Love how people are giving dates like his revival is some sort of guess-the-baby's-due-date game (yes, kacchan is the baby)
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Absolute son material
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@sammy-the-dead-dumpster Thank you!
I'm glad you're enjoying the memes! I spend a lot of time making some of these, especially the valentines, so it makes me happy to know when people like them! & I hope tagging you was ok. This is a side blog so I can't reply directly in the comments.
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according2thelore · 2 months
I think in es/ls verse that ls!sam would absolutely refuse to tell either of the younger ones about the future for WormHole Reasons but also because he knows they mentally cannot handle the idea of hell/the cage/purgatory/mom coming back/meeting god/the like.
and that's the Old Winchesters party line so obviously ls!dean is like 👌 sounds good sam whatever you say 👌 and then drops tantalizing hints in front of es!dean to fuck with him. just enough to drive him crazy, not enough to actually give him knowledge.
but. es sam is a goddamn bloodhound. he does not believe that any version of dean has the Right to keep any secret from him, ever, actually, and he's so so curious, and grizzled old dean is so WHIPPED by this entitled baby sam that he ends up spilling wayyyy too much. HE CAN'T HELP IT. plus he's jealous that his sam is spending time with es!dean, so.....
anyway, cue es!sam yelling at es!dean because how dare he sell his soul for him, months before he actually does it. es!dean overhearing es!sam ask his older self if they actually go to hell and what's it like, and dean loses his mind. etcetera.
"hitler's scared of me." dean says. the younger version of him slows down chewing, but doesn't stop. sam and...well, sam have gotten up to go look at the state map on the far wall of the diner, trying to see where alva, oklahoma is.
"yeah, okay." younger dean says--little dick, dean wants to dub him, but that weirdly feels like a self-burn, so dean goes back to brainstorming--but he must see something in dean's eyes, because his own get huge. like, cartoon-character huge.
then he starts choking. dean's sam--sammy, they've started calling him--comes over and smacks the kid on the back, then glares at dean like dean just purposefully and cruelly antagonized a wet kitten in a dumpster. or baby jesus.
"no fucking way. guy's been dead for like--seventy years!"
"elliot ness or hitler?" sammy asks dean through gritted teeth, still glaring holes into his face.
"i meet elliot ness?" little dick--fuck it, kid's annoying--cries, and sammy slaps a hand to his forehead.
“lord palpatine has a granddaughter and she's hot." dean calls into the shower room as he passes, and he hears a loud crash.
"i'm going to FUCKING kill you!" little dean screeches--again, weirdly demoralizing--and dean cackles the whole way to the kitchen.
"you should get really good a sword-fighting." dean suggests. younger dean just slumps forward.
"why?" he asks, like dean just suggested he stick a grenade pin up his dick or chew off sam's toenails.
"dunno. seems destined." dean says, and his world gets rocked as sammy hits him on the back of the head with a book thicker than his arm--as hard as he can.
"am i happy?" sam asks--baby sam, even though they've established that he's just 'sam,' with flashing eyes and a curled lip--because he's a manipulative piece of shit. dean can feel his shoulders tense.
they're sitting on the couch in the dean cave and re-watching some old hits, like the original clash of the titans. sam has strategically placed himself so his skinny thigh is pressed against dean's bigger one.
dean has very carefully not looked down to catalogue the difference because he knows he's going to do something stupid like pop a boner over it. dean knows that the closeness is strategic. but god, sammy--sam--smells like his old aftershave and summer. his eyes are bright and unlined. and he's playing dean's strings with deft fingers as he rolls his neck and looks at dean with eyes bigger than the damn sky.
they've been spending so much time together lately now that sam--adult sam--has found his new favourite in dean's younger self. sammy told the tiny asshole--what the hell is he going to call this kid--that he did a good job the other day, and the kid damn near pissed himself in delight like an excited puppy. dean's not speaking to either of them at the moment.
sam's been gently plying him with questions over the past few days. did i ever finish my degree? do i have my own car? was this from our last hunt? why do you and sammy look at us like that? what's our favorite place to eat?
some of them are innocuous but most are not, and this most recent question has knocked dean flat on his ass. he can't help but picture sammy--older sammy, his sammy--and his hollow eyes. his smiles. his eyes rolling in pain and pleasure and exasperation.
"yes. fuck. i hope so." dean admits, too damn easily, and he sounds like he's begging. he searches sam's face, prying his eyes apart for the answer. he's a kid. too damn young. he's dean's baby. dean feels like it's a promise, and it feels inadequate, an i'm taking care of you, i guess, so dean tries to cast the words in iron.
"i'd do anything to keep you safe, sammy. sam." dean corrects himself quickly, even though sam melts into his side like a cat. "to keep you happy. alive."
and sam kind of freezes, pulls back a little.
"what did you do?" the words are hard.
dean's stomach sinks. "what?"
"what did you do, dean?"
and dean tries to demur, like oh come on, it's just an expression. but dean knows that sam saw the depth there, heard the weight of it. he knows that there are decades underneath those words. lives under those words.
he sinks his teeth into dean, into the very marrow of him, and doesn't let up. dean tries to fight off his insistence, fielding questions for almost ten minutes before sam grabs him, hard, and shakes him.
"did i kill you--did you let me kill you?" sam begs, hands tight fists in dean's shirt and of all the things dean was expecting, it's not this.
"what?" he asks. "what are you talking about?"
and sam lets him go, falls back against the couch, hand over his mouth and dean's afraid he's going to throw up. dean knows--in a way he didn't know when he was young and stupid and twenty-seven--that sam needs time to think, so he lets sam stew.
"that's the worst thing i can imagine." sam says, finally. "i have dreams where yellow eyes kills you. i have dreams where dad does. and i...and i have dreams where i do it. because of what i'm becoming. and i...i don't know what's a nightmare and what's a--a vision--and i--"
and dean tucks this little kid under his chin, wraps arms around him that could suffocate him if he tried hard enough, and holds sam to him like sam will fly apart if he doesn't.
"nothing like that, baby." dean murmurs into his hair, and lets sam quietly wail into his shirt. he doesn't say, i'd let you kill me, because sam knows. he knows. it would be one of dean's gentler deaths, any death at the hands of his brother, but how could dean even start to say that?
"tell me dean. we protect each other, right?" sam begs, wet against his neck, and dean shushes him, feeling inadequate.
"of course. you're my baby brother. i'll always look out for you."
"promise me."
"i'm not gonna do that, sammy."
"it's--never mind. look at me."
"what--what? we gonna sit here and talk about our feelings? what do you want from me?"
"something's happened to them. don't tell me you haven't noticed. your sam is barely holding it together."
"hold on, he's not my--"
"i don't know, okay? bad feeling. just promise me you're not going to do something dumb. or let me...i don't know."
"now sam, when have i ever done something stupid?" a smile in his voice.
"you're impossible." fond. sad. warm. lonely. acknowledging. dean backs away from the doorway.
"i'd do it." dean--fuck it, dean's run out of nicknames for the little fucker. "whatever we do. in the future. i'll do anything for him."
he's standing in dean's doorway. that's the first time really that he's said we--an implied understanding that they are technically one person, the same person. dean doesn't look up from the gun he's cleaning. i know, he should say. or good. or it's not going to be enough.
but he just looks up into his younger face, and for the first time since this whole fuck-show started, feels something like pity. like camaraderie.
"c'mere." he says. "lemme show you how to load a mag in six seconds."
this RAN AWAY FROM ME!!!!! i LOVE this idea anon!!! your brain is brilliant!!!
i personally don't see LS!Dean telling ES!Sam about hell, for the same reason LS!Sam can't tell ES!Dean about the cage. it's too close, too personal, too real. inevitably.
ES!Sam would go mad with it, i think. hell, we SEE him unhinged in the show, actively or passively killing people to get dean back. LS!Dean would never want to put that on him, couldn't bear it. but i think he'd get pretty close.
anyway! sorry for the length, lol! i'm actually pretty proud of this one, and i had a lot of fun thinking about it! thank you for the ask anon! you are so correct!
-lizzy <3
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lotto840 · 10 days
Alright time for me to make a hex oc, yaaaaay
If you have a problem with that blame Sammy
Voice claim - Vinny’s Mario impression
Victor Ice is… a fucking asshole. The only reason he went to Gamefuna was because his ex found out why her credit card had so many strange purchases on it. If there was an award for the most punchable face, he’d have little competition.
When trying to figure out which position to apply for, he searched deep in his soul and realized something… that Human Resources… had the most opportunity to mess with his coworkers ofc! Wasting no time in kissing up to department head Iris for the entirety of his interview and messing with the brakes in the cars of the other applicants he was on his way to get paid for making everyone else’s lives hell!
Fortunately for decency’s sake, he found his time severely limited by Gamefuna policy of all of corporate having to work as an assistant for aspiring game developers. Victor got… some middle schooler who’d rather play Roblox and watch content farm vids than actually make something, and he has to listen to and watch all of it until he gets a complaint about a coworker. So if he anonymously gives Irving a selfship fanfic a user wrote about him while dealing with an affair or gives FPP an assistant’s number while having to settle conflicting shift schedules… he can’t be fired for mysteriously having more calls all of a sudden, can he?
Naturally, his coworkers all want him dead while his bosses love him, so he’s been getting by just barely avoiding having his body tossed in a dumpster. Of course, he couldn’t give less of a fuck about his popularity, just that he’s getting his kicks and a paycheck.
There he is, HR Rep V. Ice! I don’t have any art bc I have no clue what I want him to look like 💀
No I don’t know when I’ll make another oc or if I’ll actually write anything using him
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Happy DFF China! Your post inspired me — let’s hear about Sam/Dean/John. Do you see it as D/J already together and Sam joining, D/S already together and John joining, or all three getting together at once?
happy dadfucker friday spike! ❤ i have more than one answer to this question.
the first is: if we're talking in character, canon compliant, then i don't see any iteration of samjohndean *ever* happening. especially pre-series. largely in part for my enduring headcanon that Sam Knows and his feelings towards johndean are an absolute dumpster fire. partially as you'd expect - few things could be more horrifying than something like that happening in your family. having to live with that. having to get up for school tired af because you were up all night listening to your father blow your brother's back out. wishing you could have been kept awake by absolutely anything else.
is there also a sense of betrayal re dean; a sense that something that belongs to sam has been taken from him? and does sam look at dean sometimes - or, more specifically, look at *john* looking at dean, in this way that makes sam feel like his own skin is on backwards - and feel sick and dirty, because the last thing he is supposed to feel when he sees that is *jealous*? maybe. but fuck, does he hate john. he hates john for doing this to dean. and, by extension, to him.
so that being said i doubt sam would ever want in on a dadfucker threeway. i think he'd take quite a self righteous stance about it all and find it easier to hate/feel angry at them for this awful twisted thing than ever get to a place of trying to understand it. which is a totally understandable reaction, angry brotherlusting aside. but i do see sam understanding, or at least trying understand a bit more, when he's older. as it starts to become clear that dean is all he has and will ever have... because maybe john, all those years ago, felt some version of that too.
the only time i can see a dadfucker threeway maybe possibly happening, if you twisted my arm and pushed to the edges of my imagination, is after the daddycest bible in motion: dead man's blood. sam and john suddenly having a connection they didn't have before, what with the whole SO burning on the ceiling thing. dean overwhelmed at having his family back together again. all that emotion, sam's fresh trauma, john's old wound, the same for the first time ever; possibly copious amounts of alcohol; but it would require sam to have a real Moment of realising his family are all he has left in the world. and it would have to be a really low Moment - sam is only 22 at this point, he's so young and something so awful has just happened to him, and maybe he needs his dad? his big brother? he needs that comfort no matter how it comes? even if he's not quite drinking the family is everything kool aid yet - that is the only way and time at all i can ever see sam getting or wanting to get involved with his dad and his brother's incestuous shenanigans. (and if this were to happen idk i'd really want a sammy sandwich. john and dean wanting to take their best care possible of their golden boy 🥰... and this also lends itself nicely to a bit of jealousy from dean... john is never *that* soft and gentle with him, not like he is with sam... and what's all that about? is sam still the favourite, even *now*? does dean not just get this one thing from dad to himself? well, squash that one in the ignore-repress box for the next ten years...)
and then, from an out of character and warped/gross perspective, i see this going one of two ways (going dead dove now, tw non con):
bastard john/object dean- remember how i said before about john sharing dean with sam as an eighteenth birthday present? that vibe, because i think about this way too much. a cultlike version of john so used to using dean as a fucktoy that when sam comes of age the best present john can think of is letting sam, the golden son, in on the fun. who knows, maybe john's been promising this to sam for some time. maybe dean isn't even aware it's going to happen until the day of. but he knows what he's for and he knows what he's good at, and he so badly wants to be good for sam as well.
sam never made it to stanford, at least not on time. someone found the letter among his things. john and dean were having none of it. cue nasty corrective stuff. because if they can just make sam understand, if they can just show sam how good things can be here, with them, how they as a family can take care of each other, give each other everything they need... what more could he want?
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txemrn · 2 years
Guess who!! I'm ready for some tna analysis from you!!!! What did you think of the chapter ?? I think it's weird we don't have an explanation yet. Hello?? Dead woman walking. Anyone else freaked out??
Hey, anon! I'm so excited! One of my TNA Askers! Welcome home! I'm so glad you're back with book 3! And omg ... I am still unraveling from that first chapter... shall we discuss? 😁
I love that you bring up that we don't have an explanation yet of Addison's reappearance. If the love of my life died and came back REGARDLESS if she's a heartless bitch and abandoned the family or if she was taken captive or ... whatever... why are we not trying to figure this out? Why are we playing in the snow like it's nothing? Is this a normal thing for Sam? Women claiming to be his dead wife?
I could be wrong, but this DNA testing is such bullshit. No offense to those who think this, but I think the plot of it being a body double, a twin or someone who had plastic surgery is so lazy and ridiculous. If that happens, then okay... but I'll be pissed. LOL
But then again, Sammy claims he saw her in the morgue... I'm assuming they also did tests then (or did they get a payout from Daddy Dalton too)? OR... Does Sam know (this would be SO RICH, y'all... it's not gonna happen, but can you imagine!?)?
Also, if it's his lawyers doing the testing, why are they giving her the results?
I'm sure we all picked up on this: The Daltons told homegirl where Sammy was! Survey says THEY'RE IN ON IT!
Random thought: I think Sammy was Sam Dalton's persona before his wife "died" (remember: in the previous books, his dad was concerned about him being a little too wild; he was a risk taker; and now: workaholic).
Of course, MC knows how to fix everything. She has all the answers, including how to talk to the twins about their not-so-dead mother. Don't get me wrong: these are difficult discussions, and I am glad that the twins have SOMEONE to talk to about it. I feel like the only thing Sam knows about children is how to make them... but hey, wouldn't that be a fun plot twist (and by fun, I mean dumpster fire)? The twins aren't even his.
Red Flag #1763 for Sam Dalton: I want to preface this with I AM NOT DEFENDING ADDISON. We don't know her story; it's not looking so good.
But what the hell? MC comes to Sam during their cabin getaway to talk about Addison... they are literally on a getaway. Nothing else to do. Winter break. Vacay.
"...I know this must be awful for you, and haven't had much time to talk about directly." WHY NOT? WHY AREN'T WE TALKING!? DISMOUNT, GET YOUR FINGER OUT OF HIS ASS AND TALK!
"...something in my gut is telling me it's really Addison." SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR GREAT LOVE... have they even talked to her? Don't you think if they had a conversation together, he'd be able to tell? 5 years is nothing ...
And then... this entire exchange... *eye twitches*
MC: "Addison was your wife. I know you loved her once, and now that she's back..." (MC gets it; they were all still feeling the grief of Addison's loss 6 months ago when when MC took the nanny job...)
Sam: You are the one I want by my side... I mourned Addison and moved on. Her coming back, if it really is her, doesn't change.
Y'all... this makes me so sick. They weren't broken up. They hadn't divorced. She had "died"... imagine the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE dying and now they are back. Obviously, we have a TON of questions (and it's looking like Addison abandoned the family with maybe a rich payout). I don't expect Sam to be like... "Gee, I don't know MC, I guess I don't love you anymore." But, I'm not impressed.
Also, (I was asked this on FB) I don't fault Addison for not smiling at MC. LOL She probably sees MC as her husband's midlife crisis (which... *ahem*)
Of course, MC is gonna condone more pranks and now fibbing.
And one. last. thought (if you've made it this far)... those precious babies. UGH... just... my heart. Is she Mom or is she Addison? Do they want to see her or do they not? This has got to be so friggin confusing and my heart just breaks for them... this is so ugly for them.
Whew... talk about a ramble. I know there are PLENTY of people who disagree with me, and that is 100% okay.
Thank you so, so much for the Ask! I'm so happy you're back! And as always, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
*big ol hugs* 💜
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pastorpresent · 3 years
Sam knows it isn't functional.
The dynamic him and Dean have at the minute is... beyond fucked to say the least, and he knows it's going to crash down into a pile of flames and ash at some point, probably seriously hurting them both, but he can't seem to find a way to fix it.
It's easier to just watch the flames slowly creep up the metaphorical dumpster pile that is their relationship.
It was a horrible feeling, though. Horrible because it's not one he had ever experienced before. Even when he left for Stanford, he never believed that Dean hated him for it. He knew his brother had been pissed, and maybe he had a right to be because Sam had essentially ditched him in a horrendous life with just their father, but he knew deep down that Dean didn't hate him.
He had still checked in with him, after all. Even if his brother still didn't know to this day that Sam had indeed caught him sneaking around Stanford every month or so.
Now, he genuinely believed Dean did hate him.
And that was Sam's fault too. He shacked up with a demon. Chose her over him. Got so doped up on demon blood and power that he started the damn apocalypse.
Hell, Sam hated himself for it all. He would be surprised if Dean didn't.
But it was sort of an elephant in the room. Dean didn't want to have a heart to heart, and Sam didn't want to push in fear of what would be said if he did.
So, it was all just... passive aggressive. Sometimes outright aggressive because neither of them had a great grip on their emotions.
And Sam had thought all that resentment would put a stop to the... not so brotherly moments of their relationship, but it didn't.
They still fucked. Anything soft and intimate about it was gone, though. It was all just angry sex. Dean refused to even kiss him during, and Sam would be lying if he said that one didn't sting.
They fell into this frustrating cycle of ignoring one another. Immediately after a case, Dean would head to a bar. Sam would head back to the motel and do research, more of an excuse he told himself so he could say he was absolutely not just waiting up for Dean.
His brother would come back a few hours later stinking of whiskey and Sam would make a dissaproving comment. Dean would shoot back with some hurtful remark until they were shouting in each others faces, and just as it got to be too much Sam would find himself shoved against a wall with Dean's hands working to remove his clothes, refusing to meet his lips.
Tonight, Sam really didn't want to play their stupid game. He was over it, and he wasn't going to let it happen again.
He didn't do research. He showered, got changed into something comfortable and went to bed instead.
He was woken a few hours later by Dean's voice in his ear.
It was gentle, and the use of the nickname was startling. Dean hadn't called him that in months.
Still, Sam kept his eyes shut.
The bed dipped next to him.
"Sam?" Dean gently shook him, hand clamped on his shoulder. Sam kept his eyes closed, kept his breathing even.
There was a small sigh and the hand left his shoulder, although the dip in the bed told him Dean himself hadn't left.
There was a creak and the mattress shifted slightly. Two arms wrapped hesitantly around him, and Sam felt himself being pulled back slowly until his back was flush against Dean's chest, until he was wrapped up in his big brothers arms for the first time in... God knows how long.
Too long, evidently, from the way Sam's breathing caught.
Dean must've noticed, because he went rigid and tense, ready to jump away if he thought Sam was awake, but Sam quickly got a hold of himself and forced himself to relax again. After a few seconds Dean did too.
"I love you Sammy. Fuck... I... I've been a dick, haven't I?" Dean's voice was rough with emotion, much to Sam's surprise. He didn't know how much Dean had drank. Didn't know why he could only say these things to him after midnight when he believed Sam was dead to the world and he was doped up on alcohol but...
Sam didn't know much about their relationship lately.
"I don't... I'm trying. I'm trying to... forgive you, all that crap. The apocalypse shit was on both of us, I could move past that, but..." Dean trailed off, the thought going unfinished. Sam didn't need him to finish it.
But Ruby.
How fucked were they that Dean could forgive him for jumpstsrting fucking armageddon, letting literal satan roam free, but not for choosing a girl over him?
Maybe it was time to invest in a damn family therapist.
There was a good few minutes of silence. Sam honestly thought Dean had just finally passed out, but then he spoke again.
"Night Sammy. M'sorry."
It was accompanied by a small kiss to his shoulder, and Sam had to stop himself from leaning into it.
The next morning when he woke up, Dean was in the shower, and the bed opposite looked quite purposefully unmade and messy.
Sam wouldn't have suspected a thing had he not been awake and witnessed everything last night, and he honestly wasn't certain if the previous night was a first time thing.
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A Dark Revival, chapter 3
This is a story based on my theories about what Nathan’s role and motive will be in Bendy and the Dark Revival. I hope you all enjoy it.
Next up, I’m doing some requests, starting with some Norman x Sammy!
From then on out, Audrey didn’t listen to the audio logs. She knew that they would only serve to weaken her resolve.
It was a good thing that she’d gotten away from all this, honestly- this dumpster fire that was her biological family. She hadn’t run away for a good reason- she was 17, pretty alienated from her parents already, and liked the idea of settling down with her 20-year-old boyfriend better than facing her parents with her pregnancy- but in spite of all the pain that decision had brought her, she was glad to no longer be a part of this family. She really should have thought about how it would affect Nathanial, but right now she couldn’t think about that. This had to be done without her feelings getting in the way.
The group walked most of the day, occasionally stopping to fight monsters or to rest. Sammy and the searchers hadn’t made it, leaving only Henry, Tom, Alice, Allison, Joey, and Audrey left. Hours after they’d begun, Tom stopped dead before a giant wall made of ink.
“This is it,” Henry stated, “Ink creatures can’t go beyond this. Audrey, you’ll have to go in there alone.”
“I could just melt it away with my golden ink hand,” Audrey pointed out.
“Yes. But Nathan keeps the ink machine somewhere beyond there. If you pretend to be on his side for a while, he’ll show you where it is. And then you can run back here, bring down the wall, and together we’ll keep him distracted for long enough for you to break the ink machine with your power. Alright?”
Henry smiled warmly. “Great. I know we can count on you. It’s getting late, though. Let’s get some rest and be at it first thing in the morning.”
With that, they stopped. The five spent the evening together in one of the spare rooms, playing cards and talking about what they couldn’t wait to do in the outside world. One person at a time kept watch, with the exception of Audrey, whom they insisted needed her rest. It was frustrating how they had no faith in her to make the right choice in any but the best circumstances, but it seemed like they knew from experience.
Why have I always been at the mercy of others? she wondered to herself. First her teenage boyfriend, then her dad, and then the numerous people who had helped her while she was a single mother living at the poverty line, and then her husband who had saved her from that. It really disgusted her sometimes, how dependent and powerless she’d been across her life.
The next morning, Audrey stepped through the wall of ink. It was several feet thick, and crossing it felt like swimming through tar. When she got to the other side a minute later, she fell to the floor gasping for air and blinking thick ink from her eyes. Once the dark spots receded from her vision, she noticed that the floor- and walls and ceiling- were covered in storyboard papers, and those storyboard papers were covered in ink tendrils. The ends of those tendrils held pencils, and they were drawing. All of them led to a round, bloblike figure leaning over a desk.
It turned to her. Was it a searcher? Audrey wasn’t sure. It was so much bigger than other searchers she’d seen- nearly as tall as she was- and as it moved, all those inky tendrils shifted as well, their pencils dropping in a symphony of clinks. The creature’s face was too melted for her to have recognized it as anyone.
“There you are,” it said, its voice that of the mysterious creature that had forced Audrey to drink the golden ink, “A flesh-and-blood person. I’ve been wanting to meet with you since you first arrived. Come with me. I have a project to show you.”
With that, the searcher turned to a wall, willed a hole into it, and led Audrey through. On the other side was a giant machine.
Audrey had seen something similar to it before- a smaller version of the central part had been in her father’s study. Here, it was just one part of the machination, held up by chains in a multi-floor area filled with factory-esque machinery. Ink ran through pipes like veins to a heart. Down below, Audrey could see humanlike bodies sealed up in tubes- one of her dad and one who looked like her little brother. They were greyscale, but clearly more realistic than the toons.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” The creature asked. “I created it. Well, some of it, anyhow. I inherited it from a man who had been living in the past, letting it stagnate, and I spent years building upon it. And now, my hard work has paid off. I believe that this machine can bring the dead back to life. I’ve tested it on ink creatures many times, and it has worked like a charm. I’ve made human bodies- functionally identical to any natural human- and put their souls into them. But ink creatures’ souls are already tied to the ink machine, and those aren’t their real bodies. In order to really test this, I would need a human subject.” Nathan turned to Audrey. “Would you help me? I wouldn’t ask if I weren’t quite sure this will work. I wouldn’t intentionally harm a pretty girl like you.”
“Sure,” Audrey said. She knew where the ink machine was now. It was time to let everyone else in. “Just give me a moment, here.” Not the best plan, but Nathan seemed to be allowing it. She wondered why, when he could probably see what she was doing, as she stepped back through the hole in the wall and made her way back to that wall of ink.
“Do you know why you were put here?” Nathan asked, following behind her.
“No,” Audrey lied, trying to keep her expression even. Nathan didn’t seem to recognize her, and that was probably for the better.
“Aw. You poor thing. That must be awfully confusing for you. I know why I was put here.”
“I see.”
“It’s because my disrespectful little wretch of a daughter turned my son against me. Had that not happened, he might still be here.”
Audrey didn’t react, she just kept walking. Apparently Nathan did recognize her- he was just pretending otherwise to make his manipulation attempt less transparent. There was no time for this- she had to get it done quickly or she might break down, tell him she knew it wouldn’t work and they had to try something else, and try to help him figure out what. Now within close enough range of the ink wall, Audrey raised her spiralled hand.
Lightning quick, Audrey felt inky tendrils wrap around her ankles and pull her face-first onto the floor. She fired off the golden ink anyhow, melting the ink wall. Drawing on the storyboards, Nathan erected a physical door in its place, but Tom punched his way through and the others followed. Before Nathan could erect any more barriers, Audrey turned and zapped Nathan with her hand power, giving the others enough time to bridge the distance and attack. With a swing of her machete, Allison broke Audrey free from Nathan tentacle grasp.
“Run!” Allison commanded, and Audrey did, straight for the ink machine. She took aim for its central part, and shot it with both hands and all her might. The ink in those veinlike pipes began to glow and spread, and the outlines of the world were beginning to look like they were melting.
Back in the other room, Nathan was frantically drawing up enemies- Projectionists and Brute Borises and the like- to distract the five others for long enough to break away and stop Audrey. A Brute Boris picked up Tom from behind and strangled him with his giant hand. Allison noticed and stabbed the giant creature in the back, killing it. But their distraction only gave Nathan more time, more available tentacles- to draw up more enemies. Allison watched as, in the background, Henry and Joey struggled against a giant, catlike abomination and Alice’s body laid limp.
Nathan was free. He was moving- at his relatively slow maximum pace- towards the ink machine room. Allison scampered to the doorway to block him, but after slashing a few tentacles out of the way, he caught her. Cold, inky tentacles wrapped around her arms, and then her legs and torso until she was helpless. Allison looked back to see that Audrey was still working on the machine, and that the ink machine itself and everything around it appeared to be melting.
Then, everything went white.
When Audrey, Henry, Tom, Allison, and Joey woke, they were in a white void. There was nothing there except for a multi-story, black-and-white building, and emanating from it seemed to be the sound of crying.
“Audrey, you’re in colour,” Henry pointed out.
Audrey looked down and saw that, yes, her skin had turned from greyscale to its usual olive tone- probably a result of being outside the studio.
They couldn’t dwell on that long, though, as a rumble was coming from the studio. The building suddenly grew tentacle-like legs and heaved itself up with a mighty creak, several boards falling from it in the process.
You’ve ruined everything! The building cried. I’m going to die now, because of you!
The building spit out half a dozen searchers from its door, which Audrey melted before they were even in close range.
You ruined my goals. You ruined my dreams!
It spit out a Brute Boris.
I will stop at nothing to ruin you!
“What do we do with this?” Allison asked Joey.
“We defend ourselves and wait for him to fall apart. Look!” Joey pointed at a large, widening crack forming at the side of the studio. Its lines were becoming increasingly faint and melty. Without the ink machine, it was not long for this world.
The final battle lasted three minutes, and it was nothing the four couldn’t handle. It felt almost sad attacking these melting, half-formed beings that were all the machine could produce. Audrey could see that her companions were beginning to melt, too.
In the end, the studio was a puddle on the ground. It moaned incomprehensively and spit out a tiny, legless Striker who melted before it could drag itself ten feet from the machine. Allison, panting from the exertion of fighting while she degraded, tried to drop her sword, but found that it had melted into her hand.
The five people looked at each other. There was no thanks, no celebration. There was no knowing whether this was salvation or death.
And then, everything went white again.
When Henry woke up, he immediately knew he was human again. Things like his pulse, his warmth, his sweat, were so apparent after being without them for so many years. His back hurt from having been asleep on the floor of Nathan’s study, but he had no other injuries. Nothing his inky shell had sustained had carried over.
The room was packed with people- some awake, some still asleep. Everyone who was awake was happy- hugging themselves or their friends and significant others. There were men and women, older people and teenagers, people of all sizes, shapes, and colours, all realizing that they were finally free. It was honestly beautiful.
It was at that point that Henry saw Audrey. She was dragging an unconscious, elderly, heavyset man out of the study by his collar and looking none too pleased about it. Henry decided to leave her alone in that- she probably knew what she was doing.
It wasn’t long until Nathan began to wake up, and after he did, he and Audrey weren’t sure what to say. Finally, Audrey broke the silence. “I’m going to go find Tessa. Don’t go back in your study. In fact, stay as far away from there as you can. The people in there might want to kill you.”
Nathan nodded weakly in return, and Audrey got up.
“Audrey,” Nathan said finally, “ink does strange things to the mind. I didn’t mean what I said.”
Audrey turned back to look at him. “That doesn’t matter anymore,” she said. “My life has nothing to do with you now, and I don’t want anything to do with you, alright? I'm a Masters student, and missing God knows how many months is really going to set back my career. I have a husband, and a daughter who’s just started college and I wanted to help her transition. I don’t ever want to get caught up in this family’s craziness again, I’m sorry. But by all means, say whatever you need to say.”
“I shouldn’t have sent you away. It was my impression back then that Nathanial had gone cold on me because of you. Now, I know it was my own actions. I spent most of my life wishing I hadn’t, so that I’d at least have one of my children on my side. I’m really sorry, Audrey.”
“Thank you,” Audrey said.
Audrey met with Tessa as soon as she could find her. Audrey took half of the money she was promised and told Tessa to put the rest towards the other sketch dimension survivors, and she flew back home as soon as she could. Thankfully, she had only been removed from her life for half a year, and so transitioning was relatively easy. Her contact with Henry and Allison, who had been removed from their lives for the better part of a decade, showed that it was not so easy for everyone. Nonetheless, everyone was happy to be free, and everyone got a chance to recover.
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Dirty Motel Sheets
Pairing: Wincest x Reader very bottom!Reader, bottom!Sam, top!Dean
Word Count: 2813
Warnings: All the smut a threesome can ask for! Dirty talk, oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, unprotected sex, drinking, cursing, and of course Christmas
Summary: Maybe it’s the Southern Comfort in the eggnog but this Christmas just got a little more steamy and incestuous. 
Author’s Note: Happy Christmas my lovelies! It’s been a very long time since I’ve written, let alone posted a fic. But here we are, at the end of the dumpster fire that was 2020 and I bring you this @spnsecretsantaficexchange​ for the lovely host @negans-lucille-tblr​. She took pity on me and let me join her exchange at the last minute. Thank you for that darling. I know I missed the deadline but I hope this is worth it! Beta by the wonderfully talented @kayteonline​
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Christmas as a hunter didn't mean much. There was no Christmas tree. No lights, strung garlands, or shiny round ornaments. Presents, if there were any, came from other hunters. A new machete, a jar of dead man's blood, or a new flask to keep holy water.
This Christmas however, came with a gift you'd been fantasizing about since you first heard of the Winchester's. There was always talk of the two handsome men who traveled across the country in their black beauty of an automobile. How they only truly trusted each other and that their love for each other ran pretty deep.
Maybe a little too deep, but the thought of Sam's big hands with his long fingers spreading himself open for big brother Dean sent arousal down your spine. Sure, it was wrong, but damn what you wouldn't give to see if the rumors were true.
"Thanks for helping me out, guys. I don't think I could have taken those ghouls without an extra set of hands." You reached out a hand towards the older Winchester as he stuffed the shotgun holding the trunk open to his Baby down into the trunk.
"Ain't no problem, sweetheart." Dean thrust his hand into yours, "anytime you need help, give us a call." A wink from those piercing green eyes had the breath stolen from your lungs.
"You know, it is Christmas Eve. Maybe you should come on back with us to our motel. Have some eggnog." Sam smiled and brushed his hair behind his ear as he leaned against the roof of the Impala's passenger side door.
Warmth flooded your body at the suggestion and you were quick to nod your acceptance to the invitation.
"Sure, sounds great. I'll be by in about an hour. Wanna wash the ghoul out of my cleavage and you might want to get the blood out of your hair too, Sam."
With a grimace, Sam nodded and climbed into the Impala while Dean walked around to the driver's side. "See ya in a bit, kid."
A little over an hour later you found yourself sandwiched between the Winchester's on the ratty, brown plaid motel couch. Both boys were freshly showered and pouring another round of  drinks. The eggnog was heavy on the bourbon, the good old Southern Comfort settling in your belly, and it wasn't long before a warm buzz was singing through your veins.
“So, I have a question,” you blurted as Dean emptied the last of the spiked drink into his glass.
“Sure, darling. What is it?”
“I’ve been hearing rumors, and I have to know if they’re true. It’s probably not, and if it’s total bullshit just say so and I’ll blame my curiosity on the SoCo.”
Sam smirked, “sounds ominous. What’s the question?”
Licking your lips, you sat up straight closing your eyes to gain courage, or maybe it was just hard to keep them open when you were this drunk. “Do y’all fuck? Cause last time I was in Nebraska, Jo said….”
The sound of Dean sputtering made your eyes snap open. “Oh my god, are you okay?”
Dean wiped his mouth and shook his head. “I’m fine,” he cleared his throat before muttering under his breath, “Jo should have kept her big fucking mouth shut.”
A wild grin spread across your face. “So it’s true?” You turned to look at Sam who had been quiet, his face and ears tinted with a rosy hue that you didn’t think was just from the alcohol.
“She walked into something she shouldn’t have. Look, Y/N, you can’t tell anybody. We know what people think and we don’t want it getting in the way of what we do.”
Reaching over, you laid a gentle hand on Sam’s jean covered knee. “It’s okay, Sam. I’m not going to tell anyone.” You peeked over your shoulder at Dean, biting into your bottom lip, “it is hot to know though.”
Dean smirked at your comment and leaned back against the couch, his arm going up and over the back. “You think so, huh? What makes the thought of us, a couple of brothers fucking, turn you on?”
Releasing Sam’s knee, you leaned forward, setting your almost empty glass on the wood coffee table and settled back between the brothers, your hands rubbing along the denim over your thighs. “Where do I even fucking start! You’re both gorgeous, and I’d give my left tit to fuck just one of you. But the thought of your plump lips wrapped around that bulge in Sam’s jeans, his massive hands tangled in your hair as he fucks your throat. Or Sam’s ass in the air, cheeks spread by those long fingers of his while you sink your thick cock into him over and over again. Fuck, the thoughts alone leave my pussy wet and aching.”
Dean leaned in a little close, his hand coming up to lift your chin and tilt your face towards him. “Tell us, sweetheart, do you get off thinking about us? Do you make that ache in your pussy worse, fucking yourself with your fingers while thinking about the cum that leaks out of Sam’s tight hole after I’m done with him?”
Your breathing turned rapid as Dean brushed his lips against yours. “Yes,” you exhaled.
Movement on your other side tried to draw your attention but Dean’s lips were molding against your own, his pink tongue flicking at the seam of your lips until you let him in as Sam curled a hand around your thigh.
A hot breath caressed the curve of your ear, “do you want to join us tonight, Y/N? Stay the night and be filled for Christmas?” Sam’s words were like pure sin in your ear and you moaned into Dean’s mouth as hands started moving across your body.
Deft fingers popped buttons and tugged open clothing, a large hand moving to pull the cup of your bra down to palm at your breast while another snaked into your open jeans, tapping against your clit through wet panties.
It was a blur as Dean's lips on yours became Sam's, his kiss more forceful as he dominated your mouth. Dean's own lips find purchase on your neck, sucking the sensitive skin there while his fingers flicked open your bra.
The hand in your pants rubbed against the wet fabric, your clit throbbing as Sam built you up to almost your breaking point before stopping and pulling away.
He stood from the sofa, offering you a hand which you took rising slowly until you stood at his side. From behind you, Dean grabbed the waist of your undone jeans, pulling them and your wrecked knickers down until they pooled at your feet.
"Go lay on the bed, sweetheart." Dean's words, like a command, swept over you, and when you turned towards the bed it was only then that you realised it was the only one in the room.
"Not much use for two these days," Sam murmured beside you as his large hand came down on the small of your back, giving you a gentle nudge towards the already rumpled and dirty motel sheets.
You went willingly, climbing up along the center until you could rest your head among the dingy pillows.
With you perched and watching, Dean did what came naturally as he stepped up to Sam, shooting you a wink before pulling his baby brother down into a searing kiss.
Tongues tangled and groans of need filled the air as the brothers undressed one another in a synchronized dance they had perfected over the years. Large calloused hands caressing and squeezing as fabric hit the floor and revealed taut skin.
Your eyes were glued to their movements, your hands lightly touching your skin, along your thighs and between your legs, one hand dipping lower to tease your wet opening while the other made lazy circles around your swollen clit.
The squelching sound of your fingers plunging in and out of your drenched cunt drew the brothers attention, Sam, now gloriously exposed to you, stepped away from big brother to crawl up the end of the bed towards your dripping center.
“Such a pretty pussy, it’s been awhile since I’ve tasted that sweetness. Can I taste you, Y/N?” Sam asked, a hunger in his lust blown kaleidoscope eyes.
“Fuck, yes please,” you mewled, withdrawing your hands from your core to clench at the off white sheets below you.
A sly grin rolled around Sam’s lips before he leaned forward, licking a hungry strip between your swollen lips. His tongue wrapping around your clit, pressing hard before moving down to lick at your entrance.
“How’s she taste, Sammy?”
Your heavy lids raised to look over at the eldest Wincester as he stood at the end of the bed, his thick cock in hand as he lazily stroked himself from base to tip.
“So fucking good,” Sam groaned into your cunt, his words adding vibrations to your pulsating clit making tingles of pleasure shoot down all the way to your toes.
Dean stopped touching himself and leaned over to a get something from a duffle bag that was on the floor, a bottle of lube popping free from a zippered front pouch.
“That’s good, Sammy. Keep licking that sweet, tight pussy. Get her nice and ready to take your huge dick.” Dean clicked open the lid to the lube, slicking his fingers as he stepped closer to Sam kneeling between your thighs. “It’s been a couple years since I’ve let Sammy have someone’s cunt wrapped around his beautiful cock. It’s been all mine since he came back out on the road with me.”
Dean stopped talking and your pussy clenched around Sam’s tongue as Dean held Sam’s left ass cheek open so he could smear the thick wetness on his digits over the taut opening of Sam’s asshole. Slowly, Dean sank a finger in, letting the tight rim of his baby brother’s hole stretch to let him in.
“Finger that pussy open while I get you ready, Sammy.”
With a whimper Sam obliged, inserting first one and then two fingers into your greedy cunt, rocking them in and out slowly, matching the pace of the fingers in his own ass.
Desire wracked your body, clit pulsing as your cunt squeezed around Sam’s fingers, his lips and tongue focusing all their attention on your sensitive nub.
“Make her cum, Sammy. Cum all over his fingers and tongue, Y/N. He’s fucking starving for you to flood his mouth with your juices. Come on, sweetheart. Cum for us.”
Dean’s words as he scissored his fingers inside Sam, sent a spark of white hot pleasure through your body, your toes curling and a wail of delight exhaling from your lungs as you came, Sam lapping happily as you soaked his digits.
“That a girl,” Dean praised.
You came down slowly, Sam slipping his hand free as he cleaned you with his tongue before crawling up your body, Dean withdrawing as well to coat his hard cock in lube.
“Think you’re ready for me, darling?” Sam asked, his mouth taking possession of yours without letting you answer as his thick cockhead rest against your cunt lips.
You moaned against the flavor of pussy that was sparking on your tongue as Sam licked into your mouth.
“I think she’s ready, Sammy. Fuck her, hard. Get her nice and stretched by that fat cock before I start getting antsy and start fucking you.”
Sam’s lips left yours as he sat back just enough to see between your bodies and ran his flared cockhead down between your folds, your clit jumping from overstimulation as he rubbed back and forth before dragging down to your opening.
“Dean’s so impatient sometimes,” Sam murmured as he slowly sank his tip into you. The wide head stretched you open further than his fingers had as a pleasurable burn rippled through your core.
Your eyes fluttered shut as Sam pushed his way into your body, settling to let you adjust as he rained kisses over your chest his lips, tongue and teeth greeting your neglected nipples for the first time tonight.
Sam hummed to himself as he ravaged your chest before pulling away with an audible pop to look at you. “Y/N?”  He waited until your eyes opened to continue. “I’m gonna start moving now. If that’s alright.”
“Yes,” you breathed. “Please fucking move before I fucking explode. Need you to fuck me with that huge cock, Sam.”
Dean barked a laugh, “she’s desperate for it, baby brother. Give it to her.”
Sam smiled that boyish grin of his before pulling his hips back and slamming back in. Knocking the air from your lungs as he started pounding in and out of your dripping core. His cheeks starting to redden with the exertion as sweat beaded along his skin, your arms reaching up to pull him in closer, lips searching out his as your nails dug into his thick shoulders.
Pleasure coursed through your core being stretched and stuffed full like you’d never been before flooding your brain with endorphins. Ragged breaths fell from your lips, mirrored by Sam’s own until Dean stepped forward and laid a solitary hand on the small of Sam’s back, just above the curve of his plump ass.
“Hold on for a second, Sammy,” he whispered, resting a knee on the mattress as he pulled his hand down over the curve to hold Sam open again.
Sam’s eyes were on yours as he breathed slowly above you, his bottom lip drawn up between his teeth in anticipation of what was coming next.
You smoothed your left hand down his sweaty back, until you reached his buttocks, grabbing a handful before pulling the other side open for his big brother. “Fuck him, Dean.”
“Fuck,” Dean breathed, his head lolling forward, his eyes shutting briefly at your words as he thumbed his flared tip down and slowly pushed at Sam’s rim.
The brother gave a grunt in unison, and you couldn’t help clenching around Sam’s throbbing erection still inside you.
“Please don’t do that, Y/N. I’ll fucking cum and I don’t wanna ruin this,” Sam groaned, his voice strained as Dean settled deep inside him.
“Sorry,” you giggled before having it punched out of you by Dean as he thrust forward into Sam as hard as he could, sending his baby brother deeper inside you until his cock rest against your cervix.
“Holy fuck,” you yelped in pleasurable surprise.
“Hold on, sweetheart,” Dean said just as he started pumping over and over into Sam, sending the younger Winchester into a rhythm that let him fuck you in turn just as hard.
Grunts, groans, whimpers and mewls of pleasure filled the motel space. Outside the air was freezing, but inside it was hot and smelled of sex; dripping wet cunt, sweat, and lubricant.
“I can’t, Dean. I’m gonna fucking cum.” Sam whined as Dean hammered into his prostate and your pussy fluttered around him, your own orgasm building quickly.
“Try, Sammy. Want us all to cum together.”
But he couldn’t do it. The stimulation rippling through his body, your wet pussy squeezing him tight and Dean rocking into him hard enough for the headboard to be hitting the wall was just too much. Sam ducked his head into your neck, his teeth nipping at your skin as a dull roar left his lips. His cock pulsed against your walls, filling you to the brim with his cum.
The squelch of his white mess dripped out around his cock and onto the bed as the three of you kept moving, Dean using all he had to stave off his release in favor of yours.
“Gonna cum on that dick, Y/N? Squeeze out any bit of cum my sweet baby brother’s got left?”
The rasp of Dean’s words traveled straight to your clit, as did Sam’s fingers and your world exploded into a world of bright white, blood rushing to your ears and leaving you deaf as Dean too grunted out he was gonna cum.
The three of you were a bunch of tangled and sweaty limbs, each panting and covered in each other's white, sticky juices.
“Merry fucking Christmas,” Dean announced as he pulled out and dropped onto his back beside you on the bed.
A whimper at the loss leaving Sam’s pink lips as he too untangled himself from your core and laid on the vacant side of you.
Cum dripped between your thighs and out of Sam’s asshole onto the motel’s grimy off white sheets, leaving them a little dirtier after witnessing your Christmas sins.
“Merry Christmas indeed,” Sam sighed before promptly falling asleep, exhaustion taking over as you giggled between the brother’s.
Christmas as a hunter was rough, but this one had turned out to be the best one yet.
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Ghost Brother AU
What’s this??? A crossover between Danny Phantom and Miraculous Ladybug!?!?!? Yes!!!  (I have no clue how many people in the ml fandom have watched DP, but I’m going to try to describe it as best as possible without retelling DP’s plot)
So, during Ultimate Enemy, Clockwork doesn’t mess with the timeline and save Danny’s family, so not only does Danny have to live with the idea that one day he might become evil, but he’s also an orphan now. He’s 14, Marinette’s 11. 
To avoid living with his nemesis, Vlad Masters, and risk becoming Evil Danny, he runs away. Specifically to Paris, because he doesn’t think Vlad would look for him overseas and because he took french in high school.
Note: Danny is not good at French.
He ends up living on the streets for a few months, using his powers to steal food from dumpsters and sleep in inaccessible places. It works pretty well until he runs into Tom Dupain during one of his raids on the  Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie’s dumpster. 
Tom has Big Dad Energy and takes the extremely skinny teenager who barely speaks French inside and he and Sabine feed him. They manage to understand that Danny is an orphan runaway and that he's really afraid of his uncle.
Danny’s smart enough to use a fake name in this au, so he says his name is Samson Foley, Sammy for short. 
Because of this, when Tom and Sabine try to search for him, it doesn’t pop up, making them think that his uncle doesn’t care about him and that he’s right to runaway. 
The language barrier makes them think a lot of things, like “Sammy’s” parents have been dead for a long time and he’s been living with his uncle since. 
Even though “Sammy” doesn’t have papers, they can’t register him as family or send him to school, so Tom and Sabine say that he’s Tom’s distant cousin, Dan “Danny” Manson, who got kicked out, so he’s paying for a room in their house by working in the bakery (they’ve been needing extra hands anyway). He ends up doing school work online and learning to bake with Tom in back. 
Marinette wakes up the next day to discover she has an entire brother now and she’s thrilled. He’s kind of awkward around her for the first few weeks, but with his French improving daily and Mari being endearing, he resolves to become the best big brother ever. 
Tom and Sabine didn’t intend to start seeing Danny as a son, but he’s so good with Mari and so endearing that they can’t help it. And he sees them as parents too. They around the first year he lived with them, they asked if he would like to call them Maman and Pere and he breaks down crying.  
Danny gets therapy for his grief and guilt. He almost doesn’t want to go because it reminds him too much of Jazz, but Mari convinces him after finding him crying in the bathroom. 
Also, Danny is trans in this au. Taking T plus all the lifting in the bakery has left Danny ripped. 
Danny’s 17 when Stoneheart attacks and almost considers fighting him--those superhero instincts die hard--until Ladybug and Chat Noir appear. He’s relieved since if Phantom suddenly appears in Paris, Vlad and the Guys in White would know where to find him. 
Over the next month, he thinks its weird that Marinette’s started eating more and gaining muscle, but chalks it up to puberty. He’s more concerned about why her class has the biggest akuma population. He resolves to teach Mari marital arts to protect herself. 
He doesn’t meet Ladybug herself until Animan and, as a former superhero who was really bad at keeping his identity, he became really suspicious of the fact that Ladybug knew who he was without them meeting. However, he doesn’t know for sure until he sees her transform in front of him during the events of Befana. 
He ducks out of sight before she sees him, thinking “Jesus, this is how Jazz must have felt.” 
Like Jazz, he resolves himself to waiting for her to tell him herself and helping as indirectly as possible. Mainly, by working to find Hawkmoth. 
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
Firefly Chapter 7 : Eighteen and twenty-eight years old
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By Roonyxx and Jay-and-dean
Pairings : future Dean x reader ?
Summary :  40 years in Hell, but he didn’t spend all this time all alone, he had her.
Prepare to know what happened during those years Dean never talks about. To immerge yourself in Hell, only lit by the mysterious kid growing here…
And to see some of your favorite villains again : Crowley, Lilith, Lucifer… And also Sammy and Jack…
Serie Warnings : Hurt!Dean, Hell (torture, even if we tried to not give it graphic descriptions, creepy demons, blood, violence), swearing, angst, future fluff and smut.
This story is in both Reader’s POV and Dean’s POV
Wordcount : 4330
Note : This is our second collaboration. We can’t both edit the same post, so we decided we would post 1 chapter/2 each, like we did for Same.
We both worked as much on this story and it’s the result of both our brains but also both our hearts.
Please, if you want to show love for this story, don’t forget we were together in this.
This story will be around 10 chapters and we intend to edit it every Saturday if nothing delays it.
Firefly Chapter 1
Firefly Chapter 2
Firefly Chapter 3
Firefly Chapter 4
Firefly Chapter 5
Firefly Chapter 6
Jay’s Masterlist
Roonyxx Masterlist
She wasn’t moving at all. Sitting on the bench in the middle of this ocean of life, she watched people walk by. The sun had gone down now, after moving from building to building, making giant shadows change the whole city constantly.
She was overwhelmed, unable to move at all. Her eyes were drinking the world like new born baby’s ones. None of her muscles moved for hours, her fists clinging at her dress, her heart bleeding in silence for Dean.
A few people stopped to ask her if she was okay, but she couldn’t answer, her voice locked in her lungs…
But she finally got up.
After days of hiding in alleys, and walking on boulevards, escaping weird men yelling at her in the dark of night… It started to rain. A heavy, pouring storm rain that made her dress heavy and washed the dust out of her. And that warm loud summer rain somehow woke her from her torpor.
She had to live, and learn everything about life because that’s what Dean wanted for her… But Dean wasn’t here, and he will never be. So she came back to that bench, soaked and shaking, and started to cry for him. She had to be happy for the man she loved, and couldn’t without him… 
Her tears only calmed with the rain that day. And even when her eyes stopped crying, her heart never stopped weeping for Dean a single second.
Not when she got up from that bench to find a map of the city on the subway station, not when she found clothes, and ripped that stupid dress of her body… It was still weeping when she first found people in the street and asked her where to find food. It was screaming inside her during her first night in a foster home for homeless people… When she fought for the first time to escape men again. 
Her heart was weeping for Dean the first time she laughed, seeing cartoons in a TV store front, when she found out about drugs and abuse, cheating, wealth... when she started to be hungry, when she fell of exhaustion in an alley…
And even if her eyes stayed dry, her soul kept crying when the demons attacked.
Lilith had sent them after her as soon as the Queen noticed Y/n was no longer in Hell. She was hiding in an abandoned building when dozens of demons attacked her, she fought with teeth and nails to get them off and she won, but that wasn’t the end… Lilith kept sending more minions and, exhausted but determined to live, Y/n had only one option left.
She faked her own death. With the help of her powers and some research in the nearby library and in the maze of knowledge she had memorized over the years, she tricked the demons into believing she was dead, and used a certain pattern of sigils to hide herself, cloaked from every supernatural being.
Finally she was free.
So things went easier. After a little while, she met her own little angel : Sue. An older lady who offered Y/n shelter when she caught her dumpster diving her diner. Sue found Y/n a little odd at first, everyone thought that of her, but just as with every person Y/n had met on her way, Sue liked the happy girl she always seemed to be, enthusiastic about the very simpler things ; so she offered Y/n a job as a waitress in her diner.
 Y/n’s window was rolled down as the loud music blasted through the speakers of her raven black 1967 Ford Mustang as she drove to work, still the same job at Sue’s diner. And she was smiling wide on her way, because she loved every single thing about this job. 
She parked her car in the lot and made her way inside to take her light blue apron.
“Morning Y/n! How are you doing today sweetie ?” Sue asked.
“You know, same old same old.” Y/N shrugged.
Tying her apron on her, Y/n smiled kindly. She looked so different from what Dean had known, and hopefully different enough so no demon passing by ever recognized her. Her hair was tied together and no longer falling on a waterfall in her back. No more fancy dresses but only jeans and all the t-shirts she liked, with rock bands on it, or her favorite movies posters... 
Sue sighed and put her hand on Y/n’s shoulder.
“Are you still working on freeing Prince Charming ?” she asked Y/n with an apologetic smile. 
“Yes, I promised I would get him out and I won’t stop until he is” she said determinedly. 
When Sue had just found Y/n she kindly offered her to stay at her house until she could get on her own feet. Y/n dreamed a lot about Dean, some dreams worse than the others, so after the third night of her guest screaming Dean’s name, Sue had asked her who he was. Y/n couldn’t tell her everything so she said he was the love of her life and was wrongly imprisoned, and that she had promised to get him out.
“He’s a very lucky guy to have you, Y/n” Sue told her.
“Yeah, I just… I miss him so much…” Y/n said as she made the last knot on her apron.
“I know sweetie, but if you truly love him, he’ll come back, just wait and see” she smiled with that protective expression she always had when it came to her protégée, even if she seemed sometimes perplexed about all those stories she told.
She gave her her note book to write down the orders.
“Yeah I hope so” Y/n clicked on her pen and made her way into the diner to take up the orders of all the customers. 
It was a quiet day, she loved this little diner, the food was amazing and it even had a little jukebox she often used. It had given her a shelter, money to live, but also an identity and friends. A life.
Her smile faded like it did sometimes, Dean would have loved this diner too… She thought back to all the things she discovered on Earth.
She did everything Dean had told her about : She went to the movie theater, she learned how to drive (thanks to Sue), she had a date or four, went to a party, she got drunk a few times. She danced alone and with others, kissed a girl and travelled a little. Her appetite for life was never ending, so she had driven to the ocean and dived, she had smoked weird things once and ran in the forest, she had woke in the middle of the night to go buy ice-cream, she had sang in the shower and stayed home for an entire weekend crying while watching bad tv shows… And she even lost her virginity to a sweet boy. But nothing could get her mind off Dean, calm her weeping heart or divert her from her goal.
Every night she looked up at the stars and imagined him by her side, she could use her power to create an image of him that existed out of a million little stars, well more like a million little fireflies.
A lot of time had passed since she last saw him, her heart broke at the thought of him down there for so long. He must have forgotten her by now, if his soul even survived those many years.
A throat being cleared pulled her from her daydreaming. She turned to find a man smiling at her.
“Oh my apologies, what can I get you, sir ?” she asked the man, there was something unpleasant about him, he had dirty blonde hair and she didn’t like the way his blue eyes were traveling her up and down.
“Are you on the menu ?” he asked her with a sly smile.
Y/n sighed deep, why were a lot of men on Earth such… pigs ?
“No sorry, I was just joking” the man began. “I’ll take a coffee with some pancakes.” 
Y/n wrote his order down and left with a forced smile. 
He was the only customer today so Y/n handed the paper to Sue so she could make it and sat down at the little bar. She was watching the man in the mirror that hung on the other side of the counter. She couldn’t shake the eerie feeling she got from the man, he looked normal, but she could feel something… something powerful radiating off him.
The bell pulled Y/n out of her haze as she took the coffee and pancake to the man.
“Here you go sir, enjoy your meal” Y/n said as she dropped the food at his table.
“Thank you.” 
She was starting to leave when his voice stopped her.
“Can I ask you a question, miss ?” he asked as he took a bite from the pancake.
“Yeah, of course” Y/n shrugged.
“You haven’t been here for long have you ?” he said as he looked at her.
“Uhm no, not very long. Are you from around here ?” Y/n asked, he was just a normal guy, it was impossible for anyone to find her anyway. 
“Oh no not at all. But i didn’t mean this diner...” he kept on eating nonchalantly, he swallowed. “I meant Earth.” 
Y/n’s eyes went wide, she turned and ran towards the exit only to bump into the man who was just sitting at the table behind her half a second ago. 
“Who are you” Y/n asked as she stepped back from him
A deep sigh left his mouth.
“It hurts me that you even have to ask that, Y/n” he blinked and his irises turned to a fiery red.
Y/n ran towards the kitchen to get Sue. She pulled open the door and shrieked as her dear friend fell on her with her eyes burned out.
“No ! Sue !” Y/n started shaking, cupping her friend’s face. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER ?” Y/n screamed to the man walking in casually.
“She put too much milk in my coffee, so I ended her” he shrugged nonchalantly.
Y/n stood up, her eyes a flare as she widened her arms to unleash her powers. Two fiery tentacles wrapped around the man’s legs.
“You’ll regret this” she said, her voice sounding like a thousand people at once.
The man gave her a sly smirk and snapped his fingers, her powers stopped immediately. She thrusted her hands forward to him, but nothing happened. Fear shone in her eyes as she looked at him in disbelief.
“It’s time we should head home, Y/n” he stepped closer to her, his fingers tilting up her chin.
“We have a family to start” he whispered against her lips with a dark chuckle.
“L-Lucifer” she gasped. 
 His arms wrapped tight around her and before she could blink she was back in Hell.
The suffocating smell of sulfur and blood made her cough, her whole body started to shake as she started to desperately gasp for air, her lungs crushed by the most powerful anxiety she ever felt. Her arms reached to her enemy in a pleading scratch, like he was strangling her…
“Home sweet home, baby” he cruelly cooed in her ear, his breath heavy on her skin. 
She pried her arms between them to push out of his embrace. He chuckled as he let her go and she fell backwards, scrambling away from him.
“Stay away from me!” she finally managed to yell at him, her eyes flaring back to life as she was losing control over her powers.
He tilted his head at her as he watched her, his steps following her every move.
“You are such a pretty thing, I see some potential too. But I was told you were,” he hummed in thought “a pain in the ass. And I’m starting to see why.”
Her eyes were scanning everything, the bloody walls, the frozen air all around her, the never ending screams, the smell of fear and fire. 
No she couldn’t be back in Hell…
With a turn of his wrist she was lifted up in the air, she tried to fight his power, but he was too strong… She couldn’t take on the Lord of Hell…
“Y/n, I’m only going to tell you that only once : You will obey and be helpful” he said with every step until he stood nose to nose with her, his eyes drinking her in.
She gave him a sweet smile before she spat in his face.
“Never” she told him.
His hand came up to wipe her spit away, he licked his hand clean, humming at her taste. 
“As you wish, Y/n. Then my little slave needs chains...” he sneered.
Iron ropes wrapped around her as soon as the word left his lips, they burned into her flesh making her scream in pain. She fell heavy to the ground at his feet.
“For eternity” he finished as he sat down on his throne.
“No p-please, no chains… everything but chains” she begged him.
“Oh no baby, I know what you used to do when you’re set loose, but forget about that, he isn’t here anyway, no reason to go wandering. Jeal told me all about you and your little lover.” he said as he crossed his legs over each other.
“H-he isn’t ? H-How” she asked, suddenly able to ignore the pain of the iron digging in her flesh. 
How was that possible ?
“He got out, Heaven’s plans. Now stop asking or I’ll gag you too” he sighed, looking at her. “I’ll make you your own little cage, like they did for me. No way you’ll get away from this one. And don’t think your daddy will help, he still thinks you’re dead. Everyone does.”
She whimpered in silence, only one thought on her mind. He was free… 
Dean Winchester was alive.
Dean’s Pov 
  Dean woke up in a little painful whine, he opened his eyes and wiped the sweat off his face and neck, watching the ceiling, trying to focus on the contour of his body, the sheets and the pillow. He took a deep breath to calm his heaving chest. 
Another nightmare.
And this one wasn’t the violent surviving of Purgatory, it wasn’t the burning guilt of old fights with John, the crushing pain of seeing Sam die ; it wasn’t the despair of losing Mary again, the disturbing memories of being a demon… It was the worst : Hell.
And among the worst, the tortures and the screams, tonight’s nightmare had to be about the cruellest idea demons ever came up with : fake hope.
In his dream, he was laying on the floor of his cell, barely able to breath because of the blood drowning his lungs, and he felt her hand, her tiny soft fingers wrapped around his wrist to ease his panic. She whispered sweet things to him but when he lifted his eyes to see her face, only Alastair was there, laughing loud and sharpening knives. 
Dean stretched and shook his head, like he could get rid of those memories like that. He couldn’t let nightmares get to him, and he couldn’t let his past crush him. 
With his guts still aching from the dream, he forced himself to get up. Staying in bed only made the memories clearer, and the trauma cut deeper. He knew only another hunt could ease the pain. 
Maybe, just maybe, if he saved enough people, he would finally expiate.
The bunker was silent, even Sam was still sleeping so early in the morning. Walking to the kitchen, he frowned : His knee was still hurting and the bruises on his face and collarbones too. 
Damn demon.
He turned to enter the kitchen and jumped a little.
“Hi Dean, sorry I scared you” Jack said, looking up from his bowl of cereal, his big eyes going to the hunter’s wounds quickly. “How are you ?” 
“I’m fine. What are you doing up so early ?” Dean grunted, going straight to the coffee in his long grey robe. 
“I have trouble sleeping lately” the boy answered, frowning in confusion like he often did. 
“Try whiskey” Dean muttered low in a sleepy grunt.
“Alcohol is really not a solution to my problem I think” Jack turned to him, even more confused.
“I was kidding” he sighed, sitting in front of the young boy.
Sometimes Jack really was Castiel’s son…
The hunter scratched his scruff and took the cereal to plunge his hand in the box, eating some while reading the joke behind it.
“I hear a voice in my head” Jack sighed. 
Dean looked up, ready to make a mocking joke but he noticed a genuine worry on the boy’s face.
“A voice ?”
“Yes” Jack searched Dean’s face. “At first I thought maybe I overheard something on the angel radio, but… It seems different.”
“What does it say ?” 
“I don’t really understand it” Jack shrugged.
“Understand what ?” Sam asked, scratching his head while entering the room with his hair in every direction and the left side of his face still swollen and bruised. “Wow, everyone is up early this morning ! What am I missing ?” 
“Jack says he hears a voice” Dean repeated, getting up to get coffee now it was ready. “But he doesn’t know where it comes from or what it says” he groaned slightly. 
Please don’t let that be bad news again…
Dean sat heavily, rubbing his tired eyes while his brother interrogated Jack. How long had he been hearing the voices, were there several, was it constant… The boy only had a very few answers.
“We need to find where it comes from, Dean” Sam states, making his brother grunt again in his coffee mug. 
That didn’t sound like a good old fight and kill hunt, it sounded like trouble.
  Dean pushed the heavy metal door and went down the stairs, overhearing his brother, Jack and Castiel talking in the library. 
Reaching them, he almost threw the bag on the wooden table, not daring to ask any question seeing the three too serious faces looking at him.
“I guess no good news” he mumbled deep in his throat looking down to grab a beer from the bag.
“Dean” Castiel started with his worried voice, making the hunter look instantly slightly annoyed. “The voice comes from Hell.”
“Hell” Dean repeated casually, taking a sip of beer to wash the word from his mouth. “There are a lot of voices in Hell, it’s pretty loud down there.”
When his eyes fell on Sam, a shiver roamed his back. He had the face, Dean hated that face, the “you’re not going to like it” face. So he put his beer down on the table and sighed.
“What is it ?” he finally asked.
“The voice, Dean” Jack said. “It’s calling you.”
“Me” Dean’s eyes widened. “There can be another dude named Dean in Hell !”
“Dean…” Sam sighed. “Who could be calling you ?”
Dean’s first thought went to Bobby. They had freed him from Hell a few years ago, he was supposed to be in Heaven, and Crowley had decided differently… Maybe someone they lost ? An innocent locked in Hell by mistake ? But Rowena was on the throne now… Would she do that ? 
“How can you hear a voice coming from Hell ?” he shook his head. “Do you hear them all ?”
“No” Jack said. “Only this one.”
Dean sat and took a deep breath, realizing this would mean that he would have to visit Hell... again. After those break in, the nightmares were always worse, and last time he had to deal with a panic attack in the shower. 
“Okay” he stated. “What is the plan ? And how do we know it’s not a trap ?”
 “So your plan…” Rowena frowned from her throne, her long dress nonchalantly falling on the floor. “Is letting the boy follow a voice like a dog on a leash ?” 
Dean’s face was stern, his arms tense, his heart a little compressed in his chest.
Each time he smelled that horrible sulfur mixed with blood smell, it was like he could feel the chains and the needles and hear Alastair’s voice all over again. Then he had two choices in his mind : Either he accepted it, and stayed with the demon’s croaky voice in his head for days, or focused on what had made him hold on for years back then : the secret girl’s soft touches ; but then the fear was replaced by the crushing feeling of despair and sadness, at knowing he had been fooled that bad, into believing innocence exited.
“More or less” his brother answered. “Rowena, you have to admit it’s something new… And if there are leaks in Hell…”
“Yeah yeah…” the witch sighed. “But don’t come crying when your little baby angel comes back traumatized. This is not a place for kids.”
Oh the irony.
“It’s not there” Jack cut them with a frown, looking around.
“What do you mean it’s not there ?” Dean grunted. “You were sure it came from Hell !”
“It does…” the boy stated. “Just deeper.”
“Deeper ?” Sam shook his head, but turned to Rowena, immediately trusting Jack as always. “Is there a basement in Hell ?”
“A basement ? Hell is a multi-dimensional…”
“Answer him” Dean cut her, losing patience.
Rowena got up and demons entered the room. She gave orders about getting the records, about the cage, and all. After a few very long minutes, a demon in an old man vessel came closer to the Queen, whispering something in her ear.
“Oh really ?” Rowena said. “Why am I not aware of all this ?”
“Because they’re all empty, your Majesty” the demon shrugged. 
“What is ?” Sam insisted with a flustered move of his hands.
Rowena sat again.
“There are cages, like the one that held Lucifer once. Smaller ones, but for all we know, they are all empty.”
“For all you know ?” Dean raised his voice a little. 
“No one uses them” Rowena shrugged. 
“They held an angel during the war between Heaven and Hell” the demon spoke, his voice shaking a little, obviously uneasy in front of the Winchesters. “I-in the dawn of time, but the angel was killed by Lucifer before Michael locked him in the cage… We kinda forgot where they were.”
“Take us to them” Jack ordered Rowena with this frown of his.
Rowena looked to the demon that didn’t move, his eyes on Dean, like the hunter could suddenly decide to kill all of them.
“Merihem, take us to those cages” Rowena called him. “Chop chop.” 
The light of Hell’s fire didn’t reach that deep in the pit, like the sun in the deepest ocean.
Dean was holding the torch like it was his lifeline in this vertiginous nightmare of deafening silence. Everything was threateningly pitch black, a perfect representation of the fear of dark, a big cold lonely nothingness… With stairs in the middle. 
“I didn’t know there was anything deeper than Lucifer’s cage” the Queen’s voice echoed weirdly in the void.
Suddenly, the stairs stopped and Dean banged into metal bars. He lifted his torch to see what was behind it, but the cage was empty.
“It’s here” Jack whispered. “I can feel it.”
Sam opened the empty cage, his arm hair ruffling at the touch of the same metal that held his soul for so long.
“Nothing” he said, holding back his own trauma probably as hard as Dean did.
“Dean…” a weak voice made them all jump, coming from the dark.
“Who is this ?” the hunter grunted, taking a few unsure steps to the next cage, firmly holding his torch in front of him with an almost trembling arm.
“Dean…” the voice now whined.
Sam put his hand on his brother’s shoulder to make him wait for him. They looked at each other, using silent words and joining their flames to fight the pitch black ahead of them. 
Even used to all kinds of nightmares, Dean wasn’t so reassured in the deepest of Hell, called by a weak and plaintive voice coming from the darkest of darks.
Something moved in the cage in a deafening metal noise, a shadow fleeing the light. The brothers both let out a shaky breath, moving closer with the demon and Rowena way behind them.
Dean swallowed, finally distinguishing a body, hunched in the opposite corner of the cage, shaking. Extremely long hair was falling around the pitiful form, chained heavily even inside the cage. 
“Who are you ?” he asked again. “You’re calling me, why ?”
No answer.
“Who is this ?” Sam turned to the demon that had guided them.
“I-I have no idea” it answered. “No one came here in years !”
“Dean ?” the voice seemed to struggle thinking straight.
“Jeez” Sam muttered. “For how long has she been there ?”
She ? Dean thought, realizing now it was indeed a woman, her thin delicate hands were clinging to the floor.
His heart was racing in his chest, from being in Hell, from the fear of what he would find, and from something else, something confusing, like an emotion flying in the air around him.
The girl finally lifted her face to them, teary eyes frowned at the light of the flame, her shaking hand open in front of her to soften the burning of the torch.
Dean felt hit violently in the chest, his breathing stopped in a strangled gasp as everything he certainly knew started to crumble in the back of his mind. He opened his mouth but nothing came out… After swallowing twice, he finally managed to speak.
“Firefly ?”
Next Chapter on @roonyxx​‘s blog
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spurgie-cousin · 3 years
WHW In Memoriam: Unarmed, Murdered Black Americans from History
(Content Warning: Violence, murder, abuse, racism)
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So this is definitely not the same kind of ‘weird’ history I usually post about (and it’s not Wednesday quite yet), but in light of the George Floyd verdict I thought it was important to take a moment to remember some of the unarmed, murdered black Americans throughout our history, most of whom have never received justice. Whether their lives were taken by the police or violent, racist vigilantes, their memories should always be a reminder that though we’ve come a long way, we still have a long, long way to go. 
This is in no way a comprehensive list, in fact I start at Emmett Till because the *known* lynchings pre-1955 are too numerous to include in one, two, ten posts. I know I will not have room to include even everyone post 1955 (god there are so many) but please know that all of them, from the unknown to the infamous, from our country’s beginning to today, matter the same.
“History, despite it’s wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.” - Maya Angelou
 1. Emmett Louis Till
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Born: July 25, 1941, Chicago, IL Died: August 28, 1955, Money, MS
Emmett Till was a 14 year-old child from Chicago visiting relatives over his summer break in August of 1955. Unfamiliar with the strictly racist social codes in the American south, he spoke to a white woman at a grocery store, and was accused of flirting with her. A few nights later her husband and his brother abducted Till, brutally beat and mutilated him, and then shot him before letting his body sink into a river. When he was found, his body was barely recognizable even to his mother. 
In an act of grief and defiance, his mother held a highly-publicized, open casket funeral to show the brutality of what had happened to her child to the world. 
It’s believed that before her death, Carolyn Bryant, the woman from the grocery store, recanted key details from her original story, including that Till whistled or flirted with her. 
2. James Earl Chaney
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Born: May 30, 1943, Meridian, Mississippi Died: June 21, 1964, Philadelphia, Mississippi
James Chaney was a 21 year old field/social worker working for Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). He was murdered along with two colleagues, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, by the Ku Klux Klan while they were in Mississippi investigating the burning of a church. The 3 were pulled over by a patrol car being followed by 2 cars full of Klan members, who shot Goodman and Schwerner, beat Chaney, and then shot him 3 times. 
3. Michael Donald
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Born: July 24, 1961, Mobile, Alabama Died: March 21, 1981, Mobile, Alabama
Michael Donald was a 20 year-old who on March 21st, 1981 was walking down the street after purchasing cigarettes for his sister. He was chosen at random by a car full of Ku Klux Klan members, angry that a recent Klan members court case had been declared a mistrial. He was beat, hung, and his throat was slit, and was left hanging dead from a tree in a secluded, wooded area. 
Three Klansmen were convicted of Donald's murder. Henry Hays was sentenced to death and executed in the electric chair in 1997. James Knowles and Benjamin Cox were sentenced to life in prison. A civil suit against the United Klans of America caused their bankruptcy.
4. Yusef Kirriem Hawkins
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Born: March 19, 1973, Brooklyn, NY Died:  August 23, 1989, Brooklyn, NY
Yusef Hawkins was a 16-year-old black teenager who was shot to death on August 23, 1989, in Bensonhurst, a predominantly Italian-American working-class neighborhood in the New York City borough of Brooklyn. Hawkins, his younger brother, and two friends were attacked by a crowd of 10 to 30 white youths, with at least seven of them wielding baseball bats. One, armed with a handgun, shot Hawkins twice in the chest, killing him. Hawkins and his brother were in the neighborhood to inquire about a used car. 
5. Nicholas Heyward Jr.
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Born: August 26th, 1981 Died: September 27th, 1994
13-year-old Nicholas Heyward Jr. was playing cops and robbers inside the stairwell of a Brooklyn apartment building when officer Brian George mistook the boy’s toy gun for a real gun and shot him in the stomach, killing him. 
6. Amadou Diallo
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Born: September 2, 1975, Liberia Died: February 4, 1999, NYC, New York
In the early morning of February 4, Diallo was standing near his building after returning from a meal. At about 12:40 a.m., officers Edward McMellon, Sean Carroll, Kenneth Boss and Richard Murphy were looking for an alleged serial rapist in the Soundview section of the Bronx. While driving down Wheeler Avenue, the police officer stopped his unidentified car and interrogated Diallo, who was in front of his apartment. When they ordered Diallo to show his hands, he supposedly ran into the apartment and reached into his pocket to show his wallet. Soon afterwards the four officers fired 41 shots with semi-automatic pistols, fatally hitting Diallo 19 times. Eye witness Sherrie Elliott stated that the police continued to shoot even though Diallo is already down and that McMellon is still shooting even though he is lying on the ground.
7. Kendra Sarie James
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Born:  December 24, 1981 Died: May 5, 2003, Portland, Oregon
21-year-old Kendra Sarie James was shot and killed by Portland Officer Scott McCollister when she attempted to flee a traffic stop for a minor violation. Portland police initially said it appeared the car had run over the officer's foot but he did not receive medical attention at the scene or at Northeast Precinct. Police repeatedly refused to identify the alleged traffic violation that caused them to stop James and two companions in the car. Police had taken the driver out of the car and was checking his identity when they saw James slide into the Chevrolet’s driver’s seat. Both officers, while standing on the driver’s side of the car, struggled with James to stop her from driving away. One of them fired a taser gun at her to subdue her. McCollister fired a single round from his 9 mm service pistol at James, killing her.
8. Deaunta T. Farrow
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Born: September 7, 1994, West Memphis, Arkansas Died: June 22, 2007, West Memphis, Arkansas
On the night of his death, Deaunta Farrow was walking with his 14-year-old cousin from Farrow’s home to the nearby Steeplechase Apartments where Nash lived.  Along the way the two made a stop at a gas station where they purchased soda pop and chips from the station’s convenience store, and continued down the street. Farrow and Nash turned up the street leading to Nash’s apartment.  At that point two undercover West Memphis police officers, Jimmy Evans and Sammis, who were on a stakeout in a narcotics investigation, appeared from a nearby dumpster.  According to some eyewitnesses, the two police officers confronted the young men and soon afterwards Sammis, noticed something bulging in the 12-year-old’s coat pocket.  As Farrow removed the item, Sammis shot and killed him.
9. Rekia Boyd
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Born: November 5, 1989, Chicago, IL Died: March 21, 2012
On the night of her death, Rekia Boyd was hanging out with friends at Douglas Park on Chicago’s West Side at a party listening to music while having a few drinks. Around 1:00 am, Boyd and some of her friends walked to a nearby liquor store. Around the same time, officer Dante Servin was just finishing his shift on his second job. He was off duty, heading to a fast food restaurant for a hamburger, but Servin drove to Douglas Park after a citizen called police about a noise complaint. Servin saw Boyd and her friends and later claimed they were arguing in an alley. Whether Servin calmly approached Boyd and her friends or was rude and aggressive is still debated. One of Boyd’s friends, Antonio Cross, claimed that Servin attempted to buy drugs from the group. When Cross told Servin to “get his crackhead ass out of here,” Servin pulled a gun, stuck it out of the window of his car and fired into the group, hitting Boyd in the head. She was instantly killed.
10. Eric Garner 
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Born: September 15, 1970, NYC, New York Died: July 17, 2014, NYC, New York
On July 17th, 2014, NYPD officers approached Eric Garner on suspicion of selling single cigarettes from packs without tax stamps. After Garner told the police that he was tired of being harassed and that he was not selling cigarettes, the officers attempted to arrest Garner. When Pantaleo placed his hands on Garner, Garner pulled his arms away. Pantaleo then placed his arm around Garner's neck and wrestled him to the ground. With multiple officers pinning him down, Garner repeated the words "I can't breathe" 11 times while lying face down on the sidewalk. After Garner lost consciousness, he remained lying on the sidewalk for seven minutes while the officers waited for an ambulance to arrive. Garner was pronounced dead at an area hospital approximately one hour later.
11. Breonna Taylor
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Born: June 5, 1993, Grand Rapids, Michigan Died: March 13, 2020, Louisville, Kentucky
A narcotics investigation regarding suspected drug dealer Jamarcus Glover, led detectives to Breonna Taylor’s residence in the South End. Glover was a previous acquaintance of Taylor and she was under suspicion for using her home to his receive mail, hide his drugs, and stash money earned from his drug sales. Taylor, who was 26, at the time, lived in a Springfield Drive apartment with her 27-year-old boyfriend Kenneth Walker. Taylor and Walker were asleep in bed, on the night of March 13, 2020, when they were awakened by a loud banging at the front door. Taylor called out, asking who was there, but heard no response. Walker, a licensed and registered gun owner, armed himself and headed towards the front door, when it suddenly came off its hinges.
Under a “no-knock” search warrant, Louisville Metro Police Department Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly, Detective Brett Hankinson, and Officer Myles Cosgrove, all in plainclothes, stormed into the apartment. Taylor’s boyfriend Walker, thinking this was a home invasion robbery, fired one shot in self-defense. Sgt. Mattingly was hit in the leg, and in response, the other officers opened fire, releasing more than twenty rounds into the apartment. Taylor was shot eight times and collapsed in the hallway of her apartment. She was pronounced dead at the scene.
12. Daunte Demetrius Wright
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Died: April 11, 2021 (20 years old)
On April 11 of this year, Daunte Demetrius Wright was fatally shot by police officer Kimberly Ann Potter during a traffic stop and attempted arrest for an outstanding arrest warrant in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. After a brief struggle with officers, Wright was shot at close range by Potter, who had confused her gun with her taser. Officers pulled Wright out of his car and administered CPR, but were unsuccessful, and he was pronounced dead at the scene.
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Summary: A young reaper/ time entity talks about all the times she came in contact with Dean Winchester, and what would have happened if no one had interfered.
Genre: Gen
Angst, Hurt
Trigger warnings: Abuse, sexual abuse, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt(s), murder.
Chapter 5: When Dean was 10 years-old, something terrible happened
To recap, staying in questionable motels and leaving behind your two underage sons? Not the smartest idea.  Surprisingly, there was no other motel incident for almost two years, this may not seem like a big deal, but for time, who had seen some of the places where the Winchesters stayed, well, let´s just say that the surprise is that it took until now. Sadly, this incident was even worse than the first. Let´s provide a bit of context.
John Winchester was hunting something or another (time is not really sure and to be honest she doesn´t care) in a city with a high crime rate, he was low on funds so he decided to stay in a very cheap motel in the bad side of town. Of course, this hunt required that he go hunting in the woods (on second thought, he could have been hunting a wendigo), so again, in all his infinite wisdom, he paid the motel for the week, grabbed his gear, gave Dean 100 dollars and left him in charge of taking care of Sammy. He figured it would be enough money to cover for expenses and it is not like he was going to take that long anyway (spoiler alert, he did). Let´s remember, at this time, Dean already knew a skill that most people don’t learn until they are 30 and that is that he knew how to budget, so the money in theory looked good.
Fast forward two weeks, there wasn´t a sign of John, the money was running out and the motel manager was giving them the stink eye and was ready to throw them out. At least the day manager. The night manager, however, was giving Dean a look that he couldn’t understand (sadly, he would soon know). On the 20th day of staying on the motel, the manager gave them an ultimatum, either they payed or they were out. Dean was desperate, his father wasn't answering the phone, and he hadn't eaten for two days in the hope that Sam wouldn't starve, so he sat in front of the motel office wondering what to do and that is how the night manager found him. John Winchester taught his children a lot about monsters, he just forgot to tell them that some of them were human. The night manager (let´s call him Gary) asked Dean what was going on, and Dean told him in hopes of negotiating the price of the room. Gary presented himself as sympathetic and told Dean that he would help them and give them the room for free if only Dean could do him a little favor. The bait was set, while the predator stalked his victim, and the victim fell. If John had taken the time to do some research, he would have known that in this particular town, there had been a string of boys between the ages of 9-12 going missing at nights. The manager took Dean into his office and proceeded to use him as a rag doll. The little boy prayed for mercy and help that would never come. The assault ended up being fatal (time is going to skip the details if ii is the same to you), the last thing he saw was a lustful gaze and a pool of blood mixed with a white substance. Now, Gary didn’t exactly set up to kill his victims but most of them died anyway, so he did what he normally did, that is dumping the body in a garbage bag on the plot next to the motel, which was the city dumpster.
John arrived two days later and what he found made him grow cold. Dean would never leave Sammy unattended even if he was dead. So when John entered the motel he saw a little half-naked Dean with blood in his tights and bags under his eyes sitting next to a crying Sammy (Sammy may not have known about ghosts back then but he did know about how his big brother had gone out and come back with a haunted look and cold fingers). It didn’t take a genius to realize what had happened (because deep down John had seen the looks) and he saw red. The police were called almost 20 minutes later after a passerby saw John beating Gary to death. What happened next was the stuff of nightmares. John was charged with murder in the first. Although the police found evidence of the manager´s crimes, they never found the bodies. And Sam was taken to foster home with a little ghost following him, Dean had latched to Sam and he would never let him go. Over time all spirits go mad, even those with good intentions. At 15, Sam was found in a bathtub full of blood, the police ruled it out as suicide, after all there were many motives, he was an antisocial child, who was bullied at school, with a murderer for a father and a dead brother that he claimed to see everywhere. His foster parents reported that he had nightmares in which his brother asked him to join him and the case was swiftly close. They say if you stay in the motel, you would see two young boys playing hide and seek.
Obviously, this wasn´t part of the Big Plan, so the powers that aren´t decided to “fix-it”. Therefore, when Gary was in the middle of the act, a patrol car passed in front of the motel, which made him nervous enough to finish up quickly. So, Dean walked out of that office alive, with a room paid and enough money to keep them comfortable for a while (Dean wonder later that night as he rubbed his skin raw if the price was worth it, one look at Sam´s smiling face, gave him an answer). John would arrive 2 days later and they would leave town without any problem, he would never find out what his oldest had to do (that is not entirely true or relevant to this story, but there is a timeline close to the original where he did and it was devastating) or that Dean now knew a new “skill” to get “easy” cash (and a haunted look that would never go away)
And that is how this event was corrected, time thinks corrected is a very ugly word for the disaster that was, if they wanted to correct something they should have prevented the whole thing and let Dean keep his innocence a little bit longer.
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serzhantkris · 4 years
Rebel Yell- 3
Summary: Let’s get something straight: he does not love you. He knows that for sure, because he doesn’t want to scream at you and he doesn’t want to get married, and that’s the only things he knows for sure about people who are in love. And he was doomed to kiss with his fists and scream and be angry and blame everyone but himself for the rest of his life. So, no. Billy did not love you. Billy Hargrove x Hopper!Reader
Word Count: 2244
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“So then she said that I was bullshit, ‘cause I was pretending everything’s okay.”
Steve crumbled up the wrapper, still chewing through the words, and tossed it over his shoulder. It landed unceremoniously in the back seat of the BMW, along with the other junk food he’d been scarfing down for the past two weeks.
“Exactly how many times did she say ‘bullshit?’” You reach for your drink in the center console, frowning at Steve from the passenger seat. He shrugs.
“I dunno, like six. Everything was just… Bullshit, I guess.” He doesn’t look away from the carton of french fries sitting in his lap. “Hops, did- did we-” Steve pauses, looking out the dirty windshield at the school sitting below, “She said, we killed Barb.”
Other students mulled about the lot, eating their lunches and gossiping about who’s dating who, who wore what. Some of them studied for SATs and worried if they’d be invited to parties that weekend. You caught some familiar faces- Tina, twirling her hair around her finger while she flirted with Ram Sweeney; Heather, sitting on the trunk of Vicky Larson’s car. Tommy and Carol, practically swallowing each other’s tongues. 
None of them had any clue what had almost happened to them a year ago. What had happened to you and to Steve and countless others. To Barbara Holland.
“I think,” the words come slow, like you’re trying to believe them before you let Steve hear. “None of us could have known what was going to happen to her.”
“Yeah,” Steve clears his throat. “Yeah, but we- we did leave her there. You know? We left her outside, alone.”
Suddenly, Steve’s fries and the hamburger in your lap smells rotten. “We didn’t know.”
That was all you could say. And if it convinced Steve or you or Nancy that what happened wasn’t your fault, that would have been enough. But it didn’t, and it wasn’t.
“Maybe she’s right. Maybe I am bullshit.”
You tore your eyes from your reflection in the car window. “I don’t think that’s true.”
Steve chuckles under his breath, leaning his head back in the seat. The low sound of the radio fills in the quiet, both of you lost in thought for a long moment. 
Finally, you say, “I think you should talk to her.”
“Think she’ll listen?”
“I think she regrets what happened. I think the worst that can happen is the two of you decide you need some space. Maybe talking to her about Barbara, and admitting that you were wrong to ignore her feelings on the subject will benefit both of you.” 
Steve nods, chewing worriedly on the inside of his cheek. “I should buy flowers.”
The spray of water hit him right in the face, stinging his skin from the pressure and intense heat. It ran down his throat and over the back of his head, sticking his hair to his face and neck as he scrubbed at his scalp with his fingertips. Eyes closed, he listened to the sounds of the others as they moved toward the showers.
Running a hand over his face, flicking the soap to the tiles under his feet, Billy blinked at the harsh orange walls around him. Pinching his nose, he cast a sideways look at the boy on his left.
“Don’t sweat it, Harrington,” he said. “Today’s just not your day, man.”
He pushed the handle on the shower that he, Steve, and Tommy were circled around, cutting off the water on his showerhead. Reaching for a towel, he pressed it against his face.
“Yeah, not your week,” Tommy added, looking around the shower to Steve. “You and the princess break up- you think she’s run off with the freak’s brother yet?”
Steve shot Tommy a harsh look, but the other boy’s grin just grew. Billy eyed Tommy, opening the towel in his hands as Tommy turned off his own water spout and moved toward the wall of towels.
“Don’t take it too hard, man,” Billy said, watching Steve push soap through his mess of hair. “Pretty boy’s like you’s got nothin’ to worry about. Plenty of bitches in the sea.”
“Guess that leaves some room for Hopper,” Tommy ruffled the towel through his hair. “Why have the princess when you could have the queen?”
Billy’s grip on the towel tightened as he wrapped it around his waist. If Billy had learned anything from hanging out with the freckled boy, it was that he was the exact person to go to for details about the girls at the high school.
“What’s her deal, anyway?” Billy rubbed at his nose, tilting his head back to look at Tommy. “She got a boy-toy or is she just a huge fuckin’ tease?”
Steve clenches his jaw, watching soap run down the drain. “Neither,” he snaps. Tommy just laughs, leaning against the wall with the towel wrapped around him.
“Not from what I remember,” Tommy says. “You remember last year, she ran out on Kurt Kelley when he tried to put it in her-”
“Don’t talk about her like that.” Steve’s hand smacked the spout, cutting off the water abruptly. “And you know she didn’t do shit with Kurt Kelley.”
Billy’s nostrils flared, tongue between his teeth as he watched Steve grab up a towel and storm to the other side of the lockers, leaving Tommy laughing and Billy intrigued in his wake.
Billy had claimed the corner of your smoking spot for his own. Always tucked where no one could see him from the window, he puffed on cigarettes and always flashed you a sideways smile when you snuck out the door. He shared his lighter, sometimes his smokes, and you returned the favor. It wasn’t quite a friendship, but it was a comradery. The two of you didn’t speak much, if at all, and never paid much attention to each other once the door closed and you were back in the fluorescent halls.
It didn’t take words, or even attention. In that little nook by the dumpster, no one could see. Billy didn’t go out of his way to try and win you over like the Halloween party. He didn’t need to be tough or flirtatious. He could just lean against the brick wall, you standing beside him, and blow smoke into the air. The silence was comfortable, and even though you didn’t know much about Billy, it was as though you’d known him for a long time.
The game you had unwittingly started with Billy had started to seep into your everyday life. Less than a month of knowing the guy, you were already enamoured. Not in the same way that Tina or Heather or any of the other girls were; sure, he was attractive. Almost insultingly so. He had the bad boy look- the bad boy everything. The Sammy Hagar hair, the leather jacket and button up shirts, the sparkling blue eyes- alright. So yeah, he was hot and definitely a hot mess just dying to happen.
But through the flirting, the crooked grins and the attitude, there was something in Billy Hargrove that was screaming. Something that made you want to joke, to tease and make him laugh. Under it all, he was sad. Maybe just as sad as you were. And like a magnet, it’s starting to pull you in.
There was no sun here, the cubby masked in shade, and even without the wind it made your fingers numb as you dug in your pocket for a cigarette. You glanced around the small space and couldn’t stop the disappointment from slouching your shoulders.
“You lookin’ for somebody?”
The sun reflected off the roof of the building as you squinted up, shielding your eyes to find him. Billy’s collar was turned up against the cold, cigarette in undoubtedly cold fingers. His arm hung lazily off of his knee, flicking the ashes over the side of the dumpster he was sitting on. The other leg hung off the side, swinging absently just a few feet from you.
“What are you doing up there?”
Billy raised the cigarette. “Smoking.”
Sticking the cigarette in your teeth, you approached the dumpster and grabbed the edge, hoisting yourself up by him. Your boots slid against the side of the dumpster, proving it to be a more difficult task than expected. Billy chuckled under his breath, sticking his own cigarette in his mouth and offering you his hands. He pulled you up, barely straining a muscle as your rear end hit the lid beside him.
With no walls to protect you, you pulled your hood up over your head. Your hair and face peeked out the front, cheeks turning red quickly. You fumbled for your lighter as Billy puffed on his cigarette.
“Here.” He turned toward you, leaning closer with a hand cupped around the butt. You followed suit, the end of your cigarette touching his as you inhaled. The smoke filled your lungs and you sat back, trying to ignore the warmth of his shoulder and thigh that were touching yours.
The two of you sat in silence for a long moment, flicking ashes below and blowing smoke toward the sky. “Who’s Kurt?”
“Kurt Kelley,” he clarified, taking a long drag from his cigarette. “Heard a rumor about you and him today.”
You peer at Billy, pushing your hood back just enough to get a good look at him. He’s staring ahead, the blue of his eyes focused on the roof. The fog in front of his lips comes from the cold, not the cigarette smoldering in his hand. “He graduated last year.”
Smoke billows out of Billy’s nose. “And?”
“And,” you repeat, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. “That depends what version of the story you heard.”
Billy chuckles under his breath. “How ‘bout the truth?”
The November wind drags Billy’s hair over his cheek. He makes no effort to brush it away, letting it stick to his chapped lips. He jabs the cigarette on the metal, letting it sizzle out.
“The truth is, Kurt Kelley is a liar,” you sigh. “Why do you care, anyway?”
Billy’s lips twitch into a smirk. “Here I thought we were friends.”
“You don’t even know me,” you tell him. 
“I know you like Joan Jett.”
“That was a dead giveaway.”
He turns his head, finally looking at you. The sun lights up half his face, the side that’s turned toward you, and you can make out every detail. He’s a Renaissance painting, made of winter blues and summer tans, and every flaw is lit up in a November halo.
“Maybe I wanna know you,” Billy says.
For the first time, you feel intimidated by him. “How’s that?”
He kisses you, and it’s warm and sweet and tastes like oranges; he’s a spot of summer, warm on your lips and the fingers that come to touch your face feel like fire. He’s hot and you’re freezing, leaning into his touch like it will save you from turning to ice. There’s an underlying taste of ash and wintergreen gum, and when he pulls away and licks his lips, you wonder if he tastes all of it too.
Your cheeks are flushed, pink crawling up over your nose. Your lips are pouted, starting to chap from the cold, but they’re still warm when he leans back, and now he’s looking at you like you’re the painting. 
“How very.”
His laugh is genuine- not at all the wolfish cackle you’d heard every time before, but a burst of sunlight coming from deep in his chest. His tongue gets caught between his teeth, and somewhere faraway, you can hear bells. School bells. Below, a rush of voices pass the door that led you to the dumpster, and to Billy.
“We’re late,” you whisper, indifferent. Billy just nods, not even blinking. 
He stands, adjusting his jeans before he grabs the edge of the dumpster and swings himself down. You scoot after him, legs hanging over, peering down. It’s not a far drop, but Billy stands there anyway, hand up to help you down. You land between him and the green metal, Billy looking down at you like he might kiss you again.
“Go out with me tonight,” he says. Billy’s teeth scrape his bottom lip, drawing it into what might be construed as a hopeful expression. “Let me know you.”
“That’s the most forward thing you’ve ever said to me.” You inhale, the air crisp and cold in your lungs. “Is this because of Kurt? ‘Cause you think I’ll sleep with you?”
Billy snorts, stuffing his hands in his pockets and taking a step back. He should have been offended, and normally, he’d at least pretend to be. But your question had not been accusatory- only curious, and honestly, he didn’t think you would in a million years. 
“I don’t care about what you did or didn’t do,” he shrugs. “And if you tell me to leave you alone and go fuck myself, I’ll leave you alone and go fuck myself.”
It’s a terrible, horrible, no-good idea. Saying yes to Billy was to invite the wolf inside, to open the door that you had left closed for a long, long time. He’d already taken a bite of Tina and Heather and Vicky and-- all those girls, left for scraps. Begging for another taste of Billy Hargrove. If he huffed and puffed, maybe you’d be left wanting more, too.
“Yeah. Okay, yeah.”
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Outside chapter 1: Freedom at Last
Stacy and Scout manage to find a different way out of Handeemen HQ. Now, free from the horror show they must learn how to live with their new normal as Stacy shows Scout what the world Outside is really like. Unfortunately for them, it won't be all sunshine and rainbows...
Behold! The first Hello Puppets fanfic ever posted! As far as I know anyways.
Please enjoy this happier ending(and beginning) for Scout and the player, now named Stacy Stein.
In spite of what Scout had said about the only way out being beyond the Sound Stage, Stacy managed to spot a window that was propped open. It was high up, too high for any of the Puppets whether they had Hosts or not. But, after observing it for a while, Stacy was sure she could manage it, even without the use of one hand
"Hey! Where are you going? The exit's that way. " Unfortunately, she couldn't tell Scout about her amazing plan. So she ignored the Puppet and climbed up on a couple of... crates? stacked underneath it.
"You're going to get us killed. Or caught." Scout told her. "Woah, wait. Are going for the window?! Are you fucking insane, Host! We can't reach that!" Stacy made it to the top of the stack, finding she was maybe two inches too short to reach the window without jumping. But if she jumped, the stack would fall over, so she'd have to make it in one, and with only one hand.
"There you see? I told you we couldn't reach it. So let's climb back down and woahwoahWOAHWAIT! FUCK!"
Stacy had jumped, and managed to grab onto the sill with her right hand. Her left, the one with Scout attached, had gone through the open window and slammed against the wall outside. Hoping she hadn't just seriously hurt the Puppet, she quickly climbed through the window. A couple feet below was a dumpster, that she unfortunately landed headfirst on top of. It made a bang that echoed around the abandoned parking lot, and Stacy  knew it would have alerted the others.
So with a muffled groan she pushed herself off the dumpster. Somehow, she managed to land on her feet and made a desperate sprint for where she'd parked her truck. She didn't feel safe until she'd locked herself and Scout inside. She fumbled the key out of her bag sitting in the passenger seat, slamming it in the ignition and gunning it. Gripping the steering wheel with one hand she sped out of the lot at top speed, leaving skid marks behind as they fled.
Five minutes down the road she pulled over to the side, breathing heavily through the mask? bag? on her head. She let it fall against the wheel, and gave herself a minute to just sit and think.
"Hey." She winced slightly as Scout poked at her cheek. "Hey, are you dead?" A pause, followed by a couple of grunts. "Move your arm. Drive the car. Do something. Ugh, nope. Still can't do it."
Stacy turned her head just enough to give the Puppet a dead stare, debating if it would be worth it to just yank her off and toss her out the window. Deciding that doing such a thing would ultimately be a bad idea, she simply reach over and pulled some scissors out of her bag, then flipped the visor down to look in the mirror.
It took some work, but she eventually able to get the rope around her neck cut off, and pull the bag off her head. Now able to see better, she took a look at the stitches over her mouth, finding them crudely done and encrusted with blood. She traced over them, but flinched back at the flash of pain it caused.
'There's no way I can take these out myself.' Doing it wrong could literally cause her to die. But she couldn't go to a hospital with Scout. 'Screw it. Sammy's a doctor, and he still owes me big time. So he gets to help me with this.'
She pulled her notebook and pencil out of her bag, flipping it over to the next blank page.
We're going to my cousin's house. He's going to help us.
Scout read it as she scribbled it out. "That's your plan? Hope that another Host, like, just decides to help us?"
No. I'm going to blackmail him. And if he tells anybody then the whole family is going to find out exactly how he paid his way through med school.
"Woah. Hardcore." Was all the Puppet had to say on the matter. Taking that as acceptance of her plan, Stacy pulled out her phone and sent Sammy a quick text that she'd be at his house soon. Then she put her car back into drive and took off, going just below the speed limit.
It took half an hour to reach Sammy's apartment, and the whole drive was spent in tense silence. Stacy had to fight the urge to look behind her every few minutes for Rosco or Sock Puppets, while Scout had spent most of the time laying in her lap. Not by choice, of course, but because Stacy didn't want her to be seen. So she laid there, bored out of her mind as she watched her terrified Host try and get them to safety.
Still, neither had felt the kind of relief that came they finally entered the town Sammy lived in, Stacy even sighing when she saw the lights down the road. From there it was only a few more minutes before they reached his apartment complex.
Once they had parked, Stacy spent a minute shoving everything back into her bag. She then spent a good five minutes trying to pull on a hoodie she'd left in the truck. Once she had it on and settled properly, she was able to tuck Scout under it to keep her hidden. The Puppet hadn't been too happy about that, but Stacy figured it was a small price to pay for getting the stitches out.
Gripping her hoodie tightly she sprinted across the lot and to the door, making her way inside. Once there she ran up the stairs as quickly as she could without tripping until she reached the right floor.
'409, 411, 413! Sammy's place!' She banged on it as hard as she could, as though that would make him come out faster. 'Come on, com on!  Hurry up!' The second the door opened Stacy forced herself inside, closing the door behind her and locking it up as tight as she could.
"Woah, Stace! Calm down. Come on, just tell me what's going on." She just rolled her eyes before turning around and signing rapidly at him.
"<Whatever you do don't freak out. And you can't tell anyone or I will tell everyone in our family how you really paid for med school I swear to God!>"
"Oh my God! Is your mouth sewn closed?!" Stacy nodded, then took off her hoodie. Scout blinked at the sudden brightness, turning to face the other Human.
"Uh, hi?" She greeted.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Sammy screamed and stumbled back, falling over one of his kitchen chairs. Scout flinched back while Stacy just rolled her eyes again. "What the fuck is that?! Stacy what did you do?! Holy shit!" He picked himself up and ran around to the other side of the table, grabbing a large knife on the way.
"<Nothing you idiot!>" Stacy signed at him. "<It's a long story. And I'll tell you after you cut my mouth open.>"
"Nuh uh, no way am I getting near that thing!" He told her, brandishing the knife.
"Excuse you! I'm not a fucking "thing" asshole!" Scout honestly looked like she would try and strangle him if she wasn't attached to Stacy. So the Host decided to try and salvage things.
"<Sammy, please don't be rude. Scout's nice. Also, if you don't help us everyone will know everything. Everything, Sammy. Do you really want that?>"
A pause, then Sammy finally slammed the knife on the table. "Stop bringing that up!"
"<Then help us.>"
"FINE!" Sammy finally started towards the bathroom, where he kept an extensive medical kit. Stacy grabbed the knife and placed it up on the top shelf in one of his cabinets, then did the same with the rest of Sammy's knives. She then pulled out a chair and sat down, propping her left arm up on the table to give Scout a good view of the apartment.
Her cousin came back ten minutes later, medical kit in hand and stinking of weed. He hesitated briefly at the sight of Scout, then dropped the box on the table and opened it up. Then went to get a lamp so he could actually see what he was doing.
"Okay, tilt your head up and <i>don't move</i>. And don't let your little friend move either. I can't have any distractions while I'm doing this." Stacy nodded and did as he asked. He then prepped a needle with a numbing agent that was injected around her mouth.
Scout watched all of this, staying quiet. Not that she couldn't think of anything to say, of course. There was plenty of commentary running through her head at the moment. It was more fear that kept her quiet upon realizing that this Host was like Riley. He probably had a whole bunch of Host corpses and organs hidden in a room somewhere, and she had no desire to join them.
So she stayed silent, watching as Sammy carefully removed all the stitches one by one. When they were all out she stretched her mouth open wide enough that her jaw popped, reaching up to rub at it.
"Ow..." She moaned while Sammy got her a bottle of water. She practically snatched it out of his hands and chugged the whole thing while him and Scout watched. When she'd finished he pulled out a disinfectant cream to smear over the holes.
"I want you to stay here for the rest of your Break so I can watch for infections." He told her as he worked. "And after you head back I want you to tell me the second it starts to look or feel weird, or if food starts tasting bad when it shouldn't."
"Yeah." Stacy croaked out. Sammy accepted that and went to pack his things back up, but stopped and stared at Scout. Or, more specifically, the stitches that kept her attached to Stacy's arm. She followed his gaze, and decided to ask the important question.
"Hey. Scout." Her words were slurred a little thanks to the numbing agent. "Will you die if you come off my arm?"
"Uh." That was a loaded question. "No? I don't really need a Host to be alive."
The Host stared for a moment longer before turning to Sammy. "Go on ahead and cut her off. Just don't kill her." And then let her head fall onto the table with a loud thud, making him and Scout both jump.
The two shared a glance before Sammy set up another syringe of numbing fluid to inject into the arm. He then set up the tools needed to remove those stitches.
"So. Do I even want to know who or what sewed you to my cousin's arm?" He asked as he started removing the stitches. Scout stared resolutely at the ceiling while he did so, trying to distract herself.  She winched slightly with every bit of thread pulled out, but other than that forced herself not to react to what he was doing.
"Not unless you want some vicious fucking nightmares, dude." She told him. He just gave a small noise in acknowledgement as he worked. "Seriously. You won't sleep again."
"Sounds great." Oh, the sarcasm was thick with this one. It actually made Scout kind of like him a little bit.
Scout could feel it when the last stitch was pulled out and, while Sammy was hesitating on whether to pull her off or not, simply crawled away by herself. This was the wrong thing to do as Sammy immediately freaked out again.
"FUCK! Wow, nope! Nopenopenope! This is too much for me I'm going to bed goodnight!" He fled from the kitchen, and Stacy heard him slam his bedroom door. She lifted her head up and stared at it. She then stood to go wash the blood off her arm so she could bandage it properly. She then grabbed the disinfectant and applied a heavy layer over the wounds before wrapping it in gauze.
"So. What now?" Scout finally asked as Stacy finished up. The Human simply stood there for a moment, then scooped the Puppet up and went to the small loveseat in front of the TV, ignoring her protests. She flopped down on it and turned on Netflix, letting Scout drop onto her stomach.
"Now we lay here and do nothing." Stacy finally told her, dropping the remote on the floor. She had no idea what was playing, only that she needed a background noise to fall asleep to. When she felt Scout start moving around she covered her with a hand, pinning her in place.
Tomorrow she would have to make a plan, and even now there was a list forming in her mind. But for now she was content to sleep the night's events away.
After all, tomorrow would be better, for it was an unseen day.
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King Falls AM - Episode 9: Jack in the Box Jesus
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Summary: September 1, 2015 - An alleged sighting of the Lord & Savior at a downtown fast food restaurant has the residents of King Falls ready for deliverance, meanwhile Sammy & Ben try to navigate the flood waters of this revelation.
[podcast intro music]
Mayor Grisham Ladies and gentlemen, I promise you that while it is a terrible inconvenience that our modern electronics are out— this is not the end of the world. It could be a refreshing change of pace! Instead of reading, on your tablet, go down to the King Falls library, and check out the real thing! Instead of texting your BFF, go enjoy some pancake puppies at Rose’s! and have a face-to-face chat. This isn’t as bad as it seems— and it could be a blessing in disguise.
[KFAM intro music]
Sammy Good morning guys and dolls, you’re listening to King Falls AM—
Ben —That’s 660 on the radio dial.
Sammy And this is day 13 of what has been dubbed the King Falls Electrolocaust.
Ben This has easily been the hardest two weeks of my professional career.
Sammy It has been tough, but Ben and I want to thank you, and everyone out there listening, for the continuing support of the show.
Ben We got another doozy of a show for you tonight, King Falls. During hour two, we’ll be interviewing Maria Chandler, manager of the King Falls Apple store, and speaking about the effects the shut down has had on business.
Sammy As well as fielding your calls and talking about whatever’s clever this evening.
Ben I miss computers, Sammy. I miss the schedule. Our automated systems, my alarm clock. I’ve went through three the legal pads in two weeks!
Sammy [sympathetic] I know, buddy.
Ben I would literally watch Channel 13 if given the chance.
Sammy Wow. That’s saying a lot.
Ben [softly] I need my life back.
Sammy King Falls, how are you taking the modern electronic shut down of 2015? Are you refreshed? Reliving the mid-90s? Or— are you falling apart like our dear Ben Arnold?
Ben I’d listen to boy bands, to have a working smartphone. I’d wear, puka shell necklaces and sell my pog collection,[1] if you give me five minutes with my email.
Sammy Look on the bright side, Ben. You’re spending all your free time down at the library, and I haven’t called you out on it!
Ben That’s calling me out on it.
Sammy Eh-Well- and you know it’s nice hearing the birds tweeting instead of @kingfallsam. I’m not saying I don’t miss it but, I’m enjoying this a little bit.
Ben ♫It’s tearing up my heart when I’m with yoouu♫[2]
Sammy The references are not gonna bring back your goods.
Ben [hurt] Dammit Sammy, let’s just take a call from our jury-rigged phone system.
[bg music being provided by Chet’s record player]
Sammy You’re live with Sammy and Ben.
Cynthia Yeeaah, I wanna talk about the outages.
Sammy Cynthia Higgenbaum, ladies and gents. How are you doing during this electronic crisis?
Cynthia [blissful] I feel the warm embrace of the chastity belt that’s been placed on society. I’m relieved, de-stressed, marvelous!
Ben *chuckling* Whoa, heh, that’s- that’s a heck of a change!
Cynthia [suddenly aggressive] What are you trying to say, Ben?
Sammy It’s just you’re usually- you’ve been a little… pessimistic in the past.
Cynthia [mostly calm again] Ohhh, I still have problems; I’m full up with issues. But right now, I don’t have to worry about what websites my husband is perusing, what brain-dead TV my kids are watching— I’m at peace! It’s just me and my harlequin novels. Plus, with Jesus back and all—
Ben [jokingly suggestive] 50 Shades of Cynthia
Cynthia [angrily] Don’t be filthy Ben Arnold! I Know Your Mother!
Sammy I-I’m sorry, Cynthia— did you just say that Jesus is back?
Cynthia [gossipy tone] Have you guys not heard the news?
Ben Is she talking about Jesus Jesus?
Cynthia There’s only one.
Sammy Wellll, I think Mexico would disagree, but please tell us why you think Jesus—
Cynthia [snappy] I don’t think Sammy, I know! [softer] Earlier this evening, he was spotted glowing and speaking in tongues at Jack in the Box.[3]
Ben The one off Main Street or Red Oak Avenue?
Cynthia Ew, nobody does to Red Oak.
Sammy [softly] Jack-in-the-Box-Jesus.
Cynthia Oh, Hell no! I will not participate in that blasphemy. You’re gonna get smited—
Sammy Oh, I- I mean- I wasn’t- I’m sorry, I’m not meaning to, uh—
Cynthia Tell it to Satan! In Hell, Sammy! [hangs up forcefully]
[dial tone]
Ben This is big.
Sammy [slightly reluctant] If you or someone you know has had a sighting of *clears throat, Ben laughs* Jack in the Box Jesus please give us a call. Uh, 424-279-3858
Ben You’re on King Falls AM.
Deputy Troy Now I know what you’re thinking: how could the second coming of God’s only son happen and ol’ Troy here didn’t clue you in.
Ben Not what I was thinking.
Sammy What do you know Troy?
Deputy Troy Well I got a suspicious persons call out at ol’ Yack[sic] in the Box around 9. So, I hit the lights and cruised over to see what the fuss was about. And lo and behold, back by the dumpster with a mess of people looking on— there he was.
Sammy Now, are you really telling us that— [still reluctant] you saw, or, you believe you saw the son of God and the King of Kings bangin around outside the Jack In The Box?
Deputy Troy Well, he was a man. Somebody’s son, no doubt. Bearded. Good lookin’, if-if you’re into that sort of thing. He had a robe on—
Ben [cutting in]We can solve this right now. Was he white or was he black?
Deputy Troy He was more of a greenish color. Like a glow really.
Sammy The man had an aura around him.
Deputy Troy It was shinier than a damn Fukushima foxhound, fellas. Like, I felt a need to put on the old aviators, but I- I didn’t want to be cliché.
Sammy Alright, Troy. So, work with us here; you’re in the back of the Jack in the Box, there’s a uh, a Jesus-type guy—
Deputy Troy Just-a-ramblin’ on.
Ben Speaking in— tongues?
Deputy Troy Speaking in somethin. The last time I heard gibberish like that was comin’ from the back of my Chevy with Shell Snyder’s daughter.
Sammy So what happened next?
Deputy Troy Well a group of looky-loos had descended, as I said, and since it was only me, there was no perimeter set up yet. So I start ta approach this glowing Christ and somebody— Roy Higgins if you gotta know/— hollered out “It’s Jesus!” and the whole parking lot just went bonkers!
Ben Well, di-did you speak to the guy?
Deputy Troy Damn skippy. I told Roy that this was official police biz. And he shouldn’t be squawling around like a little baby.
Ben No, Jack in the Box Jesus.
Deputy Troy Oh, well no. I- I turned around and he was gone. Split right off into the woods, I suspect.
Sammy Did you follow him?
Deputy Troy Sammy. So you’re tellin me that you’d follow a 6-foot-tall and glowing perp into the woods??
Sammy [muttered] Point taken.
Ben So any other sightings?
Deputy Troy Well, not as of yet. But there were so many people they could’a had a revival in that parkin’ lot. So I’m guessin’ that’s how word spread so quickly. And without internet, too? That’s pretty damn impressive.
Sammy Is there an APB out or anything?
Deputy Troy For what, dilly-dallying around with a jumbo jack? He wasn’t doin nothin bad. Just acting a fool— Lord forgive me— where he shouldn’t’a been.
Ben And glowing.
Deputy Troy That’s right.
Sammy Well, please let us know if get any more info on this, Troy. We’d appreciate it.
Deputy Troy You bet. I’ll be sure to keep you boys and the listenin’ public informed. But if you should happen to stumble upon Jesus? Do not approach, bother or pester. You just call up Ol’ Deputy Troy.
[hangs up]
Ben …or your local church. [dial tone]
Sammy Deputy Troy, ladies and gents. Now we’re just going to take a quick break and hear from one of our new sponsors: Carl’s Candy!
Ben Yeah I don- I don’t think we should play this
Sammy What? Ads pay the bills remember?
Ben Folks, as a workaround with all the tech issues, uh, I went out and recorded a few spots of some of our sponsors- uh, new and old. Emphasis on Old, after this one.
Sammy Okay, so the audio is bad.
Ben *sucks in breath* You could say that.
Sammy This company’s paid up! They’re scheduled in one of your many notebooks. Let’s do this. We’ll be right back folks.
[slow, creepy xylophone music]
Carl [voice is soft and creepy, like you expect from a guy who offers kids candy from the back of a van] Do you know why they call it a blow pop? I sure do. And if you come on down to Creepy Carl’s Candy, I’ll fill ya up! I mean in. [whispering] It’ll be our little secret.- A sweet tooth is a terrible thing to waste. Come find a new sugar daddy to butter your fingers at Creepy Carl’s! Come in and grab a sack of Carl’s Boston baked beans while you’re at it. Oops, one fell in my pocket. Free if you can find it! *Ben groaning “oh no”* Every child’s welcome at Creepy Carl’s, big mouths, small mouths, white mouths and brown mouths. We’re equal opportunity! And just cause they shut down the ol’ brick and mortar doe’n’t mean you can’t buy it from my van. Be sure to ask your parents’ permission first, kids. Creepy Carl’s Candy, where the suckers don’t suck themselves. [Police sirens]
Deputy Troy [through megaphone] Carl, turn off your ignition. You are too close to the school zone.
Carl I gotta go! Catch ya later [tires squealing]
Ben [desperate, in bg] The mic!
[sirens fade out]
Sammy … Never again.
Ben I tried to tell you.
Sammy I know. Let’s never speak about this.
Ben [whispering] I need a shower.
Sammy *sigh* …Moving forward, we were just talking about a sighting that happened a few hours ago around the 9 o’clock hour, just off Main Street. It seems quite a few people believe that we may be experiencing a religious phenomenon. Perhaps the second coming of–
Ben [slightly gruff impression] “Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years!”[4]
Sammy *chuckles* Right, let’s go to the phone lines.
Ben [happily] That was good though right?
Sammy It was good. Good evening, you’re live on King Falls AM.
Reverend Hawthorne Ask and ye shall receive! King Falls-uh. It is the gooD Reverend Xavier “Right. With. Gaawwd-uh” Hawthorne.
Ben Reverend Hawthorne? Are you back in town?
Reverend Hawthorne [speaking over Ben] The One and Only, and we are turnin’ the wagons arounD as we speaK-uh. And we’re headin’ back to my flocK-uh. How’re y’all feelin’ tonighT, King Falls- I said How are you, Feelin’!
Sammy [softly] We’re feeling alright.
Reverend Hawthorne Praise GoD-uh! Hallelujah! Now a little birdie, uh-just chirp’n on my shoulder, told me there was a SighTing. A Vision. Dare I say it, eyeballs were laid on our Lord and Saviour at a burger joint in our fair city.
Sammy Yeah, about 9 o’clock here.
Reverend Hawthorne Could it Be-uh! that our 5-week-revival worked. Could it Be-uh! that our prayers have been brought forth the lamb of God-uh. Can I get an amen!
Ben Reverend Hawthorne we—
Reverend Hawthorne Amen! This miracle-uh, this sight from our God-uh, perched on a Mountain of Sanctity, says that he is ready to lead-uh, his most Highly Favored, Congregation bacK to the promised land. Gimme some organ, Deacon Reggie [organ music begins playing in bg]
Sammy [aside] Do you think Reggie has to wheel that thing around just in case?
Ben This is getting good.
Reverend Hawthorne Play it dirty, brother. We are going Home-uh. Take us back to Calvary, take us BACK-uh! … Samuel, Benjamin may I ask you gentlemen if you have a relationship-uh with the Author of the E-ternal Sal-vation; [organ goes silent] [softly] are ya saved?
Sammy I’m—
Reverend Hawthorne Then let me tell y’all, [organ starts again] because if you aren’t-uh, I’m coming back to town. One weekend only, the Xavier “Right with GoD-uh” Hawthorne Experience will be wheelin’ bacK into King Falls Fairgrounds this very night-uh. We are hoping to get One- On- One with the Risen Christ and start preparin’ for Kingdom Come. But just like old Xavier, you gotta come on down-uh so we can get you TurnT uP With GoD-uh. [click, dial tone]
Sammy Xavier? Hello?
Ben He’s, gone. Sammy.
Sammy Well, you heard it here first folks. Xavier Hawthorn’s Travelling Roadshow is coming back to town. Will Jack in the Box Jesus make his stage debut?
Ben [muttering] Tch- Jesus.
Sammy Literally.
Ben Do you think we could get an interview? Would it be Mr. Christ? Or-
Sammy Something tells me that there is something more to the story than what we’ve heard so far, Ben.
Ben Tsk. I get that, but this is King Falls, Sammy.
Sammy What a perfect place to make a return: a rinky-dink town with no internet.
Ben Line- [muttered] dammit, there’s only one line. Uh, you’re on with Sammy and Ben.
Archie Good evenin’ fellas!
[small dogs barking in bg]
Sammy Is thi-
Archie It’s Archie Simmons!
Ben He-ey Archie, how’s Princess Von Barktooth?
Archie Well, I do have news concernin’ the princess, and I just want to possibly recant some info from our previous call a few weeks back.
Sammy About the werewolves?
Archie Correct.
Sammy Wow. I mean, you sounded pretty convinced that you saw a werewolf.
Archie And now I’m saying that maybe I was misinformed.
Sammy I think you should probably tell Troy and the Sheriff’s Office, Archie.
Archie *giggles* You silly Sally, Troy’s on his way over now
Ben Why the change of heart, Archie?
Archie Well, new information has come to light boys, I mean with the Divine One making his triumphant, and let’s be honest, dramatic return to King Falls.
Sammy You’re talking about the glowing man at the Jack in the Box?
Archie [softly] Let’s be real here, it’s the J-Man, of course a heavenly carpenter would pick King Falls. So many projects to keep busy with.
Sammy [dryly] Uh-huh.
Archie Plus, with the princess and this new information, we have to believe this.
Ben You keep saying that, what’s going on with the princess Archie?
Archie She’s in a delicate condition.
Sammy Oh, of course. I mean she’s been through a lot.
Archie *giggles* No Sammy, I mean she’s with child. Ch-children. Puppies? There’s a bun in my $2400 oven boys!
Sammy Wait. She’s pregnant? From the werewolf attack?!
Archie [softly again] Well, that’s the thing. While I believed in my heart of hearts that the hillbilly beast from the trailer park had gotten to the princess, I think…
Ben What. What do you think Archie?
Archie I mean it was dark, I know it was a full moon but I was scared and recently awakened, sleep in my eyes etc. and so on.
Sammy You don’t think it was the werewolves.
Archie I’m thinking with this new evidence and the fact that I saw a long-haired, bearded man in a Biblical Act— Yeah I-I- I think- there’s a chance it could have been [whispering] the man upstairs.
Ben [stern] Upstairs from whom?
Archie Mankind! Come on Ben, get with the picture!
Sammy He’s saying that because there’s been a holy sighting tonight- which we should all be a little bit doubtful of- then maybe it wasn’t the werewolves, but the Alpha and the Omega.
Ben No! NO WA- That’s too much, Archie. You saw the werewolf. He looked you in the eye and howled at the moon.
Archie I don’t know what kind of weird things Jesus is into.
Ben No way. This is ludicrous.
Archie You just wait and see Ben! The princess may have lost her Westminster dreams, but it was all part of God’s plan.
Ben We’ve got to go Archie *laughs* you’re crossing a line that we cannot cross at King Falls AM.
Archie Judge Not, lest ye be judged boys. Kardashians[sic] 3:16 or a Psalm or something. I think Troy’s coming around the bend anyways boys, laters!
[click, dial tone]
Sammy You know? When I walk in the door every night I say to myself, “Nothing’s gonna surprise me tonight” And more times than not, I am just Dead Wrong.
Ben Let’s give the phone a rest for a moment, Sammy, the record player is just begging to be used.
Sammy *chuckles* Not a bad idea Ben.
[phone pings]
Ben What? *gasps* My phone! [several pings] OHH it’s back baby!
Sammy Me too! What’s going on?
[pinging continues]
Ben What’s up! Oh my God, I could literally kiss the apparition of Steve Jobs.
Sammy Hey, I’ve got a text here, Unknown Number.
Ben Okay, what does it say?
Sammy “I- I know why this happened. I know how to stop it. We need to talk“
Ben What?
Sammy No, that’s what the text said.
Ben You don’t think this has anything to do with… Thank You, Jesus.
[KFAM outro]
[1] Pogs - Pogs, generically called milk caps, is a game that was popular among children during the early-mid 1990s. The name pog originates from POG, a brand of juice made from passionfruit, orange, and guava; the use of POG bottle caps to play the game preceded the game's commercialization.
[2] “It’s tearin’ up my heart when I’m with you” - Lyrics to the song “Tearin’ Up My Heart” by NSYNC, an American boy band from the mid-90s
[3] Jack in the Box - American fast food chain, primarily along the west coast and southern states.
[4] “Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years” - lyrics to the song “Mama Said Don’t Knock You Out” by LL COOL J (also came out in the 90s)
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