#foodsies rambles
foodsies4me · 4 months
End of the Year Fic Recs!!!
thank you @echo-bleu for tagging me! <3
I adore this as a game because I love reccing fics (and really should do it more often because So. Much. Good.Fic). This is going to be all shadowhunters I'm afraid though because I am still very much in the shadowhunters brainrot stage and haven't read much of anything else. (Also, sorry to those I haven't left a comment for yet, I WILL, spoons have just been low this year...) Also, I'll try to keep it to one rec per author because there are so many wonderful authors, but definitely go check the other fics of these people (if you haven't already) they're all excellent.
Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Running from the Night by @to-the-stars-writing. My forever fic spouse and the fic I reread themost this year goes to the fantastic, angsty Alec goes to live in a small village to get away from the Clave because the poor dude is traumatized fic from to-the-stars. This fic is my fics spouse (yes I got @to-the-stars-writing's permission to marry this fic) and I love, love, love it so much.
Flames to Embers by @notcrypticbutcoy: teenage!Alec is poofed into the timeline of his older self and it is lovely, sad, and heartwarming all at the same time. Also, teenage Alec is delightfully grumpy and Adult Alec is even more delightfully Done with teenage!Alec's grumpiness.
starshine and moonlight by she_who_reads (all_fandoms_reader) A three +1 fic where Alec isn't enough until he finally is. This fic is angsty and delves into Alec's (not all that great) self-worth issues and it hurts. Might or might not have cried reading it.
The Warlock's Cat by @dreaming-marchling. I hesitated a while which one I should pick from Marchling, but I ended up choosing this one (that said PLEASE go read Bleed for Me as well it is so goooood). The Warlock's Cat is a delightful "Alec gets turned into a cat and ends up in Magnus's care" fic. I adore it, and while it has its angsty or whumpy spots, it's mostly a nice, feel-good read.
Magnus Bane: Menace by AceOnIce To give some reprieve from all of the angst in this list, here is a fic of pure, unabashed fluff. Starring: Warlock Alec and Shadowhunter Magnus, the latter of which writes some truly ridiculous mission reports to HOTI Ragnor's grief.
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
The river cannot go back by @lawsofchaos1. Alec being Alec and completely in love with Magnus which leads to him committing treason like it's nothing. It is a short, brilliant fic that had me screeching like any @lawsofchaos1 fic does.
I'm finding it hard to breath by Honey_Hued_Hermes This one is pretty heave, but it does have a Hopeful Ending. Alec never promised he would tell Magnus if things ever got that bad...and sadly they do. Diving into Alec's Suicidal Thoughts and his Self-Harm tendencies.
A Most Fundamental Truth by autisticalec A missing scene from 2X10 when Alec tells Magnus that he's never been as terrified as when he feared Magnus had died from the Soul Sword. This one-shot dives into the "Alec was really very not okay emotionally" in this scene, so go read it!
The Difficult Task by @dani-dabbles: Another Alec is going through it emotionally fic (there are quite a lot of these on this list I just realized, oops). Thankfully, Magnus is there to offer support when Alec needs it because Magnus is still the best boyfriend. (also the repeated "not good enough"is evil and I am suing for emotion damages, please and thank you very much)
come to me (in the night hours) by @moonlight-breeze-44 Izzy is a supportive sister and is there emotionally for Alec right before his wedding to Lydia. This fic left me feeling all sad and weepy. This fic is technically part of a series, but as no other parts have been posted yet I am posting this in the one-shot part.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
I've Always Dreamed of Meeting Someone Like You by ColorfulWarlock A non-magical Alternate Universe this time around. Single-dad, fashion designer, and CEO Magnus needs someone to draw his designs for him after a hit-and-run leaves him unable to draw for himself. Insert Alec, the wonderful babysitter, and game designer who seems to understand what Magnus envisions and draw them into reality!
Angelus ex Machina by BlueA The series starts with the sudden disappearance of demon activity and the way that lack of activity impacts the local Shadow World. I love the way the parabatai bond is portrayed in this fic (especially in the third installment).
through the fire and pain by alxndrlightwoods is another parabatai-bond deep-dive that goes deep into how a parabatai bond can change shadowhunters. It also explains why, if parabatai are so powerful, there aren't that many of them. Love this fic!
i cannot touch because they are too near by @faejilly nobody manages to write poetry without writing poetry quite like @faejilly for me, seriously the words are always so beautiful I am in awe. This fic has to be my absolute favorite though because deep-dives into the parabatai bond are interesting to begin with but the way Jilly decides to do so in this fic makes it go from interesting to absolutely brilliant.
Greater Love Hath No Man by @lawsofchaos1 Okay, I lied, here is a second Laws fic, but considering this fic led to the demise of my laptop, I felt that it deserved to be on the list. (No, that wasn't a joke). Dad!Alec is forced to send baby!Max away to a warlock orphanage when his magic grows too strong for him and leaves him injured. The pain is real and it is excruciating, tissues are advised.
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
As much as I adore reccing fics, doing self-recs is awkward, so I'm going to keep this to one rec before I combust into flames.
All Was Golden (everyone has probably read that one already because it's my most-read fic which makes this slightly less awkward than reccing any other of my fics.) Anyway, soulmate AU with a kind of ugly meet that has some angst.
Tagging, without any kind of pressure, the authors I tagged in the rec-list (if they haven't participated already) as well as @miss-mouse.
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lawsofchaos1 · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
(on a Saturday because who cares)
I have been tagged by the ever lovely @foodsies4me! And, speaking of Foodsies, if you aren't reading their two most recent WIPS - omg you are missing out. Their Daemon AU (Apollo: Blood Wars) is so twisty and delightful and full of foreshadowing for something I still can't figure out just yet, and I love that I'm still on the edge of my seat every chapter trying to guess what's coming next. Their Arranged Marriage AU (Bridges over Lakes of Salt) basically just went down my list of favorite tropes to check all of them off (Misunderstandings! Good Parabatai Jace Wayland! HoTI Alec!) and is incredible.
Anyways, a bit of of angst has been requested, so please have a little snippet from the final chapter of Laudanum:
The loft is bright, the windows flung wide to let in in the late afternoon sun, and the living room looks so completely normal that it takes Catarina three full heartbeats to turn her head towards the flung open doors to Magnus’ apothecary and understand what she’s seeing.  His heavy oak worktable has been hastily cleared, the several sheets of parchments underfoot and a shielded light-crystal wedged partly underneath the central bookcase speaking to the urgency in which it was done. Magnus sits askew, cross-legged, at the head of the table cradling Alec’s head in his lap. Alec himself is on his stomach, clearly hovering somewhere beneath full consciousness, eyes clenched shut in agony, his struggles weak and uncoordinated as small wordless noises of pain and confusion escape his mouth. Catarina catches only the barest glimpse of liquid gold eyes as Magnus bends over nearly in half, frantically trying to soothe the wounded nephilim. "Alexander-" the desperation in her best friend’s voice pierces her heart, “all shall be well, my love, I promise, just hold on, my darling, Catarina is coming - help is coming and all shall be well, I swear it, just hold on, my love, please,-" And Catarina jolts into action, berating herself already for even the momentary unforgivable pause. A bare two steps forward and she’s in the apothecary, pulling magic to her hands and taking an assessment of her patient.  Magnus doesn’t so much as look up, acknowledging her presence only with a slight change in the distressed jumble of promises and pleas as he promises Alec that help is here, he’ll be alright now, help is here. At the other side of the table is a second Shadowhunter, older than Alec - maybe in her early forties - with her hair pulled back in a complicated plait and lips pressed in a tight, white slash across her face.  The woman glances up to assess the new arrival, her muscles tensing in preparation to act until the meaning of the change in Magnus’ rambling words sinks in and she realizes precisely who Cat must be.  Twin trails run down both pale cheeks as she holds her Head’s hands to to the table, keeping him from injuring himself further. "Please," the woman begs, but Catarina has yet to stop moving.
Tagging @arialerendeair, @spiritsflame, @alexanderlightweight, and @dr-lemurr (and yes I know you only do art, but art WIPs should totally be a thing too - it's so cool to see the process!)
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foodsies4me · 3 months
If you're still taking asks...I'd love a glimpse of a Sapphire AU - Alec isn't safe from the Clave for whatever reason and so the Warlocks do end up abducting him. The Warlocks are quite worried when he runs back to the Institute and are trying to figure out strategies to keep him safe in whatever way they can, except then he pops back up with his siblings. Of course he isn't going to leave them there once he gets out.
Okay, I adored this prompt. So much. Child!Alec would run back to the institute to make sure his younger siblings are okay and well before dragging them along with him. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!
The distress call comes in the middle of a trial Magnus and the other Elders were overseeing. The squabble - and Magnus is being generous using that term - between Warlock Bail and Warlock Mordu would generally be something warlocks would settle between themselves. At most, a High Warlock would be involved to help mediate. So, the fact that both warlocks managed to drag the situation out to such an extent that it's being presented here in the hall of laws is laughable. The reason for their dispute is even more so. Magnus is already planning his escape route, a sudden emergency that would save him from listening to both warlocks drone on about the other having stolen their spell. Stolen. Even Magnus doesn't have the arrogance to claim to own a spell. He's about to open his mouth and make his escape when a sudden wave of pain-panic-fear makes him clench his hand around his seat hard enough for the wood to crack. The first wave is followed by a stronger second one that wipes all rational thought out of Magnus' mind because he needs him Alec needs him his little heart needs him and needs him and needs him and Magnus is not there.
There are voices calling his name but Magnus barely registers them, barely registers anything through the terror that has him tearing a hole through the labyrinth's foundations to portal to Alec's side.
All it takes is one look at the scared, tear-filled eyes for Magnus to incinerate every last Nephilim holding his little heart captive.
The shadowhunters don't have the time to react to Magnus' sudden appearance before they drop dead to the floor, their bodies scorching beyond recognition.
Magnus has already made it back to his loft, his young soulmate cradled safely into his eyes before he realizes all shadowhunters in that room had a circle rune branded into their skin.
"We can't let him go back," Elder Ndlovu says. Her voice is strained, worry visible in every line on her face and Magnus doubts he looks any better.
A warlock.
Magnus had barely believed his eyes when he'd caught sight of the small silvery-white scales - some of which had been ripped off - that decorated the young boy's skin. The warlock mark had looked out of place next to Alec's black runes and yet-
"No, we can't," Magnus agrees, his fingers clench around Alec's small, ice-cold hand. "How is he? What did they drug him with?"
Catarina grimaces. "I can't say for sure," she says apologetically. "It almost looks like they tried to drug him with everything under the sun. That or the Circle has taken a newfound interest in alchemy and potion-making - either is possible. But, I've managed to neutralize the Yin Fen, the fairy dust, and shaxweed pollen at least."
"I'm sorry - Yin Fen, fairy dust, and shaxweed pollen?" Elder Ndlovy asks incredulously, her face a mixture of horror and rage. "What the fuck were they planning to do with the child?"
"A shadowhunter-warlock hybrid capable of bearing runes - I don't think we need to guess what they were planning to do."
The lightbulbs in the bedroom explode. Again.
Catarina and Elder Ndlovu don't even react this time around. Catarina continues her monitoring of Alec's health, keeping an eye on his vitals now that his wounds have been healed and he only needs to work through the drugs they poisoned him with. Meanwhile, Elder Ndlovu banishes the glass shards with a wave of her hand, replacing the shattered lightbulbs with new ones for the fifth time.
Alec doesn't wake up until the next morning.
In that time, Ragnor and Catarina both have offered to take him in, as have Elder Ndlovu and Conan. Yet, as much as Magnus wants to accept each of the offers, he can't. Not without Alec's input.
Magnus just hopes it won't be too hard to convince the young boy that returning to his Nephilim life would be too dangerous.
Valentine might be dead - and even then, Magnus has his doubts - but the Circle was clearly still operating. And that is without taking into account the danger that the Clave would present if they were to ever find out their pure, angelic blood had been tainted in such a way.
They tell Alec as much.
While Magnus technically shouldn't be present for the conversation, the other Elders don't dare to stop him. Whether that's because he managed to inadvertently remind them how powerful he is by managing to do the impossible yet again, or because of the severity of the situation, Magnus doesn't know.
Whichever the reason though, Magnus is thankful for it because he would have promptly lost his mind if the last image he saw of Alec was of him still and lifeless in a too-large bed.
The discussion goes better than expected. And worse.
Alec is calm. Almost worryingly so. He carefully listens to Conan and Catarina's explanations, nods, and shakes his head when asked questions, the occasional mono-syllabic word escaping his lips when they ask him for more information. But he doesn't ask after his parents. He doesn't cry or scream when recounting what had happened for him to end up in the situation he was in.
The revelation about Alec's warlock status doesn't come as a surprise either, which considering the warlock mark on his back was to be expected. But, even then, Magnus had expected more. More anger. More sadness. More betrayal and grief and regret at the thought of losing the life he had lived until now. Not this-
This quiet subdued acceptance.
The Elders agree to let Alec stay another few days in Magnus' loft under Catarina's and Elder Ndlovu surveillance. The mixture of substances the Circle members drugged Alec with is still making its way through his system and placing him in an entirely new environment when he's still healing is the last thing the young child needs in his current situation unless they want to make sure he tries to run away.
Or so they thought.
Magnus is sleeping in bed, Chairman Meow lying curled up in his arms when a tingle warning him that someone passed through his wards wakes him up. The disturbance is nothing more than a minute tremble, a tingle that barely registers in his sleep-addled mind.
Magnus is halfway back to sleep when his mind registers that the disturbance carried a distinctive Nephilim signature.
Within seconds, Magnus is wide awake and racing to the guest bedroom where Catarina and Alec had been staying only to find one bed - Alec's bed - empty.
The noise of the door swinging open and smacking against the wall startles Catarina awake who looks at him strangely until her eyes follow his gaze to the empty, abandoned bed in which Alec should be sleeping.
"You don't think he-"
Magnus clenches his fists painfully. He knew Alec had been too docile. Too calm. He might not have seen the boy in years, but there was no way that the child who had sworn with so much conviction that he would make all the other shadowhunters like him, would just nod and bear it when his life got upended in the span of a few hours.
By the time they manage to track him, Alec has made his way back inside the dangerous walls of the New York Institute.
Magnus is forced to call the other Elders back ahead of schedule to alert them of the new situation as well as hopefully help him come up with a plan that would keep the young child safe without starting an outright war with the local institute or the Clave.
He is on the verge of throwing caution to the wind and stepping foot inside the New York Institute without a prior invitation when his wards tingle again, a request for entry made by one familiar angelic signature and three unfamiliar ones.
Magnus is halfway to his entrance door by the time the others notice the angelic signatures waiting for them outside. His heart is pounding in his throat as he needs to make sure the small, precious child is still safe and unharmed. Or as safe and unharmed as possible with what was very nearly a lethal amount of Yin Fen and fairy dust in his blood.
His hands are shaking when he pulls the door open, unsure what sight is going to greet him on the other side, only to stop short when he notices the two smaller, even younger children standing behind Alec, as well as the baby in the young boy's arms. A baby that is being handed to him."
"Max needs a new diaper."
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foodsies4me · 6 months
AWG Alec portalling into the Seelie realm when Magnus forgets to make kissy face at him before he goes to work
This ended up getting far more worldbuilding than it was supposed to... Anyway, here is some Alec portals into the Seelie realm because Magnus wasn't there when he woke up which is forbidden, and Magnus (slightly) freaking out over Alec's magic again because it still makes No Sense.
The thing was, even if he had known Magnus' exact location, Alexander shouldn't have been able to portal into the fae realm the way he did. Not when the man couldn't sustain something as simple as a light spell after two months of magic lessons.
And yet somehow he did.
The fae realms had always been notoriously difficult to portal into. Even Magnus tried to limit himself to the same seven places when portaling to one of the fae's domains, using the realm's twisting and moving magic to guide him to the location he needed to go. And still, Alec somehow created a portal - if one could even call what he did portaling - into the Unseelie realm to join him.
At this rate, Ragnor was going to have another conniption.
Magnus had been picking Yerpite flowers in the valleys of the in-betweens, taking enough to create multiple batches of Moonlight Draught as Catarina's and the Spiral's reserves were running low.
Despite their many attempts throughout the centuries, Yerpite, Millberget, and Engredile flowers refused to grow outside of the fae realms. No matter what they tried, the plants died within a matter of weeks, which wasn't more than an occasional nuisance when it came to the Millberget and Engredile.
The Yerpite was another matter.
Not only did the flowers grow in the so-dubbed valley of in-betweens, named for its location in the no man's land between the Seelie and Unseelie courts as well as its habit of disappearing for years on end, but they also flowered under very specific circumstances that nobody truly understood.
Magnus has no doubts that if Moonlight Draught wasn't the sole potion that could help counter Warlock's Wasting Disease, warlocks worldwide would have given up on using the flower centuries ago.
At least Magnus was close enough friends with the Drows to be notified when the flowers bloomed. Otherwise, with how different the passage of time was between their realms and those of the fae, picking the flowers would be even more difficult than it already was.
Magnus had taken on the habit of portaling instantly whenever Dhuulyn sent him a message that the valley was blooming. Whether he was sleeping, partying, or even partaking in some of the more debauched pleasures of life, Magnus never took longer than a handful of seconds to gather his magic and portal right at the edges of the valley lest it disappear again before he arrived.
Alexander, it seems, took offense to that.
They had both been sleeping in his loft when Magnus received the message. Alexander had been softly snoring, the snuffling sound lulling Magnus deeper and deeper into slumber when his wards had reacted to the burst of magic that always preceded one of Dhuulyn's alerts.
Magnus snapped wide awake within seconds, quickly but gently detangling his and Alexander's fingers and rolling away without waking him up, to grab the coin that landed on his bedside table.
Then, he magicked on some clothes before he snapped a portal into existence and stepped into the Unseelie's dark meadows.
Magnus didn't know how long he'd been gone from their realm, but he had been picking flowers for no more than fifteen minutes when a surge of powerful but familiar magic flashed across his senses seconds before Alexander materialized into thin air.
Which is how he ended up in his current situation
"You weren't in bed when I woke up," Alexander grouches in that particular way he only allows himself to do when he's comfortable and still half-asleep. "Weren't in the loft either," he mumbles as an afterthought.
Magnus muffles a (slightly hysterical) laugh against Alexander's bare shoulder. "I'm sorry, dear heart," he apologizes, pressing a kiss to Alexander's waiting lips while his magic rushes to cover him up. "I'll explain everything when we're back in the loft, but this couldn't wait. But if you're here you can help me pick some more flowers before this valley disappears again with us in it."
Alexander gives him a confused frown, bleary eyes, and tousled hair proving he's not entirely awake yet. He does as Magnus orders him to though and reaches for the flowers closest to him after a request for another kiss. A request Magnus is all too happy to fulfill.
Having Alexander there to help him pick the flowers with two, doesn't win him as much time as Magnus hoped, but it does make the task more enjoyable.
Besides, Alexander's hand is too warm to let go of.
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foodsies4me · 4 days
Chairman when he find out the Clave was being mean to his fav SH
This prompt and a discussion I had with @just-add-butter are to blame for this (Apollo-universe) ficlet. Does it work in the timeline? Possibly not. Do I care? Absolutely not!
Three times Chairman Meow almost revealed he wasn't just a housecat and the one time he didn't even try to keep up the act.
One - Magnus POV
Magnus internally rolls his eyes when Blondie opens his mouth to - unsurprisingly - repeat what Biscuit just said, only reworded in a way that's somehow even more insulting than Clarissa's had been. Magnus is almost impressed by it. Or he would be if he could muster up any kind of goodwill for the man. Still, for someone lauded as the best of his time, Jace is painfully predictable. At least in his actions and words if not his fighting. Or, Magnus hopes his fighting style isn't as predictable as everything else about him is - if only to spare Alexander the pain of losing his parabatai to his own stupidity. A small chirp draws his attention away from Jace and Clary's impassioned diatribe detailing why he should help them with their latest mess and toward Chairman Meow. His daemon is sitting on one of the tall beams, his body mostly hidden in the shadows as he looks at him with his bright green eyes. His tail swishes in annoyance, his eyes gliding over to the two shadowhunters only for a decidedly unfeline-like smirk to appear on his lips. Chairman Meow begins his act with a single meow. A soft mewl that is barely audible over Biscuit and Blondie's voices. The sound quickly turns into a wail though, his voice going up and down in the same cadence as Blondie's agitated speaking. Magnus suppresses an amused smile when Chairman Meow pushes the act yet another step further. The wail turns into a sonata when Chairman Meow starts to move around the beams, the sounds echoing around the room and starting to drown out Jace's voice. When Clarissa tries to say something he switches to a higher pitch, something closer to Clarissa's voice and Magnus is forced to hide a laugh behind a cough. "What the fuck's up with that cat!" Blondie grouches after another few minutes of Chairman's caterwauling, lasting a full minute longer than Magnus expected him to. Hearing that same sentence echoed around the room in Chairman Meow's familiar mewling growl is nearly his undoing. Magnus forces the laugh down with an easy smile and a few hasty promises that promise nothing before he's leading Blondie and Biscuit along with their daemons back out of Pandemonium before they realize what's happening. "I don't remember sassy being a trait common to household cats," Magnus teases when Chairman Meow lands on the ground to twine around his legs. "But that was an Oscar-worthy rendition, my little mouse." Chairman Meow gives him another smug grin, the magic under his skin crackling like fire before it disappears again leaving the innocent-looking tabby cat, with the innocent-sounding voice. "Meow."
Two - Max POV
Max doesn't like Mister Panghorn. He doesn't like him from the moment Panghorn arrives, because that's when Panghorn decides to snuff Alec in front of everyone and act like he's better just because he's a Clave Envoy. Minty doesn't like him either. Not even Aloysius and Sunny like him and they like everyone. So it's clearly Mister Panghorn's fault that Max doesn't like him and Max should be allowed to pull a prank on him without getting Alec in trouble. Except Max can't because Mister Panghorn is here with the other Clave Envoys for an "internal audit" to "ensure" Alec is "fit for leadership". "Maybe they should check if they're fit to have runes," Tony had snorted under his breath and while he did get scolded for it by Thornhill, they all gave him a high five for it after practice. Max doesn't like Panghorn. And he certainly doesn't trust Panghorn; None of them do. It's why they all keep an eye on him, why Aloysius keeps "accidentally" bumping into his side because nobody expects Ally to do that on purpose. Why Rara and Steph have had more questions in the past three days that only Alec can answer than they usually have in a week. And why Max has been biting on his tongue and clenching his fists to stop himself from pulling a prank on Panghorn because he deserves to be pranked. Max didn't realize they weren't the only ones keeping an eye on Panghorn. But then he hears Chairman Meow let out a low threatening hiss, his eyes annoyed and angry while glaring straight at Panghorn. He's pacing in the shadows, observing and calculating before his eyes brighten in a way Max is very, very familiar with. Chairman Meow is planning something. Planning a prank. Minty makes an excited noise that Max quickly shushes so nobody notices what they just did. Because that's when Chairman Meow jumps out of the shadows, his eyes still laser-focused on Panghorn. He weaves through the others in the Operation's Room and jumps on the rafts. The rafts where Woodowl and Hardwood are walking with buckets full of ichor-stained water in their hands. Max sees Hardwood place one of the buckets on the passageway, just long enough to dig into his pocket to grab his ringing phone. Just long enough to swipe the bucket and have the entire bucket fall on Panghorn and Panghorn alone. Panghorn can be funny, it appears. Because Max knows he's not the only one who starts laughing when he begins to splutter. "This is an institute Envoy Panghorn," Alec tells him bluntly. "Ichor stains are part of the job." Chairman Meow is purring happily when he jumps back down from the rafters and Max uses the giggling and Panghorn's screaming as a disguise to get faster to him. "Say Chairman," Max asks when the cat bumps his head against his hand to demand scratches. "Are you really a cat?" "Meow?" Max squints his eyes. "I also use that trick you know. It doesn't work on me. But it's okay, I won't tell anyone you're not really a cat."
Three - Catarina POV
Catarina breathes out a frustrated sigh the moment she's behind closed doors. The new pediatric surgeon has been working on her last nerve since he started working at the hospital three months ago. And if he weren't moderately good at his job, she would have filed a complaint already. Plav tweets his agreement from his hiding spot, his blue feathers shimmering when he spreads them mid-dive to land on her shoulder. The rest of the staff had stopped asking about her daemon after a week or two - a month at most. They all accepted her excuses at face value: Her daemon is shy. Her daemon prefers to stay outside and fly around while she's at the hospital. The explanations had sufficed for all but Steven Andrews, who somehow felt owed an introduction to Plav. As much as Catarina loves her job, she wishes it wouldn't come with people like Andrews the way it always seems to. A tingle of magic alerts her to Magnus' arrival and after another quick look at Plav, who turns himself invisible this time around rather than hiding away, Catarina heads over to the dressing room to change out of her scrubs. Of course, Andrews has to be leaving right as she prepares to leave with Magnus. "Nurse Loss," a deceptively pleasant-sounding voice interrupts Magnus' retelling of his and Alec's date the night before. "Oh, I apologize I hadn't noticed you were with a...friend." Magnus notices the particular inflection Andrews uses on the word "friend" as clearly as she does. Catarina wonders whether it's the lack of a daemon by his side - as far as the man can tell, at least -, the being Asian, or the hot-pink streaks in his hair that match his corset-vest. Most likely, it's all three of them. "I don't want to take up too much of your time, Nurse Loss, but would I be able to speak with you privately?" The request would sound more like one if he didn't follow it up with an outstretched arm and a tilt of his head. "I apologize, Doctor Andrews," Catarina says with a tight-lipped smile, "I'm afraid we have a reservation to get to." "It will only be a few short min-ouch Get, that thing off of me!" The yelp draws the attention of the others around them, all turning to see Steven Andrews with a snarling Chairman Meow in his face who just happened to fall out of the tree right then. Catarina has seen that particular trick often enough to not be fooled by it. "Let me help," Magnus cuts in, acting the perfect knight in corseted-armor with the matching innocence of a blushing virgin. "The poor thing fell out of the tree, here - oh that looks like it might need stitches," Magnus tells him apologetically as he innocently lets the "unknown" cat go again. "Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Doctor Andrews. But we really must go now." Seeing the bewildered look on Andrews's scratched-up face shouldn't be as satisfying as it is. Chairman Meow rejoins them as soon as they turn around the corner. "I am perfectly capable of taking care of small-minded, mundane men by myself, you're aware?" Catarina asks him with a pointed look. Chairman gives her his best impression of a guileless, mundane cat when he replies. His head tilted in faked confusion and his eyes wide with feigned innocence. "Meow?"
Plus One - Alec POV
Alec is half-asleep when the front door of the loft swings open and Izzy, Jace, and Clary burst in. "Magnus we need-what the fuck is that?!" Alec opens a bleary eye, wondering what managed to make Jace hit that particular frequency since he hit puberty, only to notice Jace glaring right at Chairman Meow. Or well, Chairman Meow in his slightly larer form. "Is something the matter, Blondie?" Magnus asks as he peeks out of his apothecary. "Need a pair of glasses perhaps, given you can't seem to recognize Chairman Meow." "Uh, Magnus that's not Chairman Meow," Izzy cuts in. Her hand hovers uncertainly by her side, the handle of her whip already in her palm as she keeps a weary eye on Chairman Meow. "Is Alec under there?!" "Wait what- Magnus" "And that's enough out of you three," Magnus warns as the room goes blissfully silent. "Alexander is sleeping as you all can see, so if you don't want to risk angering Chairman Meow by waking your brother from his nap, I'd suggest you keep your noise to a minimum. Now, what did you need?" Alec hears the moment Magnus lifts the muting spell and leads all three of them to his office to discuss whatever it is his siblings need. He hears them murmur among themselves, the sound quickly fading under Chairman Meow's waves and warm fur. Alec softly dozes back into his half-asleep state, buoyed by Chairman's purrs and his warm weight that covers him from head to toe when the door to Magnus' office opens again. He hears a long, thunderous growl when two pairs of footsteps step a bit too close to the couch, a clear threat that is followed by the smell of smoke and fire as Chairman Meow breathes out in their direction. "I believe that's your signal to leave before you risk waking Alexander," Magnus tells them pleasantly, ignoring Jace's startled yelp as he not so subtly kicks them out again. "You know you don't have to protect me from my siblings, right?" Alexander mumbles into the Chairman's fur, unsure which of the two he's speaking to. He doesn't care to figure it out either because Chairman Meow is warm and Magnus' fingers find their way into his hair to brush out the tangles. The last thing he hears is a deceptively, innocent-sounding chirp that Chairman shouldn't be able to do given his size. "Meow."
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foodsies4me · 22 days
Ooooh I'm interested in the similar fic to Four Seconds. Pretty please 🥺
Of course! I'm still debating whether that fic will stand on its own or if I'm going to somehow tie it to Four Seconds, given the writing style is different. But the premiss is Izzy and Jace doing something that hurts/upsets Alec and the loft doesn't react well to that, so it refuses to give them entry when they drop by a few hours later/the next day.
Magnus knows something is wrong the moment Alexander walks through the door. His wards ping in concern, the magic from his loft wrapping itself around Alexander in concern to try and calm his fraying nerves that reverberate through his wards in a way they haven't in months. Magnus immediately finishes the research project he was working on, placing a magical bookmark in the latest edition of Robur Gray's theories on electro-magical manipulation before he heads out of his office to see Alexander hanging his coat roughly on the hanger. His knuckles are split in a way Magnus had hoped to never see again, his fingers bleeding from firing too many arrows without his guard and Magnus doesn't have to guess, who the cause is for the state he's in. "Did something happen at the institute?" He asks in greeting, adding his magic to the wards clinging to Alec like a protective blanket. Alexander immediately relaxes under the touch, swaying back to fall into Magnus' arms when he closes in from behind him, giving him a better look at Alexander's face. He looks exhausted. "When doesn't something happen?" He asks tiredly, sounding defeated. He raises his hand to rub at his eyes, giving Magnus a close-up of the damage and he itches to heal it, but he knows he first has to get Alexander to talk. To tell him what happened and let out his emotions. "Clary and Jace created another mess and somehow it's my fault again."
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foodsies4me · 22 days
wip game gotta be crow being both adopted and terrorised by the trainees (and kinda having a not so obvious crush/being scared of malec)
Some more Crow coming up! As you'll see he's still a disaster and permanently haunted by Max, Malec and the trainees.
It's a normal, mundane Tuesday when the universe reminds Crow he can't outrun his problems and he sure as fuck can't outrun his plagues because of fucking course it does. And to say he'd tried his best to keep his head low. Crow doesn't know what particular beef the universe has with him, but he fucking wants a return on that life subscription. He did everything Bane ordered him to do! He cleaned up his act, ran away from the scary shadowhunters and their even more terrifying shadowhunter spawn, and got a normal, boring mundane job as a waiter in a small coffee shop in the middle of nowhere Italy. Crow hasn't summoned a single demon. He has summoned no creatures, no nothing. He has done nothing but keep his fucking head down to make sure it stays attached to his body and act like the model warlock citizen Bane terrified him into acting like. He even fucking pays the food he summons! Mostly. Sometimes. Still, his deeds of sainthood are clearly not enough for the universe to stop hating him as much as his mother does because of fucking course Crow needed to be reminded he was still stuck in the ninth pit of hell. "Hey, Mister Warlock!" Max yells as he comes bounding toward him. His eyes are deceptively wide, his hair a bit longer than when Crow saw him last and his head a good two inches taller. He's smiling and grinning, pearly-white teeth glinting menacingly as he cheers out an excited "You're here too!" Exit the planet! Crow should have just fucking exited the planet.
And because you mentioned the "kinda having a not so obvious crush/being scared of malec" here have a second snippet!
Just when he thinks things can't get any worse, Lightwood takes off his shirt and nope. Not happening. This is not fucking happening. Crow catches a glimpse of gold on his chest, small words scribbled right over a rune Crow doesn't recognize and he's not thinking about the implications. There are no implications. Bane and Lightwood just so happen to have soul marks in the same fucking spot and that's a totally fucking normal thing to happen it doesn't have to mean anything. And of course Lightwood can grow hair on his chest. Of fucking course he can. Fucking shadowhunters.
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foodsies4me · 22 days
Hey!! Your working titles were killing me, and I am genuinely curious about so many of them but I would love something from either “Why do these OC-s-have so many backdtory-NOBODY cares Lys” (because I honestly do love your OC’s) or the dragons one (cause I’m always a sucker for dragons).
Hope you are having a good weekend! 💙
Alrigh, somebody else asked for the "Why do these OC-s-have so many backdtory-NOBODY cares Lys” so I'll share the snippet in that ask, so this one will be the dragon one! This is a post-season 3 fic, in which Magnus turns into a dragon after absorbing Edom's power. It starts a bit angsty because Magnus doesn't know what's happening. It also includes some body horror when Magnus gets turned into a dragon before it devolves into fluff because dragon!Magnus is just as besotted as regular!Magnus even when he just turned and is 100% working on instinct.
Alec is just happy to have his boyfriend back.
And my weekend went well, I hope yours did too!💜
The fire in his blood keeps growing, morphing into something more. Different. Changed. His skin itches and pulls, his magic beating inside of him like a caged animal as his body grows too small, too constraining. Alexander is worried. Magnus knows he is. He sees it in the permanent frown on his face or the hesitation in his eyes when he reaches out. Alexander has always been free in his affections, free and unafraid in a way that Magnus can't help but admire. Magnus hates that he's changing that, that he's making Alexander doubt his touch is nothing but dearly wanted, but he can't stop. The inferno inside of him keeps growing worse. Growing painful. Growing out of control. And Magnus can't hurt Alexander. Not like that. Not with his magic. But the itching is growing, tearing him apart cell by cell from within, and, as much as Magnus usually trusts his magic, trusts it to recognize Alexander and keep him from harm, this time he can't.
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foodsies4me · 23 days
for the wip game, I gottsa know; what's "The spity spite ALEC CAN DRESS HIMSELF OKAY"? Because the title speaks to me 🩵
Alright, this is a very self-indulgent little fic that sparked because of a recurring trend that I'm not too much a fan of. Magnus repeats something that Izzy asks him to say over the phone in preparation for a party they're going to, except the fun teasing joke isn't as funny to Alec as it's always been to her and Jace. Cue a conversation between Malec and some hugs that are needed on both sides.
Magnus slowly enters his or rather their bedroom. He’s carrying both cups of tea in his hands, opening the door with his heel to make sure Alexander can hear him approach and doesn’t startle. His mind is still replaying the scene from earlier, trying to pinpoint what he did to put that expression on Alexander’s face. Come on, Alec, don’t be such a Nathalie Graystone! The sentence had seemed innocent enough. An inside joke Magnus hadn’t heard of before, but surely if it put that expression on Alexander’s face every time Isabelle or Jace said it, then they wouldn’t have made him repeat it. Except Magnus can’t see any other possibility. Looking at Alexander, it’s clear he followed Isabelle’s demands. He’s wearing a tight-fitting, forest-green button-down that shows off his broad shoulders and tapered waist. The sleeves are rolled up to showcase the deliciously toned arms, the silky catching the light in a way that makes Magnus’ eyes linger longer than they already would. The dark, almost black, ripped jeans Isabelle bought for him are just on the right side of too small, hugging his legs in a way that makes Magnus want to rip them off, while the ankle boots completely the look to make for one delectable, mouth-watering picture. Magnus hates it.
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foodsies4me · 23 days
Bolos Alec exists*
Little Max & Sorcha
Yesssss, Sorcha and Little Max imprinting on Alec like tiny ducklings do a mama duck. Just running around and toddling after him with their arms outstretched to be picked up.
Granny Lee is staring at him with an unimpressed face.
Magnus is screaming in the background because how dare that Shadowhunter be adorable and steal the affections of his not-(yet) son! He already stole his cat! This is unfair.
Ragnor summons himself some invisible, noise-cancelling headphones to avoid listening to his dispairing.
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foodsies4me · 28 days
The Fearsome Four
Alright so it seems that more than one person wants a list so here we go with the first four trainees. (I will be splitting this up because like some people aptly remarked there are Too Many Trainees and writing them all down in one post is going to make for an infinitely long post. (Cries in, these were supposed to be one of characters that were just supposed to make the institute feel more lived-in. Not menaces that take over half of the story)
Maxwell Joseph Lightwood (He/Him, 9 years and a half - Not an OC though I HC him looking differently than in the series in my head)
Nicknames: Max, Maxie, Little Clover, Cricket, Little Caramel, Menace, Little Terror
Physical description: looks like a mini Alec – black hair, hazels eyes and mischief in his blood. He’s smaller than the other trainees his age, standing somewhere between 3ft 11 and 4ft (120,2 cm) Has three long gashes on his torso that span most of his chest as well as two smaller but just as thick scars on his right upper thigh, a thick scar on his left ankle and one on the inside of his right arm. (This only applies for AWG Max. Golden Words Alec is 4ft 3 (130,5 centimeters) and has no such scars.)
Personality: He’s the Menace Supreme what more do you want me to say? Culprit number 1 of the Mumbai Incident.
Extra info: co- owner of Bubbles and has a batman backpack with cartoon characters and sharks on it
2. Arjun Jaskaran Bhasin (He/Him, 9 years old)
Nicknames: Arji, Jun-Jun, Marshmallow, Chotu (nickname only his older siblings call him)
Physical description: thick dark-brown hair that’s mostly straight, dark brown nearly black eyes. He’s about 4ft2 (128,5 centimeters) and the only one of the fearsome four that doesn’t look like a mess most of the time.
Personality and tidbits: He’s quieter than his three best friends, but no less of a menace for it. He’s the youngest in his family and is close with his parents/older siblings despite not living in the same institute. He loves everything dragons and, even though he misses his family a lot, he also loves being at the NYI. Now if only Alec could get the rest of his family to work there as well…Culprit Number 2 of the Mumbai Incident.
Extra info: has a dragon backpack, yes the dragon can breathe fire.
3. Barika Fahari (He/Him, almost 10)
Nickname: Barii, Riri, Gumdrop
Physical description: short, black curly hair. Light brown eyes. 4ft 5 (134 cm) which makes him the tallest of the foursome fear.
Personality and tidbits: Barika was originally supposed to be a female character because I didn’t want Max to only have male best friends, but then Barika decided he was trans without any care as to what I had planned (hence the female name which he decided he was keeping). Like Max, he’s a menace and adores comics. His absolute BFF is Leo and those two will probably end up as parabatai in the future. Culprit number 3 of the Mumbai Incident.
Extra info: Has a The Flash backpack with a little Green Lantern keychain and ever-changing cartoon/Manga-characters on the sides. Robin, Batman and Cyborg logos are embroidered on the straps.
4. Leonard Benjamin Knightvale (He/him, two days older than Max and will never let him live it down)
Nickname: Leo, Lenny, corn chip, little lion
Physical description: light brown hair that tends to get in his eyes, green-brown eyes and 4ft3 (130 centimeters – yes, Golden Words Max teases him back for being older but shorter)
Personality and tidbits: If someone enabled Max to do one of his stunts, Leo is the most likely culprit. If nobody enabled Max to do one of his stunts than Leo was likely in a coma because he WILL enable Max’s shenanigans just to see the chaos happen. BFF’s with Barika and thinks Alec is the coolest person ever. He lacks any kind of impulse control and is currently in the lead in the “Get Ragnor to turn them into a frog” competition much to Max’s displeasure. He hates being called Leonard about as much as Max hates being called Maxwell. Culprit number 4 of the Mumbai Incident.
Extra info: Green Lantern backpack with a The Flash keychain, a Batman keychain as well as a Cyborg and Robin sticker. The Green Lantern logo in the middle lights up and can turn into different colors if Leo wants to.
Part two
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foodsies4me · 6 months
Okay now I’m fully invested in Magnus realising the trainees are to totally in love in love with him. Imagine the trainees defending Magnus’ honour in front of the whole Institute. Magnus blush in the back whilst Alec look on all proud and kinda smug too :)
Well, this sure sparked the muse back to life!
I am putting a line break because this got slightly long again. But here is a "the trainees take revenge on someone for being mean to Magnus" snippet, featuring a stabby Doris, a feral Clara, an Alec who threatens people off-camera, and Max the prankster, who is as always backed up by his three fellow pranksters.
Magnus hadn't paid the insult any mind. William Ashdown, had been the latest Clave envoy in a series of many to be sent to the New York Institute. He'd arrived with slicked-back hair and a sneering frown that Magnus was all too familiar with, looking like every other shadowhunter Magnus had met throughout the years. Magnus had been standing in the Operations Room when Ashdown arrived, checking the wards on Alexander's request after the ward had started to feel "weird". Ashdown's frown turned into a disgusted scowl the moment his eyes landed on Magnus. "Could we discuss this somewhere more private," he sneered, shooting a look at Magnus as he said this, "We wouldn't want to have any unsavory ears listen in." "I trust my shadowhunters," Alexander countered, his eyes turning steely, "-and considering they will be the ones most impacted, I think it's only fair they hear how the Clave has decided to handle Valentine's reappearance." "And the warlock? We can hardly trust one of them with this information," Ashdown sneered and that had been enough for Magnus to turn his focus back to that something his magic had crossed. He wasn't interested in hearing what else the man had to say and that spark of something felt.. drowsy. Tired and old and, dare he say it, strange. Magnus hadn't cared about Ashborne's opinion.
The trainees had been another story. A pained shriek had snapped Magnus out of his trance, eyes darting to the left where Alexander and Ashdown had been standing, only to see Ashborne pull his hand away from a scowling Clara with blood running down her chin. Before Magnus could wonder what had pushed Clara to bite someone, Ashdown raised his hand to try and strike her. Alexander had Ashborne's hand clenched into a death grip before the man was even done raising his hand. "You take back what you said about Magnus!" Doris screamed not a second later, drowning out whatever order Ashborne had given Alexander. She had stomped her way over to Ashborne, hair frizzy and eyes glaring daggers before she'd put herself in front of Clara with her steel practice sword clenched tightly in her hands, "And if you hurt Clara, I will stab you." Clara had only stuck her tongue before biting her teeth together to mimic biting Ashborne a second time. "Head Lightwood, I suggest you get your shadowhunters-in-training under control now," Ashborne hissed as he tried to pull his hand back, only for Alexander to tighten his grip. "And how do you suggest I do that, Mister Ashborne?" Alexander asked, cocking his head to the left and tightening his grip even further. It's when Ashborne's hand started to bend in a decidedly unnatural way that Magnus intervened. "Alexander, I'm sure Mister Ashborne didn't mean any insult," he cut in, placing his hand on Alexander's shoulders to try and calm him down before he snapped Ashborne's wrist, "Right?"
A quick flash of his magic - harmless but enough to make it visible - was all it took to have Ashborne take a stumbling step back and give him a quick affirmative nod. "Then say sorry," Doris had ordered from the same spot she'd been standing earlier, crossing her arms in defiance when Ashborne tried to brush past her. "Say sorry," she repeated, her words being echoed by all of the other trainees present in the room - William, Sarah, two scowling Rebeccas who were busy snapping the staffs in their hands into increasingly small pieces of wood, and a glaring Hideaki that had placed himself between Magnus and Ashborne. Max, who had been sitting closest to them along with Madzie, had been the only one missing from the trainees, though seeing Madzie's absence, Magnus didn't have to wonder where he'd disappeared off to. "Alright, my little beans, let's get calmed down and leave Alec and Mister Ashborne to their discussion, why don't we?" Magnus asked to try and remedy the situation, but the trainees weren't budging. "No," Hideaki whispered, tightening his hand on the straps of his backpack when the others turned their eyes toward him, "he was mean to you and to Madzie. You're our friend. We don't let people be mean to you." "Ki, is right!" Sarah growled. For the first time since Magnus met her, her entire body was still, knees bent and hands balled into fists as she assessed the threat in front of her. Somehow, it was that nearly unnatural stillness that was so unlike Sarah that made the emotions begin to well up in his throat. Ashborne didn't last another five minutes before he muttered an unconvincing apology that Magnus was quick to accept before the trainees decided it wasn't good enough. He then waved Alexander away, telling him to bring Ashborne to his office before Magnus was whisked away by his favorite shadowhunters-in-training. Doris hadn't hesitated before taking his hand in hers to drag him to the table the trainees had been sitting at where Steph had been ready to plop herself down on Magnus' lap. Aloysius, who had been fetched by a still irate Clara, had brought snacks and a cup of - truly terrible - coffee while the other trainees hovered around him in protective fury that threatened to spring tears to his eyes. Madzie came running back not long after Ariadne had joined them, offering Magnus a hug before asking him if he was okay. Max didn't return. The other three members of the fearsome foursome didn't make an appearance either. Not even when Alexander and Ashborne walked back into the Operations Room over an hour later, Ashborne looking far paler than when he'd left, did they show. All four terrors stayed carefully hidden until Ashborne's scheduled portal back to Idriss opened on the institute's doorsteps. Then, all four came running down the institute's pathway, talking among themselves as they tried to balance the different buckets filled with - was it tar? ichor? Magnus couldn't say for sure, but buckets full of something in their hands. All four of them "accidentally" tripped as soon as they were within reach of Ashborne. And all of them "accidentally" spilled the contents onto him right as he fell through the portal. The smile on Max's face when he turned to face him was innocence itself. "Oops?" The smile that followed, was anything but.
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foodsies4me · 1 month
The BOLOS rookies 2 mins after Alec offers them fruit and to join their picnic with baby Max
Magnus: I don’t trust him (🥹)
Why is this so accurate though.😂😂😂
Alec having 3 warlock kiddos sticking to him like glue at all times and another 7 that are hovering around him like little magnets. (Ziva and Aiden are shy and need some more time, but they also are starting to gravitate towards him.)
Magnus: Annoyed and confused noises because ‘I don’t trust him’ and yet he looks adorable.
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foodsies4me · 2 months
Bridges my beloved
Bridges Snippet! This is a snippet from the chapter in which Alec, Magnus, and Catarina take the warlock kiddos on a field trip because clearly not only are the trainees playing a bigger tole than they were meant to, so are the warlock kids...
"I didn't expect you to be so...accommodating," Bane says a couple minutes later. His eyes are still trained on a smiling Shan who's back to running around with the others, smiling and unafraid. Alec thinks of Barika. He thinks of balled fists, pained tears turning into anger, wide smiles, and bone-deep relief. "One of the trainees, he...he's like Shan," Alec says. "Barika, he-" Bane's eyes narrow, his gaze sliding over toward him, "I believe the correct form to use would be-" "He," Alec interrupts. He puts more emphasis on the word than he normally would, remembering justified fury and scrubbed-off tears. "That's what makes him happy." Alec knows he's not imagining the shock on Bane's face this time. He turns to look back at the playing children, but not before Alec sees the worried, almost lost expression that replaces the shock. "You really aren't what I expected," he says after a long pause. The words are barely above a whisper, soft and unsure, and completely unlike Bane's usual way of speaking. The surprising honesty behind that statement has Alec returning it with his own, a small olive branch that maybe would get the hostility he still doesn't have an answer for out of the way. "In a good way, I hope?" Bane gives him a long, considering look. "I don't know."
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foodsies4me · 2 months
The trainees when they find out Magnus is staying over at the Institute
I can just see Alec and Magnus jumping away from eachother and scrambling for clothes as the trainees just waltz inside without a care in the world because "It's a Surprise Sleepover!" and "Magnus can you make the bed bigger?". And that's how rather than whatever they had planned Magnus and Alec end up in a crowded bed full of baby shadowhunters, a baby warlock, and their freezing toes. Neither would change it for the world...though they do install a lock on both of their bedrooms. Just in case.
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foodsies4me · 11 days
When Alec decide to have a nap in the orphanage garden and baby Max and Sorcha decide to join him
+ general rookies always circulating around him
I am slightly cursing you for making me break my "no Magnus POV till Bridges is done" oath, but also this was too cute a scene that I couldn't stop myself from writing this.
His vision swims with pulses of light, the million sunbeams increasing his headache into a migraine that has him swallowing pain and bile back in equal measure. His body shakes with exhaustion, his fingers prickling with oversensitivity despite how familiar all these sensations have grown through the years. Magnus is tired and exhausted, his limits so far out of sight that they might as well have been the starting point. Ragnor and Agatha are talking among themselves, discussing something Magnus doesn't have the wherewithal to pay attention to at present. Neither is looking at him and Magnus takes the chance to slip away before either can notice his growing unease and discomfort. Magnus is about to head back to his loft, his mind running through all he still has to do despite his clear exhaustion, the plans he still needs to discuss with Raphael, and the potion he still needs to finish for Catarina and the werewolves. He planned to head straight home only for his eyes to land on a giggling Shan and Cylia, who disappear behind the corner and into the small garden behind the orphanage. The two girls are holding a bouquet of flowers in their hands - daisies, bluebells, forget-me-nots, and other flowers Magnus doesn't have the time to recognize. Even with exhaustion dragging him down, his magic hurting more than any headache ever could, Magnus follows them to see what the two girls are up to. He can hear Ali's voice before he turns the corner, bright and gleeful as he whispers something to a giggling Shan and what sounds like a chuckling Zacharias. His little magicians are all turned with their backs to him when he peeks in their direction, talking among themselves and looking down at something on the ground at their feet. A step closer reveals that something to be a sleeping Lightwood, his arms wrapped around a dozing Max and Sorcha. Lightwood's face is pressed tightly to Max's wavy blue hair, Max's fists clutching Lightwood's shirt between his hands. Sorcha is tucked under Lightwood's armpit, scaly feet wriggled under Lightwood's shirt and pressed to his bare skin in search for warmth. Yara is lying draped over Lightwood's middle, her face cushioned on Lightwood's stomach as all four continue to doze peacefully - unbothered by the giggling voices around them or the flowers that Shan, Cylia, and Ezra are braiding into their hair. His little magicians are all smiling happily, his ward looking safe and content in Lightwood's arms and some of the exhaustion fades from his shoulder as Magnus reminds himself why he's been pushing himself so far for so long. Just a little bit longer. His eyes linger on Lightwood's face, soft and peaceful in his sleep and Magnus feels another wave of pain and doubt wash through him. He just needs to hold on a little bit longer. Lilith, please just don't let him have made a mistake.
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