#right now the next chapter is sitting at 4k and it's only like a 1/3 done 😭 but hey i'm writing!!
alrightbuckaroo · 11 months
inspiration saturday!
finally, finally, getting through my writer's block and working on the next chapter of my published wip, come and take a walk on the wild side, so here's a little moodboard for tk in that fic.
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tagging: @heartstringsduet, @carlos-in-glasses, @reyesstrand, @strandnreyes, @chaotictarlos, @sanjuwrites, @bonheur-cafe, @basilsunrise, @sanjuwrites, @rosedavid, @rmd-writes, @welcometololaland, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @three-drink-amy, @catanisspicy and here's an open tag for anyone else who wants to join in (tag me back, i want to see!)
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heybaetae · 5 months
gifmaker / cc wrapped 2023!
thanks for tagging me my angel @jkvjimin 💜
i tried really hard not to choose all comp sets, but those take the most effort and therefore are what i'm prouder of than a standard set, but regardless...
here are my top 10 fave creations of the year:
bts chapter 1 insta feed // this was an insanely taxing project and is probably the most work i've ever put into anything, but i was really inspired to do it. it took about a week (one day for each panel) and was repetitive, i literally threw out my back by day 3 from sitting working on it that my body was in SO MUCH PAIN, but i wanted to get everything right and make it make sense which is why i wrote up a detail post breaking it down and explaining every decision that went into this. i still intend to make this a series and do one dedicated to their japanese discography (i actually started on one before i published this but didn't like the concept) and for their solo work, but it doesn't feel like the right time yet as things continue to release. but i look forward to it!
cheesy bts valentine cards // this was purposely corny, but the response was unbelievable! i had fun working on it and was so happy it made people laugh and smile. the tags were a joy to read on this post and it's my fourth most popular gifset ever. thank you!
bts guide to troubled birds // yet another corny idea, but i get a kick out of making silly comps and was inspired to make this. i started with jimin's as an experiment because his poem was the easiest to choose and built the rest of it from there, carefully deciding which poem to apply to each member and recreating them from scratch. i love celebrating their chaos in fun ways, so this was nice!
jungkook's sensitive tear ducts // sometimes i get really random comp ideas and spontaneously start making something with no plan. this was one of those times and it is now my third most popular gifset since making this blog in 2020 lol. ofc i'd never gif him upset about anything serious, so i only chose moments that didn't feel inappropriate to include to keep this set lighthearted and humorous.
long live bts (10th anniversary set) // i always knew i wanted to make something with the lyrics of that song because every word of it reminds me of their story. the 10th anniversary was perfect since it literally says "it was the end of a decade". i wanted the set to just be really simple so i went with a more desaturated look and focused more on choosing a scene from each year that fit the lyric per that gif.
love me again mv // this was my first time bothering to gif a music video in 4k. i usually avoid it bc it slows my computer down and takes a lot longer (i also have to reconvert the youtube download to a different file type to get it to play in my kmplayer, it's a whole process) but i waited a few days after it came out because i originially didn't think i could color it when it premiered so i just didn't gif it. but i gave it a try anyway when i didn't feel so pressured and i really like how crisp they came out.
jungkook's bday set // i didn't have a plan for this when i started, but i searched a lot for inspo and finally found something i felt like i could make something with so i came up with this very barbie-esque rendition for jungkook that i'm still very fond of. i purposely didn't write happy birthday on it anywhere so it could be shared year-round. it's probably my fave set i made all year and everyone seemed to like it too!
jimin's bday set // this was originally just going to include songs from FACE, but i decided it didn't celebrate jimin's work as a whole if i didn't include all his solo songs/endeavors so it turned into a big monster. i like how it came out though!
standing next to you mv // this year i was introduced to HD master files, so instead of rushing to download a new mv from youtube and giffing it fast, i'd wait for a higher quality rip from apple music to show up online. the difference is quite astounding. i made gifs with master files for all three of jk's music videos this year (seven, 3D), but i like how this one turned out the best.
vmin comp // just felt like giffing my two favorite people before they left and needed to channel my sad emotions into something before seeing them seperate for so long. i included moments i've giffed before and ones i've never had the chance to gif. i could have made this post so much longer but forced myself to stop lol. i like the pink and blue colors in it a lot <3 i miss them so much
thank for all your support on my work this year! i have lots of (old) new stuff in my drafts to share in the new year so please keep your love coming x
i'm going to tag @userjiminie @userjungkook97 @btsiu and @cordiallyfuturedwight to do this if they'd like to!
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sluttyhenley · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @starrybouquet (thank you!!)
1. how many works do you have on Ao3?
50 (actually 51 if you count the one that hasn't been revealed yet)
2. what's your total Ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
I have posted in 18 different fandoms on ao3 but most recently 911, Top Gun and The Old Guard
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
my heart is working overtime (e, 911, buddie, 4k)
is forever enough (e, 911, buddie, 10,4k)
lover good be good to me (e, the old guard, joe x nicky, 20.4k)
a twister to blow everything down (t, 911, buddie, 17.2k)
when one plus one equals three (t, 911, buddie, 3.6k)
(gonna also say how blown away i was by the reception to my heart is working overtime, considering it really is one of my sillier fics)
5. do you respond to comments?
yeah, it typically won't be right away, but i do tend to reply to comments definitely! on a multi-chapter fic it doesn't tend to be until i'm posting the next chapter
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
the sound of glass (kate daniels, m, hugh d'ambray x christopher steed)
i wrote this fic for the kate daniels series last year for yuletide. i kept it within canon parameters and therefore there was no way for this pairings ending to be anything but angsty. to this day my fic is the only one in that pairing tag.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
either is forever enough (mentioned above) or put a hold on my heart (e, tgm, rooster x phoenix, currently sitting at about 31k) which i haven't finished posting yet, but like i did finish writing it and let me tell you that ending is some of the sappiest shit i've ever written
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have. both times i deleted the comment with the intention of moving on, the second time the commenter didn't let me do that so i responded with a rocky horror gif
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i didn't used to but boy howdy those scenes sure do seem to be finding their way into my fics. i have a wip in the works that opens practically right out the gate with two explicit scenes. it took me a bit to get back into m/f smut after writing so much m/m for buddie. (i haven't posted any f/f but i have written it for an original work)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
yep! only one and it was a cross between the old guard and leverage and it was such a fun time actually
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
if so i don't know about it
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nothing beyond bouncing ideas back and forth with others
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
oh god. i have like. the ones that scratch an itch in my brain and ones that i love writing for. i got new ones this year (icemav and rooster x phoenix) i love writing buck x eddie and i have had a lot of fun writing book of nile.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have a couple of ideas that i started and then kind of moved on from those fandoms (i had a couple of hp wips that i was excited about but will now never finish) but really a lot of what i have sitting in my docs that are unfinished are things i would like to come back to someday
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue, probably. and humor
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i've had to spend so much time developing my imagery skills, and describing action. explicit scenes are such a challenge for me, from vocabulary to action. but as i work on them more i find myself developing those. but all of that are still very much weak points for me
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i won't really do it unless it's just a few words. i did it in a book of nile fic a while back, but i kept it to a few french phrases that i could translate in text.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the first fandom i ever posted fic for was the librarians. i actually wrote some doctor x rose stuff that never went beyond the privacy of my own docs.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
i'll do three that i'm really proud of (and a bonus one that i can't name because it hasn't been revealed yet) put a hold on my heart (i just am so fond of it and all the little details that i came up with for the story some of which will be expanded on in other fics) words i've never said (it was fun to write a mistaken identity christmas fic for buddie and i really do like how it came out) let's get lost (and let the good times roll) which i wrote as a companion to lover be good to me (mentioned above) and i just really liked getting to explore and expound on another facet of that story and i really liked the character dynamics i created
tagging (no pressure of course!): @natashatrace, @reachingforaspark, @ladywaffles, @redbelles
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cottonkendi · 2 years
Your Babies | Bonus Chapter IV
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Sano Shinichiro x f!Reader
Word Count: 4k
Genre: Established Relationship, Fluff, Crack
Warning: None~ ehe <3
Synopsis: Your babies
Bonus Chapter III Bonus Chapter IV
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You can’t quite believe it.
After only 8 months of being married, you find yourself standing in the hospital’s waiting room, hands boredly fidgeting with the hem of your shirt while Shinichiro all but vibrates beside you, a mixture of excitement and nervousness as the two of you wait for your name to be called. It’s not quite surprising if you really think about it since the two of you have been planning it for quite a while now but still, you don’t quite remember agreeing to doing this so early but here you are now, waiting for your mother’s suggested gynecologist.
“Do you think that we’re next? We’ve been waiting for 20 minutes…” Shinichiro whispers beside you as he wraps an arm around your shoulder, leaning closer to you to press a quick kiss on your cheek as you let out a hum, your eyes fleeting towards the nurse’s desk who gives you a quick smile before signalling that you’ll be called soon.
Placing your hand on his, you give him a reassuring squeeze to stop him from getting too anxious. “Don’t worry, I think we’re next-”
Before you can even finish your sentence, another nurse exits the doctor’s office and calls for the two of you which prompts Shinichiro to help you stand up even though you’re still very capable of doing so on your own.
As he guides the two of you to the office, you hear him whisper towards you. “That was almost like magic… is this the pregnancy vibe that your mother has been talking about?” Giving him a confused look as he makes you take a seat first, making sure that you’re comfortable before sitting beside you, he answers. “She was telling me about the time that she was pregnant with you. She said that ever since she found out that she was pregnant, it felt like she got 10 times luckier than normal. So I’m thinking that that’s what’s happening with you too.”
“It’s probably just a coincidence-”
“Probably not, you were the baby in her tummy, pretty sure you’ve always been blessed ever since you were conceived.” Shinichiro adds which only makes you roll your eyes at his cheesiness.
Just as you’re about to quip back a reply, the little curtain to the side opens, revealing a middle aged lady wearing her coat, along with some alcohol in her hands, sanitising it before setting it down as she greets the two of you. “Ah, Sano-san, your mother told me beforehand about the news, she was quite ecstatic when she called me on the phone a week ago.” Dr. Yosano says as she makes herself comfortable on her chair, taking out a folder before flipping through it as you and Shinichiro bashfully smile, not realising that your mother was that close to the doctor that she recommended.
You don’t even think that she has any more friends in this part of town since she’s still quite busy with work across the country so it comes as a surprise.
“Oh well, why don’t we go to the back of that curtain and we can do a quick check up?” Nodding, you stand up, hands just about to leave Shinichiro’s before he stands up himself, following the two of you to the back where he’s left to fidget on the corner as he watches the doctor move around you, doing this and that which he can’t quite focus on, not when the doctor decides to take out some gel that she puts on your belly, saying something about humouring the two of you for today’s check up.
“Really, there’s not a lot to see as of now, but just to make you used to the feeling on your next check up. Since you’re only about 5 weeks into your pregnancy, we can’t detect the baby’s heartbeat yet but if you look at this screen.” She says while pointing at a black hole or mass on the screen. “This is what your baby is right now, they’re still developing their heart, brain and spinal cord, there’s already a heartbeat but again, we’ll only be able to detect it in 1 or 2 weeks from now.”
Finishing the check up, you can’t help but feel elated when you see the big grin on Shinichiro’s face as he shows you the pictures that he took on his phone, telling you about the chaos that he caused in the group chat that he and the kids are in, along with Wakasa and Benkei. “I just sent them a picture of you on that bed and one of the monitor. Mikey and Izana said that they’ll be by the store as soon as they finish school for today.” Shinichiro chuckles as he guides you outside of the office as soon as the doctor cleared you off.
With his hand on your waist, he leads you back to the parking lot where your newly bought car is parked, the exterior a shiny black, barely big enough to fit you and his siblings but you make it work. Especially when Kakucho and Keisuke decide to join in on trips.
Guiding you to the passenger's seat even though you’ve told him countless times that you’ll be fine, he still insists on doing so, giving you a kiss on the forehead before he shuts the door.
As soon as Shinichiro takes the seat behind the wheel, he turns to you with a sneaky smile. “Are you up for a little baby planning? We only have a few more weeks until our next check up.”
“Placing your hand on your stomach, you take a deep breath, lips twitching up into a small smile as you nod your head. “Yep, let’s go and get ready for this baby.”
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“Do you have any specific requests, my star?” Shinichiro says in a hushed tone as you sweep some stray hair away from his face while he kneels beside you, his hand grasping yours before pressing a light kiss on your knuckles.
It’s only been a few weeks since you confirmed your pregnancy and soon after that, you started getting some of the first trimester’s symptoms. Thankfully, there’s been no vomiting on your part, but what did occur is a lot of food cravings.
Thankfully, nothing too absurd.
“Pulling Shinichiro closer to you, you nuzzle your nose against his hair, pressing a kiss to the side of his head before pouting a little. “I want some pizza and sushi… the one with shrimps and cheese…” You mumble, feeling your stomach growling a little at the thought of your snacks for the night though the prospect of Shinichiro leaving you in your room for a few minutes to get said food is making you cling onto him tighter.
Trying to pull him onto the bed with you, Shinichiro only lets out a chuckle as he gently pries your arms away from him, his lips giving you butterfly kisses all across your face. “Baby, you know I can’t get your food if you keep pulling me back to bed, right? I promise it’ll only take me a few minutes-”
“But I don’t want you to go, love. I want you with me, Shin.” You plead with him but he only gives another chuckle.
“You’re really cute right now, my star, but this is why my siblings are staying over for this week, right? They’ll keep you company while I go on our midnight snack run.” Still with a pout on your lips, you reluctantly let go of him, pressing a kiss against his lips as he walks out of your room and into the guest bedroom where Mikey, Izana and Emma are staying.
The three had arrived earlier today after hearing about your food cravings in the middle of the night and decided that it wouldn’t be safe to leave a pregnant woman alone in an empty house at midnight which is why they decided to stay for the week. And as much as you had declined their offer, telling them that they’re probably busy with school, the three still insisted, along with telling you that Draken and the others are also planning on stopping by throughout the week.
Which is why Shinichiro is now heading towards the guest room now, happy that his siblings had volunteered to look after you. But what he’s not quite happy about is walking inside the room only to find it empty.
Raising a brow, Shinichiro lets out a sigh and slowly makes his way to the living room where, much to his luck, he finds his siblings with their books strewn across the floor, but instead of the three teenagers actually using those books to study, he finds the three in the kitchen, with Emma by the stove, ramen by her side while Izana is pouting by the dinner table and Mikey crouching in the middle of the room, a smirk on his face.
Choosing to keep quite just to see what his siblings are doing, Shinichiro lurks in the corner as Emma claps her hands. “Okay, for the second round, Mikey will go first.” Turning towards the short blond, Mikey adjusts his crouching position before taking out a small bottle of ketchup. Opening it, he pours some on his fingers before smearing it under his nose, making him look like he has a nosebleed. Taking a deep breath, Mikey stares at Izana before growling in a voice that somewhat sounds like Izana. “Shhhhhuuuuuuuuut Uuuuuuuuup!”
Emma tries to stifle her laugh, a snort coming out as she almost doubles over in laughter while Izana gives Mikey an eyeroll. “That’s the best you can do?” Clicking his tongue, Izana takes out a plate and places it in front of him, clicking his fingers to make Emma look at him. “Watch a real expert do it, Emma.”
Placing both his hands behind his head, Izana puts on a big pout on his lips before staring down on the empty plate. “What? You don’t have a flag?! I ordered the Kiddie meal because of the flag! It’s not a kiddie meal without the flag!” Then, as if pretending to listen to someone talking, Izana then changes his whole facial expression, his eyes sparkling as he places his hands on either side of the empty plate. “Wah! Way  to go Ken-chin!” By now, even Shinichiro can’t help but laugh at what he assumes to be Izana’s impersonation of Mikey. Though his laugh immediately distracts the trio from their little activity.
Turning towards him, Emma immediately runs towards her oldest brother, a smile on her face as she peaks behind him. “Is it time for us to keep Y/N-nee company?” Nodding his head, Shinichiro gives the two boys a smirk after seeing them fluster at the sight of their older brother.
“What were you guys doing? Doing impersonations of each other?”
“Yep, we were bored and didn’t know what to do.” Emma easily answers while her older brothers both turn away from them, mumbling about wanting to look through the fridge for a snack, the two of them surprisingly getting along as they both hide behind the fridge’s door.
Humming, Shinichiro decides to let it go, opting to quickly get you your snack for the night. “Alright then, I’m gonna get some sushi and pizza real quick. Go and keep Y/N company, alright? Maybe you can go and show her your impersonations too-”
“Shut up!” The two brothers shout, making Emma and Shinichiro chuckle.
“Alright alright, no need to shout.” Putting on his coat, Shinichiro waves one last time before heading out of the house, taking his bike with him as he leaves you in his siblings’ care.
As soon as Shinichiro left, the siblings immediately tried to clean up their books from across the living room floor, the action only taking them 2 minutes but then, just as they’re about to head up to your room, they see you coming down the stairs, Shinichiro’s old gang jacket wrapped around your figure as you smile down at the kids.
“Busy tonight?” You ask as you eye the way Mikey’s trying to forcefully stuff his textbooks into his small bag.
Shaking his head, Mikey practically throws his bag towards Izana who merely kicks it away. “Nope, we’re actually about to watch some tv, you wanna watch with us, Y/N-nee? We can wait for Shinichiro here if you want.”
Smiling at the three, you nod at them, letting Izana take your hand as he helps you to the couch while Emma brings over some ramen from the kitchen. “A snack while we wait for more food, ehe.” With Izana and Mikey by your side, Emma takes the seat between your legs on the floor, her head resting on your thighs as you unconsciously start playing with her hair.
Even though the television is on, you can’t help but listen in on the kids and their stories about school, with Izana boasting about his achievements ever since you moved him to a school closer to your house, while Emma tells you about Draken picking her up from school whenever he gets the chance all the while Mikey teases his two siblings. “You’re only teasing us because you’re always asleep in class and have no idea what’s actually happening in school.” Izana points out with no actual intention of irritating Mikey though his brother, ever the annoying one between the three siblings, simply rolls his eyes.
“At least I still pass my classes even when I’m asleep.”
“Didn’t you ask Kakucho to help you with homework yesterday?” Emma asks, craning her neck to the side to give her older brother a look who merely shrugs his shoulders.
“It’s not my fault that Kakucho’s smart in science.”
Chuckling at their conversation, you sip some of the warm soup before setting it down. “Speaking of Kakucho, how’s he doing at home? I heard that Keisuke, Chifuyu and Kazutora took him to the pet store they’re working at.” You recount the call you got from Keisuke the other day during lunch time, a little surprised with the turn of events.
“Yeah, Kakucho started working part time in the pet shop as well.” Izana absentmindedly mentions as he scrolls through his phone before showing you a picture of  a confused Kakucho in the middle of Keisuke, Chifuyu and Kazutora who are all posing for the picture. “Baji sent this in our group chat.”
Smiling at the cute picture, you ask Izana to send it to you. “Hmm, do you think we should go out this weekend? I’m thinking of going to the shopping mall and buying you guys something since the year is about to end-”
Mikey raises his brows, a little confused at your suggestion. “But there’s still 5 more months until december-”
“If Y/N says it’s almost the end of the year then it’s almost the end of the year.” Shinichiro butts in after carefully opening the door, a big box being balanced on his left hand with another smaller box on top. “Can you help me with this, ‘Zana? I think it’s gonna fall.”
Hopping out of his seat beside you, Izana quickly takes the box from his older brother, making a beeline towards the kitchen where Mikey and Emma immediately follow after, excited to see what you were craving for tonight.
With the three kids outside of the room, Shinichiro takes it as his time to give you a kiss on the lips, his hands snaking around your figure as he pulls you closer to him. Clutching onto his shirt, you nuzzle closer to him, savouring his warmth as he ever so slowly carries you. Wrapping your arms and legs around him, you can;t help but giggle as you pepper his cheeks with kisses, watching him beam with every press of your lips. “I miss you…”
“I miss you too, my star. It was a rough 20 minutes out there.” Shinichiro chuckles before setting you down on a chair, the kids already digging into the pizza and sushi that’s laid on the table.
Taking a slice of the pizza, your husband hands it to you to which you gratefully accept it while your other hand reaches out for the sushi. “Shin, take a bite.” You say as you offer the pizza to him.
Raising his brows, he still bites onto it, a little confused but he complies.
Anything for you, is what he says in his mind as he watches you finally take a bite from your pizza after he bit into it.
This goes on for a few more times, with you offering him your food first, asking him to take a bite out of your pizza and sushi before you can even try it.
This soon catches the three kids’ attention, with Izana making the first comment. “Are you like… making Shinichiro take a bite to check if there’s poison?”
Unable to help yourself, you start laughing at Izana’s assumption, your hand making its way to cover your mouth just in case you choke on the sushi that you’re chewing. While you’re busy laughing, Shinichiro takes it as his time to answer for you seeing as the kids are still very confused.
“It’s a pregnancy thing… I think. We asked Y/N’s mother and she said it’s normal that pregnant women tend to either really like or really hate something, or sometimes have some weird decisions, so for Y/N’s, she’s been real insistent on me taking a bite out of all her food.”
“Are all pregnant women like that?” Mikey asks, now a little scared of encountering pregnant women out in the streets.
After finishing your little laughing fit, you shake your head at Mikey, a small smile settling on your lips as you remember your mother’s stories about when she was pregnant with you. “Well, my mum said that when she was pregnant with me, she never liked seeing my father unless he’s wearing a suit with a pink tie which ended up with my father having 8 pairs of suits that he wore at home and 2 new pink ties.”
“Well then, I’m quite glad that you already like seeing me without any of those things. In fact, it’s like you like me better now… you’ve been real clingy and cute. My cute and clingy wife~” Shinichiro muses with a smile on his lips, nuzzling his nose against your cheek while his siblings can only deadpan at the sight before them.
Rolling their eyes, they can’t help but think to their head as they continue to watch their older brother smother you in kisses.
I hope this pregnancy goes by faster…
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Closing your eyes, you try your best to stay calm as your husband continues to hyperventilate as he rushes the car in front of the emergency room, sweaty hands making contact with your shoulders as he whispers a quick ‘I love you’ before rushing out of the car in order to get some nurses beside you.
Your grip on the seat gets tighter when you feel cramps on your lower back, your hand flinching a little as you open your eyes to look out of the window of the car only to be met with Shinichiro leading a handful of nurses to the car, his eyes wide as he opens the car for you. “Thithis is my wife, she’s giving birth, please take care of her, she’s in pain-” He rushes out as the nurses carefully sets you on a bed,
“Sir, we need you to calm down, your wife is perfectly okay, this is normal, so please, follow us inside, we’ll be asking you to fill out some forms.” With one firm hand wrapped around his wrist, you try your best to give him a smile before you’re whisked away into the delivery room.
After you’re separated from Shinichiro, you can’t help but let the pain takeover, your eyes clamping shut as you feel another set of cramps between your legs. “Someone call the doctor, she’s about to go into labor any minute now!” You hear someone say from beside you but you can’t open your eyes with how painful it feels, your stomach feels tight, like you’re about to burst.
“Okay, we’re going to be starting, Sano-san. Please hold onto these while we check on you.” A nurse says as she tries to place your hands on the handlebars beside the bed, but instead of gripping onto it, you manage to rasp out. “Get my husband. Get him here. Beside me. Shinichiro!” You shout out his name, teeth gritting against each other as you take in a deep breath.
Nodding, the nurse immediately exits the room while the others prepare for the baby.
Not even a second later, the door bursts open with the doctor heading straight towards you while Shinichiro follows closely behind, his hand immediately taking yours to which you clasp onto it tightly, feeling something prodding between your legs as you do so.
Letting out a grunt, your breathing becomes even heavier, stomach cramping up as someone tells you to push.
With your hands tightly gripping onto Shinichiro’s hands, you start screaming, putting your all as you push and push and PUSH!
“That’s good! One more, push one more!”
Digging your nails into his skin, you tug him closer as you push one more time, your legs feeling like they’re about to cramp as well as you let out a scream.
Taking deep breaths as you feel your head begin to feel light, you slowly let go of Shinichiro’s hand, not noticing the dazed look on his face as you slowly lose your strength, too tired to even feel the nurses clean you up.
With your limp hand resting on Shinichiro’s, you can only wearily watch as they hand over your baby to Shinichiro who can only stare at the baby in front of him, his tears ever so slowly running down his cheeks.
Sniffling, Shinichiro moves closer to you, his lips pressing a kiss against your forehead as he carefully places the baby beside you.
Smiling at the sight, you weakly pull your baby closer, tears spilling from your eyes when you hear the cry.
“I… let’s not… let’s not make another one… another baby, I mean”
Within the joy in your heart as you watch your baby slowly stop crying, you turn to Shinichiro, confused at his words as he cries beside you, his hand gently grazing over the tiny hand of your sweet baby. “I don’t think you should be in any more pain, I don’t wanna see you in pain…”
Even when you feel yourself zoning in and out of consciousness, you manage to tug him closer to you, pressing a kiss against his lips as you shake your head. “Let’s think about this in a few more years, okay? We haven’t even decided on a name yet…”
You chuckle at your husband as your eyes fleet over to the bundle of joy in your arms, peacefully sleeping with their small hand tightly wrapped around your finger.
Though it’s only been a few minutes since they came to this world, with one just look, you can already see that they almost look exactly like Shinichiro… with the lips and the hair. You can’t help but giggle, nuzzling your sweet baby closer as Shinichiro watches with more tears in his eyes.
He can’t help but cry, unable to contain his happiness as he sees you holding onto your child. He can’t help but feel like something just opened up in his heart, seeing you and his baby, seeing you happy.
“Let’s name them-”
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@rinsie @sseorin @sunahyejin @agoddess-inashell @wakasagurl @diestheticu @queen-flower @salty-salty @the2ndl @crapimahuman @imkumichan @angelmitsuri @coconois @princessatoru @akaashis-liquidluck @bajifairyy @tsukkisukkii @chaoticyuna @missarabellla @kawasbaby @bittermoonlightsblog @yukihime-mikeys-girl @vanderaliwaal @astro-pioneer @nomnom21 @tamakislover @misinfe @starryshi @honeysoob @monsterm21-blog @justalamppost @arisu003 @quacksonlover81 @shaak-ti-s @yuuki4646 @sattosugu @gouzouuuuu @sh4nn @bubs-world @lordbugs @notsostraightweeb @xbabybajix @aruhappy @chiaki3nanami @matchamidoriya @skrp @sadly-yu @tsukkikeisimp @manhwabtch @kawaragimysticalsenju
all rights reserved © cottonkendi, 2022. do not copy or repost any of my works! reblogs/feedbacks are very appreciated~
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Nevertheless: Wishful Thinking [3]
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[completed] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
synopsis: why would the college flirt want anything to do with the innocent heartbreaker? a [somewhat] nevertheless au featuring tbz's eric son young jae
genre [per chapter]: suggestive material, smut *this series is a smut series so* please don't read if you're uncomfy. if you're underaged and you still wanna read, i'm not stopping you. i don't care because that's your responsibility to know what's fiction and what's not.
word count: i genuinely don't fucking know i think it's at least 4k WHY THE FUCK IS IT GETTING LONG ERJSJSJSJDNAKD
taglist: @from-xero @taeyongandfree @ten-gift @louvyves @sweetutopia @yyyereum @jung-breadshop @sunwoowuvbot @mashedpotittiess
protip: links of BGM are linked~
{this is a work of fiction}
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eric swipes his thumb across his bottom lip and drags his index finger over the tip of his nose, tongue still sucking on his teeth as if it hadn't already been a day.
he was sitting on the other side of the tutorial room and you just so happened sat in a spot where he was the first person in your view when you looked up.
stupid hexagonal tables.
the moisture in your mouth suddenly evaporates, leaving your tongue dry like sandpaper against the roof of your mouth.
the lustful blanket over his eyes threaten to rip your mentality apart, and even without him touching you, the heat in your abdomen starts to clench and throb.
the thought crosses your mind, just so you can convince yourself: if eric can associate himself with sex within your primal instincts then the brain that got you here can associate him with a big, fucking, red flag.
you suck in a deep breath and hold it for awhile, eyes plastered to the ipad under your palms. crossing your legs tightly, your jeans hug your hips and waist all too perfectly.
yujeong had smacked one of her baseball friends earlier that day for staring at your legs.
after the likes of wooseok's party and the incident yesterday, you made it an effort not to show up in dresses or skirts anymore. call it ptsd, call it trauma, call it not wanting to get into trouble.
whatever it was, you didn't want eric anywhere near you.
well, despite how good he mad-
"can you stop eye-fucking him from across the room?" yujeong harshly whispers at you, glaring at you from the corner of her eyes.
"what?" throwing your tied-up hair to your other shoulder, you tilt your face to her.
"what do you mean 'what'?" yujeong hisses, nodding to the boy across the room. "y'all are fucking in your heads!"
"yes, broadcast it to the entire class, would you, please?" the sarcasm drips off your tongue with a frown.
"I'm just saying if you want him so bad then just go get a room. fucks' sake, go find a practice room or something."
"i think I'll go with 'or something'."
and in that second, your iPad lights up with a notification from the school email account.
yujeong parts her lips with a retort, but you quickly shush her by pressing a finger to your lips when the professor seemed to glance over at the two of you.
she inhales a deep breath, spotting the notification pop up on her laptop screen too.
to: all students
from: the college union
title: dance union winter getaway
dear students,
every year, more than 200 students apply for the dance union but only 20 are accepted. thus, it is of high regard that the members of the dance union utilise the annual winter getaway to bond.
this year's event will be held at lake white. all students in the dance union with leadership positions are expected to be present and those with valid reasons of absence are required to fill up the form attached to this email.
if you're interested in joining the dance union, please apply in the first week of the new academic year. applications open first week of the semester.
the student union
staring wide-eyed at the email with your apple pencil trembling in your fingers, you gulp.
yujeong's lowly snicker sounds from next to you, and you look to her, only to watch a bright smile stretch across her face.
"what?" she snorts, tears in her eyes. "don't look at me. look at your captain."
your neck snaps to the boy across the room, who's got his phone lifted with the screen displaying the email page. he waves it around a little, raising a brow with a menacing shimmer flashing across his eyes.
your blood begins to boil without reason.
why were you suddenly stuck to him? it's like the planets and stars aligned just so he glue himself to you; so he could ruin your title and rip you apart, inch by inch.
your fists clench around the apple pencil, and you're only snapped out of your inner rage when the professor calls on you.
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yujeong leans into the lockers with her books against her chest, mindlessly scrolling through her phone as you go on incessantly about the student union's decision to make it mandatory.
you swing the locker door so hard that it bounces off its limit and nearly comes back down onto your hands, but you stop it before it does.
"how does the fucking winter getaway improve our bonds?" you hurl a textbook into the locker. "it's not like we're gonna sit in a circle and sing hallelujah, right?"
"you went for that getaway last year-"
"yeah, and we did nothing besides getting shitfaced! fuck this stupid winter getaway."
"sis, say that any louder and your 'innocent heartbreaker' image is gonna change into something more like 'brutal heartbreaker'."
"don't fucking call me that," you hurl another book into your locker. "and why does everybody talk like that nowadays? 'say that any louder'? where was that from? a movie? a tiktok?"
"why are you so on edge?" yujeong pushes herself off the metal doors and frowns. "you've been on edge ever since wooseok's party."
"i am always on edge."
"what?" yujeong pulls her lips up into a slight wince as her eyes half into squints. "bullshit. what happened to your little 'innocent heartbr-"
"don't," you lift a finger, shutting your eyes and stopping her. "say another word."
yujeong raises both her brows, smirk plastered to her face as she readjusts her bag. "don't worry."
you look up at her, placing the last item in your locker.
"i don't have to."
"so," then that godforsaken voice rings from behind you, and all your physical senses start to shut down one by one.
yujeong sees right past it, smirk turning into something less devious as she puffs her cheeks.
"about the winter getaway."
"i'll leave the two of you at it."
"what? no-"
she turns and strides off, short hair lathered around her neck. she waves with a bright grin, leaving you to back face the vicious heartbreaker.
you remain rooted to the ground, locker door wide open and bag slung around your right shoulder. eric waits until yujeong disappears down the hall, leaving a few other students within the vicinity to turn and stare at the two infamous dance captains.
eric walks to your side, reaching out and resting his palm on the outer edge of your locker.
"we're in open space," he smiles, gradually pushing the locker door inwards and closing it for you. then he rests his palm against the metal door, sandwiching you again. "there's not much i can do to you."
a few students turn to stare.
"unless you want me to."
"stop it."
"stop what?" he smirks and buckles his arms, forcing you to lay your back flat against the metal surface. "I'm not doing anything."
"then what are you doing now?" you frown and look up at him, knuckles whitening around your bag straps.
"having a conversation."
someone fishes a phone out, and the flashlight flickers.
eric whirls around, keeping his arm anchored to the locker.
"stand down, kid."
"sorry," he fumbles with the phone, and now you'll never know if he actually took a picture.
"look, i don't know what kind of game you're playing but this isn't healthy for us if we are supposed to work together. especially with the winter getaway coming up."
eric licks his lips and lowers his head, smiling at the sudden cast of professionalism.
"it flatters me that you don't care too much about having fucked outside of wooseok's garage-"
"nor getting fucked out in the practice room-"
"or even the fact that you tied up your hair today-"
"i tie up my hair whenever i fucking want to."
"ooh," eric winces at the snap, his pearly whites glimmering under the lighting. "the 'innocent heartbreaker' is angry!"
"will you shut the fuck up?"
"aw," he coos, leaning into you and breathing down your philtrum. "make me."
your fists finally clench, jaws locked and temples tightened.
"I'll rip off your dick if you touch me again. now, back off."
you press your palms flat into his chest and shove him away, breaking him into light chuckles as he stumbles back.
you pull your bag back onto your shoulder, turning sharply and stomping off.
"hey! we still need to meet up to discuss the plans for lake white!"
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the scent of half-painted canvases with acrylic paint washes through your nose when you enter your room.
it's definitely bigger than what a normal room should look like, but it's not your fault that both your parents work under Lee Enterprises, the country's telemarketing company.
the studio corner of your room is in a mess, and you're just halfway done painting the edges of your mirror.
which for specific reasons, you can't really look at it anymore.
the peculiar object you chose to decorate the glass surface hang idly on the corner of the frame, reflecting the afternoon sun spilling into the room.
eric son: so when do we discuss the plans for lake white?
eric son: i don't like to procrastinate
"'discuss the plans for lake white'," mumbling under your breath, you dump your bag into the corner of your room, huffing and resting your hands on your hips. "he's the damn captain, isn't he? he can do it on his own."
notification: acrylic paint to be delivered today
your phone automatically links up with the bluetooth speaker in the room, and you mindlessly tap on the shuffle button before pulling off your shoes.
eric son: okay so I'm thinking groups of four
you pull off your jacket and let the ends of your ponytail brush across your back where the camisole doesn't cover, cool air rushing across the hairs on your skin.
eric son: we can play truth or dare
the bass rumbles through the flooring as you pull off your jeans, throwing on one of those open-holed shorts that no one was ever going to see you in - not even yujeong.
the doorbell rings, yanking you out of your mental rage session over eric son.
acrylic paint.
picking up a cardigan and tying it around your waist, you jog down the stairs and pull open the door without hesitation.
She's just that type of girl
"what. in the world. are you doing here?"
eric tilts his head to the side, his eyes running the length of your body - all the way down to your feet and back up.
"you weren't replying my texts so i thought-" then he raises both hands from his sides, taking a step back and gesturing to your front porch like he owned it. "what better way to have your presence than to go to you?"
"how do you know where i live?" a frown befalls your brows, and your grip tightens on the door handle.
"it's in the school records for student leaders," he offers you a smug shrug, taking a step back to where he was previously standing.
your lips part in an attempt to challenge his explanation, but then he waves it off with a cheeky snicker. "I'm joking. yujeong told me."
"now, why the fuck would she give you my address?"
"hey, captain to captain! plus she knows i won't hurt you."
a scoff runs off your tongue. "you want me to believe that you won't hurt me?"
eric's tongue darts across his lips as he leans on the door frame. "not in your house. oh, i wouldn't dare, princess."
with a huff, you blink away the eye contact first, taking a step back and tugging on the door. "don't fucking call me that."
but his hand flies out and thuds against the wood, keeping the door open. he slowly steps forward, letting himself in.
"then what should i call you?"
"names exist," you step back and grip onto the empty arms of your cardigan around your waist. he closes the door, pulling the chain to lock it.
"then do you prefer y/n or 'innocent heartbreaker'?"
you squint at him, cocking your face at an angle as you back up again.
the answer settles in your head, but you can't say it out loud.
because he's already debunked it.
She's just that type of girl
"fun playlist," eric nods up the stairs, arm stretching out to you and snaking around your waist.
"don't fucking touch me-"
then his other hand circles you as well, his arms around you as he holds you to him, lowering his face into yours. an arching back tries to keep his face off yours, but any more and your spine would've snapped into two.
his nose presses into your cheek as he slots his lips between yours, and the world goes into a muffled silence for a few seconds.
or maybe that was just your playlist moving on.
your nails dig the inside of your clenched palm, fists against his chest as he pulls you up to deepen the kiss, lips moving with yours in some intricate dance of dominance.
on beat with the distant bass coming from your room.
he lets out the first groan, his hands gradually sliding down your back and groping the flesh of your rear that's poking out from under your shorts.
the harsh grip squeezes a whimper out from you, your entire body cringing forward into him and closing the gap between you. with one palm still holding onto your ass, the other comes back up in between your shoulder blades, keeping your chest plastered to his.
eric turns you around, holding you against the wall that leads up to the stairs. your back is flat against the surface, hair stuck to the felt of the wall with your thigh being pulled up over his pelvis.
We should just calm down and fuck some time
then he pulls away and huffs, lips hung wide open and his eyes completely lost in yours. in a low growl, subtly shakes his head as if to disapprove your disobedience against the song lyrics.
"oh, we fucking should."
eric doesn't bother waiting for a response before dipping his nose into your jaw, lips latching onto the tender skin of your neck.
"you coming here-" a jolt of bliss rushes through you when he finds a tender spot, his arms tightening around your waist to keep you close and against the wall. "-was not an invitation-"
the cologne on his clothes starts to intoxicate you like alcohol does to any normal person, the scent of his hair and his clothes wafting and shuffling all around you.
"but you don't hate me being here, do you, princess?" he mumbles into your skin, nipping at the spot behind your lobe. your eyes flutter shut, fists clenching against his shoulder blades.
"come on," he whispers. "we've done it outside and in a practice room, surely you must feel more comfortable in your own bed?"
your eyes widen upon the suggestion, the thought of that cursed object hanging over the corner of your mirror in the room suddenly pulling your soul back into your body.
"no, we can't."
eric pulls away from you, lips reddened from the nipping. they are apart, and his breathing slows as he studies your face.
the panic in your eyes is far too grave for him to miss.
"why not?"
"you don't happen to-"
"it's not a vibrator."
eric raises his brows, caging you between his arms as he corners you further, chest on yours and his lips right above your lashes.
"perhaps a-"
"it's not a dildo either."
he pouts in slight disappointment when he can hear the stark honesty in your voice.
his chest rises and lowers under his shirt, listening to your breathing that hitches in your throat every now and then; observing your discipline to keep your eyes away from him.
"you're not gonna tell me what it is?"
glaring at him through the corner of your eye, you shake your head with a resounding 'no'.
he pauses.
then he leans into your ear.
"you being scared is just making me a little more curious, princess."
"curiosity kills the cat."
eric pulls away and slides his arms off the wall. "cats have 9 lives."
the number of sirens that go off in your head spikes, and before you can process his words, he grabs your arm and pulls you onto his shoulder.
"oh my god!" his arm wraps around your lower back, knees against his chest and the world from your eyes upside down as he hoists you up the stairs. "put me down, jesus christ!"
"the more you yell, the more you're gonna regret it, princess," he warns while chuckling to himself. "what could it be, if it's not a dildo or a vibrator?"
then the warmth of his palm reaches up to your shorts, and his fingers dig under the cloth of your underwear.
"fuck, eric-"
all too easily, he pushes a finger into you, your entire body cringing from the sudden intrusion. your eyes blur out just as he makes it to the second floor, and he doesn't need to ask which door he should be heading to.
not when your door has a framed portrait of yourself from last year's concert.
the door creaks open when he pushes the two of you into your room, greeting the sunlight drawn across the floor and his finger still buried inside you.
you heave a sigh when he pulls his finger out and shoves it into his mouth, leaning over your bed to rest you into the cushion.
automatically, his eyes are on high alert, scanning your room. but by the time you've regained your senses and the blood's returned to the rest of your body from your head, he finds it.
resting on the back of your forearms, your breath turns shakey and your eyes twitching from the sight of it dangling off his fingers.
eric turns to look at the mirror, turning the item in his fingers to match the painting of it on the edges.
"so," he returns to you, raising a cocky brow and smirking. "you get high off painting handcuffs on your mirror?"
you tightly shut your eyes as the frown cements into your forehead.
eric scoffs, tongue dragging across his upper lip as he walks towards you and lifts a knee to your bed, the other following.
"this really makes me question how you even got your reputation," eric jingles it from his fingers, his free hand reaching down to draw circles on your right ankle.
"it's just acrylic paint. i paint something new every month-"
"and so your choice for november was... handcuffs?" he wraps his hot fingers around your ankle and yanks you downwards, your crotch nearly meeting his knees.
"it's not my fault you decided to play this game the month i decided to get something remotely inappropriate."
"'remotely inappropriate'," eric repeats, smiling as he lowers himself. the handcuff still within his right hand, his left draws trails up your right leg, playing with the rim of your shorts where they were already riled up enough to expose a bit of your underwear. "so, tell me princess. why did you choose this-"
he holds it up and jingles it over your nose. "to paint?"
"surely it's not because it's pretty."
"or maybe you think it'll look pretty around your wrists?"
eric reaches for your hands and you struggle upon instinct, he pins your dominant hand down first and clips the first cuff around your wrist.
he finds your free hand and connects both your wrists, clipping the other cuff despite your struggling.
eric sucks a deep breath, then parts his lips to exhale. pushing himself off you, he pulls your shorts off first, eyes trailing across every inch of your body with your wrists cuffed together.
the thoughts wash through you involuntarily.
the wooden planks. the dress. the torn underwear.
the mirror. the fogging. the skirt.
the tears collect in the corners of your eyes even before he can completely get it off your ankles.
then he pulls your legs apart for him to lock them in place with his own thighs, crouching over your body like a lion devouring his prey.
he pushes your arms up and above your head, making it difficult for you to bring them back down with your wrists bound together.
his breath is hot on your chest where he first dips his nose into, tongue swiping across the skin of your heaving ribs. hands coming up your waist and pushing them up your torso, it exposes your ribcage and bra.
inch by inch, he breaths down the length of your torso, from your chest and over to your stomach with your camisole rolled up messily over your bra.
upon reaching the rim of your underwear (and heaving stomach as you pant and huff in a bid to calm your nerves), he stops and looks up at you.
"thank god you rejected wooseok."
then both his hands come down to your chest to rip apart your camisole, pulling it out from under you before he unbuckles your bra.
you swallow the first whimper already on the tip of your tongue, but your stomach plunges and your back arches violently when he takes the tip of your breast between his lips.
left hand coming round to grip your other, his right travels down to play with your sensitivity, forcing your body into subtle jolts with the overwhelming sensation.
he tugs on your tip, grazing it between his teeth before releasing it and latching his lips onto the tender flesh in a bid to make his mark.
your brows finally furrow into a frown of bliss, jaw hung agape though struggling to contain the lewd noises prancing about in the back of your throat.
he rolls the other tip between his index finger and thumb, sucking and kissing the reddening flesh of your chest.
and down below, he's pushed your underwear aside, thumb abusing your sensitivity and buckling your hips upwards.
he provides you one sharp bite on your tip, earning a strained hiss from between your teeth. it feeds his pride, for he removes himself off you completely and stares down at you, admiring the painting he's made on your chest.
grip marks.
and the wet patch on your underwear between your legs.
he turns and shifts off the bed, leaving you to catch your breath and cross your legs over one another.
the clacking about in your studio corner drives the tears into your eyes, listening to the lid of the box where you keep your paint come off.
you shut your eyes, resigning to fate.
for your body is in burning need and the discipline to go against his word has betrayed you.
you hear his belt come undone, the weight of his clothes hitting the carpeted ground before the mattress around your legs sink again.
"oh... princess~" he sings, coaxing you out of your mental begging that this was just a nightmare.
a corner drags across your stomach, and your eyes fly open to see his fingers wrapped around a bottle of acrylic paint, completely oblivious to him pulling your underwear off your legs.
the only color that was still relatively abundant.
then the sight of his nudity drives you up a wall inside your head; better yet, driving your resignation up against your own skull.
the lines of his pelvic bone leading down to his manhood all for your eyes to feast on, and even if you wanted to look away, you couldn't.
"listen to me very carefully, princess..." he shakes the bottle, then proceeds to unscrew the cap. "I'm sure you don't want any of these on your bed, right?"
chills run through your body when he tilts the bottle over, squeezing the paint onto his palms.
"so," he blinks back to you, eyes wide and cautious. "my advice?"
and with that, he carefully caps the bottle, effortlessly tossing it over his shoulder and back into the box.
he presses his palms together, spreading the paint across his skin.
"don't move too much."
with a wide grin, he smudges the paint into your thighs and up your stomach, sliding the paint all the way to your breasts where he offers a harsh grip.
he doesn't give you a chance to respond to that before he slides himself into you, your neediness allowing him entrance far too easily.
by now, your body was somewhat conditioned to recognise his size, but the idea of him buried deep inside you and his groaning coating the room makes you a little more feral; a little more insane.
the whimper that runs off your tongue is mercilessly lapped up by him when he leans over to kiss you, tongue shoved into your mouth in a bid to shut you up.
he rolls his hips back and forth, unwilling to stop and definitely unwilling to give you any kind of mercy when it comes to making you lose your grip on reality.
he pulls away and resumes an upright position, abs flexed and his palms still gripping onto your chest like his life depended on it.
but eric seems to be a little on edge himself, for this was his first time seeing all of you under him, instead of your humility covered by a dress or a skirt and worrying about being caught in school.
now, he can feast his eyes on you like the predator he is.
not only does he decide to leave his own marks, but marks that you gave him access to.
his handprints are black on your skin and the entire bed is jerking along with every thrust he's offering you.
you finally let out a strained cry, tears collecting in your eyes with the bliss rushing through you over and over again like a broken record. eric's breath turns shaky, and his grip on you begins to loosen when his thighs start to convulse.
by some miracle, the last thrust hits your climax and he pulls out almost immediately after to coat the paint on your stomach with himself.
cream on black.
eric huffs arrogantly, taking deep breaths to retain his breathing as he releases you, stepping back to take in the sight of you in your own bed, ruined by him.
"you definitely look pretty in cuffs."
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ac3id · 3 years
Plaything | 18+ | part i
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plaything 1/ ?? | part 0
pairings: yandere! bully bakugou katsuki x fem! reader
warnings: [series] blackmail, bullying, dubcon/ noncon, filming w/o consent, yandere themes, no quirks au. ALL CHARACTERS ARE ABOVE 18 YEARS OF AGE.
↪ for chapter 1: dubcon, blackmail, humiliation, masturbation, filming w/o consent, boot grinding, a little bit of bakusquad + reader....this is filthy :D 
summary: by luck you get enrolled into u.a high the best school in your town. the only catch is that the school is filled with rich, spoilt and powerful brats who just seem to hate you and among them, a certain red eyed blonde dreads you the most
↪ for chapter 1: you bump into bakugou by accident, dropping your vanilla ice cream all over him, you try to apologize and run away but wants more...oh wait why are his friends standing there recording everything too? 
wordcount. 4k+
a/n: sooooo, it’s finally out! huge thanks to @sawamooora for proof reading this! helped me out a lot <3 sorry for making u sit through that mess x[
 this scene was inspired by that one episode of boys over flowers where the mc’s best friend drops ice cream on the main guy’s shoe and he asks the mc to lick it off...obviously that didn’t happen in the show but it really got me thinking...... 
alsO the netflix show elite,,, i just saw it and knew,,,,
taglist: @mocha-focha​, @erenyeagersbasement​ , @haribo-pop, @sunshine-fangs​, @kuremis​, @amazing-fandoms​,
dm/ inbox/ comment to be added/ removed. 
It was a great opportunity. Never in your life would you have thought you’d manage to land a scholarship at the prestigious U.A Private Academy. 
The school was a dream, the best in your city, and only affordable for the rich. Graduating from such a school could have helped you with life in so many different ways. Not only would it open doors you could never touch before, but it would help you to form connections which would make your life undoubtedly easier.
Graduating from U.A. was a blessing, but obviously, it did not come easy. It was rather unfortunate. After your previous school building had collapsed, due to some accident, the board announced its year-long closure.
At the time, you were beyond lost and understandably frustrated - it was your last year before college and you simply couldn't risk waiting the year out. The whole situation was nerve-wracking, looking for decent schools which would allow you in. 
Honestly, you had no idea what you would’ve done if U.A. hadn’t called you that night. 
It was the last day of the summer holidays, a week after your school building had collapsed. Luckily, no one was hurt - but the damage on the campus was severe. 
You had been talking to your friends when your mother rushed into your room with exciting news. Apparently, the chairman of U.A was feeling generous. He had decided to offer four excellent students from your school a scholarship to U.A. 
You were overjoyed being one of the students along with your two other friends; Shinso Hitoshi and Izuku Midoriya. 
At first, the thought was a little scary - going into a completely different world than you were accustomed to. The kids there would be much different than you, you didn't want to be the   laughing stock, you didn’t want to be their silly little entertainment... The thought made you nervous, but when your best friend, Izuku, called you the next night explaining how he also won the scholarship; followed by Shinso, you were relieved. 
Yes, you were stepping into a whole different world but you at least had your two friends with you. 
And that brought you to the first day of school. 
You stood outside the huge gates of the even enormous academy all alone shaking in your little, expensive skirt they forced you to wear as the uniform waiting for your friends. You promised the two boys you’d wait for them, and besides, you weren’t planning on entering the building all alone. 
Your friends, Shinso and Midoriya, lived close to each other. They were supposed to meet you at the gates of the school that morning, but they were running late. Your anxiety grew the longer you stayed there, with students filling the place- arriving in their fancy cars with their expensive bags and accessories. It easily made you feel out of place.
“Hey,” you heard someone before someone tapped on your shoulder. You quickly turned around to greet the voice. Staring back at you was Uraraka Ochaco.
You remembered she was in your school too, Midoriya has a huge crush on her. 
“Yes, Uraraka? Right?” You weren’t close to her, nothing but mere acquaintances. But seeing her face - right here, right now - it made your day. 
Uraraka was dressed in the same uniform as you, there was no doubt that she was one of the four kids who won the scholarship. Both of you talked while you implored her to wait for Midoriya and Shinso. You didn’t fail to notice the way her cheeks turned pink when you mentioned Midoriya. The two of them were so obvious. 
Your friends arrived, they were late, but they came. 
Apparently, there was an accident that forced them to stay back a little longer, but they managed to make it before the first bell. 
“I actually have an old friend who goes there now,” Midoriya confesses out of the blue as the four of you enter the gates. You look at him in awe. 
During the three years in high school that both of you had spent together, he had never mentioned any friend of his going to the U.A. academy ever. 
“Why did you never tell us?” Uraraka asks. 
“well, we’re not on good terms. He used to live in the same neighborhood before his parent’s business took off. He left after middle school.” Midoriya says, a slight frown forming on his face.
“Who is he?” Shinso asks. 
Midoriya pauses briefly before explaining his entire history with a temperamental and rude blonde. Bakugou Katsuki, he calls him. His childhood friend. But from what you managed to gather, Bakugou was anything but a friend to Midoriya. 
Bakugo was once just a simple boy, living a simple life, destined to do great things - but once his parent’s clothing line ‘Dynamite’ blew up and became mainstream, he started drowning in wealth. Bakugo moved out of his old neighborhood at the starting of high school before enrolling in U.A., just like all his rich friends.
“Maybe you should say hi,” Uraraka suggests. Midoriya’s expressions turned sheepish.
“About that…” he started. “I called him yesterday, got his number from mom, and-” he stopped. 
“What did he say?” Shinso asked.
“He told me to get lost and die,” Midoriya said with a slight frown on his face, looking down. 
That was your first impression of Katsuki Bakugou. For a man you had not even met, you sure loathed him. 
School went smoothly for a week, everything was going great. The four of you kept your profile low, didn’t talk until spoken to, kept your distance, and everything was okay. 
People often starred and whispered amongst each other when they saw you in the hallways, but that was about it. Everyone seemed to be decent but… there’s always a but. 
Everything took a turn for the worse when you managed to piss off the wrong person, Bakugo Katsuki himself. 
It was an honest mistake, not even that big of a deal - especially for his standards Yet, for some reason, Bakugo wanted to get under your skin. 
It happened after your lunch break, you were on your way back to your classroom with an ice-cream cone fasted tightly in your hands. You mindlessly dashed through the hallways, trying your best to get back to class as fast as possible - you don’t want to be late. It’d earn you a bad reputation. You don’t need that- you don't want anything which could jeopardize your scholarship. 
You walked straight and took a turn. Just by fate, you bumped into a stiff, hard chest making you wobble on your feet and sending your ice cream from your hand flying straight to the ground.
“Shit,” you cursed, looking down seeing what you had to work with. 
The ice-cream cone splattered on the floor, the white creamy liquid flushed all over the floor along with staining an expensive-looking, black leather boot. A snarl comes from above you along with a group of chuckles. More expensive shoes come into your line of view as you realize you’re not alone. 
You slowly bring your gaze up, ogling at who you just pissed off. 
Staring back at you is a furious blonde, glaring at you with such intensity that it makes your stomach drop. It’s the infamous Bakugou Katsuki, you don’t want to deal with him. 
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” you don’t give him a chance to complain as you take your flight. Quickly, you try running away but a large hand grabs your forearm, stopping you dead in your tracks. 
You look to the side, deep red eyes stare right back at you. 
“Where are you running off to? Don’t you think you owe my friend here a proper apology?” Kirishima says, his grip on your arm growing tighter. He towers over you, his huge body trapping you with intimidation.
Going to U.A for over a week there’s a thing or two that you’ve learned about the rich, snobby brats who own the school. Not everyone is bad, a few of them are actually but the rest are just bad. 
Bakugou was the worst. From how Midoriya described him, you knew for a fact he’d be a horrible person. But hell, he managed to prove himself even worse. 
He was crude, mean, downright arrogant, and ignorant. Always screaming unasked opinions on top of his lungs, and gets mad whenever someone disagrees. He acts like the world revolves around him.
 Bakugo had a bunch of friends who he called his “followers” and they weren’t any better.
They just watched while Bakugou ruined everything, they were there to support him. 
Kirishima Eijirou the redhead, he was captain of the football team. He was a jock, brawns over brains kind of person. Girls cooed over him and his overly attractive, hot body. It looked as if he was sculpted by God himself. 
Next was Kaminari Denki. He was in the school band, dating the lead singer. And yet, he managed to find time to flirt with other girls. He was the goofball of the group, dumb and stupid But he always knew what he was doing. Even though it was barely noticeable, you could always see a devious glint in those amber eyes of his. 
Sero Hanta was famous for a lot of reasons. Most notably for having brought illegal drugs on the campus and skipping classes to go down to his junkie hangout spot to smoke weed. The man had no shame. Sometimes, he’d walk into the classrooms high as fuck. The teachers couldn’t do anything even if they tried, his parents practically owned the school; he owned the school. There was no going against the tall, lanky man who looked like he couldn’t even smash a bug. He held the most power and his friends sure knew how to abuse it. 
Last but not least was Mina Ashido. The one and only girl member of the self-proclaimed ‘bakusquad’. Sometimes, Jirou Kyouka, the lead singer of the school, would hang out with the boys and her boyfriend, but she wasn’t a permanent member. Mina was. 
In your opinion, Mina was a nightmare dressed like a daydream. With her short, pink hair and bright smile, she seemed like an angel. But she was the devil. Worse than even Bakugou, perhaps. 
She knew everything about everyone, she had leverage galore: screenshots ready to leak, videos ready to ruin lives. She had them all, and frankly- she scared you the most. 
Kirishima pushed you back, and Bakugo caught you by your shoulders. 
“That was fucking rude,” he growled, biting his fingers into your shoulder blades tight and hard making you squeal. “Are you fucking blind or something? Fucking extra.” 
“I said I’m sorry, let me go will you?” Even in such a terrifying situation, you try to remain calm.
“What do you think, Sero?” Kaminari began. Your heart sank, including Sero into anything was never a good sign. 
“She ruined Bakugou’s new shoes,” he continued. Bakugou’s hold on you tightened and you winced, turning back to him and returning his glare. 
“Okay, what do you want?” you give in, finally. A mischievous spark lights up in his crimson eyes as flashes a cocky smirk to his friends before turning back to you with a frown. He pushes you towards Mina and she catches you with an arm around your shoulder. 
“Those were expensive, right?” she looks at you and then back at Bakugou. He grunts, nodding. 
“Fuck yes, I’m pissed as hell. Some fucking extra managed to ruin it.” 
You look back down to steal a glance at his heavy, leather boot. The small, white stain melted away. 
“What will you do to make up for it?” Mina whispers your name and you cringe. They were teasing you. For their fun, they were making fun of you. 
“What can I do?” you say, sarcastically. Prying yourself away from her hold. The crowd goes dead silent before speaking. Sero is the first one to talk. 
“Lick it off.”
There’s a pause, no one speaks. Your stomach drops and your face pales at the look the five of them are giving you- it’s serious. Dead serious. 
Kaminari bursts out laughing followed by Sero and the others. The four of them get a great laugh but Bakugou stares at you head-on with his grave expressions burning through your soul. 
“Whatcha looking at? Do it,” he commands. 
The laughing dies down and Kaminari speaks, “are you serious? You want her to lick your shoe,” he can’t control his laughter, a chuckle breaks with every word. 
“Yes, I’m fucking serious. Besides, Sero recommended it,” he smirks. “Do you really want to say no to him? I don’t know so much about this but-“ he leans down close to your face, his lips ghosting the shell of your ear, “it might complicate your scholarship.” 
There’s a twisted rhythm in his voice. He’s enjoying tormenting you. You still want to believe that they’re just messing around. That they’ll have their laughs and let you go, but the way Sero stares at you says otherwise. 
“You don’t wanna do it?” Bakugou asks. 
“Of course she doesn’t! That’s gross, oh my god.” Mina exclaims, earning a chuckle from the rest of the boys. 
“Hey, let’s hear it from Sero himself.” Kirishima pats Sero’s back, pushing him forward. The five of them have circled around you, coiling you inside their venomous nest with you in the center. You turn to Sero with pleading eyes, looking up at his huge form, begging. 
He smirks looking down at you, you look so tiny beneath bim. He wants to mess with you, even more, you look like a nice toy to him. He wants to play with it until he can’t. 
“I guess, I did say that-” your blood runs cold, heartbeat picking up in nervousness. “-but you don’t need to do it.” He finishes. Your face lights up while the others groan in disappointment. Bakugou looks livid. 
“Just know that, you’re the one who dropped the ice cream on Bakugou’s shoe and now you’re not even helping him out. That’s not very noble, is it? I don’t know if I even by mistake slipped that info back home- my parents might reconsider whether you truly deserve to be here or not. They don’t really like disrespectful kids who comprise the school’s name.” 
Sero ends his speech with a wide, ear-to-ear grin, followed by a pat to your head. 
“The choice is yours.”  
You pause for a moment and think. Where they were really going to make you do it, where they were really going to humiliate you like this. They were. But were you willing to do it? 
From Sero’s threat, you could tell he was serious, this was legit. 
It wouldn’t have been the first time the school expelled someone who had beef with Sero, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. They don’t care about anyone but their loving son. They wouldn’t even think once before expelling you.
“What’s your answer, princess?” Kirishima teases.
 Mina and Kaminari once again break into fits of laughter.
“What do you mean? She doesn’t have a choice here, kneel you extra.” Your heart hammers in your chest as Bakugou gestures you to kneel. You stop for a second, breathing unevenly- thinking. After a long, thoughtful sigh, you answer. 
“No, I am not going to do it.” Your voice is meek yet clear. Even though you’re trembling under the heavy gazes of five snakes, you choose to stand your ground. 
Bakugou glaring at you while the others boo. 
“Aw, c’mon you don’t mean that.” 
“Don’t be a little brat.” 
Bakugou stays silent while the others continue to throw insults at you -  calling you names and trying to make you regret your decision. You look straight forward into Bakugou’s cold, red eyes, searching for his next move. Your heart beats even harder in your chest with increased anxiety. After watching your torment for more than a few minutes, Bakugo decides he’s had enough of this game.
“Hey, shitty hair,” Bakugo starts. “Punch me.” 
“What?” Kirishima asks, vividly shaken. “Why do you want me to hit you, Bakubro?” 
“Punch me real hard, give me a black eye.” The confusion grows greater on everyone’s faces. You stare at him in awe, wondering what angle was trying to play. 
Kirishima raises his hands in defense. “Woah, dude slow down there. I’m not just going to punch you.” 
Bakugou clicks the roof of his tongue, letting out a sound of irritation. “You all are just dumb,” he starts.
“Imagine if this punny, little,” he leans down closer to you till his lips touch your ears and whispers your name with a crude chuckle. “Were to drop all her food over me, not apologize, punch and me then run away, that’d bring her into a whole world of trouble. Wouldn’t it?” 
Bakugo’s words are calculated and sly, he knows exactly what he’s getting at when he starts. His voice fills you up with dread as he makes his accusations public.
“She would be expelled on spot and Kacchan could also raise charges,” Kaminari adds. 
Your eyes widen in fear. 
“Yeah, I’ll fucking do that.” Mina giggles. “That would succck,” she cheers. Your lower lip quivers as you stare at them in disbelief, your eyes open wide only to be covered with fear. 
“Hey, c’mon, why are you doing this to me?” You feel them inch closer to you, their warmth leeching onto you the longer you stay surrounded by them. 
“Because you have no fucking manners.” Bakugou snarls. 
“Kiri, punch him. What are you waiting for? If you don’t wanna do it I will!” Kaminari cries, growing impatient. 
Kirishima laughs before he charges Bakugou. Your heart hammers in your chest. 
You think about your family, your future, and how disappointed everyone would be with you. Your dreams and aspirations, all were rooted in this school. 
It was honestly sad, pathetic even. Your entire future was just a joke to these spoiled kids. These kids who could control you, and everyone else,  with just a flick of their fingers. It’s unfortunate, but that’s the price to pay for a piece of the beautiful cake known as U.A... You resign yourself to your fate.
A piece of your mind. 
“N-no, don’t do that. I-I’ll do it,” you murmured, your voice timid and weak. The five paused looking at each other with an ominous glint in their eyes. Bakugou was the first to speak. 
“Well, then fucking get on with it. On your knees.” Obediently like a trained puppy, you got down onto your knees, not letting your eyes fall from Bakugou’s face. His red, fierce eyes barked at you with an unknown look, keeping you lost. 
“Holy shit, she’s actually doing this,” Mina squealed watching you lean forward, bringing your face next to Bakugou’s expensive boots.
“Kaminari, record this.” Sero taps at the energetic blonde, forcing him to take his phone out and hit ‘record’. As you lean further to the ground, your short skirt rides up behind you, giving the audience a clear view of your round ass and pastel panties. The sight brings a smile to Bakugou’s face as he scoffs. 
“Cute panties,” he remarks. 
You jerk, trying desperately to sit back, but Bakugo stops you. Smashing his other foot on top of your shoulder, he holds you there facing the ground.
“Don’t. You. Dare.” he growls.
You squirm, almost falling under his weight and as much you hate to admit it, a tingle of excitement runs down your spine. This was turning you on.
 A row of whistles flood in, the boys start teasing you and praising Bakugou. 
“Lick it off,”  he commands. 
You look down at his leather boot, the ice cream almost melted. There’s still a bright white spot of the sweet now liquid splayed out. Even though it’s not a lot, it still makes you cringe. You peek your shy, little tongue out timidly, forcing yourself to do the heinous deed. 
Bakugou watches you hesitate and pushes on your shoulder harder making you reach towards him. 
You give in after a final attempt, diving into his wishes. Your wet tongue touches the rough, cold leather. You cringe after a single touch, closing your eyes and scrunching your nose at the salty taste. “Clean it all off,” he commands.
You dive back in, this time letting your tongue glide across a larger portion. The humiliation burns through your body. It makes you uncomfortably hot, mostly from anger and but a little bit of arousal.
“Nice ass.” 
There it is. The excitement comes back the moment they start making suggestive comments, the attention riles you up and it’s horrible. 
“Kaminari are you even supposed to be here? Don’t you have a girlfriend?” Mina asks at the blonde pervert who was currently zooming on your ass. 
“Oh? We’re cool as long as I don’t stick my dick her,” he points to you. “That’s hella fucking tempting but I’m in love, dude.” He chuckles to himself, thinking about his girlfriend. 
They treat you like an object, talking about you like you were some sort of a toy. 
“Bet her pussy is tight,” Sero says. 
Kirishima turns to Bakugou, looking at him with pleading eyes. “Yo, Bakubro, can we touch her?” 
Bakugou looks on from watching you lick his boot and turns to Kirishima. A dark, unsettling gaze falls across his eyes as he speaks, “No. This one is mine.” he stares down at you. 
You stop lapping on his shoe and stand back on your knees, buckling your knees you try to get up but Bakugou harshly kicks your shoulder, throwing you back and making you cry. 
“Why did you do that?” you squeal, holding onto your bruised shoulder, glaring at him intently. 
The rest of the group goes quiet at the display of Bakugou’s sudden violence. 
He stands between your thighs, lazily resting his foot atop of your soft thighs. 
“You’re fucking pathetic, you know that?” the angle you were spread out in had your skirt flipped over hips, displaying your pretty, pastel panties to everyone in the room. 
Even though it’s subtle, masked by everyone’s fear of what Bakugou was planning, you still feel everyone’s gaze focused right on you and more specifically at your clothed cunt. Bakugou presses hard on your thigh making you cry. 
“Useless Deku’s friends are just like him. The fucking second you walked in here, I knew you were just another useless insect for me to stomp on.” He pauses, smirking, pressing his foot onto you even harder, twisting his ankle to increase the burning sting surging across your right thigh. “And I’m doing just that.” 
He steps off you for a moment, letting you catch your breath and recover from the burn. His eyesight travels lower down to your panties. He admires the cute pair you had on. Normally when he’d see girls naked, they’d dress themselves up the most luxurious to match his standards. But that’s not you, that could never be you. 
He rejoices at the thought of seeing your flushed, tear-stained face breaking down under him. You’ll never be like those girls, always a step behind. He can build you up and break you however he likes, you’d have no say in it. 
The power trip drives him crazy. 
He presses the tip of his boot over your clothed clothed cunt, pushing the hard material right over your sensitive clit. 
You gasp at the feeling, looking up at him with terrified eyes. He smirks down at you, moving his foot in a steady rhythm, rubbing the fabric of your cotton panties against your little pearl. 
“This turning you on? What a freak.” The rest of his group basks in shock. They watch intently as the scene spiraled out for them, too captivated to make any comments. They just keep quiet and stare. 
The way you squirm under Bakugou as he plays with your cute clit so unforgivingly makes them hot with excitement. Kaminari feels a little guilty but he blames it on his nature as a man.
Sero feels a little bad for you, they all do. But then again they wouldn’t waste the opportunity to be in Bakugou’s footsteps- literally. 
“You’re a little slut, you know that?” Bakugou sneers. 
Your gasps turn into whimpers as his simulation becomes harder. You clench your fists, desperately wishing it to be over. Tears brim in your eyes at the sheer humiliation of your corrupted form. This was just too much, too much for you to handle. 
“Please, stop,” you beg, knowing he wouldn't listen. “I’ll report you,” you cry.  A roar of laughter starts, shutting you up. 
“Go for it, you do that.” Mina comments. Kaminari walks closer to you, bringing the camera down to your face recording your horrified expressions. 
“We’ll just go ahead and post this online.” he threatens. 
A drop of tear falls down your waterline following a waterfall. You cry, leave all of your dignity behind and cry. You beg them to stop but as your pleas mix with your moans, it’s hard for anyone to understand what you’re saying. It’s not like they don’t know what you’re asking them for, they just turn deaf, simply because they can. 
Bakugou stops, he takes a step back, leaving you alone. You let out the tiniest cry when he leaves, ditching you just when you need his touch the most. 
“Feels like I’m doing too much of the work, if you want it so bad, do this yourself.” He says. Your body still burns with desire, your clit still hard and cunt salivating, you are nowhere close to being done... 
It’s as if something takes over and you are possessed by the dire need to cum, you do exactly as he says. 
You snake your fingers down your panties, deliberately rubbing on your swollen little clit before pushing your finger into your drenched cunt. You cry out as you clench around your finger, the pleasure becoming unbearable. Your legs shake and you close your eyes shut. 
You stay there on the floor, fingering yourself in the corridor, without any shame, while Kaminari records all of it. 
“She’s gonna give me a hard-on,” Kirishima says and you moan.
“She really is a slut, huh?” Sero comments. 
“She’s cute,” Mina adds with a smile. 
Bakugou scoffs, “does Deku know how much of a whore you are?” He asks. 
You don’t pay any attention to what he says, too busy bringing yourself to your climax.
“You’re getting all this right?” Mina looks over Kaminari’s shoulder and onto the phone screen which captures you beautifully losing yourself for everyone to see. 
“You close?” Bakugou asks as you feel yourself clench around fingers tightly, he bends down on his and pulls your panties down your hips, admiring your precious cunt. 
“Cute pussy,” he remarks before flicking your sensitive, hardened clit.
A rush of pleasure washes down your body as you cry while cumming. Bakugou pushes you right over the edge, a nasty grin screaming atop his face as he watches you. You curse at yourself for letting him see you like this, but there’s not much you can do but cry while you feel your juices gush around you before sliding down your thighs and onto the dirty floor. 
It takes a second for you to calm down and when you do come to your senses, dread fills you up. Tears shamelessly fall down your face as you realize what you just did. The others laugh at you, without feeling any remorse. 
Bakugou continues to stare at you with an unsettling look, while the others discuss the heinous crime you’ve just committed. 
Sero looks down at you and you catch his dark eyes staring at you. A toothy grin scavenges his face as he speaks. 
“Awesome,” he says as if he just finished some mediocre movie. 
Finally, you find the courage to get up and run. 
This was totally not awesome. 
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lansyuan · 4 years
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do you love fics where wei wuxian and lan wangji parent the crap out of lan sizhui? do you want to read accidental baby acquisition fics until your eyes bleed? would you die as your heart slowly turns to mush from the softness of this family? bitch the fuck, me too. here are some of my personal favourite fics of wangxian ft their turnip son a-yuan. its a range of canon divergence, post canon, thirteen years of inquiry, raising a-yuan at the burial mounds au etc - there’ll be something for literally everyone. enjoy!
the kite string and the anchor rope by fleurdeliser (38k+)
When A-Yuan gets sick and Wen Qing doesn't have the supplies she needs to properly treat him, Wei Wuxian can only think of one place to go for help. 
a crying shame by thunderwear (16k+)
Lan Wangji gets emotionally blackmailed by a toddler. It somehow fixes everything.
to recollect and long for by wonderlands (22k+) *2/3 works posted at time of posting this rec list.
a 3-part series about best boy lan sizhui and his wonderful dads who love him and each other very much.
forgetting envies, remembering your loving hold by cosmicfuss (3k+)
The first time Zewu-jun plays for him he is five and the man is trying to comfort him, playing soft songs good for soothing children. It works to a degree but he wants his gege, he wants his gege to play his lullaby. Zewu-jun apologizes and tells him that his gege is hurting right now, and needs to be alone to get better.
When he plays the xiao, A-Yuan says, "you're holding it wrong!" When he turns fourteen, he learns to play guqin, and is many years ahead of his classmates in that regard. A large factor in that is how much he has practiced Inquiry. He has grown up hearing snippets from the jingshi, of Wangji attempting to reach a spirit that never answers.
When he's sixteen, he hears a familiar tune played in the forest, he and his fellow juniors battling a stone god. It's been years since he's heard it, and he wonders why this man, Mo Xuanyu, knows it so well.
Or, Lan Sizhui grows up and learns, and remembers.
five times wei wuxian tried to embarrass lan sizhui by blackelement7 (6k+)
(and one time he realized just how badly he'd played himself)
or: In which Wei Wuxian starts a fight but Lan Sizhui (with some meddling from Lan Jingyi) ends it.
inquiry by incendir (10k+)
Sizhui cannot fall asleep for a long, long time that night. He hears the ever-familiar melody again. He thinks perhaps he has memorized it by now.
storge by respira (9k+)
Lan Sizhui is a lake.
as the warren grows in number by kore_fics (3k+)
Before Sizhui could take another step he was surrounded by black and red, loud laughter in his ears and warm fingers running through his hair, messing it up. Palms squished both his cheeks together and Lan Sizhui let out a laugh.
Lan Sizhui was home.
tell some storm* by qurbat (31k+) *the moments with Sizhui are in chapter 2, however I highly recommend reading the whole fic, it’s adorable.
"We were raised as a generation of war, A-Yuan," Xian-gege said to him. "If your generation choses to be one of love - well, I don't think any of us would be opposed to that."
In the aftermath of the events at the Guanyin temple, the cultivation world scrambles to understand their current reality. A man roams the countryside with a string of white in his hair. Another sits on the highest seat of power with a ribbon of red around his forehead. The younger generation turns out to be full of romantics. Nie Huaisang is to blame for everything, always. Jiang Cheng realizes that happiness has been more that 16 years overdue.
Wei Wuxian declares that it's time that bitch pays up.
After a generation of war - much to the consternation of the elders, much to the delight of the young, much to the pleased shock of the subjects of the tale - the world welcomes a love story with open arms.
guess we're not eating leaves today by missingnarwhal (2k+)
Baby A-Yuan has cooked up a feast, but only one lucky gege will actually get to taste it!
Set in an alternate timeline where everything is okay after Wei Ying + Wens started living in the Burial Mounds.
response by aki_no_hikari (12k+)
What if Wei Wuxian hadn't been silent to Lan Wangji's Inquiry?
love, in all its small pieces by ynvel (4k+)
Ah Yuan is brought to the Cloud Recesses and exchanges the sun and its ashes for the clouds. Lan Wangji brings a boy home, calls him his son, and renews the promises he made.
Or: Lan Sizhui is adopted by Lan Wangji and learns about his new life. Lan Wangji in turn learns about hope and living again.
child surprise by ariaste (4k+)
He huffs a sigh. “Fine. Just - let’s just make it the law of surprise, shall we? That’s nice and simple, eh? Leave it up to destiny what will bring us back in balance. Let it drop something of yours into my lap, something small, and we’ll call the debt paid.”
Three debts, three repayments.
there's a lunatic in mo village by bastetcg (11k+)
There's a lunatic in Mo Village! And to Lan Sizhui's surprise, Hanguang-Jun has decided to bring the madman back to the Cloud Recesses! How embarrassing!
A mostly canon-compliant look into Lan Sizhui's thoughts and childhood.
on being a big boy by emberloey (1k+)
“My little A-Yuan,” Dad had said the next morning, kneeling down to A-Yuan’s height with a smile, “all grown up now. Soon you’ll be hunting without your poor old dads.”
“Never!” A-Yuan shook his head and latched onto Father’s leg. He smiled up at Father, who smiled back and nodded his head. “A-Yuan always needs Dad and Father!”
in all these shades of blue (i think we found you) by fleetling (5k+)
5 times Sizhui thought about his father's white robes, and 1 time Lan Wangji wore blue.
(Or: Lan Sizhui had never seen his father in anything other than white robes.)
this is when the feeling sinks in, i don't want to miss you like this (come back, be here) by mischievousmurmurs (6k+)
Just now… the butterflies’ conversation. Where did you learn that from, Ah-Yuan?
Ah-Yuan pats his chest. In here, shushu. I feel it in here. And in here, too, he adds, pointing to his head.
Sizhui has never quite been able to remember nor forget the memory of seeing people who he knows loved each other, loved him, and whom he loved in return.
or - a wangxian story, as told by their adopted son.
yours, mine, and ours by casecous (2k+)
When they have both mostly recovered, and A-Yuan is back to his smiling, playful self, Lan Wangji presents him with a forehead ribbon. A-Yuan’s little fingers bump into Lan Wangji’s thumbs as he traces the cloud motif along it.
“You are Lan now. This is very important,” Lan Wangji tells him and A-Yuan looks away from the ribbon to meet his eyes. “You must not take it off as you please. Only family may touch it.”
A series of wangxian family moments.
innocence by snowberryrose (8k+)
In which Wei WuXian gets to raise A-Yuan.
Canon divergence from episode 31.
to recollect and long for by mme_anxious (4k+)
Lan Xichen is there when his brother becomes a father. Lan Sizhui is there when his father's heart breaks, again. Wei Wuxian is there when his son gets drunk for the first time.
Or, the GusuLan forehead ribbon, in three parts.
our little one by writedeku (6k+)
A-Yuan is here. A-Yuan, who Wei Ying loved so much. A-Yuan, who was taught to laugh just like him. Wangji hugs him to his chest and curls over him, ignoring the way the wounds on his back pull and tear. “I have to take care of you,” he says. “I will not leave you.”
(Or: Lan Wangji comes back from Yiling with a child he does not know how to care for and a black hole in his chest. Somehow, he makes it work.)
gathered herbs & sweet grasses by hansbekhart (19k+)
Later, when he’s older, it’s this that A-Yuan will remember most: the stretch of silence, the two of them both dirty and shaking with fever, as he looked at Brother Rich, and Brother Rich looked back at him.
the sacred homeland by particulate (8k+)
He has many names, and some are mouthfuls of blood.
[Or; a chronology of Sizhui, in which he does not forget.]
to the act of making noise by words-writ-in-starlight (19k+)
His father in white plays the song late into the night, and when A-Yuan wakes up confused and afraid, the guqin lulls him back to sleep.
Lan Sizhui hears his father play the same song every night for his whole life, and never, ever get an answer.
when he comes home to you by kika988 (2k+)
Home is Cloud Recesses now, and that's a thing Wei Wuxian is still getting used to. He still feels like a guest here, most days, though Lan Wangji has done everything to make him feel at home. He stands out like a sore thumb amongst the serene disciples and flowing white fabric.
Cloud Recesses has been home to Lan Wangji and Sizhui for years. It is their home, where they've built their family.
The thought warms Wei Wuxian even as it sits a little ill with him. He's an intruder here, in their homes, in their lives, the same way he had been in Lotus Pier.
five times people didn’t know sizhui is lan zhan’s son and one time they did by trilliastra (3k+)
“A-Yuan.” He repeats, reaching out for the boy, growing restless when he can’t touch him. “A-Yuan.”
Oh. Lan Xichen closes his eyes as the tears start to fall. Oh, Wangji.
Carefully, Lan Xichen takes the boy and lays him next to his brother on the bed, Wangji holds him protectively against his chest and A-Yuan stops his little cries immediately.
“Wangji,” Lan Xichen tries again, running a hand through his brother’s hair softly, “who is he?”
“He’s my son.”
5 times the lan head disciple broke the rules by liji (6k+)
“I am not aware of any rule forbidding falling in love,” Hanguang-Jun said at last. There was a quiet sadness in his eye, like he was watching a scene from far away. The novelty of it gave Sizhui the courage to ask his next question.
“Have you ever been in love, Father?” he asked.
(or, five times that Sizhui broke the Lan sect's rules growing up)
the seasons change (but i love you the same) by kdkdkd (7k+)
When did you stop calling me Bàba, A-Yuan?
Lan Wangji had always promised himself that he would never become a poor father like his own had been.
Unfortunately, it feels like he has failed to keep that promise.
✨ bonus round ✨ uncle jiang cheng and nephew lan sizhui
tintinnabulum by respira (8k+)
A small bell chimes, the sound soft and pleasant like the water crashing against a pier, like low whistles in an empty cave, like a guqin playing a lullaby.
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acourtofsnakes · 3 years
Solus - Rogue, Chapter 1| Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader(F)
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Summary: So I don’t want to give too much away, but a rough outline - You are Force Sensitive, and after being hunted your whole life, you’re not surprised to find another Mandalorian on your tail. What you didn’t expect, was THIS Mandalorian. Nor anything that happen’s after. And so begins a journey of two Rogues (three if you count the womp rat). 
Warnings: Not many in this chapter as it’s an opening but, mentions of death, angst?, swearing, fighting, my rusty writing after I haven’t done it in years, let me know if there’s anything else!!
AN: So, I think this might be a little messy in terms of tenses. It jumps around from the past to present a little too, so I’m sorry if its confusing… Let me know what you think!! And if you want to be added to the taglist!
Word count: Just over 4k.
Rogue Masterlist | Introduction| 1: Solus| 2: Arir | 3: Tor | 4: Gaa'tayl
Rogue Taglist:  @snipskixandbeskar​ @weirdowithnobeardo
Mando’a translation: Solus - Alone
That word had come to change its meaning over the years. When you were a small child, alone meant you were outside, playing in the grass and flowers with your parents just a few metres away indoors, within sight of you still. Close enough to come running should anything happen to you. Including that time you got stung by a bee and screamed so loudly the neighbours thought you were being raided.
A few years later, alone meant being shut away inside your room, windows closed, door firmly shut.
“It’s for your own safety, honey, you know what will happen… We don’t want this for you, we hate this, but we must keep you safe, my darling.”
You understood, of course. It was your own fault; you didn’t mean for it to happen… But just because you understood, it didn’t mean you had to like it.
A year on, alone changed properly for the first time.
The true meaning of the word hit you like a speeder when you were kneeling in the mess on the dusty ground.
Blood had soaked your knees, staining your tunic. It had coated your hands, your arms as you frantically shook the shoulders of your mother, willing her to open her eyes, to sit up and hold you. To stroke your hair and tell you it was okay, it was all just a bad dream. To take you home, where you could forget this whole thing.
It didn’t truly sink in until you heard your fathers strangled scream as he ran around the corner…
And then the sickening hiss and sizzle as the blaster hit him square in the chest. The way he tried to crawl across the ground to you and your mother, but there was a heavy white boot planted firmly in his back, a gloved hand yanking his head up and a vibroblade sliced across his throat.
His blood had coated your own bare feet as you ran to him.
You were only 12.
From that moment on… you were truly alone. No family. No more friends, they had all left when you showed them your power. Such a beautiful, natural thing, being in line with the Earth, the energy that connected all living things. It was rare, meant to be celebrated…
Instead, it just bought death upon those you loved.
So, as you ran from the horror scene within the market square, your parents blood baking onto your skin in the hot sun, you buried it. Deep inside, locking it in a box, surrounding it in darkness and keeping it hidden.
And that’s where it had stayed for the last 20 years.
Sorgan was a good place to be for a little while.
The air was breathable, the forests thick and lush, providing good cover, and the inhabitants were spread few and far between. It was quiet, the only habitable planet in its system, in fact, so it was… safe?
Well. That’s what you had told yourself when you made the split decision to come here after somehow managing to stow away on a ship that just happened to be going there.
You’d just been attacked by a Trandoshan bounty hunter, chased halfway across the planet you were on and forced to dump most of the belongings you’d managed to acquire for yourself in an effort to get away. The green lizard humanoid was… beyond eager. Hunting was their way of life, they thrived on the ritual of it and this one was no different. He was relentless. Constantly tasting the air for your scent with that disgusting flickering tongue. He’d even licked your neck once and you thought you might throw up all over his weird, scaly body. 
It had gone on for more than a week before you decided to try and get the jump on him. You laid a trap, using his eagerness against him and it had worked…. Mostly. You fought, hard, managed to sever his arm and you were just going in for the kill when out of nowhere the tables turned. Knocking away your weapons, he’d pinned you to the ground, a wickedly sharp blade pushing into your shoulder and scraping bone.
He took one look at you, battered, exhausted, blood soaking your shoulder and burst out laughing, preening in glee that he’d finally caught you, finally managed to capture the girl everyone wanted (you hadn’t bothered to ask if he was employed by the Republic or the Imperials. At this point, it didn’t matter anymore).
What he failed to notice in his gloating, was the vibroblade you pulled from the sheath on your thigh. One moment, he was laughing, the next, his head was thudding onto the ground next to your own, mouth still open in glee, reptilian tongue lolling out.
The next hour or so had been a blur, making your way through the town again, cloak pulled up over your head and over your shoulder to hide the wound. You’d managed to steal cloth and a tincture from a street vendor, binding and cleaning the knife wound whilst hiding in a small alley. It was there that you saw the ship, only a small cargo ship, the door left open. You’d slipped in like a ghost, settling between some crates of unidentifiable objects and let yourself slump, adrenaline leaving your body, leaving it shattered and full of pain. Too close. You’d almost been caught and taken back Maker knows where. Luckily you had that blade, one you’d stolen from an Imp a couple years back after he’d tried to capture you.
As you hid in the cargo hold, you heard the co-pilot ask about the turquoise planet.
“Sorgan? Why Sorgan? That place is beyond boring. I’m surprised the people living there haven’t started a war just for something to do.”
The pilot had laughed, “You’re right there. Barely anyone comes out here anymore. Most people don’t even remember it’s here.”
That suited you just fine then. A mostly empty planet with a krill-fishing village that kept to itself, swamps and forests… hey, maybe you’d finally get a chance to relax.
Since then, you’d found a little place in the forest, up high in some clustered branches, near a source of running water. It was high enough to stay out of the way of predators, but close enough to the ground that you’d be able to spot any enemies – and get away quickly.
You’d even made a friend here.
Well… sort of.
Your first night on the planet, you were trekking through the forests when your legs had just… given out. You were spent, mentally and physically, blood pooling through your fingers from the knife wound which had since opened up again. As you lay there, staring through the canopy, you decided that maybe this was it now. Maybe it was time to give up the fight.
You had been running for so long, it was a way of life now. Had more injuries than you could count and been hunted by twice as many people. Hunters and mercenaries of all species and origin, IG-11 droids, the occasional Imp or New Republic official, even a Mandalorian once – that one had been bad. You’d had to give in after you killed him and go to a hospital, he’d left a blaster hole in your thigh so deep you could see bone.
It was quiet here, peaceful, you remembered.  The treetops had begun to blur and swoop under you as you came to your decision.
I’m sorry, mumma, I’m sorry, papa. I tried, but I can’t do it anymore.
You had closed your eyes, giving into the darkness with a final goodbye and letting it wash over you like a tidal wave.
Only to be woken up what felt like seconds later by a wet nose and furry face pushing against your hand. Lifting your head, you’d blinked away the blurriness to find a rounded, big eared head resting on your hand. A Loth cat. It appeared that you’d gotten yourself a little friend.
Since then, she hadn’t left your side, following you everywhere, climbing up the trees and curling up on your lap of a night. You weren’t sure what had drawn her to you, but… it was the first companion you’d had in such a long time, and her warm body against yours was such a comforting feeling that you couldn’t bear to part with her.
That was a few weeks ago.
Nothing had happened in those few weeks. No fighting, no threats, no beeping of tracking fobs waking you in the night and sending you hurtling for the trees.
Nothing but trees, swamps and your furry little friend that you’d called Duru, after a childhood friend.
The only thing bothering you at this point, was your arm. You’d managed to smuggle some herbs from an apothecary hut in the fishing village, but it wasn’t healing properly. The wound had sealed, but it ached. Insistently. Some days it wasn’t too bad, but most of the time, it caused you enough grief that you struggled to grip anything. It was just lucky it was your non-dominant side.
A small groan left your lips as you rubbed at the skin around the wound, perched on a low branch, watching the village. The string of your bow dug into it, sending small shockwaves down your nerves and making your hand spasm. You shifted the bowstring, curling your hand into a fist and releasing it again to get some feeling back into it, an absent action as you just watched the day-to-day life of the village.
It soothed you in a way, just watching people go about their daily lives, how each person had a part to play. Even though you hadn’t met any of them and doubted they knew you were there, you liked and respected them nonetheless. So, whenever you snuck into the village for supplies, you always left something in return. Prey you’d shot down in the forest for food, herbs you’d gathered, fish you’d caught. Just a small way to say thank you to the for keeping you safe, even if they didn’t know it.
You weren’t sure how long you had been sat there for, eyes closed, one leg dangling from the branch and just enjoying the sunlight on your face, the cool and faintly briny breeze when Duru suddenly shot to her feet, a low growl rumbling from her throat. Your eyes snapped open in an instant, bow drawn and pointing into the forest, ignoring the lick of pain as your shoulder protested.
You scanned the branches, the ground below but… nothing. There was no-one there, but Duru was still staring, eyes fixed on something you couldn’t see. You huffed, leaning back against the trunk. She probably just saw a bird or a bug or something.
Still, you remained on edge for the rest of the afternoon, your hand flying to the hilt of your knife at every little crack of branches or whisper through the trees.
It took you a long time to sleep that night, but your body eventually gave in and fell into a somewhat fitful slumber, hand still resting on your bow just in case.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Beep. Bee-
Within seconds, your eyes shot open and you were bolt upright. You knew that noise.
Instinct took over and you grabbed Duru, urging her still sleepy body onto your shoulders as you scrambled down the tree trunk… only to fall the last metre because of your shoulder.
Stifling the cry of pain, you shot back to your feet and took off running, in the opposite direction of that noise.
You’d been too relaxed, let your guard slip down too much here. You should have left the second Duru went on alert last night. Of course, her instincts were so much better than yours, but you ignored it. Like a fucking fool.
The curses kept slipping from your lips as you ran, not daring to see who was behind you just yet. Maybe you’d get lucky, maybe it was just a normal hunter, looking for a big job, not realising the countless that came before him or her. Or it.
You almost laughed to yourself as you zig-zagged through the trees, feet flying over the undergrowth.Maker, you had to get off this planet, it was making you too lax.
The predator’s presence was like a dark cloud behind you, slipping through the trees, lapping at your heels every time you thought you had gotten away. Trees and branches whipped past your face, stinging but you didn’t have time to brush them away. You didn’t even have time to turn your bow and shoot an arrow, the hunter was just that close. Your brain worked frantically, seeking for a way out, an escape, a distraction, anything.
A distraction.
You cursed yourself again, drawing in a ragged gasp of air into your aching lungs as you fumbled at your belt. You had a small flash grenade in a pouch on your belt. You used to have three, you’d had them for years and only used them for dire situations. Like this one, you just need a distraction, even for just a few seconds to get up into a tree.
Duru dug her claws into your shoulders for grip – ow, claws -  as you activated the grenade and threw it over your bad shoulder without even turning around. The hunter was so close behind you, you knew it would work no matter where you aimed.
As the grenade exploded into light, you shielded both your eyes and Duru’s with the hood of your cloak, putting on a burst of speed and adrenaline and you bolted for a tree to your left, practically flying up into the canopy. Without hesitation, you began to make your way through the trees, almost sobbing with relief to the Maker that the branches intersect and cross over so that you can make your way across them.
After about 10 minutes of moving through the air, you stopped, hunkering down against the trunk of a huge willow tree as you tried to haul air into your lungs, whilst staying quiet. The pain in your shoulder nearly brought tears to your eyes, the ache in your chest but you stayed still, breathing in through your nose slowly, then out through your mouth, massaging the stitch in your side.
Was the hunter still all that way back? Was he looking for you on the ground? Maybe he was in the trees too, opposite you, watching and waiting to-
“You can’t hide from me.”
The voice came from below and somewhere to the right, a few metres away. On the ground then. The voice sounded male, a little distorted, but that may have just been the roaring of blood in your ears.
You barely breathed, scanning your surrounds and slowly rising to a crouch on the branch, calming your body into a hunters pace of your own. Slow, even movements, balancing your weight as you crept around the tree to a branch on the other side.
Even Duru was silent, hunkering around your neck, her head barely peeping out of your cloak.
“You might have evaded all the others, but you can’t run. Not from me.”
Typical. You rolled your eyes as you slipped along the branches like a phantom. Another hunter thinking he’d get the glory because he captured you. The faint call of fear in your blood quietened as you realised he was just like the others.
Let him gloat, you thought. He could be dispatched as easy as the ugly reptile last time. And his tongue. 
You kept your ears pricked as you eased over to the next tree, but you couldn’t hear him. Obviously trying to get the jump on you. You let out a silent laugh as you reached the adjoining tree and began to descend.
“I can bring you in warm. Or I can bring you in cold.”
You froze, going rigid, praying the leaves would hide you as one foot dangled in the air. He was right underneath you.
You dared a glance down, finally looking at your current attacker and…
Nearly fell from the tree.
Standing on the ground below you, pulse rifle pointed at you was a tall figure. Decked out in beskar armour so shiny you could have done your hair in it, the infamous helmet covering his face, tilted in an almost casual, cocky expression.
A Mandalorian.
The Mandalorian.
You’d heard whispers of this one. That beskar armour, more than any other Mandalorian has ever laid their hands on, paid for by the collection of a high-stakes bounty. A bounty which he stole back, from the hands of The Client and Stormtrooper bodyguards, breaking Guild code and going on the run. Wanted by The Galactic Empire, The Guild, and countless others, he became a rogue, travelling the Outer Rim with his little green child in tow, completing jobs and missions for normal people, all the while being hunted himself by Moff Gideon. He was relentless, one of the best, not hesitating to kill if someone threatened him or the Child.
Someone obviously wants you very, very badly, to call upon a wanted man to track you down.
And he obviously wants to bring you in just as much, to take the risk of this hunt. You briefly wonder just how much he’s being offered.
Fuck. You’re really screwed now, aren’t you?
All of this flashed through your mind in an instant, as your arm shook with the pull of your body weight on the wound. You made as if to move, put suddenly he’s there before you’ve even let your foot drop, a gloved hand grabbing the bottom of your cloak and yanking you to the ground with a thud. Duru made a yowl of protest, springing off your shoulder and into the trees, which you were relieved about because at least she’d be safe.
Twisting to avoid putting weight on your bad shoulder, you bared your teeth at him in a grin, “I bet you use that line on all the ladies, don’t you?”
Really?? This man, this Mandalorian was going to either kill or take you, and you were trying to flirt with him??
Shaking your head at yourself, you rose to your feet, grabbing your bow, thankful you spent 4 years saving the credits for it. It was made of a strong but flexible metal, perfectly shaped for your height, as familiar to you as your own arm. Its edges were razor sharp, a knifes edge. You spun, swinging it toward him and it lightly clanged as it met the armour on his forearm, the vibration skittering down your arm.
The Mandalorian lifted his other hand, a knife in it that he guided toward your side, “Only the ones that have a bigger bounty than I’ve ever seen on their head.”
You quickly jumped back, but not before he caught you, cutting through the fabric of your tunic and opening a small cut just under your ribs. “Ooh, now we’re onto flattery so soon? Careful, Mandalorian, I’d think you were trying to woo me, not kill me.” You flung out with your bow again, only to have him grab it, yanking it out of your grip and throwing it to the side.
Mandalorian made a faint noise, whether it was disgust or exasperation you didn’t know, “You talk too much” He came at you again, a flurry of fists and kicks that were almost too quick for you, making you realise that you weren’t just fighting some cocky hunter.
This was possibly the most dangerous Mandalorian out there, save for Boba Fett. He wasn’t going to let this go. You were a good fighter, excellent, even, but as you both danced a routine of attack and defence across the clearing, you realised… you just might not walk away from this.
You panted, ducking under his arm as he swung for you. Maybe… maybe you could go and seek help in the village, you could hide in a hut or a boat, beg them to take you in.
It was like he read your mind, seeing what you were planning to do, “Really? You’d lead me into the villages? Haven’t enough people died for you already?” His voice was like a rasp as it come out through the modulator, cutting straight through the clarity of the fight and into your heart, making you pause.
How did he know that? Your parents were common knowledge within the hunters of course, nearly everyone knew, but everyone else, those that tried to hide you…
~“Run!!! Y/N, run. Don’t look back, whatever you see, whatever you hear you must promise me you will not look back.”~
A hard impact to your jaw made you stumble backwards, dragging yourself back to the present. Asshole. He’d distracted you. “You’re talking to me about death? How many have you killed, Mandalorian?” You kicked out at his knee, your boot connected just under the plate that covered his thigh and he partially went down.
The Mandalorian grunted as he rose back to his feet, “I’ve killed, yes. But criminals. Murderers. People who deserve it. I haven’t killed innocent people.” He came for you again, fists up and his blaster out this time
You couldn’t help the shocked laugh as you avoided his advances, slashing out with another small knife, grinning when it found home in his shoulder, “You haven’t? What about all the Jedi your little clan murdered?” You spat out the word clan, punching him hard, ignoring the protest your knuckles made at the impact of the beskar. “You didn’t understand a people, so your first instinct was to slaughter them like animals.”
You could almost feel the frown behind the T-visor of his helmet, “That was before me, I was never a part of the war. And why do you care about the Jedi?”
~“Mumma!! I’m not leaving you!! I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry, this is my fault, I shouldn’t have done anything, I’m sorry!!”
“Shhh, shhh, my darling. It’s alright. They just don’t understand you, that’s all. Which is why you have to run, you must go and find your father and be safe, please.”
“There she is!!! Over there! Kill anyone that tries to protect her”~
You hesitated, lost in memories of the past, explosions, screaming and blood. So much blood…
He shot out a grappling line from his vambrace and it wrapped around your ankle and he pulled you off balance and to the ground, again. Weapons made specifically to combat Jedi, people with the same abilities as you, reminding you just how hunted you were. He rose to his feet, walking over to you, “I don’t know why they want you. I don’t know what you’ve done. I don’t care. I just know that you’re a criminal, you’re wanted, and the price on your head is nearly as big as mine.”
You snarled at him, reaching for your vibrobrade and pulling it from your thigh.
He just sighed, kicking it from your hand with one foot easily and at the same time he jammed the end of his rifle against your shoulder, already having marked it as a weakness.
A howl of rage and pain ripped through your gritted teeth, and the edges of your vision started to go black. It was broken by the helmet coming into your eyesight, the moon bouncing off the surface, “Give in. You can’t win. Even if you beat me, more and more people will just keep coming after you.” His voice had turned to honey on a knife edge, persuasive. Wrong.
You shook your head, as if trying to shake off his words, deny the truth of it even as tears started to burn the back of your eyes. You arched your back from the floor, trying to get up, trying to shift his knee off of you but he was like a damn rock on you, pinning you to the floor. “Fuck off, you’re just as heartless as the rest of them.”
Your power cried out to be used, begged form that place buried deep within you, but you pushed it down. You wouldn’t, couldn’t. Instead, you swallowed, lifting your head and opening your mouth to scream.
Only for his hand to wrap around your throat, his fingers lightly pushing against you. It wasn’t enough to strangle you, or cut off your air supply, but the squeeze of his fingers was enough to warn you that he would do it if you tried to alert the villagers. The Mandalorian leaned down, close enough that you could see your reflection in the black visor. More honey dripped from that voice, worming into your head, your defences.
“More people will die for you. And I don’t think you want that. I won’t touch those villagers, but anyone after me might not be so lenient.” He tilted that stupid helmet, merely watching you struggle with another light squeeze around your throat, another slight prod into your shoulder.
~Explosions lit up the market, local people screaming and running for cover as spices and fruit flew through the air. You choked, searching through the smoke, until your bare feet landed in something warm and wet. Blood.~
As you glared up into the unrelenting metal, you caught your own reflections eyes. Bruised. Battered, snarling. A danger to anyone you came near. How many people had died because of you? Either directly or indirectly? All because you kept running. Maybe you just didn’t deserve it. Deserved to live freely. And hell, you were so tired. 20 years on the run, more if you count the years with your parents. Always having to look over your shoulder, never being able to completely trust another living person. The closest thing you’ve had to a friend in the last 5 years is a Loth cat, and even she left.
It was time to just… give in.
~“Mumma? Mumma wake up, please wake up. You have to, you have to get up, please mumma, PLEASE!!”~
You couldn’t do it anymore.
I’m sorry.
The Mandalorian saw the defeat in your eyes, the way your body slumped into the ground, your muscles relaxed. As a tear rolled down your cheek, you took one last glance at the stars, so you didn’t see him hesitate for just a second before using the shock of his rifle to knock you into darkness.
Next chapter
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diegos-butt · 3 years
Electricity Chapter 5
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Summary: For the first time in her life, Melody Williams is moving out of her hometown to Minnesota where she got a job as a crime journalist for the Minnesota Daily. But this city does not only have a new job for her to offer. What will happen when she crosses paths with detective Walter Marshall? Heads up, a little electricity is involved ✨
Walter Marshall x Melody Williams (Curvy OFC)
Warnings: none (fluff I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️)
Wordcount: 4k.
A/N: hope you will like this chapter 🙈
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 /Chapter 3 / Chapter 4
“Sure thing doll.” Once those words had left his mouth, I felt my heart beating so fast, I was worried I’d have a heart attack in his car. Instead, a smiled formed on my face and I muttered a thank you. Doll, he called me doll. Does he want me to faint or something?
He turned the car off, let go of my hand and stepped out. Before he closed the door, he looked at me. “Wait there.”
He walked around the car and opened my door. He held out his hand, which I gratefully took, and stepped out as well. After he closed the door and locked the car, we walked towards the entrance of my apartment building in the rain. We climbed the set of stairs and soon we reached my front door. I unlocked it and walked in. He followed close after me and shut it. He took the keys out of my hand and locked the door.
We stood in my hallway, silently, next to each other. I could see a few drops of rain on his forehead, and I had to fight the urge to wipe them away. When I looked down his eyes were already looking at me.
“Come here,” he said and gestured me to turn around. At, first I didn’t understand why but once I turned around, I understood. He wanted to help me out of my jacket. Can this man get even more attractive? He got rid of his own too and we walked to the living area.
“So, this is my home. It’s not much, but enough for now,” I said awkwardly, twisting on my feet.
“It is nice,” he answered and looked around. He stood a few feet away from me, and that gave me room to admire his physique once more. He was wearing a dark blue, cosy looking sweater and a pair of jeans. Everything fitted him so well and all I wanted to do was walk over to him and let my hands wander over his chest. Come on Mel, after what happened tonight you seriously cannot be thinking about this right now.
To shake those thoughts off, I turned on my fairy lights and a few small lamps. Once I was done, I suddenly felt cold and shivered.
“Why don’t you take a warm shower? I’ll make you some tea or food in the meanwhile,” he offered.
“That might be a good idea,” I answered and gave him a smile. “Alright, I’m gonna go take a shower then.” I walked to my bedroom, and once I reached the door I looked around over my shoulder. He was already in my kitchen, looking through the cabinets. I smiled to myself. That was a sight I could get used to.
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After I had taken a shower, I had put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. I stared into the mirror, even though I looked tired, I wasn’t completely repulsed by the way I looked, so I didn’t bother to put make-up on. My hair was still damp, I decided to put it up in a bun.
I walked out of my bedroom, and I saw Walter was cooking something in the kitchen. Slowly I walked towards him, and once I stood next to him, I noticed he was making soup.
“You are making soup?” I said surprised. “I didn’t even know I had the ingredients to make this.”
“I thought you would like something warm.” He stirred in the soup and he looked at me with a soft look in his eyes. “Grab some bowls, would you?”
I nodded and grabbed two bowls and spoons. He filled the bowls and placed them on my little dining table. We both sat down and started eating.
“This is nice,” I said, trying to break the silence.
“The soup or having a late-night dinner with me?” He looked at me with a grin. I noticed his knee was touching mine. The combination of the comment, his grin, and the fact that his knee was touching mine made my cheeks burn. Mel, he is flirting with you. Flirt back. Wait, what if he is just messing with you? What if he is just being nice? I quickly swallowed some soup, but nearly choked on it because I forgot how to swallow. He is just making small talk. Calm down. Just say something instead of choking.
“Both are nice,” I managed to spill out. He chuckled and focussed his gaze back on his bowl. We finished eating in silence and once we were done, he got up and put the bowls in the sink. Even though we didn’t speak much, it was comfortable. The silence between us wasn’t awkward at all much to my surprise.
I didn’t even notice I had gotten cold, again, until I shivered. In response, Walter took off his sweater. Revealing a black t-shirt underneath it, a little bit of chest hair peeking out on top of it. Oh, how I would like to run my hands through that.
“Here.” He offered me the sweater. “Maybe you should have put on a sweater after you showered. Or is this your way of asking for my sweater?” His grin had grown even wider.
“No, no it’s fine. I’m not that cold,” I mumbled.
“No, take it.” He stepped closer to me and pushed the sweater in my hands.
The soft material felt nice in my hands, and the conflict in my head started. Just put it on, you know you want to. I know I want to, but what if it doesn’t fit? That would be humiliating. I could just go to my room and grab one of my own.
“What’s wrong?” he asked once I stood up.
“Nothing, just going to grab a sweater from my room.”
“What is wrong with mine?”
I hesitated for a moment, but he looked at me with a cocked eyebrow, and I knew he wouldn’t let go. He wanted an answer, and he was definitely not buying my excuses.
“Look, I don’t know if it’s going to fit,” I said quietly.
“It will, trust me.” My eyes met his, and all I could see was sincerity. He was sure. “Put it on.”
I nodded, and I slowly tried it on. He was right. It did fit me, it fitted me perfectly. The sleeves were even a little too long. I couldn’t stop the smile that formed on my face. You have now officially lost this sweater. No way you’re getting it back.
“See? Now, would you still like me to stay? We could watch something,” he said as he stepped closer to me and touched my upper arm.
“Yeah, that would be nice.” We moved to the couch, and I grabbed the remote control while he sat down. My couch wasn’t very big, it was a small two-persons couch and because Walter was already quite large, I had to squeeze into the room on the couch that was left. Our legs, torsos, arms, everything touched. He was so warm and all I wanted to do was crawl under his arm and cuddle up against him. Focus, maybe put on a tv show first.
I turned the tv on and scrolled through Netflix. The Office popped up on the screen, and I looked at him. He nodded in approval and I pressed play.
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We managed to get through an episode without me crawling on his lap. We just watched the episode and laughed when something funny happened. Another episode started, and I started feeling tired. It had been a long day after all and it was getting late.
I slouched down a little, and my head unintentionally rested on his shoulder. I felt him looking at me and I wanted to sit up straight again, but he rested his hand on my thigh. Oh lord help me.
The smell of his cologne reached my nose, and boy, that smelled good. Really good. I had a hard time focussing on the television. We sat like that for a few minutes, until I yawned.
“A bit tired?” he chuckled next to me.
“What makes you think that?” I smiled and looked up at him. His blue eyes looked at me, and he had an adorable expression on his face I couldn’t place. What is this look and what does it mean? Is it not an appropriate time to just crawl on his lap, right? No Mel, behave please. Don’t scare him off.
He smiled at me, and before I knew it, he had put his arm around my shoulders. My head was now resting on his chest, and I felt a spark of electricity going down my spine. This man was doing things to me.
At first it was a little awkward, my legs felt a little out of place in this position. Just throw your legs over his lap. Just do it Mel. It’s not weird. He put his arm around you for fucks sake!
I decided to be bold. I cleared my throat and threw my legs in his lap. My eyes never left the television, I couldn’t handle looking at him at that moment.
What I didn’t noticed, is that once my legs were on his lap, he smiled. He looked at me adoringly and he put his hand on my thigh again, indicating this was more than okay.
It felt so good, to just cuddle with him. The warmth coming from his body felt welcoming, and he smelled so good. He was like a personal space heater. I never wanted this moment to be over.
Apparently, he didn’t either. We watched another episode, and another, and another. He kept pulling me closer to him, and I didn’t complain. Is he comforting me or is he just as touch starved as me?
Before I could overthink it, I got sleepy. I drowsed off, snuggling into his side more and more and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.
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I woke up in my bed. Still in Walter’s sweater and my sweatpants. I was under my covers, so I was burning up from all the clothes I was still wearing. Kicking the covers off, I wondered how I had gotten into my bed. I was convinced I had not fallen asleep there.
I sat up, confused, and grabbed my phone which was on my nightstand. Underneath was a piece of paper.
Give me a call when you wake up. W
I stared at it, trying to untangle my thoughts. Wait a minute. I remembered everything from last night, from the stupid stunt I pulled to watching The Office with Walter on my couch.
Hold up. I fell asleep on the couch. Next to him. Alright, more like on top of him. But still. I did not fall asleep here. Does that mean he carried me to bed?!
Confused I rubbed my eyes. So, Walter must have carried me to bed. And I have no recollection of that. No one has ever carried me or whatsoever. I swear, he has to pull this stunt again someday. I need to know how that feels. I groaned and laid back down.
My phone buzzed and I noticed I had several messages. Apparently, Gia and Carmen were up to date to what happened the night before. They had texted and called me multiple times.
Alright, first things first. Let’s call Walter. I called his number and he picked up straight away.
“Look who’s finally woken up,” he pointed out.
“In my defence, I have literally just woken up and I have no idea what time it is exactly,” I answered. I looked at the clock and froze. “Oh shit. Is it really already 9am? I have to get to work!”
“Don’t worry, I have already called your boss and explained the situation. You have the day off. Or two if you need it,” he explained.
I fell silent, and almost forgot to answer. “Wait, you actually called my boss for me? That, that is so considerate of you. Thank you.”
“No problem doll. How are you feeling?” he asked. My heart jumped at hearing the word doll.
“I guess I’m fine? I don’t know honestly. I feel fine. A little tired maybe, but I just woke up so that’s nothing new,” I answered.
“Shouldn’t you not feel tired after just waking up?” he quickly responded.
“I always feel tired after waking up. Besides, I need a moment to wake up,” I laughed. “I did sleep really good though. Thank you for staying with me last night.” I bit on my finger, anxious of what he might say next.
“Anytime,” he said. “Oh, hang on a second.”
I heard him talking to someone else and after a few seconds he spoke to me again. “Hey, sorry but I have to go.”
“Yeah, of course!” I hesitated for a moment, but added: “Can I maybe buy you lunch or coffee sometime as a thank you?” I said it with a voice so soft, he could barely hear it.
“Absolutely. My lunch break won’t be long today, but we could get coffee this afternoon? I know a place.”
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After my call with Walter, I had called Carmen who was at work. She insisted on meeting me for lunch with Gia. She didn’t ask many questions about the stunt I pulled, which raised a few questions for me. Normally she would want to know everything right away, but I figured she wanted to talk face to face about this, so I didn’t mention it.
Now, I was sitting in a small restaurant with Gia and Carmen, and I had just told them what happened. I told them everything, from me forgetting to text Walter to ending up with him on my couch.
“Let me get this right, you actually did the most stupid thing ever, and still ended up with him on your couch? In his sweater? I don’t know how you did that, but girl, it’s a shame you fell asleep or that night would have ended very different,” Gia speculated.
I laughed and shook my head. “Yeah, right. I’m surprised he even stayed that long honestly. One last thing though, I fell asleep on the couch, but I woke up in my bed,” I said and quickly took a sip of my cappuccino.
“Oh my god! Mel! That is so sweet! He carried you to bed! I’m so jealous right now you have no idea,” Gia yelled.
“That is goals, serious goals,” Carmen added.
“I know, but I don’t even remember it! And that is definitely something I need to actively experience, ‘cause I’m having a hard time believing this actually happened,” I said frustrated.
Before Gia or Carmen could answer, the door of the restaurant opened, and two detectives walked in. I looked to the side, and saw Carmen smile adoringly at one of them. They walked over to us, and Liam pressed a kiss on Carmen’s cheek.
“Hang on, when did that happen and why haven’t you told us?!” Gia stated. Liam and Carmen laughed and Gia looked at me confused. I shook my head, letting her know I had no idea what was happening.
“Well, after we have met, we stayed in touch,” Carmen began. “And we have been on a few dates now. I didn’t tell you guys because I wanted to figure out what it was first.”
“We both did, but we decided to give it a serious go over dinner yesterday. Before I had to go to work again,” Liam added and looked at me.
“Yeah, sorry about that.” I said.
“That is really cute and all and I’m happy for you, but from now on you will tell me, us, everything young lady.” Gia pointed at Carmen and laughed. She was jumping up and down her chair with excitement.
“It does make sense now that you didn’t ask me questions about what happened yesterday over the phone this morning. You obviously already knew!” I said and hid my face behind my hands.
“Sorry girl,” Carmen grinned.
The conversation continued, but I didn’t pay attention anymore. Walter had rested his hand on my shoulder, and I looked up in his bright blue eyes.
“Hi,” I said softly. He gave me a small smile in return.
“We are just here to pick up lunch. But I’ll pick you up at home this afternoon once I’m done at the station, alright?” he asked.
“Yes, sure,” I nodded.
One of the waitresses came over and handed Walter a few boxes. “Your order detective.” He said thank you and paid. Liam said goodbye to Carmen, and Walter whispered a ‘see you later’ in my ear. Before I could answer, they had already left. Smiling, I stared to the door. I can’t wait for that coffee.
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After I finished lunch with Gia and Carmen, and they threated to hurt me if I ever did something stupid again, I went home. I cleaned up a bit, did some laundry and enjoyed my day off. The day went by quick, and before I knew it, I had a text from Walter, saying he would pick me up soon.
Anxiously, I looked out of the window, waiting for him to show up. Mel relax, you are just getting coffee with this man. Uh, the most handsome man I have ever seen but okay. No need to panic. Just be yourself, it will be alright. I took a few deep breaths. My mind kept spiralling, I had no idea what this meant or what I could mean. Thankfully, I had no time to overthink the situation too much because I saw Walter’s truck pull up in front of my apartment building. He parked it and stepped out.
I quickly grabbed my jacket and rushed to the front door, opened it, and walked downstairs. Once I was outside, I saw him leaning against his truck, waiting for me. He spotted me, he immediately stood up straight and smiled at me. I waved awkwardly and walked over.
We exchanged a ‘hello’ and ‘how are you’. After that we faced each other a little awkward.
“So, where are we going?” I broke the silence.
“There is a place a few blocks away, we can walk there,” he answered and nodded with his head down the street.
“Sounds good,” I smiled.
We started walking, and we discussed how our days had been. He had been busy with a case, but he didn’t want to tell me anything about that. He joked he didn’t wanted me involved in another case. The sound of his laugh send a shiver down my spine. It was a sound I already could never get tired of.
Occasionally, our hands brushed against each other as we kept walking. We fell silent for a moment and I remembered what it had felt like to hold his hand. Is it weird if I just grabbed his hand now? Yes, Mel, that is weird. Don’t do it. Wait, it’s not that weird. He’s held your hand before, just do it! I couldn’t start a discussion with myself because Walter started talking.
“So, before we get coffee, can I now yell at you and tell you how stupid and reckless you were last night?” He bumped his hip against mine and chuckled.
“You could try and see what happens,” I answered. Oh no, was that answer too bold?
“Hmm, enlighten me doll. Tell me what would happen,” he teased. Doll. Doll. I’m considering changing my name to doll now. He should never use my name again. Just call me doll. I swooned on the inside. I looked at him, and noticed he licked his lips. Oh, how I just wish he would kiss me. I don’t even care we are in public right now. Everyone can see it. I don’t care.
“Well, I would yell back. Obviously. I would get a little mad, you would get mad. Now we’re both yelling, maybe even throwing some insults. We would both get angry, and we’d both storm off,” I started. “In the days after that, I would realize you may have been right, and that I overreacted. At the same time, you would realize you also overreacted a little bit. We would both be too stubborn to admit it, so a few days go by. Then, like after 4 days, we would decide at the same time we should apologize. So, we go to see each other, but since we decided at the same time to apologize, we run each into other in a random place between our houses. I have to figure out where you live first though, now that I think of it,” I continued rambling.
He laughed and motioned for me to keep talking.
“We apologize to each other, we forgive each other and then you finally kiss me.”
“You want me to kiss you?” He stopped laughing, and stopped walking. His blue eyes pierced through mine.
I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands. “That was not supposed to be said out loud.” My cheeks burned up and I looked down at my shoes.
“Answer the question,” he said with a stern voice.
I stayed silent and kept looking at my shoes. He took a step closer to me, he was now so close I could smell his cologne, and I couldn’t think straight anymore. He grabbed my chin and made my eyes meet his. “I said, answer the question.”
“Yes,” I muttered.
I looked into his eyes, his pupils had grown wide, the bright blue nearly gone.
“Good, because you have no idea how badly I want to kiss you doll.”
He pressed his lips again mine. Softly, but eager. I melted against his frame, and I pressed my hands on his chest. The hand on my chin cupped my cheek, while the other found my waist and pulled me closer to him.
He broke the kiss and rested his forehead on mine. We stood like that for a few seconds, just comprehending what just happened before he kissed me again. This time a little more rough, more needy. My hands slipped around his neck. A shot of electricity going through my entire body.
The kiss broke again, and I looked into his eyes. He sighed happily, and I giggled. This feels good. This feels nice.
“Still want to get coffee?” he chuckled.
“Yeah, I’m a little thirsty,” I answered, completely unaware of the double meaning of that sentence.
“For coffee of me?” He cocked his eyebrow, and I slapped my hand on his chest.
“Oh, come on,” I laughed.
“Alright, let’s get some coffee.”
We started walking again, and this time, he grabbed my hand and interlaced his fingers with mine.
“So, since getting coffee is not really a date, when can I take you out on proper date?” he asked.
“This is a date? Us getting coffee?” I wondered.
“I thought that was obvious, but yes,” he responded. He squeezed my hand and gave me a smile.
“Does that mean you want to date me?” I questioned.
“Nothing I’d like more doll. I’d really want to get to know you.” Once he said that, my heart skipped a few beats. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening.
“So, dinner tomorrow night, 7pm,” he said.
“Are you asking or demanding?” I responded while trying to suppress a smile.
“Well, you better be home doll.”
He stopped walking and pressed his lips against mine again, making me shut up so I couldn’t answer with a witty comeback. Oh, I don’t think I can get tired of kissing you.
“But let’s get coffee first,” he smiled.
Taglist: @keanureevesisbae / @klaine-92 / @xxxkatxo / @stxlemate / @oddsnendsfanfics / @amberangel112 / @seriouslygoodlookinggents / @sillyrabbit81 / @pixie88 / @cynic-spirit / @rn7rocks / @daddys-littlewhitegirl / @little-brattyangel / @omgkatinka / @myloveforhenrycavill / @eldarwen333 / @kebabgirl67
A/N: For now, this will be the last chapter of Electricity. I might write another chapter in the future though. But no worries, I have a few one shots planned for them and i'm going to focus on those first! I will post them as one shots, because I think they could be read without reading Electricity. but it's way more fun if you had read it 🤷🏼‍♀️
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sandwichrin · 3 years
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 27)
Chapter 27 - Is it still cold?
Word count: 4k words
Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance.
A/N: Hi! Here’s the next chapter ^^ Let’s get the ship sailinggggg~ (Well, technically, it hasn’t fully sailed but you know, we’re getting there fhdjsjs) Hope you all like this one btw <3
YGE Building (Cafeteria/Rooftop Balcony)
Junkyu stared at the being underneath the table. His knees were starting to feel numb from kneeling at this point.
He had searched the whole 1st floor for you, and never would it cross his mind that you’d literally be underneath a table—at the far end of the balcony, where it’s most exposed to the cold breeze outside too.
Junkyu sat himself down comfortably and scooted closer towards you, him being directly facing you; and struggling to fit himself underneath the table as well.
He lifted his finger to poke your hands that were hugging your knees close to your chin.
Cold. Too cold. How long have you been out here?
Junkyu gulped to himself. Fearing the worst. Is y/n even alive at this point?
He leaned in closer to your face and lifts his finger towards your nose to check on your breathing.
“Ah, she’s still breathing. Thank goodness,” he muttered to himself as he felt warm air against his finger.
But Junkyu was still worried. Why aren’t you moving? Why are your eyes closed even when he poked you?
“Ah, right! I should give Jihoon-hyung a call,” he began rummaging through his pockets—only to realise that he had left his phone in his small bag in the practice room. Junkyu groaned to himself, disappointed that he had rushed off to find you without at least grabbing his phone.
“What should I do now? Why are you unconscious out here?” He asked you even though he knew you wouldn’t answer him.
Junkyu sat there for a minute, taking in your image in front of him right now.
Your head leaning forward, chin resting against your hands—arms hugging your knees close to yourself. You looked like you were in a deep slumber, he thought. Few strands of your hair were covering the sides of your face, making your face look small. Even with your skin turning pale by the second because of the cold breeze outside, Junkyu thought you looked pretty.
Junkyu wanted to maybe stroke your head, maybe push your strands of hair away from your face but he didn’t want to come across as creepy.
His eyes fell towards your hands. Your fingernails were turning blue.
“Ah, you must be really cold right now,” he said, panic in his voice. He realised that this wasn’t the time to stare and be mesmerised by how pretty he thinks you look—he needed to do something.
Should he go downstairs and call for his friends? Should he try to wake you up? But what if you didn’t want to see him? It had been clear that you were avoiding him.
Just what should he do now?
YGE Building (Staircase Loft)
“Hyung! You should eat it this way,” Jeongwoo said as he demonstrated how he dipped his kimbap slice into his ramen broth. He pressed the kimbap into the broth, letting it sit in there for a couple of seconds.
“That’s…kinda weird…” Chani said as he watched the younger kid in front of him. “Besides, I thought your ramen finished long ago,”
“Oh, this isn’t mine. It’s Doyoung-hyung’s,”
Doyoung choked on the drink that he was drinking from, earning a slap on his back from Mashiho who was seated beside him on the staircase.
Doyoung wiped his mouth after he was done coughing. “Hey, why’d you soak the kimbap into my broth??” he pulled back his bowl from Jeongwoo’s hands.
Jeongwoo snickered at him. “Heheh I was just teaching Chani-hyung how to properly enjoy the kimbap.”
Chani shakes his head. “Nope, not gonna try it.”
“Aw come on!”
“I’ll try,” Yoshi said with his small smile. He grabbed a piece of the kimbap with his chopsticks and dipped it into his ramen broth, eating it after letting it soak for a while.
Everyone watched Yoshi munched on the kimbap.
“Hmm, good,” he said, his voice slightly muffled as he chewed on the food in his mouth.
“See? It’s good, hyung! Try it!” Jeongwoo said, still trying to convince Chani.
“I don’t know…I mean, I’m not—”
Chani got interrupted when in all of a sudden Doyoung raised his hand.
He lifts a finger to his mouth and whispered, “Shh, I think I hear footsteps approaching,”
Everyone fell silent for a while. They waited to hear if there were any more sounds.
“Hm. Nothing.” Jeongwoo said, assuming that there was nothing else to be heard.
And just as they all resumed to eating their food, they heard a loud gasp coming from behind Mashiho and Doyoung.
All of them turned their heads to look at who it was.
“Oh??” Jaehyuk said as his head popped up behind Junghwan.
“What are you doing down here??” Junghwan asked, his face in shock.
Everyone turned to look at Chani.
“Wait, you mean, me??” Chani questioned as he points at himself.
Junghwan shook his head. “Sorry, I meant—what are you all doing here?? I thought everyone was supposed to go search for Y/n!”
“Uhh, what are you guys doing here?” Chani asked Junghwan’s team back.
Junghwan, Asahi and Jaehyuk all exchanged looks with one another.
“Uhh…” Junghwan scratched his head and looks away from all of his hyungs.
“Ooohhh you’re all here to go sneak and buy some snacks from the convenience store!” Jeongwoo said, teasing the other team.
All three whom were standing on the top part of the staircase began to blush, embarrassed that their plan was exposed this way.
“Yahh, you’re all eating and having fun anyways. Why can’t we do the same?” Jaehyuk said this time, a slight whine in his voice.
“Okay, okay. Let’s not argue,” Doyoung said, getting up on his feet. “Come here, Junghwan. Here, have some of my kimbap,” he held out his ramen bowl to the maknae.
Junghwan leaned forward, peeking into the bowl. “Hyung…There’s nothing left in there…”
“Eh??” Doyoung said loudly. He checked his bowl and uses his chopstick to pick up the already broken kimbap in his broth. “What are you saying? There’s still some kimbap here. If that’s not enough—my love for you will keep you full,”
“Eyyyyyy” Everyone groaned at his pickup line.
“Noooo hyunggg don’t start,” Jeongwoo begged.
Junghwan giggled at his hyungs’ antics and shook his head. “Fine, fine. We’ll join you. What else do you all have here?”
YGE Building (GS25 Mart / Ground Floor)
“That’s weird. I thought Mashiho and Jeongwoo were in charge of being down here,” Jihoon said, as both him and Yedam stood in front of the convenience mart.
Yedam looked around, “Huh. You’re right. I don’t see them around at all,”
The both of them were approached by Hyunsuk and Haruto not long after, both looking tired and hungry.
“Jihoon-aa, where are the rest?” Hyunsuk asked as he walks up towards the two in front of the store.
“Beats me,” Jihoon shrugged. “I told Yedam to text them just now though,”
Haruto pulled out his phone from his pocket and tried to dial Asahi’s number. He shook his head when the hyung failed to pick up his call.
“I guess not all of them brought their phones with them. I saw Junghwan sending his bag to the practice room earlier. He must’ve left his phone in his bag,” Hyunsuk reasoned.
“Yeah, sure, but some of them must have carried their phones with them too, you know?” Jihoon replied.
The four of them looked around the area, noticing how deserted it was considering its way past lunchtime now.
“Oh well, I guess we can buy some food first and wait for them out here after that,” Jihoon suggested. “You okay Ruto? You must be hungry, huh?” he asked the youngest among the four of them there.
Haruto nods back at his hyung, “Somewhat hungry,”
Jihoon snickers at this and gestured them all to follow him into the store. “Come on,”
And just as the four of them were about to enter the convenience store in front of them, they heard the door not too far on their left opening.
It was the door leading to the staircase loft.
The four of them turned their heads just in time to catch—
Jeongwoo and Junghwan walking out of the door and chatting with each other; oblivious that their hyungs were watching them.
“Yahhhh I know that sunbae!! He picks on the girls in my class too! Aish, what a douche!” Jeongwoo said to the maknae who was walking beside him.
“Really?? Aigoo. He should know his limits though! One time, he came over to my class to pick on the girl sitting behind me too! The sunbae said to the girl; ‘your hair is so springy like noodles even my dog wouldn’t date you’,”
Jeongwoo lets out a loud gasp. “That’s so rude?! So, if her hair is super-straight, he would’ve said said ‘my hedgehog wouldn’t date you’??” Jeongwoo said in annoyance.
The both of them stopped by the trash bin at the center of the floor and Jeongwoo discards the ramen bowls he collected from his hyungs before this.
“Oh, right. Let’s stop by the store and grab some soda for the other hyungs,” Junghwan said. Jeongwoo nods back at him.
But then, as they turned around, they saw Jihoon already standing right in front of them, a smirk on his face.
“Having fun, kids?”
“Uh oh,” both the maknaes said at the same time.
YGE Building (Cafeteria / Rooftop Balcony)
You felt cold all over. You were starting to feel numb when you felt something poking your arms.
You scrunched your nose, feeling itchy in all of a sudden.
“Yahh, why won’t you wake up? How long do you want to stay like this? It’s cold here,” the voice whined.
You stirred from your position, trying to grasp the feeling of your numb body.
Slowly, you opened your eyes, expecting for your face to be hit by the bright sun despite the cold wind that you felt the whole time.
But then, instead of the sun rays hitting your pupils—you opened your eyes to meet bright, dark brown orbs staring back at you.
The both of you gasped at the same time.
You hugged your knees closer to your chin, surprised to see Junkyu sitting right in front of you, him looking as surprised as you were.
When did he get here? You were sure you had been alone earlier.
And wait—how did you not realise him being here??
Another gasp left your lips when you realised—that you had cried yourself to sleep before this.
You touched your cheeks, feeling the sticky residue from your dried-up tears. You groaned to yourself. You probably look like a mess right now.
Junkyu watched as you touched your face, shaking your head on your own and then rubbing your eyes slightly before finally looking at him again; as if you’d just remembered him being there.
“I uhh,” you began to say. “You…what are you doing here…”
“I should be asking you the same thing. Why are you huddled up here—” his eyes looked around as if judging you for choosing to sit underneath the table. “—and out here too, where it’s cold,”
Your body shivered after he pointed out the weather being cold. He was right though. You still couldn’t feel the tip of your fingers too. Your body must’ve absorbed all the cold whilst you were out asleep, you thought.
“Let’s go, we might catch a cold if we stay here any longer,” Junkyu said when you didn’t respond to his question.
“What—wait, go where?” you asked, your mind still groggy from the sleep you had.
Junkyu looked at you as if he was mortified by your silly question. “Anywhere, duh. You don’t want to stay here, do you??”
You looked away from him. A little taken aback by the way he responded to your question.
Junkyu noticed your expression changing after what he said, making him feel a little guilty. His tone must’ve sounded a little harsh, he thought.
“Look, I didn’t mean to say it like that—let’s just get back inside, okay?”
“Why are you here, Junkyu?” you asked him back, your eyes now on him again.
It was Junkyu’s turn to fall silent now, him being taken aback by your sudden question.
“You…Junkyu, look. I had a bad day. And you being here, after what happened between us; it’s all just making my head hurts. I can’t. I really can’t deal with everything like this, not all at once,” you huffed.
“I know. I’m sorry,” you heard him say, with a small voice.
You sniffled. The crying you did earlier plus the coldness out here must’ve made your nose runny, you thought as you tried to keep your runny snot from dripping out your nose that you couldn’t seem to feel at this point.
“Y/n, I know… what I said had hurt you. And I’m sorry. I really am,” he paused, staring at your eyes, trying to assure you that he meant what he said.
“I hope you know…that I didn’t mean what I said the other day,” he continued.
“But you did.”
Junkyu shakes his head, “No, I really didn’t! I just—I just…” he lowered his gaze, not looking into your eyes anymore.
You let out a sigh. Taking in a deep breath, you tried to move your legs just to make sure it doesn’t stay numb.
Junkyu kept quiet as he watches you again. His mind racing, thinking on how to make it less awkward between the both of you. He said sorry didn’t he? But why is it so hard for you to accept his apology?
After making sure that you could somewhat feel your feet as you tapped your feet against the cold floor, your eyes looked back at Junkyu, noticing that he had been watching you since just now.
“What?” You asked him.
“Where are your shoes?” He asked, curious as to why you were barefoot.
You looked down at your feet, embarrassed that he questioned you this.
“W-well, my feet were hurting from wearing my heels. Also—I don’t see the point of wearing it when I’m sitting down here, duh,”
Junkyu shrugs at your reply, not knowing what to say now.
“You don’t have to stay here, you know.” You said.
“Wait, no. You haven’t answered my question though. What are you doing here??”
Junkyu shifted in his position, trying to make himself comfortable whilst sitting in front of you. He looked down at his hands for a while before looking back at you whom was waiting for his response.
“Well…Chani told us you had gone missing. So, we went around the building searching for you…”
“Yeah, me and the other boys. And well, Chani too,” he added as he rolled his eyes at the moment Chani’s name came out of his mouth.
You stared at him in shock. “Whoa.” Just how did it come up to this? Why would they search for you though?
“Hold on, but you’re here,” you pointed out.
Junkyu nods at this.
“Does that mean…you’re the one that found me first?”
Again, he responds with a nod.
“Huh…” you wondered how much of a coincidence that the only person you dreaded to meet after what happened was the person that succeeded in finding out where you were.
You sniffled again, trying to stop yourself from shivering. One thing you were glad was that you had worn your slacks instead of your skirt today. At least you’d feel less cold out here.
You looked at Junkyu who was giving you a serious look right now. “Hm?”
Junkyu was determined. He was determined to explain himself to you. Sitting out here, underneath this secluded table; the cold wind slowly making his ears feel numb, he realised that this was indeed the only time he would have to actually tell you everything.
When would he get the chance to be alone with you again, right?
And so, with his trembling hands, he reached out to grab your hands in his.
“J-Junkyu,” you stuttered as soon as you felt his warm hands touch yours. What’s going on right now?
Junkyu took a deep breath before saying, “Y/n, listen, okay? I want you to listen to what I have to say.”
You blinked a couple times, your heart beating fast now. You nod your head slowly.
“Okay,” he said before swallowing the lump in his throat as he felt even more nervous now that you’re really focusing on him.
“I…I may have said some words that hurt you. And I regret it. I really did. I couldn’t sleep just thinking about how much I have hurt you. I saw how you looked at me that day—and it pains me to have you look at me that way. That isn’t the way I want you to see me as,” he shook his head.
“Y/n…I really am sorry. I really am. You might think that I have meant what I said, but I didn’t mean it. No way. You’re not annoying, not at all,” he continued.
You felt your eyes welling up. You could tell that he was trying his best to apologise sincerely but then, him talking about what happened just reminded you of how painful it was to hear him say those words about you. It hurt you so bad—to think that the person you like would have the guts to say that about you.
Junkyu felt your hands tensing up in his, so he gently rubs his thumb along your knuckles, trying to calm you down. “Y/n, look at me,” he said.
You didn’t realise that you had averted your gaze from him while you were reminiscing on what happened that day. Slowly, you lift your eyes to look at him again.
“I am so sorry. I was annoyed—yes, I admit it. But it wasn’t you I was annoyed with. I was just…upset at the time, you see. Your name crossed my mind at the time, but it wasn’t you that was annoying to me, I swear!”
You reluctantly nod at his explanation, trying to understand what he was trying to say.
“Y/n, I…Actually I…” Junkyu took another deep breath, gathering his courage. “I uh, I like—"
Junkyu froze in his spot, surprised by the sudden intrusion as he was about to confess his feelings for you.
“Oh my god, Junkyu! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—” you panicked as you saw him freeze and not blink after you had accidentally sneezed in his direction.
Pulling your hands out of his hold, you looked around, as if you’re looking for something.
“Damn, I didn’t bring ‘em,” you complained to yourself since you were sure you had tissues in your bag.
You turned your attention back to Junkyu who was still silent, probably still in shock of you sneezing at him. Great, he probably thinks I’m gross now, you thought.
“Junkyu, I—”
“Do you want to go inside?” He suddenly says, interrupting you from panicking any further.
YGE Building (3rd Floor / Treasure’s Practice Room)
“Hold ‘em straight! That’s right, just like that,” Jihoon’s firm voice boomed in the walls of their practice room.
“Hyungggg please, my arms are screaming at me, can we please not do this??” Jeongwoo cries out, his arms shaking from holding it up straight for the past 10 minutes.
“It’s only been 10 minutes Jeongwoo,” Jaehyuk said to him.
“Still! I’m tired!” Jeongwoo continued whining.
Jihoon shakes his head at the younger boy and scanned his eyes around the room to see if anyone was trying to get out of the punishment.
The only boys who weren’t punished were of course, Jihoon, Hyunsuk, Haruto and Yedam. The other three aside from Jihoon were sitting comfortably on the floor, eating up hot ramen from their purchase earlier.
“This isn’t fair, my team was the last to join them eating, hyung. We didn’t loiter as long as they did,” Junghwan complained, pointing out that the other teams had indeed stopped their search way earlier than he did.
“Now, now. You all have another 10 minutes to go. If I hear any more complaints, I’m adding another more 5 minutes, get it?”
“Awww nooo hyung!” “No way!” the younger kids in front of him groaned as they struggle to stay still.
“Aigoo Jihoon-aa. Just let them go already. Come here and eat with us, will ya?” Hyunsuk called out to his co-leader.
Jihoon looks back at the boys in front of him before shrugging and attending to Hyunsuk’s side. He sat himself down beside his hyung and grabbed the bowl of noodles in front of him.
“Here, hyung,” Haruto handed him a can of cold drink as he took one for himself.
“Thanks,” Jihoon said, earning a nod from the boy.
“Yah, aren’t you gonna let them go just yet?” Hyunsuk asked again, concerned that the kids might feel too tired for practice later.
“I want to. But I can’t yet.”
“Why not?”
“Because,” Jihoon stopped stirring his halfway-soggy noodles to turn and look at the rest whom were still raising their hands up. His eyes fell upon a specific person, making him smirk as he turns back to Hyunsuk who was still looking at him with concern. “I think it’s kinda fun. Don’t you think so, hyung?”
Hyunsuk furrowed his eyebrows and looks over at the others. “Jihoon…I know what you’re doing,”
“Aigoo, hyung. He deserves it too, no? He’s been bothering you and Junkyu’s minds lately—as if I don’t know that,” Jihoon chuckled, finally taking a big slurp from his bowl.
Hyunsuk looks over at the rest again and mouthed a ‘sorry’ to them since he couldn’t help them much.
“Yah, Kim Doyoung. Stop moving about, will ya? You’re distracting me,” Chani complained.
Doyoung rolled his eyes at the boy. “I wasn’t moving at all. I was just scooting next to Asahi-hyung,”
“Hey, no moving about!”
“There was no rule about changing seat positions, though,” Yoshi defended Doyoung.
“Yeah, he’s just scooting over. Chill it, will ya?” Junghwan replied in annoyance at the hyung.
“This is stupid. Why am I even here anyways,” Chani huffed, dissatisfied as to how he was getting punished as well.
“Yeah. Why are you here, huh?” Jaehyuk asked back.
“Beats me. Your hyungs brought me here along with you guys. This is stupid, I’m putting my arms down—”
“If Chani puts his arms down, I’m adding 10 more minutes for you all,” Jihoon’s voice said in all of a sudden.
Instantly, all the boys surrounded Chani and forced him to raise his arms up all over again.
“Hey, hey! What are you all doing?? Let go of me! Hyungggg they’re all breaking the rules!”
“Hm?” Jihoon tilts his head as he watches his kids and Chani struggling to push one another.
“Yah, yah, yah! That’s dangerous! Stop it, kids!” Hyunsuk said to them but they all ignored him.
Haruto and Yedam stayed put in their spots laughing as they watched Mashiho managed to hold both Chani’s arms up and the rest of the boys laughing and cheering at him.
Jihoon too, giggled as he watched this. “Hmm, Hyunsuk-hyung is right. Kids, you all can stop.”
“Oh?” The boys stopped and turned to look at Jihoon.
“Yup, you all are free,”
“YAYYYYYYY FREEDOMMMMMM” Jeongwoo ran around the room, chanting the word freedom over and over.
“Except for Chani,”
“What?” Chani looks at him in disbelief.
“Hey, I would’ve let you go but you were the noisiest at the end,” Jihoon shrugs.
“No way,”
“Okay kids, make sure Chani stays putting his arms up for another 10 minutes,” Jihoon said casually before returning to eat his food.
“Hey, that’s not fair! I’m not even your team member. Where’s your sidekick, huh? Shouldn’t he be getting punished too?”
“Huh, he has a point though. Where is Junkyu anyways?” Hyunsuk asks Jihoon.
 To be continued…
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liesyousoldme · 3 years
Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier Fic Masterlist
Richie Tozier: Come Out & Play (Oneshot, Rated M)
Richie Tozier: Come Out & Play, a new Netflix special! Comedian Richie Tozier is back after a very public mental breakdown. And he's ready to (over)share. (5.7k words)
baby i didn't know, but i'm glad that you found me (Series, Rated E)
1. i've been waiting
Eddie loses touch with the Losers after he's forced to move away from Derry. After 5 years, he finds a way to see his friends again - including Richie, who is just as beautiful as he remembers. (15k words)
2. i'm seeing the most in your eyes
Eddie comes out to his mom, visits with an old friend, applies for a job, and finds his home. (14k words)
we'll get where we're going even if we're late (Oneshot, Rated E)
Richie sees a lot happen in the deadlights. Eddie has to keep reminding him what's real. (7.8k words)
the time and space between us (Oneshot, Rated T)
For Eddie Kaspbrak, dying was just like falling asleep. And then he woke up. (10.7k words)
The Power of Sexting (Oneshot, Rated E)
Richie accidentally sends Eddie a shirtless picture. Things escalate from there. Or, Richie and Eddie play Gay Chicken: Sexting Edition. (4k words)
i love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? (Chaptered, Rated E)
They'd been so close to everything they ever wanted when they were young. And then they forgot. Now that they're back in Derry, they're remembering. Or, a retelling of Chapter 2, with a happier ending. (36k words)
(Continued Under The Cut)
That's where you'll find me (Series, Rated T)
1. In The Wrong Place Trying to Make it Right
"Richie wasn’t sure how the fuck he’d managed to forget Eddie Kaspbrak. Like, now that he’s got Eddie’s hand in his (his remaining hand, Richie’s traitorous mind reminds him cruelly, and he avoids looking at the hospital gown lying flat against the bed where an arm should be) he remembers everything. " Or, 27 years later, Eddie makes it out of the sewers alive. (5.5k words)
2. Got My Heart Set On Anywhere But Here
“Let’s make it a rule to never talk about It again,” Richie suggested, and Eddie readily agreed. “Let’s focus on the future instead of the past.” “Like visiting New York next week?” Or, 27 years later, Eddie gets divorced. (4.9k words)
3. I'll Be What You Need (Goodbye, Apathy)
"Helping you through nightmares of me dying is the least I can do after you literally nursed me back to health for six weeks," Eddie responded with a tired smile. Richie didn't say anything, just let his head fall back into his pillow, pulling Eddie with him. Eddie sighed as he nestled into Richie's bed. Richie felt his heart beat faster the way it always did when Eddie was in his bedroom, in his bed, in his arms. The small smile that had formed on his face fell, however, when Eddie spoke again. "I think you should see a therapist." Or, 27 years later, Richie goes to therapy. (4.6k words)
Block the Noise, (Oneshot, Rated T)
Richie has a conversation with his newly ex-manager and Eddie doesn't like what he (over)hears. (1.5k words)
i've never seen nobody shine the way you do (Oneshot, Rated T)
It was like this: Richie had thought that moving to New York together, getting an apartment and going to school, would be good for both of them. And it was! But! While Richie had thought that he had reached his limit, his max capacity, the top level of Loving Eddie Kaspbrak, he was now being proven dead wrong. Perhaps there was no cap to how much a man could love Eddie Kaspbrak, and wouldn’t that have been nice to know before he’d gone and moved in with the little asshole. Because it was one thing to see each other every day at school, and to have sleepovers on Friday nights, and to spend their afternoons together doing fuck-all, but it was another to see Eddie fresh from the shower, his wavy hair dripping water droplets onto his bare shoulders, his skin flushed from the heat. It was another to wake up and eat breakfast together every morning and dinner together almost every night. Especially since Eddie had decided to start looking like he did now, all bright-eyed and ready to take on the world. So, it was like this: living with Eddie had him absolutely fucked. (2.6k words)
just hold me close (Oneshot, Rated T)
It's Richie Tozier's birthday, and Eddie Kaspbrak would do anything to make him happy. (1.7k words)
say anything (Oneshot, Rated T)
There were so many things he wanted to say to Richie, all the time, but he just couldn’t. He couldn’t put himself out there, couldn’t risk ruining this friendship. But it was getting harder and harder with every day that passed to keep his mouth shut. (4.6k words)
you heard them say it (Oneshot, Rated T)
Even after she's 6 feet in the ground, Sonia Kaspbrak still lives in Eddie Kaspbrak's head. (2.5k words)
Misinterpretation (Oneshot, Rated T)
A prompt from Tumblr: "I'm only here to establish an alibi." (1.7k words)
let's find the place where happiness begins (Oneshot, Rated T)
After Eddie survives Neibolt, he and Richie have a few things to discuss. (3k words)
make it feel like the first time (Oneshot, Rated T)
“Eddie,” Beverly said, grinning. Eddie felt his heartrate speed up and focused on taking a deep breath. He was 17, he hadn’t carried around his aspirator in ages, and he wasn’t about to have a panic attack in front of his friends over a stupid party game. “Truth or dare?” Eddie gets asked about his first kiss. Too bad he lied about the fact that he's had one. (2.7k words)
keep you sheltered (Oneshot, Rated T)
Richie has a fear of thunderstorms. (1.6k words)
so into you (Oneshot, Rated T)
Richie is tired of Eddie watching from a distance. (1.7k words)
Like Kisses on the Necks of Best Friends (Oneshot, Rated T)
He’d wanted to kiss Richie for ages, and suddenly, on their walk home from school Richie just fuckin’… plants one on him, blushes beet red, uses a Voice to say “Good on ya, mate,” which didn’t even make fucking sense, and then takes off running in the opposite direction. Eddie had stood there, gaping, until Richie was an entire block away. Or, Eddie has to sit on Richie's lap for a car ride two days after Richie kissed him and ran away. It's totally not awkward at all. (2.2k words)
now my bedsheets smell like you (Oneshot, Rated T)
Richie and Eddie can't sleep without each other. (3k words)
You're only brave in the moonlight (Oneshot, Rated T)
A homophobic church sign makes Eddie cry, and Richie decides to do something about it. (2.3k words)
once in twenty lifetimes (Twoshot, Rated T)
Eddie Kaspbrak had to say goodbye to his best friend at age 13. He wished desperately to live in some other universe where Richie never had to leave. He can imagine them. Happy together in other, better worlds. 27 years later, Eddie Kaspbrak gets to say hello to his best friend at age 40. Maybe he decides this universe was worth the wait.
isn't it just so pretty to think... (Series, Rated T)
...all along there was some invisible string tying you to me First kisses at every age in every universe.
a supercut of us (Drabble Collection, Rated T-E)
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your-eternal-muse · 4 years
Wish I Were....
Heather Series Chapter 12 (FINAL PART)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Bonus!:Readers Card Confession Bonus!:To Hold On, To Let Go, Spencers take Bonus!:Series Playlist
Tumblr media
Summery: Reader no longer wishes she were someone else
Words: 4k
Warnings: Swearing, Description of Birth, just pure, tooth aching fluff
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Y/N: This is it y’all. This is the final chapter of the Heather's Series. I started this journey a little over a month ago, and my god, has it been amazing. I never thought it would pick up the traction it did, and I am so glad I decided to start posting in the first place. I’m gonna take a short break from posting any writing just to recuperate and stuff, but it won’t last longer than a week, and I will still be interacting on the platform itself. I want to thank every single reader who has liked and/or reblogged my work. It means so much to me, and I would not have gotten this far without your support. I love you all with all of my heart. There will be one more bonus “chapter” that I will be posting within the next couple days, but it’ll be mostly headcanons, and answering any questions you may have about the series. I hope the ending is worth it. 
With love, your eternal muse,
Frankie <3
I used to be a night owl.
I used to live in the night, sit under the stars and soak it all up.
I used to not go to bed until hours after the sunset, perfectly content to not waking up until hours after it had risen.
Now, I’m lucky to sleep for a few hours between dusk and dawn.
But I’m okay with that.
The ringing of trembling tears echoes through my ears, and I stir awake.
I rub my face, looking at the clock as I push back the comforter.
4 am.
Oh goody.
“I’ve got her baby, go back to sleep.”
Spencer whispers in my ear, planting a kiss on my shoulder, and I’m not one to argue.
I fall back into the pillows, pulling the blanket back up to my chin, my eyes closing without much resistance.
I wake an hour late, expecting to feel his body warmth against my back.
I turn, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, realizing that the blanket is still pulled back from when he got up the hour before.
Oh dear lord please tell me she didn’t get sick.
I climb out of bed, padding down the hallway towards the soft glow of light emitting from her room.
I pause at the doorway, watching as he holds her close to his chest, a smile draped across his face.
I can’t help but stand and watch as he sways back and forth, watching her sleep in his arms.
I notice her tiny hand is clasped around his ring finger, the gold of his wedding band glowing in the dim light.
I love that ring on him.
I never thought I’d be the one to put it on him.
My heart is pounding in my chest.
Why am I so nervous?
He’s not going to leave me stranded.
Jesus, get a grip, y/n.
“Are you ready y/n?” Hotch walks around the corner, fixing his cuff links as he walks up to me.
I take a deep breath in, trying to convince myself that I wasn’t going to throw up.
“Yep. I’m ready, I just….” I fan myself. “Is it normal to feel like you’re going to pass out on your wedding day?”
He smiles, coming forward and taking hold of my hand. “It is. And I guarantee you, he’s worse than you are.”
I laugh, just imagining the state he’s in.
He hasn’t seen me in three days, since I’m a stickler for tradition.
It was my bachelorette party, than his bachelor party, and now here we are.
“When Haley and I got married, I was a nervous wreck. I don’t think I took a normal breath until hours after just because I was so worried about everything going to plan.”
He brushes some of the curls framing my face out of my eye sight.
“But, when I met her eyes, it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. It was just us, and I knew, at that moment, that everything would be okay.”
I nod, exhaling. “Okay. I’m ready.”
He loops my arm through his, turning to the closed doors where my future waits for me.
“Thank you, Aaron. For giving me away. You’re the closest thing to a father I’ve got.”
He pats my hand. “It’s my honor, y/n.”
I hear the start of the music, and my heart jump starts. 
I grip his arm, trying to control my breathing. 
“Don’t let me fall.”
The doors open, and for a moment, I panic.
But then my eyes meet his.
And everything else disappears.
His hands are clasped in front of him, and I see him look me over, taking in everything.
Tears are streaming down both of our faces, and god, I never realized how much I missed him when he’s gone.
We reach the altar, where a proud Rossi stands, and Hotch hands me off with a kiss to my cheek.
I hand JJ my flowers, turning clasping Spencer's hands in mine.
When my hand touches his, my breathing returns to normal.
However, before I even notice, JJ is handing me a folded piece of paper that holds my vows.
Weddings always seem longer when you’re not in them.
I unfold the paper, clearing my throat.
“I don’t have an eidetic memory, so I need this so I don’t make a fool of myself.”
A couple laughs from the crowd.
Okay, here goes nothing.
“The first time I saw you, you were sitting at your desk, while Derek and JJ sat around you, watching you explain the scientific inaccuracies of Star Wars.”
He laughs, and Derek pats his shoulder from behind him.
“I was awestruck to say the least. The way your eyes lit up with excitement, how your hands couldn’t stay still.”
I take a breath, trying to keep the tears at bay.
“I fell in love with you at that moment. But I knew I was done for when you looked at me for the first time.”
Rossi produces a tissue from his pocket, and I laugh, accepting and blotting at my tears.
“You are my best friend. You are there for me in my darkest times, and are often the cause of all my light ones. You hold me when I cry, and you laugh when I’m angry at something stupid. You never make me feel stupid. You are the greatest thing to have ever happened to me.”
Christ, why was this so hard?
“I love you. And I promise to cherish you, and not get annoyed when you ramble on about god knows what, because I love to listen to you talk. I promise to never make you feel like you don’t matter, because you matter so much. I promise to love you through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, until the end of time itself. I choose you, forever and always.”
I fold the paper up again, dabbing away my tears.
“Well, look at that, I still made a fool of myself.”
More laughs, and I hear a few sniffles here and there. 
Spencer wipes his own eyes. “I don’t know if I can top that.”
I giggle.
He goes into his jacket, and pulls out a white envelope, and my face scrunches in confusion.
“It’s not what you think it is.” He whispers.
He opens it, pulling out a car, and begins to read from the inside.
“You told me once, in a card similar to this one, that the moment you admitted to yourself that you loved me, was on a road trip to visit my mom. I thought it fitting that I tell you that, that was the moment I admitted to myself that I loved you in the same way. So here we are.”
I bring a hand up to my mouth, covering the ugly sobs that threaten to spill out.
“We had only known each other for a month, but you were easily taking over every brain cell in my mind. I was terrified of you saying no, but I asked anyway. Those two weeks were some of the best of my life. I fell in love with your laugh, your smile, the way your hair looks in the sunlight. I fell in love with you from the driver's seat and I’ve loved you ever since. You deserve to be reminded of that every day for the rest of your life. I promise to hold and cherish the heart that you have given me. I promise to catch you, every time you run away. I promise to protect you with my life. You mean everything to me, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of forever with you. I love you, forever and always.”
He closes it, and it takes a moment for me to gather myself.
“I promise I didn’t look at your vows before writing mine.”
I laugh.
Rossi clears his throat. “The rings please, Henry.”
Henry walks forward, our rings sitting on the pillow as he smiles at us. 
“Thank you buddy.” I say, taking hold of Spencer’s between my fingers.
“Alright. Y/n, repeat after me. I, Y/n Y/l/n, take Spencer Reid, to be my husband.”
I repeat the words, a smile growing bigger and bigger on my face.
“To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until the end of time.”
Can I kiss him yet?
I say the words, like casting a spell, before slipping the golden band onto his finger.
Rossi repeats the phrase, and Spencer’s smile is as big as mine, if not bigger.
“Until the end of time.”
He delicately slips the ring on my finger, and my heart starts pounding.
“One more question for each of you. I promise, we're almost there.”
He smiles at each of us, before turning back to me.
“Do you, Y/n Y/l/n, take Spencer Reid as your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”
Not even a question.
“And do you, Spencer Reid, take Y/n Y/l/n as your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do.”
I start bouncing on my toes, too excited to care.
“Then it is my great pleasure and honor to pronounce you, husband and wife.”
He turns to Spencer. “You may now kiss the bride.”
He doesn’t hesitate, cradling my face in his hands as he places his lips on mine.
It’s just me and him, in an empty room.
I move my hands up his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck.
It’s only when we break, that I remember people are here, and the room is filled with applause.
With our hands clasped together we walk back down the aisle, and I swear I am never going to be this happy ever again. And that’s okay.
My eyes fall from his arms, to the dresser sitting next to her crib. 
The top is covered with photos, personalized trinkets, and books. 
One picture is framed with her name in gold lettering down the side.
My first sonogram.
Through the glass I can see wrinkles in the film.
Spencer carried it with him until the day she was born.
He had always mentioned how he wanted to have kids someday.
It didn’t make me any less nervous to tell him, though.
“Hi! Is this Mrs. Y/n Reid?”
I stop writing, my pen mid stroke on my paper.
“This is she.”
“Hello! This is Nicole calling from United Health with the results of your pregnancy test.”
Jesus that was fast.
“Oh! That was quicker than I expected.”
I set my pen down, closing my file, pushing some hair behind my ear, looking around to see if anyone was in ear shot.
They weren’t.
“We get that a lot. But, I’d like to say congratulations! You are pregnant!”
I stop breathing for a moment.
“Oh my god. Oh my god! Thank you!”
Holy shit.
Holy fucking shit.
“You’re so welcome! Congratulations again! Have a great rest of your day!”
I hang up, still trying to grasp the words that have just been spoken to me.
I’m pregnant.
I’m fucking pregnant.
Holy fuck.
“Y/n? Baby, are you okay?”
I snap out of my daze to see Spencer standing beside my desk, a look of skeptical worry on his face.
“Uh...yeah. Yeah. I’m fine. Um…”
I have to tell him. I can’t keep this a secret from him, even if I wanted to try and surprise him.
I stand, running my hands over my pants.
“Okay, somethings wrong. You do that when you’re nervous.”
I can’t help but laugh, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“Nothings wrong, Spence. Um, I just got a call from United Health.”
He’s confused, setting the file in his hand, down on my desk.
“Why would United Health be calling you?”
There are days when I can't believe he has an I.Q. of 187.
“I went in yesterday, to get a test done. I’ve been gaining weight, and I’ve been getting sick in the mornings. I also skipped my last period.”
I can sense the wheels beginning to turn in his head.
“Wait. Are you…”
I nod, tears falling down my cheeks. “I’m pregnant, Spencer.”
It takes a moment for the words to register in his brain, but then he’s yelling in excitement, throwing his arms around my waist, picking me up and spinning me around.
He sets me down, his eyes red rimmed, his smile one I will never forget.
“You’re pregnant. Oh my god we’re having a baby.”
His hands are placed on either side of my face, and I can’t help but laugh at his infectious excitement.
“Who’s having a baby, now?”
Derek walks up, and Spencer turns, and I know Derek knows just by the shit eating grin on Spencer’s face.
But I just love saying it.
“I’m pregnant.”
Derek’s eyes light up as he claps his hands together, before pulling Spencer into a hug. “My man!”
JJ and Emily gather around, all smiles and squeals as I’m captured in the middle of a group hug.
Penelope walks into the bullpen then, confusion written across her face.
“What’s going on out here? Why are you guys screaming? Who won the lottery?”
I bite my lip, trying to hold back the smile.
“I’m pregnant!” I all but scream.
Penelope’s expression changes in an instant as she practically runs forward.
“Oh my god! Holy crap! Baby genius! That’s so much better than the lottery!” 
She catches me in a bone crushing hug before suddenly pulling back.
“Crap. Sorry. Fragile baby.”
“Congratulations baby girl.” Derek swaps places with Penelope, who is now hugging Spencer with everything she has.
“Alright, why are you guys hugging each other?”
Rossi and Hotch walk through the glass doors, taking in the commotion.
I feel Spencer wrap his arms around me from behind, as he kisses my shoulder, my neck, my cheek.
“I’m pregnant!”
A smile immediately forms on Rossi’s face as he comes forward, grasping my face between his hands, kissing me on each of my cheeks.
“Congratulations, principessa.”
“Congratulations, to both of you.”
Hotch is smiling, waiting his turn to give hugs.
“It’s decided, celebratory dinner at my place tonight!” Rossi announces and we all cheer.
I turn my head, placing my hands over Spencer’s which are now resting over my stomach.
“I love you.” I smile.
“I love you, too. Both of you.”
Soft humming breaks the silence of the room, and quiet words float through the air as he sings to her sleeping form.
“Come Josephine, in my flying machine. Going up she goes, up she goes.”
I enter the room then, tip toeing over to stand by his side, leaning my head against his shoulder as I gently stroke her hair.
“Up, up, a little bit higher. Oh! My! The moon is on fire! Come, Josephine in my flying machine going up, all on, goodbye!”
She’s tiny.
I couldn’t fathom how tiny she was a month ago, and she has grown, but she’s still so small.
Has it already been a month?
“Jesus fuck, I  promised myself this wouldn’t happen at work.”
I shouldn’t have come in.
I know that.
I know that waking up with contractions is a tell tale sign that you should not go to work.
But she isn’t due for another two weeks. Two weeks is a long time. Hopefully enough time to get a grip on myself so I don’t panic that I’m gonna fail as a mother every time I think about it too hard.
I thought maybe I could just get through the day, but the warm stream trickling down my leg is a big fuck no to that.
I’m trying to steady my breathing, the cup of tea I was making abandoned on the counter as I grip the edge with a force I didn’t know I had.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?”
Hotch walks up, worry creasing his brow.
He places a hand on my back, a comfort as pain ripples up and down my spine.
I shake my head. “I need Spencer.”
I shift my weight from leg to leg. “And a towel.”
He nods his head, looking around for a chair, frowning when he comes up empty.
“Aaron,” I say, turning my head towards him. “Please go get my husband.”
“Right.” He nods, taking a second to make sure I wasn’t going to topple over before almost running towards Penelope's bat cave.
A hiss escapes my mouth as I feel a jab in my side.
“Yeah, I know baby, I wish he would hurry the fuck up too.”
A plethora of footsteps fall upon my ears, and Spencer immediately places a hand on my lower back, taking hold of mine with his other.
“How far apart are they?” is the first thing out of his mouth.
“I’m fine, honey, thanks for asking.” I say as we start to make our way towards the front glass doors.
He gives me a look and I sigh.
“I don’t know. I thought if I didn’t count they’d go away and I could pretend this isn’t happening at work.”
“I wish it worked like that.” JJ laughs, holding open the door and what I presume is my go bag.
“Me too.” I grit, squeezing Spencer’s hand.
“Remember our deal. Not one statistic, or fact is to be uttered from your mouth today. You are not a doctor once we enter the hospital.”
I can see the panic start to form on his face, but he laughs.
“Yes ma’am.”
I’m never doing this again.
I don’t think I’ve ever been in this much pain before.
I’ve been in this room for what feels like forever, because she’s taking her sweet time being early.
No amount of pillows or soothing rubs can help the aches that are washing over me.
My hair is falling from the bun I threw it up in, sweat coating every inch of skin I have.
I feel gross in every sense of the word.
I lean forward and groan as another contraction rips through me.
How do women do this?
Spencer brushes some hair out of my face and lays a cool washcloth on my neck as I grip the side rails of my bed.
“You’re doing so good baby.”
It feels like I can’t breath.
“I don’t know how much longer I can do this.”
He knows there’s not much he can do right now to help, but he holds my hand, trailing his hand up and down my back.
“Just a little bit longer. I promise. She’s almost here. You’re doing so good, y/n. I’m so proud of you.”
If only he knew about the panic flowing through my veins, the thoughts that I’m not ready to be a mom bouncing around my skull like an insistent headache.
A knock at the door, and my doctor walks in, smiles and bright eyes. “How are you feeling, y/n?”
“Like a,” I groan, trying to move away from the pain, shifting forward and backwards. “Like a million bucks.”
She laughs, and I don’t have the energy to be nice and laugh with her.
“Well, I still need to check, but I’m pretty sure you’re ready to push.”
I close my eyes, not wanting to look as she sticks her fingers in a place that will need some R&R after this. 
“I was right. You’re ready. Now, your body knows exactly what to do. It’s best to not fight it, and just listen to what it’s telling you okay?”
I start to move myself back away from her, my breathing picking up pace.
I can’t do this.
“No. No. I can’t. I’m not ready.”
She doesn’t seem phased at all, but Spencer easily notices the fear in my voice. 
“Hey, Hey, Hey. Look at me.” His hands stroke the sides of my face, and his fingers are wet from my tears and sweat.
I shake my head. “I’m not doing this. I’m not ready. What if I fail? I don’t want to fail her. I can’t. No. I’m gonna be a horrible mother.”
“Y/n, baby, breath with me.” He takes my hand, and places it on his chest.
I can feel his breaths beneath his breastbone, the frantic heartbeats that give away his true state of mind.
I hate that I’m stressing him out.
“You are going to be a great mother. One of the best. I don’t think you could fail even if you tried.”
He brushes my tears away. “But you can’t force your body to stop. You need to let go. I’m right here.”
“Alright, were ready, y/n.”
My eyes pass between Spencer’s and I know he’s right.
I just need to let go.
I nod, and I move back to where I was. 
My left hand grips the rail, while my right is situated inside Spencer’s. 
I feel the next contraction start. 
“Alright I need you to push for me.” 
I’m on the brink of a mental breakdown, but I take a breath and let my muscles do the work.
I hear that groaning and screaming can actually help, so that’s what I do. 
With every push, my voice grows louder, words lost in the back of my throat.
But I’m getting tired, and I can feel myself crashing. 
So when another contraction pulses through me, I push myself forward, and use every muscle in my body.
“Get out, get out, get out, GET OUT!” 
I don’t think I’ve ever screamed that loud, but it seemed to work.
It felt like a gush and then crys fill the room.
I fall back onto the bed, tears streaming down my face.
“She’s beautiful!” I hear my doctor say over her screams.
Spencer kisses my forehead, his own tears coating his face. “You were amazing, baby. I’m so proud of you.”
“Here she is!”
My doctor lays a bundle of white blankets onto my chest, and when I see her face, my heart stops. 
The world could be burning around me, but I wouldn’t care. Even covered in gunk and red faced, she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. 
I sob, holding her close to me, Spencer right there beside me, his hand gently stroking the top of her head. 
“Hi, Ettie.” I whisper. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
“She’s so beautiful.” He whispers, his voice thick with emotion. 
I can’t take my eyes off her. I never want to let go of her.
Nothing else matters anymore, nothing but her.
Juliet Diana Reid.
Born at 6:08 am, on the third of December.
He places her in my arms, and I clutch her close to my chest as I move back towards her crib to lay her down again.
I don’t understand how I could have ever doubted how amazing my life would be with her in it.
Soft snores emit from her small mouth, and Spencer wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder, only moving when he hears me sniffle.
“Why are you crying, love?” he whispers
I wipe my face, turning around so I can face him.
His hands are on my hips, his thumbs rubbing circles on my skin.
“For so long, I was jealous of so many people.” My hands play with the fabric of his t-shirt, rubbing it between my fingers.
“I was jealous of Heather. Of what she had.”
My hands move up his chest, coming to rest at the base of his neck. 
“I dreamed about this. About having this with you. And I never thought I would get it. But here I am.”
I smile up at him. “I have everything I have ever wanted. I wouldn’t wish for another life even if it was offered. I have you, and Ettie, and the life I wanted so bad. I’m just…”
I swallow the noise threatening to spill from my throat, so I don’t wake up the sleeping girl behind me. 
“I’m just really happy is all.”
He smiles softly down at me, and he brings up a hand to cup my cheek. 
He leans down and kisses me slowly, gently, in a way that always leaves me paralyzed. 
“I love you.” He whispers. 
I nuzzle my nose against his, before laying my head against his chest, feeling his arms wrap around me, holding me tight against him. 
“I love you, too.”
I love you, Spencer.
I love you.
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horansqueen · 3 years
New Angel - Chapter 14
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chapter 1  ☆ chapter 2  ☆ chapter 3  ☆ chapter 4  ☆ chapter 5  ☆ chapter 6  ☆ chapter 7  ☆ chapter 8 ☆ chapter 9 ☆ chapter 10 ☆ chapter 11 ☆ chapter 12 ☆ chapter 13
☆ written from Niall’s pov ☆ i don’t proofread, I never do, I hate it. ☆ AU comedy/fluff/smut/romance ☆ 2.7k ☆ i accept requests and ideas for this story, so message me in my inbox!  ☆ if you want to be notified when this story is updated (or be taken off the update list) CLICK HERE
When I pushed on the door of the library, I felt lighter and I had a smile on my face. I was even starting to wonder if maybe I should give up on a love and sex life altogether. I knew it could bring joy and happiness, but at the exact moment, all it did was confuse me and make me nervous, and honestly, I didn't need that.
I smiled when I noticed Millie sitting behind the counter, her head leaned against her hand and looking down, probably deeply lost in a book. I stared at her a few seconds and saw her look up at someone who came to ask a question. She got up and they talked so I decided to walk the aisles to find something new to read. I ended up with a book full of random thoughts and sat at a table near the counter to make sure she'd see me. It took my friend only a few seconds to notice me and her lips curled as she raised her eyebrows. I waved slightly at her and checked my watch. I still had about ten minutes to wait and I just opened the book to start reading. It's only when I felt someone sit next to me that I got out of my thoughts a bit but I still had to blink a few times to get back completely to reality, turning around and smiling to Millie who leaned her elbow on the table and placed her chin on her palm, staring at me.
"I'm glad you came." she whispered, making me raise my eyebrows.
"I said I would, did you doubt it?"
She shrugged a shoulder and looked away. "When Louis said he'd come, it was a 50/50 bet to take."
"Perfect. That's the first thing you'll write down on your list."
She raised her eyebrows a bit surprised and I just got up and walked back to the desk where one of her co-workers was now sitting. I sent the girl a big smile and bent down slightly, asking her for paper and pen. She smiled back and started playing with a lock of her hair before nodding and giving me a few sheets and two pen. I walked back to Millie with a winner smile and she rolled her eyes, chuckling as I sat back down.
"T'was easy."
"With those eyes and that smile you can clearly get anything you want." she pointed out, rolling her eyes again.
"You almost sound jealous."
I gave her a sheet and a pen as she sighed, taking the pen in her hand and scribbling at the top to make sure the pen was working.
"I am." she confessed in a whisper. "It must be amazing to be you."
"Can I remind you that the girl I thought I'd spent my life with has broken my heart?"
"And then came back. I don't think you realize how lucky you are. Not about Grace coming back, but about everyone falling in love with you super easily." she explained, staring down at her sheet.
I looked at what she was writing and smiled sadly. 'All The Things I Hate About Lou'.
"How many times did you have your heart broken, Niall?" she continued, drawing hearts next to Louis' name.
"What do you mean?"
"How many girls did you fall for that didn't love you back? How many girls did you date and loved actually left you? How many of them made you cry?" she elaborated, making me frown slightly. "And I'm not even asking about the girls you just wanted to shag. I'm pretty sure not many refused."
"I've been through unrequited love, too, you know." I shook my head. "I know how it feels."
"You probably broke more hearts than the number of times yours has been broken." she added slowly with an other shrug and a sigh. "I'm not saying you didn't hurt or that your pain is not real or important I just mean..." she paused and shook her head, her eyes finally meeting mine. "I just mean that it must amazing to be you."
"Maybe it's time you see that it's also amazing to be you, Mill." I pointed out. "And the fact that Louis broke your heart doesn't mean you're not incredible, okay?"
I grabbed my pen and started writing X's on all the hearts she had drawn and finally added the number '1'.
"Now write down how unreliable he is."
Millie looked up at me and her lips curled a bit before she chuckled. I waited until she was done and grabbed my sheet too, making a long vertical line in the middle before writing 'Grace' on the left and 'Summer' on the right. I separated both their cases in two too, writing 'pros' on both sides and then 'cons'.
I stared at the sheet for a minute or two and finally sighed. I had no idea what to write. Not because they didn't have qualities and flaws, but because I knew it would bring me closer to a decision I was clearly not ready to make.
"You don't have to write anything right now." I heard, feeling Millie's hand on my shoulder.
I kept my eyes on the sheets and licked my lips, nodding slowly and finally, I folded the sheet and put it in my back pocket. Millie got up and I did the same, forcing myself to put a smile back on my face and I walked past her. She followed me outside and when we were out, I stopped and turned to her, raising my eyebrows. I decided to put anything that had to do with love away for now, burring it deep in my brain for a while, focusing only on doing fun things.
"Okay, so what's your routine after work?"
She looked a bit surprised but finally turned around, pointing at a small restaurant not too far. "I go there first."
"Alright, let's go there, then."
I followed her inside and she ordered three pieces of pizza and three water bottles. The person behind the counter smiled and prepared the food, putting every slices of pizza in a different box. I watched Millie pay and grab the bag the guy was handing her before sending him a smile.
"Thanks Jon, I'll see you tomorrow."
We walked out and I raised my eyebrows, looking at her with an amused smile. "You literally know his name?"
"We all work around each other so we sort of see each other often. Not just with Jon but with other people too." she clarified, handing me a box. I grabbed it and she looked again in the bag for a water bottle, giving it to me too.
"Please, tell me the other pizza is not for Louis."
She looked up in my eyes and her lips curled. "No!" she chuckled as she started walking quicker. I followed her in an alley but frowned as I pushed my hands in my pockets. I was not sure why we were there but I didn't even have time to ask. I saw my friend bend down near a man who was sleeping and whisper something to him. He jumped slightly and she laughed, handing him a box and a water bottle. He sat up and grabbed both a small smile on his lips.
"What is it today, Millie?"
"Pizza." she pointed out. "How are you today, Ernie?"
I watched her interact with a homeless man just standing there and wondering who the hell was this girl I thought I knew, and why didn't I try to find out more about her before,
"Is your friend mute or just dumb?" the man asked, making my friend laugh.
"I'd have to pick the latter."
I frowned at her and took a step closer. "Hey! That's rude!"
"Ernie, this is my friend Niall. Niall, this is my friend Ernie."
I sent him a small smile and a head nod before Millie sighed and got back up, telling him she was leaving but that she'd be back the next day. She walked past me and I was about to follow her but finally took the few steps separating me from Ernie and handed him my box.
"Thanks, kid."
I nodded again and turned on my heels, jogging slightly to reach Millie who just looked at me with her lips curled on the left. I raised my eyebrows and shrugged, pushing my hands back in my pockets. "What?"
I could hear in her voice that she was thinking about something but I couldn't decipher the way she was looking at me. I smiled back at her and finally cleared my throat. "Okay, what's next?"
She took her slice of pizza out of the box and took a bite before handing it to me. "Once a week, I go to the movies and the other days, I just go in the old dvd and vhs shop where they sell old movies for a buck or two."
"And what's today?" I replied, my mouth full of pizza. "The shop. Cinema is on thursday because it's pay day."
"Makes sense."
We walked inside a small shop and the bell placed on top of the door rang gently. She waved at the employee and he waved back before she chose an aisle and tilted her head on the side to read the titles. It took her about five minutes before her lips curled and she grabbed one. It was a tape and I started wondering if she even had a VCR to watch it.
"This. Did you ever see it?"
She handed me a box and I raised my nose up when I noticed Leonardo Dicaprio on the cover. I turned the tape around and noticed the incredible landscapes pictured. The images would probably look even better on DVD or in 4K but I didn't mention it and just nodded. It was her routine, not mine, and I was extremely curious to find out more about her.
"Nop, never."
"It's a good movie, with a few French actors."
I followed her to pay and the guy behind the counter smiled and nodded. "Ah, nice one."
"I know right? I think I'm gonna keep this one."
"A movie where Leonardo Dicaprio goes nuts? Good idea to keep it." he added, making her chuckle.
"And the girl is nice to look at, too." Millie added, making the guy nod frenetically.
I looked around the place, quite surprised at how many choices they had. How many nice places like this was I missing on? And why didn't I ever hear about them?
"What did you mean when you said you'd keep this one?" I asked when we walked out.
"Oh, when I bring back three movies, I can trade it for one. I do that sometimes."
I turned to look at her and she did the same just to send me a smile before turning her head back in front of her. We kept walking but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I thought I knew Millie but I had just realized that there were so many things about her that she didn't share and that I didn't take the time to ask, I knew that even if our friendship was not recent, our bond and how close we were was pretty new but at the same time, I felt like there were things I should know about her.
I should have checked where I was going because once again, I ended up running into a trash can on the sidewalk. Millie started laughing and I groaned, taking my hands out of my pockets before getting around it and walking quickly to her.
"Shut up." I mumbled, making her laugh even more.
"You don't seem like the clumsy kind of guy, I'm just surprised every time you run into something, and it seems to happen a lot!"
"Yea yea, how about you stop laughing and we just go back home to watch that movie?"
We had to watch the movie in her room for the simple reason that the videotape recorder was there and it seemed like way too much trouble to plug it in the living room. I made popcorn but Millie opened a few drawers and placed candies on her bed and it made me smile.
"Why don't you buy 6 or 7 movies at the same time? That way you don't have to go back there every day." I proposed, throwing some popcorn in my mouth and leaning against the wall with her.
"I can't know which mood i'll be in. It's a spur of the moment thing." she explained as the movie started. "Plus, I love going there."
"And what do we do after watching the movie?"
"It's dinner. Then shower, a few episodes of a netflix show, and bed time."
We watched the movie for a while and I had to admit the plotline was good, even if a bit fucked up. Millie was also right about the girl : she was very nice to look at and somehow, it made me glance at her.
"That girl is hot as fuck." I admitted, making Millie burst into laughter as she pushed an other candy in her mouth.
"I know right! And she's your type, too! I knew you'd like her!"
I blinked a few times and once again turned to my friend, leaning my head on the wall. I hated when she said that. I knew she didn't mean anything by it but I didn't want to admit that I would use some sort of base or mold to pick a girl. I hated thinking that I was shallow to the point where other girls who were not 'my type' wouldn't catch my eyes or stand a chance with me. And most of all, I hated that Millie saw me like that. I was about to start a discussion about it when Millie talked again, her eyes still glued on the tv.
"What about you?" she glanced at me. "What's your routine?"
I crossed my arms on my chest and shrugged a shoulder as my nose raised up in a grimace. "I don't have a routine anymore. My routine used to be with Grace and when she left, it became netflix from when the sun rises until it would set."
The fact that it was just being clear to me made something twist in my stomach. Who the fuck was I? Could I remember who I was before Grace? And now, with Summer, was I really myself?
I took the sheet out of my back pocket and unfolded it just as Millie handed me a pen and a book to write on. I looked up at her and sent her a small smile before writing under the cons in Grace's column. 'She decides everything'
"You know, I think that's part of why you annoyed me so much." Millie admitted. I looked up from the sheet and sent her a frown. Her traits softened and she sent me a sorry smile. "She would just tell you what she wanted and what to do and you'd never argue. She was bossy and controlling."
I couldn't pretend she was not right and I nodded with a sigh. "You know the worst? Summer is exactly the opposite. She's super compliant and it can get quite annoying."
Millie raised her eyebrows at me. "Well I guess you found something to write in the cons for Summer."
I sighed again but louder this time before looking down at my sheet again. I wrote down what I had just said and shook my head a bit. It was pathetic that the first things I thought about writing were flaws and I closed my eyes, letting my head fall against the wall in a loud noise after closing my eyes. "This is ridiculous, I can't choose."
"Hey, relax, it's just day one."
I felt my friend move on the bed and forced myself to open my eyes, noticing Millie was now facing me with a small smile. "We have 6 more days to fill that sheet." she slapped gently my thigh with the back of her hand and licked her lips as they curled more. "Trust me."
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thinkingimmensely · 3 years
Like An Open Book XI
Part 1 | Part 10
A/N: Hi! How’s everyone been doing? I think this chapter’s kind of long, not sure if it’s longer than the last one though. Also, I’ve been working on a James Potter x Reader oneshot that’s already over 4k words HAHAHA, I’m nearly done with it (I think), so that’s one thing to look forward to~! uwu
IDK if it’s just me or is tumblr messing up the tags thingy? Because I can’t seem to tag some people. But anyway, if I’m missing anyone or if you want to be added to the taglist, please dm me or comment down below or even send me an ask so I can include you! <3
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything from the Potterverse!
He couldn’t meet your eyes. James Potter had been avoiding you and you were devastated. You were proud of yourself at how well you hid your inner turmoil since no one said anything, until Remus and you were sitting alone outside in the lawn that is.  
You sat beneath a tree, shielding yourself from the afternoon sun. The others were busy in a competition on who could throw the gnomes the farthest. Though however tempting it was to join in, you settled for relaxing since you didn’t want to soil James’ good mood. Remus, wanting to get some reading done, opted to join you.  
“I’m going home tomorrow.” You told him.  
Remus looked at you in surprise, as if you just dropped a bomb. “What?” He closed his book and set it aside, “Why? We’re supposed to spend two weeks here. We have a week left.”
You pulled your legs up to your chest and hugged yourself, “I just... I think I’ve overstayed my welcome.” You shrugged; you tried to act nonchalant about it but you knew he could very well see your anxiety behind your orbs.  
Remus furrowed his brows, “Why would you ever think that? Y/N, everyone wants you to be here.”
You shook your head, “I don’t think James does.” You mumbled, you didn’t want to but tears still prickled at the edges of your orbs. Remus heard you all the same. “He knows, Rem. He knows and now he can’t even look at me.” Going home to the family who all but ignored you was better than being rejected by the person who used to welcome you with open arms. “It’s been two days and he all but flees whenever I enter the same room as him. He can’t stand it, and I won’t force him to.”
“I’ll go talk to him.” Remus was about to stand up but you grabbed his arm and held him down.  
“It’s okay.” You told him, giving off a sad smile.  Remus looked conflicted but settled down nonetheless. He held your hand fondly and gave it a squeeze in reassurance, which you were grateful for. He let out a deep sigh and opened his book again.
You set down your quill as you folded the piece of parchment and packed it inside an envelope. You sealed it with melted wax and a stamp and handed it to the white barn-owl that perched itself on your windowsill. It was a reply to the Dumbledore’s letter to you; you had written to him immediately after returning to the Potter’s residence two days ago, your hands clammy with nerves, and your ears ringing from everything. You opened his reply once again.
Dear Miss Y/L/N,  
It is a surprise to hear of your connection to the recent incident, and I must commend how you and the others fought off the Death Eaters and helped the Aurors, though extremely reckless it was. I believe Voldemort already knows of your identity and would be ever pursuant of his current interest in you. He will try to get you to join him again, and you must stay vigilant. He will not do anything as long as you remain a student of Hogwarts, but I believe it best to relocate your family soon, in case he catches winds about your residence. If you decide to do so, I will, of course, send help.  
Take care,
Albus Dumbledore
You rubbed your forehead as you read the letter again, chastising yourself for being so stupid. Dumbledore was right, Voldemort had enough connections to easily know who you were, and you not only put yourself in danger, but now so is your family. They had to move, and you had to leave them to keep them safe. He won’t be able to do anything as long as you still went to Hogwarts, the notion was comforting yet ominous, because what would happen the moment you graduated?
The ministry was abuzz since ten muggles were murdered that night, and more people severely injured. The Muggle Prime Minister struggled to make believable alibis and he couldn’t give out an adequate one was it not for the help of the Minister of Magic. You tapped your fingers on the mahogany desk. You wondered if Severus was able to escape unscathed, but you shook your head at the thought; of course, he would go unscathed, he knew about the attack beforehand after all. You bit your lower lip; he had tried to protect you- you know that now. You may still be able to sway him away from the dark path he seemed all too eager to walk on.  
You packed what little you had and zipped your bag close. Now all that was left was to tell the others during dinner. You decided that saying that your mum wanted you home immediately because she heard what had happened at the concert and was concerned for your safety was a good enough excuse.  
A knock came from your door and before you could even walk towards it, it creaked open and James came in. He glanced at your packed bag on the bed and turned to look at you, his eyes wide in shock. He took two long strides towards you and pulled you into a hug. “I’m sorry.” His voice shook as he buried his face on the crook of your neck. His breath tickled but you were utterly confused to be focused on that right now.  
“I’m sorry.” He repeated. “I’ve been so stupid, and you didn’t deserve the way I avoided you. I don’t want you to leave, if I had my way, I’d want you to never leave.” He pulled away but still held you by the shoulders. His hazel eyes searched yours for something you didn’t know. “You see- what I’m trying to say is... is that I don’t care if you’re a Legilimens. I don’t care if you know every little thing about me, if you can read my mind this very instant, I don’t care. I will never turn my back on you again, never. I hold you too dearly.” You just noticed how his hands were shaking, you took them from your shoulders and held them.
“James, I-” You were about to say but someone cleared their throat by the doorway which made you all but drop his hands and your gaze immediately.  
“Uh- s-sorry to bother, b-but your mum wants to know what you want to have for di-dinner, Prongs.” Peter stammered. Sirius snickered from behind him while Remus tried to hold in his laughter as well.  
You flushed a deep shade of red as you turned away from them, hands on your warming cheeks. “Out! All of you!” James had snapped, and the boys went running away in snickers. You turned back to him and found him pretty much in the same state as you were in, flushed cheeks and all that.  
He cleared his throat, “So um, please don’t go home... yet...” He added the last word like an afterthought, as if realizing that, yes, you still have a family who might be wondering where you were if you wouldn’t return. You nodded and he grinned at you. “I’ll, um... see you at dinner then?”
“Uh-huh.” You sheepishly replied and he bit his lower lip then turned to go out, leaving the door open.  
“So Y/N, will you tell me what every girl at Hogwarts thinks about me next time?” Sirius grinned as all of you laid on top of the roof, watching the stars. It was a clear night, perfect for star gazing, and you took the opportunity to do so.  
You let out a dry laugh, “Of course not, Siri. What fun would that be for your conquests?” Sirius and Peter had learned of your ‘gift’ when they were busy eavesdropping earlier, and like Remus had done so long ago, the rest of the Marauders had sworn themselves to secrecy regarding your ability.  
Sirius chuckled, twirling his wand between his fingers, “Point taken.”
You stared at the twinkling stars that shone millions of miles away and listened to the voices of your friends. You wished time would stop in this moment. You wished all of you would stay like this forever... young and free; unbothered by the looming war that plagued your lives.  
You sat up as reality started sinking in. The screams of people dying too haunting to be forgotten, and the pale face of the Auror who only tried to protect you. You never even knew his name. You felt a warm jacket wrap around you, and you turned to see James beside you, a soft smile on his face.  
“Thank you.” You murmured. The others continued on their conversation while James adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose.  
“I remember it too.” He told you as he ruffled his hair. You cast him a questioning gaze, prompting him to elaborate; “The concert, I mean. Sometimes I still hear the screams and see the flashes of green when I close my eyes.”
You held his hand and gave it a small squeeze which made him smile. “I reckon the five of us will carry this memory for the rest of our lives.” You pointed out sadly.  
He nodded, “True. But I feel a little better knowing that you guys will be with me through it.” He told you and you could feel your heart move by the sincerity of his words that tears prickled at the corner of your eyes.
You wouldn’t be dealing with all these emotions alone, not anymore, and that very notion comforted you greatly. You scooted closer to James and leaned your head on his shoulder, and he instantly wrapped an arm around you.  You sighed in content, because at this very moment, all was well.   “That reminds me,” You started, “You never told me why you were avoiding me so adamantly.” You turned to look up at him, backtracking when he was already looking at you, your faces inches away from each other. You recoiled and he dropped his hand from your shoulder, a deep red penetrating his features.  
He cleared his throat, “I’ll tell you someday. Promise you won’t search for the answer yourself?” Tapping his head with his index finger.
You laughed, “I’ll try.”
The rest of the summer had passed by rather uneventfully as you returned home a couple days later. You had set up some enchantments on your home the moment you arrived with the help of Professor Flitwick, who arrived a few moments after you. He thought you the charms and reinforced them for better durability.  
Your mother had invited him for tea, but he politely refused, saying that he must visit other households and left in a hurry. Your family, except your youngest sister, looked at him rather curiously and you were glad they didn’t voice out their apparent discomfort. They had also watched you and your professor in awe from the living room window as you casted the spells.
Now you sat on a chair by the dinner table as your mother rubbed her temples and your step-father tried to take in everything you just said; you had explained to them why there was a need to enchant your home.
“So... you’re saying that... that a lunatic is out there causing havoc?” You step-father asked hesitantly.
“Well he’s not just any lunatic, he’s public enemy number one in our world.” You pointed out. “And he’s not just causing any havoc, he’s killing people. Muggles, non-wizard people.” You elaborated once more, “You guys are the very kind of people he’ll be after, and I’m only telling you all these because I want you guys to be safe.” The tea had long gone cold and a tense silence hung in the air. Your two siblings were sent to bed early for you guys to have this conversation, but you weren’t surprised to hear your stepsister eavesdropping at the top of the stairs.  
"Y/N, are you sure we’re safe here?” Your mother questioned, gathering her thoughts together. She, at least, understood the gravity of the situation. You knew she liked to read the Daily Prophet when you were done with it, and you were aware she didn’t skip the latest news about the Dark Wizard.
You frowned, letting out a deep sigh, “He wants me to join his cause.” You admitted, and the color of your mother’s face drained. You took her outstretched hand and gave it a squeeze, a gesture that brought tears to her eyes, it had been years since you initiated any sort of physical contact with her. “I won’t join him; I assure you that.” You swore. “Dumbledore is certain he won’t come looking for me until I graduate. By then I’ll be out of this house and the lot of you will be moving somewhere far from here.”
Realization dawned on their faces, “You’re leaving? Why? Wouldn’t it be safer if you went with us?”
You shook your head, choosing not to answer.
 I have gathered a group of people who are willing to oppose the Dark Lord himself and thwart his plans, Miss Y/L/N, and I am formally extending an invitation for you to be part of that said group. It will be dangerous and it will require courage, you will not only be part of the heart of the war, your life will be on the line and your skills will no doubt be put to the test time and time again. But this will all be for the greater good, so I prompt you to at least consider it.
Your thoughts broken, you looked at the both of them who shared a look of concern at your lack of reply. “It’ll be better this way. This will all be for the greater good.”  
You left the dinner table at that, and sought solace in your bedroom, glad that your step-sister had retreated to her own room just as you finished your conversation. You locked your door and got your potions textbook and cauldron out of your trunk. You searched the table of contents and smirked bitterly as you found the page you were looking for:
Chapter 16: Memory Potion . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
“Y/N!” Lily yelled as she run to you and wrapped her arms around you, “I missed you!” The two of you reunited at King’s Cross Station, the Hogwarts Express right in front of you, smoke bellowing, getting ready for the journey to Hogwarts. Chatter rang out the entire station as friends reunited after without seeing each other for the entire summer.  
You chortled and returned the hug, “It’s so good to see you again Lily.”  
“What, no hug for me?”  
The two of you broke the hug to look at the messy-haired boy smirk at the both of you. Lily rolled her emerald orbs heavenward, “Sod off, Potter.”
James chuckled at her, “Feisty as ever I see.” He then turned to you and smiled, “Y/N.”
You nodded at him, “James.” It has been three weeks since you last saw him and it feels like it’s been forever.
Lily eyed the both of you, her eyes wide as if formulating something. She instantly grabbed you and pulled you away as Sirius called out to the three of you, much to the confusion of the boys. “Did something happen between the both of you?” She interrogated.  
You furrowed your brows, “What?”
She giggled excitedly, “You and James I mean!” She whispered-yelled. “Is there something going on that I should know about?!”  
“Um, I don’t think so?” You denied, because really, there wasn’t, wasn’t there?  
She pulled you further away, “I saw the way you two looked at each other! If there’s something going on between the both of you, I’m all in for it!”
“Lily didn’t you call him an arrogant toerag before?” You raised a brow at her.
“Oh please, that was before we all got to become friends!” She turned to look at the boys, Remus and Peter had already arrived and the four of them were talking animatedly with each other as if they haven’t seen each other for years. “I’m just saying, I think the both of you make a fine pair now that I see you guys again. It’s like a spell had been cast during summer break that changed everyone’s demeanor.”
Ah that was right, Lily didn’t know what happened yet. You had avoided writing to her about what happened since you didn’t want to worry her, and also you didn’t want to relive the memories. Your expression may have changed since Lily went from excited to concerned in an instant, “What is it? What’s wrong?” She questioned.  
“I need to tell you something...” You trailed off but before you could go into your story-telling, the train chimed out. It was time to go.  
The boys headed your way, “Ladies,” James uttered and grabbed your trunk from your hands. You tried to get it back from him but it was futile, which only made Lily cast you another knowing smirk. You frowned at her in reply.
“We have to go to the Prefects compartment.” Lily informed you as she and Remus stopped midway.
“Oh, right. Sure.” You nodded, “I’ll talk to you later then?”  
The redhead smiled at you, “Of course.” They then walked off towards the other end of the train while you, Peter, Sirius, and James easily found an empty compartment and went inside. You stood by the doorway while the boys placed the trunks up, and entered when they were done.  
James took his seat beside you while Sirius and Peter sat on the opposite side. The train took off a few minutes later, and you leaned your head on the window glass, looking at the vast terrain. The boys chatted on, paying no heed to your lack of input to their conversation.  
The cart lady soon did her rounds around the train, and James and Peter got up to buy some sweets. Sirius nudged you with his foot and you shot him a look, “What?”
He chuckled, “Nothing. It’s just- you're real quiet today. Is everything all right?”
“Of course. I... I just have a lot on my mind right now.” You confessed.
Sirius gave you a sad smile. “Well, don’t get consumed by those thoughts. We’re here for you aright?” He pulled the sleeves of his sweater.  
You folded your hands together in your laps, glancing outside where the others were still busy picking the sweets they want. “We both know you’re more troubled than I am. Do you want to talk about it?”
Sirius stopped pulling his sleeves instantly, “I almost forgot you’re a Legilimens.” He chortled lowly, but it held no actual mirth. “I was disowned, kicked out of the house- with all that burning of my picture in the family tree.” He shook his head as if he found it absolutely ridiculous, “I think Bella told them about our little encounter during the concert incident and that flipped them how I could stand against the Dark Lord himself and their cause. So now I live with James apparently. It’s fine though, if anything, I’m glad to be rid of all that pureblood supremacy nonsense.”
You frowned deeply; his pureblood fanatic family was not foreign to you. You knew, since before, that Sirius suffered immensely in his household, and it made your family life all the much better. “You’re worried about your brother?” You surmised.
He nodded slowly, “They’re poisoning his mind, they are. He’s my little brother and I couldn’t even protect him. I can’t stop him from walking down that path...”
Your heart ached from the familiarity, you leaned back on your seat, “Well... all we can do is not give up now.” You told him, and he understood. He understood that the both of you were in a similar boat, and that made him smile genuinely and nod. You were thankful about the fact that he didn’t even comment about how he knew you were talking about Severus. You knew they weren’t on the best terms but you were worried he might convince you to forget about that snake. That he wasn’t worth it.
James and Peter came back with their hands full with sweet treats and they set it down on the cushions. “Take anything you want.” James told you and you looked through the candies and chocolates. You took a cauldron cake, thanking him.  
Halfway before arriving to Hogwarts, you all started to change into your robes. You had to leave the compartment to change at the comfort room all the way down the train hallway while the boys had no trouble pulling their sweaters over their heads.  
“Wouldn’t mind if you changed here, Y/N.” Sirius wiggled his brows at you but yelped when James threw his robes at him.  
“Hi, Y/N.” A girl with ginger hair and warm brown eyes greeted you as you waited in line for your turn to change in the bathroom. “I’m Marlene McKinnon; we share the same dorm?” She introduced herself when you just stared at her.  
You shook your head, “Oh sorry, I know who you are, I’m just a little surprised is all. We’ve never really talked before.” She was nervous, she didn’t think she would ever get to talk to you as well.
She chuckled lightly, “We haven’t, haven’t we? I’m sorry about that; but I hope to rectify that, Lily’s friend is our friend of course.” She gestured to the person inside the room who just came out.  
“Oh, hi Y/N.” Mary Macdonald greeted, already in her robes, a kind smile on her face.  
“You can change first Y/N.” Marlene told you; you thanked her, not wanting to make it awkward.  
You closed the door behind you and discarded your sweater. You could faintly hear Marlene and Mary chatting in the other side of the door, it was a good thing they weren’t talking about you. Was it going to be like this from now on? You wondered. Were your housemates going to make pleasant conversation with you just because you were friends with Lily and the Marauders? Somehow the thought of not being ostracized by your own house anymore wasn’t so bad.  
You came out after changing and Marlene went in afterwards. You smiled at Mary, in which she returned the gesture and you made your way back to your compartment. You passed by a group of snickering students, and when you turned to glance, you frowned deeply as you took note of their green robes. It was Mulciber and his little gang; their compartment door was slightly open and they passed around the daily prophet. You squinted in disgust and continued on, missing the way Severus looked as you walked away from inside the compartment.
You dragged the door open and found your three friends tossing Fizzing Whizbees at each other and catching it with their mouths. “Does anyone have a copy of today’s Daily Prophet?” You questioned, interrupting their game as you took your seat beside James.  
“I might have one.” Peter replied, swallowing the candy, and got up the seats to reach for his trunk.  
“Did something happen?” James looked at you in question.
“I don’t know yet.” You answered. Peter fished out the newspaper from his trunk and threw it to you, which you expertly caught. You immediately skimmed through the headlines while the blonde boy closed his trunk and flopped down on his seat.  
Sirius and James huddled closer towards you to check the newspaper, and you arrived at the latest news about the Dark Lord. It said that there were three more attacks, all in different locations throughout the country. Your face paled at the list of casualties, the war wasn’t just starting, it was at its height already, you realized.  
The atmosphere in the compartment turned grim. Sirius took the newspaper from your hands and crumpled it up and threw it outside the window. “It’s nothing new. People die every day.” He shrugged then took a packet of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans and ripped it open. “Here, Peter, I dare you to eat this.” He handed the boy an earth-colored bean.  
You sighed, all of you coped in a different way, you concluded. Though not particularly healthy, denial was one way to go about it. But you weren’t one to talk since the way you stressed about it all the time couldn’t be considered healthy as well.  
You felt eyes on you and you turned to see James looking at you. You cocked your head to your side in question and there was a waver in his gaze. He felt hurt; he wanted to know what you were thinking about and it pained him to see you build walls around yourself once more. You turned away from him, guilt creeping onto your conscience.  
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shesawriter39049 · 3 years
|Breakdowns & Bugatti’s| M|
     *****  Headcanon’s for my OT7 AU*****
Genre: Rich Kid AU/ Drama/ Suspense/ Smut/ Angst
AU SUMMARY : The story of 8 heirs, who also happen to be the children of some of the most powerful, and well known political figures in The Big Apple! This is a candid look at all of the sex, lies, drama, scandals, couture and boujee affairs that are caught both on, but more importantly off camera!
OR: Gossip girl meet’s HTGAWM? Essentially if GG was on HBO, darker, and had more depth within it’s plot! Which is no shade, I love me some Gossip Girl, but realistically looking back a lot of the “Drama” wasn’t that...deep lol! But we still loved it all the same!
Note:  The first chapter is called “The Kim’s of New York” So these headcanon’s are solely the Kim boys & the OC! ALSO, I just tried to find the most discrete gif for the Y/N there is NO ethnicity for ANY of my OC’s! Also, it’s set to be a OT7 intertwined plot but the smut with the OC will prob only be 3/4 members deep!
***The sneak peek for part 1 which is Namjoon X Reader will be linked***
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Name: Namjoon Kim
Age: 21 Birth place: New York, New York
Current Residence: West Village, New York/ Songpa-Gu, Seoul Korea
Profession: Heir, College student, Entrepreneur, Art lover, Smartass, Heartbreaker (Closet fuck boi) 
College: NYU (Incoming Junior)
Degree: Aiming for a Master’s in Journalism & Political communication. Endgame :Political Journalism
Preferred Degree: Opinion, Trade, or Art Journalism, or a Museum Curator   (Namjoon actually anonymously runs a pretty popular art based travel blog)Namjoon also dabbles in that Soundcloud life making beats under an undisclosed name...however that’s just a hobby....so he says...
Business Type:....Co-owner/founder of an exclusive, invite only, dating service....do with that information what you will!
(Bonus Question ) Licensed Business?: LMAO….sure
Net Worth : 10 Figures
Dating Status : Closet Fuck Boi! Wait, is that not an option? Okay fine. He’s single...ish…Kinda? Well to be fair it depends on the time of day honestly! Is it a Sunday? Are we going to Brunch at Society Café? Or, is it Friday night and he’s going to the “Press Lounge”? More importantly is it election season and and does his father need him to not look like a hoe!? This is all crucial information, I need meticulousdetails honestly! So for the time being I guess I’ll have to pass on the question!
Aesthetic : Tom Ford X Hugo Boss X Valentino X Dior X Tommy Hilfiger = Couture Business Casual! I.E Namjoon always looks like he’s going to some business meeting with Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos! Even if it’s like...noon on a Saturday and your going on a day trip to Nappa...He’s still in calfskin loafers and a disrespectfully tight button up. Namjoon’s giving like...hot college professor PornHub realness...Yup His whole “Scholar Student” Aesthetic is a whole ass kink and baby boy knows it! 
Political Tie: Father, Joshua Kim, New York Senator
Parents : Father : Joshua Kim, (New York Senator, son of Billionaire tech Tycoon Sang Woo Kim) Mother: Christine Kim : Luxury Event planner
Siblings : Only child
Political Party: Democratic
Actual Political Party: Liberal Daily : Matte Black Porsche 911/ Satin Red Ferrari 458/ Bugatti Veyron Matte red
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Name: Seokjin Kim (Jin Kim)
Age: 23
Birth place: London, England
Current Residence: Upper Eastside, New York/ Chelsea London
Profession: Existing, Retired Editorial Model, Entrepreneur, Occasional influencer (When he feels like it) IE, the influencer that never really asked for the titile...he’s just rich and living his life! I mean let’s be real who isn't curious to see how the -1% lives?!
College: University of Oxford
Degree: Maybe he has a Master’s in Business...maybe he dropped out!
Preferred Degree: Culinary Arts...or honestly...just chillin...maybe eventually open his own modeling firm or something down the line!
Business Type:....Jin casually runs high stakes poker matches...and that’s all you need to know for right now….
(Bonus Question ) Licensed Business?:...Again...that’s all you need to know right now…
Net Worth : 10 Figures
Dating Status : Single, and not in the mood to entertain….unless you’ll like...walk yourself out after then maybe...Oh also it’s a requirement that you’re aware there’s more luxury brands than Gucci and Louis Vuitton. Show up in anything straight monogram and Jin’s going flaccid on command!
Aesthetic : Chanel  X  Dior X Cavalli X Dolce X Fendi  = On Duty Runway Model! It truly doesn’t matter if he’s going to brunch, the movies, or sitting front row at Galliano! Jin always looks like he should be front row at Galliano! Whilst also effortlessly looking 10x’S pretter than half of the bitches in Manhattan even on his worst day! Androgyny at its finest, well Jin and Judge Parks son are kinda tied in that department!
Political Tie: Father, David Kim, Mayor’s Chief of Staff/ “Ghost” press secretary
Parents : Father : David Kim, (Retired Corporate Attorney, son of Billionaire Oil Tycoon Hyun-Son Kim) Mother: Lisa Kim, Co- owner of Hotel Shailla, daughter of Michael Lee, Millionaire Entrepreneur )
Siblings : Taehyung Kim (20), Hae Jin Kim (29) Deceased...( Allegedly)  
Political Party: Democratic
Actual Political Party: Honestly, Jin could give less than a damn
Daily : Matte Pink Aston Martin One, White Bugatti Chiron
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Name: Taehyung Kim (Tae Kim)
Age: 20
Birth place: Rome, Italy
Current Residence: Cobble Hill, New York/ Pairs, France (When he’s not in school...or just on the weekends)
Profession: College student, Painter, Podcast Host, unwarranted fashion critique/ Stylist! Tae lowkey thinks his IG feed is the reprise of “Fashion  Police” Joan Rivers bless rest her soul..she would’ve loved him!
College: Bernard (Sophomore)
Degree:  Fine Arts (Painting/ Sculpture)
Preferred Degree: Exactly...what he’s doing...he enrolled at NYU for business. Lasted all of like...5 months before he dropped out!
Business Type:....Tae run’s a very...controversial late night Podcast  appropriately titled “Tae unfiltered”! It wasn’t supposed to be a job, lord knows he doesn't need one...However due to the steady increase in his audience the youngest Kim is on track to ending up on Forbes without his inheritance.
(Bonus Question ) Licensed Business?:...Yup!
Net Worth: 10 Figures
Dating Status : Single, and more than ready to mingle, Tae essentially had the same girlfriend all throughout high school! The pair broke up maybe 7 months ago when she opted to go to college in London. So let’s just say he has a lot of making up to do and he’s very much….open to new experiences…
Aesthetic : Guicci  X  Gucci X Gucci X  Gucci X Gucci = Gucci!? Nah, actually Tae, is fond of anything that doesn't...blend in...so Moschino, GCDS, Vetements, Kenzo, Balmain= If it lowkey looks like it could've been homemade...but it cost like bare minimum 4k! Or he just highkey looks exactly like you’d expect, like a very rich, art student who loves funky. abstract, unethical, clothing! Is he going to Coachella or to the farmers market? We may never know but that’s fine! He’s also young, and well aware that he’s fine as fuck, and that’s a whole ass problem! Tae may not have a ton of experience but he’s far from shy and more than down to learn...
Political Tie: Father, David Kim, Mayor’s Chief of Staff (Ghost press secretary)
Parents : Father : David Kim, (Retired Corporate Attorney, son of Billionaire Oil Tycoon Sang Tae Won Kim) Mother: Lisa Kim, Co- owner of Hotel Shailla, daughter of Michael Lee, Millionaire, Entrepreneur )
Siblings : Seokjin Kim (23), Hae Jin Kim (29) Deceased ( Allegedly)
Political Party: Democratic
Actual Political Party: Liberal AFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Daily : Lime Green Lamborghini Huracan/ Matte Grey Ferrari F60
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Name: Yn/Ln
Age: 21
Birth Place: Paris, France
Current Residence: Upper East Side, New York/ Dubai
Profession:...Taking pictures, of both herself and other people, ugh...looking attractive? Does that count? Oh being well dressed...Self taught photographer, Fashion Blogger, Creative Director,Entrepreneur...
College: N/A ...Possible freshman at NYU or Bernard or, FIT for Photography & or Fashion
Degree: N/A... IF, she went it would be for Fine Arts/ Fashion degree for Creative Direction
Preferred Degree: Honestly, none, she lives and breathes fashion and due to her lifestyle Y/n already has the type of connections that up and coming photographers would die for! BUT...said college degree would shut her father up...so it’s a possibility! However, it’s not like he considers photography or being a fashion influencer a real job anyway...sooo she mideswell just not even bother!
Business Type:....Existing? Her main job is essentially...breathing...and occasionally taking pictures of other people! Oh, and herself as well, she get’s paid to post daily content! She runs a website called “MyJobIsToBeWellDressed” Co-owner of an exclusive invite only dating service!
(Bonus Question ) Licensed Business?: Yes and...(lmao)...for the first part, where her blog and all of that is concerned, yes...she’s 1099 the full nine! The other job however...................mmm... next question?
Net Worth: 10 Figures
Dating Status :YOLO
Aesthetic : 90’s Couture meet’s “House of Yes” @ 3 AM ( Back when luxury brands weren’t afraid to have fun and be a little risque)  Chanel X Versace X Dolce X Prada X Gucci X Galliano = Well kept sugar baby??? Or every time you see her your literally like “Dude where the fuck are you even going!!??” Baby girl is always overdressed, she showed up to go on a doggy date through central park with Yoongi and Holly in 7 inch Louboutin’s sooo..we love that! Owns literally every vintage 90′s runway archive you can think of...If you’ve gagged over it on Pinterest it’s in Y/n’s closet. She’s smooth as all fuck...that’s for damn sure, radiating the perfect blend of BD and WAP energy....she’s a bad bitch and she knows it! Fuck the entire upper Eastside knows it!
Political Tie: Father, Christopher L/N, New York Senator
Parents: Father : Christopher L/N, (New York Senator, son of Billionaire Automotive Tycoon/ Real Estate Mogul Gregory L/N/ ) Mother: Ashley L/N, (luxury) Interior Designer & Daughter of Hotel Mogul Michael L/N
Siblings: Only child...maybe
Political Party: Democratic
Actual Political Party: Liberal
Daily : Matte Black Bugatti Divo / Satin Purple Lamborghini Murcielago/ Any car that any of her friends are driving because...fuck that, ridding shotty all day!
There they are!!
The sneak peek is linked below...part 1 is Namjoon X Reader
However Jin and Tae are briefly introduced...and they will eventually have induvial chapters as well!
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spencersawkward · 3 years
switchblade faith // spencer reid - chapter 3
summary: one month after joining the BAU, Clea is still settling in. between solving murders and getting acclimated to DC, the only comfortable thing in her life is her friendship with Dr. Spencer Reid.
word count: 4k
content warnings: mention of rape and victim-blaming (talking about Clea's previous job in sex crimes— not her personal experience).
this chapter is drawn from the season 1 episode 17 episode "A Real Rain," which is supposed to be in New York, but I didn't wanna write about New York so I changed it to Boston.
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I drop a second sugar packet into my coffee before taking a tentative sip. my face twists in discomfort. previous to working here, I would bring my own thermos from home and it would last me all day, but I've had to up my caffeine intake to two or three cups.
"you get used to it." JJ walks over to me, steeping her tea. despite the fact that it's early, she's perfectly put together. her hair is tied up and her eyes are sparkling.
"how?" I laugh. she points to the coffee pot, which is fresh and yet somehow tastes slightly stale.
"when you've been up for twenty four hours, you won't care how it tastes."
I avert my widened eyes at this.
"you could do what Spence does and just add a bunch of sugars." she tilts her head towards Reid, who is rocking back in forth in his spinny chair with a huge volume open in front of him. he doesn't even notice us staring at him.
"ew, what?" I giggle. JJ nods.
"hey, Spence!" she calls across the office. his head pops up to frown at us.
"how many sugars do you use?"
"five. occasionally six." he says this without a hint of the shame it deserves. my eyebrows shoot up and I take another sip of the bitter drink, trying to ignore the taste. it coats my tongue.
"see?" she smirks. "just so you know, we have another case. meeting in five." she sashays away to the conference room, leaving me standing there with an overwhelming urge to sweeten my drink. I keep it at three and add a splash of creamer to drown out the bitterness, then walk briskly to my desk to grab a few of my things.
"we have a meeting, Reid." I say across the divider between our spaces. he holds up an index finger, slams the book shut, and grabs his things. I wait for him to get collected before we head up.
"what were you reading?" I ask, peeking at his workspace. books are lined up against the divider, loose papers scatter the surface, and there are three uncapped pens littered about. his disorganization surprises me.
"War and Peace." he replies, checking his watch.
it's not even nine am.
I'm staring out the window of the jet while Morgan and Prentiss battle out yet another card game with Reid. there's not much to see until we slice through clouds and fly over Boston, which is glittering in the early light. I sigh and turn back to my book, tucking my legs up beneath me.
"this is not how I planned to visit." Morgan notes, looks through his cards.
"I'm looking forward to seeing Boston." Spencer smiles softly. at this, all of us look up.
"you've never been?" Morgan asks doubtfully. Emily snorts.
"we've never had an unsub there." Reid doesn't seem to think this strange at all. Morgan and I share a glance before he speaks.
"Reid, it's an hour-and-a-half flight."
"I'll show you around if we have some time." Emily smiles reassuringly at the boy genius.
"it's an easy trip, man." Derek chuckles. Spencer isn't bothered by our teasing. instead, he draws another card from the deck and focuses on his game.
"I've never been either." I state. the team turns to me with surprised expressions, causing my cheeks to flush.
"you, too?" Morgan makes a face like I've disappointed him.
"I've been meaning to go." I shrug. "there's an exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts that I wanna see."
"what exhibition?" Spencer doesn't look up from his hand.
"uh, Titus Kaphar." I haven't had the opportunity to travel much, so a lot of the art I've seen has been from a computer screen or in class in college. it would be nice to actually get some experience seeing things face-to-face.
"Shifting the Gaze!" Spencer's face snaps up to beam at me, referencing the piece so vehemently that it makes me laugh.
"yeah, exactly."
"I went to his talk a couple years back."
"no way. really?" I shut my book and lean forward while he nods. Prentiss and Morgan are watching our conversation like a tennis match. while Reid rambles about all the things he heard at the lecture, I listen intently. it's good, because I don't really feel like talking right now; my head is pounding all over again, and this is distracting.
"do you ever go to the art museums in DC, then?" I ask once he's finished. Reid gets this crooked smile on his face like he wants to say a bunch of things, but is holding his tongue. his face is animated when he tells me about the other exhibits he's seen at the Smithsonian and apparently abandons his cards. Prentiss and Morgan have lost interest in our conversation; they start their own game and let us talk for the rest of the flight.
when we touch down, I immediately feel overwhelmed by the crush of people around us. our first crime scene is a taxi cab in Hyde Park, where the driver has been blindfolded, shot in the chest, and stabbed right through his ear. the blade, broken off from the handle, is lodged in his brain.
despite the fact that his kills are violent and seemingly random, the unsub definitely isn't disorganized. he carries his MO out the same way each time, which makes all of us question if we've missed a connection between victims.
"it's possible he's a sort of serial killer groupie." Spencer notes as he examines the inside of the cab, which is splattered with a mix of rainwater from the night before and blood. I shift where I'm standing to try to follow his line of sight.
"what do you mean?"
"Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris drove ice picks into their victims' heads and broke off the handle." he explains.
"well, if he's doing that, then he's presenting a mixed profile." I frown.
"mixed profile?" the police officer next to me asks.
"yeah. the fact that this guy is shooting his victims first suggests that he needs a quick and effective means of controlling the situation, which means that he probably doesn't think he can overpower them." I say.
"he could have a physical problem-- or maybe he's just not confident because he's small." Reid is still examining the taxi for any further evidence, but it seems sort of pointless.
"plus, he's organized and hunts at night. that tells us he most likely has a steady job."
"so," the cop stares between us with a perplexed expression. "we're looking for a small, angry white guy with a day job?"
the sarcasm in his voice makes me smile a little.
"I know it doesn't narrow down a lot right now, but we know that this guy isn't blitz attacking his victims. it's more of an execution."
the officer nods at this and my phone buzzes in my pocket. I turn to Reid.
"we gotta go."
Spencer nods curtly, straightens, and starts to immediately walk back to the car. I shake my head at his behavior, then follow after.
we get called to visit a new crime scene in the morning, this time in a church. Hotch holds the door open for me and I walk in to see a body laid out in front of the pews. an older woman sits towards the back, comforted by a nun.
"how'd they find him?" Prentiss asks the police chief as she leads us to the victim.
"night janitor." she nods to a man being questioned by cops in the corner.
"did he see anything?" I ask her.
"no, but he remembered a parishioner who was here earlier," we walk past the older woman. she stares at us expectantly as the chief talks. "so there could be a potential witness."
we stop at the body of a priest, his eyes covered and a blade lodged in his skull, unsurprisingly. Emily and I stare down at him, realizing the same thing.
"first public killing." she notes as she bends down to examine his wounds. "he's getting bolder."
"the presentation is just as important as the kill." I join her on the ground, snapping my gloves tighter on my hands and turning his head to the side to get a better look at the blade. semi-dried blood coats the tied fabric around his eyes.
"I'm gonna go talk to that woman." Emily leaves. the crime scene agent crouches down on the ground across from me, and I bite my lip before making a strange request.
"would you mind... sliding that thing out of his ear?"
the agent blinks at me in disbelief, probably not wanting to pry a knife out of someone's head, but nods and does so carefully. I squint down at the wound. then I realize something.
"Reid?" my voice carries across the room. Spencer is talking to an officer when he hears me and walks over.
"this doesn't look like a normal blade, but I don't know what it is." I point at the now half-buried weapon. it sits unpleasantly out, the blood catching warm light. Spencer gets down next to the crime scene agent and examines it more closely.
"this is flint." he says slowly, turning to me with a concerned expression.
"like the stone?"
"flint is the symbol for protection and retribution in Egyptian mythology. with hieroglyphics, they used to display dangerous animals like scorpions and snakes being cut with flint knives in order to render them powerless."
"oh." is all I can manage while I process what he's saying. Spencer waits for me to say something else, but instead I bend my head down to pull back the silk tie.
"there's no way that using flint is a coincidence." I reason. the blood is all on the inside of the tie as well, which gives me pause. Reid recognizes this a second later, his eyes lifting to mine. they look almost brown in the candlelight, flecks of gold sparkling in them while his mind whirs endlessly.
"I'm gonna call Garcia to see if any of the victims have been charged with a crime." he tells me.
"good idea." we both stand, the crime scene agent scurrying off to do something else. I head back over to Emily and hope that we're right about this. flint is too specific of a weapon for it not to be intentional, right?
we deliver the profile by the end of the work day, our unsub a serial vigilante with a personal edge to all of his killings. my body is slightly shaky from downing cups of coffee without any actual food, so the promise of eating out after we finish makes my stomach eager.
we go to a Chinese restaurant by the station and keep talking about the case, despite having promised ourselves not to do so. I sit between Prentiss and Reid while I dig into my dumplings. I like listening to them swap theories and past cases, how they weave together all their stories.
"you forgot to add something to the profile earlier today, Aaron." Rossi says as he piles more noodles onto his plate. our attention immediately focuses on the Italian.
"what did he forget?" Prentiss has a ghost of a smile on her face. I've noticed that she tends to speak like she's on the inside of a joke that other people don't understand. the intonation of her words feels like a secret.
"I didn't mention the possibility of our unsub being a cop." Hotch takes a sip of his ice water. there's a moment where we all reflect on this information before Morgan breaks the silence.
"I mean, they do know the system."
"they could easily take matters into their own hands, given what they see every day." Prentiss adds. I nod.
"when someone like our victim is killed, police refer to it as a public-service murder." Reid struggles to get the noodles onto his chopsticks, which I notice but don't say anything about. he tries again, the food slipping back onto his plate. Morgan notices this shortcoming of Spencer's and I see that he's about to start teasing him, so I change the subject.
"I saw a lot of rapists walk when I was in sex crimes," I put down my dumpling while I talk. Hotch watches me intently. I haven't spoken much about my previous job with anyone on the team, especially not him. in fact, he barely knows anything about me. "a lot of the victims didn't feel safe pressing charges, or the juries said they were asking for it. it's enough to make you wanna explode."
"it's a long way from feeling like that and actually committing a murder, though, don't you think?" Emily asks.
"not really." I turn my gaze back to my plate and start to feel nauseous. there's a clinking of plates and silverware as we continue in silence. Emily nudges my arm gently with hers and offers me a supportive smile.
I hear Spencer next to me, getting the attention of a passing waiter.
"excuse me," he says in a low tone. "can I get a fork, perhaps?"
Morgan snickers as the waiter takes off to get the utensil. at this point, there's a palpable tension as we wait to see who makes fun of Reid first. he drops his chopsticks into his bowl with a defeated clatter and Derek gently pushes his knuckles against Spencer's cheekbone.
"having some trouble, kid?" he asks. Spencer smacks his hand away.
"don't be mean." I giggle, reaching onto my wrist to grab a hair tie. "here, try this." I wrap the thing around the end of Spencer's chopsticks so that they're easier to use, handing them back to him.
Spencer tries again and it works-- if not somewhat clumsily. he gives me a little appreciative smile and I smile back before returning to my food, listening to the stories that Rossi doles out. he even pays for dinner despite our half-hearted protests.
the entertainment for the evening is pretty nice, but when I've stuffed myself with Chinese food, Emily leans over to me.
"do you wanna go to that museum you were talking about earlier?" she whispers. I peek at my phone to check the time.
"I doubt we'd have much time before they close, but yeah, definitely." excitement bubbles up in my stomach as I realize I might actually get to poke around for a while. Prentiss throws her napkin on the table abruptly.
"Clea and I are going to the Museum of Fine Arts. anyone wanna join?"
I look around to gauge some reactions.
"I'm interested." Morgan nods.
"I've already been several times." Rossi takes a sip of his drink as he politely declines. Hotch shakes his head.
"I have some paperwork I need to finish."
"again?" Prentiss complains.
"I'll go." Spencer sits up straighter as he looks at his brunette friend, folding his napkin neatly on his plate. my eyebrows raise a little, although I'm not surprised that he'd be interested in visiting any museum. we stand and get ready to go; Hotch warns us to be ready to go at seven in the morning tomorrow. a little weight is lifted off my chest as I realize that there will be some reprieve during this case, and then we're wandering out into the evening air.
we ate dinner sort of early, so the sky is still slightly aglow with a bruised shade, preparing to sink into its favorite darkness. after finding the route to the museum, we hop on the train.
Boston is lovely in the kind of way that aches of neat corners and airy lights. stores crammed with antiques and novelty products line the sidewalks, people wander about as they take in a pleasant night. somehow disjointed and cohesive all at once.
whatever bit of conversation we had on the way dissipates into breathlessness once we get inside the enormous entryway. it's cavernous, extravagant, gorgeous. we flip through brochures advertising different exhibits. Emily raves about Impressionism and decides that that must be our first stop, so we head off with the rest of the museum stragglers who have decided to feed themselves with art until they're forced to leave.
my head is constantly spinning to admire something else in the enormous white rooms. it's a bit overwhelming at some points, what with the gargantuan canvases that greet me at every turn. but it's impressive, too, and I find myself hungrily reading all the small plaques. I venture out of the Impressionism vein and into Korean art, my feet carrying me away from Morgan and Prentiss. Spencer broke off a while ago; to where, I have no idea.
I check out vases and pottery, sculptures, renderings of historical events. images from the crime scenes fill my head intrusively. there's no use in trying to shut them out; they've been in my dreams for a while now, the kind that wake me up in a cold sweat. I haven't told anyone about them— I'm sure others get them, too— and I don't want to seem like I can't handle it. every time I close my eyes, I begin to feel the pressure of a knife against my temple.
"a lot of these are from private collections."
the voice causes me to jump, my skin erupting in goosebumps as Spencer stands beside me. he holds his bag against his side and follows my line of sight to the 18th-century bookshelf screen.
"that's interesting." I reply. what else is there to say to that?
"really makes you think about what other art pieces won't ever be seen by the public." he turns and starts walking onto the next work, seemingly done with this conversation. my brow furrows while I watch him go, his posture miserable as a result of his skinny build. he's quite tall.
"what do you mean?" my voice comes out quiet, but it carries in the otherwise empty exhibit. Reid turns around and stops in his place, allows me to catch up briefly. we start to read another plaque by a silver basin.
"you could have a Cézanne just rotting in your attic and it would never be examined by the right scholars." he shrugs.
"I really doubt there's anything nearing that value in my attic." I laugh.
"you ever seen 'Antiques Roadshow'?" he asks non-sarcastically. I balk.
"you never know." he's not a man of many words, apparently. I get his message regardless and we continue to walk, him setting out facts for me in neat rows, simple and easily taken in. he's definitely a know-it-all, but not in the way that makes me want to escape his presence. it's sort of comforting, having someone around who just understands everything. his absolute lack of social graces makes him easy to be around, too; I don't need to force conversation because he doesn't care.
we wind up in the mummy section, where the walls tingle with an energy that could only be described as magical.
"spooky." I nod to the domineering sarcophagus lid of Kheperra. a spotlight illuminates all of its intricacies and I make a beeline for it. Spencer trails behind me and we fall into silence as we peer at the exquisite details. it's intimidating, for sure, hulking and made of carved black stone. "you feel that?" I whisper to Spencer, who is enthralled in the image.
the way the spotlight spills over onto him is interesting; it emphasizes the shadow below his jaw and the delicate quality of his bone structure, his cheekbone prominent at the place where his ear meets his face. his lashes are long and lovely, his Adam's apple poking out of a slender throat. he turns to me with a curious expression.
"feel what?"
"the energy change," I smile. "from the ancient dead bodies."
"it's probably just the dark lighting and the media associations you have with mummies." but his eyes begin flitting about the room in a slightly panicked manner. I feel a smirk tug at my lips as I step closer to him.
"are you scared?"
"no," he scoffs and makes a face like I've made the world's most absurd accusation. "why would I be scared?"
"because we're all alone in here..." I use a lower tone to freak him out a little. "who's to stop them from coming out and... snatching us?" when my hand snakes around behind him to pinch his arm, he jumps.
"what the--" he catches sight of the devilish grin on my face. "don't do that!"
"sorry, Einstein." I laugh and turn in the other direction, him following me to the next piece. Spencer doesn't seem to have more thoughts to give on the exhibition, probably still a little creeped out. part of me begins to feel guilty for startling him, even though he constantly does that to me. his footfalls are weirdly soft.
I wonder what Spencer is like outside of work. what he does when he gets back to his apartment. how could someone like him entertain themselves? maybe he just reads books until his eyes glaze over. he definitely doesn't go out often, but maybe he has other nerdy friends. I hope he does. there's something in his eyes that's too viscous for me to grasp, something swimming and pocketed. I'd like to understand it, although that doesn't seem like a great idea to pursue. he barely gives his closest friends information about his life.
we end up at opposite ends of the room, him still examining an entombed husband and wife couple while I check out a canonic jar. the silence in this room is tangible. I wasn't lying when I felt an energy shift— it's like gold and clay and it smells like cracked cinnamon.
I'm trying to get a better look at the detailing when I feel a cold hand wrap around my forearm, easily encircling it. I jolt.
Spencer stands behind me with a playful smile, like he's quite pleased with himself.
"Reid!" I yank my arm away from his long fingers and see him let out that rare laugh. it's pleasant and fills the room with a warmer light as I rub my arm where his fingers held me. I'm surprised he was willing to touch me at all; it's pretty obvious that he's got a problem with germs, which is understandable.
"who's scared now?" he tries to defend himself with his palms when I reach out to gently smack his shoulder.
"you know, I was starting to feel bad for you." I laugh. he smiles brightly and keeps walking into the next room. I realize that the way we move is like two weighted ends of a string. he drifts out on his own, I follow, and vice versa.
I appreciate that he's beginning to loosen up around me, so much so that he smiles at a joke I make in the English Regency section. we walk quickly to absorb as much as we can before the museum closes, but we still don't get through all of it. Spencer isn't much of a conversationalist, and he doesn't really need to be. he listens to me talk, I listen to his erudite observations, smiling when he uses certain terms that sound like they're from someone much older.
by the time a curator tells us we have to go, we've completely lost Prentiss and Morgan and end up meeting back at the entrance. it's pitch black outside; Boston is still bustling, except my legs are tired and I'm ready to crash in bed. we have another packed day tomorrow.
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