#ryuu is a bad bitch
lady-moufflet · 7 months
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Maybe I’m creating something....
But for now, let’s appreciate this handsome boy <3
Limited edition cover!! Next Monday it will be a tiger!!
Clean ver.
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momochimchim · 2 years
Lil changes for Ryuu, I love bad bitches with braids 🙏🏻💕
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dullahandyke · 4 months
Ok hi I'm back playing dgs for the second half of the first trial
I meant to say before but I rlly enjoy how pivotal the setting is to this trial!! Obvi they didnt jusr pick it for shits and giggles but I'm liking the tension that the British presence provides
Also seeing susato so quiet in all these opening bits is so strange... susato toss :(?
AW YEAH ASOUGI GRABBING HIS SWORD W SAMURAI ON A MISSION PLAYING !!!! love this guy hope nothing bad ever happens to him
Love how auchi is trying to guilt ryuu over anglo-japanese relations and asougis just like lollllll fuck em... anti-british king
YESSS RYUU YOU GET HIM TOO!!! Fuck the government <3
God they really pull out the 2-4 despair sprite any opportunity they can huh
'Asougis dream of going to Britain is fucked if we lose this' bro I thought itd b fine as long as he wasnt the lawyer. Was all that shit for nothjng
Yesss ryuu objecting just before the verdict... love him
Love ryuus little thinking face... + his hand guard thing... hes so the thinker
Love how as the trial progresses ryuu gets more sprites .. hes hardly even bug eyed anymore
Boooo brett we hate youuu why'd you even study in Japan if you're just gonna b racist abt every part of it
Also tbh idk where we're going with this train of thinking but its fun
My God is it poison and she kristoph gavins her way into a conviction... kristoph gavinning is when u make glib comments about details of a case that lead to your conviction btw
'I'm sure you've noticed this student doesnt miss much' asougi is showing off ryuus talents like a little pony thay can do a canter and tbh awesime
Help me one of her rebuttals is 'your flys been down this whole time' ❓❓❓ ryuu..... 'why didnt you tell me asougi' why do YOU assume asougis looking at your dick ryuu. 🤨
Shes pulling out the 'your brains are smaller than Europeans' shit my God.... can we like kill her kill her
Ok I think Brett poisoned Wilson and then stole the glass to cover her tracks before shooting him to pin ryuu... we r gonna update her autopsy report
No hang on wait that's such a stupid fucking plan. What if hosonaga noticed Wilson was dead. What if ryuu DIDNT notice the gun. If Wilson's wrist was burned on the plate then surely it was set in front of him but part of the beef is eaten so Brett must have had some. I guess thatd probably be better for alibi shit by having it look like h3 was in the middle of eating when shot instead of before being served but like. Was she leaning over the table stretching w a knife and fork to cut off a bit of steak. Girls gotta eat ig
Love that theres an exchange where ryuu goes 'this is great auchi agrees that the police r fucked' and asougi goes 'no ryuu hes clout chasing to impress a European woman. Hes just like bisexual obama'
Asougi picking up his sword as he prepares to 'pursue' hosonaga's statement... asougi r u going to kill this man
Hosonaga that is illegal
'What does this French writing say asougi' 'idk go to France and ask' hes such a bit of a bitch I love it <3
Also I'm looking at the back of hosonaga's pants when it does the panning shot and why r they so baggy at the ankles... bro hes tall as shit does he shop at the slenderman store
Oh my God another fucking to be continued? I thought this was the last part bro enenensjs so I'm gonna take a break for a bit and then go back to killing jezaille brett dead
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azumasoroshi · 2 years
Randst Magazine 8
what the FUCK is going on
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he quoted herlock sholmes again???? after i JUST made the post about him reading herlock sholmes books?? honey just admit you're down bad already
i am now thoroughly convinced that he actually does read the books/randst magazine in canon because why the fuck else would he know herlock sholmes quotes verbatim??????
he's literally the "i hate [insert character]" while putting pictures of said character on the wall meme for herlock dude im not kidding
did he ever figure out that iris wrote the books in dgs or dgs2 because i have this weird memory of dialogue between him and iris where he comes in mad about his depiction in the book and then iris is like i wrote the books! and he completely changes his tone and he's like wow your writing is exquisite
OH WAIT that was a fanfiction whoops
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is he being derogatory???? like id assume so but why'd he have to say "us mortals of inferior mental capacity" lmFAO
dude imagine if he and susato talked about the books and ended up getting into a giant literary debate while also trying to figure out who the bigger fan is i might just cry
iris holds a trivia competition to see who can name the most verbatim quotes/recall super unimportant details with the page numbers
and sholmes ryuu and gina are watching them like what the fuck??
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damn that was you when you're tired??? i thought he was rolling his eyes or something aksgjdhsjhgskgsj
we're getting van zieks' inner thoughts wtf
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bruh have they just been standing there for three hours help
i would NOT want to be stuck in the same room as barok for three hours with the only noise being an ominously ticking clock let me tell you
i guess gregson knew him before he became a vampire though so it's not as intimidating but still. gregson you are a braver man than me
stronghart is supposed to be this super punctual guy what's with both them and ryuunosuke waiting forever for him to appear
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i cannot get over the van zieks perspective wtf
thank god it's not from his eyes so that we can see his cloaked forward-facing sprites
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he's SO hot why didnt we ever see these sprites in game what the hell
or at least outside of court
these and the ryuu sprites although im now realizing those mightve been reserved for the dance of deduction
OH THANK GOD MADAM ROSIE IS STILL ALIVE i was actually so sad for her :sob: she got bullied by the other birds in stronghard's chambers bruh
i didnt realize that stronghart actually takes care of his birds though and that they're not just a dramatic effect bgkjDHGSKDJ that's pretty sweet and a nice detail
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barok: says you bitch i was about to drop undead
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the rare actually-happy-and-not-faking-it-for-iris gregson
thank god she's okay though sheesh i was really worried
although maybe dont compare her to Larry Butz that just seems like a bad omen akjdhgHKJDHJSJHKDGd
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scolek · 9 months
Scolek's Pripara OC Digest 2k23: Spreadsheet and Idol Land Hype Edition
the anime that saved my life is gonna be on my phone in literally a week.
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obviously there is more data i can enter but for now it was sorting out the mychara parts situation.
Two college freshmen still wet behind the ears from their days at Paprika and an English teacher from Avocado somehow end up in a unit together.
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legally blind, can play 4 different instruments, and a total party pooper. hikaru used to be a big shot in pripara, but when his partner, hotaru, disappeared, he quit. until, in his final year of highschool, suna showed up.
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extremely popular and elegant, so it's very gap moe that she's an easily excitable nerd who has never met a bad idea in her life (this is not due to her own good fortune but rather her own poor judgement). latched onto the rather serious hikaru like a baby bird imprinting, and dragged him back to pripara where she accidentally became a kami idol after entering pripara in porocco, wandering around, and somehow exiting in parajuku.
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it's me but its also not. like, im not an english teacher at avocado. im not an anything teacher at anywhere. but that doesnt matter its pripara time bitches.
childhood friends otome and kinoko have a yuri moment in pripara on their first day of middle school and accidentally birth a vocal doll during said yuri moment.
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a naive and out of touch rich girl who always sees the bright side and wont let an injustice slide, ever. she prefers sitting in the gazebo and drinking tea, but will without hesitation get down in the mud and dig with kinoko.
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kinoko loved to go camping with her sister hotaru, but then hotaru disappeared, so she went camping by herself. kinoko spends a lot of time alone in the woods, foraging for her namesake and looking for beetles. but as close as she has been with otome, and as close are they will become, she has never thought to invite otome to go camping with her. in her mind, it is not an option. shes curious to a fault, except for when it comes to her own emotions.
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valala was in the process of being born for decades, maybe even centuries. the sheer amount of girls who found love with other girls in pripara, each unknowingly adding their own spark of life to what would eventually become a fully fledged vocal doll, cannot be understated. it was just coincidence that otome and kinoko's first kiss was the final straw, but being birthed into existence in front of it was, to valala, destiny. she wants so very much to rise to the top with her moms, hand in hand, the very manifestation of love.
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the 3000 year old azure dragon whose domain of pangri-la exists deep within the woods of pripara. they are evil. they kidnapped hotaru because she had a very strong prism voice, and has kept her captive for years.
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there is not much point in describing who hotaru was before. a wonderful sister to kinoko, a perfect match in her duo with hikaru, talented, shining, destined for great things. that was four years ago. hotaru's prism voice hasnt waned, a testament to her will, but her will is all thats left. its a comfortable prison, a gilded cage, but a prison nonetheless.
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danpri has a lot of shadows. dark alleys and dimly lit corners. kuroro is a manifestation of them. his personality is muted, as all aspects of him are, but the darkness is not merely a place where monsters lurk. it is somethimes that, which is why he has no qualms about working with ryuu, but the darkness can also be a haven, a quiet place where wonder, mystery, and even hope can flourish without tyranny to stamp them out. he's too awkward to give hotaru real hope, but he's trying.
expect to see more of these fuckers.......extremely soon!!!
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yubitsumes · 1 year
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this is a blog for a set of original characters based in the ryuu ga gotoku universe. 
@yakzas ( rgg oc mumu ) / @seashanties ( op mumu )
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this is a blog that contains themes of violence, crime, potential drugs, and sex, please do not follow if you are uncomfortable with such things. Minors will also be blocked without hesitation.
mun is 25. full time student. part time worker. low - ish activity, and often running off a queue.
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drafts   (    0    )    /   inbox   (    0    )    /   starters   (    0    )
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- this is a 18+ blog and i will not interact with minors. i may also not follow any blogs that have minors have a sole muse. this blog contains violence, gore, sexual themes, drug topics, gang related activity, and possibly many more. please keep yourself safe, if you are uncomfortable, please hardblock.
- i generally follow most people back. the only exception is if i really can't see our muses working out together, or i have no interest in mingling with the fandom. i tend not to avoid fandoms unless i don't like the way things are portrayed or if i had a personal bad experience.
- i'm a slut for shipping. i will literally ship most anything, friends, lovers, enemies, etc. platonic and hate relations are also included in what i consider shipping. i'm okay with pre - established and working out neat relationships.
- my muses are villains and i don't intend to downplay them. this blog is heavily involved with depictions of crime, from small offenses to large ones. all of the muses on this blog are involved with crime and they are antagonists. i will not soften my muses for anything; not for a ship, or for any sort of interaction.
- i practice mains, and ship exclusives. once i get more comfortable with writing here again, i will be writing a mains call. that muse will be the main person when referenced in any sort of writing. i will not ship with dupes of multiple characters out of respect for various writers.
- please tag all drama. i do not want to be involved, i do not want to see it, and i do not want it on my dash. i have enough stress as is in my daily life as a manager and a full - time student, i don't want it in my safe place.
- if you need something tagged and i forgot it, please let me know privately. i follow quite a few people and will forget tags. i do not do it on purpose, i'm just a forgetful bitch.
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( primary )
( secondary )
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boypussydilf · 1 year
How about Gina and Gregson for the ask game?
OOH FUN CHOICE. i havent thought about them much. theyre green
Sexuality Headcanon: she can be a lesbian
Gender Headcanon: trans girl !!!!!
A ship I have with said character: whats it called goulstrade? yeah i like that its cute
A BROTP I have with said character: It is a CRIME that gina doesnt get to be called iris’s sister. they ARE sisters. and i love them. i also wanna give a shoutout to her friendship w ryuu tbh like hes responsible for kinda changing her worldview and letting her finally trust adults more bc he believed in her so much,. and thats neat. and also she shoots him
A NOTP I have with said character: there are no gina ships i have strong opinions about
A random headcanon: i know i said it before but in DGS3 From My Brain the baker street irregulars are like half ginas idea and half her thing. round-up of kids she maybe even knows some of personally. in general i believe in post-dgs2 gina using everything she has available to her to try and make life better for Kids Like Her
General Opinion over said character: Gina Gina Gina shes sosososo good !!!!!! i love her arc i love her everything !!!!!! i wish the writers recognized more what a major character she is. she feels like a part of the Core Group but then gets left out of Core Group events. SHES part of the family too i know it. i love her
slut failure gregson
Sexuality Headcanon: i know in my heart that man is aroace. i just do
Gender Headcanon: Just Some Cis Guy
A ship I have with said character: I have never seen a Gregson ship in my life.
A BROTP I have with said character: this guy has a limited cast of friends and theyre all great 1 gina. obviously. congratulations bitch!! you are forced to have a daughter figure now!! incredible wonderful friendship all they do is yell at each other. 2 iris like their interactions always put their dynamic just in the context of how iris writes about him sometimes but like . Considering everything there is distinctly a nonzero chance that hes known iris her entire life? so idk. just something to consider. 3 he and sherlock are not friends but they are really funny. gregsons curse woe sherlock be upon ye
A NOTP I have with said character: Again, I have never seen a Gregson ship in my life. Shit, maybe yall should start pairing him with random people just to see what fucking happens. Wheres uhhhh *flips through files* gregson/drebber ohgod im laughing so hard
A random headcanon: HGMMMMMMMM . i honestlygot nothin thats actually properly about him . uhh. yeah idk. He exists in proximity to many other characters and has probably had interactions with them! i cant think of anything thats really about him and isnt Actually Canon though.
General Opinion over said character: Best character in the game. tbh. i know ive said this before and also i say it about every character. But they kind of went off with this guy. they made a deeply interesting and complicated character who does some really fucked up things but also cant entirely be called bad . and then had 90% of his screentime be him getting shunted off to get bullied by various people and suffer the agonies of putting up with annoying bullshit. and they were right for that, too. bc its funny.
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medea10 · 2 years
My Review of Tokyo Revengers
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How did I get into this anime? I knew this anime came out recently and a bunch of folks were raving about it. Please note that I didn’t jump on this hype-train because of the unbelievable amount of folks praising Tokyo Revengers. My randomizer picked this one after I finished Yuru Camp. If it were up to me, I would have done Carole and Tuesday or Jujitsu Kaisen.
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Takemichi Hanagaki lives his life being yelled at by people and just taking shit every day. His neighbors bitch at him, his boss berates him, little punk-ass kids frame him. His life is shit. The only time he felt on top of the world was when Takemichi was in middle school. He was in a gang, he had respect, and he had a girlfriend. But once he finished middle school, he left that life behind and went down a boring, mediocre life. While watching the news one day, he noticed a familiar name mentioned in a grizzly murder. It was his one-time girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana. Takemichi reflects about losing his ex-girlfriend from middle school just as he’s pushed off a train platform. Before Takemichi ends up as another fatality to a moving train, he ends up in a different year. That’s right, Takemichi is back in the year 2005!
*spits on the ground and curses*
Sorry, I don’t look upon 2005 as a pleasant year. Have fun in your pagan-ass year Takemichi!
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As it turns out, Takemichi was thrown back to that time where he thought he was on top of the world. As it turns out, this was when everything in his life started going to shit. While in the past, Takemichi meets Hinata’s little brother, Naoto and gives him the stark warning to protect his sister because she will die in April 2017. That amazingly stayed with Naoto because Takemichi changed the future somewhat. He wasn’t able to save Hinata, but he was able to help Naoto a bit. That’s why her brother wants Takemichi to save his sister. The key to traveling to and from the past is a handshake with Naoto. And the main objective of these time travels is to prevent the heads of the Tokyo Manji gang to fall in disrepair.
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Throughout the series, Takemichi gets in good with the big-wigs of the Tokyo Manji gang including the captain and vice-captain Mikey and Draken. But he also got into a lot of trouble with rival gangs, gang-leaders, and sociopaths with anger issues.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Oh look, Crunchyroll put out a dub. How nice of them! The dub isn’t half bad considering this is the first time I’m hearing several of these voice actors. And some that are already gaining traction within the last two years. As for A.J. Beckles as Takemichi, this is literally the first role I’ve heard from him. He’s okay, no complaints from my end. As for the sub, TATSUHISA SUZUKI!!! I love…
Ahem…So around the time this series was airing and the crew was finishing up recording the dialogue was when Tatsuhisa Suzuki fell out of literally everything. I’m not going to get into the story as it’s complicated and should be private. It’s just that Suzuki has a hiatus due to his private life being opened up all over Japan. As a result, he is no longer voicing Raihan on Pokemon. Anos Voldigoad is gone as well! And as of Christmas 2021, he has been removed from voicing Draken for the foreseeable future. It has not been announced who will play Draken in the “so-called” upcoming project. At least that gives us hope that there is more Tokyo Revengers to come in the future. Now he has slowly reemerged from his hiatus as of recent. But it’s unknown if this replacement of Draken is temporary or permanent. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Takemichi is played by Yuuki Shin (known for Yuki on Given)
*Mikey is played by Yuu Hayashi (known for Ryuu on Haikyuu and Smokey on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
*Draken is played by Tatsuhisa Suzuki (known for Raihan on Pokemon Journeys, Makoto on Free!, Aleister on Black Butler, Zenon on Black Clover, Ranmaru on UtaPri, Hiroomi on Beyond the Boundary, and Yuuji on Baka & Test)
*Hinata is played by Azumi Waki (known for Minase in Girlfriend Girlfriend)
ENGLISH CAST: *Takemichi is played by A.J. Beckles
*Mikey is played by Aleks Le (known for Zenitsu on Demon Slayer, Kaiman on Dorohedoro, Kazuya on Rent-A-Girlfriend, Hisui on Yashahime, and Ake on Shield Hero)
*Draken is played by Sean Chiplock (known for Subaru on Re:Zero, Shin on Dorohedoro, Mista on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pt. 5, and Choromatsu on Mr. Osomatsu)
*Hinata is played by Lizzie Freeman (known for Trish on Jojo’s Pt. 5, Chizuru on Rent-A-Girlfriend, Mujika on The Promised Neverland, Felicia on Magia Record, and Chitose on Tonikawa)
SHIPPING: Saving the only girlfriend you had back in middle school. Yeah, there’s something!
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Takemichi x Hinata is a ship I don’t know how the hell got started, but Hinata is there to comfort him after getting the crap beaten out of him. But Hinata is no typical gang-chick. Far from it! She still goes to school, dresses proper, and for some reason falls for a kid that hangs with scary boys with tattoos and short tempers. But something must have happened between 2005 and 2017 between these two. All of the times we see Takemichi go back to 2017, he is not with Hinata. And that final timeline before the season ends, we don’t even know where she is. I have a theory that Takemichi does break up with Hinata to keep her safe. But it’s clear both of them do like each other.
HALFWAY POINT: So you’d think this anime could give us a happy ending wrapped up in 12 episodes, right? Takemichi prevents Draken from dying and hopefully that’ll stop all the other bad things that are to follow if Draken died. Yeah, things seem to be going well. Takemichi goes back to 2017, he sees Hinata, and things are finally coming up roses.
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But then a menacing certain someone from Takemichi’s past ruins this happy reunion. A car slams into Hinata’s parked car, paralyzing and ultimately killing her. And the person behind the wheel was Takemichi’s long-time friend Akkun. You might remember him doing shady-ass shit in the future in one timeline. Once a shit-head, always a shit-head! Oh and Draken is on death row for killing someone and the current head of the Tokyo Manji gang is pulling the strings of trying to kill off Takemichi and Hinata. And it’s someone Takemichi never met up to this point.
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Back in 2005 time, Tokyo Manji has a new character in the gang as a vice-captain, Tetta Kisaki. And Kisaki is that character that might have been behind Hinata’s murder in the future. Plus, we get introduced to a few people from Mikey and Draken’s past like Baji and Kazutora. Once a part of Tokyo Manji have now switched over to the rival gang, Vallhalla. And it only gets complicated from there.
ENDING: So we must ask some questions and see if anything gets answered.
Is Mikey really the unknown and unseen leader of Vallhalla? Is Kisaki really an evil mastermind? Can Hinata be saved in the future? Is Baji really someone Takemichi can trust? Will Takemichi end up running Tokyo Manji?
…Why did I even put that as a question? This crybaby can’t even be the head of the Mild Ones biker gang.
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Tokyo Manji and Vallhalla are going to go to bloody war on Halloween. Apparently, that’s the day that everything changes where Mikey kills Kazutora for killing Baji. Mikey still cares for Baji despite everything they’ve been through. And Kazutora is a fucking psychopath. Remember, this guy killed Mikey’s brother years prior and Baji was a witness to that crime. Then has the audacity to blame Mikey for being sent to juvie. Seriously, the audacity of this bitch! But, details! The fight that went down was a mess. A total melee!
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Kazutora lost his fucking mind again and went after Baji. Yeah, these two were together when they were arrested and together when they joined Vallhalla. And now, he’s stabbing his comrade. I know what you’re thinking. Baji gets stabbed by Kazutora and dies. Mikey goes on a rampage and murders Kazutora, just as the future is foretold. Although, things do change slightly! Because Takemichi was there holding Baji, the wound Baji got wasn’t fatal. However, Baji becomes quite the showman here as he kicks ass, drops dead, rises up and kicks ass again. And then, he tells Kazutora that he will never die by his hands. That’s when Baji grabs a knife and slices his own insides.
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This man! Wow, I am at a total loss of words with everything Baji did in two episodes.
Well, history changed again for Takemichi. Instead of Mikey murdering Kazutora and Baji, things changed. Thankfully there was only one death and one arrest. Kazutora ended up taking the blame and is going to stay locked up for at least 10 years. But Mikey made sure to let him know that Kazutora is still a member of Tokyo Majin and is forgiven. In this post-Halloween massacre, things eased up a bit. Takemichi was finally made a full-fledged member of the Tokyo Manji gang with his own handmade jacket and everything. Now let’s watch things turn to shit. Kisuke made his move by uniting both gangs and now Vallhalla will be part of Tokyo Manji. On the plus side, Chifuyu gave a vocal vote for Takemichi to become a captain, taking over Baji’s old position. Let’s see how things are in 2017.
Trump is still president and Tom Petty dies.
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You know, so much was shown in just 12 minutes I’m just going to give a bullet point rundown.
*On the surface, it looks like Takemichi is living the best life as he’s still part of Tokyo Manji and it grew exponentially. *Pa is out of prison *Mikey is missing *Draken was executed *We don’t know anything about Naoto or Hinata *Chifuyu is still holding a grudge for Baji’s death *Kisuke admits to Chifuyu and Takemichi that he’s the reason behind the bloody Halloween massacre. And then drugs the two boys and shoots them.
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The end!
Well then…that was…wow. This series never fails to amaze me in what’s going to happen next. At least I know this series is going to make a comeback. In what form I’m unsure. Several months ago, it was confirmed that the next project will involve the “Christmas Massacare”. Seeing as I never read the original source material, this fight is going to be even bloodier than the August massacare and the Halloween slaughter-fest. Also, I’m not sure if this next arc will be a movie, a special, or a 12-episode season. All we know is that it’s coming and that they already announced that you-know-who has been replaced from playing Draken (even though he is slowly returning from the hiatus).
I actually found myself enjoying this story. What’s very fascinating is that the creator of Tokyo Revengers was in fact in a gang in his younger days. Sometimes a little first-hand experience helps when writing a story. Let’s hope that the next installment of the series will continue keeping me at the edge of my seat and not fizzle out. If you’re in the mood for a time-travel anime filled with gangs, this might be up your alley.
If you would like to watch Tokyo Revengers, Crunchyroll has every episode available in several languages.
Final note: Crybaby is a banger!
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loopylostandfound · 2 months
For the ask game, 001- BaroRyuu and 002- Barok van Zieks! :D
will contain dgs-dgs2 spoilers so anyone reading who hasn't finished the games, DONT LOOK LOL
- when I started shipping it
oh god oh jeez. it was after I'd finished the games actually, I wasn't into it at first. I think fanfic converted me and now I'm feral LOL
- my thoughts
no but for real uhhhh I love them. there's something soooo chefs kiss abt this dynamic. I love when big scary guy is absolutely brought to his knees by a cute little weirdo who believed in him. saved him even. hhhrhrhrhhr they are special to me and I'm squeezing them
- what makes me happy abt them
well all of the above hdwjksjfjd but uhhh I love the growth of their relationship a lot, especially on barok's end like he realizes his behavior was shitty and is genuinely sorry for it, I love that he's not too proud to admit this. and ryuu is always so patient with him and insists that he's good even though he's treated him badly ouhghhgh they believe in each other!! wheeee
- what makes me sad abt them
the fact that ryuu had to leave ouhsgsgdjjdjff you mean you LEFT him ALONE??? hhfhdjskdj no I know he had to go it's important and I wouldn't change it but oouuuhh the heartbreak. i feel these long distance feels all too well ough
- things done in fanfic that annoy me
when someone makes ryuu like. too wooby. like turns him into a helpless damsel or some shit lol it is not my thing, I like him to have agency jdjwjdjd and don't like when he's made out to be like. an idiot lol. also in a similar vein don't like when barok is made into too much of an asshole, he's actually a kind person to most he's just a bit gruff and has a lot of walls up lol
- things I look for in fanfic
im a well documented dom ryuu enjoyer hdjsjskfjfj so that for sure (altho I don't mind any dynamic between them, I just prefer this lol) but also I like relationship reveal fics, love confessions, and anything where barok's softer side gets to peek through a lot <3 hehehe
- who I'd be comfortable with them ending up with besides each other
kazuma. lol he's just the other part of my ot3 tho hdjwkskfjjf
herlock with either of them is a fun time but I have a hard time seeing him w either of them longterm, I think vanlock are exes lmao and ryuulock probably was a fling at some point but I don't think they'd end up together
yeah it's basically just kazuma hfjwkqksjdkdk like as a longterm thing lol
- my happily ever after for them
as stated above my ot3 is asobaroryuu (any configuration of the ship lol) so I like the idea of them all moving to japan and doing law stuff together lol they have a big house and adopt a kid or two! as self indulgent as possible here jdskkskfjfjf
- who is the big spoon/little spoon
i think most of the time ryuu is probably the little spoon bc it's easier given the height difference lol but sometimes it's barok bc sometimes even a bad bitch needs to be held okay !!! and ryuu likes holding his big scary bf it makes him feel good too hehe
- what is their favorite non-sexual activity
self indulgent answer: cuddles
possibly more realistic answer but still self-indulgent: goin on walks together and talking about everything and nothing. while holding hands. also facing off in court, I think they'd enjoy being able to do that without any animosity between them
thank u im insane!!!!!!! anyways
barok van zieks
- how I feel about this character
[10 minutes of screaming, breaking glass noises, clown honks, car crash sounds, ripping noises, growling, whimpering, crying, insane laughter]
very normal.
I love him a lot and I never expected to going into the games!! bc I had only seen negative things abt him and expected him to be this irredeemable asshole. but no!!! he's literally a huge softie inside actually???? and like. care about truth and justice which is more than one can say for many aa prosecutors lol like he's probably the most competent of the bunch, he's just a cunt to ryuunosuke at first but he apologizes later 😭 also I love the fact that he has bats in his office like it's both a great supplement to his goth vampire aesthetic but also seems to imply he likes animals and I love to imagine him feeding his lil fruit bats hdjskdjfjf. also he's so fucking pretty and i would climb him like a tree. im incredibly normal about his tits. and thighs. anyway let's move on
- all the people I ship romantically with this character
ryuunosuke n kazuma, at the same time preferably lol. herlock, albert, and genshin get honorable mentions as ppl i think he may have had a thing for/with in the past but i don't necessarily see as a Ship for me personally lol
- my non-romantic otp for this character
i want to see the vanlock exes to worsties agenda lmaooo they are never getting back together but they are going to make each other's lives worsebetter forever <3
- my unpopular opinion abt this character
hes a sub. like at least as a strong preference jdjwkdjfj and also even in a non-sexual way, I think it would be a great de-stressing thing for him to let someone he trusts take over for a bit and take care of him, kinda just let his worries melt away. big praise kink and worship kink on this guy I think :3
- one thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
i want uncle barok and iris interactions!!! he would be the best uncle he would spoil her rotten and she would let him lol
- my otp
asobaroryuu <3 I really think the three of them would balance out really well once they worked out their issues, baroryuu is my fav among the three pairings here n the only one that really stands on its own for me but I prefer them all together soooo much i don't like leaving kazuma out hes a little feral beast he spices up the proceedings lol
- my crossover ship
dont have one sowwy ;-;
- a headcanon fact
hes autistic. like holy shit. I saw this mans office w his constantly rearranged wine barrels and his specific custom made chalices n his whole like. aura. n was like aha. the tism. bdjskajxjdf but no fr theres more thn that that i cant think of now and i may be projecting here lol but that man is not neurotypical!!! :D
WAUGH tht was a lot lmaooooo
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lady-moufflet · 7 months
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Akutagawa is full of scars, most of which end up being those of his beloved Atsushi.
I love headcanons involving scars, so let's put some on my favorite character!!
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rvrindousvpet · 2 years
hemlo, have anyone see the tokyo revengers exhibition goods? if you haven't then you should because fuckwhskshsmhs i really want the plushie, like it's smoll BUT IT'S CUTE???? HELLO IT'S SOOOO CUTE+£?£?£?#? like like LOOOK
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WTF-£?£+£)£?£?£?!£ I REALLY WANT RINDOU AND MIKEY BUT FUCNKEEH I CAN'T CHOOSE!!2!1!1!1! rindou look so cute I'm cryin, like LOOK AT THOSE WIDDLE EYES!!!
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HAAAAH;£?££??£+_/_ but like it's expensive tho imma fucken cry, cause yknow I don't live in japan, but malaysia, and they have like this group order (they get a proxy to buy it for them) and i think so far they aren't selling this online yet like what the actual fuck??? I'm so mad, n e ways the go. ugjdbdnsb they just updated that their slot for rindou is full LIKE FUCKING FULL!!! SAME GOES TO SANZU N RAN!#?£!#?#? DAMNIT IT'S ALWAYS THE FUCKIN BOTEN TRIO. so now i am actually contemplating, whether to get it orrrr i should just wait for yknow another plush like a bigger one to come out. like WHAT IF THEY DECIDED TO SELL MANILA MIKEY PLUSH£;?£?)__!£? HEMLOOOO????? I DEFINITELY NEED IT THANKYOU SM !#!2!1!1?1!1! but yeah i want this one cause it looks so cute but this bitch aint got money n I'm broke asf and yeah look at this cute mikey plush
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MY MIKEY BEBE!!!!! HE LOOK SO CUTE UGSJSVD I WOULD DUE AND FIGHT THIS WORLD FOR HIM@?@?@?!22??2(_/£(#_?£ imagine if we can tie his plushie hair, like like what if we can tie and untie his hair TT fucjekkssgsksg and they'll provide us with lil hair tie to tie his hair....HUAAAAAAA I'M CRYING WHY THE FUCK AM I SO BROKEEE I REALLY WANT HIM
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write-like-wright · 3 years
Should you date them: Ace Attorney rival prosecutor edition
Miles Edgeworth:
depends on what Edgeworth we're talking about
absolutely do NOT date Bratworth
disrespects women
doesn't realise short people have feelings
wears that gaudy af jacket
doesn't want to date you anyways, is in a committed relationship with the law, baby
original trilogy Edgeworth is a bit harder to gauge
very emotionally constipated
generally awkward to be around
expect many unintentional staring contests
simultaneously cocky and insecure
this is the kind of a relationship you enter thinking you can "fix" him
spoiler: you can't
his fashion sense is getting better though
gotta be really buff if he walks up all those stairs to his office
you'd have to compete with a ton of other women and who wants to deal with Wendy Oldbag? scary stuff
he's probably still not all that interested in dating but is also starting to warm up to general human contact lmao
attempt to date at your own risk, though I'd advise against it (maybe casually drop hints you're a Steel Samurai fan? idk)
Chief prosecutor Edgeworth though? HELL YES, BABEY
that man has matured and gotten himself some therapy
can actually recognize human emotions!!
that new coat and the glasses?? mwah chef's kiss
a (childless) DILF
less subtle in his weebdom and who doesn't love a confident man
has lots of cool friends who'd like you
still a bit aloof so have patience
but hell yes, date, hell MARRY him idc
Franziska von Karma
Franzy is a baby but won't ever admit it
somehow even more emotionally constipated than her "little" brother
do you like strong, mean women? me too, bro
if someone is mean to you she will wreck them
absolutely walks up to the counter at McDonald's like "excuse me, you fool, they asked for no pickles"
needs gentle reminders to be polite to people
would call you by your full name all the time and it's probably more than a little weird
boy do I have good news for you if you're into BDSM
pretends not to care - cares a lot
date but also, like, go to couples counselling for a bit
Diego Armando/Godot
Diego is hot and he knows it
very, VERY cocky
like, kind of a douche but his heart is generally in the right place
tries to be macho
expect lots and lots of coffee dates... like, five a day lol
would always have coffee ready for you in the morning... afternoon... evening... 3 am... whenever you'd like it, basically
calls you kitten
calls everyone kitten though
calls Edgeworth kitten kinda hot ngl
probably kinda overprotective
very supportive, though
a bit of a himbo
probably never sleeps
date if you like hot douchey guys basically
Godot really is the ungodly cool guy with a mask
daft punk enthusiast
has many, many weird rules
more douchey than ever
would kill for you
ngl he kinda creeps me out, I wouldn't recommend it
Klavier Gavin
yes, you should date Klavier
not even a question
a literal rock star
such a nice boy
kinda questionable fashion, but he makes it work somehow
be ready to deal with the fangirls
would be worth it in the end
hot af
would write songs for/about you
he's probably the smoothest bitch alive
would take you on trips all the time
he's loaded, expect fancy gifts
probably spends too much time on Instagram, tho
Simon Blackquill
baby Blackquill is 100% boyfriend material
what a nice young man
weeb deep respect for the Japanese culture
honorable intentions
would treat you so well
breaks up with you without an explanation one day and disappears for like, 10 years
AA5 and onwards Blackquill is... an interesting one
listens almost exclusively to traditional Japanese music and My Chemical Romance
probably has a hard time adjusting to life outside
needs lots and lots of therapy
kinda scary at times
would probably need discipline and rules in his day to day life after everything
like, set his bedtime or something
can be a jerk and tease you affectionately
can also be a jerk in general, please tell him off, he's scaring the wendy's drive-through employee
go bird watching with him
I would date him but I understand why you wouldn't
he's hot
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
gorgeous, dahling
a literal disney prince
tries to impress you with his knowledge of your culture and it's both endearing and embarrassing
what's crackalackin homies = how do you do fellow kids
massive foodie
kinda ranty tho
can go for 8 hours straight
unfortunately, i'm talking about sermons
can be pretty insensitive at times
spends a lot of time with his partnered detective, kinda sus
at the very least date him to steal his haircare products
Barok van Zieks
what a scandalous man
have you seen those curves
more breast and thigh than a bucket of kfc
built like an avenger
very hot
probably unaware of it, though
what are emotions
family man
spends too much on "wine"
you suspect he may be a vampire
incredibly meticulous
openly racist
like, date him after years of therapy and several racial/cultural sensitivity workshops or something
in the meantime flash him your ankle to test the waters if you're feeling extra saucy
Bonus: Kazuma Asogi
*smacks him* this bad boy can fit so much emotional trauma inside
literally good at everything
stumbles over his words at times, though
hypes you up so much for the lamest of reasons
confident boy
so hot-headed
goes from 0 to 100 and back in a matter of seconds
very honorable
do NOT doubt his ability to get you off or he'll make you choke on it
cute laugh
if you say you wouldn't date him you're lying to yourself and even worse you're lying to me i'm so sorry for looking at your boyfriend ryuu
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kunikinnie · 3 years
BSD react to their genderbend
a/n: I really feel like these are short :')) but I hope that's okay with you!!
warning: some profanity
reacting to their genderbend
featuring: Poe, Lovecraft, Chuuya, Akutagawa
Edgar Allan Poe
At first, he'll be confused. Very confused. Will be lowkey a bit frightened
His genderbend would also probably react the same way, but with more squeaky noises
Both are introverted overdramatic queens, so once they get used to the company of each other they'll probably be talking about literature and/or a certain detective
Mutual fangirling lol
Also probably will comment on the other's work. It's nice having someone read their stuff
They'd probably try to cheer up the other one and save them from moping
Nakahara Chuuya
Is this some prank by Dazai? Or a possible illusion??? But eventually he'll calm down and be amazed
He and his genderbend have the first same impression: "damn I'm hot even in the opposite sex"
Each other's shopping, drinking, and ranting buddies
"That bandaged bastard/bitch"
Will definitely try and annoy OG male Dazai
Kouyou totally dotes on female Chuuya more than the male one (it's unclear whether he's relieved or jealous )
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
Starts as a staring contest. "Who is this wo/man and why does s/he remind me of someone..."
of course I know him/her. s/he's me
Eventually turns into a quick fight. Rashomon vs Rashomon, seeing who is stronger. It ends in a draw tho
"Hmp. You're not bad."
Talk about "things" (i.e. weretiger and Dazai-san) over tea and figs
I have a feeling female Ryuu Akutagawa has the same air of mystique as OG Gin Aku, so no doubt about her being a bit "attractive"
Cue Higuchi panicking in bisexual (she's the one enjoying it the most)
HP Lovecraft
Amazed and confused at the same time, but their faces don't really show it
They just... nod in mutual agreement. Agreement on what, you ask? Tbh no one knows
Less talking and more just walking around reacting to things together
"...that's cute" *other one nods*
The Guild is already megaconfuzzled whenever OG Male Lovecraft is around. When they see a female version with him, they just accept it lol
Probably will be close with both Steinbecks
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jaxsteamblog · 3 years
Day 26- Reincarnation
This is a re-post of my Zutara Month 2017 post for “Past Lives.” I do not feel bad about this because I am tired and I want more people to look at it. This one has swears!
It was a weird moment of déjà vu.
She kept looking over to the other side of the aisle, trying to covertly study the man. He was wearing a hoodie and jeans, yet sat like he was at a business meeting. He had his legs crossed and just stared forward.
Looking down at her book, Atka tried to focus. But instead, found herself thinking about him.
Was he one of Samten’s friends? Had she seen him at a party? This was a commuter train, but he wasn’t dressed like he worked in the city.
The train pulled into a station that fed directly into a commercial complex. A horde of people surged into the cars and Atka felt her body tighten as people pushed down the aisle. And her view of the young man was, unfortunately, blocked. 
“Hey, whatcha reading?” 
Atka scowled and ignored the voice coming from right above her. 
“Aw come on pretty girl, I just wanna talk.” 
Turning slightly so her back was to the aisle, Atka passed her eyes over the page. Not that she was actually able to read anything. She had become very aware of her breathing and her pulse, and her back seemed to itch as she registered the man behind her. 
“Don’t ignore me you icy bitch.” The voice growled and Atka snapped her book shut, whirling around. 
The man, though, was occupied. The guy in the red hoodie was standing right next to him, grabbing onto the front of the other man’s shirt.
“Hey, you look tired. Maybe you should take my seat.” The guy in the red hoodie said, flashed a broad smile, and shoved the other man into the seat he had left.
Then he nodded to Atka, but didn’t try to speak to her. 
When he had nodded, she had seen a birthmark under his left eye. It looked like a teardrop, or a candle flame.
“Thanks.” She said and the guy looked back at her. 
“No problem.” He said gruffly. He had gold eyes, which meant that he came from a long line of pure Fire Nation family. That was... not common. Not that she could talk, as her parents had been the first of her family to leave the Air Temples. 
“What’s your name?” Atka asked. The guy looked confused and glanced around. 
“Oh, uh, Yew.” He said. Now Atka looked confused.
“Like the tree?” 
The guy was silent, obviously thinking, then chuckled.
“With an ‘r.’ Ryuu. It’s an old name, my mom says it means dragon.” He replied. Embarrassed, Atka laughed and held a hand against her face.
“I’m sorry. I’m not used to hearing Fire Nation names.” She said and slid her book into her bag. “My name is Atka.” 
“That’s Water Tribal.” Atka paused before sitting back up.
“Is it? My family has been Airlanders for a long time.” She said.
“Which Temple?”
Ryuu nodded as if she had said something poignant.
“You probably have some South Pole in you then.” He said and smiled, genuinely this time. Atka shrugged. Airlanders got around and she wouldn’t have been surprised.
“Are you a Bender?” Ryuu asked suddenly and Atka looked up.
“Me? Oh, yeah.”
Atka laughed.
“Shut up.”
“So South Pole crossover is possible?” Ryuu smiled at her again and she felt her face warm.
“Are you a Firebender?” She asked. Ryuu turned abruptly serious and faced forward.
“Hey come on, the Avatar was one of your kind.” 
Ryuu sighed.
“That cycle doesn’t even matter anymore. There are so few pure blooded families.” He didn’t sound wistful, so Atka figured he wasn’t one of those people.
“So what are you doing so far from home?” Atka questioned. Ryuu frowned and looked at her, so she tapped the side of her eye.
“Your eyes.” She said and smiled. “You’re not wrong about the mixed breeding.” 
Ryuu sighed again, but his face held a smile.
“I had to get out. But I can’t seem to run far enough.” 
“That’s something we have in common.” Atka muttered and sat back in her seat. Both of them frowned as the words registered. 
“Have you ever been to Ba Sing Se?” Ryuu asked. 
“Nope.” Atka answered. Ryuu’s frown increased.
“Me neither. But I…” He drifted and they were interrupted by the intercom announcing the next stop. As the train slowed, Atka rose and pulled the strap of her satchel over her shoulder.
“This is my stop.” She said and twisted the strap in both of her hands. The train stopped, the doors opened, and the two looked at each other for a moment. 
“Thanks again Ryuu.” She eased past him and felt her heart hammer in her head as she pointedly looked away from him.
Then he grabbed her arm.
“Katara wait.” She froze. She turned and stared at him, while no one seemed to notice what was happening. Other bodies jostled past them to the doors but still he held onto her.
“It’s Atka.” She said. Ryuu let go of her arm.
“I…” He stopped talking and the intercom dinged, signalling that the doors were closing. “I know you.” He sounded insistent.
Atka’s chest squeezed and she couldn’t breathe.
His eyes were so familiar.
The train jostled as it started off again and Atka toppled forward. Ryuu caught her, held her, and she steadied herself against him. 
“I think we knew each other, once.” She murmured.
He let go of her and looked down at his feet. When he looked up, his eyes were sharper.
“You missed your stop.” He said.
“Maybe.” Atka replied. “This train ends in Ba Sing Se.” 
Ryuu’s smile returned.
“I hear they’ve got fantastic caverns.” 
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trashexplorer · 3 years
BLCD: Etoiro Koizoushi
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Title: Etoiro Koizoushi (十二支色恋草子)
Author/Artist: Matsuo Isami
Release Date: 2020/10/14
Shingaki Tarusule x Saitou Souma
Nogami Sho
Uchida Yuuma
Kamio Shinichirou
Okitsu Kazuyuki
Sakakihara Yuuki
Synopsis: Masataka takes care of a shrine, which houses the 12 spirit animals of the Chinese zodiac. One day he gets a surprising visitor, a young man named Kotarou, who is possessed by the cat spirit, Koma. Their own shrine having been burned down, Kotarou now searches for a new place and ends up on Masataka's doorstep.
Review Proper
See, I’ve followed this series from beginning to end, and the very first manga I’ve ever bought in Japan was the first two volumes of this. I blame my beastiality kink on this very manga (and Koketsu Dining) because of these 12 fucking men. 😩 It’s really surprising that it was only now that it’s been adapted into a BLCD. With that being said, nothing major really happened in volume 1 of the manga, so the BLCD was the same. I honestly regret ever listening to this because my excitement was as intense as an avalanche that was abruptly stopped only after three feet of mountain. 😂 Ngl, I’m a bit doubtful that they’ll adapt the following volumes, BUT I SURE HOPE THEY DO BECAUSE I NEED SOUSUKE PINING AND YOSHIHIRO BEING AWKWARD.
Anyway, moving onto the voice work—
If Shingaki Tarusuke used this voice for his Hara-san, the world would’ve been a better place. It’s literally the perfect fit for him and they both share the same attitude to boot. Also, this might not be the best I’ve heard from Shingaki (and Saitou Souma) this year, but this certainly refreshed my memory and let me remember exactly why I simped for Masataka so much. Brothers and sisters in thirst, this man served.
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Just imagine what kind of performance he’ll bring once he gets possessed by the tiger!!! 
As for Saitou Souma, like what I’ve said earlier, this wasn’t his best performance either. I’m not saying that it was bad or whatever, but I’m glad that this BLCD wasn’t so centered around him so much that he outshines the other cast. That’s actually another reason why I like this particular series and BLCD. Sure, Masataka and Kota get the spotlight most of the time, but everyone else is as important as they are and you can hear Saitou Souma sort of tone it down in his performance. Also, this isn’t surprising considering that we’re talking about Shingaki Tarusuke and Saitou Souma, but dang—THEY SOUNDED NOTHING LIKE THEIR ROLES IN KOISURU RYUU. If I didn’t know them and listened to the two CDs, it might take a while for me to realize that they were the same people. Ya just gotta stan, man. 😩
And this is where the real spazz begins.
THE SUPPORTING CAST OMG!! Y’all know me. I won’t read full cast lists to save my life. I just came from Olf-fashioned Cupcake, you know, so imagine my surprise to hear Okitsu here!!! HOLD THE PRESSES SHINGAKI AND OKITSU ARE IN ONE BLCD AND ARE FIGHTING OVER THE SAME MAN!!!
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And if that wasn’t enough, we all know that Nogi gets pwned by Kusonoki!!! EEEEEEEEE!!! So when are we going to get Kamio Shinichirou in another lead role in BL? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
Man, I love the supporting cast!!! And there’s so much potential in a Koma harem here! Y’ALL I SHIP KOMA WITH LITERALLY EVERYONE. THIS STORY ISN’T ABOUT MASATAKA AND KOTA; IT’S ABOUT KOMA AND HIS TWELVE BITCHES. 😂 Why don’t we all bring Nogami Sho’s partners here for the rest of the zodiac animals?! The three here are already perfect as they are (Uchida as Sousuke is *chef’s kiss), but I would also want for Kaede to be voiced by Moririn, YOSHIHIRO BY ONO YUUKI, Mikoto by Shiraimu, Kouestu by Katou Masayuki, Kagari by Mappi, Yukio by Itou Kento, Konami by Kumagai Kentarou, and Mitsumasa by Nakajiki. Yo, if they follow any one of my choices, I’m going to be so happy and die. 😂 I’m really begging for Ono Yuuki to be cast for Yoshihiro, though!
I wouldn’t really recommend immediately listening to only volume 1 yet because again, it’s such a cliff-hanger. There hasn’t been any news of an adaptation for the second volume up until now, so idk. However, it’s a great adaptation for what it is. It followed the original story quite faithfully (I wish it didn’t and was extended! 😤) and the voice work is superb. If you’re a fan of the series, then definitely do listen to this if you want to. If you’ve never read this series before, then I’d suggest reading the manga first before deciding if you want to listen to the BLCD. I don’t think I’ve ever come across another plot like this, so I can’t recommend anything else. Wish there were more, though! *sigh
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Okay Mx. Ryuu ive been thinking about this A LOT and i hope u can help me answer this question (more like multiple questions lol srry): Is Robo Fizz like...dead dead, or is he going to respawn, causing him to be a part of another potential episode? Since he’s a robot/animatronic, does that mean he was made in Hell, therefore “hellborn” and can officially die? Or is he “registered” as a sinner and therefore can only die by the hands of angelic weaponry? Are animatronics/robots another form of imps or something making him killable, or do they have some type of spirit too that make them sinners when they “die”? i hope this isnt a bother :)
First off - pretty sure this is the first time anyone has actually used Mx for me and I’m pretty sure I cried a little bit (from euphoria), so thank you.
As we all knew I would.
At first glance, Helluva Boss follows the 1-villain-per-episode theme of present monster kill monster wham bam thank you, ma’am. And to a certain extent, that is very much true.  However, the majority of those villains are not defeated entirely.
Pilot - vs the living world and an evil kid. The kid went bye-bye but the living world obviously did not. Also, the kid is probably somewhere in the Pride ring being an annoying little shit.
Episode 1 - Murder Family, who were very much killed. ...And are thus now in Hell. With them. Somewhere.
Episode 2 - Robofizz, eaten by a dragon. (Which is in fact a badass way to go out.)
Episode 3 - Verosika and co., who are hanging out nearby, possibly next door for all we know.
Episode 4 - Cherubs, who are presumably chilling in the living world desiring revenge, and also Heaven, which is very much still around.
Episode 5 - Striker and Stella, who are lurking and waiting for the next chance to enact their plans.
Of all those episodes, the ONLY one who seems inconvertibly out of the picture is Robofizz, he who got munched on. However, in my opinion, the main difference is that he is a (sentient) machine, not a true sinner or Hellborn at all.
I think that particular version of Robofizz’s body is very much done for. Melted by stomach acid and crunched by teeth and ruined by other unpleasant aspects of a dragon’s digestive system.  However, I see no reason why that should remove Robofizz himself.
The clown is mass-produced by Valentino, who probably got Vox or Vox’s crew to help him make it, considering the industrial crossovers.  Or possibly Asmodeus and Mammon. Whatever. I neither know nor care. Either way, I don’t particularly think they sat down and decided to make the sex-toy clown a homicidal mass murderer who works in an actual circus, since that is generally bad business, if amusing.  I think Robofizz developed sentience on his own a bit beyond the expected AI results.
As such, I see no reason why he couldn’t have pulled an Ultron/Skynet/etc. on this bitch.  Downloaded backups in hard drives, extra bodies, hivemind, whatever safeguard route he chose.  My guess is that there are at least one (probably multiple) versions of Robofizz running around and passing their memories to each other through the Hell Cloud or whatever.  
I don’t think Robofizz is gone forever.  I think he’s too popular in both the staff and viewers to perma-murk him, especially considering it would go against the episodal pattern of the villain being defeated... for now.
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