#random garbage
waveobjectshow · 6 months
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50stressballs · 2 months
Me @ my therapist in 10th grade:
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neptuniadoesstuff · 5 days
Some Trash Facts about the Phenirells & Rei herself
Haku/Phen 28 is actually quite scared if his own duaghter, not bcs she's more powerful than him (bcs she's rlly not) but it's mainly bcs there will be times she can become very sassy & basically just go full on roasting the old man mainly bcs he just talks about how Rei's generation is all just random when clearly Haku WAS A LITERAL WAR CRIMINAL! So yeh Rei clearly has a reason to roast her boomer of a dad. (Even if she does follow in his footsteps unfortunately).
Rei only has met her other father (Room from Boisvert) a few times, mainly when it comes to family time & what not. But despite that, she doesn't have much a family-based bond with Room (making him estranged to her). She is however is pretty friendly when she does get to see him (Although it might take some sticks of pocky to actually get her motivated to do so). (Although this however won't be Canon in the AU, only outside of the AU as Room is not from the DNU)
The Phenirells, while are related by bl00d, are not all related by souls, as almost all of them (Except Rei) were either adopted by Phen 228 (Haku) or were taken in as apprentices only to become family members of the Phenirells. The true origins of the Phenirell Family comes from the fact their souls would be fused into angel-like vessels after death. The major exceptions are that of Kasinoshi (Haku's supposed younger twin sister) & Locust (who is not the same species as any of the Phenirells).
The Phenirells follow a certain naming convention givin to them by the Ephrata branch. Usually having the Aliase of "The [Noun] One". Although the major exceptions are "Helper", "Follower", "Lady of Wrath", Locust/Thumper, & Rei herself. (Although some of the Phenirells will have 2 names, example here is Priest who is also called "The Frozen One".)
And yeh those are all of the trash facts for my Modern AU of TBOP/TOE (Or just call it the frkkin Doctor Nowhere Universe). The only known characters mentioned here that don't belong to me are the main 3 Doctor Nowhere Characters (Phen 228/"Haku", Locust, & Follower) & welp.. Room from Boisvert. The rest mentioned here do belong to me.
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phlixfer · 11 months
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what's this little silly dumb flower doing in houdini ?!
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theotherone-6276 · 7 months
I was unaware that listening to you're partner and accommodating their wants/needs made me a good partner. Seems like the bare minimum to me.
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beepotatoes · 9 months
I've been in a pit of lack of motivation for a while. I'm not sure why? But I am, But I've manage to do a lot of smal things like random music experiments, drawing, playing with modding things (games particularly) and recently I decided to setup some custom firmware on a emuNAND on my switch. And I've just been going back and forward on If i want to create a theme, but instead, I've been mostly just been playing super tux cart and a toki pona super mario world rom hack
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siryadoesnotexist · 1 year
God, it is so like me to get sucked into an ad because of the high-quality filming, instead of the product itself. Like, I couldn’t give a crap about that Hotel chain, but damn did they do a good job on the video editing!
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mwagneto · 27 days
please please please please god please lower the budget please i need everything to look like absolute shit again
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damntheyare · 3 months
Oough i just found your blog and,,,, thank you,,,, you fullfill my need for soft charlastor,,,,
If you still take requests consider: Alastor covered in lipstick marks and looking slightly ruffled, Charlie standing smugly by his side because she knows what she did akdkkaks
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breaking news from hell: a sheep attacked a deer. no harm done
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 5 months
The fact that young Norman is so model-esque is kinda funny though bc now I gotta picture Daryl and Merle bummin around back in the day lookin like
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clownsuu · 1 year
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I have been having a strong urge to make another puppet oc, so alas, take this pain iv made-
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When I mean pain, I literally mean it- JDHHFHDH I got so stressed out trying to color him that my adrenaline spiked and now I’m trying to relax LMAOOOO
but anyway, here’s Robbie (not to be confused with Robert), a Howdy family member oc, cause who am I as a howdy supremacy supporter if I didn’t have SOMEBODY related to him smhh. He’s kinda an smartass/asshole (being a 3 horned rhinoceros beetle) but when ya get to know the bastard he’s a nerdy lil goof who’ll never shut up about literally anything he’s done. How many crimes has he committed? He lost count smh.
he’s a little bit more of a serious character-? But he’s kinda still in the same playing field as Dr.Stone is where they are a “guest character”. Also unlike Dr.Stone who has a set occupation, Robbie hops from job to job, one day he’s working at your local seven eleven, the other day he’s a astronaut going to space (don’t ask how he the hell he even got in- he’s too crafty for his own good-)
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silksongeveryday · 3 months
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 374
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Requested by @/sunsetcannon !
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tried to make it a little more interesting by altering their outfits a bit to look more like the other’s
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darby-derby · 5 months
When I say that I love Speedwagon I don’t mean I love him for the memes, I mean I fucking LOVE Speedwagon. I mean that if that scruffy little man showed up on my doorstep with his goofy accent and stolen hat I would take him into my home and feed him porridge. I fucking love Robert Edward O. Speedwagon. Absolute icon.
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neptuniadoesstuff · 2 months
Random Garbage I drew #01
Today's Main focus is that of the designing of Mr. Cuddles, a Peadrake variant from the Shivering isles. It's owned by the Daedric Prince of Madness (& Etc)
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Here are the 4 sketches I made of em. (Funfact: Cuddles is actually sexless despite being called MR Cuddles. Also, Cuddle's a soul-eeter & may/may not have eetin a few travelers before-)
Also, here today's bonus:
(TW: Scarring)
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Now this gal here was actually a part of a prompt I made 4 my frend a while ago. (Seen Here)
You can see here, she's a wandering trader, primarily trading some trinkets she made to anyone who wants to buy them, in return, she gets a trinket they made & some money. Now she doesn't just sell her stuff to the people of her homeworld, she also sells them to mortals. Now.. She does have a few scars here & there, but she doesn't mind them all too much, despite being weak for an elemental, she's very fast & can easily win a fight (as Nils are pretty strong even if they have no magic abilities like their Elemental & Spectral Cousins do.) Although sadly, due to her being part-Nil, she is forced to deal with the prejudice of Nils from some of residents of the Apnaow Colony.
These designs are for my frend @stridesthroughashes .
These Designs (Including the species) were both made by me.
Art is Mine.
Program: Scratch.
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my Blog's pinned project clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PEASE CREDIT ME!
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wabblebees · 10 months
((please rb if you vote! obv this is just silly but im curious+wanna see ppls opinions<3))
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adizzyninja · 2 months
Currently, I’d say my biggest criticism of the Fallout show (that I hope theyll address in season 2) is the lack of focus on actual wastelanders.
You only really see things from the perspective of sheltered youngsters or the Uber-cynic ghoul. All the actual wastelanders they encounter are basically crazed killers or canon fodder.
I get that’s the point, at least for now: to show that the wasteland is harsh and our cast aren’t quite equipped to handle it. But if they want to tackle these big themes, if they want to actually explain why this world is worth saving from the vault tec baddies, or why the ghoul cowboy should value human life, I think they need to do a little more work next season on the people actually living in this world.
Show a settlement that’s gotten together. Or a family that’s nice to the cast. Or just have someone from the wastes who just waves to them and shoots the breeze. The current presentation of wastelanders makes them seem so cartoonish and inhuman, when there can be so much more nuance to how people behave in that kind of world. I just really hope they try to actually dig into that kind of humanity to wasteland life in season 2
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