#personally I ran to buy a physical copy
re-dracula · 1 year
Do you need more Draculas in your life? Of course you do! We didn't make this game, but we're sure as heck excited about it.
Oops, All Draculas! was created for Dracula Jam 2021 and one of the first games to use the Buddy System emphasizing teamwork and found family. Sometimes called a "What We Do in the Shadows" simulator, Oops, All Draculas! is a ttrpg that can be as silly or as dark as you choose.
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starastrologyy · 6 months
Composite Chart Notes 🪐
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Hi everyone, please do not copy or repost anything I write on other social media platforms :) I recently became aware of a Pinterest page reposting all my posts from TikTok/tumblr! I don’t have a Pinterest for my astrology blog :)
A composite Aries Rising, can often indicate a very active couple. They may enjoy partaking in various sports or various forms of physical activities together. However, they can appear to be a very argumentative couple, this is especially true of mars, mercury, or pluto squares the composite ascendant. Their conflicts can often be made public.
This is interesting because in terms of long-distance couples, I often see Uranus conjunct the descendent or Uranus in the 3rd house in their composite charts. A composite Sag or Aqua rising is also common in the charts of couples who are long distance.
The North Node in the composite 5th house can indicate a couple who have children together.
Another indication of a “hidden” or private relationship, is if the composite chart ruler is in the 12th house.
This is more of a personal anecdote, but I once had a man slide in my DMs on Instagram. We had mutual followers but I didn’t personally know him. Long story short, he just began offering to buy me things/send me money with nothing in return. Obviously I found that kind of suspicious as there’s usually a catch! He didn’t even push meeting me in person! We just kinda spoke online for a bit. I got his birth details and ran a synastry chart between us. We had no 2nd or 8th house overlays. However, his Jupiter did aspect my Sun (which explains why he was so generous towards me). I then took a look into our composite chart, and our composite Sun & Moon are both in the composite 2nd house! Additionally , the ruler of our composite ascendant is in the 8th. Which explains why our relationship is literally based on him sharing his resources with me, giving me money, and buying me things. Obviously not all relationships with this kind of configuration will play out like this, I just thought this was so interesting.
There can be elements of sexual idealizations in relationships where there are hard Mars-Neptune aspects in the composite chart. One or both people may feel as if they have met their “dream” sexual partner if the orb is particularly tight. However, once the illusion or initial “high” fades. This aspect can prove to be problematic in many ways. There can be deceptions and disappointments that start to manifest. Mars square Neptune is common to see in the charts of *affairs* or short lived sexual relationships. However, please remember the entire chart needs to be taken into consideration.
Couples who travel a lot together usually have significant 3rd and 9th house placements in the composite. Jupiter in the composite 9th, 3rd, or conjunct the composite Mercury can also indicate a couple that travels frequently.
A couple with Jupiter or Venus in the composite 7th house, can make very good business partners. Couples who have the ruler of their composite midheaven, in the 7th house, may also decide to go into business together.
My readings are still open for those interested ! The link is in my bio :)
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venusvity · 3 months
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IN WHICH ... Is Fame Worth All This?
TRIGGER WARNINGS ... Verbal and Physical Abuse. Crying. Yelling. It's an argument. Cursing.
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She storms into the practice room like she owns it. Truthfully, Yoonah could buy this practice room if Iseul would let her. A part of her thinks she should just show her power over Juwon and overall. She's tired of being underestimated by everyone around her, treated like some dumb kid who doesn't know what's happening, or like she's made of glass.
She's Jung Yoonah. She's been the highest-performing soloist in the industry for years now. She's Baebi, for Christ's sake. She's the standard of the industry, and this is how she gets treated? It's enough to drive anyone crazy.
"Yoonah?" The voice is sweet but grating. Yoonah reers off course, shoving both her hands into Cherry's shoulders and sending the girl to the floor with a shriek. Then, as if nothing happened, she swerves back on track to Juwon, who is packing up his bass. He looks wide-eyed and confused that she's here, looking like he's seen a ghost as Yoonah storms towards him.
"Baby-" Yoonah doesn't give him any room to finish, reaching up and cracking her hand across his face like a whip, whipping Juwon's face to the side. She doesn't know why she's breathing like she ran a mile, but it feels like she's losing her breath with each deep breath, looking up at Juwon with eyes full of tears and a tight jaw.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Yoonah snaps at him, giving him a single second to answer before slamming her fists against his chest. "Are you fucking kidding me, Juwon? Are you fucking serious?" Her voice raises, loud and shrill as she shouts at her boyfriend in a room full of somewhat familiar faces.
In this moment, it feels like Jiho is the only person in this room who cares about her. Despite her and Cherry growing closer these past few months through their various lunch dates and sleepovers, she couldn't even spare Yoonah a warning text about signing to Mydol. That's what kills her the most. Everyone acted as if this was nothing more than a contract transfer, something easy and no second thought put into. It's like only Jiho cared about Yoonah's feelings surrounding the whole ordeal.
She doesn't live with Jiho. She doesn't see him every day. Hell, the last time they hooked up was years ago now, but he still had more decency than her boyfriend of years to tell her what Jinhwa was doing. It doesn't make any sense to her. None of this makes sense. It makes Yoonah raise her hand to smack Juwon again but he grabs her wrists, holding her back with an iron grip that makes her yell out as she pulls against him.
"Please, don't do this here, Yoonah." He's using that gentle voice she hates. It makes her feel like she's crazy. Juwon had a knack for that. He always made Yoonah feel like she was insane anytime her reactions went out of his box. Juwon was so calm, so gentle, and Yoonah couldn't stand it in times like this. He's got that sympathetic look on his face, tilting his head down at her. She wants to take his face in her hands and squeeze until he's nothing but a bloody mess between her fingers. She can't stand the sight of him.
"I fucking hate you. I hate you. I hate you. How could you do this to me? How could you?" She shouts until her voice goes hoarse, hot tears streaking down her cheeks as she shoves against his grip. "You know what he did! You know, Juwon! How could you do this to me?" Her vocal cords beg for her to speak softer and be kinder, but the pain she puts them through is the only comfort she can find right now. Juwon's touch is manufactured at this point like a cheap copy of something she once cherished and loved.
"I-I-" Juwon attempts, but nothing comes out. He just looks at the ground with an open mouth, waiting for an explanation to come out, but nothing does. Yoonah stares at him with wild eyes, blinking at his silence in disbelief. He's distracted long enough for Yoonah to rip her hands away, taking a step away from him as her bottom lip quivers.
"Is being famous this important to you? You'd sign yourself off to the fucking devil?"
"I didn't have a choice," Juwon attempts to tell her, voice low near whispering. Yoonah shakes her head, tears dripping from her eyes and onto the floor beneath her.
"You always have a choice, Juwon. You've always had a choice, and you chose to be Jinhwa's bitch over me." Yoonah tells him seriously, her voice matching his but loud enough for the others in the room to hear. She wants them to remember this every time he tries to tell them what to do; she wants them to remember how he let her degrade him in a room full of people; she wants him to be embarrassed.
Yoonah leans into where their foreheads nearly bump, making Juwon stand up straighter to avoid being at eye level with her, taking a deep breath through his nose as if restraining himself. It makes Yoonah actually laugh, looking at him with a raise of his brows, tilting her head up at him and his attempt to take control of the situation.
"You think I'm scared of you? You'd be nothing without me. I fucking got you here. You think anyone will care about you if we break up?" Yoonah tilts her head at him, another laugh leaving her lips. "You'll be my boyfriend, and if you're not my boyfriend, you're just that poor Nugu boy who watched his friend die. You're nothing without me, Juwon. I made you."
It's the unspoken secret of their house that Yoonah is the reason why Juwon was able to get a redemption arc or at least somewhat separate himself from the tragedy that occurred years ago. She worked tirelessly to rebuild his image, simultaneously helping her own as they built a pretty picture of a perfect couple for people to gawk at and adore. She was the one to put in a word with Iseul and Carmen when they wanted to rebrand Bones and All. No one in this room would be here if it wasn't for Yoonah, they seem to forget that more often than she'd like.
Juwon, despite her cruel words, says nothing but his face gives him away. Jaw locking, eyes staring at her like she just stabbed him in the heart, and he bites the inside of his cheek.
"We can talk about this when we get home." This is all he has to say, reaching up to presumedly touch her, but Yoonah jerks away from them before he can, looking at him as if he just slapped her in the face. Slowly, Yoonah shakes her head.
"I'm not going to be home."
Juwon's head ticks to the side slightly, a small scoff leaving his lips as he nods dismissively.
"Of course, you're not. I should've known having a civilized conversation isn't something you could handle. Go have fun with whatever piece of–" Yoonah slaps him again to shut him up. She doesn't want to hear it anymore, but a part of her also wishes he would fight back. Really fight back and throw her to the ground, shake her, and scream at her to get it together, but she knows his gentle heart could never do that. He is too kind even when Yoonah forces the cruelness out of him.
Yoonah tilts her head at him, blinking up at him as she waits for his retaliation, which she knows won't come. Juwon takes a deep breath through his nose, putting his hand on his reddened cheek as his lips curl in, and his gaze drops to the floor. The room is so painfully quiet. It's exactly what Yoonah wanted.
"Good luck being Jinhwa's bitch. It's not easy work." She tells him coldly, sparing the other members a glance when she finally feels as if her and Juwon's bubble has popped. When she makes eye contact with Roxie, the girl puckers her lips and turns around to avoid being involved. However, when she looks at Haruaki, he smiles at her like he's intrigued. It makes her laugh through her nose, catching Jiho's typical unreadable gaze as she starts towards the heavy doors she burst through earlier.
Cherry is situated on the floor with Wei on her side, but the ladder is too busy tending to Cherry's nonexistent wounds to pay attention to Yoonah, but Cherry isn't. She's shooting daggers at her from her place on the ground as Yoonah pushes open the doors to leave. Yoonag gives the younger a passing glance, looking her over before scoffing under her breath and leaving.
The door closes softly with a faint click.
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cloudykaii · 2 years
little things: txt
the second installment of the little things series.
includes: sixth member of txt
genre: cute, platonic, personal headcanons
you have a significantly different relationship with each of them, but none of them are lesser. it’s very obvious that the six of you have a very deep amount of love and respect for each other, and that doesn’t change. you have been through a lot with the support of each other, and also suffered together. there are so many moments to remember and choose from, but some of them just stick out more than the others.
i just feel like you and yeoniun have a very funny relationship. He's definitely like your pretend sworn enemy. You'll joke together all the time. His favorite one to tell is that he raised you yet you constantly disrespect him. There is even a viral video of him talking to the camera about how you're his least favorite member because all he's done his best to teach you wrong from right and you just couldn't get it, and then immediately followed by clips him letting you do whatever you want, like putting random clips and pins all over his hair while he's talking.
He's notoriously known for lying about you lol. Notoriously known for pretending he's not soft for you. There are viral videos of things like him yelling about who ate his leftovers and being mad then seconds later soobin tells him it was you and he's just deflating and going, "just ask next time, I'll order you your own fresh."
 He's also your favorite to prank yourself. It's always a war; he'll put salt in your drink, you'll saran wrap yeonjun's door so that he has to run through it to leave his room. If anyone ever asks about why yeonjun dyes his hair so much, you always say because you're sneaky and yeonjun doesn't buy his own shampoo. Despite all of that though, whenever anything goes too far, he is always the first to apologize
Soobin best brother is my favorite agenda. He's very attentive and protective. Possibly a little overbearing but not in a "you can't be around anyone" way. He's just always concerned. He makes sure that even if you say you're fine that you pack a sweater or something when it is cold, always making sure your favorite snacks are stocked up.
He's kind of like your moral compass because he's definitely the one to be like "hey not tonight we have an event in the morning" and definitely makes you take care of yourself, but also, he does in fact lie for you in a heartbeat. one time yeonjun ran into his room covered in whipped cream, "where's y/n, I know she did this" and soobin just patted the pile of pillows under the blanket next to him and shook his head. "sorry to burst your bubble but she's been in here all night"
Coordinates matching outfits with you all the time. You probably steal his clothes claiming they will help in your mission to make your outfit iconic. Which..honestly you could tell him you needed it for any reason and he'd give it to you. Soobin is physically unable to tell you know unless it is a matter of your health. There are lots of videos of you wearing soobin's jacket whenever the stylists give you a dress or something. He's definitely the one to lay it over your lap when you're sitting
Gyu is a tough nut to crack. I think that you guys are probably shipped the most, but it's ironic because the usual shippable moments that fans latch on to either don't happen or are very lowkey the two of you are.. unique. For a better insight into your relationship with beomgyu, a list of viral moments/thins relating to your and your third oldest brother are:
You are constantly copying him. Most of the time it's not even direct or on purpose so most fans find it adorable how you're wearing the same outfit he wore two performances ago.
You jumping over a table to full body tackle him over a game of uno, him picking you up in the air by your ankle because he asked if you wanted to go somewhere and you said no so he literally took you anyways. Beomgyu going in for a hug only to turn it into a chokehold. The two of you sharing one blanket at a little campfire thing and him holding your hands to keep them warm. Beomgyu pouting and asking you to dye your hair to match him, you falling asleep with your head in his lap
The two most iconic moments that no one ever forgets, is when beomgyu said he was proud of you without knowing that a camera was filming, and when he was crying because his family was in the audience, and you just hugged him the entire time the guys were talking onstage. These are the famous moments because despite how much you two mess with each other it is obvious that you both love each other.
Very soft best friends. Lots of inside jokes, very hands on. It is far from uncommon for the two of you to be found giggling about something found totally mundane by anyone else. And when I say you guys are soft I mean it's literally like the famous dynamic between you both. Countless images of you guys being cute together are spread, first most shipped duo where you're concerned
He's an absolute sucker for you. Would let you get away with burning the world down and stop anyone trying to hinder you. Lets you practice things on his hair like braiding or pins. Whenever he buys something like food or a souvenir and you're not there you can always hear him mumbling to himself, "should I get y/n one?" usually then turns to ask kai for advice if he's there.
Tbh, would probably also egg on the shippers. Never in a way you're not comfortable with or is obvious, but he'll do things like hold your hand for extended periods of time, pat your head. One time, he had been extra bold and kissed you on the head and slid his hand into your back pocket. That little move is a rare occurrence, but he does it because he loves fueling the running joke of your being his girlfriend lol.
Also loves when you baby him and make him feel completely taken care of. You carry around extra water and snacks- or sometimes they're just for him and the way you remember little things he tells you always reminds him that even if he has no one else he has you.
If you and Taehyun are soft best friends, you and kai are soft soulmates. He is your biggest fan, and I will in fact die upon this hill. He loves you so much, and he sees the way you go out of your way to care for literally everyone else, and he has enough people taking care of him. For every one thing you do for him he does three for you.
Carries around three hair ties on his wrist. If stylists say he has to take it off he makes sure to keep them in his pocket just in case. He has a pack of bobby pins and he bought you a jacket to match his favorite that he keeps in his bag for you. Has a list of all your favorites; movies, shows, snacks, colors, materials, restaurant orders. Has a list of things you hate that he keeps both on his phone and printed and posted on a wall in the kitchen so mistakes never happen. Ever since the great pumpkin fiasco of 2020.
Has previously sat with you in his lap, bundled up in his coat because you fell asleep. I think everyone who knows the two of you and like k-moa ship you, nit international fans think it's all platonic. Very touchy, finding moments where the two of you just so happen to be linking pinkies or high fiving each other while performing is like the moa equivalent to finding easter eggs in taylor swift songs.
I mean literally soulmates, whether platonic or romantic is yet to be found, but the two of you are attached at the hip, sharing the same brain cell and everything. Ironically, I think he would also be the most protective. He has sisters and after hearing about their struggles within their groups and knowing that things are already different for you as the only girl in an otherwise boy group, he tries to be like your advocate, wanting things to be easier for you.
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esmealux · 21 days
Okay, but you have to read the lyrics of this Danish song, which was written by Jens Rosendal in 1981 when he fell in love with a man
Background: In 1981, Jens Rosendal wrote the poem "Du kom med alt det, der var dig" (You Came With Everything That You Have and Are) when he fell head over heels in love with a man. It was a turbulent time becuase he was living a family life with his wife and three kids. Men there was no way around it – Jens Rosendal couldn't hide his feelings any longer. He had to give in to love at the age of 50. He decided that while he might be able to keep his secret for all of his life, he didn't want to be buried with it. Jens Rosendal has said that he for the first experience that he really could love and that he therefor was a real person - that he has the biggest gift God can give us: Love! That was the occasion for writing this song.
[pretty much directly translated from Højskolesangbogen.dk because I couldn't say it better myself]
The song is included in Højskolesangbogen, the Danish Folk High Schools' songbook, and is so widely known and popular in Denmark you don't even understand. It is sung, in church, at so many weddings - all kinds of weddings. You can bet your ass it's going to be sung at my wedding too. Here are the translated lyrics:
You Came With Everything That You Have and Are
You came with everything that you have and are and blew away every blocked path and what a spring it was! The year when everything became strong and clear and wild and full with the speed og spring thaw and everything screamed: live!
I stormed out to buy beer yes, the old, stiff foal of winter ran out on green meadows and you became warm and bright and drunk and your hair was pure gold like the sun – hidden for too long
And flowers opened up and saw that the sky became vast and blue and the moment had been created for joy Your fist was warm and good and you were beautiful and full of courage so beautiful that I had to cry
Our Lord himself invited people for a celebration and kissed every awestruck guest in the halls of love With eyes, wondering and blue we just saw and saw and saw and swallowed the speech of life:
That life is worth living in spite of doubt and great trouble in spite of all the things that hurt And love will always persist and no matter what the entire world says it will have our hearts
Based on translation by HinKyto on lyrictranslate.com, moderated by me. There is an official English translation of the English version in Højskolernes Singalongs, folk songs and hymns, but you have to buy a physical copy.
If you wanna know what it sounds like in Danish, here's the national women's choir singing it:
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st-just · 2 years
First Real Con™ (-ish. Like, still pretty small, but) Experiences, in roughly chronological order
-Went to a fun cosmic horror 'panel' that was just Premee Mohamed bleary-eyed off the plane on a Friday afternoon. Had never really heard of her before but was good panel, ended up buying her book to get signed
-Went to a D&D worldbuilding panel that was just, like, Some Guys talking and a physically painful Q&A session
-Got a fishbowl cocktail with 3 shots in it and dinner at Boston Pizza with friends (The pasta was honestly more of a mistake than the liquor).
-Spent an hour waiting in line Saturday morning despite already having my lanyard
-Went to a panel where a professional Viking Nerd just kind of rambled and answered questions of wildly varying quality for an hour and a half, then bought a copy of his personal illustrated translation/retelling of the Edas because hey why not
-Spent like 2 hours wandering around the vendor hall and spending a truly eye watering amount of money on [dice, mouse pad with cool print on it, many many posters, t-shirts, necklace, etc]
-Watched a pair of circus performers put on a ring/aerial dance/acrobatics routine set to the soundtrack of Ocarina of Time, was left acutely aware of how little core strength I have (ran into them outside the Con after too, they were nice and have very pretty business cards)
-Watched the local SCA chapter put on 45 minutes of sparring bouts and medieval dances
-Forgot to buy separate ticket to 19+ red carpet cocktail thing so went to gin distillery three blocks form apartment with friends who didn't have tickets for evening
-Spent at least two hours wandering around gawking at cosplayers (pleasantly surprising number of Gideons and also one Harrow, a truly incredible Aloy, an adorable couple and their kid dressed up as the Forgers, etc)
-Attended panel about how to do horror in TTRPGS (read: D&D) by Some Guy (well, Girl) that was actually pretty interesting. Presenter said her background was in event management which made sense given the super well organized powerpoint and the clear discomfort with public speaking.
-Played a few incredibly niche boardgames I had never heard of (the licensed Portal boardgame: surprisingly not shit!)
-Did swing dancing demo and actually had a lot of fun/managed to not terminally embarrass myself
-aaand finished off attended an actual multi-person panel with Premee Mohamed and T. J. Klune talking about worldbuilding which was, like, 75% just watching two fun charismatic people riff off/take the shit out of each other and was 100% an absolute blast.
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voidsentprinces · 2 years
Seeing a few people saying that paying for a newer version of software isn’t a new thing and they did it in the past and we shouldn’t be wigging out about it. But from what I recall that was when we were forced to get physical copies of each upgraded version of said thing. Everything is digital now and unless ClipArt is suddenly giving away a yacht or twenty million free brushes with every update. I don’t particularly care for it to start charging a yearly sub for those who move over. Additionally, users deserve to be vocal about their worries because of the shit literally every other company has pulled with simiarly based software practices. Windows XP was a free to use code for everyone then Windows Vista came along and Microsoft decided it wanted to control security and how everything ran. Forcing bloatware to be built into the OS, then Windows 7 came along and while it WAS smoother it also limited is user code to one person in a household and then Windows 10 limited it to just one person once and if your harddrive dies, penny up 100 - 250$ for a new code. And now Windows 11 has become the Google Chrome of OSs siphoning RAM and in some cases bricking a computer.
Photoshop used to be “Buy for each upgraded version of it”, like “the old days” and then Adobe went nuclear in charging you annually for every updated version and abandoning any old versions as well as being aggressively against use of said old versions.
ClipArt announcing a yearly sub; no matter how low it might be for now, their promises of still providing bug support for older versions, etc. is a pattern we’ve seen before in many businesses that began as a sub membership. Artists deserve to be glancing around for alternatives cause we’ve seen where this is going.
Very few companies are good or true to their word and even SquareEnix with Yoshi P and Devs is seeing a strict divide between Development Team and their CEO pushing for NFTs and predatory practices in their mobile games. A team can be good but usually a company doesn’t just want SOME of your money, they want all the money in the world. We’ve seen it multiple times. And I think a lot of people ran out of “benefit of the doubt” a loooooooonng time ago.
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celticbarb · 11 months
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Book: Lyon of the Highlands
Author: Emily Royal
Series: The Lyons Den Connected World
Book Length: 214 pages
Overall Rating: 5/5 Stars
Blog Rating: 5/5 Saltire Flags
The Lyons Den Connected World is a series where a group of talented Dragonblade authors pen different unique stories. Each book is connected to the same character, the entrepreneur proprietress Mrs. Bessie Dove-Lyon, owner of The Lyon’s Den which is basically an exclusive matchmaking service for the wealthy.
This book also follows A Lyons Pride book by Emily Royal.
This story is centered on the widowed Dowager Countess, Wilhelmina Mina Redstone, who was horribly abused by her deceased previous husband the elder Earl Charles Redstone. Now her daughter-in-law Lily sees how miserable Mina is and wants to see her happy. Which is an unusual relationship considering her husband Mason was supposed to marry Mina previously, after his elder brother who was Mina’s betrothed died. His father tried to force Mason to marry Mina, but he ran off to enlist in the Army to avoid the marriage since he had been in love with his childhood sweetheart Lily. However Charles married Mina expecting this young wife to bear lots of children the only reason he married Mina. Yet Charles abused her horribly every time she lost a child.
Duncan Alexander James MacLeish, Laird of Kilduggan in Scotland, needs a rich heiress to help save his castle and his clan, so he wouldn’t end up in debtors' prison. He was a beast of a man with a gentle soul. He was surprised he was chosen but quickly realized his wife had been horribly abused with an addiction to landelum to help her migraines. This was all from the after effects of her abusive first marriage. He is instantly attracted to Mina and starts falling in love with very quickly, but also realized she had been abused and still lives with the nightmares of that life.
Now even though Mina was learning to trust Duncan she was plagued with horrible nightmares with her deceased first husband. Unfortunately her husband's brother Callum thinks that Mina is unstable and needs to be sent away hearing her screams at night and other physical effects. Yet Duncan won’t share why thinking it would be betraying Mina’s trust which had been very difficult to gain in the first place. The one person in her corner is Callum’s wife Flora and their two young children, Jamie and Shona.
Will Mina ever be able to let go of her abusive past and move on with her kind Scottish husband? Will his brother convince Duncan to send his wife away? Do Duncan and Mina have a chance of a happy future? Will Mina ever have the children she dreams about? Read and find out.
This is my first book by Emily Royal but it definitely won’t be the last. This book was a definite heartstring puller that I absolutely loved. Between all the horrific nightmares from Mina’s dead ex-husband and her laudanum addiction with Duncan’s unconditional love toward his wife, you can’t help but feel so much empathy toward her. Duncan was a beast of a man with a tender heart that I absolutely loved. I also absolutely fell in love with Duncan’s niece! A book I highly recommend. I am definitely going to read Mason and Lily’s story next!
This is a book I highly recommend.
Disclaimer: I recieved an Advance Reader Copy from Dragonblade publishers. I voluntarily agreed to do an honest, fair, review and blog through netgalley. All words, thoughts and ideas are my own.
Buy Links:
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cripplemagics · 1 year
Hey there! I hope yesterday was a great day for you. I was so excited when I read that you got a record player and your fave stim toy! I hope it still works as good as it did when you were small. What I wanted to say is that I value you so much as a person, I love seeing Jay and you on the dash so much. You are doing great. Here is a heart because it's Christmas and I love you. <3
uwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you so much! it does! the stim toy, i mean. my mom was super concerned i wouldn't wanna use it cos it's practically brand new and most of my sensory memories are from after i had it for a decade plus. but i mean, it feels the same to me. i obviously loved it as a baby too. it has this big cloth tail that my brothers would lay over my eyes if i (in hindsight) got overstimulated visually and was crying. works like magic. hence the nickname i gave it, magic bunny. god i went like, full kid mode again yesterday. i ran to my room and started showing all my other stuffed animals that i had it again and showing it how my room changed since i lost it originally and i've not let go of it since. it feels surreal. i'm afraid i'm gonna wake up and it won't be there. >.<
that isn't even why you sent this oml. you probably didn't want to read all that XD i'm so honored and flabbergasted that you love jay and their story and. . . man idk what to say. just. . . thanks. >.< thank you a lot. and thank you for deciding to release your book as an Ebook too!! i have trouble reading certain fonts, so its much easier for me to read on my phone or ipad. though, i'll probably still buy a physical copy to show off to people. i'm a proud friend. :3
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Creating Wealth Rehabbing Properties
When I was growing up and about to graduate, I wondered what path to take as I entered the life of leaving mom and dads house and making it on my own. It was always a dream of mine, like everyone to become wealthy and be my own boss. So in my last year in high school, I got into a work for credit program that allowed me to get out of school early and go to work for school credit. I was given a job painting the inside of vacant properties at an apartment complex for a general contracting company. Like all jobs, I started at the bottom of the scale and was a trim man (painting the doors, windows and baseboards with a brush) following behind a spray man. He was a higher paid person and basically ran our crew for the G.C.
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This is when my entrepreneur spirit was born. I quickly made friends with this spray man and he eagerly taught me how to paint with an airless paint sprayer. I was then given a raise from $5.00 per hour to $7.00 and they set me up with my own crew. It was here that I started to learn the pricing structure, the estimating techniques and how and where to get deals on materials and cheaper labor. Within a year or so, I started my own painting and remodeling company and began getting contracts to paint and remodel houses and apartments. I found that I was really making quite a bit of money, and little did I know at the time that I was setting a lifelong path of making money through rehabbing properties.
After a few more years in the business, I started to get big commercial jobs like Fidelity National Banks, Publix Distribution Center, MCI, part of the 1996 Atlanta Games etc.
It had become that I no longer could be physically working on the job, I now had to be the general contractor and oversee all aspects of the job myself. My finding was that a general contractor got the contracts, ran the job and labor, handled the materials and pocketed as much as 50% of the money charged for the job. The rest he paid out in labor and materials. What a great concept of making money! I would continue to get the jobs and hire out the labor and pocket huge dollars while other people did the work!!!
Well as I had come full circle in learning the ropes of rehabbing, my brother had bought some books and tapes at a seminar and coaxed me into fixing up the properties that he was buying. We quickly found that the real estate business and the property rehab business was a no brainer and started our real estate investing career by joining forces and a company to buy, fix up and sell properties full time.
By sending in copies of profit checks to the person whose books and tapes my brother had bought, he immediately got us involved in the business of teaching people how to buy, fix up and sell properties making huge profits all over the country. That is what started the teaching aspect of our real estate investing careers over 15 years ago. After buying almost everyone’s books and tapes systems that ever came down the pike, we now had become respected teachers of the trade and for the past seven years have shared the stage with almost all of the well known authors and lecturers on seminar circuits and national conventions. Also for the past seven years we had been contracted by the big names to teach Foreclosure-Rehab Bootcamps to thousands of students nationwide. But my favorite thing that I do is speaking to real estate investment clubs. I remember being involved and listening to real people in the club that had been using the techniques and actually making money in real estate…
No matter what strategy of real estate investing you are doing, wholesale properties, foreclosures or any other, the most common place that people reduce their profits is in the fix up or rehab. Most people do not have the knowledge to estimate damage or cost of repairs. They have to depend on the contractor and hope that the costs and repairs are reasonable and can be done without taking the majority of the expected profits.
Well this is where my expertise is it’s keenest. I over the past 15 years or more have developed a way to teach anyone the in and outs of rehabbing properties for profit. It is possible to lower your rehab costs by 50% to 75% less than the going rates.
You can act as your own general contractor and oversee your own jobs. If you are handy, you will be able to save a lot of money by do it yourself techniques. If you are not, there are several ways that you can hire out subcontractors and semi skilled labor yourself for a great savings in either cash in your pocket or equity in your property. Learning how and where to get contractor discounts is a must for any investor. Being able to do simple estimating on your own proves to be a great way of comparing estimates you get from your contractors. You can save money by pulling your own permits when applicable. Even knowing what day is best to rent equipment from a tool rental yard can save you hundreds of dollars.
Learn to run every property you do by acting as your own general contractor. In most cases not only will it increase your profits thousands of dollars in profit or equity, but you can pay yourself a salary or fee to run the job also. Just remember more money is lost in the fix up of a property than most other factors. So my suggestion is to educate yourself in all aspects of the fix up of properties. It is an absolute must for seasoned or new investors alike. This can increase the profit in any property from hundreds to thousands of dollars.  Every rehab technique that is a cost cutter puts cash in your pocket that would otherwise end up in someone else’s. Keep it in your pocket…it’s your money!
Learn more about investing in real estate by visiting my website at PeteYoungs.com
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modestandminimal · 2 years
Things I won’t buy in 2023
Every year, I make a list of items I won’t buy, and every year , I fail. No matter how much minimalism videos I watch , somehow, the urge to shop and buy just creeps in. But alas, trying is always better than quitting. Here is my list of things I will not purchase this 2023.
1. Make up - I already have a whole drawer of possibly every shade that I like. And when you truly think about it, I always lean towards the same shade when I purchase lipsticks or blush. I will only buy when I need to replace the ones that I have in case I ran out.
2. Skin care - Let’s face it, I am the laziest person who couldn’t care less about one’s skin. I know that I should really try to incorporate this into my daily routine. I buy lotion and creams but I’m just rushing my way out to the bathroom. This 2023, I should use them all up!
3. Clothes - The only shop I buy clothes from is UNIQLO. They got me all wrapped up with their minimalistic style and comfortable clothes. My entire closet is almost, if not all, made up of UNIQLO blouses, pants etc. The thing is, UNIQLO hardly ever change the style of their clothes. I *think* I pretty much have everything I need to mix and match and just like with skin care, I couldn’t be bothered by fashion.
4. Shoes- This 2022, I got 3 new sneakers. It wasn’t intentional, but one trendy style after another, and I was hooked. Given that these were gifts from my husband, at the end of the day, his savings are my savings as well. I think having three new sneakers this year is enough.
5. New Tech - ever fast-changing tech and gadgets make consumers keep buying. I still use an iPhone 11- which my husband bought me December 2020 and it is still working just as well as the day that I got it. I purchased an iPad 9th gen last December 2021 together with an apple pen that I use for work. This year, I purchased a kindle (best decision I ever made) and I also purchased a z  flip from a friend to help her out. Needless to say, I am pretty much covered already when it comes to tech . I am hoping companies will continue to support updates on older phone models so consumers don’t change their phones right away. 
6. Books - Buying a kindle this year has pushed me to read 61 (!!!!) novels this year. My toxic trait however , was buying physical copies of the books I loved. Sometimes, the thrill of going to the bookstore and purchasing new books also got the best of me. I now have an upper shelf that has about 4 stacks of books and a book shelf with even more books. (not to mention, more books around the rest of the house). I think it’s truly time to appreciate going digital in this sense. I love reading with my kindle and I love that even at night, when it’s all dark, my kindle is there so I can read under the sheets. Next year, I will try my very best to just use my kindle. I will still probably go to the bookstore to look at titles though. I do have once exception for physical books though- The Mina Lima edition of my favorite Harry Potter book- The Prisoner of Azkaban . 
7. Toys - I spent less on toys this year and even sold some this year. Frankly, I no longer have the space to accommodate useless stuff. I did receive toys this year though as gift from my friends and students. I think the only ones I purchase this year was the bearista bears from Starbucks! Hopefully they will not come up with cute and tempting designs this year. I shall resist and think 3 x before I purchase!
Well, there you have it. I find that contentment and gratefulness are my partners in my goal of living a simple and minimal life.  Maybe I will write a part 2, if I think of more things to add. For now, this will do. Goodluck self!
0 notes
aetheve · 2 years
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ꏍ gn reader! x riddle rosehearts, leona kingscholar, azul ashengrotto, vil schoenheit, kalim al-asim, idia shroud, and malleus draconia. ᨒ
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pinching his cheek when he's concentrating.
"yn, what are you doing?" riddle frowned, his hand lifted to swat yours away. "i'm sorry, you just look so adorable when concentrated!" you smiled, leaning on your now free hand to admire him. "i'm sorry... adorable?" he shook his head, his face red out of surprise of your reply. "yes! adorable!" you hummed with a wink.
receiving headpats during each break.
"okay, that wraps up studying for history." riddle sighed. you could see a longing for sleep in his eyes, despite this he gave you a smile. "how much longer?" you groaned, head falling onto your arms rested on the desk. "just a general review after this." riddle, gently, lifted your head to look at him. without hesitation he patted the top your head twice, "you're doing great."
having to check on him every five minute incase he fell asleep.
"kingscholar? hey, wake up, stupid!" you threw one of your crumpled papers at leona, reaching to shake him awake. "i thought we agreed on leona." he spoke gruffly, he moved to look you in the eye but didn't lift his head from the desk. "fine, leona, get up we have to work."
having to shut him up with food so that he'd stop complaining.
"leona, shut up, please!" you buried your face in your palms, massaging your temples. "but, nn, im hungry?" he joined you in mock distress. "here, i made you this, now please. you're giving me a migraine." as if he were a little kid in a candy shop, he grabbed the small lunchbox excitedly. your food distracting him from causing a further ruckus.
betting on who will get a better grade.
"okay… well i bet that i will get at least 5 percent higher than you." azul placed his hand on the table, as if to say 'final offer.' "hmmm.. okay!' you grinned holding your hand out, " loser buys lunch for one month and buys the winner whatever they want from sam's whenever! deal?" slowly azul copied your action, shaking your hand, "deal."
giving up on your work and just eating gummy bears.
"we'll get it eventually." azul slouched in his seat throwing a gummy bear in his mouth. "yea, we have week," you copied his action. "there is still hope for us." "should we bother jade and ask him for help?" you suggested. "why are we still here?"
judging the other students in the library.
“yn.” “yes what is it, my love?” vil leaned towards you, looking at a table across from you, “they are so using the wrong shade foundation just look at them!" "uhh, looks fine to me.." "well not to me, we can't stay in this area for much longer, let's go to pomefiore." he packed up quickly like speed itself on the way out, glaring at the person he spat, "– where they know how to do makeup."
making a rainbow out of his large post it collection.
"baby, look at this!" you sang showing off your colorful creation to your focused lover. "that... we aren't supposed to be working on that right know, dear." "i know but we're studying physical education, vil. physical education."
playing through the bookshelves.
"oh! i found the book first!" kalim announced happily. you split the books so that you could see him properly. "finders keepers, baby!" you snatched the book from him and ran to a hiding spot. you gave a sigh of relief, leaning back against shelf. "hey" kalim came into view, taking the book and placing a quick kiss on your lips. "you really climbed the bookshelf, kalim?!"
drawing smiley faces on one another's paper.
you sighed, looking up at kalim. you'd been in this library since school ended and you're still here hours later. he was concentrated on his paper so instead of distracting him you decided to doodle small things on your paper. mistakenly you drew on his, to which he drew on yours. that was the start of an unspoken battle, which would result in point reduction.
getting distracted by him playing osu.
the bright lights on his screen were distracting, just as much as the annoying clicking sound of his mouse. "idia, that isn't–" he tossed a notebook to you, interrupting your lecture to come. "already finished.."
trying to have self control but failing and playing videogames.
you stared at you book, resisting the urge to pick up your phone and just taking a break. it as impossible your boyfriend was already done and doing what he wants. "idia, can you help me?" you groaned falling back onto your beanbag. "uhh, we don't have the same classes?" "oh yea, so you know how you agreed to help me with this level...?"
listening to him read his corrections of the lesson.
"if you recall when vargas stated that the first magift game was held..? yes, well he was wrong." you raised an eyebrow at him in fake shock. "i know. it was actually held a couple hundred years ago, i attended." "oh, did you, mally?" "yes, i did, i just said that. anyway, it was the talk of the land–"
getting quizzes from him with the actually correct answers, not what was taught.
"malleus, i don't know any of this–" "but you should. this shows me what you know." "but, it already said i don't know any of it?" "you're brain knows more than you think it does." "uh-huh, what's next? yoga?"
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glilboy · 3 years
Ateez reactions to finding you reading smut about them: Hyung line
ive had this idea for awhile and even requested it a few times from other writers but..i felt it was time to write it lol
tws under the cut
warning, this piece of fiction contains mentions of somnophilia, slight dom and sub dynamics, and general explicit topics.
You had attempted to stay up waiting for Hongjoong, deciding to reread one of your favorite stories in the mean time. Unfortunately that wasnt enough to keep you awake, you ultimately passing out and your phone tumbling onto the floor.
Hongjoong had a feeling you'd passed out since you didnt message him any "i miss you :(" texts after 11pm so seeing you knocked out on the couch was no surprise. He slowly padded over to you smiling softly, then noticing your phone on the floor and went to pick it up for you. He was never the kind to go through your phone but your smart self had no shut down timer which left the fan fiction on display for him.
He couldnt help but be curious seeing paragraphs of text and decided a little reading would do no harm. As he began to read though he felt his gut sweep, in a good way. He was honestly a little upset until he saw his name but when he read his name it was like all of exhaustion disappeared. Luckily he didn't have work the next day he thought to himself.
Sitting down on the couch with a plan he slowly nudged you awake. "Hi dear," he spoked softly with a smirk.
You rubbed at your bleary eyes and looked up at him, "Oh hi Joongie. Sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep." He smiled even bigger at you.
"Thats fine, it helped me find out something fun," he tucked your hair behind your ear. Still waking up you made a small "huh?" before seeing the phone in his hand.
"Oh..." you mumbled, starting to be awake enough to get it. You finally looked at him straight on and saw his signature devilish grin.
He moved his hand to slowly move up your thigh, giving it a small squeeze which elicted a sigh out of you. "Didn't think you'd read stuff like that Y/N, but I guess you're just full of surprises huh doll," the pet name made you shiver, Hongjoong never having used that one before.
"I'm sorry Joongie," you mumbled into your arm, face now red. His hand moving up to cup your core and grind his hand into it making you whimper softly.
"Oh dont be sorry dolly, just shows me that you really miss me."
Saying Seonghwa was caring was an understatement in a way. Despite his busy schedule he made it a point to showed he cared in different ways. One thing he always did was if you left your phone out at all he would put it on the charger for you. Small things!
Today though he had come home earlier than usual while you were taking a quick shower. Seeing your phone on the counter he waltzed over setting his stuff down to throw it on the charger even if it wasn't that low. He noticed you left it on, open to a book he assumed enough.Him being the lovely man he is he wanted to read a bit to see what you liked and possibly buy you a physical copy. Written porn with his name in it though was not what he was expecting.
Seonghwa gulped, setting down your phone with his hands shaking and his face now flushed pink. He took a deep breath and set down his bag, running his fingers through his hair now being surprisingly worked up. A part of him felt embarrassed for being turned on by the writing but at the same time he knew you didn't read it for no reason.
"Hwa! You're home early hello!" You ran up to him giggling, now clean and dressed in some sweats.
"Hey babe, yeah we got let out early cause we learned the new choreography fast enough. They asked us if we wanted to do more vocal practice but none of us did," He laughed, trying to shift his legs to hide his slight erection.
"None of you stay late ever," you giggled sarcastically up at him. "Well, I was gonna take a nap. Do you want to? I'm sure you're tired."
He nodded softly and took your hand walking to your guys bedroom talking about your day. He changed himself into more comfortable clothing then joined you in bed, you curling into him quickly. Once you settled Seonghwa felt he could actually breathe, feeling like a middle schooler just for getting more worked up from having you close. He heard your breath settle which is when he shifted away a bit from you.
"Fuck..." He mumbled, having the space now laying on his back to palm himself over his erection. Looking over at your sleeping face made it worse, the piece you had opened having involved somnophilia. One thing he never had the guts to suggest to you despite having such an open relationship.
He didn't notice your eyes flutter open at the movement. You only just fell asleep so you were in no means in too deep. You decided to play it though, closing your eyes and throwing a leg over his waist as if you were just adjusting in your sleep.
He inhaled a sharp breath and bit his lip now mildly frustrated at the whole situation. Mumbling a fake sleepy "Hwa" you moved to straddle the man hearing a childish sigh escape his lips.
"If you keep moving, I swear to god," He mumbled out loud thinking youre still asleep since you had always been a chaotic sleeper.
"And what will you do about it horny kid," you giggled against his neck. You could feel his body tense.
"Go back to sleep and I'll fuck you like your sick little fantasy, how about that hm?"
Rain was beating against the window as you cuddled up on the couch with your phone in hand. Yunho was on the other side of his personal office playing video games. It was a chill day but something in the air was setting you slightly off the edge.
Besides the sweet glances and cheesy smiles thrown at each other, your screen was very much the opposite of innocent pure love. Getting indulged in the story you started to zone in, missing some of his looks making Yunho curious as to what your interest was delved into currently.
"Be right back guys," he said into the mic mischievously. Quickly making his way over he slipped the phone out of your hand, this behavior wouldve typically been fine but because of the contents on your screen you gasped and reached out for your phone. "You doing something naughty or do you just like acting suspicious?" he grinned before looking at your phone.
His face feel reading the paragraph of a particularly nsfw scene. You were now sitting up staring at him wide eyed, "yuyu please oh god its not what you think, i think." Silence filled the room, the only noises being the sound of his running pc and the dull chatter of the other boys.
"Do you read this often?" he said out of hesitation and pure curiosity, almost feeling that he violated your private space. He kind of got the gist of it all right away, thankfully for your sake.
"Not all the time but i mean, you are busy yunho," you tried to softly explain knowing this was odd territory.
"Do you...ever want to try it," he says, getting to the end of the page and looking at you.
"I can't say that..none of them aren't, nice," the air was filled with an awkward energy that could suffocate another person if they came in at such a weird time.
The two of you stood there for a second, until he moved towards you and took your hand. He placed it on his bulge and you sucked a breathe in.
"Take off my pants," he ordered, a strange harsh tone to his voice. For you guys there was never set roles, not any dom or sub dynamic but it wasnt vanilla per say so him speaking like this was new. Besides that, you did as he said and pushed your thumbs under the waistband of his sweats, pulling them down his legs.
Silently he took your hand then sat down on his gaming chair, pulling out his large cock. He slipped on his headphones before looking up at you with a shit eating grin.
"Sit down, i can tell youve been dying too babe."
You were waiting for yeosang to come home after a shorter than usual practice, deciding to pass the time by indulging in your secret world. In the midst of browsing your favorite blogs you didn't hear the door open, this event made you learn not to have headphones in when participating in such activities.
Walking in, Yeosang looked around for you and spotted your figure on the couch. He slowly moved near with a secret motive of scaring you when he glanced at your phone seeing a photo of him paired with a lot of writing. Tilting his head curiously he squinted to read the text, reading along with you until his face flushed.
Sucking in a breath slightly he moved back to the door, playing off him just entering. You noticed his figure walking towards you and sneakily turned off your phone and got up to greet him.
"Hey babe, it's nice to see you in the sunlight," you giggled and wrapped your hands around his waist. You noticed him hesitantly wrapping his arms around you, causing you to pull away.
"Hey, whats up? you seem a bit off?" you pouted and brushed the hair out of his eyes, not catching the little blush.
"Yeah yeah babe, I'm fine. promise," he cleared his throat and pulled away, making your heart sink a bit. He practically completely ignored what you actually said.
"No Yeo, I- did I do something wrong? Or just a long day?" you pried knowing something was up.
Shifting awkwardly on his feet he looked up at you, his hair back in his face. "I um, saw what you were reading."
The color drained from your face, mouth slightly hanging not knowing what to say. You thought he was pissed, was going to leave and break up with you but right when you were about to talk he spoke again.
"C-can we do that?"
A moment of silence passed and you looked up at him, your boyfriend who was typically very soft and gentle in bed. Knowing what you were reading was likely pretty heavy in his book, you became worried. "Yeo, I just read it. It means nothing I don't want to make you uncomforta-"
His lips cut yours off and one hand entangled in your hair, his other guiding you to the wall by your hip. Back flush against the way you pulled away after a moment to see his eyes wide and sweat already beading down his temple.
"I've wanted to do that, just didn't want to scare you dear."
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
4 weeks - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, needy Bakugou, 18+, sub!bakugou, dom!f!reader, oral, use of viagra, NOT SPELL CHECKED (sorry >w<)
Summary: Bakugou done fucked up and now he has to pay the price..sorta
A/N: just for the sake of the story, your quirk is “Command.” As long as you come into physical contact with your opponent, even for a second, you can command them to do your bidding until you say “rebel.”
You could’ve sworn the whole house, scratch that, the whole world shook as Bakugou screamed at you.
Bakugou had fucked up. During a little heated session, things got a little too rough. As Bakugou was railing you from the back, he tugged at your hair. However, along with your soft locks, he pulled on your thin necklace chain that was gifted to you by your precious 5 year old son. The chain broke and Bakugou didn’t even tell you. He opted to have you both finish before he even mentioned the broken gift.
And now it was the next day and Katsuo, your son, had noticed the missing necklace. It did hurt him a bit especially considering he did so much to earn money and go with grandma to buy the necklace but he assured you it was okay. You sent him off to his room to play as you walked to the kitchen to scold and punish your husband. As you complained to him, he conversed with you as his back was facing you and only turned when he heard your punishment for him.
“You heard me. 4 weeks. No sex, no touching, no hugs or kisses, no nothing. No. Physical. Contact.” You said with a stern and nonchalant face. Your arms were crossed as you faced your husband who looked at you with an open mouth and open palms.
“Wha- but- WHY???” He whined.
“Katsuki come on! You broke my very expensive necklace!” You said, gesturing to your now bare neck.
“Who cares if it was expensive, I could buy you another one! We’re pros Y/N, we could buy a unicorn if we wanted!” Bakugou argued as he was still trying to get out of his punishment. You only crossed your arms and pressed your fingers into your forehead.
“That’s not the point! It’s the fact that even though it was so expensive, our 5 year old son still bought it! And so because you broke it, this is your punishment.” You explained. Bakugou groaned as he threw his head back and huffed towards the ceiling when an idea came to his mind.
“You know..” he began as he walked towards you, “I broke that necklace, on accident, because I was so focused on pleasuring my queen. Anndddd I could make it up to you in the exact same way~” He attempted to wrap his arms around your waist but you spun around and stepped behind him resulting in him stumbling forward. He turned towards you and growled.
“Really Katsuki? You’re gonna snarl at me? Look, you know the rules, so follow them. Now I’m going with Katsuo to get him a new toy to cheer him up, you just...heh, sit in your room and think about what you’ve done.” You teased. You grabbed your purse and had Katsuo get ready. Once he was done you told him to get into the car and you walked to Katsuki to say bye. You smirked as you looked at him and pressed your hands against his chest. You slowly went in for a kiss and Bakugou looked at you in shock before he smirked and leaned in too. But just as your lips were about to touch, you pulled away and walked to the door. As you opened it you turned to him and spoke.
“No kisses. Remember?” You grinned at him. He snarled and picked up a pillow off the couch and threw it towards you but you shut the door before it could reach you. This was gonna be a long 4 weeks for Katsuki.
Katsuki awoken to his gorgeous wife....sleeping on the other side of the bed far..far away from him. No touching meant no sleepy time cuddles either. It had already been like this for a week. He looked a little closer at her sleeping figure and smiled at her peaceful state. He scooted closer and he tucked his head into your neck and wrapped his arm around your waist. Or more like he tried to. The second his arm made contact with your body for cuddles, you woke up and smacked his hand away.
“Ah! Y/N!! This isn’t fair!” He whined. He looked at his arm and saw a little red shade forming as he pouted at you. You turned towards your doting husband and just gave him a stern look.
“Who broke my necklace?” Bakugou sighed and flopped onto the bed on his back as he faced the ceiling.
“And now who has to pay the price?”
“Me.” He pouted again. You chuckled as you got up and stretched.
“Stop pouting Suki. You’re not Katsuo.” You giggled but he only looked at you with the same pout.
“He’s my carbon copy, we’re basically the same person.” You smiled at your humorous husband and he smiled seeing the grin that bestowed your face. You kneeled on the bed and leaned into him. You placed your hands on his chest as you got close to his face.
“You’ll survive, Love.” You said and then gave him a loving kiss. His eyes went wide at the surprise contact but he quickly smiled into the kiss and returned it as he shut his eyes to enjoy it. You intensified the kiss but when Katsuki went to pull you in closer by your neck, you quickly backed away. He looked at you in shock before whining again.
“Okay, first of all, I thought you said no touching.” He growled as he clenched his fist.
“I said you couldn’t touch. Never said anything about me,” you said with a cocky grin. Bakugou’s face went red at your devious actions.
“Okay well what the fuck? You can’t just kiss me like that and stop after I already went a whole week without touching you. Come back here,” he said as he tried to grab onto your wrist but you backed up and walked to your bedroom door.
“Get ready for the day love, this is just the beginning.”
Mitsuki and Masaru had just arrived. Katsuki was sitting on the couch trying to distract himself with the TV while you were in the kitchen making a smoothie when door bell rang. You opened the door greeting your in-laws with love and expectance.
“Hi Mom! Dad! Come in! Katsuo is almost done packing his bags,” you happily said as you stepped to the side to allow your mother and father in law to enter.
“Umm, what? Why is my son packing his bags?” Katsuki asked as he stood from the couch.
“Y/N didn’t tell you? We called a few nights ago asking to bring Katsuo on a trip. She said yes and told us she’d tell you about it later,” Masaru explained. Katsuki jerked his head towards Y/N in disbelief as she placed her hand on the side of cheek and spoke.
“Oops! I guess I forgot,” you said with sarcasm dripping in your voice. Mitsuki and Masaru believed you but when they turned to face their son again your mischievous grin returned as you also faced Katsuki. He was silently fuming as he watched you go from angel to devil in a second.
“Ah well, who cares. Point is, we’re here to pick up my grandson!” Mitsuki said as she took a seat on the couch. You all made small talk but Katsuki continued to stand as he processed just how conniving his wife was.
“Mama! I’m all set!” Katsuo said as he came down the stairs with his little suitcase and teddy bear in hand.
“Hi baby! Grandma and Grandpa are already here,” you said and Katsuo excitedly ran to his grandparents.
“Grandma! Grandpa!” Katsuo said as he jumped into their arms.
“Ohh, hello my little firecracker!” Mitsuki said, greeting her grandson. “Ready for a vacation in Rio?”
“Mhm!” Katsuo quickly replied but Katsuki just stuttered in shock before he spoke again.
“Woah- wait? Rio? You’re taking him to Brazil? That’s across the globe, how long are you guys gonna be gone?” Katsuki asked with concern. Not for his son, he completely trusted his parents with his child and he knew they would have fun. He was worried for himself. Taking care of Katsuo was a distraction for Katsuki. Watching his son kept his mind off of wrecking Y/N. If his son was away for too long, he didn’t know how long he would survive his punishment.
“We’ll be gone for about 3 weeks. Don’t worry, we’ll be back before you know it.” Masaru said.
“Wha- huh? 3 WEEKS?! .....Y/N you little satan,” he whispered the last part. He turned to face you and saw a Cheshire grin on your face. His face turned red and you swore you could see steam leave Katsuki’s ears but you continued as if everything was normal.
“Alright well, we’ll be going now!” Mitsuki said as she stood alongside her husband. Katsuo said his partings with his parents and they said their “I love you’s” before their son walked out the door with his grandparents. Katsuo was about to have the time of his life while Katsuki was left to suffer.
Y/N was seated on the couch as Katsuki was still seething. She held a grin on her face as Katsuki slowly turned to look at her.
“You got some explaining to do, princess,” he said adding poison to the loving nickname. You only smiled some more as you stood and walked to your husband. He towered over you but right now, you were above him because you held all the power now. You got in his face as you spoke words that would set him off.
“Whatchu’ gonna do now without your little distraction running around, daddy?” You softly but sinisterly and seductively said as you chuckled and purposely bumped into his shoulder as you walked away.
Bakugou has slowly been losing his mind. He was on the last day of the second week and it’s been killing him. When he sat down he would spazz a little and his fingers would be having a little seizure. His eye would twitch at night as he kept his back to you to restrain himself. The soft quiet moans you would release in your sleep every now and then would send Bakugou into the bathroom in the middle of the night to relieve himself. Just the sight of you was daring Bakugou to pounce.
You weren’t making it any easier for him either. First you send his son AKA his distraction from his hot wife away, then you tease him constantly, you also allow yourself to touch him but refuse to let him cop a feel on you, and now, you walk around after work in his t-shirt and a pair of cute panties. Your plump ass on display and the sight of your plush thighs drove him wild.
You were sipping tea in the kitchen when your frantic husband came in. You took notice of him and greeted him with a smile before it quickly dropped at the sight of him. He looked awful. Bags under his eyes, a twitching eye, a crooked line for a smile, disheveled hair, and his posture was horrendous. He took a seat next to you saying nothing as he just tapped his foot against the floor.
“Umm...baby? Are you okay-“
“NO! I’m not! I’m not okay, not at all!” He snapped as he looked at you with wide eyes. You stared back at him with the same eyes as you slowly took another sip before continuing.
“What’s the problem, love?” You asked as if you didn’t know.
“What’s the problem?” He began with a whisper. “What’s the problem?! Oh, like you don’t know you TEASE!” Bakugou stood from his seat as he clapped his hands to dramatically to explain.
“HOR-NY!” He said as he brought his hands together for each sound. “I am insanely horny, you shitty woman! I can’t get myself off, I don’t have my son around to keep me busy, work is just annoying now, and my fine ass wife won’t let me touch her!”
You laughed a little as he explained and Katsuki had his jaw dropped at your rude behavior.
“You’re laughing? Oh you think this is funny? Oh okay,” he said and walked away.
“WHEN THIS BULLSHIT IS OVER, YOU’RE SUCKING MY DICK Y/N!” He slammed the door to your shared bedroom but he screamed loud enough for you to hear all the way from the kitchen. “ON SOFT!”
The end of the third week. It was almost too much for Katsuki. Katsuo would be back in another week but it would be pointless because the punishment would be over by then. I mean yeah, he’d get to have his son back again (yayy familyyy) but when Katsuo would be back, Katsuki would be completely indulging himself in Y/N. How the fuck were they supposed to keep quiet?
Whatever though. Katsuki had no time to think of the future. He was living in the now, and so he had to come up with a plan to get Y/N to break. In the beginning of the 4th week, Katsuki spent time and time again tweaking his plans and coming up with new tactics until he realized....his damn wife was just as stubborn and hard headed as he was. Nothing was gonna break her. And so we’ve been led to this.
Bakugou resorted to being a puppy that basically had separation anxiety. He would yell and shout and whine at every chance he had. He would do whatever if it meant getting you to break. He missed you. The last time you made physical contact with him was during that kiss and man did it send Katsuki into a frenzy.
Considering Katsuki’s quirk contained nitroglycerin, a chemical commonly found in viagra, it was safe to say it was very easy for you to rile him up. And as he thought about that, it hit him like a train. If he can’t go to you, then he’ll make you come to him. He’ll set you up and he knows exactly how to do it.
Bakugou left the bedroom and ran down the stairs to find you in the living room. You were cozied up with yourself under a blanket that covered your booty shorts that you wore. You were entranced by the story of a book as you allowed the TV to play at a low volume for background noise and Bakugou’s heart swelled at such a domesticated moment. “Hi baby.”
You looked up to your husband and rolled your eyes with a smile as you looked at him. You wondered what trick he had up his sleeve this time around. “Hey. You need something?” You asked.
“Mm mm,” he shook his head with a soft smile, how cute. “Just was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me. Get some snacks, sit in bed, and just enjoy some time together.”
You smile grew wider at the thought of a little date night in your shared bedroom and you were quick to agree to his offer. “I’ll get the snacks,”
“No don’t worry about. I’ll get it. I already have everything set up. Picked a movie and everything. All you have to do is just be there with me.” You awed at your husband’s kind gestures as you went up to peck his cheek.
“Thanks Suki!” You happily said as you walked away. Bakugou watched your form disappear into the master bedroom before he quickly ran through all the cabinets and fridge. He frantically looked for viagra but when he couldn’t find any he whipped out his phone. He called a number that he knew was going to be able to help him.
“Listen Dunce Face. Don’t ask any questions, just do as I say if you want to fucking live. I know you have female viagra on you and if you don’t, get your ass to the store right now and pick some up for me. Bring it to me ASAP!” He quickly said and hung up before giving Kaminari any time to reply. Bakugou slowly prepared snacks to eat and in 5 minutes a knock was heard on the door. He ran to it and opened the wooden piece to find a huffing electric blonde.
“I....I....I got it!” Kaminari tiredly breathed out as he held a bag over his head to show the items he brought. Bakugou snatched it out of his hand before giving a quick ‘thanks!’ To show his appreciation and slammed the door.
Katsuki took the pills out of its containers and crushed 2 into a powder. He mixed it in with your bottle of water and finally brought the snacks and drinks up to you. He walked in to find you waiting on the bed for him and you smiled at the sight of him. He placed the bags of junk on the bed as he quickly joined you until he realized something was off.
“Umm...Y/N?” You smiled as you knew what he was going to ask and considering you guys were gonna have a little movie date, you gave in.
“Fine.” You happily said as you gave in and Bakugou was quick to pull you into his arms and become the big spoon. He finally got to hold you after so many weeks but this was not his main goal. No he wanted much more. This was only a stepping stone to his victory.
The movie began and Bakugou had you cuddled in his arms. You were enjoying the warmth of your husband as your eyes were drawn to the screen and you couldn’t help but smile at these sweet intimate moments like this. Yeah. You’ve missed him over the past few weeks but a punishment is a punishment. So you decided to savor this time with him before going back to cutting off physical contact once more.
Time had passed and Bakugou watched as you picked at the snacks and swallow down sips of the contaminated water. He smirked every time you downed a gulp and now the best part was coming up. See, Bakugou chose everything so that he knew exactly how everything would turn out. With that being said, he chose a movie that he knew would help the viagra in your system to get you going.
The erotic scene played and Bakugou watched as you rubbed your thighs together for friction. You bit your lip from time to time to hold back a needy groan and you began feeling heat all over you. And it wasn’t coming from Katsuki. Seeing you in this state, Bakugou slowly went to place a hand on your bare thigh. You didn’t push him away and Bakugou grinned at the fact that you were breaking. He soothed and rubbed at your thigh as he would squeeze it every now and then as well. The whole time you were asking yourself why the explicit scene was so detailed and so long.
Out of nowhere, you felt Bakugou’s hand travel up your leg and to your core but just for a second. The teasing touch had you silently gasp and you craved for more. You turned to Bakugou to see he was leaning against the headboard and he would release a grunt every so often which didn’t help relieve your growing heat. He didn’t seem bothered by anything or affected at all as he watched the movie continue.
Enough was enough, you picked up the remote and turned off the TV. Bakugou turned to look at you with a raised brow but openly smirked once he saw you straddle his lap. You shamelessly began to grind yourself against his core as you both released sighs and moans at the friction. His hands went straight to your hips as he spoke.
“What’s wrong princess? What happened to my punishment?” He teasingly asked.
“Shut up,” was all that you said before you quickly dove in for a hungry kiss that Bakugou happily returned. It was all teeth and tongue as you both pressed against each other, grinding against one another’s clothed centers. Moans were released into the kiss as you began to undress yourself. You both pulled away for a second to remove your tops but quickly went back in for the kiss. You removed your shorts as Bakugou remained in his sweats. You were left in nothing but panties before Katsuki decided to rip those off.
“Katsuki...nobody said anything about you being able to touch me again,” you clarified with sharp eyes. Bakugou’s eyes went wide. He thought this was the end of the punishment. He thought you gave in.
“What do you-“
Before he could finish, you placed your hand on his shoulder and activated your quirk.
And just like that, Bakugou was out like a light. While he was unconscious, you took the opportunity to tie his wrists to the headboard using one of his dress ties. You removed his sweats and briefs as you allowed his member to stand tall. You stared at the red, angry tip that was drenched in pre-cum. You smirked as you sat yourself on his waist as your hand went to stroke his member the slightest bit. He moaned in his sleep and you giggled as you spoke again.
Bakugou slowly woke up, but once he fully came to, he was completely submerged in pleasure. His eyes were blessed with the view of your naked body, with a beautiful face that adorned a smirk. And he understood why you held the malicious smile. He groaned as he felt your pace at his dick speed up. You leaned down to his ear as Katsuki held heavy breaths with a flushed and red face.
“No touching, remember Suki?” You whispered as you then licked the shell of his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
“F-fuck! Fuck, Y/N please. Please just do something...Ahh~” You trailed your thumb up to his tip as you focused on it. The feeling sent Bakugou into heaven.
“Awww, you thought you could tell me what to do? If you didn’t notice, tonight, I’m in charge.” You said with a grin and devious eyes. Bakugou groaned even more as he waited for you to do..anything! “I’ll tell you what though, Suki. You have been pretty decent for the past few weeks so I’ll give you a little something. And maybe if you’re a good boy for me, I’ll let you have the main course.”
Bakugou watched as you stopped your hand movements and scooted back. You were face to face with his dick as you jerked him off some more. You held his member in your hand as you made eye contact with him. You licked the base of his cock all the way to the tip causing Bakugou to sigh and moan. You kissed the tip before taking it into your mouth and swirling your tongue around.
“Oh s-shit! Baby! Fuck-“
You went down on him one time and moaned around his cock, allowing the vibrations to have full affect on your trembling husband. You pulled off him with a pop as you smiled up at him.
“Oh I’m sorry. You wanted me to suck your dick on soft, right?...Mm, well it’s not my fault you can’t control your hard on.” You teased to which Bakugou growled at you. “Again with the snarling? That’s not what good boys do Suki. Good boys do what they’re told so they get to cum inside a pretty pussy~”
Bakugou perked up at the temptation. Cumming inside you. Breeding you. Pumping you full until you give him another brat. The thought of you walking around beautifully swollen with his kid drove him mad and desperate.
“Let me cum inside you Princess.” He asked with a soft but stern tone.
“Ah ah, you don’t get to tell me what to do. You’re not the one giving orders tonight, Katsuki. So listen up. I’ll go down on you for about 5 minutes. If you don’t come in those 5 minutes, I’ll let you cum inside. However, if you do, I’ll be leaving you here with a cock ring for the next few hours while I go and pleasure myself somewhere else. Understand?” You watched as he attempted to fight against his restraints.
“No.” He refused to give in. He turned his head down, avoiding your gaze and you sighed in return.
“Fine, I guess I’ll just have to take care of myself,” you said and slid off him. You were about to walk away before Bakugou called out for you.
“No wait!” You turned to him and gave a little curl with your lip. “Tch....please.” He said while blushing and staring off.
“Please what suki?” You said, acting dumb. Bakugou really didn’t wanna beg but he’s so close to getting what he’s been craving all month. Screw his damn pride. He was gonna get laid and he was gonna get it tonight!
“Please! ....Fuck me, touch me, suck my dick, let me cum inside you, do something to me! Please Y/N,” he begged. His member still stood erect and you smiled as you walked towards him.
“That’s my good boy,” you said as you caressed his jaw and gave him a quick and passionate kiss before moving down to suck him off. You kissed his tip multiple times before taking him in. He gasped and sighed at the contact and feeling of your warm cavern but he’ll be damned if he came undone in less than 5 minutes. He needed to cum inside your sweet little cunt and he was gonna do whatever it took to do so.
You bobbed your head at a steady pace causing Bakugou to plead for more. You swallowed his pre-cum, which left him gasping. Your hand went to fondle his balls as he fought against his restraints. He wanted to use his hands to take control but he couldn’t, not with them being tied up.
“P-please baby. Faster! Please!” He begged. And who were you to deny your good boy. You sped up your movements and moaned with his cock seated in your throat. “Ohh god! Yess!”
His legs shook as he was close to cumming. He looked at the time and saw he only had 1 minute left. Just 1 minute. Hold it in and he gets to cum inside you. However, he didn’t know you had a little trick up your sleeve.
When you walked away before, you grabbed a mini vibrator. Seeing he only had 1 minute left, you turned it on and placed it at the base of his cock while you sucked him off and moaned some more.
“F-fuck baby! S’too much! Stop- stop! ...ohh fuck I’m-I’m gonna cum!” Bakugou screamed with his head thrown back. He jerked his hips up as he attempted to fuck your mouth but you squeezed and scratched at his bare thighs to get him to stop. And finally, with your permission..
“You can cum now, good boy,”
He filled your mouth as he screamed in pleasure. His legs shook in pure ecstasy as he filled your mouth with his sweet-salty release. You pulled off him with a stuffed mouth and watched as his chest puffed up and fell down. He sighed before he looked at you with rosy cheeks. You smirked at him, opening your mouth to show him his work before swallowing it all. The erotic scene caused him to bite his lips and throw his head back as he puffed some more.
He can’t believe he was at his limit and all because of a blowjob. His dick grew soft but rose once more as vibrations came in contact with his shaft again. He flinched at the sudden feeling and looked at the cause of it and saw you holding the vibrator against him. “Baby? W-what? W-hy?”
“Aww Suki. Don’t you remember? It’s time to give you what you’ve wanted all month,” you smirked at him. His eyes went wide. How could he forget? He wanted to cum inside you so badly, but he didn’t know if he had any left. He didn’t know if he would be able to take it after his extreme climax.
“W-wait! Wait Y/N. I-..I need a break for a second. I can’t-“
“Excuse me?” You cut him off. “So you’re the only one that gets pleasure out of all this? I don’t think so.”
“No baby, that’s not what I meant. I just- it’s just...s’too much!” He cried out as he watched you hover over his erection. You lined his dick up with your entrance and smirked some more.
“You can handle it. I know you can. You’ll be my good boy and pleasure me too, right?” You sweetly said. Bakugou didn’t know what it was. He was never the submissive one but you calling him a ‘good boy’ did something to him. It made him want to completely submit to you and do whatever you pleased. You slammed down completely on his cock as you both cried out in pleasure.
“Fuck!” Bakugou screamed. You began a fast pace bouncing up and down on him. Your hands found placement on his bare chest as he threw his head back and made an abundant amount of noise. “Oh baby! Baby- slow down! F-fuck too much!”
“Mm..c’mon Suki..I thought you wanted this. Fuck- I thought you wanted..to be my good boy,” you teased while moaning. You held a devious grin as you rode him and he couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. Poor baby was so overstimulated.
Bakugou released sobs of pleasure but he enjoyed it all nonetheless. “S-shit! Oh my godd Katsuki! S-So big!”
“Ahh! Fuck! Y-Y/N..baby please! Let me touch you! Please!” Bakugou seethed out. He had his feet planted on the bed as he attempted to thrust up into you. You, growing a soft spot for the man below you, gave in.
“Heh...be a good boy and please me Suki.” You released his wrists from their ties as you never stopped your motions and his hands were quick to find home around your waist.
Bakugou was quick to take control and bounce you up and down on his shaft, controlling the pace. Now it was your turn to scream and cry in pleasure as Bakugou slammed you down on his cock while ramming up into you at the same time. He was going to be a good boy and please you.
“F-fucking shit! You like that? Huh?” He gave your ass a quick and hard smack before continuing. “You like the way my dick feels inside your sweet pussy?”
The pleasure was too much for you. You could barely form words as he catered to your body. His thrusts were beginning to bring you to your end as you felt the familiar tight feeling grow stronger in your stomach. You pussy clenched around his shaft as he released a gruff moan at the squeeze.
“Shit..you gonna cum baby? Gonna cum on my dick? ...fuck yess~ let me fill you up princess,” he said as his thrust grew sloppy. He was close to his end as well and you nodded in approval to his desire.
“Ka-Katsuki! I’m gonna cum..fuck baby I’m cumming!” Bakugou sped up the slightest bit to help you reach your climax until you finally came. You both released cried of euphoria as you both met your orgasms and met each other for a hungry kiss. At the same time, Bakugou stopped his thrusts as he shot his load in you, and a mix of your releases seeped out of your cunt. Your kiss was sloppy as your tongues fought for dominance. Bakugou let his hands travel to your ass where they helped you grind on his dick a little more and smacked it once again.
You both had moaned into the kiss until oxygen became necessary. You separated from each other with small pecks before finally stopping. Bakugou remained inside you as you settled into his chest. He had his arms wrap around you as you both spent time catching your breaths. Once you both finally settled, you bathed in the comforting feeling of the after sex glow and cuddled in a comforting silence. Bakugou had kissed the crown of your head before he spoke up and broke the quiet.
“So much for a punishment,” he teased. You looked at him with slanted eyes as a way of telling your husband to shut up but he only chuckled at you. He lifted your chin and brought your lips to meet his once more for a loving kiss before separating to tell you sweet words.
“I love you, princess.” He said with his husky voice.
“I love you too, Suki.” You sent your hand to intertwine with his and he gladly accepted. He was right though. So much for a punishment. Oh well, you’ll get him next time he fucks up.
A/N: EW THE ENDING WAS SO BAD!!!! WTFFFFF! Whatever. I hope you enjoyed it bear Cubs! I’m sorry I’ve been in my lil slump but I feel myself getting better and I’ll be back soon!💗🧸 And now...to start on the ninth chapter of my series. Yayyyyy😓
A/N: I think my favorite part is when Katsuki yells “Suck my dick!...on soft!” Cuz I be walking around and saying that to mfs who test me. If you disrespect me, SUCK MY DICK..ON SOFT! 🤣 am I a female? YES! But you will suck my soft non-existent dick if you decide to act like a prick for no apparent reason. Thank you!😂
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shego1142 · 2 years
Hmmm…. Can I make a post that’s probably going to upset people?
I’m not fakeclaiming (because I hate that so much)
But there are a lot of people who are using their autism diagnosis to bring down the autistic community and silence the voices of other autistic people
And you’d think we’d be fucking past that in the year 2022
But I keep seeing a lot of people saying things along the lines of
“If you like xyz then you’re a bad person! Even if you’re autistic and it’s your special interest! I’m autistic and when I have a problematic special interest I simply stop having that interest! UwU”
And then completely ignoring all the countless autistic people who explain that it doesn’t work that way for them.
I have “problematic” special interests that will not go away. They won’t stop, sometimes even if I am being harmed by them or by certain controversies surrounding them.
To stop having that special interest would stop me from being myself. Without my special interest and my ability to talk about and engage with said special interest, I am in both emotional and physical pain that drains me of my energy and general wellbeing.
Autism is a spectrum in that different aspects of it affect different people differently and whatever aspect special interests are, it affects me greatly.
And the same goes for thousands of other autistic peeps. 
For many many people, that means we can not “get rid of” a special interest. It’s there. Sometimes for a little while, sometimes for life.
That’s why I am so so so over “cringe culture.”
That’s why I’m unfollowing people who say “if you still like Harry Potter then you’re a bad person” or “read a better book”
There is not an interest an autistic person could have that would actually cause serious harm to others.
Interests are not actions you take. Interests are neutral, they can’t be inherently good or bad.
Autistic people who still like Harry Potter aren’t evil anti Semitic transphobic assholes, we’re fucking stuck with JKRoldemort breathing down our backs like some menacing monster.
We’re just as fucking pissed off, just as hurt, just as ostracised by her as everyone else (she’s super ableist too if everyone has just forgotten)
I’m trans. I have Jewish family members who also love HP like I do and many of them also have it as a special interest. I’m disabled both physically and neurodivergently.
I recognise that she is a shitty person and that her books aren’t always great. But it’s still a special interest of mine. I still love the fics and the fandom. I still love to watch the movies or reread my copies of the book.
And this isn’t just about HP, this is about literally any and every special interest ever.
Sure there are ways to reduce certain forms of harm that could potentially be done, you know, like pirating Disney shows, or not buying any officially licensed merch, etc.
All my books are bought from secondhand shops (in particularly one that supports my local library!) and when I have the $ to do so if I’m going to buy merch it will only ever be from individual small businesses ran by fans.
Like sure, watch where your money goes, yea that could be a good idea.
But honestly? Even that’s still exhausting and very fucking performative.
You’re not some holier than thou paragon of goodness just because you refused to read a book or a fic.
You’re not some amazing martyr because you’ve forced yourself to become smaller and are advocating for others to do the same.
Stop acting like you are.
And listen to people when we tell you we can’t do something or that it would cause us harm.
And if you’re sitting there, reading this and thinking “oh well my autism doesn’t affect me this way”
Then listen to me, because mine absolutely does affect me that way.
Either accept it and move on or block me and move on
but do not dare and try and tell me that I am not trying hard enough to be good enough to live up to the bullshit standards you’ve set for yourself.
I get that from neurotypical able body people enough as is and I am so sick of it.
I tried to make myself smaller, to tear myself down and hide my “upsetting” “problematic” “cringy” interests.
And I lost so much of myself in the process. I hurt myself because people on tumblr told me it was “what was right”
Fuck off.
I am not a bad person.
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Love in G Major
Dick Grayson x Reader One-Shot; Soulmate!Au
Word Count: 2,500+
Warnings: Kidnapping but nothing graphic happens
Author’s Note: Hey guys! This is my first time posting a fic so characters may be a little OOC. Please let me know if you guys liked this and if you want to, feel free to send a request! Also, I might make a series of Soulmate! Aus since I have a good idea for Jasons thought out. xo, Ariadne
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Summary: In a world where everyone has a soulmate, you’re one of the lucky ones to receive a physical sign of your soulmate in the form of a timer counting down to when you’ll meet. But after being kidnapped by the Riddler, hours before you’re supposed to meet them, you can only pray that the Riddler of all people isn’t your soulmate.
Five hours.
You swayed to the rich sound of your cello, eyes closed, as you shifted your hand down into fourth position. You rested for a beat before going down bow, still doing vibrato even after the piece was done. The audience waited for a sign that you were done with the piece, be it that your hand stopped moving or you physically stood up and told them to clap. Instead, you opened your eyes and smiled as the diners took their cue to start clapping before inclining your head in thanks as you waited for the applause to die down.
It was a normal Saturday at the small but expensive Italian restaurant you performed at. You weren’t supposed to be there since you had requested to take today off but the owner had still put you down to play during half of the two-hour live performance time slot. At the end of the day, money was money and who were you to ever say no to the thousands you always received in tips. After all, you could only think about the new bow you could buy with the money. Which would lead to you sounding better, getting more gigs, and making more money. The process was like a cycle, really.
After the applause stopped and those who were up putting money in your jar had sat down in their seats, you sat back down and started playing Bach’s Cello Suite No. 1, Prelude. You could hear the pianist who was supposed to take over for the rest of the night setting up, his hands flipping through his many copies of sheet music.
Aside from the sounds of cutlery and the wisps of conversation, there was not much noise other than the smooth sound of your cello. But even if there were no noises, something still bothered you.
At first, it wasn’t that bad. You could feel someone staring at you, which was normal since you were performing on a stage with your whole being on display, but it was longer and more intense than normal. Letting your eyes wander around the crowded restaurant, your eyes locked onto a pair of green eyes. You smiled slightly at the young girl before wincing as the slight burning of your wrist got worse. You continued playing, closing your eyes as you tried to ignore the burning of your timer. Your soulmate timer.
You were one of the lucky individuals who had a visible connection to their soulmate. Instead of feeling a spark whenever you touch your soulmate, like your neighbors do, or being able to finally see color when you touch your soulmate, like your parents, you were one of the few lucky ones who could count down to the precise moment when you would meet your soulmate. And that was exactly what you did. When you were thirteen and your parents had explained your soulmate mark to you, the first thing you did was calculate when you would meet your soulmate according to your timer and write it down in your diary.
It was impossible for you to ignore the burning on your wrist, impossible for you to not grin as you played. But your grin was wiped off when you heard glass shatter and a scream.
Four hours.
You had no idea where you were but judging by the smell of the place and the fact that two men wearing green suits with question marks were staring at you, you were not at the restaurant.
‘At least I still have my cello,’ you thought as you pulled against the ropes that tied you against a pillar. The henchmen were talking between themselves as they approached the pillar where you were tied. They started untying you from the pillar and you took this opportunity to suddenly stand up and run.
You heard one of the henchmen curse but you ran in random zigzag lines towards where the door was. It was weird that the henchmen didn’t shoot at you or even attempt to stop you. But you ignored the niggling in the back of your mind. Wrenching the door open, you looked back at where your cello lay and turned back around to walk towards your freedom.
Except it wasn’t your freedom, it was the Riddler in his forest green suit and bowler combo. A rather tacky-looking combo in your opinion but hey, you weren’t going to be the one to break the news to a murderous criminal. He looked up at your sudden entrance and smiled.
“Here she is,” he said, yanking you into the room where the guests of the restaurant were tied onto the seats of an auditorium. You shivered as the cold air hit you and you looked around the room, taking in the TV production set up and the large stage that covered up more than half of the room there.
The Riddler dragged you up onto the stage, and you couldn’t help but wince as the harsh lights burned your eyes.
“What am I doing on stage,” you asked the Riddler as you covered your eyes with your hands. The Riddler’s smile became somehow larger, looking rather comical for a second before becoming more uncomfortable to look at. “Riddle me this,” the Riddler started as he pushed you down onto a chair, “what is it that cannot open any locks and yet has 24 keys?”
Your eyes furrowed in confusion as you rubbed at your wrist, the burning sensation somehow getting worse.
“I don’t know,” you mumbled as a minute passed.
“Well, if you don’t know, why don’t we give you a little motivation to figure out the right answer?”
And with that, the Riddler drew out a gun and pointed it at the closest person seated at the stage, the pianist. At this point, you could hear the sobs wracking through his body and you thought about his elderly parents who depended on him to pay for their surgeries. You don’t know how you could live with his blood on your hands.
“Wait, I have the answer,” you cried out, reaching out to grab the Riddler’s elbow but stopping. Something told you that that wouldn’t be a good idea and he might take that opportunity to shoot you.
“Well, do go on.”
“It’s music,” you said, staring at the deranged man’s face. He broke into peals of laughter, clapping his hands, as he tried to settle himself. It was unnerving how he could flip the switch easily from being a man ready to kill another to laughing as if you were the funniest person on Earth.
“That’s correct. And with that, let us start the games.”
Three hours.
After asking you his initial riddle, the Riddler had quickly set up a broadcast to be shown to all of Gotham, using the footage that one of his henchmen had taken of him questioning you as the intro.
“Batman, I have two riddles for you,” he said, addressing the camera. If you weren’t stuck on stage with two guns pointed at you as you tuned a somewhat cheap cello, you would have sighed. Why couldn’t he also include picture puzzles or something else for once? But you were stuck on stage so you just carefully tuned the instrument, hoping that none of the guards took your movement as you tuned as a sign of your sad attempt at running away.
“There are as many constellations in the sky as there are keys in a piano. What number am I? There you will find the answer to, ‘What is it that makes songs but you will never hear it sing?’ You have an hour to find them before I start playing my little game.”
As if that's your cue, one of the gunmen poked your back and you tensed, surprised by how cold the metal was through your sweater. You quickly quit your tuning and started playing the op. 88, hoping that maybe Batman or Robin would recognize it. It would probably be difficult for them to recognize since they probably weren’t as necessarily as interested in music as you were. And if they were, it’d probably be a little difficult to hear and piece together the piece since you were playing more stiffly than your usual languid movements.
You just hoped that they could understand the Riddler’s riddle and show up to save the night.
Two hours.
An hour has passed of you sitting in your seat playing your cello. Your butt was stiff from the hard chair, your back hurt from your stiff posture, and your wrist was burning pretty badly. At the thought of your wrist, your mind recoiled slightly. What if your soulmate was one of the Riddler’s henchmen? Or the Riddler himself? The thought of it made you want to puke.
“Well Gotham,” the Riddler said, standing in front of the mic as he paused to look dramatically at the camera. “Batman still hasn’t arrived yet so I will be starting my game. And today we have a very special guest that will be playing with me.”
At this, the goons started applauding and you heard a child in the audience cry even louder.
“Our special guest is the one and only (Y/N) (L/N) who has been playing such lovely music for us during our broadcast.”
You sat in your chair, music forgotten as another stage light shone on you.
“Now come on (Y/N), don’t be shy. I know that I’m somewhat of a local celebrity but I don’t bite.”
You shivered under the Riddler’s gaze and got up, trying your best not to stumble as you walked towards him. Your breathing was labored now and the closer you got to the Riddler, the more you felt like you were going to faint.
“(Y/N) here is going to play a simple game. She’s going to play a song that shows up in the cards,” he held up a large stack of index cards and fanned them out on the podium. The crying from the audience became even louder, with ‘Please, no’s mixed in. You turned to watch the small girl from the restaurant being dragged onto the stage, the bright lights highlighting the tears running down her face.
“And if (Y/N) here cannot play the song or if she plays even a single note or rhythm incorrectly, little Bella here will be dunked into this vat of water. For each mistake, she will be kept there for thirty seconds longer.”
You watched in horror as the girl was dragged towards what looked like a giant hole in the ground filled with water. She struggled against her restraints as she cried, her bleary eyes focused on something over your shoulder. You looked over in the corner of your eye and saw the familiar red and yellow of Robin.
As you turned around to shake the Riddler’s hand in acceptance of the rules, you curled your hand in a fist.
“Let the game begin,” he shouted, smiling at the camera before he went to choose a card.
“I’m sorry but we’re going to have to change the rules,” you said before pulling back your fist and punching him in the jaw.
One hour.
You were hiding in the corner of the stage, hidden by the curtains as you tried to untie Bella. The poor girl was trying to hold her sobs in but some still escaped, sounding misplaced in the sounds of Batman and Robin beating the Riddler & co. into oblivion.
You shushed her and tried to twist the rope and push it through the knot when a birdarang flew through the gap of the curtains and sliced your cheek along with the stray strands of hair nearby before hitting the wood paneling behind you. You ignored the blood that was slowly dripping down your face before grabbing the birdarang. You probably grabbed it wrong since it cut the palm of your hand, making you curse under your breath as you started sawing through the multiple knots in the ropes around Bella’s hands and feet.
Once she was free, the little girl tried to get up and run but you grabbed her, putting a finger up to your mouth and cupping a hand behind your ear, whispering “listen.”
You both sat there, listening to the sounds of Robin giggling as he punched someone. You furrowed your brow at that, wondering who exactly was the boy crazy enough to dress up as a traffic signal and fight crime with an equally weird man dressed as a bat.
You slowly started standing up once the sounds of Robin’s laughter had receded before holding a hand out to Bella. The young girl grabbed your hand and you both started edging your way off of the stage area where the fighting was taking place and towards her parents. Batman and Robin were tying people up when you finally found Bella’s father, the sound of the GCPD’s sirens in the background becoming louder and louder as they came closer.
As you and the other hostages made your way out, making sure to jump across the dock to the other side so you don’t fall into the disgusting water down below, you felt someone grab your wrist. You turned and smiled at Bella’s father.
“Why don’t you go and seek some medical assistance?”
“I will sir,” you replied before making your way to the paramedics, letting them fuss over your cuts. You could see Batman speaking to Commissioner Gordon but you couldn’t see Robin near them.
“I think you have something of mine,” Robin said with a grin as he held his hand towards you. You were surprised to see him in front of you but you smiled at him confused.
“I don’t know what you’re…,” you trailed off when you looked down to where he was pointing to see that you were still holding his birdarang.
“Oh. Well, I don’t know… maybe I should keep it. Something to remind me of this day,” you teased as you held up the birdarang so it was eye-level.
“Alright, you can keep it. Just don’t tell Batsie,” he said with a wink, causing you to giggle. “I’m sorry for cutting you.”
“It’s fine,” you said, wincing as the burning on your wrist became worse. Robin also gave out a hiss of pain at the same time as you, causing you to both stare at each other. You reached your hand out towards him slowly, letting your hands ghost over his cheekbones slightly when you felt the telltale cooling sensation of your wrist.
“Let’s go talk somewhere else,” he said, and you nodded, following behind him to an empty alleyway.
“Let me introduce myself again,” he started taking off his mask, “I’m Dick Grayson.”
You were met with the most beautiful pair of lilac-blue eyes, causing you to catch your breath in the back of your throat.
“And I’m (Y/N).”
“Why don’t we get out of here and get to know each other better, princess?”
“I would like that, love bird.”
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