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harmonyhealinghub · 15 days
Celebrating the Legacy of Bob Marley: More Than Just a Musician Shaina Tranquilino April 17, 2024
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Bob Marley is more than just a musician; he is an icon, a symbol of love, peace, and unity. His music transcends generations and cultures, continuing to inspire and resonate with millions around the world. As we celebrate his legacy, let's take a deeper dive into the life and impact of this legendary figure.
Early Life and Rise to Fame: Born on February 6, 1945, in Nine Mile, Jamaica, Robert Nesta Marley grew up in humble surroundings. Despite facing poverty and hardship, Marley found solace in music from a young age. He formed The Wailers with childhood friends Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer, and together they created groundbreaking reggae music that would shape the genre for generations to come.
Music as a Message: Marley's music wasn't just about catchy rhythms and melodies; it was a powerful tool for social change. His lyrics spoke of love, equality, and justice, echoing the struggles of the oppressed and marginalized. Songs like "Get Up, Stand Up," "One Love," and "Redemption Song" became anthems for peace and revolution, rallying people around the world to stand up against injustice.
A Global Icon: Bob Marley's influence transcended borders, reaching far beyond the shores of Jamaica. He became a global ambassador for reggae music and Rastafarian culture, spreading messages of unity and spirituality to all corners of the globe. His concerts were more than just performances; they were transformative experiences that brought people together in celebration of love and harmony.
Legacy and Impact: Even decades after his passing in 1981, Bob Marley's legacy remains as vibrant as ever. His music continues to inspire new generations of artists and activists, carrying on his message of hope and empowerment. From political rallies to college dorms, his posters adorn walls as a reminder of the power of music to effect change.
Beyond the Music: Bob Marley was not just a musician; he was a symbol of resilience and perseverance. Despite facing personal struggles and health challenges, he remained unwavering in his commitment to his beliefs and his music. His life serves as a reminder that one person can indeed make a difference in the world, no matter how humble their beginnings.
As we reflect on the life and legacy of Bob Marley, let us remember him not just as a music icon but as a beacon of hope and inspiration. His timeless messages of love, peace, and unity continue to resonate with us today, reminding us of the power of music to transcend barriers and bring people together. Bob Marley may no longer be with us, but his spirit lives on in his music and in the hearts of millions around the world.
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jahbillah · 9 months
On Rasta continuum in Cuba
Real versus fake RastasNot unlike in many other Rasta communities around the world some of the more conservative religious brethren have introduced a view and language of authenticity with regards to what it means to be a Rasta. Framed in a discourse of cultural purity, they speak of so-called "real" and "unreal or “fake" Rastas. But, given the myriad of ways people in Cuba identify with and…
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zion-rastaparadise · 1 year
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cleopatrachampagne · 6 months
i know i’m far from an expert on history but it always bothers me to see bob marley’s portrait hanging in my local weed shop. like, i’ve loved reggae music since i was young, well before i ever smoked weed, i know listening to music is pretty rad when stoned, and i admit i understand that a lot of prominent figures and concepts idolized by the hippies and revolutionaries of the 60’s and 70’s in the usa eventually became synonymous with drug use, esp marijuana, due to smear campaigns against counterculture so maybe it is a kind of defiance to display it proudly? but while i understand the admiration a lot of disillusioned young people in the usa in the 60’s and 70’s would have felt for the people fighting the class war in jamaica and the reggae music emerging with lyrics about said war but still pushing for peace, for one love, as they worked to topple inequity and corrupt systems while redefining perspectives on race, oppression and intergenerational trauma but how did bob marley become “the weed man” in the cultural consciousness when he was a spokesperson for political change and class revolution? is it only that way in the us? do other countries and cultures see him as more than a stoner icon with his face on rasta memorabilia sold at jacked up prices to college kids who have never even heard of the rastafari revolution, the pan-african movement or the jamaican civil war, idk why but it really does bother me to see a strong voice for peace and change reduced to a face plastered on drug paraphernalia and stoner t-shirts. like… damn. that’s the death of a revolutionary in the capitalist tradition, i suppose. bob marley’s portrait hanging above the bud hut cash register, “grunge” clothing sold by fast fashion corporate hellholes, t-shirts with kurt cobain’s suicide note written on them being sold for 800 bucks a pop, eat the rich stickers for sale on amazon of all places, santa muerte being sold as a goth accessory or a “hardcore” generic tattoo in the us stripped of what she symbolizes to me and many other latina/o people who were raised with mexican neopaganism and folk catholic traditions, sanitized street art commissioned by some silicon valley suit that is purely aesthetics with no heart, no soul, nothing related to the authenticity of artistic vandalism, just imaginary street cred points for a rich dick. i get the same feeling in my stomach seeing the “aesthetic” whitewash of counterculture, the clownery of “alt” culture on apps like tiktok, the cashing in on the suffering of the oppressed for a quick buck and the tragic victory of cementing hippies and beatniks and freedom fighters in the minds of the following generations as degenerate druggies (thanks nixon and crew) that i get when i hear that pop remix of “the hanging tree” and it’s a lot to take in while i’m just trying to buy a box of strawberry cough prerolls.
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longliveblackness · 1 year
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History of Black Music Genres
Reggae is one the most globally recognised music genres and its history springs from the social upheaval in post-war Jamaica. Reggae itself is a fusion of different musical eras and styles, coupled with a message of unity and hope. Jamaica was colonised by Spain, in the 1500s, and then Britain in 1655.
Enslaved people were transported from Africa to work on the country's sugar plantations. The resulting mix of cultures contributed to the growth of an identifiable Jamaican sound.
When reggae started out in Jamaica around the late 1960s, it was considered a mixture of many genres including Jamaican Mento and contemporary Jamaican Ska music, along with American jazz and rhythm and blues.
Besides its sound, reggae music is frequently associated with the common themes in its lyrics. The earliest reggae lyrics spoke mostly of love, specifically romantic love between a man and a woman.
In the 1970s, reggae started taking on a heavy Rastafarian influence, this meant that the music was not just about romantic love but also spiritual love for God or "Jah". During this period reggae music about rebellion and revolution was also made as response to the extreme violence, poverty, racism, and government oppression that many were witnessing or experiencing on a regular basis.
Today reggae music has spurred the innovation of a whole new range of musical styles, like modern Jamaican Dub, and been infused into many other popular genres, like hip-hop and rap. Reggae has also been added to the UNESCO cultural heritage list.
Historia de Géneros Musicales Negros
El reggae es uno de los géneros musicales más reconocido globalmente y su historia nace de la agitación social en una Jamaica posguerra. El Reggae es una fusión de diferentes estilos y eras musicales, combinado con un mensaje de esperanza y unidad. Jamaica fue colonizada por España en los 1500 y luego por Bretaña en 1655.
Las personas esclavizadas estaban siendo traídas de África, para trabajar en las plantaciones de azúcar. El resultado de la mezcla de culturas contribuyó al crecimiento de un sonido jamaiquino identificable.
Cuando el Reggae comenzó en Jamaica a finales de los 1960, era considerado un mezcla de muchos géneros incluyendo Mento Jamaiquino y Ska Contemporáneo, junto con Jazz Americano y Rhythm y Blues.
Aparte de su sonido, el Reggae es frecuentemente asociado con los temas encontrados en su lírica. En las etapas tempranas del Reggae, la mayor parte de la lírica era sobre el amor, específicamente amor romántico entre un hombre y una mujer.
En los 1970, el reggae comenzó a tener una fuerte influencia rastafari, lo que significaba que la música no se trataba solo del amor romántico, sino también del amor espiritual por Dios o "Jah". Durante este período, también se hizo música reggae sobre rebelión y revolución como respuesta a la violencia extrema, la pobreza, el racismo y la opresión gubernamental que muchos presenciaban o experimentaban de manera regular.
Hoy en día, la música Reggae ha estimulado la innovación de toda una nueva gama de estilos musicales, como el dub jamaiquino moderno, y se ha fusionado con muchos otros géneros populares, como el hip-hop y el rap. El reggae también ha sido agregado a la lista del patrimonio cultural de la UNESCO.
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Cada 6 de febrero rendimos homenaje a uno de los máximos exponentes de la música Reggae de todos los tiempos: Bob Marley.
La fecha de celebración de esta efeméride coincide con el natalicio de este afamado cantante jamaicano, siendo nombrado como Día de Bob Marley.
Sus canciones son relajantes, alegres y con un alto contenido de conciencia social, política y racial, además de transmitir mensajes de paz, justicia y amor.
Puedes conocer más acerca del género musical Reggae en este artículo sobre el Día Internacional del Reggae.
¿Quién fue Bob Marley?
Robert Nesta Marley, mejor conocido como Bob Marley fue un gran músico, guitarrista y compositor de música Reggae, nacido en Nine Mile (Jamaica) el 6 de febrero de 1945.
Su madre (Cedella Booker) era afrojamaicana y su padre (Norval Marley) fue un capitán de marina, de ascendencia inglesa. Tuvo cuatro hijos con su esposa Rita Anderson y reconoció legalmente a nueve hijos de otras parejas.
Forjó una prominente carrera en el género musical Reggae. Fue el líder, compositor y guitarrista de las bandas musicales The Wailers (1964-1974) y Bob Marley & The Wailers (1974-1980).
Gracias a su trayectoria artística contribuyó a la difusión a nivel mundial de la música de Jamaica e impulsó el movimiento Rastafari, del cual era un fiel representante.
Falleció el 11 de mayo de 1981 en la ciudad de Miami, Florida a los 36 años de edad, a causa de un melanoma.
Trayectoria Musical de Bob Marley
Bob Marley tuvo una amplia trayectoria musical, a pesar de su corta vida. Entre los cantantes que inspiraron la creación de sus canciones se destacan Ray Charles, Curtis Mayfield y Brook Benton.
Lanzó al mercado musical 18 álbumes que formaron parte de su discografía, durante el periodo 1965-1984:
The Wailing Wailers (1965).
Soul Rebels (1970).
Soul Revolution (1971).
The Best of The Wailers (1971).
Africa Herbsman (1973).
Catch a Fire (1973).
Burnin’ (1973).
Rasta Revolution (1974).
Natty Dread (1974).
Live! (1975).
Rastaman Vibration (1976).
Exodus (1977).
Kaya (1978).
Babylon By Bus (1978).
Survival (1979).
Uprising (1980).
Confrontation (1983).
Legend (1984).
Estos son algunos de los éxitos musicales más populares alcanzados por este gran artista ¿Conoces otros títulos de sus canciones? ¿Cuál es tú favorito?:
I Shot The Sheriff (1973): es una denuncia contra la dificultad del débil ante la lucha contra el poder.
Get Up Stand Up (1973): es un himno de lucha contra las injusticias.
No Woman No Cry (1974): es una carta de despedida a una mujer y los momentos compartidos entre una pareja.
One Love (1977): predica el amor y la capacidad del perdón para contrarrestar el odio.
Three Little Birds (1977): un canto por la vida y la positividad.
Is This Love (1978): es un canto al amor puro.
Redemption Song (1980): refleja la importancia del poder de los humanos para rebelarse contra el poder establecido.
Could You Be Loved (1980): considerado un himno a la libertad, el pensamiento libre y la lucha del hombre por la defensa de sus ideales.
¿Sabías que? Datos curiosos sobre Bob Marley
Conoce algunos datos curiosos e interesantes sobre el Rey del Reggae: Bob Marley.
Era capaz de hacer predicciones al leer la palma de las personas, cuando era un niño.
Durante su niñez y adolescencia fue objeto de burlas y acosos, por ser un mulato (hijo de madre afroamericana y padre caucásico).
Fue considerado el representante del Rastafarismo, un movimiento sociocultural y un estilo de vida con principios que estaban en contra de injusticias e imposiciones.
Entre sus deportes favoritos se destacan el fútbol profesional y el ping pong.
Tocaba varios instrumentos musicales aparte de la guitarra, como el piano, el saxofón, la armónica y otros instrumentos de percusión.
Fue condecorado con la Medalla de la Paz, por parte de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas en el año 1978.
Era conocido por su apodo "Tuff Gong", debido a su fuerza física, referida a una piedra volcánica o gong volcánico. También era el nombre del sello discográfico del cantante.
Su álbum "Legend" fue el álbum de Reggae más vendido de la historia en todo el mundo, con más de 28 millones de copias. Ganó 15 discos de platino en Estados Unidos.
El título original de la canción "I Shot The Sheriff" era "I Shot The Police", el cual tuvo que ser modificado debido a las controversias que iba a generar.
El cantante fue enterrado con su guitarra Gibson Les Paul, una biblia, una flor de marihuana y un balón de fútbol.
Películas sobre Bob Marley
A continuación mostramos algunos títulos de documentales y una serie biográfica, para conocer más de cerca al gran protagonista: Bob Marley.
Legacy (EEUU. Año 2020): serie documental disponible en Youtube, con motivo del 75° aniversario del nacimiento de Bob Marley junto con Island Records, el sello británico que le dio máxima visibilidad a su música.
When Bob Marley Came to Britain (Reino Unido. Director: Stuart Ramsay. Año 2020): este documental examina la relación especial de Bob Marley con Gran Bretaña y revela cómo inspiró a una generación de jóvenes negros británicos.
Bob Marley: Roots of The Man (EEUU. Director: Brian Aabech. Año 2018): documental que explora la vida de Bob Marley como ícono cultural del siglo XX.
ReMastered: Who Shot The Sheriff (EEUU. Director: Kief Davidson. Año 2018): documental de Netflix que muestra el intento de asesinato de Bob Marley, ocurrido en el año 1976.
Marley (Reino Unido. Director: Kevin MacDonald. Año 2012): este documental refleja la vida de Bob Marley. Incluye actuaciones, entrevistas e imágenes inéditas.
Bob Marley: La Creación de una Leyenda (Reino Unido. Directores: Glan Godoy y Esther Anderson. Año 2011): la artista jamaiquina Esther Anderson muestra escenas grabadas con una videocámara en el año 1970, que reflejan la unión del reggae y la cultura rasta que inspiraron la carrera internacional de Bob Marley.
Bob Marley: Freedom Road (EEUU. Director: Sonia Anderson. Año 2007): la actriz nominada al Oscar Esther Anderson conduce este documental. Incluye imágenes de video caseras exclusivas e inéditas acerca de su vida juntos en su casa en Jamaica y el tiempo que pasaron en Hope Road, Londres.
Comparte información útil e interesante en las redes sociales acerca del Día de Bob Marley, con los hashtag #díadebobmarley #bobmarley
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brasilconspiracao · 6 months
Bakunin (Maçom amigo de Karl Marx) fala sobre a influência da Maçonaria no movimento revolucionário e revela a revolta satânica da maçonaria contra a verdade do cristianismo e a autoridade divina
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To The Comrades Of The International Workingmen's Association Of Locle And Chaux-De-Fonds
Works of Mikhail Bakunin 1869 (marxists.org)
The bourgeois institution par excellence, Freemasonry, in its development, in its growing power at first and later in its decadence, represented in a way the development, power and moral and intellectual decadence of the bourgeoisie. Today, fallen to the sad position of a senile old intriguer, it is a useless, sometimes malevolent and always ridiculous nullity, whereas, before 1830 and especially before 1793, having gathered together at its core, with very few exceptions, all the minds of the elite, the most ardent hearts, the proudest spirits, the most audacious personalities, it had constituted an active, powerful, and truly beneficial institution. It was the energetic incarnation and implementation of the humanitarian ideal of the eighteenth century.
All those great principles of liberty, equality and fraternity, of reason and human justice, elaborated theoretically at first by the philosophy of that century, became in the hands of the Freemasons practical dogmas and the foundations of a new moral and political program, the soul of a gigantic enterprise of demolition and reconstruction. In that epoch, Freemasonry was nothing less than the universal conspiracy of the revolutionary bourgeoisie against the feudal, monarchical and divine tyranny. It was the International of the bourgeoisie.
It is known that all the principal actors of the first revolution were Freemasons, and that when this revolution broke out it was able to find, thanks to Freemasonry, friends and devoted and powerful collaborators in all other countries, a fact that was assuredly of great help in its victories. But it is equally clear that the triumph of the revolution killed Freemasonry, for once the revolution had largely fulfilled the aspirations of the bourgeoisie, and had enabled it to displace the old nobility, the bourgeoisie went on quite naturally, after having been an exploited and oppressed class for such a long time, to become in its turn a privileged class, a class of exploiters, oppressive, conservative and reactionary in nature, the most reliable friend and supporter of the State. After the coup d'Etat of the first Napoleon, Freemasonry became an imperial institution throughout a large part of the European continent.
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Bakunin explica a revolta da maçonaria contra o cristianismo e fala sobre uma falsa “emancipação” que os maçons oferecem.
Fragments concerning Freemasonry - Mikhail Bakunin
Fragments concerning Freemasonry | The Anarchist Library
The immense difference that separates them [freemasons] from all those religious institutions is expressed uniquely by the different spirits in which Freemasonry on one hand, and the Christian associations on the other, distribute their education and their assistance. The latter have for their absolute and final aim the glory of God much more than the alleviation of human suffering, the triumph of the religious spirit, the submission of man to the divine yoke, and consequently to that of the Church and all the temporal authorities sanctioned by the Church—and as a necessary consequence the degradation and abdication of human reason, of human will, the negation of all liberty, slavery. – Freemasonry, on the contrary, if it wants to remain faithful to its primary purpose, must desire the complete emancipation of man, the constitution of humanity through liberty on the ruins of all authority.
Bakunin defendendo as “paixões” humanas, contrárias à vontade de Deus e que resultam em um estilo de vida desregrado, blasfemo e boêmio (e que no final te leva ao inferno). Revolucionários, ideólogos rastafari de faculdade, filósofos, cachaceiros, drogados, meretrizes, foliões de carnaval (Saturnália) e ladrões estão seguindo as “nobres paixões” da sua própria carne - destruindo as próprias vidas e também a vida de outras pessoas em vez de seguir os princípios do cristianismo, esses que garantem a ordem, estabilidade e a segurança da sociedade. As paixões humanas resultam em egoísmo, destruição e injustiça, pois um ser imperfeito que não se submete à autoridade divina nunca vai conseguir atingir as verdadeiras virtudes necessárias para tornar esse mundo imperfeito em um lugar um pouco melhor.
Anathema against those who dare encourage the so-called noble passions of man, and who do not want to accept that which is beautiful, noble, and generous according to the flesh, according to the natural instinct and inspiration of man, is necessarily vile, impious and abject according to God, – and that on the contrary that which is holy, just and beautiful according to Divine reason must necessarily appear disgusting, odious and unjust to the man not enlightened by grace. Anathema against those who claim that man should not sacrifice the natural affections of the flesh—human honor, that so-called person dignity that is only a frightful indignity before God, friendship, the love of the father, of the brother, of the husband and son, love of the homeland and even love of humanity—to the supreme love of God.
Bakunin defendendo a promoção de ideologias fecais humanas e aquela rebelião que é típica dos adolescentes.
Anathema against all the liberals, democrats, socialists, revolutionaries, humanitarian philosophers, blasphemers of divine right and the temporal authority of the Princes. Anathema against all those who preach rebellion, even among the cruelest and most odious tyranny, forgetting that all authority comes from God, that God and his Church are, consequently, the sole judges of the tyrants, – and that the only protest permitted to the subjects against the established tyrannical powers is an appeal to the holy and supreme jurisdiction of the Church, sole representative of the will of God on Earth.
Altruísmo, sacrificar-se pelo bem do próximo, amor total a Deus, submissão à suprema sabedoria divina e os outros mandamentos da fé cristã são vistos de forma negativa por pessoas como Bakunin e Karl Marx (Mordecai Levi).
Such is the rigorous consequence of all religious doctrine, whether Catholic, Protestant, Mohammedan, Jewish, or even pagan. Christianity is precisely the absolute religion, in that it expounds and manifest the fundamental principle, the very nature and essence of all religion, which is the systematic impoverishment, destruction and enslavement of humanity for the profit of the Divinity
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin (jewishvirtuallibrary.org)
Bakunin's hatred of the Jews grew beyond bounds. In his answer to a letter of Moses Hess in the review Le réveil (October 20, 1869), he referred to the Jews as a nation of exploiters, entirely opposed to the interests of the proletariat. At another time he stated that the Jews were more dangerous than the Jesuits and constituted a real power in Europe: they reigned despotically over commerce and banking, and had taken over three-quarters of German journalism as well as a large portion of the press in other countries.
Bakunin acertou ao reconhecer a malícia das ideias de alguns grupos judeus (principalmente a elite de banqueiros), mas como era ímpio, se excedeu e incorreu no pecado do racismo. Devemos reconhecer e combater a maldade e as ideologias erradas promovidas por certos grupos, mas não discriminá-los ou atacá-los por sua origem. Devemos tentar apresentar a verdade de cristo para que eles possam mudar de ideia.
P.S. Marx também era racista.
Bakunin was a Racist
Bakunin was a Racist | The Anarchist Library
Between February and March 1872 Bakunin wrote a letter titled To the Comrades of the International Sections of the Jura Federation. It is perhaps the most antisemitic texts he ever wrote. Within the letter he asserted that Jewish people are,
bourgeois and exploitative from head to foot, and instinctively opposed to any real popular emancipation ... Every Jew, however enlightened, retains the traditional cult of authority: it is the heritage of his race, the manifest sign of his Eastern origin ... The Jew is therefore authoritarian by position, by tradition and by nature. This is a general law and one which admits of very few exceptions, and these very exceptions, when examined closely confirm the rule. (Bakunin 1872b, 4)
Above all, they are Jews, and that establishes among all the individuals of this singular race, across all religions, political and social differences that separates them, a union of solidarity that is mutually indissoluble. It is a powerful chain, broadly cosmopolitan and narrowly national at the same time, in the racial sense, interconnecting the kings of finance, the Rothschilds, or the most scientifically exalted intelligences, with the ignorant and superstitious Jews of Lithuania, Hungary, Roumania, Africa and Asia. I do not think there exists a single Jew in the world today who does not tremble with hope and pride when he hears the sacred name of Rothschild. (Quoted in Draper 1990, 297. For the original French see Bakunin 1872b, 3)
Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are everywhere: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of bloodsuckers, a single gluttonous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild. (Bakunin 1924, 208–9)
Bakunin responded in October by writing a long unpublished letter titled To the Citizen Editors of Le Réveil. Bakunin’s other title for the letter was Study of the German Jews. (Carr 1975, 369–70; Eckhart 2016, 27; Bakunin 1911, 239) Within the letter he wrote that,
I know that in speaking out my intimate thoughts on the Jews with such frankness 1 expose myself to immense dangers. Many people share these thoughts, but very few dare to express them publicly, for the Jewish sect, which is much more formidable than that of the Catholic and Protestant Jesuits, today constitutes a veritable power in Europe. It reigns despotically in commerce and banking, and it has invaded three-quarters of German journalism and a very considerable part of the journalism of other countries. Then woe to him who makes the mistake of displeasing it! (Quoted in Draper 1990, 293. For the original French see Bakunin 1911, 243–4. This view is repeated in Bakunin 1872b, 1)
The fourth main form of Bakunin’s antisemitism was intimately connected to the previous one. Bakunin not only believed that an international Jewish conspiracy played a key role in running the world. He also believed in a specifically Jewish conspiracy against him within the 1st International. The history of the 1st International is very complicated and for the purposes of this essay all you need to know is the following. In September 1872 Bakunin was expelled from the 1st International at its Hague Congress for being a member of a secret organisation called the Alliance.
[…] Bakunin repeated his belief in a Jewish conspiracy against him in his October 1872 unsent letter to the editors of La Liberté. He wrote that,
Marx ... has a remarkable genius for intrigue, and unrelenting determination; he also has a sizeable number of agents at his disposal, hierarchically organized and acting in secret under his direct orders; a kind of socialist and literary freemasonry in which his compatriots, the German and other Jews, hold an important position and display zeal worthy of a better cause. (Bakunin 1973, 246. Also see Bakunin 1872b, 1)
Bakunin wrote in his unsent note Personal Relations with Marx that,
What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralisation in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ... (Bakunin 1924, 209)
KARL MARX (1818–1883) – Socialista ou Satanista?
KARL MARX (1818–1883) – Socialista ou Satanista? | Jesus - o Verbo de Deus (wordpress.com)
Preste atenção na lista de “amizades” de Karl Marx:
Mikhail Bakunin, um anarquista russo que escreveu: “Satã é o primeiro livre-pensador e salvador do mundo. Ele liberta Adão, imprimindo o selo de humanidade e liberdade em sua fronte, quando o torna desobediente.” (Deus e o Estado, citações dos Anarquistas, editado por Paul Berman, Praeger Publishers, N. York, 1972)
O anarquista russo Michail Bakunin foi, junto com Marx, uma dos mais influentes personagens do movimento internacional de trabalhadores no século XIX. Bakunin faz mais do que elogiar Lúcifer. Ele tem planos revolucionários específicos, mas não visando à libertação dos pobres da exploração. Ele escreve: “Nesta revolução, teremos que despertar o demônio nas pessoas, incitar as paixões mais vis.” (Citado em Dzerjinskü, de R. Gul, “Most” Publishing House, N. York, em russo).
O comunismo é satânico por natureza | Opinião | fome | morte | massacres políticos | Epoch Times Brasil
Temos visto repetidamente que o objetivo do comunismo é destruir a alma da Humanidade.
Quando a fome varreu a Rússia em 1921, depois que o ex-líder soviético Vladimir Lênin, ordenou que fossem confiscadas todas as sementes dos camponeses, entre 5 e 10 milhões de pessoas morreram de inanição. Segundo o “Livro Negro do Comunismo,” a resposta de Lênin foi que a fome foi boa para o movimento comunista, porque “a fome destruiu a fé não somente no czar, mas também em Deus”.
Embora o comunismo use várias máscaras, e até tente convencer as pessoas de que suas intenções são boas, a influência de suas verdadeiras raízes sempre pode ser vista. E embora o comunismo pareça ser ateu, muitos de seus fundadores, incluindo Marx, não o eram. Eles tinham crenças satânicas.
Um exemplo é Mikhail Bakunin, um dos sócios de Marx na Primeira Internacional, que escreveu: “O Mau é a revolta satânica contra a autoridade divina, revolta em que vemos o germe fecundo de todas as emancipações humanas, a revolução. Os socialistas se reconhecem mutuamente pelas palavras “em nome daquele que foi muito prejudicado”.
Também podemos mostrar através dos principais dogmas do comunismo que ele é satânico por natureza. Isto remonta ao materialismo dialético, que Joseph Stalin descreveu em 1938 como “a perspectiva do partido marxista-leninista”.
O Satanismo trabalha invertendo valores dentro do sistema cristão. O materialismo dialético funciona invertendo os valores de todas as crenças tradicionais em todos os sistemas religiosos retos. Ele trabalha com três princípios para identificar, contradizer e eliminar o ponto médio. A inversão de qualquer valor tradicional se converte na agenda que impulsiona o comunismo e usa essas inversões das tradições e da moralidade para fazer a sociedade entrar em luta, de modo a usar esta luta para destruir os valores que existem dentro dessa sociedade.
O comunismo não é apenas um sistema político ou econômico. Suas formas existem dentro de muitos movimentos projetados para destruir nossos valores, nossas tradições e nossas crenças. É um espectro, como Marx descreveu, que visa destruir a Humanidade.
Quote by Mikhail Bakunin: “But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the...” (goodreads.com)
“But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge.” ― Mikhail Bakunin
Bakunin fala sobre abolir Deus
Quote by Mikhail Bakunin: “If God really existed, it would be necessary to...” (goodreads.com)
“If God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish Him.” ― Mikhail Bakunin
A "loja Maçônica Independência" fez uma página na web e colocou Bakunin como um de seus “Maçons Ilustres”
Loja Maçônica Independência, 131 (lojaindependencia.org.br)
Maçons Ilustres pelo Mundo
Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin - Político da cidade de Prjamuchino. Suas obras serviram de inspiração ao movimento anarquista. É considerado, por isso, o Pai do Anarquismo russo.
Autoridade de Deus e as vãs filosofias
Porque o que a nossa natureza humana quer é contra o que o Espírito quer, e o que o Espírito quer é contra o que a natureza humana quer. Os dois são inimigos, e por isso vocês não podem fazer o que vocês querem. Porém, se é o Espírito de Deus que guia vocês, então vocês não estão debaixo da lei. As coisas que a natureza humana produz são bem-conhecidas.
Elas são: a imoralidade sexual, a impureza, as ações indecentes, a adoração de ídolos, as feitiçarias, as inimizades, as brigas, as ciumeiras, os acessos de raiva, a ambição egoísta, a desunião, as divisões, as invejas, as bebedeiras, as farras e outras coisas parecidas com essas. Repito o que já disse: os que fazem essas coisas não receberão o Reino de Deus.
Mas o Espírito de Deus produz o amor, a alegria, a paz, a paciência, a delicadeza, a bondade, a fidelidade, a humildade e o domínio próprio. E contra essas coisas não existe lei. As pessoas que pertencem a Cristo Jesus crucificaram a natureza humana delas, junto com todas as paixões e desejos dessa natureza. Que o Espírito de Deus, que nos deu a vida, controle também a nossa vida!
Gálatas 5
Quem vive segundo a carne tem a mente voltada para o que a carne deseja; mas quem vive de acordo com o Espírito tem a mente voltada para o que o Espírito deseja. A mentalidade da carne é morte, mas a mentalidade do Espírito é vida e paz; a mentalidade da carne é inimiga de Deus porque não se submete à Lei de Deus, nem pode fazê-lo. Quem é dominado pela carne não pode agradar a Deus.
Romanos 8:5-8
Tenham cuidado para que ninguém os escravize a filosofias vãs e enganosas, que se fundamentam nas tradições humanas e nos princípios elementares deste mundo, e não em Cristo.
Colossenses 2:8
Essa não é a sabedoria que vem do alto, mas é terrena, animal e diabólica.
Tiago 3:15
Há os que se revoltam contra a luz, não conhecem os caminhos dela e não permanecem em suas veredas.
Jó 24:13
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brookston · 11 months
Holidays 5.25
Africa Day
African Freedom Day (Zambia)
African Languages Day
African Liberation Day (Rastafari)
Bojangles Day
Chuquisaca (Bolivia)
Cookie Monster Day
Day of Youth (Yugoslavia)
EMS Save-A-Life Day
First Government Day (Argentina)
Flitting Day (Scotland)
Geek Pride Day
George Floyd Remembrance Day
Global Change Leadership Day
GDPR Day (a.k.a. General Data Protection Regulation Day; EU)
Global Planking Day
Global Surgery Day
Glorious 25 Day (a.k.a. Glorious Revolution, Glorious 25th of May; Discworld)
Grand Prix de Monaco begins (Monaco)
Gypsy Day
Heroes’ Day (Lesotho)
Integrity Day (Scientology)
International Missing Children’s Day (UN)
International Planking Day
International Plastic Free Day
International Skin Pigmentation Day
Kids Ocean Day (California)
Languedoc Day
Last Bell (Russia, post-Soviet countries) [5/25 or Friday before, if falls on a weekend]
Lemon Balm Day (French Republic)
Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Local Radio Day (UK)
Maddie May Day
May Revolution Day (Argentina)
National Adoption Day (Brazil)
National Ahmad “Captain Poodaman” Butler Day
National Bath Bomb Day
National Cody Day
National Don't Utter a Word Day
National Enzo Day
National George Day
National Hometown Area Local Day
National Missing Children's Day (US)
National Sing Out Day
National Stop the Bleed Day
National Tap Dance Day
National VTuber Day
Poetry Day (Florida)
Ramsey Lewis Day
Revolution Day (Argentina)
Saint Cool Day
Self-Reliance Day
Senior Health & Fitness Day
South Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Star Wars Day
Stinky Pee Day
Tap Dance Day
Towel Day
World Tarot Day
World Thyroid Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Brown Bag It Day [also Last Wednesday]
National Wine Day
4th Thursday in May
Chardonnay Day [Thursday before Memorial Day]
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day [Thursday of Memorial Day Weekend]
Red Nose Day (US) [Last Thursday]
Independence Days
Empire of New Prussia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Jordan (from UK, 1946)
Kingdom of Africa (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Kingdom of Sycamore (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Lunataria (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Neo-Dumnonii Kingdom (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Pilatia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aldhelm (Christian; Saint)
St. Ambrose (Positivist; Saint)
Barry Windsor-Smith (Artology)
Bede the Venerable (Christian; Saint)
Boniface IV, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Canius (Christian; Saint)
The Cat (Muppetism)
Celebration of the Tao (The Mother of the World; Taoism)
Cookie Monster (Muppetism)
Dionysius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Dumhade, Abbot of Iona (Christian; Saint)
Dúnchad mac Cinn Fáelad (Christian; Saint)
Gerard of Lunel (Christian; Saint)
Gregory VII, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Madeleine Sophie Barat (Christian; Saint)
Mary Magdalene of Pazzi (Christian; Saint)
Maximus (Mauxe) of Évreux (Christian; Saint)
Sara-Kali’s Day (Pagan)
Shavuot begins (Judaism) [5 Sivan] (a.k.a. …
Erev Shabuot
Feast of the Harvest
Feast of Weeks
Festival of Weeks
First-Fruit festival
Wheat Harvest
Stalin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Towel Day (Pastafarian)
Urban I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Urbanas Diena (Ancient Latvia)
Venerand (Christian; Saint)
William Boyer (Artology)
Zenobius of Florence (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 10 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [10 of 24]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Alien (Film; 1979)
Back to the Future (Film; 1985)
Back to the Future Part III (Film; 1990)
Barefoot in the Park (Film; 1967)
Beyond the Great Snow Mountains, by Louis L’Amour (Novel; 1999)
The Cookie Carnival (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier (Film; 1955)
The Day Lincoln Was Shot, by Jim Bishop (Historical Book; 1955)
Feud with a Dude (WB MM Cartoon; 1968)
A Gander at Mother Goose (WB MM Cartoon; 1940)
Hair-Raising Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1946)
Harry of Monmouth, by A.M. Maugham (Novel; 1956)
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother, recorded by The Hollies (Song; 1969)
H.M.S. Pinafore, by Gilbert & Sullivan (Comic Opera; 1878)
Jesus of Montreal (Film; 1990)
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, by The Cure (Album; 1987)
Men in Black 3 (Film; 2012)
Mickey’s Revue (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Midnight Cowboy (Film; 1969)
Moonrise Kingdom (Film; 2012)
Paprika (Anime Film; 2007)
Pearl Harbor (Film; 2001)
Piker’s Peak (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (Film; 2007)
Safety, by Coldplay (EP: 1998)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (Film; 2018)
Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope (Film; 1977)
Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Film; 1983)
Tubular Bells, by Mike Oldfield (Album; 1973)
Under My Kin, by Avril Lavigne (Album; 2004)
War Machine (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Beda, Gregor, Magdalene (Austria)
Spas, Spaska (Bulgaria)
Beda, Grgur, Urban (Croatia)
Viola (Czech Republic)
Urbanus (Denmark)
Urban, Urbo, Urve, Urves (Estonia)
Urpo (Finland)
Sophie (France)
Beda, Magdalene, Miriam, Urban (Germany)
Nefeli (Greece)
Orbán (Hungary)
Basileo, Beda, Erminio, Gregorio (Italy)
Anitra, Anšlavs, Ciemvaldis, Gunita (Latvia)
Almantas, Danutė, Urbonas (Lithuania)
Ragna, Ragnar (Norway)
Epifan, Grzegorz, Imisława, Maria Magdalena, Urban (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Urban (Slovakia)
Beda, Gregorio, Magdalena, María (Spain)
Urban (Sweden)
Celeste, Celestine (Ukraine)
Madalyn, Madeleine, Madeline, Madelyn, Madilyn, Marlee, Marleen, Marlena, Marlene, Marley (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 145 of 2024; 220 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 21 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 7 (Gui-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 5 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 5 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 24 Bīja; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 12 May 2023
Moon: 32%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 5 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Ambrose]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 67 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 5 of 32)
Calendar Changes
Odal (Home, Possession) [Half-Month 11 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 6.8)
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Holidays 5.25
Africa Day
African Freedom Day (Zambia)
African Languages Day
African Liberation Day (Rastafari)
Bojangles Day
Chuquisaca (Bolivia)
Cookie Monster Day
Day of Youth (Yugoslavia)
EMS Save-A-Life Day
First Government Day (Argentina)
Flitting Day (Scotland)
Geek Pride Day
George Floyd Remembrance Day
Global Change Leadership Day
GDPR Day (a.k.a. General Data Protection Regulation Day; EU)
Global Planking Day
Global Surgery Day
Glorious 25 Day (a.k.a. Glorious Revolution, Glorious 25th of May; Discworld)
Grand Prix de Monaco begins (Monaco)
Gypsy Day
Heroes’ Day (Lesotho)
Integrity Day (Scientology)
International Missing Children’s Day (UN)
International Planking Day
International Plastic Free Day
International Skin Pigmentation Day
Kids Ocean Day (California)
Languedoc Day
Last Bell (Russia, post-Soviet countries) [5/25 or Friday before, if falls on a weekend]
Lemon Balm Day (French Republic)
Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Local Radio Day (UK)
Maddie May Day
May Revolution Day (Argentina)
National Adoption Day (Brazil)
National Ahmad “Captain Poodaman” Butler Day
National Bath Bomb Day
National Cody Day
National Don't Utter a Word Day
National Enzo Day
National George Day
National Hometown Area Local Day
National Missing Children's Day (US)
National Sing Out Day
National Stop the Bleed Day
National Tap Dance Day
National VTuber Day
Poetry Day (Florida)
Ramsey Lewis Day
Revolution Day (Argentina)
Saint Cool Day
Self-Reliance Day
Senior Health & Fitness Day
South Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Star Wars Day
Stinky Pee Day
Tap Dance Day
Towel Day
World Tarot Day
World Thyroid Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Brown Bag It Day [also Last Wednesday]
National Wine Day
4th Thursday in May
Chardonnay Day [Thursday before Memorial Day]
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day [Thursday of Memorial Day Weekend]
Red Nose Day (US) [Last Thursday]
Independence Days
Empire of New Prussia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Jordan (from UK, 1946)
Kingdom of Africa (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Kingdom of Sycamore (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Lunataria (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Neo-Dumnonii Kingdom (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Pilatia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aldhelm (Christian; Saint)
St. Ambrose (Positivist; Saint)
Barry Windsor-Smith (Artology)
Bede the Venerable (Christian; Saint)
Boniface IV, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Canius (Christian; Saint)
The Cat (Muppetism)
Celebration of the Tao (The Mother of the World; Taoism)
Cookie Monster (Muppetism)
Dionysius of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Dumhade, Abbot of Iona (Christian; Saint)
Dúnchad mac Cinn Fáelad (Christian; Saint)
Gerard of Lunel (Christian; Saint)
Gregory VII, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Madeleine Sophie Barat (Christian; Saint)
Mary Magdalene of Pazzi (Christian; Saint)
Maximus (Mauxe) of Évreux (Christian; Saint)
Sara-Kali’s Day (Pagan)
Shavuot begins (Judaism) [5 Sivan] (a.k.a. …
Erev Shabuot
Feast of the Harvest
Feast of Weeks
Festival of Weeks
First-Fruit festival
Wheat Harvest
Stalin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Towel Day (Pastafarian)
Urban I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Urbanas Diena (Ancient Latvia)
Venerand (Christian; Saint)
William Boyer (Artology)
Zenobius of Florence (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 10 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [10 of 24]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Alien (Film; 1979)
Back to the Future (Film; 1985)
Back to the Future Part III (Film; 1990)
Barefoot in the Park (Film; 1967)
Beyond the Great Snow Mountains, by Louis L’Amour (Novel; 1999)
The Cookie Carnival (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier (Film; 1955)
The Day Lincoln Was Shot, by Jim Bishop (Historical Book; 1955)
Feud with a Dude (WB MM Cartoon; 1968)
A Gander at Mother Goose (WB MM Cartoon; 1940)
Hair-Raising Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1946)
Harry of Monmouth, by A.M. Maugham (Novel; 1956)
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother, recorded by The Hollies (Song; 1969)
H.M.S. Pinafore, by Gilbert & Sullivan (Comic Opera; 1878)
Jesus of Montreal (Film; 1990)
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, by The Cure (Album; 1987)
Men in Black 3 (Film; 2012)
Mickey’s Revue (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Midnight Cowboy (Film; 1969)
Moonrise Kingdom (Film; 2012)
Paprika (Anime Film; 2007)
Pearl Harbor (Film; 2001)
Piker’s Peak (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (Film; 2007)
Safety, by Coldplay (EP: 1998)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (Film; 2018)
Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope (Film; 1977)
Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Film; 1983)
Tubular Bells, by Mike Oldfield (Album; 1973)
Under My Kin, by Avril Lavigne (Album; 2004)
War Machine (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Beda, Gregor, Magdalene (Austria)
Spas, Spaska (Bulgaria)
Beda, Grgur, Urban (Croatia)
Viola (Czech Republic)
Urbanus (Denmark)
Urban, Urbo, Urve, Urves (Estonia)
Urpo (Finland)
Sophie (France)
Beda, Magdalene, Miriam, Urban (Germany)
Nefeli (Greece)
Orbán (Hungary)
Basileo, Beda, Erminio, Gregorio (Italy)
Anitra, Anšlavs, Ciemvaldis, Gunita (Latvia)
Almantas, Danutė, Urbonas (Lithuania)
Ragna, Ragnar (Norway)
Epifan, Grzegorz, Imisława, Maria Magdalena, Urban (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Urban (Slovakia)
Beda, Gregorio, Magdalena, María (Spain)
Urban (Sweden)
Celeste, Celestine (Ukraine)
Madalyn, Madeleine, Madeline, Madelyn, Madilyn, Marlee, Marleen, Marlena, Marlene, Marley (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 145 of 2024; 220 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 21 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 7 (Gui-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 5 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 5 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 24 Bīja; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 12 May 2023
Moon: 32%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 5 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Ambrose]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 67 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 5 of 32)
Calendar Changes
Odal (Home, Possession) [Half-Month 11 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 6.8)
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prnanayarquah · 2 years
Bobby Digital x Sizzla Kalonji – 20th Anniversary of Da Real Thing
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/bobby-digital-x-sizzla-kalonji-20th-anniversary-of-da-real-thing/
Bobby Digital x Sizzla Kalonji – 20th Anniversary of Da Real Thing
The year 2022 marks three significant album anniversaries for Reggae singjay Sizzla Kalonji.
Born Miguel Collins in 1976, Sizzla’s recording career began in 1994, 2022 is the 20th anniversary of ‘Bobby Digital’ Dixon’s Da Real Thing, released October 16, 2002, and the respective 25th anniversaries of Bobby Digital’s Black Woman & Child and Fatis “Xterminator” Burrell’s Praise Ye Jah.
  To commemorate these anniversaries, VP Records has relaunched The Bobby Digital Story on its YouTube channel. Sizzla’s Rise To The Occasion concert from Reggae Month 2022, can also be viewed on VP Records’ YouTube channel.
  For most fans of the artist, these three albums represent major peaks in his prolific career, resulting in core catalog tracks including “Just One Of Those Days (Dry Cry),” “Solid As A Rock,” “Thank U Mama,” “Guide Over Us,” “Give Them The Ride,” ”Praise Ye Jah,” and “Dem A Wonder.” As Firehouse Crew bassist Donald Dennis (Danny Bassie) summed it up in the documentary, The Bobby Digital Story, “When Praise Ye Jah came out, that was the beginning of Sizzla. When Black Woman & Child came out, that put him in a different air, a notch up. What really dun me, the whole thing now, Da Real Thing cover it off [and] show the whole world he is the greatest.”
In the same documentary, Bobby Digital (who passed away in May 2020) recalled, “Me and Sizzla have a chemistry … In anything you’re doing you have to have guidance. When the music go out, when people criticize, it’s going to fall back on me. We have to make sure anything we’re doing, it have to be right … I can remember when Sizzla came and did the last two songs for Da Real Thing, I say ‘a it this … a IT THIS!’ And when I put out that album, it was a turning point.”
  Sizzla explained the mentorship of Bobby Digital in his early career: “Bobby Digital is a next gold in the music. We love and respect Bobby Digital. Wi father that. The way you respect your school … studios are like universities, so you respect the teachers and those who lay the foundation for you.”
Now with a catalog of more than 60 albums and approaching 1,000 recorded songs, Sizzla’s career began through a series of 7-inch vinyl singles on Xterminator, leading to RAS Records’ 1995 CD Burning Up. Over the next two years, momentum built around a body of work, primarily recorded for Xterminator, but also including notable singles, such as “Holding Firm” for Star Trail, and the pivotal recording for Bobby Digital, “Black Woman & Child,” released in 1996. Between 1995 and 1997, Sizzla toured the world extensively with Luciano, Mikey General, and the Firehouse Crew band led by Dean Fraser, as part of Fatis Burrell’s initiative to push his emerging label with the momentum gained from Luciano’s deal with Island Jamaica.
  In all, 16 Sizzla albums were released between 1997 and 2002, including Black Woman & Child, Royal Son Of Ethiopia, Bobo Ashanti, Rastafari Teach I Everything, and Ghetto Revolution on Greensleeves Records; and Good Ways, Freedom Cry, Words Of Truth, Taking Over, and Da Real Thing through VP Records. Xterminator released Praise Ye Jah and Kalonji independently. It was the artist’s heyday as a major force in reggae.
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realbeeing · 3 years
rest in peace Lee, you were one of a kind...
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jahbillah · 2 years
On co-opting Reggae and Rastafari revolution
On co-opting Reggae and Rastafari revolution
Jah Billah intro: This text highlights tactics used by Babylon to regain social control over revolutionary social movements. In escalating progression these appear as:Evasion – ignoringCounterpersuasion– ridicule and linguistic controlCoercion or Coercive persuasion – violenceAdjustment – Co-opting the social movementCapitulation – Babylon take overEven if take just a quick look at first tactic…
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raquel-hemphill98 · 5 years
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Steel Pulse - Handsworth Revolution - 01 - Handsworth Revolution
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thebrokenblackman · 6 years
The Nubian,the Colonizer,the Rastafari, and the “mixed”  women caught in between.
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Yesterday I awoke at 4:00 am to make salaah. After doing so I decided to check twitter. When I did I learned that the grandson of the romanticized British monarchy and the son of late Princess Dianna, Prince Harry, was getting married. Nearly half of the black women in my timeline were genuinely emotionally invested into the wedding as if it was their own. I saw hundreds of supportive tweets for a “Black” woman marrying the European prince. This bothered me, but this is also the reaction I would have expected knowing that abundance of the Nubian people here in America have been successfully white-washed and have now began the process of perpetuating self-hatred so deep that they don’t notice they hate themselves.So, I just stated my general opinion of disapproval of black people supporting this, retweeted others with similar views, and engaged in a few healthy philosophical debates. In my mind the issue of black people celebrating this marriage was something that I knew was too far embedded in us for my opinion to change anyones thought. So, I didn’t plan to make this blog nor even talk about the subject any more. That is until my girlfriend,who is bi-racial, came home from a day at the Chicago’s Art Institute with her best-friend. She does not identify with black people nor our struggles. She like Meghan Merkel, identifies as mixed due to what I sum up to a lack awareness,but I respect her decision to take her image and “being” into her own hands even if it is at the expense of empathy for half of her that is oppressed historically by the other half. She like many mixed women have have taken the power back from society by defining and promoting self-image and individualism. This is something you must applaud, but even this accomplishment is not without its flaws. The major issue with in my standpoint is by defining yourself as individual you remove yourself from a community. In doing so, like my girlfriend the bi-racial woman who identifies as mixed becomes desensitized to the pain of the people she came from.She makes decisions based on what is best for her and her pleasure as oppose to what is best for either of her racial denominations.
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With that being said, she decided to make small talk with me about the wedding even though she knows my politics are afrocentric and marxist. She looked through pictures of the wedding with a glimmer in her eye and clearly the royal wedding incited something within her. She was so happy for Harry to be getting married, how beautiful the features of the ceremony was, and how Meghan was making history being a black woman in the Royal Family. I just listened. When it was finally time for me to talk I said, “Baby, she doesn’t Identify as black”. She Argued that Meghan Merkel did identify as black, but after research she simply said “O” and became rather quiet. Her quietness was not from being proven wrong, but from realization- Realization that Meghan Merkel was just like herself.  In order to avoid argument that could be harmful to our relationship I avoided going into the complexities of the psychological mind state of the mixed dutchess and how it effects the Afrikan diaspora and just simply said, “ She- wether she identifies as “Black” or not is marrying into a White Supremacist Family who still colonizes the afrikan continent and exploits afrikan people. They won’t even give us (Ethiopian) the artifacts they stole 150 years ago through imperialism back ( https://bit.ly/2GzQ1us). The point is they have way too much of my people’s blood on their hands to care about the wedding and If Meghan Identified as “Black” it would be worse because she is selling us out. That’s like you marrying the grand wizard of the KKK.” As, I have come to expect of my girl she just ignored what I was saying and continued to scroll through the pictures of the wedding in complete flattery. Even as disheartening of an experience as this was. I treated my girl just like the women of twitter. I had the same expectations for them both,so it did not bother me nor did it inspire me to write this blog. 
What inspired me and filled me with uncontrollable emotions somewhere in between pity and disdain was what happened a hour or so later. While I was sitting in the family room my girl and her two friends-one whom is white and one whom my girl says identifies as mixed - began to speak of the royal wedding. Her white friend said, “I just don’t understand people. You just can’t be happy for someone?”. I felt my blood pressure rise. What was the knock out for me was when from the corner of my eye I saw my girl point at me (she says they had changed the conversation in sign language but if so the timing was awfully quick and awfully bad timing) in what was supposed to be humor ,but was not funny to me. I got up and removed myself from the environment which had become toxic to me by ONE STATEMENT, One rhetorical question. “You just can’t be happy for someone?”. What was probably so simple to her hit my mind with the depth of the Atlantic ocean.  It was complex. It was puzzling. But most of all it was inadvertently racist. These few words totally dismissed the concerns, thoughts, pain, and history of a whole people.
The lack of empathy for the concerns of my people who don’t support the wedding was angering. I can understand why you would be happy or why others would be happy, but you cant understand why some may not? Well allow me to explain to the white women, black women, and mixed women alike who share these sentiments. To do so I must give a brief history lesson;
The relationship between the Afrikan continent specifically Ethiopia and Britain is Infamous. It  is not one of free trade, glorious alliance, and equality. It is lopsided like a teeter-toter with a fat white kid on one side and an anorexic black kid on the other. This relationship is one of a virus or plague that sweeps through a land causing complete famine and leaving nothing but air and space. Worst of all it has been glamorized and romanticized as “just” due to what the europeans of latter day called “civilizing” or what they call today “humanitarianism/anthropology” . Since the 1600s when William the Orange took the british throne from James II after their so called “Glorious Revolution”Britain has been invading Afrika as an Imperial power pushing a supremacist agenda and believing that a white God has Ordained them to do so.By 1690 the British were the leading slave traders passing the Dutch. Britain went on to seize the land and resources of Gambia,Sierra Leone,Gold Coast/Togoland,Nigeria, Tanganyika, Angol-Egyptian-Sudan,Zanzibar,South Africa, Kenya, Uganda,Somilia land, and Zimbabwe by brute force.They had come raping our women, cutting off the penises of our men, cutting the tongues of both so that they wouldn’t speak tribal language, taking our drums, and pushing their christianity on us.
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In 1867 Emperor Tewodros Of Ethiopia had written Queen Elizabeth in search of alliance, but in her arrogance and totally disregard for Afrikan Royalty and holy lineage she didn’t respond. Not until His Majesty Ras Tafari Aka Haile Selassie took the throne did an Africa Nation ,a sovereign one at that, have an alliance with Britain. Or at least what they thought to be an Alliance. When Benito Mussolini ,prior to the world war, invaded Ethiopia with intention of (in his own words) “Conquering a backwards people” and “Building a new Roman empire” H.I.M. Selassie I went to Britain for military aid against the fascist leader. They gave nothing more than a cold shoulder. They would not dare help an afrikan nation fight a white nation. Oh No! Haile Selassie then went to the french colony of Somoliland in exile. Surely Mussolini and Italy were to conquer Ethiopia. Not until Mussolini and Hitler started invading parts of Africa that Europeans “owned” and european countries themselves did Britain apply pressure to Mussolini which allowed his majesty to come back to Ethiopia and retake his throne. 
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On September 9, 2017 his Great-grandson tied the knot with a “Bi-racial” Harvard grad named Ariana Austin whom he met while he was attending The Mecca aka Howard. The Royalty’s wedding received minimal media coverage which is a shame because this is real royalty. A royalty indigenous to the land it rules not one who took their land and keeps it by mass murder and oppression. Ariana is a rare type of mixed woman, the best type of mixed woman who let’s the world know she is mixed and appreciates both cultures she comes from ,but identifies as black because she knows what features dominate her DNA, how society classifies her, and most importantly that one half of her ancestry has put the other half through genocide. So when it comes to how to identify herself she takes the side of the oppressed rather than the tyrannical. She didn’t know her husband was royalty until after they had been together for multiple years,so this means she had embraced the black man whole-heartedly already and was willing to commit herself to one long time. She understands that the mixed black woman is nothing more than a light skinned BLACK WOMAN. She does not differentiate herself from her fellow lighter skinned sisters as if her struggle is somehow different. Black women were not so quick to embrace this royalty but have whole heartedly embraced Meghan. But why is that....
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Meghan is who they want to be. She has the best of the all the worlds to them. She can be black when it is enjoyable & profitable to be and mixed when she wants to avoid the negatives that comes with being black. She is married to a white man also and not just any white man an insanely rich and influential white man. This is the deepest fantasy of the majority of our sisters whom suffer from subconscious self-hate. The American Society has propagated Anti-Afrikan imagery to the black woman since she has arrived on on the shores in ball and chain. From the Mammie (Above) in the reconstruction era to the White Washing of our historical figures (Sheba,Nefertiri,Etc) to The Barbie doll to the idolization of the Kardashians. This vigorous agenda to make the black woman and girl think their natural features are ugly and Marilyn Monroe and Kim K are beautiful has done its job effectively. If you do not believe me click this link (https://bit.ly/2bxEGAH ) and prepare to be amazed. Do you think this programmed Afrikan hate disappears with age? No, It merely gets masked with excuses like “I do it for myself” or “I just want to look pretty” that contradict the message of Self-love they are intending to get across. Meghan may or not hate herself. Who knows? Mixed Women like here may or may not hate themselves. Who knows? But, these were not the women on social media showing support in the mass for Meghan. It was the BLACK women. The same black woman who have through outcry brought to the forefront the depths of colorism and society’s perception of beauty that holds the WHITE WOMAN above all. The repressed black women is now eager to claim any and everyone as one of her own that has achieved status in the White world. Like Meghan- even if she herself says “Don’t call me black”.
Once again this is as I expected because America is good at what it does, which is oppressing Afrikan being. Sad enough no matter how hard the european attempts to wipe our existence and/or being off the face of the map they have not. There were Black women/men speaking in protest to this wedding! But why? Because of you all! You all have attached Meghan to the black community when we don’t want her nor does she wants to be apart of such. In addition to that she is joining a monarchy who has gained its power off the blood of all things black. This is possibly the most racist family on earth and she has married into it.She has not taken it over nor infiltrated it. She has joined it. Is this who we want our daughters to idolize? To aspire to be? A woman who put the history of her blood aside to get a spot in the bed and a seat at the table with the white man? She stands as a symbol that is recognized by the Black Nationalist Diaspora as a “FUCK YOU” to both us and our ancestors. The Imperial conglomerate that is The Royal Family is still today very much white supremacist. Apart from Prince Harry dressing as a nazi for halloween while one of his friends was a Klansman and the other was in Black Face like an old Mickey Rooney Movie, out of Britain’s Unemployment Rate Blacks make up 45%, Black men are nearly three times more likely to be arrested than white men, and black children three times more likely to be excluded from school. With that being said Britain is also still colonizing and exploiting over 37 sub-saharan Afrikan countries through high interest loans and mining companies. 
So i ask you “why should we just be happy?”. If you got raped and later in life you found out your rapist was getting married or better yet getting married to you family member would you be happy? Harry’s Crimson hairs reminds us of the Asante and Xhosa blood spilled in the Afrikan grasslands.The wrinkles on his father’s Face look like the waves of the oceans that our people were thrown in from the Slave ships. Meghan is nothing but a light-skinned Omarosa. To you that wedding symbolized integrationist-based accomplishment ,but to the awoken, the 5%, the hoteps, the pan-afrikans, the vanguard that wedding was just another step further away from the  New-Afrikan civilization we’ve dedicated our mind, body, and souls to.
We understand there are black people who the european has made incapable of thinking like us. We understand that europeans will not think like us. We accept this. And we need you to accept that we can not think like you because to do so would be to discard all that is important to us just to applaud two people making a public spectacle of a ceremony that is supposed to be sacred. So instead of asking us “Why we just cant be happy” ask yourself “Why cant I understand why they aren’t happy?”. 
With Love for the Sake of Allah (swt)
-Hakeem Ture.
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