so you need to know how to at least land a punch” you actually ended up sending some perv to the hospital for kicking him where it hurts. baji was proud yet disgusted at how the man even tried to make a move.
BONUS: yk how cats often come into his room, you always take care of them with baji when you stay over. it’s as if the cats were your children and you and baji were their parents.
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mitsuya takashi
mitsuya actually listened to your songs even before you started dating. he was quite lucky (as he claims) to have met you that rainy day that you had forgotten your umbrella and he had offered his. “excuse me? here you can use my umbrella if you want” he was so sweet about it “ah, thank you so much I can’t afford my papers getting wet, will you be fine?”
you were surprised he didn’t bash you with questions and asking for an autograph so you guessed he didn’t know who you were. you ended up giving him your personal number so you could return his umbrella. he was shocked when he found out who you actually were,, the rest is pretty much history
his sisters love you, you always make sure to bring them some type of gift before visiting. mitsuya actually tries to get you to not buy them anything because he thinks it’s a lot but cmon now mana and luna deserve love. they wanted your groups albums for Christmas and they got that and more, you got all your group members to record some type of video and greeting they thanked you profusely afterwards
he’s a designer and you are an idol.. guess what that means. HE MAKES YOUR OUTFITS,, he totally does I know it. anytime your group and you come up with a theme for your mvs Mitsuya always offers to make your outfits. you always proudly wear all of his creations,, like for an interview?? red carpet?? music video?? or just an outfit overall Mitsuya is your guy.
paparazzi would be asking you who the designer is and all you have to say is “This is a piece made by my boyfriend, Mitsuya Takashi.. thank you for asking” he gained a few hundred of followers that day.
dates a lot of dates with him whenever you have free time, even tho paparazzi may sometimes ruin it’s okay because there’s a few 20 new pictures of both of you online showing the world how in love u are.
BONUS: movie nights with him and his sisters, it’s pretty much basically just you and Mitsuya since mana and luna always fall asleep on the first 10 minutes of the movie. anyway it’s more time for you and Mitsuya so win win??
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matsuno chifuyu
now this little silly he has a whole shelf full of your groups albums, magazines and posters. he listens, streams, quite literally enjoys your music (he stans new jeans and wonder girls you can’t tell me otherwise)
your relationship is pretty much public, all of your fans know who he is. I believe they follow peke j’s Instagram account, (it’s what they love most abt your bf) like his cats account has more followers than his own main acc😭
every time you stay at chifuyu house you always make sure to bring some type of treat for peke j, he absolutely adores you. cuddle peke j and leave chifuyu outside his own bed quite literally
LIBRARY DATES,, you both go to the library to check out/buy manga and other books you may like. you guys have those cute little cafe dates where you guys either spend your time reading or just talking about your day and life
he watches your interviews, AND he was once invited to go into one. like a couple interviews or yk those interviews where couples get cards with questions that only they know abt each other. or just cute games for couples,, yeah those basically. fan base went crazy after that interview dropped
you planned on adopting a cat once so chifuyu recommended some adoption centers. sadly you didn’t end up adopting a cat but you did get a date at a cat cafe so a loss and a win?? “look at this cat!! her name is bee she’s so cute” so many cats surrounded him it was cute <33
he’s neutral abt paparazzi tbh, he just dislikes it when you feel uncomfortable being bashed by so many people at the same time. sadly he can’t do much about them,, but when you’re both out of their sight he treats you to whatever you want a lot of comfort from his part
BONUS: since you’re friends with a lot of other kpop idols you invited chifuyu once to meet some of them. he got to meet a lot of his biases and got a shit ton of autographs and merch,, afterwards he thanked you endlessly,, lots of kisses <33
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©asalamis ,, please don’t copy, steal or plagiarize my work in any way, reblogs and likes are appreciated,, hope you enjoyed ty for reading <;3
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enj4s · 10 months
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ִֶָ𓏲࣪ . vampires wrecker 🍓 axxturel and vampyx 's wife .
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✧ call me ENJI !! she her. dom reader blog. 19. 18+ blog! minors dni or do, idgaf <3
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╭────────── ☆ · 𓆩🤍𓆪 · ☆ ─╮
♡ ! requests ; REQUESTS are open (pls request I'm going insane I have nothing to do) ♡ ! rules ;
╰─ ☆ · 𓆩🤍𓆪 · ☆ ──────────╯
⋆ ̊。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ̊。⋆ ☆ smut, fluff, angst, dom reader, male and female reader.
⋆ ̊。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ̊。⋆ ☆ sub/crybaby, shy reader (don't even), mommy/daddy kink, piss or shit kink or whatever yall weird asses call it, vomit kink, pedophilia, pregnancy, ect.
⋆ ̊。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ̊。⋆ ִֶָ𓏲࣪ . FANDOMS I WRITE FOR :diabolik lovers, creepypasta, mha, tr, nu carnival ...ect
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─── ˚୨୧⋆ WORKS ! ♡
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ Dumb whore | Mikey (Sano Manjiro) x fem dom reader.
˖ ࣪ . Sweet girl | Hinata Tachibana x fem dom reader.
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ Tokyo revengers with a mean s/o (takemichi, mikey, mitsuya, baji, hanma) with a mean and stoic s/o.
˖ ࣪ . Judged too quickly | Tokyo revengers x reader. (toman, hina, emma) P1.
⊹ ࣪˖⁩ Judged too quickly | Tokyo revengers xreader. (Kisaki, hanma, kazutora) P2.
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⊹ ࣪˖⁩ vampire boy, bite me in the moonlight. |Subaru Sakamaki x fem! dom! reader.
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─── ˚୨୧⋆ OTHER!? (THEMES, HCS) ♡
୨♡୧ THEMES :
none yet >_<
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i'm fucking the staff ass up if they dont leave my theme alone istg.
credits, dividers by @anitalenia ♡.
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cinnamilkekouhai · 1 year
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Komi! Reader x Tokyo Rev
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Reader is a school beauty or known as the goddess in her state with a communication disorder (speech disorder)
In this story, reader knows the basics of martial arts and how to fight.
Jealous mikey.
Reader's family will not be introduced, has her own apartment
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You r known for your beauty in the town, people often mistaken u as the goddess due to your spectacular appearance, people who liked u doesnt based on gender, u attracted both male and female. U really wanted to tell them thats not the case of u becoming a goddess in their eyes but theres one particular shortcoming u had since u were little, u have developed a speech disorder which prevented u from talking to people, even if u tried to talk, u will end up stuttering. Because of that, people will think of u as a cold-cool beauty who doesnt like to talk, which they find it cool for some reason-
But dont be too discouraged, u made a few new friends in school, emma, hinata, senju and yuzuha. 4 girls know about your speech disorder and decided to make friends with u which made u really happy about working towards the goal of making 100 friends. U love the girls more than anything and they find u adorable too, u told emma that u have to return some books to the library, she said she will be waiting for u at the gate and u nodded, senju couldnt come because she had a meeting with brahman and yuzuha had some classes on going, as for hinata she went out on a date with takemichi so its just left u and emma.
"Emma? What r u doing here?" mikey being surprised that emma is standing at the gate waiting for someone, he know the different schedule of the girls, he knows senju, hinata and yuzuha r busy so he was curious about who shes waiting, "shh just a minute until she comes, u'll see" emma gave mikey a small mysterious wink, making mikey being more curious about the 'she' emma was talking about. "cut the secret, emma tell us who is it-" "Y/n chann!!" draken was about to say something until emma cut him off by shouting your name and ran to u, the 2 boys turned their heads towards u as u r walking down the path to the school gate and they immediately frozed. U r very popular in school and they have heard of your beauty but has never seen it before, seeing your long pure dark-purple hair flows to your lower back and along with a pair of slanted eyes that r of the same colour just sends a blessing to them. "ken-chin..shes pretty.." mikey tugged on draken's sleeve, at this point draken was frozed too upon seeing the 'school goddess' that people mentioned about, even the teachers and the principle took a huge liking to u due to your intelligence, now they have saw it with their own eyes, they just stood there like a statue as emma held your hand in excitement upon seeing her beautiful friend. U r happy to see emma too while your face has a small blushed,
Emma:"oh! Theres somebody i would like u to meet."
Emma dragged u to the 2 boys who were still frozed in place, they just stare at u while emma just start introducing draken and mikey.
"this is manjiro sano, my brother, u can call him mikey, and thats ken Ryuguji, u can call him draken for short." u looked at the 2 boys and took out your notebook, mikey and draken was curious cause they have never seen anyone taking out a notebook after being introduced to someone, they looked at u writing something on your notebook and showed it to emma.
"U have a nice brother emma, address to them that my name is y/n komi and its nice to meet them, do tell them my condition so it wouldnt cause them some troubles in the future"
Emma chuckled as u look so cute to have a small blush on your face, she told mikey and draken about your name and your situation of having the condition, mikey had no idea how the condition works and draken had to explain it to him.
"ken-chin, whats a speech disorder?"
"speech disorder is basically a condition in which a person has problems creating or forming the speech sounds needed to communicate with others. I told u to atleast study and u were there getting into fights-"
"boo, ken chin dont embarrassed me infront of y/n chan..."
Mikey then walked up to u with cheeky smile and got closer to your face while patting u on the head, u blushed hard by the sudden interaction and covered your face with your hands.
U:"(灬º 艸º灬)!!"
Mikey:"y/n-chin, me and ken-chin will be your 5th and 6th friend, oh! U can come join toman, im sure u will make a lot more new friends there too! (/^∇^)/ "
Emma:"aww whose in love nowwwww"
Draken:"lol i call that love at first sight"
U:"....." *blushed hard
U scribbled on your note book saying that u loved to be friends with them and for the first time ever, u tried to speak, u started with wanting to say a simple hi, what u meant to say was "konichiwa, mikey" but it came out with "ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko" mikey, draken and emma burst out laughing, not because they r making fun of your stuttering, but laughing because u r too adorable for them to handle, Especially your cute and soft little voice, emma hugged and praised u,
Emma:"y/n chan improved so much! When we first met, she cant even say a single letter!"
Mikey:"yea, draken can we go eat? Im hungry"
Draken:"alright alright.."
Mikey:"y/n chin is coming with us too right?"
U:"...." *nodded
Emma:"lets go to the same bakery! I heard they have some new ice cream!"
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After having some snacks, mikey suggested that u can come hang out with him and his so called "gang", emma had tuition at the time so she left u with mikey and draken for them to take care of u, u were not so sure about the idea of being with them as u dont wanna cause any trouble for them, but the both of them reassured u with a smile, putting u at eased. U smiled back at them and they were so obsessed with it, mikey kept asking for more since he loved it so much and draken being a red head- u wrote on your notebook again.
"pls do not look at me, its making me feel embarrassed.."
U tilted your head to side, peeking out of your notebook with a heating red face. That gave those 2 a strike out of (yes) how cute u look, mikey immediately hugged u, draken just kept pulling him back because hes afraid that what mikey is doing will make u uncomfortable, but mikey just wont budged
Mikey:"y/n chinn u r so adorablee!"
Draken:"come on mikey, y/n is gonna feel uncomfortable"
Mikey:"ehhhhh?? But y/n say she liked me..right y/n chin??"
Thinking for a moment, u nodded your head. Mikey is so overjoyed that u agree into liking him (as friends), but he wanted more than just like.
The 3 of u continue to walk down the road and came across a temple. U were confused about whats going on when mikey took your hand and walked up to the top of the temple, on the other side of the temple, u heard someone shouted "The toman president is here! SALUTE! BOW!"
Mikey just looked at them from the top of the temple, he turned towards u, who was hiding behind draken from the sudden noise, mikey just chuckled "its okay y/n chin, meet my gang, toman" after saying that he turned towards the gang.
"Attention! I have some announcement to make."
All the members looked up towards mikey, waiting for his next announcement or command.
"i have bought someone with me, yall better not lay a dirty finger on her or else we r gonna get very nasty Got it?"
Mikey held your hand, u stepped forward and u r now facing at a huge crowd with over or even more than a 100 people.
"whooaa shes so beautiful.."
"our president is so lucky to meet her.."
"i wonder if she is single"
Seeing so many people made u shivered out of nervous, mikey noticed it and held your hands even tighter, that movement alone had calm u down for a bit. After making sure u r okay, mikey then turned his head to toman.
Mikey:"This is y/n komi, now shes the princess of toman and i know most of u had heard her name in school, im gonna make it very clear, right here and right now, Shes mine, if i know any of u tries to be funny about getting between me and her, ill beat the ass out of u. Understood?"
"y/n komi..?? Isnt she the school goddess??"
"my god, president is just so lucky.."
"i cant stop staring shes just so pretty.."
At this point, everyone was just so mesmerized by your fragile beauty to even pay full attention to mikey's words, It's still up to draken to bring them to their senses.
U:"...." *shivered*
U were just so confused at this point, what does mikey mean by "shes mine?", "princess of toman?", u kept thinking to yourself and u didnt hear mikey calling out to u.
Mikey:"y/n chin? Hello? Earth to y/n!"
Mikey:"its our training time now, do u wanna watch? U can sit on that bench there."
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U were sitting on a bench comfortably, with mikey and draken standing by your sides while supervising the gang members as they do their push ups and sit ups. The members gave their best shot than before knowing that the school goddess is looking at them right now, i mean, who dont wanna look and gave in their best when the person they like is infront of them. Draken was puzzled about the sudden motivation, but mikey knows that they r doing their best is because u r watching them.
U sat there, quietly watch them as they continue to train but u had something on your mind, draken noticed it and asked if u needed anything, u wrote down on your notebook and showed it to him.
"I have noticed a certain mis-posture of the fighting stands in Tadaaki san's, may i have the permission to correct them?"
He looked at u with a smile
Draken:"u r toman's princess, pls do whatever as u like, dont be so casual, be a bit comfortable with us."
He then turned to mikey
Draken:"oi, mikey, y/n said she wanted to have a talk with tadaaki"
Mikey:"Everyone, stopped for a moment"
Everyone immediately stop what they r doing and turned their heads towards your directions, who is walking down the temple stairs towards the guy, man that guy is nervous as heck when the goddess in his heart approached him, Mikey shouted from the top of the temple.
"Oi, taddaki, show her your stands, she has some teachings for u."
Tadaaki immediately put on his stands, u bend down to look at his arms and hand placement, fingers tucked on your chin while thinking of something, welp, the guy really wanted this moment to stop, his goddess, standing right near him, he can feel u breathing and hear your heartbeat, hes face is red as hell.
Without saying anything, u held his arm softly and put it in the right place of the stands, u started teaching him the right ways of using the posture and even demonstrate it to him, surprisingly without u saying anything, he seems to understand what u r trying to teach him, everyone just looked at u both in dead silent (I can feel the jealousy here-). Finally getting it right, u patted him on the head, looking at him in the eye and gave him a 'u did it!' expression. The gang members looked at the interaction with full jealousy and rage, Especially mikey, it pissed him off that u r being so closed to that guy, patted that guy when u havent even pat him yet. Feeling irritated , he called out to u.
Mikey:"y/n chin, pls come back now"
Tadaaki just wanted to spend some more time with u when he felt a glare and met the eyes of the raging mikey, shiver went down his spine, u ran to mikey with the most innocent face ever, and thats what he likes to see, he held u closer as he doesnt wanna let go of u anymore.
"Stop looking now, Continue!"
"Yes sir!"
"theres my baby!"
U turned around and see emma with yuzuha waving at u, u r so excited to see the girls and wanting to give them a hug, but mikey just cling onto u, making u hard to move, he even burried his face into the crook of your neck, that alone made u flustered
U:"◐∇◐a ;;"
Mikey:"nope im not letting y/n chin go.."
Emma:"Mikey! Stop clinging onto my baby! Let her go this instant! (ง°̀ロ°́)ง"
Yuzuha:"yea! U have your time with her, shes ours now! (●`Д´)╭☞"
Draken:"just keep it down.."
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blueparadis · 2 years
▏decipher my heart  ▏ emma sano.   ▏
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+CWs — f!reader, fluff, suggestive themes, poly relationships, angst, mention of alcohol and cigarettes,childhood friends, friends to lovers,slow romance, slow burn, alternate universe - modern, university/college. word count — 6.7k
synopsis — Emma knew you meant the world to her but she didn't know that sometimes she could be a little greedy too.
+notes — this piece was commissioned by @massivementalitynut. thank you for commissioning me. I had massive rollarcoaster of emotions while writing this. I love this trope so much. Kudos to your brain cells for pulling out this idea. Also, thank you for being patient with me!!!
The first time you saw Emma, she wore a peach-colored dress with a floral pattern that reminded you of a fairy from the bedtime stories your mom used to tell you. It was her birthday and both of you were just a child of five. Her mom kept on insisting on being careful while playing, to be cautious not to get hurt, but who were you to deny the call of an angelic girl like her?
Her whole class was invited that day yet among all those familiar popular faces she waved at you with that heart-melting smile of hers. “Oh my ! he is gonna kill me, save me from this monster”, Emma yelled with the heartiest joy laughing merrily as she was chased by her eldest brother, Shinichiro. Of course, she was in her highest spirits. Being swarmed by her friends at her birthday party would sure put anyone in a good mood, even adults but you could not seem to blend in that easily. 
There was no prince to save her as they tell in stories. So, you jumped at her savior being her prince. You were so small and feeble compared to Shinichiro. He was a young lad of sixteen and growing steadily. “I will fight you to save my princess.”, you stretched your arms to grab him by his torso and push him away from Emma. But with that lanky stature, one would easily dodge with the slightest movement, even if it was a small involuntary action. Shinichiro did exactly that making you lose your balance and trip on the floor. 
Everyone gasped in unison. Shinichiro stood dumbfounded since realization just hit the boy that it was apparently his fault for hurting you. As you looked up at him, he called for his mom saying that you’re bleeding. You would not be aware if he didn’t mention that. Emma picked up her frills with her soft small palms and rushed towards you. There was no acting anymore. She was crying.
Even all the gifts and white lies could not stop her tears. Her mom aided you while Emma kept crying sitting beside you saying that it is her fault over and over again. Shinichiro apologized for being hit by such a wave of guilt but Mrs.Sano smiled and said he is not at fault for holding her son in her arms consoling his uneasiness. You wondered what it would feel like to have a family like this, have a brother like that. As you pressed the cold tissue up your nose, you forgot to cry. 
That day Emma cried for you for the first time and on every birthday of hers that came after, she sat like a doll gracefully being the obedient girl that everyone liked. Shinichiro would recite the incident like one of those popular storytellers in front of others and his brothers were no different. But Emma held your hand firmly, exclaiming very sternly, “Boys, please. Stop this right now otherwise, mom should know that you three sneak out to the backyard every night”, every damn time.
At the age of eight, Emma shared her first ice cream with you. She was full of grace and soft gestures by then yet whenever she was with you, she seemed like a blooming flower. A little talkative, a little demanding, and a little clingy particularly when she had some favors to ask.
“Stop crying, Emma. I’m fine”, you were pressing her handkerchief on your bruised elbow while she was sitting on the bench of a park bawling her eye out like a child, like that day.
“You’re bleeding. You’re not fine”, her words toppled over one another and it almost made you snort in amusement but you had to control it. Lately, she has been a little sensitive.
“ Then, I will be fine but please stop crying.”, you sat beside her still pressing the handkerchief on your bruise. 
“Oh-kay but promise you won’t hurt yourself for me? ever again?”
“I promise, Emma…I promise”
That was when you both were ten; when she absent-mindedly collided with a guy in the park while playing crashing on the sand along with you. While she was unscathed, you got just a bruise on your elbow. That remained the same even when you were struck by the cloud of sadness while she was soaked in rainbows and sunshines.
At twelve, you two went to a seasonal fair wearing matching yukatas. She wouldn’t just stop exploring the shops, jumping from one to other saying that this one is the last. When you bought apple candy she hugged you tightly saying those are her favorite. Emma’s first hug. She was so warm and so soft that you wanted to hug her again. 
At sixteen, you had your first sleepover at her house. She mentioned she had something to show you but it happens that she had something to tell rather than show it. How on earth does a person show that they liked someone? Who on this earth liked getting caught while blushing thinking about their crush? Certainly not you, certainly not Emma but the way she kept rubbing her hands sitting under the covers in a pick camisole made you roll all over her bed.
“What? Really? Is he handsome?” your question was answered by a trail of giggles and you had no idea while you felt your chest tighten. Is this what people call jealousy? Why on earth you would be jealous if she had a crush on his brother’s friend? You responded with silence upon asking yourself this question. All you could feel was your throat drying, swallowing saliva constantly, and fighting off your best not to let your tears fall. 
You never cried. She was always the one who cried. 
“Draken huh?”, Emma nodded. She was so bashful. 
“But I feel like he doesn’t like me”
“Oh don’t be silly and it is too early for that”
You could not believe your ears. She thinks he does not like her. So, there is a chance that her feelings might wither away like the petals of a flower. You felt an iota of solace in the corner of your heart but were too sleepy to find out the reason behind it yet at the same time, you realized that your friendship with her was starting to sublime like camphor.
That night she insisted on sharing the futon. She said mom gave you the larger one and both of you would fit. Her soft ivory arms wrapped around your belly. She smelt of baby powder and flowers. At first, you hesitated, but when you held her palm she curled it up pulling you a little close. You smiled to yourself thinking how every time her warmth, her kindness washes over your lonely shores of sadness and heartache.
The next day when you went to see her in class, she was with that annoying brother of hers, Mikey and there was a tall boy with a dragon tattoo on his left temple beside Mikey, he does not want an odd one out in his circle. Emma was beaming so bashfully standing in between them that anyone could tell she was in love. Perhaps, it was more evident to you since she confined you last night or maybe because you knew who is the brother and who is not.
“Heyyy, Where are you going?”, Emma’s voice reached you even though you were slowly cocooning yourself in the remnant affection she had for you. Your sudden halt made it clear that you had heard her. Hence, leaving now would be highly perilous since, with that emotional turbulence in your heart, you knew you would mess it up.
“I forgot to bring my water bottle. I’ll be right back”, you did not leave her a chance for a response immediately flying away from her vicinity. People would call you an utter fool for that, after all, what kind of butterfly flies away from such a fanciable flower? That was the first lie you had to tell her that day and you direly wished for it to be the last. 
Needless to say that it was not the last lie you had to tell her. 
On her eighteenth birthday, Emma did not host a birthday party like usual. She said she wanted to do something special but you had an idea why was that. Shinichiro was too old for a monster, Manjiro was old enough to not sign up for such bullshit, and Emma? She had found a proper prince and why would anyone settle for less even though the wish promised a mirage?
The neon lights basked her ivory body as she sat in the utmost corner of the pub. She sat with her palms resting on her knee and Draken was beside her. It was so hard to convince his brothers to have a birthday party she would like but they agreed when Draken mentioned he was free in the evening to accompany her.
Emma was desperate, desperate enough to bring her crush to the pub on her eighteenth birthday. And, just like she wanted, the outing was incredible and memorable. Draken was so easy to talk about given his grumpy face as well as huge stature, or perhaps it was Emma’s charms that he was being so easy to convince. After a long while, you wanted to feel that your friendship with Emma did not sublime, or at least you hoped for it.
“Is he staring at me?”
“Yes, he is”
“Yeah? What’s he doing?”
“Staring at you..”
Emma’s cheeks swelled in protest forming a pout. She looked so adorable trying to fight the fact that she was head over heels for Ken-chin. But you did not care. You just wanted this night to be fun, to be full of beautiful memories. 
When Draken joined the dance floor, at first Emma hesitated but when you gave her the ‘go girl. You got this look, she inhaled a deep breath awfully making it obvious how much she was nervous around him. Maybe she did not notice, but you were. Draken smiled at Emma’s body moves full of modesty. At that moment, you felt excruciatingly elated. You wanted to know why but the thought of crawling back to the same jealousy made you erase this thought. Emma’s smile was much more important than just a mere ‘why’. Her smile was the reason for radiating happiness to everyone around her, including you, whatever the cause is; isn’t that selfish?
The narrow lane behind the pub was bestowed with dim lights, perfect for having a smoke. You did not have any idea that Ken smoked. Sure, he was a year elder than both of you but you doubted that Emma would fall for a bad guy. At such budding youth, non-smokers thought it was a sin to smoke but who really cared about that anyways?
“When did you start smoking? and why didn't you tell me?”, Emma was so loud that Draken had to sush her. She was a little drowsy. Draken did not have the strength to say no to her when she pleaded like a puppy and you? You just enjoyed the tension between them. After all, you knew Draken’s Achilles heel; if it comes to that, you’ll hit where it hurts.
“I turned eighteen a few months earlier than you”
“But that doesn't tell me why you kept me in the dark!”, she sounded so offended. For a moment, you wanted to yell back and say that if she had not been so blinded by her silly teen crush maybe you would have had the chance to share your first cigarette experience with her, about how it went, about how your elder sister was friends with Shinichiro and how he taught you how to smoke, with care.
But you just nipped the teen-crush part. “If I told you, Shin would have a hard time talking to you Emma”, 
“Fuck”, it was not a surprise that Shinichiro would do something like this but the chain of friendship was hard to decipher. When did you become so distant to her?
Draken was still working on this situation while you extended him the half-burnt cigarette. A very normal habit for a smoker. You may have done it involuntarily but Draken sure did not take it as muscle memory. Before you realized what catastrophe you both just stepped into, Emma’s eye switched between the two of you as she slipped, “I wanna try pleaseeee” 
Draken exchanged glances with you. He was surprised indeed but that glance did not reek of surprise, it sought permission. You knew instantly, that he valued your friendship with her, and respected your presence in her life. Were you really that important?
Draken skillfully handed her the cigarette not touching her, how bad down is he? ; without taking a drag he began to direct her in boyish charms.
“So, you just have to inhale … with your mouth  
“I’ve to inhale the smoke ?”, Emma asked sarcastically.
Emma was worse than you. She sucked in a strong breath and Draken was quick to take the cigarette from her as you panicked, “You have to exhale it out too, you dummy!”
“Da’ faq”, Ken was at the edge too. 
“How do you have it? It’s gross” Even though Emma could not tell that both of you were quite offended at her comment Draken sure shared his bubbling anger with you. It was so adorable that he shared glances with you whenever Emma was a little handful to manage. 
Emma started coughing and why wouldn’t she? Her throat must feel itchy. You handed her a can of fruit juice that was small enough to fit in your jeans pocket, thankfully. After she settled in a little, Draken made no delay in taking her straight home. By then, she was a bit sober, sober enough to scold her brothers like she usually does. 
After Emma vanished from your sight Draken finally lit a cigarette for himself. “Where is your home? I’ll drop you”
“I’m not a child. I can go home by myself”, you started walking steadily. Draken’s footsteps did not reach your ears yet. 
“Neither is Emma.”, you turned to look at him mumbling to yourself making sure that was not audible to him. 
“But she was tipsy, so…”
“It is quite late so can I drop you home, y/n?”, you could not hold it in anymore. You laughed loudly having him taken aback at your high spirits. Draken was sharp and handsome. No wonder Emma swooned over him. With the blonde strands tucked behind his ear, and his dragon tattoo on the display, he was breathtaking to look at. 
He matched your steps with you quickly. “You don’t seem like a guy who would smoke…
“Yeah? What do I seem like?”, he passed you the cigarette. 
“Hmmmph. Stoner?”, Draken narrowed his gaze on you but it changed when you looked at him apologetically, sticking your tongue out. He laughed, for the first time since this evening of secrets. 
“There it is”, your house was not too far from Emma’s. Maybe that is why she often spent her evenings in yours.  “Well, Good night then…” but impulse overpowered your body and it managed to unlock some more secrets.
“Hmm quick question Draken, does Mikey know?” He nodded his head sideways slowly trying to figure out yet was drowning in confusion but when he connected the dots his eyes fanned out in shock. How on earth did you know? Did Mikey tell you? Did he do something that might gave you the idea that he liked Emma?
While Draken’s brows furrowed in the confusion you had an idea what kind of thoughts could cloud his mind. It was painful to watch him like that. “Relax, your secret is safe with me Ken.”, you almost shut the door but turned around the next moment supplying, “Don’t make her wait too long.” 
At the click of the door, Draken sighed heavily running his hand through his nape in between his golden locks. What makes you think that he is not aware that Emma likes him? More importantly, now that you seem to know his feelings towards Emma it could ruin his plans, although he did not have much yet the possibility remains. Draken was lost. He went down spiraling in the obvious path. What if Emma rejects him? What if she does not like him the way he does? 
When you finally locked the door the familiar loneliness washed over you. You curled while sitting on the floor leaning against the doorframe. “So unfair”. Tears rolled down your cheeks and the most annoying part was when you asked yourself why. The inner voice replied, jealousy.
The next day was bestowed with unprecedented happiness. 
You were waiting outside Emma’s home before going to school. You always have. It has become a routine but when fifteen minutes passed you decided to head to school thinking it was just another day where she wanted to stay home, maybe she was sick or was in low spirits. 
Generally, she informs you if such cases were to happen but today was an exception. You could not exactly blame her given the roller coaster of emotions she had yesterday. Emma must be going through strange high-lows replaying what she had done yesterday. 
“Good morning…”, 
“Good morning.”, you supplied out of habit. As you turned you spotted Draken, who was parking his cycle on the opposite side of you. Both of you started walking towards the campus as if you two had been doing that since the start as if you two had been like this forever.
“Emma did not come today. Bet you won't be coming to the canteen today.” You have noticed a blonde boy with a dragon tattoo long before Emma confined in you. You have always wondered if the stimuli were Emma or you. Sometimes, you wished it was you since who would like their best friend to be eyed with the gaze of admiration and affection?
“Yeah, she informed me. And I’ll have to go to the canteen ‘cause I'll get hungry” You scowled but quickly managed to switch it with a low chuckle. It was an embarrassing one; bet Draken could pin if there was something wrong with you, with this, with the relationship progress he made with Emma. You did not let it dwell further.
“Why do you smoke Ken…?”, 
Ken. No one calls him that so he bothered to look at you with a raised brow while responding, “I thought it would make me look cool”
“If you’re worried Emma, you don’t need to smoke. You’re already enough”, the way it drawled out of your mouth made him stare at you long enough to make you aware of what it meant in between the lines. “For her of course”, you laughed out embarrassingly as well as cursed yourself for starting to talk about her again.
“And for you?”, Draken already crossed his classroom yet he kept walking along with you. At this point, you felt a little guilty for slipping in front of him like that. A neglected drowning heart always tries to clutch onto something, even if it is a twig of hope. 
“Oh C’mon! Give me something”, his voice was softer this time making you cave in easily.
“You’d look better if you dye your hair black.”
Draken stood outside your class with a stoic expression and as you went inside the class, you wanted to turn around to have a look at him, at his bashfulness but that would be wrong, wrong in so many ways. 
While going home you thought of dropping by her house but was immediately reminded how Draken was the first to know that she will not be coming to school today and you came to know from her, not even the second option.
Things changed from that day. You started to avoid both of them for different reasons. With Draken, it was more awkward to talk. He was full of glances at the corridors and smiled. Sometimes, he would have his lunch with you in the canteen, especially when Emma was not around. You did not like this behavior since he rarely talked about Emma in such situations. For a guy who is crushing on your best friend, does he not need to be a little curious about her, especially in her absence? Actually, he did not.
You would spot them together occasionally whenever you had to shift from one class to the other. You thought Emma wanted to spend all the time she gets before Draken graduates but keeping in touch with him would not be that hard especially when he is friends with her elder half-brother. Besides, will these efforts even matter to Draken after he graduates? Emma’s habit of waiting outside the school, keeping a spare water bottle for him and also a towel, and staying late while Draken was in practice. 
The day came sooner than you expected, the graduation ceremony. Emma looked beautiful as ever in that black dress that had glimmering polka patterns on the sleeves. For once, you could see her alone. She was sitting on the couch going through her phone. You walked towards her but immediately stopped seeing Draken coming from behind with two red glasses. Your heart sank at that moment and immediately hid behind the door.
You could not seem to understand your behavior. Why do you need to hide from them? From Emma? When you scanned the place you spotted Mikey sitting on the couch with his friends. Even though everyone around him was enjoying the evening, his eyes were on you. Shit.
Mikey could not just believe what he say. He has never seen you like this. Surely, he did ask about your sudden absence from Emma’s life but did not press it further when Emma yelled at him for minding his own business. Now, when he watched you being so conflicted while seeing Emma and his best friend, Draken together, he could put two and two together, almost.
The party felt like a neverending dash of waves with each passing hour more people came. You were sure not all were graduates, some were alumni, and some were from other schools. You knew it was not an official ceremony but did not have the slightest idea about this very range of people.
You kept emptying one glass after another as you were waiting outside the main room so that at least you could go home with her. One more year and both of you will be apart due to different choices of study streams. The beer felt more bitter when an odd realization hit you. What if Emma had already picked a college? What if she was going to the same college as Draken? 
You crushed the glass and discarded it into the bin before hurrying to find them. If that was the case, you needed to tell her sooner; you needed to tell her that you have to transfer schools and that, this year will be the last year she would be spending with you.
You had searched all the places you could think of except the terrace. When you reached there you spotted Draken’s broad figure. You looked around thinking Emma would be somewhere around until Draken shifted a little, giving a view of Emma who was in his embrace with a smile on her face like a sunflower who had found her sun. The staircase was devoid of any lights as you ascended the stairs in a hurry. Are they…together? That was the first thought that crossed your mind and all others came crashing down one after the other.
You were running as fast as you could to get out of this place until you collided with something and fell to the ground. With that amount of liquor in your system, an awful echoing buzz wrecked your mind. When you looked up, a person was crouching down and looking at you with a smile on their face. Blonde hair pronounced facial features almost like Emma’s. She can’t be here, can she? You just saw her on the rooftop just a while ago or maybe Draken was with someone else or maybe you should stop thinking because you’re too drunk. It would not hurt to find out.
It was dark, there was not even a single drop of moonlight. Still, you knew that the person you just kissed was not Emma, it was Mikey. You wondered if she would taste like her brother, their body aroma was in a similar range. Do people feel every little thing when they’re drunk?
“Waoh,woah, Woahhh-there”, Mikey grabbed you by your shoulders. He instantly helped you to be on your feet but you failed to keep a proper balance. “Just this once.”, he mumbled before having one of your arms around his shoulders.
“Youuuu’re a heroou mike-y, a hero” All you could hear was his warm chuckle. If there could be an eighth sin in this World, then it would be Mikey's laugh. At least, it did not promise false hopes, like Emma’s. 
When you woke up, you were in loose boxers and a pale-colored camisole. The curtains were not drawn yet but the sunlight was strong enough to heat up the room. Your droopy eyes tried to look for the clock but you did not seem to find it in its usual place. “Fuck!”, you sprung up on the bed breathing accelerating as you noticed a pink teddy bear on the study table. 
“Good morning”, a sweet melodious voice turned up that made you jolt in surprise.
“You were wasted so much so Mikey brought you here. I did not think it would have been appropriate to send you home like that. I called your mom too.”
“Thanks”, Emma sat at the edge of the bed her knee nudging yours as she leaned in and hugged you. 
“I’m so happpppyyyyyy… Draken finally confessed.”, she squealed so loud that it made your heartbeats ring louder amongst your ribs than usual. She unclamped her arms from you and both of you immediately fell into a swarm of laughter. How could you tell her that she has just one more week before you vanish from her sight? But is there even any need to tell her? Especially when she is perfectly swamped with Draken’s love and care and will never have to know what loneliness feels like.
You learned a new thing that day, that is, how to keep a secret from Emma, from your lover. She can not know that you kissed her brother just out of jealousy or rather just out of spite perhaps. 
Moving to a new town just before the graduating year was not easy but it definitely was not impossible when you are blessed with a very funky neighbor. He was a year elder than Draken. He had ivory hair and dreamy blue eyes but was like a non-stop radio station, Gojo Satoru. It is a wonder how he is so very energetic all the time, so very gleeful that anyone would hardly think that he has ever experienced an emotional skyfall or maybe he was too good at keeping those at bay.
Thanks to Satoru, your days were lively but sometimes you would find yourself staring blankly and thinking about Emma and Draken. Emma called you many times and left texts from every cell phone she had in the house yet all went unanswered. Guilt kept crawling back to you every time your phone rang or the sound of notifications went on. It was not just her ignorance of your existence in her life anymore, it was Draken who was at stake. 
It was Draken who dropped you off at the station. You could not come to terms with the fact to tell Emma and have her bid you goodbye at the station. It was Draken; he was not only easy to talk to but also easy to rely upon. He did not ask you about what happened between you and your best friend. You did not want to look back at that moment before going in the elevator but you did. He was staring, it was full of longing and hurt. Fortunately, he smiled before you could think more of it. Right! a smile cures everything.
With that emotional turmoil, you would rather avoid Emma than confess that you not only kissed her brother but also had a sinful breeze of thoughts about her boyfriend. 
“You’re in deep shit,y/n”, Satoru chimed as you poured your heart out. You were not very fond of his reactions but it sure put a smile on your face even though it was for a brief moment.
“I hope I can talk to them when I go back.”, Satoru snorted out loud. You blinked trying to conjecture what was so funny for him. Is he really gone mad or were you a hopeless fool? But then he suggested the oddest of all: to take him with you to your hometown. All he got was a raised eyebrow from you until you simply walked past him towards your house. It was almost a dusky twilight.
“Oh, c’monnn! I will be of massive help. You have no idea how my charms would work on . . .
When you peered through your eyelashes Satoru’s pleading voice faded and one of his cheeks was a bit puffed. “At least show me some photos of them” You did since that would shut him up for a while, at least until you graduate. 
The graduation ceremony was a blast. You could almost list it under the label of “happy memories” if you did not see two girls posing for a picture while a boy was taking the picture. He was not even in his graduation dress. That was it. You had to go back to make things right.
Unfortunately, Your mom was at par with the suggestion of Satoru accompanying you since she could not nor did your dad. She said she worries less if someone elder than you would be with her to keep your bad habits in check. How amazingly contradicting that your mom thinks that Satoru would keep you in check while it is the other way around. Routines and rules were never in his dictionary. 
The moment you stepped into your hometown you inhaled the air letting the nostalgia seep in while Satoru scrunched his nose. He was feeling sick due to the bus journey and could not wait to hit home.
“So, where is your home?”, Satoru asked as if he knew your hometown like the back of his palm but he seem to read your thoughts as silence prevailed. “Alright, so where is her house? You did tell me that she lives nearby…
“Four houses away from mine.”, you prepared yourself for his next question which was quite obvious for a stranger in town.
“Do we… like … do we have to cross her house to reach yours?”
You gave him a nod and Satoru being Satoru, he dramatically dropped his bags on the pavement. You licked your lips, folded your hands trying your best not to fall for his tricks. Maybe this is why your mom insisted to take him with you. He always had a habit of easing the unnecessary tension upsurging at the bottom of your heart. He was so goofy and comfortable to be around. It was just in him, probably.
“So, what do we do now y/n?”, he asked crouching down to meet your haze that was aimed on the road.
“How about we hit the cafe?” 
“Yes, please. I’m starving” he murmured. With that smile,  laced with a raised eyebrow, Satoru jumped at the chance. It was a fifteen minutes walk from the bus stop. The weather was unbearably hot and Gojo kept saying that over and over again making the heat all the more annoying. 
“Seriously, how long is it gonna take? You said fifteen minutes, it has been more than twenty minutes”
“Well, you are just a slow walker”. With that height he was bound to have longer strides than you, you had to say that. 
It is amusing how you were getting used to his ways. Just a year ago, you could not possibly tolerate his annoying ass but now you have learned how to give him a taste of his own medicine. Satoru stopped walking while you did not. But a moment later he joined in. A cab would have saved both of you but there was none, his phone was dead and you still are not there yet to trust him with your phone.
When you both reached the cafe Satoru exclaimed with extreme worry. “Well, let’s just have a drink and then we can head home. There is a huge line at the counter.” 
Satoru can be moody sometimes and there was indeed a long queue at the counter but it did not bother you. “I’m one of the regulars. Moreover, they’ve other options too tooru.” you tried to assure him but it did not work. His eyebrows still remained wrinkled until he found a nice place to sit. 
You two were sitting opposite to each other, with him facing the door of the cafe and your back against the great view of the colorful range of customers. You never argued with him, since he just pins the most hilarious customers until the food comes in. He is very good at observing people and whenever you two used to hit the cafe, time flew within a blink. Maybe, that is why you never complained about his awful tactics of always being so loud and eye-catching. 
“What you’d like to order ma’am?”, the staff shot you a smile and nodded looking towards Gojo. To everyone else, you two would seem like a couple, including Draken and Emma who sat against in your range of vision just a table away from yours.
“A cold coffee… with chocolate ice cream.”
“And you sir?”, Satoru was busy flipping the pages of the menu card. He let out a whistle before mumbling, “foood. Lots and lots of food”
You cleared your throat before he could get carried away further and judging from the waiter’s expression he certainly thought quite deeply about Satoru’s words. 
“Fine. just a burger and a cold drink”, as soon as the waiter left Satoru started talking again.
“Why are you like this? Can’t you have a little bit of fun?
Also, you can not stay here forever. You have to go home crossing her home ya’know”
Yea, another odd of Satoru is to jump from one topic to a completely different one just because he might forget to tell that later. Be it a simple remark or darkest secret he always tugs it up to a totally different topic.
“Relax. There must be another route to get home. I will check it on google maps so can you just keep quiet for a while?”, even though you remained perfectly calm while speaking you still responded with his pout. He leaned back against his chair as you took out your phone from your tote bag.
For a moment you hesitated, thinking you did not come here to avoid Emma. You came to have a proper talk with her and you had a lot of apologizing to do since you simply vanished into thin air. Moreover, you have no idea what is happening on her end. Is she still with Draken? Is she still like that? Like a sunflower or did Draken already deflower him? 
“What’re ya thinking y/n?” that familiar sarcastic chime from Satoru was more than enough to declare that he had an idea of what was going through your mind. You tapped the corner of the phone on the table two times, waiting; waiting for his next words.
“Running is not easy y/n. It hurts the same as facing things head on”. In a span of six months, this was the first time you had seen him vulnerable like a wounded creature and there is no way you could miss the spice of his life.
You kept the phone aside squealing with thrill as you propped up your elbows on the table, “Tell me moreeeeeee” Satoru smirked before inclining towards you keeping the same mysterious smile that had a hint of chaos within it.
“So, whom do you like? Ken Ryuguji or Emma Sano?” the question was a blot from the blue. You never expected Gojo to be able to pin on such crucial detailed emotion you tried so hard to keep buried under the debris of your desolated feelings. 
“I’m not doing this now”, you almost hissed, snapping at him. It is not hard to pick one. Even if you liked one of them more than the other, what exactly were you trying to hide from? Is it the fear of liking them both and ruining the three lives on the line?
“At least have the coffee. Don’t just let take the anger on food”, Satoru was right. If this conversation were to happen in a secluded place, you were bound to answer him. There was nowhere you could run but sit at this cafe, surrounded by a lot of gawking eyes Satoru could not possibly risk pressing the matter further.
A strong exhale escaped from your lips as he apologized. Yep, that’s his style of saying “Sorry”, that is, pointing out the pitfalls of the current situation. You sat crossing your legs one over the other. 
“Both… i like both”, you uttered loud enough for Satoru to hear it. A curve of delight spread across his face as he supplied with an exhale, “See, it is not that hard to admit that you like both”, he was unnecessarily loud. You had to glare at him since the waiter turned up with the food both of you both. He placed a burger and a cold drink over Satoru’s side; and a cold coffee and some strawberry waffles. You blinked your eyes before enquiring about the obvious.
“I did not order. The waiter pointed diagonally from your place. “OH MY GOD”, you gasped slapping your cheeks to gain your composure. 
“That’s it. Leave my hand Draken.”, your ears jammed at the voice, at the mention of the name. Your cheeks seem to heat up enough to make you dizzy.  What are the odds that could happen to make you meet Emma and Draken at this very cafe?
Draken followed Emma like a lost puppy while Satoru was foolish enough to leave his seat taking the cold drink with him. It was definitely a bad idea to tell him everything, to show him their photos and why the fuck  this table is a three-sitter, again?
“Satoru you’re grounded. I’m telling your mom about your late-night sneak outs”, that was the best threat you could come up with as you fumed like a steaming kettle. Draken nodded in Satoru’s direction before taking the same seat, hence sitting opposite to you. Emma sat beside yours. 
“I hate strawberries.”, your voice seems to die at the core of your throat from the pressing silence. Emma was tapping her nails demanding an explanation while Draken cleared his throat.
“We do too. We both like you”
The moment those set of words left Ken’s lips, you gulped half of the sliced strawberry without chewing. Emma stopped tapping her nails on the table. She took a glance at her boyfriend before speaking, “that does not mean you’re forgiven. So, you staying at mine. Your friend can stay anywhere he wants I don’t care”, Her voice oozed out so much confidence that it made harder to process all of these. 
“Alright.” you managed to mumble. She was wearing a peach-colored dress with floral patterns that reminded you of a fairy. She was indeed one, that too a wish-granting type. You glanced at Draken who had dyed his hair black and tied it in a high ponytail, displaying his dragon tattoo as he tried to avert his gaze from you while grazing his nape with his palm.  Perhaps, he missed you too. You smiled at his bashfulness and so did Emma.
networks: @tokyometronetwork
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aoizaraka · 1 year
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ!☽
PART 1 TOMAN CAPTAINS x Toman's Best Friend!Extremely Flexible!reader [ 🄰🅄🅃🄷🄾🅁'🅂 🄽🄾🅃🄴 ] reader will be identified as female, but I will try my best to post a gn ver.
pls give suggestions on the characters I should do for part 2!
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MANJIRO SANO <𝙢𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙮 - very impressed with your flexibility and will ask you how far you could go without breaking your bones to see how flexible you are. - most likely will try to imitate it thinking it was easy considering how easy you made it look like (dumbass ngl lmaoo) but will probably hurt himself so you'll have to be the one to stop him from doing that if mother Kenny (Draken) isn't there.
-He met you because the place where you took your Gymnastics was near his Grandfather's dojo. He was just walking around till he saw you, beating up some bully that everyone in his neighbourhood was talking about
-he was absolutely impressed. he then went up to you and proceeded to talk with you like you didn't just beat up a guy 4x your size
-days passed and he hanged around you often. he even introduced you to Emma, Senju, Shinichiro, and Mikey's friends.
-then you guys met Draken, then started hanging out alot more as a trio
-when Toman was formed, you didn't accept his invitation to join them despite how powerful you were. But you did usually fight people alongside them and often hung around them which made it seem like you were a member.
-Mikey considers you as one of his closest friends, and is clingy around you. He is fully aware of your strength which makes him awe at you. He justs worry that you'll leave him like the others did. But at the same time, he justs wanna have fun with you and Draken.
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-he is grateful for you whenever he's not around and Mikey's doing random shit, he always counts on you.
-his opinion on you though-- he thinks your a capable, strong person.
-since Mikey met you before he met Draken, he somewhat respects you yet treats you like a good friend nonetheless.
-onetime when you guys were fighting someone, he saw your flexibility for the first time.. he was shocked ngl.. (in a somehow somewhat good way) shocked to the point he couldn't focus on his opponent anymore.
-yep, he knows what being flexible and what flexibility means but doesn't really care about it until he saw you kick some guy with your leg as high as you could.
-he wouldn't hide how impressed he is, in fact, he would say it was cool tbh
-if you guys would fight together, (or you and mikey or just all three) it would be legendary like Wakasa and Benkei.
-think about it though, if you all three fought together-- Mikey and Draken's strength with your Flexibility and fighting skills, yall would traumatize whoever you're fighting.
-he would ask you for some women advice so he would know what to do when talking to Emma.
-he loves your calm personality and will vent how annoying Mikey is to you.
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-like Draken, he loves your calm personality and was impressed when he saw your flexibility. But at the same time, he cant help but worry(?)..
-due to your calm energy, he introduced you to his younger sisters because he knew you weren't gonna act chaotic. Which he was right about, his sisters did like you alot.
-you both are the chillest people which makes you guys one of my preferred favorite duo.
-you don't necessarily hang out THAT much but you guys rarely do. You do converse though when you see each other at Toman meetings.
-asks you if you're okay and if it hurts, worrying when he saw you randomly doing a split on the floor when he comes to your place to give you back something you forgot while babysitting his sisters. (that was the first time he saw your flexibility.)
-like the other captains and vice captains and the Toman member's in general, he has respect for you because you are one of the friends of Mikey and Draken, but treats you friendly as well.
-Mitsuya thinks you're a good person even if you don't show much emotion.
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-like Mikey, he is curious how flexible you are.
-I can imagine him watching you fight because it amuses him how you beat people so easily.
-this is unnecessary to say but I can't help myself, but one time you were just walking around like a normal person would do until seeing some guy burn a car right in front of your eyes. Turns out that guy was Baji.
-when he did notice you, he didn't really care. Until you told him you could give him a new match box (or whatever you call it) because you noticed his matches were running out.
-he then decided you were a cool person.
-like Mitsuya, he doesn't hang around you much unless you guys are fighting other people together or both in a Toman meeting.
-he doesn't care but finds it interesting you flexible you were.
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-he is respectful to any one of the president's friends.
-you looked.. somewhat intimidating at first when he saw you, but when he got to talk to you he realized you were a calm, collected person.
-that, he admired.
-then when he saw you fight for the first time, applying your skills in gymnastics.
-"your bones didn't cut in half or something?"
-"no?? tf"
-I get a feeling you guys both like cats...
-one time, you both bumped into each other while heading over to some cat cafe.
-"[ LAST NAME ]-San? What are you doing here 😮😮😮"
-"no what are u doing here"🤨🤨
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ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴏғʀᴇᴀᴅ
ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴘᴜʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪs ʙʟᴏɢ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢs ᴛᴏ @aoizaraka . ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴀɴʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴏʀ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ɪɴsᴘɪʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ/ʀᴇғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇs ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ.
ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ © 2022
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sanosanstuff · 2 years
♡Get wet without rain with Manjiro Sano♡
{NSFW } {please don't interact if you're a minor} {TW: Sexual intercourse}{Manjiro X female reader } {Strong language} {Mikey fluff} {one-shot} {Headcannon} {Mikey smut}
Video credits : XENOZ on YT
Manjiro sano aka Mikey is your brother dranken's hot friend who is Toman : Tokyo Manji gang's founder and president and your brother is the vice-president Mikey also have a sister named Emma who is close to u and she knows about your feelings for him . To get honest in your eyes Mikey is a tough guy who is a Tsundere type guy which is extremely harsh and doesn't cares , this is the era where Toman was rulling the Tokyo u have been seeing him coming to your house for years now u have developed a crush on him lately,but don't know how to confess it to him
{Your pov}: I have heard a lots of things about Mikey kun , he must be a cold hearted and scary person idk how to tell him that I have feelings for him ,does he even have a heart? He is the leader of that Tokyo Manji gang , that's really scary ,I'm scared tbh ,idk what to do it's a total mess now I can't stop loving him .
Then u got up from couch cooked yourself ramen and bought some mochi too then u ate and u were scrolling on your phone waiting for your brother draken to come home.
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Then u suddenly heard your doorbell rang u expected it to be your brother and ran to the door passing the hallway as u opened the door u saw Mikey standing there with this expression in his face ^
{Your pov}: god's gotta be playing me like this how can I handle this situation he must be annoyed to see me here ,help ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)
Mikey: you're draken's sister Y/n right ?
You: yeah (nervously). Btw where my brother is ?
Mikey : well......he is on a date with Emma and he won't be back till tomorrow evening........he told me to take care of you since you're alone at home .
You: o-okay.
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Then he smiled like this ^
Then as he smiled u started feeling a bit comfortable with him but still dying in anxiety cause u always think that he is a short tempered person u better don't mess up .
Mikey: oh I bought dorayaki for us , I guess we can have a movie night tonight?
You : yeahhhhh , that's a great idea .
{your pov}: he is kinda sweet , let's see what ...........................happens next.........
You : Mikey kun would u like to have some mochi ?
Mikey : yeah (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
You: okay here you go (you hand him with a bowl full with mochi )
Mikey: hey Y/n Wanna go on a ride with me ?
You: it's already evening but.......
Mikey:wha..... Okay we going just don't tell your brother
You: okay ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
{your pov}: God it's getting too hot here wish me luck ,idk what's next .
Then grabs your hands and pulls u outside ...........
Mikey: hey...Y/n let's go don't make me wait ..........
Then u sit in back in his bike and he starts speeding ......
Mikey : U can hold me if u want
You : hai,I'm actually a bit terrified the way u started speeding
Mikey : Then hug me tightly u won't feel a thing I promise..........
{your pov} : wait.....wtf did he just said ?does he have a crush on me too??no I mean never that's impossible I think he is just being nice he won't flirt .
Mikey : hey.....if u know some good restaurants out here please tell me to stop by or tell me where u Wanna go for eat ?
You : me? Uh wait I gonna look forward for a cute restaurant with neon lights if I see I will tell u to stop by (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Mikey : okay (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Suddenly u see a restaurant and tell him to stop by then he stopped and u both went inside.
Then u guys sat in a cafeteria to eat and placed your order u ordered dumplings with sushi and kimchi and mochi and a boba tea .
Mikey ordered a kid's meal with mochi and boba tea .
{Your Pov} : gosh Mikey's such a baby how could he be a leader of a criminal group ,anyways that's none of my business to think about its okay untill he is being nice to me .
Then the food arrived and u both ate .
Mikey had a habit to sleep right after eating and as he was sitting beside u his head falls in your lap and he started sleeping he was looking kinda while testing his head in your lap but he didn't knew that his head was in your lap u didn't wanted to wake him up cause u were feeling good with it .
After like 45 mins he woke up and u were scrolling through your phone and the time was 10:00pm , at first he was really embarrassing with the fact that his head was in your lap then he begins to talk.........
Mikey : Y/n ..........uh.....why didn't uh......tell me that .....my .....head was in your lap..........sorry......(*_*)
You : umm....... alright....Mikey ....u Don't have to be embarrassed it's okay......
Mikey :your ........lap...was ......so.....soft.....ngl....
(you both blushing)
You : well.... there's something more softer........
Mikey : •\\^//• (yeah ik 😏)
{Mikey's pov} : Should I tell her that I like her ? What if she rejects me ? I have to tell her today is the day.
You: hey Mikey it's getting late my brother called me already asked if we had dinner ,I said we had it and let's go home now .
Mikey : Y/n....uhh...i...Wanna tell u Smth.....
You : what ?
Mikey : I–
You : You what ?
Mikey : I think I have caught feelings for you from the first day I saw u I can't get u out if my mind, it's been years now. I wanted to tell this to u before but every time draken or something or someone interrupted me and tbh idk how draken will react if he knows I like u but I don't care ,today I think it's a day for it , so finally saying it I LOVE YOU Y/N (。♡‿♡。)
You : I LOVE YOU TOO MIKEY!!!❤️(then u gave him a tight hug)
Mikey : alright babe let's go home
You: yeahh let's go ( the fact u wanted to go home cause u were sleepy )
Then u and Mikey got into his bike and headed to your house .
Mikey : wanna watch some movies ?
You : no I wanna cuddle and sleep next to u .
Mikey : uhhh...i thought I will be sleeping in another room.
You : no ur not going anywhere I want u Tonight......
Mikey : uhhhh......okay (;;;・_・)
Then you take his hand and run upstairs in your bedroom with him ,u were kinda in a mood u wanted to sleep but because u both were alone u didn't wanted to sleep anymore .
U leaned forward and kissed him on his lips then he put his tongue inside your mouth while kissing and sucking your lips u even bited his lips slightly because of the pleasure and the sexual tension growing between u guys.
It's like 5 mins u guys haven't broken your kiss yet and u can feel ur wet now.
U take Mikey's hands and put then into your waist and he squize it .
Then u break the kiss and u started u unbottoning His shirt then , as u unbottened His shirt u were blushing and he was blushing too cause u both knew what u guys were about to do .
Then after taking off his shirt u touched his abs which was so hard and u even touched his chest and kissed his collarbones and bitten it then u went down and kissed his abs while he was holding your hair u can see the lust in his eyes and can feel the affection in his every single touch u can feel the pleasure which was giving u nostalgia vibes but that has never happened before aka it was your first time and u were kinda nervous.
It was Mikey's first time too cause he didn't even knew how to take off a bra instead he just ripped it off , then he started massaging your boobs and sucking your tits and licking them , it wasn't that hot outside but the atmosphere inside the room was hot u even was sweating and he was sweating too then he got down and took off your panty biting the lace of it ,it was tickling but so good.
Then he started eating u up and kissing your clit...............................
Mikey : the only thing which is tastier than Dorayaki is you 😏
You : (blushing) Hai...?
Then Mikey keeps u eating and fingering at the same time and untill now u couldn't control your moans ,so u covered your mouth then Mikey removed your hand from mouth
Mikey : don't mute your moans these sounds so sweet (ʃƪ^3^)(kissed on your lips)
You : (。・//ε//・。)
The time comes when u can feel Mikey's bulge against your clit so u run your hands through his body and grab his bulge formed by his dick while he blushed and so u then u went down and undid his chain with your teeth so now u can finally see his big dick that he was packing inside he was a circumisized guy so u first lick the head of his dick then u started sucking his dick slowly while making a gag sound due to gag reflex.
Mikey was holding your hair gently and looking at you but u couldn't maintain the eye contact with him bc u were embarrassed then he gave you a warning that he was going to tap out and if u Don't want a mouth full u may stop sucking but u avoided that and kept sucking his dick then he cummed inside your mouth then u stopped sucking it his cum was dripping through your mouth to your boobs then Mikey pulled out a tissue and cleaned your face and your boobs which was kinda hot thing to do. Then he gently laid your back on bed and u were scared and excited at the same time cause u both didn't knew what was next......so Mikey lifted your legs up in his shoulder and yes u were into those kinks, then he first rub his dick against your clit which was hard as a rock then he slide his dick inside your tight pussy but it didn't take much time to get it inside cause u were too wet .
U can now feel the pain but the pleasure had been muting it Mikey keeps kissing many places in your body and u keep moaning and he groans in pleasure and the lewd sound of both of your skin clapping and your moans , then your legs keep shaking and u couldn't help with that now u Don't know when he's going to speed up and when would be be gentle his hips were so strong to get that speed .
You: M-mikey
Mikey : call me daddy
You : okay daddy
Then u reach an orgasm in between all that pain and so Mikey cums again then he finally pulls his dick outside and now u feel totally empty by inside but then he hugs u and u both cuddle up and check the time and IT WAS FREAKING 3 HOURS, it was already midnight.......
Mikey : hey...Y/n let's sleep don't do anything now
You : okay but I wanna cuddle
Mikey : okay
Then u guys cuddle with each other and u both decided sleeping naked u felt safe in his arms and then he put his head in boobs and admiring the softness of it by laying his head into it u keep playing with his hair while he does that and u pulled his head closer to your boobs and he rested them there , like a baby, he fell asleep sucking your tits. Both of u fall as sleep eventually .
U opened your eyes and saw yourself floating in the clouds aka u were in heaven cause Mikey shoot u with the pistol he carries ...............hey dummy u dumb that's was a joke just kidding .................U woke up and found yourself in his arms and he was still sleeping like a baby u kept looking at him he was looking so cute u were about to kiss him but he suddenly opened his eyes and saw u then u felt shy so u looked away ..........................
Mikey : hey .... Why did u stopped ???kiss me c'mon
You : (kisses him on his lips)
Mikey : (kissed u back)
Then u both break the kiss and he kisses your forehead gently , then u grabbed his dick and he keep maintaining the eye contact with u and then he smirked .
Mikey : oi...Y/n wake up I'm hungry let's eat something ( ╹▽╹ )
You : 🤦 whom am I thinking u get a round .....
Mikey : what ? A round ? Again ? But I'm hungry now
You : your stomach sucks....tbh 🙂
Mikey : u know that's the worst comment someone even made on me 🙂
You : haha just kidding 🤣🤣🤣
Mikey: (burst out laughing)
Then u both get up and u see blood in the sheets yeah it was normal cause u were virgin but not anymore then Mikey got up and out on his trouser and opened the curtains as the lights passed through your room u saw Mikey the hickey u Drew on Mikey's neck, abs , chest and even lips his lips were swallowed cause u bitten it already and u even saw the marks of your nails in his back and chest that that u left on him , u felt really embarrassing and guilty of that , then u called Mikey and he sat in the bed next to u...
Mikey : what happened u okay ?
You : I'm but you....
Mikey : me what ?
You : sorry Mikey I left hickeys on your body and also scratched in some places (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
Mikey : yea.... But why are you crying and apologizing it's alright
You : if u put in a shirt the hickey on your neck will be still visible
Mikey : oh I see .... Hah avoid that
You : what if drakun kun or maybe Emma kun noticed it ?
Mikey : I don't care , and I can handle Ken-chin
You : I hope so
Then u get out of the bed put on a red mini skirt with a coquette crop top and put your hair on a pony tail and washed your face then put on some moisturizer and lip balm then u went to the kitchen where u cooked a few dishes to serve to both of u .
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The dishes u cooked ^
You : the food is ready!!!
Manjiro: yeahhhhh
As he said u both started eating then u guys finished eating and u decided to fold the clothes on your wardrobe while mikey was watching TV sitting on your couch u got up and went to your room and opened your wardrobe and took out all the clothes and kept them on bed and started folding them
~10 minutes later~
Mikey entered in your room silently like a kitten and sat in the bed looking at u...........
You : are u hungry ?
Mikey: nah, I just ate
You : then what's the matter with u ?
Mikey : *sobbing* why did u got up from the couch?
You : sorry I had to re-arrange my wardrobe but I didn't thought it would hurt u that way...........
Mikey: oh I thought that u didn't liked sitting beside me or maybe u felt uncomfortable
You : stop procrastinating Mikey , this won't keep u up as a president of toman I have always known u as a carefree and invincible teenager isn't it ?
Mikey : *sobbing again* I'm afraid of losing u ..........
You: don't worry I'm not going anywhere
Mikey : I'm worried with the fact that draken would kill me if he knows I touched u by any means cause every time he warned me to stay away from u .
You : *laughing* so this is the president of toman *pointing finger on him*
Mikey : *laughing* don't laugh but as I respect him and he is my buddy that's why I'm saying .
You : no matter what , one day he has to know , wait he told u to stay away from me then u can also just tell him to stay away from Emma u have total rights to say that ur her brother.
Mikey: No I understand Emma's feelings since your brother and u are so Tsundere.
You: *rolls eyes* What do u mean by "you" ? So u mean I don't show u how much I love u ? *Kicks his balls*
Mikey: Y/n , u know it hurts .
You: Sorry baby , now come to mommy .
Mikey: okay mommy *smirks* *hugs u* *speaks in a low voice* u know that I can't live without u , I have waited for a long for this so finally we are getting some times alone. But for how long?
You : Stop overthinking, I will tell Draken that I like u and Emma San already knows that I like u ?
Mikey: Huh!? Emma knows ? She never told me about this .
You: cause I told her not to tell u that I like u she just one day asked me when she saw me staring at your pictures in my phone .
Mikey: Should've known this before.
Then u lean closer to him for a kiss, then u start making out with him passionately, then u break the kiss and his dark blissful eyes were revealing that how much he does loves you and his checks started having a pink shade so as yours u know u both were blusing as u both smiled everything around u guys were being kinda vibrant which was the best feeling ever u hugged him once more and layed your head in his chest and he covered u with his arms and u felt the safest place was his arms , then u circle your hands around his neck and start making an eye contact with him but this time there were no lust in his eyes all was affection and love for you only , u can now feel that he is the one whom u can marry without any hesitation and the one whom u Trust with your full heart and there is no longer any hatred for him in your heart all was love.
Then he started looking at u like he looks at his dorayaki which he claims to be his favourite now you can understand that ur his only favourite thing he doesn't need words to express his feelings for u , he just kept staring at you in a affectionate way that made u a way more comfortable when he is around and u kinda feel sleepy then u actually (pretended) to fall asleep in his arms and u hear him talking to u in a low and cute voice.........
Mikey : U Don't also know how much I love you , I'm just too shy to express it *his face has become tomato red now* i didn't know I was this shy until I met u idk where all my confidence now idk why am I so shy and nervous when u look at me I love you Sano-san. Sano-san u look so cute while sleeping I wish I could admire this sleeping beauty of u every night not for any other means I just want u to stay with me forever I don't need anything else Sano-san.
Your pov : Awww he is such a cute guy and he is kinda sweet and polite I wish I could tell him that he is my life and everything I wouldn't mind dying in order to protect him *blushing* . He called me Sano-san *Blushing like crazy* which means is he also thinking what am I thinking? *Opens eyes*
Mikey : uhhh u weren't asleep, did u pranked me again ? Did u hear me talking ? *Nervous*
You: Hey Manjiro , I heard u talking sorry 'bout that but I wanna tell u that I also think the same way ur thinking now *blushes* u Don't have to be shy or nervous around me just feel comfortable to share anything with me I won't judge u and I loved when u called me "Sano-san" I would love to change my surname to yours.
Mikey : *smiles* *kisses my forehead gently* I'm obsessed with you .
You: Same *your eyes started lit up as u look at him*
Now u both fall asleep hugging each other tightly and Mikey kissing on your forehead at this point u Don't need anything else when ur with him and sexual intercourse isn't everything I repeat sex in not the main focus here .
Hope u enjoyed the story , thanks for giving us time ( ˘ ³˘)♥ hope u have a good day 💝💝💘💟
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khiazeriawis · 2 years
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pairings; very ooc! emma x f! bi shuji's sis reader.
synopsis; who would have thought that the hot-headed, cocky hanma (y/n) can be tense and shy when it comes to this one sweet yet shrewish rich girl, emma sano.
cw; smoking(a lot) cursing?, mention of fight/ bullying?, arrogant and cocky reader.
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#chapter 001.
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the young female with h/c locks and a pair of golden-brown eyes walked toward the man who was currently scrolling through his phone. she sighed as she greeted, muttering one word with enough force of her hoarse voice "yo,"
the guy with braided hair; with yellow and black stripes on it, noticed and stared at her as he instantly stuffed his phone inside his pocket and gave the female a sly smile, "hey." he greeted her back.
the young female only leans on the cold wall beside him as she grabs a pack of cigarettes inside her pocket coat and takes one as she lights it up, puffing out a sweet gush of smoke through the cool air.
"I wouldn't be surprised if one day you and your brother will end up having lung cancer," the young man chuckled as he lifted his elbow on the wall as he fondled a lock of her h/c l/h hair twirling it with his free hand whilst the female only hum and stare at the sun that is starting to rise.
both of them sat on the cold floor and stayed silent, not having thoughts of talking to each other as they wanted to relax after a long, irritating and draining day yesterday.
"ran." the stillness between them was cracked as she asked the man, looking for someone, "where is rindou?"
"inside with kakucho and izana why?" he answered before closing his tired amethyst eyes and letting out a heavy sigh escaping from his lips whilst his head was resting on the female's shoulder.
"nothing, let's go?" (y/n) throws her used cigarette on the bush as she yawns herself out while the young man, ran haitani, is still clinging to her and hugging her waist.
"five more minutes,"
"but we're going to be la-"
"I told you five more minutes," he muttered tiredly as (y/n) only sighed before leaning her back on the wall again as she stroked ran's hair as his braid was undone presently and his hair was scattered on her lap.
the five minutes that the eldest haitani promised ended up to thirty minutes and now the female was in a hurry and running up the stairs as she was going to be late for her first class.
'tsk' she whines silently regretting believing his words but at the same time, she knows she is at fault too for sleeping along with him.
but can the teacher blame her? yes. it's not the teacher's responsibility why she stays up late playing video games with her friends.
almost out of breath she made it on time before the bell rang, "woah (y/n), you made it on time." the guy with raven hair snickered as (y/n) rolled her eyes at him and went towards her seat beside him.
"let me guess, you stayed up late again, didn't you?" the male named, keisuke baji, her seatmate confirmed narrowing his brows.
"yeah, what else?"
"have you done the assignment though?"
"yes- wait what assignment?!" she whispered as she thought the male was asking about the game at first but her voice went stern and her eyes widened when his statement suddenly sank through her messy mind.
the male face palmed knowing her answer already he just reassured and hoped but oh well he is right.
"shush, here hurry up while ma'am is still not here," he placed his index finger on her lips to silence her before she could even continue as he slid his notebook onto her table.
the female face lightens up as she elbows him, chuckling. "man you're the best," she utters, hurriedly and takes her notebook and ballpen out of her bag and starts copying.
keisuke only mouthed; welcome at her as he brings his attention back to his friend kazutora hanemiya who was currently chattering to someone.
(y/n) was glad that some students went to their classroom and announced that their teacher is currently absent today and they were told to keep quiet or the principal will have to teach them.
so instead of copying her friend's assignment she just answered it on her own as she was given enough time to do it so why not? plus it's not that hard for her to finish it as long as there is sufficient extent.
"(n/n) oi!" a familiar manly voice yelled her 'known nickname' as she turned her head around and saw the tall man with blond hair smiling at her.
she mouthed a 'wait' with a tiny smile on her lips as she waits for her food and instantly goes towards their table to have a break.
"how's your wound?" draken ryugi, one of her close friends inquired worriedly as he starts inspecting the wound on her lips that she got when she, izana and ran got into a fight with some of their schoolmates yesterday.
she pointed out to the group of guys on the other table that the three of them did fight with "it's nothing, you should ask them," chuckling. she gives them a smirk whilst they only send her a hiss and a glare.
draken sighed seeing the bandage on their faces and the black eye on one's eyes. "idiot if the principal knows about this for sure you'll be in trouble again," he reminded her, remembering the past few days when (y/n) and her other friends, especially with her brother, also that often get into a silly fight.
"yeah but they're the ones who are at fault, they won't leave me alone."
"I know but-"
"ken, you know I don't argue if I have no good reasons plus stop worrying." she cut his words off and draken only nodded his head.
(y/n) is always cocky and she needed to change that attitude of hers so she won't get into trouble anymore but realizing that (y/n) is hot-hard headed he stopped himself knowing that she won't listen to him either way.
"where is mikey?" she broke the silence, looking at him before roaming her eyes around as she pursed her lips.
"oh right, he said he can't come since he is accompanying his sister right now"
"he has a sister?!" surprised draken jolted from his seat when (y/n) suddenly screamed and shook him.
"calm down, yes he has!"
"that's unfair, I thought I was his best friend so why didn't I know about this," she pouted, complaining about how draken knows about this while she doesn't.
"hai.. don't be dramatic. I think he just forgot to tell you plus his sister just came back from here yesterday." draken explained as he noticed (y/n) with a frown on her face.
"is his sister taller than him?" (y/n) abruptly asks him, biting her lower lip as she turns to look at him with a confused expression plastered on her face.
"I don't know, I haven't met her in person just in pictures," he answered before standing up "i'll go now, my class will start in five minutes" he continued as (y/n) only sough and watched him walk away.
"rooftop, we go," she thought as she looked at the time indicating ran and the others are still in their class and her brother is with the council president. meaning there are no friends of hers she can chat with for a while.
she closed her eyes feeling the cool air brush against her skin as her hair swayed along with the wind.
she took the pack of her cigarette and her lighter, lit one of the cigarettes and instantly puffed out smoke.
she closed her eyes whilst doing it not hearing and realizing the door opening. she was surprised as her cigarette was taken away from the grasp of her fingers as she watched how the honey-blond hair, female stomped on it and the pack of it was thrown away.
"hey-" she was about to complain and argue with the person but she got stunned as her cheeks turned red when she faced the female with an angelic face and a pair of yellow eyes. "smoking is toxic and not good for your health."
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work of fanfiction any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, either certain events, are merely coincidental. names, characters, business, and events, are rather the product of the writer's invention or were used in a fictitious manner.
all rights reserved Ⓒ khiazeriawis.
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