#prep school aesthetic
annafromuni · 6 months
A Dark Academia Favourite That Everyone Should Read
Dead Poets Society, written by N.H. Kleinbaum, based on the Tom Schulman film starring the beloved Robin Williams, is the epitome of academia in book form. I know its based on a film which would then bring up the debate of whether its place is in film or books, but I would say that it should be accepted as a multi-media entity of complete brilliance. Dead Poets Society is a short read at only…
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virtuosicstudyblr · 9 months
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state exam days 2/37
studying with a view today, making progress
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xoxodivalicious333 · 7 months
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Private School Life<3
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rhinestoneprincess · 9 months
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Just been in that preppy mood
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the-posh-life · 4 months
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thesummerof2004 · 10 months
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Forever wishing I was old money :/
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beatricethecat2 · 1 year
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Bering & Wells: Split Screen #341
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heather--moors · 9 months
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Chic librarian 📖
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arctic-hands · 10 months
I was lumped in with the goths during my school years*, and for sure I was horrifically depressed when I wasn't psychotically manic and had common interests like graveyards and depressing poetry and gory imagery and other morbid fascinations, but whenever I did hang out with the Goths (we weren't super super tight like BFFs or something but we got along when we hanged) I was a ridiculous contrast in fashion lol.
Standing in with a group of teenagers who for whatever quirk were all taller than me despite being around the same ages, who were wearing all black or the occasional blood red, in various states of the entirely casual-suitable for the opera fashion spectrum of fashion, often with multiple piercings and eyeliner at the very least,
was this barefaced and metal-less scrawny and smol being in a bright yellow graphic t with some stupid slogan of a meme that was outdated even by then, or a tie-dyed shirt with the Joe's Crabshack logo on it, and incredible baggy jeans that were held up by variously colored scarves because my body shape even while rail thin was awkward with regular belts and my pants would still slide down unless I tight laced a chiffon scarf as uncomfortably tight as I could around my waist, sludge gray Velcro shoes because my inconsistent growth spurts meant I had awkwardly sized feet and for whatever reason the only suitable shoes I could find in my size at the time were Velcro, occasionally a faux gold vaguely intricate Walmart bracelet around my upper arm because it made me feel Ancient Grecian, and the peace day resist ants was, because I was also in a M*A*S*H phase since I was completely fixated on the equally bipolar and similarly undiagnosed Hawkeye, I went to the army surplus store and bought an olive green boonie hat that might have come from the Korean war era but might have been from 'nam I don't remember and I was constantly wearing that everywhere.
Anyway there's no real point to this and I regret to inform you that I never took a photo when hanging out with the goths and it's not like smartphones were mainstream enough that any of us could afford one yet, but I'm just picturing this group hangout from the outside and how it must have looked lol
*(for all that meant in the high school era, cliques weren't really a thing by then and if you had friends you prolly had multiple groups of friends based on whatever specific common interest or just what class/lunch you were in, we were all impoverished as fuck so like. Elitism was never really a thing with some notable exceptions *cough*ableism*cough*)
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discoobsessedgirly · 1 month
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this is very mom coded for me. this is her chill vibe. naturally I took to it as well, just another one of my several aesthetics. It gives Abercrombie chill college girl with a prep bf who plays lacrosse.
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cookiebatter05 · 1 year
had a bad semester? how to prep for the next one
so many factors can lead to a semester that didn’t go as expected. you could have had a bad professor, bad health, personal or work problems- and it’s totally okay. it does not mean that you cannot recover from this. these are the techniques i use at the end of every semester to start the next one strong. 
1. breathe: it’s so easy to get caught up in a spiral and to think repetitive negative thoughts about yourself. however, this isn’t productive to help you understand where things went wrong and work on it before the next semester begins. try to breathe and accept that you cannot control the past, but you do have influence over your future. (side note: if you are struggling with depression/anxiety/mental health issues, please talk to a trusted adult or your school counselor to see what resources are available to help you! 
2. do something fun and relaxing between the two semesters to refresh and begin on a positive note! this can also be a time to focus on some self-care rituals that may have been overlooked during the hectic finals season. also! school isn’t your entire life, no matter how much we romanticize academia. use this time to hang out with friends/family, read a new book series, or binge that show.
3. take advantage of the break: there should hopefully be a break between the end of one semester and the start of the next one. use this time to deeply analyze the last semester. try to pinpoint where exactly you struggled. was it an online class and you weren’t used to studying self-paced? did you tend to leave readings and homework till later and cram? was the teacher/professor’s methods of teaching misaligned with your learning style? taking the time to understand the issue can really help you work on fixing it. additionally, you can take this time to prep for the new semester by pre-reading/learning any concepts that may seem more difficult. you have more time on your side right now and can go at your own pace to feel less stressed when you learn it in class!
4. make a plan: once you identify the issue that plagued you in the last semester, you can easily come up with a plan to fix it. if you found yourself falling behind, find a study buddy in your classes and hold each other accountable. if you find that your teacher/professor was teaching in a different way, be proactive about reaching out for help: many are willing to meet with you during office hours/before/after class to go over the material again and can provide you different resources that fit your learning style better. also, if you find that the problem was taking a too-heavy course load, speak with a counselor or advisor who may ask you consider dropping a class. it’s always better to be less stressed and take your time than to pile too much onto your plate. 
5. stay supported: find study buddies or friends and hold each other accountable for classwork and homework. you can also set up study sessions for any big tests and exams. don’t forget to talk and vent to people you trust whenever you are feeling overwhelmed. and always, always focus on your mental and physical well-being, you got this! :)
see you lovelies in 2023!
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virtuosicstudyblr · 9 months
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state exam days 4/37
it’s very satisfying to have good notes from past semesters that you can come back to, especially on your favourite topics
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xoxodivalicious333 · 8 months
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I wanna go to prep school <33
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heertohbadisadhai · 1 year
Me not studying the entire year and not going to school regularly only to realise that this stuff was actually interesting
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vampiresnackboy · 1 year
So I've been writing a fic. It's like if frerard married gossip girl and had a child named cinderella story that wanted to be a pinterest influencer for sleazecore.
Anyways here is the summery:
Frank Iero was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He goes to a private all-boys school which is supposed to be his ticket to an Ivy League college and eventually, a six-figure salary. With the pressure of his everyday life hanging over him; however, Frank falls in with a group of wild partiers.
Bert McCracken and his friends are also rich private school kids, but they don't seem to care about anything except for the newest drug craze and getting absolutely smashed as often as possible. While Frank tries to keep a balance between appeasing his family, and indulging in his vices, someone comes along who makes things a lot more interesting.
Gerard Way is just trying to survive. He's working two jobs to help put Mikey through Pencey Prep, dealing with his alcoholic mother and still trying not to become a high school dropout. Luckily ( or perhaps not-so-luckily) Gerard has rich friends in low places who may or may not be willing to help him out, for the right price.
Or: A frerard romance story against a backdrop of class warfare and lots of teen drama
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