#phenomenal consciousness
thebardostate · 2 months
David Chalmers, The Conscious Mind (1996), pg 16-17:
It seems reasonable to say that together, the psychological [third person behavioral view] and the phenomenal [first person experiential view] exhaust the mental. That is, every mental property is either a phenomenal property, a psychological property, or some combination of the two. Certainly, if we are concerned with those manifest properties of the mind that cry out for explanation, we find first, the varieties of conscious experience, and second, the causation of behavior. There is no third kind of manifest explanandum, and the first two sources of evidence - experience and behavior - provide no reason to believe in any third kind of nonphenomenal, nonfunctional properties.
Chalmers makes two errors here.
Just as the psychological view is incapable of detecting the existence of the phenomenal view and vice versa, neither view should be capable of detecting the existence of any third kind of view. Just because the psychological and phenomenal views are ordinarily incapable of detecting any third view does not rule out its existence. Let's call this hypothetical additional view the zeroth person perspective (Z).
Is there empirical evidence for the existence of Z? Yes. Advanced meditators learn to quiet their sensory inputs (the psychological view) as well as their internal perception and cognition (the phenomenal view.) In this deep altered meditative state, it is possible to perceive another internal voice. This is not the familiar inner phenomenal dialogue, but rather a presence that communicates without words or conscious thoughts, via direct mind-to-mind communication. So Z is distinct from the ordinary phenomenal view. It takes years of meditative practice to achieve the deep mental state needed to discern the presence of Z. EEGs of advanced meditators have demonstrated that gamma brain wave patterns actually change during deep meditative states (Barušs & Mossbridge, 2017).
How do we know that Z isn't just the phenomenal or psychological view in disguise? Because advanced meditators report that it is difficult to articulate what happens when they are in Z, and they discern many things during Z only a fraction of which they can recall with clarity once they leave meditation and return to the normal phenomenal and psychological view. This is not an uncommon occurrence during altered states of consciousness that bypass the normal process of memory formation. We know that Z is not simply a dream state because it has a different characteristic EEG signature.
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selfawarepatterns · 11 months
Experiencing without knowing?
On Twitter, the Neuroskeptic shared a new paper, in which an Israeli team claims to have demonstrated phenomenal consciousness without access consciousness: Experiencing without knowing? Empirical evidence for phenomenal consciousness without access. A quick reminder. In the 1990s Ned Block famously made a distinction between phenomenal consciousness (p-consciousness) and access consciousness…
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tears-of-taelia · 5 months
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How many times have we done this, Interceptor? You betrayed me at one point.
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thishumanexperience · 2 years
Alright strap yourselves in. Quantum mechanics is here is blow your mind and it will not be denied. Now you might think you’re not interested in quantum mechanics, but this isn’t really about quantum mechanics it’s about what to do with our flicker of consciousness and stuff. So an object is considered to be “real” if it exists with definite properties independent of observation. It is “local” according to the principle that objects can only be influenced by their surroundings. One property many particles have is spin, which is measured as “up” or “down”. If you know the spin of a particle and break it into two particles, you know their spins will always complement each other because their sum is known — the particles are entangled. SO GET THIS: You entangle a pair of particles. You separate them. When you measure them, one particle’s spin will ALWAYS be up and the other down, 100% of the time, even when they’re lightyears apart !! You might think that’s just because they inherited these properties when they separated, but their quantum states are random not consistent: you do not know the particle’s spin until you measure it. in fact they do not HAVE a definite state until measured, and are considered to exist in multiple states because of quantum superposition. So as soon as you measure an entangled particle, the other one INSTANTANEOUSLY collapses into the opposite spin. as if telepathically, like it KNOWS. And we know no information could have travelled between the particles because nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. It’s wÈïṞḏ™️
And this observer effect isn’t just some anomalous glitch exclusive to this experiment. When you pass photons one by one through a plate containing two slits onto an observed screen, an interference pattern is created on the screen due to the wave nature of light — the light wave passes through both slits simultaneously and interferes with itself. BUT, if you monitor the photons passing through the slits, they are always found to be passing through either one or the other, and the interference pattern disappears. because it’s only absorbed at the screen at those two discrete points, exhibiting particle, not wave, behaviour. it changes its behaviour based on whether there is detection! So a particle can be described as either a wave or particle before measurement. Wave-particle duality! Where the particles are detected is probabilistic; you can never predict their behaviour for certain. again, quantum superposition.
So anyway by measuring an entangled particle you can somehow influence the quantum state of the other entangled particle, both by collapsing its state and doing so instantaneously. This is bewilderingly uncomfortable right, because it throws everything we know about classical physics out the window. Well it was also uncomfortable to Einstein, who couldn’t accept that quantum mechanics was the full story of reality, and proposed there must be hidden variables that we haven’t yet discovered. But no one could test this theory, UNTIL decades later when John Bell devised an experiment to test for hidden variables. In the years since, this eponymous Bell test — the separated entangled particles experiment with extra detector settings — has been conducted many times and increasingly rigorously. ruling out loopholes. enlarging the distance between entangled particles. And every single time, quantum mechanics proved triumphant. even when a cosmic Bell test was done based on stars hundreds of light years apart! This is what won the Nobel in physics. There are no hidden variables. Particles can be connected, entangled, no matter how far apart they are !¡!
THEREFORE. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? two things: Objects are NOT only influenced by their surroundings AND objects do NOT have definite properties/states unless measured. Are you hearing this? OBJECTS ARE NOT LOCALLY REAL.
So deeply contrary to our everyday experiences that we didn’t really probe into this realm until like a hundred years ago. It doesn’t affect our everyday lives; we don’t need to know about quantum entanglement to survive or live happy lives, but we still WANT TO KNOW. We still wonder. How fucking phenomenal is that. In love with this relentless pursuit of truth and desire for knowledge unique to our species. Floored by the dedication of these physicists who kept digging at this despite the pessimism and dismissal of hordes of people, despite the it’s-too-hard-so-just-leave-it pressure. We too are just particles that lumped together and evolved into consciousness, but every day we use that consciousness to search for meaning, even when that quest may reinforce our own fragility and futility.
And I wouldn’t trade that for anything in this unreal world.
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xinyan-week · 2 years
im also owner of the worlds greatest beidou.....not that u guys care .....
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fictitiouslysane · 2 months
Playing FUSER rn, is regression to Waters Of Nazareth a thing in DJing?
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dollsuguru · 3 months
i need to learn how to write beautifully & with vivid imagery/good descriptions/engaging dialogue omfg…
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continuumitgirl · 1 year
so i’ve known ab subliminals, manifesting, shifting for a while, but always had minimal success. i was never able to get the ‘big’ things i wanted.
but since being on tumblr, i learnt about STATES. which i had previously known about when i had read the power of awareness by neville goddard. unfortunately, that didn’t last long as i started watching manifesting gurus on youtube and got clouded with information again. (no hate to sammy ingram) But i watched her a lot. and i never got that much movement even tho i was consistent, it would make me feel guilty if i was t affirming enough. and i would beat myself up, saying to myself “if u really want this, u need to affirm more”. i would do the 10k challenge, 10 min stuff, but it was soooo overwhelming. so much stress because i wanted so many things, and i felt like i didn’t have enough time, i had other stuff to do, so even tho i was consistent, i would stress myself out, wondering if i was doing enough, doing it right, etc.
this mindset was toxic, although i didn’t realise it then. i just would get so upset because i trying to hard. which is why it also took me a min to realise.. that i shouldn’t be trying that hard to get something … u either have it or u don’t! so anyways, one or two weeks ago, i came on here because i was done. i wanted my desires. enough. At first i got swayed by the void stuff, which made me put it on a pedestal . which made me angry, i was like bro not this shit again. i don’t wanna waste another months or years. and somehow i stumbled across states. i’ll admit it took me a second to grasp. i re read the power of awareness. and realised it is simple, once i understood it, i deleted tumblr and focused on my life, while occupying my ideal state.
One thing that i’ve been wanting a lot is to travel this year. I travelled last year a bit with my friend and spent 3 months in another country during the summer and it was phenomenal: i wanted this again for 2023. I want to live my life yk.
Well this morning my mum woke me up to tell me we are going on 2 holidays. one next month and one in easter. Athens, Greece and Verona and Venice, Italy.
i was like omg this is amazing ?? we had talked a bit about it and every time we did i was like “yes. we’re going” in my head. and today we booked those holidays.
Now what’s so special about this? Well i made a pinterest board end of 2022 with places i wanna go def this year!! every time i looked at this board i was like “it’s done” [just the way i think ab every desire, because it is done, it’s mine, it literally comes from my consciousness so it’s inseparable to me]
and yeah!! i have 2 other places on this pinterest board but it’s literally the 31st of January 2023 rn and we’ve already booked for 2 of them so that’s a fucking success. i’m so confident more than ever about my power and how the 3D truly is just a reflection of my consciousness/ state i dwell on often!!!!!
yeah as u can see i literally have athens, venice, paris and amsterdam pics on here as a vision board :))))
i want to thank @0t0mie @lotusmi and @angelsinluv (also to twitter users that explanation states v well and posted motivating content . i don’t rlly use twitter for loa stuff cus my irl friends follow me there but there’s a community over there i would lurk on that encouraged states and helped me understand that the mindless affirming in aim to TRY and get ur manifestation was pointless)
anyways i cannot wait to post more loa success stories. this way of manifesting not only makes so much sense once u grasp it. it literally is so fucking easy and effortless 😩 cannot believe it took me this look to figure it out but honestly its fine. my desires are already mine now. that’s all that matters 😎💪
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selfawarepatterns · 1 year
The function of color
The function of color Is your red the same as my red? Is this a meaningful question? Maybe when we look at the causal chain, it isn't. New blog post. #consciousness #PhilosophyOfMind #philosophy #InvertedQualia #qualia
In the history of discussions about consciousness, there have always been ideas that some aspects of human experience are irreducible to physics. Colors have long had a special place in these discussions. During the scientific revolution, colors lost their status as objective properties in the world, with people like Galileo relegating them to secondary qualities dependent on the observer,…
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woso-fan13 · 9 months
Sicktember 2023: 3
"What Happened To Your Phenomenal Immune System, Huh?"
Not for the first time, your overconfidence had come back to bite you. You had been psyched to find out you were rooming with Kristie, but you quickly became less psyched when she stumbled in the door. You could tell instantly that she was sick. 
She had apologized profusely, offering to rent herself a hotel room so that she wouldn’t get you sick. You had instantly protested, insisting that you would be totally fine- you had an immune system that others could only dream about. 
Apparently, that dream is a nightmare, because you can barely open your eyes a few days later. Your entire body aches and you’re simultaneously freezing and sweating. You’re exhausted, too, only managing to turn over slightly, curl into a ball, and fall back into a restless sleep. 
Not long after, Kristie knocks briefly on the door before opening it. She had just gotten back from her combination morning walk and breakfast, and was somewhat confused when she didn’t see you downstairs. Assuming that you had simply wanted to sleep in, she grabbed you a bagel and an apple, bringing it back with her. 
“Rise and shine, Y/N/N,” she singsongs, “I know it’s our day off, but you-” 
She’s cut off abruptly when she sees you lying in bed. She sighs lightly, taking out her phone and texting the others that the two of you would not be joining everyone for whatever team bonding activity they had planned. 
She strides over to the bed, resting the back of her hand against your forehead before sliding it down to your cheek. Even before she makes contact with your skin, she can feel the fever radiating off of you. She uses her fingers to gently push the hair out of your face, frowning when you mumble slightly. 
The only positive was that Kristie was fully equipped for a sick person- not even needing to leave the room for any of the necessities. She pulls the shades, leaving the room light off. Grabbing an electrolyte drink out of the fridge, she settles it down on the nightstand next to some medicine. Moving into the bathroom, she soaks a washcloth in cool water, grabs a dry towel and the bag-lined garbage bin. She leaves the bathroom light on, pulling the door shut just enough to allow the dim light into the room. 
She lays the towel on the floor, placing the bin on top. ‘Just in case’ she silently reminds herself, hoping that you can sleep this off and not need it. 
She makes sure she has her phone in her pocket before climbing into bed next to you. She settles the washcloth on your forehead, smiling softly at you when you whine and blink awake at the cool sensation. 
Once you see Kristie, you sit up just enough to allow your body to crash on top of hers, your head resting on her stomach. You can feel her readjusting the washcloth with one hand as the other arm wraps around you. 
Kristie looks down at you as you quickly fall asleep, your fever exhausting you. 
“Oh, bubs,” she says softly, “what happened to your phenomenal immune system?”
There’s no response, not that she expected one. You were already quickly on your way to a fever-fueled dreamland. 
Kristie spends the morning with you snuggled into her, catching up on social media and then mindlessly scrolling through TikTok. Around lunchtime, she could no longer sit still, slipping out from under you. 
She rewets the now warm washcloth, placing it back on your forehead and pulling the covers up to your chin. After making sure that the bin and a drink are within easy reach, she heads downstairs to eat lunch with the other girls. 
The door to your room is propped open, a silent parade of eyes peeking in at you. You sleep somewhat soundly, blissfully unaware of all of the attention. In fact, you don’t fully regain consciousness until sometime after dinner. 
Kristie has settled into the room for the night, already dawning her pajamas and climbing into her bed. It’s not really late enough for that, but the seating options are limited and she will not be having her outside clothes in her bed. 
She’s sitting propped against the headboard, video chatting with Sam. It’s Sam who notices you first, alerting Kristie to your rapidly approaching, blanket-wrapped frame. She barely has time to look before you’re plopping yourself down on her bed, cuddling into her. Your half-open, fever-dazed eyes are looking at her phone where Sam is trying to hold your attention. 
“Hey Ankle Biter!” she greets cheerfully in her Australian accent. 
You can’t find the energy to verbally reply, but you manage to weakly wave a hand while blinking sleepily and yawning. 
“Kris was just telling me that she had gotten you sick, which is such a Kris thing to do.” 
You look up at Kristie when she says this, noticing the blush that appears on her face at her girlfriend’s teasing. She quickly plays it off with a small laugh. 
“Do me a favor, yeah? When you’re feeling better, you do something to get back at her. Karma, and all that.”
Sam’s request gets the first genuine smile out of you all day. Kristie quickly spoils the fun, pulling you closer. 
“No way, Y/N would never. She’s my little buddy, right?” 
You simply shrug innocently at Kristie, watching as Sam laughs on the screen. 
“You just remember who had to clean your puke bucket today, missy. I think that’s more than enough karma.” 
You nod at Kristie’s remark. The two women continue their conversation, watching as your head slowly tips to rest fully on Kristie, your body relaxing into her. 
Sam watches with a fond smile on her face as Kristie gently strokes your cheek with the back of a finger, lulling you into a hazy state. The two women whisper quiet good nights to you just as your eyes slip shut for the rest of the night. 
On the other side of the world, Sam watches Kristie gently guide you into a restful sleep. Her face is wiped clean for the night, her hair pulled back messily and her pajamas are on. And Sam only has one thought, all consuming- she loves this woman so much that it hurts.
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the-white-void · 1 year
Things from Afar
~Summary: Part 2 of "Otherworldly Things". But I'm doing Nahida and Ei this time.
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A week has passed since Venti and Zhongli had tried to convince you to come to Teyvat, but, you had work and school to catch up on and even if you did go there and get everything you wanted, it felt undeserving.
Another phenomenal accident happened where a bright glowing computer popped out a small child and a grown woman, both being obviously the other released archons, lying on the floor dizzy from the transport process.
"So, more overgrown children under my belt" you sighed in frustration. Venti and Zhongli peeked from the doorway wondering how your mental health might deteriorate more now with Nahida and Ei swimming like clueless fish.
"Peepaw. Cockroach. Help me move these guys to the living room" you turned to the two men behind the corner of the door. Both then started to carry the two lying figures out of the room, Zhongli cradling Nahida in his arms while Venti dragged Ei from her arms out the door "Why do you get to carry Buer, your the brute out of the two of us!" "As the responsible one, it is my responsibility that the children are safe" both exchange words as Venti drags Ei in defeat.
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Raiden Ei
When she woke up with you watching The Lorax while waiting for them to gain consciousness, she was about to slam her forehead to the floor in a bowing position before you stopped her.
"Look, I know you're here with the same reason as the other two before you; my answer is NO. I have done my best to get through with this life and get somewhere with it and I'm not gonna let it crumble down because of some crap my old did and you crawling to my feet. Ok"
She was flabbergasted by your words, but then again, they were your words and she cannot disobey.
"Also, tell the operator to find a way to get you guys home. I'm running out of money to feed the other two and now you and Nahida"
Her soul left her body when she heard those words leaving your mouth.
You. Their divine creator. Babying them and sacrificing your own wellbeing for them.
She was on her knees and her head on the floor "Your grace, I apologize for exploiting your time and effort. Please allow me to return the gratitude"
"... Are you willing to get a job?"
She was a bit stunned but still wanted to repay you "Yes. I will get a 'job' to repay your omniscients' grace" her head and I was still on the floor.
And now she's working as a cashier in a nearby convenience store.
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When she woke up in the middle of your living room on a couch right next to the Raiden shogun, she was a little startled, so she tried to jump off but was seen by Venti staring at her from across the room
"uhmm... Hi?"
Was all he said and continued to stare at her.
"Uhm... How is it with their Grace? Are they willing to come back?"
"No, they wanna stay here. And I don't know why"
"why are you looking at me like that?"
"their grace said to keep an eye on you until they get back from grocery shopping"
The silence flooded the room once again, and the awkwardness continues.
Some time later
You come back with Ei to see Nahida and Venti in a staring contest "... Don't wanna ask anymore but whaddya want for dinner?"
Nahida was blank for a moment until Venti mentioned he wanted apple pie.
Nahida scolded him that he shouldn't to you so casually
"Don't worry too much about it. You want anything?" you spoke to her softly.
She was stuttering in between her words with the pressure that she was speaking to the Omniscient Overseer and couldn't find the words.
"It's alright" you knelt down trying to ease her burden "You don't have to be so formal. Right now, I'm [name], not The Omniscient Overseer, alright" You gently held her with the aura of comfort through your words.
"Well. I'll take whatever you like" She smiles at you.
That was the first time someone saw her as a child, not literally, but as someone who has not experienced the world with her own senses.
She's happy with that.
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hooked-on-elvis · 5 months
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I'd like to address a few words on Lisa Marie Presley today, on [sadly] the 1st anniversary of her passing.
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BRAVERY. That's the biggest virtue I see in Lisa.
At 5 years old she saw her life drastically changing for the first time, and it was the first moment she had no other choice but to be brave, even not knowing about it, consciously. Her parents, Elvis and Priscilla, divorced in 1973. Imagine how this feels to a child. Imagine now how this feels to a famous child, since gossip is all around and there's nothing anyone could do to prevent her from being exposed to it (even if Priscilla and Elvis tried the hardest to protect young Lisa, the best they could).
Although she couldn't possibly understand what was going on, a child is still very perceptive and sensitive to the world around. At 5 years old is the age we all begin to keep the first memories of being alive, so Lisa must have kept to her adult years, vivid, possibly painful, memories way back from 1973, even if just a few blurred images and soft whispers echoing through her mind.
Then, at 9 years old she was forced to be brave for the second time, but it was harder. Unfortunately, Lisa lost her loving father in 1977 and grief stroke her for the first time, ravaging her fairy tale castle at once, without any warning, and, on top of that, she spent her whole life from then on, having those painful memories being brought up to mind when people, naturally, asked about her phenomenal father, all the time they addressed to her. She could never, and she did never, managed to escape this, to keep herself from thinking about her father's death and avoid suffering.
But the worst about having to heal and "get over" her father's loss, certainly was witnessing people, many, many people, badmouthing him. The man this young girl knew, the one she looked up to, the loving parent that took good care of her, that spoiled her to a fault, the first man that protected her and the first man she ever loved, the one man that treated her as a little princess and made her feel the most special little angel on earth, was gone forever... and the people, instead of being compassionate and protective about her, were all around spewing venom over her father's grave, shouting how bad of a man Elvis Presley supposedly was. And it all started since the day Elvis passed away, from the gossip in the book "Elvis: What Happened".
To little "Yisa" Marie, Elvis was a hero, just a hero... nothing more, nothing less.
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But she didn't have him around anymore, to hug her and tell everything would be alright, or to put her at ease and say those things they said about him, those things that were hurting her so much, were all lies — even tho much wasn't, she didn't understand and it would've been good having her father there to make her feel safe.
All she had available now, to help her feeling closer to her daddy, to get to know him a little better for herself and maybe getting a good and sound advice from him, were books. Books with the family and friends own personal accounts on who Elvis was and what he did throughout his life. But those books... the same books that contained the good side of Elvis, contained many things a daughter doesn't want and doesn't need to know about her parent.
To who Lisa could run to, when needing a little support, a little help soothing her sorrow, her grief? Her mother. Now, the worst must have been having her own mother writing a memoir book where she accused Elvis of many shameful, monstrous even, actions and behavior (one of the vital books that tainted Elvis' image forever). Now, Lisa didn't have her father anymore, and her mother kinda looked like an enemy at times. She felt lost, alone, and didn't know why those people kept on talking so badly about someone she utterly loved so much and that gave her nothing but the deepest love she ever felt.
Reading gossip all the time, being asked about things written in book she couldn't possibly tell rather they were truthful or not; things written in books she probably didn't ever read to keep herself from getting even more hurt. Still, Lisa had to sit and hear all those hurtful things about her own father and she couldn't do much to defend him. She just sat there and probably feeling the words cutting her guts like knives being twisted nonstop. This little girl was deeply hurt many times in her life, and nothing could mend this part of her broken heart.
It made her angry the way she was forced to hear some people mocking her father. It maddened her how the press kept questioning her about rather Elvis was or wasn't a bad man. But she had to live with this and keep a straight face. She had to grow up faster than most children/teenagers do while the press - and a good part of the society - kept on trying to make Lisa hate a part of herself, her origin, her own family name. She saw her castle being crushed many times during her life, with only a few quick breaks, here and there, so she could take a deep breath and get herself together again, only so she could prepare herself to the next dark moment she sorely felt would come to find her, sooner or later.
On top of Elvis, Lisa had to deal with many more damaging situations throughout her life, AND I AM ONLY TALKING ABOUT HER FORMATIVE YEARS UNTIL NOW.
Because of her status in society, her name, her fame, her wealthy, she never knew if the ones around her were genuinely loving and caring for her or not (something her father also experienced as an adult, something that Elvis confessed to friends it made him hopeless since he would never know for sure if he had true love in his life or if the people around him were there to get something only he could offer, and something that wasn't his pure love at all. Imagine living a life where you never know if you are loved because of who you are or for what you have to offer. It must make one feels like they worth nothing, like they didn't deserve being loved.
Yes, Lisa was poured with Elvis' fans adoration and love, but its a different love, it's distant. It's a love not even Elvis himself could feel in his soul, even tho he loved his fans so much. He said to friends our, his fans love, was an impersonal kind of love because we didn't know him as a person, just as an image. He was right, back in his time people only knew Elvis' image. As much we adore them, Elvis and little Lisa couldn't possibly feel loved only from the fans adoration.
Not knowing if her friends really cared for her must have been lonely. Like she had nobody she could trust. We know Elvis felt like this.
Living this kind of life isn't easy, it would quickly take its toll on any of us. Lisa must have felt browsing in the ocean, all alone. She needed to escape from those uneasy feelings. So, she had some drug issues during her growing up period in life. I don't blame her, neither should you. Like Elvis sang, "Walk a mile in my shoes". You and I have no idea how it must be unbearable listening to people mocking at your family publicly; saying the meanest things about your father, some mean gossip about her mother too, here and there, and even mean rumors about herself, when people begun judging her body, her relationships, and so on.
Yet, Lisa continued being brave. She lived her life, her own way. Never caring what outsides may think of her. She got married some times, she had children and for a moment things seemed to be doing okay. But the worst thing could ever had happened to sweet Lisa, happened. Suddenly she was losing her only son, her loving beautiful boy, her Ben. All of those things that happened in that little girl's life until now, and then this, the most horrendous nightmare strikes her, breaking not only her heart but her soul, in a way she would never recover from.
Still, Lisa Marie continued being the bravest she could, for herself but mostly for the 3 beautiful daughters she had to be there for, but from now on things were never the same.
I still don't know about Lisa Marie's life in a deep. There's many more things, I'm sure, she had endure, she had to face in her lifetime [the broken relationships, not to mention the inner monsters she had to fight against every single day], but those things everybody knows are enough to make me feel empathetic towards her.
Of course, there's poverty in the world, there's people literally dying from starvation or from guns/knives and bombs - and we all feel deeply for them too, but that doesn't mean the famous and rich people don't suffer as well. Everybody has their own mountains to climb. And yes, I feel very empathetic for the emotional issues Lisa Marie Presley had to face after losing her father as a child, all the press abuse she experienced since a young age and then the tragic lost of her only son.
I'm not trying to make Lisa a saint, much less someone you should pity. Not in a million years. I know, we know, Lisa Marie was happy too. Not everything was darkness in her life. ✨ She managed to find happiness and bliss in the little things. She wrote beautiful, meaningful and deep songs; she performed live onstage graciously, even if it must have felt terrifying singing in front of an audience when people had unreal expectations on her because of her father. Lisa lived life her way. She gave her father's fans her love and affection the best way she could, all her life. She grew a loving family. She had 4 beautiful children. CONTINUOUSLY, SHE LIVED BOLDLY, DOING HER OWN THING, TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS, SEARCHING FOR HAPPINESS WHILE BEING THE STRONG, BRAVE WOMAN SHE WAS BORN BEING.
Lisa Marie Presley is an inspiring woman. She was humble, she was fearless, she was a rock star. ⚡
Unfortunately, Lisa was taken away from her family, from us, fans, too soon, exactly one year ago. But we will never forget her, not because of her father but because of her own soul, the life she created by herself.
Now, something to celebrate is that we, gladly, will read Lisa's own words about her life. About her father, certainly, but most importantly about herself and this is something to celebrate indeed. Elvis didn't had the same good fortune of having the time to collect his memories and writing a book that could speak up for him when he was no longer here. Thanks to Riley Keough, Lisa's beautiful daughter, Elvis' grandchild, Lisa will have this triumph, this final time to set the record straight.
I'm SO, SO, SO happy Lisa's memoir book will be released! She deserves having her story told by herself. Once again, Riley is being the real Presley she is. God bless her.
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I love that GIF so much! It's clear to see how Lisa is emotional seeing her father's history being told in such a fair, not full of bullshit way. If we think about other Elvis biopics released previously, where in some Elvis is shown ridiculously talking to his shadow, even tho Baz Luhrmann's 2022 "Elvis" movie isn't 100% accurate, it was the closest we ever got to his real, full lifestory being portrayed. I feel happy the last her father's history portrayed onscreen she got to see was one that made her feel happy, proud and honored. That's all Lisa wanted all her life in what concerns to her daddy memory and legacy. I'm in peace knowing that, even tho she died so young, she was honored and witnessed at last her beloved father being honored and praised for the good, unique Rock and Roll hero, the pioneer, the legend he was.
I'm happy it made her happy. ♥
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We miss you so much, EP and dear Lisa. Hope you're both happy reunited. Look down for us, sweet angels. We'll keep your memories alive. May God keep Lisa's angel soul in Heaven, peaceful and together with her beloved father and son.
We love you, Yisa. Thank you for living your life in such inspirational way.
Rest in peace, sweet princess. ♥
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jaguarys · 5 months
HxH jumpscare. Anyways I think the reason why Hisoka and Illumi's dynamic is so phenomenal is that Illumi is a person who's pretending not to be and Hisoka is something pretending to be a person. Hisoka is consciously putting in the effort to perform while Illumi is consciously putting in the effort NOT to
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anxiouspineapple99 · 5 months
Hello, Pineapple, my love! I hope things are going well 💚
For the kiss prompt, may I request "a kiss on the forehead of one who is starting to fall asleep" with Wrecker?
No rush, and no pressure! I know things are chaotic for your right now. I just love the way you write soft moments like this.
Pairing: Wrecker x GN!Reader
Summary: After a long wait, you and Wrecker finally get some time alone.
Warnings: Mostly fluff! Some mentions of sex but nothing graphic is described. regardless, minors shoo!
Word Count: 523
A/N: DJ MY BELOVED! I will be honest, this was a hard one for me to write. Wrecker is a struggle for me. I hope I did him justice! Also sorry it was so short. It’s my first time writing Wrecker and I was aiming for quality over quantity.The prompt will be in orange!
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“Close your eyes!” You giggled as you guided Wrecker by the hand through the streets of Ord Mantell City.
“Where’re ya takin’ me cyar’ika?” The rolling laugh in his chest warmed you more than any sun.
“You’ll see! Be patient!”
You’d been planning a getaway for months. You worked extra jobs and tirelessly squirreled away spare credits. You wanted it to be perfect. A comfortable bed, tasty snacks, and now it was a reality.
You stopped in front of the little inn. It was quaint and cozy, a stark contrast to the rest of the city.
“Open your eyes!” You bounced eagerly on your toes as you awaited his response.
“Wow! What’re we doin’ here?” He asked, slightly perplexed.
“Remember how we talked about a quiet getaway?”
“Yeah…aw yeah! Is this it!?”
You nodded emphatically and grinned brightly at him as you guided him toward the room.
You opened the door, proudly holding your arms out to present the hard work you’d put into it; bottles of bubbly, snacks, cozy pillows…it was everything the two of you had talked about.
Wrecker swept you up in an adoring hug that spilled warmth through your body straight into your very being.
Many passionate love making sessions were had. All instigated because of your nipples poking through the thin fabric of your shirt, which drove Wrecker wild every time. And while the sex with Wrecker was phenomenal, your favorite intimate moments with him were the ones following. The hours you spent laying on top of him, both of you naked. Your cheek pressed to his muscular form, listening to his heartbeat as the two of you talked until falling asleep.
Finally the holofilms were done, your stomachs were full, and you were both thoroughly and happily pleasured. You were nestled atop his chest, pressing your cheek against his warm skin and breathing him in. Home. Anywhere in his arms was home.
“This was great, mesh’la,” Wrecker cooed softly as his fingers lazily danced along your bare back, sending happy chills skittering throughout your body.
“Anything for you my cuddly tooka,” you murmured as you nuzzled ever closer to him.
The chuckle that rumbled through his chest at your affectionate nickname sent you into a fit of giggles as you bounced in tandem with his laugh.
The two of you lay quietly, talking about everything from munitions and their complex designs that, if you were completely honest were lost on you, to your favorite holocomedies. Soon you felt Wrecker’s heartbeat begin to slow into a steady rhythm as he took longer and longer to answer your questions and think of his own.
“Mm? M’wake…” he mumbled, his lids laden with the unshakable weight of slumber.
You giggled, caressing his chest and neck as he grumbled murmurs of praise for your nimble hands. You watched as his lashes pressed together and in his last seconds of consciousness before drifting into a heavy sleep, you pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. You sighed happily as you tucked your head in beneath his chin and his lips pulled into a sleepy smile. Home. Anywhere with him was home.
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thebardostate · 5 months
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Is the Brain a Driver or a Steering Wheel?
This three part series summarizes what science knows, or thinks it knows, about consciousness. In Part 1 What Does Quantum Physics Imply About Consciousness? we looked at why several giants in quantum physics - Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Von Neumann and others - believed consciousness is fundamental to reality. In Part 2 Where Does Consciousness Come From? we learned the "dirty little secret" of neuroscience: it still hasn't got a clue how electrical activity in the brain results in consciousness.
In this concluding part of the series we will look at how a person can have a vivid conscious experience even when their brain is highly dysfunctional. These medically documented oddities challenge the materialist view that the brain produces consciousness.
Before proceeding, let's be clear what what is meant by "consciousness". For brevity, we'll keep things simple. One way of looking at consciousness is from the perspective of an outside observer (e.g., "conscious organisms use their senses to notice differences in their environment and act on their goals.") This outside-looking-in view is called behavioral consciousness (aka psychological consciousness). The other way of looking at it is the familiar first-person perspective of what it feels like to exist; this inside-looking-out view is called phenomenal consciousness (Barušs, 2023). This series is only discussing phenomenal consciousness.
Ready? Let’s go!
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Source: Caltech Brain Imaging Center
A Hole in the Head
Epilepsy is a terrible disease in which electrical storms in the brain trigger seizures. For some people these seizures are so prolonged and frequent that drastic action is needed to save their lives. One such procedure is called a hemispherectomy, the removal or disconnection of half the brain. Above is an MRI image of a child who has undergone the procedure.
You might think that such radical surgery would profoundly alter the memory, personality, and cognitive abilities of the patient.
You would be wrong. One child who underwent the procedure at age 5 went on to attend college and graduate school, demonstrating above average intelligence and language abilities despite removal of the left hemisphere (the zone of the brain typically identified with language.) A study of 58 children from 1968 to 1996 found no significant long-term effects on memory, personality or humor, and minimal changes in cognitive function after hemispherectomy.
You might think that, at best, only a child could successfully undergo this procedure. Surely such surgery would kill an adult?
You would be wrong again. Consider the case of Ahad Israfil, an adult who suffered an accidental gunshot to the head and successfully underwent the procedure to remove his right cerebral hemisphere. Amazingly, after the five hour operation he tried to speak and went on to regain a large measure of functionality - and even earn a degree - although he did require use of a wheelchair afterwards.
Another radical epilepsy procedure, a corpus collosotomy, leaves the hemispheres intact but severs the connections between them. For decades it was believed that these split-brain patients developed divided consciousness, but more recent research disputes this notion. Researchers found that, despite physically blocking all neuronal communication between the two hemispheres, the brain somehow still maintains a single unified consciousness. How it manages this feat remains a complete mystery. Recent research on how psychedelic drugs affect the brain hints that the brain might have methods other than biochemical agents for internal communication, although as yet we haven't an inkling as to what those might be.
So what's the smallest scrape of brain you need to live? Consider the case of a 44-year-old white collar worker, married with two children and with an IQ of 75. Two weeks after noticing some mild weakness in one leg the man went to see his doctor. The doc ordered a routine MRI scan of the man's cranium, and this is what it showed.
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Source: The Lancet
What you are seeing here is a giant empty cavity where most of the patient's brain should be. Fully three quarters of his brain volume is missing, most likely due to a bout of hydrocephalus he experienced when he was six months old.
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Artist: Tom Wright
Last Words
Many unusual phenomena have been observed as life draws to an end. We're going to look at two deathbed anomalies that have neurological implications.
The first is terminal lucidity, sometimes called paradoxical lucidity. First studied in 2009, terminal lucidity refers to the spontaneous return of lucid communication in patients who were no longer thought to be medically capable of normal verbal communication due to irreversible neurological deterioration (e.g., Alzheimers, meningitis, Parkinson's, strokes.) Here are three examples:
A 78-year-old woman, left severely disabled and unable to speak by a stroke, spoke coherently for the first time in two years by asking her daughter and caregiver to take her home. She died later that evening.
A 92-year-old woman with advanced Alzheimer’s disease hadn’t recognized her family for years, but the day before her death, she had a pleasantly bright conversation with them, recalling everyone’s name. She was even aware of her own age and where she’d been living all this time.
A young man suffering from AIDS-related dementia and blinded by the disease who regained both his lucidity and apparently his eyesight as well to say farewell to his boyfriend and caregiver the day before his death.
Terminal lucidity has been reported for centuries. A historical review found 83 case reports spanning the past 250 years. It was much more commonly reported in the 19th Century (as a sign that death was near, not as a phenomenon in its own right) before the materialist bias in the medical profession caused a chilling effect during the 20th Century. Only during the past 15 years has any systematic effort been made to study this medical anomaly. As a data point on its possible prevalence a survey of 45 Canadian palliative caregivers found that 33% of them had witnessed at least one case of terminal lucidity within the past year. Other surveys found have that the rate of prevalence is higher if measured over a longer time window than one year, suggesting that, while uncommon, terminal lucidity isn't particularly rare.
Terminal lucidity is difficult to study, in part because of ethical challenges in obtaining consent from neurocompromised individuals, and in part because its recent identification as a research topic presents delineation problems. However, the promise of identifying new neurological pathways in the brains of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's patients has gotten a lot of attention. In 2018 the US National Institute on Aging (NIA) announced two funding opportunites to advance this nascent science.
Due to the newness of this topic there will continue be challenges with the data for some time to come. However, its impact on eyewitnesses is indisputably profound.
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Artist: Tom Wright
Near Death Experiences
The second deathbed anomaly we will take a look at are Near-Death Experiences (NDEs.) These are extraordinary and deeply personal psychological experiences that typically (but not always) occur during life-threatening emergencies such as cardiac arrest, falls, automobile accidents, or other traumatic events; they are also occasionally reported during general anesthesia. Much of the research in this area has focused on cardiac arrest cases because these patients are unconscious and have little to no EEG brain wave activity, making it difficult to account for how the brain could sustain the electrical activity needed to perceive and remember the NDE. This makes NDEs an important edge case for consciousness science.
NDEs are surprisingly common. A 2011 study published by the New York Academy of Sciences estimated that over 9 million people in the United States have experienced an NDE. Multiple studies have found that around 17% of cardiac arrest survivors report an NDE.
There is a remarkable consistency across NDE cases, with experiencers typically reporting one or more of the following:
The sensation of floating above their bodies watching resuscitation efforts, sometimes able to recall details of medical procedures and ER/hallway conversations they should not have been aware of;
Heightened sensations, including cases of blind and deaf people who see or hear;
Extremely rapid mental processing;
The perception of passing through something like a tunnel;
A hyper-vivid life review, described by many experiencers as "more real than real";
Transcendent visions of an afterlife;
Encounters with deceased loved ones, sometimes including people the experiencer didn’t know were dead; and
Encounters with spiritual entities, sometimes in contradiction to their personal belief systems.
Of particular interest is a type of NDE called a veridical NDE. These are NDEs in which the experiencer describes independently verifiable events occurring during the period when they had minimal or no brain activity and should not have been perceived, let alone remembered, if the brain were the source of phenomenal consciousness. These represent about 48% of all NDE accounts (Greyson 2010). Here are a few first-hand NDE reports.
A 62-year-old aircraft mechanic during a cardiac arrest (from Sabom 1982, pp. 35, 37)
A 23-year-old crash-rescue firefighter in the USAF caught by a powerful explosion from a crashed B-52 (from Greyson 2021, pg. 27-29)
An 18-year-old boy describes what it was like to nearly drown (from the IANDS website)
There are thousands more first person NDE accounts published by the International Association for Near-Death Studies and at the NDE Research Foundation. The reason so many NDE accounts exist is because the experience is so profound that survivors often feel compelled to write as a coping method. Multiple studies have found that NDEs are more often than not life-changing events.
A full discussion of NDEs is beyond the scope of this post. For a good general introduction, I highly recommend After: What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond by Bruce Greyson, MD (2021).
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The Materialist Response
Materialists have offered up a number of psychological and physiological models for NDEs, but none of them fits all the data. These include:
People's overactive imaginations. Sabom (1982) was a skeptical cardiologist who set out to prove this hypothesis by asking cardiac arrest survivors who did not experience NDEs to imagine how the resuscitation process worked, then comparing those accounts with the veridical NDE accounts. He found that the veridical NDE accounts were highly accurate (0% errors), whereas 87% of the imagined resuscitation procedures contained at least one major error. Sabom became convinced that NDEs are real. His findings were replicated by Holden and Joesten (1990) and Sartori (2008) who reviewed veridical NDE accounts in hospital settings (n = 93) and found them to be 92% completely accurate, 6% partially accurate, and 1% completely inaccurate.
NDEs are just hallucinations or seizures. The problem here is that hallucinations and seizures are phenomena with well-defined clinical features that do not match those of NDEs. Hallucinations are not accurate descriptions of verifiable events, but veridical NDEs are.
NDEs are the result of electrical activity in the dying brain. The EEGs of experiencers in cardiac arrest show that no well-defined electrical activity was occurring that could have supported the formation or retention of memories during the NDE. These people were unconscious and should not have remembered anything.
NDEs are the product of dream-like or REM activity. Problem: many NDEs occur under general anesthesia, which suppresses dreams and REM activity. So this explanation cannot be correct.
NDEs result from decreased oxygen levels in the brain. Two problems here: 1) The medical effects of oxygen deprivation are well known, and they do not match the clinical presentation of NDEs. 2) The oxygen levels of people in NDEs (e.g., during general anesthesia) has been shown to be the same or greater than people who didn’t experience NDEs.
NDEs are the side effects of medications or chemicals produced in the brain (e.g. ketamine or DMT). The problem here is that people who are given medications in hospital settings tend to report fewer NDEs, not more; and drugs like ketamine have known effects that are not observed in NDEs. The leading advocate for the ketamine model conceded after years of research that ketamine does not produce NDEs (Corraza and Schifano, 2010).
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Summing Up
In coming to the end of this series, let's sum up what we discussed.
Consciousness might be wired into the physical universe at fundamental level, as an integral part of quantum mechanics. Certainly several leading figures in physics thought so - Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Von Neumann, and more recently Nobel Laureate Roger Penrose and Henry Stapp.
Materialist propaganda notwithstanding, neuroscience is no closer to identifying Neural Correlates of Consciousness (NCCs) than it was when it started. The source of consciousness remains one of the greatest mysteries in science.
Meanwhile, medical evidence continues to pile up that there is something deeply amiss with the materialist belief that consciousness is produced by the brain. In a sense, the challenge that NDEs and Terminal Lucidity pose to consciousness science is analogous to the challenge that Dark Matter poses to physics, in that they suggest that the mind-brain identity model of classic materialist psychology may need to be rethought to adequately explain these phenomena.
Ever since the Greeks, science has sought to explain nature entirely in physical terms, without invoking theism. It has been spectacularly successful - particularly in the physical sciences - but at the cost of excluding consciousness along with the gods (Nagel, 2012). What I have tried to do in this series is to show that a very credible argument can be made that materialism has the arrow of causality backwards: the brain is not the driver of consciousness, it's the steering wheel.
I don't think we are yet ready to say what consciousness is. Much more research is needed. I'm not making the case for panpsychism, for instance - but I do think consciousness researchers need to throw off the assumption drag of materialism before they're going to make any real progress.
It will be up to you, the scientists of tomorrow, to make those discoveries. That's why I'm posting this to Tumblr rather than an academic journal; young people need to hear what's being discovered, and the opportunities that these discoveries represent for up and coming scientists.
Never has Planck's Principle been more apt: science advances one funeral at a time.
Good luck.
For Further Reading
Barušs, Imants & Mossbridge, Julia (2017). Transcendent Mind: Rethinking the Science of Consciousness. American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
Barušs, Imants (2023). Death as an Altered State of Consciousness: A Scientific Approach. American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
Batthyány, Alexander (2023). Threshold: Terminal Lucidity and the Border of Life and Death. St. Martin's Essentials, New York.
Becker, Carl B. (1993). Paranormal Experience and Survival of Death. State University of New York Press, Albany NY.
Greyson, Bruce (2021). After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond. St. Martin's Essentials, New York.
Kelly, Edward F.; Kelly, Emily Williams; Crabtree, Adam; Gauld, Alan; Grosso, Michael; & Greyson, Bruce (2007). Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century. Rowman & Littlefield, New York.
Moody, Raymond (1975). Life After Life. Bantam/Mockingbird, Covington GA.
Moreira-Almeida, Alexander; de Abreu Costa, Marianna; & Coelho, Humberto S. (2022). Science of Life After Death. Springer Briefs in Psychology, Cham Switzerland.
Penfield, Wilder (1975). Mystery of the Mind: A Critical Study of Consciousness and the Human Brain. Princeton Legacy Library, Princeton NJ.
Sabom, Michael (1982). Recollections of Death: A Medical Investigation. Harper and Row Publishers, New York.
van Lommel, Pim (2010). Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of the Near-Death Experience. HarperCollins, New York.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 1 year
I pray you rest well today. I pray the scents you smell feel loving to your body today. I pray you hear the most nourishing sounds today. I pray you receive as many hugs as your body needs today.  I pray you feel the sun on your skin today. I pray you eat a deeply nourishing meal today. I pray you are shown appreciation in the most phenomenal ways today. I pray you begin to expand into your quantum leap today -seeding life with things you really love and tapping into wealth consciousness as part of your principle value system. I pray you are understood today. I pray you reconnect to your priorities today. I pray you approve of who you are today and know that no matter what you've been through, you are lovable and worth all the goodness life has to offer. Ultimately I pray you experience your true self today, the songs of your soul and the advanced energetic technology within your body as your natural state, that unashamed eroticism, those sensuous frequencies that allow you to live an aligned grounded life of orgasmic fullness in every area of life.
India Ame’ye, Author, Nights Over Egypt
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