#rafael barba x rita calhoun x sonny carisi x reader
daddydoddsjr · 1 year
If you made a scale of Law and Order (and/or SVU) lawyers based on "most to least likely to get jealous" what would it look like?
Pairings || SVU lawyers x GN!Reader
Warnings || Jealousy ofc, anger, mentions of NSFW
Authors Note || just doing some SVU characters in order of least to most likely— this post kept glitching so hopefully when i post it posts normal?
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6. Peter Stone
I feel like he wouldn’t care
But in a ‘I know I’m amazing and I have no reason to be jealous’
Just cocky
5. Alex Cabot
Not cocky, but still doesn’t get jealous
Doesn’t have much a reason to
And doesn’t want to waste time being jealous
She trusts that nothing will happen anyways
4. Casey Novak
Feels the hits of jealously/anger but doesn’t react much at first
But if something makes her jealous, she’s good at voicing it outright
And she’s blunt about it so you know exactly how she feels
3. Rafael Barba
Silent jealous type— but easily jealous nonetheless
Another man even tries to check you out or flirt with you?
He’s immediately jealous and protectively holding your hip tightly
Might let out some of his jealousy frustrations during sex
2. Sonny Carisi
Sonny is definitely a bit more jealous than he lets on
Someone is flirting with his person?
Absolutely seething on the inside, normal on the outside
Definitely has a hand on you somewhere (your thigh, lower back, hand, etc)
1. Rita Calhoun
Vocal about it and you can tell how completely angry jealousy makes her
Very protective of you and jealously comes easily
Fights sometimes happen due to this, but she’s not necessarily mad at you, just made at who made her jealous
Jealous sex jealous sex jealous sex
i love rita calhoun so much and i need more sapphic fics with her
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Hey besties.
So thanks to an influx of new followers and from different fandoms and interesting requests I’ve been getting I figured it was needed to repost this.
Things I WILL NOT write for:
-Non con or even CNC
-Age gaps. (Realistic ones are fine. But i refuse to do 18 year old super genius yn who graduated Harvard already and 40+ year old character falls in love with them).
-Basically YN under the age of 30. I’m in my mid 30’s and most people in the industries that my fics involve would be in that age rage, or late 20’s at best if you’re looking under, go elsewhere.
-Underage yn’s. If you want a fic where yn is the chlld this is NOT the place.
-stories involving losing virginities. While i may write someones first experience with the the same sex, or a specific style, i do not write virgin characters
-pregnant y/n’s. It’s very rare I will accept requests involving pregnancy
-Male yn’s. Nothing against it but as a female, esp when it comes to smut I’m uncomfortable writing it.
-Same goes for medical conditions. There are certain that I am familiar with or are easier to research or I have close friends who can give insight to, otherwise i feel like I’m not doing it justice and also dont want to offend. Dm or send an ask if you have specific questions.
WHO I Write For:
(just because there is someone on my masterlist does not mean i still write for them. i only write this list.)
Law and Order(SVU/OC/ OG)
-Rita Calhoun, Casey Novak, Elizabeth Donnelly, Alex Cabot, Grace Muncy, Tonie Churlish, Melinda Warner, Pippa Cox, Sonya Paxton, Amanda Rollins, Peter Stone, Mike Dodds, Joe Velasco, Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Terry Bruno.
-Ayanna Bell, Samantha Maroun
-Calex, Barhoun, Calvak, Novelly, Benhoun.
Criminal Minds:
Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Alex Blake, Tara Lewis, Aaron Hotchner
House of Cards:
Heather Dunbar, Jackie Sharp
-Duckie (heather x jackie)
Elizabeth Keane
Grey’s Anatomy/Private Practice:
-Addison Montgomery, Amelia Shepherd, Charlotte King
Abigail Borin, Anthony Dinozzo
Chicago PD:
Hailey Upton, Kim Burgess, Erin Lindsay, Kevin Atwater
DM/Ask box for taglists!
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pascalispretty · 2 years
Law and Order: SVU Masterlist
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Rafael Barba x Reader x Frederick Chilton! Verse
Good Girls Go to Heaven (Bad Girls Go Everywhere) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​): One (ao3). Two (ao3). Epilogue (ao3).
Love in the Time of Chestbursters (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​)
See You In the Morning Time (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​). One (ao3). Two (ao3).
Like Lovers Do (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) One (ao3). Two (ao3). Three (ao3). 
I and Love and You (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​)
Your Happiness or Mine (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) 
Pink Peonies and Shenanigans (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) One (ao3). Two (ao3). 
Heavy in Your Arms (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​)
"Use Your Words" Prompt (ao3)
Sonny Carisi x Reader
Softly, Slowly, Sweetly (ao3)
You’re My Dream Girl (ao3)
Tell Me What You Want (ao3)
The View From Above (ao3)
Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi
Better Late Than Never (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi (ao3)
Just A Taste (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi (ao3)
Late Night Study Session (ao3)
"You Can Do Better Than That" Prompt (ao3)
Rafael Barba x Reader
Breathe Me In (ao3)
Nick Amaro x Reader
Mutually Beneficial (masterlist here)
Mafia AU
Bruised Knuckles and Bare Thighs (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi x Reader
Good Soldiers Follow Orders (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi x Reader x Frederick Chilton
A Wonderful, Awful Idea (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi x Reader x Frederick Chilton
How the Reader Got Involved with the Boys HCs
Keeping Young Talent Coming Our Way - A Law School AU:  
I Could Ruin You (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) One (ao3). Two (ao3). Epilogue (ao3). Sonny Carisi x Reader x Rafael Barba x Rita Calhoun
The Audition (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Sonny Carisi x Reader x Rafael Barba
A Dirty Trick (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Sonny Carisi x Reader
An Early Christmas Present (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Sonny Carisi x Reader x Rafael Barba x Rita Calhoun
Tempting Tan Lines (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Sonny Carisi x Reader x Rafael Barba
Misc. Law And Order: SVU Pieces 
Shades of Black and Blue (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rita Calhoun x Reader x Sonny Carisi. One (ao3). Two (ao3) Three (ao3). Four (ao3). 
An Acceptable Occasion to Manspread (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rita Calhoun x Reader x Sonny
Seventeen Little Diamonds (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) Rita Calhoun x Reader (ao3)
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yougotthat-write · 1 month
Oui(ji) Had One Hell of a Party (Rafael Barba x Reader)
Word Count: 2,758
Warnings: Ouiji board, spirits, demons, language, alcohol consumption, dumb costumes for all yo faves lmao 
Summary: You and Rafael host a Halloween party and it takes a demonic turn.
Author’s Note: This was started probably almost 3 years ago (big oof). I've lost the writing bug so I'm posting what was written and promptly unfinished, lol. Apologies but I still hope you enjoy!
Read on AO3 here!
Rafael Barba wouldn’t call himself a superstitious person.
He didn’t believe in ghouls, ghosts, and monsters in the typical way that small children would. He was an A.D.A. for Manhattan so he obviously came across fellow humans who did gruesome and unforgivable things, but when you had pulled out that stupid ten dollar Ouiji board that you had bought at the stupid Halloween store, Rafael may had sent a quick prayer up to whichever Lord was occupying the skies above him at that very moment. 
His Catholic upbringing was trying to pound its way out of him and it made him down the rest of his scotch in one swallow before stepping over to his bar area to pour himself another drink. The low hum of your Halloween playlist mixed with the chatter of Rafael’s friends from the courthouse and your friends from the 16th precinct.
You sat on your living room floor, hunched over your coffee table, setting up the toy that would allow you to talk to those who had passed on. Sonny shifted on his feet as he stood next to Rafael. Remembering that Sonny was raised very Catholic as well, Rafael figured that this was making Sonny feel stupid for being uncomfortable with a children’s toy just as much as him.
The sound of your hands connecting together in a singular clap made Rafael’s grip tighten around his glass. He looked over at you and saw the “spooky” smile you were trying to give to everyone. The party had died down in the past couple of hours. Olivia Benson and Nick Amaro had gone home because of their kids. Fin Tutuola had gone home because “Halloween is whack! I don’t even like candy.” The rest of the guests had filed out after them in the passing hours.
Now, Sonny Carisi, Amanda Rollins, Rita Calhoun, and Trevor Langan were scattered around the living room. Sonny was next to Rafael, both of the boys standing farthest away from the direct line to demons. Sonny started to get so nervous that his fake mustache for his Sonny Bono costume wouldn’t stick to his upper lip. His counterpart and designated Cher was Amanda. She sat on the floor on the opposite side of you at the coffee table. She held the planchette in her hand, looking at the object with a smirk. Her long brunette wig was tossed to the side next to her.
Rita Calhoun downed another orange Jell-O shot before falling back onto the couch behind Amanda with a sigh. She pulled her long and obnoxious Devil tail from under her and held it in her fingers as she watched you read the directions for the Ouija board. Her Devil horns were slightly crooked on her head but she didn’t seem to notice or care.
Trevor Langan had ditched his obnoxious black cape twenty minutes into the party. He ditched the phony plastic fangs even sooner. His hair was quaffed upwards and if it wasn’t for the dark liner around his eyes and the fake blood on the corner of his mouth, he would look like he was ready for a day at work with his dress shirt, black slacks, and polished shoes.
Rafael would be lying if he said that he didn’t feel a bit authoritative in his twenty dollar policeman costume, but he mainly did it to see the annoyed reactions of the 16th precinct detectives. Fin Tutuola had quipped, “Your badge is so cute and tiny, Barba. You got a fake gun too?” Nick Amaro had rolled his eyes so hard at the fellow Latino man that you thought they would roll right out of his pretty little head. Despite you being a fellow 16th precinct detective, you happily supported your boyfriend with finding the policeman outfit that fit his body in all the right places.
Trevor had rolled his eyes when you suggested pulling out the Ouija board but didn’t outwardly object to it like Sonny had. Trevor made his way over to Rafael and Sonny, grabbing a deep red Jell-O shot. He shot it back and then chuckled at Sonny’s uneasy face. But Trevor didn’t miss the uneasiness that was coming from Rafael.
“Scared boys?” The defense lawyer asked with a grin. Sonny scowled over at Langan.
“Shut up,” Sonny muttered. Feeling hot, Sonny pulled the brunette wig off his head. “I just don’t think we should mess with Lucifer and his minions.” Sonny’s Adam apple bobbed. “If Ma finds out about this, she’ll have the church exorcize me.”
Trevor stifled his snort with his hand. “It’s a kids game, Carisi. The box says ages six and up.”
Sonny grumbled under his breath before making his way over to the couch and plopping down next to Rita with a sigh. Rita pouted over at the detective, reaching up and pinching his pink cheek. “Don’t worry Sonny, the Devil is already here and she’s feeling pretty tipsy.” Sonny let out a nervous laugh before leaning out of Rita’s grip and rubbing his sore cheek. 
Trevor’s attention was drawn back to the quiet prosecutor next to him. Rafael felt Trevor’s gaze as he lifted his newly poured drink to his lips.
One gulp. Two gulps. Three gulps.
Trevor leaned towards Rafael, “What are you so scared of Barba?” Rafael shot a look over to Trevor. 
“There’s nothing to be scared of.”
“Exactly.” Trevor slapped a hand onto Rafael’s shoulder and pushed him over towards the coffee table. 
Looking up from the directions, you smiled at Rafael as he was ushered into the living room by Trevor. The pair of fake handcuffs that hung off Rafael’s belt jingled when Trevor’s large hands pushed Rafael down next to you. Rafael swore under his breath in Spanish to the man before Trevor went and perched himself onto the arm of the couch next to Sonny. 
“I think we have it set up,” you say over to your boyfriend. Rafael nods subtlety before catching the gaze of Amanda sitting across from him. She watched Rafael from under her lashes and the corner of her mouth twitched up. Looking more head on at the two of you, she slid the planchette onto the board.
The intricate piece of wood was shaped in a triangle with rounded edges. In the center, a small dome of glass made it easy to see whatever was under the planchette when it would be slid around the board. 
Rafael wouldn’t tell you — or anyone in the room for that matter — that he did not and would not touch that thing willingly. You grabbed the planchette and placed it in the middle of the board. The intricate letters and numbers were bold and taunting. Rafael swallowed the jumble of nerves trying to push their way up his throat.
He jumped slightly when you touched his arm to motion him to place his fingers next to yours. Taking a moment too long, Trevor cupped a hand around one corner of his mouth and boomed, “Scared of some ghosts, Barba?” Rafael shot another look over to Langan before you grabbed his hands.
Your hands brought comfort to him. They were warm as you guided his fingers over to the planchette and when you lightly knocked your shoulder into his, you whispered out, “Don’t be scared, hon. I’ll protect you,” your left eye dropped down into a wink and while Rafael rolled his own at your retort, it did make him more relaxed.
You motioned for Amanda to do the same. She reached out both of her pointer and middle fingers and found a spot on one of the planchette sides. Amanda spoke quietly, “What should we ask first?”
Carisi’s mouth twisted as he bit down on the inside of his cheek. Rita let out a loud hum, twirling the end of her tail in her hand. “Don’t you have to ask if there’s anyone here in the first place?”
“Yeah, let’s see what we’re cooking with,” Trevor jumped in. He was able to reach over to the side table to grab another Jello-O shot, passing one over the top of Carisi’s head over to Rita who grinned devilishly.
You let out a shaky breath — which threw off Rafael for a split second — and said, “Is there a spirit with us?” While a silence fell over the group, waiting for something, Sonny’s lips moved quickly and quietly as he mouthed a prayer. 
You spoke again, more firmly, “Is there anyone who would like to speak with us today?” Amanda’s eyes went from the planchette, to you, to Rafael, back to you, and then back to the planchette. Rafael’s fingers twitched on the planchette, wanting to bring them back close to him, to his body. Or even to intertwine with your own fingers.
Despite the mellow hum of your playlist, there was a long and still silence between everyone in the room. Rita had stilled her tail twirling. Trevor’s mouth straightened into a thin line, eyebrow arched up. Sonny’s hands were clasped together in between his thighs. Amanda had squared her shoulders and she could feel the hair on the back of her neck trickle. Rafael’s mouth opened to say something — he wasn’t sure what he was going to say — but then he felt it in his fingers.
Rafael’s eyes are hard and locked onto the planchette. His fingers twitched as he felt the piece of wood slightly move diagonally away from him and over to the corner of the board where an intricately drawn YES was. When the word made itself at home under the glass dome in the middle of the planchette, Carisi’s voice was shaking, “That’s not funny Amanda,” the Brooklyn man scolded his coworker.
A noise came from Amanda in regards to Sonny’s accusation and when Rafael’s looked over at you under his lashes, you were already looking over at Amanda with a furrowed brow. Amanda felt your gaze on her and when she finally looked up from the planchette, she rolled her eyes, “Fine…fine.” Her hands lifted up in surrender and she scrunched her nose.
“See, nothing to be scared of Sonny,” Trevor snickered, fingers coming to pinch the top of Sonny’s ear. Sonny shouldered the brunette away, brows furrowed in annoyance and mouth lopsided into a frown. 
“Bite me, Langan.”
“Be careful what you wish for, Carisi,” Trevor shot back just before shooting back another Jello shot. This one was green.
Rafael was silently thanking Amanda from across the table. Hands brought back close to his being, Rafael let out the breath he was holding. He shivered when you scolded Amanda, “Gimme your fingers and don’t joke about, Amanda.”
Amanda let out a huff of air at your tone. “Alright, okay. Calm down.”
Amanda reached out her fingers again and settled them onto her designated spot on the planchette. You copied her and when Rafael didn’t follow suit, you and Amanda looked over at the lawyer. Rafael felt the room shift over to his attention. He felt stuffy in his cheap police uniform. Glancing over at you, he caught your eyes and he silently pleaded.
You didn’t react for a moment until finally, you silently let him off the hook with the smooth transition of reeling in Langan to put his money where his mouth is. Rafael got up from his spot, maybe a bit too quickly, and went over to where Langan was previously heckling from on the couch. Rafael’s legs were jelly and he was happy to plop down onto the couch, grabbing a Jello shot. He swallowed it down too fast to even acknowledge the color of it.
Trevor Langan dramatically rolled his eyes when you beckon him to substitute in for the demon summoning. But he gladly strolled his way over and sat down next to you on the floor. You had to scooch over a bit to make room for Trevor’s long legs and overall more lankier body. He rubbed his hands together and gave a grin before planting his fingers onto the planchette. “Let’s get this show on the road, ladies!”
Amanda and you exchanged looks before your fingers found their spots. The room went quiet again. Nobody noticed it, but the music had stopped in the middle of a song. Rita found herself needing to rest her eyes as playing with a Ouiji board doesn’t really help overly drunk people stay awake. Her head rested against the shoulder of a rigid Carisi. He didn’t seem to notice the extra weight on him.
“I’ll ask the questions this time since cops aren’t too good with questioning suspects,” Trevor quipped. Amanda glared over at the lawyer. You ignored Trevor and shifted your gaze over to the board. “Hello spirits, demons, and devils–” Rita mumbled out a noise of acknowledgement, eyes still closed, snuggling more into Carisi’s shoulder. Carisi fought the urge to shrug her off because he didn’t want to be rude but he wasn’t in a particular cuddly mood. Trevor continued, “Are you here with us?”
Rafael felt a coldness in the apartment. He noticed the lack of music as the group stayed quiet. Sonny felt his neck get prickly, the hair standing up and a shiver rolled up his back. If Rita was more sober, she probably could have felt it. 
“Spir—“ Trevor’s voice started but it was cut off by a yelp from someone as the room went dark, the snap of electricity confirming so. 
“Oh, Mother Theresa!” Sonny’s voice was sharp and trembling. Rita let out a hum in question before opening her eyes. The air was rigid and cold. Rafael was quick to jump onto his feet in one swift motion. You blinked quickly, trying to get your eyes to adjust to the darkness. 
Slowly but surely, you were able to make out shapes in the room. You were about to call out to Rafael when there was a sharp shriek. It started out high in its caliber but then it morphed into something gruesome and growling. 
“What the fuck–” That was Trevor. Then a small light shone in the middle of the room, like a little slice of heaven from above. Rafael’s blood ran cold. Carisi stood abruptly, stumbling over his large feet towards Rafael. Rita curled her legs up onto your couch, hugging the back of the furniture, as if she was using it to ground herself not only physically, but mentally.
Trevor’s hand shook, making the light shive as it shined over onto the blonde detective. You couldn’t believe your eyes. You were sure nobody in the room could.
Across from you, on the other side of your thifted coffee table that took you thirty minutes to convince Rafael to get with you, was Detective Amanda Rollins possessed by something. All of her fingers were bent harshly and weirdly, each one of them touching the planchette in some way. Her shoulders were stiff, but her chin was lifted slightly, mouth slightly agape as she moaned and groaned inhumanely.
Her hair seemed electric. The ends of her blonde strands were lifting at the ends very slightly, strands engulfing around her head. The part that made your eyes water and your heart pound heavily were her eyes. They were wide open and black.
“A-amanda.. This i-isn’t funny!”
Sonny’s voice seemed to shake to the same rhythm as Trevor Langan’s hand. You heard the lawyer mutter more curses under his breath as he stood. Rita was able to swing her legs over the back of the couch and her feet stepped softly towards the front door of your apartment. She paused when Amanda let out another shriek that morphed into a muffled, pained groan.
In the dull phone flashlight, Amanda’s head began to turn, peeking over her shoulder at Sonny. Sonny backed up towards Rafael more, shivering as the two men touched. Sonny’s hand grabbed Rafael’s wrist tightly.  “Amanda?” The voice was crackly and harsh, like Amanda had spent her last thirty years smoking two packs a day straight. Her teeth snapped together and her tongue swiped over her lips. She let out a giggle. “Amanda’s not here to play, Dominick.”
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Tempting Tan Lines
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A story written in collaboration with @pascalispretty in the Rafael Barba x Rita Calhoun/Sonny Carisi x Reader Law School AU Keeping Young Talent Coming Our Way
Co-written with @pascalispretty wow it has been such a long time since we've done something. Cross posted on ao3!
Written for @pascalispretty , @melk917 , and @lannister-slings-and-arrows 's Wet Hot Summer Bingo filling the Tan Lines square.
Warnings: sex (p. in v.), vaginal fingering, hand job, teasing, swearing, brief mention of a breeding kink (happens off screen), masturbation. Rating: E Word Count: 4786 Summary: Rafael decides to wake up you and Sonny so he can admire your tan lines up close.
You wake to the feeling of fingers tracing delicately over your shoulder and across your breast. Awareness comes to you slowly–it takes you a moment to remember that you’re not in your own bed at home even if you do have Sonny pressed against your back. 
Turning your head and blinking blearily against the bright morning light, you realize that it’s Rafa’s fingers that are tracing your tan lines as he leans over a still-sleeping Sonny. The bed is empty on your other side and there are no immediate clues as to where Rita might have gone. 
“Morning,” you mumble, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand.
“Morning, sweetheart.” Satisfied that you’re awake, Rafa turns his attention to Sonny. You roll onto your back and watch as he presses kisses to the nape of your boyfriend’s neck and strokes his fingers gently over the tan line on his hip. It takes him a little longer to stir, first muttering something sleepily and then attempting to clutch you tighter to him before he wakes properly. 
“What’re you doing, Raf?” Sonny asks, his voice thick with sleep. 
“Rita went to get breakfast and I got bored waiting for her. And the two of you just looked so irresistible.” Rafa grins down at you both, ignoring the grumbles of protest as he pushes his way between your bodies so he can kneel in the middle of the bed. “I couldn’t help admiring your tan lines.” 
You and Sonny had been at your parent’s house in the Hamptons for a little longer than Rafa and Rita and you had spent that time lazing beside the pool, determined to make the most of the few free days you have together. 
“Vacations are for sleeping in.” Your eyelids still feel heavy and you’re certain you could sleep for another hour or two. Beside you, Sonny stifles a yawn and nods. “We’re tired, Rafi.” 
“I thought you sweet young things were supposed to be insatiable and full of energy,” Rafa teases, squeezing your thigh. “You know, I love you both when you’re like this.” 
“Like what?” Sonny asks, tipping his head back to look up at Rafa. 
“All soft and warm.” You smile, rolling your eyes. “Sleepy and pliant, too.” As if to prove his point, he runs his fingers down Sonny’s chest and watches as his half-hard cock gives an interested twitch. He swallows the soft noise that Sonny makes with a kiss, slowly moving his lips against Sonny’s fuller ones. You can’t help watching them, ignoring them like this would practically be a crime when they look so lovely together. 
“Didn’t forget you, sweetheart,” Rafa murmurs when he breaks away from Sonny and leans down to kiss you too. It’s the same kind of slow, lazy kiss as he gave Sonny and you appreciate it–you’re not sure you could keep up with anything else right now. You make a soft noise in the back of your throat when his tongue darts out to trace along your lower lip, your legs falling open inadvertently. 
“See what I mean?” Rafa asks with a low chuckle as he encourages you to open your legs wider so he can kneel between them. “Pliant.” 
You sigh, still too close to sleep to bother arguing with that smirk on his lips and enjoying the way his warm palm slid from your stomach down to cup your cunt. You groan quietly and he leans down to kiss you again, his lips still stretched into a smile. 
“Am I making it worth your while to be awake yet or do I need to try a little harder?” he teases, pressing the heel of his hand against your clit. You gasp against his lips. “I’ll take that as try harder” is the only warning you get before he slides a thick finger inside of you. 
Rafa breaks away from your lips with a quick final peck, his finger sliding in and out of you languidly. 
“Mmm… She feels so perfect inside, doesn’t she, Sonny?” he asks your boyfriend, bending over him and brushing his long sharp nose against Sonny’s. You turn your head to watch Sonny lean up to try to capture Rafa’s lips only for Rafa to pull away at the last second with a taunting grin.
“I wouldn’t want to keep the two of you from your beauty sleep.” His finger stops inside of you and you shift underneath him, impatient and wanting. “Sleep is so very important after all and honestly, since sex is so far down your list of priorities–”
Sonny finally stretches far enough to catch Rafa’s lips, surprising the older man. Rafa grunts and then smiles again, humming deep in his throat and licking into Sonny’s mouth. He finally pulls his finger out of you and you whine, frustrated, only for him to push two back in, his mouth and attention still very much occupied by the younger man’s plush red lips. You gasp, throwing your head back onto the pillow and closing your eyes, the sudden stretch of his fingers something you want to savor to the sound of Sonny being thoroughly kissed next to you. 
Sonny groans and Rafa crooks his fingers, tapping your g spot while Sonny shifts and mumbles something against Rafa’s lips. 
“Afraid I didn’t catch that, Sonny,” Rafa replies, dragging his fingers out of you slowly and flicking your clit with his thumb. 
“Sleep is for the weak,” Sonny repeats a little breathlessly and you nod quickly, eyes still screwed shut. Rafa flicks your clit again and starts to fuck you in earnest with two fingers, his pace slow and steady. 
“Glad you feel that way.” You open your eyes to see Rafa lean over Sonny again and kiss him, tongue licking slowly across the seam of his lips before disappearing between them with a happy grumble. The sight of the two of them making out next to you is almost enough to distract you from the feel of Rafa’s fingers scissoring inside of you. The wet noises Rafa makes with their lips and his tongue as he licks into Sonny’s mouth are obscene and make you shiver–working hard to compete with the feel of his fingers as he slowly pulls nearly all the way out of you before pushing back inside to build that fire that’s starting low in your belly. 
You try to twist onto your side to see better but Rafa shakes his head, breaking his kiss with Sonny just long enough to admonish, 
“I haven’t finished with you yet, you stay right there and just relax until I’ve said good morning to Sonny.” He sucks on Sonny’s bottom lip and speeds up the movements of his fingers, dragging them against your walls with every pass. 
“Jesus, fuck, Rafa–” you gasp, writhing in place. Rafa smirks against Sonny’s cherry-red lips and wraps his other hand around the young man’s hard cock, giving it a gentle squeeze. Sonny whimpers and Rafa circles his thumb around the head slowly, spreading precome all around it before giving him a few slow teasing strokes. Rafa spends the next few minutes with his hands occupied with both of you, kissing first Sonny, then you, and then Sonny again. 
“Look at all these tan lines,” Rafa sighs, pulling away from Sonny’s plush lips and staring down at you both. “I think I want to spend the rest of the day out by the pool tracing every single one of them with my tongue. And then any new ones you accumulated while I was occupied.” He bends down again and kisses the crease of your hip, nibbling gently at the tan line there and making you twitch. 
“Sonny, you need to wear the same length shorts when you’re outside, you look ridiculous,” he teases, leaning over and kissing one of the awkward lines on Sonny’s long thighs. 
Keeping your eyes open to watch your boyfriend writhe under Rafa becomes more and more difficult the longer that he fucks and stretches you open with his thick fingers. Every time it seems like you’re on the edge of a spectacular orgasm Rafa backs his fingers away, grins down at you, and kisses you, holding his fingers just inside your cunt and letting it fade again. 
“Rafa…” you pant, gripping his forearm and the sheets next to you tightly. “Rafa, fuck, please. Please just…” He pecks your lips and then the tip of your nose before shaking his head and kissing you again. 
“Mmm, no, don’t think so,” he tells you, twisting his wrist on an upstroke and making Sonny gasp. You look over at him and he’s red-faced, his big blue eyes wide and locked onto Rafa’s hand as it moves on his cock. “That definitely isn’t convincing enough.” 
You watch him press his thumb under the head of Sonny’s cock and then drag it down the vein on the underside and you shudder. Sonny is incoherent, twisting the sheets in his hands and, Jesus Christ, you can’t blame him. 
“There’s got to be some way I can persuade you,” you whine, wiggling your hips, trying to get him to shove his fingers back in a little deeper. You turn your attention back to Rafa and he looks over at you, pondering, a smirk just starting to play around his lips. 
“Probably not,” he tells you honestly, thumb brushing gently against your clit, making your thighs twitch. “I doubt even you could beg that well.” 
“Fuck, fuckfuckfuck, Rafa, come on, let me try, I can beg so well for you,” you plead, nails digging into his arm. 
He pushes his fingers in, sudden and deep, and you groan. 
“You’re more than welcome to try of course,” he replies, smirk growing as he scissors his fingers and taps your g spot again. “But I truly, sincerely, completely doubt your success.” 
Once you catch your breath, you try again. 
“Please, Rafi. Please let me come, I’ll be such a good girl–I’ll do anything you want me to,” you whine, your free hand finding Sonny’s wrist and clutching tightly. “Aren’t there any–oh, fuck–games you want to play?” Rafa keeps his fingers moving at a merciless pace inside you, every muscle in your core tightening as you inch closer to the edge again. 
“Like what, sweetheart?” he asks, that sly smirk not letting up for a second. “It would have to be a very good game to make it worth my while.” Beside you Sonny rolls his hips up, trying to no avail to get Rafa to keep working his palm over his cock. 
“I’ll…I can show you what a good girl I am,” you gasp, shuddering when Sonny presses a kiss to the side of your head. “I’ll keep your cock warm while we wait for Rita? I could wear a plug? Or a vibe at dinner that you can play with?” You’re desperately throwing out random suggestions, and you finally see his eyes glint at that last one. 
“That could be entertaining–watching you squirm in a restaurant? Though, I’m not sure I’d appreciate being distracted from my food...” You whine petulantly, all too aware of how pathetic you sound, as Rafa slows his fingers just enough to keep you from coming. 
“You know,” Rafa muses, stroking Sonny a little faster and smirking as he barely moves his fingers inside of you. “Rita doesn’t get tan lines. You know how she does that?”
“Raf,” you huff, your breath hitching as he takes his hand off your boyfriend’s cock just long enough to bring one of Sonny’s hands to your breast. Sonny takes the hint and pinches your nipple between his fingers even as he whines at the loss of Rafa’s hand on his dick. 
“She tans naked. I would sacrifice being able to tease the two of you about these tan lines if I could watch you both tan naked,” he tells you, wiggling the fingers in your cunt.
“I need to come, pleasepleaseplease… I’ll be so good, I promise, just let me come on your perfect fingers, Rafi, please–” Instead of giving you what you want he stops entirely. Before you can even open your mouth to keep begging he slips his fingers out of you, leaving your cunt trying to tighten around nothing. 
“Not fair! Rafa–” you start, only to be abruptly silenced as he pushes his fingers between your lips, the taste of yourself filling your mouth as he looks down at you. 
“Perfect fingers?” he asks, clearly amused, and he pushes them a little deeper into your mouth. You nod as enthusiastically as you can with his fingers pressing against your tongue. 
“They really are,” Sonny chimes in, curling against you so he can press his cock against your thigh. You want to reach out to touch him, to finish what Rafa had started, but you know the older man will slap your hand away. 
“Be a good boy, Dominick: get me a condom.” Before Sonny can move, Rafa leans over for another deep kiss and uses his free hand to palm at Sonny’s ass. “That’s it.”
Still eager to prove yourself, you suck on Rafa’s fingers–your tongue darting between them to taste more of yourself on his skin. When he looks back at you, he presses down just enough to make you gag. 
"Make you a deal, baby," Rafa tells you, watching as you choke around his fingers but determinedly keep sucking. "You can come. But only on my cock, nothing else. I'll fuck you as long as you want. As hard or as gently as you want. But no one's fingers touch that pretty little clit of yours." You’re so desperate that you agree without hesitation; you feel like your skin is three sizes too small and all your muscles are tensed in anticipation of release. 
“Good girl.” Rafa grins and leans down to kiss the tip of your nose. Sonny slides back onto the bed beside you and looks at Rafa, those beautiful eyes of his wide. 
“Can I?” he asks, holding up the foil packet in his hand. 
“How can I say no when you asked so nicely?” Rafa watches intently as Sonny tears the packet open and reaches for his cock. “Perfect sweet things. Rita’ll be mad she missed seeing you both so needy.” He hisses the last word through his teeth as Sonny slides the condom on his cock, adding a few slow pumps of his hand for good measure. 
“Pretty boy,” Rafa warns, laughing and shoving him away. Sonny grins at him, big innocent blue eyes sparkling and steals a quick kiss before Rafa crawls over you and noses at your cheek. 
“Remember our deal, sweetheart. Only on my cock.”
Rafa’s cock is a stretch and it’s delicious. That first thrust is smooth and slow and burns on just the right side of perfect. He’s big and warm and heavy on top of you as he settles and waits for you to adjust before licking into your mouth and starting to fuck you. 
He starts so slow, forehead pressed to yours, letting you feel every inch and ridge of him. You feel his breath fan across your cheek and you groan deep in your throat as he seems to drag his cock over every single sensitive spot inside of you. 
“Rafa…” you groan and he smiles, pressing a kiss to your nose. 
“Oh my God, Rafa, please, are you ever going to really fuck me?”
“Isn’t that what I’m doing right now?” he asks, still grinning down at you. “I guess if you don’t like it I could stop and move on to Sonny, maybe have better luck pleasing him–”
You wrap your legs around his hips and moan at him. 
“No, don’t! Rafa, don’t you dare!” He nips your lips and thrusts a little harder, swallowing your sharp gasp and tangling his fingers in your hair. He tugs as he speeds up his pace. 
“Mmm, sure this is working for you?” he teases, thrusting hard and fast a few times before slowing back down a bit, letting you really feel his cock again. 
“Positive, God, please Rafa, harder, harder…” you beg, throwing your head back and whimpering. Rafa kisses down your throat and snaps his hips quicker, the slap of his skin on yours loud and absolutely perfect. His chest hair scratches against your nipples and sends tiny little bursts of pleasure down your spine. 
“Like this sweetheart? Huh? Gonna come on my cock?” You bite your lip and nod quickly. “Fuck, I hope so. I fucking love the feel of this pretty pussy clenching down on my cock.” Sonny groans from his spot next to you and you look over to see him watching intently. 
“Darlin’, you should see his ass when he fucks you,” Sonny grunts, one of his hands drifting down his stomach to his cock. Rafa glances at him and makes a disapproving noise deep in his throat. 
“Hands off the goods, pretty boy.” Sonny smirks, resting his hand on his stomach, and Rafa snaps his hips hard, cock hitting your g spot and making you shudder. 
“Faster, Rafa, please, fuck…” 
You can feel your orgasm building deep in your core and you tilt your hips up, hoping to get his cock in just the right spot. But it’s stalling, you can feel it hovering just on the edge and you start to worry that you need just that little bit more. You whine and he flashes his teeth at you when he grins. 
“Aw, not going to wimp out on me now are you, sweetheart?” he taunts, stopping with his cock buried deep inside of you and his face pressed against your neck. 
“Need more Rafa, come on,” you beg and he shakes his head. 
“On my cock or not at all.” He grinds his hips against yours, pushing himself impossibly deeper inside you. You wail, frustrated, your nails digging into the soft skin of his back when you try to fuck yourself on his cock. 
“Told you, sweet girl. Want to feel you coming around me–that perfect cunt trying to pull me in deeper.” 
“Feels so fucking good when you do that, baby. Like you can’t get my dick far enough inside you,” Sonny murmurs, running his fingers down your arm. 
“Mmm, yes.” Rafa nips at your neck before setting a relentless pace, moving hard enough to bang the headboard against the wall with every stroke. Every pass of his cock rubs up against that spot inside of you and you screw your eyes closed as you try and lose yourself in the feeling. “It’s even better when you’ve come before.” 
“Fuck, it really is. When you get all oversensitive and squirmy? It’s so hot, doll,” Sonny agrees. You know what they mean; sometimes it feels like you’ll pass out if he keeps going but you’ll die if he stops. 
Your breath is forced out of you in short soft gasps as Rafa fucks you, every inch of your skin buzzing like you’ve just touched an exposed wire. He doesn’t seem far away from coming himself, his movements becoming more erratic as he gets closer. 
You drag one of your clutching hands away from Rafa’s back and catch Sonny’s, twining his fingers with yours. 
“C’mon, you must be so close. I wanna watch you come, baby…” Sonny trails off, squeezing your hand. Your eyes are so tightly closed that they ache and your throat burns at the sudden lack of air in the room. The sound that escapes you when you come sounds closer to a sob and tears creep out from under your lashes at the intensity of the heat flooding through your body. 
You try to catch your breath but you just can’t. Rafa fucks you right through your orgasm as though he hasn’t even noticed it. The slick slapping sound of your bodies seems obscenely loud and your nails scrape against Rafa’s back, making him hiss sharply. 
“Good girl, feels so fucking good, fuck, fuck-” 
He pulls out of you abruptly and you whine at the loss. He rolls you onto your stomach and groans, one large hand palming at your ass. You hear Rafa start to jerk off behind you and Sonny gasps softly as he watches. 
“Look at these tan lines,” Rafa manages. “Such a tease, reminding me what you look like in that tiny fucking bikini. Gonna give you a few more lines–”
Rafa’s hand on your ass squeezes tighter as he comes with a loud moan. You feel his come splatter warmly across your skin, right over where the tan lines left by your bikini bottoms are.
“Rita will be so upset that she missed all this for pastries,” Rafa jokes, giving your ass one last pinch before he leans over to throw the condom into the wastebin by the bed. Taking advantage of his momentary distraction, you turn over and Sonny tugs you a little closer to him. 
“You looked so pretty,” he whispers, kissing away the tears on your cheeks before pulling you in for a deep, filthy kiss. You sink your fingers into his soft hair as he licks into your mouth, moaning when you feel his cock against your hip. 
“Feeling a little desperate, Dominick?” Rafa teases, running his hand down Sonny’s side. “You’re so impatient,” he laughs. “Anyone would think it’s been days! Wasn’t that show you two put on last night for me and Rita enough?” The memory makes you shudder and Sonny rocks his hips against you in an attempt to press closer. Another bright chuckle escapes Rafa and he squeezes Sonny’s hip. 
“Lie back, pretty boy. You’ve been so patient, such a very, very good boy. I think you deserve a treat.” You huff a small laugh through your nose at how quickly Sonny does as he’s told, rolling off you to lie on his back. Instead of turning his attention immediately to Sonny, Rafa wraps his long fingers around one of your wrists and tugs gently. 
“Up you get.” Rafa pulls you up to your knees and then wraps an arm around your waist. Realizing what he wants you to do, you put a hand on his arm. 
“Raf, wait. I’m so tired, it’s too much–” you complain. You desperately want Sonny inside you, pressed so close that you can’t tell where he ends and you begin, but, God, you don’t think you have the energy to ride him. Rafa makes a shushing sound and leans in so closely that his lips brush the shell of your ear. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ll do the work for you–me and Sonny. You can just sit there and enjoy the ride,” he whispers, wrapping one of his strong arms around your middle. A quick glance at Sonny’s long, lean body in front of you, his cock hard and weeping precome onto his stomach, is enough to convince you. 
“Oh, alright, twist my arm,” you agree with a tired grin, letting Rafa help you on top of Sonny. You can’t deny the way being manhandled, the way Rafa is going to use you to get Sonny off, sends sparks racing down your spine. You feel Rafa smirk against the side of your neck and you gasp when he nips the shell of your ear. 
“That’s a good girl,” he praises, moving to straddle Sonny’s legs behind you. He lifts you up and then Sonny’s sitting up and reaching forward to position his cock under you while Rafa and gravity help you sink down on it in one smooth glide. 
“Fuuuck…” Sonny groans, flopping back onto the bed, the tendons in his neck standing out as he tries to hold still. You echo his groan and squirm on his lap, his cock hitting every over-sensitive spot inside you. 
Rafa’s arms are strong around your waist and his breath is hot against the side of your neck when he nuzzles you and jostles you a bit, causing both you and Sonny to whine again. 
“Look at him tremble, baby, God, he looks like he could come on command.” Rafa’s right. You can feel Sonny’s muscles quivering between your thighs and watching him hold back like this for you makes everything fucking hotter. “Just waiting for me to tell him when.”
You nod, gripping Rafa’s strong forearms tightly. Shivering, you rock your hips forward and cry out when even that feels like you’ve stuck your finger in a light socket. 
“Looks like she’s ready for you, pretty boy,” Rafa tells Sonny, pressing tight against your back. And then he lifts you up; the feel of Sonny’s cock leaving your body makes you shudder and scrabble at Rafa’s arms. He bites the side of your neck and Sonny fucks up into you again. 
The two of them set a fast and erratic pace and it’s blinding with how sensitive you are post-orgasm. All you can do is sag against Rafa’s chest and occasionally reach down to scratch through the trail of hair on Sonny’s belly. You rest your fingers against the line across Sonny’s hips, pressing against the tan skin of his abdomen until it turns the same pale color of the skin that had been covered by his swim trunks. 
It’s obvious that your boyfriend isn’t going to last long; you can feel his cock twitch inside of you and he’s panting like he just ran a marathon. 
“Thinking about that show you put on for us last night?” Rafa asks, voice a gravelly growl against your back. Sonny whines. “Remembering how hard it was for you to control yourself pretending to breed her? Fill her up with a few babies and watch her walk around with a piece of you inside her for the whole world to see?” 
Sonny’s fingers are tight around your hips and he nods, quick and hard and distracted. You’re sure there are going to be at least a couple of bruises there by tonight for all of you to admire.
“Getting ready to come, sweet boy?” Rafa asks, watching Sonny from over your shoulder. “Can’t hold on much longer? Going to fill her up? Push your come as deep inside her as you can?” Sonny whines and nods desperately, flush traveling down his neck and settling bright and red on his chest. “Well, what’s stopping you? You don’t need my permission do you?” 
“Fuck, Rafa,” he pants, hanging onto you for dear life. “Want it anyways, please…”
“Come, baby, go on. I want to watch you come inside her,” Rafa orders, his skin so warm against yours. Sonny’s hands clutch harder at your hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh as his thrusts get sloppier and more urgent. 
“Oh my god, Sonny–” you choke, Rafa’s arms the only thing keeping you upright as Sonny pounds into you. Those pretty blue eyes sweep over your body before fluttering closed as he throws his head back, his whole body tensing as he comes with a loud moan. You can feel his cock pulse inside of you as he fills you up, your muscles clenching and tightening around him. 
Rafa hums behind you, pleased, and presses a few kisses to the side of your neck while Sonny catches his breath, his head thrown back and his long neck still on display. 
“C’mere,” he finally groans, lifting his head up and gesturing for you. Rafa unwinds his arms from around your waist and nuzzles at your temple before swinging his leg over Sonny’s and settling next to him with a deeply satisfied groan. He tucks an arm behind his head, watching and smiling, as you stretch out on your boyfriend’s chest. Sonny wraps his arms around your back, rubbing his face against your hair. He’s practically purring underneath you as you settle with his cock still inside you. 
“Mmm,” Sonny grumbles and you smile, closing your eyes as you feel the noise in your chest. “Good morning to you too,” he teases, running his fingers down your spine and slowly back up again. 
“Hmm, shhh, sleeping now,” you sigh back, patting his ribs absently. You doze off to the sound of Rafa laughing next to you.
It doesn't feel like you've been asleep for very long when you’re jolted awake by the sound of Rita scoffing from somewhere in the general direction of the door. She says something you don’t catch and you feel the mattress shift as Rafa gets out of bed. You don’t need to open your eyes, you can hear the self-satisfied smirk on his face as he offers to her, 
“I’d be more than happy to eat you out as a pre-breakfast snack, Reets. Just so you don’t feel left out.”
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melk917 · 2 years
Week Two Round Up!
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Another week of great posts...
An Acceptable Occasion to Manspread by @lannister-slings-and-arrows and @pascalispretty
Rita Calhoun x Sonny Carisi x Reader for "Tabletop or just give me a lap dance"
Late Night Study Session by @pascalispretty
Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi for "How 'bout in the library on top of books // But you can't be too loud"
The Nanny: Valentine’s Redux, Pt.2 by @thatesqcrush
Bryan Kneef x Reader for "Rip the pants and rip the shirt, rough sex make it hurt"
More Than Chocolate by me (@melk917)
Paul Mendelson x Reader for "What about up in the candy store? That chocolate, chocolate, make it melt"
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infiniteoddball · 3 years
Hi love the writing ❤️❤️could you possibly write something where the svu squad accidentally meat Rita’s wife...like they didn’t know she was married especially to a woman 😂❤️I mean it’s just a suggestion but I haven’t read anything like that before... what are your thoughts on this???
// Thank you so much for such a fun request!! I thoroughly enjoyed writing this and thank you so much for all the love! You really made my night (: Since there wasn’t a specific character pairing for Rita, I did Rita x Reader!//
Rating: Friendly! This is light and fluffy with a bit of obscene language. Nothing too serious! 
Tag: @vivis-ghost-wife @teamsladsandgents @angelicdestieldemon @storiesofsvu
Surprise Cocktails 
You and Rita sat in the back of the bar, happily hidden away from everyone else. The both of you sipped on your separate drinks. Rita enjoying a dark & stormy while you were on your second glass of chardonnay. You enjoyed the feeling of your thigh touching hers, only to lean in and steal a soft kiss, “I have missed us doing this,” You murmur against her lips, smiling. 
Rita smiled, “I am sorry I have been so busy baby. I have missed you. I have missed us. I am glad that we are finally able to have a date night.” 
You glanced at her hand, enjoying the ring on her finger. You knew that this was something that you didn’t get to see in public, so it was definitely something that you enjoyed when you could. Rita smiled even bigger, sliding her arm around your waist as she pulled you closer, placing a few kisses up your neck, “What else do you have in mind for tonight?” 
“Making your dress hit the floor,” You murmur, moving your hand further up her thigh as you hear her breath hitch. You enjoyed the feeling of the silky black wrap dress, but enjoyed the feeling of her skin even more.  
“Mm, that does sound perfect. But how about we eat some food so we have energy for that later?” 
“Okay,” You smirk, watching as she called over a waiter. You smiled even bigger as she ordered for the both of you. 
“One chicken alfredo and a chicken parmesan please,” She smiled, “As well as another dark & stormy.” 
“Water too please,” You add in. You felt the familiar warmth in your stomach. Her dominance was something that turned you on quickly, “How was your day?” 
“I gave Rafael a run for his money again. That was fun,” Rita smirked, finishing her drink before continuing, “My client, I am not saying they are the most squeaky clean person ever, but they are not guilty of this crime. I can just feel it, plus I don’t think they are lying to me. Rafael will be putting his star witness on tomorrow and when I cross examine, he is going to feel the annoyance in his bones,” Rita giggled. 
“You never cease to amaze me.” 
“Good or bad?” 
“Good,” You squeeze her thigh, “Definitely good. You make everything that much better.” 
“Y/N you have gone soft on me,” She smirked, thanking the waiter for her drink before leaning back in the curved booth to smile at you. 
“Not soft, I am a high school counselor. What else would you expect?” You question, spinning the wine glass between your pointer finger and thumb. 
“Nothing,” She answered honestly, “How is Ryan doing?” 
You heave a sigh, finishing off your glass, “I don’t know how to help him. I can see it in him. The need to prove himself, but something is holding him back and I don’t know what it is. I don’t know how to fix it.” 
“Babe, you are doing everything that you possibly can. I know that you think you can save everyone, but sometimes you can’t and that isn’t your fault. Okay?”
You nod, knowing she is right, but after all these years, you still struggle to accept that, “I know...I know. I just don’t know how else to feel about that.” You feel Rita take your chin in her hand gently, pulling you closer before you feel her deliciously warm lips on yours. 
Rita slips her hand to the back of your neck, pulling you in closer, before finally moving away, “I love you. Please don’t let this wreck you. I hate seeing you so broken up over something like this.” 
You bite your lip, but nod, “Okay,” You murmur, sniffing the air appreciatively as the food is delivered to your table. 
Rita can’t help but smile as she wraps her arm around your waist, whispering all the things she is going to do to you once you two get home. You feel a delicious chill run down your spine as you slide your arm around her shoulders. 
“Aye Calhoun! Is that you!?” Carisi called, smacking Amanda’s shoulder as he turned on the stool. 
You felt her tense up before you both look at the voice who said your wife’s last name, “Who is that?” 
“Get ready,” Is all you get as she drops her arm from your waist, but intertwines your fingers. 
“Holy shit,” Amanda says as shock spreads through her features. 
“Olivia, Odafin, Dominick, Amanda, Kat. I would like for you to meet my wife, Y/N.” 
You can help but smirk as you see Odafin blow his own beer into his face and the rest of the SVU squad utterly speechless. You were barely able to hold back your laugh with the way that Kat nearly choked on her drink. Of course you knew who they were, but they had no idea who you were. Your marriage was kept exceptionally quiet due to the fact that Rita was a defense lawyer with a lot of enemies. The last thing she wanted was you to get harmed because of that. 
Kat was the first to recover before she stood, holding out her hand, “It’s wonderful to meet you! I had no idea that Rita was even...” 
“A lesbian?” Rita finished for her, “Yes. I have had many amazing relationships, but once I met Y/N, I knew that I met the love of my life.” 
You felt your cheeks warm, hearing the way that Rita talked about you. You knew she loved you, but this was a rare occasion where she could demonstrate it so publicly, “You must be the infamous Olivia Benson,” You smile, shaking her hand. 
“I wouldn’t want famous anywhere near my name,” She joked, “I am happy to meet you. Rita, how long have we known each other and you just simply didn’t tell me?” 
“Some things are simply better left unsaid. I am surprised to see that the entire crew is able to make it out.” Rita grinned. 
“You owe me ten bucks Rollins,” Carisi smirked before turning to Rita, “You are a profile that is hard to miss. Rollins and Sarg didn’t believe me when I said that was you.” 
You burst out laughing at this before turning to Rita, “How terrified do you have them?” 
“Scared enough to where the most private question they have outright asked me is what I like to drink.” 
You squeeze her hand, not feeling surprised in this fact of the manner. Every time that you think your wife couldn’t surprise you, she always manages to do that, you fall more in love with her. 
“Aye, why don’t y’all join us for a drink? This revelation has definitely made the night more interesting,” Fin smirked. 
“And you are?” 
“Fin Tutuola,” He smirked, holding his hand out to you. 
You smirk back, taking his hand, “Fin? Like a fish?” 
“Haha, very original! What can I get you two ladies?” 
You glance at Rita, accepting her shrug as a yes, “Knob Creek Bourbon, neat please. A dark & stormy for Rita,” You smile before feeling Rita’s arm wrap around you again. 
“So,” Olivia looked between the two of you, “How did this even happen? As far as I knew, all Rita does is work.” 
“Hey there, you are the pot calling the kettle black!” Rita pointedly said. 
“I have slowed down. I don’t want to hear it,” Olivia responded, “How did you two meet and why didn’t we know about you sooner Y/N?” 
“Well, we met because of a blind date. One that I reluctantly accepted. Let me tell you, I wasn’t sure if we were even going to make it past the second date. But then, out of left field, Rita surprised me and the rest is history.” 
“Please,” Rita scoffed, “You make me sound like a softie!” 
“Well, you are with me,” You smiled brightly. 
“But definitely not me,” Barba smirked, “Rita, Y/N. It’s nice to see the cat is out of the bag!” 
“Barba, you mean to tell me that you knew the entire time!?” Kat’s jaw dropped. 
“Careful. Flies will be around soon. Yes, I have known Rita longer than any of you. Please, tell me this,” He watched as Fin handed them each their drinks, “Was this planned?” 
“Rafael, please,” Rita rolled her eyes. 
“You haven’t even gotten to the good part yet everyone. Y/N, why don’t you tell them what it is that you do for a living.” 
“I am a high school counselor. I work at Martin Luther High.” 
“No fucking way,” Fin said slowly, a smile spreading over his face, “That is amazing.” 
You did a double take before noticing that Rita was smiling at you, “I know,” Rita grinned, taking a long sip off her drink. 
“How did this happen?” Barba questioned. 
“Date night,” You responded before giving him a brief hug. 
“Mm, so how does this work?” Rollins questioned, “You’re okay with the fact that next to no one knows you two are together?” 
You touched Rita’s shoulder, before nodding, “Yes. It was something we had a long discussion about. Rita is a high profile defense attorney. I know that on the rare occasion that she doesn’t drag Rafael, her clients can tend to get hostile. So, for the sake of both of us, we chose to keep a low profile so my safety and her safety isn’t put at risk.” 
“Smart move,” Olivia laughed, glancing at Rafael. 
“Anyways,” Rita said, finishing her drink, “If you don’t mind, it’s date night and I would love to be able to spend some more time with my wife. Thank you for the drinks Odafin. Shall we go Y/N?” 
You finish your bourbon quickly before nodding, “It was nice to finally meet everyone!” You say brightly. 
“Rita, now that we know, you are so going to have to bring her around for drinks sometimes,” Olivia stated. 
“And submit her to torture? Pass.” 
You can’t help but laugh at this, “Okay, okay. No promises! I hope that everyone has a great night!” You smile, tugging Rita away from the group. As much as you enjoyed telling more people that you got to marry the love of your life, you wanted more than anything to follow through on all the things that she wanted to do to you. You couldn’t help but smile at the chorus of goodbyes behind the two of you.
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kj-1130 · 4 years
law and order masterlist
Alex Cabot
Amanda Rollins
Casey Novak
Kathy Stabler
Kat Tamin
Melinda Warner
Nick Amaro
Olivia Benson
Rafael Barba
Rita Calhoun
Sonny Carisi
The Squad
Organized Crime
Angela Wheatley
Ayanna Bell
Carmen “Nova” Riley
Gina Cappelletti
Jet Slootmaekers
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australiancarisi · 3 years
if anyone wants to write a story for me about one of the svu boys or liv or rita or nevada looking after you after you got your wisdom teeth out that would be lovely
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
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All fics are reader insert unless otherwise denoted & you should assume all are NSFW.
Voire Dire, Part 3 (Barba)
Ivy & the Ink (Nevada Ramirez)
Fall From Grace, Pt. 11: Case of the Ex (Kneef)
Drinks & Theories (Barson)
The Nanny (Kneef)
Retrouvaille (Barba)
Time of the Month (Kevin Mulrooney)
Just Relax (Chilton)
Jealous (Barba)
Peaches N Cream (Barba)
Green Eyes (Barba)
Not So Blind (Amaro)
Since You Left (Barba)
Goodbye (Amaro)
Forever More (Chilton)
Ivory Dress (Amaro)
A Mature Date (Jackson Neill)
Sweet Serendipity (Barba)
Wages (Nevada Ramirez)
No Judgment (Dennis DiPalma)
Purple Love (Rafael Barba)
Via Email (Bryan Kneef)
Friendly Gossip (Barba)
Use to It (Amaro)
Understudy (Carisi)
Sweet Touch (Chilton)
Finally (Barba)
Drunk Love (Barba)
Light in Your Eyes (Amaro)
Le Vice Anglais (Barba)
Handcuffs and Tea (Amaro)
Nevada & the Good Girl: Into the Dark (Nevada Ramirez)
Nevada & the Good Girl: Put on a Show (Nevada Ramirez)
Dinner to Go: Part 1, Part 2 (Nick Amaro, reader, Alex Cabot)
Summoned, Pt. 4 (Chilton)
Going Public (Kneef)
Nothing Sweet (Kneef)
Fine Wine (Barba)
Broken (Cabot)
Feelings (Rollins)
My Heart Says Cupcake (Amaro)
Love Me Like You Do (moodboard)
Valentine’s Game (Calhoun, Barba)
You Can & You Will (Calhoun)
Found Family (Benson)
Put On a Show (Bryan Kneef)
Put On a Show (Part 2) (Bryan Kneef)
Snail Mail (Casey Novak)
Island Interlude (Casey Novak)
Uncoordinated (Mini Dodds)
Hidden Love (Alex Cabot)
First Date Blunders (Carisi)
Platonic Valentine (Kat Tamin)
What You’re Waiting For (Carisi)
Delectable (Rita Calhoun)
Bruised Ego (Barba)
Power Play (Kneef)
You Never Knew? (Carisi)
Forget You (Alex Cabot)
February Phone Call (Barba)
Not So Blind Date (Alex Cabot)
Negotiations (Barba)
Exam Prep Destress (Harvard!Barba)
Post-It (Carisi)
Goodbye, My Love (Mini Dodds)
PDA (Mini Dodds)
Move In With Me (Jackson Neill)
Oils & Marks (Mini Dodds)
Oral Sex (NSFW) - Harvard!Rafael Barba x reader
Candy and Flowers - Sonny Carisi 
First Date - Sonny Carisi 
Public Sex / Public Display of Affection (NSFW)
Aftercare - Nick Amaro
Love Me Like You Do - Mike Dodds 
Catchin’ Feelings - Bryan Kneef 
Glimpses (A Glimpse of the Future, Part 5.5) (Carisi)
Morals (Nevada Ramirez)
Out Like a Flame (Amaro)
The Tum (Barba)
My Beautiful Rose (Carisi)
Homemade Valentines (Olivia)
Take It Out On Me (Amaro)
Make It Up (Carisi)
A New Muse, Part 2 (Barba)
100% Certain (Carisi)
The Choices We Make (Barba)
Moving On (Jackson Neill)
Sister Troubles (Amaro)
Bella’s Wedding (Carisi)
Trying New Things (Barba)
Bar Games (Amaro)
24 Hour Flu (Carisi)
Dinner, Dancing & Doting (Mini Dodds)
Trying to Change (Amaro)
Study Buddy (Carisi)
Study Buddy, Pt. 2 (Carisi)
Catching Feelings (Barba)
Claimed As His (Barba)
Subtle (Amaro)
Lack of Communication (Carisi)
Time Tears us Apart, but Also Brings us Back (Barba)
I Believe You (Part 2) (Bryan Kneef)
I Believe You (Part 3) (Bryan Kneef)
On The Plus Side (Chilton)
It’s a Love/Hate Thing (Barba)
Almost Perfect (Chilton) 
Playing Matchmaker (Barba)
An Exile of Our Own Making (Barba)
We’ve Got Tonight (Barba)
Saved Sauce (Calhoun, Fin)
Hobby (Barisi)
Secret Love (Barisi)
Forgotten Love (Barisi)
Sit, Drink, Smile (Barba)
Blind Date (Barba)
I Hope He’ll be a Beautiful Fool... (Sonny Carisi/reader, past!Rafael Barba/reader)
Cuddling (Amaro)
Memory of a Love (Carisi)
You’re a Mean One, Mr. Kneef, Ch.11 (Kneef)
You’re a Mean One, Mr. Kneef, Ch.12 (Kneef)
Crying in the Shower (Barba)
Lucky (Casey Novak)
Love You Like I Do (mood-board ft. Barba)
Fade Into You (Nick Amaro)
Sneaky on the 8th Floor (Carisi)
Surprise, Lets Be Valentines (Barba)
Terrible, Horrible (No Good, Very Bad Date) (Barba)
Exile, Pt. 1 (Barba)
Exile, Pt. 2 (Barba)
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daddydoddsjr · 3 years
last updated - 2 January 2023
Important note - I am on and off with writing due to college and work! Your asks may not be answered for a few weeks but I will get to them eventually. <3
Fandoms || Law and Order SVU, Law and Order, Criminal Minds
Included In List || Fics, headcannons, personal fanart, ship playlists, alphabets
Asks/Requests || Open always, but I may be a little slow to get things posted due to college
♡ = smut
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Law and Order SVU
Smacking Headcannons - Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Amanda Rollins, Olivia Benson, Odafin Tutuola
Pegging Headcannons - ♡ - Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Elliot Stabler, Nolan Price, Joe Velasco
Jealousy — Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Rita Calhoun, Peter Stone, Alex Cabot, Casey Novak
Dad Headcannons — Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba
Vanity Headcannons — Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Elliot Stabler, Amanda Rollins, Olivia Benson
Minor Inconveniences — Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Olivia Benson, Fin Tutuola, Amanda Rollins
Inexperienced Smut Prompts - ♡ - (list here) (all xReader)
#2 - Sonny Carisi
#3 & #27 - Sonny Carisi
#7 & #33 - Rafael Barba
#11 - Sonny Carisi
#14 & #30 - Barisi
#15 & #46 - Sonny Carisi
#16 - Sonny Carisi
#27 - Sonny Carisi
#31 - Sonny Carisi
#34 - Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
NSFW Alphabet - ♡
Dating Headcannons - ♡
Overprotective — x Wife!Reader, Dad!Sonny
Mafia Sonny AU Pt. 1 — x Fem!Reader
Rafael Barba
NSFW Alphabet - ♡
Holiday Season — x GN!Reader
Mistaken — x Male!Reader
Gingerbread Zombies — x GN!Reader
Christmas Eve — x Fem!Reader
Married — x Fem!Reader
Dad!Barba — x Fem!Reader
Dad!Barba — x GN!Reader
Secret Relationship — x Fem!Reader
Sour Things Pt. 1 , Pt. 2 — x GN!Reader
Love Triangle Pt. 1 , Pt. 2 — Elliot Stabler x Olivia Benson x Peter Stone
Mornings — Barisi
Ship Playlists — Barisi, Barson, Bensler
Olivia Benson
Rita Calhoun
Secretly dating
Law and Order
Nolan Price
Threes Company Pt. 1 , Pt.2 — Nolan Price x Fem!Reader x Rafael Barba
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Dating Headcannons - ♡
Alluring Pt. 1 , Pt. 2 — x Unsub!Reader
Barson - Unconditional Love
Barson - Goodbyes
Rafael Barba
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storiesofsvu · 22 hours
You probably already answered this recently and im probably just blind as a bat here but:
What you got in that WIP/To-be-written pile?
Cant wait to know what i have to look forward to!
hahha it's all good! i tried to find it to link but i couldn't s... here's what we've got (for one shots. series i'm not including lol)
Elana Barth x reader-> mommy kink smut
Byran Kneef-> where yn's been teasing him all day and now he's going to tease her relentlessly back and be a little mean
Casey Novak x Rita Calhoun -> fluffy morning after (established relationship)
Sonny Carisi --> relationship angst where they come to a realization that while they thought they wanted the same thing, opinions change.
CM ladies mega smut -> yn friends w JJ, briefly and casually dated Em before Paris, briefly and casually dated Alex when she was on the team and now has just met Tara and is trying not to drool. Makes a joke to Em about how she doesn't know who to go home with and Em takes matters into her own hand.
Derek Morgan --> soft reassuring smut ending with some squirting
DiNozzo -> One first morning after fluff
-> One first date fluff
Emily -> secret marriage fluff where the team finally finds out who she's married to
Hotch -> fluffy semi established relationship, fools in love kinda thing with a twist
Poly Barhoun -> meeting somewhat shy/inexperienced yn at a sex club where they take her home and show her the ropes
-> pegging smut
Sonya Paxton -> comforting fluff. yn and her met outside of work post rehab stint. sonya hesitant about coming clean about her past.
Rita Calhoun -> sub rita smut. she's had a long, stressful week and yn takes it upon herself to make sure her weekend starts off in higher spirits
Addison Montgomery -> super fluffy, first kiss/first admittance of feelings.
Joe Velasco -> idiots in love trope, involving the whole squad
-> yn, bruno and joe find themselves sharing a hotel room while at an out of town conference with some rather loud and rambunctious neighbours. they figure if you can't beat 'em, join them... and have some fun of their own.
As for series:
Alex Blake has one: fluffy, hurt/comfort
Rafael Barba: one spicy, fluffy one -> one mainly fluffy, sorta poly!barhoun harvard au style mini series
Heather Dunbar: -> three, all spicy fluffy, one with a bit of h/c -> one political thriller that's poly heather x jackie x reader
Hotch: -> 2 fluffy, semi spicy ones
Rita Calhoun -> 4. 2 AU's that are mainly spicy with a hint of drama. 1 mega fluffy. 1 fluff, hurt/comfort
Emily Prentiss -> one mainly fluff with a hint of thriller
One that's a CM and SVU crossover but i haven't figured out details and pairings yet!
I've also been going through prompt lists recently like i did when i first started writing to find ones that stand out to me and then assign them to character/see if anything sparks a good idea in my head. I either haven't been getting requests recently, or they're ones that have ONLY been the prompt and it hasn't sparked anything. I also deleted a bunch of stuff that was in my WIP folder cause it had been sitting too long without any work being done on it cause again, no ideas on how to flesh things out.
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pascalispretty · 4 years
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Javier Peña
asking, not demanding (ao3) 
dial ‘n’ for narcos (ao3) (inspo tag) 
favours repaid (ao3) 
come take it out on me (ao3) 
Narcos Meta
timeline breakdown
when did Javi arrive in Colombia?
when did Javi leave Colombia?
Maxwell Lord
lord, my soul to take (ao3)
proposal headcanon
feral (ao3) 
Joel Miller
aches and pains (ao3) 
hands behind your back (ao3)
you can take it (ao3) 
old holiday, new traditions (ao3)
love shack (ao3) 
the girls next door masterlist (ao3) 
Din Djarin
leading blindly (ao3)
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Frederick Chilton x Reader
sleep therapy (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​) 
laugh with me a little (ao3) (written in collaboration with @lannister-slings-and-arrows​)
as yet unsaid (ao3) 
eyes on fire (ao3)
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Law and Order: SVU Masterlist here. 
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Cassian Andor x Reader
by night, beloved (ao3) 
strangers in a strange land (inspo tag) (playlist) 
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trouble is my business (inspo tag) (playlist) 
the poetry of the body one, two (ao3) 
hold me down (ao3) 
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adarafaelbarba · 2 years
So as mentioned in my previous post about this bingo, my birthday is next month. And for that occasion I wanted to host another bingo! Like my last bingo in October 2021, this one will have moodboards to the squares. You don’t have to use them, but they’re there for inspiration, and can also be used in your fics as a “cover” if you’d like 🥰 I’m gonna have the moodboards up before the bingo starts on Monday 17th of January 😅
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here are some rules:
1. It’ll start on January 17th and ends on February 17th at Midnight (Norwegian time)
2. Write one, ten or all of the fics. But don’t feel like you have to write them, this is a fun little writing exercise
3. You can write a head canon, ficlet, multi-chapter (one moodboard/square per fic) or a one shot. But please, if it’s longer than 500 words, put it under read more.
4. The fics can be fluff, smut, angst, etc if you feel like they would fit with the aesthetic of the moodboard you write for. Please remember to tag the fics with the right warnings before posting it.
5. Tag me when you post it, so I can keep tracks of the fics that are posted for this challenge and use the hashtag: #adarafaelbarbabirthdaybingo
6. Characters allowed (reader insert, oc, ships)
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Mike Dodds
Nick Amaro
Peter Stone
Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Alex Cabot
Casey Novak
Olivia Benson
Amanda Rollins
Rita Calhoun
Kat Tamin
Elizabeth Donnelly
Other Raúl Esparza Characters:
Jackson Neill
Nevada Ramirez
Jonas Nightingale
Bryan Kneef
Frederick Chilton
Paul Mendelsohn
911 / 911 Lone Star:
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Maddie Buckley
Hen Wilson
Bobby Nash
Athena Grant
Owen Strand
T.K. Strand
Grace Ryder
Judd Ryder
Marjan Marwani
Paul Strickland
Carlos Reyes
Tommy Vega
Mayans MC:
Miguel Galindo
Angel Reyes
Ez Reyes
Bishop Losa
Emily Thomas
Coco Cruz
One Chicago:
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Brian «Otis» Zvonecek
Joe Cruz
Stella Kidd
Gabby Dawson
Violet Mikami
Sylvie Brett
Emily Foster
Jessica Chilton
Gianna Mackey
Evan Hawkins
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
Vanessa Rojas
Sean Roman
Kim Burgess
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Will Halstead
April Sexton
Crockett Marcel
Jeff Clarke
A Discovery of Witches:
Baldwin Montclair (Trystan and Peter’s version, but specify it 😅)
Matthew de Clermont
Marcus Whitmore
Diana Bishop
Miriam Shepard
Sophie Norman
Nathaniel Wilson
Satu Järvinen
Juliette Durand
Phoebe Taylor
Hamish Osborn
Chris Roberts
Ransome Fayrweather
Ian Murray
Frank Randall
Jamie Fraser
Clair Fraser
Briana Fraser Randall
Roger Mackenzie
Fergus Fraser
Marsali Fraser
Jenny Fraser
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts:
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Newt Scamander
Young Dumbledore
Eggsy Unwin
Roxy Morton
Harry Hart
Charlie Hesketh
Lancelot / James Spencer
Characters from the King’s Men
Thor Odinson
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Dr. Bruce Banner / Hulk
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Sam Wilson / Falcon / Captain America
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Dr. Stephen Strange / Dr. Strange
T’Challa / Black panther (rip Chadwick 🥺)
Shaun / Shang-Chi
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Tom, Toby or Andrew. But specify it 😅)
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Wade Wilson / Deadpool
Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
Baron Helmut Zemo
Yelena Belova
Monica Rambeau
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
Charles Xavier / Professor X
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto
Note: If there’s a character/fadom not listed, feel free to DM me.
7. No RPF/real person fic. No underage character (includes reader/ocs)
8. Please signal boost this post, regardless if you participate or not
9. Most important! Have fun! 🥰 Feel free to dm me with any questions or concerns
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altsvu · 3 years
Law and Order SVU Masterlist
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(will be updated regularly!)
✨- denotes smut
total completed works: 24
✰ fitting in (sonny carisi x female reader)
✰ three way phone - part 1 | part 2✨- coming soon! (sonny carisi x peter stone x detective!fem!reader)
✰ unusual reunion (candy hearts bingo - sonny carisi x female reader)
✰ sneaky on the 8th floor (love you, love you not bingo - sonny carisi x female reader) ✨
✰ returning the favor (love you, love you not bingo - peter stone x female reader) ✨
✰ pre-motion shenanigans (love you, love you not bingo - sonny carisi x female reader) ✨
✰ new beginnings (request - peter stone x female reader)
✰ wet dream (request - sonny carisi x ada!female!reader) ✨
✰ strapped up - coming soon! (casey novak x black!detective!fem!reader) ✨
✰ more than just my intern (sonny carisi x fem!reader)
✰ wanted him back - coming soon! (request - nick amaro x fem!reader) ✨
✰ long lost (peter stone x black!fem!reader) ✨
✰ you saved me - coming soon! (request - amanda rollins x black!teen!reader)
✰ fainting spells - coming soon! (request - sonny carisi x black!fem!detective!reader)
✰ massage envy - coming soon! (sonny carisi x black!fem!reader) ✨
✰ surprise, let’s be valentines (love you, love you not bingo - rafael barba x gender neutral reader)
✰ fantasies (rafael barba x female reader) ✨
✰ truth or dare (100 celebration - sonny carisi x gender neutral reader)
✰ we’re not dating! (100 celebration - sonny carisi x female reader)
✰ dress shopping (100 celebration - nick amaro x female reader)
✰ tattoo ridden (200 celebration - rafael barba x fem!reader) ✨
✰ secretly in love (request - rita calhoun x gn!reader)
✰ talk through it (request - sonny carisi x fem!reader) ✨
✰ too fast… or not fast enough (request - sonny carisi x fem!reader) ✨
✰ one true love (request - rafael barba x gn!reader)
✰ gala ready (wsvu week - cabenson)
✰ a little excerpt (sonny carisi x oc)
✰ 5 minute drabble (rafael barba x gn!reader)
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How about #15 from the Keeping Young Talent Coming Our Way ‘verse? - Sophie 💙
okie dokes, here's one from the Keeping Young Talent Coming Our Way verse, a Rafael Barba x Rita Calhoun/Sonny Carisi x Reader fic. I normally write these with @pascalispretty ! Prompt from this list!
“God, I can’t get enough of you two,” Rafa huffs, his smirk turning into an amused smile as Sonny whines and the girl grabs at Rafa’s free hand to suck his fingers into her mouth. Rafa groans softly, grinning, and speeds up the hand he has wrapped around Sonny’s cock. Sonny keeps whining, his face pressed against the girl’s neck as she stares into Rafa’s eyes and swallows around his fingers. 
Rita watches all of this from her chair across the room, an indulgent smile on her face as Rafa continues to play with their two new pets. She had been absently stroking her clit over her panties for the past few minutes, unsure if she wanted to join or just watch tonight–the three of them put on enough of a show that that was enough sometimes. Rafa turns to look over his shoulder at her, flashing her one of those brilliant smiles she fell in love with during college, before glancing down at her spread legs and pouting at her. She rolls her eyes at him, grinning and pulling her panties to the side to flash him a glimpse of her cunt. 
Rafa licks his lips, winks at her, and turns back to the two law students, rubbing his thumb over the head of Sonny’s cock while shoving his fingers deeper into the girl’s mouth, making her gag and her eyes water, her fingers gripping his wrist even harder. 
“Fuck, Rafa, please, please please…” Sonny begs, hands twisting in the sheets, panting against the girl, hips twitching desperately in an effort to hold as still as Rafa ordered him to. 
“Learn some patience, sweet boy; you’ll come when I tell you to come,” Rafa replies, pulling his fingers out of her mouth to lean over and kiss her deeply. He breaks away, still smiling. 
Rita’s breath catches and the two fingers she slipped into her cunt still. 
She knows that smile on his face and it’s…worrying. 
He might joke that he can’t get enough of the two law school students they took up with but she knows better. Rafa’s letting this get too serious and that is exactly what Rita does not want for him. They’re going to move on and he’s going to be heartbroken. 
The girl sighs sharply when Rafa trails his wet fingers down her body and pushes them inside of her–Rita can see the tendons in his wrist flex as he curls his fingers and the girl gasps. The two of them look gorgeous laid out next to one another stripped naked and breathing hard. Rafa is still mostly dressed, the only concession he made was rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. The blue and white gingham pattern against his tanned, flexing forearms is making Rita squirm a little bit along with their two playthings. 
“Oh, look at you, pretty girl,” he murmurs. “God the two of you make quite a sight, putting on a show for Rita.” 
Rita goes back to slowly fingering herself as she watches the three of them, desire slipping away, her mind not really on what they were getting up to–too preoccupied with her latest revelations.
She knows she should intervene before he gets too attached, but he’s so happy with them. Rita sighs as she flicks her clit absently, thighs twitching at the pulse up her nerve endings. Sonny and the girl turn their faces to each other and share a long sloppy kiss and she watches Rafa watch them raptly, both hands working hard on them. She lets the continuous string of filth coming out of Rafa’s mouth wash over her as she continues to work her fingers in and out of her cunt. 
Rafa pulls his fingers out of the girl’s pussy and holds them up for Sonny to suck on. The younger man moans around them, eyes fluttering shut as she pants, desperate, next to him. 
“Oh the two of you look so fucking good sucking on my fingers,” Rafa praises, pulling his fingers away from Sonny and offering them back to her. She grabs his wrist and licks them obscenely before closing her eyes and slowly wrapping her lips around them. Rita’s breath hitches at the expression on Rafa’s face and the obvious erection that’s ruining the lines of his already tightly fitted pants. 
“That’s a good girl, god look at her, Rita, sucking herself off my fingers…” Rafa sighs, shifting on his knees, hand going slack around Sonny’s cock. The younger man huffs impatiently. 
“Rafa, come on please…”
“Really Rafa, don’t get so distracted,” Rita manages to tease him, fingers reaching for her g spot, hoping a good orgasm will chase out these frankly depressing thoughts. 
Rafa smirks unapologetically at Sonny before leaning down to lick the precome off of the head of his cock, basking in Sonny’s whimper and the way his fingers closed even tighter around the sheets under him. Rafa pulls back and starts to jerk him off faster, taking his fingers from the girl’s mouth and sliding them back into her cunt. 
“Do you think you two can manage to come at the same time?” he asks, voice low and a little rough, clearly getting off on this nearly as much as the two of them were. They both whine at him and Rita finally manages to tap her fingers against that spot, her entire body twitching and trying to fold in on itself.
She breathes heavily through her nose and taps it again, bringing her other hand up to press hard against her clit. God, anything to stop thinking about how sooner rather than later those two will finish with this experiment of theirs and go back to just being the two of them. And Rafa, despite assuring her that he’ll be fine, will be heartbroken. Rita is not looking forward to that—can’t decide if she should intervene now before he gets in too deep with that soft squishy heart of his, can’t fucking manage to push herself pver the edge–
“Oh, fucking Christ, Rafa…” Rita swears, long legs twitching, head thrown back against the chair, and her toes curling as her orgasm washes over her in waves. 
“Rita, fuck,” Rafa breathes. “Jesus you look so fucking hot coming on your fingers.”
Rita takes a deep breath and pulls her fingers out of her cunt, lifting her head to find Rafa and the kids watching her hungrily. She sighs and smiles back at him. 
She can definitely give him at least the rest of the night with their pretty young things.
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