lurafita · 4 months
'Tis just how it works, Alexander. Don't worry.
Wanting to learn more about magic, because it is a part of Magnus and Alec wants to know everything about Magnus, Alec starts reading Magnus' spell books (with permission of course.) And let's just say some magical rituals are a little,… peculiar.
Alec: "Magnus? Why did you make a handwritten note beside this spell about 'only applicable during thunder storms'?" Magnus: "Oh, because one needs to get struck by lightning for that spell." Alec, alarmed: "Excuse me, did you just say you need to get struck by lightning!?" Magnus: "Don't worry, Darling, the after effects usually disappear in a day or two." Alec: "You let yourself get struck by lightning?" Magnus: "Sometimes magic requires a little extra boost. Granted, the numbness and electric tingling isn't pleasant. But it's much better than having to get poisoned with snake venom for that one specific divination spell." Alec: "#!+%!!!"
(Alec demands to be told about all the spells that could kill or seriously harm the man he loves, that Magnus only use them if there is absolutely no other way, and that Alec has to be present.)
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 5 months
I'll protect him.
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If you even dare to touch him I'll murder you with a smile on my face.
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goddesstiera · 10 months
I don't know why people take Plan M seriously instead of seeing it as the playful teasing of the youngest team member that it is because let's all be real. There is no plan where Nate Ford let's another family member die.
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geekynightowl1997 · 7 months
Okay, somebody can correct me if I'm wrong- but at the end of The Nigerian Job, when the team was convincing Nate that they should keep doing what they did- Eliot's whole argument was Nate. Nate falling apart. Nate needing the chance. Nate not being able to walk away. Nate.
Then, suddenly Eliot became the whole team's body guard. (Something he's grunt and gruffed about.) Yet. Yet. Somewhere (I say it was The Iceman Job and The Inside Job,) Eliot's brain switched from protecting the team to protecting Hardison and Parker. (Again correct me if I'm wrong.) Suddenly his job became more about having Hardison and Parker's back than having Nate's back. Maybe I'm the only one whose noticed- but Eliot become more softer with both Hardison and Parker after those particular jobs. Sure he keeps that gruff, sarcastic wit about him but there's often tones of... protectivness(?) when he interacts with them. Almost like he's telling other people around them- whose in ear shot- that Hardison and Parker are his. Like he's possessive.
Now, I'm not saying Eliot just stops caring about the rest of the team. I mean- he beats up Sterling for Nate and in Redemption Eliot is following Sophie around a handful of times. Their are even times where he has Breanna's back and Harry's. But he seems to treat those situations like a case. He compartmentalizes those situations. With Hardison and Parker- he doesn't. It's like his brain won't let him. He sees Hardison and Parker and it's like- all bets are off.
And on the flip side- has anyone noticed that Parker and Hardison seem to be the only ones that know how to... defuse (is that the right word?) Eliot? Like even Maria couldn't get Eliot to relax in The Hurrican Job. (Of course that's probably because Eliot was hiding who he was to her.) But Eliot always seems to be more relaxed when he's around those two.
In The Iceman Job after when Hardison tries to hug him? Eliot wasn't really fighting it. (I would know- I do that to my brother ALL the time when he tries to hug me.) In The Inside Job- when Eliot went to attack that employee- Parker stopped him. In The Double-Edge Sword Job, when Eliot is furious because an abusive ex comes after a women that they tried to hide- it's Parker that calms him down. It's Hardison who pays off the bartender when Eliot attacks Sterling. It's Parker who is always by his side or close to it. It's Parker who trusts Eliot when their in the back of the van with Vance. (Yes, Parker trusts Hardison too, but Hardison is a hacker- not a protector.) It's Eliot who Hardison listens to when he's not confident. It's Eliot who grabs Hardison from the coffin. It's Eliot who crouchs behind Hardison as Parker flips around him. It's Eliot whose hands are shaking when he they have half a second on a bomb.
Eliot Spencer is Hardison's and Parkers. They own him. In the same way Hardison and Parker are his. He owns them. (Does that make sense?)
For the record- I don't know why I'm pointing all of this out. It's just interesting to me... I guess.
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emotinalsupportturtle · 8 months
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just look at him. give this man a hug. HE NEEDS A HUG RIGHT NOW
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leverage-ot3 · 1 year
the most ruthless we’ve ever seen eliot in canon is when those he loves are in danger and the thought of it makes me need to sit down
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foodsies4me · 7 months
AWG Alec portalling into the Seelie realm when Magnus forgets to make kissy face at him before he goes to work
This ended up getting far more worldbuilding than it was supposed to... Anyway, here is some Alec portals into the Seelie realm because Magnus wasn't there when he woke up which is forbidden, and Magnus (slightly) freaking out over Alec's magic again because it still makes No Sense.
The thing was, even if he had known Magnus' exact location, Alexander shouldn't have been able to portal into the fae realm the way he did. Not when the man couldn't sustain something as simple as a light spell after two months of magic lessons.
And yet somehow he did.
The fae realms had always been notoriously difficult to portal into. Even Magnus tried to limit himself to the same seven places when portaling to one of the fae's domains, using the realm's twisting and moving magic to guide him to the location he needed to go. And still, Alec somehow created a portal - if one could even call what he did portaling - into the Unseelie realm to join him.
At this rate, Ragnor was going to have another conniption.
Magnus had been picking Yerpite flowers in the valleys of the in-betweens, taking enough to create multiple batches of Moonlight Draught as Catarina's and the Spiral's reserves were running low.
Despite their many attempts throughout the centuries, Yerpite, Millberget, and Engredile flowers refused to grow outside of the fae realms. No matter what they tried, the plants died within a matter of weeks, which wasn't more than an occasional nuisance when it came to the Millberget and Engredile.
The Yerpite was another matter.
Not only did the flowers grow in the so-dubbed valley of in-betweens, named for its location in the no man's land between the Seelie and Unseelie courts as well as its habit of disappearing for years on end, but they also flowered under very specific circumstances that nobody truly understood.
Magnus has no doubts that if Moonlight Draught wasn't the sole potion that could help counter Warlock's Wasting Disease, warlocks worldwide would have given up on using the flower centuries ago.
At least Magnus was close enough friends with the Drows to be notified when the flowers bloomed. Otherwise, with how different the passage of time was between their realms and those of the fae, picking the flowers would be even more difficult than it already was.
Magnus had taken on the habit of portaling instantly whenever Dhuulyn sent him a message that the valley was blooming. Whether he was sleeping, partying, or even partaking in some of the more debauched pleasures of life, Magnus never took longer than a handful of seconds to gather his magic and portal right at the edges of the valley lest it disappear again before he arrived.
Alexander, it seems, took offense to that.
They had both been sleeping in his loft when Magnus received the message. Alexander had been softly snoring, the snuffling sound lulling Magnus deeper and deeper into slumber when his wards had reacted to the burst of magic that always preceded one of Dhuulyn's alerts.
Magnus snapped wide awake within seconds, quickly but gently detangling his and Alexander's fingers and rolling away without waking him up, to grab the coin that landed on his bedside table.
Then, he magicked on some clothes before he snapped a portal into existence and stepped into the Unseelie's dark meadows.
Magnus didn't know how long he'd been gone from their realm, but he had been picking flowers for no more than fifteen minutes when a surge of powerful but familiar magic flashed across his senses seconds before Alexander materialized into thin air.
Which is how he ended up in his current situation
"You weren't in bed when I woke up," Alexander grouches in that particular way he only allows himself to do when he's comfortable and still half-asleep. "Weren't in the loft either," he mumbles as an afterthought.
Magnus muffles a (slightly hysterical) laugh against Alexander's bare shoulder. "I'm sorry, dear heart," he apologizes, pressing a kiss to Alexander's waiting lips while his magic rushes to cover him up. "I'll explain everything when we're back in the loft, but this couldn't wait. But if you're here you can help me pick some more flowers before this valley disappears again with us in it."
Alexander gives him a confused frown, bleary eyes, and tousled hair proving he's not entirely awake yet. He does as Magnus orders him to though and reaches for the flowers closest to him after a request for another kiss. A request Magnus is all too happy to fulfill.
Having Alexander there to help him pick the flowers with two, doesn't win him as much time as Magnus hoped, but it does make the task more enjoyable.
Besides, Alexander's hand is too warm to let go of.
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Got hit with the sudden realisation that, early in their relationship, some of the things about Alec that take Magnus by surprise - thanking Magnus for saving his life, not killing the werewolf on their first date - are literally just Alec being a decent human being.
Like. Magnus, babe, he ain't a surprise, your bars for Shadowhunters are in Hell.
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dykeyangel · 9 months
can't stop thinking about characters who are dogs. like characters who bark and growl. who bite the hands that feed them and that get mean when they're nervous like bad dogs, who can't help gnawing at a good thing until it bleeds. characters who are loyal and possessive and protective but reckless and feral and rabid. characters who wanna sit at the feet of their owners and characters that can't stop losing. characters who are kicked like strays and put in cages. characters who are muzzled and loud and obedient and mean. characters who are just foaming at the mouth for love and attention, characters who are hungry and savage. characters who are just. dogs.
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bericas · 1 year
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scott appreciation week (day 4) → the shape you take
people get hurt here. people fall down and stay down and I don’t like the way the song goes. — richard siken
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godofstupidsentences · 11 months
One thing about me is that I’ll ALWAYS defend eldest siblings in medias
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lurafita · 21 days
Fluffy stuff
In the aftermath of magical depletion, Magnus often gets a little "sleep drunk". Tired, cuddly, uncoordinated, cuddly, prone to run into walls, cuddly, craving sugar, and being super cuddly. Alec hates that Magnus had to get to this stage, but he loves swaddling Magnus into blanket burritos, feeding him macarons, and cuddling together. If someone tries to prank Magnus in this state, like slip him a bottle of tabasco instead of milk to pour into his coffee cup, Alec let's loose the glare of doom™️ , and whoever tried is cowed into submission, while Alec lovingly gives Magnus a hot chocolate, because
"Caffeine won't help with this, Love. Just relax and let yourself recharge."
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phillyphangirl · 7 months
Because I miss my boys. How cute is this?
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peupeugunn · 2 years
magnus: alexander, look, i made you this bracelet!
alec: you know, i'm not really a jewelry person...
magnus: you don't have to wear it, love
alec: no, i'm going to wear it forever. fuck off.
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geekynightowl1997 · 7 months
"I'm glad you found a family." -Amiee
"W-what... those guys?" -Eliot sputtering
Yes, Eliot. Those guys. The very same guys who you couldn't walk away from. The same guys who get on your nerves- but for some reason you protect. Those guys who have you wrapped around their fingers. Who remind you that your smarter than you think.
Those guys as in;
Nate who needs protecting from himself.
Sophie who needs protecting from her past.
Hardison who needs protecting from his mind.
Parker who needs protecting from the monsters she's lived through but are still around.
You, Eliot- you big teddy bear- decided they were worth it. So you stayed for them. You sir, stayed because they needed you.
Those guys are your family.
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carelessflower · 2 years
Maryse: alec, izzy, jace you have to remember. we should marry someone with an equal family position and power to us. marrying higher up may sound great in theory, but our family can't go up against your spouse when you are in trouble
jace: *already sneak outside*
izzy: *half listening*
alec, attentively: yes mother
*flash forward*
alec: *marries son of a prince of hell*
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