#pretend nursery rhyme
silbenlos · 2 years
Leise Geister
Schwarze Vögel, Schwarze Schwingen, Schwarze Reiter, Schwarze Klingen,
In dunkler Nacht, auf leisen Sohlen, Reiten sie und wer'n dich hohlen.
Egal wohin du gehst, Egal an wen du flehst,
Du kannst ihn' nicht entrinnen, Sie folgen dir auf leisen Schwingen.
Egal ob Götter, König, Meister, Sie alle fürchten ihre Geister.
Doch alles muss mal enden, Ein Schicksal nicht zu wenden.
In dunkler Nacht, auf leisen Sohlen, Kommen sie und wer'n dich hohlen.
Schwarze Reiter, Schwarze Klingen, Schwarze Vögel, Schwarze Schwingen.
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watcher-servant · 5 months
Rusted Arc: Summoning
In the summoning room of the storm border lies Ritsuka Fujimaru, Mash Kyrielight, and Kadoc Zemlupus were looking at the shield of galahad. Due to recent events, it was vest to try to summon another servant recently they had managed to get a sort of break due to a Guda Guda event and even summoned a new servant as well Yamato Takeru. For a moment, the trio were confused on how similar they were to King Arthur, but after 2 weeks, Yamato is fully accepted and even has a rivalry with Artoria but mainly in eating.
Now, this was different. Something was wrong. Something was coming was another singularity, a calamity, or was it similar to a lostbelt. They didn't know, but having another servant wouldn't hurt. "Sure about this, we already got a good group of servants," Kadoc asked his fellow master, the black haired young man letting out a breath as he only focused on the shield. "Yeah, I'm sure. Plus, who knows, maybe this servant could give us something unexpected," Ritsuka replied, holding out his arm as lights started emitting from the center of the shield. The balls of light started to slowly spin, going faster and faster, becoming a single ring of light turn to 4.
In the center of the light Ritsuka could see something a island that resembles something from Nursery Rhyme's book cover, ranging from multiple colored vegetation, talking animals, a purple blue cat, a dark beast wearing a mask, a blacksmith that seem to made of metal and wood and finally comes upon a sight. He was seeing a knight in rusted armor lounging near a big jackalope, and as if on instinct, Ritsuka reached out to the knight. The helm of the knight would look up, seeing the light a beacon reaching out for help. With hesitation, the knight got up as the jackalope followed close behind.
A bright flash would blind Kadoc, Mash and Ritsuka as in the command center of the storm border it was making note of a new servant being summoned already cataloging them as the emblem of what seems like a gentleman or smiling mask. "Wait, did he summon someone?" Da Vinci said, seeing the archive being updated registering the servant. Unknown to those in the summon room the presence of the new servant was felt across the base particularly affecting the servants of the Pretender class as a eloquently dressed man with butterfly wings let's out a laugh, a woman wearing black and red look up with slight interest, a girl with black and blue hair looking up from her magazine and goes back go reading not caring.
Back in the summon room, the mist would clear as appearing before the trio was a knight in rusted armor kneeling down as if they just landed from a long jump or swearing a oath. "In accordance to your call, I have been summoned to help protect humanity. Servant class: Pretender, tell me master what story you are trying to tell, " the knight said in a deep, tired voice as he gets up his blue eyes shining beneath the helmet. "I...what do I call you?" Ritsuka asked the knight, who started to take notes of his surroundings. "The rusted knight or RK if it makes things easier for you." RK replied. "Do you know our mission Mr.Knight?" Mash ask taking note if the weapon on the knight's back.
"I know enough. Humanity is in danger, and due to that, multiple servants are called to help. Though I will admit.....never thought I be summoned after.....Iori," RK said with a sullen tone with Kadoc, making note of the name but keeping it to himself. "I need to take this off. It gets stuffy in buildings," RK said as he took off his helmet, revealing his blonde hair with streaks of grey, a full beard, and deep, azure blue eyes looking at the trio. "Arthur?" Mash and Ritsuka asked, their heads tilting to the side. "That's not my name, and who's Arthur?" RK replied as the door to the summoned room opened, revealing a small girl in a black Gothic Lolita dress with braided grey hair holding a holding a big book and her purple eyes shining with glee seeing the knight.
(To be continued.....most likely in small posts)
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
On: today i dreamt...
What started as a story about a group of gangster breaking into an abandoned (but not really?) prison to film their movie and being caught soon devolved into an international conspiracy filled with subplots about love and corruption, culminating with both groups that we thought were equally righteous finding out not everything was quite as it seems.
#luly talks#i had to run a man on all 4s to catch him it was great#movie-dream started about like torture with our protags being thrown into a container at first full of blood and missing limbs#but that soon got dropped w the only thing left of it being this one man who had part of his jaw and ribs falling/peeling off#and he had to lovers an old one who was kissing him and a new one#(a cop; too) who was looking at his naked for for the first time as he looked at the sea and sunset#and she slowly approached him before starting to kiss his somehow still bleeding wounds as he mourned the pain of being crucified#like that guy literally never showed up again#oh my god actually there was something aside from that there was a really fucked up sims world that just couldn't be real#and ended w marge and homer drowning i think (their house was underwater) and Maggie dying too as a nursery rhyme played#and there was also a random event of domestic violence#anyway about the movie-dream; it had something to do about the government making illnesses and having the cure but keeping it#and it was tied to reagan but we all were talking spanish (tbf movie-dream; could've been dubbed DKDHNSGD) and the reason why we realized#this was because a radio message of a british girl named sumthin like casey i think who had cancer or something#and basically the government knew and had the mediums to cure her but wouldn't do it#so in the end me and this girl who discovered this conspiracy and the other and og group who was doing fuck all i guess came back together#and at first my friend pretended to be all of our enemies (she was enemies w only one guy there) but then we turned on the guy#and as I guess revenge on the people who were supporting this goverment conspiracy and helping it instead of killing them we grabbed them#and flashed a weird scan light onto their eye which made em be infected#<- in dream this shit was cool as fuck ok?#and then everyone went on w their lives and in the bud#bus* ppl spoke w me and gave me food leftovers to help out those who needed em but it felt... awkward#like they were doing it out of fear instead of kindness y'know#oh btw i rode an helicopter 😁
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caliburn · 2 years
[ SHIELD ]:     sender uses their own body to shield the receiver from an attack.
She had been warned to remain alert of her surroundings, and it had not be a lesson forgotten. But managing all directions was another matter, and there was no Merlin to save her when the odds were stacked in opposition. Lily had tried, as best she could, to keep the hooligans at bay to prevent any drawing too near, but with their numbers and her reluctance to use lethal force — or any that might leave them harmed — it was apparent how an increasingly tall order the objective had mounted to become.
A couple mounted had their bikes and the roar of engines mingled with their jeers pouring thick from cocky smirks. their acknowledgement of her holding back became weapon to turn that very mercy against her, and their own force amplified its vicious nature. One of those vehicles charged forth like a mighty steed, a bat in the rider’s hand in lieu of a spear or sword — his intent had been to knock her legs out from beneath the knight and watch in glee her crumple onto the ground, so that his companions might leer over the failure of chivalry. Their formation had effectively boxed her in, and gave minimal chance to charter a way out of harm’s way in the seconds when it became clear their motive.
So when the bat swung, it was not Lily with which it collided, but another girl. One who had intervened not to play the party of hero that the Saber herself lauded, but the defence of another youth; a pure-hearted girl who had wanted to restore some order, and by herself, could not manage. Emerald fixated upon the smaller child enlarged with horror to comprehend what was transpiring in front of them — and as result of her own weakness. This child, they were wounded, and there was no telling how deep the damage punctured.
Pushing away at the arms attempting to reach for her sword and disarm her, the knight rushed toward her saviour’s side — it was then she could sense they were like her, a Servant. One she had witnessed in Chaldea, but without certainty this were the same Caster. Her hand took hold of the child’s and clutched it gently, a wistful smile upon her lips. “Thank you... I’m sorry that you were dragged into this and harmed. Please, rest while I handle the rest — your kindness should not be understated, so allow me to do what I should have. What could have spared you from getting wrapped up in this”.
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By the code of chivalry, she could not attack the unarmed or do unnecessary harm to civilians, however... given what the Rhyme had endured for her sake, the young knight was certain that they would qualify for more excessive force. It did not please her to resort to it, when they were humans, even if aggressive. But if not for the other youth, she — or more importantly, someone else — might fall victim to their appalling riot. “Once this is over, I’ll make it up to you — give me a moment, and then we’ll find help together”.
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serxinns · 2 months
Yandere Older class 1a x Deadpool reader
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You were a goofy sarcastic playful hero who always made jokes while brutally punching villains in the face while doing wacky and wild stuff saying the most unhinged stuff with a smile on your face and your Fans and Most pro heroes love that about you
Iida was always with you not because you were dead gorgeous and your fighting skills were amazing but because he's worried about you! You pulling these dangerous stunts makes him have a heart attack whenever he peacefully wants to see the news he sees you teasing and taunting a very dangerous and very deadly villian riling them up to the point where they just slash at anything to get you to stop your yapping, next thing you know he's grabbing his hero suit and running over there right now he always scold you for being u safe while you just either laugh it off do those cringey "I'm sowwy🥺" look iida pretends to be cringe out about but deep down he thinks your pouty face and puppy eyes are cute,
Bonus: both you and Iida's fans agree that Iida was the Dad friend and make those complications video of him being one
Bakugo wants you to depend on him and look up to him he always wants you to be by his side whenever you work with him, but you being a little shit makes his job way harder, you always making fun little jokes and uncanny comedic lines while the two of you are literally in a life and death situation while you're just singing nursery rhymes, He always yells at you to be serious and all you did was say "uh oh cranky pants need a sippy cup?" He chased you around that day and seeing that cute little cheeky face of yours made him blush he always acts like he doesn't wanna work with you but in truth, he stalks your schedule and demands his agency to work close to yours but he won't admit that even the fans kinda see that he cares for you and loved you and himself dynamic
Momo is the worried mother if you ever get hurt by a nasty villain she's beating that villain to a pulp heck even making the dude see the clouds, she always is very protective of you like a mother hen making sure you eat, sleep brush your teeth she always tell you to while you whined like a child, if you didn't bring your lunch don't worry she brought a little bento box for you!, whenever your merch comes out or before she's always the 1st one to get it. She even has a room dedicated to it (just like Izuku but we'll get to him) literally she and Izuku would have a battle about who got the rarest merch and expensive merch
Ochako is like your number 1 biggest fan she always knows your schedule as well so she can either watch you from afar and if you needed any help she'll be there to kick their asses!, she's like Pucca (if you know the childhood show congrats) she always watching you dreamily eyes fluttering but strong and dangerous if anyone messes with you, she's is always in her dream world imagining carrying you like a little princess and she's the knight although she's also ok with you holding her like that as well both ways make her blush and giggles and kicking her feet while floating up, she makes fanfiction of you x reader or her under a fake username ofc so she can write down all her fantasies (some of your classmates would follow that page secretly) she keeps an oversized merch t-shirt that you wrote an autograph
While Izuku may be all Might's number one fan who said he can't be yours as well? Like this dude knows it all has 4-6 pages of you, your quirk, your weapons, your personality, your likes and dislikes, your family, your address-, you name it! He doesn't even need to write down your schedule since he remembers it so easily dude has a great memory there's no denying it, whenever his fans scream all over him wondering what's his favorite hero everyone is so surprised when he mutters out you heck he's shy whenever he talks to you your his idol his darling his sweetie standing in front of him happily making jokes and laughing along or badass shooting and slashing any bad guys, as mentioned in mom's headcanon this boy got a WHOLE ROOM dedicated to you heck one time you jokingly put a dick shape drawing when he asked to Have a autograph he bought a photo case for that and put it on display like he's PROUD
Sero and Denki were your go-to when wanting to cause trouble and Crack some jokes heck all even flirt with each other trying to see who gets the most flustered denki craves whatever attention you give him whether trying to annoy him or not he loves it when you eyes are on him he may act like a carefree person who jokes with you but he's a possessive dude he glares at your fangirls from afar when they're squealing all over you trying to get a autograph calling you hot that made his blood boil that he had to intervene by saying there's a villain waving goodbye at the girls while their squealing got louder seeing Denki but Denki glared at them Sero is the calmer one but is Obsessive he loves everything about you whenever your close to him on the outside he as cool as a cat but inside he's dying screaming on the inside just wanting to hold you close he always ask for any sort of physical interaction like high fives, hugs, he even remembered you patting him on the back praising him for wrapping up the villains luckily someone recorded it and now he saves that in his phone watching it repeatedly over and over again also he keeps those spiderman x Deadpool comics
Jirou and Kiri are like Sero but she acts more like a soft tsundere while Kiri acts like a love-sick puppy following you around and worshipping you head to toe. She acts cool and tough around you but if you compliment her she turns red and hits you to shut up just like Izuku she's too shy to speak to you and always lets you do the talking while she doesn't pay attention just hearing your voice makes her trapped in a dazed smiling dreamily she just couldn't help it You were so adorable even under that mask she wants to cup her hands on your cheeks and give you the biggest kisses leaving you a hot flushed mess kiri on the other hand worships you like a God, he always rants to his friend teru about you and even works together with bakugo at times talking to him about you the two of them will rant on about how cool you are (mostly Him and bakugo just listens) he will invite you to spar with him and if he ever accidentally hurts you he feels so bad and apologies to you even tho you didn't even show any anger or sadness but he thinks you do but all you did was laugh saying how strong he was making the number 4 hero blush and crumble right there he always used to complimenting you on your skills body and even your muscles but you complimenting him!? It's like a kid getting a gold star for their behavior! After sparing he always buys you his favorite drink which you teased him about while he looked annoyed with your teasing he actually likes it and when you promise to stop he mentally whines wanting you to do more!
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misforgotten2 · 2 months
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“Let’s pretend this is Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and pee on it. He’d like that I hear.”
365 Bedtime Nursery Rhymes  illustrated by Francis Kirn - 1946
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cutiecorner · 10 months
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More CG Alfie headcanons because I love him so...
He loves it when little ones help him with chores! Even when they're not the most efficient, he appreciates that they try. He loves to tell stories while doing more repetitive tasks, like folding laundry!
He likes to listen to oldies on the radio, or classical music. He moves his hands around like he conducting and little ones think its so silly!!
He likes it when kiddos hold his arm or his jacket, it's easier to keep track of them that way. He likes keeping them within eyesight in general, he'll often make little play pens for them to play in.
His tone of voice doesn't typically change from its usual sophistication, but he is very willing to play along with pretend and get silly. He will absolute sit down to tea with a court of wizards (stuffed animals) and of course greet them with their proper titles.
He looooves to make outfits for kiddies. Just dressing others up in general is very fun for him. He loves matching with his babies, even if it's just a special pocket square.
He sings lullabies and can recite a lot of nursery rhymes from memory before bedtime. He loves reciting things, very much an actor at heart
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sirenjose · 7 days
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Hullabaloo (Manor Game) Timeline
(Theory based on the letters)
1. Most initially think Joker = Sergei
- Violetta and Margaretha at least initially do
- Mike seems to realize who "Sergei" really is based on Joker’s limping
2. “Rehearsal Schedule” left on the table
- Found by Violetta, who shares it with everyone
* Maybe the “rehearsal schedule” is the nursery rhyme referenced by Violetta and Joker?
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3. Disagreements/Factions: Margaretha and Joker, Mike and Murro (with Violetta)
- Someone finds a phonograph/record and plays “Smiley Face Polka”
- Margaretha realizes Sergei = Joker
- Margaretha confronts Joker, sharing how she knows who he is and asks him to ally himself with her for protection against Mike, who she thinks will kill her
- Meet that night
4. (?) Joker gives Margaretha a music box - Joker notices Margaretha’s room has a strange smell - Joker notices a bottle with a strange marking (drug?)
5. (?) Margaretha gives Joker a letter + tells Joker about “the perfume”
6. Joker thinks the “play” is a “fight”
- Baits (“invites”) Violetta by using the excuse of “searching for ‘inspiration’”
- Removes Violetta’s mechanical leg, immobilizing her
- Throws her out of the manor and leaves her to die in the snow
* Joker may have somehow used “the perfume” on Violetta as part of his plan?
- Violetta also saw a nursery rhyme, likely the same one Joker referenced ("We will forget everything in the past and gain new life")
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- "The perfume" may be Mnemosyne/Euphoria. Caused Violetta to forget?
7. Mike begins to discover the truth(?)
- "From the moment Violetta was assaulted, Mike had a vague answer to his questions.."
- "It took that incident to make me realize that this so-called family of ours is no better than a stinking sewer"
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8. Margaretha fears Joker after what he does to Violetta - Joker seemingly tells Margaretha the "sacrifice" was potentially necessary for the next phase of the game to begin
(?). At some point, Margaretha loses the music box Joker gave her.
9. Game begins - "Guest performance" (planned by Mike and Murro to crush Margaretha and Joker's alliance)
* The "guest" may be Violetta (who may have forgotten quite a bit due to the perfume)
- Truth behind the Moon River Park tragedy is exposed
* Tragedy (or circumstances/situation?) in the circus "repeated itself" and Joker's "armor of lies" crumbled.
* Joker couldn't face his "bare" self (unmasked?), and he lost control of his emotions (mental breakdown)
* Regarding this “guest performance” and the truth of the Hullabaloo tragedy being revealed, Mike may have pretended to be Sergei or Joker or something (maybe Mike as Sergei was the “guest” rather than Violetta? Or maybe alongside her?), based on Mike saying “you didn’t expect white and cinnabar to trick all of you”. Cinnabar being a shade of red, along with white, are some of the colors we see on Joker/Weeping Clown’s face. And as we know Mike was figuring out the truth, it’s possible, based on his sarcastic mention of “Sergei” that he might’ve been trying to reveal who Joker was, as well as what he did, considering his previous letter mentions how, after Violetta was attacked, that Mike “had a vague answer to his questions” (aka the truth) and “light was shone on the numerous dark events of the past”. This could then explain Joker’s “lies” being torn away and the reference to his “bare self”. If Mike maybe understood some of who Joker was, maybe even slightly had an idea to Joker’s inferiority complex, maybe that would’ve contributed even more to why Joker would lose control of his emotions?
Joker's protectiveness for Margaretha "transforms into coercion"
Margaretha goes to extremes. "Lady luck didn't smile on her this time"
* "I-If he really does make me his next target, I will never give him the chance, and I won't let myself be fooled again!"
* If the circus tragedy "repeated itself", Margaretha originally escaped from Moonlit River Park during the tragedy via jumping into the river. If "lady luck didn't smile on her this time", she may not emerge from the river this time
Joker falls into a depression from losing Margaretha
Mike gives up on revenge (family is most important to him) and "remained on the stage he'd missed for so long"
Mike realizes "his stage of happiness only existed in that short peaceful memory. Once his core value collapsed, Mike couldn't face reality in a mature manner anymore.
Mike’s “Grand Performance”
* Mike seeks the truth, closure.
* "I've even prepared a grand performance for it — an explosive performance! Bernard was always against it due to safety concerns, but he failed to realize that burning up in a sea of flames is the best ending "Hullabaloo" could ever have!"
10. Ending
Hullabaloo burns? (Mike doesn't plan to escape/survive with Murro)
Joker "followed in Margaretha's footsteps"
* If Margaretha jumped into the river, maybe he attempts the same thing?
Murro is the sole survivor
As for the trailer for the Hullabaloo event/game, based on Mike being on stage and the main person shown, and him specifically addressing Sergei, no one else being seen, I assume this could be part of Mike's "Grand Performance"?
(If not, I imagine it's the "guest performance")
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adollchild · 2 years
How do I regress without age regression gear.? also I have another question am I valid if I don't want regression gear.?
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Hi there anon. You’re completely valid if you don’t want regression gear. Regression looks different for everyone, and you aren’t required to like something just because it’s popular.
Here are some ideas for things you can do without regression gear that might help you regress:
Playing on a playground
Listening to kids’ music
Cut your food into cute shapes
Playing video games. There are plenty of free browser games available
Draw or doodle
If you have a pet, you can play with them
Go outside and explore
Playing pretend (if you’re able to). @chompchompchu has some pretty good guides here
Watching cartoons
Printing out coloring pages or work sheets to color/work on
Act as childish as you want. It’s okay to be silly
Build a blanket nest/pillow fort
Try to make your own slime. You can find lots of recipes online
Go to the library and borrow some books
Make and play with some play dough
If it rains, you can go out and play in the puddles
Play with water
Watch videos on YouTube
Make your own playlists
Play with paper dolls. You can either draw your own or print out some from the internet
Make a small-themed moodboard
Do your hair in a cute way
Sing songs/nursery rhymes
If you want to regress to a really tiny baby/infant, @little-silly-bear has a post with activities here. Some of them require gear, while others don’t.
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doe-eyed-dreamr · 5 months
☆ CG!Eddie Munson Imagines ☆
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not an ounce of self-consciousness and WILL be absolutely goofy to make his little laugh
reads the hobbit or lotr to help with sleepytime
gets super into playing pretend
will let his baby play with the pretty dice he has but keeps an eye on things to make sure they don't eat any
plays his acoustic guitar to sing lullabies
every other word from him is a pet name
will cry if the little one cries, he can't stand to see them sad
like a walking rattle with all the jewellery and chains he wears. 10/10 entertainment
very tactile and loves to give hugs
loves it when his little calls him Teddie
his tattoos = free colouring book
headbangs to nursery rhymes
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moonspirit · 5 days
my hcs on the alliances favourite song/musician:
levi- Elvis. no specific song
he’d lock himself in a room and blast some of his songs, he’d sip a cup of tea and stare out the window while stewing his hatred for that lil monkey boy zeke. the first time he did this onyankopon broke down the door because he thought levi was gonna kill himself. my reasoning is that I think he’s a lil ol fashioned so.. Elvis.
annie- hit ‘em up, 2pac.
she’d LOVE diss tracks, especially this one. she’d sometimes mumble “..that’s why i fucked yo bitch you fat motherfucka..” in her sleep. the alliance doesn’t let her pick the music anymore after falco and gabi arrived for obvious reasons. if she was more public she’d be cancelled for imitating a black accent.. she can’t help it..
armin- nursery rhymes. 
oh god don’t give him the aux.. he would genuinely be listening to “je mappele dolphine” or something like that. do NOT let him find national anthems. (not the lana del rey one.. please let him find that one it’s so good)
gabi- karma, jojo siwa.
you couldn’t water board this information out of her. she pretends her favourite song is also hit ‘em up like annie to act tough but she’s a Jojo siwa fan at heart. she doesn’t let anyone in her room because you’d find every single bow jojo has released, that one mold infested jojo siwa curry sauce, and a karma vinyl she somehow got her grubby hands on. 
connie- con calma, daddy yankee.
our latino king! you cannot stop him from replaying this song, unless you want to go get a rabies shot. if he’s listening to spanish songs while driving make sure to buy car insurance right then and there because connie doesn’t have any! and you’re definitely gonna crash..
pieck- telepatia/melting - kali uchis.
couldn’t decide which she’d like more, but she’s a huge fan of cutesy songs. i can also see her liking prom song gone wrong by lana del rey. (can u tell lana is my favourite?) anyway, she would bedazzle her record player with pink rhinestones and dance around her room to kali uchis. 
reiner- caramelldanssen, caramella girls.
you CANNOT change my mind. he’d try to overdose on crushed up jolly ranchers (someone scammed him, placebo affect go crazy) while laying face down on the carpet with this song in the background. someone asks him to hangout he’s like nah i’m busy today.. he’s just listening to this song while ugly crying about nothing in particular.
jean- maneater- nelly furtado
much like gabi, he’d probably say his favourite song is something like too many nights or big poppa.. but we all know this is what he’d listen to. that and promiscuous (also by nelly furtado. he’s a huge fan) yeah nobody believes him when he says a hip-hop/rap song.
falco- kidz bop version of ms.jackson. (that kidz pop song SPECIFICALLY.)
while other people are stanning loona or whatever artist he’s stanning kidz bop.. like a true alpha male. he’d also probably say shit like “fudge” instead of fuck and yell “language!!” when someone cusses. bless his heart.
hope u know all these songs, they’re very.. diverse. it took a while to get you these headcanons but i’ve been busy lately.
Hiya xD
Gotta admit, I didn't know a lot of these songs so I had to look them up. Had a great time tho!
I like Levi listening to Elvis. He's an old time king, and he's right - old timey songs really do FTW. Nothing like being holed up in your house with some fucking great tea and 50's rock n roll.
Annie tho xD She can listen to ALLLLLL the diss tracks and hard rap she wants to and wear outfits that got drip and swag but she'll never beat the cute allegations. Sorry but that's... That's just how it is.
But Armin - nursery rhymes???!?! Come ooonnnn you gotta give him more credit than that lol xD I like to think he enjoys pop and instrumental a lot.
Gabi, Falco and Jean being like "No! We're tough nuts! In this house we listen to songs that go hard!" And then actually listening to energetic pop and kidz bop lmaooooo. People pretend they don't know so these three can keep their pride intact xD (secretly they're a club of liars)
I listened to Telepatía by Kali Uchis and omg 🥺 I can imagine Pieck vibing to that slow R&B soul in her room. Dancing around her room as the record player plays and plays and plays. Ahhhh that's such a good image!
The best ones are for last.
Connie boy! He's definitely not got a thought in his head with that song as he drives - and it's a pretty GREAT road trip too! All cheer and good vibes!
Reiner listening to Caramelldanssen is the only thing of true value in this post. In true style, he's got the video and everything playing on the largest screen in his house. He knows the moves. He dances, he sings, he cries.
(the others are horrified. Perfect time for Annie to spit some 2pac diss bars).
thank you for sending these in omg xD
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
Hi! I would like to request some Team prime things with a tiny child, about 15 months to 24 months, thrown in the mix. I.E they place a bell on the child to make sure little baby doesn't go squish and stuff like that. Please?
Not bells. But a leash. The toddler will be leashed for their safety and everyone else's piece of mind.
The Autobots had severely underestimated how fast those little, chubby legs will speed away. One moment they're in their playpen, the moment there's no eyes on them, then they'll escape and make their way across the base without care to look in any direction.
The Annual Running of the Minis/Toddler Track becomes an inside joke in the Autobot base. As does child-wrangler. The saying Easier than Toddler fishing becomes a base staple.
Jack and Miko suffer from Single Child Syndrome and have really small families or are too distant to actually interact with, so they really don't know about tiny humans under the age of kindergarten. It's Raf to the rescue.
The base fridge has a stock of lemon juice now because the internet had failed them with breaking the toddler's pacifier habit. Now the baby asks/demands a little cup of sour to dip their binky and suck on it.
June Darby has soooo many stories about bitty Jack, especially his imaginary friends and how he was little robber at vending machines to feed the animals outside. Not a thief because requires sneakiness. Oh no, Jack literally waited at the base of the machine for snacks to drop and darted away.
Because there's a smaller and far more impressionable human, there's parental locks on the TV now. Much to the kids' displeasure. Miko is trying to sweet talk Bulkhead into allowing full access to anime because of the sheer variety. Ratchet stopped it because of the sheer variety.
The base gets a lot of reruns around the Winnie the Pooh series. Specfically The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and the Book of Pooh. And the Muppets whenever the little one is around.
The moment Eeyore spoke on screen everyone now understand their excitement over Optimus. They think he's the donkey. Optimus and Eeyore do sound eerily alike...
Ratchet, despite his gruffness and initial upset at another human at the base, does have some ideas on DIY crafts for the baby when the kids are searching for activities to keep them occupied. As does Arcee from her old profession as a shopkeeper near a creche and an educational facility.
The Autobots made a little monster because of the invention of the Crane - a combination of a leash and a fishing rod. Now the baby would simply hide and sit just to have one of the 'bots activate the instrument to gently tug them across the floor by the designated overalls.
They also liked being dangled by the back of those overalls by a 'bot's pinched fingers. Practically wriggling and pretending to fly around like a superhero.
Because kids say the damnest of things and model the people around, it's hilarious to see a tiny rendition of Bulkhead, I needed that, complete with hand gestures. Ratchet absolutely denies looking like that and the baby mirrors that grouch. Including the scoff.
Instead of vroom vroom with toy cars, they mimic the beeps and chirps from Bumblebee.
They called Jack and Miko "old," so the bots are "dinos."
Likes pushing their books to Optimus because of his voice. He reads to them poems, nursery rhymes, and Dr. Suess. Much to their utter delight, he picked up Winny the Pooh for them.
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q-talations · 2 years
How to Eat Life LN Chapter 0 Translation
#0/ Past t(h)e=. horizon 
kako w(h)a dot kanata
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With a little push, he grabbed the iron bars with his right hand and did a kick over with his left foot up the bars. Otogiri Tobi stands on the bars, arms crossed. 
“Hey, Tobi…” The backpack on his shoulders giggles. “Just to be clear, but what you just did there is a bit weird, okay? You look like a lunatic.” 
Pretending not to hear the bag, Tobi scouts around the tiny kid’s park. Monkey bars. Slides. Two planted trees. Two benches. A water fountain. Road lights. A swing set for two. 
Two kids are sitting on the swing. Younger than Tobi, about fifth or sixth grade. They both put up a face as if trying to say, “What is that middle-schooler doing? Jeez.” 
“Told ya. Heh heh heh.” The snickering of the backpack stands out. 
Tobi clicks his tongue. “Shut up, Baku.” He counters in his mind.
He does not say it out loud. 
Those kids can’t hear Baku. Tobi is the only one that can communicate with this backpack. 
He jumps down from the bars. 
“You got nothing but a nimble body, exactly like a monkey!” 
Ignoring Baku’s non-stop teasing, Tobi climbed up the slides.
The kids on the swings lost interest in him and started playing with their phones. He leans forward on top of the slide—he used to be around this height back then. The slide is made of metal, making the numerous dents in it quite visible.
The yellow paint on the handle is peeling off. 
“Is this the place??” Baku whispers. 
“I wonder.” Tobi whispers back, pulling up his left sleeve. 
The screen of his watch bought from the pawn shop displays 4:59 PM. Tobi, a second-year middle school student, is not in any club, and he doesn’t go to cram school either. 
The facility closes at 5:30. 
“Won’t you run late if you don’t get back now?” Baku giggles as he speaks. 
Shut up, Tobi thinks and jumps down the slide. His shadow looks profusely longer with the backpack on him. 
The chime started ringing. It’s “Yuuyake Koyake”*.
*”Yuuyake Koyake” is a Japanese nursery rhyme.
A familiar melody. A tune we’re used to. 
Tobi gazes into the twilight sky. “...Piggyback.” 
“Huh? What?” The confused Baku is left questioning, and Tobi repeats his words.
That’s right, a piggyback. 
Tobi’s brother whispered a song while giving him a piggyback ride to the park.
“Hey, what’s that song you’re humming?” 
He tried to avoid Tobi’s question by giggling. 
“What’s that song~? Tell me!” Tobi begged while gently pinching his ears. “Come on! Tell me, what song is that?” 
“I just made it.” 
“You just did?” 
“Yeah. I just made that song up right now.” 
I remember very clearly. I’m reminded of it from time to time.
The slide. Tobi played on that slide countless times. 
His brother watched over him from the bench.
With his legs crossed, he squints. A smile appears on his face.
 They played on the swing, also.
The swing is for two, so his brother would swing next to him.
(Not “to” the park.  He would give me piggyback rides when we “went back home.”) 
He carried Tobi on his back when he’d get tired after playing in the park. On the road back home with the chimes of “Yuuyake Koyake,” he hummed a different song.  
Baku calls for him.  “Hey, Tobi.”  
Tobi walked out of the park without replying. 
There’s a two-story house in front of them.  
He tries to remember the route they took that day. 
Did we turn right, or turn left? Shit. I don’t remember a single detail. 
For now, he decides to turn right.
It was a small path, so narrow that you’d almost bump into the cars passing by. All the houses, with their faces to the path, look aged, and some even look ancient.
They see a barber shop, the barber's pole striped red, blue, and white in a helix. The walls are green, and the shop's name is Hatsushima.
It almost sounds familiar.
“What about here?” Baku asks. Tobi shakes his head and keeps walking.
He’s looking for an apartment building. 
Though unsure of where it exactly is, Tobi is pretty sure it's around this block. White-ish walls, a two-story apartment with exterior hallways and stairs. He lived on the 2nd floor with his brother back then. 
Tobi can’t remember exactly which room it was. He’s pretty sure it was on the corner, and he remembers what the interior looked like. 
Railings painted in black were installed onto the balcony.  
His brother always put him on the fence bars as he smoked.  The scene is deeply imprinted in his mind. 
He stands still in the middle of a crossroad. There’s a sewer hole directly below him. No matter how hard he tries to remember, the scenery feels unfamiliar. But, having been about 8 or 9 years since then, it’s not unusual for things to have changed.
“And what about here, Tobi?” Baku follows up. 
“You’re” —Tobi tries to hold back— “very annoying! Shut up!” He blew up, unable to restrain his anger. 
“...You don’t gotta get angry about it. My bad” Apologizing isn’t Baku’s style either.  
Tobi sighs as he turns back. It was at this moment that the old, black concrete wall caught his eye. 
There’s a little corner behind the walls. Dirty concrete walls. Corner. Weird. 
Tobi walked towards the corner. It bugs him for some reason. There’s a narrow lane beside it.  
One-story and two-story houses cram together on both sides. Houseplants line the curb; the utility poles are extra thin, and the wires sticking out almost cover up the sky. 
Then all of a sudden, Tobi’s heart throbs.
“I was here before……” 
Tobi ran through this alley that day. 
He was not alone. His brother was there too. 
He was dragged by his brother. They were in a hurry. They were being chased. Someone was chasing them. They ran. 
Why? Why are we being chased? Did we even have time to think?
He wonders. He can’t remember.
(What exactly happened? Did my brother explain? Did he even understand the situation in the first place? He doesn’t know. All I remember is we ran for our lives. That I am certain of.)
(It was getting dark. There were no other signs of life around us. Pretty sure it wasn’t entirely dark. Probably around sunrise. Or possibly sunset.)
The path connects to a slightly wider road. There are a few shops with overhangs on the right. They probably ran this way. 
It must’ve been painful. Tobi wasn’t running right now, but he felt the pain. 
He’s certain he whined a lot. 
I can’t. I need to rest. I can’t run anymore. Run without me. 
His brother must have cheered him on.
“Tobi. You can do it.” 
That’s right. 
I still got this. 
I have to run.
Can’t give up when my brother still hasn’t. 
The asphalt road gives way to a cobbled path. It’s an old shopping street. 
The shutter gates are all closed. 
I don’t remember this place. Did we take a wrong turn? 
We passed through the alleyway quickly. 
“It was here, wasn’t it, Tobi?” Baku tries to confirm with him. 
Tobi remains silent. 
It was here. I’m sure. Am I? We’re...downtown? Nothing stands out. It’s yet another common street. 
Was it really here? 
Tobi’s brother finally started carrying him.  
He might have started crying. 
He fell, and he couldn’t get back up. 
(That’s right. 
This is the exact place where I fell.) 
Tobi’s brother carried him up and kept running. “It’s all right!” 
His brother’s voice comes back to him. 
They could hear cars.
As his brother caught sight of the red lights, he cursed, and it seemed like the two of them turned back.
(It wasn’t just one or two that were chasing us. There was a ton.) 
(We were commanded by a man's voice. )
It didn’t happen right now, it’s what happened then. But Tobi still felt like a deer in headlights when reminded.
It’s unsettling how clearly I remember how it felt. 
Tobi held onto his brother and closed his eyes. 
The shout of the man shocked Tobi, and he opened his eyes in fear. The man stood in front of them. He had something in his hands. He pointed it their way. A loud bang echoed through the street. It was a great noise. 
(I couldn’t understand what the noise was back then. To think of it now, it was a gunshot.) 
The man had a gun. 
He shot at them. 
His brother staggered. 
At the time, he couldn’t imagine his brother would be shot.
But he was certain something happened to his brother. That was the only thing he understood. 
But his brother kept running while carrying him. He was limping heavily; it was obvious he was injured. It must’ve hurt a lot. 
How long have we been running since? It was longer than a few minutes. 20? Or 30 minutes? Even hours? 
His brother ran into a narrow alleyway between buildings. He set Tobi down. Maybe it was Tobi who asked to be put down.
In any case, Tobi was on foot, holding his hand. 
It was a damp, dirty place, and it smelled bad. There were countless outdoor units of AC above them, making noise. 
Tobi’s brother opened a door and pushed him inside.
“Hide right here.” 
“Keep quiet until I call you again. Got it? Promise me. Don’t make a sound.” 
His brother returned to the alley with Tobi hiding indoors. 
He tried to close the doors and Tobi was in great fear. 
I’ll be alone if I do as he says...No...I don’t wanna be alone...I wanna be with my brother... I don’t wanna leave him behind... But he is badly injured. It must hurt a lot, and I’m sure my brother is at his limit. 
I can’t do this. 
Tobi was dragging his brother down. 
I’m just a burden. I wanna be with my brother. I don’t wanna be alone. But I have to listen to what he says. 
Tobi opened his mouth to speak, but his brother put his fingers on his lips. “Shhhh...”
He couldn’t see his brother very well. In fact, he couldn’t see him at all. But somehow he felt like his brother smiled. 
Tobi nodded and kept his mouth shut. 
His brother closed the doors. It became dark. 
Tobi vividly remembers the darkness.. It wasn’t just “dark”. It felt like if he reached out he’d touch the shadows. 
The darkness was heavy. 
It was not because of the environment that Tobi couldn’t see. The potent darkness blinded him. It covered up his eyes, his ears, his nose, and his mouth.  
He was suffocating. 
The darkness leaked inside him. 
Tobi stuck his ear on the door, as he was losing consciousness. He could still hear the AC units making noise. The noise calmed him down as he was assured his ears weren’t fully covered. Soon after, he heard something else. 
Were they footsteps? 
A sound, like a big bang. 
Voices followed after. 
Someone was shouting.
Was it my brother? Or was it someone else?
Tobi desperately wanted to get out. 
He held the doorknob. He thought about going out countless times, but he never opened the door. 
Hide right here. 
The exact promise he made with his brother. He agreed to it. He refused to break that promise. He simply could not.
But, I’m scared. 
(All I could do was stay dead silent.) 
He crouched in the darkness, simply waiting for his brother. 
He will return. “It’s all right now, Tobi!” That’s what he’ll say. All Tobi did was trust his brother. That was all he could do. 
The room he was in was an entrance room with a staircase. It led somewhere downstairs. It might’ve led to the depths of the world. 
The bottom of Earth. 
He felt like something moved in the darkness from time to time. He wanted to scream so badly whenever that happened. He tried his best to keep himself quiet, and called for his brother in his heart. 
Onii-chan. *
Onii-chan, help me. 
Onii-chan, come back to me. 
Onii-chan, please be fast. 
Onii-chan, please. Please. Please come back. 
I’m right here. 
I promised you. 
I’ll do whatever you say. 
*"Onii-chan" means "brother" in Japanese.
Tobi had no idea how long he'd been waiting for his brother. 
Shaking in fear, hiding in the darkness, minutes became hours. It’s been 3 hours... 4 hours even? 10 hours? More? Half a day? A whole day? Had it been 2 days? Or had it been even longer? 
The door suddenly opened, and light poured in. The light was dazzling. His eyes hurt for a second, but that did not stop him in any way. “Onii-chan!” 
Tobi ran up the stairs. 
The doors were open. 
He ran out. 
The strong odor still remained. The alley was paved with concrete. Shades of red stains leaked from cracks of concrete. 
It was blood. 
He thought. He wondered whose blood it was. It couldn’t be. 
No way it’s my brother’s. 
It couldn't be. 
Tobi sat on the staircase in the darkness. He was alone. 
Someone opened the door. 
Who was it?
That’s right. It was him. My brother opened the door. There’s no way it wasn’t  him. My brother returned for me. He is here to pick me up. He came here to find me. He should be around. The one that opened the door, my brother, must be around. 
There he was. 
A man stood in the exit of the alleyway. 
Tobi shivered. 
That was not— 
That. Was. Not his brother. 
The man leaned toward Tobi. 
He was tall and he wore a hat. Tobi didn’t know what exactly the type of hat was. To think of it, it should’ve been a top hat. 
The man wore a long black coat with a scarf. The problem was his face. 
He only had a single eye. 
There was only an eye on his face. 
One single eye. (Hitotsume) 
That was the man’s face. Not even an eyeball. It was just a single eye. 
If Tobi remembered correctly, the man with one eye blinked. He does have eyelids in that case.
The man carried something, which seemed like a bag, on his shoulders. It didn't seem like he carried anything else. 
Tobi couldn’t spot a gun, at least. He wasn't one of the people that chased Tobi and his brother. It seemed they weren't related. 
In any case, he only had one eye. In other words, this creature might have been way more dangerous and unknown. He had a single eye, after all. 
The man handed the bag over to Tobi as if he’s telling him to take it. Tobi shook his head. For one, a man with a single eye is suspicious, and the bag wasn't Tobi’s anyway. Tobi just can not take something like “that”.
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The one-eyed man eventually leaned down. He placed the bag on the ground. 
A bag. 
He was pretty sure it was a bag. There was a strap which one could use to carry it. 
It was a big bag. 
Tobi stared at it for a while. 
By the time Tobi looked back up, he realized the one-eyed man was gone. Nowhere to be seen. Gone. It felt as if the man was never here to begin with.
But, certainly, he was here. 
The proof was right there. 
The bag remained. It was the thing the one eyed man had placed here. 
“It’s all his fault...” 
Tobi suddenly wanted to cry. It was all his fault. It was all the one-eyed man’s fault. Tobi couldn’t keep his promise to his brother because he opened the door. 
I should’ve waited until my brother called me...! 
Because of that man, Tobi broke his promise to his brother. 
Tobi was always a crybaby. He always cried even though it wasn’t a big deal. His brother always hugged him when Tobi cried. 
His brother never stopped him from crying. “Tobi, cry all you want. Cry until you feel better.” 
Remembering those words, Tobi’s tears stopped. Tobi has not shed a single tear ever since. 
He eventually reached out for the bag with hesitation. 
It was surprisingly light despite its size. Even the five-year-old Tobi could easily carry the bag over his left shoulder, just as the one-eyed man had. 
Suddenly, he didn't feel so alone anymore.
The blood stains continued outside the alley. 
“My brother is injured.” Tobi was certain. 
The blood stains were from his brother. His brother tried to escape from the people on his own. He must’ve planned to return when he confirmed it was safe, but something happened and he failed to return. 
If that is the case, I’ll be the one to find my brother. 
“I have to look for him.”
Translated by Q-talations
Find us on other socials: https://linktr.ee/qtalations
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sugarcoatedclouds · 1 month
CG! Latter Headcanons
-Reads poems and nursery rhymes as bedtime stories
-Loves playing pretend with the littles
-Won't judge anyone if they start crying because he knows how that feels
-Will even encourage the one(s) he's watching to show their emotions, even the unhappy ones and not bottle things up
-Will reassure them that crying, getting mad about things, etc is normal for everyone
-Loves listening to any sort of poems/stories the little(s) makes/make
-Feels like a giant fluffy teddy bear, lets the little(s) use him as such
-Also lets the little(s) touch his wings and sometimes antennas as long as they are careful and don't tug
-He is very aware how soft and floofy he is, so if petting him can calm a little down, he'll let them do that
-Has cute or charming nicknames for a little
-Will make a cute poem out of the little's name
-Has a quieter sort of voice for singing, that could instantly make someone tired
-Will definitely teach a little how to write poems and/or stories if they ask
-Usually will never raise his voice
-Especially good with autistic littles
-Guilty of coddling whoever he's watching quite a bit, even if they were to throw a fit but hey, he can't help himself, he can't stand seeing any little upset like that
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darthstitch · 2 years
Down in the Underground
Kids were creepy sometimes.
Sarah likes kids just fine, which is why she works at a nursery. It helps pay for her additional schooling and the rest of the bills. She knows perfectly well that one must answer the imaginary telephone, drink the pretend tea, exclaim at the deliciousness of the flower and rock salad and, of course, praise the drawings as masterpieces of art.
But sometimes, kids said and did the darndest and the creepiest things. Like the time her baby brother Toby, at 2 years old, talked about the "pitty lady" visiting him at night.
The "pitty lady" was Grandma Amelia, who died just two months before Toby was born. They'd figured it out when he kept reaching for a picture of their grandmother in her younger years.
There was also the time her cousin Anne's little girl once said, "I don't like this house, Mummy. I got sick here when I was an old lady and nobody came to help me."
Her cousins later learned that the house they were planning to buy used to belong to an old woman who died alone, as she'd been estranged from her family. Needless to say, Anne and her husband looked for a different house.
And there was Daniel, her next door neighbor Lyta's baby, who Sarah and her flatmate watched over sometimes when the usual babysitter wasn't available. Daniel was the sweetest little man, sunny-tempered and generally well-behaved, who had just discovered the wonders of crawling. Crawling, not walking, although Sarah figures with those strong little legs of his, it was definitely going to be a thing in the very near future.
So Sarah puts the kid down in his crib, for his nap, right? And her flatmate insists that they bring the crib out to the living room, just to make sure they always have an eye on him. No big deal - a healthy dose of paranoia where little kids were concerned didn't hurt anyone.
And without fail, once he's awake, she finds sand all over the crib and in his pockets. His mum complains about the exact same thing. She's pretty sure the kid's clean when she puts him down for his nap. But yeah. Sand. Go figure.
Her flatmate is no help at all. The first time this happened, Calliope just stared down at Daniel, who gazed back up at her with big innocent eyes and then, she muttered something in exasperation that sounded like "Ohneeross!" and then she laughed.
And then, Calliope tells her not to worry about the sand. They'll just sweep it away.
Now, it's this drawing by little Holly Wheeler. She's another sweet kid and usually did everything in bright pinks and purples. Her drawings are usually a riotous explosion of rainbow colors, which is typical for a little girl like her. And now, right in the middle of the pinks, magentas, yellows and purples, is a tall pale figure dressed entirely in black, with black messy hair and pure black eyes ringed with blue, except for where Holly attempted to draw yellow stars in them.
"Holly, who's this?"
"Oh, that's Mister Sandman."
Now, Sarah knows her fairy tales and nursery rhymes and she's very up to date on kids' cartoons. The last time she checked, the Sandman didn't look like Slenderman's Creepy Cousin. "Mister Sandman? He looks a bit scary, doesn't he? Looks a bit like Mister Nightmare to me."
Holly looked completely offended. "He's not scary at all! He makes pretty dreams and he sings with me and he even sent me the monster under my bed so I wouldn't be scared when Mummy turns off the light!" A beat. "His name is Mister Jargogle."
"My Lord?"
His Darkness, the King of All Night's Dreaming, was rather engrossed in the crafting of a new dream, so he might be forgiven for sounding a little distracted. "Yes, Lucienne, what is it?"
"There… have been an unusual amount of youthful visitors to the Castle lately."
"Not that I mind seeing little ones around but -- "
"Oh, Lucienne, is there another one of those dragonfish brabbles making nests in the library shelves? I'll have Mervyn put them in Fiddler's Green or… hmm… just a moment -- " A pale hand waved gracefully and a rather short, fuzzy-looking red-orange nightmare with golfball eyes appeared. "This is Snottor. I've been meaning to send him along to help you."
"Wakka wakka!" The Nightmare greeted.
There's a flap of wings as Matthew settles down on Morpheus' shoulder. The raven was rather proud that he'd finally gotten shoulder-perching privileges and made use of it whenever he could. "Hey, is that a Muppet?"
Lucienne shook her head. "I appreciate the addition to my staff, my lord, but the children -- "
"Children are often in and out of the Dreaming, Lucienne. I rather enjoy tending to their dreams; childhood is when much of their imagination and creativity are shaped and formed."
"Wakka wakka!"
"He looks a little bit like Fozzy Bear," said Matthew, flapping down to inspect the new Nightmare a little bit closely. "I always loved the Muppets. Kermit's always gonna be my main frog, y'know?"
"The children," said Lucienne, deciding that now was a good time to polish off her glasses, "all know you by name, my lord. And not through the stories you inspire, but they know you quite well."
"Wakka wakka!"
"Help!" Matthew cawed. "It's gonna eat me!"
Sarah might have forgotten all about Holly's grimdark Mister Sandman, chalking it up to a little girl's overactive imagination.
But here he was again, in another child's drawing.
This time, it was little Gregory Martens, who was in her afternoon class. He was a thin, quiet, withdrawn little boy, who usually shrank back from the rough-housing of the other children, preferring to draw or read quietly in a corner of the room. His mother had told Sarah that Gregory was especially close to his father, though he didn't see the man often, as he was in the military.
"This is Mister Sandman," Gregory explains. "I have bad dreams, sometimes. Usually about my Da." He sniffs. "I don't want him to come home in a box, like the way Mandy's mumma did last year."
"Does he make the bad dreams go away, Gregory?" Sarah asks him. Her heart hurts when he mentions "the box" and she pats his shoulder comfortingly.
Another sniff. Sarah hands him a tissue and helps him blow his nose. "Mister Sandman says that sometimes you just have to face the bad stuff in your dreams. I guess that means I gotta be brave, like my Da. Sometimes, Mister Sandman just walks me away from the box and just tells me stories."
"What stories?"
"I don't remember all of it when I wake up. But I think I will, one day."
Hob Gadling doesn't mind the damage to his clothes. He's watching his son, Robyn, finally making that important milestone from crawling to walking. The baby is clearly trying to stand up on his own, pushing up against the floor with chubby fists.
Finally, he makes it to a full standing position and Hob kneels, boisterously encouraging his boy onwards. Every detail of Robyn's face is so clear, the bright blue eyes that he'd inherited from his mother, the flaxen hair, the rosy, chubby cheeks. The little one takes one step and then another and then another, until he comes right to his father's arms. Hob sweeps him up bellowing with joy and the baby shrieks happily with him.
It is much, much later that Eleanor indulgently plucks the baby from his father's arms, because it's time for his nap and Robyn will be ill-tempered without it. Hob steps back and knows, without having to look, that Dream is there, right beside him.
"Thank you, love," Hob tells him, his voice thick. "I'd near forgotten what my boy looked like."
"It is the child's birthday today, is it not?" Dream draws him close and they take a moment just to breathe in each other's scent, before they sink into each other's embrace.
Hob's face is wet with tears when he wakes up but Dream is still there in his arms, waiting for him. There are whispered words of love and a sharing of memories and the deepest grief. There are clasped hands and kisses exchanged.
In the end, there is warmth, comfort and consolation.
Sarah sees the drawing of "Mister Sandman" again in another child's drawing, from the primary school classes, which were just next door to the nursery. He's in a few more drawings, as well, from different children, but the depiction is eerily the same - the tall slender figure always in black, amidst a riot of colors.
It was, she suddenly realizes, an honest-to-God meme among the nursery and primary school set. It was a freakin' creepypasta come to life.
Of course she takes pictures. Of course she asks the kids about the drawings, when she can. A dream of being a lady knight, riding to adventure on a dragon. A dream about the monsters in the closet or under the bed, or for one child, the monster who kept him company in his cupboard bedroom under the stairs. That one led to social services swooping in and taking the poor little boy away to finally live with his doting godparents, instead of the aunt who had so cruelly neglected him.
And then, she reads this story by her classmate and neighbor, Rose Walker, who'd gotten published in the university's literary journal. It's accompanied by an illustration, the artist signing his name as Will Byers.
"The King of All Night's Dreaming" was the title. A tall, elegant, pale figure in black and gold, jewelry sparkling in his hair, flashes of diamond and silver, with stars in his eyes, surrounded with colors.
The Guardians of the Castle Gate had loved the first child who was conceived and born in the Dreaming.
Their Lord had once walked out, seeking his son, only to find him held carefully, gently, in his Griffin's mouth. Orpheus was giggling, bright little sounds that warmed his heart. He had his father's eyes.
"The little lord wanted to play, sire," the Wyvern told him, a little abashed.
Morpheus was nonplussed but his little one was content and happy, and so he left them to it. Later, he knew that the little boy would come sit at his feet, happy to watch his father create dreams and nightmares. They would sing together, sing a song of shaping, and their delight would always draw in Morpheus' little sister to join them.
Rose Walker laughs when Sarah tells her about the "Mister Sandman meme" and points out the resemblance to the picture in Rose's story.
"Oh my god, I'm never gonna let him live this down."
"Okay, so, uhm, my friend Will just decided to draw someone we both knew as the Dream King in my story. It's kind of a joke. And well, I guess he really is magic with kids. Daniel just loves him."
"This guy," Sarah tapping gently at the ethereal figure in the picture, "is based on a real person?!"
"Yeah. He's very much real. Also he's not Slenderman. I think he'd be offended at the very idea." Rose paused for a beat. "Or maybe not. I really have to ask him about the nightmare thing."
"You're not making any sense here, friend and I'm still, quite frankly, creeped the hell out."
"Look, Sarah," Rose said, taking her arm. "I think you better come with me to my next class. You got the next couple of hours free, right?"
"Well, yeah, Richmond called off his classes today."
"Okay, come on."
Sarah realizes that Rose is leading her to Calliope's literature class. She hasn't had a chance to sign up for her flatmate's classes yet, though she's heard good things about it. She plans to do that next semester.
Calliope smiles at her in recognition when they take their seats. She's a great lecturer, animated and engaging the class in discussion. And then, she tells them that she's invited a guest to read some of Shakespeare's poetry for them, dark eyes impish with mischief.
And then, "Mister Sandman" glides in.
All right. So he's not Slenderman's Creepy Cousin. He's… okay, oh god, oh wow…. so Sarah feels the flush creeping up her neck and Rose rolls her eyes at her. What? She can't help it if the man is ridiculously beautiful, rocking out the Gothic vibe in the long black coat and the black boots.
He greets Calliope with a courtly kiss to her hand. "I hope you realize what you've done. He'll be terribly upset with me."
"Oh, I'm sure he will be, Oneiros," Calliope purrs. "I am also sure you'll enjoy every moment of making it up to him."
Some of the class, who were apparently in on the joke, titters.
"GO GET YOUR MAN, MURPHY!" Someone hollers.
There is a suspicious flush on those exquisite cheekbones but he simply shakes his head and then, does a little wave, when he notices Rose.
"You're hopeless, Uncle Dream," Rose calls out.
"Uncle Dream?!"
Rose nodded. "Yep, that's my Uncle Dream, who's a dork sharing his one braincell with my history professor. Now shush."
Rose's Uncle Dream takes the book of Shakespeare's sonnets from Calliope and reads.
"Reads" was an inadequate word for it. To be honest, Sarah's not sure if there was a word for how Dream's voice sounded, deep and rich and lulling, making her almost see the images evoked by every line. The class is spellbound for what seems to be an eternity, before he finally closes the book on the last line. There's a very audible sigh from everyone and it isn't long before they all applaud.
"Careful, Oneiros," Calliope teases him. "Or you might be snatched up for the theatre or teaching a class of your own very soon."
"In which case, I shall rely on my own dearest knight to save me from the ordeal," he responds, smiling gently at her. "Once I've apologized to him properly for the blasphemy of Shakespeare."
"I am sure he will, once you explain that he was very much in your thoughts whilst you read every line of that sonnet. You are besotted, Oneiros. And utterly ridiculous."
Once again, he kisses her hand in the same charming, courtly manner. "But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored and sorrows end."
"Oh, you're impossible!" She laughs at him as he takes his leave, sweeping out as dramatically as he walked in.
Sarah shrinks in her seat. Well. That happened.
There's another little boy making his way to the Dreaming.
Daniel Hall greets the wyvern, the griffin and the hippogriff with a happy crow and he's allowed to ride on the griffin's back, pudgy fists holding on to his mane. They spend quite some time playing until their attention is caught by a polite cough.
Dream of the Endless is watching them. An eyebrow is raised.
"The little lord wanted to play, sire," the Wyvern tells him once more in a helpful tone.
The Guardians are quite confused when Dream suddenly snatches Daniel up for a hug, nor did they understand the tears in his eyes, or
the sudden darkening of the skies in the Dreaming, threatening rain. Daniel only knows that he ought to hug Dream back, which he did, something that his own Mummy did when he was feeling sad.
He pats at Dream's cheek, making a clumsy attempt to wipe away his tears but Dream manages a soft, watery smile. "Shall we go and create a new dream today, little Daniel?"
Daniel nods happily.
Footnote the First: Sarah Williams was eventually introduced to the Hellfire Club and took to the whole D&D thing like a duck to water. She was also responsible for the sudden improvement in everyone's costumes and props. She did, eventually, find out who and what Dream really was, but that was only after her baby brother was snatched away by the Goblin King and she had to go through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered to take him back.
Footnote the Second: Matthew would like it to be known that Nightmares, even the ones that greatly resemble Muppets, are not allowed to eat His Majesty's Ravens. He appreciates Dream enforcing this rule and quite forgave him when all the Muppet Nightmares joined together to sing Bohemian Rhapsody as their idea of an apology.
Footnote the Third: Hob Gadling made sure to send Calliope a lovely bouquet of flowers, as a token of appreciation, once he'd heard about the "Shakespeare Incident" in her classroom. Dream had been very creative in the whole process of "making it up" to him, which was probably why it rained red roses, lavender and peonies in the Dreaming for the next two weeks. Hob could not be held responsible for the happy daze he spent the next day in. Twitterpated was probably the best word here and it was also an excellent word to describe the Dream Lord when he went about his duties afterwards. At least Lucienne now had a faithful assistant helping her clean up the flowers in the library, although he rather liked nibbling on the peonies. At least, he wasn't trying to eat Matthew anymore.
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luverofralts · 5 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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Edana paused, looking at the restricted chambers before her. Strangetown's Royal Cemetery was a sight few people ever saw in their lifetime. It was a private property that even historical researchers needed strict permission to enter, deep in the original ruins of Old Strangetown.
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If she wanted to sleep peacefully again, Edana needed to find out why her dreams were filled with her brother's screams. Only by confronting her past, would her future become clear. This was the closest she could get to Adam without dying herself. This plan had to work; Edana had no other ideas to fall back on.
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Edana entered the chamber where notable, non monarchs were entombed. It had been a kindness she could never repay to have Adam resting here. King Charley had been gracious to her when she needed him most. She'd been a lonely teenager living in a ruin of her brother's own making with nowhere to go. Entombing her brother in a safe, isolated chamber where no one could intrude and cast spells with his ashes was a kindness she hadn't expected and Adam hadn't deserved. The rest of her fallen coven had been buried in a secret location, and their bones had been caked in salt to prevent supernatural discovery, including those of Adam's children's mother. There was no other way to think of the birth mother of her niece and nephew. She was the woman who had laughed in Edana's face when she pleaded for her to leave the cult she'd sucked Adam into. She had a name and presumably a family of her own to be disappointed in her, but Edana didn't care. She'd give the name to her niece and nephew should they ever ask her about that woman, but the less Edana thought of it, the easier it was to pretend that she'd never existed in the first place. Not a healthy coping mechanism according to the therapist Charley had made her visit once, but it was working just fine for her.
The tomb was filled with tapestries and paintings of the deities who Strangetown worshipped over the centuries, each more intricate than the last. Snobby Pleasantview thought themselves to be the center of the universe, while Strangetown remembered the old ways.
She trailed her fingers along the wall, lost in her memories. There was magic here so old and dark, she couldn't even begin to comprehend it. It was the kind of old magic her brother had tried to tap into before he died, and now it would seal him to this place, protecting the world from his wicked ways.
When she thought of that ancient magic, an old nursery rhyme came to mind, one that she had learned before she could even read.
Lukas and Death, a dance of fate
One guards life, the other, death's gate
In the tapestry of night where destinies weave
Lukas protects, the reapers retrieve
And Old Alpheus, a cautionary lore
Of power lost forevermore.
Demons had conquered the land long ago, driving the aliens from their home and decimating society as it stood. One demon with piercing yellow eyes ruled over the land, rebuilding it in the image of the void. Alpheus ruled for several centuries without a challenge and then, in an instant, he was gone. Defeated. His empire decimated and an entirely new royal family installed. The lesson was to never rest, never assume that you were safe and that people followed you blindly. Once you did that, you were done for. It was a cruel lesson to learn as a child, but it was one that was needed. Edana had thought she was safe and in an instant, she had nothing. She was lucky to still be alive.
I wonder what would happen if Alpheus was ever summoned? Could he reclaim his empire? Was he even still alive?
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All of her musings died the instant she saw the familiar urn on the wall. How tightly she had once gripped that urn, sobbing into the smooth marble until all rational thought had left her. The portrait she had picked out herself. It was Adam as she chose to remember him, right after graduating and officially becoming a member of the Strangetown coven. Back before he broke their family.
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"Mom, Mother, I apologize for not visiting as often as I should. Vrai goes on and on about the futility of visiting here, but I know you can hear me. I know there is a connection between us that death cannot sever. We are descendants of demigods and my heart is strong. Nick, Tristianne, I call to you too. I miss you more than words could say. Medora is growing up into a beautiful young lady and it's my privilege to protect her for you two."
Charley lit one of the many candles in the room, whispering a prayer as he did so.
"Mother, things at home are stable. We're prospering even. I take my oath to protect our kingdom seriously, just as my daughter will one day as well. I miss you. So do Vrai and Jasone, even though one thinks crystal witchcraft is the right direction for his life and one...worships the ocean, I guess? Give me the strength to guide them back to the old ways or at the very least, try to keep Life out of the castle if that is within your control. Please?"
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Anna paused, giving her uncle privacy with his loved ones. He truly was devoted to preserving the ways taught to him by his mother. Anna had been taught those same ways in the afterlife with her grandmother and she couldn't possibly interrupt his spiritual time. Vrai wasn't entirely right about his brother's faith. While people couldn't speak directly to their lost loved ones, her grandmother was absolutely sharing a connection with her son. It was more of a warm feeling that spread across a soul than actual words, but that connection was there. It was holy and sacred and natural.
She avoided the urn to her left, the one with her portrait as the young girl she'd been when she died. It was an unusual sensation to stand next to your own grave, but it happened to reapers from time to time. There was still a sacred connection between her reaper form and her physical remains. That connection had made her children possible and tied them to her family.
Communion with the dead was sacred in this hallowed place, filled with the bloodline of the Toyonaga family. This connection was protected and revered and was not the reason why she had been called there.
Something else was happening, something perverse and wrong. Anna wasn't here to reminisce, she was here to work.
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"Why, Adam? Why did you have to ruin everything? Why couldn't you just listen to me?"
Tears rolled down Edana's face as she tried to reason why she was here. She had to figure out what was calling to her, but how could she even start when addressing her dead brother brought her to tears? Her brother had left a huge, gaping wound in her heart that would never heal, and the more she tried to ignore it, the deeper it cut.
"Eden, I'm sorry. Please believe me. I never wanted things to go this way."
A strange pressure on her shoulder jolted Edana from her thoughts. It was lighter than a bird would be, choosing her as a perch, but with an intensity that didn't make sense. Sensations of light and heavy, cold and warmth overwhelmed the witch as her brain struggled to comprehend the situation.
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"W-what? Adam? How...."
Surprise instantly melted into anger as Edana whipped around to confront the source of the sensations.
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"Turncoat! Traitor!"
Edana held her wand under the spirit's neck, daring it to move against her. She didn't personally know any spells to harm ghosts, as they were exceedingly rare, but she could easily bluff her way to safety, especially if this spirit were actually her brother. Out of the two siblings, Edana was the one who actually studied in school.
"Eden, it's me. I have to warn you of something. It's important and I don't have much time."
Edana bristled at the use of her childhood nickname. No one called her that. It was Adam's name for her and she'd destroy anyone else who tried to wield it against her.
"What could you possibly tell me?" she demanded of the spirit. "If you really are my brother, then I can't trust you! I watched you take in dark magic. You brought two lives into the world just to use their life-force to lure Death! Who does that? You're sick and a monster and I hate everything that you became! What could you possibly tell me that I don't know about you?"
The spirit hung his head in shame.
"Eden, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just-"
"Are you even going to ask about them? Your children? The two innocents who I have to lie to every time they ask about you and that viper who stole away your decency? What am I supposed to tell them, Adam? Because of you, we have no family left. Dad is gone, you're gone and every other member of our coven is burning in eternal fire for your crimes against nature! I'm completely alone because of you!"
"There's actually no eternal fire," Adam replied, choosing the less emotional item to give an answer to. "Anyway, listen. You don't know how much it took for me for me to get this far. Tell the kids hi, if you have to, but listen to me first. You're in danger. Strangetown is in danger. The Darktide line can't fall, and I'm sorry, but it all falls on you. All I can do is warn you."
"Warn me?" Edana seethed. "Like you warned me about destroying everything we'd worked for? About following Charlotte into madness?"
"Could you please listen long enough to hear my message of certain doom for our family? You never understood me or what we could have accomplished. We could have been gods. We could have remade the world in our image, but you never could see past your own limitations. You always have to be right, even if you're proven wrong."
"Me? Wrong? Excuse me, but who's the ghost here, and who's the leader of the Strangetown coven?" Edana demanded, earning an eye roll from her brother's spirit.
"You mean the position you got by sleeping with the head of the Pleasantview coven and because there was literally no one else left? Yeah, you're a real star," Adam remarked. "I'm sure Dad's real proud to have Pleasantview Maricourt grandkids. They've always been wonderful to our family."
"You traitorous piece of shit!"
"Better than being the whore of a Maricourt!"
The two siblings quickly devolved into the same squabbles that had defined their relationship in their youth, completely lost in their anger. Neither one of them heard the slight flapping of black wings or felt the gaze of the undead creature that watched them.
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"Charley! I finally found you! I need to warn you about something!"
Leo Toyonaga ran to his uncle, but the king could sense that something was off. Firstly, Leo usually addressed him as "Your Majesty" even when the king had pleaded with him to stop while not in the public eye. Secondly, the few times that Leo listened to his request, it was always "Uncle Charley". Leo's father had drilled lessons on etiquette and royal behavior into him growing up and the poor kid even called the mailman by the title on his palace employment contract. "Uncle" was still a title he could use, which meant that the person in front of him was not his nephew-at least not a nephew who was in control of himself.
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"Something bad is coming. Strangetown needs to prepare. You need to give me clearance to speak with the army. You have to give me funding to prepare. I can feel something happening, you need to-"
"Lukas, enough with the games," Charley sighed, rubbing his temples. "Release my nephew. We had a discussion about possessing my family, along with all the other boundaries you promised to adhere to. Leo may be 'destined' to work with you, but as long as he's in my country, he's my subject, and you will cease your aggression against my subjects!"
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"That's the thanks I get for trying to warn you about something big? Fine, enjoy your painful deaths, the afterlife's a great place to spend eternity. You'll love it."
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"Lukas, what the hell? You promised not to possess people again, especially not me! We talked about this. There's ways to contact the royal office without stealing bodies."
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"I came to warn you," Lukas repeated angrily. "Do you need me to fill out paperwork when something is wrong? I have a family of my own to get back to, you know."
Charley rolled his eyes. He'd heard this story before. The one time Lukas had submitted paperwork to the palace, it was a note signed from the former queen, telling her son to release a set of tiaras to the deity. Charley had firmly refused the demand easily enough, and no other posthumous notes had ever come his way.
"Then just the highlights are fine," Leo replied, shaking his head to try to shake off the psychic control. "I'm sure your family is missing you."
"There's something old coming," Lukas declared irritably. "There are currents in the Ocean, surely you can feel them too. Strangetown is right in the storm's path. The Islands too. You need to prepare for the worst. I don't think deaths have been scheduled yet, but that time is coming. As my eyes and ears in the living realm, I need you to be on alert, Leo. The ghosts of Strangetown cannot return, if that's what this is."
"Ghosts?" Leo repeated. Behind him, his uncle was nodding solemnly.
"As protector of this land, I will do anything to prevent that," the king swore. "That darkness will never return."
"Let's hope not. I'll be back when I have more."
With those words, Lukas vanished from view, leaving uncle and nephew perplexed.
"What the hell does that mean?"
"Spirit! You are not permitted to be in this realm! You will return with me this instant and submit to a formal review of your actions. It is forbidden to return to this realm after death. Do not speak with the living and prepare to be returned to where you have left."
Edana was startled at the sudden appearance of a reaper and even more surprised that she recognized the celestial being. Anna Goldman had her hands out, leeching the energy that made up Adam's form to drain him of his power.
While she had always known that Anna's job required her to guard and maintain the afterlife, Edana had never actually imagined how that might look in practice. The shy mother of three looked nothing like the woman Edana had met at a family dinner. This creature was eerily beautiful, strong and as infinite as the stars themselves. No wonder her brother had wanted that power for himself. It was intoxicating to see.
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"Eden! Eden, look for a reaper named Atem! The one from the old stories! He's in Arkhelios, he knows what's going to happen!"
Edana frantically searched her memory for a story about a reaper named Atem, while trying to hold on as long as she could to the flickering image of her brother.
"He can help! If you want to find out who killed the Twikkii Island royals and make your idiot husband look like a hero, find him! That-that guy Dumbass Josh married, he's seen-"
"The lost son of the Grim Reaper? For god's sake, Adam, the Grim Reaper killed you and now you're after his son? The one who hasn't been seen in centuries? What's wrong with you?"
With an apologetic smile, Anna lifted her hand, directing Adam's spirit back towards the afterlife and then faded away herself, leaving Edana suddenly alone in the tomb.
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"Adam? Can you still hear me?"
When her question was met with silence, Edana felt herself release the tension in her shoulders. Whatever had happened was now over. Adam was gone, and hopefully, her dreams about him would be too.
How on Earth had her brother snuck out from the afterlife? What unholy sacrifice had he made to yet again thumb his nose at the Grim Reaper? The next family dinner at the Goldman's was going to be awkward, that was for sure.
Sorry, Anna, my idiot brother broke the rules again to probably harass your boss in some way. For some reason, I thought being dead would stop him.
But what was so important that Edana needed to be warned about? The explosion that had made Maura queen had happened over six years ago now and no one still had any real clue as to what had happened.
She would research this further then. There wasn't a nursery rhyme to memorialize Atem in Strangetown history, but she had enough of a memory to start with. He was the Grim Reaper's son, she remembered that much, and he hadn't been seen since what, the Demon Wars? Maybe longer? Had he been involved with the destruction of Alpheus? She couldn't remember. A trip to the archives was in order.
She needed time to unpack all of her feelings. Ewan would help talk her through this. He was good at breaking things down to a simple point and seeing through someone's lies. He also might understand Adam's insistence that his half-brother had seen something relevant to the threat. Leo had a lot of weird beliefs and stories, but as far as Edana knew, he was harmless. Connected to a sociopath deity, but otherwise harmless.
"Oh Adam, what have you gotten me into now?"
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