#rick and morty writers
cassowariess · 6 months
It was pretty dark that it was revealed that Rick didn't bother entering the Fear Hole to save Morty in the first place, but the fact that Rick went back to it after being told Diane was in there, and not only refused to go into it, but pinned Morty's photo to the wall (a photo he now keeps in his wallet) shows that Rick *is* moving on and healing from her death. His family here and now are what matter.
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hazelnut-u-out · 12 days
Just watched Rick and Morty. My favorite part was when Rick walked out in full drag and punched Elon Musk in the face while screaming 'GAY RIGHTS! I'M GAY RIGHTS RICK!' before Birdperson swooped down to share a passionate, sloppy, 45-second-long tongue kiss with Rick as Elon bled out on the floor, then they flew away into the rainbow sunset and it immediately cut to Morty in a solo therapy session.
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sorrelpaws · 7 months
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mortysmith · 6 months
In theory i like the idea that rick is growing and developing as a person. In practice it ends up falling short though, because no one balances him out. rick is getting better while no one else is getting worse, and it causes the whole thing to end up feeling a bit stale. The biggest draw, at least for me, has always been rick and morty's shitty dynamic, but it barely exists anymore because rick has been so watered down.
The ideal solution is literally just to make morty into a bigger asshole. Essentially flipping the main characters' personalities would offer a wide variety of conflict into the show, and would also help keep it "fresh".
Instead it feels the writers are pretending that they can't possibly do anything with morty's character, that they have to keep him the same anxious idiot he was in season one. I've said this before, but it's incredibly frustrating to watch the show have no problem with expanding rick's character while struggling with keeping morty's heavily stagnated characterization consistent. Where rick has space to develop between multiple seasons, morty is constantly forced into one of two boxes (smart/stupid) depending on the episode.
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zeep-xanflorp · 5 months
omg just rewatched s7 finale and morty was in the background of every scene rick shared with diane. he was THERE. the WHOLE TIME. ofc rick wasn't rlly in the hole. holy shit.
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rickenramblings · 4 months
Still thinking about that time I made the mistake watching the blood ridge clip from Rickternal Friendshine on youtube (I think when adult swim first uploaded it so all the comments were fresh), and all the straight guys of the fandom had the audacity to try and claim that Rick wasn't propositioning a relationship with BP or that he totally didn't want a romantic (and likely deeply sexual) relationship with the man.
I'm glad it's mostly sensible people now that it's sorted by top comments, but I was literally so pressed by the sheer audacity of those guys that I wrote a like 10 paragraph analysis comment on the video explaining how in no uncertain terms rick was in love with BP... and STILL had someone say "ok but not to marry him"
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hydrogen-jukebox · 8 days
i fucking hate romance i only care about intense fucked up codependent friendships and instead of sex there's mind games
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parkerc-137 · 6 months
is anyone else getting annoyed by the amount of people crediting the writing of the new season of Rick and Morty being better to the fact that Justin Roiland left? It's been said time and time again that he hasn't been involved with writing since season two and season seven was written last year (well before he got fired). It just feels rude to the team of writers to take away that credit, if the show got better it's solely because of the writers writing good material, it has nothing to do with roiland.
I keep seeing stuff along the lines of "wow the show is funny again now that roiland left" and it just feels like they're simply trying to get clicks and likes. Anyone who actually keeps up with how the show is made would know he had no input past the voices.
anyway shoutout Cody Ziglar for his first episode writing credit on "Rickfending Your Mort" !! I loved it !! Basically tldr: more credit should be given to the writers instead of saying roiland had anything to do with it. He's irrelevant past the voices.
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thesoftboiledegg · 6 months
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This tweet made me think about how Rick is a boomer but he acts like a Gen X-er. Jerry's parents are probably boomers, but it's believable because they're actually written as a quirky old retired couple. Rick is definitely out of place in his generation. He even talks like a millennial: "I always slay it, queen," "neurotypicals like your father," etc.
I think it's safe to say that Rick's Gen X and older millennial writers have a strong influence on his character, especially since he started as Dan Harmon's self-insert.
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galactic-cumslut · 1 year
gimme brains
my rick obsession has become a monster i fear…so enjoy this piece of a fic i started but can’t finish
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the usual rick warning, wasp!rick, monster fucking, idk anything about wasps so here ya go
“h-how is going to fit”?
he cackled. “that should be the last of your worries sweetie”. his monster sized cock was positioned before your entrance and he was getting impatient. “you’re going to make it fucking fit so don’t go bein a baby about it”.
six legs caged you in preventing your escape. it was too late now for you to turn back.
you could hear his giant wings start to buzz with excitement as he shoved the leaking tip of his dick inside you, earning a pathetic cry from your quivering form.
“holy shit you’re tight” he groaned- not even the full tip of his massive length had entered you and yet you felt the most full you’ve ever been. maybe being a wasp wasn’t as bad as he originally thought. “i’m going to ruin this pussy”.
you wanted to answer-give him a rude remark of some sort. submission is usually forced with you not given - but seeing the bulge of his dick in your lower stomach was enough to leave you speechless.
rick didn’t hesitate to push his cock deeper inside your gummy walls. the sensation was driving him into a frenzy. “fuck fuck fuck”. he groaned through clenched teeth. “you’re the perfect toy”
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freakykira · 2 months
Freakquests Page
Hi, i’m Kira and I’m freaky. You can literally ask me ANYTHINGGGG, you want it, I’ll write it. But, that’s not what this page is all about. Just like every writer, I have my limits.
I’ll write for…
TWD/The Walking Dead (TV Show & Game), Harry Potter, Blue Lock, Seven Deadly Sins, Mid90s , Riverdale, The Boys The Breakfast Club, TMR/The Maze Runner, Divergent, Detroit Become Human, Heathers (Movie), Good Girls, Marvel, DC, Youtubers, Rappers, Actors, OC/OC (of requests choice), Reader/OC, Reader/Unidentifed, Girl/Girl, Boy/Boy, Girl/Boy/Boy, and etc. !I know of more fandoms, but my memory is failing me, i’ll update this as I go! (Feel free to request a something about a fandom unlisted) !!ILL RESPOND TO EVERY REQUEST!!!
Main Classification: [🍄] Fluff, [🚬] Angst, and [🎋] Smut.
Sub Classifications: [🪰] Horror, [🎳] Headcannon, [🚘] OC/OC, [👤] Unidentified, [🪀] Random/Practice Fic.
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0rb0t · 1 year
ACTUALLY I HAVE MORE TO SAY on that Planetina episode. (Warnings for Rick Sympathizers, I go hard against him in this, even if I love him)
I noticed people were saying that they felt like the writers were more lenient on Planetina because she was a woman, but I don't actually believe that was the case.
The episode is extremely creepy but the thing is, we are seeing it from Morty's perspective. We have spent most of the series seeing stuff from Rick's perspective. This episode was uniquely NOT from Rick's perspective in either plot. It was Morty's or it was Summer's.
Planetina's creepy relationship with Morty was absolutely meant to parallel Rick and Morty's creepy relationship. The episode literally starts with Morty rejecting Rick to be with Planetina-- and not only rejecting Rick, but casting off "immaturity" in order to be with someone he idolizes but also wants to be mature for.
Yes it was mentioned that in the Toxic episode, Morty was with two older women, but you need to think about what that says about Morty at this point. His ideal Healthy was someone who was seen as mature, who wanted to be looked up to, who had confidence. Morty thinks that being a scared kid is toxic and that his ideal healthiness will be a man who has confidence and is mature and will have a mature woman with him. He's literally a middle school boy, this is not abnormal for middle schoolers, and it definitely gets worse when their needs aren't met.
Morty spends the entirety of the Planetina episode falling for this woman he admires, idolizes and thinks it's love, and Planetina takes advantage of that, both by having aspects of the "born sexy yesterday" trope but also because she's really kind to Morty and always says yes to him-- but let's examine that trope for a second here. In this case, Planetina is an adult woman who behaves in a childish manner that is appealing to Morty and makes her seem cute and he wants to do anything for her.
Hm. Rick is literally an adult who behaves in a childish manner that allows him to get on well with teenagers and kids but not so much fellow adults. Rick can also make Morty do almost anything for him, except he's not kind. His kindness is conditional.
I'm not saying here that anyone who is an adult that behaves childishly is automatically a predator. Rick and Planetina both are predatory towards Morty because they engage with him in highly inappropriate ways because he is a minor and they are adults. Boundaries are broken and reassured it's okay, there's a lot of "don't tell your parents about this" sometimes in actions and not words but Rick has LITERALLY said that out loud-- It's how you treat others that can make you predatory, and Planetina literally keeps encouraging this out of Morty, too.
In reality this episode is kind of an extension of the Toxic episode, because it shows that side of Morty that craves maturity because he can't connect to ANYONE around him, but also he wants so badly to be wanted, to be accepted, to be told he's good and perfect just the way he is. He wants to be loved so badly. So of course he latches onto the first woman who seems to be saying all those things to him because he HASN'T been taught how to avoid these creeps. And then when Beth finally starts stepping up as a mother for Morty, of course he sees this as betrayal-- because in his experience, his family has NEVER had his back. And the entire time, Jerry is playing a childish game where a little guy throws up everywhere LMAO Like, the writing and direction of this episode is so on point, it's Morty going "everyone around me is immature and they do not understand me and they don't want me to be happy" and Planetina takes advantage of that.
It really does not matter if she was genuine or not-- Morty is 14 and she is an adult who is going for the affections of a little boy HJSDFK LIKE. IF YOU FELT CREEPED OUT BY IT, IT'S BECAUSE IT'S CREEPY and it NEVER SHIED AWAY FROM IT. It just feels extra bad because we're getting it from Morty's perspective.
Morty finally puts his foot down when Planetina turns to outright murder--and she even tries to turn it around "You murdered my kids" EVEN THOUGH SHE BASICALLY TOLD HIM TO? She didn't use the words directly but she did tell Morty, KNOWING he was desperate for validation and love, that she was going to be taken away... Morty goes all out, arming himself to prevent that. As badass as this scene was, this entire episode really shows how middle schoolers (esp boys) are able to be groomed and radicalized by dangerous people they admire.
The original post said that the writers are lenient on women groomers but wouldn't act this way if it were men-- Morty likes girls, idk what to tell you. But also the EPISODE was from Morty's perspective. the Mr Jelly Bean episode was not-- it was horrifying but we were still generally from Rick's perspective. And as great as it was to see Rick kill that guy for trying to sexually assault Morty, Rick has not stepped up in a single way SINCE to help teach Morty how to protect himself, to safeguard himself from predators, etc. In fact, all he really aimed to do was make Morty more dependent on him.
I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS BUT I HAVE NO ISSUE SAYIN THIS SHIT CAUSE IT'S TRUE I'm glad Rick is trying NOW but the boundaries between them have long since eroded. Morty is used to being treated like this, and Rick is used to being able to get away with it.
That's why Evil Morty's finale was so poignant-- "I'm not evil, I'm just sick of him" Literally every single time Morty has pushed away from Rick, we get this perspective that Morty is bad and is being mean to Rick. HECK NO-- Morty is showing agency and trying to protect himself.
This episode is no different, he literally DOES break up with Planetina, and she (despite causing all of these situations and having the power in the relationship) blames Morty and acts like he did this to hurt her and leaves. And Morty wails openly into his mom's embrace, because Beth is there to comfort her son who is BROKEN over it.
And then these parallels are LITERALLY MET in the pre-finale episode where Rick is like I DONT NEED YOU MORTY I CAN REPLACE YOU WITH TWO CROWS--
The Planetina episode is MEANT to be watched with the finale episodes.
I don't think it's fair to blame the writers for something that they were really REALLY smart about writing in these episodes. To say that the writers didn't make it blatant is... frankly untrue... This show does not work as well when they have to look at the camera and go "THING BAD" because the entire show has had Rick grooming Morty into becoming exactly like him and that ends up being more acceptable to a lot of people because a lot of people are biased towards Rick.
And I understand the pull! I love Rick Sanchez! He's very relatable! But he's also quite literally a "do not be me" type of warning character LMAO He's a cautionary tale, at all times.
This show is entertainment first, it's not meant to be watched as education, its primary focus is to tell stories. If you learn something from it, GREAT! But the most bad faith interpretations because you're uncomfortable about how something is shown isn't actually conducive to anyone's learning.
Next time you feel uncomfortable while watching Rick and Morty, ask yourself why, and be prepared that those feelings of discomfort MAY BE MIRRORED IN ASPECTS OF RICK AND HIS GRANDSON'S PORTRAYAL. This is how I learned to stop believing anything Rick had to say about Jerry, because it's usually projection.
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sorrelpaws · 10 months
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no offense but i genuinely fear that their potential dynamic will go severely underutilized
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mortysmith · 1 year
okay listen to me. morty is a cardio sporty and summer is a weights sporty
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roostertuftart · 7 months
Can we stop W the “if you have a different opinion on sp you clearly haven’t watched the show” bit. it’s. Very annoying
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olealoa · 5 months
made a big compilation of Evil Morty and Morty Prime SORTA being friends (along with foreshadowed friendship). im not too keen on how tumblr works so i have no idea if any of this is gonna make sense, but just bare with me. also, for the sake of not typing the same names a billion times, EM = evil morty and MP = morty prime.
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first off, just to start, this is a little frame that always stuck with me. EM is the first morty MP has actually met, so of course he’s curious about another version of himself.
and next is the BIGGG video. im not going to force you to watch it, so ill state my thoughts on it first and you can watch if you want to analyze more.
PART ONE aka when EM lead MP to the morty room
- to start, MP is obviously trying to make conversation
- EM is keeping that together cold, calm character probably to both not be forced to elaborate and to control evil rick
- MP states his ideas of rick, showing rebellion unlike other mortys. EM obviously took this to heart, even if he didn’t let MP leave.
- that strange stare EM gives MP
PART TWO aka when EM talks about “sellout mortys” (didn’t add the whole montage)
- EM refers to MP as a “sellout” morty, which is obviously an insult
- however he states he can’t hate him for it due to most mortys being “bred for it”
- gives MP the chance to see his issues with rick more clearly
PART THREE aka when both call rick a liar
- not much to say, just that they’re both in agreement and they jinxed eachother which is like totally a friend thing (im coping)
PART FOUR aka when EM states how MP probably relates to him
- it’s true, MP has been “evil” countless times
- EM puts enough ideas in his head where MP’s relationship with rick truly starts to get more shakey
PART FIVE aka when EM offers MP to come with
- do i even need to explain? he offers to MP that he’ll let him come, completely unmalicious
- even though EM says that second seat was a toilet, he still offered to let him come nonetheless
- MP literally calls EM cool
PART SIX aka when MP “tees up” EM
- once again not much to say, other than EM making snide remarks to rick and MP being curious as always
PART SEVEN aka MP and EM going into the same “fighting room”
- i know it’s realistically what would happen since the two mortys count as one rick in the machine, however they were still paired up so
PART EIGHT aka when EM kills nice rick
- EM could’ve literally killed MP so easily but he didnt
- kills nice rick once he admits he was just going to use the two, once again not a lot to say but EM protecting MP and himself in a way
PART NINE aka “the worst turd is a pizza”
- MP as always attempting to engage in casual conversation with EM
PART TEN aka when MP steps into EM’s portal
- there’s not a whole lot in the beginning, just EM explaining to MP stuff
- EM saying how he “doesn’t care” if MP comes or not
- the portal closing on MP, causing EM to immediately open the portal back up to once again offer to let him join
- morty explaining his dork ass reason, EM letting him come with
- although there’s probably a reason, EM acting like he doesn’t gaf and then opening up the portal 5 seconds later just to let morty enter. istg.
PART ELEVEN aka EM and MP regrouping with rick
- once again EM acting like he doesn’t really care, definitely not letting rick know he gave MP a second chance to come with
PART TWELVE aka “rick’s cheering section”
- EM stating “WE brought ourselves”
- really giving MP those free will points, defending both him and MP
PART THIRTEEN aka MP using a rick prime bot to save evil morty
- i don’t think i need to elaborate much, MP literally saves EM
- does the two fingers salute to EM, probably saying “you can trust me”
PART FOURTEEN aka EM doing a body swap thing
- we really don’t know enough about what EM actually did to figure this out
- it could be that they completely bodyswapped and EM was just in MP’s body now, but then he wouldn’t have his wires
- either way, they swapped shirts, see that in whatever way you want, friendship love, sibling love, bromantic, romantic, whatever way you view their relationship
- EM thanks MP, it’s hard to tell if it’s sarcastic or not because EM is always flat toned
PART FIFTEEN aka EM blows up the omega device
- MP, as usual, trying to engage in casual conversation
- lets EM know about the pretty visual, really trying to connect with him
- EM states “THIS didn’t make us friends”, maybe implying something like “THAT could make us friends” in a future season?
im full of cope, im practically losing it, but im so certain they’re trying to handle EM’s and MP’s relationship in a way where they aren’t purely acquaintances. and although MP makes him attempts at friendship more obvious, and EM refuses to act like they’re friends, he has almost as many “friendship” like moments on his own. i really hope we don’t have to wait for another season to pass for EM to appear again, he’s become alot more vital, especially since the main threat that we know of (prime rick) has been eliminated. i know the writers are probably gonna be kinda silly and just make EM the main villain, however these last few episodes have been purely to develop the characters rather than the plot, and EM’s and MP’s relationship has so much potential for something fun. i don’t think something like the freaky mortys theory will happen, however there is a lot of room to wiggle around in and develop their relationship, because it will ultimately develop both MP and EM which is definitely what the writers are wanting to do. anyways feel free to use this video, feel free to reblog with your own thoughts and ideas, these are just mine!!
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