#plus they came wrapped up with a little hot chocolate packet too
idubildino · 3 months
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love-takes-work · 3 years
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Donut Box for the Suspects
"I'll have one jelly donut with powdered sugar on the side; three chocolate frosted; one frosted chocolate; two chocolate-frosted chocolate; one Dog-Nut; medium well; one coffee with milk and sugar, hold the coffee."
You knew someone would do it, and that someone is always me.
See below for donut recipes and guidelines.
See more SU food tutorials!
I wasn't gonna do this because I've made donuts for this show before, but what can I say, I got inspired!
Remember at the beginning of "Sadie Killer," Steven came into the Big Donut and bought a big order for the Cool Kids?
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To be clear, this was his order:
"I'll have one jelly donut with powdered sugar on the side; three chocolate frosted; one frosted chocolate; two chocolate-frosted chocolate; one Dog-Nut; medium well; one coffee with milk and sugar, hold the coffee."
Dang Steven
This turns out to be rather a lot of work for me! There are three different donut types in there with three different topping styles!
This tutorial will be broken into five parts:
Jelly Donuts
Chocolate-Frosted Donuts
Chocolate Donuts
Chocolate Glaze
Jelly Donuts
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour (divided into 1/2 cup plus 3/4 cup)
1/8 cup granulated sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
Half a packet of rapid rise yeast (about 3.5 grams)
1/3 cup warm milk (about 110° F/ 43° C)
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided into half tablespoons
1 egg yolk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
Some jelly or jam
Some granulated sugar for dusting
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Whisk together the 1/2 cup flour, sugar, yeast, and salt in a large bowl. 
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Add the warm milk. Melt 1.5 tablespoons of the butter (leaving the other half tablespoon for way later). Add the melted butter in with the egg and vanilla, and combine it well with your whisk. Cover with plastic wrap and let it sit at room temperature for about 10 minutes. It should get some little bubbles in it by the end of the wait.
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Add in the remaining 3/4 cup of flour and knead for 5 minutes. It shouldn't be sticky but if it is, add a small amount of flour. When you're done, let it rise for 1 1/2 hours covered in plastic wrap, or until doubled in size. You can accelerate this by putting it uncovered on a baking sheet in the oven at 100° F/38° C for 45 minutes instead.
Now roll the dough out on a floured surface to around 1/2” thick. Cut 2 1/2-inch rounds with a biscuit cutter. Re-roll the scraps. This makes 6 to 9 donuts.
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Let these guys rise one more time on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper under a kitchen towel: either room temperature for 45 minutes or in the 100° F/38° C oven for 20 minutes.
Bake them in the center rack of a preheated oven at 375° F/190° C for 10 minutes (until the tops turn golden).
Melt your remaining butter and use a pastry brush to butter each bun when they come out of the oven.
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Then dip their tops in sugar.
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Cut a deep slit in each donut and pipe the jam in with a pastry bag.
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They are done!
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In the donut box, the pictured jelly donut has a nice tan glaze. You can melt caramel or use melted butterscotch, but I just reused some chocolate buttercream frosting I already had for the photo.
Chocolate Glazed Donuts
1 cup flour
3/8 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 smidgen ground nutmeg
1 smidgen salt
3/8 cup buttermilk
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/4 tablespoons vegetable oil
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This is a tiny batch of 6 donuts and we're using a baking pan. This will bake at the same time, in the same pan, as the chocolate donuts up next.
Preheat the oven to 325° F/160° C). Spray a donut pan with nonstick cooking spray or oil.
In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients: flour, sugar, baking powder, nutmeg, and salt.
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In another bowl, stir together the egg, buttermilk, vanilla, and oil. Whisk until combined, then pour the wet batter into the dry batter. Whisk together.
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Put the dough in a piping bag and fill each donut hole about 3/4 full.
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Since we are baking chocolate donuts at the same time, I'll pause this recipe here, but if you're only making these and not chocolate donuts, bake them for about 8 minutes and let them cool in the pan a while before turning them onto a cooling rack and frosting.
Chocolate Donuts
1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup brown sugar packed
1/2 cup buttermilk, room temperature
1/2 cup plain prepared coffee
1 egg, room temperature
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup butter, melted
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Preheat the oven to 325° F/160° C if it's not already preheated from the previous recipe.
In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients: flour, baking soda, salt, unsweetened cocoa powder, and brown sugar.
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In another bowl, whisk together the buttermilk, coffee, egg, and vanilla. 
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Pour the wet ingredients into dry ingredients. Stir, not too comprehensively--just enough to mix. Then stir in the melted butter--again, do not overblend.
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I tried to use a pastry bag again to fill the other 6 donut holes, but this batter is WAY runnier. I recommend a funnel with small amounts premeasured or a turkey baster to fill the holes. Very sloppy but rich!
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Bake the donuts for about 8 minutes.
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Let them cool in the pan and then turn them onto a cooling rack.
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You are ready to glaze them!
Chocolate Glaze
1/4 cup chocolate
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 teaspoon honey or agave
1 teaspoon water
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Put all the ingredients in a medium bowl and melt in the microwave. I only needed two 20-second bursts to melt it down.
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Stir, and dip donuts!
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One donut in the cartoon's box looks like it's vanilla frosted. You can make white frosting if you prefer by melting a couple tablespoons of butter, adding about half a cup of sifted powdered sugar, and splashing in a few tablespoons of milk or cream (or water) and a little vanilla extract. But I just used some leftover buttercream frosting I had in the house since it was just one donut. (I put some cocoa frosting on a couple extra donuts too.)
Time to put everything in the box for the Cool Kids! (Who, unbeknownst to them, were about to become THE SUSPECTS in Sadie's new band!)
First, I had to microwave a hot dog (well, veggie dog!) because SOMEONE ordered a dang Dog-Nut.
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This Dog-Nut, if you notice, is different than it looks in the ad for this product. I have made Dog-Nut before and it usually has more variety in the donuts, sprinkles, and a stripe of frosting mustard. This version from the pictured order is just three chocolate frosted donuts connected with a hot dog. Oh well.
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Then I added in the other boxed donuts: a jelly, three chocolate frosted, one chocolate frosted, and two chocolate frosted chocolate.
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I also notice that someone ordered coffee with cream and sugar (which is just sugary milk??).
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Sadie was perplexed. So am I.
I just took the order as dictated and added the powdered sugar on the side too.
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That's it! Donut box for the Suspects!
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Sugar milk is pretty tasty by the way. Great for eating with these rich chocolate donuts!!
See more SU food tutorials!
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crying-gay-tears · 4 years
Brighter Than the Sun Ch. 5
A night of silly fun before the end of the semester!
Full work
As a treat, here’s a playlist of all the songs they sang at karaoke!
It was a late autumn afternoon, a chilly wind sent leaves skipping across the pavement and shook the almost bare branches of the trees dotting the campus grounds. Another long day of classes had Gon walking home at the end of the day with tense shoulders and a slight headache. He was almost to his building when his phone vibrated in his pocket. It was an email from mail services telling him that a package had arrived and was waiting for him. He checked the time and had about 15 minutes before mail services closed for the day, so he quickly changed direction and headed towards the administration building.
He made it in the nick of time and walked home with the package under his arm and an extra spring in his step, excited to see what goodies awaited him. When he finally made it into his dorm, Killua was sitting on the couch surrounded by open text books and papers. He was holding his phone to his ear with one hand and pinching the bridge of his nose with the other. 
“Yes mom, I did that already. Yes. Gotoh emailed me the flight information this morning. No, I haven’t yet. Just get off my back, okay?! I’m in college now, I’m not a little kid. Well I don’t care! Fine, whatever. Yeah, I’ll see you then. Bye.” He sighed and hung up. 
“Jesus, that woman really knows how to get under my skin. I swear it’s like she lives to make my life more annoying.” 
Gon walked over to the couch, gently pushing some papers aside so he could sit.
“Everything okay?”
He cut his eyes to the side. “Yeah. Pretty sure she just wanted to be nosy and annoying, but making sure I had my shit together for winter break was a nice cover.”
Gon chuckled and shifted to get more comfortable, dropping his backpack to the floor and resting the package in his lap.
Killua scooped up some loose papers and closed the books in front of him, then stretched out on the couch. “What’s in the box?” 
Gon smiled, holding it in front of him like a prize. “It’s a care package from Aunt Mito!” He rested the box on the couch between them, peeling at the tape along the edges. 
It opened to reveal layers of tissue paper and an assortment of treats. Gon pulled out a card, tucked it into his backpack to read later, and then started unloading the rest of the box’s contents.  “Let’s see, there’s some fruit snacks, some gummy worms, two mangoes, a pack of pens--thank goddess I really needed those!-- some herbal tea and hot chocolate packets, and oooh! Yes!!!” He cheered, pulling a large foil wrapped rectangle out. “A loaf of her homemade banana bread, it’s my favorite!” He placed it on the coffee table and gave it a reverent pat before pulling the last item from the box. “And here, this is for you!” 
Killua paused, his expression unreadable. “For... me?”
“Of course! She wouldn’t just send me a bunch of stuff and leave you out!” 
“But...why--I-I mean...how...” he trailed off, at a loss for words. 
Gon just laughed cheerily “Of course I told her all about you! You’re my best friend!” 
A blush spread across Killua’s cheeks. Gon smiled and handed him a small metal tin. It was blue--his favorite color--and his name was scrawled across the lid in loopy cursive with a heart next to it.
Curious, Gon watched as he pulled the lid off. Inside was a chocolate robot surrounded by a dozen homemade chocolate chip cookies. Killua blinked, his eyes grew wide.
Gon stared at him, a huge smile plastered on his face. “Those are her famous cookies! They’re the best, and she only makes them for special occasions. You’re very lucky!’ His lips pulled into a sneaky grin. “I’ll trade you some banana bread for a cookie!”
Killua looked up from the tin in his lap. “Not a chance, Gon.”
He pouted. “But Killuaaaa! Please?!” 
“Uh-uh. She made these special and delicious cookies just for me! I simply cannot share them.” He bit into one and groaned happily.
Gon grinned, yep, those were definitely Mito’s famous cookies. He was so happy Killua got to taste them, if a little jealous that Mito didn’t send any extra for him. Before he could argue and beg for even just a bite, his phone went off in his pocket. He fished it out and had a text from Kurapika. Oh! He almost forgot!
“Killua, get dressed, we gotta go!”
He managed a “Huh?” around a mouthful of cookie.
“I’ve got fun plans tonight, and you’re coming!” He started packing things back into the box.
Killua swallowed. “What? Gon, what are you talking about? I’ve got stuff to do-”
Gon stood and held a finger to his lips, shushing him. “The cookies can wait, Killua, there’s fun to be had! Plus, I’ve been wanting to finally introduce you to some of the friends I’ve been telling you about!” 
Killua stuffed another cookie into his mouth and crossed his arms. He locked eyes with Gon and put on his best poker face. Gon stared right back, unwavering. 
Killua sighed. “I don’t have a choice, do I?”
Gon just giggled and skipped towards his room to get ready.
The setting sun silhouetted the skyline of York New City, casting long shadows across the street. Killua shivered and wrapped his jacket tighter around his torso, the chill in the air raising goosebumps on his arms. They were walking down Main street, and though Gon assured him that they were almost to their destination, he still had no idea what that destination was. He opened his mouth to complain just as Gon came to a halt on the sidewalk.
“We’re here!”
Killua glanced up, YNC Karaoke Bar glowed above them in red neon letters.
“Gon, you’re joking, right?”
“Nope! It’s gonna be so much fun!” Gon poked his tongue out, and pulled open the door. 
With a sigh, Killua followed him inside. The bar was not at all what he was expecting. There was no stage anywhere, just a long hallway with lots of doors on either side. The bar itself was pretty small, a few people were in line to order drinks, and some lingered in the space around it. Music thumped through the air, but it was muffled and unintelligible. The walls were lined with old license plates and tall red lamps stood in every corner. 
Gon looked around for a moment and then his face lit up. “Kurapika!” He waved and made a beeline for the bar. Killua followed behind, watching as a man with shoulder length blonde hair waved in their direction. 
Gon skipped up to him and gave him a quick hug. The man, Kurapika, looked a little surprised by the contact, but smiled nonetheless. Gon was beaming. “Kurapika, this is my roommate Killua! Killua, this is my lab partner Kurapika!” He motioned between the two of them as he spoke, and Kurapika offered a hand which Killua shook. 
“Nice to meet you Killua, I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Killua felt heat rise in his cheeks, but he managed a smile. “Likewise”
Gon looked around the room again. “Where’s Leorio?”
Kurapika motioned over his shoulder towards the bar. “He went to get some drinks from the b-”
“Oi! Gon!!” A loud voice bellowed from across the room, and a tall man with dark hair and glasses greeted them shortly after. 
“Leorio!” Gon launched forward into a hug, almost spilling the drinks in Leorio’s hands. 
Leorio just chucked. “It’s good to see you too! And who’s this?” He asked, voice still booming despite their proximity. He motioned to Killua. “Is this the one you talk about all the time? Killua, is it? It’s nice to finally meet you!”
Killua awkwardly rubbed at the back of his neck. “Yeah, that’s me. Nice to meet you too.” 
Gon was smiling like an idiot. “Killua, this is Leorio, Kurapika’s roommate!”
Kurapika’s side eye was sharp when he said “Yeah, I had a room to myself until someone got kicked out of their own dorm.”
Leorio laughed boisterously, sipping one of the drinks he was holding. “I didn’t get kicked out, I chose to leave for my own sanity, and the safety of my former roommate.”
Killua quirked an eyebrow. 
Kurapika rolled his eyes. “He punched his old roommate in the face, and the dean said he had to find a place off campus because all of the dorm rooms were full. Unfortunately, I had previously made the mistake of mentioning to Leorio that I managed to score a room to myself for the year.”
“It’s not my fault! Tonpa is an asshole, and needed to be put in his place!”
“Yes, and being the divine bringer of justice that you are, you sacrificed your own housing to do so.”
Leorio stuck his chin up, “I regret nothing.”
Kurapika sighed and rolled his eyes, Gon just chuckled. 
“So,” Killua started, shifting from foot to foot, “how do we, uh… what is this place?”
“Ah, yes!” Leorio handed a drink to Kurapika and motioned to the long hallway behind them. “Our room is reserved and our time slot starts in,” he glanced at the watch on his wrist, “shit, right now! Let’s go!”
They headed down the hallway and stopped at a door midway down on the left. It opened to reveal a dimly lit room with an L shaped leather couch against the wall.  Circles of rainbow colored lights shone on the walls and reflected in the disco ball turning slowly overhead. A karaoke machine was set up on a tiny stage in the front of the room, and tv screens hung in both corners over it. When they stepped inside a server showed up and greeted them. She handed them menus and showed them how to operate the karaoke machine. 
She left briefly and returned with sodas for Gon and Killua and some cheese fries for everyone, and then they were left alone to sing their hearts out. Well, Leorio and Gon sang their hearts out. Killua mostly laughed and recorded their performances while Kurapika heckled their dance moves. After a particularly rousing rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody, they both flopped onto the couch, exhausted. 
Leorio chugged the rest of his drink. “Kurapika! I’m going to order another vodka cranberry, and then you’re gonna sing with me!” 
“Absolutely not, Leorio. Unlike you, I refuse to make a fool of myself.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll just keep buying you drinks until your ass is drunk enough to sing something.” Leorio teased and then poked his head out of the door to flag down their server. 
Sure enough, a few drinks later and Kurapika was standing up, mic in hand and singing.
“I got guns in my head and they won't go. Spirits in my head and they won't go...”
After a dramatic performance that Kurapika would later deny ever happened, he had a seat and switched to water for the rest of the night. 
Gon was midway through his performance of Wannabe by the Spice Girls, when he locked eyes with Killua who had been quietly singing along from his spot on the couch. Shit.
When the song wrapped, Gon walked up to him and grabbed his hands, trying to pull him up off the couch.
“Come sing with me Killua! I saw you singing along, you know you wanna try it!” 
Gon hadn’t been drinking, but he was still so excited and silly, the energy of the room and the songs clearly had him riled up. 
“Come on Killua!” Leorio urged. “If Kurapika can do it you sure as hell can!” He started chanting.  “Kil-lu-ah! Kil-lu-ah! Kil-lu-ah!” Gon immediately joined in, but it wasn’t until even Kurapika joined the rally that he finally gave in. 
Killua sighed. “Ugh, fine! I’ll sing a damn song with you. But only one, and no recording you bastards!” He looked pointedly at Kurapika who was already aiming his phone at the stage. 
Kurapika chuckled and tucked his phone back into his pocket, meanwhile Gon was already back at the karaoke machine picking the song they would sing. 
“Nothing cheesy Gon, I mean it!”
He laughed. “Just trust me Killua!”
The karaoke machine counted down from 5 and Gon quickly pulled Killua to his feet and up onto the stage. 
An upbeat riff played through the speakers and Gon took the first few lines while gazing directly into Killua’s eyes.
“Oh don’t you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me. I said you’re holding back, she said shut up and dance with me! This woman is my destiny, she said oh oh oh, shut up and dance with me!”  
Killua recognized the song immediately and sang the next few lines, letting the music drown out his nerves. 
“We were victims of the night. The chemical, physical, kryptonite. Helpless to the bass and the fading light, oh we were bound to get together, bound to get together!” 
They continued singing in earnest, jumping around to the beat and dancing together. As weird as it was to admit, Killua was actually having a great time. The room seemed to melt away and Gon kept grabbing his hands and pulling him in closer. The song was obviously a man singing to a woman, but the pronouns didn’t seem to matter to Gon as he serenaded Killua.
When the song came to a close Gon wrapped him in a hug as Leorio and Kurapika stood and cheered. They stepped off the stage and they all took their seats on the couch. 
“That was awesome you two! Hell yeah Killua! I’m glad you joined. Now that I’ve seen what you can do, you’ll never get away without singing! You either Kurapika!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Leorio. I’ve never sung a song at karaoke in my life. Nor will I ever.”
“Bullshit! If you think I’m letting this go you’ve got another thing coming! Gon as my witness!”
“We all saw you Kurapika, I’m pretty sure there’s even photo evidence…” Gon teased.
“What?! Destroy it!”
As their conversation dissolved into silly bickering, Killua just watched with a smile on his face. It was a surreal feeling, being welcomed by them all with open arms, and he was already so comfortable with them. It felt so...natural. Was this what true friendship felt like? 
College was seriously amazing so far. With a little space and freedom he’d found out more about himself, and now he’d found people that he could actually be himself around. It was a whole new world, so different from the one he’d known before. Was it real? Would it last? Could he really make his own way, be his own person and live his own life?  And was this what that life could be like?  Full of people that cared for him and made him feel happy and at peace? First the care package from Mito and now this? Looking around, it was like he was in a perfect bubble. 
And in two weeks, that bubble would burst, and he’d be back home, surrounded by his family. His real family who somehow felt a lot less like a family than the people he currently shared a booth with. 
Leorio raised his glass and called for a toast, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“To good beer, good friends, and a good life!” He declared, cheeks flushed from the alcohol. They all raised their glasses and toasted, Gon was giggling as if he were tipsy from his virgin shirley temple.
Kurapika smiled. “This was a great last hoorah before finals.”
Killua nodded in agreement, “Yeah I definitely needed this to help get me through all the boring reading.” 
“Finals?” Gon chirped, a confused look on his face. 
Killua quirked an eyebrow, “Yeah? They're starting next week?” Had he really forgotten about finals?
“Wait, WHAT?” He gripped the edge of the table. “I thought they were in two weeks!” 
Kurapika sipped his water, “No, two weeks is when Winter break begins. We’ve got finals coming this Monday and then break starts the weekend after next.”
Gon was flabbergasted. “B-but--”
Killua snorted. “Why did you think I’ve been surrounded by piles of books and notes in the common room all week?”
Gon was starting to look pale, his eyes were darting between the three of them like he was desperately looking for something and he couldn’t find it. 
 “I haven’t started studying at all yet! I can’t believe I didn’t realize--wait, what day is today??”
“It’s Friday, Gon.” Killua said, trying to keep his tone neutral so he wouldn’t laugh. Gon was practically vibrating beside him.
“Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh no, I’m totally fucked!” He tugged at his hair, eyes wide. 
Killua had never heard Gon swear so much, even Kurapika was hiding a surprised smile.
Leorio took a large gulp of his drink and puffed his chest out. “It’ll be okay Gon, don’t worry! You have all weekend to prepare, you’re a smart guy, I’m sure you’ll be fine!” 
Gon didn’t respond, he just stared into the middle distance, mouth set in a tight line. Killua could almost see the gears turning in his brain. 
He stood suddenly. “I gotta go.”
Leorio tried to intervene, “Gon, it’s late! You can start in the morning with a fresh mind--”
“I can’t waste anymore time! I’ve gotta go!” His expression was a mix of panic and determination. 
He nudged Killua’s shoulder and he stood to let him out of the booth.
They all watched as he scrambled out the door without another word. 
“Welp,” Killua raised his soda again, “to Gon! Godspeed!”
“To Gon!” their glasses clinked. 
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hypmicscenarios · 5 years
Rainy Days w/ Jyuto
a/n: its raining and youre just waiting for your boyfriend to come home,using they/them pronouns again, very fluffy, 2K words
12:00 pm.
You looked at your phone,checking your notifications, then setting it back down. Ugh, you could hear the rain outside your window. Even worse, you could feel how cold it was. It made you want to do absolutely nothing. You pulled the blanket over your head and groaned into the pillow. Why wasnt Jyuto here? No. You knew why. It was because he was at work and took up the morning shift. Of course, there was less room for complaint. He would be home in the evening, but what were you supposed to do with yourself. You missed him.
Still staying underneath the warm cocoon of the blanket, you peeked your hand out, patting down for your phone, taking a couple times before you felt it, pulling it in. You opened it up to your home screen, smiling at the selfie you took of the two of you on your date. Jyuto had a soft smile on his face, you an even bigger one, complemented with a peace sign. God. You loved him so much.
Sighing happily, you remember him waking you up for a bit in the morning. You had scolded him on that. Even if you were in the deepest of slumbers and looked as comfortable as a kitten, you always wanted to kiss him goodbye, tell him to be safe at work, and that you loved him. Especially with his line of work, you had to say it at least once everyday.
Suddenly, your phone vibrated and you looked at a message from “Jyuto <3”
Jyuto: Honey, I know the rain makes you lazy but dont forget to eat lunch. I made a bento for you before I left. It should be in the fridge, I love you.
You read and bit your lips, almost tearing, than planted your face in the pillow as you silently screamed. How did you get such a good man?? You wondered that still to this day, you always would. Jyuto always reminded you why though. Your love for this man would never cease and you hoped his love for you wouldnt either.
y/n: thank you so much babe!!! I love you, what would I do without you?? :,)
Jyuto: I dont know but I would hate to imagine a life without you by my side
y/n:  I wouldn't be able to live. Do you get off at 5 pm?
Jyuto: I do. As soon as I do I’ll make my way back. Since its raining, the usual?
y/n: !!!! take out and movie and cuddles on the couch?
Jyuto: of course my love. Im off break, now go eat.
y/n: I will! Good luck stay safe!
Well. That was enough to kick you into gear. You scrambled out of the covers and got up, going to wash your face, brush your teeth, checking your social media, replying to anyone you didn’t to the night before. Your mind moved towards the bento, wondering what foods he put in there, probably your favorites. He always did. Jyuto remembered every little single detail about you. You wouldn’t fault him for forgetting some things because even your memory was horrible and fuzzy at times. With  Jyuto, however, that never seemed to be the case.
Once you were all good to go, you changed into warmer clothes….aka some grey sweats and one of Jyuto’s black sweatshirts that was way too big on you, but it made it all the more comfier. Plus, it smelled like him. When you opened the fridge, your guess was correct as you took out the bento, placing it on the kitchen island, then thinking.
“Hot chocolate!”, you finally said, looking into one of the cabinets, pulling out a packet. You grabbed a mug, then the milk from the refrigerator.
As you prepared the hot chocolate, you were on your phone, scrolling through your different social media again. When it was all done, the hot chocolate looked steamy and delicious, adding whip cream on the top, then setting it down near your food.
Jyuto’s food was always the best. He could definitely cook better than you, but he taught you things and you two switched with making dinner. It was now 1 pm. 4 more hours! You could get through this, 4 hours could go by in no time.
That countdown went down to 3 as you got caught up in watching videos as you ate.
Most of the bento was soon gone, filling you up. The hot chocolate adding onto that.
After you finished, you put your stuff away, yawning and stretching. You….definitely felt like you could nap. Rainy weather just did that to you. Also, the fact that work was crazy yesterday, so you were still a bit exhausted. You made your way to the couch, turning the tv on, mainly going to use it as background noise, so you let it stay on some daytime reality show.
You sat on the couch, grabbing the dark blue, velvet plush blanket, wrapping it snug around your body as you curled up on the couch, eyes looking at the tv, watching whatever was on.
The show was a bit interesting but before you knew it, your eyes became heavy, like a brick was weighing down on them, 
and then you fell back asleep.
“Y/n, im home” Jyuto called out, taking his shoes off, loosening his tie, and immediately spotting you asleep on the couch. A soft smile came on his face as he set the bag of takeout on the living room table, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek,”Im home y/n,”he said in a quieter and much softer voice. He ended up sitting criss-crossed, his cheek on his arms as he gazed at you lovingly, watching you sleep, the slow rise and fall of your chest, your slightly parted mouth, every little thing, he loved, absolutely adored.
He did nothing, but you must have sensed his presence because you started to stir, your eyes shakey before your lids opened, eyes focusing in on the man in front of you.
“Well, hello there sleepyhead,”he said.
A sleepy smile came on your face,”welcome home Jyuto,”you said. Jyuto smiled, leaning forward to place a kiss on your forehead,”im home.” Your arms wrapped around his neck as you turned on your back, looking up at him,”I missed you.” Jyuto raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile on his face,”how much?” Your hand went to the back of his neck, pulling him down and connecting your lips together.
You were still a bit tired, but you kissed him with passion, molding your lips together, slow and sweet, one hand slowly going on his chest. When you pulled away, Jyuto placed another last peck on your lips,”well, im yours for the rest of the day. Let me go change and we can resume our usual rainy day activities.” You nodded, smiling to yourself, happy that he came back, then looking at the bag on the table.
It was chinese takeout….your stomach grumbled. You sat up, surprised when you heard Jyuto’s voice. He changes quick. But he looks soft and comfortable. A white sweater, black sweats.
“I went with white today because a little someone sneaked into my closet.”he said, walking over with a smile. You blinked innocently,”maybe that little someone just missed you alot.” You knew he didn’t mind. Hell, if it was hotter, no pants would even be on you right now, just your bottom and one of his tops.
Jyuto sat down on the couch, grabbing your wrist, pulling you closer and closer till his hands landed on your waist and pulled you into his lap. You were a bit embarrassed but you spoke, placing your hands on his shoulders,”w-what is it…”,you asked. He didn’t respond just yet.
Instead, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you tight,”nothing, just need my daily dosage of y/n.” You smiled, hugging his neck and lightly petting his hair,”what a coincidence, I haven't had my daily dose of Jyuto either.
The two of you stayed like that for a couple minutes. A comfortable silence. Until he pulled away, looking at you, placing his hand on your cheek,”I love you.” You moved in closer, your hands on both of his cheeks, placing a soft kiss to his forehead, then down to his eyes, the tip of his nose, then kissing his lips with a smile,”I love you too.”
The two of you managed to choose a romantic comedy, eating for the first thirty minutes, your bodies close. You had moved from the couch to your own bedroom, since cuddling would be far more easier to do. As you ate your last piece of food and put it off to the side on your night stand, you commented on the movie,”so he’s traveling around the world to find his first love and all he has is a name,face, and the one conversation they had together” Okay, it was unrealistic, but you were a fucking sap. You thought it was cute.
Jyuto smiled and spoke,”if it were you I’d travel across the world” You were touched but you tried to deflect,”you dont have to for me.” Jyuto placed his food to the side, then moving, pushing your back down into the pillow. He was now hovering above, a gentle smile on his face as his hand came up to touch your face,”Ive told you plenty of times y/n, although it may not have been love when we first met, I was captivated by you. When I meet people I usually never hope to see them again but one conversation and I hoped that I could see your beautiful face again. I had a rough day that day at work, but your smile cured everything. You’re my angel.”
Oh no. He was….being soft again. Well, you asked for it. And, maybe, some part of you said that because this was exactly what you wanted, despite the rapid beating of your heart, thumping out of your chest. You looked past his glasses, into his eyes. “Well….I hoped to see you again too. Im only an angel for you. I’ll be your guardian angel then,”you said.
He chuckled,hand grabbing your wrist, pulling your arm towards him, holding your hand and placing a soft kiss on it as he looked at you, then spoke,”lucky me then. I have you all to myself.” Your face grew even hotter at such a simple action but you spoke,”you always have Jyuto.”
Honestly? How could Jyuto resist not kissing you after an adorable look like that. He leaned in, pressing your lips together again, a gentle and soft hand still on your cheek. You snaked your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. Soft kisses were nice, but you desired more. Jyuto picked up on it and deepened the kiss, moving more roughly against your mouth, you couldn’t help but moan really.
The two of you kept at this makeout of yours for a couple more minutes till he pulled away. Well, it was needed, you were both out of breath. You laughed as you looked at him,”you okay there, officer?” Jyuto smiled, moving a hand to put his glasses back up to his nose,”if Im with you im more than okay.”
“I love you, Jyuto,”you said, moving your hand to his cheek. He smiled, leaning down again and pressing a soft kiss against your lips, pulling away and saying,”I love you too, Y/n.”
He kissed the top of your head, looking at you. There was something about the look in his eyes, a glint, it shined bright, just for you. It made you feel special each time he looked at you like that.
You loved it.
He moved away, pulling you into his chest. Jyuto was just about done with his food anyway. He just felt like cuddling you. Of course, you wanted the same thing as well, adjusting yourself, moving a bit closer, then laying your head on his chest, looking back at the television. The two of you stayed like that, finishing the movie, turning the lights off, and heading to bed.
Of course, you appreciated his warmth and gentle embrace. Because of this, you were able to fall asleep quicker, mumbling a “goodnight” and “love you” before the two of you drifted off to sleep, snug and warm.
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ikesenhell · 5 years
You can find all other IkeSen works of mine here or become a Patron of mine! NOTES: This was a commission for @psychedelicaya! Thank you so much! Slight warning of mild reference to disturbing content.
She made herself known, and that was difficult to do. He pulled long enough hours that eventually all of the residents blurred together (except for the ones that made stupid mistakes--those he remembered and kept away from his patients). Dr. Ieyasu Tokugawa didn't have time to play professor to the residents. Never mind that he’d been one himself recently; he had obligations of a caregiver, and it was the responsibility of the students to learn at a safe, comfortable distance.
But she stood out immediately.
Part of it was her manner. Ieyasu had plenty of nurses and doctors around that knew how to set others at ease. He’d never mastered that himself. His specialty was cardiology, not people. But every time they wheeled someone from the ER into his wing, her at their side, the patients were calm and collected, no matter the situation.
“Dr. Tokugawa is great,” she assured them. He paused to snap on his gloves and soak in the sound of her voice. He’d never caught her last name. One of the other techs called her ‘Aya’, so Ieyasu assumed that was her name, but it felt so unprofessional to refer to her by it that he stayed from calling her anything at all. “He’ll take care of you.”
“Awful young, isn’t he?”
Ieyasu pretended he didn't hear that. Aya pressed on, comforting and warm. “He’s the best doctor in the wing. You’re in great hands.”
He didn't know how to thank her for the compliment. She liked coffee, so one day on an impulse he bought a gold thermos and tucked it onto the residents station in the ER with a simple note reading only her name. The next day he heard a knock on his office door.
Aya waved the thermos at him. “Was this you?”
Ieyasu stared, nonplussed. “How did you know?”
“Mr. Date said it looked like your handwriting.”
Of course. His best friend and administrator had sold him out. Uncertain where to go from there, Ieyasu quickly answered, “It was a sign of appreciation for your compliment, as well as an acknowledgement of your passable efforts with the patients. Plus, your other thermos is tacky.”
She smiled and his heart froze in his throat. How unfair that expression was! It was almost as if the sunshine came streaming in through the ceiling and hovered around her. How did she have the power to transform the whole hallway? “Yellow is my favorite color. Thanks.”
Ieyasu couldn’t think of anything to say other than, “Mine too. You’re welcome.”
Months passed. Her smile became something of a fixture in his life. No matter the rain or storm or sleet, she appeared for her long hours and tense shifts with a smile on her face and the hard determination that so many others lacked. Sometimes she spotted him in the hallways and waved her thermos, eyes sparkling. Ieyasu couldn’t decide if he hated or loved that she kept it on her.
“You’re sweet on her.” Masamune grinned over a late night feast at the local diner, both of them still in their work clothes and not entirely up to the task of going home and cooking dinner.
“Don’t be foolish,” Ieyasu snapped, spearing a potato wedge a little too forcefully. “She’s just a resident. If she doesn’t have a breakdown by the end of the month, I’ll be somewhat surprised.”
“You bought her a present.”
“It was unfair of me not to acknowledge the compliment. Besides. Anything more than that is unprofessional.”
Masamune looked every inch the meme of the smug cat surrounded by knives, but he tucked into his eggs benedict and didn't say anything more.
Ieyasu was walking back to his office next week when he heard the soft huff of a sob in the corner. He slowed, mentally calculating his path. Dealing with a crying patient was the last thing he did well--but there was no other way. Whoever they were, they were lingering in the same little cubby space with the vending machines, and his feet would carry him straight past them. Flipping open a folder, he pretended to be in deep thought and strode purposefully by--
Only to halt in his steps.
“Aya?” He asked, daring to say her name aloud for the first time. She started, wiping her eyes.
“Dr. Tokugawa.” Her smile was weak. “Sorry. I thought--I thought you went home for the day.”
“Paperwork,” he answered. Did he ask? Did he dare? She wrapped her arms around herself, smelling of the peppermint oil they sometimes slathered in the ER when a horrid stench permeated the halls. “What--is something--are you okay?”
“I--” Desperately her eyes roved everywhere but him, welling with tears again. “Sorry. We had a burn victim. Baby.”
Ieyasu stood there a moment longer, flipping the folder uncertainly in his hand before motioning to her. “Come with me.”
“Dr. Tokugawa…?”
“Ieyasu,” he corrected, uncomfortable in the moment, “Just Ieyasu. Come with me.”
Together they dipped into his cramped office. He turned on the comforting yellow light and motioned a chair, which she sat on, before he flipped on a white noise machine by the doorway.
“Go on.”
She stared blearily at him. “What?”
“It’s a tough job,” he murmured. “Go on. You’re allowed to cry.”
As if permission were what she wanted all along, Aya burst into sobs. He just sat there with her, rubbing her back in slow circles and letting her mourn a child she’d barely known.
After that, things were… different.
It started when she left a handwritten note in his office, thanking him for letting her cry it out. Ieyasu didn't know what to do other than leave a small packet of good coffee for her in the residents office. Then it turned into them having small conversations in the hallway and exchanging music recommendations. Ieyasu even went so far as to burn her a CD.
“Is this a mix tape?” She asked, the laughter spilling from those pretty lips. Ieyasu wondered what they tasted like for only a second.
“Look, you don’t have to take it if you don’t want to.”
“No. No, no. I do.” Aya clutched it to her chest and smiled at him. “I’m just feeling a bit like a teenager right now.”
He was too, but he wasn’t entirely sure if it was for the same reasons, so he kept it to himself. Instead he watched her flit through the ER in whatever brief glimpses he was allowed. She teased Dr. Sarutobi and roasted Dr. Sanada with the best of them. When she split pizzas with the other residents, she would pop by and give him a spare slice, sure to give him that smile and light up his office just by existing. He didn't care for pizza (not much, at least), but her--
It was a dangerous thought, but he couldn’t help but entertain it.
One cold December night he was on his way back to the garage when he saw her standing at the bus station, hands tucked into her pockets and breath circling skyward. Thick flakes tumbled around her. Ieyasu wondered if they sold that picture on a postcard.
She blinked up at him and smiled. “Hi.”
“The bus stopped running an hour ago.”
“Did it?” Aya frowned and reached for her phone. “I thought I read it right…”
“I thought you had a car.”
“I do. It’s in the shop. I’ve never ridden the bus before.”
Ieyasu thought over his options for a half-second before motioning for her to follow him. “I’ll drive you home.”
“I wouldn’t want to impose--”
“It’s no trouble.”
She fell into step beside him, their arms brushing and sending electric sparks shooting all over his body. God. How could he be cold with her there? They stepped into the garage and he unlocked his modest Honda, both of them slipping into the frigid interior.
“God.” She sniffed. “It’s freezing.”
Something born from habit of being around Masamune kicked in. Without thinking, Ieyasu offered, “Want to get hot chocolate?”
“Yeah! That sounds great.”
They both paused as if realizing what had happened, Ieyasu with the keys barely in the ignition. It was another beat before he started the car. What was he doing? But--but she’d said yes, and something in his stupid, stupid heart soared.
He drove them over to the twenty-four hour Starbucks. The snow was falling fast, drifting up against the curb, and together they bundled inside and ordered their twin hot chocolates. Something about it felt so natural that Ieyasu almost forgot his reservations, his position, all of the duties that stood between the two of them. It was just her, her, her, Aya, this lovely woman who graced him with her time and smile. She talked about grad school and residency and he offered her advice, their knees nested together as they huddled up by the window.
“It’s getting late, isn’t it?” She laughed, tossing her long-ago drained cup into the trash. “What time is it, even?”
Ieyasu checked his watch. “Nearly two am.”
“We’re probably bothering the staff here.”
The very real possibility he was bothering her struck fear in his heart. “I should get you home.”
But--much to his surprise--Aya frowned at that. “Aw. Are you sure? We could do a sortie around the block and then go, just so we can get into the snow.”
She ordered a second hot chocolate and they scooted around in drifts on the sidewalk. Before he had the sense to feel what was coming, Aya hopped to the nearest car and packed a snowball from the hood. “Heads up!”
“What the--” An instinct born of being around Masamune kicked in; Ieyasu barely dodged the ball and watched it smack harmlessly into the Starbucks.
Oh no. This was war. Without a second thought he dove for his car, loading up ammunition and pelting her. She screamed and raced around the parking lot, her infectious laughter echoing through the night. Back and forth they went, snow flying and loading in his hair and hers, the thick flakes replenishing their supply almost as fast as they used it--and then she slipped on the pavement.
“Are you ok?” Ieyasu raced to her as fast as he dared on the slick ground. She was smiling still, just rubbing her hip and shaking her head. “Let me check you over.”
“I’m fine, I’m fine! I promise.” She blinked at him, her eyelashes dusted with flakes and her smile as radiant as the white winter around her, her cheeks pale from the frost. God. His heart beat so loud in his chest that he wondered if she might hear him.
“You swear?” He asked.
Aya’s smile faded. And it was a second--only a split second--where she cast her eyes to his mouth.
He took the cue.
She tasted like snow and chocolate and whipped cream and the sunlight she so often was. He pulled away and she whispered a faint uh uh, dragging him back in by the collar and kissing him right back. All of his fears and obligations melted away in her radiance, the soft drift of flakes around him forgotten. Ieyasu curled his whole body around hers and gave her everything she wanted.
It was a long, long time before they broke apart again. Her smile was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“Again?” She asked.
“You’re greedy,” he responded, and leaned in once more.
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zrdu · 6 years
prompt; came to the gym to work out but holy god i can’t stop watching you do one armed push ups that’s so hot DD:
I don’t know WHY i completely butchered this prompt im sorry enjoy (also ive never written liam so forward this is new to me also im feelin it)
When Louis had insisted last week that the two of them should join the gym and start working their bodies, Zayn had been dubious. One week later, when he’s covered in sweat, every muscle in his body aching, he is absolutely livid.
‘I can’t believe you made me pay to torture myself for two hours! You said I would enjoy it!’
Louis just sighs at him, flicking a towel over his shoulder. ‘Don’t be so dramatic, it’ll be easier tomorrow. You just have to get your body used to it.’
'Tomorrow? You’re insane if you think I’m coming here again.’
Louis shrugs into a sweater, and passes Zayn’s to him. 'You’ve paid for your membership, can’t just waste all that money can you,’ Louis reprimands, 'Plus I need company, and the whole point of training your body is that it gets easier over time. You’ll be more ready for this tomorrow.’
The next day, Zayn was ready.
It was late in the evening when they got to the gym, the sun had long before set and the sky outside was pitch black. It was the only time both of them were off work at the same time, and Louis decides that quality time should be spent at the gym.
When they get inside, Louis’ waxing on about cardio while climbing onto a treadmill and Zayn sits down on the one beside him but doesn’t turn it on.
'What the hell are you doing?’ Louis snaps, looking down at Zayn who was comfortably propped on the foot of the treadmill.
'Keepin’ you company.’ Zayn responds, tugging his gym bag closer to him. 'Trust me, it’s better for both of us this way.’
He unzips the bag and pulls out a bag of doritos, 'Don’t mind me, just do you thing.’ Zayn says, opening the packet noisily. 'I’m just going to sit here and look out for gorgeous sweaty blokes.’
Louis just rolls his eyes, putting his attention to his workout and slipping his earbuds in.
For the first half of the session, it was pretty uneventful, Zayn just spends his time catching up with some episodes on his phone and snacking on toffee popcorn. This was a much better gym session than yesterday’s, he doesn’t know why he didn’t just do this earlier.
His attention is drawn away from his phone when two boys around his age walk in, the taller curly-haired one biting back a laugh when his eyes land on Zayn, surrounded by sugary snacks.
'Now that, I can get behind.’ He says to his friend, pointing a thumb over his shoulder as they walk past him.
'Shut up and get on the weights, Harry.’ The other one says. Zayn cranes his neck a little to get a better look at the friend who was being shadowed by Harry, and he’s positively drooling when he sees the back of a tight black tank too stretched over broad shoulders.
Zayn takes a sip of his chocolate milk to calm himself.
He learns a little while later, as the two friends talk to each other while lifting weights, that Gorgeous Muscled Dude is called Liam.
Zayn isn’t daydreaming about sighing that name into the other man’s mouth with a hand tucked between his thighs, he isn’t.
He is however, half an hour later, supporting a semi in his gym shorts when Liam starts doing pushups, and Zayn isn’t creepily watching him, Liam was in his line of sight constantly and he had no where else to look.
Liams bare shoulders were shining with sweat as the material of his top strained against his back, his teeth digging into his bottom lip as he focused on his task.
His biceps were bulging and flexing sinfully, his skin tan and taught and delicious. Zayn thinks about how easily he could be man-handled by him as arousal tugs at his stomach.
'You done creepin’ on random dudes?’ Louis asks, flopping down beside him, his cheeks pink from exertion.
'Nah, still browsing.’ Zayn hums in response, popping a red Gummy Bear in his mouth. He chokes on it a little when Liam holds one arm behind his back and proceeds to do one-armed pushups.
'Damn,’ Louis whistles, 'You think he’ll give me pointers?’ He asks as he grabs Zayn’s sweets and shoves a handful in his mouth.
'You think he’ll give me his dick?’ Zayn counters.
'You’ve been ogling him very indiscreetly for the last hour, we’ll just have to see what he does with all this attention.’
Zayn stands by the benches in a secluded corner of the changing room as he waits for Louis to shower. He considers sitting down, but the varnished wood was covered in a layer of water or possibly sweat, and he wasn’t about to risk it.
Zayn’s head snaps up from where he was longingly staring at the bench, and is met with a pair of familiar brown eyes.
Liam looks like he’s holding back an amused smile as he stops in front of Zayn, throwing his towel ober his shoulder and oh god – it’s never that hot when somebody else does it.
'Hi,’ Zayn manages to get out.
'Was wondering if you could help me out a little?’ Liam asks, and there’s something confident and knowing in his eyes. Zayn wishes he was more subtle with his ogling, because he was very much about to get chewed out for it.
Zayn just nods rapidly, trying to lean his arm back onto the tiled wall, but it’s wet and his elbow slips a little, so he’s back to standing upright with an embarrassed tint in his cheeks.
'See, I went a bit over-board with my workout today, I don’t usually like to push my mself too far but,’ Liam pauses, his eyes flickering from Zayn’s face to his chest, and then back up again. 'Felt as if I had an audience, you know?’
Zayn’s cheek burn with embarrassment but somehow that doesn’t stop the arousal pooling at the bottom of his stomach.
'So I worked to impress, and now I’m seeing black dots in my vision because my glucose levels have dropped.’ Liam moves forward ever so slightly, and Zayn swallows as he leans back on the wall to create some dostance between them. 'Any idea where I can get some sugar from?’
Zayn blinks at him for a second, because just a moment ago he was certain Liam was moving to him and now he isn’t quite certain, what if he really just needed some sugar so he doesn’t pass out on his way home? Zayn panics for a second, thinking about what sugary snacks he has left in his bag, but then Liam moves closer again, so close that their chests were almost pressed together.
He moves one leg in between Zayn’s, who sucks in a sharp breath at the contact, jutting forward a little for more friction.
Liam’s face was only inches apart now, and he moves slow enough that Zayn almost wants to grab him by his shirt and push their mouth together.
Liam is more tactful, though. His lips barely bursh against Zayn’s who lets out a little shuddering breath, then he pushes his tongue out and into Zayn’s mouth, licking the roof of his mouth in one swipe and pulling back again.
‘Strawberry,’ Liam notes, licking his own lips. 'Tastes good.’
'Gummy bears,’ Zayn blurts out out, and Liam smiles at him, amused.
'Think that’s enough sweet for me?’ Liam asks, bracing both of his hands either side of Zayn, hands pressed against the tiles.
'No,’ Zayn responds, almost desperately.
Liam smirks, making a humming noise as if to consider this.
Zayn makes an impatient noise, and he doesn’t know where he gets the courage from (probably from being trapped against the wall by the most attractive guy he’s ever seen) and leans forward to slot their mouths together.
Liam laughs into his mouth, putting his hands either side of Zayn’s face and kissing him with a filthy amount of tongue. He rolls his leg around Zayn’s crotch, eliciting an embarrassing whine from the boy.
'Liam, by the way.’ He says, pulling away from Zayn breathlessly. 'I don’t do gym hookups, usually.’
'Zayn.’ He replies. 'And I don’t do gym. At all.’
Liam grins at him, all pearly white teeth with wet pink lips stretched over them. He nips at Zayn’s jaw, Liam’s teeth dragging across his skin before he moves up to his mouth again, kissing him and licking at his tongue.
'Feeling better?’ Zayn asks with a smirk, when Liam pulls off him.
'Much better, yeah.’ He responds, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
His eyes drop to Zayn’s crotch then, where the bulge in his shorts was becoming increasingly obvious.
'Can’t leave you here high and dry then, can I?’
'No definitely, not.’ Zayn reorts, and his new found confidence makes another reappearance as he puts his hands on Liams shoulders (and swoons internally because they are are smooth and hard as the look) and pushes him backwards gently until they stumble into a shower stall.
Liam’s mouth is on his immediately, crowding him into a corner and digging his fingers into Zayn’s sides.
Zayn hisses out a gasp when Liam drags a finger across the waistband of his shorts teasingly before he dips his hand inside.
He cups Zayn’s cock from outside his boxers, squeezing slightly until he lets out a desperate keening sound.
'You were fantasising about this, weren’t you?’ Liam lets out gruffly into Zayn’s neck, sinking his teeth in gently.
'Yes -fuck, just-’ Zayn gets out breathlessly, ’Please,’
'Please, what?’ Liam asks, his voice sweet.
'Your hands-’ Zayn says desperately, as he grabs the waistband of his boxers with his shorts and pulls them down together.
Liam lets out a quiet breath of an amused laugh against his skin, before he wraps his hand around Zayn’s bare cock. His thumb swipes at the pre-come gathered at the head, and he spreads it across his dick as he starts tugging at his legnth.
'Fuck,’ Zayn groans, as Liam finds his pace and pumps his cock in a quick rhythm.
His breathless moans and Liam’s laboured breathing bounce around the little stall until Zayn let’s out a moan and Liam slaps a hand over his mouth to shush him.
He feels the bottom of his stomach tighten, and he bites down on the fleshy part of Liam’s palm to hold back the noise that threatens to escape him as his orgasm washes over him.
Liam moves his hand from his mouth and Zayn lets out a loud breathless gasp, slumping against the wall.
He shimmies his pants back on, as Liam runs the tap to tidy himself, a satisfied smirk on his face.
'What was that you said about gym hookups?’ Zayn asks, his voice sounding more shattered than he expected.
'You gave me the shot of sugar I needed, so I owed you, didn’t I?’
Zayn huffs out a laugh, unlocking the door and letting them out.
Louis stands on the other side of the room by the sink, his eyebrows raised and arms crossed over his chest.
'Really, Zayn?’ He asks, his eyes going from him to Liam.
Liam’s curly haired friend is by the benches, a blush on his cheeks as he eyes the two of them skeptically.
'Hey,’ Liam turns out thrns to him, 'Maybe we can do this again, without our mates as spectators.’
'Oh,’ Zayn says, his brows raised in surprise. 'Yes, definitely, that would be nice.’
'Oh, I will be there.’ Louis interrupts sharply. 'And I will be spectating.’
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noradarhkpalmer · 6 years
Title: Christmas Trees and Engagement Rings
Rating: PG
Pairing: Bruce/Selina aka Batcat
Warnings: Minor swearing, major fluff
Summary/Notes: Part five of a collection of mine called “The Batcat Fluff We Deserve” this is set post the 1992 film Batman Returns where the next two terrible movies after that don’t exist and the basic premise being that Selina decided to go with Bruce in the sewers that night. This is how their lives turned out. Enjoy! Bruce and Selina get engaged weeeee. If you want to know what her engagement ring/wedding set looks like it looks like this!
Also if you guys are liking these please let me know in my ask box! If you have any prompt requests I’d love to consider them! I’ll be doing BatCat Week 2018 so be looking out for those as well!
He almost expected her to not meet him downstairs to watch the tree lighting ceremony. They had opted for a night in once again this year and hoped that this time it would be a show uninterrupted by villains rather than something that immediately made them both leap from the couch and suit up. Bruce had two steaming cups of hot cocoa, made with milk, waiting for Selina’s arrival. He noticed her affinity for her it almost immediately. She drank it early on New Year’s Eve, opting to save her champagne drinking for that night, she drank it on quiet mornings in the manor when he thought he’d be the first up only to find her spinning the concotion around in her mug absently while reading the paper. It always had to be made with real chocolate and milk. None of this packet and water crap she turned her nose up at. So that was exactly how he instructed Alfred to make it.
He finally heard steps behind him and she appeared in a cozy sweater (his) and a pair of dark jeans. Her curls were illuminated by the fire and she took her seat far on the opposite end of the couch. 
Bruce reached for her but she shifted away. The last week or so had been hard for them. A particularly scathing tabloid came out trying to dig up untrue parts of Selina’s past, basically calling her Shreck’s whore secretary who moved onto a different billionaire upon his demise and now she was Bruce’s live in “sex-cretary” as the tabloid called her. She had ran away for four days, until he found her tending to an old homeless woman and her cats.
After a lot of coaxing he got her to come home, the next day that same homeless woman was placed in Selina’s old apartment, rent free, and with new appliances and bedding, stocked with cat food as well as human food, all thanks to an “anonymous donor.” Now they were trying to return things back to normal. Which was going to prove difficult if Selina wouldn’t even let him touch her.
“I know we didn’t know each other very well the last time we did this but I can’t even hold my girlfriend by a romantic fire this time? A girlfriend whom I love with all of my heart and just want to spend time with?”
Selina tried not to smile at his kind words. She had been trying to snap herself out of the funk where she didn’t believe she was good enough for him. That she was as trashy as those tabloids said. But even if she had been (though she never had once been Shreck’s mistress) she wasn’t now. A year ago she was an unstable woman trying to find her new identity after having the scared introverted woman literally thrown out of her. She often put that mask back on. It felt good to wallow in self pity about how she doesn’t deserve Bruce and that she should walk away before she gets too invested. The problem was that she was already invested. Deeply so. She was so in love with this man. Hell, she was even wearing his sweater. “I... just don’t know anymore, Bruce. Those tabloids are brutal but I still get to a point where I just can’t walk away from all of this. Not after what we’ve sacrificed.”
“Don’t fight this, Selina. Run head on towards it. I’m not going leave you, I promise. I told you our lives wouldn’t be a fairytale but they would be good. And you ran towards that. Remember that girl. Remember how that choice made that girl feel. And be her again. I know she’s inside you. I know she’s the real you.”
Selina moved closer to him and laid her head on his chest, curling up on him quite like a cat. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. They laid like this all the time. After a long day of work, after a long night of patrol, on days when Bruce missed his parents and had to hold the only person he could love that deeply, on days when Selina felt so insecure about her place in Bruce’s life that she just needed to hear how his heart beat for her. They sat there for a few minutes until the television finally started the telecast of the tree lighting. It looked different this year. Happier. Maybe because they were happier.
Laying like this made her notice the two cups of cocoa on the coffee table in front of them. “Is that... hot chocolate?” She lifted her head off his chest. “I didn’t know you liked it.”
“I like it alright but I know you love it. And I love you and I want us to drink this while we watch the tree lighting ceremony and get back to us.”
“I don’t LOVE hot chocolate. I simply enjoy it more than coffee. As long as it’s made right.”
“With milk and with real chocolate. I know. Alfred said he’s an expert by now because of how many cups he’s made you.” Bruce reached for the two cups and they shifted so they were sitting up side by side.
Selina took the cup and took a cautious sip. She smiled at the pleasing taste and then snuggled into Bruce’s side and began to watch the program.
“Is it bad that I’m waiting for something crazy to happen?” Selina asked and sat her cup on the table in front of her.
“No... I am too. This Christmas I think will be a much more peaceful Christmas for us.” Bruce felt the ring indenting in his closed fist and knew he would probably combust if he didn’t ask her soon.
Selina chuckled. “Well, at least I’m in good company.” She reached up to intertwine their fingers and Bruce quickly shifted the ring to sit outwards between two of his fingers.
He wiggled his fingers slightly until he could start maneuvering the ring onto her ring finger, which given how big the diamond actually was, proved to be slightly complicated.
Selina felt something metal slip around her ring finger. She looked over at their joined hands to see a pear-shaped diamond silver ring and looked up at Bruce with tears prickling in her eyes.
“Do you not like it?” He had said.
“Like it? Bruce, you love me enough to... enough to want to marry me?” She had shifted to straddle his lap so they could talk face to face.
“I love you enough that I want you to be my wife, absolutely. Will you marry me, Selina?”
Selina laughed and threw her arms around his neck. “Of course I will, you wonderful, wonderful man!” She kissed him hard. Bruce buried his hand in her hair and wrapped the other arm around her waist.
They pulled apart moments later. “I was worried for a second there.”
“And why might that be?” Selina played with their hair at the nape of his neck.
“Because this whole last year... sometimes doesn’t feel real, plus I never thought I’d be the type to get married. The press always labels me as such a bachelor and I thought I’d just be brooding and alone forever sitting in the Batcave but then this person... this wonderful, caring, gentle--sometimes, person walked into my life and it was never the same again.”
Selina smiled. “Well, if it makes you feel any better I never thought a year ago my life would look like this.”
“Even though a year ago we were laying here, slightly differently on the couch?”
“Mmm well... I was hoping to get in your bed at some point and that has happened so maybe I could picture it, a little bit.”
“That’s what I thought.” He smirked and moved them so they were laying much like they were last year, with her on top. He pulled her in for a kiss, knowing they’d completely ignore the Christmas program the rest of the night.
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impendingexodus · 6 years
Ring in the New
Sheith, 3k
Rating: G
Tags: past relationship, pining, reconciliation, hot chocolate, the blanket nest they both deserve, post-series
Merry Christmas @crushmeshiro! I had a lot of fun creating your gift for the @sheithsecretsanta exchange and I hope you like it!
Read it on Ao3 here.
They kept the heat off as a matter of principle.
Technically their stipends should cover all living expenses -- they were heroes of Earth, after all -- but both Shiro and Keith preferred to live modest lives. That was why they were sharing a small house together, on the outskirts of the Garrison’s college town, instead of living it up in the Caribbean or Pacific like the rest of the team. That, and... there were still loose threads that needed to be either tied up or cut off before they could move on.
So the heat in the house stayed off for most of the winter, only coming on when it became too cold to function despite a half-dozen layers of clothing. Which happened more and more often as the weeks wore on past the new year and the snow outside drifted to the ground and didn’t melt.
Keith was hardly surprised when he woke up and poked his head out of the blankets only to be greeted by a thin layer of frost on everything. The blankets crunched with ice crystals when he moved. Grumbling, he looked over at where Shiro was still asleep on the opposite bed, just the fringe of his hair visible from where he was curled up.
“Hey, you forgot to turn on the heat last night.”
No response.
Keith slid out of bed, suppressing his gasp at the touch of the icy floor, and hurried on tiptoes to the thermostat. That was odd, the switch was on but the system wasn’t running. Keith cranked the dial all the way up but still nothing happened. Great, just what they needed, a broken heat system in the middle of winter.
Only the problem went further than that. When Keith turned on a light to inspect the thermostat more closely, the switch clicked but the lights didn’t work. Shiro finally started stirring as Keith stomped through the house, angry enough now that the cold didn’t bother him, trying all the electronics and cursing when none of them worked.
“What’s it?” Shiro asked, rubbing his eyes as he shuffled into the living room. At least he was out of bed, but he was keeping his blanket wrapped close around him like a second skin.
“Power must be down,” Keith said through clenched teeth. “And there’s enough snow on the road that going out isn’t an option.”
“Oh, is that all.” Shiro turned and headed back toward the bedroom. “We could use a day off.”
Keith shook his head and tried not to get more upset. It was a good thing that Shiro was planning to get some rest. It would just be... hard, stuck here with him. Keith needed distractions from his presence; that’s why he’d taken a job with odd hours, so he wouldn’t have to be alone with Shiro more than necessary. He didn’t want to reopen old wounds on either of them.
“You could stay in here,” Keith said at last, almost too late as Shiro disappeared around the corner. “I’ll get the fireplace up and running.”
Shiro continued on into the bedroom and re-emerged a moment later carrying Keith’s blanket. “That sounds great. Here, don’t catch cold.”
Keith took the blanket, noting the way Shiro was holding it out so their hands wouldn’t touch. So it seemed they both had the same memories in mind. At least Keith wasn’t alone in this fight; if Shiro was actively trying to avoid him too, then that made it easier to dismiss him. It would have been so much harder if one of them was looking for reconciliation.
Luckily there was enough wood to make a decently large fire. Keith brought in an extra armload and dumped it next to the fireplace; it was still partly covered in snow that showed no signs of melting even indoors.
“Gives a whole new meaning to it’s freezing in here,” Keith said, ignoring the way his teeth chattered. The fire was warm but only up close. If he sat back on the couch, only his toes got any relief from the cold.
“It’ll warm up soon enough,” Shiro said, and Keith wanted to strangle him for how optimistic he sounded. “This place is insulated well so all we’ve got to do is keep the fire going long enough for the heat to accumulate.”
Keith glared at where the other man was still wrapped in his blanket, curled up on the floor in front of the fire. Meanwhile he was relegated to the couch because while there was room in front of the hearth for two, it was only room for two very friendly people. And cuddling up to Shiro wasn’t an option right now.
“You know what would make this better?” Shiro asked.
“You make it sound like there’s anything good about this at all.”
Shiro shrugged and gave him a smirk. “Well, it got you to light the fireplace for the first time all winter, so I’d say that’s a plus. Nothing like spreading the holiday cheer.”
“The holidays were over two weeks ago,” Keith deadpanned. “It’s February.”
“Almost my birthday!”
Keith wove a hand into his own hair and pulled it in frustration. Since when did Shiro have a license to be so... so... happy? Charming? Under other circumstances, Keith would have enjoyed it, would have laughed along with him because it was such a rare treat to see Shiro’s smile. But right now it only reminded him of what they’d had before, and what he didn’t have any more.
What he still couldn’t understand was how Shiro was so complacent about the whole deal.
“Are you really getting warm, all the way back there?”
Narrowing his eyes, Keith gave him a look colder than the wind outside. “Yes.”
“Fine, fine,” Shiro huffed. “Forget I asked.”
Keith huddled his knees up to his chest and tucked the blanket into the seams of the couch. It wasn’t pleasant, but they’d survived far worse in their days as paladins. All they had to do was maintain the status quo until someone from the Garrison arrived to restore power, and everything would be the same as it had been before this outage.
A wave of heat rippled out from the fireplace as Shiro got up and walked to the kitchen, blanket trailing like a king’s cloak.
“What are you doing?” Keith muttered more out of habit than curiosity.
“Getting hot cocoa.”
Keith let out an audible whine and covered his head with the blanket. Why was this happening? Was Shiro really enjoying himself this much? Or was he flaunting how much he could enjoy life on his own, without Keith... no. That had been the opposite of their argument. Things didn’t add up and it was starting to make Keith’s head hurt.
He just wanted things back to how they had been years ago, when they were still paladins chasing the dream of ultimate peace throughout the universe. How young they’d been, and naive, and happy with each other.
More shuffling noises sounded from outside his cocoon and Keith poked his head out to see Shiro setting a kettle on the hook inside the fireplace. In front of him was a tray with two mugs and packets of cocoa mix.
“I hope you like extra marshmallows,” Shiro was saying, his back toward Keith. “That’s the only kind we’ve got.”
“It’s fine.” Keith leaned forward, against his better judgment, until he was perched on the edge of the couch. “Thanks, Shiro.”
The older man glanced over his shoulder and gave him a tight smile. “No problem.”
Then he went back to messing with the fire, rearranging the logs with the poker, and left Keith with his insecurities. Should he join Shiro on the floor? It was his house too, his fireplace as much as anyone else’s. He just didn’t want the gesture to be taken the wrong way. More than anything else, he wanted to avoid an argument like last time, when he tried to fight Shiro’s decision to break up with him.
“Can you watch the kettle for a moment? I’m going to see if we’ve got any more blankets.”
Well that was that problem solved easily enough. Keith slid off the couch and knelt on the floor, immediately overwhelmed by the soothing waves of heat from the fire. The problem now rested solely on Shiro’s shoulders: would he sit next to Keith like they used to, or would he accept that things were different now?
The kettle boiled and Keith poured the water into the mugs, careful to leave enough room for the cocoa mix. He stirred a packet into each mug, then added a little extra to top off Shiro’s. They’d done this enough before, when they were on better terms, and Keith still remembered how Shiro liked his chocolate. Stupid things like that stuck in his mind and wouldn’t leave to make room for new memories -- things like how Shiro liked his cocoa, which side of the bed he preferred to sleep on, the way he would shiver in appreciation when Keith scratched his nails along his scalp. All Keith wanted to do was block out those thoughts because right now, with the source of the memories close beside him, it was hard to keep his hands to himself.
Shiro came back while he was still moodily stirring the cocoa. “Here’s another blanket for you. You were looking a little cold.” He dropped a heavy woolen weight around Keith’s shoulders and the smaller man wrapped it around himself appreciatively.
“I also found some candles,” Shiro continued. He laid out a row of holders on the side table and fitted each with a half-used lump of wax.
“And those are for...?” Keith asked, unable to contain his sarcasm.
“Heat? Light?” Shiro paused and took a look at Keith’s skeptical expression. “Atmosphere?”
That was it, it was official, this wasn’t going to work. Keith sunk deeper into the blanket and held out a mug toward Shiro. “Sit down and bundle up before you catch cold, you candle-lighting sap. What do you think this is, a romantic holiday getaway?”
Shiro fell silent and cupped his cocoa in both hands, blowing on it before taking a careful sip. “I don’t have any delusions about what we are, Keith. I know what’s out of line.”
Keith grunted in reply, eyes averted, and focused his attention on his own cocoa. He could still hear echoes of their last argument -- not their last last, but the last that ever mattered -- could feel the words biting against his skin like sand. At that time, it had been their second year together. Shiro had bought him a gift, an ornate dagger, beautifully crafted by some alien species, meant for decoration only but beautiful in its uselessness. A symbol that they didn’t have to always be fighting for their lives, that they were allowed to own items without justifying their purpose.
And Keith had gotten him a gift too, something he’d prayed Shiro would appreciate, something that he desperately hoped would bring them many more years together. A ring. A thin loop of golden metal, inset with a black stone that shone like opal in the starlight. Beautiful and sentimental and utterly unmistakeable in meaning.
 Please be mine. Forever.
Shiro had turned him down.
The older man had taken the ring, kissed it, and set it on Keith’s own hand. “Don’t waste your life on someone as broken as me. You can do much better out there in the galaxies. Find someone who deserves to have a person as good as you.”
“Keith. Keith!”
The younger man startled into alertness, looking around violently as his mug threatened to spill.
“Hey, sorry. You need to get your blanket away from the fire.”
“Oh.” He looked down and pulled in the corner where it had strayed too close to the flames. “Shiro...”
The one-time Black Paladin glanced at him. “Yes?”
The silence lasted a while longer as they finished their drinks and set them aside. Keith was doing all he could to keep from falling back into his memories and it was getting harder to avoid them as the darkness of the storm outside lingered. There was the time they’d been trapped in an ice cave on Nyforax, fighting hypothermia and frost goblins while they waited for rescue. There was a happier time, when they’d landed the Castle on Glabion’s moon for the sole purpose of having an epic snowball fight on the uninhabited planetoid. There were so many times that they’d spent together, and this was the hardest of them all.
Shiro moved again, shifting closer in from the edge of the hearth. Keith started to scoot back, keeping distance between them, but a wordless noise from Shiro stopped him.
“I don’t mind being closer to you, if that’s okay,” the older man said. He sounded at ease but he was picking at the frayed edge of his blanket. “As a matter of fact, body heat might help.”
“Help what?” Keith didn’t mean to sound suspicious but right now he was more than a little on edge with Shiro’s proximity.
“My, uh.” At least Shiro had the grace to look shamefaced about it as he inched closer. “My arm always starts hurting when it gets really cold, and I don’t mind sharing the fire with you. If you’re okay with it, that is.”
Keith’s eyes narrowed but he pulled his legs in closer and made room. In all the time he’d known him, Shiro had only voiced his pain a handful of times... and all of those times had been a bluff to win Keith’s sympathy and tender kisses. As much as Keith wanted to deny it, his walls were crumbling down and he could feel his heart softening.
“Fine, come on.” He opened his blanket and shivered as Shiro leaned into him without hesitation. This was so close to what they’d had before.
Shiro closed his eyes and let his head rest heavily against Keith’s collarbone, the weight of his trust like a stone on Keith’s heart. But he kept his hands to himself and Keith did the same even though he was dying to touch.
“Thanks, Keith,” Shiro murmured, shifting to get comfortable.
Both of them froze when something hard pressed into Keith’s flesh, pinned between the two of them. Shiro sat up to see what it was but Keith was faster, tucking something on a chain into his shirt. Metal fingers held his wrist and worked the chain out of his grasp, holding it up so Shiro could see the ring that dangled from it. Black and gold, glinting in the firelight as if he held a whole galaxy in his palm.
The smaller man leaned back and pulled the ring away. “Forget it, it’s nothing.”
“After all this time, you’re still -- you still want me?”
“I made you a promise,” Keith said bitterly. “I said I wouldn’t have anyone but you. Then you left me, so... I’m still on my own.”
Shiro dropped the ring and took him by the shoulders. “I never left you! I only turned you down, Keith, because I wanted better for you. But I could never leave you.”
“This whole time, I thought you hated me! I thought you didn’t want me so you came up with some stupid lie just to get away!”
“No, I would never...” Shiro stopped and lifted the ring from Keith’s chest, holding it up in trembling fingers. “I never meant to hurt you like that. I honestly thought --”
“You honestly thought nothing. Clearly you don’t have single synapse in that thick head of yours because how could you have missed the fact that I love you?!” Now Keith had his hands on Shiro’s shoulders, gripping hard enough to bruise as he blinked back angry tears.
Shiro went still. Even though they’d said I love you plenty of times, it still carried an enormous weight every time it was spoken aloud.
Keith watched as Shiro swallowed and tried to keep his expression steady, but he could see cracks forming in the older man’s composure. Keith almost wanted to laugh but he knew the pain too well; he’d felt the shock of it like electricity on his lips when he said those words.
“I... I messed up,” Shiro said at last, very faintly. “I’m always making you suffer.” Keith’s grip tightened again but Shiro leaned forward, cutting off whatever he was going to say. “But in spite of all that, you’re still here in front of me. So I have to ask: Keith, would you be willing to give me a second chance? Could we... try to go back to how things were?”
Slowly Keith’s hands slipped from Shiro’s shoulders to land limply in his lap. He leaned forward, his head colliding with the bigger man’s chest as all the energy drained from him. Shiro started to pull away, touch uncertain, but Keith stopped him with a word.
“Of course, you idiot.”
The tension bled from Shiro’s body in a wave and he collapsed back onto his elbows, taking Keith down with him. They ended up in a pile on the floor, half tangled in blankets, suddenly laughing as they burrowed into each other’s embrace.
“Don’t call your boyfriend an idiot,” Shiro said, his mouth close to Keith’s ear. “It’s rude.”
“Boyfriend?” Keith pulled back, towering over Shiro and casting him in shadow. “Are you turning down the ring?”
“No, I...” He blushed. “Wait. Wait. Was that an engagement ring?!”
Keith flopped on top of him, driving the air from Shiro’s lungs with a grunt. “Why do you think I got so upset you gave it back?”
Shiro tried to facepalm but that was difficult with an armful of Keith. “I’m so sorry. You have full permission to call me an idiot.”
“I’m just glad you figured it out in the end.” Keith nuzzled at Shiro’s cheek, a sweet gesture that they’d both missed for so long.
Closing his eyes, Shiro tilted his head back and let Keith do as he wished. The smaller man reached back for his discarded blanket and pulled it over them both, letting their body heat merge together into something resembling comfort.
It was still snowing outside, still barely above freezing inside, but they were together again, and Keith reveled in that as he let the steady sound of Shiro’s heartbeat lull him to sleep.
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darling-cas · 7 years
We Are Young: Chapter 1
Throne of Glass High School AU
Summary: Senior Rowan Whitethorn is new to town. It doesn’t take him long to get use to a new school, make new friends, even join the local hockey team. But it also doesn’t take him long to meet sophomore and figure skater Aelin Galathynius. And it doesn’t take him long to realize one thing; he can’t stand her.
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
“Coach is going to kill you.”
Aelin had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. She glanced over at Nehemia, but the dark skinned beauty was too busy backing into a parking spot of the school parking lot to pay her any attention.
“Uncle Orlon,” The car came to a stop and Aelin sent Nehemia another pointed look - “Isn’t going to kill me for added a little extra sugar in my coffee.” A pause. “Uncle Weylan might though.”
“There are several things wrong with your statement,” Lysandra spoke up from the back of the car. She leant forward to look at herself in the rearview mirror, fixing her hair as she spoke. “One, you got a gingerbread latte and added three extra packets of sugar. I wouldn’t call that ‘a little’. And two,” Lysandra turned, sending Aelin a deadly smile. “Coach Weylan will definitely kill you when he finds out.”
“If he finds out.” Aelin smirked, taking a big sip of her over sugared drink.
Nehemia couldn't help but snort as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “Of course he’s going to find out. Coach Weylan finds out everything.”
Lysandra nodded in agreement. “I hope you’re ready for all those on-ice push-ups.”
“Oh, will you two shut up?” This time, Aelin did roll her eyes. “You’re being overdramatic.”
“You’re not seriously calling us overdramatic right now.” Lysandra let out a barking laugh. “Have you met yourself?”
“We are talking about the same Uncle and coach, right? The one Aedion calls a ‘cold, hard bastard?’ The one who made you do twenty minutes of stroking around the rink because you ate a chocolate bar before practice?” Nehemia raised an eyebrow.
“Okay fine,” Aelin pushed opened the car door. She stepped out into the crowded parking lot with Nehemia following her lead. “Uncle Weylan is going to kill me when he finds out. But at least I’ll die with my stomach happy and full of sugary goodness.”
Nehemia rolled her eyes in good nature, a laugh leaving her lips. She reached into the car, grabbing her bag as Lysandra stepped out of the back seat.
“God,” She stretched her arms over her head, ponytail swaying. “Having a month off this summer ruined me. We’re already over a month into the season and I still feel out of shape.”
“One would think all the time you and Aedion spend together would keep you fit.” Nehemia stated bluntly, raising an eyebrow.
A smirk started to form on Lysandra’s lips as the girls made their way across the parking lot, towards the school.
“Oh, you have no idea. We can literally go for hours. And he does this thing, with his tongue, where-”
“Stop right there,” Aelin groaned, causing Lysandra and Nehemia to laugh. “I do not need to hear this about my cousin. Especially when it’s with my best friend.”
Lysandra throw an arm around Aelin’s shoulders. “Listen. You left me this summer to run around in Italy. And Nehemia,” She nodded her head in the girl’s direction, “Worked all summer. So I needed someone to hang out with.”
The look on Nehemiah's face was devilish. “And instead you got someone to make out with.”
Aelin laughed, taking a sip of her drink. Lysandra dropped her arm before turning to Nehemia with a playful stern look on her face.
“Someone thinks they’re funny this morning.”
“I’m always funny.”
Lysandra rolled her eyes as another laugh left Aelin’s lips. She started to say something when someone strutted past her, just barely missing her shoulder.
“Oh Aelin,” Kaltain stopped just before the steps of the school, turning to face the trio, her black hair flying behind her. “I didn’t see you there.”
“Oh Kaltain,” Aelin crooned, giving her a sickly sweet smile, “Go away.”
Kaltain made a show of looking Aelin up and down. “I see you still haven’t gotten rid of all the italian food you ate this summer.”
“Aren’t you just extra bitchy this morning,” Lysandra crossed her arms over her chest, eyes narrowed.
But Aelin wasn’t falling into the trap. Instead, the grin on her face widened.
“And I see all the extra practice you did this summer paid off. I heard you can now land your triple toe.”
Kaltain blinked, taken aback by Aelin’s comment. But the look of confusion quickly vanished and was replaced by a smug one instead.
“I did. That’s what happens when you practice instead of taking fancy trips around the world.”
“Well, I’m proud of you,” Aelin’s grin turned deadly. “Though, if you were having that much trouble, I would have gladly helped you. Y’know, since I’ve been landing that jump for over a year now.”
Kaltain’s gaze turned murderous. Aelin could see Lysandra biting back a laugh out of the corner of her eye.
“Though it’s really nice that Coach Perrington practiced with you all summer,” Nehemia spoke up. Her voice friendly but holding a cold, hard tone to it. “Some of us just need more practice than others.”
The dark haired girl narrowed her eyes. She took a step forward, but before she could say anything, someone called her name. She looked over her shoulder, a smile forming on her lips at the sight of her friends at the top of the stairs. She turned back around, casting Aelin one last dirty look before stomping up the stairs.
“It amazes me that she can skate with that stick so far up her ass.” Lysandra sighed as they made their way up the stairs of the school.
“Does she bother you even the slightest bit?” Nehemia glanced over at Aelin, who couldn’t help but laugh.
“Not even a little bit,” she grinned. “She’s a determined bitch, but that’s not enough to make it in figure skating. You need to have fun with it. Which is something she lacks.”
“That was very deep. I’m impressed.” Lysandra teased, but Aelin just sent her a lazy smirk.
“Wise words from World’s Champion Orlon Galathynius.” She smiled. “Plus, she could use some sugar in her diet. It might absorb some of that ego.” Aelin tipped her drink before taking a big sip.
Nehemia rolled her eyes, a smile on her lips, as Lysandra laughed.
The girls finally walked through the main doors of the school. The crowd grew thicker once they were inside. Students were chatting and laughing, making their way to their lockers and classrooms.
“Look who it is,” Nehemia teased as they turned down the hallway. “Lover boy.”
Aelin followed her gaze, and sure enough, Aedion was standing at his locker. His golden hair was pulled back in a small, messy pony tail. He placed some books in his bag before closing his locker and looking up. A smile broke out on his face when he found the girls making their way towards them.
“Good morning, ladies.” He said to them all before pulling Lysandra in, giving her a kiss.
Aelin groaned half-heartedly as she propped her hip against the lockers. “Great. Now I can puke up my drink. At least Uncle Weylan won’t have a problem anymore.”
“Oh shut up.” Aedion wrapped an arm around Lysandra's waist, turning to his cousin. “You love the fact that we’re dating.”
“I can’t even lie right now. Because I actually do.” A broad smile stretched across Aelin’s lips. “I’d love it more if I didn’t have to witness the kissing, though.”
Aedion rolled his eyes, laughter leaving his lips. Then suddenly, as if a light bulb went off in his head, he turned to Lysandra.
“Speaking of kissing,” he winked, “We’ll have to postpone our date. Coach added an extra practice tonight because of the big game next week. So I’m going over to Rowan’s after school for an hour or so before heading to the rink.”
“Rowan as in new guy Rowan?” Lysandra raised a teasing eyebrow. “Should I be jealous?”
“Nah. He’s hot, but I only have eyes for you, Lys.” He pressed a kiss onto her forehead, pulling her closer.
Lysandra rolled her green eyes, a small smile pulling on her lips. “Damn right.”
“And what about me?” Aelin raised an eyebrow. “You were supposed to be my ride home.”
Aedion stared at her for a moment before turning his pleading gaze to Nehemia.
“Can’t,” Nehemia shook her head. “I have work after school.”
Aedion swore softly under his breath. He bit his lip, looking around the crowded hallway as if he could pull someone random student aside and get them to bring her home. A few desperate moments later he sighed.
“I’ll bring you home, I guess.” He sounded so defeated that Aelin couldn't help but huff and roll her eyes.
“Don’t sound too excited.” Her voice was laced with sarcasm. “Sorry I’m cutting into your Rowan time.”
Aedion rolled his eyes, his lips moving to say something when the warning bell for first period rang throughout the school.
“Saved by the bell,” He threw Aelin a smirk before turning to Lysandra. “Can I walk you to your first class?”
“I think I can make it there myself, asshole.” She teased before tossing her bag over his shoulder. “But it you must, you can carry my bag while you're at it.”
Aedion mumbled something under his breath as Lysandra flipped her hair over her shoulder. Aelin couldn't help but laugh as he followed her best friend down the hallway like a lost puppy.
“So,” Nehemia spoke up as she and Aelin started down the hallway in the opposite direction. “Have you met him yet?”
Aelin glanced over at Nehemia with a raised eyebrow. “Who?”
“No. But Aedion talks about him enough that I feel like I have,” Aelin stepped around a group of freshman before continuing. “Aedion practically worships him. Says he’s the best center they’ve ever had on the team.”
“Better than Lorcan?”
“That’s what Aedion says. And anyone who can out do Lorcan Salvaterre gets points in my book.” Aelin cast Nehemia a knowing smirk before shaking her head. “But honestly, I could care less about meeting Rowan.”
A look over confusion took over Nehemiah's face. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Aelin shrugged as they walked into their math class. “I mean, have you seen him? He walks around the school like he’s above everyone else. The only people he talks to are the hockey boys.”
The confused look fell from Nehemiah's face, her eyes now shining. “Is that so?”
“Yes!” The two girls sat down in their normal seats towards the back. “And I haven’t even said two words to the guy, but he looks at me in the hallway like I killed his puppy. Like, just seeing him at this point makes me so mad – and what are you smiling at?”
Aelin glared at Nehemia. She had a broad grin on her face, her dark eyes shining with laughter.
“Nothing,” she shrugged, pulling a textbook out of her bag. “I just feel like there’s more there than you’re actually seeing.”
“Oh God, is this one of your feelings?”
“All I’m saying is you don’t even know him,” Nehemia shrugged. “Get to know him before you judge him. He may surprise you.”
Aelin shook her head, pulling out her own books. Her mind flashed to the looks icy looks of complete hatred Rowan gave her whenever she was around. It was the same look he’d given her every time their eyes met since that first time in the lunchroom the first week of school. She had no idea what she’d done to him, but it seemed he already hated her. Then again, he was friends with Lorcan Salvaterre. Lord only knows what that asshole had said about her.
But if he was so quick to judge her, why couldn't she do the same? He was just another senior who walked around like he was too good for everyone else here.
“He doesn’t seem like a very surprising or exciting guy,” Aelin said as their math teacher walked in. Her gaze moved over to Nehemia. “Besides, I’m staying away from him. He seems like he’s more trouble than he’s worth.”
Rowan sighed as he stood on the front steps of the school.
It was only the first week of October, but the leaves were already starting to change color. There was a bitterness in the air that could only mean fall was fast approaching. But the sun was warm as it shined down on them.
Students ran out the main doors after the end of a long school day, forming irritating clumps in the parking lot. Everyone was anxious and ready to get home or go about their afternoon.
Rowan stood there, leaning against the railing as he watched them. This was normally the moment where the new guy felt the most distant from everyone else. But he didn’t feel like that at all. In fact, the past month of school couldn't have gone better, really. He knew his way around, he actually liked most of his classes, and got along with the teachers. He made the hockey team - he couldn't remember the last time he saw his mother smile as big as she did when he told her – and he even considered himself pretty good friends with the other guys on the team at this point. Some more than others, but still.
He considered himself lucky. He was doing well for being the new kid.
“So. Slight change in plans.”
Rowan turned at the sound of the voice. He found Aedion walking towards him, an apologetic look on his face.
Rowan only raised in eyebrow in response. “Whats up?”
“You can either come with me, as originally planned, or ride to your house with Lorcan,” Aedion explained, coming to a stop next to Rowan. “I forgot I have to bring Aelin home.”
It took everything in him not to groan at her name.
It wasn’t really fair of him honestly, to already have an opinion on her. He hadn’t even said a single word to her. He’d only seen her at school, passing her in the hallways or in the cafeteria. And at the rink. Turns out, she was a figure skater. Just the thought made Rowan want to groan even more. Not because he hated figure skaters, but because the rink was just another place he’d have to see Aelin flitting around.
The opinion he did have of her, wasn’t a good one. He’d pieced it together from what he’d heard. Not just from Lorcan - who, he’d admit, did exaggerate a nice bit - but from pieces of conversations around him. From a comment Fenrys would make here and there. From stories Aedion would tell him about him and his cousin growing up. From conversations in the hallways or class. Even from their goalie on the team - Dorian - and one of their defenders - Chaol. In fact, there seemed to be a nice bit of bad blood between Aelin and Chaol.
But the stories weren’t the only thing Rowan went by. He saw the way she prowled down the hallway. The smirk that was constantly present on her lips. The way she flipped her hair to get what she wanted. The raise of her perfectly-shaped eyebrow she always gave him when their gazes locked.
Aelin Galathynius was an annoying, spoiled little princess that he wanted nothing to do with.
But he wasn’t about to say this to Aedion. So he simply gave him a nod.
“I’ll catch a ride with Lorcan.” He said. “I have to be at my house anyways to let everyone in, so it makes more sense.”
He did not want to ride in a car with Aelin if he didn’t have to.
“Sweet,” A broad grin appeared on Aedion’s face. “She’s only about a 10 or 15 minute drive from your house anyways. So it won't take me long. She lives next door to me actually.”
Rowan blinked back his surprise. “Really?”
“Old houses. They’ve been in our families forever. The Galathynius, Ashryvers, and Havilliards have lived in this town forever.”
Rowan nodded. He understood this. For as long as he could remember, the Whitethorns lived in Doranelle. Even now, his Uncles and cousins were still there. Old families loved their hometowns.
“Anyways,” Aedion said. “You can head on home. I’m just waiting for Aelin-”
“You rang?”
Rowan couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly at the sound of her voice. He looked up over Aedion’s shoulder and found Aelin Galathynius making her way towards them. Her hips swayed with every step, the corner of her lips turned up as she stopped next to her cousin.
This was the closest he’d even seen her. Her blonde hair was half pulled back, falling in curls. Those turquoise-gold eyes shined in the sunlight. As Rowan took in her average height and honed, curvy body - most likely achieved because of her constant training - he couldn't help but glare a bit harder. Even just standing there, it felt like she was the queen and they were merely her court.
With a raised eyebrow, Aelin propped her arm on Aedion’s shoulder. She made a show of looking him up and down. Her eyes slowly trailed from his sneaker-clad feet to his short, white hair, taking him in. Rowan felt the slightest bit of anger and annoyance start to hum to life under his skin.
The tension around them grew thicker as Aelin’s smirk grew wider.
“Have you two met before?” Aedion cast a weary glance between them. But Rowan could have sworn he saw some amusement shining through.
“I don’t think we have,” She drawled, a wicked look in her eyes. “Aelin. But I have a feeling you knew that already.”
Rowan’s lips thinned. This girl… This girl pushed his buttons. Hard. But he wouldn’t let her get under his skin.
“And you are?” She pushed, dropping her arm and crossing over her chest.
He couldn't help but narrow his eyes. He knew she knew his name. Everyone did. Plus, he did not like her tone one bit.
“Rowan.” He tried to sound bored, though his tone held a cold edge.
“Well, Rowan,” She rolled his name around her tongue, trying it out for the first time. Her voice was sickly sweet as she spoke, as if she were mocking him in some way. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Are you going to be riding with us?”
“He's going with Lorcan,” Aedion stepped in. A playful glare appeared on his face as he looked at his cousin. “Seeing as I have to bring your annoying ass home.”
“Annoying, beautiful ass.” Aelin smiled broadly. “Get it right.”
Aedion rolled his eyes, a chuckle leaving his lips. “How you can skate with that ego-filled head of yours amazes me.”
Rowan couldn’t resist the eye roll at this point, or the slight snort he let out. It wasn’t loud, but it was loud enough for Aelin to hear. Her hard gaze snapped in his direction. The smirk was gone and a glare took it’s place. Annoyance shined in her eyes.
Good. He was glad that he annoyed her just as much as she annoyed him.
Before she could speak, Rowan turned to Aedion, ignoring Aelin completely as he spoke.
“I’ll see you at the house,” He nodded, giving Aedion a quick fist bump.
He turned on his heel without even a glance at Aelin, making his way down the front steps of the school and towards Lorcan’s car. He knew he’d still be here. Lorcan always chilled by his car for a good ten minutes after classes ended, chatting up one girl or another.
He’d barely made it down the steps, when Aelin’s voice called after him. “I’ll see you around, Rowan.”
He didn’t bother turning around.
There was a hardness to her tone that wasn’t there before. A bitterness. Almost as if she hoped she wouldn’t.
And honestly, he hoped so too.
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notatreeblog · 5 years
*post contains affiliate links which means NAT receives a small commission for each sale made
Therabox is a monthly self care subscription box. This package is mindfully curated by therapists to maximize happiness in Therabox subscribers’ lives. Each package is themed and comes with 6-8 full sized items that inspire wellness like; aromatherapy products, all natural beauty products and other unique lifestyle items valued at over $100. Subscriptions are $34.99 with reduced prices for longer subscription terms. Therabox ships worldwide! Use code MOMSDAY at checkout to receive a discount! NAT received this package at no cost for review purposes.
Subscription Box Unboxing
Subscription Box Review
Our first glimpse inside the Therabox for February. This box has a “Love Your Self” theme and we can get on board with that!
Everything that we received in our February Therabox. We are absolutely blown away by this assortment! It is an amazing group of products that definitely treat you as a person!
  So what is all this stuff?
Our box insert.
The first pages tell you how to get freebies from Therabox by sharing on social media and referring friends.
The following pages take us through the contents of the box and include retail values!
We really like that the final page gives us FAQ’s – ie: damaged goods, renewal dates and etc. Great information for a first month subscriber.
  Voesh Unicorn Pedi in a Box
The first item in our box is from Voesh and is a “pedi in a box”. The unicorn theme means that each of the products are purple or iridescent which is pretty cool! We’ve tried a Pedi In a Box from Voesh before and LOVED it so we are stoked!
There were a total of 5 packets – a soak, sugar scrub, mud masque, gel masque and massage butter. Perfect inclusion for a “Love Your Self” themed box!
  Wooden Incense Holder from The Happy Shoppe
Next up we have an item from Therabox’s own line of products. This raw wood incense holder looks super cool and is available for purchase on Therabox’s Online Shop.
We love how it came all wrapped up!
   Lavender Frankincense Incense
Okay, so you guys know incense aren’t our thing… however these smell so good we can’t say no. The lavender is beautiful and made the entire box smell like absolute MAGIC! There are 10 sticks in this pack that are hand rolled in California. What a great pairing for our new incense holder!
The coolest part is that these incense were a replacement for a different stick… the vendor had an issue and wasn’t able to produce product in time and Therabox worked tirelessly to ensure their subscribers had beautiful smelling incense in their February Box!
  Bloom Mascara from Manna Kadda
Then there’s this fabulous Bloom Mascara from Manna Kaddar. We absolutely love MK lip glosses’ so we are really excited to try this out. Plus, the packaging is totally boss! Let the simple application of this mascara boost your self confidence and mood (girl, it’s the little things amirite?)
  Ashwaganda Hot Chocolate Mix from Elements Truffles
Something we weren’t banking on in this box is some tasty treats! We’ll happily oblige though! This mix is infused with Ashwaganda Root, an ancient herb that helps with anxiety and insomnia. This blend was sent first to Therabox subscribers to try out (which we find super exciting)!
The back has all our steeping instructions and it’s important to note that this cocoa is raw, vegan, fair trade. It’s also made in small batches and sweetened with sustainable coconut palm sugar!
  Modern Skyn Alchemy Rose Facial Mist
From a brand we LOVE! This facial mist is made with Rose which you guys know we absolutely love! Modern Skyn Alchemy follows the European Skincare Standards which means you can trust this product is pure, safe and highly effective! The formulation contains Wild English Roses, Vitamin E and Rosewood and calms, tones and hydrates the skin! This is definitely our box favorite!
  Jade Facial Roller from Revive
Second to last we received a jade roller (seriously finally)! You want to take care of yourself? Love your skin! This roller is used in upward motions to tone, depuff, reduce inflammation, increase collagen and SO much more. Jade as a stone brings harmony… we will allow this!
The larger end is for your face while the small end is for your nose and eyes. The cooling sensation is fantastic. We are so glad that we received this!
  I’m Lovable Inner Truth Journal from Knock Knock Stuff
A journal in a love yourself themed self care subscription box is like ketchup and French fries, a match made in Heaven! This book is awesome, it encourages you to show yourself the same love and compassion you would a good friend. Let it all come out on these pages. Love yourself – write it down and once you feel great… you’ll make others feel great too!
My Mother in Law calls it “Negative Chatter” whatever you call it though, we all have it … a voice at the back of our head telling us our flaws… reminding us how much less deserving we are. This first page addresses that and says… BE GONE NEGATIVE CHATTER!
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Each page after that is a journal page with a different positive quote. We love this journal!
  So in summary
Presentation: Everything arrived to us perfectly in our Therabox Subscription
Quality: We feel like they do a great job of bringing together great, high quality self care items in each package.  We are really loving the hot chocolate and love that Manna Kadar Mascara!
Curation: This “Love Your Self” Box came together perfectly. It included items that either made you sit back and take stock in who you are or made you make some small contribution or investment into your person. Which is the greatest act of self love there is!
Box Economy: For the price of this box ($34.99) we received $125+ in value which we think is a phenomenal deal! We were so impressed with this box and think you guys will be too!
  Subscribe to Therabox
                                        Therabox Subscription Box Review + Unboxing + Coupon | February 2019 *post contains affiliate links which means NAT receives a small commission for each sale made Therabox…
0 notes
moonstew16-blog · 5 years
chocolate caramel tart
Shortly after my husband and I began dating — the dark ages; no seriously, his phone at the time looked like this and I was like whoa, look how fancy you are, dude — we went on a road trip somewhere, stopped at a gas station, and I told him to grab something candy-ish, surprise me. This boy came back to the car with a pack of Rolos, and honestly, it’s amazing we didn’t break up right then and there because Rolos are terrible candy and it’s about time someone said it. [Oh I can hear the reverberations of a thousand unfollows but I will absolutely die on this hill, and remain undeterred.] They’re gooey so they give off the appearance, the suggestion, of being good candy but the goo tastes like nothing. I feel this way about all caramel that appears inside candy bars, which tastes me more like thickened corn syrup than anything toasty and nuanced. Plus, they’re inside a milk chocolate shell, so it’s sweet against sweet, no contrast whatsoever, and so help you if you don’t eat them in a single bite, I hope you enjoy having sticky hands for the rest of the drive. I know, I know what you’re thinking: it’s an absolute mystery how I ended up with such a picky child.
In my unsolicited opinion, three things could improve Rolos: a real toasty, buttery caramel, the contrast of dark chocolate, and a bit of salt. As good caramel is gooey, we’re not going to fight it, but that’s what plates and forks are for.
Claudia Fleming knows this. Owner and pastry chef at the North Fork Table & Inn on Long Island, she’s even more famous famous for her years as pastry chef at Gramercy Tavern, where she led the way in redefining high-end desserts with American flavors. Her 2001 book, The Last Course, has been out of print so long, don’t even exhaust yourself trying to track it down, but in the new Genius Desserts* book from Food52, which includes some treats from Kristen Miglore long-running Genius Recipes column plus new worthy inclusions, it gets a revisit. In the notes, Miglore explains that when Fleming introduced the tart, which is finished with flaky sea salt, notable amounts of salt in desserts was still considered something new and unusual; she had to talk people into it. How times have delightfully changed (for phones too).
I do not imagine that Fleming was inspired by glove compartment Rolos, but this tart gets the idea of them so right, including a bittersweet chocolate ganache on tart, which reins in the sweetness of what is basically a fork-and-knife vehicle for very good caramel. The tart base is wonderful; it tastes like a good chocolate cookie. And the mess? At her restaurants, Fleming serves this as small single-serving tarts that hold everything in neatly. But I find that even made in a larger pan, you have about a minute after you slice the tart before the caramel escapes, more than enough time to get it to your plate where it is yours and yours alone to enjoy, as it should be.
* Not to toot my own horn too much, but there’s a Smitten Kitchen recipe in there too (Salted Brown Butter Crispy Treats) and another one in the bonus packet of recipes they couldn’t fit in the book but wanted to (Gooey Cinnamon Squares, from The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook, a mashup of snickerdoodles and gooey butter cake).
One year ago: Dutch Apple Pie Two years ago: Chocolate Caramel Crunch Almonds + New Kitchen Favorites Three years ago: Date Breakfast Squares, Parsley Pecorino Biscuits and Potato Kugel Four years ago: Cranberry Pie with Thick Pecan Crumble and Twice-Baked Potatoes with Kale Five years ago: Cigarettes Russes Cookies Six years ago: Cauliflower-Feta Fritters with Pomegranate and Cashew Butter Balls Seven years ago: Nutmeg Maple Butter Cookies Eight years ago: Garlic Butter Roasted Mushrooms Nine years ago: Cappucino Fudge Cheesecake and Balsamic-Braised Brussels with Pancetta Ten years ago: Cauliflower Gratin, Dark Chocolate Tart with Gingersnap Crust and Veselka’s Cabbage Soup and Brown Butter Brown Sugar Shorties Eleven years ago: Nutmeg Maple Cream Pie, Chile-Garlic Egg Noodles Twelve years ago: Jacked-Up Banana Bread, Chocolate Chip Sour Cream Coffee Cake, Bourbon Pumpkin Cheesecake
And for the other side of the world: Six Months Ago: Watermelon and Cucumber Salad 1.5 Years Ago: Broccoli Rubble Farro Salad and The Red and The Black 2.5 Years Ago: Almond-Rhubarb Picnic Bars, Cucumber Yogurt Raita Salad and Chicken Gyro Salad 3.5 Years Ago: Swirled Berry Yogurt Popsicles, Pasta Salad with Roasted Tomatoes, and Pink Lemonade 4.5 Years Ago: Nancy’s Chopped Salad
Chocolate Caramel Tart
Servings: 8 to 12
Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Source: Genius Desserts
Three things:
I know caramel can be scary to make but I beg you to try it anyway because it’s just cooked sugar. That’s it. Repeat this to yourself as needed. You don’t need a thermometer. Fleming doesn’t give a temperature goal; she’s trying to keep it simple. Look for an amber/light copper color and that’s it, you’re there. Don’t look for what I did above; I overcooked it. I used it anyway; it’s faintly bitter but nobody minds.
Someone gave me a gift certificate to Williams-Sonoma for Hanukah a few years ago, which led to me buying a bunch of things that nobody really needs but bring me great joy, such as a rectangular tart pan, so I used it here. It holds 75% of the volume of the recipe below, written for a standard (9.5/10-inch round) tart pan. If you have one and want to use it, just use 75% of every ingredient below and you’ll be set. Oh, and go ahead and use the whole egg yolk in the crust. It won’t cause problems.
Finally, this is not the recipe as Fleming wrote it; you can find her version in the book and throughout the web. I have a lazier way to make tart crusts that I prefer, and I’d be crazy not to tell you about it.
1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon powdered sugar
1 1/4 cups (155 grams) all-purpose flour
1/4 cup (20 grams) Dutch-processed cocoa powder
1/2 cup unsalted butter, diced
1 large egg yolk
3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
Caramel filling
2 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup unsalted butter, cut into tablespoons
1/2 cup (120 grams) heavy cream
2 tablespoons creme fraiche or sour cream
Pinch or two flaky sea salt
Ganache topping
1/2 cup heavy cream
3 1/2 ounces (100 grams) bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped (Fleming requests your “best quality”)
Pinch or two flaky sea salt
Make chocolate crust in a food processor: Pulse sugar, flour, and cocoa powder until mixed. Add butter and run the machine until it’s finely chopped and basically disappears into the dry mixture. Add yolk and vanilla and run the machine — not just pulse it — until the mixture begins to clump. It make take 30 seconds, but it will begin to form clumps.
Make chocolate crust in a stand mixer: In bowl of an electric mixer, combine the butter, flour, confectioners’ sugar and cocoa. It’s going to be bumpy at first but keep letting the machine bang it up until it is softened, and keep beating until smooth. Scrape down sides. Add egg yolk and vanilla, and mix until blended. With this method, if the mixture feels too soft to press into a crust, wrap it in waxed or parchment paper and refrigerate it until mostly firm.
Press crust into bottom and up sides of a 9.5- to 10-inch round tart pan with a removable bottom (for easier release). Keep a quarter-sized ball of crust aside to patch cracks later, if needed. Transfer pan to freezer and freeze until solid, about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, heat oven to 325 degrees F.
Bake crust: Prick frozen crust with a fork, coat a piece of foil with nonstick spray, and press it oiled-side-down tightly against the frozen crust, so it is fully molded to the shape. Bake tart with foil (no pie weights needed) for 15 minutes, then carefully, gently, a little at a time, peel back foil and discard. If cracks have form, this is when you patch them with reserved dough. Return to oven for 5 to 10 minutes more, until pastry looks dry and set. Let cool on a rack while you make the caramel.
Make caramel: In a large saucepan with a light-colored interior (this will make it easier to see the caramel’s color), combine the sugar, water, and corn syrup, then turn heat to medium-high. Cook undisturbed (no stirring needed, just tilt and swirl the pan if it looks uneven but really this shouldn’t be very necessary) until the sugar takes on an amber or pale copper color, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and carefully whisk in the butter — it’s going to boil up and steam, be careful — until melted, then the cream and creme fraiche or sour cream and a couple pinches of salt, until smooth. Pour into prepared crust. Let caramel set in the fridge until cool and firm, about an hour.
Make ganache: Place chopped chocolate in a heatproof bowl and bring cream to a simmer. Pour over chocolate and let sit undisturbed for 2 minutes, then whisk until smooth. Pour it over cooled caramel layer, spreading evenly with a spatula or butter knife. Let set in the fridge, another hour, or until firm to the touch.
To serve: Sprinkle the top of the tart with flaky sea salt. A knife dipped in hot water cuts fairly cleanly, but slices will become messy within a minute of being cut, so try to get them to their plates quickly.
To store leftovers: Fleming recommends doing so at room temperature, but I think it makes things too messy. Spray two small strips of foil with nonstick spray and press them against the cut/open sides of the tart and wrap them tight; this will keep it from spilling out in the fridge. Tart should keep in the fridge for a week, not that I believe it will.
Source: https://smittenkitchen.com/2018/12/chocolate-caramel-tart/
0 notes
day04day-blog · 6 years
Delicious chocolate Gelato.
A traditional street provider snack in Japan, Taiyaki is actually a warm and comfortable fish-shape covered with red bean filling. After that I went as well as made a reeeeally yummo Dessert Chili Garlic Tofu dish as well as my eyes were actually re-opened to food preparation along with tofu MYSELF, in my personal kitchen space, like a true vegetarian (which I am not but which I simulate occasionally). In our outdated, chubby apartment the oven was actually just about ONE HUNDRED degrees greater than just what you establish that at. Yet I create my personal dishes anyways, so I had not been even aware of this until our experts moved to our brand-new property along with a new oven. Some strategies additionally possess you draw back the husks, take out the cottons, and then put the husks back over the corn just before roasting. Healthy chefs attempt to maintain salt degrees in check as well as just allocate a small amount of sodium to a dish-- so they have to maximize the salt's influence. Can not receive sufficient from cooking food off that, acquired gotten it as a 'maintain me active' existing for after a recent surgical procedure and in all honesty can't stop using it! I've been brazen sufficient to encourage saturated fats, discovered in animal products and some tropical oils, as component of a well-balanced diet regimen, and I'll claim this once more. I have not actually produced this in the stove therefore every little thing I've been saying to others has actually been actually an estimate. In a little dish, whip together the nuts milk, syrup, flour, nutritional yeast, cinnamon, nutmeg and sodium. This was actually kind of complicated burning the chicken with the sausage wrapped around this, however that assisted to create certain that completions were actually all tucked under the exact same edge. I possessed a little bit of difficulty obtaining the coconut rice prepared all the way; I had to maintain incorporating water up until it was cooked. The recipe I commonly utilize (coming from the Australian Female's Weekly Fantastic Dishes) includes cream, sausage and butter however I will surely attempt swapping body fat for butter! When butter is liquefied, include rice and stir up until rice looks tweedy" as well as is extensively covered with body fat. Our team are not vegetarian however I love cooking your recipes so maybe our experts will certainly function our way to that! I consistently claim that if I had the capacity to have just one food preparation pot, this would be a Creuset. You motivated me in order to get in to cast iron food preparation and so this recipe specifically appears absolutely succulent. Add in superfoods, sea veggies and fermented foods and also you possess a giant from health and nutrition going into you each day. And also you'll adore them a lot you'll probably intend to create an around for lunch too! Really, that is actually a deception: I claimed, have me trustworthy to Panera since I am actually longing hen wild rice soup which mediterranean veggie sandwich as well as I am visiting come to be a hangry creature in about three secs. Might I add that I consumed at minimum 2 portions while producing these - glucose free of cost well-balanced treats. Our team would certainly each carefully unwrap our packet, find the items from tender, flawlessly steamed chick atop scrumptious rice. Given that from its wonderful binding powers, brown rice is my recommended grain of choice in vegetable cheeseburgers. However I discover the corn much more effortlessly dries in this manner, as well as the greatest technique for juicy smoked corn is actually to certainly not pester the husks. Considering that they are actually actually cooked, you do not need to have a considerable amount of warm or a long preparing food opportunity, as well as the RS is actually kept. I invested years cooking Italian every Sunday after church with the young man that I was friends with and also dated for many years. As soon as very hot, incorporate the white colored rice and also lime extract and also sautà © for One Minute to salute the rice. imp source baking piece into the oven as well as roast for 20-25 minutes till the broccolini is actually simply somewhat crispy. Because where else could you really assess the criterion, I consistently take pleasure in relative preparing food. I utilize small amounts from dark maple syrup and/or sweet potatoes to sweeten my cooking and also cooking. I am actually bummed to read about brown rice - I ue the syrup often in granola and also have actually been actually carrying out great deals more gluten totally free cooking thus hae been actually utilizing the flour.
The Lose Your Belly Diet plan hases plenty of nutritional information and also possesses a terrific eating strategy that places its own emphasis on eating entire grains, beans and probiotic meals. The foods and also dishes present you how you can take pleasure in a balanced, healthy, wholefoods diet regimen rich in fat deposits releasers. I'm instructing my 4 years of age twins healthy and balanced eating behaviors, as well as it will be actually excellent to have a go to vegan meatloaf dish. Recipe calls for 20-25 mins however I must maintain in oven for 15 mins longer in comparison to the recipe calls for. I recognize that with cooking food one may be imprecise and also improvisate, but cooking is actually extra sensitive to the variance in chemistry. Despite the fact that I've created the majority of these dishes currently (ummm helloooo fruit bread muffin bests !!), viewing all of them all produced makes me would like to make all of them all over again !! http://konsequente-frau.info/ came by means of, and am actually still determining my very own consuming concerns and trying to acquire even more in contact with my body and also this is actually indicators and also cultivating a well-balanced consuming design. However many of the time, I discover it very, quite tough to eat healthy when I am actually out or on a company excursion or even something. I am actually stocking up today on my well-balanced handles for the full week because its own snowing up listed below in MA! Hey Nicole, I have actually gone through that vegetable preparing food fluid can operate in a comparable fashion trend, however this's tough to mention without a doubt in this particular recipe. These well-balanced excess fats bolster the skin cell membrane, strengthening skin layer level of smoothness and structure, and also help in reducing extreme inflammation, a crucial consider premature aging. My adventures food preparation along with tofu- and also of course, I am actually a complete beginner, have actually certainly not worked out when I utilize Swiss tofu. Don't hesitate to verify this along with a holistic nutritionist which has knowledge of whole food-based supplements or even talk to the firms directly for their investigation. I still have a problem with a damaging mentality at times, but I'm better at dismissing those ideas as well as catching on this healthy & happier path. However it's type of a mashup of my past lifestyle and also present, because, you know, QUINOA and also whatever. I really delight in involving your webpage as well as reading through all the dishes. organizing my dishes and then enjoying all of them. Without the components she once used consistently at her disposal, she planted her vegetarian cooking food in to an art of its own, full of sensory charge. They lug sodium bicarbonate, cooking powder, fungus, dark, as well as light brown (muscovado) brownish sweets, along with various other food items and also baking-related products. Yummo Lindsay, only exactly what we need to have, it's our Summer season listed below in the Southern Half, where our experts are actually possessing sweltering temperatures reaching 40C and also food preparation corrects off the radar. Deal with the flowerpot and transfer it to the oven; bake for TWENTY moments, or even until the orzo is tender plus all the liquid has been actually taken in.
0 notes
eliserunsboston · 7 years
Mountain Climbing
A short hike, a hut and a group of unwieldy climbers
Location: White Mountains, New Hampshire
Miles: 8 with 4,000 vertical ft
Song in my head: Take me Home, Country Road – John Denver (because that is what one hiker was singing at the summit)
Brunch food motivation: Hot Chocolate of the Hut kind
We huddled close, soaked to the skin in our shirts, pants and rain jackets. We cupped the hot chocolate a little tighter and allowed it to warm our insides. Nothing but white washed the outside windows. You couldn’t see what was north, which way was south nor anything in between. Every now and again the doors of the hut would swing open and another wide-eyed group of hikers would huddle through the doors seeking the shelter of the homemade bread, soup, and the reprieve of the hut. Long wooden benches lined one side, while the center was the hustle and bustle shift change of experienced hikers, Sunday hikers, and some families with the kitchen sitting off to the left. The mug of hot chocolate (nothing special just a packet and hot water) along with the dill soup were EVERYTHING. We had been hiking for just over 7 hours. And we had 3 miles to go.
We headed out into the hazardous conditions in our still wet clothing and new layers knowing 2 hours lay ahead of us between us and the car and mini-Twix as promised by Syed.
Not 12 hours earlier I had been boarding a Boston Express bus to meet Carolyn in New Hampshire for what would be an impromptu hike of Mount Lafayette and the Franconia Ridge Trail. We embraced as she picked me up from the station and we drove to pick up Syed. Carolyn is a tiger wrapped in sheep’s clothing. The most beautiful, docile in appearance with a beast inside, heart of gold, and a hilarious sense of humor. She had done this route before. Syed and I on the other hand, were still new to the mountains. Syed and I were her faithful warriors with 4,000 vertical feet between the two of us. This was my first time meeting Syed. He was absolutely wonderful, so warm and welcoming. “This is my first 4,000 footer,” said Syed as we entered his apartment. I breathed a sigh of relief. “Me too!” I exclaimed. We packed our bags with snacks and water and Syed drove us to the base of the White Mountains. Along the way, he recounted all of the research he had done on our trail. I thankfully knew what I was getting myself into, having heard the tales of Carolyn and her husband Eugenio’s adventures.
We pulled into the parking area at the base of the mountain. Other hikers were grabbing their packs and starting their way up the mountain. Onward we went. We took multiple, much-needed breaks. While Syed called the break directives, I was all too relieved to take in the blissful rests along the route.
We passed waterfalls, trees, and humble hikers galore. We chatted and caught up on life, made up stories and wandered on our path. One spot we were looking for was Shining Rock. Shining Rock was worth it. A little detour off of our path before reaching the summit. We all looked at each other and confirmed we still wanted to take the detour. It was a small, narrow, downward slope and at the end was a massive, white shining rock sticking out of the side of the mountain. We hit pause. We sat on the rock and looked out over the expansive view of New Hampshire, of the world. We felt small. We appreciated every part of the moment. We paused. It was absolutely gorgeous, the fall foliage greeting us with all of its red, orange, and yellow splendor. Shining Rock was in all of its glory, allowing hikers to glimpse at just a preview of the beauty the White Mountains held.
We happened upon other hikers as we emerged from our .1mile detour.  They asked us if it was worth it. We replied emphatically that it was! They poo-pooed the idea, despite our best efforts to assure them of its beauty, and declared they were here for the summit. That’s what they came for. We shrugged and continued on the trail.
As we reached the first summit (there are three total connected by a ridge – one mountain for each of us), we were met with wind whipping at our clothes and white clouds and more white clouds. There were dozens of hikers at the top. Their bodies made black shapes across the ridge with the white backdrop of clouds obscuring any view as they made their way across. It was a strange feeling, feeling you were at the top, but not knowing how far up, nor how far out you could see on any other clear day.
I could not have asked for better hiking companions on our tour along Franconia Ridge. They brought jokes, laughter, positivity and snacks…lots of snacks. Author’s Note: This is not the only reason I appreciated them and their shining personalities. It was a solid team: Car Keys, Hype Girl, and Boss Lady.*
There was another group at the summit singing “Take Me Home, West Virginiaaaaa! Take Me Home.” We all laughed. It was a reminder we weren’t the only ones out there. That there really wasn’t an option to turn back. Plus, we had to make it to the hut by 3pm. That had been our original plan to beat out the potential rain. We definitely weren’t making it to the hut by 3pm. And we definitely weren’t outhiking the rain. We were only at the first peak and there was no sign of Mother Nature taking back her wrath. The wind whipped hard in its best attempt to pin us to the mountain as we crested rocks and traversed the ridge. Hype mode on for all of us.
We made it to the Greenleaf Hut, the most adorable hut where you could break from the elements, regroup at the tables, meet other hikers, grab a change of clothes before venturing back out on the trail. It was the cutest New England lodge. Just cozy enough to give you a break, but not cozy enough to overstay your welcome, because, after all, you were there to climb.
We ended the hike in the dark, led by Boss Lady’s headlamp that she had remembered to pack. Teamwork makes the dream work. We highfived at the base of the mountain and in the parking lot to our lone car as Syed produced the promised treat.
We made it to the top. The one view we got was on Shining Rock, otherwise it was white clouds with an unknowing sense of where you were. We also talked about going back for the views. I sleepily smiled in the back, knowing I got something way better than views that day. I didn’t go for the views. I went to prove something to myself. I could be this new me. Maybe it’s not about finish lines, maybe it’s about the hard work, moments, laughs and unexpected people you meet along the way that’s really important. Maybe its about embracing the detours, the breaks, the unexpected. Maybe it’s the person that you’re becoming along the way, the friendships you’re gaining, the moments you’re sharing on the journey to the top that mark the experience.
“These mountains you are carrying, you were only meant to climb.” – Najwa Zebian
I think people go to the mountains to find themselves, to be reborn, and go back to their truest form. I just finished the book Unbound: A Story of Snow and Self-Discovery. More on that later, but she talks about starting lines and how they might just sneakily be as important as the finish lines. Her goal was to ski 4,000,000 vertical feet in one year spanning mountains across continents and countries. She had set out to break a record, but what she found out about herself as a person was the most important revelation. The people she met along the way and the blue ribbons she had been chasing opened her eyes to something entirely new about her way of living and her true, authentic self.
Mt Lafayette, Franconia Ridge
Mt Lafayette, Franconia Ridge
*Syed was in constant reminder mode that he held the car keys and that we could not leave him behind in our travels. We would never. No man left behind. Hype girl’s rules of the trail.
Mountain Climbing was originally published on Elise Runs Boston
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milenasanchezmk · 7 years
6 Food Products I Love to Hate and 5 I Just Love
Any old time readers remember the Fuming Fuji? He was the lovable yet ornery food critic of early MDA who railed against chocolate milk, cocoa puffs, chicken fries, applesauce (he was seriously biased here), and frozen waffles. He’d get a little carried away, and we eventually had to put him down (ironically, by turning him into applesauce), but his heart was in the right place. Today, I’m paying homage to the Fuming Fuji by having a little fun with some of today’s more absurd food offerings. Then I’ll follow up with some that I’m enjoying these days.
Let’s go:
1. Peeled Sumo Mandarins in Shrink Wrap
Whole Foods is a great store. They carry the best brand of mayo, for one. And two, they offer some of the most nutrient-dense food around. But now and then I find myself raising an eyebrow (or two) at something on the shelf.
Last year, they began offering pre-peeled sumo mandarin oranges in plastic shrink wrap. Because mandarin oranges weren’t already expressly bred to be easy-to-peel. Because orange peels weren’t crafted by evolution to protect the delicious interior. Because even if you were able to somehow peel your own orange, what the hell are you going to do with the peel?
2. Fried Gluten with Peanuts
The anti-Primal, fried gluten with peanuts has everything you’re not supposed to eat on strict paleo or Primal:
Rancid soybean oil (both frying and storage medium).
And it’s all packaged in a can no doubt lined with ample BPA. If you were to toss a pallet of these into a CrossFit box, the universe would implode on itself.
3. Gluten-Free Water
The best satire is indistinguishable from reality. I’m pretty sure that Clara Gluten-Free Water is a real brand whose earnest mission is to give you “peace of mind throughout the day,” but boy is it tough to tell from the “portraits” of the water to their commitment to a diverse customer base (intended for anyone “at a vipassana retreat or simply working as an account manager at an award-winning boutique ad agency”) to the odd phrases they coin (“lifestyle-oriented individual”).
Who am I kidding. I’m going to start drinking this stuff and get on the righteous path. Who could say no to this face?
4. The Juicero
Ah, how I love the hubris on display when Silicon Valley tries entering the food space. From Soylent diarrhea to shmeat to disappointing vegan “mayo,” it rarely goes right. The Juicero is another example.
A $700 juicer that used proprietary packets of fresh produce, like a Keurig coffee maker only for kale juice, the Juicero just never made sense to me. How could such a set-up—shipping refrigerated single-serving produce packs—work?
It hasn’t. The company just announced they’re pulling out and issuing refunds for the Juicero.
5. Unicorn Froot Loops
I just don’t understand the “unicornization” of foods. What makes Unicorn Froot Loops unicorn Froot loops? I assumed they would have severed cereal horse heads with horns interspersed with the loops, but that doesn’t appear to be the case. They’re just different colored loops. There’s a unicorn on the box. Is that it?
Do kids really like unicorns so much that they’ll clamor for Unicorn Froot Loops? Is there a huge demand for unicorn-themed foods? Sure, put enough sugar in it and they’ll eat it, but what specifically about the unicorn is drawing people in?
Maybe if these were made of real unicorn meal, I’d sing a different tune. That’d be a healthy high-protein breakfast. I imagine magical beast flesh has plenty of undiscovered micronutrients, too. Oh well.
6. Yoni Beer
It was inevitable, in hindsight. Of course they were going to make beer using vaginal bacteria. I’m actually surprised it took this long. After all, “The secret of the beer lies in her vagina.” You get this message in fortune cookies, for crying out loud.
Look, I’m not going to disparage reproductive organs. But, well, the vagina a person chooses to consort with is a personal decision. I don’t just want any vagina’s lactic bacteria in my beer.
Then there’s the inevitable question I’m sure we’re all wondering right now: when’s the male version coming out—and will it derive active cultures from smegma? How long do we seriously have to wait?
But enough negativity. What do I love?
1. Turkey Legs at Disneyland
My kids are grown. I have no real reason to brave the crowds and visit Disneyland. And the product I’m about to recommend isn’t good enough to get me to go anymore. But when I did go, when my kids were of age and I did go to Disneyland, the turkey legs were a lifesaver. I still think about them.
There’s no gussying it up: It’s just a big tender smoked turkey leg. For about $9, you get around a pound of meat and sinew and tendon and gelatinous unctuousness. I’ll happily wait in line for Star Tours if I’ve got a turkey leg to gnaw on.
2. The SousVide+
Mike and Mary Dan Eades are good friends of mine, so when they asked me to highlight their upcoming SousVide+ I was more than happy to do it. Then I got to try the thing, and came away even more enthusiastic.
3. Chili Peppers
The farmer’s market has been great for fresh chilis lately. I’m loving fresno and serrano chilis, or any chili with moderately high heat that retains its fruitiness. There’s even a stand that sells Thai chilis on the vine. Just look around at your local market, as there are many different types. Ask to try them! I keep a tupperware container full of chopped chilis, garlic, shallots, and ginger that I can quickly add to stir fries without messing up a cutting board or getting hot chili residue all over my hands.
I’m also really into dried ancho chilis, which I eat like fruit bark. Seriously. Try it. I got the idea after listening to a podcast episode of “Conversations with Tyler” with Mark Miller, where they do a dry chile tasting and discuss how to choose dried chilis. Even better is a handful of dried ancho chili strips mixed with beef jerky.
On the powder front, chipotle chili powder is essential. Mix it with cumin and garlic powder for an incredible addition to any meat dish.
4. Wide Mouth Canning Jars
I’ve been pickling a fair bit of produce. Stuff like sauerkraut and kimchi, while delicious and not that hard, still take a bit more effort than I’m willing to expend these days. Plus, you have to worry about keeping torn up cabbage that loves to float submerged under the brine. It’s a big headache.
Instead, I’ve been pickling whole garlic cloves (I just get the big bag of organic peeled cloves from Costco), various spices like ginger and turmeric, small onions and shallots, and all the chili peppers I just mentioned. It’s great. Add the produce to the wide mouth canning jar, fill with salty brine (teaspoon of salt per cup of water or thereabouts), and wait for bubbles to start appearing. The relative density of the ingredients means keeping them submerged is simple. Sometimes I’ll spruce it up with a few dashes of fish sauce, or maybe a layer of olive oil at the top.
5. Short Rib “Steaks”
My new favorite “steak” is the short rib. Not the Korean cut with the little bone islands dispersed throughout, though that’s great, too. I prefer the English cut with the whole rib bone. To get a “steak,” I use a sharp knife to separate the meat from the bone. I season the meat with salt and pepper, throw it in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 270°, then sear it over high heat for a minute on each side. Even better—you can reserve the bone for soup.
That’s it for today, everyone. Do you have any personal favorites (or absurd discoveries) to add? Share ’em on the board, and have a great week.
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fishermariawo · 7 years
6 Food Products I Love to Hate and 5 I Just Love
Any old time readers remember the Fuming Fuji? He was the lovable yet ornery food critic of early MDA who railed against chocolate milk, cocoa puffs, chicken fries, applesauce (he was seriously biased here), and frozen waffles. He’d get a little carried away, and we eventually had to put him down (ironically, by turning him into applesauce), but his heart was in the right place. Today, I’m paying homage to the Fuming Fuji by having a little fun with some of today’s more absurd food offerings. Then I’ll follow up with some that I’m enjoying these days.
Let’s go:
1. Peeled Sumo Mandarins in Shrink Wrap
Whole Foods is a great store. They carry the best brand of mayo, for one. And two, they offer some of the most nutrient-dense food around. But now and then I find myself raising an eyebrow (or two) at something on the shelf.
Last year, they began offering pre-peeled sumo mandarin oranges in plastic shrink wrap. Because mandarin oranges weren’t already expressly bred to be easy-to-peel. Because orange peels weren’t crafted by evolution to protect the delicious interior. Because even if you were able to somehow peel your own orange, what the hell are you going to do with the peel?
2. Fried Gluten with Peanuts
The anti-Primal, fried gluten with peanuts has everything you’re not supposed to eat on strict paleo or Primal:
Rancid soybean oil (both frying and storage medium).
And it’s all packaged in a can no doubt lined with ample BPA. If you were to toss a pallet of these into a CrossFit box, the universe would implode on itself.
3. Gluten-Free Water
The best satire is indistinguishable from reality. I’m pretty sure that Clara Gluten-Free Water is a real brand whose earnest mission is to give you “peace of mind throughout the day,” but boy is it tough to tell from the “portraits” of the water to their commitment to a diverse customer base (intended for anyone “at a vipassana retreat or simply working as an account manager at an award-winning boutique ad agency”) to the odd phrases they coin (“lifestyle-oriented individual”).
Who am I kidding. I’m going to start drinking this stuff and get on the righteous path. Who could say no to this face?
4. The Juicero
Ah, how I love the hubris on display when Silicon Valley tries entering the food space. From Soylent diarrhea to shmeat to disappointing vegan “mayo,” it rarely goes right. The Juicero is another example.
A $700 juicer that used proprietary packets of fresh produce, like a Keurig coffee maker only for kale juice, the Juicero just never made sense to me. How could such a set-up—shipping refrigerated single-serving produce packs—work?
It hasn’t. The company just announced they’re pulling out and issuing refunds for the Juicero.
5. Unicorn Froot Loops
I just don’t understand the “unicornization” of foods. What makes Unicorn Froot Loops unicorn Froot loops? I assumed they would have severed cereal horse heads with horns interspersed with the loops, but that doesn’t appear to be the case. They’re just different colored loops. There’s a unicorn on the box. Is that it?
Do kids really like unicorns so much that they’ll clamor for Unicorn Froot Loops? Is there a huge demand for unicorn-themed foods? Sure, put enough sugar in it and they’ll eat it, but what specifically about the unicorn is drawing people in?
Maybe if these were made of real unicorn meal, I’d sing a different tune. That’d be a healthy high-protein breakfast. I imagine magical beast flesh has plenty of undiscovered micronutrients, too. Oh well.
6. Yoni Beer
It was inevitable, in hindsight. Of course they were going to make beer using vaginal bacteria. I’m actually surprised it took this long. After all, “The secret of the beer lies in her vagina.” You get this message in fortune cookies, for crying out loud.
Look, I’m not going to disparage reproductive organs. But, well, the vagina a person chooses to consort with is a personal decision. I don’t just want any vagina’s lactic bacteria in my beer.
Then there’s the inevitable question I’m sure we’re all wondering right now: when’s the male version coming out—and will it derive active cultures from smegma? How long do we seriously have to wait?
But enough negativity. What do I love?
1. Turkey Legs at Disneyland
My kids are grown. I have no real reason to brave the crowds and visit Disneyland. And the product I’m about to recommend isn’t good enough to get me to go anymore. But when I did go, when my kids were of age and I did go to Disneyland, the turkey legs were a lifesaver. I still think about them.
There’s no gussying it up: It’s just a big tender smoked turkey leg. For about $9, you get around a pound of meat and sinew and tendon and gelatinous unctuousness. I’ll happily wait in line for Star Tours if I’ve got a turkey leg to gnaw on.
2. The SousVide+
Mike and Mary Dan Eades are good friends of mine, so when they asked me to highlight their upcoming SousVide+ I was more than happy to do it. Then I got to try the thing, and came away even more enthusiastic.
3. Chili Peppers
The farmer’s market has been great for fresh chilis lately. I’m loving fresno and serrano chilis, or any chili with moderately high heat that retains its fruitiness. There’s even a stand that sells Thai chilis on the vine. Just look around at your local market, as there are many different types. Ask to try them! I keep a tupperware container full of chopped chilis, garlic, shallots, and ginger that I can quickly add to stir fries without messing up a cutting board or getting hot chili residue all over my hands.
I’m also really into dried ancho chilis, which I eat like fruit bark. Seriously. Try it. I got the idea after listening to a podcast episode of “Conversations with Tyler” with Mark Miller, where they do a dry chile tasting and discuss how to choose dried chilis. Even better is a handful of dried ancho chili strips mixed with beef jerky.
On the powder front, chipotle chili powder is essential. Mix it with cumin and garlic powder for an incredible addition to any meat dish.
4. Wide Mouth Canning Jars
I’ve been pickling a fair bit of produce. Stuff like sauerkraut and kimchi, while delicious and not that hard, still take a bit more effort than I’m willing to expend these days. Plus, you have to worry about keeping torn up cabbage that loves to float submerged under the brine. It’s a big headache.
Instead, I’ve been pickling whole garlic cloves (I just get the big bag of organic peeled cloves from Costco), various spices like ginger and turmeric, small onions and shallots, and all the chili peppers I just mentioned. It’s great. Add the produce to the wide mouth canning jar, fill with salty brine (teaspoon of salt per cup of water or thereabouts), and wait for bubbles to start appearing. The relative density of the ingredients means keeping them submerged is simple. Sometimes I’ll spruce it up with a few dashes of fish sauce, or maybe a layer of olive oil at the top.
5. Short Rib “Steaks”
My new favorite “steak” is the short rib. Not the Korean cut with the little bone islands dispersed throughout, though that’s great, too. I prefer the English cut with the whole rib bone. To get a “steak,” I use a sharp knife to separate the meat from the bone. I season the meat with salt and pepper, throw it in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 270°, then sear it over high heat for a minute on each side. Even better—you can reserve the bone for soup.
That’s it for today, everyone. Do you have any personal favorites (or absurd discoveries) to add? Share ’em on the board, and have a great week.
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watsonrodriquezie · 7 years
6 Food Products I Love to Hate and 5 I Just Love
Any old time readers remember the Fuming Fuji? He was the lovable yet ornery food critic of early MDA who railed against chocolate milk, cocoa puffs, chicken fries, applesauce (he was seriously biased here), and frozen waffles. He’d get a little carried away, and we eventually had to put him down (ironically, by turning him into applesauce), but his heart was in the right place. Today, I’m paying homage to the Fuming Fuji by having a little fun with some of today’s more absurd food offerings. Then I’ll follow up with some that I’m enjoying these days.
Let’s go:
1. Peeled Sumo Mandarins in Shrink Wrap
Whole Foods is a great store. They carry the best brand of mayo, for one. And two, they offer some of the most nutrient-dense food around. But now and then I find myself raising an eyebrow (or two) at something on the shelf.
Last year, they began offering pre-peeled sumo mandarin oranges in plastic shrink wrap. Because mandarin oranges weren’t already expressly bred to be easy-to-peel. Because orange peels weren’t crafted by evolution to protect the delicious interior. Because even if you were able to somehow peel your own orange, what the hell are you going to do with the peel?
2. Fried Gluten with Peanuts
The anti-Primal, fried gluten with peanuts has everything you’re not supposed to eat on strict paleo or Primal:
Rancid soybean oil (both frying and storage medium).
And it’s all packaged in a can no doubt lined with ample BPA. If you were to toss a pallet of these into a CrossFit box, the universe would implode on itself.
3. Gluten-Free Water
The best satire is indistinguishable from reality. I’m pretty sure that Clara Gluten-Free Water is a real brand whose earnest mission is to give you “peace of mind throughout the day,” but boy is it tough to tell from the “portraits” of the water to their commitment to a diverse customer base (intended for anyone “at a vipassana retreat or simply working as an account manager at an award-winning boutique ad agency”) to the odd phrases they coin (“lifestyle-oriented individual”).
Who am I kidding. I’m going to start drinking this stuff and get on the righteous path. Who could say no to this face?
4. The Juicero
Ah, how I love the hubris on display when Silicon Valley tries entering the food space. From Soylent diarrhea to shmeat to disappointing vegan “mayo,” it rarely goes right. The Juicero is another example.
A $700 juicer that used proprietary packets of fresh produce, like a Keurig coffee maker only for kale juice, the Juicero just never made sense to me. How could such a set-up—shipping refrigerated single-serving produce packs—work?
It hasn’t. The company just announced they’re pulling out and issuing refunds for the Juicero.
5. Unicorn Froot Loops
I just don’t understand the “unicornization” of foods. What makes Unicorn Froot Loops unicorn Froot loops? I assumed they would have severed cereal horse heads with horns interspersed with the loops, but that doesn’t appear to be the case. They’re just different colored loops. There’s a unicorn on the box. Is that it?
Do kids really like unicorns so much that they’ll clamor for Unicorn Froot Loops? Is there a huge demand for unicorn-themed foods? Sure, put enough sugar in it and they’ll eat it, but what specifically about the unicorn is drawing people in?
Maybe if these were made of real unicorn meal, I’d sing a different tune. That’d be a healthy high-protein breakfast. I imagine magical beast flesh has plenty of undiscovered micronutrients, too. Oh well.
6. Yoni Beer
It was inevitable, in hindsight. Of course they were going to make beer using vaginal bacteria. I’m actually surprised it took this long. After all, “The secret of the beer lies in her vagina.” You get this message in fortune cookies, for crying out loud.
Look, I’m not going to disparage reproductive organs. But, well, the vagina a person chooses to consort with is a personal decision. I don’t just want any vagina’s lactic bacteria in my beer.
Then there’s the inevitable question I’m sure we’re all wondering right now: when’s the male version coming out—and will it derive active cultures from smegma? How long do we seriously have to wait?
But enough negativity. What do I love?
1. Turkey Legs at Disneyland
My kids are grown. I have no real reason to brave the crowds and visit Disneyland. And the product I’m about to recommend isn’t good enough to get me to go anymore. But when I did go, when my kids were of age and I did go to Disneyland, the turkey legs were a lifesaver. I still think about them.
There’s no gussying it up: It’s just a big tender smoked turkey leg. For about $9, you get around a pound of meat and sinew and tendon and gelatinous unctuousness. I’ll happily wait in line for Star Tours if I’ve got a turkey leg to gnaw on.
2. The SousVide+
Mike and Mary Dan Eades are good friends of mine, so when they asked me to highlight their upcoming SousVide+ I was more than happy to do it. Then I got to try the thing, and came away even more enthusiastic.
3. Chili Peppers
The farmer’s market has been great for fresh chilis lately. I’m loving fresno and serrano chilis, or any chili with moderately high heat that retains its fruitiness. There’s even a stand that sells Thai chilis on the vine. Just look around at your local market, as there are many different types. Ask to try them! I keep a tupperware container full of chopped chilis, garlic, shallots, and ginger that I can quickly add to stir fries without messing up a cutting board or getting hot chili residue all over my hands.
I’m also really into dried ancho chilis, which I eat like fruit bark. Seriously. Try it. I got the idea after listening to a podcast episode of “Conversations with Tyler” with Mark Miller, where they do a dry chile tasting and discuss how to choose dried chilis. Even better is a handful of dried ancho chili strips mixed with beef jerky.
On the powder front, chipotle chili powder is essential. Mix it with cumin and garlic powder for an incredible addition to any meat dish.
4. Wide Mouth Canning Jars
I’ve been pickling a fair bit of produce. Stuff like sauerkraut and kimchi, while delicious and not that hard, still take a bit more effort than I’m willing to expend these days. Plus, you have to worry about keeping torn up cabbage that loves to float submerged under the brine. It’s a big headache.
Instead, I’ve been pickling whole garlic cloves (I just get the big bag of organic peeled cloves from Costco), various spices like ginger and turmeric, small onions and shallots, and all the chili peppers I just mentioned. It’s great. Add the produce to the wide mouth canning jar, fill with salty brine (teaspoon of salt per cup of water or thereabouts), and wait for bubbles to start appearing. The relative density of the ingredients means keeping them submerged is simple. Sometimes I’ll spruce it up with a few dashes of fish sauce, or maybe a layer of olive oil at the top.
5. Short Rib “Steaks”
My new favorite “steak” is the short rib. Not the Korean cut with the little bone islands dispersed throughout, though that’s great, too. I prefer the English cut with the whole rib bone. To get a “steak,” I use a sharp knife to separate the meat from the bone. I season the meat with salt and pepper, throw it in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 270°, then sear it over high heat for a minute on each side. Even better—you can reserve the bone for soup.
That’s it for today, everyone. Do you have any personal favorites (or absurd discoveries) to add? Share ’em on the board, and have a great week.
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