#protect lgbtq+ rights
geeky-politics-46 · 2 months
As if you needed another reason not to vote for Trump, here it is... all the stories here that you enjoy reading could be subject to new laws that could put your favorite writers in prison or at the very least subject to criminal action.
Project 2025 is by a conservative think tank & it is literally all the most dystopian ideas you can think. Like there are literally plans in it to suspend or get rid of parts of the US Constitution & The Bill of Rights. It is also what they are pushing to pass if Trump is elected in November. These are the plans they want to put in place and are already at work writing so Trump can rubber stamp.
There have been many articles about other horrifying parts of Project 2025, but a new revelation that strikes close to home as a smut writer is their plan to redefine & criminalize pornography. Including artwork that depicts nudity (think Michaelangelo's David) and books that depict sexual physical contact. That would put many of us on this site & others like AO3 at risk.
This is just the tip of the iceberg & there are plenty more heinous & inhumane things in Project 2025, including making homosexuality and being transgender illegal & providing gender affirming support punishable by incarceration. The people behind Project 2025 & The Heritage Foundation are telling you exactly what they plan to do. Believe them.
If you care about the people on this site and their work, please take them into consideration in Nov. Is Joe Biden my favorite person? No. Do I think some of his policies are wrong? Yes. Will I still be voting for him in November? Absolutely, because democracy is literally on the line this fall.
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leggywormy · 1 year
It's end of May, yall know what that means
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crystalsandbubbletea · 3 months
Their name was Nex Benedict.
Nex Benedict, not whatever name the news keeps saying.
Nex used He/Him pronouns according to friends, not whatever the news keeps saying.
Nex was the victim of a hate crime. Nex's death was because of a hate crime. Nex's death was not an accident, it was a hate crime.
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thestrawberraefae · 8 months
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it is. so weird to me that I'm having to say this again after a real-life cartoon supervillian already once ran for president on a platform of hatred & fascism and won, but.
it's November, please fucking vote
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Reblog if you're part of the LGBTQIA+ community, a supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community, or want to punch Ron DeSantis in the dick.
Update 6/21/23: Gonna add Greg Abbot on the "punch in the dick" list 😊
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izzye-girl · 25 days
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Daddy would you take me out looking this much pretty asf 😩 🥵🥰⚧
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Good News This Week!
We are kicking off this week by celebrating good news from New Hampshire, Oklahoma, and Missouri! Learn more below.
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h0peful-gh0stt-art · 4 months
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a keith haring inspired piece i did :]
id in alt text
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develation · 5 months
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Sooo... one of my friends sent me a post that a certain old friend of mine made. This is my response, cuz fuck that shit.
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Among other things...
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sluttyvioletx · 2 months
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Daddy do you love to dominate tall trans beautiful.🥺🥵🥰 I'm 5'9 tall! What's height daddy 👉👈
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aardvaark · 1 year
"cringe culture" is being very directed at trans youth in a time when being an openly trans young person is also genuinely dangerous in a number of places. every time you open your mouth to say something like "queer people are fine, but neopronouns…", know that you’re being transphobic. or "i’m gay but i’m not like, weird" or "i’m trans but these teenagers are giving us a bad rep lol"… just remember that bigots don’t care how "normal" you are, they don’t care whether or not you dye your hair or if you have a pronoun pin or any of that shit. they hate all of us. they want you to make it normalised to hate on trans people. they want you to see trans ppl as different to you. they want you to think that trans kids are not smart or old enough to see what’s best for them. conservatives don’t need you to be an outright bigot too, they just need you to not do anything about them having their health care taken away. they need you to be too embarrassed to tell off your friend when they say those trans people are freaky. they need you to be comfortable with bullying - because that’s what it is, harassment and bullying - some random transgender teenager on tiktok. they need you to double that energy against neurodivergent trans people, disabled trans people, and trans POC (particularly those whose gender is related to their culture). all of this helps in establishing the concept that transness is a choice, is a phase, is a mental illness, is weird, is predatory, is pathetic, is backwards, is childish, is ridiculous, is "other" - so that dehumanisation is acceptable. don’t fall into this trap. you don’t need to think that every trans person is cool and fun and your best friend. you just need to remember to stick up for your community. unite with your trans siblings. protect trans kids. the well-being of trans people is more important than being seen as cool.
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torimidori2-blog · 2 months
Can we please stop preventing ourselves from saying "not all men"? I honestly don't get people who are trying to stop targeted transphobia to transmasc people, yet still say that they're not trying to say "not all men". Trans men are men, right? Not all trans men are terrible right? We also have cis male feminists and allies, right? Are they helping us? So they aren't bad people? Hm.... Well if you said yes to all of these things, lemme tell you something that may surprise you... I know it's gonna be really absurd and you might just freak out about it, but uh... not. all. men.
There. I said it! Not all men! We can't generalize anything about all men, because if we do, trans men will be in that generalization! Then we'll get people posting shit like "omg men are trash especially trans men lmaooo" We shouldn't be blaming men for the way people perceive gendered norms. If we can have a cishet man waving a rainbow flag to support his friends at pride, we can also have women who say that women should stay in the kitchen and live life like a 1900s housewife. People are pretending that the moralities are associated with gender and is black and white, when that isn't the fucking case at all. How about we blame our main offenders: Misogynists? Misogyny can come in many different forms and can be spewed by many different people, even trans people! If we fight against those people instead of blaming one gender for all our problems, we could actually have a chance at making a change and making people have revelations about the reason why they think men are trash. It's like even people within the LGBTQ++ community have a "Girls rule boys drool" attitude towards gender. Damn...
And for the record, I understand why those generalizations are made, because masculine cishet men are the most accepted people in society and their social pressures aren't as bad as everyone else's because men are the ones who made those gendered standards in the first place which caused them to oppress those who were different from them, but times are different and men are being encouraged not to hide how they express or how they feel even if they're cis. Masculinity in society is always expected to be as thick as an eyelash, but men are starting to realize what masculinity means to them on their own without letting society dictate that. Please give those people a chance, and stop making generalizations about them, that way, those stereotypes against them being aggressive, degenerates, airheaded, and egotistical won't be translated into the trans community towards trans men.
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queeryouthautonomy · 1 year
We're starting a protest!
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Visit queeryouthassemble.org to learn how to join us, and send us an ask or email us at [email protected] with any questions!
Photo credits and alt text available under the cut:
📸 credits, used with permission: 
All art by the incredible @jesseyoungpaulson 
Slide 6: @cpagsa during their walkout, March 2022
Slide 7: @lgbtatorr during their walkout, as QYA Head of Teams @alia.cusolito gives a speech, March 2022
Slide 8: @briggs_padilla from their walkout, March 2022
Slide 9 and 10: @alia.cusolito from Let Trans Athletes Play, August 2022
Alt text:
Slide 1
A digital art piece showing a diverse group of queer youth is overlayed with text reading, “March for Queer & Trans Youth Autonomy, March 31 2023, All 50 States, Uniting as One.” 
Slide 2
The background is a rainbow gradient with  a digital art piece showing three queer youth. The text reads, “It’s time we create one of the largest queer youth marches in history! Uniting every queer and trans young person under the common goals of safety, autonomy, joy.” 
Slide 3
A rainbow gradient with a small digital art piece in the corner of three queer youth. The text reads, “The queer & trans community has been upended by a series of devastating laws, detrimental legislation, and queerphobic attacks designed to make the lives of queer & trans youth as unbearable as possible. Each and every queer & trans youth serving org has  responded in their own ways, prompting walkouts, protests, legislative challenges, organizational statements, and other rebuttals in an attempt to swing the momentum. Now it’s time to unite our communities powerful work and collectively advocate for youth as one!”
Slide 4
A rainbow gradient overlayed with text reading, “This march will center the voices of queer and trans youth.” This is followed by a bulleted list saying the following, “Marches will be held at capitol buildings & in major cities in all 50 states. Queer & trans youth will share their stories, experiences, and demands to the masses.  Everyone from adults to allies to politicians will march in solidarity. State & national orgs will organize these marches, while students will organize walkouts at their schools.”
Slide 5
A rainbow gradient overlayed with text reading, “Queer and trans youth will receive the spotlight to advocate for their safety, their joy, and their autonomy. The tidal wave that these marches will create, combined with the  political & media spotlight on queer & trans youth, will drown the conservative narratives that have dominated the fight until now. In their place, queer & trans youth voices, stories, interviews, testimony, films, books, will all rise to show the lives and share the stories of queer & trans youth. We will be front and center.” 
Slide 6
An image of students from @cpagsa during QYA’s National Queer Youth Walkout is overlayed with text and a list of checkboxes reading, “Youth! If you are an activist, are in your school’s GSA and/or have been impacted anti queer & trans youth speech, legislation, or laws then we invite you to join our queer & trans youth led march planning committees! Visit queeryouthassemble.org for more information.” 
Slide 7
An image of students at Old Rochester Regional’s walkout, with QYA Head of Teams Alia Cusolito giving a speech, overlayed by text which reads, “ Queer & trans youth listening sessions. January 7th, 2023, 4pm EST, January 11th, 2023, 8pm EST, January 15th, 2023, 4pm EST, and January 21st, 2023, 10pm EST. We invite queer & trans youth across the country to join us at our march listening sessions, where we will be brainstorming a list of demands for the march. Once completed, the list will be circulated across the country, and signed by politicians & organizations to pledge their commitment to queer & trans youth. Register by clicking the link in our bio or visiting queeryouthassemble.org. 
Slide 8
An image of students during the walkout in March, overlayed with text and checkboxes reading, “Adults! If you have an LGBTQ+ kid, support queer & trans youth autonomy, and/or want a safe and loving future for your children then we invite you to donate to Queer Youth Assemble! Visit queeryouthassemble.org to donate.”
Slide 9
An image of queer youth attending Queer Youth Assemble’s Let Trans Athletes Play event in August overlayed with text and checkboxes reading, “Orgs! If you support queer and trans youth autonomy, have BIPOC, trans, or disabled leadership, and/or have experience planning marches or major events, then we invite you to plan a March at your state’s capitol/major city! Visit queeryouthassemble.org to sign your org up. 
Slide 10 
An image of queer youth attending Queer Youth Assemble’s Let Trans Athletes Play event in August overlayed with text and checkboxes reading, “What can I do? Visit queeryouthassemble.org, share this post on your socials, and/or donate to support the march.”
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@the_cumming_memesurrection on insta
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