#please excuse the use of Google translate
raaorqtpbpdy · 3 days
In Memory of Mom
Danny meets a strange, Spanish-speaking ghost wandering around Casper High. His Spanish isn't great, but he's pretty sure she's looking for her daughter.
For the Prompt: Danny encounters a strange spanish-only speaking ghost looking for Paulina Sanchez. Being a first year Spanish student, he only recognizes the words "mi hija" and hesitantly leads her to Paulina. It's Día de los Muertos, but because Paulina has been trying to fit in at school, and her papa remarried and doesn't want to make his new wife uncomfortable, they've fallen out of the habit of setting up the ofrenda and marigolds, leaving their mom/wife unable to find her way home. Paulina can't see or hear her, but Phantom can [From @dreamwraith]
Disclaimer: I am white, and I do not speak Spanish. It is with deepest regret that I must admit to using Google translate for the Spanish dialogue in this fic. If you notice any errors in the Spanish, or regarding Día de Muertos (which there might very well be, though I did do my research), please feel free to correct me. I can only do my best, and always appreciate the opportunity to do better.
Read also on AO3
[Warnings for past character death, and mentions of culture death]
Danny typically liked to have more than one day to recover after fighting Fright Knight every Halloween. Not to mention the numerous other ghosts who always had to come out on that stupid holiday to cause as much trouble as possible during the period of time when the barrier between the human world and the Ghost Zone was at it's thinnest.
Of course, Danny never got more than one day, but he would have liked to.
Luckily the ghost that showed during lunch period on November second didn't seem to be causing any trouble. In fact, it didn't seem like she was powerful enough to cause trouble, even if she wanted to. No one besides Danny even seemed to notice her, which at least meant she wouldn't be able to cause any serious damage, even if she tried.
She was speaking Spanish as she walked through the halls of Casper High, and turning her head this way and that as if she was looking for something, or someone.
"¿La has visto? ¿Mi hija? ¿Dónde está mi hija? ¿La has visto?" she called out.
Now, Danny was only a first year Spanish student, and furthermore... he missed a lot of classes, so he wasn't sure exactly what she was saying, but he did recognize the words 'mi hija', 'my daughter'. The last time he'd been to Spanish class, Señora Gutierrez had been teaching family terms. Madre, padre, hermana, hermano, hija, hijo, tío, abuela, that kind of thing.
Subtly, he followed her until she walked into a hallway where there weren't any people, and then, with no one to look at him like he was crazy for talking to the air, he spoke to her.
"Excuse me, are you looking for your daughter?" Danny asked.
"¡sí mi hija!" the woman replied excitedly. "¿La conoces? ¿La has visto?"
Danny knew 'sí', that was 'yes', the most basic of basic Spanish. 'sí' and... and... okay, so Danny couldn't remember what 'no' was in Spanish, but he remembered 'sí'. Ancients, he was really gonna have to start showing up to that class more if he wanted to get the foreign language credits he needed to graduate.
"Uh... tu hija," Danny said, completely confident that he was already screwing up the grammar, "¿que es la nombre?"
"No es muy fluido en español, ¿verdad?" The ghost laughed. "Su nombre es Paulina."
"Paulina?" Danny didn't understand any of the rest of what she said, so he focused on the last bit. "Paulina Sanchez?"
"¡Sí!" she confirmed, enthusiastically. "Mi hija. Paulina Sánchez. ¿Tu la conoce?"
Danny nodded, although he'd kinda fallen off the sentence after 'sí'. "Why are you looking for her?"
"Es el Dia de Muertos," she said. "Quiero verla, pero no encuentro la ofrenda."
Danny had no idea to respond to that. The only word he recognized from all of that was 'la', but he couldn't glean a whole sentence from a single 'the', so he just looked at her with an expression that was half a forced, awkward smile and half a grimace.
Was it safe to lead an unknown ghost to an unsuspecting human? Objectively no. Most especially not when the unsuspecting human was the girl Danny had a massive crush on. But... on the other hand, this particular ghost seemed pretty harmless, and she said she was Paulina's mother. So... maybe it was okay?
"How about I'll take you to her," Danny suggested.
The ghost that claimed to be Paulina's mother nodded excitedly and said something else in Spanish that Danny had no hope of translating. 
Danny led her to the outdoor table where the A-listers always sat, but Paulina wasn't there. After a little bit of prowling the quad, he found her, at an out of the way table no one ever sat at because the the school custodian always ignored it and it was disgusting. 
Paulina had laid her jacket over the bench to sit on, and unfolded a few paper napkins over the surface of the table. She had a handful of sugar cubes, and was poking one with a toothpick for some reason. She hadn't noticed him yet.
As much as he would have liked to go over to her as Danny Fenton and be the hero who let her talk to her mom again, he figured it would probably be suspicious if people knew he could see ghosts others couldn't. A but reluctantly, he looked around to make sure no one could see and transformed into Danny Phantom. The ghost, Paulina's mom, applauded him, like he'd just done a magic trick. To her, it might have seemed that way.
"Thanks," he said, a little sarcastically, and floated over to talk to Paulina.
"Excuse me, Paulina Sanchez?" Danny asked, as if he wasn't sure whether he knew her name or not. "There's a ghost here who wants to speak to you."
Paulina looked up and looked around, then turned back to Danny and raised a perfect eyebrow. She put down the sugar cube she was poking at, and Danny noticed that on her other side, there were two other sugar cubes sculpted into the shape of a skull.
"You mean you?" she asked. "Look, normally, I'd be thrilled, but today isn't really—"
"Oh, no, not me," Danny said. "She has long hair, wearing a nice knee-length dress.... It's kinda hard to describe ghosts in a way that makes them recognizable to people who knew them in life, 'cause colors tend to be different between life-and-death but uh... you and her have the same nose, actually. She says your her daughter? I don't speak Spanish, but I managed to figure out that much."
When he stopped talking, Pauling gave him a flat look.
"Are you messing with me?"
"No," Danny insisted. "She's not a very powerful ghost, so she can't stay in the visible range, but she's here. She wants to talk to you."
"Mamá?" Paulina asked hesitantly. "¿Estás aquí?"
"Sí, hija mía, estoy aquí," Mrs. Sanchez replied. "Estoy muy feliz de verte de nuevo."
Paulina didn't respond for a long moment, apparently waiting. Then, finally, she said, "I don't hear anything."
"I was worried you might say that," Danny said. "I'm gonna have to speak Spanish if you guys want to talk to each other, aren't I?" he sighed deeply. "Alright fine. Apologies in advance because I am gonna absolutely butcher the pronunciations."
"Hija," Mrs. Sanchez said, "volví a verte, pero no había camino para mí. ¿Por qué?"
Danny repeated the words to the best of his ability.
Paulina took a moment to parse them out, with a puzzled expression before finally saying, "Papá se volvió a casar. Su nueva esposa es gringa, así que no le hicimos un ofrenda en casa para que no se sintiera incómoda."
Danny didn't know what any of that meant, obviously, and was grateful he only had to repeat after Paulina's mom, because Paulina herself spoke Spanish very quickly and there was absolutely no way he wouldn't trip over his tongue mimicking her. 
"Pero estoy aquí, debe haber una ofrenda."
Danny mimicked her again.
Paulina looked a little embarrassed. "Sí... yo... hice uno en mi casillero para ti. No quería que no pudieras cruzar."
Her mother gasped. Danny really wished he knew what was going on.
"¿Me mostrarás?"
Paulina's expression lit up when Danny repeated that, and she stood, gathering up her jacket and her sugar cubes.
"Vamos," she said. "I mean, follow me."
She led the way through the empty halls and Danny and her mom followed.
"What were you guys talking about?" Danny asked, then immediately realized what he was asking and quickly backtracked. "I mean, never mind, it's probably personal. I was just curious. You don't have to answer that."
"No, it's okay," Paulina said. "See, my mom passed when I was seven, and every year, me and my dad set up an ofrenda for Day of the Dead with her picture so she could visit us. We moved here from Mexico when I was ten, but we kept up the tradition. 
"Last winter, though, Dad married my step-mom, and she's white, and doesn't know anything about Mexican traditions or holidays. Dad doesn't want to make her uncomfortable, so ever since they got married, we stopped celebrating most of what we used to back in Mexico, so we didn't put up an ofrenda this year, and Mom was asking why she couldn't find it, so I explained."
"Oh... that's... kinda sad," Danny said. "You just had to give up all your culture because your dad remarried?"
Paulina shrugged. "We had to give up a lot of it already, when we moved to America anyway," she said, as if that made it less sad and not more. "At least Sandra's nice, she's just... a little out of her depth sometimes."
"So... where are you taking us?"
Finally, she stopped in front of her locker and turned the dial with her combination.
"I didn't want mom to not be able to visit me, so... I sort of made my own ofrenda in my locker," Paulina explained sheepishly.
The door swung open to reveal the inside. There was a small magnetic shelf stuck on the back of the locker. On it, there was a small electric candle, some kind of orange flower, a pair of black lace gloves, and a heart-shaped locket. The locket was open and propped up so the picture inside was visible. It was the ghost Danny was trying to help.
Paulina reached in an put a few of the sculpted sugar cubes on the shelf next to the locket. The tiny sugar skulls were perfectly to scale with the tiny picture, but absolutely dwarfed by the flower.
The ghost put her hands to her heart and looked absolutely touched by the tiny display.
"Those were her favorite gloves," Paulina explained. "She always wore them when Dad took her dancing."
"What's the flower?" Danny asked.
"It's a marigold," she replied. "Cempasúchil, in Spanish. They're a traditional decoration for the ofrenda. You're also supposed to leave a trail of their petals from the grave to the ofrenda, but... Mom's grave is in Mexico, and the ofrenda is in my locker so...." 
"Ay, esto es hermoso," the ghost said. "Gracias. Amo mucho esto. Te quiero mi hija."
Danny had been to distracted to properly listen, so he wasn't sure how to repeat her words.
"Uh... she says she likes it."
The ghost gave him a look and a light slap that passed right through him.
"A lot, she likes it a lot."
"¡Y te amo!" she added insistently.
"Y te amo, she says," Danny repeated.
"Thank you, Phantom," Paulina said. She leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "This means a lot to me."
Danny knew his cheeks were turning bright green, and he cleared his throat awkwardly to make sure his voice wouldn't crack.
"Uh, yeah, no problem," he said. "Don't mention it."
It was then that the bell rang signalling the end of lunch, and Paulina grabbed a couple of books from her locker and headed to class. Her mom followed, even though Paulina couldn't see her.
Danny had to get to class, too. He had Spanish class after lunch, and Ancients knew he didn't need to be missing any more of those.
In class, Señora Gutierrez talked about Dia de los Muertos, and for once, Danny actually sort of knew what she was talking about, thanks to Paulina. Maybe he should ask her to tutor him.
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jamiesansible · 3 months
I’m sure everyone remembers the article from 2020 where researches found three-ply cordage made by Neanderthals.^
But did you know that in the supplemental material for the article, it mentions that pine needles can be made into textiles?^^ As someone who works with textiles myself, I had come across pine needles as a dye stuff, but not as a fibre.
The source is listed as "L’acquisition des matières textiles d’origine végétale en Préhistoire" by Fabinne Médard. It talks about how other fibres, including brambles and broom could have been used prehistorically for a similar purpose, as well as flax. However, it contains only one metion of pine needles.
“Les aiguilles du pin sylvestre (Pinus sylvestris L.) fournissaient, après rouissage, une matière textile appelée « laine des forêts » qui remplaçait la ouate et l’étoupe dont on faisait également des tissus (Mathieu [1858] 1897)" * The needles of the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) provided, after retting, a textile material called “forest wool” which replaced wadding and tow from which fabrics were also made.
So Scots pine needles were processed, spun and woven, or simply used directly after processing, potentially prehistorically.
If you follow the source for the quote above, it takes you to a book from 1860 called Flore forestière; description et histoire des végétaux ligneux qui croissent spontanément en France et des essences importantes de l'Algérie. It says:
“On fabrique depuis quelques années, avec les faisceaux fibreux, allongés, et tenaces des aiguilles, une espèce de drap grossier.” ** For several years, we have been making a kind of coarse cloth using the fibrous, elongated and stiff bundles of the needles.
So this processing of pine needles was also happening in the 1800s.
Another souce from the 1840s describes the texture of forest wool as resembling "...horsehair, and has been used for stuffing mattresses"** and that an industry sprung up in Humboldtsau, near Breslau for processing it. Manufacturies for forest wool then spread to Sweden, Holland and France, which may explain the mention in the 1860 Flore forestière.
Despite looking a bit more, but couldn't find much else on the subject expect a recent masters thesis in German (which I couldn't access) and an article on the designer Tamara Orjola.
Orjola's work investigates the modern use of pine needle fabric, showing there is still interest in it. She says:
"Forest Wool began with research on the forgotten value of plants. Valuable local materials and techniques are left behind due to the unwillingness of mass-production to adopt more sustainable practices. In the old days the pine tree was used as food, remedies, to build homes and furniture and for many other purposes. Nowadays, it is only valuable for its timber." ***
I find the line from prehistory to now facinating - that people have looked to something as mundane as a pine needle to spin, especially as researchers are discovering a lot of what they thought was linen fabric is actually ramie (from nettles).
As far as I can tell, only Pinus sylvestris L. and one other variety was used. I am not sure what makes that tree more suitable than other pine trees, or if it was simply a question of availability. In terms of processing, the answer as far as I can tell is retting, presumably followed by scutching and hackling - similar to how flax is processed. However I have not done that myself and cannot speak to the specifics.
It would be something intresting to try though.
^ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-61839-w#MOESM1
^^ https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41598-020-61839-w/MediaObjects/41598_2020_61839_MOESM1_ESM.pdf
* https://journals.openedition.org/nda/602
** https://www.proquest.com/openview/276605d708970d416923b94e8856d20b/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=41445
*** https://lampoonmagazine.com/article/2021/05/15/recycled-wood-pine-needles-byproduct/
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mymanymerrymuses · 2 years
@droppingdonkeys gets one speedy boi
It feels weird for him to even think, but, Pietro is glad to stop running. Running has, in all honestly, become more or less his entire identity in a very short time, but there’s a big difference between running and running away. So, really, Pietro’s glad to stop running away. It’s been a long, long journey, with no clear destination in mind, but finally, he and Wanda are safe.
They haven’t been in this town for long, but it’s been long enough that the speedster is beginning to feel settled. Energy still courses through him nearly every moment of the day, but he’ll take energy over fear, or dread.
Of course, his sister is getting a little frustrated with his energy already. In fairness, there’s only so long he can spend zipping around the little house they’ve claimed as their own (for now, at least, who knows if it’ll hold up for them long term) under the guise of ‘decorating’. If moving the same three items around even counts as decorating. It may not. Regardless, Wanda had all but pushed him out of the door, declaring it was time he made himself useful and found a job here.
He got the door slammed in his face when he asked why she didn’t go and find one, and then a very insistent presence in the back of his mind, definitely his sister pushing him to go on already. Well, there are worse ways to spend a day, and Pietro really would like to have something productive to do with his time.
That’s easier said than done though. He’s got no solid skills aside from running, and that isn’t really in high demand, so, before long, Pietro’s simply wandering - well, maybe exploring is a better word for it - and looking for anybody he could help with something. The whole goal is to find a way to be useful today.
There’s a little bit of zipping around, of Pietro using his speed short bursts just to burn off a little extra energy, and then he sees somebody that maybe needs help. Actually, the girl seems to be carrying a lot and handling it well, impressively so, but it can’t hurt to ask. Especially when he can be by her side in an instant.
“Zdravo lepotice, you need more hands? I have two.”
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Ugh... Sorry. Lost my cool there. We're sorry. We're sorry for the threats and all of this other bullshit. We're sorry for everything.
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-don't give me an attitude right now! you have no right to be the one offended here
-and aslo don't DARE be SCREAMING at us like that! what is your problem!?
-and yeah! you better be fucking sorry for everything you little-
-calmati per una seconda donna! stop arguing with them! i wouldn't be surprised if they just wanted to get a rise out of us, so just don't listen to them, ok?
-... Ti farò il culo se mi dici di calmarti di nuovo
-... ok-
-you guys are lucky i'm tired of being angry and screaming, your "apologies" are accepted i guess, don't try anything tough, i don't trust any of you at all
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jayybugg · 16 days
study session
Theodore Nott x Fem!Reader
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Summary: You're studying with Theo in the library...or are you?
Warning: Established Relationship, Dirty Talk, No House Specified, Kind of Public Sex, Smut (18+), No Use of Y/N, Google Translate Italian, No Plot literally just sex.
Word Count: 1.6K
Note: Wrote this based on a dream I had.....which was based on an RP scenario that I did. Obviously, Theo takes up a lot of space in my mind. Early birthday gift for my Georgie, @pizzaapeteer, please wish her an early birthday and thank you because she is the reason I got this done. @cafekitsune for the banners as always!
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You raced to the library, giving small hello’s and excuse me's to the people you passed. You had promised Theo that you would help him with his Charms homework after your club meeting, but you had gotten carried away with some discussions causing the meeting to run over. You hoped that Theo wasn't there yet or would just be arriving because you knew the small quips about your tardiness wouldn't stop if he was already there.
You made it into the library, climbing the stairs to the secluded corner of the floor. A small table with two chairs that you and Theo often claimed whenever you both decided to do some studying. You groaned softly, seeing Theo already seated with a shit-eating grin on his face when you rounded the corner.
"So late, bella. Almost thought you stood me up." Theo said as you sat down next to him. You rolled your eyes, pulling out your Charms notes and your textbook. "Oh, shut up. I've never stood you up before."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, why are you late?" Theo leaned in; his mouth curved into a smirk. You flicked his forehead causing him to lean back, rubbing it softly. "I got caught up in the meeting. I'm sorry, Teddy."
"It's fine, principessa." Theo said, opening his notes, "Just like teasing you."
You and Theo quickly fell into a nice rhythm of studying and light conversation. You gave him the notes to copy as you worked on the actual assignment. You always felt at ease when you studied with Theo, it was one of the only times that he seemed to relax. Usually that was reserved for when you both were in the privacy of your dorms and even then, Theo would rather be participating in other activities.
More time passed before you started wiggling in your chair, your butt starting to fall asleep. "This chair is uncomfortable." You whined, standing up to try to regain some feeling. Theo chuckled, leaning back in his seat, and patting his thigh. "Well, I'm quite comfortable if I do say so myself."
You rolled your eyes as you slid over to him, nestling yourself in his lap. "You've been waiting for this moment, haven't you?"
"I'm always looking for a way to get you in my lap, love. It's where you belong." Theo said, winking at you. You smiled, shaking your head, and returning to your reading for your homework.
Theo's hand reached your thigh, running up and down your leg. Once he finished copying the notes, he trailed his hand under your skirt. You glanced up from your reading to meet his eyes that were already trained on your face.
"Shouldn't you be starting on the assignment now?" You swatted his hand away from your thigh, raising an eyebrow at him. Theo smirked, putting his hand back, "Yeah, but I don't feel like reading that text right now."
His hand once again traveled up your skirt to the hem of your underwear. "Why don't you read it to me, principessa?"
"Read it to you?" You raised an eyebrow at him, "What are you trying to do?"
"Nothing, I just want to hear your sweet voice." Theo smiled, "I'll even reward you."
Your eyes scanned Theo's face, landing on his eyes. The usual expressionless eyes held a certain swirl of mischief in them. "You're up to something."
"Maybe, maybe not. Why don't you read and find out?" Theo shrugged, his smirk never going away. You rolled your eyes, conceding to his request.
"Charms are comprised of a wide range of spells. They focus on giving a target new and unexpected properties or making the target perform certain actions, along with other effects." You recited from the book. Theo's fingers softly moved the fabric of your underwear, pressing down on your clit with the pad of his thumb.
You yelped softly, looking up at Theo. He was leaning into his hand propped on the table, his smirk remaining as he held eye contact with you. "Theo," You hissed, "We're in the library."
"I know, bella. Why are you bringing up the obvious? Keep reading, I'm intrigued." Theo contorted his face into fake confusion, all while massaging your clit with his thumb. You narrowed your eyes at him, taking a shaking breath as you felt a familiar feeling boil inside you.
"Charms were distinguished from Transfiguration spells in the regards that a charm will add to or change the properties of an object while Transfiguration spells change the object completely." You continued reading as Theo removed his thumb from your clit, quickly replacing it with his index finger. He trailed up and down your pussy, smiling as you stuttered upon your next sentences.
"Offensive and protective spells f-fall under Charms such as the Stunning, Disarming, mmm, spell, and the Shield spell. The Tickling spell- oh!" Theo’s finger slipped its way into your pussy, pumping in and out as you read. You shut your eyes, attempting to save yourself from the pleasure.
Theo leaned close to your ears, a smirk evident on his face. “What’s wrong, bella?”
“You…. Theo….”
“Blaming me for your distractions?” Theo clicked his tongue, “How rude.”
You slapped his arm, slumping over slightly as Theo picked up the pace of his fingers. Theo chuckled darkly; his eyes trained on your face as it contorted into one of pleasure. “Getting fingered in the library, where anyone could round that corner and see you. Such a fucking slut.”
You felt yourself clench around his fingers due to his words. The adrenaline from the thought of being caught rushed through your body. “Fuck. Please.” You let out a breathy plea, your eyes looking over to the corner that could expose this whole ordeal.
“Please what, amore? Use your words.” Theo whispered into your ear. Your breathing became shallow as you felt a familiar knotting in your stomach. Theo did relent in his pace, smirking as he saw you close your eyes. “About to cum? Go ahead, be a good girl, and come all over my fingers, sunshine.”
A low moan fell from your lips as your climax came in a harsh wave. You fell limp against Theo, who was chuckling lowly. You rolled your eyes, getting ready to scold him. “I can’t believe you- Theo? What are you-?”
You felt your body get picked up and leaned over the wooden table. Theo stood up, taking his place behind you. “What are you talking about, darling?” Theo said, pushing your skirt up to your waist and bending down to be face to face with your cunt.
“We’re in the library! We can’t-” Your words were once again cut off by Theo as his tongue lapped at your clit.
“But you’re dripping, principessa. I can’t just leave my girl soaked like this, now, can I?” Theo smirked against your cunt, lapping at it again. You bit your lip, pressing your face against the hard wooden table. Theo stood up, undoing his belt and zipper as he left a harsh slap on your ass.
“Do you want my cock, baby? Tell me.” Theo stroked himself, pushing your legs apart with his knee. You let out a deep breath, laying your body flat against the table and turning your head to glance back at him. “Yes…... I want it.” You said softly. Theo smirked at you, lining himself up with your entrance, pushing in.
“Fuck, amore, so wet and ready for me,” Theo muttered. You whimpered, your eyes falling close at the feeling of being filled up by your boyfriend. He never fails to stretch you out beyond belief. Theo pulled out slowly, leaving just the tip in before snapping his hips forward, setting a harsh pace.
“Such a fucking slut. Getting railed in the library where someone could see you.” Theo snarled, his hands gripping your hips tightly. You clenched around him again, moans ripping from your throat. “Oh, you like that, huh? You like the idea of someone possibly seeing how much of a whore you are for me?” Theo smirked, reaching around to rub on your clit.
“Y-yes, yes, I like it.” You mewled, your nails digging into the table. Your eyes focused on the open corner, your heart speeding up every time a shadow floated past it. The last thing you wanted was for anyone to catch you in this position, but you couldn’t find it in you to stop Theo or even conceal the noises that he was causing you to make.
Between watching how he disappeared into your greedy cunt and how your ass bounced back every time his hips contacted yours, Theo groaned softly. “S’good…. fuck.” You whimpered.
Theo lifted your leg to be prompted up on the table, knocking the books off the table in the process. With a firm grip on around your thigh, Theo pound into your aching cunt. You gripped the edge of the table, your climax coming fast. “M’boutta….m’boutta cum…” You said, your voice muffled from burying your head to the table.
“Hm? My principessa is about to cum?” Theo spoke, “Cum around my dick, I want to feel you soak me.”
It didn’t take long for you to cum once again, your juice covering Theo’s dick and thighs. He continued to pound into you until his thrusts got sloppy. “Going to cover this pretty ass all in my seed.” He muttered, more to himself than to you. He gave you one last deep thrust before pulling out and spilling his cum all over your ass.
You took deep breaths, your body still bent over the table, as Theo massaged your waist, a chuckle erupting from his throat.
“I didn’t know you were so kinky, bella. Good thing I casted that invisibility charm before you got here.”
Your eyes flew open in disbelief as you turned your head to look at him. That same shit-eating grin on his face from earlier.
Your boyfriend was going to be the death of you.
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writingworlds · 2 months
Pairing(s): Charles Leclerc x Porsche!reader
Summary: The Porsche Princess, that nickname has followed Y/N around since birth. And who better for a princess than a prince?
Warning(s): more shitty google translate
Author’s Note: Once again thank you for all the love on this!!! I think there’s going to only be one part to the series after this one and then I’ll head onto other things 🥰🥰.
I hope all the tags work (some of them didn’t work last time and I’m unsure of how to fix it). Again, let me know if you would liked to be tagged for the final? part of this and maybe any of my future writings!!
Much love 🥰🥰
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Pierre Gasly
Charles…why are you appropriating French culture 🤨🤨
Charles Leclerc
I lost a bet man
Pierre Gasly
You?? Lost a bet?? To who???
Charles Leclerc
I was hoping I’d win
That way I’d have an excuse to ask her out to dinner
Pierre Gasly
You poor poor lovesick fool
Ask her out anyway
Charles Leclerc
No way
My ego is bruised 🫠
Pierre Gasly
I can’t believe this
Charles Leclerc
Pierre…don’t you dare
Pierre Gasly
Don’t I dare do what?? 😁
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Charles Leclerc
Pierre Gasly
You’ll thank me later 🙏🙏
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Mila Bolinsky
Y/N Porsche
Mila Bolinsky
You know how you said if Charles won the bet he would take you out to dinner?
Y/N Porsche
Mila Bolinsky
Look at this!!!
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You know who Pierre is best friends with
That little Ferrari man wants to go out to dinner with you
Y/N Porsche
🤨🤨 Charles has my number he could’ve just texted me
Mila Bolinsky
Y/N…he’s a man
Who lost a bet
His ego is probably bruised
Y/N Porsche
Men…such fragile creatures
Mila Bolinsky
Yes yes
But disregarding that
Text Charles
Ask him out to dinner yourself
Y/N Porsche
And why should I do that?
Mila Bolinsky
You’ve had a crush on him for forever
You made a BET with him
If that’s not how you flirt then I guess I don’t know you as well as I thought I did
Y/N Porsche
…..you got me there
I’ll text him
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liked by charles_leclerc, milaaa, papaporsche, and others
yn_porsche a good night out 🥰🥰
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milaaa I TOLD YOU
milaaa also stunning as usual 😘😘
papaporsche Y/N, meine Prinzessin ... ist das ein Date? Muss ich jemanden bedrohen?
yn_porsche Nein, nein, nein, du musst niemandem drohen, Papa 😭😭
pierregasly 😁😁
username 🤨🤨🤨
username now that’s suspicious
username this wouldn’t have anything to do with your tweet would it?
username is…is mother taken
username he’s just like us fr fr
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liked by pierregasly, yn_porsche, milaaa, and others
charles_leclerc 🌹🌹
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pierregasly say thank you Pierre
charles_leclerc no
milaaa 🤭🤭
papaporsche ….
username is that….IS THAT A PORSCHE LOGO I SEE
username BF CHARLES ERA???
username jaw is on the floor
username Pierre and Mila in the comments I fear the best friends are cooking something
username they better be 😭
username the Porsche princess with the Ferrari prince?? Yes please
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Fred Vasseur
While I hope you had fun on your date you can’t be showing the Porsche logo Charles
It’s bad for branding
Charles Leclerc
My apologies boss 😅
Fred Vasseur
Oh shush, no apologies really needed
Now go get that girl
Charles Leclerc
Yes sir 🫡🫡
Prestige Taglist:
@405rry @chasing-liberosis @h4miltonforza @escapism-writer @spilled-coffee-cup @dutifullyannoyingfox @or-was-it-just-a-dream @nessacarty1 @cherry-piee @nomie-11 @believeinwarrior @needtokeepfeelingsincheck @blushmimi @valntynebaby @loloekie @lightdragonrayne @woozarts @formula1cl16 @meadhbhcavanagh @marshmummy @aquangxl @justdreamersdream @trouble-sistar @iamahallucinationnn
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certainlynotasimp · 11 months
Just A Bite.
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(Miguel O' Hara x Female! Reader)
A/N: Hello~ I got another Miggy and Sunny post for my beloved readers, and I think you'll like it. I'm still working on the request too, but I had this idea and I had to write it. Also if you want to be notified about this series, please leave a comment on this post, and if you wanna read more then check out my master list.
Also thank you guys for 100 followers! I really appreciate you guys so much and I hope you all stay with me on this journey!
Warnings: Grumpy x Sunshine, Barley any use of (Y/N) ((Sunny is a nickname, not her name)), Female pronouns, Miguel being a teasing mf, Gwen being a snoopy spider, Establish Relationship?, Fluff, a little break in canon, and Google translate Spanish ((please give me critique if you guys are fluent in Spanish because I don't know how to speak it.))
Still haven't seen the movie yet so excuse any inaccuracies.
“So are they?” Jessica stops picking at her salad as the younger SpiderWoman peers over her shoulder.
Turning her head slightly, it didn’t take her long to discover what the young protégé’s attention is focused on. 
The signature blue costume hugged the tall Spiderman as he stood several feet away from them. His normally dangerous talons were hidden by the two trays of food in each hand. His eyes were narrowed in annoyance as he seems to be hyperlinked on something. It didn’t take long before Jessica figured out who she needed to spot as the source of Miguel’s irritation. 
The black and white costume of the tiny spider caught her eyes first before she realizes that Peter B. Parker had enamored her attention away from Miguel.
 Well, not so much him, but the one-month-old Mayday Parker had the Spider Society's sunshine orbiting around her. Her little hand grasps around the digit of an older woman as Sunny cooes. A look of awe and sadness filled her eyes as the whole world seemed to disappear around her.
“Are they what?” Jessica asks as she turns her attention back to her lunch, mildly groaning as her little bug certainly didn’t appreciate the diet their daddy put them on. 
“Is Miguel and (Y/N) together?” Gwen repeats her question as she analyzes Miguel’s body language.
It was odd to Gwen as Miguel appeared to be annoyed that he had to hold their plates while waiting on her, but he didn’t make a move to say to rush along the tiny spider. In fact, Gwen nearly choked on her drink as she sees the longing gaze in his garnet eyes.
“To be honest…” Jessica catches Gwen’s attention again as she starts packing away her now empty tray with trash. “I’ve been a part of the Society for a long time, but Sunny was here before I was. Her and Miguel are kinda a packaged deal, but I have no idea if they are together.” Gwen tilts her head with a confused look on her face. She knew the older Spiderwoman was one of the first members of the Society when Miguel created it, but she didn’t know the cheery spider was here longer than Jess. 
“She was here before you?”
“She was here before all of us.” Peter interrupts as he plops in the seat next to Gwen. The infant was now quietly sleeping against her father’s chest with webbing holding her up. Peter steals one of Gwen’s french fries off of her tray as Gwen looked annoyed by him. “Miss Sunshine was the first spider Miguel recruited from what I heard, and I should know.” He plops the fry into his mouth as he chats. “I was the second.”
Jessica chuckles at Gwen’s shocked face at the realization as to how long the futuristic spider man has had his cheery companion. “Little bit wants to know if the big guy and Sunny are a thing or not?” Peter raises an eyebrow as he teases Gwen, “Why? You got a crush on one of them?”
“Ew, no. They are old and I’m 16. It's just they are always together and they seem like a couple, but they don’t do normal couple things.” Gwen whines as her face burns in embarrassment.
“First off, they are not old.” Peter scoffs as he runs a hand through his own graying hair. “Miguel is 28 and Sunny just turned 27.”
Jessica giggles as a memory pops into her mind. The look on Miguel’s face when his smaller companion brought him a cake she made for his birthday will forever be Jessica’s favorite moment since joining this team. Well, the second greatest moment. The slight teary-eyed look the leader gave to the bouncing spider as he had to endure her butchering the birthday song was also very funny. At least she can cook better than she can sing.
“And adult relationships aren’t like the ones you’ve seen in high school.” Peter sighs as he remembers the regretful decisions he made in high school. “They aren’t gonna make out in the hallways or tell each other that they love each other every five minutes.” “So they are together?” Gwen slaps Peter’s hand away from her fries, which causes the baby to stir. Peter hastily bounces the baby as he throws Gwen a glare.
“Oh, I have no idea,” Peter answers honestly as Gwen plops her head on the table. “Why don’t you ask them?”
Jessica smiles fondly as Mayday stares at Peter as he finally starts eating his own food. Her hand wanders to the growing baby bump as she looks into Gwen’s frustrated gaze. “Never hurts to ask. But I suggest asking Sunny because Miguel will deny everything.”
“Miss. (Y/N), are you dating Spiderman?” Gwen rehearses to herself as she wanders down the corridor, trying to find her cheery colleague. Gwen groans as rubs her face in frustration, hating all the ideas she came up with sounded childish. How do you ask a grown woman if she is dating her boss? Especially if you’re mutant superheroes who travel to different dimensions and fight anomalies in bright spider costumes.
Just as Gwen rounds a corner, a series of grunts fall into her ears as she draws closer to the combat simulator. One of Lyla’s ideas for the HQ was to include a training room with the ability to use advanced AIs to simulate how fighting in different dimensions. She also thought it would be a fun idea to make it a level system so Miguel can review their abilities and hand out missions appropriate for the skill sets. Gwen attempted to fight in there several times, but she always gets her ass handed to her once she reaches level 3. 
Reaching the door, she peers into the window and sees a disheveled Miguel as he stood in his spider suit in a barely lit simulation. His back to her, she can see his shoulders heave as he pants for a breath of relief in this difficult setting. Despite his lack of spidey sense, Gwen knew he was pretty agile and was one of the strongest Spidermen they had. His talons emerge as his mask disintegrates. His fangs shine in the dim lighting as he looks around the room, looking for something. 
Hunting for something.
She ducks when Miguel looks her way before peeking her head back up. Before she can realize what’s going on, a flash of white gets whipped at the menacing spider, causing him to shred the opposing webbing to bits. Miguel focuses on the direction the attack came from as a smirk rolls onto his face as he approaches his invisible prey. His eyes a dangerous red as his mischief and hunger grows at the anticipation.
“¿Dónde estás, mi pequeña araña?” The predator purrs as his gaze locks on a particular corner. Gwen could barely hear it, but a faint sound of panting, of his prey trying to catch her breath. “No me dejarías esperando demasiado, ¿verdad? Extraño desesperadamente tu dulce rostro, querida.”
Miguel saunters slowly towards the faint sound, a glint of victory shining in his eyes as the smell of her perfume floats into his nose. His smirk turns into a deviously sweet smile as he cracks the bones in his hand. “Especialmente cuando estás gimiendo tan dulcemente debajo de mí…” He mumbles as he finally lunges toward the corner. Gwen puts a hand in her mouth to hide the gasp as he pounces but tilts her head in confusion as his hunt turns sour.
Miguel looks equally stunned for a moment when he realizes that nothing was in his grasp. He pats around the corner to make sure before his hand gets caught on something. He growls as he tries to free his hand upon realizing that it was a trap. A flash of white traps the other hand to the wall above the other as the air rings with giggles. 
“Caught you, Miggy!~” A voice cheers from above as both Miguel and Gwen look up to the ceiling. In a faint glow of green, the victorious smile of the small jumping spider appears out of thin air. Unexpectedly, Miguel meets her smile with a warm chuckle as the hints of a smile appear on his face. “You certainly did, little one.” He sighs as the woman hops down and lands in a crouch position in front of him. Gwen smiles at the adorable display until the older woman leaned over to Miguel’s shoulder. Miguel flinches slightly with a flush of red covering his face as Gwen realizes what just happened.
‘Did she just bite him?!’ Gwen thought as she stared at the smiling duo in bewilderment. 
“Think its going to leave a mark?” He commented as he watches in amusement as his sunshine glares at him.
“It better! Yours are gonna take forever to heal.” She huffs as she stands up. Miguel rolls his eyes and chuckles at her attempt to appear annoyed. 
“It's not that bad…” “NOT THAT BAD?!” Sunny blurts out, interrupting the amused man.
The top part of her costume disintegrates, exposing her tank top underneath as Gwen had to stop herself from shouting in shock. Littering the small spider’s frame were 5 large bruising bite marks, each featuring two distinct puncture wounds. Gwen looks up at the panel beside the door and sees they are on level 6 of 1v1 combat simulation. The realization dawns on the teenager as her face turns an unflattering shade of red. Before she can witness anymore, Gwen teleports out of the corridor as the duo sees the flash of orange. 
“What was that?”
“I don’t know, but whoever it was is gonna be on trash duty for a month”
“So you ever asked her about if she and Miguel are-”
“No, and I’ll never try to figure that out again.”
A/N: Please please let me know what else you guys wanna see or throw me some critiques. I love hearing from you all!!
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luxsky · 5 months
Kicking out
Rhysand x reader
Summary: Reader tries to have a peaceful day without their partner hovering with overprotection, but destiny has other plans.
Warnings: Pregnancy, mentions of body aches, Rhysand being an overly protective rooster. Ignore any biological errors; I've never been pregnant and have no background in any health-related field, so everything here is either from my imagination or a quick Google search.
Autor's Note: This is my first time posting here, and I'm anxious and very, very nervous (especially because it's the first time I've written in a long time). I don't know if I like this or not, but this idea has been lingering in my head for days. Maybe I'll do a part two, but I'm not sure. Please, I welcome any kind of feedback here! (but be careful with how you say it). I apologize if the grammar is... bad? English is not my first language, and I'm not fluent (much of this had help from AI for translation, so if something doesn't make sense or is placed incorrectly, please let me know so I can correct it).
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It's the beginning of fall, all you wanted to do was sit on the expensive and cozy sofa decorating the House of Wind and read a soft and cliché romance book while sipping on a cup of hot coffee. Except, you couldn't consume caffeine for the sake of the baby growing in your belly. Still, you had the option to sit and read a book, but your large and exuberant belly prevented you from sitting comfortably for too long. Well, nothing a few pillows and a blanket couldn't solve. Okay then, you didn't have coffee or a comfortable position, but you could still read your book, right?
Well, no, you've been trying to do that since the early afternoon when you sent Rhysand to his office, asking him to work a bit in his own court instead of watching over you. In fact, he had been a mother hen since the beginning of the pregnancy, and that was just one of the excuses you gave to get rid of his overprotectiveness. But it was becoming a challenging mission to concentrate on reading. You're nearing the end of your pregnancy, which is exciting in part, with the anticipation of meeting your little one consuming you, but the discomfort of carrying a baby constantly kicking your ribs has proven quite persistent.
It's been more than five minutes since you were stuck on the same page, reading and rereading but unable to focus on the book, back pain and intermittent cramps stealing all your concentration. You were used to a slight discomfort in your back since the beginning of the second trimester, but today, in particular, it was more of a significant and noticeable discomfort. You sighed in frustration and decided that maybe eating something would help. Putting the book aside, you remove the blanket from over you and swing your legs out of the sofa, prepared for the struggle it would be to get up. Normally, Rhys would help you, but if he left the office long enough to realize something was bothering you, he would spend the rest of the day hovering over you, worried and concerned.
Breathless and almost sweating, you managed to get up. At this point, the only clothes that fit you were light fabric dresses, or what you were currently wearing: one of Rhys's sweatpants and a sweater stolen from his closet. Your partner started sharing half of his wardrobe when your beautiful, stylish, and beloved clothes no longer fit you—you cried for a whole hour after trying to put on one of your favorite pants, and Rhys almost cried too, not knowing how to comfort you.
Walking towards the kitchen, you almost laughed, remembering the various times when hormones provided you with uncontrollable tears and frightened your partner. In those moments, you felt slightly vindicated by his insistence on being present for every breath you took. It's not that you didn't love your partner and appreciate his concern; it's just that he didn't know how to balance it at certain times. As soon as you told him you were pregnant, he became an overprotective mother hen full-time, and it suffocated you a bit. Of course, you talked about it, and he promised to control himself, but if you made a different move, he was already on top of you, asking what was wrong and insisting that you needed to stay in bed.
Reaching the kitchen, you pause for a moment to catch your breath and lean your hands on your back while deciding what to eat. God, this belly was weighing more than usual. Deciding to make a big, hearty sandwich, you start gathering all the necessary ingredients from the cabinets and placing them on the counter.
You feel your partner gently pulling that thread connecting you two, and the next moment, he's entering the kitchen, a furrow between his eyebrows indicating that he's thinking, and the slight contraction in his mouth tells you he's worried. "Darling, you should be resting."
You roll your eyes and let a faint smile form on your lips as you reply, "I was resting, but then I got bored." You lean against the counter for a minute, then turn to grab a knife to cut the tomatoes. When you turn again, Rhys is in front of you, reaching out towards you and taking the knife. "If you wanted something to eat, you just had to ask." You pout at him, but he ignores it and turns to the counter, starting to cut the tomatoes. "I just wanted to do something for myself; you don't let me touch anything since you found out I'm pregnant."
You're beside him, staring at the tomatoes he cut, waiting for a response. He turns his face to you and plants a quick kiss on your forehead, grabbing the bread and saying, "Because the only thing I'll let my partner do while she's pregnant is to make this baby. That's consuming enough energy, and I don't want you to tire yourself out."
"Well, your partner may be making a baby, but she assures you she has enough energy to make her own sandwich."
He raises an eyebrow, and a shit-eating grin forms on his lips. Like she had enough energy to organize the baby's clothes last night? His voice fills your mind, the thread connecting you two vibrating with his amusement. Bastard.
I only slept because you decided to intervene and didn't let me do anything else.
"Darling, I only intervened because you were asleep." He starts putting each ingredient on the bread, and you decide to sit — not because you're tired, obviously — in front of him. You go around the counter as you respond, "Well, I don't remember... Argh." The sudden pain reverberating in your back and cramping that comes and goes cut your speech in half. Damn, you really hoped it wouldn't happen now.
Rhys is in front of you before you can even move, one hand on your belly and the other gently placed on your face, guiding your eyes to meet his. "What's wrong? Is it you? The baby? Panic fills his voice and shines in his beloved violet eyes. His mouth has that contraction again.
The only response you give is a negative nod, trying to catch your breath as the pain passes. He continues with his hands on you and doesn't seem satisfied with your non-verbal answer. I'm fine, the baby is fine. It must have been just another kick in my rib.
His right hand holds the one he placed on your face, and his lips try to form a reassuring smile, which is probably just a funny grimace at the moment. He kisses your forehead, and there's still concern on his face when he pulls away just enough to put both hands on your belly. His gaze alternates between your face and your belly; he still seems reluctant, so he asks again, "Are you sure? I can call Madja just to check, and..."
''Shh." You interrupt him, placing a finger on his lips. Your gaze softened, and now you're the one placing both hands on your partner's face, your thumb stroking his cheek." I said we're fine; it's nothing serious. The baby has been restless all day."
That seems to convince him enough because he agrees and holds your hands, bringing his face closer to yours and planting a gentle kiss on your lips. You pull away after a moment, this time with a complete smile when you playfully say, "Now, go finish my sandwich, or else this baby will start kicking for food." Rhysand laughs with your remark and turns to the counter, finishing your sandwich.
He starts putting away the ingredients again after placing the plate in front of you. "Why didn't you tell me you were in pain? We could have asked Madja for something." He finishes putting away the last ingredient and turns to you again, only the counter separating him as he watches you take the first bite of the sandwich.
"Oh God, this is so good." You ignore his statement, too focused on savoring what might be the best sandwich of your life. He accepts your lack of response with a soft laugh and turns to the cabinets to grab a glass. "Do you want some juice?" you mumble a yes, with your mouth full of the sandwich, and wait for him to fill the glass. He has his back to you while rummaging through the cabinets.
"What kind of juice do you want, dear? Because I think we only have orange or grape, but I can ask the House to make some other flavor." He turns to you, waiting for a response, but his face transforms when he sees your expression. "What? Is something wrong?"
Oh, well, this is going to be funny. You finish swallowing the sandwich, trying to formulate a word. He stays where he is, waiting for your response, frozen. But it's your next words that make him run towards you.
"I think my water just broke."
Another pang erupts in your back, and you realize that maybe it wasn't the baby that was restless. It was contractions.
And this baby is about to kick its way out of your belly.
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qraceiuv · 6 months
pumpkin season. charles leclerc.
summary — you're charles' wife and known for going all out for halloween (along with your two twin girls)
note — sick and sad rn so here's this crap of a oneshot
warnings — nothing except google translate was used by me
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y/nleclerc: a cozy fall from the leclerc girls🍂🫶
username: THE CUTEST
username: amelie is gorgeous omg
username: I CANTT
username: y/n's season is here!!
username: icons
landonorris: who taught julianne to pose like that for photos?!
— y/nleclerc: you.
— landonorris: not sure what you're talking about.
username: lando being a bad influence on the leclerc twins part 500
— alex_albon: real.
carlossainz55: i want my halloween cookies asap
— y/nleclerc: "be patient" -amelie
— username: PLEASE
kellypiquet: cant wait to see you guys soon!
— y/nleclerc: 🥰🥰
lilymhe: MY GIRLS!!
charles_leclerc: tu me manques mes amours (i miss you my loves)
charles_leclerc: save me some cookies!
— leclerc_pascale: trop tard, ils sont tous partis! (too late, they're all gone!)
username: love this family so bad goodbye
y/nleclerc added to their instagram story!
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y/nleclerc: happy halloween... 🎃👼🐸
username: amelie is the cutest angel wtf
username: the little frog☹️☹️
username: i love them more than myself.
username: y/n's avatar costume disappeared
— y/nsleclerc: was only for the photos, walking around with blue skin is not an easy task
— username: pr queen💀
landonorris: 🤡🤡
— y/nleclerc: excuse you????
— landonorris: OMG NOO its supposed to be a hint to my costume for the party tonight
— y/nleclerc: show up to my home in a clown costume and i'll hurt you.
kellypiquet: my twin amelie🫠👼
— y/nleclerc: she adores you & the matching costumes so much!
— username: them matching omg🙁🙁
danielricciardo: princesses
charles_leclerc: no competition
y/nleclerc added to their instagram story!
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605 notes · View notes
rougepancake · 10 months
In which you take your boyfriend to a party and he gets jealous of your friends
Ft. Caesar Zeppeli, Joseph Joestar, Rohan Kishibe, Jotaro Kujo, Dio Brando, Jonathan Joestar
Warnings: Slightly suggestive. Mentions of alcohol. Google translated Italian. Gender neutral reader. Not proofread.
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You stood there, chatting excitedly with your friends about how your week had been. They listened intently and you all spent a good amount of time just exchanging stories over the loud music that was playing from the living room of the house.
You could barely hear them, but you didn’t mind. The environment around you was anything but quiet, which was fair since you were at Joseph Joestar’s party.
It had been hours since it started, and some people were starting to pack up and leave, taking some of the loud buzz with them.
Eventually it began to calm down, and it was just you and your best friend sitting on the couch, enjoying one another’s company in peace.
The two of you continued in your tipsy conversation, giggling frequently as you spoke. It was nice, honestly. Your week had been nothing short of a nightmare, only adding to the amount of stress you were under. So when you found out about Joseph’s party, you immediately decided to take Caesar and head over.
Speaking of Caesar…
The party had been going on for hours and you had yet to see him.
As you were speaking to your friend, you found yourself being interrupted by the feeling of someone’s arms wrapping around your waist.
“Caesar…” You whispered, turning to look at him as he buried his head into your shoulder, kissing at the flesh gently. He looked up and shot your best friend a glare, which resulted in them excusing themselves and leaving the two of you alone.
His grip on you tightened, his back pressing up against your chest as he continued to kiss and bite as your neck.
“Finalmente- siamo soli.”
Finally- we’re alone.
It was his party and he was out dancing in the living room, drunkly throwing his arms into the air as he moved carelessly. You couldn’t help but giggle at the sight as you talked to your new friend Caesar, who apparently went way back with Joseph.
The two of you hit it off, especially when you found out that he was an ex of Joseph’s, which meant he had dirt on him that you could use against him later. You actually grew so lost in your conversation with the blond that you tuned out your boyfriend’s drunken dancing.
“So like I was saying- JoJo is a bit of a-“ Caesar began, leading you into the kitchen and away from the noisiness of the living room. You listened intently and contributed to his points, telling him about what your relationship with Joseph had been like so far until-
“Y/N!” The sound of Joseph’s voice rang throughout the kitchen, causing you to jump in surprise as he stormed over towards you. “I sidn’t know Caesarino was h-here!” He slurred his words and threw an arm around your shoulder, shooting a glare at the man before you.
Caesar took that as his sign to leave and did just that, leaving you and your drunk boyfriend alone in the kitchen.
“Y/nnn.” He whined, both of his arms now pulling you close to him as he struggled to stay upright. “Why were you talking to himmmm??”
“Well he and I had some interests, that’s all.” You chuckled slightly but let out a surprised yelp as he put all his weight against you. “Joseph! Get up!” You groaned and forced him to stand up, pouting as you led him back to his bedroom so he could rest.
“But you’re mineee.” He continued to whine as you dragged him, pouting childishly as you walked.
“I didn’t say I wasn’t.” You chuckled. Drunk Joseph was always… something else.
“Let me show you.” He whispered, pinning you against the wall of his hallway and trapping you there. He began to attack your neck, leaving sloppy love bites in his wake.
And you just couldn’t tell him no.
He wasn’t much of a ‘party person’, but he figured he’d humor you just this once. He had spent most of the night right by your side, making sure nothing bad happened to you as you drank.
Had you always been this social?
Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but he did rather like that side of you.
Eventually, you ran off to talk to one of your buddies, and he decided to leave you be. But the sight of you with this friend of yours lit a fire within him. They had a hand on your arm, and seemed a little too invested in what you had to say.
Perhaps you two were just close. He hoped so, even though he didn’t fully understand why.
Since the great Rohan Kishibe doesn’t get jealous of others.
Others get jealous of him.
With an annoyed sigh, he put on a stern expression and walked over to you two. You greeted him with a cheery smile that sent butterflies swirling in his stomach, and it made him feel slightly guilty for what he was about to do next.
He grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and forced your lips to collide with his, using your gasp of surprise as the perfect opportunity to shove his tongue down your throat and remind you that he was the one that continued to make you feel good.
“We’re leaving.” He grumbled and grabbed your wrist, smirking at how your little friend was nowhere in sight. Your drunken protests fell on deaf ears as he pulled you out of the house and into his car, buckling you up safely and stomping over to his side.
“What was that for-“ He cut you off by smashing his lips onto yours once again, groaning at the taste of alcohol that came from you.
You were in for it now, and you didn’t even know why.
He couldn’t believe that you thought it would be a good idea to drag him out to a party. Honestly! What in the world was running through your mind?!
But when he saw how much fun you were having, he just couldn’t take it away from you.
So- he resorted to standing in the corner of the, rather large, living room, arms crossed as he watched you dance around aimlessly.
It was all fun and games, until he watched one of your close friends come up and begin to dance with you. They took your hand in theirs and began to jump and sing along with you, their smile just as bright as your own.
The sight sent Jotaro’s heart to his stomach.
What was this feeling bubbling up inside him? Was it jealousy?? Surely not. Jotaro Kujo was known to get jealous every now and then, but over one of your friends?
It made him feel more guilty than anything.
It should be him dancing with you, making you smile and giggle like that. He should be the one out there encouraging you to be yourself while you hop around and scream the lyrics of the song that just came on.
God why did he have to stand over in the corner?
Hesitantly, he walked over to the two of you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you to the side briefly. His heart swelled at the sight of your cheesy grin, which only made him feel worse.
“Y/n.” He started out with a heavy sigh. How was he supposed to tell you he was jealous of your friend? It would ruin your night and he knew it. So… he sucked it up and gave in to the crazy idea that had been bothering him since he saw you go out and dance.
“What’s wrong?” You seemed to sense his inner turmoil, your voice soft and understanding. “Do you need to leave? It’s alright with if you do, I get it.” You made a motion to grab your jacket, but he only pulled you back towards him.
“I want to dance with you.”
Oh wow. Did he really just say that? He had to be kidding… but based on the way he was looking at you, you knew he wasn’t.
You’d ask him about his change of heart later, but decided to give him a peck on the lips and drag him back to the center of the living room.
It was a sweet act on his part, but his eyes betrayed how he really felt.
He was going to take you, and not a single bit of your body would be safe from his wonder working lips.
He’s a slut for a good party and you know it. Nothing can stop him from getting absolutely wasted and enjoying himself in the sea of people. He was practically born to live in the spotlight, so that he’ll do.
Until you drag him home.
Or until he sees you flaunting around with a good for nothing loser that he’s never met before.
Tonight- it was the latter, his eyes laying upon the sight of you talking to a supposed friend of yours that he’s never met.
There was always the possibility that you had met them tonight, but he wasn’t about to hear you out. He knew all of your friends. Every single one of them. And he didn’t care if they liked him or not, so long as he knew them.
He watched in disgust as you laughed at something the stranger said, cringing even further when you placed a hand on their shoulder to steady yourself.
The sight simply enraged him, and maybe it was the alcohol talking, but it made his heart throb in agony.
Was he really that bad for you? I mean sure, he was your boyfriend, but he’s never been jealous of someone before and it was really starting to bother him.
“Y/n!” He hissed and grabbed you by your wrist, not even giving you a chance to say goodbye to your friend. “Stop trying to date other people!” His face was close to yours, and his breath reeked of alcohol.
“I’m not?!” You argued, pulling your wrist away from his grasp, only to have him grab it again and lead you out of the house. “Hey! What are you doing?!” You shouted and glared at him as you stood. “Are you at least going to tell me what’s wrong?”
He stopped and looked back at you, his eyes shining with malice and nothing more. He was totally blinded by his rage.
“I’m going to remind you who you belong to.”
And by god he did.
He’s a gentle giant. Parties aren’t really his thing, but if it makes you happy, then he doesn’t mind a whole lot.
For the most part, it was the two of you and some friends talking by the pool, your feet dangling in the water as you talked. It was relaxing, surprisingly, and Jonathan couldn’t help but rest his head on your shoulder as you talked.
Now, Jonathan isn’t really the jealous type. He never really has been and he doesn’t think he will be.
But there’s just something about Dio sitting beside you that sets him off.
“Hello Y/n darling.” His voice is like silk, smooth in his way to try and seduce you. “JoJo.” He nodded at Jonathan before taking your hand in his and kissing it softly.
“Dio.” You scoffed and pulled your hand away. “I didn’t know you were invited to this party.”
“Of course I was.” He chuckled lowly and smirked. “I’m always invited to these things.”
Jonathan’s arms found their way to your waist, curling around you and holding you close. He lifted his head up and shot a glare at Dio, his gaze unwavering in his resolve. The blond scoffed and left, leaving you and Jonathan alone to enjoy one another’s company.
“You know… Dio is our neighbor…” He started, whispering softly into your ear. “It would be nice if we could ensure that he didn’t get sleep tonight, no?”
“Oh Jonathan.” You chuckled and leaned into him. “I don’t see why not.”
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dreamingundone · 10 months
When The Morning Comes
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Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x OFC (could be read as reader-insert, no use of Y/N) Summary: Jake doesn’t do serious. He was really upfront and honest about that. So why is he he one getting really tired of saying goodbye every morning? Rating: PG-13 for swears. Words: 3K+ Author’s Note: Here I am again writing fic in the year 2023 because I haven’t stopped thinking about Jake Seresin since last summer. This is slightly Band of Brothers adjacent because I’m incapable of putting away that particular hyper-fixation but you don’t need to know anything about it to understand this. Disclaimer: I don’t own the character Jake or Top Gun: Maverick. Please don’t re-post or translate my work without my permission. There's probably some inaccuracies here though I did my best to Google a few things, but even so, please be nice.
He watches her as she works out of the corner of his eye. He tells himself that he's not seeking her out every time he wanders the corridors at the hangar, but it just happens.
She's impossible to ignore.
There's a sinking feeling in his gut as she very much doesn't make eye contact with him, and in fact, she brushes by him as she leaves the room without so much as a glance.
"All set?" He asks Rooster gruffly, who arches an eyebrow.
"Didn't think you cared so much, Hangman." He gets up from the exam table, hands brushing over the thin line of stitches near his eyebrow.
Jake rolls his eyes.
"Oh!" Rooster says suddenly, eyes lighting up. "It's not me you're here for--"
"Shut up."
Bradshaw's not lying though, which makes Jake grit his teeth even harder.
"Secret's safe with me." He says with a wink, leaving Jake standing in Sick Bay by himself, questioning basically every life decision he's made to get to this point.
Six months earlier
"Listen up!" Maverick calls over the din, and when he can't get anyone's attention except for Dagger Squad, Admiral Bates does the job with a sharp whistle.
The hangar goes quiet, and they sit quietly as they listen to the mission briefing. Three months of training, and then they'll be shipped out to God knows where for God knows how long.
While he's pretty used to this particular way of life by now, he sees some of the other squads he doesn't know sharing nervous looks.
There's a group standing closer to the door that he's never had the pleasure to interact with - the medical staff from Sick Bay. The doctors look bored, but there's a new medic who's caught his eye from the minute he walked into the room.
She's taking notes or something, and Jake smirks as she looks up, meeting his eyes briefly. She rolls her eyes and looks back to her notebook, which only makes him smile wider.
He introduces himself the first time he gets a chance, later at the Hard Deck.
"I'm Jake," he says, holding out a hand.
"Good for you." She says, not looking up from her phone.
"Waiting on someone?"
"Someone else, definitely."
There's something about the way she says it - there's no heat in her words really, even though he knows she's trying to put him off. Look -- everyone thinks Jake is an asshole, and he knows he can be sometimes, but he doesn't want to stick around where he's clearly not wanted, even if all he wants to do is sit here with her and learn everything there is to know about her.
"Enjoy your drink," he says, and leaves her there looking a little surprised, if the crease between her brows is any indication.
It's a few days later when he has an excuse to see her again, though not under the circumstances he would have wished.
He's being semi-held up between Javy and Rooster, and he's scowling. "I'm fine," he grumbles.
"Sure, tell that to the control panel you smashed your head off of." Javy says, and Jake would roll his eyes, it's just that he can't really see straight, so he thinks he'd just pass out.
Okay, so he had to emergency land. At least he didn't have to eject.
"Put him here." He hears her voice, kind but authoritative. "Lieutenant Seresin, I thought I told you the other night I wasn't interested."
Javy snorts, and Rooster bites back a grin.
"Desperate times calls for desperate measures." Jake says, groaning as he lies back on the exam table.
Then she's there, looming over him, and the irony isn't lost on him that this is the first time she's looking him directly in the eye. Well, her and her flashlight, anyway.
"Pupils a bit larger than I'd like." She mutters. He finds himself really unable to do anything other than watch her as his vision wavers. "Concussion, obviously." She says. "Is the light bothering you?"
"A little." He answers.
She hums in sympathy. "You need stitches. Give me a minute." She says, and then her warmth is gone, and the bright light overhead is all he can see, making him close his eyes.
He sighs. This really isn't the impression he wanted to make.
Dimly, he registers Javy and Rooster leaving the room, saying they needed to go tell the rest of the Daggers how he was doing. He's sure Phoenix and Bob are pacing somewhere. Mav, too.
"Stupid." He mutters.
"What?" She asks, sounding offended.
"Nothing. Not you." He says, eyes opening as she leans over him again, hissing when she wipes an antiseptic over his forehead. "A little warning would have been nice."
"Don't be a baby." She chides, face full of determination. "Stay still."
He lets her work for a few minutes before he tries again. "I meant that I felt stupid for this."
She meets his eyes quickly. "Sounded like you did what you had to do so you didn't kill yourself."
"You were listening?" He asks, surprised. He feels dumber that he didn't realize that. Of course the medics were on standby.
"It's my job." She says. She pauses for a minute, glancing at her wrist. Her wristwatch is turned the wrong way round, so the face of it is on the inside. It's very military, and it makes him smile. It's how he can spot another Navy guy a mile away.
Hers is different than his, though, the face worn and scratched.
"Is that thing even ticking?" He asks as she gets back to work.
Her tongue is between her teeth as she completes the next few stiches, the sight making him a little distracted.
"It was my great-grandfather's."
He feels like he's bothering her, so he doesn't ask any more questions, but she surprises him by continuing.
"He's the reason I wanted to get into medicine. He was an Army medic."
"And that was his service watch?"
"Made it through the drop to Normandy and back."
Jake's eyebrows rise. "A paratrooper."
She nods. "He died before I was old enough to figure out what I wanted to do, but this watch has kept on ticking. Feels like I've got him over my shoulder advising me on what to do."
"That's really nice." Jake says honestly, and again he catches a surprised look on her face.
"I'm sorry," she says, maybe seeing the way his features droop. "You can sit up," she says off-hand before continuing. "I wasn't really fair to you. I've just-- to be honest, I've heard some things. Made me think..."
Jake nods. He knows what everyone says. And to be fair, he's never given anyone other than his friends any reason to doubt the rumors about him. What's the point? He'd rather let everyone on North Island think what they want than spending time fighting his reputation. It's not worth it, especially when he leaves often for months at a time.
"Anyway. That wasn't fair. I'm sorry."
He shakes his head, pasting on a smile he doesn't really feel. "No harm done. I don't really... I don't really do serious. So the rumors aren't far off." He doesn't know why he says it. It's the truth - he's scared of getting attached. He's no good at being someone's boyfriend and he knows it. But still -- it feels weird to say it out loud to her.
"Well. Okay then, Lieutenant. You're going to be grounded for awhile, unfortunately. Come back next week and we'll see how you're doing."
Over the next few weeks, they do more mission prep, which means the medical team and the Daggers are together more often than not. They'll all be together as a wing on the carrier, and it's important that everyone knows all the details of every minute of the mission.
They have enough downtime too, and that's where he really finds himself in deep trouble. All because of her.
Phoenix has taking a liking to her, and really, everyone else has too. It's hard not to like her.
He's watching her now, contemplative eyes as he tilts his beer bottle back to his lips, and his heart does a funny little flip at the sound of her laugh.
He's surprised when she makes her way over to him at the end of the night, elbowing him lightly.
"All alone, Hangman?"
He smiles wryly. "Only got room in my heart for one lucky lady, Doc."
The nickname was her great-grandfather's, and it's stuck to her too. The first time Mav called her that, she got a little misty-eyed, and Jake found it so endearing he could barely look at her.
She rolls her eyes. "You get back up in the air tomorrow."
He nods, having been cleared by the medical team earlier that day. He can't wait. He misses the adrenaline and the sound of the engines roaring underneath him.
"Thanks to you," he says, nudging her in return. She'd been like a drill sergeant the last few weeks, watching him like a hawk to make sure he stuck to paperwork and didn't overwork himself while he recovered from his concussion.
"Just doing my job." Her standard answer. He thinks it's interesting that someone so confident has a hard time accepting any praise.
"No, it's something else." He says, taking another pull from his bottle. "You were born to do this, I think. You've got a special touch."
She blinks rapidly, and for a horrifying moment, he thinks she might cry. She clears her throat. "How many of those have you had?" She gestures towards the bottle in his hand. "I said one beer, Seresin."
"Not even a full one." He assures her. "And I mean that, Doc."
The way she's looking at him sends his heart racing. Is she--? No, he's imagining it, that she looks like she's leaning in a little, her lips parted invitingly. That's impossible.
"Thank you, Jake." She says softly, and it's the first time she's ever called him by his first name. It takes everything inside of him to stop from leaning into her a little bit more, and in the end he doesn't fight it.
They sit there, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, in a comfortable silence for the rest of the night. And if her pinky brushes his just a little on the bartop, he doesn't draw attention to it. He just lets it happen, enjoying the warmth unfurling inside of him.
The briefing where they get their assignments for the mission is tense. This is a dangerous one. Top secret, and not even the medic team is allowed in the room with the Daggers while they get briefed.
There's some speculation that they won't even come along - that this mission is so secret, the fewer eyes on it, the better.
It makes something twist inside him, the thought that he might not see her until he comes home from deployment. He hasn't had that feeling in a really, really long time.
Afterwards, he's wandering the corridors aimlessly when he quite literally runs smack into her.
"Oh!" She says, surprised, and he grabs at her arms instinctively, holding her upright.
"Sorry, Doc."
"Are you okay?" She asks, narrowing her eyes at him.
"Fine. I--" He looks up, meeting her eyes. "Will you go to dinner with me?"
She swallows. "What?"
"Look, I'm not looking for anything serious. I'm starting to think you aren't either. But I also like you, and I'd like to take you to dinner. If you want." It all comes out in a rush.
"Okay." She says quietly.
"Okay." She repeats.
They don't even make it through dinner.
He's so distracted by the sight of her in civilian clothes that he can barely form a coherent sentence all night.
It must show on his face, and he really feels like an asshole for it, but she also responds to it, so he doesn't stop himself from staring at her, not this time.
Somewhere in the middle of the dinner course, she puts down her fork. "Are you going to take me home now?"
He doesn't think he's ever scribbled his signature on a check so fast in his life.
After that it's all a blur of heated gazes, wandering hands, and finally, mouths meeting. It's all flushed skin and, for Jake, trembling hands. He tries not to examine that particular fact too much.
In the morning, she leaves before he wakes up. He feels a little weird about it, but it's also how it has to be. It's how he's always done things. And if that's good for her too, even better.
They go on like that for weeks. He tries not to think about how each morning it's harder and harder to watch her get dressed in the haze when she thinks he's still asleep.
He tries not to think about how she always looks back over her shoulder before she goes, something soft in her eyes.
He tries not to count down the days between now and his deployment date.
On a Friday morning, he's making no show of the fact that he's awake when she slides out from under the sheets and starts dressing.
"You could stay." He says, voice a little hoarse.
She pauses, but pulls her shirt over her head. "Don't do that." She says, voice quiet but firm.
"Just for breakfast."
"This is what you wanted, Jake. I'm just trying to make this easy for both of us."
His face twists. "And I can't change my mind?"
"Actually, no." She says, voice harsh. "Because you've said to me a hundred times that you weren't looking for anything serious. Staying longer, spending days together... that's serious. I'm just doing what you wanted."
Maybe I don't want that anymore. The thought rattles around in his brain, but he doesn't say it.
"It doesn't have to mean anything." He says without thinking, and the look she gives him is withering.
"You've been doing your best not to let any of this mean anything, Seresin."
"We're going by last names now?"
"For fuck's sake, Jake!" She hisses, tugging her pants on. "I should have trusted my instincts with you. I should have listened to my gut."
He sits up straighter now, hurt lacing his tone. "So you've just been miserable for the last few months, right? None of this has been pleasurable for you, and that's my fault."
"I didn't say that."
"You know what? Don't let me keep you. Must have been a moment of insanity." He says, voice hard. "You're right. Keep it simple, keep it meaningless. That's perfect."
She doesn't say anything else as she gathers the rest of her stuff and slams the door behind her.
He doesn't see her again until the final mission briefing before deployment.
They're being deployed to the same carrier. That wasn't supposed to happen. The whole reason he decided to take a chance, to finally act on these feelings that he's afraid to identify... it was spurred on by the idea that he may come back in a year to find her elsewhere.
Their eyes meet across the hangar. There's nothing friendly in them now.
He swallows hard. This is going to be a shit-show.
They're out in the middle of the goddamned ocean when he, yet again, has to race to Rooster's rescue. It's not nearly as terrifying as the last time it happened, but he's still furious at his friend for risking his life once again. Rooster skids into the carrier with his landing gear barely hanging on, and the rough landing has him doing his best impression of Jake himself all those months ago when he nearly smashed his face into the control panel.
He has to help Rooster get to the Sick Bay because he can't do it on his own, and no matter how much he wants to avoid seeing her, he needs to get help, and Doc is the best, there's no doubt about it.
They ignore each other, though he watches her. He can't help it. She handles Rooster like he's the most important person in the room, and it twists something inside Jake, though he knows that's what makes her invaluable.
She leaves before he can say anything to her.
"All set?" He asks Rooster gruffly, who arches an eyebrow.
"Didn't think you cared so much, Hangman." He gets up from the exam table, hands brushing over the thin line of stitches near his eyebrow.
Jake rolls his eyes.
"Oh!" Rooster says suddenly, eyes lighting up. "It's not me you're here for--"
"Shut up."
Bradshaw's not lying though, which makes Jake grit his teeth even harder.
"Secret's safe with me." He says with a wink, leaving Jake standing in Sick Bay by himself, questioning basically every life decision he's made to get to this point.
In the corridor outside Sick Bay, she's lingering. Pacing.
Jake stops. He's not sure how to get past her without speaking to her. And truthfully, he knows he owes her an apology. He owes her more than that, but he doesn't know how.
"He's going to be okay," She says. "Just so you know."
"I know. Had you fixing him up, after all."
"You sounded scared on the comms."
He shakes his head. "He's reckless."
"He's your friend. It's okay to worry." It's okay to feel things, she doesn't say, but he hears it like she shouted it.
He puts his hands on his hips. "I worry a lot, actually. I worry about a lot of things."
She's just watching him warily, and he goes on, actually unable to stop rambling.
"I worried from the second I met you that I was going to fall in love with you, and that's exactly what happened."
Her mouth falls open, and he plows on.
"I worried that if I let myself get too close, I'd never recover when inevitably you found someone better than me. I didn't think we were getting deployed together. I thought I'd never see you again, that I'd come home and you'd have found someone that deserves you. So I put a boundary there, and I never should have. Even when you respected it, I got angry with you. Because I did want more."
"Jake, what the fuck?" She breathes, and he laughs.
"I know. I'm an asshole, and I'm sorry. I just-- I couldn't stop myself. With every little thing I learned about you, I just fell a little harder. And that was never the deal. So even when you acted like... like you could've felt the same way, I didn't give you the chance." He smiles, but it's more like a wince. "Call it self preservation, I guess."
"You're so stupid, Lieutenant Seresin." Her voice is shaky. "As if I would have thought about anyone else for a year, even if we were separated."
His head snaps back up to meet her eyes. "Doc?"
"I've been falling for you this whole time too, you idiot. And the only reason I didn't want to stay that morning was because I'd worked so hard to stop myself wanting more than you were willing to give."
"I'm sorry."
"You keep saying that."
"I can keep saying it, if it helps."
She takes two quick strides in his direction while they're alone, and kisses him. Quick and hard, it sets his skin afire and his heart pounding.
"Back to work, Hangman." She says against his lips as she lowers herself down to her feet. "We'll talk about this later." Her thumb presses into the dimple on his cheek.
"If I have to, Doc." He says, and this time when he watches her walk away, he knows it's for the last time.
He's not going to let her out of his sight for a long time, if he can help it.
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orphicdreamers-wp · 4 months
Still Falling For You — Nico Hischier
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Summary: Nico finds out your learning how to make his favorite Swiss foods and it adds another reason to why he’s still falling for you
Content Warnings; Subtle angst at first, med student reader, poorly translated German (blame google translate)
Pairing; Nico Hischier x Fem Reader
A deep sigh left your lips, “I understand that you miss Switzerland but I can’t just drop everything and run to Switzerland for a month Nico!” Nico scoffed as he slammed his dresser drawer shut, “I can’t do this anymore. I’m gonna go stay with Jack for a while. I’m sorry.” You let out a defeated sigh, “Ich lebe dich, fahre vorsichtig. Schreib mir eine SMS, wenn du dort ankommst?” Nico hummed, “Wie auch immer, ich gehe jetzt.” You watched in silence as your fiancé left your shared apartment without so much as a kiss goodbye. That was over two weeks ago.
You’d gone to all of Nico’s games in the meantime and crammed for your MCATS all while taking cooking classes in the meantime. You were taking something out of the oven when the door opened, “Y/N?” Jack’s voice pulled you from the kitchen, “Kitchen!” Jack walked into the kitchen to find you in a hot pink apron adorning bright yellow oven mitts and a orange chef’s hat. Jack burst out laughing, “What the hell are you wearing dude?” You glared at him as you set the pan of Rösti on the stove, “Can it squeaks. Is Nico coming home anytime soon?” Jack shrugged, “Dude I have no clue. Get him off my couch, Maisie won’t even sleep in the same bed as me while he’s on our couch.”
You sighed, “I’m trying Hughes. Have I ever screamed chef to you?” Jack paused for a minute to think, “Not particularly, speaking of what is this stuff?” You sighed as you put the pan of cake batter in the oven for the Zuger Kirschtorte. You turned to Jack, “I called his mom, I had to bribe her with my peanut butter fudge the next five times she visits to spill his favorite Swiss meals. He keeps talking about how much he misses Switzerland. I can’t go to Switzerland with my MCATS coming up, that’s why we’re fighting. So I wanted to make it up to him. I need you to get him here tonight at 6. Please Hughie?” Jack smiled at your romantic spiel, “I can try my hardest Y/N. This is really cute by the way.” You smiled, “Thanks Jack. Now go I still have to finish making the food and shower and look cute for my guy.” Jack grinned as he excused himself and left the apartment.
You checked the cake and it wasn’t anywhere near done so you placed the bottle of Oeil-de-Perdrix, Nico’s favorite Swiss wine according to his mom, in the freezer to chill while you hurried into the bathroom and turned the shower on and quickly showered before changing into a simple pair of jeans and one of Nico’s favorite shirts of yours. You made it back to the kitchen and got the cake out and iced it and it was only 5 now. You smiled to yourself as you moved all the food out of the kitchen and onto the table. You tied the apron back around you as you started the rinsing dishes and put them in the dish washer. You took the wine out of the freezer and placed it in the fridge to stay cold.
By the time you finished it was still 5:15, you brought the food back into the kitchen and cleared a space in the living room, overlooking the beautiful city view that drew you into the apartment to begin with. You moved the table out onto the balcony and placed a tablecloth on the table to give it a restaurant quality look. You began to plate up food for both you and Nico. Once you were done with that you found an old record that neither you nor Nico had played since you got engaged over a year ago. You dusted it off and put it on the record player and allowed it to start as you found the perfect dimness of the lights.
You had 15 minutes to spare so you used that small window of time to style your hair into a cute simple half up half down hairstyle you wore on you and Nico’s first date. You put on a small amount of makeup, majority being your winged eyeliner and the lip liner and lipgloss on your lips. You felt awkward not having shoes on so you slipped on a pair of sandals and poured you both a glass of wine as you waited for Nico to come through the door.
You pick up yo ur phone read the time, 6:17. For a brief moment you believe he isn’t coming and you feel your heart drop. Maybe Jack had forgotten to tell him, maybe Nico just decided he wasn’t coming, maybe he’d decided he was done and didn’t have the heart to tell you. Until your phone buzzed with a text.
J. Hughes: He took more convincing than expected. Told him he need to get a clean suit for tomorrow’s game. He’s on his way up now.
You smiled as you heard the door open. Nico froze in the doorway of his home. Granted he hadn’t been home in a few weeks but he was almost certain that his kitchen table was missing. And his house smelled like Mahogany and Teakwood, his favorite candle. That he happened to know that his fiancée hated the smell of. Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow by Freddie Mercury faintly played through the apartment as he walked further inside, “Honey?” He hadn’t spotted you on the couch where you usually sat and studied around this time of night. The dimness of the home coupled with the silence hanging heavy in the air worried Nico slightly.
You had heard his footsteps just inside the balcony. He opened the curtain and spoke softly, “Hi pretty lady. What are you doing out here all alone?” You smiled up at him, “I’m not alone anymore. Sit before the food gets any more cold.” Nico looked at the food on the table, “Where did you learn to cook these?” You smiled at your fiancé, “The internet is a helpful place sometimes.” Nico sat down as he looked at the foods he’d loved most during his childhood in front of him and the woman he loves most in the world having made them, “Danke meine liebe.”
You smiled at him, “Es war mir ein Vergnügen, Hübscher.” Nico spoke almost sadly, “I’m sorry for how I acted angel. I really appreciate this.” You smiled, “What can I say, I love doing things for my people.” Nico smiled, “I know. It’s one of the things I find myself still falling for you because of.”
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micksslut · 1 year
all i want for christmas is you
charles leclerc x fem driver reader
summary: charles thinks he's good at hiding he's your secret santa.
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word count: 1.9k
warnings/mood: just fluff, reader is a driver, relationship established between charles and reader, charles being the best bf. also, I'm not really sure if secret santa works like this, so I hope it's well put, but if it's wrong, correct me without problem!
if you read my previous one shot, you know that english is not my first language, so this is a google translator shit (a bit modified based on my knowledge ), but that's a real warning, so please don't hesitate to tell me if there are mistakes of any kind in the one shot 😭 (i think that's all, but tell me if I forgot something pls!)
notes: hI. this was supposed to be published before christmas, but i had no inspiration at all and only came this. I don't consider it to be my best writing, but I hope you enjoy it!
i hope you like it, please don't be a ghost reader!!!
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Finally all the drivers knew who they should give a gift to for the christmas swap.
You were Sebastian's Secret Santa, and honestly you had a problem because you hadn't been with the German long enough to know what to get him, but if there was something you couldn't stand: they were the bad gifts (the ones used to be given by Formula 1 drivers).
The first thing you did was tell your boyfriend, Charles, about who you got at the Christmas swap, knowing he wouldn't say anything and hoping he would tell you too.
But that didn't happen, instead you got a very nervous Charles who refused to tell you who he should give a gift to.
But your boyfriend was terrible at lying to you and you were very smart, so when you asked Carlos if he knew anything and he refused to tell you, you got closer to the truth. But even so, you weren't completely sure, so you decided to go for your last option.
"Char, would you like to come with me to buy the gift for Secret Santa? Lando canceled and I don't want to go alone" Charles was sitting in the cream-colored chair in the hotel room they shared, so you sat on his lap and he put down his phone to pay attention to you.
"Sure amour, just let me put my coat on" he gave you a chaste kiss on your lips and stood up, leaving you carefully on the couch.
You smiled, and immediately texted your best friend Lando, confirming that your plan was off to a good start.
So there you were, in a mall, thankful that your relationship with Charles was no longer a secret and the media didn't blow up seeing you and your boyfriend holding hands.
"Why don't we also buy the gift that you will give?" you asked when they had entered an eco-friendly store in search of what he thought was only the gift for Seb.
"I still don't know what to give as a gift, amour" Charles rambled nervously "Look, a bamboo toothbrush" he smiled showing it. You narrowed your eyes.
"Why don't you want to tell me who got you at the christmas swap?" you approached him.
"It's secret mon amour" he justified himself.
"Yeah, but I told you"
Charles was going to answer, but a female voice behind you interrupted you two.
"Excuse me, do you think I could get an autograph?" the girl asked shyly and you sighed discreetly, but both smiled.
Charles knew he had just been saved, so he was the first to nod.
"Sure! Where?"
She took off her Pirelli cap and held it out along with a permanent marker towards the two of you, apparently it was already prepared, so you deduced that the fans already knew where you and Charles were.
"Thank you! Good luck on the weekend!" you and your boyfriend thanked and the girl left.
"We'd better hurry, they won't be long in coming anymore" the monegasque murmured and you nodded, giving up on your boyfriend.
In the end, you ended up buying more things for you and Charles than for Seb, but you had found the perfect present for him, so you left the mall happy.
Soon, the day of the Secret Santa arrived, and most of the drivers were opening their presents.
You were hiding watching Seb open his present, and you almost ruined everything by laughing when Seb opened the bag and saw a pair of scissors along with the note you had left.
I'm sure you have more hair than me now, so in case you don't want to go to a hairdresser, here is a simple device to cut your own hair!
Sebastian let out a loud laugh and looked at the camera.
"I don't think that's going to happen"
Then he took the paper that talked about the Maple Tree that was your true gift, one that would be planted according to the needs of Switzerland so as not to alter the ecosystem of the region.
Sebastian had guessed who the gift came from and you soon came out of hiding with a smile on your face when Seb saw you.
He came up to you to hug you and thank you.
"I know, I'm the best at giving gifts" the driver laughed "But already cut your hair, Rapunzel"
They parted from the hug laughing and he shook his head.
"You're just envious that I have better hair than you" you opened your mouth falsely offended.
"Ok, I'm going" you turned smugly and started walking.
"Sorry! You know it's true!"
You laughed softly, shaking your head and you arrived where the Formula 1 social media team was waiting for you.
You couldn't help but get excited, if Charles really was your Secret Santa, what would his gift be?
"Ok, the present looks pretty" you commented nervously, looking at the box wrapped in decorative paper. You already knew who the gift was from (or at least you suspected), but you had no idea what it could be, you hadn't seen Charles buying anything, so you really didn't know what I could have given you; although he already knew everything you liked after four long years by his side.
You brought the box to your ear and moved it slightly trying to figure out what it was, but you only heard some things moving.
You opened the box, and the first thing you could see was a photo frame decorated by hand with Formula 1 stickers, your team, the Friends series, and of course, Taylor Swift. To be honest, it looked like something a five-year-old had made, but that's how you knew it was Charles's, and you couldn't help but almost die of cuteness.
You showed it to the camera with a huge smile on your face.
"Well, clearly I will put a photo here with the person who gave it to me. I wonder who it will be" you muttered the last with a smirk.
You gave the frame to your physical therapist to hold while you took out the other presents. Because yes, they were several presents.
"Ok... These are... Oh my god, these are Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour tickets!" you let out a squeal of excitement "Guys you know how much I love Taylor, this is the best present ever" you said ecstatically, showing the tickets and making a mental note to remind them to black out everything on the tickets except for the name of the tour.
"Well, from the frame with the things I like on it, I already knew, but this confirmed it for me and... I'm pretty sure these are from Charles" you looked at the team and they nodded "Yes?" You laughed "I knew it! Lando, you owe me ten bucks" you pointed at the camera and everyone laughed.
"Okay, just one last thing apparently" Olivia, your physical therapist took the tickets and the gift box while you took a smaller box out of it.
It was small, also wrapped in decorative paper and a bow at the top, so you carefully opened it. Most likely it was earrings or a necklace, Charles knew you loved jewelry.
Carefully opening it until only the black velvet box was left, Olivia gasped in surprise as she brought her hand to her mouth to cover it when you looked at her.
You opened your eyes even more when you noticed the reaction of others and you realized why.
You opened the box with now trembling hands and your eyes almost instantly filled with tears, you brought your palm to your mouth as it opened in surprise too.
It was a ring, a beautiful gold ring.
It contained a diamond obviously, not too big, not too small, the perfect size. The ring had carved leaves around it and the shape that surrounded the diamond gave the effect of being a rose.
You looked around in search of your boyfriend, and you saw him addressing you timidly.
"Is it a...? Char, is that what I think it is?" you approached him smiling.
"That depends..." He gently took the box from your hands and making sure he was far enough away from the other people, Charles dropped to one knee on the ground and extended the box towards you, he spoke:
"I know we're still very young... I've been your friend since we went Karting together, and I've been your boyfriend for four years, but i've loved you ever since we met" By that point both of their eyes were already full of tears and you were sure that you were falling more in love with each word that he said "You know I'm not good with words, so... would you let me celebrate our wins together forever? Would you let me fall in love with you more and more each day? Would you let me accompany you the rest of our days, be the happiest man on earth and become your husband?" he asked you, running out of breath at the end.
"My God, Charles. Hell yeah! Yes, yes and yes!" You laughed excitedly and shed some tears of happiness as he stood up and you rushed to hug him, listening to the applause of the others.
He grabbed your waist to hug you even tighter and spin you in the air while you two laughed.
When you touched the ground again, he hastily removed the ring from its box and placed it on your ring finger, and then leave a kiss on your knuckles.
You looked at the beautiful jewel and then back at him, certain that his eyes were even more beautiful than the gift he had just given you. Sure that what you had just given you was the best gift of all, and that even without it, Charles was everything you wanted for Christmas.
You kissed him tenderly, loving every second of that moment. When you separated, you put your foreheads together and you whispered:
"All I want for Christmas is you" both smiled remembering the song and kissed again until you were interrupted.
"That's not fair, you give me scissors to cut my hair and you get an engagement ring?" Sebastian spoke from behind, clicking his tongue and shaking his head, falsely disappointed, you laughed with the others and saw him approach "Not true, congratulations guys" he hugged you and then Charles "I look forward to my invitation to your wedding!" he exclaimed when he had gotten far enough away from the two of you, making you both laugh again.
"You will have it!"
"Ok, but who will you choose as the groomsman?" Lando suddenly appeared behind you, scaring you two slightly.
You were going to speak but Carlos speaking behind Charles interrupted you.
"Of course me, right Charles?" The man from Madrid rested his arm on your fiancé's shoulder and looked at him.
"When did they appear?" you asked puzzled.
"Groomsman Powers" Lando mumbled and you and Charles laughed.
You pulled your fiancé back to you and kissed him again, knowing that the two drivers would drive off in disgust.
They laughed in the middle of the kiss when they heard the "Ewww" from Lando.
"I love you Charles. Thank you for this" you murmured as they broke away from the kiss and he smoothed one of the unruly strands of your hair.
"I love you too, thanks to you ma belle" he hugged you and this time you finally heard the camera flashes, but far from bothering you, it made you smile.
At least you already had photo options to place in the photo frame Charles had given you.
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leclercsloveletter · 4 months
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CL16 | friends or not (pt 2)
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Summary: You love Charles, but he keeps you treading on the line between friends and strangers. The humiliation and frustration finally got to you.
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem reader
Words count: 2060
Warning: Google translated French
Author's note: Thank you for your support on my first ever fic here! I’m so shock everyone wanted a part 2 so I stayed up til 4AM for this🫶
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Life without Charles is just normal life 90% of the time, other than the fact that you allow yourself to see other people. You wish it was easy to indulge in others after him.
Charles lingers as the silent architect of your thoughts, he made a home in your gut and sucked you dry of the ability to spare anyone else half the intimacy you gave him. The touch of others only serves as a poignant reminder of the electrifying chemistry your body once had with him. So when Lando's rough hand rests on your waist, it weighs like an anvil, sinking you onto the floor of the FIA's gala.
Going out with your somewhat ex's coworker isn't the brightest idea, but Monaco is a small place. Once you get roped up into the circle of drivers and their little games, it's hard to get out with your dignity intact. Besides, Lando was one that you can confidently rely on. He was there and he was listening when Charles decided you weren't worthy of his time. Maybe he was waiting for you to break so he could come in, and snatch you up like a vulture for himself, it doesn't matter anymore.
"Darling, are you alright?"
"Yea I'm good Lando, I'm just dreading a bit"
You appreciate Lando breaking the flow of conversation just to check up on you. He let out a sigh before holding you closer
"Y/n, it's okay. I asked so he would be seated at the other end of the table. I know we aren't a committed item yet and it's not in my position to say this but, be mine for tonight, please?"
He held one of your hands in his, giving it a small kiss. He was so kind, so charming, so convincing that you smile back and nod. Lando leans in for a quick kiss that you reciprocate, ignoring every fibre in your body that's screaming from someone's gaze at the other end of the room.
Charles's and your body are in tune in a mysterious way, so when he walks into the gala with his new girl, the air in your lungs thickens into syrup. With his crisp suit, new haircut, and a girl he seems to care more about, Charles looks like a vessel of the Charlie that once had you. Except for the cufflinks you gave him when he won in F2, you wonder if his girl knew. But you already promised Lando that you would be his for tonight, to give him the undivided attention that anyone deserves from their partner. So you lean in closer to him and let his words flow through your head.
Time passes, the alcohol kicks into your system has dulled out and now waiting to be excreted. You excuse yourself to use the bathroom, someone was in there too.
"Oh hey, you're Lando's girlfriend?"
She was beautiful, elegant, and kind. In a red dress that hugged her body exactly where she wanted it to be, her posture so proper it put ballerinas to shame. A girl worthy of Charles's time.
"That's me, I'm Y/n L/n. I see you with Leclerc?"
"Yeah, I'm Charlotte, nice to meet you."
You shake hands, and although you both look well groomed, nails and hair freshly done, you can't help but feel humiliated by her. You both exchange some words and follow each other on Instagram before she returns to her table and you find a stall to sit in silence. Jealousy is a fitting word, humbled is one too, there were so many noises buzzing through your head at once. You need a smoke before going back into that room.
Paris is cold at night, the jacket hung loosely on your shoulders was supposed to be nothing more than a decoration so you shivered when pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up. You shoot Lando a text so he knows you're fine and just need a break from the event, he replies with "Gotcha darling, stay warm" and a cutesy emoji, you feel bad for him.
"Still haven't quit smoking Y/n?"
Oh that voice, the voice that makes you want to drop everything to punch him in the face and then kiss him through the blood.
"I think I'll be committed to it until it takes me out, Charles."
"So, how's life?"
The 3 words take you right back to that night in Monte Carlo, it wasn't that long ago, but in your misery, it felt like the previous life.
"Doin' pretty well, got me a cute boy. Doing my master's degree right now, new job, new car, what a life."
"You miss me so much you swoop down to date my friend Y/n?"
"Bold of you to assume everything is about you."
You replied sharply, the embers of the cigarette gazing at your fingertips before you threw it over the balcony you were standing on. The audacity he has is astonishing sometimes, you turn to him
"My life before was all about you, everything I did was for you. Now? I want nothing to do with you Leclerc, I'm sorry that your coworker likes me and he actually cares for me when you weren't around."
Charles was frozen to the ground, he didn't expect such an outburst, not that he would ever. You look at him for a moment, stunned that after everything, all the changes and pain you went through, he made no progress. You walk past him to go back inside, not without putting a hand on his shoulder with a sigh
"Charlotte seems nice, treat her well."
Lando was shocked when you told him you're moving to Milan to finish up your last year of master's. He was borderline begging for you to stay despite the whole non-committed thing you guys have. It's funny how you ran away from a situationship to have a new one that lasted more than a year, at least this one was healthier.
"Lando hun, I'm sorry. But I can't stay in Monaco for now, I need something else just for a moment. I'll keep in contact yeah? I'll update you on Pierre and Yuki too."
You hold him tight, there are no tears but only a shared understanding that you both won't work out and mostly, he knew you need to get away from Charles. Neither you nor Lando can live under that shadow, it's merciful that you let each other be. Even when you have to deny the attraction you held for the driver. Packing was easy enough, with boxes of stuff already being shipped to Italy and pictures of Pierre unpacking and messing with your decors in the new flat have been sent.
Your phone buzzes menacingly
"I heard you're moving to Milan, safe trip."
"Thank you, Charles, will tell Pierre you said hi."
Even in moments like this, he taunted you. He's everywhere in your apartment, at the same time, left nothing behind but you. You know when the plane lands in Milan, it will be a true new life. Maybe fate will let you live there, somewhere in Sicily or Naples sipping on limoncello and wearing a wide-brimmed hat.
"Motherfucker, Pierre you didn't tell me Milan was going to be hot as hell?!"
"I thought you checked the weather?! Don't blame me?!"
Banter with Pierre flows smoothly, if there is someone who complimented your insanity, it's Pierre. It's scary how he also possessed the ability to read you like a book, Frenchmen have superpowers you guessed. What you didn't expect however was sitting on the balcony of your new apartment over a glass of wine while he questioned your motive for moving to Milan.
"I know you won't just move here if you still can tolerate his existence Y/n. What was the final straw?"
"There was none, Pierre, it's just nothing was working out and I need a change-"
"Ferme ta gueule Y/n, I knew you both too well for you to think I would believe that"
You pull your legs up to your chest, getting cozy on the beanbag before chugging the whole glass of wine. Pierre has been out of the loop so you told him everything, the catch-up dinner when you broke it off with him, the gala where you both brought someone new and that balcony conversation. Even the little ones like him acting so nonchalantly and saying hi to you on the street or the "safe trip" text. Pierre listens without judgement, although if you add your own hesitancy in there, you would deserve every colourful insult he could think of.
"And do you wanna know the funniest thing is? He never realised where he went wrong, he never truly understood why or how. I'm the villain in his story because I broke his heart. Meanwhile, he shattered my fucking entire existence."
"Do you still love him then?"
"I do Pierre, with every breathing moment."
You have to go see Monza, Pierre and Yuki basically dragged you there despite your objection of "I will support you at home on TV". So now you're walking around in the hospitality area, munching on some rather good croissants. Pierre shot you a text to come down to the paddock which you reluctantly agree to.
"Come down with us!! @ AlphaTauri paddock right now."
The AlphaTauri paddock is a bit of a walk away, so naturally, you passed by the Ferrari's. Seeing his face plastered on the paddock wasn't a fun experience but it's fine you said. Until the actual model of those pictures caught you off guard.
Every cell on your body screams the fire you thought you diminished lit up like the Olympic torch. You turn around to see Charles in his race suit, painfully beautiful and surprisingly alone.
"Hi Charles, I'm on my way to Yuki and Pierre. Good luck for today."
Before you can leave, he grabs your arm and you let him pull you back. For the first time, he actually tried to hang on to you.
"Uh, I'm free tonight, I want to talk but over dinner of course. Will you?"
Saying no to Charles Leclerc is like forcing you to shoot an elderly lady in the head. It's impossible and unnatural for you to even consider denying him of anything. And it didn't help when he added
"S'il vous plaît?"
Charles was never one to ask you for something with "please". Your body was always given in a heated clash of tongue and teeth, your soul is even worse. But something shook in you, Charles saying "please" like he's begging for you to spare him your time. The time that you deserved.
"Alright, usual time?"
"Usual time"
He won in Monza that day.
"So, how's life?"
Same question, every time, like clockwork. But this time you're in Monza, next to some random canal reflecting the city on its ever-moving water.
"I'm sorry"
"You what?"
Charles' words stunned you. You don't know how to feel, isn't this what you were waiting for? Him to be sorry so you can run back into his arms and love him once more?
"I'm sorry for being hot and cold, I'm sorry for leading you on Y/n. I'm sorry for not seeing your side and wasting your youth. I always wanted us but I was stupid to fuck it up. So please-"
"Stop right there."
Charles looks up in shock, his eyes are almost brimming with tears. You release a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"Thank you for apologising, I don't forgive you, Charlie. I don't think I can. So if you're asking me to leave it all behind and act like you didn't throw me down the trenches then don't. However..."
Your heart beats so loudly, that you can feel the blood rushing and the fire coursing through your veins.
"I believe in redemption. So hi, my name is Y/n L/n"
You give out a hand for him to shake, vision starting to blur from tears. Charles stares at your outreaching hand for a moment before grabbing it with speed and strength, as if you would regret it any moment.
"Hi, I'm Charles, Charles Leclerc."
"Like the F1 driver? I think we will be great friends then"
Monza never shines brighter, maybe even more than Monte Carlo.
"I hope so too"
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Tag list for this fic: @janeholt3
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smooth-perceval · 8 months
“My love, my life”
“If I had someone like you”
Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Max Corner
Summary: [Max and reader crossed the line in their 3 year friendship, resulting in 2 positive pregnancy test. And 1 baby on the way.]
Max makes amends for his wrong ways, reader forgives him, Max’s declares some very crazy things- however reader has something crazier that he doesn’t take too kindly.
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, soft max, angry max, fake relationship, mentions of J.Verstappen, Google translate, NO PROOF READ!! , maybe reader being a dick?
Key: Y/N (Your name) Y/N/N (Your Nickname)
Word count: 4,137
Inspo: It hurts me- Elvis Presley (Song)
A/N: So a month later and we have this, please enjoy! I need to get me a Max. I’m sorry it’s terrible I just had such readers block- and yeah there’s no excuse for it being bad.
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Well of course Max and Kelly was the talk of the weekend. Some pleased they was back together, others not so much… myself included- mine was out of pure jealousy.
I avoided Max like the plague, hid in the most random spots to avoid any contact with him-
The second most spoke about during the weekend was me and Lando, people pining us together. I love Lando dearly, and he loves me- but strictly platonic, even the thought of anything more makes me cringe.
Every so often he would bring the conversation up of moving back to London. And I would just brush it under the carpet, I wouldn’t lie and say I haven’t look at the odd apartments near home, or even considered moving back in with mum and dad, it just seems kind of the best thing for me and the baby- I have nobody at home expect Lando, and used to be Max…
“Y/N?” Glancing up like a deer in headlights I turned my head to Lando confused-
“Sorry, did you say something…” with and apologetic smile, I nervously picked at the pleats in my dress, looking back down at my lap.
“I said we’re about ten minutes away from your mum and dads”
“Oh- I can’t wait to see them.” Sighing I rested my head back in a bliss.
“Me neither it’s been a while-” laughing a little Lando turned a corner onto a familiar street. My childhood home standing bright and proud.
“Is it weird I’m nervous to see them again…”
“Of course not.”
Humming, Lando pulled up at the side of the road. And as if both thinking the same thing we glanced around at the many cars parked around nearby.
“Well if they’re throwing you a surprise welcome home party. It’s not much of a surprise.” In unison we both glanced at each other breaking out into a fit of giggles.
“Let’s go act surprised” rolling my eyes playfully we both got out the car creeping up the drive and knocking the door.
And within seconds it swung open revealing my mum, dad rushing down the hall in a hurry.
“There’s our little girl!” Smiling wide, I stepped indoors embracing them both tight.
“I have missed you both so much.” And just like that relief washes all over me, the calmness your parents can bring is a different kind. And I cannot wait to be able to give the same to my baby.
“And Lando! It’s been a minute!” Turning in their arms, reaching out and dragging him in.
“Your daughter has kept me miles away.” Another round of laughter rang out.
“Not the fact you’ve been playing cars all around the world kid” patting his back my dad swung his car over his shoulders dragging down the hall and out into the garden.
Mum turned around back to me smiling wide. “How’s the baby?” Her hands come up clutching my stomach.
“Oh well- they’re fine, a few more weeks and we should know the gender!” My face hurt from smiling so much. “Is dad okay?”
“Yes, honey- you know what his like he won’t tell you how excited he is.” Nodding my head as she waved it off.
“Come your dad got the barbecue out!”
“This is his way of showing his love? Cause he knows I love a barbecue-”Stepping out onto the patio, a loud cheer erupted, glancing up I laughed covering my face, and praying I looked surprised- I mean it still was a surprise the amount of family and friends here.
“Welcome home darling!” One at a time each family and friend greeted me some still doing their rounds on Lando.
Mum was right the barbecue was going, dad and my two uncles standing around it chatting, all three nursing a beer.
Truthfully I was in a bliss. I felt at ease- like once again the world was lifted off my shoulders- I could breathe without a care in the world.
That’s when it was decided for me… moving back home would benefit us. I had family here. The baby’s family is here- Max has no say in the baby’s choice all the time his playing stupid hot and cold- who have I really got back in Monaco? Just Lando now- just him and that’s the scary party, because even at times there’s no Lando.
“Y/N/N!!” Turning around to my mothers call, she gestured me over, excusing myself through the crowd I took her hand as she pulled me the last length.
“I think this is the first time his ever been late.”
“Who?” Looking up at the back door, on the patio, there he stood as always. Making the most grandest of entrances. Always, always showing up unexpectedly- And once again popping that little balloon of happiness.
“Why is he here?” All the colour drained from my face, replaced with a bright red- rage fuelling within me- with a hint of sadness and embarrassment.
“He is your friend right? Or do we class him family how long you’ve known each other- I know you see him more often than us lot but still.”
Creeping down the steps my dad was quick to greet him along with other family members, Lando giving him a curt nod of acknowledgment, then turning his head to me in shock. Mouthing a quick “you ok?”
“Max, how are you honey?” Pulling him into an embrace, his eyes landed on mine.
“I’m okay, how have you been?” Rubbing her shoulders they both pulled away from on another.
Taking him in- he looked rough, his eyes were dull, complimented with nice bags underneath clearly from a lack of sleep, he still tried and made himself look presentable his hair styled back, though a loose strand fell out onto his forehead- yet he wore it well. His smile didn’t really quite reach his eyes like he was holding back or had no energy to do so- and yet despite seeming so frazzled he looked so good. And I hate that.
“I’m good! I’m going to be a grandmother! As you know-” giggling happily turning back towards me, her hand reaching up to my arm in a comforting way.
“I know- I’m very excited!” Smiling shyly he rubbed his forearm, taking a quick glance at me again.
“I’m thinking it’s going to be a girl.” She started rubbing my belly once again, my eyes were only focused on Max, I couldn’t get any words out. “You know what I’m like Max, some say I’m a witch for how correct I am with these things!”
“Either way, longs their healthy right”
“Either way, I think you and Lando would force them into racing!” Nudging his arm Max laughed a little.
“Well they’ve got Verstappen blood, I doubt we would have to force them that much.”
My eyes grew wide as I stared at Max, before looking at my mum. Then back at Max. Then back to mum.
“Verstappen blood?” Confused my mum glanced between us both, all three of us looking at one another in turns.
“Why your bl-” pausing- her finger pointed at us both, her eyes growing wider by the second, a gasp falling from her.
“Your the fath-”
“Shhhhh!” Cutting her off, I waved my hands infront of her.
“You haven’t told your parents…?” Mumbling quietly max lowered his head slightly.
“Have you told yours?” Now back glaring at Max. He slowly nodded his head.
“That’s what I’ve been needing to talk to you about.” Sheepishly he looked down at the small gift bag in his hands. Taking a deep breath, trying to calm myself I turned back to my mother holding her hands.
“Mum please- don’t tell anyone okay. Not until I’m ready…”
“What about your father?”
“I’ll tell him later. I promise…” Pausing I looked back at Max. “You.” Jabbing my finger into his chest. “Indoors now.” Picking my dress up slightly I hurried indoors trying not to draw so much attention, or give off that I’m absolutely raging inside-
Once in the kitchen, I looked back at max standing over the other side of the table who was wearing a small genuine smile.
“That wasn’t funny at all Max. So wipe that smile off your face”
“Just happy to see you again…” he placed the gift bag onto the table.
“Cut the crap. And just talk.”
Raising his hands in defence he pulled a chair out for me to sit before sitting down himself.
“How have you been?”
I think if looks could kill, Max would’ve been killed roughly 33 times.
“How have I been?”
“You know, in general… the pregnancy- how’s the baby been?” The tension grew as his sentences become frantic and rushed.
Kinda cute him being nervou- No Y/N his not cute. His a dick.
Clearing his throat he put his hands up once again in surrender.
“I’ve wanted to talk to you since, well after we was at yours…” raising his eyebrows, trying to hint at the last night we shared. Staring at him for a few moments, I then slid into the chair he pulled out, finally accepting the conversation. Truthfully a part of me just wanted to be in his presence, is it bad of me for enjoying being the centre of his attention… maybe.
“Then why didn’t you?” Crossing my arms over my chest I leant back into the chair.
“Well- so as I said, I told my parents… my mum was-” my heart skipped a beat or two, praying that the response was all good- kinda hoping they was excited it’ll make this whole thing easier- “There’s no words I think she cried for about an hour, she like jumped on me!” Chuckling a little at the memory a smile still playing on his lips. “My dad however… not so much.” And just like that the smile was gone, and my heart dropped- one out of two.
“He said a baby out of wedlock wasn’t something he wanted of me, told me to keep it a secret… kinda filled my head with crap and made me believe I shouldn’t do this… or I couldn’t do this like, be a dad- and that’s where Kelly comes into this.”
I hated her name rolling of his tongue, I would’ve rather had a drop of poison. The jealousy churned my stomach.
“It’s fake- all of it with us… I mean I know it’s fake, I think she is getting a little to comfortable.” Fiddling with his hand infront of him he looked up at me.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner… my dad had told me I needed to cut contact with you… that it’ll be easier- that way, just like move on and I kinda believed him- I thought I wasn’t good enough to be a dad, yet being around my nephews- makes me want a baby even more, and that’s when I realised the mistake I made… if you don’t forgive me I understand, I wouldn’t either. But I really hope you can find it in your heart somewhere to… or even just let me be apart of our baby’s life- I want to be a dad, so fucking much, I feel like it’s meant for me” truthfully he tugged at my heart strings, maybe it’s the hormones… but could I really forgive him that easy? Life’s been hell-
“Why didn’t you just call?…”
“Someone blocked you and I couldn’t figure out how to undo the block!!” Frustrated he pulled his phone out. And as angry as I once was- nothing could beat the smile slowly forming at his stupidity. Who doesn’t know how to unblock someone?!
“Please show me how it’s been driving me insane- I even searched up online but I couldn’t figure it out!” sliding his phone across the table. I looked up at him taking in his face once again... and just like always he was again forgiven.
“You swear you want this Max?” Biting my lips I picked at my dress once again, praying he says the words I want to hear.
Looking up from his phone, scrambling his hands over the table he quickly reached over holding onto my hand with both of his.
“More than anything in the world. I promise” his eyes spoke of pure genuine.
“This is the last time I forgive you. I swear on this Max- the last time” Squeezing his hand I stood up from the table making my way back to the garden.
“Y/N? The gift-” Max was following behind holding the bag out. Glancing down at it then back up at him I took it gingerly.
Pulling out a wrapped box from inside the bag, a small ribbon tied around in both pink and blue. Max took the bag placing it onto the table before taking the box from my hands holding it for me to pull the lid off.
Inside was a beautiful crystal set, of three bears- engrave on them was my name on one, max name on another and the baby bear still empty.
“Once we have a name I can go get it engraved on there-”
“Thank you Max.” Gulping, I felt my cheeks warm- how can something like three little bears make me well up so quickly. Closing the box back up I took it from his hands hugging it close to my chest. “It’s beautiful- thank you.”
“I think your beautiful…” his hand reached up brushing a strand of hair out my face…
“I’m sorry for everything.”
“We will see-” stepping back from his touch squeezing the box a little tighter.
“Also get Lando to look at your phone, I’m sure you both need a catch-up.” Smiling a little, reaching out and rubbing his arm gently, he nodded in response.
“I’ll prove myself- honest.” Stepping around me he headed out into garden, possibly going to find Lando.
Placing the box on the table I took a few deep breaths. One parent happy another not- my mum just found out who the dad is, my father doesn’t have a clue… Max is back, and his not technically single-
And me- I want to scream, I so wanted ti hate Max, but how can I? I don’t think I ever can hate him that’s the truth.
“Darling, you okay?” Turning around there my mum stood in the doorway smiling softly. And that was all that was needed for me to let the tears go.
“No-” I felt my lip start to tremble as she rushed in shutting the door behind her.
“Oh honey, sit down-” smiling sadly I took a seat once again, my mum pulling a chair around and in front of me.
“Talk to me-”
Taking a few deep breaths, I straightened my back, “where do I start-” we both giggled leaning into each other.
“You and Max? That’s a start-”
“Well if you mean what happened, we was both drunk mum, it really was a mistake- that happened twice” looking around awkwardly avoiding her wide eyes, “Max has been a bit difficult, his been a bit of a no show- and then after the second night we spent together- he completely cut me out, and seeing him today has been the first time in a while and well… as you know I didn’t want to see him.” Pausing I looked back at mum, “but I’m glad you did now because I found out the truth- his dads not happy were having a baby out of marriage. His mums happy- but his dad has basically forced a relationship onto him and told him to basically leave me and this baby- and Max believed it at first and he is saying now he realises that he wants to be a dad.” Huffing out a breath, I smiled finally wiping my face.
“And ontop of it all- I don’t know what to do- but I got this thing to figure out and it’s either for the better or, it’s failed, you know…”
“Well, that’s a lot to take in…” smiling she brushed my hair out my face, just like Max done not longer than five minutes ago. “Well, I’m pleased to know who the dad is, I’m glad it’s someone like Max even though his been acting silly… he is a sweet boy. And he deserves this family you are both creating.” Squeezing my hand reassuringly she continued. “But make it his last chance-”
“Mum- I don’t know if the other problem is going to ruin that whole family dynamic.”
“Honey, your a family for a reason, families are there for each other no matter what.” Standing up she rubbed my shoulders.
“Did you want to talk about your other problem?”
“No no, I think we have sort of covered it…” waving her off I stood up also.
“We better head out honey, hopefully everyone will start leaving-”
Smiling at each other, we linked arms heading back out into the garden.
And as if summoned Max was at my side, staying true to his word of proving himself.
“I got you a drink.” Holding the glass out to me, i accepted it smiling a little. “Thank you-”
My mum leant through and gave Max a tight hug whispering in his ear- whatever she said made him smile, a cute shy smile-
“Thank you.” Pulling back from each other, mum excusing herself.
“Did you want any food?” Both looking over at the barbecue, my stomach churned.
“No I feel like being sick…” laughing a little I sipped at my drink trying to hold down any sickness.
“Need me to get you anything?-” wide eyes he rubbed my shoulder gently. “Max, relax- your making me feel even more sick with all the questions.” Smiling a little, I moved past him going to sit down.
And within seconds him and Lando was both sitting down either side of me.
“So when you telling your dad?”
“What?” Looking over at Lando then over to Max.
“Well Max said your parents didn’t know and now your mum knows so when you telling your dad.
“Later.” Looking over at my dad I sighed, waving my hand infront of my face.
“You okay?” Max asked once again.
“I’m fine- just a little hot.” Max started waving his hand also in front of me.
“Why don’t we go indoors?”
“I’m fine.” Drinking my drink once again it was now Lando’s turn to pipe in.
“If you feel hot maybe we should sit in the shade?”
“I need 5 minutes.” Standing up I rushed off away from them both. And straight to my dad.
“You want some food darling?” My dad smiled at me hand resting on my arm.
There was bare to none food left, everyone had got there quickly. And just as quickly I shook my head.
“Dad can everyone go now-” swallowing I looked around at everyone- I don’t know when but at some point it got too much. The heat, the sickness, the problem. All of it.
“Err, sure honey.” His head darted around as he found a spot to put his beer down, and one by one, people started migrating out, giving me waves from a distance and a smile.
I was grateful, my dad really served- I felt guilty ending the day short but I just wanted a moments peace… and once everyone was gone and everywhere was cleaned up.
Well I say everyone gone- Max and Lando both defused leaving, sitting back down on the outside furniture and engaging in more conversation.
With them distracted I went down into the garden a little more, sitting at the little table and chair there. Under a tree with a lovely breeze blowing through and calming me. I was at peace.
My hand subconsciously rested onto my stomach, and the thought of knowing my baby was there, calmed me even more.
“Hey…” awaking me I glanced over my should at Max.
“Can I sit?” Nodding over the chair, I nodded along clearing my throat.
“Sorry about kicking everyone out early.”
“Why you apologising?” Tutting and shaking his head, he sat down across the small rounded table.
“Just feel bad…”
“Don’t even begin to feel bad-”
“I already do-” laughing a little I leant towards the table, or more towards Max… the table definitely the table.
“How you feeling now?”
“A lot better…” pausing I looked down at my hands, fiddling with them.
“I need to speak to you about something…” looking back up at Max, his eyes were already on me as he nodded.
“I need to tell you something too-” smiling a little, I nodded my head.
“Okay well I’ll start-“
“Y/N I love you, not just as a friend or best friend- I think I genuinely love you.” I watched as he swallowed hard, my heart pounded, begging to be released and handed to him to look after.
“I’m moving back here-” I don’t know why- I could’ve said I love you back or, thank you- but no I chose to potentially ruin any moment we was about to have, his face hadn’t changed- I had no idea if he even heard me- he was like frozen in place.
“So let me get this straight. I tell you I love you- And your telling me you’re going to move across country, take my baby with you, and be hours away from me? When I’m trying to make emends for the things I’ve done.”
Nodding my head slowly, I chewed at my bottom lip.
“Right- so.” He paused turning away looking across the garden.
“Are you doing this out of spite of what I’ve done?”
“What? You seriously think it’s like that-”
“It’s how it seems.”
“No Max it’s not. Your never in Monaco, who is to say you’ll get 5 minutes when I go into labour or when the baby is here? My family are here at least I’ll have someone while your gone- do you understand that.”
Getting up from my chair I moved to stand in front of him, catching his attention.
“I have people here always… your never around. And you don’t realise how terrified I am to do this Max… I’m basically doing this alone and I’m so scared.” Once again the tears built up, rolling down my cheeks.
“I’m scared, what if I don’t know how to be a mum? And our baby won’t exactly have a dad around permanently- his in different countries all year round never home- what if this baby doesn’t feel loved enough Max? I’m so scared that this baby won’t realise how much it’s loved by us- it’s okay saying it but they need to be shown it-” letting out a sigh of relief, looking down at him I quickly wiped my face.
“So don’t judge me for helping our baby.” Max’s hands were covering his mouth, rubbing his face slowly, seeming like his staring past me. “I just feel like, every time I get close I’m really falling backwards…”
“Exactly how I’ve been feeling with you-” sniffling I wiped my face once again, Max finally sat up straight looking up at me.
“Let me help- atleast…” Max hands reached up taking mine and slowly pulling me closer, and like the sheep I was I followed along, now standing between his legs.
“I got it all covered…” lying through my teeth, Max already knowing- shaking his head. His hands slid to my hips, guiding me to perch onto his leg.
“Just let me take care of you-” it was like being in a trace, the way I just followed whatever Max done. “I’m okay…” it was like another comfort blanket, I curled up on top of Max, his arms around me securely, I knew he was still annoyed the heavy breathing gave it away. “Please stop fighting me… I want to try and accept this some way-”
“Okay…” sighing I closed my eyes, now finally accepting peace.
“I love you too max… always have.” Pausing once again, I leaned back looking up at him, “But you aren’t mine to have exactly…”
“Don’t- go there, I need to get my whole situation sorted, I just wish like-”
“Like what?”
“If I had someone like you- life would be a lot easier.”
“In a prefect world” laughing a little I rested my head back onto his chest. “I’m sorry”
“What did I tell you about apologising?”
“Not to do it…”
“Then don’t. It makes sense you being here, our baby ne-”
“Your baby?” Sitting up I turned around Max head basically snapped as he looked over.
And there stood dad.
“Well, I beat you to telling your parents.” Max mumbled guiding me off his lap, both standing in front of dad who stood there with two teas in hand. And a face like pure thunder…
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A/N: Okay, sooooo Max is forgiven once again!!! How we feeling about the reader back in the UK? Orrrrr do we have a moment we’re the reader if about to leave and Max changes her mind? Keeps her in Monaco? Hmmm, anyways I hope you enjoyed a sorry it’s been so long!
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heyiwrotesomethings · 11 months
salut j'espère que vous allez bien j'adore vos histoires de lecteur shinobu x et je voulais vous demander si vous pouviez faire une histoire de lecteur shinobu x fem où kanae n'est pas mort et shinobu a son vrai caractère et que pendant l'histoire, shinobu et le lecteur sa rivale pour voir qui est le meilleur tueur de démons ou juste le meilleur dans l'ensemble, qu'ils se taquinent constamment mais que shinobu a toujours une longueur d'avance sur le lecteur et que d'une manière ou d'une autre ils finissent en couple à la fin (merci donc beaucoup si vous acceptez ma demande et sachez que vous êtes mon écrivain shinobu préféré <3)
You’re My (Sparring) Partner
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: I don’t know any French so I hope Google Translate didn’t let us down too bad. Quick plot introduction: Kanae lived, Shinobu’s her good ol’ grouchy self, and she and reader are always competing to see who is better. Some bumps in the path before they finally end up together because Shinobu is stubborn. Thank you for the request. Espérons que vous apprécierez! Word Count: 4,340
“I killed two demons last night.” (Y/n) shared with a bit of pride over breakfast that morning, subtlety looking over the rim of her cup at Shinobu as she drank, before putting the cup back down with a quiet click. “I made very clean cuts too, that’s what you said, right? Kanae-sama?”
A quiet laugh left Kanae’s lips before she nodded, “Yes, you certainly are improving. I’m very proud.”
Shinobu rolled her eyes, her teeth lightly grinding together before she added, “Well my record in one night is four. Two isn’t that impressive.”
“Oh yeah, well—“
“Shinobu, (Y/n), please no bickering at the table. It’s a little early to be playing this game, don’t you think?” Kanae sighed.
“It’s not a game, Neesan.” Shinobu refuted, matching (Y/n)’s glare.
This rivalry had been going on for years. Ever since Shinobu finally accepted that she wasn’t fit for Flower Breathing and decided to cultivate her own breathing style and (Y/n) had wormed her way in to train under Kanae as a Tsuguko, the spot that should have been Shinobu’s by all accounts. It had left the girl bitter and looking for just about any excuse to show (Y/n) how much better she was than her. Even now as a Hashira herself, she still hadn’t been able to quite let go of that initial disappointment and start a new chapter.
Of course, (Y/n) didn’t take Shinobu’s challenges sitting down. She had earned her spot within the Butterfly Estate, but the only one who remained unconvinced was the one person she wanted to impress almost more than the Flower Hashira herself.
Ever since (Y/n) had met Shinobu, she hadn’t thought of her as anything short of brilliant. She took every curve ball life had thrown her way and found a way to hit a home run every time. Not able to decapitate demons, she made a special poison that could kill them anyway. Not suited for the more mainstream breathing techniques, she created her own. Not to mention her speed and mastery over Total Concentration Breathing Constant was nothing to sneeze at either.
To be acknowledged and accepted by Shinobu was all she really wanted and she was willing to do anything to prove her worth. She would compete with Shinobu until she earned her respect.
“Yes, it’s a very serious matter, Master.” (Y/n) agreed, smirking at Shinobu’s scowl.
“Well then take it outside. You are making poor Kanao nervous and I’m sure the other girls don’t appreciate the hostility brewing between you two either.” Kanae said, motioning to the group of girls around the table who did indeed just wanted to eat their breakfast in peace.
“Fine.” Shinobu’s hands slapped against the table as she got up. “I could go for a spar, how about you? Or are you still too sleepy from being up past your bedtime?”
“I recall you waiting up to greet me last night. So I’m sure we have the same advantage.”
“As if I was waiting for you. I had questions for my sister about our medicinal ingredient supply shipments.”
They bickered and taunted each other, even nudging and shoving each other as they made their way out the door. Kanae gave another tired sigh.
“Why can’t those two just get along?”
Shinobu flung a wooden sword at (Y/n) who was luckily paying enough attention to catch it before it smacked her in the face and quick enough to immediately retaliate.
“Readysetgo!” Thwack!
It was a dirty tactic to begin a spar without allowing enough time to at least get in a proper starting stance, but Shinobu had anticipated the swipe and blocked it easily.
“Can’t even catch me off guard properly.” Shinobu taunted.
“Who said I trying to?” (Y/n) asked with faux innocence, blocking Shinobu’s counter strike, “I gave you fair warning. Did you feel like I was trying to catch you off guard? In that case, maybe I did catch you a bit off guard after all. My apologies.”
Shinobu sneered, then jumped back. With the weight behind Shinobu’s block gone, (Y/n) was suddenly pushing back against nothing but air. She stumbled forward as Shinobu advanced, turning sharply behind her, wooden sword already swinging towards its intended target.
(Y/n) had been burned by that little maneuver once before and she wasn’t going to give Shinobu the satisfaction of a second. She continued to fall forward, kicking her legs up into the air when her hands came in contact with the ground. She could feel the displacement of air roll over her back, Shinobu had followed through with her strike and missed!
With all the force (Y/n) could muster, she torpedoed on her palms, attempting to catch Shinobu’s face with her foot, but Shinobu quickly cocked her head to the side and dropped her sword to the ground so she could brace her hands at (Y/n)’s ankle and knee. With a smirk, she twisted (Y/n)’s leg, and kicked out (Y/n)’s arms from under her, forcing her to the ground completely.
Before (Y/n) could attempt to scramble to her feet, Shinobu planted her foot firmly to the center of her back.
“That was an entertaining little display.” Shinobu cooed. “Where did you pick that up from? Weird boar boy?”
“Just get off of me already.” (Y/n) groused, she attempted to hit Shinobu’s ankle, but was not quite flexible enough to do more than brush against the offending foot.
“I didn’t hear you say you concede.” Shinobu knelt down, one knee in the dirt by (Y/n)’s side, foot still on the disgruntled Tsuguko’s back. She cupped a hand around her ear and got in real close, “Say it nice and loud so I can hear you, okay?”
So humiliating! (Y/n) stormed through the mansion after her devastating defeat to lick her wounds in peace. Shinobu always seemed to be one step ahead of her! Of course she was a Hashira, more skilled and practiced than (Y/n) was, but as a Tsuguko to the Flower Hashira, she should be able to last more than five minutes with Shinobu in a spar!
“Hey, everything okay in there?” Kanae had knocked on the door, “I see Shinobu is gloating again.”
(Y/n) opened the door to let Kanae in. Then she flooped back down on her bed and sighed.
“Master, please don’t take this the wrong way, but can’t you train me any harder? Or at least teach me all of your sister’s weaknesses?”
Kanae giggled, taking a seat on the edge of (Y/n)’s bed, “I don’t think that would be very fair. She would be angry with me for weeks, maybe longer. She can sure hold a grudge. As for training, I can only teach you so much… especially now that I have these Mount Natagumo spider slayers that are in need of a rigorous medication program in order to return to normal. I just don’t have the time to train you any more strenuously than I already do.”
“Oh…” though (Y/n) was already laying flat against the bed, she somehow seemed to sink further with her mounting disappointment.
“But there is something we could possibly do while Shinobu and I work on healing the spider slayers.”
(Y/n) perked up a bit, “What?”
“Mitsuri, the new Love Hashira. We got to become aquatinted at the last meeting. She’s a very sweet girl. It would probably do you both some good to train together. It would give Mitsuri a jumpstart on teaching experience and you would get tutelage from another Hashira. Seems like a win-win, doesn’t it?”
“Can you really set that up, Kanae-sama?” (Y/n) was sitting up now, much more excited.
“I don’t see why not. I’ll write her a letter an ask her if she’s busy. She can stay with us for a couple of days and over see your training until the spider slayers are more obviously on the mend.”
“Thank you, Kanae-sama!”
Things might just start looking up! She’d show Shinobu just how strong she could become!
Mitsuri was very sweet, almost too sweet. If (Y/n) wasn’t such a well-disciplined Tsuguko, they wouldn’t have gotten anything done. But for as green of a Hashira as Mitsuri was, she was incredibly strong! Maybe even more so than Kanae. Her actual teaching could use work, but (Y/n) felt like she was learning a lot and it was only the first day of three that Mitsuri would be available. She was going to really give Shinobu a run for her money the next time they decided to cross swords. Speaking of,
“Kanroji-san, what are you doing here?” Shinobu had happened by an open door and heard (Y/n) laughing, looking up from the stack of patient files she had in her arms, she had not expected to find her sparring with Mitsuri of all people.
“Oh, hi Shinobu!” Mitsuri loosened her hold on (Y/n) to wave at Shinobu, “Kanae asked me to help pick up on (Y/n)’s training while you guys are working hard with all of your new patients. I’d say things are going pretty well so far!”
“Surprise attack!” (Y/n) tried to pull Mitsuri to the ground. Mitsuri bent forward a little bit, but mostly stood her ground.
“Hey!” Mitsuri giggled, quickly switching the hold to put (Y/n) on the ropes instead, tickling (Y/n)’s sides to make her laugh and beg for mercy.
Shinobu wasn’t sure what it was, but she was not a fan of this new development. (Y/n) never laughed with her like that when they sparred… and why would she! Shinobu didn’t give a damn beyond adding another win to the score board. But they did look like they were having fun… getting along so quickly after only just meeting too… ARGH!
“Try not to go too hard on (Y/n), Kanroji-san. She’s fragile.”
(Y/n) gave Shinobu an annoyed look, “I am not. Kanroji-san can be as rough with me as she needs to be if I’m ever going to be a Hashira one day too.”
“That’ll be the day, won’t it?” Shinobu grumbled.
“I’m sure you’ll make a great Hashira one day (Y/n)! It would be so nice to get to see you more often.” Mitsuri beamed.
“That would be great!”
“That would be great.” Shinobu mocked under her breath as she walked away, the sound of the other girls laughter grating against her ears.
When she re-entered the infirmary and slammed the papers down on the table, Kanae looked up and observed her sister.
“What has you all broody?”
“I’m not broody.”
“If you say so…”
Kanae refocused her attention to the wiggly spider slayer in her arms. It was hard getting them to swallow their medication without giving them her full attention.
“Why didn’t you ask me to help (Y/n) with her training?” Shinobu suddenly spoke up after a few minutes.
“Hm? I figured you would rather do literally anything else. Besides, you’re helping me take care of all these new patients… Did you want to help (Y/n)?”
“No.” Shinobu answered hurriedly. “I just don’t think she and Mitsuri are taking the training seriously is all.”
Kanae looked at Shinobu from the corner of her eye and took note of her disgruntled expression. Such a cute, pouty frown. Kanae moved in to the next patient, a smile growing across her face as a sense of clarity came over her. She wondered just how long her stubborn little sister could hold out before her jealousy overtakes her pride.
Apparently the very same day.
“Kanroji-san, her stance is all wrong, see?” Shinobu had butted in between the two of them after Kanae had sent her off to eat lunch, but of course she could not simply walk past Mitsuri and (Y/n) when she had noticed (Y/n) stance was so blatantly off-balance.
“Oh! I guess you’re right Shinobu.” Mitsuri agreed.
“Stand with your feet further apart.” Shinobu mumbled, kicking (Y/n)’s foot further out, then twisting (Y/n)’s waist and adjusting the way she held her arms up and her grip around the practice sword.
Honestly, (Y/n)‘s stance was perfectly acceptable without Shinobu’s knit picking, but Shinobu had to find some excuse to put space between (Y/n) and Mitsuri. Why that was? She didn’t dwell on an answer.
“There, you feel that pull?” Shinobu asked and (Y/n) blinked back to life, having had gone somewhere else as Shinobu had gently pushed her body into place.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I feel it.”
Shinobu looked for every opportunity she could to step in. Only stopping when Kanae came looking for her and scolded her for letting Aoi’s lunch for her grow cold. She did end up eating with (Y/n) and Mitsuri though, which was good because… well, just because!
She squeezed between them at the table, getting gradually more annoyed as they talked over her head. She did manage to find one way to get (Y/n) to remember she was sitting right beside her.
“You have rice on your face.”
She reached out to brush her thumb over (Y/n)’s chin, coming away with a couple grains of rice.
(Y/n) blinked and subconsciously lifted her hand to her chin where her skin still tingled from Shinobu’s brief touch, “Oh… thanks.”
“You two are so cute!” Mitsuri sighed dreamily, “How long have you guys been together?”
Both (Y/n) and Shinobu’s heads snapped towards Mitsuri.
“We are not together!” They shouted in unison, startling Mitsuri.
“Ehh, really? I could have sworn… Just they way you two acted around each other today, I thought you might be a couple. I’m sorry if I made it awkward.”
“I’d rather cut off my own hands.” Shinobu scoffed, then she was startled by a heavy thump beside her as (Y/n)’s fists hit the table.
“Do you really have to go that far?” (Y/n) hissed, shooting up to her feet, “I’m so sorry the idea of being with me sounds so awful to you that you’d rather mutilate yourself. If you really hate me that much, then why don’t you leave me the fuck alone!”
“Well, you don’t exactly make it easy, do you?” Shinobu snapped back before she could think better of it, as was the risk being as hotheaded as she tended to be. She regretted it very soon after.
“All I ever wanted was for you to acknowledge me, to praise me just once instead of shooting me down. I thought competing with you was the only way to make you see me, but it only seemed to make things worse between us.”
She quickly rubbed beneath her eyes to catch any stupid tears that slipped over her resolve.
“Well, I know now that it will never happen so I’ll stay out of your way as long as you stay out of mine. And that means quit budging in on my training with Mitsuri!”
(Y/n) took Mitsuri by the arm and Mitsuri gave Shinobu an apologetic look, taking the rest of her plate with her as (Y/n) dragged her off.
“That probably couldn’t have gone worse if you tried.”
Shinobu snapped her attention to the other set of doors that lead outside. They slid open to reveal Kanae, who simply waltzed in as if she hadn’t been eavesdropping pretty much the whole time.
“What does it matter?” Shinobu spoke sharply, “I’ll finally have some peace around here.”
“You could have had a perfectly peaceful three days while Mitsuri was keeping her busy, but you couldn’t even last one without her.”
“Oh great, you thought we liked each other too, didn’t you?”
“If you would stop getting in your own way for a minute, you’d know it’s true. You two have always been trying to prove yourself to each other in some way, just not always the best way. Like it or not, you are each other’s drive to do better.”
Shinobu opened her mouth to argue, but Kanae have gave her a warning look before continuing on,
“I hope you two will realize your being silly and work this out before too long. If anyone here really needs peace from your overstayed rivalry, it’s me,” she teasingly ruffled Shinobu’s hair, “For now, I need your help back in the infirmary.”
With an annoyed grunt, Shinobu followed Kanae back to the infirmary. All the while she ranted within her mind. Everyone in this mansion was delusional. The only feelings she had for (Y/n) were ones of annoyance. But when she passed by the open door near the infirmary again and saw (Y/n) and Mitsuri cuddled up together in the grass, her heart betrayed her mind by pounding against her chest. Almost as if to burst right between her ribs and flop in the grass until it finally reached its destination. If Shinobu wouldn’t go to (Y/n), it would reach her on its own.
“Keep walking, Shinobu~” Kanae lightly warned, “If you want your peace, you must leave them be.”
Shinobu grit her teeth and continued off to the infirmary despite her heart’s protests. This is what she wanted, her heart would just have to deal with it.
The healing of the spider slayers was going much slower than anticipated. To Shinobu’s very much internal dismay, Kanae had asked Mitsuri if she could stay just a few days more, maybe a whole other week. For a moment, Shinobu thought things would finally go back to normal because Mitsuri simply couldn’t get anymore time away, but then Kanae suggested she take (Y/n) with her to keep training her until the spider slayers were closer to being cured.
To Shinobu’s dismay, both Mitsuri and (Y/n) found the idea favorable and the left together sometime that afternoon when Shinobu was busy making more stupid spider medicine.
“You seem to be grinding those herbs extra hard,” Kanae had noted, “I’m sorry, had I known you wanted to see them off, I would have come to get you, but you wouldn’t want to miss out on any peace and quiet, wouldn’t you?”
Damn her, Shinobu thought. It didn’t matter if she got to see (Y/n) off or not. She’d be back before she knew it, and in a way she was right, but not in the way she wanted to be.
Only two nights after (Y/n) had left with Mitsuri, she was being carried back in by the frantic Hashira that had taken her, bloody and unresponsive.
“I’m so sorry, Kanae!” Mitsuri cried, “I got distracted during the mission and didn’t notice right away that (Y/n) had been lured into an ambush pursuing a fleeing demon. She fought them off as long as she could before I could get to her, but… I feel awful! I didn’t know what to do, will she be okay?”
“Sit, Mitsuri,” Kanae soothed, “you got her here as fast as you could, that’s what matters. Let me take it from here—“
Shinobu pushed passed Kanae to (Y/n)’s cot, “This isn’t the time for talk, we need to get to work, now!” She demanded angrily.
“Shinobu,” Kanae warned, “if you want to help, you have to calm down. You won’t do her any good if you let your brashness cut corners.”
Shinobu continued to peer down at (Y/n)’s battered body and try as she might to quiet her boiling rage to a simmer, she could not. She was furious. Furious at the demons, even Kanae and Mitsuri to a lesser extent, but most of all she felt angry with herself. If she wasn’t so attached to her pride and stubbornness, maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe her last words to (Y/n) wouldn’t have been so harsh. What if she died before Shinobu could apologize?
“Shinobu, leave.” Kanae made the difficult call upon seeing her sister’s wide-eyed distress, but Shinobu shook her head, refusing to let go of (Y/n)’s hand.
Kanae exhaled sharply, there was no time for this. She wasn’t going to lose her Tsuguko because of her sister’s guilty hovering.
“Shinobu,” the harsh tone made Shinobu flinch, “out. I promise to let you back in once I’ve administered proper care. Mitsuri, take her out with you please.”
Shinobu numbly allowed Mitsuri to lead her away, keeping her eyes on (Y/n) until a Kakushi closed the door behind them. Unwilling to stray any further, Shinobu slid to the ground opposite the infirmary, and waited. Straining her hearing for any hint of what was going on beyond the door.
“You care about her a lot,” Mitsuri spoke up softly after a few long minutes of silence, “why haven’t you told her?”
If that wasn’t the million dollar question… Shinobu kept silent.
“Well, don’t worry. Kanae is going to get her all fixed up and then you can tell her all the things you wanted to say, okay?”
What did Mitsuri know? Shinobu thought bitterly. Shinobu saw that gash on her forehead, that deep wound in her belly, no one could say with one hundred percent certainty that (Y/n) would recover from this.
“You should practice what you want to say.” Mitsuri said, hoping to distract Shinobu from her dark thoughts, “I’ll talk through it with you, if you want. I’m rooting for you guys.”
Part of Shinobu wanted to tell Mitsuri to mind her own business, but she really did need the help if she was going to go through with this properly. So she took a deep breath, and took a step in the right direction.
When Kanae came out of the infirmary hours later, Shinobu and Mitsuri rocketed up from the floor and before they could bombard Kanae with questions, she held up her hands and said,
“She’s going to be okay. You can go see for yourselves.”
And when Shinobu rushed to (Y/n)’s side, she definitely did look better already. Blood washed away, wounds expertly stitched, clean bandages and clothes. Shinobu hunkered down in the chair by her bedside, scooting it as close to the bed as she could before taking (Y/n)’s hand and holding between her own.
Kanae smiled and shook her head. It was a very rude awakening, but at the very least Shinobu was heading in the right direction now. She went to rest knowing (Y/n) would be well looked after.
When (Y/n) awoke, the harsh light burned her eyes so she quickly shut them as soon as she opened them. Her body felt heavy and stiff. She couldn’t even wiggle her fingers. Well, none on her left hand anyway. She couldn’t remember the demons doing anything that would warrant a cast over her hand, but there was too much going on to process every injury fully, she imagined. It was weird how warm and sweaty the cast had made her hand though. It was a little uncomfortable.
(Y/n) tried to flip to her side instead of laying flat on her back, but found she was too weak to do it and groaned quietly. The ‘cast’ around her hand constricted in a light squeeze and a soft voice hushed her. Kanae, she assumed. Kanae must be with her, holding her hand. That made sense. Oh, her poor Master. It must have been hard to see her like that.
She tried to open her eyes again, blinking several times before she could even hold a squint. Though her vision was still a bit blurry, it was clearly not Kanae by her bedside. No, it was… was it really Shinobu?
“(Y/n), you’re awake.” Shinobu sounded so relieved that (Y/n) wasn’t so sure she had actually woken up.
“You’re holding my hand.” She blurted. No filter with her head injury apparently.
��Do you want me to stop?” Shinobu asked awkwardly, no bite whatsoever, nor true embarrassment at getting caught. She just seemed… shy, maybe a little uncertain.
“No… it’s fine.” Though she would have liked to air out her hand a little, she didn’t want to risk Shinobu getting offended and breaking whatever spell had come over her.
“I, I have a lot I need to say to you. Will you hear me out?”
Though (Y/n) was nervous, she nodded, managing to free her fingers to wrap them over Shinobu’s hand that cradled her own beneath the other. Shinobu took in a shaky breath, than began as she and Mitsuri had practiced.
One Month Later
“You aren’t back to full strength yet, don’t be so discouraged.” Shinobu spoke softly to (Y/n) as she helped her up from the cushy training room floor.
“But still,” (Y/n) pouted, hugging Shinobu and looking for further comfort once she was on her feet again, “I wanna beat you just once, is that so much to ask for?”
“Put those puppy eyes away. We both know you wouldn’t be satisfied if I just let you win.” Shinobu said, rubbing (Y/n)’s back.
“No, it would still be satisfying. The only real reason you won’t let me win is because you’re too proud of your flawless record of beating me to the ground.”
“Don’t say it like that.”
“But it’s truuue.” (Y/n) nuzzled her nose into Shinobu’s neck, making her laugh, “kiss me and make me feel better?”
“I guess I can give you that much.”
Shinobu coaxed (Y/n)’s face out of her neck with her hands on either side of her face and brought her in for kiss. She had only meant for it to be a short one, but (Y/n) had made it difficult to want to pull away, not that Shinobu really minded all that much. Not until she found herself suddenly pinned to the ground at least.
“I win!” (Y/n) grinned.
“No you don’t,” Shinobu frowned, “this wasn’t a match.”
“I didn’t actually say I forfeited, remember? This match is still on, baby!”
“Then my position still stands, you haven’t won anything yet,” Shinobu struggled against (Y/n)’s hold until she was nearly red in the face, but still she didn’t budge, “don’t you know cheaters never prosper?”
“All is fair in love and war, my dearest Shinobu.” (Y/n) giggled. “Are you gonna forfeit yet?”
Shinobu snuck her hands up (Y/n)’s back, making her shiver, she chuckled darkly, the same competitive glint in her eyes as always as she pulled the her girlfriend down to her lips.
“You wish.”
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