#sal anon
kazewhara · 2 years
I have had a dream that I got Qiqi on Kazuha’s banner for the 3rd time now. Normally I might be terrified for my life but I’m guaranteed so sUCK ON THAT MIHOYO (I miss you Venti come home). Maybe its a sign Qiqi’s coming home with Kazuha? I just want my meow meows why must Venti, Kazu, and Qiqi avoid me :(
i'd consider losing kazuha to qiqi to be the best case scenario but thank god you're guaranteed 😭 but maybe you'll get them one after the other!
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awlumii · 2 years
Here’s what was supposed to be the Sumeru clip in case you haven’t seen it <3 I actually screamed “FUCK YOU GO BACK” and woke up my dog... sorry, my baby </3 —Sal
i can't stop watching it 🥺 it's gonna take everything in my power to not comb through it when it comes out.. the excitement is fucking killing me
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kopivie · 1 year
Hi Zuzu, it’s been a v e r y long time. I’m glad to see you posting again! I hope you’re doing well <3
I have to go perform in like 15 minutes and I’m still not ready so I’ll keep this short but I missed you. I hope you have a good day!
yeah, it's been a while.. sorry about that.. i hope your performance goes well, lovie! have a great rest of your day! ♡♡
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areus. areus please. bedtime please. ~sal
I will be going yes yes goodnight everyone
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fossys · 4 months
"system members arent actually different ppl!" okay maybe for you but. two ppl can be in our front eating the exact same thing that tastes the exact same way and one of them will love it and the other will hate it. bcs for us, we r different people.
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xviiint · 3 months
day 1 of me asking you to stop being a sallarry shipper
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I hear and obey, master 🙏🙏🙏
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elliesbelle · 7 months
Since reading ncty literally NO OTHER FIC COMPARES TO IT! I love it so much but now my standards are really high :´)
Belle sweetie I think you already suggested some other fits buuuut…do you know any other series (need something long) that’s also Ellie or Abby x reader that you liked and would suggest? Trusting only you with recs
haha well, i'm gonna plug the works of my mutuals again then!
@lonelyfooryouonly has PLENTY of amazing ellie series that are long and got a lot to read! (can't even choose a fave between them honestly)
@seattlesellie's not about love will have you crying and screaming and screaming with the s all at the same time! i still go back to it every now and again.
i'm not kidding when i say that @carmellie's see you next summer is everything to me. one time, carm released a chapter while i was at work, and i legit excused myself to the bathroom and didn't leave until i finished reading it!!!!
my wonderful love @totheblood has several series as well, superposition being one of my all-time faves (literally was already obsessed with the series before i even started publishing on here and before star and i were even friends)!
@callmelola111 has a bunch of ellie series, one of my faves is color me purple! i love flirty tension ugh
@s-4pphics has a BUNCH of ellie and abby series, literally just go through my sal love's page and you'll find so much content fr
@spaceshipellie's we were never just friends had me screaming and crying on the bus ride home, it was so so SO good
@glowstickfracture doesn't have a whole abby series perse, BUT they have so much amazing and sexy firefighter/fire medic!abby content that it's basically its own series!
sorority secrets by @cinnnamongrl was just so bellisimo chef's kiss, i did naught want it to end
my babes @phantombriide has a shit ton of smaus that are so immersive and they feel like reading a full blown series fr (and she has a new one coming out soon that i helped with so 😘)
@elliespeach's the air that i breathe isn't done yet, but it's everything to me and i'm at the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter!
my love my life @cherriesxinthespring's seattle grace hospital is the reason i breathe, rose hasn't finished it yet but idc cause it's just so good
@coeurify's perfect girl is one of the very first elie fics i ever read and rinie is such a talented writer that you should just read everything they've written regardless
this isn't a complete list and i need to get back to what i'm doing skldfjdskls (i'm compiling this during a break from cleaning my apartment), but that's a start!
you can also check out the other list of fave ellie fics i made of my mutual's works too here.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 2 months
I noticed that you don't get many reqs for Sally face sooooo... getting high w/ sal?
always feel free to ignore if you're uncomfortable with writing it!
Omg i love this prompt....
Credits to divider go to saradika-graphics! Go follow them and support their work
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Getting high with Sal
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Because you were coming over tonight, Sal wanted to try something extra special
It would just be the two of you, no dad, no Larry, no Lisa, no Gizmo
....well, maybe Gizmo
And he wants to see if you two share the same connection subconsciously that you do consciously
So he begs Larry for a joint, and Larry only gives it to him on the promise Sal tells him everything that happens
You were informed of the plan, of course
So as you take the ride up the elevator to Sal's apartment, you can't contain your excitement
Everyone else is spending the night at Lisa's apartment, so when you knock on the door, it is Sal who answers, sharing the same excitement you do
You see his eyes crinkle up in excitement as he hurriedly invites you in
The two of you sit on the couch, sharing a moment of awkward silence
"So...." You mutter
"Sooo..." He copies
"Do you think we should do it in here or in your room?" You ask, worried that you might get caught
Sal thinks for a moment, before looking over to his bedroom door "In there. Dad might come back for something and we'll at least have a chance to look innocent there"
You nod and take his hand, heading over to his bedroom together
Once you get in, he begins setting up a movie for you two to watch
You flop onto his bed, breathing in the scent left on his blankets
"What'chu sniffing my bed for? Weirdo." He teases
You flip him off in response, before sitting up and grabbing the joint off his nightstand and lighting it
You take an experimental hit, coughing at the burning in your throat
Sal laughs and takes it from you, taking a hit under his prosthetic
The smoke comes out through the eye holes, making his eyes water
It is now your turn to laugh, you lean back and tilt your head "Do you wanna take it off?"
He goes quiet for a second, then shakes his head "It's fine, I'll manage"
The rest of the night is spent taking turns with the joint, and eventually it is snuffed out and tossed to the side
You are both thoroughly zonked now, Sal is laying on your chest and you have an arm around him, drawing shapes onto his back
If you are the talkative type, Sal will listen to all you have to say quietly
And if you get quiet like him, you will sit in comfortable silence, occasionally getting up to go get snacks
Well, most of the time he's quiet
Sometimes he'll shoot up, making you look at him worriedly before mumbling something about how gravity almost took him
And you will be there to drag him back down to your chest and kiss his head, telling him that you'll protect him from gravity <3
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asheanon · 5 months
Off and on, as the Ashe body has allowed, I've been working on some shenanigans. One of these said shenanigans reminds me that I really need to draw some new pieces with Sal and her telescope. 🔭🌌
Which... Also reminds me of these older KH fanfic pieces that I still adore. 💙
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killemwithkawaii · 3 months
It’s 10 am, I haven’t slept, and I can’t stop thinking about what Sal and Larry’s favorite pizza would be. I think my obsession with this game has gone too far lmao
>sdlfjka welcome to the club anon! The obsession is Real but we like it that way UwU 👌👌👌
>I hc that Sal is one of those people that is capable of eating just about any food that he's served (strong stomach, high pain/discomfort tolerance, lived off hospital food for years, will inconvenience himself and lie through however many teeth he's got to spare the feelings of others), but he prefers mild flavors and soft textures. He'll eat whatever pizza you get (as long as it appears edible), but is a basic 'pepperoni/ plain cheese' bitch at heart.
>Larry, on the other hand, canonically has a weak stomach and grew up eating his moms home-cooked meals. So, I think he's a little picky with his toppings, but won't shy away from some complex combos if they appeal to him. I could see him demolishing a large meat-lovers with extra cheese by himself (especially if he's been taking bong rips between slices), but he'll audibly gag and refuse to touch the entire pie if he finds one(1) olive on there. (The 'contaminated' pizza would then be pawned off on Sal or Chug, because Lisa would kill him if she ever found out he wasted that much food.)
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kazewhara · 2 years
Do whatever you’re comfortable with, Zuzu! If you think its better to move, then by all means do it! I know I’ll gladly follow you to any other blogs (unless you tell me not to—). Your comfort is top priority <3 —Sal
thank you for understanding 🥺💕
i actually have the blog set up and ready to go for the most part -- just gotta adjust to the new tags that i made for myself.. but i have no problem sharing it! i'll post it soon :D
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awlumii · 2 years
I’m in tears I just wanna give Kazuha head pats and all the love in the world rycgfycyvuvu. That actually just made my day. I cant rn ilysm /p
okay listen, while i was writing i started to feel so much guilt bc kazuha's just a boy in love and he needs attention and here i was, DENYING HIM OF THAT AND IT HURT SO BADKSHDJD 😭 so PLEASE give him all the love in the world, he is fragile and needs every ounce you can possibly give 🥺
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kopivie · 1 year
Hi zuzu <3 it’s been awhile, I hope you’re doing well!
I wish I had more to update you on but aside from my acting competitions starting up again (hoping to make it to state again this year crvygu) and me working on a kazuha au I have nothing lmfao. Although I’m gonna be 18 in a few months which is a really weird feeling but yeah.
Also its really nice seeing you talk about your OCs. I haven’t had the chance to catch up on here or your other blog but it makes me smile when I get a notif in class. I’m hoping to read up and send more asks soon, but school is stressful lol. Anyways bye, hopefully talk to you soon!
hey! it has been a while, you're so right! SAL BIRTHDAY COMING UP, EEEEE
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i'm wishing you all the best with your competitions! you're gonna do great! :D 🫂💕 i know school can be stressful, but please don't forget to tend to yourself during your down time! take very good care of yourself and also, don't push yourself to send asks, either! ALSO GOOD LUCK ON THE KAZUHA AU !! i'll talk to you soon! :D ❤️
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butmakeitgayblog · 5 months
How is my favorite ball of floof, Sal?
I was just writing him today while waiting in the doctor's office 👀 he's good, he's good. Living his best life. Meeting one of his soon to be bestest friends ever
The door swung up open before she could even finish her third knock. 
Clarke felt all the air escape right out of her lungs.
Because framed in the picturesque doorway was - possibly, potentially, easily debatable once her brain would start working again - one of the most beautiful women Clarke had ever seen in her thirty nine years of life. 
Just… not the one she'd expected. 
“Can I help you?”
Clarke blinked back at the rounded, deep amber eyes that stared at her in gentle questioning. Blinked at the sight of a messy curled bob of black hair that fell carelessly across the elegant line of petite shoulders. Dark brown skin looked almost velvety in the shadowed threshold between inside and out, and Clarke physically swayed foward on her toes just to catch a stronger whiff of her floral perfume. 
Mentally rolling her tongue back up into her skull, Clarke recovered enough to lean a sharp hook at the waist toward the left, just far enough to take another glance at the house number tacked on the side. 
‘Hm… Yep, I can still read…’
“I uh...” Clarke managed to right herself and actually stammer out loud when whatever celestial being she was gawking at only continued to look at her with serene patience, “Does, uh… Does Lexa live here?”
Clarke frowned when nothing else came. “O-kay… Is she… Is she here right now?”
“Well I certainly hope so. Otherwise I'm breaking and entering.” White teeth shined in a perfectly aligned row when this riddle-baring goddess's lips bent into a teasing smile. But rather than feeling like the punchline of some joke she was being left out of, the effect of this sweet angel faced woman's charm only made Clarke smile in return. 
Before she could reconfigure the slog of words bumping around in her brain, a clatter of lazy tip-tap tip-taps grew loud enough to jerk Clarke's attention toward a rather large and decidedly hairy nose wedging its way into the exchange. A nose became a muzzle, became a panting white, black, and brown face. One with droopy eyes and even droopier jowls that nudged the door-guardian out of its way.
“Dude, c'mon.” Those ridiculously white teeth flashed in another soul brightening smile as the woman pushed herself away from where she'd been hip-checked into the door, and gave the beast-sized brute of a Saint Bernard a few scratches on the head. “Manners, my guy. What would your mother say about this kind of violence?”
Doleful eyes slid shut in a look of ecstasy at the rake of fingernails through his coat of cowlick laden fur.
A distant echo of muddled footsteps had the beautiful stranger turning, craning around to look behind her into the shadows of the house, which seemed entirely like an open invitation for Clarke to lift up on her toes and chance a peek into the darkeness beyond as well. Nothing gave itself away even as the padding of steps drew closer. Clarke rocked back onto the flat of her feet just before the door widened enough for another face to fit into the bizarre tableau, though it was the one single face that helped Clarke stop feeling like she needed to have an evaluation done of her own sanity. 
“What is the hold up out here— Clarke,” Lexa breathed as a smile lit up her blessedly familiar face. Glasses propped on top of her head and normal school attire button down exchanged for a tight knit Henley, the sudden vision of this entirely different version of Lexa added itself to Clarke's mental catalog of the woman. Lexa slipped past the mountain of a dog, giving it an absent command of ‘Back it up, big man,’ along with a snap and a point at the floor beside her that seemed sufficient enough to have him reversing several feet out of her way. She elbowed past the woman in the doorway to beckon Clarke inward with a wave of her hand. “Sorry, I didn't know it was you. Come in. You're early.”
“Uh, yeah. I hope that's not a problem.” Clarke floundered as she stepped in at the urging, eyes darting between Lexa and the dog who'd sat itself in a flop of limbs at her side, and the stranger now silently watching it all. 
“Not even a little.” The easy cadence of Lexa's words only helped to ease a fraction of Clarke's nerves. “You just said you couldn't make it for another couple hours.” 
Clarke tugged upward at the collar of her sweater that suddenly felt a touch too revealing. “I dropped Madi off with her dad a little early. Much to her numerous complaints.”
The soft tilt of Lexa's lips dipped into a frown. “Everything okay?”
“Of course. Just, getting her to understand that I actually had plans was met with great disdain. It's a theme we've developed, she and I. Ever since she's gotten her license, she doesn't seem to understand the concept that my car is not somehow now her car.”
Lexa's face relaxed into a kind of relieved understanding. “Ah, I see. A driving teenager. I don't envy you.”
“We're braver than the marines,” Clarke said amidst a roll of her eyes. 
In the quiet and fondness of Lexa's smile, Clarke let herself uncoil another fraction of an inch. She returned the soft sweetness of that green-eyed gaze with a herculean effort to not be the first to reach out. She'd pictured this moment more than a few times on the drive over - a few hundred more the previous evening, if she were being honest - but where'd she'd fantasized about just grabbing the woman and kissing her very pretty face off, possibly backing her into a hazy and ill-defined wall to have her way with her the second she would walk in, Clarke found herself rather perplexingly stuck to the spot. Unmoving in the relief of being in Lexa's space again. Unrushed and content to keep sharing smiles like a couple of idiots.
It was only an inelegant ruffle of fur and flapping jowls that broke the moment, followed immediately by a rather wet sounding sneeze prompting Clarke to finally drag her gaze away.
“You have a dog.”
Lexa glanced down at the mountain of black and tan fur at her side and back up. “I told you that I have a dog.”
“Uh, no,” Clarke laughed at that wild understatement and gestured to the device in her hand as though proof enough. “You text me an hour ago, ‘You're not allergic to dogs, right?’ And when I said no, you marked it with a thumbs up.”
Lexa seemed to pause in thought as her teeth worried at the plumped corner of her bottom lip. “... I did do that.”
“You did.”
“Okay, I think I might see where the breakdown in communication happened.”
“Solid work, Professor,” said a voice that drifted from over Lexa's shoulder.
“Your input isn't appreciated,” Lexa said to the startlingly still present but unidentified goddess hovering near the door. Forcing down a rather painful looking swallow as she nudged the glasses more securely up the slope of her nose, Lexa buried the obvious lede in the room and instead gestured to the hulking pile of dog sitting patiently where Lexa had left him. “Right, so I suppose introductions are in order then. Sal. This is Clarke. Clarke, this is my dog Sal. Sal, say hello.”
As if on cue, a giant paw went up in a clumsy mimic of a wave.
Clarke let out a surprised chuckle at the display, waving back on instinct before realizing that she was, in fact, waving at a dog. She let her hand drop. Idiot. “Hey, Sal. He's a… big guy, huh?”
“I'm convinced he's part moose,” Lexa sighed with an affectionate ruffle of Sal's ear. “In my defense, he was not this imposing when I got him.”
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inkly-heart · 2 years
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anxiou13sami · 7 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ᴵ ʷᵃˢ ⁱⁿ ᵍᵒᵛᵉʳⁿᵐᵉⁿᵗ ᶜˡᵃˢˢ⸴ ᵃⁿᵈ ᴵ ᵍᵒᵗ ᵇᵒʳᵉᵈ ᵛᵉʳʸ ᑫᵘⁱᶜᵏˡʸ⸴ ᵗʰᵉⁿ ᴵ ʳᵉᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳᵉᵈ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᴵ ʰᵃᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᶠⁱⁿⁱˢʰᵉᵈ ʷᵃᵗᶜʰⁱⁿᵍ ᔆᵃˡˡʸ ᶠᵃᶜᵉ'ˢ ᵍᵃᵐᵉᵖˡᵃʸ⸴ ˢᵒ ᴵ ᵈᵉᶜⁱᵈᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵈʳᵃʷ ˢᵐᵃˡˡ ˢᵏᵉᵗᶜʰᵉˢ ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ʷᵉʳᵉ ᵒⁿˡʸ ᵃ ᶠᵉʷ ᵐⁱⁿᵘᵗᵉˢ ˡᵉᶠᵗ ᵇᵉᶠᵒʳᵉ ʷᵉ ˡᵉᶠᵗ ᵃⁿʸʷᵃʸ⸴ ᴵ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵏⁿᵒʷ⸴ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵉˣᵖᵉᶜᵗ ᵐᵃˢᵗᵉʳᵖⁱᵉᶜᵉˢ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵐᵉ ᴵ ᵈʳᵃʷ ᵖᵃʳᵗ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵃ ᔆᵃᵐˢᵘⁿᵍ ᴳᵃˡᵃˣʸ ᴬ⁵² ⁵ᵍ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐʸ ᶠⁱⁿᵍᵉʳˢ⸴ ᴹᵃⁿ⸴ ᴵ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᔆᵃˡ ᵛᵉʳʸ ᵐᵘᶜʰ⸴ ʰᵉ ⁱˢ ᵐʸ ᶠᵃᵛᵒʳⁱᵗᵉ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ⸴ ʰᵉ ᵈᵉˢᵉʳᵛᵉˢ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵒʳˡᵈ⸴ ᴵ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ʳᵉᵃᵈⁱⁿᵍ ᶠᵃⁿᶠⁱᶜˢ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ʰⁱᵐ⸴ ᵗʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ʷʰʸ ᴵ ᵈʳᵉʷ ᵗʰᵒˢᵉ ᵗʸᵖᵉˢ ᵒᶠ ᵈʳᵃʷⁱⁿᵍˢ ˡᵒˡ⁻(✿ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)⁾⁾
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